■>%. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I |5 1.25 M 1.8 1-4 IIIIII.6 v] <^ c* ^ /^/ /. y ¥' %' K :• ■ » V • '. '»■ '•.i,- Domihioii Exlubition. ;'l f ■■• .•■-fX. -. e / 4 ■•••-»- Patron I His Excellency The Governor-General, .';i^. '-H.'"/-:t- A , '^;- . ^ -"^v,,: • . , /iV -^(&:^ ;-'^;;:i;^ ^ ■jje ■ V i .^ ;A:^::■ '"■»^'4■' ■-■^^'''^-.1:' «iiei S^'"'' ^^^^\ ij ,>^-^ iWT-\ ...-<^- ^i ^'.^1 T'r;^' m- '/-m: '•>■;_ -#.-:. ^m- - ^" -. ■- ■ " - ^jv^- ^-^ ^^ , .-a' ^1' V'/ 't •,f -:->:^:^:- NOVA' SCOTIA. .W::'':'p:,r,/":^ ^ .'^^,. '^i> t iW ^ y - j ^N t^r '^i,;^ Opening WednesSSJ, S^pi 2l8t, Closing Friday, Sept. 30th: ■ i ■\. *^•^^i^ ■ ■■ ■■ ^ ■%■■"•' S«j> 1M81 >'■>>-.. ■„ . ,Ti I . w T*.:. HERAkO PUaUSHINtt CO., ^J, ,>*' HAUFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. -«♦> h ~^!J^-X'^ mTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. fl® ©c@mt C®ffia€teM Bent© T4» iNO VKOM THIS OOE^A-IT, ig Hallfasf, St. Jabs, aad Qiebsc. Tliis Line commends itself to the Patronage of Business Men and Families GOINO EAST or ^\rEST. The best and most direct Route to all points in Canada and TECE "crnsriTEiD st-a.t:eis. Coanections are made at Chaudiere Junction with Grand Trunk Railway /■---.. \t- AT QUEBEC, ■^-■' ■ WIXH Q. M. O. & O. RAILWAY,, , ;■ . ■ AND ' .'■ •■ - N RICHILIEU NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON ALL RXPREi^ TRAINS^. SUPERIOR EQUIPMENT, IRON BRIDGES, AND STEEL RAIL TRACK. FIRST CLASS EEFEESHMENT ROOMS At Truro, Amherst, Moncton, Sussex, Oampbellton, Trois Pistoles, and Chaudiere Curve, AND AMPLE TIME GIVEN FOR REFRESHMENTS. GEO. TAYLOR, Cien'l Freight M, HaiilU'H, l»i>liiiiiiis, WiHiiH, Sjumiiios ami UsKis. English and Foreign Dress Goods. RICH BLACK SILKS, CASIIMEliKS AND MOURNING GOODS, CORSETS, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. FRENCH KID GLOVES, FANCY GOODS & NOVELTIES. The best makes of Cotton, Woollen, and Linen Household and Staple Goods, supplied to Families and Country Orders, at Wholesale Prices, FOR CASH. The Clieapest Dry Goods House; 273, 275 & 279 BARRINGTON STREET, HALIFAX, N. S. • W. M. HxVRMIVGTON & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Wines, Ale, Porter, Fruits, Oils, Spices, Cheese, Pickles, Sauces, Havanna Cigars, etc. — WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. — ITALIAN WAREHOUSE, Nos. 243 HOLLIS and 48 WATER STREETS. HALIFAX, N. S. A. McDOUQALL & SON, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Wme ESLd Spirit MesrcliaatSc No. 234 HOLLIS STKEET, HAL FAX, N. S. A. McDOUGALL. . C. B. MCDOUGALL. DOMINION EXinniTlON PRIZE LIST. nsroTioE I FIRE AND LIFEjNSURANCE. "WK arc at nil times jjivpaicd to accept risks against Fire on All Classes of rroperty, at very lowest rates, in the following well known, long established and reliable Conqianies. Detached Dwellings and Contents insured for 07ic or three years. ,J3DTISr.A. X3SrSTJI?,.A.lsrCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated - - 1819. Losses paid in 62 Years, Over $52,000,000. HARTFORD FIrTTnSURANCE CO. HARTFORD, CONN. Established 1794. LOSSES PAID, OVER S24,000,000. North British & Mercantile Insurance Company, London & Edinburgh. Established 1809. LIIFEI. THE North British also effects Life Insurance on the most approved plans and at 'most favorftble rates. — : AVe have appointed MIL JOIIX CAMERON our SJ'B- AGENT to solicit business for the above named Companies. . L. LOWELL & CO., AGENTS, 165 MOLLIS STREET. "W. L. LO"W"ELL &D CO., 165 MOLLIS STREET, \ BANKERS AND BROKERS. EXCHANGE STOCKS, BONDS, Etc., BOUGHT AND SOLD. J _ ^30 ^1^ JJ-L.. .J^*S^A.itji^^.-....\lA.[^J^ I Jkiit^ / DOMINION EXniniTION PIlIZK LIST. i GENERAL MINING ASSOCIATION (limited.) THE Mines of this Association are situateil at NOll'l'H SYDNEY and LlXCrAN", (Japo Breton. TIic Coal tVoiii tlu^ jnincs of tliis Asso- ciation, at Noi'th Sydnwy, is tlio Oo.d that has always W'l'u so woll known as and is tlie only coal ontitk^d to bo call(;d ^'SYDXICY" COAL, the Trade Mark as such havin;,' hcon I'cgistciL'd, owinij; to tlic nunuM'Ous attempts to .sell other Coals from: Cape IJieton as SYDNEY COAL. Lin<];an Mine is sitiiated nciu- to Sydney, and the (Joal is .second only to Sydney, anioni;st all other (^ape Di-eton Coals. Tlu; coals from these IMines are snitable for Steam, (l.)s and lloust! pm'posos. R. H. BROWN, Resident Manager, North Sydney. CUNARD & MORROW, Agents, Halifax. THE HALIFAX COMPANY (Limited.) THE Mines of this Company are situated at Stellarton, Pictou Co., and are generally known as the Befoi-e the sad accident, last autumn, these mines had the largest output of any in the Province. Two new seams are now being worked, iuid the Company will soon be in a position lo j)ut out a large quantity of Coals. Tlie Coals from these mines are most suitable for Gas, Steam and Foundry |)urj)oses. JAMES HUDSON, Resident Manager, Albion Mines. S. CUNARD & CO., Agents, Halifax. DOMINION EXHIBITION I'lUZK MST. EXHIBITION. ^"»^. .,. =% C S •^'>^ fir» PPERS, »II=^e »cn*-3 . at •tn.'xt .r'?),c^ emm^ Bmw^ mmi lllite% THE LaeSEST ANO BEST ASSOeiEO STOCK IN TOWN. TO BE SOLD AT WHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH. lea O^i-iiuville Street, Halifax, -.-A.!,^ 6 DOMINION EXIIIHITIOX I'UI^CK LIST. TO THE PUBLIC. OP THE PRINCE ALBERT CONFECTIONERY, Corner of Granville and Duke Streets, Aro tlie pleasantest and most convenient in the citv. HOT TEA and OOFKEI^], CAKE, c^c, funiisl.od at slioit notice. ICP: cream, SODA water and all tho .Iclirasies in tlu-irsoason. CAKE AND CONFECTIONERY MADE SPECIALLY TO ORDER, at very low rates. S. J. COHN, Proprietor Prince Albert Confectionery and Lunch Eooms, Corner of Granville and Duke Streets, Halifax, N. S. For Contents — Sec last 2)age of Prize List. VISITORS TO THE EXHIBITION AND OTHERS Call and inspect 8. J. (,'OHN'S .stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS, ETC. GOL.D AND SILVER LOGXSr3, GENTS' SCARF PINS. E.ailii's (;»I(I .St'ts, ICroocIiivs. i:ar-riiiKs and Itriu-olrttM, ooiiiph-tc. Diamond, Wedding, and other Rings, Charms, &c. w^A^TOFi ^isTD isteck: ciii^Tisrs. SETS SHIRT STUDS AND SLEEVE BUTTONS. Jewelry and Electro-Plated and solid Silverware Of the best Euylish and American Makes. To effect a cleai-ance he is jn-epared to ofler unrivalled ind>icements to to whom a liberal discov\nt will he made. ON HAND— A complete Stock of SPECTACLES, EYE- GLASSES, &c., at very lowest rates. Quality of all articles guaran- teed to be as represented. Whether you buy or not please give me a call. s. J", oosiisr, tm tiraiivil.'c Street Halifax. Watches, Clocks, Jewellerj' repaired on the premises, at low rates. I »', >tlC(\ ISOll. ORGANIZATION. PATRON. HIS EXCKLLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. ich s. VICE PATRONS. OENEiiAi. Siu P. L. MAC' DOUG ALL, K. C. M. G.. Comimindcr-in-Cliiof in B. N. America. YiCK Admiral Siu Lkdi'old MoClintock, Kt., CoiiiinaiKlor-iu-Chiof N. A. Station. The LiEUTKNANT GuvKU.NOiw OK TiiK I'KoviNCKS OK TiiK DoMixio.v. and The Mlmsteu ok AGHicrLTUKic. R8 s. ito E- 3 a HONORARY DIRECTORS. NOVA SCOTIA. Hon. Siu Ciiaules Trpi'EU, Iv. C. M. (J., C R., Minister of Railways. :\Ieml)ers of the Senate resident in the (-ity of Halifax. Members of the House of Commons for the County of Halifax. Jlembers of the I'rovincial Ooveriunent. Members of the Legislative Council residing in the tlounty of Halifax. . Members of the Local Legislature for the County of Halifax. Wm. M. Blaiu. Ksi]., M. P. P. ONTARIO. Hon. D. L. McPiiEusoN, Speaker of the Senate. Hon. Edward Blakk, M. P. RoHEUT Hay. Esq.. M. P. Hon. S. C. Wood, Commissioner of Agriculture. James Young, Esq. IVL P. P., Gall, Pres. Jlechanica Institute As.sociation of Canada. VV. B. McMuuuicH, Esq., Mayor of the Clity of Toronto. Prof. George Buckland, Dep. of Arts and Agriculture, Toronto. Prof. James Mills, Principal, School of Agri'-ulture. Guelph. QUEBEC. Hon. H. L. Langevin, Minister of Public Works. Hon. M. H. CociiuAXE, Senator. P. B. Ben'oit, Esq., M. P., St. Hubert, P. Q. Hon. J. A. Chapeau, Commissioner of Agriculture. L. H. Massue, Esq., President Council of Agriculture. A. A. Stevenso.n, Esq., President, Council of Arts and Manufactures. William H. Hinoston, Esq., M. D., Montreal. Alderman George W. Stephens, MontreaL ^r-^A 8 DOMINION EXHIBITION PIIIZE LIST. NEW BRUNSWICK. Sir Lkonard Tillky, K. C. M. (t., INIinistor of Finance. lion. T. W. Anolin, M. P., St. .lolin. Hon. W.M. Wkddkkhuun', Provincial Secri'tary and President Hoard of At^rriculltiro. Jl'ML's L. I.\'C'HE.s, Esq., Scurctarj- for Agrieidturo. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Hon. Jamics C. Pope, ^Minister of Marine and Fisheries. .lAMi:-i Vk!), iOs 1., M. P. Hon. W. W. SiLLivAN. {). v., Attorney-General. lIiCNiiY LoNCiWORTii, Esi]., Charlottctown. MANITOBA. Hon. JT. Gdt.'T.HT. Minister of A.tjriculture. Hon. DdN'AT.n A. .Smii'IT, Silver Heiujhts. Dr. .J()ii\ SciiL'i.rz, Winnipeg. BRITISH COLUMBIA. lion. C. V. Goit.wvAi.L, Senator. Hon. GiooHGK A. Wai.kku, Attorney-General. Hon. A. DkOosmos. M. P.. Vietoria. W. G. ROSS & CO., WATCHMAKERS and JEWELLERS, 159 HoUis Street, Halifax, N. S. AT tlie alioAf addn'ss purchasers can always find a large and varied stock from which to select, including FINE GOLD A-ND SILVER WATCHES, RINGS OF ALL KINDS. Ladies and Gentlemen's Chains, Lockets, Bracelets, suites Ear-Drops, &c., in Gold and Silver. SOLID SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, &C. SOLK AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED BRILLIANT SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, Unrivalled for their utility, durability and brilliancy. A full line of the WALTHAM and ELGIN WATCHES alway.'i on hand. Note the Address. w. a. ROSS & CO., 159 MOLLIS STREET, HALIFAX, N. 8., Opposite Western Union Telegraph Ofiace and Club House. V GENERAL COMMITTEE. CiiAiKMAN— lli.s Wousiiip STEPIIEX TOIilN, Mayoi; of Halifax. Vice Chaii'.mkn l' DAVID MATIIESOX, Esq, ricsidnit, Contial 15oard oi Agriculture. HON. JOHX F. STAIUS, M. P. 1'., M. E . C. Hon. H. F. 5[rDnr(;Ai,!., M. P. P. iskafr, longwokth, e^q. Aldki:man T'lav. Mackixto.^ii. FlSASF.l!. Tr.K.VAMAX, M. D. Hfssi.fin. Spfi-max. Sanfom). CoNNdl.I.Y. ^IdTTON. ^Vai>ii, M. D. OToNXOi:. McLfi.lax. AVoODII.L. Gkaiiam. TidUI.KrTE. SkPllKK.SOX. Stouy. NiSKKT, ClIAKLKS E. PlUlWX, E.-^Q. Joiix Itoss, Esq. "W. E. SrAiiiiATT, Esq. W. H. Haiii!IXGTox, Esq. Pi:tkii Jack, Esq. Ja.mfs E. Ciiii'MAX, Esq. A. K. JIcKiXLAY, Esq. John M. DkAVolfe, Esq. PF,Ti;n HoGAX, Esq. Hkki'.fkt Haiuiis, Esq. "William M. Dofll, Esq. W. J. ViFTii, Esq. C. "\V, AxDFiisox, Esq, Ali;x. Stfi'iikx, Jk., Esq. William Tayloh, E.sq. RODEMCK McDoXALl), EsQ. AxDiiKW Dowxs, Esq. W. S. Symoxds, Esq. JI. J. PowKit, Esq. 1!. W. Staiu;, Esq. Treasurer— Peteu Jack, Esq., Ca-sliicr, Peoples' Bank. AssLsTAxr Treasurer— Aid. J. C. Mackixtosii. Manager — PiIof. George Lawsox. Secrp:tary — "William McKerkox. AssT. Secretary — D. Hexry Stark. ,. Referee and Consulting Veterinary Surgeon— William Jakeman, V. S. ^m EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. No. 1. His Worship MAYOR TOBIN, Clminnan. Alderman Mackintosh. II Spclnian. II ^[otton. " McLellan. Alderman Graham. II Nisbet. JI. J. Power, Esq. A. Stephen, Jr., Esq. Peter Hogan, Elsq. Iioderiek McDonald, Esq. W. J. Vieth, Esq. C. W. Anderson, Esq. SUB-COMMITTEES. No. 2. Finance.— Hon. J. E. Stairs, Chairman ; Wm. Taylor, Esq. ; Peter Jack, Eti(j. ; Aid. JIackintosh, Aid. Graliam. .,r^^' ^: ^tivertising, Printing, &c.-M. J. Power, Esq, Chairman ; \Vm. laylor, Es.^. ; A. K. McKinlay, Es,i. ; Aid. Graham, Aid. Motton. No. 4. Decorations and 'Ceremonies.-AIdeiman D. McPherson Chairman ; A. Stephen, Jr., Esq. ; II, McDonald, Esq. ; P. Hogan, Esq. I \V . b. Symonds, Esq. No. 5. Fodder and Refreshments. -C Willouchhy Anderson, Esq Chairman ; M. J. Power, Esq. ; Aid. McLellan, Vld. Spelman, Al.l. Eraser. No 6. Rail and Steamboats. -Roderick McDonald, Esq., Cliairman- Aid. Hesslein, Aid. Connolly, Aid Sanford, James E. Chipman, Esq. No. 7. Police and Bands.-Alderman D. M. Story, Chairnum ; M. J Power, Esq. ; Aid. Treuaman, Aid. Motton, Peter Hogan, Esq' Ai^iv f ; J-odg;in&S.-Alderman George Eraser, Chairman ; Aid. Hesslein, Aid. W alsh, J. M. De Wolfe, Esq. ; Herbert Harris, Esq. «» ^°' ^;, A?^r°!f'*°^®''* °^ Judges.-Hon. J. E. Stairs, Chairman ; Aid. Spelman, Aid. McLellan, W. J. Vieth. Esq. ; C. W. Anderson, IW,. ; A. Downs, Esq. ; A. Stephen, Jr., Esq, i MM HgBM DOMINION EXHIIJITION PRIZE LIST. 11 1 SUB-COMMiTTEES ON INTERNAL ARRANGEMENTS OF EXHIBITEON AND SUPERINT:NDENCE OF DEPARTMENTS. No. 10. Classes 1, 2, 3, 4— Horses, Catde, Sheep and Swine. —Alderman William Woodill, Cliairman ; Aid. McLellan, Aid. Spelmaii, W. J. Vieth, Esq. ; W. E. Starratt, Esq. ; Israel Longworth, Esq. ; Charles E. Brown, Esq. No. 11. Class 5— Poultry.— Andrew Downs, Es([., Chairman; Aid. Nis- hct, Aid. Trenaman, C. W. Anderson, Esq. ; A. K. MeKinlay, Es(i. No- 12- Class 6— Roots and Vegetables-— Alderman Wa.sh, Chair- man ; Aid. Clay, Aid. Mackintosh, John Ross, Esq. ; Wm. Taylor, Esq, No. 13. Classes 7, 8, & 9— Grain and Field Seeds, Grain Manufactures, &c.. Dairy Produce, Hemp, Woollen, Flax, Cot- ton, Straw Goods and Wearing Apparel.— W. J. Yieth, Ksq., Chair- man ; Wm. M. Doull, Esq. ; Hun. J. F. Stairs, Aid. O'Connor, Aid. Connolly, Aid. Houlette. No. 14. Class 10— Agricultural Implements —John Jl. DeWoUe, E<;q.. Chairman ; Aid. Graham, Aid. Story, J. E. Chipman, Esq. ; W. E. Starratt, Esq. No. 15. Classes 11 & 12— Fruit, Ornamental Plants and Flowers ;— Alderman Trtnaman, Chairman ; Aid. Nisbet, Peter Jack, Es([. ; C. E. Brown, Esq. ; David Matheson, Esq. ; Herbert Harris, Esq. ; 11. W. Starr, Esq. No. 16. Classes 13 to 18 inclusive.— Economic Minerals, Manufactures in Wood, Carriage Manufactures, Naval Archi- tecture, Manufactures in Metal and in Leather.— Itoderiok Mc- Donald, Esq., Chairman ; Aid. Mcl'herson, Aid. Sanford, Aid. Houlette, AV. S. Symond.s, Esq. ; John M. DeWolfe, Esq. ; Alex. Stephen, Jr., Esq. No. 17. Classes 19, 20 & 21— Fisheries, Furs, and Preserved Meats.