IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // "^ .; ■! !;' 5. Officers of the Conference. 1806. GENERAL SUI'EIilNTENDENT : REV. ALBERT CARMAN, D.D. PltESlDENT: REV. CHARLES LADNER. SECRETARY : REV. J. P. BOWELL. ASSISTANT SECRETARIES: REV. JAMES CALVERT and T. R. PEARSON, ESQ. JOURNAL SECRETARY : REV. A. N. MILLER. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE THE METHODIST CHURCH Was Oroan'ized in Wesley Church, Victoria, British Columbia, o\ Wednesday, May iith, 1887. SESSIONS OF THE CONFERENCE: No.i Vbau. Place. Prrsident. SECRKTAIty. 1 1887 2 1888 3 1889 4 1890 6 1891 6 1892 7 1893 8 1894 9 1895 10 1896 Victoria New Westminster Victoria Vancouver .... Victoria Nanaimo . . \ . . New Westminster Vancouver .... Victoria New Westminster. Kbouezer Robson, Kbenexer Kobson Joseph Hall Cornelius Bryant John F. Betts . . . James H. White Joseph Hall Thomas W. Hall Solomon Cleaver . Clif.rles Ladaer . Joseph Hall. Joseph Hall. Cornelius Bryaut. James H. White. James H. White. Charles M. Tatu. R. R. Maitland. Walter W. Baer. John 1'. Bowel). John F. B.)well. MINUTP]S OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE OF THE METHODIST CHURCH. The Tkntii Session of the British Columbia Annual Conference met in the Cteiitral Methodist Church, New Westminster, B.C., at 10 a.m., oil Thursday, May 14th, 1896, the President of the Conference, Rev. S. Cleaver, M.A., in the chair. Hytnn 109 was sung, Messrs. G. W. Phipps and John Jessop led in prayer, and the Secretary read 1 Timothy, 6th chapter. The laymen reported elected are as follows : David Spencer. .lohn Jeasop. W. H. Bone. A. J. McLellan. T. B. (Jodfrey. James Tuttle. Robert A. Braden. Geo. P. Hickg. J, B. Newcombe. R. (J. Clarke. James Beer. Thomas Kerr. » I. W. Mills. W. A. Cryderman. Ij. L. Anderson. (ieo. Robinsoo. Alex. I'oers. VICTOR r A DI.STRICT. S. M. O'Koll. Samuel (>ough. Ralph Sniit.*;. J. \V. (Jal oway. Tom? Chile Tom. William Hird. J. TaHandaU. H. S. Law. WESTMINSTKR DISTRICT. R. W. Hawthorne. H. C. Chaml)erlaiu. A. C. Wells. D. Gillanders. W. Aberorombie. R. W. Harris. KAMLOOPS DISTRICT. J. H. Woodside. O. R. Gordon. A. W. Finbow. SIMPSON DISTRICT. G. W. Phipps. G. R. Ashwell. J. Cunningham. Alex. Peers. T. R. Pearson. Chow Tong Chow. J. W. Sexsmith. N. D ckie. W. T. Cooksley. W. Gillanders. B. W. Shibes. C. Cliff. J. H. .Scott. Chaa. Robion. Roll-Oall. The roll Ijeing called, thirty-one ministers and twenty-dve laymen answered to their names. Election of Officer!^. On the third ballot, Rev. S. Cleaver, M.A., was re-elected President. On his declining to accept the office, the Conference on the seventh ballot elected Rev. Charles Ladner as President. On the third ballot, Rev. J. P. Bowell was re-elected Secretary. On nomination of the Secretary, Rev. Jas. Calvert and Mr. T. R. Pear- son were appointed Assistant Secretaries, and Rev. A. N. Miller, Journal Secretary. Rev. W. L. Hall was appointed reporter to the Guardian and local papers. MINUTES OK THK HltlTISH COLUMBIA [1896 QUESTION- Report of Special Seasion ? Tlio Ministerial .Session of the IJtitish Columbia Conferonco opened in the Central Iilethodist Church, New VVc^stniinster, B. C , at 10 u.iii. on Wednesday, May l.'Jth, 1896, the President of tiie Conference, Rev. S. Cleaver, M.A., in the chair. After Hymn 753 was sunf;. Rev. C. Ladner read a portion of Hcripturp, and Revs. H. R. Maitland and J. H. White led in prayer. The Conferenuo decidinj^ to elect by ballot a Secretary, the Hev. J. P. Howell was elected. QUESTION. -Who are Transferred 7 • Answkr. , (Jut of this Conference Kdwiinl Michener, H. K. Biiyley, B.A. Into this Conference (i. A. I.ove, .Joseph U, lioViins, C. S. Eby, IXD., Wm. H. Harraolough, 15. A. QUESTION.-Committee on Conference Relations? An.swkk. .Joseph Hull. C. H. M. Sutherland. (1. H. Morden. I). Junniuga. J. C. .Spencer. C. Ladner. J no. Kobson, U.A. QUESTION.— Any objections or charges preferred ? AssWKR — None, witli tlie exception of one Probationer. QUESTION. -Who have resigned ? AsswKK — K. V. .Smith (Probationer). QUESTION.- Who are dropped ? Answku— Holund WiUianis (I'robationer). QUESTION. —What Probationers are now received into full connection and ordained ? A NSW Ell. * Thomas Neville. * Barnalias C. Freeman. * Allen Kennedy Sliarpc. • Previously onlaincd for spiiial purposoa. QUESTION. -What Probationers remain on Trial 7 ASSWEK. fa) Probationern o/ four years. None. (h) Prohationers of three yearn, Samuel Wilkingon. William K. Moody. (c) Probationer of two years. Jamea Hicks. (d) Probatinnem of one year. Liu Yick I'ang. J, U. Robins. Permission to Employ. Permission was granted to any Chairman of a District to employ W. Gordon Tanner during the ensuing year. Robert Wilkinson Chan .Sing Kai. 189(i] METHOPIST CONFERENCE. 7 QUESTION.— Who are the Superannuated Ministers ? AN8WKR. • CorneliuH Bryant. Thomfts I). Pearson. QUESTION.— Who are the Supernumerary Ministers ? .\nswkk — .J. K. Rogoinan. , .^ QUESTION. —Report of Conference Special Committee ? Tliu report was read, ami tlie Hubsbvacu of it is incorporated in tlie .MinutcH elsewhere. QUESTION.- Who compose the several Conference Committees? AsiWicK : '.. 'PlIK .StaTIONINiI CdMMITrKK. Victoria S. l'l«aver, H R. Maitlaiiil. WostminBter ....!'. ^V. Hall, A. K. (ii'eeu. Kanilor)pa I. A. Wood, James Tunu'f. Sinipaon T. Uroaby, 1). .Jenoingii. , ^ 2. SAiinATii School. MiniiOri. .1. F. Hi'tts. Joseph Hall. John Hobsou. Liii/mKn. li. Spunoer. T. li. Pearson. J. H. VVoodside. ',i. 1<>\V()KTII Ihn .lessop. ■ ., ; . J. Cunningham. J. W. Sexsmith. 6. MiSSIONAKV. , J : Uini»ltrn. C. Lidner. A. K. Green. J. A. Wood. ■I F. B'ltts. E. Robson. T. Crosby. Laymen. ■' K. .McMillan. J. H. Woodside. G. O. Buchanan. A. C. Wells. J. Tuttle. 8 MINUTES OF THK IJIirriSII COJ.L'MUIA [l.SlJfi 7. SUHTKNTATION Fu.NI). Minitters. C. WatHOD. J, Rolwon. C. M. Tate. iO. HobRon. T. VV. Hall. Laymen, T. C oiby. K. Smith. W. T. Cooksley W. H. Bone. (i. \V.;l'hipp». J, B. N«woombe. H.^. MintKterK. James Beer. R. K. MaitUnd. \V. I). Misenor. T.Crosby. C. WatBoii. Laymm. A. J. MuLelUii. T. Kerr. A. Peen. U. \V. Harris. 1). STATl.sTtOAI.. MinUterit. C. M. Tate. W. W. Haer. 10. Tkmpkranck. Atinintem. S. J. Thompson. K. Manuel. .1. Calvert. T. Neville. A. K. (Ircen. Laymen. R. Smith. .J. H. Woodside. R. G. Clarke. H. C. Chamberlaii 1 1. State or the Wokk. ' Afiimlem. J. C. Spencer. VVm. Hicks. S. J. Thompson. W. H. Pierce. Laymm. J. VV. Galloway. D. Oillanders. 12. Church 1'kopkrty. Mininlera. W. T. Cooksley. C. M. Tate. James Turner. B. C. Freeman. C. WtttBOIl. Laymen. J. Jessop. B. A. Braden. 13. Sabbath Observa.nce Milliliters. J. W. Sexsmith. C. Watson. W. J. Stone. James Turner. J. P. Hicks. Laymen. R. a. Clarke. K. A. Braden. D. Gillanders. S. Gough. 14. Special on Missions Ministtra. • C. Ladner. K. Robson. W. W. Baer. S. CUaver. A. K. (ireen. James Turner. J. F. Betts. Joseph Hall. T. Crosby. C. M. Tate. J. E. Gardiner. G. H. Raley. T. W. Hall. J. A. Wood. D. Jennings. [IMW liSiittJ MKTHOI)t8T CUNKEKENCE. Luym< n. \V. Aliororoml'tu. A. C. Weill. J. H. WooiUi.Ie. .1. \V. ScxHinith. J. Tutlle. (1. K. Axhwoll. I>. Speiioer. ,1. Jl'Mop A. J. McLellaii. A. HeefB. The KuvH. Dr. ('itrman, l)r, SutherUiul anil .Uiiiva Wooiltu-orth weru rrquaiU'it til Hit wi'li the Hpuuial Ci)mmltt«e ou Miiiiuim. QUESTION. —What Probationers are appointed to attend college? Answkk : iSaniuel Wilkinson, to Wesley College; Robert Wilkint n id W, K. Moody, til ('oliimbian Methodiat College. QUESTION.— Who compose the Board of Examiners? (See K«port o( llouni of Kxaminor" QUESTION.— Minister appointed to Oeneral £ob_ of Missioni;? Answkk,— K. R. Maitland. QUESTION -Oonference Treasureid for the OonnexiCiil Funds? Fnnih. Trriuuri'.r'- lieneral Conference R. Robsou, Ladner. Contingent I. P. Howell, Sidney. Union Church Relief S. J. Thompson, N'cinon. Superannuation Joseph Ffiill, .Sardis. Suntentation T. H. Pearson, New Westuinater. Educational John Jessop, Victoria. Missionary The Chairmen of Districts. Sunday School Aid James Turner, (Miutun. QUESTION.— The Oonference Special Committee? C. Lndner. A. K. Oreeu. T. Oosby. S. deliver. .1. y. Howell. K. KlillbOII. C. Watson. •Y. W. Hull. J. V. Ik'tts. J. A. Wofj.l. R. K. Maitland. J. H. White. QUESTION. -What new Districts have been formed? Anhwkr : Vancouver and Kootenay Districts. QUESTION.— What new Missions have been formed? Resolution rf Rock Creek and Kettle River Mission : On motion, Rmolvtd, That the formation of this mission be left to the judgment of the Superintendent of MiBsions and Chairman of the District. QUESTION.— What changes in Ohurch property are recommended? (See Report of Committee.) QUESTION.— Chairmen of Districts and Financial Secretaries? DiitriclK. Chairmen. Fill. Sec-t. Victoria J. K. Hetts J. P. Hicka. Vancouver A. K. (Jreen W. W. Baer. Westminster K. Rohson J. H. White. Kamloops T. A. W^ood Jas. C- vert Kuoteuay C. Ladner . C. A. Procunitr. Simpson Thomas Crosby 1). Jennings. Committee on Pastorai, Address for IS97. Joseph Hall. S. J. Thompson. i 'ii n\ 10 MINUTES OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [1806 QUESTION— Where axe the Ministers and Probationers for the Ministry stationed for the ensuing year ? Answkb. CHARLES LADNER, President of Confeuenoe. J. P. BOWELL, Secretaky of Conference. Where it differs from the, Statioiiy the Post Office is in parentheses. I. VICTORIA DISTRICT. 1 Metropolitan (Victoria) — S. Cleaver, M.A. Oiio to bo Hent. 2 Centennial (Victoria)— J. F. Betts. C. Bryant (Mount Tolinie), Super iiniiuated. , , ;. . -.\ Victoria WeM-,]. v. Wxcka. _ , . .' 4 East Const J;hZi'(»(.s (Victoria)- C. M. Tate, J. C. Sponcer. 't . 5 Chinese, Missio)t (Victoria) —Chan Sing Kai. (J Saanicli (Sidney) -J. I'. Howell, Secniani of Conferenre. ,1. ,J, Ashton, 15. A., I'. U.. left without a station at hia own reijuest. 7 Duncan's — \ y , ^ Misener . 8 /(/y/|((7i 3/issi((/( (Duiican's; -Lay Agent. 9 Maple Hail anil ^alt Sjninij [.tliuul (Siiopland) — .1. W. Winslow. 10 Central (Nanaimo) — T. \V. Hall. U. J. Irwin, left without a station at hi.s own re(iuoat. , .; • 11 llalUimlon Sired (Nanaimo) — J. D. P. Knox 12 Indian Mission (Sunii'uno) — L'ly Agent. ■•- ' ' 13 Cli i)tc.w Mission (Jsiiuiihni)) — To be Hupplied (T. C. T.). 14 IFc//i;i|/fo»—C. H. M. Sutherland. •.• 15 t/juo/i — William Mick.". IB Cape Mu(l(ie and Lnniher Camps — To be supplied (R. .1. W.). 17 iVi7cm(«— VV. .1. Stone.*-- Samuel Wilkinson, to attend Wesley College, Winnipeg. J. F. Betts, Chairman. .1. P. Hicks, Fin. 8ec. II. VANCOUVER DISTRICT. 18 Ifrmie;- ,S Princess Street (Vancouver) — W. W. Baer.. 20 Mount Pleasant (Vancouver)— R. R. Maitland, LL.J5. without a station at iiis own reiiuaat. 21 Chinese Missiiin (\'iu\c<)uver)—,]. E. Gardiner. 22 Richmond (Eburne) — A. E. (Jroen. 23 Hone Son lul — T(j be supplieij. ," ■■ "■ , 24 Hammond — A. K. Sharpo. / 2r^ Mission Citij— A. 'S. MWlerf' ' 2() A(jus.ii:, — To be supplied. ■ •; i. •-, 27 Japanese Mission — To be supplied. James Hicks, left A. E. Green, Chairman. W. W. Baek, Fin. Sec. III. WESTMINSTER DISTRICT. 28 Central (New Westminster)— C. Watson. T. D. Pearson, Superannuated. R. Whittington, M..\., B.Sc, h-incipal of Col. imhian Methodist CnUegc. H. W. Pock, left without a station at his own re(iueBt. 29 Sapperton — To be supplied. 30 IVest End (New Westminster) — Robert Wilkinson. 1896] METHODIST CONFERENCE. II 31 Chinese Mission (New Westminster) — Liu Yick Pang. 32 CIdlliwack-J . H. White. 33 iS'timcis — To be supplied. 34 Liulner — E. Robson. 35 Cluvcrdale — One to be sent. 36 Lawjleij — E.Manuel. 37 Cheani — One to be sent. 38 S((r(Zis— Wm. H. Barraclough, B.A. Joseph Hall, Principal of Coqnnleetza Instil)(te, by permission of the Conference. VV. E. Moody, to attend Columbian Methodist College. E. Robson, Chairman. J. H. White, Fin. See. IV. KAMLOOPS DISTRICT. ^ .3!) Knmloops — .Tohn Robson, B.A. •,!'- 40 Tliomptiun Hirer — One to be sent. 41 Nicola Ff(^^';/ (Nicoliv)— E. E. Hardwick. 42 Clinton — James Turner, v ' 43 SubwDi Arm — Jauies Calvert. 44 Rerelstoke and Donald (Revelstoke) — J. A. Wood. One to be sent. 45 Enderliy — W. L. Hall. J. A. Rosoman, Supernumerary. 4(i Vernon — S. T.Thompson. 47 0/,Y«i<((/(/)i— One to be sent (G. E. S.), under Superintendent of Vernon. 48 Similkameen — J. U. Robins. 40 Cariboo — One to be sent. J. A. Woon, Chairman. James Calvert, Fin. See. V. KOOTENAY DISTRICT. 50 Hdssiand — C. Ladner, President of Conference. D. D. Birks, left without a station at his own request. 51 Nelson — fJ. H. Morden. 52 Kaslo—C A. Procunier, M.A. 53 Slocan — One to bo sent. G. A. Love, left without a station at his own recjuest. 54 Kettle River — One wantuil. C. LAriNER, Chairman. C. A. Proccnier, Fin. Sec. VI. SIMPSON DISTRICT. 55 fort Simpson — T. Crosby. 5(i Nnas-S. S. Osterhout. 57 Mia Bdlu-B.. B. Beavis. 58 Pola—W. H. Pierce. fi4 (find Tidinqa Mission — Under Chairman. 65 Japanese Mission— To be supplied. Thomas Crosby, Chairman. D. Jennin(!s, Fin. Sec. 12 MINUTES OK THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [1896 QUESTION.— What is the number of our Church Members and those on Trial? 1. VICTORIA DISTRICT. CIR(-UIT3. Prkhknt Mkmbrrs' err S E •2 . RESfLTS. i i ^ t _ - c = '"3 Victoria— Mei I'opolitun Centennial Wost Cliiiiese Saank'h l>inK:ai)*8 Maple Bay and S. S. Island Nanaiuio— ("entral Xanaiino— llaliburton Street Naiiaimo— ChinfHe Wellinu'ton I'nion Cape Mud|i;e Nitenat Indian Trilies Total 459 170 66 165 41 27 22 136 64 8 41 37 9 3 13 14 17 460 170 58 166 41 28 23 138 56 41 38 9 17 30 1231 40 1271 408 171 60 148 45 "42 160 01 35 30 7 31 1206 f.l 121 56 Baptiums. Infant. Adult. 1 i B O 5-2 52 66 :i5 30 12 13 8 S 6 11 •2 4 6 H 3 2 2 2 1 1 7 7 1 4 4 1 I» •• 19 5 16 4 6 14 14 4 4 6 4 3 5 2 4 4 2 6 26 30 168 6 109 12 DO 32 165 13 2. wp:stmin,s'I'kr district. New NVestuunster— Central 167 36 02 25 16(1 134 12H 42 67 6 67 17 45 24 49 59 44 109 33 23 6 •j 8 6 i It 6 2 7 19 7 24 190 41 64 33 165 1.34 130 42 73 12 69 24 64 24 56 69 61 100 36 128 179 48 81 30 250 139 145 38 77 8 45 21 39 18 56 38 45 98 44 143 3 26 6 •ii 11 7 17 6 8. 6 16 4 18 .... "54 "i'i .... '"« 20 "25 135 20 2 8 1 l.i 18 8 1 '2 4 8 6 7 i7 '3 127 8 '4 2 i 1 u 23 2 ,s l.'i 18 8 4 9 '2 4 8 3 6 7 is .3 138 i 1 11 18 2 '2 i i 3 .. 8 1 ■• 68 13 3 1 J.J 8 2 '4 3 1 3 '2 1 2 1 3 1,9 27 Sapperton West End ■ Chinese Mission Vinoouver— Homer Street » aiicouver— Princess Street Vanconver— Mount Pleasant Vancouver— Chinese Richmond Howe Sound 211 a 9 I>elta Muple Ridfje n 12 Mission City Aj^a^siz ai.d Hot Sprinjfs 11 6 Surrey 1 7 Sunias 4 Chilliwaek 15 t Indian Tribes 15 (i Japanese Mission . Total 1369 124 1493 1551 105 1(3 1,M _ 3. KAMLOOPfc DISTRICT. 66 66 "si 21 36 67 64 64 17 8 27 18 "ii 67 "si 19 33 64 78 62 23 9 14 t 8 '] '2 2 3 '2 is 10 6 ii ii i' •■ .. "4 10 "2 22 i 4 10 a 26 4 4 3 i 1 6 8 5 i 5 '4 3 1 4 2 1 2 . ThoMipson River Nicola '"24 21 .33 55 64 55 17 ■7 '2 2 '9 "'<) Clinton 9 .salmon Arm Ii Rcvelstoke and Donald 6 Enderbv 5 Vernon 5 8 :: 26 1 16 2 9 .. "ii Nelson Ainsworth and Kaslo . . ■■i Slocon Cariboo . . .'1 . Total 404 23 427 ,392 56 21 4 6« 5 fll 43 31 (H . [1896 ind those on (5 \i^^ rl 6« 35 i 8 8 11 ■> 4 « 3 i 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 lU lU 4 6 fi 14 4 i; 4 3 6 4 2 5 30 5 12 68 109 90 23 9 2 I .. M ■ 1 1 1 15 U 18 i 18 9 I .. 7 3 ■2 1 13 8 2 1 3 i 3 _'_ 138 53 (')» 151 189C] Vitlona Wtsiiniiiat'jr Kaiiiloops . . , Simpson METHODIST CONFERENCE. 13 4. SIMPSON DISTRICT. I'RKMKNT M UIBKK8 Ti ■f S CIRCUITS. c.r" •3 s>> 3 *a 5-^ c ^ ^1 i (^ 2 llBSlbTB. I ii Port Simpson . . .\'«aa Delia Bella I'orl KssiTit;ton . (jueen Charlotte Ipper Skueiia . . Kliz't'iicla Kilamait IWIa Coola .... Total 186 ."il 34 90 47 17 9 98 20 200 38 160 66 128 84 18 174 41 552 i 909 386 89 191 156 175 101 27 272 'oi 1401 374 83 189 148 179 84 26 261 69 1403 62 = tj o 4 s.S J liAPTlSMS. t ^ S 3 i 1 si "3 •c a 3 ^ §, 35 21 I .. 17 ! 23 15 I .. 13 6 4 I 6 17 i 30 137 127 ' 88 215 66 48 16 RKCAPITULATION. Pkkhknt Mrmrers SB RKSUI.TS. S'J Baptisms. 1 E r .. a ■ii| UI.STRICTS. it On TnaJ. Total 5 Decrease. not noun in Total. c c "s 5 H loial 1231 1369 4(14 552 3566 40 124 23' IHMl 1271' 149:', 42r 1461 1205' 121 56; i:,rii' 105 163 !':', ,56 21 14l«! 62' 4 1096 4662 4551 i 344, 243 32 135 4 137 308 155 13 163 109 90 45 127 11 138 681 iw 154 56 5 61 43 31 1:4 127 88 215 .56 48 16 466 117 582 265 228 278 6 5 i i 9 6 1 8 4 4 3 3 1 '2 '4 7 2 1 I i 2 43 31 I 'a -a JO 9iiSn.r 1 miOAvilg isiuapuajiiuadns 'saAiiwiasaJilaH pjvog aa)stux ■saAjiwiuasajrtaH .(laiaos ■spjVMais ■BjapsaT sstiia •8ja;jonxa B 00 CO < i i < CD •inox OAjasaH iiq •aaaiioo w ^ aAiiav uj < •A".i«j,>mniija(liis X -pamnuutMadns •UOUBJS i •sisiiaautJAg ■saJioiioo HI ejOKBdjoifi piiii aouaiajiioo uao JO sjaoujo ■1->0M BAIIOV "1 ?3i-i'>l^rti-ti-*pHFH •r^»HrHi^« • It-" (M -H .(M t-l--U3 -IN -(-11^ «3 «0»H t^t^o •^r«tni'>m -win • -i- M-^W^a-I F^tllN -i-lf-ifH so M »H • . rH i-« ^ «0 tH rt ^1 . -M . I • • ■ I = ■3 II' * I .3.3 22 I il •& »- S2S 9^ -S s ?3sn ^?:2;3 •^^ . X -J rj M 1">1 Tl g 91 M . i »Mrt . .-I .r^ ; ; ;»H ;iH ; • • • e :^ : : • W • iH ::::'":-'::: * f~tr^rmt •M^^l rHrNFHrHrH*^e>3«NH . 5 1^ la '. v. ^; > > > > ^ S &i 4) O ' *:: I r-. I'.t- -- •H(N - ■ ■ « ^ ;•>!< iNfH pHr-i5 — — - - ' j , .-■ ' :.:. ~~: s : :S ■ < M •»!" iM <«• 1^ >A ;; s •"'-'— ''-'^; si r^ F^ .H fH ■* .-. 2 ;. 5 ■ ; ;|^» ; ; W ■ I' ■ 1 5 ■ >3 . 01 r- CO * ^^rtrt .^^w . 1 : :- : : : :^ : :!•= 1 1 ■, :::::::.: :! . ^ . . - ■• . . . j !1 . . . 1 ■* 111". ^ .rtr< --H •« :S> ;-E : ■Si ■a t-? Jl = .S >, l; « S - ^ ■S 5 t a S= <-*»0 ; & ■ « r-tata •«» • -h I. ■•- (- f« r> iQ tO « m p< : : : a ,- • i-H CI « ■— M • •^ : CI r- ; ; ;0^l ■ ; ; ; ; ', ] '. « P- ■ . 1 1 w . --* • -91 . a 1 0lF4^i-i»1 ® *.