IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // .■ , MANUFACTURED BY THE Waterloo Yeast Company, r\ T. L. BUCELEE, IIANAGEK, TORONTO. •V''--"^-- 2 ADVERTISKUENTS. -f-.. ; ]ntM\h % ^|]0rt^r||rm^r5 I • i i ▼ MANUFACTURER OF XXX ALES AND PORTER DEALER IN 1-.' '■'- ( Vw^iga & BommU® Mops^ YORKVILLE, ONT. - J-'. *. i I ■\ mri \% rER pSt I I ■' "• ■ i ADVERTISEMENTS. s n ll@l@69ll) Hiffll ISS HillilllfB K -:o:- CAPITAL - - - $1,000,000. :o:- MlldA^P #FF1®B|^ ^ l?CllE>CIIirV#4 -:o:- • BOARD OF DIRECTORS. S. NORDHEIMER, Esq. ... - President. V ILLIAM ALEXANDER, Esq. - - Vice-President. EDWARD GURNET, Junior, Esq. WILLIAM GALBRAITH, Esq. JPretident Com Exchange. BENJAMIN LYMAN, Esq. JOHN 8. PLATFAIB, Esq. GEO. W. TORRANCE, Esq. H. S. STRATHY, Cashier. -:o: The Bank is prepared to open current accounts with responsible parties at the Head Office or any of its Branches. It issues Drafts for any amount, negotiable at any Town where there is a Bank, in England, Ireland, Scotland, or the United States — in Sterling Money, Gold, or United States Currency. ^ It discounts approved business notes and drafts at current rates. It allows Interest on Deposits at the following rates: — FouB PER CENT. PER ANNUM, payable on der.-.and, as required from time to time. Five per cent, per annum, subject to 15 days' notice. ' bix PER CENT. PER ANNUM, subject to thrue months' notice. :o: LONDON, ENGLAND, NEW TORE, - • CANADA, - - - The City Bank, Xhreadneedle 8t 'cet. American Exchange National JUank^ Bank of Montreal, and its Branehea, -:o:- Collections made in all parts of Canada and the United States. -:o:- Gold and Currency Drafts on New York Bought and Sold, :o: OFFICE HOUP,S, 10 to 3. SATURDAYS, 10 to 1, and 8 to 9. ' *■ i i ASTBRTISBMSNTS. I LEONARD PEARS J MANUFACTURER OP Tlie Advertiser is able to supply Builders and others with Bricks of the very best quality, in large or small quantities. Sll Ofdef^ promptly kttei\ded to. ORDERS FROM A DISTANCE CAREFULLY DESPATCHED. L. P. TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE FOR BRICKS AT THE PROVIN- CIAL FAIR^ OTTAWA, IN 1875. PRICES AS MODERATE AS ANY OTHER FIRM IN THE TRADE. 120 Daireiiport Road^ - YORKVILLE. :f ▲DVKRTI8EMBMTB. YORKYILLE CIGAR EMPORIUM! „ , 46 YONQE STREET, YORKVILLE, ; Opposite William Street. BEZLEir, UANUFACTUBEB AKD DEALER IN CIGARS, TOBACCOS And Smokers'* Sundries- ( Discovery,' ' B.P.C and ' Rosedale' Brands of Cigars A SPECIALITY. M!a,iii].i%ioto]:*y, 84t •Tames Stireet, York^ille. 328 Tonge St.9 Toronto. ^^ mnmm or voiicviLLE! Awake to the fact that you can git GREATER BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES Than at any other house in the city. ABVIRTISEMSNTS. 62 Yonge St., Yorkiille, 639 Yonge St. Toronto, Horses and waggons kept for the Removal of Furniture, Pianos, Trunks and Bag- gage of every description to and from all parts of the city on reason- > able terms. • N.B. — Parties having trunks or baggage going by trains or boats would oblige by leaving orders two hours in advance. . ' mniui ■«kh«t4i» HOUSE AND LAND AGENT OfTlce— 52 Yonge Street, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, YORKVILLE. ■■ < Parties having property for sale or to rent^ or those who wish to purchase property in Yorkville, Toronto, or in the County of York, would do well to examine his lists. K I ADVERTISEMBMT8. ,% (Established by Act of Parliament June 8, 1854. Pr$tiAtint: Hon. FRANK SMITH, Senator. Vice-President, EUGENE O'KEEFE, Esq. 0fTice-/2 Church Street, Next St, Andrew's Church. DEPOSITS received from TWENTY CENTS aaid upwards; invested in Government and other first-class Securities. Interest allowed thereon at the rate of Five per '::-' I ' cent. ; on Special Deposits at the rate of Six per cent, per annum. ' 1 ! , OFFICE HOURS: * j 9 mm. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. . JAMES MASON, Manager. 8 ADVERTlSEMENTd. EnterpnsE 'f Store, COR. EAST AND SLEEKER 8T8. The undersigned begs leave to notify his friends and the pubUc generally that he has put in a stock in his commodious new brick store at the above addi'ess, of choice * TEAS AND GROCERIES of all kinds, and also a number of sundry articles which are required in a house ; and as a store of this kind is so much needed,. I intend keeping a full assortment of goods, equal, if not superior to any store on Yonge Street ; which will enable customers in the above locality who may favour me, to get a first-class article at home, at low prices. My Teas I offer as a specialty, and have in stock a large stock of as fine flavored Teas as there are in the Dominion, and at as Hoping by strict attention to business, and by keeping in each cise a first-class article, to merit your patronage, I remain, / Your humble servant, L mr. McBlSAN. Toronto, August, 1876. ' } rs. and the modiouB IE8 lich are 30 much equal, if [ enable , to get I offer as fine keeping e, H. ADVEBTISEHENTS. m- ' GEO. SCOTT, (Established 1859.) DEALER IN PASTRY AND FAMILY FLOUR, BUTTER, EQQS, HONEY, ETC., ' OATS, BRAN, ETC. No Iilqnors or Tobaccos kept« 40 Yonge Street . . . Yorkville. 9 TIN & COPPER SMITH, Galvanized Iron Workeri CHAIN, L0& AND IRON PUMPS PITTED UP AT SHORT NOTICE. ■ ALSO-BELL HANGING, PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING. Yonge Street, Yorkville, m lo ADVERTISEMENTS. i .1 -fi Jobfein^ pifomptly cittended to. 1^ YOBKVILLE. SLOANE & PURVES' i '1 d to. ,. ...A,.,.\ DIRECTORY OP THE VILLAGE fe YORKVILLE, X CONTAINING AN Alphabetical List of the Householders, A CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS, A MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY, > Together with a full and comprehensive description and historical sketch of the Village, • PRICE va CETVTS. 8LO4NE d PUBVE8, PUBLISHEB8, 39 & 41 Melinda Street, Toronto. i TOBONTO: liOVnLL BBOTHBBS, QENBBAIi FBIMTEBS, 39 & 41 MELINDA STBEET, TOBOKTO. . , 1876. : ■ ;<1 '*'. i A ^ ^. ^ v3 X^^-O^N L 4- O % APR ^» e 16 ';| ^^^ 195; ^/ \ ^-^fiE^^'- • M, PEEFACE. A great want having been felt and frequently expressed, both by residents of the village and many merchants in the City of Toronto, for a complete Directory of Yorkville, the publishers, at some risk to themselves, undertook to bring out a work of the kind desired. To the Merchants, Manufacturers, and other inhabitants of Yorkville, the publishers take this opportunity of returning their most sincere thanks for the patronage they have received, and also to the inhabitants generally for the courtesy and assistance they have met with during their canvass for infor- mation. In particular they are happy to record their sense of gratftude for the assistance received from W. H. Archer, Esq., Toronto, 1st September, 1876. ?•.,-- •...■;?^i..:' ■";^- TABLE OF CONTENTS. 