IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^/ r/ i P»' ' // /?i^' LEGISLATION ON INSANriT. A COLLKCTION ol" .\l,l, TIIK LUNACY LAWS |>K TIIK States and TiiRRiroRiiis oi- Tin-: lixiTiiD Stati-s TO Tin-: YKAH ISS;!, INTFJ'SIVK. A I,S( ) thl: laws of hnglanm)()n insanit\, LI-GISLATIOX IX CANADA OX rRIVATL HOUSES, AN'I> IMI'OHTANT PORTIONS nK THE LUNACY LAWS OF GERMANY, FRANCE, ETC. (IKOHCK 1.. IIAIMMSON, I. LI), I.ATi: I'KK-'llll'NT CIF Till; llo.Mdl or PIMI.H illAlilTlK- dF I'K X NH V I. V A N I A . PRIVATELY PRINTED. I'lnLAUKM'IIIA: 1884. V ■' - W" J- 6 ^; 1 1 MAR 1 9 1941 V V J N < . • rni:-;s nv r,\.()v.v: I'RiMiN'd iiousK, riiiuAimLi'iiiA. f w " W" ^.n Vft^ ^ V i N V f CONTENTS. LKGISLATION ix TflE UXFTKI) STATKS. Alabama Pvib. Arizona Tkiuutory ^^ Arkansas -^ ("ai-ikornia "^3 t'or.ORADA "19 CONNKCTICt'T "^ Dakota . . "8 Dki.awark 80 DisTiii r OK CoLUMniA ^"^ Fl.OKIDA ^17 Gkoijoia 126 Idaho 131 lLLIN-o,t? 144 Indiana 1-19 Iowa 172 Kansas " 204 Kkntitcky SoO Louisiana 247 Maine | 273 Mauyi,ani) ' * " 2.S0 Massachusetts 294 MlCIIlOAN "^Ol Minnesota •'^23 Missia«ippi 367 Missouri 381 Montana 392 Nkhkaska "^15 Nevada 4115 New IIami'siiire '^'^^ New Jersey "157 • 463 W 2 rONTKNTS. Nk\v MKxrro ^'*-^^' ^■*>"'^ 497 NouTH Caijomna P„„ Ohio .'■)79 <)lu:(i(iN- (il2 I'K.VNSYnVANIA Khodk Island ,, <)<.'$ hOlTH('AI{()MNA .... ()S() Tennfasee 'rKXA--^ liTAir V EU.MONT ,r 741 VlU(!I\IA ,,, 7.'),S vVa.simnoton \\ KST \ ll!(iI\IA ,„ <90 ^VI.H'ON.^IN ^. 804 V> YO.MINCl 803 FORKKiX LE(JI.SL.\TIOX. EXOI-AND 857 Canada— Ontario „ OOfi FUANCE „ H)2.T liKI.GIVM 1040 Germany— Pius.sia—Hadkn „,^ Russia 1092 Ai.i'ENDi.v.-Koport ,.f the- (Jovernor lloyt Lunacy of I'enn.syl- vania, with proposed Art of ." , jQ^r, "<•■ V] ^OTE.-Rra,■k.ts in the te.xt denote: 1. A .■onjeetural emen.lation. 2. An =.menclme..t to ,he ori.^inal section. Pnne.uation is i„ everv that of the work c.te.l. Spelling an.l nse of eapital letters have l.een n.a.le nniforn.. The tal.les ot contents have leen made without referenee to the n.arglnal notes, wLh-h are those of the various statutes. In the tal.Ies the words "asvhnn," "insane" and ;'.nd,genl insane" have heen uniformly n..ed. The word "ihid" has heen omitted n. the eualions when the paragraphs hav. heen taken from a revised statute or code whose .seetions are nund.ere.l eonseeuti vely. Where a ehapter is eited without a date .t refers to a revised statute or eo.le already eite.l. When a date appears .t .s eued fron, the pan.phie, huvs. The laws of Kugl:.,..! are e.xcep.ions to this (' V fl ii it 1( (1 V L1:GISLATI()N ON INSANITY. it vl PREPACK. Tks.vnity is tlic siuMcst mikI most Icrrildo of all tliscnscs, — till' most ])itiiil»li' fiiiil li('l|tlcss of Jill the st.itcs Mini I'orins of lnimiiii Iiil|il(ssii('ss. AikI yd it is a coinlilioii to whirli ,ill iiu'ii iirc liable, mikI into uliicli any man may at any tinit- fall with or without |>n'monitiliilantliroiiist. hut it appeals to and it tasks the hiiihesi medical skill; it demanre- seiils one ol' the dafkest and most mysterious pmhlems of medi- cal and criminal jurisprudence. In connexion with the poor and friendless, it imperatively calls upon the Statt for care and protect i(»n. Ihil so com]dex anil intricate i>; the suhj'ict in its vario\is relations and aspects, it is no wonder that in regard to it the legislation of many States is very crude and defective, and of all States, as yet. more or h^s.s ti'iitative and imperfect. ])urin!j; my term of service upon the I'.oard of ruhlie Chari- ties <»f Pennsylvania, mainly as its President, 1 ha other det'ective classes of the conim(»n\vealtli, in their res[)ective Institutions; and since my withdrawal fr(»m that ofiice, I have had favorable opjtortuni- ties in (Jreat Ihitain and on the Continent of iMirope. to indul,u<' the interest which 1 felt in the subject, ami to ; utill 1 iiti rliiiiixl l>\- nil', 'I'lic iiiliiiiatioiis wliicli wnr <.iis(ii of tlir |i( ciiliiir i'litl iiiiliiipi'V rflalii»ii t'l" tlic Iiisniic to tlic (•(.iiiiiiiiiiil) , iiavf a-iiiiic'l lilt' clianicUr nf (li.-tiiictins.s and fiTlaiiity ii|itiii Iiiii.icr (il).-cr\atinii and rtlliriidii. This Illation is llial of a ward, who is a stranger to his j^rnariliaii. of a uiiiiidian wlio has no ac<|iiainhiiict' witli liis wai[.ital, — even so far as to Justily the dett ntioii there, of a xdiii man thi'oiijihoul all his days, w ilhoiit res]'onsiliilily for the I noriiiou> wroiii;. 1 ih'sirt' siinply to state facts. I am not (|Ue.-tioniii,u' the honor, tic iiite,t:rity. or the Inniiaiiity of an\' one. lint the pnldic has heeii sedulously tau^^lit that tin- mentally sick, however sli'^ht the malady may he. are suhjects soli ly for the dis|H»sal of the memhers of the medical |>rofes- sion: it matters not how youthful, how inexperienced, or how occiiiiied in their profes-i(»mil work. If the diplomas he hut on< hmir old. if their hrancli of |iractiee he dentistry or chiropody, two. at most, of such per.-ons. if respectahle in the opinion of a.lii^lice .'i ihe I'eace, \\i\\v hail the power to coiiimii any nieiuher of the eoiiimuuity to a hospital for the ill: .;ne. ili'Tc to he iletaineil indelinitely and with iiii- puuity. at tli ' will of the medical siiperinteiicleiil. unless lihei'- ate(l through the intervention of the court. This has hci'U the law in reiinsyUania until recently. The chief phy.sician of one of the best institutions for the insane in this country says: " 1 have no knowledj;e of the wroiijiiul detention of a sane person in this or any other hos- pital, hut I can very well understand that this injustice may occur. I'lvery su]ierinten(lont of a hosj)ital desii'es the wards to he full, and where tlie inmates are ' l»i>y patients', tiiere exist.s a temptation to detain thoni." Those inliueiice.s may « it rUKFACK. ojH'ratc so far !i-< to lessen the >tiictiif~s <»f ati cXMiniiialion of tlir patient ii|i(iM ailiiiissidii. If till' int'sriit status (if tlii> sml Imt iiit( rt siinu i|iu stiuii was a|t|>iTciatr(l liv the piiMic. as wdl as tlw tiMic pnsitiuii it >lioiil(| nccupv, 11(1 citizen, sane (ir ili^.ilie, WdilM 1h' expd-eij lu tile risks (ir the actual wi-oii^s wliicli coiili'iiit llirin iil\\;iys, and from wiiicli tliey cannut always escape. W'lieii tlie error is dispelled, that puldic concern and per- sonal inter( st in the well-hein;: of the insiiiie are not lei;itiniale factors to their iniprovetneiit or r( (d\(i\v. and when these lake the practical shape of oh-crvat ion and activity in their service, there will come to pa<-. however gradually, a i-ccoMni- the\ will he allowed tion ol the needs of these liel|ples-; olie a uiiH'v personal intei'coui'se with the ju-t, the judicious, and the pliiliinthropic, which will keep open to the |iuhlic, who are their real eiiardians and judiics, a knowIeifMi. uf their con- dition, and of the measure of justice or injustice they receive. It will llieii liapp(n that the chief physician «liall not lie the housekccpei- and the linancier for ."••»ii oi' l(i(i(i l.o.-ii'ders: that 1 ful- liis assistants will not necessarilv assume hi- authoiit v am 1111 his duty in the ni'avcst cases; that the iiurse< aii(l attend- ants will he sel( cted for their actual (pialiticat ioiis. and s|iecial titness for their delicate work, and not for their cheapness, A .•system will then ensue, which will, hy it< own iik rii ami adajitation to the circumstances of the (mm', duly protect tlieso suli'erers, and which will Liive tiiia and opportunity fir the consideration, hy tlio,concil«! them 1(» their situation ; and it iii;iy liiippeii that it is even more essi'iitial than this to them," — for example, in cas(>s of sanity or douhtful cases — "hut such intercourse should he rea- ,sonablv retfulated." 1 1.1,1 A< r. I ina\, ;il llii> | nint. nt'ii. witli |iii»|iii('ty. to ;i iVw iii-liiliccH ttl ili-iit>>iii;i iiijii>ti Siiitt'. wliicli cHiiliI lint liMVf I'c- ciiiiiil iiiiilti'ii iiHiii' tiili;ilil(in'Iiili(p|i. jiiitl a iiidic jii.-t iiml m iiiritii> ii|i|ii't »iatiii|>iiiiiirii(|iiit<. I (»ii llic (icca-inii mT an nllicial \i-it In a lin-|iilal I'nr tlic ili-iilir, I imlicid a hnl, Ik Iplis- iVolii tin In-s nf Imtli li'j,'s, siiUcriiii^ ureal iiiciital a;^aiir arniiiiil ami almiil jiiiii. 'riii> ili>|>i;;y nl' iiinital Itaiii iifiii;:- iiiiii.-iial. I ua>i iiii|iiil>iv»'ly ilrawii In the >-iiircr('r, laid uiv liaiid ii|inii liiiii in a xmtliiii:.- niaiim i. and sjtnkr In lima Iru ixiiid wnids. lie liiii;cil Ids aMTlid late Inwards iiic, and aliiin^i ininn(|ial(ly tl.f rxpn-- inn nf aiiunisli dc- pailrd. I had liiiii rciimNtd tn tlic inliniiaiy, cninniclidi'd liiiii In ill*' s|M'rial alliiilinii nl' dnctni' aii'l niii'si'. jiiiiI wlicn I iiiadr a \i>ii In him a lr>\ ilay> al'tt rwaids. I rniiml this rase nf ■'iii>aiiity" In Im what miuht masniialily hi^ iruardnl as no iimrr ihaii an in-lamc nl" >c\ nc di-lros, induced i)\ ihc muled and hiiilality nl' an eni|dny( r, in \\!in>e service his limlis were I'm/ell In ^ll;lpllralln|l, and hy wlmiii he was then iiirmd into llie rni.d. lie was [dcked ii|i hy a passin;^ w aunncr, and event- ually left ii|inii a sidewalk of the i-ity, iiiialde to rise with his festered liiiili<: lie was carried In a hosiiital, and his leus aiiipu- tated. All liace> nf lii> family were uniie. (they w ere < ierniaii emiuiaiil-): and at Iciiulh. n\ eiw liehiicd with auniiy ami de- spair. he tniiiid himself a teiianl >>{' a " niadhmise." The friendly toiu-li nf a hiimanity. which all [lossess, laiiuht him that he was not entirely withniil syni|iatliy. and a revived lin|ie snnii restored liini In ( (inlidiiicc and |itai ii |ilacin,u i>i' \\\> hiiiiiaii liiiilis with artificial ones, uaiiied fnr him a >itiiatin!i where he cniild earn a living Inr hiiiiself, ami now, after ten years, fnr a partner in lil'e. li. At a nieetiii'i- of the dir<('lnrs nf a laru'c eliai'ity, it was aininiinced that the phy.-ieians nf the insiitutinn were |irepared to siun a certilicate of insanity, after several weeks' atteiidaiiee, for the adiiiissinii nf a lieiieiiciary In a hn>pital fnr the insane. This would lia\'e heell allnWed. as a matter of cniirse, hut that a special conimittee was askeil for and ap|ioiiiled. The case was indeed a |iitiahl<' one. and likely to mislead e\en a pr I'C it- is lU- III iiii is lis ruiiiAci: (lie |>iiiii was can I'lilly iiuisiiid, iiliii«>riiiiil -\ iii|iluiiis gradually (lisapinartd, and allfr two *>v llncc niniiths the yuiiiiLi man re- piiiK'il liis ('(»m|t«»siir(', and nturiicil to hi^ linmr. ;iii I'aiiiily ami wmk I'lii' n li\iii^. It was siiii|ily an iiistalUH' of n\ ciiji-kiiiL; llic limlily -Iith^iIi l»y Idiiu ami iiiiiMtcniiitlt'd laiior. '.'>. A LitiitlciiiaM III' iiitclli;^fiicc. wIk- liad many l'iiiiid<, was scparalcd rrnni his wile and n-^idrd nl ,i di-lantf linin his family. Mr nndi'rtu(»k to I'cvisii iKriiHr .-ciiio. mid wa- oh- scrvi'd hy his uil'r'> rciiiiioii-. (hie of thcsr, a |iliy-«i(ian, accosted liiiii, invited him to lii- "Uiee, and an iiileiview of a lew minute-; nink |ilace. Sliortl\ i :tei'uards, as he re-nmed his walk aloiin the cunntry load, i vaiTiaf^'e drew n|i, and iwti sturdy men ali^^lited, sei/ei| h i, fur. ,d hi' ; into the cirria^ic, jind cunvcycfl iiim to a lio<|(iial I'ur iIk m-ane, u iiji ncerlili- cat*' tVi( nds. They hurried to the lio.-.|iital, and he was surrendered at once; the di.clor takinii' occasion, ///(/(. to examine the case. •I. .\n instjince of the commitment of a sane |Mrsuii to a hos- ]»ital for the insane, occurred so recently in this iieiiihi'oilHMid, that it will he fresh in the niiiids of all who care for these things. A man in the r('s|K«c(ahk' >valks of life, hut who was not iin ai;reeahlc memher (tf his family, received uiiex|iecteilly ;i foi'iiial visit from tlu' family )iliy>ician. Sluu'tly :'.fter this interview, he was uiicert'nioniously carried oil" to an asylum foi' the insane, on a cei'titicati' signed hy his doctor and a medical friend, lie happily had a son, however, who missed his father, soiiidit him out, and delivered him from durance. The two phyi-icians who eoinniitted him to this undeserved ineart-eratiun, were called to aeeount for their act, — an act worse than a udony; hut the judusin"ss witli a lnotlicr, found liinisilf, with- out |iri'Uif a "' cDnnnittt't' " iippointcd by the I'uuit to takt' charp' of his |prrs(in and his }iro[RTtv. JIo was liunii'd to a distant eity and }>hiccd in a " i-ctrcat " for tlu; insane, lie had friiiids, hut none kmw wli(>ri> ho was ; and nianv months Ivajiiicd on ln-fon' any ray of liopo ilhiininod Ills ])ros|iocts. At length he induct'(l his nuarthan to I'oniovt* him to ;i ho<|iiial nj>or- tunity to make known his wlicioaliouts. and soon a writ of hal>(a~ coi'iiu^ ln'ouiiht him hcl'orc thi' oourl. 'riir t'ourt a|ijiointiil a ma.-tcr on his raso. ^hlny frionds, ami several jihysii-ians and lawyers, saw hini hel'ore the ex- amination of witnesses, of whom a score or more testilied to his sanitv at the linu' of his immurement and at the jiresetit tinii'. Till' medical -uiierintendenl's testimony was trivial to ahsnrdity, tin- two mnin points heinu- that ho walked con- stantly throu,uh the corridors and talked continually of him- self. 'J'lie master reportid to the court that ho had never lieai'il a clearer >tatement ol" a case than the plaintill' made: that he was remarkahle for his sound iiUelliii-eiice, etc., — and the court ilischai^ed him. It took nine months to <;■() throuj»li this ordeal and olitain his invatled liherty — most unrighteously invailed. 'i'liese case< ai'e withiu the jiersonal knowle(In-e of the writer, and othei-s mi^ht he cited of eipial or iven gn-ater injustice. Instances of neirlect. even of harharity which led to death, !ire known to nil. familiar with the treatiiu'iit of the insane, who are sometimes hirni^hed with unfeelinu' attendants, hired at cheap I'ates. which mdy the mo>t unsuitahle would act-ept. 1 have liefore nie a score of ca-es occui'rinu" within a few years, taken hy my direction, from the dockets of our own court.-- and tlioes which haveheen cai'efuliv in\( --liuated h\- court and iurw >o!iietimes consistinji[ of as many a> iiftecn selected men: the institutions lu'lnij,- de- fended hy the ahlest coun-el. There is no sens;!tion;d motive in this record of tiie facts which have i ceiii!' il in the in>titutions for this class. 'J'lu>y It > I'UKl'ACK may not liavo occurred in all, hut a lialiilily to \\\vu\ c^xist.s everywhere IVoiu the system li'encMally in force; which, hy its exclusiveni'ss, separates the |(ul)lic IVoiii all interposition in hehalfot" these wards of the state. e\ee|it hy confront iiii;- dilli- culties, delays and tliscouraji,c'nients which lew are willinLi,- to onctiuuter. And thus, iIh^ hardships which menace all who ai'c (li.-])osed to hel'riend the iiijui'i'd. the entire i^mirinii,- of all testimony from the patients themselves, the majority of whom ari' tpiiU' reliahle in the statement of a matter of fact, the in- exorahle (lemand ol the hospital ollicials for the sole <'iinsi(lcra- tion of all <|Uestions ri'latin^ to the condilion of ihcir helpless patients, wiiu'ii has been most unwisely conceded l)y eommu- liities, too willinu' to he ri'lieved of expense and troiihlesome responsihility ; these ; re the sourc<'s and occasions iA' the pe- culiar and manifold misfoi-tuiies of the insaiH — misfortunes which are not sulfered hy any other clas-: of the dependents of tlu^ State, ami which would not he sullered hy ihi-^ most iiilcr- estinjj; and alllicted class, if the harriers, which 1 have su,<^- gested. were removed. Tcrhajis the sentiment of the puhlic, which 1 have men- tioniMl, has ])revented others from makini;; so distinct a relation of the unlii (lit ippy condition ot tUe insane, as I have endeavorei I h d to indiiate: tlu' jmhlii- mind not heinu' well prepareil to hi'- lievi> it. IVrhaps the j)uhlic iwv misled hy partial kno\vled,i;(\ or kni>\vletl^'e only of some select ret reat for well-to-do hoarders. There have hceii, however, of lati' years, in this and other States, s(tme revelations of the wrongs and the exposure to Avron,!is which they sutler. These ha\e heeii developed in the etl'orts to ellect an aiuelioration hy Judicious, conservative le^al enactments, which should f;ive full consideration to the oHicials of the institutions, and, at tin same time, adeipiately )>rotect (!.;■ rii;hts, wdiich justice and humanity demand for their inmatis. These ])atients have heen entrusted to those oflieials f(;r that care and treatment which wcnild hesl n'lievo them of sullering, and so, hest lead to the improvement or restoration of their health. The hospital is estahlished for tlu^ patients and not for the 'illii'ials, professional or lay. The good inlluenc(> of such legislation has heen manifest ir. several States. The o.'iicers of the Ik |i;tals at first uniformly opposed it. ^"et it has hap|)ened, that, not only ha\'e their ])atients heen greatly ri'lieved, and im[»roiier admisisioiis hiu- 10 ruKFAn;. (ItTcd, l)ut the <;iM)(l i-c.-ulls liavc i^ixfii siilis(';i('tioii to tliov (ttlicials tlifuistlvt's. 'I'luy litl iiroticlrd apiinst mm unjust ]iul»lic ri'iiroacli iiiid iuili^natiuu, wliilc the prtiU'ctivc lc Of those wlioiirc alllictcd with thi~ iiuihi'ly thrro nrc v:iri(His classes, and there are varions kinds an"ixi-rriininnl, the nniinestionahlv insane anil t!ie dunhifidlv in-aiie, and so on. I mention these vai'ions forms of the malady in order to show how lai',t!;e and complicated a matter le^i>lation lor the insane mnst necessarily he. J will, however, remark specially upon two or three cla.sso.s only, having treated ihe sul)ject at length elsewhere. .\s for the insane who have independent mean- of support, or relations and friends that are alile to fnriii.-h ihein. the State is not called ujion to provide lor the expenst- of their cai-e and trt'atinent. iJut even in their case laws may he net-ded for ]»roteclion against the ignorance, the nigligence. or the ill-., dl of their relations or |)retende(l friends, to sup^-rvise their treat- ment, whether at home or in private' in-litutions. and to secure any against heing consigned to such institutions on an un- foundi'd ciiai'ge of insanity. To such the State may al.-;o well give fri'c acctss to its own asylums or hospital^, heing indein- iiilied lor theii' expenses, so that they may have the hest care and treatment that medical science can atlord. Hut. in that case, special care should he taken to provide that their prescce should not ci'owd ports those institutions. Tlu're is danger in such eircum- stanci'S that superinttMidcnts ami phy>icians and nurses ami servants shoidd heconie dis[iroportionately ahsorhed in those who have Wealth and cullui'e ;;nd social position and friends to ri'commend them, and to Hatter the pridi- and reward the kindness of those who cari> for them. It is the poor and friendless insane that are ju-operly the wards of the State; and the State is rcipiired hy every prinei- ]>le of common humanity, hy a regard for its own reputation ! -.If if. ■Ji' •I 12 rUEFACE. iis a civili/cil (•(•ininunily, Mini liy {\\o siinjilrst (Mnisidcrations iiiakt' dur provisidii for tlicir salo l<('i'])iii«;, car*', and Ircalinciit, that so llicir ^ricx-oiis and disahlinjj; nialadv maw if pus-iliN . lie curfd. and tlKiusclvrs rcsldrcd to activily and ii.- in liirss; nv. if in<-ural>lc, tliat llicy may !»' Ini|i |<.st ctiiii iii'iii Kf iisi Hull (i(liiiiiiislratlrc (i/iilifi/, of Inninnic iiisliitdx. and of /(iiyc (iiid rijic c.rjii ri( lire. 'Idle hojielessly iiicui'ahle may hct- ter lie provided for in an entirely separate estahlishiuenl un- der simpler anil cheajicr arranu'cments. l-'or the (jiiiisi-criiiiiiKil class there wouhl seciu to he no lUH'd of any special estahlishment. Wdiy should they not he di.s- trihuted lo their appropriate places in the ordinaiw asylum or hosj)ilal? 1 thiid< there is no sullicient reason to exclude them. I'ei-haps lor jiatieuts of this (dass. who. after tii'atmeiit for a lonu'ei' or shorter pciiod. reco\-ei' their soundness o f mind, some special lejial provision neeils to l»e made. l''or insane convicts. Ww jiroperly crimliKd class, the State niiti-ht provide eithei- an entirely se|iai'ate estahlishment or a se]iarale de|iartment attached to the oi'dinary hospital, as econ- on)y and eonveioince should dictale. Uut no m;in acknowl- eiln(.d to he really insane should heke|)t in prison or in any dc- ;>artnient of a prison, especially after his prescrihed term of im- ]»risonment has I'Xpired. This was no ])art of his sentence. The State, having (h'prived him of his self-control and hecome his uhsolute maslei'and jiuardian. may not leave him in hodily sick- ness to lanuuish and die without the use (if the ]irope!' medical I'emedies, and what is a necess.ary adjuuel — jiroper care and nursing. Neither may she leave him to ravr or mope himself into incnrahle madness or idioev for the want of tli(> treatment SI a| o| A\ liicli the hest medical skill and otlur alleviatin,^- jirovisiou I'li-n-AcK i: coultl I'uriiisli, Mild wliicli raniiot be had in tlir crlls or [Uir- liciis (»r a prison. 'J'luTc rcniaiiis anotlu'i' iin|iortant liraiidi of \]\v suKjcct, to Avliicli till- atlciition miisi now he tnrncd, namely, llir j:,fn( ral supervision ol' all the institutions and hospitals lor the insane, and (»r the processes of eoiuniittinii; persons to their ehai'u'e, and of (leterniininL!,- when theii" detenti(»n sjiould eease. It is not elioimil t o liave n'ood aw and wise and u'eiierou? ])rovisions. As much depends ujton their faitht'ul ami Judi- cious administration as ui)on the laws themselves. The uen- tlenii'ii of the nu'tlieal profession ileserve the highest ereilit and till' niee(l of lastins eoiniieteiit judji'es than medical men of most matters to he suhmitted to ollicial cxanii- nation ami inspection. This is indicated in the I'ln^lish as well as certain American laws. The insane in hospitals exist in such unmiliffated seclusion tliat the eyes of the community never rest uj)on tlu'in to any api»reciahle extent. 'J'hey receive little or no reco so exjioseil as to come to the public eye. and are i .'Vt'r considered, much less believed. Upon the testimony of uie suffering }ia- tient; who in a lar<;e majority of cases is quite capable of clearly and ti'uthfully i)r(>sentinj2; the facts. It is unnecessary to say, for it has been recently exposed to the i)ul)lic in a most af!:,iiravated manner, that brutality even to the extent of caus- in measuri' and character of the attention and relief which they re(|uii'e. Few members of any community ever visit a hospital for the insani'. Few strantrers in a citv make such an institution one of the ol HCC which they desiri' or expect to inve.<':.'<.Mt Jf in either case, there are exceptions, ■ ! O \\' !\iony made arc oj)en to insiiection, or at most a hurried through the corridors, where the ([uiet ])atient,- i;n«j;e or t^aunter in un\ aried depression or ennui. While tl; e lio.^^pitals of all other descriptions, the asylums for the blind, tlie mute, the feeliie-minded, tlu' houses of refuse and even the prisons, are always open t) tlu> unrestrained inspection of all resj>ccta- blc people, this asylum for the mentally di.seased is [iraetically closed a.o-ainsi such "intrusion." The necessity does not exist at all, in the d'-^ree allej^cd. I am not ignorant of the fact that unguarded and iiidis- t # rREFACK 15 ' 1 • 1 1 1 1 m criminaie visitinj]j at all (iincs and under all cireuinstancrH wonld 1)0 injurious to soinoot'thc jtaticnts, and would di-ran^o tlie administration of tln' hospitals. Such lii-cn-c would h*; nusc'lncvous anywhorc, and more especially wliei'e tlie niniafes, in lar;^fe j)r(iportion, re(juiro freedom from di^ipiictin;^' in- luence On tiie other hand, however, the ucial experienci'S of the inmates of almost all hosj)itals for the insane, ari' of a natui'e to induce insanity, where it does not exist, to intensify it, where it does exist, and to draij down to irremeiliahle mad- nes.s the uidiappy victims of such companionship as tliev aro consimpleto (\\]»osition of all this part li; f 1 i Ws ir. ri!i:rA(i:. (tf tlif siilijt'<'l — .it It'ii-l in rt'latiiiii In ilic l('<:;i>lalitin i>l' mic Stall — iTt't'iciicr is licic iiiadr ti> flic A |i|iiim1 ix. ('(iiitaiiiiiiii tin- IvcjKiit dl' a ( (iiiiniissiiiii appnintrd \les of lu- nacy l."ws in the dillerent States; hut as some references may be convenient, 1 will state that 1 con>ider those <»f Massachu- setts, Wisconsin. New ^'ork. Iowa and rennsylvania worthy of ) ^' coi nniendation. 'J'hei'e ai'e. no doubt, others of e(|ual merit. The com|iilalion of this volume has been a work of much labor and dillicullv. Exactness has been necessarv tlirou. Koney. l';s(p, a very inlelli.u'ent lawyer of I'hihuU'lphia, and Ills brotlu'r, W. S. IJoney, Es(p, whose industry ami apprei-ia- tion of accui'acy have been of th;' greatest value in the pro- duction of this work. 1 have also received valuable assistance from Dr. Ourt, Secretarv of the I'onna. Lunacv Committee. G. L. II. January, 1884. !♦ I Hi \ > ALABAMA. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. OOVERSMENT OK ASYLUM. Kstalillsliiiient of iisylnin, ("orporate powers iiiiil title. Property of oorporation. (lovernnieiit vesteil in board of trustees. Board of trustees, ap|H)intiiieiit, term of oflice, eonipeiisation. Pow -sand duties; superintendent, term of oflice ; a.s.sistants, salaries. ADMISSION AND SVI'POIIT. Counties entitled to patients in ratio of insane popnlatiun, census re(piircd. Indigent patients oliargeaMc witli actual cost; private patients in measure witii care. Preference given to indigent pa- tient.s, an(l to chronic cases. Admission of private patients, bond, charges, pliysician's certificate, interrogatories. Unexpended moneys returned. Term "male" applies to females. Admission of indigent patients, in- terrtigatories, examination, and physician's certificate. Certilicates of judge and physician. Private jiatients may he continued as indigent. Condition of patients as to clean- liness. Expenses of commitment paid by countv. E.\AMISATION OK CRIMINAL IS:*ANK. IS. Mxamiiialiouof acipiitti d criminals. 19. Kxamination of person chargeiac»AR(lK FROM ASYLUM. 22. Indigent patients entitUMl to two years; indess then heuelitcd, dis- charged. 23. of removal borne iiy county. 24. Discharged patients supplied with clothing and money. INSANE COXVKTS. 25. Physician of penitentiary to report insane convicts. 20. Insane convicts removed to asylum. 27. Comjiensation for removal. I 28. Restore. The property of >uch corjtoration consists of such funds as have heen oi' nuiy he provided Ity the state for pnr'aYin'u. the estahlishnient and support of such hosi)itai, and of such other money. pi'o|.erty and assets as may l)e ac(|uire(l by such cor|>oration hy ;;ift, devise, hecjuest or otherwisi', and the profits thereof, and of the land which has heen ])rocured, and huildinjfs which have Iteen or may he erected, and of tho other property which has heen acouired, to he usecl for tho care, maintenaiu-e, treatment and euro of insane persons. 4. The affairs of the corporation must l)e mana<;-ed and had thereon. They must he selected with a view to their cajiacity for tho nianajfe- ment of the hospital. Threi^ of the trustees, or tho j»resident and two trustees, must ho residents of Tuskaloosa county, or of a county adjoin inj^ it, and the remainder must he residents of other j)arts of the state. Tho present arran<;emont of the com- mencement and end of tho respective terms of tho six trustees, wlu-rohy the term of [two] trustees shall ox])iro at tho termina- tion of each successive period of two years, is continued. Tho toiin of tho })residont and t'ach of the; trustees is six years, ex- cept where a trustee is appointed to fill a vacancy, in which event the appointment is made for tho unexpired term of tho vacated oftico. All appointments made hy tho governor, be- fore confirmation hy tho senate, are temporary fillin<; of vacan- cies until they are confirmed. The governor lias j)owor to re- move the president or a trustee for cause doomed sufiicient by • niMi' li. rtiiiMMi; ciiiali- fii-atiiiiis, ri'si- iliMKv, ti'im, i'i>iii|>i'nMitiun, roiiiuval. AT.AllAMA. 10 lit l)f of 1- Is. liim. 'rii(> senate iiiny likewise niiike sueli n>iii()V;il at any (line l)y a vole of a majority of llie whole hody. 'I'lie presi- y the rules of the institution shall be allowe; he shall direct their several duties, and see to the performance therof ; and ho must bo n'sponsible to the board for the i>ro|)i'r peHormance of those duties. The trustees nuist determine what salaries and (Ninipensatiou shall bo i>aid to the superintendent and other oflicers, servants an lu'cii ('<)ii. ^'•" '•'■ the slate heariii^^ their expenses, must he !««H'ui'.'.l'r.'l.'fi; charji-eahie with no more than the actual cost lor of'HKl"ius"ttiui elothiufj^. nursiii»r. hoard and medical attendance. '"""'" Tatients whos,' expenses are |iayahU' hy themsi'lves or fritnds, and whsr are not chaiTicaldc upon the conntie.i, must |iay in measure with tlu' care received and accordiuj; to the regulations which may he ado|ited. The hoard must puh- lish the hy-laws and rej,Milati(>ns of the institntion, and them, from time to time, to lie <'ircnlated in tin' state for |;-cn- eral infoiination. They may provide for takinj"' homl ami .security from all their a^^cnts and ollicers, conditioned for tho faithful discharji'e of the duties of their olHce. \K in order of admission the indi<,fent insane must have |»ro- 5 1478. cedeiice of the rich, and recent cases of hoth ela.s.ceived in tho liospital as a as ainenilpil, l^7l^ p. l!i;t. I'utii'iits are received. jiayinjjj patient, there must he i)roduced to tho superintendent: (1) A sufKcient bond, a.s liereinafter described. (2) Three niontlis' cliarf^cs must he j)Hid in advance. (;^) A certificate from one or more respectable pby.sicii declaring that in their oi>inion the applicant is insane. ms, I tlu » I I ^\ AI.VnAMA. 21 |tre- Isst'S |i>g; tlio [•('si- i\s a tho ana, ( I) .\|i|>li(iiliiiii imisl 1 If mill li' tn till' snpcrintriiilrni, .hhI tlio fullnwinji iiiliTntpilorics aiiswiTt'd licfoic the ]iatiriil is prc- M'lilctl lor a(liiii>licatioii is iiiadc? II. I low lon^f since (Kiiin<,feiiient of mi ml was rn>t siHp'cteil? III. How Iohl; lias it luen plainly ami openly nianilesled ? ]\'. Was it ^radnal or ^ndilen in its iipproaeli ? A', ^\'llal is tin' lioclily condition of the patient — vij^oi'ous and healthy, or lie]|iless and dist asc I ? \'l. Mas the patient epileptic eeiiv'ilsioiis, or paralysis in any lorni ? \'ll. Is the patient lilthy or >'leaidy in di- ss am! pi rsonal hahits? \'l 1 1. Is lh(> jiatient noisy, violent, (lai:p~ 'ons or destr'icfive? IX. What is the charaefei' of the insanity — herson in indigent circumstances hecomes in- 5 US.', sane, application can he uuule hy his friends, or l.^7>i. p 1-1. anv other person m ins behalf, to the uume ot tlie Vioceo.liiu's ' ^ . 1 1 • , , for i.iiiui>su.u j»rohate court m tlie citunt: where Ik- resides ; anu of tlie ' • ' \ ^'int. Mil Ah for tlicir sap port. "' such judue must, without delay, make application to tlic sujtcr'utendent of the liospital lor his admis- sion, aud accompany the application with full and satisfactory answers to the followiiii; intcrroiiatories : (1) Xam(\ .«ex, age and color of the j)ei"son for whom applica- tion is made? (2) How long since derangement of mind was first sus- pected? (.'>) How long has it heen plainly and openly manifested? (4) A\'as it gra) Wluit is the character of insanity — how exhihited, the supposed cause thereof, and any other imj)ortant facts hearing upon the case? When informed that the patient can ho roceiA-ed, the judge must call one respectahle physician and other credihle wit- nesses, and fully investigate the facts in the case, and either ( 1 ' '^1 ALAI5AMA. ■J8 ill e with or witliout tlio verdict of a jury, at his discretion, must decide the case as to sanity and indigence; and if the jud<;e believe that satisfactory evidence has Ijeeu adchiced siiowin^ thi' patient to be insane, and his estate insutlicient to suppoil liini and his family, (or himself alone, if he has no iamily,) under the visitation of insanity, he must, u}»on the judj;-e's cer- tificate, be sent, within thirty days, to the hospital at the ex- pense of the county, and be supported there at the expense of the state; and the superintendent shall be I'eijuiivd to kee}) the vacancy opt'U fora period of thirty daysafter thedateof hisnotice that the patient can be received. The judge, in all such casi's, shall have recjuisite {tower t(j comi)el the attendance of wit- nesses or jurors, and must hie the certificate of the physician, taken under oath, and other pa[)ers relating to the case, with a report of tlie proceedings and the decision. 14. In cases provided for in the foregoing; section, copies of the judge's and physician's certificates shall be sent j. j^j,., with the indigent insane person, and tiled by the ','s;,'i"","',i,7'' superintendent of the liospital. Such certiticates {ii',!|,!llgeliiua shall read substantially as follows: "'''"'•■"• ' I, A. B., judge of the court of probate of the county of , and state of Alabama, do hereby report that application has been made to me in behalf of C. I)., a resident of said county, alleged to be insane and in indigent circumstances, and pur- suant to the act of the legislature in such cases made and pro- vided, I have vidled before me Dr. , a respectable physi- cian, ai.d other creditable witnesses, to wit : (state their names), and having examined them and fully investigated the case, and not deeming it necessary to call a jury, 1 do hereby decide and certiiy that satisfactory proof has been adduced before me, sho>.ing the saii!^ bills therein for three months, if the super- ''""P""'' intendent shall certify that he is a fit ])atient, and likely to be benefited, by remaining in the institution, he may be retained therein at the ex})ense of the state, on the certilicate of the probate judge of his county, declaring his indigence. 1(). The county officers sending a patient to the hospital, J ,4^. must, before sending him, see that he is in a state of ^ie/ina,n.Ts '" pcrfcct bodily cleanliness, and is comfortably clothed, aud clotliiiii/. ^,1 '11 'xi 'ill! j» • and ])rov]ded with suitable changes ot raiment. 17. All necessary expenses incurred l)y county otficers in § 14S6. .'^ending indigent insane persons to the insane hos- Exppiispsof 'i 1 1 11 1 • I (• 1 iiKiiu-iMits, i)ital, shall 1)0 i)aid out ot the countv treasurv on the order of the court of countv commissioners. jmiil by cimntics 18. AVhen a jH'rson has esca])ed indictment, or been ac- (luitted of a criminal charge on the ground of insan- S) 14S7. .' . '^ " ii.sanpar- ity, tile coui't bciiig cci't i tied bv the iurv, or otherwise. quutfd on "f- ^ , , ..I.J ) (i.,mitofiu- of the fact, must carefullv iiuiuire and ascertain whether his or her insanity in any degree continues, and if it does, shall order him in safe custody, and to l)e sent to the hospital; the state must defray his expenses while there, but may recover the amount so paid from his estate, or from any guardian or relative who Avould have been bound to pro- vide for and maintain him elsewhere. ALABAMA. 25 )1.1 ;.i| ) 19. If any person in oonfincniont under indictment, or for want of l)ail for good behavior, or for keeping the ^ ,^,^ peace, or appearing as a witness, or in eonst-ciuenee ,V,^e!Min'i"r of any suniniarv conviction, or l)y an order of any a"i!rf"r "liier justice, ai»|»ear to l)e insane, the judge **'*• ( i») 26 ALABAMA. not liki'ly to 1h' bcnefitod l>y lon<;c'r rcsidonci' iiiid (ri^atmcnt in the liospitiil. Mini arc neither dangerous to the eoniniunity, nor liki'iy to sutler l>y removal, tin.' superintendent is ein|tt)\v- ered to order the ri'nioval of sueh patii-nts by the eonunission- ers to the |ioor house of the I'ounty of uhieli thoy are resident, [(^uery : Superseded Ity act of iMTtJ, p. 27."); see section HOt)?] L*.'>. Whenever the superintendent shall order ti patient g ui'-i. rtMuoved from the hos[)ital to the county from whicii itMii,.vai.ii|.a- 1k' came, the commissioners oi sucli countv must ticMltS llOIll ',.1 iiosi.itai. pay the actual and reasoiial»le expenses oi .such ri'iuoval, as part of the expenses of said county. 24. No jtatii'ut must he veceived or discharu'cd Avithout suit- S 1411.!. able clothini;, and if it cannot otherwise be obtained is7fi,"p!"'»s- tlie steward furnish it and charge the same to DiKciiivino.1 the coi'.nty from which he was sent. The patient pHtilMltS ' • 1 1 1 j1 1 • 1' • • ci.itii.'ii aii.i must also he lurnished bv tlie steward, it it is not supplied with . i i i . i' /«• • iiKiuey. otherwise tt> be had, with money suiiicient, not to exceed twenty dollars, to i)ay lii.s expenses until lie reaches home; and the cost of sucli clothing and money advanced must have })rece(k'nce over other claims, and be repaid proni])tly Ity the commissioners of the county from which the patient comes, out of the first money which comes into the county treasury. 2."). The ])]iysiciaii of the ixnitentiary must report to tlie g Hii4. govc'rnor the names of all insane convicts impris- I'liysician of 1 • .1 • i , • V 1 • 1 il iw tho peuit.Miti- oned m tlie itenitentiarv lor a iteriod tiiaii lite- arv reports . " , . . ■■.."itiiiu time, whose general dei)ortnient in the penitentiary classes of in- i i i i i sttuo convicts, iijis been good, and whoso character was good before thoy were sent to the penitentiary, and wlio were not sent there for rape. 2<). The governor must, when any case of insanity is re- (i,?ve'rnor poi'tcd to hiiii, uiidcr tlic preccdiiig .section, aj)])oint M'to'i.os'iXi three })hysicians of skill and experience, of whom phj-si'c'iaiV'* the physician of the ])eniteiitiary must be one, to examine the persons re])orted to be insane, and report to him the result of such examination ; and if such board of ])hysi- cians shall report such i>ersoii insane, and a tit subject for the hospital for insane ])ersons, the governor must cause such person to be removed to the lios])ital for insane persons at Tuskaloosa, at the cost of the state. ALABAMA, 27. The same compensation nuist l)C allowed for p;uar(linpx ment, the lessee must report the same to the gover- temi. nor, who must cause an examination to l)e made of the extent and character '^' such insanity ; and if upon such inv(>stigatiou it bo found that sucli person is a i)roi)er sul»ject for confine- nunit in the h()s})ital for insane jjersons, he must onler him to be removed from tlie penitentiary to the hos])ital ; and if such j)ersoii be in indigent circumstances, and had no known place of residence i)revious to his conlinement in the penitentiary, the ex})enses of keeping such j)ers(»n must be ])aid by tlu> state. oO. For the support of the Alabama insane hospital, includ- ing the salaries of the resident oHicers, wages of the s '-i^^- IT . Ai>pr.)prifttion nurses and otiier emploves, and ordinarv repairs, for support ^ * , ' of iiisatiti with tlie board, clothing, lodging, ami all other iiospUiii. expenses of the indigent or criminal insane, the sum of four dollars per week for each indigent and each criminal j)atient shall bi' paid by the state, on the last days of March, June, Septenil)er and l)eceml)er of each year; the auditor of ])ublic accounts to issue his warrant then^for on the order of the treas- urer of the hospital, countersigned by the superintendent; but an,y balance remaining in the hands of the treasurer or steward at the end of the liscal year, shall be placed to the credit of the fund for improvements and repairs, and ai)iilied ex])ressly to those ])ur)>oses. 31, The superintendent and ])hysician and his associates and emi)loves are exemi)t from militia service, from S'^-oo. liabilitv to work on anv public road or highway, ';tiio-spxcinpt and from serving as jurors. •i""'"'- :s i I I :i^ I ! 28 ALABAMA. 32. Tlic niontlily board, and tlie president and trustees, must ^ i-,,, eause to be kept proper records of all the acts and k,''it"iui'i'' I'r l)r()eeedings, and |>roper books of accounts of all the j.uit inaao. transactions of tbe institution ; and nnist, once in each year, cause to be settled and balanced all tbe accounts and books of tbeir aj2;ents and otlicers, and must fully exam- ine and investig-ate the acts of all subordinate a^-ents and officers, and must cause to be made out, and by the first day of December, annually, tile in the oflice of the secretary of state, a full and detailed report of the situation and operations of the institution, and of all moneys paid and received, with such remarks as they may think ])roper to make, for the in- formation of the governor, Avho must cause the same to bo sul)mittcd to the general assembly at each session. 33. The governor, judges of the su}>reme court, and mem- ,,.„„ hers of the general assemblv, arc cx-officio visitors Visitors. of the insane hospital. 34. No public highway is allowed on the grounds of the § 1.503. Koads. insane asvlum. I i ^r^fm ARIZONA TERRITORY. 1. Exiiminiition of insane, physicians' certiliiute. 2. County supervisors to provide for insane; expenses, liow borne, 3. Examination of liabiiity for ex- penses. 4. Diseiiarge from confinement. 6. Service of process by slieriH". 6. Contract for sui)port of insane in California asylum. 7. Counties may commit to asylum. 8. Supi)ort; expenses of ijornc by ter- ritory. 9. Support, warrants for, how drawn and paid. 10. Inspection of asylum. 11. Visitor, expenses of. 1. The i)robate judge of any county in tliis territory, upon the opiilieution under oatii, setting forth tliat a per- „ ., , son by reason of insanity is dangerous, being at 1'*",;,"^ '^'^• large, shall cause such person to be brought before fsVi.'^g'^'"' him for examination, and shall cause to be sum- pr„bate moned to ai)pear at sucli examination two or more ini'iui- p'" «.ms witnesses acquainted with the accused at tlie time of ""*'*'' """*'° the alleged insanity, who shall be examined on oath as to con- versation, manners and general conduct of the accused, upon which such charge of insanity is based, and he shall also ctuise to appear before him one or more graduates of medi- rhygirians. cine, and reputable practitioners tliereof, who shall be i)resent at such examination, and who, upon the hearing of the facts detailed by other witnesses, and a personal examination of the accused, shall set fortli in a written statement to l>e made ujjon oath : First, his or their judgment as to the insanity of the party charged. Second, whether it be dangerou.s to the accused, or to the person or property of others, by reason of sairvisors of each county sliall provide for §ii!i4. the coniineKient of all insane persons in tlu'ir ro- " ^■" snective counties, cither in the countv jail or in such IlDliril of KU- ' . ' . . , poivisoiH I.) otlier manner and i)lace as shall in their jud^'nient Iimviile lur 111- • o '-■ ""■'"'■ Ije best for the satety of said insane person and of the coniniunity, and shall ers()n committed by him to bear the charges Ability oTii'i" and (expenses of his examination, commitment and sane person. • , i "i • i i i • i maintenance wlnieni custody ; and ni any case wliere the insane person is able, by the possession of money or prop- finaniian ortv, to ])av sucli cliargcs or anv portion of them, shall be ap- 'i • i , n •' i- n i • pointed. sucli judgc ^liall a])point a guardian tor sucli nisano person, who, u])on executing such bond as may be required by such judge, shall be authorized to take into his ])ossession and control all the ])roperty, real and personal, of such insane per- son, and may, upon ai)plication to the probate judge of the proper county, obtain an order for the sale of such })roperty, whether the same l)e real or personal, in like manner as such sales are ordered by said courts in cases of deceased persons ; provided, that, if such insane ])erson have a family in this ter- ritory, no such order of sale shall be had of any property not .subject to execution and forced sale. The guardian appointed iiutyof guar "^ liercinbcfore mentioned shall pay the costs of the diau. examination, and the expenses of the maintenance of said in.sane person, from the money and the proceeds of the sale of the jtroperty of said insane person, and .shall, from time to time, make a report of the expenditures in this behalf to the probiite judge, at his order, until all is ex[)ended ; or should said insane person be discharged, as provided for in section 4, tl V al 1" Si CO ^T| ierson. A. rpon ])roof to his satisfaction heing made that any person eonlined for insanity is no longer insane, (tr dan- ^,,,-„. gerous to himself, lierself or any other jterson. the "''''si^ I)robate judge may, hy order, direct that such in- iJ^Irrd [orea- sane ])ers()n he set at liherty, and, upon reei'ijtt of a """' copy of said order, the sherifi' shall set such person at liherty. T). The sheriff shall serve all i)rocesses in the sun;. . lliiiii).-). ahovo mentioned jiroccedings, and shall receive the sii,Mitit.> same tees as tor similar si-rviees ni tlie district court. c.>s,.s. (). The governor of this territory is hereby authorized, in person or hv such agent as ho mav appoint for §nnN that purpose, to contract, on the part of this ter- iS'-' s '■ ritory, with the authorities of the state of Cali- l;;;:;;,';^,',";,,'*"- fornia, or with the jn'oprietors of any hospital in k"ppin'|J ih'i, said state, for the pro{)er keejung, treatment and ''""""■ maintenance of the insane of this territory, if, in his judg- ment, such contract can ho made upon reasonal>le terms, and in such manner as to secure the skilful treatment of such persons. 7. Whenever such contract shall have V»een entered into the hoard of supervisors of the several counties in this f,'i|,^"-., territory, may, in their discretion, whenever anv person in their respective counties shall have l)een w:,,?,,"^,,,. fouiul insane and ordered to l)e confined cause such M;p',',vu',','rs''' insane ])erson to he sent hy the sherifi' or his deputy to such hospital. 8. The expense of sending such ])cr.'=!on to such hospital shall he borne in all cases l)y the respective counties from . jo^o which such j)ersons are sent, but their expenses and 'i""iS''- all charges for their care, treatment and maintcn- niainnMriince, ance while at .such hospital, as well as expenses in- ''"''''""''• cident to their discharge therefrom or death, shall be charge- able to this territory. {). The governor shall, from time to time, certify to the ter- ritorial auditor the amounts duo under .such con- ,^.,^j tract as shown by properly verified accounts ren- '*'''' H- as hiikmkIpiI liy act 1)1' ls>.l, nuiy scud ia- SilllP til siicli hos|iiial. .] I ■ *5i 32 AKI/OXA Ti:i!l!IT<)l{Y. Khnll oovprnor ilvvvd to till' r hv tlic owiicv, proprietor f)r i'"uM iiiaMii^inj,Mi|j:t'iit of any iiistitulioii with wlioiii such tiif iii«»ii«. contract may bu niacK', which accounts so vcrilicd sliall Ito niae the dutv of the governor of the territory of ^ 1202 Act of Jan. 24 A ri/ona to ap[)omt some sui tahlc j)erson, livin 1S77. §1."' near the asylum of Lan!.^dou & Clark, in the state of California, whose dutv it shall he to visit said finvi'rnci filiall appoint naiio sent viMi,>i to 111- jisvlum once m tiii'ee montlis, and carefullv exanuno Mith from i.MTitory. j]n, in.^anc sent from Arizona to said asylum, and ascertain if they are ])ro[)erly cared for and tri'ated ; also, to examine their mental condition, and if found to he suMicieiitly restored to reason, to direct the j)hysicians in charge of the asylum to discharge them, and report to the governor in writ- ing after each visit the condition and treatment of said insane, n. The territorial auditor is hereby authorized to draw his 5 i2n.i warrant for the sum of fortv dollars each rear in lavor ot sucii person as the governor mav appoint Amount to lie . . . i , i , • • i ' puia visitor, to Visit said asylum, and the territorial treasurer is hereby authorized and tlirected to pay the same out of any money not otb.erwise appropriated. I Ir ARKANSAS. 5. 6. 7. S. 'J. •0. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. '20. 21. 22. 23. 21. 25. 2(3. 27. 28. OOVEnNMENT OF ASYLUM. Kstaltlislimtnl nf ayliim ; lioanl f>f trustees, corporiUe pciwers, geii- I'l'al pi(\vi'r<. Term ol'oflicc of trustees. Trustees to control ; sii|)erinteii(lent, !i|i|>uiiitment, (|iialili('iitioiis. Tr^ilsurer, steward, bonds of; ii.s- ! sislanis; salaries. Records of asylum. Insiioclioii liy trustees. Meetings of trustees. Special meetings, how called. Reports filed with jfovenior. Vacancy in hoard of trustees. Qiioriun ; proviso. Additional duties of treasurer. Treasurer shall be secretary. .Vnniial appropriation. .Superintendent, to appoint assist- ants record of jiatients, general duties. Duties of treasurer. Duties of steward. Officers exempt from jury service. ADMIS.«ION AND DISCHARGE. Who may be admitted. Statement and oath tiled. Examination, |>Iiysician's certifi- cate, interrogatories. Testimony tiled with superinten- dent. Answer of superintendent. Warrant of cotnmitment. Execution of warrant. Superintendent's receipt. Indigent patients sup|K)rtei1 by state. Private patients chargeable with cost ; repayment of unexpended moiieys. 29. Classification of insane; idiots not admitted. 30. Selection of patients for discharge. 31. Counties notified of discharge. 32. Duties of county Jud<;e. 33. ("ouiily oflicen. to provide clothing. 34. Expenses of cominilment and re- moval, chargeai)le to comities. 35. Penally t"or improper commitment. 30. Counties ai)i)ortioned by U. S. cen- sus. 37. Ciuardians of insane, duties of 38. Examination and corntnitnient of insanegoing at large; patient and relations liable for expenses. 39. indigent insane admitted free of charge. 40. Arr»'st of insane found at large. 41. Commitment to custody. 42. County to recover expenses. 43. Liability of relations for expenses. CRIMINAL INSANE. 44. Insanity of criminal to be found. 45. Insane convict treated in peniten- tiary. 46. Non liability to law. 47. Trial for crime i)osH>onetl until re- covery. 48. Definition of sanity. 49. Trial of insane defendant. 50. Fact of insanity to be found in ver- dict. 51. Trial of insane criminal; postpone- ment of judgment. 52. Trial of insane criminal after judg- ment ; postponement of execution. 1. Tlioro sliall l)o ostnblishod at tlie city of Little Rook an institution for the care tind iii{iii{tij;enient of lunatics r. s.(ifis74. ji-.i.i •! 1 i/'i (iantt'i* Divest. in this state, to be organized and governed as tol- §My>, 1 i. -J. rni I 11 ji , as annMulcd lows, to wit: J lie governor s lali, on tlie second bv act of 83, ch. '.nt, J 1. AVedne.sday after the orgtmization of the next gen- eral assembly of the state, and the same day every two years 3 ii AI!KAVfi mi-i'mi.' illld style of llic " Tiiish cs ol" the Arkansas Slut«! liUiiatic Asyliiiii." and siiall iiiaiia^c and direct the cuiiccrns Tni«i..H. (if the institiitinii, and make all iieeessary hydaws aiul fe<:nlations. net incensistent with the eonstitiitieii and laws (if the state: and shall have pnwer te receive, hold, djs- v.iw.i-.. pose of. and convey all real and personal property ('oii\-eyed to thciii hy cift, devise, or olliei'wise. for the use of said institution; and they may sue and hi' sued; jmd they shall have power and authority to hold and pnrehaso |)roperty for the heiiclit of such institution, uud to ^mrchuso or erect suitaMe huildin^s for the same. 'J. The trustees shall each hold tlieir ollice for the term of ji :tii:i, iisam.'ii.i.'.i (\v(» \i'a rs or uiitil tlieir success(U's arc (luali- liy iii'liir '■-.■!. ill l';i. _ • ' ji Tirm of iillico. lied. I). The trustees shall hav(> cliarii-e of the a skilful physician, a.nd who sli.ill hold his ((tlice lor the term of four years; but they shall have the jxiwer to remove said supe; intcndin<; physician at any time for iniideliiy to the ti'ust re[tosed in him, or for in- eoiiipeteiicy or wilful nejilcct of duty. Said physician shall, tiuaiiiiciiiiniis. jit the time of his n|»poiutment, he u married man, and reside with his family in said asylum. 4. They shall appoint a treasurer, who shall give lioiid for the faithful oerformance of his duties, in such sum ii ,1(1"). 'i'ri'HMiiici'. liis boiHl. ind with, 'l.'-ll s ecuriti(>s as the hoard of trustees may prescrihe, ^vhich hond shall he made ji-yahle to the state and tiled in the of the auditor of state; and the hoard of ti'ustces may ri'(|uire, from time ti' time, when they may (leeiu the same necessary, the renewal of said hond: they shall also have the power to determine his conijieiisation for Ci.iniMMisaii.Mi. services: also, the salary of the (jther oliicers ami assistants, who may he necessary for the just and economical administration of the allairs of said institution. They shall a|ipoint a steward, who shall (>ive a l)on(l for tlio faithful diseliarnc of his duty, upon the same terms as are hereinbefore reijuiredof the treasurer. Stcwaiil, Hln build. Ill Itc >y 11 Ito A I! KANSAS!. 36 r». The l)ii;ii'il (if Iriislccs sliall keep in ii l)(»\iiil lionk, td lie ]»rnviilt'il tor thai |>iii"|Hisr, n fair and lull rccDrij uf ^:ih.i, all Ihcir diiinii-. wliifli shall h(> oimii at all linii's k-i'i. lui' the iiis|tc( tioM t»r the jfiivcriKir of the slate and all peisnns whttni he ui 1 it her house uf the legislature may ai'iioinl lu examine the sani<'. (1. The trustees siiall inaiulaiu an eU'eelual inspection of the nsvhnn, for whieh purpose (aie or nmre of theiu shall s :i"7. .■ . . , ' .' , I" ii.'ii visit It at least «»iiee in every wei'k. "•■•■kiy. 7. They shall hold a nieetint; of said hoard, at the asylum, once in everv tiiree months, or ofteiier if it shall he t'"7, recpiired. ■i^.^wiy. >S. S|ieeial meetiii. 'IMie hoarcl of trustees sliall, on or hefore tlio lirst day of everv -laiiuarv, make a true report of the aetual eon- ■> an. ,..',,,,', , . , A II II Mill re. (htiou ot said asylum t(» the j^'overnor, aeeompanie(| p^it. l)y the annual report of the superintendent and the treasurer. Upon the meetinns of the lei^islature, tlu' governor shall trans- mit said reports to it. 10. I 'poll the removal of any trustee beyond the limits of tills state, ov upon his failure to visit sal ' institution, II 111 !• • 1 1 11 /«• S'a 1, iidiinii'iiil- as retiuired hv the ov-laws ot said hoard, the olhee ''i !■> mt of ,. , ' 1 11 1 11 V-l, rli.41, $4. ot sueh trustee sliall heeome vacant, and the ijov- lliM■llilr^« of 1 11 • • 1 • 1 I tni'itf.-». ornor shall appoint a trustee m his stead, ujiou the fact heiiig duly cerlitied to him hy the hoar(l of trustees. 11. A. majority of said hoard of trustees shall eonstitute a quoruiu to do any lousiness connected with said asy- jj .„o lum, except the repeal of any of the by-laws, or the '"""'""'• removal of the su{»eriiiti'ndeiit, for which purpose it shall recpiire at least four of the said board to act. 12. Such hoard shall have the power to prescribe any addi- tional (h • of the treasurer which mav bo deemed ii-'n. necessary. tmstocs. 13. The trt'asurer shall be the secretarv of the hoard of trustees. ^, '"■*• 14. To meet the current fiuarferly ex{)enses of the asylum, the board of trustees shall make a written ap])lica- S"' . . .Miiiuiil iip- tion to the governor, stating the amount retiuired pioiiriatiou. lM .Wi' 36 ARKANSAS. i I for that |)urpopo, and the , ten thousand dollars })er annum is herehy a])]»roi)ri- ycariy. .^^^,j j-^^^, ^j^^^ ^hove ])urpose; provided, said amounts, tojj;ether with the salaries, includinj^ all ex})enses, shall not exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars per annum. 1"). The superintending physician shall have the power to g.iie. ai)point and remove all suhordinate ofhcei's and tu'"'irs»'i'er- jiersons allowed by the board of trustees. He shall, at the time of the recej)tion of each patient, enter in Record. a book kept for that purpose, the name, age, sex, residence, otiice and occupation of the i)erson, by whom and by whose authority each insane person is brought to the asy- lum, and have all the orders, warrants, rei[uests, certificates, and other })a[)ers accompanying such insane person, carefully filed and forthwith ci)pied in said book; he shall also have general supei'intendence of the buildings, grounds and farm, with their furniture, lixtures and stock, and the direction and contrtd of all i)ersons therein, subject to the by-laws and regu- . lations of the trustees; he shall daily ascertain Die condition of the patients, and })rescribe their treatment, in the manner presci'ibed in the said by-laws; and he shall also be required Discipline. to scc tluit all tlic rulcs aud regulations for the disci- pline and good government of the institution are properly obeyed and enforced; he shall cause fall and fair accounts, and records of all his doings, and of the entire business and oper- uaiiy rororii. atlous of the iustitutiou, to be kept regularly, frt>m day to day, in books provided for that j)urpose, in the manner and to the extent pn'.scribed in the by-laws, and shall see that all such accounts and records are fully made up to the last day of December in each year, and that the principal facts and results, with his report thereon, be represented to the trustees immediately thereafter. 10. The treasurer shall receive, collect, sue for, aiul i)ay out S317. all monevs Ijelonging to the institution, settle his treiisurer. accouuts With tuc board at least once ni every three months, or oftencr if they shall re(piire it, and in the month of December of every year with the auditor; and he shall H ARKANSAS. 37 it IB |e Ih 111 keep his books and vouchers as sliall he proscribed by tlic board of trustees in their by-huvs. 17. The steward sliall keej) a regular account of all daily dis- bursements for the institution, take voucliers for all s-'h. 11 i> 11 1 I'l 11 • l>iuif» of j)i'ynients, and keej) caretully and iile away all orig- Kteward. inal bills for sujtplies purchased by him for said asylum, settle his accounts with the sujierinteudent and treasurer once in every month, with the board once in every three months, and with the auditor in every I)ecem])er. lie shall keej) his ac- counts always open for the inspection of the superintendent, or any trustee, or the treasurer. The steward shall be account- able for tiiC careful keeping and economical use of all furniture, stores or other articles provided for the asylum ; he shall, annually, during the month of J)ecend)er, make and file with the trustees a true and perfect inventory, verified by oath, of all })ers(>nal })ro{)erty of every description, belon;^nig to the asylum, with the estimated value of different classes of articles, and do and perform such other duties as shall be retpiired of him by the by-laws ordained by the boanl of trustees. 18. The resident officers of the asylum and attendants and assistants em])loyed therein, during the term of such |;:„o em])loyment, shall be exem{)t from serving on juries, oiiic"rs'f''i"n^ and the certiiicate of tiie superintendent shall be J"''^ '"^""^■^• evidence of such enij)loyment. in. Any citizen of the state of Arkansas, or resident of said state, who may be, or hereafter become insane, may Artonsss. be admitted to the state lunatic asylum, as a i)a- wiu)'m;!y'i)o tient, proper proof having been made, and proceed- •'^''"""''''• ings had, according to the provisions of this act. •JO. \\ iieuever it shall appear that any person, entitled to admission to the state lunatic asvlum, is insane, ii>i(is2- , , . . , ^ . Who may file any re])utal)le citi/en oi the state may nle a written inioimation. statement with the county ami probate judge of the county in which such supposed insane jierson may reside, which state- ment shall be substantially as follows: 1, , hereby certify that , a citizen or Form of oath, resident of county, state of Arkansas, is, to the best of my belief, insane, and that he (or she) ought to be committed to a state lunatic asylum for care and treatment, as his (or her) being at large is dangerous to the community, or prejudi- I i 'r 38 AKKANSAS. ciiil to ]iis (of hvv) chaiict'S of rrcovory from his (or her) coii- tlitioii (if incntiil disorder. (Sijiiiod) Sworn to, and subscribed before nie this day of , Lss . (Si Avitli wlioni a citizen's Ti.i.i s X settlement may have been filed, as set fortli in section ^."I'.ay'imiKe - of tliis act, shall a])i)oint a time, as soon thereafter i^u.'in.™a-"' '''^ ^^^''y ^'*^' i>racticahle, for hearing', and at such time a])j)ointed, shall jtroceed to hear the testimony of such competent v.itnesses as nuiy be pro laced at such hear- inii', aiid in aihlition to the testimony of such witnesses, shall cause such alleged insane person to lie examined by one or more regular })ractising }>hysii'ians, of good standing, Avho •shall present in writing to such county and ])robate judge, a sworn statenu'ut of the result of his or their examination, in- cluding the following interrogatories, with their answers, as j)art of the same : (1) Where does reside at the present time? (2) Jl(»w long has he (or she) bei'U a resident of the state of Arkansas? (o) AVhere was he (or she) born? (4) AVhat is his (or her) age? (.")) Of what race or natii^tnality were his (or her) immediate ancestors ? (()) What is his (or her) civil condition? (married, single, widowed, etc.)? (7) (If a woman), how many children have been born to her? ()/\Vhat is, or has been, his (or lu'r) |)i'incipal occujiation? (1(1) How long has he (or she) manifested symptoms of men- tal derangeniCnt? (in What were the first symptoms, acts or words which caused a sus[)icion of nu'utal dei'angement in his (or her) case? (12) What are the more promini'ut manifestations which characterize the prest'ut condition of his (or her) mind? (1.')) JIas he (or .' (or slu') \)vv\\ [vvnivd medically with a ^ iew to remedying his (or her) nuMital derangement? (By what phy- sician, or in what manner if |)racticable?) (25) Is he (or she) free from any loath.somc or infectious disease? (2()) Has he (or she) more than sutiicient estate for the .-u}»- port of his (or her) natural de|)en(U'nts? 22. If it shall ap])ear to the said county and ]»rol)ate judge, upon his hearing of all testimonv in the case, and I'-i'is-*. ' ■ ; TiaiiMiiis state lunatic asylum his decision in writing, with coi)ies of the original statement tiletl with him by said citizen, and of the statement of said )iliysi<'ian or i>liy- sicians, inchnling the interrogatories and answers, as hereto- f(»re .^pecihed. i! I. i'l. .T |i 40 ARKANSAS. I! 23. The sn])crintoiident of the stiite lunatic asylum, on re- iiihi !» i ccipt of the ckrision of the said county and i)ro- pfiiiutoniicut. l)ate jud^e, with the coj)ies oi tlie oniiinal statement by the said citizen, and statement of said physician or ])hysi- cians, as heretofore ])rescribed, shall immediately notify the said county and ])rol)ate jud,ue of his readiness to admit the said insane person into said asylum, if there be room unoccu- pied ; but if there be not room unoccupied, he shall notify the said county and ])rol)ate judye of the fact, and shall return to him the cojjv of his decision, with the accomi)anyin*2: ])apers, endorsed accordiny-ly ; and he shall enter upon an approj)riate jiago of the re,ij;ister of said asylum, the name of the said insane ])erson, and the name of his (or her) county, in the order in whicli the decision of the said county and i)rol)ate ju(li>:e was received, and he (or she) shall be entitled to precedence of all who may come thereafter. 24. On recei])t of notice fi'om the superintendent of the uM^n. state lunatic asvlum, of his readiness to admit .said Warnirit to , •' • i i i siieiitf. insane })erson into said asylum, the county and ])ro- batc judge to whom such notice is directed, shall, immediately issue a warrant or order, with the seal of his otKce attached, commanding the sheriff of his county, or suitahle dei)uty, to take the said insane })ers(in into custody, and deliver him (or her), without delay, to the superintendent of the state lunatic asylum of I^ittle Rock. 25. The sheriff of any •county, or any person dcjmtized hy Ibid j; 7. the countv and ])robate judixe. to whom a warrant Kxi'ciitiou of . 1 .1 . waiiaiit. or order, properly issued, may come, commanding the arrest and delivery to the superintendent of the state lunatic asylum of any insane person, shall })roceed without delay to execute such warrant or order, and may call to Ids assistance such physician, nurse or other jierson as the said county and probate judge may indicate, as necessary for the safe and judicious transfer of the ])erson to be so arrested and delivered, and shall deiivcM- the said insane person as , iwsti-aint or ]uil)licity, hy tlie direct and practicable rout(> and method of ti-avel. 2(). Whenever any sheriff, or any person dej)utized for the Ibid s s. ])uri)ose, shall deliver anv person duly admitted and of .late. accepted to the su])erintendent of the state lunatic ARKANSAS. 41 asvlnin. tlio suporintendent shall ciidorse the warrant upon which such person was delivered, as follows : — Jieceived the person within named this day of , 188 , attended by sheritf (or deputy), and , assistant. ►Signed , Supt. 27. Any citizen or resident of the state of Arkansas, ort of his (or her) natural dependents, he (or she) may be maintaint'd, treated and otherwise cared for in said asylum, at the i)ublic exjiense, till removed, as hereinafter provided. 28. Any citizen or resident of the state of Arkansas, duly found to he insane, according to the proceedings specified n.ijgio. in this act, may be admitted into the state lunatic i'"y i"^'""''*- asylum, if there be unoccupied room upon conditions, to-wit: If he (or she) has been found upon examiiuition, as si)ecitied in section o of this act, to ])Ossess estate, over and above all in- debtedness, more than sutficient for the support of all his (or her) natural dependents, his (or her) natural or legally constituted guardian shall ]>ay to the treasurer of the said asylum, in ad- vance, an amount equal to six ((>) months board, at a rate not exceeding four (4) dollars per week, except as hereinafter pro- vided ; shall obligate himself (or herself) in a sutHcient bond, to pay all damages which said insane person may do to the building or furniture of said asylum, not exceeding twenty (20) dollars; shall supply him (or her) with suflicient and suitable clothing, as may be required by the superintendent, and shall remove him (or her) when so re(iuired and notified by the })resident of the board of trustees and su])erintendent of said asylum. The natural or legally constituted guardian of said insane person may contract with the superintendent for special attentions to him (or her) at an a'e of the asylum in the admission of insane persons, in I'avor of, lirst, " the acute," second, "the chronic," third, "the|»robably incurable," y>ror/(/<'(i, that no ])crson of either classification shall be refused admis- sion, as lono- as there is unoccu[)ied room for patients in the asylum. ]iut no idi(»t, nor congenital imbecile, nor epilc))tie person, not otherwise insane, shall be admitted or retained in said a.sylum, after the fact of such condition beconu-s a])pareiit to the su])erintendent. under any circumstances. oU. ^Vhenever ajtplication is made for the admission of an iiii,i5i4. insane person, accor(lin>i' to law, and there is, at the ruppHii'ton- time, no unoccu))ied t)r available room in the asylum, charjp'in' ifitsliall ai)i)e;u' from the history of the case j)re- ordiT tu Illlike i ^ i\ i. -i. • a i •) ' i i' i i ^i room. sentcd, tliat it is acute and unconijihcated, the superintendent shall, as soon as ])ractical»le, make room for the admission of such patient, by (lischar^iniin- lum in mattei's of admission and discharge of in- .mmhu. oxcc|.t mati'S, exce])t to the board ot trustees ot the asylum, who may direct the superintendent to admit or dischai'«j;e any ])erson under any circumstances not involving a violation of the law. ol. When, hy reason of recovery, or necessity for the hi^nelit of an insane ])erson of the " acute " class, the suni^rin- ' . . ' n,Hi ii 1.-). tentlent of the state lunatic asvlum thinks proper I'v'-iiH.r notice ' ' III iliseliarge. to (lischar sliall. at the same tiiiic, iiotiiy tlic uiiai'ilian, family or iiiiiiHMliatc relatives ol' the |ters(»n so disehar^i'd from the asylum (if he or she havi- any) of such diseiiarp', aiul the sheritr, oi' |»ersoii vleputi/.ed, as iiereiid)efori' indicated, shall deliver the person so disehar^'eerson, who may he commis- sioned to transfer and deliver a person rsons rei?ideiit of the respective counties, and shall reini- m AKKANSAS. 45 burso tlio slioriir for money dcpositi'd with llu' superintciKlt'nt for (k'lii'ieiu'ios of i-lotliiiij;' of pativiits, in {U'cordiinci' with hiw. o'k If any person or ])i'rsons sliall, in anywist-, attempt to introduce anv i)ei'S(jn into this institution contrary ii.i.i s m. to the i)rovisions ot this act, such person or persons atc.mi.i t.. in. sliall Iti' ^uiuy ot a misdemeanor, and, uj)on con- coutrarytoact. viction thi'reof, sliall he fined in any sum not less than fifty (oO) nor more than three hundred (odd) dollars. o(). For the purpose of more fully carryiiiff out the provi- sions of this act, it shall he the dut^' of the sui)erin- H'i'' s 20 ' _ '. _ Counties to lie tendeiit of the asylum, as soon as the huildintr is arponiouoa. ready to receive patients, to a))portion to each county the num- her of })atients it will be entitled to take in as the terms of the proportion: the number of inhabitants in the state, the num- ber in the county, and the number of patients the institution will accommodate, the last census taken by the Tnited States to be the basis as to number of inhal)itants. lie shall im- mediatelv notifv the countv judge of each couiitv of the num- her of })atients the county is entitled to, and in all eases each county shall be entitled to the number apportioned to it, to the exclusion of any other i>atients. o7. Immediately after the appointment by the court of any guardian for a lunatic or insane })ersoii, such guar- ^ 3.,,, dian shall take steps to have the person thus placed i;"';;!'',','.:!:^ in his charge admitted into said asylum. * * * * [.See supra, ])1. 2S.] 38. In case the friends or relations of anv lunatic shall neg- lect or refuse to place him in said asvlum. and shall §:v24. • 1 11 1 ' 1 I !■ 1 Commitment l)ermit him to oo at larm", it sliall t)e the dutv ot tlie of lunatic \ . r . . ^ . , . ', , Koi»K at Circuit court sitting in any county m wJnch such ''"-ge. lunatic may reside or be found going at large, on the suggestion in writing of any citiz-en of the county, to direct the sherilf, by writ of lunacy, to summon, as soon as may be, twelve discreet persons (jf the county in which such lunatic is going at large, to make iiKjuisition thereto on oath, and the result of such in- (^uisition to return to said court forthwith ; and if the jjersoii said to be a lunatic shall be adjudged by such in((uest, or by a majority of them, to be insane, the said court shall order the sheriff to arrest said lunatic and place him in said asylum ; and in all cases where an insane jierson shall be placed in said H: -No, ill. U 10. Ouarilians— duties of. I i r .: n 40 ARKANSAS. « .TJ.V IllSillll'. nsyliiiii l)y ilic voluiiliiiT act of his IViciids or rrlatioiis, or ]>y the ])r()visi(ms of this act, if the said insaiio person shall ho possessed of or entitled to an estate, the same shall he ehai'ye- al>le with all expenses of convict iii^j; him of hinacy, as wi'U as the expenses of takinji; care of said lunutic in said asyhun. [How far sup[)lie(l hy pi. 'JO snpi'a?] oU. Any i»erson heinj,' a Innalic and a resident of this state, and havinj;' or o'vninjj; no estates wherewith to pay his expenses, shall he adniitti'd in the asylum free of charLije. When a cei'tilicate of soniejnd«i'e or justice of the jicaee is produced that sullicient |)i'o(»f hy adidavit has heen made hefore him that such lunatic has no visihlo means to de- fray his i'Xi)enses, the n(>eessary ex|MMises of removing such lunatic to and from said asylum shall he paid l)y the treasurer tlurcof [How far su]»plied hy pi. '27 supra?] 4<). Insane persons found at large and not in the care of .some ^ .,..,,, discreet ])er,son, shall be arrested by any j)eaec otiicer, i'"rM''i'ii.foiui,i '"id taken before a mared of sound mind who is neither an idiot or lunatic, or allected with insanity, , ,.m^ and who hath arrived at tlu; a^v of fourteen years, 'i"^^"'"''""- or Ix'fore that age, if such jierson know the distinction between good and evil. 4i). If the court shall be of the o[»inion that there arc n^ason- able grounds to b(>lieve that the defendant is insane, ^< ,.,._,^ all proceedings in the trial shall be postponed until '""' "'' a jury be im[)aneled to in([uiri' whi'ther the defendant is of unsound mind ; and if the jurv shall find that he is of un.-ee(»nies ,-ane, • ''cn jud^nii'nt siiali he |ii'ononneed. o-J. When tlie sliei'itr is satisHod thai tliere are reasonable s'>fM.2 }4i'ounds lor believinjj; that the (U'lendant is insane, .ruiy trial. j^. may sninHion a jury of twelve persons on the iurv list, drawn hv the clerk, who sjiall be sworn hv theshc'i'ilf, (ill t ' wi'li and truly to incpiire into the insinity (>[' the defenthint, and a ti'ue in(|uisition retui'u ; and liiey shall examine the defendant and hear any evideneo that may be jtresented, and by a wi'itten in((uisition, signed by each (tf them, lind as to insanity. And, uidess the in(|uisitiou lind the defendant in- sane. iIk' shei'itl' ^liall not suspend the execution ; but if the in(|uisition lind the defendant insane, he shall susjiend tho execution, and imiuodiately transmit tliu incjuisition t the governor. n 1. Km 2. !{,., 3. Nun 4. Dist «i. JSiijx alt Ji. Ap|H <■. T/icii «. VilCM Vt's 10. P,Mve 11. Wnvn i2. Hiivci 13. ColllJK ln! i 14. S„,K.,-i| ir>. J lis tc. l(_i. His, 1". Kstin 19. Ifis -'0. .Vssis i-'I. Tii^.i, '^2. Ti.ei, i-'l. TiH-i 2-). Tr,.;,s 'M. J lis to 27. T,. Ih 28. /(iss... 2!*. ili.s„/li '■<". All sal •^1 JJoikIs '^'.. I'hyslc. •" lio printed. ■1. I'istriliiilicin nt' iTpiuis t>, Siipfriiiiciulciiis (pf !is_vlimis m;iy atU'iiil iMstiTn iiu'cliiiKH. STOCKTON A^YM'M. fi. Appoinlnu'iit oi'diieclors. 7. Tlicir itMiii oi'dll'ue. 8. V'liciini'v ill iioiinl ol' (liret'lors. y. Govi'iniiifiit of iisyliini lit Sidckloii vesti'il ill (lircctiirs. 10. Powi'is mill limit's III' (liri'i'lors. 11. WiiiTiinls IcT siippiiit, liiiw (liawM. I'J. DiiTctiii's iiiiisl coiitracl lor supplies, 1^. CoiiiiH'iisiitiun (if (liii'Ctiii's ; not to 1)1! iiiiei't'slt'il ill ('(inlriicts. 11. Siiperiiiti'iiik'nt, his (pialilications, 1"). J lis teiaii ol' ollii'i'. 1(1. Mis powi'is anil diitii's. 17. Ksiiinatt' (if I'xpcnsi's. Is. Siiperiiitt'iidi'iil's salars'. It), llisollirial liniid. 'JO. .\ssistanl physicians' qnalilications. 21. Tlu'ir term ot'odico. 22. Tlioir powers and duties. 2.'{. When to act as siiiierintendent. 24, 'I'lieir salaries. 2-"). Treasurer not to lie a director. 2ti. His term of ofiice. 27. Ti Ih' sccretarv ; duties. 28. His salary. 21). llisollicial bond. !50. All sahuics paid monthly. ;-il IJonds io he approved by dirertors. 3',. I'hysicians must reside in asylntu. .'■•>, Must not engage in piivate iiraetice. NAI'A ASYI.fM. 34. Kstahlishment of Napa asylum. 35. Appointment of Iriislees, 3(). Orj^aniziition of hoard. 37. Hoard of directors for eonstnietion of asylum I" vacate oHice. 38. To transfer elleets to trustees. 3'J. Trustees to complete asylum. 40. Not to he interested in eontraets. 41. Corporate powers, general powers and duties. 42. 43, 44, 4.-), 4(5, 47. 4M. •.li). 50. (M. 52. r)3, •)4 Tio. •">(). o7. 58, 59, ()0, Gl. 02, 03, 04, 05, (it), 07, OS, 09, 70. 71. 72. 73, 74, 75, 70, Resident and assistiuit jijivsicians, appointinenl, ipialilicatiuiis, sal- aries and ri'sidi'iice. Treasurer, hnnd, duties, shall act us secivl.iry. Tilislecs, ciiMipensalion of. Kcsideiit [ihysician, his powers and duties. Reports to he made monthly, i'ay-roll to he made mnuilily. Itiils, how auililed and piid. Treasurer to report. Ticisiircr's acconiils to hi' audited. l.i'|iior not to he sold near Napa. Illi';{al acts of oflicers, how prose- cnli'il. ADMISSION AND DISI'II AIKi K. Who may he admitted. Arrest of insane. Sulip same pay and emoluments as the first assisttuit }ihysician ; a treasurer of the insane asylum at Stock- ton : a treasurer of the insane asylum at Na[)a ; h= * * * '1. All oMicers, boards of otiicers, commissioners, trustees, rewnts, and diri'ctors, reciuired bv law to make (iiiiivrs wiiou reports to the <;,)Vern(ir or legislature, "•'" * * must to ll'llOll. ' "^ '^ 1 ,. , , send sucli re[)orts Id tlie o<,veriu)r hetore tlic .trst (lav of Octdber, in the vear ei) 7. T iji.u) su «. A] ) T to the in . (-1) T ciaiis, a I (•■■>) T i'lii-nilun and Jiis dred and siciaiis ib I o o I o 1 '■ i CALTFOKXIA, 51 ^^:i Hy w'.ioiu ap- lioiiiti'd. incvs, and ]iai(l out of the state tn'asurv. Tlio rosidmt pliysi- C'iau of the Napa state asylum for the insane, or one of his assistants, nuiy also attend such annual meetinji's, and the i;x- peiisos, not to exeeed four hundred dollars ])er annum, shall also he audited hy the h(»ard of examiners, and paid out of the state treasury ; provided, that the inedieal superintendent, or one of his assistants, of the Stockton asyhim. may attend said meetino; in the vear eighteen hundred and sevenlx-eiiiht, and the resident physician, or one of his assistants, of the Napa asy- hnu may attend said meeting in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and thereafter the said physieians shall attend said meeting alternately. G. The following executive officers arc ai)pointed by the u,overnor, with the consent of the senate: ^i' * * * * "2. The directors of the insane asyhim. 7. The odicers mentioned in the * * * second (preced- ing) subdivision for the term of four years, * * *. ■roi'm.,romr,e. 8. Any ])erson ai)])ointed to till a vacancy in the hoaril of directors of the insane asvlum holds only for the t ',","■!; „,. ,„ unexpired term of his i)re(-lecessor. Ii'in'c'to'ia. 1). The insane asylum, located at Stockton, is under the management and control of a board of directors, ^.j,,,. consisting of live persons a))j)ointed and holding 'o',',t'iorofa"y! their othces as provided in tit. 1, })art o, of this '"'"' code. (See ante, pi. 1, (>.) ](>. The powers and duties of the board of directors of the insane asylum are as follows: ^^i.-ir, as (1) To make by-laws, not imonsistent with iho |!|\':'i,'l''''i',','',;'i aws 01 the state, lor tlieir own government, and the government of the asylum. (2) To hold stated nn^etings i\t tlie asylum for the transac- tion of Itusiiu'ss on the (irst Monday in each month. (i!) To keej) a record of their proceedings, o})eu at all times to the inspection of any citi/(.'n. (1) To elect a medical superintendent, two assistant physi- cians, and a treasurer. (")) To provide on the asylum grounds suitable apartments, furnitur(\ provisions, and lights for the medical superintendent and his family; and to allow a sum not exceeding one hun- dred and iifty dollars per month to each of the assistant [>hy- sicians for the subsistence of themselves and their families. |(1 i K .■; m^ M Mi 52 CALIFORNIA. (0) To niiike diligent inquiry into tlic dopnrtmcnts of labor aiul expense, the condition oi" tlio asylum, and its ju-operty. (7) To report to the governor a statement of the reeeijjts and expenditures, the condition of the asylum, the nund)er of patients under treatment, and of such other matters touching the (hities of the l)oar(l as is advisable. 1 1. If the board approve the estimates made under the pro- .„,.,^ visions of section 2153 [pi. 17], it must notify the l?!,'!!',!!r, "^lu.w controller of state, who nuist draw his warrant for *"''"""■ the amount estimated in three equal sums out of any moneys in llie state treasury approjjriated for the use of the asylum. 12. rpon the recci])t of each rejiort provided for in subdivi- „.,,.,, sion ") of section 21~)2 [pi. 10], the board of directors i!)'ima'('rfor Jnust advcrtisc for contracts for furnishing the sup- Huppiies. |,ji^.s therein s])ecilied, for three successive weeks, in one newspap(M' in each of the cities of Stockton, Sacramento, and San Francisco. The contract must be awarded to the Icnvest bitlder, upon his giving satisfactory security for tlie faitliful {lerformance of the same. \-\. The directors shall not be directly or indirectly inter- ested in any contract or contracts for su})plies fur- nished said asylum, but shall receive, as their com- jiensation, the sum of ten dollars per day for their service's in attending monthly or called meetings of said boai'il, anil such mileage as is provided by law for mt'in- bers of the legislature of this state, ])avable out of anv monevs set apart by law forthens(^ and benetit of said asylum, as other bills and accounts against the asylum are paid ; p'Oi'/(/('(/, the amount so rec.'iveil as per diem com[)ensation for services shall not exceed t!i" sum of one hundred and forty dollars j)ei' ycai' to eac'h ilirector. Ry lilrlPllclpd 1,: A.-,. I'liinpriisntiuii of atients. prest'rihe the treatment, and $ presci luiml) tlie at (-) of the (-^•) of the (•') 'J aniouii require Kovem Oi) V ox pen d for pi-()^ (~) T ui)on ill {^) Tc prescril), (!') Tc eacli yen nient till tlie boar- 17. 11 expenses to till' ( eoiisidci'; bs. Tl tliirty-ru 10. lb tliousand 20. TI cine. 21. Th, •'^ppointni 22. Thi pmscribec laws. 2;J. Ihu u CALIFOltXIA. 53 prescribe and enforce the sanitary leiiulat ions of the asyhnii. (2.) With the consent of the board of directors, to lix the miinherand coinpensatittn of, and ai)i)oint, control, and remove tlie alten(hints and assistants. (o.) To prescribe and enforce the perfornumce of the duties of the attendants and assistants. (4.) To p'-i'scribe and enforce the performance of the duties of the assistant physicians. (")) To ascertain and rei)ort to the board of* directors tlio amoiuit, character, and quality of provisions, fiu-l, ami clotliinj^ required for the six iminths ending on the tirst of May and November in each year. ((!) With the consent of the board of directors to make any cxjienditure necessary in the performance of his duties, except for provisions, fuel and clotliin^ii-. (7) To receive and i)ay to the treasurer all moneys foiuid ujton insane jiersons. (S) To k(>ep a daily record of his oliicial acts in the mode prescribed by the by-laws. (!>) To make uj) his annual aceotmts to the iirst of July in each year, and as soon thereatter as possible to rejtort a state- ment thereof, and of the general condition of the asylum, to the l)oard of directors. 17. He must estimate, cpiartei'ly, in adsant-e. the jirobable ex])enses of the asvlum, and submit sui-h estimate s^-^i"'3 i^nrt. to the (Urcctors, at tiieir stati'd meetmiis. lor tlieir .•xp.•lls.■^ ana ■ roport til iH- consideration and a])proval. rectors. IS. The ainuial salary of the niedit-al sujierinteudent is thirty-live hundred dollars. t^ln!^.\^yi' V.K He must execute an oliicial bond in the sum of twenty thousan.l .lollars. tfl^h.^:;i 20. The assistant physicians must be graduates in nu'di- ciu(> i^ -'''■'• *-""-• Assist, pliys. 21. Their term of ollice is fotir years fnjm and alter tlieir api)ointment. i'-l^'^- ,■ «• „ 22. 'JMu'V nuist ])erform the duties and exercise the )>owers prescribed bv the medical stiperintendi'Ut or the bv- -t-^i'':. \ "^ " Assist, phys. laws. iiutiid 2o. During the absence or disability of the medieal superin- ;iV* .' ■ 54 CALIFORNIA. i H\ jjiifis. tcndfut tlic assistant loiifrost in commission must jlllVS. wIh'II to 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • aciassui.t. poriomi Jiis duties and exercise Ins ])0'\vers. 24. 'I'lie amuial salary of each assistant jiliysician is tweidy- §-^i6r. saiuriP.s jj^.^, ji^indrcd dollars. 25. No member of the board of directors is eligible to the §2i7!i. Trc'iiM. (jllice of treasurer. 20. The treasurer holds his oilice at the pleasure of the pi^n. Tn.,;,s II of directors. 27. It is the'duty of the treasurer: 21 SI. dntic jreu'l (1) To act as secretary of the board of directors. (2) To kee}) the accounts'of the board and of the receii)ts uiid cx{)endituivs. (o) To report on the iirst Monday in each month to the state board of examiners a statement under oath of the expenses of the 1 )recedin<'' month (4) To ])erform such other dutit'S as may be re(piired of him by the by-laws or board of dirt>ct(jrs. 2S. The annual salary of the treasurer is six hundred I, M S-J. roas., salary. doll; irs. 2i>. lie nuist execute an ofHeial bond in the sum of twenty 5 '21S:). hreas., boml. thou.-^and dollar; 30. The salaries and compensation iixed l)y tb(> jirovisions of this chapter must be ])aid monthly out of the § 210.3. (Saliiiies, how raid. moneys ap])ropriated for the sn])port of the asylum. 31. The olHcial bonds re(pnred by the ])rovisions of this cha])ter mu.'^t l)e a)>j)roved by the board of directors, and iiled and recorded in the oHice of the secretary of state. 32. The medical su])erintendent and each assistant physician §!in4. Approval and fill .rnlli- cia,l IkiikIs. Ueuceol'iiliys. must reside on the asviiim yrounds §210(3. llusiui' 33. The oflicers mentioned in the jircM'eding section must not enoao-e in the ju'lvate practice of meclicine, but iihysiciaiis. must dcvotc thcii' whoK' tiiii(> to tlic ])erfoi'inanc(> of their duties, unless granted leave of abscMice by th directors. l)oar( 1 of 34. An act to ])rovide furiluM' acconiniodntion for the insane of the state of California, and to ])rovi(h> a special Aptof Is: p. 1.7 ■ UMi'.vTtof ^i"i'l therefor. [This act ])rovid(^s for the establish- Mar. 0, IsTli. ment of a new asylum for the insane ; for tl 10 ai)poi consti selecti Its m; supers below to it, t Under and re 35. ernor s of the wiiom shall (I tive te classiii( two yea from tl be a])p( for the pointed board tl the nne; o(). quality Avithin thenise as presi( vided t\) tliey sha under ' sane of llierefor/ that faet <)i. As state asv eation ret their otljc «I>I)ointni come vac officers, a 1. 1 CALIFORNIA. 55 appointment of commissioners to select a site, and for the construction and management of the institution. Tiie site selected was Xapa, and the asylum lias been built there. Its management, as })rovided by this act, has, however, been .superseded, by the provisions of the act of March 0, 187(), given below. ]iy section 22 of that act, as will l)e seen by reference to it, tliis act was continued in force only for a sjiecial purjjose. Under the circumstances, this act is omitted, except its title and reference as al)ove. 35. Within ten days after the passage of this act the gov- ernor shall appoint five trustees to manage the affairs Act of isto, of the Nai)a state asvlum for the insane, three of Govorimr , • to apiuiiiit five whom shall be residents of Napa county ; and he trustees, shall designate at the time of the appointment the respec- tive terms of otlice of said trustees, under the following classification, to wit : three of said trustees shall serve for two years, and two of said trustees shall serve for four years from tlie time of their apiiointmeni. Their successors shall be apjtointed by the governor, and shall hold their offices for the term of four years and until their successors are aj)- j)ointed and (pialitied. In case a vacancy occurring in said board the governor shall appoint, in manner aforesaid, to till the unexpired term. o(). The trustees provided for iiv the preceding section shall qualifv bv taking the usual oath of office, and shall, i'>i'iS2. 1 _ • • '^ _ _' ' TnisU'os to within ten days alter such (jualitication, organize oigiuazo. themselves into a btiard by the election of one of their number as ])ri'sident, and the secretary and treasurer hereinafter ])ro- vided for, and, as soon as such organization has been perfected, they shall notify the sann' to the "' board of directors" created under "An act to provide further accommodation for tiie in- sane of the state of California, and to jirovide a s])ecial fund tberefor," approved March 27, 1.S72, by .^(n'ving a notice of that fact on the secretary or president of said board of directors. o7. As soon as the said "board of directors" of the Napa state asvlum for the insane shall receiv(> the notili- um^x ' . 1 • 1 T • • 1 • Hoiird of (11- cation referred to m the preceding section ot this act, n-ctois ap- their offices, and also tbose of all persons receiving ^'■"' ,-' i^^- ' 1 ^ (SCO |il. :U) Kii- appointmeiits by, through, or under them, shall be- p"'*^"'''''- come vacant, and their functions as a board and as directors, officers, and employes shall cease to exist. ! I. I , 1 ^, -/ i: ll'i 56 CAIJFOHNTA. Ibid i) 3. Tnisiccs to cniii|ili'ti' l>tiil(liii),'8. .')S. rj)(iii rc{H'iviiit'ivtary DinciiiiH to ■ I • 1 • J 1 i /!• I turn aiid tfcasui'iT, UKMiical su|)('nnte'ii Hud I • !• 1 1 1 1 property. (.'iii[tloyi's, to |)r('|)ai'c' a list ot all nooks, jiapei's, nioiu'vs. |iro|»t'rty aiul cllrcts of I'ViTV kind and natnri' wliat- i;V('i' l)t'Ion,i>in<; to the Xapa state asylnni for tlu' insane, or iu their possession, or under their eontrol, and (hdiver the said list, to<;ether with the articles enuniei'ated therein, njion the order of the jiresident of the hoard of trustees created hy this act. takinu' duplicate receipts therefor, and (ilini>- one with the state hoard of examiners. oO. The trustees created under this act shall, as soon as funds are pntvided hy the le,, and administer the idl'airs of said asylum, and make and adopt by-laws for their government and the govei'iiment of the asylum. They shall ap|)oint all oflicers and employes of said asylum, jirescribe their duties, and remove them when, iu their judgment, the go nl of the pul)lic service re(|uires it. They shall cause to be kep^ a full and correct record of their proceedings, \vhich shall be open at all times to the inspection of an Jiold > of tho bus] lie all itei iiigs a ^•overn iH'Xt pi sliowin of tlie i the twc ^•■t'noral 42. T and an Jiold of}] elected J)hysicia mini, an dollars j families ■■^ions, f'lK I^)th the asyluii.; J'egular , least five ■'^liall not ^icd in 111 the board ■i'-l Th,i not JH. of for Uvn yt . ie^^'s than ( state of ( ";, ance of Jii.- Ills success t^'fccts lu'h trustees nia w 'W CALIFORNIA. 57 of iiny citizen desiring to oxaniine the same. Tliov sliall lioM stilted meetinj^s at the asylnni monthly, and a majority of the hoard shall constitnte a (|nornm for the transaction of hnsiness. They shall kcc]* themselves constantly advised of all items of lahor and expense, and the condition ol" the hnild- iiiji's and jjroperty of the asylum. They shall suhnnt to the j^'ovt'rnor hiennially, on or hefore the first day (»f .Septend)er next |)rece(lin<>- the regular session of tin- l(\ii'"]iii at the asyhnu; shall he well educated and ex[)erienced jdiysicians, regular graduates in medicine, and shall have practiced at least live years from the date of tluMi' res|)ective diplomas, and shall not engage in outside ))raclice. Their duties not speci- fied in this act shall he fixed and ]»rescrihed in the hy-laws of the hoard of trustees. 4.'). '{'he hoai'd of trustees shall elect a treasurer, who shall not he of their nund)er, and who shall hold othce „,i,,

s, anro|)riale headin[>'s, takin,ii; vouchers for all moni'vs paid out, and make a detailed statement under oath each month to the state hoard of examiners of the expenses of the prc- eedihii; month, and shall pcrl'orm such (»ther duties as the hoard may ])i'escriii(\ 11 is salary sliall he lixt'd l)y the hoard of trustei's, not to exceed six hundred dollars pi'r annum. •11. lOach trustee shall nn-eive as his eompi'usation ten dol- „,i,i jj ,„ lars lor each meetinji; of the hoard at which he shall niiVi'Tliirai'"" he ])ri'.sent, jtayahle out of any moneys appritpi'iated oftn>stoo.s. ^^ j,^^^ ^^^^ ^^j. ^|j^, asylum; provided, that the sum ]>aid to tlu' said ti'ustecs shall not exceed one hundred and thirty dollars ])er annum; and provided further, that any trustee Avhose residence is out of the county in which said asy- lum is situated shall he allowed, for travelinnts ])er mile for the distance necessarily traveled in attendinji; the monthly mectinfj of the hoard. do. The ri'sidt'ut ])hysician shall he tlu> executive odicer of ii'iiisn. the asvlum, under the reunlations and hvdaws of lii'siili'iil phy- ■ 1 . 1 " siriiin h. lie tlic trustccs. llcsiuul luivc coiitrol ot till' patients, ofticer. jirescrihe or direct their treatment, adopt sanitary r..«ois. measures for their welfare, and discliar«;-e such as, in his opinion, have permanently ri>covere(l their reason. Ho shall maintain discipliii(> anioiiii; the suhordinate oflicers and em|)loyes, and enforce ohedieiice to the laws, rules, and rejiU- lations adopted for the iiovernment of the in.^titution, and is cm[)owered to (lischars of the asylum. He shall estimate quartei'ly, in advance, the pi'ohahle i-xpenses of tlii' asylum, and suhmit the same to the l»oard of trustees, at their last reijulai' meetini,^ [jrecediiii;- the commenct'inent of such (piar- ter. for their a]»])roval. And the controller of state is hereby Warrants. autliorizcd aiid directed to draw his warrants for the amount of such estimate, ap])rovi'. The resident ]thysician shall cause accurate and careful accounts to be kept of the daily ex]>i'nditures of all 11,1,1^1.1. articles of stores and ]iro])erty placed in his charge, r.',|''',l't'',ff and shall, at the end of each month, submit the i'''>-^'''^'"- same to the board of trustees for their ins])ection ; and on each daily repoi't ^\n\\\ be shown the number of jiersons fed and lodged in the asylum, whether as t)flicers anort of thf same tenor shall also be made to the trustees. 47. At the end of each month the resident physician shall a j)ay-roll to be made, which shall show the nii.i § in. name of each per.'^on employed in or about the asy- ''">-"'"• linn, giving the cajiacily in which each is enijdoyed, the time employed, the rate of salary or wag(>s, and the amount due each. Upon receiving this roll, sworn to and certified by the resident physician and a])proved by the ])rt'sident of the Itoard, the treasurer shall i)ay the per.sons named on the roll the suni.s due them, taking their ivceipts on the roll for the moneys re- ceived, which roll, so recei])ted, shall be his voucher. 4S. All bills against the asylum shall be pi'csented to the treasinvr, and be by him submitted to the l)oard of n,;,, .ji^ trustees at their next regular meeting after ])resenta- a.iliuVli"aud tion, and shall be by them auditt'd and approved '"'"'' before they are ])aid ; and no money shall be paid out by the treasurer, except as provided in the last section, unless ordered by the board, and the order entered upon their minutes. ! . ni :' :1 f 1 1 CO f'AI,TF(H!M.\. V.K At every stated jiieetinu' ol' the Ixiard (lie ti'easiirer shall iMii S !■■'• present a clear and detailed stateiiieiil »»!' all nioiievs Ti.'H Mirer ' . I • 1 II' -I I t

ela-sil'y all receipts ainl expeiiditiii'es under approftriati' anil intelli;j,ihle lu'ads. He shall also present ills l)(M»ks, and show that tluy are writtiii u|) to date, propei'ly posted, and the hal- ance ol'c!i>h ill his hands hi'Ioii^iiifi' to the asylum shown. ."(). The vouchers, statements, and hooks of the treasurer shall ]>v examined hy the hoard ol' triistci's at each stated lueetiiiji', aiul if found correct and kept in ain-ordaneo with the [)rovisioiis of this act and the hydaws, the ]>i'esideiit of the hoard shall ,nive the ireasurer a certificate of the f the I I bill t) Hi. Tnioar(i Tl K' minutes of each met'tiim' of the hoard shall he approx'ed hy the hoard and si siilil witliiii iHii> mil" lit' Nap or l)ar. or to sell or oiler for sale any sjiirituous or malt li(|Uors. within one mile of the asylum huild- iii.H'. now in course of construction upon the ]troi)erty [I asvliiMi. ill N il)a countv. itt'ctlt ■d to the state of California for tin' site of the NajKi state a.sylum for the insane; and any person sotloin,!^' shall he uuiltv of ;i niisdeiiu'anor, and for eacli offense shall he |iunished hy a fine not exceedin*;' live hundretl dollars (super.s(.ded hy act of A])ril :'), ISTC). i^ l:'),!"- infra). -very j)erson win :K ^: ithin (die mile of the in sane § 1 '1.1 72. as iUiiiMuled April .3, ls7h- Spiling: iiiiiiiii within II iiiili> of Niiim iisyluiii. asvlum at X Un * * ■II sells, liives awav, or ex- poses for sale, any vinous or alcoholic li([Uor, is 'uiltv of a misdemeanor. 32. An act entitled "An act t(» provide for the aeconimoda- tion for the insane of the .state of California, and to Art '7«, p. i:):i, § 22. Pro 'ili airain^t iliri'c- tors aiul em- ployes. ]irovJde a special lun tl leretor, appi'oved M ircli "iTth, 1S72, is herchy continued in force so far as the same gives or creates a rij;ht on the ])art of the )coi)lo of this state to i)roceed auainst the dii'ectors and I'm- pco]) l)loyes mentioned tlieivin, civilly or criminally, for any fraud- ulent or illeo-al acts on their i»art, under the alle<.;ed authority of this act : provided, that notliing herein shall be so construed r.M.lI'OltNIA. 61 iis t(, iv|.('iil the act of Miircli -Jllh. 1S7I*, cntill.Ml "An act to |)rovi j»ei-son, n(»n-resi(h'ut of this state, nuist 1)0 receive(l into the asvhiiu unless he hecanie insane s-'i^'i'. A.imi.t- ^loll (if Ihlll- ^vithin this slate. K-i.i.iUH. ."i|. \\'henever it a|)|H>ars hy alliilavit to the satisfaction of a magistrate of the countv, that an\' person within S'-!-'"' the county IS so lar disordered ni Ins muid as to en- i"ra,ii,ii,.si.,ii. (lan.iier healtli, peisfju or ])roiierty, he must issue and deliver to sonu' ]»eace ollicer for ,s(>rvice a warrant, dii'ectin^ that such })erson he arresteil and taken hefori> any Jud,m' of u court of record within the county for examination. .")."». \\'lien tlie per.>^on is taken hefore the judaic he must issue suhpteuas to two or more witnesses, hest ac(|Uainted s-'-'ii. ... 1 ■ • 1 • -^ iniilMT of MMlh sucii nisano porst)n, to appear and testily bcioro witur.sM's. liim at such examination. ")(>. The jud,ti,e nuist also issue suhptenas for at least two ffraduali's of niedici..'- to apix-ar and attend such S-'-ii-*- . , ■* ^ IMiy.-icians to examination. im.-ii.i. .'T. At the examination the jiersons suhpo'iiaed must ap- p(>ar and answer all (luestions ])ertinent to tlu' matter r-i-^^-^- ' . . . Itiiiv of wit- un(U'r iuvesti,, under riiyi'iims. their hand, showing as near as possible: (1) 'J'hat sui-h person is so far disordered in his mind as to endanger health, person, or ])roperty. {'!) The premonitory sym[)toms, apparent cause or class of insanity, the duration and t'ondition of the disease. (;')) The nativity, age, resid(>nce, occupation, and previous liahit-- of the person. ( !) The place from whence the person came, the length of his residence in thi.s .•;!. Any imaieys found on the |)ei'son of an iii-ane person at the time of arri'st must lie cci'tilied (o l)y the judii'c and sent w itli such pei'son to the asylum, tliei'c to be deli\'ercd to the nie(lical superintendent, who g 2'.'m, Mmii'v foiiiul Ull illMlllU licinou. must deliver the same to the treasui'er. 1 1' the sum exceeds one hundred dollai's, the excess must he applied to the pay- ment of the expenses of such jieisoii while in the asylum; if the sum is one hundred dollars or less, it iinist he ke|(l and (leliverc(l to the jierson when discharu'ed, or ap|died to the ]iayment of funeral ex|)enses if the |iei'son dies at thea-xhim. (id. N o case of idiocv or imhecilitv, oi' simp le r, liess oi § 2'J-JII. Ci'rtiiiii insiiiic not :i.lriiilti'il to. mind, must he maintained at. nor i delirium tremens he ailmitled info case oi \ liim. (io. I'ersons deli\i'riii,ii; insane jxrsoiis at th. \ lun must rec(Mve all t'Xpenses necessarily incurnd their trans])ortation, and also a Just and reasonahle com- pensation for their own sei'vices, the amomit of the S '2221, US aiiM'uilciI ISN), p. 1211. Ollipi'llSKtldll for ili'livciy to asylum. expenst'S and com|iensation in each case to 1 )e audited and allowed hy the lioanl of examiners, and paid out of any moneys in the state treasury api)ro[)riated for that pur- l)0,sc. The necessary expenses of an assistant, when more than CAI.II'dKMA, on one |ii'rsoii is n'i|uircensatioii, except as licreiu provided, shall hi' received or allowed for deliN'crinj^' insane persons a( the asylums. (■>(). The physiciiuis attending each examination ofan insaiaj person are allowed live dollars each, to he iiaid hv S --•;-' , , , 1 I : r.r> ,,r iihjHi. the couuty treasurer ol the county whei'e the exami- 'ii'ii". nation was had on the order of the lioard of su|iervisoi's. ()7. The county judjic of any county in this stale and tlu^ ])rohate indue of the cilv and countv of San l''i'aii- An l^7l;. p. cisco, shall, niton application nndei' oath, settinji' <""i'i'ii m ' ' ' ' .... "I infill"' I'"'!'- forth that a jierson hy reason of insanity is danger- """■'■ ous to he at larp'. cause such peison to he hi'ou^ht hefore him, and he shall summon to appear at the same lime and place two Ol' more witnesses who well knew the accused during' the time of the alleged insanity, who shall testify un dauii-erous to his or her own life, or the lives or propt-rty of thi' community in which he or she may live; and if said i)hysicians shall also certify to the name, i\ ascertained hy iiKpiiry and examination ; and if the jud^e shall he satisfied that the facts n-vealed in the examination establish the exist- ence of the insanity of the jierson accusecb and that it is of a n'cent or curable nature, or of a homicidal, suicidal, or incen- diary chanicter, or that from the violence of the symptoms the ' f ! I ■ili 04 CALIFOKNIA. said insane i)or>oii would be dangerous to his or lier own life, or to tlie lives or propeity of others, if at large, he shall direct the sJR'rifr of the eonnty, or some suitable person, to convey to and iiiaee in chaigi of the officers of the insane asylum of this state to which (he order is directed, such in>'nie ])ers()n, and shall transmit a cojiy of the complaint and connnitment, and jthysicians' certilicate. which shall always be in the form as furnished to the courts by the resident i)hysician of said asylum ; and the ])erson hiking such insai.e j)erson to the in- sane asylum shall be allowed therefor the f amo fees as are al- lowed by law to the sherilf in such cases, to be paid in like manner. Aiid the j)hysicians attending the examination afore- said siiall be allowed, by the board of supervisors of the county in which the examination is had, five dollars each, unless they lire otherwise j)aid. (iS. No case of idiocy, imbecility, harmless, chronic, mental ibi.i ^< IV unsoundness, or acute mania a i)otu, shall be corn- Mi. us mui im- rx n 1 i i becii.'.s. mitted to this [Napa] asylum; and wlicnever in the opinion of the resident physician, aft-n- a careful examination of the case of any person committed, it shall be satisfactorily ascertained by him that the party had l)een unlawfully com- mitted, and that lit or she comes imder the rule of exemptions provided for in this section, he shall have the authority to dis- charge such j^erson so unlawfully committed, and return him or her to tiie county from which committt'd, at the expense of such county. GO. The judge shall inqui.', into the ability of insane persons ibuisift. committed by him to the asylum, to bear the actual act ol■'l^^!,' ■ charges and exi)enses for the time that such person I'aii.nts to mav I'l'maiu m the asvlum. Jn case an insane per- pay their ex- ' • i i ' i i i • • son commiiied to the asyhim under tlie ])rovisions of this act shall be jjossessed of real or personal property suflicient to ])ay such charges and expenses, the judge shall appoint a guardian for such person, who shall 1)0 subject to all the provisions of the general laws of this state ii relation to guardians, as far as the same are a])}tlical)le; and when there is not sufficient money in the hands of tlu; guar- dian, the judge may order a sale of the property of such insane 'person, or so much thereof as mnv be necessarv, and from the proceeds of such sale the guardian shall pay to the board of l)i'ri«i>s « lien ptI.SSt'SHI'd ot" IllUlllliS. h- I CALTFOKXTA. 65 trusters the sum fixed n\)(n\ by tlieiu eaeli lunntli, <|U!irtei'ly in inlvance, tor tlie maintenance of" sueli ward ; ami he also shall, out of the itroeeeds of such sale, or sueli other funds as lie may have helon,le to the hoard of trustees, and a])proved hy the judf2;e, for the faithful porformaueo of the duties re- quired of him hy this act, as lon_i>; as the )n'o[ frty of his insane ward is suflicient for the j)urpose. 7<>. Indit;-ent insane })ersons having kind' d of degree of husband or wife, father, mother, or children, l-ving ^,c, within this state, of suflicit-nt ability, who are other- J;Ii'uiv!.s r'r wise liable, said kindred shall suj»portsuch indigent uuill^'JiliL. insane person to the extent j)rescribed for ])aying ])a- tients. The board of trustees shall furnish such blank Ijonds as are re([uired by this section, to the several judges in this state. 71. A breach of any bond provided for in this act niay bo prosecuted in the su])erior court of any county in this ^ ,<, state in which any one of the obligors may reside, and ,VrTm"il 'o" the same shall be prosecuted by the district attornev '"""'' in the count}^ in which the action shall be brought, and shall be conducted throughout, and the judgment enforced, as in a civil action for the recovery of a debt. 72. fShould there remain in the hands of the l)oard of trus- tees or their treasuu'-, at the time anv insane person S i^ ' • ^. J{,'fun(lill^'of is diseharged, any n oney unexi)ended, so paid by """"■>•. the guardian or kindred, the same shall be refunded ; jn'ovidcd, that the board of trustees shall not be recpiired to refund any mom\v for a fraction of a nionth; but upon the death of any insane person, after paying the ordinary burial (>x])enscs, the remainder (»f any moneys received from the guardian, or on deposit with the board of trustees or tlu'ir treasurer, shall be refunded to the j>erson or persons thereto entitled, on demand. 7o. Any moneys found on tlu' person of any insane jierson at the time of arrest shall be certified to bv the . ,,i judge, and sent with such jierson to the asylum, ,Hr'p.M>o'n'!)'i'' there to be delivered to the treasurer, to be applied '"'"""^• to payment of the expenses of such per.son while in the asylum; but upon the recovery of such insane })erson, all sums remain- I I i OG CALIl'OllXIA. ino- aftt'i- (IcdiU'tinp: sucli expenses shall be retunieil to such jx'i'sdii wlieii (liscliai'p'd I'l.'in the asyluiii. 71. All moneys helcn^inj;- to the state, coniinL!; into the hands S 1!'. (pf the hoard of trustees, otiier than that a])|)roi)ri- CiiiitiiiL'i'nt 11111 1 • I inn.Mor.Niipa ati'il ov tlie stato, snull be ke]»t bv said trustees, m a ft-vhiiii. ' , AcoMiiu. separate fund to he known as a eontnigent fund, and tlie same shall, hy the said trustees, h(> expended at sueh time.s and ill .-uch manlier as to the said l)oard aj)pears for the hest interest of said asylum, and for the improvement thereof, and of the urouiids and hiiildinys therewith eonnected. A full, striet and itemized aeeouiit of all sueh reeeipts and exjK'iiditures shall he iiieiuded in tlii' hieiinial re|)ort of said hoard of trustees. 7"). The kiiKh'etl or friends of an iniiiale of the asylum may «i!'. reeeivi' sueh inmate therefrom, on their i;ivin<;- satis- froiii ii^vhun faetory evideiiee to the jud«;e of the eourt issuinj^ iiiiMiMs. ■ the t'ommifineiit, that they or any of them arc capable aiul suiti'il to take eare of, and <;ive proper care to sueii in-aiie i)ersoii. and proteetion apiinst any of his aef.s as an insane ,H'rson. If :-ueh satisfactory evifk'iiee ap[)(>ar to the juduc lie may issue an orf such iiersou ; but the trustees shall rijeet all other orders or a]i]dications for the release or removal of any insane t)erson, ext-ept the ord(>r of a court or jiulu'e on ]irocciMlin. Non-residents of this state, conveyed or comin<^ hen in „,i,, , ,_,,, while insane, shall not be committed to or sui)|)orted an'i'Vi'in I '.!-"""' '" '1'^' N;ip;i stat(> asylum for the insane, but this raiy iiati.nt^. j i].,,], j ] , ji j, m shall Hot j)reveiit the coiiimitiiieiit to and ti'iiiporary care in saiS(>. J pnnish( 'hiring 11]) for as l(, (1, ordei- th ^o a jui- must lie verdict, accord ill; of the iss .^2. Th till' iitllow (1) Th, f^'ise, and of iiisanif (-0 Th, and o/H'r (•}) Th,. mony oiiI\ of justice, caiis{>. (f) M'Jie niitted to CALIFOIJXIA. 07 cliU'cd insane to tlioXjipa slato asylum; Lut tlio oonnty judj^os of this stat( , or the probate; judjiv of tlic city and county of 8an FrancMsco, may order the transfer of any ii,>ane person committcMl from their respective counties from one insane asy- lum to tlie oilier, upon th(> Joint I'ccommendation an time of the discharue of a person from tlio asyhun, or after the death and burial of any }iersun ^^.,000 therein conlined, there remains in the custody of the n,!://.'.'!'!;',",!!- directors or treasurer any nioni'ys paid for the sup- ,'iT"l'', ''.''ais. ] tort or maintenance of such person, it must, ui)ou '""=*'• demand, be rejtaid. 50. A person cannot ^'C tried, adjud_mMl to punishment or punished for a public odeuse, whili' lie is insane. l-l^;.'i'iai)iiity. 51. ^\'ben an action is calleil for ti'ial, or at any time diirine; the trial, or when the defendant is brou,iiht si4..!.;-i. up for judgment on conviction, if a doubt ari>e Apiii'li.'i'-sl). as to the sanity of the di-fendant, the court mu-t sa'i.u'voil.rt, . , '. , . . 11-1 '"'"' 'ii'ti'i'- orth'r tlie (pieslion as to bis sanity to be sul)initled to a jury; and the trial or the pronouncinji' of the judgment must be susjx'iuk'd until the (piestion is (U'termiiu'd by their verdict, and the trial jury may bi- dischargi'd or retained, accordinij to tlu' discretion of the court, during the jieiidancy of the issue t»f insanity , S'2. The trial of \\w (j^iiestion of insanity mu^t proceeil in the Ibllowiui;' order: ■; u wn (1) Th(> counsel for tlu; defendant must open the ,!t'"','|,'„„ti,)ii of case, and oner evidence in support of the allegation '"''''""y- of insanity. {'I) The counsel for the peo])le may theii open their and offer evidi'Uct' in sujtport thereof. ('•)) The parlie-^ nay tiien rcispectivel'v offer rebutting testi- mony ou\y, unless Mie court, for good reason in furtherance of justice, permit them to oiler evidence upon their original cause. (4) When the evidence is concluded, unh^ss the case is sub- mitted to the jury, on cither or both sides \vitlieut argument, ill i';f r)S CATJT'ORNIA. tlie coiinsol for tlio ])0(ipk' imist commciico, and the defeiulant or liis (•(lunsol nuiy ooiR'ludc tlic arj>-unient ti) tlic jury. (.")) If the iiitlictnu'iit 1)0 for an offense punishable "vvith death, two counsel on ei'.ch side may ar^ue the cause to the jurv, ill which case they must do sc alternately. Jn other cases the arjiunient may he restricted to one counsel on each side. (()) The court nnist then cliai'.u"e th(> jui'v, statin,^; to them all matters of law necessary for their iufoi'iiiation in giving their verdict. 80. If the jury find the defendant sano, tlio trial must §i4.:!7ii, proceed, or judgment he ])ronounced, as the caso luni'iiili'il Aiiril !>, l^Ml, HKIV hc Verclict nt'jiiry as to siihity and pi If tl le irv find the defendant insane, d- the trial or judgment nuisi he suspended until ho becomes sane, and the court must ordi'r that he bo in the meantime committed by the sheriff to the state insane asylum, and that n})on his becoming sane he be iv-delivered to tl le lie I'iff. 84. The commitment of the defendant, as mentioned in the last s(>ction, exoiierates his bail, or entitles a t jierson, authoriz' d to receive the ])roperty of the ijuii. defendant, to .1 return of any money he may have deposited instead of l)ail. 8."). If the defendant is received into the asvlum, he must be § I4,:i7l. If (li'tciHliint ('oinniilt<' first instance chargeable to the county in ■which the indictment was found, or information lileil ; but the ct)unty may recover them from the ciiai-Keabie. estatc of tlio defendant, if he have any, or from a relative, town, city, or county bound to provide for and main- tain him. elsewhere. 87. A\'h(Mi the physician, warden, and captain of the yard of the state prison, after an examination, are of opinion that any i,U>,l April il. l>Mi. KxpiMls KOiidiiii;, ••f, (li'fiMnliiut to aHvlinii, vrl'iere CALIFORNIA. 69 ])ris()iu'r is insane, tliey must crrtily tlio fact uiulcr ,,^,-,^2 oath to tlu> yovcrnor, wlio may, in liis discretion, H.'^',',"'""" "' order the removal of such prisoner to th(> insane i"'""""''"- asyhmi. As soon as tlie authorities of the asylum ascci'tain that such person is not insane, they nnist immediately notify the warden of that fact, and thereupon the warden nuist cause such prisoiier to l)e at once returned to the prison, if his term of imprisomncMit has not cxjtiri'd. SS. Insane convicts must he I'eceived into the insane asylum, and returned to the state iirison asiain, as i)rovided S-'i^^- in st'ction ll';')!) of the IVnal Code. (Section ]"2;]0 vku. here I'cferred to is an c>rroi', should l)e section 14,r),S2.) S!). If, after judgment of death, there is good reason to suppose that the defendant has hecome insane, the § nooj. sheriff of the county, with the concurrence of the l[ly'Z'\M't judge of the court hy which the judgment was I,'';,!'",''' "'""' I'cndei'ed, may sunnnon from tlie list ot jurors se- lectcil hy the su))ervisors for the year a jury of twelve persons to in(piiri> into tlu^ su])])oscd insanity, and must give immediate notice thereof to the district attorney of the county. {)(►. The district attorney nuist attend the iiKjuisition, and niav i)roduce witnesses before the jurv, for which s h.-j-.'-j. i)urpose he mav issue ])i'ocess m the same n)an- tiict attuiucy , . ' _ upmi iiuiuiHl- ner as for witnesses to attend before the grand '>""• jury, and disobedience tlieret<) may be punished i'; like manner as disobi'(lience to jirocess issued by the court. tU. A certiticate of the intpiisition nuist be signed by the jurors and the sheriff, and filed with tlu' clerk of ;< n.22:i. ,, , . 1 • 1 ii ■ 1- 11 Ct'ililh'ato tfu' court 111 wfiicli ttie conviction was tiad. tii..,i. (•■J. If it is found by the iiupiisition that the defendant is sane, till' sheriff nuist execute the judgment; ])ut ^,4004 if it is ibund that lie is insane, the sheriff nmst J,'p!',',i'^ll!"a^,j, suspend the I'xecution of th(> judgment until he re- "' J'""-^- ceives a warrant from the governor or from the judge of the court by which the judgment was i-eiidered directing the execution of the judgment. If the in(|uisition finds that the defendant is insane, the shei'iff must immediately transniit it to the governor, who may, when the defendant beconi(>s sane, issue a warrant ap[)ointiiig a day for the execution of the judgment. i; ?li.^ .si| '1 -3te issmmsmamss mmm wimmmm COLORADO. GOVi:i!NMENT OF APYH'M. ], KstiililisliMiunt of !i.«vlinii. 2. ( jKIVlTllIIU'llt VC; .ted m siiinTiiiteii- (Uiii iiiiil lioiinl of ('oininissioiuTs; iIi|Miiiitiiient, ti'iiii of ofiiw, sa ilii- nc's, 1 MiWOIS JUX I (liiti 3. Siilarie'^ :m(l txpciises ])iii(i l)v stntn. 4. 1 5 S. G. T iepoils to lit' t'leclioii o IX lor fsit iiia'le iiiid ]iulili!ilii'd. e lor asviiini. siipiioi't of asvlimi to be levied ADMISSION AND DISCHARGK. 7. Exaiiiinatioii, and apiiointnicnt of conservator. S. Jury trial of insanity. 9, Cusiodv of li'natic, wlio to liavc. 10. A nest, linalidn and eonunit nil lit of insane. iii|'..'st to lie ffiveii ; sup- 1> d lor liv counlv. 11. Notice of i |ioi t to 1 12. Siipjioit of insane, state finid for. K). Counties reiiubiirsed from state II. AVarranls on treasnrv, Imw 15. Si paid. M' irt, lialiilitv of relatives for. ](). Delinition of insanity. 17. Noii-liabilitv of insane to law. 1. TluTi' i'-i lu'ivliy cstaitlisliod tlie Colorado insane asylum, Actof is7(M>. >7. g 1. lor the troatnient iuid euro of siu-li persons as K»tatili>liiiii'iit nf iisyliim. iiiav lieeonie instine from ;inv ctiusi' 2. 1'lie miiniioc'iiR'nt of said iisvlum sluill l»e liy a su])eriii- 11)1(1 82 tendentandaboardof three etjinmissioners, whoslitdl, Manasj-Mneut. to^etlH'r, llilVe full eolltfol tl j)rovide(l. The superintendeiit iind botii'd of commissioners shall he apjiointed hy {\\v n'ovi'rnor, and no more than one lereol as hereiiiiifter d oi said eommissioiicrs siiaii he iipiioin 1 h eitd distnet, iind th ■uiierintenc lent ited from the stime Judi- liiill hold his position foi' tlie tei'iii of six veaiv and lie eommissioncrs lirst appom ted shall hold, one for six vetirs, one for four years, and one for two vetirs. and afterwards etieh commissioner slitdl Ix,' iipiioin ited for the term of six vt'tirs; that one commissioner iiai he tl poi nted and hold for the full term of six vetir; lie superin- .SiiporlntiMiil- cnt til K'ivo 'iideiit slitill oive a hoiid to the state, in the sum of III) 11(1. .11 tiiree thousand dollai's, coiiditione([ tiitit lie wi 11 lioiU'stlv and laithfullv fliseharm' all of his ley-id duties ticcord- inff to law. The superintendent sluill ho a reoularly _<>radu- titcd physiciiin, and he shall reside at the asylum. Jh' shall HisKaiary. rcceivc a salai'v of two thoustmd dollars |)er annum, payable quarterly. The commissioners shall each receive a !' I COLORADO. 71 salary of six liun(lr('; (if the asylum, or from the date of the last report, toji-ether with such other facts and opinions as their expi'ricnce and observation may prov(> and may be deemed of interest to the |)ublic; and the (iov.i.iorto governor shall cause said rei)orts to be publishe(l. I'.'it. and he shall jtresent them to the next general assiMubly. 5. It is hert'by made the duty of the governor to ap[)oint the superintendent and board of connnissioners of n,i,i ,< .-,. the Colorado insane asylum immediately ujton the ii'i'.i>,!i'iu"t\ie" j)assage of this act, and it shall thereupon become the duty of the said commissioners to select a site for the said asylum at or near the city of Pueblo, in the count}' of Pueblo, and state of Colorado, and such site .'iii|ii'ruitiMi- (li'iit :tihl ciiiii- liii^^siiiiifrs. Soli'cticiii of a ?li a ssssrs mmmm 72 COI.OIIADO. i:.| to l»c not less tlinn forty acres; jirovldcd, tliaf i\)c site for said asylum sliall Ix- donated to the slate liy the eiti/ensof I'uehlo; and th<'y are lieri'hy autliori/.eil to I'eceive •;ifts oi- otherwise of lands foi' the use and heiielit of the state in reference to tho site and oud(hni2,' tor said asyhini. I lie site shall he suscepti- ble of irriiiatioii, and not too remote from udod water, of sulli- cieiit (|n;dity and (|Uantity to fiii'nish a supply foi- all necessary use. rpiiii selecting- such site, the said coniiiiissioiu'rs shall r(']iort till' tacts as to the same to the ^overnoi', and he shall cause the title to he made to the slate with as little delav tis osslhle P a, tem| lie said commission may lease or hiiild or purchase lorarv (;i)m|H'iis;itioii sliall receive u( ('(iriiiiii.s- huild II iiiu' for imnu'diafe use Tl le commissioner.s for tl KMr services her em nanuMl tlie sum th of one hundred dollars each, and milea.ii'e of twenty cents for each mile traveled in the selectioji of siU'h site. As soon a< the site shal he sek'clei I and title made to the state. SlllMTllltl'll- (li'ijt ti> laili tli(> superintendent shall cause proper desijiiis and iihii.s. tic. plans of the <>roun(ls and huildin^s to he mad(\ and shall proceed to lease or construct tem])orary huildin^s, which shall he opened for use as speedily as practicalde. ('). There shall lie levie(| and assesse(l upon all taxable })ro]ierty in the stat(>, real and personal, for the creation and sup|)ort of such a.sylum as herein |)r()- vided, a tax of one-lifth (l-o) of a mill on vi\v\\ and every dollar to be known as the insane tax: such revenue to be assessed and collected in like manner with other revenues of the state. 7. Whenever any reputable^ ]ierson shall file a complaint, llii77. § ia>\ as aiiiciiilpd liy iH'l .if i.srn, p" ''". S 1. SuiinnuninLr of jury on in (piisitii'n o* lunacy. iluly verilii'tl in the i-ounty court, allefiino; that any ])erson is a lunatic or insane person, and that said lunatic or insane ))erson has |)ersonal or real [)roperty, and is so insane or distracted in mind as to render (•''" such ])erson inca|iable of pi'operly and safely atteiid- iiiii' to and nianaucli conservator hath hccn a| pointed, an ini'ornialion in writinji'. settin,u; foi-tli "",| that the insane |ierson hath heeii restoi'ed to his or her reason, such court shall cause the fact to he in- (|uire(l of hy a juiy. if upon such ini|Uest. it sha'l he iound li> (IllI.T- IlllUi' irsdini- tioll ol' I iiiuuio ti,' rciisoii. Ol' lier reason, that such pt'l'soll hath heell restored to Ii he or she shall he iiiiiiiediately set at liherty, and the county court shall issue a suinnious l•e(plirin^• the conservator to ap- pear and settle his accounts. The expense-^ atteiidiiij^- any ilKplest held under this chapter, shall he paid out of the estate of such insane person, ujion the order of llu' county court, or, if there he no such estate, the county coniniissioncrs of the pro|)cr county, upon certilicate of the amount thereof hy the judjj,(' of tlu' county court, shall allow the same, and a warrant theivfov .shall ln' drawn upon the county treasurer. i*. 'r\\v overseer of the poor-house of the county, or such otlu'r ])er>oii as the county comniissioiiers may ap- S 1"-". Who to liavo (■ii-to,lv oC Iniilv of iuiia- le justice of such account, to issue their wari'nnt on the trea? point, shall, in casi' any Uinatic liatii no relative oi fi'ielid who will care for him or her. have the ehar!j,(' ',',',', t,.','i"" '*"''' of tile hody of such lunatic, and shall have power to coiilino liim or her, and shall conifortahly support such person, and make out an account thereof and return the same to the county commissioiiei's, whose dutv it shall he, on satisl'aetorv |)roof of tl urer of the county therel'or; or. if such lunatic Ii;ith any e-tatti in the hands of his const'rvator, such account shall he I'l'iidorecl to the county court, and upon the .u'der of the county court, \]\v conservator shall pay the same out of any moneys in his hands ix'rtainiiiu' to such estate and which mav lawfully be so apjiliiMl. 10. W'heiievt'i' any rt>])utahle ])erson shall lile with the county court a complaint duly verilie(l, alle^in^" that any ])erson is so insane or distractecl in mind as to eiKlauii'er his own person or pi'operty, f)r the a ])ersoii or property of another or others if allowed >^ 1 :•-'■"'. !IS lllIKMllloil liy act of '711, ■ '"', !) '-■ i-rost of iii- .siiiie person. ;ff to g(j at large, the county court oi' judge thereof shall forth- 74 (•oF.OKADd. I 1 Avitli issue nil onltT in IIm luiiiic ol" tlic |if(»|i]c, dircdrd (d any slicrill' 111' cnii^tiililf (if y said (Miiirl In cNi'ciiir tln' same : prorlthd, tliat Avlicii any slicrill' or coii.-laMi' sliall liiid within liis ('(iiinly any sucli insane iierson al lar,ii'e. il shall he his duly to apiireheiid Slieli in-alie perso n without an order of court. And when aiiv I'rovlKiDii f) lllcMH'st. alleged insane |iersoii shall he so arrested liy. or without an order of coui'l, he nv she shall he taken forthwith hefore the county court, or jud,u-e thereof, and if the allel)licant is a suitahU' and pro|ier person to have the custody of such alle.ncMl insane person, the county court shall order such alleu'c'l insane jiersoii to he deliverctl into the custody of such relative or frit'ud ; provided fartlnr, that tlu^ complaint mentione(l iii section 1 may lu' joined with the complaint nientioneii(1p(I 1)V act 1)1 '7H, r. Cl.S.t. Notit'R of iaqucat. Col.or.ADO. to lie liclil. iiiit eon- cerninii' the Jiinacv ot" any person shall he hroii^hl and eon- (hieted in the name ttf the |m'o|)1c ; prDridcil J'iirlli( r. that no in- • [Uest shall he had as to the hmaey of any person eharucd with a eriniinal oU'ense until the like notice has heen uixcn to the district attoi'Uey or othei' ollieer eliar,m'il l>y law to prosecute such oil'c ii-c. and that notiiin.ii' in this chapter shall he so construed as to e\eiii|it the relative's X.ilicc' (.1 (lis. tiirt iitlni-iicy. xp'-nsi'S, « hiTc SIT'-'- KiiihI >iii|i- piirt I'l'iiisiiiir; 1h>\v ki'i't. and ut \t of kin to anv insane pauper from their i' V liahility for his or her supjioi't ; and all moneys ii'inLiuipW'. expendeil hy any county for the maintenance of any such insane person, under the provi.-ious of this clia|iter, may he recovered of the jicrson or persons who ai'e or may I'c liahle l»y law for his (ti' her maintenance. 12. All sums of money received into the state ti'easury, from the collection of the tax for the support of lunati*- j)tiupers, as providi'(l in the chaptei' concerning revenue, shall he kept sepai'ate ami apart iVom all otiu'r funds in saiiJ treasury, and shall l>e desitiiiated as the '■fund for the sujtjiort of the iiisaiu'," and siudi fund shall lie dishursed as follows : 111 Whenever any county sliall hei'eafter e\|)end any sum of money in the necessary support, maintenance or pi'c- s ir-js, .servin.u' in custody of any lunatic pauper, such county »rrn'r'i">V7! ' shall he reindjursed from the fund for the support Mipi'-n't'..f of the nisane. J lie county couimissioners ot such >xihii(I,mi. county sliall pi'esent an account of all such expenditures, ex- j)ressin,<». whci'rliv siH'li p:ui|M r Uiis iidjiKl^cd lo lie a liiiiiilic, funl a ccr- lilicitc iVoiii llic ciniiily jiiil.uc lliiil .'-iicli lunatic liaili not liccn >incr a(IJiiy law : pmrltlnl, llial such (•\cni|>lilicalioM shall he lilcd and pi'cscrx'cd hy the auditor in his oH'kh', and at any sui>sci|Ucnt |)rcsciitat ion oj' any claim tor (he su|i|iorl o|' the same lunalic. it shall no! lie neccssai'y to I'enew such e\em|ililical ion. ('|M)n the |>i'e>enlation of such accoinit. vei'ilied as aforesaid, and ii|ion proot' l)\ the allidavil of two or more of such county commissiouei's, that such luna- tic hath no estate, and no I'elalioii within the state, su far as known or helievt'd hy them, or none of sullicii'Ul ahilily to maintain him or her, the auditor, if iiothin,!j,' appears to >how that such claim is framlulent or factitious, shall allow the same, and di'aw \\\< wari'ant upon the treasui'y foi' the amount so allowed, payaltle out of the insane fund. I'ntil such time as tiu' state of Colorado shall have |iro- videil a place foi- the custoijy and sidisisti'Uce of lunatic [taupers. the same shall he trans|»(»i'te(j to some convenient asylum, cilliei- within oi' out of tlu' limits of this state, where such paupi'r will receive such at- tention and treatment as he ll Ol' IlllJIllil' ti>. mill Ivcop- iiii; III. Mxv- llllll of illlliT mI;iI"m: how ]>iiiil. ]!i'ci>viM y of iiiDiii'yM I'X- jioridi'il fill' ilic> . ii|i|icii-t III' hi iiiilic rnmi ri'l- the state, hound hv law, and of suflicient ahilitv, to forhi.i .su|i|uii't livi's iiiiniiii sup|)oi't him OI' iier, an action shall lie in helia If of the state to recover from such relative all such sums of juoney so e.xpendeil. K). The term lunatic, as used in this cliapter, shall he eou- sti'ued to include idiots, insane and disti'aded per- S I7:;i. C'liriMtriKtiiiii I'tiii'tnniiiu- ■'^""■■'', iiiKl evi'ry person wiio, l)y rt'ason ot mtemper- "'""^' ance, or any disorder or unsoundness of mind, shall he ineapahlc of managing and caring for his own estate. COLORAD(l. 77 17. A lunatic or insiiiic jxTsoti without lucid intervals, shall not be lound jiuiltv of anv crime or inisdenieanor s III HI, I liHiirii' piT- witli which he may he cliar^'c<|; prorliJnl, the act so Nun» nut t char^fed as CI iminal shall have heen committed in ..iiii the condition of insanitv. Im< tniiiiil KiiHly m fgfglf^ n CONNECTICUT. COVKUKMEXT OK MIDDT.KTOWN ASYIAM. 1. K'it;ilili>liiiU'iit. 2. (ri)vcmiiu'iil vested in lidiinl of trustees, appoiiitiiient and cdiu- lieiisalidii. 3. Tiiisiees, their powers and i!iities. 4. .Siips'rinlen lent, a]>pi)iniineiit, (pial- llicatioiis and re^idi'iice. 5. Triistei's, expenses ol', to 1)0 paid. (J. Trea>iirer, Mpi)ointnieni, tliities, sal- ary. MANSKIKLI) ASYI.fM. 7. ]'>tal)lislunei)! : iioveriunent \ested in hoard ol' trustees. 8. ,\|i;ii'KCTION' Ol' ASYLUMS. 11. l!y stale Ixiard of ehai-ities. 12. Visit ition of asyliinis by. 13. .\nniial report ol'. ADMISSION AND I>I8<'IIAIiGE. 11. JCxaniination for admission by judge aiid pliysieiaii ; support, expense* of, !;o\v iiorne. 15. Patients admitted under speeial a^reeinenls. 10. Conirnitnu'Tit tm pliysieian's eer- tiiicate. 17. Insane jjointr at liir)j;e; examination and eoMiniitment, application for. 18. Kxpensis, how Iiorne. 11>. DaiiKorous insane connnitted on l)'ian's eeitiiieate. 2G. Insane K'>'",U !'• l:ii>j;e; e.xamination and eoinmitinent of on eomplaint, expenses how l)orne. 21. Charges for indiijent insane. 22. Snppoit of insane, how iiorne. 2."). Snjiport of insane, town may e(^n- tiact for. 24. Snpport of insane, town reimlmrseJ for. 2"). Transfer of patients. 2(5. Oiseii'.rge from asylniiis. ClilMIXAI. IN.SANE. 27. Coniniitnient of, exjienses, !iow iioi'ne. 28. Coinmitnient of, liaving been liero- tot'ore aeipiitted. 20. Petition for (liseharge. .SO. Insane eonvi( t, examination of. 31. >i'oti('e to seleeinien and removal of eonviet. 1. Till' liiiid of tlio state and iiPa]i])nrtonancos in Middlotowii''..'s7' ^''''" ^'•' ="^*^ ivniaiii the ( 'oi ;ieetieut liospittil for E^tal',llhm.nt. ll"' lH^alie. 2. Its o-ov(,'niiii(iit slitill 1)C v'^steil in a liotinl of trustees, J^,^,^i., ciiiisistiiin- of the o,ov(.i'n(ir, one from each county to [e'Ti.u'v'iip'- '"■ aji^iuiiited hy tlie senate, and three from tlie viein-' '""""'''■ ity of tile institution to \)v ii[»i)oiiited hy the others. Tlie i»liiees of tlic two .senior meiiiltei's of tlie hoard in tlio order of their ;ij)iiointnient shall he vaeated tinnutdly, lint they niiiy he eli^iiile for reappointment tis junior menihers. Xo trustee shall receive compensation for his services. 3. The trusteois shall have cliarge of the general interests of j ''■.';i- ii ■■ ' '1 , 1 '■• i • 'i CONNKCTICUT. 79 tl ic institution, make and o\ocut»^ its l)v-li nvs, ai)- ibi.l s i. nt and remove its oliicer.s and attendants, lix iMuii's.if poi their eoinjiensation, exereise ;, strict sn])ervisi(»n ovi'r all its expenditures, and may receivi' by heijuest, devise, or gift, jtroperfy tor tlie use of the hosjiital. 4. They shall a])])oint a sujurintendent, not of their own nundx'r, who shall \)v. a eomj)etent jihysu'iiin and ,,,1,1,4 reside in or near the hospital. s„,M.ri„t,-u-t. 5. * * * The trustees of * * * the C'onneetieut hosiiital for the insane, * * * their necessai'v th. i.i.di 2. •Ill 1 • 1 1 1 ' •iHHI'i'iisatioii expenses, to he paid by tlie state, as audited hy tlie oitniM.'.-^ controller. ('). They shall aj^point a treasurer, with a salary not exeeed- int;- four hundred dollars a vear, v lio shall <;ive a Tit. >, ,1,. 4, hond to the slate of ten thousand dollai's to account 'i'nM'^iirci-. faithfully for all ])roperty received hy him as trea'^mx r, anp accurate ac'counts of his receipts and e.\|ien(litiiix's, and of the |iro])erty entrusted to him. which accounts, with Ihe vouchers, shall he suhmitted (piartei'ly, and oftcner if rc(|nired, to the truster's, with a writt(>n statement of hi> ''islairseinenls and funds in haic iixl his hooks shall he at all times open to the trustees. 7. There is herehy created a hoard of truslc of the insaiu^ ])oor lio<|)ital at .Mansheld. ]t shall he ('.;m|iosiMl of v,.,,,,,^,;; live i)ci'sons, who shall 1h> ap])ointr(l hy the li-eneml Vru' i.v! Mi- assemhly for the term of live years, ii .d one slu d he i|'os|l'i"iVi"iu'" api)ointed eacli year tor the term of li\e ytars. Ihe trustees appointed in hsTT shnll lie apjiointed fur the term res[;ectivi'ly of one, two, three, loin', and li\-e years. Soldiers" ( )ri)l)aiisMIonie, iXii^t^r to he Used as an insane po(^r hospital. m iiio lami. b. Tlu're is herehy appropriiUe(l Inr the projier fu in ishing of said hospital at Manslield, the sum of one thou- i,,;,,.;;, sand dollars. Fo,iu,niture. lt>. The trustees shall ajtpoinl a su]ierin(I^rtill«PIl- iielp, ooili male and lemale, as may he jieedcd to d'ni take charge of such hospital: pyovUlcd, \\n\{ the total iiniina) ill |» 1 I i SO ('ONXKCTKTT. expense- fur salaries sliall not exeet'd four llioiisand dollars, and the trustees shall have tlie genei'al eharge and eontrol of said li(is|iital. .11. Tiiei'e shall he a hoai'tl of charities, eonsistinti,' of thrct' .pjj 3 ,.,, , men and two woinen, a|>]H)inted hy llu' novei'uor, jii?.anV'.'.f '' '""' reuiovahle at his pleasure, who may inspect lulint'im-iit''''" ii" incorporated hospitals, and shall inspect all in- aii.i j,l.;l'ul authority: and no measures shall he adopted without the assent of the persons so in cliar^'e. except at a meetini'' of tiie hoard, at which at least four mend)ers shall Appeals to til guvt'i'iun'. )e prt'sen t. or 1 )V a written oi'dc'i'. sianed hv a niii- ri'li ririutory aiirl otlu'v in- stitiitiiins. irilv of the hoard. An appeal may he taken to the it . • , . and the state prison, refoi matoi'y schools, and insane a-\ hinis, a- often as once a month, and hy at least one meml)er of ea' h sex : iio previous i.ot ice of such visits shall he :L!,-i\-en to tlie ptr-^oii- in charp' of the institution visiteil, at excry such vinl, i«ti oppoi'tmiity shall he oflered to each in- mate foi' pri\ - conversation with some meiiiher of the hoard. Any CO! .iiiunicatioii iiall iiiaKe an aiiiniai nporl to the governor ii'i'i li ■■'. rontainiii^ such >t;ileiih iit- and sui^uestitriis as it Annual ro I'OI t. hall think proper. 14. \\'hen any pauper in .iny tois-ri may he insane, a selectiman a...l app.y l;o t ne ,judfj;"e of prohate of Tit.s..ii.4,§i), of such ti»wn as aiiiniilti by act ,.i Ts, the district wiiepeiusiiid paniLper resides, fo.r hi> adi nils- i i COXXECTTCCT, SI sion to said Im-pital ; mid said jiid.uc sliall appoint ch.ia-i.iii.Xiict a respc'C'tal)li' piiysician, who sliall I'lilly iiivi'sti^atr Pr,ir.'''aVi,(;.s ' . . J' 1 ' I ■ I '• 1 1 • A' *'* fi'iiiiiiii in- tiu' tacts oi 1Ik> cast' and report to said judiiX' ; and it saii.> i>:,iip.Ms 1 1 • • 1111 ■ /• 1 1 ' • 1 .to Cciiini'cii- 8ucli pliysician siiall bcsalislird lliat said jiauprr is cm i...spitiii. iiisano, the judi;;!' shall order such si'lec-tnian forthwith to take such insane })auper t(» the hosjiital. where he ?;liall l)e kept and sni)ported so lon^' as may he re(|uisite ; and two dollars and tilty cents per wei'k of the expense of his su[ip()rt shall he jiaid by the town le^^ally ;'har taken by the person making the ai>}>lieation to the hospital, where lie shall be kept and su))]>orted as long as may be reipii- sito, and half of the expense of his sripport shall be \K\\d by the slate and half by the person making the ajiplieation ; and Avheii a judge shall issue an orcler lor the admission of any l)aui)er or indigent person to the hospital, he shall record it and immediately transmit a du))lieate to the governor. b"). The trustees may a\-thorize the superintendent to admit ])atients Into tlie liosi)ital, under special 11.1,1^7, as iinioniii..ii.yi»ct.if7s, ^ ' "^ supra, .\iliiiis.siiiii of patieuts •'■HI au'reements wlun there are vacancies. ipra. .Ailiiiis.siiiii ot pt miller special agreciiu'iits. ](). Any insane person may be put in any suitable place nf detention on llu' ])resentation of a ct'ititicale, niad'> xj, s cii .-i <« Avilhin thirly days, signed by some reputable jihx- J,!.'|.s!,,','I."'i',,'iiy sician, that he Jias made a personal examinatidii of pM.'.c'.r'iic. such jierson, within one wt'ck )iri(a' to the date "'"""'"• thereof, and that such jierson i'^ iii>aiu', which certilieaU' sh;dl be sworn to before some oflicer authorized lo adndnister oaths in the state where it is given, who shall certifV to the genu- ineness (if the signature tliereto, and respectability of the signer: ami any such jierson may l)e renio\fd by t)ie jui'son placing him in such place of detention. 17. ( )n a written complaint, nir 'e to any jmlge ol' the - 'lerinr court, that a person nanie(l thenin is in- h.m ^ r. ' _ . How cniiimit- - 1 and unlit to go at large, such judge shall ini- icc to iie ap- ^^', i^ui' iss^mmmm 82 CONNECTICUT. pointoit to in- inodiivtoly aj)j uiul a coiiiiniltcc consisting of a j.-liysi- iliirc iiilii . ' , !• 1 1 1 1 1 ' ciiKi' .if ai- ciaii and two dtlicr iicrsons, one ot wliom shall l)can KHiiiiy, nttornov-at-law, judiic, (jr justice ot peace, who, alter sucli person has been no1ilii'(l according to tlio order of sneli judge of tlie suixM'ior court, shall iiKpiire into such complaint, and ri'port to liini llie facts of the case and their opinions thci'cou ; ami it. in I heir opinion, such piM'son should be con lined, such judge shall issue an order therelbr. is. The jmlgc bclbre whom any of the proceedings provided for in liie preceding section are liad, shall tax rea- sonable costs, at liis discretion, and ii^sue execution Costs. tl icrelor, 111. I 1 anv (lanncrous uisaiu' ))erson ^hall QO atL irge. n jus- ;) 10. ClUllilKMhl'Ilt of lllUIU'l'llPIIS insane jn"-- Kons. tl( .t tl le ]ieace and the lirsL dectman of th.c town AV here he belongs or resides, on such certiticate of a resjicctable physician of such t suitable place; and if the per>on under wliose care lio shall be, or who is bound to sup]iort him, shall not confine him to such place aixl manner a-; they shall direct, they shall pro- vide Ibr his conlinenient and sui)port in .some suitable place. *Jl When any insan(> j)erson shall go at large in any t( )wn, Iliiil ^11. l'nii'1'i'iiiiii.'s Cont-i-riiiriL' iii- Kanr jutsulis goin- iU lai'L'o. any ]ier-^on may comjilain to any selectnuin or jus- tice oj' the ])eace of said town, and if he do not, within ilwvv days thereafter, provide Ibr thecontine- mcnt of sut-li insai le pei'son. agrtH^ahiy toll le prec ei nig section, the complainant i nav CO mplam in writing, under oath, to anv lustice o f th ic ])eace in said town, iniorming nun fo that such insane ])erson is unlit to go at large ; and such justice .shall thereujion is>ue his warrant 1o any constable of such town, commanding him. forthwith, lo bring such insaiU' jici'son before some jii,-licc of the ])eace residing in th(* same town, who upon linding that such insane per.-on is unlit to go at large, may order him to be conlincd in some suitable jdace ibr SU( ■h t: me as he shall deem propel but 1 le mav, at anv time tliereal'tcr, for just cause, order his discharge; and tlie superior (!oui1,on \}\o ]ietition of any p(M'>on so conlined, or of his rela- tive', to which petition the town vhere he belongs shall \h) made respondents, may make any proper order with respect to his future disposal. All expends incurred under this and the IJa w COXXKCTICTT. 83 it proiHMling section shall be i)ai(l out of the estate of such insane person, if lie has any; if iidt. l»y his relatives liahlc hy law to support him, if of sullicii'iit ahility; and if Ihri'c he none such, then hy tlic town to which he hclim^s. 21. Tlic price for keeping any pau])er or indigent jxu'- son shall he li.\c(l hv (he trustees, and shall not tu. s, (• a.-. , ' . illlli'liilcil liv iict (if exceed tiie sum ot lour dollars iier \veek, and is:-, di. m.i, ;< m. I'rici' lor ki"t-|iiii^' shall he i)ayal)le ([uarterly. ludgent patieuts. 22. I'here shall he taxed monthly hy the conijttroller, one. dollar and lifty cents for each week's hoard at said i,,i,i<9 hospital, and two dollars for each W(>ek's hoard at 1',; ;V,"t''"i'','s7s any other hospital or asylum for the insane, of all wII'tV',',"^"^'" insane p;ni|iers heloiiuin^L!; to towns in this state .s'i'il',!'''i'',np'."« committed n> pui'suanc(> ot the tirst section ot tins act, and two dollars for each week's Itoard at said hospital and onedialf >f the expense of eai'h wei'k's hoard at any other hos- pital or asylum for the insane of all insane indiu'cnt jmu'sous committed in pursuance of tliisai-t; and the superintendents of each of said institutions shall make the hill therefor and ju'esi^nt it to the ^overnoi'. upon whose a])proval it shall he ])aid from the statt' treasury. 2;). The selectmen of any town may contract in its Ix^half with tlui oflicei's of the Uetreat for the Insane at Tit. .!_, rii. :!, Hartford, for the sup|)ort of anv insane poor belont''- .May c'liuiMct •^ ' " '- o ,„,. supiHirt of ill,!4 to such (own. iusiiuo poor. 2 d. Any sum paiil liy any town for the sniti^rt of an insane ])erson under the provisions of chapter lOo, public . . ,,,.„ I 1 I ' 1 Act of Is"!), acts of isys, or pi'ior to the passa.u'c of said act, may 'i','„',"^',J|:iy'^"' be recoveri'd by such town from such insane ])erson, '',',',V,',;!v'',,„i,i or out of his estate, in an at-tion of assum})sit, and un,'".!'.'."!'" the statute of limitations shall not be pleaded against ''"''''"'"'• any jxn'tion thereof. 2.'t. It shall be the duty of the gfn'ernor to cause to be trans- ferr(>d from time totinu'. and it shall Ix^ the duty .\rtofis77 of the trustees of (he Connecticut hospital for the '''• i^"- H- insane from time to time to transfer from .said hospii.ij to t':o hos[)ital at .Mansfiehh all cases of chronic insane jianpers that are considered incural)le, or not needing special medical treat men<. 2G. P-rsons in charge of any place of detention for the u m iSSmi i, 84 CONNECTICUT. Tit.s.oii .'i.iin. iiii^i^'if iiiiiy ;ive bond to the state, conditioned to eonhne such person in such manner as such court shall oriK'r; and said court shall ajijjoint overs(.(.r,>f '^'^ ovcrsecr to such person, if he have any estate, suci. i>,Ts,Hi. ^^.jjjj iIj^, same powers and duties as conservators ap- ])ointed hy courts of ])rohate, such overseer giving' suitable bonds to the state, conditioned for the faithful jtertbrmance of his trust; and if such ))erson have no (*state, and belongs to vv„„„..,= ,.f {iiiv town in this state, the expense o\' his coniine- C*\p('liS('S OF t 'I hissupi.uit. luent, support and treatment sliall be paid by such town and the state, in the same manner as is by law provided in the case of pauper patients comniitti'd hy courts of j)robatc; and if such person liave no estate and doi's not belong to any town m this state such expense d.all b aid bv the state. 2, fli. 4:!. ill 11(1 ilitioii tn sui>rii, |il. '^7. Criiiiiiiiils licreloliire llcilllittril Mil (luittt on th ground of ins,,iiitv or d( ■mem>a. I i.f iii- ■'I groiiii siuiicy III onliTi'il Io 1>« Calinili'd iu CiiliiJ. Imsp. fur iiiMuie. niav order hint, or her, to be (.(lulimMl in tiic ay lie ('(innecticut hosnitrd for the iiisai III', upon the saiiio conditions, and under the same r\'strictilication, and if such person st> conlined shall ho unahle to (U'fray the ex])enses of said jjctition, the court before which the same is heard may tax the expenses of such jx'tition a,i!;ainst the state as in criminal cases. ')0. Whenever any jailor oi" county commissioner shall ho of the opinion that any ])erson contined in jail A,.t 's:t eh ao upon the commitment of a justice of the peace, y;i,„inati.m in any cause within the final jurisdiction of such S',[sa'iV.'''.'>'ri'''- justico, is insane or an idiot, it shall he the (hity of eoVmmtw"!" the county connnissioners to ai)point some reputahle "■ ■'"'"""• l)hysician to make an examination of such prisoner, and if Huch physician shall be of the oj)inion that such prisoner is insane or an idiot, he shall make and sign a certilicuto to that eifect, and deliver the same to said commissioners. ol. Said commissioiiers, on the receipt of such certiticate, niav give notice in wi'iting to the selectmen of the um^2. ' 1 • 1 • 11 1111 DlKllOSlll of town wliore said i)risoner belongs, that he lias been hu'Ii n.sauo ' _ "^ or iiliutic found to ho insane or ai, idiot and transmit to pn«oner. them a copy of such certiticate, and said selectmen shall thereupon foi'thwith remove such i)risoner from the jail and prt)vide for him in some suitahle place. miBasa I : I DAKOTA. (iOXEHNMI'.NT OI' YANKTON ASYJIM. 1. ]''stiililisliinrnt. 2. lidiinl (if triisti'os, a]ii>oiiitim'Ht, term nl cHice. 8. Their e(iiiiiietis;iti(in. 4. Ollieeis i){, recnnls imd rejjorts. 5. Nmnln'r (if cdjiies |ii-iiite(l. ('). Anmiul Mild s|ieei!il meetings. 7. lldjird (it Inislees, pdweis Miid du- ties- sii|iei'iiiten(lent, ijiialilieii- titiiis; ;issi>it;ints ; sid;u'ies. 8. Fenl of the iisyliim. n. Liind m;iy he held by trustees. 10. Additieiiiil hiiildiiij^s, iiower to eon- stnict. 11. Interest in ediitniets forhidden. 12. Trustees net eliuilde t(i utiicr (jlliees. i;{. Ins| ectidii of :isy hull. 14. Siijijilies t(i lie advertised for. 1"). Sii|ieiiiit(ii(leiit, powers and duties; Mii|iiiiiitnient (it eiii|iiiiyes. If). Stewiii'd, iidiid, shall draw warr;ints. 17. Aeeoiiiits of, eontrdl of i,'roiiiid. 18. Purchase of siipiilies and care of lirojieity. 10. Aiiditiiif; of his Meeounts. 20. Assistant physieian, (iiiiilificationa. 21. Matron, <;eiieral (hilies. 22. Asyliiin t;roiiiids not to he used for il eeliietery. 23. Expend iiiires lieyond appropria- tidiis fdi'liiddi'll. 24. Additidtial wiiij;, apjiropriatljii for. .TAMESTOWN ASYI.l'M. 25. Kstalilisluiieiit, appropriation for. 20. .Vpportioniiienl of eoiiiities. 27. Cioverniiieiit of asyhiin. ADMISSION AND DISCIIAUGE. '23. C'oininissioners of insanity, aiipoiiit- iiieiil of. 29. Oath and oiffanization. 30. (Jhiiirnian, duties of, 31. Applications for adiiiissioii, siih- niitted to. 82. A|i|)li(ati(in for tidniission, must contain wl at. 88. Kxaiiiination, |ihysieian's cerlillcatc 84. Finding of coniiiiissioners, eoinmit- iiioiit, expenses. 35. Coinniissioners to he furnished with hlaiik forms. 36. Care of patients to he imiiartial, private patients may liave s[ieeial care. 87. Special care at expense of relatives. 8S. Care of insane when asylum is tilled. 8!). Care of insane out of asylum. 40. Iii(|iiirv into eonditidn of iiisaiiu out of asylum. 41. Kestraint of insane to ho under au- thority of law. 42. Cruelty to insane, jientilty for. 48. 'I'raiisfer of insane to asylum. 44. Iiiterroj^atoiies to lie aiiswi'i'ed. 45. I'refereiiees, when>;iveii. 4t). Petition for discharge; ajiiidiiit- nieiit, investigation, and liiidiug of coinmissioii ; order of judge. 47. New eomiiiission granted in six months. 48. llaheas corpus, when granted. 40. Escape from asylum, proceedings upon. 50. Dischargeon recovery, jiaticnts sup- plied with clothing and money, relatives may remove when not dangerous. 51. Dangerous insane, when removed liy relatives. 52. Notice of discharge to commission- ers. 58. Support; lialiility of insane and relatives. 54. Fees for services, hy whom jiaid. 55. Neglect of duties, pmalty for. 5(). Physician's ecrtilii'ate alisolves su- perintendent. 57. Seal of asylum to he aflixed to papers. 58. Deliuition of insane and idiot. ( UIMINAI, INSANi;. 59. Noii-lialiility of insane to law. (iO. .Iiiry to try insanity. (11. Postponement of trial or jiidgmeiit. 02. Order of trial for insanity. ()8. Duties of court and jury. 04. llesumptiou of proceedings in case of sanity. 05. Proceedings suspended in case of insanity ; commitment. 00. Bail, exoneration of, on commit- nient. 07. Proceedings resumed on restoration to sanity. 08. Support, expenses of, liorno by county; reimhurseinent of coun- ties. C'l'Uor ») r (l.iV in cliaroi. iiiik.' DAKOI'A. 87 1. 'I'lic I);ik(tta T[(>si>it;il Inr llir Iii.-aiic. \iiilil ol ici'\\i<(' in'd- vidcil l)v law, is licrcltv cstahlislird on the soutlica-^t A.t ..r i>7!», (luarhi- ot si-choii No. tliirty-siN (Mi), in tuwiisliip i;.staiiii.-.ii«(i. Xo. iiincly-l'oiir ("■•!), i.ortli of vanji'i' No. lil'ty-six (."»(;), west, in. (lie counly ot" Yankton, lu'ar tin' city of ^'anklon. 2. The governor, liy and with tlit> consent of the conned, sliall apjtoint (ivc persons, I'csidents of this tei-ritorv Acl nf l^^l, at least tin ee ol \\ lioiii sliall l)e residents of ^'anklol I'll ii conn tv, to l)c call ed and known as the iJoai'd ot .\|'|i'iiiitiiii'nt 111' Ullslri's, Trnstees of the Dakota llosjiit.d for the Insane, thi'<'e of w hoi'ri shall liold their oflici' for two vears and two for fonr \t ar-. and \in til tl leir successors are a])j)ointe(| and (jual ilied, eNceiit to lil vacancies, \\hicli shall only extend to the end of the next ses- sion of the legislature, in case of any vacancy occasioned hy the removal from the tcrritoi'y hy such trustee, or death, resig- nation or non-acct'ptance of tlu' otlice, the jj,()Vernor shall innnediately lill such vacancy, and unless the ])erson so appointed shall accept the ollicc within twenty days the .u'ov- ernor sliall immediately thereafter appoint some other person. aiK 1 eacl 1 ol sai( 1 ineiiihers of the said l»oaril shall hefol'e eliti'i'' ino- upon the duties of his oliice, take and suhst'rihe the oath of ofiice rcMiuircd hv law, which oath shall lu' tiled with th e UOV' oriioi' of the territorv ',). Thv trustees shall he ])aid at the rate of three dollars per (lav for the time necessarilv incurrt'd in the dis- i 1.1,1 charye of tlieii .llici; ('uiii|ic'ii-^ntiou il duties, and live cents per *'t' tni^f's. mile ,uoin!4' and I'eturniuu', iiecessai'ily travel- d in the dis- cliar,i;(' of said dutit'S. ['\n)\\ the presentation of the proper vout'hcrs, containing an ilemi'.ed statement of tin' sum due each trustee for services rt'udcM'ed, and for mileau'e, duly si^i'iUHl hy the pi'esidi'iit of llu' lioai'(l of trustees and countersigned liy the secretary of the said hoard, the territorial auditor shall draw his warrant upon the territorial treasurer therefor, to he ])aid out of the territorial treasury. 4. The trustees shall eli>ct a ju'esident and secretai'y from their ow'i nuniher, whose term of olliee shall h(> for n.ijv;; one year, or until said board shall elect their sue- K,!'';.',i';v;.V'''' <'essor.s. They shall make a recoi'd of their pi'oceed- ''""'■^■ in_!2,s at all iiieetin<.;;.s in a hook kept for that [uir[iosi' ; and at their annual meetings next preceding the regular sessions of h Ih! ss D.VKOTA. the lc,uislatui'(\ tlu'V sliall iiiakc a report to the <;(>V('iMiur of (ho (•(iii(lili(Mi and wants of the liospital, wliicli sliall lie acconi- nanicil liy a lull and at'curatc i'('|iorl of the stiiici'intciidcnt, wliicli sliall show the annual cost per capita of the innialcs, and the |iei' cent, of discliai',u( s and recoveries, and a (letailed account (•!' all moneys I'cccivi'd and paid on hv the stewafd, and shall liaNC not less than hve hundred copies ol' said i'e[ioi't printed. .'. ilesolveil. That (here he ordered printed for the use of the nieinhcrs of this legislative hody, (he council (•oncui'riuL;, olio c()| lies of the report of (he trustees Acti>f 1S>1, rli. '1'), 11' H. I., p. I!i!i. Wliiit n's,.hi- linii^ 1.1 lie lirinti'il. anil wardens ol llie insane asylum and .iIMI co|ues of each of the reports of (iu' territorial auditor and territorial treasui'er, and that the same he paid for out of ap- jiidpriation for,-. (i. The (iscal year of the hospital shall close on the thirtieth Aotons>i, (lav of Novemher each \'ear. and (he annual ineeduirs rh. s;i, S4. FiM'iU year of (llC I )oa iiuil luniiiiil ini'otiiii,'. ird of trustees shall he on the lirst Wednes- day of J)e(.'end)er (hereafter at the hospital. Sjiecial meetings for the a|)]»ointment or removal of resident odicers, or for the transaction of m'ncral husiness, mav he held in anv Ihi.l s ."'. Tni.''ti'('« to aiip.iiiit olll- CCIS, «(ln|lt nilcs, iirid lix Niiliirics. convenient jtlace. n]»on the written re(pu'st of the president or any thri'(> niemhers of (he hoai'd ; three inemhei's of the hoard sliall constitute a (lUoi'um for tln' transaction of husiness. 7. 'i'he hoard of trustees shall have the li'cnei'al control and maiiaji'ement of the h()S|iital ; shall niaki' all hydaws, rules and rcuulations necessary foi- the udvernnient of the saiiu\ not inconsistent with the laws of the territoi'y ; thev shall appoint a superintendent, who shall ])0 a physician of acknowledo(.(l skill and ahility, a ,ti,radu- ate of a reputahle regular medical colle;i,e and of uniiupeachahlo moral character; one or more assistant j)hysicians when they shall deem such appointment necessary, a steward and a ma- tntii, all of Avhom shall he styled the resident ollicers of (he liosj)ital and shall reside therein, and shall he iioveriieil hy the laws and hydaws estahlished hy the same. Said hoard shall lix from time to time the compensation of t lie t'liiployes of the hos- pital, and c'l'i'tify the same to (he territorial auditor: the .sal- aries of tlie resident ollicers of (he " I)ako(a llospi(al for tho Insane " .shall be per annum as follows ; superiiiteiident, !?1 oUU ; PAKoTA. S!) sUwiird, SrjOO; iiijiti'(»ii, $.'(>(); ami Mssistant pliysician, wlicu such (illiccr is a|iii(iiiit('il, S^7'»<>. 'i'lu'si- salaries shall he [laid iiKiiithly as |ii'()viilr(l in section 11 (•(' liiis act. S. '['he hiiai'd iA' Inislees shall provide a seal, upon which shall lie inscriixMl the name of the hosiiital, to wit : .\<-t un^iTii, ''The I )alropt'rty a huihiinij,' supt'rintendent, who shall sui)eriu- teiid the work and pert'orm such other duties as they may reipiire, and rt'iH'ive such compensation as the hoai'd shall determine, and to examine and certify the eorn'ctnt'.ss of the estimati'S and accounts for woi'k under the contract, and of their superintendent and employes. II. No trustee or olHci'r of the liospital shall he either directlv or indirectlv interested in anv contract Actons-n, til. 'Hi. S I'. for the ]>urchase of h\iildin<:; inaterial, su|)i)lies siuiiinHtbe , • 1 • ' -I • • ■ piutv t" or any other artick' ior the use ot the institution, t-'mtruct. I'J. Xo trusti'e shall he eliu'ihle to the otlice of steward or su|)erintendent of the hospital during the term ,' ** l";,ot .■ . to utlioi- ollU'i". for which he "was api)ointe(l. I."). One or more of the trustees shall visit the hospital monthly, and the jiresident of the hoard, with the Actofis-i supi'rinteiident, shall make monthly e.xaminations v'i;u!',f„a of the accounts of the steward and eertifv their '■•■''""""''*'^"«- I \f 1 i •■:', 'i'w IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) o ii. :/. Ua f/- 1.0 I.I M IM 125 E lit "^ 2.0 11:25 i 1.4 I 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation V V iV k '^ <> ..'' »* *» ^ <^'''<* 23 WIST MAIN STREET WiiBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 6"^ 5^ >.^ v^^* i/.. ^^ & ? i o !i 00 DAKOTA. a|»|)roval vr otlicrwise on the .-;iiiic i>;ig(' with liis iiKHithly biiliiiK'cs. II. 'I'lic Ixianl nl" tn.stccs ^liall jidvcrti^c (luai'trrly for Ari(,ns7!i, iii'oposals lor all suiiplics luvi'ssarv for Uic patients I'll '*.( ^ i,^) ' TniM.,Ui„„.i. iuid cnnylovcs ot' llic liospital. and sliall award lliu VflllHr 111! »nli ' ■ ' . . iiii.s.iiiaiiiy. (■((iiti'act to tlif lowest ri'SjKtiisilili' liiddcr. rcs('rviM,!jj tlic riiilit i(» rfjcct any ami all liids. Tlic pai'ty to whom such coiitracl shall he awanhd >h-di ;.dvf a Itoml. approved hy the l)oai'd of trustee^, to the territory of l)akota. for the use of the hospital, conditioned foi' the faithful performance of such contrat t. io. '* he superintendent of the ho-pital shall hefore eliter- Aci.ifi -I. inii up'Mi the duties of his otlic( . Lrive a Ixdid to the '•I'. *>■■'• !!■■*• . . , , • , \ 11.111(1 iiii.i .!u. (erritoi'v ot l)akota in the iteiial sum ol tweiitv- tll-s nl' llli- • . . ' . . . ■ sii|p.-iiut.ii.i !. ii\,. hundred dollars, coii<|itioiieil that he will faith- fully a!. ! inijiartially dischart;e the duties of his otlicc accord- u\ix to law and tlu' hy-laws of said hosjiital, to he apjiroved hy said hoai'd, and take and suhs<-ril>e an o.ith faithfully ard diligently to discharge the duties reciuired of him hy law and the hydaws of the hoanl of trustees, which hond and oath shall he tiled with the treasurer of the territory; he shall he the chief executive otlieer of the laopital, anver all suliorr.'imr« tees, on or hetore the lilleenth day ol eai'h luoiitii, an -iii'i». original and duplii'ate halance sheet, which halaiu-e sheet shall show the halance of a|tj)ropriat ions in the territorial li'easury to he a|)plie(l to the maintenanci' of the i»atieiits or to the .ucn- eral use of the hospital, or from any source whatever; these halance sheets shall also show a ts and dishursenu'iits durinj;' the month, and to what ap- pro|»riatioii each belongs, together with the iiaine of each payee ''■i ^ i / m 92 DAKOTA. ;t ;lf-" iind till' |irici' paid ; tlicrc shall lie -iilmiittcd with llic l)alaiu'(' sheet the (tri^iiiial hills oi' |'iireliase, vnuchers for the same, and n'cei|its tor all other di>hur>eiiieiits of whatever kind, wliicli hills of |nircliase, vonchers and feeei|its shall ha\c eiidoi-sed (»n the haik ol »'acli the si,nnatni-es attaela-d thereto, with the day, month and year of |iayment. After the ori;^inal and dn|tlieat(! halanee sheets have heen eni|orse(l as eorre<'t hy the sM|ierin- tendent and president of the hoaril of trnstees, the steward An, I 111.' with shall within live day< thereid'tcr lilc the ori<;inal li'rriliiriiil «u- . , ' , . , , ■litiT, lialance sheet ill t he (ttlicc of the sn|M'rinten(ient and tlie dnplicate thereof with the original hills of |ini'chase, Vonchers iiml receipts |iei'taininu- tliereto. he shall tile in the otiice ot the territorial auditoi'. and npon the |)resentatioii of the monthly h;dani-e sheet, pi'iiperly signed and endorsed as correct hy the pre>idenl of the hoard ol' trnstees, toMcthci' with tlie oriiiii al hills of pnrchase. vouchers and receipts pertaiinn^ wii.. -.luiii thi'relo. the territorial anditoi' shall draw his war- on''tT,."ti'rHi'.'.' '"'"' upon the teri-itoi'ial treasurer f(tr the respective "■'"""■"'""■"'■ amounts therein stated from the api»ropriutions to which they are properly char^cahle. •Jn. The assistant jihysician shall he a uraduate ol' a i'e|>nla- "li'i * I- hie regular niidical colleo;e, jnid possess such (lualiti- AiiMi«lnnt . . i.i.y«i.iiin. cations as to he ahlc to perform the ordinary ilulies of the supei'intendeiit. during his necessai'v ahsence. or disa- l)ility to act. of such su|»erintendeiit. ■Jl. The matron shall he a person of ij;(hu\ moral character ,,,i,i^.,.j and skilled in houseke.pini:. ami shall not he the *'""""• w iff of anv of the oliicers. and under the di reel ion <»f the superintendent and not othei-wise; shall have the ifeiiera! supervision of the domestic arran,!j,-enients of the lio>pital. and do all she can foi- the cond'ort ami welfare of the patients. '2'2. it shall In- unlawful foi- any person or persons to irs(. i'ii. township Hi, I'anjLre ."id, as a huryin;:- ^iround. ter stitUteil ( purposes under ti time sail patii'Uts Dakota •J7. A Dakota govern a|)pli<'al the hoa same, sh until th hoard o •-•S. h hoaril o to he si whom > prohate eliiiirma ItAKdTA. 93 21. [.\)';)ni|iriiiti<»n fur crcctinu- iiiid fiiniisliin;i^ an iulflitinnnl Aviii^ lor the Viinktuii asyliiiii.] il'jiir^ri '' 'J."t. 'I'h( I'f is hcicliy ii|i|»rn|)i'iiit('il out nf llic I'iiikIs pntvidt'tl lur ill tliis jict. l>y tlic iicudtiatioii <»t" tlic liuiids licrciii ^^, _f |^,., iiiciitiiiiiftl.tlicMiiii of lifty lli(iiisainl < lol la rs (!*.">( ),(MH») j,'.-..;!',!!,,, ,i|,,,ro. lur I lie |iur|iiis(' (if ciTcliii^f a liuspjlal tnr the insane, ''"'''"''■ at (ir near tin city ol' .lanicslnwn. hakota. ■Jf). As scinii as saiil Xnrlli I)ak(»la lins)»ital tnr tin- insane shall )•(• rcailv tor the nicittioii anak(»la hospital, instead of the |)akota hospital for the insane at Yankton ; and all counties thus lyinjj: north of said line are hereliv coiislilutcil th.' district heloiieiii^- to said North hakota hospital for all pur|)oscs coinciiiplated in said clia|»ter "Jo, and the other c(iunties in the territory are con- stitnte(l the district i>eloiii:in,ii to the I)akota lios|iilal for such jiurposes; and all jiaticiits lieloiiiiiiie- t(i said northern district under treatnieut at thehakota hospital for the insane at the time said North l)akota hospital shall he ready for ■i.,^„,f.,rof patients as aforesaid. shall he transferred tosaid North "'""•""'• hakota hos|iilal at the exjteiise of the last naiiied instiliitioii. •J7. All la.s heretofore eiiacte(| for the pivcriiiiieiit of the l)akota hospital for the insane shall apply to and n,!,,;;!, j,roverii the North I)ak(.ta hospital aforesaid, so far as '•"v.'.".