■: c-i QO •* KpMr^pHpH .fHtrH 00 <« i: -] & H -fj '^ pi: : ,«l • 1 00 ;« OOI ; 00(0 64 m '^fci CO »*■*« CI»I 8S" dor *rj r-4 ISl 32 110 27 21 1 5 1 '*S® f-lt-4 . C5 i* M W ss- sa»3 S3S f-t 11 r<- in tK X t rH ffl r-l ) ss-- 1 O If. M • eot^-* 1 ^«i : : »>>»|H 11 52 10 1 47 j 13 6 I 3 ■ F^ rH ■ . I ffl w • •M F^ . \--- : : : ; : : : fH > ■s - 1 1 1 16 MINUTES OF TUK BRITISH COLUMHIA [1896 Statistical Report of Methodist Sunday Schools in the Okkickrs an u la At G "Si It 1^ a TlACHRRll. SCUOLARS. DT8TRIOT8. i B V 1 1 8 < C V > 5 1 1 1 c 5 1 1 4} 3 1 < < ol ■r -^ n CO 1 s s o 15 i a 1 I 3 !* E 5 1 1^ Victoria 30 25 187 23 210 16b 608 b26 310 1883 1386 37 243 230 707 Westminster 55 24 209 26 233 184 490 664 353 1507 1076 46 239 590 574 Kamloopsi 67 10 44 20 64 60 132 98 140 870 259 .. 1 7 49 « !> Simpson 31 173 » 68 SD 475 68 35 542 31 423 210 1630 115 1702 271 005 317 3038 .. i 104 189 620 146 1008 Hi Total 1104 4306 US5 Increase 14 17 30 22 54 32 116 103 328 24 .. 1 46 41 610| 61 Decrease 11 .. 1 .. i ^ a 1 s O 5 o a •s, >■ o Statistical Report of Methodist Young People's Societies in the Sbxior KrwoKTii El'WORTII I.KJOl'FS OF ArFILIATRD YOURO UKAFnLIATSD , I,I!*(H1E8. ClIRISTIA.N ENUKAVOn. PEOrLK'S SOCIKTIKS. Y. I'S. SOCISTIBB. l< jj e n £ ^ e t E c 1 DISTRICTS. i z Z t X .s R c a c a B a ft; ^ £ a s w a § y a; 1^ V K 4) ?! 0) .a i *2 1 •a £ 1 •^ B .£ i 3 S ■c 1 c o o o o ■A < < H :e ■< < H S5 ■< < H S5 •< -< H Victoria i 6i 35 V3 2 02 58 160 .. Westminster 4 86 30 116 a 110 66 184 Kaniloops 1 18 12 30 3 36 27 63 •• Simpson 6 223 82 305 11 .... 1 " — " Total 14 385 169 644 247 150 307 1 .... Increase .... '.'.\ 260 149 416 6 39 23 1 •. Deoreoae — • .... 16 ■• u !i « ■i 9 .2 i i \ <5 < < \\ 64 li 54 . 30 [1896 1896] METHODIST CONFERENCE. ir hools in the ■ _ British Columbia Conference for the Year ending April 30th, 1896. 1 i ja JS a E E 6 a JS 2* 243; 250 2391 1)90 7«7 574 1 40 '.2 29 14 18oS 146 115 04 620 1 1008 1485 46 41 610 M LniRATORI. 'I tc 'O 7S, o MONITS COHTRIBDTID (T SCHOOLS. i o I 8 . O. . sv rfi C 5"d ^1 B 1 &^ I Hi ^ It 1 3 do -2? iSVJ 3'.»8 (W3 1 1 1407: 352 491 ;51: 176 61 1 1 15 64 346 114 82 1094 89 546 319 114 73 1052 44 .S»0 802 160 30 1981 112 176 .. 138 .. 40 .. 4 .. 358 .. 28 .. no 5 116 17 «56 ,50 87 50 28 25 7 16 »il 60 Iff 311 911 .. 21 40 1196 00 17 3 75 329 21 .. 12 40 5 Ort J as 18 r f 117(1 941 1289 106 03 8173 40 43 08 ::.\::. »59 15 :r3S43 01 20 4 16 861 96 15 62 ■ ' sieties In the UKArnLIATltD Y. Pa. SociffTiBB. i f S 1 H 1 2 M > g c 9 S5 < < British Columbia Conference for the Year ending April 3Dth, 1893. JC.H. 15D Epwortii Lrao's otuir jun. socb. e! 5 I Gexkral SlMMARV. E i a at i> it a •a :; a •s 1 3 V .2 n 'A < < o b CCSTRIBUTIONB. ^1 ^S. i I, 3 1 .... 5: 54 .. 64 " .. 4 i 7 1 I 150! 259; 64' 223' 93, 95 39 82' 243; $148 30 354 192 fi6 93 156 9,1 305 230 50 1 S4 .',4! w i 10 20 27 6S« 15 544 .. j.... i ' I 301) 996 ;»727 30 123! 407 426 80 S12 OOl . . 9 7;'j $63 50 $16 00 2 H(ll 1 00 ?23 76 22 16 $63 60 $16 00 I 3 50 16 00 f-4 40 *212 73 $377 43 1 40 05 20: 367 40 I .... I 2 701 160 6R 1 00 .... ' 232 50 80 so' S310 63|$n87 98 1 6 irOl 271 33! 746 68 ...I . I I I 18 MINUTES OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [1896 1896] AMOUNTS RAISED FOR CIRCUIT PURPOSES. 1. VICTORIA DISTRICT. OIRCUITS. i 1 n 1^ m jl 1= CO o? Victoria^ Metropolitan Oenttnnial West Chinese Saanlch Duncan's Maple Bay &S.S. lel'd Nanaimo - Central Halihurton Street. . Chinese Wellington Union Cape Mudge Nitenat Indian Tribes Total «6 00 2 10 2 60 40 6 00 'S 00 1120 00 tlOO 00 100 00 SO 00 il9 00 »120 UO i23U 00 I ! «60 SO 60 76 11 00 «15 Tfi 142 06 915 76 I'll 1356 46 Iil57 00 1151 90|46360 00 (1000 00 144 66 116 00 70 00 16 90 18 00 00 00 270 25 180 55 31 55 44 83, 358 00 7 15 200 90 1 60| 20 00 50 00 426 00 .... 247 40 31S 70 167 85 228 00 1228 31 60 Of) 66 00 5 50 1400 00 230 60 1674 76 133 00 134 00 110 00 239 45 400 OU 10072 25 1993 66 447 55 237 45 172 ao 67 90 i 1966 00 „l 753 11 468 »0! 468 »' 84 OO! 2276 75 291 m\ 971 * .16 00' 15i«' iii'isl ii4ii 2295 10 8421) 03 2049 90 1U28 00 «2461 90119760 05 2. VVKSTMINSTER DISTRICT. New Westminster- Central $1 45 6 00 i'oo i'iu 1 DO 2 17 o'so 4 00 Sapperton West End Chinese Vancouver- Homer Street Princess Street Mount Pleasant . . . Uichmond Delta Maple Ridge Mission City Agassiz& Mot Springs Surrey Lanstley Chilliwftck Cheam Indian Tribes 2 00 3 00 00 Total : *21 52*120 00 «14 60 $75 M 45 60 75 75 .^456 00 $14 btl «165 60 818 00 34 00 ... 68 00: 61 00 .... I .... 268 25; 128 6,^ 143 OOi 60 80 158 15! 80 75 86 5o; o'ool (HI 31 7r>i 31 75; 29 10 4 50' 11 r>o', 2 00 20 75: 16 00 ! 40 86' 26 00 4 15 5 00 fi UO 4 95 .*73 50 imi 7O;S30l 30 S222 35 148 00 627 14 51X1 00 230 85 122 15 204 81 60 185 8811020 '54 1S34 310 491) m' 70 32 87 '70' 18 20 •ib 20 81632 80 118 00 25 200 168 100 36 430 5 1 »296n45 182 'W VOD II 113 U^J 10 2851 952 Hi 1155 50 100 ii 216 75 427 30 114 7'i 294 M lOS 5'J 164 *' 124 ;; 101 1" 75-2 J' 103 i>) 71 ;■'' ciKcur Port Simpson. \)U ... . , Mil Bella . . . ijiinirton (Jueen Chariot [pper.Slteena Kitzejruc'la . . . Kiuniaat .... lielliCooIa... Total .... OI.STRICTS, Victoria Wraiiiiirister . . Kamloops iimpion Total this yea Total last yea: Increase or (lee; QUESTIOI nexio 2435 24]«4145 :I2|820B2 05 11493 1) 3. KAMLOOPS DISTRICT. Kainlonps Tlionipson Hiver Nieolu . . Clinton Salmon .\nii Uevelstnke \- Donald Knderhy Vernon . < )kaiiai.'nn Similkanieen NeNon .^insvvortli und Kalso. Slocaii Cariboo Rosslund 816 90 5 "60 8120,00. 150 00; 76 001 1000! 838 00; .... I .... I 100 OOi 100 00; 130 00! 25 00; 76 3 00 25 00 i 00 60 00 [ 15 00; Total 840 05|8318 00,8535 00 86 46 881 01 8129 20;8:J96 00 8130 00 10 00 8 00 72 45 20 00 66 76 38 60 10 35 26 70 40 45 .*2tfO 06 .•JlSr. HO 160 OOj (id 00 63 (X)' 201 00 165 13 733 00 253 60 217 00 361 80 857 05 10 (K) 32 63 217 05 SO 01) 61 40 2 60 120 m 170(1 OOi 25 00 1(H) 00 2000 00| KXI 00 91 00 45 SOI 140 00 '.'.'.'.] WOO; ... 1170 00 .«fl3lt4 33 Hm 15 i»752 35;) IB I 320 I" 850 55 1 051 7'1 620 C 84S 4'' I 55 !» I 15 i>l I lit'J S 2225 <•! I 301 1 iio sj I J94!I3 7t [1896 1896] METHODIST CONFKRENCE. 19 3ES. 4. SIMPSON DISTRICT. )00 .... 1965 00 ) 60 ... ■5315 468 00 468*1 • 76 84 UO 2276 :s 1 no 291 .W 971 * .16 00 15i«' iii'u iui: :8 00 82461 90119TM 05 !0 25 ii'oo S1532 80 *!!l6n 45 . . I VOil U il3 DO 113 iw 11 00 HO H) 95 00 ■0 ooj i2 ; 25 in 200 ()0i 168 Ool lUO iij 35 UO, 2851 IW 95-2 115 lla.i 50 100-25 216 75 427 30 \u :» 294 M 108 50 164*' 124 75 101 !>' 7.V2 -i' 103 "I 715^ 45 :121«2062 05 11493 U (7 87 02 40 35 (10 76 80 10 »U IH nil •'.n 01) 7 00 4S0 00 35 00 6 00 211 00 , 1 .50 .30 00 IB5'l3j ,5 00' 153 00 '17 (K)i 151 80 jlKl OOi JOO 00] 45 801 701) no! *57 05 10 no 32 65 2\- «5 ,Hn 00 61 40 2 .50 '•25 00 100 00 140 00 J752 353 «S I 320 •>' 850 55] 051 ; , .')2iJ i>i I 84S 4') 5J 51' i:, »• I 18S9 5 2225 '" I "ioi S" iios I CIRCUITS. I', 'St i I* bin six i Port Simpson. . .. Sju M^ Bella Eninifton I (jueen Charlotte I VpperSkeeiia . . . Kitzegucla Kiumaat MiCoola Total .... .... .... 96' 6o t96 00 $4 00 .... ...'. ..'.'. .... i 86 00 «4 00 ... «5 00 9131 00 9163 76 146 00 229 60 19 OO 7 60 3118 oo; 60 00 66 OOl 9153 75 116 00 229 50 24 00 102 50 308 00 60 00 66 00 40 00 9967 76 91107 75 RECAPITULATION. DISTRICTS. Victoria 919 00 21 60 40 66 4 00 9120 00 120 00 318 00 1 ' 1 4230 00 142 06 915 76'2295 10 9429 03 2949 90 861 80 2435 24 165 90 1170 00 131 00 .... 11128 06 4146 32 6304 33 .... 92461 90 '12 06 000 15 967 76 19790 05 testrainster 466 00 636 00 14 60 73 6011091 70 .... \ 6 45! 296 66 .... ; .... 1 500 11493 13 9493 74 SimpBOn 1107 75 Total this year Total hgt year .... IriCK&se or decrease . 985 16 102 01 16 86 9658 00 622 00 36 00 1220 00 979 26 240 76 156 56 996 70 3683 46 62 60 102 00 2942 40 104 06 6 30 746 06 1077 23 6565 74 .564 85 5164 95 612 28 1400 79 21677 71 16691 83 4985 88 96757 86 3:^25 OS 3432 77 41884 67 S0036 87 11217 80 I QUESTION. —'What has been collected on each District for the various Gon- nexional Funds ? 1. VICTORIA DISTRICT. CIRCUITS. .2 S ^i ■ g s. § u I too .= c 6 2fi ■t:s S-3 1° «,= I ! ^ •a a£ ■'' J? H £ *5 rtoru- Wfiropolii.wi fMtciiDial fest «*.'"..'.'.'..'.'.'.'.' ^n* le Hay ami S.S. Isl'd «iiiO'i.'eiiti-al Ualilnirton St. Chinese ...... i;to;i »w8e' :::;■.;',::; "Trilies I tola! . 921)3 lOS 10 20 12 20 21 73 21 7 IS I) 8 34 70 91.50 00 924 no 5U ool 5 o:i 33 00 1 60 13 00 i 30 7 oo! 1 50 7 00' 2 40 74 00 5 00 33 001 4 70 32 OOi 20 00; 2 OOl 3 00 3 oo: 1 00 1 .50 1 00 ^.'34 65 «433 00 948 90 921 S5 6 2.5 1 O'l 1 50 .50 1 on 5 00 1 01) 1 W) 1 00 *40 10 *24 5 1 70 50 97 50 . I a 06 SO! II TO .1 50 00' 65 •' .5(1 2 IH) 1 35 1 (X) ■?3',» 10 915 80 921 SO 9532 65 974 184 65 15 52 95: 3 20 00 . 29 .50 3 20 50 2 34 85 2 163 50 5 04 25 6 7 00 . . .511 80' . . 35 OOl 3 10 0I)| .. 37 051 ... 75 051 ., .•:SS 70 f.» 00 12 .50 9005 35 268 65 63 45 20 00 32 50 31 70 36 95 168 50 6!) 25 7 00 66 80 38 25 10 00 37 05 75 65 -1- 9i;«:! 55'n2 55 si7o 20911110 10 3114 33: 9060 ISp**"''^ '' 20 MINUTES OP THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [1896 2. WESTMINSTER DISTRICT. CIRCUITS. li II O il ■Sis I B< I' i.§ 3 in *1 E5 New \Ve«tiiiiii»U'r— Central Sappertoii West Enrl Chinne Vancouver-Homer St. " FrincesgSt. . .Mt. I'leasant " Chinese Kichninnd Delia Staple llidKe Miasloii City .... AifusHiz and Hot Springs Surrey Lanirey Snniiui .... Chilliwar;k Cheiiin Indian Tribes Total $6 25 1 2^^i 1 25 »5 00 u no 1 00 10 00, » (JO 2 30 7 00 4 50 1 30 I $-1 IKI i* OOl mi 70 920 00 70 50, 89 86| 1 15 O 75 80 2 60 1 00 3 35 1 10 1 00 30 oo: 4 00 1 IMI! 1 00 IKI »5 II 40 60 1 00 1 IKI I 00 I no 1 001 1 00 I 00; 80i 45. I o'soj (lOi II .'Kl 1 50 2 35 1 00 I 40 II ,VI 50 55 80 1 50, iMbOl 82'(KI 171 56 13 60 «9 86 2 SO 80 00 ba 65: 183 10 88 65 24 70 35 60 17 no 2!) 00 38 25 22 00 10 00 U 00 2 50 .... ; 2 00 .... j 4 10 .... 1 00 .... 2 IKI .... 4 IKI 1 (HI .... 1.(5 0(1 10 00 27 80i 1 00, 161 03 .... 942 38 I3S4 » 71 r» WW 13 W) 3iii ;n 270 W 72 15 1(1 n m I'l 91 (i5 MM 311 ;o 18 00 31 m 42 25 1 ti w> I 145 l/l I 28 V) I 177 % 10 00 *;!2 45' *I4 3I).*22 40 S1626 80 KW O'p >i'3.^ n:i mUC <^ 3. KAMLOOPS UIS' rRICT » Kamloops Thompson Kivcr -Nicola Clinton *18 45 'so 25 73 SO 34 5'i 41 .'-(I 47 711 41 15 1.^. 00 IKI 31 00 5 00 66 00 "700 «410 65 $w 00 "Too 5 on m DO' »1 60 '.'.'.'. ' i 60 .1 (K) 2 IKI lei 40 i'.^ii 1 711 1 (HI 2 80 1 00 i'25 1 (Kl 1 50 i\3 15 n no i'l'w i'oo 1 .60 S2 00 i 2(1 2 60 76 1 00 '6 75 'i'26 1 00 1 IKI SflO 05! *3 (Kl *10 15 '4s'451 'li'.'ili '.'.'.'. iKI .Vl! 6 Oc .... 40 8.^ 2 (Kl ««9W 6185 95 ,W ,51 K5 M ") H.V) T0(» i* ii 9(# 54 ») l(i;5 Mid ■l:i'i« 10 00 1 40 1 .'.0 20 IK)' ... 2 (HI 12 00 A IKI 1; (»l Hevelatokc and Donald Eriderliv 71 i.O 71 60 12 i'.li' .... 00, 14 00 4 35 2 IKI (13 26 28 26 I) (Kl 52 (Kl 16 76 73 .'■.0 is'lKI 7 15; .... '.'.'.'. I .... 2 (Kli . . . 1 .. .. .. .. 10 00 15 00 6 IKI 10 00 ' 6 on 1 IK) 1 05 '20(1 "i'sii 1 ii, 1 M 2 no 1 .',11 Nelson Ainsw. rill and Kaslo . . Slocaii Carilioo ' 1 Total $161 OOJ »24 50 ti2 26 85 50 «U 45 .««D7 50 #41 16: Sl(i If »7I4 ;» 4. SIMPSON DISTRICT I'ort Simpson S270 80 100 00 74 00 170 05 112 ,-i5 32 (W 128 46 37 .60 sr. 00' $8 so, .... 1 00' 1 00 .... .... ; 2 (K) .... 1 I'o 81 00 3 00 2 00 .... 2 (Kl ...'. 1 00: 1 00 1 00 si IKI i'on •• 2 nil .... ¥0 511 1 IKI 1 (Kl (1 IKI 2 00 1 IKI 1 00 *20O SO 104 IK) 77 (HI 185 05 110 85 33 00 133 46 40 .50 .... *fl7 00 :;:: j v... Si3.5: :•» 101 1» ■,ia 1S5 05 119 -j XiD) ISIUJ 40 5") Bella Hella I'nrt Kssin^ton t^iu'fii (.'harlotte Islands t'ppor Skecna Hella Coola Total m2 25 SIO 00' »17 60 *2 (Kl W 00 .... *18 60 S)84 25 .... 1 H~ no 11051 'j RECAPITUT ATION. DISTRICTK. Victoria Westminster .... Kamlnops Simpson ¥734 65 *I33 IKI jllS (HI $10 111 ?3!) 1(1 il:, KO l>m ;•«! .675 00 8:i 7."i 35 Oil 32 46 U 30 410 iri 101 IKI 24 .'ill 22 26 13 16 5 50 »3i 25 10 on 17 .Ml 2 00 4 00 .. . Total thi.s vear .... «2972 85 *1170 On ¥174 65 jOO 06 *S8 70 .•(36 OO Total lust year 29j'0 80 1300 16 23115. 94 3.'. 08 8(1 3:1 .Mi InoreftHf or d«ivt«e 16 06 2i7 16' 66 601 6 (in in in :t !Ki <21 80 .7.1 40 n 46 IS 6(1 *74 IS 64 95 20 *13"S .66 112 55 #17(1 inSWCI'll 1020 80 108 06 2;(5 03 V»i i'l 057 50 41 16 Hi 15 Tll- 084 26 .... I 67 (Kl 1051 i *»fl(i2 10/261 76' *4St^ :«»■'" 4019 7o!346 .60, 4!iH l« 57.51 « 317 (HI 73 75 1 7« .W' "... «07 00 ^"i e) ' no i :85» . i lilt's 1 330O ; : 133 )i 40 » ' ««: m 11051 'J 1 I" r,f, ^:17( •2flSI«lCH OS (15 •it. 113 I'.ffii' 11 \:< li > 1? ni* Ii (Ml I«M9 >8i 7.-.: *4ss ;««.«"' '3 145 f.o; 4Siir« SW«I 78 76 1 -^ :*■" 1896] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 21 AMOUNTS RAISED FOll MINISTERIAL SUPPORT, 00, »42 38 t3S4li« 16 710) 60 J7 30 urn 6o' 80 00 31(1 .io 60 86 65 270 70 SO .... 7215 10 « IKI 11 00 2(«H 50 91IIJ 00 MTO 10 an 70 00 18 01) ! (Kl 31 (») 1 0(1 42 25 0(1 2SI*> ) 0(1 14.') t-) 1 ou fflv) 10 OC 177 :i; 8 or. i2-'3.'i n: *1(W2 •( 13 (Kl *i« 1 >! K9» ... 3 6ii 51 » 6 oc 95!i> •i (1(1 ,Mk5 ■) r,(i 84'.» (1 0(1 77 .V) 7 1ft 70 (» 2«;5 900 2 00 S4(l(lH 16 7SH 73I''H ■uM a If j Slli If ru!»H 1. VICTORIA DISTRICT. CIRCUII& UHnSTEBS. \ltUjl.„ Mtirn|«.litiui 8. Cleaver (Villi.,, ii.ul J. F. llettii West J. 1'. Hiuku C'hini'iie Chan Sinu' Kai Sisnich J.J. Asliton Iiuiiriiti':! R. Manuel Maple lia.v and S.S. Iil'dl J. W. Winslow .Vanaiiiio— Central . . . . R. R. Maitland Ilatiburton St.js. Wilkinson Chinese [(Sujiply) \Vfllin((to;i lUobt. Wilkinson . .. liiion |C. H. M. Sutherland. Cilie Mud(t« (Supply) X.lenat |w. J. Stone . Indian Tribes . . 1000 600 "l85 160 140 1200 600 "too 350 I |C. M. Tate . \ J. E. Spenoer. Total , «6705 *5 211 $26! »tt5r, 133 450 460 250 "soo 1650 #4303 »270 ♦270 «241 «I20IXI 1000 600 650 298 605 (300 1200 600 MK) 621 "soo 1060 »111'24 »S02 295 300 279 i(X) 150 1420 «I33U7 60 3202 20 1116 00 269 46 439 10 354 00 234 86 3333 50 1422 40 475 90 2833 56 1360 16 25 00 35 30 189 90 #28709 40 2. VVESTMINSTKR DISTRICT. Wettmiii>ter— Central Sappenon T. W. Hall (Supply) J. I). 1'. Knox $1200 200 .. " '«I560 iioo 226 50 260 325 490 100 625 "75 "7J5 200 " •• $1200 2()U 300 660 1600 1000 300 1100 654 60 610 470 674 138 626 438 117 165 950 760 200 $100 346 290 4.30 320 276 462 178 i(io $4514 S3 463 00 West Kiid 300; ., IW .. 1500; .. looo! .. 3001 .. 1057 OO Chinese Liu YIck I'ang Coverdale Wation Walter W. Baer J. H White 113 00 VmiMuver— Homer Street Princess Street Mount Pleasant 4667 50 2222 76 1527 65 Chinese . , "329 350 116 64 38 75 133 117 166 960 25 gio 30 30 •• 25 30 (240: *8fi 110 25 Riohnionil Hone Sound A. E. Ureen ;; • • 749 85 ht'.ii 868 36 Maple Rid({e William Hicks 256 40 Minion Citv A«uiizand" Hot Springs Surrey Ungley A. N. Miller 388 34 A. K. ^harpe 164 60 John P. Bowell Kdward E. Hardwick ... W. E. Moody (Supply) . W. E. Moody ...... . 270 30 300 00 SniDM Cheiun.. Chilliwack ....'.'.'.'.'... Indian Tribes Wian Tribes 241 00 286 80 Chas. Ladner 1847 90 W. H. Barraclough Captain John (Supply). . 274 46 Total,. <6041 1125 «4816 1240 S86 $11881 2607 $18201 01 22 MINUTES OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [1806 3. KAML00P8 DISTRICT. MINI8TF.R8. o s h 11 1 as CO Hiiuiion't Fukd. t I I ^ < CIKCUITS. c ■i Kaniloopa Thompson River .... John Koliaon, l),A «8U0 m 26 'in lA 10 . ' . . 'iisfii '.'. 90, .. 800; .. 400' .. 1 »73 40 'is Wi 103 ,,f'2 11 '55 1110 134 *723 •800*100 jlWUl NIfola W. L. Hall 160 200 110 3W) 206 u;i "200 140 180 176 200 20(1 'mi 504 806 MH S15 ^kS flu 1.. .lanifs Turner 435 4(;'> 750 150 J. A. Wood Uonuld ... .... J. r, U.iliiriM 231 'Ml* Knderby { W. 1). .Miseiifr J. K. Unsonian soo m 125 " 46.'> 445 740;,'i 676! !;s iil8l«i Olt.inatfan (1. E. .Sniiih H. Williams 150 .. 460! .. 426 .. 4oo; .. ! .. 150 ■- H4(i 110 "lu i>i Nelson Aiiiswiirth and Kosli} . Slocun C.irihoo KoBsIa'.." Oen. II .Mordun C. A. I'riiruniiT 0. A. I,ovi. (Supplied from Clinton). «2.-. «2G 0(»P 350 •i74 jMi ;< 30M .;67S 30 '. . ' oi;i 3'. «116 . Total ifiim M7R7 3'i24' i:3WI 111 ' 1 ! 4. SIMPSON DISTRICT. ■»ii6. Port Simpson T. Cr >»liy Naa-* H. 8. Ostirhoiit Bella Hi'lla K. II. Hovia... I'ort Kssinj^lon I>. Jennings . . . . (JiU't'n (.'''arloile IsIaruU H. (-'. FrtM-man . I'jipt'r Skcena W. U. Pierce .. Kit/.ei.'nc'la Kit.'iinnal O. II. Ualcy Bell.i Coola T. Neville Total. «1150 S.SO 80 850 8UU "sftO S.IO «0iO0 iW }1150 ^100 8611 800 8fi0 8.50 80U 'mo 650 5i' lOiv 5ij' 5ii' 100' ■IVi l*J 811- |.fi I 2(W (Ji itl 35 I •M 11' MM I 184 IS I *•>» #6700 iiM't RKCAPITULATION. DISTKICTS. 3 9 Paid liySusten- tation Fund. .2' Missionary Find. i I o a V 1 1 i 1 a i a Victoria Westminster Katnloops . . . Simpson . . . Total . . . 80705 6041 3-263 $16000 S26 125 115 twa «4303 $270 $■241 4815, 240 85 37671 7'23 6700 20 10675 »S10 »1078 $11124' 81426 $'28;01Hi)| lltMjl, 2507 I8'2DIW| 7142 3'-"24 13161 Wl aim, iM ilW»l| $36847 i *7(>07, «(liri3u»| i I KEPORTED SINCE CONFERENCE. Wbbtminstkk District (Columbian Hethof, 1118 Hi 2WI I'll 223 ;:. :t4ii no 2114 IKJ U2:i 276 2118 ■u (lao 274 2441 7^ 00(1 31)11 ,;67S 30 3.')0 3224 013 3,i »7fi2 CSiei IK ^*^bv Siisn *ioo *.ill hi 850 fi" 241) 1*1 ««(l Kill. 3»i I'll 8f)0 r«i' 21)1)1)5 sso 511' 222 35 800 .. 1 !i41 (>> 50 (* 860 W)' 1S8 45 5r.o .. 1 8(1 » *ti700 *4S(' *21M '* _ k "S 1? i ?>f s u •s (Z -p^ ci ^- - " •3 4^ „ i . - H '•<^ c<-- (11124' ?1426 $2S;0i'tJ nsSL 2507 l«2l)n'I| 7142 3224 imei wl 67(KJ 4;o 216)1 ») I !3(i847l *7607i ««253US5| Salary. t700 00 Year £ S S£ Ministry 4 — r* IfuKiin. < S* < § 1 ? 1' . ^ "1 NW !.■ S f a i § y, „ - a ~ 3 > 1 1 ■ft 3 Q (Si ■1 v> '5 X a 3 2 Ki < 2 -So 5" 5' i m •< s m w z 8 Q m ZH^ ,; 3, a' S CT S 3 1— 1 N 73 5' -i i< 1 = §■ = r- p -^ a •. 3 =5 > (B e > 3 ■ h : =) S s iz; ■ ♦-h w S~ ■' April 6, May 1. li .liinc 1, 1 3 -';, 1 «,- i § g 3 0^ ^ > ss se a ? : ' 'i S . :;• 1^ •^ 2.0 » tc OC tt 1°^ .