3xpressed, its in the iville, the ring out a ihabitants returning 3 received, Lrtesy and for infor- r sense of her, Esq., Advertisements 1-16, 54-56 Alphabetical Directory , 17-47 Business Directory 47 Description of Yorkville '. 14-16 Index to Advertisers ItS Miscellaneous Directory 51 Preface 12 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. Barry, T. B 19 Bezley, A. P 6 Brett, R. H 48 Clewes, John 9 Consolidated Bank.. .In. front cover Crown, E. Y 16 Davies, James & Sons 24 Dolmage, T 5 & 64 Dowson, C 25 Eckhardt,W 6 Edwards, Thomas Opp page 25 EUiott, W 26 Federal Bank ; 3 Fiegehen, James 26 Fisher, T 6 Graham, W. J 27 Green, A In. front cover Hewitt, W , 29 Johnson, Dr 31 Eirkpatriok, A 32 Laker, C.W 32 Lander, J. S 32 Later, Thomas! 33 Lovell Bros 56 Macorquodale, H 34 McBean, W 8 McEnight> James 34 Mason, James 7 Meakin & Co Out. front cover Montgomery, R. J 3 Moseley, W 35 Moses, Frank ^ 54 Nanki all, James 36 Ontario B'king Powder .In. back cover Oram, J. W 37 Falser, Henry D 47 Pears, Leonard 4 Petley & Dineen. . . . Out. back cover Phillimore, Charles 38 Richard Institute 39 Scott, George 9 Severn, John 3 Sloane & Purves 55 Smellie, William 41 Smith, S. G 41 Smith, W. J In. back cover Stephens, James 42 Thurman, Mrs 43 Toronto Savings Bank 7 Wagner, J.P. 54 Walker & Dawson 10 Waterloo Yeast Co 1 Williamson, Joseph 45 Woodcock, Robert 46 Yorkville Laundry 47 Young, Samuel 47 4 SI m DESCRIPTIVE AND HISTORICAL SKETCH OP YORKVILLE. YoRKViLLB is an incorporated village in the County of York, situated due north of the City of Toronto ; population, about 4,500. From the Toronto Bay the ground rises gradua^y, until at Yorkville it is upwards of fifty feet above the leve] of the lake. The air being pure and healthy, Yorkville has for many years been a favorite place of residence for those who prefer to Hve away from the noise, dust and turmoil of City life. The Street Eailway cars running daily from the Town Hall, Yorkville, to the St. Lawrence Eall, Toronto, between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m., at intervals of five minuter, afford every faciUty for easy access to the busy centres and places of interest within the city. The low municipal taxation, which has heretofore been less than one-half of that in Toronto, being another inducement to those who desire to have a homestead in a perfectly healthy neighborhood, and with all the other advantages which the village has to offer. Fotty-five years ago Yorkville consisted of nine houses, one of which, the Eed Lion Lin, has ever since its erection, been continuously a tavern. Of the other eight buildings one was a distillery, one a brewery on Bloor street, the remainder being private residences. Until 1858 it remained part of the Town- ship of York. Li that year it was incorporated s village, the first Councillors being James Dobson (the first Eeeve), John Severn, Thomas Atkinson, James Wallis, and Peter Hutty ; all of whom, except Mr. Atkin^son, deceased, are yet residents. The village coat of arms, a jack plane, beer barrel, brick mouldy anvil, and bull's head, being symbolical of the business avoca- tions of the members of the first Council. Yorkville has had a distinct individuahty, so to speak, from the first, and the inhabitants seem to prefer self-government. r 'CH OP y of York, ion, about gradua^Jy, ae leve] of le has for bhose who f City life, the Town >, between ford every of interest 5 been less cement to ly healthy which the lOuses, one stion, been one was a ider being the Town- illage, the 3ve), John autty; all lents. The ck mouldy ess avoca- has had a I, and the HISTOBIOAL SEEICH 07 TOBEYILLE. 1& Yorkville has several handsome public and private build- ings. Amongst the former are the Town Hall on Yonge street, and the Pubhc School House on the Davenport road. It ha& EngHsh, Congregational, Baptist, and three Methodist Churches ; a Temperance Hall, etc., within its bounds, besides several others within easy access in the north and south. Many of the private residences are very handsome. Through the public spirit and enterprise of the Municipal Council and the Keeve, John Severn, Esq., Yorkville has had since the fall of last year (1875), Water Works which afford a constant supply of pure water for domestic purposes and due protection against fire. The water being obtained from a living stream is remarkably pure, and is conducted by iron pipes to Hvery part of the village. The Yorkville Water Works, Eetain- ing Basin, and Eeservoir are situated just outside of the Municipality on the north, and when completed, the equipment will vie with any other of Hke capacity in the Province, both as regards efficiency and economy in its construction. Water hydrants are to be found on all the streets in the Municipality in such position as to reach any house in the event of fire, and a Fire Alarm Telegraph is now being constructed. Although essvutially a place of residence, Yorkville has been and is justly celebrated for its excellent brick and drain tile manufactories, where about eight miUions of brick and large quantities of tile are made annually. In particular we may mention the manufactory of Mr. Leonard Pears, on Daven- port road. Messrs. Staunton & Son have a large wall paper factory here. There are also other factories and a large brewery belonging to Mr. Severn, where ale and porter are manufactured " second to none " in the Province. Possessing abundant supplies of water, gas, and all other requirements of metropoHtan life, Yorkville seems bound to become a large and prosperous town. • \ i : ,11 16 c / o o o < a lU 02 Pi o ■H o S Pi Q S5 H 02 (D ■iH O o d3 ADVSBTIBEMENTS. .^ ^ c6 Ni ^ ^ ^ 6 ^ CD «:8 73 CD ^ t I — I •+= o 03 O o C!5 9^ K M H O o H O W H O H ^ CI 1 *..' M ALPHABETICAL 17 DIBECTOBY. :,, ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. Abbreviations used in AjiPHABEiiCAL Dibbotory : — av avenue ; e east ; h howte ; 1 lane ; opp opposite ; r rear ; w west; wid widoxo. The names in ANTIQUE IN ALPHABETICAL DI- RECTORY are those of Subscribers and Advertisers. When avenue, lane, place, road, or any other such word, does not follow the residence, the word street is to be understood. ^ 28 *,■> Al)bie, James, baker, 163 Yonge. Adams, J. G., dentist, 10 Jarvis. Adams, Thomas, laborer, 82 ScoUard. Aggett, William, porter, 22 William. Aikin, Mrs., head matron, Magdalen Asylum, Beverley. Albery, John, saddle and harness maker, 89 Yonge, h, Scollard. Alcorn, S., J. P., 1 Jarvis. Aldwell, Mrs., 20 Avenue road. Alexander, David, 1 Bloor e. Alexander, H. M., bookkeeper, 28 Bloor w. Alexander, William, of Alexander & Stark, Kosedale. Allan, Mrs. Elizabeth, wid John, 5 Sydenham. • ]| Alien, Abraham, carpenter, 67 Davenport road. V Allen & Hoad, sausage makers, 9 and 11 Price. ' Allen, Walter, sausage maker, 9 Price. ' ' . ! Allen, Joseph, laborer, r 65 Beverley. Allsopp, Samuel, tinsmith, 17 Price. ' ' Alston, James, letter carrier, 109 Sydenham. , ,■' Amos, Mrs. Ann, wid John, 67 Sydenham. Anderson, Alexander, messenger, 85 Sydenham. ' ; Anderson, Alexander, laborer, 76 Birch av. Anderson, Mrs. M., wid Mark, 38 New Kent road, * ■ Anderson. Thomas, 47 Avenue road. Anderson, Weir, Commissioner Trust and Loan Co., Rosebank, Rosedale. 