— Alderman Clay, Chairman ; Aid. Fra.ser, Aid. Story, Aid. Woodill, Hon. H. E. MeDougall, W. H. Harrington, Esq. No. 18. Classes 22 to 26 inclusive.— Ladies' Work, Natural History, Indian Work, Paper Manufactures, Miscellaneous- William M. Doull, Esq., Chairman; Aid. Ni.sbet, Aid. Clay, Aid. O'Connor, A. Downs, Esq. 12 DOMINION F.XIIIBITION I'RIZK 1, 1ST. 128 GRANVILLE STREET ii! it! a BRQWM & CO. (ESTABLISHED A. D. 1840.) JewellerS; Silversmiths, Watchirakers & Engravers, OFFER AT WHOLESALE; WATrHKS, Swiss and American n»nv»nients, in all varieties of Cases. GOLD ("HAINS, in all styles, for Lulies nnd Gents. GOLD .TF.WKLLHliY, a fine assortment, in newest ]mtterns. i:OLLKI) I'LATE, in Suites, Neekchains, Lace Pins, Alberts, Guanl Stliils. etc. FINK GILT .IKWKLLEIIY, in Alberts. Guaidp, Neckclinins, Matinees, Cj ELEiTliO I'LATED Tea and Dinner Ware ann & Co.'s (English) Spoons and FoiiKS. THE PERFECT BUTTER COOLER— the newest and best 3'et invented. And to our stock of Wsilllifaiii tiiicl otlioi* TVntelios, Which are marked at lower prices than ever before odcred. FINE WATCH HEPAIIUNG promptly attended to by a superior workman, ENGRAVING, in all its branches, including Monogram Dies, Notarial, Corpora- tion and Society Seals executed on the premises by a skilful New Y''ork Engraver. "We have recently procured and liave now in working order, modern presses for PRINTING AND STAMPING. The dies left with Mr. George S. Bolton and Mr. W. S Hall iire now in our possession. All orders for work in the above line will receive prompt attention. ' Manufacturing .and repairing orders for Jewellery will receive prompt attention. The highest price given for old GOLD and SILVER in cash or exchange. M. S. BROWN & CO., 128 GRANVILLE STREET. ravers, PROGRAMME. M. S. B. ^ i 1 The Exhilntiou will open on Wedncsdny, the 21st day of Septomliel', and continue open until 2 P. ]\I. on Fi'iday, the 30th of September. The Industrial and .Mechanical Departments of the Exhibition will be ojM-n to the public on TliiuHday, tlii^ 22nd of September, at two o'clock in the afternoon, and will be on view from the oi)eninf( to the close. The show of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Agricultural and Dairy Product.-!. Fruit and Floweis will t;d;e place during the second week, when all de])a)'tnie]its of the Exhibition will be in operation. General Rules and Regulations. Iii'iHilniri Exhihliors and Visitorn arc inirllcii.hirJj requeded to read carffidbj, and consider fhe foUowhij Rides and Reijidations (/overn- in J the Exhibition, whiidi will he, in- all cases, strictli/ en/mxed : I. The Exhibition Grounds and Building will be ojiened on Tuesday, j September 20th, at suiu-ise, and continue ojien during the day till sunset, for the reception and nrrangenicnt of Exhibition Articles. Exhibitors, oil arrival, will immediately re))ort themselves at the office to the ^lanager, wdio, with the assistance of the Committees of Manage- ment, will allot appro{)riate pens or spaces for their exhibits. This day, none but membcsrs of the General Committee, oiticials, exhibitors and necessary attendants, will be admitted. (Exhibitors of bulky articles requiring to be placed on the ground, or in the building during the previous week, will be permitted to do so on special application beforehand.) See Bide 13. ^jm^ 14 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. ^ ■ I 2. Live Animals, Fruit, Klowers, and perishable articles, will be re- ceived iij) to Tuesday morning, -7tli September, at 9 o'clock ; un- avoidaVdo delays to be dealt with at the discretion of the Committee, who, however, cannot undertake to defei- the work of the Judges on account of late arrivals. 3 The Exhibition Building will be o|)ened to the public on Thursday, September 22iul, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and will be open each succeeding via} to vi.sitoi'.-i, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Admission, 25 cents each ti'ue on :"'tt'iing ; children under 12 years of age, 10 cents. Military Bands of ]Mu.sic will lie in attend.uice daily. The Giv.nd Public opening will take jdoce on Tuesday, 27th September, at 2 p. m., when all Dei>artments of the Exhibition will be fully open. The cattle-yards will be clos^^d to the pulilic every evening at sunset. The main building will remain open Ull 10 ]>. m. 4. The Judges in Manufactures, Arts, Implements, and Machinery, will meet at the Secretary's office on Thursday, 22nd September, at 9 a. m., and the Judges of Live Stock of all kinils, Fruit, Agricultural and Dairy Produce, will meet on Tuesday, September 27th, at 9 a. m. to obtain entry books, and ])roceed to award premiums. On complet- ing their work, they will pei'sonally show their books to the ■Manager or Secretary, and will be furnished with the refjuisite ])rize-t!ckets, which it will be their duty to place carefully, and as soon as possible, upon the various articles, before giving up their books and report. ;"). The Judges, ^lembers of Conuuittee. and Members of the Press, will be furnisiied with badges. 6. Exhibits may be removed from the grounds on Friday afternoon, SeptemV)er 30th, at 3 o'clock, immediately after closing. The Ti'easurer will commence to pay premiums on the grounds at 9 o'clock, a. m., on Friday. Prizes not claimed within three months from the clo.se of the Exhibition, will be forfeited. 7. Every intending competitor must transmit to the Secretary, not later than the dates mentioned below, an entry i)apor containing a cor- rect list of the animals or articles which he intends to exhibit, touether with certificate of pedigree in the case of thoroughbred stock, or else a reference to the registry number of any I'ecognized Stock Register, Any competitor failing to transmit his entry paper at the proper time, will be excluded from competition. No fee is charged for the entry of animals or articles. In Class II, no animal will be accepted as thoroiigh' DOMINION EXHIBITION I'lUZE LIST, 15 I'ess. bred, unless actually registered in a recognized Herd Book Register. Entry j)apers may be obtained on application to the Secretary of the Exhibition. 8. Hoi'ses, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry must be entered on or before Monday, September 5th, three; weeks preceding the Exhibition, and the age of each animal should be stated in years and months, at the date of Exhibition ; the precise date of birth to be given \,ho.n necessary. 9. Plants and flowers, fruit, grain, roots, vegetables and other field and garden i)roducts, agricultural implements, manufactures of all kinds, and articles not else.vhere enumerated, may be entered up to Tuesday, September 13th, one clear week preceding the Exhibition. 10. In order to prevent unnecesriai-y labor and loss of ti ue, exhibi • tors, are particularly requested to enter only such articles as they intend to exhibit. 11. Exhibitors will please take notice that it is absolutely required that the entries be made at the dates above mentioned, in order to afford sufficient time to examine the entry papers, and to correspond with par- ties, when necsssary, for the correction of errors and omissions ; and no excei)tiou will be made to this rule, unless on payment of ><\.Q0 for each entry, and by special permission of the Committee. 12. Competitors failing to exhibit animals or articles, which they have entered, will forfeit a fee of 50c. for every .such entry, to be de- ducted from their prize-money, or paid by them. 13. Exhibitors of bulky articles, requiring extensive accommodation, must communicate with the ^Manager on or before Monday, Sei^tember 5th, stating what space they will require, in order that there may be time for the Committee to make the requisite arrangements. 14. All articles for exhibition must be on the grounds on Tuesday, September 20th, after which day none will Ite receiveil, except live stock, agricultural, garden, and dairy produce, fruit, flowers and other perishable articles, which will be received up to 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning, Septembe)- 27tli. All necessary erections, and bulky articles requiring to be put together on the grounds or in the buildings, must be finished, and all waste material and rubbish removed, not later than 12 o'clock, noon, on Saturday, September 17th, as no such work can ba permitted during the Exhibition. 16 DOMINION EXHIBITION MllZE LIST. f 15. J*]\liLl)itor.s will, in ovory case, give tlio uocessary per.sonal at- tention to \vliatov(ii' tlipy exhibit. Necessary Attendants ui)on live stock, and worlcincn actually i'(Mjuii;'d to attend to machinery, will be furnished with adinisslou tickets with their nanus written upon them, which tickets will ho good at the ICchlhitory, (jate onhf, during tiie Ex- hihition, such tickets to he obtained from the Seci Visitors to the Exhibition can be accommodated at this well-known Hotel. Meals will be served at all hours during the day AT 50 CENTS. An addition has recently been made to the Dining Roonn, which is now the largest and best in the city. H. HESSLEIN & SONS, [Proprietors. A^rmy a>ii• I H^IUF^CTUBES OF IIOM ^1L« Take the Address and write, or call upon us for ACORN EAFGES, COOKING, PARLOR, HALL & OFFICE STOVES, "WALKER" WARM AIR FURNACES. Oast Iron Plows, Rotary Saw Mills, Ship Castings, Mill Castings, Hollow-ware, &c. ALSO Flail aiii Japied Tinware, Ms, Stovepipe, U. >i in cS rd «H— 1 -»j a o a; ;h 02 HH o ^ No Oliarge for Cartage. WE ALSO DEAL IN Engines, Turbine Wheels, Steam Fittings, Pumps^ AND SHALL BE PLEASED TO QUOTE PRICES. Correspondence Solicited. -A-. HOBB & SOIsTS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, AMHERST, NOVA SCOTIA. I ! for 'OVES, S. astings, Dfi. k CQ tr t-^» < *-a CO o tri erg a o pj l=J CD CD >-i O CD r-^ !7f CD CQ O a ^ 1" CQ 3 S=J ■ ^ CD V imps, DTIA. DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 28 ESTABLISHED 1854. JOHN WOODILL, 178 Barrington Street, Halifax, IST. S. DEALER IN OX AND COW HIDES, CALF SKINS, WOOL AND WOOL SKINS. The llisbe!«t Market Priee lUiiil In <'.i!^ll Tor the above. WHEN BUYING **Y^e !Bc>ftoii I3alfef, IFAX. alifax FTixz:^ LIST. In aw account and not Colts com])ete allo'ved In all services Class l.-HORSES. ardincj prizes for horses, tlie judges are requested to take into the age, size, training, style and soundness, as well as breed, to award any pi-ize unless they consider the animal worthy of exhibited with their dams in sections 3, 8, 19, are eligible to in sections 15, 24 ; but no otlier animal in this class will be to compete in more than one section. cases of doubt as to soundness, the Judges will call in the of the Consulting Veterinarian. TIIO.ROI (i3tBKED IIOR.SG!!i, i. e. Horses \rllb (stud-book Pcdisreo. I Section. 1st 2n(i 3rd 1. — Best Thoroughbred Stallion, 4 yeara old and upwards §35 00 2.^^00 15 00 2.— Best Thoroughbred Stallion under 4 years 30 00 20 00 10 00 3. — Best Thoroughbred Brood Mare and Colt (or evidence that a colt lias been reared.) 30 00 20 00 10 00 4th TUOTTIXftl, C'AKKIAGi:, A!V» i«AI>»LE HORSES. 4. 5. 6. ■if I 8. 10. Best Stallion to breed horses for trotting, car- riage or road, 4 years old and upwards, to be shown in carriage 35 Best Stallion to breed horses for trotting, car- riage or road, 3 years old and under 4. . , . 20 00 Best Stallion to breed horses for trotting, car- 00 25 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 riage or road, 2 years old 15 00 12 00 10 00 Best Lady's Saddle Horse, ridden by the lady owner. Medal or money 20 00 Best Brood Mare and Colt (or evidence that a colt has been reared) for breeding horses for trotting, carriage or road, to be shown 15 00 10 00 111 carnage , 35 00 25 00 15 00 Best Saddle Horse, Mare or Gelding, under Saddle 20 00 Best pair Carriage Horses, in carriage, both to be the bona fide property of the exhibitor. . 30 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 26 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. Jill- {I ', i I , i ! i Section. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1 1 . Best single Carriage Horse, not one of a pair, driven in a carriage $20 00 15 00 10 00 12. Best Colt (not a stallion) for trotting, carriage or road, 3 yeai-s old, shown in halter 20 00 15 00 10 00 13. Best Colt (not a stallion) for trotting, carriage or load, 2 years old, shown in halter 15 00 12 00 8 00 14. Best Colt (not a stallion) for trotting, caniage or road, 1 year old, shown in halter 12 00 10 00 8 00 15. Best Sucking Colt, for trotting, carriage or road 10 GO 8 00 6 00 HOBSEg FOR AGRICI'LTIKAL PI KPOSES. EXCLISIVE OF rURF. €L1DE8- DALE, SVFFOLKS AXD rERl'IlERONS, 16. Best Stallion to breed horses for Agricultural and draft purposes, 4 years old and upwards 35 00 25 00 15 00 17. Best Stallion to breed horses for Agricultural and draft purposes, 3 years and under 4.. 20 00 15 00 10 00 18. Best Stallion to breed horses for Agricultiu"al and draft puvposes, 2 years old 15 00 12 00 10 00 19. Best Brood Mare and Colt (or evidence that a colt has been reared) for breeding horses for agricultural and draft purposes 30 00 25 00 15 00 10 00 20. Best pair Draft Horses, both to be the boria /cfe property of the exhibitor 30 00 20 00 10 00 21. Best Colt (not a stallion) for draft purposes, 3 years old, shown in halter 12 00 10 00 8 00 22. Best Colt (not a stallion) for draft purposes, 2 years old, shown in halter 10 00 8 00 6 00 23. Best Colt (not a stallion) for draft purposes, 1 year old, shown in halter S 00 6 GO 24. Best Sucking Colt for draft purposes 6 00 4 00 3 00 CLYDESDALE. 25. Best Stallion, 4 years old and upwards 30 00 25 00 15 00 26. Best Stallion, 3 years old 25 00 15 00 10 00 27. Best Stallion, 2 yeai-s old 15 00 10 00 5 00 28. Best yearling Colt 10 00 6 00 4 00 29. Best Filly, 3 years old 15 00 10 00 5 00 30. Best Filly, 2 5'ears old 12 00 8 00 5 00 31. Best Yearling Filly 8 00 6 00 4 00 32. Best Brood Mare with foal by her side 20 00 12 00 6 00 PERCHEROXS. 