«.M.t. ap|tlicahle to the same; and all hydaws heretotore adopted hy the hoard of trustees of said l)akota lios|)ital to udvern tlu^ same, shall a|i|>ly so and ^('Vern the said North hakota hospital, until tiny shall he niodilied or repealed hy the action of tht^ hoard of trustees thereof. -.S. In each or<:aiii/e(| county of this territory there sluill lie a hoard of coiiiiiiissioiiei's. (•((iisistiiin- of three persons. \,., ,,f i,7,,_ to he styled '■ ('(iiiimissiollers of I lisaility," t Wo of j'.'';,,';;','^/',,,',',';, whom shall constitute a (|noruiii. The judj^-e of I",'Mi',''j','y',' 1,0'w ' pnthate shall he a nieiiiher of said hoard and its "I'l""""' clmirnmii. The utlur two nieiiihers shall he appointed hy the 4 • 'i ' f # vi ll 5; Hi n KAK'nTA. lidiir:' *>\' coiiiily coiniuissidiK rs, Ii.dl Ik- niadf <•!' ]Krsnns re- siding as near as may ln' to (lie county srat. linnicdiatciy on the taking' ell'i'ct ol'tliisacl llicsc a|>|)oiiitn\rnt,s shall he inado as provided in this section. Oncol' these ('((luniissioners shall lie a|tpoin(ed I'oi- one y<'ar; the other ior two years. The ap- jiointnieiit of successors may 1m' made at any time within three m out lis prior to the expiration of the term of the incumhcnt, w ho shall hold his ollice until his succe>sor shall he ap|>ointed and (pialify. In ease of the temporary alienee or iiiahility to act of two of the cominissioiiers. the jndue of ju'oliate shall call t(» his aid a n^pitlahle practicinj;- physician or lawyer, who. after (pLdilyini;- as in oilier caes mu-t show the tact of siicji ahsence. '_".•. I Jeforc elltcrillL; upon the duties of their oliice the jiersons n.i.i si:. so a pi loi II ted > hall take and >nli- ilie an oath or alii r- lllllll Ml 1 1- . . . • 1 I • • 1 mi""! iH, matioii to support the constitution ot tiie I iiited olKlilii/iilioii . '""I li'"-'" Sia'es and the organic act ol the territory ot Pakota, and to faithfully discharge their duties according to law as such coniiiii->ioner-. which ohli^ation shall he liled with \\\v. clcik of -aid hoard who shall enter a memorandum thereof on the record.-. ( >ii oruani/iiii:; they shall choose one of their jiumlur clerk of said hoai'd. They shall hold their nieelin;;s I'or l(Usi!ies< at the ollict' of the jlldue oi" pi'oh.ate. unless for e;ood re.ison- tlie\ shall lix on some other place. If they deem it ii'-'cessary or ad\ i-aMe. they may hold sessions at such reiiular times a- they may li.\. They shall also meet on notice from the chairman ot' the hoard. .'J(t. The chairman of the hoai'd shall siiiii and irivc or issue ,,,1,1.;,.^ all notices, ap|ioinlnieiit-:. warrants, suhpoiias. or chui'rr:;^'!. ot licl' procero|ierly hilon^dnu- to his ollice. with all notices, report- and other communications. He shall keep f;e|)ai'ale hooks in which to minute the proci'cdinus of Iho hoard, and hi- entries shall he suHicieiitly full to show, with tlic pa]ifr.s liled, a complete record of their lindings, orders and (i-ansnci riMpiiici otheiwi sending record. ;;i. T plicatioi safe kee| 1-especti' (Special! chareiiij to issue oaths, ai pri'mise: ;!-J. A in writii l.y a Hid the persi is helie\ suhject I person i therein, Illellt is helieved ;5;;. oi comiiii-s the rohal'ly vanta^-es ansinatio such a]ij DAKOTA. nr, tr;ui.-:icti(.iis. Tlic iioticts. rr|iiirt< ;iii(l (•oiiiinimiciilioii^ lirrciii rcfjuirctl to l>c jiivcii in- iiuidf. m.-iy ]>:• sent liy iiuiil, uiiK'ss utiirrwisc cxiin'sscd (If iiii|ilii(|, Mild \\\^^ lad and date of such sciidiiiL;, and (if llicir n'cr|itioii, iiiii-l lir noted mi tlif prnpcr record. 111. 'I'lic <;n(l coniiiiissioncrs shall Iimvc counizaiifc of all a|»- plicatioiis lor admission to tlic lios|iital, or I'or tlir |,,i,i < ,,, .sd'c kcciiini; ollu'i'wiscol' insaiu' ]irrson< within their '!',',"',','i",'i','^^„. respective coiiiities, cNceptiiii;- in cases otherwise i.l'.'l.'illl.'lfiii"'"' {'spc'cjjilly pi'oviiled I'or. l''or the purpose of di-- '"' chiiroin;; tin- duties reipiired I.y them, they -hall lia\-e |io\ver to issue snhp(cnas and compel ohedieiice ihei'etd, to administer oaths, and do any act of a court nece<-;ary and proper in the premises. ■ >'2. A|iplicatioii lur admi<-ioii to the ho-pital must he made in wi'itiiin'. in the nature of an information verilied . . . . "'i'l ^ '-'"■ hv allidavit. Such information must allege that A'|ihi-».mi to li.i«|.ital. the person on whose hclialf the apjilicat ion )< iiia known to he the fad : and if siieli si'ttle- iiieiit is Hot ill the eounty. wheri' it i-, if known, or win le it is helievcd to he, if tiic iiif. iriiiaut is ad\i>ctl on tjie •-ul>ii'd. .'!."l. ( >n the tiiiiiii' of an iufornia' ion as ahove jirovided, the commission 'I's shall at oiici' take steps to investiiiate "'i'l s -'i. the «xrounils of till' information, hor this pnrp(»se <^encc. and they may issue their warrant thi'relor and pi'ovide for tic suilalde cii-tody of siieh person until their invotiualien shall he concluded. Such warrant may he cxecutcil hy ijie sjierill' or any constahle in the county, or if they shall he of opinion from such preliminary iuiiuiries as they shall make, ainl in makiiiu- which they shall take the testimony of the informant, if they deem necessary or }tlicaliun, if any is oll'ered. Any citizen of "'""""^")'- ' i 1* m 4? I ' 1! \^ 06 DAKOTA. tlu> coiinly, or imy rcliilivc of tlic person iillcucd In \\v iti^iiiiie, iiiiiy ;i|i|i»':ii' iind resist the ii|i|ili(';iti(>ii. mihI tlir piirlics iiuiy ll|»|ic;il' l'\' cnUlix'l it' tliry elect. 'I'lie cuiiiinissiuiieis, wlietlier tlieV (leeide tu (lis|ielll'eseliee lieture tlielii of er-i'ii or not. shall a|i|ioiiit some re^^nliir |inieiieini; pliysieijin of the county thall, as soon as practicahle coiichide their lo'iM .I'.mI'i'i,? invest iiiat ions, ami haviiiii,- done so, they shall Iind h..-.|.iui. whether the person alle.ued tlieriir of thecointy, who shall execntt' the same hy convcyiii;;- such person to the lu)-:j)ital, and di'liveriiiL!,- him or hei', with such diiiilicatc and DAKOTA. 07 I jiliysicinn's ccrtificMtc mikI liiidiiiy; to tin- sii|»crint(iiili'Mt tlirrcuf. Tlif su|»('riiitciiil('n(. over liis ollicinl si;;imtiin'. sluill ;nkii<>\vl- cilirc siicli (Iclivciy on the (»rij;iii!il wiiiTiml, wliicli tin- >li«rili' sliiill rftmii to tlif clcik ot' tlic coiiiiiiissioiH'rs s\ iili his ro>i mid (■x|i('iis('s cinlorscd tliciroii. If nrilhcr tlic slirrifl" nor his dc|iiity is at hand, or it' hoth arc otherwise cn^a^jcil. thi- roni- ]nissif)ncrs may appoint sonic other snitaidc |icrs(»n sh^nirioex*. to execute the warrant in his stead, who shall take <•""*"»•'«• and suhseriltc an oath or allirniat ion laithtiilly to ilisrliar>rc his duty, and shall he entitled to the same tecs as the sheritl". The sherill' or any other person so a|)pointed, may take to his aid such assistance as he may need to cxi-eute such warrant ; hut no lemal(! jierson shall thus he 'aken to the hospital without the atti'nilal when pi-intecl. ;>(!. All patients in the hos|)i{al shall he rejj;arded as stand- ing on an iMpial footing; and the several patients 11,1,15.^1 accoiding to their dilVercnt conditions of mind and li^VrM.. lo b* body and their respective needs shall he provided for c?7.'*m'"'''ri«m and trcatecl with e(|ual care: ;)/•(>('/(/((/, that 'f the j'cla- tives or immi'diate friends of any patient shall desire it and pay tiien'of.such patient may have special cart' and may be |)rovided with a spi'i-ial attendant, as may be agreed upon with the superinteutlent. In such cases, the charges for such special care ami attendance shall be ])aid (quarterly in advance. m 1) ^. it i :Mi( '! ! 08 DAKOTA. .'17. 1'ln' icliitivc-^ HP fiimd-' (if ;iny pjiliciit in (lie li(»s|iitiil lil'iliMv.'.nr sliiill linvr the |irivilt';^r i>|' [liiyinj,' iiiiy |iurlioii or j.H, .x i-r-. Jill (»l the cxiMiiscs (»l such |(iiliciil lliciciii. ami tln^ su|tiii!it'S. ir ill the case of any |icrs(ins riitiiid Id he insane and (it, Miiii i) •:,■. snlijects lor ciistdilv and trealnicnl in (he hospital l)l«|liiMliHll llf •' • I I ' • 1 1 I 1 1 • iii.:ihr |.,.iM,ii jis alidve iMdVldcd, it shall he shown to the satisl'ac- w I. I'll ncniiii. ' iii,i.iHii>m» ,)f (i,,|| i,[' ihc coinnMssidiiers that thev cannot at, liiiMintHl iiro i!iHi.iiir,.,ii. ,,,,,,,, i„. admitted thei'ein, and tliey cannot with safety he allowed to pi at liheily. the coinniissioners sliall rei|uii'e that such patient sliall he snitaldy jn'ovided I'ui' nlher- wise. mil il such admissiuu can he had, or nntil the occasion theieroi' no lonpT exists. Smh |»atients may he cared for (itiier as |iuhlic or private |tati(tits. Those shall he treated as private patients whose relatives oi- friends will ohlijj^atc! fliemselves to take care of and provide foi- them witliont imhlic cliarii,e. In the <'ase of any one ti'cated as a private patient, the (Miiiimissioiiers shall a|>point some snitahle person a special (Mistodian. who shall have authctrity and wh(».se duty it shall he, in all suital'lc ways. \n restrain, protect and care for such jiatient in such manner as to hest secure his or her .safely and comfort, jind in such manner as to lu'st protect the persons and property of others. In the case (»f pnhlic |t;ilients the comniissiotiers .shall i'e(piii'e that they he in lik(! manner restrained, protected and cared for hy the commissioners cif the county, or ovei'seer.s of the |ioor, at the exj>eiise (>: the county, and they may ac- tM)rdin<'lv issue their wari'anis to such commissioners of the county, or overseers of the poor, wIkj shall forthwith com|ily with the .same. If there is no poor-houso for the reception of such patients, or if no more snitahle pla<'c can he I'ound, they may he coulinecl in IJie county jail in charu-e of the sheriir. ( )r said commissioners in their discretion may re- (juirt! that such i>atients he taken to tin; asylum of any stato that may he dcsi^^Uiited hy the pivernor, who is herehy HU thorize(| and eni|)owere(l to mak(! the hest terms lie c 111 with the authoritits of anv asvlum in anv states for tin- admi.s- sum of such patient or patients. '.V-\ On aj)plication to the commissioiier.s on behalf of persons lul'lmfi'ior- iilleged to be insane, and whoso admission to the r- DAKOTA. 5)9 liosnitiil is 111)1 snii^lit, iiiiulf sultstantinllv in llic •"n.timyi.n ' . ' . r.iri 'I lor liy Hiiiiiini' iilnivc iin-ciilicd. nml iiskiii^ tliiit prnvi- '• >•■ sioiis lie inadc lur : Ih ir cair ii> iiiii |irii(i| ol' tlicir insanity ami nerd of care a-^ alxivr puintcd out, tin- cuinnii'-iniK rs niay innvidc tor tlicir cari'. in-ntcction and restraint, as in the cast! of other a|)|)licatiniis. •Iuch extent and such hrief ",'.,!,''i'y',m,prr ])eriod as may oe necessary tor tlie salcty ot persons ^ and jiropcrty, until such authority can he ohtaineil. ■\'l. .\iiy |iersoii ha villi:; care o| an insane person and restraiii- injf such person, either with or without authority, 11,1,15.^, who shall treat such person with wanton sev<'rity, !.'n,'!.'lly to" harshiu'ss or cruelty, or shall in any way ahuse such """""'• ju'i'son, shall he j^uilty of a niisdenu'anor, hesides heiii^ liahUi to an action for daiiiaii'cs. d."!. Insane persons who shall liavi" lieeii under care, either ns puhlic or private |»atients, outside of the hos- ii.ii.;.,^ ])ital, hy authority of the commissioners of .my \u^^T\»-i^»un. county, may, on ap|»lieation to that cH'cct, he tra' - !!,in.7',"ily''i>e ferretl to the hospital, whenever they can h'' ad- "'•"'^''■"'■•'• ]uittc(| thereto, on the warrant of such conn .issioiiers. Such u of ap|»lication for admission to thehixpital, correct answers to the followinij: interroi^ations, so |, ,!,,<;„ fur jis they can he ohtained, shall accompany the I'l';,",'Xn'Ii physicians ccrtiticate ; and if on further examina- fy,V\'i!i'mi"'iou tion, after the answers ure stated, any of them arc '" '""*'""''■ M "4 1 1 ! i:i I lou DAKOTA. fdiiiid III 1'f cn'oin'oiis, llif ciiiiiiiii-vidtifrs >Iiall ciiusc (liciii to lie turictlt'd. l-t. W'lml i< llic |>iifi«'iif's niiTiic? Mnirinl or sin^dc"/ If niiy cliiMicii. Iiuu iiijiii\ ".' A;.'!' (if yniiii;,Mst cliild, ainl ap; of I>ali.iit '.' lM. When' wa'^ tlif |iatiriit lidni? .'III. W'licrc is liis III' licr plaic of residence? •lt!i. What has heeii the patielit's («'eu|tat inn? "ilh. Is ihis the lirst attack? If nut, wlieii (hi! nthers occur, and what was their ihiratiun? f'.th. When was the (irst symptom of this attack manifested, and in what way'.' 7th. l)(ics the appear to lie increasinj^'. decreasinjf, or stationary? Sth. Is the disease varialile. and are tlu're rational i?itervals? If .«o, do they occur at regular periods? '.•th. On what suliject or in what way is ileran;;ement now nianifesteil? State fr.lly. Joth. Has till' patient shown any disposition to injure others? 1 Ith. lias suicide ever heen attempted? If .so, in what way IstI le propensity now active rjth. Is there a disposition to filthy hahits, destruction of clothing, lireakiii;^, j^dass, etc? loth. What relatives, including gnuidpurents and cousin.s have lieell iiisaiu'? Mth. hid the j)ati('iit manifest any peculiai'itics of temper, lialiits, disposition or pursuits, Itefore the accession of the dls- et'.se? Any iircdoniinatc |iassion. reli^dous impn'ssions. etc.? l."»tli. lias the patient Ween suliject to any hodiiy disea.^e, ejiilepsy, suppressed eruiitious, discharges of s(»res, or ever had uu injury of the head? Ifiih. Was the patient ever addicted to inteiui)orancc in any form? 17th. Has restraint or confineTnont been employed? If so, vhat kind and how Ion*;? JStli. What is supposed to he the cause of the (lisea,«e? r.'lii. What treatment lias been pursued for the relief of the patient? Mention particulars and the efleci 2tttli. State any other mutter sujiposed to have any bearing on the euse. room I receplii shall III 1st. I LM. ( one yej ibr reco :!., when llie tlisease is of nittre than one year's (Juration, |iresentinjf the most favorahh' ]irosiiecl3 for I'ecovery, shall he next prel'ill'il. .")(1. 'i'littst' for wlioni application has heen longest on tile, other things heing equal, shall he next |»rclerr<'il. ■1th. When cases are e(|ually merit(»rious iu all other re- spects, the indigent are to lie preferred. •|('>. On a statement in writing, verifi^ hy niridavil, ad- dressed to the judge of prohate of the coinitv in i,,i,i^:,,i. whiiii le hosj.ilal is situated, or <»f thecounly ,n ,',',''7,'.'i.'.'|""'','I». which any certain pi-rsons conlined in the iiospital 'i!!'"!",,',',"''^'"* has his or her U-gal settlement, alleging that such """'"'■ jiersun is not insane and is unjustly depiived of his o; her liherty, suc-h juilge shall apj)oint a commi.ssion of not more than three j)er: to the party the ohject of their visit, and in the presence of such }»arty nuike further investigation of the matter. Tlu'V shall forthwith xmircportto re]tort to the judge of proitate, making the ajtpoint- J"''*^" nient, the residt of their examinations and in(|uiries. Such report shall he accompanied hy a statement of the case and signed hy the superinten lent. Jf on such report and state- ment, and the hearing if the testimony, if any is oMei-ed, the judge of j»rohati' shall 'Mid the person not in.saiie. he shall ordi'r liis or her discharge. If, on the contrary, he shall so state, and uuthori/e hi.s or her continued detention. Tiie k »'• HN'O'o.'^ ■■■ V ■'i I ill (! 102 DAKiVrA. Uifl iiniiinu' fliidiiii;- iuitl order of tlu' jtidj^'o of jirobato, with nild unlrlol' ' ' I 1 1 1 1.1 1 • 1 • jii.iKi' "I pro- the' rc'i)(»rt aiKi other |)iipi'rs, shji'l be hk'd iii his bail" -liiill bo ' J , ' I 1 11 r I "i«erintendi'nt shall eai'ry out tlu- ordi'r. Tlie eomnds- sioners a])|)ointed, as |)rovided in tlii^- section, shall lie entitU'd to tlieir necessary I'Xpensi's, ano same iiartv, nor shall such commission be ai>|»ointed r<'|n'iitpil . ' , ' , .... ... oft.n.T timii in case of anv patient within six months of the timo OIICI' ill si.'C _ • ' _ _ iMohihs. j,f his or her admission. d.S. All persons conlinecl as insaiu> shall h(> entitled to the">. heiu'lit of tin- writ of habeas corims, and the (lues- Ill^illll' piT- . . 1 11 1 I • 1 1 11 ■ 1 sonsontiticd [\o\\ (»t insaiut V slui 1 1 be (lecide"*- it the jU(li>;e or court shall decide that the ]»ersoi> is insane, such decision shall l»e no bar to the issuing of the writ a second time, wlu'iiever it shall be alleged that such ]»ersoii has been restored to reason. 4!>. If any patient shall (scajie from the hosjtital, the super- 11)1.1 §:?'•'. inteiident shall cause immediate si'arch to be made Vroci'oiliiiijs , , 1 • ■ 1 • 1 ' 1 wIht.. paiirut ior such luitu'iit, and it the patient cannot be found, escapi's liom , i > i • i hospital. ln> shall cause notice of such escai)e to he forthwith given to the commissioners of insanity of the county where the patient belongs; and if sm-h j)atient is found in the county, the conimi.>^sioners shall cause him or her \o he returned, ami shall issue their warrant tlu'refor as in other cases, unless the patient shall be discharged, or unless for good reasons they shall provide for his or her care otherwise, of which they shall notify the superintendent. no. Any |)atient who is cure(l shall be immediately discharged n.i.ifit:. '^•y fli<-' superintendent. Tpou such discharge the ia"i'oIiTu'iM'n superintendent shall furnish the patient, unless other- wilou'iuciira- ^visc suppHi'd, witli suitable clothing, and a sum of *"*'' money not exceeding twenty dollars (§20), which ►•' DAKOTA. 103 ■I sliiill ])i' cluir^^fcd with the otlu-r expenses, in tlie li(>s|iital, of" ssueli patient. The relatives of any patient not suseeptil)le of cure l»y niedieal treatment in the hosjiital. and not (hinj^erous to be at lar^'e, shall have the ries shall he sutlicient. 51. On applieation of the ixlatives or innnediate friends of any j)atient in tiu' hospital who is not eurevlu) eannot he safely allowed to j^o at liherty. tlu; |,«ti(!luiR-ime commissioners of insanity of tlu' county where such "'"'' patient helonj^s, on making |ti'ovision for the care of such jia- tient within the county as in other cases, may authorize his or lier dischar<;e therefrom ; provided, that no patient who may be under charge or conviction of homicide sliall he dischar<;ed without the order of the hoard of trusti'cs. 52. When ])atients are discharjicd from the luispital by the authorities thereof, without api)lication then-for, no- ii>i.i!i m. ,, , • 1- 1 1 Di^i'lmv,')' of iice ot the order ol discliar"'• they belong, and the commissioners sliall forthwith cause theiti to be rem()ved. 5o. The ])rovisions I'crein made for tlu> suj»port of the insane at public charge shall not be ci»nstrued to I'elease ii,i.i;;4o. the estates of such jiersons, nor their I'elatives, from osia'tosVifhi. liability for tlieir support, and the connnissioners of i,''"ti,',''i'!.''r.'i'p. the several counties are autho!'i/ed and emj)owere(l •""'••'"=• to collect from the ]>r(.pei't\ of such ))atients, or froni any per- son or persons legaily 1-ound for their support, any sums paid by the county v.. their behalf, as herein i»rovidiMl, and the cer- tificate from the superintendent, and the notice from tlu' audi- tor of the territory slating the sums charged in such cases, shall be i)resumplive evidi'iice of the correctness of the stun so stated. Jf the board of county commissioners, in the case of any insane person who has been siipj»orted at the e.\penst> of tlie county, shall deem it a hardshii> to comj)eI the relatives of such jH'rson to bear the burden of his or her -Ujiport, tlu'y may relieve the relatives from any part or all of such Inirden, as may seem to them reasonable and just. ^=^1; 104 DAKOTA. ! i I I « li ' 1: 54. The comniissionors (»f insanity sliall 1)0 allowed at tho Ibid §41 rate of two (lollars jxr day each, for all the time te.-«, ii.iw mid aeluallv enipl(»ve»ii!- jiid^e ot prohate, ni adchtiun tct what he is endlled to as eoimnissioner of insanity, shall he allowed one-half as mueh more for niakin<;the re(|uired reeord entries in all eases of iiuiuest, and of niei'tiiij^s of the hoard for any j)urj)oso, and for the tiling of any pajters re(|uired to he Hied, lie shall also ho allowed twenty-live edits for such notice or process, ^iveii or issued under seal, as herein requiri-d. The examininj^r j)hysi- eian shall he entitled to live dollars for each ease exainiiu'd, and niileaji'e at the rate of ten cents per mile t'acli way. The sheriff shall he allowed for his personal service in conveying a. patient to the lutspital and returning therefrom, at the rate of three dollars per day for the time necessary and actually eni- ])loyed, and mileage the same as allowe^ation ami expenses provided for ahove shall he allowed and paid out of the county treasury in the usual manner, except thosi' of sherill", which shall \)e paid out of the territorial treasury in tlu- usual manner. Whenever the eommissi(»ners of insanity issue their warrant for the ad- mission of a iter.son to the hospital, and funds to jiay the ex- penses thereof are needed in advance, they shall estimate tho prohahle exi) of conveying such i»erson to the hospital, includin<; necessary assistance, includinji: the compensation al- lowed the sheritr, and on such estimate, certified hy the clerk of the commissioners of insanity, the auditor of the territory shall audit the account and shall i.ssui' his order on the treas- ury of the ti-rritory in favor of the sheriff or other pcM'son en- trusted with the execution of such warrant. The sherilf or otlu'r person executing such warrant shall accom|»any said statement with a statement of the expenses ini'urred, and tho excess or deficiency may hy said auilitor h<' ion of such j)er- son or persons into the hospital. When the eommi.s'sioners of in.sanity order the return of a patient, compensation and ex- DAKOTA. 105 ponscs shall in like manner be allowed and paid out of the k-rritorial trciisiiry. ")."). Any oIlictT ivquired as luTcin to perform an act, and anv itcrson acrcittinLj an aiipointnu-nt under tlio n.icis42. itrovisions of tins act, and wiitullv rclusnij^ or ncy;- onw or ..i- p.-r- Icctinj; to jjcrform his duty as herein i)rescril)ed, ''"'y shall he guilty of a misdemeanor, besides being liable to an action for damages. 5('>. The warrant of the commissioners of insanity authoriz- ing the admission of anv ixTson to the hosnital as a h-'kis^:' patient accomiianied bv a i>hvsician's certificate as ""tofihiKpiiai ^ ' . 1 . i,„t ri'spoiim- herein i)rovi(led, shall operate to sliield the superin- I'lof-'f"- 1 ' I 1 coptiMii of tendent and otlier otHcers of the hospital against all i"*''*"'"- liability to prosecution of any kind, on account of the recep- tion and detention of such persons in the hospital; provided, such detention shall be otherwise in acconhuice with the laws and l)y-lH\\ icgulating its management. 57. The su}K'rintendent shall altix the seal of the hospital to anv notice, order of discharge, report or other i)ai)er H'l'M-i^ '. ' . ... ^^ llcispitrt! soul recjuired to be given or issued by him. to be amxea. OcS. The term " insane " as used in this act includes any s))ecies of insanitv or mental derangement. The i'>i'i5'»\ term " idiot" is restricted to i)ersons sui>i)osed to l)e "'V!" " .'J'"* naturally without mind. No idiot shall be admitted ''•'"''<"»• into the hospital for insane. 55). An act done l»y a person in a state of insanity cannot be punished as a public, nor can a person be k. codoof 1S77. .,., ., •11/. ('riminal Pro. trie0. A\'hen an indictment is called for trial, 01 upon convic- tion the defendant is brought up for judgment, if § "^is- ,° 1 • .1 J-i ' Nviion doubt a doubt arise as to the sanity of the defendant, the ar'sen. court must order a jury to be impaneled, from the jurors sum- moned and returned for the term, or who may be summoned by direction of the court as provided in sections oOo to 308, both inclusive, to iiupiire into the fact. (51. The trial of the indictment or the pronouncing the judg- ment, as the case mav be, must be suspended until «•''"' the (piestion of insanity is determined by the verdict "u»i'en'ica. of tile jury. Jl!': if ' .'4 lOG DAKOTA. . H 'ii i'tl. T\iv tri;il (if (lie (|U('sli(>ii of iiisMiiily iiiu.-( iirocccMl in tlic §.'.17. or.i.i- ..filial, fnllduiii;^" order : (1) Tiu' couitscl for tlic (Icfctidiint nnist open (lie cii.^c iiiul aX'iTu'ii't''^ oM'cr cvidc'iu-c in su|t|»ort of tlic alK'^ilioii of iiisjinily. ('_') Tlic coiiii.-^cl for tlu' territory may then open their vixsa and oiler evithiice in .ss the case is sul)- coiinsoi lor iiiittcd to thc jurv on either side or on both siih's. witiiont ar;.iunient. tlio conn.scl lor the terntoiy nnist comnience. and the (K-fenthmt or his counsel may conclude the arjiument to the jury. ("») If the indictment ])o for an ofTenso ])unishal)lo with Tw,. .■.iiiiis.-i death, two counsel on each side may ar^ue the on ouch Kicio jji* • I'l ii a1 li limy liiKiic in to the jurv, m wliieli case they must do so alier- CilM" I f lll'atll. .1 I !• • i 1 i- il M' il i nati'iy. It it he toi- any other ollense, the court may, in its discretion, lesti-ict the ar<;uinent to one counsel on each side. cC'KJ'hn'v. (•') 'ri'^' ^•^^"••t '>i"^t tluMi charjro the jury, <*»;!. The jir(»visions of sections o-lo and .'MT, in resjiect to thc S'>is. dutv of the court upon (luestions of law, and of the «•'"'" urv uiion (lUestions ot tact, and the provisions of I'nivisioiis of " ' ' ' ' S.U.I iiiHi s.!-i7 .•section 'A~~, in respect to the charj^e of the court to ill ll'spCOt 111 * '^ . duty „f fourt. the jui'y. ujion the trial of an indictment of informa- tion, ap]ily to till' f|uestion of in.smity. prof..,..u. ;j^ ^\^^^ ,..,m. niayhe. . The commitment of the defendant, as mentioned in thc ?/'-'• . , section, exonerates his bail, or entitles a i)ers()n ^*"- authorized to receive the ])roperty of the defendant, to a return of money he may have deposited instead of hail. fi DAKOTA. 107 <')7. W'litii ]\v liccuiiics siiiic llic slici'iir must llicn'U|)ou \vitl»- oul (Iclitv, iiliicc liiiii in tlu' |>n>|»t r ciistixlv until lie s ■'■•;■! , be l)r(»ii,iiiecify for wliose bene- fit it is drawn. 7. Indigent insane hecoming entitled to j)ro])erty lialile tor siipixirt. 8. Transfer of patients to other asy- lums. 0, Keimhui-senient of expenses to county. 10. Custody of the insane. 11. Support, counties may contract for. 12. Transfer of indigent insane, con- tracts and expenses. 13. Indigent insane, how discliargeil from asylum when cured. 14. Definition of insanity. 15. Suspension of sentence in cajiital cases, examineut l)efore .sueli Cliaiicelliir to ^ appoint triis. {u»i)ointnient, the elimicenor sluill issue a writ to Inquisition, inquirc hy a jury and determine whetlicr the per- son named is in.sme. 2. Whenever the relatives or friends of any ins^'. ■.;. Act.ifi^Ti, hmatic or instme person, a citizen of this state, .-ii • How iiiiiatV.-/ applv to the chancellor of this .state, either per.son r eii to a iv'iiu- or hv ])etition, toi^etner witli tlie ceilihcate ot two pittti. })raeticmo; ])hysicians of the county wherein sucli indiirent lunatic or insane jierson shall reside, settin*; forth the fact of such lunacN' or insanity, the cause or causes thereof, if knov/n, and the necessity, in their opinion, of a better and more etHcient mode of medical treatment in such than can he atibrdeil in the county almshou.'^e of the .'^tate, the chancel- lor slmll, if satisfied with the proofs offered of such lunacy or iiLsanity, and also of the indigency of the person on whose behalf I to the ^ he reinc insane i after se gent lui New Ca lunatics and Sus at the sii 3. Th ])ital or details, l)ersons dences, jtro.'^jH'ct e.\j>en(hl to the le 4. If, i in cours upon it.s occasion granted, ment of whom ai laws of thereto, '. to wiiicli sent, in state of ] said act, he ap])li( l)rovision 5. The to draw the count j)ersons s their rem tution, in hospital, DELAWARE. 100 lu'linlf tlio ai>plii'iilinn may be iiiatlc, rccoiunu'iul, in writing, to till' govciiKir, that such iiidip'nt lunatic or insane jK'rson 1k' rrnidvcd to such asylum, lntspital. or institution lor tho insane in the state ot Teinisylvania as the governor shall liero- after seU'ct ; provided, that not more than live in»li- x.x men- timn y;ent lunatics or nisane i)ersons irom the countv ot caKtio county, '^ 1 ' Kent or Suh- New Castle, and that not more than five indigent ""'•" lunatics or insane persons from each of the comities of Kent and .Sussex shall be in the said asylum, hospital, or institution at the same time. o. The governor shall request from the said asylum, lios- pital or institution, an annual report, with the „,),, c ,, details, respecting the indigent lunatics or insane !',J"/",'''>nx,i, j)ersons from this .state, their number, names, resi- Jl'' '(tovcVn.)*; dences, condition, mode of treatment respectively, Hlr','lHi'n''|mrt prospect of cure, beiieht or improvement and the '■'""""'y'"™- expenditures in their behalf; and he shall transmit the same to the legislature at its biennial sessions. 4. If, in the opinion of the governor, the insane asylum now in course of erection in New Castle countv shall, Aptnnss,i. vi)1.17,cli,7i) §2. upon its completion and etiuipment, and when the (iov.nior may occasion arises for the exercise of the jxiwer herein c.>iui.i.t.Mi 1 New ( ast le granted, afford satisfactory facilities for the treat- i"»ai7 »«,v- p^ ' J liini fdr null. mont of any indigent insane person in behalf of «'""' '""""«• whom an application is made, under chapter .")7 of vol. 14 of laws of Delaware, and the supiilements and amendments thereto, he mav select the said in.sane asvlum as the ])lacc to which such insane person or persons shall be iniipucf asy. sent, in lieu of an asvlum for the insane in the """"''•^•""•■''' state of Pennsylvania. In such case all the provisions of the said act, and the supplements and amendments thereto shall be aj)i>licable, excejtt such as may be inconsistent with the jirovisions of this .section. o. The governor is hereby authorized and empowered to draw his warrant on the treasurer of the i>oor of .\rtof i^ti, the countv whereni sucl\ nuligent lunatics or nisane "iovpriM.rau- ' . , thiirizpil to i)ersoiis shall have their residence at the time of "'- their removal to the said asylum, hospital, or insti- tr'^turer. tution, in favor of the proper authorities of the said asylum, ho.spital, or institution, for such amount for each indigent ) 1 1l 'i; •' ■| '!! i': Vil' 41 no DKLAWARK. luiiMlic nr iiii^ano porsoii as sliall bo nooossary for his or Ijor inaiiit'.iiaiuc and proper nicdiral treatment in the sai and ii'iiiH. residence of the Indlu'eut lunatic or insane |)erson tosiMciiy. I'oi' whose henelit it shall he drawn, as aloresaid, and the amount ])aid hy its direction, as aforesaid, shall he allowetl and credited to the treasurer of the jtoor in ronderinj; his ac- cMtunt In ihe trustees of the pool- of his county, when re'((uired hy them so lo d(»; and also in his animal settlements with the «•...,.,, „.,„n le\v court and with the auditor; and the said war- 1m' a viiu.iier. ^,,^^^^ sluill 1)0 lils vouclior forthc (lishursouiont of the sum therein specilied. 7. If, after the removal to and durin*; the residence of „.^, ^,. any lndi,n('nt lunatic or insane j)orson in the said appoui'i'lru.-.-'' asylum, hospital, or institution under the [)rovisions ci.'aiKi'lrninii "f 'I'ls act, lic or slic sliall lu'come entitled to any r"m'i'i^oi"'" i)roperty in possession, whether real or personal, by luiiiiiio.s. (K'sccnt, jiitt, j^rant, or in any other manner whatso- ever, the annual incomi' and jn'olits whereof shall ho suliicient for his or her individual su|)])ort, upon ])roof of such ])ossessiori boinjr made to the ehancellor, he shall appoint a trustee to take charge of and manajio the estate of such lunatic or insane Tiustf.'s shau jjcrson, and tlu' said trustee shall onti-r into recog- eiitfriiili) . . . , ii 1 11 1 II rocogiiuaiice. nizaiico With surotv, as the eliancellor shall require, for the faithful discharjve of his duty, and shall furthermore perform the same duties, and be subject to the same responsi- bilities, as are described and particularized in chapter 49 of the revised statutes of the state of Delaware relating to the ,, care of insane iiersons above the atre of twenty-one th7inll"ilc\o yt'iii's, and the ehancellor may, in his discretion, re- ilumvu'ex-"' quire that the said lunatic or insane person bo re- pen»o. tainod in the said asylum, hospital, or institution at »4i* DICLAWARK. Ill his own propor cost and expense. Sneli notion in the premises shall create a vacancy in favor of the county from varaufy. Aviiich the said lunatic or insane pei'son was niiiovcij : pro- vidi'il, that nothinjr in this section I'elatin^ to the I' ai)poMitnient oi a trust(>e as aioi'esaid shall lie (on- 1'."iimiii..i ' ' , . («iiilriii^->- Ilia strued to supplant, mtrmtfe niton or all'ect the rights riwiii"..! nie of parents or jiuardians when any lunatic or in- >»"»"' s.ine }»erson, hecoininj;" entitU'd to property as afon-aid shall he a minor under the i\<^v of twc>nty-one years. xi)inses; which jud^iinent sjiall. from its date, he a lien, as other judutnents of the said court. K.\.ciui.)n. and mav he i'xecute(l in the same wav, carpt that to everv wv'ii iii Jicri facias i.^^sued thereon, there shall ln' a clause tor summoniuLT j;arnishees; 0H(/,(r/.sv),that any real cstati' .\tta.imieut. of such insane j)i'rson, hound Iheri'hy, may, for want of sulfi- cient personal proj)erty, he sold without iuipiisition suIm. whether the clear yeai'ly rents and prolits thereof will he suffi- cient, in seven years, to pay such judti'nient ; and Tin.-. such sale shall have the same ell'ect as other salis of land on judtiment and execution, and shall convey the same title to the jturchaser. If a part only of the real estate, levied on under such jud}.rment, he .^old, that fact shall he returned, and other writs of veno(ls of any siicli jiidjiincjit, or execution, ii(liicli- 1 rncH'.iH. niciil. (»r sale, sliall he a|»|iliclical»l«' to siicli Jiiayniont sliall he a dischar^i'e of the del»t. All money, .so paid into court, shall he ap|tlicahle to any ,i,.^jigyQf judgments obtained, or that may bi- obtained as aforesaid, to the expenses incurred for such insane ]»erson. 10. The overseer shall receive and .safely keej> all insane per- ch 4s, §8. sons committed to his chary;e bv order of the lew iiuiiue. court. If ho i)ermit any person to lie in thealms- liouse who ous^ht not to be there, he shall bi- liable to pay the corporation tlouble the cost of such person's support. 11. It shall be lawful for the*trust(.'es oi the poor of any Art of iss:f, county to contract with the trustees of the jioor (»f vol. 17, ii..7(i, .^jj^^. f^^\^^,^. ^.^unty in the state for the care and treat- ti-uMeos'ofihe nu'iit of auy indigent insane person or per.soiis in c'uui'ity'wuh such first mentioned county upon such terms and trUHti'esiif the i... ,1 j n i i- pool- ofttuotii- conditions as they may mutually agri'e ii[)on. It ei couuty. t^i^n-jj coiitnict be made, it shall 1,^ the duty of the Dutips of the ti'ustees of the i)oor so contracting to send such in- trusioes. g.^j-^^, p(>i.gon^ ^o aiiotlicr couiity to }»ay such sum or sums as tliev may contract to iiav in acctirdance with their ' agreement ; and such ni.sanc person or persons shall, during the time of remaining in the county to which \w, she, or they Government ^^ ^^' '^^'^ sciit, bc subjcct to tlic rulcs, regulations or of thein».ine. po^trol of tlic trustccs of tlic poor ill that county to the same extent as the indigent insane of such county. - y< i»i:i..\\v,M!i: 1 'J. Tllf tl'lislcts III' llir |((Mir (if the «r\ir;ll ci illl 1 1 i('< ni'c vv- (|llil't''i(ill«c. Ill lie iciiiii\((l |(> iiiiy liusjiitiil, ii>yliiiii (If iii>titiili(ii! r-r tliciii>;iin' in tlic I'liitcd Sliilc-^; iiiid I'di' llii- |iiir|>(i-c, l<» iiiiikc cdiilrficts wiili such iiistitulioii Inr ;iiliiii--i(iii iiiln tiic -aiiic; iiiid tln<;ii(| trustees lire ilUlll(il'i/.e'^'^^''■ in(piiri' of the mental eondition of such prisoner and niako rejiort of their linding to tiie .said court, witliin one month from tlio date of their ap]»oinment, l>y writing, under their hands and seals. They shall have jiower to examine wit- M ill II I iii:i AWAiii:. .,,„,, , iH'Sscs (III (liilli. iiiiil til unit r tlir liikiri" (tf li'>li- '""""'"■ Iiiniiy (Mli ..r till' ^tal(• liy (•n|||||li»-i<'li. tu l.r i~silc.i ill llic ii-iiiii rnriii liy llir ell rk (if ilic cuiirl uf ovip iiiid Irniiincr. \^'>. Sliiiiijil ilir i't'|iiit't of llii' i'(iiiiMii^>iiiii III' iliMt tlic |irisiiiii'r ll.l.ljj Wh.n i~ iii-^iilir. Ill' -;|i;ill \l' IHIxilKT II' 11 -I i«', till' >|iirill iiiiiil llic Inillnr urilir nt Mir cniiit. •i' iii.>ii..iiiir.',i. .sjidiild 111 ric(i\rr hi- i'i'mmhi iil'iii- -iiili I'lniiiiiil. In- sluill Irccivt' the si'lllcliri' a 1 1| ii li lltrd I'lif llis iTJlllt'. Ami In ii\iii«i ;iiiy uiitirri'.-siii'y drlny ur iiiii'rrliiiiity. tlir nnii'l tryiiij; the |iiiMiiii'r shall iidjniini iVmii term (<» tniii i>i' llic cuml nf ji'.'iml !'i''!m"''' ;^'<'ii<'i"id s('-si(iii< III' till" |i»'ii<'i' jiiid jiiil di'livi'i'y iiiilil l.Tin I., l.nn. ^,,,|t,,m.,, ,.;,,, | ,|', ,| „.i'|y 1„. |,!|" .'f rrcini'lN I'l ri'ii''"M ll'>\v Sii riTiiVilrd Ills fri!-u|i liia\' lir rstal>ll-r, and need Ii<»t l>r hy riMiimissinti. 17. rill' cli'lk (if the riilirt, ll|ii>ll llu- M|i|iuilitllirlll nf a rnlll- „,,,, ^ ., missimi. shall I'm'thu ith mitily tlu' iiiriiiln'fs of it hy unni?,' '!:!",:" !l |»!ll'<'f, to Ik' dcliviTi'd li. rai-h l.y the sh.i'itr. liiidci- '"'■'""""• till' hand of llic rh rk and lln' sralnfthr coiirl.aml (he (•iiiiimissioii <|iall hi' is-iiid to ihi'in ami he dclivi'i'rd hy (III- slirl'iiV to Olir of tliclll witllill olir Wrrk al'trf llicif a|»|i(>int nun!. Thry shall n-crivt" lor thcii" si rvii->s a irasonahU' foiii- r, iiiiMMsiin I't'nsatioii, in the disi-i-ction of tlu' i-oniM. not to c.x- """'"'''■ ^■^■^■i\ si xty dol la fs, to hi' paid liy tlir county trcasuni- ii|ioii (ii'dri's undci' the sral of tin- (•oiiit. I'oiinti'i'sijiiird l>v a jiid;^(' of the cniirt : and tin' |ii'ovisiipns of this act shall iipply til ca-t s whci'c any |iri'son shall liavr hrrn already convirtrd and not yi't si'iilcniM-d as wrll as to cases that may occur after the |ias-aL!,e of this act. IN. The fees of witnesses, slieiiir and clerk, and the c.\|ienses s 4, K.T- (if a cMiiimi.ssion to take depositions, shall he the 1)1' H illli-»l'« .... aii.i Same as III cases of siinilar service, to he paid as other >tale costs are in capital cases. 1!'. if upon the trial of any |»ersoii upon any indictment vol' i'l l-ii'' l"7 '" ^'"' "^■""•■' <»f i>.\'cr and terniiner. or in the court of jiienei'al sessions of the peace jiiid jail ll- alilf will ind estalilished to tlu- satisfaction of the .jury em- panelled on said trial, and the fact cliar^'ed shall he il'l'ti""" proved, it shall ])e the duty of the jury to return a *k i>i:i.A\v mm;. 115 Verdict i.r "lint Miiilty liy nii-uii ot' iiisiiiiily," iiihl n|>uii tiic I'rlnlitiiill lit' >l|rll Vrl'tlicI, tlli' cullit, In I'cilr wllicll tlic i*>-llc sliiill li.'ivt' lircii tricil, may ii|i(iii iiidtinn ol' ihc iillnnity- pllir.ll. nidcr tllilt tilt' litTMili -u iiri|llittt'i| slijill I'uitliwiili ■ Ik- (•uiiiiiiiilt'd, l»y till- slicfiir. tn tlic k(c|n'r uf tlic iihiislioiisc <»f" the fiiiiiity wlifiriii tlic fiisc was trifd, nr uC tilt' fdiiiity (if tlif rcsidfiifc (if said iiisniif pcrsiiii, (.r tlif foiirt may (•rdcr siifli pffstiii Ik 'm' |>laffd ill any lunatif asyhiiii, m in~lilii- timi I'nr iii-aiif |ifisiiiis in the I iiitcd Statfs. l/'tprllii- |>iii'- jMisc till' -aiiic foiirt may aj.>|i(iiiit a Ifiisttt', wli >si' Tm.i.i' i.ii,« diitv it sliall lie tti foiilraft with aiiv siifli .'isvliim ihh .luij/.-x. or iiistitntiiiii lor the ailmissKHi and sii|i|iitrt d .^iifli •letv.iv.'.i, iiisiiiic |icr>nn. 'I'lit' fxpfiisfs of tilt' I'fiiioval o' s';cli insaiif jHTsoii, and oj' liis adiiii.ssioii into and sii|i|ioiM;,''( siidi asylum or iii-tiliit ioii, shall he hoi'iic hy tlir trii>tf(' of ''ic |ioor of the (;t)iinty when' thf aft fliar!.it'i| was fommittcd, or of lliffoiinty of siifli in>aii(' pfrson's rt'sidfiift'; Imt if any siifh iiisaiif |Mr- fion shall liavf any real or pfi'sonal fslatt", said tnistft'of thf itoor mav havf for thf fxiifiix's ami fliarm's so in- i: .i.v ur t'uri'fd as aloi'fsaid, tlif saiiif niiifdy as is |irovidfd I' in sfftioii li'J of fhaptfr Is of the rf\isfd statulf- of this state in till' ea.sf of insaiif |itr.-oiis siijtjHirtfd in thf foiinty aiinslioii-f. •J(l. 'I'lif foiirt ttl' ;^-ent'ral sessions of the pfaee ami jail dflivtrv of the eountv wlifrein siieh t-asf shall have bffii Irifil, mav order that siieli insaiif iifrsoii p.,h,'i, .,r I'liCII t "I ■^•'U, char^t'd and aftjiiittfd as aforesaid, sliall ht- sft at -"■'•^,.11'., lar.m' wlieiif\t'i' they shall he sati>lieil that the piiidie >afety vill not be therehy eiitlaii^'ered. or may order sueh person to !)(' removed from any sueh asylum t)r institution tt) the aliiis- lioiisf of thf founty whfre hf rt'sidfd at thf tinif of the fom- liiissitdi of thf aft fhar^cd in the indiftnifnt, ttr of the foiinty Avhfi'f thf act fliai'ufd was fommittcd. 21. When any insaiif |ifrson shall he foidnifd in jail, it shall Ik- la will 1 for thf Ifvv fourt to issue an ordfr tt) ii. nstahlf, foiiimandinii him to tlt'inaiitl and i-fffive iii.-in.^n.'. from thf shfrilV such insaiif ptrsoii, anttlement with said court, the charges and ex- penses defrayed and paid in such removal. (, ! i :■ i DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1. Ksliililislmiciit of j^overiiiiiuiit ;isy- liiiii. 2. Sii|i('riiiliMi(kMit, :i|)))i>intiiieiit, wiiom. 8. lios|)ital-service, entitled to admission, cliarires. J. Naval ins;mv supported at discre- tion of secretary. 10. Inmates of the National Home ad- milted ; support ot'. 11. Admission of indij;eiit insane of the District of Columliia. 12. Ueipdsitcs for admission. 19. Kxaniination, j)hysician's ceriili- eate and admission, 20. Removal of patients Ity relatives, 21. l>elinition of terms. 22. Disliursement of appropriations. 23. Slipjiort, one-half of [)aid liy I)is- iriet of ("olumliia. 24. To he deducted from api>iopriation.s. 25. Insane not tt> be confined in jail. CRIMINAL INJiAXK. 2(!. Fact of insanity certified hy court; commitment, support, liahiliiv for. 27. Insane convicts, wiien coinmiiied to as\ liiin. 28, Criminals confined in asylum, to he remanded to custody on ret'overy, l.'i. Physician's certificate and aflidavit ' 2!). Insane convicts, may he transfencd of houseiiolders. to jiovernment asylum. 14. Ap|ilicatious hy lioaril of visitors. ! 30. Insane convii'ts may he confined in l-'). Arrest, cmnmitment and expenses. ; state asylum, compensation for 1(1. Support, iiKpiiry into aliility. | care of 17. Temporary support of non-residciits. ■ 31. On recovery to he remanded to 18. I'rivai? p:itients, ciiar.ifi'S for. I prison; sanity, liow delermiiud. 1. Tlu'f'c' slia'l l)t' ill tilt' nistrift o\' ( 'olunil)ia a ^ovcrnnu'iit lios{)itiil lor tlu' iiisaiic. and its «»l)j('( Is shall Ix' the {'''s' ^i^y.; '''^ nidst liuiiKiiie care :i ml ('iiliolitfiicd curalivc trciit- Ksuo^nsi,. iiU'iil of the iiisaiic of tiii' tinny and navy of tlu' J.'ln'I.nin''nt I'nitc.l Slai-s ;ind of tlu' District of ('ohiinl)ia. u/oinl'',,','.'.' 2. Till' chief executive oilieer of the hospitsil for the insaiu> shtili he a superintendent, who shall he a]»])oiiited ^ ,.,.„ hy the secretiiry of the interior, ;ind shall he en- i'y!u'n!ns>i, titletl to a siilarv of four lliousand dollars it yetir. Ti,Vs»|,Viin- aiid sluiU «iive hond for the faithful perforniance of liis duties, in such sum and with such securities as may he re- quired hy the secretary of the interioi'. The superintendent shall he ti well-educiited physieiiin, possessing' competent expe- rieiiee in the eare tiiid treatment of the insane; he sluill reside on the ])remises, and devote his whole time to tlie welfare ttf the insiitutiun; he shall, suhjeet to the tipprovtil of the visitors, •j 118 DISTRICT OF fOLlMBIA. oiiLjnuc mid discliai-ffe nil iu'imII'iiI {iikI usual cniplovos in tlio ciuv (if tlic insane, and all lalioi'crs on the farm, and dctcrniino their wa^cs and duties; lie shall he the resjionsihle dishursing aji'i'Ut ol' the institution, and shall he vx-njjicio secretary of tho board of visitors. ;'). Nine citizens of the ])istriet of Coluinhia, to he a{)pointe(l 54--in. hy the [(resident, shall constitute a ])oard of visitors vis'it.iis. of the hospital for the insane. The term of odicc of three visitoi's shall expire biennially on the thirtieth day of .]\\\\v in everv alternate vear. datini; from the thirtielii day of June, ei^hfi'en hundred and tifty-seven. Should any vacancy occur by death, resi<,niation, or otherwise, it shall he filled by api)(»intmont for the unexj)ired teiin (»f such visitor. The ofiico (tf visitor shall be honorary and without cis. uitendent and his employes, and ot the patients, not inconsistent with law; they shall visit the lutspital at stated periods, and exercise so careful a supervision over its expendi- tures an nl' tllC ■ . • . ' iiniiy. iiuvv, and keep in custody until thev are cured, or ro- lllKI'illO CDlps, ' • _ • _ '■"■ nioveil l)y the same authority which ordered their reception, insane ])ersons of the tbllowing descriptions: (1) Insane ])ei'sons belonging to the army, navy, marine corps, and revenue cutter service. ('2) Civilians employed in the quartermaster's and sub- sistence (h'parlnients of the army who may be, or may here- after become, insane while in such employment. (•")) Men Avho, while in the service of the United States, in DISTKH'T OF C()]AM15IA. 119 tlu' army, navy, or marine forjts, liave Ix'cn admittiMl to tlio ]i said services, and been discliarj;'ed tlierelVom on aceotnit of disability arisin_' and were produced by said si'i'vice. 7. Hereafter tlie admissions to th<' <;'ovei'nmcnt hospital fortius insane, shall be limited to such persons as i; s. su,,i,. ai'e entitled to treatnu-nt there'"" under the ])ro- h' "-■;.',' piir 2! Visions 01 title lilty-nine, eliapter tour, ot the a.iiiiui.,1 to Ixevised Statutes 01 tlie L nited .States, and under sai,.' in iiis- the act approved March third, eighteen hiimlrcd lui.ii.ia. and seventy-iive, chai)ter one hundred and lifty-six, second session, forty -third conyi'ess. [>?!^ ■lS-|.')-4S."i4.] 8. Insane patients of said service (marine hospital-service) shall be admitted into the liovermnent hospital for it. s. supi. the insane u))on the order of the secretai'v of tlu' ('1, i.v'i. ^ -., ' , , ., , - , , . '., , iiiiiiMiilmiMit trt.'asurv, ano sliall be cared lor therein mitil cured t..j;4M.i ■ 111 1 • 11'" '"■^''"•' '""'■ or until removed bv tlie same autiioi'itv; and the piiaiMMvicc piitii'iit* limy charire for each such patient shall not excee(l four '"• iiiniiif.i'ti. ^ ' (miViMII lit dollars and fiftv cents a wet'k, which charjic sliall ",..|,ii;,if„i- l)e jiaid out of the marine hosjtital fund. tii.M.ior. !>. 44ie secr(>tary of the navy may cause ju'rsons in the naval service or marine cor])s, who ln'coine insane while ^^ ivii. ni the service, to be placed ni such hospital lor the n^'vy. insane as. in his opinion, will be most convenient and best calculated to ])roiiiise a restoration of reason. And he may jiay to any such hospital, other than the governnu'iit hospital for the insane in the District of Columbia, the pay which may from time to time be due to such iiisani' jierson, and lu' may, in addition thereto, pay to such institution, from tiie annual approjiriation for the naval service, under the head of con- tiufijent enumerated, any dellciency of a ri'asonable expense, not exceeding one hundred dollars per annuiu. ii •1 .V "I •J! Jtl4^' i! 120 DISTIMCT nl' CoHMniA. |() * 1= * fn .i. admission into tlu' Iiositital of anv insaiu' person not dnlor i)f ml- . ^ • ' m\>su.n. ehar,!j,('(l with a hrt'acli of the peaee, when he shall receive the certilicatt'. as proviy a nienilter of the board of visitors, reipiestin;^' that such oiwler may lie issue(l. L"!. it must appear by the certificate idbresaid tiiat two §4sj« respectaliK' physicians, residents of the district. aj»- ju,iK."'or'*'jii's- poared before said jud,t>-o or justice and depos<(l. in "'^''' writinii' sworn to and subscribed l»y them, that they knew the jierson alloj^od to be insane; that, from pei'soiial e.xamiiiation, they lielieved such person to be in tact insane, and a lit subject for treatment in said hospital, and that saiil person was a resident of the district at the time he or she was seized with tiie mental disoi'der under which be or sbo then laliored. And it must I'urtlu'r appear, by such cortilicato, that DISTKKT (»F COl.r.MIUA. 1 -2 1 lliiit t\V(t r('S|i('cl;ililc' IidUsclinMci's. residents of the district, ;i])|ie;ireil heluVe s;iiil .jud,m' (H' justice and de|iuli>crilit (1 Ky tlieni. that liiey knew the |ieis((ii alie,Li('u..i-. the visitor made the apjdication alter an inspection of the alli- davits and eertiticate. It shall he tlu' duty of such visitor to Avithhold his application, if he has I'eason to douht the indi- fjeiice of the party in whose helialf the application is desiret.1, until his douht is remove- tion ot a nieniher of the hoard of visitoi's, shall author- '" ii"^i'itiii. ize any ])olic(> olHcer ov eonstahle to assist in carryiii'jj such inrson has jirojterty and no i'aniily, or has more property than is reipiired for ♦' e support of his family, tlu'ii, as a condition upon which sueli insane person, admitted or to he admitted upon the 122 DISTRICT OK {'OMMniA. II '■ ! order of till' sccrc'lai'v of tlic intcriitr, ^^liall r('cciv(> or c-oiitimie to receive tlie ln'iielits (if the liospital, there shall Iti- jiaid to the su|>eriiiteii(leiit frdiii the income, proiiertv. or estati' of such iiisain' person such iioilidii of his expenses in tiie hospital as a majority of the hoanl shall determine to he just and reasonahk', under all the circumstances. 17. Any indiu'eiit insane person who did not reside in the .^^-1^ district at the time he l»i'came insane, may, in like; i^uiMvsi?i"ilu manner, u|ion the certiticate of a ju(l.Vf. i'riv.itp ]i!ilieiits 0.> of the the tre the inf for in dishurs DISTIMCT OF C()I,r>fr.IA. 123 20. If anv |)('rs(»ii will fiivc IkmkI witli sufTiciciit security, to be {ij)|)r(ivr(l Ity the suprciiic cdui't of llic J)istrift ^^^.,. of ('(iluinbia. or ])y any jiid.ui' tlicrcnf in vacation, ,',a^i'',!|,"i'»^'ipoa jiayaMc to the Tnitcd Slates, with condition to I'e- ''"'"'■ sti'ain and take cave of any indc|iendent or indiji'ent insane jiei'son not cliar<;c'd with a l)reacli of the peace, whether in the liosj>ital or not, until the insane person is restore(l to sanity, such court or judjje thereof may deliver such insane pt'rsou to tlie jtarty <;ivin,u' such bond. 21. In deterniininjf tlie nieaninjf f)f the revised statutes, or of anv act or resolution of coniiress passed suhseinient k.^v. stat. of • ^ . r. s.,i,s:> iji. to February twcnty-tifth, eighteen iiundred and U'-nnUionH. seventy-one, words importing the sin;j,ular nund)er may ex- tend and l)e applies! to several persons or things ; words im- j)ortinj; the plural number may include the singular ; Avords imi)ortin^ the masculine i;'ender uiay be ai)i)lied to females; till' woi'ds " insane person " and " lunatic" shall include every idiot, uon-eompos, lunatic, and '.nsane person; thcAvord "per- son " may extend and be ai)]»lied to pai1nershi])s and corpora- tions, and the reference to any olHcer shall include any jH'rson authorized l»y law to ])erform the duties of such oflice, unless the context shows that such words were intended to be used in a more limited sense ; and a reiiuirenient of an "oath" sliall be deemed complied with by making- aflirniation in judicial form. 22. All appropriations of money l)y congress for the support of the lios))ital for the insan(> shall be drawn from §4s-,s. the treasurv on the reiiuisUion ot the secretary ot "lappiopna- ' . '' tiiiiis for tlio the interior, and shall be disl)ursed and accounted in^auo. for in all res[)ects according- to the law.-! regulating ordinary ersons who niav be hereafter admitted (to the <>-overnment bos- it. s.. supi. ^ ' Laws of 1>7;, i)ital for the insane) from the District of Columltia <-ii. i""'- pa/- 2. shall be paid from the treasurv of .said district; <'"ii"»';i"- '« prorldnJ, that hei'eafter such indigent i)ersons shall |,';,'|,',"';,',sam\'"' be acnso of the indigent patients from the District of Columbia shall be reported to the treasury ■i« 124 DISTlUfT OF COLl'MIUA. 8 •IS.Vi Insitiio couvifls. iVrsTM^ri'i' ivj,"' •Icpartniont, niitl cliiir^Ml a,i;i\inst the npimipria- r!uM..V,t..!iM'l.aM 'i""is to 1)1" jiiiid towai'd tin- cxpciiscs (if the district '•whH'ni' l>y tiic ,iifiicr;il goxcriuiu'iit, witlntut rt'ganl to tlic date of their iidiiiissioii. '2'>. No insane pei'son not cliar^tMl willi any lu'eacli of tlie §4v.7. liisiiiM' piMsiiiiN peace shall ever i>e contine(l in the I'nited not to 111.' cc)iitliic'>i. hefoi't' winch he is so charii'ecl. to lie an insane per- Ailiiii«-i"ii dl' 111 • • I I iiisaii.' iiii>.iii son. such court shall certilv t lie same t super- intendent of the hospital sliall give notice thereof to the JudiiO of the criminal court, and deliver him to the court in ohedi- enee to the jiroper precejit. 20. Upon the applieation of tlu> attornev-,<2,-en(M'al tlie see- R. s. supi. retary of the interior is hei'ehv. authorized and di- ch.4ir,, s i.iis reeted to transfer to the iidvernment hospital lor ainendeil by _ , . i i • • ' . , i i • u aetof i,s>2.cii. tlie ni.sane ni the District ot ( olumoia all ]>ersons 4.1.'?, sesB. 1, p. . 1 • 1 I . ■ 3'*o- "who, havni"' heeii charged with ottenses amiinst Insane con- . ' ' "-^ jiots may be tliG United tStatcs, are in the actual eustody of its transfprrpil to " hoKpitai for offieer.s, and all iiersons who have heen or shall Insane in llis- ' ' trict coi'mbitt \jQ eonvieted of any odeiise in a court of the I'nited States and are imprisoned in any state prison or 2)eniteiitiary of any sh impri,-( of Ihe sucirco hecome niodati( linn of I'ttoriuM he |)la( asylum, discrelit ■within care am Avhere si after he accordai is ]iereh_ said asy] same, lo their rei just and pen,'!atiaitrict asyhiin, then tlie attorney -^•eneral shall have |io\ver. in his discretion, to contract with any state insane or hinatic a-yluni Avithin tlie state in which such c(Miviet is ini|>risoned, for his care and custody while I'cniaininji; so insane; ami in all cases ■where such convicts shall have lu'retofore heen, oi' shall here- after he, transferred to a state asylum for insane eonvi(-ts. in accordance with the laws of such state, the attorney-jieneral is lierehv authorized and directt'd to compensate the t "T'^n- said asylum, or the projier authorities controllinji; the th. r.f.r. same, for the care and custody of such insane convict-, until their removal or dischar<;e, in such amounts as he shall deem just and reasona])le ; but no contract shall lie made or com- jiensation jiaid for the care of such insane person beyond their respective terms of imprisonment. ol. AN'henever such insane convict shall be restored to sanity, after ho or she shall have been transferred ,,,i,i<3 under the provisions of this act, ho or she shall be !:",'p''ri* "■*' returned to the prison or j)enitentiary from which r"r„'rn.-a I'o' the translV'r was made, ])rovided the term of iin- ''""""• prisonment shall not have expired. The questions of sanity in all cases arising under this act shall be determined in accord- ance with the rules and regulations of existing laws, pa.aty. h.iw state or national, on that subject, applicable to the '•''"■' """'"'i- prison, penitentiary, or asylum where such convict shall be confined. ■ig I 11 1 ', ■i i' 1 H ) 1 n i iil lis '—' & T i FLORIDA. i OOVEHXMEXT Or AWYI.CM. 1. Asyliiiiis t(i 1)0 I'nslcrcd. 2. Ksliililislimi'iit (pf iisylurii. 3. Govt'iniiiL'iit vested in pliysiciaii Mild the l)0:ii(l of coiiiliiissioiuTS of st;ite institutions. 4. Sn|ieriiitendent, poweis and duties, saliirv. 5. Eniiiloyes, salaries. A11MISSI0N AND msrilAHfJK. 6. Insane to be eared for by eoimties. 7. Arrest of insane. 8. Kxainination, order of jndjie. 9. Liability for siijiport. 10. C'orniuitnient to asylum or otlier enstody, expenses of, iiow paid. 11, Census of insane, investigation re- port, e.xaniinution. 12. Private support, eoinpensMtion for, transfer to asyhnii, wiien eoni- pensation not accepted. l.'i. Insane lu'ouulit before eonrt. 14. Support of indi)j;ent insane in asy- Iniu. 15. Care of patients to be impartial. 16. Charges to be prescribed l>y eom- missiA. 127 chnriictcr, oxpcrionrcMl in the iinma^zcincnt c)f Iniin- fi"aiin.Btion. tics, iiiiil <|iiiililicioners, and s^uiaiy. shall receive such salary, not exceedinii' two (liousan-e, inlirmity or misfoi-tune may *,,',',',v'i'i'|!V.r liave claims ui>on the aid and sympathy of socii'ty. ""' ' '■ 7. NN'henever it shall he su,njiested. liy pi'iitiou or otherwise, to anv judiic oi' the circuit c(airt of this state, that iiii.iJi.i. there is anv lunatic or insane iiersoii withm the ••nit jn,i^'.M.ii , . . p 1 ' • 1 • • 1 ■ • • • 1 • 1 ■ »ni;i!i'stiiiii of limits ot the Judicial circuit ol said .)ud,i2;e, inca]»a- ii'»ii>y. l)le of nianiint estate to suniiort him or her, the decree u.-cree ^ ^ . tiiliiiiil pstiito of made hy the judfje shall hind said estate. lumui.s. 10. Jf it shall api)ear that said 1 'iiatie or insane person is destitute, then the iudu'e shall direct and order ibiiisn. '•'>-■ _ OiMor lor that the sheriit' shall transport such lunatic or iimaurtobo , . . taken to insane person to the asylum for the indifjjent luna- n"/!"!!!. tics of the state of Florida, and there deliver such lunatic or insane person to the officer having charge of the same, for the !? n I f U. ' I: ih I 128 ri.omDA. purpiisc (if liis riirc, clislddy iiiid t rc;it inclil : jii'tiridi iJ, liDircvi )', oiiiiT r..r pri. llijit the judiif iiiii\'. ill liis (liMTclimi. dincl llic viil.' car.' Ill' ', ■ . 1 1 1 ■ 1 liiimiliM. silld hlllJlllc (•!• Ill-^:ilic |K rsdil to he dcllVc nil In Jlliy ollii'i' pci'soii In!' his cure, custudy, iiiid iiiiiiiilrii;iiii'c. in wliicli ovciit the said insane |Krs(iii shall he so didivd'cd. and it sliail 1k' the duty ol' thr pcrsiiii Id whom such delivery i< made lo |>l'oviile for his care, ell-tody and liiainteliaiiee. I'oi' siieh care, custody ami mainteiiaiiee Ihe saiil |iersoii shall receive Hot exceeding the sum ol' oiie liuinlreil and lil'ty dollars per Coinp<>nHati..ii. illlHUIII, to he tixeil hy the jud^u'e ami paid hy the '"'"'"*"'■ treasurer upon a wari'aiit of the comptroller drawn apiiiist the ap|ii'opriation for the maiiileiiaiice of Imiaties. .11. It shall he the duty ol the comptroller, once in every six iiii,i S 7. months, to forward to the state attorney of each t.!"r'''i'H'ii'r,i circuit a list htiut) persons III the several counties III Ills circuit : ami it a It .1 ' attiiiiii'v.^. shall he the duty of the state attorney to cause an iiivoMiL'aiiou investiem just and ri,iilit. 12. The sum alloweil to any jirivate jierson for tlie care and ihidjis. custody of anv lunatic shall not exceed one hundred Componsation ' ' ' , aii.i pr..cco(i. and iiftv dollars per ainnmi, and no other or lurther iiii,'« wliPii not " ^ ucopKMi. c.,1,11 shall h)e allowed for such service. In the event the .siini hei'ein allowed is not accepted by such person, the judge of the circuit court shall direct the transfer of the lunatic to the state asylum or his discharge, upon petition filed by such person. II.«MiII»A. I'^'.l ]'•>. rpnii the lililiii' III' '■' jn'ii rljx' \n lliat I'llcct in lli<' cliik'rf oil ice li\- tlif >tiiti' III lui'iii'X , III' II I II III llif (ii'ili r 111' tlic iUil;ir, t In I It rl< slinil issue ;i U ril (•ullllllilllilillLl lllr -li'i'il 1.1 ,.,,,..., ,' . Iiriiii; lull, nil- Sllfnll III lil'lllli licliilC lllr ciilirt iirtlir LUillnl lll'V l-l"!.' r,,nri "T criiii'l Jury. Jlliy |iil-ii|| iilli'Ui'il 111 lie it lllllMlic III' ill-;ilir |irrMili, illlil till' slicl'iir -liiill iNirlllr >l|rli |il'iii'r>s. Till' rlrl'k iillil slliriir chilli ITcrivr riil'slH'll Mi'viri' >ll('ll riilll|irll<;i- ,■„,„,„, „,n. tiiii iis is iiiiw alliiwril liy law liir the i>siiiii^ ami '■ Sd'virr III' a rtipld!^. II. It shall 111' lawful I'lii' tlir [ilivsiriaii in cliai'.Lir nl' llu; asylum Wiv imlimnl lunatics uj' tlir stair nf I'liil'iila, wlirll ilil'rrtril liV tllf linai'il iit' Ciilliniis- Cui.' ..iliimi. . . . , "'■" '"'' i'"y- siiiiicrs 111 state iiistilutiiiiis. to rceiNe iiitu saal asyliiin any luiiatif. iiliut m- insane |iersiiii wlmse I'lieml^, par- ciits, III- n'liai'ilians, are alilc and willing- to |iay lor the care, anil custiiily, anil niaintcnaiicc nl' said luiiiitic, idinl, or insaiiu liel'Min. 1"). Such lunatic, idiot, or insane iierson sliall receive all cai'e, I'liod, ('lolliiii^' and iiiedit;al attention, as he nr ii,i,i ;; i:v she may demand and rei|Uir(', Irnm the |ili,sician and oilier eiii[iloyes of (he asylum. Hi. The lioard of comniissioners of stale instiliiliniis shall, in all such cases. |ii'esci'ihe what aiiiuunt sliall he ii,i,i;;|j. ]iaiil liy the friends, paren.ts or guardians of any such lunatic, idiot or insane person, as may he recei\-eil into the said asylum, for the sup)iiirt, care and cusludy oi' siU'h idiots, lunatics or insane |iei'sons; and such nioiiey^ shall li(i jiaid hy the fi'iends, part'Uts or guardians of siidi lunatics, idiots, or insane |iei'sons, ijuarterly, to the treasurer nl' the stale of I'Morida. who shall recei|it for the same; and such Jiioiieys so received sliall always he taken and con- i)i«,,„Mtiou sicK'i'ed as a ]iart of llu sum a|)pi'o|iriateil for the inainleiiance of indigent lunatics, and shall be used as such.* 17. Wheiievei' the hoard of commissioners of state institu- tions shall deem it necessary or e.\]iedieiit, they n,i,i s I'l. may reipiire a ^ood and sidlicieiit hond from tin I'i'itiids, parents or miardians of any lunatie, idiol or in-ane 'Mj * Tlie lio:ircl of cominissidner.s of stiite institutions is coiniiosed of iIk' v.'ovi'riior ami caliiiift. vm 130 FLORIDA. it ii i person, whom it mny ho dc^pirod to liavc placed in tlio paid asylum, for tlio prompt and t'aitlifnl payment of -what may bo chai'ged for the suj)))ort, care, and custody of such lunatic, idiot or insane ])ers()n ; and if such friends, g-uardians or par- ents do not i)ay the amounts required by the board of com- missioners for the suppoi't, care and custody of sui;h lunatic, idiot or insane person, within six months after the same is due, it shall l)ethe duty of said board of commissioners to com- suitoniMin.i. ineuce suit upon such bond and any moneys recov- ered in any sueli action shall be always ai)plied to the mainte- •lance of indiji'ent lunatics. lis. Jlereafter any pi-acticinf!; pliysician who shall be called Actofisss. ill 1'y i> cii-cuit judge to testify on an investigation !■,!,'. ai,?' ii>^ to the luiiacy or insanity of an indigent jterson, niuruKo. ^^.j^^^ sludl bc allcgHMl to be a lunatic or insane, shall be ])aid the sum of iive dollars, and ten cents per mile by the state out of tlu' appropriation for the maintenance of in- digent lunatics and insane ])ersons; the same shall be audited by the com}»troller on the ai)i)roval of the circuit judge, and paid by the treasnrer on the comptroller's warrant. It). The ])hysician of the state i)rison shall also be the physi- ch 147 «is) *'^'"^ ^'*^' ■'^^i*^'> asylum, and sluill i>xercise such ])ower.s pi.vHici.,.. jj^ |],^, jimtter of the care of the inmates of such asylum as may be prescribed by said board of commissioners. 20. He shall attend upon all insane convicts, and when, in C), ISO, §20. his opinion, it can be done without detriment or lll.-MlllO L'Oll- - , , !• 1 • 1 1 1 1 • victs. danger to tiie other nimates ot tlie ])rison, shall di- rect their removal to the prison hospital and see that they hi- " 1 proper care and exercise. z,l. WluMi any person tried for an offense shall be acrpiittcd by the jury by reason of insanity, the jury, in giving their verdict of not guilty, shall state that it was given for such cause; and thereupon, if the discharg(> or go- ing at large of such insane j)erson shall be considered by the court manifesily dangerous to the i)eace and safety of the pco[»le, the court shall order him to be committed to jail, or otherwise to be cared for as an insane jierson, or may give him into the care of his friends, on their giving sat- isfactory S(>curity for the projier care and protection of such person; otherwise he shall be dischargetl. oil. S7, !)2n. Wlicii »c4iiitti'(l (iir liisiiiiity jury may say so, and conn tuay arrctit. G0\ 1. Gove 2. EstMl. luri 3. Board 4. Salari 6. Powei and pow 6. Eiiiiiii 7. Salari, 8. Oilices 9. Treasii 10. Accoiii 11. Aiiinia 12. KstiiiK V'i. .Siiperi 14. Diiiies asyli 15. Exeiiij road 16. Sale o liiliil 17. AVI.o ni l.S. Classili( ID. classi 20. Preferci 21. Citizens 22. Census i 23. Adniissi evidei I'ians' 24. Cerlided 25. Adniissi patien 26. Ciassific; 27. Indifffnt digenc 28. Support < 29. Indigent sessed port. 30. Discliarj; 31. Discliarg elotliin 32. Private i nianJ t GEORGIA. I GOVERNMKN'T OF ASYLUM. 1. Governor to appoint trustees. 2. Establishment and coiitrol of asy- lum. 3. IJoard of trustees; ..ppointnient. 4. Salaries; when paid. 5. Powers and duties; ai>]ioinlnient and removal of (ifiii'ers, corporate powers, inspeetidU of asylum. 6. Enumeration Kfoiiicers. 7. Salaries of odieers. 8. Oiliues to lie separate. 9. Treasurer, iioiid and security of. 10. Accounts of ti'oasurer and steward. 11. Animal report of trustees. 12. Estimates of ex|ienses In- trustees. l.S. Superintendent, ((ualilications. 14. Duties of; re-^i;e of inmates. 15. Exemption of ofliccrs fr'om militia, road anil jury service. 16. Sale of liipior near asylum pro- hibited. ADMISSION AXD DISCHARGE. 17. Who may he admitted. 18. Classification of insane. I'J. Separate ai)artments for dilFerent classes. 20. Preference to citizens. 21. Citizenship to he shown. 22. Census of insane reipiircd. 23. Admission of private patients on evidence of insniity or physi- cians' certilicate. 24. Certilied copy of records. 25. Admission qf private non-resident patients, regulations for. 26. Classilication ^ f [)rivat'" patients. 27. Indigent patients riilicate of in- digence; liahilily of relatives. 28. Support of iuiligeiit i)atieiits. 29. Indigent patients hecoming jios- sessed of property, liable I'or sn[)- port. 30. Discharge of harmless incuraldes. 31. Discharged patients supplied with clothing and iiKuiey. 32. Private patients, relatives may de- mand trial after commitment. 3."). 31. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Like jiroceedings in other cases. Idiots, epileptics and ineliriates ad- milteil to asylum. Admission of, rides and regulations to be adoi)ted. Support of all patients to be free; sitecial care on agieciiicnt. Rules for admission, copies of, to be distributed. Ineliriates, when almitted, physi- cians' cerlilic:ate. Inebriates separately conlined; to be das-iilie I as private prUienls. Negroi's admission of, certilicate of ordinary of coimty. Temporary conliiU'iiient of itatients. Absence (hiring tInNe months re- (piircs re-exaiiiin:itioii. Coiniiiission of lunacy, application. Fin ling of conmiission, I'ominit- nient. l'].xpeiises of commission and com- mitment. Commitment hy guardians, [lenal- ties for nej^lect Arrest and commitment, expenses. CRIMIXAI. IXSXNK. Non-accoiintability of insane to hnv. I'le;i of insanity, liow irii'd. liecoming insane after conviction, trial of. Convicted of ca;iital crime, com- milted to asylum. Provisions for criminal insane to apply to convicts. Kestored criminals rc-commilted. Insane convicts to be tr tnsl'crred to asylum. Oitli on iiKpiest of insanity in capi- tal cases. Exemption from trial during in- sanity. Insane convicts admittol on certifi- cate of physician of penitentiary. Stale liable for support. Kestored con vii'ts returned to prison. Ci nvicteil of capital criiii', dis- charged hy legislature on recov- ery ; discharge of other criminals. I* ■I i;j2 (;k<)1{(;ia. 1. Uv (tlic y-dvonior) shall also appoint ail tlic ofllccrs of oo(ioons!.2, the t'(ill()\vintees [one oi whom shall be a competent ])liysician]. o. !Said trustet's are l)iennially appointed hy the governor, § i-'^-i- on the first Mondav in I )ecendier. and in such nian- TiiiHli'Ps, liow . ' aiipoiiiteii. jH.i' tliat one of the trusties shall he continued in otticc for a second term, that there may he always one mem- ber of the board who has experience in the all'airs of the asvlum. 4. The annual salary of each ti'U>tei' shall he three hundred § i'!^:' dollars in full of all allowanci's and expenses; and SJiiliti-y of . ' . • tnihtoes. flu- sauic uiav he paid, one-half every six months, upon executive wai-rant therefor. 5. They have authority — §i'^-i- (1) To i)rescrihe all tin- rules antitu!i(in. oi' the [-.articular use defined. (()) To visit the institution monthly iiy at least <»ne of tiio l)oard, semi-annuallv 1)V a majoritv. and ai.iuiallv by all of them, at such time as they may ayree upon. I m GEORGIA. 133 (7) To ])rin<>; suit in tlu'ir naiiu's for any elaini.s tlie institu- tion niiulit liave, -wlu'thcr arisinji; u})on contract or tort. (i. The olliccrs of the asyhini, appointed hy llie trustei's, arc a s>ii)ei-inten(h'nt. an assistant ])hysician, a treasnrer, Si''^''- a stewai'd, assistant steward and matron, wliose sal- iKimt(-8 tution, or its ijovennnent, sliall Ix' held by one and sei.anitu. the saini' ])ei'son. 1>. 'I'he ti'casurt'r nuist give bond and secui'ity in the sum of ten thousand dollars. V-ll-shZu' 10. it shall l»e the duty of the sti'ward and tri'asurer, or eitlu'r of them, to present to the ii-overnor, with each S '•'■i''- (piarterly apiilication ior iunds h'om the treasury, •■""I'ts. an exact itemized account of his expenditures for the preced- ing (juarter, accompanied with a duplicate voucher ior the sums dishursed hy him for the said ])receding quarters. 11. At the close of each iiscal year. Avhich terminates on the fii'st (lav of October, the ti'Ustees shall m.iki' to the ^ v.w. ... 1 • 1 1 !• 1 1 .\iiniiiil loimrt goviM'noi', to l)e by Jinn laid l)elore tlie general as- or trustoos. sembly. in connection with his annual message, a full I'l'port of the condition of the asylum, in all its departments, (em- bracing the amount of each kind of provisions, drugs, ehtthing and bedding jairchased ; of whom ))urchased, ])rice paid and aggregate cost : number of jiersons received died and dis- charge(l; dates of reception, discharge and death: male and femali', ])auper and ])ay })atients, and partial pay, if any; and also whether jtayment was made in clothing, provisions or currency). 12. It shall be the duty of the trustees to jireseiit to the governor, at least ten days before tlu' annual meeting ,,,.,.„ of the general assembly, an exact estimate of the '');:;:;;;;; ;,';^^^ amount of money reijuired for the support of tlu> '"""■'"■ said asylum for the succeeding yi'ar; and they shall set forth, under separate and distinct heads — a division, to wit; subsist- 15 t> I Aitt ■ :■! M M !.! 184 GEORGIA. once, c'lolliiiiii:, fuel and traiisiiortation, salaries, wafi'Oi*, medi- cal sui)[)lies, ordiuai'v rejiairs, and special improvements — the soviTal amounts reijuired tor each ot" said departments of expenditure, and the ylum §■''»•'■'• shall be exemi)t from the ])erformance of all from teriahi .hiiics. jury, patrol, roatl, and militia duty and from all pains and j»enalties for the nej^lect thereof * "" * 1(). it shall not be lawful for any person to expose for sale, sai'JoMi.iMor ^^^' ^^ ^^^h barter or give away alcoholic, vinous or pMi'i'hiUMi.'"" fermented licjuors of any kind, within a distance of offeuiins, one mile from the state lur.atic asylum buildings; ImVi'iu'r. and any person who shall sell to, barter Avith. or give away such licjuors aforesaid, to any patient or lawful in- Gi'X)i;(irA. ^.K I mate of said asylniii, or to any ('m[»luyL' in \]\o service of \]\v institution, shall, on conviction in ain* court having jurisdic- tion of the oflcnso, be fined by the judge thereof the sum of fifty dollars, and be also confined for thirty days in the county jail, for each and every ollense.* 17. I'ersons who may become inmates of said asylum arc either lunatics, idiots, ei)ilei)tics, or demented in- S''-' ebriates. iiunates. 18. The inmates are divided into the following classes: — (1) I'av or nauner itatients residents of this state. §i'''i-< (2) Pay patients being non-residents. oi inmates. (o) Insane penitentiary convicts. (4) Insane negroes, in certain cases. 10. The trustees of the asylum shall see that proper and distinct apartments are arranged for said patients, , • so that in no case shall the negro an"'- """' viiVsus^,V idiots, and their sexes and color, in each county of '""'"""'•'"*• this state; and also of all births, deaths, and causes of (U'ath.t 23. A pay patient, resident of this state, shall not be admitted unless accompanied by authentic evidence of lunacy, ^ ,^.- according to law, or there is produced the certificate }'lTi'.','i'its!ii7w of three respectal)lo practicing {)hysicians, well ac- '"'"'"""''■ quain^ed with the condition of the patient, or one from such * ^1374 a will lie found in addenda, f This g is not in the code. il ^ If I '.i .1 oBBaa II *; 13G GEOT^r.TA. pliysiciaiis. and two ivs|)i'ctal)li' citizonis .stating tlic cause of the application. 24. The cxeniplincation of j)roc(M'(lin<;s sent witli the jiarty ji.t.-.Trj. connnitteil, shall, in all cases. l)e ccrtilicd a ti'iU'copv K.\i'iiipli(lca- , _ ^ _ ' "^ ''""• li'oni the hook of ix'i'ord kejtt for that pnrpos(>. 2."). A ]iay jiatient, not a resident of this state, shall not ho g ,.j-,^ a(hnitted unless accomjianicd hy an authentic record pay'i''ui'''iis', "' :i conviction of a malady, which, hy the law of '""'"'""'"''■ this state, is a ground of admission, from a court having jurisdiction, or shall ]»roduce a I'crtilicate like that re- (]uired in this stale, togethei- with tlu> cei'tilicate of the judge having juri.-<'; ■ -i, wlio sha.ll state olHcially, that the ceililicate of said I'hy- - m\ other persons, are genuine and entitled to full credii. Aiid shall then not he received until the pay- ment of "iises is scLiU'cd. 2(i. J*ay j)enci., ni; e divided into did'erent classes, ac- j5]^;(i. i-iiy (.•(»rding to the aceonimodati(»n desired and their piitii'iits may be ciassiii,.,i. means of jiaying. 27. When a person has heen convicted of a malady riMjuir- §i.v.n, iiig hini to l)e committed to said asvlum, it is the ti.'ii'.s aiui dutv of the court presiding at the trial to certifv if now tiicy are , i o cpitiii.-,r. .sdd ])erson he a ])auper. Ih* shall not he certitied a ])auper unless in whole or in ])art supported hy the county, or the county is hound for hi.s support under the law. Jf there are i)ersons who l)y law arc l)ouns. 2!». If a ]iatient comnnlted as a pauper, or as of limited ?i'"'-- means, heconu's entitled to an estate, said estate is Faiipi'i'istn coasiiii;, pa- houtid for liis support accordinu' to ils value, and P'^y- whoever holds it may lie comjx'lleil to secure to the a,«ylum its propei' charges, oi' to tnrn (jver to the trustees the J)ropevty to he held for such ])Urpose. oU. The l)oard of trustees of the lunatic asylum shall have li'2. I ..,!f • t GEORGIA. 137 iio\vcr. upon tlic ocrtifviii!'' tlicrvunto of (ho humIu'hI snit^. olliccr of tlu' institution, to discliaruc or rcinand to ii-vimn nmy ICIIIHVI' ill- till' cart' of frii'iids and relatives, any lunatic — a '"''''^ patient in said asylum — whose condition is sueh that no pi'oh- ahility exists of his or her restoration to full reason and •sanity hy inedieal ministrations theri'to, and who, at the same time, is reuarded harmless and inoil'ensive in spirit, and whoso remission to social life would reasonahly involvi' no danmcr to the life of tliosi' with whom he or she would hi' associated. ;')!. A jiauper jiatient shall not he discharu'etl from the asy- lum without proper clothiiij;' and a sum of money ^^ ,..,.., |,|,_ necessary to carry him to his n'sideiice or the county p!','s '"',',',',', ^t 'bo from wlience hi' was sent. ''"''' Vi'2. if heforc or after admission of a i)ay patient, resident or non-resident, hy certilicate, the person allei;-ed to he j; ,.„;, a lunatic, or his friend or relative, may make a de- ,',,',l,y' ,",',^"i,a niand of the su])crinten(lent for atrial of the (pies- ''•''"'"'•'^■''■ tion of lunacy hy jury, which shall he had without delay, accordiny- to law, in the county of l>aldwin. .'>.''». The like demand and trial may he had hy all ))ationts who have heen convicted of lunacy, if the ])erson 5,..,;. deinandinji' it, hein^- I'claliveor friend, will make an ,',',11" i!,?,'i\'. afiidavit that ho helieves the alle.ued cause of com- """"'"'• niitmeiit did not and does not exist, and that the conviction was ohtained hy fraud, collusion, or mistake. The same right exists, when there is an atlidavit that the cause of connnitniont has ceased to exist, and there is a refusal hy the superintendent to di.scharije after demand made. 34. Lunatics, e[>ile])tics, idiots and demented inehriates shall he admitted to, and discliarii'ed from, the lunatic ^y^^^,, asylum, under such rules ami re,<;ulations as the '''""■■*• trustees of .said asylum shall make and prescrihe, and not as now providei.Miiaiioiis. . ' "^ TnistiH's to time to time, as experience may demonstrate to he ^M'^- necessary, alter ami ehani>e the same, which said rules and rciiiilations. when thus estahlished and ])rescrihed, shall ho ■"■ ^^ 134-1 I), c, (/ and e will be found in the addenda. ^\, i i; I' I' \h '1 fK 138 GKOUdlA. t'Xci-iitcd iiiiil I'iin'icil iiilo edict by tlii' t^U|H riiitiiKlciit and other otlicers of said asylum. ;')(). Said luiiatie asylum ,-iiall he IVee to all the resident 8i:i-{-i(/. eili/.ciis ul' this slate who iiiav hi' luiiaties, idiots, Krcn lulinis- _ _ _' •''^"'' epilepties or demented inehi'iates, and who, when admitteih shall reeeive i'ree, the same food, raiment ami nu'di- Kxt.a lo,,,!. i.jil ;iiid otlier attention, as shall lie provided i'nr the olc. iiiiiy lie _ ' fiirui>ii.',i. inmates generally; jtroridcd, however, that if the family or friends of any inmate shall desire to I'urnish extra or additional I'ood, or other eondnrls, they may he allowed so lo do at their own expense, under sueh rules and regulations us said trustees may preserihe. o7. As soon as rejuulations have been made hy the trustees ^i:i-»4f. ^^'1' the reeeption of patients, it shall he the duty of rXsami •'"iii'l trustees to furnish or cause to he furnished, to roKuiati.ns. ^j^^^ (liiU.ivut oriHuaries of this state, collies of said rules and regulations. oS. When hy a jirovision of this eode, elsewhere made, a ])er- .,.,„g son is deelai'ed to he an int'hriate and ineapahle of in'ryw'^rijinit- managing his j)roperty, sueh ])erson, hy his own ''■''■ consent, if capable, and if incapal)le, by the con- sent of his nearest relative, or when a person is not so deelai'ed, but has the certificate of three ])hysiciaiis, and is himself ^vill- ing, sueh person may be received into said asylum, allowed the use of apartments devoted to him, or such as are suitable, and to be treated as a ])atient thereof. oU. I^ucli ])atients shall never be placed in company with « i.ifiT. any other class of patients without their consent, how kept. nor plac(>(l in conlineinent unless they are dangerous to themselves or others. [They must pay for their sui)p()rt as pay patients and be subject to tlie control of the superintend- ent as other pay ])atients until discharged.] 4U. Apartments must he provided for insane negroes, resi- s i.ifii. dents of this state, who are able or unable to supj)ort liisaiip ne- ^ ^ gioes.cte. ajul take care of them.selves. Those negroes who are able must ])ay for their sujiport; those nnable must he sup- ported as other })au})er patients. The certificate of the ordi- nary of the county where the negro resides, of his condition, men- tally and pecuniarily, shall he sullicient to grant his admittance. 41. AVlienever there shall bo an application for admission filOoitdlA. 139 UMattciidi'il liy tlic rciniisilc evidences, llie su|)eiMn- T.'.,I,',';,rary U'lideiil lias autlioi'ily to receive ami prctviilc Iny the ,,;,i',i,t,. person for a reasonalde time. |trovided a siillieient sum >hall be ailvanced I'or his maintenance in tlie meantime. •1"_*. Wiieii a person has heeii properly received as a pati<'nt, hut is ahseiil I'or as lon,ii' as three niont hs, eitlier h'om .. ,.j-., dischar^v, clopeineiit, or removal hy friends, he can- u!n','.''',*,',7i,ai'* not he received at theasyhim without ti'oinj;- (hroujih "'''n'l.i'iT.-j'^'i'u the process retpiired in this cha|)ter, according to the chiss of patients of which lie may be. •I-"'.. I'lion \\iv petition of any person on oath, setting; forth tliat aiiotiier is hal)h; lo have a guardian appointe(l ,,^._. umU'r the i)rovi.sions of this artick>, [or is subject to [?';;iX',''i»"ojm- l)e comniittetate. sliall issue a commission directed t(tany eightt'cii discreet ami ]iro]ier I)er.sons, one of whom shall ])e a physician. re(piiringany twelve of tliem, including the ])hysieian, to examine by inspection the jjcrsou for whom guardianship [or commitment to the asylum,] is sought, and lo hear and examine witnesses on oatii, if neces- sary, as to his condition and capacity to manage his estate, and to make return of such examination and inquiry to the said ordinary, specifying in such I'eturn under which of said classes tiiey find the said })ersou to come. Such commissioners shall be first sworn liy a justice of the [)eace " well and truly to exe- cute the said commission to the best of their skill antl ability," which oath shall be returned with their verdict. 44. r[)on such return linding tlu^ person lo be as alleged in the iietition, or within either of said classes, th*' or- s i^"' dinary shall a])point a guardian tor him, [or com- iii'i"""""^"'- mit him to the lunatic asylum]. 45. It shall be the duty of each ordinary of this state to draw liis warrant upon the treasurer of his county for sueb ^- ,s,j4„ sum or sums as shall be actually neees.sary or re(iin- wu'v- '•'"• site to defray the cx}K'nses of trying every conunis- """'"'•'■"=• sioii of lunacy, and of carrying or conveying such insane per- son from such county, to the state lunatic asylum, when such in.sane person shall be lawfully committed to such asylum ; provided, that no money shall bo drawn from the county p f >ll 'in ; f ■!'■ 1; i; • 1 ■- i t 3 w ■'(" 'H II ; -1 ^• If 'i 5.U.'- i '^iia&' -, ,) |igy| ^^H u II ' ■ 110 OEORGTA. I'l-ncoclili-s til C'llllilJl* Wai'il lit iii- HtaiK'i' 1)1 Ircasurv for tlic |>ui'|)(tS('s licrciii set Airtli, wlicri' llu' estate of .SUeli insane person is sullieielit to delVay sueli e\|)enses. 4(5. (iuardians of insane pei'sons ai" antliori/ed to confine (jiMin. tlieni. or place tliein in the a.ylnin. if such a coui'se limy .on line IS neceSSal'V CltllCl' loT tllClI' (WIl |tro|ectlon Of tllC salety ol otliers ; and a riii,ii: him hefore him on a day specitied ; and said ordinary, on an investi«i,ation of the facts, may commit su(4i insane ])erson, to the lunatic asylum, and if necessary, cause liim to l)e temporarily committed to jail until he can he re- moved to the asylum: and the expense of such confinement and the jiroceediiiiis shall he ))aid out of tlu' estate of such insane jjcrson. if any. and if not, out of the county funds.] '^J'Ik' fees of the ordinaries of the sevci'al counties of this stato for making- out commissions of lunacy, and all othei' services connected thert'with, shall he five (hdlars. and no more; and the fees of sherifls ami hailitl's for summoning!,- juries, and other .sei'vices connected with the trial of cases of lunacv, shall he tlire(> dollars, and no more. 4S. A lunatic or jiei-son insane, Avitliout lucid intervals, j^.j,,,; shall not he found guilty of any crime oi' niisde- ainoimMe'tl uieauor witli which he or she may he charged: y)Vo- '""' vldcd, the act so charii;ed as criminal was committed in the condition of such lunacy or insanity ; Init if a lunatic liath lucid intervals of understandini;', he shall answer for ■what he does in those intervals as if he had no dificieiicy. 4i>. \Mienever the plea of insanity is iiU'd, it shall he tlio duty of the court to causae the issue on that jilea to S A1W\ i'lca saiiit trii'il siinity'S'iow 1»^' ^1'^^ tried hy a special jury, and if found to ho ti^U', the court shall order the defendant to he de- livered to the sui)erintendent of the asylum, there to remain until discharged by the general as.semhly. puiii> sheril f ':' (ii:tii; safely and securely kept and treated as other ad- jud,u(.'d insane persons. r)2. All the provisions of the law, ridatin^' to insane \h rsons under sentence of iniprisonmi'iit in the jx'uiti'U- ^4,,, a,. tiarv. shall ap])ly to the class oi cases liertan jiro- vided for, so far as applicahle. .');>. If such convict shall recover, the fact shall he at once certified hy the su[)erintendent to the judti-e of the ^ic,iwc. court in which the conviction occurre he I'cindved to the lunatic asylum, tliei'e to he supported and recei\'e medical assistance, as other l)au|)er patients do. at the expense ot'tlu' state. 5."). ( )ii the trial of the (piestion of insaidty, arising after llio (5^,;.,,-,, ])ei'S()n shall have heen condemned to die, provided ihli'ii.'«[,.f '"1" l»,v section ItKid of this code, tlu^ follt)\ving (lath """""•^' shall he administ.'red to the Jury, to wit : " ^'ou, and each of you, do solemnly swear (ur allir:rO tliMl yon will Well and truly try this issue of insanity hetween the stat(> and A. !>., ni)\v ciiudennied to die, and a true vei'dict i^ive according to e\idence. So help you ( iod."' oCi. No lunatic, or person alllicted with insaiuty, sliall ho ,^Q.^ tried, or [lUt upon his trial, for any oll'ense, during I'r«"'r.M'.Te,i ^I'l' time' he is alllicted with such lunacy or insanity, "'"'""' which shall he tried in the maimer hereinhi'foro pointed f)Ul, where the ])lea of insanity at the time of ollense is filed, and, on henig I'ound true, the prisoner shall he disposed of in like manner. oT. Jf a penitentiary convict hecomcs afllicted so as the .j3,;(, aliliction would entitle another jjcrson to u place in virts',''innv"" i^'ii'l Jisylum, lie sliall he received therein if aeeom- a.i>niue,i. pj„,i,.,i |,y the certificate of the physician to the penitentiavy and the ])rincij)al kee])er thereof of said fact. The certificate shall also show the name of the convict, tlio oflense for which sentenced, the county from whence .sentenced, and hi.> term of service, which .shall he tiled away. 5y Wiirrant or older I'lnin llio governor. Tf sentence is snspendiMl on the ground ol insiinity, upon restoration to sanity tlie superintendent shall eertily tlio fact to the [)resi(Ung jndgo of tiie :;ourt where he was convu ted. M '- J IDAHO. EXAMINATION AND SL'rrORT OF IN SANK. 7. Support of insiiiip, by wlioni paid. ClilMINAL INSANE. 1. Coniiiiissioiiers, nppoiutnii'iit of, ' power to coiitnii t for ki"ei)iiij^ '■ 8. Xon-,n't'oiintal)ility to law. insane. 9. Jury trial of insanity. 2. Contrat't, copies of to lie (Hstiii)iite(l. 10. .Snspei.oion of criminal proceeilings. 3. ICxaniination of insanity and indi- 11. Order of iiupiiry. rson oxtiniiiUMl is a ivsident of said countv, and is indigciil and insane, and sliould for cavpor • -111- !• 1 1 • insiini^ iii>t tlio sc'L'unty oi the ])nl)li(,' or tor tlio j;'ood ol sucli .laimiMous. iiisune j)orson, l>t' k('|)t in custody, llic said court or jud^c -diall make an order to tliat tlfert, and tlie peison so dceiarid to he insane, as aforesaid, sliall be ('onveyed to tlie proper cinvovimcrt asylum wliicli shall be desijiuated in sueh ordei', at ''xpe;,s',''I!r'" the expense oi the county of which he or she is a '^"""'^'• resident, but the expense and all charges for tho care, treat- ment, and maintenance of such insane person at such asylum, as \V(,'ll as tlu> expenses incident to a discharge therefrom, or death, shall be chargeable to and paid by the territory; pw- vidcd, that if it shall appear from such examination before such court ' .'^I'lg^^ that such person is indigent and insane, but that SUCH insanity is of a character that the public safely or tho good of such person does not reciuire hini or lier to Ijo con- fined, huch court or judge shall so certify, and such i)erson shall bo cared for as is now provided by law Ibr the care of the indi- gent, »ick, idiotic, and insane pei'sons in the several counties of this teri'itory. 4. All examinations of persons alleged to bo insane shall bo public, and the court or judge before whom tho ox- ,,,1,1^4 amination shall be held, shall not order, adjudge or 'in'l'"i'iie\obe decrt'o the person examined to be insane, uidess at '""'''"'■ least oiu' i)hysieian, a graduate in medicine, testifies Tcstimonv of on the examination that he believes tho })erson so i'''>'"''''""*- examined is insane, and whether, in his opinion, it wovdd en- danger the j)ublic safety to [)ei'mit suidi [)erson to run at large. Jf it ajtpi'ars at such examination that the person so r,,|..,,,^,..,. _, examined is insane, but not a resilient of the I'ounty I'o pn',',''.',-''*" in which the examination is lu'ld. and is a "osident ''"'""■• of aiiotiier county in this territory, the court or judge shall by oi'der direct that the person so examined and all the jiapcrs I'elating to the ease, be turned over and deliveri'd to tlu> proper e(Uirt, or judge of tho county of which the person so exandned is a resident, which court or judgi' shall examine the ease ant'W. l'"or tlie pui'pose of such examinations, or of i.„„.,.r.s ..r tue any iwamination of a person alleged to be insane, '■"'"'■ undei the jirovisions of this act, any court or judge having jurisdiction, is authori/A'd t(t issue subj)(onas, warrants of arrest, 10 /^\'!i ' I' I 146 IDAIId. ov nnv other ]ii'(i('oss nccoHs.'irv i'<>v tlio exercise of tlie jurisdic- tidii cinilericd by tliis ad. nml have them duly served hy the i-^licriir (»■ otluT |ir()|)er olliccr. ."). Tlie several lioard--^ of county coiiiiiiissioiiers (»f (his teri'i- ,,., ,. toi'v shall in'ovidr for tlu> transijortation of aiiv per- Hlm'''i''i'i'is!ui(> ^"ii found to he insane, and ordered to l)e ])lace(l in ,\Viy-y,'r",''V'!',n :in asylum as aforesaid, from their respective coun- in ohiiryo. ^j^,^ ^^^ iIj^, proper asylum, and the person or ])ersoiis in ehar^e of such asylum shall in every instanci' execute a cerlilieate in duplicate, eei'tifyin;^- at what time and from what jH'rsoii any such insane person was received at such asylum. One eojA' of which certilicate shall he hied with the clerk of the Ixiard of county eonnnissioners of the })ro]ier county and the other co])y witli tlie territorial controller. T). It shall he the duty of tlie owner, proprietor, or mana[;ing iM.i-;ii auent of anv asvlum, with whrnn such contract as l)in\ Ml' 'liana- ' ■ i i ' 'i • • i g..r..rii..viiiiii. atoresaid. lie made, to render to the territorial con- troller, a verilied account, at least, once every three months, fur tlie keeping- of any insane person, together with a stato- meiit showing' tlie conditi<»n of any such insane person or jieisdus uinhi' ti'eatnient at such asylum, and if any such in- sane pei'son die, escajie. or ])v dischar^t d from siich asylum, to immediately report the fact, and date of every such death, es- cape, or ilischai'u'e to the said controller. 7. All ciaims against tin- territory f -r the maintenance and care of the indi<.i;ent insane in any such asylum shall H' preseiitetl to the territorial controller, who shall '■"''■"""'""'• ci'edit the same, and if the account is correct and due. he shall draw a warrant tor the amount jiayalile out of the tt'rri^d'ial treasury <)ut of any moneys not otherwise a])- jirojii'iattMl, and the territorial tiia:-ui'er shall pay the same iii its reuidar order. S. An act done hy a ]>( rson in a state r>f insanity cannot he Rov. of i»unished as a puhlic olfeiise: nor can a person he 74-7.-I, Crini. ' . , ,• , , • , ■ i t v Pni.-.. s ''i>eople sliall open their case and otl'er evidence in su])])ort ther(><)f. iSd. The parties may then resjiectively olfer rebutting testi- iriony oidy, unless the court, for good reason, in furtherance of justice, permit them io oiler evidence upon their original cause. -1th. Wdien the evidence is conclude may argiu' the case to the jury, in whicli case thi\v must do so alti'rnan'ly. In otlier oases, the argument may be restricted to one counsel on each sir ])arty. \'l. The ])r(n'isions of section 'IS.'] in respect to the charge of the court to the jury, upon the trial of an indict- i,,i,i^-,7o ment, shall a])ply to the trial of the (piestion of in- [,I'!y';;',', tri.a sanity. " "^■' ]'•>. If the jui'y llnd that defendant is .';an(\ the ti'ial of the indictment shall i»roceed, or iudiiineiit mav be i)ro- ii,i.i^->7i. nounced, as the case may be. f.muci «uio. 14. If the jury find that the defiMidant is insan(\ the trial or judgment shall be suspende(l until he become sane ; n.i.i ;; ."j. _ _ _ ' , _ FiMlllil illSHIIO, and the court, if it (\vv\n his discharge dangerous to i"" '>i»»?'*- the public ))eace or safety, may ordi'r that he be in tlie mean- time coininitted by the shei'ill' to the ctistody of some proper person, and that, upon his becoming sane, he be r'.'-delivered by such person to the sherilf. I : i 148 IDAHO. 15. The cominitmcnt of tlic defendant, as mentioned in the ibidsra. last section, sluiU exonerate any bail he may have Bail, exoiier- . ' _ '' . •' ationof. givcn, and shall entitle any person autliori/A'd to re- ceive the property of the defendant to a return of any money he may have deposited instead of bail. 10. If the defendant be received by the person so ap])ointed, ibiii§.')?4. ^i*-' must l)e detained by him until he becomes sane. fa"i'ty';' p1.o'° When he becomes sane, such person shall give notice ceediuKs. ^^ ^j^^ sheriff and district attorney of the county of that fact. The sheriff sliall thereupon, Avithout delay, take the defendant from the custody of such person, and jjlace him in proper custody until he be brouglit to trial or judgment, as the case may be, or be otherwise legally discharged. 17. The expense of j)lacing the defendant in the custody of ibid§,wfl. such pro[)er person, of kee})ing him and bringing v.e^'fm^Al. lii™ back, shall, in the first instance, be chargeable whomdiarKe. to tlic couuty iu Avliicli tlic indictment was found ; ^^^^' but the county may recover them from the estate of the defendant, if he have any, or from any relative, town, city or county bound to provide for and maintain him elsewhere. ILLINOIS. i '■,'1 m COMMISSIONERS OF PUIILIC CHARITIES. 1. Appointment, term of office. 2. Organization of board. 3. Powers and duties; inspection. 4. W>'' \tions, reports, special investi- gation. 5. Inspection of pauper asylums. 6. State aid, inipiiry into application. 7. Judicial powers granted. 8. Attendance on sessions of legisla- ture. 9. Compensation of board. 10. Interests in contracts forbidden. GOVERNMENT OF ASYLUMS. 11. Establishment, locations, titles. 12. Trustees, corporate powers. 13. 01)ject of asylums, jwwers of trus- tees as to admission. 14. Government of asylinns vested in boards of trustees, residence, l.j. Removal, vacancies iiow tilled. l(i. Oath of office. 17. Control of appointments and re- movals. 18. Compensation of trustees. 19. Superintendent's powers and duties. 20. Organization of board. 21. Treasurer and superintendent, bond. 22. Accounts of treasurer. 23. Duties of treasurer. 24. Meetings of trustees, quorum. 2->. Keirarts of treasurer and superin- tendent. 26. Interests in contracts forbidden. 27. Purcliase of supplies, regulations. 28. Register of officers and employes. 29. Records of stores and supjilies. 30. Reports and statistics of asylums. 31. Reports of trustees. 32. Pul)lication and distribution. 33. County boards may erect asvluma. 34. Property deede(iil of tlic scmkiIc, K. s.i.f !ss:i. ^Iiiill appoint live persons, to Ix.- called and known Apiwiiiinnciit, "^ "I'lu' Uoavd of State Coinniissioners of I'uhlic; •■li- -■'. S -■ ., . '• '■p ,|i|iiiiiinnciit, ''^ ' vi.caiK-y 1- < liarities. ( )ne ol llu- persons so a|>pointe(l shall liold Ins olliei' lor one year, one lor two years, one for three vears, one; for four years, and one for live vears, as indicated hy the i^'overnor in niakinj;' the appointments; and ull aiipointments thereafter, e\ce[)t to (ill vacancies, shall he for five years. In case of any vacancy occasioned hy the re- in(»val from the state by any such pi'rson so appointed, or death, or resiy-nation, or non-ac-ceptance of the ollice, or re- moval from oflice hy the governor, 1)y any such person so ap]»ointed, the g(.)vernor shall immediately till such vacancy, and all ap[iointments made by the p)vernor wlien the senate is not in session shall be valid until the next session of the senate. 2. i)efore enterin^ti; upon their duties, the said conuui'^s-'-^-' ,;i n.ids.i. shall, respeetivi'ly, take and sultscribe the c_.., .iai- *'""'• tional oath required t>f other state oflicers, which shall be tiled in the ollice of the secretary of stale, who is hereby authorized and directed to administer such oath. Powers. '■fi^, ^.,i,| commissioners shall havi' power to elect a president out (tf their nundier. and sut-h otiirr ollicers and agents as tluy may (K'em proper, and lo adopt such by-laws and regulations tor the transaction of their business, as they may consider exj)edient. '). The said commissioners shall have full power, at all times, iiii.i s^• to look into and examine the <-ondition (jf the several FiirtliiT powi'is. instituti(»ns. which they may be authorized by this act to visit, tiuancially and otlu'i'wise ; to in(iuire and examine into their metli(»ds of instruction, and the government and management of their inmates; tin; ollicial conduct of trustees, directors, and other olticers and em])]oyes of the same; the condition of the buildings, grountls, and other property con- nected tliii'ewith, ami into all otbi'r u'atters pertaining to their usefulness and good managenu'nl And for thesi' j»urposes they shall have free access to the gror.i'.ds, buildings, and all books and i)apers relating to said institution ; and all persons now or hereafter connected with the sane ar(> herel)y dii'ected and re(|uired to give such information, and alford such facili- ties fur inspection, as the said commissioners may require. f). give ir.i.iNois. 151 4. Tlic said oonimissioiiors, or soiiii' one of tlieiii, nrr licrd)}' autlioi'ized and ivfiuired, al least twice in each vear, n,i. s.-,. 1 1 1- 1 1 " Duties. and as niucli otteuer as lliev iiiav i"'i-.s. lions of the state, oxcci)ting i»risons reci'ivintj; state aid, and ascertain whether the moneys approiiriateil lui' iheiraid are or have heeu economically and judicionsly expended ; whether the ohjectsof the several institnt ions ai'c accomplished; whether the laws in relation to themare fully complied with; whether all pai'ts of the state are e(pially heiieliti'd l»y said institutions, and the various other matters referred to in the thii'd section of this act, and report, in writing, to the j^ovenior, l)y the fifteenth of Decemher, annually, the result of their investi- gations, together with such other information and recommen- dations as they niay deem [)roper. And the said board of j)ul)lie charities, or one of them, shall make any special investi- gation into alleged al)uses in any of said institutions, whenever the governor shall direct, and report the result ui the same to the governor. 5. The said commissioners, or one of them, shall also, at least once each vear, visit and examine into the Hiias'i. condition ot each ot the citv and county alms or poor "iio.c insane . ' ^ ail' Jinpt, iiiid houses, or other jilaces where the insane may he ■■'■i'"it- contined, and shall j)ossi'ss all the powers relative thereto, as mentioned in the third secti(m of this act ; and shall report to the legislature, in writing, the result of their examination, in connection with the animal report above mentioned. G. Wdienever any charitable or correctional institutions, subject to the inspection herein |»rovide(i for, re- n,iii)7. •' 1 '- . Stall' ai^, ciuire stati' aid for any purpose (jther than their <-oniiin-..-i..i- usual expenses, the said commissioners, or si)me, or "i""' ^'"'i'- one of them, shall in(|uire carefully and fully into the ground of such want, the pur[iose or })urposes for wdiich it is })roposed to use the same, the amount which will be reijuired to accom- plish the desired object, and into any other matters connected therewith; and in the annual report of each year they shall give the result of such in(|uiries, together with their own opinions and conclusions relating to the whole subject. 7. The said commissioners, or any one of them, are hereby authorized to administer oaths, and examine any nH in- 1 .1 ,.' . . ' .. • 1 . ' !• 1 • t.',i ill huihnng, repaii'mn- or lurnisliing anv ot tlie nistitu- contiiii'ls, ■ " , • • oiigibiiity. tious wliicli, hv tlus act, they are authorized to visit and inspect ; nor shall any trustt^^ or other olficer of any of the institutions embraced in this act be eligible to the olhce of c< )nniiissioner, hereby created. 11. The state institutions hereinafter named, are heri^by ii.iit s m. recognized and continued, and thev shall hereafter CliiiritiililP '- II- 111-' iuxtitutions. |)c Kuowu aud dcsiguatiMi by tlunr rt'spective titles, as expressed in this section namely:* * Tlie bill revising the law in relation to tiie stale institutions jirepnred by the commissioners of revision failed to pass. The aet "to reotilate the state charitable institutions and the state reform school," etc., approved April 15, 187-5, is a partial atteni])t at a revision of the law regulating: the institutioiis'mentioned in it, but does not embrace all the state institutions which might properly come within its title. As the existing laws relating to these institutions are vohnuinous and .somewliat confused, it is tlionght best to omit them from this volume, simply giving references showing where they may be found. In some cases the same act refers to several institutions. IllinoisCentralIIospit:dforthe Insane (at .Jacksonville), L. 1847, p. .52; L. 1849, p. 9:5; L. 18-51, p. 9(i ; L. 18:);!, p. 1241 ; L. 1857, y. 84; L. 18(5.5, p. 8-5. Illinois Northern Hospital lor the Insane (at Elgin), L. 18()9, ]). 24. Illinois Soullieru Ibispital for the Insane (at Anna), L. 1809, p. 19; L. 1871-2, p. 274; L. 187.'!, p. KK'.. Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane, L. 1877 ; Legal News ed., p., 50. ■i ILLINOIS. 153 Tlic Illinois Central TIosi)ital for \\w Insane, at Jacksonville. The Illinois Northern lios|»ital tor the Insane, at I'lgin. The Illinois Sonthern IIos]»ital for the Insane, at Atnia. [The Illinois l^astern Hospital for the Insane] 12. The trustees of each of the said state institutions shall be a bodv eori)orate and iwlitie, for certain imrnoses. ".i.i «cn. I , ' ' ' ' r..w. IS of the namely: to receive, hold, use and convey or dis- tiuMo.s. burse moneys and other ])roper(y, real and personal, in the name of said corj)orati()ns, but in trust and for the use and by the authoi'ity of the state of Illinois, anorations, and necessary for the successful discharge of the obligations devolving by law upon said boards of trust; provided, that they shall not have ])Ower to l»ind the state by any contract beyond the amount of the apj)ropriations which may at the time luive been made for the j)ur{)oses expressed in the contract, nor to sell or convey any part of the real estate belonging to their respective insti- tutions without the consent of the legislature, excei»t that they mav release anv mortgage or convev anv real estate which mav be held by them as securitv for anv monev or uiion anv trust the terms of which authorize such conveyance : and irro- vidcd, further, that the general assembly shall have power, at any time to amend, alter, revoke or anmil the grant of corpo- rate powers herein contained or heretofore expressed in any and all charters previously granted to any of said institutions. 13. The ol)ject of the hos])itals for the insane shall be to receive and care for all insane or distracted persons 11.1,1521. • T • i\ i 1 i- IIT • 1 1 lll.joct of .lud residnig ni tlie state ot Illinois, who mav be com- a.imissiou to 1 , . . T • 1 1 ' 1 liospit:ils for mitted to their care in acc(n'dance with "law, and to tiieiusaoe. furnish all needed medical treatment, seclusion, rest, restraint, attendance, amusement, occuj)ation, and siip])ort, which may tend to restore their health and recover them from insanity, or to alleviate their suffering; provided, that the trustees shall have power to discharge patients and to refuse additional ap- •■'■'.I mi ILLINOIS. ]»licati(iiis for admission to liu' Iiospitals uiidcr (licir ciirc, wlicn- fVfi', in tiicir jtulunu'iit. llu' interests of tlie insane (k'niand such di.-cliariic or rct'usal, and tiiat in the admission and rclontion of patients, curalile and rt'cent eases siiall iiave the ]irefei'enee over eases of ioni;' standin,^, and that violent, (lanLicrous or otherwise ti'ouhlesome I'ases shall have the pref- cri'nee (»\-er tlu'se of an opjiosite description. Id. The management of each of the state chaiMtahk' insti- ii'i'iS'.2'. tutioiis ■''■ ■''■ '■• shall he vested in a hoard of three AllpoilltlMi'llt iiii.i i.iiMoi' Irnstees, to ho apiiomted hv the iiovernor, hv and iillici' 111 iriis- _ _ ' ■■ •■ ' • "■''^- with the advice and consent of the senati', and to 1)e dixided into three elasst'S, and one class appointed every two years, to serve for si.\ yeai's from the iirst (»f March in each year hearin,u' an odd numher, as follows: upon the tak- ing ellect oi' tliis act three trustees sjiall he ap])ointed for I'aeh cliaritahle institution, * * ■''■ of whom one-third shall serve until the Iirst of .Nhirch, A.D., 1S77, one-third shall si'rve until the iirst of ^hlrch, IM!', and one-thii'd shall serve until the Iirst of ^hlrch, lS,Sl,as may l)e determined hy lot: and tlieir successors, resjiectivcdy, shall serve for six years each, and in I'very ease ;i trustee shall hold his ollice until his sue- cessor is a])]»ointed and (lualilied ; proculaJ, that not more than one trustee for the same institution shall he ap[)oiuted from or resi(k' in any one county, and that no ]ierson shall he appointed or serve as trustee of inore than one institution at one ami the same time; and provided J'ayfJicr, that no su])erintendent or cm[»loye of any of said institutions shall he trustee thereof. 15. The "governor shall have power to remove any trustee for ineliieieiicv or other ii'ood and sullicieiit cause; Ibid § 21!. , ' . . licmoviii of and everv vacanev occiirriiiii' from death, removal, trustees. ■ _ • • or otherwise, shall he filled for the remainder of the unexj)ired term in the same maiinei- as i)rescrihi'd in the seventh section of this act, hut if the senate he not in session Avhen such vacancy occurs, the governor shall till such vacancy, suhjcet, however, to the approval of the Semite at its next regu- lar session. 10. Every pcr!«on appointed as trustee of any state insti- tution shall, hefore entering uiiou the duties of his Ibid § 27. , ' ., Trustei-s to otHce, take and subscrihe the oath prescribed in the take an oath. , ' twenty-fifth .section of the lifth article of the con- vices; ILLINOIS. i; JO stitutioii (if tlic slalc (if Illiiidi-, wliicli oalli sliall Itc died in \\\v (illicc (tf tlic scci'cliiry (if sliltr. 17. MiU'li (if tlu' lidiinls of trustees jii)|M)iiite(l ill acenrdaiico Avitli till' ])i'(ivisi(iiis of this act shall have ehai'ue (»f im.i ,^ ■.■>, , . ..... . ' , !■ "I ili'i I'liw- the li-eiicral interests dt the iiistiliitiuii edniiuitted t<> •■r-,.i lit Iriiyd'i'is ; its care, and shall have the jiower to apiioint >ueh «''i''t. uflieei's and other agents, not herein otherwise jiroxided for, as may lie iieedi'd i'or the snee<'ssful niana<;'einent thereof, to dcliiie their duties, to lix their eoin|)ensatiou. (o remove and dischai',ror/(/rf/, that no jieisoii shall he a|i|iointe(l superintendent of eitlu'r of the hospitals for the insane, •''■ * * Aviu) is not an educated and coin|)etcnt physician. 18. The trustees shall receivi,' no compensation for their .ser- vices; liut the actual expeiisi's of each of duties of their ollice, which bond shall he tiled in the otliee of tin- state eoni- missioners of puhlic charities, at Sprin^^lield. '2'2. The hooks and papers of the treasurer shall he o|»en at n, !,!(;;,,. all times to the inspection of any oi' the trustees of }m'i's'*ii'''m,.''1:o 'li"^ institution, ollicers of slate, menihers of the u'cu- era! assembly, or the state coinniissioneis of puolic charities. "S.'i. The treasurer shall receive and he the custodian of all ibi'Mi^. moneys due oi' helon"inir to the institution, whether Duty (if trcas- ,.',,. , r^ ■ nicr. rnnd, (leriYcfl troiu the state treasury or irom otiier sources, vinulu'i'K, aC' «"""'■''• and the superintendent, or any other ollicer into whose hands any moneys ritihtfully lielonuiuy; to the institu- tion may chance to come, shall |)ay oyer all such moneys in full to the treasurer, at least once in every month. The treas- urer shall not ])ay out any of the funds of the institution except on ])ro|>er vouchers, nanu'ly on the order of the hoard of trus- tees hy such apjent as the hoard may appoint, and the original orders uj)on which said funds aiv paid out shall he returned from time to time to the trustees, to he filed in the oHicc of the institution and there permanently preserved, and the president of the hoanl shall ijiye his receipt to the treasurer for said orders when returned, showing' in detail their nund)ers and amounts, which receipt shall he a tiiud clearance of the ti'"a.s- urer fi'om all further responsihility tor said nutneys S' The treasui'er shall kee])an itemi/.ed account, in a suhst; iiy bound book, showing, inxler ajijiropriate heads, all the rt ipts and disbui'sements, in detail, with the date when and the parties from or to whom the same were receiviMl or paid, and also the current number of the order of the trustees upon Avhich each cash payment is made. 24. The tru.stees shall hold re7 of tlu'ii' iiuiiilicr. A iiiiijofity of the lioanl shall constitute' a (|Uoruiii to do laisiiicss. At cadi rciiular iiicctiiij,^ they shall inspect the institution under their charge, and they, or any one of Iheni. may visit and inspect the same at any time. 2."). At each stated meetin^^ of tiic hoard, the treasurer shall make a full reixtrt of all moneys reeeive(l and iiaid ^m. ' ■ ' Wlicii irciisii. out hv him, accompanvinu; the .same with a copv of '<'"ii'i- '- ' ^ . . Inloiiili'iit Id liis itcmi/e(l account, which account shall he veri- "■••i""'. i'ppi'.- inuitiiin. w lii'ii Jie(l hy atlidavit,and make settlement with the trus- r^y''''!-- tees. The superintendent shall present to the trusteisan item- i/ed statement of the kind, (piality and cost of all articles |iur- ehased for the institution durini;- the interval since the last rej^ular meeting of the hoard, and a classiiied summary of ox- ])enses incuiM'ed, with which tlu' report of the treasurer shall be compared. '^JMie triL'^tees havinj;' examined said reports and accounts of the su|)erintendent and treasurer, and the halancu in the treasurers hand, tojjiether with the amount of outstand- in<2; unpaid liabilities, shall indorst^ their apj)roval thereon and transmit the same, with du[)licat(! vouchers accompanying, to the state commissionei's of puljlic charities, at Spi-innjudd, to be liled in their ollice for inspection at any time by the j^ov- oi'iior and by the memljcrs of thi' jj,'eneral assi'uibly. And no instalment of any appi'o})riation heretofon^ or hereafter made by the general assembly shall be due oi' payable to any of the state institutions until the state commissionei's ut [(uhlic chari- ties shall have eertilied to the governor the accuracy of the said statements and accompanying vouchei's, which certificate shall be ap{)roved by the governor, and delivered to the auditor of public accounts. 2G. >>'o trustee, treasurer, superintendent or other ofTicer or agent ai)pointe(l by virtue and under the ])rovisions of this act, shall be directly or indirectly interested N<'.»iii^''- tp ill anv contract or other agreement for Iniilding, re- '" <"i"™''; pairing, furnishing or sup]dying said institutions. A .y violation of this section shall subject the otlender, on con- viction, to be })unished by a line of not more than double the amount of .said contract or agreement, or by imprisonment in the |)enitentiary for a term of not less than one nor more than ti . ree years. ir.8 II.LIXOIS. I'lircli Iiciially 27. Ill tli(> iiiaitor of llic purcliaso of snpplit's for an iiistitu- „,i,,(;^, lion, the truslofs sliall cause sufli |»ui>'liaso to 1)0 "'^ iiiaik' wIuTi'ViT the l)i'si .Ui.iilc of articles of siiita])]o (luality can hi' l)ounlit at the lowest price, and, so far as })ractical)l(>, in large rather than in small (juantities, and they shall, if in their judgment it can he done to advantage, advertise tor jirojiosals for staph; su))[»lies, sucli as meat, Hour, sugar, coll'cc, tea, fuel and other staple articles, and m ike con- tracts for the furnishing of the same in l)ulk or in (luan'itics as may hi /leciled for use; provided, that tlie trustees shall have power, hy tiiemselves or hy their tinancial agent, to terminate and annul such contract whenever the su|iplies furnished do not fully cori'es])ond in (piality and (juantity to the samples ])i'cviousiv furnished hy the contractors, and to the letter and spirit of the [proposals made l)y them ; (Did provided fmilicr, i\\i\t no draw!)a':ks. presents, or secret discounts shall hi' given to or received hy any j»ers(^n whatever ou account of any articles or materials furnished to or lahor done for any state institution, and a violation of this ])roviso shall suhjcct the oll'emler, on conviction tliereof in any court of record, to a line of not moi'o than one thousand dollars or imprisonmen'^ in the jienitentiary for a term of not less than one nor more . Iian thi'ee years. 2S. J'^ ii'y state institution shall keep a register of the num- 11.1,1 s 42. her of oilicers, em))loyes and inmates })resent each kVpi. ' day in the year, in such form as to admit of a calcu- lativn of the average mnnher present c, jii month. 'Ji». lively state institution shall, so far as may lie [iracticable, Uii.i H''- keep a record of stores and sunnlies, showinti' the i^iovH. amount of stores, etc., received and issue(h with the dates and names of the jiarties from or to whom the same AVci'c received or issued. ;!0 ( )n or hefore the iii'st day of Xovemher ])receding each ii,i,i s ti;. icuular session of the uvneral assemhlv, the trustees ]{, 'lions of • .'^ . -' ' ti"'*!''''- of lach of the state institutions jiamed in this act shall make out anr their eonti'ol. ami the balance thereof remainin.'i,' unexjx'uded in their hands or in the treasury of the state. The ri'[)orts re- quii'cd ]»y this section shall Ik; accompanied with a cash state- ment made by the treasurer of the institution, and with such otiu'r iidbrmation, Hnancial. statistical and otherwise, in such tabulated form as the commissioners of puldic charilic may prescribe and require; proviiJcd, \\\a{ the said conHnissi( ners shall prescribe forms of statements as ne:irly uniform as may be jiractieable for all the institutions, to the end that tluir ac- counts may bo compai'e(l and consolidated foi' tb(> information of the iL>'(Mieral asseml)ly: and jn'oriJtd furflicr, \\\i\\ the said commissioneis may call for and requiri' special reports when, in their judgment, the })ub]ic interest s.liall demand tlie same. 1)1. The * * "■' trustees of the state charitable institutions shall bo on or before the tirst day of Xovendx'r in o,. 1(il>, ;< c. the year eightecMi hundreil and seveidy-six. and hi- ,',i'',|!';lkVnL'!'i'ire onnially thereatter, make and deliver to the gover- '""'' •'""' nor sucii rejiorts as tluy are now rcMpiired by hiw oi' the con- stitution to make of their ads ai;d doings I'espeetively. closing with the fiscal year jirtcei'ing each regular session of tlio general assend)ly, and no othci annual or l)iennial rejiort shall be madi> l)y such ollicers. ''■■ '■■- '■■- o'l. The mimber of copies of the several reports of th(> state institutions naimMl in thi< act. now nr hei'eafter pre- rh.a.i. §-i7. ' I'liiiiiii^; re- scribed by law, shall be printed and j)ublislie(l i'"ii« under th(> super\ision nf Uh' slate commisublic chai'ities, who shall havi'said rejiorts printed, liound aiul ready for distribution to the members of the genei'al asscanbly, witliiu ten days al'iei- the meeting thei'(M)f IV-K The countv boards of the several counties shall have powi'r : I'.lWlTsuf CMinity t- ^- ^ ^ l'"'ii"th. To cause to be erecl(> 1, or otherwise pro- vide<|, ;>uila.ble buildings tbr, and maintain, a county insane asyhnn, atiil ju'oviile Ibi- the management of the same. I ; ml !■ I •k IGO ILLINOIS. 34. "Wlionevor any jirant, f^ift, doiiaMon, devise or bequest of ci).23. (5 1. ^""^'"l *'^' l'*^''"s"iial property lias been or sball be, .^'vTsV,''-ic'!r'' directly or iiuiireetly, made to or for the use of the to Slate. state or any state hospital or asylum for the insane, or other charitable or educational institution of the state, ami the deed, will or other instrument by which such grant, gift, donation, devise or beijuest is madi' declares that such })roi)erty shall be held, managed, improved and invested or otherwise disi)Osed of lV)r the benefit of such institution or other chari- table use, the title to such j)roperty may and shall be taken to be vested in the state tor the use so ex]»res,."). All residents of the state of Illinois who are or may be- ii.i,i,!;44. come inmates of aiiv of the state charitable institu- Who ailniiltPil . in • ' i ■ i t..riiiiriMiiio tions shall receive tliew lioard, tuition and treat- iiihtitiilinns, teiins, vciiuii- inent free of charge during tlieir stav. The rt'si- tary pay- ineiits. dents of otlu'r states may be a(hnitted to said insti- tutions u[)on the [)ayment of the jii.>t co.'^ts of said hoard, tuition and treatment ; provided, i\\a[ no ii'sideiit of another state shall be received oi- retained to the exrlusi(.n of any residt'iit of the state of Illinois; and proridcd furtlicr. -'lint sliould any inmate be unwilling to at'ce])t gratuitous board, treatment or tuition, then any supt'rinlendciit of a state charitable institution is liereby authori/ed to receive ])ayiuent therefor, and is re(|uired to account for the .sime in an itenii/.eil monthly or «|uarterly statement to the trustees, as donations, duly credited to the persons tVom whom they were I'eceived ; and if any superin- tendent shall receive any moneys for the pui'|)o.e t»f furnishing extra attention and condbi'ts to any inmatt's of the institution under his charge, he shall acc(»unt for the same, and tor the expemlitures, in Ukv manner, to the trustees. ;;(). JM'oni and after the first of July, issl. the . >v[ apart for llic acc'oiniiiodalion and cai'i' ot" tliu insaiu' of tlic fcuutit's of Uooiic, ( 'arroll, De Kallt, I )ul*a}j;c, .lo Daviess, Kane. Ken- dall, Lake, I.a Salle, Lee, Mellenry, O^le, Stephenson, \\'liite- side, \\'innel)a;i;o, and a portion of the insane of (\>ok ('onnty. The Illinois Ivistern Hospital for the Insane, at Kankakee, sliall lie set apart for the insane of the eonntit's of l''ord, (Jrundy, irocpiois, Kankakee, Liviniiston, W'rmilioii, Will, ( 'hani|)ai lU'nois Southern Hospital for the Insane, at Anna, shall lie set apai't tor the insani' of the counties of Ale.xan- der, Txind. ( 'lark, Clay, ( 'linton, ( 'oles, ( 'rawl'ord, ( 'undK'i'land, J)(tu,!i,las, ICdoar, Ivlwards, l']nin;;hani, I'^ayette, l''i'ankliii, (Jal- latin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jackson. .laspei', .lelferson, .lohns(»n, Lawri'iu'c, Madison, Marion, Massac, Monrot', Moultrie, Perry, JV)pe, I'ulaski, liandtdj)]), Richland, Saline, Shelby, St. Clair, Union, Wahash, Wasliing'on, Wayne, \\'hitt' and Williamson. 1)7. Kach of the countie^> id' this state shall hereafter he en- titled t(» have and kcej) in the hos[iital at all times a i,,;,, j ,-.j number of patients jirojiortioned to its po[)ulation ; p„"ti'''n't« Ilf the ratio of or- (1) i)atient to every two tli(aisaud "^'^■'"■"•"">-- (2,0U0) of the population of said county, as shown by the cen- sus of ISSO, us per the following schedule : 11 l?-^ !. ir,2 ILLINOIS. ! i ! COUNTIES. Ailains I 30 Alfxaiider ... I 7 ])Oii(l ; 7 JJooiie ]}r()wn \ 7 lliirciii . . . . ; 17 CiiIIkhiii .... 4 Ciirroll : 8 fuss ' 7 Cliainpiiimi ... 20 t'liristi;in .... 14 Clark 11 L'lav 8 Clinton , ( oles ; 1 4 Cook 304 Crawford .... 8 Ciinilierlaiul . . 7 ]»f KmIIi .... 13 l)e Witt .... 9 ])()iifi;lass ..... 8 j>ii Pa-je . . . . ■ 10 K.l^ar 13 K(i wards . . . . ' 4 Kdingliain . . . ' 9 I'a.veUe . . . . : 12 Ford 8 ]-'ranklin . . . . ' 8 Fulton . . . . , 21 (iallatin . . . . ' (> Crei'ne .... 12 tirnndy .... 8 naniilion 8 Han well .... 18 ('Ol'XTIKS. Ilanlin . . I Henderson Henry . . lro(iuois . Jai'kson Jasjier . . Jelierson . Jersey . . Jo I)avies.s Johnson . Kane . . Kankakee Kendall . Knox . . Lake . . . en H H < COUNTIES. O La Salle . . Laurence . . Lee . . . . Livingston . Logan . . . I M aeon . . . Maeoupin Madison . . Marion . . Marshall . . ; Mason . . . I Massac . . . |MeI)onoiigh iMellenry . Me Lean . . ! Menard . . j Mercer . . I Monroe . . Montgomery 3 « 18 18 11 7 10 8 14 7 22 12 7 20 11 35 7 14 19 13 15 19 25 ^A 8 8 5 14 12 30 7 10 7 14 Morgan Moultrie Ogle . . Peoria . Perrv . Piatt . . . Pike .... Pope .... I'ulaski . . Putnam . . i{aiidoli)h Richland . . lioek Island Saline . . . Sangamon Schuyler . . I Scott" . . . I'Shelbv . . . llStark' . . . I I St. Clair . . I Stephenson . |iT:':^ewell . . I Jnion . . . ' I Vermilion . ; Wabash . . I Warren . . jWa.shington . Wavne . . . |Wlute . . . iWiiitesides . .Will . . . . i Williamson I Winnebago . i Woodford 1() 7 15 28 8 8 17 7 ft 3 13 8 19 S 2() 9 5 15 6 31 1(5 14 9 21 5 12 11 11 12 15 27 10 15 11 Of tlio throe Imiulrod and four (o04) beds as.'^igncd to the county of Cuok, Hcvciity-fivo (75) slitiU be in tlic liosjiital at Kankakee, and two hundi'ed and twenty-nine (220) at I'^dgin, and the county court of stiid county, .^ihall luive the right to send any individual patient to one or the other of the said liospitiils, at the discretion of the court, in accordance with tlie circumstances in each case, hut not exceetling the quota herein named ;1S. The county hoard, or hoard of .supervisors, as the case ii>i,i ii.-.4. 1"''.^' ^"■'' *'* •'" eounties from which tliere are, or evon'six''" liereaftei' may he patients committed as paupers to luouihs. either of the state hospitals for the insane, is hereby I ILLINOIS. 103 ), directed and reiiuired to make settlement in l\d1, as oft^'ii us once in every six ((i) montlis, tor all jnst eliargi's I'ur elotliinj^, and other jiroper incidental expenses, and t(i ])ay the anionnt due said hospitals in money, or negotiable jiaper worth its I'aee, Avithout discount. .'JO. In case any county shall tail, and refuse to pay evi'ry iust and reasonal)le account prrscnted by anv one uniisw of tlie state hospitals lor the insane, and the same "r nfus,s shall remain unpaid for one (1) year ai"ter it is due, inaiKianui'*. then the trusti'es of the said hospital shall a])ply to tlic circuit court, in and for the said delinquent county, for a writ of man- damus u})on the county treasurer of said county, requiring hiiu to pay the said over-duo account, and upon ]»roof made of tlie justice of the claim, the circuit court .shall issue such writ. 40. All beds not assigned to the several counties, as per schedule in section two (2) of this act, shall be re- n)i(i i5 .or. served for the reception and care of recent cases of ^^u!l>odl'ld^' insanity, or other cases having special claim to re- ""'"''°"- lief, without resjiect to the counties from which such cases are sent; and in case the hos})ital at Kankakee shall l)e completed or ])artially completed before the next session of the general assembly, the trustees may admit paticnits at discretion, from outside the district in which .said hos}»i'al is situated, but they shall give the preference to api)lications for the admission of such patients as are capable of labor on and about the grounds of the hospital, in order that the state may receive the benefit of such labor. 41. Any patients who may be in any state hospital for the insane from outside the limits of the district for ii.i.i §.'.:. ,., .11 • 1 • -\ • 1 I'l Piitioms to l)e whicli saul hospital is designed, as expressed ui the tnnisr.iio.i first section of this act, shall, as soon after this act takes effect as may bo convenient, be transferred to the hospital in and for the district to which they belong ; and the expenses of such transfer, shall be defrayed from the state trea.sury, in the same manner as the cost of conveying convicts to the penitentiary is defrayed; j)ror/(7«?, that the bills rendered for this service, shall show all the items of expense actually incurred, and be accom- panied by sub-vouchers for each item, and no amount .shall be allowed or paid l>y the auditor of public accounts in excess of such actuid expense. ■I- IGi ir.T.lNOIS. rl<' M 'I ;i I lliiil s -J. Writ si'i'vicc 42. Wlicu any jki'sou is su])|)(isc(l to lie insaiK^ ov disfvacfcil, cii. s.-i,gi. aiiv near rdalivc ov in case tlicfc be iioiic, aiiv P.'liti.iii r..r ■ ..... iiivcsiii;,ui..ii. ri'spcctalilc ]i('r«iii rcsKlino- in tlir ('(amty inay jx'tilion tlic Jud.uc (•!' tlic cuiinty •■our! i'ov jtroct'cdin^iis Id in- (]uin> into such alN'LiiMJ insanity nr (listi'action. \'\>v the licar- iiiij,' of such a]t]ilicafi(in and |>i'()cccdiujj,s tiuTcnn, the- cnunty coui'l shall he cdiisidcrcd as always open. •hi. r])on the lilinii' ol . ucli |i('tition. the Judi:'!' shall order the clerk of the courl to issu(> a w rit. directe;., as may he desirecl on helia'f of the petitioner, or sui.|mi,i,<, ^^|- ji^^, pci'sou alleu'cd to he insane, to ap])ear at the time lixed for the trial of the matt(>r. 4.". At the tim(> lixed for the trial, n jury of six ])ersons, j,,j,, ^., one of whom shall l»e a physician, sliall l)e im- JuiVtriai. p.,,uded to try the case. The case sliall he tried in the jirescmce of the |)erson allei!;ed to hi' insane, wdio shall liave ihe riuht to he assisted hy counsel, and may challenj^e jurors as in civil cases. Tin- court may, foi- ^dod cause, con- tinue the case from time to time. 4V). After hearing' the evidence, the juiy shall rendei' their ,.;,,, verdict in writiu"', siiincd hv them, which sliall em- Verdict, form. ^,,,,1^. ,],,, suhstantlal facts shown hy the evidence, wliich verdict may he suhstantially in the followin_ti' foi'ui : State of Illinois,! County, j We. the undersiji,'ned, jurors in tlio cns(> of (nam- ing the person alleged to he insane), liaving heard tlieevidenco in the case, arc satisfied that said is insane, and is .a lit person to he sent to a state hosj)ital for the insane; that lie is u resident of the state of Jllinois, and county of ; .9S. i t I [ \ i TLIJN'OIS. 1 C'i tliat liis line is ; tliat Iiis discnsc is of nt to '''".i.'.i ..r.i.r ' ' llf (•■lllllMllllll, a state hospital for the insane, the ccjurt shall enter "Pi'ii'-^ni""- an order that the insane person he (•omniitted io a slate hos- jiital for the insane, and thereupon it shall he the duly of the clei'k of the court to make aj)plication to the superintendent of some one of the state hospitals fur the insane for the a hospital ; and if the clerk is satisfied that it is necessary, he may authorize an assistant to be employed. 50. The warrant may bo substantially as follows: State of Illinois,) County, j The IV'ople of the State of Illinois, to ss. It.i.l Sf>. Form of W.llllllU. I r II i I I *«l luO ILLINOIS. You arc hereby commanded fortliwith to arrest , wlio has been declared to be insane, and convey him to the Northern (or as the case may be) Illinois Hospital for the In- sane, (and you are hereby authorized to take to your aid an as-iistanl, if deemed necessary.) and of this warrant make due I'eturn to this office after its execution. "Witness mv hand and the seal of the countv court of (tountv, this day of , A.D. [f.. S.] Clerk of the county (!Ourt county. .")l. Upon receivinf^ the patient, the superintendent shall ii.i.i •; in. indorst' upon said warrant a recei|)t as follows: r«iiuii. ' Northern (or as tlie case may be) Illinois IIos})ital for the Insane. Keeeived tliis day of the })atient named in the within warrant. ,A. 1). Superintendent. This warrant, with a rcceii)t thereon, .shall be returned to the clerk, to be filed by him with the other jiapers relating to the case. 52. No jierson liaviiig an}' contagious or infectious disease, n.i.i 5 n. '*''<^ ^"^ idiot, shall be admitted to either oi the slate »yit't.'H'r:''i(ii!lts hospitals. AVhen the trustees and superintendent ,.ucharse... ^|^,^,| ^^^j ^^^^^ .^^^ -^^y^^^^ j^.^^ ^^^^^ rcccivcd into the hospital, they may discharge him. 53. If the court shall deem it necessary, pending proceed- ii'i'i?T2. iuo-v! and i)revious to verdict, or after verdict and cun.iuitiiioi.t. pondnig admission to the hos])ital, temporarily to restrain of his liberty the person alleged to be insane, then the court shall make such order in that behalf as the case may re(iuire. and the same being entered of record, a copy thereof certified by the clerk shall authorize such person to ])e tem- j)orarily detained In- the sheritf, jailor or other suitable person to whom the same shall be directed. 54. A\'hen a person, not a i)auper, is alleged to be insane, and is found by the jury not to be insane, the costs of the ])roceeding, including the fees of the jury, shall lie paiiil § i:i, (;osts. 1 % s t I ■X. i \ i t ILLINOIS. 167 I tives, as the court may direct. If the person alloj^ed to lie in- sane is a pauper, the costs of the proceetlinij. incluilin^ the fees of the jury, siuiU he paid out of the county treasury. Provided, if such pau[)er is found not to he insane, the court nuiy, in its discretion, award the costs against the jietitioner. 55. The expense of conveying a [)auper to thi' hospital shall he paid hy the county in which he resides, and that n.i.iiiu. of any other jjatient hy his guardian, conservator or iVi'.'usHr^ relatives; and in no case shall any such expi'nsi> he "'"''■'" "'"'"*' j)aid hy the state, or out of any funds for tln' insane. The fees of the sherilf for conveying any person t(» a hospital .-hall he the same as for conveying cojivicts to the [lenitentiary. 5G. If the person he not a pau[)i'r, then one or more per.son.«i, relatives or frieiuls of the patient, shall, u])on his n,,,! ^ ,.-, admission into the hos})ital, hecome responsihle to lasu'^^tMutr, the trustees for finding the patient in clothes, and *" removing him when recpiircd ; and shall execute a liond con- ditioned as follows, viz. : Know all men hy these presents, that wc and , of the county of and state of Illinois, are held and firmly hound unto the trustees of the Northern (or as the case may he) Illinois Hospital for the Insane, in the sum of one hundred dollars (§100), for the payment of which we jointly and sever- ally hind ourselves firmly hy these presents. The condition of this ohligation is, that whereas , in- sane person of the county and state aforesaid has heen ad- mitted as a i)atient into said hos]>ital for the insane: now, therefore, if we shall find said patii'ut in suitahle and sulficient clothing whilst may remain in said institution, and shall promptly pay for such articles of clothing as it nuiy \>v neces- sary to ])rocure for said , at the hospital, and shall remove from said hosjdtal when re(|uired hy the trustees to do so, then this ohligation to l)e void ; otherwise to remain in full force. Witness our hands and seals, this dav of , A. D. 18 , [Seal]. >['Seal]. 57. The clothing to he furnished each patient upon heing sent to the hos])ital, shall not he less than the follow- ii,i,i § iq. ing: for a male, three new shirts, a new and suh- ^ '*'"""'>'• 1 ins iT.r.ixors. II! ! ! r shmtiiil <'(i;il. vosl, iiinl two pjiii's of |i,inl;iltM»ii> tpf woolen cldtli. tlil'cc |i;iil's ut' Wddlcii socks, ;i lihick (if (l;irl< .-lock ol' ( r;iv;i(, ;i pKiil hill or tiip. mill a |i;iii' oi" new shoes or lioois. hikI .i |i;iir «»r slippers to wejir witliiii doors. l''or a I'eiiiale, in aiMilioii lo the same (piantily of nndei'^arnients, >lioes and stockings, tlieiv sliall he two woolen petticoat'^ or skirts, thi'cr u'ood dresses, ji cloak or shawl, and a decent lionnet. I'niess such cloihinn he deli\(red in ^ood order to the snpei'inteiident, he shall ntantial llisll I'llllllilll,', 1 1 . •"•^•- " clot hull!,- at the time hi' is sent to the hospital, and I'roni time to time while he remains a patient in the hospital, and that he he reinoveil therelVom when reipiireil liy the trus- tees ; the e.\|iense of such I'lothiu";' and n>moval .sliall he paid out of the t'ounty treasury, u|)on the certificate of tlie judi^'e of the county coui't. ')'K Whenever the tiiistees sliall order any patient dis- ii>i(iSi>. chai'ii-e(I, the superililelidelit shall at once liotifv' the Dlsi-liiiivc .Pl' 1 i' . , i>iiticiit. clerk ol the countv court ol the proper counl\- lliero- iidtici', re- ... . . ' . . '""viti- of. if tlu' patient is a paupei'. and ifnot, shall notifv all tli(> persons who signed the hoiid reipiired in section lo of this act, and I'dpiest the removal of the jiatii'Ut. If sui'li patient he nau])er, shall hi' paid hy the projx'r county. ()neh wi'it and if il shall apiiearthal the sn|ierintendeiit has acted in had faith (tr iienlipntly. the sn|ieriiitendent shall naval! the eosts of tli<' nroeeedinL!-. Such superin- supt, lini.ii' lendent shall nioreo\-er he liahU' to a civil action iMiHuiiiiu'iit. for false imprisonment. \him for insane or :! sane, or with any hospital ■ distrac'te(| pei'sons. in this state, whether puhlic or pri\ate. shall receive or detain any person who has not heen declared insane hy the verdict of a Jury, and whose conlinemenl is not author- ized hy the order of a coui't of competent jurisdict it m, ln' shall he conliiH'd in the coinity jail not e.xcH'cding one year, or lintMl uot excee(lin, or restraint to visit at pleas- ci.. kis, s .v>. . 1 . ' ^ -L ^ • 1 1 I'roc ae('i'.>i.s of ure anv inmate eoniined m anv "^ * =*= charitable cicinymou. il V I 170 ILLINOIS. iiistilutidii ln'htii^iii;;' to the state of Illiiutis, sul>jtct to such rules aud irnulalions as may l>e I'staMishcd by tlif olliccrs in charge of said iMstitutiuns; jirarldal, Imwcvo', that tiic (•l(i'|ilyili;;' shall jtroducc t(» the olliccrs in cli a !';;(• of sue! i iiistitulioM, visited as aforesaid, sat islactory I'vidence from llu^ church authorities to which he helonj^s that he is a cler^^yiuan in ^i'ood staiidin;^'. (Id. It shall he the duty of the warden, su|ierintenilenl. or ii,i,,jj;,, other ollicci' in char<;-e of any institution inenlioneni'li pci-son Ix'conic liinaiic or in- sane, then no Jiul<;incnt shall he ^iven whilf f-ndi AfiMrju.i«. hmacy or insanity shall conlinno. And if, after """" jnd^inent and hefore exeentioll of the sentence, such Jiel'son hei'omo lunatic or insane, then in ease the punishment he cap- ital, the e.xeeution thereof shall he stayed until the recovery of said person from the insanity or lunacy, in all of thes»! cases, it shall he the duty of the court to impanel a jury to try the question whether the accused he, at the time of im[)anelin;4', insane or lunatit'. 70. If any ease of insanity shall occur in sai person shall at once he removed to the o,. ,i,s, « 42 insane hospital, at .Jacksonville, or other similar hos- vuTs'n.movea pital under the control of the state, at th(> expense '"""y""" of the state; and should said jxitient recover hefore his or her time of imprisonment shall e.xpiie. he or ^-he shall j;,,^,,^,, ^^ bo returned to .said penitenitary ; and it is hereby '"'''""• made the duty of the superintendent of the said hospital for the insane to re<'eive into said hospital and treat all .^uch ins:aue convicts lifi in other cuse^ uf iu^:uuitv. ^ I !isr " I INDIANA. (H)Vi:I!.\mi;n-t of asyia'm. 1. Title; li():ii-.l (if trustees, aiipoint- iiiiiil, tiiin of oflice. 2. i'.,'im)vnl; viu'iincios, Ikiw lilled. ;>. Udiid mill (latli : (iij;aniz,ili(in, in- V(■^t^•(l nilli ciiiitiul (iT asvliiiii. 4. Aimi'il inventory of pi(i|K"ty, ex- jieiiiiilmes, statistics, report siih- niitii'.l to tnisti'cs by outgoing inanaf^ers. •"S. Tiustccs, liy-ltuvs, meetings, stiite- ineiit, [laynient ot' liills. () Treasnrer to make iteniizetl state- ment. 7. SuperinteniU'iit, a])p()inlinent. resi- (ii nee, assistants; liond, pi wi'rs. 8. Sii| erinteiulent's statement oi' ex- penditures and reeei]its; moneys covered into state treasnry. !•. Trustees, repoM of exjienses, pay- ment and receipts, recommenda- tions ; nepotism l'ori)iiideii. ]('. I'ni'xpended aiipro|irIalions cov- et ed into state treasnry. 11. Trustees, salaries of. 12. Interest in contracts forliiddei". K^. Xeulect of duties, j)t>nallies for. 14. I'naiitliori/.ed liorrowing lorliidden. 15. Penalties for same. IG. Trustees; powers mul duties, ap- )ioii'tineni of (dicers, suhirics, by- laws ami ref.'iilatians. 17. Amiual inspection ol' asylum. IS. Reports sni initted to legislature. lit. ('(U'porat ' powers fjranted. liU. >Superint ndent ; i]ualilicatioii, term of ollice, salary. 21. Ilis ]iowers and duties; control of oflicers, admission and discharge. 22. (llicial seal !o lie provided. 2.'}. Bond of oflicers, t'orin of prescrilioi. . 24. Evidence of stiperiiuendeiit taken by (lc|iosition. 25, Asylums open to the ])iiblic. 2('). Street raihv.iy tliron,n!i ground^. 27. Kcports to governor to be itemized. 2S. (oiuinuing ajipropriations. 2'J. Application of money. 30. Warrants, liow drawn and ])ai(l. 31. Jjiniit of montldy allowance. COXSTRUCTION OF NKAV ASYI,l'M.S. 32. Commission for construi'lion of asy- lums, ap|iointment. 33. *>election of sites. 34. I'urcliase of land. 35. C'ontiact for building; interest in forbidden. 3l]. ]\eiiort of Commissioners. 37. Superintendents for construction, ai)poiiitment and duties. 38. Contracts under control of board. 3!). Kemoval of superintendents. 40. Compensation of board. 41. Approjiriation for oonstruclion. 42. Kxpenses of maiiileu.-uice of asy- lums, liorne liy state. 43. Superintendent and ullicers, aii- piintment of. 44. Rules for admission and discharge. 45. ,\i;tliority to purchase iiiiildiiigs. 4(1. Cajiacity of usyliims prescribed. 47. Kegidations of Indiana asylum to apply to new asylums. AD.MissidN AM) ])isriiAi;(;i;. 4S, "Who may l)e adinitled. It). Apjilicalion for trial, interrogato- ries to lie answered. 50. Personal examination liy justices and ):!>ysici:'.:i. 51. Subpo'iia of witnesses. 52. I''xamination of witnesses. 53. History of the cast by the regular medical tittendant. 54. Physician's ci'ri' 'cate. 55. Jiistices' cerlilicate. 5(). I"'ilint;' of cerlilicate, 57. Ap|)lieation to superintendent. 58. Supt'rinteiident's action tb.ereon; |irefcrei,:'es. 59. Rejected applications, renewal of after six moiulis. 60. Idiots not to be admitted. GI. Warrant of eoinmitiuent, form of, execution. V>i ; kt'. INDIANA. lo 62. ClolliiiiK ( o 10 siipj .lied. 75. Femalos, confiiicincnt of, in dc 63. Applii'Miion for re;uliui.ssIon, regu- intions Cor. 64. I)is('li;n'<,'(' at'li'i" riH'dvcrv ; liiU'in- K'ss iiu'lir;iliU's; (iaiiKoroils insiiiie Tiot ti) he ilisc'liiii'ia'il. iiicnt fur wotiK'i jiiirt- JC. .M;iU COIHMl'IIU'llt Ol, 111 (ll'pMrt iiu'Dt liir men. 7S. V . li|ilic;itii>ii for arrest, warrant, "eiiiie, to issue. 65. Disiliarjjce iVoin asylum, retjnlations. 7!). ]'".xamination anil liearini,'. 66. Ki-examination tor adniissioM after , 8U. \'erdict a;'iiinst defendant, euslo- lapse of isix months troni apidi- eatioii. 67. Jilanks supplied to elerk of court. 68. ]''seape, jM-oeeedintrs npon. 61). lIal>oas corpus, allowi'd onee in tliree montlis. 70. Diseharired patients siijiplied willi elothinj; and money. 71. Pi'eferences to eeilain classes. 72. i"'ees for examination and ci.iinnit inent. 7.'!. Tncuralile insane to lie cared for. 71. lncural)le insane, similar re;,'nla- tions for admission of. dian ap|)ointed. 81. Cerlilication to eircidt eonrt; re- tiial ; ap|)ointment of custodian coniirmed. 82. ICxpenses of proceedings. 8.'{. (Inardian, when appointed. 84. Verdict in favor of defendant, aj)- peal to circuit eonrt. 85. (.'ommitment to asylum under fore- tjoinif provisions. 86. Insanity to he pleaded specially. 87. When aciputted of criminal eliarjj,e to he trirl for insanity, legula- tions t" r inal. ■'j*i i I ■' t; 1. Tlic ,u;ovonior, -witli tlio eonsoiit of II10 senate, sl;all ii])- poiiit two ti'iistocs, '••' * * "'■ inf []\v liiisi)ital lof tlic p^..^!,,,,, n^.^^_ iiisimc; ;iii(l with tlu> like coii^tMit of the senate, lie "'T;,;;^'''^- sllitll itpjioillt it pfesideiil of tlie lyoanls of tl'lislics resi(leiit and two ti'ns- *''" tecs oi" (^iicli of sai n'dvel'liin ,' tlieieof. Siuli a|i|)(iiiiiinents sliall bo made within iivo days after the ttiking ell'eet of llii' el, and, the terms of saiointin.Mit day of l"'el)fiiary, Lss;;. After such iii»))ointriient, '""""^"'''' the i!;ov(a'noi' shall, on tin- lirst day of .hmtiary, issl,nnd hi- eunitilly tliere;\l'ter, ai>[)oinl one trustee for (\aeli of stiid ollieers ;in(l their successors shtdl be four yetirs. He shall re})orl such iippoint- inents to thes(>nate for its concurrence; ;ind if the -'iiiite sIkiU refus(> to confirm such appointments, he slaill ap[ioiiil other suitable persons, and in like manner report to the senate: pro^ 174 INDIANA. H,' f.'i)V"i'iuir (o rt'iiiiive olli- ceis. rldcd, if tilt' senate fail to coiifii-iu the lii'st appointiiH'iits above I'lpwor of ti.e J»i'ovi(le(l foi", tlicii tlie present trustees and comrnis- sioners of said institutions, and the j)rcsident of said hoard, sliall lutld their offiees and positions by virtue of this act only, and shall bo subject to all its ]»rovisions; and they, or any of them, may be removed at the pleasure of the governor, and the a})pointees to fill such vacancies shall consti- tute the new l)oards, as hei't'in provided. 2. The governoi' shall luive power to remove any of tlic said §2760. ti'ustees, or the said i (resident, upon failure to faith- remove. lully (liscliarge tlieir duties, or for any nieihcuMicy or an\' other cause that to him may seem just, with oj)2)f)rtu- nity to the party to answer and dt'fend against the charges, he being suspended during the iiujuiry. and appoint other com- jietent persons to fill the vacaneies thereby created for the un- expired term ; and in such cases he shall report the .said re- moval and ajipointment, with the statement of the cause tlicreof, to the senate within five days after the first day of the liCxt succeeding session thereof; or, if the senate be in session at the time of sucli removal, then within five days thereafter. Jf a vacancy shall occur by death, resignation, or other cause, the governor shall aiijioint a coiupetent })erson to fill the va- cancy for the uiiex}>ired term, and shall report such a}»point- ment to the senate, if in >ession, and if not, then to the next .suc- ceeding se.-^sion ; but if such ajipointment be not continued, the governor sliall ajipoint souu' other '•ninj)etent person ; and immeiliately report such ajipointment to the setuite, for confirmation. 'S. The said trustees and the pn-^'M^ nt shall, each, before en- S277i>. tering uiion tlie dulie- «.f ortice, give a bond i)avable lloucl and , P r 1 • 1 "iit'i to the state of Indiana m such sum as the governor may re(iiiire, and shall take an oath to faithfully discharge their neveral duties as such otficers. The said oflficers, first ap- pointed, shall give such U»nd and t;;ke surh oath within ten days after tlitir appointment, and shall thcreup<»i: enter on the discliarge of the duties of their ofiice. The Ixtarcis shtiU organize by the selection of one niemlier a-s treasairer and one a.s S'jcretary, and the })resident of the ])oanl-s sliall ^te tilu presi- dent of each board respectively. As soon as the tmmrds, or either of them, are organized, the boaitk of tvustetjs arud the I Sil hi e s;| cl ail "H tl| hi ai pe •h ac 4 INDIANA. if-* » I Ixiard of comniissionors, now severally having cliarj^e of the said institutions, shall deliver and surrender to the ])ropcr hoards created hythis act, all l)Ooks. |)ai)ers, moneys, and ]»ro])- erty, of whatever kind or nature, helontiinu; to or conncete(l with said institutions, or helonging to the state and under their charj^o or control ; and tlu'V shall, in like manner, surrender and deliver up to said iV'W hoards the care, custody, and man- awment of the said institutions and all the aH'airs nutios of om- thereot. And the superuitendents or managers ot tion.ctc. the said institutions, and the suhordinate teachers, physicians, and ('mi)loves thereof, shall, thereafter, hold their [)ositions and l)erforni their duties under and hy virtue of this act, and under *he control and direction of the new hoards created hy this act. 4. Such superintendents or managers shall, within thirty days- after the taking eflect of this act, each make s-"' out and deliver to the ]>ro[)er hoard of trustees of v,'nt..'iy, each of said institutions a com[)lete itemized inventory and statement, suhscrihed and sworn to l)y h'm. setting forth in detail all the property, hoth real and personal, Ijelouging to said institutions, or helonging to the state and connected there- with, or in use in and al)out the same. Such statement shall give the (piality and condition o^' such property and the value thereof, where it is and for what [)urpose or in what way it is used, and shall also give a detailed and itemized account of all produi'ts raised and consumed, and of each parcel of property, including hides, tallow, flowers, farm products, goods, or mer- chandise, and all other articles, sold or otlun'wisc dispos'd of during the year last past, hy such sui>erin{endent or manager or by the trustees or suliordinates of sai[)airs upon the build- Iio"'l|!,ary of ings or grounds, and for furniture and other articles ''"'''^' ''"^• ]>urchased for the use of the said institutions, or in and about the same; and a detailed and itemized Siatement of all the articles «ti wearing apparel, goods, merchandise, or property receive**!' during the past year with or for any of the inmates; what Wcame of such property ; whether any, if so what, I 1 f!l! i I \1C> INDIA NA. aiiKiiiuls ;ii'(^ Oil lijiixl yet ; what aiiiniiiil of like nddil- ov ucariiiLi,' a|p|iai\'l lia< liccii. (luring- said liiiic piirclia-cil lor cadi ol' (Im' inniak's. ami wlial aiiioiiiil (if iikuh'Vs have hccii i'('criv('(l ilici'cl'tir. and iVom '\lial couutii's so i'rc('i\cd, who iTccixcd such iiioiicNs, and I'oi' \\ hat ihii'|ioh' dicy have hci'U usctl. It shall also i^'wv a general account of the al!'a'!'> of the institution, the nuniher of iumafcs i'ccci\-cd, iVoui what connlics they canic, the nuniher and i'c(|uii( inenis of the institution. A like i'c|Mirl. inventoi-y. and stateuient shall he aii'iually iiivni..i\ to iiiaile. on the thirly-lifst day of (Jctoher in each "'"'^"'' year, to each ol' the said hoai'ds of tfu.-tecs, who may |iresci'ihe additional and other matter to he inciuded Iheicin. Such i-cjiorls, after due examination and action thereon hy the hoards, shall he delivi'fed to the j;()\-ernor, \vliit shall Iraii'-mit tluMu to the general a^semlily, at each 1'cp.iilar session tlu'i'i'of. ft. The [>re>idc,H and trustees of cadi of said iii.-t iiulions ^077.1. sliall he and constitute a hoai'd idr the maiiaucmcnl imvtiuiTs "' •'"' husiness au?i a'lui sliall keep a record of their ]ii'ocee(linus and acts, '"'"'"""■ and of all na iieys iccei\-ed oi' ]iaiil out. aii<' of all orders draw 11 or paiil. No moneys shall he jiaid out or e\- jicndecl, except upon an itemized hill lirsl ju'csenled and al- lowed hy the lM;ard. Such hill shall he signed ami >\\oin to by the claimant, and such payim'iit sliall l>e made hy an order si^'iU'il hy the pi'c-idcnt ami drawn upon the treasurer of the institutions, payahle ten days from the drawinj^' thereof. Such itelili/eil hills >hall he carefully presei'Ned. a lid heliumhereil to coi'rcspoiid with the order drawn for the |iayment thereof; and no hill shall he alloweil for more than tin lowest cost value of the articles [turchascd or services or leateiials paid coutrurts. )'()]•; and all c(»iitrat'ts made for arte les, materials, or sorvici'S shall he sulijcel to the allowance hy said hoard. : > ^ INDIANA. 177 y r ^' •; r». Tlic ti'cjisui'cr slia'l, tVdiii time lo time, Itctnrt' siirli oi'dci's become (hie, pfesi'iit lit the audilm" ol' stale a state- ^.,...^ ]iieiit, ol' all orders drawn aiul then unpaid, ^ivin^- s,';',,'^,',V,,','l ."ir tlie urer of each of saiil institutions, and shall c]iarfj;e him with the orders so drawn upon the state treasurer. 'I'he treasurer of said insti- tutions shall, at the close of each month, retui'u to the auditor of state an itemized staU'meiit of tlu' oi'ders paid hv it'iiii/.,i ' ' .MaliMllrlit him and the amounts thereof, siyiu'd and sworn to nec.'SMuy. as l)cin,u' coi'rect, and, with such statement, shall return to the au orders and general control of the board of trustees. JI(> may, for ti'ood caus(>, dis- Aii.MKiiints ebar.ue any of such subordinates and emj^loyes, and HiMi niipioyos .,j,|„,j,)| (,tli(M- conii)(^t(Mit, ])(M'sons \u tlieir places; which appointment shall eontinui* only until the next nuH'tin^ of the l)oard. at which time the sn])erinten(lent shall re{)ort ;dl such chani:'(>s. and the caus(\s therefor; and th(> board may (;oidirm such aiipoiutments: and, if not conlinned, he shall make other suitable apixiintments, subject to the conlirmatioii of said board. S. The supiM'infendcid shall, at or about the close of eaeli s-i"' month, mak(> out, for the iidbrmation of the board, I'llirlliiso of ... . . , , "I'l'i'iii'^- an itemized statement and estimate ot the amount anil kind of purrhases ri'cpiircMl for the nett succeeding montli; and it shall be the duty of tlu; board of trustees to solicit com- peiiijon amouii; nMpiired, by pu))lication or otherwise; and to this end th(\v shall keep such statement and (\stimate 0])en to ])ub- lic inspection, and shall givc^ jjcrsonal attention to the bids for and the purcbasi^ of such articl(>s and goods, and use their best endeavors to obtain them at the lowest public ])rices. Tlu' suix'rintendents shall also make out and file Avitb the imiiviting, an itemized stato- I^n,!'if"n',',.','L nient of all moneys paid out or ex])enses incurred ii.-<;«»^aiy. j'^^^. ^..y^.]^ ,,(" (],,. inmatics since the last re])ort, show- ing the counties to which the inmates belong, and the total amount chargeable to . ach connty. fSuch statement -hall be filed with the treasurer of state, who shall charge the -^anie to the ]iroi)er county, and eoll(>et the amount (hie fr<'m such county at each settleuKMit with the treasurer thereof: and such moneys shall be covt^'ed into the general fund of the state treasury. The sup(>rinteiid(>nt shall alr^o, at cacli regular meet- ing, make out and Hie with the board, a com])let( and item- i/.ed statement of all money rec(>ive(l. ly j)ay llic snnio over Id till' trr;isiir( r of state, who sliall _ni'y: and all uioiicvs payahk'. hy law, to or for tin; Ix'Urlit (if cithci' of said institutions, excoi)t the apjirojiriatioiLS i.KuK' therefor, shall, in all eases, he paid ovvv to the state treas- urer, who shall cover and transfer the same iuto the _t;(.'neral fund of the Ireasui'V. 0. The hoard of trustees shall have ])oW(r to make allow- ances for the paymeid of any inoney re(|uireil or ^^ j:;,;. authorized hy law to he jiaid, or for the impi'ove- ,' a',":"iM^p'it-'' nient, |ii'eservation, and eai'c ot tlieir several insti- tutions, and the ,u;rounds and property coniuM-tt'd therewith, and the ex|)enses thereof, the payment of employes and othoi- oxjienses; hut such allowances shall only ])v made upon an item- ized statement of the superintendent, showini;' the cause and necessity theivfor; and all payments shall be made only by orders (h'awn on the ireasuivr of such institution in the inan- iier herein pi'ovided. They siiall severally make a r(>port to the ji'overnor. at the clo-e of each fiscal vear, ,n"ivin,L!; K.M'.ivin-iu.a a iull staU'nient ol their receipts, dishursements, and oiii;rii;uL..s. operations durin*^ tht^ year preceding; the number of inmates received. dipaii's upon the builorsons llic lull value of sucli niiiiiilciiauoG and >u|i|)i)rt, unU'ss such rrlativc ur nicniluT ol' the I'aniily bo ivuiihirly ciiiidoycd and paid, as out- u( the subonliiiales or employes thereof. 10. The treasurer of state shall, hieunially, cover and ti-ans- «277:. fer into the u-eneral fund of the treasurv all nionevs tTllPXIllMl.h'.l . '^ • ■ i)iiian(M,. a[i|»roiiriated and unex])en(led at the closi- of the fiscal year, inmiediati'ly precedini;' each re^u,ular session of the general asst-nihly. 11. The pri'sident of the hoards shall rect'ive. as c. institutions as ))residcnt, trustee, superintendent, suh- oiiiiMMs. ordinates, or employes, to be pecuniarily interested in any contract for or ])urcliasc of sup[dies or materials, or to make or receive any profits, percentages, or deductions, or any reward or benefit whatever out of the manag-'Uient or opera- tion, or business of the said institutions, m'!>f'i,iw's: ment in the state jtrison for a period not less than imprison.nnt: ^j^ nioutlis aud n<»t uiorc than five years, and shall be fined in any sum not moi'c than live thousand dollars. 1 1. IL shall be unlawful for the bo.ard of tmslees of any § benevolent, scicntilic, rcibrniatorv, (»r educalional Hon- iwiiii; foi-biddoii. institution of the slate to borrow money upon the credit of the state, or to contract any indebteilness on the en'dit of the .state, or to make e.\'|)('nditures for impi'ovements for said institutions in any way, unless the; said loans or e.x- ncndilnre of monev ai'e lii'st authorized bv an act of ihe tion- eral assend)ly Ibr such ]>urposes. L"). Anv trustee or trustet's, of any such institution who »27S2 shall violate the provisions of the foregoing section, reuuity, shall be deemed guilty of a uiisdemeanor, end, ' INDFAXA. ISl I Upon coiiviclion tlu'i'cof. sluill Ix' HiumI in any snni not It'ss than live Imndri'd dollars, and sliall loil'cit his ollicc n|t(tn coiivi(;(ion ; wliifh t'orrcitnrc shall hr pai't ot' the jndunicnt of the ('((Uit. li). 'i'lu' trustees sliall l)e intrusted with the ^cnei-al control and nianairenient of the hospital. Tliev shall luv- 5 --'■"'■ serilte l)y-la\vs for the t.«. conduet its all'airs ai;'reeal)ly to the laws in forei' and such hy- laws as they niay establish, 'riny sliall have aiithority to a)»- poiiit a sn[)erinteudi'nt to take chai'jj,-e of tin- jiaticnts and liospital, and to ai)i)oint u matron and such assistant jihysi- eiiins, stewards, and other pi'ineipal ollieers as nniy Ap|...iiiimeut ue needeij lor the ellieieiit and eeonomieal adininis- "' """•••'■'• tration of the atfairs of the institution. 'Jdiey shall, in their liy laws, ])rescril)e the duties of their respective ollieers. their tenure of ollice, and detei'mine their salaries, except as other- Avisc jirovidt'il hy law. The trustees may. at their pleasure, remove from (jflicc any ollici'r of said institution, exce|it the superintendent; and they may remove the superintendent for ine(»nipetcMiey, wilful ne.u'lect, or refusal to discharge any of liis duties, or lor any luiseoncUu't on his [lart which niiuht reniler it improper for him to coutiiuu' longer in his said ollice. 17. Two of the trustees shall visit the hospital toi>;ethcr, inonthlv; a maioritv of them totiether, scmi-amui- 5-'^"' ally; and all the trustees together, shall make at i "i'- least on(> visit durinf>; the year. An aninuil ineetinu' of the trustees shall he held on the second Tut'sday of Xovemher. liS. 'fho trustees shall keep a. fu!' accdiuit of their jrroceed- inu's in a hook to he i)rovided tor that iiui-pose. The S'-^^" ollieers of the institution shall make rept)rts to the '•-■i">it. ti'ustees as they nu\y from time to tinu> reipiire. The superin- tendent and treasurer shall sev(M'ally make full reports to them at tlu'ir aiuiual meetini;'; and the trustees, at that meet- ing-, shall m.ik" a full report to tln^ general assembly, accom- panying the same with the aiuuuil rt>ports of the superintend- ent ami treasurer. 10. The tru--t(M-< may take, an]iilal. au oi' cliar^'i'. He shall I'onlinue in olliee four years, unless sooner I'enioved hy the I ruslees: and bci'ore enlei'iuLi' upon the duties of his olliee. he -hall take an oath Ol' allirinalion that lu' will dilipiil ly, raiihlully. and ini- j)artially di>eharfj,(' all the duties reijuiriMl df him hy law. 21. The superintendent shall he the (ddei' e.\e( ill i\i' ollicer §2S4o. of the liosi)ital, and shall have the eare and ediitrol (iiuii's. (it everything' eiaineeled tln'rewil li. lie shall see that till' several ollieers ol' the inslitut ion raitlil'ully and dili- {jjently diseharjj,'e their I'espeelive duties, lie shall emj)loy such attendants, nurses, servants, and other pei'MUi:-^, as lio may Ihink jtrojiei', and assii^n them their duties: and may, at plc!asure. iliscliarii'e them, lie shall receive lr(an the proper [)ersoiis the pali(Mits eiitiiled to admission into the hospital; aiul when cured, di.-chai'n'e them, lu all ca^es, Iiowiver, ho shall he subject to the contr(d of tlu> trusti'cs. 22. 'I'lie superintenileiit shall |ir(i\ide an oflicial seal for the (j.jsii. hosj)ital, U]ion \vhich shall Ik^ tJie words " Indiana,ro,H„is. ji,,^|,j|.,j |'„, j],^. ],,^,,,ie." lie shall make reports to tlu> trustees, as hy s(>clion I [§ 2S;17J ri'ipiired ; and in all tliinu,'s he >hall conform to the re(|uiremeiits of the le, 25. I'^vrry pcism or pcr-oiis wi.-hiiin' lo vi>it llif liii.;[iil;il lor llif iiisiiiic, limy licrcal'tt r \i>it llic wanis of said ^■^■^u. lios|til,il. suliicct to siicli nilc-^, ic^iilalioiis, ami re- strictions as the su|ti'i'iiik'ii(l('nt tiui\'o|' may, in liis dix-ntion, |ii'('srril)c or direct, on .M(»ii'■' ' _ ' Mr^M't i-i\i|. any incorporated street or horse railroail company, '"■i''- under such restrictions as said trustees may deem ]»roper, the riiiht and privilei:;i' (o enter upon the grounds coniiei-ted with said state hospital lor the insane, ami to construct, lay, and maintain on said j^rounds its necessary tracks for the pui'pos(^ of coiUR'ctin^ said state hospital for the insane with the I'nion depot in the city of Indianapolis hy a continuous line of street or hoi'se raih'oad : pvovUhd, liowevcr, that such i'i<;ht and privi- lege shall not he so exercised l»y said company as to in any- wise interfere with the use and enjoyrni'nt of .said grounds ior the jiurpose of said state hospital for the insane, or in anywise interien; with any improvement or improvements made or to be mude on saiil grounds, and that any license gi-anted hy tlu^ trustees under this act shall he revocal)le. 27. * * * 'Jlie trustees and su[ierintendent of llu Indiana Hospital fm' the Insane, '" * * shall, on the thirtv- ^•>'''\- ' , . ' "■ ll.'port to first day of October in each year, re[)ort, as now or k"V(iiiui. may hereafter be jirovidt'd hy law, to the governor: inovi'hd, that in making out their reports said superintendents of * * the lujspital for the insane, shall set forth, in their re})orts, each item of ex[)enditure on account of said institutions se])a- rately. 2S. Whenever there shall be a failure, at any regular bien- nial session of the general assembly, to pass an appropriation ,,.i IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT.3) k /. O ,.> u. & I 184 TMtl.VNA. 5„-.,^ liill (ir Mils iii;ikiiiu' ii|i|'i'i)|pri;il idiis for the ulijccfs un.n.'i'rir iiii'l purpox's licrciiiiirtcr iiiriitidiicd. it shall l.c """■' lawl'iil. tor till tinvcnidi'. s(cr('t!iiy. ami tn asincr of state, until ap|iro|)riatiiiiis shall he iiiaili' t>y tlic Iciiislaturc. to ilirt'ct tlic auditdi' of state (<» appropriated l'oi- the same ohji cts i'e".|iec- ti\i|y l(\ liie la-t preceding' iippro|iriation- which >liall have lieen made liy lln' i;-eneral a-senddy; and to pay ncli wai'rani- may he S L'TV'. dr.iwii shall he tlii' t'oljow ini;. viz. : I'or the ni e( s<;ii'y Apiilirution iif , ,'11 • 1 ,• 1 • .]. .■• .1, ii,..ii.v. «■•■" reiit e\peii'>. The \\r.rrants so to he drawn shall he drawn on tlio ?■-■•'•" |iecti'. (dy ; and M.' 1 allowances shall he made, monthly, upon the certifi- cate ol' the president of the proper Ixiard of trustees of th<' said institutions respectively, showinii- in detail the necessity l'oi- the Jimount demamled. and that it has heeii appi'oved hy such hoard : which ccrtilicate shall he countcrsiiiiied hy the super- intendent of the ]iarticular institution for which the expense ■\va-< incurred. .'11. in makinirsaid monthly allowances, it shall he the duty r-'T'M. ol the oliicers. as al'oi'esaiil authorized to make l.iiiiitoral- '^'"■' the same, not to exceed in any one month one- twclt'tli of the amount appropriated for the curreni expenses of the same institution foi' the last preceding- year for w liidi an appropriation shall have heeii made hy the lieneral assemhly. '•\'2. The e(,\ ci'iior shall, immediately ujioii the takinir ef- Ao.iri-'>i .1, '•''■' "' 'I''"' '■"■'• '"tpp"'"^ '\^" eommi.ijifin a niend)er. are herehy constituteil a hoard of com- missioners to superintend the location, the lellinui. 