2 I /• ▲LFHAfiKTICAL 18 DIRECTOBY. Andrews, A. 0., Auctioneer, 81 Scollard. Andrews, Joshua, waggon and carriage works, 82 Yonge„ h 2 George. Andrews, Matthew, merchant tailor and clothier, 66 Yonge. Answorth, Henry, dairyman, 66 Roxborough. Archer, Abraham, 99 Sydenham. Archer, William H., clerk and treasurer of municipality,. 9 Avenue road. Armour, James, painter, 16 Birch av. Armstrong, Adam, of Richardson & Armstrong, 85 William- Armstrong, Mrs. Francis, 37 William. Arnold, Henry, tailor, 65 Beverley. Arnold, Samuel, brick maker, 98 Davenport road. Ash, William H., lumber merchant, 10 Avenue road. Astle, John,, 89 Avenue road. Atkinson, John, builder, 67 William. Attrell, John, laborer, 10 Davenport place. ' Atwell, Henry, groom, 8 Severn. Attwood, Joseph, brassfounder, 88 Berryman. Austin, Charles, laborer, Blackmore'fi 1. Austin, William, bookkeeper, 15 William. Authors, James, artificial limb maker, 49 WilUam. Avery, Miss, dress and mantle maker, 6 William. Backas, Charles A., stationer and fancy goods, 31 William. Bailey, George, 21 Jarvis. . j Bailey, Mrs. Susan^ wid Alex., 28 Lowther av. . i' Bain, William, steamboat agent, 69 Scollard. Baldwin, St. George, Bank of Toronto, 116 Sydenham. Ball, Daniel, painter and glazier, 74 Beverley. Banks, Arthur F., insurance agent, Heyroyd, Rosedale. ,..\^ Banks, George Wilson, bookkeeper, Heyroyd, Rosedale. Banks, Greenhow, assistant manager Isolated Risk Fire Ins Co., Heyroyd, Rosedale. Banks, Robert G., acconutant, Heyroyd, Rosedale. Banvil, John, waggon maker, 24 Yonge, h Berryman. Baptist church, Rev. Joseph King, pastor, Yonge. ^ ., Barden, Michael, shoemaker, 214 Yonge. . - ., •. Barrett, David, paper stainer, 7 Jarvis. ' •• >. ?; Barrett, R. G., gentleman, 8 Bloor e. .i. . ALPHABETICAL 19 DIBECTOBY. V<, ' i , h- ■>. \i\ ' -■ ' i tJ tHOMIAS B. BARRY, Morocco leather and Wool Mat Manufactureri Wool Puller 9 etci No. 189 Yonge Street; house, No. 50 Davenport Road. Bartlett, Richard, carpenter, 7 Yoiige. ^ Bartlett, William, dry goods merchant, 7 Yonge. Beard, James, teamster, Rosedale. Beazley, William, butcher, 38 William. Beck, Daniel, blacksmith, 48 Scollard. Beel, T., carriage and sign painter, 42 Yonge, h Gloucester. Bell, John, watchman, 98 Scollard. Bell, Mrs. Agnes, wid James, 40 Scollard. Bell, Robert, baker, 44 New Kent road. Bell, William C, agent, 1 Gwynne. Bemister, William, grocer, 75 Yonge. Benille, Lawrence, laborer, 1 Berryman. i ' Bennett, George, laborer, 9 Roxborough. Bennett, George, laborer, 138 Yonge. Benson, Adam, gardener, 45 Avenue road. Betts, Rev. J. E., Wesleyan minister, 32 Hazelton av. Betz, John, of Betz & Lawless, 1 Cottingham. Betz & Lawless, pump dealers, 1 Cottingham. Beyuon, Rev. George, Methodist Church of Canada, 86 Daven- port road. Bexfield, Thomas, laborer, 21 Victoria av. Bezley, Alfred P., cigar manufacturer, 46 Yonge, h, 24 James, (see adv.) Bilton, W. George, salesman, 19 William. Binsted, John, jr., carpenter, 16 Davenport place. ^ ' s ;, Bishop, Charles H., builder, 110 Sydenham. Bishop, Philip, clerk, 19 Jarvis. Blackmore, Mrs., 40 Davenport road. Blackwood, Thomas F., hardware merchant, 61 William. Blake, Hon. S. H., Vice- Chancellor, 21 Bloor e. Blake, Mrs. Louisa, wid John, 34 Avenue road. Blake, William, cai'penter, 54 Beverley. -* 1 ) I ■Essaaans^M^ ALPRABETIOAL 20 DIRBCTOBT. « Blight, William, traveller, 81 Price. . Blinkhorn, Thomas, carpenter, 2 Beverley. ; r Bloor, James, laborer, 16 Berryman. • / Blow, Mrs. M., wid, 4 Wood 1. . Boake, Edward W., butcher, 8 Gwynne. Bobby, Samuel S., laborer, 48 Beverley. ^ Bodey, George, marble polisher, 7 Beverley terrace. ' Bodley, Charles W., carpenter, 56 Sydenham. ** BolUng, George, carter, 77 Sydenham. Bonds, George E., plasterer, 88 Sydenham. Bonner, William, bricklayer, 1 ^ames, , Bonter, Charles, St. R. R. conductor, 14 Jarvis. Booth, William, builder, 87 Davenport road. Bonnick, Joseph, 87 Yonge. Borgins, Alfred, flag and banner painter, embroiderer and manufacturer, 84 Yonge. •■ , Bostwick, George, J. P., 15 Bloor e. Bouggs,' Mrs. Margaret, wid Robert, 102 Sydenham. Boyd, George, druggist, 20 Bloor e. Boynes, Charles, teamster, 20 Davenport place. Boys, John, plasterer, 16 ScoUard. Branton, Mrs. Elizabeth, wid Thomas, 2 Davenport place. Brent, Francis L, carpenter, 11 New. Brent, John E., telegraph operator, 11 New. Brent, Mrs. Eliza, wid James, 9 New. Briden, Edward, groom, 6 Wood 1. Bridgland, James W., Crown Lands Department, 80 William. Brown, Edward, painter, 61 ScoUard. . . .^ Brown, George, butcher, 6 Yonge, h 124 Yonge. . . ; Brown, Henry, butcher, 817 Yonge. ' Brown, Miss, young ladies' seminary, 24 Jarvis. Brown, Mrs. Mary Anne, wid Edwin, laundry, 22 Davenport road. Brown, Philip, drover, 186 Yonge. Brown, Robert, travelling agent, 58 Sydenham. Brown, Thomas, carpenter, 7 Hazelton av. '" Brown, William, conductor s. r., bds 60 Yonge. Brown, William, laborer, 9 Beverley terrace. Browne, H. J., surveyor, 22 Prince Arthur's av. , i ♦ ill derer and place. 'ii i William. Davenport ALPHABXTIOAL 21 DIRECTOIIT. Bruce, William, dentist, 10 Jarvis. Bryant, Howard, manager for Messrs. Dobbio &, Carrie, 71 William. Bryson, Miss, second. matron Magdalen Asylum, Beverley. Buohan, David, bursar. University, 17 Bloor e. Buchanan, accountant, Federal Bank, Avenue road. Budge, John, carpenter, 80 Berryman. , Bugg, Joseph P, fruiterer, 148 Yonge. , Bull, Manlius, commercial traveller, 66 Hazelton av. Bull, Thomas H., barrister and Clerk of the Peace, 62 William. Bullen, Miles, laborer, 2 Severn. , i Bulmer & Douglas, brick and tile makers, 208 and 205 Yonge. Bulmer, Isaac, of Bulmer & Douglas, 207 Yonge. Bundy, Patrick, carpenter, 83 Sydenham. • Bunton, George, laborer, 155 Davenport road. Burns, Mrs. Scott, wid, 114 Sydenham. ,.j Burrows, John, laborer, 1 Beverley terrace. . Byrne, Francis, Wesleyan book room, 89 William. Caldwell, George, print cutter, 47 Davenport road. I Caldwell, Hugh, engineer, 4 Beverley terrace, , Caldwell, John, painter, 58 Davenport road. CalweU, William, paper stainer, 21 Berryman. Cameron, Benjamin, bricklayer, 73 Cottingham. . • v Cameron, Malcolm, night watchman, 88 ScoUard. • Canavan, James B., gentleman, 298 Yonge. . ' Canavan, W. B., barrister, 293 Yonge. Carline, William, boot and shoe maker, 14 Yonge, h 2 Wood L Carpenter, William, carpenter, 60 Birch av. Carrier, W. F., wholesale jeweller, 26 Bloor w. - ' , ,; Carter, Frederick, chemist, 26 James. .