83. Best Stallion, 4 years old and upwards 30 00 25 00 15 00 34. Best Stallion, 3 years old 25 00 15 00 10 00 35. Best Stallion, 2 years old 15 GO 10 00 5 00 36. Best Yearling Colt 10 00 6 00 4 00 Se 37 38 39 40 41 4S Si pr lo hi DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 27 3r(l 4 th 10 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 6 00 Kt CL10E8- [5 00 ,0 00 00 5 00 10 00 00 8 00 6 00 'd 00 5 00 00 fi 00 4 00 5 00 ) 00 1 00 > 00 5 00 ) 00 i 00 I 00 8IJFVOLK8. Section. Ist. 2nd. 3pd, 37. Best Stallion, 4 years old and upwards $30 00 25 00 15 00 38. Best Stallion, 3 years old 25 00 15 00 10 00 39. Best Stallion, 2 years old 15 00 10 00 5 00 40. Best Yearling Colt 10 00 6 00 4 00 SHETLAND PONIK^i. 41. Best Stallion 5 00 3 00 42. Best Mare 5 00 3 00 Special Prize, presented by the Hon. J. H. Popa, Minister of Agriculture; For the best Horse of any uieed $50 00 The taking of a prize in any otiier class will not disqualify Horses entered for this prize. Class 2.-0ATTLE. Thoroughbred Stock with certified pedigree. No Cow will be al- lowed to compete unless in milk or with calf, or with evidence that she has had a calf within twelve months, except for the prize offered for fat cow. SHORT HORN DIIRHAMS. BULLS. 1. Best Thoroughbred Durham Bull, 4 years old and up- wards $30 00 20 00 15 00 2. Best Thoroughbred Durham Bull, 3 years old and up- wards 30 00 20 00 15 00 3. Best Thoroughbred Durham Bull, 2 years old 20 00 15 00 10 00 4. Best Thoroughbred Durham Bull, 1 year old 15 00 10 00 5 00 5. Best Thoroughbred Durham Bull Calf, under 1 year... 10 00 8 00 4 00 cows. 6. Best Thoroughbred D'lrham Cov, 4 years old and up- wards 30 00 20 00 15 00 7. Best Thoroughbred Durham Cow, 3 years old and up- wards 30 00 20 00 15 00 8. Best Thoroughbred Durham Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, in milk 20 00 15 00 10 00 9. Best Thoroughbred Durham Heifer, 2 years old and up- wards, dry 20 00 15 00 10 00 10, Best Thoroughbred Durham Heifer, 1 year old 15 00 10 00 8 00 11. Best Thoroughbred Durham Heifer Calf, und«r 1 year. 10 00 8 00 6 00 28 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. J l| ' |i > II I liii u' ,i:i I Section. 1st 12. Best Hord of Short Horn Durham Cattle, to consist of one Bull not less than 1 year old, and !> females ■^ of which must be in milk, or in calf, and the fifth may be a yearling or, if older, must be in milk or in calf, pri«es only to be awarded if the Herds are deemed worthy by the judges $50 00 AlBHIIIKKSi. BULLS. 13. Best Thoroughbred Ayrshire Bull, 4 years old and up- wards 25 00 14. Best Thoroughbjed Bull, 3 years old and upwards. ... 25 00 15. Best Thoroughbred Ayrshire Bull, 2 years old 15 00 16. -Best Thoroughbred Ayrshire Bull, 1 year old 12 00 ^7. Best Thoroughbred Ayrshire Bull under one yeaT 10 00 cows. 18. Best Thoroughbred Ayrshire Cow, 4 years old and up- wards 25 00 19. Best Thoroughbred Ayrshire Cow, 3 years old and up- wards 25 00 20. Best Thoroughbred Ayrehire Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, in milk 15 00 21. Best Ayrshire Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, dry. ... 15 00 22. Best Thoroughbred Ayrshire Heifer, 1 year old 12 00 23. Best Thororghbred A\Tshire Calf under 1 year 10 00 24. Best HerJ of Ayrshire Cattle to consist of one Bull, not less than 1 year old, and 5 Females, 4 of which must be in milk or in calf, and the fifth may b<- a yearling, or, if older, must be in milk or in calf. Prizes only to be awarded if the Herds arc deemed worthy by the Judges 50 00 DEIONS. BULLS. 25. Best Thoroughbred Devon Bull, 3 years old and up- wards 20 00 26. Best Thoroughbred Devon Bull, 2 years old 15 00 27. Best Thoroughbred Devon Bull, 1 year old 12 00 28. Best Thoroughbred Devon Bull Calf under one year. . . 10 00 cows. 29. Best Thoroughbred Devon Cow, 3 years old 20 00 30. Best Thoroughbred Devon Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, in milk 12 00 31. Best Thoroughbred Devon Heifer, 2 years old and upwards,dry 12 00 32. Best Thoroughbred Devon Heifer, 1 year old 10 00 2nd 3rd 40 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 5 00 7 00 4 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 5 00 7 OO 4 00 40 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 5 00 7 00 4 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 6 00 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 29 2nd 3r(l i] 15 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 5 00 7 00 4 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 6 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 5 00 7 00 4 00 15 00 10 00 15 OC 10 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 5 00 7. 00 4 00 Section. Ist 2nd 3rd 33. Beat Thoroughbred Devon Heifer Calf under 1 year. . .| 8 00 6 00 4 00 34. Best Herd of Devon Cattle, to consist of one Bull not less than 1 year old, and 5 females, 4 of which must be in milk or in calf, and the fifth may be a yearling or, if older, must be in milk or in calf. Prizes only to be awarded If the Herds are deemed worthy by the Judges 60 00 40 00 BULLS. 35. Best Thoroughbred Jersey Bull, 3 years old and up- wards 25 00 15 00 10 00 36. Best Thoroughbred Jersey Bull, 2 years old 15 00 10 00 8 00 37. Best Thoroughbred Jersey Bull, 1 year old 12 00 8 00 5 00 38. Best Thoroughbred Jersey Bull Calf under 1 year 10 JO 7 00 4 00 cows. 39. Best Thoroughbred Jersey Cow 25 00 15 00 ^0 00 40. Best Tlioroughbred Jersey Cow or Heifer, 2 years and upwards, in milk 15 00 10 00 8 00 41. Best Thoroughbred Jereey Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, dry 15 00 10 00 8 00 4l Best Thoroughbred Jersey Heifer, 1 year old 12 00 8 00 5 00 43. Best Thoroughbred Jersey Heifer Calf under 1 year... 10 00 7 00 4 00 44. Best Herd of Jersey Cattle, to consist rf one Bull not less than 1 year old, and 5 females, 4 of which must be in milk or in calf, and the fifth may be a yearling, or if older, must be in milk or in calf. Prizes only to be awarded if the Herds are deemed worthy by the Judges 50 00 40 00 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. r.ULLS. Best Thoroughbred Guernsey Bull, 3 years old and up- wards .' 25 00 15 00 10 00 Best Thoroughbred Guernsey Bull, 2 years old 15 00 10 00 8 00 Best Thoroughbred Guernsey Bull, 1 year old 12 00 8 00 5 00 Best Thoroughbred Guernsey Bull Calf, under 1 year. . 10 00 7 00 4 00 cows. Best Thoroughbred Guernsey Cow 25 00 15 00 10 00 Best Thoroughbred Guernsey Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, in milk 15 00 10 00 8 00 Best Thoroughbred Guernsey Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, dry 15 00 10 00 8 00 Best Thoroughbred Guernsey Heifer, 1 year old 12 00 8 00 5 00 Best Thoroughbred Guernsey Heifer Calf under 1 year. 10 00 7 00 4 00 30 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. ! h Jiiilti ' ' 1 ■III M I Hi I 1 ill ' 54. Best Herd of Guernsey Cattle, to consist of one Bull not less than 1 year old, and 5 females, 4 of which must be in milk or in calf, and tin; fifth may be a yearling, or if older, must be in milk or in calf. Prizes only to be awarded if the Herds are deemed worthy by the Judges |60 00 40 00 I»AIRV, BEEF, AND UORJilNA f ATTLB. COWS. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 55. Best Grade Cow, 5 years old and up- wards 15 00 12 00 10 00 8 00 56. Best Grade Cow, 3 years old and unde" 5 years 15 00 12 00 10 00 8 00 57. Best Grade Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, in milk 12 0'.. 10 00 S 00 6 00 68. Best Grade Heifer, 2 years old and under 3 years, dry 12 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 59. Pest Grade Heifer 1 year old and un- der 2 years 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 60. Best Grade Heifer Calf 7 CO 5 00 4 00 3 00 61. Best Fat Cow or Heifer 15 00 10 00 5 00 OXEN. 62. Best pair of Oxen, of any age, largest and fattest 40 00 30 00 20 00 10 00 63. Best aigigle Ox or Steer, of any age, largest and fattest 25 00 15 00 10 00 64. Best pair of Steers, 4 years old 30 00 25 00 15 00 65. Best single Steer, 4 years old and un- der 5, largest and fattest 15 00 10 00 66. Best pair Steers, 3 years old 20 00 15 00 10 00 67. Best .single Steer, 3 years old and un- der 4, largest and fattest 15 00 10 00 68. Best pair of Steers, 2 years old 16 00 12 00 8 00 69. Best single Steer, 2 years old and un- ** der 3, largest and fattest 15 00 10 00 70. Best pair of Steers, 1 year old 12 00 10 00 6 00 71. Best single Steer. 1 year old and under 2, largest and fattest 8 00 6 00 72. Best Steer Calf 6 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 73. Best pair Working Oxen, to be ex- hibited in yoke, and tested at the discretion of the Judges 40 00 30 00 20 00 « 5 00 5 00 1 j|i:li DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 31 fE<'IAL 8 00 5 no 6 00 6 00 00 00 10 00 3 00 GO 10 00 00 8 00 00 8 00 00 5 00 00 2 00 00 10 00 00 00 The following prizes are offered for grades obtained by crossing our native cattle with the thoroughbred animals of particular breeds ; but any admixture of Short Horn Durham or Hereford blood will dis- qualify from competition for these prizes : Section. Is 74. Best Grade Devon Cow, 3 yeara old and upwards $15 75. Best Grade Devon Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and \ipwards, in milk 10 76. Best Grade Devon Cow, 2 years old and under 3, dry 10 77. Best Grade Devon Heifer, 1 year old and under 2 7 78. Best Grade Devon Heifer Calf 5 79. Best Grade Ayrshire Cow, 3 years old and upwards 15 80. Best Grat'e Ayrshire Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, in milk 10 81. Best Grade Ayrshire Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and under 3, dry 10 82. Best Grade Ayrshire Heifer, 1 year old and under 2 7 83. Best Grade Ayrshire Heifer Calf 5 84. Best Grade Jersey Cow, 3 years old and upwards 15 85. Best Grade Jersey Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, in milk t... 10 86. Best Grade Jersey Cow, 2 years old and under 3, dry 10 87. Best Grade Jersey Heifer, 1 year old and imder 2 7 88. Best Grade Jersey Heifer Calf 5 89. Best Grade Guernsej Cow, 3 years old and upwards 15 90. Best Grade Guernsey Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, in milk 10 91. Best Grade Guernsey Cow, 2 j^ears old and under 3, dry 10 92. Best Grade Guernsey Heifer, 1 year old and under 2 7 93. Best Grade Guernsey Heifer Calf 5 IIEUEFOBIIS. BULLS. 94. Best Thoroughbred Hereford Bull, 4 years old and upwards... 25 00 15 00 95. Best Thoroughbred Hereford Bull, 3 years old 25 00 15 00 96. Best Thoroughbred Hereford Bull, 2 years old 15 00 10 00 97. Best Thoroughbrad Hereford Bull, 1 year old 10 00 8 00 cows. 98. Best Thoroughbred Hereford Cow, 4 years old and upwards... 15 00 99. Best Thoroughbred Hereford Cow, 3 years old 15 00 100. Best Thoroughbred Hereford Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, in milk 10 00 101. Best Thoroughbred Hereford Cow or Heifer, 2 years old, dry .. 10 00 102. Best Thoroughbred He; eford Heifer, 1 year old 8 00 00 8 00 00 5 00 00 2 00 00 10 00 00 8 00 00 8 00 00 5 00 00 2 00 00 10 00 00 8 00 00 8 00 00 5 00 00 2 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 32 DOMINION EXIIIUITION PRIZE LIST. \i m m\ M ' • if Section. Ist 2ml 103. Bi'st Herd of Hereford Cattle, to consist of one Bull not less than 1 year old, and 5 feiiialeH, 4 of which must be in milk or in calf, and the fifth may W a yearling or, if older, must be in milk or in calf. Prizes only to be awarded if the Herds are deemed worthy hy the Judges $50 00 40 00 HULLS. 104. Best Thoroughbred PoUed Angus UuU, 4 years old and up- wards 25 00 15 00 105. Best Thoroughbred Polled Angus Dull, 3 years old 25 00 15 00 100. Best Thoroughbred Polled Angus Bull, 2 years old 15 00 10 00 107. Best Thoroughbred Polled Angus Bull, 1 year old 10 00 8 00 cows. 108. Best Thoroughbred Polled Angus Cow, 4 years old and up- wards 15 00 10 00 109. Best Thoroughbred Polled Angus Cow, 3 years old 15 00 10 00 110. Best Thoroughbred Polhid Angus Cow or Heifer, 2 yeai-s old and upwards, in milk 10 00 5 00 111. Best Thoroughbred Polled Angus Cow or Heifer, 2 years old, dry 10 00 5 00 112. Best Thoroughbred Polled Angus Heif«r, 1 year old 3 00 4 00 113. Best Herd of Polled Angus Cattle, to consist of one ull, not less than 1 year old, and 5 females, 4 of which m . Mbe in milk or in calf, and the fiftli niiiy be a yearling, if older, must be in milk or in calf. Prizes only to be awarded if the Herds are deemed worthy by the Judges 50 00 40 00 IIOLSTKIN. BULLS. 114. Best Tlioroughbred Holstein Bull, 4 years old and upwards ... 25 00 15 00 115. Best Tlioroughbred Holstein Bull, 3 years old 25 00 15 00 11(5. Best Thoroughbred Holstein Bull, 2 years old 15 00 10 00 117. Best Thoroughbred Holstein Bull, 1 year old 10 00 8 00 cows. 118. Best Thoroughbred Holstein Cow, 4 years old and upwards 15 00 10 00 119. Best Thoroughbred Holstein Cow, 3 years old 15 00 10 00 120. Best Thoroughbred Holstein Cow or Heifer, 2 years old and upwards, in milk 10 00 5 00 121. Best Thoroughbred Holstein Cow or Heifer, 2 years old, dry... 10 00 5 00 122. Best Thoroughbred Holstein Heifer, 1 year old 8 00 4 00 123. Best Herd of Holstein Cattle, to consist ot one Bull, not less than 1 year old, and 5 females, 4 of wliich must be in milk or in calf, and the fifth may be a yearling, or if older, must be in milk or in calf. Prizes only to be awarded if the Herds are deemed worthy by the Judges 50 00 40 00 1st 2ii(l 50 00 40 00 25 00 15 00 25 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 00 5 00 00 5 00 8 00 4 00 [) 00 40 00 on 15 00 00 15 00 00 10 00 00 8 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 5 00 00 5 00 00 4 00 00 40 00 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. sa Niiiiiirurliin'r nniilai3(-l:>Iiia, iK:U;lty tli«' l»»iiiliiioii 4'oiiiiii1shIoii, IK7«i; I'arlN, IK7H ; luUiistrial Kvtilltilioa Ih>I«I In HulirMX, IHUUf Pruvlu«-lttl Agrirulturul an4 intliislrlal L\lii1»llluii, IHTO. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Steamers of this Line run regularly every Fortnight,, commencing May 4th, FROM LONDON TO HALIFAX AND BOSTON, Carrying Fr3ight to all parts of Canada at special low through rates, FREIGHT TAKEN AT HALIFAX FOR BOSTON, LONDON, AND CONTINENTAL PORTS. Steamers to carry Cattle to Liverpool, Glasgow, and London can generally be had on application. T. A. S. DeWOLF & SON, Agents, Halifax, N. S. ESTABLISHED I»4I. yV. H. SCH^VARTZ & SONS, Wholesale and Retail Dcalerit In THE " I^EID OOI^DSTEIi," BARRINGTON AND BUCKINGHAM STREETS,. THE CHEAPEST PLAICE IN THE CITY. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS.. 84 DOMINION EXimUTION PRIZK LIST. I |i HOLMAN PAD COMPANY. THE ABSORPTIVE TREATMENT COMPLETE. n! m a: lis li ri O o o o i •3 Hi a _ •d g W 3 o tD o o S3 -< LIVER & STOMACH ^ PAD CUrtES WITHOUT MEpjClNE Wd m g '3 „- ^^ f- ^ F»> ® OQ 'O .2 +j f^ g ^ "O .2 +3 ® s © •g5.> |D of O o ® ^ ■31 ' species ig from s. S FROM* NDENTS T, anager. DOMINION RXIItfilTIOK PRIZE LIST. 35 Class 3. -SHEEP, In this class pedigrees aio not essential, hut the Judges, in awarding prizes in the several divisions, are requested to take into special account tlis. Sluiep must be closely shorn on or after Ist May, and the date of shearing must be n ted in the enti-y paper. Ewes two shears and over jn all the divisions must have raised lambs the present season. LON<; WOOL. Division 1 — Cotswolds. Section. Ist. 2n(i. 1. Best Ham, 2 shears and over $8 00 6 00 2. Best Ram, shearling 7 00 5 00 3. Best Rain Lamb 6 00 4 00 4. Best two Ewes, 2 sliears and over 8 00 6 00 5. Best two Ewes, shearling 7 00 5 00 6. Best two Ewe Lambs 6 00 4 00 7. Best Fat Wether 6 00 4 00 Division 2 — Leicester. 8. Best Ram, 2 shears and over 8 00 ri 00 9. Best Ram, shearling 7 00 5 00 ' 1. Best Ram Lamb 6 00 4 00 11. Best two Ewes, 2 shears and over 8 00 6 00 12. Best two Ewes, shearling 7 00 5 Oq 13. Best two Ewe Lambs 6 GO 4 00 14. Best Fat Wether 6 00 4 00 Division 3 — Lincoln and othee Long Wools, not specially enumerated. 1 5. Best Ram, 2 shears and over -. 8 00 60"* 16. Best Ram, shearling 7 00 5 00 17. Best Ram Lamb 6 00 4 00 18. Best two Ewes, two shears and over 8 00 6 00 19. Best two Ewes, shearling 7 00 5 00 20. Best two Ewe Lambs 6 00 4 00 21. Best Fat Wether .». 6 00 4 00 36 DOMINION RXHinrriON I>IU/K I.IKT. '1 »:'.' H\\ MI'.nilM UOOI.. HlVlSIoN 4 - SoiviHlUtWNK. Section. IhI. '2iiiI. 'i'i. HiHt Utmi, two shfrtiM mill ovor. $S Oi) (i 00 2:«. Best Kiuu, Hlu'iuling 7 00 r> 00 24. llcst luiiii liiuiil> Ci 00 4 00 2f>. M:Mt two Kwtvs, "J shears iiinl oviT 8 00 (i 00 26. Mi'st two Kwt'H, slifiiiliiif,' Too f> (M> '27. Best two Kwo Lmiilis (lo 100 •J8. Best Km VVetlier (i 00 4 00 DiVKsloN r> Siiitoi'siiiUK Downs, 21). Best Hum, 2 slieiirs anil over S Oo t! oo ;»0. Best liiim, sheuilinj,' 7 OO f) 00 :(l. Best Hum Liinil> 00 4 00 !1'2. Best two KwoH, 2 hIu'iu'h uml over H oo (i oo ;t:J. Be.st two Kwes, slieurliiij; 7 00 f> 00 ;J4. Best two Kwe Liiiiihs (i 00 4 00 Hr». Best Kilt Wetlier (i 00 100 Division tl IIami'smiuk. Downs, (^xfuup Down.-;, iiml oth.r Metliuni Wiml* not iimuier.iteil. 'Mi. Best Kiini, 2 sheiira anil over S (lo no 37. Besl Kaiii, shearling 7 00 f. 00 ;«H. Best Ham Lunili (I OO 4 00 31). Best two Kwes, 2 sliears and over S 00 «i oO 40. Best two Kwes, sheai linn 7 00 f. oo 41. Best two Kwe liambs li 00 4 00 42. Best Kat Wether 00 4 oo VINE nooL. Division 7 — Mkuino. 43. Be.st Ivain, 2 shears ami over >S 00 ti oo 44. Best pen ol" Kwes, or Kwe l.amhai, not fewer than three nor more than live 10 00 8 00 Class 4.-SWINE. IIIVIHIOK I niPUU%»:i» ItKltkHIIIIIKH. 1. Boar, 2 years ami npwaiils $10 00 7 oo S. Boar, 1 year ami umler 2 S 00 tl 00 5. Boar, umlor 1 year (5 oo 4 00 4. Sow, 2 years and over >.0 00 7 00 6. Sow, 1 year and umler 2 8 00 (J 00 6. Sow, under 1 year «5 Oo 4 00 * Beat Ui]pudiuK Sow and Litter, not fewer than >^ pigs li oo DOMINION KXIIiniTION I'UIZK LIST. 37 1st. ■Jll.l $S Oil (i 00 . 7 DO f) 00 . l! (10 1 00 . .S 00 (! 00 , 7 00 f. 00 (i 00 •1 00 . «! 01) 1 00 S 00 (! 00 7 00 r. 00 *i 00 1 00 .S 00 (i 00 7 (10 5 00 ti 00 4 00 (i 00 •» 00 liiiiii Wool* ,S 00 ti 00 7 00 [, 00 (> 00 4 00 8 00 tl 00 7 00 f. 00 () 00 4 00 tl 00 4 00 S 00 (•> 00 00 8 00 I 7 00 tl (>() 4 00 7 00 (i 00 4 0(» ilrgylo Boot «, S&oe itQre« BOOTS. SHOES. SLIPPERS. &c. rMIIK siiliMiilur wiiiilil «lintt till- .illii of rity liiiiuls, hIho Htiiuif,'iis iVoiii tlif I tniiiitrv, iiiitl flstvvlitn-, who intciul visilii»>{ llu' hominioii Kxliibilioii ih lliilit'ikx, to his liiBisB Slock Of Bools, Sliofis, Sliers, &c., Wliii'li is till- Itir^f.st iiiid most ioiii|ili'(i', AND THE BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED BEFORE IN THE CITY. Call, fxiuiiiiH-, mill 111- loiiviiiiiil, tlml wi- iiuiui wlml wr sny. W'v liiivc long lu'tm iiot.il lor our hUiM-rior assort iii.iit of CHILDREN S' BOOTS. W" li"vt' uko It lirst ratt^ stink rf Old Ladios' Boots, I roail solf.-i and low liftdH, moiiki extra lar^i' si/i's. »ii^ Kfiiii'iiiliiT tli«' pliice — 147 ARGYLE ST. formerly Conroy's Corner.) N. M. We refund iiioiicy if cihiiIh do not Nuit. E. BOREHAM. The neatest and latest style ot Blind of the best material manufactured at this Establishment. OLD BLINDS REPAIRED, TAPED OR CORDED. COUNTRY ORDERS FILLED AT SHORT NOTICE. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. W. D. MABEE, 43 & 45 Buckingham Street, Halifax, N. 8. 187 BARRINGTON STREET. 187 TTTOS. C \ TfoTINSOTsr, CHRONOMETER AMD WATCH MAKER. I.ADIK.S' tiiidtJeiiLs' (Sold and .Silver St.'in \Viiidiii}< WATCH KS, all h\m'»; (lold _J Clmins for l.adifs and (iiMitli iinii ; Qold JeWelrV, of the lust KuitHhIi uituiularturi> ; Ixct .Vincrii-an 0 antl upwards; Walnut I'arlor Clocks, I.adiis' liiiif^s, Widdint? Kings, Cull' and Shirt Htuils, Loeket.s, S.C. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED AND CLEANED. THOS. C. JOHNSON, 187 Bttrrlnffton f "eet- .•If. II I ' Jill! 38 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. NOVa SCOTIA BREWERY, Lower Water Street, HaJifax. i¥ ^_ SOU M i I fill ).!-■ i (ESTABLISHED 1820) BREWERS ^ND BOTTLERS OP "INDIA" PALE ALE, XX and XXX Ales and Porter ALWAYS ON HAND. DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 89 DIVISION 3.-LAROB; TOHUSIIIUU ()() 45. White-crested Black Polish 3 00 46. White-crested Black Polish Chickens 3 00 47. Bearded Golden Polish 3 00 48. Bearded Golden Polish Chickens 3 00 49. Any other variety of Polish 3 00 50. Any other variety of Polish Chickens 3 00 51. Plymouth Rocks 3 00 52. Plymouth Rock Chickens 3 00 53. Domiuiques 3 00 54. Dominique Chickens.. 3 00 55. Dorkings, any variety 3 00 2nd. 1 .OO 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 DOMINION EXHIBITION I'JUZE LIST. 41 2nd. 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 I 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 ] 50 1 50 1 50 Section. jj.j. gml 56. Dorkinir Chiikens §:5 00 150 57. Grade or Common Fowls 2 50 1 50 58. Grade or Common Chickens 2 50 1 50 59. Game Bantams, any variety 1 50 1 00 tiO. Game Bantam Chickens 1 50 1 00 61. Bantams, not Game j 50 1 00 62. Bantam Chickens, not Game 1 50 1 00 63. Guinea Fowl 2 (iq j q(| tii. Pea Fowl 3 00 2 00 05. Pheasants, any variety 3 OO 2 00 66. Pigeons, collection of not less than eight 4 00 2 00 Spkcial Phizes. The Nova Scotia Poultry Association supplement the above by offering a i)rize of two dollars for each pair of Poulty hatched in 1881 taking first prize, Tlicsc special prizes are subject to tft-e same regulations as the general prize list. Class 6.— ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Roots must 1)0 cleaned and topped, and surplus rocts iuid fibres re- moved, before being taken to tlit! grounds or building. Potatoes must be exhibited in half-liushel boxes, which will bo funsished by the Com- mittee. Judc^es must bike into considfiiation the j)ei-fcction of the gtowtli of Roots, and not size aloiie, also the manner in which they are presented foi- e.xhibition. Section. Igj. 1. Half bushel Early Pose Potatoes §1 50 2. Half bushel Breese's Prolific l 50 3. Half bushel Garnet Chili 1 .r,o 4. Half bushel Jenny bind 1 50 5. Half bushel Prince Albert 1 50 6. Half bushel Snow Flake 1 50 7. Half bushel Sutton's Ped Flower Ball 1 50 8. Half bushel White Calico 1 50 9. Half bushel Black Calico 1 50 10. Half bushel .Jackson Whites 1 50 11. Half bushel Leonard 1 50 12. Half bushel O'Brien 1 50 13. Half bushel Red Seedling 1 50 14. Half bushel Late Rose 1 50 15. Half bushel Black Kidney 1 50 16. Half bushel Compton's Surprise 1 50 17. Half bushel King of the Earlies 1 50 18. Half bushel Brownell's Beauty 1 50 19. Half bushel Peach-blow 1 50 2nd 3rd 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 ] 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 42 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. :i»! wM SI I Section. 1st 20. Halfhuslu'l Climnx $1 .^0 21. Half bushel Ashlcaf Kidney 1 50 22. Half bushel Burbank's Seedling 1 50 23. Half bushel Brownell's Supeiior 1 50 24. Half bushel Table Potatoes, not enumerated 1 50 25. Half bushel Feeding Potatoes, not enumerated 1 50 26. Best collection of new varieties of Potatoes, not named un- der any other section 3 00 27. Best collection of Potatoes, not less than six of each kind, from a field of tlie same not less than one acre, varieties to be lamed and labelled, all to he grown by the exhibitor, size of the field to be certified by a Justice of the Peace 4 00 3 00 28. Six Swedish Turnips, green top 1 50 1 00 20. Six Swedish Turnips, purple top 1 50 1 00 30. Six Swedish Turnips, not enumerated 1 50 1 00 31. Six Aberdeen Yellow Turnips 1 50 1 00 32. Six Orange Jelly Turnips .. 1 50 1 00 33. Six Strap-leaf Turnips 1 50 1 00 '^4. Six largest and best soft Turnips, for feed, not enumerated 1 50 1 00 :'.5. Six lied Globe Mangold Wurtzels 1 50 100 36. Six Long Red Mangold Wurtzels 1 50 1 00 37. Six Long Yellow Mangold Wurtzels 1 50 1 00 38. Six Orange Globe MangoldWurtzels 1 50 1 00 39. Dozen White Sugar Beets 1 50 1 00 40. Six Kohl Rabi 1 50 1 00 41. Dozen large Altringham Carrots 1 50 1 00 42. Dozen Long Orange Car'ots 1 50 1 00 43. Dozen Early Horn Corrots 1 50 1 00 44. Dozen James' Intermediate Carrots 1 50 1 00 45. Dozen large White Belgian Carrots 1 50 1 00 46. Dozen Carrots of any variety, not enumerated 1 50 1 00 47. Dozen Egyptian Beets, turnip-rooted, for table use.. 1 50 1 00 48. Dozen Wyatt's Black Beets, for table use 1 50 1 00 49. Dozen Henderson's Pine Apple Beets, for table use 1 50 1 00 60. Dozen Long Blood Beets (true) for table use 1 50 1 00 51. Dozen Turnip-rooted Blood Beets, for table use 1 50 1 00 52. Dozen other sorts of Beets, not named above 1 50 1 00 53. Dozen Table Parsnips 1 50 100 54. Dozen Feeding Parsnips 1 50 1 00 55. Half dozen Winter Radishes 1 50 1 00 56. Best three Roots Horse Radish 1 00 50 67. Dozen Salsify 1 50 I 00 SB. Dozen Scorzonera 1 50 1 00 69. Half dozen roots Chicory 100 50 <60. Dozen roots Artichokes 1 50 1 00 2nd 3rd 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 56 50 50 50 1 00 |[| DOiMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 43 2nd 3ni 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 I 00 1 25 1 00 2 00 50 50 50 50 1 00 Section. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 1st Dozen Yellow Danver's Onions $1 50 Dozen large White Onions 1 50 Dozen large Red Onions 1 50 Dozen Potato Onions 1 50 Dozen Onions for pickling 1 50 Dozen Onions, other varieties 1 50 Dozen Eschallots 1 50 Half dozen Leeks l 50 Dozen Garlic l 50 Six heads White Solid Celery 1 50 Six heads Red Solid Celery 1 50 Six heads Cleraic, or Turnip-rooted Celery 1 00 Six bunches Chervil, curled 1 00 Three heads Drumhead Cabbage 1 50 Three heads large Flat Dutch Cabbage 1 50 Tiiree heads Savoy 1 50 Three heads Curly Kale l 50 Three heads Red Cabbage 1 50 Three heads any other sort 1 50 Three stalks Brussels Sprouts 1 50 Two heads Early Erfurt Cauliflower 3 00 Two heads Cauliflower, any other sort 3 00 Dozen Red Tomatoes (with name of variety) 1 50 Dozen Yellow Tomatoes (with name of variety) 1 50 Six new variety (with name of variety) I 50 Best and largest collection of Tomatoes, grown by exhibitor, six each, with names 2 00 87. Brace Water Melons 1 50 88. Brace Citron Melons 1 50 89. Brace Musk Melons 1 50 90. Two Butman Squash 1 50 91. Best two English Marrow Squash 1 00 92. Best two Turban Squash l OO 93. Two Boston Marrow Squash 1 50 94. Two Hu'obard Squash 1 50 95. Best two Bush Crookneck Squash 1 50 96. Best two Winter Crookneck Squash 1 50 97. Two Marble Head Squash 1 50 98. Two Scallop Squash 1 50 99. Largest single Squash 2 00 100. Two Pumpkins 1 50 101. Largest Pumpkin 1 50 102. Best brace open air Cucumbers 1 50 103. Best brace Frame CucumbOTs 1 50 104. Best dish of Egg Plant l oo 105. Best collection of Pot and Sweet Herbs in bunches, "ai"ed 1 50 1 25 1 00 Note.— All Tomatoes, Squashes, and Cucumbers, unless otherwise provided must have been grown in the open air, without any protection, after the 20th June! 2nd 3rd 4th 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 5« 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 I 00 50 1 00 50 ! 44 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. Class?. GRAIN AND FIELD SEEDS, GRAIN MANUFACTURE-". (Jrainaiul Seods to bo exhihilc I in boxes to be furnishefl by the Comnuttee. Grains so cleanel l)y smut machines, us. in the opinion ol' llie .Judges, to impair their vitality, will bo k Pole Beans, white or colored 2 00 22. Peck Busk Bans, wlute or colored 2 00 23. Peck Horse Beans 3 00 24. Half Peck Broad Windsor Beans 2 00 25. Half Peck Long Pod Beans 2 00 26. Half bushel Timothy Seed 4 00 27. Ten lbs. Red Clover Seed 2 00 28. Five lbs. Swedish Turnip Seed 2 00 29. Two lbs. Carrot Seed, field, heavy seed, carefully cleaned . 2 00 2nd 3rd 3 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 4 0(1 5 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 ] 00 1 00 •2 00 1 00 •i 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 75 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 oe 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 ■1 00 4 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 DOMINION EXHIBITIUN PRIZE LIST. Section. 