^3- 24 MINUTES OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [1896 SUPERANNUATED MINISTERS' FUND. List of Ministers and Probatioaers reported as having paid their subscriptioaa. I. VICTORIA DISTRICT. Rev. S. Cleaver ?60 00 i Rev. K. R. Maitland J. K. Betts 33 00 j J. P. Hicks f. 00| J.J. Ashton 15 Cii E. Manuel 15 00] J. \V. Winslow 18 00 mm C. H. M Sutherland 18 90 W. J. Stone 19 .50 C. M. Tate 25 6.') J. C. Spencer 25 6.5 II. WESTMINSTER DISTRICT. Rev. T. '»\'. Hull 8.31) 00 11 R. Whittington 75 00 1. J. 1). P. Knox 15 00 1, C. Watson 54 00 ,1 \V. W. Baer 33 00 ,1 A. E. Green 15 00 1. William Hioks 15 00 <, A. N. Miller 10 50 Rev. J. P. Howell .§18 90 E. E. Hardwick 15 00 W. E. Moody 15 OO U. Ladner 30 00 W. H. Barraclough 19 50 E. Robson 25 65 J. E. Gardiner 30 00 Liu Yick Pang 16 :.'0 III. K AM LOOPS DISTRICT Rev. Rev. John Robson .•?15 00 W. L. Hall 18 84 .1. Turner 16 50 J. Calvert 15 75 J. A. Wood 22 50 \V. I). Misener 15 00 S. J. Thompson 816 .50 G. E. Smith 15 00 (ieo. H. Mord-n 15 00 Rev. .J . A. Wood 4 00 Jas. McMnhon 2 00 IV. SiMPso.N District. No Report. 26 MINUTES OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [189fi REPOKTS OF COMMITTEES. REPORT OF COMMITTE?] ON STATISTICS. As there are no returns from Siinpson District it is not possiblo to lirinj; in a conipleto report, but for the other districts it is found — 1. That nine churcheT. and one parsonage have been Viuilt at a total cost of .■yS,?.'?,"). 2. 'I'hat there is an increase in tiie Victoria District of sixty-six ineinhers, a decrease in the Westminster District of eighty-nine members, and an ::icreape in the Kamloops District of thirty-tive members, making a net increase of twelve men)l)ers. 3. That there has been raised for connexional funds $3,006.83, being a decrease of ^829.22. 4. That tliere has been raised for circuit purposes $40,770.92, being a decrease of $1 1,33(5.45. 5. That there has i)een raised for ministerial support $17,509, being $19 than was raised last year. 0. M. Tate, Chiirman. W. W. IJ.vEii, Secretary. REPORT OF (JOM-MITTEE ON STATE OF THE WORK. We rpf;ret the absence of any reference to the spiritual state of the work in the reports presented to Conference. There (■eenis to l)e a lack of interest on some of our circuits and missions in matters essentially ^tcthodistic, caused, we believe, in part by failure to support and our denominational literature. We regret thiit such inadequate provision for ministerial sup^mrt is made on so many lields, and wo consider that tiie frecjuent chiiiii^cs ot men to the extreme limits of Conference, and the etiualiy fre(iiiei)t chanji;ing of married for single men, and rice rerun, causing loss to both ministers and circuits, is not cotiduciv; to the best intei'ests of the work. Your Committee recommend : 1. That wherever practicable circuits and missions be amalgamated so as to (conserve energy and funds to be utilized on new Helds ; and tlmt ministers assist each other in special services and report results to the Conference. 2. That pastors organize and address our young people on the tiis- tinctivo doctrines and ecotiomy of Methodism, and utilize the talent thus developed in conducting services where ministers are not available. 3. That auxiliaries of the W. M. S. and, in our Saljbath Schools, mission bands be established with the view of increasing missionary interest. 1896] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 27 4. That pastors organize and use the latent forces within their church iiiemhership in connection with their pastoral work. "j. That in making arrangements for Conference Sunday care be taken to leave the -younger ministers free to attend the services held in the Confe^rence church. , W. T. CooKSLEY, Chairman. J. C. Spexceu, Secretary. REPORT OF THE SABBATH SCHOOL COMMITTEE. From the district reports that are to hand we gladly note an on almost every line of Sabl)ath School work. We observe, however, th.\t on many of the preaching appointments throughout the Conference ':o schools liave been instituted, and urge that wherever practicable this bo clone. We fear that too often the Sabbath School is made the fosterpareiit of the cliildren, and thus the most precious element in the child's niornl training is lacking. While it is the teacher's duty to instruct the children in the spiritual truths of Christianity, we cannot think that this in any sense releases the parent. Nor do we think that the Sabbath School takes the place of the „huieh services, and we recommend tlint pastors iind Saljbath School superintendents endeavor to have the children attend iit least one service each Sabbath, and that j)astors be requested to preach to the schools as often as may be arranged with the Sabbatii School superintendents. We also recommend presenting our pledge card for signature to all members of our schools. The returns show about thirty-fiv(> per cent, of those on the roll to be i)ledged abstainers, but we think this percentage could be much increased. Once more we call attention to the fact that but few in our schools are learning the catechisnu We regret tliis, and think it a great mistake, as too often our young people, chietly from this lack, are unable to succes.s- t'ully meet in controversy those who oppose our doctrines and teaching. We recommend that, so far as possible, regular teachers' meetings i)e hold for the study of the lessons, and that not only the topography and history of the Bible lands be presented, but also the great spiritual truths taught by our Master. We rejoice to find that our own Sabbath School literature is largely used, and strongl}' recommend that wiiere other literature is taken our own publications be introduced as soon as practicable. J. F. Betts, Chairman. John Robson, Secretary. REPORT OF THE EP WORTH LEAi.UE COMMITTEE. 1. We have carefully examined the reports from the various districts, and find that there are twenty societies, (342 members, and total amount of money raised $80.'i,08, being an increase of eight societies, 1 11 members and •'f413.f)8. We rejoice over tliis very gratifying showing, and con- gratulate the Epworth Leagues throughout the Province on the activity, earnestness and zeal tliey have displayed in our Master's glorious cause. 28 MINUTES OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [1896 2. We call the attention of pastors and presidents of Leagues to tiie necessity of taking up the collection for \he General Board, as we notice that several Leagues have overlooked it during the year. 3. We notice with appreciation the fact that the Executive of the Epworth League Convention adopted our recommendation that repre- sentatives of our Sabbath Schools be elected to the annual conventions, and we assure our younger brothers and sisters of our fervent prayers for their success in the great work in which they are engaged. 4. We greet our General Secretary, Rev. A. C. Crews, most cordially, and congratulate iiim on iiis election to the honorable position which he occupies, and on the success that has attended his labors so far. We pray God that he may be oo strengthened and filled with the Holy Spirit that he may lead tlie great army of young soldiers of the Cross to glorious victory. J. P. Hicks, Chairman. S. J. Thompson', Secretary. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON SABBATH OBSERVANCE. We call the attention of Conference to tlie fact that, although report succeeds report referring to Sabbath desecration, no detinite action has yet been taken to strongly represent the mind of this Conference to tlie consideration of the public authorities. We recommend that this Con- ference again express itself very decisively in condemnation of (jverything fostering such a spirit of desecration in the minds of our people. In enumerating only a few of those things that we regard as violations of the law of the Sabbath, such as bicycling, hunting, fishing, ball playing, and travelling in public conveyances on the Lord's Day, we ask our ministers to continue to discountenance any approach whatever to such violations, and *o impress upon the minds of parents the responsibility resting upon them in the way of educating their children to observe the comiiianci to " keep holy the Sabbath day." The fact that large numbers, even in tlie churches, are indifferent in this matter should arouse us to maintain a firmer front these evils. Particular attention is drawn to the following : 1. The decoration of graves by secret societies on the Sabbath. 2. The advantage taken of the opportunity to send down produce by the Eraser River boats on Sunday. 3. The opening of fruit and cigar stores on this day. We hope that our people will in every possii)le way discourage these objectionable practices. We recommend that our Church join heartily with sister churches in any effort to bring sucli pressure to bear upon our Provincial Legislature and Municipal Councils as will constrain them to do what they can towards bringing about a better oliservance of the Christian Sabbath. James Tuknkk, Chairman. 1, , I W. J. Stone, Secretary. 1896] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 29 REPORT OB' COMMITTEE ON TEMPERANCE. 1. Whereas, liquor is dispensed within the precincts of tlie Parliament liuildings at Ottawa, which fact is a matter of national humiliation and sliaiiie, this Conference places on record its most emphatic condemnation i)f the sanction thus given by our legislators to the destructive indulgence (iml tratiic in strong drink ; and whereas, a general election is at hand, recommends that steps be taken in each constituency to interview candi- dates to ascertain their views on the question of Prohibition, and, when- ever practicable, secure pledges in favor of such legislation, and also that they will endeavor to abolish the obnoxious practice of dispensing liquors on the premises of the Parliament Buildings. :.'. We urge our ministers, office-bearers and memljers to favor the for- mation of Bands of Hope, under the fostering care of the Church, so that our children may be taught the danger of the use of alcoholic beverages, and saved, if possible, from ever tasting of the first cup. 0. Recognizing that " Union is strength," we cordially recommend the ministers, officials and members of our Ghurcii to co-operate with tem- perance organizations. J. WoODSlDE, Chairman. E. Manuel, Secretary. RE:P0RT OF COMMITTEE ON MEMORIALS. In regard to the memorial from the Ladies' Aid of the Central Meth- odist ('hurcli. New Westminster, re. representation of Ladies' Aid Societies on Quarterly Official Boards, your Committee recommend that said memorial be passed on to the next (J eneral Conference. R. R. M.AiTLANi), Chairmini. R. W. Hakiu.'!, Secretary. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CHURCH PROPERTY. Your Committee beg to report : In c(.ns('(|uence of the Quarterly Orticial Board of the Maple Bay Circuit having renewed their request for Iternussion to stdl the plot of land at Maple Bay, we recommend that their request be granted ; but inasmuch as tiiere is a dift'erence of opinion between the Maple Bay trustees and the Duncan's Quarterly Officipl Hoard re the disposal of the proceefls of such sale, we also recommenc' tiiat the Chairman of the Victoria District be instructed to call a jeint meeting of the two boards, and an amicable settlement be made. Jas. TuRjfEH, Secretary. :50 MINUTES 01'' THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [1896 RErORT OF CONTINGENT FUND COMMITTEE. Your Committee are in receipt of the Treasurer's report for the past year, which is as follows : Rkckipts. Balance from last year 37 77 From Victoria District 39 05 II Westminster 35 60 II Kamloops II 22 25 II Simpson i 2 00 II sale of Minutes 95 n Conference coUectiouE 27 05 i*134 67 EXPKNUITCRE. For President's expenses §19 00 II Secretary's 14 50 II printing station lists ( 1 895) 7 77 M ordination Bible and stationery (1S95) 3 tX) II printing pastoral address (1895) 12 20 II interest on borrowed money 1 75 ri stationery (1896) 5 85 M printing station lists (1896) 3 25 Balance on hand 67 35 SI 34 67 Wo recommend the payment of the Book Room account for the past year, amounting to 864.33. We have received from the Secretary of Conference a rei)ori of his investigations into the Conference J3ook' Room account since 1890, and find that with the exception of one item of ?30.24, voted by the Confer- ence of 1804 from the Sustentation fi^uiid of that year, all l)ack accounts have been provided for. H. C. CiiAMHKULAiN, C/iairiuau. W. W. B.VKK, Secretary. REPORT OF SUSTENTATION FUND COMMITTEK. The following amounts have been placed in our hands by tlie Financial Secretaries : From Victoria District .?! 12 55 " Westminster District 98 05 " Kamloops " 41 15 " Conference collection .... 15 00 S20(J 75 1896] MKTHODIST CONFERENCE. 31 E. ir the past 1 1 ) 05 > 60 J 25 > 00 J 95 7 05 4 67 9 00 4 50 7 77 3 angelist8, by Kev. ,1. L. Nevins, I). I». ' ■ Civilization, Chinese and Christianity, by P.ev. K. Faber, D. D. 15inney'« Theoloi;ical Compendium, by Rev. Dr. Lambetli. Wesley's Sermons, by Rev. Dr. Lambeth. -Life of John Wesley. C. L.\DXEK, Chairman. W. W. Baku, Secretary. HEPORT OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COLUMBIAN METHODIST COLLEGE. In submitting their fourth annual report of Coluinbiau Methodist Oollege, the Board of Directors desire to express their gratitude to Almighty God for the many blessing.s vouchsafed during the year, and for the measure of prosperity attending the work of the school. The past year has lieen one of much anxiety, owing to the difficultit's ■which always beset the beginning of institutions of this nature, .struggling ■for a place and patronage, while yet without the prestige that conies with ■wealth, history and a large constituency ot former sttidi^nts, who have gone out from their halls to ocoupj' those positions of influence in tlie various walks of life which eniihle thcni to turn to their Alma Mater the patronage and support which arc always necessiiry to success. At a meeting of the Board of Managers held about the beginning of the year, it was found necessary to so arrange as to preclude the necessity for incurring further liabilities, and an agreement was entered into witii the Principal by which lie became responsible for the e.xpenso of ci\rryiiig on the work within the College, receiving as remuneration in full the tecs from students, tlie grant from the (JenernI Conference, and 80 per cent. of collections for the Educational Fund of the Conference. .Students enrolled, 32 ; in attendance, 2-5 ; boarders, 8 ; day students, 17. FIN.AXCIAL .STATKMf:NT. LlAniLITIKS. Amount of loan fioni Masssey estat S30(l(i (Xl M H M bank oOdd (lO M interest duo 10(10 W ■< .salaries cf stalT due 1470 00 11 currt'iit accdunts SOil.H 17 Total glSoOS 77 AsSET.«. ,- ■'. , : I -Unpaid Building Fund subscriptions ; S'2244 00 II Maintenance n 030 00 II tuition fees oSO 00 Total , $3300 00 1896] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 35 Pkopertv, College property (cost) l?16()00 00 C'larkson bequest (real estate) 4140 00 Eight acres at 8'2.j psr acre 200 00 Total S'20340 00 Assi'ta entire Si-'.'JTOO 00 Surplus over liabiliticH 10131 23 Duliciency, excluding value of property 10008 77 students, 17. 'I'lio Hoard is glad to report the successful carrying out of the sclienie for tlie purchase of the Edmunds premisps in New Westminster, so far H3 securing the property is concerned. Of the subscriptions of §5,000 |ileil;,'('d l)y the Conference of last year, 82,244 still remains unpaid, all of which is eitiier overdue or falling due immediately. A number of sub- scriptions of former years also remain unpaid. This coupled with other causes has made it extremely ditHcuIt for the Board to meet its obligations .ind carry on the work. It is now proposed to consolidate the indebtedness, and to negotiate a loan on the security of the College property. It is believed that such a loan can be obtained upon most favorable terms. In the meantime, the Hoard feels the imperative necessity of realizing upon its subscriptions immediately. Recommendations. It is recommended that, if possible, about the same amount be raised on each circuit and mission for the College Hoard as is assessed upon them for the Superannuation Fund, Also, that all collections be published in the Minates in the schedule for connexional funds, and that delegations he appointed to hold Educa- tional meetings at every appointment, to be followed by a systematic canvass in the interest of the C'ollet;e Fund, arrangements to be made at the Financial ])istrict Meeting. Tliese recommendations are to be con- sidered permanent. Tlie following are recommended as the Board of Directors for the ensu- ing year : Ue\ . C. Ladnei-, President of Conference ; llevs. T. W. Hall, R. Whit- tiiii;toii,.M.A.,H..Sc., J. H. White, Joseph Hall, J. F. Betts, A. E. Green, K, I!. Maitland, LL.B., T. Crosby, C. .M. Tate, J. P. Howell, E. Robson, C. Watson, and Messrs. J. Jessop, A. J. McLellan, J. Tuttle, J. Cunning- Imn. Hon. D. H. Wilson, M.D., D. S. Curtis, A. E. Rand, I). Spencer, K. W. Harri.s, M.A , G. R. Ashwell, A C. Well,=, S. Goush, D. Robson, M.A., T. H. Pearson, J. I. Johnson, W. T. Cooksley, Prof, E. Odium, M.A., H.Sc. . S. Clk.vver, Chairman. ; ,; . R. WiiiTTiXGTON, .S'fcce^flri/. 