^ • v Carter, W. B., carpenter, 118 Yonge. • ■ Castle, Kichardson, village inspector, 75 Sydendam. Cattanach, Alexander, barrister, 1 Koxborough. Chambers, Joseph, Temperance Hotel, 103-105 Yonge. Chapman, Alfred, carpenter, 5 Cottingham. Chapman, Mrs. A., dressmaker, 5 Cottingham. : Chapman, Samuel, lather, 83 Berryman. f i. . ' ^ I II ii' '!!' AliPHABElICAL 22 IHRECTORT. Cherry, James A., diy goods merchant, 77 Sydenham. Oheverton, James, timekeeper St. E. K., 101 Sydenham. Chidley, Henry, butcher, 77 Yonge, h. 4 ScoUard. Christie, Alexander, house and land agent, and solicitor of patents, 118 Sydenham. Church of the Bedeemsr, Eev. Septimus Jones, M. A., rector. Bloor, west, opp. North. Church, James, laborer, 79 New Kent road. City of Toronto Permanent Building and Savings Society, W. S. Bobinson, agent, 35 Yonge. Clark, A. M. barrister, 8 Avenue road. Clark, Charles B., organist, 15 James. Clark, David, gentleman, 72 ScoUard. Clark, James, laborer, cor. Young & James. Clark, P. M. merchant tailor, 6 Avenue road. Clarke, James P. teacher of music, 5 Gwynne. Claxton, George H., painter, 33 William. Clark, James, shoemaker, 7 Beverley. Clealand, Thomas, builder, 67 ScoUard. Cleveland, Ehjah, shoema.ker, 59 ScoUard. '^ Clewes, John, galvanized iron work, tinware and variety store, • 89 Yonge, h. 2 Sydenham. (See adv.) Clink, Thomas, carpenter, 87 Davenport road. Cochrane, Alexander, book keeper, 19 Yonge. Cochrane, Miss, hair goods, 19 Yonge. Coles, William, flour and feed, 8 Yonge. CoUier, WiUiam, carpenter, Hazleton av. Colls, John, laborer, 40 Sydenham. Congregationalist Church, Mr. Hague, cor Hazelton av and ScoUard. Commins, W. C, ornamental foimdry, 199 Yonge, h Bose- dale. €ook, Benjamin, collector, 8 Jarvis. Cooke, Henry, laborer. 95 Sydenham. Cooney, James, printer, 30 SydeAham. Cooney, Thomas, laborer, 2 Jajnes. Cooper, A., clerk P.O., Toronto, 69 "William. €ooper, John, blacksmith, 41 Sydenham. Cooper, John, dairyman, 29 Berryman. I 'I ALPHABETICAL 23 DIRECTORY. -Corbett, Elihu, commercial traveller, 28 Davenport road. Ccrbett, Elihu K., tea dealer, 14 Berryman. Cornforth, Joseph, salesman, 123 Yonge. Oorporation lumber yard, William. •Cotterill, Samuel, gardener, 77 Avenue road. Oox, Henry, gardener, 6 ScoUard. Cox, William H., chemist and druggist, 9 Yonge. Crang, James, boots and shoes, 73 Yonge. ■Crawford, G-eorge, commission merchant, 12 Avenue road. Creese, Thomas, gardener, 3 Sydenham. Croft, Professor, University, 41 Bloor w. Croker, Thomas, laborer, 6 Severn. Cross, Rev. Archibald, Presbyterian minister, Lowther av. Crown, David, shoemaker, 19^ Yonge, h 5 Jarvis. Cro'wn, E. Y., grocer and gatekeeper, councillor 281 and 283 Yonge, (see adv). Crown, Geo. B., grocer, 279 Yonge. Crown, William, carter, 9 Jarvis. Crown, WilHam J., grocer, 47 Yonge. Crumpton, Arthur, 19 Avenue road. Crutch, George, leather dresser, 13 Beverley terrace. Cummings, William, gardener, 14 Bellair. Cundall, Benjamin, butcher, 7 York. Cuthbert, Robert, commercial traveller, 8 Gwynne. Dahl, Christian, brickmaker, 15 Beverley terrace. Dain, Joseph, butcher, 1 Yonge. Daniels, Dennis, coal and wood, 50 Yonge, h 33 New Kent road. Daniels, John, carpenter, 90 Sydenham. Daniels, John C, house and land agent, 53 William, cor Bellair. Dart, Aaron, carpenter, 9 Hazelton av. Davenport Hotel, Thomas Rowe, proprietor, 84 Davenport road. Davidson, Hugh W., 102 ScoUard. Davie, Mrs. Sarah, wid James, 11 James. Davies, John, of J. L. Davies & Sons, 81 William. Davies, John L., of J. L. Davies h Son, 81 William. ' Davies, Lawrence, of J. L. Davies & Son, 81 William. ' : it I ml Hi Irtl ALPHABETICAL 24 DIBECTOBT. GENEKAL JOBBING PKOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. , No. 81 WILLIAM STREET. , Davies, Rev. H. W., D.D., Holy Trinity, Eosedale. Davies, William, bookkeeper, Eosedale. ' Davis, George, 86 Hazelton av. Davis, Joseph, coal and wood merchant, 81 Hazelton av. Davis Miss, 49 Sydenham. Davison, J., carpenter, 15 Price. Davison, John T., agent, 32 William. Davy, Edward, laborer, Dufferin av. Dawson, G. W., of Walker & Dawson, 102 Yonge. Dawson, Mrs., wid, 8 Davenport road. Dawson, T. C, bookkeeper, 216 Yonge. Dawson, Thomas, cellarman, 8 Davenport road. Day, William, painter, 7 Beverley. Dean, John, laborer, Baldwin. Deane, John, machinist, 25 Berryman. Denham, James, gardener, 12 Cottingham. Dennis, William, cattle dealer, 204 Yonge. Derry, William J., painter, 27 Price. Devey, , ',''4 Sydenham. Dobson, James, J.P., postmaster, stationery and fancy good commissioner in B.R., and issuer of marriage licenses, i Yonge, h 25 James. Dodd, John W., painter and paper hanger, 84 Birch av. Doddington, Edward, cabinet maker, 7 Wood 1. Doel, Rev. John, Wesleyan minister, 32 Avenue road. Dominion paper staining factory, M. Staunton & Co. proprietor 181 Yonge. i Dominion Waggon Works, T. Later, proprietor, 42 Yonge. Donald, Richard, grocer, 25 Bloor w, opp North. Doney, John, butcher, 277 Yonge. Doughty, William, teamster, 20 York. D TO. I av. ncy good censes, ' 3h av. )ad. roprietor ■- fonge. , ~ ■'' '.*.' THOMAS EDWARDS CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. 4. YONGE ST YORKVILLE . R.H.ChidleyfcC'Ut-h.Toront-B. J s ALPHABETICAL 25 DIRECTORY. Douglas, George B., collector, 104 ScoUard. Douglas, Roger, of Bulmer & Douglas, 209 Yonge, I iiwiii uilder, ^tichldyier nnd ^hBteretr No. 12 Berryman street. Dowson, Kicliard, bricklayer, 41 Scollard. Drake, William, carpenter, 20 Sydenham. Draper, Chief Justice, Hazeldean, Gwynne. Drury, Richard, laborer, 21 Marlboro' av. Dryden, William, plasterer, 18 Sydenham. Duff, James, commission merchant, 18 Scollard. Duke, Charles, builder, 4 Marlboro' av. Dunbar, Richard, wholesale grocer, Bloor w. Dunn, John, brick manufacturer, 50 Roxborough. ' Dunton, Mrs., wid, 88, Sydenham. Eaney, Mrs., wid, 24 Sydenham. Earle, Thomas, sewerpipe maker, Chestnut av. Eckhardt, William, dealer in real estate and house and land agent, agent Confederation Life Ins., "52 Yonge, h 117 Yonge (see adv). Ed^is, E, H. E., student at law, Albury Lodge, Rosedale. Eddis, Renry W., accountant, Albury Lodge, Rosedale. Edmand, John, shoemaker, 05, Sydenham, Edmunds, Philip, mechanic, 96 Scollard. Edwards, Thomas, Yorkville fruit depot, 4 Yonge (see adr opppage). . . Edworthy, Henry, gardener, 79 Cottingham. Edworthy, Walter, gardener, 81 Cottingham. Edy, Robert, carpenter, 14 Birch av. Eggleston, James, laborer, 102 Davenport road. Elgar, Thomas, bank clerk, 52 William. Elliot, John, gardener, 22 Birch av. Ellis, John, 