30. Five lbs. Mangel Wnrzel Seed ^2 W 31. Ten lbs. White Sugar Beet Seed .... 3 oo 32. Peck Fla.x Seed !.'.'.'! 2 00 33. Flour, not less than 100 Iba [][[[ § ^0 34. Oatmeai, not less than 100 lbs [[][ 4 qO 35. Flour of Ruckwlieat, 100 lbs !,'.'! ,'5 00 86. Poarl Barlej', not less than 20 lbs '.'.".'. 2 00 37. Pot Barley, not less than 20 lbs ' ' " " o 00 38. Honey in comb, not less than 10 lbs o oo 39. Clear Honey in glass jar, not less than 1 .inart, " labelled q q^. 40. Five lbs. Bees\va.Y ^ 00 41. Maple Sugar, not less than 10 lbs ' . ' 9 00 42. Scutched Flax, not less than 5 lbs., growth of 1880 " or 1881 3 (^(3 43. Bundle oi Flax in raw state, growth of 1880 or 1881 2 00 44. Best 1 lb. cured Hops j ^0 4:.. Special prizes given by for Nova" Scotia Flour, not less than 100 lbs 3 00 4tJ. Special pri^e given by for Nova Scotia Out- meal, not less than 100 lbs 4 qo 47. Best two loaves home made bread from Canadian «°"^ 4 00 Sl'KCIAL PllIZKs I5Y J. A. M.VUKI.K, EsQ. 48. Best two loaves home made bread. Half barrel of tiie celebrated Acme brand of Flour— present value. , 4 2& 49. Best assortment of Baker's rolls, manufactured from the Acme brand of Flour. Half barrel of the celebrated Acme brand of Flour -present value. . 4 2.5 45 2nd 3rd 4tit 1 00 2 00 1 00 6 00 4 Oil 3 00 2 ()(» 2 no 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 •) 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Class 8. -DAIRY PRODUCE. BIITTKK. Section. , . 1 . Best Crock or Tub of Butter, salted, not less than lf> lbs §6 ou 2. Best Butter in rolls, prints or bo.xcs, not less than 5 lbs 4 oo 3. Best 5 lbs. of Butter in gla.«s crock 4 00 4. Best three Firkins of Butter, fitted for exportation, not less than 56 lbs. in each firkin, made at any Butter Factory or Creamery ; working capacity not less than fifty cows' milk. Exhibitors to 2nd 5 00 3 00 3 00 3rd 4 00 2 00 2 00 4th 3 00 1 00 1 00 5th 6th 2 00 1 00 II ^^ DOMINION EXlIiniTION PRIZE LIST. vSection. ■,,. „ i o i f • 1 •.. , ■''t 2nd 3rd 4th r)th fitli fuinisli written (Inscription of mode of nianufactiuc, includ- ing breed and number of cows, style of factory, treatment of milk; (luantity, bran(l,aiid make of salt used, and any other in- formation that they may be able to alford, before being paid the amount of premium $30 uO 25 00 15 00 10 00 5 00 5. Best Firkin Butter, not less than 56 lbs., in slapping order, for ex- portation, manufactured at any Private Dairy, cajiacity and manufacture not over 50 cows... ] 2 00 lo 00 8 00 6 00 3 00 «. Best 5 '■•rkin.s Butter, not less weight each firkin than 40 lbs. net, dairy manufacture, prepared by any farmer or trader for market or «^''l'""^"t 120 CO 15 00 10 00 5 00 ('iiii':i:.m':. 7. Best Cheese, factoiy made, not less than 40 lbs, nor more than 80 lbs., and one of a irgular day's s „ 7n'^';;; v ^^^ ^^^ '^'^ eoo 500 400 0. Best Dairy Cheese, home-made, not lessthi3n]5 1bs 5 oo 4 00 3 00 2 00 100 9. Best 2 Canada Stilton Cheese, not le.s8 than Mbs 6 00 5 00 4 00 10. Best 3 Canada Olo'ster Chee.se, not le.ss than 8 lbs 6 00 5 00 4 00 Class 9.~HEMP, WOOLLEN, FLAX, COTTON AND STRAW GOODS, WEARING APPAREL, &c. All articles of Woollen and Flax nianufaoture shall be the growth and production or manufacture of the year 1880 or 1881. MANUFACTURED BY THE EXHIBITOR. CORJOAGIi;. Section. 1. Assortment of Cordage, and Oakum. Ist 2nd 3rd $30 00 20.00 10 00 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 47 CLAYTON & SONS, THE WELL-KNOAVN CLOTHIERS, AND MERCHANT TAILORS. READY-MADE SUITS - - - - from $6 upwards. CUSTOM-MADE " " $14 " Boys', Youths', and Childrens' Clothing. TEIMM:^— OA.sH OWLYi CLAYTON & SONS, 11 Jaoob Street, HALIFAX, N. S. 48 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. V K or} O M Eh X s # DIIY GOODS \ 25 Duke Street, _-_- - Halifax, N. S. Visitors to tlic Dominitm i'i.\liil)itit)ii, jmrchusers of Dry Goods, will tiiul at this Esliihlislunont the largest and most tlioroiiijldy assorted Stock in the Maritime Provinces. FULL LINES OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AMERICAN AND CANADIAN filANUFACTURES. VERY LOW PRICES GUARANTEED. RETAIL HL I RETAIL GRANVILLE STREET. We show one ot the best K(;tail .Stocks in Halifax. Our Ooods being of the most reliable makes, and ECONOMICAL PRICES. SPECIALTIES : Mourning Goods, Millinery, Kid Gloves, Flowers, Hosiery, Feathers, \ \ ,p^\ Household Z^ t '^ Goods. y^^ tJK w w o SMITH BROS. RETAIL: 150 GRANVILLE STREET. it DOMINION EXHIIilTION PRIZE LIST. 49 ^^ ffl o noOLLKNM, Ac. Spction. 2. Not loss thiiu i-\f>ht yards, all wool, dreHscil ami liillc.l 3. Not loss than fight yards, all wool, ijrcy twilled, drcHscd power loom ■I. Assorted lot Tweeds, all wool, jiower loom f). Not less than eiijht yards, all wool grey twilled, umlressed jiower loom (5. Not less than eight yards all wool, dressed and fulled, hand loom 7. Not less than eight yards all wool, twilled, un- dressed, hand loom 8. Kight yards Women's Wear, ])lain, hand loom ... 9. Eight yards Women's Wear, fancy ])aUern, eot- ton and wool, hand loom 10. iVssortment Winter Tweeds, six jtieees 11. Assortment Sumn.er Tweeds, six pieees I'l. Alpacha IJlaek Lustre, from Canadian wool, 3 pieces 13. Alpacha Grey Lustre, from Canadian Wool, 3 pieces 14. Assortment Winceys 15. Assortment Hroad Cloth, 3 pieces 16. Assortment Doeskins, '■'• pieces 17. Assortment Tweeds, waterproof, 6 pieces 18. Five yards White Flannel, all wool, i)owcr loom 19. Five yards White Flannel, all wool, hand loom .. 20. Five yards White Flannel, cotton and wool, hand loom 21. Assortment Coloured Flanml 22. Fair of Blankets, all wool, power loom 23. Pair of Blankets, all wool, hand loom 24. Fair of Blankets, for lumltermen's use, grey 25. Pair of Blankets, for lurahermen's use, blue-grey 26. Assortmeut Horse Blankets 27. Hearth Kug, all native wool 28. Hearth Pug, rag 29. Carpet, all wool 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 1st $6 UO 6 00 12 00 Carpet, rag Two pairs Men's Woollen Socks Three pairs Woollen Stockings Two pairs Men's Woollen Mits (plain) — Two pairs Men's Woollen Mits (fringed) . Two pairs Men's Woollen Gloves Five lbs. Woollen Knitting Yarn (white) Five lbs. Woollen Knitting Yarn (grey)... 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 9 00 8 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2nd 4 00 4 00 10 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 GO 4 00 3 00 7 00 6 00 1 00 1 00 76 75 75 1 50 1 50 Srd 4th 2 00 2 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 6 no 4 00 2 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 5 00 4 00 :! 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 ♦; 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 5 00 4 00 75 75 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 I 2ncl 3id 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 3 50 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 75 50 75 50 50 25 1 50 1 00 1 00 50 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. Section. 1st 38. Pair Men's Knitted Woollen Undershirts $3 00 39. Pair Men's Knitted Woollen Drawers 3 00 40. Pairs Men's Knitted Woollen Guernseys 4 00 41. Woman's Shaw^ 3 00 42. Man's Plaid 5 00 43. Six yards Flax Towelling 3 00 44. Two Women's Straw Hats 1 00 45. Two Men's Straw Hats 100 46. Set of six Straw Table Mats 76 47. Fleece, Long Wool 2 00 48. Fleece, Short Wool 2 00 49. Pair Table Cloths, flax, not less than 8 feet by 6 feet 4 00 3 00 2 00 50. Lot of Three Sheep Skin Mats, not plucked, dressed and coloured 2 100 51. Ten yards Linen Sheeting 4 00 3 00 2 OO C'OTTOX!^. 52. Best assortment Cotton or Linen Bags 4 00 2 00 63. Best Unbleached Cotton, 3 pieces 4 00 2 00 64. Best Bleached Cotton, 3 pieces 4 00 2 00 65. Best Print Cotton, 3 pieces 4 00 2 00 66. Best Cotton Warps, assorted colours, factory made, 5 lbs. each 4 oO 2 00 67. Best Roll of Cotton Batting, 1 lb 4 OO 2 00 68. Best assortment Cotton Wadding, 6 sheets of each size and quality 4 oO 2 00 69. Best assortment Counterpanes 4 OO 2 00 60. Best assortment Hosiery 4 oO 2 00 61. Best Cotton yarns, assorted 4 oO 2 00 62. Best Cotton Ticking, 3 pieces 3 00 2 00 63. Beat Cotton Sheeting, 3 pieces 3 oO 2 00 64. Best Fleecy Cotton, 3 pieces 3 oo 2 00 WEARING APPAKEL. 65. Best assortment Collars and Cuffs 4 oo 2 00 66. Best assortment Felt Hats g oO 4 00 67. Best Overcoat, Dominion cloth 4 oo 2 00 68. Best Gentleman's Suit, Dominion cloth 5 oO 3 00 69. Best Boy's Suit, Dominion Cloth 4 oO 2 00 70. Best assortment Gentlemen's Shirts 4 oo 2 00 71. Best assortment Ties, Scarfs, &c 3 oO 2 00 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST, 51 Class 10.— AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT,:!. All articles in tliis Class must be nev) implements, not used, nor shown at previous Exhibitions, and entered hy or in the name of the manufoc- tuit-r as specimens of his skill and production at the present time, and must have a bona fide price attached. Price to be taken into con- sideration by the Judges as well as quality. It shall be distinctly un- dostood that all unnecessary and inappropiiate ornamentation of Agricultural Implements, is not to be taken account of by the .lud^es in awarding prizes Agricultural Im])lements must be labelled vvTth the name of the exhibitor, name of article and its use, and thev are required to be the .same in con.struction and finish as those sold, anil not specimens got up for exhibicion. Section. 1st 1. Iron or Steel Plough $7 oo 2. Wooileu Plough, Iron moulds 6 00 3. Wooden Plough 5 00 4. Double Mould Plough 6 00 5. I'iougli, Iron Moulds 6 00 6. Subsoil Plough 5 00 7. Horse Cultivator 5 oO 8. Hand Gard' n Cultivate 5 OO 9. Pair Iron Harrows 6 00 10. Pair Woodeu Harrows 4 oO 11. Iron Roller 5 00 12. Wooden Roller 4 oo 13. Seed Sower, drill 4 oo 14. Seed Sower, broadcast 2 00 15. Hay and Straw Cutter 4 00 16. Sulky Horse Rake 6 00 17. Ox Yoke 2 00 18. Root Cutter 4 oO 19. Fanning Mill 6 00 20. Grain S«'i)arator 6 00 21. Hand Rakes, not less than half dozen 3 00 22. Hay Forks, not less than three 2 00 23. Manure Forks, not less than three 2 00 24. Dyke Spades, not less than three 2 00 25. Set Draining Tools, fertile draining 6 00 26. Hoes, not less than three 2 00 27. Potato Forkx, not less than three 2 00 28. Potato Hacks, not less than three 2 00 29. Pitching Machine, or Horse Hay Fork 5 00 2nd 3rd 5 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 4 00 2 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 3 00 J DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. Section. 1st 30. rotate Digging Machine, if effective §10 00 31. Hay Wagon, 4 wheels 10 00 32. Box Cait, 2 wheels 10 00 33. Ladder Frame for Box Cart, to adapt it for harvesting grain or hay 8 00 34. \Vhce barrow 2 00 35. Farm Gate 3 00 36. PortaUe Steam Engine, for Agricultural purposes 30 00 37. Horsepower, 2 horses 15 00 38. Threshing Machine, small, 2 horses, complete 12 00 39. Threshing Machine, large, with cleaner, complete 15 00 40. Mowing Machine 20 00 11. Grain Crusher 3 uO 42. Wind Power 10 00 43. Farm Snow Plough, for clearing paths and roads in winter 5 00 44. ^.proved Licpiid Manure Drill, for drilling two or more rows of liquid with turnips, mangels, etc., either on the ridge or Hat 10 00 15. Machine for sowing phosphates or otlier artificial manures, and covering for potato planting 5 00 46. Stump Extractor 4 00 47. Cider Mil! and Press 6 00 48. Collection of Agricultural Implements for field use 10 00 49. Collection of Scythes 4 00 2nd 5 0».i 5 00 5 00 6 00 1 00 2 00 2t> 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 2 00 6 00 3rd a 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 3 00 4 05 8 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 Class 11.— FRUITS. All Fruit must be exhibit eil in tlie name of the grower, except when otherwise sjiecitieil ; uuy violation of this rule will cause t'.ie forfeiture •of all the prizes awarded the party infringing it. Section. 1st 2nd Grd 1. Best GENERAL COLLECTION of Apples fiom a County, not more than 30 sorts, G of each sort, named and labelled ; the fruit to be grown in the County, but may be the produce of several orchards, credit being given to tlie several growers on tie labels $ 6 00 [The Judges are authoriz l to award twciitij-fioe such i)rize.s of Six Dollars each at their discretion, but ot more than one prize is ti ■(■ awarded to the same County or Exhibitor.] hi.\4;lk vakiktikm. I 2. Best dozen Gravensteins 150 125 100 5. Best dozen Yellow Bellefleur 150 125 100 \> DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 53 Successfal Frait Growing in Tliree Steps ! FIRST ; Buy Grood Trees I SECOND: Buy Native Grown Trees! THIRD : Buy from tlie Oro^ver 1 By so doing you will get just what you want, and SA VE TWEXTY PER (J E XT/ IX PRICE. It is my object to srll direct to those who grow FRUIT, GRAPEVINES, SMALL FRUITS, SHRUBS. HOUSE AND BEDDING PL-ANTS, &c. ^^ lleniember I do not [nitf a lew fanoy articles at fancy prices, but give every customer full value for their money. Catalogues Published in March free to all. T. E. SMITH, Nova Scotia Nursery, Church St., Oornwallis, N. S, ES SON ection) at about HALF THE PRIOE. In many instances it cannot bo told from New Furniture, each article being bought be- cau^.e of its good quality. ^^Appraisements' and Exchanges made. HOUSE FURNTSH- IN(t attended to. CARl'ETS made and laid by experienced hands. '^^ A large variety of ODDS and ENDS constantly on hand. gjfeT" Purchases of Furniture, etc., made at Auction for parties on commission. Furniture Broker, 209, HoUis Street. SECODP, 199 MOLLIS STREET, OPPOSITE OLD PROVINCIAL BUILDING 1 Importer of First Class Goods from best London, American and Cana- dian Houses. White Dres.s Shirts, in English, Scotch, American and Canadian; Foot Ball Jeisey.s and Hose to match ; Silk and Linen Handkercliiels, Silk and Aljjaca Umbrellas, Indian Gauze, Merino and Cotton Shirts and Pants, Merino and Cotton i Hnse ; Kid, Dogskin, Calf, < 'hevrett and Do«'.skin Gloves ; Linen Collars and Cuffs, Linine and Paper Collar, or two in one; Unlaundried Shirts, $1.'25, which defy comjK'tition, warranted linen fronts and cutis, no hunihug. Silk, Cotton, Berlin and Elastic Braces, Globe Linen Collars, tlie best fitting Collar in tlie world. Inspection invited. 