IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V ^1^ ■ftA 1.0 I.I 1.25 l,'i|28 o 1^ 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 U 11.6 ^ P)^ /# j^ h.^^^ o^ 23 WIST MAir' STRUT WEBSTIR.N.Y. 14580 (716)8714903 ' '^ '*'J^¥" . ^ ..-» f»-•J^.•^' Mf | BJ B U.> Mi !j ii l i _ liii || > " Ml. ,mm*» I >■' * ♦ ' *f'to- THE FINAL CRISIS; " The Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him." THE Second Advejit, economy, appearing as looked for to deliver the moral firmament from the swelling flood of infidelity that is seizing upon the world, that it be peaceably settled a footstool of the betrothed nations of Christendom, caught up into the capitol of God's genesis, organized male and female dominion banked on a commercial economy like that of the arterial and venous of the economy of nature, whereby every member shall be delivered from seizure to things his own that brought on ihe fall of man into lust all of which Jesus rejected, that caused his sensuals to be seized with the dispoaifcion of the Father — became thence an Almighty human magnet to effect General Judgment and General Resurrection from seizure to things our own into male and female dominion, seized to the earth the Lord's possession, delightfully contained in provision for daily necessity, understanding the Lord, understand- ing the provisional moral firmament and made things thereof a foundation whereon to stand, with provision to implement the na- tions brought up into bridal and marriage disposition, and form, a working every day consort of the Glorified, who scaled the lust of the world — scaled the moral firmament (whose rulers crucified him as a disturber of the peace) to the final end of giving the nations baptised to his name to come up from its dominion into the eternal sexual tabernacles of male and female ordinance that shall appro- priate the moral ordinance a hewer of wood and drawer of water — seize the pulpit and ^ress from the familiars that mislead the people with erroneous issues, that they be made instruments illus- trating the understanding of the masses in the excellence of the Mediatorial economy of Redemption — its Almighty adaptability to man's natural as to his spiritual necessity, whereby the poor shall again have the Gospel preached unto them, that they, together with the rich who have seized the Lord in seizing his ministers in their interest (are thence committed to the final issue), go up from the spent dominion of Capital and Labour, into male and female ori