'ln' con- struction, and the e(piippin,e- of tlii'ee hospital^ for the insane ; iii.»iiiit*. ('■nil mi l.lCHll' i pn I !■ INDIANA. IS." I iiinl iiiiiic lit' surli lios|iitiiN sliiill l)c ci'cctiMl witliiu liflv Illilrs of ilic city (if I iHliiinii|i(ili<. Such ciiiiiini--iuiicr< -li;ill ImM i1h ir iiilicf I'lii' two yciii's. iiikI until tlicii- -.uccc~.~iir<. T.rinsoi,.mc.>. uiv aiijiiiiutcd, unless suonrr I'dra-cil liy <»rilrr .if the unvcfiKti-; pi'nrlildl. lli.'it line fifsjiid h(i-|iit;il> shall 1h' lucatcd aiiil crcclcil at nv near the city of Ivansville. ■ V-\. It shall lie the duty III" >ucii Ixianl (>r c(inin I i--iilc- \\>v the Inca- ml- linn iif three several hnspitah fur the in-aiie. which -elretinn, when made, shiill he the }daees at which sui-li Im.-pitals shall be erected. :'>!. Wdien the places fill' the liicatiiiii <>f -ueh hi'-| -hall lia\e heen fullv aefeed U|'(in li\' -Ueh Imai'd. <<1- a li.i.i}:; ' . , '11 1 • • • I'lUcluisr iif luajdi'ity tlK'i'eut, the said Imard <>t cnniin i--iiiner~ ihi'I shall, witlnmt delay, cmiti'acl t'nr the )iurclia-e of a tract of land nut exceeditiij," mie hundred and -ixty acres at cadi loca- tion, which they shall procure to he deeded to the >tate of In- diana. Such hoard of coiMniissioner^ may receive ii.Minti.iii.t. donation-^ of money or real e>*ate where the >aiiie i- don.itcd, to aid in the purposes contemplated hy this ad. In the eviiif land should he donated, it shall he deeded to the state without wonls of defeasance. Suidi hoard of conimissjoners shall, after select in jjf the location for such lio-pital<. advei-tise tor sealed pi'opovals for the erection and completion of -ucli i''"i'"-;«i'' hospitals u|ion such plans and -pecilications a- may have lieen asii'i'cd on, emhracini:,- oliices and huililini::s. a- may he necessary to the complete estahlishnient of >rn h hospitals lor the comfort and saiedi". .-liiill iipi'ii and cNiiiii iiir llit liiils. iiiiil awanl tlit- (•(iiilraci iir cdiit larls li» llic Idwcst ic,-|M)ii>ililc liiddcr wlm-c ImiihI liny dctiii .-nlliciriil. (ir ilicv may award |Mirii(»ii,- df die wdik 1(1. -Hell liiddcr<, if tin y >Iiall d(ciii it an advaiil;i,m' [u the stall' III do >(>; and any and all bids and scaled |irii|i(i>als H"ii'i riinlrni|ilat(d liy this act shall lie accoiniianicil l.y a Imnd. jiayalilr to the slate nf Indiana, signed Uy sullieieiit I't'si- dent iVeiliulil >urety. with a penally in a sun; imt less tlian dnulile llie aiMunnt III' the liid 111' |ii'ii[iiisal. Siich Imiid shall lie eondiliniH d and must euiitain |ii(i\i-i(ins in all res|ieel.- like tliiisc i(i|nii'ed liy law in cases joi' hiddin.y' n|i(in eiuiiiiy cuni't lii»ns( <: and such huiid shall rc(|nife the laithrnl iiei'ldniiance (if the wdik s|ieeilied, if the contiact he awai'di'd under such hid (ir [impiisal. I |i(iii the award oi' cnntfact or contiaets. the hoard and llie sncce>,-rul hiddef oi- hiddci> shall enter into a cafc- I'ully lu'epai't d coiitfact. in |iursuance ol'such award of contract, whiih wriUeii t-oiitract shall he liled and ca rein liy preserved in the oil ice of thi' si'civtary ol'staU': prtnUhd, that neither oi" the coniinissioners oC the |irest'nt hospital lor I'li'vi-". till insane, tlu' sn|ierinleiident, nor any of the ollici rs or attendants, auent or employe thereof, or person coiniectcd therewith in anyw i-e. nor any oHicers named herein, imr any rehitive of ihcii's or their wives, nor either of the cumnii.ssioner.s liei'caller to he a|i|iointeil hy any provision of Ihis act. shall contract for any portion of the work herein provided lor, or have any interest, dii'ectly or indirectly, therein. ;!(■). \\ hen the work is so let. the hoard of I'ommissioiiers ,,,j,, , j._ aforesaid shall make out a written statement, under sio,£''" ""I'l- s^cttin.u forth the luimlier of hids pr^'sented, """""""' the name of each hiddi'r, the nature and amount of his hid. and the action of said lioard tlieri'oii. and shall state that neither of said commissioners has received any hoiius or lii'atuity of any nature or kind, or the promise tln'i'eof. in con- nection with or having reference to said lettin^s, or saiil con- tract or contracts, and that they are not in any way interested in the pnrio-al I'eceivcd or the contract made, and such stati'- meiit, with the ]»roposal or hids, shall hi' liled with and kejit by the secretary of state. ;!7. .V competi'iil and skilfid person shall he si-lecled Ity said ii)i(i5o. board, witli the approval of the governor, for each (»f t»^- *"^ fill Ki I N 1 1 1 A N A . is: M .-;li(l lin-.;,il;lK, will) vlcill iviiijiili wll llir lin-lpitMl ^"I'^i"'"'"'- i,ri'iiii'I- ;iii(I ^ii|ici-iiitcinl llii' ( rrcliuii nl'-nid liiiiM- ''■''"'■'' iiiU'. :ii;i| -II' llifil tlir wiirl; i- will iiinl I'liit lit'iilly ilniir. jiccurd- ill^' 111 n iiil r;ic! . iiml -li;ill lililkr liliilll Illy i-l ilii;!li'- l.-niiKit.-*. dl' till' wnik ijtiiic. iiiiiji r naili, w liicji c-iiiiinic^. w licii ai-prnvrd liV >;i';il'il. yli;lll l>r jilcil willi t ] ic aiH I it( if i if >l ,iti , W I n i -I Kill draw In- warraiil iijuni llic ti'ra-iii'i r nf -lat'' t'ni' llir aiiiniiiil (if -aid I -; iiiiat cs Ic-s tell per CI Ilium tli ■rcmi. u liirli l^•^• rv. an II 111 II I 111' I. '11 I II r ( •(■III 111 II -hall n him in i!ii|iaiil mil il (lie w nfk is I'ul'v ri.r 1 1 ill lid and ai-ci'j lied liv -aid I'liard. w In n llir alldilll|• ^;lla]l liaw liis \vai r;iiil llni'il'iu'. ;!n. Said li'iaid sliall lia\r llir |im\\( r tu di riari' all cinlrafts niadi' iiiidir llii> art vnid when llir wnik i< iiu'. H'^i-.t i;.-.iiai.>.l l>y liriiiLi' 'Imn' iirciii'dinu' In ciiiitrarl. or ilic malrriaU i'".'i'i- i'urni-lird arc nut i'lirni-ln d in i|iialiiy ur i|Uaiiiiiy. m- in llic time v|i|iulat(il i'nr in the cnntrad. and >l!all, in ^llcll event, relet tlie wnik n|iiin tlie ^aiiii term-. eNccpi a- tn iM' i- iiolii'c as i- priivided in llii< act. and llu' >iili-iance <<( lliis sic- tidn sliall lie M't liirtli in c.icli cniilraei. II'.'. Tlic Imard .-liall lia\e |Hi\\er to r' imive at any lime the iiersmi w liii-e aiiiHiinl iiient is iirnvided I'ur in M'ctiiui ni.i :; ^ V . , . ' ' ' i; •val of si.\ (. Tlie linard (if ciiiiimissinncrs and llic pcr-mi wlm-c ap- jtointnieiit is pruvided fur iiisectinii >i\ uf tlii- act. n.i,,^;, sliall lie alli.wcd each live dnllar- per day jur all the ;;£;'::::'''■'' time 1 ,cc>.'>4- dred ihiiiHand dollars for the year issl, out ofaii}- money in the tiea-ury iiol otla rwi.-e appro|tri;itc(l. -1"_'. The IK cessary cx|ieii-cs of said hospitals, a in i the control and iiiaiianeineiit thereof, shall he paid out of the n^iU-n state trea. The Iniard of (•iiiiiiiii--iiiiicis sliull l'.iiv(> antliority in ;i|)- Il'i'l > I- IMiilil ;i sll|)rlillt(ll(|cllt In lilkl' clliir^c *t\' tllf Iiil- (l|llr..|« '. ' _ , • ' »i'i"'i"i'"i- ticiits iiliil liosjiital. to ;i|i|M)iiit ;i iiKiti'nii Jilid -iicli jissistiints and physicians, str\\ai'd~, and dtlicr olliccr-; a< may lie mtdcd lur the cllicicnt and cconnndcal. atrati!in of i'r"vi'*" tiic affairs of the iiospitals: y>/v>/'/r/r(/. tluii no one in any way rclatcil hy liii'th or marriage, m-arrr than the funrlh (IciiTcc of (■oii>an,Li,'ninity, to any nicnihrr of the hoai'd. nor more than one of the same family, -hall hold any |io.-ition of Irnst oi' prolil. hy appointment or oihci'wisc, in coniii'-tion with cithci' of said litKpitals, and the c linpensation shall he (;.Mii|..Mis;itii. the same as that now paid lor similai' scrvires in the lio-:pilal i'or the insane, at or near Indianapoli-i. •1 I. It shall he the duty of the uoNcnior. as -oou as any por- "'''" ^^ ' ' tioii (if said hospitals is eompleted and read v to re- iinuianiatinii. cive patients, to make it known h_\ proclamation, iind pati( iits may tiien he I'eceived, and the .-aine rule- anti>, that t'le ^dvernor and said hoard oi com- ]>i*air. and equip in a suifahle manner any ( .\i<*in,ij liuildinu' anil lii-ounds thereunto attacheil, within tli.' limits impo-ed hy this act. thai will he suilahle to he transfdrnied into a hospital foi- the insane: pr'triibd, that not iiku'c than Piiici.Hs,.. twi'iify-live thousand dollars shall he u-ed in Jiiak- h\]iilal<. is. All iii'.iiic ]iii'.-iiii< rc-iiJiiiL:' in tin' >lati' nf Iniliana. ami liavipL! a Ir^al scltlcnunl in anv cuunlv llicrrin. >>•- sliall !>(• rntillcil In l>r niaintaiiinl and In rnciNr nii'ilical Iriatniinl in llir hidiana li(i-|iilal I'lU'tln' in^am. at the cxiicnsc (if the sialc, sulijcct In tlir i(~l rirl inns ami liiiiila- linns lirninal'liT niciitinncd ; i)iU)viili tiit''iiii'iit Ju-lices of the peace nf said c.iiinty, as I'ully as pnssi- r..|ini''i. llic aii-werine' the fnllnwimi- inteiTnpitnrie< : (I) I liiw liu'e' and iiitimalely have ynn kimwii ? (■J) What ai'c ynur sncial, family. Inisiness, nr nther rdatiniis In him nl' her? (■".) Where !.; his nr her IcLial residence? ( I) I >o ynll Iielieve him nr her In he int siuii *>i insanity n1isir\eil liy ynu ? (li) hues. 11!" has, he nr s!ie shnwii any ilelii-inni)es, nr has, he nr she slmwii any cxtranrdinary [irniieii- .■^ilics nf l'eclinhe shnwii? (!•) W hat was his or lu-r mental and moral di-iio>ilinn in licaltlr/ (1(1) Has hi' or die lieeii an inmate of any hospital or asylum for th;.' in>ane? and, if so, slate where, when, and for what time. (II) lias lu' or she liceii pliy-ically injured? and, if mi, to Aviiat e.Nteiit, how, and when, (12) lias h(M)r she sull'ered anv y,reat meiilal shuck or strain? and, if so. descrihe I'ully. (\'.\) 1 )oes. or has. he or she rii|Uifed, to what c.Ktcut, in what manner, and for what time, feedin;:, restraint, (ir seclusion? W Ml 100 IM'IANA. ;. I I M (II) Sliilc Ills i)V licr nu'c, l>iitli|>I;ic('. civil ciimlilii'ii. ocfu- |i:il inn, IiciLiJil. wci^iil, cdloi- (p|' I mil', i In rat ion nf \vc(lliic|<, nmn- lui' ol' iliil(Ii( n, !ii;'c <>|' yonnizi ^1, val'.ic »•!' c^talc; anil nanir ami aiMi't >>, I iistal anij l(|(nra|iliic. ot" ri<|Min-ililf rrlativc <>y iVicnd. (!.")) I )(M <. or lia<. lit' or slic lialiitnally nsi'il <'|iinni. rhoral, of oil 111' nai'idi ic; ami, ii' >o. |o what (•\t( ni aiiij I'o:- w liat time? (|ii) 1<. or Iia< lie or -lie I'crn, anil to what t\ti iit anil for wlial linii', talkative, imi-y, violint, .-Icrplr^s. profanr, oli-i'ciic, rcstlc-s. <|i -Irnilixc, lioniiciilal, -niciilal, lillliy. clucrrnl. -ilmt, nulanrlioly, i|uiit, sccln-ixc. iie>, oi' ha-, lie or -lie inilulLiid in any vein ical excess? (I."^) \\"a- lie or slie leelile-iniiiileil in iiitaiicy? (I'.') lie or she hail, to w lial extent, and win n. .any dis- ea-e of the lieiiit, luiiLis, hiaiu. or;:ans of ^^'neratioii. >loinacli, liowel-. Madder, kidneys, or skin ? (I'll) W' rel,iti\es w iihin I h i'( e generations have heen in- tem]i( rale in any induliit iice, criminal. e|iile|itic. hy-terical, choreac. |ihlhi-ic;il. >erol'iiloii-, syphilitie. dwarled. Imrn de- formed. in>ane, feelile-iniiided. or feel lied io( 1 ied y {'2\) l>y whojii can ihe fi"'e,uoiiMj; slateiiK nts he ]irf'ven, in Avliole or in |iart ? {'J.'2} Stale name .■iiid re.-idenee of medical atleiiilant of pcr- .son alleeeil to he insane. The follow in^- shall suhslantially he the form of allid.Mvit, to lie ill every case a]i|i(nded lo and forming a juirt of the state- ment of ihe pai'ty alle.uin^ insanity. Stale of Indiana. ( ^ Counly of ) j " The undi'r-iiziied. a citi/en of -aid county, upon oath, declare.'' that the I'oi-eiioin^ aile<;alion. and statement ol' facts I'clating thereto, is true and full in all its jiarts. Swdrn III and suhsci'ihcd hefore me, this dav of ,A. I)., ,j. i>. '((». The justice of the peace W itli wliniil said stafelnent should S2-ether with anotlllT justice of the l-.xiiiiiiiintiun ' _ _ ' _ _ oi|iiiii.iit. peace and a respectalile praetieing jiliysician. other than the medical attendant of the person alleucd to lie insane, who shall be .sek'cti'd hy the aforesaid justice of tlu' jieace, and •I ,* ■,. *M INDIANA. 1!H , i \\,]\n s1i;ill ri'sidc in the |>rii|H r ciuinty, -^li.ill iiiiiii(ili;it< ly iIk rr- u[niii vi-it :iiii| cMiiiiiiic (if till' |H ace shall tlicii (irihr I he diik ol' the «-in-iiit i-oiirt nfihf pnipir cuuiity tn issue siili|Hrii;is 50,^-, for tin- j'l'i'suiis iianicd in the staltiiimt a-; \v i I ni 's-cs for the nif'lical attcndaiil (if tlurf Ik l jii-lieeol ihe |»aee. may s may he incliiiled witnesses on hehaUdr the jier-on alleucd to he in- sjiiH'. if such he liv any person re(|uired. Said ^uhpiena- >hall (•(inimaiid .-aid witnesses to appear hel'ore said jii-tircor the peace, at ilie court house in said countv. at a specilied lime, to testify as to the I'act-^ set forth in -aid statement. ."»•_*. At the time and ]«lace ajipoinled, uidi>s an adjoui'iimiiit to aiiotiier time and place has jieen . They shall reipiire the inedic;d allendani to make, on r-ath.a written statement of the me(lic;d his|oi'\' and n>i" I'orti- treatnient of the ^iven case, suhd to l)e insane, shall make, Mat.Mn.nt. on oath, a written statement substantially a> follow.s: !!••. IMH.WA. ( (Hiiiiy I'l . ( ' I'rl'snliiilly ;i|(|i.;irri| 1 icIulT liic, clerk (if 1 1 ic ci I'ctI i I ciilirl of ^^iliil ((Ulllty ill till' cnlirl llullX' ill , . wlinlil I (■(■llily t(» lie ;i !i|p|||;ilili' | il'ilcl ici 111;' |»ll Vsiciil II , W I H >, liiin^ SWiMII, tliclill'cs llllll lie is I it mill lias nut lirt ll ITcrlllly llir iiifdifiil iiltciuliiiit (if sail! , nl' ,-aitl ((Hiiily. allrj^cW fu lifill>aiir; thai, oil the ill^-laiicc dl' , jlisticr nl' tlic |iiacr (.if sail I fi 'Hilly, lir lia<, w illiiii a \\t'cl< nf lliis ilalr. ran fill ly ami jicrsiiiially i xaiiiiiicil >aiil . ami al^" tlir >lalriiiriit allf^- iii;;' saiil insanity; aiiil that lie lia- liianl all the lotiimmy <;i\(ii 111 this im|m >l ; that in his (i|iiiiinii saiil is iii^aiic (iir i< mil ). ami is (nf i< iiul ) a |>rii|irr [laticiil fur treat imiil in a h(is|iilal Inr the in--ane; and that this (i|iini(iii is haseil mi llir fiilliiu inn' facts uhserN'eil hy hiiiiself; namely. : ami tni the liilJnW ill}4- l'act> testilieil In I >y \\itlies. The >a id J 1 1-^1 ices III' I he peace shall then, accurdin^ td all r-'^-*"- the evidence aH'iirded, make a slateliielil of tlieif Kiiiilini;"!' Ill'' . • 1 • 'II j»» ■■■ jiid,i;iianl. over I heir ollicial signatures, -uli^ta 111 la lly in I'orm and niatler a> follows: Stale ot' Indiana. I Coll lily of , j We. the undersigned, justices of tile |ieace ill aiul for the (•ouiity al'oicsaid. heieliy cerlil'y tliat v.e ha\e |ier-^onally ex- am iiied . of said county. alle,!;c'I lo he insane, within a w eek of tlii< date, and liavi' this day held an iiii|Ue>t as to -aid in- sanity, accordiiiii- to law: that it is our Judgment, uimii tlu' evidence of the jiarty allei;inu' the insanity, of the uiedii'al attendant, of the medical examiner, and of all oiIh r w iliiesses, and |iiir-iiant to our o\\ u [lerMiiial examination, that >aid is i;i>aiie: that is a |iro|ier suhject for treatment in a hiis|iital for the insane; that heiii^' at lar^^e is damicr- ous to the coiiimunily ; that resiik's in townslii|i in said coimtv, and has a Ic^ial scltlL-iiienl in the stutc of Indiana. ^ . J. V. "NVitncs.^ our liaiuls, this duy of , A. D., i INM \N.V. id:} I .'('.. 'I'll!' .-liitciiM III of till' |i;irty allcuilii: ili-;iliit\, llmt i<\' the llK'dir.ll ;|lt(|lil;||ll ( i t' t I li Pf lie >l nl i ), I I |i • crlt i tic;| |( ■ 5 -"••■'<'• Kiliiii' uKli ;il|il I III' jlltl.UIIIcIlt y tin -(• -iiiil i>Hic.i-< in the ll.lll(|< 111' llic ;-|crl< uf I lif cil'illit ml 111 i if ill- |irn| up ('< ill lit V. wild .-li;ill (Mirl'iilly lilr ,111(1 pi'i -I r\r ilnin. .")7. < Ml rfiTi|it III' -,i ill lic(S (if llir I •, 1 1 i;ll « --"1 . ri.'-kN llic ;iIIil;;iI imi III ill~.'iliily liil~ IkiM »tHl;iiliril. till' ''"I"* saiil ilrrk III' llir rirniit cuiirl -li;ill I'luiliwiih apiily In tlin >^ii|i( riiilciiiliiit III' llir liiiliaiiii li(i-«|iiliil I'm- tlir iii-aiic fni- lli • ailiiii -~iiiii III saiil iii-aiir |ii i'ii iiiln saiil lii>s|iilal; aiul -hall, al llir -aiiir tiiiir. traii^iiiil w illi siiil a|i|iliraliiiii In llic -ii|i( r- inli'iiiliiit, [itv 1 1 is |irii|Mr iiifurinal inii, r'i|iii-; uf -aiil -tali'Mniils ami ri'il iiirilr-;, ccrl ilinl li> li" -;irli iiml'C i lii' seal of I he i-innit ciiiirl : />/'or/'// '/. thai, if tlir |irii]M r l'i'ii'iii!< nf tlii' iii-aiir |iri-- .«iiii |iri'l'ii' Id |ilacc .-aid |ii'r.-iiii in a |>fi\alr a-yliiin within lln' .stall', a t iaii!iall liic and itrc-crvc Ihc dn|ilirati' of said jh'I'- iiiissinii : and here in siidi ca-c the |iriici'i'd'iiu-; shall rest. .")S. l'|inii recriviiiu," said a]i|ilic;!linn and ti'iii fA' the J..,.;-,.. Iin<|iital fnr the in superintendent shall at once notify the jirnper clerk of the ac(e|itaiice of the a]t|ilicatinn for admission ; i|' the case lie chronic, wIicIIk r curahle or incnralile. an acceptan('(' shall is.qie as ahove, jii'oviiK'd that (here l»e rnnm in the Ims- 13 «* ffl Ui 101 IMHANA. |iitiil !'<>!' II. ni'i' |iiiti(iils ili.'iii iii'i' ill |it't^<')it rrsiilciit tlict'cin. tdUitllil' will) lllii-c I'ciMliI I y jiccrptcil. lilll lidl adiliittrd ; ntlici'- wisc. till' ;i|i|ilir:ili(iii sliall lie icjcctcil. I:i the sclictidli (if clil'tiliic cjiscs lor ililliiissiiiii, lacli cniiilly shall \>r iiititltil In a jiisl |ir(i|.(^iliuii at'cufdiiij^r in its |ui|iiilalinii. and |iii(iril_v of a|i|ili<-atiiiii >jiall liavr due i"rt'(im,it iiis may lie I'ciifWcd linin time In liiiif S •-••■■':' li\ till' I'l'ojicr ((iiiiiU' clerk, liv >iiii|ilf iiliicncr to ii|.i.iii,iii"ii- 111,. unjiiliiM a|i|ilicatinii ; and may ln' af<-( [ilcd liy tlif sU|M r'litcndrnl. if IIhtc Im- rndin ['m tlir palii'Ml in i|U(sli(iii ; pnniddl. lli;;l tlif dali' <»!' said renewal nf ;i|i|ili(alinn and llial (»r llie intini si shall mil dill'ei- l»y si\ calendar mnii(|i>. till. Nil idiiit siiall lie acc(|ite(| : and I he su|ici'inlendenl shall i; •js;.4 i.ii..i- ..■.j.((r,i. di-;charp' all su( li t'ltund in llu' Im-iiilal. 111. The ((iniily clei'k. n|i"n i-ei-eijil dC an acce|'lance dl" an ^.,.._. a|i|ilit"ati(in I'di' ihe admission df an insane person ^'■'"■""' iVum the sniiei'inlendent. shall rorthwiih issne a, warrant to the shei'iM' oi' other suitaMe person, commanding; him to all! -t and convey such pi'rson to the hospital toi' llu* insane, with oi' without assistance, as the clerk may deem re(|ui- linliaiia Iliis|iit:il I'ni' llic lii-:iii :i IVicml nr itl.ilivc nf ihr |Piitiriit ; :iii-erviees Id nlli. r~. Tlie Wiirriint. with tlie itei ipl lliereun, -liiill he IC- tlirile<| III tlie elel'k W liu is^lleij it : aili) it sliilll, liv him, he tiled wilji the |.ii|Mi-^ lelatili;,^ ti> the ease. <■>■_'. Il shall lie the I'lii'lher "liity n|" ih muiiIv ehrk f(t cause ail aiii|»le .''.'. 1 ■ 11-1 11' 1 • 1 lii'rni ri'inf of Iteeii loniierly dischar^^cd Irdiii any hospital or asy- insauiiy liiin Idr the insiiii' within the state for any cause, shall a^^aiii he admitted to any such Ii()S|)ital or asylum, exceptin;^ tlu' lol- jowinix pnicec'linjis he jiad, and none other: An alliilavit shall he made sul)stantially as follows: Slate of Indiana, 1 County of ,/^^* lVrs»uially appt'arecl hefore me. clerk of tlio ciri'uit court of said county, , a respec-t- ahle j>racticiii;x jiliysician of said county, who, heinji swcuTi. declares that he knows , of county: that said has been adjudj;(d insane; that was an in.'iatc of , from (lay of ,A.l). , to day of ,A.I>. : that i.s now insane, and a proper siihject for treatment in a hospital for the insane, as a|i[u'ars from the followinjx symptoms personally observed, namely, : and fn in the following; sym])toms descrihcd by others, naiiKly, ; and that conveyance to a liospitul will not endanger the life of said , M. D. 190 INDIANA. k^uliscril )(.'(] ami .-wnin (d licl'nfr hie, (his diiv of , A. I). IS [Heal "1 circuil cmirl.] ,("I(rk. AikI u fCM'liliciitr sliall Ix iiiailc .•^ulislaiitially as lollows: State (if Indiana, I ('oiiiity of . ) ' I ccrlify, tlia! nii tiic day of . A. 1). , ol" said I'oiinly. iiou ic-idciit of , was adjudpd insane, as a|i|K'ars of n'cnrd in ihis ullicc. \\ itiuss my hand and tiic s( a! <>i' the circuil cdurt, Uiis day (if A. 1 ). [Si'al n|' the circuit cdurl.] ,('\rrk. Said ccitillcatc shall he tiled and kept hy said cl< vk. and a transciijitcf the same, cerlilied hy him under seal uf ihccii'- cniit court, shall lie traiisniilted to the su|iei'in(en(lenl of the Indiana ]ios|iital Inv tin' insane oi' in the friends of the |iatient, as hereinheforc |ii(i\ idcd. together w illi. in the former case, an apjilication toi' ihe admi-sionto ihc hos|iital of sait, as hereinheforc provided. (il. Any jialieiit may he discharucd from the stale liospital, S'-'i^'i'. hyilii' ^upcrinteiiileni, upon I'e^ioration lo health; "»'"■''- ' and incurahle an.i hai'udess jiaticnts shall he dis- (Oiai'ii'ed \vliene\"cr il is necessary to make room foi' recent cases. All daii.L;! run- paii( nis -hall he relaiiiccj in the ho-pital. (io. In the (li-charLic of any p.atient from the stale ho-pilal. 52S(a. the I'olhiW iliL; l'ideecdim:s ^^hall he had, lo w il : the How iii-i- . ■ ' ; . eliaiKeil. .sujicri Utel idi n I .^liall ^ivc IK it ice, under the soal, to (JKM'lci'k ol' ilie circuit court <>[' the county from which said patient ua^^ >ent. thai saiil patient is dischar,>;('d ; and s.aid clerk shall foi'thwilh lilc and proei'vc said notice wilh other papers relating to -aid ca-e, and lantially as follows: Slate of Indiana. ^ (/OUIUV of J .S'.S'. 1\) the sherilf nt ill the Iiuliana hospital for Ihe insani', from this county, he I'c- i INDIANA. 197 moved: viiu nrc llici'dnrc, litTcliy cDimiiamli'il toi-tliw illi to n'liKtvr said patient, and return him tu li)\viiliall not he admitted to any hospital foi' tlu> insane within the state, exceptiiii; the procec(linus iiroviijed in section !<■) [i^ -jSCrJ] he suh-tantially had. .\ml it is further re- (piirc(|, in such casi\ that a transci'ipt. as in the oi-i^!,inal |iro- ceedinu^, he sent to the supei'inlendent with the application lor admission, or ij:iven to the tVi( nds of the patient, as herein I let'o re re(|uireil. unless such transcript has a Ireaily hccn so tran-m it led. (•7. It shall he the iluty of the superintendent of th(> Indiana hospital for the in-aue to supply, through the proper ^ .,^,.,. authority, at the expense ol the state, to the clerks of '"^'"'^ '"''"' the circuit courts of the slate, such jti'oper and unilorm hlank forms as. according to the )»rovisions of this a<'t. ar(> nece--arv for the makiuij,- out of the various statements and c<'i-tilicates herein i-eipiii'ed : and only such autliori/id tonus ''^ ' . ' IUiImms I'or- tion of insanity shall he (lecideil at the heariui:;. An i'"" ailverse decision shall not operate as a hai' to the issuance of anothei- writ ; jwovidcd, however, \\n\i writs of haheas cor[ius shall I lOS INDIANA. not issue oflrncr tlitin (iiu-c in every period of three iii(»iitlis in such ciises. 7<>. Wliei'e ,'i patient is diseliar^'ed as eurehall he next |)referred. •1th. I'^acli county shall he entitled to its just proportion, ac- cording to its population : lait the ti'ustces, in the exercise of ii .sound discretion, may, if necessary, givt' preference to I'l'ceiit cases from ouci-ounty owr chronic cases fi.)iii another county. 7-. The laxahh' costs and ex|ienses to he [»aid under the S'isTi. jirovisions of this act shall ho us follows: to the ex- annning othcers iioldiiig the mciuisition, each two dollars ju-r day. To the iiieilical witne.'^es, tlu^ .sune fees iis are al- lowed hy law in other cases in tlu' cii'cuit court. To the clerk of the circuit I'ourt the same fei's as are allowed hy law for the like services in other cases, and the amount of i)osta <;()in,u and rtliini- iiitj;, tlie ('<>in|»utatii»ii in Imtli instaiici's lo be inadc iVoiii tlic (•(•unty-scat to the !i()S|iitals l»y tlir iicart'st rniitt'. To dtlici' |)crsoiis discliarj^iug llic dutic-; of shcriH" herein, a- \>y this act |)i'ovided. the same lees as are hei'ein allowcil to thi' -hei'ill': and to the assistants ot" such jierson. the same lees a-> are liei'ein alhMVed the assistants of the sherill'. The tsts s])eeilied in this section sliall l)e paid ont of the eouniy tnasni'V of the proper county, npoii the certilicalt- of the ch-rk and the order of the county auditor. 7;l. In a(hlilion to tlie ihitie.^and powers heretofore con I'erred liv hiw upon the trusti-es of the Indiana hospital for 5 -■-"'■ the insane, it shall also \>c their duty as soon as the n'-aif. nectvssary arrani;emenls and l)ui1dinent hosj»ital for the in- sane, or as nearly as the same are ap|ilicable; and such other regulations not inconsistent tlu'rewith, as may be rea->onable and nect'ssary, may l»e jtre.scrilted from time to time by the trustees of tlu^ hospital for tlio insane. 7'). Whenever the buildings provided for by this act or such l>art thereof as mav accomnioilate three hundred s >"■ patients, togctlier with necessary otlict rs a.d attend- r^- «oiii«ii. ants, shall have been op( net], all of the insane women at that time inmates of the Indiana liospital tor the insane shall be transferred and reet'ived as inmates of the new iniildin^s : which buildin,!j,s shall thereafter be known and desimiatcd as the Indiana hosjtital for tlie insane, department for women: and no men shall vyvv \)v adinitti'd to such department for custody or treatment. 7(1. \\'hem'ver all the women inmates of the Indiana lios- pital for the insane shall have been reniove(l fr<»ni S i'^"'^- l'0|iilltlllPUt said hospital and provided for in the deiuirtnieiit f"i i"'". iJ I Vu '.Xli 200 INDIANA. I'or WdiiMii. lli(> ward^ lliiis vacattMl in said l:()s|.ila1 sliall Itc (•pelt lor the reception o|' insane men ; and tlie entire Imiidinii' shall lie known and desijiiiiiteil tliereai'ter as the Indiana lios- ]iilal lor the insane, dejiai'tnieiit i'oi' men: and no women shall be admitted thereto I'or cusloily or tri-alment. 77. \\ hen complaint, on oath, shall Ite maile liet'ore any ^ .,.,0 justice of the |ieaee, that any person is insane, and HiT.''!'t','«''il' dan,i!;«'rous to eomnnniit_\- if sullered to remain at "'■'''""' lai'i;-e. such justice shall issue a warrant to any coii- staMe within his county, or to the sherill' thereof, commanding' him to apprehend such insane jn'rson, and hrin,ii Idiu forth- with liel'oi'c him ; which process shall he si-rvcd and I'cturned in the >nme maimer as state warrants ai'e served and returned. And he shall issue a summons for, and compel, hy attai'hment, the attendanci', at the trial heninafter mentioned, of such wit- iiessis as may he diMuanded hy cither jiai'ty, under the same I'euulations as ii,-ovei"n ci'iminal jirosecutions in justices" courts. 7>>. Immediately after the issuing' of such warrant, such S-'i-«!- iustice shall is>ue to such constahle a veinre for a '''•'■■ ,i"''y "' ^i-^' reputahle houst'holders or tVeeholdcrs of the county ; which shall he served and returne(l as othei- sum- monses for a juiy hefore a justict' of the peace are sci'vimI and returned Ai id in i:rantini>' chanu'es of venue, continuances. and the conduct of such j proceed in, i;,' >i,'en('rally. such justice shall he uiiveriicd hy the law i'e,uulating- his ci'iminal jurisdic- tion, when not inconsistent herewith. 70. Whenever such insane person is arreste(| and l>rourro- ^ate cacU of such jni'ors, under oath, as (u whether he is pi'ej- udii-ed aiiainst such insane person, has any interest in his j»r(jperty, or is related to him, or any inomher of his i'amily, by consanguinity or adinily within the liftli dc^i'ee ; and if he shall answer atlirmat ively any of such intcrrofi'atories, he shall he rejected from such jury. Such insane person, or any per- son in liis Ix'hajf, shall have the I'ight to elialleny,e three (»f such jurors pereni|itorily. t ^ » IMilANA. 201 m so. Al't( !• li(;ii'in,u' tlic cvidfiifc iiiii'iMliiccd tipuii trial n|' such isstic, and ilir personal inspcctidii d' smdi aili^cd ,.|,.^ insane |i( r.-im (\\li«. shall he |.oint sonic resident of the county to take chari^v of and coidine such person, tor w hidi he shall receive a I'easouahle coiniiensat ion iVoni the hoard of ciiin- <'..iiiii,v cvmh- nussioiiei's ot the count V. at Its next tci'ui t hercalli r. aiinw r.-iis..ii. lo he paid out of the county treasury. Saiil coniiuis- "atimi. sioners may ap])oint some other person to take chariic ol' sucli insane |).rson, al any time in their discretion : or such ju'^tice, upon complaint anil jiroof that such iir'»"• his estate shall he applied to the payment of the costs of such proceeilinu's, or for his kei'})in^' ; hut wlu'ii he sliall have no family, all his property, oi', wliei'e he has a family, and his property shall exceed in value live hundred dollars, the excess 202 INDIANA. tlii'iTof iiliovc five liuiidivd dollars shall bo siihjcct to llio l)ay- iiu'iil of said costs and cnikmisc of k(.'C'])in^, if adjud<;(>(l against said insaiu' jxtsou ; and such coui't shall order whatever sum lias been |iaid, out upon the ordi'r of such conmnssioners, for the |iur[>os(>s and in the niannei- hereinhi'forc mentioned, to he refunded out of said insane persttn's estate, under the foi'cgoing restriclions, to the county treasury, and shall make jiiovisioji out of such estate for payment of expenses to afterwards accrue, until such estate is exhausted within said restrictions or such insane jx'rson is dischar;j,t>d. In all cases wlii-re such insane persons havi' heretofore hei'n a char>;e upon county treasurei's, the county comnnssioners shall have power to collect said charjL^es out of the properly of said insane person, uii(hr the aiiie restrictions as are in thb ■:i'ction provided So. Jf siu'h insane person have an I'state subject to the pay- ment of such expenses, tlic court shall apjioint a (■iiardiiin. guar»lian lor such insane |icrson, uiuU r like n Unc- tions, in tile same manner, and with the same poweio and duties, as in tlu' case of <;uardians for minors. Ml. Whenever the jury before such justice shall find in favor §''i-ii'- of the defendant, anv iterson mav appeal tlu'ivfrom A|i|)i'al to tlm . . . * . circuit court, jo (ho cii'cuit court of tlic couiitv, by lilinprove(l, jiayable to the state, and con- ditioned that if, upon the trial of such a]»peal, he shall not estab- lish that the defendant is insane, and dan'. lilt' wllliiii tun iliiyf* tniii« ciipt i)f the [HOC" ami liijiiil. B" in the name of the state Such justice, upon the lilin<; of such a|)pcai shall a|)|M)int a person to take charge of such .10 fendant as hereinbefore provided, aixl shall, with' ten days thereafter, tile in the clerk's otlice of the cii- cuit court of the county, a transcrijit of such proceeding together with said bond; and the trial (»f such ajtpeal shall be had at the tiiiK' and in the manner as hereinlu'fore provided when the linding of the jury is against the defendant. S"). Such insane oersou mav at anv time be .^ent to the lios- «} § 6150. pital for the insane, under the laws regulating the 11 m INDIANA. 2or; '''i sani(\ wiicM 111' shall lie an admissiljlu subji't-t Id tlir s..,i,iii,t' t,. in. bcIUMlts tlUMVot. .S(). AN'licn the (U'ffiKJaiit dcsii-cs to plead that lir was ol' un- sound niintl when llic dlVcnsc was (•(ininiitt('(l, he, ^^ iT'a. iiunscli, di' ins cdunscl inu>t set up such dctmsc iiy. specially in wi'itin^'; any asyi.i'ms, 1. Mr-liilili^liiiicnt of !isyliiiiis, lillt-s; lio.iid , ('(>in|u'ii-^atioii, inct'linj:.', oIliciTS. I!. Iii>|ii'i|iiiii, ri'ciirils :iiiil ic'port<. 4. (iciiiiiil |Mi\vi'is; siipi'iiiiU'iiclont .'iiiil M^o-i^tnnts, :ip|Miiiitiiii'iil, (jiial- iticiilidii-, s;ilai'ifs. 5. Col pi pi ale powtTs of tnisti'("<. (i. IiiliTol ill contract-; proliiliili'd. 7. Tnisii'is not I'liyilpk' lo oHict-. H. TivMsiiiiT, liond, salary, warrants, i). Siipci inii'iiilciit, powers and dntii'S. 10. SU'WMiil. powers and duties. 11. Ollicial, siiperinlelident to pro- vide. 12. Assistiiiil physicians, (|iialillc;itions. ]',i. Superiiileiideiit, fees for testimony. 14. Seal lo lie alli-Xeil lo oliicial i>apers. iNsi'iaTioN ()!•' asyi,i;ms. 15. Inspection, appoinlnient of visiting (dininiltee. powers and duties. 11). Visiiiiii.' coiiiiiiiitee's names to lie p'isted in asyinin ; letters to, al- lowed. 17. "NVritint; material to lie supplied to patients. 18. Letters to committeo to he nialleil iniopeiieil. 11*. Iiii|iies! on dealli of ]iatient. 20. Violation of provisions lor iiis|)ec- tioii. penalties. 21. Insjiection to lie made niontlily. 22. Visitiiii;' cominitlee, expenses of. f()MMISS!()N'i:Ua OI' INSANITY. 2.'}. Appointineiit, term of oflice, [)!•()- visions in ease of aiisenco. 24. ()ry:anixalion, meetings. 2"). (.'lerk, duties of. 21j. Coiiiiiiissioiiers to liave contrfd of admissions, judicial powers. 27. Commissioners to be siipjdied witli blanks. APMISSION AN'I) CAHK OP ISSANK. 28. A]i])lications for ailmission, form. 29. I'lxamination, hearing, physician's certllicate. .'iO. inierro^atories to Ic answered. .'51. Kindiiig of commissioners, commit- meni, wan'ant, receipt of siiper- inteiideiit, e.xeciilioii of warrant. 32. .\ppeal to circuit <'oiirt. J'l.'i. .\ppeal, when laki'ii. '!4. .\ppeal, trial of. I!"). I)i>char^re pending appeal. .">•!. hischarui' or conimilmenl. .'i7. Fees of commissioners, physician, sheiiir, witnesses, Imw paid. .">"*. Temporary custody of insane. V>\>. ( uiitinemeiit outside of asylum. 4il. Provisions for insane improperly careil \\>r. 41. Traiisl'er to asylum. 42. Wairrant and eertilicato exempt ollicers of asylum from liability. 43. Illeiral conlineiiu'iit, or eriielty, penally for. 44. Aiithoriiy necessary f(U- restraint. 4"). Settlement in what eoiinly, pro- ceedings to determine. 4i). t'oiinty in which patient lias settle- ment, expenses charged to. 47. Such county to I'efimd expenses. 4^. I'atients without settlement, sup- ported by stale. 40. Support, charges for. 50. Support, expenses of, how collected from counties. 51. County tax, duly of treasurer. 52. Comity tax, not to be used for other purposes. 53. Count V tax, jicnalties for neglect to levy. 54. Notice of recited act to be given lo county otlicers. 55. Impartial treatment of patients, special care upon agreement. 50. Expenses may be paid by relatives. 57. Preferences. 5S. Classiticalion of patients. 51). Support, patient's estate liable for. 00. Detinilion of insanity; idiots not admitted. CI. Escape from a.syhim, proceedings. DISCIIAROE. 02. Discharge on application of friends. 03. Discharge Irom care outside asvliim. 1 w • IOWA. 205 \ 01. 07. 6.S, tl'.t. Til, Di-ifliart'f wlion riircil, clotliin); wlieri sii|i|ilie(l; liiirnilt'ss inciir- stlilfS may lit' rfliinu'il to iVii'iuls, Ilarnili'ss iiiciiiMlilc'-i, (liicliMi'^e. I)i-itliai;.'p, if^Milalioiis ii|iiiii. C''iiiiini-iniiii>siiiii, liiiw (Pl'iin ii'iicatt'd, Ilaticas ci.rinis, iiivr^iiiralinn. Neglect of limit's, |iciiallit'S for. C HIMINAI, INSANK. 71. Wlnii not iiiilicli'd, iiivo:.lii:Mtioii lo to he liaii, wariaiit of t'oimnil- lui'iit, t'Xi'i'iiiioii of liy >liL'iiir; {)ro>('i'iiii<)ii on rt'coverv, 72. On rt-rovery, iiotici- to district at- torney. 7;?. Afteri'onvlc'ion, investigation, coin- milnient ; execlltiun of .-I'ntenre on recoverv. 74, 70, 7S, SO HI, X'2. .SI, .s.-j, 80, H7, •ss. Jury trial of c|ncs|liin of s-inity. Sn>|iension of criniinul iiroeei'dinjjs. OrdiT of tri;d for ins;Miity. If tlefcndanl found s; lU', criniinal |iroi'('ediu;,'s nsiuueil. If found in>an ', eriiiiinal iirocced- cecdinj^'s su^iiendci unul re- eovery. Hail exonerated on (Miniuiiiuient to asylum. On reiovery, remanded to en^lody. l']xipenses, liow Imine. Slierill's fees for eouimilment. .lury to Hud fact ol' in^anily in ver- diet of aeijuitlal. nefnntion of insanity. Insanity |ileailed after conviction. InsMuity, liow delei mined. Ixeprieve, powerof, ve-ied in whom, .Sus|ieii>ioii of >entence, juiy trial, rejiort to ;;overnor. r:il iiil'ly 11,, I .■liciVli'. 1. 'J'lie lio.'^pittil for tlic iusiiiic, lociitcd at ^^ollllt IMcasanl. in Ili'iirv ctmiiiy. >liall lir known liy tiic name ol" the M.ii;,ii,.sAii- lowa II<».<|iital i'or llu- liisant- ;it Mitunt I'lrasant: "fs. isvi, ami tlic lu)s|titiil for the iiisaiii'. loctitctl at IikU'Iu'U- ii'^iiiii^ «•<■ (loiioe. in J)iK']i:in;in ('(tuntv. shall lie known l)V (lie i"'m.-.^; • Ill''mlt.M h of name t»f tlif lowti Jlosuihil lor the instinc at Indo- >-""'■•' I il-M'Ill pcndcnce. i'.acli of jstiid liospittils sluill lir imkN i- the charge of live Irnstees. two of whom may he womm. three of whom .shall e(jn.^tilnte a (Hiornm for (he tran.neral a>.tcfs .-hall receive pav for more tlian ihirtv ihiw- in aiiv year. 2. The trustees shall reeeivp.a.s their compensation, loui' dol- lars per day for eaeh and every day tictiially em- 5,.,;;^ ployed in the disehiirge of their duties. ;ind live i'.."^"!!.'!!!',',','";'"'" cents [K'r mile for eaeh mile necessarily travided in ""'^'■'^""'^■ such husiiiess, ;uid no more, from the sttite treasury, out of ;uiy moneys not otherwise aj)proi)riiited, hy an or jreneral control and niana.o^o- S13S6. ment of the hosi)ilal under thfir chai'ijre; and make cdiKMi lui.i jilj hv-laws necessarv for the m)vernment of the same, iniiiitti;o 111.18- ., .' f-^ ' i'''*'"- not inconsistent Avith the laws and constitution of the stat(>, and conduct the all'airs of the institution in accordance with the laws and hy-laws rej;ulatinpoint an assistant })hysician or physicians, ji steward, and a matron, who shall reside in the hospital and he styled resident ollicers of the same, and be govei'ued and subject to all the laws and l»y-laws for the gov- ernment of the said institution. Jiut th(> same jx'rson shall not hold the oflice of su])erintendent and steward. Tliey may, also, in their discretion, and upon the nomination of thesuper- inteuflent api)oint a chaplain and })rescribe his duties. The board of ti'ustees shall, from time to time, fix the .'jalarie.s and Avages of the officers and other emj)loyes of the hospital, and certify the same to the auditor of state ; and they may remove any officer or other em[)loye of such institution. o. The board of trustees may take, in the name of the state, g 13S7. ••^I'^l hold in trust for the hospital, any land con- ta'ko'propmy vcycd or (h>vised, and any money or other per.sonal """"''■ pro])crty given or bequeathed, to be applied for any jmrpose connected with the institution. * Tlie amendment of 1878 has been incorporated in tlie te.\t, though not so in McClain's Statutes. ir\. '!5 I IMWA. 207 • i. No ti'iislrc. Ill' ullicrr (if the li(i^|.it:il, -linll lir. cillicr dirrctlx' or iiiilirrctlv, iiilcrc-lcil in tin iiiircliii-c of v i"'^^ ' OlIlliTH riiii- ImililiiiL: iiiiitci'ial, nr aiiv arliclc for tlic \\r to ([((iiliie the highest amount ot money likely to eome tivei 1. into his hands, and with such seeinities as the executive i-ouu- cil shall re(|uirc, conditioned th; ; he will faithfully |ierfoi'iii the duties of his ollicc. and pay o\-cr and account for all money that shall come into his hands, and >liall he liled with the secrelar\' of state, lie shall receive sucli com- ,. ,„„„„,„,„. I 'I'll' ["'II !*)%% 11 I Iteiisatioii as the hoard -hall lix. not exceeding- one- l',' ;'" »i'u't"' '' half of one |icr cent, on all moneys jtaid out hy '"'"''"'>'• him. rpon authority granted hy the hoard, he may ilraw from the state treasury, out of money not otherwise a|>|iro|iri- ated, uiioii his order, a]i[)roveil hy the su|ierintendcnl and not less than two of the trustees, and under seal of the lios|»ital, a siillicieiit amount (piai'terly for the ])ur|»osc of dcfrayin;^- any deficiencies that may arise in the current expenses of the hos- pital, hut the amount of each re(piisition shall in no case excecil sixteen dollars per month lor each puhlii' patient in llic hospital, takin;f the iiumhcr of such patients on the tif- teeiith day of each imtuth as the iivera}j;e nuniher on which (he estimate shall he made, the nuniher then in the lios]iital to he eertiiied to the auditoi- of state hy the superintendent and steward, which eertidcate shall aecom|)any the re(|uisition. I)Ut no |)art -d" the money so drawn for current expenses shall he used in making improvements. I'jion the presentation of such order to tli(> uudititr of state, he shall draw a warrant upon the treasurer of state for the amount therein siieeitled, not exceeding the amount for each patient hereinheforo speeilied. i). The superintendent of the hospital shall he a physician of acknowledged skill and al)ilitv in his ])rofession. §\^'-^\. TT 1 11 1 1 1 • !• • "^ f«> nil Mi|"'iiiiti'nd. iie shall be the cluei executive olheer 01 the lio.s- eiiiuf:ciiier pital, and shall hold his office for six years uidess <>'«"'•• i^^^K \\ Ai 1 •JOS IitWA. Soulier ritllii\( (I ;i~ IllinVC |.|o\-i(|('i|. Ilc-li;ill liil \ i • 1 1 i ■ i 1 1| in- ('■iiilriil III' ilii' iiii'ilinil, iimi'iil. :iiii| ilirtctii' I rral iiiiiit nf t|i«> I'iiliiiil'. Jiii.l lie -liiill -ic thill llif ,-r\( Till nll'nTr> i'{' ihr iii-ti- tiiliiiii liiilliiiilly .'iihI ililii^i iiijy ili,-c|i,ir;,>' iIk ir n -|nrt i\(' llr|| (illicr |u r-uli-^ ;i< lie IllilV (Iccin I k ccssil I'V l'i>V IIh' i H'nii'Ilt iiiid ('i-ii|i(>iiiir;i| :ii|iiiiiii>-lniliiiii III' till' :il1,'iir< nl' tin liM-|iii:il. iissimi tliciii till if f(-|ii rii\r |il:irc> ainl ililtii's, aiiil ipay, at llliy lilii'.'. ili-i Iiai^f aii\ III' till III rrniii scfviic. III. 'I'lic -jiuaiil, iiinltr tlir ilirici ion nl' \\\r ti'ii-hi-; ami ji iiiij, >ii|ii'iiiil( mil 111. >liall make all jiiiiclia-r-- I'd!' the liu-piial wIhi'.' and in siirli inaiiiii r a- llay can he 'i«' liiadr nil tlif ln-t tmiis, ki'i'|i till arciiuiil^, pay all SliWilliI lliakr |>i riia-ri. : ki-r\> HciMUiii- ; t Hllll I'li-.ilv v.. lie! i'i>. riii;diiyr>. and lia\ ra pcrsuiial - ii | m 'li nlciidt lire i it'll i(> fa I'll!. 1 1 (' shall takr dii|ilii'atc voiirlirrs I'nr all iiiircha-t - made, and I'nr all wa^rs paid hy him. which he shall ^uhmii lu ihc Irii-lrcs at each uf iheif ijuai'lerly meeting-. I'l.i' llieir i\aiiiiiia- liiiii and a|i|ii(ival. Sinh settleineiit uf acci.iiiit-. -hall he made l.y the heard nl' trustees in iipeii session, and -hall not \)v cnlrii-ted in a com mil lee. Tlu liiistees .•hall, al'ier e\;iniiii- iii^- and a|i|M'o\ine' -ueh voucher-:, (i|,. on,. ,..,.( ,,|' ih, m with tlu^ auditor III' stale. The l)ook< and |ia|ie!'s of the -tiwaid and Ireasni'ei' -hall he o|ien at all times to the iii.-]iecl imi ol' any one of the tnistees, state olhc(a's, or niemher- of the Lieiieral'iiilily. 11. 'The -ii|ierintendenl shall pfo\ide an oilicial seal, upon lo.-- § V.vx: Soiil. u hich shall he insci'ihcd the stain te iianie of the 1 piial nmler hi- cliarii-e, and the na.nie of the siatt \'l. 'i'he a--i-laiit iili\>ician.- shall he ined ical men of .-iieh V'l''^:... , cliaracier anx[), and such daily pay as is allowed to other witnessi's, and suc'li expenses and pay shall he paid hy the state. \\'hen rl>* 1<»\V \. •20! t i C(»lll|H 111 il sii III iitti'li'l ill civil r;i-< >, lir -I i;l II 1 'i' tilt it K > 1 ti • till' Miliir f >iii|n ii<;ili(iii, III Ik |i:iii| liy llir I'jirly ii (|iiii iiiL; lii> att(.'ll .1! nf tin li i»j.iiiil in jiii\ iiuticc, (ir

  • iiiiili •! li\ tlir uuvriiiiir. .sir.-. ' ' • ' . , Vi»Mii.k' r. un- til \i-it llir iii-aiii' a<\liiiii-« nf llir slah- at llirirdis- min-ap. ■ . . |i"iiihil I'jr iTrtioii, iiiiij wiilimil L;i\iiiL;' iiiiliri'iil' tlnir inliinlril »■■"*'• 'j, vi-it; wlio nia.y, n|iMii -mli vi-it, .uo tliri»ii.i;li llir '"" \var«l< iiiiaci'iiiii|taiiir«rs oil oalli. Ill a^rritaiii w lnilni' any nl' t lir iiiiiiati< a; r iin]irii|M ily il('t:»ilifil ill ilir iiu-|iital, or lllijll-l l\' |ilani| tlirlT, aiiil \\ I nil Hi' tlir imiial»'.< arc Iniinaiicly ainl kiiiilly Ircaliil, willi lull p'^wrp U» ciirru't any alniscs I'miiiil tu exist; ami any injury iiilliciiil li|iiiii llic iii>anc shall liclrcatcil as an (iIIiiim'. mi-ilinii aiiur, (.'!• criiuc, as the like dUciisc wmilil he fcLiai'ilcil \\liiii intlidiil Ujioii any nlhi'i- citizen oiit.-iile nf the insane a'-yhini<. They shall have juiwer tn ilischar^e any atliiiilaiit nr eni|'lnye who is fouiiil til have lieeii j^iiilty III' iiii"ilenieamliall he allouid to sit ujion any jury hel'ore whom these cases arc tried. Said coiiiinitlce shall make an annual re|toii to the i;o\eiuor. 111. 'J"ht' nanus i,\' this visitini; cnuimilli'e and their im-t- ted in everv wai'd ill ui-'; 1 1 I • • 1 1111 '"'"'I''* '^'f till' a-vluiii, and evti'v iiimale in the as\luia snail ih.m'Hmi ;ii. Inwt'il lo he allowed to write once a week what he or she wi''' })leases to ihis committee. Aiihall he discharged hy the eoveiiior. 17. ICvi'ry person conlincd in any insane asylum, shall he l"urni:-!'ed hv the suiierinti iident or iiartv havini'- iiUiT. chafi^e oi such iiersou. at least oiice 111 each week, ii-m 1.. mr- With suitahlc iiiatenals for writing, euelusing, seal- "liit.iiiii. 14 •210 TUWA. f iiiL:'. niitl iiiailinL!,' i(tt( r~. il'llicy rcijiicsl tlic siniM\ niiltss (dlicr- wi.-c (irilrn.l hy the visitiiijj,' c'liiiiiiiittcf. wliidi (inli r .-liiill cou- liiiiic ill Inirc uiilil (•(iiiiil( riiiJiiHh'il liy snid ciiiiiinittic. is. 'I'lir sii|p(riiitciiil(iit or I'iirty li;i\iiiLi- clnii'iic nf niiy |i('rsf)ii ,,,.^ uiHlcr (■Diilinciiiriit. sliiill vcccivc. if rc(|iii>tc(l to do '^l'''.>ii.-,'i' iiT >o liy the ]H'r-oll so coiiliiird. ;il l('il imiiiltcr of days ho lias sorvod and llic miiiilicr i«l' mile-; lra\ rlcd.* ■J-'l. !u \' iii>aii!tv. Tlie ch'i'k (if the eii'iaiil court 5 1 o.-.. Wl.i. may In' ; shall he;; tilelilher of slleh lioai'd aild clel'k of the .iniL'.'niVir- '■■;;i~ i..ini i.i same. 'I'iie dther iiieiidiei's shall he apuoiiited hy the ''n'-ii't. Judfj,'e of said eoiirt. ( )iie of theiii shall he a respectahle jirae- tieiui:- ]iiiyliall he for two years, and so tliat the term of one coia- iiiis-idiiei' >hall expire every year. The appointment of sue- cessoi's may he made at any time within three months prior to the expiration of the lerni of the iiieumhent. who shall hold his olliee mil il his suceess(»r is ap|iointed and ipialilied. In llie temporary alxeiice or inahility to act of two comniis-ioii- ers, ihe jiidu'e of the cinaiit court, if j)resent. may a.ct in the room ol' one. or the coinnii-^sioner present may call to his aid a respectahle pvacticinu- physician or lawyer, who. alh'r (ptalify- iiiLi; as ill other cases, may nvi in the same capacity, 'idie ii'iord in siicli cases must show the facts. ■J 1. They shall organize hy choosiiiL!," one of their numh(>r presidiiit. 'Idiev shall hold their meetiiiijs for lawi- s '■''■'". . ness at the olliee of the clei'k of said court, unless. "'■ for u'(iod rea-oiis. they sliall li\' on some other place, and shall al-i' meet on notice from th(> clerk. ■_*."). clerk of said hoard of commissioners shall siLrn and issue ;ill uoiices, aiipoiiitinent^, wan- .its. suiiiMenas. <; , -11 • 1 1 ei.rkuf: or other process ri'(|Uired to he ,.ven or i-sue<| hy iim.v. the eommissioiiei's, ailixiiiii; thereto his seal as t'lerk of the cir- cuit court, lie shall lile and ])reserve in his ollici* all pajiers connected witli any iiKjuest hy the eommissioiuM's, and properly helon^iiinii; to his oliice, with all notit-es, reports, and other com- munications, lie sliall keep se[>arati' hooks in which to I: f * The iiiiK'ndnu'iil of 1S7S hii.s ticcii inooriiDnitcd in tlu' li'Xt, tluuigli ii<>t so in Mi't'lMin's StiUiiti'rt. \ 21-2 IOWA. luiiiutc (lie ]>r()C(i(l:n<}»ital shall provi»'uci-9 patients to the hos[)ital Avith such hlanks for war- ranis, certiUcatcs. t'tc, as -will eiialile them with rt'gularity and facility to comply with the pn/visions of this t-hapter: and, also, with ciipies of the hy-laws of tln' hospital when printe(L "i.S. .\j)plications for admission to the hospital must he made S i''f'^. in the form of an information, verilied hv aflidavit, Apiilicatiniis _ . '. . fuiii.iii.i>si.ui. alleging that the jKi'son in w1k)si' l>ehalf tlu' a[)pli- cati(»n is made, is helieved hy tlie informaut to he in-aiie. and a tit suhject foi- custody and treatment in the hospital; that e^ucli a person is found in the county, and has a legal settle- ment therein, if su(di is known to Ite the fact; and, if nl- liivi'>tii;atii>ti; wiirniiu : cui-. jsljed tlierc Is rcasonablc cause thc'refor. shall at tilical.'ol piiysician. once iuvcstigatc the grounds thereof. Tor this jiur- pose they may re(|uire that the ])erson for wliom such ariliiiiiiiavv ini|niri(>3 as tlii'V iiiny make — and in making wliidi llicy shall lake the ti'stinidny of the inturniant. it'tii'V dccni it necessary or ilesir- {iMt . and 111' otlier witnesses it'dllered. — that >neh euiirse would ])i'(ihahly lie injnriiius to such ]iei>iiii. or atteinled with no ad- vanta^u'e, they may dispense with >ueh ]iriscne<'. Jn their cx- aniinatieii they shall hear testimony for ami n.uainst such a]i]ilieation, if any is oh'ered. Any eiti/en of the eounty, or any relative.' of the ])erson alleged to he insane, may appear and re>ist the aj)plieation, and tlx' partic-; may appear ]»y C'oun.-el. if they elect. 'J"he eominissioners. whether they dis- jieii.-e with the pri'senee hefore them of such pi'rson or not, shall appoint sonu' I'etiular i>i'aetiein,L!: jdiysieian of the county to visit sueli pi'rson and make a personal examination tcjuch- in.U' the truth of the information, aii. In each case of application for admission to tho liosjMtal, correct answei's to the foUowini;- far ^ij,,; as they can ho ohtainod, shall accompany the physi- ["X"'lobe ciaii's cortiticato; an) Where is liis (or her) })laco of residence? (-1) Wliat lias hoon tlie pati(>nt's occui)ation ? (")) Js this tho first attack? If not, when did the others occur, and w hat was their duration ? :/•» i .1* ♦ 214 IOWA, (r>) When were (he lii>l symploiiis of this alhu-k iiiaiiirr>lec iiici'ea-iii^, (Iccica-in^'. cu' pfatiuiiary ? (S) Is tlie disoase variahh'. and arc tlicrc rational intervals? Il'.-o. do they ofc-iir at rcLiular ]>ci'iods? ('.*) On what suliji'els. or in what way is deraii.^eiiicnl now inanil'cstt'd? State fully. (Id) lias the patient shown any dispo.-itioii to injure otlicrs? (11) lias suicide ever het'ii atteiii])ted? Jl so, in what way? Is the propensity now aetivt'? {\'l) Is there a disposition to filthy hahits, destrnetioii of clothinjr, hi'eakin^' ol' glass, etc.? (lit) What relatives, including grandparents and cousins, have lieeii insane? (11) I'id the patient manifest any jieculiarilies of teni]ier, hahits, dis[iositioii, or jairsuit'^, hefore the accession of the dis- oase? — any pretloininant pas>ion, religious iiii}»ressions. etc.? (1 .")) Was the iiatieiit ever addicted to intemperance in any form ? (IC)) Mas tli(> patient been suhjcH-t to any hodily disease; epilepsy, suppressi'd eruptions, discharges of sores, or ever had any injury of the head? (17) lias restraint or conlinement heen employe(l? If so, what kind, and how long? (]>■) What is supposed to he the cause of the disease? (1'.') What trciilnu'iit has been juirsued for the relief of the ])atient? Mention particulars and efi'ects. (■Jd) State any other matter sujtposi'd to have a bearing on the case. ;!1. On the return of the physician's ecrtilicate, the commis- S n"!- sioners sluill, as soon as i)racticable, conclude their HlllltllL' "f . . . ••'""'"''■-'"""■■■^■investigation, and shall liiid whether tlu^ person alleged to hi' insane, is insane ; whether, if iiisan(>, a tit subject Ibr treatment and custody in the hospital; whether the legal setlleineiit of such person is in their county, and, if not in their iMschavi;!.. couiity, whci'e it is, if aseertaint'd. If they lind such jH'ison i-^ not insane, they shall order his immediate discharge, if in cu.-tody. If they lind such person insane and a fit subject for custody and treatment in the hospital, they shall order said OI be Ml' W 1^, IOWA. _1.) person to lie ((iininiltiil to the lio-[i:t;il, and uiilts^ said pci-i'U so lound to ln' insane (or simic one in his or licr lidiall) siiall jippcal iVoni the liii(lin,n' ol' said (■oniinishei'il]' of the county, who shall cxecuti' tlu' same hy conveying' such perxm to the hospital, and delivering him. with i. "^^riie superinteiiden:, .-ver his otiicial siunature, shall iiii'ii"»i'M.'e. acknowledge such delix'ery on the original warrant, which the sheriir shall return to the clerk of the commissioners, with his costs and expenses eiidorseil thereon. 1 f neither the sheri If nor his (le|iuty is at hand, or if lioth ;ire otherwise en;^ap'(l, the coinmissionei's may appoint some otiser suitable person to i'xe- cute the warrant in his sti'ad, who shall take and suhserihe an oath faithfully to discharge his duty, and shall he entitled to the same \'v('^ as the sherilV. 'I'he slierilf. or any other person >o appointed, may take to his aiil such assistance as he may need to exeeuli' such wai'raiit : hut no female shall thus r,.,n:iio, lu.w be taken to the hospital without the attendance of some otln'r female, or some relative. The supi'rintemlent. in his acknowledj^emeiit of delivery, unist state whether there was any such })erson in attendanci\ and !' tlu' lindinir of said Il.iil 5 'J. How tiiUon. • . . ' commissKiners. ;M. The cause, when thus a|i|)ealeil, shall he jdaeed U|i(»n ii.idii.'i Tiiiii ^'''' docket liy the clei'k ol' said court, and stand .').". If any persdu found to he insane hy the cumnii-sidners ii'i'is^-i. of insanitv takes an aiuieal IVdUi sui'h lindinu-, such CiiKnily p. ■lid- ' _ ' ' _ ' _ iiii;iiip;i|.|..'iii. person shall he discharged from custody pending such a]ipeal, unless the conimissioiu'rs, foi' any reason, lind that such j)erson cannot, with safety, he allowed to g(» at large, in which case tlu'V shall re(|uire that such jiatient shall he suitably jirovided for, as pi-ovided in section 140:! of the code, until such a]>}»i'al can he ti'ied and detei'mnied. o<). If, U]i(tn the trial, such ]>erson is found not insane, the J, ,1,1^,, court sjudl orsued undi'i' s(,'al as herein required. '^I'lic exaniiniug physician shall be entitled to the sanu' eoinpensa- tioii as a coiuniissioner, and to at, the rate of live cents jier mile each way. The sherilf sliall be allowed for his per- f^iiciiif. sonal services in conveying a patient to the hospital I'll 1: IOWA. 217 fm«l returning' ilicnTroin. nt tlic Viitc of tlircc dollais i-cr day I'or t!i.' time iicccssarv and actually ciiqilnycd, and inilrati'o the same as is allnwcd liiin in otlicr cases, and Un- dllici' ut of the connty treas- ury in tlie u>ual manner. N\dienevei' tlie coinniis-ioners is''i out I'l ciMiiity i'or tlu^ amount as estimated in favor of the sherill' tivu-niy, or other person entru-teil with the execution of such warrant; the shei'iir or other person executin^L;; such warrant, shall accomjjany his return with a statement of the expenses in- curred, and the excess or deliciency may he deducted from or added to his compensation, as the case may he. If I'unds are not so advanceil, such expenses shall he certilied and paid in the nuniner ahovc ju'escrihed on the return of the wari'ant. A\'lien the comnnssioners order the I'eturn of a patient, com- l)cnsation and expenses shall he in like manner allowed. lis. If any ])erson found to he insane ami a lit suhject for cuslodv and treatment in the liospital, cannot at s hiu. ' . . , , Wlicii poison once he admitted thereni foi- want ot i'o(tm, or for oaini..tii.'s,>ut til liDspitiil : any other cause, and cannot with safety he allowed >^i-oi>i <'ii.sto. ■ . . . ■ . iliiin iip- 1o , of ami provide for them without [)uhlii' cliaro;e. In such case, the connnisii]if!'\i-;iirs at the cxiicii-c dl' tlic cniiiily, iiml llivv iiin\'. <'ifi-()i'(liiiiilv, i>iic!i Imard, mIk) shall Inrlliwilli imiiiiiIv \vi ll If saiiu'. If I II re IS IK) |)(»(ir-lious(' I'm- ihr rrcr|iiiiiii nl" siicli |iMtirnts, III' ir im iiinrii •llllalilr 1 liar call Ik' riHiiiil. ill' y may l»j cuutiiu'il in llio jail (ll llir ciilllitv 111 cliaru'c III llic -lit i-iir. .'>'•>. < )ii a|i|iliraliiiii III I 111' iMiiiiiiis-iuiirrs jn licjialf oi' iiiTsmis allc^'il III 111' iiisaiif. ami whose ailiiiissioii to llic Iios- pital is not soiii;iit. imnli' suli^taiitially in tln' nian- (f IM4. \\*li'-ii :iy authoritv of the commissioners of aiiv coiintv. ninv, 11 application to that e lie transferred to the liosjiital whenever they can he admitted thereto, on the warrant of such comniissioiiers. Such admission may he had without another iii(|Uest, at any lime within six months after the iii- (pust already had, uiik'ss the c-omnii>-iom'r shall dcHiii fur- ther iiKpiest ailvisalde. '\'2. The warrant of the coniini.-siouers of insanity, aulliori/.- iiiii' the admi.ssion of any person to the hospital as a patient, accompanied hy a physician's ceililicate as § Ull. Wiii-iant and ci'i'tiliratf: .■^11- ]HMillli'lic|l'lil not liitKlii to liro.scciiiion. ■rein provide diall oliirate to shield the suiierili- tt'ndent and other ollici'i's of the hospital aiiaiiist all lialiility to jirosecutiou of any kind on account of tli(> ri'ceptioii and detention of such person in the hospital ; jn'ovitlaJ, such detention shall he otherwise in accordance with the laws and by-laws regulating its management. m IK ti( at( m nii of not iio- aiii sue liol on a is ii init ami of t Sam I latt m 1 Hnr ! IOWA. ir.> |:!. Any |Mr>nu Ii;i\iiiLi- cnrr tif ;iii iii-niic pci-un. jiinl rcstniiiiiiii:- >iirli iicisini wIkIIici' in llir li(i-|.il;il nr > m'. (•l-fu!ii'ri- ciilHT will) or williniit iiuilinriix-. ulio >"• i';i-yii tiiiliy 111 iiiU- sliall tr<-ii( siicli |i(i>i'ii wiili \\;uiliin scvi rily. Ii;ii-li- 'i''i"'i'ii>'"-- IH'S.-. Ill' ciiiclty. (ir slijill in ;iny wny ;iliii-r >ucli jk i-nn. ^li;;ll lit' i^uiliy dl' a niixlciiicanor, Insitlv's liciii^ lialilc in an actiuu lur (lania,u;t's. [\. X<> ]icr-(in .'-uppiKtM! to lie in>an(' shall lie I'c-tiaimil of liis lihcitv Itv anv hiIk i' iicrsnii. (itlicrwisc than in -I'l" liuisnaiK-c (if anlli(irit\- ohlaincd as hen in rtMiuirtil. '■•■ "-'vi i. ' ■ ' .'\i . j.I l.y ;ill- cxrcpliiiL;- to >uch extent and I'ur sinh hiief peiidd 'i' "ly. as may he neeessai'v lor the safety of peison ami [ii-opii'ty until -ueh authority can he (•htainehall immedi- ately notify the su])t'rintendent of the lios|)ilal and the com- nii.-sioners of the county from which -uch p( ivon was com- luitled. of the result of such inipiiry. If the le, settlement of a [ler-'oii so coi!imitted cannot lor a time he ascertained, ami is afterwards found, the notices so re(|uire(K shall then he iriven. 4<). A\'lien the superintendent of the ho>pital has heeii tluly notified as herein re(juired. that a patient sent to the ^ ,^,-. ]io~]iital from one county has a K\ual settlement in rp,'i,',',',nr."' anothei' county, lu- shall theri>aftei' hold and treat si-Ttu'L^i't'ir >ucli patient as from the latter county; and such lioldiuLi' ~hall apply to expenses ah'cady incurred in hehalf of such patient and remaining,' unadju.-'ed. -17. J-^xpi'iiscs incurred as luavinaftc r provided hy one county on accoinit of an insane pt'rson whose 1» ';al settU'nient ^^ ,^,., is in another county, shall Ijc rel'unded, s, :•!, lawful li;;'/;'','.'.:'';?,. interest thereon, hy tlu' county of such settlemen', l'!!i,',,','v',,'i',i,'u'' ami -hall I'c jiresenteil to the hoard of sujiervisoi^ of the couiuy souuht to he charged, allowed, am paid the same as other claims. If the settlement is den.ed liy the latter Ijoard, tluy may .serve a notice similar to thrd pro- ',1M I 220 IOWA. vi'li'il tnr ill section tliirtccii luuKlrcd iiiid tiriy-iiiiic of cliiiiitcr one of tlii> liilc Inr cii^cs (tf rciiiovni : iiinl nil I lie provi'-ioii^i of tliiit clKiptci' in r(\i;;ir(I lo llic (lclcriiiiii;iii' t" 'li'' I'liaii^i' til' .-('Itlc- imiii (if iiii iiisiiiic |ici>oii. Is. I'niiriits ill (lie lios|)itiil li;iviii,n' no Ic^a. srttlciiKii! ill tlic stale, or whose le^al settieiiieiil cMiiiiot lie as- certained, shall he sn|)|iolie(l at the e\|ieiise of the state, and the tnislees may authorize the snperin- lelidelit to I'eiiioVC any Jiatielit at the e\|ielise ol' the state it' tlu'V si'c proper. ■|!>. The trustees shall, IVoiii time to time, lix the sum to he NVlii'ii nil riiitendeiit shall certify to the auditor of state Supi'iiiili'iiil- (Mit I'l I'lTiily tl. illlllitOl' lli' KtlCIl'. on the lirst day of .lanuary. April, .inly and O lii'r, the amount, not previously cerlilieil l»y him, due to said lios|)ital. from the sevei'al counties hav- ing' patients char^'ahle thereto; and said auditor shall pass tlie same to the credit of the hospital. The auditor shall, tliereiipoii, iiotily the county auditor of v;\v\\ county so owiiiL? of the amount thereof, and charge tlu' same to said county; and the l)oard of supervisors shall lex'v a lax in saiil county for said amount, and pay the amount diu' the state into the stati' treasury; and should they within one year from the tak- en f;iiin™ to iii auditor of state, and shall fail at the time of evviim' other taxes thereafter to lew the tax aforesaid to an amount sullicieiit to pay the sum then due the state, it shall hv the duty of the auditor of state to charge such deliiiijui'ut u tiu! amount of indehtediiess then six months due, for each county with a jieualty of three per centum ])er month upo month until i)ayment thereof and penalty thereon lie made. And should anv countv, within one vear from the takino; !! I, I- I ''l IOWA. 221 cllrcl dl' tlii-i ii(t. tail lit levy >iicli la\ siiHir'niit to Ariimi «(uiii pay llic iiiiioiiiit tlicii i' levying' oilier fuiiiiiy laxcs tlicnat'li'i' Id li\y llif tax al'nic-aiil Id an aiiiDiinl siiHicicnl Id pay llir iii- (l( lilriJiK'ss suli-i'(|ii(iii ly iiiciiri'cil. it -liall hf llic duly d|' tliu atlDi'iicy-;j,( iH ral, iipDii i'f(|iU'st dI" Ihc cxcciilivc cnuiMil, Id liriiii^', ill llic name of the slate, an aclioii against any cDnnly &;() railing' as alDi'e^aiil. Id eiilDi'ce the levying' Dl'said lax. ."!. It shall lie llic (Inly d1' llic e' "i CmuiiIv tri'iiH. liis cDUiity at llic times and in llie maiiiier rcipiired ""■'• for tile payment dI' state taxes cDlleetcd. ■' '>'l. Taxes levicil and cDllccteil in any cDunly I'dp the pur- pose named in this ad, shall he used diiIn- Id delVav 'i''' s' ' , . ' ■ lll«;ilH' liix tlu' ex|ieiises of' the insane dial "('ahle to such '•I'^'H M..t i)o ' ' (llVII.'.l III iMMinty, and the costs incident thd'cto, and shall not "tiHnnn.i. lie diverted to any other pur|iDsc, noi' he tran^lerrcd to aiiv other fund. .")•■!. .\ny member of the hoard (jf siijurvisors, or any eouiitv trcasin-ei- who shall violate anv of the provisions of ii.ii m. , . 1 n 1 I ■ 1 1 • ' • 1 I'liiuity I'.ir this act. shall he iiahle Id a hue ol not lc>s than one viniaiim ,if tlM' |l|-.l. Jiniidi'cd nor moi-c than live hundred ihdlars. to he viM.i... reeo\-ci'cd in an action hrouuiit a,L:l .'illi'llii.'ilirc ^\\; p.ihl i|il;il't( riy III ;ii|\illi I'l. 'I'llc |v|||ti\'(.s or rii(ll(|< nf llliy |i;lticlll in lIlc Iin-|iit;il jj iiji. .-hill I li!i\c ilir privili l;c of |i;iyiii^' any |iorii(iii nr all nf till' (Ai.i'ii-cs (if >iicli paticnls lliriTin; aii'l tin.! Mi|Miiiitrii(|tiit iill<'iil» at any linu' il I'l.ay Im cmiiic iiccc-.-ary. fur want of idnni ur utlii-r cau-r, id di-criiiiiiiatc in llic u'cncial ii((|i- limi of paliriiN into tlic lin-pital. a --(■Irctidii ■-hall ho iiiaili' as Id! Idws: '(•(■III ca-cs. /. r., ca-^cs d iian one vcar s ( Jural on, Ifid.'^ (i'|.>|.',| \\ iio t'l liiKll. (I) \l shall lia\c the iH'cfd'cticc nN'tT all dthcrs. (■J) < 'lll'dllic ca-^c-;. /. I'., where the di-ea-^e i>^ ol' llKire than dllO year'< diiratidii. |U'e-entin'4' the inn-l favorahU' pro-peets of re- covery shall he next preferi'c'l. {;!) Thoii|i|i'irtiii^' tlir |i,iiii'iif. tlicy niJiy iTlicvi' -iich c.-tjiti' nr (-tntc-^ tVnin ;iiiy |i,ii1 ni'iill nf sllrli lilll'ilfll il- limy scflil III thrill lT;isiili;ililr ;Mlil jll-l. • Id. Thi' ti'i'iii '• iii-^.'inc." ii< u-ril ill thi- (h.iplrr. iin hiilrs cVcrv -liccii- 111' ili-;iliilv nr im lll;il ili|;ltiui im llt. !;ll-l. ' ■ . .M.'iiiiiim' .>r 'I'hi' irriii "iiliiit" is rf-trictrij |u iiii'-iiii< liMiH-h '"'•"'..••('I; I'ruiii liirth. -n|i|iii-cil to he mitiiriiily withoiil iiiiiuL """imiit"'!. Xn iiljfit -h:ili he iiijniillcil to the h(»<|iil;il. ('•1. If illiy l»iltirlll shilil r.-c;i|ii' i'riilil the hii-|iil;ll. tlir sil|n'r- illtcllililll -h;lll C'lUlSC illlllHiliillf -'lll'rll III hrlllllilc .||j, I'liv him: miiiK it' hr cniiiint suuii lie riiiiiiij. .-h;ill '•"'''"'• (■iUl-f liiitirc III' Stich f.-cMpr III lir t'l il'l h W il h ^i \ rll In thi'fiiin- llli I'lUiml in tlu-ir cnnnty. the i'iiiiiini-^ w-hncaniint lie safely allnwed tn HI, at liherly. the ,'!',:;:;!;:"i'f,:,;''^f C'limiuis-inners of the cnunty where such patient ''''"'"''^• 'nt'lniiii's. on makiiiii' provisions foi- the care of -uch palieiit wilhin the county as is in nthcr ca-ioiiers of insanity of nuy county, that caus(^ ^,400. no lon,u-cr exists for the care within the county of '!,'"', M!,rii°^' any particular person as an insane ])atient. tlu'V '^"""'^• shall order the immeiliate discharize of such jjerson. Ci-l. Any patient who is cured shall he inimeiliately dis- charired hv the sin)erintendi'nt. Tpon such dis- s i^-J- '^ _ / _ liisrliarpfl of, charge, tlie superintendent shall the patient, wuiu cured. 224 IOWA. unless dtlii'rwi.-c siiii]ilicil. with suitiiMc clDtliiiiui,' and a sum of nmncy, nnl cxci'ciliiiti,' (wcnty dollai's, which shall he ehai'ucil Avilli the dlhcr ('\|)('ns('s in tlii' hospital of such [)atient. 'riie relatives nf any patient not susceptilile of cure hy ri'Uiedial trealnient in the hospital, and not danti'ei'ous to lie at lar^'o, shall ha\H' the riuiit to take cliar^e of and remove such i)atient on consent of the hoard of trustees. In the intei'im of tlio Jiieetiniis of the l)oard, the consent of two of the trustees shall be sufiieient. ()~). The !»oard of trustees shall order tlie discharu'e or rc- jiio.-j inoval from the hospital of incuralik' and harndess harm'il's.s' 'Vo- ]>atients, wlienever it is necessary to make room for ""J^'^''- recent cases; in the interim hetween the meetin,^s of the hoard, tlu' superintendent, in comu'ction with two trus- tei's, shall [tossess and exer^'ise the same power. <)(>. W'lieii patients are di si' harmed from the hospital hy the §1426. authorities thereof without ai>]»lication therefor, no- ^lln'u'p "^''nt tiee of the order of dischai",v sent to the conniiissioners ot the county where tJiey hi'loii^' : and the commissioners sliall fortliwith cause them to he removed, aiel shall at once provide for their care in the coinUy as in other cases, uidess such patients are discharged as cure7. On a statement in wrilin,n\ verilied hy allidavit, ad- §n4'j dressed to a Jud^-e of the district or cii'cuit court of KMi'iy"c.',Ii'"" the county in which the hospital is ^ituated. or of 'n'M'Lr'i!:l'Mi 1,'y ''"-' t'ouuty i\\ wliicli auv certain pt'rson conliiied in ""'""•""'"''■ tlie Iw»-j)iial has hi-^ leu'al setlleiiK'iU, alle,!j,inj;' that such j)erson is not insane, and is unjustly deprived of his lih- crty, such jud^'c shall ajipoint a c(jmmission of not more than tlu'ee persons, in his discreliou. to iicpiire into the merits of the case, one of wlnMu shall he a physician, and if two or more ai''' apjxiiined. anotlu'r shall he a lawyer. Without lirsl siim- iiioning the party to meet them, they shall proceed to the lios- jutal and have a personal interview with such jicrson, so uian- Jiged as to prevent him, if p-ossihle, from susj)eetin,i;' its ohject; and they shall make any iiupiiries ami examinations they may di'cm necessary and jiroper of the oflicers and records of the liospital touching!; the merits of the ease. If they shall judyc it prudent and advisahle, tlu'y may disclose to the party the •;t' !';■ ■ f 1) i IOWA. 225 object of tho')' visit, and ciUier in his presence or otliei'wise, make further investipition of the matter. They sliall fortli- witli re|K»rt to theju'lj^e making the appointment, the resuUof their examination and in([uiries. 8uch re[)ort sliall he ai'cum- panied hv a statement of the case, made and signed hy the superintendent. If, on such report and statement, and the hearing of the testimony, if any is olfered, the judge shall find the person not insane, he shall order his discharge. If the contrary, ho shall so state, and authori/.e his continued deten- tion. The finding and order of the judge, with the re|)ort and other j)apers, shall be filed in the ollice of the clerk of the court over which such judge presides, who shall enter a memora.n- dum thereof on his record, and forthwith notify the superin- tendent of the hospital of the finding and order of the judge, and the superintendent shall carry out the order. The com- missioners appointed as provided in this section, shall bo entitled to their necessary expenses and a reasonable compi-n- sation, to be allowed by the jutlge, and i)aid by the state out of any funds not otherwise api)roj)riated; jn'ocidcd, that the apjdi- cant shall ])ay the same if the judge shall find that the apjili- cation was made without probable grounds, and shall so t)rder. 08. The commission so provided for, shall not be repeated oftencr than once in six months in regard to the ^■^^^■^ same party; nor shall such commission be ap- 'v'h!'u"""'" ' pointed in the case of any patient within six months "'''"""""'• of the time of his admission. (>i». All persons confined as insane shall be entitled to the benefit of the writ of habeas coi])Us, and the question S 1-144. of insanity shall be decided at the hearing, and if i^nms. the judge shall tlecide that the i)erson is insane, such decision shall be no bar to the issuing of the writ a second time, when- ever it shall be alleged that buch person has been restored to reason. 70. Any ofiicer required herein to perform any act and any person a^"jepting an ap[»ointment under the pro- ^ ,^4- visions of this chapter, and wlifully refusing or '[il'ty""'"'^ neglecting to [)erform his duty as herein prescribed, i'"""'"'''- shall be guilty of misdemeanor, besides benig lialile to an action for damages. 71. If any person in prison charged with a crime, shall, at 15 m 220 IOWA. miy time ])of<)rc' incuted for any oll'enso committed by him previous to such insanity. 72. When any lunatic shall bo confined in either hos[)ital s Hi-i under the iirecedim^ section, the sui)erintendent in ti.aiL'.'.i until wliose charm' he mav he, sliall, as soon as such lu- ihslrict ilttoi-- . . • .' . ti.yisnoiirtoci. natic is restored to his reason, i^ive notice thereof to the district attorney of the pi'oper county, and retain such lunatic in custody for such n-asonable time thereafter as may 1h' necessary for said attorney to cause a warrant to issue and to be serve(l, by virtue whereof the said ])erson so restore(l to reason shall ai!;ain be returned to the jail of the pro[)er county to answer to the ()fl'ens(> alleu'cd apiinst him. ~'-\. If any person, after beinu^ convicted of any crime or s^i4i4. misdemeanor, and before the execution in whole or ii.ToMiini; ill- ,• i i- i i saii-aii.' pa I't ot t hc seiiteiice ot the court, becoines insane, eriiorMispiMid tlic ti'overiittr shall iiKiuire into the facts, and he exi'ciitiuu ot ' ' s..iit.i,c,. n^iiy pai'don such lunatic, or commute or sus])end, for the time beiny, the execution in such manner and ibr such a period as he may think proi)er, and may, by his warrant to the sherill' of the pro[)er county or warden of either jteniten- tiary, oi-der such lunatic to be conveyed to the hosj)ital and there kept until restored to reason. If the sentence of any th I Ml IOWA. 227 pucli lunatic l»o suspcinlt'il Iiy llic u-ovonior. tlu^ stMiti'iicc of tlic cinirt shall 1)(' cxcciitcil uimii liiiu alter ^■u^■ll pcrind of siis- ln'iisinii lias cxiiircd, unless otlierwise direeleil hy the Lidverudi'. 71. When a (lel'endant a|>|tears for an'ait;nnu'nt, trial inent, (U- (111 aiiv othei' oceasidii when he is re(|uire(|, >< 4'!-.;' 1 'I'ri.l iudi if a 1 easdualile duulii ai'ise as to 1 lis san itv. th I'riiil orin-iaii- ilv liv iinv. coui't must order a jury to he enii>aneled iVoiu tlu' trial jurors in attendance at the term, or wiio may he suninioneil hy the direction oi'the court, as provided in this code, lo in(|uire into Uiv fact. 7"). 'idle arraiii'iinuMit, trial, judjjjniont, or other jtroceediniis, as tile case may he, must he suspended until tlu' (juestioii of insanity is deti'rmined hy the verdict of tlu' iurv. S -"'-I- Suspi'iisioii. "1). The trial for the (juestion of insanity must jiroceod in 11 i(^ loilowiiii'- order ilrih'r of iiri)- (1) The counscd of the detendant must oiler the <•l•■ll'l■•^ eviilence in suiiport of the allegation of insanity. (2) The district atloriu>v must then oiler the evidence in support of the case on the ])art of tlu' state. (."!) The ]>arties may then resjxH'tively oiler rehuttint>" evi- dence only, unless the court, for ii,o()d reason, in fui'therance of justice, pt'i'iiiit them to oiler evidence ujion their ori^'inal eas(>. (I) When the evidence is concluded, unless the case is suh- iiiitted on either sidi', or both sides, without argument, the trial of the (luestioii of insanity. 77. If the jury find that tlio defendant is sane, the ]irocee(l- inn's on the indictment shall he resumed. ^< hij:t. ifsane 7S. If the jury find the defendant insane, the |)rocee(lino-s on the indictment shall 1)(> suspended until li(> he- M''''<- coines san(\ and the coiu't, if he deem his discharge i"iti";it')io\va dangerous to the iiublic peace or safety, may order ^^'''«"' (■m 228 IOWA. 8 4r.2.'i. Biiil; re- leasi'il. g 4n'2>>. l)ptiiiiiP(l in liusi>ital. tliat lie 1)0 in the meantime committed Ijy the slievifl:' to the Iowa insane hos[), and that upon his beeominj; sane, he he delivered by the sui)erintendent of the hospital to the sheriff. 71). The eonnnitment of the defendant, as provided in the last section, exonerates his hail, or entitles a persf)n authorized to receive the })roperty of the defend- ant, to a return of the money he may have deposited instead of bail. Qg therefor, as are allowed for conveying con- victs to the penitentiary. 83. If the defense be the insanity of the defendant, the juiy • 44-2 must be in.structed, if they ac(iuit him on that iltuvju'ry gi-ound, to statc that fact in their verdict. The lustiuctiHi. i-oxxri may thereupon, if the defendant be in custody, and his discharge is deemed dangerous to the i)ublic peace and safety, order him to be committed to the Iowa insane ho,spital, or retained in custody until ho becomes sane. 84. The words " insane person " include idiots, lunatics, § 4,'), par. fi. Defluitiou. distractcd pcrsous and persons of unsound mind. So. lie [the defendant] may show for cause against the § 4-.04. judgment, that he is insane, or anv suflicient ground ju7s, the governor and the sheriff, as provided in the next KopViil'v!;'' section, unless in case of an ap])eal to the su[)renie "''^ ""^y- court, as provided in section eighteen of this act.* SS. When the sheriff is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for believing tliat the defendant is insane, 11^1,,^ 7 he may summon a jury of twelve persons on the '"."'tV'ilre Us- jury list, to be drawn by the clerk, who shall be i'""^'"'- sworn by the sheriff well and truly to inipiire into the insanity of the defendant and a true inquisition return, and they shall examine the defendant and hear any evidence that may bo ])resented, and by written inquisition, signed by each of them, find as to the insanity, and indess the intiuisitioji find the de- fendant insane the sheriff shall not suspend the execution. But if the in(juisition find the defendant insane he shall sus- pend the execution and inniiediately transmit the inquisition to the governor. * This act will be found in McClaln's Statutos, Vol. II, page 972. r -Hi ■ 1 '^r .'./t%A'''' KANSAS. GOVKUNMKNT OF ASYLV.M. ]. In SMiic asvlimis to 1 losti'iei 1 and Sll|l|l()l li'd )V tlio state: tnistti.? liow a|H)iiiiiteil. 2. Control ol'. l>v hoard of trustee;- Bi usti'cs; aiiiiomtiiient, 4. (i eil in said l)oan 11). •d. tcrs ot ; to appoint i .,i x- 2-1, Trial, vcr.liit of jury, form of; coin- mitinent, i;iiardiaii appointod. 20. Costs, l)y whom [laid, on i'(>minit- mi'iit. 20. (.'osts, liy whom paid, on discharge. 27. Xt'W trial in discretion of court. 2.'^. Ciiiardian, iiond and security of. 2!). Aihlilional liond may he ie(iuired. 80. J>ond (U'liDsit Willi court. nperiutendent, adopt reguhitions lission, transfer patients. G. Ofiicer.s, en >:erat''v .n, >l ; aiipoint- nieni. ten-i ^llperMltelll lent, 1 .1 )o\v( r. .n 1 d-it les ; control ot asylum, estimates and inventories, statistics. 8. Clothing to i)e furnished p;itients. 9. List of articles distroycd, inspection hy lioard of survey. 10. Records of asylum. 11. .Account iiooks and records. 1*2. Steward, hoiid ot". 13. iSteward, powers and duties; pur- chase, form of hills and audit. 14. Ahslract of expenditures; inven- tories, reports 15. Shortage, committee of investiga- tion ; steward charged with. 10. Inspection of inventories and re- turns; contracts. olice cil guanlianshii). 17. Fi nance co mniittee of trustees. 18. Treasurer's ahstracts; warrant o aiKliior. it of. 19. Salaries, monthly payniei ADMISSION AND DISL'HAUGK. 20. Investigation of insanity, hy pro- hate court ; jury trial. 21. Sjiccial term of court, if information iled in vacation. 22. Appearance of defendant in discre- tion of judge. 23. Aiiplication to prohate court. 32. Support; fu'ovided l)y guardian. 33. Support, estate liahle for. 34. Temporary eonlinement, examina- tion, coinmitnient. 3.5. Powers of court in sncli cases. 30. Costs, hy whom paid. 37. Keimhurseinent to county. 38. Custodian to he guardian ad litem. 30. .\|iplic:ition hy ]U'oliate judge. 40. Warrant of commitment. 41. Support ; expenses of, hy whom home, certilicate of indigence. 42. I'rivate patients, regulations for ad- mission. 43. Support of, ohjigation for. 4t. Interrogatories of sui)erintendent. 45. llemoval and discharge, hv whom ; Knots aiK 1 oth ers not admitted 40. Discharge, regulations for. 47. Discharge, expenses of 48. Penalties for nesilcct of duties. 4i). Kxpensi's of jialients supported out of asylum ; statement of. 50. Reimniirsement of such expenses. il. A PI tropria tioiis for, hv state. 52. Warrants for, how drawn. CRIMINAL INSANE. 53. Insane convicts, in(|uisition of in- sanity, commitment ; on recovery remanded to ciis stod\ 54. Criminals sentenced to deatii, stay of execution, trial of insanilv. 1. Tnstitiitioiis for tln^ liciufit of tlie insane, liliiid. and deaf roiap uws .j,„] (lunil), and such other benevoU'nt institutions i)J'sicT,Sisii, 'i^ <''^' puldic <>-ood niiiy require, shall he fostered eoust., uit. 7, .^1,1 supported by the .state, subject to such regulu- ■11 . i:'i ! ' y law. 'I'm-trcs of |!„npy„|p„t such l.ciicvolcnt iiistiluti(.iis as may l.c lifirat'tcr '"-''""'""■<■ created shall he apixjiiited hy the nDVeriKH', hy ami with the advice and cdiiseiit . 'J'iie g(»vernor shall appoint, in the year eighteen hun- drt'd and seventy-six, five persons as trustees of the ^ -4-., asylums for the hlind. deaf an1, ell, .ili, made, and who, undi'r such I'ules as may be made A|VprKiiti..iis by the board of trustees, shall designate to which f"''"""'-i'"' cif iiisiuii' per- Soll> lllllilc to (losiginitoil suiieiiiuoiiil't. asylum each ap[tlicant shall be admitted; and the board of trustees shall adopt such ri'gulations as will enable the sujterintendent so designatiMl to determine to wiiich asylum each a[)})licant shall be admitted; provided, the board of trustees may order the transfer of patients from one asylum to an(jther, when deemed advisable. G. l']at-h insane asylum shall have a superintendent, an as- sistant suiterintendent, steward and matron, who §■):*:. shall be chosen bv the board of trustees, and shall "ii.,iu up." ' , ]i'iiiiti'(l, and hold their otlice for the term of three years, sulyect 'emis. I'l f l\l ! 232 KANSAS. to rcnioviil only for suniciciit canst', wliidi sliall lie dctct'- iuiii(y 11 full invent iP">t.s,when 'it least semi-annual reports showinii the movement iiiiuic. ^-^j- ijj^, population and the ojierations of the asylum (lurinc; the period embraced therein: and at the close of tlie l)iennial i)eriod, he shall report in detail the condition of the asylum, and all of its concerns, with a list of the salarietl offi- cers and employes, and their salaries, and shall accompany said rei)orts with all returns of jirojjcrty and ri>ports of the steward and other otiicers. The superintendent shall make such recommendations in his report as he may deem requisite to the welfare of the institution. S. AVhenever necessary, the su|(erintendent shall cause cloth- §4:in, in<^ to be issued to patients in the asylum. All is- 8i'i"('i't''pir ^ii<-\s to indi(;ent persons shall be charged to the tienis, w leii. ^^.^^p. ,j|| Q^her Issucs shall be charged to the ])arent or guardian of the person to whom the issue shall be made, and the account therefor shall be forwarded with the account for board. 0. A list of articles destroyed in each ward or department ^AAo. during the week shall be made bv the su])ervi.sor of List of ,irti- , 111 • 1 i 1 1 11 cipsM.'Hiroyed thc wurds to tlic supernitendent, wlio shall cause it to be kept. , i • i i i .■ i ri-art (»f the attendants or jx'rsons responsihle tliei'el'or. 10. A full ahstraet of all eorrespornk'nee relating; to the ad- mission of iiatients. their treatment, and all otiier s^n. ni.ittei's ot an oineial nature, and the replies tiiereto, .■..ii.,i,ni„i- .sjiall he ke]it hy the suju'rintendent. lie shall also, cause to he kept a complete record of each cas(> and the treat- ment thereot'. a jirest'ri|)tion hook, with the date when it was compounded and administered, and such other records as may ])e necessary to i;ive the hoard and the puhlica full knowled»;'o of all the transactions and husiness of the medical department. 11. A set of account l)ooks sludl he kept under the direction of the superintendent, that shall he adaijted to the s' -n- * ' _ ('••naiii lie- wants of the asvlum. and shall exhihif in detail ;"»ntiM,„ksto 111' ki'pt : cDu- cvery financial transaction thereof. The clerks shall '■''" "''•"■ also keep the followino; hooks, viz.: a re(|uisition hook, in which shall he entered a true co])y of every I'dpiisition which has l)een aiii)rovcd hy the suj)erintendent ; a daily ahstraet of all supplies on hand and of tlu' issues; of the issues of clothing, witnessed hy an attendant having chai'ge of tlu' patient or pa- tients to whom the issue is made ; a record of contracts with tiie employes of the asylum, which shall show the heginniug and terms of the contract, and ])e signed hy the party employed, and opposite the name hy whom recommended, the occupation, when left, and the cause; an ahscnce rccoid, in which shall ho entered a statement of the ahsencos of tlu^ oflicers and employes, and hy what authority;, a time hook, in which shall ho kept the time of every officer and employe; a record, in Avhich shall he entered l)y wards and dei)artments a of all }»rop- erty injured and damaged, and hy whom ; an acco\uit hetween the laundry and the respective wards, and such other hooks of account as may he neces,sary. 12. Before entering upon his duties, the steward shall exe- cute a hond to the state of Kansas, with three or S^^^- Steward exe- more sureties, to he approved hy the governor, in cute bond, douhle the amount of the property and money which shall he likely to come into his po.ssession during any month, which ',1 1 ii| i w- I * I i ^ 234 KANSAS. slinll 1k' (Ictcriiiincil hy llic Ixuii'd of tnislt'cs. rpoii tli(';i|)- jii'dval (if llif lioiid, the n'ovt riior sliiill iiolil'v tlic iiroidciil (if tlic lioiird llicrcof, iiiid shall ciiiisc llic lioiid, willi Ins a|i|ii'ii\al (iidni'scd (lu rcdii, to Ik' dc|)(isilc(l in (lie dUicc of tlu' sccrclarv of stale. l;}. 'rill' steward shall liave eiiai\<:c of all the su|i|)lies and stoi'es of the asylum, and he char.u'eil therewith at their invoice value, and he shall make all purchases authorized hy section four.* or which in;iy he diall re(iuire iteini/.ed « HI. Fiii-iii iif Mil t" lid I'l'ii- tlorcil. ordered hy the hoard of trustees. lie bills to he rendi'ri'd in duplicate for all purchases, whether made upon contract or otherwise, which shad he in the fol- lowiii,u' form, \i/. : The »State of Kansas on account of the insane asvUuu. Dr. (l)at( .S.9. To Tlu' State of Kansas, ] ( "ounty, j J hereby swear that the fori\i>'oin^ Idll of account is correct and Just, and wholly unpaid; that the exact considci'ation tlierein chareed for was received hy the saiil a.^ylum ; that the sanu', or any part thereof, has not siiUH- hee'U connnuted ; and that neither honus, commission nor any other consi or helief, because of the jii-oposed exchange of values theri'in set forth, or for anv other reason. tSworii to and subscribed before nie, tin.-: (lav of IS . I hereby certifv that the above account is correct, and that the articles therein eharued have been received in ^(Kid order by the a.syluni. iiowiiKioised. It sliall be indorsed as follow: X( Steward. insane asylum l)er Passed upon l)y the finance committee of tlu- board of trus- tees, oil the day of , 18 , and ordereil paid. , ( 'ommitti'e. Filed the dav of See pi. 18 , and auditi'd. , Auditor of State. Received payment in full. KANSAS'. 235 II. He sliiill issue nil (lie stnri's ti|i(in i'('i|ui<'||<|i(lll)-K I., li.' lliiuli' I.) liriiuicr 11)111. lure: ■llici' Willi llic acciuiiil- an i| iiav-rniis III h. and wlicii ■' (irncrcd iiaal (luiilicatc for the iiiTcciliiiu- iiioiil liy said coniniittrt' shall, wilhuul dciay, transmit thcsainc. tn- n-cthcr w itli the r('>,aisili(tii npnn the auditor of slate lor a war- rant therel'or. made hy -aid eommilU'e to the tl'easiiref of the board, lie shall exaiiiiiie and re;iitoel< in his possession and iiii(U'r his conli'ol, and transmit the same to tlie>-uperintendeiit, and at the close of the hieiinial period he shall inalpe;ir that there is any sliorlai:' e in « -11" the stores of the asvhnii. tin hoard ol" trustees shall ai)point a eommitti'e I'rom their own uiimher, who i^,','v',',';I,ll,l',',^ shall ill vest i,uate tlu' cause tl lereo i': and if it shi dl tll'8 111 trilwUH'S. appear to have occurred iVoiii evaporation, natural si i linkage, accidental leakage, or uiiavoidahle loss, the steward shall ho ereiliteil therewith : otherwise he sliall he ehariied witii tlie amount thereoi'and he re(piii'e(l to |)ay the same into the state treasury within ninety days alter the determination oi'the loss. If (\ KANSAH. K-'.|iiii.iti.Mi cxaiiiiiH' iiKiiillilv tlir iH'coiiiits aiid iiltst nu'ls tlicrcof. iiiaili' ii|MHi Hiiilil'ir «( ■ lute, ulii'ii ..r iiiclmliii^' the piiy-mlU |irt\idi'd in tliis act, make a r('(|iii>itinn tor tlic annuiiit llicri'df ii|i(iii the atiditdi' nt" >tat(', and dfliviT tlic same to the steward. J.S. 'I'lir ti'casurcr of the lioai'd ol" trustees shall di'li\cr the ^4,,, aei'ouuls. the j>ay-rolls and all [anj atistraet of said l?™''lm^^ claims to the auditorofstate.whieh shall i.esutlicieut amiiuhiitilrol- e\idence to the auditoi' of such |ierson.-' claini[s| i-e- """"' spectively. 'I'he amlitor shall indoi'se his i,ndit thereon, retain the ahstract. and return the accounts witli his wai'rant for the amount thereof to the treasurer. I'pon "•,, a pav-roll which shall slxtw when enii)love(l, tho iiiiMits inii.ii''. nionthly pay, time jiaid for, the amount of pay and deductions therefrom for j)ro[)i'rty lost ov ilestroyed through carelessness. •JO. If information, in writiui.:;, is ,i;'iven to the prohate court g ^,„,„ that anyone in its county is an idiot, lunatic or ])er- i^i'iVi^'^'nilto'' •'^"i> of unsound mind, or an habitual drunkard, and ''yj"'y. nieapahlc of nianati'ing his aflairs, and ])raying that an inquiry thereinto hi' hail, the court, if satisfie(l that there is good causi' foi' tlu' exei'cise of its jurisdiction, shall cause tho facts to he in(|uired into l»y a jury. 21. Such information mav also he given, in the vacation of g^dPj said court, to tlio ju(lings under this act, the probate court may, in §•■">«:!. its discretion, cause the iH'rson alleged to be of un- befurooouit. souud miud or an habitual drunkard to bo brought before tho court. KANSAS. 2'j. ^Vll('1U'Vor nny ju(l;;,c of the proluitc ('(»iirt, justice nf the iifiifi', slit lit!', cdronri- or ((iiistalilc sliall dist-nvrr S'"'!- any |icrsnii, ivsidiiit ot' his emnity, ti» l>t' of uiisnund j»'i«'.''i''- iiiiixl nriin liiiltitiial dniiikard (as in the t:i>l section ol' tliis act ni( ntionetT' ). it shall he his dnly to make aiijilication to ihr jii'oitate court for the exercise of its jurisdict ion, and I lHi(U|ion till' like |iroceediu^fs shall Ite had as in the case of information by uiiollieial persons. 2-1. At the time lixe(l f( , 'lie tri'.sl, a jury of six persons, one of wlmm shall lie a pnvsieiaM in rey,ular uractici- y-m^. 1 1 !• 1 I'l 1 11 1 'rniill.yjnry; ami e,oo(l stamlum, shall be nniianeled to trv the v.i.h.i. case, who >hall lie entitle(l to one dojlai' for each '"• day. 'J'he pei'soji allcjut'd to he insane shall have the riuht to he present at the trial, to hi' assisted l)y counsel, and to clial- kn^i'e jurors as in civil cases. '^J'he court may for ^ood canst' continue the cause from tiuu^ to tinu'. .\fter hearing- the evi- dence, the jury shall render their verdict in writing-, signed hy them, which .-hall end)ody the suhstantial facts shown hy the I'videiice, which Verdict, in tlu' case of a jiersoii tound to he a lunatic, shall Ijc suhstantially in the l'ollo\viu_!i; form: (State of Kansas. 1 ( tninty, j Wv, the uiulersit^'ued, juroi's in the case of (namiiire satisfied that said is insane and is a lit person to he sent to the state insane asylum; that he is resident of the state of Kansas and county of ; tliat his is years; that his disease is of duration, dating from lirst symii- toms; that the cause is supposed to he (or unknown); that the disease is (or is not) with him hereditaiy; that he is (or is not) suhject to epik'psy; that lie dtx'S (or does not) manifest homicidal or suicidal tendencies. Which verdict sliall he si<;'ned by all the mendiers of the jury: and to which verdict shall he attached a brief statement of the medical treatment in the case, as near as the .«ame can Ijc ascertained, which statement, together with iuiy other infor- mation or circumstance known U) him, and which may teiul to throw light on the case, sliall be signed by the pliy.sician tU' physicians upon the jury. ul I * See pi. 20. 238 KAXf^.VS. r|Miii tlic rclni'ii of (lie vcnlict, tli(^ same shall Ix' I'ccoi'di'd at lai'uc liy (lie pniliaU' jiiilut'. and it' it ajijirar (hat thr |icrs()ii is iiisaiic. and is a lit prison to lie sent to the insane asylum, the court sliali enter an oi'der that the insane person heeonnnitted to the state insane asylum : and it shall thereujion hi' Hum hit y of the pi'oliate jud^'e to make ap]ilication to the su])erinten(K'nt of llu' stale insane asylum I'oi' the a(hiMssion of sueh insane per- son, and shall transmit with sueh ajiplication a eoj)y of (he ver(nct of the jury and statement hy the pliysieian or pliysi- eiaiis as hereinhefore provideil, under his siunature and seal of odice. Anl if it he I'ound hy the jury that llu> suhjeet ol the iiKpiiiy is of unsound nnnd, or an hal)itual drunkai'd, and in- ca]iahle of manauinu,' his or her all'airs, the court shall ap[ioint a uuai'dian of the person and estate ol' such pei'son. '2~. W hell any pt'i'son shall h(> found to he insane or an S*^'"'- hahitua! drunkard, according- to the ))i'(>cedin"- I'l'o- Costs. lluw . . . . i'''i''' vision^, the costs of the proceed in^us shall he pai thereof, sliall 1k' i. evidence in all rt'spects as the original. ol. it shall h(> tluMluty of every such guai'dian, within thirty (lavs after his aiJiiointnu'tit, to canse a notict' thereof s:i""i- to he |)ultlishe(l, at such time and in such nia.nncr iipiH'imin.'Mt. as the pi'ohate court shall ordei'. 1)1*. livery such guardian shall take charg(^ of the person p -.nuitted to his charges and pi'ovide for his sup- S'""-- po.l and luaintenanci' as lu'i'cinafter directc^d. oip.M^oi,. ;>;). livery pi'ohate court hy whom any insane person or hahitual druidcard is committetj to guardianship, ^^ .;,,;s may make an order for the I'cslraint, sup])ort and eo,'i;M','K;y '** safe-keeping of such person, for the management of "'"'"' liis estate, for the support and maintenance of Ids family and education of his children, out of the ])roceeds of such estate; to set apart and reser\ e for tlic payment of di'hts, and to let, sell or mci(ied. oh if any ])i'rson, hy lunacy or otherwise, shall hi' furiously mad. or so far disorderi'd in his mind as to endan- ^;i,i,._. ger his own ])er person to he a2)prehended, and may employ any jiersun to conhne him or n Vi :ijl«nj 210 KANSAS. hi'i' in some suilalilc |)l;u'(> until (lui iti'obiito court sliiill uiako I'urtlicr ui-dcr tluTcin, as in llic preceding;' scctidu spccilii'd. .'!(!. Till' expenses attcndinu,- such conlineiiieni shall l)e paid by §:'i"i du' 'luarclian.dUt (if his estah'.or hv the person hound iiuw jmiii. to provide for and support sui'h insaiu' }>erson,or the same shall he paid out of the county treasury. ;!7. In all cases of ai»pr()})riutions out of the county treasury J .,,„,-,. for the support and maintenance or conlinement of n'.'X'nHi'hj' !i"y insane pt'rson, the amount thereof nuiy h(( re- '•>""">■. covered hy the county from any person who, hy law, is hound to provide for the support and maintenance of sui'h person, if there l)e any of sullicii'Ul al)ility to |»ay the same. lis. 'IMie custodian or |ierson in whose viwv an insane person S-hik;. mav he, shall he his guardian in all that itertains to (luaiiliaii of 111' ■ 1 '■ • • • in.-.;.iH' i"'iM.ii. a le_i;al delensi> o( Ins person Irom uijury or ahuse Avhere no . Any pi'ol)ate jud^e in this state desii'ing to commit an (iniic stiu.Mii.'i.t ''>"^i""' person to tlu' state insane asylum, shall ;,t .i.i.iK.'. f,„.\vai-d a statement in form as follows to the superintendent thereof: Stat(>nient. county. ]ii the matter of the insanity of A. I>., of state of Kansas. To the superintendent of the state insane asylum: After due i'xaminaticu had liefore mi', ('. I)., [irohate jud<^c cif county, on the day of , IS , one A. ]>. was adjudu'ed to he insane. Thi,. is, liierefort', to iuipiiro Avhether, a.nd if so, when you can admit him into the insano asylum? The followiu};' is a history of the case, as far as I am infornu'd: (lu're recite the principal items of information in re«iard to the case). [Seal] C. J)., rrobato Judge. V V fW if KANSAS. 211 '10. The su]ii'riiit('ii(lciil slmll iiifoi'in siicli .iu(li:;(' wlictlicr tlic person iidjiKl^c*! to he iiisjiiH' can lie rccfiv<. To(;. J)., ^mardian of A. P,.: Vou are hei'chy coinmanded, without unnecessary delay, to take A. 15., adjudged to be insane, and deliver him into the cusiody of thesuperintendentoftlu^ stale insane asyluiii, together with the aceoni[)auying warrant to the stewai'';"'"" '" whose signatures and their peeuniary responsibility shall be eertified to in form as follows, by the probate judge, a notary public, or a justice of the peace, of the projier county : Obligation. In consideration ofA.B. being admitted a private patient into the state insane asylum, we, the iindersigned, jointly and severally j)romise to i)ay to the treasurer of the said asylum, on the first day of December, March, June and Se])tembcr, with ten per cent, interest per ainnnn, after said days res})ectively, the rate of board determined by the l)oard of trustees of said asylum, to provide or pay for all requisite clothing or other things necessary or i)roper for the health and comfort of said })atient, to remove said patient when dischargcrintendent. 45. The pei'son or court j»lacing a patient in the asylum S :'";!. shall have the j)ow(>r to remove such ))atii'nt at any Jii nival (if ■■■ 1 - iuitk'nis. time, and the superiniendent shall have power, under the direction of the trustees, to discharge any jtatient at any time in accordance Avith the by-laws of the asylum. No idiot or person laboring under any infection or contagious dis- ease shall be admitted into the asylum. 4(5. When a })atient is ordered discharged, the steward shall g.,,,4 immediately notify the ])robate judge of the proper patiiMit»';'iiro. <'Ounty of such discharge, giving the name of the ccei ing>,. patient and date of discharge, and wh(>ther the pa- tient is restored to his right mind or not. The judge shall, when he receives the notice, make a corresj)onding entry on the records of his court; and in case the j)atient is discharge'd not restored, he shall immediately issue his })recept to the guardian of such j)erson to renu»ve him from ' asylum to the ])roper county, at the expense of the ccjn'.y or j)erson charged with his maintenance. If the })atient is not removed within thirtv davs after discharge, the stewanl shall remove him at the expense of the county or person charged with his maintenance. In case of the discharge of a county patient, the steward shall also notifv the countv clerk of such discharge. 47. A\'hen a person is discharged restored, the steward may, 5 3,,;; inider the direction of the suj)erintendent, send him The same. ]i,,im. at tlic cxpcuse of tlic couuty or person charged with his maintenance. 48. In case of the non-performance of any of the duties en- ,.,„„ joined in this act, such neglect may be punished by tine in any sum not less than ten nor more than one hundred (U)llars. to be recovered bi'fore any iustico of the peace of the }>ro[)er county, by any })ei'son suing there- for, for the use of the county. 40. It shall be the duty of the county clerk, on or before §:ui7. the thirtieth da^' of Xovend)er, eighteen humlivd Statninont of . ' , ii ii fi i 1 insane sup. aud scvcuty-six, a »d annually tiierealter, to make county. out a certified account, fully itemized, and file the same with the auditor of state, <.)f all expenses incurred by the Noi;l(-i't of duty; |iuii- isliiiif ut. KAXSAS. 21 40 e county for tlic current year in su|>])ort of the dostituto insane of sueh county for wlK)se admission to the insane asylum ai){)li- cation has heen (hily made to and (U'clinedby the superintend- ent of said asylum for want of room. oO. It shall he the duty of the auditor of state to present at each meetiu"; of the ley;islatnre all such accounts for 5:fiis. 1 Dntvof allowance; but no county shall be allowecl more auditor. than iifty cents per day for each insane person so supported as aforesaid. 51. '^riie sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so nnicli thereof as mav be necessary, is lu'reby ai)propriated out of ,s .(uo. any moneys m the treasury not otherwise appro- inopiiated. priated, for the j)ur[)ose of ])ayin<;' to the several counties of the state the exi)enses incurred by such counties for the main- tenance of destitute insane persons, as provided for by chai)ter eighty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy -.six, from and after ^hirch tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy- six, to Xt)vend)i^r thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight. 52. The audit(.x of state is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the treasurer of state for .so much of this ^3120. appropriation as may bo necessary for the purposes """' ''''"■^^"■ si)ecitied in section one of this act;* provided, that no claim shall be audited or allowed uidess an itemized statement of all expenses incurred by such counties in sui)])ort of such in- sane jun'son shall be i>resentt>d to the auditor of state, properly veriti(Ml by atiidavit in writing, stating that said claim is just and correct, aniil ; writ oi«riui. sentence of the law shall not he carried into ellect until after the hearing and determination of such appeal or writ of error. In case of a person convicted and sentenced to death hecoming insane, such {)erson shall not he executed until the governor shall he satisfied, upon the oaths of twelve good and true men, to he named and summoned hy the warden, ujton proper inciuiry and investigation heing made under direction of the warden, that such insanity no longer exists. =1^ * * «■■■ 'III KENTUCKY. m 1. 2. 3. 4. GOVERXMEXT OF ASYLUMS. Estulilislinu'nt of asylums, titles, CDiporate powers, goVLTiimunt Voted in iK)Mnl of eoiiiinissioiiers. Boaril of comiiiissioiiers, term of olliee, cliissilic;itioii of, oath. Ap|ioiiitmeiit, from what county. Orfianizution, (|iiormn, jxiwers and duties; jjeiieral control, l)y-laws and retant ])hysician may lill oflice of superintendent. Treasurer, liond imd security of. His powers and duties, report, illegal use of moneys, penalties. Audit of accounts; warrants. Steward, duties of; purchases, itemized accounts, contnd of grounds, inventory, illegal sale of supplies, l)ond, salary. Special auditor appointcil. Exemption of oliicers from militia, road, and jury service; their evidence given liy deposition. Actions in hehalf of asylums. Statistics of asylums. Exj'enses, statement of, warrants, how drawn, illegal use of puhlic projierties, jienalties for. \u(lit of claims. Commissioners to report the nuniher of idiots and incurables coniined. Tem]>orary physicians. Asylums to lie insured. Exemption from taxation. APMISSION AND DISCUAKGE. 22. Preference to residents over non- residents. 23. Private patients admitted only 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18, 19, 20. 21, after inquest. Rcgtdations for discharge. 24. Private patients, charges for. 25. Support to lie secMired in advance, unexpended moneys refunded. 26. Fact of indigence of m:ir;'ied per- son certified on impiest. 27. Indigent patient heconiiug entitled to property, charges for; liahility of relations. 28. Expenses of commitment. 29. Appointment of counties, classifica- tion of insane, transfer of patients. 30. Idiot not admitted unless dangerous. 31. Discharge of idiots and incuiahles, commission for investigation, findings, to whom re-committe. Jurisdiction of courts over insane. 30. Property of patients may be sold for support. 37. Guardians of insane, their powers and duties. 38. Suits against, how brought. 39. Guardians, when appointed. 40. Indigent insane, regulations for su))port. 41. Limit of expenses for. 42. Inipiest of insanity by jury. 43. District attorney, duties at inquest. 44. Oath administered to Jury. 45. Judgment upon verdict; verdict set aside at discretion of judge. 46. Apiiearauce of defendant, in discre- tion of judge. 47. Indigent insane, cxiionse.s of in asylmn, borne by state. 48. Investigation of mental ability. 49. Care of {)ersous and estate, appoint- ment of guardian. 50. Disposition of papers of inquest; iiKpiiry into recovery. 51. History of the case to be submitted. 52. Liability of estate for support. 53. Certification of date of attack. 54. Payments by relatives refunded on production of certificate. i 21S KENTUCKY. li r)'). Kxix'DSf's of comniitniont, fees for. no. J'icvidiis le^iiliitioiiH to liL'i'oni|iliL'(l will), duly (if (iflicers. liiti' of [lationt .sold for support. rRIMINAT, INSANK. 01. Siispi'iision of criminal procccdinifs; jury trial of insanity, ci>niniit- nient, on recovery rernandcil. 02. Fact of insaniiy found in vordict. 03. Arri'st of ju(i;;nicnl ; Jury trial of in.'-anity, coiiiniiiincnt ; on re- covery, juilnnient pronounec(i. 01. .*^iispcii.-ion of execution ; Jury of insanity, notice to "governor. 1. 'J'lii' llircc luiijitic a.syluni.s of tliis .s(iitu slitill 1k', iiiid .sctnir-:!!, ai't' Iiiti'Ijv, t'ontiiiucd inxlcr tlii'ir |»rc'.>^i'iit oriiiiui/a- liu.iio.siioiiiic. tioii iiiid the control ot" tliiir present coniinissioncr.s; and tlio coinnii.ssioni-'r.s, su})(.'rintL'n(k'nt.s, .stcwiirds, tmd olhiT ()fli('(>rs sliall hold {]\v\v olHccs for tho term for whieli they Were respectively tippointed, hut .sul)Ject to removal iiceordui^ to law. JCiieh iisylum is declared to he a hody-j)oliiic iind cor- porate, for tlie hcnehl of the sttiti — that ;it Lexinoton, hy tho Nanip.iof. name of the "lOastern Kentucky Luntitic Asylum;" thiit tit Tlopkinsville, hy the nanu; of the "Western Kentucky Luntitic Asylum;" and tlatt fit Anchortige, hy the ntune of tho "Central Kentucky l^unatic Asylujn;" tnul as such shall have Kiuhtsiiiid }>er[)etuid succession; may have and use a common '"'"""■ si'al ; may make contracts; may sue and he .sued; may receive any gifts or devises in aid (jf ohjects of its institu- tion; and .sludl luive all other rights and i)owers, incident to corporations, which are nece.sstuy tind proptjr for carrying out the purposes for which it was estahlished. The .said cor})ora- tions are severally invested with the title to till the })roperty and rights of action now held hy the institutions respectively.* 2. The hoard of commis.sioners for each asylum sludl ho 11.1,1 f; 2. coni|)osed of nine discreet husiness men, residing CoiniiosUkiii .... ., . , , -111' of hoard (if withm SIX nines ot tlie asvlum, aijpomted hv tlio coimnis- i ■ i i ' i sioiiois. governor hy and with the consent of the senate, and lie may fill vacancies that happen, in the recess of tho .senate, viicancios l)v graiitiiig commissions, which shall expire tit the ({oveiuor. (^.jiJ of its next session. '^^Phe term of ollici^ of etich commissioner shall he six years, except the hoards appointed Term six yrs. iii'. t'ii<""iiiii duties thereof. .'). The ti'overnor is hereliy autlioi'i/e(l to appoint the C' luissioners for the resix'ctive asvlunis from the count v ^''t "f ill which the asvluiu is situatecl. >in- l'<7ii, |H|-J J- 1. AppnirjIllllMlt. Is 11 ipiiiniiii ; rri'nr'il Tinist l.i- si- I l.y pri'siMiMit. iit- li'stiMl liy see- I'.rt;iiil to liavn iii:uuii;<'ii>ent. 4. (1) The conmiissioiiers shall elei't one of their own num- Ler president of llu' hoard. A majority shall consti- a.i .>f \ers, and in the way best calculated, in their jud^nieiit, to ])i-oniote the objects for which the institution was established. They shall cause all state ap])ropriations to be used as directed l)y law. and all ])ri- vate donations and jj,raiits to be sacredly a])plied to tlu> })uri)oses si)ecilit'd by the donors or the n-rantors: but the state reserves full control over the institutions, their ollicers, and ailairs. ())) They shall makc^ such by-laws and r(\!j;ulatioiis as they may (Uhmu nect'ssary for the li'overnnient of the insti- liy-i^ws. tutions and of all oilici'rs and emjdoyes connecte(l with them. (4) They sliall hold regular mei'tiiio-.s at the asylums at least once in (\icli month, and ofteiu'r. if the interests of M..„tiiiy .... Ill • AT- 1 iii''i'linL,'.-i ,aud the institution shall require. Meetni<>;s may \)c iiisp.'.ti..iis. called bv the i)resideiit or anv two commissioners. Thev sliall 2.'0 KKVTlf'KY iiitiiiitniii a vi^ilaiil iiis|>(ili()ii of tlic a-yluiii-, lur which |nii'- |M)SC one (if thrill shall \\<\{ lliclll every week, t\V(» ill each iiioiith, a iiiajiirity in each i|iiartei-, and the u hole hoai'd oiu-i; ill I'Vcry six inoiilhs, in the iiianiiei' and at times prescrihiMl hy the hy-laws. 'I'he \isiliii,n- ('((inniissioners shall note in a \nn>k Vi-iisic- kept lor the |ilii'|iosi' (he date of eaeh \isit, the con- iliilriil iif ... !• I 1 • • 1 1 1 <•.llllllllB^l.,ll. (iltloli ol the liolise, liat lelits, etc., With such remarks •TH. Ill \ • • as may he deemed necessary. Any commissioner i'i""ti'»' 1- who cannot or will not coiii|)l\- with his dntv as vis- I'liiiipiiiiiii'i' . . ■ vuciiu'H niiu'.'. itoi- loi' three months shall vacate his ollicc, and the ]»resi(lent shall ]'e|»ort the saiiu' to the ,i;ovcrnor, who shall lill tlio vacancy. (.') They sjiall ai point a secretary aiul treasurer aiitl matron s<'n( tiiry iumI |',,f the tei'iii ol' I'ou I' xcai's. aiid mav I'eiiiove tlieiii at tri'iisiiii'i', up- ' ' their discretion, and lill their places with others. No secretary or treasurir shall l>e a nieiiiher of the lioard (tf commissioners, and no commissioiu'r nor other ollici'r shall sell anything to the a.sylunis nor make with them any contracts in which he is directly or indirectly intei'ested, iHir shall the ollice of -ecre- I'luno iM-'i Ko'jf. tiii'y ii"ul>jict lit rciiiDval liy llic ;j,uvrrii(ir at his disci't'lioii. Tlu'sn dlliccrs, ami also tlic tiTasiii'cr ami niatniii. shall I'c- i"iiM""''a- tixlJ. ll'iW I I.I.I S ■■'■ M. '.Ileal Hii- |M'lilltrllil('llt, .llllli'« dl'. ccivi' such foiii|iciisatioii as is now prdNiili d hy law. i" except as otherwise pruvitleil hei'ciii ; and the salaries ol' all oilii'i'i's sluill he |)ai(| out of the ^feneral M|>j»n»|ii'ialinu iiiade h\ the state tor the su]i|iort of the institution. (5. (1) The medical superintendent shall have liii' j;-eneral luanajii'iuent, supervision, and control of the asylum luid patients, suhject to the re^iulalions of the hoanl of commissioners, and shall devote his entire time theri't(». Ile>liall keep a re^isti'i' (»f all patients, showinii' their names, ayes, residences, dates of reception and dischai',i;e or death liy whose authority received or discharucd, and whether tluy are ]iay jiatients or iiaupers. (2) TIk' superintendent shall appoint all such other infei'ior ofHeers and em|)loycs (not otherwise provide(l for in this act) as he may deem necessai'y foi' the proper nuina,ueMH'nt of the institution, and he mav I'eiuove OlIi.T i.lllc M I.. ii|.|...iiiU'il Ijy Mlp't. any of them at pleasure and till tlu'ir places with others. (o) It shall he the duty of the superintendent to ajip(»int a rec eiver, to lie apjiroved hy the commissioners, ' I'crlvrr, iip- |i..iiitiiji'rjt ■' duty it shall he to receive all ^'oods and su|)- im.i 'Uiti.'s„f. jilies of any and all kinds ])urcliased for the use of the asylum; inkv charge of them, see that they correspond with the hills aecomjianying tlu'in in character, rnor, a com- mittee of the legislature, or any person a[ipointed hy either lor tl le exannnation. 7. In case of the sickness or ahsence of the sui)erintcn(lent, liis dutv shall ho discharaed hv the lirst assistant n.i.iiji:. . . • . . : Alis..|in>..fsii. physician: and if the lirst assistant he ahsent or i"'iitii.iuiout. !?ick. then hy the second assistant jdiysician. if there he any. 8. The treasurer, l)el(.)re acting as such or receiving any funds of the institution, shalKexeeute covenant to t','.'',I/^„"„„, ,, isl T 252 KF-NTITKY,' ,!; ,\ Tii'iisiii'or to ri'ccivi' 111! iiuiiicys iiiid roci'ii'it fill' siiiiic, iuid y the jiovcnior. aiul l»y tlu- I'cspt i-tivi' county Jiid.iiX's of {lie vounty in Aviiicli tlic tisyluiii is situated, lor the sai't'd^ccpiiiji- and nro|)( r dislairsi'iiicnt and a|)]ii'o])riat ions of all I'loiicy, and ttlKM" means and ed'eets, wliich may come to his hands as such, and for the faithful discliarp' of all other duties devolved ujion him. These covenants shal' he renewed once ii' every two i'^iiit""- years, and oftener, if re(|uired hy tin hoard. Suit f"v any hreach tlier(M)f may he hrouuht, in the name of the comnioinveaHh, for the use of the asylums, and of any other jierson intei'ested, uj)on order of the lioard of commissioners. i>. (1) The treasurer, under order of the hoard of commis- sioners, shall receive iVom tlu' ti'c^asurer of the state all moneys ai)|)ro[)riated for the use of the asylum, and i'eceij)t to him therefor, it shall h(^ his duty, also, to receive, collect, sue lor, and i»ay out all moneys due and helon,i>injjj to tlie asylum, and lio shall settle his accounts with the hoard at least once in every three months, a.nd with the audit(»r in the month of Doeom- l»er of evei'V yi ar. (2) JIo shall m;d) lleslia.ll kee|>all the money r-oniin,!.;' to hisliands as treas- s^iiaii ,ie,,„sit iii'cn- to his credit as .n.cli in one of the lianks incor- ]iorateionwealtli. It shall he unlawful for him to a])|)ropriate any part of it to his own use, or to lend any of it to any other person, or to pay out or s are made liahle on his otlicial h(,nd for the amount of the sum or sums so unlawfully ajipro- j)riated. '"nt. paid, dislmrseil. checked, oi- di-awn out. with ten per cent, damages, recoverahle in any court of com[)etent juris- m 1 KKXTICKY, 2r,n diction in lliis coninioiiwi'atli. All money appropi'latcMl by till' state for tht' use and sui)|)ort of (lie IvisU-rn lu- Ain^ihimcut nadf asvluui, or colu'ctcd ti'oni anv soni'cc tor the nsi* io:i.i. .^i. . , ■ , , D.'ImMts of ot pav patients, or anv otn<'r puriiosr, l>v tiic (rcas- moiMv, i,u,i urer of said institution, shall lie dei)osited in l)ank 'i"iwn .>i,t. as now p.'ovided bylaw: and it shall not b(^ lawful for the oUieers of sueh baidc to pay out said money, or any poi'tion. theri'(jf, uidess the checks therefor are sigued by the said treas- urer of the asylum, and countersigned by the p.H'sidrnt of its board of coininissioni'rs. (4) He shall kee]) true and comi)lete books of a mid of all his financial transactions, incident to the inana^i ^''''v ... . '^ Looks ufac. nient of the asylum, sjiecitying whence received, and <•'•""'■ for what ex])ended, and of all sums retH'ivable and payable. 10. (1) No amount or claim of any kind lirought against either of tlu' as\dums, whether ]>v an oiliet'r thereof um^'-^. ' ' . . . I'iiyniciit of or any other person, shall l)e ])aid in whole oi' in iio^muts. part, nidil it shall have been first exanuned and indorsed l)y the su[)erinten(lent and submitted to the boai'd of eonnnission- ers and determined by them to bc^.just and right, and directed to be j)aid by an order entered on the recoi'd of its proi-eediugs; and the president shall not issui' any warrant on the treasurer, except for the amountsof claims which have l)een sosulimitled to the board, allowed by it, aiul oi'dered to be paid. (2) W'heni'ver he shall issue any sueh warrant ln' shall cause the number, datt", and a. lount theri'of, and the name ah umounts p:iiil lo 1)0 ri!- of the pei'son in whose f vor it is made, to be entered ''nhd. by the .secretaiy in a separate book kept for that puipose; and whenever he shall receive anv monev for the use of MonovnToiv- ■ ("il liow to be the asylum, he shall cause thi' same to be entered by I'oou..,!. the secretary in said separate book, but in a dilferent ])art of it, stating the amount of money, the character and amount of means, and when and from whom received, and thereupon he shall de])0sit said money and other means (of whatever character they may be) with the treasurer and take his I'eeeipt tliei'cfor, and [ii'i'sei've it as a vouclu'r. 11. (1) The steward, by directic^n of the superintendent, shall ])urchase and furiush to the asvlum all needed sup- ii'i.ii-ii". ])lies of evi-ry descrijition, and shall consult him as iimi^or. to the character, (quantity, ajid <|uality of all .such supplies. I' if ;ii 254 KENTUCKY. t ;i] They sliall be l)ougl'.t whore they can be bought cheapest, duo regard being paid to quality as well as price. He sliall not draw on the treasurer for money to pay for such sup})lies, in Avhole or in part, but shall cause itemized accounts of the same to be made, in the names of the sellers, against the asylum, setting forth separately the date of purchase and the name and price of each article of purchase, and shall present these ac- counts, indorsed by the superintendent, to the board of com- missioners for allowance. And he shall carefully enter in a book kept for the purpose the number, dates, and amounts of the warrants issued by the president for payment of the ac- counts for sup])lies })urchased by him, and the names of the persons in whose favor they arc made. (2) He shall have charge of the farm and garden attached Shall niiinaye to tlic asyluui, aiid shall luwc aud control the culti- arin,otc. yjitioii aiul management of the same, subject to the regulation of the board of commissioners. Within the first luveiitory. Avcck after entering upon his duties, he shall take and file a eomphte inventory of all the crop on hand, live stock, farming utensils, vehicles, and all other effects projierly pertaining to the farm and garden, and shall preserve and be responsible for these and for all subsequent products of the farm and garden, and all other stock and effects that may come into his charge in the management thereof, and none of them sliall l)c taken therefrom without the knowledge and consent of the superintendent. (3) It shall be his duty to furnish for the asylum such sup- supi'ii'N from ])lies froui the farm and garden as can be i)rovided garden aud , ,. ^ , , i <«i'n: tiiereirom, and to ]>rescnt monthly to the secretary riiouthly , ' ^ . -^ -^ statomeut. writtcu Statements of the kinds, amovnits, and market value of the sup{)lies so furnished, verified by certifi- cates from the officers through whose hands they have passed. These statements shall be entered in the books of the secre- tary and steward, and filed and kept by the latter as vouchers. (4) No stock or ])roduce of the farm or garden shall be sold stock or pro- bv tlic stcward without authoritv from the board of duci'ol j,'ard'n " . . " i i i ii or farm luit to commissioncrs I and when sales are made, Jie shall be Kiild ex- 1 , T 1 cept. j)ay and deliver the proceeds to the treasurer, and take his receipts therefor, specifying what was sold, to whom, and for what price. These receipts shall be recorded in the p KENTUCKY. 255 books of the secretary and steward, iiiul fded and kept ])y the hitter in liis o'iice as voucliers. (5) It shiiM be the duty of the steward to koej) a complete record of all his official acts, and to report them to 5(p„.ani to the governor montldy, along with the statement of l',f 'a.'ts'.T't'c!', the condition of the farm and garden, and Ww num- "'"' •''i""''- her, character, and condition of the stock under )iis care and control. He shall annually, during the month of November, make and render to the l)oard of commissioners a true and perfect inventory, verified Ity oath, of all the i»(>rsonal prop- erty of (>very description belonging to the asylum, with the estimated value of the various articles. ((*)) Before entering on the duties of liis otlicc, he shall give a covenant to the commonwealth, with good .•security, cnveniintof "worth four thousand dollars, approved by the county '*"""'"'''■ judge of his county, for the faithl'ul discharge of his duties; which covenant shall be tiled with and ])rescrved bv the secre- tary. The steward hereafter a})]iointed to either of the lunatic asylums in Kentucky shall receive for his services suiary $soo, the sum of eight hundred dollars i)er annum, and ""■ his board and lodging at the asylum, or in lieu of said board and lodging, a n^asonable allowance to be made by "^he com- missioners; but the family, if any, of tlie present steward, or those hereafter ajipointed, shall not l)e sui)ported by the asy- lum fund, nor shall said family in any way ])v a tax thereon. The board of directors of each of the three lunatic Amp.iamont of l^s-j, ch. asylums shall fix the 'impensation of the steward n-2s, si. of such asylum at a salary not exceeding eleven hundred dol- lars per year: provided, liowcvcr, that such salary shall be paid, as now provided, out of the })er capita allowance annually made to c .v..i asylum. 12. It shall be the duty of the governor, whenever, in his opinion, the interest of the commonwealth demands, iih.i s n. •IT • 111 1 *''>^'''i'"'r to ai)point a si)ecial auditor to inspect tli(> I)ooks and ma.v ai>i)oiat ^ ^ ^ _ '- , special the accounts kept in either asylum, and re[)ort its auditor, true linancial condition and management as respects receipts and disbursements, and the propriety thereof. 1.'). The commissioners and all officers of the asylum and the servants of the asvluni, shall l)e exemiit from n.i,i§i2. • 1 1 • - • 1 Exi'iiiptioii of militia duty, from working on the public highway, oiiicer.s,etc. m li 250 KENTUCKY. and from scrvinji' on any jury. Nor sliall tlie offu'crs and ser- vants !)(,' rc(|uir(_'(l to .ui\c' personal attendant' as witnrsst'S in any civil suit of liie i-ounty iji wliicli tlic asylum is situated, but their de])ositioiis shall be taken in iieu thereof. 14. Actions in behalf the asylum may be instituted iu any n>ia^« i:t. court of this commonwealth, in which the same Where at'tiiins in lipliiilf, would be proper as between individuals. 15. Tlie superintendent and board of commissioners shall, on n.i(is2n. f*!" bt'fore thi' lirst of November in each year, make a p.n'i'n'tomK.ut T^'poi't to tlio govemor of tlic coudltiou of the asylum uud boai-.i. I]], (1(^.1- their ehar(j,-e, exhibitin*;- the amounts of income and ex})eiuliture, for what the expenditures were made, the num- ber and names of the patients (distinguishing pauper from }iay patients, and sjjecil'ying the ])laces from which they came), the number received and discharged each year, with sucii other facts and suggestions as they niay deem important, which re- })ort tlie governor shall eomnumicate to the legislature at its next regular session. 10. The president of the board of commissioners and the superintendent of each asylum shall, every three juonths. jointly certify, on oath, to the auditor of }iublic accounts, the nundjer of patients actually su])ported iji the asylum, speeifying the number of ]>aupers. of those wluj ])ay in full, and those who pay in pai't.and tlie amount j)aid in part by each, [and the amount First iuiuMici- of anv unexpended lialance of the state aiajronria- ch. y.i!», § 1. tions over and abovi' the debts and liabilities tlu'U ex- isting against said asylum, remaining in tlu' hands of the treas- wiion aiiMit..!- urerl. Thereuiiuii the auditor shall draw his war- tii issue will'- -' '■ rants, ivi- what. ]-ant OH ilic statc treasury in behalf of such asylum sec.)ii,i aii.eini- forti suiu cMual to roueliuiidred and sixtv-live dol- iiu'iit of Iswi, ^ . ■- fiii^'Si- larsj a year lor each })au[>er ]iatient so supj)orted, Amuiiiuof sup- iiud for so much in addition as will, when added to ^"" ■ the ^\\u\ jiaiil by those partially dejjciident on the sceon.i ainen.i- charitv of tile commonwealth, be e(|ual to fone meut iif, ' ' 1 L (h.iinii, s 1. hundred and sixty-live dollars] for each ])atient; the sums herein mentioned to \>v drawn in advance. JUit it is to Ijo understood that out of this permanent ajjpropriation liepaiisaiij the boafd of commissioners shall pay for all repairs exiHiises. ^^ ^^^^^1 expenses of the institution, and the salaries n.iii s -Ji. I'resicleiit auii svipi'i'iu- teiulerji Id ci'itily I'very tliVee UMiilths to auiluor, auil wliat. oi's : 1 1 1 llh 1 r ^ KENTUCKY. 257 and wages of all ofHccrs and cniplovo?, but not tlio expenses of conveying patients to the asyhnn. And they shall incur no liability on behalf of the state for any j)ur])()S(> beyond the amount I'eceived from the treasury and from })ay patients. FThe auditor shall estimate any unexiXMuled bal- ,,.in, i .,,,„„ i I- t J. 1 II 1 1 (1 allUMUl- anco reported by the chairman of the board of "i',"".';',l,' |T."' managers and the superintendent of any one of PsTi'imuVou the asylunis as a part of its next quarterly allow- '*•''"■"''^• ance, and draw his warrant only for a sum suflicient, with said balance, to make complete the sum allowed l)y law for each quarter. In addition to the pay now allowed the supoiiiiteiui- ofHcers of said asylum, each superintendent and st.'uiini rur- •11 ' 11 • •! liislied nuiir- steward shall 1)(> entitled to comtortable turnished toi-s, etc. quarters for themselves and their families, at or convenient to their respective asylums, and the assistant physicians and mati'ous each with a comfortable furnished room; [and each sui)erintendent and his family, and the other said Amoiuimeut otticers, shall be entitled to take their meals in the cu. U2s. institutions at the ex}»ensc of the state]; no commutation, however, shall l)e allowed in lieu of said meals and quarters, nor shall said otHcers be entitled to or receive, directly or in- directly, any other or further perquisites or compensation for their services; and any otlicer, employe, or other person con- nected with any of .''aid asylums, who shall use or Penalty f.r , . 1 "■ ^ , , . , priviiti! use of autlion/c the use of any money or otiier tlnng ol inoneyoi- 1 ,, . '' ' 1 • 1 1 1 luopeity of value tor ])rivate purposes, not autliori/.ed l)y law, iustitutiou. .shall be amenal)le to the punishments now provided for such otfenses, and, in addition thereto, .shall be reported by any person cognizant of the fact to the governor, who shall re- move, or cause to l.>e removed from the employment of the state, any person wilfully guilty of said oflense.] 17. The superintendents shall examine all claims and ac- counts au'ainst their respective asylums, and reiiort Artonsso, „ f . , ^ • T \- • el,.!mS2, any fact or circumstance indicating any irregu- 1 . . , , '^ ■• . . to S supra. laritv, li'aud, or wrong to the board ot commi.ssion- f^uponntomi't ers; and if they have any doubt ot the justice or ciiii'ua legality of a claim, they may require both the .superintendent and the steward to endorse their opinions, in writing, on the back tbereof ; and it shall be the duty of saiht. 18. Tile [(residi'ut of (lie hoard of commissioners, and the A^t..fl^so, superii'temlent of eaeli of tlie lunatic iisvlums, shall, siiiM'ioin^iiai m udditiou to tlie tacts now reciuired bv section 21 to Ji 'Jl S II pill. 11 Pii'iip.ii.iiots, of said act, ain)roved March 20, ISTtJ, and the acts etc., t(i be ve- ' x x j > turue.i. amendatory thereto, to he certified every three months to tlie auditor of jjuhlic accounts, al.-o in the same manner, and at the same time, certify the numhc- of idiots, ei)ilei)tic imheciles, and harmless, incurable lunatics in their respective asylums that they have the right under the law to return to the counties of their residence or whence they came, and the auditor shall not draw his warrant on the state treas- urv in l)elialf of anv asylums for anv sums for tlie support of any such patient. All i)au])er idiots, ejtileptics, and harmless, incurable lunatics, shall be returned by the asylums in which they may be confined, to the several counties from whence they were sent, and delivered into the custody of their friends, if any; if not, then to the county judges, Avho shall make suitable provision for their kee[)ing out of the annual seventy- five dollars appro})riation now allowed such person by law reported as aforesaid; and said asylums, in the way prescribed by law, shall, as soon as may l)e, send each paying patient of the aforesaid class to the counties of their residence, or whence they came. The capacity of each of said institutions shall bo reported by the board of commissioners to the governor, wdio shall, in his discretion, order })atients to be transfcriv.d from one asylum to the other t(j prevent any one of the asylums from becoming more crowded than another. 19. If the nec(\ssities of the institution should demand the ActisTB, ch. tem2»orary employment of additional })hysicians, Aa("iui.7uai the boari, •^ * * lunatic s :<• Fn'(>s |in>|iy. fl'imi tiixiilicili. I)ui1(lin,ifs, with some ^txxl insuranee company or companies, and pay the premiums out of the funds of tlie institution. 21. The pro]ierty mentioiu'd in this section shall he e.\emj)t iVoiu all taxation, viz: * * antl investmeiils devoted to * asylums. 22. Under no circumstances shall it be permitted that, hy the receiition of i)av patients from other .states, the An ..r i'>:o, a.sylum be so crowded that anv delay shall be in- I'i'.v pMiWuts curred in the nnmediate reception into the asylum »'--. of patients resident in this commonwealth, either paying or pauper. 2."!. Xo j)rivate jiatient, who has not been found to bo insane by regular intiuest, shall be received into cither of ii'i'°''J'"'''''- a good suit of clothes, and be furnished with money enough to iniy his traveling expenses back to home, not ex- wiiatninii«h. ceeay- fonr dollars per week ; and when the estate of the i"jr I'ltti-ms. patient warrants it, his committee may contract for his receiv- ing .special comforts, and being exempt from work, at an ad- ditional rate, not exceeding five dollars per week. 2.'). N(t patient, i'xcept those who are paupers, according to the provisions of section 5, article 2, chapter 5o, of n.i.igiti. the general sttitutes, and of any amendnu-nts which Inay'iirre"'*" may he made thereto, or who have been, or may be, '^'''^■''''• sent to the a.'^ylnm, by order of the court, upon an acquittal of crime, on the ground of insanity, shall be received or retained in either of the lunatic asylums of this state, unless six months' board be always paid in advance, and board for the residue of I 51 200 KEXTTf'KY. the liiiu' tlicv iiiiiy romain in the asylum 1)0 scciirod bythool)- lijfatioii ofonc or moil' sTilUt'ifiit residents of tliis state: and the ()r,h'r» of courts or ollieers shall make their orders for thoconi- iLMiiaao. mittal of all ])atients (with the ahove o.\ce|)tions) to to the asylums conditional njion such prepayment heinj;- made and security ^'iven. lUit if the patient he diseharjivd or dio hefore the expiration of tiie six months i)aid for, a proper por- tion of the amount paid shall he refunded. 20. No married pei-son of unsound mind shall Iteheld a pau- iM.i 5 17. 1)1. r under the i)rovisions of the aforesaid section of Jliiniiil I'oi- ^ ^ . •"'"-• the ,erson's hushand or wife (as the case may he), if living, has not sullicent estate to su})}>ort the person of unsound mind, hesides sui)porting others who may 1)C dependent on such hus- haiiil or wife; and the court or officer liolding the inquest shall re(|uire tlu'jury to return a finding on this suhject. 27. \\'hero })atients who have heen or may he supported in j,^,, ^1^ either of said asylums, have or shall acquire estate J'n'i-Xin''"" to which can he sul)jccted to deht, the hoard of com- Hiio loi- board, inissioners of such a.sylum is authorized and dii'ccted, in every such case, to sue for, in the name of the asylum, and ri'cover the amount of such patient's hoard, at the rate of two hundriMl dollars i)er year, or so much thereof as such estate will suffice to pay, for the time they shall have heen respec- tively kept and maintained therein, and not otherwise paid for; and hy proper jiroceeding to suhject their estates respec- tively to the payment thereof; and when the husband or par- ent of any such patient, who has been or may be supi)orted in either asylum, shall have e.'^tate sufficient for the support of such patient, in addition to the sujjjjort of any others who may be dependent on such hushand or parent, the board of com- missioners is authorized and directed, in like manner, to sue and recover from such husband the amount of his wife's board, and from such jiarent the amount of his or her child's board, at the rate aforesaid, for the time they shall have been respec- tively supported b}' such asylum. 28. The expenses of conveying pauper patients to the asylum E.^I.^Hos of shall be paid to the persons conveying them by war- paupo^b.'*^ rant of the auditor on the treasury of the state ; the ,F:rr- KKNTICK'Y. 2r,l sum due fur couvi'vaucc to he cfrtilicd 1)V the suiu'riiitnnliiit of the asylum to wliicli tln' i)atii'nt is can-icMl. Only oiif iKTson sliall ]>v ]K\'u\ lor (.•onxH'yiuj;- any jiaticnt, unk-ss tlic coui'l >1ki11 say that an additicjual .e;uai'd or guards arc uccrs- sai'V ; and tlio eost hIiuU not exceed six cents per mile i'or tlie jiuaril or .guards and patient, each, ;^oin^, any the asylum, six cents per mik' for his oi- liei- icturn- ing shall also he allowed. IJut no allowance shall i'ruvis.>. he made for such expense of cither ^uard or jiatient to or tVom the asylum, unless cither an ai)[ilication has heeii made, first by letter to the sui)erintendent, or an order of court made to carry the patient to the asylum immediately i)ursuant to the provisions of section 21 of article 2, cha[)tci' oo, of the general statutes, entitled " Idiots and Lunatics." 2!). (1) White lunatics and idiots resident in Kentucky, anil found in the counties of Kenton, (Jrant, Owen, ii,i,i ,< j.-,. Franklin, Anderson, Mercer, Uoyle, J.,incoln, I'u- ti.s. ('.u'.',"t!.' laski, and ^\'hitlcy, or any county east of these, I'n-wvn -Isy. when sent to an asylum, shall <;o to, and he received under the lethal rciiuircmeiits hy, the easti-rn Kentucky lunatic asylum, if there he room therein. Those found in any county Avest of these, and east of the counties of Brecken- Tocntnu ridge, (Jrayson, Kdmonson, P.arren, and Allen, shall '"•'"""■ be sent to, and in like manner he received Ijy, the central Kentucky lunatic asylum. And those found in the counties last named, and the residue of the state, shall be westoiu asy. sent to, and in like nuumer be received by, the '"'" western Kentucky lunatic asylum. (2) Colored lunatics and idiots resident in Kentucky, and found in the counties of Kenton, (irant, Owen, coioivd inna- Franklin, Anderson, Washington, Marion, Taylor, {.'"as'iPni"**"'" Adair, Kussell, and Clinton, or any county east of *''^''""'- thcst', if sent to an asylum, shall go to, and be received under the legal requirements by, the eastern Kentucky luiuitic asylum, if there l)e room therein. Those from the rest of the state shall be sent to, and in like manner be received t.. cuirai by, the central Kentucky lunatic asylum. asyhu.i. (3) Whenever the number of patients sent to either asylum is V': n •H>'1 KKNTLC KV, 11 Wli..n .inn l|.|n'ily arcoiiiiiiiMlatcd and 'limy' cared lor in that institution, and tlici't' is at tlictinu! Ill' si'lit III _ "I"'""!' capacity for the reception and care of the patient at eitlier of thi' i)tliers, it shall he the dutv of the I'oniniissioners and superintendent of such other to i-ec'i'ive as manv of thoso rejected at tho former, for want of room, as can he pi'opel aecommodati'il. When, ujton application In the jiroper asylum, the patient is rejected for want of room, imnu'diate application I'n.Ms,,. shall l)e made to another; provirhxl Jtoitmv. that C(j1- oreil jiatieiits shall only hu sent to or ke[»t hy the eastei'u and centi'al asylums; and pro ivided (dso, that the white autl colored patients shall not 1»e kept in the same huildiniis. (I) The <;'overiioi' is eiu))owi'red and directed (i» lake cai'if <;ov.Mnnr that each of the asvlums is kept fidl to its utmost Til II U t K II I 111 t'_ * ^ capacity of such ])atients as aiv rcceivahle l)y it, as Ion,*:; as any such patients in tlie state ai'e un])ro- or, and that each receives its due jiroportion of tho iiiiiHl Miper vi-i' as til IIIMIllll'l' of pMlil'MIS, VK le.l f,, jialients in excess of the ordinary ca])acity of the asylum, ."to. No order shall he made 1)V anv c(airt or ollicers for seud- lliiil 5 'Jfi. .Sojiiliiij: pau- pi'i- iiliiit ti) iinyiuiii. in<;- a pauper idiot to an asylum, nor si lal ^ucli u hot 1 )e received tli(>reMi unless the uii'v. i)V their verdict, on the in([Uest. shall find that he is so dangerous or uncontrollal)le that he cannot he safely and pid{)erly kept l)y a comniittoo witliin the county. ;!!. (1) In order to red ieve the state from an undue accumula- tion of ])ationts, the several asylums may send hack to the counties of their residence, or whence they came, any idiots [epileptic imheciles, and harmless n.i iMitiii ■' ineurable lunatics] who an' now, or mav lu'reafter he, in such asylums, and who, in the juduinent AinoiiiliiiPiil'cif rli. sir j5 1. Idiots liuiv lie now siMit to t'onnty rliinL'^of com mlttee. )f the commission herein uitliorized, can h telv aiK 1 properly ke2)t hy a committee within their counties. The Dntips of coiiiiniK- siuniTs in rc- Kard to. 1 )resident of Hie l)()ard of commissionei's of each isylum, the superintendent, and one other of the conimissiuners, to he from time to time appointed hy the l)oard, as necessity may arise, shall constitute a com- mission to act upon such cases as the superintendent, [or the assistant physician, or eitlu'r of them] may propose to send AniPMiiniont hack. TIicv sluUl iu vcstiiiatc each ease carefully of 1S7S, ch. • 1 -,> ,• 1 • ■ • •HOT, J- 4. and tliorouuiilv; and it, alter sucli mvestiti'ation, t i; KFCNTICKV. 2i]:] they sliall all concur in n])ini()ii that any specific [laticnt is so (|uicl, liaruilcss, and i^ovcrnalilc, and his physical ciiiidition is such that he can he safely ami iiro]ierly kept hy a cuinniitteo within the county, they shall, in each case, make duplicate certilicates of the determination, si!j;iie(| hy them all, one to he tiled and kept hy the superintendent, tlu' otliei' to he sent with the patient. i'l) '■J'h(n'eni)OU it shall he the duty of the suptM'inti'ndeiit to send each payinjr jxiticnt, as to wIidui such certili- ii„,j.„fHuiM)r. catc slndl he made, hack to the county of his l.?;;;;',';'.',',;,. n)si(U«nce or whence lu; I'anie, and deliver him, with "li'.iT.mny"' one of said certilicates, to his committiH", if there he r?''ui',\' fii.'i"<- one; if there he no committee, then to his friends wlio liavo provided for his support; and he shall send each ])anper patient, as to whom such oortiHcato shall he niudc, hack to the county of his residenci; or whence he came. commonwealth, or, in his ahsence, the county attorney, to procure the projx'r stei>s to he taken in such cases. (;>) The courts, in cases hrought Ix'foro under those provisions, shall take })ropor proceedings and make i),„i.-siin,i the jn'oper orders for the custody and support of cmmrii'i'sutii such idiots. (4) The said courts shall have power to direct such pauper idiots to be kept in the poor-house of the county, if comtsimu there be one ; and in such cases the allowances for '*"''^''^^'' ""•'• their su])port shall he paid to the receiver of the poor-house, who shall bo lialde on his otticial bond for a faithful appro- l»riation and a just account thereof. (5) The foregoing provisions apply cf|ually to male and female ])atientS. Male ami female patients. ?)'2. I'he cost of returning pay patients is to be defrayed by their ivsiiective committees, if thev have anv, and, Actofi^Ts, . ' . ell. MI7, S -■ if thev have no committee, or friends or relatives wiDtdi'.ay " cost of re- able and wilhng to pay such cost, then the cost of turuiug. ^ IH \-m H N ■, , 1 iL!t . •11 2(; KKNTIC KY, II Ibid §:t, lis illill'lllli'll l>Sil, I'll. I.'i7(l, WiirnuitM for Kll|l|liilt 111 II'- liiriiinl pii- tioiits. ri'iiioviil lit lir piiitl tlic saiiic iis ill case of ])jiii|i(T |iiili('iits — till' <■(•>( ol' ti'iiiis|i<)rlati(iii (if |iiiu|icr |i!iticiits to be paid liy cci-- tilicatc, iiiadi' (III llic ainlilni', ami cci'lilicil lo liy llic su|u'i'iii- tt'lidt'iit ill till' iiaiiic (if tlic asyluiii scikUii;;' such palinils away, wliifli shall he the saiiu! as now rc<;iilat('(l hy law lor roiivcyiiij:,' |iaii|)<'i' hiiialics to the asyhiiii. ;>.'). 'This act shall a|»|ily t(» all [laticiils who have hccii rc<;u- lai'ly coiuiiiittt'd to the lunatic asyluin> hy in'opci- infiiU'st, and the auiount allowed for their su>te- naiice and sujiiK»rt shall he [sevenly-live dollars] each |>er annum, which shall he paid hy direction of the court making- the order for the custody of Iho returne(| patient, which order shall he certilied t(» hy the clerk of the ciMH't niakiui; the order, directed to tlu' auditcir of the state, who shall issue his warrant on the treasurer for the sum allowed annually in favor of the }iarty named in the oi'dcr of the court. 34. All ])aupcr idiots, t'pilcjitics, and harniless incural)lo . . fw.i lunatics that have heeu or mav hereafter he re- ,'■' r"'i! Vf ro turnt'd hy the asvlums in which thev niav have tioii'tHiil heeu or may he conliued, to thi' several counties, i.ui.uviiU'. ^Ij.^jj 1,^. delivered into the custody of their friends, if any; if not, then to the county judges thereof, if they ho residents of and sent from the county of Ji'tlerson outside of the city of Louisville, and to the mayor of the city of Louis- ville, if they be residents and sent from said city, Avho shall make suitable provision for their keeping out of the annual .•;evcnty-live dollars appropriation now allowed such persons hy law. This act shall only ai)ply to Jefferson county and the city of niioint, susjteiid, and remove eonmiitlees lor tlieiii, U|ion tlu' same terms and in the same manner, as is given over the jK-rsoiis estates and j^nardians ot' infants. r.Iurisdietioii in inutH'^ts of idiots >hali Iieeonlimd t to eireuit court and ernninal eoiii'ts alone. J i^--; 5 1 .'>(■>. The courts alorementioneil may, on (he a|i|iliiMtinn ofa committee, order tln' sale of the wlmle or any part ^it, i.?'^. (tf the real estati' of an idiot, lunatic, imhecile, or J,'J,'';^l',rl.',''i'i |,, inenm]Ktenl |ier>on, when indis|)ensid)ly necessary fi',?,,',',', ill ",•-"" lor the payment of dehts or for the maintenance of such in'r.«on incompetent havin";' a connnittee, ^- ■;. unless the committee he also hroiiii-ht itt'fore the "liu imst • . liolir.iii>,'litlie. ^ourt, nor shall any action hi' prosecuted in the name f"i.i„uit. ' such idiot, lunatic, imhecile, or person incom|)etent without ihe assent of his committee, unless for si)ecial cause, .Nosnit wiiii- the court ni which it is l)rou,uht shall permit its loiumin.'c. jirosecution at the instance of aiiotlu'r as next h'ieiid. (1) If there he no coiuniittee, the court may proceed l)y the ai»]w)intini'nt ofa next friend. wi.ou thor.Ms u.noiiiiiiiui-'c. (•J) Jf there be a committee, and the idiot or lunatic is con- fined in an asylum, service of i)rocoss on the com- when i.iiotor _ "^ _ _ _ luiiiitic ill ii>y- mittee alone shall be .sullieient to bind the idiot or '"■" lunatic. .')'.». A committee shall not be appointed to an idiot, lunatic, or person charged to bo imbecile or incompetent, {.'','|',',f,;";t„„ who is a resident of this commonwealth, unless be ',',oha',.'i"oxr 'ii IfL 200 KKXTITKY c<'pt 11]... Ti ]ias l)(H'n licn'tofoi'i' oi* iiiav lien^aftcr l)e fntiiid to ])0 ,iuili;liM'lil III . _ ■ ^ '•"'"■'■ sucli ])y the jiuln'imiit of a court of coinpofiMit juris- (liclioii in lln' coiiiily of liis rcsidcuco; or, if a noii-ivsident J)y the Ju(lt;iii('iil of such court in llic county of his r/sidciicc. -10. A ])crsou is a jiaupci' idiot or lunatic, within the nican- A.t '1.^:,. i"f^' *•' •''•■'^ chapter, who has l)cen found, by the ver- hn'i':'iViV'.'a'i-''' "^ (lict i)f a jury, to he an idiot or lunatic, and that he i.waiic.-. ||,|^ ji^^ estate sullicient for his suppoi't; ami also thai his ](arents. if alive, have not sufiicient estate" to maintain liim. and that he is unahle to work i'or a support: and the oi'der of court, makini:' and certifyiuii' the annual allowance lor the su]>]>ort of the idiot, shall ho made on proof, and so state, and shall also stati that tlu' idiot is then alive, and a ]iaupei'. I'jioii such cei'tiliciiie, if a copy of th(> in(|uisilion ]'e(piire(l to he tiled hy the jirovisions tif thi-< chapter ha-; heen tiled with the auditor, he shall issuc^ his warrant upon tlii^ treasury for the amount due, not e\cet>dinj;- seventy-live dollars l)er yeai', and at that rate i'r.v a ,iL!;reat(>r or less timi'. -11. -Hereafter it shall not he lawful for any court in tliis .Act .If i>so, commonwealth to allov,-,for the sustenance and sup- '■i"ii' ■»' ])ort ot an\' idiot, (M)ui'ptK\ or luiialic, whether ho f.u- Mippuit. lias heen returiu'd iVom an asylum or not, more than seventy-live dollars per ar.nuni, whii'h shall he paid as such claims are now paid 1)V law. ■I'J. If any per.-.i»n he oi' unsound mind, it shall he the duty cii .->;i an 2 "' some court of tlu' county in which he resides, fii'uuest to iip haviiui,- .u'ciK'ral etpiity jui'isdiclioii, upon llie appli- '"'"■ cation of the attorney of the cduimoiiwt'allh, (»r, if lie he ahseiif. of the count ' attorney, to cause an iiujuest hy a jury to he lu'lil ill open cnurt, io iii([uire into the fact. The court shall appnint some nieiiiher of the liar to represent and Aii.irri.y for iirotcct the iiilcresl aiid riiihts of the person alleLi'e ,,f unstaiud niiml; 'ind it shall also he the special duly of ti'c altoriuy for the commonwealth, or for Iho county, to preveiu the iindin^- of any ]ierson, as an idiot or Innalic who. in his opinion, is i.ot such; or the lindinu,' of any jtersen an idiot who is a lunatic. ■\'.\. The commonwealth's iitlorney shall he (^specialK' Alt Df April chai'ijctl with the dut\' of heiiu' present at all in- lii, I'-'^'i. ' ' '. , Duty of .Mill- tpit^'sts, and >hall, whenever the interests of the .state KKXTrCKY. 207 may rciiuiro it, iiitrodiK l' cvidcnci' as lo the claiius ,„„„„,,,,, ,|,.^ wliicli tlu's(> por^ons may have upon the state I'ur an """""'>■ allowaiK'c. ■M. 'J'lu' i'ollowiiio' oatli sliall lie atlmiiiistcrcil to the jury: " You do swear tliat you will well and truly iii((uire, ci,. .-,!, ,i,t. o^ and, from the evidenee, say in yitur verdict, whether K.'im ..r .,atii A. I)., the person whom you havi' in ehaip', is of '" -""y- iins(nind iinnd, and, if of unsound mind, whether he 's an idiot or lunatic — that is, whether he was destitute of mind from infancy, or has lost it since his hirth; and if he luis lost it since his liirth, that you will state when, and, as far as you can fioni the I'videnct', the cause of it. ^'ou will also inipiiri' and state his hirth and residence, and whi'ther he has hcen hrout^ht into this statt' hy any pei'son, and hy wl: mi, loi' the jairposc^ of hecomin^ a charge upon the commonwealth. That you "will lind what (>state, and the value thereof, he owns in ]ios- session, reversion, or renuiinder; whethei' his parents are alive; "where they ri'side; and whether they have estate sutlieieiit to sup])ort the })erson under ti'ial ; whether lie is capahle of lahor- in,ii', in whole or iu ])ai't, ami what part, for his support," The jud*i(' shall instruct th" jurv upon the whole east', j mi-^ i.>iii. Ill ' ■ 1 1 ■ II >Ulll'l llio so as to enaole them ti "cide tiu' (|Uestnin. v.helher jmy. the defendant is an idiol oi' lunatic. 4.'. On return of the verdict, if the court is .sntisic >! with the impiest. judunient shall he enterecl upon it accordinn- ii.i.i ;; - • ' I • I ■ 1 -1 1111 .lii'liriii. lit on tt* the Imdniii'. it the imlue who oiv-Kit '■ shall ln' N' i.Hot.jiu.nv • ... . ii'^'i- of onnuon tlu> verdict is not ^usiaine'i nv tin tvi- ' • ViMilut may ilenct'. or is ni;ainst law, he >hall set it aside and !"• "'-t award a new in(piest. -1(1. Xo in(piest shall he held unless the ]>ei'son chai'^'ed to he t)f unsound mind is in court, and personally in ||,i,|<,,_ th(^ l)r(^senee of the juiw. The personal pi'estMice <»f !,'l",'.',r,?,'ol,rp,',r: the person charuHMl shall not he dispensed with, un- """ ^•'""•«''''' less it shall ajipear hy tlu' oath or aHida\ il of two physicians that they ha\'e ]iersonally examined llu> individual chari'cd to he of unsound mind, an.d that they verily Ixlicye him to he an idiot or lunatic, as the case may he, and tiiat his Kxc.'ixi. u. con.M,„.M. iii>(. order of a court to the lunatic asvhnu, and shall he Inliy i.^V'^e,' uo uiaiutaiucd, during the continuance of the malady a«ji"">- .,,1,1 j^j.,y ii, ^\^^, liospital, at the exi)ensc of the com- inonwealth. If not so siiit, the ex'in'use of maintaining luna- tics shall nut he a charge ujjon the commonwealth. IS. Ill Jill iiKpU'sIs held in rt'spect of }iersons alleged to he u.i.i >; i.i. iudiecile or incompt'teut to manage their estates, in'ii'i(im'>'i"'^^ii ^''*-' '^'"^•i'' ^liiill cause an oath to lie administered to [■"nnlelein iwr. the jurv ill sucli form as to ascertain, hy the verdict, *""''■ whether such iierson, hv ri'ason of hodilv intirmitv, disahling liim or her from making their thoughts and desires known, or hy reason cf any intirmity or weight of age, is in- comi)etent to manage his or her estate; and also what estate he or sill' owns in ])ossession, reversion or remainder, and the value tliereof. 40. ]ii(|uests under anil according to (iiis chapter shall, wiicn a circuit court is in session in the county in which the iiKjUest is held, he held only hy such circuit iioi'/i'i'i'i''' coui't. When no circuit court is in session in the to tin- conunonwcaltli for a faitliful dis- cliari;(M)f tlio duties of liis station. I'pon wliieli l)ond, for a violation of its stipulations, any jx'rson ajr.U'rieviMl, or tli(> eoni- niittcc thereafter a})[)ointed by the eourt, may sue in the name of tliu connnonwealth at their own costs. 50. The ])a])ers pertainin,^' to the in(piest shall be delivered, by the ollieer holding the same, to the elerk of the 11,1,1^1.-,. eourt having jurisdiction, who shall file the same; p*|J'',','.!;'onu?' and, at the next ti'rm of the court, a eonnnittee shall ''"'"'^" be appointed by the court, as though the in([uest liad been holden in term time, and such other orders made and taken as m.iy be necessary to execute the provisions of this chapter. \\'lienev(.'r it shall be suggested to the court, liy aflidavit, that a person found of unsound mind has l)een restoi'ed to his propter seniles, or that the inquest was false or fVauihdent. the court shall forthwith direct the facts to be iiupiired into by a jui'v, in o])en court, and make all necessary orders or (K'creos in the premises. 51. When a i)erson shall be found a lunatic under the [»rovi- sions of this cha])ter, tlu' otlit-er who presides at the ii,i,ijj,,j iiKjUe.^t shall endeavor to ascei'tain and draw uj) a lltl^l^i^^y' l)i'ief history of the })atieut's case, embracing the fol- "''''"*"■ lowing points : (1) Age; occupation; married or single; habits; educated or not. (2) If any, what I'elations have l)een insane. (;!) Date of tirst attack : how exhibiteil ; has it changed in character ever any at a former ])i'riod. (1) Supposed cause ; any pecuHar illusion; and what; snb- jet't to lits, how long, and from wiiat cause; natural temper and kind of allection towards relations. (.")) Any attem[)t at suicide; if any, in what violence or pro- pensity t(j mischief exhibited. ((')) I'erio(iie I'ren/y and lucid intervals, and duration of each. (7) W'iiat restraint lias been imposed ; what treatment used; and if bleeding, to wiiat extent. (St Any injury about tlie head ever received; any bodily disoi*H' fixtm suppression of evacuations, eruptions, sores, or .'•'"."' ■ 'y. n i ! 1 1 ij' ! 270 KENTUCKY, (0) Together with whatever else may ho deemed material towards enal)liiig the superintendent of tlic asyhun to under- f^aud llie ease. Which statement or a copy, sliall he sent with tlio record to tlie asylum, if the hinatic is st'iit. 52. Neither the county nor any rehitive of a hmatic shall ho « 17 cliargeahlo with the cost of his detention for one year hi'iirtirlsspiit ^'1 ^^'^' ti^vluin, if he l»e delivcivd there within six vuhfil'ii'i'lt months after the first attack of hisluiiacy ; nor shall litis. _^ relative, in such case, he chargealile with the cost of his transportation.* 53. 'I'he court shall ascertain and certify as part of the order n.i.i? IS. ^**i' t^i<^' confinement of a luna+ic in the asyluir., the .Htu.<'k''^to"'he *l'de of his first attack of lunacy, when it is intended ceititie.i. ^^ ohtain tlie henelit of the ahove i)rovision ; hut he- fore it is allowed, the fact shall also he ascertained, U[ion j)r()per proof, and certified hy the circuit Judge of the district. 54. If the certificate uH tlie cii'cuit judge cannot he ohtained ii.iii S 10. until after the commitment, the treasurer of the jmi,u'"-s'n.rti- asvluui shall, upon its production, refund tlie cost of beobtaiiieii. 1 1 a usjiortat loii to any relative I'lying tlie same. ~)~). The ofiicer carrying a paupc . lunatic or idi(»t, to either ii,i(i < •>(! asylum or the feehle-mindcd institute, shall he paid f,.' ',',?.!'.',' r/"' hv the treasurer thereof [six cents] per mile for him- tt (tllspot 111- I L J 1 *'""• self and each guard, going and returning, hesides tolls and ferriages, and tlu' same for the lunatic in going and in retui'uing, if ihe person lias lieen denied admittance or not received for want of room. Uul there sliall he no charge for nuu'e than two guards, and only lor one unless the oflicer or- dering such per.'^on to tiie asylum authorizes two. If Iransjior- tation, in whoK', or in part could have hicn had hy stage, steam- hoat or railway for less eost. no more than what ought ((.» have heen the actual cost shall he allowed ■!• 5(». No olli cer nai te allowed loi' cai'ryiug an insane person iiiia§'.;i. who is a pauper to a hmatic asvlum. unless he iirst Nil alliiwaiicp • i i ■ ^ toi„Mniia.Mui- jippiv hv h'tter to the superinteniK'nt thei-eof, and ti.,aiii«[Mia.i.i ascertain that the patient can he received, and that * Sec [il. 17 supi'ii. f AtiRMuit'd hv iict of 1870 ; set' pi. 'Jo :.ii«l .13 supra. KENTUCKY. 271 to supi'i-iii- ti'liilclU. he cannot be sent for l)y tlie ofTicors of the asyhini. I)iit wlu'iv llic saR'ty of tlie hniatic or others scciu to reciiiire it, tlio court may order tlie ])atient to l)e cari'ird to tlie asylum immediately, without his being sent for.* ")?. The suin'rinti'iident, imme(liately ujion notice that a ])er- sou has been ordered into eontinement at the asy- ",',''',,f.|^7,.,„,. luni, shall cause liim to be brought, and pay the [,!'ai!,'|,;'r!,ri)o expenses of traiis]K)rtation. Hsy'i',''',',! ''''"'' 08. \\'lioev(>r shall bi'ing or cause to hv. brought into any county (jr city of this oonnnon wealth, from another ,,,1, ,,;.,:, state or county, any ])au])er idiot or lunatic, with the ,I-!l!r,u.'i',-'V'piri'i- intent to make him a charge ui)on su;'h county or lui/alirrtraua- city, or this commonwealth, shall be line at tlu' suit of the c ' " _ _ • tiiti' 111 ii liina- court, be ordered to be sold, and ]»roceeds distributed ti'"iii»i>ociiL'. and i-state settled as prescribed by law Ibr the settlement of the eshite of insolvent deceih'uts. ()1. If the court shall be of oiiinion that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the defendant is insane, all uniiitfs ,. . , • 1 1 11 I 1 -1 Criiiiiiiiil nroceedinus ni tiu' trial shall oi' |)ostjioiii'd until a v.u\,'. \-:r,, . . . . ^ l■■"■• iurv be t'nii)anelc(l to nniuiiv whether defendant ii"w .lu.-tiou '[ • '^ ... . c'l il''l'.'iHlaiii ,s is of unsound mind, and if the jury liiid that he is i-iinii.v triea. of unsound )uind, the court shall direct that he ]»■ k([)t in prison or conveyed by the sheritf to the nearest lunatic asy- lum, .ind theri' ke}»t in custody l»y the oflicers thereof until he be restore(l, when be shall be returiird to the slu litf on de- mand, to be rcconvevt'tl by him to the jail of the county. ()•_*. if the ' •:r 1 i 1 i 1 1 * Auu'P led l)y uft of 1S7G; see pi. 2') aiul o3 supra. 272 KENTUCKY. tlio (rr iusaiiilv onn.i ..f ^ip*"*'"" ^f ^^^P court, nftci' hearing any testimony otl'crc'd by (lie coninionwealth or the defendant, Ijo satislied tliat lie is insane at the time the verdict is rendered, it may order him to he taken to a hinati'c asyhim. ().'>. Jle may show for cause against the judgment any suf- i5 2>7. lieieiit ground for a new trial, or for arrest of indg- What c.iiiNes f , , . . ,,. , dnvu.huit ment; Jic niav also show that he is insane, li the niiiv show , . '. . wiiyjii.iKin'nt court hc of 01)1111011 tluit tlicix' IS reasoiuible irround slioulil nnt liu , .... . . . iinjuoiincoci. f,,r hoHeving he is insane, the question of his in- sanity shall be determined l)y a jury of twelve (|ualified jurors, to he summoned and empaneled as directed hy the court. If the jury do not iind him insani', judgment shall he pro- nonnccd. If they find him insane, he must be kept in con- fineim'nt, either in the county jail or lunatic asylum, until, in the opinion of the court, he become sane, when judgment shall be pronounc(.'d. ()-4. If the sherilf be .satisfied that there arc reasonable grounds for believing that tl;e defendant is insane lie may summon a jury of twche persons on the juiy list, drawn Ity the clerk, who shall he sworn by the sheritf well and truly to iiKpiire into the in- sanity of the defendant, and a true inquisition return; they shall examine the defendant and hear any evidence that may be ])resented; and by a written inquisi- tion, signed by each of them, find as to the insanity. Unless the inquisition find the defendant insane, the sheriff shall not suspt'iid the execution; but if the iiKjuisition find the de- fendant insane he .shall suspend the execution, and immedi- ately transmit the inquisition to the governor. How sliorilT to lUiicKcd if tlii'n' arc t.']o\llliU|t(i 1)P lit'vi> iIkU lie- fi'iicldiit is iusaru>. '-ji LOUISIANA, OOVEnNMENT OF ASYI.UMH. 11. rontrMct-; MOW awar lied. 1. KstalilisIiiiU'ilt of asvliiin, tith i; (1 of iiltninistiatdis ; ipiiiiit- IlK-lU, tt'llll ol olllcc, lll^[)OC•tU)n 3. (^iioriini, |pi'esi(Kiit pro d'lii. 4. KiiK's aii,ivaU' [.aliuiits, rc'siilal ]•_'. llk'i,Ml coiiii'aci^ not hiiiiliiij;^. l;5. Iv\iin|iliiiii IVoin taxaiion. ADMISSION' AXI) DISCIIAUiiK. 1-1. Anosl ami oxatniiKition, coiniiiit- iiii'iit, cxpt'iisi's Loriu' liy ]iarisli. ions I'or a( 1- 111 ; ooi'porate powers. 5. Sii)H'i-iiiliii(loiit anil snliordinato , i(]_ [> oillflTf oflici'. riviiio jiatifuls, cliarnes fo ippointiui-nl, ti-iiu ol j 27. lnv.>u>ration of iniiiyonrc, certlll- llal■K'^ G. Inspcciion ol' asylums, woi'kiv ; ao- coinits ol' rofcipts and expindi- tiirt's, slati>t'u's, and ri'])orts. 7. 'J''ic';isni-crio act assetTL'tary, powers 18. ( eato ol jiidsfe. ClilMIXAL INSAXE. onvict It'innini; insanity or re- Stoil' d t o re ison, cxanunatioii. 8. V; and (limos, salarv iii.nicu's, wlit'ii oi'cnrring, liow lillod: pecial meetin^fs. I'.t. Ivc'coiniiiiinient to custody, t'ci's. lid. I'poii a('(piiital on trroimd ol'in.san- iiv to lie coinmitled I o asvlnni 9. Unlawl'nl entry on invinises, or an- 21. AVIun not indicted, fact of insanity novance; iier.a ilti' 1" 10. Aiidiictioii Ironi asylinn, penalty. tol le certilied to court. '22. l''act of in-anity to be found in ver- ilict of ac(|nittal. H'l'C sua 1. Tl II DC I' ^l;l l.lisluHl in the t nWll (> f Jiicksoii, [)arif«li K'UUIJ till tisvluni lo r tlu iiisaiK' tu K S .if IsTtJ, s I7ii;i. (•tilled (lie "In.siiu' Asxlmu of tlii' Sttik; of asvI I'ateil. Loui ^laiia. 2. 'riir o'ovci'iior (if the .^Ititc slitiU l>v and with the advice and eonseiil of the seiuite, ;ii)[)oint six persons, who siT'ii slia 11 con? lilnte !i l)oiird of adininisti'iitors of tl ■,1 le iiiiiii>tiatois upp'ini ti'.l I.' f..rtli.> (.Mill )iir v.'iu's state liosiiital for the instine, one ol' whoiii slitill Ite dm' i;..v.Tiu.r elet^ted president hy the nienihers of the hotird. The f hoiird shall renuiin in olHee four yetirs, ;ind they sluill eontinue to exereise the duties of their olliee until their sueees.>^ors are (|Uiiliried, iiml sliall he removed and Viie;inei(\s tilled .V tlu time owi r JUKI 111 the stiiiie lutiniier ;is j»ro- UlllMIM.'a ..W lillt'll. vided for ill tluir iijipointiiient. Menihers to eomjxise the hoard shall he selected as follows: One h'om the ])aris!i of I'^tist l''elieituui, one from the piii'ish of West l'\diei;m;i, ;nid four 18 ■% -Hi' 271 T,(iriSIAXA. from tlic |)iirisli of Orli'iiiis. Tlic mt'iiilH'i's sdrcliMl from (lio jiiirislu s of l']ast I'Vliciana and W'csl l'\'liciaiia shall coiistitnto ail (■\( rulivi' coiiimitU'c, wlio shall visit the iiistitul ion at fi'o- ((Ufut staled intervals, not le-s than semi-monthly, and re|ioi't its condition and management to the presideid of the hoard.* .'). 'I'he [iresideiit and any three (»(' the meinhcrs shall form a ^ ,-,(.^ ([norum, and in the ahsent-e of the president any r!*l?'iu'iw|i'i!'. four of said memliers shall choose one from among """ themselves to act as president [U'o tem.. ami the hoard sliall meet as often as the president may (K'em necessary or the condition of the instilntion may re(piii\'. N'acancies in the hoard shall he tilled in the same manner as hereinhefore [irescrihi'd. 1. The hoard shall have [>o\ver to make all rnk's and reiiii- jj,.,.., laiions for tlu'ir own uovernmeni, not contrary to i'olu!i'or''iI.i-'*" l''\\'- ^*' Hilda' all necessary contracts; proviih'(L how- "''"''"'^"""- nvr, that no of' said hoard shall in any manner he I'onnected with the takinji,' of such contracts, and they shall further have the ri^L'ht '<^> accept any donation or le. The lioard shall elect the superintendent, Avho shall li(> (ii:"i. the chief iihysieian and the executive otlicer of the (Mlici'i - ti> ill' . . . I 1 1 1 • 1 1 • 1' •^ • I 1 iiici.ii i.y 111.' nistitution. ai: 1 shall with Ins lainily reside ou the inmi^ preiiiises, and is torbiddeu to practice his protessioii ln'Vond its limits. He shall serve during gotxl hi'hax ior, and can he removed only hy the hoanl of administrators for cause. The su[ieriii!enilent shall name to the hoard suitahle persons to act as assistant physician or physicians, where more than one is i\'i[uire. At every regular meeting, the hoard shall appoint two of i\-.''-< its nieiuhers, whose duty it shall he to visit said eoMiuiitiii' 'i' , "^ 1 /• 1 iieiiiiiiinu-i asylum at least once a week, lor the purpose ot ascer- * Plnclt:i 2, 3 iiiul 5 are luiiciulcd Ly act of 1S74, Xo. 50, wliicli does not apiicar in the code. LOIISIANA. _*•> )iii the 1 si i Into ill fl'C- rcport i>()nv(l.