5 James. Elwell, Rev. Joseph, Rosedale. . ' "H LE. ALPHABETICAL 26 DIBECTORY. WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Licentiate of the Canadian Veterinary College, F.R.C.S.C. Office and stables, 109 Yonge street, where he can be <5onsulted on all diseases of horses and cattle. Horses examined as to soundness ; also bought and sold on commission. Eversfield, Henry, laborer, 56 Beverley. Ewing, Robert D, plate-glass merchant, 11 Avenue road. Fairhead, James, woodyard and brickmaker, 7 Davenport place. Fairhead, Mrs. E., wid James, 26 Berryman. Farr, Joseph, timekeeper, 70 Birch av. Faulkner, Ebenezer, laborer, Summerhill av. Farraw, WilHam, fruiterer, 3 Yonge. Federal Bank, R. J. Montgomery, manager, 81 Yonge, (see adv). Feeney, Thomas, farmer, Baldwin. Ferguson, John, custom house, Elgin av. Ferrett, William, carpenter, 28 Sydenham. I "*w^^ NS? ^Mi "*ad and deubam. , Yonge, id. ALPHABETICAL 39 DIRECTORY. Eayner, Thomas G, builder, 98 Sydenham. Eayner, WiUiam, laborer, 6 York. Red Lion Hotel, Thomas Holmes, proprietor, 20 Yonge. Kedmond, Mrs., wid 101 Sydenham. Eeesby, Henry, book keeper, 225 Yonge. Eeesor, Henry A., of McKenzie, Delamere and Eeesor, 81 "William. Eeesor, Hon. David, senator, Eosedale. Eeeves, George, lather, 14 ScoUard. Eeid, Moore, 3 New Kent road. Revley, George, grocer, 67 Davenport road. Reynolds, William, water commissioner, 21 Jarvis. RICHARD INSTITUTE. NO. 40 BLOOR STREET WEST, ^tm\ and l&gUiIi ^mih^ M |3]f ^^\m\ Im '^m^ \fAUh DIRECTED BY REV. FREDERIC B. RICHARD & MADAME RICHARD. As Trench will be the language of the School, unusual facilities are offered for acquiring a thorough and practical knowledge of that language. Richardson, Verner, waggon maker, 4 Severn. Eichardson, WiUiam, T. & N. E. E., 79 ScoUard. EUey, Mrs. C, wid Joseph, 63 Beverley, Riley, Thomas, brass finisher and dairyman, 41 Berryman. Eimington, John, salesman, 66 Davenport road. Eitchie, Charles H., of Edgar, Fenton & Eitchie, 58 ScoUard. Eoberts, George, lalDorer, cor Yonge and James. Eoberts, Misses, dressmakers, 9 Beverley. Eobertson, Herbert, drug clerk, 1 Bloor e. ,. Eobertson, Eobert, bricklayer, 45 Sydenham. ^: j, Robertson, ^Villianl, merchant tailor, 33 Yonge. Eobinson,'Abel 0., conductor S. E. E., bds Davenport Hotel. Eobinson, Charles, grocer and dealer in crockery, 17 Yonge. Eobinson, John, carpenter, 22 ScoUard. Robinson W. S., chemist and druggist, 35 Yonge, " *- "I ; 1 It it:/ I ! Il'l ! ALPHABETICAL 40 DIBKCTOBT. Bodden, W. H., hardware merchant, 18 Bloor e. Kodgers, William, laborer, 16 Wilham. Rose, Richard J., bootmaker, 36 Price. Ross, Andrew, painter, 17 Lowther av. Ross, David, brass finisher, 48 Birch av. Boss, Mrs. Mary, wid WiUiam, 6 York. Ross, Thomas, painter, 20 Davenport road. RoTve, Thomas, propr Davenport Hotel, 84 Davenport road. Rowland, Wilham, plasterer, 5 Beverley terrace Rowell, Mrs. Mary, wid William, 97 Sydenham. Rush, Henry, mathematical instrument maker, 26 William. Russell, B. W., carpenter, 10 Berryman. Russell, James, gentleman, 62 ScoUard. Ruthven, Samuel, p constable, 37 Berryman. Ruttledge, Harrison, gentleman, r 18 Jarvis. Ruttledge, Rev. W. L., Wesleyan Methodist minister, 283 Yonge. Sadd, James, tobacconist, 14 Avenue road. Sanders, Mrs. Ellen, wid Joseph L., 46 Hazelton av. Saunders, Bernard, merchant tailor, 27 Avenue road. Scadding, William, bank clerk, 78 William. Scott, George, dealer in groceries, provisions, flour, feed, etc., 40 Yonge, (see adv). Scott, Henry, laborer, 5 Sydenham. Scott, Henry S., school teacher, 328 Yonge. Scott, Robert, carpenter, Walter. ' Scott, Thomas, painter, 42 Sydenham. Seagram, Frederick, 106 Sydenham. s,. Searl, George, brickmaker, 64 Avenue road. Severs, James, bailiff 6 Bloor e. Severn, Johr, J.P., brewer, Reeve of Yorkville, 82 Yonge> (see adv). Sewell, Robert, merchant, 30 Hazelton av. Shaw, James, 18 Hazelton av. Shackleton, John, varnisher, 19 James. Shanly, Frank, city engineer, 97 William. Shaw, John, barrister, 4 Toronto, h 44 Bloor w. Shaw, Neil, bookbinder, 38 Birch av. : ""< Shaw, Robert, grocer, 79 Yonge. ' : ' ' \ ALPHABETICAL 41 DIBECTORT. •t road. ;m. Yonge. jd, etc., Yonge, ;J*vJ. Shaw, Thomas, coal and wood, and flour and feed merchant,. cor Davenport road and Hazelton av. Sheehan, John, laborer, 18 Bellair. Sheehan, Patrick, laborer, 18 William. Shenick, Thomas D., 54 ScoUard. Sheppard, Frederick, brickmaker, 44 Beverley. * Sheppard, George, brickmaker, 26 Beverley. .; Sheppard, John, brickmaker, 14 Beverley. Sheppard, John, brickmaker, 46 Beverley. , Sheppard, John, shoemaker, 8 Scollard. Sheppard, Matthew, laborer, 19 Price. Sheppard, Wilham, brickmaker, 18 Beverley. Shields, Patrick, laborer, 61 New Kent road, Shill, Robert, engine driver, 62 Birch av. Shutt, W. D. clerk. City Hall, Rosedale cottage. Simmons, John, blacksmith, 11 New. Silvester, Henry, accomitant, 34 Bloor w. Sims, Frederick, *'Mail," 39 Bloor w. Skeny, Timothy, 111 Sydenham, Slack, Mrs. wid. 23 Sydenham. Slack, Edward, laborer, r. 26 Sydenham. Slee, Bichard, brewer, 24 William. Smallpiece, H. C, prop. "National," 20 Hazelton av. f 67 Yonge Street, Yorkvllle. Smiley, Andrew, collector of Yorkville, 10 Price. Smith, Frederick G., carpenter, 50 Sydenham. F. G. SMITH, m "-^'li^ [It ^B^v^w^'^ n_ "k si '\'. r 323 YONGE STREET; HOUSE, BIRCH AVENUE] \ I a i/'-'i imi 'iii( ALPHABETIOAIi 42 DIBECTOBT. Smith, Henry, butcher, 74 Avenue road. Smith, Hon. Frank, who. grocer, 18 Bloor e. Smith, James, car builder, 45 Scollard. :, Smith, James F., barrister, cor. James & Gwynne. ^Jj Smith, Joseph, blacksmith, 20 Birch av. •«. Smith, Mrs., 28 William. Smith, Mrs., wid. Kichard, 7 Bellair. i Smith, Mrs. Ehza, wid William, 185 Yonge. * *', Smith, Bobert, 76 Sydenham. Smith, William, foreman S. B. B., 49 Scollard. Smith, WiUiam, spring bed manufacturer, 78 Scollard. Snarr, Thomas, builder, 20 Wilham. Speller, James T, clerk, 15 James. Spence, John, laborer, 47 Scollard. Squires, Aaron, traveller, 60 Sydenham. Somers, Francis, gentleman. Avenue road. ' •■ ■ Songer, Frederick, conductor S. B. B., 40 Berryman. : Soul, Wilham, 4 Bellair. Stark, John, of Alexander & Stark, Bose Villa, Bosedale. Staunton, A. A., of Stanton & Co., Queen's Park, Toronto. .. Staunton, M. & Co., manufacturer of wall papers, 131 Yonge. Staunton, Moses, sr., of M. Staunten & Co., h. Queen's Park. Staunton, Moses, jr., of M. Staunton & Co., 43 Yonge. Stephens, James, book & job printer, 64 Yonge, h 120 Yonge, Stennitt, Thos., grocer, 134 Yonge. jmi CTBf mi .I'.r FLORIST & GARDENER AND DEALER IN PLANTS, "^ ^ 313 Yonffe (^^treet near 1?oll Oate, 'S'orlE^ille* IT.B.