86 MINUTES OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MISSIONS. The nieetinga of tlie Committee were attended by Uev. Dr. Sutlu'rland, wliose valuable suggestions were of great use in clearing away ditlicultics and expediting business. The district memorials were taken up in order. We recommend that the memorial from the Victoria District rn thi' appointment to the Japanese work of a missionary who has sullicitrit knowledge of the language and the character of tlie .Japanese to t'liahlc him to give the necessary guidance and help to this work, be adopted, anil forwarded with this recommendation to the General Hoard of Missions. In reference to the Chinese work, we reconnnend that these miftsions be under the supervision of a white missionary conversant with the language and habits of the people, Re the formation of a new mission to be called " Golden," though recommended by the Committee, it was not adopted by the Conference. Also, another new mission at Trail was recommended, but it was ultimately decided that Trail should be worked for the present from Rossland. The Committee recommended that another new mission be created m Rock Creek and Kettle River, but on motion the Conference resolved that the formation of this mission be left to the judgment of the Super intendent of Missions and the Chairman of the District. We further recommend that the chairmen of districts or the Superiu tendent of Missions attend the August Quarterly (Jfficial Board meetini;8 on missions, and urge upon the people the necessity of increasing their contributions in aid of mission work in the Province, The annual report of the Coqualeetza Institute, which is of a satisfac- tory character, is herewith appended. C. Ladner, Chairman. J. Jessop, Secretary. REPORT OF COQUALEETZA INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE. The past ytac ii^s been one of prosperity in the history of the Institute. The number ot pupils received was 19, and the number discharged 11, as against 5.5 received and 3.5 discharged during the previous year, showing a more satisfactory condition. There are at present 40 girls and 53 boys on the roll, making a total of 93. The health of both teachers and scholars has been generally good, no death and no case of severe illness having occurred during the year. The regulations of the Indian Department now make it easier to retain our pupils. Many of the parents have signed an agreement to allow their children to remain in the Institute during the pleasure of the Department. The Indians generally manifest great contidence in -the Institute, as i'^ shown by their voluntarily placing their sons and daughters under our care from over twenty diH'erent reserves. The Institute was honored during the year by a visit from their Excellencies the (iovernor-Genenil and the Countess of Aberdeen, who, with their children and suite, care- imC)] METHODIST COXFEUENCE. 37 fully inspected tlip liuikliii^s aiul t\w work done liy the pupils in tli(> various dopartinents, imd oxpre.ssi'd themselves as (greatly delighted with what they had seen and hearil. At New Year we were favored with the iUtoiidaiii;e of two Indian hraas l)ands from adjacent rnserves as a spon- tutii'ous expression of friendliness l)y Indians of another denomination, riiis was a very pleasing event. AVliile deeply rei,'retting tlie lack of stiiMlity ill the religious ciiaracter of many of the pupils, we note with i.'r;ititude the fidelity and eon.sistency of the few whose faith seems to li.ivi' become firmly established. Several of the senior hoys and girls give liriiiiiiso of usefulness in the Lord's vineyard in due time. A high stimlard of morality lias hcen very genemlly sustained during the year, aiul all the pupils are carefully instructed in religious truth and duty. The .Sunday evening services and Epworth League held in the Institute s.lioolroom have he'"! means of considerable blessing. These are largely iittcniled liy the uliite people of the neighborhood. Not only the iiii'iiiliers of the staff, but all the children have contributed more or less to tiif Missionary Fund. The grant from the Indian Department remains at §2,210, or 8130 (iicli for 17 pupils, the remainder of the expenditun; estimated at !?7,238 li'ing met by the two missionary societies of our Church. Several pupils have during the year been "a Auditors. Geo. RoniNsox, SUPERANNUATION FUND. Report of the Board of the Superannuation Fund for the Year ending Jxdy SUt, 1805. All the claimants on the Fund, concerning wliose claims there is no question, have been paia in full. The balance against the Fund at the beginning of the year, amounting V) 8859.21, has been increased 'o $7,221.62. The income exceeds that of last year by $3,964.00, but the increased amount paid to claimants alone is $6,010.98. The receipts from Districts are practically tiic same as those of the previous year. The capital account has been enlarged to the extei t of $9,578.28. • W. S. G.MFFiN, Treasurer. 1S96] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 3l> 7(i 93 25 00 00 00 50 00 51 93 5 08 :h have been id canneries el faithfully special trips ■! there is no r, amounting ;he increased those of the 578.28. Treasurer. DR. PERMANENT F0ND. OR. Jnhi 3M, 1304 .- Jtdy 3Ut, 1805 : Ti) amount of the Fund . $.0(1.038 H3 By Mortgages 864,474 66 /((/// .Hut, ISOo : M Stocks 8,739 75 To Legacies . . 578 28 II Missionary Society . . 58,750 00 ,. Donation on annuity . 1,000 00 II Hook Room 39,300 00 „ Legacy (Mellanby Es- II General Conference tate, in part) 8,000 00 Fund 19,258 53 .. .Ministeria Snbscrip- II Albert College Bond . 2,500 00 tions, one-3ixth of II Commutation 2,032 00 .?1,-),141 2,523 50 II Hope Road Bond. . . . 11 Loans in advance of 240 00 Claims 1,509 15 II Furniture 85 13 11 Cash on hand 11,461 70 11 Amount in Bank .... 2,568 07 II Amount due by An- nual Fund 7,221 62 t.218,140 61 f 218, 140 61 DR. ANNUAL FUND. OR. Jtily 31st, ISOo : July SUt, 1S95 : To Districts §54,780 95 11,707 10 By balance 11 Allowance to 218 Ministers §859 21 " Interest .1 .Ministers' Subscrip- 63,158 10 tions, five-si.xths of II Allowance to 16S .315,141 12,617 50 Widows 20,851 OO M Missionary Appropria- ,1 Allowance to 90 Chil- *:ou 4,200 00 dren 1,096 29 PI Book Room Grant. . . . 7,500 00 11 Annuities 285 00 " Donations 50 30 7,221 62 11 Refunds 535 00 IP Permanent Fund .... 11 Commutation .'■OO 00 11 Minutes of Confer- encen to Lay Sub- scribers, 1893-94 . . 330 97 11 Interest on Capital used for payment of Claims 500 OO 11 Expense 3,048 35- 1 11 Interest paid to bank on ovet^.raftB 343 00 898,077 47 §98,077 47 .'•Examined and found correct. JOSIAH B.\RNETT, ) F. Hyrse, ( A " litors. \V. S. Griffin, ~ E. GuRNEr, ' aiWf.rx. Toronto, August 30th '.o95. Detail.i of Kx •KNSK AOC-OUNT, Bank commission on remit- Travelling expenses of Roan 1 tances .•?2S 29 and Advisory Committee §75 40 Expenses of commission ol Examining Property 5 60> (ioneral Conference 78 27 Law Expenses 73 90 .■Viiplitiug, S40.00; help, S5.00 Travelling Expenses Attend gas, jl.38 40 38 ing Conferences Treasurer: .Salary, $1,200 Rant and Taxes, §400 . 27 65 Postage 119 99 , o stationery and Printing Pam 1,000 00 ihlets. Schedules, Clrcu- Accountant : Salary (iOO 00 ivrs, Reports, etc Rent and Caretaiiing, 2 years. 148 87 244 OO M $3,048 3£ 40 MINUTES OF ThS BRITISH COLUMBIA [1896 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTIONS. 1. Reporteh for "Guardian." The Rev. ^^ . L. Hall was appointed as Conference reporter for the (Jnardhin and local papers. 2. lie Amos Cusiian. Moved by Rev. C. M. Tate, seconded by Rev, A. E. Green, and Resoivfil, — That whereas Bro. Amos Cushan, who wa?: thf '■ sf naiive convert to God in Bi'itish Columljia, and who laljored ac i .? ' •■ for a number of yeani in connection with our Church in tin. :''i-- , --"!^ died during the past year, therefore be it resolved that an ol)ituary bo placed in the Minutes of our Conference, and that the Revs. E. Robson and T. Cr .'by, with Bro. Jas. Cunninj^ham, be a committee to prepare the same. 3. lie Japan Mission Affairs. Mo\ed by Rev. Joseph Hall, seconded by Bro. A. C. We'.ls, and Carried, — That inasmucli as reports reflecting on tlie administration of Japan Mission attairs by the General 13oard of Missions, the Executive and the General Secretary have been circulated throughout the length and breadth of the ^Methodist Church through the niediun) of -he press and other channels, the tendency of which has been to atl'ect injuriously the income of our noVtle ^lissionary Society ; therefore resolved, tiiat in view of the complete vindication of the niissionary authorities, as a result of the fullest investigation into all the facts of the case, the particulars of which have been placed within the reach of all contributors to the funds of the Missionary Society in the published report of said investigatioi' this Conference urges upon the members and friends of our Church * righteousness and importance of standing loyally by this great conn"./ u? fund of our Church, and of using all diligence to increase as I^rgcl, .is possible the contributions to this Fund. 4. Ke Book Room Accoint. On motion, the Prcsi'Jent of the Conference was associated with the Secretary, to make further investigation in regard to the balance of ^.30.24 •on liOok Room account, still unaccounted for. 5. Re H. A. Massev, Esq. (Memorial of College Board, adopted by the Conference.) Moved by Rev. Joseph Hull, .seconded by Rev. Prof. R, Whitti'v-ton, Whereas, H. A. Massey, Esq., having, in the providence of Go-i, -eii called away since the last meeting of this Board from the scene.s pud-. 'V''ii of earth to the rewards and immortality of the skies ; Ri'solvfd, — Tiiat the Board of Directors of Coluiibian Methotlist Colio^: d ^f service to the Church of God a,t large, and especially to iJie ?>'■ U.ociist 'Jiurch, which he renJered >^ Aftt \U'v. ,] Confer Lcagut I'iirson [1896 'ter for the and ■'■■■y.* naiive • . -.•■for '.:', ,;iiS died ly bo placed )l)Son and T. re the same. 1, and nistratiou of le Executive f length luul he press aiui juriously the that in view- as a result of mrticulars of to the funds nvesti<{iitior r Churcli ' tconn''./ Tr as ;c) as ted with the ace of 830,24 "NVhitti'irton, of Uo , Bh nes pud " 'a lOtlist ColiOj: fe of supreme ;he Church of li lie reiiv'ered 1896] METHODIST COXFERENCE. 41 bv the lofty ideal of business success and integrity which he exemplified, and by the large-hearted benetieence which he displayed. By the noble i.'ift which in the kindness of his heart, end in his warm sympathy with the cause of Christian education, he placed at the disposal of this Board loaP<^ist us in securing the eligible premises now occupied for the purposes of .r College, his memory is endeared to us, and will be gratefully die ished in the coming years, when (as we fondly hope) this institution ,slu 1 have survived the difficulties which have marked its earliest history, anc( when it shall have become a powerful factor in moulding the Method- ism of our province. We would cfUr ^■•~ sincere condolence to the liei'eaved widow and family of our departed friend, and pray that upon ills sons may fall the sacred mantle of devotion to God and humanity, wliicii, during his u.seful life, enfolded their translated father. G. lie iNTEKN'.VnONAL ARBITRATION. On motion of Revs. W. 1, Hall and S. Cleaver, il.A., It-'solve'l, — That this Conference expresses its entire sympathy with the principle of national anrl international arbitration, and further e:cpresses its fervent desire that the piesent negotiations looking to the establish- ment of a permanent court of arbitration between Great Britain and the United States l)e consummated in their legislatures, as one more great step in the onward march of Christian civilization. 7. Jie Re.^olltions from Branch of W. M. S. Moved by Rev. W. W. Baer, seconded l)y Rev. Joseph Hall, aud Ri.'ito/ce'/, — That this Conference is in full sympathy with the proposal of the British Columbia Branch of the Woman's Missionary Society, that homes for Indian children bo established at certain points in this province, ind we commend the resolutioiis of the said Branch of the Society to the favorable consideration of the missionary boards of the two societies. 8. lie Minutes of Conference. Uu motion, Resolved, That the Secretary of Conference engage only as r my copies of the [Minutes as may be oixlered by tiie members of the ■.'-inference. 9. lie Camp-.v Krtx at Vernjx. 'Ill motion, liiso/vd, That ti . reconimendaMon of the Kamloops I district, that a camp meeting be held c^t Vernon, be adopted. 10. lie Slpply of Last Year's Circuit. On motion, liesolved, That each minister be responsible for supply of Ills last year'i circuit for two Sundays from rise of Conference. 11. lie Am for ]{ ^Iission. After an appeal from the President of the Conference, it was moved by I'lev. J. F. J$etts, seconded by Rev. A. E. Green, and Resolved, That this Conference recommend that collections be made by all our Epworth be.'igues and Sabbath Schools for the purpose of aiding in erecting a I'lirsonage at Rossland and churches in ditlerent places in the Kootenay 42 MIXUTES OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [1896 District, and that such sums bfi forwarded at the earliest possible date to Rev, C. Ladner, Rossland ; also, that this important interest be repre- sented to the Epworth I;eague and Sal)bath School C'onvertion in Van- couver for their co-oj)eration and support, 12. Time of Next Conference. On motion, Resolved, That tlie next Conference meet on the second Thursday in May, 1S97. 3. Matters Referred to Conference SPhCi.'i. Committee. he ^linisterial Session it was moved by Rev. J. F. Betts, seconded by Kev. C. Watson, and Resolved, That whereas we have no report of the Simpson District concerning ministerial business, all matters of this char- acter be left in the hands of the Conference Special Committee. In the Annual Conference it was, on motion. Resolved, That the Annual Conference business coming from the Simpson District be referred to tiie Conference Special Committee. 11. Re Place of Xext Conference. On motion. Resolved, That the Conference Special Committee be author- ized to appoint the place where the next Conference will be held. 15. Re Programme Committee. On motion, Resolved, That the appointing of the Programme Committee be left with the Conference Special Committee. VISITORS. During its sessions, the Rev. Mr. McCrossan, of Manitoba Conference, and the Rev. Mr. Schoular, pastor of St. Andrew's Church, visited the Conference. GENERAL CONFERENCE OFFICERS. The Conference was favored with the presence of Rev. Dr. Sutherland, General Missionary Secretary ; Rev. Dr. Griffin, General Treasurer of Superannuation Fund, and Rev. A. C. Crews, General Secretary of the Epworth League and Sunday School work ; while, though not present at the sessions of the Conference, Dr. Carnmn, General Superintendent, and Rev. James Woodsworth, Superintendent of Missions, who were detained at Port Simpson, where they had gone to attend to Conference work of an urgent nature, afterwards met the Conference Special Committee in com- pany with Dr. Sutherland. QUESTION DRAWER. The Conference devoted an afternoon to ([uestions relating to missions, conducted by Dr. Sutherland ; an evening to the suliject of the Superan- nuation Fund, conducted by Dr. Griffin ; and an evening to Epworth League and Sabbath School work, conducted by Rev. A. C. Crews. Tm [1896 1890] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 43 _ . DELEGATION. ,/ A large delegation from the British Columbia Branch of the Woman's Missionary Society waifcf?cl upon the Conference, and were cordially received, when Mrs. Chapman gave a very earnest and interesting address, after which, on motion of Revs. R. R. Maitland, LL.B., and S. Cleaver, M.A., the Conference expressed great pleasure in receiving a deputation from the Woman's Missionary Society. ANNIVERS A.RIES. TEMPER.4.XCE. A public Temperance meeting was held in the evening of Wednesday, ^[ay 13th, with Rev. J. F. Betts in the chair. The Rev. J. P. Hicks led ill prayer, and the Rev. W. H. Barraclough, B.A., and Rev. Dr. GrilBn in very able speeches addressed a large and appreciative audience. Collection for Contingent Fund, $7.00. Missionary. The Conference Missionary meeting was held in the evening of Thurs- diiy. May 1-ith, the President of the Conference in the chair. The Rev. J. A. Wood led in prayer. After an excellent se! ;tion by the choir, the chairman gave a brief address, the Rev. 0. M. Tate dwelt upon our responsibility to save all races of people, and the Rev. Dr. Sutherland gave an excellent address on the various phases of missionary enterprise and responsibility. Collection, iBl-i.65. , , SUPERAXNOATION. On the evening of Friday, May 15th, Rev. Dr. GritRn very successfully met all known objections to the Superannuation Fund, and conclusively proved the utility and necessity of the Fund to the Methodist Church. Collection for Sustentation Fund, $15.00, Theological Union. On the afternoon of Saturday, May 16th, the annual Lecture was given liy Rev. J. E. Gardiner. Subject, " The History of Chinese Mission Work in British Columbia." Rev. J. E. Gardiner was elected President, Rev. J. P. Hicks, i^ecretary, and Rev. S. Cleaver, M.A., Lecturer for 1897. Pentecostal Service. At 8 p.m. (Saturday) Rev, E. Robson opened the Pentecostal Service, (luring which the subject of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and His empowering for service was the theme presented in song, prayer, testi- mony and exhortation. 