* form a ■111 any ninuuj;- luil the .Tcssary nv'\v< in inbt-'lore 1(1 I'ctiU- ilrary to •h'd, liDU)- [ in any ai'ts. and \ation t)V w anil l>e lining to AvaW ho ■ r of the (■ (in IIh' vuiV'ssion lov. and (If cause. [)i'vs(nis lore than removed litemlent. \)v deter- iiit two of visit said c of aseev- BS not iiinicur taining thr manner in wliit'li the rcgidations are enmplit-'d witli, and at I'acli monthly mcctinu,' (o rejinrt the eoiHlition of the asylnm. l..Vtlll>ll., 111,1, illlil i|s illllii'H 'r\\v hoard shall furnish the Iciiislature. on the sci'oiid Moii- U'lailce ad 11 litted : of tliose deceased, and of tl lose cureil ami discliarued durinu' tlie cun-eiit vear. 7. 'i'he hoard shall elect annnallv a treasurer, '.rho sjiall h c.c-otfo 10 secretarv. aiK 1 wl lo sua 11 not he a memiiei' of the hoard, and who shall give l)ond and security for the faithful jierformance of his (hity, to he ap- itrox'ed hy the majority of said hoard. It shall he ills (hit\- to collect all dehts due to said asvhim ; to S iriiii. III' :iii(iii;illy I'li'i't.'.l, 11, It ill til' 11 llicilllirr of 111.' liiianl : Ills liiiK.l idid Ills ililtles. receive (juarterly U])on the \v; rrant of the president, whati'Ver ajipropriations may he made hy the state foi' its henelit ; to take cart' and kee]) an exact account of the pi'opej'ty, credit and revenues, and to make all necessary payments under such rules and regulations and restrictions as may he estaldished hy the hoard, ."^aid treasurer and secretary, electeil hv ni'< .-aimy. tlie hoard. sli;ill receive, as an aiumal salai'v foi' his services, the sum (»f six hundred dollai's paid ([uartei'ly on the warrant of tlie president, out of the funds annually a}>[)ro[>riated hy the state. ,S. The seat of anv meml)or wlio sludl absent liiujsclf without itlicieiit cause from the regular jneetiiigs, shall he SJ v.'icated hv a majoritv of -tid. hoanh and the vacancy ;"'•'" Wlii'ii lli(> diall he immediately fdled in the manner hei'etofore ':]•"''' lilt iiii'iii- Im'C nmv In' lie- viiciiut. |)i'o\ii|eil lor. In the ahsence fth e president, a ma- h.;w lUI.'d. jorify of the meinliers shall have powei' to call a meeting of the iioard wheneyer the necessities of the asylum nuiy re(|uire it. 0. If any person shall, without permission, enter any of the hnildings or inclosures appropriated to the use of ,;,--., i\\v [latient-. or sliall make any attem[)t to do so, {'.'i'h,^''a('iv"or or shall enter anywhere upon the premises l)elong- lI,\'.V\'"n','.l'!'"''' iiig to said a-yhim. and commit or attem^it to com- a!iyi,l'ni,""how ■ . , 1 I i ■ J 1 ' I' 1 iiiiiiislu'd. iiiit any Ire-pass or depredation tiiereon, oi' il he shall eiiher from within or without the iuclosure. annov or 276 LOUISIANA. Ill I (listui'l) llu> (|iii('t of iiiiy [liiticiit conlincd IIk I'ciii, upon <'()ii- vi('ti<»n tlicirol' iK'I'orc the iiiiiyor oi' niiy justice ol' llic |iciico in the (own <»r .lil(l• • 111 eoiin. court MS 111 otlii'i' ciiscs. A ud the disti'ict court shall have concuiTcnl juri>^diction ovci' the ollcudin^- |>ai'ly, and, in pronouncing judj^nicnt, may iiiiposc a line and iin|ii'isonincnl ill tile parish jail lor a tcrni iioi less than ten nor nioic than tJiirty days, or holh, at the discniion ol' the c(airt. 111. It' any pcrs(in shall ahdiici oi' seduce any ])aticni to clopo s 177.1. or t'scape from said asylum, or shall attcmpi to do I'i'l-Mius ht>- 1 1 1 • I '• 1 • 1 duii 111; liny SO, ovsliall aid or assist llierein, evcrv such person patiiiil 1" ''.t- , , , . . I !• 1 i' I c;.iii> ri..,„ (1,,. shall, Upon conviction tliei'c hoard of S 1774. administrators, the said hoard shall cause si)ecilica- LottiiiL' nut ... oouiiiuis. tioiis to he made of the woi'k to he done, and shall advertise the same for one month previous to the lettinij,' out of the contract, in a newspai)er })ul)lished in the [larish of I'^ast Fe- liciana, and hy notice posted up in the town of .lackson during the same time; and the parlies wishinuj to hid for such con- tract sluill be required to maki' their bids hy sealed proposals, wliicli shall he opened at a public iiKH'tin^ii,' ol' the board by the presidc'iit, on a day previo isly iixed, and the contract sh:dl be awarded to the lowest sohcnt bidiler, who shall .u'ive liond a'ld security for tlu* faithful execution of tlu' same accordini;- U) the published si)eci(i cat ions. 12. Hereafter the board of administrators, or any olhci r of §177.-1. the asylum, sliall have no power to contract anv A'li coiitnii't to II,' . , , , " be I'lii.ivii debt, horrow nionev, issue dralts, or make anv con- theiM.iuoiiiiii- tract, or incur anv liahilitv connected with the tion 7:i, iirl 'Jii?. 1 I. W'lieiiever it shall lie made known to the jiid;-!' of the district ov parish court hy the petition ami oath of s 17IW. an\' individual that anv lunat l.iinalli's, le or Misane ix'rson iu'wuii- iiiliin'l. within his district ou_i;I it to \>r sent to or couliucd in Wim-iuit. the insane asylum of this state, it shall he the duly of the said disti'ict or parish iudm' to issue . briii^ini!,- said insane person before the dis- trict or [larisli jud^c. lo. The board of administrators shall have authority t ,,;„,.:is „r iii»- liim,and toi;iveor reluso said ce'i'tilieale, as the case Jiiay in justice require ; and the said clerk is empowered, when- ever he shall deem the same necessarv, to summon before him, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) // .^^ / ■fc > % 4 :/j 1.0 IfBS 1^ - >^ 1^ 12.2 I.I ^^ "^ H^ ^ MM 11:25 II U .6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WfST MAIN STREET W»STER,N.Y. MSSO (716) 873-4503 !.«>' L1>^ V V \\ rv o^ 5- ^- ^ f 278 l.OtlSlANA. its ill li;ill ciilitlr I lie |M ixiii tlnrriii iiiiiiH'l to aWiii i.-- imi into till' liiiKilic asvliiiii wiilumi cluirLiv. is. 'I'll,, pi, lb |iliysiciiiii <»l llic ii>_vluiii sliall |ii(i|r->iiiiially f\aiiiin(> tile lunatic ur in.-aiir person sml tolhc asylum l-y the aullidrily nf tlic ili-tfict nr |iaii~li Jud.LiC anaii| prisun is mily fci^nin^ in-anity. Ih'Iul: ii IkI"- Diitv 1)1' pl.y. •:"n cliaruvij wnha ii'lnnn'Us i I'lnii'. lie -hall f. |i>>i'i In th Ituar'!, wliii -hall in\cstiL;alf llic tad-, ami it', in tln' ju'lumcnt y. -aid |icrs()U should iint he admittrd a> an in- i(in I'tiuninii' in-aidty. and wlm had lu'i'U prc\iously committed to luixm I'm' a ciinie. to ''''""■^' he cunlined in the iiai'ish jail, and shall imme(li- ately in'i iin the |ii'esidein of the jiolice jm'y of the pari-h. or ihc ]i!'(-|>er authoi'ity in the jiarish of ( >rleans. wlieic the re- jected |ii'rson has his domicile, oi" the fact, and the i'eaane, ui san 1 asvl um. \'.K 'J"he slieiiU'of Mast l''eliciana, or his de[)uty. shall, within reasonahle delay, convey >aid |iersoii feiuninn' insan- Il.> Khali hp til.' I'ari^li n( h ' .1.1 1 1.> ity, t(,- the parish of his domicile, I'oi- which duly the dn rill' sliall have the ri^lit to ilciuand the same fce.s which are now allowed hy law foi- the con\'eyance li treasury, on the ordei' of the pre-ideni of the |iolir( jury of the I parish of the domicile of the ] icrsoll lelected liV the I loa l'( of administrator^, or the pro|iei' aiilhi>rity in the paiidi ot ( ►r'eaiis. '10. Whenever any jierliall noi he III- rmlit* t..»i'll.l iu-aiii' I'll- SDIl-tii lln' In- iiiiiir R-viiiiii ,Iic((.,| hv the efand iur\-, hv reason of the in>aiiitv '•"■••"■ or mental deranjicmeiit of such peixiii. and the dis- chariie and "diiiu' at lar^c of >ueh iiersoii shall he deemed, hv the court, to he daiieei'ous to the .-afcty of the cili/.i ns oi' lo the peace of the slate, the court is authorized and empowen-l to commit such pci'son to the state in.-aiie lio-pital. or any -imilar in-tiluiioii in any [larish within the jurisdiction (.f thi' court. LOriSIANA. 9.7'.) y,. 1; 'll* llici'i' 111 1m' (IctiiiiHMl until lie lie rc-idrnl to lii^ riiilit iniiid, or oIIh r\\ i-r dclivirid liy due (•(Hii'sr of l;i\v. ■Jl . \\ liciKVcr till' ^iiaiiil jiir.W ii|ioii any in<|uiry w liiili tlicy niiikr a> to tlir coninii.— ioii of ;iny criiiic or niisdr- i'i,',^[,,'| j„ri,., niranor, liy any piTsoM, ^^lia'l omit to lind a lull fof I','M'L'i't''Hi'',.'i.'"' tli>' cau-i'S afoi'csaid, it sliall he the duly of -ndi l!!;,',;,",','!, ;„. jwi'y to certify the ^anic to the couit. '. i'!!!iy!'' '" ■J"J. W'inncNt r tin- Jury, u|ion tlic utia ral i-snc of nui ;;iiilty. shall ac(iuit anv iirrsoii for the caiix' afore -nid. it 5 i>i -liall lie tlicir dniv, in "ivinu- tlair xcnlict of not mii.- "n ar I'liiiiit III' In. ;;iiilt\-, to state that it was for such lause. hi.niiy ... i.. ^ • Hiiii'' III iliiiir vnliri. ''■i\ jiliiuMt MAIN I 1. (.i ". Si ;{. 'I' COVKI.'N.MKNT OF ASVI.IM. (ivcniiiii 111 vt'sh'il ill li(p;iiil of Ini.-ifi's ; I'uc lit III' ;i woiniiii : ii|i|)(iiiitiii<'iit ; tcrtii ornnicc. ii| rliiilcllilclil ; sIcwiikI; lii.itliill ;i|.|i(iiiiliiii'ill, Irriii III' dlliri' icii-iiicr iiiid sli'WMiil ; L'). l',x;iiiiiii:ili(iii ; riininiiliiiciit ; lur- liliiMlC Mllll It'Cllllls. ■Jii. riivsiciMii-,' ('t'rlilic;il(', ]iirsiin;il c.x- :iiiiiii:itiiiii. mills •I. 'rnislccs, iKiwiTs ;ii)il iliilic> .Miiiill ly ins|K'ctii)ii liy tnislccs; is. J .\|ljlf:ll, lllMlill!,', lillH' Mini jiImci \i'iii'\v:il III :i|i]it':ii jiislifcs. IU"'l»'lt of riiiiiils 111, I'linipt'ii.-iiliciii ;i. I uiiiiil-i III |ii-li('is, i'iiin|u'iisMtiiili. !iiiiiilintiil ; txpfii'-i-- 111'. .X|U ti- ll', llV wlldlll I. (>. AiiiimmI iiu I'liiij,' ; siMlislirs. 7. iSii|it riiiti'iiiliiit ; i|ii:ililir;iliiiiis ; [loWfis Mini iliilii's ; ii'|iiii 1>. S. A|i|iiii rioniiiciit dC |i;ilii 111'-. it. Slcwiinl In III' tic'.isiiifi' ( iuMriliiin til lie :i|i|Miinli'il. l)i-i III li.'irLTc III |i:ilioiit mil iniiiiii liiiL: In 111 III' I'lmi'l. itU'il liiiiiil !t. Illi'L'.il ('iiiiiniilnu'iit, prociTiIiiiL's; iiliiils Mini iiiiiir;iMi-, ilisi'liiiiL'i', M'fiiril V, |iii\vi-is Mini iliilii'S. in. SalMi-ifs ul'i.lliccrs. 1 1. Iviilcs fur ^riivi'iiiiiiciit I if Ml Inn hints III lie |iii-li'il ill Msv liiiii. 12. Injury Id I Mlit'llts ; ili^rliMl'v;!' nf mI- tniilMiit-^: iiniallii's. 1.'^ l'',MTlillll llf MllllilillllMl M-;\llllll. oil III iinli:;nil iii-Miii'. ;i'i. II ivfX'M ilrlniiioii, invtsliuMliiiii liy town iillici'is, I'osis. Ill Mill! rniiii\Ml. fxpnisrs of. ill iS. lu'iiiliiii'-nnnil llf tii\vii« !'.!. I{f>Iui((l |IM tinil.- IV WllOllI It'- ll. iNsi'i;riio\ or Aii'il ill M^ylimi, vvriiinj; iiiMii'iiMl siipplii'ii to pMiinits; (•ollfCtioll of IfltlTS. ViiipoiMry I onliiit nil III in ;isy|iiin of prison iinlirlni for rriino. ■t.'i. Not inilirli'il or Mnpiillnl, firt to lie ci-i'tiliiMl ; roimiiiliiinit to Msy- Inni ;^:*' I'y iimil mi rc- I'ovi'rv ; icronniiiliiinil on ri'- i;). I.ctn IS forw.i • I I riliil liv loininilli'i ijise. ili'livcri'il to pMtii'iii'^. lid. Monthly iiispi'ftioti, itt irii'f;nlMr iiiin'VMls. '21. Ilcpiirts of visiiini; roininiilcc, coin- ■14. ni-scliMrtro on roniv nv, or to I'lis- ii'iisMtion. '2'2. 'i'kIii'I of ilntics, pniMllii's fi ahmission ani> disiii Aitiii 2.'!. l>i'linition of insMiiit v. !1. 1' riVMli' piilii'iit.s coiniiiitteil \v I'XMiniiiMtioii. illioiit loily of frinnls; rii'oiiiiiiitinnit. I.'). Snppo|-t, t'xpnist's of, liy whom liorno. •Iti. Ins.iiii'coiivii'ts, fx Mill iiiMl ion, tiMiis- fcr to iisylnin ; on ri'i'ovcry licforc cxpirMlioii of siMitonrt", rnii:inili'i| to rij-loily. •17. InciirMl If convii'ts trMiisfnrcil from ii.syltiin to prison liuspiliil. 1.1 maim:. 2S1 1. Till' M(,vcniiii('iit (il'tlic M.iiiif iii-.iii'' Im-piia! i-vt-hd in M (■(illllllitlcc of six ll'U'lr; -. (ilic (if ullilil -!i,l!l 1)" ;i .\,i ,,f i> \\(iiii;iii. :i|)|p<(iiit(il l)y lln' L;ii\triicii-, wiili tlic nilvji-f iTm ■•n,i.',i i-.ii. I .1 I ' . . till' . rli 1 *4. >; I. (it tllc iDllllcll. ;IIhI cnimillSSlulli I'- lo ll'ild tlltll' ot- (..u-riiin.-nl . . ..I 111" Muiiin llCO (llirillli' tl"' I'M'M-liri' "t till' ^llVfriKll- ;l||ii Cllin- \u-:,n,- l....|.i. ' ' ' liil \.-|..i ill i-il. Imt iiui more llinii llircc viars ihhIci- iiiiy oiif -ix ir.i-i...«. ii|>|)(iiiitiii('iit. ■_'. 'I'lic Mlillliirrt to lilr :i|i|pri.v;il lit' ;IIh1 IIm.I !! -J 1(1 iiiilil (illicc ilniiii"' tllc iil(:i~uii' lit till' Li'ovi riiiii' i-T',.ii Mini (•(Uiiicil, :iii(l :ill (iilii r iilliri r- iiici--iir> t'lii'llic «iii'miii.miiI- i-i t -('•« ai •! cHicicllI 1111(1 (•(•niKiiiiic'il iii;ili;ii;iliii|it nf llic lill-i- ■'••'" "••'•. li..\i ap ii(-s (if tlic institution: ;ill ;i|'iiointiin iit> .~li;ill lie i"""'i- nmilc ;icc(if(linu' to the liy-l;iv\<. ;!. 'I'lic I I'listcc-- iit till ir ii(\t iiHclinL'' .■il"tucli ti'—i i" i"- I(I1M'" llll'i till) (•hani:(< as tliev shall deem indieioii-. in the mode Ji'""-''! "f- ■ ■' Ian > "I lu.itl- aiid amount ol' ex [lendit nil- and the ;;cmral admin- i'"'"" istration cf its linancial all'air<. I. TIk y >hall have the i^cncral care and niaiiaLienient of the in-titntion ; • ..r i>:i, and the hvdaws for it< intei'nal Lzovcrnnicnt an(l •r..iM.'.'-hav« I'll 1 I ii • I •'"■ -'I'"''''' economy, wliicii they ai'c iierciiy authorizcil toes- m: ^"m.-nt, talili^h. not inc(insi.-l( nt with the laws of ihc-t.-itc; inak.-i.) !a»"'.! r'liiiiiK'hi'c Hii«l liohl in trust for the state any land, money, or otlicr .i-i-ihi -ini». Iirojieiiy. ci'.'iiitcd, lie(jueallii d. or Liiven. to the institution, and a|»]'iy ilic same for the >nii|iort. comfort, m- ini|iiii\ emcnt of the in-ane. and the ^cik fal u-c ol' the institution, and have [iiiwcr to hriiiii' iK'tion-. in the name of the ti'i a-iirei'. for all dues Id the institution, and to (Icfcnd a! Nu its tiroULiht a;^ain>t it. ."». Thei-c shall lie a tlioroiiiih examination of the liosjiital montliK- hv t\\(i of the tru>tecs : (luaHcrlv liv three: [^■'■'i,*- . ' • • KxaiJiiiiali'iiiH and anmiallv liv a miiiiiritv of the full Imard: and »'"' "■"'■;"■''"/ ^ «. J (. (lu'iu; [my ui •1,5 •i i I i. ' 2S-2 M A I N !•; oiii..T«aTi.i ill Jiiiv tillicr liiiic, w lii'ii lli(\' il(( 111 ii iicccs-iirv, (ir fxaiiitiif .Hi'l ill»rliiiri,'' |ia- lil'lllS the SU|icrilltcll(l(Ilt l((|ih--IS i 1. At (■jicli \i>il, a w rilli II iicrnlilll dl' lllf >liilc (if llic ilislillltinii -liiill he ilr.iwii nil \>y Ilic \i-ii(pr-, rccunlrd, jiiid iirc-fii iiiiiiii.i I iiiici Mil: "I tlh' till- at W IlK'll meet IIILi I. (I ai ;!!(• Iii\-, with tl ic >ii|H'i'iiiti'iiil('iil. ^Iiall iiiakr a pai'l i( iilar ixaiiiiiial i< ill inti) till' ciiiMlil 'mil III' cacli |iatitiii. aiiil ili>cliarui' any niic -n far ic- .■-tnivil iliat hi- ciiiiil'iirt ami ^aft'ly, and that (if the |iuhlii', no lii||Mi )• ICiillilr hi- (•nlililiclncllt. 'i"hi'\- -hall rri'ci\c l\\(i(|iil- 1; w I'lir -ucii \i>its, and the ,-aiiic -iiiii fur cvi rv luciitv mill - iraxrl. Tlnir accniinl- -hall he audited hy the ^(i\.'nior and iiiiimil. ami tiny diall draw ihtii' warrant, mi the trras- nn r til' -lalc, I'tir the aimunil due thciii anaiii' h(i-|iital. ^. Ill' -hall a|ijio!'tion the numlu'i' of |ialienls. who can It nimodali'd in the liiis|iital. anlo||^' the lowii^ ii.iii >^ -. .\li|"i;ii,j|i- ini'iil iif imlli'iit^. acco accofdinu: to their ]io|nilation hy the |;i1 lliril' lull lil'd- [lorliuii .,|' |p;iliflll- in till' Ilip-|ii!;il, ;iliil IIKIV I'cjccI ullicis. !•. I'll'' ^IiWJird >li;ill lie t l(;i.-lircr; ,i:i\t' Imliil In the I lIl .-Ulliililll, l[' ilic lin.'tri>, m.ikr nil in iT~-;il'y |plirrliii-r.< cpf >ll|i|ijir- illlil |pr(p\i-iii||> : liili' llltilnl- ;iiil- liiiij iilliif liilpiprci's; MT to tile |prip|.( r ciili i\ iitinn nf liic I'.iriii iiiiij ^r\( i.-iLilii rrl'(.riii ^iiili oili; r iliitii- a- ilic liii-ii I - ilii-ici : ami annually in ol' lii- ic ciiipts and (XiK iidilu Ike a ilclaili il rfpnrt to iIk ii n -, ainl u[ (Ik r til linaucial all'airs f 1>'71', i>p|>i'n>ali>iii »f ,.liic.T». liip-pilal shall Itc thirteen humlreil dpplhirs per iiii- niiin; twu a.ei inlelident shall keep |iosted. in (MPlispieUoUS places ahoiit said hospital, printed cards eontainiiiii' i ii m:!. ;< jt. the rules pri'sci'ilicd lor the ^ipvcrnnieiil tpi" the ivu-niiiii. iph . .' I'l li» ki'pt attendants in charge (pj the patients. imst,.,!. III. \\ hell it ap]pears that any such attendant ti'cats any iialieiil with iniiistiif ipr inhuiiiaiiilw he shall lie iiiiiiieiliatelv discharucd. \\ lu'ii the siiiperinteiid- ipi"'i t ..";,i ' _ lll-tr'all;..-iit eiit i- sati-lied that an\' attendant intentioiiallv, "' i''"""!-'- liuH plllJPsliril. ahii-e- ucli ahii-r or iil treatnieiil helore any I'lPiir! lia\iii,u- jiirisdiclion (pf ihe ip|]eii-es chained: ;iud -Ucli alU'iKlaiit. iip(pn conviction ihereppl. -hall he sentenced t(p |iay a tine of not less than one hiindri d. iior iiKPi'e than live hundred dollars, or to iiii[uison- iiit 11! in the cipiiiiiy jail not more than ninety 7!'. lor the aeeoiniiiudaliou ipt e-[ieeiallv sick [patients, i>,r I !5 I* I 'JSl M A I \ i: t)i.> »llv -ick |.,..N,.1...I, 1 1- also fur llic Itcltci- cla^silicaliuii of ]iati''iil- at miiih' |Miiiil (III tlic lM»s|iital iirciiiist<; jirniidnl, \\u- iiicniis lur llii' iinr|M>s(' can he «lra\vii IVniu ihc ciirniit iiictdiir nf tlu' ln)s|iil;il. Thr cost of said lu.ildiii:; iml to cxciid tin .-illii of iiiiii' llioii-aml ilnlhirs. II. A (•(iiiiiiiittrc (if tlic coiiiK il ( (Pii-i-tiii^- nf two with A.i„ii-:i. wlidiii sliall Iir as-ufiatcd nnc wnniaii >lia!l In mii- !■ |i(tiiitc(| liy llic ■ni\ri'ii(ir aiiiiually wlm shall visit M"'"""' llic Imsiiital at tlicir discretion to ascertain if tlin '''"'''■"•' inniatcs thereof are linniaiiely treated and they shall make |iroiii]'t re|iort h'oiii time to time, of every in-tanc<( of in lent !i Ilia I alnise or ill treatment, to the trustees and siiper- intendciil ol' (he hospilal who sliall take notice thereof, and caiHe the od'elider lo he ]itinished as rei|uir(il hy section tweiitVM'inJit,* chanter one hundred ami fortv-thn'c of the re- \i>ed statutes. I">. If any wilful injury shall he inllicted hy any ollicer, i''i.i?- attendant or emiilove of the ho.-iiital. uipoii the Wilful iiijiirv ' • ' ' rli 'J.'iil. J 4 CxIIIMlilli vi«it"i« 'li;ill III niiiiuallv til imiii'ii |>iiiii>liiiii'iil f..r '-. ' iieiMin Iiall report the fact ininieiliately to the said trustees and su|)erinlendent, ami if the suiierintendeiit tails forthwith t(. comjilaiii thereof as recjuired hy the staiiile afore-:;iid. one of the saiit upon tke jury whieh shall try the case. IC. In case of the sudden death ot" any patient in tli<' hos- j,.,,.,. jiital, under circumstances of reasonahle suspii-ion '"''T'^V"" i>^ 1<» the innocent cause thereof, a coroner's imiuest '"""■"'• shall he held as proviili'l<'lllil|IM'l. and u rtiiiurnlly coiiuuitttd. nr is iiiiiirccssarily dc- taincil ami lnM as a |>ati('iit tin rein, tinv shall a|i|ily to any JuiIlii' "I the suiircnic jmlicial cunit. or jiidm' of ]ir(il>alf williin tin- cdunty wlitTc tlir n-irainl c.xisls, I'ur it writ of lialnas coriins. wlio shall i»uc the >ani<', and canst' said inniatr to lie ln'oiij^lit Ixiorc him. and al'tfr notice to the party |irocniim,r lijs coinmitnicnl and a lnaiim; of all intti'c.-lcd in the t|mci' .-uhjcct for cii-tody and ticalmcui in ill" lio<|iiial, shall dion idiai'p'il with, or convicted of crime ant olTu'e add|-e-s shall he ke|it |io>ted in evcl'y Waiil 11,1,1^.... of the hos|>ital. and every inmate vh;il| he allowed vi'M'ti.ij.-"(„m- , 111 1 I inill'i' I" li" to write when and whatev( r he may iilcase to tiieiii |".m..i lu the \V .1 id"*. or either of them, iiidcss otln'rwise ordered hv a '"'"•"'■- maiorilv of t!ie commiliie. in writing', which ordi'r iiii..«r,i i.. • _ H ni.- 1.1 ( .■111- shall continue in force until countermaiideil hysaid li""-'-- committee in writing. .\nd. for this |>ur|iose, every jiaticnt. if not otherwise ordei-ed as aforoaid. shall he fnridshed hy the sn|ierintendent. on reijuest. with suitahle materials foi' writing, enchwiuLi' and sealiuix letters. Ami the suiierinteiident >hall l)rovidc at the (Xliense of the slate, securelv locked i.'if i i".x."< ' . ' . . ' I.. I... letter ho.xes, easily accessihie to all the inmates, to *"''■''• he ]ilaccd in the hospital, into which such letters can he dro]>|«ed hy the writer thereot'. No ollicer, attcuil- ohio'isiuhi ant. or employe of the ho>i.ital shall he allowed to ;'I,','','.','i,'.ll"',' have the means ot' reachiui:- the contents of these '"'■"■*'"• hoxes. hut the K'tti rs in llieiu shall he collected weekly hy some niemher of the committee, or hy such |)erson a- the com- mittee may autliori/e foi- the ]iui'po>e. who shall prepay .-uch only as shall he addresseii to some one of the coiiimitUe. anil dc|)o-;it them in the jiost ollice without delay. !'.». It is herehy maile the duty of the superintendent, or pai'l\' haviiiLj charue of anv inison conliiied on ii'i.i 5 1'"- . . ■ . ' II-' -I I. I'll. IS Irolii account o| m.sinitv. to deliver t(» said pei'son anv ■■„iMi„itt,... i„ , . . • , . , |. 1 • , ' ■"■'I'liv.'i.'.l letter or writiim- to Jiim or her diiTctod, witliout i" paii-ms . . with. ml uiieu- opeiiing or reading tiic sanio, i)rovided this Icttor '"*>'• ■'J I : ■ i ■:t 2.s() M A I N i;. Ii;i- 1h (11 I'dTW ;irili <1 liy llir (■ninin iticc, i\y i> (lii'ccti"! In -ilrli in- (Ii\ i'liiiil- ;i~ till' loiniiiillrc li;i\c nut linri/cd lo -ciiil i if In re- ceive Icllt 1- willldlll llic (•(iliilililtri '- ill-|icctii>I|. ■_'('. Till' lin>.|.it,il -lijill 111' vi-ilii| ;i< nth h i|< nlicc ill cVirV Il'i'l ; II limiilli li\- ill '■■;i~t nlir ll h in I ii r nl" tlir rnl II 1 1 1 i III i '. Il.i«l'iliil . ' . . "'"" ■"■'! ;ilii| llii- \ i-il >^li;ill If liiMilr iit iri'(':>iil;i l', ;iii ' '"••'' .'«t;i!iil |ifrini|-; III) pi'i'vinii- imlici'. inii, or illtilll.llinll lllrrmt' -Ii,i|l \>V cllllilnyr nl' tlir lln^|lit!ll, liiil ,1- lai' a< |in.<>ilil('. all llirir vi.-ils sliall \>r mailr iiiii'\|it'r|- cdly In ilir .-ii|irfiiit('nil(iil ami all nllnr- liavinu' iIm care nf till' lin<|)ii;il ainl il- iiiiiiat('<; aiiil in iin cax' shall tlif I'nm- iiiillic lie aicniii|iaiii('il liy any nllin r nr riii|ilny(' ii[' iIh' lin<|ii- lal. wlini inakiiii;- tlicir \i-iH tlii'niiL'.ii llir waril-. tNci|il upnii .<|if('ial rci|ll('-t nj' sn!ii<' (ilir nf ||ir cnl mil il It'i •. ■_'l. Tllf cnll I mil Ice nf vi--ilnr- :-liall 1liall da\' nl' I )fC(nilMr. aiinu- ll.i.l ^' I'.'. ('•Mllllllll '( Vinlhi, < »li;ill I'l'lmll I" ^'ti Vi't'iior jiii OMUirll ill |iic<-iiil'f r aiiiiiiiillv. <'oiii|M'iisiili.ui ally, and as niinii nllciici' a~ Ilir wcll.-irc nl llic I |iaticiits nr llic piiMic L^iind ni;iy rci|iiirc. •■cllin;^ Initli llicir dniii^:< and any I'ai'ls with rcnard in the hn>|iilal which ihcy may dccin impnrtant In he laid hcl'nl'c ihc |illhlic. 'I'hc cnmiiclisat inn of said cnm- iniltcc shall lie t\\n dn||;ir< each |ici' day. i'nr the lime actually sjiciil in vi^iliiiu' the lin-|iital and actual t fa \'cli lie- expenses ; •'"■*'"'• jircriil'd^ the >aid cnlnmiltce dn Unt recci\-c cniii|ieli- salinii a- cniiiicillnr-. I'nr the same day- in which said nilicial vi.-it- arc made In said lin-|iital ; ."nd their accniiiiN. iiichidiii!^ a rca-niiahlc sum I'nr the Icie ,• carrier, jirnvidcd I'nr in -cctinii nine, sliall he aiiditeil hy the irnverimr and enuiu'il, w lin shall draw tlieif warrant nii the lri'ai.u< I.I. unnii him iiv the iimvisinii-; nf llii< act shall 1 It 1 (• ' • ' l!<'iiiV Id -dllH' (pIIk r li(i'<|>it;il I'nr tlic iii-;iiir. I'll 111 S 11. Hull.- ..r I'lii'iiK mill L'>l.ll ilMlll All msjiiii' In I |n rxiii-. imt tliu- -iiil In ;i!iy liii-|iil;il •liall -lll'lccl to ( \:i!iiili;il hi| I ; I < III Vi iiiMlli'r I'l'iivn 'I'll ii.i.i s \-i. M iliiii-||':tl llllllllcl|i;il nllln !■- 1. 1 Inwn- -|i;lll ciiU-Iimtc 11 "Hi. -i . i.. ,1 li' ill r,i liiiiinl III (Niiiiiiiii!'--, ;iii(|, nil (■(iin|i|,iiiii m wnliiin' hihi c-.nMiiiit m liiKimiil with ki .p a Ml iiril III' Jlliy I'l'hll i\r III' jll-tirr 111' till' |n ,ic,' iij' their tdUII. tiny -hull iiiiiiiciliiitily iiHjiiiiv iiilu the foiMliiinii "i'i''i' (if .•my iiis.iiic |i(i'siiii till rein: (•.■ill hit'iirc tlnni ;ill ti -i iiiiniiy iiciT--Mrv I'lir II lull iindi r-liiiidiiiLi- nt' the ciiM'; ainl if thcv think -Hell jiir-iiii i~ iii-aiic, ami thai hi< riiiiijnrt iiml -aliix' dl' lll.ll dl dlll(r< llllclr-'iil. will llhl'itiV lie lil'dlll itnl. ihrV -hall I'drthwith x'IhI him tn the lid-iiital. with a ci I'il li-;iic statiip' the fart df h i- iii-aiiil V. ami tlir tdUii in whiih In- it- -i.l.Ml ir \va< fdiiml at tlir liiiir df rxaiiiiiial inn. .mimI iliiiTi iiii^' I the -M|iii'iiit(iHl(iit td i( ccivr and dit.aiii him till he i~ i'< -him dl' ili-i'liarucd liy nr l.y the su|ii rintcmlt nt and ini-trc- .\iid tiny -hall kfcp ;i rccurd df tinii' ddiii^<. and fnrni-h ; cdi p\' td an\' iiilci'c -Ird |K r-dii ri'iiuol in;: ;iiid |iayinu l"r it ■Jl''. In all (■.i-cs lA' |irrlimiiiary pi'dcrcdiii^s fur '.lir rdniimt- iiiciit t>\' any |icr'-dii td the lid<|>ilal. the cvidcicc \,,,„,|,-, and crrtilicatc df at least two rr^iirct.Mlilc |iliy-iiMa'i^. |i',';,t,i','.„^,,^;i has( d U|idn (hie im|niry and |iffMinal cxaminat i mi j.V,'.ii,',!!„,'ilv df thr i-iTSdii td whdin insanity is inipiitrd. -hall \»- ::Z!'n'"i^ r('i|nii'( <1 Id cstahli-h the fad dl' insanity, and ;: ccr- j',",'u,',,y , • ,. I ,. , I 1 • • . • , . , 111 t iiiuiiiilo. tilird ci'lpy d| the ]ihysiriaii> rcvt ilicatf >hall iccdni- [lany the |ifrsdii td he rdiiiiiiittiMl. ^ ■J7. .\ny jicr-dii or cdi'iidrat idii. dccniiiiir 'liiii-rii" di" tli<' in- sane aunfieVed hv llie decisidn iA' the hoa I'd of e.\- eal within live davs ■i'i"diiii.iii>w • ' ' ■ Ki'li Tti'l ; (iiiio after the deeisidii is iiiailf known, naiiiin;.' a justii-c "'"i iii"-'- of t!ie peace and i •J.sS M A I N i; powrr. if iHif, lie iiiiiy srlt'cl iiiintlicr: ilir li.iiiril (if I xiiiiiiiurs >liiill «i|(il aiitillnr jiistii'c of ilic |ic,uc mihI i|iinniiii. •JN. It' lilt' tWii ju^ti^•^^ Ilc^ilrft <>r idll^c to diciilc llic ;i|i|iriil iM-tji' witliiii tlirci' tlnvs !il'lti' ilic tiiiic iiiiiiniiiliil U>\- tln> ,.111 .T...! I"- liiiiniii:'; >>\' il llir (((lircr> iiil:1i(| ui ic- I'".'!'-! I" Imm' Iim llii'i f ilii\- iilti'i' ciiiiipLiiiit i> iii.iili' 111 llit'iii fill ilir l.i> ••. • ' I'"" '"'-• lu (Ajiiiiiiic iiiiil (Il I idf ;iii\ Cii-c of iii>iiiiily in tlnir town. ••'iiii|il.iiiit iiiiiv lie iiiiiilc liy liny irl!ili\ c i f lln in-.nit'. ui' :iny uihcr r(-|frrl,ililt' |ifi>iin to iwn jn\ i|ii Hell JU«I IC r|> a I'l'c n-ij 111 iiHir ijdiiiL;- ainl liir iin.i>li a cdiiy I Ik Tcol' |(> any |Mi--(.n iiili ic-lcd ir.|nc-l- .iii-iiii-» i.> k.-|. I i.r..i.i iii;^ ,ind paxiiiL;- Ini-il; iIhim- (Ircidinn- an apiir il liall ..1 .1.1 I . . .— 11 III il.iiii ihri. .•..iiip.Mi |„. iiilillcd Id rccri\-(' liir llicir scrvicr^ l\V(i dnllars a KMIKUI. mill liv Wiii':ii ji; a\- an>l icii (•(■ni- a nine lni- lli: ir Iraxcl. and slia II (jet ci-n line u I lid I pai'ly -liall pay il ; [\\na!ii(- Ico a-^ lliall caii^c siicli drd( r In lie (■diii|)li((l \', ii!i I'drlliw itii at 1 lie cNjM n-i' dj' the ld\\ n ; and alli r -inli (•dniniilniciil i~ iiiadi', the jii-l ill - -liall drcidc and ccj-i i I'y llic r.\|icn-c< llicrcdl. :!l. Till- ciTl iticalc df cdininil nil ill Id tlic iid-|pil;il, aflcr a lc;:;al cxaiiiinalidn, -liall In- -idlicicnl c\ idcncc. in tlic Iiiiil s i: Tli'iriM.i'T fiiiiiiiiitiiii'iii, liy \\ li"iti I'ai'l Il.iil S 1- TiiWIlH H I .• iii'iiiii' I'll- .11 ri-i'itli*'* IT xi .11 I'liiii.l, |i;iy liir ► IIJip'Tt. III! lir-l iii>iancc. to cliar^ic tlic town, where llie in-anc resided, (ir wa- I'dnnd at llic liiiie (tf lii.< aii'e-t, lnr tlic ''i"'..'".i\'.'..„"i' ' \|ii-ii-c> III lii> exaiii iiiat idll. ediiiniil nienl. and -up- pdil in llic lid-pilal ; lait when lii< IVieiid- m- dl hef.-; tile a hdiid w ith the li'ea>iirci' dl' the lid.-pital. such tdW ii >liall iidt t'(' liaMc I'd]- hi-; suppdi't, unless new actinn is had hy icaxin LMViMI I.t ,t. IM. M A I N i; ■J.St) (if lllf il';iliililV III" till' |i.ltii||t t,V lii-i flit l|il> InllLirl' In -II|'|h(1'| liini: Mill! ^U(■ll ;iiii>iii iikiv Ih' Ii.mI i;i tin 'iinn in;iiiii> i. nml liclnl'i' ill'' -;ilm' Irililllcil. il- if 111' li;ii| lli \i !' Ihi II ;ii lui JMn 1 In till' lii>^|iiiill. '.VI. \\ Inn jiiiy iii.iii m' iiiiiii;iriiril w uiiiiiii. n!' tu iiil\ -nip \ riirs of ilL;i', i- ,-i||t In llir lli'-|iil;il I'lif ill';lllil\ llllili!' ililV ll'i.l if lllr jil'MV i-inp^ III' ||||< cllJllilil'. lllr llll|||iri|i;l I ,,|'. •Iii'lu.' "I 1 licil'', ot' ill.. jiiWii v.liiTr -llrll ill«;il|i' li-ii|r<. |il;iy ii|i|ily In till' i 111! l:i' III' |iii>li;ilc I'lir I In' -.inn' ruiiiil y I'ui- till' .ilili'iililliiriit III' A ;iUill'ili;ili, winii tliry tliiiil< it I'll!' llh' lull I'l'-I 111' llic ill>;illr ;linl In Jirr^ rlll \V;l-ti' III' bull' lllll> Itjl- I'Hilll Ul|,ll '[••••piliil ; ilii'ii i|iilii-«, r ••■((•••if*iillli,'ill imi ,. . ri'iiniii'.l in rcliii'ii my in viiitnry. m- i AirciM' any ntln r [iiiwrrs nr iliil ii - nf M'liai'iliaii I'nr uiir yiarartcr hi- a|i|iniiii nnnl. ('N.'.'|il In |irn\iMr Inl' tllr -ll|i|in:'| nf tl|i' ill-alM' IiImI lli- r.Hllily, ami [111 Villi wa-ti' nf his ]irn|ii'rly. '■'>'■'>. I''.\ I iv |ii r.;i' iif Inwii Irmii which he was cniiiniillcii. I he -ii|M'nii- i.iinn Irmli'iit. al ( ach niniilhly vi>il nf the tni.-ti'cs, sh.all alsn rc|ii)it In iIm'mi the name of any inmate wlm was iilintic al the ilate (if his cniiiiiiitiiieiit. ami i>\' any inniale wlm has In rnnie so iiiihecile as. in his jiiil^imnl. In he l.eyuml cure, ami if he ihiiiRs such inmate may he ilischare'dl with safely In him- self ami In tlu' juilili ', the trustei's .shall order his (li.-chargo I'J T 2! M I illii I cui-c lr:ii to 1 M A I N !■: >v rfiii(t\('(l to the t(»\vii iiv wliicli lit' v.a^ ('(iiiiiiiitii'il. '.)') 'I'lif (illircr- iirdciiiiii' tlif (•(iiiiiiiiliiiciit ol' a prison uiialil<' ii'i.i s 1 '•■ I" I'ay i'nv his s\i|»|i(irt, may ('(i'iiy in writing; to tin- IllllMlili-iI i!.T.>. rh. iM. iiiinl]icii'iit ahilit\' lo iiav \nv it: ami il' liic tliili>.'iiit 111- ' • (.III... i"'i><'i" ■ ifurK(l tiiat sm-h (•fililicalc i> Inic thr wi'i'K ly '''">"'• tica^uiTi' III' thf h(l^|litai may diai'i:-!' to the -l.iic mu' (lullaf ami lit'ty rents pcf wcrk \\'V his Imanl. ainl dchict it 11(1111 ihr char.Lir madr tn tile [laliciit (if hiwii I'df his su|i|i(ifl. ;!(■). When any iVicml, |i( r^(in. df Idwii. lialijc Inr the ,-iipiidil (iT aii\- iiaticiit, wIki has hccn in the JKisiiiiai six Tlios.. lial.l.' ; ' • , I I ' I lor .ui.|..ii-i iiKnitli^, iidt cdmniHtfil li\' (ndcf dl the sniifcmc ii- iiiav ii|iplv I'l.r .... , . i' ■ 1 1 ••II- .liMiiuii.-. (Iicial cdnit, iidi allli(i((. willi hdiiiiciilal ni>an!ly, thinks lie i< iiiirca.--dnaMy (jctaimth he may a|i|ily to the mu- nicipal dllii tiindny. and thcif deci-idii and didei' sliall he hind- iiiLi' (in the pai'ties. They shall tax le^al c(i-;s and decide wIki shall pay tlieiii. If >ucli applicatidii is iinsnet'c-sfnl. it >hall iidt he ipade a^iain till the expifation (d'aiidthef >ix nidiiths. iiii.i J IV. ANo. « lull iiiil.iw tiilly The per-on (ir tdun. liahle I'cf the suppdit of a |>ef-dn when lawfully c(inimitieuch re- moval are not to exceed tell cellls per mile iVolll the hospital to the place of commitment. .")>. .\iiy town tliu< made ehai'pahlc 011 the lirst instamn- and payiiiu for the commitnienl and support of the insane at the hosjiiial. may recover the anionnt paid of the insa.iie. ifahle, orof |ier~oiis legally lialile for his su]tpdrt. (ir df the town where his lepil setth - I'iiii'iie uieiit is. as if iiicurr((l for the expense of any |iau- Ibi.l i -J'l. ii.'.i 1^7 Towns liavi' rtMii'''ly aL'alll>t ill" iiTm'II. .T I tllO" fur Ills ~ii|i- ]iiii-t as 1 IKKlll.T. pel", hut if he has no leiial .^etth'MUllt III thi- stal-. such exiieiises ^jiall he refunded hy the state and tin i:dvei'iior and council shall audit all such claims and draw their warrant on the treasurer therefof. No insane ]iersoii ri. 1; Till !• Ill 11,1 I i" '11 i MA INK. 201 sliiill -till'ii' iiiiy III" ilir ili-;ilii!iliis iiici.'iciit to |p:iii|m ri-m, nor lie Ik i'liiricr (li'( iiicil a |iiiii|i'r, l.y iia-nii i>\' ^U(•ll -ii|i|hii-i. I'liit llic lime (liiriii^- w liicli the iii-aiir |.fi-Miii i- >.• -iiiiiiorlcd -hall iMit ill' iinliKJid ill till' |ii riiMJ ..f r'-iilciu-c iitci --ai\' In eliaiii:!' Ills si'lllciiK III. .'l'.'. Wlirll tlir oVciMcl'S of aliv !o\vii. li.iM"' I'orthc Iljiiiorl ol' a |ia'iciil al llic lio-|iiial. air iioiititij Ipv mail \>y i,,,,, <.,., the suprriiitciKlciit, tiiat ln' lia< iv.-ovcn .1 tV(Piii lii< p',!,',r l!i'',''.;'. "' insanity, lluy shall cause him to ]>r rtiiio\-, d !•. their "',',',ili;, "'"'," i., tow II : and it' tliey neglect it lor til'lei n day.-, tlie -n- ''"' [lerinteiideiit shall lausi.' it to \>v done al tiie e.\|)eii-e ol' siicli low n. 111. When any |ialienl is diseharu'ed i'rom th.' ho-pital, hv the trustco, under the provision.- ol' siction 1,"' they ii,i,i $■ •:.•(. Ill II !• 1 I riTxiiii-' cIIk- siiall (.'ause tile seleetlllell o| tlie town, or tlie .h.ui;. .1 un- iiia\or ot tlie citv Jroni wliieh -ucii iiatient was i-e- r.^ v.i ; ceived, to he ininiele to sujiport them, shall he suppoi'tt'd in tin.' hospital at the expeij-e <.il' tin- state. \2. When any person is indicted for a criminal o!l'cn-c. oi' is committed to jail on a charge thereof hy a trial chi-.^i. justice or judu'e of a police or municipal court, any iiMs:"'»i,',.'i'i"'' , I' I I " 1-11- I • \ l'">llllliltl'll to lUdU'c ol tlie court iieiol'C which he is to he tried, jnii : mvi-ii- ,' , . . . . , . , . L'llll.Ml .11 ill- wheii a plea ol in-aiuty is maile in court, or lie is s;ii:i(y. Moiilieil that it will he made. mav. in vacation or term iime. ■I * I'l. .Si. f'^H 'u ■ - 202 MAINE ni'dcr siicli |icrs(in iiilo ilic cure (if llir siipcriiitriiilciil nf llic iii>im(' liosjtital. Ill lie drtniiifil miil iili^crvcd liy liiiii till flic i'urtlicr (nilci' of llif iKiirl, tlint llic tnitli di' lalsily nl' the |il(';i iii.'iy lie ii-ni-lnincd. |:!. W'Imii ilii' L;r;;iid jiiiy oiuits to (ind ;m iiMlictiiu'iit ii,L'';iiii>t ;iiiy iktsoii nrrcstcd l>y Icujil process to iiiiswcf lor niiy ollinsc Ky rcnsoii of ids iiisuiuty, they sliidl ccrlify timl f;ict to lliccy the coni't liaviii^ jurisdit'tioii of tlu' case only on satisfactoi-y proof that Ids dischariic" will not ondanji'er the peace auil salety of the comniunity: and when on satis- factory proof such person so discliaru't'd from the 'lu.'iiavi;..! insanc departnx'nt of the state prison is auaiii found M.i.l J •.'. n* .iiiii'inli'il l^;l>, til. l(iii, S 1 Ilia till jnry tailttik' I'l'ilnd . illclii'tllirllt HI' * tnivi'iM' jury ui''|in. iiiL,' ■ili;ill Ml riT- lir\ li> llii' II. .u ^iicli |iri>.iii may lip I'liiiii -mil riiiiiliiiliiK'rit. insane and danucrons. any Judn'c of the supreme juflicial coui'l may. hy a prece[it stating- \i\o fact of his insanity, i-ecoinmit him to the insane tlepai'tiiU'iit of the state prison, or to ihe insane hospital. •I I. .\ny person so conimitte(| to the insane hospital, may 1)0 I discharjj,-ed hy any judp' of Ihe supreme juace and llud lfi7!i, i'l'I'S.lll Kl) ''iiiiiinill<''l may li.' liis. fliarLii'il or I'liii ii>ii frii-ii.N. afet\- of the eommunitv ; or tlu' iudjxe mav. on [iji- 1 10 plication, commit him to the custody of any friend, wlm uives hond to the jud_u'e of jiroliati' for tli(> county of Kelilieliee. with sullicienl sureties, ajii>roved hy said judi^c of proliate. coiidilioiied for Ihi' safe k(H'j)in,u' of such in- sane |ierson. and the payment of all damages which any per- son may sustain hy his ads. And when, on satisfactory j)roof, lie is again found insane, and dangerous, any judge of the su- ])reme judicial eonrt may, l)y a ]»i'ece])t stating the fact of his insanity, I'ecommit him to (he insaiu' hospital. 4"). The person so coinniitled shall he theiv supportcMl at liis Uii'i H- own expense, if he has sullieient means; otherwise How sii|))i"rt- ' (■(I lit IkI! i''"'!- at the exi) of the .state. MAINK. •2'X) 4<>. Wlicn Mil iniiiiitf of tlic ^tntc ]ii'is(iii or couiitv jail \ seii- leiiee, he shall he returin'il to prison; hut if after, he -hall he (liseliari;'ed iVee. 'Hie exiiense-; of the eommi-sioii, I'enioval, and su|iport, shall he paid hy the state. •17. 'J'he eonviels insane now in (he ii\s;ine hospital upon .satisfactory proof that the said persons insane are in- .\.t..n.:ii. curahle, ami that a ionL;i'r residence therein will his^H..'...ii. have a deleterious inllueiice on the other patients ol il.-i'^I'iO" m;; iiiciiriilili' saitl hospital, niav he reiiiove(| hv order of the irny- may !..• iv. l ■ _ • _ lll..V.'il I.I (liu ernor and council to the insiiie (K'i)artineiit ol' the in-'in"'!'- , State prison. -ufini-u. " ! 'Ill 1 ■n iii m 1 .^'t id ■M T lii ! MARYLAND. i;()vi:i!Nmi:n I' or A-vi,r.Ms. ii-(l (pT iii:iii;ii;('rs, ;iii|iiii)iutiiuiu, 1.".. 1 lli|lL;i'llt lll-^aiK' tl'lllisli'i Tt'd Iroili term i il'olli 1. li li. I'r(p|ii'iiy vottil ill iii;m:ii.'t'i'-i. .">. < iiiviiniiK Ml Vf.-tnl ill iiiaii:i;;i'iN. 4. A|i|ii>iiitiiit'iil (if (illict'is, 5. I'y-la\v-i ,'iii|ircti(Hi liy liiaiia;;('rs. 7. !Maiia!,'t'is may hold in'iipcity in liii>t. aim.xiKiiisi', ■X| :'n-(S I Miriic hv riiimiy ; >n|i|iiiit, limii (if lialiility. 111. Iinli^ciil iii~aiu', dcrmilioii III'. 17. Sii|i|ii>rl. lialiiiily nf ("^laliji^liiiieiit till-; a is. 'rni^li |i|iiiiiiim('nt (il i;iiardian ■(•> (il ilic |iiior III |iiiiviik' liir sii|i|iiii't III iiidii;('iil iiisaiR'. CIUMINAl, 1N>\NI: S. Hi.|...rts.irman;t.rei-sand in.sloos. ; ^^ Insa,,.. o.iivi.ts irm.frned to asv- ',). Niimlifr III iiidiiri'iit insane alliiwt'd 10. Niiiiilicr III' |ii'ivate |iatii'iils alliiwi'd |iii\ver (it illd^■^'^ 11. liidi.iicnt iiisaiu iiiii, f.\|i(ii>es iKiiiii' liy state, iiisanitv round in vi'idicl. Ill ('(iiiimit. ]2. A|i|ii'ii|iiialioii, anil i:!. I'owi and liiiiics n| in.anaL'crs lie liiU'd. ADMlSSIiiN AMI DISniAliiiK 14. Examiiiati on ; jury trial (•(imiiut- '20. Fact of til . ('oiiiinitmciit to asylum. 2-. KNamiiniion and commilnK'nl lie- t'orc indirtmeiii. '2'k I'.xaminalioii diirin.,' vacation (if court 21. l''orc>;(iinur luiivisions apply to all |icisoii> arrested. Jilt ; sii|i|iiirt, lialiility i\ ir. 1. The govcriMir. liy ;iim1 with ihc tulvirc and cniisriit of tlio seiiiitr, .'^hall a]ii)(iiiit iiiiu' jui'soiis of uinlouljted chttniftcr, and .^florted with a view to skill anil ( ilicirncy, niana;j:('i'.s of the .>raryliinil lio.sjiital for the insane, who shall serve witliont ji.iy. ami hold s follows: thre(> thei'eof shall hold their ofruxs «. <:. 1x7s. art -21'. 5 1. Nlii'- iiii\M:u'- ers iipii.iiia.'il liv III.' L-.V. oricir ; i.riii leli' otllce 11 for t\v years; o N'ears: ami (1 tree three t: hereot ll'l't'Ol liai ditill hold their ofliees for four JlOll 1 tl leir olliet lor ix vear: ukI the l'oi' of ■riv of Miu'vliuiil liii-|i!;il KHIll iimiiiU'ci's. herehy anlhori/.ed and directed to transfer hy )tl (leei II the reid estate and other |iro])erty helon^iii,!:: to 1" .<:iid trust, which iiniy he in their possession, to tho jiianagers of the Maryland lios[iital for the insane, MAItYI.AXn. •2'.>.-, iiltovt' jn'iividcd for, nml the _t:<>vcniiiH'iit nf tin- stale Im-jiital for the insane sliall be vcstcil in tin said Ixiard nf inanaLTrrs, scviii (if whom sliall constitnte a (pioruin for tlie ^m^'iui... transaction of business. '.]. 'IMie said board of nianaLTcrs shall have (ho general direc- tion and (•onti'(d of all the iiropertv and concerns itf M" i $- till' said hospital, and shall take ehai'ec- of its ^'eiieral ""*»•*>:•■'»■ interests, and see that its u,feat desiirn be carried into elleet. and every! Iiini;- iloiie faithfully aeeordiuLr to the rer, wlio shall act as treasurer, win ) sliall trive ho nd |nr it'i'i M. the lai thful A|'|"'iLUiii(>iits lerlormance ot his trii-t. in such sum ''>■ mauaL-is. and in such sureties as the eomjttroller of tlu' state shall approve; they shall also appoint a sujierinteiident, who shall be a well-educatt'd physician, and in addition shall also ap- point as many physicians, sur^jjeons, apothecaries, stewards, mati'ons, nurses, and servant^, and other otlicers for the ad- ministration and service of said ho-pital as they may deem neeissary. all of whom shall hold their ai>[)ointments at the [ileasuic of the board of managers. ."). The board of niana.i^ers may make, ordain, alter, or amend, and abolish all by-laws, rules, and reouhi- p,!,,.;, tioii< for the admini>tralion and Liovernnunt ftf said n-u.-'^ril.i ho.-pital. and for the admission and dischar'^e of n.ri'.ity'"'' persons therein and therefrom, which rules and "'""•"•'''''■'• regulations in so far as they are within the power of the said ]i<)ar(l, and are consistent with law. sliall be binilini; on all persons whomsoever. ♦J. The said board of manaiiers shall maintain an efFeetive inspection of said hospital and urouiids. and for n.i.i;-; this [uiritose one of said maiuif^ers sjudl visit the mamiKerg. saiue once in every wu'ck; two of said manauers once in every month, a majority of the board once in every rpiarler. jiiid the whole board once in I'very year, at the times and in the manner to be prescribed in the bydaws. 7. The said board of mana. H'i'i 5 :• t'lr the slate, iiiiv ^|•;lll( oi' dcvisc of laiiil, or aiiv I" i»i>i' aiii (loiiatioii or li(i|ii' .-t of iiioiicv, or oilier iier-oiuil h..i,i I ^ • I i"-"i"iy |iro|iiri \ , to lie a j 'plied to I lie iiiaiiileiiaiiee (if ihsaiic pcrsdiH, and tiie use of the Mai'vlaiid lio-pilal for tlie iiisaiM . N. Tlie lioard of iiiaiiauers sliali aiiiinally. in the iiioi:tii of iiiij.^ i >eeeinlt('r. snliinit to the governor a report . showiiiL!^ wiim,"r"-!xin4 ''"' I"""' vtai's opera I joi i<, a I id aelual state of tlio "'"'■■■'" hospital and pi'o|>erty in their charge, and at the, same time ti-aiismit to t he governor tlie annual repoitof the siipei inn ndeiit and treasurer, which shall show all receipts and expenditures (tf every oliicer and employe, and com pen sa- tioii of each: all of which reports shall he laid hefore tlu^ p'licral assiinl'ly of Nhiryland during- (he lir.-t ten "lays t preceding census. 1(1. The said hoard of manaui'i's niay receive into said lios- 11,1,1 ;; 1.1. pilal as pay patients insani' persons, other tli;wi (ho pa'v"'pi,'i'i..'i.t> pauper lunatics refi'i'red to in (he las( iirecedinj:; si.ctjoii, to a numliei' not exceeding seven(y-live at any one tinu'. 1 1. Tiiejudgi'sof the circuit court of tluvsevei'al counties, and iij,, ^. II the ci'iminal court of Ualtiniore city, in accoidanco My!7o!'ll'i'"i ^vith the piovisioiis of the code, are lu'rehy autlior- ')I!."'is"i'., li!.'' iz^'*' h) send from time (o (ime to the said h.ospifal '*""''"' pauper lunatics of this state, to the numliei' is. v i the resiMctive counties and ci(y of Hallimore shall re:|ie;.ij- y he entitled umh'r the ninth section afore.iioinfi. \'2. There shall he appropriated, and the treasurer oi iho ii.i.i 5 ij state, upon the warran( of (he comp(r()lU'r, shidl pav ii"i' (o (he nuuiagers ot (he Maryland liospital lor the iiisan<', annually, in eipial (piarlerly payments, on the lii'st (lavs of .lanuary, .\pi'il, July and Oetoher, in each and every yi'ai', (he sum of (if(eeii (liuusaiul duliars, fur the su])port of saiil hospital MAKVI.ANIt. 21)7 I l!!. Tlh' Imsiiiliil tor till' iiisiiiif. w Iiicli \v;i> lnrtt<)l'i)n' Idcjitcil ami hiiill (III ils pnsciit silc, al or near < 'atmisvillc. n.i.i •. i::. ill liali i/imrc cDuiitv. in llii> >lati', liv and iimlci' I lie i" ^i pni.ii.- aiilli(ti-ily ol' the law- of this stair, ami w liidi i- imw -'"•• ' umlcr the LTciirral iliicct imi ami coiiti'nl of llic inaiiaucrs of till' Marylaml lios|iilal for ilir insane, is Ik !•( hy ilt(iart'l lo have l)rcn liuill iuiti (•sta!ili>li('il on ils said silo hy tlic au- thority and direction of this slate. The hoard of niaiiaviers of the \hirylaiid lios|iiial for the in-aiie area hody politic ami (•or|)orale, hy ihe iiaiiie of the jloard of .^hlna^(i•s ol' the Mary- laml ilosjiital for (he In-aiie, and shall hy that name liav(! ]i('r|ieliial siicce-sioii, may sue and he smij in any court of this state, and may have and Use a coiiimoii S( al, and, may, at their ]d''a-ui"e, alter, and change the same. 'I'he said corpora- tion shall have and e.\erci-e all the ri,L;hls and |io\vers hereto- fore V(-lere, if such pcr>^on resides in the city of r>altiim)re, shall cause a jury of twelve c^ood and lawful men to he iiHini-iii..,, „r imjuuieleil forthwith, and shall charui' the said jury .i'^y.' to imniire whether such jierson is insane or lunatic, and if I'ouml so. it shall he the duty of the court lo cause such person to he sent to the almshouse of the county or city to which he beloiij;s, or to an hospital, or to some other jilai'e better suited in the judgment of tlu' court to his ecjiiditiou, there to he con- lined at the e.xpi'nse of the county or city until he shall have recovered and hi'en discharged in due course of law. ^„t ,„,„,.. NcjthiiiLi- contained in this section shall |»revent the ,',r','',i',,','.''t'n!m friends or relations of such lunatic or insane person ',,','!!!',','i''i',Vlor froiii conliuin*;' hiiu, or ])roviiliii^ f(»r his comfort. lo. The county commissioners of any county may in their discretion remove I'roiu the almshouse anv lunatic l-'!!!!'!, ■'*!•« I ilk,' 'i i 208 MAKYI.AM). niis'liipiii'i'" li»x'|><»>l- ]'au|K'i' tliiTciii, jiiid cimsc said luniili<' |iau|it'i' Id \h\ sent to llic Marvlaixl Im-pital \'i>y \\\v insane, and sliall levy i>n the eounty sucli i' incuiTcd (hirini-; his stay in said hus|iital, said ex|i('nses in said hi)S|iital in iim ealy only in case where the (|Uota allowed any sueii county under article _'■> ol this code is lilleih 111. No person shall he (hciiied a lunatic pauper umler the U'i.l s 4 ili'iiiM' I a p:in- ]>i'r liiiiuli<'. preeeilin;;- two sectK^ns w ho si lai |io~-e<- III lu^ own vi,uht any i)roperty, I'eal or personal, or he entitled lo the use of any property hy last will and le-ta- nieiit, or deed of trust for his use or hciielil; nor shall tlio diild ol an y person whose ]iropei'ly is actually as<( --ed to one thoii-and dollars who may he alllicled with lunacy, and whoso usual jilace of ahode has heen with his parent^, he entitled to tho hciiefit of the precediuii' section. 17. If any insane or lunatic person mentioned in the three Dii.l .:< 1' I'iMpcny. I ast i)recedinii; si-ctions, shall he pos.^essed ol re iiispi.s.Mi of. ;,i|,i pergonal pro[ierly the annual profit or I'l^nt of Avliich shall he adequate to his rea^oiiahle supjiort in any hos- ]>ital Ol- a>yluni for the reception of insane oi- lunatie persons, the court or jud;:;e shall ajipoint a trustee for the estate of said lunatii' or insane person, and sliall reipiire tlie said trustee to jxive hnud to the state of Maiylaml. in such jii'Ualty and with suih security as the court or judu'e shall apju'ove, with condi- tion thai he will cause tl V said lunatic or uis.ane persi III tol )0 conliiied and supj>orted in soni(> hospital or ini.i $ 11. Tni>I.'.'< .if III'- (■.,. 1- I.l !■.•- lati in;^ t() lunatics and insane, ami shall provHli 11 for their accommodation and sui)port, and the ex|ieusi's tiierecjf shall he levied upon the counties and the said city respectively. I'K l'i>o\i the recomnicndatiou of the hoard of directors of MAKVI AM». •".»'. I w wmm\ \ ML the Miiryliiiid pciiitcntiiirv, llif ^ovcnior may re- iV^;,,'!..",,, lu. iiiovf any iii-aiic «»r lunatic roiivid (•((ulincd in llir " ','1!! 'u'ai,,,. penitentiary, ami jn-oviile fur tlie sii|i|i(ni, care ami '"■ sale ki'epinn nf surli cdiivict in tlie Maiylanil li(i>i>ital t'or llie insane, oi' any other state in-titiit ion \\>v tlie insane, and tlio e.\|ielise llms ineUlTed shall lie del'l.iyed hyllie IhijumI ij' .li- reetors (if the penitentiary, ont i>t' the I'unds ai'isin^ tVuni or appfopriatetl lor that in>titiition. •JU. When any person indicted for a crime or misdiineanor diall allege insanitv or lunacv in his detente, tin' .\.i ;. .-,. II ' 1 ' I 1 1 • I I ■'"'■^ '""•*' "'"' inrv iinnaiieled to trv sncli Person shall Inid l>v i'.M-..M.jn- theii' vei'iliet wliethci' such per-on was nt the time in'i.uic. of the commi»ioii of the ollense, or still is, in>ane, lunatic, or otherwise. 21. Jl" the jury lind l>y iheir verdict that sncli jiersou was at the lime of conimiltin'jj the olVense. anil thi'n is, ii,,,!^,; insane or lunatic, the (ouil hefore which <\\f\\ trial ,'i'!!,Ti'\vili',\vii.'H wa< had shall cau-e such ])ei-s<»n to be sent to the " '"" ' idmshouse of the county oi' city to which such pei'son lielonjj;ed at tlie time of the commission of such act. oi- to an lios]iital, or some other place hetter suited in the judi;nu'nt of tin' court to the condition of such |)risoner, there to he coidined until he shall have I'ecovered his reason, and he dischariied hv due course of law. 22. ^\'here any person ari'e>tcd for imj>roper or disordcndy cnmluct, or chur^('(l with any crime, ollense, or n.i.i^: misdemeanor, against whom no indictment has hll'|V,'i'iV.«i".i'i,'or iieen lound, shall appear to the court, or he alU'jifed I-,,,-,,!,, r to he u iuiiutic or insane, the court shall cause a i^i.,v, r jury of twelve Li'ood and lawful men to he im- jianeled forthwith, and shall chariic said jury to inipiirc whether such jterson was at the time of the counnission of the act complained of insani' or lunatic, and still is ?o; and if such jury shall lind that such person was at the time of tlio commission of such act insane or lunatic, and still is so, the court shall direct such person to he confined as directed in the jirecedin^' si'ction. at the expense of the county or city, as the case may he, until he shall have recovered and \)vv\\ discharged hy due course of law. 23. If, during the recess of the circuit coui't for any county, ;o() mm; VI AM). ii-i.i 5 s. or (lie criiiiiiial cipiiit of l'>all iiiiorc, aii\ inrsnii aii- I 111! It t-ii'ii ilii r. ' * ' pral'illU' 111' alli'i;c(l III lir 1 1 isa IK' dl' liiiial ir >liall lu' iiri( lircii ciiiiiiiiitU'il, ri'<|uiriiij; liiiii I'lii'lliwitli to >iiiiiiiiiiii a jury uf twilvc ^oml and liiwful iiicii, ami tu cliarLie swell jury to iiii|uii'c wlntlici' -iirli |ici'-:iiii was Iniiatir oi' in- saiic at the time siii'li nH'ciisr was riiiii.'iiiltnl, ami tlicii is so; aiiil if till' .jui'y llml tliat the parly cliarucd was iii-aiH' oi' luiialir at till' liiiic of tlic ( oiiiiiiissioii of the ollcnsc, and still is so, tlir jud^r sliall coliiliiit slieli |M'rsoii, as dirt-'i'tcd ill the j)rocc'din,ii' suction. ■Jl. 'I'Ih' |iro\'isioiis (if till' |ii'.('iiliiin' mtiIoms nlatiiii,^ {o ii'i'i§i'. lunatics ami in>am' >liall ahiilv tu the case of anv WlliTC |I,.|SIP1I lie . fuiiini.'i..uiv.' ncrson wlio iiuiN' lu' ai'i'i-tcd on aiiv iirocrss issued ► I'cilllly In 1 • • ' kivp III. i"'i"' liy jiiiy eoui't or jud^^'u of this state, foumU'il on oath, ri'iniiriiiii' security to i the [leace, and who shall fail to give such security. wn ' MASSAClirSI'I'IS. , ;i] •.11 ' srATK iioviiD or iii:\i.rii, mvacy ! A.N1> (11. MM 1 S . j 1. ()rj_';iiii/.!itiiin (il'lpoiii'd, term nrollicc, '2. To liavc Hii|ii'rvi>-iiiii over asyliiin--, i may assiiiiic coiitrul ot', | .'!. 'I'll a]i|i(iiMl iilliccis, lidld tiH't'liii'j'-, make liy-law- ; i<'|i((ils. ■1. Tci vi^il anil iiivprct iMililir ami privalc a-y liiiiis. "». To it.''|iiirf ill veil tmios I'll im trust its. (i. To lia\c iiiiitrul oviT insane |iail- |llTs. 7. To tran-tcr |iau|iiTs I'roni one asy- linii to aniiilicr. 8. To Ifan^I'M- |'au]ii"i's iVoni almslionsc toasyliiin; iiliysiciairscerlilirati" ; i to transriT iVoiii one privati' asy- liiin to aniitliiT. [\ Ki|iorts III' privati' asylnni-. ID. lvi'|ii)ils, wlirii to lie suliinitli'il. 1 1. To ai't as i'i>ininls.-.iitni'rs ol' lunacy. (il)VKIiXMi:Nr Ol' ASYI.fM^^. rj. TilK' of asylums. Hi. l'ro|itMty of asylums not to lie <'oii- ilL'tniicil witliout antliority ol' Ic:,'- islatiirc. II. ( iovcrnmcnt vcstcil in hoaid ol' tni-ti'is, term ol' olVicf, ]."). ("oipiirali' |)oucrs nianttil. III, ( 'onliol ol asylinns visii'd in Irns- tci's. 17. I?y-laws and rt'i;ulations ; su|icrin- dvnt, ajiji lintnicnt, ijualilira- tions; trt'a>ur('r, lioiid ; cmiiloyis. IS. Salaries |i:iid i|Uart('rly. I'J. Semi-ainiual inspci'tiou, report of, statistics; treasurer's repm-ts. 'JO. Aeeoimts of tieisiirer to lie i)|ien for inspeit ion. 21. Slate leiral olliiers to ho advisors. 22. Kxemption Ironi militia duty. 2.'!. i'ixemption I'loni jury duty. 24. (Joveriiment of lempoiary asylum I'orelironie insane, vesteil in trus- tees of \Voreesier asylum. rONI-INlOMIONT IN .I.VII.S AND IMtlVATE ASYI.f.MS. 2o. House of ciirrei'l ion, apartments for liarndes.s insane. Siiperinteiideut and miilrmi of, to l>e appoiiiieil in eolinly of I'isse.N. 2i ( 'Mniniiinient t iiiity reieptarle ill ilisi'i'elion III jlld;;!', .;><. Siippoii in eounty reieplatle, pro- vi>ions for. 2','. Transfer to asylum, liy ^roveriior. ;iii. I li-cliaine in di^iiitioii ol\iiiil^;e. .'II. Paupers not to lie kept ill eiiuntv Imildin^^. r!2.'" Private asylums, lii ense- I'nr. ;;;!. Penalties lor keepini: private asy- lum without lieeii.'-e. ADMIssliiN \M> lusi II \l!i,i:. 1^1. ( 'iiininilnu'nt toa-ylum iiy juilires. M'"). Certilieaie, |iersonal e.xaniinalinn hy .iiid;;e, luariny. III! ('"ililicaU', pi'r-oiial i^xaiuinatioii hy physicians. ;)7. Notice of inteiilion to ap)ily for eoiuiiiilineiit. ;>S. Statement to he tiled, i ontiiits of. o'.l. Wai-iaiu of arrest, serviei- of. •It). Trial hy jury in discrelioii ofjudi,'e. •II, lmpaneliii;j: ol Jury. •12. N'erilicl (it Jiiiy to he final. 1.'!. Uclieiency injury, how su|iplicd. •1 I. fees ot' (illieers and juror^. •I"i. Kcconis :ind papers to he kept, ■111 I'ees ol jnli^e and physician. 17. l%xpen>e> III coiniiiiinieut. ■IS. Transfer of patient-- fmni aim-house, •lit. Temporary eoiiliiicmeiit, on physi- eian's eertilicate aud application of town odieers. 50. I)ond of person committing'. ol. N'olimtary patients receive 1. 52. Ntitice to lioard of eliariiy when eoininitteil otherwise than hy or- der III' emiit. 5."). Illeifal eomniitnient, peii.dtics. ol. Support 111' indigent in-:iiic, charges. o-j. Support of ius;uic not having; set- tlement in slate, liahility for. 56, Support, expeiiso ol, how recovered hy asylum. 57. Keimliursemeiit of towns, 58, Aiti'iney for insane jierson, regiilu- tioiis for visits of. 59. Letters of patients allowed, collec- tion of hv hiiard of charititb. I.'"! i^.i in? T , 1^ 5(12 .MA»A( III SliTTS. 0(1, Tiiiii'l'iT 'if I'lilii'iil', ill ili-( insanity, III l.'.iVcllli I'liliiniillllrlll li\ riilll'l. I'll. Scli'iliiiii III' |i;ili('li|-. till' iii-rll;il'(;i'. 70. Ai'i |l| 1 1 Icii ill i'a|>il:ii (M>i"<, ('< illltllil- I'l^.l iMl'jr W III II I'llli'i Is I cr III cii^iihh III li'ii'iiils iiii'iil I'm' li'i'iii III' Ills lil'f, '7. I'll ircDvnv, I'xainiiialiuii, di- li.'t. I >i-< liai:;!' Ill liai iiiii'>'> iiiniralilr. f'l i. I IitIiiixi*. a|i|ilii'atiiiii I'm', in jihIl:!'. (i'l, ilt'ai'iiiu, a|i|i<'araiii'(> in ilisri'ciiiiii li iry li.v jiiilui' rs. s lllal il |iiil',:t rv trial <>( iiisaiiitv. ii>|icn«inn (i| -fiilriit'i' mi acipi III i'a|iitiil Clinic, ciiiiiiiiiiniciii, "9. SiH|icn>imi III" I'xcciiliiiii 111' ilcaili I'li'i. Oilier liir ili'i'liai'^'c. pcnallv. ((7. 1 >i«:'liai'Kcil |iiitU'iit!< >ii|i|iiicil willi mi. liisaiu' cdnvict", cnnitni«siiiii "I' lu- nacy; iinliccliii i'c|iii|'l; nil iicdV- (!S. K cliiiliin;^ an I iiioncy ; (">i ape ami iiiiai. c\|icii»cs 111', liiiw limiii cr\-, I'cniiiiii Icil II III liiili;;ciil iii->aiic Iicmiiu llic slaH'. I Si. V il'oll II IlI'lMlll 11 CO Im' cmniniiniciit an rcninval nl' iii'>anc cmivii i. Ci[), |»isi'liai L'c, aiiliimily cmil'ciicil mi .s'J. In-line cmivicls in pri-mi otiicr tliaii 'ii|Mi iniciiiii III. >laU' |iii->mi ; f I'm', cmiiinmnvciiltli. I'' .III 2. When lint indictcil, ceiii licit c nl' ,S(i. Insane criiiiin.ils lul'me sciiteiii LP mil .jury, ciiininitnicni. '.'!. In liijiiial cases, cmniiiiliiiciit l>y jililuc. I. rnl.ire trial, cmiiiniinient liv cniirt. clial'U'cs t'nr |iaiil liy cnininnn- XV c ihli 1' Ills nf act II nlrnaclnc. 1. 'J'Ik' slaif linanl nf litaltli, liinnrv, ami cliarih' shall cnii- SlatMti's I- cli •I'-l 111' lillir iK'I'Siili? lie |il'csciit iiiciiiliiTS llii'l'i S(:iti> biiitril [' terms nt' nllice shtill he t'nr li\'e Year- am 1 all vacancies wlinii mav occur Iron hat cause or otherwise shall he lilleil hy the niivcriior, with the advice and fon-^eiit of the council. •J. 'I'he hoard shall have jun'iieral sujiervisioii over the state lunatic hos|)itiils, the state aliiishouse. the state workhouse, the state |>iiniary school, the sttite re- form sclioiil. and the slate iiidustriiil school for uirls; il mav, when directed hv the jiovenior, iis- n.i.i ?■ J T.i ha v.- Ml. piTvi^i.iri MVi'r Cfrmin «i.ui.- iUsIlllltl' lis. etc. ume and exercise llu' jiow ers of the hoards of trustees of said institutions in anv matter relatint; to the iiiiinairement tiiereo!" cxce{itiii;.C the trusts which are vested in the trustees of the state primary and reform schools; and may assi>4ii any of its jiowers and duties to agents appointed for the pur- Xf ;iy assn,'u its puwcTD aud M \-«:\< III .ii I. » •11 pd-r, HI il limy execute iiiiy of it- ruiict imis Iiv siieli ,|„,|p,,„ lllielils, nr liy CuMlluiltee-i Jl] i|tni lited iVniii ;illil 1 'y "►"'"''' saiil liiiMi'il. '^. The liii;irtale liniise, ami .-hall linhj meet iiin< each month ,"li'k-''iX'u\\^, I i' II 'ill- I . 1 .1 ■ • ini'' I- i'l't. (Ill a (lay lixeij liy it.-ell, and at siieji dtiier tmies as «,r\.> wuiimh 1 ' 1 !■ 1 1 , 1 I I 1 • 11 C"lll|iill«llll'Ml, may Ite iieeillitl. Jt shall iiiaUe its dwii hydaws, and shall make a i'e|i(irt nf Its ddiiiLis Id the .udVeindi' an(l cduneil dii (ir 1m lure the thirtydirst day dl' i)eeeiiiliei' in taeli yeaf. such re|idrL heinn' iiiaile U|i Id t he I hirtiel h day --i Sc|i- temher iiicluevenil institutidiis naiiu'd ahdve for the ^aid y( ar and a coi res|idndiiij;' elas-ilied and laliu- hit(.'d stalenieiil of their estimates fur the year ensuing, with its d|iinidn as to the necessity or e.\|iedieiicy df a|i|ifd|iriatidns in accdidaiice with said e-timate-; hut this luovi-idii ^hall not ii]i|ily td estimates fdi- the di'dinary eN|ieii-es df liinatie hospitals. 'I'hc ri'port shall also pn-eiil a cducise review <>{' the Wdi'k of the several instilutidiis for the year precediii!^-, with sui'ii su;^L;estidiis ami recdmnieiidalidns a- to liiein, and the eharitahle. refdniiatdry, and sanitary interests of tlie >tate, as may lie deemed expedit'iit. The nieiiihers df the hoard, and of the hdards df trustees of the statt' institulidiis ahdve named, shall receive iki ediu|ien-ati(in for their services; hut their traveliiiix and dtlier necessary expenses shall he alhiwed and paid ; and iki person emphiyed hy the hoard shall ho u inemhcr thereof. 4. The board shall at least once in every year visit all [ilacis where stale )iau|iers are su]iported, and ascertain i,,,,!^.-,, from actual examinatidii and iiKjuiry whetln'r the ,':,'i,'Vi!M'i't'i'- laws in respect to such jiaupers are proiurly oh- """■■•'■"' served, particularly ill relation to such as are ahle to lahor; and shall <4ive such directions as will insure correctness in the retui'iis reipiiri'd in relation to jiaupers; and may use such means as may lie nec(sy it, have aeeess at all hours of the day or niiiht to the ])ortions of said institutions occupied hy tjie women or children thei'e maintained at th(> puhlic expense; and the ollieers of said insiilutioiis shall furnish all informa- tion eonetrnint;' the eondition and treatment of their inmates which the hoard shall reijuire. It shall also visit and inspect every i>i'ivate asylum or rc'ci'jitacle for the insane at least once in every six months. T). The trustees of the si>veral institutions named in seeti(jn iiiM !! 7. two shall aniuiallv on the thirtieth dav of Septem- Ti) liavi' i\ii- ■ ' mniiiiv.iit.M.v 1,^.I• t'ause to he made and sent to the hoai'd an ae- iil riTtaiii iii- "''"'"""•^ curate inventory of the stock and supplies on hand, and the vahu' and amount thereof, at each institution, under the followinti- heads : Live stock on the fai'in : ]»rodu(H' of the fai'm on hand : car- riai^'cs and auricullural implements; machinery and mt'chani- cal Jixturcs; lu'ds and heddiuL,^ in the inmates' department ; otiu'r furniture in the innnites' department; personal ])ro]H'rty of the state in the su[)ei intendent's department ; ready-nuide clothing; dry ,udo(ls; provisions and groceries; drugs and medicines ; fuel ; lihrary. t>. The hoard shall have the same powers in relation to state J''''' S •*■ paupers who are inmates of cither of the lunatic I'oHi'rs iif. Ill ' ' rfhui..,, lo hosiiitals in this state, and their propertv, as are liv hosi>it:iis. j.,^^. v^,.;t^,,[ ill towns and overseers of the poor in reference to paupers supjiorted or ndieved hy towns. 7. It may transfer jumper inmates from one state chai'itahle ,i,i,i^^,, institution or lunatic hosj»ital to another, or may j'*.aii|.ri''m-' "^ S( nd them to any state or j)lace where they helong, I!lu''inrtu''uu wiicn the jmhlic interest or the necessities of the in- to aiiuiln'i'. , ■ I i r mates reipiu'c such transier. 8. The hoard may transfer and commit to either of the statp n ii.i n- lunatic hospitals, oi' to the asvluin for the chronic Mav Hill. .I'.T '. . ■ , , iiiiniit.-^..! insane at Worcester, anv mnuite ol the state iilms- «..rKi,..i,>.. ,„ ]|,mst. or state workhouse whoso condition requires hospitals. ymj], transfer; hut no such transfer shall he made without the certilicate of two physicians, one of whom has no r H :i'l MAssAciii - 1.1 rs. non [u state lunatic are l)y loor ill in )!• may lieloUiJ:, t!ie in- lio PtaT<- Iclironit; Lo a 1ms- i-c\u\\ inmate. !». Mvery jirivate society or institution for charitahle i»ui'- iioses, exceitt institutions for tlie in~ti-uetion of the n.i.i 5 m. deal, dund), and hlind, when aided hv a irrant of t^'*- •'■>>•■■ t» money from the state treasury, shall annually pre- i"-i.'i'i''ini. ]iar(^ and send to tlu" hoard a written or printed I'cport of all its proceeilinji's, income, and exiienditures. ]>roperly classilit'd, for the year eiitlinj:; on the thirtieth day r.\' Septemht'r, statini^ tlu sum a{)propriaUHl hy tlie commonweahh. the sum I'Xpeiided iindu' saiil appro|»riation, the whole numher and the axcra^e .uind)er of heuelieiaries, the innnher and s.daries ol' ollieers and pt'rsons employed, and sueh other information as the hoard may require. 10. iSaid re[)ort, if in writini;-, shall he sent in hy the fit'te(Mith dav of Octolu'r, autl, if in iirint, hv the lirst dav of nii j i:. ^^ovemher m eaidi year. i . i„ n,;,.!.'. 11. 'idle state hoard of health, lunacy, aii'l charity shall act as conindssiouers of luiiacv, with power to investi- <'ii -•" ;; 1 i-ate the inu'stion of the insanitvand condition iif '"• '"H'lins •^ I • slullflS III 111. any [icrson committv... to any lunatic hosjiital or '■■"■.'■'"• asylum, jmhli* or private, or re.-ti'aiui'd (»f his liherty hy rea- son of aileiicd insanity, at any place within this commonwealtii ; ani'i !■ v 111 trust lor ti'.e comnuaiwealth. tor tiie ust ol the n.'i tni..- uium. iiM- strri'tWii'tt'iUiiuaB, institution of which they are trustet's, shall not ••"■ 20 1^ 41 1 V'l ;}00 AlASSACIirsKTTS. I J b(> iakeii for a strcit, lii,Lili\vay, or railroad, williuut leave of the le^iislature spOvMally obtaiiir.l. ] 1. 'i'lie yoverniiieiit of cat'li of tin' state lunatie liosjiitals ii.i.ijj^ at W'oi'ct'stei', Tainiton, Xortlianipton, and J)aiivei's, !'i'':u'i!'l'i'"'i- ^liidl l)e vested in a board of live trustees, ap{)ointed liv.Mni'ri'.'s. and eomniisfiioned liy the irovernor with the advieo Hh.i Liinof and eoiisi'nt oi the c-oiineil, subject to removal only for sullieient eause. Tlw trustees now in oilice shall continue to hoM tluir olllces until the terms thereof expii'e aci'oi'dinj;' to the provisions of this set-tion. ( )n the lirst Wednesday of J'\bruai'y in each year the term of oilice of the senioi' member of each boanl, as they stand arranged on the li-t of their appointnu'nts, shall terminate, anti the name of the per>on ap[)ointed to lill tlu' vacancy shall be placed at the bottom of (he list, and other vacancies may at any time be tilled, and the names of the ](ersons aj'pointed substituted in the li. accordnig to the reijun'ements ot tlie legislature and the l»y-laws and regulations which the board shall estal)- lish for the internal government and economy thereof; and they shall bo reindnirsed all expenses incurred in the dis- charge of their ollicial duties. 17. They shall establish by-laws and regulations, with suit- ii.i.i;;?. able penaltiis, for the intt'rnal governmt'ut and To iiiako liv- ..... 1 11 liiws, n!>p"riit econoinv ot the institution; shall aitpoint a sui)er- .irllcois. ilx " , . . , , saiini.s,,.ic. inteiidciit who shall be a physician and constantly reside at the hospital, and a treasurer who shall give bond for the faithful discharge of his duties; shall appoint, or make ^~4 MAssAcin si:i-Ts r,07 provision ill tlio liy-law.s lor appoiiitinu', sueli oHiccrs ns in their opinion may he necessary lor coiKhictinij; eihcieiitly and eeonoiiiieally (lie husiness of the institution; and shall deter- mine, suhjcct to the approval ol' the L:overnor and coiiiicil, the suliiries ol' all the ollicers. All their ap|iointnients shall l)o made in such manner, witii sm-li ri^strietions, and i'or such terms of time, as the hydaws may ])rescrihe. IS. 'I'hc salai'ies ol" the superinteiKhMits, assistant jihysicians, stewartls, and matrons ol' the state hinatic Injspiials, ^^■^^^ ^ ^ slial ^;llll^il's of ol'- he paid quarterly Iroiii the current receipts of ',,'^ "'Xlw ' i.iii.i. the sevi'ial hospitals. 111. There shall he thf)rou<^li visitations of eacli liospil, 1 In' two of the trustei's thereof monthly, and l»y a ma- n.i.i s !'■ , , 1 1 'i 1111 \ I'ii.iiion of loritv or tliem (luarterlv, and hv the whole board ii ■•'riiiiiN mi- Hemi-annually, at each ot which a \\i'itli'ii account i"^'».r.'p„its. of tin' state of the institution shall lie drawn up, which shall 1)0 presented at the annual nu-dni^ to he held l)ctw<'entlie first and liftceiith davs of ( )etoher. At the annual ineetinira full and detailed re[iort shall 1)0 uiade, exhihitini; a particular statement of the condition of the hospital and all its conci'ms, Avitli a list of the salaried ollicers and their salaries, ;ind in a tabula'- form, under the heads specilied in section seven of chapter scveiity-niiie, the value of the stock and supplies, to be I'dd before the oovernor and council on oi- before the fifteenth day of < )v'r, for the use of tho govornment; and at the samo meetin*;- the treasurer shall {)resent to the trustees his annual report on the linances of the institution; both of which re[)orts shall be mad.e uj) to the thirtieth day of S(^p- teniber inclusive. The truste(\s shall audit the j-eport of the treasurer, and transmit it with their annual report to tho governor and i-ouiK'il. "20. 'idle accounts and books of the trc^asurer shall at all times bo open to the inspection of tho tru.steos. '.''''' i* '"■ . , , 1 1 I rt';i>iii t*r s hooks. ■Jl. The attornev-ueiioral and district-attornovs shall advise and consult with the trustees and treasurers of <'ii- 1". s -■' .•\ttiiriii'y-!;<'iii'rivl tlicsevoral -^late lunatic lH)si)itals, wdien re(|Uestod ■""! 'li-in.t-iiu,.!- ' ' ' 111 ys t.i ailviM- with l)y them, on all ([Uestions of law relating to their «;"i"iiiitniste...v!io. olTu'lal businos.s. 22. In addition to the persons exempted from oiu'olment in tho militia by the laws of tho United .States, the per- ci' n, r-i. I Hi 4 '«: I^OS isrAssAnirsKTTs. Kxcnipt from •'^^'"'^ 1 .t'lci 1 lil It cr II l( i li iolicd .■• oxfini-tcd fniiii ciiruliiunt: vi/.. : * * * * SupciiiilciMlciits, olliccrs, and a^si.-tnnts vm- jiloycd ill (ir almiit citlifi' of tlic j-tatc Imsjiitals, * '■■■ * * Avlu) liavc Ihth -o ciniiloycd willdii llirco inoiitlis next juc'ccd- in<;' the time ol' ciircliiu'iit. 2.'!. The |(ill()\viii_n' per.^on.s ^^liall l)e e\oin|)l iVoin sci'vin^:' as rii. 171 >,,<■_'. jurors, to wit : j"'>' ''"'•' * * "*' * Supcriiitfutciidcnts, oniccrs, and as- sistants cniidoycd in or alioiit a state hospital, * * * * lunatif hospital, * * ''■ * •J I. The trustees of tho Worcester Lunatie Tfospital sliall oil. >:,!;. ■!;. have the same autlioritv relative to the niana.^enient riir.ii'u'u'i'.' iiiid ,noverninent of the temporary asylum for the ehi-onic insane at Worcester, the care of the inmates, and (he eolK'ction ami di-hurst'inent of moneys for and on ac- count of it, and to the same extent, as if said asylum was a ])artofsaid hosjiital ; excei)t that the inmates thereof shall be only such as may be transferrei.,i 1,1. vidt'd within the saiiir, then in some other luiildini:; f)r buildings to be deemed a jnirt of the bouse of correcticm, u convenient a])artmeut or rec( ptacle for the coutiiK'nient of in- saiu> [tersons not furiously mail. 20. The county commissioners of th(> county of ]>sex shall ihi.i ij 47, appoint a >U[H rinteiident and matron for the recep- Ki.)i. r..r til- tacle m that county, and all itei'soiis conlimd tiierfin ciiuiitv 111' Ks. 1,1, , ' , , /■ • 1 '"^. shall be under the care and i-ustody oi said supor- intendeiit ; who shall keeji a record of all commitments and (iischarm's. and receive a reasonable com])ensatiou for his si'r- vices. Said county shall have the same remedies for the ex- ])enses of the caie ami support of such persons as are jirtjvided for kee[K'rs and masters of Imuses of coi'rection in relation tn the maintenaiict' of prisoners committed to bouses of correction. 27. All}' jud,i;e authori/cd under this clia|)ter to commit ll'iMMiiav lunatics may in his discretion commit any insane ha"','"i',ris'',iiH pc'rson not furiously mad, and having a settlement mn hiiDusiy -^^ ^j^-^, g^^^^,^ ^^, ^jjg eouutv receptiiclc aforesaid. M A SS Af I! I SiriTS. no!) 1 )! I ll.\ i! ini 2S. I'mvisiuii sliall he mailc Inr t!ii' coinfortable sujiport of iill |pci'>i)iis coiiliiiuii ill said i'i'i-i'iitacl''~, aiiiltlicv ii,„| ^< i, shall lie ,Li<)Vcnic(i or ciiiplnytMl in -urh loaniKT a-; 'J"„'.',''J,',','',' ,'.'',„. tlio (.•oiiiiiy coiiiiiiissioiH'rs may in tlir (.'Xci'ti-i' of tlicii' 'lisci'i'tioii aiil lor the supiKirt of persons so eKiiliiinl as the commis- sioners shall direct, ami the same may he rccuvcred of such jicrsoii. or of any [larciit, kindred, ma-ter, guardian, eity, or tow !i, hduiul hy law to maintain him. 2'.l. Any in-^ane [lerson cmdined h\' Iccal authority in a jail, lioiise of cori'ection, or sueh county i( (•.•|,taclc. may |,„.i<,-„i 1)0 removed thti-elVoin to either <>f the .-tat(! lunatic l,'!,7r.'',i','ii'hr(i hospilaN, or to any other jail, hnusc of c(trrci-tion. 1!!. •'",',''iiio'vi';i or Other suilaole place, l)y order ot tlie u'ov-.'rnoi". • when it apjicars to him thai sui h removal would he expedi( nt and ju>t ; and the shei''''" (»f the county in which sudi person is conlined shall execute such oriier. and convey the insane [icrson to the ]»lace therein designated. ;)(). Any person conlineil hy virtue of -ection forty-eight may he disidiar^'ed, when in the opinion of a jud.^e ii,i,i<,-,, authorized to commit insane per>ons .A( IHSI-.l- lliWI $ .-i4. I'l'iiiilly r..r kc'i'|iiiiL' Willi oiil liri'i]>4'. Wliiicvcr I'stal.'li.-Iics or kt'i'|is siicli an nsyluni or ]iiiva((^ lioiisi' witlioul a license, unless otherwise aulliori/.ed !>y li'.w, shall forleit a sum nol ex<'e(.'iliii^f live hun- (ire ar.- judue ol' the supreine judieial court or superior court, M'i.l s H. .Iii'l^'i's may rciiinnit iii^ain' I'lM-Mihs I.. stiUi' hii>|iil;il- in anv countv where he niav and a judiic .1" the jirohati' court, or of a |iolice, district, oi- municipal coui't, within his county, may commit to either of till' state lunatic hospitals any insane person, then re sidim:; or heinii in said county, who in his o[iinioii is a proper suhject for its treatment or taistodv. E .t wh )tl lb iiii.i s< \-:. N. ). i>xce|it wlicn othorwi^^e specially provided, no person diall he comiintte(l to a lunatic hospital, asylum, or pl'IMUl tn my lio-i ither rece[)tacle I'or the insane, puhlic or private, '.'i",'»> without an order or certilieati' therefor, simied by )UQ of tlu' judges named in the precedin^t; section, •aid i)erson residin,ii- or heinu; within the county as therein [H'ovideil. Such order or certilicate shall slate that the judge iinds that the person committed is insane, and is a lit tal, orilcriir.iiiili.' wliat tli<" or- lIci-Nllilil >i,itc. person for treatment in an insane asylum. And aid J udm diall see and examine the jiersoii alleged to he insane, or slate in his final onler the reason why it was not deemed necessary or advisable to do so. The hearing, exce}>t when a juiy is summoned, shall be at such place as tlie judgesliall ai)point. In all ca>e> the judge shall certify in wiiat jdace the lunatic re- sided at the time lunatie resided at the time of the arrest in j>ursuance of which le wa.'- Held to answer be ore sucJi cou rt ; and such certilieati shall, tor the pur]»os(.-s of the prei-eclmg section, l)e conclusive evidence i-f his residt nee. be so c()mmitfed, unless in adilition to ](). .\ o iierson slial lliiil !; I.i. CiTlilir It" ..f hvii |iliysi. the oral te.-limonv there has been lile.l with the judge a certilicate sigiu>d by two physicians, each of '"'"'"'■ whom is a graduate of some legally organized medi- cal college, and has practiced three years in the state, ami with any hospital or other neither of whom is coiinec led establishment for treatment of the insaiu'. lOach must have personally examined the pi'i'son alleged to be insane witliin live davs of signing the certificate; and each shall eertifv that MAssACiirsi;i"i'r ;!il in liis oiiiiiioii said person is iiisaiic and a iiroiirr suliifcl i'^v treatnu'nt in an iiusaiu' hospital, ami shall spccil'y \\\v tacts (Ui \vhicli hi-; opinion is iVmndcd. A <<>py ol" the (•(■I'tilicatc, ut- tt'sli'd hy til'- juil;j;(-', shall he delivered hy the (illicer or other ])erson niakin,^ the eoniinitnient to the supei'liitendent ol' the liospital or other phu-e ol' eoiaiiiilnient, and >liall he tiled and kejit with the order. o7. A person applyini;- for the eoinniifnient or for the adnus- sion of a lunatic to a state hiinilic hospital, umler n.i,, < ,., the jirovisions of ihi-: ehaptei-, shall iirst ^ive notici' ',|,','„'''|I!|."','.';i„. in \vritin,u' to the mayor, or one or more of the select- M!i\''''i,''«|"'i't;ii, men, of the place where the lunatic I'esides, of his !liv!!,',' ,',',' JZ intention to make such application: and satisfac- '■''""""•'■''• tory evidence that sui'h notiee has heen Li,iven shall he pro- duced to the judee in cases of comnntment. oS. r[)on every a})i)lication for the commitment or adnnssiou of an insane ijerson to a ho-pital or asvlum for the 1111 '11 • t 1 1 ■ • 111 nil casi'S, nisane, there shall he liled with the aiiplicatioii, oi' u. within ten days after the commitment or ailmission, J'"'-"- a statement in respect to such [)erson, showing as neai'ly as can be ascertained his au'e, l>irtli[)lace, civil c(jndition, and oc- cupation; the su|»posed cause and the duration and character of hi.s disease, whether mild, violent, dan^^erous, homicidal, suicidal, paralytic, or e[)ileptit'; the previous or jtresi'ut exist- ence of ii:sanity in the jierson or his family; his habits in regard to tenifiei'ance; whetlK'r he has been in any luimtic hositital, and. if so, what one, when, and how lonu;; and, if the patient is a woman, whether she has borne children, and, if so, what time lias ela[)sed since the birth of the younuest; the names au,d address of his fathei', mother, children, brothers, sisters, or other next of kin not exceeding fen in number, and over eighteen years of age, when the nanie.s and address of such relatives are known by the jx'rsoM or [)ersons making such ap[)lication, together with any fai'ts showing whether he has or has not a settlenu'nt, and, if he has a settlement, in what {>lace; and if the ap[)licant is unable to state any of the above jKirticulars, he shall state his inability to do so. The statenii'nl, or a cojty thereof, shall be transmitti'd to tlu' su|ier- intendent of the hospital ov asylum, to be tiled with the order of comniitment or the ai»i>lic'ution for admission. The super- 1 ill i 1 m.\ssa('Iiisi;tts. hiiiHtii' I" l« l>i'iiii_'lil III', foil- liiiii. iiitfiiilriil ^liall, witliiii Iwo days IViuii the time of tlu^ adiiiis- sidii or I'oiiiiiiitiiu'iil ot" all insane ik'I'x'H, scml, or cansc to \)v, sent, notice of said ((iniiiiitniciit in uritini:-. liv mail, |Mi-taj;o ])r('|)aid. t(t cacii nl'said relatives, mid tn any diliir two pirsDns \vliiini the pel'Sdii e(iliiliiitted sliaM desiL;iiato. I!'.i, At'ler liearinu' siieli dtlier evidence as lie may deem ]ir(i]«er, the .jiidi;e may issue a waiTaiil I'ur tlie a|)]>re- uirui'd lu'iisidii and hrin^iiii;' helure lum (A' the alleue dieriir, or his de[>uty, directinu' him to summon a '• jury ot" six lawful men to hear and determiuo hether the alle;j,cd lunatic is iii.;ine. ■11. The jurors shall he selected in equal nuinher.s from the jdaee ill which the trial is had, and one or two ad- i" joinin<4" [ilaces, as the Jud.ue shall direct; and the n>i.i i i:. .Iiirv iii:iv 1 \V II i.i i' 1- Iliiw iurv to ■Irrl. rikI ii ).iui. 1..I, same proceedings shall he had in seleetin,u' and im- panel inu' the jury as are prcscrihe(l in chiipter forty-nine; ex- cept that in the counties of SuH'olk and Nantucket all the jurors may lie taken Irom the same } )iace ll.i.l .^ I'.'. Jtuli;!' to |Ui'- rMi' : vrrilirt. -12. The jud.ue .shall preside at such trial, and administer to the jury an oath faithfully and imiiartially to try the issue, and the verdict of the jury shall be linal on the comjdaint. 43. If hy reason of challeii,t;(>s or f)tlierwise thei'e is not a full juvy of the persons summoned, the jud<^c shall cause the oflii-er who served the summons, or in Il.iil S 20. IltMV .li'lirif n- cv 111 ,iury hll|i|>liiMl. liis ahseiice the ofticer attendini;- the jury, to return suitable persons to supi)ly the (leliciency ; and shall have the same authority as the supreme judicial court to eidorce the attendance of jurors and witnesses, and inllic-t lines for non- attendance. ■11. The otlicer who summons and attends th(> jury shall re- ceive therefor four cents a mile for all necessary II. il ;■ •Jl. jf iilli- wm- UIV: MAssAi insKTTs. ;;]:] travel, and one ddllar and fii'ty cents fur earli day that he attends ii|inn them; and the jiiroi's and wit- " iiesses sliall he entith'il to such c(ini|ien-^at i(in a< is prescrilied Ibr Jui'ors and witnesses in the supreme judicial enurt. 4'"). Kach judye sliall keep a docket or recoi'd of the causes relating' to hinatics comini;' hel'ore him. nuiMliered ii.i.iiJj 1 ' . II- 1 111- • ■ .llhUi' In Uoi'p or otherwise properly (loiLil iate( I. ;in( I I he d IS jiosit ion ■i^uri, ,.ii.i. ol' them. J h' shall also rei-eive and kee[) on tile the ti'n.iir. oi'iginal application, statement of a)iplic;int, and certilicate of jiliysicians; and the ci>py of the ordci' of commitment, attested hy and with tlie return theri'ou of the ollicer oi- other person siM'vin^ the same. 4('). 'idle fcM's of till' judL:'e shall lie as follows: for hcai'inu' and determinin,:;" the ajiplicalion anil liiinu' papers, in n,,,!...:; cases whi'iv the alleged lunatic is hrou.^ht In'lori' [,|,7.i',',',,',','^'i;',',j him, three dollars; and in ca>es where he is r(.'- "'"•''"'• <|uireil to ji'o from his ollice oi- place of i)u-;iiu'ss to st'c and examine thi^ alU'LVeil lunatic, an additional fe(> of one dollar and all necessai'y exjienses of travel. In cases where nioro than one day is actually and necessarily occupie(l in a heai'in^, two dollars for each additional day shall hv allowetl. I'he fee for the jihysii'lan's certilii'ate shall he two doUai's for each Jihy- sician, and twenty cents for each mile traveled one way. The fee.s for ofUcers sorvinii; j)rocess under this ehaptiT shall he the same as are allowed hy law in like 47. All necessary ex]ienses attendinu' the apprehension, ex- amination, trial, or commitment of an alK'acd luiai- n.Ms<-'i. tic, shall, wdicre the commitment is to a slate lunatic '"'" i''"'- hospital, county receptacle, or the lioston Lunatic IIos[iitah ho allowed and certitied hy the ,jud;j;c, {ind presented as ofti>n as once a yeai' to tlu> county i-ommissioners, who shall examine and audit the same; and they shall tlu'u he jiaid hy the trt'a.s- urer of the county of which the alleged lunatic is an inhahi- tant. ^\'hen application is made for c(jmmitment to any other asylum, hospital, or ri>ceptacle, the ex]>enses shall he [laid hy the a]>]>licant, or some one in his hehalf. 48. When the state hoard has reason t(t helieve that any insane person, not incurahle. is dein'ived of i>i'oi)er "■'••';;■-''• , ' - I 1 I ^tiltl■ li.iiinl to remedial treatment, and is conlined in an alms- iii:i'i.vf..r.'..Mi- ' inuin"nt to house or other jilace, wdiether such insane person '^.'Ij'j',','"'' I (•••!*» It ii 7 ni MAssA( ii(>i:i"i's. is ii juildic c'linr,:;!' or otlicruisc. it •«liall fuust," iippliciilioii lo 1)0 iiuulc to a ju(l;;i' fur the (•Dimiiitiiiciit of .such pfrsoii to a Iios|iilal in [\\v iiiaiiiu'r iiricin inH'scrilicd. •!!•. Tlu' sii|ifi'iiitrii(lciit or kc'i'iKT ol' any lunatic lios|>ital, ,,,i,i jj .j,i inclutlinn' tlic MclA'an asylum at Sonicrvillf, may vioh'niiy ill- I'cfcivi' iiilo liis cuslody and detain in such hos|iital or asylum toi'ai)criod not cxcccihn; live days, with- out an ni'dcr ofa jud,iio as provided in section eleven, any per- .«on as insane wlioso easi' is tluly certified to he one ol' violent and daiiLierous insanity and emer_i;('ncy hy two physicians (|ual- ilied as provided in section thirtieii, which ctrlilicates shall he separately made and siL;ned,and shall conforin in all other re- sjn'cts to the provisions of section thirteen, lii adtlititni to sucdi eertilicates, an a[ijilii'ation si;^ned l)y one o!' the selectmen of the town, or hy the mayor, or one of the aldermen of the city in ■which such insane jierson residi's or is l"ound, shall l>e left with the superintendent of the hospital or asylum in which the in- sane person is received, tuid such apidication shall contain the s^tatemeiit in respect to such insane person which is rei\, (lie SUIicrillll lldcllt till 11 uf -li;lll ;^iV(' u'Ivimi I» llllllirill'lll' liollrc (ll such l(((|i| lull III I III' stall' lldliril h'nllh. in. (if liciiltli, luiini'V, iiiiil cliarily, slaliii;;' all tlir |iarliru- 'iKiiuy. lai's of tilt' ca-c. iinliKJiim' the Ic^al scttlciiiciit of tlir ptl'-oii so ret civcd, if kiHiwii ; aii'l >\\\>\ lioaid shall iiiniii'4 thcrclo. .":;. Any pliysician who wilfully conspin's witli any |icrson unlawfully or iiiiproiicrly lo coniuiit to any lunatic ii,„i .;,;„. hospital or asylum in this st;it(^ any person who is J 'i\'jl'i''i'^, ,"',',',','.' not insane shall he punished liy line or iMi[»ri<(in iiieiil. at the discretion of the court. ol. The price for the support, in ^lale lunatic hospitals, of state, city, and town paupers, shall lie thice |i,i,i^<;i| dollars and twenty live cents a wet k for each i'i,\',',n',!'|,',l','r,M'rI'''^ ill sl;i;i' li.pspUiiU. ]icrs(iii. oo. 'Idle char<.',('s for the su|iptirt of lunatics not haviiiif known settleiiitnts in this slate shall he paiil iiuar- ii,i,i ;; :,j. tcrly hy the coiiiun»nwcaltli ; and the same may lt'aV.^p,mi'','rs aflerwanls he rectivereil, hy the trcasunr of the !,'iK,i'i,'.i'i'v ; commonwealth, of the lunatics themselves, if of i',!!',-.!r,'!;\.'',.',i''" sullicieiit ahility tt) pay. tir tif any person tir kin- '•''"'■''"• drcil hountl hy law to maintain them, tir of the plai'c of thi'ir settlement, if any such is ascertained. Ami the ilistrict-attor- ncys or other jiroseculin_!4' ollicers shall hrin,^' actions therefur when reiplestetl. oil. 'Idle charges for the supjiort of lunatics havin,L!; known seltlenu'nts in this state shall he paid (luarterlv, 111.1^;'.. • 1 1 1 1 1 111' '"' '"" " '""' citliei' l)v the iiersoiis hountl to nav, or l)v tlie iilace '-'ly \.^v.vt* . -. ' . , . . ■ '" I'" I'i'i'' ill which such lunatics had their residence at the 'i"^'"'i!y : if lime of their commitment, unless otiiei' sullicieiit '■'•'•"v.T.'.i.etc security is taken, to the satisfaction of the trustees, lor -uch support. If any place or person refuses to pay siudi charges, or such sum as may hi' char^eil and tlue according- to the hy- law.s of the hospital ftir the removal of a iiatieiit whtnii the trustees are authorized hy law lo remove, for thirty days after the same has heeii demandetl in w '■ilint;' hy the treasurer of the mayor ant! aldernK'H of the city, or of the selectmen of the ttiwn. or of the [lerstui liahle therefor, the same, with in- terest from tiie time of such demaiul, may bo reeuveretl for n •I % niG M ASSACm 'IIITS. llic Use (if tlif Iiiis|(ital. in tin iiftioii In lie iiistitulcd liy the di- tric't-atl(ii'c-; |or t he .-u|'|ioil oi' Il'i'l jl :•<. reliio\-ai ol' a iillialic cunmiilteil to eitlici' hiis|'il;il Id'in.'ily iif 1111 1 ' I ' I 1 I • 1 I..W1I. )..iylii>: sliall lia\'e like I'l^lll-' and remedies to I'lcover t he r.r >.ii|i|, '■''•■ fnll amount Ihereol'. w ith interest and costs, ol' the phicc of his setth'iiient, as if such expenses had I)eeii iin'iirred in the ordinary su|i|iort of the hinatic; and the hinatic, if of sMlIieieiil ahility to pay the same, ami any kindred Ipoiind hy law to maintain him. shall lie liahh 'or all >iieh expenses paiil l>y a city or town in either case. oS. An atloi'uey al law, regularly retaineil hy or on hehalf ,,,i,i J .,, of any jierson eoinmittiMl to a lunatic hospital, asy- vuliTai,.'','.'..^' '""I- •"■ iveeptacle for the init wouhl not he injui'ious to such ]ierson, or if a .jnd,L;e <»f the supreme judicial eonrt, superior court, (U' prohate court in any county lir-t oiders in writin,!j' that such visits he alloweil. .'!!, AH patients in any lunatic hospital, asylum, oi' recep- ii'i'i ■;■■''!■ taclc I'oi' the insane shall he allowed to write nionthlv I'liiii'ia^ pri- , "^ vii.'L'i- ill r.- to the suiH'rintendent and (o tin- state hoaid ; and "!'''"»>'• they shall he furnisheil hy t he su|ierinti'ndent with all materials necessary I'or such t'orrespoiidence. A locked l)ox shall he jtlaced in each ward, in wdiicli each writer may deposit his letli-rs, ami the hoxes shall he ojieneil and the lettei's distrihuted monthlv hy ih,' state hoard, (!(), The governor may al ai.y time cause to he renioveil iiii.ij.i^. (i..v,TM.>r tVom any one of tlu' state lunatie hospitals }n!^b"ti."ir;r to either of the others su.^h of the iiwnates ""'""''^' thereof as cii-cumstances or the neces-;iiics of tl c c ise may in his •jud;4inent re(piire. <)1. U at any time all the state hniatie hosjiitals are so full ji,i,,,..,, that all the inmates cannot he suitahly aee(Uumo- r-7ili".v.'l "'''■'' dated thei'ein, and in the opinion of the trustees of i!!'.Vi',Ti"s''t'.'.u eitlu r hospital it is proper that some should l)e re- renioved, the trustees may remove to their respec- tive homes, or to the places of their le^al settlement, or of if? '■ 111 MASSAi IlfSKTTS. :\\' llicil" ri'-iilnicc, so Iii;iliy us imiy lie iircc>>;iry |c» ;ili'"iil -uilal'lc lirci»liiliiiiiliit iiiii I'ni' the I'l'iiLiiiidci' ; liiil only sili !i piilii'iils sli;ill lie sclcclril |«r iTiiKAill il'^, ill tlic npillinii of tlic tni-lccS iiiid sii|K'riiii(ii(l('iit .,]■(■ not siisc('|ililili' of ini|>iii\cni(iil , anil can lie suitiiMy inaiia ^('(1 at their iionn-- or in the idactsto wliicli tlicy may Ix- sent. -i'>. , . , . , . . , li.ihi.t.'. iniiy oi' anv niilm' "' H'*' snnrcnir nidnial conrt at anv i- .n- i,i,il..i t inii' and in any county, or tlir jmli^r of tlic prohatc '""i'. coui't foi' the c(»nnty in which the ho>|iital is sitnatcd, oi- in uhich the palicnl liad his residence at the time of lii- coni- mithunt 111' aihnissioii, on sucdi apjdication, and alter such notice as the said trustees or judj^o may deem I'casonahle and [tro[K'r, may dischai\ue any |K'rson conlin(i| therein, if it ap- pears that such person is not insane, or, if insane, will he suHi<'ieiitly pi'ovided for hy hiniself, his i^uaidian, r^'lalives, or IVifuds, or hy the city or town liahle for his support, oi' that his coidinenient therein is not lon,mr nece>.-ary for the safety of the jiuhlie or his own welfaic. <;.'!. Anv two of the tru>te(^ mav also remove anv iicrsoii conlined therein to thi' city or town in wl.'ich the n.i.i mi. iudiie conimittinu him certified that he resideil at vr.i i.. •'■.,' . pliic In-,!. till' time of the oi(U'r for eommitment, or to the a.,,,,, ui,,.„. jilace of his settlement, wdien in their opinion he ceases to he danizerous and is not susee[ttihle of mental improvement at the hos|ii!al, if .-uch city or town does not I'emove him after reasonahle notice in writin.i:;. (J 1. Any j)erson may make wi'itten ap]ilication lo a jnd.ue of the suj)reme judit'ial court at any time ami in any |,,i,,,,^._. eounly, settinjf forth that he believes or has reason i-,'|.''!i'i'M'i!',u'i.'n to believe thut a i)erson thei'ein named is conlined as u',;,,,','!-'!,'"''"''" an insane jierson in a lunatic hospital or other i)laee, " '"'"' whether public or privat.\ and ouo-ht not longer to be so con- lined, and stating' the names of all [>ersons su[iposed to be in- terested in keeping him in conlinement, and re([Ue3ting his discharge. (.')'). 'J'he judge, upon reasonable cause being shown for a hearing, shall ortler notice of the lime and ])laco of iI'hi M'- " _ _ _ A >uliri' til 1)0 lieuring on said application to be given to the super- k'^^" '" ^"- Nl s 318 l>iM-ii!ti'nili'iii I'lii'ilh MASSA('Iirsi:TTS. intiiiikiit in cliaruc of tlie hospital or i)l ■V i< cei'dih:;-. pit iiiriiieiit, antl to siu-Ii ollior jiorsoii piai'c^ of con- as lie (IffUis jii-diHT, auil >ucli lu'arin^' when ordered sIkpH bo had as speed- ily as eoiivc'iiiently may he hefore any jiulye of the t;u[)reiiie judieial eoui't in any eoinity. The alle,u;e(l insane person nn\y be brou!;ht liefore the jnd.u'e at the hearin;^ n[)()n a writ of habeas cori'us if any party so I'ecpu'sts and the judjj,-e deems it ]>r()[ier, and an issne or issiU'S may be fi'anied and submitted to a jnry by direi'tion of the judp' or on the request of any person who ap[)eais in the ease. The jurors may be tholf or others, and ought not longer to be so coniined, he shall be discharged from .such conlinement. ()7. Xo jumper shall be discharged from a state liosjiital Uii.l s -l-V Tni>t>M's to fiu'iii-li Miit;i W ithout suitalde clothing; and the trustee s nmv ptliiiii: fui'iiish the same at their discretion, together with stub sum of money, not exceeiling twenty dollars, as they luay deem necessary. Such money and the cost of such clot hit. g. the expense of jtursuing such pauper lunatics as escapi' thert'from, and of bui'ial of siu'h as die in the hos- pitals, siiall be reimbursed to the trustees by the i)laces of legal settlement of city and town paui)ers, and by the com- monwealth in the case of state })aupers. 08. V[)()n complaint of the trustees of a state lunatic hos- l)ital, the county connnissioners of a county, the Ch. s«. iiliii.-.l liv il of liauiM trustees of a state ]>auper establishment, or the over- seers of the ])oor of a [)hice, a judge of the probate court, [in term time or vrc-ition, nniy, Ijy warrant directed to a constal>le or other person therein designated,] cause the re- moval of state liniatie paupers tmder their charge to any other state, or Ijcyond sea, where they belong. 09. The board of trustees of any of the state lunatic hospitals 1"\ il MASSA( III SKITS. 319 I ' 3] or of llic Massac'livisetts ofiici'al lio-jiiial may ]>y .^,.t„|-,ss:i, vote confer on the su[>erintemlent of tlie hospital or i;!:,'h:,fi,',;„c asvhiio. under tlieir e(inti'»il, authority to iliseluii^tie !.'(\Ti'i'i'M,'s'i,',"" tlierelVoiii ;niy nmiale thereof eoinniitti'i] tlierrto a-: """"">'"'■ an insane [lersou, proviiU'd ihie wriltm notice of intention <(> to (lischai',L,e shall he sent Ijy said su|ierinti'ndent to the jiersou or persons who ori">■ (-'"'"I't lunatic hospital, if found hy him to he insam', as !"'•''• the court would have if sitting at a rt'gular term thereof. 74. ^\'hen a person indicted is at the time ajjpointed for the trial found to the satisfaction of the court to bo in- cii.'jh, § lu. sane, the court may cause him to be removed to one n'un''i"in^ano of the state lunatic hospitals for such a term and iiospiuii. under such '''nitations as it may direct. 7"). W hen a person is acquitted by the jury by reason of in- sanity, the jury shall state that fact to the court, n.i.i s i;i. and thereupon tlie court, it satisniMi that lie is m- •... iimati.: hos- , , . , . , pital 111 |>i>r- sane, mav onli'r him to be comviiitteil to a state mh. an,iiiiu'd 1 • 1' • 1 1 1 • • • ''^ ii'as"U of lunatic lios]«:tal, under such limittitions as may iilviuiiy. seem proper. y^jL. 320 MASSACIirSKTTS. 7<>. When a person inditted for ninrdin- or nianslauj^'litor is j,,i,, ^^.,0 ac(|uitk'(l l)y tlie jury by rea>on of insanity, Jmmli"- er'!'!'!';'..;^ ^lio court. sliall ordor sucli person to be eoin- n^m'^l u;ro"i!it;u i!ll" niitted to one of the state lunatie hospitals during- liis natural life. 77. Any pc'rson eonnnitted to a state lunatie hospital under ji,i,ij;o| llie prectMliuL!,' section may be diseharged therefrom *|,'!-|.J|!',,'',',";,„ by the <;overnor, by and with the adviee and con- Kovi'rn'li'uiHi f^e'iit of tlie ('ouncil, when he is sat i.slicd, after a hear- comicii. jj^^. ^^j. ii^^^ inattt'r, that sueh person may be dis- ehar^ed without danger to others. 7S. if a person convi('te(l of a eapifal t'rime is, at the time ril. -Jl.-J. j; -M. ('•■nil lint to jlilNS SCIltclll'l (111 insane ]K-IMj1is. when motion for senteiiee is mailo, found to the sal- isfaetion of the t-ourt to be insane, the eourt may cause surh [lerson to be removed to one of the state lunatie hospitals for sueh a term and under sueh limitations as it may direet. '•' '•' * * 7!*. If it apiii>ars to (he satisfaction of the governor and iiihi spur if rx- SlU'll council that a convict under sentence of death has Itci-ome insane, tlu' t'xecution of saiignate Iwo pei'sons, expi'il in cases of insanity. prison ov relbrni' ati' to examine couvii'ls, in tlu atory jirison, allt'ged to be insane. W u'li anv sucli convict api)ears to b usane, tlie warden or su[)er- intendenl shall notify one of the persons so desig- nated, who shalL with liie ] bysirian of the ]U'i.-on. examine tl le convict, and repor the governor the result of their invi'stigation. if upon sudi re[iort the g(tvernor deems the convict insane and his renu)\a] ex|H' ■nt, he shall i^ -ue 111.- Avarrant direclecl to the warden or superinteiiilent iiutlu)rizin} um to cause le ci>nviel to be rem(ived to one o >f tl le statt lunatic iiospitals, there t(» be kept until, in tlu' judgment of the superintendent and trr.stees of the hos[)ital to which lie may be eonnnitted, he should be returned to prison. A\'hen the superintendent and trustees of the ho:-pital have come to '1 . MASSACnrSKTTS. 321 sucli juil«j;mcnt, the fact sliall bo oertifiod upon the warrant of the 2;ovGrnor, and notico sliall 1)C tiiivcn 1o tin; warden or superintendent of the prison, who shall thereupon cause tlie convict to be rcconveyed to the prison, there to remain pursu- ant to the original sentence, conijtuting the tinic of his deten- tion or confinement in the hospital as part of the term of hivS imprisonment. 81. Any otlicer authorized to serve criminal process may execute an order for the removal of a convict to or n,,,,,!, from any {irison under the provisions of the pre- nyav'tx^MuaJ' cediniir section. The person nuiking such cxamina- l'i',lZ\'!lZy tion of a convict under the preceding section sliall, "'''•"'''""* if he is not a salaried ollicer of the state hoard of health, lunacy, and charit\', receive for his services his actual traveling expenses and three dollars a day for each day so emj)loyed, Avhich shall be paid from th(> annual appropriation of the prison in which the convict is examined. (S2. When a convict in a house of correction or prison other than the state prison or refornuitorv prison ai)i)ears "'i'l s 12. * ... ' ' tisiiuc pot*. to be insane, the i»hvsician in attendance shall make *""'•' '» '"i"''' a report thereof to the jailer or master, who shall '•■"'^v.'.i. transmit the same to one of the judges mentioned in section eleven of chapter eighty-seven. The judge shall make inrpiiry into the facts, and, if satisfied that tlie convict is insane, shall order his removal to one of the state lunatic hospitals pursuant to the provisions of sections twelve and thirtecm of said chapter. 80. If a })erson so removed becomes sane before the expira- tion of his sentence, he shall be forthwith returned niLigia to the prison or house of correction from which ho !en!l'''.vri,'i'r,'t was removed, there to remain pursuant to his origi- '' '''""""'*■ nal sentence, computing the time of his confinement in the hos[»ital as part of the term of his imprisonment. 84. When a person held in any jail for trial or for sentence, except for a ca])ital crime, a])pears to be insane, he 11.1,1 jjh. mav l)e removed to one ot the state lunatic hospitals in-an.'poi. as a convict nuiy be removed from a house ot cor- ^"■^^^■ reel ion under section twelve. \\'hcn a person so removed is, in tiie ()[)inion of the trustees and suiierintendent of the hospital, restored to sanity, he shall forthwith be returned tt) the jail from which he was removed, where he shall be held in accord- 21 ■ 1. '"*♦,, ■''»■ i 11 322 MASSACrrrSKTTS. anco witli the tcnns of the process by wliuli lie was originally eoniniittc'd tlicrt'to. 85. W'luMi a staio prison convict is committed to a state Actof 'ss, .1.. iissi. Innatic hospital tlie charnes for his support In-iiiH' criiiiiii:! Is, i'\- / ^' P.-IIS.! i).>ni.' i.y stiuo shall be paid by the commonwealth, until the iluring loriu ul sou- , ^ '•'•"^■'- expiration of his terra of sentence to the state prison. 80. Wlien a person held in prison on a clKU\i;e of felony is n.M§-2. committed to a state lunatic hospital under the})ro- u'liK^rri^im'-^^. visions of sections fifteen or thirty of chapter two oi luioiiy. linndred and thirteen or of sections sixteen, nineteen or twenty of ciia})ter two hundred and fourteen of the public statutes, the char^ycs for his support therein shall be paid by the commonwealth. 87. The provisions of this act shall apply to such commit- ibid §3. ments already made. It;. ¥ ii ■! MICHIGAN. HOARD OF COnUKCTlON AXnrUARITIKS. 1. A[)|i"iiitnuMit, titli', Wrni of dllicc, 'J. O^itli ofdiliio, to iiiii)iiiiit stTietMiv ;ui(l prescrilio diilii's ;iiiil salMi-y. ^. In^|ll.'(■tillll (if asvlmiis liy hdiiid. 4. lv\|irnscs of lidiird, how |i;iiil. o. liiierest in contracts forliiddou. (I. Kt'iioits, sin'cial invL'stijration. 7. (iciR'ial iiis|ii'C'(i()ii and reiioits. vS. Constnicticin of act. 0. ( lovcinor may aiitlidi'Izc iiisju'clidn of institutions in other states 10. Women to 1)0 aii|)oi!itud to make same ins[)ecti(Ui. GKNEKAT. RIOCiUI.ATIONS. 11. State institutions, enumeration of. 12. lieports, character of. 13. IJoards to cause inventory of iiro[)- erty made, inventory tiled. 11. Institutions to iveep records of re- ceipts and expenditures. lo. Accounts to he audited. ItJ. J'>stimates for approjiriations sub- mitted to I loa rd ; visitation. 17. Plans of huildinfj, snl>initted to whom, inspection liy hoards. MICIIKiAN AND K ASTERN ASYLf.MS. IS. Asylums, located, title. 1!). ('ounties apportioned. 20. Trustees of Mii'hiijan asylum. 21. Trustees of ivistern Mich i,i;an asy- lum, aiipointnieut. 22. Two trustees to be appointed every two years. 2o. V.ieancies, control of asylums vested in boards, (pialificatious of trustees. 24. Trustees, [towers and duties. 2o. Oflicers, (|ualilications. 2G. Trusteesto receiveactual expenses. 27. Salarii's of odicers, limitations. 25. Salaries, manner of paymi'ut. 20. Trustees granted coriiorato itower.s, ;iil. Oath of ollice. ;>1, Trustees to establish by-laws. I'>2. Superintendent, powers and duties, vacancy, how tilled. ;>;». I'lxemptiouof odicers from militia, loail and jury service. 34. Trustees to keep records, insjiec- tion of by j^ovcrmu'. .")■"). Inspection by imaidof trustees, at what times, reiord-ito be kept. 'W. Asv!:;m to be open to inspeciiou. 37. Ticasurer, powers and duties. 1J.S. Vested with ]iowers to collect money due asylum. "'.•, Steward, powers and duties. 40. Notice of completion of l'>aslerii asylum to be given. ADDITIONAI. ASVLf.M. il. rommissioners, appointment. 42. Sele tiou of site, conditions of. 4."!. Deed of property. 44. ("ommis-inners to ad()iit plans for ciinstructioii. 4"). Advrriisiui; for bids. 4tl. IJouil of contractois. 47. Superintendent and s(>('retary. 4^. Ciiuipeusation of commissioners. 40. .\ppropriation tor construction. ."lO. Secretary, duties ol". 01. Oath of commissioners. 52. Appi'o|iriation for site. o.'l. To be under sanu' provisions as Michiuan asylum. 51. Mi'dical administration imder liomici)[p,itliic control. AT).MIssK)N- AM) lUSCHAROE. 55. Proliate jiidj^'e to summon physi- cians and other witnesses. 5G. Insane not to be eonlined with convicts nor in jail over ten days. 57. Penalty for illeual conlineiuent. 5S. Indiirent insane, rei,'iilaiions tor commitment and support, 59. Indigent in-ane, ooininitment to asylum, by county ollicers. 00. Superintendent, duty of, ui)on ad- mi^siiiu of insane. ()1. Indigent in-^ane, expenses of suj)- port borne by county at'ter three months ri'sideuce in asylum. 02. Su]iport of insane, how borne, char;,a's, limit ot', report of. 03. Support, further pr.ivisions. 04. Expenses of clothing and mainte- nance. ;;24 Mini ir. AX. ()5. Exfionsc's (if return to coiinty, liow lionu'. 60. Rcimliiirsiiiii'iit of cniiiities. (>". I)is(li,u'i;oil pMlit'iits to lii'fliriiislicd \vitli c'loihinij Mild iiioncv. ns. ('(iiidiiioii of jiiitii'iits liefore iid- lni^■si(lIl. (i'.t. Jlx| eiijii's for siippc I't where resi- ddicc !■< imcertiiin. 70. ]'rovi>ioi)s for iiaynicnt of expenses where comities negleet to |i;iy. 71. Stnlisties of insane by superin- tendent of poor. 72. l'roli;ite ,iu(li;e to iiuinire into legal seltli'iiKiit of indigent insiine. 7.'5. Joint nieeiings of trustees, transfer of insMiie. 74. D '('• ' ■ of terms. 7'i. N' lO he contincd in aliiis- rNSANK S()I,l)Ii:i{S AM) MAUINi;s. 7(). T •■•iisferred to asylums. 77. 8i'p|)(iri ' f iio'"' • ■.' 1. STATK ro ni'. TI'.C-TKJ. 7S. Devise or he(|nest to state ; for lienelit of insane, to he valid. 79. l-'xeciitioii of will, anionnt of trnst. 80. rpoii death of testator notice to he fiiven to ;ittoriiey-,i;eneial. 81. l)uty ot' executors, fund created. 82. Such insane to he coiiiniitted to Michigan asylum, sni)poit of. 8;?. Traii--fer to asylum, 84. I'roccei lilies upon recovery of sncii persons, payment of fund to. 8o. State treasurer, duties of, upon receipt of such fund. SO. Xew asylums to have same powers and duties as Michigan asylum in such c.ise<. 87. Commitment of such insane. ASYLU.M Foil IXSANI'; CIUMINALS. 88. Establishment, location, title. 80. Control vt-ted in manaj^ers of house of correction. 90. Board to adopt plans, limitation of expense. 91. Appiopriation for eonstriiction. 92. U'arrans, how drawn. 9H. Superintendent and oflieers, ap- pointment, (pialiiication. 94. Salaries of oflicels, amount. [)■'). Oatli of olli Tl's. 9(i. .Manai^ers to inaki' by-laws. 97. SiipcrinUMKh'Ut, powers and duties of. aliseiue how lilleti. 98. Exemption of officers from mililiii, road and jury service. 99. Inspection by board of managers, records and reports. 100. Asylum to be open at all times to inspection of m;inai:;crs. 101. Treasurer, powers ,iiid duties of. 102. Invested wilii powers of superin- tendent of |ioor. 103. Su|)erinteiid»'iit to make all ]iur- eliases, and keep accounts. 104. To kve\t records of admission. ADMISSION AND DISCll AKtiK. 105. Commitment upon esca])e of in- die tmeiit, or accpiittal ; rejjiilatioiis for insane after indii tiiicnt.. 10(1. Comniissioners may be appointed to make I'Xamination. 107. (;hari;cs tor snp])iirl re<;uhited, when to lie supported l)y state. lOS. Support, liability of guardian and towns. 109. Siipjiort, liability of county, reim- bursement, no. .*^npport, reimbursement. 111. Support, how collected by asylum. 112. Superintendent, report to hoard. ll.">. Transfer of criminal insane from other asylums. 114. Transfer from prison or houses of correction. \\rt. (Jovenior may transfer homicidal criminals to asylum. 110. Criminal insane alter expiration of sentence; on restoration, re- manded to prison. 117. Piills for snjiport of state patients. 1 IS. Criminal insane, commitment upon escape from indicliiient or trial. 119. liecoiiiinK insane at any stajje of proceeding. committed toasyliini ; on restoration, remanded or dis- charged. 120. Person imiirisoned upon civil jiro- eess, notice to attorney, commit- ment, rights of creditors. 121. .\c(inittal for misdemeanor; like l)roeeediiigs. 122. ( insane, discliarge. 12.'i. Transfer of prisoners to asylum, on restoration, remanded. 124. May be placed in prison depart- ment for insane. 125. Physician, duty of, eriminal re- stored to be recommitted. 120. Discharge of insane convicts. 127. Sheridto execute warrant. 128. Examination before judge, coin- I mitnieut, report of judge. 1. The governor, with the advice and consent of the : 1 • i ■, 1 > ' i MIC I no AX. :>I.) scnalc, shall ii{)]»oiiit four suitable' persons, residents ,\p,„ri,7i of the stati', to be failed and known as " the board ft,',;,,!,','!",:,! i'^;!)' of correction,-; and charities," who shall hold their i\'7!i|'"lN,?."}ll. oflice respectively Ibr the period of two, four, six, n^;u\',1'.'!!m"'iu','i. and ei;;ht years, as indicated by the gcn'ernor in ]nakin_if the apj)ointinents ; and all ap[K)intinents thei'cafter made, exci'i)t to till vacancies, shall l)e for the i)eriod of ei,uht vcars. The r oaths and examine anv i)erson or iiersons in anv wav connectt'd with or liavin.u- knowledtjjc of the condition, management, and dis- i'il)line of such institutions, jails, or )>ooi'-hous(>s, as to any nnittei's or inquiries not contrary to the pui'poses or provisions of this act. 4. The said commissioners shall receive no compensation foi' ii.idH their time or services, exceiit as hereinafter iiarticu- !1S HIIU'IkIi'iI _ ' 1 • is7:t. N... ti4, lailv itrovidod ; but the actual ex']>enses of each of \\.uviiin. them, while enjiaged in the performance of their Kxponscs, diiiit's under this act, and any actual outlay for sta- tionery, oflice-rent, or any necessary aid or assistance re(iuired in examinations or investigations, on being fully stated in ac- count and verified ])y the aflidavit of the commissioner or commissioners making the charge, or the affidavit of their sec- retary, and appi'oved by the governor, shall be paid quarterly l)y the state treasurer, on the wan-ant of the auditor general, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro])riated ; and the secretary of said board shall be paid in like manner, j>ro- riiJcd, that the entire expense of said board or commission, and the salary and traveling expenses of their secretary shall not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars jier annum, exclusive of the sum mentioned in section seven of this act. 5. No member of said board, or their secretary, shall be is'!in.Ma,,i cither directly or indirectly interested in any con- 1873, -No. (i-1. MlMlllii'ls III' liDitril ariil ^iM'I■t■IaI•y lint III 111' illti-rrst- oil in iiiiii'r. G. (.)n or before the first day of October, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and in eacb second year port! " ' thereafter, the said board shall report in writing to the governor, fully, the result of their investigations, together witb such other information and recommendations as thev i ■ 'rt MK IIKiAN. r.27 may dtt'iii [•i(i[i( r, iuiludin;;' tlicir dpiuions and ('oiulusioiis as to till' necessity of furtlu-r letfislation lo iniiU'ive the eondiliuii and extend tlio nsvfidness of the various stale, county, and other institutions hy them visited ; and the said conimis-ion- ers, or either of them, shall nndose of a revision of such laws by the legislature, at the first regular sessit)n following the jtassage of this act; and to ac- complish this end, said board shall collect together all acts and j)arts of acts in any manner ajjpertaining to the control, punishment, and reformation of criminals, and to the care and custody of the county poor and pauper insane, and shall I'l'port the same fully to the governor, on or beibre (■."ii.Mtionan.i -. , 1 i> ■ 1 ' 1 1 1 1 (• ri'visiiiu (if November hrst, eigliteeu huntlred and seventy-lour, laws. together with such revision, amendments, and suggestions for the imiirovement thereof as to such board shall be sromary ..t ^ _ Hiati' (ip fur- deemed necessjiry and expedient; the re})ort thus ui-ii <.up;.s. made to be submitted to the legislature by the governor. The secretary of state is hereby required to furnish said c.nipiMisaii.m board with so many copies of the statutes and laws, as in the judgment of the governor may be recpiired in the accomplishment of said work. And said board, for the time actually required in the discharge of the duty imposed by this section shall be entitled to demand and receive such reasona- \ il iU 11 7 ;528 MK llKiAN. blu C'omi)oiisiitioii as .sluill Ix' npprovcd by tlic ;;ovtMMU)r, not oxc(H'(lin>7.i. .\o. 114. (liiioii and practicalile W()rkin«'s ol ciiaritaljle, penal, Miiniiin- iiiMi- ])aui)er, and reformatorv institutu)ns ni other slates, tiitioii.j lur iln) II' . .' . i""i""*".'>'' ho nuiv authorize and (U'si' to the conduct and inana<;ement thereof, as luay be deemed to be interesting^, useful, and of value to be understood in the government, and discipline of similar in- stitutions in this state. 10. The governor nuiyajipoint one or more suitable fenuiles, iiii.ijiin. who .shall, in behalf of said board, nersonally visit .AlllPIKlllllMlt of ' ' '' , isT.i, xo. ii4, and nispect such of the aforesaid state or county m- WoiniMi to lip ^ _ _ _ •' _ iii.,.oint,-,i to stitutions as said board sliall designate, and iiuiuire '■""• into the condition and treatment of tlie inmates therein, and es[)ecially investigate the provision made for women, and children of tender years, with the method of in- struction, and the means used for their cure or reformation. Said female visitors shall receive no compensation for their time or services; but the actual ti'aveling expenses of ea^'h of them, verified as heretofore jirovided for the accounts of mem- bers of this board, and approved by the governor, shall be paid in the same manner, and out of the moneys provided for the expenses of said board. Said female visitors shall from time to time rei)ort to the board the results of tlieir i n vest igal ion. 11. All educational, charitable, n^formatory, and peii;d in- nowoips .\nnot;u.',i stitutlous sui)i)ortcd wliollv or in i)art, by the .Stiitiitf.s. isvj, !j4r.'. 1 11 1 1 " • . . Stat.' iiistimti.Mis state, sliall be known as state institutions. :ir WttJI MK'IIKJAN'. ;;-j!» 12. Tlic Ixiiird ofciu'li stale institution -liall, liv t lir tirst ilay III" Niivcinlpcr pn'i'filin'i the iT^iilai' sessions ot" the «<>' leerations of (lie institutions for tlio two liseul years closing' on the tiiirtietli day of tlio pri'cedin^ Se|)tend»er, wliieli shall inelude tlu; report of the HUpei'inteniJ- enl, warden, or other jii'oper ehief oilieer. for tiie same period, and a I'eport of tin- ^n^asurer of all I'eeeipts and dishursi'ments made durinj;- the same |)erio filed in the office of the secretary (»f stato by the first dav of November of the vear when made. Any board of any state institution may in its discretion cause such property to be ai)praised on oath, by two disinterested and competent api)raisers, to be ai)i)ointed for that purpose by the board, and a sunnnary of each inventory made shall bu pub- lishe(l in the biennial report. 14. Every educational, charitable, penal and reformatory institution, shall, in proper ])ooks for that i)urpose, s^i"'- keep a regular account of all monevs received and .M'ii.tsiin.i ex. . " jieiiilitmes, disbursed, and the receipts from and exi)enditures iiowu.-in. for t;nd on account of each de}iartment of business, or fur the construction of buildings, or the improvement of the premises; and in those institutions where farming and gardening opera- • (•>U MI( IIKIAN'. tions nrc cnrrii'd on, llio iiccouiils slmll Itc so kcpl us t<» show, as iK'ar as itracticalilc, (lie cost of ciiiTyin,:^' on tlir farni or ;::ai'- • Icii an hraiieh of niainifacture, and the (|ii;dity an institution, and the cost of educating and nuiintainine; eacli student or iniiuito therein. The accounts of receipts and dishui-senients in all state" institutions shall conform as near as may l)e pra<'ticalile to a uiufonu systi'm, and to accomplish this result the auditor fi^eneral is authorized to jtresciMho such a system of accounts as he shall deem proper for said institutions, which shall secure as near as nuiy he such uniformity. 15. The accounts of members of hoards of state institution^ ;,.,,,( for oflicial expenses and services, or either, whc i!r,','.'"'ji!',M allowed by law, shall lirst be certified to bo eorretu •"""""'""''■ by the boanl to which the member belongs, and then shall be audited by the lioai'd of statt' auditors ami paiil from the general fund. IG. The boards of state institutions shall, in their biennial rejtorts, recommend what amounts in its opinion is needed for the next two years fta* ordinary current and for special by the institution so re])orting, with the reasons for such recommen- The boards of charitable, penal and reformatory institutions, before determining; on such proposed recommendations, shall submit the same in writin^^ to the board of corrections and charities for its opinion thereon, Avhich last named board shall visit such state institutions in the month of July, August, or .September of the year when such report is made and investigate the condition and needs of the same, consider the proposed ai)propriations and shall make a speedy report in writing to the board of the institution examined, giving its opinion of the proposed ap{)ropriations, and the board of such institution shall in its biennial report show to 5 417. liuiiril to re- cuiniiifiiil aiiioiiiiiMiir a|i|ii'"|''ii'* ni'filiil. oations. UocominPiiilu- til>n^s til lie Stlli|llitti'ini(»ii ol" siii'l Imnril of (■crrccrHJiis aiul I'liaritics, such ii|tiir(ii'riiili(>iis ^lidiild lie made J7. lU't'oi'i' tlic Ixiai'd (if niiy diaritalili', [iciial and rct'tii'iiia- torv iiistitntioii shall dtici'iiiiiK on tlic I'lan <>( anv i!»i>.. • , ' / I'liiii- (or l)UUdlll audit^isand paid from the giMicral hiiid. IS. The Msvlum for the insane located at I'ontiae shall 1)0 known as the eastern Mieliipin asylum, and the gisvi.. , , iliT'l 111" i- il KlVMtiili Hsy- asyiuni located at Kalama/.oo sliall continue to Ite iiiiiikii..wn ui 1 ' ii XI- 1 • 1 !• 1 • ciistiTii .Midi. known as tiie Micliij^fan as\li:"n lor the insane, nsviiin., ^,^. . . , I 11 i' 1 1 1 11 .Mlrliiuilll lixy. i he said asvlums sliall each In' idaced under the lumatKHiu- charge ol separate hoaivl of trusti'cs. srpiuat.'i..,iiniM. 10. The disti'ict of the eastern Michiuan asvluni shall he compose(l of all counties Ivinej east of the meridian s i--' liiie, or traversed i)y that line, (>xceptin,<;' the conn- i"""*- 'li^ni'''*- ties of .hiek.son, Mackinaw, and Cliijipewa. The district of the Michigan asylum for the insane shall be composed of the re- maining part of the state. 20. '{'he hoard of trustees of the Michigan asylum for the in- sane shall consist of six, and be appointed and hold ^,^^, their otlices in accordance with the laws heretofore !!."f'!t''Viri,t enacted organizing and regulating that institution.* f-'"*"''"-^'"'"- 21. The governor, on or before the comjtletion of the eastern Michigan asylum, shall appoint six trustees, who jj^j^,,, shall constitute tlu> board for said asylum, whose toes' lln/isr' terms of ollice sliall C!)nimence within thirty days '''""'"'>""'• of such ajipointment and continue as follows: two until the * Term oi'ddii'i' and !ii>poiiitment same as ? 1SS3 iiifru. Mil m MICJIIC.AX. first day of January, eij^htceu Immlrod and sevcnty-nino, two until tlu' lirst day ol" .lanuary, einlilecn hundred and I'i.nhty- one, and two until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ei.Lihty-ihrec, and until their suecessur.s are aj>[)ointi'd and qualiliud. '2'2. The j^ovcrnor by and with the advice and consent of o j^,., the senate, shall, ilurin.n' the session of the le^isla- trL-s'o'r'.'itsi-''" ture, in the year eighteen hundreil and sewnty- erii asylum, j) i ne, a] )) lolut t wt) trustees for the eastern Miclii^gan usvluni, who shall hold their ollice six years, and until their suci'cssors ai'e ai»|)ointed anil qualilied; and at each succeed- ing session of the legislaturt' there shall be a[ipointed in like manner two trustetvs for siud usvluni, win) also shall hold their ollice six years, and until their successors are apjiointi'd and (jualilied. •Jo. The governor sliall have power, and it shall be liis duty, S i>-'i whenever anv vacancv shall occur in said boards, boaids. by death, removal or otherwise, to a])point such suitable jierson or [)ersons to fill such vacancy, who shall hold their oIlicH' until the next session of the legislature, and until Govi-niin.Mit, sucli vacaucv shall be filled as aforesaid. The gov- etiv, vosteil in ' _ ... •"J-"''- ernnient and sole and exclusive control of the Michi- gan asylums for the insane, shall be vested in said boards of trustees, and two of each board shall reside within three miles of their i'es]icetive asylums. l!-1. iSaid boards shall have the general direction and control §i^'^'- of all the i)ronertv and concerns of the institution eiv of i.oani.-. [iustitutlons] nt)t otherwise provided for l)y law, and shall take charge of their general interests, and see that their designs be carried into etlect, and everything done I'aith- fully according to the re(|ui]'emenls of the legislature, and the by-laws, rules and regulations of the asylums. '2~\ The boards of trustees shall severally ap|)oint a medical ij isMi. superintendent, who shall be a well educatitl phy>i- i's.s";!''.n'.'!''i'. cian, experienced in the treatment of the iii>ane; poinha I'y' and a treasurer, not one of their own number, who shall give bonds for the faithful performance of his trust in such siuu and with such sureties as the auditor gcuiral of the state shall approve. They shall also apjioint, upon the nomination of a medical superintemlent, a steward, chaplain TTi MICHIGAN. aiiil a matron, and also in like manner an assistant nuMJical supi'i'inti'ndent and three assistant ]>liysicians. All medical ollicers shall constantly reside in tiu> asylums. 2<). The trustees of the asylum shall rect'lve no compensation for their services, but shall receive their actual and s^ i '--■ reasonalde travelinif ex])(Mises, to l>e paiil hv the "i ini-*t.i's. state treasurer on the wan-ant of tlu- autlitor general, on the rendering:; of their accounts, verilied hy their oaths, resp(X'- tivelv, out of anv monev to the credit of the treueral fund not otherwise ai)propriatod. '27. The board of trustees shall severally from time to time determine the annual salaries and allowances of ^^ |^^. us niiHM l->:l, .No. 41!, the oJlicers,and such salaries shall n(.t exceed in the ^-^"'"■•"''■''• ;iv';\r. '2S. TJie salaries of the nfllcers of the asylums aforesaid shall be ))aid nuarterlv, on the lirst davs of .lanuarv, ;; i'--^^ 1 ' ■ ' ' - l';ivlil.Mlt of Ai)ril, -lulv, and October in each year, bv the treas- >.iiiiri.><. urer of the statt> on the warrant of the auditor general, out of any moneys belon^^in^ to the general fund, to tlu- treasurer of the asylum, on his j)resentinu' a bill of particulars signed by the stcwarersonai property to be ^.Vi^ri.ropmy applie(l to the maintenance of insane persons and '""'"'''■ the <;('neral use of the asylums. .'!(>. The treasur(>r and ollicers aforesaid, before entering upon their resjiective duties, shall s(n-erally take the , i^,,,,. oath prescribed by the constitution. ol. The trustees are hereby directed and empowered to establish such by-laws as they may deem necessary ^. ,^„| and exj)edient for regulatinj;- the appointment and ,'J|'.',i!ri>i, "j^.^ duties of ollicers, attendants, and assistants, for lix- ""'' mjx the conditions of admissions, supi)ort, and dischariic of pa- tients, and for conducting in a {)roper manner the business of the institution; also, to ordain ami enforce a suitable system of rules and regulations for the internal government, discipline, and management of the asylums. o'l. The medical superintendent shall be the chief executive iilliiiul oalli. ,i ':-^l I '■' MiCllUiAX. 5 1 •'■'-• 'iiwi'i's mill iliiii'' if ilio inrilical -ii- |IIMillIl'll ofriror of the asylum, lie sliall luive the f,aMieral superintendence of the buihUngs, grounds, and I'l't farm, together with tlie furniture, tixture.s, and stoi'k; and the (hreetion and control of all persons therein, suhiect to the laws and reiiulatiuns estahllslied hv the trustees. Jle shall daily ascertain tlie condition of all the [)atients, and ])rescribe their treatnuMit in the manner directed in the by- laws. He shall have the nomination of his co-resident oflicers, Avith j)ower to assign them their respective duties, subject to the l)y-laws; also to aj)i»t)int, with the ajiproval of the trustees, guch and so many other assistants and attendants as he nniy think necessary and proper tor the economical and eflicient performance of the business of the aliauc'j with such instructions, and uniform obedience to all the rules and regulations of the asylum. He shall further cause full and lair accounts and records of all his doings, and the entire business and operations (tf the institution, to be kept regularly from day to day in iioc/ks proviiK'il lor that purpose, in the nuuiner and to the extent prescribed in tJK.- bydaws; and he shall see that all such accounts and records are fully made up to the last day of September immi'diately ]»receding the meeting of the legislature, and that the jirincijial facts and results, with his report thereon, l)e at that time pre- iis'taiu."'^ "'" rented to the trustees. Tlie assistant medical super- T?re 1 n mm, MICIIIGAX. ooO intcndcnt shall perform the duties and he suhject to the rcsfioii- sibilities of the medical superintendent in his sickness or ab- sence. 33. The oflicers of the asylums and all attendants and as- sistants actually employed therein, durin^; the time si-^i. 01 such em])lovment, shall be exemi)t trom servnij^ px.mi.t nom on juries, from ail assessment for labor on the high- juries, ,'tu. ways, and, in time of peace, from all service in the militia; and the certificate of the superintendent shall be evidence of the fact of such employment. 34. The trustees shall keep in a bound book, to be provided for that purpose, a fair and full record of all their 5,,. ,4. doings, which shall be open at all times to the in- !\Z\'^!! ','( !h!! spection of the governor of the state, and all ])ersons v.hom he, or either house of the legislature, may appoint to examine the same. 35. The trustees shall maintain an elective inspection of the asylum, a committee for which purpose shall j,^^-, visit it once every month, a majority once every ii!,'yr,'im"i'y "^ quarter, and the whole board once a year, at the '■'"""-''''■ tinu's and in the manner prescribed in the by-laws. In a book kept by the board of trustees for this purpose, the -visit- ing trustee or trustees shall note the date of each visit, the con- dition of the house, patients, etc., with remarks of commenda- tion or censure, and all the trustees present shall sign t'he same. The general result of these inspections, with suitable hints, shall be inserted in the annual report, detailing the past year's operations, and actihal state of the asylum, which the board shall make to the legislature in the month of January, in each alternate year, accompanied with the reports of the medical superintendent and treasurer. oC). It shall be the duty of the medical superintendent to admit anv of the board of trustees into everv part si^^'"- " ' ^ Umud of trus- of the asylum, and to exhibit to him or them on t.estoi.e '' ilillilUlc'.l to ilciuand, all tlie books, papers and accounts, and «v.r.v ii|iri..f _ _ ' 'II ' till' ii.syliiin, writings belonging to the institution, or pertaining *-■'''• to its business, management, discipline or government, also to furnish cojjies, abstracts and reports whenever requiretl by the board. 37. The treasurer shall have the custody of all moneys, 1 MICIIICiAN. I ' jj ,<,,,; Loiitls, notes, mortgages, and other securities, and i'mlv'.M'Timi obligations belonging to the asylum. Said moneys ''"'""''■ shall bo disbursed onlv for the uses of the asylum, and in the manner preseril)ed in the by-laws, n})on the written order of the steward, countersigned b}' (he medical sujierin- tendent, specifying the object of the })aynienl. He sliall keej) full and accurate accounts of the recei{)ts and payments, in the manner directed in the by-laws, and such other accounts as the board of trustees shall prescribe. lie shall further n-ndcr an account of the state of his books, and of the funds and other property in his custody, whenever required so to do by the board of trustees. oS. The treasurer of the asylum shall be vested with the Si«is. same powers, rights, and authority which are now iiMw.Ms of l)y law given to sui)ernitcn(lents ot tlie i)oor m any siip.Tintcii- ^ o I i V .i,iusoti..u,r. county or town of the state, so far as may be ncccs- sarv for the indcnniitv or benefit of the asylum, and for determining the settleuient of any insane perso!i that may be sent to the asylum by an order of a judge of [>' (bate, and also for the purpose of compelling a relative or conrnittee to defray the expense of an insane jjcrson's support in die asylum, and reimburse actual disbursements for his necessary clothing and traveling expenses, according to the by-laws of the institu- tion; also for coercing the payment of similar charges when due, according to said by-laws, from any town, city, or county that is liable for the suj)port of any insane i)erson in said otiierpowiMs. asylum. Said treasurer is also authorizetl to recover, for the use of the asylum, anv and all sums which may be due upon any note or bond in his hands belonging to the asylum ; also any and all sums which may be charged and duo accord- ing to the by-laws of the asylum ; also anv and all sums which may be charged and due according to the bv-laws of the asylum, tor the support of any })atient therein, or for actual disbursements made in his behalf, or for necessar}' clothing and traveling exi)enses, in an action to be brought in said treasui'er's name as treasurer of the asylum, and which shall not abate by his death or removal, against the individual, town, city or county legally liable for the maintenance of said patient, and having neglected to j)ay the same when demandeil by the treasurer; in which action tiie declaration may be in a '-^ . : i 1 i MICIIIOAX. 337 jjcncral iudehitatus m^f^nmpsif, find juil,frmont ?liall bo roiKlorod lor isuch sum as sliall bo found (hie, witli interest from the time of demand made as albre.said. Said treasurer may also, ui)on the roeeipt of tbo money due upon any morti^age in his liands l)el(in<4ing to the asylum, execute or release and ac- knowl('d<;'e full satisfaction tliorcof, so that tiie same Ije dis- charged of record. 3!>. Tiie steward, under the direction of the medical supor- intondent, sliall mnke all the purchases for the asy- 5 i^i«- lum, and j)i'eserve tiie ori,i;inal bills and receipts «'■*'""' ''"ti""- thereof, ami keep full and accurate accounts of the same, and cojiies of all orders drawn by himself ujion the treasurer. Jle sliall also, under like direction, make contracts in the superintendent's name with the attendants and assistants, and keep and settle their accounts. lie shall also kee[) the ac- counts of the support of patients, and expenses incurred in their behalf, and furnish the treasurer every month with copies of such as fall due. He shall also be accountable for the careful keeiiinij: and economical use of all furniture, stores, and other articles [irovided for the asylum. 40. xVs soon as the eastern ^lichigan asylum shall bo ready for the ad;nis>ion of [)atients, the board of trusteo-s ^ ,,,,,„ sliall cause notice thereof to be published for two ll'^^^'^^^y. weeks in some [lapcr of the state, and four co[>ies aVi''n''l'i.m o7 sent to the clerk of every county, who shall trans- ''•'""'"''• iiiit co|)ies thereof to the superintendents of the poor of said county b}' mail. A circular from the medical su|)erintendont shall accomiiany said notice to each county clerk, and to the superintendents of the poor. 41. The uoveriior shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the seiuite, three suitable persons who ;; ,;,.„ shall constitute a board of commissioners for the iV'!!!!'"!"',,?' purpose of selecting a site for an additional asylum 1'i"'i"hkiocI for the insane. 'J'lie persons thus appointed shall *"'''■ be subject to removal by the governor, and should any vacancy occur in said bt)ard froiri death, resignation, or otherwise, the goveriuu' shall (ill the same by appointment; such appoint- iiient, however, to be subject to rejection or ratitication by the senate of the session of the legislature following such iippointmoiit. 22 i ans >tT('III(IAX. 42 TIic foiniiiij^siuiU'rs sliall si'k'ct and [)UrcliiiH(' or receive S inivj bv (loimtion, within six niontlis i"n)ni and al'ler the ■-'"•■ apiuoval 1)1' tliis net, in a liealthy, easily aeeessihle part of the slate, as a site lor the asylum, a tract ot" land con- taining; not less than two hundred acres, which shall possess a sullicient supply of livini;- water for all the purposes of such an institution, and also to furnish pi'o[)er facilities for drainage. ■lo. The deeds for such site shall he duly i'xecut(Hl to the „ i,,.,.. ])i'ople of this state and delivere'.ri-, six weeks, in sucli pai»ers as they may select in this lor colisll lie. , 1 /• '• ' • 1 1 • tioiioriiMiinii. state, lor proposals lor construct inj;' said asylum, in accordance with the plans and specilicatioiH. All contracts for labor or materials to be used in the erection and i-onstnic- tion of the buildings proviih'd for by this act, rcMpiiring an exjienditure of more than live hundred dollars, shall be let ti> the lowest res[)onsible bidder or bidders; the advert isenieiit thus })rovided for to specify the time and place whei'e the bid-. or prop.osals made in [lursuaiice thereof shall be opened. All bids or proposals thus made >liall be sealed, and shall not 1".' opened at any lime or })lace other than that designated in tl.c advertisement. All or any l)ids or [dojiosals received by said board may be by them rejec>eoi' or matci'ials ahi'ady riiiiiishcd and supplied, and in no event shall more lliaii seventydive per cent, of the amount ealled lor in any i-ontrael he paid to the eonti-aelor ]ianied theri'in hel'ore, the eoinpletion of his contract .nid its aeee|)tance hy said hoard: proc'nhd, that every contractor ])er- i'ornnni;' service or \v•')■- provi(leerforinance of the duties iS""'!. 1)1' bis ollice in the penal sum of tt'U thousand dollars. 18. Ilacli of the members of said board shall be eiititletl to receive his actual traveling expenses, and the sum ^^ ,,,..^ of three dollars per day for tln' time actually si>eiit ''"■'"' '"""''■ ill the discharge (»f his duties under this ad. 1'.'. Ami there is hereby appropriated, for the purpose of car- rying out the provisions of this act, the sum of lour «■ n''" liu!idre'w:ioo|,r,i Kiimn of tiiG publ Ic upoii tlio sauio couditions as is .Mici,iKau ..yium. ^j^^, Michigan asylum for the insane. 51. The ])oard of control of the northern asylum for the Artofi«!. insane is liereby authorized to idaco the medical N.I. 17H. i< 1. ,••,.• r n 1 il M.Mi.a.iiniuis. adm uustratiou ot the same under the supervision and control of a reputable j)hysician and surgeon of the homccopathic school of medicine. 55. Tho county superintendents of tho poor of any county, §i!)ni, or any sujiorvisor of any city or town to which a fo'r's^nVint''" porsou wlio sliall become insane may be chargeable, iiisiuic per sous \vli.-> il j)a>ipp>'s ti) sous wh.. arc by roasoii of being a pauper, shall make aj)plication ««yiiiiii. to tho probate judge of said county, who shall i)ro- ceed to inquire into the ([uestion of tho insanity of said per- son, and for the purpose of such inquiry shall call and may MlCHKiAX. 341 compel tlio altciulaiK'c of one or more respectable pliysi- eiaiis and sueli otlu'r witnesses as lie mav deem necessarv; and if satisfied of the insanity of saitl person, said proliate judj^e sliall make the same eertiiieate and oi'der for admission into the insane asylum, and the same rt'eoi'd and report as are required to he made by section twenly-six* of this act, in the case of an insane pi'rson in indigent circumstances. ot). No insane i)erson, or person disordered in his senses, shall be confined in the same room with any person j. ,,„,^ char^eil with or con\icted of crime; nor shall such J;t"''i'i'i'-!.'uiri"'f- person b(> conlined in any jail more than ten days. '"""•'■"'• r>7. Any director of the poor, constable, or keeper of a jail, or other person, who shall confine an\' such insane ^,0,,;, j)erson in any other manner or in any other place n!',"iii',iilj'h,. than such as are herein prescribed, shall be deemed r!'Ml'n!i."ry'*ur liimily, liiinscH', uinlci' llic visitiitioii (if insanity, on his cfrtilicatc uiuhT the seal of (lie prohatc coiirl of '^aid county, he shall he admitted into the asylum, ExpoiiH.i. mid su|i)iort(Ml tliciv at the cxiicnse of the connly to which he belongs, until he .shall he restored to soundness of mind, if ell'ected in two years, and until othei'wise ordei'cil. The Jud_uo of i>roliatt> in such case shall have power to compel the attendant'e of witnesses and jurors, and shall tile the cer- tilicates of the physicians, taken undei' oalli, and otliei- papers, in hi^ ollice, and enter the pi'oper onU'i' in the journal of the .lu.i.'i. i,> i,.i,„rt pi'^>hate court in his odiee. The jiid.ii'e <>f prol)at(i tn M„„.rviM,r... ^j,.,ii ,.,,p,„.t ti„. ,.^.^„lt „|' i,j^ proceedings to the supervisors of his county, if sut'h person l)elon_u,s to that county, whose duty it shall he, at \\\v next annual mtH'tinj; thei'eafter, to raise moiu'V refpiisite to meet the (.■x[>enses of suj>port ai'cordinjj:ly. o!i. (.'ouuty and town ofliccrs and all persons liavin;^,' chariio SI'"''- of insane ])ersons as al)ove, shall see to carrvin time of rec('ption. a minut(> ur'n.l'''* ^vith date of same, the name, resideuiM', ollice, and i!"m'ii,ii"liy"sii. occupjition of tlic person hy whom, and by whose '"'""""""'■ authority each insane person is brought to the asy- lum ; and have all the orders, warrants, i^Mpiests, certilicates, and other ])ape''s aecomi^anying him forthwith Iile(l. 01. When an in.sane person in indigent circumstances shall () ]iin7. have been sent to the a.sylum by his friends who pprsl/i'iri",,";,,. have jiaid his bills therein for three months, if the stiuic,s|„ii,ii,y sui)erintendent shall oertity ho is a tit patient, tlic till' fiiiiiitv in • (• 1 !■ 1 • • 1 1 cnuiii casos. supervisors ol the county oi his residence areautbor- i/.eil and required, upon an ai)plication under oath in his hehalf, to defray the expenses of his remaining there until otherwise ordered. 02. The rate of cliarge per week to l>e ])aid for the hoard ^•10,., and necessary treatment of all jiatients of the asy- ri'li'ivMur Inms, who are residents of this state, shall he aiiini- '""'■'"'■ ally fixed by the trustees of the asylums, and shall MI< IIKi.W. r.i3 not ('\c(H'(l iIk' actual fost of .siii)p()i't and attendance, e.M'liHive of (dlicei's' salaries ; hnt this provision shall not lie coustruetl so iis to prevent the I'urishiii.t; extra care and attendance to patients liy special contracts witli jiarlics diar^ieahle tliei'elor. On the lirst day ot Jainniry, in the year eiuliteen (Mi.ri..iiy , , , , ' . ' , , ' , , , Hllll'llll'llt t'l hnndreil and seventv-nine, and at tlie close ol each '"•.•...liuy ..r sncci'edm;;' Muai'ter, tilt' nie(lical sniierinl(.'ndents ot »"nHi.,i,.. the asylmns, shall cei'tii'y to the secretary of stuto, i'y»tMtp. the name, a.ii'e and residence of all jialients under treatment, tlie expense of wlio^'c maiuteni'iice shall have hceii exclusively jiaid hy any t'ounty for two years continuously, and such pa- tients shall thei'eafter he nuiintained hy the stati-. The hills for the maintenance, elothin^ and other charges of I'.iiu r..,- such patients, siuill he nniilered (luarterlv to the I'liyt.. auditor u'cneral in the same mannei' as hills are t.' "'■^■ I'cnderecl to county treasurers for the suppoil of patients at county charu'e, and shall he paid hy the >tate treasurer to the treasurers of the asylun.s in which the patl. nts nuiy he, on the warrant of tli(> auditor ,^eneral, out of any inoueys he- lon^im;' to the .general fund. (i;?. JOvei'v insane jierson supportecl in th(> a-ylum. except those pr<»vide(l for ill section thirty-four* sjiall h(> ^vmx pcrsonallv iialiic lor his maintenance therein, and >"n^ |,.m-..ii- tor ail necessaiy expenses incurred hy the in-d n])on the ;!ni4. order of aiiv court or odieer, shall he ])aiil hy the Mii'.iM,t i.y county irom which he was sent to the asylum, ex- 1 i\ * See 'i 1912. -il. G2, suina. ' .?%:■ ail Ml' IIIUAN. t('|)t tliosi' pr()vi(l('il fnr in section tliirty-luiii'.* Tlif tivus- urtT of .ni\ the didti' of llic stcwaid ; and the sti|K'i'visors of said county shall annually Kvy anil ruisu tilt' amount of such hills, and such tin tlur sum as will jirohahly covcf all similaf hills for one ycnr in advance. Said county, however, shall liavi' the li^iht to re(|uirc any indi- vidual, town or city that is legally liahle for the support of .such patient, to ri'ind)urse the anatunt of said hills with in- terest from the day of paying' the same. ()0. Whenever the trustees sliall order a ]iatient moved from ?'i!.vli'nii..r tl"-' ii^ylum to the county whence he eanie, the r.-movai ir.' Ill su per I ideiith'iits of the po(n' of said couidy shall toV.iiiiiii.'h. audit and jiay the actual and reasonaole expensi's of such removal out of the couiitv iioor fund. l>ut if anv tov.n or per.-oii he le,i;ally liahli; for the support of such )ia- tient. the amount of such e\|)enses may he recovered for tim use of th(- county, hy such superinti'iideiits. If said superin- tendents of the p(Jor iie^U'cl or refuse to pay such e\i>enses on demand, the treasurer of the asylum may ]iay the same and charge the amount to the said county, ami the treasurer of the said county is authorized to j)ay the same, with interest after thirty days: and the supervisors of said couidy shall k'vy ami raise the amount as other county t'liaci^es. (iG. Every town or county payinji; for the sni)port of an in- KiKi'.tof anuv jierson in the asylum, or for his expenses in irm'oTi'r't'ur g^'ii'g to or froiu the same shall have the like ri,«;ht< h'la'i'io.'" and remedies to recover the amount of s h ly- nients. with interest from the time of payiiiij; ea' ' a- if such expenses had heen incurred j'or the su[)])ort v same at other places under existin^^ laws. 07. No patient shall ho discharged without suitahlo elothi ig; J, aial if it cannot otherwise ho ohtainod, the steward to'iH-'Vis.''''' sliall, upon the order of the trustees, furnish it, also ;;I;'"^'|:','.,"i,'.''' money not exceeding twenty dollars, to defray his tioti.ii,j:,.'t.. (,^j„,,)^,,>^ until lie readies his friends or can lind an opportunity to earn his suhsistence. * See ? 1'J12, 1.1. G2, supra. MK IIHIAN. .) !■) (IS. All tix.vii iiiid cdUiily (iHiiTi's sciiiliii;^ ;i inilifiit lo tlio ivsvllllil sluill. iHl'iilT si'liilili!^- liilii, SIC tli;it lir H ill a sliitc oi' iicircft liddily clfiinliiicss. ami is cniii- lui'talily cldtlifd aiiil iifuvidi'd witji (suitaldf cliaiij^cs of raiiiiciit as [ircscrihcd in llu' Ity-laus; and shall jirovido a IciiiaK' attendant to cvrry I'rnialr |iati(iit, uidi'ss accduipauit'd liy licr liusl>and, latluT, Itrollicr, or son. (i!>. \\ licnrvt r an indinriit in>.inc [icrson or an insane }iau[)(.'t' lias bi'cn sent to the asylum liy order of a proliato \''\>>. r..imiy oil!- (■■■I», I'll' . in In l''>IMlillllll III |i.|||i'll|S M'lii 111 iisy- iiinis. .III due as liaviii''' u'ii iiied a leual seltleiiieiil in eounly (tf this stale other than that in which such UK li-c resides, (he treasurer ol" tlu' asvluni within ti'ii ( lav; after such person has \)vv\\ a linitt -Ollie K\|ii'ii-ii"« fur sii|i|iiirt wlii'll li — lili'll('l> Is iiuri'i tiilii, Imw ili'lcr- niiiii'il. nai ed <,Mve notice to ihe superinlendent of the poor of llie county to which it is alleged that such indi^eiil insane person or insane jiaiiper lieloiiLis ot' the Tacts in the case, and tiiat the expenses of the support of such person shall [willj he eharncd to that county, unless such superintendents shall within such time as the treasurer may appoint, not less than twenty days nor more than thirty days thereafter, show that sucli county ouiiht not to he so chariicd; and on application, said trea-urer shall examine the matter, and hear all tlu; testimony in rehitiou thereto, and shall decide the (pU'sfion, which cU'cision shall be liiial, unless an appeal shall be taken l'rt)m such de- aim.i'iii. cision witiiin sixty days to the circuit court ol' the county so char<;-ed by such tri'asurer with such support, and said court shall have full power to hear, try and determine the mattei*. The proscculinu attorney of (he propi'r county, on demand of Ihe superinteiiilenls of the poor, is lu'reby authorized to lake the apjical. 70. Jn case any county in this state shall neglect or refuse to pay the am(»unt due the asylum for the treatment j-if^i- and maintenance of persons admitted from such |i:..vni.ii't i.r countv, 111 accordance with tiie provisimis ol tins win-n nimi- :i''t, it shall be the dutv ol the medical sunerintend- n ins., m pay. .... .Niitici' ID eiit to make out a statement of the facts, ^^iviiiii; inmuy. the number of persons, name ol' each, and number of weeks' treatment and maintenance for which jiaymeiit is ilue, and (he amount of the same to be verilied upon his oath, a copy of which ho shall send to the clerk of the county from i'ayi„inu.y whicli such money is clue; and il the same shall not uior. ni(» MIcnUiAX. 1 1 lie paid within sixiy to tlic said county ch'ik. lie sliall transmit tht' statement to tlie auditor general, who shall liraw his warrant U[ion tlio state ti'easurer I'o!' the amount, t(\L;'?thoi' \\\[\. Mic interest thereon, to he com- puted from tlie time the same Ix'came die the asylum, and charge the same hack to the said coiuiiy, to 1>e assess(>d. col- lected anil returned with and in the same manner that other state ta.xes are assessed, collecteil and I'eturned. 71. The superintendents o,' the posu' of each county in the state sliall transmit to the secretary of the hoard of state charities on tlie lirst dav of Julv in the vear S I'l-':!. Mlni'iilltiMlil en, ,lih.' '.•I'.'.ii u.'X- eiu'iiteeii hundreil and seventy-seven, the name and •lill-V 111' .liir.i ..r I'haiitii'S. I'.m-VM'r state aiie uf cacli insane person in the poor-!ious(> of the county or elsewhere. i'(>ceivinL!; county aid in any foi'm. I'lvery county, city, or town ollicer to whom application for aid in l)eliall" of any insane person shall ho made after the date hefore meutioni'il, shall at onco ''eport the name and i\'j;v of such insant' person to the secretary of the hoai'd of state charities. The medical sufierintendents of the asylum shall I'cport (juarterly to the secretary of the hoard of stat(^ charities the name and a;j,e of all jjatienls supported at state or county cluiriic. After tlie date ahove nuaitioued all tlu' ollicers nannMl in this set'tion shall i'e])oi't to the se( retary of the hoard of state charitii's the date and circumstances attending;' the discharue, I'emoval, elopement, or death of all insane pei'sons roecivHiLT aid or sunported at countv or slate charue. The hoard of state chai'itit's shall [)r()vide I'oi i le carehil registry hy their secretary of all facts communica.teil in compliance with the re- (piiremeiits of this section. 72. A\'hen an indi.Li'ent insane person or an insane pauper 5 iiiji shall he hrouii'ht hel'oi'c a Judge of jirohate for c\- iiaiVV„i"i.|lii'.-,' amination, as provided in st'ctions twentvlhree ami Hi'ttiiMiieiit Ml- twentv-six" ol tins act, such ,|ud,i;-e shall also mipiire iiHlt'.'i'iit ill- . ' . , . ' .... siau'.ru-. into the settlement ot such insane person, and it if shall appear that such insane person is in indiu'ent circum- .stances and hi'.s not tuiilicient means foi- his support, or is a pauj)er and has n.>t a leaal settlement in the county of sin'h juilti'e, hut has gained a legal s( ttlemeiif in some other county of this state, according to the jnovisioiis of si'ctions eighteen * See i; liUtl iind I'.iUJ. MI< IlICAX. luiiidrcd and fortv-ciu'lit ninl ciu'lili'cii Imndrcd anaid insane r;"','''',''!',','..! person, indigent oi- pauper, has not acipiired a lethal ■"■''""'"''• si'ttlement in any c(Mnity in thi^ state, the jmluc of jn'ohate shall forwa.rd a certilie(l (opy of all the test imony in the case to the secretary of state. Th(> hills for the maintenance of such insane ])erson shall he rendered (juartei-ly to tlu' auditor general, at th" same time ami in the same man- ner as hills are rendered to county treasurers, and shall he ]iaid to the treasurer of the asylum in which the insane jier- son is maintaincfl hy the state treasurer, on the warrant of tho auditor ecnei'al, out of any moneys helonLzinu" to the general fund. Jt shall he the d/ty of ihe secri'tar\ of state to ascer- tain, if ])ossih](\ through tl e testimony tiled oi- otherwise^, tlie a pertain- i'l'^r./rhoara ing to said institutions, and the saiil joint hoard "' "■'"*"'^''<- acting under such rules and hy-laws as they may ailoj»t, hy and with ihe advice and consent of the medical superintend- ents, may transter jiatients from the Michigan •|T;Mi«r.-.uf a'^vhnu for the insane to the eastern MichiLian i'"""'"- If 'II I * See I 1901, pi. 5S, supra. WTp.*. I ! 348 MR'IIIGAX. iiichiil asylum, and from the eastern ^riclii.naii asylum to tlic Michi- gan asylum for tlu' insane, if [\>v any eause it may become necessary or very species of insanity, and extend to uM'"<■'' time such will shall become operative, shall be coniined in a state or county asylum, county jail, work- house, poordiouse, or other place controlled or managed by state, county, city, town, or other public authoritv. No trust shall be acce|)ted i"iiain..ii ..r under this act unU'ss the moneys so bequeathed, or i'"^'- tlie i)roceeds of sale of real or porsomd estate so devised or bequeathetl, shall amount to at least live hundred dollars. ■SO. It shall be the duty of any ofhcer with whom any will containing such devise or bequest shall be tiled, ^,,,.-4 after being intbrmed of t^e death of the testator, ,',',',!',',','','i!l;au''of and of anv odicei- to whom anv will containing anv "''''""' such devise or InMpiest shall Ite presented for })robate, innne- diately thereafter to notify the state treasurer and the attorney- general of sue', iling or presentation, and it shall be the duty of the attorney-general upon being so notitied, or upon being otherwise informed of the execution of any such will, and of tl'.e death of the testator, to institute and carry on all neces- sary suits and proceedings to secure the payment into the state treasury of all moneys which, under this act and in jiursuance of such trust, may be received by the state treasurer. SI. ]t shall be the duty of the executor or administrator of such will to pav to the state treasurer, all monevs s ii'"'"> 1-1 111 1 1 ^ I'.xi'iiiiiir or which may be paval)[e to the state, or the people inimiiiistiiii •^ '^ " .to imv iiiulU'^. thereof, as trustee of any such trust, and the said i^^uu' tieus. '11 I !l or ys t)hall he jiaid out I'oi' the lnMU'lll of the persons for whom sueh trust may he created, and as providi'd hy this act. tS'J. 'I'lu' hoard ol' trustees of the Miehiuan asvlum for the § l!l."ilJ. Board iif Irns- ti'rs cil' .Miclii- insane nai liave eiiai'Li'e o f all jtersoiis lor whose ^raii svliiii fill' iii.siiiii' to liavi' I'liai L'l heui'lit any sueh trust shall he created, and of all e.\- pemlitures payahle l)y such inti'rest or insane trust t'su,'ii"i'or- luinl. Any sui'h iiisane [)erson lonlined at the MicluLian asylum for the insane, while the said in- terest and tru>t I'und >hall he sullicient for that purpose, shall he furnished with lod<^inji', hoard, clothin^r, medicines, iiU'dical, and such other attendance, care, eonifoi'ts, and conveniences, as are usually, and in accordance with the I'ules of such asy- lum, allowed to other patients whose support .•-hall he paid for Ly private jiersons, and at the sanu' I'ate of charges, .vud said hoard shall, so far as it may he [xissihie, hut within their reasonahle disi-rition, re,u'ulate the expenditures on hehalf of such insane [lerson, so that tlu' same niay he defrayed from the interest aiithori/ed to he Maid on the j)rincijial of the fund so created for his henelit. If the interi'st shall he insullicient, such expinditui'es may he made fiom the [)rinci[ial of the fund. And if any sum may he received from any source for the sup- port and care of such pei'son, the moneys so ri'ceivcd shall hi' first apjilieil to the payment of such expetiditure in preference to such interest or trust fund. Should any be dian, while so insane, >uch exjieiidiiure on his hehalf shall cease; and such interest or trust lund shall remain unappi'o- priated until such person shall he returned to the asylum, or the same shall hi' paid ra. NUCIIKiAN'. 5."! 'il removed lo said Miehigan asylum, and shall there ])ruvide lur the suiipurt of sueh person, the same a- pi'oviiied by the seetiou in rt't'erenee to piM'sons eoiilined in said a>ylum. S\. \[' anv insane person for whose henelit anv sneli trust •liall have heeu civated, shall heeonie sane or shall s' i '.'■"'■> . . I'r iMliiiLrM die, the hoai'd of trustees of sanl .Miehiuaii insane "h.n |...i>uii l.Hc.inirs Mllio asylum shall eertily to the auditor i;eneral and stale '•>'ii'-<- treasurer that sueh person has so lieeome sani' and is no Ioniser in need of support h'oin such asylum hy reason oi' jirior in- sanity, or is(h'ad; and the state treasurer, U[i()n the warrant of the auditor }^encral, shall |iay to sueh person or persons as may he entitled thereto under the will hy whieii such trust fund has been created, the balance, if any, of prinri[ial and in- tere>t standing; to tlu' credit of such tru>t fund. And if such will shall not provide for or make any disposition of sueh fund in such cases, then such moneys shall be paid to the person for whose henelit such fund has ]>vvn created, if \\v be living and sane, and if he Iw dead, then to his legal representative. S."). Immediately upon receipt of moneys into the state treas- ury under the act, the state treasurer shall notify ^ vx,:>. the auditor genond, and board of trustees of the ti.'n;ilivr ' Micnigan asylum lor the insane, ol the amount .>i hu.m. vs. thei'cof, and of the name of the ])ei'son for whose benefit the fund has l)een created, and all payments from the treasury under the act shall be on the warrant of the auditor genei'al, uiion vouchers duly appi'oved l)y, and tiled with the auditor general by the said board of trustees, the same as other moneys are drawn I'rom the treasury by saiil board (jf trustt'cs tor such asylum. cSb. If at any time hereafter any new state insane asylum he constructed h}' this state, the board of trustcnvs or ,< ii.;,i, other governing body, by whatevei- name called, of .ii'i'tl'-'oi'"" such new insane a-^yhun, shall have the same i)OWt'rs i.'V„r"ii.'w ' and pei'jorm the same (lulies lierebv given to and in sm'ii '.iLsos, 1 ' ' ■ 1 > I • 1 slioiilil mil' lio imposed upon the Itoartl ot trustees ol said Michigan o.iivnuoi.'.i. asylum, should the person for whose benefit such trust is cre- ateil be conlined in such new asylum, or the I'onliiiement of persons from the portion of the state in which he may be an inhabitant, shall be reijuired by law to be in such new asylum. 87. Tliis act sluill not be construed to authorize the conline- 1' vm 352 MICIIIOAX. smci. -moiit of any person in anv insane nsvlnm, oxeoi)! Coiisliiidion ' ^ ■ . ' I of'"'- such [lerson be ex})ressly reqnii'cl by law to be so confined, contrary to, and against tlio wishes of any parent or guardian or other h'gal custodian of the j^erson of any sucli insane person, j)rovided said l)oard of trustees shall be satisfied such ])arent or giiardian or legal custodian shall hav(> sullicient l)eeuniary ability to maintain and su[)port such insane ])erson. 88. The board of coi'rections and charities are instructed Al■t<.n^v!, i^'i"! ein[)o\vered to locate an asylum for Insane^ ci'im- ils'iabii'sh-'' inals in connection with or adjacent to the state hi'miurinsuio liousc of convction at Ionia, to bo kn<;".vn as the (Tiiiiiual.s. A I • 1 • 1 i' • • ■ 1 iMicliigan asylum for insane crimnials. 89. In case there is not suflicient land for the necessities of ihid s 2. such asvlum available in connection with the state I'uwcr to )mr- ' , • i i i ci.iistuuiui. liouse ot correction, the boai'd of coi'rections and charities is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase a tract of land not exceeding thirty acres. Such land when Iiurchascd shall be considered })art of the house of correction property, and shall l)e under the control of the board of man- agers of that institution. DO. The board of corrections and charities shall procure and!. adopt plans and specifications, and the Ijoard of vUiu^. managers aforesaid sliall proceed to erect and con- struct said asylum in accordance therewith; jirovidal, Jioivcva; that the entire cost of said asylum shall not exceed, when com- pletely finislied and furnished with heading apparatus, roads. Cost not to ex- feuccs aiid outbuildings, the sum of sixty thousand 01. There is hereby ap|»ropriated for carrying out the pro- ibi,i § 4. visions of this act, the sum of sixty thousand dollars tioii.' and the same shall be incorporated in the state taxes as follows, to wit: for the year one thousand eight hundrd and eighty-three, sixty thousand dollars, this sum to l)e as- sessed, levied, and collected in the same manner as other state taxes are by law assessed, levied, and collected, whicli wlien collected shall be credited to the general fund to reimburse the same for the amounts drawn therefrom. 02. All moneys appropriated herel)y may be drawn from ii.i.i,^ -.. the state treasury, upon the warrant of the auditor Moneys to lip " , , . 1111 diawu iioin general, in sucli sums and at sucli times as sluill bo Tfwr ■^i|m|.! MinilOAN'. 353 manrv board of man- agers siforesaid shall a[)point a medical sui)erintend- ||,|,i 5,; cut Avho shall ])e a well educated j)hysician ex- oi''',i,'.yi'il'','l's'H. I'll J 1 jt'il • "ir 111 ItiTitltrluh'Ilt. perienced m tiie treatment ot tiie insane, lie sliali reside in the building and devoti' all his time to the care and treatment of those coidined therein for treatment, iiis.iiiti,..s. shall also have chari:,e of said asvlum under the diri'ttion of saipoint, u[»on the nomination of the medical sui)erintendent, one assistant jihysi- cian and a matron who shall constantly reside in the asylum. (•4. The managers shall from time to time detiM-niinc the annual salaries and allowances of the oilicers and 11,1,1^7. such salaries shall not exceed in the aggregate the oiiVn'r's." "' sum of three thousand dollars. The salaries of the oflicers shall be paid quarterly on the lirst days of January, April, .Inly and October in each year, by the treasurer of the state (111 the warrant of the auditor general out of any moneys be- longing to the gen(>ral fund, to the treasurer of the asylum on his [iresenting a bill of particulars to be signed by the medical superintendent and certified by the president (or resident member) of the board of managers. !*."). The oflicers aforesaid before entering upon their duties sliall severally take the oath iirescril)ed by the con- hh'Iss. stitution. otiicois. 00. The managers are hereb}' directed and empowered to establish such by-laws as they may deem ]iecessarv ii,i,ij;!i. and expedient for regulating the a|)pointment and '•''"''• duties of officers, attendants, and assistants, and for conduct- ing in a pro{)er manner the business of the institution; also to ordain a suitable system of rules and regulations for the 23 i M :< i ': :;r,t MiniTfiAX. ! inttTual •jjovcniment and discipline and management of tlio asylum. !>7. Tiu' niedioal superintendent shall Le the chief executive ii.ia s 10. ofliccr of the asvlum. lie shall have the general i...w.i.s„f ii,,' superintendence ol the Iniihhnti, irrounds, and iarni, i..iint.i„i.iit. together with the hirnitnre, fixtures, and stock, and the direction and control of all persons therein, suhject to the laws and regulations, estahlished hy the managers; he shall daily ascertain the condition of all the patients and i)rescril)c their treatment in the manner directed in the by-laws; shall also have the nomination of his co-resident ollicers, Avith power to assign them their resjiective duties, suhject to the hy-la\vs; also to aj)point. with the ai)pr»)val of the managers, such and so many assistants and attendants as he may think necessary and proper for the economical and efficient i)erformance of the husiness of the asylum, and to jirescribe their several duties and places, and to fix, with the approval of the managers, tlu'ir compensation, and to discharge any of them at Ins sole discretion, hut in every case of discharge he shall forth- with record the same with the reasons under an a])propriate head in one of the Looks of the asylum; he shall also have the power to suspend, until the next monthly meeting of the managers, for good and sufficient reason, a resident officer. He shall also from time to time give such orders and instructions as he may judge best calculated to insure good conduct and economy in every dei)artment of labor and expense, and ho is authorized and enjoined to maintain salutary discipline among all who are employed by the institution, and to en- force strict comjiliance with such instructions, and uniform obedience to all tiie rules and regulations of the asj'lum. JFe shall further cause full and fair accounts and records of all his doings to be kept regularly from day to day in books pro- vided for that purpose, in manner and to the extent prescribed in the by-laws, and he shall see that all such accounts and records are fiUly made up to the last day of September imme- diately preceding the meeting of the legislature, and that the principal facts and results with his report thereon be at that time presented to the managers. Tlie assistant physician shall perform the duties and be subject to the res])onsibilitics of the medical superintendent in his sickness or absence. Assistant ])<'iiiii. MICIIKIAX. 355 OS. Tlic officers of the asylum and all attciulants and as- sistants actuallv ("mplovcd tlicrein, during!; tli(^ times Hii.i s n. ■ 1111 . ■ Esi'iiiptiiih iif ot suL'li cmplovnu'nt, shall bo I'Xi'inpt troiu sofvum' "Mii.i:- f,„m . ' , , • 1 1 1 " jury st-rvUi!, Oil jurit's, ti'oiii all assessments for lanor on the '•«• lii<;liways. and in time of peai'e jVoui all service in tlii' militia, and the ccrlihcate of tlu' su[M'rintfiident shall lie ovideiieo of the fact of such employment. 1>1). The managers shall maintain an efrecl.ive inspection of the asylum at the times and in the manner pre- n.i.i :; ij. scribed in the by-laws. Jn a book kt'pt by the '""""^ board of managers for this ]turpose, the visiting manager or managers shall note the date of each visit, the condition of tlie house, patients, etc., with remarks of commendation or censure, and all the managers present shall sign the same. The general result of these inspections, Avith suitable hints, shall be inserted in the annual reports, di'tuiling the juist year's operations and ai'tual state of the asylum, Tii.iriiuiiuiii which the board shall make to the legislature at washmu-.. (>acli regular session thereof, accompanied with the reports of the medical superintendent and treasurer. 100. it shall be the duty of the medical superintendent to admit any of the board of managers int(;) every M'',',',li;«rs t.. part of the asylum, and to exhibit to him, or to IoUh^isviiuu them, on demand the books, pajiers, and accounts, pn,'|H.m.'.' and writings belonging to the institution or pertaining to its business management, disci[)line, or government, also to fur- nish copies, abstracts, and reports whenever rc(iuired by the l.ioard. 101. The treasurer shall have the custodv of all monevs, bonds, notes, mortgages, and other securities and nn,i, shall also make contracts with at- tendants and assistants, and keep and settle all their accounts. lie shall also keep the accounts of the sup|)ort of patients and expenses incurrcnl in their behalf, and furinsh tli(> treasurer with co[)ies of the same, lie shall also he accountable foi' the careful ke(>j)in,<;' ami economical use (»f all furniture, stores, and other iirticles provide(l in tlie asylum. 