— The laying out and planting of new grounds made a speciality . Stollery, William A., builder & contractor, 13 Jarvis. Stork, George, laborer 46 Sydenham. Stother, John N., laborer, 42 Scollard. Strachan, David, shoemaker, 56 Sydenham. , ,; , ;;, ALPHABETICAL 43 DIRECTOBT. e. iito. iTonge. ' 1 Park. Yonge. ER speciality. ^^.vFF Street, George S., civil engineer, 122 Sydenham. Struthers, — , salesman, Lowther av. Sutherland, John M., dry goods, 21 Jarvis. Symons, John, solicitor, 1 Prince Arthur av. Tabraham, Walter C, carpenter, 103 Sydenham. Taverner, John, laborer, 47 Sydenham. Taylor, Edward, felt & straw hat cleaner & dyer, 122 Yonge. Taylor, James, well-digger, 89 Davenport road. Taylor, John C., landscape '^ardener, Eosepark, Kosedale. Taylor, WiUiam, carpenter, 64 Davenport. Teakler, George, laborer, 18 Davenport road. Tector, WiUiam, gardener, a5 William. Temperance Hall, 23 Davenport road. Templeman, Charles W., coachman, 16 Beverley. Thorn, Charles, assessor & inspector water services, Yonge. Thomas, William, builder, 9 Victoria av. Thompson, David, grocer, 265 Yonge. Thompson, Mrs. 85 Price. Thompson, Samuel, Beaver Mutual Ins'e. Co., Davenport road. Thompson, Thomas, laborer, 8 Bellair. Cook ^ donfedtionef, ?k^tfy Wholesale Muffin and Crumpet Manufacturer. Wedding cakes made to order. Home-made candies, wholesale and retail. Melton Mowbrey pork pies, &c. 339 YONGE ST., TORONTO AND 49 YONGE ST., YORKVJLLE. Timms, John, restaurant keeper, 22 Avenue road. . S^y Toronto Street Railway, Yonge. .ft' Toase, Henry, brickmaker, 96 Davenport road. ^ Toulmin, Frederick, bandmaster, 63 Sydenham. ■? . Townsley, Mrs. wid., 81 Sydenham. '■- . :'/"' Townsley, Mrs. brick manufacturer, Brick Fields. ' -.'?i Townsley, William, brickmaker and manufacturer of brick machines, 86 Avenue road. Tremble, James, teamster, 10 Davenport road. - ^-^ .- • fi* '} i ll I a Trump, Daniel, plasterer, 826 Yonge. . , Tucker, Daniel, stationer, 86 Bloor w. Tunnicliff, Charles, book keeper, 60 Scollard. Tyler, William, pedlar, 12 Sydenham. Tyser, A. & A., millinery and fancy goods, 19^ Yonge. Vair, George, gardener, Koxborough. Vance, Matthew F., teacher, 161 Yonge. Vardon, Joseph, builder, 8 Jarvis • Vennell, J. B., clerk, 8 Wood lane. Wadsworth, James, boarding house, 60 Yonge. Wakefield, William, gardener, 18 Jarvis. Walker, John, waggon maker, 886 Yonge. Walker, Kobert, blacksmith, 888 Yonge. Walker, Samuel, commercial traveller, 106 Sydenham. V/alker, Walter, of Walker & Dawson, councillor, 104 Yonge. Walker & Dawson, builders, 106 Yonge, (see adv). Wallis, James, fancy goods ; life & fire insurance agent, 44 Yonge. Walton, Charles, laborer, 3 Beverley Terrace. | Washington, Miss D., 12 Davenport Place. Watkins Samuel, carpenter, Blackmore's lane, h 20 York. Watson, James, Manager People's Loan & Savings Co., 4 Bloor East. ,.|,' .' . Watson, Mrs. Ann, wid. Robert, 86 Scollard. TVaudby, Henry, artificial stone manufacturer, cor Avenae and Davenport roads. Waycot, Charles, coachman, 8 Roxborough. ' ; /'^'^S^ Webb, Thomas, carpenter, 18 Beverley Terrace. Weir, James, boots & shoes, 88 Yonge. • - /- Wells, J. L., commission merchant, 65 Yonge, office, 98 Adelaide, Toronto. . • r ■ •• . Wells, Michael, gardener, 66 Scollard. "■'■:" ---^i-) Wells, Mrs. Maria, fancy dry goods, 65 Yonge. Wesleyan Methodist Church, Rev. W. R. Rutledge, cor Yonge and Marlboro' ijv. Wesleyan Methodist Church, Rev. J. E. Betts, cor Bloor e and Gwynne. '■ ..;i;.;-',.'^ ■ ^ - . ,:o :,:;:"15 ;fv, Yonge. :ent, 44 York. 4 Bloor Avenae fice, 98 r Yonge or e and ALPBABETIOAXi 46 DIREOTORT. * West, Charles, grocer, 96 Davenport road. West, James, butcher, 204, h 276 Yonge. "West, William, saddler, 12 Jarvis. West, Thomas G., builder, 83 Davenport road. Westlake, Thomas, carpenter, 54 Hazelton av. Westwood, Benjamin, fancy goods merchant, 69 Hazelton av. Wetherald, Joseph, gentleman, 26 and 24 Davenport road. Wheatly, Daniel, baker, 45 Sydenham. * White, George H., 82 WiUiam. _, White, John, boot maker, 86 ScoUard. ;: White, Mrs. Louisa, wid George, Kosedale. Whiteside, , 64 Sydenham. Whittier, Clark, M.D., physician, 42 Bloor w. Wickson, Henry, butcher, 2 Chestnut av. Wickson, Samuel, solicitor, 74 Church, Toronto, h 48 WiUiam. Wiles, Parkin, market gardener, 153 Davenport road. Wilkes, Kobert, wholesale fancy goods, etc., 14 Bloor e, Wilkinson, Henry M., education office, 7 V/illiam. Wilkinson, Horatio J., laborer, 22 Bellair. Williams, John, teamster, Baldwin. Williams, John, cooper, 815 Yonge. Williams, ^Villiam, accountant, 9 Prince Arthur av. Williams, William H., grocer, 141 Yonge. JOSEPH WILLIAMSON, FAMILY GROCER. And dealer in Provisions, Flour &c.. Dry Goods, Crockery, Tinware. All orders promptly attended to. Willis, John, S. E. E. 6 Scollard. Wilson, William, plasterer, 2 Marlboro' av. WiUis, WiUiam, S. E. E. employee, 16 Sydenham. ALPHABETICAL 46 DIRECTORY. Willmot, Edward, butcher, 11 Yonge. u. ,^ Willoughby, Martin, painter, 6 Bellair. • ^ ' Wills, John, laborer, 25 Sydenham. Wills, Bichard, wood turner, 10 Sydenham. Wilson, David T., grocer, 285 and 287 Yonge. Wilson, George, picture framer, 60 Birch av. Winter, Charles R., commercial agent, 80 William. '. ' Wiseman, Alfred, brickmaker, 87 Avenue road. Wood, Bobert, machinist, 82 Hazolton av. HOBERT ^VOODCOOK, Saddler, Harness, Collar Maker & Carriage Trimmer. A general assortment of Currycombs, Brashes, Whips, &o. Repairs neatly executed witii despatch. 23 Tonge Street, It 67 Cbestniit av. Woodhouse, William, gardener, 63 Sydenham. Woodliouse, William, jr. blacksmith, 68 Sydenham. Woodward, Mrs. Hannah, wid, William, Glenarley Bosedale. Woolcott, F. painter, 1 Price. Woolcott, OHver, C. painter 14 Cottingham. Woolfson, Alexander, cigar maker, 84 Berryman. Worboys, Jesse, hatter, 80 ScoUard. Worthy, John, teamster, 71 Sydenham. Worthy, Joseph, coffee and spice maker, 12 Davenport road, ^ Worthy, T. P., milk dairy, 82 Davenport road. Wright, Bryan, laborer, 65 New Kent road. /*- .^ Wright, Stephen, laborer, 72 Birch av. Wyatt, Edward \^\, coal and wood merchant, 23 Hazelton av. Yolkinson, Gustav, paper maker, 17 Beverley terrace, Y^orke, Lionel, builfter. 