44 MINUTES OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [1896 Sunday Services. Besides the earl_v morning prayer service, tlie Conference Love-feast opened at 9.30 a.m., led by Rev. James Turner. At 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Sutlierland preaciied from John xiv. 16, 17. In the afternoon the Revs. W. i\. Barraclough, B.A., and S. Cleaver, M.A., addressed the Sabbath School. At 7 p.m. Rev. Dr. Griflin preached from 1 Cor. ii. 7, after which the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. Epwoutii League and Sabbath StuooL. The Epworth League and Sabbath School Anniversary was op. aed ut 8 p.m. on Monday, May 18th, Brotlier T. W. Cooksley in the chair. Rev. A. C. Crews addressed the meeting in the interest of the Epworth League work, and Rev. Dr. Griffin in behalf of Sabbath Scliools. Collection for Epworth League and Sabbath School Aid Fund, S10.3.i. VoTE.s OF Thanks. Cordial votes of thanks were tendered by resolution of the Conference as follows : To Rev. S. Cleaver, M.A., for his valuable and efficient services as President during the past year. To Rev. J. P. Bowell for the faithful and satisfactory discharge of his duties as Secretary during the past year. To Rev. Dr. Griffin for his able, lucid and thorough presentation of th( claims of the Superannuation Fund. To Rev. Dr. Sutherland and Rev. Dr. Griffin for their masterly and inspiring sermons. To the pastors and congregations of New Westminster for kind and hospitable entertainment. To the choir of Central Methodist Church for the excellent music rendered during the evening sessions. To the press, especially the Daily Uol^imhian and Evening World, for the large space given to the reports of the proceedings of the Conference. Reception into Full Connection. At a special Ministerial Session held on Tuesday, May 19th, Bro. A. K. Sharpe, having travelled four years, and having completed the course of study according to the requirements of the Discipline und(;r which he was received on probation, was on motion received into full connection with the Conference; and it was on motion resolved that the ordination of Bro. A. K. Sharpe take place on Thursday, the 28th inst., in the Central ^Methodist Church at New "Westminster, the President to have associated with him Rev. T. W. Hall. Prof. R. Whittington, M.A., B.Sc, and any other minister available. Close of Conferencb. Tlie Minutes of the final session were read, the Minutes adopted as a whole, and after an earnest address by the President, followed by devotional exercises, the Conference closed at 12.45 a.m. of Wednesday. May 20th, 1896. 1896] METHODIST CONFEUEyCE. 45 RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE CONFEREE JE SPECIAL COMMITTEE. Moved by Rev. C. Watson, seconded by Rev. T. W. Hall, and Resolved, — That this Annual Conference Special Committee, having heard the reading of the Minutes of the District Meeting of the Simpson District in both its sessions, the ministerial and general annual sessions (the brethren of that district having been duly stationed at the Conference of 189G), would, up to the extent of its authority and jurisdiction in the case, under Discipline and the action of the Annual Conference, fully adopt and confirm the decisions and recommendations of the said District Meeting as to the character and standing of the ministers on the District, accepting to the full all that is involved in the Conference relations of liiese brethren ; would further accept, as correct, all statistical and other reports of work and authorize their insertion in the Minutes of Conference according to usage, and would instruct the Secretary of the Annual Con- ference to receive and file all resolutions and recommendations of District for the use of the next Annual Conference, and would adopt the following recommendations and resolutions and put them at once on the line of their due execution : Resolution on Memorial re Registration ok Marriages and Births AMONG THE INDIANS. On motion, Resolved, That Revs. S. Cleaver, J. F. Betts and C. M. Tate, with Messrs Sheritt" McMillan and Deputy Sheriff' Siddell, be a committee to wait on the Attorney-General or other authorities concerned and ascertain the law regarding the registration of births and marriages of Indians, Chinese and Japanese in this province. Resolution on Memorial re Better Education and Standing of Native Agents. On motion, Resolved, That a copy of this memorial be sent to the General Board of Missions, and the memorial filed for use of the next Annual Conference with the recommendation of this committee. Resolution on Memorial re Place op Meeting of Simpson District. On motion, Resolved, That the part of the memorial referring to the District Meeting holding its sessions at place of meeting of Conference be endorsed. Resolltion on Mbmorial re Institute at Upper Skkena. On motion. Resolved, That this memorial be forwarded to the General Board of Missions with the endorsation of this committee. Resolution on Memorial re Educational Matters. On motion. Resolved, To refer this memorial to the General Board of Missions with the endorsation of this committee. Resolution on Memorial re Quarterly Tickets. On motion. Resolved, To send copy to Jianitoba Conference and to the General Board of Missions ; also, that it be submitted to the Annual Con- ference but without the endorsation of this committee. 46 MINUTES OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA [1896 Resolution on Report of Simpson Boys' Home. On motion, Resolved, To receive the report and forward to General Board of Missions, and that the substance of it be published in the Minutes of Conference. Resolution re Band of Workers' Hall. On motion, Resolved, That the President and tSecretary of Conference, the Revs. S. Cleaver, T. Crosby and C. M. Tate, and Messrs. Sheriff McMillan and Deputy Sheriff Siddell act with the General Conference officers, as a committee to wait upon Judge Bowell in reference to the Band of Workers' Hall at Port Simpson, and to take such other steps as the Committee may deem desirable to bring about a final settlement of this •question. Resolution re Salvation Army Correspondence. On motion, Resolved, That the President and Secretary of Conference act, in behalf of the Conference, in conjunction with the Mission Rooms in the ai ranging of all difficulties with the Salvation Army. Resolution re Resignation of Buo. J. J. Ashton, B.A. A letter having been received from Bro. Ashton tendering his resigna- tion from the Methodist ministry, it was, on motion, Resolved, That up to the extent of its authority, this committee accepts the resignation of Bro. J. J. Asiiton, B.A. Instruction to Secketarv of Conference. On motion, Resolved, That the Secretary of Conference Ije instructPtl to provide Bro. R. B. Beavis witii a properly prepared ordination parclinient. Resolution re " Gl.'.d Tidings." On motion, Resolved, That this committee recommend tliat the Glo ccessors of (ire ye not lairs of the ts spiritual hang d'lwn 'Me word of ;he prayer- jxhortation roulcl oi'ten eslied vith Tsater still full of laith e filli/ig up there is but ) assist in a .ny suitable \i the Uoly or leaders De respoMsi- the future parents are charge the for her very ig influence employ as own crown its various His might! Have ye " put on the whole armor of Ood, that ye may be able to stand < against the wiles of the devil " ? or are ye " yet carnal " ? Is there "among . you envying and strife and divisions " 1 and do ye " walk as men "1 Is. it true of any of you that " when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye- iiave need that one teach you again, which be the first principles of the oracles of God, and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat " 1 Can it be possible that the faithfulness of your pastors in rebuking uniioly passions, evil tempers and vicious lives is not appreciated by you, , or that their preaching the necessity of holiness of heart, wrought by the indwelling Holy Spirit of God, is oftensive to youl " Know ye not that • ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you i" ' For this is the will of God, even your sanctification," and this we trust will always be the expressed will of those appointed to labor among you. We anticipate many changes in our pastoral relations, which changes may bo disappointing to some of us, as also to some of you, but let us all he united in the spirit of our Divine Iiord and Master, who "pleased not himself," and let us in full consecration of soul endeavor to make this veai- happier and more auccessful than any in the past. We commend again to your practical sympathy the various connt'xional intt'rests of the Church, and appeal to you to be careful lest the financial ilepression of the present crisis should cause you to withhold more thani is meet from the support of the work which you regard as the cause of Christ in the earth. Strenuously endeavor to increase your contributions to the funds of the Missionary Society, so that it may be possible for the work of our Churcii to be better sustained at home, and further extended in the regions beyond. Our own Columbian College is urgently needing all the aid in your power to give, and we entreat you to unite with us in our efforts to retain and strengthen this valuable adjunct to our work in this province. Owing to causes which we cannot control, some of our circuits and missions are becoming weaker instead of stronger, ^ind can be supplied with pastors only by requiring these to so live as to greatly impair their usefulness. We are reluctant to withdraw from any field of labor or to lessen the number of preaching services, but in this we need the loyal, cordial and efficient support of every member of the Church. The f-^o has come in this province when Methodism to fulfil her mission -i'Pf, he generously sustained by her own children. For keeping your minds informed and instructed and your hearts warm, we commend to you our church paper, the Christian Guardian, which ought, at its present cost, to be a weekly visitor in -^very Methodist home in the land. In our Sabbath Schools we would encourage you to secure the graded Sabbath School papers and helps, published by our own Book Room, so that you may have guarantee that what your children read will be, not only interesting, but, in bias and doctrino, in harmony with your own convictions. Be ye also ready to take part in every good work for the uprooting of long-established social evils, and the destruction of social vices, for the better observance of the Christian Sabbath, the prohibition of the liquor 4bc so MINl'TES OF THE HRITISH COLrMIUA [lS!t(i isyoj tratiiu, and the preservation of our lil)ertio8. Encouraj^e the spirit tlmt tends to foster the closer fellowsliip of all the evangelical churclics, aiul, while true to your own convictions, recognize the " unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace," To promote your Ijettcr acquaintance with our churcii work in your iridst procure a copy of the MinutfS of tlie Annual Conference, and in ■every other way in your power aim to lie intellig<'nt and wpll-inforiiiod members of the Methodist Church. And now, trusting that you will receive these itistrnotions and exlior tations in the same spirit of earnest care for your welfare in which tiiey are given, we "commend you to (Jod, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inlieritance among all them which are sanctified." Agnssiz , . lielU Hell, Bella Cooli C'upc .\Iud( Cariboo , . Centennial Central (N Central (N) Chcam . . . . Cliiliiwack Clinton . . . Chinese Mi( Chinese Mil Chinego Mig Chinese Mig Cloverdale , iJuncan'g Kast ( oait Knderby . . fil»d Tiding! Hiilihnrton J Hammond , .1 Homer Strel Howe «ouni| Indian Miasa '"'iian iMiasif •'ipanese Mil ••''ipnnese Mif '\!»mloops Kiivlo " fffttloRiverl '^itamaat Kitze^ncla iSitOj METHODIST OJNKEUENCE. m ALIMIA13ETICAL LIST OF CIRCUITS. The figures denote the order in the list of stations. Aj,'ii88iz 26 llflla Hella 57 iiella Coola 03 Ciipc Mudge and Lumber Camps ... 16 ( 'aril)oo 49 Cciitrnnial (Victoria) 2 IViitral (New Westminster) 28 I'cntral (Nauaimo) 10 C'lieam 37 ChilliwAck 32 Clinton 42 i'liiiK'ae Mission (Victoria) 5 I'liinesu Mission (Nanaimo) 13 I'hinesc Mission (New Westminster) 31 Chinese Mission (Vancouver) 21 Cloverdale 35 DuDcan's 7 V.Mt Coast Indians 4 Enderby 45 (iltkd Tidings Mission 04 Ha'.iliiirton Street (Nanaimo) 11 Hammond 24 Homer Street (Vancouver) 18 Howe Sound 23 Iniliiin Mission (Nanaimo) 12 iiulian Mission (Duncan's) 8 •'apanese Mission (Vancouver) 27 •Japniiese Mission ( Port Simpson) .... 05 Kamloops 39 Kaslo 52 Kcttlo River 54 Kitamaat 62 Kitze).;ncla 61 Ladner 34 I^ngley 36 Maple Bay and 8. 8. Island 9 Mission City 25 Mount Pleasant 20 Metropolitan (\'ictoria) 1 Naas 66 Nelson 51 Nicola Valley 41 Nitenat 17 Okanagan . . 47 Port Essington 68 Port Simpson 55 Princess Street (Vancouver) 19 Queen Charlotte Islands 69 Revelatoke and Donald 44 Richmond 22 Rosslaud 60 Saanich 6 Salmon Arm 43 Siniilkameen 48 Sapnerton 29 Sardis (Indian Mission) 38 Slocan 53 Sumas 33 Thompson River 40 Union 15 Upper Skeena 60 Vernon 46 Victoria West 3 Wellington 14 West tnd (New Westminster) 30 52 MINUTES OF THE BRI'^ISH COLUMBIA [189« ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MINISTERS AND PROBA- TIONERS IN THE BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFER- ENCE OF THE METHODIST CHURCH FOR THE YEAR 1896. Nr.rE.— The figures at beginning sliow tiie year of entering tiic ministry, and tlioso at the end the number of years stationed on present field. The iniddli! column is the Post Office address. 1S88 A3h^,on, John Joseph, B.A , B.D ... No Station 1886 Baer, Walter W., Fhi. Sec Vancouver 4 188.3 Barraclough, William H., B.A Sardis 2 ISttO Ceavis, Reuben Benjamin Bella Bella 4 1870 Betta, John F., Chairman Victoria •' ISQl Birka, David Dalton No Station - 1874 Bowell, John Perry, Sec. of Conf. . . Sidney 1 1870 Bryant, Cornelius, Sup'd Mount Tolmie 4 1883 Calvert, James, Fix. Sec Salmc;i Arm i ''''1876 Cleaver, Solomon, M. A Victoiia 4 1892 Chan Sine Kai Victoria i 1868 Cfosby, Thomas, Chairman Port Simpson 7 — Eby, C. S., D.D \ ancouvei 1 1891 Freemar, Barnabas Courtlard Queei2 Chaii'.^.te Islands 4 j--'^890 Gardiner, John T'ndicott Vancouver i ^,««'1S77 Green, Alfred FM, Chairman Eburne 4 1871 Hall, Thomas W Nanaimo . . 1866 Hall, Joseph Sardis , 1891 Hall, William Lashley Enderby . . •^890 Hard wick, Edward Earnest Nicola .... 1889 Hicks, John P., fin. Stc Victoria. . . 1 if/2 Hicks, Jameo No Station ] '91 Hicks, William Union .... 886 Irwiu, Robert J No Station 1383 Jennings, Dennis, Fin. Sec Port Essington 1891 Knox, John Divid PhilUm Nanaimo 1861 Ladner, Charles, President o/ Con/. . Rossland 1892 Liu Yick Pang New Wc-r^-'^' ' 891 Love, G. A No Station •187.") Maitland, Robert R., LL.B Vancouver . . 1891 Manuel, Elihu Langley 188r> Miller, Arthur Noble Mission City. 18S9 Misener, William P Duncan's . . , [189« 1896] METHODIST CONFERENCE. 53 'ROBA- ;r- ftiid those at [1 Is the Post 18d3 Moody, William Edward (College) . . New "'estmiiiBter — 1889 Morden, Georj{e Herbert Nelson 3 1891 Neville, Tiiomas Upper S' eena 2 1891 Osterhout, Smith Stanley Naas 4 lHo2 Pearson, Thomas Drvies, Sup'd .... New Xv'estminster '' '1890 Peck, Harcourt \V., M.A., B.Sc No Station — 1SS3 Pierce, William Henry Bella Coola 2 1SS.3 Procunier, C. A., M. A., Fin. Sec . . . Kaslo 2 1883 Raley, George Henry Kitamaat 4 , li'jorge I N45 Robins, J. U. Similkameen IS. i Robgon, Ebenezer, Chairman Ladner 18^ ; Robaon, Jol: a A Kamloops . . . IS' i Rosoman, J. E., Sup'y Mara ', S93 Sharpe, Allen Kennedy Hammond I 1H89 Spencer, John Clark Victoria 1 1891 Stone, William John Nitenat 3 ls90 Sutherland, Chas. Henderson M Wellington 1 1875 Tate, Chaa. Montgomery Victoria 3 1884 Thompson, Samuel James T irnon 2 1870 Turner, James Ciiuton 2 1 s()9 Watson, Coverdale New Westminster 1 i •<7f> White, James H Chilliwack i -lss2 WhiUington, R., M.A., B.So. (Prin- cipal C. M. College) New Westminster 4 1S92 Wilkmson, Samuel Winnipeg, Wesley College . . I 1894 Wilkinson, Robert New Westminster 1 1884 Winslow, Joseph Wesley , . Shopland 2 1S79 \\'ood, James Aler. , Chairman .... Revelstoke 2 54 MINUTES, BRITISH COLUMBIA METHODIST CONFEREXCE. [1896 I N DEX. Alphabetical List of Circuits ."il Alphabetical List of Ministers .V.' Anui veraary Services 43 Annual Conference Special Committee 9 Conference. Lay M embers of ,'i „ ■ Death Roll of 2.1 II Committees of 7 n of 1897, when to be held 42 ,1 Oftjcers of 3 Deputation RecoiveJ 43 Examiners, Board of, for 1897 32 Examination of Probationers for 1 897 33 General Board of ^Missions, Member of i) General Conference Officers, Visit of 42 Minutes of Ministerial Session fi Pastoral Address 47 11 11 Committee on, for 1H97 9 Probationers Remaining on Trial Reception into Full Connection 44 Reports of Committees : Board of Directors, Columbian Methodist College 34 Board of Examiners 32 Church Property 29 Conference .Special Committee 4o Contingent Fund 30 Educational Fund 31 Epworth League 27 "Glad Tidings" 38 Institute, Coqualeetza 36 .M issions. Special 3d ~ 28 27 2t) 21) 30 29 Sabbath Observance . Sabbath Schools State of the Work Statistical Sustentation Fund Temperance Resolutions of Conference .Special Committee lo II II Miscellaneous -10 Schedules : Membership 12 Olfieial Boards 14 C'onnexional Funds 19 Circuit Purposes IS Ministerial Support 21 Epworth Leagues Il) Sabbath Schools li) Sessions ^f Conference since Organization 4 Stations, Final Draft of 10 Superannuated Ministers' Fund, Subscribers to 24 M 11 II General Treasurer's Report •"* M 11 Names of 7 Sustentation Fund, Subscribers to -•! Theological Union, Officers of 43 Treasurers of Connexional Funds 9 Transferred, Names of Ministers •) Visitors to Conference ^^ Votes of Thanks ■» LIST OF MINISTERS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. The figures at the btijiuuing of the lines show the year in which each miuiater commenced his ministry; and those at the end of the lines denote the year on his present charge. IS.'iS Adams, William, Sup'd bS!) Ainswovth, J. Harrison, Sup'd Issii AUin, I'.ll., B.A. b() Allum, Carl IM),-! Anglin, W. W. 1?4S Armstrong, John 1S71 Austin, \V illiam 1S0.'