10-1. The medical superiidcndeiit sludl make in a book ke])t ii.i.isi'. for that i)urpose, at the time of rece|)tion, a minute em's iiuties. with date of same, of the name, residence, and ofli- eial [tosition of the person b}' whom and by whose authority eacli insane i)crson is brouii'ht to the asylum, and luvvc all the orders, wari'aiits, requests, certilicates of conviction, and other [)apers accom[)anyini;- him forthwith liled. 105. When a jx'rson accused of the crime of murd(M', attempt at murder, rape, attempt at I'ape, highway roldtei'y, i'n'c'i'..Mii'ML's or arson, sliall have esca])ed indictment or shall have have .•sciiiivd been acquitted ut)on trial ujion the ground ption of patients, at the disci'e- tion of the court. If any person in c-onlinement, under indict- Piorp.Miini:-* ment of [tor] the crime of arson, or mui'der, or a(- aV'i"':'ir'irl>ano tcmpt at uiurder, rape, or attempt at rape, or high- .•i.uiiiKin.Mit wav robberv, shall appear to be insane, the judu'e of tur ciitaiii , ' . . " „ , 1 • 1 criu.os. tiie cH'cuit court oi the county wliere he is coidnied shall institute a careful investigation; he shall call two or MKJIKIAN. oot iiKiro rcspoctabli' iiliysiciuns, niul otlior criMliljlr witnesses, uikI the |ii'()S('ciitiiin; attonioy tt» aid in llu' cxaiuinution, and il' it 111' (Ucincd necessary to call a jnry lor that purpose, is I'ully ( iu[)o\vi'red t(j compel the attendance of w itnesst>s and jurors, it" it is satit'actorily proved that such person is insane, said jud.uc nniy dischary;e such person iVdiii iniprisoiunent. and or- der his sale custody and removal to one of the state asylums, (»r to the Michigan asylum I'or insane ci'iminals.ut'ler the latter institution is opt'ii tor the rece[ition of patients, at the discre- tion of such ,judt;t.', where such person shall remain until re- stoi'ed to liis ri«;ht mind; and then if the said Jud^e shall have so directed, the superintendent of the said asylum shall inform the said jud^e and prosecuting^ attorney so that the person so conlined nniv, within sixtv davs thereafter, he remandeil to prison and criminal [irocecdines be resume(l, ov otherwise dis- chariied. If any siu-h jjcrson be sent to either of said asylums, the count V from which he is sent shall defrav all p, „„„„.,„ „, expenses of such jterson while at the asylum for a {'u"'',';i|! ^,',;;,';,'[' jieriod of two years, and the expense vi' returning'^"''''"' lionu' to sucli county, if liis discharge is ellecteil during such {leriod ; if -he shall not be dischaiged from the said asylum until after his transfer to the state shall have been ell'ected : under the provisions of a subsecjuent section, the expense of his return to said countv shall be paid bv the state of Miehi- gan ; the county or state nuiy recover the amount so paid from the person's own estate, if he have any, ov from any relative, town, city, or county that would have been bound by existing laws to provide lor and nuiintain him elsewhere. 100. U any jterson in conlincment, under indictment for tlio crime of arson, nnirder, attempt at murder, n.i,i s m. rape, attempt at rape, or highway' robbery, shall ''''"'■ appear to be insane, the judge of the circuit court in which such indictment is pending shall have power summarily to inquire into the sanity of such jterson, and, for that pur[)ose, may appoint a commission to examine such person and in- quire into the facts of his case and report them to the court; and if the said court shall find such person insane, without sufficient mental capacity to undertake his defense, it may in its discretion order the removal of such {lerson to one of the state asylums, or tlie Miciiigan asylum for insane criminals, I f :^,.-s MlCllKiAV. liftrr llio latter iii'-liliitidii i<(iiicii I'm" llic ncipl idii (if patient-', tlu'i'c t(- rciiiaiii until rcstornl to his i'ii;lit ininij, wlicii lie shall be ivniunik''! to pri-nii ami ciimiiial id'octcdin^is he rcsuinc'I, or othorwise iliscliai'<;('(l acedi'iliiii^ tn law. The cxjx-nse of y\iv\\ persiin's niaintonaiicc shall Ini' a [icriod of two years he (ielVavetl 1)V the couiitv from which lu! eanie, and until his transfer to slate expense shall have heeu ellev-ted as provided tor in the next seetinu. ]II7. The I'ate (if ehar^e jier weik, to he paid fur the iieees- ii.idsji). sarv treatment of all patients, shall he anniiallv natf 111' /• ' 1 1 I 1 1 • • 1 .•iuirK''i. lixed hy tli( lioai'd o| niana;j;ers ot tiie asylum, and shall not exeeed the actual ro~| of supjiort and attendance, exclusive of oIluH'rs' salaries. Two years' continuous residence' in the asvlum, at the exitciise of anv c(tuntv shall entitle a wh.-n pMti.Mit iiatit'ut to state support, and the nu'dical superin- tii lie suiiport- ' 111 I . . I I -1 -ii I,} ^tiite. tendeul sliall, on the nrst day ol January, Apru, July, and Octoher of each year, certify to the secretary of state, the name, n^e, and re.'iidence of all i>!itients under tnatment, the exj)ense of mainteiiaie'e shall have been thus e\- elusiveiv paiindl hcconii- diM' and payahlc, ac- (■iirdin;^ to tin! hyduws of the asyhini, upon the ii1(1li" of tin; nu'dii-al su|»('rintc'inh'id ; ami tin' snpci'visoi'.s ol' said county sliall anuuallv low and raise the amount of such ])ills, and such I'ui'tlu'i" sum as will prohahly cover all similar hills lur cue year in advance. Said county, Imwever, shall have tinj ii;;lil to re(|uire any iiulividual, town, or city that r,„i,tinav i-^ legally liahle lor the support oi' such patient, to rllr'n.!',,"!.',',','!.','.' reimhurse the amount of said hills with interest. 110. ICvery town, or county payin<;' for the support (d' an insane i)erson in the said asylum, or for his I'Xpenses iii.i >^ :■■■ • ! • 1 1111 1 I • 1 'I'oWM iir ui ii'om!'' to and Irom the same, siiall iuive the like lomny n.ay rights and remcilu's to rectjver the amount ol such ^nii.Miiits imi.i. jiayment, with from tiiu tinu' of [»ayin;j,' each hill, as if such (>.\penst's had heen iiu'Urred for the su[)port (jf the same at other [)laces under existin;;' laws. 111. In case any eouidy in this state shall neglect or refuse to pav the amount due said asvlum, for the treat-;i nient and manitt'nance ot persons admitted trom "-i-ns such county, in accordance with the provisions o[' i'.'.v,.t.'. this act, it shall he the duty of the inedii-al superintendent to make out a statement of the facts, jj;ivin<;- the numlier of per- sons, name of each, and number of weeks' treatment and main- tenance for which [layment is due, ami the amount of the same, to be verilied upon his oalh, a copy of which he sliall send to the clerk ol' the county from whit'h sutdi mom y is due, and if the same shall not be paid within sixty days alter ;j,iv- \n<^ such notice to the said county clerk, he shall transmit the statement to the auditor i4eneral, who shall draw his warrant u])on the state treasurer for the amount, to|;ether with the interest thereon, to be et)mputed to the time the same became due the asylum, and charge the same back to the said county, to hi' assessed, collected, and returned with, an'e. removal, elopc- iiient, oi' (hath of all insane })ersons receivinji; aid or su[H)oi't at county or state chai\iie. Ho. N\'hen the Michigan asylum for insane criminals is I, ,i, I ;;._,„ ojjened for the reception of patients, the medical su])erintendents of the Michigan asylum for the 'iatii' criiiii- I'mi'xv'iM'i'" insane, and the eastern Michigan asylum, and tln' wardens of the statt' ])ris()n at Jackson, and house of correction of Ionia, and the su[)erintendent of the Detroit house of correction, shall, with tlic consent of the hoard of trustees, or hoard of inspect(.'"s, or managers of their re>i)ective institutions, proct'c*! to ti'ansfer to (he said asylum tor insane criminals, all insane criminals or disidiargod convict insane, r.N,uMi>,uf found in such institutions. The cx[iense of the maintenance oi sucli {lationts, shall, trom tlie date of their transfer, he chargeal)le to the state of ^Michigan, like- ■\vis(> the e\})ense attending said transfer. 11 h \\'henever the jtiiysician of [to] (he s(ate prison, or the ii.i'i?-::. ])hvsicinns to eitlu'r of the houses Oi' corret'fion of t.:u,M.r. ,.r iliis state, shall certifv to anv warden, or other '"•''^ odicer in charge that anv convict therein is in-ane, it shall he (he duty of said warden, or other olUcer in charge) to make immediately a I'ull examination into (he condidon of such I'onvict, ..nd ii" fully satislied (hat he is insane, the said warden, or otlua- ollicer in charge wIkm'c said con,-ict is con- fined., sliall tordiwith cause such convii'( to he (ransferrcil (o tin' Michigan asylum for insane criminals after such insfiUi- tio!; shall lie opened for the reception oi'patiei (s,and (o deliver lun to the medical superintendent thereof, who is herehy vo- quire*! (o receive him into said asylum, and reiain him (here Kxppime.if tiMtil IcLrallv discharged. Tie expense of .■-uch in- iiiinirli'haiiii', ' ' ' ' _ '■"■ sane con\ ict's maintenance, in (he Michigan aaiil asylums, wlio liavo been t^uilty ol'an act of homiridc lavvious to admission to the asylum, and wiiose presence is dangerous to others; likewise all insane persons who have c-ommitted any act of hoiuicido ^\hile under treatment in cither of the asylums, and the board of eorrections and charities shall investi<:ate all the facts and report to the j;(jvt'rnor, wlm may, in his di~eretiiin, order the transfer of such person or persons to the Michiuan asylum lor insane criminals after such institution shall be opened for the rei'ei)tion of i)atients. 'i'he expense of the main- Kxp.'n^i^ nr tenance of such person or [>ers()ns aflc r svich transfei' '"■ shall be charj^eable to the stale of Mit-hiji'an. In case any pa- tient under tn'atment in either of the state asylums shall at any future time after the (U'^ani/atioii of the M .•hi^an asylum for insane criminals, commit any act of homicide, or develop unmistakable liondt-idal tendencic'-, I'enderinLi- his present-e ii source of danger to others, proceedings nuiy be instituted as ab<)ve, h' the transfer of such palieiit slndl lie ell'ected the expense of his maintenance fi'om the date of transfer shall be eliargeable to the state of Michigan. IIG. In case the insanity >( any convict shall continue after the expiration of hi< senti e lie shall be retained n.i.i^^-. in said asylum until ailjiidged by the medical super- '''',",'"','""'" intendent and boai'd of coiTection- and chanties a *'!n'„'i m'u*' lit subject to be di--charL;ed. Whenever anv con- '*'"'^"'' '""'■ vict who shall have been eonlined in sni.l a. ' ium as a 'Muatic shall have become restoi'e(l to reason, and the nied- wi,,>n,ostoro,i ical su|)erintendent of said asylum shall so certify '"'''■•""" in writing, he shall be forthwilh tran~fei'red to the house of correction, |U'ison or I'eforniatory from whence he came, ami the agent or warden of said pri-^on (»r reformatory shall receive the said convict into said prison. In ui-e ol' ey the state treasurer to the treasurer of tlu' asylum, on the wai'rant of the auditor general, out of any moneys belonging to the general fund. lis. ^\'llen a })ers()n shall have eseapeil indietment, or shall S iws- have been acquitted of a eriniinal eharge, upon Wlioii a per- . , . . . ^ , . .-on is ;ir- trial, on the ''I'Dund oi msanitv, tlu' court, beini: (luittcil of cri- . _ '^ _ _ ' ' ^ _ ' '^ luiiiiii ciiMri.'.; certilied bv the iurv or otherwise of the fact, shall on L'riMind ot . j ^ ' insiihiiy. carefully inquire and ascertain whether his insanity in any degree continues, and if it d(jes, shall order him in safe custody, and to be sent to the asylum. If such person be sent to the asylum, th(> couiily frou. which he is sent shall defray all his expenses while there and of sending him back, if re- turned; but the eounty may recover the amount so paid from his estate, if he have any, or from any relative, town, city, or county that would have been bound to provide for and main- tain him elsewhere. 110. W any pei'son in CDiifinement under indictment, or J mnn. under sentence of inipiisonnieut, or under criminal SVheii jiorson ,■ i • i y i i i • . oiiiuo.i t'liarL'.c, or i(»r waul nl \r tu api)ear as a witness, or m ft.'., appi-iirs 1 to 1 _ ' 11 ... to 1.,. in-iin.'. e and other creilitable witnesses, whom he is authori/e(l to swear as such; and if it l)e satisfactorily proved that lie i-* insane, said commissioner or judge may i\- lieve him Iroin >ui'h iniprisounienl, a.inl oriler his safe custody anreme court or 1 circuit judge, if upon due investigation it sliall ippear sate, legal, and right to make sach order. 28. If anv iierson alter Ijcimr convu'tei W liu niiiy ili:, cliiirL'i' im- lil'llts oi' u rriniiiial clas.s. anv offense 'rriiiL^lVr of and committed to the state prison or any penal iii-^titution of tliis slate, and hefore the exeention in •"•-•"i- pilSOIllTS to w hole or in jiart of i\w sentence of this cout't, shall "^^■l"|"• ane convict in llic ]irison department [ir.eiiared i^r Ilia' 'urpose and 'mniediatelv notifv the governor of tlu; r •; ■5? ■^ ^11 3G4 MICIIIGAX. (iovornor stiitc of tlic iiisaiiitv of ,«;ii(l convirl. whose duty it rris,r'i'.'r'>. at hIkiII 1)0 to iii(]uii'o i iito tlu' furts, ;i lul lio uiav | >ar( lou """• """■ such hiuatic, or cdniiujitc or suspi'iuh lor the lime bein<;', the execution in sueli niainier or for sucli [teriod as he may tliink proper, and may, hy lii-^ warrant to tlie wardt'u of the state prison, or any jienal institution of this state, oi'ch'i' such hmatic to he conveyed to one of (lie state asylums for the insai-e, and there ivcpt at tlie expense of ihe stale unlil restored to his reason, unliss his sent«.'nee shall sooner ex})ii'e, in which case, or if restored to reason l)efore the expiration of tlie time of his sentence, he shall he returned to the prison to serve oui the unexpired time of his sentence, the time of such suspension shall count on the tin}e for winch sentenced. 1'24. ^\'henever a convict in the state prison or any })enal g I'l; 1 istitution of this state shall show symptoms of in- VZin!''v.'vLn sanity, the wardi'U sliall j^ive notice to the [)hysi- I':'m'i'i','i!'Iu hi' " cian thereof and to the medical su})erintendent of '""""■ the asylum for the insane at Kalamazoo. The phy- sician and medical superintendent aforesaid, upon receiving such notice shall forthwith examine such convi(;t, and if upon such examination they shall be of (»pinion that said convict is insane, they shall certify the sanu' to the warden of the prison or any penal institution of this ,^tare, wlu) shall forthwith put such lunatic or insane convict in the prison department pre- pared for that purpose. 125. The physician for said prison or any penid institution ^ ,p^^ of this state shall give such mt'dical and sui'gical pVns.a's'uITu- ^i*^ hj the lunatic convicts who may not he removed iKiticc..tivu-t!i. ^, order of the governor, as provitled hy section one* hereof, as the nature of their cases and circinnstances will pier- wiLMi huuitie iiiit and ri'quire; and whenever any lunatics or in- BtiimiT'luiy' •''^^"C convicts sluiU bo adjudgc-d to be restored to oi war.i.M,, |in>ij. proper nunds, or so far restored that it may he considered safe to put them at labor, under their sentence, and certified so by the physician and medical superintendent as aforesaid, the warden of the [irison ov a'ly penal institution of this state shall again put such restored ( onvi(;ts at hard labor, accordinp' to their sent^mcc. * See J 1940, 1)1. 1L';J, siiiiia. MlflllCAX. 3(15 120. Before disclmrgiiiti; any convict at the time of the ex- piration of liis sentence from any of the penal in- ^. ,,^,,, stitutions of this state, wlio may he (hx'ined insane, *?iv?.;'iV.'i-.!'re and so certified l)y tlio ]>liysician in charije of any v"irt's'K,'H'!iu- such institution, if no rchitivc or friend of [any] *-''"^"'- such convict appears and takes chari^e of liiin, the \var and i>lace of meeting, whose duty it shall be to attend the examination, and act in behalf of the state; and said pi-obate judge shall lully in- ■vvi,pnt..i.o II Ml • vestigate the facts in the case, either with oi- without a>xiui,i mi .x. a jury, as to the (piestion of insanity, and if tlu' ]>r(,ibate judge certifies that satisfactory }>roof has Ix^cn adduced showing him insane, and no relative, relation, or friend of such dischargeil convict, has. in the meantime, apjieared and ollered to take charge of him. on the certilicate of such judge, nni'.er (he seal of (he pi'ol)ate eour( of said county, he shall be admitted into one of tiie asylums for the iii-anc in this slate, and siipported there at (he expense of the s(ate until he shall lie restore(l to soundness of mind, or until removed by duo process of law. or taken charge of by his relatives or friends. The bills fo!' the maintenance, clothing and other nin-' f^r ' iiiainlt'iianco, charges of such padents, shall be rendered quarterly i""" I'i'iJ- 'I: miciii'::ax. to tlic auditor general in the same manner as bills are ren- dered to county treasurers for tlie support of patients at county charge, and sliall be paid by the state treasurer to the treasurer of t])e asyknn in which tlie patients may be, on the warrant of the auditor general, out of any money belonging to tiic general fund. The probate judge in such examination sliall have the jiower to compel the attendance of witnesses and jurors, and shall iilo the certilicates of the physicians taken under oath and other j)apers, and enter the proper order in the jouri\al of the pi'ol)ate court in his ollice; said i)rol)ato jur/c/('(/, tiiat if such discharged convict shall Proviso. not be in indigent circumstances, the treasurer of such as-, lum shall take all necessary proceedings to reimburse the state for his support at sucli asylum from liis ju'opert}' or such of his relatives as may be liable for his support. Jlowell's AiniDliitod Slatiites of 1SS2, ln'iiig a new work, 'lie fnllo\vii:g cross- rclVreiue may l)e dI' ai^r-istance : ■f/i 4lL'-]S will ho loiiiid ill Laws oflss], \„. 206. ^/i 187'J-l'.t2s, I/uvsof 1>77, No. 11)1; 1879, No. 10.3; ISSl, Nos. 147 and 1^2 ^^^ 1931-13, Laws of ISSl, No. 'J-2"). U 1944-5, Laws of 187:5, No. 91 ; 1875, No. 8 ; LS79, No. oC ; 1881, No. 215. i'i 194t)-8, Laws of 1877, No. l^li. ■iA 1949-51, Laws of 1877, No. 172; 1879, No. 115. J>< 1952-01, Laws <■( 1873, No. 172. .hi(U'.' to ri'- poi't lo lii>:ii ■! el' stHti' iiiiili- lois. Expp'isi' of proft'i'diii;iS, iiow ]>;Uil. Hil MINNESOTA. (.iiVi:i!\Mi;XT OK MINNi:s(il'A ASYI.IM. 1. I'lstalilisliiiU'iil and locatinii; nov- (MiiiiU'iit vi'sieil in Irustio^. 'J. Tinsti'i's, a|i|i()iiiinit'nt, tirni of ol- \'u\'. J), A]i|ii(ii)riaii(in, I'ontrol ot', vi'>-tt'il in tinstfcs. 4. Oath of ollicc. cdiniH'nsation, iinH't- inijs, oliicfis. 5. I'.iwers ami iliilics. ('). Sii|HTinti'n(ifiil, ualli, imwcrs. 7. TiiM'-nriT, linnil, pdweis S. Tiu^ict's may liolil |uo]K'rty in Irnst. ',) TriMtccs may imrcliasi' iamlM. UUCUKSTKU ASYM.M. IC. K~tai)lislim(*iit and location. 11. I'n)|i('rty of iiu'hriati' asylum, tiaiis- I'eiied lo; fidVLTiimi'iit vested in trustees of stale asylum. I'J. Aiipropriations for; siiccial depart- ment, for iiu'liriatt's provided. Misci; 1,1. \M;ot s I'KnxisioN.s. l.'l. Reports of ollieeis of asylnms. 1 I. Jiy-laus to lie snpplieii to judges, notice of opening of asylum. 1"). Superintendent's statistics, li'i. ( (intraels i.i In' ailvertised. 17. 'I'd lie aw.-ird ■(! to lowest bidder. IS, I'lstimate ol' expenses, warrants and vouelu'i's. ]'.t. Warrants f(ir delieit. 2'i. Pay-rolls, lurm of, vi rilication. l!l. ,\ndit of pay-rolls, w.-irranis. 2'1. Amounts of expenditures, audit. ADMI.isiON AND DI.scHAltCiK. '1',). Ilesidentw admilted free of eliarfj;o; re-admissioi>, ref;iilatlons for. -1. Piililic and private patients, distinc- tion hetween aliolislicd. ■J"). I'rort'edinys for {'(immitment and notice of disiliarvc llisil;ai'ge, on order of trustees. 2',). Disrliarijed patients supplied with cloi'liins; !md moi.ey. oC.. Admitted patients supplied with clothin^f. .■)]. luieiroiiatorii- to he answered, ")"J. 1 >(tiiution of " insane." .').';!. DiJliiulion of "insane pcrscjiv " and "spendthrift.'' CUMMISl^IOX OI- I.INACV. in, Cnmmission of lunacy, nu'inhf rs of, inspection of asylnms, reports. JV"). May remand patient lor re-exann- uation. •M]. Selection of idiots iiud imhecile.s for transfer to trainins;' scliool. ."7. Iiliots and indiecihs supported in Karihault iisylum. 38, Ke-transfer of inenrahle idiots and iiuheciles to i>'u;irdiiiii oreoinmis- sioners of comity. 09. l'"oret;oin!r provisions nut to found permanent tiainin;,' selionl. ClUMINAr, IN.^ANK. 10. Insaiie convicts, exiimiuation. 41. Ueport and |irison transcript sid)- luitted to i^'overnnr. i\l. Transfer of convict to asylum, no- tice to superintendent. 4.'i, Superintendent's receipt, 44, On recovery remanded to prison. 4'). Term in asylum counted inconiput- iiiii; allowaiiee for good conduct. 4('i. Fact of insanity stated in verdict; ]daee of commitment. 1, The lii)>)iitfil for tlit; insane for tlie .sttitc of Minnesota, sliull hv erected ami located iij)on tlie site desig- stiitntisof nated and deterniinrd jis hereinbefore mentioned ni'isv.,' ;ind provided for, and sliall be known bv the name i..irnt'i.ii, " . .,, r^ . llilllH', tills- iuid title ol Aiinnesota Hospital lor Insane, and '"■'^•'' I ! [''ill nns MINNKSOTA. 'I I I !i shall lie ])liic('(l umlcr the cliaruc oi" seven trustees, luiu' of uhoiii siiall eonstiluti' a tjuonmi lur llie Iraiisactioii n[' husiiu'ss. 2. [Seven |iei'sons nanied ] ai'e herehy eiin-tituleil tlie Imai'd 11,1,1 ji io ol' trustees (if sueli asylum. 'I'lie two lirsl naincd an .1 i..,m.s,f sluill scrve lor t WO vears, tlio seeond two lor lour yeai's, the last three for six years; and as theii' terms expire, their su.ccessoi's sliall he appointed hy the gov- ernor, hy and with the ad\iee and eonsent of the senate, for the term of six years, and until their suect^sors ai'e ap|iointed and ((ualilied. .'). All appropriations made in any act which shall herciiflci' 11,1,1 jj i.i he passtul for the hcni'lil , ca re or treat iiicut of the .11 approii.ui- insane o| this slate, or lor the ci'ectlon, Jiureiiase oi' lease of any huildinu' loi" their accommodation, shall he placed under the charii-e of said hoard, and shall he drawn from the state treasury hy the ti'ea-urer of the hospital in the mode' and manner lu'reinafler provided. ■I. 'J"he trustees, heforc ente'riuu,- upon the (hitics of their ('a'iiif.''n.. olllcc, shall take and suhsiTihc an oath oi- ailirir.a- !i'ii!r;Ii'.M'l'i'ii-H tion to support the constitution of the I'nited Slates, |!Mi!.',!',s"'^' iiud of this state, and also faithfully (o discharge the duties reijuired of them hy law, and the hydaws that may be eslaljlished. ddiey shall he paid their necessaiy expenses during the time they are actually i'UL:,a,ued in llu> discharire of their ollicial duties, smdi paymiut to he nuide out of any money appropriateel inr the suppni'l of the insane, 'idii'y shall hold their annual mediun' at the hospital on tluMii'st A\'ediu'sday in l)eeeiuher of each year, when they shall choose one of their nuudier president, 'MkI another secretai'y, and niic treasurer, for the en peneral control and "'i'l S i''- nianau'ement of the ho-nital. Thev shall have i'..\v.Ts o( ■ ' • , tnistfi's. power to make all hydaws necessary inr the gov- ernment of the same, not ineon>istent with the laws and cnii- stitution of the state of Minnesota, ami to conduct ilie atlaii's of the institution in aecoi'dancc with the laws and hy-laws reii-ulatinsj; the same. 'Jdiey shall ajipoint a medical superin- tendent, who shall l)e a well educated iind regular physician. and a steward, a nuvtron, and assistant physieian or physi- MINNKSOTA. 3(50 c'ians, and a cliaplain, when sncli ofliccrs aro tlcoined ncc cs- {■arv, wilt) shall 1)1! iiuvcrncd hy and he snhjcct tu all the laws and hy-laws i'sta])lislR'd for the ^liovcrnnicnt ol' said hospital. The saiil trnstees shall lix all salaries not otherwise deter- mined hy law, and may at their iiliasni'c remove all ollici'rs, ext'epl the superintendent, who may he snspeiided hy tlir said hoard of trnstees nnlil he can have a hearinj^ hefore the .gov- ernor of the state; and after sneh liearino-, ho, tiic said sni)er- intendeiit, niay he removed from oiliee hy the governor, hy and with the advieo and consent of said hoard of trustees. (). The su[>erintendent, hefore ciiterini;- upon the dnties of his ofliee, shall take and suhserihe an oath or aillr- H'Miiiii. ]natif)n, faithl'nlly and dilij2;ently to disehar""ito approvc, conditioned that he will faithfully perform i"-'"''""-'- the duties of his ollice, and pay o\<'r and account for all moneys that shall come into his hands, as such ollic(M", from the stat(! or any otlx'r source. He shall have jiower to draw from the states treasury, out of moneys approjjriated for hospital purposes, ujion his order, under the seal of the institution, ap- proveil hy the i)resideiit and secrt-tary, and endorsed hy the su[)crintendent, a sullicient amount to defray the expenses of the institution, or to defray iho exjieiises of any huildiii^ o])era- tions, or any other wovk carrit'd on hy the said hoard, for which moneys may have heen a[)proi)riated. Upon the }irescn- talion t)f such an order to the auditor of state, and not other- wise, it shall 1)6 his duty to draw a warrant on tlie treasury for the amount therein specified. 8. The hoard of trustees may take and hold, in trust for the ]ios[)ital, any laiuls convevid or devised, and any i,,i,|,<,q money or other {Personal properly <;iven or he- t''.','.s't,' lll.i'j""' (lUcafhed, to he ap[)lied for any pur[)ose connected '"■''''■''■'>• with the institute. i! ;iii .■"s'l ■ -Vs :170 MIN'NKSOTA. m '-•. Tlic lionrd of trustees of tlio Miiiiui-nta li()sj>itals for in- S''*" sane, are lierebv imtlioi'i/eil and (Munowd'ed to pur- jMiniiiiHr chase land foi- (lie use of the hosititals, said niirehase l:iiiil< lor _ I ' I ii..-.iutiiis. ,11, 1 (,, (.\c('ed in eost eii^lit thousand I'oiii' hini(h'e(l doHars for the iirst liospital, and ten liionsand doUars lor the seeonart and appropriated to the estah- lishnient. sup[iort and niainlenance of tlu^ said second hosjtitiil foi the insane herein provided for. and shall he suhject to the same control and inanaucinent as the iii'o])ei'ty and funds now sel apart and used I'or the sui)[tort and maintenance of the hospital for insane. I'l. There is herein' ji|)propriated the sum of fiftei'U thousand ..•,t.'.s. rep(jrt to the <;ovei'nor, after their annual mei'tini^ in J)eceiid)er of each year, and iK'fore the meetin<; of the le,i^islature, and so much oftencr us they may deem necessary of the condition and wants of the hospital. Their annual reports shall be accom{)anied by the reiiort.s of the superintend- ent and steward and tn^asui-er. This report shall i2,ive ;ui account of all the disbursements for the year ending, and shall make an estimate for current exi)enses for the ensuing year, and for building and other })urposes for which ai)pi'opriatioiis mav be deemed neees.sarv, by said board of trustees. MINNKSOTA. ■«■ l^i^i' 11. Tlic Irnstcos sliall t'uniisli and mail, wlicn printed, collies of llie l)V-la\vs to all jiidu'cs of proltate in the hu.i s m.v 11111 • • 1 '1 • 1 • 1 Tnisti'0< to estate, and shall also ndorni, ov man, said lut ki't'^ lurni-ii pi„. wlu'ii the institution will he oneii tor the i'eee[itioii "uii I'.vi.iwh. of patients. l.~. 'l'ji(« superintendent of the Minnesota hospital I'.ir the insane is herehv re<|uired, on the lli'st dav of each mi,.,, month, to make out a repurl in writiipj,', showinir the ,^',',",' ','!'•! ,'!!',, eoiidition of I'aeh patient in said hospital, [sepa- J'',','!,!!,',,, „, rately,] with refereiuv to hodily health; apj.etite; "'"""^""'' sleep; mental symptoms generally; jiartieular symptoms; mental stale; liahits ami inelimitions ; prospect of restora- tion; and shall forward hy mail to the next of kin of each of sueli patients, respc-tively, a copy of such rejiort, without ehar,L;e, within the tirst week of each month. 1(). It is hei'i'hy made thi' duty of those wlio, under au- thority of the state, have respoetively the eare, eon- ii.m^-.-,: , ' , 1' 1 "^1 • • l.i'ltilli; of trol nnd mauae;(>ment ot the several state mstitu- i-ounMcts for tions, i)eloi'e lettini;' anv eontraet or contracts lor the i"^'*: a.iv.T- ' . . . ti-iliiL,' lor erection ot' any new huildinj^s for the state, or the ''ii^- enlar same length of time in some paper haviiii;' a general circulation published at the ca|iital, statin^- the time and place said })roposals will l)e received ami ()[tened. 17. it is hereby made the duty of those so advertisini:; for pi'oposals as aforesaid to let aiiy and all contracts ,,,1,1 ^< ,-„, made in behalf of the state to the iouc.t re- !,iv'ani''rt'"iie ■ 11 I'll lowi'st biililiT. sponsible bidder. ,1S. Whenever the authorities of any state institution shall make re(iuisition for money from tlu^ state treasury ibi.i s .t on account of legislative ai)propriation, they siiall for iimm,, iorward to the auditor oi state an estimate ol the -.■>iii"i o I/. o ^ r 572 <>< SUcIl lIlOlHIl, ilUi til d bcf. MINNKSOTA. re iUKitlK r warrant can lie drawn. Siirli vouclici'^ sliall h(! sulijcct to ins[i(>ction at all tinu's, and said auditor ul msjicft f-anl vduclicrs lUDntlily thb )('(•!- li>. Should any deficit of any state institution herein s] ii'i'is«"- licil exist on account of current expenses hi-l'ore th< Kiiiii . ••<•«*'' passage ol' this act. tlie amount of sucii delicit may he fhawn hy Wiinant, on furnishing vouchers for the same, as herein specitied. 20, The accounting odicois of eacli institution herein named. iM.Ui;i. Mirst and second hospitals for the insane, etc.. I siiall roll-. ,. -I Vf'iill I ••I liv licmi-i m.u service, and at wVa" rate reiidereil, the (|Uantity and kind of supplies furni.-' hv 1; nv. 'il. and the amount to which each jK'rson is entitleil Said rolls or lists shall he verilied hy the oath of the jirincipal oilicer (ne of the said rolls or lin rec. ipt of such ceitilied i>xpensc lists, the auditor of state shall I'Xaniiiie, adjust and approve, or reject, the same, and on or hefore the tenth day of I'acli month following d'-aw his warrants foi- the amounts found due thereon to each in-titution: /^rvr/'/"/, that live pi'i- cent, additional may he allowed ciich institution for coniingeiit expense<, v.hich shall he properly acc-ounted for on the lexl monthly pay-roll. Ainliliir 111 I iiiriiiii' li-l- piovU". 0-) All 1. or accounts atrainst th(> said state institution- ll.i.l 5 iM nai inadt' out and rcceipteil m duplicate, an Ilia |i' out aiHJ on forwanling the pay-rolls the hi'^t of eai'h nioiuli, the said accounting ollicers shall also forwanl ouc set of such hills and vouchers for the |)recedilig month, and having l)een compart'd hy the auditor of stale with the i>r<»per pay-rolls, they shall he tiled with thi' same in lis ollice and j)res(>rvei|, suhject to ]»iihlic inspection. 2o. livery insane person who is a hnnn fuh- resident of thi- state shall be admitted to the hospit.d for the in-aiic for the state of Minnesota, ami maintained at th' l)uhlie expense, free of charge to his or her relativ(- or friends, and upon equal terms with every other ri'i riplfil III llilplir 111' ; t'l bl< lilrit. ll llii.l S 1"^ Ailiiii»»ii>ii iif llllli,'ll(,i t'l liii^i'iiitl : ni'i'uiiil uiliiUH- MINNKSOTA. • M •> iiisiuu* person; providal, no prrsun shall lie iiilinittcd in llu) lios|>itiil the scconil tinir, nnlcss liv the ('(inscnt ol' tln' supci'in- Icnik-nt, |in'si(l<,'nt (»rilK' lioanl, and one tni-tic. 'J I. All distinction lictwccn '" |inl)li<''" and " private" |ialients, as delineii''"'l. lie |ialients, anil all laws, acts or parts of aels in relation to private patients, or contrary to the provisions o|' this act, ar<( licrehy repealed. 'J"). The pi'oiiatc jnd^e, or, in his ahsi'iiee, tlu' cmii't commis- sioner, of any county, upon information heinji; liled ,|,i,|<„, lielore him that there is an in«;ane person in his f,','i!"',',',',','',,',',',';,'',.t county necdin,^ care ami ti'eat nient, shall cause the 'i','„l',','i',';;i". '" person so alleged to he in^aiie to he examined hy a ii'.",,"i',.'in,!r'" jui'y cousisfinu of two res|iectaole pt'rsoiis, licsides himselt", one at least of whom shall he a |thysician, to ascei'tuin the fact of his insanity: and if the said person is found to Ixi insane, he shall, upon the written certiiicalt! of the JuiI.lcc, di- I'ectcd hy a majority (»f the jury, issue duplicate warrants, committing the person so found insane to tli(f care of the .-upcrintendent (»f the hospital, and shall place the warrant in the hamls of the sherill', or siune other suitahle pcrsiui, whom he shall auth(U'ize to ciuivcy the said insam- porsim to the hos- pital; and .such warrant may he in the following; lanjL,niii;;e, to wit : Stat*' of Minnesota, 1 ( <»unty , I Tu the .supt.'rinlemk'nt of the Minnesota hospital lor the insam;: liavinj; heen, upon examination, fouml to he insane, you are therefore rc(piired to receive him (oi* her) into the hospital, ami keep him (or her) tln'rc until legally discharj^ed. In witness whei'eof, I have hereunto set my liaml, and alli.xed the seal of the prohate court (or of the court of the com- nussionerj of said county, this day of , l.S . , .Iml^e (tf Probate. 'J'he duplicate warrant shall he liled in the ollice of the superintendent, and the original shidl he leturned, with tlu! supi-rinti ndent's in{' the siijiLTinttiKKiit <'f citliir i.t' lln' liospilals lor the insane, hy warrant is-iutl hy a ,juii(h hosjiital, the siiinrintcndcnl of the liospital iVoni which he shall liavc hccn tlis- (•hai'.ii('(liai'ir<'. send "'"""■ hy mail to the jnd^'e "1" pmhate of the counly in which such warrant was i.s.-ucd. a ccrtilicati-, sij^ncd hy such supi'rintcniliiit, statin;^ that suih pcrs(»!i had lict'U disch;u;:,t'd from such hosjiital and 'he date ot" .-uch dischar^^e: which cir- tilicate, when received hy such judge ol" [irohate, shall be likd bv him. .\l)liC" Kl'lll lu jllllCl" nil ili~- i'liHr).M- ol in ■_'(■). The jud^e of |ir()])ale, or court comnii.shysician or [diysicians. and such other «iiii.' 1 .iMi, ))i'i-son on the jurv. for examiinnLT the insane person, M iiM.-iiiiiii : ' . . . ' ^""''••'"■1 and makinii' a written certilicate, three dollars each; ■lIlT 1 11- |.,iy ind tor every mile traveled m ><» dt)ni_i:. Idteen cents. To the person he authorizes to convey the in-^ane person t(» the hos|iital, two dollars per ilay for tin- time necessarily employed, and all neci.ssary disl>ursements for travel, and for support of himself [and I insane person and assistants; such amounts to be audited liy the Judge of probate or court commi.-sioncr, and judgment entered of record therefor, to be paid out of the county treasury by the county tiea.-urcr. upon the written oi-der of the juilge ol" probate or court commissioner, under seal of the court; and upon the jiayment thereof, said juijgment shall lie satislied of record by the judge of jtmbate or court commis- sioner; jiritrldiiii/, that the said written orond of such relatives, conditioned for the proper and safe keeping of su<-h person or |)ersons; and if the relatives or friends of any patient kept in the hos- jtital shall ask for the discharge oi such [>atient, tlie superiii- ¥. MI\Ni:s<»TA. Ifinliiii may. in his (li-crctittii, rcciuirc a lumil tu \>r cxrciitid to tilt' stale of Miiiiir-ota, in surli sum and with sufh sureties as he may deem iii'i)|ier. e(»ndili'>ne(l lur the safe i;ee|iinL;' ot' siieli patient; jirnriilid. that nn patient that may lie under the ehiiree nf, or eonvieted ol' Immiiiile, shall he discharged uilh- out till' eiinsent ot" till' su|ierintendent and hoard of lru>tees. •JN. ratielits shall Ije lej^ally disehar^-e(l IVom the hospital hy vote of the tiMlstees; and i'or this pur[tose three dl' the hoard shall eon-litute a i|Uoruni. '2'K \\ hen a patient is disehai'.m'tl a> eure(l, the sujurintelid- ent shall lui'uish him or in r with suitahle elothin and a sum ot" money sullieient to del'ray expenses n.i.l f; -jt. Dim liaivi !->» Il.i.l d < luiliiiiu and 111. y In \tif t Hi I).«Im'-ent to the hospital, shall not he less than the I'ol- ii.i.ijju. , . , , , , II' II ' i.illiMlH' ti' ilf lowing: r or a male — tiiree ^(joo -liirls, u >.;()oil ami uiiiu-ii.-.i pn- , . , , • /• 1 1 iiiiit-i •••III 111 sul>stant!al coat and vest, two [(airs ol woollen pan- ii-i"''' taloons, three jiairs (d' new socks, a dai'k necktie, two pt)ekct handkerchii'l's, a iiat or cap. a pair ol" nt^w hoots or shoes, and a pair of slippers. J''or a femali' two pair cotton-llannel wrap- pers and drawers each, thrt'c shirts, two woollen p(liicoats, three dresses, one pair (d' shoes ami one pair slippers, three pairs of .stockings, two poidil)lic patients, of tlie judee of proliate or court commissioner, with the im.i.^j:. assistance of the examining:; physician, to annex full iM'uVk'ellVil'.i and precise answers to as many of the followinj; ((Ucstions as are applicahle to the case, and forward the same to the superintendent, when the patient is sent to the hospital: (1) W hat is the person's name? (■J) Where does he or she reside? (;')) What is his or her aj^e? (I) Is lie or she marricil or single? (a) lias ho or she any children? if so, how many? Ih ; f I It 4\ .'17G MINNKSOTA. ('i) What is his or her (icciipatioii? (7) Is he or slic a church inciiilicr? (S) W'hiit has liccii his oi' her liuhits as rt'^an'.s tcniperaiico ami morality? (i>) Where was he or she horn? (ill) Was ins;mil_v herctlitai'v in the I'amily? (11) What relatives, if any, have iieen insane? ( I'Jl What is the supposed cause of this attac^? (1.")) What is the inrm of this attack : acute, chronic, exalted, dejiressed or jiaroxysmal ? (11) Is tiicre any accompanyim;' hoilily di-order? (lo) WIk'U wen- the lirst symptoms of ihe di-ease manifested, and in what way? (If,) Is this the lir>t attack? (17) If not, when did others occur, and what was the dura- tion of each ? (IS) ( )n what suhject or in what w; is insanity now man- ifest.ed'.^ (r.i) Has he or she ever shown any disposition to injure others? if so, was it from sudden passion or premeclitatiou ? (•JO) Has suicide ever hecii attenii»tetl V if so, in what way, and is the j>ropensity now active? (•Jl) Is there any disposition to iilthy hahils, destruction of clothes, etc.? {'I'D Has he OI' she ht'en suhject to any Ixtdily disease, epi- lepsy, suppressed eruptions, discharges or sores, or ever had any injury to the head ? (•J;l) Has restraint or confinement ever hi'cn eni[iloyed? (■Jl) If so, what kind, and Imw lonj.;? (Jo) Has he or she ever heen tinder medical treatment? (Jtl) If so, mention jjarticulars and (.■ll'ects? (J7) State any other particulars supposed to have a heariiijj; on the case. I'or the service reipiired in this section, the jud^e of prohatc or court commissioner shall he allowed a fee ol' three dollars. oJ. The term " insaiu'," as uit does not include idioi-v or Tin- H'lrn " in- , , ., . Kiin.'.'Mfii,,..,!. imheeility. .'!;i. In the construitioii of statutes, the following;' rides shall be observed, unless such construction would bo inconsistent t:|l^' MINNESOTA. • >i t n. 4, s 1. Kl iiMii;
  • IMi. witli till" niiinilVsl iiitcnl of th.- Iririslaturo, or ro- puifMiuit to the c'onloxt of till' ^aiiir >tatuti'. that !.■■ is to say:— ''■ ■'- * * * ,: * * . Sixtli. TIr' words '" iiisaiK' [icrson" shall imliidi' cvn-y idiot, iioM-conipos, lunatic, and disti'acttd pt-rson: and tin' wmd '•s|M'iidthrit'i "' shall incliuk' cvciy one whu is liahh' to lie put under Liuardianship on acrdunt ot" (•xct.'s>! vc drinking, gaming, idleness or dehauehory. ;M. The governor sliall appoint a coninii^sion of three doc- tors, one of whom shall lie a mendier of the state hoanl of health, who siiall strvi' tor a period of two years, or until their successors shall he appointed, !,''w.'H'V.'","'r who shall constitute a eonimissinn wimse duty it 'i,'!,V,',7tru"; r'«- siiali he to visit the several Minnesota hosjtitals for '"'""' the insane at least once every six months (»f each year, or upon till written re(iuest of the governor of the state, and inspect said hospitals as lo the sanitary condition and the general managi'inent of the same, and also to exandne into the mentid and physical couilition of the patient< therein, iVcijUcncy, manner, and cause of ininishment, elopements, deaths, and such other nuitlers as may fall within the scope of a thorough liospit;d inspection, and report in detail to tho governor within ten days after each and every such insjuctioii is made. 8aid commissioners shall lie known and designated as the lunacy commission and shall re<-ei\e lor their said services and exjjenses the sum of one huiulred dollars per annum each; for which the state auditor shall draw his war- rant on tho state treasurer, payahle out of the general fund. 33. Should the said commission liml, upon visiting either of the said hosj)itals, any patient or patients whose ii.i.i ,<■_'■; a. . , , ' i 1 1 i • 1 • l'"wr "( pro- msanity tliev luive reason to iloula, sani commis- i...t .iniv to sion shall have the authority to renuuia- "", on > , . 1-1 i"n.i; 11'- tient or patients to the jirooate court, Irom whicl» i.K.n.i.-.i i.y 1 -I'll 11 liiiia.-v ('.1111- thev were committed respectivelv. tlicre to I'e ile- "ussMMiin-. ' , ' ■ OlllllllillM'Ut tained a reasonahle time, under jii'opcr survi-illance, i""'.vium. when, if such judge shall be satio. tlutrity to discharge any patient committed to eitiier of tho insane asvlums in this state ami charged with crime. m'^ MINMxil A. .".!i;ill flllllltr lie IIh (Inly nl' >;iiil ciilil liii-;ilii'iil< til' llic iii-;nir I lu-i 111 ills Mich iiliulii' 'rruiisfiTii'.l ... i..,>s, iim. ..f 111 II I rcclilciiiiinlcl (liililicii :iii(l \ iiiillis will I, ill I liiir iliiiiili ihal ■""' '''""I o|.iiii(iii,.ii'c |>i(>|Mf siiliirils lur Ifiiiiiiii^ jiiitl iiislnic- tii'ii.niiil linii-lir llii' .'^niiic In llir I nistrcs of tlir ils\ lillii li'I tllr ilrnl', illllllli. :nii| lllr lilillil Ml I'iiriliMllll. ;'.7. 'I'lif lril>lt(Sipr llif ;i>\ Itllil I'll' llir (IrMf. illlllll', mill llic Il'i.U>.- lilillil air licrcliv ilMllii>ri/ril lo rcccivi' >llrll \\r;ilx- I'rux iM.'ii for ,.,.*. I'll '<••■ Ililllilnl ailil lillnlic clillilri'ii ifinl \(illllisa< liiav In- '''"'''■" srilt lliiiii mull r till' |iiii\ i-iuiis nl' llii> act, iiml iiiakc |>ro\ i.-iiiii^ Inr llic inaiiitriiaiiri' uf ^aiil cliililrcii ami _\. ainl air iriiuirtil In Icasr. Inr a Iniii iml t Mtcdin^ I wn _V(ar<, a |i!i>|m !• ImililiiiL;' m' inniiis lui- ihr saiiic, aiul In prnx idr a rniii|irlriil Irarlici' aiiil alU'iiilaiils Inr said cliildi'iri and yniillis, and In f^lalilisli siicli niK's and ri\iiiila(iniis as may I'c iicct'ssary inr llu- iiislniclinii, Irainim;- and ^nvcrniinnl nl'said I'liildi'iii and \niillis. IM.l « ■.'> ■(. liii'iii.iMi' I'.i Ib'lil- 1.1 1h> ri'in.''.l 111 tax' any rliildrrii and yniillis sn rrccivrd shall In- rniiiid, ii|inii iiua|ialili' i>( rccciviiiii any hcni'lil iVniii smli iiisiriicl inn and irainiiiLi'. nr whin, in Ihc n|.iiiinii i>[' I hi' su|H'rinU'iiil('iit nl" said asyliiiu, it .«liall \>c lullcr Inr llu' wi'llarc of any child nr yniilli In he ic- iiinvrd iVniii said asylum, the said suiitriiilciidcut shall liavo lull iinwcr In rtinaml any such child nr yniilli tn ihc part nt.s tlurcnl'. tty tn ihc hnai'il nl' ininni issiniicrs nl' llic cnuiily I'miii which llic child nr yniith was .-cut. ;'.'■•. NnihiiiLi herein itiiilaiiud shall he cnnslriicd as (>stali- lishiiii^a |>i rmaiiciit insliliitimi I'nr ihc sniiimrt and oducalinii nl" the |ievsnns herein iianu'd. 10. \\ hciieVer any ]iersnn w hn now is. nr ulm may heic- l.iiiiiiati.Mi cii :;.-i. $ ::;i K\:ii>>iiiiiii.'ii of i'i>ii\ ii'l fur nil.p..«.'.l |^.rl^ at'ler hccnme. a cnn\ id in the anc. it >liall he the duly ol" the said hnard tn lall in twn iihysicians skilK'd ill their jirnfessinii. vine of ulinin may he the [irisnii |iliysiciaii, wilt) shall, witlmul em|ilnyiii-liall iinlirv llic 11...1 a Liipvcriiiir dl' till' I'ari |iv rurwaiilmu In liiiii >aii| i-ifi 1 >i.-- I...rl 1^ ilii|ili<-ali' r(|Hiit, III (aili (if \\lii< li shall In- a|i|nii iiMuid- riliitiii;^ to >ii(|i cdiiv ii I. (>\ cnitir >liall cii- IJ. I pull ihc ic, ri|i| uT .-aid iHilitc, llic ;i durst- lliciroii his a|i|iiiival. and >liali, at llir fX|Mii"M"1i'| h|iil:il to si III i la f ca-es ot' in-aiiity. except that sudi con", id >liall he kept M parale and apart i'loiii olln r patients, >o I'ar as praci ii aide. I.'l. rpmi iecei\ iiiii such ciiiivict and said uairaiit I'loin the ., Superintendent. ^\'ilicll shall lie I'etmned. with the superinlendelit's elidorsc- iic'iit, to the wardt n <•{' the state prison, and liled in his oHlce; tlic (hlplieate warrant shall he tiled in the olTu'c of the su|ierintend('nt. 1 I. Whenever, ill the opinion of the superintendent, such (iiiivict is cured of tlu' mental disahility on account ii.i.i r'-' I • 1 1 • 11 • ' "I'vii'i til el '.v!;>'li stich eommitinent was niade. the term ol 1.. ni.ii.n.i.ii III |ii i*'iii , siiitt'Mce not liaviny' e\pire<|, he shall notify the iinni.i liiivernor of such fact, who shall remand such coiiviet to tho sliile prison at the expense of the state. I"i. In I'omputiujf time allowed hy law for eo,,d conduct uiidi'r prison tli,';cipline. the hoanl of inspectoi-s nii.KjMv 11 . 1 • 1 1 1 • • I ''•■'■'I' "f "'•ii'''"''. shall ij,rant to such convict the hill heiielit ol said ii'« .iii.i n-.i. , . . linii' ;il|..Hi-.l Inr law for (III' tiiiii- so aliseiit or iMsjiiie; hut no sutdi « '■ i"'< ahscuce or insanity shall ailed the term of seiiti'iu'e of such (.(iiidud [eonvid ]. l,m 380 MINNESOTA. ch iH. «•-'• (luiKt'tl 1)V (lie jiirv, liv iviisun of iiisimilv, llic juiv, II 1 ' • il . . . ' .1 . ! '.Ill nil uri'iiii'l iniiiiii ill n;iviiifi; tlii'ii- vcnlicl of iu)t ^niilly, sliall slate (liat i''">"i"y it was ;;ivt'ii I'm' siicli caiisc; ami tln'iH'U|Miu, if iIk (ii-cliarL:i' tr.-(.ii is coiisidcf, ,1 livtlic tMiiii iiiaiiitc-^tly (lau;;('ruii< tn the |u'a(c aiid salrtx ol the ('niiiiiiMiiii y, tilt' ('Mint may ni'ilcr him to lie I'liiiimitli'il in the li(is|iiial lur tin' iiisiiic, I'ur sale kccpiii};; ami IfcaliiU'iit, nr may oi'tk-r liiiii tt» \>v ('(immitlcd to |>ri>nii, oi' may ;;iv(' liim into tilt' i-ai't' (tf his IVicmls, il' they >liall ^^ivc homis with surety, to the suti>raetioii of t!..' court, coiiilitioiieil that he shall he Well aild securely kejil ; olhel'W isc he shall lie ilisi'luir^i'ii. MISSISSIPPI. I '! : n a-i> Illlll ; l» 1. Sl:it.' M-vliiiii iciiiiiiiiiMl, luriMiiMlc I'miii-li :i«>liiiii; l.riii -.f .tli. v. |,im-,.,.'^_ "Jl. .\|'|'rii|iri,iiiiiii lor ('•|iii|>iiifiit. *.'. (IcviMiiiiifiit vcsti'd in !i l.n:inl of '-'■'. SM|.tiiiil.ii.lfiil. p' HM>lri'S, :i|>|H>iiillii('nt, ItTlil .)(■ I 2">. ApliK.l riiti.Pll I.t:.-vIuiii. nllii'c. ;!. 'I'ni>.i«'("< in iidirf to lioiil until -iic- ct'oNorH M|i|ioint(>i|. I, ( Jovcrnor to lie I'X-olIicio iiri'sjilcni ; |iii'>i(ii'iit pro it'in. lo lit' I'lioscn. .5. N'ac.iiiiics tcni|ioiai ily lilltd liy uovciiior. r>. ViKMnrv, wlnn |irc-iMnc"l ; (|nornni. 7. TiU'ii'i's to linvi' t:i'n<'i;il ion 'I ; liy-hiw-i -mcl n'L;nl.ilion-i. S. Itcronls, nii>ntlil_v in^iicction, ini'ct- iny;-i, ii'|ioil-*. '.I. Sti'W.iiil, linnd. 1". S.iiiirio of ulliccix lixcil liy trnslci's. II. Sii|)ci'int('nilt'ni, ,'i|>|ioinlni('nt. I'J. 'IVrni orollicc. i:'). \':i('.nic'v, li'in| iiPMiily lilli'il liy Kovi'inor. 1 I. licrnov il ol° >n|i<'i'inii Miicnt ;nii) Illl^llt'X. 1"). Su|i(iinlincli'nt, powciN ;unl duties. Iti. Sitwiiiil. clinics, iiivcnloiy, 17. Ivscniiition of (illiicis from jury service. KASf MISSlSSIflM A-VI.IM. 1<. l>l:ddi-liincnt inid li;lc. I'.t. ( 'oniMii-sioni'is I'or sclcctiun ol" site ; iinioMiit (tl'linid ; tii.x to he levied. '.'.0, I'owcrs (if coinrnissiinu rs. 'Jl. lOxpcn-^cs of, p.iid liy sl;ile, 'J'.', .\nlliniiiy to creel iisylnin; plans iiini speeilicalions. 2.">. ( idveiiinient vesh'd in loard of trustees willi powers similar to AI'MI--li'N' AMI l>I>rll \lt(iE. ■_'7. W'lio may !«• adinillcd; jnd^'c'-* ecrlilieatc of indi:.'encc. 'JS Order of I'onrt to .'intliion, wlu'li iImtc are vaean- eit -i. ■J'.i. AdMii>~ion liv iru^lec- nitliont pro- ecediiiu-. ill |iina<'y. .'!(>. History of patient'^ Itnia'-y: lrn-<- tee- inav rtln«r adnii~~ion on n •ii- c.iiiiplianee willi rcunlations 81, Inipii--iiIon of lunacy of in-ane uoiii'^ at larL'c; coniinilint ill to a-vliiin. or teiiipirary (oniine- niciit in jail. o'J. Wcnioval of li.irinli-is inciiralilos. '•'>'■>. Keinoval :inil '•iippoii of liariiiless incnral le-, i-lii c liaMe lor. .".I. Krlalivo liaMe lor. .">•'). Itciiioval tocoiiiitv of ■.ellleinent. oil. I >i-'liar4c oil recovt r y, al)ovc pro- vi-ioiis appli'-al'lc lo. o7. Inipii»itio;i ol lunacy lur ap|Miliit- tncnl of '.^'iiardiaii. • IlIMINAI, IXStXK. '.'•:<. Inve~tii;at:oM of in-.inity, rejiort t(» conn of cJKUict ry. 1)9. When not iiidi riijlits, powers ami •"•-='»i/ation. privileges incident lo such a body, and necessary and proper * At Jackson. '..S2 MlSSISSll'!'!. In M((niii|ilisli (!i(> (11(1 of it-; (>i';^iini/.ati('!i, ninl iiiiiy receive, lii'M. ;iii(l (li<|i(wc III", jill real and jiersonal |ir(i|Mily ((Hivcvi i| l(»it; aii'l (•(iii'iiiiic t(i hold and nsc all df llie |irii|M riy, r( ;il and |MiV(inal. Iiei'eloliire secured to it. 'J. The MianaueinenI and control of said liniatic a<\linii shall he Vesle(| in live Irnstees, a|i|>ointe(l hy « "t:i. ( •iiilrnl'.l 111 HUM.. .. oovei'nor ol' the state, hy and with the advice and consent of the senate, who shall eonlinue in otlice lor luin- years, and initil successors are a|>|iointed. ;>. The trustees now in olliee shall eoiiliinie, accordiny,' to the $ •III I'n'M'ril lrii«- l.'.'K i'.iiiilriii<.il. terms of their a|))iointnient, and until their succes- sors shall he a|i|ioillled. •I. The ii'overiioi' shall he r.v-njjirin president of said hoard of S "•■"' trustees; hiit in his ai>-^ence, the hoard niav elect, W'ii.i |.r.'«iil.'iil 1.1" lrii«|..>. from their nuniher a |U'esi(leiil for the time VaiMiici..?* iiiii.iri.- I. II.I- ">. The pivernor may lill vaeaneies oeeurrin;^ in the hoard of ti'Ustees, durintj a I'ecess of the senate, and his •,\\<- ]iointees shall continue in olli('(Mintil a meetinu ef ,','„'.'""'"''""■ the sen.ite, aiul tlureaflei', durin,!;' its session, unlil successors ai'e a|i|(ointe(l. ti. ('poll the I'euioval of any trustee heyond the distance of S "•■ ten miles tVoin said asvlum, or on his failini!: to v'-'' Tni-.tri>« .lis '^ I''" i.«ii"". stiid institution, as may he rei|uire(l hy tlu' hy-law- of said hoard, the governor shall a|i|toint a trustee in his stead, upon the facts heiiii;- duly certified to him hy tlu> hoai'd of trus- tees. A majority of said hoard of triislees shall constitute a (|Uorum, to do any husiness connected with said asyluiii, except the repeal of any of the hy-laws, for which })urpose it shall reijuire at least four of the hoai'd to aet. 7. 'J'he trustees shall have ehar_<;c' of the general interests of the asylum, and shall mana,i:;o and direct its allair>. and make all proper hy-laws and n^^ulations I'oi' its control and u-ovcrnmcnt, not inconsistent wiili the constitution and laws of this state. 8. The hoard of trustees shall keep, in u hound book, to he S'Hi'- provi(le(l for that purpose, ti fair and full record of k.i'r ivo.r.i Jill their doings, which shall be o|)en, at all times, 8 (MS. I'.iwiTK mill (lulirs 111' tlWt.'l'S. I"'"- for the in.spection of the governor of the state, and all i)ersons whom he or either house of the legislature may appoint to examine the same; and the trustees shall maintain MISSlssll'IT. I' il Mil ('(rrcliiiil iiis|ic('li(iii (if the if-vliint. fur uliidi |.iir|iM-c one or iiKifc uf tlit'lM sliiill visit it, at lia-t (•inr in cvtiy iimiilli, Mini tiny shall Imld a iin i tiii!^ uf >ai'l imiir'! at tin' a-yliiin tiiicc cvci'v llircf iiKiiitlis, or oltciHi', if i-ii|iiii'i(| ; sjniial iiirct- iii^fs shall he calliMl in the inaiiiitT |>n'scril)C(| in the hy-laws; iiiiij llicy shall, on or hdoi-c the lir-t Momlay in 1 >tciiiilicr, make a Inic n'lMtrtol' the acliial conililion of >ai(l asylum to the novcriior, accoiiipaninj l»y Ihr animal irport ot' the su|M'r- iiilfinlfiit ; ami u|ion the inrct int,' ol' thr Ic^i-laturc, thf ;;ovi;r- nor shall transmit said I'cports to if. !>. The hoard of trii>lc('s sjiall a|i|ioint a steward of the a-y- Inm, who shall }iiv<' hond lor tlic^ faithlul ix-rforni- s • vi. ani'c ot ins dutv, m such Slim, and with- s'i<, I sure- -i.h,u.i «i,„ tics, as the hoard of trustees may |»reserih( and ap- "' |)i'ove; which hoiid shall he payahlc I' lie stitc, aic' i»c tiled in the ollice of the auditor of puhlir ael■ount^ : and the hoard ot't'", tees may reipiire, from time to time, ih i-eiicwal of sai'! hoiid. 10. The board of trustees sliall determine the eoinpeiisation of the steward, and such other ollieers and assi-^tants >< -■•.:. . I . , I'm-n-fH til as thev niav deem iieecssarv lor the |u>t and ceo- «s , i|»ii,a. ' ' , , . ' ' Hull .i| 1 111- iioinieal administration of the allairs of the asylum, pi'v... .1 1. The medical snperinteiidi'iit of the a-^yliim. now in ollice, sliall continue, according to the terms of his an- . '■•: poimnent, and until his successor shall he ijualilit d. ^ii'i-miiii-i.t. His successor shall he appointe nil sulMirdinatL' odiccM's and ciiiiiluycs iillowed l)y tlu.' lMtar, sex, residence, oilice and occupation of the j)erson, and hy wliom and hy whose authority each insauii jicrson is hrou,i;ht t > tiu' asylum, and have all the orders, warrants, reipiests, ci'rtilieates and other jiapers aecom|)any- ing him oi- her, carefully liles. Jle shall daily asicrtain the condition of the patients, and »'res( I'ihe tin ii' treatment, in the mannei- jirescrihed in the said hydaws; and Ijo shall also he retjuired to see that all the rules and res^ulatiuus for the discipline and i^-oorl government of the institution ai'e j)roperly obeyed and enforci'd. Ife shall cause full and fair aeeounts and records of jdl his doin;x>^, and of tht; entire l)usi- iiess and operations of the in-^titution, to be kept re^ularl; . from day to day, in boiik< provided fur that ]iur[)ose, in tli^' manner and t(t thc' extent |ire-cribcd in the bydaws, ami shali pee that all such accounts and rect)rds are fully made r,p totlii first day ol' Decemlier in each year, and that the principal facts and results, with his re port thereon, aii- presented to the trus- tees immt'diately thereat'ter. ]<). 'J'lie steward shall kfcp a ri'iruiar account of all daily §•!"'"• disbursements lor the institution; take vouchei's Wn- ""■"•'"I- all payments; and keep carefully and tile away all original bills I'or su|>plics, j)urcha^ed by him for said asylum, and settle his accounts with the supirintindi'iit and treasuri'r, once in evei'y month, and with tiie i)oard once in every three months. Jle shall keep his accuunts always o]ien Ibr the in- spection of the superintendent. <'V any tru^^tee, or tlu' ti'easuni'. The steward shall be accountable Ibr the careful keepini;,' and cconondeal use of all furniture, stores or other articles provided for the asylum; he shall annually, durinj; the month of Novendier, make and lile with the trustees a true and perfect inventory, verified by oath, of all personal properly, of every description, belonging to the a.syluin, with tlie estimated value ^^^ MISSISSIl'PI. 385 of (lifTeront classes of nrtidos, and do and perforin sucli oihor dutior as sliall he recjuireil of liiin by the hy-hi\v<, orihiiiied hy the hoard of trustees. 17. The resident ofllcers of tlie asyhiiu, an ti.i'i..>.- .-x servin^^ on Juries, and the eei'tilicate of the superin- juiy "-nvice. tendent sliall he eviiU'iiee of sueli employment. IS. A new asylum sliall he estahlished for the mainte- naiiee and treatment of the insane of the state of Aci"fi"j. Mississijtpi. whieh shall he located, erected and or- '.v'.Mit'Vii.w <:ani/.e. miles of Meridian, in Lauderdale county; proriihd, i.">Mti.>n. sullicient and suitahle grounds for that i)Urpose;ie.i. shall l>e ilonatcd hy the city of Meridian, or the eiti/ens of Meridian, within sixty days after the passag'c of this act; and pmriilcd J'nrtlicr, that there .^hall nut he less than four hun- dred acres, at least two hundred acres of which shall he well tind)ereil, and if said lands shall not he donated within such time, the said commissioners shall proceed to locate said asy- lum at such place as they deem hest for the interests of the state, anil said comuussioners may receive donations of lands or i)roperly. And the hoards of councilmen and aldermen of the citv of Mei'idian are herehv authorized to lew .r.,v...,.» and collect a tax on the taxahle property in -aid •■•"'""•'• city sullicient to })ay for land .so donated, and to purchase said lands and to donatt' the same. 20. Hix'ul board of commissioners are hereby authoi'ized and empowered to emplov an architect to draw ni) nu.i,<.i. . . . ,' . . . I'hiiis plans and specilications for the erection of said asy- I'nii'i'"-'- !uin,and t^^ ad\'ertise for bi i{B ('''*f»»g ! . igtaini*! VSG MISSISSII'IT. for (lie liiilliCiil |M'iloriiiaii((.' of his cniilract ; said lioiid (o lie iiiailf I'ayaliic to tlu' state vi Mi.->is,-i]iiii, ami lili'd in the ot'- iicc ol tlic scci'i'tai'v ol' state. 21. All iieee>.-arv ex|ic'iist.'.s of said board of coniiDis^ioiu'i'-, shall he paid' hy the trcastircr (»!" tho stati; on wai- I'ant to he drawn hy the auditor out of the ap- ro)i)riii!«>i>iii- propriation hereinafter |irovitk'd for the erectioi 1 1 ol sai( said expenses, to \)v a|iprovetl hy the ^oNH'riior. '>•> .s. ibi.i 'li'-ci iinii.ii IKl lioai'il ol eoinmissioiiei's s hall ■ri'it or eatise to he erected, a centre; huildintr with winiis of a caj.a- ..r i.uii.iniu. city sullicieiit Ibr the care and niainteiiaiice of two Iiundri'd ami lifty patients: said huililin,i;s to he furnished will, ]U'ce>-a'y holler power, and eiiiiine. hot ami cold water, and g"as pip«'s ami (jther appurtenances suitahU' for the propci- fni- nishinu; of an insane asylum ; and for the purpose t»f t'arryiiii:- out the provisions of this and tlu' precedint^ sections, the sum j.w.niin iii>iM jiiiiui'il. ])rialiMl of lifty thousand dollars is herehy appropriated, out of any moneys in the trea>ury otherwise uiiappiM- said nioiiev to he drawn from the treasury in tin f-ame manner as is |>roviiied in scetiou l of this act; jirnriil"!. that no part of the siini herehy appio[iriated shall he used ex- cept upon a coiitraci with uood and sutlicieut security, Liuar- anteeiiij;' the eonqdetiou of the huildinu' with the sum herehy appro[iriated ; said huildini:; to he of hrick and covered with slate. As s oon as aid asvlum is linislied, or sulli as to receive patient^, the governor siiall app( Ic^i-liilurc, aii'l till tlicir siii'i('>s(irs sliall i|U;ilir\ , Mini tin rc- iil'tcr -iicli tni-li(.'.< sliiill lie ;i|i|ii\ [oj ol" iliis ait, tlic Sinn (»!' tell tliifi-aii'l dullars i- liri( hv aiiiao- H'i'i >n.(tc. .M.'.li.ul -iiiiL wise a|iproiiriat('d, to Ik- drawn as is pi'dvidi d in section two liuiidivd and lil'ly CJ.'O) j|. vised Codi' l.SSil. ■J">. W'lii'U said lioai'd of trustees have lueii appointed and the .services ol' a medical .-uperintendeut are iiecessary to take eliar^'c of sai. 'J'lie sum of thirty thousand dullais is herehy appro- jiriated, out of anv nionev in the state trea-^iirv not H'l.i,;!! ' . ". , ' ' . $.;ii.ii .M :i|i|ini- olherwise i ■■•ii'(t|iriatcullicient pi'oof hy ailidavit has \tvv\i made hefore him that such lunatic hu.s no visis>iprr. tlic Msyluiii ail |K'r~oiis onliTid lo l»o jilaced tlicrcin iil'tcr ail iiMiiu .11 il luiiacv 111 the «liu> (trdiT ul rc" tratiiiii. if tlid'c lie a vai-aiiiv in \aticiit into thc! asyluni. "I'-K On a|i|ili(ati<.n in hclialf of any person hointj; a lunati( and a i'c>idcnt nt' this state, fni- hi< or her adniission S 8''l. A(illlis'*inlis. Ailiiii-siuiis. Ih (jil.i. (IK St nf lu- ll. uy, Wll^'li illiil liiiu ciki'ii. into the a-yliun. the sujuiintendent and Ixiard of trustees may, if tiny think that he or she ou^lit to bo adniitt( d. receive him or her as a patient therein, even tlionuh no prc- eecdin<;s in lunacy have hecii instituted as hereinafter ]»rovided for. ."!(•. The trustees of >ucli asvluin niav adopt such rules as ^, ,;,;_, they see proper, as to the history of the lunacy of the patient proj«olaoe him or her in said asylum if there ho a vacancy, or if there be no vacancy, to conline such lunatii; in the county jail until room can bo iiad in the lunatic asy- lum, Tlu' expense of such inrpiest shall ])e borne by the county and paid out of the county treasury on thc allowance thereof by the board of supervisors. MlssissilM'I. ',S0 1 \ When any patient in \]\v asylnni -^liull bi foun<] to l.e liii I :i- incnrahle, lull haniik'ss. and surli as can he nronerlv i>'<'i cared Ihr out (ti" the asvhini, (he sniiei'intendent shall '"n iiiforni the sherill' (»t" the county IVuin which such »^^i" patient was tak«'n to the asylum to remove sucli patient tlicif- h'om, and it shall i>e liie duly of the shciill", on reci-ivinj;' such iidornuition, at once to ncjtit'y some near i\-iation of such pa- tient shall'' thereof, if any such is in his couiUy, and unless .-uch relation inimediat<'ly proceed io I'cmove such patient from the asylum, saiil sherill' shall remove such ]>alienl to (he county of such slu-rin'; and any sherill". who heini;- iioiiilcd, as aforesaid, shall fail to rem(»vo such patient, shall he guilty ol a misdemeanor, and he [lunishahle accordin'■>. If such patient has an estate it shall he char<2;eahle with the expense of his removal, as ahove provided for, ^m.-, and with th<' support of such luiuitie, who shall he couHuitted to his or her eum-dijni, if any has been appointeil. oL W such lunatic has no estate for his or her su[ipoit, hut lias relatives hound hy law for his (»r her mainte- .;,i,),; nance, they .-hall bear saiil expenses, and may he sued therefor by the board of sujR'rvisors, and shall maintain .«aid lunatic, as n-quired bylaw; but if such lumitie has no estate, and has no such relatives as are bound for his or her support, he or she shall be maintained as a poor pei>on by the t'(uinty. oo. If at the tim(M)f the riMuoval of such patient fi'om the county ♦o the asylum, lu? or she had a legal si'tile- ,,;,.,- inent in another county, such j>ersoii may be re- ''"•""'^■•''''■ luovod to such county, as in other east's of i)oor jii'i'sons being found in another county than that in which they may have a si'ttleniPiit. o<>. The last preceding three sections shall apply to aui! em- lirace the case of any patient in the asylum, wdio ff^.ljyvaiH. * Tliis word has evidently (.'rcpt into the te.\t. >t MDiiiiil niirnl iil'I'oiiiiiiii'ii ii.r...ns.,i iiii- ipcrsons iiuii ro;///*o.v' iiuhIis, on the ai'iMieation ot I t'liends or relatives of such |iersons, or on tlic appli- cation of the -^npervi-or of the juopei' district ; and when any such application is presented, if the court shall hi' satislicil that there is pi'ohahle ^foiniii for tlu' application, it shall dii'ect a writ to the sherill'of the county, coiiinuunlinjj,- hini to snniinon the person alle;;cd to he of unsound mind, and six e;ood and lawi'ul men of the county, who are in no way relate(l to the ]iai'ty, to make inijuisition thereof, on oath, who shidl make full in(iuirv hy ividcuce. and l>y examination of the l)aity. if they think juopcr, ami if tin- jierson said to 1m' a lunatic, idiot, or imii cumpns ;//r/,7/x, shall he judged hy said iu- (juest, or a majoi'ity of them, to he iiica|>ahle of ta, ,in,y shall certil'y (he saive under (heir luimls (o the court un.dei' which they wert.^ appf)inte(l, and the eonrt or chancellor, or clii'k in vacation, shall (iHM'cupon ;ip- jioint some snitahle pei-son (o he i^uanlian of such iiliot. lunatic, or person inni r';//,^>oN ;)/< ////'.s'. directing; cind empowerin;^" suih guardian to take care of the person, ami his estate, hotli per- sonal and real, and tlu' cost of such in(|nisi(i()n shall he paid out of (he estate of sn.cli person, if it he suilieient; and said court, or chrk, may direct the connnemcnt in the lunatic a-:yluiu of any lunatic who should hi' so coniinetl; such wiits may he issued l>y the chrk in vacation, on the order of the chancellor or without such order. '.ei S .•ii:i'.t. iiisaiH'. Iiuw ilialt with :i:s I'l'iiiiiiutls. •h. It 5S. When a prisoner shall he hrou.uht before any ooi' of the peace, chai'Lred with the ciMiimiss!-,' oifense, and, in (he course of the investi;.- shall aj>pear to such eonscrvatoi', that the pris(/ni r was insane when the oll'cnse was committed, and still is insane, he shall not he discharged: but such conservator of (he peace shall reiiumd the })risoner to custody, and forthwith report (he case to the chancellor or clerk of the eliancery coui't of the ]troper county, whose duty it shall be (o proceed with (he ca«e, a<'eoi'din^; t(» the law I'clatin^ ((» persons ikhi cdiujxi.'' mciilix. .')!». When any person is held in prison or on hail, char^i^cd w MississiriT. 391 with iin ofroiipo, niid tlio m-aml iurv shall not find a ^'^'i"- tnii' hill, hy I'casoii of the insanity of the accused, "''i- the .urand jury shall certify the fact to the circuit c(tin-t, and state whithei', in tlieii- opinion, such insane |«ei-s'>ii i- in such (iindition as to endan^'cr tlic security of ]ier.-on or i>rn|ierty, and the j)eace ami safety of the coninnuiity. And if the urand jury report such nnsotnidness (»f mind, and such danjxer, tho court shall foi'tliwiih ii'ive notice of the <-ase to the ]iroj)er chancellor, or clerk of the chaiici'rv court, whose (hitv it shall he to proceeil with such jx-i'son and his estate, aeeording to the law I'elatiii}^ to jtersons inm roiiiji'i.-: inrndi^. \i). When any criminal shall he indicted for an rtflense, and ac(iuitte(l on the ground of insanity, the jury render- «• ::i4i. rniiiiiMls. in.u'such verdict of ac(iuittal, shall state su(d» jj;round ill their verdict, and shall also state in their verdict, whether the accused has sinee l)een restored to his reason, ami whether he is dani;erous to the coinnnmity: anil if the jury certify that such person is still insane aiul ilanu'ennis, the jud_i;o >hall order him to he held in safe custoily for the time hcinj;; and shall at once i;'ive notice of the case to the proper chan- cellor, or clerk of tho chancery court, whoso duty it shall ho i'lii'thwith to proceed with such insane person, and his estuto, according to the law relating to persons noii comjws mentis. MISSOURI. (iOVEUXMK.NT Or STATK A>YI,1;M. ]. (iuvcinimnt ve^toil in Imard of Illllll.-IVIM'-. 'J. MaiKimis may Imld jirciju'ity in tni~t. ;>. Manaj;crs, tri'ncial control, piir- »lia--fs, nilc^ and ii'^nilalidiis. •1. Sii|ii'rinic;iiliiil and utrn'crs, ap- aiipoiiiliiit'iil, icsidi'iK-i'. f>. l)iiiit's (if (iflicers prcsfrilied by inaiiaj,'i'is, rciniival. (i. Salarii's paid idi'ii(i', l)oiid, dulii'S, peiialiiis fcir nculci't. 8. Warraiics (nv siippoii, Ikiw drawn and paid, (t. Acliiins foe asyjnni, Imw lnoiiulit. 10. t "nipcii^iilinn tur attuiniy in isnit lor asx liini. 11. Siipi'rintciidi'nl's(). rmnd of private paiicnis, forncof ;{1. Private patii'iiis to in.' supplied with iliilhing. .'i'J. Indiucnt insane, commilnicut by connty conns, all e.\pen>cs borno by counties, money !'or, Imw raised. .'>.']. Admitted jiaticnts sup|)lied with clothing, list of. .")!. Preferenct'S lor admission. 'A'). W'airant of coniinitment liled with supcrinti'iidi'nt. ;{(!. History of ease sent with each pa- tient. o7. (loihing supplied at expense of counly. ;{S. Accounts of sums due forwarded to coinuy courts. .">0. Kegnlations for adnussion, ^taie- ineiit liled with county derk. ■10. Sufpieini of witnesses, •11. I'^xamination of witnesses ; Jury in discretion of court. •12. Oriler of court; copy liled with superintendent. 4;>. Fact of danu'cions insanity to lo set forth in s|;iieinent. ■II. of commitment, form of; 1 siiperinleiiilcnt's receiji!. ' 4'). Warrant directed to lelalions at tlii'ir reipiost. •1(). Indiiicnt patients to be, ex- penses of boriii' by couniies. 47. Certilicate of indigence liled willi su|)erinten(lent. 4S. Certilicate of ability for sMp|iiirt liled with snpei'intendeut. 49. Oiscjiarye, notice of to comity del 1; ; warrant for, form of; pi'iialiy fur I nei^leet to execute. I 50. Court clerk, on neuiecf of diille-i to be removed from ollice. . ol. Fees for commitmeiU to be paid liy county. 52. iJelinition of terms. 'II ll''' ' MlSSdlKI. 893 '»;?, Ill li:;! Ill iii-iiili', wlii'ii -^111] III It'll liy M. (lii iii i;li'il of i_'ii;iiili;iii, ciiiniirt- till ^l;itc. Hit lit liy niiirt. il-l. l'i>cM|ii', iinMi't'ililius ii|iun. (i7. Kx|M'ii-*f< hI'Imiiiu' liy r-l;ili'. (is. ItciiiiLiii-i iiU'iil iif ciiiiiilii H. lAAMlN VII.IN li.K .Vn-nlNlMKNT (,K ,,,, ^ ;„ ^,^^.,„ „, ,,^. ,,^^.,,^j^.j •^'■^"'"^^■- ,. '. „r ...iMt.-.. .".•i. liivc-liuiiiiDii III iiiviiiii!. on iiifiir- 7(,_ Itvliniiimi of li iin«. IM.'ltillll. r>CK S|u<' t.Tiii nf ci.Mii m,.y 1k' lit'lil (UiMiwi, infant. ill Viii'Miiiiii. 71. l'*;iil of in-MiiIiy in I.*' I'niiiul iii " jr- ")7. Niilirc In (U'iiiiil:ilit; ai>|>ciir:iil(f ill ilici lit' ;in|iiill:il. (Ii>rii'liiiii 111' ciiiirt. ~-. ('I'iniiiiliiiciit to ii>ylimi, Iciiiporary TiS. Api'lii' ilimi '>l' I'liiiniy nllii'ei's. riinliiifinriii in j:iil; «'Xin'n>i's. t'i*J, Oil liiiiliii).' Ill' insanity, );ii:ii'(iiaii tu 7M. Iiuliui'iit criiiiiiial insane, cxaiiiiiKi- Id' a|>|itatc. lii. When ilanmiotisly jiisaiK' to lie (oinmileil tuasylmu liy y;iiaiiliaii. 1. The j^ovcnuiient of tlu' stiiti- lunatic jisyluin'" i>liall lio uihIii' the I'oiiti'ul luid (liriH-tii)n of ii liiiard of man- i;,.,.. smt. of aii'i'i's, to consist of nine meinhers, three of whom l^'rrumXt siiail ho competent physicians. They sliall he ap- •"■^'^^"""• pointed upon the nomination of tiio }j;ovei'nor, hy and with the advice and consent of the senate, and shtdl hold tinir ollices for four years, and until their succt'ssors he duly appointed and ipialilied. The persons appointed mana,Liers shall he noti- licd of their appointment hy the secretary of state, ^\'hen va- cancies hajipen in the rece.s.s of the senate, tliev shall he filled hy appointments of the "i ilircitidii (if llic lu'oiu'iiv mid allaiiv of tlir iii-titu- i"i"rty. Iioii, Willi jiuwir III iIiiT'l such |.iirclia-('s ii<, uiiilcr llif ailviif id' llic sii|M I iiit(ii(l( lit. iiiiiy hr diciiKd iicccs^nry i'lT the r('<|iir;il inn (>[' the iiisMiir. Tliry -hall pri -< rihc nijr-, r('^iilati(i!i< ami hy-laws I'm' tin' j^MVcriiiiicnt, ilisci|iliiic jiihI iiiaiiau''iii(iit >( wliniii, f\cc|it the Irca-unr shall cttuslantly ii'^idc in the a.-y!uiii, and hr d(>iL:,iial( d ihf resident (illicel's lliiTC'dl". ."i. 'riu> inaiia;:;efs shall, in Iheii- nihs, ic^ulaliims and hy- laws, ]iivscrilie the duties of the resnective oiliec rs, and lix the term therenf 'idiev may, at their |il' a-ui'e reimive I'roiii 'ill ire any ddicer df the a-yluin. save the suiierintendeiil ; and they may reimive the ^^u|lel•illtelldellt fnr iiiedniiieti'iiev, wilful ne;;lfft, <"" refusal to disehareo any of his diilie-, or fnr any ntlier misediiduet whieh mi;4hl render it unlit liir him [<> remain in his dlliet'. r>. The managers shall determine the annual salaries df the .\|'|'i>iritiiii'iil III' iilllo'l 5 4111.1. Ihily ..f ..Hi. (••'I !*. I.III'.X ill lie. Ill i.lli.'i'. .? ii'i:. S;iliii !.■- ..f iillii'.-r*. I |.:ti.l. uii.l |.:t li-easiirer and of said ri'sideiit dtlicers. suhjecl Id the apjii'dval df the Li'dVi'i'iidr and state auditor. Si:eli salaries shall he jiaiil <|Uarter-yearly to the said olii- c'crs, hy the treasurer of the state, uikui the warrants of the state audihir, dul of any a]iiird|iriatioiis made for the iiayment of civil ollicers df pivernmi'iit, on the re(|uisitions cjf the hoard of managers, or anv tw() of the nieinhers thereof. 7. The! reasurer of tlu'asvlum shall reside in the town of fill ? ii"^ . toll, Callawav cduntv, and uive hoiid fur the faiti iiiiii..< ..f inaMii-.r. \\i\ ] »erforinaiiee of his ti'ust, in such sum and with sueh seeurities as sliall he a[ii»roved hy the <;overnor and >talt' jiudilor. Jle shall have the eustody of all moneys, notes and other oliliiiatidiis and securities helonuinu' to the asylum; and out as mav \iv iireserilnd in the h\ -laws (if the asvlum. For k m nmr 1 IW Missorni. 30.J any iiiislViisinn'i', iii;iirt;i>;iiiii' or ii'inrca^aiii'f. lie iiiiil Iih se- curities slmll \>v lialilc. and lie iiri)Mriit<.{' t lie Imai'il nf iiianaLicrs. N. I'm- the riiluic ^upiii-rt (if sail! a-yliiin. fop tlie payment (if its (Iclit-, the ailvanci liielit ot" its interests iiJhI (lie , ^,.^ Iiununie olijeets e()ntein|>la tdl l.y its e^tahlislinient, ,*i.',',',"'il!'w** llie aii|ii(>|iiiati(>ns nunle shall \<' payahle out of tlie ''■■"""• trea--ui'y, semi-annually, on tlie ii'--«t days of >hir«-li ami S«'j)- tenihei- in eaeh year; and it did! hr ihr duty of the stato nuili till', oil the reiinisil ioji of t !ie heard of nianaLi' f-. t>i i«s»ie Ids wai'i'ani on the state treasurei', in l'a\or of the tic ii.-urei- of said institution, for the amount of eaeh senii-annnal payment. :is the same shall heeoine t\\U' and |>ayahle. '.'. I'^or all dehts and demands \vhat~'ievcr duf the a»vluin, ami all daniaees foi- la i hi re of eonlrart. ami for tros- ,. ^,,„ pass and other \vronu-< to the asylum oi' any |>ro|Kriy ,M''i."i'.»'' thereof, real or pei'sonal, actions may he maintaiutd. "'•"'•'•""'■''• in the name of the " treasurci' of tlu' stato lunatic asylum." In- terest shall he rocov( red on any and all sums due the a>yluiii from the time when the causr of aetion shall have aei-rued. In any action for an indehteiliu-^. or for damages due the ah;dl he jirliitn /«fr/V evi- dence of till! amount due; and the iiujirossion of the oflicial seal (tf the su]>i'rintendent to a cirtilicate or uec-ount. to which the s! a phy-ician of knowledije, skill and ahility in lii.s profession, and of experience SMi'.!rM,..>i.j. in the manajj;enient and tri>atnient of the insane; ;;•"• ■'"'"■" he shall not, while such superintendent, eiiuaut' in the practice of his profession, hut shall, to the exclusion of all other husi- ^il I I > noo Missofnr. m$i¥ in'ss, (Icvttic liiiiisilf to ilic siijicrvi>ioii and cnrc of the ii^\ liiiu ami iN iiiiiiati's. I'.clnic cnlcriii;; oii the diiliis nf liis ullirc, III' sliall take an oalli nv allii'inalinn lliat lie will (lili;^tiili_v, faitlil'tiliy and iiii|iar(ially disci lar^c all the duties I't'unii'cd di' liini hy law. 12, 'I'lie sMjtci'inU'iidcnt sliall he the chief cxccnlivc ddieer jjinj. (if the asylum, and shall have the care and coninil iiv.'Mmr?T,'' of everythin;;' conueeted thri'cwith; he shall see that " IIm' si'vcnil uiricei's uf the asylinn laithfully and dili^iCMlly disi'liarue their res]iecti\ c duties; lie . shall eniphty such nurses, attendants, servants and (»tlier persons as he may think proper, and assi;j;ii to them their duties, and may, at j)leasure, discliarj^'c them; he shall receive such patients as shall ])(' entitled to admission into the asylum, ami dischar<,'o them therel'rom: jirnrldid, {]\i[l he shall at all times exorcise tlu' powers and pert'orm the duties herein meiitioni'd accoi'dinj^ to the rules and hy-Iaw of the asylum. lu. All j)er.sons employed in the asylum, while so employed, 5 4111. shall ho exeiupt from servinjj; on juries and work- rm'i'.'i'tCm'''' '".^ Oil roads aiid highways, hut not Iron, jiayin;^ any projierty or roati tax; and the certilicate ol the sui)orintendent, under his ollieia! seal, shall be sullicieiit evi- deiU'e of such t'm[)!oyment. II. The su|teriiitendent shall keep, at all times, for the iu- 5 411.-,. stilution, an otlicial seal, u|)oii which shall he iii- s-ai or H.,pt. ^^Yihvil the words "State Lunatic Asylum." lo. The hoard of managers shall keep a full and correct ^ ,,ii,; account of their proecedin'Ihu< III ,\».vlMhi fur lii'iiiii' I riiiila '•(■iiiiiiii ill lorcc until nltfi'cil, iiioilillcil or rc|M'aUtl in the iimn- ncr |ir(iviii('(l l»y law. Is. I''oi' tlic |iur|n)S(' (if d'cctinn; jiinl rni'nirciiiis(-< of tlic state lunatic asyJMiii at l'"nltnii. the sum of lil'ncn tli(»u- "•'' sand dollars is licrcltv a|i|iro|iriatt'd out of ..ny innncy in tli(3 I'cvfmu' fund in the state treasury imt otherwise ai>|M'o|U'i- nted, to he ex|>ended for that |iur|M)se under the authority of the hoard of tuuna^.U'rs of said institution, -ulijict tothea|i- |iroval of the <:-ovenior, and shall he the duly of the slato auditor, on the reiiuisilioii of said lioard of managers, to issuo his warrant on the stjite treasurer in favor of the treasurer of said institution for the .'.hove amount for the ]iur|iO'es Jierein mentionei ]!». The stale lunatic asylum located near St. .loseidi. Mis- sou No. 'J. ri, shall lie known a.s "State Lunatic Asvluiii .5ii-,i. .N.I III iiiiii jf IIHV- 'i'l le governor sna 11, immoi liateb tl y on the pai«'iiiiiiii'iit ;ini:ii;i'i«. act, hv and with the advice and consent of the s •'. senate, if in session, ai)[»oint nianaj;ors for said in- "' stitution, to consist of seven discreet per.sons, of whom at least two shall he or shall have been iiractitioner.s of niedieine. The secretary of state shall at once notify said iiiana.u,crs of their appointment, and tliey shall, on the first day of March, 1N71, meet at .such asylum, oruanize, and take chary or have Leen c()nferi'e(l on tlie commissioners under the provisitsns of the act to which this act is amendatory, and which have not been repealed hy this act. As soon as the buildinii's and im- provements for said asylum, now under contract, are liiiislu'd and accepted, the hoard of managers shall take such measures as they may deem j»roper to pi'otect them from loss or injui'y, and may have the same insured. 22. If any person ap])()inted i-efuse to serve as manager, the ,^j.. governor shall appoint another, and if any vacant'y vaciincics, glijiH Qccur hy dcalli, resignation or otherwise, the governor shall (ill the same hy appointment; but the p('r.-on so appt)inted shall oidy iiri as manager until the next succeed- ing session of the general a^-embly, and until his successor shall be appointed and qualilit'd. 23. Any }»ers()n, who shall, after demand made, knowingly S4I.-.S. ]"efuse to pay over or deliver to the managei's of said cuiiv'.'riin" asylum, any money, projnrty or thing helonging pruiM.ny. thcix'to, or auy per.-o!i who shall knowingly convert to his own use any money appropriated l»y law, or any mon( v or pro[)erty donated or given to said asylum, or to the state lor its use and benelit, shall, in addition to bis civil deemed gnilty of a misdemeaiioi-, and, upon conviction tln'reof, shall he [lunished by a rine of not less than live hundred dol- hu's, or by imprisonment not less than six months in the county jail, or by Ixtth such hue ami impri-oiiment. 24. The managei's of said institution shall have all 1h(> s.,,.-,.i. jiowers, rights and jirivileges given to, and perl'orin ?i'utT.'s'ut''''' all the duties rc<|iiired, (if the " board of managers ^j. ^ji^^ state lunatic asvlum,"' and said asvhmi shall, in all respects not inconsistent with the five preceding MISSOUKl. 399 section^, 1)C governed Ijy and be condueted aceoi'diiig to the provisions (»t" this elia[)lor, witii like powers, privileges and immunities. ''."). Pei'suns adlieled with any form of insanity may he ad- mitted into the asyhim, wlien tlie sui)erintendent j;4,,;, deems it proijahle that their eondition ean he im- *!h„'ii't'.Mi"iI'i'i'r proved hy the eare and treatment of the institution; •'"'■''•"-"•'• and any ]iatient may be diseharged Ijy the superintendent whenever Ik may heHeve tiiat tlie eondition of sueli [)atient cannijt he iniprove.ion or occupation, and tlu' townshi[), county and stute of his residence, unless this apjiear on the face of the document. Before any private patient shall 1h> re- ceived into the asylum, there shall be jn'oduci'd to the super- inteu'h 111 a receijil from the treasurer of the asylum, acknowl- edging the payment to him of at least thirty days' I'harges in advance, ami a sullicient b(md to said treasurer, conditioned thai ihe obligor or obligors will secure the payment of charges incurred in behalf and on account of said patient; said bunil, with satisfactory securities, shall be of the form and I'ontain the. l>rovisions as provided in section ll'J."). No jtai'l of said tliirtv (lavs' iiavnieiit shall be refunded if the patient nuiking such [laymenl shall be taken away, within that period, un- cureil, and against the cttnsent of the superintendent. 28. The request for the admission of a iialient into the asy- ill •t»- ^mmmmm 400 MISSOURI. in M-ritiiiti:, niul of the fullowiuLi; F.nni (|iiost ■ i ii i ' i •' i i en i f.iiiuii.iiKsioii. iorm, with ah blanks suitably hlh'd : To the suporiiitoiuleiit of the ^lissouri state lunatic asylum: The undersigned, of the countv of , is desirous of iilaeiii"- in tlie state lunatic asylum, at Fulton, and hereby re(|ucsts the admission therein, of , a resident of the county of , Avho is a_i;ed , and has been (here state what the occujiation of the person has been). lie (or she) is a native of , in tlie state of , ami is (here state what the relationship or eirenm- stances of connection may he) of the undersioned (then should follow a written history of the cas(>, including the allei^cd cause of insanity, when it commenced, and all the particulai's thereof). Dated day of , 18 . 20. The certificate of two ])hysicians shall he suhstantially §41-'- of the followiiiLr form, with all blanks suitably cei'tiiiciiit'. filled ; State of ,1 County of , J ' We, and , of the county and state aforesaid, physi- cians, do hereby certify that we have this day seen and ex- amined (hero insert the name of the patient,) of the county of , and believe to be insane, and a pro[)er patient to be sent to the state lunatic asylum. (Signed) The above named , being duly sworn, say that they are practicing ph3'sicians of the county aforesaid, and that the facts stated in the above certilicate, by them subscribed, are true according to the best of their knowledge and belief. (.Signed) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , IS . .J. P. 30. The l)ond provided for in section 4120, shall be of the §412:!. following form, with blanks appropriately filled: Furiii iif l)ciiiil. 7» 11 iji iili r Jmiow ail men by these presents, that we, of the county of , are held and firmly bound unto , treas- urer of the Missouri state lunatic asylum, and his successors in ollice, in the sum of live hundred dollars, for the payment of which we, iointlv and several! v, bind ourselves firmlv by ' ft t «- ' V ».' these presents, .sealed with our seals and dated this day MISSOURI. 401 ■I i of , IS . Tlio condition of this ohli^'ation is such tliat, whorous, , of tlie county of , in tlic state of , and who is insane, lias heen aihnitted a patient in the Missouri state hinatic asyhnn, at I''uh()n: now, tlierefore, the concUtion of this obligation is, that if the said ohlii^ors shall pay to tht^ i-aid treasurer, or his successors in olliee, the sum of dollars and cents per week, for the hoard of said i>atient, so long as he shall continue in said asylum, with such extra charji:es as mav he occasioned hv nuiuiring moi-e than ordinarv care and attention, and shall i)rovide for suitable clothing', and sluill })ay for all necessary articles of clothing as sliall he procured for , hy the steward of said asylum, and shall remove from said asylum, whenever required to do so l»y the superintendent; and if he shall he removed hy either of us, or by any one, before the expiration of three calendar months after reception, then, if said obligors shall pay board for thirteen weeks, unless sliould be sooner cured; and if they also pay not exceeding fifty dollars, for all damages said may do to the furniture or other jiroperty of the asylum, and for reasonable chargi's in case of death, such pay- ment for board and clothing to be made in advance, quarter aniHudly, on the first day of October, January, April and July t)f each year, and at the time of removal, or in case of death, within one month thereafter, with interest on each ])ill from and after it becomes due, then this obligation to be void; otlierwise, to renuiin in full force. , [L. S.] ,[L.S.] Those that take {)rivate patients to the asylum must be pre- pared to give such bonefore i»ay i)atients shall be received into the asylum, tliev shall be in'ovided, bv those accompanving s "-i- ^ . . . . Cl.llllillL'of them, with suitable changes of raiment, of the kind, rini''"'^- ipuuitity and quality specified in section 41'2G of this cha[)ter, to be provided for the insane poor; and whenever pay patients siiall he in need of clothing, the steward of the asylum shall, under the direction of the suj)erintendent, furnish the same, at tlic cost of those executing the bond provided for in the last preceding section. 26 ■'U I 402 Mi>sori!i. 1)2. TIic several coniily eourts sliall liave jjower to send to ^.^io. till' asvluiii siu-li (iT tlieii' iii-aiii' ixior as may \>v eii- au'i'in'l'rr.Mni. tilled t o ai 1 1 1 1 issi( n I thereto. The eduiilies tlius sell tli's iicl- iiijf sliall pay, seiiii-aiiiiually, in ea>h, in advance, sueli sums for tiie .suiipoi't and maintenam-i' ol' their insani' jioor as tlie hoard of mana;^crs may deem necessai'y, not exeeeifinLi; two dollars and lil'ty emts [nr wi'rk lor each j>atient, and in addition thmto the actual cost of their cloth- ing;', tlie «'Njn'nsi> ol' removal to and from the asylum, and, if thi'V siiall deceasi' therein, fur hnrial e.\|(enses; and in case such insane jioor shall tlie or he reuiovi'd from the asylum \iv- t'ore the expiration of the si. \ months, it shall he tiu' duty of llu' nnma^'ers of such asylum to refund or cause to lu' refundeil, tin- amount that may he remaining: in the treasury of such asylum due to the county entitled to the same; and for the purpose of raising the sum of mont'V so provided for, the several I'ountv courts shall he and thev jire heri'hv e.xiiresslv authori/.ed anil ompoweri'd to discount or sell their warrants issued in such hehalf. whenever it hecomes necessary to raise said moneys so provided for. And -aid asylum is herehy ex- pressly prohihiti'd from receiviiiLi any county warrant in pay- ment of any such sum as may lie due hy this section. o.'). Any county ceiu't sendin.u jiatients to the asylum, shall, ^^^,,j,5 hefore sending them, see that they are tree from any iV,'iI.'r.'ln','i'-'' eonta,!j,ious disease, in a >tate of perfect hodily cleaii- '"^ '""'""'■ liness and comfortahly clothed, and provided with suitable chan«;es of raiment, a- herein presci-ilied ; if a male, with at least two new shirts, a new and sulistantial coat, vest, and j)antaloons, of strong woollen cloth, two pairs of woollen socks, a black stock or cravat, a good hat or cap, a pair of new shoes or boots, together \vitli a comfortalile outside garment: if a, female, in addition to the same (juantity of undergai iieiit-. shoes and stockings, a llannel petticoat, two good dresse. . and a cloak or outside garnu'iit. In case the patient be so nnich oxciteil as not to adnnt of being thus clothed, other clothing that can be ke|il on, that is comfortable and in sutllcient (juantity, with a change thereof, nniv lie substituted. Extra and better a}>parel should be sent with the [tatients, that, when their licalth is improved and when they attend religious worship, walk or ride out, it may be used, if deemed necessary. Missoriu. 40 o .') I. The iii(li<,'(>iit insane of this state shall always have Ihe l»ri' fere nee over those wlio have Ihe ahilitv to i»av < nr I'oi" their sui>))ort in thi' asvluin; and if thei'e are I IMliK''>lt 'PI not |»r()visi()ns in the asylnni for the acconiinodalinn of all thr insanr persons in th(f stale, then recent cases of insanity, by which Icnn are meant cases of less than one year's slaiidinu", sliali iiave preference over cases of more than one year's stand- in^-; provided, no connly sliall iiave in the institulion more than its jnst pi-ojiortion, aecordinij,' to its insane po pnlat ion. o. W'lienevei- a patient is sent to tlie asylum, l)y Ihe order of anv court or ollieer havin,i!; authority to make such si iinl.Tiif ( ll-::i. 'aiis" of in- :(hilv t'l ))«) order, the warrant, or copy of such orcK'r jtroperly ly it autheMticate(|, hy which such pati'ut is sent, shall he -"I'l- lo(|<;-e(l with the superintendetd, .'!(>. 'I'here shall he set-* with each patient a detailed account of his or her case, as far as [)raetieahle, stating" the cause (tf his or lier insanity, its duration, the former treatment of Ihe patient, and all other particulars ""''" relating;' to tln> patient, and his or her disease; and, if possihle, some one acipuiintt'd with the individual should accompany him or her to tlu' asylum, from wiiom minute and essential l)articulars of his or her insanitv mav l)e learne same, at tlie cost i of the county court sending them. oS. The su})erintendent shall, under the direction of the niana<;ers, cause, once in every six months, to he rti.Ji. I • 1 • 1 Aci'. milts. made out and torwarded to any county court which «ii.iiMiMiny , " '"'ill icimly may send to the asylum an insane [)oor person, an '"" exact account of the sum due and owinj;' hy such court on account of such insane person, ►'^aid court, at its lirst session thereaflcr, shall i)roce(>d to allow, and cause to l.)e paid over to the treasurer of the state lunatic asylum, Ihe amount of said account. ol). For the admission of county court patients, the follow- ing; procecdin<;s shallbe had: some citizen residing ,^,.,o in the proper county shall tile, with the clerk of hll'ty '"" °^ the county court of such county, a statement, in '"""'""'• writing, which shall be substantially as follows: ■*i4l rii.: 404 MISSOURI. State of ^rissouri, 1 County, j 'I'lio iiii(U'rsi'«•'■ may think proper, commanding them to ap[)ear be- fore liis county court, at a specified time, whicli time shall ho the (irstday of the lirst session of such court thereafter, to tes- tify coni'crning the facts set forth in said statement. Subpoenas may also be issued for witnesses in behalf of tlio jtorson alleged to be insane. 41. At the time appointed, unless the investigation shiill lio ni:'i- adiourned over to .some other time, the said court f.ll!lll', COlllill- " _ "«'i ! admitted into the state lunatic asylum, as a county pa- tient, have been had accordinij; to law. vou are herein- com- iiianded forthwith to arrest said i)erson, and convey him to said asvlum ; and vou are authorized to take to vour ai Missoiitr. This ujii'i'iuit with the iTciipt thcrioii, sliull hi- r(tnnuy him with the other j apcis rclatinji; to tlic case. •I.". 'I'hc rt'lati\-i's of tho insane poi'son shall have the ri.uhl, )t4i.;s, it' tlu'V fhooso, to convey him to tlie asylum, in in'.y I'Viviy sueli easc tlu' warrant shall l»e directed to one nf them; and the person to wliom it is directed and Ids assistants shall, if" dennindeil, receive the same compen- sation allowed lur tiie lii\e services to the sherill". -l«i. When a county patient is sent lo tiie asylum it shall be jj ii;;„, the duty of the clerk to see that tin- jiatient is sn[>- " ' "'•^ plied with the j»roper clothing-, specilied in sei-tiun ■^^ll'JC), ami, if not otherwise I'uniishi'd, the clerk shall i)urchas(_! it ; and, in such case, the same sliall he jiaid for out of the county treasury, by order of the county court. 47. If the county court of the proper county shall so order, ,5 4141'. the clerk thereof shall transmit to the sii])erintend- ti.iits loi..'. (.[it u certdicute, under his olhcial seal, settintj: forth imtir.its. ■ (imt any patient in the asylum has not estate sufli- cient to supjitirt him at the asylum, rj'on tho rcceiiit of such certificato by the superintendent, such [lerson shall be a county ])ationt of sucli county, and shall bo su})ported by such county, as ])rovided by this chapter in tho cases of poor patients, 4S. If the county court of the proper county shall so order, S4U1. the clerk thereof shall transmit to tho suporintond- Wln'ii nmiily iiiiti.-nt tM 1,,:. (.]it a certificate, under his odicial seal, settinroj)or authority lias iliroiler, he shall be removed from ^, ^,-„i. (ifUce in the same manner as for neglect of any r,.,",v,irif" (hity. 51. To the sheriff or other person, for taking a patient to the asvluni, or removing one therefrom, upon the war- hi-'- rant of the clerk, mileage, going and returning, at an, .».■.!. the rate of ten cents per mile, and seventy-five cents per day for the sup[)ort of each patient ou his way to or from the asy- lum, shall be allowed; to each assistant allowed by the clerk !| 40S MIsiSOlKI. and acroinpanyiii^' llic sliorifr, or other person iU'tin^^ under tlie wairant ol' the eh-rk, niUeiij^i' at thi' I'ate nf ei;^ht eent.s per mih' foi'^oin;;- and returning' shall he allowed ; theeonqnitation, in hotli instanees, to he made iVoiii the place ol" arrest to the asyhnn, hy the nearest route usually ti'a\'eled. 'IMie costs speci- tled in tliis set'tioii shall he jiaid out of the county treasury of the pi'oper lounty. and "lunatic," as used in this he terms " insane ^n.vj. Ti'niiH Htini'il. 'CI ehapti'r include every species of insanity or mental derangement. The uords ''insane poor," oi' '" indi- il insane," when aiH)Iied to a i)crson without a family, shall mean one w hose estate, after payn K'lll (leiii anil ex- cluding from the i^'stimates such part (jf his estate as is ex- empt from execution, is worth less, in .ash, than thni' hun- dred (h)llars : and the same words, when ai>piicd to a jierson having a family, shall mean one whose estate, t'stimated as ufort'said, is woi'th les.s, in cash, after ['aynient of his dehts and the support of his family for one year, than one thousand dol- lars; j>rocidnl, that when the said words are applie(l to a married woman, her estate and that of her hushand shall he estinuited as aforesaid, and the amount shall determine tlie (juestion aforesaid, whether she l»e a " jjoor "' j)erson or not, within the meanii;g of this chapter. A person with a family is one who has a wife and child, or either; county patients are those sui)ported m tlie asylum a it th expense of the coun- ties sending them; pay or |irivate patients ai'c tlu)se su[)' ported in the asylum hy their friends, or from the proceed; )f th leirown jiroperty. r.very woi-d m this chapter importing the masculiiu' gender shall extend and he applied U) females as well as males; and any word, importing the singular num- hir only, or the plural numher oidy, may he aj»plied to one pei'son or thing a< well as to several persons or things. shall he entitled to the henefits of the pro- .).j. N ^ i )erson 4i.yi, Vli.. .•i,Iitl.».| 111 l)OUrlits 111' tliis cliapti'i'. visions of this (•ha})ter as a county patient, excejit ]>ersons whose insanity has occurred during the lime such person may have resiiied in the slate, ami except the insane poor, under sentence as criminals, as provided in sections 4141) to 4147 inclusive, of this chapter. Every patient in the asylum shall he deemed to he the county l)atient of the county first sending him, till one year after his regular discharge from the asylum. MISSol KI. 409 liiiiild any iiisniic person escape troni tlie asyiiini anc fr« tl> (] letinii It) llie eouiilv iVoni wliieli 111' was ('(iiiiniittefl, ;i »m» • If tpeii it sliall 1)0 tlie duty of (he slu'i'ill' of said eoinity, '■"'•>t upon l)ein;;' notified by the superinlendi'nt, lortliwitli to apj)re- liend him and take Inin haek to the a-yhini; and tlie shei-id" ,-liall l>e pai•'*"■• into ho luul, the court, if satislied that there is ^ood cau.-e for the exercise of its jurisdiction, sliall cause the facts to be iu- (]• ired into hy a jury. ol'). Such infornuition may also he ^iven, in the vacation of such court, to the iud• i- ii.i-i. posi' of h()ldin;4' an in([uiry whether the i)erson mentioned in such information he of unsound mind or not. o7. \n proceed iujL^s under this chai)ter, the alle;;ed insane person must he notilied of the proceeding;, unless the ^ -,;'•■•■ . , . , . , . 1 Duty ..f ror- any jiorson, resulent ol his county, to be ot unsound taiu mind, as in section ."TNT mentioned, it shall be his duty to make aj)i)licati()n to the probate court for the exercise of its jurisiliction ; and thereupon the like proceedinj^s shall be had as ill the case of information by unofli -ial i)ersons. •"'■•. If it be found by the jury that ilie subject of the in- ijiiirv is of unsound mind and incai)able of manay;- ?•"'"-'"■ ■ ^ . ^ _ (iiiiinlian ap- iii.u his or her affairs, the court shall ai)poiiit a i'"i>'i''i "in-u -uaidian of the person, and estate of such insane person. i 'ii nti_ no MlSSOfUt. fulllll V (!0. ^\'ll('ll illiy ]i( l'-((l| sli;i!l lie ruinitl |(t lie ili^jilic iiccni'd- .ii„ iiin' ti» tlic |ir('cc(liiiH- in'i)\'isi(iii^. tlic co-is of llir yy,,- »• I'.iid mil if \i\< (•^liilc, (ir, if iliiii lit' insudiciciit. Ii_v llic ciiiiiily. • 11. If the |K'i'snii iillt^nl |(> 111' iii>;iii(' sliiill !•(• ( I isclm r;:( (|, ^ ..,,., (lie cost sliiill he piiid liy tlic |i(l>(ili lit W Ikisu iii- ,y,'',y',.ai,,i,,c ^tiiiicc Ilir |ini(i'C(liiii;- is liiid, iiiiU'ss said pcrsdii 1m' "'"'"''"''•■ Jill i.tlinr, iictiiiii- olliciiilly accdnliii-' lu tlir jnw,- \i-i'iiis (if lliis ( lia[ittr, in wliirli case tlu' custs sIuiU bo paid l»y till! coiiiity. (■>•_'. Til" court may, if just cause apjtcar, at any tinio (lui'iut; J ;,7,,4 the term in wliii-li an iiKjuisitioii is had, set the !."H.'iii'iuisi'.' same aside, and cause a. new juiy to ho impaneled """■ to iiKiuire into the tacts ; l)ut wlieii two juries concur in any case the verdict shall not bo set aside. '!•'{. J']very such guardian shall take charf^e of the person com- i'iiiar'iian to mittcd to liis cliargc, Hud provide for his suj)port and maintenance as hereinafter diri'cted. (14. Every pi-obate court, by whom any insane person is com- mitted to guardianship, may take an order lor the restraint, sujiport, and safe keeping of sueli j)erson, for the managenuMU of his estate, and for the sup- port and maintenanee of bis famil}', and education of his ehildren, out of the proi'ceds of sueb estate; to set apart and reserve for the payment of debts, and to let, sell or mortgage any jtart of such estate, real or personal, when necessary for any of the puri)()ses above specified. (')."). If anv huuv' or otherwise, shall be furiouslv g.-,so^ mad, or so far dist,rv the person or property of others, il "'"'"■ shall be the duty of his or her guardian, or other person under whose eare he or she may be, and who is bound to provide for his or her sui)port, to confine him or her in some suitable [dace until the next sitting of the probate court for the county, who shall make such order for the restraint, supjtort, and safe keeping of .such person as the circumstances of the case shall require. 0(5. If any such j)erson of unsound mind, as in the last pn- liik.' el] a ol |Pi'l>nll § .".Ml.",. Ciiiirt iiiav mil. r IV- ■ straiiit uf \Miril. ceding section is specified, shall not be confined hV .^iik'.is may tlio i)erson having charge of him, or there be no order coiillue- , i i • i /• inent. persou havHig such charge, any judge of a court ut ■1 ' T — w MlSSOIItl. 411 rci'di'd, or any two ju-liccs of tlic ikiicc, niny cause muIi iiisann |i('i'snii 1(1 l)c apin'cliciiilrd, aiwl may ciiiiildy any pn'Miii In cnii- liiic liiiii or lur in sdiiic stiilalilc placf. unlil tlic iPinliatf fniirt .sliall iiiakiH'urtliiT (ii'd'Ts tlicfiiii, as in llic pi'i'ccilin;;' >(.'cliiin spicilii'd. (17. Till' i'N|icii^(s atlciidin^ >ncli (•(inliiiciiK lit shall I'f paid liv tlio ''uardian (Hit of his (■^lat(^ or li\- the iicr.-dn s ■'"■'"• '^ . ' . •''■•1', Imw hdund |(t prdvidc Icir and suppoi'l siicli infant' pel'- T''"' son, or tliu sanii! shall he [iai.ii. auv nisane per<(in, the amount thereot mav he ri'- H'liHi.y " 111 • ■ (■.unity limy covci'ed by the county Irom any i»erson who, hy '"• ' *'■"'•• law, is bound to provitle fdi- the support ami maintenance of such [lerson, if there he any of sullicienl ability to [my the same. <■)!». If any insane jierson bo ailmitted into the state lunatic asylum as a patient, tlu' ,u'uardian shall jiay for his ,5;,^;^ support and e.\i»enses at such asylum, out of the \''vhl.'r,",!"ni'iv,i estat(> of such ward; and if such insane peison '""■">'"'"• shall, at any tinu', come under the class of "insane jioor pci'- sdU."' as s[tecifie(l in the law for the ,u'overnment of the state lunatic asylum and the care of the insane, sucli person shall he supported anoses of tins chapter wherever the words "iierson of unsouuil mind," or "insane nersoii '' ;;■>■•'■ ' _ _ * CiTCiin tonus occur therein, said words shall ln' construed to mean 'o'"*!™.'.!. cither an idiot, or a lunatic, or a person of unsound mind ami incapable of maiia,L!,in,i!,' his own allairs, as the case may be, ii|tdn ]troof as aforesaiil. 71. When II person, tried u[)on indictment for any crime or misdemeanor, shall be actpiitted ou the sole <;round ^iwx that he was insane at the time ol the commission ot i-si, p. 7^ 1 II' 1 1j1 /»i1iii f 11 1 lii'^aiii" ciiiiil- tne oiU' eharaed, tlio iact shall be louiul 1)V the nm. ;..■,, nu- lurv in their verdict, and l)y their verdict the lurv ii'ininiu.' (It. wlictlicr vet shall further find v.'lietlier such i)erson has or lias i''<"v.ic.i. not entirely and pernianently recovered from such insanity; I 1 I" 412 MISSOURI. and ill case tlie jury .shall liiid in tlicir verdict tliat such j)er- son lias so recovt'red from such insanity, he shall be discharj^ed from custody; hut in c;ise tlie jury shall tiiid such jicrson has not entirely and permanently recovi'red from such insanity, tlie prisoner shall he dealt with as provided in the two Ibllow- in<;- sections. 72. If the prisoner is not a poor i)crson, and the court is S^i". sati>tied, from the nature of tlu' oil'eiise or otherwise, will' 11 sent to . ' "•^yinni. that it wouhl he uiisal'e to permit the |)risoner to go at lar<;e, an order shall he entered of record that he he sent iu tlu' asylum, and further re(|uirin;4' the sherill' or other minis- terial olHeer of the court, with such assistance as may he speci- fie; ^nssoruT. 413 ' 1 1 i 1 1 tlio iiri.sonor sliull tiikc iilacc before the county court as i)ro- viileil in sections 1 1;]2, 41o3, ll."! ! and llo.j; but tbe county cdurt ami clerk thereof sliall proceed, and the prisoner be dealt with in like manner as other insane jioor persons are reijuired to be, at'tjr examination hiid l>y tbe county court. It shall bo the duty of the clerk of the conri trying:,- tbe [)risoni'r to make (lilt a copy, nndt'r his odicial seal, of tbe judi^nicnt of aci|uittal (if the prisoner, and of the order re(iuired by the lirst part of this section, to ])e delivered to the otiicer liaving custody of the prisoner tor his authority for such custody. 71. The sherilTor other olHcer having the custody of insane persons, as reouired in sections -111-1: and 41-1"), s^i-ni. ' ' 1 . ^ ' If ill ciislixly, shall, if he dvvui it necessary to their safe custody, iH'wn.ntimMi. continc them to the county }»oor-house or county jail until tiiey shall be removed to the asylum ; and if all things neod- lul be not otherwise supplied, be shall furnish them ; and, in such cases, the supplies for the insane poor shall be paid for by the proper county courts out of tbe county treasuries; and su]){)lies for others than the insane poor shall be jiaid out of tiieir estates, and niav be recovered bv suit in tbe name of such ofiicer. 75. If any per.son, after having been convicted of any crime or misdemeanor, become insane before the execu- ^^ na- tion or expiration of tlie sentence of the court, it iV\i"',''.'"ii'!!' shall be the duty of the governor of the state to in- rrVnunais !,.■- (|iure nito the facts, and lie may pardon such aii.rc.uvic- iuiiatic, connnute or suspend, for the time being, the execution of such sentence, and may, by liis warrant to tln' sherifl" of the ])ropi'r comity, or the warden of the })eniteu- tcntiiirv, order such lunatic to be conveved to tbe insane asyhnn, and there kept until restored to reason. If the sen- tence of such lunatic is suspended by the governor, it shall be executed u[>on him after sucii [)erio Act ..r Is,: |i. 7:1, ,-; I. rii-iucis 10 charge, beeoine insane, and the eircuit or crimin;! liiivi' jury to (li'li'nniue tlioir siiiiitv court wherein such person stands cliar^uv(l, sliall have reason to liclievo that such })crson has so l)c- coinc insane, it shall be the duty of such court to suspend all furtl ler i)rocecuch in- quiry. The alleged insane person shall be notified of such ]>roceedin<:s unless the court order such person to be bi'ought before it. 77. W llH.I ^< -2. II' iii-;iin\ 1m' tak.-ii t asylitiii l',X|il'll>l'S, l]u\v paid. U}ion such incjuiry tlu' said jury shall lieconu^ satisfied that sueh prrson has so beeoiiie insane, (hey shall so declare in their verilict, and the court shall, by proper warrant to tlu' sherilf, marshal or jaih r, order such person to bo conveyed to the lunatic asylum and there kept until restored to reason. And sui-h person shall be thereupon disposed of, and the costs and ex- jienses of conveying him to said asylum and of his su])pi(l §:i. WlM'ii rc- stoivil In rr:isiiii [II 111 tlil'cl. be returned to the cotni'v whence ho came, and tl proceed in against him shall l)e continued and »roset'uted, and his trial had as tl lough no sucli inquiiy and proeecdings thereon, as herein jtrovided, h lU be en maile an< had. 71). Jl Ilpiil S 4. I f IIUI ill^MI lilMSOI'lUiill 111 I'ontiiiui" Upon sueh in as aforesaid, the d crnnuial procecUings aganist liu n lial )e cell- ^am had liiuied and prosecuted, and his trial had in the e nuuiU'-r as though no such inquiry had been made ami J MONTANA. 'ii- s. it. 10. ]1. 12. 11. lo. M. 17. IS, 10. CARE OF IXHAXE. Board of coininissioners, appoint- ment. Term of office. Oatli of oflice, bond, interest in con- tracts ibri)i(l(len. Oriiiinization of lioanl. Secretary, duties of; contracts of commissioners. Commissioners to prescribe rules for care of insane; sealed i)ropos;ds. Commissioners, power to contract. Inspection of insane. To certify quarterly to auditor amounts due contractors. Contiactors to i>rovide snitalile liuiidint; for insane, and notify ])rol)ate court. iTKpii^ition of lunacy proceedings. l'"ailure to fullil contract ; jponer of commissoners, liai)ilily of surety. All insane to lie supported by the territory. Connnissioners, compensation. To certify expenses to auditor. Probate JudfiC or commisioner, com- pensation. Sheriff", tecs; audit and payment. Commissioners to rejiorl to lej,'is- hiture ; vacancies. Removal of insane from territory, upon authority of governor. 20. Auditor to draw warrant for ex- [)ensL' of removal. 21. Maintenance of indigent insane ; duly of governor. 22. Commitment of insane wards, pro- ceed ing.s. TRIMINAL IN'SAXE. 23. Xon-acconntability to law. 24. Insane convicts, impiisition of liniacy, transfer to asylum. 2o. On ri'covery, remanded to ])rison. 2(). l*rt)bafe judge and sheriff', fees. 27. Insane at'ter sentence of death, jury summoned. 25. Procec'dings before jury. 2!l. Stay of execution during ins;',nity. oO. Sheriff' to transmit inquisition to governor; on recovery, warrai\t of execution to issue. 31. Susiiension of judgment during in- sanity. 32. Defendant insane before judgment, jury inqianeled, conunilment. 33. No person to be ti'ied while insane. 31. Insane upon arraignment, pro- ceedings. 3.5. Connnitmeut when found insane. 3(). On recovery, remanded to custody. 37. Expenses of insane I'riminal when there is no finid provided by the territorv. 1. There shall l)e elected diiritio- the pre.-^fnt se,«sloii of the Ico'islative sis^seinbly of the tta'ritoiy of Moiitaiui, n. s._on_s7i), ami liiciuiiallv ;it each rt^o-ulav se.-^siou thereof, 1)V Tiin.o™m-' the U'Si'i.^^liitivc ass(qiihlv. Ill lomt convention assem- i-' cic't.-.i i.y ■ . . " , ... loi.'isliituri'.to lilcd. one ('(.mniissioner from each of the indicial I'.'iv.' .liivc- districts, as llie same are or niiiy he estahlished hy ■'"'•'">•• l;nv in this territory, who shiiU constilnte the hoard of com- missioners for the insiuie of ^Fontaiiii territory, and who shall exercise the powers and perform the duties hereinafter men- tioned. ■_'. Said connnissiont^rs sludl lioUl their ofllees respectively for the term of two years, and until their sue- "'"i s ""'-• tvs>ors sliall he elected and qualitied. ouico tor two ycar.s. 41 G MOXTAXA. It sliilll l.c the (lutv (if t]i >(•( I'rtnrv (if (lie lofjislativi Iliiil ^ TiiH. (Jc'iiiiiiis- t:iki' oiitli mill c'dUiicil. iiniiu'diiitcly. td luitil'v tliu jicrsdiis \v!ii» nuiv lie (.'Ifctcil undci' tlir ] ii'dvisi" uis df this iirliclc, of Kiv.' iM.ihi. [\w\v v\vv{\i<\\. I'V traiisuiittiiiL;- to each of tliciu, liv the most sjiccdy and ivlialilr iiicaiis. a cojiy of tla- })roi;ec'diiiuance of said ])ul)- lication shall l)e accomj)anied hy a hond in the sum of twenty- Wvv thousand dollars, with sniHcient sureties, to he a})j)i'oved l)y the ])resident of said hoard, conditioned for the faithful performance of the terms of the contract in case such proposal shall he accejited. 7. Haid connnissioners shall canvass all proposals received in accordance witli said [tuhlication, and they arc 11,1,157,17. liei-ehy authorized and empowered to contract on ^X"""Tu> c,,n. Ijchalf and in the name of the territory of ^NFontana, i!,"'i',i',hior with tlie lowest and hest l»i(hier, for the care, eus- l,uV,n !r«!UH,> tody, and maintenance of such insane jtersons in accordance Avitli the reciuirements ]>ulilished as aforesaid; hut said commissioners shall have and reserve the ]»ower to reject any and all of such pi-oposals; and such contracts shall recjuire the person or persons enterinu; into the same to receive all jter- sons adjudged insane and (U'hvered to hini or them, as liei'c- iiiafter jjrovided ; and to keep, maintain, and treat them in accordance with the rcfiuirements of said commissioners; and shall specify the coni[)ensation agreed upon for each of such insane ])ersons. S. Said commissioners shall, at all times, have free access to said insane persons, and it is herehy madi' their duty nn.i s 7ns. to elect one of their lioanh whose dutv it shall he to in'issil.nVIs to . . , . , ... -• 11 '• vi>itaihl ill- visit and nispeet tlu' comhtion ot all nisane i)ersons »^|..'itiiis:iii.> . , 1 ,. 1 , . . I 1 . , "111'' 'II tllll'O ])rovided tor by this article, at least once in three iin'iiHis. months. 0. The said commissioners shall, n])on tlie api)lication of the jicrson or jtersons having the custody of said insane ,1,1,, ,; .,.,p jK'i'sons, under such contract, at tlie end of each I.^s'llI^MM-ti'iy ,i|uarter, certify to the territorial auditor the amount ?,!','.",""'„',',?.'' due to such j>erson therefor; an l)uildinu; for the safe and proper keei)- ii'iiiHhisiiiM'. i,,„. oi'sueh insane ])ers(nr> in tlie maimer j)reserihe(] hv said t'oinmissionei's ; and such person shall immediately transmit and cause to be tiled in tlie olliceof the probate jud'•■>• , upon the application of any pt'rson nndrr oadi, -!» Tfin_^ foi'th that any person, by reason of in- sanity, is unsafe to be at lar<^e, or is sulferinij; under mental derangement, to cause the said |)erson to be broujiht befoi'c him at such time and ])lace as lu> nuiy direct, and the said judge or commissioner shall also cause to ajjjtear, at the same time and place, u jury (jf thi'i'e citizens of his county, one of whom shall be a licensed i)racticing physician, who shall ])roceeil to examine the jterson alleged to be insane, and if such jury, after careful examination, shall certity, upon oath, that the charge is correct, and the said i)rol)ate jmlge or connnis- sioner is satisfied that such person, by reason of insanity, is un- safe to be at large, or is incompetent to provide for his or her own proper care and support, and has no property apidicahlo to such ])urpose, and has no kindred in the degree of husband or wife, fatiier or mother, children, or brother or sister, living within this territory, of sullicient means and ability to proviile for such care ani|uirc(l. and .•such contractor h=liall acknowledge, liy endorsement in wfiliiiix. upon the Ixick of eacli of said warrants, the delivery of such persons deserihed therein to him, and the date thereof: anrm liis a■'>' »""'•' the same, in the ineantinn' provifle for the iMistody re-i.-tu. and care of such insane persons as may he mider the care oi such contractor, and such contractor and his suri'ties shall he Uahle for all damaii'cs sustained hy reason of such failure. !•'>. All persons hereafter adjudu-e(l insane under the laws of this territory, whether indiu'cnt or not. shall Aotofis83, he cared for liy the territory, under tlu' contract aii iliVanoi:.. made hy the governor of the territory, a-; now pro- IriUi'Viu"' ' vided for the care aiul maintenance of indifrent in- '■'•"■^'®- sane; and no person so adjud,u('(l insane shall he refused ad- mission into any a.syluni provided hy tlu' territory, nor shall the territory ask or receive any comi)onsation therefor. 14. Said commissioners shall each he allowed the sum of six dollars for each dav {}wy mav he actuallv and neces- niv. .'-., § 714. siirilv cnmimMl ni tlie discliarffo 01 their duties as uiwaiuoof 1 "• Ml 1 • -1 CDiiiinis- licrein prcscril)ed, and twenty cents tor I'acii mile "K'ners. actually and necessarily traveled hy them in performance of such duties. 1"). Said commissioners shall certify to the territorial auditor such amounts as mav he pavahle for (expenses in- n-i^i s ri''. curred hv virtue hereof, and the auditor shall draw "is t.. reitiiy itinniiiit ti) uu- warrant upon the territorial treasurer therefor. '''''"•■ ]('». There shall he allowed to the jirohate judtje or commis- sioner the foUowiiiL!; fees: for the examina- 11,1,15:1.;. tion. to include all necessary entries, three ^;;:;;;;^!:;;:',:?Slt;:;''' 1 11 t' 1 i • 1 1 11 for I'XaiiiiiKitiiHi. 'Idllars; tor each warrant issued, one dollar. 17. .\nd there shall he allowed to the sheritV the following fee-: for arrest in <•• and hrinirinj'" the person charued imiij-it. . , . . , ' . , ' 1 ' . , . ' , lc.'>»lsl.oritr \\'\v\ insanity hetorc the probate judge, or. in the f"rs,.rvio.»s. ali-'.'iice of l!u' iiroliate jud"'e. th(> chairman of the c amtv com- 420 MONTANA. I inissioiu'i's, and sul){)(t'iiiiinlaee desiniialed l>v tiie prdiiate .jnd,ii-e or eliairinan afore- said, live doliai's per lay lor tlu' time necessarily employed, and twenty eents for each nnle necessarily ti'aveied, and all necessary dishui'senieids for the stijiport of the insane jx^rson, to he andited hy the connty coninnssionei's. ami ])ai(I ont of tlic county ti'easury of the county in which said person sliull he a(ljud«i'ession thereafter; and in case a vacancy occui-riui^' vapiiiu}. j^^ ^^^j^j ]|,,,,j.^j ([i^^j.JD^- ji I'ei^ess of tlic asseml)ly, the governor shall desitiuate some suitahlo pt'rson to till sutli vacancy until the next meetin<;- of the leiiislative assemldy. 10. Hereafter whenever the fi'ii'uds or relatives of any iii- ii,i,i§72n. mate of the Montana insane asylum sliall ai)ply for hi'sirm- 'I'.'m assistance' or }»erniission to remove any i)atit'nt in the toinioiy. ^.^j^^ asvlum froHi thence to his or lier friends (»r relatives in any state or territory, the governor of this territory is herehy authoriztd and emjiowi'red to have such insane jier- son conveyed to his or her I'clatives or frit'iids, at the expense of the territt)ry of Montana, if he shall deem such action con- ducive to the interests vi' this territory, and the welfare of the insane })erson. 20. The territorial auditor is hi'rehy authorized and iii- ii.hi t; 7-11. structed to draw warraids on thc^ tei'ritorial treasuivi' sauu; .sui-ject. ju i',^.,,^. ,^j' |],^, governor of this territory for such uniounts, and at such times as nuiy he re(juired for the pur])oso mentioned in section 720 of this article. 21. The governor is hereby authori/.e(l hy publication loi- n>i,i §722. three weeks in a newspaper ])ublished at the ca))ital iuMii.e. of the teri'itory, invitinji" }»roposals for the cart> and niaintenani'e of the indigx'ut insane of ^Montana territory, and to let the omlract to the lowest responsibh' biihler; but die governor shall have the riglit to reject any and all bids, and to nud~crvcil tlicrchy : and that mion the n'('ei|)t of any account for such maintenance the (j;ovc'vnor shall ccftifv to the same, if it he correct, and thci'o- u[)()n it shall he the duty of the territorial auditor to draw his warrant upon the territorial treasuri>r for an amount of inoiioy sudicient to pay therefor; provided, Wuxi the govenioi' -hall not contract, under this resolution, for a ))eriod extendinu- heyond the coni[detion of the asylum fo'- the insane; and, provided further, that whenever, in the jud^'nient of th(> ''''"'• sound mind and until to be at larrje. Second. — Before grantinji- the order the judge must examine the person himself; or, if that is imju'actieablc, cause him to be (>xamined by an impartial pei*son. TJiird. — After the order is granted, the person alleged to be of unsound mind, his or her husband or wife, or relative to tlic third degree, may demand an investigation liefore a jury, which nuist be conducted in all respects as under an incpiisi- -f s ■\ ■,\ "t ■: J< ! ■*\ -I '■vW 422 MONTANA. t.ioii ol' luiiiicy. W'licii :iii iiilaiil is a [larly, In- must apiMar oitluT \>y his ucncral guardian, if he lia\f oiu , nr l»y a guar- dian appointed liy the Justice, as lullows: (1) If tlie int'ant Ik' |»lainliil' tiie appiiintinent niusi, l)e made l)('t<»re tile suininoiis is issuecl, upon the application of the in- fant, if he he of the aji'e of I'oUI'teen Years; if under that aije, upon the application of a I'elative oi' iVieiid. (■J) ll' the infant he defenilaut, the ^^uavdiau nuist he a|.- j)ointed at the linu' the >ummons is retin'iied, or hefore the unswer. it is the rii;hl of the iid'ani to nominate his own guardian, if the infant he ovei' fourteen years of a^c; other- wise the justice must make the ap|iointmeiit. 2o. A person who is an idiot, or insane, is of unsciund mind, and incai)ahle of formiujn' '"' inli'Ution to conunii Piv 4.§:!. Idiots and in- HHuit persons. a crime. Ll-I. W'henewr it shall appear that a territorial conxict, who S'j-a. is servinti" a term of imprisonment in the rnite(l Trill 1 of I'on Vl( i-ssai.ity .States i)enitentiarv at l)eer liodu'c, or «.tther prisons I ronioviil . . ' . ' . . . toiisyiuni. where territorial convicts are conlined, is insane, the warden, or other oliieer in charj>e of such |)i'nitenliary <»r [uison, shall certify the fact to the ju'ohate jud^e of the county in which such })eniteutiary or })rison is located. The said jud^'e shall tliereuj)on cause the said convict to he hrou^nht hel'ore him, at sucli time and place as he may diri'ct, ami the said Judge shall. also, to appear, at the same time and jdace, a Jui'y of tlireo citizens of his county, one of whom sliall he a licensed practicing ])liysician, who shall proceed to examine the peisoii .said to \)v insane; and, if such jury, after careful examination, shall certify, upon oath, that the cliarge is correct, such jmlge shall make out duplicate warrants reciting such facts, ami place them in the hands of the shei'ill' of said county, who shall immediately, in compliance then.'with, convey the })erson therein named and deliver him to the contractor for the custody, maintenance and treatment of insane persons, at the I)lace designated; and such contractor shall acknowledge, hy endor,senient in writing upon each of sa.ifl warrants, the ;ons therein descriht'd to him, and the date thereof; and such sherilf shall return one of said warrants to the ofHcer i.ssuing the same, and forward the other to the governor of the territory, who shall lile and preserve the same. !• MONTANA. Ij:] 2'. ir. ;it iiiiy liiiic iliiriiin the ixridil for wliidi -udi i-onvict Wiis sciitciiccd, it sliiill ;i|i|>(';ir (<> >iicli cKiitriii-tor ii.i.i s ••;<■•; that lie IS i'('stticli |)('iiit('iitiarv or |iiisoii is loc;itc(l. who shall ihrrtiipon coiivcv ami iltlivi'i- him to the wanttii, or othd' olliccr in ('hai'uc of such iicnilciiliary or prison, aiiroliatc jmlpj am! shcriir shall I'cccivc the fees that arc ]irovi(lry ,. The iiKjuisition of the jury shall he sijiued hy them an or district court, as hereinafter authorized, directinj;' the e.\ecutiou of the t-riminal. ot). The sheriir shall immediately transmit such iniiuisition to till' governor, who mav, as soon as he shall he n.i.i is :!vj. . . , . ni'iiiisiiioii convinced of the sanitv of such criminal, issue a tniiis„Mii,-,it.) warrant a])pointin,i;' a time and plai-e for tln' execu- J>'t.v.f L-..vr. tion, i)ursuant to his sentence, or lie may, in his discretion, cdiiniiute the })unishment to im})risonment for life. ;'>1, .ludgment .shall not be entered against any defendant while he is in.sane. n-i.i jim. o'l. ]f any defendant, upon whom the court is al»out to pass iii ■| ■2[ MONTANA. S ;i:i'-'. ju(l.uiii<'nt. ilfrljii'c IIimI he is "msniic. Ilic coiii't. if )i< II .li'ii'ii'lunf ',.11 ■ II ,• 1 I • • 1 .i.ciiii.' ii.' i« IiikIs tlifi'c IS rciiMMinhIc cniisc lor l)clic\ iii^- ilic III": ■ 'lllty 1 I • I • I • II ..f lull. I ami (IrcliHiil loll. IliilV order n |lll'\' to he llilhiillrlnl In pr.i liii^'H . ' . ' . •I""'"" (li'tfriiiiiic the tad; iiml witiicssrs may be iiilro- (liiccil oil tlic jiart ol' the (Ictrmlaiil and the ti'i'i'itory. If ''•■• jury liiid thai tlic (Ictt'iitlaiit is insane, the court shall oi him l(» 1)1' placed in the custody of the person proviiled hy law lor the l4. If any di'fendant. at thi' tinu' he is arraigned, dei-lares iiiiiis^iii. \iv is insane, or there is rea.sduahle i*ause for helii'v- I r ili'ii'iiiliinl .... , 1 II • -i 1 ii ii.ciar.s III. is int>; he is insane, the court shall institute the .same lllKlllll. Wlll'U - , -111 I I' 1 I iiitii'u' I, ])rocee(liiin;s as is provided when u delendant ( • court I.I iiisti- ' , V . , tiui iiLiiiiiy. (•lares h(> IS insane, when called upon to show judj^nieiit of court should not be pronounced aj^ainst him. o5. ir tlu' jury tind that the defendant is sane;, tln' trial ii.iiinn'' t^htill pi'ocee(l; but if insane, the di'fendant shall be 1,1 i"m','(','./i'i'!'if riiirt iiiul 1 • 1 " = ■'■ him to the pr<)])er oilicer; and if the court is satisfied that such defendant is sane, the trial shall proct-ed. o~. The kee))in_ersons, .shall he ut the exi)ensc of the counlv fpiKlaiit, luiw 1 ' I .. T""'- where the was committed. np:hraska. rossTrrrriDNAi, ritovisioNs. ' 1. Croiitioii of Imiiii'iI oI' imlilic I'uid-. iind Ixiildin^'^. 'J. Ollircrs iiiciiiiiils of. ;{. Ollicors, roports of. IIO.VRP OK ITIIMC LANDS AND mil.DINli.-i. 4. I'owors of liii{ii'il. .1 ( iisldily of liilildiliu;. (). (.Jeiu-ral inimii^fi'iiieiit ; (Usbiirsenicnt of funds. 7. KxMiiiiiiiition of acciinnts. 5. I'liymcnt of ;iccoimis. !l. Iiivcsti^atiuii of I'liurj^cs ii,i,'ainst ollii'l'l'H, 10. St:la'dideof state properly icqiiirud. IIOAKI) OK Sll'lT.IKS OK STATK INSTI- TLTIONS. 11. Purchases and contracts to lie ad- vertised. 12. Hoard of supply ; proposals. 13. Oilier supplies pure liiised under the (lircclion of i lie hoard. 14. Advertisements. UOVEUNMEST OK A>VI,fMS. 15. liocation and title; government vested in trustees. If). Ti'ustees, )io\vers and duties; in- spection of asylum. 17. Steward and matron; resident otfi- I'ers. IS. Trustees to hold property in trust. 1!(. Uecords and reports of I lusli'es. 20. Oflicers not to he interested in pur- chase of supplies. 121. Superintendent and nssislani phy- sician, ai)pointment, term ofoiiice. 212. Superintendent, (pialilication, [low- ers and duties. 23. Ollicial seal; rei)orls of superin- tendent. 24. Assistant i)hysicians, ioners of insiniity, aiijioint- nient, ipiMlilicatioiis, term ofoiiice. 32. Oalh of nlliee, (U'Kani/.alion. 33. Clerk of hoard, dnlies. 34. Commissioners to have eoiini/.nnce of applications for admission; judical powers. 3"). Applic ons lor admission, eon- tent.. 30. p],\aininati(tn, i)hysieian's certifi- cate. 37. Commilinent to asylum; wiirrant, superintendant'.s receipt; female allendanis; warrant directed to relatives ,iii reipicsl. 38. Settlement of patient, investigation of, notice to proper county. 39. Su])i)ort. expenses home hy comity of settlement. 10. Jvcimhurscment hy proper county. 41. Support, expenses horiu' hy state when settlement is unascertained ; removal of such patient indiscre- tion of trustees. 42. Imiiartial treatment of all patients, special care on afireement. 43. Support, may he horiie hy relatives. 44. Temporary support hy commision- ers, pendini; admission ; indigent and private patients, care of. 45. Support of insane tait of hospital. 4(). Commissioners to ]M-ovide for pa- tients suderiiiK for want of eare. 47. Restraint of alle;.;ed insane, to he only hy authority of law. 48. Cruelty to insane, ])enalties. 41). Transfer of indigent patients to asylum. 50. Interrogatories on a{»itlieation for a< iill(]\vo(l. /ii'). Mscapo, pi'dcci'diiiirs. 60. Discliiirj,'C(l icitii'iiis siipiiliiil willi cll)tllil|^' and iiionoy. 57. Dis('li;iri,'c to relatives; not to apply to lioiiiiciilt's. 55. Selection of harmless incurables lor (liseliarfjo. 59. OiseharHe, notiee to eoniinissioners. (!0. Siipporl, I'liarues fixed liy trnstees. 61. Warrants lor sums due liy connlie.s, liow drawn and paid. li'2. Support, lialiilily of estate of patient and of rilatives. ().'). Discharire on aiitliorily of coniniii-- sioners. (jl. Fees for i.'.\ainin:ition anil ef)niniit- iiiint. Go. Nej,'leet of duty by oflieers, penal- ties for. 60. l57. r,8, G'J. 70. 71. 7'> Snperintendcnt when shielded from proseiuiion, Deliintioii of" insane " and "idiot ;" idiots to lie eared l\)r l)y county. T'danUs supplied to coinuiissioners. Xon-re^idents may he admitted us private patients. Correspondence of patients. Penalties for violation. Copies of act to l)e displayed in every ward of asylum. CKIMINAI, INSAXi:. 73. Non-accowntaliility to law ; sns]icii- sion of judunu'nt after <'oiiviction ; stay of ex'scution after [•entencc, investii,'ation hv jury. 74. Ins;MK' convict sentcnci'd to death, jiM'v sninnioned. 7-"). Fnipiest, stay of execution 7(3. Finding' transmitted to governor. J. The comniissidiior of ])iil)lic ImikIs iiiid Ijuildino':*. Ilic cmstiiiui.iii. sci'i'clarv of statt', trcasiu'ci' and attorney -jiciicral, li.iani'niiMii.- sliall form ;i l)()ar(l, Avliieh shall litive i;eiienil siipei'- lic llOlils illlll _ _ _ ^ ' ' iinii.iiiiu's. vision and conti'ol of all the hui]din«!;s, <>-rounds and lands of the state, stat(> prison, asylums and all other iiistitu- tions thereof, exce])t those for ediiciitioiuil jiiirposes; juid shall ])erform sueh duties, and he suhjeet to such ruU's and regula- tions, as may be preserihed hy Ituv. 2. An iieeount shall be kept by the ollieers of the executive nii(i§2i. department, and of all the i)ublie institutions of tlie Al'CCMUltS ilf ' _ ' _ i>ni)iicniiir,.rs. state, of all moneys received uv disbursed by them severally from till sources, and for every service ]>erformed. and a semi-annual report thereof be made to the governor, under oath, tmd any olMcer who mtikes a false report shall ])e guilty of ]»erjury, and punislu^l accordiiiiily. .'). The otiicers of the executive deiiiirtment anorls of the judges of the supi-eme court, of defects in the constitution ;ind liiws, and the governor, or either hous(> of the legislature, m;iy, at any time, re(|uire inforiniition in writing, under oath from the oflieers of the executive (lej)iU'tm(.'nt, and till oJlieers and mantigers of state institutions, upon tiny subject relating to u i f NKBRASKA. 427 (1. S. l,'^^l, I'll. Si, art. 7, § 1- DIllciT.S. tlic condition, manageniont and expenses of tluii' respective ofiicers. 4. The l)(»ai'd creatiMl ]>y section ]{) of article .") of tlie con- stitution of till' state of Xebra.-^ka, consistinj;' of com- missioners of public lands and buildinj^s, the secre- tai'V of state, treasurer, and attoi'ney-e board shall have g'eneral custody and cliariic of all l)uil(linus and institutions and the grounds thi'rt'to ii>i'is:i. . . . . Cnvtiiily of comin;^; under the j)rovisions of this act, and shall be ''"iiublic lands and buildings who shall be direct custodian of sucii institutions, buildings and grounds, a ri'port, at least once in every three months, as to the conaynient from such appropriations, the same shall be (lisap[)rove(l and returned to the claimant, such board kee})ini;- a record (if (lie same. S. A\'hen the accounts above mentioned have been liU'(l ibidSfi- with the board, and shall have been audited mid I'ayiiHiit ol aiomiits. aj)])roved bv them, the auditor of })ul)lie account- is lu'reby authorizi'd and direett'd. upon the iirescntation to liim of such accounts so autlienticated, to issue his warrant on the treasurer ai;ainst the proj)er fund or appropriation, for tiie amount thei'ein stated, to the claimant or his assignee. And no accounts coming under the ])rovisions of this act shall l)e (Mititled to i)aymcnt until they have been so ap[)roved by the said l)oard. !>. It shall be the dutv of the board to take cognizance of all "'••' s '• charges or comitlaints made against the said publit; against oiiU'ors. ofHccrs, aud at a regular meeting, to give an impar- tial hearing to such charges, and the defense against tluun, if any, and ]'ei)ort the charges, evidence, and their conclusions in the matter, to the governor, withiii six da^'s after the determi- nation of such investigation. 10. The board shall require the several oflicers in charge of ,i,i,ij;,.r, the institutions and buihlings of the state, coming sriiMiiicof ^^,l(|^^|. till' provisions hereof, to make out a correct '""'"'"•'■ schedule of all property in their charge belonging to the state, to be certified under oath, which shall be liird with the secretary of the board, and a co{)y thereof furnishcil to the commissioner of public lands and buildings, together with a list of buildings and grounds. 11. All ])urchases and contracts for sn[)plies for any of ilic rii.s:!, art. 12, dci lartmcuts aud public institutionsofthestate, where I'loiHisais. the puldic exigencies do not re(]uire the immethiite delivery of the articles, shall be by advertising a suflicient time ])revionsly for })roi)osals for supj»lying the same. rj. At least one month })revious to the first day of Janu;ny, i''>'H2. Aiiril, .lulv and October, respectivelv in each veai'. H.iai-.l of sup. * ' . . . ^ ' . . ' . piypiop-.sais. ix board consisting of the governor, eonimi.ssioner nt' public lands and buildings, secretary of state, treasurer and attorney-general, shall meet with the warden of tlic state })risoii, and the superintendent of each of the asylums or other insti- tutions furnished by the state, and determine the supplies tliat NEBRASKA. 429 may bo necessary for tliroe montlis, except articles as may bo ])erishaljlo and cannot b(^ ke]»t. Said board shall designate clearly the quantity and quality of the articles, and shall tlieu advertise for ten da3's in some newspaper j>ublishe considered by said !;iiard luiless the same is act'ompaniod by a bond with such security as the board siiall determine, with condition to furiiish said articles as proposed in said bid. l.S. All supplies for such institutions not jmrchast'd as j)ro- vided in this act, shall be i)urchascd in such manner '>'''' S ■'•■ _ ^ ^ _ Otlici- sup. as shall be directed by said board by written i'i''^«- instruction. i\. The head of eacli of the (\\(H'utive departments resju'c- livelv shall advertise for i)ro)»osal'^ for suiJijlvinu- ii'ie of three i-,.nin.i vstci '^ ill inisti'iNs. irustees, two of whom shall constitute a (|Uorum for tlic transaction of l)usin(>ss. IC). The trustees shall have the u'eneral control and inanage- iiicnt of the liosi)ital ; thov shall have t'ull power to n.i.i ;; v iniike all by-laws necessary for the govern nieiit of nn^t.'.'s. the same, not inconsistiMit with the constitution and laws of Ihis stal',', and to conduct the atlairs of the institution in accord- ance with the laws and by-laws regulating the same. It shall lie the duty of the majority of said board to visit the hospital iHiarterly, and at said quarterly visits they shall, with the sui)erintondont, examine the accounts of the steward, and !'v'! 1 ^'int- i"! >ii I'. Jn or he- (pieathed. to he applied for any jinrjiose e a report to the governor, of the conditions and wants of the hospital, which shall be accompanit'(l by a full and accurate report of the sujterintendent. and a detailed account of all moneys received and ijisbursed by tlu> steward. 20. No trustee or any odicer of the institution shall hereafter ibi.iijn. be directly or indirectly interested iu the ])urchase Slirtli not be i'l •! !• i ■ 1 ' !• 1 !■ i- -i. connocici ot buildiug matcriaL or any article ot iurniture or with imy cou- ■;u])))ly, for the use of the lios[iital. 21. The governor of the state shall ap])()int a superintendent, and may ajipoint two assistant |>hysicians lor the hospital of the insane, one of whom shall be a Ird ll)id § 10, a« aiiiiMK lSs:i,cli.4>. .^ 1. Siipt ; hy wnoMi ap- pointed. WO man, wiio shall hold tluii* otlices for a ter m )f six V ear; mile )ner I'emoved as hereinafter provided. 22. The superintendent of sai;o of the dutii'S required by law. Ill' shall have the entire eonti'ol of the medieal, moral, and dietetie treatment of the piitients, and shall set' that the \-eral oflicers of the institution faithfully and dili^'eutly dis- Ile shall employ attendants, SI charge tluir res^K-etive duties nurses, servants and such other j-ersons as he may deem neces- sary for ^he t'llieit'iit and economieal administration of the gov- ernment of the hosi)ital. '!■>. The sujterintendent shall provide an ofhcial seal for the losnital, uj)o »n which shall be the words, " Nebraska Iliid 5 ]-2. ■Must prnviilo an <>lli<'iiil Hospital for the insane.'' \U) shall make rejiorts to the board of trustees as provided for in section eight (S) of this act. 24. The assistant jdiysiciaus shall be gra(biates of a medical school, and be able to perform the ordinary duties [,,i,|,,.j of the .superintendent, and the jjliysieian who is ^ss!i'''''i"''-Is! oldest in oilice shall be known as the first assistant, is^istHut and shall, during the necessary absence of the su- )i,liiorai" perintendent, ])ei'form the duties of said su])erin- tendent. The salary of the first assistant shall be §l,oO(), and of the second assistant >>1,'2(>() j)er annum. "i."). 44u' steward, under the direction of the superintendent, and not otherwise, shall make all ijurchascs for the n.i.i >< u. . Sti'waiil, (ln- liospital wliere tliey can be made on tlie best terms, ti.sor. keel) the accounts, make engagements with, pay and discharge those employed in and about the hospital, and have a })ersonal superintendence (d" the farm, garden, and grounds, and per- fdi'iu such other duties as may be assigned him. ■Ji). The matron, under the direction of the superintendent, and not otherwise, shall have the general super- n.idtjir,. vision of the domestic arrangements of the hos[)ital, t'i,'l"Jr'.'' ' "' and do what she can to promote the comfort and restoration of the {)atients. '17. The superintendent sliall athx the seal of the hospital to anv notice, order of discharge, report or other n>i.i § .-i,!. [laper reipnred to l»e given by lum, or issued. «i..ii. -S. The board of trustees may, if they deem desirable, and upon nomination of the superintendent, ai»p<,»int a ii.i,i!j,-.6 •■haplain and i)re.scribe his duties. Cliapliiin. ■ ■:* .1 432 XEr.KASKA. Iliid '•>. The siiliii'v of the supcriiitciKlciit slmll lie twt'iity-livi ;■"'"* Iiuiidrc'd (lolliii's |i('i' iiiinuiii. * * * =h i>. 'V]\v lullowintiiiaiucd otlici'i'ssliiill uivc Itoiitls with jici l;il- Cli 10, ;; linlllls 1)^ olllci'r<. 1!'. tics of the follo\\iiii>- amounts: ■iuprriiitciid of till' iiisaiu' lios|»ital 81<>,<>()(). The assistant sii] cni ICl'- "nti'MdiMit, 8:i.0(»<». Tho sti'wai-d. 8o.(M)(). * * - .")1. In cai'Ii orij,'ani/,('d county of the stale, tlici'i' sliall he a cii. 4(1.517. hoard of coininis^ioncrs. coii^istiiiM' of three (."l) per- sons, to he stvled, coiiiiiiis-ioners of insaiiitv. two (2) ('olPllllls>inlh'l'S (if insiinily, who iiic ; <(ii'>ruiii. of whom shall constitute a (|Uoi'um ; the ch rk o the district court shall Ix' cx-ollicio nieinhei' of such hoanl.and clerk of the same : the other niemhers sliall he aiipointed hv the judii'c of said court: ouv of them shall he a I'espectahje ])racticin^ lllly^■iciall. and the other a rc-|iectahle practiciiiM- lawyer, and the appointnu'iits shall he made of persons ic- sidinii' ;i"^ convenient as may he to the county seat, such a|i- ])f»iiitiiicnts may he made during ilu' si's.-ion of the court, oi' vacation : and. if made in vacation, it shall he hy wi'ittcii ord siii'iu'd hy tlu' jud^e and recorded hy the clei'''' '' lue couii 111 er, hal one Immediately on the taking eU'ect of this act. iiM judu'e s make the lirst aii|iointmeiit ; he shall then appoint one foi- year, and the otliei' lor two years: as their respective terms e\- jtire, their successors shall he appolnied for two (2) yeai's: Ilu ap])ointmcnt of succcssoi's may he made at any time v.'itl three (.">) months prior to the expiration of the term of ll incumhent. who shall hold his oHice until lii< suci'cssor nil is aii- d and d. 1 ]>ointe(l and (|Ualilie(l. in llie temporary ahstiice, or malHlilv to act. of two ("2) of the commissioners, the judiic of the district court, if presi'iit, may act in the room of one of such commi-^- si(jners; or the commissioner jireseiit may call to his aid a ic- i-pcctahle practicing:,- physician or lawyer, who, after (|ualifyinL;' as in other casc'^. may act in the same capacity. 'J'lie recoid in sui-h casi' must show the fact of such ahsente. l>efore enterinjj,' upon the dutie-- of their ollice. the p( r- '!•) 11)1(1 ,:j 1>. (tilth'. .Mnct- on so appointe(l shall take and suhsci'ihe an oat; iflirmation to su |)])()rt the constitution of the I'l I i>V lllcil States, ami of the state of Xehvaska. and to faithfully discharge their duties according to b was such commissioners: wiiP'h ohliii'ation shall ho filed with th: clerk of said court, who .-hiili cuter a menioi'andum tluM\of on the records: tliev shall or- ,i:M. NKHI5ASKA. Artn 4uo In ' gnni/o l»y clioosinu; ono of tlicMr nuniLer president; tlu'V sliall liold tlirir meetings for l)usiness at the otliee of tiio clerk of said court, unless, for good reasons, tliey shall fix on some other place; if they deem necessary or advisahle they may hold sessions at such reiiular tiiues as thev mav lix ; thev shall also meet on notice from the clerk. ;!.'!. 'I'he tei'm "clei'k" as herein use(l. nutans clerk of said lioard of commissioners, unless otherwise- cxiiressed ; "'i'l s i*^- . * eiiTk. iluties the said clerk shall sign and give, or issue, all iio- "•"• tices, a])pointments, warrants, suhpiena. or other process re- (|uired to l)e given or issue(l l)y the connnissioners, ailixing ihei'cto his seal as clei'k of said coiu't : he shall iile and care- fully jiresei've ill his ollice all ]ia])ers coinieeted with any in- (juest by the commissioners, and jiroj'erly helonging to his otlic(\ with all notices, rej)orts. and other connnunications; he shall keej) separate hooks in which to minute the ]ti'oceedings of the ])oard, and his entries therein shall he sutliciently full to show, with tln' ])apei's tiled, a complete record of their lind- iiigs, or.iL„.i..n jii^, j-rounds of the inl'onnation ; i'ov this purpose, by ('(i|iiini> tiiev may require that the jtersoii lor whom such a(lmis>ion is soiinht, he hi'ou;j,ht hi'fore them ami that the ex- amination hi' had in his or lu'r presence; and they may issUf their warrant therefor, and provided for the suitahU' custody of such person until their investigation shall he concludcil; such warrant may he ext'ciited hy the slu'rilf or any constahlc in the c(ainty, or if they shall he of opinion from such preliin- inary iiaiuiry as they may make, and in making' which they shall take the testimony of the informant if they deem neces- sai'y or desirahle, and of other witnesses if otiered, that such course would prohahly he injurious to such [)erson or attended witli no advantage they may dispt'iise with such }iresence. In tiieir examination they shall lu'ar tt'stimony for and against such ai»}ilieation, if any is oll'ered ; any latizeii of the county, or any relative of the person alleged to he insane may aj)pear and resist the a])plication. and tlu- [lartii's may ajipear hy coun- sel if they elect. The commissioners, wlu'lher they d( cide lo dispense with the presenci' hi'fore them of such person or not. shall appoint some regular ])raetieing physician of the county, to visit or see such person, and make a [lersonal examination toucliing the truth of the allegation in the informalion, and touching the actual condition of such [»erson iind forthwith re- port to them thei'eon ; such physician may or may not he of their own numher, and the physician so ap})ointed and acting shall certify under his own hand, that he has in [lursnance of his ap[)ointment made a careful personal examination as re- quired ; and that on such examination, he iind the person in (piestion insane, if such is the fact ; and if otherwise, not ii'- sane: and in connection with his examination, the said physi- cian shall endeavor to ohtain from the relatives of the j)er>(i!i in (|Uestion,or from others who know the facts, correct answers so far as may he to the interrogatories hereinafter required to he proponndeil in such cases, which interrogations and answers .shall he attached to his certiticale. 157. On tlie return of the physician's cortilicato the eoniniis- NKI'.KASKA. 1 'T II w » Mil sioiH'i's slinll !is sduii ;is practiciililf. (•(iDcliidc llicir I',','|',ii,^:'j„.„. invi'sli^atidiis; and liaviii,u iloiic so, tlicy shall find |'!!',',',''ii"i!^'i.l'n. wlu'tlici' the |icr>iiu all(',m'd to lie insain'. is iii>aiic: ''" wIk'IIk'I', it" insane, a lit suhjci't tor trcafnicnt and custcMly in IJu' hospital ; whctli;'!' the Ic^al sfttlciucnt df sndi |i(i's(iii is ill tlitir county, and if not in their county, where it is if ascci'taineil ; if they lind such |ierMin is not insane, they shall order his or her discharp', if in custody; if they lind such pci'sou insane, and a lit suhject for taistody and treatment in the hospital, they shall forthwith issue their warrant and a duplicate thereof, statiiiii' such lindinii; with the settlement <»f the person, if found; and if not found, their iniormation. if any, in renai'd thereto; authorizing' the superintendent of the lio.-pital to receive and keep siu'h person as a patient therein; said warrant and du|)licate with the tindin,u' ami certilicate of the [ihysic-ian, shall he delivered to the slu'ritf of the county who shall execute the same, hy conveying- such person to the hospital and delivering him or her. with such duplicate, and physician's certilicate and lindinn', to the supi'rinteiideut tlieri'of; {\w superintendent over his ollicial siunatuiv, shall acknowK'dii'e such delivery on the original warrant, w hich the slieritf shall return to the clerk of the commissioners, with his cost and expense endorsed thereon ; if neither the sherilf or his deputy is at hand or hoth are otherwise enuau'ed, the cuinmissioners may aii])oint some other suitahle person to execute tln' warrant in his stead, who shall take ami suhe an oath or aflirmatictn faithfully to dischar^'c his duty, and shall he entitled to thi' same i'ws as the sherill'; the slu'rilf or any other person so a[)i)ointed, may take to his aid such assist- ance as he may need to execute such warrant; hut no female person shall thus he taken to the hospital without the attend- ain\' of some otlvr fiinale, or some relative of such person. The suj)erintendent in his acknowledjinient of dtdivery, must state whether there was any such ])erson in attendance, and give the name or nanu's, if any. it is however lierehy j)ro- vided, that if any relative or immi-diate friend of i,-,i,.,„i„rnia- the ])atient, who is a suitahle i)crson, shall so re(iuest, i^ii:^!,';.;'';',;;' lie shall have the {)rivile<2;e of taking- and cxecutinjj,' ,'.',','(,'! a'wa',?"' such warrant, in preference to the shei'ill' or any """' other person, and without taking such oath or atlirmation; .1^1 43G XRHUASKA. iiiiil for so (loin;j; ]\v sliall lie entitled to liis neecssnrv expenses liiit to no lees. Tlie i'ei|uii'einents of this jind [ireeedin^' sec- tion, are niodilit'd l»y the |irovisions of tiie next section. oS. If the eonimissioners find that the |»erson so coniniitte he ascertained, and is afterwards found, the notiees so requir"d shall then be given. .'!!>. When the superintendent of the hosi»ilal has been duly ,,,i,i^.,. iiotilied as herein re(iuired, that a })atient sent to u>cu! I'iu'ihrr ^^^'^^ hos|)ital from one eounty, has a legal settlement o'l'sllpi'i'i'r-'' ill another ectunty of the state, he shall thereafter "'"''''"'■ hold and treat sueh jiatient as froju the latter eounty: and sueh holding shall ai)pl3' to expenses alreatly in- curred in l)ehalf of such })atient and remaining unadjusted. 40. Ex])cnses incurred as herein jirovided by one county. n.i(is2.3. f^'^ account of an insane person whose legal settie- (Mm"'n.y"'' nient is in another county of the state, shall he re- tuil'r'.'!''''^' funded with lawful interest thereon, by the county '"""''■ of such settlement; and shall be presented to the county commissioners of the county sought to be charged, which shall 1 ■ allowed and ])aid the same as other claims. 41. Patients in the hospital having no legal settlement in iKiii S 27. the state, or whose legal settlement cannot be a,-cer- s^'i'ie'in''i;Tiii tained, shall be supi)orted at the ex])ense of the thcstitio. <^t;ite; this provision .shall apply to all such patients now in the hospital, touching expenses already incurred iiml remaining unpaid, if any such there be, and the trustees niav authorize the superintendent to remove any snch patient at the of the state, if they see i)roper. 42. All patients in the hospital shall be regarded as staml- n,id§2s. iiio- on an equal footing; and the several patients, To be on ^ , . . ' ^ . ■ i i eiiuauooting. accordini"; to their dill'erent conditions of mnid and WW m:i51!aska. 437 liody, and tlicir respective iieecls. shall lie in'oviiletl lor. and lreat«'d with e»|UaI eai'e; jiroriihd, that, it" the ndatives (»r ini- inediale IVieiids of any patient shall doii'e it, and .shall jiay the expenses thereof, such patient may have special care, and may he jirovided with a s|»eeial attendant, as may lu- agrued uiMiii with the superintendent; in sueh eases the cliarires fi>r such s[)ecial care and attendance shall he ]iaid tpiarterly in advance. I;). The I'elatives or IViemls 'f any patient in the hosjdtal >liall have the piMvil(\i!,'e of payin;;' any portion or im.ij.kv all of the expenses of such patient therein and the ,',','ay'|!ay''.,x. superintendent shall cause tlu' account of the patient '"■""'"'• to be ci'edited with any sums so paid. 44. If in llu' case of any persons found to he insane, ami fit subjects for custody and ti'eatment in the hosj)ital, 11,1,15:1,,. as above providi'd, it shall be shown, to the satisfiic- "r* i*ir'i!..!.- tinu of the commissioners, that they cannot at once '"""'""■ lie admittcfl therein for want of room, or for any other cause, and that they cannot with sat'tyl)C allowed to ^o at liberty, the commissioners shall re(|nn"e that such patient shall be suitably i)rovided for otherwise, until such admission can ]»e had, or until the occasion therefor no lonii lu the coiiimissioiirrs oil liclmll' of iicixui- lllcucd Id lie ilisiilic. illld uliusr nillli is-ioii lo llic Cm f wIm'ii iiiil ikIiiiiiii'iI. i>|iitiil is not sdujilit, niiiilt' siilotaiilinlly in iiuimicr iiliiivc |)i'rscrilK'(l, ninl nskini;' lli;it ix-nvisidii he iimilr t'ni' llicir cnrc as iiisiiiic. cither pulilic or |iriv!ilc. witliiii liic county, :in(l on proof o|' tlicii- insanity and need of caic ;i< aliovc pointcfl ont, llic connnissionci's may provide tlicii' care, protection, and restraint, as in tlu' ca>e of otl aj)pliciitioiis. I<>. ( >n information laid licfoi'c tlie commissioners of anv ii>.'i.i:«. coiintv that a ceiiain insane person in the connt\' i> C.irruiii^ ' lol' Hi Clllt' 111!' i'> snll'erin,u' for want of |iro|)er care, they >hall foiih- wiK'ii. witii iiKinii'e into the matter, and if they iind the iid'ormatioii well founded, they shall make all needfid pro- visions for the care of such person as proviiled in other cases. 17. No person suppo.sed to he insane shall he lu'siinincd i,f his or her liherty hy any other person, otherwise I j„ than in iiursuance sary lor the .-afely of Iliiil S :t:l. I'iTmHIH HI1|I|..PS,., Ill' ill^lllll'. riMiraiiioil, wIh'ii. jxM'sons and pr(tj)erty. initil such authority can he ohlainecl. Is. Any person having' care of an insane person, and I'e -trail l■ lo|■itv liiiii s .11. Cnii'ily ti) ilis;lll(>. ineii shall !)(■ j,niilty of u misdemeanor, hosicK's heiug liuhlc in an action for damau'cs. -Ii>. insane per.sous who liavt' l)eeii under care, eillier as I hill §:!.-.. Transferer CDiiiily insaiip to hospital. lUal puhlic or private patients, outside of the lios| hy authority of the commissioners of any - 'iint} may on aj»plication to that ell'ect he *■ rv(\ U) the liosj»ital, whenever they can 1)0 ailiiiitted o, on llic warrant of such commissioners; such admissio, nav hi' had without anothei' iiKjuest, at anv time within six i leillli .ilter the iiKpiest already had, unless the commissi(jners shall deem further iiK^uest advisahlc. •")(>. in each of a])plica(ion for admission U) Uw hospital, ii'i'is-i'i. correct answers to the followiim' internmatories. -d to iiouivoiiou jar as thev can he ohtanied, shall ac(!omi)aiiv tiic apiilicatioii . . .' . . . loraiiinissiou. pjiysiciairs ceftilicate; and if, on further exaiiiiiia- "T" ^ hi Ni;ill!ASKA. •|:!!) I" tidii, iifh'i' llic niiswcrs iirc stated, any of tliciii arc Inuml to 1)^ (■n'olicoliy, llic (•oliiliiissioiicrs shall cause lliclil to lie coITccIimI. (!) What is the |iaticiit"s name? Mai'i'icil oi- sin.izle'.' it' any cliililien how many? A.ii'c of youniii'st child? .\,<;e of jiatieiit? (•J) W'liei'c was the patient horn? (.')) Where is his(oi' licl") place of residence? (I) What has hceii tin' patient's occupation? (.') Is this the Ih'st attack? If not. when did others occur, and what was theii- duration? ((1) When wei'c till.' lirst symptoms of thi,-' attack manifested, and in what way? (7) I )ocs the disease appear to lie increasiiiL;-. decreasin) ( )n what suhjects or in what way is dei'angemeut now nianifesteil? State fully. (1(1) I !a> the patient shown any disposition to injure others? (II) Has suicide ever hceii attempted? I f so, in what way? N the |iropcnsity now active? (I"J) Is there a in]iloyed? If so, what kind, and how long? (IS) What is suppost'd to be the cause of the disease? (li)) N\'hat treatment has been pursu(>d tor the rtdief of tho piitieni? .Mention particulars, and the elfect. CJii) State any other matter su})poscd to have a b(\iring on 111 case. "d. if at any time it may become necessarv, for want of ' iii 440 NEBRASKA. ii.i.i s r. room, or otiuT (."', to (liscrijiiiniite in tlio . as I'ollows: (1) Recent eases, i f., eases of It'ss tlian one year's dnralion {'I) Clironie eases, l. c, wlien the uiseas( is of more tlian one year's (hiration, presentinj^,- the most favoral)le pros])eets of re- covery, shall he next jireferred. (o) Those for whom aiiolicaticms have hcen lon^^er on file, other things heing e(inal, shall he next preferivd; and ^^ I) Wlu'ii eases are e(inally meritorious, in ail other respects, ihe indigent sluill have the preference. 52. On a statement in writing verified hy aflidavit, ad- ii.i.i s :^s. dressed to u juiioint a eonnnission of not more than three persons, in his discretion to iiKpiire into the merits of the case; one of which shall he a physician, and if two or more ap- pointed, one shall Ije a lawyer. AVithout first summoning tlie iiartv to meet them thev shall •roceed to the liospital and ha\'i' a }ierbonal interview with >uc\i j)ersi)n, so managed as to jirevent him or her if ])ossihle, from suspecting its ohjee', and they shall make any in([uiries and I'xaminations they may d(>eni necessary and proper of *he ofiieers, and records of the; hospital touching the merits * f the case; if they shall judge it prudent and advisable tluy may disclose to the ]iarty, the ohjeet of their visit and either in the ])resence of such party, or otherwise, make further investigation of the matter: tluy shall forthwith re[)()rt, to the judge making the aitj)ointmt nt, the results of their examination and in(]uiries; such report shall he aceomi)anied hy a statement of the case and signed by the siijierintendent ; if on such report and statement, and llie hearing of the testimony, if any is ollered, the judge shall liiid the jierson not insane, he shall order liis or her (Mscharge; if on the contrary, he sh:dl so state, and auihorize his or liei' con- timu'd detention The finding and order of tlit^ judge with tlie re[K)rt and other ])apers shall he lih'd in the ofUci' of the cleik of the court over which .such judge presides, who shall enter a V'W fliT XEBKASKA. 441 memorandum lliorcof on liis rocoi-d, and forllnvilli nolifv the su|)(.'i';ntonik'nt of the hospital of tlie iindin,ti- and oilier of tlio judi;e. and the siipcrintcndfnt shall carry out thr ord<'r. The coniini^sioncrs ai>[)ointed as {jrovidcd in this section, shall he (iititled 1') tli"ir necessary expenses and a reasonahlc coni])cnsa- tioii, to l)f allowed Ijy tlu' jud;j,(.', and paid hy the state out of any funds not other'.vise ai)pr()])riated : provklah that tlie a[)- plicant shall pay the same, if tlie jud^e sliall hud tliat the application was made without })rohal)le gr()unds a.'il shall so nnU'r. oii. The commissi(jn so provided for shall not ln' cpeated oftener than once in six months in r(\iiard to tiie i„i,i<:,o same ]iarty; nor shall such commission hea|)pointed il','w ,','ite'u''' in tlie case of any jiatient within six months (,)f the """'''■ time of his or her admission. 04. All ])ersons conlined as insane shall he entitled to the henefit of the writ of hal)eas corpus, and the (piestion im.i s -m. • Till 1 11 11 • ,.."'' '"'I"* (it nisanity siiall he decided at the hearin_alicnt on llic consent of the hoard of trustees; provided, that in the interim (tf the meetings of the hoard, the consent of two of tlu; trustees shall he suliieient. .">7. On the ai)})lication of the rt'latioiis or immediate friends of any ])atient in the hospital who is not cur.'d. ar.d who cannot he safely allowed to go at lil.)erly, the commissioners of insanity of the county whei-e such jiatient helongs, on making provision for the care of such pn- tient within the county, as in cases may authorize his oi' her discharge therelVom : jirovldcd. no patient who may he un- der chargi' or conviction of homicide sjiall he discharged with- out the oi'dei' of the hoai'd of trustees. ~)S. The hoanl of ti'ustees shall order tlie discharire or re- Uii.l 5 1.'.. DiKcliai'v'"' "11 ii|iiiiiiM[i.iii i]f ri'liuivi's. 11.1,1 iS 4». Ili^cliai!.'!' i>f. vlic'M liariii- moval from the liospital of incurahle and liarmles< jiatii'iits whenever it is necessary to make room tor ri'cent cases : j;>rorH/(r/, that in the interim hetween the meetings of the hoard, the superintendent, in conjunctinn w itli two ti'ustee.-, shall |)ossess and exercise the power gi'anlei in this section. ")!». \\'lien jiatients are discharged I'rom tiie hospital hy the authorities thereof, without ap{)lication therefor, iio- n.i,i ;; -n. Xiitii'O ul' ilis- cliur?;i'. le sent lo llie CO tice of the order of discharge shall at once I mmissioners of insanitv of the countv whert' the\- he- long. an. 'Hie hoard of trustees shall from time to time, lix llie sum to he paid pel' week for the hoard and care of jialieiits, and to arrixcat such sum shall estimate the II. ill ? AH'il i.r |.i lually ] laiM I'l i;i- total outlay as far as possihle from the sums act annum: and the wei'kly sum so lixed shall he the sum s;i liospital shidl he entitled to demand for the keeiiing of any | tient. and the eerlilicate of the su|ierin.endent attcsteil hy the seal of the hospital, shall he I'videiice in all jilaces, of the amount ihw as lixed. (il. 4"he superintendent shall certify to tlu^ auditor of sttite on fke lir-t days of March. .lune. Septemhei', and tl ui.i s i: Sliali i-.M-til'v t"iui.lii..i' I )eceiiil)er. tile amount (not previouslv cerlltied n t ,1 II 11 ' ' It .111 llOlllCollllti. him), dm' to ^aitl hospital, from the several counties WW i I nil r NKi'.ltASU'A. 4J3 n luivinf*; ]);ilionts cliarm'iililo tliorcto. ami i.i ;; m. ■_ • ^ 'I'.i ilis(liiirtr« no lon,!4'er exists for the c:M'e, within tlut county, of i">^aiic, wi.ou. any particular peison as nv insane ])atient in their c«ninty, as herein iirovided, tlav shall or'es for lioard. The clerk, in addition to what he is entitled i' as commissionei' of insanity, shall he allowed oiiedialf as uiuch more for makiiii;" the re(piired record entries in all cases of in(|Uest, and of meetin;i's of the hoard loi' any pui'jiose, and for the lilini;,- of any |)a])ers re- i|uired to he lik'd; he shall also he allowed tweiity-livt' (2')) u 11 I . I . ;. I 444 NEBRASKA. ct'Uts ibr OiU'li notice or [H'dccss i;ivcn or issucil under seal Jierein reiiuired. 'I'lie t'Xaiuii iHiii' ])liy.-ieuin (II lie vn titled to live dolhii's I'or t'lieh ease examined, and niilea^'e at the I'ate of ten cents per mile each way. The sherill' sliall be allowed for his j)ersonal service in conveyin.'s shall lie entitled to the same fees as witnesses in tlie district court. 'J'he compensation and expenses ])rovided for above shall be allowed and juiid out of tlie county treasury in the usual manner. A\'lienever the commissioners of insanity issue their warrant ibr the admission of a jierson to the hospital, and funds to pay the expenses thereof are needetl in advance, they shall estimate the jirobable I'Xpcnse of convi'ving such person to the hospital, including the necessary assistance, aiid not including- the compensation allowed the sheriif; and on such estimate, eei'tiiied by the clerk fif commissioners of insanity, the county clerk shall issue his order on the treasurer of the county in favor of the slierilf or other }ierson entrusted with the execution of such warrant: the sheritt' or other jierson executing such warrant shall accompany his return with a statenu'iit of the expenses incurred; and tlie excess or de- iicieiicy may be deducted fnnn or added to his compensation as the case may be; if funds are not .so advanced, such ex- penses shall be certified ami }iaiil in the manner above jire- scrihed, on the n'turn ( if tl le \\ arrant. AVhen the commi.- sioiiers of insajiity order the return of a patient, compensation and ex[)i'nses shall be in like manner allowed. 0.'). Any oIFu'er recpiired as herein to jierlbrm any act. as herein provided, and any person accepting ai Iliiil .:< .-il. Penally fur lU'tjIcCt lit' (hav. 1 aii- pointment under the provisions of this act, ami wil- fully refusing or neglecting to perform his duty as herei]! prescribed, sliall be guilty of a misdemeanor, btsides being liable to an action for damages. (i(). The warrant of the commissioners of insanity, aulhoriz- ii.i.i.^.vj. 'J'M' the admission of any person to the hospital as a wuinintot. jiaiicnt, accomjianied l)y a physician's certilicate as herein provided, shall operate to shield the superintendent and 1 ^jl'l! ■ M NKIJRASKA. 44: otlicr ofTiccrs of the lios})ital against all liability to ])rosccution of any kind, on acconnt of the reception and detention of sneli persons in tlio lios[)ital ; jv'ovlded, sneh detention shall be other- wise, in aecoi'danee with the laws and by-laws regnlating its management. (•7. The; term "insane" as nsed in this act includes every x'eies of insanitv or men tal (1 eranu'ement. T\ le n.i.i ^' -4 lii'llrnliiiii of ■ iiisain', ivvuv "idiot"' is restricted to persons supi)osed to be naturally without mind; no idiot shall hereafter Ije admitted into the hospital for the insane; and all such idiots now in said hosi)ital shall he discharged at the expiration of thirty days from the i)assage of this act, and it is hereby made the (hity of the board of trustees to notify the commissioners of in- sanity of the county from which such idiots were sent, to re- move said idiots from the hospital; and in case of neglect or refusal to com})ly with these jU'ovisions within thirty (oO) days from the date of said notification, the superintendent shall cause; said idiots to be returned to said counties at the expenso of said county — which sum shall be collected in tJie same mamier as provided for patients in section forty-seven of this act. \\'hen such idiots are removed they shall l)e provided fur in the same manner as other poor. ()S. The trustees of the hospital shall provide for furnishing tlie commissioners of insanity, of the counties en- 11,1,1!;.