880 Yonge. Yorkville Inn, Richard Lennox, proprietor, 74 Yonge. Young, A. W., dairyman, Summerhill av. Young, Mrs., wid 9 James. ■ -: , ; ii I., )r. . s neatly BUSINESS 47 DIBECTOBY. enarley road. on av. YORKVILLE LAUNDRY. NO. 31 SYDENHAM STREET. H> Di Falser, Proprietor. All kinds of Laundry work done in the best stylo and on reasonable terms. Orders carefully collected and promptly delivered. Carpenter and Builder. NO. 12 BELLAIR STREET, YORKVILLE. ADVERTISERS AND SUBSCRIBERS CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. Banks, Robert G. Heyroyd, Rosedale. Christie, Ale::ander, 118 Sydenham. Williams, William, 9 Prince Arthur's av. Agents. Christie, Alexander, 118 Sydenham. Daniel, John C, 53 William. ' Davison, John T., 32 William. Eckhardt, William, insurance, 52 Yonge, (see adv). Wallis, James, insurance, 44 Yonge. Winter, Charles R., 30 William. Bakers, &o. McKnight, James, 56 Yonge. Tburman, Mrs., 49 Yonge and 339 Yonge, Toronto. Banks. Brett, Henry R., 11 Toronto, cor Court, Toronto (see adv). . i K' Consolidated Bank of Canada, 262 Yonge, Toronto, (see adv). Federal Bank, R, J. Montgomery, manager, 31 Yonge, (see adv). Toronto Savings Bank, J. Mason, manager, 72 Church, Toronto, (see adv).. Barristers, Attorneys, &o. Bigelow & Fitzgerald, 68 Adelaide e, Toronto. Bidl, Thomas H., Court House, Adelaide e, Toronto. < ". Canavan, W. B., 50 Adelaide e, Toronto. ; nx'^ , Shaw, John, 4 Toronto, Toronto. , _ ^ Wiokson, Samuel, 4 Church, Toronto. .; , • ' pi J J BTJ8INE8B 48 BV'BCXOBY. Blacksmiths and Horseshoc^rB. ^' ^- .^- ''' ^^kseUe. a^d Sta^oner. pobson. JameB. J.P.. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Bhoemakers. ^ 1 .a. T 328 Yonge, Toronto, (see adv). Dolmage, ^, «^ Yonge. Fontaine, W.,l&|*"» Moseley, Wm 32 Yonge. Brewer- 1. T p 82 Yonge (see adv). - seven., Jolm. J-P. ^^^ ^^ ^^ Manufacturers. BtOmer^DontfaB, wand 206 Yonge. Peara, I.eon«d. D ^_ J^^^^ oontJ-actorS, &C. Gibson B«*J"'i;i 16 Louther av. philUmore, ChaueB, »» _ u^g adv). Walker* Dawson, 106 Yonge Toung, Samuel, 12 BeUau'. g^^^j^ers. Brown, George 6 Yonge. 'S^Si'Mll^d 78 Davenport road. 5kl^&; 169 Yonge. ^Lt., 204 '»8-^^^.^^t Maker, &c. Graham. ^-^-J^^^l^^ vTaggou Manufacturers. Andrews, Josl«a,MY^ge. jj ;;:::. ' Hegehen, James, 12 James. BicUardeon,Vemer,4^^^^_^^^^^p^^^_ KsHer, Thomas, 62 Yonge, (see adv). • Cliemists and DruggiBta- Cox WaUam H., 9 Yonge. ;.,;.:• \ '■mJ * -1. -,./?r BUSINESS 49 DIRSCTOBY. Cigar Manufacturer. Bezley, Alfred P., 46 Yonge, (see adv). ' v Dairymen. Biley, Thomas, 41 Berryman. Worthy, T. P., 32 Davenport road. Dry Goods. Bartlett, William, 7 Tonge. Hewitt, William, 29 Yonge. Meakin & Co., 348 Yonge, Toronto, (see adv.) Petley & Dineen, 128 and 132 King"e, Toronto, (see adv.) Williamson, Joseph, 273 Yonge. Florists and Gardeners. Palen, John, 106 Davenport road. Stephens, James, 313 Yonge. Vair, George, Eoxborough. * Flour and Feed. Gerry, James, 27 Yonge. Scott, George, 40 Yonge, (see adv). Shaw, Thomas, cor Davenport road and Hazelton av. Fruiterers, Edwards, Thomas, 4 Yonge, (see adv). Laker, C. W., 13 Yonge. Glove Manufacturer. Jenner, Henry, 189 Yonge. Grocers. Crown, E. Y., 281 and 283 Yonge, (see adv.) Gerry, James, 27 Yonge. Giles, J. G. & Son, 37 Yonge. McKnight, James, 56 Yonge. Pickering, Frank F., 36 Davenport road. Eevley, George, 67 Davenport road. Scott, George, 40 Yonge, (see adv). Smellie, William, 67 Yonge. Williamson, Joseph, 273 Yonge. Hotels, Davenport Hotel, Thomas Rowe, proprietor, 84 Davenport road. Kemp's Hotel, John Kemp, proprietor, 64 Yonge. Bed Lion Hotel, Thomas Holmes, proprietor, 20 Yonge. Yorkville Inn, Biohard Lennox, proprietor, 74 Yonge. House and Land Agents. Christie, Alexander, 118 Sydenham. Daniels, John C, 63 William. Eckhardt, WilUam, 62 Yonge, (see adv). McBain, Williailn, 462 Yonge, Toronto, see adv.) i '' '■< '■{ I i'l ! |- BUSINESS 50 ©niECTORY. ■ffV^' Veterinary Surgeon. Mttt0 Mm$t ol Laundry. Falser; Henry D., 31 Sydenham. Leather and Wool Mat Manufacturer. Barry, Thomas, 189 Yonge. f. Merchant Tailor. Bobertson, William, 33 Yonge. Music Teacher. Clarke, James P., 6 Gwynne. Painters and Paper Hangers. Davies, J. L. & Sons, 81 William. Dodd, John W., 84 Birch av. Nankivell, James, 10 Yonge. , Photographic Artist. Macorquodale, Hugh, 46 Yonge. Physician and Surgeon, Johnson, A. J., BI.D., 1 William, cor Yonge. Printer, Book and Job- Lovell Bros., Printers, 39 & 41 Melinda Street, Toronto. Stephens, James, 54 Yonge. Saddle and Harness Makers. Albery, John, 89 Yonge. Eirkpatrick, A., 48 Yonge. - Woodcock, Robert, 23 Yonge. Spice and Coffee Mills. Smith, W. J., cor Yonge aud Alexander. Tinware, &c- Clewes, John, 39 Yonge, (see adv). C*am, J. W., 39 Yonge. Williamson, Joseph, 273 Yonge. V( ElUott, William, 109 Yonge I, m^ f wtt, TORONTO, CA.1VADA.. 11 Toronto Street, Comer of Court Street. This General Banking House is an office of discount and deposit, and is conducted on the principles of the English and Scotch Free Banks. It opens current accounts with persons of respectability, and allows interest on special deposits. It draws Exchange on London and New York, and issues Sight Drafts available in all the principal towns of Great Britain and Irelana, aud thd Continent of Europe. It buys and sells at the counter, Bank of England Notes, Sterling Bills, United States Cfurrency (Greenbacks), Gold and Silver Coin, and makes GoUeotiona (Drafts only) for foreign Banking and Mercantile firms, in every part of Canada. > :'t ^ i*J^- eet. [eposit, and is allows interest I Sight Drafts land, and the ig Bills, United les Collections ,rt of Canada. MISCE1.LANE0U8 51 DIBECTOBY. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. ^ YORKVILLE CORPORATION. ^ John Severn, Eeeve ; Councillors — Messrs. Samuel Wickson, Walter Walker, Joseph Dain, and Edward Y. Crown. Water Commissioners. The Reeve, John Severn ; Messrs. William Reynolds and William Eckhardt. .* ,,, Officers of the Corporation. "^ ^ William H. Ai'cher, clerk and treasurer ; Richardson Castle, inspector ; John Robinson, fire warden ; John Cooper, caretaker To\ Hall ; Joseph Johnston and Samuel Euthven, police constables; surj^^^u, John H. Parsons, M.D., M.R.C.P., Ediu. Offices of the corporation and of the water works in Town Hall. ' - POST OFFICE. ' ' ^ James Dobson, postmaster. Mails arrive, 8.30, 3.30, and 5.30 ; mails close, 8, 11, and 5. * CHURCHES. ^<1 Baptist Church. YoNGE Stbeet — Rev. Joseph King, pastor. Hours of services, Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school, 2.30 p.m. ; prayer meeting, 10.30 a'.m. ; Wednesday, prayer meeting 8 p.m. .. ^ Brethren. Meet in Temperance Hall, Davenport road, Sunday, 11 a.m. " ■• Congregational Church. Corner Hazelton avenue and ScoUard streets. George Hague, Esquire. Services, Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sunday school, 2.30 p.m. ; Bible reading meeting, Monday, 8 p.m. ; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. ; Young Men's prayer meeting, Sunday, 10 a.m. Episcopal Church. Chubch of the Redeemeb. — Bloor street west, opposite North street. Rev. Septimus Jones, M.A., rector. Services, Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sunday school, 8 p.m. Wardens, E. Burch and George Scovill ; Sexton, Timothy Skerry, 111 Sydenham street. Presbyter? an Church. Pbesbytebiam Mission Chubch akd School.— Davenport road. Sun- day school, Joseph Gibson, superintendent, 3 p.m. YoNOE Stbeet Mission School. — Near toll gate. W. J. Hendry, superintendent, 3 p.m. ! I ;!! 