5 per cent, off on all sums over §4. DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 55 Section. 4. Best dozen 5. Best dozen 6. Best dozen 7. Best dozen 8. Best dozen 9. Best dozen 10. Best dozen 11. Best dozen 12. Best dozen 13. Best dozen 14. Best dozen 15. Best dozen 16. Best dozen 17. Best dozen 18. Best dozen 19- Be.st dozen 20. Best dozen 21. Best dozen 22. Best dozen 23. Best dozen 24. Best dozen 25. Best dozen 26. Best dozen 27. Best dozen 28. Best dozen 29. Best dozen 30. Best dozen 31. Rest dozen 32. Best dozen 33, B st dozen 34. Best dozen 35. Best dozen 36. Best dozen 37. Best dozen 38. Bt'st dozen 39. Best dozen 40. Best dozen 41. Best dozen 1st Ribston Pippin $1 50 Baldwin 1 50 Nonpareil 1 50 King of Tompkins' County 1 50 Blenheim Pippin 1 50 Northern Spy 1 50 Rhode Island Greening 1 50 Hubbardston Nonsuch 1 50 Esopus Spitze bug 1 50 Blue Pearmain 1 50 Golden Russet of Western New York 1 50 Pomnie gris 1 50 Roxbury Russet, true 1 50 Newton Pipjan 1 50 Grimes' Golden Pippin 1 25 Keswick Codlin 1 25 Emperor Alexander 125 Cabashea, or 20 oz. Pippin . 1 25 Calkins' Pippin 1 25 Duchess of Oldenburg 1 25 Early Bough 125 Chebucto Beauty 1 25 Fall Jennetting. 1 25 Gloria Mundi 1 25 Chenango Strawberry 1 25 Drap D'or 125 Rhymer's Pippin 1 25 Pound Sweet 1 25 Eameuse or Snow 1 25 Westfield Seek-iio-farthcr 1 25 King of the Pippins 1 25 Bishop's Bourne . 125 Man [uis of Lome 1 25 Brnadwell 1 25 Talinan Sweet 125 Cayuga Redstreak 1 25 Fallawater 1 25 Stonewall Jackson 125 2nd 3rd 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 GO 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 08 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 fO 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 76 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 76 1 00 76 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 76 1 00 76 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 76 1 00 76 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 75 Cana- ; l''oot Alpaca Cotton ars and >, which Cotton, world. t-RAK AI>I>LKH. 42. Best two quarts Large Red - 100 75 43. Best two quarts Tninscen nt 100 75 44. Best two quarts Hyslop 100 75 45. Best two quarts MoutrenJ Beauty 100 75 56 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. i>i:aks. Section. 1st 46. Best dozen Bavtlett §1 50 47. Best dozen Clapp's Favorite 1 50 48. Best dozen Louise Bonncde Jersey 150 49. Best dozen Onandago 150 50. Best dozen Great Britain 1 50 51. Best dozen Beurre d'Anjou 150 52. Best dozen Beurre Bosc 1 50 53. Best dozen Beurre Clairgeau 1 50 54. Best dozen Beurre Hardy 150 55. Best dozen Howell 150 56. Best dozen "Winter Nelis 150 57. Best dozen Flemish Beauty 1 50 58. Best dozen Frederick of Wiirteniburg 1 50 59. Best dozen Sc'ckel 150 60. Best dozen Vicar of Winkfield 1 50 61. Best dozen Beurre Diel 150 62. Best dozen Sheldon 150 63. Best dozen Duchesse d'Angouleme 150 64. Best dozen Souvenir de Congres 1 50 65. Best dozen Paradise d'xVutomue 1 50 PLliMi^. 2nd 3rd 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50. 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 I; 66. Best six sorts, named 3 00 2 00 67. Best three sorts, named 2 00 100 pi:A<'iiE»i. 68. Best dozen grown under glass 3 00 2 00 69. Best dozen grown in open air 3 00 2 00 ttlMirES <»!)rn air.) 70. Best three bxmches Isabella 100 71. Best three bunches Hartford Prolific 100 72. Best three bunches Diana 100 73. Best three bunches Concord 100 74. Best three bunches Delaware 100 75. Best three bunches Black Cluster 1 00 76. Best three bunches Sweet Water 100 77. Best three bunches Royal Muscadine .. 1 00 78. Best three bunches Salem 1 00 79. Best three bunches Agwan 100 80. Best three bunches Eumelau 100 81. Best three bunches Rebecca 100' 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 56 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 DOMINION KXniniTION PRIZE LIST. Oi iiKWKH (under kIuhk.^ Section. 1st 2iid 3rd 82. Best three bunches "White Grapes, named $t 00 3 00 2 00 83. est three huiichos lilack Graix-s, named 4 00 3 00 2 00 84. Best three bunches any other color, named 4 00 3 00 2 00 4iiK.il*KS (rroHi «-oI Fruit UrowerN* ^iMNoviution and liitfriialioiiai Show Mociely »r Mova Sfotia. 90. Best County collection of Apples on cxhibilion, with diphmia 10 00 91. Best barrel of Ajiples put up expressly for tlie London market, pack.age, method of packing, and marking, co be taken into consideration as well as the quality of the fruit 5 00 02. Best collection of Apples for English market, six sorts, twelve each, named and labelled, and, where possible, a list of quotations of prices obtained for each sort in London during past season 5 00 4 00 3 00 93. Best dozen of new or approved varieties of Apples other than those named in the Prize List. Name and h'siory, with qualities for growing and keeping, to be given with each soit, in writing, as far as known to the exhibitor. At the discretion of the Judges 8 00 94. Best basket or pyramid of oikmi air fruit, not larger than 30 inches across. Design and arrangement as well aa variety and quality of fruit to be taken into consider- ation. Natural foli;vge may be used, but no flowers. Prize, a work of art or vertu, to be selected by the Association, value not less than 10 00 95. Best dozen of new or approved Pears, not named in the list. Name and history, with qualities of growth, ripening and marketing to be given in writing, with each sort, so far as known to the exhibitor 8 00 P6. Best general collection of Plums from a County, not more than thirty sorts (twelve each), distinctly named and labelled. The fruit must be grown in the County, but may be the product of several orchards, credit being given to the several growers on the labels. One prize only to be awarded to a County 6 00 4 00 58 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. Section. 97. Best dishes of new or approved varieties of Pluins, name and historj', witli (inalities of j^rowtli, ripening and marketing to be given in writing with each sort, as far as known to the exhibitor. At the discretion of the.ludges $5 00 98. Best collection of berries, fruits and nuts, indigenous to the Dominion, each specimen or varii'ty to be labelled with name and location where procured, and, where possible, accompanied with specimen of foliage 4 00 Class 12.— ORNAMENTAL PLANTS AND FLOWERS. I ii' Suction. Ist 2nd 3rd 1. Stand of mixed Plants on a space of 50 square feet $15 00 12 00 10 00 2. 6 Stove Plants, in bloom, distinct varieties, not elsewhere enumerated 8 00 6 00 3. 3 Stove Plants, in bloom, distinct 4 00 3 00 4. Collection of Orchids, in bloom 6 00 4 00 5. 6 Begonias, distinct varieties 4 00 3 00 6. 6 Fine Foliage and Variegated Plants, distinct varieties, not elsewhere enumerated 8 00 6 00 7. 3 Fine Foliage and Variegated Plants, distinct varieties, 8. 3 Tree Ferns, distinct 10 00 7 00 9. 6 Stove or Green House Ferns, distinct, exclusive 8 00 5 00 10. 3 Stove or Green House Ferns, distinct, exclusive 5 00 3 00 11. Collection of Native Ferns 5 00 3 00 12. Three Dracaenas, distinct 4 00 2 00 13. Three Crotons, distinct 4 00 2 00 14. Three Caladiums, distinct 4 00 2 00 15. Three Greenhouse Plants, in bloom, distinct, not elsewhere enumerated 5 00 3 00 16. Six Fuchsias, distinct 5 (JO 3 0« 17. Three Fuchsia.s, distinct 3 00 2 00 18. Fuchsia, single si)ecimen 2 00 100 19. Three Lautanas, distinct 3 00 2 00 20. Six Zonal Geraniums, distinct 6 00 4 00 21. Three Zonal Geraniums, distinct 3 00 2 00 22. Six Double Geraniums, distinct 6 00 4 00 23. Three Double Geraniums, distinct 3 00 2 00 24. Three Gold Tri-colour Geraniums 3 00 2 00 25. Three Silver Tri-colour Geraniums, distinct 3 00 2 00 26. Three Bronzfe Geraniums, distinct 3 00 2 00 27. One donble Ivy Geranium 100 50 28. One variegated Ivy Geranium 100 50 29. One pot of Liliums 2 00 100 30. One Pyramidal Mignonette 100 50 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 59 TIT ll\ ^W n '^Ty)^T/ — AND — Establishment for New and Rare Plants. H. HARRIS NURSERYMAN. Green House and Nursery— Corner Robie and North Streets. tI^otS^ ^|«*f ^^ WHOLESALE ®eft»i IMFtBlMBS AND DEALERS IN CANADIAN AND AMERISAN MANUFACTURES. HALIFAX, N. S. 60 DOMINION EXIIiniTION PRIZE LIST. Il >\ r ,. R. N. BECKWITH, Auctioneer, Broker & Commission Merchant Corner of Water and Jacob Sts., HALIFAX, N. S. ^W Consignments solicited. Account Sales and Returns promptly rendered. Special Attention to Consignments of Fruit and Produce. BAULD, G-IB30N & CO, MARKET SUP, WH0LESJIL1, GBOCEIS «^* AND IMPORTERS OF WINES, ALES & LIQUORS. 'i^sml'w'^ «^..% m ftw*8,*,| J D. J. LEAHY & CO. —WHOLESALE— 213 & 215 LOWER WATER STREET, I & 2 MARKET WHARF. Head of Market Wharf, . . . HALIFAX. i I Ti. jr. :r:e]xjd & CO., SHIP BROKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND ForAA^arding Agents, &c., -A^O-EISTTS IFOR STII!.A.3>^ OO.A.LS. PICKFORD & BLACK'S WHARF. HALIFAX, N. S. DOMINION EXHIBITION I'RIZE LIST. 61 Section. Ist 31. One Trailitirr Plant, in pot or basket. . $1 00 32. Six Colcus, (liHtin(!t 4 00 33. Three ColcUH, ilistiiict 2 00 34. One Green Ivy (Heilera) 2 00 35. One Yunof,'nte(l Ivy (Hcdcra) 2 (to 3(). One Heliotrope, in Mooin _... 2 00 37. One Tree Heliotrope, in bloom 2 00 38. Three Salvi;is 4 00 39. On<' Salvia 1 fiO 40. Best three Calceolarias 1 ."iO 41. Best two j)lants of any sorts grown in window for not less than four months 2 00 4 IT ICLOOMS. 42. Six Show Dahlias, distinct, selves 2 00 43. Six Fancy Dahlias, distinct 2 00 44. Ponipone Dahlias, distinct 2 00 45. Six Hollyhocks, distinct, blooms 2 00 4fi. Six Gladiolus, distinct.... 2 00 47. Best 6 Asters, large flowering 1 oo 48. Best G Asters, small llnwering 1 00 49. Twelve Pansies. distinct 2 00 50. Six Stocks, distinct 1 00 51. Best six sjiikes of Bals.ams 1 00 52. Best dish of Balsam Blooms 1 00 53. Twelve Phlox Druniiiiondi, distinct, 3 trusses each 2 00 54. Six Phloxes, distinct 2 00 55. Best 12 Dianthus 1 00 56. Six Zinnias, distinct, ;! of each 1 00 57. Six French Marigolds, distinct, 3 of each 1 Oo 58. Six African llarigolds, distinct, 3 of each 1 uo 59. Six Larkspurs, distinct, 3 of each 1 00 60. Six Salpiglossis, distinct, 3 of each 1 00 61. Six Verbenas, 3 trusses each 1 00 62. Six Scabious, distinct 1 00 63. Six Antirrhinums, distinct .... 1 00 64. Best six Carnations 1 00 65. Three Pentsteinous, distinct, 2 of each 100 66. Best 6 Canterbury Bells 1 00 67. Best collection cf Liliums, cut spikes 2 00 68. Basket of Cut Flowers, outside diameter of flowers, 14 inches. ... 3 00 69. Epergne (flowers arranged in) 3 00 70. Hand Bouquet 3 00 71. Hand Bouquet, made by a lady 3 00 72. Bridal Boui^uet 3 00 73. Table Bouiiuet 3 00 74. Best bunch or dish of Sweet Peas 1 00 2nd 50 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 50 50 ',0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 50 62 DOMINION KXHIBITION PHIZK LIST. Section . 1 8t 75. Floral ilcsi^jii, nny shniw §.'> oO 76. CollfctiDii of Wiltl Flowers 2 00 77. Special pri/e by Melville (J. DeWnlfc, lor liest collection of Wihl Flowers iuid (iiiisses, natives of ilir Dominion, arranyeil in n box so as to show each variety, and the coniinon or local name to he given to each sort 2 00 2nd 3 00 1 00 Class 13.-EC0N0MIC MINERALS, ISCLUUINO niTILDINQ STONE, CLAY MANUFACTUKIiS, ETC. Section. 1 . Best collection of Gold .Specimens Diploma 2. Best collection of si»eciniens of Lead and Silver Ores Diploma 3. Best collection of Copper Ores Diploma 4. Best collection of Xliuiganese Ores Diploma 5. Best collection of other Orct, Diploma 6. Best siH'cinien of Gnite and Stove Coal, mined in the Dominion Diploma 7. Best specimen of Steam Coal, mined in the Dominion Diploma 8. Best specimen of Gas Coal or Shale Diploma 9. Collection of si)eciniens and samples illustrating the manufacture of Iron from native ores Diploma 10. Exhiliit of Building Stones Diploma 11. Grindstone, fitted for use Diploma 12. Cask or barrel of Burnt Lime, from native limestone, the location of q.iarry to be stated Diploma 13. Barrel of Calcined Plaster from native ore • . Diploma 14. Barrel of Raw Plaster, ground for agricultural purposes Diploma 15. Exhibit of native IJooting Slates Diploma 16. Collection of Common, Pressed and Fire Bricks, made by the ex- hibitor Diploma 17. Best collection of Pottery, unglazed, including tiles Diploma 18. Best collection of Pottery, glazed, including tiles Diploma 19. Mantel piece of native marble Diploma 20. Specimen of Grey native Granite, pol'.shed Diploma 21. Specimen of Red Granite, polished, a cube or not less than six inches, from native quarry Diploma 22. Best collection of native fossils, named and classified $S 00 4 00 23. Best collection illustrating the Mineralogy of Canada 8 00 4 00 Class 14.— MANUFACTURES IN WOOD. HOI SE Bl ILDIKG MATERIALS. Section. 1st 2nd 3rd 1. Clapboards, bundle of 25 $3 00 2 00 2. Shinglei, thousand 3 00 2 00 100 DOMINION EXI.iniTION PRIZE LIST. gS )0 WM. ROBERTSON, imi>ortji:r of Hardware, AGRICULTURAL IIMPIEMENTS. SHIP CHANDLERY, Paints, Oils, GHasse.^, eto. HEAD OF MITCHELL'S WHARF, 206 & 207 LOWER WATER STREET, 64 DOMINION EXIIiniTION PRIZE LIST. ^^i DELMONIGO RANGE OF ALL KINDS. SLATE MANTELS AND REGISTER Largest assortment in the Pro vine 3. BASE BURNERS, For Hard and Soft Coal. Ileatiug Stovi>;s OF ALL KINDS. The Best Place to buy the above in Halifax is at J, E. WILSON'S, ^ ■Kf- s^ Ag«iit ftir tlif Windsor Iron Foundry, Windsor; tin iMiltou Iron Koiindrv, Yiirnmutli ; l.ondimcliM'ry ^"" Stove Woriv.s, (SrciitVillu^'.'