-,.-,. titled to .^end i)atients to the hospital, with such """"''• blanks for warrants, certificates, etc., as will enable them with I'cgularity and facility to comply with the provisions of the law. and also with copies of the by-laws of the hospital when [)rinted. ()'•>. Insane per.'^ons may be admitted from other states and tcrritoi'ies xmon eriual footing and on same condi- nn.i s ■". tioiis as private i>ay patients. The sum to lie paid "ti,..r states, iiiontbly for the care, maintt'iiance and treatment of such })a- tiiiits to be lixed from time to time by the board of trustees, and to be collected quarterly in advance by the steward of the lios[)ital and accounted for as other funds in his hands l)elong- iiig to the state of Nebraska. 70. Henceforth there shall be no censorship exercised over tlie corresi)ondeiice of inmates of the hosi>ital for -V'' llf 1''^''' 1 1 I'll. 4!l, {} 1. the insane in this state, but their postotiice rights [.,',',l'!"J,!';'u.''" IS 1 440 m:i!i;asica. fllllr lui> pitiiN. L'.'.'I.Ti.'.'.^ '"■ slinll lie as fvvv ami uiircsti'aincd as arc {\\()hall l)e dn)}iped l»y the w riters tluriof, accompanied hy an attendant when necessa.i'y, into a post ollice Ix x, ]ii'o\ided l)y the state at the hospital for the insane, and kejit in some ])lace easy of access to all the patients: and the contents of such post ullice hox or hiixes shall he collected onct' every wi'ck hy llie autlioi'i/.ed jiersou and hy him plact'd into iIh liandsof the I'nited States mail for delivery. .\nd it is hei'chy inade the duty of the superintendent of every hospital for the insane in the state, eithei' puhlic or jirivate, to deliver oi' cause to !)(' (K'liveri'd to said jierson any letter or writing!,' to him oi' lie)' directed, without openiiiii,' or leading' the same, or allowinij, it to he ojtened or n ad. w itlioul consent of the recipient of such letter, or the I'dpiest or consent of the writer. 71. Any person refu.-inii' or neulectinu' to conifily with, or ii.i.i ,< -J. wilfullv and kuowiuLilv violating :!n\' of the nro- visions of this act, shall, upon conviction thereof, he ])Unished hy imprisonment in the peidlentiary for a term not (•xci'cdini!; three yiai's noi' less than six months, or hy a tine not exceeding- .^."1)0, or hoth. at the discretion of tlu' court, and hy im liLtihility to any ollice in the asylum afterwards. 72. A printed cojiy ol' this act shall he framed and kept po>*ed in every ward of every hospital for the iii- le state of I'lMiiilty (ncli person shall liecoine lunatii- or insane, then in case the punish- Mient lie i-apilal, the execution thereol' shall he staveij until the recovery ol" said j)erson from the in>anily or lunacy. In all i' insaiu', the sherilV shall forthwith n.i,, ^< .v,:, ^■ive notice thereof to a jud^u'e of the district court [''?,'' "i'lhiVuf of the judicial 'listriet, anil shall summon a jury of '"■■'"">• twelve impartial men to iiHjuiri' into such insanity, at a time and jtlaeo to he lixetl by the judge, and shall give immediate notice thereof to the district attorney. 7'). The judge, elerk of I'ourt, and district attorney shall ntti'iiil tlu' in(|uirv. Witnesses mav he pro(lucef. 1. Sclci'lidii of site I'di' ;ij.yliim. 2. A|i|in)|iriMli(>ii I'm' j^ioiinds. o. IiOMid (iri'tiiiunissidiu'rs liir iTi'dion III' Msvliiiii, s[)iH'ili(';iti(>ns. 4. OmiIi nVl'lluv. 5. ( )i7;;mi/.;itiiiii cil'lioard, siipi'riiitend- fiil (if (■iiii>li'ii('tit..r i--i, _ 111 i_, § I. hcrehv created for the inirposc of caiisiii;:- to l>i' cii- i':i"i"nii- aeted, on the state huid, near the town of Kcno, ;;;''.''"';"'„,;;;7'" Washoe county, u suit'd)le l)nihlin«;- or huildin*;s •""! 'i""'"* for the care of the imhiicnt insane of the state of Nevada. The said asyliun shall have sullicient capacity for cnpacity „f the care of one hundretl and sixty patients; ^>/'o(v"(/rJ, ""■ that .said asylum shall he completed within lifteen months after the j)assage of this act; diid pron'ilnl, that said huildinj;" or I)uildin}i;s shall he huilt of stone or hrick, and shall he tire- proof so far as consistent wilh cost, and in the jud<;nu'nt of the board. 4. l)el\)rc enterin«:; uj)on tlu'ir duties, as j)rescril>ed in this act, the sain^inu-iu,u. six dollars. (5. After the api)roval of this act they shall organi/c and act iinmediatelv. Thev shall advertise in two news- i''i'isi \ . - . T . . ,. , Advfitis.. for papers in this state, and one 111 Caliiornia, for the I'lims, .ic. })resentation of plans aiul specilications for the erection of a building or buildings with a cajjacity of accommodating one hundred and sixty inmates, said building or build- capacity, iiigs to be so constructed that additions can be made when found necessary. After the adoption of phuLS by the board, under no consideration whatever slu.U any changes be made ill said plans or specilications, unless by the unanimous con- sent of the board of commissioners, and the consent of the cuntractor, and without additional expense to the state. 7. As soon as practicable, after adop)ting })lans, the board 29 4r,o NKVAftA. i I i iiii'i.^.-.. sliall ndvortisc lor si-iilcd lu'oposiils Inr funiisirni or satisfactory; lait. in detei'miniiiji; hids for tlie same \vork or material, tlie lowest resjionsible bid shall he taken. S. The contractor for the erection of said building or build- iiii'isii. inii's shall he re(|uireil to furnish a .^ood and suili- «|''|">ihi. cient bond for the paynient of all debts and liabili- ties inenrred in the erection of said bnildinu' or buildin^fs, juhI no allowance or increase of pay sliall be <^iven over and above the coiiti'act ]irice; and said contractors shall bind themselves to i'onii)lete the work ready for the ocenjxition of the ]»atients within six months from tin- date of the sij^'nini!; of the con- r..ii-.ii. tract, or pay a forfeit to the state at the rate of two hundred and liftv ilollars ])er dav for each dav beyond the time herein allowed. !». Said Vxiard shall cause monthly estimates to be made ihi.i !• 7. during the pro. After the exi)iration of each month, after the si|ii'opriati'il for tlio coiisti'iicl inn and rniiiisliinjif ol'^nid l''iil(lin|>r<>|irinllliall a contract lie cntcnil into iTi>"ii.iiiitf. wliirli shall exceed (lie snui of eiy:hty thousand dollars for tlm erection of said huildinu,' or huildinLJs ami furinshiuL; a- afopt- said. 1."). Till' money herein appropriateil shall he taken from the state school finid. and in its place shall he dcposiled i''^' ;! n ei^Iity honds of nne thousand dollars t'aeli, hi'arinjj,' '■""•'^• interest at thei'ate of four per cent, per annum; -aiil hrmds >liall run for twenty years, hut shall he redei niahle hy tiie state at its pleasur(\ after two years; said honds shall l»e.-ii;ued hy the ;;o\vrnor and state controller, ('oun(ersi<;ne(l by the state tri>asurer. and authenticateil witii the ^reat seal of the >tate, and shall slalein suhli 452 NKVADA. "I 11,1,1 r. Asa till' IIISIIIII' ' until n.mpio- ('Jark, of tlic statc of California, to care for tlu- in- tloU lit till' ' ' asyiMui. siww jiatients of this state until July lirst, eii^ditecu hundred and ei<;hty-two, at the price per day i)er patient now- paid Langdon it Clark. 10. The board of commi.ssioners shall elect one I'esideiit ,,.i^i^ })hysician, who shall be the general suiuM'intendciit oi''sn'M"i'u-''' ^^ ^''^^ asylum, subject at all times to the order and teiid.ut. direction of said board, who shall have ])o\ver at any time to discharge and remove said superintendent when- ever in their judgment it shall be deemed proper for the Itcst interests of the state. The suiierintendent so elected shall re- ins .luaii- ^i'^^' '^^ ^^'C asylum, be a graduate of medicine, ami iicitioM. receive u salary of two thousand foui- humlred (|(»1- lars ])er year, {layable monthl}', in equal instalments, lie His accounts, shall cause to be kept a fair and full account of all Ids doings, and of the entire business and oj)ei'ations of the institution, and submit a monthly report to th(> board of vnm- Powers. missioners. The superintendent shall employ all w ,lll 'W 111 XKVADA. l.';; nocossnry liclp ncudcd at tlio asylum, sii])jecl to tlic a[>i»r()val of tilt' board of fuimiiissioiuM's. 17. Tlic ;:;ovt'nior, state tioiitrollcf, and state treasuier, are liei'eliy constituted a board of coniinissiouers for the 'i^',;'"!,''!'";';,, |)iir|iose of ]irovij^ for the eai'e and maintenance n!„n''i..i c.m. ol the indigent insane ot tins state. c.i.stiiiiir,!. IS. A majority of said boai'd shall constitutt> a (luoruin for the transaction of business. The board, as eonsti- fj,I,',l ',;,„. tuted herein, shall have power to imrchase a siiita- i!!!,n',i l',l pur- bio buihliii;;- or buildiii<;s of sullieient capacity for iil'^V.'.'t. '■'."'' Ilie accommodation of all the indigent insane in this state, and lami connected therewith, not e.\ceedin;jj two hundred acres, or to purciiase said . All debts, contracted under the i)rovisions of this act, ^liali be allowed and audited in the same manner S'>7-t2. . , , . |lilll« (Mil- as otiier proi)er char^fes aiiamst the state, and it iiiav nut. .i. how ' ^ , , . . ■ "H.lil.'.l ,1.1,1 lie lawful for the board oi commissioners to pay tor iiii"».Mi. any land or lands and biiildiiifj^s, ])urcliase(l with the bonds of this state issni'd under and by virtue of the provisions of tliLs act, passed at this session of the le<^islature, entitled "An act to authorize a state loan for the })urpose of paying the state ju'oportion of the bonds issued under the act apjji'oved Febru- ary sixth, one thousand ei_t;ht hundred and sixty-seven, and to fund the floating debt and j>lace the state upon a permanent cash basis." 20. l''roin and after the |)assage of this act, it shall be the (lutv of the judge of the district court, in each judi- $vrx cial district m tins state, upon tlie aninication ot t.n.xiiniiho . „ , , inipiTS nil ap- aiiy person under oatii setting forth that any per- pii'-ition. .eon by reason of insanity is unsafe to be at large, or is suffer- iiiL;- umler mental derangement, to cause the said person to be ln'onght before him at such time and place as he may direct; and tlie said judge shall also cause to ajipear, at the same time and place, one or more licensed practicing physicians, I'liysiciiius. wlio shall proceed to examine the person alleged to be insane; and if said physicians, after careful examination, shall certify upon oath that the charge is correct, and if the judge is satisfied that such person is, by reason of insanity, unsafe to be at large, ■It ^1 4r.4 m:vada. iiKii^'ontiii- ^iikI '^^ ii!coiiij>etont to provide for his or lior own *"""'■ j)roiicr euro and snppoi . and has no })ro!)orty a|)|ili- cahlefor sneh i>nrpose, and no kindred in the degree of Iiushand, or wife, fatliei' or niotjier, children, hrother.s or s'sters. living- within this slate, of suftieieiit means, and ahilitv to provide ])ropei']y for snch care and support, he sliall cause the saitl in- Kxponsos di^^^'ul iu'-^ane person to he eonveyeil to (lie insane """ ^"""''' asylum of this state, at the cost and exjiense of tlio co'.'.nty from wdiieli such ])erson shall come, and [)lace the said person in charge of the pro[ier })ersou having' charge of saifl asylum, togcthei' wilii a c<'py of the complaint, commilment, and {)liysician's certificate, which shall he in such form as the secretary cf stat^^' shall preso'ihe. 21. The sum of lifty thousand dollars is herehy aj)propriated §.!:44. c)ut of any moneys now in or hereafter coming into ti>iii. the state treasury, not otherwise "Specially apjjro- jiriated, for the })Ui'pose of carrying out the provisions of this act, during the years eighteen hundi'cd and seventy-one and eighti'cn hundred and seventy-two; and all sums due for the supjiort, care, clothing, an""''"'~ be iiisani'; and if said physicians, after careful examination, shall certify upon oath that the eharense of the state, and place the said jierson in charge^ of the [irojter jierson having charge of the said a-^)lum, together with a copy of tlu* com|)laint, commitment, ami physician's certiticate, which shall be in sucIj form ;i- tlie board of commissioners miv prescril)e. 'Jo. r.-iying patients wb^ friends or propifty can pny their exi'enses, shall nav according to llie ternis i|irecle(| Hii by the board of conuuissioners : bnl llu' iiisaiie poMi' ini.nts, sli;dl, in all i'esj)ects. recei\'e the same niet '■'•' ^•■■""■"''' them. J ■). All sums due for Ihe sup[>ort, care, and clotbiii" of the insane, and all other needful expenses of the asy- n,. 1,^17. linn shall be eei'tilied by the board of commissioners im.v, |...,,i' el' said asyhnn and approved by the i»o;ird of examiner-^, as now provided by the coli.-iitlltioll of the ^late "I ,\evad;l, and audited by the coin I'oller, and paid by t lie >l,ite treasurer, oiit (if ;iny moneys in the state tieasuiy a|iprojiri;ited I'or that ]iarpo>e. ■JT. diie >late eoliti'oller is hereby aUtlKU'i/.ed to di.iw bis Marrant in favor of the eoiumissioiiers for their iiiei- n,,,, ^, ,, denial expen-'es in carrying out the provi-^ioiis of »'"""•' this ae|, afii r the boaid of examiners have j>i-o[KTly allownl the sa.'ne. ' II ' ' m I til' :,. I! 450 XKVADA. 28. Wht'iiovcr a coiivii't, Avliilc umlcrcjoiiiij; iiiipi-isfnniuMit in Act.vf !>>;) ^''^' ^^'vada state ])ris()ii, sliall bcconic insane and bo fonvinil.'. ^o a(lju(l.iie(l by ii eonnnis>i(iii of hinacy, apiMiintcd uirTemnv,'.',! by the court as in other eases of insanity, it shall be toasyimn. ^j^^ duty of the wardeii to deliver such eouviet to the superintendent of the state insane asylum at Keno, Nevada, for m.o to said j)rison, shall deliver him i" the warden thereof, who shall retain such convict therein fer the unt'xpired term of his sentence, uidess said convict shall be releasi'il by oi'der of the board of jiardons. An escape froia >aid insane asylum by any convict coidined therein under the ^;^, ,,,,„, ])rovisions of this act, shall be deeiiie• Illlll^'ellt insane, siipixxted at ex- trnslces; apiiointmcnt, vacancies. pense of connty. 3. Term of ollice. j 21. Private ]iatients, wlien eluii-yeable 4. Triist<'es, powers and (lulies. | to county. 5. Ollicers, appointmcni, sal.irics. '--• Kfimliursemcnt of connty. I). Tiiistees to n'ceive no compensation, -•'•■ I>iscliai<;c, in wliose discielicm; 7. To make rnles for admission and convicts remanded to custody. care of patients. 21. Inspection of asylums liy trustees, S. Tni;teesmav liold projiertv in trust. discharjic of patients when sane. (». Annual reports of trustees. 2'>. Correspondence with hoard al- \b. Hoard of visitors, duties. lowed. 11. Report to he pnl)lished. ' 20. Inipiest on death of patient. I'J. lleipurt of ollicers (o he distributed. 27. Application for support of indigent ]o. I'lxeniiition of ollici'i's from militia insane. scivice. 28. In(piisitiiai i.awsof '■ ■• IsTs. ell. M. 5 1, for the illSillie. Ciriioiat. namo. 2. The <;overnment of tho asyhiir is vested in twelve trus- tees. iii»i)()iiite(l and eoir.missiotied 1)V the governor, ii'iiS'-^ with advici^ of the eouneil ; and all vaeaneies shall i>oii'tiii.n.toi\ be lilled in tlie same nianiier. ■]. The trustees iire ehissified tind eommissioned in such rianner Ihiit the olliees of tliree trustees become va- I'!. I'l'iiiire 'jf (Mill iinnuaily. ■'"'■''■ I. TIk trustees shall ttike eliitrj^e of the pro{)ert3' and con- cerns of the asylum ; shtill see that its aftairs are con- „,j,, , 4 (hieted |)roi)i>rly; may entfr into and bind the asy- ^'immm':^. aiiaiis luiu !>• -uch eontraets relative to the sup{)ort of "' '^^> "'"• I>aliem- and the all'airs of tlio asvlum as tjie\' nuiv deent ad- 458 xr.w iiAMrsiiini:. A'aiiti\,!j,cous ; and may iveuivc, aiiiirdprialc, cdnlrol, roiivoy, or in\ jst any in'operty Liivcn to ov owned liy the asylum in such inaniier as they may tliiid< e\[K'dient. o. 'Idle trustees shall appoint a seerctary, -who shall kee}> a "■is ; a treasurer, ..iihri.-. .1,-. ■^y],() .shall (;ive hond for the faithful discharge of his duty; and sutdi physicians, oilicers, and assistants, with such salaries and allowances, as may from time to time be found necessary. G. Xo trustee shall jxct'ive any compensation for his ser- '„''''•>". vices as trustee, iail expenses necessarily in- '1 11 rrccivi' no ciiiniif'ii- _ ' "^ tiiiioii imtixiiinsrs, curred hy him shall be paid by the asylum. 7. The trustees nniy make such re;j;ulations for their owii iMii.^T. <2,overnment, for the manaL,'ii- ^ ' '^ _ liitious, otr. jiji jjorsons connectccl therewith, and for the aihnis- sion and care of patients, n\id the same IVoni time to time alter, as convenience may rc(juirt'. 8. TIk' ti'ustees may lake and hold in trust for the asylum n.idiis. any grant or devise of real estate, or any donation JliiV li.ilil 1 i i' 1 , 1 "^ 1 1 iMopoitv ii. oi' be(|uest oi ])ersonal iiroiierly, and nuiv aiii)iv the tniKt .\o ^ ' . . ^11.; laiiii takihior saiHc, uulcss ollici'wise rcstrictcd, to lessen the e.\- '■"riiiviiu- iicnses ol the nidiu'cnl insant\ ^\o land connected Uiorilv of ilio ■ 1 1 ' icKMaiiiiv. with the asylum siuiU Ix. taken for a highway or other ])ublic use, except by the ex[)ress authority of the legis- lature, for that purpose first had and obtained. 0. The trustees shall make to the governor and council, an- ■''''• S;'- nuallv,a report, covering that of the sui)erintendcnt To iriako an- . ' i ; i-t i miiii ifiioits. to them, of the receipts arid ex]>eiulitures of the asy- lum, the luimbcr of jiatients admitted and dis,'harge(l during each year, and all other nnitters connected with the general interests of the asylum, which shall be furnished to the secre- tary of state on or before the twentieth day of April. 10. The governor ami council, jiresident of the senate, and na.isio. s]ieaker of the house shall constitute a board of vi'siior>'aii,i visitors of the asylum; shall visit and inspei't the same when necessary; examine into the condition of the jiatients, and the I'cgulations and general management of the asylum ; see that the design th 'reof is carried into full eii'ect; and make to the legislature, bit nnially, a report, which shall be furnished to the secretarv of state on or before the twentieth day of April next before the June session. ,iliM- ill XKW nAMi'smiJK. 4r)0 11. Tlic secretary sliull cause llfteen Imndrod co[)ies of the r(.'|iurts of the suiteriiiteiulent, trustees, and board of ,,,1,, , ,, visitor;, of tlie asyhnn to he i)riuted and distributed, nViisrn'pni't one copy t'a<'h, to the ^-ovi'mor, niend>ers of tlie ,'',',,i",'i's .""''' council, senate, and house, and their olliccrs ; one cojjy to the clerk of cacli town : and the reiuainin.i;' co[)ics to be placed in the hands of the board of visitors, for distribution as thry shall order and ilirect. J2. ■■' * •■■ The re{)ort of the New IFanipshire asylum for the insane* ''• * shall be furnished the state printer on ;. or before the Hrst day of May ; * ''" * All of the said i"'"i-i"-'i- re[iorts shall l)i' printed, and the said reports for that and the precedin<;' year shall be laid before the legislature durin^g' the lii'st week t)f the M'-siou. * "^^ * The sicrt'tary of state sliall I'o- servi' live hundi'ed copies of the several annual I'ejiorts, and cause the sanie to be bound, and, as soon as may be after their jiublication, shall send one co[)y to the clerk of each town, for the use of said town, one copy to each societv and lil)rarv en- titled to receive a copy of the laws and journals, and dej)osit the balance in. tlie state library. \'-K The followini;' ])ersons are also exempted from militaiy duty and shall not be included in said eur(dhneiit : ,.,, ,,.-,< 4 that is to say "' ''■' * the attendants u^>on the insane, ,''x,'7,',|,mi,,i,, eniploye.l in the asylum for th(> insane. * * * .nin.ary.hny. 11. The pro[)erty of the asylum is exempted from tax- ation. Cll. Ill, !; -JG. ]."). If any insane person is in such condition as to render it dangerous that he slunild beat large, the judge of Uiii.^ij. pi'oliate, U!)on petition by anv person, and sucii no- u. rou- to 1,0 J. ' ' ... . (■•uniiulii'd to tice to the .selectmen of the town in which sueh in-"">. s;ine person is or to the guardian or any other jierson, as ho may order, — which [letition may be tiled, notice issued, and a liearing had in vacation or otherwise, — nuiy commit such in- sane {)erson to the asylum. hi. .\ny insane pauper supported by any town may be com- mitted to the asvlum by order of the overseers of ii.m ^< 14. tiie poor, and there su|)|)orled at tlie expense of .is. i''«- .vm,,. siich town; and such ex[iense may be recovered by '""" such town of the county, town, or person chargeable with the; support of SI. ell pauper, in the same manner as if he had been sup[iorte(-l in and l>y the town. ii :'i iii 460 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 17. If the overseers neglect to make such order in I'elatioii j,,i,i^, ,- to any insane county ])aui)er, the supremo coui't, or *';.!,'.' i,'.fj'e,',',li: any two judges thereof in vacation, may oi'drr such "'""■''■ i)aui)er to be committed to the asylum, and there su]ij)orted at the expense of the county. l.S. The parent, guardian, or friends of any insane pei'son iiiid:; 17. may cause him to be committed to the asyhim, witli Kni'.ciii,iis. the consent of the trustees, and there siippurlcd (in r.uiiniit; (an- .such tcmis as tlie\' mav a 1.0 , • ' . . ■ ii''''i>'- cord sliall not, in any case, be liable fur tlic siiji- port or maintenance of any jjcrson committed to said asylum, except from said city. lit. Xo jiei'son shall be committed to the asylum for the in- ii.iii,|M)rt of such inmate from and after the service i>f such notice, and for ninety days next ])rior thereto. 22. The county ))aying the expense of the sujjport o*' any coi'uav'nKiv iniiiatesliall be entitled to recover the amount ?«o v I'l NEW IIAMPSHTI!!-: UM i,|l jiaitl of ivny town, county, or individual by law r„,,,v,>r,.x- liablc for tlu; sui.port of such innuite. '"""'" ''"'''• 'I'j. Auv i)Oi'son committed to the asvluni mav bo discharned 1)V anv tlu'oo of the trustees or bv anv justice of the H'l'i s-;-' sui>remc court, wlienever the cause of comniitnicnt ii"wiiv,t,.,i. ceases t)r a furtlier residence at the asylum is, in their opinioii, not necessary ; but any person so dis(jhar<:,a'd who was under sentence of imprisonment at the time of his commitment, the period of wliicli shall not have expired, shall be reiiianihMl to prison. 2 '. .Some one of the ])oard of trustees of the asylum sliall, without i)revi()us notice, visit that institution, at ii,i,i^ promptly transmitted without inspection. 2ii. In the event of the sudden deatli of any patient in the asvlum, a coron<'r's inciuest shall be held, as H'l'i s 2"'. pi'ovided for by law ni other cases. ""i'' y .!.om-^..i. 27. The sum of six thou.^^aiul dollars is annually appropriated fill' the maintenance of indigent insane })ersons be- n.i.i ,< js. lou«^ing to this state at the asylum, for such and so p'lHlu'u'iorm; m — i^T ■!i ill 402 NKW HAMi'siriiti:. uiMi'i'oi'iu""' iiiiiiiy .'IS (lie govcM'iior may from time to time ap- '"'"'•■ ])rovc'; not less than two-thirds of which sum sliall he apiilidl annually to the support of private patients, exelu- sivi' 111' paupers maintained at puhlic charge ; and tlu^ sum of one hundre(l dollars is annually approi)riated toward the sup- port and increase of the lihrary for the insane. 'JS. I 'poll a|)plieation of any relative or tViend of any insane rii.iM;. ^1. iicrson, or of the overst'crs of the iioor of th(> town I llSllllilV. IlliW ■* _ _ ' _ (leiiMinirHci. wlierc he lives, mtulo to the judf>e of ju'cbate for the eounty, that a guardian may he ap])ointe(l over sueh persmi, the judLre shall eaust^ inquisition, with notice, to l)e ma'- the jud,L!,e shall appoint a yuardian over him ; but no such deci'ce or a]ipointnuMit shall be made until he has been cited to appear and show cause against the saiue. ;>(). Every .ojuardian of an insane [H'rson or s])(>ndthrift shall n.i,iii-i. immediatelv upon his ai)pointment give public no- (illlUlliiU18 "f . , , ',, . • 1 J 1 • 1 iiisiHH' Of tico tliereoi, m some newsininer circulated in the si'i'i.,ltlnilis ... . 1-1 1 11 ,• togiv.• lu.ticr. vicinity, or in. such newsiiai)er as the judge shall di- rect, and in all cases post a notiricution thereof in the town where his ward resides. 31. if any insane person is confined in any jail, tlic supreme ru. 10. si:5 court mav order him to be committed to the asv- beLuiiiiiiiiir.i. turn, H they think it expedient. 32. Any insane person committed to the asylum by order of ii>i(i s 16 the supreme court, such iiorson liaving been chnrgcd .!( i.-yiuii. lor -with an oileiise the punishment whereol as tire- iusiuio>iii'i"'i'i- . . .Ml b.v stuto. scribed by law is death or confinement in the state prison, shall, during his confinement in the asylum for the in- sane, be suj)[)orted therein at the exjiense of tlic state. Any insane pt'rson committed to tlie asylum by any court, except n> herein {)rovided,or by any judge of })robatc, shall beyup})(jrle(l by the county from which lie was committed. 33. The governor, with advice of the council, may remove ,^j,, ^^.^- to the asylum, to be there kejit at the expense of n?ovV.'/i'iv.'!!nruto''" the state, any person confined in the state pris(.>ii pri«outoas.vhnn. ^^.j^^ j^ in.sane. i(|| NEW JERSKV. !!)■• (•(PUXCUi OK STATE CIIAIUTIKS AND fOKIMOCTlON. 1, Ciiitimi-^sidiu'rs, .■i|iiioiiiiiii('iit. ■J. Tt'iin of (illicc. ;i. Mi'i'tini;-:, liy-laws, ])(i\vcis ; iii'^pcr- tion (ilrliMi'italjIcaiKl cdi rci'lioiiiil iiislituti(iii-i. 4. T(i I't'ceivc IK) cotii|H'n-i;ition. 5. A|iiniiiitiiK'nt (if coiiiniitti'i's to iis- sisi in iiis]nHtioii. (). l)ck'i;iilt's ti) atlciid iiationiil ('"ii- ruroiico, rc'|i()i'ts, i'X|)i'iises. 7. Kxccuiivf (illiccrs to Uoi'p rcrords of pMticiits, abstract sulnuittiMl to cK'ik ol' I'oiiiicil. S, Annual rcjioit of council. 30. :!2. VA 36. liis|)ccliuii-; of a-^vliun liy niaiiaucis, reports. liooUs and rccord-i c.KJiiWitcd to inana<;crs l)y rcsidiiit olliroi's. Treasurer, powers and duties, state- ments tuiil audits. Trea-iurer, powers of. ,\ctions for money due asylum. Steward, powers and dnlics, ali- stracts, ai'counlaliility. Notice olCompiclion ol' .Morri^towii asvlnm; suiiei'intendi'nl's cinai- lar. Manaijcrs to ri'ceivi' no compensa- tion. Purchases to he made for cash, Voliciie.s to ho taken. ti:i;nt()\ asyi.i'.m. ',». Managers, appointment, vacancies. ill. I'owers and duties, iX'sidence. 11. 'J\) Inrnish and equip asylum, and appoint ('dicers. \'2. Trcasurei- need not he resident. l;i. Additional physician, ai)point!nent. MOI'IilSTOWN ASVMM. 14. Commissioners to locate and erect asyhiin, aiipointnient ; not to he interested in contracts. I'l. Conunissioners to liecomi' managers. Ui. Adililional memhers appointeort of such persons, to whom chai'gcahle. -o. Managers may hold property in trust. 'Jl. Piydaws, api"iiulincnt of ollicers, regulalions for asyluin. 2'). Sup( riuieiuk'nt, powers and duties. 'ili. I'l.xemption of ofliceis from mililiii. and .jui'y servict.'. -7. K(;corils of hoard of niiuiagers. ADMISSION- ANli I)1S( IlAlii;i:. '•u. Ajiplicaiion for admission, contents of; pliysichui's cei'tilieate. .'>S, Kecoids of admis-ion. ;)',). Proportion of patients from coun- ties, I'egnlated hy manaL'ers. 40. Indigent insane, [iro eedings for admission. 41. Private patients, proceedings for asit)n. I'J. Continuance in asylum on certili(;ate of superintendent. 4.">. Admission to asylum, not to he for less than six months, 44. Admission hy special agreement, in la-e of \acancies. 4"i. I'atienis ajiplying for adtnission to he sui>|ilicd with clolhi ig. 4(>. Supi)ort of indineiu in-a'.ie. idiarges. 47. Support, liahility for. 48. Clothing and ,su[ip)ies, exi)enses of, how home. 4lt. Removal exiienses, how home. •jO. Sujiport, reimhiirsemeiit of counties. 51. Powers of chancellor not ahrlilged. ol!. Discharge, on superintendent's eer- tilicate of sanity, or iniiirahil- ity ; criminals exci'pted. .")3. r)ischarged iiaticnts to he supplied with clothing and money. o4. Detinition of terms. i)'j. Support of indigo it insane, borne in part hy sta;e. 464 m;w .tki;si;v. 6G, TrimslVr i>( insMiu' ])iim| its I'imjiii .'iIiii-Ikiiisc til iisvliiiii. T)?. I'liliiiils, wlii'ii ciiiil'miicil in msn liim. r)S, TrJiiisrir (if imlicnts t'l-diii i(iii of liiii;i(_v, ii|i|i(iiiit- iiifMt (if niiiiidiiiiis l)y cdiirt, 00. l)iiii,m'i'(iiis iiiMiiif, iirfcst iiiul dc- tt'i iiiiicitiiin of scltlciiiiiit, 01. OviMscirs of till' jioor to fuiiiisli lists ot' iiisMiie. 0:2. I'lxiiiiiiii.-itioii, iiiiii (•oiiiinilnii'iit. O.'i, I'lOMid of iVi'i'lioliJi'is iiiiiy act liy I'OlllIllittflS. SVl'l'CiKT 01' INSAM'. IN lOl'NTY ASY- l.l MS. 01. Siipjiort of iiiiliucnt insiiiii' in cotiii- ty asylum, I'Xiiuiises, how lionie. (15. liisiii;o |iaii|ioi's may 1 o cominlitcd to coimty asylums, (i(i. liiiliuciit iiisani' may liu rommiiicd to loiinly a.->yliim. 07. I'livalc pMtii Ills admittod to ( oimiy asylums. (is. County asyiiinis. inles I'or, aii|Miii;|. mciit of ollicfrs. CltlMINAl, INSANi:. Oil. FiisaiU' licfofc iiidictuu'iit or nn w- ipiittal, I'Xamiii.'ilioii, I'ominit- nu'iit ; f.\'|iciist's iioiiir hy coimiy. 70. liisiine (oiivicts, iii(|uisiti(iii of in- sanity, tiiiiislrf to asylum. 71. Insane acipiittt'd of misdi'mcaiHir^, similar iii'oci'cdiiius tnr. 72. I)i.-(liaivj;i', on ordur of juduc. 7o. Insane not to lie eommilted to jail. COUNCIT. OF StATK ('UARITIKS .WD C'oURIXTIOX. 1. Tlic f^iovcnior of the state .^Imll api)()iiit, by and with tlic Actnfi-vf. adviee and consent of tlio senate, six suitable iht- cli. '.'I'.'!. ;; 1. . . . . Aiipointimnt sons who shall constitute a council of state charities (if ('ullllllis- . .11 "1 '-'"ii'i-*. iind correction, of which the o'overnor ot the state for the time bein<^ shall be j)resident and a niend)er ex-tiliii io. 2. The {)crs()ns firsi tippointed shall serve for one, two. thne,<'-' four, five, si.\ years respectively, and all subsdnient 'ivnn ui uiiuM>. api)ointinents shall be for six years, excejit to lill vacancies which occur through death, resioiialion or reniovnl. o. T\w said council shall hold reoular nieetinos (|narte]'ly ;it i''iy the vote iiud speciid [irovi- \\:,.\^r,. siou of said board, sliall receive^ no conijieusation'Ivru.. " for their services, but llieir actual ex])enses incurred n'.'ii.'»sU.i^'i'- in the performance of tlieir duties shall be paid by .iiui.-». tbc treasurer of the state when audited \>y tho comptroller ;ind eertilied by the Governor. 5. 8aid council may appoint from their own number, or from any c^ountv in which such institution exists, ,,,,.. not to exceed two persons, to aid them in iiuiuirv ;^''7 1'''',"".'.^ into any county, townshi[), city or town institution '"""'""'y of cbarity or correction in said j>recincts, who shall, in su(.'h case, be duly authenticated by the certilicate of said council, signed by the president thereof: no inspection of any state institution shall be bad by any inspector apjiointed by this council outside of its own members. (i. The council may, eacb yoiw, a[)point one from its own mimber, and one from the otlicers of any correc- ii.i.157. tioual or charitable institution ot this state, as anal conter- f' ifuc.-. eiice of charities and correction; and it shall be their dutv to make full report in writing for use by said council of cluir- ities and correction; and u[)on the auditing of said council and ai)proval by tlie governor, the treasurer is authorized to pay their bill for actual expenses to an amount togetbcr not exceeding one hundred dollars. 7. The warden, })bysician, stcwar *^ ^ '# ^^ /« // o / Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. MStO (716) 872-4503 V iV L1>' N> *> ^ ^- ^\:w^ r^ l(U\ m:\v .ii:i!skv. first (lay df ()cfnlM'i' of cadi year, iis (lio council may direct, cad) state iii'^titution >>{' cliaritics aii'l currcctinn, and cai !i county, tn\vne of tln' IcLiislature a AlllMlill vv < "... . i,. !..■ iiMi,. I. I'eiKirl of all tlu'ii' i!oini"s dnrinii the vear, sfatiii"- till' |.'i.M>- ' _ .-^ , . ; .-1 '»""•■ the e\pen-es incui'red. the names of ollicers and a,u'enls employed. anliall either accom- pany or ^:i\-e full inlormation to any lc,^islative comniittd' that may from time to iiuiv he appointed to visit any such institutions. Tlvl NTON AsVl.lM. 0. [Ten jtersons who are namecl are apixjintod nianagor?, two Uovisi..., ..r (() no out of ollice ever\' vear|, and thev shall hold 1.177, p. hii;, ■ _ ■ ' . i'- tlieif ollice until otliei'< are apjiointed in their stead, ii..» :i|.|...iiit. subject to beiuir reniovt d b\- the supreme court, at «'(l iirxl \ :ic:iii- •' ■ • I cu's nil.'. I. jiiiy (iiii,._ 11 poll the rccommend.'ition of the ^overnnr; their sut'ces^ors sliall be appninicd by the .^upi'eme court, iit the .lannary t.rm,aiid shall hold their olliees Ibi' live yciu's und nntil others ai'e .appointed in their .ai'l r.'«.T»ttiiJ iliitii's iif asvlum ; tlitv shall liavc tln' j^cinral (lircctiuii and i".in;ic"i« coiiU'ol ((fall tlic iir'i[ii iiy and i'iincciii< nf tlir in-titiitiun, not uilici\vi-c prnvid" d I'lr \>y law. and -liall take cliafuc t»l' its ^iciMial iiili-rcsts, and si'c that il- di -iaii l>c cairicd inn) fllcrl, and cvt i'\ I hinu donr taitliluUy ii mrdinL;- tn the rciinii'i'mcnts (if llic K'Lii-laliii'c and the hydaw-, I'ulr- an.d rc^ulalinns of ihc a-yluni t^and tn this end they shall ninlci', counsi'l, advise and (■(iit|iei'ate with the ri>iinni->iaid h.iard of liianaLi'ers -hall i>i'ovide the neee-sarv stoek, furni- n.i'ii. i:-*-. v<:i. ■ . , ,.'.., .M:lllll:.M.r. t.. iMle, and lil'o|iel-t\' jof the conduelinn' o| sjihl a~V- :M'1 t.iiii- ' ' . • . ■ ■ .•..|- of luni. anil a]i|ioint a >u|m riniendi ni. w ho -hall he a •i-.vimn. Well eilueate(l |.hy-ician. and a Irea-nnr, \\ ho -hall uive honds I'lr ili<- faithful performance of hi- tru-i. in -uch sum ami with -Mill -ui'et i( s a- the said manauei'.- -hall a|'|.i'ove; th'^y shall iil-o. oil the nonnnatioii of the su[ieiinti ndent, a|i|ioint a stew- ard, who -hall .u'ive honds foi- the faithful |ierforma iiee of his liii-t, in such sum and with -u^-h -ui'ctie- a- ilu mana^i rs ^liall a|i|)idve: they shall al-o. on the nomination of the >U|eriMlendent appoint an a — i-iaiil ph}-ician and a matron, if whom >hall eon-lantl\' re-ide in the a-\lum, and i>c de-iunated the resident tiilieers thei' 1"J. 'i'hi' trea-ui'er of the -tali lun.ilic a-vlum shall not ho [■' MUn-ei 1 to nside in the asylum, nor he designated imi :• ■•iin a resident ollicer thei'eof. * Ili'I ll'Mi'Mcli'lll. he manager- of the -late lunatic a-\lum ai'e Ihin hv auiUo ri/ed. on the nomination ol' the -uperintend- ii.i.i ii.>ir'>, cut. to appoint a second as-istanl phy-ician, who m',',,;,!,,,,., -hall reside in the a-vlum, and he de-i-nated one of l';'';i,"i''|,','vt' l'liy?*iciiiii. lie re.-idont ollieers thereof.'' Tlic I'lirilu'r |iriivi~inii< tor llic l;(>V( riimi'iit nt' tlic 'I'rfiiam ;i-ylmn mic ^'niic tlie iut of IS 17, |i. IS, Miiil it- "i, .Vj. '■)"), 'liT, 'C.:!, 71 Miiil 'SI, 1{. .S,, |i|i. (107 tilCi, liiiVf lui'iuiu' iili'iitii'.il willi the ;n'l nl' lS7t), regii- l.iiiii:,' ilif govcrumfnt cif llie Mori-isiown ii-<_vliim, see iiilVa, pi. '2:> oH. ICS XKW .IKIJSKY, f if: : . ||; '■ P ;.f i ^ 1 1 -i^i \, ' * "MnlMJlSTMWN AsYI.l'M. II. 'I'licrc >liiill 1)1" {iitiKtinU'il by tliv' "[(tvcnior of llio slate, ii.i.i p. .117, liy and witli tlic iidvito and ('(mscnt of tlic sunatr, i,«iimiu.i..i ly fsevcii] ('(Hiiix'tc'iit pci'soiis, oiio fn»ni each of llir ( l.llilul^-i..lM•l•. |in.<('iit cKiijiR'ssioiial di>trirls of tlu; state, ''eom- iiiissionei's 1(1 select a site and build an as\ bun for tbe insane of tliis-late;" said connnissioners sball not reeeivi' any edin- jKiisatifin for tbo siTviees beivin inijxtscd upon tbeni excepl tbe actual exin'iisi's incurred in tbe disi-bar-ix' of tbeir duties, nor siiall said connnissioners \>v in any way concerned in ;niy contract for tbe ci'ection of tbe said buiblin^ or for furnisbiuLi; sii]»pli(s of any kind for tbe same. ]."). 'Tbe asylum * * * * sball be known by tbe name, i!.>\iM..„ ..f stvle and title of "Tbe State Asvlum foi'tbe Insane, >! M. at Morristown, New Jersev,'' and for tbe purpose of CcllUllliSfiiilll- . . 1 1 •! ' 1 ■ 1 1 • .■IS iMri-iuni.. ()rM,ani/niy; tiie details connected witb tlu- openniir li.piir.l ,,f iii.iii- . . . . »-•■'••' of saiil asylum, and for tbe purpose of openinn;- tbe same for tbe ailmission of patients as soon as practicable, lli.' aforesaid commissioners are bereby constituted a boaril nf niana.Li'ei's for said asylum, niitil otberwise ordered, witb all tbe powers and autbority ^ivi'U Ity law to tbe nnuia,.;* rs cf tbe ''New Jersey State Jjuiatic Asylum," and tbe said '•'rhe Stale Lunatic Asylum for tbe Insane at Morristown, New- Jersey, " .-ball, in all matters relating to tbe admission, treat- ment, continuance, and disclnu;i!;e of patients in and from tbe same, be subject to all tbe laws now in force relative to tbe said " New -lersey State Lunatic Asylum." ](■». Till' "ovi rnor bv and witb tbe advice and con.seiit of . , ,,^.,, tln' senate sball appoint tbree additional member-: .\rt of 1 >•.!., 1 1 Ti'io''''„t'r„..r '•' ^''^' board ("f manajj;ers of tbe .state a.sylum fur 'i.''Ti.',"'nit' ^''^' '•i!^i»ne, at Morristown, New Jersey, said niein- tl!.'i'iai"i'ilili'.a. '"'''"^ '•* be apfiointed iVoni counties sendin.|«)iiittMl in their stead, and .-uhjeet tn he w- I'enuived in the nuiiiner aluresaid ; the ;^(>veiMiiir at any time hy tin' advii'e and cDiisent ol' the aiuresaid may lill vaeancics in the hoard, hut the person a|ii>ointed to lill the vacancy shall only s«.'rve nndt r sneh aiipointnient lor the unexjiircd ti rm of the i»erson who-e place he is to siijt[ily. IS. 1' I'ul f. rom ami alter the |>assa;ie of t! lis ai t, it shall not he aw or anv ni'r-on ■>v person- lo sell oi- cxiiosc lor n.i.i |., ti^", lie, or t'au-e or knowin^lv iierm'.t to he sohl or ex- i.iin.r 1...1 '^ • ' 1... .,..1.1 ,. i. io-('(l K 1 f. !«' Kill. I willilii )r sale, tureeily or nKuri'ctlv. anv si)iriti!oii-;, t» 1 HKyliiin Kl-'JUIhls. malt, vnious or intoxn'atini; lupioiv oi- hcveraj^cs, or i'liy composition of which sneh li(|nors or l»evei'a.ue< or any of them >Iiall form the chief inj^redicnt, on any lands or place, •inu' within two miles of the houndarN' of tlu! Iviiiu- ami ;; rounds owned hy the state m the ciainly o| >hii-ns, lor ihe ac- commodation of the insane; and any pei'soii so oU'eiidinij; shall h(! deemeil unilty of a niisiU'meanor anil on conviction, shall for the lirsl oll'ense. he lined not less than lifty !'• ".iii>. )K)r more than two hnndred and lifty ai't shall not apply I > any lands or placi's which are ihav within the e()rpv)rate limits of the town of Morrislown. V.K 'i'he hoai'd of mana<;ers c)f the Ni'W .Jersey state lunatic asylum, anil the hoard of managers of the stale asyhnn for the ip.>ane at Morrislown. New .h-r.-ey, are lierehy authorized, empowered and directed, hy and with the consent of uovernor of thi< state, and ll.i.l |.. I'ljd, Kiil.'s iiikI I'.'k'llhlli'iUH fill' up|i.irliiiu- III. 'Ill iiii.l ili.<. II iliiiiiott I.r- tU.'.'ll 111.' a-\ liiii.< ..r iiiili.'iil-, I'll'. in the nnmncr hereinafter provided to make, adopt and enfoi'cc ruh's and re^^ulations for the ap]iortioii- iiieiit and di^trihution to and helween the said asylums of suidi iii>ane persons as are now or may heri'after he seiii to an asy- lum of this slati' hv virtue of iinv law thi'rcof, and for the n- iiioval of insane patients from either of thesaid asylums to the ulher, and from time to time to alter and re[ieal ? afdit-aiil. >liall liavf llif luiTf ami circcl uf |iiilp|i,' .v|;it iitc-^. !iiii| shall iViiiii liiiic totiiuf 111' |.iilili-licil a~ iIh' -aiii <;(iv- cninr shall ilii( ■!. 'Jn. liach lull- 111- n '.'Mlatiiiii, aii'l cai-li altciMl ion i>v rcjnal nf iM.ip.iijn, iirc-cxi-i iiiL; nihs or riL^ulatii'ii.-. \vlii
  • !■ IIKKIC ai|i'|itcil umlrl' ihc llisf ii,inr,iii„.i.,i,. v,.,.|i,,ii of i!ii^ an/ shall he -1 1 1 pi 1 1 i 1 1 ( •< j ill wi-iiiii"- Im |iiii\i.l lij- Hill - *■'"*'■''"'" caih of ihc Imai'il- of ii:aiiaL:i'rs ajoi'i-aiil. aihl if adoptnl ]-liall tilt II he -11 hill ill' (I ill uriliiiL:' to ihc uovmior of this stale tor Iii< a|>iiro\al. ami no rnlc or rciiulalioM. nor alteration or repeal of pre-exisliim- rnlcs or rc;;n la lions, ~liall lake t'ireet wiih- ont the siiiiie is apjiro\e(l in wriliiii: \>y the ^ai-hall he ])aid hy tin party charecaiile hy law as aforesaid, with his or her siipjioii, upon the order of the steward of the asylum to wliitdi suih pa- Sir i! s:., 111. i; 2 I Nl'.w .ii:i;si;v 171 titiit .-!iall Iff rc'iiK'Vi (1, luuiitiT^i^MiMl li\' \\\v su|m I'intriiili nt tlnrtof. '2'2. K:u\\ iii>jiin- i';iti« III iitliiiittfd iiikKi' .-;ii(l nilc< iiinl rc;jj- iilatiuiis into tin* -ta*" iisyluiii lor tlir insane, al i^ p -'i. M'lrristiAvn, Now Ji-rscv, -liall \n >ui>pMrt(il tlici'c >>'i'i-rt .'f ' • ' ' «llcll [Mli.Mll a lliiill'"!. I'l \\ liolll rhjirtr<»- ;il I. . ai<< > riling lo law. l»y tin- i-uiniiiillfc, rdalivi', per: nn, 1 wliiiii uiiiilil liav' 'crn cniinty <>r otln.-r coriioratini rliarLTcabk- with the- .«ui']Mirt nl' such jiaticMl if lie oi' slif liad ni't l)t'«'!i M'lit to an asylum, in tlic same niaiim r and I" (Im' •anif f\t»-nt n-^ i~ imw j»roviilci| liy law ri -|ic(tini;- in-ani' pu- iii'iit~ in tlif N«-w Jersey ntatc Inniitic a-yluin.* 2'-\. The inaiia;:;cr.s may lake and Imld in \vu>[ I'm (he -tato any j^rant or tK'viai estaMi-li su
  • 'iiii- I'or ri-.t,MlhltiM;; the aj'pomtnielil of the ollieers lieix- inafter mentioneil, and sueli oth<'r olHeers as they I".'.".-; "'.'■•'.' niav finarv. for Ixin.'^ the conditions of ad- p.. I r tiiifiit of ,fii. r-. •■I'-. ini-sioii, support and d:-eiiar;:e (A jiatients, and for eoiidin tinj; in a projM-r manner, theullairs and husiness of the insliuition, and to onhiin to enforce a snitahU' sy>teni of rules and ic^^ula- tioiis f(.r the internal g<»vernnient of said a-yhini : and thi'y shall lix the eompenh;dl he jiaid hy ilie state trea.-iirer <.n the warrant of the coinplrolhr. < 2~>. The superintendent shall l»ethe chief exeeuli\i' otHcer of the said asylum ; lie ^hall have thi- ;j,eiieral su- ii.iii c.-i.^*! piiintemleiice of the huildings, grounds, anhed hy the managers: h(> sliall daily asiertain the condition of the jiatients, and prescrilx; their treatment, in tlie manner prescrihi'd in tlu' hydiiws; he >hall * Spc note f'> pi. l.'t. f Tliii tf) tioii (•••rn-|"'ii(N to f.i, 4 iiiul ti iil" net nMsIT exi . |it tliiU in the ("t>-«» 111' ilii' Tri'iilon a-vliim iLv managers utv iiinitctl to 1{!S,000 l)y act ol' lMi7, ji. 19(), 'i 2, IC. S. J.. GIG. «i !PIPl 472 m;\v ,ii;i:si:y. ai>|n'in(, willi llic Mpprovnl nf ilir inaiia^icrs, sn many as>i.-t- ants ami ntlcmlaiils as he may Ihiiik proi'rr ami mi'cssarv I'nr the t'CdiKtuiical .111(1 cllk-iciit |>filnrmamiol' llic business of tlir said asylum, ami to in'cscrilic tli"ir si-vcral duties and jilaecs, and to (ix, with tlie managers' a|i|ir<)val, llieir cumiiensatidn, and to diseliarj:e any of them at his snh' diseretion: hut in OVel'y ease of di written nutiee of the fact, with its causes and eii'cuiii- stances, to one of the maii:i,uer<. whose duly llu'reupon shall ho to c;d 1 a special meet in;,M)f the hoan I, to provide for I he exi;;"ency; hi' shall also, from time to lime, ,L;ive such orders and in>t ruc- tions as 111' may juil;j;e h(-t caliulated to ensure ;;ood londud, fidelity, and economy in vwry (K]'artnu'nt of lahor and ex- V Mise; and he is authorized and enioined to lu.'iintain salular discipline nmon^- all who are enijiloyed hy the institution, anil to enforce strict compliaiH'e with such instructions, and uni- form obedience to all the rules ami rej^ulations of the asylum ; he sliall cause full and fair accounts and records of ull hi- (loinort thereon, be jiresented to the mana;:ers immediately thereafter; the assistant ]>hysieian shall perform his duties, and hi' subjccl to the responsibility of the superintendent, in Ids siekiu'ss or absence. 20. The resideid, ofTicers of the said asylum, and all atteiiil- ants and assi.-tants actually einployeil there in, dur- in;f the time of such employment, shall be exempt from sei"\ inj; on Juries, and, in time of peace, frnm all service in the militia : and the c{>rtilicate of the su- perintendent shall be evidence of the fact of such employment. I bill p. i.JJ, V'-- frniii iiity iliity iiiid iiiili lary M'lvirr. 27. The board of mana;4'er- -hall keep, in .i bound bi j'')';'.' '"' be jirovided for that purpose, a fair ami full i •(■colli m;\v .ii;i;si:v, ( • » ■A,i>-rt 1.1 l>ii'|i ,, iMr,,r,|.,rull A II II II II I I". It. (if all tlit'ir doings; wliidi .-li:ill I'C i>\>r\\ af all tiiius to the iiis|n'ctiiiii III" tlir ;;itvi'i'iini' i.t' tlic stale, aiul all [icr-oiis wlioiii III' (If I'itluT house iif llie le^isla- lure may a|>|niiiit In exaiuiiie llie same. ■JS. The iiiaiiai^t I's shall iiiaiiitaiu an etredive ii)s|ie(tinii (if the sail! a-\ hiiii, fnr which iiviri'o-e one o\' theiii, ni.i p. 'ij-'. . s ''I er iiKire, sliall vi.-il it at lea>l nuee in ever\ week ; I wu \ '-•- •■'' ' . . iiiaiiaci'iH (•!• more, at h/ast onee m every month ; a majority at ^■'■■'•>i'< least onee in evei'v three month>; anil the whole hoanl om-e a year, at the times and in the manner |)reserihetl in tlu' liy-laws; in !i hook to 1)1' kept loi- that piu'iiose, the \isitiii;j; mami;j;er or iiiana;^ers shall note the date of each vi>it, the condition of the patients, with remarks of commendation orci'n>ure, and all the manaj^U'i's present shall si;;n the same; the j^cm lal I'oult of these inspections, with suitahle hints, shall he insei'ted in an annual report, detailin/j, the past viar's operations '"" ami actual slate of the asylum ; which the mana;j,(i> shall make to the i^overncn', on or ln'foi'e the lifteenth day of Novtinher in each year, to he hy him pi'eseiited to the legislature, accompa- ined with an annual report of tliesupei'intendeiit and treasurt r. 20. It shall he the duty of the resident ollieei's to adnut any of the inanajicrs into every part of the saiil asylum, n.^,, ^, ,■,-._ and to e.\hihit to him or tln'in, on demand, all hooks, Viiu-.T. u>>'\- papers, aec(»unls ami wi'itinj;s heloii<;in^ to tln' in- ,!,V''u. iimiiii- stitution or pertaininji;- to its laisine-s, niana;;ement, •liscipline oi' };overnment ; also, to furni>h copies, ah>tracts, and reports, wheiievt'r reijuireil l.y tlu^ managers. ;>(>. The trea-urer shall have the custody of all moneys, honds, notes, mort^a_m's, and other securities and ii.i.ip. lij-j, ehliiiations heloU'-iim' to the said a.-vlum; he shall V-w.ts hu.i iipcn an account at one or more hanks, to he appro- nvaMm ,-. Veil hy the nnmajijei's, in his own name, as treasurer of tlu' asy- lum, and he shall deposit therein all moneys, immediately on nceipt thereof, and shall di'aw for the same only for the uses of tile a-yluni, and in the manner pre-erihed in tlu' hydaws, u|ton llic written order of the steward, speeifyiiii; the ohjeet of tlu^ payment: he shall keep full and ai'cuiatt' accounts of reeeij)ts iiiid payments, in the manner directed in the 1)\ -laws, and such "tlicr accoinits as the mana^^crs may preserilu'; he shall halani e all the accounts of his Iiooks annuallv, on the last ilavufOe- .1; I ? .Ill, I ^' m:\v .ii;i!si:y tiilit r, ami make a staliinciit uf ihr lialaiircs tliiTri.ii, tm.l an ali- sirait uf llic ri'((i|its ainl |iayiiHiits ol' ihr pa-t vcar; wliiili lir sliall w illiiii 1 \\M (la\ - ilicirarici'.ililivi r |(i I he aiidil ill;: luiiiiiiil- |i (• nl' the iiiaiiaL;v|->. wlm sliall i'iiiii|iai'c t lie ^-aiiic wil li I lis 1 k~ and v!t r a •I'lii'i.Tiy (iiiailcrh' statrnicnt uf lii^ rccciiits and iiaxiinni-, i.M. i|.t. iiii.i ,,11 ill,, (ii'^t Mmidav ol' l'( lii'iiarw Mav ami AujiI, I'liyii iH 111 ■..'.■ r-i 1 '"■'"'■"'• ill tacli VI ar, to lliv auditing (•"'iiiinillrc, who ^1 lai ('(» iu|>arc and Niiil'y tli I' ^aiiic as aliii'csaitl. and I't'inn'i tiic n I III stills tlurccl". duly cert ilicil, tn the niana^^crs, \vlii> shall raii-i the same hi he recorded in oiu' of the hooks of {\iv iisyluiii; he -hall, further, I'eiider an jU'count of the state of his hook>, and of the funds and other |iro|ierty in his cuslocly, whuucvor icijuired so to do hy the iiiaiiauci's. ill. The treasurer of the state asyUuii for the insane at Mer- ristown, Xe\v .h'l-sey, shall he vested with the same jiowers, ri_>;lits and authority which are innv ;^iv( n ('•■'<■ 1)V law to the ovel'seers of the poor in aiiv townsiuit M.iil. p. (i'J.l, 'ri'MiiiriTiiiay ('M||||i|'l |M|V- Mti-ll( pl'IIH'M III' III or city in tlu' stale, so far as may hi- inu'cssary Inr the indemnity and iHiielit of the said asylum, and for the |iiir- ]iose of comiiellin^;- a relative, or eoniiiiittee, or ;^uardian, to di- fiay the expi'iises o|" a lunatic's supiiort in the asylum, am! reinihurse actual disl)Urs(>nients for the necessary c-iothin^^ and traveling- exj.eiisos, accoi'din_^' to the hydaws of the institu- tion ; also, for the purpose of coercin_L.' ilu' payment of similar chariics, when due from any couii'y that is liable for the .-up- port of any lunatic in said as\ium. ',y2. Said trea-iirer shall al-^o have authoiMty to recover, fnr the use of the said asylum, any and all sums which may he due upon any note or bond in his hands beloiiLnnt; to the asyluiii ; also, any and all sum-; which may ln' (duu\i;ed and due, accordin;;" to the by-law- nf the asylum, for the support of any patient therein, or wlm may have been therein, oi' for actual disbur-einents made iii his behalf for necessary (dotIiin<; and ti'avelin^' expenses, in an aetiun to be bi'ou;;lit in said treasurer's name, as treasinn' of tlu' state asylum I'or the insane at ^b»rristown, New Jersey, and wliicdi shall not abate, by his death or removal, a.n'aiiist the individual or county legally liable for the iiiaintenuuee of liiiil p. i;i;:i, .>|ii|M.ys iliii'. Iiinv r''ci)Vi' Ni:\V .1. |;-IY (•> iiiil [iatirnt, jiinl lia\iiin' nt'_i:l''MrIi simi as »li;i|! !m' ruiiml ilui'. witli iiili-r- cst fiiiiii ll;i' lime lit' tlic lln' ii-ylniii. cxii'iitt' a I'clca-i', ami arkii'iulriluc lull -ali-ra'tiuii tliccrul', m) (liat llic same may In- tli-r!iar,Li\liini, "i'l • ' ' < till I i>iiti<'ii nil I prrsc rvf the nii^inal ri(ri|.|s tin rmt', ami kcc]' "I'-t. hu-i lull ami acruratr aftiiiinis uj' till' -amr. auil rnpir- of all ni'ihis ili'awn hy him^ilf ujH.n thr trra^urcr: he -hall aNn, nmlcr like ilirirliiin"^. makr luutiacts, in the su|ii'i'inti mlcnrs name, w illi ihr att('n(lan1> auil a-si>ianis, ami kci]) ami ■-cltK' their ai'cnnnls ; \\v shall al><> krr|i t lir a/cuunt I'nr tlii' ••uii|'i>i't of tlit; liatimls, ami cniichsis jncurri'l in tlnir hchalf, ami fni-nisli the Iri'Msuicr cvci-y mniilli with riipir- of >urh as fall iluc; ho shall niaki' i jiiartcrly ah-trarl-- nf all hi- aci'iiimts t(» ^i,.,,, ,,,,^^,, thr la-l Mumlay ofrviry .January. April. July ami rurit^ai J V 1 1 1* i I 1 1 1111 II'"* iU'ruii Ills. Octiihci', lur Ihr ti'ia-iirir and niana^ci's; lir >ha!l al-o )•(' ;u'('ountalilr lor the can fill ki'i'|)in,n- ami ccononrlfal use nf iill I'lirniturc. >t,>ics ami nthir artiijis iiroviilcd fnr th<' asylum, and shall, annnnlly. dni-iiiL;- the tliii'd week in ( )rtiiiier, make out and I'lniiishthe manaui rs with a tiaie and |ierei't iiiveiitiuy, verilied hy uath. of all the per-mial prnjierty hc- lnn;;in.u' to the a-ylum, in and ahout the jireuiises, wiih an a|'|uai-^al thereot', made, under oalh oi" allirniation, hy niinsi If and two suitalde pei'sons, whom the inaiiaLi'ers shall '.|ijioint I'nr that iinr[ioary ilii-f(- tions re.'«|teetiiig atlniis.sinii and >ini[Hirt, aeeonling tu ihe liy- laws. I!.". The inana;^ei's nf tin ^tate asylum fur the in-ane,al Mor- ristown, New Jersey, -hall reeeivi' no compensalinn I'ur iheir serviees; l»ul they shall leeeive llieiv arlua! traveiinn' exjienxs, lo he paiil hy (he .-late treasurer, on the waiTant ol' the auditor, on ihe ri mleiin^ i,i' tlieii' aecounis ; no coini, juiluc, ehrk or other oHjccr shal! reeei\ e any eoin|).ii.-at iou I'or any .-erviet s |n rlornied under ihi-; aet. ;](). All jiurehases \'nr the u.-e ol' -aid a.-\luni .-hall oe made n.iii p >i'j7, Mitiiu».'i'>" i>>'t Id rrci'ivi' mi.v (■iiiii|ii'ii'n fur Mirviii">. I'or eash, and nut on credit or lime; every vo;icliir diall he tal lilleil u|> at the time il is taken. I'lirc'liaxi'M [i.'i'u'to'l'iu"' acconi|ianyinL; every al'>tra taken ; and the manaj;ers >hall make all neeiirul rules to enforce the }ii'ovi.-ion.s of ijii;* section. Admission .wn DisciiAian:. U7. No jicrson shall headmitlcd into said a>ylum. as a pa- tienl, cxee|it upon an order from some eoui't or jud;;r authorized tosend patients, without lod.^in^ with ilu- supei'inlendent — lir.-l, a rt(pie.-t, under the hand u\ the jicrson hy whost' direction he is sent, statin;j; his a.ti'e and jilace of nativity, if known, his ihristian nanu' and surnann , ]ilac( of re.-id( nee, oi'cupation, and diuree of relation.-hip, i.r ■I'll ]h\.] p. iij:i, Ji |M|. Ailllli'iniiiu iif imtlciits. other circumstance of I'onncction hi tuecu him ami the per: rcijuestin^'; his adnnssion ; and second, acertilicati' dati^l williin one month, umler oath, signed hy a respectahle physician, nf Ihe fact of his heiii;;' insane; each person si^nin;;' sui-h ri'ipii-t or certilicate shall anmx to his name hi- [irofo-ion or occupa- tion, and the town>hip, county and state of his i-esidi'Ucc, un- less these facts appear on the face of the dorununt. '.IS. The supi'rinteudent shall make, in a hook kept fur tlic U'i'i I' 'Ji. iiurpose, at the time of recciition. a minute, with date, S I"'- , . . . . K.roii ,,i ;„i. (,]' til,, iiame, residence, ollice and occu|;ation of the ''^'i"- person hy wliom or by whose authority each in.-ano II ; I NT.w .11 i:iii|iimyiiiL!; Iiiiii, ciiiTriilly lilnl. ami r -aiil a-yliim, uiidt'i' saiil nili~ ami rfyiilatimis, iiia\ at all tiims n.i.i p .ij4, kccii^iicli iiuiiiiicrof iialiciits. in jii-t i>r(i|M»i-tiMii with i'r..i'..riinM(.f ' . ' • 1 I |.. II. •nil M (il lii'ifdUiit ii'-i. a- tlir a-^yliliiH'aii acii'iiiiiiiM|;:ic,\\|ii(li ••"' i' > y- projKirtinii shall he rciMilaii il l>\ the inaiiaLit i~ ; it' any oninr iiiDic III' llic cnnntic- sli( iiM m>l -cnil their lull prnjiort i<>n, tho vai'uui'ifs may !"■ alldltfil hy the manau'crs In utlui . i>tnitifS >(» ( iilitlc(| lia\ uil: patiriifs wIkum ilicy nia\' desire tn -i i:i|. •l(>. \\'lif'ni'\ I I- any paupi i-. chai-iivahjc in an\ cuuiiIn cnliilcd |(i scinl |iati('iil- i(tsaitl asylum unihr^aiil lailc- r ; 1 iim.I|.. im, rcutilntinns. mav he in-^anc, it -hall he thr iliMvof rr.i.".'.iim-in the nvcrsccr 'I I'll' |i(Mir in tlir tn\vii«-ni|i wluTrin lie rini' ■■•'■ rcsitli'S. to make apiilii-atioii «>ii his In hall" to any Ju'Il;! of the court of common picas of the county ; ami said juduf shall call one r('-p('ctali!e phy.-ician. ami fully invest ii^ale the facts of tin- la-c, and if sati-lied, alter such cxaniimdion, tlia< the di-eaional Older to such overseer, which shall he i IVectual when approved as hereinafter pro\ idi (|, rei|uirini:: him without delav tn take such insane pauper to -aid asylum, where he shall he kept and snppoi'(e(| at the expeii-e of the county in which is his re-idence, until he shall he restored to soundiioss of mind, if elVected in diree years ; the judi:e. in such ca'^e. shall have power to v.'om- pcl the attendance of witncssi'S. and sliall present lln certili- 'iite of the physician, taken umler oath, ami other papers re- lating thereto, and a paper of the proceedings and decision to the chosen freeholder, f)i' freeholders, if thei'e lie hut one hv lawor1)ut one ai'tiuLT l>v reason of the ileatli. sickness or other disahilitv of the other, of the township whei'e such lunatic is found, who -hall examine the saim\ and if satid to the relief allortled by this act, diall endorse the word "a[)- piove(| " upon paid eeriifieato an- proceedin<:s, and shall sieu their oflicial names thereto: which saiil cortifieate and pi'o- cccdings sliall he tiled with the eli-rk of the countv, who sliall '^J U% ^ 47S Ni:\v .ii:Ksi:Y forward to tlie snpcriiitciKlciil ol' t lie ;i-yliiiii wlicrc sudi insiinc jiaiipi'r is f(tiiliiH'il, ((ipics of said |iriir('f(iiii^s and I'l liilii ale aiitlit'iilicali d liy tiic fliik iiiidci' seal of lli<' ci 'lit, aihl rcpur! tlif lads lo till' liuard of flio-ri! iVc'lioIdci s, \vlio-c duly il sliall lie to laiso the luolirv i'ci|!;isilc !o meet I ln' fXpcii^c^ of sii|i[ oil, and as soon tlici't aflor as inacticaMc pay it tu tlir lnasiir<'r pf tlic a-yliiiii : lait if said frocjiolih rs si, all not lie >atiha!l not adniitti'il to Hir said asylnni at the expense oi the said eonni\ •11. When a jierson residing' in a eonnt\' entitled to iiii.i p. i;-'i, lunalies to said as\luin under said rule- and i Ji llCi -elKl e::ii- iiiiliL'i'iii iii- s:iiii' |"'i>ciin I'r.M-.T. lines lations,and ni iiidi;^-ent eircuin.-lanet s, not a paupei'. Dies insane, ap[ilieat ion may he made in !iis oeeo i)ehalf to an\' jud^c of the court of eoiniion leas of the county wln're he resides; and said jud^i' sladl call respettahle physician and other ci'edihie witnesses, and f ully investipite the facts of the cas<, and cither with or withnii! the \H'i'(lict of a Jury, at their discretion shall diciile the ra-e as to his insanity and indigence: and if thcs.'iid jud;..':e make a Ctrl ilieat<' that sati-faelnry pi'oof has heen adiluccd, siiowJiiL;- Iiim to he insane, and his estate insiilUcii'iit to sujiporl and his I'amily (or if he has no family, himself), under the visitation of insanity, on such certilicate. authenticated hv tin county clerk, under the seal of the court, he shall he adiiiille(l into said a-^ylum, ami supported there, at the e.\peii-^r of said (■(amty, until iic shall hi' re.-toreil to soundiu'-s of mind, il' elleeted in thl'ce years; t lie saiil jud;^n' in such shall have rcipiisitc powci' to compel tlu' atundanee <<{ witne«es aiid jurors, and shall li C I lie « ■ertiru'ate of the nh\s jiiiysiciaii, taUe!i under oath, .and other papers I'clatinLi; thereto, with a lepurl (if his proceedillLlS and (h'cisioll. with the (deik of the ci imtv, anil ri'porl the fad to t!ie'I of chosen IVeeholdeis, w!in-;(_' duty it shall he to raise the iiKUiey re(pii.-ite to med i cxjieiises of suj)port, and, as soon thei'caltci' as pradicahlc, |i it to the treasurer of the asylum; proridal Ao/r^v/', that il'sii i'r"vi-. invi'stiuation he made without sumnioninu, a in uc av I'll rv therein, the .said certitieate and procei'din,iis shall be presented NKW .i]:i;si:v •IT!) 1 1 to tlio friM'lioKli'r or iVi'dioldcrs of \\\v townsliip wlurc sucli liuuilif is fouiid. who sliall t'xaiiiim' and jtrocrcil tlicrcoii in all n'Sjiocts and witli llic same toi'cc and circcl as is provided in lliat Iti'iiall' in llio last [tri'et'din;;- sci-tion of this act, and tiio clerk of saiil connty shall, if said iV* choldcrs apjirove naid ccrtilicatc and |iroi'i'cilin.L:s, nport the J'acts to the l)oai'd of fri'choldcrs whose ilnty it shall ihtii he to provide for the ex- penses of the support of saiil lunati;- and to ]tay the amount as soon as practit'ahle to the ticasurer of said asylum. -I'J. When an insane person resitlin;^ in a comity eiititleil to send lunatics tosaid asylum under said rules and i\"^ ulations, and in indiuent lii'cuinstances, shall have .-5 Uiiil p. liJ.'i iceu sent to said asylum hv his tVieiid w ho 1 lavo I.XI< IJ'-iull Kit lilni' ul' |iilti<>lll ill paid his hills thei'ein for six months, if the superin- ""■' '"" icndent shall certify that he is a lit patient, and likely to lie heiu'titcd hy remainiiiii' in the institution, the chosen free- hnldi'rs ot' the county of his residence are authorized and re- (|uireil, upon an ap[i!ication, under oath, in his hehalf. to raise a sum of monev suHicicut to defrav the expenses of his reinainiuij; there a year, ami pay []\c same to tiu; treasui-er of said asylinn ; and they shall I'epcat the same for two succeed- \\\>^ years, u]>on like applieatit)n, and the production of a new cirtilieato each year, of like import, from the su[!erintendi'nt. 1;]. No person shall he admitted into saiil asylum for a shorter i)eriod than six months, ext-eiit in special 'i',;.''' "''' (■apecial a,i;i'eements, whenever there luv \wu\y. !■■::, vacancies ni said asylum, smai ea>es as may seek .\.iiiii.sKj..ii in ... " ' ciisi' 111' vsnaii- adiiiission. <-i.-. 4."). .\11 town and county oHicers sendinj;- a i>atient t<» said asylum, shall, ln'fort' semliuLf him, see that he is in ni.i p. li.v., a state of perfect hodily eleanliiu'ss. and is com- chimhv ,,tiic.-is Inrtahlv elotheihaiK' provided with suilahle changes '"'tiiinK. (if raiment, as |irescrihed in tii" hy-laws. ■111. 'I'he price t(.> !je paicl for kei'iiine>- any ]ierson in indijj;cnt circumstanees in the asvlum, exclusive 1" clothiu'!'. U'i.i p. oat!, shall he aniiuallv fixed hv the manauers, and shall ^-^ inn.'n.ira nut exceed three dullurs per week; but the managers •'"'■••ih. m -ISO NKW ,ii;i!si:v. S ii:.. clutliiiii.'. riP si'iit liy •'iiiiiiiii's. i'.'.'.'!lf'.'/i,„ii nifiv I'cducc tlic pi'icc, if (lu'V tliiiik iiroiier, in licli.ilf ii'\''IiV,y'i','i'!ui. <»f <'iH' iiidij^oiit itatiuiit iVdiii each fouiity, if iidinitttd ,.j..,..s auiiu- ^^.jtijj,, j,j^ moiitlis of (lie lirst attaydaws of the asylum. u[iou the order of the stewanh countersigneil liy the suiu'rinteii h iii , and the cliorht to require every indivi(hial or eounty that is legally liahh- for the su]>port of .such ])atient. to i-einiburse the amount of said bills, witii in- terest, from the dav of i)avin!>.. in p.,y t]j(3 actual and reasonable exrtenses of such re- """'"'' moval, as part of the exj>enses of said county ; hut if any {lerson be legally lialde for the supjiort of such pa- tient, the amount of such expenses may he recovered, lor the us(> of the eounty, by said collector; if such eoUectnr neglect or refuse to pay such expenses on demand, the treas- urer of the asvlum mav pav the same, and charu'i" the ameinit */ til- ' < . to said eountv, and the couutv collector shall i)av the same Urn 3S i Ni:\v .ii:i!si:y 4S1 witli iiitcrc-t : ami tlio fliuscii IVccliolilcrs of saiil I'duiily sluill luvy and raise- the aiiioiiiit, as hIIkt coiiiily cliar^rs. oO. J-'vcry t(i\vnslii|i or comity [layin^ lur the support of a lunatic in said asylum, a- for lii< cxpi-nscs in .Lioin^ to or from the sanic -liall liavr ti \]kv riuliis am s^ ii: nruvcn-il. reniL'dies to recovrr the amount< of such paynunt- with interest from the time (jf paying such hill, as if such ex- pense had been incurred for the supjiort of the same, at otiier phices under existinu' hnvs. »1. X one o til f th d le i)rovisionso fth lis act [)erty ol the insane. 52. The said manaiicrs, upon the superinten'•). No patit'Ut shall be ilischarged without suitalile clothing, ami, if it cannot be otherwise obtained, the steward ii,i,i ,,. ,;.j7. >lial!, upon the order of two managers, furnish it; r'.ft'iiini.', I'tc. al>ii money, not exceeding ten dollars, to defray his Ii'i-'i'i'i.,V!,'„ ais- iieccssary expenses, until he reaches home. I. The terms " lunatic " and " insane," as used in this act, in- clude every sj)ecies of insanity, and extend to all de- ,,,|,, ^ ^,,- nuiged per.sons, and to all of unsound minds, other r.'rnis " hiim. tlian idiots; the words " arorristown, ""'""'''■ Xc\v .Jersey; a word denoting the singular number is to in- t •r. ' -1S2 Ni:\V J Kit SKY. m. fludc one or many; and cvt'iy word iniiioi'tin;^ tlic inasculino t-cndcr onlv. niav (^Ntciid to and inclmlc li'nialcs. ."."). 'I'licrc shall he paid from (lie state trcasni'v, in (juai'tcrlv p. ';j7. payments, auij npon the warrant of the eomptrolKr, PM.\iiM'iiti..ii.' to the treasnrer of the said asvlnm, the sum ol' on.. iimili' l.y till- 1 1 ' • "i.if 1 'I'- doluir per week towai'd the maintenance anil Keci) .•r li.riii.liyiiit ... ... . i'""|"- of (>acli indigent ])atii'nt in said asylum, hein^ tlir sanu' amount now allowed hy law to the state lunatic asyhuii at Trenton, lor the same purp(»se. .")<;. it' the jnd,i;-e to whom application shall he made on hchalf 11.1.1 p >;r. of anv insane pauper shall be satisfied upon the ix- ■\vh..n,in.iL'.' amination of the case, nnide in the manner pic- -;in,|.iiiii..i- .•^erilx'd hv the twenlv-third section* of this act, that to l"> |-.'lll..V.'.l ■ " t(. ti,.'a said asylum, to h(> kept and supjiorted in the manner and tor the time in the .said section mentioned. 57. If the hoard of'U freeholders of the county upon Avhii'h any insane patient may he chargeahle, shall, at any I'cyular or special meeting, request that such l»atient be confimied at the sait and suj)ported at said asylum for such period of tinu', at the expense of the -;iid county, to be raised ami jiaiil in the manner [treseribed liy the i'r.)vi-.). said act; ])ror idaJ, {\\iit the saiil Ixiard of tdioseii freeholders mav at anv time revoke the said renuest ; dinl fur- tJiir, that such patient may be discharged or sent back to the overseers of the poor, or to the poorhonsc of the township ur county whence lie came, in the manner and for the reasons mentioned in the thirtv-eighth section of this act.t o.S. When any patient shall be removed from one of tlie ii.i.i |,. t'7 '^iiid<' asylums to the other, under the rules and 11.1.: p. tj:;:, S 117. I'aliciit limy Ih' r..litilli|.'.l ill ii-yliiin ..II ri'.iiit'>l ..r (•li.isfii Ir. 'I'- ll. )l.liM>. Diilv ..f ill I'CLLulations hereinbefore authorized and directed, it * See ? 107, pi. l?>. snimi. t This sliiiiilil be 'i o'j uI' tlie act ; see § 119, [il. 52, siipri. N'HW ,11 ; I! >i;v, y <.f 11, '"'" ''•■(.1,1 n-Iii,.|, J ^"I"'n'nu.|i(|..ii( (,(• (I 4.S3 ''•""l"'n'n((.ii,l,,„( „|- ,j "' J-^ i'f"niov<.,I. („ ,!,.],• 10 nsv- '"<'\'<''l,flic../Ii,ial ,1 "^^■'•"" t.) \v|,i,.l, I vcr (() (ho "•' II I > III ,.i,,a iii'ival ..(■ ""■"y "1' wiiici, (I and wliicli I ticnt in tl "••""K'llts ;i||.| ,,;,, H' i.s r(i- i"i"i"iit (>.,i, iiuy IC 1> .let, aiij .'IS (nj line .'Dili I'aticnt wa- "■'■^ iiiidcr (li l-Vl MIJI 1. 1 aiKJ (I anil na( I not '■>■ -All in.|nt'.s(, on ., ■'■•'t'd out of (I ""''■(•<<>, an, I (I JiiTetoi; "''•'■^ylnni ((, nj,i,.l, | '<'»'ii .so removed. ''""■('s ofidi le mtl aid '■^''•'■ivcd and nn.l •'winionts and cr ">'"i^v lurdet jiapeiv '^' l« I'C'iiioved. '"K'li J)alient as J I •/••y and Innaev shall he d <''>niini>si,,n of id liicv otcrniined l,v "' <'f)iirt of eh "I- Innacv, is- laiice the cl court of (I ('er(i/i I'i'actice,!, and l'i'oceedi„„., ^j ""'<>i-y an. I ,v( iirnabh IM.I ,,. fi le ''<'"n shall 1 II. hii.i ■ilillj;^ '■V ami lor sna II " cases of i,Ji )e '(" fount v wl <"inse to he tr • »cy oi- 1 iei'(> "^^■'^Vy of nil proeeod "•Ii idiot oi- 1 "i-^niitted to tl miacy found, "' •"•l>lian,- ^^'".•h shall I •^•■lid county; directed aiid '".ys whicl ii'iutie jnay ivshh that I '•"•■] "■ '•^^'•'/'••'•••l and h-ledintl '""' ^'"'-^aid orphan. '■*''l"iivisfi(H.s of the oo 'c iound, hv permitted t ii.ii ""' wal8, directed ?ccrsof (ho /.oorof (I to (1 \\arran( under (1 O ifo p. ii^i.-, "'■'Had j)erson '« c'lfy or ton-nsl "■ay ho found, to 10 o\-orsoer leir oi- over- .1 at I
  • n> HI HliiVli siuli 1 <;.'ll•^• ;.. - ' '"^ ' > JOekod lui .n..? . i • , . nnatic siin ^"hui (h '"■ H'liiat " wme Hoe,i,-c pi ICG within up, and el •' ^'"unty within whici 0, a.- >uch ■^11 eh ci( J said ei(v 'allied, if jn.s(ieo.s shall hv (I y or (ownsl ^i- towiiship shall oo aj)- neeos- 'ip, or '[' ^''^0 the las( lecral se(tl '"^"'^'"■p in (ho said 'y- ^varrant dir-vt and """f •'<■ such lunat ""y city or t county; hut '(•or matiees of tlir [naee of tlie eounty, lo wliidi sueli |iir.~oii shall lie sent in manner aforesaid; and in <-ase ihc last lej^al [ilat-e of settlement is nut known, or cannot at tlic lime he asrtrtained, it sliall and may be lawful for any two justieis of the jieaee in and for said eouiily, hy warrant under their hands and seals, directed lo some one or more of the eonslahles or overseers of the poor of the city or town-lii|i within such county, to cause such |iei-son to l>e a|t|irehendrd lUid eonveyeil to any place provided in .-aid e ject sliidl he taken by the c(»urt of common plea<. whose duty it shall be to decide thereon, and the reasonabh' charges lor apiirelien(liii<:-, niainlainiiig, keeping- and reinovinjx such person, shall he made and levied of the j^^oods and chattels of such person, liy warrant of distress, from two justices of the peace of ilir ( ounty where svudi ii'ootls and chaltels may be found ; but in case sulHcient <;oods and chattels of such lunatic or mad })erson cannot be found, the cluiri)ort of the poor ; and in case the last le'2. Tin* >aie an examination to hi' made n.ii ,,. ,;(,.i, into the eondition and circumstances of such idiots w'h',.,, '.Mitt.. and lunatics: and if it shall appear to them that ''""• there is reasonalde jirotnid t(» l)riieve that any of such i»ersons can he restored to their rij^iit mind, it shall he their duly to cause suo. It shall an|>oint a committee of saitl hoard to n.i.i p. <;(h], act in the interval- hitween the iixed and u'c"- ' if.-i,..i,i,.rg '^ i.Mv act l>y rial meetin;;s. if they shall deem it expedient so to 'oumun-;: do, (jf such nutnher and with such powers as they shall deem proper. SlPI'ORT OF IXSAXK IX Cot XTY AsYLUMS. (14. The sum of one dollar per week for each county )»atient conlined in any county lunatic asylum, estalilished M,i,i ,, ,;..,_ hy the hoard of elmsen freeholders of such county, r,Iip'„y luna- sliall Ije paid by the -tate treasurer on the warrant '"^^ ■"■> """"• of the comptroller, to the atients which may have been thus supported in said asylum, during the precedinjjj quarter, com- iiutimj from the first dav of Januarv, one thousand eianr panixT in tliu asylums (if said ctiiinlii's. rcsiicctivciy, at tlicir r.\- [icnsc, tliii'(^ to remain lor tim lfn;;tli ol' time set forth in the said ad and sii|i|ili'nii'nts thereto. (iU. in all eases where, hy the laws of this state, a person in indigent eireumstaiiees, not a pauper, heeoines in- sane and applieati(»n sliall he made in hi< hehalf in the mode and manner |»reserihed hy the act last afon- said and (he supplements thereto, it shall he lawful ti» place sueli jJi-rson in the county asylum of the county where he resides, for the lenj^th of time in the said act and supplements expressed, if such person he char^eahle to said countv. I 11 >< 2 I ll'>llll(- ilhli- j;>'ii|H inav In- |>llli'> il Ml ill- ^iiii4* a^vluniH iif rHiinly WlltTI' thl'V )( IM.I : liiNiiiii' ]'a lii>iil» iiiiiv III i-iVl'll i'.i lid hoards of chosen freeholders of saiil coin tl II V r<'spei-tiveiy, may, m their discretion, receive insane patients in said asylums, respt'ctively, for pay, umler '"'>""■'"'" su
  • . (Icuifc coiitiiiiU'S. iiiid it' it does, sliiill onlcr him in siil'c cii-^- tiiily. iinc sent lo the iisyjiini jircs.Tilxd liy tlic lilies iiiid I'cmiliitiuns iiloiTsiiid ; liic cuiinty tVniii wliidi In- is xnt sliiill dflViiy iill liis fXlK'iiSfS while there, iilid of selidilit;- him hiU'k, if ri'turned; hr the e(»uiily nniy recdver the iiimiiint <(» |iiiid fnun liis own estiite, if he liiis iiiiy. or fidiii iiny icliitive or county tlmt would Inive heen bound to providu for iiiid niiiintinn him elsewhere. 7". If iiny |ii'rson in eonliiiemeiit. timler inilictnieiit or for Wil lit of hiiil for tiood liehiivior, or lor keeping the i jieiiee or iippeiiriiiL^ iis a witness, or in eonsc't|Uenee 5 I'- ill iinv sumniiirv eonvii-tioii. or l»v or.h'r of iinv jus- <•»<,<■ i'< • • • I.I L i I i';i*f <»t III- tii'c. or undi'r any other tluin eivil proee; ^iiall ii|»- |ie;ir to he insane, tlie jiKiye of the eireuit court of the county where he is conliiie(l !^liall institute a careful invi'sti^iit ion, call ;i respectahle |iliysiciiin iind other creilihli' witnesses, in- lirosecutor of the plciis to iiid in the exiimiiiiit ion vile th mid, if he shall (K'ein it neci'ssary, call a jury, iind for that liur[iose is fully empowered to compel the iitleiidjiiice of wit- nesses and jurors ; iind if it he satislactorily nroveil that he is iiisiine, siiid judj^e niiiy discluir^e him I'rom imprisonment, iind or(ler his salV' custody iind reinoviil to the asylum, ;is pre- ^(•lihed liy the rules iind re<:;uIiitions afori'Siiid. where he sluill riiiiiiin until restored to his ri<;lit mind; iind then, if the siiid juduc shiill have so dii'cvted, the superintendent sliiill inform the Siiid jud^e iuul the county clerk and prosecutor of the pleas thereof, whereupon lio slwill he remanded to jirison. iind (•I'iiiiinal proeeedin<>s he resumed, or otherwise di-^charued ; tlic provisions of the hist [)re(,'eilinenses of a piitient sent to the, sliiill he e(|Uiilly iipplicahle to siiiiihir expenses arising under this section iind the (»nc next followinjjj. ir 4.S,S m:\v ,ii:i:si;y 71. I'd'^iiis cliar;;!'!! with inisdcineanors, ainl aciinidcd on iiiid p. (W, llic iiTuiiiiil ol' iii kept in cu.^lnilv jiimI ill, nni liiiiii si'iit to the asvluiii, iins('rilK'(l hv said nilis :ini| iT^ulatioiis, ill tlic sanu' way as persons cliai';;!'.! Iiir ini«il 'iiiiii- Willi eniiif "■_'. A |i:iliriil of llic criiiiiiial clas-; may lie ilisclinrycil l.y onlcl' of oiii' of the justices of the sujireiiie coiiit, if, •f ii|»oii due investigation, it shall aiipear safe, leuid and ri;;lil to niaki' such oilier. To. No idiot or Innatic dnriii;^' the time of his or her lunacy, .shall 1)0 or stand committed or detained in luisdii for want of hail, or his or hei- hodv taken in execu- li>i.i p I-.-: l»|. Im iiiiini'...iii'.i. tion in any civil action, or in any ar|i m for a | K'll- altv and in case anv idiot or huiatic shall he arrested iiiid (lelaiiieii 111 custody in any civil suit, v-ontrary to the true iii- t( nt and meaning:' of this act, he or she shall hf discliarj,M'(|, ,,u motion, hy the court out of which the jiroeess i.ssued,on which he or she is so held in custody, or u|ion a writ of hah(>as cor- jius issuiiijf out of the court of chancery or the supreme court, and allowed hy the chaiici'llor or one ef the Justices of the su- preme court, retuniahlo forthwith hel'oro the chancellor or any one of the justices of the su[)reme court. m:w m i:\ico. CAKi: Ol' IN.x.VNK. 1, ('((iiiini-i^iiin lit' Imiicv, Imw issia-i 1". Iii\. 6. ( i;. I ciriii ;iiii| jKiwcr iirciiiiiiiii.>M«n. In'ii til i>Mie. irti' III' ((iiirt. (iiiiiiii'">iplii':rt on, In lie liiii'iic Ity !i|i|ilii':iii(. ITS (if I'litiiiiii-siiiiii'rs ail il slicri ii: ersipii aifi'iifvi'il iiiav liaversi' m- iMIislllnil. 10. T '»'tii|iiirai'v ciiiiiiiiitini'iil to cii and caic nt" i-siato. <\i»\\ 17. « >ii I'ailiirr c.| ill 1^. !>. sniialtv Mini rcall V (Tec i< I sal. ill' of I f, anil |iriM'i'('iliiii.'s. HT- ih iliiius wlii'ii ival ('Stall- is in !lllii|li('l' r. Iti'Imii Ill's lie liy I'nniinillct'. '2[. .Mmii'v III' iiiiiaiii' 111 111' iiivi'stoil. ClilMINAI. INSANi;, 1- x<'iii|itii>ii Irmii arrest ami iiiipriS' iiniiii'iit nil I ivi 'I'.'t. .laili'i- til n'|iiiit iiisaiir illiiiali" ml I' l'llllll,'S tlHTl'llli 11. CdiiiniilU'c 111' piTSDii anil estate to Ul. ('Ink to itiiIi'v imn'i'til li. a|.|. I iti'ii. II ngw cai iMi: anil I'xaiiiiiiatinn. \'2 I'iiiiiiiii,' of I'liMiniittoe to np]ily "Jii. Noii-aiToiintaliiiily tu law, investi- r(ii|i;liiiiil ti'iritiiiv. ;,'at|ii|| 1)1 llisaiiltv. til l.'i, N'oii-ri'sidi'iit ('i)ininitti'(' not to inter- I'lTi' with piTson iir fstate. II. Iiii|iiisilioii out of ti'i'rilory to la- 2S. ('nnipi'iisalinn of roinmilti'i' fixed Imliui'iit insaiu', siipporteil 1>T roiintv. .'Vill eiice lit insanitv. y eiiiirt, and how paii d. 1. It shall Ik- lawful lor any dislrict jtidu'c in this tcrrititry til issue a euiiiiuissidii. in tcrni or vacatinn time, in (i.'n.iai ...... of Issii.rli, 7-1, I lie natiiiTora writ ' i ' lii-iirii't jiicU'o into tlif liinacv or hiihitiial (Irunkciincss ol'anv per- to i«s,i.' lom- ' IMISSIiHl III SOU within this tcrrilorv, or Iiavinj; ival or personal '"I'oi'nr writ ~ ' ill' liniilllr.i estate therein. Siieh eonmiission sluill issue in the '"i"''""'"- (■(lUiity in whieh such person, who is alleo-ed to he a lunatie or liahitual drunkard, : hall he or reside lor the time hein^'. If such person shall he ahseiit from the territory, the eommissioii shall issue in the eounty wliei'ein he la>t had his residence, or ill which his projierty is situiiti'd, tmd sludl hi- executed therein. ■J. The said eoiiimission shall lie in the followino- form, to wit: The Territory of New Mexico to (iri'ctins^: H7((/r(/.s, We have heen informed in our court that llii.l §2. Koiin 111' ooni- luisxiiiii. of till' eountv of , now a lunatic, * * * ' and we heintr i- irt(» m:\v Mi:xif(>. 11 ilfi W illillL; 111 1m lIMUr llllly --ill i.-lii i| n|' lllr -tiitc dl" thr ^;lilllllllllli| Villi. Ill' ;lliy lUu nl' ynll lit' llir cwlllllli^^iuli III' (lircrlcil III ilii'ir III' iiiuiT). lli.'it ill >iU'li ct'i-tiiin day aiiil |>liicr iis ynll (III' any Iwiinl' yuii) shall think lit, ymi ilili^riilly in- (|iiirt'. liy till iiatli^ nc aHii'iiiatiniis ot' >ix nr iiinrr l;iiiiiI a ihl law Till lllrll III' I III' riillllt\ III' liV whiilll lllr tllllh III' ill niatlri' iiia\- hr luttri' kimwii, wlnl lici' llir >aiil i- a Iiii la- t! :|! :|: :|; ir iiiit ; anil if \'iiii liiiil him tn he a liiiiali I', t lnii liiiw liiiiu' 111' halli lici'ii sii, ami if In- I'lijny-^ liiiiil iiilti'\;il-, ami III' what lamls ami Irmiiii'iits. ;^iiiii|< ami rliatlil- lnuii- ^(•i/i'il 111' (Mi.-sr-S(i|, (ir clilitlril to, at the tililc III' hi- lircnliiili^ 11 hmalir, ami the valiir tluTcor. mihI whctlui' he has siiivr aliiiiril 111' ilisjiiiMil III' thr saiiir. Ill' any |iai't ihci'mr. ainl lu Ami I'm' the |iiir|iiisc at'urcsaiil. uc iln anthnri/c wliiim. * * * '•■'"■■i-"!' ami I niiiiiwi'i' \iiii (ur aiiv Iwn nf \ mi ) In i— iif iimK r ClMllllli''- ' ' ' ' ••'•""■'■' yiiiir haml ami sral (ur the haiiils and si'aU uf anv two (>r yciii) all siirh writs of vciiirf. suh|innas. and hahcas corjiMs. as to yitii (m" any tun ufyiui) shall srcin iU'C(-.»ary ami jii'()|i(i'. and tit t'di'cc iilirdiciifc tn the >anic, and tn all nccr.-sarv orders and iiilrs in the lU' I'uUy as niir said cnnit nuiv hiw'l'uily iV)\ and the iiii|iiisitinii sn tn he niadc. ymi arr in I'r- tiirn In iiiir said cniirt mi nr liclnrc thr nf next, undrr ymir hand and seal (ni- thr hands and seals nt" any (if you) and the hands and seals i\\ tlmse liy whmii ymi si make that imiuisitimi and this emninissinn. , |il'esident (or as the t-ase may he), nlniil l\\ M lai Wit ness court, at th ilav ol A. I). IS Clirk nf the Ciiint. No siicli eoinmission as aforesaid shall i- sue exei'lit tllnili I Mil ;<:i. wi a III ■tition in wriiinu', of a relation hv ilood or iiuir- ii'ii i'i.)iii- 1IM^S|III1 to riau'e of the |ierson therein nanu'd.orof a |iii'snii w ho is inti'i'.'sti'd in the estate, and which |ieiiiinii nuist he a('eoni|ianieil hy an allidavit that the faets set fmili are true. And the court shall have power to issue said cniii- nii.s.sion to one |ierson only, who shall have the same imuii' in the premises as two or mm'e. 4. Jt shall hi' till' duty of the court at the time of oi'antiny' "''''«•«■ anv applicalioii as aforesaid, to make such order Or.lpiof ■ . couit. re.s|»ecting notice ol" the execution of the cunnnissioii M:\V Mt'XKo. !•! lit tin |i, rty witli ri>|i«ft iMwlmin -inli t Miniiii^-inii -liall Ix' issiiiil, >>i I'l -i>iii( n|' 111- III jir riLiiiiiii- <>y liiriiil-. wlm iiri iml nUKi rin I inlvi-iiMr I ill till' :i|>|ilir;M iMl, !!■' llir MlKl (oilll -hull I It >li;lll IprlllUlllI Inr till' inlllllli--iii|lcl' 111' «nlllllli--iiillrl': Mlllli><<*iilll- tii ilinrt ii M'liii'i' tu tin -111 riir, ri'ijiiirinn- liim in n -Uliiliiiili imt l<'-> lliali -i.N. Ii'il' liii'li' tli;ili iwrhr ••i- 1" .iirc-n V"hir4' to |ur-u||- ll|Hil| till' ilii|l|i'-l, il- till' I'ilrlllll-tlllH'fS ti) »li''iiil' tln'iii iiiiiy -ii'iii In ii i|iiirr. (1. If llir ciiUft >li;lll It III' nliillii'll tllilt llic |'iT-nll, willl fc- siici't tiiwlmiii llif id'iMi'i (liiiu> Jii'i' iii-tiliitcd, liiis niM" ' .... , \VIm II piTxiill III) oIjiIc, 111' lint -tlHit'ii III In jll-til'v till' r\|M'I|si' i>r '""• i ii>*'- ;l riilllllli-siiill. mill tllc |>l'nr('ri|illii'< llllili'l' it. 'Ill' jUilLir tin rin|", ill |i('i'>iiii. -Iinll liulil . jiirois iitti'liiIilijH' .siiil ciHii'l. :iiiil u liii'Ii |ii'i)rriiliiii:s -hall liav(> till,' iiki- t'lUTf iiinl illi'cl a- an iiuiuisitinii lidil l.y rniiiiiiis- siiiiici's a~; al'iii'r.-aiil. 7. I i' ii|iiiii -iii-ji iiiijiii-ilinii il .-Jiall apjuar that saiil |>iirty, w nil l'i'.-|i('{t InWiinlll tlir | Hi in-ii llll^- wi'Tc hail. IS II. 1. 1 iiiil a liinalir * * * U'lirn III) iinl it -hall ajiprar In the ;,r.Mii„i l\.r l|i|>lir;llhin. juil'it' •"■ •■"iiii"i.''^'-ii'ii linliliiii:' -iiili iiiijiii-iiinii that r^inv makini: •' >^ ■ ' . . il 1.. pay 111.' then' was not |if(»l»alilt' cause t'nr -uih a]i|>licatinn, '■^^-^■ the saiiir shall hr rcrtilicil nn such iiii|ui-itiiin. ami llii'i-i'U|inn the party iiiakiii;^' such apiilieatinu shall he liaMe I'm' the cnsts iif-aiil jirnceeiliniis, and the eh'i'k nf the cnurt is liereKv em- |in\Vereil In issue I'XeeUtinn Inf the same. N. Mvery .-iicli <'nnimi.-siiini r -hall ri'ceive twi) ilnllai's per ilii'lii i'ni' his services, ainl the |iersnns ini|iancleil ^^,■^,^.^ u\ni\\ the in(|Uest niie ilullar per dieiii t'nr their ser- ''''■^• vices. The slh'1-itl' shall receive lii'ty ceiils t'nr serving jirnce.s.s nil each jnrnr mi the imiuisiiinn. with the usual niileaue. '••. lively |>er.-nii a^iirieved l>y any iiiijuisitinii as atiu'esaid, may traverse the same ujn'ii. or alter, return of the ,,,1,, ,,, same, and |)rncced to trial therenn hefore a jury, and i','.'i',,V!.''M.'v in. have like remedy and advantage as in otlu'r cases lV.m.''>'e'ii'!''"^ U|inii untrue iiii|uisitioi'is. ''" • III. Il shall he lawful for the court, aftci' the return of the iiiuuisition as aforesaid, notwitlistandinu' anv trav- i,''''' s' '"• , CISC c»f the same that nia.v he i»endiii;r, to make '.",''''''r,'';L „ 492 Ni;W MKXICO. sucli (inlcrs (ducliiiiii; ilic care iiiid custody of tlio person, ainl tlic niiiiiiiiiCiiiciit and safe kccpiiiii- of tlic estate of any pei'snn, so found to be a lunatic, * * * as they sliall think m'ccssai\ and propc r. 11. On tlic rclui'u of any in(|uisition as aforesaid, lindiun lliii! ; n. that the p(M>Min therein named is a lunali * :|: I,','iI,V,''',n,'ni. it shall he lawful for the citurl to coniniit the cu> ]IOIIIt (Mlllllllt- loilv ind care of the jiersoii or estate', or of both, of su( '' * to such |ierii|) aid shall have the .sinu' authority and like e th led 111 riyt..aiic.iun- cacli aiid evei'v countv in the territ(»rv, as thai in tlo.i III tci-- w liicli the proci't'iliiit;s were had. 1.'). Tlu' appoiiilnu'Ut ol'any committee, of this territory, shall net authorize the person so appointed to control the * * ivsideiit within this territory, or to interfere with the r person or estate of any lunatic cat * * * eslate, situate within this territory, of any lunatic whether ri'sideiit within this territory or otherwise. 1-1. in the case of a person residino- out of tliis teri'itory, an iiiiiisu. duly found to he a lunatic, * * * accordinu' to tli laws of the i)lace in w hich he shall ri'sidc, it shall I Cat r por- siiii iTsiiliii: ontsicli' 111' ii'i'. riliirv. 1 lawfiU for the district court of any countv of tlii- terrilorv to admit c OtllCS ot f tile itrocecdinus in sucli ca ses. dulv autiieiiticated, as suliicient pn^of for fl e appointment of a colli niitlee of the person or estate of such |)erson fol' this territory. !■">. it shall he the duty of every such committee, within thirty (lavs after he shall liavi' assunuMi the duties Iliiil S i:i. Diily 111' ciini iiiiltcc. of his trust, to Hie in the clerks ollice a true and | .ftl ht- fect invenlorv of the jiersoiial property ot said lunatic * * that may have come to his liaiids. with a statei.ieiil of the real estate (hat has come to his possession or kiiowledu'e: and witliin thirty davs aftt'f any other real or persoiuil estate shall i ITT' mr f II m:\v mi:.\I('»». 493 linvc coinc to liis [)(>ss('ssi()n or kiiDwIcd^c. he slinll lilr a like inventory in the clerk's oiliee. 1(>. Til •onuiiitft'e ol" said pei'son t'oiind to lie a lunatic, * * * shall have the manauenicnt and control of n.^.i^,,, his jiersoii ami estate, and shall from time to time ^■' • apply so nMK'h thereol' as may he necessary I'oi' the support i nd maintenance of himself and family, anil for (he education o*" his niinoi' children. 17. If the iiiconii' of thei'state of such person is not suflicient for the i)urpos(> nientioiUMJ, he may apply such a n.i.i^,; portion of the {irincipal of the jicrsonal estate of ,!r'l;i;;:'iT" said lunatic, * * * as may he reipiird. under the ""'■""■'"• direction of the court. And if the pei'sonal estate of said lu- natic * * * siiall not he sullicient, said committee >liall. in such manner as the court may direi-t, sell or morlua^c such porti(»n of his real (state as may he deemed necessary, lint hcfoi'c any ajiplication shall he made to the court for the sale or moi'tii'a,u-e of real estate of said lunatic * * * , due notice of ,;ucli intended a|»plicat ion shall he jj,'iven to the wife, if any, or the next of kin of said lunatit- * * * . And if it shall Ik^ (leeme(I necessary, the court shall, hefore awarilin^ such order of saU' or niortj;a,<;'e, a[)point an auditor to investigate the con- ilition of the allairs of said lunatic * '■■ * , who shall report upon tlu> ex|)i'(lieney of awarding said oriler of sale or mort- jiMji'e. and the amount necessary to he raised. In. livery order for tlu' sale of real estate a-; aforesaid, shall specify the propi'i'ty to h(> s((ld, the notice of sale to ii,i,ii;is he li'lvi'ii hy the committee, the terms of sale, the l.ay'i'ni'iM.l'i'y amount of seen; ity to he uiveii hy tlu- committee, and the day on wliii h the order of sale is to he returned : and ( Very order for the mortpi^' of real estate' as aforesaiil shall ^pccily the amount to he raised hy mort^au'c, the property to he iuortpiji,'ed, the rate of interest to he paid, the auKanit of security to he oiven hy the i-ommittee, and the day on w liich tile order is to he ri>turned. l'.>. When the real testate of such j>erson is situated in another cnuiitv, or counties, or in the same and another nu.i (j in. county or counties, and the district i-ourt aloresaid t;ii.' i- in shall he satislii-d of the expt'diency of a sale or inort- <-.iMiiiy. gaj;i' of ii part of said J'eal estate not within tlu'ir jurisdiction, ' 1 'in 1 • 1 ! n .».] 1 49-4 m;\v Nri;\i((>, it sliall 1k' Inwfii] lor siu-]> court to iiinko an onlcr nutliovi/in^ such coiiiiiiitU'c to raise so iiuicli money as the said coui1 inav think necessary, from real estate situate in such county as thiv may ile-iuiiale: and thereu|iiin it shall he lawful lor the district court of the county wherein the real estate so desinnateil \^ situate. U|ion the petition ot'such coniinittee, to make an oi'd,i' for the sale or niort^ajj,'e of such part of said real estate as thev sliall think exjiedient and re(|uisite to I'aise the amount spi'cilied. ■JO. The comnuttec shall make return !(• the district cour' Uii.l 5 L'l). Coniiiiitti'c ti> iiKiK<' ri'ttirri to ili^llifl of the county in which the land is situate, and in such manner, and at such time, as the order of sale shall specify: hut no sale or moi't^an'c of said real estate shall he coidii'uied until the committee shall uive se- curity, to the satisfaction of the coui't, for the faithful ajiplica- tiou of the |irocee(ls of such >ale a|tproved 1)V the t'ourt, and if the investment 1)0 hoiia lide made, the NKW MKXIfO. 05 coinniittci' t,,i. which the ]ir(ice-s shall have is-ued. and of anyjndL:i' thereot', in vacation, on the a|i]ilication of any jierson on hehall' of the dereiidant. and a ji rod net ion o|' a cerlitied copy of the jiroceed- in,L:s upon such iiKjuisition. to disehar^uc such defendant fVoni aiTcst and inijUMsoninent without hail. •Jo. If any |)ei'soii arrested oi' ini[)risone(l as afoi'esaid, in any civil action, shall appear to he of unsound mind, it i,,!,,;;;;, shall he thedutyofthe jailer, or keeper of the prison, l^,"""..};''.^'' forthwith to ,iiive notice of the fact to two justices of lUl^^ll'^^'^H!;, the pcai'c. who sliall. within live days, attend at tlu.' ',',', i',l!|ri "■!',!' jM'ison. and. upon tlu' oath or atliimation of vuch per court sliall imniediately make known such I'ecord to the district court, if in session, or to n.j,,,.., the judn-e thereof in vac:iii. Ml, and thereupon such I'li'iy '.'luinet ciiui't. or such jud;;'e shall ap|ioiiit a day, as soon a~ '' ""' may he convenient to him. for heai'iuLi' any oliiection to the di-charp' of such prisoner; and it shall he the duty of tlie clerk of the court to issue notice in not less than six Iiandhills, and id-o to the ercMlitor at whoion ol this aet. a person is ii'i'i !i •■'■''• found, upon iiiiiuisition. to he a lunatic ■'' * . ■\Vlifii liiiiiuic _ ' _ ' _ has I,.. .■stuir, jii,,! neither himself nor his friends has >-ullicieiit lloW 111] I'"'"'''- jK'rsoiial or real estate tor the maintenance of ^-aid unatie ^; ri; :h count \" ol w hicl he shall he supported at the expense of llic 1 he is a resident: hut the committee of -laii »oor lunatic 1 2»rovisi(Uis of this act. hall, 1 11 all respects, conform to t! 2S. 'J'h II. ill S ••!". Ciiiiilirir-^atiiiii yf iMinniitli'c. ic cominittee. either ol the person or estate ol a lunatic diall receive such compensation for his * * * crvices as the c()urt mav order aiul direct; am AVlieiiever said luiiati ,-!: * is supported at the e.N] iclisc of the county of which he is a resident, sain of asyliiins, reports, (). Slate aid, iiKpiiry into aii|ilieation. 7, Jiiterest in eoiitiaets I'orliiddeii, (itlieers ot asyluiii not to In- coi. niissioncrs. 8. lu'cords, corporate powei'S. e'.itation of Ijoard, attor- nev-i^eneral to investij;;ite. H'l. Ollicers of asylnin to fninisli infor- MKition. 11. Statistics and re<'onnncndations to lie re|iorted. I'l. CoiMity visitors, peiialtiis fur ex- clusion of, STATK CO.MMISSIONKIi OX I.fXMY, 1(1. .\pjiointnient, tcMin of ollico ; to lie ex-otlicio inenilier of state lioard. 17. Invcstiyation ol' condition of in- sane, annual report. IS. Notice of invcstif^ation, duty of district attorney. lit. l'r.ic'ee(|in.;s on investigation. liO. Ollicial seal. 'Jl. Examination of illej;al conilne- nu'iit or crui'lty ; witnesses. 'I'l. .Vinuial report of keepers of in- sane poor, 21). Penalties for netjlei't to report. STATE MrNATU; ASYM'M AT UTICA. 21. Kstablislinicnt, lioard of managers. '.!•"). I'owcrs and 7. Ivesident ollicers to admit mana- ger and exhil)it reconls. 3"<. Treasurer, powers and duties, ;!'.). May ri'C()ver for supp(U-l ol' insane. 40. May institute actions for recovery of moneys. 41. Steward, duties. 42. Notice of completion of asylum, circular to lie pulilishetl. 43. lli'cords of admission to he kept. 44. No iiatient rei'eived for less term than si.K months. 4-"). Rt'cent admitted under special agreement. 4('). .\dmitted patients to be suiijilied with clothing. 47. Discharge of patients, security; criminals e.xcepted ; selection for discharge. 4^. DIsch.tri;e of criminal in>-ane. 49. !)ischar_'e(l patients supi)lied with clothing and money. .')(). Managers to ii'ceive no compen- sation. >>i. .Staleineuts of expenses, verifica- tion and payment. o2. Purchases to he for cash, vouchers. ■").'?. Indigent iiati(iHs, charges for. ol. .Support of ins;niv>, liaiiilily I'lir. O'"). Support charged to comity, reiiii- Inirsemeul. ">(). Transfer lo asylum, expenses. 07. Siippiut, renicilies of towns and co;mties. 5S. Supreme court, powers of, not ahridued. 59. Detinitiou of terms. WII.I.VIU) ASYI.IM. GO. Kstidili'hment, hoard of trustees, appointment, term of ollice, C)\. Tru>ti'es, powers and duties. . OfTii'i'is, |i(i\v( IN Mini diitle';. (!1. Ailiiiiltcil pMiii'iits sn|i|ili('(l with ('IdlllillLT. (15. Sii|i|Miil, iIkiiuimI to (Diinty. (id. Sii|i|iiiit, icimdic's of counties. 07. 'i'l ii>lii's til icci'ivi' no cdiiiiii'iisa- tinll. (i.S. i'lin li.iMS, voiitliiTs to lie t.'ilcfii. ()!). Cliroiiic in>;mi' iiaiipors st-iii to ^Viil:l|•(l iisvlnni. 70. t'iiionic iiisaiif, wiicii larcel lor wiiliiii I'linnly. 71. I)i>(liai-,L'i', l).v trustees. IUDSON" UIVKl! STATI'; IlliSI'ITAI,. 72. J'islal lishiiK'iil, lioMid ot' uiMiiMf,'ers. 7.'!. I'owels anil duties, like those ol" tiiislees of I'tica asyhini. 74. S(i|ierinlt nih'iit anil other otlit era. 7"). Sahii-ies, limit ol'. 7(1. ^iolu•e ol' i(ini|iletion, traii-fer of ins.uie I'rolii t'tiea asylum. 77. Hudson liviT hospiial clistriet. 7's. Inti'i'esi in contracts forliidden. 7'.'. Mana,i;i'rs, repiuts. to. i'laus for asylum. nil lAI.O STATI'; ASVI.fM. 81. I'Nlallishment, hoard of inanaucrs. y2. \'aciincies how tilled. b,'>. Manayers. powers and duties like I hose of Iruslet's of I'tica a-vluni. 84. Su|ierinlendent and othei- row N. no. Kstalilishrneiit, hoard of trustees, a|i|iointment, qiialiiicatious, ho- m(c|iailiic tieaiment. 91. ^'acancies how Idled. !)■_'. Interest in i>urcliases Ibrhiddeii. li;>. 'J'rnstees, powers aud duties. 1)4. Vacincy, wIkh |iresunied. '.>■'). 'rrustces, annual nui'tinjj;. (Hi. I'y-laws and rei,ndatioiis. ill'. Hii|ieiinl( ndi'Ut and other officers ; a|ipoiiilmcnt, salaries. OS. Chaij^cs for care and treatment. nil. .Accounts suhinilled to comptroller. 1(10. Tieasurer, l)ond of. STATK AsVI.lM VnH I \SANE Cltl MINALS AT .', I lit l{\. 101. Tiilc of asylum. 1U2. Siiperiiiteuilent, appointment. 10,1. IIcMdeucc, salary. lo 1. powers and duties. l"'i. ()iher ollicers, compens.'ilioii. lot!, in-aiie female <'ouvicls at Sluir JSiiiK, liausferred lo asylinn. 107. Siiperintcndent, hond. lOS. Monthly eslimale of exj)enses. lO'.l. Ivules and rcKnlation-, jiouers of insjiectors of prisnn, 110. Insane convicts, e.xannnalion an I tr.ansfer. 111. I»isposiii(in of conviils on expiia- tion of seiit'-nce. llli. ]\etention of . Keiords of trustees. 184. Insiiection hy trustees, repoits. lo5. Trusties to receive no compensa- tion. 130. I'lirchases to he for cash, voudicr-;, 137. Chronie insane, removal iVmn ciMinties, support of. 13S. Discharge of patieuls; annual in- spection of asylums. l.'iit. Removal from asylum, expenses. 140. Sujiport, charf,'ed to eoillilies. 141. K.xpeiises liiially paid hy ceiiiity. 142. Admitted jiatients siipiilied wiih clothing. 14,">. Support, limit of charges. 144. ."Supreme court, powers of nut ahriiiged. i']!'" m:\v Yoiuc. 400 PRIVATE A>YI.rM«. 1 I"). Mii^t Ik- lic'-ii»t'li<"iU'>n lor lict-n-ie, fciiiii, in- - 1 Miction i<{ imMiiiM's. 1 17. Appiiditi'Mi-i to Ik- accompimietl liy |il,in •>!' |>r.-mi-,-<. 1 H. I^iifii'*-. ]M>\v«-r of U)ar0. M:iiiitaiiiini: a i>iiv:itc Msylimi without liieii"*', a tiii-ilciiii-anor. MI-< KI.I.ANF.nt S I'KOVISIII.NS. 151. [iivt~itii;ation of coiiiiilaiiits. l')"J. IVf- of vvitiR— '^-'i. l'):>. I'lMilty tor iliMiKt-yin;; Mili|Mina. l.')l. Stati>tii-< "f .i.yliifii to ill' liloil. I'i'i. Ui'port-. wIk-ii to I* lilfi-iievoleiil iiisiitiiticiiis dc- liiieil. l.")7. Coiiimitiiu'iit to Ik- rf|Kirliil. 1")^. Admission to Ik? n'|Mirtcd witliiii tfii day*. IV.). Dcatli or di».-liarf;e to In- repnrtc'd. liid. Ai'i'oiini--, iteiiii/.ovt' iii-pcclioii. 10">. .State liiarities aid it^.-ocialioii, nn- niial ri|Mirt. Itiil. Iii-atie soldier^ and «ailnrs from Ilatli Home lran«lVrrelic institutions of New York city, transfer of. li'i"^. I'oliieiiu-n for .«>yliiin-. lii'.i. Oflirei-^^ of a-iylnm- e.^i-mpt iVom militia and jury serviie. A0MI:-.-IOX ANI> Ii|sy. 17".'. I'iiysii'ian of asylum, not tocertify. 17l>. liee irds of admission. 171. < onimitinenl liv (•ounty ofTlcers. 17">. Information to f:ii|H-rinten(k'nt, warrant of eoniniitnient. 17i'i. Temporary ■■ontinenient. 177. Nof to Ik- ii)minitte'on:ineII. .\ppeal. inve^tiL'.'ition. l5l. Support of indigent insane. I'f'J. ProceiMlin^^s lo compel relatives Id provide suppcul. 18;!. Indiyeut in-iane, e.Xiimiiiaiion, juilyc's <'erlilie:ile. 1^4. Indii,'eut insane, wlien supported liy t'liiuity. IS."), llxpensi's iif eoiuiiiiimcnl .uid -n\p- poil, how horne. lS(i. I'Lxpensi's, recovery of, from j,'uar- (iians and relalives, iX'. ('ourts, powers not alirid^'ed. ISS. (Jouuly .superinleiideiil, power- of. ISO. Support and <'omiiiitiuinl hy guar- dians. lilO. Tnmati's of almshouse triinsferred. litl. I)is('li;irj;t', riLtnl.iti'ins for. I'.lli. lileu.'il couliueiueiil, cruelty ;ind neitlert, penalties fur. CHIMINAI, INsANi;. 19;>. Non-aei'ountaliility to law. lUl. Insane, when excused from ai'- coimlahility. 19'). When indicled for felony, com- mission of lunacy, eonimilimiit. I'Ji). When imder sentence of diiiili, eonnuilmenl liy yovernor, on re- covery remanded to custoilv, 197. (Commission of lun.icv, expen-es. 19S. J^'emoval to Auliurn asylinn. 199. I isane convicts Iransl'erl- .d. 20U. Support, expenses, how liorne. '201. When conlined umh'r I'riminal C'liarj,'e invesiii,'alion, commit- ment ; on recovery remanded. 202. Insane eonlined on civil proccs.s, like provisions for. 203. Insane ac(piitted of misdemeanors, connnilted to Auliurn asyhnu. 204. I'^xjiensi's of commitment. 200. riea of insanity, wiien oli'ered, commission of lunacy. 20(). Fact of insanity to lie stated in verdict of ae(|uillal. 207. Expenses of committnent of insane under indiciment, 205. On recovery, notice to si;tle com- missioners, examination. 209. Plea of insanity on arniitrnment. 210. .Jury to lie i.istrucied to state fact of insiniily in verdict. 211. Suspension of judj^inent, investi- gation of insanity ; on recovery, proceedings resumed. 212. Coinission of lunacy, proceedings. 213. Suspension of or judgment. 214. (.'oinmitment exonerates li.iil. 21"). On recovery remanded to custody. 210. Kxpenses of commitment. 217. Insane after sentence of de.ith. 215. District attorney, duties ot'. 219. Stay of execution, dining nisanitv. 220. On recovery, warrant of execution. i Iji i •m 500 m:\v y<»I!K. Statk I)o.m:I) of Cjiaimtiks. 1. W'itliin lliirty dnys artcr tlic |iiiss;ij;(' of tliis ;\c\. [\iv ^ov- n. ^. i.f .N. V , iriKir, \<\- iiiid with tlu- cniiscnl of llir sciuitc. slinll is.>-.', iiHiiks .V . ■ . , .... I • 1- ■ , IJios. p. 1>M. iil»|M,llit ciiilit IiclVdlls, one .•c.^HlllHj; 111 ciU'll MHilcUil I-nwHlMi7, ... . , , ,1 1 ■ , 1 eh. ii.-.i.talc, to he Cilllfil tlllii kliowil iis (lie Kiiiiilirr 111 n)i,iiiii--n IS. lioai'W (if >tiifc coiiiiiiissioiicrs of pulilic cliiiritifs. '2. ()1U' ol' tlic pcisolis so ii]i|)oillt('il slinll lloM his oilier |u|' n>wi|5-.'. ()iK> vcar. (Hie I'oi' two vtars, oih- I'oi' three veais, niic "<»'■"■ i'or lour veni's. one for live yeai's, one for six \ear<, one for seven \e;irs and one for ei^ht years, as indicated liy the jiovciMioi' on makiuL!,' the nominations; and all aji|ioiiitini'nis thereafter, e.\ee|it to till \aeaneies. shall In' made for v\<^\\{ yeai<. o. JU'fore entering upon their dutii's. the said I'oniinissionn-, 11,1,1 J :) shall res|iecii\-ely takt' and siihscrihe to the const iin- Oaili (if oilic tional oath reiiuired of other state ollicers, w 1 ^hall l.eliled in tl le oMlce ol the secr( tarv of state, who is her lH-li eli\- authorized and directeil to adniini>ter such (tatli. 'J'lie said eoniniissioiiers shall have power to el; ct a president out of ii- own number, and sueli other ollicers and aticnts as it may d( tin proper, and to adopt such hydaws and n nidations for the traiis- aetii>n of its husiness and the management of its atlairs as il may consider e.\[ie( liellt. •1. 'J'he said commissioners shall have full poAver at all time: iUicI ;; 4. I'liwcrH auil ilntii's. to look into and e.\amine tin' eonditi(»n of tlie eral inslitutions wiiieh thev mav l>e authori/.ei scv- this act to visit, linaiicially or' ; to in«|uire and ex- amine into their iiietiiods of instriiclioii. and the i^dveiniMi nl and management of their inmates ; the ollicial conduct of niiv. tees, directors and other ollicers and employes of the same : the condition of the 1 mi Id in,ns, grounds and other property ceii- lerewith.and into all other matters pertaininu- to ihiir ru!c ledtl ■efulness and _m»id maiiaucmeiit ; and for these ]uirposes ll!C u shall lia\'e free access to the grounds, hiiililin^s and all Im and papers I'clatiiiu to said institutions: ami all persons i or hereafter in anv manner connected wilii the same are heiihv mw lirected and reijuired touive sue il inf< irmatioii, and allord -ik fueilities lor insjiection, as tiie said eommissionei's may leiiuii' and any neglect or refusal, on the j>art of any (dlicer or | er-i'ii conneeted with such institution, to comply with the re(|uiiv- Dients of tills seeti(jii, shall .suhjcet the (tlleiider to a [)enally ef 'T Ni:\V YOKK. 501 tWK limi(lfc(l Mini fifty dolliirs, (n ])v siicil I'oi' jilid ('(illcidcd by llic said ftiimnissidiicrs, in tlu'ir iiaiiic nf ollicc. ."i. 'I'lic sail! foiiiiiiissidiu'i's, or soiiic (Hic nf lliciii. arc licr(;l)y ;iiilli(iri/.('i! ami r('Muirc(l, at leas! (incc in cadi vcar, ihi.i ;;•■'. ami as iniicii dltciici' as tlicv iiia\' dcciii iicccssarv, ni^iiiiiii.nis: 111 I -11 ' 1 ' ■ 1 • • ' visilali.m of ic Visit all the cliarital>k' and currcclioiial insldu- < '"ninssimi. lions of tin,' stale, except in,iii' jirisoiis, reccivin.i;' stale "I'l-'it- aiiy uito. pciix's. the said coinmissioners, or some <\v one of them, shall iii(|iiire i-arefully and fully into the e'r<'iiml (»f sudi want, the piii'pose or |mrj)osi'S for which it is pro]iosed to use the .sime,, ic amount which will lie require(l to accomplish the desired ilijcci, and into any other matt(>rs connected tlieri'witli ; and in the annual re}>ort of each year they shall .uive the result ol such iiKjuiries. toi!;etlier with their own o|»inions and coiichi- ■^iiilis rdatinu' to the whole sulijed. 7. No inciiiher of the hoard of said commissioners shall ho, dircdly or indirectly, interested in any contract for ii,i,i j; u. uildinjj,', repairiiiu' or fiirnishiuii; any of the institu- i^,'i'n''s'i'eain linns which hy this act they are authorized to visit ''"""'"''•■"■ mill insj)ecl, nor shall any trustee^ or other othct.'rs of any of the iii-iitutioiis i-mhraccd in this act he cdigihle to the ollice of com- iiii->ioner hereliy created. S. The commissioners now in ofllci^ a])pointed pursuant to he act entitled ''An act to [)rovide for the ajtpoint- ,j_ s , ,, iss.-), Hunt of a hoard of commissioners of public charities ',7i|^(j''i'.''''' and ddiniiijn- their duties and powers," [)assed May iVm-.Vo'f'ihur. wciiiy-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and * «%- '.0: NKW YoltK'. I III I their Micc(s<(ir- t<> It Ik rinrii r ;ip|iniiilcil. .-Iiiill cuiirl idilr ii ItOlird In lie '■;ill((l ;ilr liuiii'il III' cli.'iritit -," :ilii| ^l|•■ll Ixtjii'il ;iii(l {•uniiiiis>i(iniis -luill li;i\c llic |mi\\(1'- cdiilrrn i| 1i\ ^;ti(| law jiiul all aiiifiuliiiriits llicrctd', to^i'llicr with .•^iidi I'lir- llici- |inwcr< iimi duties as are hereiiial'ter iiieiitiniied : and , ill ]>n)visi(p|i< uf saiil laws not iiie()ii>i>leiii herewilli -' all a|i|ilv t(. Sll . Sueli hoard may. hy its orders, from time to time, deline IS- the duties of its otlieer<. and roLiulate the diseharue "■ : of its I'liiietioiis: ami shall, also. pid\ ide for the llUlic» o( dl' tlCT- (|iioriiiii ; rail Illri'Ullj,'-' a rfsiLMmticui; varaiit'i**?^, bow llUi'd. to lilt. 11. 1 holdinu' of. at least, four iiKitin^s during- each ymv, whi(di shall he jmhlie. Siv meiiiht rs of the homd. rejz'ularly convened, shall constitute a (piorum. The failure, on the part of any coiiiniis.-ioiier appointed as afore- said, to attend any threi' successive pulilic meetiny,s of the hoard ahove jtrovided lor, durinu,' any calendar year, may he treated hy the governor as a resiLination hy such iion-attend- '\UiX commissioner, aiul the vacancy he lilled; and the annual reports of said hoanl shall Liive the names of each commis- sioner present at each of the said puhlie nieitinj;'s of the hoard. 1(1. One additional meniher of said hoard, who shall re.-idi! in the county of KiiiL^s. and two who shall re-iile in the county of New ^'ork, shall he ajijiointed [nv I of ei^'ht years, in the same maiiiU'r as is provided ii.i.i s :!. tl le tern ll.i.l s •'■ Visitations, in respect to the present commissioners. n. The said hoard or any one or more of saiil commi-- sioiiers are herehy autIiori/eit and inspect any (haii- tahle. eleemosynary, correctional oi' reformatory institution ia thi.s state, exce])tin,L!; prisons, whethei' rec(-iving slate aiil er maiiitaine(| hy municipalities or (otherwise, ami, also, U) vi-it Ni:\V YnlJK'. nor, T i I If Mini iii-jKct iUiy iiic<>r|i(»riit('il or |iriviit(.' iis_vluiii<, iii.-lituliun^, li(iiiirs (ir nti'ciits. licciisftl ji>r tlic ilctcntiun, trcalim ut jiinl (•;irc of llic in-line, or [nr-ons of uhmiuihI niiinl, a- In riiii- al'lir iiio\i(Ic(l I'or. r_'. If, in liir ojiiiiioii of -aid lioaril, or aiiv three iiuinUi rs thereof, aiiv niatler in regard to the iiiaiiautiiienl ii.i.i.^.v or Mllairs ol anv in-tiiiition. >uli|e(i to ilie vr-itation «'i,(i i..n,v.-- ■ . ' , , . . lik'Hli' ;lirililH ol'.-aiil lioanhor to any inmate ol any >uen ni.-iit\i- "t m-iiiui linn, or |M i>on in any way eonneeieil iheri \\ith, re'|nir(> h^al inve-t i.u'ation or ;ielion of any kind, iiotiee thereol' nia\' he "iN'eii hv the lioaril or anv thi'ee nieinhers thereot' to the ailor- • hey -general ; and it -hall he his duty Iheruijion to make in- i|iiii'y and take ^\\r\\ |iroeet'dinjL:s in the prtini^e-: a> he may dei^m neee-sary ;ind iiroper. .-ind to re|iort his action aiiii the ri-!ilt.~ thereof to the -aid hoa I'd without di lay. \'.\. S-.ud hoard shall ha\e auihority to reijiiire from the iiiaiiaLicrs and from the ollieers in eharne of any |,,i,|<,. institution it is authorized to vi-it, any information l,'.',I„,''",',|i'ii!,'.".^ which said hoard may rei|uire in the «li>char,u(' of '"'''•"-•■ \\< duties, and may |ire]iare reLiulation> accordiiiL:, to which and jH'ovidc Itlanks ujton which such information >hall he fur- nished liy any such oHicei' and managers in a ilear, uniloiiii and proiiijit manner, for u-e l>y sutdi hoard. 1 I. 'Idle said hoard shall he authorized to collect (and as far a- it mav think advantaiicous to einhodv in its an- ...ik- liual re|)orts) such information, hoth in this state •'''•'"'•"'■■'• and elsewhere, as it may ileeiii iiro|ier. rtdatin,^- to the hest laamier of dealin.i;' with those who re juire assistance iVoiii the jiiihlic I'uinls, or wdio ree-ivc aid from jirivate cliarity ; ;ind to ni ike such su,i;\i;\'st ions. tVoiii time to time, as to any leL;i-lal iou er action which may he de-irahle in re^al•d thereto. The -aitructioii and L;'uidaiM'e wliich the jiuhlic well'are o'lu.iiids; and, also, tn furnish in tahulatetl .-lateinent-, as nearly as jiossihie, the iiuiuhers, >ex, iieo and nativity of tho-e in this state, and in the ,-everal counties thereof, which are in any way receivin.t;' the aid of puhlie or private ori;'anized charity, with any other particulars they may deem prosier. li \i 1 ,?i? Si 504 Ni:\v Y(»i!i-:. Ciiiiii'y vltl- tHi«: |ifii.illy fill- ii'lii-iil III mlliiil r.illlllv l.'i. TllC Siliil li(i;ll' ciiici'fil oil its iiiimitcs, >iiliii'c| {<) <\u\\ tt'iiii-i iiimI rc<;iiliiti(iiis lis il ihmv |irc ill jiiiy cniiiity In act il;> vi^i- '"'""" Idis, ill said coiiiily. of till' si'Vcral |M)(ir-lniiisis and (illicr iiislitiilioiis tlicri'iii, sulijcd In I In- vi-ilati(iii <»!' llic lioard, in aid of and as rciircscntativis of said Imard. cxct'iit such in>ti- liilimis a-i lia\t' a Imai'd nf nianaucrs a|i|iniiiicd liy llic slali'i and all olliccrs and nllicrs in cliar.^r of >ncli in-iiintioiis sliall ailniil lo saiil iiist itiilion< all sndi ]pfr-oii< -enate. appoint an cxpcii- eiiccd ami coiupeteiit j'liys'c'nn, who shall he doit:- uated as the state conimi^sir ner in lunacy, who sl'all hold his ollicc for live ve:,rs ami receive an annual It, S.. ).. V.'-21, I,. I,s74, I'll Hil, lit. 1". S 1- Cii|jiini«sinii('r ill liiiiucy. sa. larv of four thousand dollars ami tiviveliiiLr and other in dental cx|)onses jiot to exceed one thousand dollars, and a suiii not to exceed two hundred dollars to jiay oflice rent and fuel, to ho paid -:, I,. IsT.l. ell. .>:i ;• i:!. ('lllllllli'-lolHT ill I iitiiirv t< if .-tall' lioiircl if ('IllUilil'S. His rcporls, r liif n. I Ni:\V Y<)|!K. 5o: siiiil coiiiiiiiysiiiin'r iii;iy. in t'lcir (•pinidii, i't'(|iiirr In nid liiiii ill ilic |ir(i|icr aixl ctliciciit iIImIijii'i;*' of ihc duties {>{' his dllico. 17. Il slijill lie the diii^' of ( ximiiiic ililn :iii(| iciMiil ;iliimjlll\ '• llic l('iii,-!iitillT (III i>v I! s . |, i!.j'.«, . ■ . . T, i«:i. Itclnrf tlir lit'lli ilil\ nt" .lilllll;il\- tile ci il M I il i( ill n\' ||ic « h 4ic;, iii, lo, ill,«;ill(' Ilini idiolir ill llii>. shllr, .mImI the IllHll^iurlllilit 'l'iiil''v :ilid ci'iiducl 111' till' ;i-yluiii>. |tulilii' :ilid pl'iviili'. ;ilillic|' ili- ,-l ill! tint IS |(ii' iIm ir riiM' iiiid iiciiliiifiil. iihd it si mil \>r t lie duty (if llic iicli coiiiniissidnc!'^ iit all liims iVic acct ss. wlictlici' in |m rsoii (If liy w riitcn ((ininiiniicatinn. to the iii^anc and lull inlnrniu- tioii coiiccniinu' tliiin anaii| cumnii^.^idnfi' shall undirtakc any invest iyhini. institulidii or cslalilish- 'v.V-.;' '"'' imnl, |>ulilie or private, lor the eusiddy of the insane ^"'"'" "' '"' i; s . p. i!)2.i. he slia II iiive due notiee thereof to the district at- vi'»iii;iitlon iif asy liiH:t, ftc. ; illl'lV Ml ,\\^- tiiriiey of the county in which such asylum oi' ""'"""""'y- institution is situated, and it --liall. ther( u|ion. he the duty of >ii(li district attorney to appear at such investigation in helialf th le |teople. and to examine ail witnesses w ho may be in iitteiidaiice thereat. lt». The duties of -aid commissioner and those of said hoard ill reji'ard to the insane shall be perlorined, as tar as |, ^ j, ,,,,^^ practicalile, so as not lo prejudice the estahlished '.'i,.';,7i'', ^ h. and reasonable remilat imi- of >iicli asylums and in- ,',',is;'i,'.il,."i'";"'' stitiitionsafore.siiil: and it shall he tiie duty of the ^^ ""--'" "•■"-• dlliccrs and otliers respectively in charm' thereof to ,ti,ive the iiieiiihers of Iiall lie made annnally on or liet'oi'e the iH'leeiilli day ol" .lanuary. ■JO. The said eonnuissioiuT shall h,:v' |)0\ver 'o make and li. s.. 1.. iiijj, use an ollieial st'al, and all eopies ol" |ia|ieis and c'li. uH.'tit. 10, documents in his possession and enstodv mav he (Viiiciui seal, aulhentitaleil in the usual i'orni under his ollieial copies ,.f pii- 1 I • . I 1 -I ■ n jici-s, ftc. seal and siiiiiature, and used as evidence m all courts and placi's in this stale, in like manner as similar cer- tiiicatcs emanating' I'lom any other [)uhlic (dlicer. '1\. The said commissioner is lierehy em]H)\vi.'red to issue ,1 .,, ^ ^ eom|>ulsory jii'ocess lor the attendance of witnesses ',';,", !l',',"i','.ras ;""! I'"' ]iroducti(ai of pajiei's, to administer oaths, pHv'.'Xo'r '"' " "lid txamiiH' [)ersoiis undi-r oath, and to exerci>e the hH'tts. etc. ^.||,n. powers as heloii^' to referees a})})ointed hy the supreme court, in all cases where, iVoin evidt'uce laid hel'ore lum, there is I'eason to helieve that any pei'son is wrongfully de]»]'ive(l of his liberty, oi' is cruelly, nej;li!j,ently or im}iropeily treated in any asylum, institution or cstanlishnieiit, imhlic; or jirivale, for the cusloion and safe ket'jiini:'; and if the same shall he }iroved ti» his .satisfaction, he is further emjxiwcred to i;>>ue aii order in the name of the ])eo[»U' of tlu' state, and undi'r his ollieial hand and seal, directed to the su[n'rintendent or man- agers of such institution riM|uirin,g them to modify such treat- ]uent or ;i[iply such I'einedy or hoth as shall therein he s[ie(i- lie(I. And in case such order is disol^'Ved or neuli^cntly executed, the commissioner may, and it shall he his duly to pre.« it such order with a stalenienl of the facts duly verilied ujii>ii which it was nunlc to a justii'c of the supreme court, who may theii'Upon hy order reipiire .sucli superintendent or man- ager to >lio\v cause hel'ort' siu'h or some other juslice of the su[»reme court at a place in the judicial district wlu'i'e such asylum, institution or estahlishment i-; silualeil, anil at a time sjiecilied in such order not le>< than two days after the ser\ ii'O thereof, why an (jrder should not he made directing [)erformance of such order of the commi>sioner, and on failure to so slmw causo, tliu said justice shall inako audi order, and lor an\' tlis- "~^>i, NEW YOTMC. 50( olxMlieiico of any tn'ilci hkkIc pni'-iiaiit to tlir provisions of tills section, tlic same procccilin^^ may !)(• taken to conii)!'] pcr- rorniancc tlKTcot", or to jinni>Ii lor coiit! ni])l lor siul; disolndi- I'lH'u as may lio liad for such i)ur[toscs in civil actions. 'J'lic su]ifrintcmlcnt, or kiipcr of cv(M'y ((lunly [!oor- ')•) no use, citv alnisiiousc, or other ;i-\'!inii wlure ni- eiit, shall, on or helore the In- sane |»aui>ers are Ke] teenth day of Novemher, in each ami every year, re- iiort to the state commissioner in lunacv the lunii- riilllily |.iol'- licMlsi'-. rli'., liiial ly In r.iliiiili>--io;it'r 111' iuiiai'v. hers of male tnid fcnudc insane, idiots and eiiile]itic in his custody on the lii'st day of Noveinlu'r last [uist, to<;'etlu'r with a statistii'al exhihit of the nund»er of adndssions, dis- charti'es, ami (U'atlis that havt' occui'i^'d v.ithin the |iasl year amom;' that class of persons, and the avt'i'a^X' weekly cost of Iheir maintenaut'e. He shall also state the actual couilitiou of tliose (lischar it. s., p i:mis. shall liohl their ollices for thi'y law. and shall tak(^ ehar;j,'e of its general interests, and see that its great design l>e carried into ell'eet. and everything done faithfnlly according to the rcMjuireiiients of the legislature, and the hy- laws. rules and I'egulatioiis of tlie asylum. 'Hk The uianagei's shall appoint a supei'intendent. who shall liii.i § :i. AppililltllHMlt of ^lipi'lill- tHii'lciit anil iitli.'i- .■flii'iTs ; st.'Uiird. il>i- ^istilnI pliysi- ciitn and he a well eilucated ])liysician, of experii'nco in the treatment of tlu' insane, and a treasurer, who shall give honds for tlie faithful performance of liis trust, in such sum and with such sureties as the comptrol- ler of the state shall ap})rove. They shall also a])- p(mit. u])on the nomination of the superintendent, a steward, foui' assi-tant pliysicians ;ind a matron, all tif whom, and the superintendent himself, shall constantly reside in the asylum, and shall he designated the resident ollicers thereof. '17. The managers of said asylum shall have the ])0wei', on the nomination of the superintendent of said asylum, to appoint a s])ecial pathologist to said asylum, ■\\ n>id § 4. Sin'cial pa- tli.iliiL'ist; li: iiilaiv. hose salary shall he di'termiiuMl and paid in the sam(> manner as proviiU'd hy law in relation to the other olli- cers of said asylum. 2S. The niamigei's shr.ll, from time to time, determini> the i''i'i«"'- annual salaries and allowances of the treasurer and Annual sahl- lios; provisM. ivsident officers of the asylum, who have heen mav hereafti'r he ajipointe^i''i"t or devise of land, or any donation or he- » 4 Ni;W YORK. 509 quest of money or otlior ])ersonal proixTty, to ])e ap- "liV'i,',:''^,^!^. ])lie(l to the niaiiitcniuu'e of insane pei'suns and the ''"'''''• ovnei-al use of the state huiatie asylum. 1)1. The sujx'rintendcnt, treasui'cr and steward of tlic asyhim, before entering upon their resjicctive chitii's, sliall ,,,„ujs severally take the oath prescrilud in ihr lirst section •"»''"! "■'"'• of the twelfth article of the e(»nstitntion of the slate; and such oath shall be iiled with the (dcrk of the county of ()nei(hi. o'i. The managers are hei'el)y directi'il and empowi'red to establish such bv-laws as thev niav deem nccessai'v!". ■^ ■- _ ' liyliiws and and (.'X])edient tor regulating the appointmiMit and i''-nhiti..ii». duties of otlicers, attendants and assistants, for lixing the con- ditions of admission, su]ti)ort and diseharge of patients, and for conducting in a i)roper manner the business of the institu- tion; also to ordain and enforce a suitable system of rules and regulations for the internal government, discipline and man- agement of the asylum. ;!;>. The sui)erintendent shall l)e the chief executive ollicer (if the asylum. lie shall have the general superin- ,|,„, ^ ,„ lendeiioo of the buildings, grounds and farm, to- e,','''''i'i""|!!,'';.. gether with their furniture, hxturen and stock; and ""iHiit'-lissirt- the direction anmo»u, subject to the laws and I'egidaiions established by tiie mana- gers. He shall daily ascertain the condition of all the jiatienls and jtrescribe thi'ir treatment in the manner tlirectecl in the liy-laws. He shall have the nomination of his co-i'esi(hnt otlicers, with 2"•^^■^'l' to assign them tlieir respective^ duties, subject to \\\o by-laws; also to a})point, with the managers' ap]troval. such, and so many other (.»tlicers, assistants and at- tendants as he may thiidc proper and neei'ssary for the eco- jioiiiical an business of the asy- Imii. and to prescribe their sevei'al duties and ]ilaees. and to lix. witli the managers' approval their comi»ensatioii. and to discharge any of them at his soK' direction; but in every case of discharge he shall forthwith rec(trd the same, with the reason^, inider an approi)riat(> head in one of the books of the a-ylnm. Jli> shall also have power to suspend until the next meeting of the managers, Ibr good and sullicient cause, a resi- dent oliicer; but in such case he shall forthwith give written notice of the fact, with its causes and circumstances, to one of li 1 i 510 NKW Yoinc. (lif inniiiiuci's whose duly tli('rcu]i()ii shall he to call a special iiieeliii^' of the hoa I'll to jirovide lor the t'.\i,Lieiicy. lie -liall also. iVoiii time to time, «;ive such orders ami iii^tnictioiis us he may judn'c hest calculateil to insure ^ood conduct, fklelity and economy in every de|iartment of lahor and exjienso; and he is autiiori/.ed and enjoined to maintain salutai'v disci|ilinc amonn' all who are cm|il(jyed hy the institution, and to eni'orce -trict compliance w Ih such instructions, and lunloi' n ohcili- eiice to all ilie rules and reuulal ions of the asylum, lie shall further cause full and fair accounts and_ reconls of all his doin^^s, ami of the entire Inisiness and operations of the insti- tution, to he kept re^uularly from ilay today, in hooks jirovided i'or that purpose, in the maimer ami to the extent prescriheil in the hv-la W: ind he shall see that all su<'h account? and records are fully made up to the la-4 day of Xovem'her in cadi year, and that the ]»rinci[)al facts and results, with his report thereon, he ju't'sented to the inana.u'ers within thirty ilays there- alter. The first assistant jdiysician shall ^'frforin the duties 1 he suhjeet to the responsihilities of the superintendent in am "ickne: or ahsence 4. The resident olUcers of the statt' lunatic asvl um. and al Ibiil 5 11. Kxi'iiiplioii friuii jury sor- attendants and assistants actually emi)loyed tlu'U'iii durino' the time of such employment, shall he ex- vice, ,.tc. empt from st'rving on juries, from all assessna iiis for lahor on the highways, and in time of peace, from all service in the militia: and the eertilicate of the sii{)erintendeiit ii\vd\\ he evidence of the fact of such employment. ."!•"). The manao'ers shall kee}) in a hound l)Ook to he pn)- Uiid !> 1-2. IJiM'cinl of tlio vidi'd for that })urpose, a fair and full recoi (I 01 ii IKS Ul- their doii »• ' W: liieh shall he open at all times to tli jimiiau'iMs. iiis])eetion of the ti'overnor of the state, and (tf all jiersons whom he or either house of the legislature may ap- ]ioint to examine the same. .)(■). 'idle manati'ers shall maintain an effective inspeetioii nf \hUi ^ 1.'!. lll^lM■(•tiol! jiiicl visilalioii liV lllilllilu'i'is. lliltl' III' vi-its. etc., til 111' iii- KITIl'll ill illl- iiuul I'l'imrt. I' the asylum, for wdiich purpose they shall mak (jucnt visitations, u majority of them once e (piarter, and the whole hoard once a year, at e nv- verv :IW.' times and in the manner prescrihed in the hvd In a hook kept hy the managers for this purpose, the visiting manager or managers shall note tlie date of each xi;w voitK. 511 visit, tlic conditiun of tlic liou-c jinticiits. witli roniarks of coiunicinlation oi' cciisui'c. and all llic )uai lasers pivsciil shall si.e'ii (lie saiiir. ''I'lic u'ciicral r-'siilts of ilic inspections, witli stiitalilc hiiiN. sliall It iiiscrtcil in (he annual I'cport. detailing the past year's operations and actual state rescrihe. lie shall halanct' all the accounts on his hooks annually, on the la-t day of Xoven.iher, aii'l make a statement of the halances thereon, and an al)s{ract (if the receipts and jiaynients of the past year; which he shall within tlij'ee days deli\er to the auditing committee of the iiianagci's, who shall c'ompai'e the same with his hooks ami vouchers, and verity the results hy hirthor comi)arison with the hooks of the steward, and certify the correctness thereof within the next live days to the manager.s. lie sliall further rend, r n (|Uarterly siatenient of his reci'ipts and jiayments on the lir;;t dav of March, .June and Septemher in each vear to tlio auditing committee, who shall conijiare and verify the same as aforesaid, awl report the results, duly certilied, to the managers, TTTT 512 M;W ViiKK. Avlio sliiill cause (lie saiiic to lie recorded in one ol" tne books df till' iisyluiii. lie sliidl I'urtlier rehcler an account of the stair of his hooks, and of the fund- and otiier |ii'o|)erty in his cu.-- lody, whenever re(|uired to do >o l>y the managers. ;>!<. The treasurer of the state hmatic asyhiin shall ]iv veste(| with the same powers, rights and authority which are now hy law ^iven either to supeiintenih nts ni' the poor or to ovei'-eer- of till' poor in anycouiii\- or town of till' state, -o far as may l>e nei'cssary for the indemnity and henelit of the ay liimsclf ujioii the tvi'asui'cr; lie sliiill also, uiider like dirc-tion. make coiitracls in tlio superintendent's nanie with the attentlants and assistants, and keej) and Mttle their aec<»uiit«: In- shall also kee]i thi' aeeounts ior tlie support (if patients iinil expenses im-nireil in tlicir hehalf, and furnish the treasurer ovt-ry month with eopies of stadi as full (hie; he shall make "luarterlv al)straets of ail accounts to the last dav of every Fehi'Uary. ^hiy, Au,ii-ust and Xo\'eiiiher, for the treas- urer and managers; he shall also ht' aecoiintahle for the care- ful keepinir and ceonomieal use of all furniture, stores and (ither articles provided for the asylum. 42. As soon as the asylum shall l)e ready for the admission (if pafierits. the managers shall cause notice thereof riii.i ,5 19. to he pnhlishcil f(»r twoAveeks in the state ])ai)or and r.a.iinrHsto ^eut to the clerk of everv countv, who shall trans- ticm^; circu- iiiit copies tliereof to the supcrinteiuhuits of the poor itsciutcnts. (if said county l»y mail. A circular from tlie supei'intendcnt >hall accompany said notice to each county clerk and the superintendents of the poor, designating different ways for the (■(unities severally to send to the asylum their respective fpiotas (if jiatients, and giving all necessary directions respecting ad- inissi(^in and support according to the l)y-laws. -h'!. The superintendent shall make, in a book kept for the iiuipose. at the time of reception, a minute, with u,wi § 20. (laie. (jt the name, residence, oiiice and occui)ation em t.. make 11 111 1 • 1 iiiiiii">'» of (it tiiC person hv wliom and i)v whoso authoritv each nam.-. ie«i- ^ •_ ' ' il(Mlci', etc., of insane person is lironght to the asylum, and have pati.uu. all the orders, warrants, requests, ciM'tificates, and other i»apcrs accompanying him, forthwith copied into the same. M. Xo i»atient shall be admitted into the asylum for a shorter period than six months, except in s])ccial 11.1.1521. ^ T 1 • *1 1 1 lVri.,,1 of a.l- cases, as speciiied m the by-law.s. ims^i.m. 4"). Whenever there are vacancies in the asylum, +he man- aiicrs may authorize the superintendent to admit, n,i,i ,^ 22. , ' . 1 . 1 , I'litii'iits ad- uiKler <[)eciai jigreements, such recent cases as may mittc-.i uihicr >fck admission inuler jieculiarly alUictivc circum- HKr-'Aueut. >t,iiicis. or which, in his oj)inion, promise speedy recovery. 4<>. All town and ccjunty oHicers s(>nding a .patient to the asyhim shall. Ix-forc .sending him, see that he is in a c'JaAVmot 83 I ''^il) '( 1 » } ;i4 NKW YoiiK. imtioiit^i nn III I'll'lllllijli's.s. stale of pci't'cct linilily cleanliness, and is conifnrtaMv cldtlied and proviiled witli suilaMe elian,i;es of rai- ment, as |ires('i'il)ed in the I»_v-la\vs. 47. 'J'lie ]nana ef Ibid S '.'4. eoniiilete reeoNcrv nia\- diseliaru'e anv patient, < x- pmi.i.t; s,.. ,.,,,,1 ,,,,,, under a ei'iniinal eliariic ei' Iiat>le to lie I'l- tMinrv I'll 111 ^ ~ Clin IV I ruin rolativi'N. niamled to pi'ison : and tliey may disejiarm' anv patient admitted as " daiiii'erous," or any patient sent to the asylum, hy the superintendent <»r overseers of the jioor. or hy tJie (first) judji-e of a eounty, up(»n the superintendent's eei'tili- eute that lie or she is harndess and will prohaMy I'ontinue so, and not likely to he ini[irovi'(l hy the furtlua' treatment in tlie asvhini, or \\ lien the as\Ium is full, uiion a like eertihcale that he or she is manitestly iiieuralih' and can pn )i)a hlvl H' renilii'cil e.oinfortahle at the jioorhouse: so that the j)refereiu'i' may he given, in the admission of patients, to recent cases, oi- cases nf iiisanitv of not over one v(>ar's duration. Thev mav discharue id deliver any jiatient, except one under criminal cliarue ill aforesaid, to his relatives or friend<, who will undertake with good and approvcfl sureties for his peaceable behavior, safe custody and eonifortahle maintenance, Avithoiit further puhlic charge. And the bond of such sureties shall be ap]>roveatient wa> sent, and tiled in the county clerk's otlice of said county. Upon the ])rest'ntatioii of a certified copy thereof, the managers may discharge such jiatieiit. -In. a ]iatient of the criminal class may be discliarge(l liy order of one of the justices of the sui)i'eme court, nr Diiil § i.-i. DiHcliaru'c of patii'iiis 111' Cl'illlllllli class a circuit judge, if, upon due investigation, it si apiiear safe, legal and right to make such ord lal el'. 4!». No i)atient shall be discharged without suitable (■i[' residence to and iVoni the asylum to attend '•"''"'"'"'''■ I lie nieetin;^'s of the nia navel's, and their expenses while attend- ing' such nieetin.ii's. Slaienients ol'such e.\|ienses, duly verilie(l, shall he |iresented to the com pi roller of the state, and it shall he his duty to approve the same if correct, ami state such ap- pi'o\al in \\ritin_u\ and in that event, on the |iresentation of such -tattuient to him, the treasurer of the asylum shall pay till' ~ame. .")•_'. All purchases for the use of the asylum shall he made |ur cash, and not on cicdit or time; I'Vt'ry voucher i;. s. p. i!ii:!, >liall he taken, duly lilh'il up at the time it is taken ; 44h,iu.':i',s'2s. • 1 1 / 1 r I J' '1111 I'urcliascN. w iih evci'v alistract ot voueliers lor meney ]»aid sliall lie prooi on oatli that the voucher was tilled n]» and tlu' money paid thei'cfor at tii(> time tlie voucher was taki'U ; and tlu- man- ;ii:ers shall make all needful I'uK's and rciiulation.s tu enfuive die provisions of this section. .':;. The price to he paiil for keepinij,- the poor, or any person ill indiiicnt eircum>tances, in the asvlum shall he H'l'iii^n. iiiimiallv lixetl hv l]u> mana"crs, and shall not ex- kccpiuK' iii" • • .-- I poDr or indi- cced the actual cost of sup})ort and attendance, ex- ^'-''^^^ elusive of oHicers' salaries. The managers may, at their dis- creiion. require payments made (|uarterly or semi-annually in advance. ."■)1. Mvery insane person sup[)orted in the asylum shall l)e |Misonally lial)le for his maiidenant-e therein, and 11,1,15:111. Inrall necessary expenses incurre(l hy the institution pVtient'iviMiis ill his hehaif. And the committee, relative, town, li'i'hin'ty'ol'''' , 111 1 1 111 ('i)imnitli^n, eily or county, thai would liavt' l)een l)ound l»y law iciiuive, .uc In provide for and sup])ort him if he had not heen sent to the ii^ylum, shall ])v liable to pay the expenses ofliis clothing and iiiaintenance in the asylum, and actual and necessary expenses to and from the same. "1"). Tlu' expenses of clothing and maintaining in the asylum a jialieiit who has heen received upon the order of ni'i'i'i^vVo pay aiiv court or ofHeer, shall he paid hv the eountv from I!:^,!!!!',', "''"!, '" . whieh he was sent to the asylum. The treasurer of un!,'.' to pay to said county is authorized and directed to pay to the asyuim-'su- % m trl ^1 510 \i:w YonK. i I i'^.^'Zhh';, iiviiic iicrordini;' to llic by-hnvs of tlu' Msyliim. upon the oi'dci- of tlu' sd'Wiinl : and the su|i('i'\isors of said county shall aniuially levy and raise the amount of such hills, and such further sum as will piohahly cover all similar hills tor one yeai- in advance. Said county, however, shall have the ri^-ht to i'e(|uire any individual, town, city or county, that is loyally liahle for the sup|»ort of such paticid. to reindairse the amount of said hills with interest from the day of paying the sanu'. ")('). Whenevei' the managers shall order a removed I iii, 1 5 ,!•.•. from the asvhim to the poorhouse of the count v Wlini siipt. of , , ■ , • . I i r il ' !• iiiH i...„r to wiience lie came, the supermtendt'Ut ot the poor ot JlilV I'XIIOIISCS . 1 11 1 • 1 1 II ..(•io„i„v!ii: it said count V shall audit and pa v the actual and reas- siiin-i of pour ■ ^ ' ' iiou'icoisio onahle expenses of such removal as i)art of the <'oii- iH.nsos. tr.Ms- tiiioent exnenses of said poorhouse. Uut, if auv lucr limy ilo ."' i i . ""■ town or pcrsctn he legally liahle for tlie supjtort of such patient, the amount of such (>xpenses maybe recovereil for the use of the county hy ;-uch su[>eriiitendonts. if sudi su- |»eriiitendeiits of the i)oor neu,lect or refuse to pay such ex- jienses on demand, the ti'casurer of the asyhllii nuiy jiay the same and char^| jy^,,-,^ ^1,^. li,^,^, ,-,f paying each hill, as if such expenses had Ixm'Ii incurred for the su}»port of the same at other places under existing laws. 5 the i)ower and authority of the supreme pieiile coim.' court of tlic statc over the persons and property of the insane. 50. The terms "lunacy," "lunatic" and "in.'^ane," as used in Tbi.i s"7. this act, shall include every species of insanity and rcrtaiii wolds - i j ii r n Ku,i toniiN extend to everv deranged person, and to all loij mi- Uhod ill tliU . 1 'i 1 *" • )• ri-M 1 il 1) Hct, deuned. souihI miiid otlicr than idiots. Ihe "word "oatli nit Ni;\V YnllK. 517 includes "afTinuiilioii," Uir udril " nvrr.-ccr" mi'.ins " ovcrsrrr dl" the |iiMir," and " cuuiity sii|icriiiti'iidciit " means ".>.n|K'iin- Icudriil of the poor;" (he wiii'd " asyluiu " and " inslitntidii " UK a lis "any state lunatic asylum ;'" a word dcimtinn- \\^^< sin;;u- lar numlicr is "to inchnlc mic or many ; and cN^'ry word ini- iKii'linu' llic masculiiif ^J^' tru-tees is eiiiht years. The said trustees and tiieir ,''^yi))'J,",o'r'' succes,s()rs shall he a|>|»(»inted hy the j^overiior, hy """"'"'"'• and with the consent of the senate. (■(1. Said trustees shall have all the ri;;hts, jirivile tri'atment ot the insane, and a treasurer, who p. v. i..'7s. I 11 • 1 • 1 • • I ■ 1 • ' 1 • ill. '''i. S I . mill shall give bonds tor the laithiul i)erforinaiu-e ot liKs \< ihu; i..'>i, . . . ••ii- 1*"'. S '• trust in sucb sum ami with such suri'ties, as the TiMsto,.s to apiMUiu (•(iiiiptrollei- shall a])i>rove. Thev sliall also apiioint, ""I't mi.i ' 'I • 'I ti.'usiMi'r and ill tlii'ir discretion, and u[)on the nomination of tlu' "tiKT-iHciM-s medical suj)erintendent, a steward and matron, and [seven] assistant physicians, all of whom anil the medical su}>erin- ^■f 1 1 . ll f I :i ! i,!Hi n nis \i:\V Y(tl!K*. IcimIciiI, shall ciiiislaiitly rr>-i(lc in llir a-yliuii nv i<\\ llir jiri'iiii«(> aiiil siicli otlirr olliccrs and as>i,«lants as may n^w |„. alliiucd liy law. 'I'lay shall al-n iVuni linic tu linir. wiih tin. a|>|ii'(i\al III the ,l:i>v» rnoi'. coniidrdlh'r and sri'i'ftary {' thf ix I'lirc- named ntlicials. I he aii^iTcuaU aino'inl n|' such salaries imi in exceed the sum (if leU ihollsaiid hve humlled ddllals in any yea I'. »;;i. 'I'he su|ierintenilent. iv-jdent nlliccrs ami treasurer sliall UMi-i. he sulijeel to the same duties, and shall have the liitiii". '-11 111' iinH.i>iiM.i same rmhts and jinwei's as are |iii-.-irssed hv. and uii- ,i„ii.'s„r '^ ' . , . , •"'i''- >•"• piised u|i(in, the su]»erintendi'nt, resident olhci'r ■ and treasurer df the state lunatic asylum at ( lica. (11. All tdwu and cdunly dilicers sending- a ]ialient to the ,,.,,. asvlum sliall, uiidU liefdre sciidiuL;- him, see that he I hill s ■'. • ' ' !!",M,','J',!'fiI,«r. J!^ i" i' stale dl' iiert'ectK- hddih- cleanliness, and is I'.atT.'nt'l'H'W. II coint'di'tahly cldthi'd, and iimvided with suit;di|e ci..tiir,i, eir. ,.| , ., j | o'l's (if raimeiil as |ire^crihcd in the hydaws. ()."). The expenses oi" cldthiiiii' and niaintalniuu', in the asy- ll.i.l !; r.. K.\pi'llM'« nf clnlllillL'. rU\, ( I to 111' pllld li.v cuiiiity tn UM- in-i'i M I'iiy Iri'MMll'T I't' iisyliini liills fur I'lnlliiii^r lull), a patient wlm has lieen received updii the rder df any cdurt. (ir dllicer, shall he paid hy the cdUiiiy fi'diu w liich he was sent Id the asylum. The treasurci' df said cduiity is authdi'i/ed and directed td juiy td the treasurci' df tlu' asylum the hills fei' tc.v.nnty sucli cldtliiuii' aiid maintenance, as tliev sludl h III he ii'iiii- liurst'il. cdUie due and payalde, accdrdinu' to the hydaws of Slllier- the asylum. ujidU the order of the steward: and the visors df s';i'i cdunty shall annually, levy and raise tlie aiiiMunt of sucli lills. and such further sums as will prohahly covei' all similar hills i'or diic year in advance. Said cdunty. hdWe\c r, shall liavc the rieht to re(|uire anv individual, tdwn. citv m- county that is leeally liahlc for the sup))ort of such patient, td reimhursc the anmunt df said hills, with inti'rest fi'diu the d; of paying' tlu' sai iV lie (id. livery town or county jiayin.u' for the suj^port of a lunatic in the asylum, or his expenses in ji'diuji- to or I'reiii the same, shall have the liL'e rijihts and remedies td recdvev the amount df sutli paynieiits. witli inten >l from the time of ])}iyin<:,' each hill, as if such expenses had been iucurre(l for the support of the same, at other places, under exi.stiny; laws. lliiil « 7. la.i.'iii'* iif tiiwn^ mill Co 11 11 til's. p-^ Ni;\V \>>IIK. 51 to ('i7. Till' iii!mii;^fi's -liiill iTciivr III) I ,iiii|ifii-!it ii'ii fiirtlii'ir M'I'N ices. liUl >llllll IT.civc ill! ir ilrtll;ll :llli| I'ClSull- ,|,|,, ^ ^ iililc ti'avcliii.ii' mill t)tli(r »'\|t(ii,-(>, lo I'c |)iiit voiiflni's tor n mucv |i'ii(1, and ije v.'iiii.i,i. sliall bi' iinidf (in oath that till' v«)Uiii. rii(! ehi'onic pauprr iiisaiu' i'roiu the poor-houses of tlio counlifs shall he sent to tlif said asvluiii hv tlir iiMdijid, ('lirmili' piiii- cnunty supi'rnitciidciits oi' thr poor, cxcrpt iVoiu i'<'riinHiic. tlidsi' countii's lia\iii,u' asylums for the insane, o which they are iiow authori/.nl to send such insane |iatieiits l»y special legislative' enactment^, or .-uch counties as have l»een, or may hereal'ler he. exeiiiptetl hy the state hoard ol' charities. And all the chronic insane jiaiiper patients wh" may he (li^i-harj^'cd Hot recovered I'rom the state 1 una tit' asylums, and who eoutinuo a puhlie charuc, shall he sent to the asylum lor the insane liereiiy created; and all sucli patients shall heacharj^i' upon the respective (•ounties from which they are sent. Til. The hoard of state commissioners of i>ul)lic charities aif herehy authorized to hear and iid imposed uiion the managei's of tlu^ state hiiiaiic "''ni/.a\'i''7,'a',,:i asyluni at I'lica; and llii' Hudson Kiver state hos- mivcriuiuMil. ind goxci'iieil ]>ital for the insane is oi'ganized under ilie laws organi/ing and govi'rning the state asylum ;it Utica, except as may be herein otherwise jtrovide*!. 74. The managers shall ap|)oint a medical suiierintemleiil, M, ',','„? .Ml,, 'who shall be a Avell educated phvsician of expcri- Xi:\V Y<1UK. r.21 a)ipiiinl iiii'di- eiu'o ill tlie trcaliiiciil of tlie insane, and a treasurer, "/u'Hu'in.ri'nl wlio shall reside in the eity oi" l*(»ut;hkeeitsie, and ['ivHsu'iVr'" oive l)onds tor tlie laitlitul ]ierlornianee ot Instruct ,„entH. in sueli sum and with sueli sureties as the eoiuptroller of the state shall a])])rove. They shall alst» ai)i)oint, at tlu'ir discre- tion, and u])on the nomination of the inedieal superinti'iidciit, a steward and a matron, and sueli assistant physicians as the necessity of the hospital shall from time to time re([uire, all of whom and the meilical superintendent shall constantly reside in the hospital or on the premises, and shall l)e di'siu,- iiated as the "resiiK'iit ollicers." 7"). The uianagers shall from time to tinu', with the ai)- jii'oval of tlu' governor, comptroller and secrt'tary 11,1,154 (A' stale, determine the annual salaries and allow- '■'''■"""'• ancc.- LO the treasurer and resident ollicers. the a given as above, so that all patients wlio may then lie in the state lunatic asylum at I'tica, cliarge- ;il)]e to the rdiove ineiitioiU'd counties, shall be transfeirt'd to the liudson Ivivi'i' state hosj)ital for the insane. 77. The counties enumerated in the last section shall eon- siiiute the Hudson IJiver state hospital district, um^h. and the hospital shall be designated the Hudson sut,Mi!.Ii!im'i l:iver slate hospital. '^ ''"""'■ 7.S. The managi'rs and other odicers shall have no interest, direct or indirect, in ilie furnishing of anv building "''''^J" cal sii|ii'riii li'iiilciii.tniiis- l(M- 111' plUii'lltS fill 111 I'tica U>Vllllll. ,ii f| 'A i! 522 XKW YORK. havrhitri'.st iiiatci'ials, or in any contracts for tlicsanic, or in any ill .•„„tnu.ts. i.,,„|i.;iL.ts for labor in the erection ofsaifl hospital. ^ 7'.'. it shall he the duty iA' the ina!iai!,'ers to iiiakt' a (letailnl ii'i'i S '•• report oi' all the iiionevs I'cceived hv them, ainl nl' ]!i'|iurt (if "^ ■ • iiiamiKois. tlio proiii'i'ss wliicli sliall have hrcii niade in the erection of said huildinjis, to tlie le^uislatui-e in .hmuary ofeach year, and also to the comptroller, as ot'ten ami in such manner as the comptrollei' shall or may, from tinu' to time, ]'e(|uire. 80. The plans and specilications for said hospittd shall lie '''''' s«- upon the hasis of accommodatinti' not oxceedin<>' five PlJllls, I'tC, "^ _ c^ " appiuvau.r. hundred jiatients at any om' time, and shall heap- proved hy the governor, comptroller and .secretary' of state. Ik'FKALO AsVI.r.M. SI. There is estahlished, in th(> city of lUiflalo, the IkilTalo i:. s,. ]>. indation of the u'overnor. \ acaiuy, liow . . •ill'''- ' Their successoi's shall l)e ajipointed by the governor, and shall hold their oflice for six years, and until others are a])i)ointed in their stead, and subject to be removed in tliL' manner aforesaid; and, in case of a vacancy in said hoard, the governor shall a})point, in manner aforesaid, to fill the unex- pired term. s;). The said managers have all the rights and jiowers. ;md are subi^'ct to the sanii' duties, as ai'e now possess* d tiHiv ri-hts, |)v and imposed upon tiie manam'rs ot tln' .-t;iie liowi'is, and ' ' 'iiiti'-*. lunatic asylum atUtica; and tlu' Ihitl'alo state a>y- lum for the insane shall be organized and governed under the laws t'rganizing and governing the state asylum at L'ticn, except as may be herein otherwise provided. 84. The managers shall a])point a medicjd si'perinlendeiit, who shall be a well edncateil physician of experien in tlie treatment of the insane, and a treasurer, wh shall ri'side in the city of lUit'alo, and give bonds for the faithful ])i'rfornnince of his trust, in such sum and with such sureties as the comptroller of the state shall apj)rove. They shall also ajipoint, at their Uiid !; 4. .^laiiau'i'i's t" ap|ii>iiit iiii'ili- cal »iii"'riii- ti>j]il<'iit aiiil tn'a()n tlic iioiuinr.tioii oi" tlic iiu' tlio mmial sa.laries and allowances oi' the treasurer and ( i.i.i ,< Saliui resident ollicers, sulijcH-f to the ai»j)roval of the .gov- ernor of the state, seci'etary of state and the conipti'oller, [)ro- vi(le(l that such salai'ies >^hall not exeee. The plans and specilications for said hospital shall he upon the hasis of accommodating not exceeding live iiini § n. I , , . . ' ' liasis of liundred jiatients at any o!ie tune. rians, etc : I ! 1 1 ■ i! ii ^■m ';1 ■ u si JIoNKKorATMIC AsVLlAf. i'O. There is estahlished at Middletown, in the county of Orange, a .state lunatic asylum for the care and I'ui.fli't'.i^jl'. 524 XKW YORK. I ffl!! tii'"stau'J "^ troatmcnt (^f tlic itisanc ui)(»n the [)rineii>loH of modi- I Mi J;""i';;'°'',"'.'','i^e <-■■"*' known as till' li()in(Coi)atlii(', l)y the name d;rrwn!nlut "T1u> state Ilonio'oi.atl.ic Asylum tor the lusa; ofiipp.'iilu'."" at Middlotowii," under the control of t\venty-oi "•rm "loiiice. tmstees, appointiMl liy tlio governor l)y and with the consent of the senate, and shall he adherents of iKinKeopathy. The trustees shall hesuhject to removal for cause l)v the senate. upon the recommendation of the governor. The term of ollico of said trustees is seven years. 01. Whenevin- vacancies shall occur in the hoa]-(l of trustees R. s , |.. liijj, of tlu> state ]i()ni(i'0])athic asylum for the insane at I'ii.'j-'i/ '' Middletown, the senate shall a|)[ioint, on the iioini- t(i nil vitdiii- nation oi tlie governor, ])ro|)i'r i)ersons to iill such cios; liiiiiin'ii. . ' Piitii. tr.Mtiri't. vacancies; and the acceptance ot tlu'olliceot truster, hy tliG persons thus appointed, shall lie a pledge that tliey will maintain the hoiiKeoiiathic mode (jf medical treatment in tlic said asyhim. 02. The said trustees sliall not for their own orivate advan- K. s.,p. inis. ta<^o or <2;ain, directlv oi- indirectlv, deal or trade in L, l>7,J,rh.J4U, 1 . * ,,. " 1 1 r tit. 7, s •^. buvmy; or seiliiiii' anv u'oods, wares mercliaiiili.-c Tiiistt-.'s not -^ ^ '^ -^ '^ to.ioai.ete. [norj othcr property whatsoever, l)elon<;ing to, or to bo used for the .said corporation. Oo. The financial and other husiness concerns of said asyluin n.i.i s n. are under the direction of said h(»ard of trustees. tiunofiMisi- wJio sliaii elect from their number at eacii annu;d ness ; til up- . . . . . , point ;i piosi- meeting, a ]>resi([ent, a vice-president, a secretarv, (lent. etf. ; '^ iiiiiiii- • qii..inin,ociior aiid a troasuHM' who shall hold their oliices tor oiu' iliities,etc.;of •! i • i ii i i i . trustee!. ycar, or iiutil thcH" succossors sha 1 1 hetMected. Seven of said trustees shall constitute a (luorum for the transaction of business, and a majority of the numhcr present at a nierl- ing shall be retpiisite to make any order in the manageiiieiii of the asylum. All other duties, rights and powers, of said trustees shall be the same as those im[)ose(l upon the manageis of the state lunatic asylum at Utica. 04. Anv trustee fail in u' to attend the remilar meetimrs of tlie ii.ijgt, board for one year may thereU[)on, at the option >>( W'lie'ii trustee • i i i i i i" i i * i i • ir di-ciii.Mi tu said hoard, \>r deemed to have vacati't! !iis otliee, liavf vacated ^ , • i i i en ii iiisoiiic.-. and a successor may he appomtt'tl to lill tlie same. 0."). The trustees shall hold tlieir annual meeting (m ilie \'''? ,^ ']'■ ,„...» third Thursdav in June, at the asvlum, to receive Autiual meet- i/ ' u ' Ni:\V YOUK'. OZi) Vfpovts of llu'ir oflleors as to tlio business nnd afTairs intrc.n (if said coriKiratioii, and to transact sucli utluT l»usi- ni'ss as niav 1k' d I'cnuMi ncfcssarv. !»(). Tlie Ijoai'd of trustcts ol' said asylum shall liavc power id make, eonstitute, oi'dain and establish, from time iin.i s o. Ilvliiw.' IVlM lu tune, such ny-la\vs, rules and I'e^ulations as tliey it. shall dei'Ui |tr(»[)er I'or transaetinsj,-, nianaj;inii; and direetin,!^ the a Hairs of said asylum; jirovidi'd, that sui'h hy-laws, ruU's and dat reiiulaTioiis do not cd )iilliet with this aet, oi' with the eonslil u- lion and laws ( T\ le oiiai )f this state or of the I'nited States. r(l of ti'ustees niav anuoint a sui)erintendinc: m iiiii(eo|iathic ])hysieian aiul assistant [)liysieians ther ollieei-s and airents of the said eor- > llii.l S ■ ;ilid sue o )(iration as thev sliall deem nee 11 •essarv, who sliai re; lieclivi'ly hold and jiei'lorm the duties ])ertainii to their ofliees and a.u'eneies durini;- the j)leasure of liiiiu d 111' tnis- ti'c's may iip- puiiil siipcriii- ic'ii'liiiL: pliysi- ci:iii, I'lc. ; siiliiii.'.H, iip- proviil tliri'i'of. sail 1 hoard, and tl le sail 1 hoard shall, from time to time, lix the salaries of sueh siipcrintendin,^ jihysieians, assistant physieians, ollieci's and agents. lUit tlu' annual salaries of tlu- superin- It'iideiil, assistant [)liysicians, treasurer, steward ;iinl matron shall l>e approved hy the g'overnor, sceretary of state and (■niiijilroller; provided that sueh salaries shall not exceed in the a,Li,',ure^ati' eiu'ht thousand dollars for any one year. US. The ehar^csto he made hy said asylum for tlu' care and treatment of [latieiils shall he sut'h sum only as ii,i,ij;s. shall, in the a,-:-,iire.u'ate, he sullicient to defray the I.'in'^.l''f current expenses of said asylum. p;iti.'nts. '.»'.'. ^riie expenditure of all money ap[)ropriated hy the state for the erection of said asvlum, tou'cther with all ii>iaso. amounts derived or received Irom other sources, ivreipts. shall he fully and duly accounted for to the comptroller. Idd. The treasurer of said asylum shall <;ive bonds for tho I'aithful performance of his trust in such sum and iiii.i § lo. ... . . n • 1 HtMul of With sueh sureties as the comptrolK'r oi the slate tieaMuer. sjiall a[)prove. Ariui;N AsYi,r>r. Ihl. The buihhng erected at Auburn for au asylum shall he known and (U-sii^natcMl as the state as}'- u.^^.p. mii'. iiH.nit. s, si. ... . ". , , , Stuti' ii-ivlum fur iiisaiio luin lor insane criminals, at Auburn. ciiuanuis at .vuimiu. m 'M^h' fllj 520) Ni:\V YOKK. 102. 'I'Ir' stale coiiiinissioiicr in luiiacv sliall apjioiiit a iiicdi- ii,i,ii)2. *"'! suprriiitciidriit \nv .--aid asyliiin who shall l>c a ^"'"* well ('(hicalcd |ihysiciaii ui' (•xjx.'riciicc in the treat- ment of the insane, who sliall, under the direction ol' said in- speelors, have ehai',u,'e of said asylnni, anil sliall make all pur- fha H's lor the support of said asylum, and shall account foi' nil luontys cominj;' to his hands in \]iv .-ane,' manner as the ajj,'cnl and wai'den of any of the state prisons in'r now reiiuired hy law to do. l(i;!. 'Jdie said medical snpcrititc iident sludl reside in the iiiiiis:! huildiut;', and shall devote as much of his time as lii'Miili'iu'c ; MiiHiv. may he necessary to the care and treatment ol those conlincfl tlierein. Jle shall receive a salary of lii'lei'ii luindred dollai's ]ier anmini, payalde monthly, and shall he allowed I'ations foi' himself and family, and all necessary fuel and lights for warming' and li,u'htin,u' his rooms in said liuildin,u-. 104. The su|>erintendent shall hi' the einef executive ollici i' ii'i'i •) I of thi> asvlum. lie shall have tiie licnei'al su peril i- *"U'i- teiidence of the huildinus and lirouniN- * ., aether Avilh their furniture, lixtures and stock; ami the '■. .ion aiiil Control of all jiersons therein. Huhject to such laws and reuu- lations as may he estahlished hy the hoard of inspectors. lie shall have the nominati(»n of his co-nsident ofiicers, witi jiower to assii^n them their respectixe duties, >uhject to the hy- laws aforesaid. Also, to a[i[ioint, v.itli the approval of tlic Loard, such and so many attendants and employes as he may think jiropei' and necessary for tliv' economical and enici( iit administration of the ail'airs of the asylum, and to prexrihe their several duties and places, and to discharii'i any of tin m at his sole discretion. lUit in every case of disclia!'jj,(' so occiir- ring, he shall forllnvith eiiler the same, with the reasons therefor, under an appropi-iate head, in one of the recoiil hooks of the asylum. lie ^hall al.-o have jiowc' to suspend, until the next meetinn' of tln' hoard, for j^ood and sulliiaeiit cause, any resident oflicer; hut in such case he shall i'orthwilli give A\ritten notice of the fact, xvith its causes and circuiii- stances to said hoard, whose duty thereupon it shall he to call a special meeting of the l.'oa.rd to jiroviile for the exiizcncy. The assistant physician shall jiertv.'-m the duties and hesuhjeci to the res[ionsihilities of the superinteiulent, in his sickness or absence. XKNV Y()i;iC. 527 lo.j. The otlicr c)friccrs and cin])l<)y(>s in said asylum sliall Ue an assistant iilivsii-ian. wlio shall also iKTlonn the hm * • -i 1 1. 1.. (iiIm'I- c.lliriM'x; (lutifs (i{ ek-rk of said asylmn; a matron, and not n.nii.i.n>ai fXfi'cdinjj ten male attendants, for the male dcjiartmcnt, and four female attendants for the female department, who shall he appointed by tlie hoard of prison ins[i('C'tors, upon the recom- mt-nilation of the medieal superintendent; ami the monthly waires of sueh atti-ndanfs shall he (ixeil from time to time hy the said hoard of prison insj)ectors, not tf) cxeeed twenty-iive dollars per month each, and the same paid monthly, and saitate prison at Sing Sing, who now is, ii,i,i^<,j. or hereafter mav become insane to 1 )e removed to lt( liiMiiH- fi-iiiale C'Mivirts lit anil retained in the female de[)artment of the state '""'■'"""■'• a-yhinifor insane criminals in the Uiauner provided l>y law. And all the pi'ovisions of this ac't shall a[ij)ly to the cases of nviets so removed except that whenever any such female nvict shall have become restoriMl to reason, she shall he trans- Cii CO firred to and again received into the female state [irison at uvj. >nig. In7. The medical suju'rintemlent shall iWc in the odice of the comptrolh'r of this state a hond in the ])enal sum ll.i.l ,< 7. (if ten thousand ilollars, conditioned for the faithful """ " ""'''' performance of his duty as such, which b(jnd, before it shall he tiled, sliall be a])]»r()Ved by the board of inspectors; and no medical su]K-rintendent shall enter npon the dischai'ge of the duties of said oilice till such bond so a})proved shall have been duly tiled, a- at'tate pri-ons. for all the moneys necessary for tlu' sup- ]inrt anulimitted to jiiei carefully examined by the ins[)ector in I'harge ef tlie sliiill draw liis \\;iv- riint on tlic treasurer (or the amount of said estimate, and the treasurer shall ])ay the amount of said warrant out of any money in the treasuiy appropriated for tliesujiport of the state ])risons. Kilt. The ins])ectors of state jtrisons shall adojit such rules nii.isd. and rej;ulatioiis from time to time, as tliev shall rewnhuions. deem j)roper tor the control and manaj^'einent ol ilu! said asylum which said rules and rej^iilations shall he appi'oved l»y the state commissioner in lunacy, and they shall also have l)0wer to remove any and all the otlicers in said asylum tor cause, and shall enter such cause in full on the minutes of their proceedings at the asylum. And no olHcer I'enioved hv the said inspectors for cause, shall he reappointed to aiiv ])osition in said asylum. 110. A\'henever the jihysicians of either of the state prisons nii.i if 10. of this state shall c(M'tify to the hoard of inspectors, tni'^t" Ixlm'' or to the inspector in charire, that any ct>uvict Iiiliun'oi^ooii- therein is insane it shall he the duty of such hoard ^""'*' or of such inspector in char'ent or warden of the prison where such convict is con (hied forthwith to convey said convict to the state asylum for insane criminals, and to deliver ]iim to the superintendent thereof, who is hereh}' reipiired to receive him into the said asylum, and retain hira there until legally discharged. 111. A\h(Miever any convict in the state asylum for insane iiiidsn. criminals, under and hy virtue of the provisions of tuhv'i.'ix I-..- this act, shall continue to he insane at tlu; expiru- iiiiiiniii!.' ill- . /. 1 !• 1 • 1 1 Sim.. utter tiou 01 tiic temi toF wiiicli Jic was sentenced, the siMiteiice. |)oard of inspectors u])on the sui)ernitcndent's certid- cate, that he is harmless and will ])rol)ahly continue so, ami that he is not likely to he improved hy further treatment in the asylum; or upon a like certificate that he is manifestly iii- cural)le, and can prohahly he rendered comfortahle at the county almshouse, may cause such insane convict to he re- moved at the expense of the state, from said asylum, to the county wherein he was convicted, or to the county of his ^ M" f Ni:\V YOItK. )29 :■> 1 foviiicr rcsidciK'o, mid delivered to and placed umlerlln' enroof the SUliel'illtelldellls of (lie poor ol" sileji counlv, aild tile said stiiteiiiiteiideiits are liei'eliv i'e(|uii'ed to V(H'eive siicli insaim coiivit'l under their cliai'^e; tliev may also disdiai'ue and do- liver any convict whose senteiiee has expired, and who is still in-aiie, (o his relatives or friends, who will undertake with i^dod sureties to he approve(l hy saiil su|ierinlendent of llio ^tate a-yluni for insane criminals, for his peaceful hchavior, safi' custody and comfortahle maintenance without fui'ther pnhlic charL'c. 111'. Ill ease the insanity of any convict shall continue after till' expiration of his sentence, hi' shall he I'ctained H'i'i § i-^. in said asylum until adjuilp'il a tit suhject to he dis- iHi'Mieii... cliar,L!,'ed hy the state commissioner in lunacy. li;). W'heiu'ver any convict, who shall have Ixmmi conlined in tlu' said asvlum as a lunatic, shall have hccome n.i.isi:'- I l\lll>li'f to restored to reason, and the medical su])erint(>ii(lont «tat.- piisun. efsaiil asylum shall so certify in writing, he shall he I'ortlnvith Iratisferred to th<' Auhurn state ])rison, and the apait and warden of said prison shall receive said conviet into the said prison, and shall, in all respects, tn'al such convict as if ho had heeii oi'ijj,inally seiittiiced to im[)risonm(>nt in said prison, tliouuh said convict may have heen conveyed to the said asy- hiiii from either of the other jii'isoiis of the state, hut any .con- vict iH'ceived from a jieiiitentiary shall he retunuMl to tho saiiK'. 111. AVliencvor tlu^ insptM^tovs of stato prisons shall ordor aiiv convict to ho transtei'red to tho asvlum lor in- ii>i'i§H. Coi-tili<-iit(i ot sane criminals, the a,mMit and wardcMi of tho prison coiiviiii.)ii. from which such convict is translovrod, shall cause a correct copy of the original certilicate of conviction of said convict to lH'lile(l ill his oliico, and shall deliver the oriuinal certificate to the ^iipeiinteiident of the asylum; and when any such convict >liall ho transferred to the Auhurn prison friMii such asylum, a.s licri'iiihcforo ])rovidod, tho said sujiorintinidont shall deliver to the ati'i^nt and warden of said prison such original cortifioutc, wliich shall lu' lilod in the chM'k's oifioe in said prison. llo. The phvsician who shall attend anv mootinu' of the heard of insiioctovs of .state prisons, or who shall ii.i,i s i">. i ^ ' Pay of 1)1 make any examination of any convict, as hereinbo- «'<-•'■"»• 34 'it ;ti, phy- il nr.o Ni;VV YOHK. fdi'c |)r()\i(l('(l, sliiill lie jiiiid Ills iU'tiiJil iiiid rcasoiialilc Irnvc!- iii,i(h'nl of the lioard o| inspectors of stale prisons, that he has attemU'd such iiiettiii;; or exaiiiiiialioii. 1 U). The superiiiieudeiit is herel)y aulhiiri/eil lo recover for ii>i(ir. 117. The institution heretofore esta1>lishe(I, and now known R s p lii'fi '"^ ^''*^' •^'^'^^' ^ ""■''^ state inehriate asylum, at Hin^- ch.'-SI.'s 1. hamton, is herehy nholished ; and all the jiroperiy aiyhM?,''X'r iiiid ])rivile,u'es heloii,uiiin- t,, this stale, and imu ira'iniiMi 'ii'Jy"- iiiaiia^ed and administered hy the manaiicrs of (•'I'lniiii'I' in- said inehriate asylum, are herehy transl'erred and of tiuMx.s; entrusted to the care and mt;iiaL!,<'nieiit ot llie I.iuli- iiamton asylum tor the chronic insane, whicli i> hcreljy estahlished. The lioveriior, hy and with the at chis- to h(»ld oflice foi two years; the second class four years, and the third class six years, from and after the passai^e of tlii- act, and until their successors are a]i[iointed and enter n|Min the discliar and consent of tlie senat(\ to lill all vacancies hereaftei' occurrini;- in the said hoard of tni. lis. The governor, hy and with tlie advice and consent of L'Tssir^"'*'' ^'^'-- J^cnate, is herehy authorized to appoint two Irus- GoveViiorand tccs of the JJiuglianiton asylum for the eliroiiic in- Ni;\V V(>i;k. )31 sane, ill iidditidii to tlic nuiiilicr ikiw iilliiwc;! l>v T ',"'.' ''!",".''?, \r as siicii I'lir >i\ vcars !Vi)iii tin it|iiu iiiliH- (i'liiiil iniH- IV. iiij,litc('ii liuiMlrcil ainl si'Nciitv-iiiii'i law, will) sliall SCI' tliirtccntli .lay n\' M; ami uiiiil llirir .-im disci lar^c of llicir diitic-. Tlicy shall |>(wsrss all tlic rinh and iirivilciics, and Kc siiliicct to all llic i ccssdi's ai'c aiiiM iiiili •M anil > iilci' uiK.ii tlic csjKiiisiliililU'-;, now i{)])crtainin,i;- to the cNistinu- trustees o r sue!" asvluni. 1 !!•. Iniinediately al'ter the passage of this act, the nianaj^crs ol sai 1 inehriuto asvlnni shall lie-in tl leir iirepara- ii. « . p. i * ' I 1 ..-1. ..t 1,. Is7!i, ell •Jvl. Si ■•. I'i'islm; MI) i)f i;ivc free access and oiiportnnitv to the ajj^'ciils. nie- iisy * ^ ' * ' I II III :i iiii t I'll II w. III! aim (I'ltiis- lion to close U[) the all'airs of the same, and shall d chanics and laborers to be einploye.l by the tnisti'cs f'lui |„-,i| of said asylnni for tlu' chronic insane, to enter ujion said i)ro[)- ci'ty for the jairpose of ]ire]iarin^' the same for the nses of 111 of thii'lv (lax- such insane asylum; and U|ion the e\|n ratio I'roin ami after the ]^assa^•e of this act. the s:iid managers, theii' icale such jilop- ollici ers, aii'cnts, enijiloyes, and servants, shall \' erly. and leave the same t» the possession, control and man- aLiciiient of the trustees appoiiued under the lirtros. number foi- (>acli (dass into which their number has been di- vided by the lirst section of this act, and shall, by ballot, by a majority vote, desie-nate one of their numbei' a^ their chair- nian, and in like manner shall designate i->ne of tin ir number as secixtary of tlieii' Imard. \-\. rpou surrenderinu,' possession of said ]>roperty to said trustees, the said managers shall make out ami tile ,,,1,1^^4 with the saitl trustees a true and full inveiitiuy. in [""'^XiP'''^ (]u|ilieate, of all the i)roperty so to be transferred; •''^-""■•"■'' and the said trustees shall receipt tor and take ])ossession of such jiroperty, delivering to said managers one copy of said iiiveiitiuy, receipted by their chairman and secretary, and shall ti'ansinit !o the comptroller of this state the other copy of said iinH"itory so receipted; and thereup(Ui the said man- agers shall be relieved from further liability ibi- the care and custody of such iiro[)erty so transferred. I'-l. The stad trustees, whenever organized as provided in A ^ll i'- m wm Ni:\v V()i:k. Il: I ! ,,,l,ljj,, llic tliilil scclioll of llii- ;irl, >li!lll d. \-i-(' ;| Iii 1 ]ilT- a'hi'n'p'i'i'ucif I'iliv |)I;|IIS |ul' 1 1 If ;i 1 1( ■111 I in] i ;ili(! re] i;i i r ( if 1 1 u luiiM- iHiii.h';,'. jii^,^ ^^|- ^.jj^i .,^y|,,,|, .|,,,| |;,|. jiiMiliujiiil Imililin.r.s t lien 'td, ill ;i phi in iiml >iil)-l;iiili,il stylr ot' nrcliitcctui'c siiitjililc lor the jiur|ii)scs of iili ;i>_vliiiii lor the cliiniiic ilisinic, \\ liicli plans witli riill ^|i('ciliciiti(ins nl' tlic.-aiiu' sliiill Itc snliniittcd by lliciii Id llu' sliih' liiiiinl n|' cliiiritii's lur a|i|ir(iViil, addptidii, or niiidilical inn liv tliciii ; am! n|i<'ii llic ailojiiion liy .--aiil slalo lioa III iif cliMritics of -ndi | da lis. llir >aitl t ni.-lccs slmll procci il to coiilracl for sn(di icpair- ami altcralioiis. and for tlic crcc- lioii of surli aildilioiial Itiiild in,:js, in |iiirMianct' of said plans and spccilicat ions so a|i|>rovc'and dollars, or so much thert-of a'H may be necessary, is liereby appropriattnl to pay oil' and dis- charge the oblipitions of the mana,uers of th(> New York slate inebriate asylum, now l;il(' I n.i- ii nr, (di llic wnri'iiiil uf ihc l'(illl|ilri)|l( r liy lllr ol'di I'dl' ihr -llid 1 hi; in I of |||;|li;l^('l'-^, II I "'II tlic |i!'('l' llic !'>iiii;li;iiii!iiii ;isylui)i lui' tlir clirniiic iiisnnc, wlini ;i|i|iiiiiiicd, idl the |i( r.-(iliiil |ir(i|icl'ly Ii('luiii^iiit;|n llic ;i>y!Mlii and r;in;i.;ilid lin\v ii>cd I'nr ihc |iui'|iii.