1 : l!3il ■■■' r^'-y- MISCELIiAKEOUS 5 2 DIBBCTOBY. Primitive Methodist Church. Corner Yonge street and Davenport road. Eev. T. Guttery, pastor. Services, Sunday, 11 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. ; Sunday school, 2.30 p.m. ; Wednesday, f p.m. in summer, and 7 p.m. in winter.. . Wesleyan Methodist Church. Bloor street east, Rev. J. E. Betts, pastor. Services, Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sunday school, 2.30 p.m. ; Monday and Wediiesday, 8 p.m. in Bumtnor,, and 7 p.m. in winter. YoiAiii. Strekt. — Rev. W. L. Ruttledge, pastor. Services, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. ; bdnday school, 2.30 p.m. , ^ . BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. J^ ^ Magdalen Asylum. Beverley street. Mrs. Aikin, matron ; Miss Bryson, second matron. , EDTJCATIONAL. Richard Institute. Conducted by Rev. Frederic B. Richard and Madame Richard. English and French Protestant Seminary for young leidies. No. 40 Bloor street west. , Public School. Davenport road. W. J. Hendry, principal ; Miss O'Neill, first assistant ; Miss Beattie, second assistant ; Misn Sims, third assistant ; Miss Sykes, fourth assistant ; Miss Emery, fifth assistant. Caretaker, Mr. Hand. Board of School Trustees. 0. F. Foster, chairman ; Joseph Gibson, Secretary- Treasurer ; trustees, S. Wickson, W. S. Robinson, D. Crown, J. Duff ; assistant secretary, Andrew Smiley. SOCIETIES, LODGES, &c. Forresters. Court Yorkvillb No. 6775.— Held at Hall comer William and Yonge streets. R. Woodcock, P.O.R. ; H. Lightfoot, O.R. ; William Wibby, S.C.R. ; W. C. Walker, Sec. ; J. Large, Asst Sec. ; William Rayner, S.W. ; I. Isaacs, J.W. ; R. Drury, S.B. ; S. S. Bobby, J.B. ; George Rudland, Treas. Knights of Pythias. Enterprise Lodob No. 14. — Meet at Hall corner Yonge and William streets. W. Bain, P.C. ; H. H. Hook, CO.; E. McMoran, V.C. ; W. H. Archer, P. ; J. Dain, M. of E. ; H. Macorquodale, M. of F. ; Joseph Martin, K. of R.S. ; William Smellie, M. at A. ; J. Y. Parker, J.G. ; J. M. Leavett, O.Q. William Smellie, Hall trustee. ^. ! MISCKLLANEODS 53 DIREOTBOY. pastor, p.m. ; LI a.m. p.m. in ,.m. and itron. English tor street assistant ; Lss Sykes, md. ; trustees, secretary, and Yonge jy, S.C.B. ; ; I. Isaacs, as. id William 0. ; W. H. iph Martin, L Leavett, '' ' ' Masonic Society, > ^ -i . Ashlar Lodge, No. 247, G.R.C. — Meet in Town Hall fourth Tuesday in each month. W. Bros. J. S. Donaldson, W.M. ; W. C. Pridham, J.P.M. ; W. S. Robinson, S.W. ; W. Birch Canavan, J.W. ; W. Booth, Treas. ; H. E. F. Caston, Sec. ; Thos. Downey, S.D. ; H, H. Hook, J.D. ; Dr. C. V. Berryman, D. of C. ; Alfred Allen, S.S. ; Robert Davddson, J.S. ; Edwin Merritt, J.G. ; John L. Dixon, Tyler, Royal Arch Ohaioter. Ontario Chapter, No. 66, G. R. 0. — Regular convocations second Wednesday in each month. Town Hall, Yorkville. V.E. Comps. T. F. Blackwood, Z, ; C. W. Brown, H. ; H. Macorquodale, J. ; Comps. G. Cvaw- ford, S E. ; B. Saunders, S.N. ; W. H. Archer, Treas. ; S. H. Henderson, T».S. ; Geo. C. Moore, S.S. ; Geo. Coles, J.S. ; W. Smallpiece, M.V. ; J. L. Dixon, Janitor. Orange Society. > L. 0. L. No. 506. — Meet in Town Hall first Thursday of every month. Thomas Later, W.M. ; W. Mills, D.M. ; H. Mclsaac, Chaplain ; Hugh Hague, Sec. ; William Tector, Treas. ; John Locke, 1st Committeeman ; Dr. C. V. Berryman, Physician. ;,. Orange Young Britons. -, ' PBiNCB Arthur Lodge, O.Y.B. — Meet in Town Hall. F. Moses, W.M. ; T. Worster, D.M. ; J. Gray, Chaplain ; W. Whyth, Sec. ; T. WilUams, Treas. ; F. Fox, 1st Committeeman. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. ^ Laurel Lodge, No. 110. — Meet in Hall corner Yonge and James streets every Monday night. Charles Oollett, N.G. ; Thomas Haisley, V.G. ; B. Harrison, Rec. Sec. ; H. H. Hook, Per. Sec. ; Dr. Bridgeman, Treas. TemY}erance Societies* Excelsior Lodge 244, U.T.O. — Meets every Wednesday evening in Temperance Hall, Davenport road. H. Mclsaae, Provincial Deputy ; H. Mclsaac, President; Miss Barbera Worthy, Vice-President; W. J. Hill, Sec. ; Miss B. Piggott, Treas. ; W. McMullen, Lecturer ; James Eggleston, Councillor; A. Kirkpatrick, Chaplain; R. Cooper; Financier; Mrs. W. Mosely, Asst. Sec. ; G. Grasby, Marshal ; Miss B. Ford, Dep. Marshal ; Miss McLaughhn, Inner Guard ; R. Pears, Sentinel ; W. Huddart. Past Pres, Northern Light Lodge U.T.O. 373. — Meets every Thursday evening in Temperance Hall, Davenport road. H. Hutt, Pres.; Miss J. Wyles, Vice-Pres., T. Hall, Sec; J. McArthur, Treas.; R. Ryde, Lecturer; T. Hutt, Oounoilllor ; D. Thompson, Chaplain ; W. Hutt, Financier ; A. Wyles, Marshall; Miss A. Greensides, Dep. Marshal; F. Bulmer, Inner Guard ; G. Ford, Sentine), T. Stennett, Past Pres ; D. Thompson, Provincial Deputy. It Advbbtisemtnts. I^ots'and shoes 328 Yonge Street. Toronta. ^ . CIT^ENS OF YORKVILLE ^ ^^^ „.ake to the fa.t that I ^^'"^ g GREATER B^^^J^,,,,^e. **, BOOTS a^dSHOKS than. «.o«.«>.»^e_. CaUandexamtoomystoek. _^ 71 ADELAIDE STREET WECT, ^^^^^^^_^^ r,i. * iinif -wav between Bay ana Parlor. HaU alia ^ ^^^^ ,s . * ' LE ■\' .•.';■ le. TO. ■ - \ IT. Frames, reetB, ftud >NTO. es. ';,:■>:../•■ ' I ADVERTISEMENTS. . 55 • V X SLOANE & PURVES 5 fljl^l^s ^^{ Yorkville Directory on sale, Price 75 cents. x',;- - $ OFFICE, 39 & 41 MELINDA STREET, 'i m lilt ! i: m '■iK kill i I! I 56 ADV^RTISEMBKTS. v'l V* ■ ■r- ■■■ % ' **i' ^ -H . ] /. ;^/l' '■ ^ ■, ^ •■'^■'/ i\:\ « f Steam Printing Establishment. -:o:- LOVELL BROTHERS, U - • ^ BQOK AND JOB , - v -^ Printers and Publishers, 39 and 41 MELINDA STREET, "^ TORONTO, ONT. -:o:- P.S. — Orders from the country for every description of Legal or Mercantile Printing executed in the very latest styles, and on the shortest possible notice. x /VJ^^U. Xs^y^'.' ■ uU't-^ J I. ' ;. t ••J ,j V, ,.•! TRY THE ONTARIO G Odourless and does not Discolour. :o: Q U < W Oh > COFFEE AND SPICE STEAM MILLS, COBNEB OF Yonge & Alexander Streets, TORONTO. W. J. SMITH, Proprietor. ,;i , r '«i^" tyj m s^ ' ^-' ; ' -t^jl^^.), . ' ^. ^ Important Notice to the Residents of YQrkYiilt S King Street "East, Opposite the Market DRY GOODS, MILLINERY^ COSTOM TAILORING & READT-MADE mm. ■*m^ ■x'i The residenlfl of Yorkville ftnrt vicinity can eftect ar saving of froi© listen to twent;^-five per oetit. by making their purchases e-t this establish- , ni^;i>*. Pasties buying aniall amounts of one dollar and upwards, can i save more ihAii their car fare, and havo the great advMltage ol Aft" ! immense stock to select from. '»* Patrels dtflivered to all parts of the city and to Yorkx^i^; f^ I i"^ titm ■■ss. ■m-*— — ■<^'v i •^: •€; .» 'Ct-. 71 H M. ^, ; of from Qgtablish- rardfi, can ige *of ati" ^ 'ff* • . i I I • t ; ^ ■ *, «