> Bailey, T. W 1SS3 Baldwin, Cliarlos D 1S!(1 Barnabas, John R. b73 Bf-nett, William, Sup'd 1S94 Ba. J, i;. K Is'Jl Beamish, W. J IsTO Bell, (iore A 1S,')8 Bell, Thomas, Sup'd . . IS'.ll Belton, A. J., S.T.L., lStj3 Benson, Manly, U. 1). ISoS Betts, Lorenzo A., Sup'd 1804 Black, Richard IstiO lUair, William, B.A 1SH;1 Bland,Chas.E.,B.A.,B.l). .. IS.^S Bland, Henry F. ISSO Bland, Salem (I., B.A. bllO Boshart, William P. . . \Sn Bradford, W. G b(i3 Brill, David 1S30 Brock, James, Sup'd. . . lSil> Brown, Daniel, B. A., I'.D. .. 1800 Brown, Thomas l87,'t Brown, Thomas C. 1S9J Brown, Wni. Thomas ISlir. Brown, William T. G. 181)3 Brundage, Manly 18S9 Burke, Thomas H , B.D. 1SS9 Burnett, Herbert W., S.T.L. 18113 Cairns, H. G IW)2 Cairns, Hugh 18,")9 Cauipbell, Alex., Sup'd. b9'2 Campbell, George I. . . . . Ulverton 1 3 . . Beebe Plain 1 . Manotick .. 2 . Riviere du Loup 1 . Howick and Valleyfi«ld 3 . Aylwin . . 1 . . Barry's Bay 1 . Dunham 2 . . St. Jovi 3 . Lyn 1 . Weslcyaii 1 .vtfologioal College . Locksley 2 2 . Chelsea . . 3 . Bedford,. 3 . Montreal (Hochelaga) I . Montreal (Mountain Street) 2 . Brockville ( Wall Street) 9 , . Victoria CuUege \ . . North Bay I . Waterloo t . Smith's Falls I Smith's Falls I . . Montreal (Fa'rmount Avenue an d Outremontt I . . Montreal (Mount Royal Vale) I . . Calumet and Grenville 3 . . Kingston .. 22 . . Bearbrook 1 , . Seeley's Bay I . . Cornwall 1 . . \Vesi'.\van Theological College 2 . . Moulinette I . . Schreiber 2 . . Westport 2 . . North Wakefield, Que. 2 Wesleyan Theological CloUege 1 . . Arnprior 1 . . Montreal (Westmount)i 5 . . Eardley I ■56 LIST OF MINISTERS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. [1896 1896] 1889 Cassidy, T. Creighton 1886 Chantler, William N. .1893 Charlesworth, James . . 1861 Chisholm, Francis '1887 Clendinnen, Geo. S., S.T.L, ;1871 Clipsham, J. W. 1895 Coates, E. W. S. 1893 Colborne, J 1875 Conley, Lewis . . 1874 Conley. Thomas B., B.A. 1888 CoDoly, William J., B.A. 1873 Cornell, J. C 1891 Corrigan, Richard, B.A., B.D. 3881 Courtice, A. C, B.A., B.D., Editor of Christian Guardian '1894 Crabb, G. J .1870 Craig, William 1874 Crane, E. W 1884 Cummings, Duncan T., F.T.L. 1878 Curtis, C. J 1855 Davies, John, Sup'd . . 1890 Davis, Ernest A., B.A., B.D. .1890 Davis, (leorge H. H 1884 Deeprose, Charles S ri871 DeCiruchy, Edward 1872 Delong, Albert M 11871 Delong, Francis ';1892 Desmarais, Wm. H. . . J890 Diome, John A 1858 Dorion, Joseph A., Sup'd 1893 Dorman, J. A 1894 DowsoD, J. L 1855 Dronnan, Alex., Sup'd. 1893 Eagleson, R., S.T.L 1893 p:arl, Daniel, B.A 1872 Eason, Richard 1894 Kaston, W. H., M.A 1873 Edwards, Geo 1896 Edwards, John A 1894 Elliott, I). D 1876 Elliott, James, HA : 1883 Ellis, John D., B.A 1884 KUis. Wm. J 1874 Emsley, Wm. H 1884 England, Luther M., B.A. . . 1890 Ewan, Robert B., M.D. 0895 Farrer, W. D. 1889 Fairbairn, Andrew 1891 Farnsworth, Albert H., B.A., B.D. 1857 Fergi.*on, John, Sup'd 1869 Ferguson, Jihn 1888 Fiach, Calvii W.. B.A., B.D. 1873 Flanders, C. P., H.A., D.D.. 1855 Follicle, Joseph, Sup'd 1871 Fowkes, John . 1862 Fowler, J. H., \'.A., Sup'd, . 1855 Fowler, Hiram, .Sup'd Farnham . . 1 Hemmingford . . . . 1 Montreal (Cote St. Paul) . . . 1 Pakenham 2 Billing's Bridge 3 Lachute . . . . . . ,1 Calabogie . . . . 1 ^^'e.^Ieyan Theological College , . 2 Elgin 1 Chesterville . , . . 1 Lakefield Wolfe Island 2 Megog . 1 Kingston (Sydenham Street) Maple Grove . . Clarendon Ottawa (Bell Street) 3 Richmond, Que. . . . . 1 Inverary . . . . . . 2 Stanstead Georgeville . . . . 1 Lacolle 2 Inverness Montreal Centre (French Mission Beachburg . . 1 Avonmore . . . . . . 2 Bethel and Bethany (French Mission) 1 Caughnawagb . . Montreal Centre (French Miesion) . . 9 Montreal West . . 1 Wesley an Theological College Kingston (Sydenham Street) West Shefiford (Roxton Falls) . . 1 Oxford Mills 1 Portage du Fort Copper CliflF . . Pembroke . . . . , . 1 Sawyerville . . . . 1 Gaspii Ottawa (McLeod Street) 3 Montreal (Westmount) . . S Eganville . . . . . . 3 Montreal (Sherbrooke Street) . . 3 Montreal (St. Henri and Cote St. Paul) 1 Montreal 1890 Garvin, John 1875 Geolfroy, Antoine E., Sup'd. . Chelmsford Combermere . . Cape Ozo and Anticosti Athens . . Clarenceville . . Cookshire Principal, Stanstead Wesleyan Coll Stella South Stukely Sutton . . Sutton . . Quyon, Que. Montreal Centre (French Mission )North Wakefield, Que.).. '2 ii 3 2 4 2 2 ;) 1896] LIST OF MINISTERS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. 57 1875 Oibsoii, "^ohn . . 1804 Greaves, R. Henry . . 18()8 Grenfell, John . . 18G4 Griffith, Thomaa, M.A. Ph.D. ISO.") Hagar, Joseph M., M.A. 1891 Hall, Isaac 1S91 Halpenny, William . . 1893 Halpenny, E. W 189.5 Hamilton, W. A 1S50 Hammond, Richard M., Su'p'd 1886 Hanna, Wm. A 1854 Harris, Thomas, .Sup'd 1885 Harris, Wm., M.A., B.D., Bursar, and Professor of Church HUtory, IVesleyan Theolotjiecd College 1895 Harton, S. L. W 1891 Hart well, George R., j.A., B.D. . . 1864 Henderson, Wm. — Henderson, W. G. 18,8 Hewitt, Wm. J., Sup'd 188.3 Hicks, James B., B A. 1891 Hill, Harry , . isTl Hiscocks, John, Sup'y 1890 Hodgson, Jonathan R. 1860 Holmes, John, Sup'd. . 1871 Holmes, A. Lee, M.A. IStiO Howard, Eratus S. . . 1.S86 Howitt, Wm., B.A., B.D. 1896 Hughes, Jacob I. 1871 Hughes, Silas J., M.A. 1889 Humphrey, James Wesley 1856 Hunter, W. J., D.D., Ph.D., Sup'd. 18.50 Huntington, Silas 1888 HuxtaVle, Charles 1855 Huxtable, George G. . . 1862 jRokson, Wm., D.D. .. 1872 Jamieson, Wm. S., M.A. 1884 Johnston, Alex. B. 1889 Jones, Alfred Thomas 1895 Jones, 8. H 1888 Jourdan, Philip A. . . 1890 Kelly, E. Richardson. . 1878 Kendall, Sidney C, Sup'd 1S94 Keodgh, W. T., B.A.. 1896 Kilborn, Omar L., M.D. 1894 Knapp, A. E 18711 Knox, William lf*7;i Krupp, Henry.. Sudbury Wesleyan Theological College Kingston ( Brock Street) Brockville (Wall Strcp^) Prescott Lancaster Wesleyan Theological College Wesleyan Theological College Warren . . Kingston (Queen Street) Clayton . . Montreal (Sherbrooke Street) 1SS3 Larmour, Jas., B.A,, B.D., Ph.D. 18!i."i Lttwson, Hlwood lM7S I.awson, James lS9;f Lennon, \\. .S . . KSM) Lett, Francis (4. lS(i7 Lidstone, Joseph E. .. 1892 Lough, Daniel A., S.T.L. Montreal (Douglf* Church) . Powaesan (Trout Crcok) Brockville (George Street) (Mission ary to China) Cowansville Brockville (George Street) . Quebec 'Leeds, England) Aultsville Lake Talon Lachute . . Island Brook . . Kingston (.Sydenham Street) Coaticook Phillipsburg East Sutton . . Cardinal Ottawa East Lawrenceville . . Montreal (Dominion Square) Nipisaing Junction Lanark . . Perth Gananoque Sydenham Pittsburg Windsor Mills. . Agnes \A ebbwt Montreal (Dorchester Street) Quebec . . Rawdon Kingston (Queen Street) (Missionary to China) . . Wesleyan Theological College Ashtou . . Rioeville Cobden . . Opinicon North Augusta Mascouche Rapids Iroquois MatiKUi ^lontreal South 2 I I 3 1 3 I 2 2 8 1 3 5 1 6 1 1 5 1 1 20 2 3 3 4 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 I 3 1 3 2 1 58 LIST OF MINISTERS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. [1896 1877 Mansell, Thomas J. . . . Montreal (Doniinnn Square) 1 1857 Mark, Robert, M.U., Sup'd.. 1886 Massicotte, Leopold, S.T.L. . . . Ottawa Centre. . .. 14 .. Actonvale (French Mission) 4 1852 Maudsley, S. E., Sup'd . . Hudson . . 4 1870 Mavety, John E . . Grauby . . , . 1 1874 McAmmond, Foster, B.A. . . . . Winchester 2 1893 McAmmond, K. B . . Montague (Franktown) '2 1861 McAmmond, Tliomaa. . . . South Mountain 2 1861 MoCann, Alfred . . Kemptville 2 1888 McConnell, James H. . . . Eaton I 1891 McConnell, Robt. C, B.A. .. Grantley .. 1 1850 McRitchie, George . . Aylmer .. 3 1S91 Meredith, Thomas .. . . Verona . . 2 1879 Meyer, Fred. \V. A , M.A., Ph.B . . Richmond, Ont. 2 1871 Meyers, Henry . . Ormstown '.'. 1 1859 Might, Samuel, Sup'd . . Smith's Falls 4 1894 Miller, J. H , Pittsburg .. 2 1896 Miller, Robert H . . Arundel and Ponsouby .. 1 1890 Mills, Arthur \V Sharbot Lake . . 1 1893 Mick,!) . . Wesleyan Theological CoUeg e ..2 1S9'2 Morrison, Edmund S.. . . Three Rivers . . .. 1 18S9 Mossop, George . . Leeds . .. 3 1885 Murray, J. Holt . . Marbleton .. 3 1889 Nelson, Isaac . . East Bolton . . .. 3 1895 Xewton, S. F . . Clarendon . 1 1861 O'Hara, James, Sup'd . . Klginburg . . .. 1 1893 Oke, Jno. J . . Oka (Indian Mission). . 3 1S()9 Oliver, Robt. F . . Nepean . . .) 1868 Orser, A. R., Sup'd .. . . Ganano(|ue .. 4 1890 Osborne, Heman S., B.A. . . . . Berwick ., 1 1855 Parent, Amand, Sup'd . . Waterloo .. 10 1891 Pates, A. E . . Little Metis .. 1 1SS6 Patton, W. M., B.D., Prof. of Hebrew, \Vi:.-itcyan Theo. CoUf(ie, Montreal (Sherbrooke Street .. 4 1S7'2 Pearson, Wm . . Huntingdon 1 1849 Peck, Wm , S-.p'd . . Kingston iQueen Street) t) 1890 Peever, Richard G., S.T.L. . . . Westmeath .. 2 1893 Pergau, Paul, B.A . . Minton . . .. 2 1871 Perley, Wm. F . . Lyn .. 3 1874 Phillips, A. M.,B.D .. Montreal (Douglas Church). .. 3 1895 Pliillips, F. T .. Vankleek Hill .. 1 1863 Phillips, S. B., Sup'd.. . . Lyn ... .. « 1872 Philp, Wm., B.A., B.D. . Spencerville 1 1878 Pierce, Barry . . Augusta . . Addison .. 1 IS84 Pimlott, Wm .. '2 1877 Pinel, Joseph, S.T.L.. . . Montreal ' 1863 Pitcher, J. Tallman . . . . Stanstcad 3 1891 Pletts, James . . B-vttersea •} 1874 Porter, Geo. H., M.A., B.D. . . St. John's i 1894 Powell, T . . Conimanda .) 1873 Poyser, George C, F.T.L. . . . . Delta ' . 3 1873 Pjke, Wm . . Bishop's Mills .. 1 1892 Quincey, John Andrew . . Arundel and Ponsonby .. ' 1831 Quinn, Samuel . . Hendersonville . . 1 1883 Radley, A. A . . .Sawyerville .. 3 1865 Raney, Wm . . Carleton Place . 1 1893 Rauey, W. H., B.A . . Robinson ■1 1S78 Read, FA . . Lennoxville !* 1 1896] LIST OF MINISTERS, MONTREAL CONFERENCE. 51) 1S70 lSli8 \sU ISSO 1S73 ISliO 1SS9 ISliS KsSl 1S75 IsS!) 1S(5'-' bli.'J is:3 1S!)5 iss; ISOl KsiiS 18.36 1884 1SS7 1S76 1SG8 ISfi") Ih.-),) 1801 ISUli ISlU 187:2 1800 1870 lSi)2 |8S+ 1>77 1874 ISfll iS8;{ iS7:i 1890 1S78 1S90 1890 18(14 1878 1890 1843 1873 1877 18,")8 is(i;i 1891 189(i 1871 ISO") 1872 1890 1873 1886 Ronnie, The J. , SupV . . lleynolils, Francis C. . . Reynolds, George S, . . Reynolds, \Vm. E Richards, Thomas H . Richardson, James E. . Richardson, Peter L. , B.A., B.l). Professor, Wmkyan Theo. Coll'iji Rilance, W'm. . . Roadhouse, Job Robertson, Arch. G. . . Robeson, J. B . . Robinson, Fred. G. . . Robinson, Rii hard Rogers, George Rose, Samuel P., D.D. Rowan, W. L. , . Roy, Louis E. . . Roy, Telesphore Runnells, A. E. Ryan, Wm. W Ryckman, E.B., M.A., D.D. Waterloo (Walter's Falls, Out.) Montreal (Lagauchetiere Street) Mallorylown . . Lansdowne Metcalfe North Gower . . Montreal (Douglas Church) Cardinal Play fair. . F.scott Harrowsmith . . Mattawa L>auville Almonte Montreal (.St. James Church) Wesleyan Theological College Roxton Pond (French Mission) Montreal West (French Mission) Abbottsf ord Chambly Canton Kingston (Queen Street) Sadler, Mitchell, Sup'y Sanderson, A.E., S.T.L. Sanderson, 1). Cook . . Saunders, Jabez B. , M.D. Scanlon, John . . Scott, W. L., Sup'd. .. .Seller, Johnson Service, Wm . .Shaw, Wm.,L, M.A., D.D., Princijial, WeiUyan Theo, Shibley, Samuel Short, Wm., Sup'd. .. Shortt, Wm. K., M,A. Simpson, James .Smith, Isaac C. Smith, Robt. . . Smith, Wm. .Smith, Wm. T. Snell, George W. Sparling, Wm., B.A., B.D. . Sparling, Wm. H., R.A. . Stafford, George Starr, J. E Stevens, Wm. H, Stevenson, John Stewart, John H. Stilwell, Reuben .Sykes, Chas. A. Tag«art, Charles, Sup'd Taylor, Ernest M., M.A. Taylor, Melvin Teeson, Samuel Tennant, Elisha, Sup'd. Thomas, Ernest Thompson, Basil W. . . Timberlake, Wm. Tippett, E. H Topping, Nassau B. . . Tory, H. M., B.A., B.D. . Tredrea, J. M. Tripp, Fred Montreal West (French M'ssion) . . West Brome . . Montreal (Centenary; . . Ottawa Centre . . , . Athens . . . . Ottawa Centre. . . Greenwood (Mickhburg) . . Inkerman LL.D., College Montreal (Dominion Square) . . King8t Hart, V. R Starrat 1 b.'pS Hartley, ( Jeorge, Sup'd Owen .Sound 1 IS.m!) Hassard, Wm. K., 15. A Avening 3 1871 Henderson, James, D.D. Toronto, Mission Rooms 1 1SS8 Henderson, Albert E Rosseau 2 1S.")S Herridge, Wni. , Sup'd Hrampton, St. Paul's 6 ISTl) Hewitt, (leo. W., AI. A ISruce Mines 3 1S7.J Hill, Lewis W., B.A., Sec. of Conf. . Toronto Junction 3 isSO Hincks, Wm. H., LL.B Toronto, Queen Street ... 2 1S,')0 Hodgson, John, Sup'd Toronto, Woodgreen 2 IStiO Holmes, John H., Sup'y Toronto, Queen Street 8 isTI Howson, Wm. G Meaford 1 IS90 Hudson, Albert O. , B. A Barrie, Elizabeth Street 1 18,kS Hughan, Wm. S., Sup'd AUiston. . 10 18Si) Humphreys, John S Priceville 1 1814 Hunt, John, Sup'd Toronto, Metropolitan 12 ISS'J Hunt, Geo. S Stayner 1 1872 Husband, Robert J Palgrave 1 1892 Ingram, Thomas Owen Sound .... 1 1891 Jackson, John A At College 3 lS9."i Jeffrey, Charles B Malton 1 18715 Johnston, C. Toronto, Bathurst Street . . 2 1S82 Jones, Philip Coldwater 3 18(i2 Jones, Cornelius A., Sup'd Toronto, King Street 3 1873 Keam, Frank C Beeton and Tottenham 2 1889 Kemp, H. E. W Homing's Mills 1 18,"i(i Keough, Thos. S., Sup'y Toronto, Wesley 9 1874 Kerr, J. McD.. Evangelist Toronto, Agnes Street 1 1S94 Kerr, Samuel Ophir 1 i 1870 Lanceley, J. E., Chairman 1857 Langford, Alexander, Pres. of Conf . Chairman 1871 Langford, Charles iss!) Langford, Frederick, B.A,, B.D. . . . 1S7.') Laidlaw, Wm. H 1889 Laker, Edward C ISiiO Large, Richard 1893 Large, R. S. E., B. A 18."),") Latimer, J. F., Sup'y ISSS Latter, A. P 1891 Lawrwice, George 189;! Lawrence, Charles l'<7) Lawrence, John ISSl Learoyd, Wm. H istiO Lee, Gro. F., Sup'd b8'.' Li-v ;Tu"bcrt Brampton, Grace Church 2 Orangeville 2 Mono Road 2 Gravenhurst 3 Port Carling 1 Don Wills 3 Innisfil 1 At College 1 Toronto, McCaul Street 6 Alton 3 At College 2 At College 1 Rama 2 Epsom 2 AUiston 11 Temperanceyille 1 64 LIST OF MINISTEllH, TOUONTO CONFERENCE. 1H9(( 1861 187.S ISSl 1890 1H6-) 1881 1850 1885 1893 1S6(.) 1875 1801 1800 1834 18H9 18S3 1870 1801 1800 1801 1870 1854 1874 1890 1893 1879 1885 1891 1894 1880 1894 ISol 1800 1895 1891 188S 1895 Leeoh, George, Sup'd Davenport 1 LL'givte, Thomas Maxwell ■> Leonard, Thomas Queensville 2 Livingstone, K. J., B. A., M.B African Missionary 2 Locke, Joseph H Toronto, Simpson Avenue 1 Locke, Jolm Hratlford 2 Lomas, Wm,, Sup'd Toronto, Carlton Street '.'3 Long, James A Kosemont 2 Loree, Wm. H Novar 1 Lucas, D. v., D. D. , Sup'd Toronto, Kim, Street 1 Madden, W. H Maaee, H. S Maiian, .John Manly, John (i., Sup'y Manning, Henry M., Chairman .... Manuinv, Charles E., Chairman. , . . Marshall, Wm. (i Martin, Alexander, Siip'd Matheson, James, Sup d Matthews, H. S., Chairman Mutcalf, James F Milner, John, Sup'd Moore, Herman, Chairman Moore, Wm. H More, John H Morgan, John Morris, John T McAteer, Thos. G MoBrien, E. W McCuUoch, George McDopnld, Peter A McDowell, Henry, Sup'd MoKee, Robert McKenzie, A MoKinley, Geo., B.D., Fin. Sec McLaughlin, J.F., M.A., B.D., Pro/ McNeil, A Rtoliicoke 2 Manitowaning 1 Flesherton 2 Toronto, Yonge Street 23 L'xbridge 3 Sault Ste. Marie 3 Magnetawan 1 Toronto, Euclid Avenue 1 Toronto 1 Newmarket 1 Without a station 7 Toronto, Trinity 7 Bracebridge Dorset 1 At College ThornhilT J Davenport 1 At College 2 Newtonbrook 1 Richmond Hill 1 Unionville 1 Aurora 6 Westmoreland 1 Fort Finley 1 ^IcKellar 2 Victoria University 5 Severn Bridge I 1893 Neil, T. Wm Scarboro' 1 1884 Nixon, William Oro Station 3 1890 Noble, S. G Without a station 1 1892 Norman, Daniel At College 3 1 895 Nurse, Frederick Warminster 1 1 869 Ockley, J. F. . Chairman Toronto, Euclid Avenue 3 1870 Odery, Joseph Toronto, Berkeley Street 3 1881 Oke, John H Whitevale 2 1889 Oliver, Joseph H Cooksville 1 1856 Parker, W. R., D.D Toronto, Yonge Street 1 1893 Partridce, H. L At College :' PauU, Ernest F. , Sup'd Toronto, Centennial 3 Paul, Andrew J., B.A., B.D Richmond Hill ^ 1 Peacock, Percy At College i 1 Peacock, George At College 1 Pearen, Jas. A. , M. A Davisville 3 1S62 Pearson, M. L., Chairmin Barrie, Collier Street 2 1889 Pearson, E. A., B A N-rt-innbrook ... 3 187'2 Pepper, John, B. A Heathoote 1 1862 Perry, Charles E Mimico 2 1896 Petch, John A Korah, Goulais Bay I 1860 Pickett, T. W Willowdale 2 1883 1891 18P5 1894 1867 WM] LIST OF MINISTERS, TORONTO CONFERENCE. 06" bss riunkett, J. V Now Lf,«rell I isirt I'otter, Win. A -At College 1 ]\i' I'otts, John, D.I)., Sec. qf Education Toronto, Trinity 10 IMil I'owell, (iiduon L iSuttoii West i l>i;(l Power, John Vroomanton 3 |sii:t isTr isvj isiiT is:,l is,v.> ISIKI isiil IMil ls!W 1SS() istio iss;t isd'i 18:>3 1S.W IS! I'.' m.i W>i '.S!M 1H8'< \<7 1874 1879 188-2 ISlid lV,iO 1889 1S92 Adam, Alex. L Foxboro' 3 Adams, C Flii.ton 2 Adams, R. N. , Fin. Sec Caunifton 3 Adams, W. H Orono 1 Allen, H. I Columbus 2 Allin, R Bethany 3 Anderson, F. J Cambray 3 Anderson, J Belleville '2 .Inderson, J. C South Dummer 1 Anderson, R. S Reserve List 1 Anderson, T. H. P Point Traverse 1 Kudgley, E. I., M.A., LL.i:., Prof., I'.alfour, I) llamfoi-th, R Barnes, J., B.A Bartlett, S. T. , Fin. Sec Biites, M. J. , Con/irence Evawjeliat, . liatstone, J Hayley, H. E., B.A Beer, W. C Bell, J. C Berry, J. P Bird, W., Sup'd Hodle, Ci., Sup'v Hoyce, W. S. P' Bi-own, A. L lliowne, (1., Sup'd Brown, (.' Blown, T Buckler, W. H liurwash, N., S.T.D., LL.I)., Chanc. r.utler. J. R., Fin. Sec Banner, W. A Bunner, J. \V Viotoiia College, Toronto 26 Marmora 4 Hallowell I Kinmount 1 (,'obourg 3 I 'obourg 7 Coe Hill 1 Napanee 1 Peterboro', Mark Street 3 \Vellinp;ton 1 College 1 Belleville 41 Belleville — College 4 Bancroft '2 Claremont 1 Madoc 4 Queensboro' 1 Demorestville 3 Victoria College, Toronto 30 Roblin 3 Myrtle , 1 Haliburton 1 lS.i-2 Cade, R Belleville 2 1S6,1 Ciunpbell, A., Sup'd Belleville 2 ^o-l Cumpbell, A. R., Sup'()() Hudgins, W. G., Sup'd Belleville 1 ls.