-(< (if >iir|i iil' tlicir tni-t, and at sucli limes as tiic same may lie needed fur the |iiir|iiises al'iiresaid; and the said trustees shall, as nfteii as the ediii|i- li'iiller may reijuire Ihe same, and uiniii the eiiiii|di linii ut'said con I met, make Id him a true and detailed i'e|iiii't nf all nidiieys j'ei'cived liy tlieiii hy virtue of this a<'t, and ol'all exiiemlitures (if the same, and shall truly aeediiiit fur all luniieys received hy them, whelher expended or reiuaininu' in their h ami \-l[. The said tru>tees shall have tl le "elid'ai (lll'eet'.dn. 11.1.1 5' :. l'..U..|-N nf iiiaiiau'eiiient. and eiiiitrdl uf all the |ii'iiper(y and cdiicerns dl" the said a-yluiii, imt otherwise ju'o- tiuM.'CH. vided for hy law, and shall see that the desi^ii of its iiHtitu- tiuii shall he carried into ellect, and everything; faithfully done accordinii' to law and the hydaws. rules, and re^ulatidiis of the asylum; and shall make full report in each year end iiiu' on the thirtieth day of Septeinhei- of their doin,L;s lo the legislature ill the liist Week of each annual se-sion therenf. I'l'i. 'idle said trustees shall apjinint a superintendent, wlio shall he a Well educated physician of I'Xpel'ieliet' with ,,,i,| ^, , trealmeiit of the insane, and a treasurer, wdio shall .'^I'l'iTnih!^!-"'' Lii\i' honds to the jieople of this slate, in such sum ""'■''"■■ and with such siiretie< a- the comptroller shall approve, for the faithfid perfiirniaiice of his duties and tru-t. They shall also a|i]ioii.; ii]ion the nomination of ihe superintendent a steward, two assistant j)liysieians. and a matron, all of whom, as well as the superinteiidont, shall constantly reside in the asyhuu. and be de-ieiiated the resident ollicers thereof. 12(>. The istiid trustees shall, from time to time, tix and de- m .1^' K'' u Ni;\V YOKK'. iiiiii § n. Haliirii's. Icniiinc tlie annual >alarii'S and a.llowaiiccs of jjio irt'asui'cr and (lie ri'sidcnt oHIccrs d' tlic asylum, sulijcc't In llic a[)})r(»val of the j^ovcrnor, srcivlary of statr, and cxcerd tlic slim of Icii llionsand and live liun treasurer of the state, on the waiianl of the eoniplrollei', out of any moneys in Ihe trea^uiT not ■dhei'wise ap})ropriated, to the oi'der ol' the Ireasurei- of the asylinu, on his jireseih inii,' a hill lh( r''!'M', duly signed hy the steward, and eertilie(l as eorrecl, hy till' superintendent, and thereupon hy the treasurta' of the asylum to the ellieers entitliil to the same, takinu proper re- ceipts therefor in a hook to he kept hy him for that pur|iose. _( . j.e.ore eiueruii;' upo n the di>ehai'"'e of their i cspeelivti n)iii s ID. Outli of oHicc duties, the treasuier, superiiitendent, and steward of the asylum shall sev< rally take and suh-(M'ihe the )ath of olliee la'i'siM'ihed in tlu' lirsl section of the twelfih aiii- •le of the eonstitulion of this state, and lile the same in the (fliee of the seer(^tary of state. J'JS. 'J'lic said trustees are hia^'hy ilireelt^d and empiowei'ed, suhjeel to the a])pproval of the stale hoard of chari- ties, to estahlish such hy-hr\s as they may deem necessary and i>\pedient for re^ulatin^- the ajipoiutmenl and duties of ollicers, assistants, and em|doyes, and also to ordain i} u. l>y-l;i\vs. and enforce a suilahle svsleiu of lades and reuulaf \n\]< lor the ill- t.ei'ual uoNenimeid, discipline, and u uamaneiU ol' the asyh Wl]. ]'J1I. The superinlendeni shall he liie chief eXeiMlt l\'e ojliccr (llltir.- .il' ^11- of the asylum, lie shall ha\'e the ,j,ciU'ral superiii- temhaiee of the huildiuus. their furniture and lix- lurc'S, the ui'ounds and the tarm, and its stock, aad the dii'eefion auil contidl of all ])ersons emjdoyed therein, .-nh- jeet to the hy-I,i\\s. rules, and reLiulat ions eslahlidied hy ihc tru^tt'c: ]I e SI I :dl dail\- ascerlaiu the eoiidii ion of the inmates )f the asvhim, and ni'i'siM'ihe their tri'almenl in the mami prescrihei in th; '\'-ia\vs, and diall ;l-siLl'U his co-resident olli cers to their respecli'.e duties, suhjT'ct lo the hy-!a\vs and shall also appoiiii, suhj<'ct t(» (he appi'oval of the (ruslees, and with in the limii prescrihed in the hy-laws, such and so many olln r ollicers, assisti.nts. and attendants, as he m;i\- dsem necessary ■ » ■* !|!i! NKW YOKK. ;i.);) lor llic (■(•oMoiiiicul niid cHiciciit pcrronDaiicc of llic l)usiiu'ss of the iisyliiiii. ;ilis, to one of the trustees, whose duty thereu|ion shall he to call a special niecting of the ti'ustees. to provide for the exi^r • ey. lie shall also, iVoni time to lime, ^ive such orders and instvuc- lionsas he may deem most e\pe(lieiit to insure ^oo(l coiiiluct, lidelity. and economy in every departnieut of the asylum : and lie is lierehy autliori/.ed ami enjoine(l to maintain salutary dis- cipline anions all who are eni[)loye(l hy or in the a-^ylum, or (111 its iL!,'rouiids. He shall furihei- cause full and true accounts and re('ords of all his doings as sujn rintcndeiit. and of the (Mi- llie liusiiiess and ojieralions of the insi ilution. to he kejit re^u- liu'ly. from day to day. in hooks of record kepi for such ]iur- p(ir-e, in llie manner and to the extent prescrihed in \\\v hy- liiws; and he shall see that all such accounts and records aro I'uily made up in each year !or the pre cedin,<;- year, to and in- cludiiiL!,' the last day of Septeinher. and shall. v»'ithin thirty days thereafler, jiresent to tlii' triislees a succinct account of die principal fads and resul; so recorded, wilh his report llicrcoii. The first assistant ph /sician shall perforin the duties mid iie suhject to the respoiisihilil ies of the superintendent iliirin.L:,' the siidvUt^s-: or ahseiice of the latter. IMO. 'i'lie treasurer shall have the care and custody of all iiiiiiicys heloii^inu; to the asylum, lie shall opiMi n i,| ^ i-, with one of the hanks in the cily of l>inulianiton, ''''■'•'"'"'•'•■ 111 he selected with the a]iprol»al ioii ol' the comptroller of the >tale, an account in his own name as such ti'easurer; and ]\e shall ileposit all nioney> imniedialely upon receix-iuL:,- them in such hank, and shall ilraw for the same only for the uses of 'lie asylum, and in the manner p.rescrihed in the hy-laws, upon the wrilteii ordei' of the -teward. specifyin,!;' tlu> ohjiM-t of the iiaynunt. lie sliall keep full and accurate^ aci'ounts of 1 il ufi ' ' 'i^ ■" ff 1 li'll ' .1 f 53G Ni;w Y(m;k. rcccij)l.< and payiiiciils, in llic iniiiuur diiic'tcd liy tin- hy-laws, jind !t dav of S('|iteinlii r, and make a siatenieiit of the halances tliercdj'. and an al)stra('t of the I'eeeipts ami payments of tli<' pi'ecidinij,- yeai', and suhnnt the same to the auditinji,' eommitlee of ihc boai'd of ti'uslt'es within ten days thereafter, which comndttec shall eompai'c the same with his liooks and \duchi>rs. and verify the same hy a fnilhei- compai'ison with the lio(iks of the steward, and shall certify the result of their examination and audit to the iioai'(l of trustees wilhin {vu days thereafter, lie shall also render C|Uarterly slatemeiils of his receipts and pav- ments for the previous ipiarter. on or heldri' the tenth day of .Ian nary. .\ pril, .luly, and ( )c-toher. in each yea i', to such audit- ing' comnnttet', who shall make like comparison, \erillcatioii and certilieate, as in the case of the annual balance and slate- meid of accounts, lie shall further render an account of the condition of liis hooks, and of the funds, and oilit r pro[iert' in his custody, whenever retpured to do so liy the trustees or the superintendent. 1;!1. Idle steward, under the direction of the sup(rin(end(iit, ,4 shall make all purchases for the a>yluni, and pre- serve the (•ri^inal hills ami reeei])ts thei'eldr. and shall keep full and accurate accounts of the same, in hooks kept for such |uirpose; and also copies of all orders ilravvii hv IImiI ^ !?li-\v.iril. himself upon the treasurer. le siiail also, under like ihrei' tioii, make contracts in the name of the superintendent widi the atteiidanls ami assistants, and keep, and settle their ac- counts: he shall also ket'p the aci'ounts tor the sujiport ot' the inmates of the asyhini aiiurer. every month, a statement cf such as fall c aecoiinlahle Idi- the careful keeping and economical use of all furnilure, stores, and otlu'i' articles pin- \i(le(i for he asvliiui 1;!2. The resident olllcers of the as\ lum, and all attendants Xi:\V YDKK. 537 '' li 'irii^i.Ts' visit^< and assistants acluallv ami I'cunlarlv (innlnvi'd i^.i^i.-,. , ,, , . ,' . 1- 1 ' 1 ' KMiii|iii.)n of tluTcni. shall. (Iiirinu' tl'c time (it sncli cniitinvim'nt, r'-i.i.„t„ni- ' . . . . ' ' (ri< :iiitcc's shall ktH'ii, in a IxMik prdxidcd I'or tliat liuriiosc, a I'ull and true rcrord oi' their doings, ii.i'i ^^ i'. wliieli .-hall he open at all I'ea.-onaliU' times to the "■'■"■ti'i's present >liall sii^n. 'J'he m-nei'al I'esults of such insjiection, with such su,u\u'estions for improvement a< they may have recommended, >liall he inserted in their annujd report to the le'i >;■ i^- ('•impi>ii>;iti inm'cii- Ki'iiioval of , , , . Ill' • 1 ■ iiionic lioii ()t tlu> iiisauo, sliall .ii'lVC llotlCl' tlicivot to lllc .oMiiii.s: lu state board ot cliantics, and also as to the iiiiiiib( !• "I''"-''' of jiatinits tbi'V may 1k' ready to receive. 'I"he elii'onie ]ian|ier insane, iVoni ibe poorbon-r-; of tbe eountirs wliieb may be designated by tbe state lioard ot'ebarities tlicri- for, sball l>e sent to tbe said asylnni bcrein establisbeib by tiic eounty sujierintendeiits of llie pool': and sneb innnber- of the elironie insane jianpt'i- innialt'S of state bnialie asylums, from tbe eounties tbus desiji'iiated, as may be disebaru'ed tbd'cfr'Hi) not recovered, and wbo continue a public cbaruc sball also lie sent to said asylum; and all sneb patients sball be a ebar^^v upon tbe I'rspeetivc counties fl'om wbieb tbev ai'c sent, w bctbei' sucb ])aticnt sball b(> s(>nt by tbe superintendent of tbe poor, oi- by order ol' any court or oilicer tberet)f, or from lunatic asylums. 1-".S. Tbe trustees, upon tbe superintemleiit's certificate of en- „,i,, ^^.,, tii'e ret-oveiy. may disebar^e any patient to tbe care i'.;!ii'!'Ih'':' "*^ of lus or lici' fricuds, or to tbe care of tbe superin- ho-mVoi- "''''*' leiident of tbe ]iooi': or tbev may discbaru'e any pn- '''""""'' tieiit, upon tbe superintendent's eertiticate that sudi patient is barndess and will probably continue so. and is net likely to be improved by fai'tber treatment in tlu' asylum, to In's or lier friends wbo will ])resent sullicient evidence that tbey are able to inaintain and eare tbr tbe same pi-operly. They may al-^o dischar!j,'e and deli\'er any patient as afoi'ero\-ed >ureties for bis or her ]ieaceable bebavioi'. safe custndy. and condbrtable maintenance witbout further j)ublic charge, and the bonliall fortbwilb notify the supei'inlendent of the poor of the proper county of such dischariic and such j^uaiantees. The slate board of charities sball. by a specially appointed eoinmiitie. annually visit the asylum, ami on a personal inspection and due (xaminalion ol' its ollieial reciirds, and on confei'rini:' w idi the supeiintenilenl. may dii-ect the di-cbaru'e or remo\al to lln^ (•(ainties from whence tbev conie o,' anv (luiet ami harmless Ni:\v VOHK. ;30 chronic insane in \ho asylum, if in tlic Juil.uincnl of tlic coni- iiiittcc tlu'ir licaltli and conil'url can jii'dpci'iy be jjrovidcil lor liy tlio sn]n']•int('n(1(•nt^ of (lie jiooi' of" tlicir rcsjtcctive c()uiiti(s. ^'■'M Win 'never tlie trustees of said asylum, or the slate Imard of cliari ties shall ordei-a ]iatirnt rcnio\c(l from tlicasy- u,u\ .; ■jl.', hnu to tlK> county whence lie (•;) inc. lie ■supcnntcm lent a^vlllln ; of the poor of sueii count v shall audit ami pa v t lie act- im.u.i.Mit t.> II 1 1 " <• 1 'i I ''''•^' '■■''1"'"-'''' Hill and reasonaole expense ol sui-li removal as part •<(-. ,,i ol the cont niti'cnt expenses ot the poor ol such fm t.) p^iy- county. Ihit if any town. city, or person he leually liahle for die suppoi't of sm'h patient, the ;inioun! of said expcii>es may lie rccovcreil hy sucli supcrinten.dent. of the corporation or ])er- ucli exp'uscs on de- maiid. the treasurer of the a^yluin may pay the same and (hai'U'i' th(> amount thereof to sut'h eiainly. and the treasurer of said county i^ herehy authorized and refpiired. on demand (if the treasurer of said a■ . • ' 1 ■ 1 I 11 Ijills I'lir inaiii- ;iiid mamti'nance ot such iialients, as tliev shall uMiinuM., etc ; 111 BiipiM-visors to I'ccoiiK' diu' and itavahle aceordmi!,' to tln' l)\--la\vs i vy mx ; ' "^ ' • towns to leim- iif tile asylum, niioii the oi'dt'i- of tlie stewanl: and '"i'-'''- the su])ervisors of saiuins as will |ii'nhal,>ly cover all similar hills for >aid county for one year iu ailvanci'. Said county shall, liowevei'. have the ]'iL;ht to rc- i|iiire any individual, town, city or couidy tliat is legally liahlo for the support of such patient or patients, to reimhurse it iu tile amount of said l)ills, with interest from the day of payin<^ the >ame. 111. livery (own, city or county, ]iayin su]>port of any inmate in said asylum shall have the rijj,'ht to ||,i,|^^.,j U'ljuire any other town, city oi- county that is legally ,l,';?y'n.;,'?i'n; liahle for his sup]>oi't to rehmd to it the amount so i','!.'','!iy""iai';iu paid, with interest thereon from the time of payment. '" "'"" ' r: i^i^ il 1 -m M ''11 i mi, ''"^tm- r ? i .10 NKW YOKK. 1-12. All (own iiiid (•(iiiiity diliccrs sending a jiatinit lo IIk saii'l'(in .^-ciidin^ him, sec that he i- IilKMl mIMci^ , 1' 1 1 • 1 1 1 • 1 • (■ 11 to iiui-ii.i ti 111 a siau' (M Imiimin' clcaiihiics-, and is (■(iiiilni'talilv I'li'iiiiliiii'ss, etc , of \t:\- tii'iils sent Ii; lisyli: ciiithcd, and provided witu a suital»l(! chanfic I'idnnnt. as prcscrilu'd hy tlu' hydaws of the asyh nil. 11:;. TIh' chari.ics Inr inaintainiiiii- a iiatimt in said a- shall lliid S '211 ('liar.L"'« T'T iiiaihtrii.uiof ill addilicn lothc clKirur U>v clolhliu iiualh' lixcil hv tlic y ii 1 1 II . ln' aii- lru.-lc;s. and shall not cxcci'd ofpuii.hts. ,||^, .,,.n,.|] ,.,,..( thcivof. (•.xcliisivc ol' oilicrrs' salaries and aiiproj.i'iations tor iX'])airs; nor sluill it i xcrid ti.'f rate n- (|nirril at the W'illai'd asylum. 111. Xoiic oi' thr [iro\isions of this act shall n strain nr ahrid^r the power and authiiriiy of the siipnnn' court of the state over the persons and alleged pn,)]i- Ilii.l i) 27. I'liuiT 111' sn- jirciiii' coiiiT imt iilii ill.:;'''!. ertv ot tile uisano. Asvi.r.Ms. 1 lo. No ])erson or associiition shall e:4. i!i-ji, asv lum, institution, lio'i.-e or retreat for the ) ail (•arc. cii.44u, tit. :i, custodv or treatment ot the insane or persons of un- -ound mind, for conipen--ati(in or hiix', without lirst SI K'l |iriv;Ui' asyhiin to '»''.. esi,ii,ii>ii..,i ohtainini:' a license therefor from the state coim WIllllHlt li- Ci'llSf tll'TI'- ^K ) fur ; whi'ii lur ill lunacy; proiUUd, that this seetioi IllS- 1 shall')ii|i|.iy. j,,,i apply to any state asylum or institution, or any asylum or institution estahlished oi' conducted hy any county; and pi'ovidcd. al.-o, that it shall not apply to eases where an insane ])erson or pei'.--ons of unsound miii (I IS (K ■tain CO aim treated at his own house or that of some relative. iu'k !•: Very aj'plieatitin for such licen^ V sua I he accoiupamcil I., isr.i cli, ."iTl. S 111. .Apiilirali'iLKS fof lil'OM.41 I>aticiits. or for I'otli. and it" for tlio rcccplioii of l)(illi, of tlio iiuiiil»(-r of fiK-li -ex ]ir()p(is('(l ((> he rcccivt'il into sudi Imuse, ami for the mean- liv wliicli tlic one srx may l)c krjit di-linct and apart tVoni the ntlicr. And it sliall not lie lawl'ul tor said lioard to M)-;,i|t ;iiiy .■^ucli license williout liavin.!4' lii'-t, eillier (■oljectivciy or liy a coniinittco tlieri'ol', vi^ited I lie premise's projiosed to lie licensed, and lieini;' satislieil liy sneli examina- tion that they coidorni to the des(a'ipli(ai of the ajijilication, and are otherwise lit and snitahlo lor the pnr[)OM's lor which liny are de-ii^iied to he usee]. 117. 11\ ei-y ;ip]ilication lor snch license shall he accomp'a- nied liy a plan of the ju'eini-es ])ro[)osed to he occn- i:. s.j.. i:i:!i, pied, de-erihini; the capacities of the huildinu's for -iu: id.'.>. j-i. the n^ts ui tended, the extent and location of iffoniuls '"•■ lii'M-.'; ^ ^ (MIllllli^-i'tllLT iiiiiiiirtenant thereto, and the inimher of i)alients of t.. vi-it pn>. (idler sex prftjioscd to he rcH'eived therein; and it ^-''''''''''k- -hall not he lawful for said cominis>ioner to L;rant any snch license witjioiit havi 11, i:; first visil<'d the premises pi'oposed to ho licensed, and heinon. association or c(a'poration, ,, ^ ,,1.^7 made as provideersons of unsound mind, so lodged, hoarded, kept or detained in such asylum (U- institution, and of all in-aiie jiersons. or jtersons of unsound mind, in the cliaruv or keeping of such jiersoii, association or cor[ioration ; which said license \. 1 10, supra. T^ ^^^^^F !l i(^ ■ r ! 1 ', 1 , I m 1 J m 1^. 512 Xi:\V YOKK. ■1 I ' county in wliicli .-iicli a-yliiiii or inslilnlion is situalcd. TIic jiiiy ri'vcUi' •'^iii'l 'I'lanl may rcNokc tlic iicriisc ol" any asyliiui (M' inslilnlion, issncil uiidcr I lie provisions ( if llii< jui. lor reasons (Iccincd salisfadory to saiil hoarij ; Init such vr\i<- catioii shall 1m' in w riling and iilcd as aforesaid, and noiice thei'eof Li'iven ill wi'ilini;' to the person, association or cor[iora- tion to whom such license was i;i\en. 1 I'-'. Afli 1' the c\|iiralion of ihree montlis fi'om the passajxo 11. ill !( 1-2. ol' this act. any person or persons who shall conducj I'l'iKillv I'or . . ' . . , . . iiuuiiiaiiiini.' or mainlani aiiv iinvale uisane asylum or mslitu- il- (•uiiiix'i aiini- lature, shall deem it necessarv ,.,, ; piu. n-;ite aiul ascertaiii the truth ol anv cliai'm- ei' I'aiHTs. coin|»!aint made or circulateil re-pectniij,' liie coiuliut of the suj)erintcndent, assistants, suhordinatc odicei- or ser- vants, ill whatever ca[)acily or duty employed hy or under ilic oliicial control of any such hoard, managers, directors or liu-- tees, it shall be lawful for the pi'esidin<;' ollicer for the tiuie beiii}^' of a.ny such hoard, managers, din-ctors or trustees, to adniiuistt.'r oaths to all witnessi's coining ht'fore them respec- tively for t'xamiuation, and to issue conij)ulsory proce.s.s for ihe Ni:\V Y<)1!K. 51;] iitii'iulaiK'o of {my witiu'ss within llic stale wlioiii tlicy iiiny rt'Siicctivi'ly desire [o exiiiiiiiie, and for the proihietiou of all jiapei's tiiat any sui-li witness may possess, or liave in his [idwer. toneiiinii' the matter of such e(>m|ilainl (ir in\'e.-tipitioii ; and will'nl falsi' swearinjj,' i)y any wi(ni>s who may he so examined is herehy deehuH'd to he perjnry. \'>'l. All persons examineil as witnesses nnder the first sec- tion of this at't shall he paid the same fits as are H'M .<■-'■ ... . , , , I'.M'^ of Wit- now paiil to witnesses in the sn[ireme eonrt liy llie ih-<->,-. said hoai'd, nianau'ers, directors or trn.-tees, authorizing!,' the i^sninL!,' of such compulsory process. J."))!. Any person wilfully neers, as [irovided in n,,,,^:! the act, shall he liahh' to a penalty of oiu' hundiH'd 'I'u.'i'l'yiil!,''^ dollars, to 1)0 recovered, with costsof suit, hefoi'eany "'"'"''""■• coui't havinji,' cognizance thei't'of. \')\. It shall he the duty of the su]ierintendi nt, warden or otlu'r })i'oper oilicer in charp' of each of the henevo- ,, ^, ^^^^ ]{']\\ institutions of this state, in which are persons '■■^i'''' '''■•'■'-i. whose maintenance, treatment, tuition or clothing is '.ii',l','|;,'.,"r„r a chari^'c the na.ue, age, sex, coloi' and nationality of ev(>ry j)ci'son in such Institution, chargeahle to such county; also, when each person was re- ceivi'd into such institution, from what town sent, tor what n^rm received, to what time th(; expense of each such peison has hcen paiil,and the amount chargeahle to such county for each such |iei'son for the ensuing year, which repoi't shall he veri- lied hy the oath or allirmation of the person making the same. lo"). The liscal year of all state asylums, hos[)itals, charitahlo and reformatory institutions in this state shall com- ,, ^ ,, i>n4, iiuiicc on tlu' first day of Octoher in each year, and ,'.'i; u'.i|';}i. clo-( ow tlu' thirtieth day of Seplemhii', inclusive, '',!n,'m,MH'r '° iiexi succeeding; and the amiual reports of said in- 'n,i's,.,!'t'.":io; stilutions hei'etoforc reiiuinnl for tho of gov- "'"""" crnment shall ho made for tho fiscal year as herein estab- lished ; provided, however, tliat tho first report nuido by any m m i, r.ii Ni:\V VOKK. (tf silid iii-lilnlioiis, iiflci' tlic pii-sn^c of lliis ncl. slmll lie foi' tlic ])('rin(l (•iiiiiiiiciicinu' uilli llir ctiiiiiiiciiccinciit ot" its lisciil viiii' iis licrcldlnfr (•sl;ilili>lM'(| In ;iIm1 i Iicl IK I i IIU,- llu' tllirlictll (l;i\' uf cjiIcIiiIk 1', cii;' s litci'ii liiiiidrcil Mild >t'V('iit\-iiiii ICll () I the ;i-\llllil<, rc|(iriii;i tnrics. 1 lllllK'S, I'ctrcMt- 1!. S..|i. IMM. 1,. l.-»ii, rh, .117, s< 1. Whlll Ml.' Hlllll' ill.^lilll- tlollS. I irii i tciil i;i ri cs, jiii Is. or oilier in-iiliiliniis nl' lliis ~t;itr ill wliicli llic iHijird. iii-lriicl idii. c'lic nr cldlliinud |Hi'--nii< ('(iiiiiuitU'iI llii'i'ctt) is, (»r sIkiII hr. ;i iliai'L;! :ii:;iliist ;i n\- cniintv of this slutc. nr tdwii tl irrcili. sliiill 1h' kimwii for tlic pin'|i(isrs oi' this act as tnw ol' the stair Ih'IicvdIi'IiI iii to any town or county, to make a report in writing to the clerk of tlie hoard of supervisors of the county so liable, or of w liidi any town is so lialde. Such re])oi't shall show when siali ])ersons wei'c I'eeeived into said institution, and when known, the name, age, sex. nationality, rcsi(h'nce, length of time ef conimitment or apjiointment, the name of the ollieer makiiiL; such commitment or appointment, and the sum chargeahle per week, month or year lor siudi person. J">!'. In case of [\w d(>ath, removal or discharge of any pcr- i)r:'ui!,''n'- ^^^^ committed or appointed, to any of the institu- WML M:\V VdliK. tutioiis mentioned in tliis Met, it sliall lie tlie diitv of ")4<") IIIOVIll III' lIlH- ilic cllieers mentioned in sectiun llircc of this net, to |',l!,'.'ii| ',u'a» u. iiiiniediatcly report to the eh'ik of tlie hoanl of sti- '"' '"i" ""■''• |.('ivi«>i's of liie respeetive county the ihite of such deatli, re- iiio\id 111' disehar^o. Idd. It shall lie the duty any part of the li(iard, care, tuition, or clothing has heen ])aid hy any ])ersou (ir pi'rsons, the account shall show what sum has l)een so paid, and accompanying such account shall he a ri'port shoAving ilic name, age, sex, nationality, and residence of each person iiicutioniMl in the ai-count, the name of the oHiccr who made the (•(iiiinutment or a[)i)ointment, the date and length of comnut- iiiciit or api)ointment, the time to which the account has been paitl, and the anu)unt claimed to the lirst day of said October, the sum per week or [»er annum charged, and if no part of siicli account has been paid by any })erson ')r })ersonf-, the ir[iort shall show such fact, duly verified. I I'd. Any officer mentioned in this act Avho shall refuse or inflect to make the HMtorts reiiuired bv this act n>i:!. Any justice of the suj)reme courtof the judicial district, within whose boundaries any of the public t'harita- }!; fssi',' (•u?*" lilf institutions of the state hereinafter referred to is j^istto,,!,,,. I'icated, is hereby authorized to grant on written ap- may giauror- 35 '^1 't fm. 540 NKW V(»i;k. (In-Htn niml.l.' | "1 icU t il M I (»f lllf IlOIU'd ol' 1 1 1; 1 1 lil l^i 'I'-; III' t lie Sliltr cllil (lllll'lTM ti) vUlt n- liih. iiiiiiiiii. tics iiiil nssdciiit inn, ;i ciiriiDriiiinii uri^mii/fd iiinlci' bli- iriHlilii tloii wliic'li orili' l-nnlur cI l;l 1 1| Cl' tlll'C*' Inill; oi'ders shall specify the institution or insiiiutions to he vi- leh II 'd. ins[)ecteil ami e\aniined, and the iianie>; of the persons hv whom the visitation, in^Jleetion and ixainination aic to i,(. made, and shall he in force for one year from the date oii which it shall lia\e he( n granted, unless sooner revoked. Itih It shall he the duty vi' any and all [icrson< in charge Olllf.TS ilf ill. Htilllli'HIH t'l adiiili htiviiii pt'i'Mim of each and every |ioorliouse or alnisliou-e. em- hracecl in the order spicilied in the lir>t section of U'vs. this act, to admit any or all ot the jiersoiis nai neil in the said order of the Justice (tf the su|iri'mc coui't, into I'Verv ])art of such institution, and to render the said persoi IS Ml lahje named in said order every facility within theii' powei' to ei ihem to make in a thorough manner their visit, inspct'tioii ami (examination, which are herehy declared to he ior a ]iulilic j)uri)Ose, and to he made with a \iew to jaihlic; heiieiit. (>lic- dience to the order herein authorized sliall he enforced in the sumo manner and with a like etlect as ohedieiice is eid'orcni to an (irdi'r or mandate made hy a court of record. !()."). It shall he the duty of the said e<)r]ioration to make an Vi'!l,l?' ,, aiuiual reiiort to the state hoard of charities. !()(). Any sohlier or sailor who may liave heen re^ulaily ad- mitteil into the New Voi'k State Soldiers' and Sailors' Jlome, at IJath. who shall he found to he insuic may he transferred, hy an order of the president and B. s., p. i!i;)i, L. IS'il, »li.407. SI- TiaiisfiM-iif iii- sRiii' siiMii'i's and .siiilui's t HHyliiin. Kx|iPiiNC. rttiit.' luiKiii.' sccri'tary ()f the hoard of trustees and the superin- tendent of the home, to any state lunatic a>yluni, there to remain at tlu' expense of the Xew York State Soldiers' and Sailors' Jlomo mitil legally discliarged; said exjKiise to be paid out of the maintenance I'nnd vl' said home, and at llie same rate as is charged for the siipi)ort of tlie county insam. .m;\v VDiiK. n47 m ( I 1(17. Till' ('(jiniiiissioiicrs of tlic (I('|>iirlii)('iit nf imldic cliai'itics ami foiTcc'lioii ul" tilt' I'iiy ot" New ^'o^k iii'f luifby k s . ,.. in.t.', aiitlinri/cd, in tli«-ip tliscn linn, {>> Iransl'ci' anv insain' 'v, 'J.'.'jj ,, |ici'--uii, iiii'ctdl'orr (»r lid'carifp cninniiltt'd lo, nr I.,'.!,'3'y I'l'iii'i-. lii'inu ill llicir (■ii>ti>ily. dv any in>lituli(in uniitr p'i.'i.,,'!",'!"!", I heir com ml, hi any slah' lunal ic asylum, tlic inana- inm";'V""'* ,'. 1- I • 1 I II 11 I"'!!-!', Im'W III ijcl'S ol' ]inijirl' ulllcrrs iil wlllcl) >l\:\\\ cdnM'nl to l ■.nni;ii..l , , , mill piiiil. K ccivc llif same; and (A i ry .■^lu-li jici>nn so ti'aiis- IriTcd >liall lie detained, or |M'i'niitted to remain in any sneli ;i-yliini, iiiilil di>cliai\u'ed aecordiiijj,' to law. 'Die expense of die niain!( iiaiiee of e\ cry ]iei'~on so t ransl'erred. w liidi >liall lie lixed l>y a.Lii'ei iiieiit lieiwccii >aid commissioners and >ucli 111;. navel's or ollicers, and of reinoviiiL:,' iVoiii, and, in ca-e of ili-cliai'ii'e, ol' lirin,uinu' hack lo .\ AMI l)lS(IIAI!(;i:. ITii. Xo jierson shall he eommitteil to or confined as a liiiiieiit in any asylum, puhlic or jirivati', or in any u s.. ;> imn, iiisiilution, home or retreat for the care and treat- .M,i|Vit'i,'art. iiuiit of the insane, except upon the eertilieate of (Vi-iiiinit.'..r iwii physicians, under oath, settiui;' forth the insanity aV^'.n'v'iT"' ,. I ' ,, 1 n 1 1 1 I ■ ' tllf-l-.'iir liy II (il ^ucii ]ierson. l)Ul no person shall l)e held m con- j.iai.'.. ofa liiiciiient in anv such asvluni for more than live n kI; I 1 • I • 1 • 1 ■ !• 1 jiiiUi'" iiiny iliivs, unless witliui that time sm-h cei'tihcate he tak.. pruois. etc. approved hy a jnd,i;e or justice of a court of record of °'*ft*»' )4S NEW Y()I!K. tlic'-ounty or district in wliicli llic alleged lunatic resides, and said judge or justice may institute imiuiry and take ]»rools aj>[)roving or disap[)i'oviug of to aii\' allei-cd luiuicv beibn loll such certilicate and said judge or justice may in his discrct call a jury in I'ach case to determine the (pustion of lunacy. 171. Jt sluill not l)e lawful for any physician to cer.ify to the insanity of any jierson for tlu' pu.rpose of securing lliiil S •-'• (^Ial]lll'atll)ll t'l' pliysiciiiii ciM lilyini.' ; to III I'lTiilicii by 11 jiicli,''' : I'l'i-sii nil t'XHIi iiialioii. lis con nuitmcnt to an asvlum, unless said nlivs iciaii iii- 1C(> ca- lie of reputahle character, a graduate of some corjiorated medical college, a permanent resident the state, and shall have heen in tlie actual ])ract of his proCcssion for at least three years. And such (pialili tions shall hi" certilied to by a judge of any coui'l of rtcord. No certilicate of insanity shall he made exci-pt after a pei-Miud examination of the jiarty allegi'd to he insane, and accor(nii^- to forms prescrihed iiy the state commissioner in lunacy evei'V such certificate shall hear date of not more thai and 1 ii'ii days prior to such commitment. 172. It sliall not he lawhil for any physician to ceiiiCy to the insanity o'' any person for the purpose of com- mitting him to an asylum of which the said pliy- '""•■ sician is eitlu'i- the su[)erintendent. i-roprietor and :)fHeer or a I'egular jirofessioiial attendant thei-ein. 17.'1. jCvery superintendent of a state asylum or puhli<' WIm'II plivsi. ciaij iiiav licit or lliiil S 4. ]) private asylum, institution, home or retreat I er llie fn'v llf'.'.^iL eare and h'latment of the iiisan(\ shall Avithin tl crilrv III' (Mso irce lo Im ill' iiii'iital stalo of. days ;.fter the rece[>tion of any jiatiiMit. make er cause to he made, a descviptivo entry of such case in a l)o,)k exclusively set a[iart for that i)ur[»ose. lie shall iiI>o nuike I'litries fnim time to time of th(> mental state, l)0(hly con(li'i(»ii and medical treatment of sUih paticMit togetlier willi the forms of restraint emjtloyed, during the time such patimt remains tiin ler h nx', aiMl in the event of the discliari: e or death of such patient, the superintemk'ii; aforesaid shall state in sneii case-lxjok the •irciimstances apj»ertaiuing thereto. 171. The e lunty su|n rint-.i. dents of the poor of any county or town, to which any piV^on shall he chaigealilo. who shall he or shall hecome a lunatii;, may send i.aiiii.M ihsaii.-, jiiiy ^m.|, person to any state huialic asyhnn hy an order umler their hands, and in compliance with the provisions 11. ill ij.V eiMiiily Miipt. nl tlu' |iiii>r. pciupr lit', iivor of tl lis act. I 'r'l XKW YORK. )4i) IT'"). In case of tlio refusal ov nej»-leet of any eduiniittee or truardian of anv lunatic, oi- his n ■lat ive: 1 (I eonlme IhiM ami luaiiilain him, or whert' there is no such I'oiu- inittec, i^'uardiaii or ri'lative of sullieient ability to do so, it shall he the duly of the ovi'rseers of tlu' tables (»f till' eity or town where any ) report the same forthwith )uor, or eons luiialie sha 11 founi as iiiik'HiI'mI l■>^:l, i-li. in:!, S 1- OV.M-SIMMS .>f tlm |iipiir 111' i('|iiirt to .sii|it. lit' pi>.ir; hi> (llU.V tlli'lT- npoii; I'liuiiiy jllilur III U>IU' wiinant: cinliT ■ it' .'iiiiM'rvisors. jo the sujtei'intendeiit of tiie poor, who shall a]»[)ly to the eounty judj^'e, si)eeial eounly jud^'e or sui'i'o,i;'ate, or any other juou examination that it would be k'S and overseers of the j)oor ol' sucli city or town, t'ommanding' tlicin to cause such lunatic to be appri'- licnded, and to be sent within the next fen days to ,-ome state lunatic asylum, or to such ]aiblic or private a>ylum as may be a|)proved by any standing' (jrder or resolution of liie super- visors of the county, to be tliere kept and maintained until (Hscliar;;"etl by law. 17(i. It shall Ik' tlu' iluty of the overseers of the poor or constables to whom such wan ' sliall be directed, ,|,|,i ^ ^ to procure a suitable [)lace for the confinenu ni of [;,''i',r"l.',',,,'li'H..< s'U'h lunatic as tlu'i'iin (Hrected pursuant (o the jtre- ,'i!ij'«,'I'.v!'..,n" culinii; section, but in no ease shall any lunatic be "'='">"''•'"• cniiriiied in anv other place than a ■lali.' hiiui!' asvlum or imblic or })rivate asylum duly ajiproved as a! ,re>aid, for a Idiiiicr period than ten days. 177. Yo per.son win- by reason of lunacy oi otherwise, is so fill' (lisord"red in his mind as to be danj^i'erous t<; ii.i,i;i>> 1 • 1 !• } 1 11 1 -ii 1 !• 11 Xiit 111 111' I'ori- hniisell or otliei's sliall l>e committed as a uisorderlv tiiH'i «- aii- 111 I'soii to anv prison, ail, house ol corri'clHiii. or i»i-.mi^.' «■. ; ' , , ' . ^ .) ' „,„, „iti, ciiiiliiied lln'rein unlos an ari'ai;;4cnienl shall have • ihh'ikii-.. Iircii made for that purpose with the keeper theivof; and no siirh lunatic or [)ersoii disonU'red in hi.- mind shall be coniiiicd ill ilie same I'oom v, itli any per.-'^on charged wilh or convicted 111' any ciinu', nor shall Mich lunatic be coiiline(l in iiny lui.-oii, jiiil or house of correclion for more llian 1( n days. 17>'. If any person beiii,-;' of disordered mind and cniiimittid as a dangerous lunatic to an\' iirisoii, jail oi hou^e 1!'''''^.;' ,„ o .-I'd tVisuU uylll- m "0 m:\v Y(»i;k iiiitii'ii .-ix of col i'rctloll as .<(' 11II1 ill tlic iiivccilii liX SCC'Kill iiinaiii, i,,i,(. shall (•(.ntiiiuc tn lie iiisaiU' at the cxiiii'atidii of hn KiMU 111 ' iiHyiiun. ilays, lie shall he sent ful'thwilh to sonir slate hll:;ilic asyhiiii or to such |ail>lic or private asylum as may he ap- ]>rove([ as al'orcsaitl. 17!'. Any overseer of the jmor. coiistahlc, koopci' of a jail o|' lliid !; HI. Tip culllilli' linuiiic ill otlx'i- |ilaci> or niaiiiirr than liPii'iii pi'i'- .xcrilii'il. a inisilciui'aiior. other })ers()U who shall conhiie any lunatic in aiiv other manner or in any other jilace than such as ai'e herein s]i<'cilie(l shall he ileeined guilty of a liiis- ileineanor. and on conviction thereof to a line iKit eNceedinL!,' t\V(» hundred and hail lie liahl v (|ol|;il->- oi' to imiirisoiimeiit not exceediiiLi,' one year, or to hotli. at diri- ii-(n>f iirdrr lor con- lUIOIIII'lll. lio must stall' Ills ri'asous ill Willi 111; ; ap- jii'al tlii'ic- i'roiii. iiirt or ciunt of common iileas of a citx' or iioiii mauisirate, he may. with'.i three days after .-urli order or decision, appeal thereiVoiii to a justice n\' the supreme court, who shall, thereujioii, stay his lieiiij,!,' sell! out of the county, and I'oi'thwith call a jury to decide upon the I'mcI of lunacy. After a full and fair in vesti^atinn. ai(h'd liy the t( -linioiiy of al lea>t two respectahle jihy>iciaii<, if such jurv find liim U|Mriiit('iii|(iit (if the poor of the eoimty shall, upon his order, send such |ian[KU' lunatic to any state asylum, or to such pul)lic or private asy- him as may lie approvi'il hy a standing' order or resolution oi' the siip('rvis(»rs, within ten days. lS-_*. The overseers and superinlendcnls (A' the ]ioor shall lia\(' the same remedies to compel such relatives to ii.i.i^ons hecctni- iui:' t. irj^eahi > to any town. \->'.>. ^\'hen a person in indianitv. And if (he judjie cert dies that satisfactorv Htyin ,,■,^,.v." iiroof of his insanitv has heeii adduced, and that his ''',"''■''■ '"'"^' 1 • 111 p;i|ii'rH: Hii- (•cich certiticale the Judaic may. in his discretion. re(|uire the ii lends of the patient [o gi\f security to the su[ierintende'.it 111' I he [KKir of the county to remove (he patic'Ut from the a-y- liiiii as soon a- he shall recover. l>ut in every caiic:h per.'^oii v< l»e returned to (he couiitv whence he came, and 1 !■! 1' 'i] I ■;!! 11 552 NKW YORK. charge tlu^ expense of sucli removal lo the coiinly. Tlie judnc granting said order of indigence shall tile all ])ai)ers belonging to such jiroceedings. together with his decision, with the clerk of the county, and re[iort the facts to the su|)ervisors, \vlioi's nil' aiitliiirizi'il III rniso ftiihls I'll!' UIKJlllUr year. 1(11 an insane [x'rson in indigent circumstances — not a paui)t'r — shall liavi' hvvn smt to any state irvl-'Uitex- ii>yluiii by liis friends, who ha\'e paid liis bill tlua-ein for six nionlhs, if the superintendent shall ceilir\ tiiat he is a lit patient and likely to be Ix'iiclitcil b\ remaining in the iiislitutioii, the su}ter\isoi's oi' ilm comity Ms to niaki' onlors. wr NEW YORK. 5r,3 orders np;aiiist such coinniiltoo ])i>rson;illy, and I'liforcc tliciii in tlic same manner as a.^ainst the relatives of any jnior [jerson, so loiij:; as such (.•oinmittcc has any jii'opcrty in liis hands, I'ur tlic sui)i)or( of ^ucli lunatic. IS". None of tlic l'orej;(jin,<;' ])rovisions shall he deemed to restrain or ahrid^'c the ]»o\ver and autii(»rity of tiie |,,i,i^]s. supreme court, (he suju-ricn' court and the court of !.?,'"«,!»!'.[ common pleas of the city and county of New York, """-"''■ or the superior court of the t-ity of I^ulTalo or tlie city court of IJrijf.klvn oi' anv countv courts I'oiicerninu' the .--afe keei)in<^' (jf any lunatics or tlu' cluu;Li,-e of their pi'rsons or estates. ]SS. The county superintendents of th" jMior shall have all the powers and authoritv herein iiiven to over- iim.i.;1!i. ,• J " ' I'.iw.'is of cnunty seers ot tlie poor o! any town. M'.ii.iint.ii.iiuis. IS!). W'lienevei' any person who is posses-ed of suflicitnt property to mainta'n himself, hecoiues hy lunacy i:. s.. p mos. or otlierwise, so iar (hsordei'cd in his senses as to ii'.i't.v'..r'com- endanger liis own pc'rsou or the person or ]>ro[>eriy iiiininiiiM.rtc.; „ , *" -i 1 11 1 11 i> 1 • ' • ii'iii't''-' '" '"' (it othi'rs, it sliall he tlie dutv oi tlie committee ol s.i.t to m-.u^ I .", -11 ■ or privatoasv- lus person and estate to provide a suital)le phice lor iiim -. supi-iin- , , > , .... ti'iiili'iits and his continemeiit, and to coiiline and maintain him ■■v'— 'is of (III' p""i'. tlieir in such manner as shall lie approved ]>y the jii'oper ii"ti'-- Icpil authority : and in every case of lunaey hereafter occur- i'iii thr lunatic or his i-elatives are of snllicie..' hility to defray cxjiensi'S, as in case of a ]iauper. I'-'l). If any inmate of any such almshousi', when admitted, i- insane, or ll; 'reafler hecomes insane or of un-ouml u. s., p i-!ki, , , , , . . -Ill .1.. ISTII. I'll. iiinn!. and the aecoino(lation>. m saul almshouse, iii>. • • • • 1 r • 1 I'll- Insane paii- tlii (ipiiiioii o| said secretarv. (it hoard ol puhlie ppi^i-'x- '. ' '- ' pi'iisps, how cliarities] are not aile(piate and proper for his treat- '""■||'■• iiieiit and '"ire, the said secntaiy may cause his removal to the appropriate state a--ylum for insane, and he "^hall he receiv(Ml hy the odicer in char,i!,e of siicii asylum and lie maintained therein until duly disehargvd. The ex[»enses Ibr the sup[)(»rt, iili \ ) f t : i !' m I I 5.-4 NKW YORK. Ii'ciiliiiciit niul ciii'c (if iiisiiiic ](('fs()ns oi' pcr-^oiis oC luisouiid iiiiiid, s(i rccciviMl ill ;iiiy state a-vluni, sliall lie paid In the Ircasiiicr tlicrcof liv tlic licasiircr nt' tlic slate, on tlu' wai'i'aiit (if (lie Cdiiiiit roller. ll|Hiil tlie aeniiiiit lieiliy- dldv rellilered and cerlirK'd lo l)y the seeretarv of said lioard : prDi'idril, lioii- cnr, that Sliell expelisi-s shall not exceed those charged |(] counties, cities or towns i'ov the su|i[)ort. treatment and earc of insane |tei'sons, or jiersons of unsound mind in such asylum. J'.M. No insane pei'sou ('. iiMis. coinitv asvlum shall he discharj^cd thereh'oni hv au\- iit.i,ait.i.s::i. kecjicr ot such cstahiislinu'ut, l>y any su[)ernitend- X" iusiini" jiiT- (• 1 1 1 ' I • > he , lis- (Mil OI tile poor, or l»v anv other countv autlioritv, cliiiivcil Iruiii 1 f ' "^ • I ' • 1 ' iM.oi-ih.nsr Ml- Without an order h'oiu a countv iudij;e or ludiic ol hnii ■\vitli..iit (li,. sunreiiie court, founded uiioii satisfactorv evi- iinlci' I nun ii ' _ ' _ jn.iL'i;: Motni'- deiice that it is safe, leual and I'i^lit to make sudi jiilcillilc til • ' ?i.wY..ikiiiMi dischariic as reuards the indi\idual and the puhlic. '■'"""'''■''■ The violation of this pi'ovision sliall he deemed u misdeineaiior. and he punishahle hy a fine not exceecling- live humh'cfl dollars nor less than one Innuh'ei] (h.illars, in the dis- cretion of till' court. This section shall not itj»]»ly to the coun- ties of New ^'ork and l\iiii:s; hut no insane ]»erson shall ho di.-charu'ed from eitliei' of ihe linialic asylums of the said coun- ties, without the cerlilieate. in writing', (»f the physician tlierenf, which cert ili 'ate shall he tiled ainl kept in said asylum, stat- in^' that such discliar!.>;e is ro})er. I'.l'J, A jicrsoii. who conlines ail idiot, lunatic or insane ]ier- voi. ■*. son. in anv other nuiniier or in an\' other i>lace than i; I'iMlHl Coill' Uiiliiw I'll! ('(Illlllll'llllMlt cif iiliius, iii- SilllC IH'l'SnllS as authorized hy lav\, and a ]>erson ,ii'uilty of har-li. cruel or 111. kind treatment of. or any iien-lecf ofduiy towards any idiot, lunatic or person uiuli'r confinement, whether hn\'fully or unlawfully confined, is guihy of a misdemeanor. ClMMINAL IXS.WK. lOo. .\ii act doiii hy a person who is an iiliot. inihecile, hi- natic. or insane, is not a crime. A person caiinoi he tried, .-' nteiiced to any pimislnnent. or jiunisheil lor I rri>s|hiiisiliil itV 'if llllKtM a ( rime, while h e is ill a -tate of iilioev, im1'»-H-ilitv, lunacv. or insanity, so as to he incapalile of understand in^j; the proceediii or makinu hi-^ tlefense. m 111" ^fm^ Ni:\V Yd IMC. ; ). )o ' -iitli lUiiv l-'l. A |Mr- cillier (I) Not to know the nature or (jualily of tlie ad lie was doini;-. or (■_M Not to know lliat the act was wroui;-. r.'-". It' any per-on in coidiiienienl under indiclnieiii for the criiiie ot' arson, murder, or alteuipt at niurder, or i:. s . p. i!mi.-,, liiiihwav idlilier\-. shall a|>i»ear to he insane llie :'!•;. lU.' i. art. court of over and terininer in which sn(di indictment IvvJ.ik in. 1 • 1 1 1 1 -11 iliiii'il Inr iir- i< peinlniir -hall ha\'e i>o\ver. witli the concui'i'cnce >~uch ])er- «>\\ insane, or not of sullicient mental capacity to lUidei'take iiis det'i n-e. they may hy order remand such person to such -!ate lunatic asylum as in their judii,inent shall he meet, there to remain until restored to his iij;ht mind, when he shall he leiiiaiided to prison and criminal ])r<)ceedings he resumed, or ollicrwise di-char^ed accor(linii to law. ]'■"■>. The uiivernor shall possess the same jiowers eoid'ei-red ii[»((n eourt< of oyer juid lerminer in the case of per- ^^,■^^^ , „| ~(iii< eonlined umler conviction for oil'enses for which ^y,v|!"„!,',''n,ay llie punishment is (jeatli. And wlienevcr any jhm'- !!Ivrn,'ii"n''i'|Ji'.l 1 , i' 1 i 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 • llic siati' liliia- -iiii under .edeelar(Mi insatie ticavyhiiu. and irrespmHilde, liy a commission dttly appointed '^vh'■^''^!",1ly for that purpo-e. the Lioveriior may, in his discretion, "" ^ ' ' elder his removal to tlH> statv lunatic asylum for insane erimi- iial-. there to remain until restored to his rii^ht mind, and it shall he the duty oi' the medical superintendent of such asy- lum, wh. never, in his opinion, said eonviet is eureil of liis iii- ^aiiii; r-'port tlie fact to the state commissioner in lunacy and a ju-tice of the supreme cotirt of the distriet in which- said :i>-yluiu i< >itiiat' d. wlio >hall thereupon imiuire into the truth of sm-li tact, .and if the satue he prove(l to their satisfaction, ■ V-. V 55G NKW YORK. lii Hills: ix jieiisos tlicr.'of. llicy shall so ci'i'tiry it uiidcr llicii' ollicial liands and seals to tlu' clerk of the court in which such convict was senli'iiced, and cause him, the said convict, to he returned to tlu' cusio(ly of the sherill' of the county whence he came and at the cx|ien.-e thereof, there to he dealt with accordiiiiL;' to law. ]i*7. 'riic costs of any commission of lunacy aji|)oinled pur- Uii.i 5 ■■;-'■ suant to the provisions of this article shall he a ('out III ((IMl- ' '"'■"•'""■ cliai'i;e upon the county in which tlie same shall have been executt'd; and the (HTtilicate of the court hy wliich such eomiiiissioii shall have been ajijiointed shall constitute a le;j,al \ducher thereof in the hands of the county treasurer. Pi'ov'nhd, itd'eiilidcsti, that tlu' costs of all commissions ap[ioinl((l liy the ^■ov<'rnor shall he delVaycd from the fund appropriated for the contiii^'iit expenses of the executive de[)artment. II'S. Any person now or hereafter conlined in either of the s' jii, state lunatic asvlums uiion the t-har^c of ar--oii oi' Uouiiival to • 1 1 • V "\vi ..rill- luurder, or attemi)t al murder or hmhwav i'oi)her\-, Kiiin' criini- ' .... ,' under the ju'ovision.s of this act or any former act, may, upon the a]»})lication of any sujierintendi'ut of an asylum, he l»rou^lit before u justice of tlie supreme court, "who may oi'der his removal to the state lunatic asylum for in- sane criminals at Auburn. The provisions of tlu' [ireci'dinu section, re(|uiring' the county to defray llu' exjx'Uses of a per.-oii sent to either asylum, shall be ctpudly ajiplicablc to similar expenses arising under this section. lU'.). Any [)erson wIkj is now, or shall be hereafter, coidhied u.i.i s •i4. in anv penitentiary, and who shall ai)])ear to be iii- from |. ^ i • imiiioiin- thert'Oi, be transierred to tlu; state liniatic as\lui:i Hiviie ciiiiii- ••111 '■•iiN for insane erunnials at Aulnini, under an order of any justice of the su})reiue court, or the county judge of tin county in which such penitentiary is located, U])on satisfactoiy evidence that such })erson is insane; and the judge shall there- upon order his removal ibi'thwith to .-^aid asylum, where lie shall remain until recoverc'd or otherwise discharged according to law. 200. The penitentiary from which convict (if unth'r sentence Ibid Si''. ^"'"^' 'I misdemeanoi') shall have been transferred, caVe'aua" sliall l)e liable for the t'Xpenses of his care and nuiintenance duriuii' the time lie shall remain lu iitti XKW YORK. .).)< '■nid asylum, ]ir()viar- iiii; lo III' iii- saiii'. ciiiiiity Jiiik'f til iiisti- tllti' ill vrsti- KaT'iii; wlii'ii jiiiL'i' may ili»iliargi' 111' iiiiliT rciiiiival t'l a^y 1 iini; jii'i'soii Id be ri'iiianili'cl nr ili-rliai't'i'il; I'liiiity lo pay i>\|ii'iisi's; IKiSe 1> fully empowered to conqiel the attendance iuiiiiiiit |iaiil. (it witnesses and jurors), and if it he satisfactorily proved that Ik is insane, said judge may discliar_u-(> him from iinprison- iiieut and order his safe custody and rem(i\-al to a state asy- lum, where he shall remain until restored to his riuhtmind; and then the superintendent shall inform the said jud.u'e and district attorney, so that the person so contined may. within sixty days thereafter, he remanded to ])rison and criminal j)ro- (• he resumed or otherwise dischare'cd, or if the jteriod (if his imprisonment shall have exjiired, he siiall he disehai'ged. W'licn such person is st'ut to an asylum, the county from wliich he is sent shall deh'ay all his ex[)ensi's while there and el' sending him hack if rt'turneil, hut the county may recover the amount so paid from his own estate, if he have an\-, or IViiiii any relative, town, city or county that would have heeu lidund to provide for and maintain him elsewhere. 2(l'_'. If a [lerson imprisoned on attachment, or any civil tn'Mcc or for the non-iiavnient of a militia fine, he- uitiis^ ceiiics insan(\ oiu' of the judi<'es mentioned in tlie 4 iirecedin«i- section of this act shall institute like ''."' 1 O I' 1 V 1 his case as are rcfiuired in the case ''•'''" I'roci'ciliiigs ill caie of iu- saiii' pcrsoii riioui'il on civil proi'i'SH; jii'iicccdinji's in piiivided for in sai* I section; hut notice shall he siven hv mail Mt MP*^- * \ Ni;\V VOKK. I.'ll oi' (iiIh rwis,', to the |il;iiiiliil' or his attornry. il' in tlic stiil( iilid if it sliall lif j.iuvrd lo the satisljict ioli n{ said jnd^c ti the |iris()iiii' is insane, lie may discliar.uc him iVuni im|iri>(iii- mml and urdii' him into safe ciistdiK- ami (o he sent t( I a slali asylum. I he provisions dt ihclas! |ircccdinii' scclion. i<'(|iiir- iniL;' ilh' counly to defray the expenses of a jialient M'nt to a state a~ylnm. .--hall lu' eipially appliealile to similar expenses arisiiiij,- uinlei' lhi> section. •JO: ). rersons ehar,m'd witli misdemeanor and aeijUilied mi iiii(i§'.!>. tile iii'ouml of insanitv nia\' he kent in eiistodv and persons wr i,'n>nnil »»l' piiti.'.inii sciil* hi a >tiih' n->\'hmi. iii iIm'-miiu' \va\' a- ihtscms f 1.1 ..(' * • I eliai'iit'd with crime, and their expenses shall h(j laid 111 t lie like niamiei' 2i»l. The hoards of su[iei'visoi's in the r<'speetivt' counties ('iilM|ii'Ms;iiiull of .llllciT< I.l Ih. IK.'.l l,y huiiril 111' >ii- of this stale are Iierehy eiiipow cred. and it shall heir dutw anmialh' to li\ and ■rninu' the con hell: ation to he alh)\ved and paid to oliicers for conveyance of juvenile delin(|Uents to the houses of refiui'e, and of lunatics to the insaiu' asylums, and no other or urealer amount than so lixed and determincil sliall he allowed and paid for such sei'\icc. 'lOo. Wdieiiever any person in coiilinement under indict- ment for the crime of ai'soti, nuirder or alt' nipt at mui'der, or hiuhway rohhery, desires to oiler the ]ilea of insaiuiy as a ueiieral traverse ami his whole de- I'eiise to such iiidietnienl. he sliall present such plea at the time of his ai'raiii'nnient, and at no other 'T"'"\'!.''.. '.'.'.:'. ^l:i.U'<' of the trial hut this, shall such plea or del'eiise he received or entertained hy the court: and the court liefoi'e whom such trial is pending' shall liax'c pouei'. with the concurrt'uce of the prcsidin,Li' Jude'e tliei'eof, to np- ])oint a commission to examine such jiersoii and to in!|uirc lis iiK iital Uiiii )) :tfi. DctVli^c! Ill' iii- Klllllty. Wlirli it must lie l>liM(l<-il: coiii- inissioii t") ''\- Miiiiiii' iiii'l vo|ii)rt: if foiitxl iii^;i ii<\ .,1 I.. I„ stiiti' liiiiatii and report lo tlu' court aforesaid, ujion the fac', of 1 sanitv at the date of the oileiise with which he stauth cliariivd, Tl 10 commission aioresaid d all insiitute a carelul iiiNcstiLia tion, call such witnesses as may he necessary and for that pur- \)u^v is fully empowered to compel the attendance of witnes-cs. ['[)uu the report of said c-oinmission, if the court heforc wiieni such indictment is j)ending shall iind that such person \v;is insane and irresponsible at the date of tlie oll'ense with which Il> m;\v Y(irk. 'tod m lie stands cliarp'il, Die coiii'l aforesaid sliall urdci' ]\\< ri'inoval to Sdiiic state Iuiiali<' asyliiin, there to remain t'or dliservation and treatment, nntil sndi time as. in tlie Dpinion ol' a justiet! of the supr him. ■JOC). W'lienever any person accused of die crime of an mnrder, or atteni]ited murder, or liijili way r()l)ljery vnie court, it is safe, K'uai and riiiht to diseharu'c ion, ll.i.l S :■.!. S|hTilll Vi'lillrt. -hail liave h(H'n ae(iuitte(I upon trial upon the ^q'ound of insanity, tlie jury sliail hiin,i!,' in a special verdict to that oU'ect and so state it in their liiidin^; and the court Ix-fcU'c had. sliall order such [)ei'son to \)v com- wliom such trial i- 111 itted to some slate lunatic asvlum, there to remain t'oi- charged. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) / y. m 1.0 1.25 |io "^^ Im^B «^ lis 12.2 lU lit I.I .' "^ H^ U 11.6 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 145SO (716) ti7}-4S03 V -^ ■^ c\ \ ^.> A^^ I/.. ^ e ■M 560 M:\V YORK. 200. W'liciicvcr a jici'soii in cniiliiiciiu'iit umlcr iiidictiniiil. i'-^. VI. 1.4. (l,'.-;in'.«^ to ollrr tlic plea of iiisaiiitv, lie iiiav iii'c- Ciiilc of (Jiimi- ' . , . ' . ' iiai Pi.xvcitiri-. sent such iilca al llu' liiiic of \\\< ari'aiuiiiiiciit. a> a J) .till, ' '^ i'h'u..rinsiiiniy. s| tcci licat ji )ii uinlci- tlif |)l('a ofiint guilty. 21'). When the defense is insanity of the defendant the juiy'i. ninst he instructed, if thov ac(|uit him on that Ariiillluil 111! , '. , , . , . , n< "till- >! -s sane. 211. lie m;)y sIk-w for oauso, ajrainst the judj>;ment, iifi'i •S-i'-i (\\ 'I'iiat he is insane; and if, in the oiiinioii ef>iin«ii the .''Uit, there l)e reasonal»U' Ln'ounv<\- nounci'd ; l)ut if found insane, he must he c(tminitleil to tiie state lunatic asyhim until lie hecoines sane; and when notice is given -/ftJiat fact, lie must he hrought l>efore the court for jud_!j;ment. * * * 212. When a det'eiidant pleads insanity as proscrihed in sec- iiiiii s li"'^ tion .").'>('•, the court in which the indictment is peiiil- A|>|>pears to he at any tim(> hefore or after conviction, insane, the c(»urt in wliiih the indictment is jjendinu;, unless the di'feiidant is under sentence of death, may appoint a like commission to examine him and report to tlu' court as to his sanity at the time of the examination. The commisioii liiid the il« Iriidant insane tlic trial or jud.iLiincnt must lie su<|iiii(lc(l, until he liccoin<'S \\''lll sane; ami the courl, if it iltcm his ili.-charuc dau- • fcrous to the pulilic peace ur safety, mu.-t oi'der that he he. in the meantime, conimitleil hy the sherill'to a state Innalic asylum, and that U|>on his hecomiui^ ,-aue, he he re-del ivered hv the superinti'mlent of the asvhim to the sheritl". t' roiiiiii iii- i->irii'. triul or jIll^'llliMIl Sll1|.cllill'll, HImI lii'li'ljiHIlt to lir (•"III- lllltli il Ii> slate Inniitic iisy- iiiiii. it' i\'\n (IIsiIkh;;!' U* >lani,'''ii)iiK t« IMililic pi^ace ifily. ■_M I. The comniilnieni of the ilefendant, as mentioned in th( la<( III! Ii'l'iii'lfil. ury ■_'1.">. If the defelidaill he received into the a^vluiu, he UlUSt le delaineil fjiere until he liecoliies saiie 11 W lell lie llii.l ?! iM. Ili'li'lltioll of oiiies sane the superintendent must <;ive a written \' keeping him thei-e, and of hrin^inj; him hitek, ,,,|,| ^ ,„;.j are. ill the first instaiict". char.i^eahle to the ".'ounty '■,f,,'.';;"';;i\',"ia. trniii which he was sent; hut the county may iv- !i"ft'(',',''u',','.'a"y'!' -nwr them from the otal.' of the def.Midant, if he '"""■""^'' '""''■ have any, or from a relative, town, city, or county, hound to provide for and maintain him elsewhere. ■J17. If, after a defendant has l)een sentenced to the iiieiit of death, there is reasonahli' iiround to helieve n.i.i 5 i:m. 1 ■ ■ • 1 HCiiivict ho- tliat he has heeonii! insane, the shei'ill ol the county ••"■"•■'' n'-iiue, ' _ '' HJHiill to ink- ill which the conviction took place, with the concur- r»i'>'U"ry. ii lice (if a justice of the supreme court, or the county judj^u of till' euuiity. who may make an order to that ell'ect, must im- panel a Jury (if twelve j)ersons of that county, (piulilied to "^eive as jurors in a court of record, to examine the (piestion "f the sanitv of the defendant. The .sherill' must niw at least ff M ■V, ao m 562 NEW YOItK. seven d.-iys" iinticc of llic time iiiitrict attoi-iicy of tlir couiily. Scclioii ](is of the code of (ix il iirocrdiirc rrj^nilatts lln' inipiinclinj^r of ,'^ncli ,\ juiT, aiiil iIh' procrcdiiiLrs upon llic iiKjiiisititiii so fur tis it is I HlCJIhlc "lis. TIic di>lrict aUonicy inu.~l attend tlie imniiry. lie iS4i)7. iiiav iti'odiiee witnesses before the iiir\'; for wliicli la^ ice II r as billy of din trict iiiMrii.y. |iui'|Hi-.c lu' lias tile saiiie powcf t<.' issue snlijiu'i jis for w iiiKsx's to allnid a L;i\'iid jury, and di^olifdifi thereto may \>r |iuni>lird hy the court of oyer and teiniii for that coiinly, at any lii'ni th^'ifof. in the same nianin r (lisohcdicuec to process issuecl hy thai coui'l. 21'.i. The inijui-ition of the jnry niu>t lie si_iiiied liy the ji!ror> ami ilu' .-hci'id'. Jf it he found hy llie in(|ni- -ition that the defendant is insane, the shei'ill' mii-t su>peiid execution of the wairaiit direetin*;' the (|t- ibndant's death, until he rei-eives a warrant I'rom tlu,' <-dVirnnr, lliiil j) 4!1>. iiii|iii>iiioii: Kiis{>i iihI'iii uf exi rilliou. direetinii' that the defendant ]>v exiM'Ute(l. 220. The sheriir must immediately transmit the iinpiisiiiou to the i^overnoi'; who. a'^ soon as he is satislied i,{ the sanity (>( the defenilanl. or of his rii til; L'o prmir's iliiiv. N I NORTH CAROLINA, I!nA!{I> lili(in:ii Iniililiiigs, ■1. SiMlisiics of iiis;mily. .'t. Ill-]if.tinli (if ,i>vllIIIIS. !'•. May triin-for |iiiiiciit>< to iwyliim. 7. May rei|uire dlliciMs to ri'iioit. S. Annual report ami ri'CoiiiiiR'Dda- tioiis. 1». Count V cuininissioiii'rs to ri'iiort siali>lii-;; circulars snpiilicd. HI. Coimtv I'oniinissioncrs to rc'(|tiiro rcpiirls from to\vn>lii|K tni-tocs. II. IVnaliii's lor iiculect of ilntiis. (iOVi:UNMF.NT (ll- ASYI.IMS. \'l. Location and titled. i:i. May linld property ill tru^f. 14. ( 'la>silicati<)n of asylums for wliite.M and neurois. I'l. Itivisiou of state for aiiiortiotimcnt of wiiile patients. 10. Transt'er of patient to proper asy- lum. 17. (lovernnieiit vested in a liuanl r)f directors, ajipoinluient. 15. i;.\et'iitivo committee of board. r.t. directors may reci'ive, hold and convey property. 20. Amnial inspection of asylums, liy directiirs. 21. Siiperiiiiendoiit, appointment ; ([ual- ification, term of otlice. 22. .Vssisi;int jdiysicians, appointment, term of ollice. 215. Oliicers, appointment, term of of- tice. Salaries of odicers. Superintendent, powers ami duties. 20. Kxemiition of odicers from militia, ;il. I 51. I roail and jury service, f as\ lniiis. \ecoiiis II iisiiection of asvliiiiis, rcpurts. Accounts and estinialo, \v lu II AIi.\!l»si(ix AND nisi ilAIK. Vpplicatii ceedin^~. II lor admi^-ioii, juo- 24, 25, 2et;le- meiit. iiS. Notice to slicrill'of escape-, ri'iiirii lo asylums. ;!',(. Selllement of indi'_'ent insane. 1(1. liniiil for ri>iraiiil, wlieii olieietl in siiil. 41. noiid, form of, 12. j'ixpenses of eommitinent and re- moval eliarired to county. ■V.'i. ('oinmilnieiit lo asylum mi default of olilii;(ir. •II. ('oiiimitnient of ]u-Ivati' patients to asy Imu out of slatt-. I"). Support of priv.ite patients, liabil- ity of t;iiardian. IT). .Iiisii. c--' ri'poit. 47. Clerk to lay proceeding's before JudL;i'. IS. Commilment to asylum, reipii'^ites. 4;i. I' 00. Temporary eonlinemiiU pendinp; tidmission. 01. l)iscliari;e from emil'iieinent by eoiiniy couimissioiieis. CUIMINAI, INSANi;. 52. Transfer to asylums, fact of insanity to be stated in verdict. 5;5. Inve-liuation of iiisanily of prisoner pendini,' trial; .jury to lliid fact Moneys for asylum ]iaicl into state 54. T ol insanity. rial on recoverv. trcasurv, distinct fiiiiil for be- , Tio. Insane convicts, e\;iniiuation, trans iplesls to asylums I ler lo asvlums It m } m II-,, iTWri* I I Mi .-(■.4 NORTH f'ARor.INA. I 1. Tln' <:(';'(' ral iis.^ciiilily fluill, iiiiiiicilijilcly on (lir ratifica- ,..,,„,.., ,.,.,i tinii of this act, in'occcd l>y coiicurrriil vote to select rli'." ■•'.!".'« 1. ''^'*' •''^•'■•'••■•'^ ^\'li<' i^liall lie styled the lioanl of imhlic w"''m.'r'«ia«' tem of the charitahle and penal institu(ions of ilic s(ate, and shall recommend such changes and additional pi'o- visions as they may deem needl'ul for (heir rconomical and ediciiid adminislra(ioii, and no changes shall l»e made in iIm mana^i^cment of any of the insti(u(ions without the av consent of tho board. They shall receive no compensation I'nr (heir services except their traveling expenses, which shall 1m; allowed and paid. o. The general condition of tlu- stale as ad'eeted by crimes, i\.i.i.5:<. vaerancy and pauperism, shall also come under the ""■"""'"" view of the board, and it shall be tlu^ir duly to re- ]'ort (o (he general a.s.'scmbly when, in (lu'ir judgmen(, il may become needful for the erection of the several reformatory iii- sti(u(ions, whose organization is j)rovidcd for in article eleven of the constitution. 4. The board shall also give special attention to the causes ef ,,^j,, ^^ insanity, defect or loss of the several senses, idiocv lion t>!i,.'i'', ill JUi'l 11'^' deformity and inlirmilv of the ])hvsical or- f." ili'raiu't'y."' gani/ation. They shall, beside.s their own observa- '""■ lion, avail Ihemselves of correspondence and ex- change of fads of the labors of others in these departments, and thus be able to all'ord the general assembly data to guidi; thcin in future legislation for the amelioration of the eonditieii II NORTH (AIKM.INA. .)i).) of tlu> people, as well as to coiiti-ilniti' to enli^hton pulili<- opin- ion and direct it l<» ilit(i'">ts so vital to the [irosjici'ity of the Stat.'. .". rcrsoiial visits may lie riMpiircd liy tlic Imai'd, of one (»r inoi't' of its iiiciiiliciv-, or otiicruisr, to iiiaki- canful !l"i iiivcstiiratioii into the coii'litioii of tlie several couiiix X'l^U" Jiit'l ■I'.ii-. alls and aliiislioiiscs, and tlif trtatiiieiil of tlicir uiiforlunale iaiiiates, ami re|iorl on these |ioints, so that the jtiMvisions of M( lion six, article ehven, of the constituti'tu may he (•nforc<'d. (}. Whenever the hoard shall have I'eason to hdicvc that any iii>ane iterson, not iiu-iirahle, is deprived of pro- n.'.i ,< « ■ ' ' I II kii lilt per remeilial treatment, and is eonlined in any I It-'iillt' ptT- almslionse oi r othi'r place, whether such insane | er-on IS a puhlii' charge or oihei'wise, it shall he the duty of .-aid hoard to cause such insani' pt'rson to he conveyed to the state asylum, there to reci'ive the hest medical attt'ntion. So also, it sliall l)e their eare that all the unfortunate shall partiei[)uto in the ehar- ilies of the state. 7. The lK)ard may reipiire the superintendent, etc.. of the several eharitahle ami iienal institutions of the state '''" 5^ • to report to them of any nialter relatint:; to its in- fi""!". --ti'. mates, their nuinner of instriution and treatment, with struc- ture of their Ijuildinj^s, and to furnish them any desired slalis- tits at tlu'ir command. 8. The board of puhlic charities shall annually prepare and suhmit to the tjeneral assemhlv a coiniileti^ and full "• 1 ^ ^ _" _ ^ "■ ' A 11 11 '1.1 1 IP. report of tlicir doinujs durintr the itreceiliutj; vear, p n^i.. i,- showing tlu' actual conditictn of all the state institu- '""'fi ' tions untter their control, with such suoi;-c'stions as they may deem neees.sary and [»ertinent, which they shall print. {). Tiie commi.ssioners of each county in this state shall in each vear on or heforo the first Mondav in Xovem- n.iis'.. .' . . C.r.nty roin- her. reiiort to the hoard of iiuhlic charities sueli in- i'ii'>i"'ii<-is t.) ' ' i-i' til formation in n'<2'ard to the numherand condition of ••■■'■•i .i;"i"-i ^ til riiriii>li cir- tlie inmates of their [loorhouse and pri.sons, to_ij;ether ^' '':"■' ■"• with the number of outdoor paupers, and the <'.'af, dumb, blind, idiotic and insaneof their county not in asylum oralms- linuse, and such (»ther infornialion as may be desirable to p't a cdinplete view of the number and condition of these classes ^)i [lersuns in the state. The board of public charities shall 500 NORTH CAKolINA. piTimrc iiiid ('iinii>li In (lie coimiiis^^idiicrs of (adi county awv- I'tilly iii'i'iiiiircd cii'fuliirs indiciitiiiLi^ tlic iiiloj-niatimi dcsinil. till! Miiid-; ((iluiiiM of whie-li shall be c'on\'c-tly lilk'd in tiir ivport. 10. it shall he lawful for llic comniissioncrs of cai-li countv in aid of this puriioso to rt'nuire tlio trustees of earh township in their county to j>repai-e and furnish in- !""""'■' ', formation to them of all the facts called for in the vii«iii|.N. circular of the hoard of puhlic charities. 11. The conmiissionei's of any county or the trustees of anv '•'i'lsii' township who shall rt'fuse oi- ucLilect to furnish the information reciuireil hy this chapter when they n>i of the superior court, be fined a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. 12. "The North Carolina Insane Asvlum," located near lla- Act(ins>i. lei'di. shall hi' and remain a corporation under that. I'll I. Mi .•; 1 ' I The \\'estern North Carolina Insane Asv- I'll. I.'M). S I <'.)ri..)i;itc' rK- name nciir niiiieil. um, located near ^Torixanton, shall bi' and rem; a ( ■orporation under that ntime; and "The I'astern North ( nil olina Insane Asylum," located near Cioldsboro, shall I remain a corj»oration iindi>r that nam< je ani Cui' rights. And undersucli na 11 th llic (>aeh corporation is mvt'sted with all the property and riirhts heretofore held by each under what naiiie .soever called or incorporated, and all other corporate names arc liorebv abolished. 13. "^'^he North C^arolina Insane Asylum," " The West North Carolina Insane Asylum" and "The l^ast iiiiii 5 'J. Autluirizi'd to vvn ern Hci|iiii'.' all il mav each aciniire liold iHMpcrty Xoi'tli Cai'olina Insane Asylum and hold for the purposes of its institution, j»roj)erty and estate by devise, bequest, or by any manner of gift, | mr- ciiase or conveyance \\ hat ever. 14. "The North Carolina Insane Asylum" and "The W lliid (; .!. N. ('. I II sH 111) Asylum an WlSSllTU N. i' II I no .\sv linn (ill- rxrlti- Htvc rari' ol' wliiti' Kasti' Insiiui' Asv- ern North Caroliiui Insane Asylum " shall beexclu- I sively for the accommodation, maintenance, can> and treattnent of the v, bite insane of the state, ami The Kastern North Carolina Insane Asylum ' II >■ <■• shall be exclusively for the accommodation, mam- hiin !■..,• oxV In- tcnaiice, care and treatment of tlcj colored iiisaii Hivi) care til col diiiBiiiie. Qi' ^]^^. yt.i|^._ NOIMII CAKOIISA. )()7 ].'. Tin- Ixiju'il-: (tf (lircrtitrs of " 'I'lic Nortli ('iU'iiliiia Iiisan A-vIiiiii." an 1 .pf'Thc W.-t trii N. ulli ( ariiliiia In- i i.i.i i< i. .in<' A shall only he admitted to '' The Westefii North ( 'arolinii Insane Asylum." IJut said hoards of dirertors, lU'Vertheloss, shall, from time to time, elianj;(' such line so as to make a lar- l^er jirojxirtion of counties west of such line whenever and as the capacity of" The Western North Carolina Insane Asylum" shall he ready to receive an inci'eased nuniher of patients. K). All insane [lersons in "The North Carolina In.sane Asy- lum," U})ou the determination of such line, whose im.i ^ settlement nuiy hi' in the cdunties west of such line sliall at such time as mav he determined hv tin lii'>aiift pnr- ""IIS ill .\. ;. iiisiiiio iitvlnta lii>'iU iniiv lin boards of directors of "'i'he North Carolina Insane >" i-nnuryot \V<'Stl>in HHV. A'iit til that iiiiy Asylum," t>e sent hy the superintendent of " The '"'" North Carolina Insane Asylum" to "Th(> AN'estcrn North Car- dliiia Insane Asylum," and the cost of sucli removal sliall l)e [mid hy the state treasurer upon the certiticate of said sujier- iiitendt'ut and the warrant of the j^overuor. 17. Each corporation shall he untler the manan;emcnt of a hoard of nine directors, nominated hy the i;-overnor'= iuid iiy and with tlie advice and consent ol a major- i"". ity of the senators elect, a]tpointed hy him, of whom Hvedirec- tiiis shall be a (juorum, i>.\ce[>t where three of their QiMnnM. number are hereafter in this ehaiiter emimwered to act for .special pur})oses. Each hoard of directors shall be in classes of three, as now divided by law, and the terms of office of said classes shall expire as follows, viz.: of the first class, on the first (lay of March, one thousand eij;ht hundreil and T.rni»ofof- (•i,i;lity-three, of the second class, on th.e first day of "*"" March, one thousand ei.^lit hundicd and ei,ii;hty-five, ami of the third class, on the first dav of March, one thousaml eij;ht bun- 1 J 'ii '^t*frtf 5oses P<>'w.M'«'nii. ^''i^"^' power to receive, hold, manag'e, convey or utlni- """"■" wise dispose of, in the name of tbeii' institution all such ])r()perty or estate, as may henaller be };iven or utheiwist' conveyed to their corporation ; and the members of each board shall serve without reward, save their travt!lin}4' expenses in- curred in the discharge of their ollicial duties. 20. Each board of directors shall convene at the asylum, of ibi.i?!) which it has charge, on the first Wednesday after bonra'o'i'irrec- ^^^^ A'"''^'' Monday of >huch in each year, and at sudi '"" other times as they shall aji{)iiint, and investigate tlie administrati(»n of its allairs, and report on the same to the general assembly, with such remarks and recommendations as to them shall seem tixpedient. 21. Each bcnird of directors shall appoint u suj)erinten(Uiit ibidsio of tlu'ir institution and prescribe his duties. Jle rnV'K'iuiiiuicK- ■'^^"'11 ^'^ i^ skilled ])hysician, educated to his profes- tioiiH. sion, of good moral character, of promi)t business liabits, and of kindly disposition. He shall hold Ids ollice Ibr Termofoinco. six years from and after his a[ipointmeid, uidess sooner removed by said board, who may for infidelity to his Kcfinovai. trust.gross immorality or incompetency to discharge the duties of his ollice, fully jiroved and declared, and the proof thereof recorded in the book of their i)roceedings, remove him and appoint another in his place. 22. JOach board of directors shall appoint one or mtue rbidsn. assistaid iihvsieians, and with the advice and coii- phyHiciaiis. .,.;^.],t, of the superintendent, prescribe his duties. Every assistant iihysieian hereafter ai)pointed shall hoM liis NoliTll (Altnl.lNA. .'C!) jilnce lor two ycnrs fi-oni mihI iirttT liis aitpoiiitiiiciil, unless sooMor rciiiovcil l»y siiid luiiinl, I'oi' ^nod cuusc, wliirli >liall Ik; six'cilictl juul ivcordcd in (heir iiroccrdin^fs. 'j;5. J"'ii('h Itoiird of dii'i'ddi's, at tlitir annual nicctin;,', shall, i>\\ tlic nomination of t1it> supcrinti ndinl, a[i|ioinl a .-Icward and niatroii, who .-hall hold their |ilace< lor (iiie vear, unless sooner removed \>y said hoard tor 11 1. Ill 11.1,1 i rj. ilN IIIIM'llili'tl l.v art .i| 1-^,1, ill M'. !i I Mi'U.inln lilul )llltll*"llM. ^oo(l cause, Winch cause shall he s|i('cllle(l m Ihell |)rocec(|in,L;s, ami other ollictrs shall he a|i]iointed for the un- expired term of thost' I'cnioved. The state treasurer 'i'" limner. shall he ti'easurer of said corporations, and he may appoint deputies to act for him at Moi^yanton and ( loldsh()r( and may pay sU( h d( ' |i.|iii|y [>Utl es reasonai)le compensa- llra-UI'ITH. SlIllK Iri'llH- tioii. [The state treasurer shall keen all accounts (»f i the institutions, and shall jiay out all moneys upon the warrant of the res[)ectiv(! superiiitiMideids, countersij^fned hy tw(» nu'iuhers of the hoard of directors, under such rules and retaliations as Ihe rospoctive boards of directt)rs may cstahlish.] 21. JCach board of directors shall lix the salaries and com- pensation of the supei'intendent, and the ollicers ii.i,' ^ i:;, and employes whoso services nuiy be necessary for the manaj^ement of tlu> asylum under charge of saiil board: pidvidcd, that the salaries shall not be diminished i'i"vi -..»<. during;' the term of tlu' incumbents; (ukI jn-ovhlcd Jiu-IIk r, that the salary of the superintendent shall be a sum certain, with- out other com[)ensati()n or allowance, except such in the asylum for the use of his family, and such articU'S (A' food proihu'cd on the promises as saiil board of director, may permit. ■_'•"). I'ach superintendent shall exorcise exclusive iliroction and control over all the subiinlinate ollicers and h\<\ ^ \-\. Sllprrilili'llil- fiiipliivi'S enua^ed in the servii't> and labors of his "i-- !•■ ii^iv.' a-vluni, and he may discharge such as have been ';. i •••■ ^"i""- ciiipjoyed by himself or his predecessors, and shall :""i'''i'i'i<'.v'"'. rciMirt to the board of directors of his asvlum the misconduct (if all other sid)ordinates. ■Jii. lOach board of directors shall nuik(> all such by-laws and ri'^idations for the government of their institution ii,i,i^^,-,. 1 11 1 1*1 1 1* l!v-laus, elc. as shall be necessary; among which regulations • ■',' I u 'fn^ f)70 Ndiri'ir <\i;ni,i\A. slmll lie sii''li as sliiiU iiinkc the in-titutinii :i^ iicaily stlfsup iMU'liii;; M< is (•()iisi--tciit will) tlic |.nr|i()«(' .if its ircaiioii. Tin lly hi ■ ilill'llll I'l'lHil (a IM Im ll-.|i.'.l' »iili tr|i,,|| ,,l' ,li ll'I'llllK |M IC'll- cral ii"-i'Milil\ . '"■I Ipiiani shall taust' the li\'-la\v> aii'l I' ('ii> I'"'', roiMii'l (pf tlic siiiK riiilciuli 111 ami that of ihr I » I Ml ■ I ti'ca-^urcf til he |iiiMi-li((l with tiuir n'|"irt t^ ih.' uciicral a- • >v\\\ [<, till' cli'i'k (if tht' sii|H'ri(»r cdiirt of cvrry cuuiity in tlir ^tatc Ni. .1 ll'( rid r Hf siipi riiiliiiilfiil r kept as a distinct finid and faithfully ap|ilied as the (loimr siii'|..Tt..f ''••'■^' 1' i^'^' directed; and the said insane asylum ll'-yllUII:*. treasury shall be supported by api»ropriati(jns I'rum the slate 'i!>. In order to secure their constant supervision and ath mi- a nee, till' officers and employes of any insane as\ juin 1"' shall be e\em|)t from sei'vin^i;" on juries, in the mi- ll. i.i ,;; :V (mill r», i>lr (•V|.|ll|.l I'l-. jiii'y Ki.i'vic'i «•'.('. litia, and from the dutv of workinir on the puhiii roads. 10. l''-acli board of directors shall cause all their proi'eeijiims to he faithfully and carefully written and recoidril in l)ooks, and to this end may employ a clerk, aini jiay him a reasonable conipen.«ation for his servicis, 'J'lie books shall a( all times hi; open t<; the inspection of tlic ueneral assem n.i.l ii :m. l>ii'..ct..rM t.) kii.|i i.i'.inl iif imici.i'il- ibly, S ol 31. The board of public cbarities and the member general assembly shall be ex-ollieio visitors of all insane asylums, It shall be the duty of the heard 'f of public charities to visit the a.sylums from time to time, as they may deem expedient, to examine into their condition, and make report thereon to the iN-P'Ti-* "f , (>'eneral assembly, with sueli su( liiianl. mill to tin- Imiiril dl' (linrldr-: ol ililv uiil\-, ^liall hi-; a-vliliii. :ilisiiiili|y unly, *liall i ;mIi -n| (■niit(iii|( lit l.r n ijiiin to makr n-port- or I'urni-li «-iati-lir<. .".■J. 'I'lic cloyc of tlic li-cal Vfiir shall !'<• the thirtiilh aixl f-ti- iiiatis >hall III- iiiadf with ft i'l r> iiir ihrrclip. .").">. l''>{' iIm' a'iiin..i..n. allrjLjfil iii>aiu' jicisitn. shall luakf hi lure ami lilcuiili a jn-'- tircdl" the iicacc of till' county, ail airhlasil in writin::, whii-h -hall In- -uh>taiitially a« I'oliows : Statr of North Cafolina, ) ( 'oMiity. ) The un carfftilly cxainint'd tln' allf.ufd !■ ,„ „f , ,. Ill- 1 ■ i 1 • :illtilil»it. hiiiatic, and i«ch(Vt-; liini to lie an insani' pcr-on, and to ho, in the opinion of the iiiKUTsiyncd, a lit siiljort for adinis>ioii iiit., J. 1'. Will riii|ion, iiiiU'— till' person in wliose care or custody the ;illi ucil insane i<. will a^rcc to hi'in^L!,' liiiii hiforc said jn>tice without a warrant, or when sli.all i~--i!«' a precept, dirc'ctccl to the sheriir or to a constaliU' (who .-hall he ciiipouired for that ]iiirposc to take from jail such per~on>a.s follows : .^^tate of North Caroliiuv. To the sheritl' or coii>tahle of county (Irei'tin^: ^^'llereas, information on oath has heeii laid hefore me that i- insane. Vou ar<' Iierchy commanded to hrin^ ,..„,„ „f liiiii hel'ori- iiie Ol- soiiie other justici' of the peace of "•'"■"" said county, within the next ten tiays, that necessary proceed- iii;j,< may he liad thereon, 'iiveii under mv hand this dav of , 18 . ('. IX,J. P. I'poii the hriiiLiini^ of the all(;;('tl insane jierson hefore the justice hv his friends, or upon the return of the im'- .in^ti..-. ;.. fiiit witii the hodv of the insane jter.son, the uistice t;,k.'i.-ii. s-Iiah cause to lie as.soeiateil with liim one or more ii'.v.,iciuu. , mS 1 il S\V r>72 NOKTII CAHOMXA. Justices of siiul county, who (o;;ctlier sluill j)rocee. and a statement of such facts as the said justices shall deem ])ertinent to the suhjeet matter, which warrant shall be suh- stautiallv as follows: State of North Carolina. To the .sherilF or constable of countv (ireetinu': Whereas, it has lieeii nnule to satisfactorily ajjpear to FMrmofwiir- "s, C. 1 >. aiid E. F., justiccs of the jieace of said aiivVuMu) eounty, that A. ]>., a citizen of the state, is an insane i)erson, that he has a le,t;al settlement in said counl\', and is a lit subject for an in.-^ane asylum, and that his being at large is injurious to him,-;elf and disad- vantageous if not dangerous to the t-onununity: you aiv liereby commanded to take the said A. J>. and conwy him (to the proper asylum) and there deliver him to the superin- tendent thereof for safe kecjung. CJiven under our hands this day of , IS . c. 1)., J. r. K. F., .].]'. ok "Whenever the justices of the peace, under the provision.^ n.i.isis of the preceding sei'tion, shall direct any insaiir i'imk.'''i'in'ri,.. person to be removed to an asylum for safe keepinu, iTMipoiiur'' it shall be their duly to make a full report of thtir j)r(K'eedings to the clerk of the sujterior court of their ccninty. o5. The following (piestions with their rcs|iective answers QneJimisaiid ^Y '^^ l^i'd^t ouo pliysiciau of respectable staudin:; V. !l NORTH CAUOI.INA. r,73 !! lU, mid ;sR'ian, ) t)l" thf nr, and liuVllid. luiUiu'i \itil the il ilirni im as a t lo IIh' lit lo ilu' VllnorJSt-'S, lUil drtiu i bo ^uU- ■oting •• ipjK'av to (•(• of said ill", is an LMUcnt in luiu, and ,11,1 (liposcd raus(> of insanity? ((■») In what way is the disease exhihite(l? (7) Has any medical treatment been i)Ursue(l ; if so, what kind and by whom? (S) J low long has he boon insane? Count from the first s -niptoms and give all known symptoms from that time to tins date. ('.») Has tho patient manifest(Ml any {jrojionsity to injure him- self or others; if so, in what way and how often? (10) -Has he boon subject to epilepsy? (II) Have any of his ancestors been insane; if so, static what ancestors, and what was the idiaracter of tlcdr insanity? (12) Has he any family; ami if so, what })ersons comiwise it? (10) Are any of them insane, and what is the idiaractor of such insanity ? (11) What is tho occupation of tlu! patient? (15) Jlow many attacks of mental disease has the }nitient had-/ (!(')) Are tho parents of the insane jtorsons rtdated by blood; if so, what is tho degree of relationship? (17) Has tho patient property; if so, state in wliat such property consists, and what is the value thereof? (is) Is he under any forcible restraint ; if so, what? (!!•) Has tho itaticrt received any aid from the county; if s(i. what? CJIM (iivo name and post office of tho neavost relative or friend of tho })atient, with whom the su^ jrintondent of the iiisani' asylum can correspond, as circumstances require for die hcnelit of tho patient. (21) Give any infornuition in yo'ir poMsossion not embraced !':!'! r» m I U1 ! i III i, il ' ll'' ;»/ NOIITir fATtor.IXA. ill the iiliDvi' tiucstidiis, wliicli iiiiiv (lirow lij^lit (jii llic nuMital (ir pliysiral ('(Hiditidn of (lie jiaticiit. .■Jll. WluiKNcr an iii~aiiu jk-I'sdii sliall lie coiivevcd to aiiv {isyluni, :nion is a lU'oper suiiji'ct lor ad- llii.l S -I'- Sii|ici iiiliMiil- fill 111 nli'i' lIlMlllllllI \.< III (lill-l'll eciile. he slial iiii;" and deciding:; iC such pei mis-ion. 'ind if a majority of such hoard so d he rciH'iv(d into said asylum; hut a like hoard may at auv tiiiii- thereafter deliver said insane person to any friend w Im uill liecome hound, with ;j.ood surety, to I'tstrain hini froin commiltiii;.;' injuries, and to keeii, mainlain and take care of him, in the s.iiue manner a-; he niii^ht have hecoine houinl nndcr the authority of the justice vl' the p( a<'e. '■'i~. Anv three of the hoard of directors of anv asvluiii. 11. i. 1 5 •>\- U<'III'tv;il rri.Iii ii-vliiiii oi' I" r- Ki.i!- Iii-ciitnini: siiiK'. iiihl III' r>'ita:ii iii- riii'iiMi' iii- ii[K>n the superintendent certifyinn- the facts (a (■(■pv of which certilicates shall he sent to the clerk of the superior court of the county of settlement ) shall he a hoard to dischar.'V' or I'cmove ficm their asylum any per--on admitted as insane, when such person li;is hecome or is found to he of sane mind, or when such |ic!'or, is incurahle and in the opinion of tlu' superintendent his helii^ at lari;i' will not lie injurious to himself oi- danj^erous to the •oinmunity, or said hoard may pi'rmit such jierson to uo to llir county of his settlement on jtrohation, when in the opinion of the said superintendent it will not he injurious to him-cl!' or dangerous to the i-ommuiiily. and said hoard may discharu'e or remove such person upon other snllicii'iit cause appeaiiiii: to them, and whenever any such person, if adniitte(l a-^ in- digent, may he so disci largx'd or rt'inovetl, c>xcept as •-aiic, it shall he the iluty (.if the (^herifl' of the county of his settleiiiciit to convey such person to his county at its expense, and ;;: IV 11 such indi;.renl pt'rsoii discharged as sane sliail receive iroiii such asylum a >um of money siillicient to pay his tran:-]iorta- tioii to the county of his settlement, which sum shall he repaid l.iy fail! county. oS. Any su[)ei'intendent may notify any sheriil' within wlmsc M,''.lnr"' „ n coiintv anv person sent from his asvlum on iiioha- li'iTiia"r,h-uu ti<^*'h •■•i" C'scuped therefrom, may he found, and tin re- lit •'. NOUTir CAUOI.INA. 0(.) upon it shall Ito the duty of siU'h sherifr forthwith t.. rohinii.. , U'., with tlie view of hindering tl. 11. , an insane person, resident in the county afori'said, from being- sent to insane asylum, (or to eil'ect his release from the Slid asylum, as the case nuiy be) hath undertaken to restrain liini h'om committing injuries, and to keep, maintain, support ami take care of the said G. ]I. Now if the said A. 1>. shall faithfull comply with the condi- tions of this obligation, then the same shall he void, other- \vi>e it shall he in full force. A. 15. [Seal] C. D. [Heal] E. F. [Heal] 1 M 570 N015TII CAROLINA. „ , ,.j: •1'2. Tlic (-'(ist and cxpcnso oi" convcving any iiidiLCcnt iiisaiir ibi.iiiu:. iHTSdii to any of such asylums from any county, or ,^'^'r.'vTni!,''ih- of ri'inovinj; liini tlicrclV(»m to any county or of iiis rctur?! totlic ci)unty ol Ins settlement as sane, under any of the |)rt)visions of tins cliai>tcr, slialT he jtaid hy the treasurer of such county upon the order of the chairnnin of it>! hoanl of county conunissioncrs : jiroriilcd, that (except win n •'"'^i'^" any such person admitted as indi>Sl'll of Millii'ii'iil ill. (Mini' ill u-y- liiiii oiifhli' of suite. t NOinil CAIJCiI.INA. •>< I Jil •l."i. Tt shall Ih- IIk' duty r |ilafcnix '"" as tlicy may hi' sniiicicnt for that jiurjidx', over ainl hcyonil iiiaiiitainin^- and sii|i|Miri ini;- tiio^c [ui'sons who may !»<• IcLially di'i'cndent on tho estate as aforcsaitl. •|(i. It sliall 1)0 tho duty of said justices to I'epoi't the jiro- II eiliuifs in such oases to th«' elerk of the supe- H'i'i :tii. rior eourt of the oountv in which such insane '•• i-m"'!' ii-tii'S iif till' |ii';iiM> liriu'riNliii^s 1' cixin mav reside or he domiciled til siipiMior nun t oii'ik. 17. 'J'he clerk of the court shall lay the said proceedinj II. i. I :i :i7. CliTk M l:iy |i|iirii.'illiii;« l.rr,!,.."' hcfore the jud;;'e of the superior c()urt of the district it. which said insane person may reside or he domi- ciled, and if ho approve them he shall so declare ill writinir, :uid such iiroeeodinj^s, with thi' approval tiiereof, shall he recorded hy said ch'rk. •]S. A certilied copy of such [irot-cedini;s, with the approval of the said judue, shall ho sulheieiit wari'ant to au- i n^ !-. ,.',;.,,.,. . , c, Mini.', I c.i.v ..|' tliori/.eanv Iriend olsucli insane iierson aiipoiiited i iin;.- witi. '. , . , , . , , jiuU-i's :i|i|.i,iv.U bv the said iidire to remove Inm to the asvlum "'iiii.i.nt i.^u ' _ ti o V tlhin/.M rrlil.iv;ll hi ilcsionated. K>vi,n,i,ii.>ii;Mat.'.i. I'.l. In tho a»hnission of patients to any insane asylum, pri- ority of aijmission shall ho i;iven (o the indiijont in- n,!,!,.),, sane: jir1. it shall ho the dutv of any hoard of oountv oommission- t' t/ t/ ers, liy jiropor order to that oHbet, to disehai'ge any a-cer- i I It iii ! I m -7S Ndirni rAi:i>i,iNA. M r I : I I i'- :a ''•'■' s' '1. Ijiiiii'd luiiMlic in llicir cnuiitv not adiiiiltcil to llic> p.. r.„ii MpiJi'opriatc insiiiu' asvluiii juid not (•((iiitiiittrd for ll'illl (•"Ulily . •'■'''• crime, when it shall ajiin'ar upon tlic (•crlilicatc o;" luo i-c<]iictal lie |iliysicians and t lie cliairinaii of their lioard t lint Mieh hmaticoiinht to ho discluirii;ed if in any inii|l» iic- ■ ■ .' . .iiiiii.'.iMi inciuisition that th{> alleucd crinnnal act was com- , will) * i...-t .III..1 1.) iiiitte(l while such person was insane, and tliat such insanity continues : and also any itrson acquitt.d u)."n a ci'iniinal chariic, where. <»n the trial of such jursnii. insanity was relied upon as a defense: jirnridnl, the lac nf insanity was found as a distinct issue to exist at thelin.eof such trial, or is so found hy a jui'v of inquisit-ion as such judL^c mav direct. A (topv of such lindinu' in anvy their verdict lind the [irisoner to he insane, the judire iii.iy cause such iirisoiicr to he removed to the asylum for the in- san'e, or to he otherwise proviileil for, accordin^;^ to law, to fiic end that proper means he use;.. >M7. found on examination hy the superintendent of the Wli.ii vi'.t . , 1 1 • "^ !• 1 I 1 1- 1 • t.. !..■ rnui-. insane asvlum, the cliairman ot tfie hoard ol dinr- fcrri'il t.i in- , "^ , , . . , . . , san.'a^viiii.i. foi's aiid tlic jiliysiciaii to the penitentiary, to ho a lunatic or othwrwise insane, it shall he lawful to transfer said insane convict from the penitentiary to the insane asylinii, umler such rules and r(>*;ulations as apply to other insane jiersons: j>rni^(h(J, such convict's term of imprisonment un- expired shall not be less than three montlis. w O till' ■a fnr •ate of •a that ivhun. n'ctivi' nil. til" )\\ will" (if ahv jury of IS coni- lat s\itli [•([Wittr'l person, .' \\\v of ? tin.e of cl» jndjjc anv jail shall h" ■tmout i-^ (»f hrini: |ii jury to nvy shall IuIlto may ,r tho ill- liw, to 1!if Isueh l''< '■■ shall h' ■nt of til' In? cr ins!»ii<^ OHIO. IIOAIII) Ul" STATK CllARITIK.- 1. A])!- liiiliiR'nt (if nienilicrs, term cif .lii ^ovi'i'iior to l)e t'X-iillii'id |ircsi(lcirt, VMcancies. 2. I'dwcrs ami diilics of lioiird. I!. Sc'Cirttirv, :i|i|ioinini('iit, salary, •1. Annual ri'imrt of hoard. (idVKKNMKNT 01' ASYMMS. .';. KiiMiiicrMtiim and title of asvlunis. (!. i)isirict of Clivcland asylum. 7. l>istii('t of Colimiiiiis asylum. S. I>i-irict of l>aytoii asylum. ',». I)istiict of Athens asylum. 10. t'ouuties eniitled to iiiUielits in ratio of [io|iulation. 11. Laekorroom in properasylum, pro- vi-ioiis for. 12. Government vested in trustees. Hi. TiMi'.lees,apiiointinent, term ofofFlce. II. 'I'd he appointed liy j^overnor. L), 'J'ru--lees to receive no compensa- tion, vaeaneies, residenee, ((uo- rum ; secretary, duties. 1(5. Superintendent, uppointinent, term of ollice. 17. I'luh's and refxul.ations. Is. SulMinlinate ollicers, appointment. l',i. Ilciiids of otlicers. '1*1 Trii-tics, removal and suspension. lil. I'ower-; to contract and purchase. 'I'l. .Moiuhly and (piarterly ins[iection. 2o. .Vnuiinl reports. III. Special meetintts. ■J'l. Superiiiteiideut, duties. -'\. Steward, hoiid of, 27. I'l.iau'i.d ollicer to make piircliase.s. 2S. licmi/.e 1 accounts made monthly. 'JiK JMorekeeper, duties, hond, salary, oil, Mairon, powers and duties, iil. Ki'sidence of ollicers. li'J, Warranis of state treasiu'cr. oi!. Tru^ices, power to apfiiDpriate land. iil. .Nuisance, not to he estaiilished near a>ylums. i'h IJnacis tlii'ouiiii grounds prohihited. •Jl). liduatious may he received, 157. Uciords to he preserved. 3S. liueie^t ill coiitr.acts forliidden. 3'J. Trusiei's not eliyihle to otliees in a>vlum. •10. Suits hroiiyht in nam(> of asvliini. II T stees d ollli oaths (il. pecuil <>| a>ylum. upport of insane, at expense of the stale. 44. Inci denial expen-ii, payment o liow enlorcei ADMISSION AND D1S( HAU(^iE. 4'5. .\iiiilicatiou lor adini'-sion, form of allldavii. 41). Warrant .-mil sulipoiia. 47. JC.^amination, jiliy^ician's certifi- cate. 4S. Warrant of commitment, may he directed to relalives. 4!). Admitted patients supplied witli clolhiliir. tJO. Temporary conliuciuent pending cxaminaliou. 51. Temporary conlinement of danger- ous in>aiie. 52. I)is(Jiar!;e of i>atienis, regulations. AD.MI.SSIUN AND DISCII AlKiE. 53. Notice of death, disiliai'i:e, or es- cape; discharjjed patients sup- plied clothin<; and money. 54. S(declion of patients tor admission. 55. Jtecommitmeiit of insane. 5(). llahcas corjins allowed. 57. Ixecords of investigation to he pre- s(;rvcd. 5S, Kscape, proceedings upon. 5U. Discharge to cii^toiiy ol' Iriemis. CO. (Suits in hidialf oi a.-.yluni, duties of prosecuting alloru'-y. fil. Costs of invest iirat ion. 62. Detinition of terms. 03. Transfer of insane from county in- liriuary, LOX(iVIEW ASYLUM, (iOVKUNMENT AND UE(iLLA'noXS, ()4 Title, goicinment. 05. Hoard of directors, residence, ap- poiutiiieiit, term of oflice. GO. Diiector>i to receive no compensa- tion. <)7. Organization of hoard. 08. Weekly and inonildy inspection. 5S0 OHIO. on. Rc'ciifils of iMs]ipciiiin. 7(). Aimiinl iiu'ftiiii,', i|iiiiriini. 71. Kciiiciviil 111' (illiicis. 7'2. Sii>| i'lwiipii (ifdllici'is, invi'-liv'.'ilion Ol' <'ll!U'jr<'S. 7.'{. Siipi'iiiiii Mill 111, c|ii;ilili(';ilions, ilii- tiiw, 74. A>f*ist:iiit i>hy>i(i:m, (|Malilii'iiticiiis, 7"). SU'Wiinl, iliitit's. 7fi. Steward, 1)1111(1. 77. St<'\v;ii(rs iKcoiinls. 7X. (^ii.ililiiMliniis lor Milniissidti. 7it. liiiiiMti's iiiiiiiitniiied iil I'Xpi'iiso of comity. 80. ApidiiMtioii for iidinissioii, lorm of idlidiivil. 81. AV.'iriiiMl of Mircst, siilipo'iia. 82. K.\aniiiiiilit)ii, iiliysiciuii's coitiCi- cali'. 83. CoiimiiliDi'iit to asylum. 8-1. I)is(liar^'t', |ii(>(ii(iiiii.'s upon. icapi', proccfdiiitis ii]ioii. 87. Actions ill lidiall' of asylum lironj^lit in name of comity of llaniiiton. 88. Proscciitii i; attoriu'v to attund suits, 811. Oliicial seal, foiiii .if. !)U. Costs and expenses how paid. 1*1. reiialiies for failure to perform diilie». '.•2. ."Support of asylmii, stale aid to lie in ratio of popidation of | lamil- toii county to rest of »i.iic. {).']. County eommis>ion imiy li w taxes for siijipoit of,is\lnm. ill. Separate ap.ii imcnis lor insane in ciimiiy iiiliiiiKiry. !l"). Comity inlii iii:ir\ , wlin admitli r li"iii juil to inlirmaiv. 1)7. Slalute, how coii>lrneil. (lUMiNAi, in-am:. OS. Kxamiiialion of prisoiu r, coinmii- mi'iit liy jiidLe. 11',). Kael of insanity tried liy siieeinl Jury. 100. I'roctediiiiis on verdict of jury. 101. Fact of insanity to lie stated in verdict, proceedings ihercon, I 102, On re<'overy reinaniled to cu-iodv. ■j lOo. Convict .sentenced to deatli, in- (piest of insanity. 101. I'roi eciliims on iiii|uesl. lOo. On recovery, novtanor to order I'Xecntioi;. 10<). InsaiH convicts, iiii|uest of lunai' , transfer to asylnni. 107. On recovery, ri'inanded to prison. 108. Convicts insane at expiiation of sentence, remanded to comity. 109. Insane convicts suspension of sentence; exei'iition of senieiue on recovery. 1. The <>ovoni()r shall apiioint four jkm'soiis, t'liually from lievisr,! Stat- ^''^' *^^'*' ll-'t*'!' 'l.U" political |)artic.<, wllO shall COil-li- iit,'sot t-Mi, ii^jj^, jj board of j^tiito (.'haritics, to .'^crvo without cdiii- irati()ii nf puiniiiH'Mt «'!". ill 1* 1 1 A • \ L 1 ' 1 1 I j' t.'iiii.iui.i nil- the terms ot the }irest_'nt iiieuiiioeiits, sliiill lie lour years. 1 he -arv. It shiill investigate the whole .system of jiublie ehtirities ami correctional institutions of the sttite, examine into tjie coiidi- tion and management thereof, especially of prisons, jails, iiilir- OHIO. ■.SI 1 U. \ui'li fliiiiiL',«'s aiiil atlilitioiial iirovi-ioiis as it may deem nec- essary lur tiieir ec(»niimical and cllicient admini-ti'ation. It shall constitute an advism-y Imard, to uliom all plan.- of pub- lic luiildin^s may bi' ret'erred lor su.u'ijestion or appritval. .'5. Tlie said board may appoint a secretary, wlio shall bo paid tor bis services, in aurer ujion an order tVom the auditor ol" stale. ■I. The board of state cbarities sball. annually, prepare and pi'iiil Ibr the n^e of tbe leiiislature, a lull and com- ^^Hi'l,.,! r,.|,„ii pjele report of all its doings durinu- tbe year pre- "' 'i'" '■"■"'i- ciMlinjj,', slatinjj,' fully and in detail all expenses incurred, all ntlicers and audits employed, witli a report of the secrelaiy, cinbracin^ all llie respective jiroci'cdiniis and expenses durini^ the year, and sbowint;- tbe actual condition (»f all the slate in- stitutions coming!; under its examination, with sucli sugges- tions as it may deem necessary and pertinent. ."). The asylums for tlii' insane sball respectively be desig- naleil as follows: that near Cleveland, as the ("leve- ^< ,;,,, land asylum for the insane; that near Columlius, a.'vT,',ms'Vii"' a- the ( olumbus asylum tor the nisaiu'; that near l>ayton,as Ibe ])ayt()n asylum for the insane; and that near Athens, as the Athens asylum for the insane; and they sluill eaili be undt'r tbo charge of a sejiarate boai'd of trustees. (i. The district of tiie Cleveland asylum, is eomposi'd of the tlie counties of Cuyahoga, Ashtabula, (Jeauga, l liJ. I'lilllllil'S I'll |ialii'iits lie. runliiii; I>> |io]'tllu(i'>U. 8. Tlio (li>(fict ol' iIk' hiiytoii ii>yluni, is coinpostMl df tlu; comities of Clai'kt', Allen, An;;lai/t', Shdhy, riitiiaiu, Md'ciT, I'aiildiiiu-, \'au Wert, Miami, |)arke, Mont- ;^y- I'.TII'll til .llll.'l' llSVllllllS. luin of either of the other districts, which may at the time have room for said j)aticnts, such traiisl'ers to be made upon the order of the governor, upon the recoiu- (•nil). .f tlh' .tlK\lU, Mout- u, ami ,.f thr , Uluus, , Ross, asylum alud, ill ity; n«» isyluiiis it (»1" Uie no \it r- anin,^ "I )ur yiar I 1U> ji*'!'- cliapti v, inriidalinn of the imiliral suin riiilcr.ili'iil of the a\liiiii racll ill-lnrl Id he llii iil»\' alli'cUi 111. Tlic (iiiif I'd! ami iiiaiiaui'iiiciit (if llic slate liciicvolciit I'M. :- llllll'lllll'll 1- |. •.■" -l.ll.' lil'lli'V.i- li'llt ill«lllll- li.iM« I.I li" ilticli'i' Imiiii >I 111' live l^ll^t. ■•••<. instiiulidiis, iiicliiiliii^ ilif ii I'diiii scliddl lur liuys, anil tin- .uirls' iiulu-lrial iinnu', shall !" tiiiilcr a lioai'd til' live ti'UsU'cs III carii ili>l iliil inn : the tllis- ti'i'S shall elui'l emu 111" their llleiulul.-: iis |nvsi(lelit III' (he hiiaril. ];). S.iiij tni'lies may, upiiii the ]ia-sa^e nl" this ael, !ie ap- pniiiteil as I'ollows, lu wit : (.lie I'lir iiiie year, diit.' for ;,,;■,. twii wars, line fur three years, mie fur I'luir vi'ars i'«\'','.",',.":.',.s. and line I'or live yi'tirs; iir, if ilu' uiivermir deiin ad- u','!,'; 'i.''iii>" visalile, the phufs of those now in olliee, in any in- '''' "" .-litution, may he lilh'd lor the term of live yiars i ai h, as t!ie term of each expires, and, in eilher case. a> the term of laeh expires, his successor .-hall he appoinltd for the term of [\\i- years. t I. Tlu' trustees of all >aid institutions shall he appointed 1 y the <:ovi'rnor, h\- and with (he adviccand consent of . ,. ,. tiie senate, and, I'Xcept as otherwise pl'ovided hy iV\(''.,'''|', 'aa law, shall reci-ive no t-onipeiisation, hut shall he en- i.iVi'nl'uu. ' l.y' tilled to reei'ivi' their neces-ary iwpcnst's in attend- '■""■'"" inj^ th.,' niei't in.^s of their respective hoards, or in ^^oiiii;' to and fmni tlu'ir respective institutions on ollici;d husiness ne^x's-a- rily (•onnected iherev.'ith, which shall he paid hy the ili>l'Ur.-in,u ellicer of their I'espc'ctive ins(i(utions on p''esenlatioii ol' an ilciiii/.ed voucher theii'for, which .-hall hi' lihd with iheoihir vuiichers of the institution. All vacancies in the olliee of tri;-- tces, whether occasioned hy ex[iira(ion of term, remo\al, or dtlierwise, shall he liiled in the niannei' that tlu' original ap- piiiiituient is made, and when occurring' at any time hefoie the expiration of the term of ap[)uiutnient, shall he for the halance uf the term only. lo. Not exceeding two trustees may be ri'sidcnts of tiie ciiimty in which any institution is located. Three ,^.;i:. shall hi,' a (|Uorum to do husiiiess, and two may {'.[)- i^Vi ",', -!'i' , . I'l'silllMK" ivl pKive accounts lor tiie payment ol current exiienses, tni-i.Ms: salaries, and u{)oii contracts previously entered into s,.,.n'iiirv ,m,,i hy the hoard. I'^aeh board shall ap[)ointa secretary, '"^ ''"'"- ^\llo may or may not be a member uf the board, whose duly ,1 ; 1 . 14 m oMIo. II* itllH-itilril Tin»ti'i'4 III H|>|"'>l>l •ll|ilT- Illli'lull'IKK. it "liiill lit' III I\t<|' ;i rccdi'il of ihr iiiccliii^«- mu! of ihc ju'm- Cci'iliiij^s ul :^;iii| liiiiiril, iiliil ;ilti>| tlic -nine I'l. Till' lii.ard". of tni'lrc's sliiill ii|i|Miiiit sii|i(iMiit(ii(l( iit< tn the iiistitutiniis Miiili'f tlicir cliiii'^c rt's|i('tli\tly, who shall I mid t lie nil ice fur Iniirvra rs, iiiilcss soniici' rHii'(' ai'c a|i|iiiiiit('(l. IT. Till' liiianl >liall t>tai>li-li ^iidi nil(«^ ami rcunlatioiis n- iiiay hiijcciiifil cxiirdinit I'lirtlir L:n\t riiiiiciil and niaiiiiueniciii i)\' ihrir -cNcrnl iii>titnti(>iis, and jur sci'iii'in^ (•(•iiiiniiiy and iii'i'fiiintaliility in all thfir "" "' allaii's, and all ollii'rc-; ainl cniiiloyc-; shall striiMly (ilircrvo Mich nilfs and ri'^ulations, whicii may he changed n! till |>1 asiii'i' (iC ihc liuard. 1^. I'l^'ii •htiiniMiiiatiMiM,t'>ii|.( rliitcmlcnis.hiiards ortni^lci-; T' ll»ti'r« III lii.'.ki' I iiliK |.ir u'l'ViTii- lin-iil Ml iii>il if liln, .\p|'"iiiliii'iil 111' "iii'iiiili- Ilali-. may a|i|i(iint slew ai'd-^, mat runs, physicians, a s-i>laii jihysicians. and othci' la cdcd (dliccis, and may ii nmvc such a|i|M»intccs at pleasure Tl I V sliall liv the conijK'iisatinji dt' each, nut exceedim;' the maximum pn - scrilud ly law. Mither >>[' the (il!ice!'> named in this secii(]|| may he suspended hy the SUpil'illlendellt, he to repni't the I'acl, iUitl his ]•( asniis thcrelur. imnieilialely. In the hoard ol" tni-tei-. l". Iioanls may reipaire of any suhordinate ollicei-, or ein- .^i;a. II. .11.1 ..f «iih. IT llll.ll. -, ]i|oy(', a hond to the state, in such sum, upon ti'i'>. hy and witji the ad\'ice and consent of the scii;itc, ami duriiiii' the recess ol' the .M'liale may he .'-iis- peiided hy the ^.^overnor, who sliall report tla -aiiie to the scnat*^ at its next session, ami, if the . advise and consent, such trustee shall he removed, hut oilar- Avise shall he re^tond to his ollice. In case of suspension, tin' t>i»vei'nor sliall designate some person to |n'rlorm the duties fif such susp( nde.» ic pro- Icnts In itivfly, L'l'lS.'-dl'S •III iUi'l lllid |i'l' ,11 tliril- -triiily vU'^vil at rti'ii-tcc-i iis.-istiiiil itiiiy iT- shal'l iiv mil |in- S SCclinli 1 111.' I'acI, rusltHS. or mi- iii -mil lie ap- ovci'iior, -cliah'. l)r su>- lli' >aiiK' -ciialt' >'> lit Mllicr- ^idii, til*' \\\\u< fil' i.l. Tli'- f sriiaic. ■1(1 \n\)V ha > hicll iivv<, 111 iiilci'csl of llif stale, ami "f tjic in-liliitimi mnlcr f'-n tlifir fliJir'M', Will ill' siilisi rvctl tlimln. -ai>l iMiard .T.i.r i-ir ■ i-iiii">' l>jr shall ;nlvt'rtisc lur scalt'il Itiils lo riiriiisji at tlif in- ■••"i'»'> -tit mil '11 any article (»r a it ir I is ncnlnl \\)y \\< -m-Ii times aii'l in >iicli tjiiaiitities as the su|iei'iiileiiilriit may, iV-.m time tn tinii'. ilimt : »aeh hiij In \»' ai(iiiii|iaiiiril wilh a I.miiiI jn -iicli amount a- the liuai'il shall ilirert, with tiouil aiel -utliejoiit hall ill all ea-^es rc-crvr the ri;.dit to I'ejeet all hiil-. and may readvertise or direct the |iiircliase i>( such article or articles hy private eoiilrad, under >iich I'lihs and reuulation< as they *liall |ireserihe. ■J'J. Maeli in-titutioii shall he vi-ited monthly hy at lea^t two ot" the tiM-tees thereof, and ihoroULihlv e\- s '^^ I • 11 • • 1 1- 1 ' • ' • .M.MiiMy an.I aiiiiiied 111 all its Jiarts. iiicludiiu:' the examination •iM:.ri..riy ' ^ viHiiati 111 \-aine [•ur|io. The boai'd of trustees of each iiistilutioii shall, annu- ally, after the close of the fiscal year, make to the ,,;,- Lioveriior a report of their ollicial proceed iiiijs dur- iV'r't'!!!' '^*^' iii.L;' the year, (aceompaiiied with a report by the '""'•■-''• supeiiiitcmli'nt, and such others em[iloyed in tin' institution a- the tru-tees may deem inijioi'tant ), and of the condition, |inii;ress, and wants of the institution, to,i;clher with an ex- liihit in detail of the receipts and exiuMiditiires, iiicludini,' a full list of {ill persons employed therein, and amounts paid to, iir leriiis njion wliieli,sai(l per.sons have been employed dui-ing tlieyear. Said report shall also contain a summary statement • if all ci.ntracts entered into durinu' the vear. iiicludint' the names of all jicrsons interested in such contracts. sxi. ( V ^Ki hf f i - 1^ ! oSC OHIO. 21. SpcH'ial iiui'tiujrs of any board of trustees may lie had S 'iii;. on llie call of the president tlii'reof; of such uuct- S|»»')'iul uii'iH- "»!>"*• in^, eai'li uieuil)er sliall havi' tliree days' notice, in writing-, together with a sunnnary statement of the ]iur[)osc for which such meeting is called. 2."). Superintendents shall he persons of aeknowledi^ed skill, {,,.,; ahility, iind experienee in their ])rofession, and ot' [;,',\'^'''i'i'',''i,''iin- .good nu)ral character. They shall have control of jmiVt s'lH'ii ' ''' tlu! all'aii's of their lespective institutions in all thi'ir a^^'il■!^'''■'(■I•'s^ departments, and shall bo responsible to thetrustet>s sTiuuioi!." '" for the ellicient management thereof, and for the faithful service of all pei'sons em[tk)yed therein. They may a])point such teachers, attendants, nurses, servants, or cither persons, as may bo necessary for the proper nianagenient of the institutions, assign them to thi'ir respective places and du- ties, and. may, at any time, discharge them frt)m si'rvice, keep- ing a record of the reasons ft>r such discharge. Such appoini- ees shall, however, be subject to discharge by the board. The supcj'intendent of the institution fur the deaf and ikuub shall 1 lave powe bv virtue of his ollico, to solemnize marriage? 2(1. The steward or other liiiancial officer of each institution, before entering upon the -1. p. I! Sti'WHI-il to give Ijuii'l. diall 'ive )nil to the state of Ohio in the sum of ten thousand dollars, with sui'cties to the satisfaction of the board of trustci's, conditioned that ho will faithfully and lioncstly perform the duties of his ollice, and pay over and ac- count for all moneys and property which may come into lii> liands bv virtue of his ollice, belonging to the state or to anv otl lor {)orson, w lich bond shall be tiled in tlu? oil! r^' ol lie treasurer oi' state. The bond given l)y said linancial odicer inav be increased at the discretion of ami bv a vote of the ma- jority of the board. 07 L'nder the direction of the superintendent, the linancial iliicli'i- iliroc- tinll ot" supiT- iiji>'iiil''iit til liiaki' jnir- cliases. casli ii:>, oilicer of each institution shall i)urchase all its sup- plies, upon the ln'st [)ossible terms, aiul lowest value, lie shall also see that the grounds, buildi: and all other i)roperty belonging to the state arc proj)erly preserved and kei»t in order, and shall perform suili other duties as are assigned him by the superintendi'ut. 28. The oliicers naiued in the preceding section, except us OHIO. 1,1 ; ■ .).^/ sutisfactinn proviik",! in tlie followiiiu' scrtidiis, sliall ki'tji an i\r- •urate account ni ( Ictail HI [iiMpcr lio ■ • I II -« tiiii'-UillMl Wlllcll l-Mi. |. '314. Ari'.iuiU-i shall lie always open to the ius|icclion nf the super- -h.iii :■•■ k.'i>t intendeiit and Irusti'cs, and these honks shall 1 ill ury, the halance of livered inln liis kcciiiiiii', and shall examine, \vi'i,L;,li, measure, or guaLje evei'v article |iurcliaseil by the steward lor the domestic ])uri»oses i,[' the asylum, and I'cceipt to the steward tor the same, statin^ (juantity i|uality; he shall make a monthly report to the medical supt'rintendcnt and trustees of all articles on hand at the elose of the precodiuL!," iiioiuh, the (|uanlityof all article-; received during!,' tlu' month, and the ([uantity of all ai'tielis issued durin;;- the month to the dillerent departmenls of (lu asylum, upon whose order ilelivered, and to whom deiivei'ed. with receipts for the same; lie shall (ill- _ ' r> I ''''"■ donu'stie arrannenu'nts of their institutions, and do all they t-an for the comfort and welfare of their inmates. 31. .Superintendents, stt'wards, and nuitrons shall reside in. *iiii''!M> I.. ,,.. and devote their entire lime to the interests of, the Kiclf in thr iji- MUlirhlll. institution with which they are connected. o'2. The ti'casurer of stati' may, from time to time, advance .5''"'t to the financial ollit'cr of each institution, on lii< 'I'n'iisiiriT III' "tiit.'t - own order, approved hv the superintendent and n. vaiici' 111. nicy , . _ ' ■ ' to NU'wani. ■ majority of the trustees, and upon a warrant hem the auditor of statt', to meet current expenses, a sum not ex- ceediiiu' thrcH' thousand dollars. No additional order ■■hall he drawn u|toii tlu^ treasurer until the settlement riMpiind in sec- tion six hundred and fifty shall have been satisfactorily made. and the amount previously drawn fully accounted for. o-\. The board of trustees of any benevoleid institution of j; ,;.,., the stale is autli(M'i/.ed, when, in its juduinenl, it is oi'Ti'i'il'vi'iI'ia necessary for the bi'Uctit of such institution, or I'nr n'i','i.v!i'lMi'i'i'!i'Hi- the more efficient and [iroper administration of the charities contemiilated by its oi'uani/.ation, to ac- (piir(> any real estat(\ ri^ht of way, or easement in nnil estate; and wlieii it is unable to a.uree with th(> owner or ownei.s thereof upon the price to be [)aid therefor, to make application OHIO. .-.SO ■;|)()lisi- •(1 into L' evt'i'v OSes ol' statinu t to ill'' land at ailii-lr- artii'li s s of \\\v ■livei'til. sum (if s (lutii'S, trustt>c<, is lioaril and not in of til'' . and ilo ,tus. esidc ill. ri of, llie advance on his it and a lilt fnau not i\- -diall be d in -ei'- Iv niaile. ntion of Ml In, o t,it IS r f"i' in lu (> ai' estati'; OWlier-i lieutit'H ])y iietition to tlie proljate court of the county in \vliirh such institution is hicated, lor the ajiproitriation of such real estati', riyht of way, or casement, and all j»roet'edin,^s under such ap- ]>lication must be conducted uiuU'r and in at-cordance with tlu> j)rovisions of existinjf laws rejj,ulatinii' the aj^jirnjiriation of ])rivate property by inuni'.'ipal corporations, so far as the same are a[>jilical)le ; hut it is o|)tional with such hoard to refuse to accept the real estate, rij^ht of way, or easement, sought to be a{»[)ro}>riate(l, at the price found by the jury, in case it ]>ays the costs and necessary expenses to the property owner of sucli proceed in.ij;, to be lixed by the court on the ai)plication of the boanl; but no such board nniy institute proceedings to appro- jiriate property unless money has been ap|i!'opriated by the le;j:',slaturc for })rocuring such real estate, right of way, or casement. o-i. It i.s unlawful for a person or an inc()r[>orated company to erect or carry on, within one hundred and twenty ,^ ,;j4. j'ods of Loniiview asylum, or any state benevolent uni'syVa.'- "" institution, any rcdlinu-mill, blast fui'iiace. nail fac- !.'.• ,.n.,t'.',i .',r ■^ . 1 1 • 1 r T carrii'il mi i(>rv,co])i)ersmeltnig works, boiler lactorv, petroh'um \Mihiiir,.,,;iiii oil relinerv, slauiihter house, tallow chandh'rv, or ■i".^- vo. j.lue, soap, or starch factory, or any otiier works or """■ lusinef^s i)roductive of unwholesome or noxious odors or irases, or loud noises, which may annoy or endanger the health, or interfere with the proper treatment of the inmates of such in- stitution; but it is lawful for a person to lile his petition in the court of common pleas in any county wherein such an institu- tion is located, setting forth his desire to erect or carry on at less distance than that {trohibited herein, naming the [iwi'cise point, i\ny of the establishments hereinbefore named, or any other works which might have a tendency to generate un- wholesome or noxious odors, or in any way annoy or en- danger the health or prevent tlu' recovery of iiumites of saiil institution, and the reasons and cirei'mstances. in his opinion, wliv till! erection or carrving on thereof would not so annov or endanger the health or convenience, or endanger the re- C('Very of the inmates of saiil institution; and shall give iiutice in some newspaper of general circulation in such county, of the jiendency and prayer of such petition, for at least six consecutive weeks previous to the term of the court ^1 , " j: ' '■. t it .V.IO OHIO, next to 1)1' 1k'1(1 tlicroiii, and sluiU also servo a written notioo upon tlic su|n'rinten(lcnt oftlio institution, at least thirty (];\\^ bel'ort' tlif (lay set for the hearing' of the petition; thereup(ni, if, upon the hearing; of the petition, it appears that (hie notice has l)een ^iveii, as herein ri'ipiired, and the court is of opinion that there exists no good reason why such establishment may not be so erected or carried on, and that bv the erection or carrying on thereof at the point named, such institution will sustain no detriment, the court ma}' issue an order granting the prayer of the petitioner; and thereafter lie may proceed to U)cate siu-h establishment or carry on such business at the point named in his ])elilion, the same as if this section had not been ])asse(l. 3"). No streets, alleys, or roads, shall bo laid out, or estab- §•«;.. x>. snoots, lisbed throu«;h or over the lands belont^iiiii; to si.iiiiiM. lai.i ...It anv ot the public institutions oi the state, with LiiiLiiiL' t..iM-„.- out (he Special iiermission of the general a>seni- VOll'lIt llistltll- ^ J- " tk.MS. \)]y 3(). The board of any benevolent institution shall be capa- jifi-v, I'le of receiving by gift, devise, or bequest, mone\s, mrVvo'lilMiii- lands, or oilier property, for the benefit of such iu- lons, I .. stitution, or any of its inmates, and to hold and ii[.- ply the same according to the terms of the donation. o~. All books, papers, vouchers, and contracts, pertainiiiii ,,,i„.,, to any of the boiievolent institutions, are the prop ■ !'!l| Hook: to ti'^'st'in'.'"'' I'l'ty ('f the state, and shall bo carefully preserved. 88. No trustee, [commissioner, director,] or ofUcer of any gfios. benevolent institution may be, either directly or iii- b.'''i'i!t'o'i.-t!.i'' directly, interested in any purchase for, or contract on l)t-halt ol, such institution; and, in adilition to the liability of any trustee, commissioner, director, or ollicer, violating this inhil)itioii to respond in damages for any injury sustained by tiie institution by his act, he shall be forthwith removeil from oflice. 39, Xo trustee, [t'ominissioner, or director,] of any benevo- lent institution is eli^'ible to the oflice of superiii- ■ tendent, or steward, (Jr such institution, during the tonM.'hi'o'."' term for which he was appointed, nor within uiic year alter his term expires. 40. Claims due to any benevolent institution may be sued StutiouV.^-' f^i" i" tlie name of the institution. § (i-JO. Tnisicos, OtC not oliiiililo OHIO. r.f )1 lOi'tainincf IV iiiiurv 41. Trustees, supcrintoiKleiits, stewards, and assistant pliy- siciaiis of insane hospitals, shall each, het'ore enter- ^< ,.,.,., ini;- upim the discharf^'c of their duties, take an uath, l!:!.s^J,',V!"n." administered ])y proper authority, to'ue tlieir '''"'' (hilies in aeeordanee with law, and to the hi'st of their ahilitv which oath sha.ll l)e tiled in the ollice of the .uovernor, 4'J. ('[ion the ai)plieation and reeoniinendation of the board (if trustees of any state public institution, the > •■ i cM'.-lit as to tliev shall be neatlv and comtbrtably clothed, and '•i"tiiiiii.'an,i 1 . " . . . tiav.'liiii: ami their traveling and incidental expenses paid by '"""'''■"lais. thi'inselves, or those having them in charge. 41. If there be a failure in any ease to pay incidental cx- p( uses, or furnish the necessary clothing, the stew- ««■'-'• . .,.'... 1 1 inv payment ard or other tinancuu officer ot the institution is '■•ir..n.a. liei'eby authorized to pay such expenses, and furnish the re(|uisite clothing, and pay for the same out of the appropria- timi for the current expenses of the institution, kee[)ing and reporting a separate account of the same. The account so drawn up. signed by Such otlicer, countersigned by the supcr- iiiteudent, and sealed with the seal of the institution, shall be i'lrwardeil to the auditor of the county from which the person came, who shall jtay the amount of said bill out of the county funds to the <^" ancial otlicer of the institution, to be audited M m ^■ill '.I El i :! ^ )ii-2 («llli>. to till' current oxi)ense fiiiid. iiiid said auditdi" shall then jU'o- CTi'd to colU'ct the sanu', in tin; nanii' oi' tlii' stato of Ohio, a.- other ilcbts are collected. 4"). l'\)r tli(^ admission of jniticnts to any of the asylums for the insane, the followinii' |>roi-eed!n_us shall he had: some resident citi/en of the proper county shall lile with the |)rohate judge of such county an alliihivil, f V02. l'rucpc'ilini.'s fur inliiii^-i'iii (■r |';itii'iit». substantially as follows; The ,Stateof Ohio, ( 'ountv, ,*.'«. , the undersigned, a citizen of sworn, says that he helieNcs )f I county, r)hio, 1 •euig is insane, (or, that in conse(iuenco of liis insanity, his heing at large is dangerous to (he community). He has a letial settU'ment in townshij), in thi.s county. Dated thi- day of A.D. (sill A.P,. 40. V.'iien the aOklayit is tiled, tlie probate judge shall fort! •ith issue his warrant to some suitable jier.- 5 TH.!. ii'i'itiit and ■nil, iM.iiii^. cominandnig liim to bring tlie i)erson alleged to be insane before him, on a day therein named, which shall not be more than liyi; days after tlii' ailidayit has lieeii liled. and shall immediati'ly issue sub].ieiias for such witnesses as iu^ deems necessary (one of whom shall be a respectable jiliysi- cian), commanding the }>ersoiis in such subpuiias named to api-ear before the judge on the return day of the warrant: and if any person dis])utes the insanity of the party charged, tlie probate judge shall issue subpieiias for >ueh person or persons as are demanded on behalf of the jur^oii alleged to be insane: pnirithd, that if. l)y reason of the character of tlic ailliction or insanity of said [)erson, it is deemed unsuitable or improper to bring the person into such probate court, then the nrobate judge shall [leisonally yisit said person and certil'y that he has so ascertaineil the c(»ndition c>f the person liv actual ins[)eetion, and all proi-Cvdings as herein reipiired. 111,1V then be bad m the absence (» ^ueli person. 47. At the time appointetl (unless fur good cause the inves- 5 704. tigatioii is adjourned) the judge shall procia'd to tiii(,u.i,y examine the Witnesses in attendance; and il, uiieii Jiii'iliciil wit- ""^■sx- the hearintiof the testimony, lie is satisfied thai the l^erson so charged is insane, he shall cause u certiiicute to bo OHIO. 593 f\ lOU pvo- Jhio, ur; uius t'nr lie had: =liall liU' \iU(ltiYit, io, luMiii: !•, Ihal ill aiiii't'i'ous A.B. hall lurth- lo JH'I'SdU, I'^etl to 1h' \ sliall iH)t tilrd. anil s(.'S as lit' il)U' pliy.-i- naiiud to wai'vain : ■ rliaiv^''!- jK■l■^^>H "1' ,11c- 0(1 to lev of till' insuitalilo )iirt, tlu'U U'l rrrtity )L'r.-t>ii liy iiH'tl, uKiy Itlu' iuvc- IvoL'i'rd to 1 if, uiHin |l that the Irak' to ho made out, hy tlic niediral Avitiiess in attcndanoo, MJiich sliall set forth till' fdllowinji: (1) Naiiio of patient, with christian name at length. (2) Sex, afj;<', ninrri('(l, single i>r widowed. (;')) (oiidition (if life, and lu'cvious occupation, if any. (-1) lveli<;ious persuasion, so far as known. (5) Previous jdacc of ahoilc. ((•)) Whcllicr lirst attack. (7) Auc ^jf known) on lirst attack. (8) When and where jinviously under treatment. (0) l)uration of exist iiii;' attack. (10) Supposed cause. (11) ^\'Iletller suhject to cpile{»sy. (12) Whether suicidal. {\o} Wh(.'ther danj;erous to others. (II) Facts or symptoms indicating insanity ohservod by exaiuinint;' ])liysician. (ir>) Physical causes. (It!) Moral causes. (17) Predisjiosing causes. (IS) Habits of patient. (III) Ifaliits of parents. (20) Hereditary, or not. (21) Whether patient is free or not from any infectious disease. IS. The probate judge, upon receiving the certificate of the medical witness, made out according to the provi- ^ -„-, sions of the })receding s(>ction, shall forthwith apply "th'i'-npr tor''' to the suiierintendent of the asylum for the insane, '"'""*'* ■ situated in tiie district in whichsuch patient resides : he shall, at the same time, transmit copies, under his oliiciul seal, of the certificate of the medical witness, and of his finding in the case: upon receiving the application and certificate, the super- intendent shall immediately advise the proljate judge whether tlu' patient can be received, and, if so, at what time: the pro- bate judge, when adviseil that the patient will be received, shall forthwith issue his warrant to the sheritF, or any other suit- able person, commanding him to forthwith take charge of and convey such in.sane person to the asylum : if the probate judge i.s satisfied from proof, that an assistant is necessary, he may 3S I 594 OHIO. Fornicif Jiiipoiiit oiic J KTsoii US sufli nssistaiit: the Wiirrniit of "■"'"""■ till' probate jiid^v sliall hv ^substantially as follows; State of Ohio, Coniity, xs. : OiViiv of the Troliato Judj^o of said County: To : AIJ the proi'cuMlinjis prescribed by law to entitle to be admitted into the asylum for the insane havinij been had, you areeommantled forthwith to taki' ehar<;e of and convey said to the asylum ibr the insane at , and you are authorized to take , as assistant: after executing this warrant, you will make due re- turn thereof to this oilice. Witness my band and otlicial seal, this day of , A. D. Probate Jmlj^c. I"j)on receiving sueli jnitient, the su{)erintendent shidl in- dorse upon the warrant, a receipt substantially as follows: Asylum for the insane, at , A.D. IJecei ved this day, of , the patient named in the within warrant. , Superintendent. This warrant, with the receipt of the superintendent tbertnn, lik'iit (.fn-ia- ^hall be returned to the ]>robate judge who issued voy piu'i.' n't" 't> »nd shall be filed by him, with the other papers ,.ik,-,pi,i,n. ^.^.j.j^ijjg to the case: in all cases, the relatives of the insane j)erson shall have a right, if they choose, to convoy such insane person to the asylum for the insane, and in such case the warrant shall be directed to one of such relatives, di- recting him to take another of the relatives as his assistant : if the medical witness does not state in his certilicate that the patient is free from all infectious diseases and from vermin, the probate judge shall refuse to make the application to the super- intendent, as herein provided, until such certilicate is fur- nished: the relatives of any jierson charged with insanity, or who is found to be insane, shall, in all cases, have the right to take charge of and keep such insane person charged with in- sanity, if they desire so to do ; and in such case, the probate judge, before whom the inquest has been held, shall dehver such insane person to them. iviirrnnt of IS I'ollows : L'uuiity: lie liiivin^ r^t' »)!' 1111(1 Lliu insani; •i.'IIo. ■"''•■''''■'"■■"^N^u.i ;::'''■;":'- ""•"M.wj,..K^ "-''■'■"'^"''■'u.-uZ::'^::;;^' '''''' (>•„,..„,,,,„,,, ;"|'""';'|' ^""..nv„„;, '•■;''■'■■■''■. "'^'■"'"11-. pars ,f '';«■■ i>o„,., ,. ,,,/.;/;;";. 1 ■..„,,,,,,„„.; >"' K-.n..„t s„IIi,.i.,u „, , ,;,. "". •"■•■'■ ' "■■ "II..T '■" " «''"''l<> P.'ili«,t,„„cl, ..I, '"" '" »"■"•'■• "vad,,., ' "■ ';.l"K.^ one. |,ai,- „f ,.,„ „„,,'■"■•."■" '""" "'' "■■-lea '"■ y •- i:''>. O'u, :r ' r::^''-'^"' i..: .„„„„.,•„. ''""•■"•''' "■'■II' or c-,„,vi,,,, „■ " '"•"" ■■"""' "ill. a ,„;,,, '"■;'':'" '"".i.«l. 'l'«M,,n,,, , , " °""™'''>-' •'-"l-phVI '" '" "'•■"""' »'"'" I'c |M ,; ■""^••;'"'lln.^-liall„ot ; "■'■tilirato nf(|,,,„ ;;;:-™.oi^.,o.::::::;!;;?;-;,;;;;;ni^i.a,,,u.i:/S: "" i'i» i-io-.sic.i„„ ,„ o,,,,,i ' ;" "" '"■ ^""■■"''^ i."v ''"'"^oc'din. ,„.o •« ■' «.M,„.„s, ; "'™"'''''''"-""«''-fiiio;::t^^^^^^^^^^^^^ r f 1 I f •if oDO OHIO. ■m;- iBgi ^/j'-, ' • Til. \\'Iioii an in«;ino person, not oiititltMl to ndinission into <-,„ nn nsylmn, is at Inr^n', iind, l)('in;,'soat Inr^r, is dan- )J^, ',,'',"„ "i'",;,^ jicrous to liimseir or others, and such liict is cstali- t'ln^.Tl"'"""' I'^l'^'l '" <'"' satistiicti..n of the [.rohnl.' judp', he '""""""'• shall iiiiiiicdiatcly (H'dcr stich lunatic to he contiiicd and provided tnr, as direete(l hy the next precedin,!j; section; Hinl when a person is so eonllned, and theattendinij |>hysician certilies that such person is restored to reason, or that it is not necessary hin!:;er toeonllne him, or ii"his friends aj2;ree to take the cari' oi' liini, tlie prohate Jud^c shall imniodialely oriU'r his di same county ; and when an order is made out for the removal of a patient from an asylum foi" the insane, the superintendent shall forthwith give notice thereof, under seal of the asylum, to the ]»rohate judjj;e of the county from which such jiatient was sent, and thei'euj)on such probate judtre shall forthwith issue his warrant to the sheriiror some other suitable ])i'rson (^ivini;' the relatives of the patient the prelVr- ence) which warrant shall be sul)stantially as follows: The State of Ohio, ( "ounty, s.s'. .• Oflice of the Probate Judge of said comity: I'he proper authority having directed , a patient from this county, in the asylum for the insane, at , tn be removed therefrom, you are commanded forthwith to I'c- move the patient and return him to townshii>, in this county, of which he is an inhabitant. ^\'itness my hand and official seal, this day of , A.D. IS / A. B., Probate Judge. Ujion the receipt of such warrant, the [)erson to whom it is directed shall forthwith execute it, and return it to theju'dhato judge by whom it was issued, and the probate judge shall as- certain and lix the allowance to the person executing such war- rant for expenses and fees, and certify the same to the county auditor, who shall draw his warrant therefor on the county treasurer. (Mill). i).). The su|n'finttii(lcnt >liall, iiuiiu'diiitrly al'icr llic riMiidViil. (Iciilli, csciipt', or (liscliai-'fc (tf imy paticiil or rcliirii of an cscaiK'd pati<'iil,ri'|ioi'l llii' saiiir to the | )riiiiau' jiid^c ol (lie county Iroin wliicli such iiaticnl ua:- ^ Till, 11-% am l*>l, p I"'. Sll|iiTill|i'll I'llt 111 li'lMMl .I'M >|. t'O imniltcil, and in case ut" death he shall i or more o f tl le nearest rt lotiiy one latives of such deceased il'iiih .■I.' .1.1 1. ,iiiiL>'. ril'i.. 'Ij.iIi' jialii'nt, il' known to him, either hy UMter or telegraph, a< to iiim may seem hest, and if the place of residence of sneli iilali\('S is unknown to the superintendent, the |iiuhiitc judnc, imme- diali'ly U|)on receixiiiu; iiotilicatioii, sliall in t he s[n'e(liest man- ner possihle, notify such relations, '• if known to him," and w hen a i)atient is discharyed as eui'etj, tln' suiierintendeiii wh.n I'aii.nt may furnish such patient with suitahle clothing- and a sullicient sum of money to pay the actual Iravel- 'rl illti'lld- (•III iiKiv I'm'. Illlill),' lli>ll lllL' expenses of such |»alient to the townsliip 111 I he county Irum which ho or slie was sent, not in any ease exeeedin,^' twenty dollars. 1. U iipi lieati (U th ion IS made to an asylum lor MuMiisane lor me admission of more patit'uts than such institutitui can ^^-i, accoinmo(hite, a selection sjiall he nuule as follows: I<',.'i',",.|',!;'i"i',',"' 1, Itecent ca.sos, that is, where the disease is of less '"""" '""' than one year's duration, shall have the pii'fereiice over all odiers in the same county: 2. chronic eases, that is, when the (liseusu is of more than one year's duration, prt referred : 4. no I'ounty can have in any institution more than its Just projiortion ae- coi'ding to its i)Opulation, except in easivs where sonn' other county in the same asylum distrit't has not a sullicient numbiT "•' patients to (ill up its propoi'tion: in such eases, the superin- te dent may admit from u county more than its Jusl ]>ropor- tioii, givin.i;' preference' to patients ap|ilying as herein provided. ")•"). When a patient discharged from an asylum for the in- sane as cured, again becomes insane, and a , 'speet- «tij. I'r. •clnii.'s able phvsieiau liles with the lu'ohate judge of the wh.n it |.,•l■- county of which the insane person is an inhabitant, '^k^i' > an ailidavit setting forth the fact of the recurrence of the dis- ease, and such other facts relating thereto as ho deems proper, the probate judge shall forthwith transmit a co})y of sueli alli- n ■li HI )0S OHIO. (liivil, !Ulllir|itic;il((I l.y llis iiHirial seal. In llir SlI porilltcmli'lll of till' f«rn|i(r asylum, uihI tlicri'iipon the same iiioiccdin^r shall lit' had as prdvidcil in this chaiitt'i' lor jici'soiis rnimd [,, he iiisaiic upon inipicst held for that purjiost'. .'(». All persons conlintil as insane shall lie entitled to tin; S7i:, henelit of the writ of hal teas eorj lU'^, a nd the(pies- » Ill "f .: (• : :.., i ..n i .. i. ; i i .., ,\. i ..:. _ tion iif in-anit\- shall he deeided at the liearin ind if the jn (l",e (lecidcs lliat the pei'snn is insan i^Uch deeisinii is no har to the issnin;; of the Wlit a secdin tinii', when it is alleged that such person has hcen restored ii reason. ."7. in all cases of inijuest held under the provisions of thi STii. chaiitel', the in'ohale judLie shall lih'and nrt-serve al !■: ill kIiiii I III' jii'i Ht'l'Vl iii"si papei's lelt Willi liini, ami shall make such entries '"• i'i<'- . !• upon his docket as will, to.mther with the papers so iih'tl, prcservi' a pei'fi'ct record of each cu'^i' Irii'il hy him. oS. If 11 jiatieiit escapes iVoiu an asylum for the insane, and JiTM. i'alii'iit rscini- III).' ^llllll III' HI ll'-ll (I. returns to the county whence he was eomiiiiitt d, the sherill' of sui-li (ounty, when notilied hy the su[ierintendent, shall iorthwith arn-t and ntuin liim to the asylum, lor which service the sherill' shall he al- lowed and paid such fees as are allowed hy law for the com- mitment of insane pi'rsons to the asylums, which fees shall he ]»aid Ijy the steWiird on the certilieate of tlii' superintendent. o!>. If the friends of a |)atient ask his diseliare-e from the «ylum, the superiutendent may reipiire a homl to i«ii.'ii he executed to the stale, in such sum and with such S TIT liiiii'l ro ipiii li'ii'iiih III 11 i.iiiii'iit want .^nl•eties as he deems ijro.'vr, conditioueil for tl liiiii (lis- . ' . cliiirci'il. d'e kt'cpiut;' of such patiem; hut no j)atient who IS ehai'^ed with or convicted of homicide .shall he diseharied without the consent of the superintendent uuvl the hoard of trustets of siieh asylum. (10. I'rosecutinii; attoriuys shall attend to all suits instituted on hehalfof the asylums foi' the insane, and sliall he entitled to a compensation of live per cent, on ;ill sums collected for the same. ()).. The taxahle costs and expenses to 1k> paid under llie S"iii iirovisious of this chapter shall he as follows: to the e.i-ti ill I'liM'K ' _ ' "' ii"i'i'^>-- pi'ohate jud^^e with whom the allidavit is liU'd. the sum of two dollars for holding- aii inquest; for each warr;;nt, JjTlS. I'l'iisi'l'lltill!.' :itt"fiii'ys k!i»:I atti'iiil til «uii<. oiiro. 590 oorlificatc or snlt|)(i'im, lio lUM'ossiirily issues, tlio snnic (w** aa an- allnwtMl liy law t<> tlic clerk of tlu' court ot" cnMinion pN-aa lor similar services; and the amount of posiMLre on all et>rinteii(ltiit \vlii
  • Ioyed hy the prohate judi^'e to eomndt a lunatic to the county intirmary, seven! v-live cents ^er ilay; to the sujierintendent of the county inlirmary or jailer, tbr keeping an idiot or insane pei'son, thii'ty-live cent- pi r day; 1(1 the -hci'iir or other person than an as>istant, tor takiiij: an insane pei'soii to the asylum, or removing one theretrom upon tlie warrant of the prohate judee^ mileage at the rate of ten (■(•nt< per mile, ^oine- and returniiiLT, and seventy-live cents jjcr day for the support of each ]tatient, on his journey to or from the asylum, and to each assistant live cents per mile, and uiithinjj: more; the nundier of miles to he computed in all cases hy the nearest route traveled: the costs specilied in this section shall he paid out of the county treasury, up'Hi the cer- tilicate (jf the prohate jud«i'e. (rj. The terms "insane" and" lunatic,"as used in this chapter, include eviTV species of insanitv or mcMital deranw- S";."-. . 1 • '^ l>'-liintion .,f iiieiit: the term "idiot"" is restricted to a person "'■""'• fddlish from hirth, one su|)posed to be naturally without a mind: a person with a family is oiu' who has a witV' and chihl or cither; the words " nei-dy circumstances," when applied to a person without a family, me;.ns one whose; estate, after tho payment of his debts, and excluding from the estimate siicli jiart of his estate as is exempt from execution, is worth less in ca
  • hysicians, stewan^, and other needed ollicer. (i5. The directors of tlie asylum must bo residents of irani- jj72.i. ilton county, and shall be appointed as follows: two lulwa'i '.''*' by the governor, by and with the advice and consent th'.'ir'tiVm, of the senate, one by the judges of the court of eoni- mon pleas of Hamilton county, one by the judge of the probate court of said county, and one by the commissidn- ers thereof; and they shall hold their oflice for the term of fivo years, and until their successors are ajipointed and (|uali(ied, /)ror/(/("(/,thatthedirectors in t)flic(>, when this cha{)ter takt'seH'cct, shall hold for the tei'ins for which they were, res[)ective]y, ap- jiointed, and their places shall, on exj>iration of term, be tilled by the same authorities by which tlie\' were, respectively, appointed; prorl(lc(J,J'iir(Jicr, that in case of a vac;'ncy in said board bv death, resignation, or otherwise, the authority haviiiu appointed tlie member whose place has become vacant shall afip 'i'lt another member for the unexpired term. (ib 'J'he directors of this asylum shall discharge their duties S'-'-i without compensation, exceiit that they shall he Sllllll lie 111- , • 1 . • -1 • luw.MiiiMir paid for their loss ot time and neccssarv expenses iKTi»eH. ■ during the time they are actually engaged tberaid out of the county treasury, on the allowance of the county commissioners, upnu the warrant of the county auditor. 07. The directors shall elect a president and secretary from ^ I' ; iniimssion- (HIIO. 001 I'li'siili'iit aiiil -I'l'M'tiiry. mill ll|l|«lillt SI1|MT- ti'iiili'iit i:to, tlu'ir own number, and liicy shall aj^point a sujx'r- intendcnt for the asylum, and, on the nomination of such suporintendcnt, a steward, assistant jdiysi- cian, and sueh other odieei's and employes as are necessary; and tlie salary and eon4)ensation of these oiliecrs, anil all others ,vho are employed in the asylum, shall remain as they now nvv\ but the direetoi's nui}', at any time, ehan<:,e) and lix the salaries and eompensation of tliesc pi'rsons, subject to the a[)[»roval of the commissioners of Hamilton county. TiS. One or more of the directors shall visit the asvlum, weekly, and all of them monthly, and they shall, ^^ -o,, monthly, with the superintendent, examine the J"i',','.'Ii'syh,u, accounts of the steward, and certify their approval, !l!\'.',ul',','s",T or otherwise on the same i)agc with his monthly "'""""• balances. (ii). The directors sliall make a record of their proceedings at all meetings, in a book to be kei)t for that i)uv- iri:. l)Ose; and, at tlieir annual meetnig, thev shall make i""H.iof a report to the governor of the condition and wants ii'-'iUngs of the asylum, which shall be accompanied by a full and ac- curate report of the superintendent, which shall show the aiuuial cost per capita of the inmates, and the p,v'rcentage of admissions, discharges, and cures, and a detailed account of all the moneys received and j)aid out by the steward, and, at ilic same time, they shall transmit a copy of their r(>j)ort and the accompanying documents to the board of ])ublic works of the city of Cincinnati, and aiu)ther to the board of county cuiiin:i sioners of Hamilton countv. 711. The directors shall hold their annual meeting on the fir>t Tuesday of Novead)er, in each year, at the ,< tjs. asylum: special meetings for the api)ointment of 'u,>; -. kuX ' rcshlent oilicers, or lor the transaction ot general iiiin,.'tc, business, may be held in any convenient jtlace, njjon the written reijuest of the jiresident, or any two members of the board, which written ' quest shall bo made of each other director three days belbre the tim(> a{)pointcd for such meet- ings, and shall also contain a statement of the obj(>ct for which the meeting is called: three members of the boartl shall constitute a (luorum for the transaction of business, and no order, resolution, or ap})ointment of the board, shall bo T \ 1 '! f (502 OHIO. s -■•<). Diri'ctors umy rcnuivi' olli- valid, unless concurred in by at least three members, and en- tered on the record. 71. '^i'lic board of directors may remove any of the n^sidcn! oliicers of the in3titution, except the superintendent, and may remove the superintendent for jjjross neg- lect or refusal to dischar. tendent, or anv other resident ofiicer of tlie instil n- ..iiicvrs wiMii tion, tlie board ol (hrectors mav imnuMhatelv sus- t'liaiL'c's iiio , ' _ ' iMofoired. pend the superintendent, or olHcer a^uainst whom such char_t:'es are made, and proceed to investijLijate the same; and the board shall have power to compel the attendai^'e of witnesses, ami the ])roduction of books and papers, and the l)resident of the board shall have authority to a(hninister the necessary oaths; and the ofiicer ,so suspended shall immediately deliver up all books, i)a[)ers, keys, and other pro])erty of tlie asylum in his possession, to any person desi- ist ^vllolu tlio saiiic: lulaii'-i' of s, ami tln' iiiisti'i" the imcdiately )rty of the c(l hy the su|>evin- n order t>t' sullirieiit and ho mav roniove or susi)cnd anv of tlie rosident olTiccn's or cni}doyes of the institution; he to report the fact, and his reasons tlicrefor, immediately to the board of direetors. 74. The assistant physicians shall 1k' medical men of such character and (|ualiHcations as to he ahli> to perform svv:. the medical duties of the superintendent. ri IVSICUIIIS. 7"). The steward, nnder the direction of the superintendent, diall keep the accounts, pay those employed in and § imiii' i)f tho about tlie asylum, and liave a personal superintend- m.\v:u,i eiice of the farm, ^ariK'n, and grounds, and jierform sueli duties as arc assigned him by the superintendent or board of directors; and (exci'j)t sums received from tho county treasury, on the warrant of the county auditor), he shall ]n>y into the '•ounty treasury all moneys received by him, from whatever source derived, which moneys shall be credited by the treas- urer of the county to the as3dnni fund. 7<). The steward shall execute ii bond, with two or more suliicient sureties, to bo aiiproved bv the directors, .4-"- in the sum of live thousand dollars, conditioned '"H"'- that ho will faithfully perform the duties of his oilice, and pav over and account lor all monevs that come into his hands as such steward. 77. The county auditor shall, from time to tim(>, npon the order of a majority of the directors, issue a warrant ^-■.-, \\\M)U the county treasurer for the payment of a sum ,'i,',\'i''sof not exceeding two thousand dollars, to meet current ""'""" ■ expenses: the steward shall kee[) an accurate account, in detail, in a i)roper book, always ojien to the inspection of the directors and superintendent, of all sums paid out of the money so ad- vaiued by the treasurer, and shall settle the same with tho sui)erintendent and directors, monthly, or oftencr, if reijuired, and. upon such settlement, shall account for all moneys re- ceived by him, a cojiy of wiiich shall be filed witli said auditor before another warrant is issued. 78. The asylum shall be open for the admission of all insane l)ersons over the age of seven years, having; a legal S""! i?ettlenient in the county of Hamilton; but no foiiiiimis>ioi.. person shall he entitled to admission unless he became insane after ac(piiring a legal settlement therein. 7!*. All inmates of the asvlum shall be maintained therein C(V1 OHIO. S 7:17 lit I at tlio ex|icnso of IJamillt)n county; but tlic supcr- In'Xtai!;!'! iiitcndrnt .^liall enti'i' in a book ki'jpt i'or that {.ur- 'i»Miso,',f"iiii., tlu' namus of all })atic'nts wlioso iVientls desire """"•■ to funtributo to all or any })art of their expenses; and, on (lie iirst Mcjuday of each month, ho shall make out bills a;;ainst sueh patients, severally, for the amount due thf asylum to date, and shall }»resent the same to the steward, who shall collect, and place the money so collected to the creilit of the asylum into the county treasury. 80. For the admission of inmates into this asylum, the fol- ^7351, Idwin^if ])roceedin^s shall be had: some resident to''"i7tH'i'i'i'~;Ia- citizen of JIamilton county must tile with the jjro- inusMoii. liixii^ judge thereof an allidavit, substantially as follows: The 8tate of Ohio, Hamilton County, ss.; The undersigned, a citizen of Hamilton county, Ohio, beiii,!,^ sworn, says that ho believes to bo insane, and a tit subject for the lunatic asylum: he is a resident of Jlaniiltiui county, has a legal settlement in township. These i'acts are known by and (naming at least two i)ersonsi. 81. When this allidavit is liled, the probate judge shall 57:1,1. forthwith issue his warrant to the sheritl", or soiuc aii:uii..M<'. ^^^^^]^^^y suitable person, commanding him to briii^ the person alleged to be insane before him, on a clay in such warrant named, which shall not be more than five days after the adidavit was liled, and shall immediately issue subp(cnas to sueh witnesses as are named in the allidavit, and a i>hysi-- clan to l)e designated by the i)robato judge, commanding them to ap[)ear before him, on the return day of the wari'ant; and if any person dis[)utes the insanity of the person so charged, the judge shall issue subpienas for such persons as are de- manded on his behalf. iS2. At the time a}>pointed (unless for good cause the iiivcs- S7M tigation is adjourned), the judge shall i»roceed to cx- i'"^^- amine the witnesses in attendance, and if, u[m)u the licaring of the testimony, such judge is satisfied that the pcrsDii so charged is insane, and is included in the class enunuralctl in this chapter, he shall cause a certilicate to be made out ly the physician, setting forth the name, age, and residence of ilic patient, with a concise history of the case, medical treatuicut Tf •! ■",rl;l supor- luit pur- ils (k'siiT xi)onses : lakc out , due llif slewartl, d to the 1, tlie Inl- residi'iit 1 the pro- itially as hio, hvlw'j: ', and a tit llainiltuii ["liese facts ])er!?onsi. Hdt2;e shall or soiiu' to hrini: ' in tiU'li ays al'lfV ll)[)iruas a physi- in^- them ant; and rluirp'd, s are u«,- si Ihe invcs- I'fd to IX- upon tlu' Ihe person lunieralid |de out hy [leeol'ilic Ireatuieut OHIO. 005 pnvsiicd, supposed cause of tlie disease, and sneh otlier infor- mation as is deemed usel'ul, 83. Tlie probate judge, npon receiving the eei-tifieate afore- said, shall forthwith transmit a coijv thereof, and 5"^" Ills (indinu; in the case, under his oflieial seal, to '■" '''i^'" '" . . . ""' lls.VllllM, some suitable person (giving the relatives of such '"'"'■ insane person the preference), "who shall immediately take charge of and convey such patient to the asylum, and return therefor, to the probate judge, a receipt of the sn[ierintendent, to be filed with the other papers in the case. 84. Any inmate of the institution may, at any time, be dis- charged therefrom by the superintendent, with the .wjj, consent oi the directors; and wben an insane jierson i-^- i> I'l I'r. mIiii: of the a-^vlum is cured, the sui)erintendent shall dis- i"'- H'" dTs- - ' cliiiii,'!' of a charge him forthwith; and the superintendent may i'i"''i't- furnish liim suitable clothing and a sum of money not exceed- ing ten dollars, if deemed necessary ; wIkmi juuiper idiots and harmless, incurable insane persons are discharged, the supi'r- iiitendent shall issue his warrant to some suitable person, which warrant shall be substantially as follows: Foim of wuinmt. The State of Ohio, Kamilton County, .s,9. .• The proper authority having directed the discharge of A. !>., an inmate of Longvicw asvlum, von are herebv commanded to remove saitl inmate to the county infirmary. AVitness my hand and oflieial seal this day of ,A.D. A. P)., Sui^erintendent. Ujion the receijit of such warrant, the ])erson to whom it is directed shall forthwith execute it, and the sup(>rintendent of the county iniirmary shall receive such inmate; and should aiiv such i)erson so sent to the countv infirmarv become un- manageable, the superintendent of the iniirmary may return him to Ijongview asylum, upon the approval of the board of infirmary directors, and the cost of maintaining any such per- son thus returned, received from Longview asvlum in the county infirmary, shall be paid out of the asylum fund, and may not exceed the average cost of maintaining the inmates of the iniirmary ; provided, Jioivevcr, that all such discharged in- mates, under the provisions of this act. who may have been sent to Long -iew asylum from territory within the corporate limits of the citv of Cincinnati, shall be sent to, and received M! ; ■ f is J GOG OHIO. -^ Ly, the suporintendent of the city iiilirniary as an imnato thereof. y.j. In each case of inquest, held under tlie provisions of this § 74.1. ehai)ter, the probate jud,L!;e shall tile and carefully pre- i'lipcisinciise i • i i i 11 11 oi iii.iu'>t serve all i)ai)i'rs relatmo; tliereto, and shall make such shiill Ijo pre- . .,1 I'll /•! 1 toiviii. entries as will, together with the papers nleu, preserve a eonii)lete record thereof. iSG. If an inmate escape from the asylum, the superintend- J744. Iniiiato ent shall forthwith cause him to be arrested and r( n-.-iiaii lie tumcd; and if an inmate die, the sui)eriiitendent ■:ip- ri'iiurii'il. shall notify the relatives, if known to him. 87. Foi" a'l m'^+s due the asvliim, an action mav be main- ^-^- :■■) :i 'he name of the county of Hamilton ; and d.'i'.'is",iu'Jii,o ^I'i moneys due the asylum shall, upon the warrant asyhiMi. ^.^j. |,|^^ county auditor, be paid into the county treas- ury, f<»i the use < . ho '■ .! tut ion. 88. The prosecuting aitoiney of Hamilton county shall at- g 74,i tend to all suits instituted on behalf of the asylum, rn'mi'^'.v"inui 'Hid shall be entitled to five per cent, on all sums att.u,iMms, (-.^,ii^^,^^^ted by him, as compensation therefor. 811. The su})erintendent of the tisylum shall provide an ofli- § "4"- cial seal therefor, upon which shall be the words (Hlioial spalof . ' th.-usyhuii. "Longview asylum, state of Ohio," and the impres- sion of such seal to a certificate, order, or account, to which the name of the superintendent is attached, shall be prima facie evidence that such name is the handwriting and jn'oper sig- nature of the superintendent. i)0. The taxable costs and expenses to be j)aid und(\r the §748. provisions of this chapter shall be as follows: to the rpuseMi'ow^' ]>robate judge, for liling allidavit and holding iii- ^""" ■ (piest, the sum of two dollars; to tiu' person making aflidavit as required for an imjuest, two dollars, and wiiiicss fees as are allowed in other cases; to witnesses, constables, am! sheriffs, the same fees as are allowed for like services in otiur cases. 91. If the probate judge, or any other {lei'son charged with §74(1. duties under this cha[)ter, neglects or refuses to dis- "'"''•■ charge any such duties, he shall forfeit a sum imt exceeding fifty dollars, to be recovered for the use and benelit of the asylum, in a civil action, conducted in the name of the OHIO. GOT C'Miiity coni- iinM^ioiiiTs iiiav li'vv liix. t'ouutv of irtimilton, as in case of a debt due tlie nsvhmi, or may be removed from bis odice in tbe same manner as for any otber nefi;leet of duty. 92. Tbe asybun sball be sui)ported. and tbe salaries of its oHiecrs 2)aid, from a fund consisting of all sucb 5;-,, moneys as now are, or bereafter may, come into ;!M,l'"",',l!"*^ tbe treasury of tbe county, from wbatever source, '"""'''■ aj>i»licable to tbe support of insane persons in tbe county, and of sucb api)ropriations as are, from time to time, made by tbe ^tate for tbe suppoi't of tins asylum, wbicb appropriation sball bear tbe same j)roportion to tbe appropriations for tbe otber lunatic asylums of tbe state, as tbe population of Hamilton county bears to tbe jjopulation of tbe state, exclusive of said county, as ascertained by tbe federal census immetliatcly pre- ceding tbe making of sucb approjiriations. Wo. To aid in tbe sup[)ort of tins institution, tbe commis- sioners of Hamilton county are autbori/ed to levy a 57.-,,. tax, not exceeding tbree-tentbs of one mill on tbe dollar, upon tbe taxable property of said county. i»4. Tbe commissioners of every county in wbicb tbere now is, or mav bereafter be, establisbed a county inlirm- s^^:"- ,,",., . , .^Il•,^l■tnl(■llts arv, sball provule separate ai)artments, ni or ad- fMhiuam's •■ -^ _ ^ ^ _ ' _ _ ill r.Minty iii- joining sucb infirnuiry, for tbe safe keeiting and in"ia.y.' treatment of lunatics and idiots, resident in sucb county, and \vbo bave not been and cannot be received into eitber of tbe lunatic asylums, or wbo bave been discbarged tberefrom. *Jo. Tbe directors of tbe county inlirmary, as soon as apart- ments are j)rovided, as aforesaid, sball admit tberein ,; <:, all lunatics and idiots wbo are or may become a )).,l",'nH'i'h!.w charge upon tbeir county, and i)rovide for tbeir ''™^'"''''' '"'• safe keejung, supi)ort, and treatment, in sucb manner as tbey now do for tbe poor under tbeir care, and also sball receive and provide for tbe safe keeping, supi)ort, and treatment of such lunatics and idiots, in tbeir county, wbo, by tbeir guar- dians or friends may apply for admission, as pay ])atients, un- der sucb rules and regulations as tbe directors j)rescribe. *-!(). AH lunatics and idiots conlined in tbe jail of any countv, in wbicb an aiiartment or ai)artments in §!i:2. tiie county inbrmarv bave been provided, as aiore- t.. i.^inms- . . , i . " (>-ni'.\ to in- said, for tbeir reception, sball be transferred by tbe ""luny. i ■■^U M 'M. G08 OHIO. jailer or otlicr jjroper person to the county infirmary of tlio proper county, to l)o I^'pt, nupported, and treated, as liercin- bel'ore provided. ()". Notliinn- ill the jireccdini; sections shall bo so construe.] jifl7,, as to prevent any jierson. wlietherin a county inlirm- oi'ihuciuu" iii'y "1" otherwise, I'rom beini;- received into u luna- tic; asylum ol' the stat(\ it', by any law, such person would be otherwise' entitled to such reception. OS. II', at any tinu) before the indictment of a person confuied §-\M. in jai', charged M'ith an oflense, notic(> in writing lie (■u.s'',i'»'i> ill- givi'U by any citizen, to the sherid' or jailer, that i.'ii.'tllt.'uiM- such iierson was insane or an idiot at the time tlu' oii.r.M.. uliense was committed, or has suu-c become insane, the sherid' or jailor shall forthwith give the notices, and an examining court shall be held, as jtrovided in the preceding section ;'■■ and if the judge find that such person was an idiot when he connnitted the ofi'ense, or was then and still is insane, or afterwards became and still is insane, he shall, at his dis- cretion, i)roceed as required l)y law after inquest held. {)9. AN'hen the attorney of a person indicted for an ofTense «TJ40 suggests to the court in which the indictment ispend- m''t'ac,"M'sr!i is ii'r^. fit any time before sentence, that such jiersou is i'i'ip!i"li>"!!'>il.''- I'ot then sane, and a certificate of a respectable j)liy- iii(;\an to the same elFect is presented to the court, the court shall order a jury to be empaneled, to try Avhethcr or not the accused is sane at the time of such empaneling; thereupon a time shall be fixed for a trial, and a jury shall be drawn from the jury-box, and a venire issued, unless the prosecuting at- torney, or the attorney of the accused, demand a struck jury, in which case such jury shall be selected and summoned as required bylaw; the jury shall be sworn to try the question whether the accused is or is not sane, and a true verdict give according to the law and the evidence; and on the trial the accused shall hold theaflirmativc ; if three-fourths of the jurors agree upon a verdict, their finding may be returned as the ver- dict of the jury ; and a new trial may be granted on the appli- cation of the attorney of the accused, for the causes and in the manner provided in this title. lUU. Jf three-fourths of the jurors do not agree, or the vcr- * The judge to call witnesses including person charged. -.4— T ur of 11 10 icvcin- istrucl inlirni- i lunu- Kvu irniii liet U'lve 10 inrors id in the the vcr- <»iin). COO (lift 1)0 sot aside, another jury shall he cMiipanelod to ^-o^, try the (juostion; if the jury lind the aecused to be l'J,'T,'v!iu\''!l( sane, and no trial has boon had on the indietnient, u "'"''' J'"'-^' trial sliall bo had thoroon asif tlio (juostion had not boon tried ; if the jury lind him to bo not sane, that fact shall be oortiliod by the clork to the i)robato jud,iie, and tho accused shall, until restored to reason, be dealt with by such judi^o as upon iiKjuost had; if ho be discharnod, the bond ;^ivon for his support and safe keepinjx shall contain a condition that he shall, when re- stored to I'oason, answer to the offense charged in the indict- ment, or of which he has boon convicted, at the next term of the court thoroafter, and abide the order of the court; and such lunatic, when restored to reason, may be ])rosecutod for an oll'enso committed by him ))revious to such insanitv, or s'Mitenced on a conviction had previous thereto. 101. When a person tried upon an indictment for an ofTonse is acquitted on the sole ground that he was insane 5:242. that fact shall be found bv the iurv in the verdict, winn ar.u..o.i " " " is ai'i|iiiUiMl ami it shall be certified by tho clork to the i)robatc "ntin-s..iH judm' ; and the dofomlant shall not bo discharged, '""""i'.v. but forthwith delivered to the probate judge, to be proceeded against upon the charge of lunacy, and the verdict shall be prima facie evidence of his insanity. lO'J. When a lunatic confined in an asylum or an infirmary, under the r)rovisions of section seventy-one hundred s^^ix ... . 1111 J'r"<'''«(lii((il I'lM'h.'i'li"*"" ii'id cxiuiiincMl bt'fore tlic jury; the lindinjr shall Kc ''"'"■ ill writinrnor, who mav, as soon When roil V id . ■ i i i • i i 1 iiMo,i,^-MV. jis lie IS convinced tliat the convict iuis Ix'coinc (if ex.riui.'ii. sound mind, issue a warrant apiiomting a time for his execution. lOG. When a convict becomes insane tlic warden shall give ..^.,^ notice to the ])hysiciau for the prison, and tbesujur- !,"?"''"'''•"'''■'' '"tendent of the Columbus asylum for the insane, ^"■'- who, nj)on the receipt of such notice, shall forthwith examine such convict, and if upon such examination they are of opinion that the convict is insane, they shall certify the same to the warden, who shall forthwith jnit such lunatic or insane convict in the department prejiared for that pur])Ost'. 107. The physician, together with the superintendent of the s74J!i. asvlum, shall give such medical and suruical aiil Ki'storcil (-(111- ' , , . . . ' , Vict ti. i>c ro- to the lunatic or insane convicts as the nature of tlnir tu iii'il tu la- iHir. cases require ; and whenever any lunatic or insiino convict is adjudged to be restored to his proper mind, or so far restored that it is considered safe to put bim at labor under his sentence, and it is so certified by the i)bysician and sujierin- tendent, the warden shall again put him at hard labor accord- ing to his sentence. 108. If a convict be insane at the time of the ex])irati()ii of S 74:w. liis sentence, the warden shall give notice, in writing, Wlii'ii ('(111- " . virisin^aiipat to tlic probate judge of the coiintv from which he I'XpiialKiu ot ^ " " k s.ntoiKo. .^yj^g ggjj^^ Qf ^]^Q fr^Qi fyf pycli lusauity, aiid such judge sball forthwith issue his warrant to tbo sheriff of such county commanding him to remove such insane convict, and return him to such county; upon receipt of such warrant the slieriir shall execute the same forthwith, and make return tbereof to the i)robate judge by whom it was issued, and thereupon the OHIO. Gil tonuv xhutd hall hv. u\ that 'ciition, (lircct- ot' lllf jounial (I CI) ]irol)ato judge sliall iniinodiati'ly order sucli insanopcrson to be (■onfimMl, or otherwise dis|)OsiMl of and jjrovideil for, as directed hy law; and the .sherill' shall ix'eeive the saiiieeonipensatioii as for transtV'i'riniLi;- a jirisoner to the |)eiiiteiitiaiy, and the auditor (if the cduutv shall draw an order upon the eountv treasurer lor the amount; if any j.roliale judge, after having been sn no- tilied Viy the warden, ni-gU ■: to issui' his warrant, as herein provided, or if any sherill' nt'glect to remove such insane con- vict, as required hy tlu^ itrovisions of this section, the warden shall cause such insane convict to he removed, and returni^d to the eounty from which he was sent, in charge of an oHieer f the penitentiary, or some other suitable person; and the t of such removal shall bo paid out of the county treasury, ii[)on the warrant of the county auditor. 100. If a convict, at any time before the full execution of the sciiteuee, be re}U'esented to the governor to be in- (j^, sane, the governor shall inquire into the facts, and wiiir'brcomeH if, in his o[»inion, they re(iuire the exercise of execu- """'""■ tive clemency, he may, without notice, pardon the convict, or commute the sentence, or suspend its execution for a definite time, or, from time to time, as he may deem proper; and the governor, in case of commutation or suspension may, by his warrant to the proper officer, order the convict to be confined ill the penitentiary or [a] jail or conveyed to an asylum for in- sane for treatment. If the sentence be suspended and the con- vict recover his reason, the sentence, so far as not before exe- cuted, shall, at the termination of the suspension, be fully executed. ;:ll * , 1 1 i'f 1 ii i- II ■ ■!■ 1 4 I^K 1 k.i 4:1 •I ^ OREGON. oovi:unmi:nt or asymm. 1, Pxiaril dl' liiistccs, litlc; may liolil jtroin-rly in trust, [powimn and llls for su])porl suhudtted to di- rectors. AI)MI.«'i- ol trustees, created under the provisions ol this ad, shall l>e known hy the luiine and style of the "Uotird of Trus- tees of the Ore<2:oii State Insane A.syhnn," tind hy tlitit name they tind their successors slitdl he known in law, intiy rcccivr, take and hold jji'operty, hotli real and })ersoniil, in ti'ust for ilic ptato, '-nd for the use and henefit of stiid asylum. They shall Powers and ^'iivt' jtowcr to {^^overu, luauiige aiid tidniinisU'r tlic duties. nllairs of the asylum, nitd<(' and tidopt hy-laws Ini' their f>overnment tuid the government of the iisyluiii; liny shall ai)point tdl oflicers jind employes of said asylum, pit- scril.)e tlieii' duties, and remove them when in their judgment the good of the puhlic .service requires it; they shall caine to he kept a full and correct record of their i)roceedinos, wlnVli shall he open tit all times to the inspection of any citizen di- siring to examine the same; they slitdl hold stated meetings at the setit of government monthly; a nuijority of the hoaid shall constitute a quorum to do husincss; they shall visit die •" » '.< ORICaON. 01 p. ;i~vluiii once ill tlircr (.")) iiKHitlis, and k(([) tin in-ilvis vi>{' tile laiildin>^rs and the [U'dpi ity ol' tlir a^vluni: tln'V -liall >idiinit to tin- Ir;;islativ(' asscniMy, l>iinnially, on or lict'ort' the liiurtli day prrrcdinj;' the rc;;iilar session ot" tla- l«-g- i-laturi'. a report sliowiny; the reeeiiits and exiien- i!<'p..ri.,f.-^o. ,. , , 7. . . , , , .^ral .• dilures, tile ijjeneral condition ot the asvlnni, the ••tn^i\n,uto iiiiiiiher ot patients under trealnien* hirinu tl'*' two i-s'i»i»ture. pivcediiii,^ years (up to the iirst Monday of the month next prefi'din^' the nu'etin*^ of thi' legislature), and >Ueh otlnT matters, touehinup[dies of tlu' asylum. The superintendent shall reside at the asylum, shall he a well educated physician, a o„tie, »,„| regular graduate in medicine, and shall have i>rac- ■i"'^'"''^-'"""''- tin il at least five years from date of diploma. All the assi.stant |'liyidg,'?. curred in the discharge of their duties under this CoinpciisatioQ , i i . of tnistoes. act; sucli payments to bo made out ot any moncv appropriated for the current expenses of the asylum, by an order drawn by the secretary of the ])oard ; i)rovided, siuli compensation does not exceed one hundred (100) dollars [irv annum for each member of the board. 1. The private secretary of the n nmikct ho j)aid for supplies, or other articles purchased on account ofsaiil asylum. Necessary exi)eiulitures, other than those for ]ii'itvi- sions, fuel, forage, clothing and furniture and household I'ur- ^i OREGOX. 615 nisliin,u' <:;oo(ls, may be made by the superintendent, subjeet to the apju'oval of the l)oard ; provided, that nuthinij; in this sec- tion shall prevent the board from [)Uiehasinj; contingent sup- plies at the lowest market rates, and, provided, j'nrlhcr, that neither the board of trustees, or tlie superinti'udent or any cin- iilove of the institution sliall be in any wise ix-euni- n.^am ..r tms- arilv interested in any contract for the itureiiase of "'"i "";i'i"yt • ■• ' llDt to llO \\t'. supplies for said asvlum, or services iic-rformed bv <-»^'''-"'\y,''»- oilier }»ersons in or about the asylum. co.untits. t!. The superintt'iKK'ut shall cause accurate and careful accounts to be ke])t of the daily exi)enditurt'S, of all 11,1,1;; ,i. articU's of stores and |)roperty placed in his eharu,!', ^'.Vi'm'' a.'('.,uiit.s and shall at the end of each month submit thu '" "' ''"' same to tlir board of trustees for their inspection, and on each daily rcp>... rhall be shown the nund)er of i)ersons fed and Iodised in the asylum, wlu'ther as oilicer, employe or [laticnt. A monthly report of the same cha.vacter shall be made to the truLitecs. 7. At the eiul of each nu)ntli the superintendent shall cause a i)ay-roll to be made which shall show the name of n.i.isr. ' II- 1 1 I • • I'aviiii'iit of cai-li person employed ui or ab(.)ut tlu' asylum, jiivnig i'in'iii..yoM. the capacity in which each is employed, the rate of salary or wa.nes and the amount due each; upon I'eceiviug this i)ay-roli, duly certified by the su[)erintendent and audited by the board, the secretary of the state shall draw his warrant on the tn-as- urer in payment of the several amounts audited and allowed by the board, and in favor of the person to whom the same is allowed, in like manner as other warrants are drawn for the payment of claims as^ainst the state. S. All bills on account of the sup})ort and maintenance of llic asylum shall be [)rescnted to tliL' superintendent ii>i'i.^ •^■ for his approval, and shall be by him submittt'd to the board of trustei'S to be audited. 1>. The county judge of any I'ouuty in this state, upon ai)[»li- cation of any two householders in his countv, in Act or ists, wi'inu"' under oath, settiu'"- forth that anv i>ersoii l)v t'"iii,t.v in.u-,- ^ ' o ,1 --to proviilo tor reason (»f insaiutv, as the case niav b-, is sullerinu" '■"'"'"''"■*'i»«- I'naii neglect, exitosure or otherwise, or is unsafe to In- at large, shall cause such person or persons to be brought before liini at sueh time and place as he nuiy direct; and said county judge U8i ]m im GIG OREGON. sliall also cause to appear at the same time and i)lace, two oi' more coni|»('tent }»hysieians, and tlie prosecutinji; aitonuv of liis judicial district, or his deputy, (or in the event of his ah- sence or inahility to attend) some practicing attorney of the state, Avhose duty it shall he to represent the state a.nd protect its intci'ests, who shall proceed to examine the ])erson or jx r- sons alleged to he insane or idiotic; and if the said physicians, after careful examination, shall certify upon oath that tlie said person or persons are insane or idiotic, as the case may he, ami the county judge shall find fn)m the consideration of tlu' said certificate and the testimony that may he i)roduce(l hefore him. that the said person or persons are insane or idiotic, then said judgi' shall cause the said insane or idiotic person or ])ers(>iis to he conveyed to, and placed in charge of, the party oi- parties contracting to keep and care for the insane and idiotic of this Proviso. state; provided, that an api>eal shall lie from the de- cision of the said county judge in such cases, in the same Api'pai. manner as is provided for appeal from the judg- ments ot county courts in other cases, which a[)i)eal may he taken either hy the householders making such ajjplicalion, er by or on behalf of an\' person Avho shall l)e adjudge insane or idiotic; or the same may be taken by the state when- ever in the judgment of the prosecuting attorney for the dis- trict the interest of the state requires such a})[)eal to be taken ; provided further, that the county judge shall make diligent in- quiry, and when an insane or idiotic person, committed under this act, shall be found to own any estate, real or i)ersonal, said Ai>pointnuMit judge shall immediately, without further ])elition uv (lia'ii.