. "^ 245 & 247 IloUis Street, HALIFAX. N. S DOMINION EXHTDITION PRIZE LIST. Section. Ist 2nd 3, I'anelled Door, iactory made $100 4. Piincllfd Door, hand made 4 00 6. Veneered Door 4 00 7. Venetian lUind 2 00 8. Inside Venetian Shatters, set 3 00 9. Outside Venetian Sh«tter!», set 3 00 10. Assortment of Machine Moulding, not sand-papered nor cleaned 3 00 11. Collection of Cornice Brackets 5 00 12. Newel Post, full size 3 00 13. Smoothest Machine Planing, not less than 5 kind» of wood, and in lengtlis of not less than <> feet 3 00* FIK^'ITI'BK. ■:~r:7> f« 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. •21. 00 23. 21. 25. 26. 27. 23. 20. 30. .•u. a2. 33. 34. 35. 30. 37. Dost F.et Drawing,' Itoom Funiiture, not less than 4 dif- fereut articles Dest specimen Dining ISoom Furniture, not Ies.s than 3 articles Pest I edrooni Suite^ Best I^droom Suite, in native light woods Best Cabinet Best as.sortment of Office Furniture Best Book Case Best assortment of School Furniture Best .set Hall Furniture Best Parlor Desk Best JLssortment of Cane Seat Chairs and specituens of Cane Work Best Fancy Chair Bi'st Wood Seat Chair Best single piece of Cabinet Work, not otherwise ex- hibited Best single jiiecc of Uphoistery Work, noi otherwise exhibited Bist Famy Table B.st Wood Mantel Br.st Fittings and Hangings for Windows, complete Best specimen of Picture Frames Best specimen of Mirror Frames Beat Hair Mutttess Best Sprinj.' Mattress Best s|weimen of any article of Household Furnituii' or Decoration, im'«p<'ctive of prize list, for oiiginulity of design, invention or excellency of workmanship Best specimen of '^'arving in Wood (decorative) not con- nected with any other article on exhibition 25 00 15 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 8 00 4 00 8 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 8 00 8 00 5 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 20 00 10 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 5 09 66 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZK LIST. a MIIHICAI. IMHTRIMKNT8. TO BE ENTKREU FOR EXHIBITION ONLY. NO PRIZRH OFTRRETI. Hection. , 38. Grand Piano *. '. 39. Square Piano -fO. Cottagt' Piano 41. Harmonium, or Cabinet Organ 42. Any other Musical Instruments. MIM<'i:LLANKOrS MOODWABR. 43. Assortment of Brushes, made by exhibitor $10 0(» 44. Apple Barrel, with selling price 2 00 45. Apple BaiTel, forexport 2 00 46. Fish Barrel {Salmon) 3 00 47. Nest of Tubs, home made 2 00 48. Dozen Buckets ~ 2 00 49. Best set Butter Tubs, hardwood 2 00 50. Dozen Brooms 2 00 61. Wood Turning 3 00 62. Washing Machine 2 00 53. Wringer 2 00 64. Mangle 3 00 56. Churn .I 00 66. Dozen Axe Handles 3 00 67. House Ladder, not less than 20 feet 3 00 68. Step I der 3 00 59. Collection of l-asts 4 00 80. Collection of Apparatus for Cheese Factory 14 00 61. Best Sugar Barrel 2 00 68. Zinc Washboards ... 3 00 i Class 15. -CARRIAGE MANUFACTURES. ALL OARKIAflKS TO RK NEW ANI> TO HK KXIUBITKI) BY TIIF. BUILDEBil. Section. lit 2ud 1; Irougham $25 00 15 00 2. liandau .. 25 00 15 00 8. Victoria « 20 00 12 00 4. Carryall, or Coupe Rockaway » 20 00 12 00 6. Barouche 20 00 12 00 6. Waggonette 16 00 8 00 7. Double Waggon, with doors and turn under 16 00 8 00 8. T-Cart 16 00 8 00 0. Top Buggy 1600 8 00 10. Park Poney PhjBtun 15 00 % W ^ I 4 i is t knit DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 6T 15 00 15 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 g 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 80* GEORGE THOMPSON, Manufacturer and Dealer in Brooms, Half Brooms, Whisks, Pails, Tubs, Clothes- pins, Wash-Boards, etc., CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE MARKET. FACTORY AND OFFICES, 13 Ac 1.^ IJedfofd TJovr, HALIFAX. N. S. J. A. CHIPMAN & CO. FLOUR, PRODUCE, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTSi. HALIFAX, N. S. SOUCIT CONSIGNMENTS, GUARANTEE ACTIVE SALES, LOW COMMISSION CHARGES. AND. PROMPT RETURNS. Liberal Advances in Cash on all Staple Goods. Shippore of Flour, Meal, kc, from the Millers of Canada and tho Uuited States Uv all jMirtsof the Miuitinu» Provinces. Wo acnnmntrc tlie quality nf our Flour, nnd nollrlt ordcni. FRANZ* POPE. KNITTER KNITTINGJAGHINE. AKNITTINO MACHINK that will knit a I'air of Socks io FIFTKRN MINUTKH witll a TUIIK RIB. Will cam $2, f3, and $4 per day by a mere beginner on Sotiku nnd Stock- ings. You can learn to knit Glovcti, Cardigan Jackets, Shirts and Drawers. Hoods, &c , in fact any kind of warp in Knitted Goods. The taste and in- genuity of the operatoi is the only limit of this new and useful machine. It« earnings in 10 or 15 days wonld girp back the money it cost. As soon tayan understand how to operate it you would not sell it for ten times iis cost, if yoa c!ouId not buy another. It is w<)i,.ler- lully simple, and is used by the blind. To the female head of a household Wi- say, insist on the purchast) of one of thf Machines for the use of yourself and diughter ; and to the generous minded husband we say do uot delay to furnish one for the toiling mother of yoor children. A. MONAQHAN, IHV Amylr Htrorl, llallflix,. is the sole agent iu the Province of them machines, and he will purchase good* knitted by it, which gives a market at once. ) i I n' 68 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. ROBEk^T WALLACE, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN ., . Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, OF ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND SWISS GOLD AND SILVER. ' Watches of all sizes and grades. PLATED WATCHES ! NICKEL WATCHES I Ladies' and Grents' Gold and Silver Chains. A large assortment of Bright and Coloretl Jewelry of the hitest designs, Ladies' and Gents' Finger Rings, Lockets, Trinkets, in all shai)es and desii^ns, Electro-Plated Ware, Castors, Butter Dishes, Pickle Pots, Cake Baskets, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Solid Silver Ware, etc., etc., etc. , SPECTACLES IN GREAT VARIETY. %^ The Most Difficult Watches Repaired on the Premises by experienced workmen. « -A.inericaii and Canadian m 1^1 ^\ THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Parties in want of Sewing Machines .should examine these before going elsewhere. THE IMPERIAL CLOTHES WRIHGER IN STOCK. ALL KINDS OP SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. No. 104 Uppof AValer Street, HALIFAX, N. S. DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 69 Section. 1st 2nd 11. Light Road Wasrgon ..$12 00 7 OO 12. Open Waggon, two seats 12 00 7 00 13. Four wheel Dog Cart 12 00 8 00 14. Two wheel Dog Cart 10 00 6 00 16. Flat Waggon, four wheels 10 00 6 00 16. Light Express Waggon, single 10 00 6 00 17. Double Sleigh 10 00 6 00 18. Tandem Sleigh 10 00 6 00 19. Single Sleigh 10 00 6 0» Class 16.— NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. Section. 1. Appliances connected with Yachts, including models, &c f 10 00 2. Ship's model 10 00 3. Fishing Schooner model 10 00 4. Windlas Gear 8 00 5. Cap.stan 8 00 6. Collection of Blocks 10 00 7. Dozen Mast Flooyis, not leas than 20 inches 4 00 8. B«'8t collection of Oars 3 00 9. Fisliing Dory, full size 10 00 10. Fishing Whaler, full size 10 00 11. Gig 500 12. Wherry 5 00 13. Single Scull Boat 5 00 14. Biich-lwirk Canoe 5 00 15. Collection of Ships' Wheels 5 00 16. Best Ships' Steering Gear 5 00 6 0* 2 00 ^9 going K. t. Class 17.— MANUFACTURES IN METALS. IIAKD^VARK. Section. . , 1. Best assortment of Patent Skates $4 00 2 00 2. B<;8t assorted dozen Chopping Axes 3 00 2 00 3. Best assortment Sliips Axes and Adzes 3 00 2 00 4. Best assortment Hatchets 2 00 100 5. lieat assortment of Knives for lieaping and Mowing Machines . . 5 00 2 00 6. Best assortment of S[)ades and Shovels 4 00 2 00 7. Best assortment of Augers, Bits, and Boring Tools, for wood .... 3 00 2 00 8. Be.st tiasortment of Edge Tools, for Carpenters', Coopers', and Tanners' use 4 00 2 00 9. Best assoilment Miners', Masons', Blacksmiths' and Machinists' Hammers, Mauls, Picks, &c 3 00 2 Od 70 DOMINION EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. M i.f Section. Ist 2nd 10. Best assortment Carpenters' Planes and Bench Tools |3 00 2 00 11. R'st assortment Files and Pasps 6 00 3 00 12. Best assortment of machine made Carriage Bolts and Nuts, Stove Bolts, Lag Screws, &c 5 00 3 00 13. Best assortment Wood Screws, in Iron and Brass 5 00 3 00 14. Best assortment Cut Nails and Sjiikes, i:i kegs, 100 lb. each 6 00 3 00 15. Best assortment Finishing Nails, Brads, Tacks, &c., in Iron, Brass, Copper, and Zinc 5 00 3 00 16. Best assortment Railway Spikes, Chaii's, Fish Plates, &c 6 00 4 00 17. Best assortment machine made Horse Nails , 3 00 2 00 18. Best assoi tment hand made Horse Nails 3 00 2 00 19. Best assortment Fire Arms 5 00 3 00 20. Best assortment Builders' Hardware, — Door and Window Fit- tings, Handles, Latches, Locks, Hinges, &c 4 00 2 00 21. Best specimen Rolls Lead and Composition Pi])e, for gas and water, one roll each size Diploma 5 00 3 00 2S. Best assortment Carriage, Side, and Ellintic Spiincs (leaf^ 4 00 2 00 28. Best assortment Railway Springs 5 00 3 00 24. Best assortment Carringe and Cart A.\les .... 4 00 2 00 25. Best set Car Axles 5 00 3 00 26. Best collection Ships' Knees and Heavy Forgings Diploma 8 00 4 00 27. Best collection Counter and Plalfunn Scales Diploma 5 00 3 00 28. Best exhibit Flax, Jute and Hemp Packing, in coils 4 00 2 00 29. Best exhibit Twines 3 00 2 00 30. Best exhibit Angler's Outfit 3 00 2 00 METAL nOKKIXCi, nA(JII.^a'.KY, Ac. 81. Best Planer for Metal (power) 4 00 2 00 82. Best Turning Lathe lor Ironwork (steam or water power) 4 00 2 00 83. Bsst Turning Lathe for Biiisswork (steam or water {lov er) 4 00 2 00 34. Best Vertical Drilling Machine, for metal (stiaui or water power). 4 00 2 00 35. Bi-st Steam Rock Drill 4 00 2 00 86. Best Diamond Pointed Drill 4 00 2 00 87. Best assortment of Vices 3 00 2 00 88. B«'bt as.sortment Strewing Tools, Dies, Taps, &c 2 00 1 00 39. Best assortment of Shafting, Hangers and Couplings, turned, not less than 8 feet in length or 2 in. diameter 8 00 4 00 40. Best specimen of Locomotive and Railroad Car Castings, not less than six articles, to include Locomotive Cylinder, Axle Box and Guard Diploma 8 00 4 00 41. Best collection Cast Iron Pip^s and Valves to suit Diploma 5 00 3 00 42. Best collection of Ornamental and Architectural 1 1 on work Diploma 6 00 3 00 43. Best collection of Iron Casting!>, for Millwrights ai 3 00 » 8 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 4 00 :{ 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 DOMINION KXHIBITION PRIZE LIST. 71 Section. Ist 2nd 46. \ierX Ships' Steering Gear 4 00 2 00 47. Best Ships' Hoisting Winches 5 00 3 00 48. Rest collection of Gulvunieed Iron Work, fur ships' use. .Diploma 6 00 4 00 woon wonHiwci, nachinrby. 49. Best Shingle Machine (steam or water power) 4 00 2 00 50. Best Mortising Mnciiine (steam or water power) 3 00 2 00 51. Best Mitering Macliine (steam or water power) 3 00 2 00 52. Best Mitering Machine (loot) 2 00 1 00 63. . Best Moulding Machine (steam or water power) 3 00 1 00 5-1. Best Planing Machine 4 00 2 00 55. Best Tenoning Macliine 3 00 1 00 56. Best Jig Saw Machine 2 00 100 57. Best Band Saw Machine 2 00 100 58. Best Rotary Saw Mill Diploma 6 00 3 00 5I». Best Machinery for making Barrels Dinloma 5 00 .1 no tJO. Best Kxcelsior Machinery Diploma 4 00 2 00 61. Best Bucket Machinerj' Diploma 4 00 2 00 (i2. Best collection Circular, Cross-cut, and Gang Saws 9 00 2 00 «»TEAM. C'.iLOBK', AND «Ai4 ENGINES. «3. Best Stationary Steam Engine, not less than 10 horse power Diploma 10 00 6 00 64. Best Stationary Steam Engine, from 5 to 10 horse power, Diploma 6 00 4 00 66. Best Marine Steam Eugiue, not less than 6 in. cylinder, Diploma 10 00 5 00 66. Best Portable Engine and Boiler, in operation Diploma 10 00 5 00 67. Best Caloric Engine, not k'ss than 5 horse power Diploma 6 00 4 00 68. Best Gas Engine, not less than 5 horse power Diploma 6 00 4 00 MILL FACTOBY NACHINEBY. 69. Best assortment of Shoe Factory Machinery, not less than 4 machines Diyloma 10 00 6 00 70. Best Leather Belting Machine 3 00 2 00 71. Best Wool Carding Machine 3 00 100 72. Best Paper Cutting Machine .. 3 00 100 73. Best PaiKjT Bag Machinery Diploma 4 00 2 00 74. Best assortment Book Binders' Machinery , 4 00 2 00 75. Best Printing Press, for stenm or water power Diploma 10 00 5 00 76. Best Printing Press for hand or foot 4 00 2 00 77. Best assortment Bakers' Machinery Diploma 6 00 4 00 78. Best assortment Paper Collar Knives 3 00 2 00 79. Best assoitment Tanners' and Curriers' Machinery 3 00 2 00 80. Best Bone Mill, for steam or water power 10 00 5 00 rs DOMINION EXHIBITION PUIZE LIST. Section. 1st 2iid 81. Best Brick Making Mnchin« $8 00 4 00 82. Best Quartz Crushing and Amalgamating Machinery ..Diploma 10 00 5 00 83. Best Portable Grist Mill 6 00 4 00 TINHMITH8* AMD WIKK WORK. 84. Best a«80Ttitient of Wire Work 4 00 2 OO 85. Best assortment of stamped Tinware 3 00 2 00 86. Best assortment of hand made Tinware 3 00 2 00 87. Best assoi tment Britannia Metal Ware 3 00 2 00 88. Best set Ships' Side Lanterns, Anchor and Binnacle Lights. ... 3 00 2 00 89. Best Street Lamp, for oil or gas 2 00 1 00 90. Best Oil Cabinet 3 00 2 00 rilMPS, VfATEWL IVIIEELS, - %W BRIDAL AND OTHER BOaUETS, WREATHS, CROSSES, &c. SUPPLIED AT IMMEDIATE NOTICE. JOHN McDOMLD. T4 DOMINIUM EXHIBITION I'RIZU LIST. HALIFAX BUSINESS COLLEGE, 119 HoUis Street, Halifax, N. S., For the Education of Young Men for Business. A Short, Practical, Common Sense Course ot Instruction, Jtist wliat every Young Mnti nceils as a prppamtioii for businoHs life, no innttor what liis other educational advantages may be. j^ XjI^^e school, MEETING THE DEMAND OF THE AGE, For practical education in a department of life offering in this country the 8ur«*t road to independenre and wealth. Send for Circulars. FEAZEE 4 WmSTON. G. & T. PHILLIPS, Steam Machine Paper Bag Manufacturers, CORNER GRANVILLE & SAGKVILLE STREETS, HALIFAX, N. S. Book Binding, Paper Ruling, Perforating. Blank Books made to order. BILL HEADS FOR SALE. DOUINION EXniOITION PRIZE LIST. 7A Section. Ist '2nd 117. Best Bpcoinien collrction of Brnss Works for building purposes, L(K lis, Kiiolw, HingPH, &c $4 50 2 00 118. Best cdl lection of specimsns of Brasa, Composition and Copper Fiistrnings, Fittings iind Fixtures, for vessels' use, plain and finislicd 5 00 3 00 1 19. Best assortment of Finished Block Bushings 3 00 2 00 120. Best iiHsortniont of Church, Factory, and Ships' Bells 3 00 2 00 121. Best assortment of Steam Whistles 3 00 2 00 122. Best assortment of Sleigh, House, and Cow Bells 2 00 1 00 123. Best ussoitmcut of Mathematical, Philosophical, and Optieal Iiistrinaents 10 00 5 00 124. Best ussortment Coppersmiths' work Diploma 5 00 3 00 ELKOTKO-FLATINV A.