-),j Hull, T. R., Sup'y Port Hope 15 1S04 Irwin, A. M Welcome I lS(i9 .Jewell, J. A., B.A., Fin. Sec Hastings 3 1808 .Johnston, W., Ckairman Trenton 3 18(57 Johnston, R , Sup'd Bethany 8 KS73 Johnston, F Welcome I 181)7 Jolliffe, T. W Colborne 1 Is.'iS Jiilliffe, W. , Sup'>7" i>«:4 ;Ni'.' 1S73 Ivsl 187-.' ISH-J 1S,">(I IMII \s\2 1N77 187,'t 1871 18(i7 Ladu, S. W., Sup'd Coral, Mich., U.S 1(1 Lambly, O. R., M.A.,D.D Brooklin 1 Laughlin, W. A Stanhope 1 I.eggoft, T. W., Fin. Sec Claremont 1 Leigh, M. W., B. A Vennachar 1 Leitch, R. H Greenbank Lewis, H. T., B.A Orono 1 Lewis, J. G., B.A. , Chairman Tamworth Liddy, J Keene Limbert, W Selby . I 1 Madden, D. B., Sup'd Mallett, A. W Mallett, J. H Marsh, R. W., Sup'd Marvin, ii. W., ^1.A., B.D., Ph.D. Manning, T. A., B.A., Chairman .. .Njaybee, A. C, Sup'd Mearing, C Mears, J. F Metherell, M Meyers, T., Sup'd Miller, A. D., Sup'd .Moore, S. C .\loran, J. X .Mounteer, H. V Md'amu-. D. N .\Il'( amus, J. A McCauley, '^ . . MoCuUoch, R., Fin. Sec Prince Albert 20 I^eft without station (Peterboro') . , 5 Scugog 2 Belleville 1 South Darlington 2 Whitby 3 Belleville 13 Cressy I Plainville 4 Dunsford 4 Belleville 3 Pioton .'.... 7 Bobcaygeon 2 /■ ■.)«lia8l)urg 2 ."^niitl.fleM 4 Port Perry 2 Xorwood 2 Oakwood 3 Ncwburgh 3 70 LISr OF MINISTERS, BAY OF QUIXTE CONFERENCE. [1S9G 1S88 McColl, G. W., B. A., B.D., /'in. Sec. Oshawa 2 1893 McConnell, G College 1 18G6 McDiarmid, \. A., Chaiiinan Napauee East 3 184U McDowell, D.C., Sup'd Bowmaiu ille fi iSO!) iMoDoaakl, T. H Greenwooil and Pickering I 1808 McFarlane, J Warkworth S 1870 Mclntyrc, C. E Belleville 1 18T(i McKee, T. S South Monagliau ;) 1881 MoMuUen, J. S Atheiley 3 1871 Mc(^iuade, H. HavelocU ■> 1893 Xeville, P. H College . 1890 Nickle, G Ivauhoe. 1870 1891 1858 1881 1838 185() 1 SfiS 1895 1890 1894 1882 1879 186-' 1803 1858 1873 18(U 1892 1882 1592 1891 1882 1868 185? 1855 1854 1874 1890 1871 1857 1895 1890 1858 1873 18(17 1890 1882 1895 1878 1892 1894 i8'!0 1890 Paiker, C, Chairman.. Peake, J. R Peake, \V. H Phelps, L Philp, S. C, Sup'd . . Philp, S, C. , jun Pope, R. M Potts, G. H Price, Wilbur T Puffer, T. W Bowmanville 4 Minden 1 Xorhain 'J Millbrook '.' Prince Albert 23 Canton 1 Morven 1 Harvey 1 Reserve List 1 Maynooth 1 Rae, J. J., Fin. Sue Real J. R Reynar, A. H., M.A., LL.D., Prof. Rice, J. J Roberts, E. , Chairman Robeson, J . E Robinson, G Rogel'rf, \V. P Horke, S. G Ross, G. E Rowe, H. B Peterboro', Charlotte Street Woodville Victoria C^ollege Centreville Belleville Salem Warsaw College . Enniskillen Dalrymplo 3 1 31 2 1 Eldorado 2 Sanders, W. J Bayside 1 Sanderson, E. A Blairton - Sanderson, R. , Sup'd Wilton . ^ Sanderson, W., Sup'd Redueraville . IS Scales, V;., Sup'd Oshawa ."^ Seccombe, W. B Odessa 3 Sexsmith, M. E Bridgewater •' Sexsmith, W. V Pontypeol - Seymour, J. C, Sup'd Paisley 3 Shepherd, C. H Ompah 1 Shier, J. W Bobcaygeon 1 Shorey, E. S Adolphuatown 3 Shorey, S. J. , Chairman Lindsay 3 Sing, S Northport . 1 Smith, \V. E., M.D Missionary to China 1 Snowden, T Bay - .Spence, H. S., B. A Apalcy ' Steel, T. P Fenelon Falls 2 Stillman, R. F College ' Stratton, CM College - Stratton, F. B., Fin. Sec Little Britain 1 Strike, A. J. H Carrying Place 3 1879 Tavlor, A Newcastle. . . 1895 Terrill, A. J., B.A Bridgenorth. 1875 Thorn, J., B.A Welcome . . . 189G] LIST OF MINISTERS, BAY OF QUINTE CONFERENCE. 71 iS7:i Thomas, H Castleton 2 ISTO Thompson, C. L . Stirling 3 ISilo Tink, S. J North Marmora 1 1S.'):< Tomblin, \V Alderville 1 187;! Tonkin, E. A Milford 3 l^O.") Totten, J. W., Fi7i. Sec Lindsay, Queen Street 3 ISn.i Tucker, S. T College 1 ISSd Tucker, W. B., B. A Manilla 1 ISSl Tucker, W. B., Ph.D Bath 2 lS(il Tucker, W. , Sup'd Manilla 1 KSO.-) IST.J 1S78 1H'J2 1S4S 1S!».'> ISiXi ISO.) ISSO 1H7(> 1S()() ISd'. lS(i-' iss:? 1SS9 184,') 1882 |874 1853 1884 187:{ isio SVagg, \V. W Vennachar 1 Watch, C. W. , Fin. Sec Brighton 3 Weatherill, W. J Prince Albert 1 White, F. VV., B. A St. Ola, 2 Whitlock, J. , Sup'd Scugog 2 Whyte, J. M. , 13. A Newburgh 1 Wiokett, W. T Mountain Grove 2 Wight, L. S College 1 Wilkinson, J. W Frankford 1 Williams, D Flainfield 3 Willmott, J. C, M.A Sidney 1 Wilson, A. C Tyrone 3 Wilson, J. C, Chairman Tweed 3 Wilson, .]. P., B.A Oshawa I Wilson, J. S. L, B. A Wilfrid 3 Wilson, D. , Sup'd Napanee 25 Wilson, M. E Baltimore 3 Wilson, W. 1). P Hilton 3 Woodcock, E. , Sup'd Belleville '3 Woodger, W. F Wooler 2 Workman, G. C, Ph.D Cobourg 15 Wright, A , Sup'd Hastings 10 KSiiS Young, W. J., Fin. Sec, Sec. of Con. Cherry Valley 1S77 Young, W. R., B.A., Chairman. . . . I'eterboro', George Street. i^ 4 LIST OF MINISTERS, HAMILTON CONFERENCE. The figures at the beginning of the lines show the year in which each MinUter •commenced his ministry, and those at the end denote the year on his charge. Post Offices in brackets, when the names of the Circuit or Station is not the P. O. address. 1868 Adams, Ezra, Sup'd . . 184'J Ames, \Vm., Sup'd .. 1865 Amy, Thomas . . 1869 Archer, Joseph 1869 Athoe, Thomas 1877 Atkins, Thomas J., Fin. 1855 Auld, David, Sup'd . Sec 1887 Baillie, James E. 8. .. 1894 Barker, George W. . 1865 Bell, J. Parker 1895 Bell, Robert H. 1883 Bennett, Clifford T., B. A., Chairman 1868 Bielby, W. M 1875 Jiowers, Alfred A., B.A. 1883 Bowlby, Charles L 1870 Boyd, Thomas 1891 Brand, Henry 1877 Brandon, \Vm. J. 1860 Brethour, 1>. L., Ph.D. 1858 Bristol, Burntc^s, Sup'd 1863 Brown, W. G., I\?.A., .Sup'd 1S53 Bryers, \Vm., Sup'd . . 1860 Burns, Alex,, S.T.D., LL.D. . 1871 Burns, Kobt., Ph.B 1883 Caldwell, Henry, S.T.L. 1869 Calvert, George W., Chairman 1890 Calvert, Reuben, S.T.L. 1883 Carpenter, George 1867 Carson, Robert 1880 Cassidy, Francis A., M.A. . . 1861 (yas.son, Wesley, Fin. Sec. 1844 Caswell, James, Sup'd. 1891 Caswell, W. C ISiH Cavers, Chas. A 1860 Chalmers, David 1868 Charlton, Jamet, Fin. Sec. 1892 Christie, Hcrbeit B 1866 Clark, (ieorge, 'h.D., Fin. Stc. 1853 Clarke, Audrew, Sup'd. 1878 Clarke, E. J Courtland Woodstock Nassagaweya . . Louth and Grantham (St. Catharines Lynden . . Ingersoll, Charles Street Georgetown Marsville Victoria University, Toronto Fenwick Drumbo and Richwood Port Dover Saugeen (Chippawa Hill) Ridgeway Peel (Glenallen) Jarvis Clavering Port Rowan Hamilton, Zion Tabernacle . . Jerseyville Hamilton Acton . . Hamilton, Wea. Ladies' College Hamilton, Simcoe Street Ker (Abingdon) Oakville Walsingham Centre . . Strathallaii Kemble . . St. Catharines, St. Paul Street Dunnville Grimsby Victoria University, Toronto Tobermory Cainaville Hanover St. Catharines, Niagara Street Thorold Hanover Ancaater I 10 I 1 2 1 i 2 i 1 1 3 13 2 4 19 18961 LIST OF MINISTERS, HAMILTON COXFERENCE. 7.3 ich Minieter 1 his charge, n is not the 1H75 1S73 1871 1J94 1840 IS51 1S()2 1802 l.sliS 1»'J4 1877 186') 1874 1870 18J8 1877 1887 1835 1891 i8'j:) IS'ifi 1882 isfll 1868 1861 1868 Ksr.Q 1876 1873 1888 1893 1893 1895 1870 1854 Clarke, T. R Clement, Ephraim, Sup'd. Cohoe, B. L. . . Cole, Charles G. F. . . Coleman, Francis, Sup'd. Collamore, Owen G., Sup'd Colling, Joseph S., Fin. Sec. Colling, Thomas, B.A. Collins, James H. Colwell, Andrew E, . . Cook, Henry A. Cookman, Christopher Cooley, John W. Corcoran, John S. Cornish, Geo. H., LL.D. Coseng, Charles W, . Couch, S. G. Crane, Isaac, Sup'd. . . Crawford, A. W., B.A. Crosby, Arthur H. Cross, Wm., Sup'd , . Crowle, Fred. W., AI.A. Culp, .Josephus Cutler, J. B., Sup'd .. Danard, W. B. Davey, Robert, Chairman Davis, J. T., Sup'd .. Deacon, Charles Dobson, C. J., B.D., Chairman Dougall, Hugh Shaw, H.A., B D. Down, George W. Doyle, John A. Draper, CD 1 )uff, Robert . . Dyer, James E., Sup'd 1883 Dyke, Jabez H. 1870 Ecker, Daniel . . 1894 Eddy, Arthur C, B.A. 1870 Elliott, Robert J. 1895 Factiy, Robert A. ls>9 Falli's, Samuel W. 1870 I'erjiiison, .JameE l''fi3 i\:,,.'usson, George 1 >SI) Flagg, Edwin L., B.D. Is7(i Foote, James G. 18."i:! Forman, Richard J., Sup'd 1>72 Fydell, Thomiis R. 1848 (larner, John, Sup'd . ISSl (Jarnham, Wm. it., B.A. . 1874 Gee, Abraham L., I'h.B., Fin. .See 1872 Cue, Thomas, Suji'd . . lS."i(l (ierman, John \\'Bsley, Sup 18.'.'i (ierman, Peter, Sup'd 18(15 (4ilpiu, John M. 18!)2 (Jilpin, Victor J. Isn liliizier, Adam. . 1850 Goodwin, .James, Sup'd 1S72 Grandy, Thomas \y.n (ireon, Robert (t. 1N47 GrilHn, Wm. S., D.D. ,. Trafalgar (Omagh) . . Tilsonburg o 4 . Spriugford 1 . . Victoria University, Toronto 1 . . Hamilton . 19 . . Kcwanee, 111, . . . 4 . . Elmira . . 3 . . Paisley . . 2 . , Dereham (Dereham Centre) . . . 1 . , (irand Valley (Monticello) . . 1 . . Oxford Centre . . ■•' . . Burford and Fairfield . 2 . . St. George 2 . . South Cayuga . . 2 . . Niagara . . 1 . . Beamsville . 2 . . Elmwood . . 3 . . Woodstock 2 . . Brantford, Huron Street 2 . . Erin 1 . . Cainsville (9 Grove Ave., Toronto). . 12 .. Fonthill 1 .. Sheffield 3 . . Smithville . 5 . . Cape Croker 2 , . Chesley 4 . Ingersoll 1 . . Wnterdown 1 .. Wetland 4 . . Stamford and St. David's . . 1 . . Wes. Theo. College, Montreal 1 . . Victoria University, Toronto 2 . . Townsend 1 . . Bellwood 1 . . Stony Creek (585 Markham Street, Toronto) 7 . . Norval . . 1 . . Teviotdale 2 . . Without a station 1 . . Burlington 3 . . O.vford Centre (Currie's Crossing) . 1 . York 2 . . Southampton . . 3 . . Binbrook 1 . . Coiu'tlaud I . . Cayuga . . 3 . . Grimsby 1 . . Minto (Harriston) 2 . . Hauover . . : . 13 . . P>in 2 , . Hamilton, Emerald .Street 3 .. Al,ua(Rossland, B.C.) 2 . Benin 6 .. Cainsville (Echo Place) . If. . . Stilton . . 3 . Everton . . 1 . . (->nondaga 1 . . (irinisby 8 . . C«i9torvillo 1 . . Springford 1 .. (iuelphfWes. Buildings, Toronto) . 4 74 LIST OF MINISTERS, HAMILTON CONFERENCE. [189(3 1S(I,> Haith, Johu M. 1S77 Hall, Harvey M 1S58 Hall, Henry, Sup'y .. 1S7() Hall, Theophihis, Sup'y 1887 Hamilton, Andrew, B.A., B.D. ISod Hamilton, Christopher, Sup'd 1890 Harnwell, H. J 1S51 >Iarris, James, Sup'd. . 1.559 Harvey, Wm. H., B.A. l,Si.3 Haynes, Frederick, Sup'y . . 1577 Hazlewooil, iJa.s. H. . 1S74 Henders, Richard C, Sup'd. . 1S57 Henderson, AVm. C, M.A., D.D. 1,S71 Hill, Henry K 18.")G Hilts, Joseph, Sup'd . . 184 4 Histon, John, .Sup'd . . 1S79 Hockey, John E., Fin. Sec. . . 1578 Holden, Samuel \V. .. 1891 HoUinrake, F. W., B.A. .. 1895 Holmes, Charles? 1892 Holmes, James H. 1888 Honey, Geo. E., B.A., B.D. 18.55 Hough, John, Sup'd. 1855 Howard, Thomas S. , Sup'd. 18()4 Howell, Jacob E., M.A. . , 18.54 Hunt, David, Sup'd .. 1887 Irwin, Alexander J., B.A. .. 1S68 Isaac, John R. 1877 Jackson, J. A., Fin. Sec. 1S()7 Jack.son, Thomas W. 1879 Jamieson, Walter S., Fin. Sec. 1847 Jefferis, Thomas .M., Sup'd. 1894 Johnston, Alfred J. ;. . 1891 Johnston, Geo. W. 1871 Jolley, W. C, Sup'y . 1802 Kappelle, Stephen, Sup'd. .. 18()-2 Kav, John 189,3 Kay, J. Fred., B.A 1879 Kearns, David, Sup'd. 1891 Keefer, Robert 1871 Kelly, D. Ward, Sup'd. 1882 Kelly, Samuel Judaon 1886 Kelly, T. Webster, B.A. . . I>i73 Kennedy, Albert 1867 Kennedy, James H. .. 1881 Kerby, (ieorge W., B.A. . . 1883 Kerruish, Thomas L. 1872 Kestle, James 1872 Kettlewell, William, Chairman 1892 Kitching, John W. . 1890 Laid man, Samuel A. . . 1862 Laird, James, Sup'd. . . 1894 Lavell, Alfred E., M.A. 1844 Lawrence, George, Sup'd. . . 1.560 Leith, Hamilton, Sup'd. 1875 Linscott, T. S., Sup'y. 1884 Livingston, Henry G.. 1879 Lounds, George. 1849 Lounsbury, Edward, Sup'd . . . Jarvis . 1 . . Millgrove 1 . . Arkwright 2a . . Tara •> . . Mount rieasant (Mohawk) . . i) . . Palmerston (22 Shannon St. Torontc } 2 . . Hepworth 2 . . Guelph, Dublin Street . 5 . , Clifford . . Beamsville . . , , , , -, '. 22 . . Paris . . . 1 . . Hamilton . . . , >) . . Berlin .' 1 . . Freelton . . Dundas - . fjurlington '. 15 . , Waterdowu 1 . . Arkwright 2 . . Hamilton, liarbai Street S . . Otter ville 1 . . Victoria University, Toronto •2 . . Wellandport . . (iuelph, Norfolk Street 1 4 . . Hagersville 4 . . Acton . . ,S .. Woo.lstock (RoHa, S.D., U.S.A.) . . 3 •• Ayr . 1 . . Holstein . . Harriston . . .... . 2 . . Fergus . . . . Tara '. '] . . Oakville . HI . . Alma . 1 . . Colpoy's Bay 2 . . Norwich '. I . . Hamilton (42 I'ark Road, Toronto.) 9 . . Hamilton, Hannah Street . . 3 . . Port Robinson 1 .. Freelton (Corwhin, Man.) 1 .. Wellesley (Linwood) . . 1 . . Norwich 3 . (ilanford . 3 . Palermo 1 . . Princeton . . Hamilton 1 , . St. Catharines, Welland Avenue 3 . . Port Elgin 1 . . Rockwood . 2 .. Gait 1 . . Varney (Durham) 1 . . Kelvin . ] Caledonia . 4 . . Rockford 1 . . Ingersoll . 21 . . Hamilton . 5 . . Brantford , 17 . . Caledonia . 1 . . Grand Valley . . 2 Hamilton '. n 1896] LIST OF MINISTERS, HAMILTON CONFEIIENCE. 75 .. 1 KSitO 1 !S.j4 . 2a l.Sfll o 1SS8 •') ISilO oronto) '-' isr)4 2 IS! 14 .. 6 l.SNS 2 isiM '.'. 22 l.S',11 1 1 S,")(i I.SII,) .; i ISIi.") 2 IsTii ... * iNO'i .. 15 is;i 1 isso l!Si)2 ' ii 1S72 1 lS-)() •2 ISOl '.'. 1 ISliS 4 KSU3 4 IS'J') 3 18,S0 «.A.).. 3 19 1 9 3 1 7 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 Mag wood, Wesley J . . Miirkham, Joseph, Sup'd, Marshall, Charles M. . . Marshall, Edson E., B.A. Marshall, Sandford E., B.A., B.D Massou, James, Sup'd. Masson, \Vm. Dalton . . Matliors, Francis M., S.T, Maudson, George A Miller, Amasa B. Miller, (!eorge, Sup'd. Misener, Austin P. Mitchell, George A., B.A Moir, David A., B.I).. Monsinger, Henry Moouey, James Moore, T. Albert, Chairma Morris, G. Francis Morrow, Charles R. . . McAlistcr, James, Sup'd. McBaiii, James H., B.A. McCartney, James H. Mclntj-re, Robert J. .. Mclrvine, (Jharles L. . , McLachlan, James, M.A. 1S92 Neeley, David B. 189") Nelson, Francis E. 1S90 Nicholson, Samuel \V. . ISiiT Nugent, F. V,., Stc'y of Conference 1,S75 Ockley, Robert L. 1S74 Orme, Thomas H., M.A,, Ph.D. 1S78 Ottawell, Wm. 1887 1891 1893 1893 18S3 1868 1800 1872 18.35 1870 1896 1851 1892 1890 1859 1S9I 1894 1865 1846 18()7 1S70 1854 1875 1870 Parr, Theophilus J., B.A. . . Patterson, .Joshua R. . . Peart, Morloy C, B.A, Perry, Thomas P. Pescott, Walter E., B.A., Fin. Sec. Phillips, Robert Philp, John, M.A., D.D. .. Pickering, John Pomeroy, John C, B.A., Fin. Sec Potter, Austin . . Pool, Thomas W Preston, James, Sup'd. Prudham. Wm. W Railton, Richard Richardson, George . . Richardson, Jos. D. . . Robb, Andrew. . Robinson, John H., Chairman Rolston, David D., Sup'd Ross, Jas. S., M.A., D.D.. Chairman Rowe, Richard B. Russ, Amos E., M.A., Chair7nan Russ, James Edgar Rutledge, Wm. L., B.A. Fin. Sec 1875 Sabine, Thomas J. 1868 Sanderson, John W, . Kenilworth (Arthur) . . . Arthur (Toronto) . Cedarville (Conn) . Canboro' . Washington . St. Catharines . . . Dyer's Hay . Aberfoyle . List of Reserve . Eastwood Woodstock . Trafalgar . Georgetown . Walkerton . WesleyanTheologicalColl., Montreal . Bartonville . Paliuerston . Bridgebiuj; . Port Colborne and Humberstone . Gait . Mildmay . Jerseyville . Victoria University, Toronto . Victoria University, Toronto . Waterloo . Victoria University, Toronto . Fonthill (AUanburg) . . . . . Dobbinton . . . , . Hespeler , . . . . . . Otterville . Bridgeburg . Allenford . Merrittou , Decewsville , Walsh Victoria University, Toronto Simcoe . . Alma Hamilton, Wesley Woodstock, Central . . Durham. . Hagersville List of Reserve . . Brantford Wesleyan Theo. College, Montreal Victoria University, Toronto Ingersoll, King Street Victoria University, Toronto Burford and Fairfield Tilsonburg Walkerton Branxford, Wellington Street Lynedoch N'iagara Falls South . . Lowville Brantford, Brant Avenue . . Drew (Mount Forest) Eden Grove : 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 2 1 1 3 8 1 2 2 2 14 3 2 3 1 fi 2 1 • 76 LIST OF illNISTEKS, HAMILTON CONFERENCE. [18% 1806 Haunders, John, M.A. .. Drayton 1854 Savage, Wm., Sup'd . . 1880 Scanlon, Richard W., M.A. . . (iue ph Ph.D.. Oakland 1869 Scott, John G., Chairman . . Guelph, Norfolk Street 1874 iSellory, . Samuel, M.A., H.D . . (iuelph, Dublin .Street ;t 1875 Sharpe, Dixou . . Eramosa 1891 Sheppard, Edward. , . Victoria Univer«ity, Toronto 189.') Shepporson, Albert W. . . Cttinsville 1858 Sheridan, Wm.. Sup'd . . Bcamsvillc ' 12 1893 Sheridan, Walter L. . . . . Victoria University, Toronto 1875 Shilton, J. W., 15. A. .. . . Niagara Falls . . 1 1880 .Sifton, J. W., M.A., Ph.D., Sup'y . . Hamilton 1890 Sipprell, W. J . . Woodstock, Norwich Avenue 1876 Smith, Alfred E., B.D. , . Plattsvillo 1869 Smith, (Jeorge, Sup'd . . Wiarton (Mitchell) 1872 Smith, John Slatter , .. Bright 1870 Smith, John V., D.I). .. Hamilton, Centenary. . 1881 Smith, Thomas Jamea . . Lion's Head J 892 Smith, Wm. B.. . . Victoria University, Toronto 1875 Smith, Wray R. . . Stony Creek 1893 Smitherman, George . . . . Victoria University, Toronto 1880 Snider, David W. . . Milton 1873 Sparling, W. W. . . Salford 1871 Stafford, Charles E., Chairn mn . . Wiarton • . . 1 1894 Stafford, Wm. E. , . Arkwright . . ] 1895 Stallwood, William . . . . Without a station 1S96 Stapleford, Ernest W. . . Stevensville 1875 Stevenson, Ephraim B., B.A I. . . Freeman 1870 Stevenson, John C, Fin. St c. . . Elora 1876 Stewart, John . . . . Carlisle 1850 Stobbs, Thomas, Sup'd. .. Hamilton (8 Stinaon Street). 1855 Stringfellow, Charles, .Sup'd . . Hagersville 1871 Strongman, W.A., Ph.D., L L.D. .. Moorefield 1850 Swann, Matthew, Sup'd. . . Fergus 1891 Swinnerton, (!. F. . . Victoria University, Toronto 1880 Taylor, David H. . Smithville .. 3 1869 Taylor, Edward H. . . . . New Credit .. 1 1877 Teeplo, \\\ M . . Townsend .. 2 1890 Terryberry, Arthur I. . . Victoria University, Toronto .. 1890 Thompson, F. W. . . Guelph, Pai»ley Street .. 