IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ;.? * iiiJi 14 II 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation / o signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmAs A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est film* A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 -— '^ THE COST •1^ -Ol' TME» Nakusp and Slocan Railway PCS SinZORN TO BY ENGINEERS. And compared with the Cost of Other Railways. i A Return brought clown to the House on the 27th of March, 1894, in reference to the cunstructiiin of the \aku-.ip ..V SI. Mrt.ilhvray^ wliich was for all the bonds of the Company and contained a marked cheipie for $112,000. " Three other lenders were opened, one for $20,000 per mile in bonds and $5,000 in paid «p slock of ihe '."ompany , one for $25,000 in lxmd^ and $4,000 in paid up slock ; and one for $20,000 in Urnds \K-t mile, none of which cc:np!ieil wilh the form of lender issueil, or Were ."ccc>mpanied by eillier chcfpie or deposit, nnd which consctpiently could not receive con- sideration. The U.-it mentioned tender was )nime<1iately withdrawn after receipt.'' MR. IUTMESNAY's E'^IIMAIP.. Mr. Dnrhe^nny, civil engin««r, apptfintiftl \jy the C. I*. R. to examine the line and report on the cc^l, Mates a^ follow? in his al^itiavil : ** My estimate for the several 48 " From ticaJ St.viin I.iikc lo \VilM->n Crrfk, ' 5S i"tlc« I'' $I4,JJ4 -jKiii '* Fri>m WiliMut CriH-k to Three P»)rk», H}^ miles w< $ji,7'o >ui,6io $57'*." I *• avtrajfe ,(8 tiijl«t ti.att "This estimate was exchi-*ive of all rolling; stiick, efpiipment, and plant whatever. *' This was the eslimaie which I comniuni- cak'd to Mr. Abbott, and in pre)>arin^ the Mime I went upon the assuniptiun. from (he vuircc iif my instructions, that the (' I'ncific Railway (onij>any pru(niM.'d thenisclvcs to bi^iM the road aH they ha-l dxnr in the case of the ("ohmibia and KjMitenay Railway, of which I had U-en ihe Kn^vu-cr in charj;e of corislrucliiin. The al»ove eslimale (a» men- tioned in a telejjram from Mr. AblM>tt lo Mr. Van Home on the jr 1 now do, that a margin of 15 )K-r cent shouhl be allow cfl t'} covi-r any omissions in my rstimate anortalion anerintendent of the Pacific Division *jf the C. P. R., are the foHnwing : — ; *' We found the work nfconsttucliont «o far a.s it had pro^resKed, to Ik.- well done, and such as would Itc, in our opinion, lo the Canadian Pacific Railway t'ompany for '. opt-ration, ami up to the siantlard retptired by the Dominion (".overnment regulations for a subsidized rond in a mineral country. So '\\r as insiit.'cted the j;radienis antl curvature are, , in my opinion, not excessive, and are Ihe best I the country will allow within reasonable limit!. 1 of expcndiuirc in consiruition. > " I am lamiliar with the estimate made by Mr. liuchcsnay, ami in my itpinion the total i cost as placed by him al $6^*4, 054 was a mo*i- i crate estimate even undtr the favorable con- (liiitms which he mentions as intUiencing him | in its preparation. "I submit, for thi- ptiritosc of comparison, the relative cost uf the Mission Itrauch of the ( '.madian Pacific Kailv\ ay and of 'he ( oljmhia Kipn.iy Railway, l»oth of which were erm- strucietl by the Canadian P.tcilii- Railway, and invler the iinme-|>)utid rails, which are bein^; taken oH . sections of the ntain line where we have heavy (raOic and where lar^e locomotives are in use for the pur|>o>e of being replaced by 72-;M>und raits, and in this matter ihe Nakusp and Slo- can Railway is Ikcint^ (rented in an exactly : (Columbia and Koixenay, and the Arrow I^ke Hranch." (Osr OK IIIF. MISSION- HRANCH. i t'lenriiin. Wwl'hiitK', ^nulinK, irrstlf* and Friis«-r Ki»cr Sii^.tp-'i i.S Tmvk, iMlIasliriK, ei>Ki (roni the Canadian Pacific Railwav. anake. ' "I also maile an estiinale of the cost of a line frim Nakusp to Three Forks, which was in excess of the estima(e made by Mr. Duch- esnay, C.K., with which I am fannliar, but this excess is principally due to dilTererit sjieci- ficotions. t however, ihoroii^;hly agree with the estimate under which .Mr. Duchesnay places the total cost at $664,954, and llie average cost per tnile at $17,497, under the favourable conditions whicli he niention.s .as influencing him in its preparation." rosr OF RAM, WAYS KI.SF.UIIKRK. It will be interesting lo note what the cost ' i)f some of the railways in (^'anaiia was. The Star .\Imanac for 1S94 gives a table showing the co^t \n:r mdc, U»th aciunl and theoretical (estimated), in 1802. Ro aig >t exelimitc of the bridge iter«>HN KiS'l«'in\ Kiwr ■$t.'(8.,s84 .-7 Trnek. biill<. ■tniK« cnfiiKertn|[ aitJ inei- t'riit.ll expi-iisi-* ■ ,. j«),(vji iH lliiilJiiiKS M-- 4.^>7 !*(' Totid fo»i ft ilu* r.iiJMn^ rnaJx tor I r.-»lK*". r%<.lu«iw <>l tbi- l( Sji.iKi.ih per mili not imlvKting hridifi- .lero^k K>H>ifii.-iy Ki\»T. Ccrtificsl ii'rnxl J. I) TOWNI.KY. .Aeei'tintaiil. P.-u-itie I>i»isior», '.'. P. K \ cd i|^^»^^ 4 i'^i' Si ^i ??S2?*°f-'?'*:H* ;?t* C: '-* Milr.iK^'- "*■ iNiiJ*' '•' •* Ci»«l 01 $i (.(u5.7i pir mile. titU iiicluiiiit^ nillintr ntivk t>r tbc bridK*^ nvriMk^ the Pmaer Rimt. Certified eorrret. J. I). TOWM.FV. Aecouiitaitt, pAcifie Poikiou, C P R'v. * ■y I L-^ i^ X 11 j|:i1iJl s j.i t;i^s E^x i-^-t s; /. *y •j'jolUJi.Eli^/'.l.i. Ji m t-3 I'OST Oh IJIF ttoKIli'- KAIIWAVS. MuIh.nH's Dicnon.Trv "f Sliitiviii". j;ivt-!. iht Utta\ ini)tra|;c .tihI cost of ronstrmtion fnr Kinope nnHI.P. l."o*I r.-r I'.t^t p.'r Mil.'>. Mllr. M.k... .Mile. S40 ... l.(»79 A'.l.....u I-.S'.S t:.,f.Xa. 850. .. 14.465 .7.Hi«i ■».(■.<-« I.).H fl6o. II.HHa N..J.)1) l6.,i,4^H< SK,i i(ii,7i.j '1.7'"> "H.44.. 17.«' WOI t,n>.i«..» 1 1. 1'"' IVt.iio il'.UH' WIIAI MB. Sir.WAH' SAVS. Ml. v\, K. Stewart, civil engineer, al (»fes*nl in charge of the Arrow Ijtke limtich erf the C. P. R.f and one of the most tareful Stid ex [wrienccd railway en)(>neen in Canadli, says : The same authoitty for .1 ix-riml lietween 1887 and iSSS gives the average cost of con structioii \K-t mile fni (he Cni(ed Mates al t'l2,^^x) ; f"r Australia, I'o.^itx* ; and fctr Sou[h Africa, £8,900. The above figures will give a g