>'» (;OLW A.XD 8ILt EKSMITIM' nOHK. 126. Best collection Electro-plating Diploma 5 00 3 00 126. Best collision Nickel Plating Diploma 5 00 3 00 127. Best collection Jewellers' Work 5 00 3 00 128. Best collection Silversmiths' work 5 00 3 00 1 29. Bi St collection Enamelling Work 4 00 2 00 8AFEH A^D LOCKS. 130. Best Combination Safe Lock 5 00 2 00 131. Best assortment Locksmiths' Work 6 00 3 00 132. Best Burglar Proof Safe Diploma 133. Best Fire Proof Safe Diploma 184. Best Fire and Burglar Proof Safe combined Diploma 185. Best set Vault and Safe Doors Diploma SEWI.XCi Cover, whole 5 00 2 00 17. Best two Sides Haine&s Leather 5 00 2 00 18. Best specimen Check for Horse Collar 3 00 1 00 LKATHKB, Av. 19. Best three Sides Sole I..eather S «0 3 00 20. Best three Sides Pebbled C.iain Lenther 5 00 3 00 21. Best three Sides Grained Neats' L->' During Exhibition Week the following Gooils wili IVkltA CwltoiiK, Hosiery, drey <;ol(onH, <'hnn, (arry HheellniCM, ox No. 1 Smoked Hcning 2 00 1 00 ■- 1. 1 box No. : Smoked Hi-rring, scaled 2 00 100 12. Barrel No. 1 Mackerel 8 00 f) 00 '3. Barrel No. a Macken-l « 00 4 00 14. Barrel No. 3 Mackerel 4 00 3 00 15. Barrel No. 1 Split Herring 5 00 3 00 16. Barrel No. 1 Labrador Split Herring f) 00 3 00 17. Barrel No. 1 Round Herring 5 00 3 00 18. Barrel No. 1 Salmun 10 00 7 00 ;9. Barrel No. 1 Trout GOO 4 00 iO. Barrel No. 1 A lew Ives 4 00 2 00 21. Barrel No. 1 Shad 5 UO 3 00 22. Caae Canned LoJjsters 8 00 fi 00 23. Case Canned Salmon ti 00 6 00 24. Case Canned Mack-rel 5 00 3 00 26. One Gallon Cotl Lifer Oil 2 00 100 26. One Gallon Dog Oil 2 00 1 00 27. One Gallon Whale Oil -J 00 1 00 28. One Gallon each i'ale. Straw and Brown S. al Oil 4 00 3 00 29. One Mackerel Itaml, standard measure 2 00 1 00 :iO. One Herring Barrel, standard measure 2 (Ml ] 00 ;n . One Half Barrel 2 00 100 32. One Hardwood Ca».k, 4 qtl 2 00 1 00 33. One Softwood Cask. 4 qtl 2 00 100 ^4. Poir Fish Barrows i oo 100 36. Salt Cart fl 00 4 00 36. Bait Mill 7 00 4 00 37. Lobster Trap (best device) 4 00 2 00 KxTRA — Improved Fihhway or other appliance's. ._____. » Class 20. FURS. Section 1st 2nd 1. Best set Ladies' Fora, Srliiiriit of (Jiouinl Sjiiccs .'i 00 3 00 ITi. Itfttt axHortiiii'iit uf Cocoa, Ilronm, fm & 00 3 OU 16. lU'ftt asHorlmfiit of Faiioy Biscuit 5 00 3 0<» 17. lU'st aKNOitiiitiit of Plain and .sliiji BiHiMiit 5 00 3 00 18. Btsl asHortnii'Ut of Kiuicy "'id Tcili-t Soajm 5 00 3 00 10. Hi'Ml iis,s()rtiiirnt of Hard Scai) ^ "*' ** ®*' 20. Bi'st u^MortMicnt of Tallow Candl.'s 4 00 2 00 21. Bi Ht ncsortnu'tit of Coinitowition Ciiiidli's Ti 00 3 00 22. Best ahHorlnniit of Manufi.cturtul Tobw-to 10 OO 5 Ot* 23. Best nwiortnicnt of ( I'y jiipcH 4 00 2 00 24. Bt'Hl aNHortintnt of iSliof Blacking 4 00 2 00 2f). Bi'.*t a.s.soMnit'nl of Starch 4 00 2 00 20. BtKt assorlnicnt of I'ickit'H, in liottlos 6 00 2 00 27. BiBt HSHortnu'iit of Picklj^ in ludf li.irrclH r> oo 3 00 28. B»'Mt ashortment of Al« and PorUT 5 00 3 00 29. Best asmirtnicnl of V.iuyrr Ale aiul Soda Water 5 00 3 00 30. litHl aHMirliiicnl Fruit .^yriii'H 5 oo 3 00 Jl. Bist Vinff,nir, in oiu- gallon jar 4 00 2 00 32. BcHt Baking Powder 3 00 2 00 33. Best Canutla 'al)lt I'Mte of Berlin Wool Work 6 00 8 0t» DOMINION RXHIDITION PRIZE LIST. 81 1:;.sta»i.ishh:d i«mV. JOHN P. MOTT & CO., MANrKACTl'HKttS OF Confectioners' Chocolate, Spiced Cocoa Sticks. Ground Pepper, Ginger, Cassia, Allspice, Coffee, &c. (GUARANTEED STRICTLY PURE.) HOUSEHOLD, LAUNDRY AND TOILET SOAPS, Oflin — :U KtMlf'onl Itow, llulii'a\. K. M. 135 GEANVILLE STREET, HALIFAX, N. S. Koi: CLOAKS AND MANTLES, \Nlt a-OSSJ^3^H!Ii "W'.A.TERI='E,OOE''S, &c. &C. &0. BUCKLEY So ALLEN, BOOK •^^ GRANVILiE- Sf R. - HALIFAX. N. S STATIONERY AND UL-MiMrx BOOKS OF ALL KiMUS, F-*iiiiLirHj, W!'tip|)inf} and Hooni Puper's, Wholesala and Retail at lowest possible ratea. 82 DOMraroN exhibition prize list. FADER BROS. Wbolfiotir and Krlail Urulcr* iu Beef, Mutton, Poultry, Corned Beef, Tongues, kc, SHIPS SUPPLIED WITH GROCERIES, VEGETABLES, &c. At the shortest notice, and at lowest prices. luanloanirBlit uf 4'Htllf r«>Hp«rinilly Nollrllril. FADER BROS., Victuallers, 4'olonlal Markrl, ArRyli' Slrrol, Hallfiix, .\. ^. Send your orders for Job Printing to the Herald Office BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CARDS, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING Executed with neatness and despatch, AT THK Granville Street, Halifax.. AUSTEN BROTHERS, 124 HOLLIS STREET, HALIFAX, N. S. Rail-way, Colliery and Mill Supplies. Sole Asenta for the Celpbratpd " Valvoline" Oyliiider, Kiiginc ami Machinerv Oils. U. MACKENZIE'S STAR Metal Bearings. ROKT. BISHOP'S White, Colored, ami Stockinp WASTES. National TriiK Works— Wrought Iron TIPE, BOILKU TUBES uml FittiiiK«. PAXTON, TATE & CO, Turbine a»d I^ffel WATER WHEELS. PORTABLE F0R{J1-:S AND HAND BLOWERS. A Large Stock of all the above on hand. I .\!jciiBcn of liEce Work 3 00 Specimen of Embroidery 8 00 Collection of Hair Work 3 00 Collection of Leather Work 3 00 Collection of Fret Work 3 00 Specimen of Braiding 3 00 Specimen of Netting, fancy 2 CO Woman's Knitted Under Skirt 2 00 Woman's Knitt»^d Under Shirt 2 00 Snd 2 00 2 00 2 00 ■2 09 1 0» 1 0» 1 (»♦ Class 23. NATURAL HISTORY. Section. let 2nd 1. Collection of Stuffed Birds of Canada $10 00 8 0» •_>. Collection of Insectfi of Canada 5 00 g ik« Class 24. -INDIAN WORK. Section Ist 1. Miniature Indian Canoo $3 00 2. Nest of Indian Worked IV)xes 4 00 3. Pair of Bead Worked MocciwiiiB 3 00 1. Squaw's Head Drcas 3 00 .'». Pair home made Snow Shoes 3 00 tf. Best assortment of Market and Clothes Basket* 3 00 7. Best assortment of Ladies' Work Baskets 3 00 »>. Best Bow and half dosen Arrows I)o. half dozen White Ash Shovel Handles i „ qq Do. half dozen Horn ^kam Shovel Handles Do. half dozen Pick Axe Handles f>. Best I^adies' Chip Hat 3 00 2nd 3ranels 4 00 Hest Paper -ig», assortment 3 00 l{...t Plaiu luid OrnanteiiUd Paper Boxes 3 00 2nd 4 oa 4 0« 4 Oft 3 00 3 0* 3 00 3 00 .''( 0« 3 00 2 00 2 Oft 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2«0 2 00 •1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 Class 26. MISCELLANEOUS. 1. Ik'st aiwortment of Jewelry, Cauadinn nianula<. The successful essays to become (lie jtrojierty of the Board on payment of the rpspective prizes, and to be printed in the Joijrnal of Agvicultuif. All essays to b*- submitted not later than Ist Se]>tember, 1881. Intending competitors are nujuested to ^ud their essays to Professor Lawson, Secretary of the Board, each cisjiy to bear A motto, accompanied by a sealed envelope bearing outside the same motto and •ontaiuing within the name and address of the author. DOMINION KXHIUrnON PRl/.K LIST. m MILTON IRON FOUNDRY, TAEMOUTH, N. S, WILSON, CLARK & CO., Proprietors. . The largest Stove Manufacturers in the Lower Provinces. 80 DIFFERENT STYLES OF STOVES I We are the only iMirtuw umking the eoK'hinlca ISLAND (.KOWN VXMK STdVf. with all the latest improvfincntH. Also, the Standard Franklin in three sizes. lull llii«- or Hail KtovrM. Mhoii Hl»v«ii, MhiriN* 4'nboUM«>», Mrhn«'rN' HI<»v«*n, I'wrlor 4'o»kN. Hi'drwoni Htovnt, omtr HlovM. And many others too nunierouR to niontion. Sole manufaotui-ers of the MiUs' Patent Ships' Pumps for the Dominion of Canada. m DOMINION EXHIBITION I>KI/E 1.181. Meal, White ^ Co. 116 & 118 Qranville Street, Halifax, ImiNtrtrrN iind JobbrrN or ^ BRITISH AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS -^ Pull lines of Canadian Manufactures direct from the mills kept in stock, to which the attention of buyers is specially requested. HIGHEST PRICES ALLOWED FOR COUNTRY WOOL SOCKS, MITTS. YARN. AND HOMESPUN. BiiWN BeiTHEBS & €0. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, ORDNANCE SQUARE, HALIFAX. Physicians* Prescriptions and Family Receipts compounded with accuracy and despatch. Physicians in the country will find it to their advantage to purchase their supply llrom us- .1 "B^ w tBt ^ISSkTHSS^ wft/S ^SHw 'HHS ^^fflS ^(f 0ARKiA.aK BUiLi:)ii:R, Nos. 3 & 6 Falkland Street, Carriages, Waggons, and Sleighs Made to Order. REPAIRS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY EXECUTED. CALIt ANI> MKK OIK IMTKKT THRKK'WIIKKL DRAW. J. J. OARNELL, 3 & 5 Falkland Street Halifax, N- S. Si' CONTENTS OHGANiZATlON. "onornry I)ir,.,.ton< '"""»'""" "«"i o/n,.;, fioriH Pao« » 10 10, 11 13 to IV '■Iw.i /. iJ. I'l^fZK LlyT. IH /v. V. VJ. VJI. VJfl. IS. X. XI. X[i. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. •vvr//. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. ■XXlli, XXIV. XXV. XXVI. Ilorsci ^--I^tti., Ti;;,n;„«i;,,;;;,;;; ihtto., r;,a,i,. ■"^Iii-fj) '•^HilK' J'oilltly "' [ Hoots .uKiv,.jf,;;„'i;i;,;; '•iiiiii 1111(1 Ki..l.i « I '>Hi.y it.,I;l ':•"'''• ''"'" ^'-•"-^ar.s...::. ''••'"p. Wool, n„"rV'nH I>Hr..|, *;..''""""• '""' -^trnw .;oo.iH, ^K",„u„,^i ,,,,,,,,.,•;;-••;• l*niit,H «^''-n-ua;n;:,;;:„;;7;-- •■• ^^'•onom,,; Afi,,,,,,,,, Mu.,ufa,.tur,.s i„ w„„,," Cnrring,. Ma,„,fac.tnr,.„...' ^«val Aid,it,„;t„r,, Manufactur... i„ :V,,,f„,; Ma''..f«etun.. i„ i,,.^,.,.;; t' i.siH'ric.s I'"iir.s ''reserved Alciifg «•,„ • NatumI mstoiy ." ''Kliuii Work...'. '"aper Mam,laJtmr«!!!!!r"'" ••• Misoellaiieous PRIZE.«i ■/ W car '"K Ap an to 27 -'7 to .(0 •n, 32 ■ir,, :ni 39, 4(1 n, 4.» 44 45 •2r. 41.45, 4« r>i sa 5)» fl-J «2 »» li 7a 80 So S3 Hti 84 Index to Advioutiskrs'. I'AdK .Ktiia IiiHurHiinn Co 3 \lbion Mines ('mil 4 Austin HidH. MutiurnctnpTs' AfjtiiitH.. 82 Acuilia Towder Co 21 IWikwilli, l{. N., AiictioiiftT (30 Kiirtis & Murriiy, Dry (Joods 51) iWtclu'r, .1. \V., Fiiniituro 64 fln>niian, W. ('., Hoots and Sliof.n ... r> I'liowii, M. S., k Co., .Icwcliy ami WaU!lif.s I'J liiHlio]), W . C., Slii|i|iiii^ and For- wiirdinij A<^n!it 23 IJdi'klcy fi Allen, Stntioncrs kv 81 Miown Hi(>». Jt Co., I)rng.><, k'- ,. 80 U. HaxttT, Furniture '24 Kon-liiiin, V.., HooIh, Shoes, ke '-ij iUuld, (iil)Hon k Co., (invirii-H (10 Ciiiiiird, S., & Co., Coal 4 I • Huianl A: Morrow, C^oiil l j Colui, S. .1., .I.rw.'lry (? ' (1iil»iuiiii, J. A., A: Co.jCoiii. Mi'ri^i'ts >'>7 \ ''"dcmiiii k Co., Hats, Cap.s, kv. 78 Clayton At Sons Clot liinj^ 17 ] t'Hrnill, .lolin J., Curriiws SB l)ol|)liin, K. .1., lioston Itaktd llfans 'l',\ \ DrWolf, T. A. S., k Son, Anchor l.iius 33 | h!fi.soii & Co., MfTthuiits M I Kra/.LM! k WliiHton, llusiur.sH (Jollcj^i;.. 71 Fordiiani, Arthur, l.i'aihcr 77 I Kadcr, HroH., I5i'( f. Mutton, kc .S2 ' ilartt'ord InHuriince Co :i | llulil'ax Hotel -JO i llolnuin I'ail Company .'M | ilirris, (Ifo. .1., rinniliiiit; .'i4 Harris, H., (irt'cnliDUSf I'lanli oK , Hirslilii'ld, (Ji'o., Sau-sii-jjes, Pork, kc, 78 ; Hiirrinj,'t()n, W. M., (Jroccrips 2 ' Herald, .lol) Priming S-J . Joliiirtoii, 'I'hos. C., Clirouuinetcra and Wuti'ht'H :i7 Jiimingii, M. K., Woollen Hall 78 pAtii; Kuith, AIe.x., k Son, Nova Scotia Brrwery 'AS l.owrll, W. I.., k Co., HaiikiiH :\ lioPinc, .lohn, G*!nts' FurniMhin^ (•nods .11 licahy, I). .1., ''"foc'eries rtf> .M<'Murray i^ Co., [)ry (loodn 2 MeDoti^all k Son, (iroeerie.s 'J Maliee, \V. I).. Vi-netiun Hlindn 37 Monachal!, A., Knitting Machines... (17 McDonald, .1., Nova .Scotia Nursery 73 Mott, .lohn P., SpicfH, Chocolate, &c. HJ Nortli Hritisii and 'Mirchantilc In- suranoe ('(» " Neal, While .V Co., Diy HooiIh 8i*. (VDouncll k .Mcl.au>;hliri, Photo- graphers ft:; Philliiw, :'> Schwartz. W. H , .V Sons, Codec 3:'. Smith Hroa., Drv C.oodH 18 Smith, T. !•;., Fruit Trees &c ft:t Shi'a, 'I'hos , Hontn and Sho«'S 77 Thoinp.son, (Jeo., HrooiuM »<7 Thomas & Co., Hats, Cui»m, A.c 20 \Vo»rri|>llon of BREAD, CAKES, BISCUIT, CONFECTIONERY, Fruit Syraps, &c., &c. ARGYLE, DUKE, AND GRAFTON STREETS. OFFICE AND SALES ROOM: 128, 130 B HI. I>iiiirii I'lmrrh nn«l Ihr I'unidc.) IMI'OKTKU AND DKALKl! IN BEIiLIlSr ^WOOXiS, I'HrNM, Fli>«'r«i», 4'MnvnN, K«>ii«Im, Piittrrmi, Mlnmpril (•••mIw, ¥»krK, T«llrt Hrltn. SILK, WORSTED, COnON, AND STARR BRAIDS, Stiim|iing for nruidiiig niul Kuihroidpry ; all kinds of I^iulicH* Working lyjntprial and F-^3SrO~2" Q-OOIDS. Wbal«>Niilr linpnrt^r «>riill klmlN vt Sewing Machine Needles, Shuttle», Bobbins, Findings, Oil. &c Nwdles m'lil by mail to any jmrt of the world. MACHINES HIRED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. FLEETWOOD SOROLL SAWS, HAND BRACKET SAW FRAMES. Wnlnnt, llnlly, Fniilar, BoMtwiMMl, anil Matin WimmI. Patterns of I'irture Frames, Hrackcts, Ac, &c., for Sorrento Fret Cutting. / f SCOTCH DYE WORKS 285 k 287 Barrington Street, UA^JLIFA ZX:, 3sr. s. liAiHKH AM> (iK.ifTK — You can wivi. iiH'iiej' liy Hcndiiig yoiir soil«'«l ntid fntli-d (>oo(U to tlic Hitotri' ail(ln>M<, wlii-n* yuii rnn havo tht'iii nm«i« tii l,'i'd for. Ordor* by mnil |)mni|itlT att'>nd)-d to. Advitv f(irt>n hh to in>>Ht Niiitiililc colon fur ull niHtrrinlii. n<>. I'nrti<-uliir atti-ntion {mid to rleaiimnK *»d prensiiig UiiitK* Huitn-nU grtMM-, |ni'iit, tiir, rtc , rfMioyi'd. l*roiui»tn«N» In KkccmUomS Kxrrllrnr*- In Hwrk! nnBiininl«'«>«l t L. FORRESTER. BIT THE LEA0IN2 A.atRiCAN AND CAN AD. AN MAKERS. POPULAR INSTRUMENTS Krilnrr*! lo Altmrtivr rrlrn* nrvt-r mi Imm lM*r«>r<<. CASH Oli KxVHY TKKMS ! • — ■-♦ - — - Visitors are respectfully iijvited to cWl and examine the best stock in the Maritime Provinces. hole .titriilH for Bell and Dominion Organ and Piano Concpany, WEBER & CO.'S FAMOUS PIANOS. A FULL SIZED ORGAN FOR $76.00 AND UPWARDS. SPLENOia PARLOR ORGANS BY BEST MAKERS IN AMERICA $100 AND SCO. Grand Ortjans $125 t > $160. Chapel and Orchestral Qrand prgrans $100 to $20O and $225. Fli>11 Iron Frame Pianos $250 and upwards. W. a JOHNSON, li:i llolllH Hirrcl, HNlirn\, \. ¥•. b