1 1851 Tindal, Wm., Sup'd.. . . Walkerton . . IJ 1868 Tovell, Isaac, D.D. . . . . Hamilton, First Church 3 1877 Treleaven, R. J. . . Brantford, Colbornc Street . 1 1886 Treleaven, Walter E., . . New Hamburg . . .. 3 1881 Trimble, Thomas B. . . . . Teeterville .1 1888 Truax, Judson. . . . Ponsonby \ '.'. 'i 1858 Tyler, Reuben J., Sup'd . . Mount Forest . . .. 17 1868 VanWyck,Jame8,B.A.,/')-c s. of Con. Hamilton, Gore Street .. 3 1889 Voaden, Thoa., B.A., Sup'd . . Cathoart .■) 1877 Vollick, W. N,. . . Sweaborg '. '.'. '\ 18.52 Wakefield, John . . Dundas . . 3 1861 Walker, Robert, Fin. Sec. . . Norwich .. 1 1879 Walker, William . . Grand River (Newport) 6 1874 Wass, Jabez . . . . Preston . . .. 3 , 1857 Watson, George, Sup'd. . . Walkerton . . 13 1S60 Watson, William C, M.A. . , Brantford. Oxford Street . 3 1 875 Webb, James . . . Tintern (Jordan Station) 3 1840 Webster, John, Sup'd. . , Tara 4 1863 Whitworth, Edwar.l . . . Tapleytown .. 2 1895 Wilkinson, Alfred T. . . . . Preston . . .. 1 1S06] LIST OF MINISTERS, HAMILTON CONFERENf'E. 77 1 si>'2 Wilkinson, Thomas L. ISGl Williaina, David, .Siip'd, ls{)4 Williamson, J. S., D. 1)., Chairman 1S54 Wilson, John V., SupM 1894 Wilson, Robert K ls.')G Wilson, Samuel, Sup'd. |s.')0 Wood, John, Sup'd. .. 1S()7 Woodsworth, Riohard W., Chairman isil,-) Worrell, John W IV.IO Wright, James M 1S75 Wright, R. Walter, B.D West Flamboro' ((Jopetown) Townsend (Nixon) Mount Forest . . Dunnville Stroninesa Niagara (83 Klmwood Ave., Norwich Woodstock, Dundas Street Cathcart Troy Delhi London) 2 21 1 21 1 3 8 3 1 1 2 M)6 Zeigitr, J. A. List of Reserve LIST OF STATIONS, LONDON CONFERENCE. GEORGE JACKSON, Pkkmidem of Confekence. CHARLES SMITH, Seckktauy of Confereno:. WM. SMYTHE, Secketaky of Stationing Committek. Tlie ifurth in parentheses is the Post Office address of the Minister whose name immediately precedes it. I. LONDON DISTRICT. 1 London (First Methodist Church)— Geo. Daniel, Ph.D., 464 Park Avenue, R. \V. Knowles. G. R. Sanderson, D.D., 2»«i Wolfe Street, J. H. Oriiie, 829 Richmond Street, James Kennedy, 195 Oxfonl Street, Superannuated. 2 London ( Street Centre)— E. B. Lanceley, 484 Dundas Street. H. J, Uren, J. Cooper Antliff, M.A., D.D., Frofifsirr of UomiMos and Pastornl T}\coloSV/<.//,„(/(\VaterIiM) Street)— J. Ward. M.A., T5.D. 22 St. M(inj'.t—,h)hn liCiirdyil. Itichiud Service, Supernumerary. 23 Mlt>hiU—,i. W. Holmos. (ioo. Smith, SuiJerimnuated. 24 LIdnwH—W. Williiiins, D.D. 26 M:i<->rti>n—E. A. Vi-nv. 2i) Tr(iirliriil:s'l—,^Mn&s Walker. F. S. Faiisher, Benjamin Sherlock (Toronto), and J. H. Watts (Walkerton), Superannuated. 42 Fiirdv-irh — T. Wesley Cosens. 43 Gurrie — John S. Fisher. 44 n'ro.vftRr—A. McKibbon, B,A. 46 lUiifvak-W. H. Moss. - 4(i AshMd—RohoTt H. Hall (Lucknow). 47 >SV(;i))i,— N. S. Burwash (Greenock). 48 llrllicl~\\. W. P(jnieroy (Pine River). 4'.t Riiikij — Benjamin L. Hutton. 50 Hrrvii — Thomas C. Sanderson, A. E. Jones. T. Hadwin, Superannuated. 61 Tii-irtan — P. \\. Jones. 52 W)ntcrh,urh—\V. W. Leech. 53 Belijrave — Edward A. Shaw. G. A. tiFFORD, M.A., Ph.D., Chainmin. I. B. WALtwix, B.A., Fin Sec. ^ IV. GODERICH DISTRICT. 54 (riidcrich (North Street)— Joseph Edge. , 55 (liiderich (Victoria Street) — W. Godwin, Journal Sccretanj. 56 Clinton (Ratteul)ury Street)— R. l^'^llyard. 57 f''«,'f()riFt.liEXCE. .■^•' [1.S96 «;! 04 tjti ("7 M liAiHCfillc—^'f. \V, Aiulre.vs, jtl.A. h,: Jh—Wnltev »^'g.V', WilLa .. iitills i,T(ronto , Siiior.inuiiated. Vuui/HnwH'^F. f- -rnn. ^ -: ' , ■».^ • :-.'- .( W. Pnng ^ ^ _•> '-^ ^,"* '> fJchinilhh-^- Oliviiin. ^" ]"' ' • AhLh I. ' r C. f\»y',eus. "■■ ^v )>'('( fo),- J I'. \\fi:<'V„;\, undw Superiu*end(!nt .".f Blyth. Lii)ideHhoio'—J. \y . Sndjif-yx Tnrhvrsniitli- ■Tho'-,. txvwyti, ijuCe" 'ii'Oei'iiitejident of Clinton (Ontario Street;, ''liu'.o.i hO. liii](f{i'ld^F. r (;;^veI.. .'• ■ "^-^ \ V(ir:^u- f. '"' Burton, ^' i"'. .„ ' Henry il. v^mrie, \'icti)Uii L'i-iive»"^t,y. \ ^ ■V--, - .■ _"• ^ " - Xc%wji Jf'iji., Chaiimn II. -^ , • 'w, ». •■ ^ '^ ""' . '■-.'' " K. ' 'L.VA.Vi, rin. ill''; ^X_ V Ey.Fj^i^r DviTRlM "X~ 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 7H 7vt 80 81 82 83 84 85 E.Tffcc (Maiiv Streftc)— H. vv. ,l,o(ii,. ■ E.ceUr (Jftnies Street)— N. H. Wjlici^hby, D.D. PitcA7i(7/-John Mills. Elimrille — Geo. Je^'.tt, V'\ J. Ash'.on. Ccntrolla—W. }} Dutt. RLnti.tll—W. j3. Rtw, C. C. Kair.!. ,\„ Kipp<.'n—\V. J. Wi.dJcll (Hensa'i;. Crediton—J . G. i'ell.xncl. (rrand Be. <\ — 6. H. Thom^Hou ^Corbett). HijU-on- ^o\\n Hart (Parkh''-1). Ailsii Cm —0. BBrlirop. 5)»c — R. J. vrarbutt, LL.B. Lwan — J. E. Ford. (irantun — T. E. Hiirrison. Woodham—A . C. Nethercott, Wni. Birks (351 St. Clarens Avenue, TorDnto), Superannuated. Kiriitoh—lihom^A J. Snowden, Ph. B. N. R. Wii.LOVfiHBY, D.D., Cliitinnan. W. H. Butt. Fin. Sec. VI. STRATHROY DISTRICT. 8<) Strnthmii (Front Street) — Jasper VVil.soB, M.A. J. Neelands, Su'*r- annuated. 87 Stndhroy (Frank Street] — G. N. Hazen, B.A. 88 Pi':> Cottin hr, Wood lL'7 ^foiiU l:;,s lA 11 m h':< f^odh ):iii 'r„l Isi J:;i Comli, Vi-2 iiomn 13:i I'elf,. Ol [1S9G 1896] LIST OF STATIONS, LONDON CONFERENCE. 61 (Ontario '.Mi Mo'Dit IJ r iji I (ji/s — (i. .). Kerr. !t: Mulhoiirnr'—I). E. Martin. W Nitj)ii'r—X. Rapson, under Superintenilent of Kerwood. '.t'.i Wdiidi'dd — W. A. Findlay, under Superintendent of Marth.ville. 100 Oil, Cihj—W. A. Smith, S.T.L., under Superintondeni- ..»' I'tttrolia. 101 MiiitliariUc—a. H. Jiihnson (Cupleston). L. W. Wickett, Superannuated. .J.iiM'EH Wj .SON, M.A., Chiiinrwii. (J: J. KtRK, Fin. Six. lautnait. . tft'C- 108 104 - lO.-i W> I'C 10'' 100 no 111 112 ii:? 114 115 le, Toronto), Oiuinnan. lids, Su'>*!r- SSTftnnuated. Vfttforil. Vir. SARNIA DISTRICT. 102 Srtcrttft (Central)— G. W. Henderson. J. H. Stinson, J. H. Chant (New- burg, Ont.), Superannuated. iSariiin ((,jueen Street) — -Oorald Willou^hby. P"na Kfln-nid—G. J. Filllie. iVii"i>tin. Tyler. Stotmi anil Kettu' /*'/i'«.f.<— Supplied by the Bosanquet minister. Coruniia — William Penhall (Courtrijfht). Somhi-d — Martin J. Wils'ni (Port r^anibtfju). W. Wilson (Wilkesport), W. Preston (Port Lambton), Superannuiitod. Ur> St. Cluir—A. S. Edwards (Sarnia). L. Bartlett, Wesleyan Thoologt<.*l (College, Montreal Gf/} W.>', Chairman. R. Whitjxo, B.A., fin. Sec. VIII. WINDSOR DISTRICT, 117 Windsor— J. R. Gundy. John Reynolds (29 Bagley Ave., Detroit, U.S.X ikmwnnuated. 118 ITfitte^mW*— .I'«eph S. Cook, B.D., Ph.D. 11!) A,nhei;ift.»ry^-*, W. Brown, B.A., B.D. 120 H„,;-nrit—J. W. Baird, B.A., T. Webster, D.D. J. R. Swift, Super- annuated. 159 Florence — John Kennedy, B.D., Joseph Coulter. 160 Oieuooe— George H. Cobbledick, M.A., B.D. 161 Hudnei/ — Samuel McVittie. 162 West Lome—,). E. Holmes. 163 Dntton—.J. E. Moore. T. A. Patterson, C. G. Cornell, Victoria I'niversity. Joseph Philp, B.D., Chairman. D. M. Kennedy, Fin. Sec. XI. ST. THOMAS DISTRICT. 164 at. Thomas (First Methodist Church)— George F. Salton, Ph.B., AssittanI Secretarii of Conferenee H. McLean, Superannuated. 165 >72 (ieri 1894 Allen, Lewis . Valley River . . . . . . . . 1 ISlir) Gill. 1891 Allison, B. \V . Kemnay . . . . . . . . 1 1884 (Uas 1858 Anderson, A. H., Sup'd . Killarney . . . . . . , . 8 ISSS. (;oar 1855 Andrews, Alfred . Rat Portage . . . . 1 1S9J Goo( 1895 Apetakun, F . Without a station 1 1.S.-.6 (Jord 1861 Argue, Thomas, Chairman . . . Moosomiu . . . . . . . . 1 l'^93 (ioni 1889 Armstrong, W. L. , B. A. . Treherne . . . . ■ . . . . 1 1*72 Gree 1892 Attwood, \V. J . College , . . . . . . . 2 1885 August, F. A., Fin. Sec. . Souris 1 1896 Haih ISty Hals 1889 Barker, E. S., B.A . Without a station . . . 1 1871 Ham 1895 Burner, A . Red Deer Hill and Colleston . . 1 IMU Hani 1870 Bell, J. W., B.D . Manitou . . . . . . 1 I87;i Harr 1890 Bennee, G. H . College . . . . . . . . 1 1S9.S Hart 1893 Bennett, iM. M., B.A. . College . . . . 1 1MI3 Haw 1891 Bethell, T. G., B.D . Prospect ( Portage la Prairie) . . 1 l^i'.S Hurr 1877 lieynon, T. B., B.A . Wapi'llii . . . . 1 18!U HuHt 1893 Blewett, G. J . College . . . . . . . • 2 I'^'^O Helli 1896 Blewett, VV. G . White Whale Lake * 1 '"'M* Helli 1SS2 Hen; 1891 Blackio, \V R . College . . . . . . . . '- 1894 Boweriug, J., B.A . College 1 1893 Heth 1875 Bridgman, W., Chairman . . DelorAiue . . . 5 189.-. 1887 Brown. .S. R . B.A,, Fin. See. . Fort Houge 1 l^^^li HoU: 1891 Bruce, J. W . College 1 •^•^It Hop) ISS5 Buchanan, T. V., Fiti. Sec. . . Recina . ■ ' t^u'Appelle ■* , Indih-' Mead . . . . . . . . ' 1^:7 Hosi K80 Hunt, W. C l^^!! How 1886 Bu.-row, .t H., B.A. . ivil Hull 1894 r«inpbeJi.«;. E . G^i^ 1 IVi.'j Hun 189-2 <^»rvr, R T . u South i IVt.-, l,eU 1888 t hegwin. W. B I89t; CUrkson, s J. 1'^:: irvii] '^tH*iB 1 1S62 i:olpitt8, V\. \V., Sttp'd R»t Portage ' I8S!) ,Tohn 1874 ColwiU. S. E S>toi.kton . . 1 I"*!'! -'ohn 1886 Ciwke, W. A., B.A. .. Winnipeg— Young . . 1 IV> Joslj 1883 Crookshanks, .1. J., Fm. ^., . <>tik (Hamiota' ' 1888 Cross, C. H., B.A . %ellwr.od I »8!M Kn 1888 Crux, W. S. A., B.A. . 0Kbow . . ? 1>-. K.. lxH-ri» '' Portage !a Prairie . . . ' isyG] LIST OF MINISTERS, MAN'ITOBA AND N.-W. COXFEKENCE. So bs; Dickinson. J. W I,s(l3 Dimmick, M. Sup'd isi),-, Douglas, \V. H isss Dyer, .1. D IsTO Dyke, J., U.D. , Chairman . . \b'Xi Elliott, G. J isito Klmitt, Geo ItiST Enilicott, J., B.A ISSi Feriier, T. , Chairman KS.") Finn, F. SL, Sup'd . . lisyo FliUt, M. C 1889 Fletcher, F. E., B.A 188,1 Galley, A 1S!»,"> (ialley, H. J 18l!l Gftetz, Leonard, Chairman .. 18'J1 Gaiulin, S. D 187'2 (iernian, O., Fin. Sec. 1M)5 Gill)art, H. H. 1881 (ilaBs, E. B., B.A 1SS8. (ioard, W. P., Fin. Sec. lsn.j ( ioodwin, H. A 1S.')() (;ordon, A. 1h9;J (loi'don, J. W. l^T'i Greenway, Joi.ii, .Sup'y IMXi Hailiday, A. 1' ls(i2 Halstead, \Vm., Sup'd 1.S71 Hames, A. B., Ph.B., Chairman ISin Har.lnian, W IsTi! Harrison, J. M., Chairman . . IsH:! Hartley, J. C lMi;i Haw, J. A IMt.l Harrison, J. T 1S04 Hustings, H. S ls>0 Helliwell, T. L., Sup'y ISSi) Hellyer, J 18,82 Henderson, A. . . 1S93 Hetheringtou, A. E., B.A. . isiir, Ho>^'.| Hopper, E. J., B.A 1^77 Hoskin, J l^Mi llowarth, J. R ivm Hughes, W. R. Mil Hull, Hiram iMi.S Huntsman, F> \* ivi.-i hel«i\d, H. A 1>^77 Irvine, H. O Kssii .lohustoft, J W, iH'.il .lohniHWJe, T. J I''^ .loslyn, .1 H. L, Fin. See. ., l8',>* Kmuer, A, \V. !■»'■' Ktnuar, H. I^>.) Kinloy, W., l^up'd IVtJ Kinlc>, H .1 I8!>-. K'.tchlug, G. Pv Selkirk Moosomin Carlyle Elkhoru Edmonton ('oUege Dundas Missionary to China. Moose Jaw Portage la Prairie Glenboro' Virden Cartwright Kinistino Brandon Nelson House . . Battle River . . Beiiconsfield . . White Fish Lake Lethliridge College i.'igh Bluff . Without u, (tgkUon Crystal Citv . Pipestone I'ortag* li- Pr»jrie 2 9 1 3 1 2 1 4 2 5 i I 1 •2 6 5 1 3 •2 T 1 3 . . Birtk- 2 . . College 3 , . Cvpr»'»» River 2 . . Carnduff 1 . . Colli'i;* XV 1 . Blythrtfld 1 .. Alu 1 . . S». Charles (Ro««W) . . 7 .. Newdale 1 Winnipeg — Zion , . ! . . College . . . . > , I . . Kenlis . 1 . . Wolseloy I . . Li\ke Dauphin 2 . . (Jrenfell 1 . Rapid City 1 Beulah 1 , Collem' 3 . . College 2 Russell 1 . . Meadow Lea . 2 Npringfiold (Dugald) 2 , , KVauklln 1 . . Haldur 2 . . Bnrl)or . . 1 ThornhiU 1 . . BoiiiMtvaln 6 . . CoHl'^o 2 .. Red Dfcr Hill nnd Colleston 1 86 LIST OF MINISTEUS, .MANITOBA AND N.-W. CONFEUENCE. [1896 l-iTii Liiidley, R. B., Sup'd . . (Katnloops, B.C.) 1 1.S90 Lawtord, C. H. College 1 1875 Lawson, T. . . ■ . . • • Griswold and Alexander 2 1S71 Laycock, J. . . Morden 1 1S74 Lewis, H .. Holland 3 I85S Lewis, John . . . . Brandon Hills 2 1S92 Lewis, W. A., B.A. .. . , McCiregor 2 ISS!) Linton, J . . Saskatoon I 1889 Locke, F. W . . Red Deer <} 1895 LoRan, II . . Ninga . . i 1882 Long, G. H., Fin. Sec. . . Minnedosa 1 1892 Lousley, A . . College 2 1875 Maclean, J., M.A., Ph.D. Chairman Neepawa 1 1892 Michener, E . . Banff and Canmore . . I 1888 Miller, H. J . . Yorkton 3 1889 Milliken, R., S.T.L. .. . . Prince Albert 1 1871 Morden, T. E., B.A., Sup y . . . . Winnipeg .. 16 18S9 Morgan, J. H . . Winnipeg — McDougall 3 1893 Murchison, J . . Colleae . , Rosedale 1 1894 McConnell, H. 2 1S(« McClung, J. A. . . ."^tonewall 1 '890 McCrossaii, T. J., B.A., B.D., . Permitted to sup'y in British Columbia 2 1890 McCullagh, (J. F. . . Methven 1 1^.1)6 McDougall, .J., Chairman . . Morley .. 24 1893 McGhee, R. J. . . College 3 188.=) MoHatfie, \V. P. . . Emerson 3 1890 McKittrick, A. G. . . . , Saddle Lake . . 1 1875 McLachlan, J. A. : . . Beren's River 6 1883 XeUon, J . . Norway House ■} 1895 Noice, H. S . . Wetaskewin '.'. \ 1893 Oaten, C. R . . Pierson 1 1885 Osterhout, A. B. . . Arden . . |> 1889 Paupanakia, E. . , Cross Lake 1 1887 Peters, John . . . . Rossburn ,. 3 18f)3 Peters, N. D., Sup'y ., . . Rapid City 1 1893 Port, L. D . . Co lege 1 1858 Rawson, J., Sup'y .. . . Fleming .. 6 1892 Raid, \V. S . . College ■> 1895 Richardson, F. B. . . Saltcoats '.'. i 1889 Ridd, J. VV . . Bradwardine . . 1 1N90 Riddell, J. H., B.A.,B.D , Pro/emor, WmUy College, Winnipeg . . 1 1894 Riddell, S. P . . College 1 1891 Roberts, A. E. . . College 2 1894 Robinson, A. R. . . Olds '.'. i 1S93 Robinson, Jos. . . College 1 1893 Robson, S. T . . College 3 1872 Ross, A \V., Chairman • . Calgary 1 1894 Ross, H. R . . Napinka 1 1895 Rosbach, A . . Reston 1 1886 Runiona, J. W. . . Chater ■2 1893 Rust, V. H. . . . Shoal Lake . . 1 1869 Ruttan, J. H., Sup'd.. . . Portage la Prairie 8 1892 Rutledge, R. A. . College .> 1881 Saunby, J. W., B.A. , . . . Port Arthur . . 1 1891 Scarlett, R. A. . . MoHij-ae Hat 1 1895 Scott, J. . Estevan 1 1871 Semmens, J. . . , . Industrial .School, Brsndon 1S9H] . [189G l.StMi] LIST OF MINISTERS, MANITOBA AND N.-W. CONFERENCE. 87 1 is!t5 Shaver, M. A. . . Oak [>ake 1 1 isiio Shaw, Wm. . Dominion City 2 •> isss Sing, (■;. R., S.T.L. . . . Iniiisfail 3 1 |s!12 Sipprell, W. A. . . College 2 3 is!t;} Small, T. ,]. .. . , Haytifkl and Xeslntt 1 •> is'.il Smith, A. E. . . . . College 2 .) 1S!U Smith, H. [.. . . . . Sidney 2 i Isss Somerset, C. E. . . Industrial School, Red Deer 2 •2 isso Somerville, W., /'iH. iSec. Melgund 2 1 isiiT Sparling, J. W., iM.A., D.D., Princi/ml, Weslry CoUcije, Winniperj 8 1 Isss Spence, .J. M. A. . . Without a .station . . 1 2 1S!I1 SpoDce, R. K. . . College 3 lHlir> Spence, B. H. . . . . Glendale 1 I 1S7H Stacey, F. B., B. A., CAiirman .. Crystal City 2 1 1S1I2 Steed, (i. E. . . Winnipeg— Bethel . . . . Fisher River . . 1 3 )SS4 Steinhauer, E. R. 3 1 IHS7 Steinhauer, R. B., B.A Morley 3 .. 18 1S7'> Stewart, A., B.U., Professor, Wesley College, Winnipeg 8 , .. 3 m\:\ Stewart, J., Sup'd , . . Winnipeg 3 1 lsn,-> Stewart, S. VV. L. Binscarth 2 - IWU Stevens, F. G. . . . . Oxford House 1 '. 1 1S90 Switzer, J. C, B.A. . Melitft 1 Columbia i . .. 1 1HS7 Talbot, T. M., B.A., B.D Miami 3 . . 24 1 Hits Taylor, VV. H... College 2 ... 3 ISO.S Taylor, J. B. . . . . College . . . . ' 1 .. 3 lSi)5 Taylor, T. E. . . . . Wascana 1 1 1H70 Teeter, Chancellor . . Rolrind 4 .. .'- .. 6 1895 Thacker, P. I. Baly . . 1 lHi)5 TliompBon, A. A. College 2 .) iSill Thome, J. I. . . . . College 3 ', ; ".". 1 1S()8 Tozeland, J., .. . . Killarney 2 isitl Tufts, A. .J., B.A. . . . Douglas 2 . ' . . 1 1870 Turk, G. R., Chairma n . . . . Winnipeg — Grace 5 i 18S!) VanNorman, C. F. . . . Macleod 1 1 18(1,-) Vernon, N. I. . . .. McKellar (Souris) 1 ,.3 1 ..1 18S7 \'rooman, W. A., Fin Sec. . . . . Boisaevain 4 !SS7 Walker, J. C. .. , . Winnipeg — Wesley . . 2 ls!t.-, Watters, R. , . , . Pheasant Forks 1 6 Wri Whiteside, A. . . . . Heaver Creek 2 ■I Issi) Whitmore, H. . . Pilot Mound 1 i 1SS4 Wigle, H., B.A. 1H.-.S Wiflis, C. H., Sup'd . . Carman 2 .1 . . Theodore . . 4 .1 1S74 Wilsun, T.B., Fin. Se ;. . . . . Carberry . . 1 1 lH7i» Wilson, W. (i. . . Morri.-! 1 . . 2 ISit.-) Wilson, Jos. . . Murillo and Sil /er Mines . . 1 1 1 btU Woodsworth, .J., Sup t of AUiuionn Brandon 12 ■' > 1 lS!i2 Wood, E. W. , . . College . . 2 3 1 Is!t4 Wooten, F. M. Boharm . . 1 > 1 1898 Wray, T. J. . . Keewatin . , 1 JUST ISSUED. M. NO. 5. A Collection of 4aoii|it'l nyinnit for Hnnilay !ichool8 and RevlvnlN. By E. O. EXCELL. Price, by mall, boards, mualc, 35 cents each ; by express, not prupaid, $3.50 per doz., 930 per hundred. I X L EDITION (Same book, printed from smaller typo.) By mall, boards, music, 25 cents each ; by ex- press, not prepaid, $2.50 per dozen, $20 per hundred. A Remarkable Book. THE TRUE SCIENCE OF LIVING. BY Dr. Edward Hooker Dewey. With an Introduction by the Ilev. Dr. O, F, Pentecost, Buy this book and follow its teaching, and TOU win acknowledge by-and-byo that it is the best Investment j-ou ever made. It Is not "faith cure," or "Christian Science," so-called, but common sense. It is the story of an evolution of natural law in the oire of disease, and shows how the well get sick and how the sick mn;r get well tvtid stay so, without money or medi- cine. Such expressions ivs the following are frequently heard by persons who have bought the book: "I am a thorough believer in l)r, Dewey." " I am a convert to Dr. Dewey's treat- ment. " You did me a great service when you recommended me to read ' The True Science of Living.' I have never felt as well in my life as I do now, and I attribute my good health to following Dr. Dewey's advice. ' Price, S2 2S, poat free. Works By Rev. J. Agar Beet, D.D. Holiness hs rnderntoiHl by the 'Writ- ers of the Bible $0 US The i'lrni I'ounilallon oriliet'hrlitlinn rmih OM A .>lnuuul of (,'lirlMtlnn Baptliiin 0,3} I'reilentlnlH of the (.ORpel. Paper, 50c.; Cloth |> 90 t'oninientnry on St. Panl'ii EplKtle to the Honinns 'j .50 Comnienlnry on Ht, Paiirs Kplnlle to the t.Hlatlnnit I !0 Coninientary nn Ht. ranl'H EpI.ttle to the 4'orlnlhlnnit :i 00 Coninientary on Ht. Paiil'H Kplntle to the KpliexinnH, riillliipiaiis, Colo:). •tans ami to riiileiiion ! M The New Life hi Christ IS* Throagh Christ to