^ iu)tice, appoint a guardian for the estate of such person, who shall execute his trust under the direction of said c(»urt, nuike the same rettirns and give the same security as in case of the estate of a minor, and said estate shall l)e liable tn the comity for the cost of sucli commitment, and to the >tate for the costs of conviying such insane or idiotic person \<> the asylum. In case there is a wife and (diild, or childriii, of either, dependent on said estate for support, the county judge shall tirst make proper allowance for their >up!H(rt out of said estate. A Inisband sliall be liable to the county for the cost of committing his insane or idiotic wile \n the asvlum. and to the state for the cost of conveving her to Snii|iii|-t of wile ami cliililreii. ^11 , two or riU'V 111' llisilll- ^- of the protect I ov \nv- rsieians, tlio saiil • hv, ami the saitl ore hiui. hen Slid V ])rrsollS »r parties ie of this u the tlc- the same the juilii- l may he leatioii, or tcmI to lie ate whrit- r the (lis- he takrii : ritv OREGON. 01' the asylum and keeping her while there, and the parents of minor children committed as insane or idiotic shall he in like manner lial)le to the county for the cost of such commitments, and to the stat( for the cost of convevinu' such insane or idiotic minor children to the asylum, and of keeping them while there. The state shall hold a lien in the nature of stut.- a judgment against the estate of a husl)and for the l^l^dVst'u'eir cost of sending his wife to the asylum and kee})ing her there when committt'd as insane or idiotic, and against the estate of parents for the costs of sending their minoi- ehildrcn to the asylum and of keei)ing them there when committed as insane or idiotic. It shall he the dutv of the prose- Dmy ..f i>ros- eutnig attorney lor eacli judicial district to cause to tonu.y. l)e ai)[)ointed the guardians herein provided, for all persons so adjudge(l to he insane or idiotic, who are found to own estate, real '^'i })ersonal, sufHcient to i)ay, in whole, or in part, tlie ex- penses of the committal of such person, and of conveying such person to the asylum and of keeping such p(M"son while there, and to collect from the estate of such person or })ersons, and from the hushand of an insane or idiotic wile, and from the parents of minor children so committed to the asylum, the cost of conveying such persons to the asylum, and of keeping them while there, and forthwith to pay the same over to the secretary of state, which amount shall he paid hy the secretary ol' state into the state treasury. 10. Tlu' county judge shall cause to he recorded in the records of the county court the j»roceedings liad nii.i^^,,. upon such ai)plication and the judgment of the urivo-;.;'"^^^^^^^^^ cnurt. AVhen the ]>atient is adjudged insane, he ''''"''*"'^''*' sludl make a warrant n-citing his tindings, the cause or causes of insanity, wlu're the same can he ascertaineil, togt'ther with tlic name, age, nativity and i)resent residtMice of the j)atient. The warrant shall he recorded in the ri'cords of the county court, one copy of which shall he sent with the patient to the su]K'riiitendent of the asylum, another shall l)e sent to the scci't'tarv of state tind tiled in his olHce. The i)erst)n com- mitted shall \)0 conveyed to the asylum hy any proper person or persons selected and designated hy the county judge. The cxiieiiscs of sending insane and idiotic i)ersons com- Kxpon-.'spaui muted to the asylum shall he paid hy the state treas- tivasmur. 1 1 * 1 ■ i* ■■m •1 ii ;| ;| ill fllS OKEGOy. uror oil tlic warrant of the secretary of state, out of tlie fund a|)i»ropriatt'(l for such [lurpose, ])ut sliall never exceed three dollars per day to the person appointed and his actual reasoi;- al)le and necessary expenses, together with two dollars and a half ])er day for the necessary attendants, certilied to hy the seeretarv of stati', in conveviny; to and. returniuL'' from the asv- luni, on the most usual and direct routes, with the celerity of roiiiiHMisiui.m ordinary travel on those routes. Such }>liysicians li'i'/si'A"'n"i"d shall receive live dollars each for each examination, attin'iH'v, etc. !ii i* iL 1*1 1 ii and the prosecutnig attorney or Jns dei)uty, or the attorney calU'd hy the court in case of their ahsence or inahil- ity to act, shall receive live dollars for such examination, and the pi'osecuting- attorney shall, for the other services reijuiicd of him hy this act, receive like compensation as now providi il hy law for similar services. A\'itnesses shall receive the same compensation as in civil cases. The costs of examination ami Costs oi-,, Mil- (.■oniniittal shall he i)aid hv the county in which the inittiil, how . . . !"''''■ examination is made, to ho re])iiid to the county as hereinafter provided. Upon presentation to the secretary of state of a certificate of the county judge, showing that a i)ersnii has heen designated hy him to convey an insane or idiotic pi r- son to the asylum, and of a certificate from the superintendeni of the asylum .•showing that such })erson has been conveyed lo the asylum and received hy the contractor or contractors, and an itemized account verilied ])y the oath of the person so de- signated, to the effect that the same is just and correct, and that the number of days charged in said account has been nccessarilv consumed in conveving such i)erson to the asvlnni. and that the expenses charged have been necessarily incurnil, the secretary of state shall audit said account according to tlie I)rovi>ions of this act, and draw his warrant upon the trea>uni' for the amount found due, and the state treasurer shall pay the same out of the fund api)ropriated for that purpose. 11. A\'heiK'ver any convict^conlined in the state pi'ison, shall. Act..fsoiu.27, ^'* ^^"-* ^'pillion of the j»hysician of the |)ris()n, be in- imfuii Jof in- ^'i'"^' t>r idiotic, tlu' physician shall make oath to the i.'o,"; same, before the county judge of the county in w hiili the said prison is located ; and said judge shall suni- mon one or more comix'tent physicians, to examine the allegid case of insanity or idiocy, and il", in their opinion, the said coii- 'I' (iiuiity ill i-i'la tioii tu Vict. OKKOOX. 010 vict is of unsound mind, tlie judge shall send tlu' siatcincnt of said 2)liysician, with his own opinion, to the gijviTnor, who is hereby authorized, at liis disei-etion, to renujve or rause to Ije I'einoved said eonviet to tlie plaet.' })rovided for the insane and idiotic. 12. If tlie defense be the insanity of the '- him to be coninniiitted to anv lunatic asvluni, authorized by the state to receive and keep such i)ersons, until he become sane, or be "^herwisi! discharged therefrom bv autlioritv of law. lo. AVhen the commission of the act charged as a crime is proven, and the defense sought to lie established is H'Msjoi. ^ _ , _ " Insanity must the insanity of the defendant, the same must be i"'i""v.n. proven beyond a reasonable doubt ; and no act committed l)y a person while in a state of voluntary intoxication, shall bo deemed less criminal by reason of his having lieen in such condition; but whenever the actual existem-e of any }»a]'ticu- lar motive, or intent, is a necessary element to consti- tute any particular species or degree of crime, the jury may take into consideration the fact that the defendant was intoxi- cated at the time, in determining the purpose, motive or in- tent with which he connuitted the act. 'I I %\ :i m\ li in ii ^ii ■I i PENNSYLVANIA. STATE nOAUD OF CIIAKITIES. 1. Creation of board. 2. Oath of otlicv, organization. 3. Meetings; commissioners to re- ceive no compensation. 4. General agent, term of office, du- ties; to be a member of the boanl. 5. Inspection of asylums. 6. Annnal visitation. 7. Annual reports of charitable insti- tutions to general agent. 8. Duties of general agent on appli- cation for state aid. 9. Power of commissioners to admin- ister oaths. 10. Not to be interested in contracts. 11. Annual rejwrt of board. COMMITTEE ON LUNACY. 12. Supervision over asylums. 13. Additional members of board of charities; (pialiiications. 14. Comrnltteeon lunacy, organization. 15. Duties of committee. 1(5. Powers of committee. 17. Annual report. 18. To make rules regulating care of insane and license of asylums. 19. County board of visitors. 20. Apjiointmcnt, term of oflice. 21. Women may be members. 22. Houses for condnement of insane without license, penalties. 23. Violation of rules of committee, penalties. 24. Board of charities to provide for visitation of all insane. 25. Rules for admission of visitors. 2t). Illegal detention, penalties. 27. Verdict or judgment not to be en- tered e.xcept on certificate of negligence or corrupt action. 28. Records of asylums to be kept. ADMISSION AND DISCHARGE. — GEN- ERAL RULES. 29. Regulations for admission ; physi- cian's certificate. 30. Reipiisites of certificate. 31. Statement necessary for admission. 32. ("ontents of statement. 33. Defective statement, how cured. 34. Recording statements, and exami- nation by medical attendants. 35. Patients, when discharged. 36. Free communication with friends. 37. Statement and result of examina- tion submittcy courts into indigence of criminal insane. 113. Supjiort and commitment, ex- jienses how borne. 114. Reimbursement of expenses. ! 115. Certified copy of commitment fur- nished solicitor and physician. 116. Criminals whose expenses remain un|)aid returned to county. 117. Preference, order of admission. 118. Indigent insane, charges. 110. Apportionment of charges, 120. Streets through grounds proiiibited. 121. Commitment of criminal insane. 122. Support of insane criminals, charged to county. 123. Service of process. 124. Proceedings on arrest. 125. Decree of court for commitment. 126. Expenses of maintenance, cliarge- ablility fir. DANVILLE ASYLUM. 127. Establishment ; board of trustees, powers and duties ; otlicers. ^ \V. i, i i { 022 I'KXNSYI.VANIA. 12S. Siipcrinti'iidiMit, jiowers anil duties. 13!), I'l'J. Tnistt'L's may liolil propiTty in trust. " " 140, l.'tO. Adniissidii and discliarRo, pro- 141, visions ri'lating to llarrisi)nr},' asylum to apply to Danvilii', 142. i;51. Discliargo to rt'lativi's on si'curily. 14H. K^2. Transt'iT of patients to Danville. UK!. Ai)portioiimenl of counties. WARUKN ASYH'M. H\^ 134. Establishment, board of trustees, powers and duties. 145, 135, Trustees, resideni'c, not to be in- tereste- act, tippoint live commissioners, who, together with .Mi.tcii. tlie genertd agent and secretary liereinaftcr men- tioned, sliall constitnte a board of pnhlic charities; one of the Ai.|mino,i,.|,t ])ersons so appointed sliall hold office for one vear, lit ciiiniiiis- J. I i ki > Kioiieis. one for two years, one for three years, one Ibr four years and one for live years, unless sooner removed ; appoint- ments to till vacancies caused by death, resignation or removal before the expiration of terms, may be made for the residue of such terms, by the governor, .«!ubject to the consent of the senate, and all tippointments to fill vacancies caused by expira- tion of terms shall be made in the stime manner, and shall be for the j)eriod of five yetirs each. 2. The commissioners, before entering upon their duties, shall, iiiid 'i'i. respectively, take and subscribe the oath recjuired of oa.i. or office. ^^i^(,j. j,^.^^(3 ofHcers, which shall l.)e tiled in the otlice of the secretary of the commonwealth, who is hereby author- ized iuid directed to administer said oath; they .shall have power to elect a i>resident out of their own number, to a})poiiit a gfMiend agent and .«ecretiiry, and to adopt such regulations for the transiiction of the business of the board and the manage- ment of its allairs as they may deem expedient. 3. The stiid board shall be provided with a suitable room in II. id I ;i the state capital, in which it shall hold its meetings, the i.oiTr.i. and it shall meet tlierein at least once in every three ;a PKNXSYLVANIA. (123 iiKiiitlis; the time On- such V(';:;ul!n' iii('ctiii_iis to l)e (ixcil at the tiiiu' of its orf2,!mizatioii ; llic ('oimiiissioiicrs shall rcccivt' no (•(iiiipciisatiou tor their services hut their actual travel in;;' and (ither necessary expenses, which shall \)v j)ai(l hy the slate treasurer, upon the certificate of the auditor fi'cneral. -I. The <>(.ii(.vjil a,ii'ent and secretary of the hoard of j)ultlic charities shall hold his ollice foi* three years, unless ii.i.i^i. sooner n'UioviMl ; he shall he a nuMuher of the hoard ucn.'iai ,,, . 1 • 1 11 1 1 ■ 1 1 • 1 iiKiMit ; Ills clii- e\-otucio, and it sliail he ins duty, suoject to tiiecon- tics, trol and diiection of said hoard, to keep a coi'rect rei-oi-d of its proceedings, perfoi'ni such clerical services as it may require, (ivi'rsce and conduct its outdoor husiness, visit all charitahic and corrcctioual institutions in the state at least once in each year, except as hereinafter })rovided, and as nnicli oftener as the hoard nniy direct, examine the returns of the several cities, counties, wards, horou^uhs and townships in relation to the suj)- port of })au[iers therein, and in relation to hirths, deaths and niai'ria;^'es ; and he shall prejtare a series of inleri'o^atories, with the necessary accom])anyin,L!,' hianks, to the several insti- tutions of charity, reform and cori'cction in the state, and to those having' charg-e of the poor in the several counties thereof, oi' any . The said oommis>ioners shall have full power, either ])y themselves or the general agent, at all times, to p.i,, ^ .-, look into and examine the condition of all ehari- iV','ini'of'Lni- tahle, reformatory or correctional institutions within ""'-'"""■'• the state, linancially and otherwise, to in(piire and examine into their methods of instruction, the government and manage- ment of their inmates, the oflicial conduct of p-ustecs, directors and other oflicers and em[doyes of the same, the condition of ili I 3>: ■i' M n ii: 024 IMOXNHYLVANIA. tlu' liiiildiiifx^, jirounds and other projxM'ty coniu'ctcd therewith, luid into iill other matters pertaiiiiii";- to tlieir useriilness and ^•ood iiiiiuaueineiit ; and (or these purposes (hev shall have free access to tlie <;'i'ounds, liuildin^s and all hooks and pa|>ers relating- to said instituti(»ns; and all persons now <>r hereal'tcr eoiinected with the same ai'c hei'ehy directed and reipiired Id give such inlnrniation and allord such I'acilities lor inspection as the said comnnssioners may re(juire; and any ne;;leet or refusal mi tiie jiart of a)iy ollici-r or jx'rscai connected with such institution to comply with any of the re(|uii'ements of this act, shall suhjt'ct tlu' ollcnder to a [tenalty of one hundreil dollars, to lie sued for and collected by the general agent, in the name of the l)oard. ('). The said commissioners, hy themselves or tlieir general ii'i'iJi'i am'Ut, are lierehv authorized and riMiui red, at least ii.i.i.. i.ii.i CM'. n\K-v. ill each vear, to visit all the charitahle and I'l-l'llollltl 111- ■ Ktitiiu..ns. correctional institutions of the state n-ceiving state aid, and ascertain whether the moneys appropriates! for their aid ai'i' (U- have hc^en economically and judiciously i'X])endeil; whet lu'i' the ohjects of the several institutions are accom[ilislie(l ; whether the laws in relation to them are fully complied with: Avhether all ])arts of the state are equally henelited hy them, and the \arious other matters referred to in the lifth section of this act; ainl in their annual re])ort to the legislature, to eiii- Lody the result of their investigations, together with such other information and reconnnendations as they may deem propi'r. 7. Jt shall he the duty of all persons having cliarge oi- ovcr- uiid s '^. siti'ht over the i)Oor in anv citv or eouiitv of this Annual ro- ' '..,"■' , , ' iMiit. I,. 1,.- statc>, or in any subdivision thereof, and all iiei-soiis iiiiiili- til the _ >■ _ i ^""•■''- having eiiarge or control of county jails or ])risuiis or workhousts, and of all other persons having charge or con- trol over any other charitable, reformatory or correctional institution, not now by lawrecjuired to make an annual ix'peit of the condition of the same, to make report, annually, to the said gt'iieral agent, at such tinu> and in such nianii(>r as lie shall jirescribe, of such facts and statements concerning the same as he may require; and all charitable, reformatory and correctional institutions now required by law to make annual reports, shall hereafter make and transmit the same to the -f^ T|M.M1! rKNNSYLVANIA. t day of Novendier in eaeh yeai'. of the aiiionnt of any a|i]tlieatioii lor state aid they may propose to make, and of tile several pnrpose,'^ to which such aid. if "granted, is to he a[i)>licd. S. Wdienever any such institution shall thus Li'ive notice of askiuL!,' for state aid, the u'eneral a^ent shall in(|uii'e ii.i.i,o or other ollicer of any of the insti- tutions emhraced in this act, he elieihle to the ollice of com- inissioner or }>'enei'al au'cnt lierohy cn^ated. 11. The hoard of puhlic charities shall annually ]irepare and print, for the use of the legislature, a full and com- n.i.i i; i-j. lilete re])ort ot all their year ])re- nii;ii ic|i..ii. ('(•(liiiii', statinuj fully in detail all (>x|)(Mises incnrreil, all ollicers and agents employed, with a report of the i;cneral a,<2,ent and socrctary, onihraciui;' all the respective i)rocee(]in,i>'s and ex- iH'iist's durinii; the y(>ar, and sliowinjj; the actual condition of all charilahle and correctional institutions within the states with such snu'iiestic'iis as the board may deem nec(\ssarv and [HMtinent: and the said general aj^'ent and secretary is herehy autlioi'ized to p.repare the necessary blanks and forward the same, in ^ood season, to all institutions from whom informa- 40 m 020 riCNNSYrVANFA. tioii or I'ctui'iis may l»r needed, imd (o i'e(|iiire a iirompl letuin (•I'tlie -aiiie, with the blanks |)rt)[)erly lilled. I, i Iliid S 2. Additional Illi'iiilii'ls iilid tlicir i|iialiii- ratidiis, ii|i- )iuilltllJ>'lll. tPriiisiif iilllcf ri'iiiuvul. CiiMMlTTi:!', ON' lil NACY. 1l'. The hoai'd nl' inddic eharilies shall have the stipei'visioii A.tofisM, over all houses or places in which any person ol' n. '.'I, ^ 1. , .... . , , ,' \viifiiiMMiid uiisouiul nund is detanuMl, whenever tlie orcnpani (iriMildlrcliar- ,. I 1 1 • 1 !• 1 1 • iiirs shall ol I lie house, or person iiavni(od\', conti'nl llllllSI'l III I whicii ihr in- or attendance, other than as an attendant or nurse. naiM' ari' dr- ' '"'"'■''• and also of all houses or places, in whicli more Ihan one such peis(»n is delaini'd, with or without compensalimi paid for custody or at'a'udance. ].'). 'I'here shall he three additional moinbcrs adiled to the hoard of |)uhli(t charities, oni' of wlioiii.^liall he a niemhi'r of the har of at ten years" slaiidiii;.'.. and one a practicing;' physician of at lea-^t tt-n years' standin,!;. 'I'lie three additional meml>er< shall he a]>pointed hy the governor and conlii'med hy the soiiate. alter the passa,!j,'e of this act, for a tei'm of li\-e years, .ir upon any vacancies occurriiiij; hy (K'ath or resignation, for the unexpired term of such a|)pointment, oi' on expiration of icrni of service, and the governor upon sullicient cause may. in uis discretion, rt'inovc any memher from the ollice. ]-[. The hoard shall appoint a committee of live, to act a< ibids'i- ll'<-' eomniittei! on lunacy. The two jirole-^simuil poiiitiinuii- memlters appointed under this act, shall he iiiein- Illitll'C cm 111- , £• ; 1 1 • li 1 il 1 111 iMicy ; .ivL-aiii- Ix'rs ot tiuit committce; and tliree ineniliers shnll I'cr.s, et<'. constitute Ji quorum, llie committee shall chodsc a chairman and secretary to serve for the current year, aii'' antnially thereafter in Xovemher. The secretary shall an annual salary of three thousand (hollars, with nee ii- cidental expenses to he accompanied with |iroi)er hers. payable quarterly hy the .state treasurer, and hi' ma\ !»■ w- moved at the pleasure of the hoanl of pul»lic ciiariiies. If). Tlie committee on lunacy herein ])rovided for, siiall ex- amine, for themselves or through their secrei.ny, lmitu<''u'u '"^'^ report aiuinally to the hoard, on or hefore llic first day of Xovemher, into the condition ol' tlif insane in this state, and the management and condiicl e Dili! <; 4 Diiti roiiiiiiit liinacv IC 1' I l) I'EXXSYI.VANIA. c,2: 11 »' liMSpilals, [luMic ;iii(l priviitc iiliii.-liiiiiscs. iiinl iill (lilicr j>1;m-<'« ill which the iii^niic lire k('|»t I'nr cjii'c ;iii\veref the chief justice of the su[irenie (/ouri [,,1,1.7 ami oi' the attorney -general, to ordain rules and llX-'rui'-'ii, rc.uulations on the foUowinti; mutters, so far a< tlu.- ""''■ suiue are not inconsistent with any laws of this commonwealth then in force, and of any provisions of this act : (1) The liceiisino of all housi>s or |daces in whicli any person can he lawfully dctaiiu'd as a lunatic, or of unsound r„ liron-e mind, upon compensation paid to or receive(l hy !|i.'il.7,Vi,|u'„f tlie owner or occupant of such house or ))lace, "'■'^""■ (lii'i :;ly or indirectly, for the care of such lunatic, and al-o of :ill houses or places in which more than one [xtsou of unsuund iiiid is detained, or ri'sides; proi'/t^cc/, that this clause shall iui extend to any jail or prison; and provided also, that the liiiaril, with consent as aforesaid, may, fn^m time to time. c\cni[)L any particular hosi»ital estahlislied by the state, or under any municii)al authority, or any eleemosynary institu- tinii from the ohlil iiii]>r(i|ur or imiu'ccssiirv dctoiilion of f.iicli |u'rsoiis. (})) li(\!j,u lilt ions of the I'onns to 1h> olwci-ycd wnrr.inf in<2,' tlic Km 111-. ..r coiiiinitiiKMit. ti'.Miisl'i'r ol" custoilv, and (liscliar^c of CClllllllillllC'Ill, . •11 '•I'-- all lunatics, other lliioi tlios(> connnittcd l»y ordc!' of a court of rccoi'(l. and as to these with the consent of the pi"- sidinii,' jMd!;e, of the court under wliosi' order the person !> detained. (1) 'I'he visitation of all houses or places liciMisod under thi< act. or in which any p( rsons arc detaine(l as lunatics, and of all persons detained therein. (.")) '!'lnMvitlidrn\val of such licenses, ami the imposition of wiiiniiawai of lir.Mi^.'. Conditions under which they shall continue. ((■») l{e[iortsand information to he furnished hylhe manam i' li.puiis otc, "'^' I'lauaji'ers of all housi's or places, suhject to lln^ "'"'"""-'■"'• [irovisions of this act, and hy the hoards of visitois, (7) lvi\<;'u]ations as to the nundiei' of persous (hat may he Dftintinns detained, and the accommodations to he provided, lu'ii.<"'!'i'i'''," """^ food, clotliinn'. fuel to he fui'uished, in any '""^'''''"'' house or huildinti;, suhject to the provisions of this act. the maimer of such d(>tention, and the restraints imposeil, the means of communication l)y those detained, with relatives, friends and other })ersons outside the houses and places of detent ion. l'.>. There shall lie aj)pointed hoards of visitors of all houses n>i.i s s. ,,v pIiuH's. licensed under this act, or in which aiiv r..iiinl of vi>i- ' _ ... t..i>i.piH.iiii.j, pci'son of unsound mind is detained and for the (.••M'v and custody of whom coinpen.- imou of any kind is im - ceived or where more than oiu' such person is detained. One ,-,„,.,.„. such hoard shall he apjioinled in every county in eaei- eouiiiy. \y],i(.], there is a house or jilace, suhji'ct to the pin- visioiis of this act, of not less than three j)ersons, and in each county where there are more than one such house or ]ilace, the nuinher constituting the hoard of visitors of such county shall he increased in the discr(>tion of the comniittee eii lunacy. 20. The memliers of the hoard of visitors shall he a|)poiiit('il iiii'iS''- hv (lie l)oaid in each vear, and shall continue iiiilil By wliiiiii ■ , ■ . api.oiiiti^i. (heir suec(>sso!'s ar(> a])poiiit(Ml, and the hoard iiiiiy remove (he visi(oi's, and till vacancies in (ho oilico. ■ if ■wr "f'ji'l 1 ■ t,'. i rKNNSVI.VAMA. (;2i) ilion (if lin,(in i> iidrr \\\\< lunalics, ()sitii»n III' )iitiiui('. nunialic r r.t. to till' (f visitoiv. t may ln' |)V(IVh1ii1, 1, ill any ms (»r tli'w rS iiuposcil. rolalivcs. )\i\vr> III' ill lldU^^CS licli any I for till' 111(1 is n - umI. (inc ■((\in1y in till' \- iii cacli or ]ihin\ •li coiiiity iiiltoo oil appointfil iiuc luiiil oard iii:iy 21. Woiiit'ii may be a|i]ioiii!((l mcmlicrs of llic lioanls of visitors, ami at least oiicc a yi^arliu^f lioanls siiall n.i^i s m. ■ ■Ill 111 ' • I 1 Wiilllill IIIMV lie lillcd ii|) ~o that mriuljcrs who have laded (o art i ..•uiImts. shall he reli oveil. 22. il shai! not lie lawful for any person or persons or cor- norali- n. not exempted from the oliliual imi li> ohtaiii ".m sj ii. a license nnder thi,- aet. to keei) or mainlaiii a house ! '•■■^ loi iht- ' insiiiir with- er phu-e for the reception or eUstoil\' of l)ersoiis of "'n ■• li'-''ii'-<'. ' I ' ' iiiiiiM' il nils. unsound mind, without having reeei\ed a lieeii-e 'i'""''"""- under tiiis act; iioi' when such license has expireij or 1 ren w ithdrawii or suspended, and the manager and occupant of any viich house, within which more than one person sliall he d lained. as hein;;' a per.-on of unsonnd mind for eompeii>atioi received, and the manager and ocen|iant ol' any such house or place wherein more tiiaii one jii'i'son is received and detained, with (U' without coinpt nsation. and while there is no liceii-e in force authori/inu,' the keepiiijj,- of such a house or place, ili'iin-;i iinr. (■(iii'.iiiittee on lunacy, authori/.ed hy tins act, alter a itipy of the same has heen left at the said house or place or tlclivered to the person named in the license, or to (he man- iiU'cr of such house, shall he deemed nuilty of a misi emeaiior : and all common law rights of ac 'ion or indictments are aUo roei'ved. 21. The hoai'aiie. 2o. And the hoard sliall make rules to insure to the patients the admission of all proper vi-'itors, lieiii^- niemhers n.i.i j u. iif tli'-ir family, or personal friends, au'ents or attor- „'i'iUb.i'i"ui"" niys. and compel olicdiciuu! to such I'en'ulations. 2f williout coiiipl iaiico witli tlu> r(M]uisiti()ns oflliis nrf, iict made a i ■ n i • i ,i i i- iiiisiiiiiioanor. Hiiall \)v ii iiusiUMucai loi' on ilu' })art oi any juTsdii concerned in ^'Ucli deteniion, who Itas omitted or permitted tlic omi^^sion of any of tlie re([uirenn]its, and the party aggrieved shall also be entitled to hi.s action i'or daniag(\s. 27. No verdict or judgment shall hi entered in any action, ii.i.isic. nor . regulations and i)r(i- tillcatc oT i _ _ _ "' ■ , ■' , J"''k<'- visions of this act, who shall have complied with the re(iuirements of this act; nnless the Jndge, after trial ainl verdict, shall certify that ther(> was i)i'oof, to his satisfaction, that the party charged acted with gross negligcMice oi' coi'ruptly, or that he acted without reasonahU^ or prohahlo cause, or wis actuated hy motives other than the good (jf the pei'sou restrained. 28. In all buildings or establishments where an insant^ per- ii)i.i ii' 17. ^'"^ '^ detained, which are subject to the provisions knrinuill of lliis act. there shall be k.'pt the tbllowing books. ^'"""■''- which shal' be at all tinu any nicnd)er of the committee on visitors of the })roper county: An admission book; A discharge l)Ook. A case book in which ther(> shall be regularly entered all th(! facts, beai'ing on each ])atient and his case. A medical journal in which there shall bt>, at least once a week, a statt'ment written of all matters wliich are of sjkcj.i! imjiortance, bearing on the treatment and condition of tin; j)utient.s. Admission and Disciiauok, (!i:ni:iial Uulks. 29. Xoi"»crson shall be receivt^l as a })atient for treatment oi' fur ibiiisis detention into any house or plac(>, where mort^ lliaii rtri!.'f--?tw,'/ <^'i^' insane jierson is detained, or into any house cr ul!o,-r.!u'y\'>r l»lii<'<-' where one or more insane jjcrsons are delaiiird aduii.ssiuii. ^^^^, (^.oniponsation, without a certificate signt^l by, iit least, two physicians, resident m this commonwealtli, wlie have been actually in the j)ractice of medicine foi- at hast live years, both of wdiom shall certify, that they have exaniiiicil open to the insp(>ction ot' lunacv, or the board (if w rEXXSYLVANIA. r.:il sc'i)ai';ilvly Hio person tilh^G-cd to bo insane, and afttT s'l.-li ex- amination had, do verily believe that the person is insane, and that tiic disease is of a ' haraeler, which, in liieir o])inion, re- ([uires that the ]nM'son slionld be ])laei'd in a liospital oi' otlitv establishment wiiero the insane are detained tor eare and treat- ment, and that tliey are not related l»y blood oi- nnirria,t;"e to the jx'rson alle,L!:e(l to be insane, nor in any way eonneeted as a medical attendant, or otherwise, with the hospital or other establishnu nt, in which it is [iroposed to ])laee siu'h person. oO. The (•(■rtifieate above provide(l for shall have been made within one week of the examination of the patient nii.u^ m * 1 nil.' wiuiiii and within two weeks of the time of the admission "i.nii .•.■imi. calr iiiusl. bu of tlu' jiatient, and shall be duly .sworn to or allirmetl """''■• befort' a jud,i;e or ma^'istratc of thi.s conimonw(vdt!i. and of the county where such person has been examined, who shall cer- tify to the j^cnuiueness of the signatures, and to the standing;- and ii'ood i'eput(> of the sitiiiers. And anv person I'lmisi mu falsely cerlifyinL!; as aforesaid, shall be g'uilty of a oiMtiijing. luisdcmi'anoi', and also liable civilly to the [)arty a.uin'ieved. :!1. No ])erson alleu'ed to be insane shall be received into any honse foi- ii'eatment or for detention, unless at the IM.l!;' i>. tmi '•■■■■ > -■■■ e of such rece[)tion the person or persons, at IZiis'i'mallfi lIctiMltilHI. whose instance the ])erson is received, shall, by ; \vritin,!4' siL^iied, state that the person has been removed, and is to lie (h'tained at his or her re(piest, under th(> belief that su(;h (Ictenlion is necessary and for the bt'iietit of the insane per.son. ;')'J. There shall also be delivered to the jierson or per.son.s li;;vinn- th(> supervision or cliarp; )f hou,>tatemen( of the followin.u' facts relative to the per- ^^y^.ini^-u'u' son to be (h'taiued, siu'iUMJ by the perison or persons '" '-'K'veu. at whose instance the insane ))erson has l)e(,'n removed and de- 1aine(l, or if the facts ' not known it shall be .so stated. (1) The name. (•J) A-e. (;')) Ki'sidence ft)r the i)ast year, or for so much theivof as is known. (I) ( )ccuiiation, trade or c'lployment. (•")) Parents, if livinii,-. (0) Ilusl)and or wife. (7) Children. 1 I : vl \lt if^i •Ml ii V mil PENNSYhVANIA. (.S) llrotlK'i'.s and sisters and tlu' R'sidciicc (jf eacli of tl ll'SC r)t rsoii? (!•) I r not inoi't' than one of these classes is known. Ilic names and I'esidenees of siu'Ii of tlie nv\[ (.le<;ree of relatives as are known. (10) A statement of tlio time at wliieli tlu insanity lias lieen siipposed to e.xist, and the eii'eumstanees that induee the lielii'f that msanitv exr-^tc (11) Name and address of all medieal attendants of llie j;a- tient dnrin,u' the hist two years. ;);). .*^hould the person in ehar have heen omitted thr(»u<;h i^unoranet', ami that the answers will he imniediately furnished, and no i'( ;;son exist- ino- to douht the <;'Ood faith of tlu' ])arties. after in- (|uirin,u' of the person intended to l)e detained, it shall he lawlul to detain the [lersoii alleged to he insane for siich further jieriod as shall l)e neeessary to ohtain the said state- ments eom|ilete. hut not exceeding seven (hiys. Hiiil Ji 2-2. . Dcl'i'ctivo Iionii liilK ulitlcinotit may lie ixmi- lilf'li-d. 4. Within t"''nty-four lunirs after any [)erson is ree( ivi^:^ '"^*' '"'.^ J'lJ"'^'-' foi" detention as an insane per.-o C.uitciits .if ta'tV.m'ria'tn ^''^' j"'i'^<»" "1 eiiargc there shall enter or have ti lie iMih'ii'il II liiMik aiiil oi-iiriiial (ili>il. teretl in a hook kept for that piir[ )Ose, all the la. ated in the eertilieate or doeiinients reipdicd tn lih exhihite(l at the tinte of receiving the patii'id. and the originals, and ])reserve tlu'ni. Tlie regular medical teuihmt of the house shall, within tweidy-four hours after tl reci'ptiou of any patient, examine such jiatient and reduce writing the results of such examination, and enter the s;u njion a hook to ln' ke|>t lor that jiurjiose, iogether v,i ojiiidon formed from such extimiiiation. and from the at- Mr in till' (jocil- ments I'cceived with the patient. .'!"). In case the said nii'(lical attendant is (»f the opiiuoii iluit llii.l S'J4. Pisi'liilli;.' cil" lialii'lil. (htcntion is not necessarv for the heiiellt ol the jiatient, lu' shall notify the person or [xi'sons at whose instance the pati( tit is detail. eil, and. uidess such ptf- son ^liall. without a delay not exceeding seven days, cxhiliit satisfactory proof of such lu'ccssity, the ]iatieid shall hf .!i-- charjicMl from the 1 louse an d restored to his fauiilv or hieiid.-. !(■). At the time of such examination, the medical attendaiil U'Ul jf ihcso ' iiaiius ■< as a It' las been IV Ijclicl' I lie pa- reason aii:'\vcrs 1)11 exisl- afUr iii- ^liall 1h. fur .-llrll lid slati- rcci iviil • lirixm, IVC ( 11- ic la. is d lu ],(■ lal! lilr ical at- t'tcr (lie ilucr III 11 ■ ^■alli^' villi llic (' (1(1(11- imil llitlt it of (lie I'Siilis al icll \nV- 'Xililiil lu. di" ^i^■ll(t^. Mc'iulaiil I'KNNSYI.VANIA. GOo shall liimscll' cause the junieiit distiiietly to under- |,,i,i .; .>.-, stand, if he or slu' is capaMe ol' d oiii^ so, that if h(> l^^^X^^" t'')li]|iilinU'a- or she desires to see or otherwise eoiuiiiunieali' with ,i„„ "lui. any pi'i'son or ].ei>oiis, nieaiis will he provided for ''"''"'-■ such interview or ( oniimmieation, and >aid attendant shall jiersoiially .-'■c that proper means are takt n to eoiiimunieate this fact to the p( rsoii or persons indieated hy the patient, and any propir person or ])ersoiis, not exeeedinu' two. >hall he per- niittt'd to have a I'uU and unrestrained intcrsiew with the fiatient. ;!7. The staleineiifs furnished at the time of the reeeption of the patient, (and of the t'xamination of the patient |,,|,|<.,,; hy the niedieal altemlant of the house) shall he for- i'lpni^pT;. wauled hy mail to the address of the einmnittee on '"''"'*■ hinaey, within seven days from the time of the reception of die [latient, which shall hy them 1k' entered in a hook whi(_-h tiny shall ki'cp for this purpose, and at least once in six months there shall l>e a rejiort made hy the medical attendant (if till' house, (»n the condition of eat'h patient, to,L!,elher with >iich other niattei's relative to the case, as tlu' said ctunmittee may require; and at any time such re[>ort shall he made upon the retpiest of the secretary of the comniillee on lunacy. :l.S. J Hiring the detention of any pirsoii as insane, any medi- cal practitioner dcsi'■■>■■»> tr.>m ■ . ' •II ' • 1 ■ Willi. >llt tllP >iich insane j)erson resided at tlu' ttnie ol his re- u.syium. iimval and detention, shall he ]n'rmitti'd. at all reasonahle Ikiiiis. to visit and examine the patient: and such medical allciidant shall, uiiKss ohjci-led to hy the patient, he permitted hy re(|U(.'st of his or her family or "near friend," and with the ceiiscnt of the [)iiysiciaii in chief of the estahlishmeiit. to aitt-nd the patient for all maladies other than insanity, in the same iiuiiiiier. as if the jiatieiit were in his own home. '.VJ. All persons detained as insane shall he fni'iiisheil with materials and reasonahle oi>l><»rtunitv, in the disi-re- im.^-.n. . ' ' ' ,'iiiils f,,i- lieu ol the supermlendeiit or manaaor, tor com- i.'tt. r winiui,' miiiiicatinij,', under seal, with any person without iii>ii"'i.'tc. the huildin^-. and such eommunication shall he stani[ied and mailed. 'I'hey shall have the unrestricted privilege of addrc.s.s- ' } 1 1 •■■.mi ;|f . h i ■4 II! G34 rKNXSYI.VANIA. ing conurmnications, if they so desire, not oftener than onee u niontli, Id any member of the committee on lunacy. ■1(1. All iMi'sons that have hccn dtaained as insanr (other ii'i'i ■> -ii- than criminal insane, dnlv convicted and senteneid llisi'hiiri;!" Ill iiatioiit.s. l)y a cunri). shall, as soon as they ai'c resto'/ed Id reason and are competent to acl for theinselvt'S, in the o])inioii of (he me(lical attendant of the house, he I'orthwilh ihscharued ; Aiiviiprs,,.. ""•' any jurson so detained, shall, at all times, he lul!'.n'','a'''" entilU'd to a writ of haheas eoriais for tlu> dctei'iiii- "'ri'iii's 'lo,'"''"' nation of this (|Uestion. and on the hcai'Miu:, the rt - ni'i'ii'on'iit'"" spondent in that writ shall he rei|nir-, d lo j^ay the '"■^""^' costs, and charu'cs of the proeeediui:'. unless the jut'nv shall certify that there was sutlicient ^rounch in his opinion, in wari'ant the detention, and i)Ut tiie petitioner to his writ ; in case the discharii'cd ])a.tient he in indij2:ent circumstance-;, siidi })erson shall he furnished with lu^-e^sary raimcait, and w itii funds sullicient for sustenance and travel to his home, to he charged to the I'ounty IVom which such j)ati(ait was comnn'lii d 41. The committee on lunacy shall he notilied n (hiys thereafter, and rei'ori! of liL'^m-'i''!'''" till' same shall he kei)t hy the committee. 4'J. 4dio comnnttee on lunacy may, at any time, order ninl 11)1,1 S .r!. compel the diseharge of any jierson detained as iii- counnit.oe o„ i,,^.,,^. (^,,|i „,,. t],,,,) ., j.^rsou Committed ahcr tri; IniiiU'j- may tioiiis'wi'iii'"' and convii'tion for crime, or hy order of enim). l>ut such order shall not he mad(\ unk'ss notice he given to the ])erson liaving charge of the building in whieli tiie i)atient is detained, and to the jx^i'^on or ])t'rsons at wIki-c instance the })atient i,'* detained, and reasitnable o[)por;uiiiiy given tliem to justify a further detention, and the coiiiininee shall not sign an order of ilischai'gi', unless they have person- ally attended and examined the case of the jiatienl. 4o. I'ersons voluntarily ])Iacing themselves in any of the n.iri ii .11. houses pi'ovided for in this act, may be detained I'er y'lriniutry hi- tlic tiiiic tlicy sluiU speclfv bv au agreement signed "'""'*■ by them, at the tinu' of their adnnssion, hut not ex- ceeding seven days: and they n ay from tim(> to time. I'l iien- th(> authority to di'tain them for a time not t^xccMMling se\en days from such renewal, but no agreement shall \)r deemed to authoi'i/e a tletention, unliss sigiuMl in the presence of sniae adult person attending as a friend of the person detained, in V.,, i •T"T" H' 111 ri:.VNSYI.VANIA. ()35 i 11 OllOO il K- (other iilnici (1 Mll'.'Cfl til (ipinioii ■li:il'u,'<'il : liiucs. Ill' (Ictci'iui- Li;. the IV- » pay lilt' '\\v .)u- rci'oi'i! of iviIi'V ami led as iii- \\i'V trial (if couri), notice he 'u\ which at whose lortuiiity oiiilililtee [c tici'soii- aiiieil for lit SlLi'lU'il it not ex- lie, niic^v u -even Iceineil 111 of sonic cd, ill tiiu the ])i'('Soiioo of, and also hy tli(> pci'-^on in charu'c^ of tlio liouso or tlic medical attendant. 41. So much of the act, cntitliMl, "An act to provide for the admission of certain classes of the insane into liosid- ,,,.,, ...,. tals for the insane, in this commonwealth and their tri>vl^"Clll discharuc therefrom," apin'oved the twentieth day of "•;;!,,''''r p't'''''' April, Anno Domini oiu^ thonsaml eiiiht hundred '"'"'"'■ and sixty-nine, nuniher lifty-four, of the ])ain}ihlet laws of that year, as provides, " that insane persons may he phu-ed in a hos- pital for the insane by their lej;al gnardians, or hy their rela- tives or friends in case they have no Liuarilians, hut never Avithout the certificate of two or more reputahle physicians, after a personal examination made within one week of the date thereof, ami this certificate to he duly acknowledj2;e(I and sworn to or aflirmed before some magistrate or judicial ullicer who shall certify to the genuineness of the signature, and to the respectability of the signer," is amended, and the persons thereby authorized to place an insane piM'-on in a hos- pital, are recjuired to observe the forms and conditions, reipiired hy this act, in exercising the powers conferred by the said act of the twentieth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, when the insane person is i)lai:ed iu any house, hospital or place, which is subject to the provisions of this act. ■lo. .So much of said act, as provides by section second as enacts, "that it shall be unlawful, and be deemed a nii.ui*?. inisdemeanor in law punishable by a fine of not ex- Jvuh'tilT/'ror. cc(>diiig one hundred dollars, for any superintendent f.ri.-iu'X'ira n< 1 ■ ■ il ■ 1 c ' niisdouieanoi'. icer, physician, or otiier emi)loyc of any insane nsyluin, to intercept, delay or interfere with, in any manner whatsoever, the transmission of any letter or otlun" written coniniunication, addressed by an inmate of any insane asylum to his or her counsel, residing in the county in wdiich the home of the patient is, or in the city or county in which the asylum is located," is hereby amended so that the same shall extend to the superintendents, officers, physicians, servants or other em[)loyes of all hospitals, houses or places which are subject to the provisions of this act.* * 'i ;17 repeals net (if ISfiO, p. 80, ? 10; it lieiiig siipiilicd liy ^^. lo ami 10 of this iu't, see pi. 20 ami 27, supru. The section will be fuiuul iu full in the a[ipen(Jix. ■If til 030 rKNNSYI.VAMA. 40. Tlio iiiiiii;i,^oi's ami odiccrs of tmy lio.^iiilal (ir licensed „,!,, ^.jj, house or iiliice, shall not l»o liablo to the penalties H«!;,'i\n\Tl;Mi. imposed hy this aet, and shall be entitled (o all the trpVi'iii'iiirs'' protection of this aet, in ease of reeeivini;' Ibr deteii- uii.ici- act. jj^^j^ .^ liinalie, or alleged lunatic, without comply- ing; witli the I'e'iui.-itions ol' the act, if the judi^e ti'yin^^ the cause shall eerlii'y that the said ollicers and niana|j;(.'rs had good reason to believe that such riceivinu; and detention wei'e necessary for the safety of the lunatic, ov other jiersons, and, that the delay re(iuired to comply with the recpiirements of this act would have been injurious to the person detained oi' to other i)orsons, and that tiiere is no reason to believe that tliey, or any of them, were actuatt'd by improper motives. And within forty-eight hours after any jierson is thus rei'eivid. all the retjuisitions of this act to authorize a detention shall have been complied with, or the i)erson discharged from cus- tody, and the ollicers of the hospital, or }ilace where such luna- tic has been thus received, shall forthwith notify the board of public charities of the facts connected with the reception and detention. \7. Whenever any person shall be found by incpiisition to ibi(i«w. ^^^ insane, the committee of the i)erson or of the non'sta't'nirnt ('•"'tate, aud also the clerk of the court into which the c'li'nmitt'.I/o'ii intpiisition has been returned, shall thereupon forlh- ""•'^■y. ^ymi ^^,^^^\ [^) [\^^, conimiltec on lunacy at their prin- cipal odice, a statement in writing, signed by the committee of the lunatic, of the name, age, sex and residence of the lunatic, and the residence of the committee, and upon any change in the residence or jjlace of detention of the lunatic, shall I'oilli- with notify the committee of lunacy of such change. The committee on lunacy, or any one or more of the memlurs of the coinmittee, shall have power to visit and exandne the said lunatic, and authorize such visiting and examination by their secretary, or any board of visitors, or one or more nieiii- bers thereof, and by a physician, and the said committee are authorized to a[>[)ly to any court, having jurisdiction over the conuiiitlee, or to a judge of a court of conunon pleas, of the county in which the lunatic is a resident or detained, to make such orders for the maintenance, custody or care of the said lunatic, and for the care and disposition of the j)roperty of f'l r PKNXSYLVAXIA. 037 Plil! i'K'OnS(Hl onaUirs 1 all tlu; V (K'tfii- [.•onilily- •in;^; the i'r< had on wriT ms, and, nt'nts of lini'd (ir ove thai luotiw's. ;cceivi'd, on shall L'oni cus- ich luna- board of tion and lisilion to of the irh tlic 1 ful'lll- r i>i'in- litllH' nf unatic, in^e in 1 lorth- ■• Tho ihoi's of nu the Uioii liy [•V nu'iii- iii'vT arc >ver till' of the to make he said )ertv of a lunatic, as the ease may roiiuivc. j'^rnni any order (Inal or otiiorwiso, thus made, an a]tpeal may bo taken to the supreme court, but su(di appoiil shall not be a su|ierse(lras, unless so ordered by the court niakin_^ the or(lrr, or by a Jud^^e of the supreme court, on application and a hearing. •IS. On a written statement, properly sworn to oi- allirmeil, beinir adilresscd bv some respectable p(>rson to anv .\.tor ism, law jud<:;e, that a certain ])i'rso,i tliei'e conlined in a .M.Mic',iri.n.. hospital tor tluMiisane IS n()t insane, and is thus uii- ll'lt ill- justly deprive(| of his liberty, the jud^e shall issue ""'•'■■ ■A writ of h;d)eas corpus, coinmandin,. Insane persons may be jilaced in a lios|tital l>y order of any court or law judge, after the following course of i,,-,,,.;^ ]iroeeetlings, namely: on statement, in writing, of I'il'yil,',',,'"'';,! any respectable person, that a certain pi'rson is in- i,'yl'.'.'ui'ts"'rr sane, and that the welfare of himself or of others '""■^"^«'- requires his restraint, it siiall be the duty of the judge to ap- point, immediately, a commission, who shall iiuiuirc into and report upon the facts of the case. This commission shall be (•(imposed of three persons, one of whom at least shall be a jiliysician and another a lawyer; in their iiuiuisition they shall h(>ar such evidence as mav bo olfereil toucdiinu' the mer- its of the case, as well as the statements of the [larty comi)lainod of or of his counsel; if, in their opinion, it is a suitable case for (•oiilinement, the judge shall issue his warrant lor sued) disposi- tion of the insane person as will secure the object of the measure. oU. Tersons ])laced in any hospital for the insane may be removed therefn)m by parties who have become ii,i,i^ar to any law judge that a certain insane person is manifestly sutl'ering from i',',','|l!..s'to Kl'llhWllI ilf |icTsiiiis I'roiii iiospitals. ;-] ii^ 008 I riiNNHYIA AMA. i : I, or.inrtoii,.^. *^'^' want of proper care or treatment, lie shall order rumiiMKinmi •"*"'■'' I'LMXtu to Ijc pl;ice(l in some hospital tor tlie '"""""'""■■ insane, at the e.\[)ense of those who are le«;ally liouiul to maintain sndi insane person; hot no sneh oi'dtr shall he made without (hu- notice of tiic apjilication liieret'ui' s^hall have heen srrved upon the persons to be alleeted thereliy and hearing- had thereon. o'J. Xothin,^• in this aet shall he eonstruod so as to dejirive • '■i'lifii. anv allej^ed Innatie oi' haltitual drunicard of the ('oll>.tlllctliill ^ . "I'"'- benefit of the writ of habeas eorpus or trial by jury, or any other nini'dy guaranteed to alU'^ed lunati(,'s or habilual drunkai'ds by any existinin' laws or statutes of the eoniinon- wealth of I'ennsylvania. ^rrscELLANKors ri:ovisioNS. 5)5. ^\'henever the slate board of eonimissioncrs of jaiblic Aftofi^st eharities shall deem it expedient to transfer any rii(i'ii;.-li'iii- ^^'*^''' indigent insane persons, in county poorhousLs tia'M>l'.'ii.Il' <"' almshouses or otherwise in the custody of the di- [M'uM's'N'.'stiito I'eetors or overseers of the pocjr, to the state hosiijtals iK.>;iis. ^^j. j^j^^^ iiisani", for care and treatment, the state Itoard of commissioners of i)ublie charities shall petition the i)residciit judge, of the court of common pleas of the proper county, who shall enttr a rule, u[(oii tiling said pt'tition upon said directeis or oversi'crs of the poor, to show cause why saia week, which shall inchule all charges, except clotliing, I'nr ■which the charge shall not exceed titty cents for each week. o5. The expense of the care and treatment of the iiidi- II, MS.!. gent insane in the state lu)spitals for the insane, vi.i..,ii„ shall bo divided between the state and thecouiitv: Hate anil euiiiity. jrroi'idal, that the maximum charge to the county shall not exceed, including all charges, the sum of two dol- lars a week for each person. T^ W< (I l'EXXSYr,VANIA. ono ■oimuoii- 50. Wlioncvor any lios|»ilal, cstabli.slicil lor Ww care of llio indiuciil insauo, shall be so iiiiui't'(l or destrovcil by An nri,->i, lire, or bv any other cause or accidcnl, as to remlcr ^^i"" '"'-i''- ■ " _ ' till lur iiitiiim it unlit i'or ocoipation, the Ixjard of nuljlic charilies, i-'i-ti".v.Mi, ' ' i ' uciiiiilo til lie ujion beinn; satislied that the insane cannot there iv- ',||'','.'n,',','.I,'!. ceive i)ro[ier care and treatment, said board or their '•''■*■ re[iresenlatives shall have power to I'liuovc the insane toother liospitals I'or the insane receivin_!jj aid and sn|i|M)rl from the slate, where such ])ersons shall be received and maintained in (lie manner provided by law; and the cost of maintainiuij; the indiiieiit insane thus transferred shall l)e chargeable to the authorities havin<; charue of tlie poor in any city, county, township or poor district in this connnonwealth, where such insam> person had a le_yal settlement or I'csidence, ov li'om which he or she was sent, as already provi(U'd by the existing laws of this commonwealth. 57. if any pliysieian shall falsely certify to the insanity of any i)erson, under the provisions of the first section ^\,,i„|- ^^-^^ (if the act to Avhich this is a supplement,''' and it i'.,,^,',,'!,!,. |„r shall ap{)ear in evidence that such false certilicatc n.nim'u''"f was tin' result of negligence or delicient [)i'ofessional "'^•""'■■ skill on the part of said physician, or that the saiil ]ihysician signed such certilicate for a jx'cuniary reward, or for the })romise of a ])ecuniary reward, or for any other considi'ration ov value whatsoever, other than the jirofessional fee usually l»aid for such services, or in which such false certilicatc shall ivud in any manner, directly or indirectly, to advantage said jiiiy-ician other than relates to the said professional fee, then the said physician shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, or undergo an imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both or cither, at the discretion of the court. 58. In all hospitals or asylums now built or hereafter to bo built, and under the control of the state, and in Actor isth wliich male and female insane patients are received !x,,'',','^,'i^ii„o„t for treatment, the trustees of said asylums or bos- 'I'hyX'i'a'n.s pitals may appoint a skilful female physician, who """"'""''• shall reside in said asylum or hospital, and who shall have * Act ol' 1SG9, p. 79, the first section of wliich is supiilicd by pi, 44, supra. 'm ;i 1 :V 1 iilSf CIO I'KNNSYI.VAMA. tlic iiicilical cniili'dl of sail] ft'tiialf iiiiiiah's, wlio shall rcpoi't to tlic su]i('riiil('iiilriit and also to llic trtislccs. ")!>. Saiil rnnalc physician shall he npiiointcil hy said ti'ustrcs „,,,,jjo lor a (cnii not {'Xcci'din;:: five years, and shall not 'ivrm.w..iiio.. ],^, ^,,i,j,,,., ,,, ,.p„,oval within that term exeept for in (idelity lo the tnisl reposed or lor inronijieleiiey. (JO. The said hoard [oi" |)iihlit' charities] shall have jiower. hy A.'tofi>:7i, '^ resolnlion, to he entered on its niiiuites. suhjed Ai.pV.'iiiun.iit ^" ■'^"^'1' ti'i'iiis and retiiiiutions as it may prescriix', .)! visu..i». to (k'sin-nate three or more persons in any county to act, without coinp(Misation. as visitoi's in said county of tln^ several poorhouses and other institutions therein, suhj(>ct to the visitation of the hoai-d, in aid of and as representatives df such hoard: and all pnhlic ollicei's and othei's in cliar^e nl' Ar arrani- t'*^'" herein provided for, shall he suhjeet to a \)on- r..i«s.i. ^^^^. ^^j. j^^.^^ hundred and lifty dollars Ibr each sncli refusal, which penalty may he sued and recovered in tlu; name of the people of the state, hy the district attorney of the county in which such institution is situated, and the sum so recov- ered shall he ])aid into the treasury of the state. CitiMixAL Insane. 01. The j^rovisions of this act in respect of the admission or Actofiss.!, discliarL;:o of initients, shall not extend to insane f'mv'islm lor criminals in custody. Such persons shall not lie received, except when delivered hy a sherill' of tlic county or his deputy, togetlu>r with an order of tlic court, of the county in which he was arrested or convicteit, liavinji^ jurisdiction of the oU'ensc, under the seal of the court and signed hy a law judge. Xor shall such criminals he dis- roi'pivinj; iii- Kiiiii' criiiii- niils. ■"?! -'^ T lissioii or I'KNNSYI.VANIA. t;ii clinrgcMl fioiii u liospitiil, or oUum" |)lm'i' of »lft('iiti!iiH', saviiiu; oil ii lilhall dieni |ii'nper, with notic(> to t he committee on lunacy; ainl if the jud,L^c siiall hi' salislied that tlu^ person coiilined reiplires iri'atmriit in a lujspital, he shall thereupon direct the I'emoval of the said pei'son fi'oni the jail or prison to a state iio^in.|,n-.,n. at the time of the eomnn.ssion oi such oU'ense, and '■'• lie >liall he ac(|uitted, the jury shall be required to tind spe- cially whether such person was insane at tin' lime of the coni- nii>sion of such offense, and to declare whether he was acquit- U'd liy them on the ground of such insanity; and if they .shall si> find and declare, the court before whom the li-ial is had 41 ii 4 M U- nt2 TENNSYLVAXIA. I M W 1 lip to IpI' ill i-liiiri;i'il ii|i- [icars til lie iii- shall have power to order him to he kept in strict custody, in such place and in such manner as to the said court shall seem fit, at tlie expense of the county in Avhich the trial is had, so long as such j)erson shall continue vo hv of unsound mind. 04. The same proceedings may be had if any person indicted ii'HisBT. for an oil'ense shall, ui)on arraignment, he found to WIUU llllVlHl- . • 1 P if T 1 ,. , iiiitisfunini be a lunatic, by a lurv lawfullv empaneled tor the iiin»ii,'nnu.ut. purposc, or if, upon the trial of any person so in- dicted, such person shall apj)ear to the jury, charged with such indictment, to be a lunatic, the court shall direct such finding to be recorded, and may proceed as aforesaid. 05. In every case in Avhich any person charged with any ihi.iiiiis. olVense shall be brought before the court to be dis- .,i..'M'.r.Mi--iit charged for want of prosecution, and shall, by Uic oath or aflirmation of one or more credible })ersons, api)ear to be insane, the '."ourt shall order the district attorney to send before the grand jury a written allegation of s^ui'h insanity in the nature of a bill of indictment; and there- upon the saiil grand jury shall make inquiry into the case, as in the cases of crimes, and make j)resentment of their finding lO said court thereon ; and thereupon the court shall order u jury to be eni[)ancled to try the insanity of such })er.son ; lnu before a trial thereof be ordered, the court shall direct noti( e thereof to be given to the next of kin of such person, by })ubli- cation or otherwise, as the case requires, and if the jury shall find such person to be insane, the like proceedings may be had as aforesaid. GO. If the kindred or friends of any such person who may uiidfjcn. have been acquitted as aforesaid, on the ground of foiuiaiit toi.j msanitv, or in the default ot sucli, tlie guardians, iiionds. overseers or supervisors of any county, township or place, .diall give security in such auiouni as .sh* 11 be satisfac- tory to the court, with condition that such lunatic shall be re- strained from the commission of any offense, by seclusion or otherwise, it shall be lawful for the court i; make an order lor tlie enlargement of such lunatic, and his delivery to his kin- dred or friends or, as the cat:c may be, to such guardians, over- seers or supervisors. 07. The estate and efrects of every such lunatic shall, in all ,,., ,-„ cases, be liable to the countv for the reimbursement ' vl PENNSYLVANIA. 643 i 'I , 1 I ac- i|llltti d (111 gniiiiid (if iri- siiiiity to lie roiiiini'd in ciistocly. of all cost:* and expenros paid by such county in "l^'V'iKuThT'' ])ur,snancc of such order; hut if any j)crson ac- *""^'' <^""''''- ([uitted on the grounds of insanity, shall have no estate or effects, the county, townshij) or place to which such lunatic may he chargeable under the laws of thi" commonwealth re- lating to the support and employment of the poor, shall, after notice of his detention aforesaid, be liable for all costs and expenses as aforesaid, in like manner as if ho had become a charge upon an}' township not liable for his su})port under the laws aforesaid. (is. Whenever any person is acquitted on a criminal suit, on the ground of insanity, the jury shall declare A.t.if iswi, this fact in their verdict, and the court shall order [., ;!',;, 14 1 the prisoner to be committed to some place of con- linenient ibr safe keeping or treatment, there to be retained until lie may be discharged in the mannei. provided in the next section. ()0. If, after confinement of tlirce months' duration, any law judge shall be satisfied b}- the (evidence pre- n.i.i ,< ;.. sented to him tliat the prisoner has I'ecovered, and may dnaitiT that the paroxysm of insanity in which tlie crimi- '•■•nnnriii.'iit. nal act was con.imitted was the first and only one lie had ever exi)erieneed, he nuiy order Ir unconditional discliarge; if, however, it sliall a|)pear that r.,> li paroxysm of insanity was preceded by at least one other, then the court may, in its di#* oretion, appoint a guardian of his person, and to him commit the care of tlie })risonei', said guardian giving I'onds for any damage liis ward may commit; proridal «'(t'Li /s, rrovi-.. tliat in case of liomicide or attempted homicide the ]»risoner shall not be discharged unless in tlie unanimous opinion of (lie superintendent and the managers of the hospital, and the c(»urt before which he or she was tried, he or she has recovered and is safe to be at large. "0. On statement, in writing, to any law judge, by some friend of the i)arty, diat a certain person placed in iiii.ij;;. a liosiiiti'd under the nfth section is losing his bodily prison. .r^..!! ^ 11 iici'c'.iiu .if iU liialtli. and that consequently his welfare would i"Mitii,.-i.'. lie jironioted by his discharge, or that his mental disorerson. 71. W'licnover any person is imprisoned witliin the coin- Act.. fi-'74 nioinveahh, convicted of !Uiy crime wliatsoevcr or insan'.l.'.'iiiit- eluirgcd with any ci'ime, and acquitted on the «d\lf ci'ii'no''" ground of insanity, ai»i)Hcation, in writing, nuiy he movc'i'io' made hy the warden, superintendent, physician or lusjii .1 s. _^^^^^ inspector of the })enitt'ntiary or jn'ison in wliicli such person is imprisoned, or l)y the general agent of the hoai'd of puhlic charities, to the coiu't hereinafter mimed, oi- to any law judge thereof, which ai>plication shall certify, under oath or allirination, that such prisoner is helieved to he insane, and siiall request that such prisoner shall Ijc removed to a hospital lor the insane, whereui>on it shall he lawhd, for an\- judge learned in the law of any court within this commoii- wealth having immediate cognizance of the I'rime with which such prisoner is charged, or of the couit by which such pris- oner has been convicted, to appoint, a commission of three citi/ens of this commonwealth, of whom one shall be of the profession of medicine and one of Lho profession of law, whose dut}' it shall be to inquire into and report upon the mental condition of such prisoner, and if in a report signed b_y a majority or all of the nieinlK'rs of such connnissioii it shall a[)}iear that the prisoner inijnired of is of unsound u\]\\<\ and unlit for penal discij)line, it shall bt' lawl'ul for tlu; jmlgc issuing sucli commission, or for any other judge of same court learned in the law, to make an order, under the seal of such court, directing the nnioval of such })risoner I'rom the place of his (jr lu'r imprisoinnent, ami that he or she shall lie re- ceived, maintained and cared for in' the hospital for the in-ane nearest to such [)lace of ini|.<-isonment, and which shall or may receive aid or supp'>rt, from the treasury uf the state, ami thut such patient ,-hall be detained in such hospital until an order, as hci'einafter provided, shall be granted by the said court, or any judge th-ereof learned in the law, for the I'etnin of such jirisoner to the jx nitentiary or jirison from which 'ic or she was I'cnioveil, or for his or her dischai^e fn»m such hn- pilni; ■pmrkhd idimya, that wheni'ver any liospital slial! It established especially for the care of insaiiv patients who shall have been convicted of crime, or whence 'r ^Cj-arate accum- t, may e coni- 2\cv or on tlie may he t'iuii ov .1 Nvllil'll of the mcd, or y, under ■ insane, vi'd to a , for any onnno.i- li ^vllu•h leli ju'is- of three i)c of the of hiw, lupon ihf siti'ni'd -sioii it ul niiu'l u'. juil.m; WW, eourl of such le \ihu'e he re- ic insane shall or 4ate, ami initil an ihe saiil ic return Nvhieh 'le pueh h'l'- hai: hr \vl\() >liaU II.' arrciu- rKNNSYLVANIA. 045 modations shall ho made for such pati(>nts in any liospital aided from the treasury of the slate, the order, as aforesaid, for the removal of any such person from his or her place of inipris- onmerit shall direct that ho or she shall he rec(>ived, niain- tainetl and cared for in such special hospital or in the separate aceonnnodations of any hospital })i"epared for such purjwso. 72. In all eases where any person who may have committed an" criminal act, and is damrerous to the connnun- ii'i'is'- itv ,n Cmiit iiuiy ho found to he insane in the manner pro- f""i'nH t liuspitills nil lH-isnlll'l's ll to III vided hy law, and in all cases mentioned in the sixty-sixth, sixty-seventh and sixty-eighth sections '"■'"'"'• of the act of thirty-first of ^hu•ch one thousand eight hundred and sixty,* rclativv^to criminal procedure, it shall he lawful for anv coart having cognizance of the crime or ollensc* with wliirh sucn person is charged, to commit to either of the hos- jiiials ior the insane mentioned in the preceding section of this act, any such insane person for so long lime as such person shall continue to he of unsound mind. 73. Whenever the superintendent or other proj)or medical Ilad^:!. Will.]] H how |iii to 111- ri' I'll I.' for triiil. 1(1- jiiit-ou or I ihority of any hospital for the insane, to which any j)atient shall have hcen sent under the provi- sions of this act, shall, in writing, certify to the judge or court hy whom the order for removal and (leleiition has heen made, that such patient has heen so far I'estored to mental sanity as no longer to need the I'omedial or custodial care of such hos[)ital, it shad he lawful for the said judge or court, if the term of im[)risonnu'nt for which such prisoner was seuienced has not expired, to remand such [iris- nner to the jilace of imprisonment from which he or she was lirought to such hospital, to serve out the unexiiired term of sentence, or if such i)risonerhocome unsound in mind after the alleged crime and hefore conviction, to remand such prisoner f(ir trial ; hut if the term for which such [)risoiu'r was sentenced shall have exjtired, or if the crime wherewith such prisoner is charged shall have heen connnitted during his or her prohahU? insanity, and in all cases provided for in the seccjud section of llii- act, it shall ho lawful for the said judge or court to order the dis<'harge of such patient from the said hospital. * Svc |il. (i.'3-f)?. sii|Uii. -~BB 04G PENNSYLVANIA. i 11. ill ;; .".. lly whom the order of removal and deten- tion has been made, upon the due a[)i)lication of relatives or friends of such patient, and upon })roi)er surely being given for the custody and t'are of such patient, to make an order for the discharge of such patient from the said hos})ital, and his or her delivery tt) the guardianship and control of th(> jicrsun or persons applying therefor; and no person committed to a hospital under any of the provisions of this act shall be dis- charged therefrom, otherwise than in the manner hereinbefore provided, 75. The expenses incurred for the removal of any insane person from a place of imjtrisonment to any hos[ii tal, or for their removal from such hospital, iu nur- iiKival. etc.. _ . '' lire I,, h.- pahi. suance of the provisions of tliis act, and of his or her detention, maintenance and care in the said hospital, shall 1)0 chargeable to and paid by the commissioners of the county in which the alleged crime with which he or she was charged was committed ; and the said commissioners shall have rem- edy over agaijist the poor district, liable under existing laws, or against the estate and effects of every such prisoner, for llu; reimbursement of such expenses to the said county. 70. The expense of supi)orting all indigent insane criminals I i^c.. now in the Pennsvlvania state lunatic hospital from (jui'mty'V. pay ^^'^' ^ouuty of Fultou, uudcr sentcuco of the court Hiiipp.'.'niu'K* ^'f ({uarter sessions of the said county, and whose insVn'o'cHml l^'-'^t placc of Settlement was in any poor district in ""■'"' said county, at the time of sentence by said court, and all indigent insane criminals that may hereafter be sen- tenced by the said court, to any lunatic hos})ital for insam' persons, and whose last place of legal settlement may In- in any poor district in said county, shall l)e pai(t liv iicl 111' 1^4S, i:!.-..S 1. ])e a body politic and cor]»orate, by the name and ,',', style of the "trustees of the [Pennsylvania state 11,0,11..,, at.. i. lunatic hospital]," and shall manaiL;e and direct the concerns (if the institution, and make all ncce.^sarv bv-hnvs and reirula- tions not inconsistent with the (•t)nstitution and laws of the comnionw calth ; and shall have power to receive, ''■ hold, dispose of, and convey all real and ]>ersonal property c(iiivey<'d to them by i;ift, devise or otherwise, for the use of the said institution, and shall serve without compensation; of those first api)ointed three shall serve for one yc^ar, three for two years, three for three years, and at the ex[)iration of the respective periods the vaeaneies to ]>e tilled by ap- v;uiii,.i.-s, nointnients for three vears; and should anv vacanev occvir bv death, resignation or oth(>rwise, of any trustee, such vacancy shall bo tilled by appointment for the unex})ired time of such trustee. The said trustees shall have ehar2,e of the general in- terests of the institution; they shall appoint the superintendent, who shall be a skilful physician, SiiinMiiiteuil- I'lit. subject to removal or re-election no oftoner than in p(M'iods of ten years, except by infidelity to the trust reposcnl in him or for incomj)etency — said physician shall always reside in the asvlum.he shall be a married man, and his familv shall reside * By tlie .ict of 1841, j). 57, n cotnniission was ajipiinted to select a site for an :i-iy!iiin, iiiid in the discharge of their duties piirciiascd a tract of land on the west l,;mk of the rivci' .Si'hnvlkill, now occupied liy tlie lilociilcy alni>ii(,use, liieinoj)- eity of tlic city of I'liihidelphia. i'y the act of ISl-"), p. 1 1(», ;i ciniinission wns ai>iti>inti'd (o silcit a now site ncin- Ilai-rishnri:'. -nid to coiitrni't for tlie erection of hnildinjjs. The asylnin has liceti linilt and is tlie inesent I'eniisylvania state lunatic liosjiital. liy the act of LSI',), p. 4(1"J, the site selected at Philadelphia was sold, and hy the act of !S.')Oj p. ."JoS, ^ 2'-', the [iroceeils wei'e api)ro[>ri;iied to ihe asvinni at llarrishnri;. Tile I'onnlies coiiiprisinEC the Ilarrisiinri; district arc: Adani^, I'edford, I'erks, Illair, Cnndierland. D.inphin, i-'ranUlin, Ftdtoii, llniiiingilon, Juniata, Lancasur, Lebanon, Milllin, I'erry, ScliuylkiU and York. i . ■ ; 1 1 '- iW , ■ (MS PKNNSYI.VANIA. Ibid 5 0. Tuwcrs (if Ml|ii'lilitrliil eiit. with liini ; the tvnstccs, by and witli tlio consent of tlie <;ov- liy-iiiws. ornor, shall make snch hy-la\vs and regulations lor the iiovcrnniont of tlio asvluin as shall he noccssav; thov Tioii-inci-. shall apjioint a treasurer, who shall ,L!,ive honds to the eoinnionwealth for the faithful diseharne of his duties; they saiiui.s. shall determine his coiuiiensation for services ; also the salaries of the otlicM' ollicers and assistants, who may he necessary for the just and economical administration of the affairs of said hos[)ital. 78. The superintending:; physician shall ajipoint and excer- cise entire control over all snl)ordinate ollicers auil assistants in the institution, and shall have entii'c direction of the duties of the same. 70. The said trustees, and their successors in ofhcc, shall have ii,i,i,!;7. ]iower to take and hold in trust, for the use anil lieneht of said asylum, any grant or devise ot land, and any donation or bequest of money, or other personal j)rop- erty to }>e applied to the maintenance of insane persons, in or to tlie general use of the asylum. 80. The admission of insane patients from the several coun- U'i'i ? - ties of the commonwealth, shall be in the ratio of i-Hiii'iiis. their insane population; provided, that each county shall be entitled to send at least one insane patient. 81. Indigent persons and paupers shall be chargeil for nieil- ii,i,i^^:,. ii'al attendance, board ami nursing, while ri'sidents ''"^*'''"' in the hospital, no more tlian the actual cost; juiy- ing patients, whose frieiuls can pay their expenses, and who are not chargeable u})on townshi[)s or counties, shall pa\' ac- cording to the terms directed l>y the trustees. 82. The courts of this conmionwealth shall have power to n.i.i ,< 1(1 commit to said asylum any person, who having been charged with an otiense punishable by imprison- ment or death, who shall have been found to have been insane, in the manner now provided by law, at the time the olFense was committed, and who still continues insane, and tlu^ expenses of said jx'rsons, if in indigent circumstances, shall be i»aid bv th<' countv to which he or she may belong hv residence. 83. It shall be the dutv of the court, in all eases wh(>re thev "ill s n. shall commit anv ner.son to the asviuni, to certify to ""'"'■ the trustees the legal settlement of such person, it rKN'XSYI.VAMA. r.-io if he or she liavo any l(\i;nl sctthiiu'iit in tliis eonmuinwoalth ; and if such pcrscm shall have no such settlement, then to cer- fifv the i)lac(> of residence cd" such [lerson at the time of oll'cnse committed, on apjtlication made, and the pour district so cei'- tified to he the place of settlement or residence of such ])erson, shall be char^eal)le with the ex[)enses of his or her care and maintenance, and removal to and from said asylum: provided, that the settlement or residence of any such person shall not he so certilied, until aftrr due notice shall have heen uiven to the constituted authorit v havinii charLie of poor in the district to he char^e(! therehy. Si. In all cast's wheri^ any court in this commonw(>alth shall (•(unmit or have committed any j)orson to the state Adof is.,4, hniatic hospital, under the iirovisions of the eleventh "y »ii"m >^x- pi'iiM' 111 ri'- section of the act to which this is a sniiidcMnent,* >im.viii ,in,i ' ' _ iniiinti'iiiinrf" where such person has no lesial settlement in aiiv "nn.iiL-.'ntiii- ' -^ • Miiii' ti> 111) district or township in this commonwealth, but oidv '■"••"• "i"' a residence therein, the county wherein he or she is •*'>"i'"'">'"' found or has been fouml a lunatic, shall ])e cliargeable with the expense of his or her care and maintenance, and removal to and from said hospital, and the said coui't shall certify to tlic trustees of said hospital accordinj^ly. S"). The several constitutiMl authorities having- care and cliari^e of the poor in the respective counties, dis- ,\ot..nM.-,, tricts and townshijis of this commonwealth, shall rnsi'',Vau- pi'is. liave authority to send to the asylum such insane jumpers under their chartfe as they may deem proper subjects; and they shall be severally charo;eable with the expenses of the care, and maintenance, and removal to and from the asy- lum, of such paupers. S(). If th(^ ,L;uardian, directors, or overseers .'rs, how charj^feable. shall ne_ulect, or refuse, upon demaiul t-"''.'!'!!".!. made, to jiay to the trustees the ex[)enses of the car(\ mainte- nance and removal of . monwcalth shall always have precedence of iIh' rich; and while the tinances of the state do nol \nr- mit amjilc provisions for all cases of insanity, recent cases >liall have preference ovei' those of long standing. 89. The governor, judges of the several courts of record in n>i,is 10-. the commonwealth, and the members of the legisla- ture shall be ex-oflicio visitors of tlie institution. 00. Whenever, in the opinion of the inspectors of the eastern .Act»n.s.v2, penitentiary, any of the ])risoners therein, wi,|.,ipiis„ii. shall develoij such marked insanity as to reudir ers III tlie _ _ '^ , " .astHiii |„iii- their continued conlinement in said i)enitt'ntiarv tt'iitiaiy may ^ totiu'""'"'"'' iiiipi'oper, and their removal to the state lunatic luixpitai. liospital necessary to their restoration, it shall In; the duty of the said inspectors to submit such cases to aboanl, composed of the district attorney of the county of rinladcl- l>hia, the principal physician of the Pennsylvania hospital lor the insane at Philadelphia, and the princi}ial physician of the l''riends' insane asylum, at Frankford, in Philadelphia county, and in case a majority of them cann(jt, at any tinu whcji required attend, a competent physician or physicians tu be appointed by the court of (juarter sessions of the county of lMulay sendin;^- him or her thereto. 9o. Til every case where a lunatic lias heen, or sliall he com- ii.i.iif.i. mitted to said hos|)ital, after an ac(|uittal of aii\ l'iiH (• ' • 1 1 • (■••iiaiii rasp:*. ti^iitioii 111 court, uudcr tlic lifty-iiintli and sixtu^th sections of the act of tlii^ thirteenth of June, 1S:](!,* or on ac- count of it [having] heen adjud;i;ed dan^^cM'ous for such lunatic to he at largt'; and in all cases where any luiuitic has lieeu or shall ho reinovc(l theri'to from either of the i)eiiitentiaries, or any [irison of this comnionwcalth, under tlie order of a jud)j,c, or of anv court, it shall ho lawful for the trustees of said Iios- ])ital, with the aid of tlie superintemliny; ])hysician, to incjuiro carefully into the situation of such lunatic, and if a majority of the hoard, including the physician, shall he satislied that there is no reasonahle prospect of u cure of the insanity hein^; (■d'ected l>y a retention of the lunatic in tlie hos[)ital, tlicy shall, at the cxi)ense of the proper city or county, cause him or her to he removed to the ])rison of the proper county, or the penit(>ntiary from which he or she was sent. 04. AN'henever an indigent insane i)ersou shall liereafter he ^^'^t^ ^o said hos})ital, the city or county from which ''uv.'r.'miay, li*-' c'r f^lic ^^''i!^ sent, shall be liable to the trustees of iVu-'imiiKiMit'' tbe hospital for his or her maintenance, and shall have remedy over against tlic proper towii>^lii|i, where by existing laws the township is liable for the support of such i)auper, and the overseers of the poor of the town- ship shall have remedy over against the property (*f the pauper, or against any relative rec^uired by law to maintain liini or her, to the extent of their liability under the imor laws. 05. In all cases where money is now, or hereafter shall in- n.i.ijj.T come due to said hospital from any townshi]) er num'.'7Ii»°'^ county, on account of tlio maintenance of any * See note to pi. 92. "^«ika^'''t'.; PENNSYLVANIA. 053 person scMit tlioro by tlio proper lr;^al nutliorities. I',,','.".!']! ',')'' luul no suit is now pending; lor the recovery thereof, '"'" '"'^'' it sliall lie lawful for the lreasur<'r of the hospital to cause u statement of the aecount, with notice of the auiouiit claiuieil, to \>v served on the coniuiissioners of the iiri»pei' county, or the overseers of the poor of the townshi[>, and if tlu' same is not paid within thirty days after such notice and deuiaud, to plaee such claiui in the hands of the attorn(>y-<;eneral of tlu; coinnionwealth, whose ollicial duty it shall be to cause suit to he brouohi therefor in the name of the corporation, in the court of common pleas of ])au])hin county; and the whole proceeding for the recovery of such debt, shall be conducted in the maimer, and the action shall have like ju'cccdeuce, as suits for claims due the commonwealth. "*' ''' * •" iX). On the ajiplication of the friends or relatives of any in- sane person now, or who may hereafter be confined in said hos[)ital, to the court of common i)leas of Dauphin county, or to the pri'sident judji'e of said court in vacation, it shall be lawful tor said court where tlie same may be donc^ with safety to the com- luunity, to deliver over to such friends or relatives the person so confined; but before so delivering' over sucb lunatic, said court or jud;A0 may recpiire sullicient secui-ity to be given in the name of the commonwealth, that such lunatic shall do no injury to the person or property of anyoiu' wIkmi at large, to continue during sucb term of time as the court or judge nuiy direct. 07. So long as applications in behalf of indigent insane per- sons, of any class or condition, are pending for ad- A,tnn^7ii, mission to said hospital [the Pennsylvania state jl,,'" i^hw- lunatic hospital] no adilitional paying patients i'miiKenVi'i'i-'" shall be received. ""'"'■ 08. It shall not be lawful for anv raili'oad comiianv or other 4/ 1 O coriiorations now or hereafter created under the laws A't ..r isra, . I'- •'."^, s I- of this commonwealth, and the same are hereby for-,,!,., '' oil i;iuilllils bidden and prohibited from entering in or u{)on or pi'.i.iiiii.M. from constructing or building any railroad, or other works, within, upon or over any lands, tenements or hereditaments be- longing or appertaining to the said Pennsylvania state lunatic hospital. ihi.i ijii. I>i'l. vi'iy (if iii>iinr III Irii'iiils or ri'Ui il V'H. or judge, S.'ciiiily lo lir uivrll. 14 nljf 4 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) fe .-^z V4 / 5r «/- r^O 1.0 1.1 t 1^ 12.0 m L25 |l.4 |,.6 — 6" ♦V^ / 7 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation iV iV ^ # .'•v '„ *» ^ ^ o 23 WeST MAIN STRfIT WEBSTER, N.Y. MSEO (716) 872-4S03 6^ s> 'y- ■ 051 I'KNNSYI.VANIA. » i 111 DiXMONT AsYFlM.* '••!'. 'llic _Lr«)V('riior, jii(l;:cs of the sovcral courts of record of tlio A.t,.f i>;,-., ((iiiiiMtiiiWLiiltli, iiiiil the inciiilK'rs of tlio lc;,MsIatur( , vi.ii.M> slitiU In- cx-oliifiu visitors of the institution. 1(10. 'I'iic pjvcruor of tlii.s conimouwciiltli shall liavc|io\V(i Art..n««.-K), to aiipojnt, aunuallv, three persons, citizens of I'enii- i..,v..iii,.i 1.. svlvania, to serve as luanaLiers, lor oik- vear, of tlic Mppoilll IllilllU ' 1 • 1 • 1 ' '■■•'-• said Western renn.<\lvaiua ho<|»ital ; and further, the .«ai(l i)(»ard of inanairers shall make and return animally. in the month ttf .lamiary, to the lei,dslature of the state, a full and complete statement, eertititd by tlu'ir j>resident and treas- • rer, of the allairs and contlitions of the said lios[iilal. \'M. When there shall he reasonahU' cause to l)t'lieve hy the t:-t.,f \>.is, phvsieian of the wt-stern state iienitentiarv, that I- I'l $ I . . ... .'■ ..•K..;i,„i;, jiiix- I'onviet c-onlined theri-in is insane, he shall •;.i-iMi.>.-..ii. f(»rth\vith conunuineatt' the same to the proiier \v;u- fni I'.iiii.yi- ,1,.,, ;,|,,i hoard of insiieetors, whose dutv it shall he I'"*' forthwitii to exaniiiH' and inquire into the mental condition of such eonviit, auti if thereujton the hoard of in- spectors shall deem it propel- and advisable, they shall direct the prt)(>tr |ihysi(ian of the said western i)enitentiary, in wliidi such convict is ctmtined, to call to his aiil the physieian of the in.saiie department of the western iVnnsylvania hospital, and another competent person learned in nietlical jurispru, (Ik- " Wistern INnnsvlvinii.i Wn- liicil Siicii'iy" at l'itl>lMirKli was iiuoriKiratiMi. I$_v tlio act of l."5;!S, 1'. L. Is.'i7 ^, |i. '2>V.'>. all a|i|irii|iriatiiiii was tnaile to build a sejiarato departiiu'iit tor tin- iii>aiit', ami toiiiini--i'iiici> wtTi' :i|i|><>iiit('il, wlin iTci'tt'il tin- |iiOM'iit liiis|iiial at Dixnionl, ntnl a liii.-ird 111' ini«ti-cs «a> a|i|><>iiitiMi. I'y tin- ;i<'t nf iSlS, p. 21.S, tin- prcvioii'* ai'ts Wert' npcaii'd, and tlie " \Ve."*tt'ni I'l'iiii-ylvania llnspiial" incorporated aiicl (iriraiii/fd, under tin- control of twenty-one iiiaiiairers. Uy liieacts of IStis, p. 1."), 'f, .">S, aiitate was given a partial control over liie iiiaii.ige- nieiit ol' lilt' a>\ liiin. The t'liinlie- coi;>pri«inL' the Pixiiioiit di'-.rict are: Allegheny, .Vrnflniis, lie. iver, Hntlcr, (anil ria, j-'ayece. tircene, Indiana, .lelierson, Lawreiue, Soimr- ^ct, Washington, and Westmoreland. Many of the sections i.iider this title seem to \)v Hupplied hy the sections iiiuIiT the title, Admission and L>ischarge. supra. IMCNXSYI.VAMA. UO. ) a of till! slalun , ;, of til.' IvirtlRr, iiiiuiiUy, 0, a full 1(1 tri'iis- v by tiio iry, tl'ai he shall )|it'r war- t «liall I'f f nuMilal rd of in- Ill 1 (lirwl in wliicli an of llio (ilal, and •utioncf; menial ^hall 1.0 ill I'lTiity lv;iiii;i H'»- '. L. is:{7-s, the iiisaiif, llif |iri'vinii'< i|M.r:ilc, l,e in;iii.i'4<'- Arni«tri ii|i, luf, Soriiir- I'lliull- lllUii I' and report in writini; their ojiinion to the hoard of inspev'tois, and thereniion. if the said insjtcciors shall approvi' the report of the said physieinns. they shall transmit the same t(t the ,!j,-ov- irnor. and if hy him aNo approved, he shall dii'cft that said uisane jinsoner siial \e returned to said peni- tentiary; and due nolici'ofall such removals or transt'ers shall he i:iven hy llnin to the clerk of the court of the ]iro|ier county in which such prisoner was senteiu'ed, and from which lie wax s(>nt to {\\v said |)enitentiary. lifj. If any person shall apply, hy petition, to any c(»urt of record of an v of the counties of this common ..ealth, A.i,,fi ..;,), Ii(reinafter iianie(l in the eiuh teen th section of this •' (k'..i hv i- min.r.' iiiiorisoiiment. for the term of ninetv ilavs, or Ioniser, i"-""".* "f I .. . ; r^ ^ l'.lili"ii"""">ii"''"i- lies|.ital. of any insane j.erson, within the county in which Slid court has jurisdiction, it shall he the duty of such court \'> i!i(|uiie into the fact of insanity, in a summary way, after uivin^ notice to the alle_ij;ed lunatic, or insane person, or to hi-, or her, friends or kindred, or some of them, or hy award- ing an iiKjUest for that purpose, at the option of tlu' c()urt; and if it shall ap|>ear, to the satisfaction of said court, or if it diall he found, hy such infjuest, that such person is lunatic or in-aiie, and hy reason of such insanity is unsafe to ho at hui^v, or that he, or she, is siilVerinjj^ any unnecc.s."ary duress, or hardship, such court shall either commit such lunatic, or iiisnie pers(ui, to the .said hospital, or if the court shall helieve Mich insane jierson to he incurable, they may cause them to i Si-i' \<\. 1I!>, iulVii. iMMH 41 one I'KNXSYI.VAM.V. 111! (((iiliiinl fl.-i'wlu'ro; i>ri)ii person to he in inili.i;ti:t ciicumstan cc ami said court shall tin reupou ccrtil'y, to the nuinaL;ers. or n the .-olicitor, ol' said hospital, the le^nl settlement of -ucli Iw- f?ane person, if ho, or she, have any le^al settlement in thi- commonw(>altli, and if he, oi- she, have no letial sittlem- nt then to cerlify the place of residence of such insane per: ■oii: which placi' shall then he held to he his, or her, place of settl cniiiity lii.i.i.. uient, and shall cau>e notice thereof to he uiven 1 fur nil rx- iV the sherill' of the countv, wherein >u< li (ourt H held, tit the commissioners of the county, to he charged wiih the (.'Xpenses of such insane person, and to the con>litulcii autliorities having' charge of the poor, in tln' pi>or district, in such county, to which such insane person heloni;s. as aforr- .said; ami the county, wheicin such indigent insane pi had his. oi' her. [ilace of settlement, oi- residence, shall he liahjc to said ho>pital for the expenses of the cai'e, medical attend- ance, and maintenance, and removal to, and tVom, said lios- ])ital, and in ease of death, of thi' funeral expenses of sucli insane person, or persons, with remedy over a^sdnst the projiir j)Oor district, as hereinafter provided. * * * lU.'i. I'ntil tlu' legislature shall otherwi-e jirovide fur tlic care of insane criminals, the several courts of thi- commonwealth, havin.u' jurisdiction in the comitii- mentioned in the I'iuhteenth sei-tion of this act, rc- I olll I* illl- tll.ll'i/l'll I.I rojijiiiil I'l )iii»|iiliilii, '""""I" ,1 ., 1 I .•. 1 .. oii.niiialsat SpCctlNclN diall III' wliere any jierson. ciiar; feij Willi •\ ]"'-ll* of III" I'^IU'C- I' tiVC" CiMllllliVt. my oll'ense or crime i)Unishahle hy impri.-oniiiciit. or death, nniy have heeii found, in llu' maniiei' pm- vided hy law, to have heeii insane, at the time win n tin- oU'ense was committcil, and wdio still continues to lie in>aiie. und in all cases mentioned in ihe sixty-sixth, sixty-sevcntii. and sixtv-ei^hth sections of the act of thirtv-lir-^t of Mardi. L-S til.' if SUcll ;\tttllil- ii^ til.' i;iy l-a- iiVliulH .-oiirt t" -fan' i-^: rs, fir I" sucli in- ill llii- tU'iii' 111. jii'ix'ii: uf soltlr- (fivrll liV iiiiu'i i- ■ull |l 1,,' lial.l.' il aliiii'l- ^au IK' >t' such \\r for Un- its o f till- f * ■ountu- \\\< act, IV- ,1 with iitiuiit. In:* i~|> ,lnll til' |l,c iiir-aii''. -scvciitli. ,f Man I". PKNN'SYI.VAXIA, 657 ISOO,* rclalivc lo (•riiuiiial jiroctdiiro. have tlK- jio\v(>r to com lit, to said liospital, any sncli insane pt rson. (ir [k rso n ns. so l"iiL!,- a liiiic as such |n'r-«>ii, cr ju-rsoiis, contimif lo 1. ll UIIM'll!l( I II lllUl at tiic cxiiciisf .f tl le countv whcro -ucli trial, or jiroccciliiiirs, an- hail, ami fr<>iii which such insane jicrson, or pcrsdns, wa-;. nr w< re, c said h(ts)ii(al, muhr the pidvisiiins of this section, or of the .>ii.\ty- rx"i>ti..iiH. sixth, sixty-'^eveiitii, or sixty-eiLrhth sections of said act of tliirty-l'.rst of March, JsriO,' or any other law f>f this cuiiiiiioii- wcihh, who shall have heeii cliari^ed with homicide, arson, rape, rtihlxry. or l)Ui\i;lary, or who shall have attempted, or en- dcavoreil, to commit any of said oHenses. and who shall have heen found to he insane, in tln' manner providi-il hy law, unless on full exaiiiiiiation. the jury shall lind. l>y their ver- dict, that tliei'e is reason to helieve that aeureofsu sovoral counties, iieroijiafter naiiied, sh.all have power, to send to saiil hf»spital ii.i.i;;.! any indigent insane persons under their care, or <'oi)- aii''ri..\vi'isia|, liiie(i in the jail of their respective counties, and not ii.ay". it.. . 1 ,. ,,, -111 ll"-|'ilHl lllilU awaitMiL!; trial tor anv olleiise, or crime, punisliaiik' cu ilr.,in.• . , . ' . ' , , -111! • • iiii'l' r ilijects for treatment in 'aid hosjiital; the county, on sendinir .'iiiy insane person, or ]iersons, to bi' liahk' to jtay to .said hospital, all ex]it ihcs of tlio care, medical attendance, maintenance, removal to. and from tile hospital, and in case of death, the funeral ex- i.i.i.imy f,.r ponses of such persons; and the several constituted *''i""""" aiitli(»rities, haviiie; char<;e of the |)oor in the resjiective coun- ties, cities, townships and poor district.s in the counties herein- after named, shall have like [»ower to send to.siid hospital such iiidiLTcnt insane, pjersons, under their <"harixe, as they may deem ]ir()per suhjects, and the counties, wherein sueli po(»r districts are situate, shall be severally liable to pay the expenses of the care, medieal atten(hinee. maintenance, (not excee1. 0;5-G5, supra. 42 n.-s PENNSYIVAMA. pital, ;iii(l, ill case! of dcatli, tlii' fuiuTal c.\iicii*--(.s of ^iich |iaii|Hi>. \vitli remedy over ae;aiii.-t llie itoiht poor (liid\i(le(l. Kio. 'I'lie |>rovi.-ioiis of tlie Invt section of il;" art of 'Jlth^- Mai'cii, J.SoN/'^ relative to the ti'aii.-fer of iiisaiu- tnn,Vr.'r'''iiu' t'<»iivicts, iVoiii tlic westcrii state I'diitcntiary (o the "iri'imiy't!.' '"' ^^"'(1 liospi tul, sl ui 11 coiitiinie ill liill foi'ce. as if lure rc-cnactcd ; prdinlnl, lliat a tiniilieate. onuin.ii^ ,,| tlic ceitilicate, and ri'jiort, with the apin'oval of the L!ovei'ih,r thereon, shall ho furiii.-hed to the solicitor of said hospital. wiieii any siicli insane convicts are rcinovctl to said h(ts|»itid. loo. It >hall he lawliil, in case any person shall apply to aiiv ,,,i,uj ., court of recf)rd, within this coninionwtaith. within I,J'",y.!','',''',i','^' any of the countiis hereinafter named, havin^c .jnris- iMKmM'',''r'.'i«. diction ofoUcnses, punishahle l»y iniprisoiinu'iit, fur a term of ninety day or longer, or to a jniiiic thercni'. for the coininitiiient to said i.os|>ital. of any person alK'^cd to be temporarily insane, hy nasoii of the intemperate nse of in- toxicating drinks, for smdi conrt, or a jnd^e tlnreof, to in- (juiiv, summarily, into the facts of the i-ase, lii'st however. <:iv- inan('; and if such court, or a judm' tluiiof, deem it expidient .-u to do, to commit such ]ierson to said hospital, until >U(li tein- jiorary lit of insanity shall he cured; y^/'oc/i/r'/, that such apjiji- H.Tiiiii.v 1..1- cant, or pt'tilioni'r, or tin- friend>, or rehitives. of >ii( h b.-«iv.i«. inehriate, shall lirst ;;ive sullicieiit .security, to he approved hy such court, or jud^e, conditioned f'n- all expenses, of any proceedings undei' any wri Ol •"Xpl'll*! - ..1 pliXTi'.llh,' "fh'tiVas" habeas corpus, which may be awarded tnr the piu- ''"'""" pose of reniovin^i', or liberatinj^, such inehriate hum the custody of said iiosjiital. 107. in every case, where a lunatic, or insane jicrsnn. lias crimin'iiis becii, or shall be, eomniitteil to said hospital, undri' uyZVJuTui the provisions of the second .section of this acf, or el' * See pi. 101, siiprn. rKNNSYI.VANIA. or.9 f Mich lri<-t, as of Jlih insane V In Ihc ; if Iniv :inal, ol rovrrnur linsi>ital. liii-I-ital. ly to any 11, williiu njr j\nis- u'Ut.fnr a f tlu'Hof. alU'Ufil I" iisr of in- •of, to iii- ■i'\{\\ '/\\- V in:-anr: tlirnt so ui-li trni- h al'l'll- • S. (if >Urll ity, to 1"' j.aynn ul al atl«n.l- al. lUi'l ill •ialc: !>iiil wjiital 1"! iv wiit i.\tli, sixty-sovciiih. or sixty-eighth s(v- orv.i tions of the act of ihirty-liist of Marih, l.S(><), rcfcrnMl to in sniil mm-ohiI .-t'eti«)ii of tliis net.'' ami in all ca^cs. iririirii- lili' liv |iliy»i. ri.iii uifl in.'iri- IllT'T-* !■» In* tn. liLiri.'il t.i ilii> pi i-nii iir irnii>'iiii.irv. wlnTc au insane I'cr.-oii has hccn, or .-hall he, re- i moved, or sent to .--aiil hospital, iVom the western state peniten- tiary, or from any jail, or pri-on, in this eomnionweallh, in the manner lureinhefoie pioviiUij, or i)y virtue of any law of this I'ommonwealth. it shall he lawful for the nninaj^a-rs of said ho.s- |iital, or a (lUoruiM thereof, with the aid of the principal physi- cian of the insane (.lepartnient of said hospital, eai'efnliy to in- (|uire into the ea-e ctf such lunatic, and if a majority of such (juorum of the hoard of manauti's, iiu-Iuilini; the physician, shall he satisfied that there is no reasonahlc prospect of a eure of the insanity hein;^ e'leeted, hy a retention of such in.sinc person in >aid ho-pital, they may, at the expense of the ]iru|ier (it V. or county, as the e.ise may he, cause him, or her, to he sent to the jail, (»r prison, of the jn'oper county, oi' to the peniten- tiary, lion which such insane jierson was sent. liiS. In ease of any indi;;ent insane jn'i'sttn, not included in the provisions of the preceilinj; section of this act, the ||,i,|o; expense -f whose care and maintenance shall, hy law, i;','i,','."r,'."'J.";.<, he (harm, aide *" ''">' eouniy, city, or })oor district, of ",^',',','■,','',','^',ed this coniiiionwealth, and who shall he an inmate of I.''„'ri'.''i'!,".',r said hospital, where ii (juonim of the hoard of man- 1',',,'.!,'' ""'""■" ai^irs of >aid iiospital, ineludiuL: the physician of the insane department, shall be salislied that then' is no reasonahle [H'os- jiect of a eure heiiiL:; elleeted. hy u retention of such in>ane per- son in said lio>piial, it shall he lawful for said hospital to re- turn such in-ane pi'i'son to the commissioners of t!^: (.-(lunty, (ir to tlie constituted authorities, havim;' char^^'e of the poor in the city, township, or pocn* district, whit'h ina\' he ehar'.». In case the jiriucipal physician of tlic insane dei)art- iiieiit of said hospital, after careful examination of i,,!,,^.^ the ease of any insane person, heine; an inmate of ,'„'''„ulv'ti',e' said hospital, shall he sutislieil that such person is n!!.,'l,'I,|',Mimi. cure(l of his, ,,r lie,-, insanity, it shall he the duty of "•''-'""■''• such physician, with the ap[>rov; i of the hoard of managers, Sue pi. 103, supra. 'Hi rt m cm rKNXSYI.VANIA. »* I>I1IV .if Hlll'l'lll'. ill cMso siicli insane ixTson lias Iktii cdinniillcd in said lios- |iital Ipv !iny <(iurl <>t' tlii< cnniniunwriiltli. ( xrcptinix in cmscs included in tlie iir(ivi>iii!is of (lie lir.-t and lil'tli seelinns i<\' this act. lit funu-Ii a ecrtitiiate tlicreol", with the ni'i^inal e( rtilirMn- (if eoniinitineiil, to tlie solicitor of said li(is]»ila!, whnse duty il sIimI! !)(' to iidtily the shei'iir, of the proper county, lo reinovi the said in main of said hospital, forthwit ii, at the t x- peiisc of such county; ami thcrciipon, such sIm rilf shall rcnioNc such p' i-on to the jail of the pro]'er countw thiTc lo he held in -trict custody, >uhj('ct (o the further order, de- cree, or sentence, of the court, hv which such person was coin- Krtiiiir- I., r.'. niitled to sail] hospital : and in case such shel'ill' shall t". tan or neglect, witlnn thirty days alter such notice, to return such person from tlie said hospital, the physician i>f said ho>iiital iiiay pro( eed to return sinh cured person to tlic jail of the prt>per county, at the expense of such eoiinly. JlO. In case the principal physician of the insane deparl- n.i.i S !'. nun*, of said hospital, alter careful ex.'imiiialion ef I'hvMi'iall l'> «iv'.' iM.i'i..' I., the case of any insane person, wdio shall have 1 ie( 11 niiiiiiii'"-i"ti- r»..i.v...r sent to the said hospital, undi-r the provisions ot the ilMli),'<'lll ill- . ... • • 1 1 mill.- cMui'.i. third .-eclioii of this act, siiall he sallslied that sueli jiersoii is curc'l of his. or Ixr, insanity, it shall he ihe duty ef said physician, hy direction of the hoard of managers, to iiotity the eoiiimissioners of the jiroper county, which is '.liaru* aMe with the expenses of the care ami maintenance of such persnii, to remove such cure(l |ierson from the hospital, and in ca-e iluy i;.rn..\ai ..f. fall SO to (lo, witliiu thirty (hiys after such notice, the physician of said hospital shall proceed to send such cur.ij person to the commissioners of said county, or to the jail, [h) house, or oilier place, from whence they came, at the e\[ of such coiintv. Ul'' rll-C 111. On the petition of any of the friends, or I'elativc^, of any ii,i,i)(Hi. insane jx'rson, wlin may now, or hereafter,! le cnll- l'riii'fi'iliiiL"< In is»'' pliClliMll I lap- iiiu'il in said hospital, who niav not have heeii iv- I" . . • o, 111 ..r All.', moved to said hospital from the western stale neiii- gliriiy (•.■■.iiity . ' . i..rii...iu tentiarv, or who mav ?iot have i»een eoniinilleij to CllllIK'' ol 111- " . ■ .... '"•'"" said hospital, umU'r the provisions of the ••ixly- seventh section of the act of thirtv-lirst March, IStiO,* relativo See 111. G-1, supra. 1'I;NN>Y1.\ AMA. « I* > 1 id lid-- u (•iisc>- (.r this rtili<'!>ti> • hity it ri niii\ r t lllf fX- , sli.'viir ty. tlu'iv rtlcv. li:ill li u"li''<'. siciiiu "f )H tit ill'' ity. r (lr|.iirt- iiali<'ii 111" lilVi' l"'ll ons of the tlml su'li M' thity "t' , to iioiily \\{\yiX' !»^'''' li ]i(i'>"n, (•a>c llifv •li notice, jail, l'"i»r- •,.c, (,f any I,.]-, lu' (Mill- ie lilH'U VC- .[.^^c I'l'iii- liinitt'd to It lie -^i >;'>■- 1)/!^ ivl alive (o criminiil I'To'tilmc, to tlic (uuii of (■oiiiiiion |»lijis of Allc- ;;liiiiy ioinily. or to ilu- [.rcsidcul, or oiIht law Jml;:*' |'liiaiil. or a|iiilit'aiit-:, lliat ti •• iii^^ain' pf-r-on [<, in ilu-ir (i|iiiiiuii, safe to lie at lar<:»', it >liall lie lawful for saiaim' may ln' done with safely to tiir roiniimnity. fo drlivj-r over till' ixrsoii. >ii ((iiiliiu'd, (u sinli n ii'iid-, or n-lativrs: liiit Itcfort' (irdi-riii;,' llie «li livi i-y o\ ( r, of siuli lunatic, said lourt. or jud;rc, sliall «au>f lioliif of sllrli a|ijdi(alioM lo In- srrvid l»y tin- ap- |ilicaiit, on the si»lici(or of saiti lio-pjtal. at l»ast tni «lays ln.'f<»re llic licariiiL;: and fui'tlnr. inav icouirt' sccuiitv l<» >"ti<-» i- !.<• . I . %frvd III! lie uivMi, in -iiili -uni a> tlic fourl. or jiid.i.'<', may '••••••tor. dii'e<'t,iti llu- iianii' ol ('ojiinionwcaltli, that >-ur|i lunatic, or iii-aiic pci'son, shall he well rarcd tor, and sliall !i..r„riiy r.-- ijn no injury to the pcrxni, or |>ro[Krty, of any ono. '«"""' when at lari-c. and shall not hcconu' cliafucaldc on anv c(Minlv, (ir poor di-trict.of this cipniiiionwcalth, for, and tliirin^, such ti iiii of time as the coiiil, or tin* j"i.i$ii. ol this act, or ot the sixty-si.xtii, sixty-seventh, or r..,ui.^i.-. »• II ■ !• 1 ' !• 1 • I' \ 1 I r— |iiii»il iu si\ty-ci;^litli, sections ol tliea<-t ol tliirty-iir>t .March, ii.^ tir.t ».r. iM'iO, hel'cinhei'ore ref I'l'ed to, ■ it sliall he thedutv i»a.iH i„ r».« ol" the court to lli-lltute the iniiUllles rei|UlI-ed in the .■i.,...,.,i,.»Dd ' \ rfriiB«-.l tu lir^t section of this ad. a-- to the ]iecuniary circuin- ">»<•»(?••••• slaiiirs of such insane pci>oii. or persons, and their place (>( ]vj^:\\ settlement, or residence, and to uive the liotiee-;. therein |iiuvided for, to the etjinmissionei's of the county, and author- ili( < having; charge of the |Mior. in tlu' poor di.~trict to wliicli sucli in-ane jicr-on hi loii^s, hy settlement, or ri'si> iowiisliip, or jiodf (li>lrirt, in lliis com- r; iMir illairirl (■•\- llu' ■ ii|i|M>rt of •iirli i\- ail" p>ii|>rr». Ovi>i r« or Kiiiinliaii" <>r iiiMir Mi;iv ihI nioinvcnltli, tlic county, wlicn' sucli iiisaiH' |icr^oii liMil ii lc;:iil >^cttlciii(iil, oi' I'c-iilciicc, di' tViiiii wliiili, III' or slic wa-^ sent, oi' wIicit the ti'ial, or proccciiiiiLrs WiTo luid, uiHicr wliicli, he or >lic was coniiiiitlcd. (^r sent to aid Iiospital, as tlu; case may he, shall i)c lialilc to aid lucjiital, lor the cxiiciists of his, or her, caif, i.ri.p.riv "f nu'dit'al attendance, maintenance. I'emoval to, and liiKiiiix ' r r.'iiiiiv.'-.. from, the li()>|iital, and in <'a.-(' of death, lor liincral expenses, as in heroinhelore, and hy the laws of this conmion- wealtli, proviijed ; l)ut in all such case >, the county, so charge- able, shall have remeily ovi'r a.uain-l the proper town du|i. city, or poor district, where, hy existin_i:; laws, siuh township, city, or poor district is liahle lor the support of such iu'^aiie p( rson-, where paupers, or a,L;ainsi the prop* riy of such ii;-aiie p( i>nn, or against any relative, i'e(juiri\\i-\[ township, city, or poor district, shall also \\n\r remedy ovi r a<:;ain>t the j)roperty of such insane person, or aiiaiiist ;iny relative re(|uiretl hy law to sujt]iort. or nmintain, him. or Im r. 11-1. The said hospital may a>k, demand, i-eceive and co||c( t. from any guardian, or overseer of the jioor, oi' nf iw;-). p. 4.-.1, any city, towns}np, or poor district, any anioiiiit n>i.i 5 1' ail HiiH'ii ilr.l i >|..1- Itii'lioii iriiiii' ciiuiitics, rlc. \\ hich may he due to them, for the lare, mail iif- iiance, medical attendance, or other expinses, of aiiy insane persons, with which, such guardians, or overseers of tlu' ]ioor, may be eharjr'.ahlc, without im|)aii'in,u' their rirseers, or <; A iriiih.',! i|ty iif ctiiii- llllllll>'lll III llll and l any .-iirli cniiiily, city, i>v t()\viislii|i, wliiili may lie imli litcil as afoi'csaiil, ill tlic cnurl of cuniiiion pitas of Ajji'nlirny toiiiily, oi" in llic di-lrirt cuiirt of said <'oiiiiiy, to collci't till' amount so rlaimid to lie diir, | \vlictlirr| siii'li amount I'xrccds tin' sum of one iiuiidrrd dollars, or otliiTwist'; ainl siu'li actions sliall Kc entitled to like iireceiK'ncL' as suits t'lir claims due to the coninioiiwcallh. I jo. In all cases, where an iii-aiie |ierital, hy any court aulhori/ed so to do. a ceitilied illum (■ii|iy of the conimitniciit shall l)i' furnished to the ... 1*11 *l II 1 *'l ■■••<■■■*' II I to snhcitor ot the no«;jiital, and alieian o| the insane departiiu'iit, lielure, or at iii.v-i.iu-. the time when, sudi iiisaiu per-oii is sent to >aid lio-;|iital, which shall he evidence in any suit hi'oui^ht hy tlie Im-jiitid to receive ( recnver I till' amount due for the e.\|peii h comiiiitineiil on the record thereof, nor hy rca-oii i)f the failure of the court makiui,' such comiuitiiu'iit, \'< nive the notices, or certilicates, reijuind hy the lir-^t and eleventh sections of this act. IK). In all case-:, wliero any county shal' lie liahU'. as afow - said, to the said lios|iitaI. fm' any aiiioui t of the n,;,,,!,-, expenses of any insane persons, and the aiuounl due n.''u'n'i''.i"i7 to said hospitiil. hy such county, shall remain unpaid ,'.M7.'.",;."!"rr lei' tlii'ee niontlis alter di'inaiid, and notice ol tlie r,,, ii,,,-,.' ainiiiiiit due, served with a statement >'' liic account nil the commissioners of such coiim., (U'a majority of thorn, it shall he lawful tor the mana<;ers of saiil hospital to return, to the jail of said county, those iiisai c [icrsons, whosi' expenses arc (hie, and remain uniiaid hy said county, exceptine- such as may have hecii removed to said h'VI.\ ASIA. t ' I 11,1,1 J ,„ fi'iit ciiM's ^Ilall linvf |'iiT» I'ciicr (»vtr tlnKc ol' lunir m'i-i'.'i'Mir'i,.i. ^tiiiidiii^f, iiml, as lar as llic ciipacity *>{' the lit»s|iilal will )>('niiil, llic iiMJim'iii iii-aiic. -Iiall liavc (H'ccf- • iciicc of paviii;;' patients. J l.S. 'I'la- suit! Ii()>|iital >liall iliar;4v fur all iiiaii(' pri'- ,1,,,, J ,- sons, ( (imiiiilttil ti) llaii' I liar^^f, iiy any cnnrt, or lii'.'ilu'l'.iu I'l'i"^ fttnils, nl' this r >tiit llicic l.y tli*- *"""'■ tuniniissioni IS ol' an\ ruinity, m- ilic tiin>litiitci| aii- tlinritics liavinj: cliar^c (»!' tin- immh', ur uninvcil thitlit r Ilhu tlic wtstfi'u state iicnitcntiary, siidi icasnnalilcaniuunt, |i •• the cari', ni( (liial attrnihuui- and niaiiilinunri", inilinlin;: rln. .inir. and for t'uncral, and (itluT, »'X|»ciim-s, a.s may in' lixtd. I'ltiin time to time, in inanntr iuliowin;;, to wit: tln' lioanl of niana^icrs K«i«. shall, at any ic^ular nl(■t•tin^^ lix the rale to \>r c'liar^(' rei|nii-eil; jirniiilnl, tint in the notici's, to tlu' managers, (•allin;jj sneh meeiin::, it shall he slated, that the I'ate to he char.Lied to indigent insane persons, is to he fixed thereat, and the rate, so fixed, >hall con- tinue lor at least three months thereafter, and until the same is altered, at a niettin^ of the hoard of managers, called for thai purjiose; hut for those insane |iatients, who are not indipeiii, and whose estate is adequate, or wlaxi' friends are wdlin- ht p;iy their exi)enses, tlu' hospital may chari^e such ierm> as du- board of managers may direct.' 1 11'. The counties of this commonwealth, from whiih insane ,1,1,1 ^< , J, persons may he connnitted, or sent, at the e.\pen>;e Vl'irii'in-'ri.I'' "^ ^\ii.'\i counties, to saiil ho.-pilal, are the followin::, !.!-ni'mii,'ui'r.i '" ^\i' : AiMiistron;^-. Alle^dieny, lU-aver. liutlt i-. ( 'an!- hria, Clarion, Cleariield, ('rawl'ord, Mrie. Mlk. lurest. Kayetti'. ( irt I'ue, Indiana, .lellerson, Lawience, Mereer, Mt l\caa, SoiiK rset, Wnaiij^o, \\'ashinYI.\ AM A. G< Hi lllli. 'I'lir urtiiiiiil iiiiw (iwiutl.ur wliirli iii!i\ lie lull all* r |iiin liiiM il liy siiiil li»i>|.ital, >liiill tint l>f riiliji 1 1 (i liiivf aiiv |iUlillc .'(Ircl. liilH iillt \ , nr i'(iai| laiil n lit or (i|i( licii, I liiiiimli It. -(' l(iii,u' II"' 'lu' .-aiiH' .-liall licld. II- I'd ami tiii|il(iyt(l, I'm- i lie | ill r| m i>t ■ ol' said li |iitiii; and any loail, (if ri;;lil nl' way, lu'ictortdi' exist- i ( >|><'huiu' of I'lil.U lliK.llllll L'M.llll.U |i|u. iMlMlr.l. .v Utiiik' iihI (iccii|iicd liy -aid lHi-|iiial, wiii/ii »liail not liavii v.ic.t.'.i III t'l 1 laid tiiil. li\ (ii(l( r (if court, cr ii\ .icliial ^raiit oi' convcv- aiici , (liil\ i( curd) '(• and the >anir i< Ik r( l>v vaiat( d I'JI. 'I lie |ifiiii|il(ni( nl,'^ shall iipl'ly ,> 'he cax' (if any ]icrsiiii, ((iiilint'd in tho (•(inini'in jail nf any of the 1 (•(iiinlics, iiK ntioncd in Ihr liuhtccnih M'ctitin «.f -^aid Art ..I iMll, 1' r.i. < I. 'l ov i>l,>IIH ii'liillvi' 111 fe- ll .r lu- Kiiiii' rroiii II , rtiiiif 11,1111 iv ilic smtiMicc (If (ifd( f anv idiifi ■ i ('(ini- juii-. toHiiom jirliiit ,|iii'isditti(in, III any -iiili ciii' ly, and who shall ii'il he niiih f >cnt( ncf of dcadi : ifnciddl, {\\;[\ uic ]ifiii- cipal i>liy.-i(iaii, ol' the in-aiii' di pail iiiciit o|' the \V( slrin i'ciin- sylvania lio>pilal, shall (Uxin such pci.-on to he insaiu-, iind a lit suhjcct fiif Ifcatnii-nt in -aid hnspital, and tiiat tlic (iidor fof the fcnioval of smh in-aii" (■liniinal .-hall he appfovcd hy llic coUft, hy which he oi .-he was -ilitt'laed, of hy olie of the jlldliCS tlief('of. I'll. W hell any in-aiie iier-Mi shall liave hciii coinniitted to said hospital, hy any coiift liavin;,^ authofity so to do, ,,,,,, ^ ,j Of has lieeii feinovi'd thilhef ffoni the wosteni slate ':;;;l;i'.!- ,",';. ]ienileiitiafy, undef the pfovisions of act of assi-nihly ^,^'a,,T Ti'i'i'iii. (if this eoniiiionweallh, of I'lth of ^hlf(•Il, lS,jS,t or "'' ^' iViiiii the eoiniiioii Jail of any eoiinly in this cominonwealth, as provided hy the iifst section of this act, and the lenii of sen- tence of siieh cfiniinal .-hall expire while he of slu' is -till an iiiiiiate of said hospital, (he county, froin whieli sueh insane Cfiniinal was eoiiiniitte(l to said peiiiti'iitiary, jail, or hosiiital, shall he liahle to pay I'of the nie(lii'al attendance, inainieiianee, and clolhiiii;, of .-uch insane person, t'(>r so loii^ as he or sho shall remain in said ho.-pital ; and in ease (if his or her death, uf feiiioval thefcfroin, the fiiiural expenses, or ex[i(.'nsi's of f(iiio\al, as the >'asu niay ho. * Act (inS(;,*J, .-!• i-a. 111. 104. t See pi. 101, supi-a. If nr.G PKNNSYI.VANIA. 12'-. All writs issn('(l liy tlic coiii't of common jilcns, or district court of Alloii'ln'iiv countA', in nnv suit StM'virc I to III- ilili'i'Ii'il t.i >Iiim;iI Il'SpilliVl Uroumlit n;;ainst any county, city, or to\vnsIii|). hy tlic said hospital, shall lKMlircc'lcassa,i:(' of this act. wlu-n any in- sane or indiii'ent person not oaretl for, nor claini('(l by the autliorities of eitiier or any poor tlistrict of Allciiheny county, shall have been taken into cus- tixly by any otru'cr authorized to make arri'st, or if detaint'd by any captain of the watch or other muni- cipal authority, or by the warden or assistant wanh n (> county jail, or any s of the court of common jtleas of Alle- gheny county within twenty-four hours after said person shall hav»' been placed in his custody, accompanied by the evidence or allidavit of two re|)Utable citi/ens, settinjj^ I'oilh the condition of such insane or iniliji'c'nt ))orson refiueslin"; the immediate action of said court. Tl 1; n.i.l ;< -1. Com t to or- iliT »iiili por- ). 1 iiesau. judges uiton sucii snowiui^s hall, as their iud nient may direct, order such insane orindiu'ent per- son to be conveyed forthwith io either the Allc- iio All,'- (rhenvcountv home, thi> Allciihenv Citv poorhuu-c, the city fai'ui of the guardians of th(> jioor of the L'lli'llV COIUIIV 1 loliO', I'll*. city of rittsburgh, or the western I'einisylvania hospital, at iJixmont, there to lie ju'operly cared for by the authorities uf said institution or eitlu-r or any of them. l'J.i>. The cost of maintaining such indigent or in-^anc pi-r- ,i,i,i;; 5 son shall be chargeable upon the })0or authoi'itics >t ot Miairi- taiiMiiL" -iii'h IH'|•^nll^. of the settlement last hail as to provoiit said district iVom rccoverinj; .said co.-sta IVoni tlie })oor authorities of said sotlii'iiu'iit. DAXVir.I.H AsYM'M.* 127. The governor shall noiiiiuat(>, and ]»v and witli the ad- vice and consen toftl iOsenate.a|)])(iint nine persons to Act ..r is::! he trustees of the said institution, who shall 1)0 a hodv i.^ 1. iliil (•'{■ tlii> il li.i illc iioliiic or corporate, hv the name and stvle of the i' . . . ' '' trustees of the state hos)»ital for the insane at l)an- > ville, Pennsylvania, and shall !nana,>;e and direct the concirns of the institution and make all necessary hydaus and thim-w t.> rejiulations, not inconsistent with the constitution and '"■"i'""""-"'- laws of the commonweidth, and shall have power to ,',',', !."iV'n!'"^' receive, hold, dispose of and convey any real and personal pro|)erty conveyed to them hy gift, devise '"" '"'"""■ or otherwise, for the use of said institution, and sliall serve without compensation; of those lirst apjiointcil, three shall serve for one vear, three for two vcai's and three for three years, and at the exjiiration of the respective periods, the vacancies shall be tilled by appointment for three years ; and should any vacancy occur, Ijy death or resignation, of any ti-us- tee such vacancy shall be tilled by ap[)ointment for th(> unex- pired term of such trustcj; the said trustees shall havi^ charge of the general interests of the institution: they shall appoint the sui)erintendent who shall be a skilful phvsician, suporint-iia. luinduir with the treatment of tlie insane, subject i>i.y.,iciiiii. to removal or re-election no oftener than in i)eriods of ten years, exce[)t by infidelity to the trust reposed in him or for incom|)eteiicy ; said physician shall always reside in the hos- |)ital, shall be a married man, and his family shall reside with him; the trustees shall also appoint a treasurer, Trciisiunr. who shall give bonds to the commonwealth for the faithful dis- charge of his duties; they shall determine his compensation for services, also the salaries of the other oilicers and assistants who may be necessary for the just and (Economical administra- tion of the affairs of raid hospital. * Hy tlie iict o( IStlS, |). i)lt, i'"iuiiiissi(ini'i's were jipiioiiiti'd tn soU'ct a siti.' I'm- an iidiliiiiiiiiil ;i>iyliim Tor the northern distriet of tlie stittc, and the asylum lia.s lieen built at Danville. ""mi I T ^ ^;| ^ 1 1 1 I i 1 ii ! 1 = ■ i 1 i i::! :i T-^B^M^m^ 6G8 I'KNNSYIA ASIA. II. •IS r2S. The siipcriiitiiuliii^ jiliysiriaii .1 iivcr all sulioidiiuiti' cilliccrs and !upVnnt'.'.n.i. ussistaiits ill tlu' 1 ii.>liliU lull, aiid shall iuive ciiliro thrfiijuii nl iliL' ilutics (»1 the same. ]:!'.'. The said trustees, and tlnir sueeessurs in oflieo, shall have itouer to take and hold in trust, lur the use Pow.-rt..,! ' , . . , , . , i.r.iMriy. ;iiid lieiulit ol Slid liospilal, a 11 v <;rant or ilevist- of laiitl, ainl any donation or hetjuesi ol" inoiiey or otiier jiersoiial jirojierty, to be a|i|ilied to tlu' niainteiianco of insane persons in or to the ^lential use of the ho.-|iital. l;l(). The SLV»'ral sictioiis of tlu- aet of asseinhly, aj)|»rovcd, ii.i.ij;4. A|>ril fourteenth, one thousand ei^ht hundred and CVii;iiii |in>- _ _ _ ... ' . vi.;.i,-uii|.ii- fortv-live, Iroin seetion ei^lit to seetion lifti'en.Mu- calili! to lios- •_ ' _ _ !'''•''• elusive, also the several seetit^ns of the aet of assem- bly, aiipntved April eij^hth, one thousand ei<;ht hundred and sixty-oui', from section one to section live, inclusive, f JH't' liertby cxteiitK-d and made ajU'licable to the state liospilal I'or tlu' insane at l)anville. lol. < hi the a|>plication of the friends or relatives of any ,,,i,i < ,, insane pi-rstui now or who may liereal'ter be conlined pM'.'..'lil'!rr!"t.. i" ^i'i'l hosj»ital, to the court of common j)leas of .l.-iiV.T. .1 li.Mr relalivi ,., Montour county, or to the president Judj^e of sai, wlu-re the same may be done with safety to the s.>r.irii.v may eoiiimuiiity, to delivcr ovcr to such friends or rela- be ....... i.c.i. (i^.^,, ti,^. j,^.i-ane person shall tlo no injury to the pi r- san.. iinii.' Ol tJie court ot anv countv ot the northern district liiisp'tiil at 1 • 1 "^ 1 1 • i' • 1 • 1 r iiairi^iMiii,' named m the act estabusiiiii'r the statt; iiospital for inav 1..- r.-- . " ' ni(.v..i t.,. the insane at Danville, may be removed tanville. The northern i't- l.'rl I' 17-.. S •! inlii'* Ml • rdnTU * * [Xortliuiuherland, rnion. and Snyder]. * \\'ari;i:n AsYi.CNr.* int. The governor shall nominate ami, hy and with the advice and consent of tlu^ senate, aj'point nine per- Acior issi, sons to he trustees of said hospital, who, under the p. >:t. s 1. ci')vi'iiiMr to lIpp.'Mlt nus- iiame an I lospi- tnl for [\w Insane at Warren. Tennsylvania," shall '''>''' manage and direct the concerns of the institution and make all necessary hydaws and re_•"" them hy ,L!,ift, devise or otherwi^^e, in trust for the use of said institution, and shall serve without compensation; of " jse lir-t apjiointed three shall serve l\)r one year, thret.' T'-hu. for two years, three for three years, and at the exjuration of tlie respective [teriods the vacancii's shall he tilled hy appoint- ment for three years as hereinbefore provided, and. should any vacancy occur l)y death, resionation or (»therwise of any trus- tee, such vacancy .shall be tilled by apiiointment as aforesaid fur the unexjiired term of such trustee. l;!."). Not more than three trustees shall be appointed f'-oni, or he resident in, any one county at any one time, n.i.ij.,. nor shall any triLstce be in any wise interested, di- l^'n^l\'Z7 'iLt nctly or indirectly, in any i)urchase for, or furnish- ,'.'I,','','i '",',"«„ p. in^ to, the hospital of any article of any kind, in- '''"''■ tended for the use of said hospital. * Ry tin- act iif 1S73, I*. L. 1S74, p. 'XM\, i-ommissioiiers were nppoiiili'd to select a siU' lor ail aililitional 'isyliim for tlio norlliwesteni ilistrict of the state, and tlie asvluni |i;is Ijcei) built at Warren. 1 1 1 l! i! M 070 rKXNSYI.VANIA. j 1 h jL • >.. 1 loii. The said truslt'os sliiill luivc rliiir removal or re-i'li-clioii no oiU'iii'r than in jicriotls of live years, exce]it i'or inlidility to the trust rejiosLMl in him, or for ineompi- teney ; said [tliysieian shall always iiside in the hospital and his family shall ri'side with him. Tlu' hoard of trustees may appoiiu Ki'iimic |,hy- ii skiUiil female physiiian to have immediate eiiar^e of the lemale (hi»artment of saiil hospital, under the supervision of the superintendent and the trustees, and who shall he appointtil for a term of live years, unless dis- missed lor incom[ietency or unfaithfulness in the performance of hir duliis, and shall he suhjeet to sueh orders and re;,;iila- tioiis as the said hoard of trustees may preserihe. lo7. The trustees, hy and with the etjusent of the L,^overnnr, nii.is4. shall make sueh hy-laws and rej::ulation.s as shall ha '' ''^'"' lU'eessary ; Ihey shall apjioint a treasurer, who shall give honds to the eomnionwealth for the faithful |ierformaii(e of his duties, they shall determine his eompeiisation for >er- Trust..,-s to vices, also the salaries of the other otlieers and a.- Hx s.iliiiii's of _ ijislants of dillerenl kinds, who may lie neeessaiy f"r the just and ecoiiomieal adiuinistratioii of the all'airs v\' tlic hospital. luS. The trustees shall appoint, or authorize the appoiiit- ii^i'is"' meiit of, and (.'Xereise control over, all ullieers ami Ami api'oint oiii.i-iN, .le. assistants in tlu' institution, and shall iiave direetiMii of the duties of the same, .-ul.ject, however, to tlu- existing laws, regulating an«l preserihinn the duties of oflicers of .-lali institutions'. lo!>. The said trustees, and their suci-essors in olliee, slia'l ,1,1,1^^,, have power to take and hohh in trust for the use and !i.''v'i'^o'J .m'''*'' henelit of said ho-jiital. any grant or devise of laml bi-'iii<'M»- ^j. .jii^^, ,l,,ii;iti,,ii ,,,■ l)c(jue.-t of money or other p( r- sonal property, to he applied to the maintenance of in.-aiie persons in or to the general use of the hospital. TiO. The courts of this commonwealth shall have power to ibi.isT. eommit to said hospital any person who, having lo'i't'iiV-ai'iu'""' hceii charged with any oll'ensu punishahle l>y iin- criiuiuaiB. 2)risonnient or death, shall have heen found to have PENNHYI-VANIA. M71 bi'iii in«iiiio, ill the lUiiniur now providcl by law, at tlit- tiiiK' ihc olll'iisi' was foiuniittctl, ami wli () .« till continues insane and the expenses o r sail person. 11 111 me lij:ent I'lr- eiiiii-tanees, sluill he |iaiil hy the county to which '"''" CiiiMily til |my lie or •he 1 uav lielonj hv residence 111. The authorities of the several jMior districts, within that pi>r(ion of the state conipii>iiij; the district for the I Mil S s. I'.Mir ili-iii('t» iii.iy I'oijjiiiic CIlMI--.'- Kll|'l"ilt. said hosjiital, shall have authority, in their . hcr.'in iini)osed upon them, except the actual trav- i..ii-;.ih.n ..r cling ex[)enses incurred in tiie disciiarge ot tlieir in ...miui.*. duties; nor shall said commissioners be conccnieil, in any Wiiy. in any contract for the ereeiicn of -aid building or for hiruisiiing supplies of any kind for the same. NORKISTOWX ASVLTM. 111. The governor shall apj)oint ten commissioners to select a site and build an hospital for the insane for the .A<-t<.n-7u, southeastern district of I'ennsvlvania,'*' embracing li'i.v'nioi'to ' , r.iiii- the city and county of rhilahia, and the coun- i"i» ties of liucks, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester, Northampton and Leliigh; 1 1'j. The said commissioners upon Ihc completion of said * The site selected was Nurristown and the a.sylum has since been built. 'i:!i 072 rKNNSYI.VAMA. I I' ,,,!,, ^ , lioppital, sliall surroinlcr llicir Inist In ,i board (if t'!"'"r.'.i'i,''-'''' iiiaiiaticrs, lu cdiisist of lliirtccii nicmlxTs, (ivo of lliI''ii..'l."o'r"" ^vIlom sluill he aii|iiiiiitc(I l»y the jrovernor from tin' "''""' stale at larL:;(', two l>y tlio councils of tlic city of IMiilatlclpliia, ami on(> by tli(> county commissioner-! of oa'-h of To i-ii i.M.iy the other counties ojultraced in the southcastci-n tlis- trict hercm (IcscimIxmI. .NikI manau'crs or trustees shall lie a hodv oolitic or coi-porato. hv the name aiii] ciuiio.H. styl(> of the trustees em proper subjei-ts, aiid tin y shall be e;('ii(.i-ally chare:eable with the expenses of the care and maintenance and I'emoval to and from tlie hos]>ital Ibr such indigent insane. lbs. The rights which now reside in the courts, as to the n.icisn commitment of the insane to the state hospital, •■"•"•I- lo shall be iiosscsscfl bv the several courts of tli(> (■■■liilliU 111- _ _ ' ■ _ _ '''>"'■• afoi'esaid southeastern district of I'crnsvlvania in relation to the hosjiital herein named. 14!>. The governor, judiics of the several -on record ot (' n.i.i § vj ViailuiH. the commonwealth, anlii)ii from iniliiia ami Jury duty. (). Au'i'iit, apiiointmenf, duties. 7, Sii|ii-rint('iiili'nt of iiiKtitntions at Craii-toi), a|i|ioiiitiniMit, dntit>s; (li'|)uty superiiitendt'iit. ADMISSION AND DISCII AIUiE. 8. T)iii);,'or()iis insane, cfiniplaint, arrest. ',). i'l.xainination, coinniitnient, sul)se- (|iient ri'lt-a^e. 10. ForiiV"f warrants, power of officer. 11. Costs of proceedinj;s how paid. \'2. Costs, how recovered. 13. IVtition for tdmnii>sion of lunacy. 11. Iiii|iiisiiion, powers and duties of coniuiissioucrs. 1.5. Dctc'iition pending inquisition. If). Reports of comnii>.sioners, eoniniit- uieiit l>y Judjre. 17. Patients not cured, wlien discharged. 18. Coininitrnent by relatives, idiysi- cians' certificate. 10. SiipcrinttMiilent and oflicei's, e.\enip- tiiin from prosecution. 20. Kciiioval from asylum. 21. Disc liaige of patients, regulatif)ns. 'J2. Allegation of sanity, commission of liMiacy, proceedings for aiipoint- nu'iit. 23. Proceedings tiiereon. 21. Personal examination; liow con- ducted. 2'). 21 ;. 27. 28. 2!». :'.o. .•!1. 32, 33. 34, 3'), 80, 37, 38, 3i), •10. 41, 42, 43, 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52, 53. 54. 55. llepoit and ilecrce. Ilalieas corpus allowed. Commission, e.xpensi-s how home. Commissioiu'is, coin jiensal ion. Complaints relating to patients, e.xamination. Inspection hy comiiiission. Commimicaliou liy patients with commission to he liiirestiaincd. Violation ofdiity orcruclly, prosecu- tion for. Certain sections of the law to he posted in the asylum. Ollicers, neglect of duty, penalty. Illegal eonlinemeiit, inliinnanity, I'omplaiiils of, removal to asylum. Support, how home. Delinit On of" insane person.'' Indigent insane witii no settlement, commitment. Those wiih legal settlement, when admitted. Indigent insane as stateheiieficiaries. .State agent, duty to visit, powers. Indigent insane, detention of* llemoval of, neglect, expenses. I'rivate patients received. C'ltlMIXAL IN.«AXK. Persons ac<|uitted on ground of in- sanity, disposition of. Support, how Iiorne, suit to recover. Convicts, alleged to be insane, ex- amination. Insane convicts, removal to asylum. Hiinoval to asylum, for what term. On recovery, remanded to prison. Examination, expenses, how borne. Persons awaiting trial alleged to be insane, examination. llemoval to asylum. Remanded upon restoration. Kxamination, expenses ot". '1 .;| j'|l ''}|»(iilifi'(l M'crrtiirv of the IkkiimI. '_'. The uowrimr. l>y mikI w itli tl> ■ iidvii-c iiiul (.•misciit of tli,. ,,,,.„ si'iiati'. slijill iimmallv at (lir Mav srssioii nt' (lie imintr.lHli.l M*'"^"''''' llSSCll |1 llv , ll|>nll tllC CX [ >i I'at i( >I 1 \\n\\ luild liis (iliicc for six years iink'ss sooiifi- niiioved. Ilxciv va.aiav.iMnv Ji|'I'< '1 nt iiii'ii t lo liU a vacaiu'V shall \>v for (he r. - ""'"' ' niaindcrof th(,' Irriii. .'{. Said itoard may aj»|>oiiit a st-ci'i'lary. who shall, hy virlnc ii'i'iS'* of his ollii-c, he a iiirmlKT of \\\v hoard; hf shall Srci.liiiy i.f, ... a|.i".iinimiii, hdld his ollici' duriii': thi' itlcasurt' of said hoarlace of settlement and means of su|)port and who is liaiile f(ir their su[>i)ort. and also attend to their removal to tlieii' homes or })laces (»f settlement ov to tlu' state almshouse or to the asy- lum for the iiicurahle insane, ami shall have lik(> powei' ami authority in respect thereto as is conferred ui)on the overseers of the poor, and shall jterform sueh other duties as may he rcfpiired of him hy the hoard. 7. The hoard shall aj)point a superiiiti'iident of the state iii- ibiiij?. stitutious in Craiistou, who shall lu)ld his oilicc T^ 'P f RIIOKK ISLAND. (;<;» .liiriii.ii plcasmv. Sudi (.llicrr >li:ill. uii-k-r ':.';;,,;'/,,::,:'" their (liivrlioii liiivc the fdiilrul mihI iiiiin:ij,'«iin-iit !,'I,p,"''iin'."i ,,f ihc * * * sljilc iisyliim fur tlif iiiciUiiMi- iiisaiu- *"■'''""•"'' * * * ami i(|Hir( t') tlic Imai'il iVoiii tiiiK- U> tiim- u|»iiii tiitir rniiilitiiiii ami iiiaiiauciiiciit. 'I'll*' liuanl >liall. ii|ilta-nie of the huai'd. Said .■-u]i«i'inten(lent shall appoint all the assistants to the deputy -uperinleiidents and -ueh other pei'-ons employed upon said -tate t'afin as the hoai'd shall deem necessary and shall liall li\ the eom- peiisition of theif secfctaiy aiitl ol' the suj>erintendeiit ol' tlu' -ta, ■ in-tilntions. the ai^M-nl of >tate charities and correc- tii'iis. till' deputy sMperinteiideiit^ and their assistants, * * * and all other persons employed in any niannt-r upon >aid .-tate tarm and the institutions thereon, adopt all needful rule- and reiiulations for the government of the institutions upon .-aid faiiii. and make eontracts I'm- the lalnir of the inmates thereof. s. Whenever complain! in \vritin<: and umler oath sjiall Ik- made to any trial justice of clerU of a Justice court, ,.„ -^ ^ , that any person within the county is a lunatic, or <<» i^'i',',''l"',','..V. illl ».'ii fiirM't7"'' person hy warrant under its hand aiul seal to the liutler hospital for the in.sane or to the state asylum for the in-aiic. there to be detained until in the judgment of some '11 C7(] miOOK ISLAND. ill justice (•(iiirl of llic c'diiiily in wliidi lie iumv lie dftiiiiud Ik sliiill. upon iuspcc-tioii iiiid cXjUiiiniitioii, Ix- dcclin'cd (o \)v n- stored lo souinlliess of Miind. or to be lio loiioii- undei' tlic lieeessity of restrain I. (tr until reeouuj/.iiiiee iis id'oresaid, sittis- faclorv to sueli court, shall lie ^iveii. JO. The court shall, in its warrant of comniitnienl, state the iMHS'i. town in which such lunatic or mail person was nr- Kcinn iif Hiir- i • i i rt»»i'i' • rested; and th(> ollicer charged with the execution .iuiy,.i,.iii,rr thereof shall have the same power to commit sudi ])or.son to the Jhiller hospital for the insane as thou<;h said ho- j»ital Were within his precinct. 1 1. The costs of apiireheiidinu:. examininji;, committing; ami iiM.iiJi. dt'tainiuii such lunatii- or mad person shall he paid .■.■.•,ihic>iu.,i l>y such person n he iiave anv estati-; othei'wisi', m lll'li'lllinll. ' ^ . •11 1 • 1 •! ■ iiuw the Inst nistance, and until tiie naltility ol some otju'r town in the slate for the maintenance of such person is ;h1- niitted hy such town, or ascertaineil hy jtroper |troceiMlinj,^s. hv the town in which sucli ])er.son shall have been appreheiideil. .12. Whenever any person or town chai^c'cable with tlu- co-t> ibidg.v '^'"^ exi' of apprchendin<.!;, conimittin;; and di- 'ledoViH-rsiMi taining or keopini; any siu'h lunatic or mad p( isoii, ort.nvi.iiai.i... ^j^.^,, ,n.^.l^.^,^ (,, pay t lic sauu" or cither or any part thereof, it shall the duty of the committing court, and tin ri<:;lit of the superintendent of .said ho.spital, or of the supei iii- tendeiit of tlu' state institutions in Cranston if he be ('ommitiol thereto, to . On i)i'tition under oath setting forth that any person is ibidsfi insane and that the welfare of such person or of mnu!.'i"/oif others requires Iiim to be placed in a hospital for the in.sane or to be restrained, any justice of the .supreme court may forthwith api)oint not less than three com- missioners to inquire into the condition of the subject of such petition and to report all facts connected with or bearing upon the same, together with their opinion whether such person, if insane, should be i)laced in such hospital or the statu a.syluiu for the insane, cither for cure or restraint. or cum lunacy. m HIKtHK ISI.ANI). «177 uy UK UllliUnl |-«>rm'i;il, lil of all Inlcc'tiiii:'. IM- (>I h> i'l lilt: \\\v com- im- Ulinll II. IJcfdi-c siiid ('(miniissioiu'vs <]\:\\\ itrdciril with (lirir in- (|Misifinii. tlicy el the atleiidanee of and swear witnesses; and shall hear all eviHtrnint liiiintir ne( 1 of. |M'iiiliiiK I'OIII- and may onler him to lie detained in the cu-tody of the oflicer to whom the warrant shall he directeil, or to he committed to the Ihitler liospital for tlu' insane, or tin- state a. cnutirm or (lisallow tiie same, ami may oi'der the jii.u-.' 111...11 pci'-oii complained 01 to l)e contined in tlie iiutler ll^^^i..l..•l■». liosjiital for the insane, or at the state asylum for the insane if he can he there receivi'il, or in some other curative hospital for the insane of good repute, ^vitllin or withotit the state, or may dismiss the jietition altogether. 17. Any person committed to any of such institutions, under the provisions of the preceding four si'i-tions mav, iiu.i j m. 11 1 ii -ii-i 11' I'ersoiiH com- although not restored to sanitv, l)e discharged there- miti.-.i, «i,.-u Irom. upon the written recommendation ol the trus- <-h:u-:r.i 1 • 1 1 <• 1 1 tlioin.'li uot toes and superintendent tlicreof, by an order of any '^"■■••' justice of tjic supreme court, to be made in his discretion. IS. Insane persons may be removed to and placed in said P.utler hospital or state asylum for the insme, if oJ'euJ.uitu, .' ill 11 !if OTS IIIIODK ISLAND. Ii ! 4 of lllllKllra. by pari'iit". frl"D(l«, 111- tlicv (•;m lie llicic rcfcivf"!, niiii|M'i'\ i>inii ot'ii Imi.u'iI uruniciis a]i|iiiiMt('il iiihIci' the aiitlidtilv of tliis or .-utii«' hIIk r stati , l>\ tlicii' )ijirtiil- di' piiifiil, or miiii'tlinii-, if any tlicy liiivc ami if iKit. l>y llicir iflalivi's and rrifinls, and if paiiiK r>. liv tlir.iMi-. si'dsdf till' |MMir of tlic towns to wliicli tlicy arc rliar^valilc; but llMMi|irrint< iidciil of .>aiil lio>|iital -liall not rcctivc an\- ]>crson into Ids ciistoily, in -udi case, williout a <■( rtiliratc fiuni two practii'inu pliysicians of ^ooil .-tandin;:, known to him as siicli. that >nc'li |M rs(jn is insane. ]!•. .\ny )i«'rson t'onnnitt<'crilMd. may lie lawfullv n^ii !) I'.v I'..u..r.if mil. I i.i rp- ci'ivc mill il ittiii iiiiiuiii^ iTccivcd and detained in said in-litntion liy ihr su|>eriiilendent thereof, and hy his ke(|irrs and servant>. until (lischar;;ed in one of the iiiodrs herein |>io\ided; and iieithi i' tlie su I le rill tell I lent of siieh i list it lit ion. h is kee|pei's or X ivant>, nor the trustees or agents of the .-aiiie, shall he lialde, eivillv or ei'iniinally, for reeeivin;;; or (h'tainin^; any person so com- niitted or detained. 20. The in'i'son or jiersoiis reniovin;j; an insane jierxin in, n.'.i 51:!. and i)laeiny' nini in. siieh institution within t hi- state. Who may re- itnj «^- 111 1 1 1 * luuttticd and also the |ierson or persons w ho. hy thtir o\\ II free act and accord, and wit'iout any olili^ation inijio.-ed \> law, have hecome ivsj)onsi])le for the payment of the e.\p( hm inl- of any such person at such institution, if ni'cessary to tei nate further responsiltility, lait none other, shall have ihi jiower of reniovin^f such person therefrom, cxce[tt as lniviii- afler proviflcd. ■Jl. 'J'he superintendent of sucli institution for the iiisMiic itliin this slate niav, on the aiiitlication of miv II i. I S 14 Siij't iiiay (lin- C'llllli.'!', H lu'll. \\ I'l' I'elativi' or frit'iid, and with the approhatioi I. ill wi-itinii-. of the visiting' committee of the trustees, diseliai'Liv from such, institution any patient not coinniittcd liy \>i ( n'l '>^ I ' 1; IW, 22. (^n petition, under oath, of any pei-sou not eoiitiiud nui 5 iv C'JUlillCd siieh institution for the insane, to a .justice of the supreiiit^ court, scttinj; forth that he has rea>on to helievc and dues believe that some piT.^on coiiliiud llllnhi; |S|,AM». (171) I'l lIlllKK tlifl-.'.ill. II i.l n i<; Ham" miliji'rt. tilt Trill i< lint iiiMiiic and is iiiiji'slly iltprivrd nfliis lilxrly, ill.' -aid jii>ti(r may, in hi- d .'ri'lion, iM>uc a like ciiiiiiiiissiKii, as litrfinlH'IniT |ii'(iviilrd. fur the purpose uf iii'iuii iiiji' inlt» (In- ciMiililinii nf siicli person. •j;'.. Ill sUcll CilSf no notice shall lie served Upon the |Mrson (•ontiii'd as insane, nor shall he have the riulit to eniiler with eniinsel, to proihlee evidence or he pre-eiit at the iiKjuisitioii ; hut -iich notice shall l,,' served on, and such ri_nhts shall he enjoyed solely hy the petitioiiei'; nor >hall said petitioner, nor any cou.isel Ih' may employ, nor any w itiiess he may desire to use, have the ri,L;ht to \ isit or examiiie said insane persmi except with the pei'iiiis-ion ,,\' the sn|,( riii- teiideiii of >ucli institution, or aeciirdint;- to its rules or hy .-ju rial order of the ju-iiee issiiinn- th,. c(iiiiniissi(in. ■J I. The personal examination hy the co'iimissioiiers of such jiei-oii detained as insane shall take ph.ce al the in- stitlllioli whei'e such pei'son is det:iined, and not ll>iliall take place without the pi'eseiice of the superintendent or any other person connected with such inslitulioii; nor shall such jiersou so (h'taiiied as insane he taken from the institution upon any juvti-nce or for any purpose whatsoever, pv'iidinj;' such commission. •J.'. In on tlie coming in ot said report, may either conlirm or disalhtw the sanu' and onler the dischar;i;e of such itcrsuu, or dismiss the petition altogether, as the truth sliall seem to him to re(piire. 'j<>. Notliiii*^ in this chapter shall he so constriie(l as to im- pair or ahiMiiu'i' till' riy,ht of anv |)erson lo the writ U'l'i >< i^'. (if liaheas corpus. i""*- ■J7. No (•ommission shall bo issui'd hy a justice of the supivnie court, either for the purpose of coidiniuiii: <"' '1'^- ;; 'i". cliai'uiiu: from eonliiu'ineiit an insane jiersoii, as con- ,Vi\'.\m',',,'i's-''' tcinplated hy sections six and lifteen of this chapter, "'"""' until the applicant tlu'refor shall pay, or satisfactorily securi', til said justice all costs and i'X[ienses of the application, jirocess, (iiiniiiission and commitment, as wt'll as satisfy him, if the a[i- plication he for the contiiiement of any insane ])erson, that the t I I ('.so ini()T)E ISLAND. expenses of detaining sueli j.erson in said institntion for tlu' insane will l»e paid or secured to the satisfaction of the proper autlioriiies thereof. 'J8. The connnissioners sliall he allowed a reascinahle eoin- ii.i.i§2i. pensation in addition to neeessary I'xj.enses, to lie orT.t?.'.Vif"'' allowed hy the justieO; an.l they shall return in items BioiiPrx. their eharj^es for compensation and all costs and ex- penses of executing the commission, with their report, lor allowance hy thojustice. 2!>. The agent of state charities and corrections and the sei - n.iii§'-;!i- ri'tarv of state shall constitute a connnission, whose Coiiiini.ision ^ _ niicMini'iaints ,|utv it sliull hc to rcceivc, read and (wamine all rclaliug 10 111- " _ _ ' »"'"■• complaints, communications and letters to them, oi' either of them, made, directed or addressed, hy or from, or re- lating to any inmate of any insane asylum, or any insane per- son, or any person alk'ged to he ijisane, restrained of his lihei'ty, within this state, and they shall, whenever in their judgment thev shall decn it advisahle, cause an examination and in- (piiry to he made, and in their discretion j>etition any justice of the sujtreme court to have an examination of such ])erson's condition made in maimer i)rovidcd in the preceding sections of tliis chapter, and such justice may thereupon, in his discn- tion, cause said person so restrained to l)e dischargi'd. oU. The said commission, or eitlu'r of the memhers thei'eof, ii.i.i S .so. ,s!iall from time to time in tiieir disei'etion, visit To visit Id- ... Kane jiersoiis. evcry nistitutioii or place where any person msane, or alleged to he insane, is restrained of liis liherty, and, alone or attended hy others, as they shall elect, examine into the condition and complaint of any one so contined. PA. The su[)erintendents, otlicei's, keejiers and assistants, ami n.i.i < ;n other ])ersons in charge wherever any insane pei'- I!'.'isiu'cii'arKe ■'^*"' ^=^ couiincd, arc forhidden and eijjoii\ed from, in of the insane, .^j^,^. ^^.,^y ^^j, jj,.ii,m,,.^ interfering, hindei'ing or pre- venting any j)(.'r.son so con(in(.'(l from connnunicating at all tiim-s in manner as aforesaid, with thc.siid commission, i\\ce| it after considtation and with Uie full consent in writii'g of tlie commission. And every such superintendent, oHicer, keo|ier, assistant or other person shall afford to every person nmler his charge, Avith the exeei)tion aforenuMitioned, every facility for making such comnuinications according to the true niteiit 'ji mm ir lUIOhE IS!, AND. nsi ' 1 for the proper le com- i, to 1k' in ilciiis ann, visit m iiisnui', (11(1. alone into the Itants, and ll from, 111 ko- or jiv- \\\'j: at all Ion, eNi'i'iit |mo; (,f llu' M', keeper, Ln uiulev rv aeiliiv rue 1111 ami meaning hereof, ami sliall forward such eommunieations to the said eoinniission without delay. 'VI. Saiil eonimission, or either of llu in. upon prohahle eausi', and tiooii eoinitlainl ])eiiiii" niadi' to them, supported ii.i.i s i.'. ' -1 . l'r.i».Tnli,.iis hv oath or arhrnuitioii, that anv olliccr or person in r.^ vi 'laiiuu _ ' . ' . lit tliis I'liap- eharge of any one eondned as ins;iiie has violateil t.r. any of the provisions of this chapter, or has iie^leeled any of the duties enjoiiu'd upon liini hy the provisions thereof, or has inhumanly or im[)roperly treated any one so restrained as in- sane, shall eause complaint to he made hefoi'i' any justice coui't having' jurisdiction and prc/secute the same to linal judgment. ;>;'). A printed copy of sections twenty-nine to thirty-foin', in- clusive, of this chaiitt'r, sliall he consiiicuonslv i)osted "'>'i S •'"• ■^ , ' "^ i l'iiiiti'ilci)|iies in all the wards and pnhlic rooms and wherever "'' js ■-" i" -u A ti) l>i' ]iu8tea, persons are restrained of their lihi-rty as insane, "'"'>•«• unless otherwise ordered in writing in special cast's hy said eor.nnission. o4. Every snpei'intendent, keeper, officor, assistant, or other person as aforesaid, violating any of the provisions |,,i,, ,;.,4 of the i»receding live sections, or neglecting to per- ''.r,';',''/,-' "" form any of the duties herehy imposed upon him, '""•■'^■'■'*- <"''"■ shall he lined not exceeding twt'iity dollars. ;').'. Whenever the agent of state charities ami corrections shall make complaint in writing to the sujireme i,,i,i ^< :!„, court, that he is informed ami believes that any M^.n:;?!''' person reputed to he idiotic, lunatic or insane, to he 'i',[i!,"i",'"p?.,""'' named or oiiierwise desci'ihed in such comj)laiiit, is p'rl',i",i"'i'y cou- not humanely or pi'operly cared for, or is im})roperly eoiiiined and restrainetl of his liberty in any town, such court shall forthwith examine into the circumstances alleged in such complaint, and if the same be found to be true, such court sliall order and cause such idiotic, lunatic, or insane person to lie removed to the state asylum for the insane, and shall there- upon issue a warrant or order, to he directed to the sherills or their deputies of the several counties for the removal of such person accordingly. .">(>. The estate of such idiotic, lunatic or insane person, if he have sullicient estate then^for, and if he have not, i,n,i •; 4.i, then the person liable for the maintenance of such ^''i"" «>'''J^''^'- i: ! I! at ' 082 r.iroDK ISLAND. li"; 14 =iii ir i^^i ''\,( 1 person, if any tlu'Vc 1h'. sliall l>c liable for the costs of such examination and n^nioval of such jicrson to the state asylum for the irsane anil for the expense of his maintenance therein ; hut if aid and such expense of maintenance of such person shall he Ijorne hy the town in which hi' has a settlement. .")7. Tlu- Words '■ insane person" .shall l)e construed to include ni.24.:!'-, everv idiot, iierson of unsound mind, lunatic and '• IiisaDu per- ■• * »"»•" distracted ]»erson. 38. Every lunatic havini;' no lepil settlement in this stati> ,\rt..n-v!, who is supi>orted as a jiau[ier hy the state, or hy any in'siui.^'pan- towu iu tlic state, and who, in the o[)inion of the p.-rs with no , i r ^ ^ t • • i i- •• M.iii-m.iit hoard oi state cliarUies and corrections is insane. riiiiiiiiitt>>(l 't",!!! 1 'ii 1 1 11 asylum. shall he Sent hy said hoard to the state almsliouse, or to the state asylum lor the insane, there to he maintaine(l at the exi)ense of the state.* no. The said hoard may receive into said asylum, from any 11.1,15 2. town, any person having a le<;'al settleim-nt in sucii i..i«Huii town, who, in the opinion of said hoard, is iinane, lecal settle- , iiRMit. Upon such terms as may be agreed on by such town and said hoard. 40. The iiovernor may draw upon the general treasurer an- ihidss nually, for a sum not exceeding two thousand dul- Ii"ul"a"!.|'ite I'li'^- to he hy him approjtriated to the maintenance benefiriaries. -^^ wliolc or ill part of sucli iiidigeiit insane persons being inhahitants of this state, as he may select as state hcne- ficiaries, not more than one hundred dollars to he by hini aji- propriated annually for the snitport (»f any one j)erson. 41. The agent of state charities and corrections shall vi>it Ibid s 4 all town asylums, and all places in the state wlieiv iKeurrwairve "1^"^' iu^Jine ijei'soii Is kcpt, as often as may he neccs- totho insane, ^.^jy^ ^o sce tluit 110 iiisaiie person is inii»roperly con- fined, or \U)t ju'operly cared for, and he may discharge at any time from anv institution anv insane person who has been com- mitted thereto upon his order. 42. No insane pau)>er shall hereafter be detaiiiecl in any ibui§j. town asylum, })oorhouse, lock-up or britU'Well, for * This ;iLt repeals and supplies ch. 76 of K. S. of 1882. RHODE ISLAND. r,R3 f siuli isyluin lii'ivin; ■]>y till' iiu'lvule itic and iiis state r l)y any n ot" tlif ; insani', insliunsr, liutaineil from any it in surii is insane. Fuch town -liver an- aii'l «^<^>^- ntonancc persons tate iH'n'o- liini ap- 11. lall vi-it aU' where l>e neees- lerly e"n- •ue at any been eiilii- m1 in any IrWrll, t"V a l()nger period than five days, unU'Ss in tlio oi)inion J)f,l^'',"Ip,",,'!' of the ai;ent of state eharitie.s and corveotions, lie is aHyiJm'regu- properly earecl for, and tlie town council of every '"""■ town shall eause all insane paupers so detaineil in a town asylum, poorhous(>, lock-up or hridewoll, to be removed within live days from the date of their commitment, to the state asylum for the insane. A'). In case aiiy t(Mvn council shall ncft-U'el or refuse to cause such insane paupers to lie removed within said live n.i.i s i'- ^ ' . 1 . ■ • IVnaliy for davs, the assent of state charities ami corrections Mot 1,1.1, .vini; •- ' - iusaue pau- shall cause them to he removed to the slate asylum, I'ers. and the expense of such removal may lie recovered from the town so neglecting or refusing', hy said ageiil in an action of the case in the name of the general treasurer for the use of the state. 41. The hoard of state charities and corrections are hereViy authorized to receive for treatment and care any iiii.i s r. person who shall he c... inhahitant of this state, who tir.itsf..r pay ,,..... , „ inav lie le- 111 their Opinion is insane, U])on sucli terms tor treat- ooi;.-,i. meiit and care as may he agreed hetweeii said hoard and some responsihle i)erson, upon the written certificate of two prac- ticing physicians, that in their opinion such person is insane; provided, that the sum charged for hoard, care and treatment of said insane person, shall in no case he fixed at a less sum than the entire cost to the state of the hoard, care and treat- ment of such insane person. 45. Whenever, on the trial of any jierson upon an indict- iiiciit. the accused shall set up in defense thereto his ci,. 74. § ^j. insanity, the jury, if they ac(piit sucli jierson upon {'irrons'L"'-"'' sucli ground, shall state that they have so acijuitted ^^",""1'".' hiiu: and it tlie going at large ot the })erson so acipiitted shall he deemed hy the court dangerous to the puhlic peace, the court shall certify its opinion to that effect to the governor, who, upon the receijit of such certificate, may make provisions for the mainleiiance and supjiort of the ]>erson so a((piitte(l, and cause such i»erson to he removed to the state !i.'~yhim for the insane or other institution for the insane, either witliin or without this state, during the continuance of such insanity, and shall draw his orders on the gi'iieral treasurer, iVum time to time, to defray the expenses thereof. I i .m fi 084 RHODE ISLAND. [Hi I 4Ct. The ostato of any inrison or in hllan,'' hii!''' the Providence county jail, or of the clerks of the "'"'•'■"'• sujireme court or court of common pleas in the other counties of the state, that any person so convicted and impi'isoned in the jails of tlieir respective counties, is insane, idiotic or in such a state of im[)airment of body or mind or both, as tends directly to insanity, idiocy or dementia oi- to a permanent incapacity for mental or physical labor, any justice of the supreme court may order such examination of said per- son as in his discretion he shall deem proper. 48. If upon .such examination said justice is satisfied that iiiid jj.-.. the person thus imprisoned is insane, or in any of s.Kh t'.i'statc the states of mind or body set forth in the preceding tiMMiisiiiie. section, he may order the removal of such })risoner from the state prison or any of the jails aforesaid to be detained in the state asylum for the insane, the state almshouse, or in .said l>utler hosj)ital, as in his jud^nnent he «hall deem best. 40. Such order of removal shall be for and during the term of said }>risoner's sentence, and be directed to the sheriff of the count}' in which such prisoner stands committed. ;")(). Upon restoration to reason, or to liealth, both of body n,i,i § 27. and mind, any person removed as aforesaid may. by stmvTn/n'ii- order of either of the justices of the suiireme court in son iniiy 1)0 i • t .• i ' i 1 j. il 1 r 1 • ivmiuui..!. hi« (hscretion, be remanded to tlie place ot his oriui- nal confinement, to serve out the remainder of his term of sentence. 51. All the necessary expenses of the examination aforesaiil iiiid i; 2^. shall be ])aid by the [general treasurer, wy^ou the roo- iM.vv piiui.' onimendation of the justice who shall make such examination. Ueinoviil, tiiiic uf. ^^«^; ,lin.ti' su].- iL-nil c-oni- , liny ;ainst me. ;tion<, (_■ ilU'l or iu of the ill llU! inpauo, liiifl or or to a ' justice ai'l per- iod that liny of oeeding risoiur U'taiiu-1 e, or in V.est. \\v term \ to th.' r stamU RHdDi: ISLAND. 085 52. On the petition of tlie agent of ?ftate charities and correc- tions, or of tlie clerk of the supreme court or court ii,i,i §:!.-). ot common }>li'as in ;uiy county oi the state otiier than the county of rrovidenee, setting forth that any o'u.'.i ami ])ei'son awaiting trial and imprisremc court may make such an examination of said person as in his disi-retion he shall deem pro])er. oo. If, upon such examination, said justice is satisfied that the person thus imprisoned is insane or idiotic, he n,!,, jjno may order the removal of such prisoner from the >'"""" ""''J'""'- jail aforesaid to the state asylum for the insane, if he can he there received, if not, to the Butler hosjtital for the insane. 54. All}' person removed as aforesaid, upon nstoration to ri'ason, mav, hv order of aiiv of the justices of the i»>i'i s i:. supreme court, m his discretion, be remanded to the ■*"""'' '" ••'>- ^ , _ smi may In) ])lace of his original confinement to await his trial ■■«>i"i> for the oifense for which he stands committeil. 55. All the necessary exi)enses of the examination aforesaid shall he paid hy the general treasurer upon tlu^ iiunss-:, i- >■ ^ I EXIl'MlSl'S of recommendation of the justice who shall make such exi'.iniuati..ii. examination. i . ^^^H ',^u of hody I may. hy court in iiis origi- tenn "f la foresaid \\ the reo- like su^'h jt* T-r \ u SOUTH CAROLINA. tiOVEKNMKNT OP ASVM'M. 1. Koi,'i'nts, Mppointnu'iit, tt'rm uroffice. 12. Title, powiTs and diitii's of regi'iits. .'?. Annual it'|"irl nl" n-giMits. 4. l*ru|>i'ity Vfstfd in redouts. o. Kegcnts aiilliorizcd tn dose cerlain stiei'ls in cilv of ('()linnl)ia. C. Exfiuption »{' otiiiers iVoiii militia, road anil jiirv service. ADMISSION AND DISCHAIKiK. 7. Wlii> inav lie adniilted. 5. Xoii-residitits admitted, charges for. \>. ln(|uisition \>y jndije. 1(1. Danjferons insane, commitment. 11. (>r.!er 'or I'etention necessary. 12. Transient insane, siijijiort of. 13. Secnritv for sni)|Port. 14. I,>iscliai'ge on recovery. 1."). Imlieciles to lie returned to county. ](i. Cruelty to patients, penalties for. 17. Notice of commitmeut to com- missioners, investigation of indi- gence. IS. False statement of indigence liv commissioner, penally for. 19. Private patients e.^enipt from pro- visions of act. UO. Indigent insane, commitment liv commissioners. 21. Insaiu' not to lie confined in jail. 22. Jailer to rejiort names of insane. 23. Order of commitment to lie accom- panied liy report t upon tlie reJl-niBST'nn oecurrciico of a vacancy in the regency, when the ruin tin w'li'lur govcriior sluiU lill the stime hy an a])i)ointiiient for term. the unex[)ired term only, 2. The said regents, by the name of " The Regents of the s i.-.v-.. Lunatic Asylum of South Carolina," shall form ;i KeirontH in- '' • i 1 1 i .■oiiM.iaioi ; body cort)orate in deed and m law, for all the pur- tlii'ir powers, ox .... . . '-'"^- poses of the said institution, with all the powers in- cident to corporations; and they shall be, and they arc hereby, authorized and empowered to make and establish all rules, regulations, and by-laws for the government of the institution, which, when made, shall be rei)orted to the next legislature for ap[)rov{d or rejection, but, until rejected by the legisliitiire, shall be in force ; and to fix the amount of the salary or emolu- ments of the keeper, ofBcers, or medical attendants; to establish W J SOITU CAItOI.INA. 08" til 1 iif iiitli- jjolU'l' I'V I'ur. fi'iini \irn- tnio lU iiy 1 in jiiil- I' insane. ) lie ai'iiiin- ,,iii\ty I'OKi- itie'l ill li'L-'-llts of il-vllllll. [to osUibli^li tlie rates of atlinission, niaiiitcnanee, and medical n','i ,?,"',',','' I,', 1 1' attcndaiuv of all the subjects of the said iiistittition. '"''->"" lirnvidiiij,' such rates as shall support the institution without iUiy i-harj:;e on the treasury of tiie state. ."). Tiie r<'oeiils shall report annually to the le^islatm-e the state and conditiftn of the institution, fidly and par- s ivc ticularlv: and thev shall also annually report to the I'-p-'tf e(.nii|iti'oiltr-Lreneral tlu- amount of income ot said nov. institution, and the amount of expendituri's, and the items thereof. 4. 'l"in' lot upiiii which the lunatic asylum stands, containing fdUi' acres, liuttin,!j: and houndiii",^ on I'pper I'ound- ,,-,,;; ary, l^idl, Tirkens, and -Sumpter streets, is vested ill tlie lioard of rej^eiits of said asylum, and their successors in ollice, for the uses and puri>os(>s of the asylum. ."). The I'oard of re*;'entsof the lunatic asylum are authorized to close up and use, for the purpose of said asylum, j, ,;,fl,, so iiiui'h of Pickens street, in the city of ('oluml»ia, r!.''ui'',''''* "'' as lies ln'tween Lumber and I'pper streets of said """"" city, to retain such portion of I'pper street as they have ah'cady eiichxed, and also to close that part of rp[)cr street, in the phm of the said eit\', lying between Henderson and I>arn- well streets, and adjacent to the asylum grounds. (i. All guards, keepers, employes, and other oilicers em[)loyed at 'he lunatic asvlum, shall lie exempted from s "•"i' serving on juries, and from all military, road, or street duty. 7. It shall be the duty of the regency to admit as subjects (if the institution all idiots, lunatics and e})ileptics, ^ ,,,_,, being citizens of this .state, according to the follow- ^iVu.','"io' '"'" inj: regulations, and subject U) the following eoiidi- '''•'"'"• tions, that is to say : ( 1 ! All persons who shall bo found idiots, or lunatics, b\' im|uisition fr(»m the probate or circuit courts, or on i.tiu.s... found trials in the circuit where the court shall order iih'iuuiuuii, ^ such admission. (2) Where it shall be requested under the hands of the hus- biiud or wife, or (wdiere there is no husband or 2. wh.Mo r^qncstpa . , . . bv lius'liiiuil nr wife, Wile,) ot the next of km ol idiot or lunatic. t'ii'. (3) All persons who shall be declared lunatics, idiots, or epi- iii- C'l'is, !■[(• . fM'IMlit''ll fniiii iniliiuiy Hinl olliiT iluli.-s. •iii; 1' H i • ■i ll "Hit i'^ ri/fiiP^^^^^^^ 'ipT^ G88 -OITII CAKOI.IN'A. If ' i ii ■ i\- ; 'I ■ .i. fi.M^am'i "ifirr l*-'l»tics, after due cXMiiiiiiiilion by one trial jiislico "'"""'""""" and two lieenf^ed pnicliciiin- physicians of the state. A\'li(re tiie snbji'ct is a iiauprr, tlie adndssion shall he at the rc'(iUfst <•!' Ill"' cuuiity coinniissionfrs df the ('((unly wherein sui.'h jiaiijK'r has a k'^^a.l st'ttlenient ; (itheruise, t he adiiiissiun shall lie at the request of the hushaml or wile, or, w here then is no hushand or wife, of the next of kin of the ididt. hniati>', or ei)ile|)tie. S. All idiots and lunaties from any of our sister slates shall S ''■'"" . he admitted on such evidence of their hniac\- (ir ..iiior- MMi.- ididcv as the regents reiiard sullicient : hut no f^r- 111 111' illllMlt|i-.| >■ .— .-^ HtiiMuii i:ui-. ^,i„,i lunatic or idiot shall he adnntted or kept in the institution to the exclusion of suhjt'cts heiny; citizens nf this state, and they shall ])ay the same rates as citi/.en suhject-;. \). Whenever a jud;^e of {)robate, or jud,ue of the ciriiiii j5 1.>,, court, shall direct an order to any trial Justice to .1 iiilifos ni;iv • • i i 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 1' iiiivciimiiiisi- in([Uire as to the; idiocy, hniacy, or eitilepsy ot anv jjersoii, or when information, on oath, shall he ij,iv(ii to any trial justice, that a person is an idiot, lunatic, or epi- lei)tic, and is charj^ealile for his support on the couidy, it shall be the duty of such trial justice forthwith to call to his as>ist- anee two licensed praeticiny; physicians, and examine siuli j)erson, and the evidence of his or lu'r idi(X'y, luinicy or epi- le[)sy : and if, alter full examination, they shall find such per- son an idiot, lunatic, or epileptic, they shall certify to the said ju(li:;c or to the board of county commissioners, whethei-. in their opinion, such jierson is curable or iiu iirable, ;.;:d whether his enlar.uement would be harmless or dan-^erous < r aniH)yinL;- to the community ; and thereupon the juerous to die ''""• peace and safetv of the communitv that he or she should lie at large; and also, in all such other cases piovidcil by law. In all cases the judge shall certify in what jilaee tin' said person or persons resided at the time of the ciunmitiiieiit, iill it til.' U'Vi ill lissidii . thnv lUiati'', uu-y "1' ki'i't ill \/,V\\< "I > circuit astif*^ to V of any 1)0 ^ivfii r, or tl'i- lUlU' •V oi kidu. iii^iy S(tlTII ( AKoI.INA. (kSO and siuli certificate >liall l)f coiiilu^ivc cvitlonce of <\n]\ rcsi- (Ic'lUT. 11. No lunatic, ii>t. r .late, i,::::::^,^ •■rHiiieil t I'X- HIIlillHtloll, i*ir.. f^hall ho retained in the iiistitntiuu nidrr tiian ten Jfm , ,.x days after his atlniissiim. o.\(e[>t wiiore then- shall be entered in the record of liie institution an order for his retention, made, after full examination of his state of mind, hy the medical attendant or attendant^, and not less than three of the rofjents; and ujion such oi'der l.ein;; made, it shall he the duty of tlu' sccretarv of the re<'encv t'rh'.lioD treasury for every such liniatie one hundred and f"""''''"'" thirty-live dollars per annum. And it shall be the duty of the rejients to report, specially, to every le<:islature, the whok; nuiidior of this class of lunatics, idiots, or epik'[itics, while thty remain a charu'c upon the [tublic treasury. l;'). No subject shall be atlmittod into the institution until one-half yi'ar's expense of maintenance and medi- ^^r,^^ cal attendance there shall be paid to the treasurer ,^*i"".'i'i'- ad- (if the regency; and a bond and good security shall b'"exa."^Vin lie given to pay the said expenses halt-yearly, in advance, so long as the subject remains in the institution, and to {lay all finieral charges in case of his death ; liut such bond shall not be reciuired of the county commissioners sendinir a lumper subject to the institution; provided, that the regents shall not be requirecl to exact half-yearly advances for the ad- luissidii into the asylum of such subjects as may be deemed cunibie, and likely to be speedily discharged, but only such 44 I ^1 000 SolTlI CAIIOI.INA. m advances as tlioy iiuiy docm tlio iiiitiii-c of tlio cmso to roquiro. In ciise the liall'-yciirly lulviiiu'i's arc not paid, tlir Ixmd shall bo iininodialfly jiut in suit. J 1. \\'Iu'nt'Vor any lunatic or cpilcjilic shall have rccuvcrcd, it shall he the dutv ol' the rej-i'nts to dischariic him "• r.iih.vM,! lunatic asvlum, upon due notice Ironi the siipiTm- tendent to the said countv coinniissioners as to the if IV 14 Uiscliart''' "f luimiini, . i... ^,j. ],^,,. j-,,,,,,, (I,,, asyhini. lo. The county coniniissioiiers of the various counlies in § hvr, the state shall remove their iinhecilcs from the state liiiliiTilcH Id li 1 IMIIIIIli>'>i>- tii'i^ 111 1)1' i;iv- nn (Miuily f rs lo (li'> uImmU aliilily t" pay, etc. '^1.. 1 y i-y ria.'ii- e I'oinuii'i? lasv t< 111'' DO i»uni"U >ut >1kiU be nil Sonil ( A1H»I.INA. t;!)i tl. 10 condition of any person sent by sndi ofliccr now anllior- i/i'il by law to send insane jier-dns to the a>iylnni, liall he liahle Ibr snrh line. lit. Ntdhin^' here in eontainol shall Ik- Ik Id in any manner to apply to the enlranee of pay ]ialients into the ii~}'hini as now jn'oviiled hy la w. .\ -I iipplicii. Ml' 111 (IHV l'lltl''llt>. 'JO. 'I'll'- (oiintv eomniissioners shall \>r anihorized to send dl d epih 111 their I iiiiiiiiiiiiii'iii |i>;t'>vliiiii. an pauper huiaties, loiols, iiini epiicpiu's. several eoiintiis. to the Innalie a may Ite. to ohtain hi< »\vi""'- di-charL;e as speeilny as jiossihle, and send him lorlhwith to the asvliim, accordinii,' to law, at the e.xiieiise of the countv within wlio-e limits he shall have gained a settlement. 'I'l. It shaM he the duty of the jailers of the sever.d counties of this state, at the sitting of each eourl of sessions, s-'-'-v , .,.'., , . .laili r til re. to re[iort to tlie presiding judge the names ot the r-n innaiics. pei'-ons conliiiecl in jail, who are lunatics, idiots, or ejiileptics, with the cause of their detention. 'l-\. The suj)erinien(lents and regents of the state lunatic asylum shall not receive into said institution any n,,,,,^,.,.. Ijciullciary patient unless the order consigning such r','„l,';.!.'.f,-'' jierson to the asylum is aecom[ianied by a report r'l'i'iTa'i'.'r"'' from the county commissioners of the county from "*'''^'"'^- wliicli such person is sent, certifying that they have carefully investigateil the circumstances and condition of such person, liis or her family, jiarent or guardian, and that such person is a projier suhject lor beneliciary care and to what extent. ■J I. ISaid r(>port shall also he certified hy the county auiuli \i(i- Kli.TilM.itak.> ' , ' . i„r,ir..i..tM... lent or lent |.Hll.'Ml», , . ' . V . tot: tlicir care duniij,^ the iieiiod iicci'ssary lor tlic t(»rc- goin;,' investi;^atioii and reports, and tliiy sliall he cntitUd to bUch fees therefor as are lixeil hy law for dictiui:- pristmers. 'Jd. 'I'he superintendent of the asylum shall, within >i\ty ii.i.ijii- days from the adjournment of this session of ili.' .•nthh,iii -. ii.i U'oisuuurc, SIT ! to the hoai'tl ol county comini<- iiani.'> III . !• 1 1 ■ I • iiiiniii.'^ I'. sioiK'rs ol each counlv the name-* ot ihe ininato Ci.UIIIV d'Hl- , . ' . iiiu-imioiH. troiii the respcctivi' counties, and theriupon the boards of county commissioners, auditors and treasurers of the rcspt'ctivi' counties shall, within sixty days, make the investi- gation, reports and certilicates as to oacii of said inmates as is directed in si-etions 1 and "J of this aet. And upon the lilini: <'i' sjiiil repoi't ami certiticnto in the ollice of the superinlindciit, iv.H..rsuiui ''> jiiaii.' commission of any criminal oUcnse, who shall, IllilV S.llll pit'- 1 . • 1 1 !• 1 • 1 (.Ni's Upon the trial liclore iiini, prove to be non coinnes 1 itU ti) * _ ..... 1-1 1 Hsyhnn. mentis; and the said ,)ud;4e is autln»ri/.e(| to inakc all necessary or(>'i's to eurry into ellect this jiower. Wluro Howsiipiiorteii. tilt.! ju'V.-'..! SO scut is uot a paupci', he shall he sup- ported out of h'-' own estate, aceordimr to ri'iiiilations to \ - •r>. \ ^ixty ut' ill-' uiiiiiii-- rs of the itl'S lis is liliui: "1 ilcnili'iit, ilir ripli'. svu-U i'l- to ai'l'li- ) SCllll ti> with ill'' 11 ((HUpKS to inaki' \V1hto uis !•• 1"^' . lunatieu ■Ji:NNKSSEt s !». 1(1. II. 1-J. 111. II. 1."), k;. 17. is, I'.i, 'J(i. 24. 2o, 21 i. 2S, 3(5. 37. noVEHNMKNT dl' AsYI IMS. 'ri'niic»fi' liiispiiMl ('t)iiliiiii(-ii;ili(iciiliiins Mill! rcsidi'iico. 'I'lMiii III' (illiif. ('(Piitiiil III' (illiicrs. (>;l(ll ol'olli.v. iloixl <>r sii|i('i intt'iiiU'Dt. 1 )iilii'> i>r sii|ifiiiili'iiilriit. 'rnislct's, piiwfis Mini (liitit's. 'I'nisli'csMilii sii|ii'riiili'liili'lit, jiowiTS I Mini iliitit's, Mdiiilily iiH'i'iiiiiis, iiisiiectioii of i Msyliiiii liiciiiiiiil mcptinus. ('inii|ii'iisnti»iii ol' triistoos. .\|(|)l(i|iri:iti(ms liy Inislccs. Ticii'^iiit'i', siMli' licii^iiici' to act as. (,>iiaili'i'ly ii'|i(iit of. I >i^liursi'iiKMils (III ordir of cliuiriuun dl' IxiMi'd. 'rr('M--iirt'i', t'()iii|n'iisati(iii. .Siiiierint(.'ii(Ui)l, siiiaiy. S;il(' (tf liiiiKir near asyliiin |>r()- llilli((Ml. Iiitiixicatidii on asvliiin groiiiids, |ii'.Mally lor. Siiii for lioiids of iioii-ri'sidiMits. lu'|iiiris of iioii-rcsidfiits ill arivars. Noii-rc'sidoiils ill arri'ar.s ri'tiirnod. j I .\SYl,l'M Foil COI.ORIOn IXSASK. 1 .\p| ruiiriatioii for tMectioii, i A|i|iro|iriatii>n, liow drawn. I Ivcrtion under siiiicrinli'ndoiu'C of I triislfcs of sliUc asyliiin. ' directors lor ciim ti'ii of asylniii, to receive no eoiniieiisation, not to be iiilori'stcd in coiiir.icls. Sii|)crintendi'' i |)laiis for asylum. ' Laws i;o\erniny siipeiiiiteiidtMlt, 41. provisions to apply to admission of III".; roes. 42. Jnrisdiiiion of courts over insano, ■U\. lii:'iirm:iiion and iiiipic^t of insanity. 44. l''oriii of writ. 4'). When reinriiaMe. 4(1. Williesses, slilipo'lias. 47. ('osis of proceed inus. IS. (iiiardiail to lie appointed, duties of. I'.l. Custodian forindii;(ni insane. .")!). I'loiid of custodian. 51. 'J'ciiiporary committiient dnrinj; vii- c.iiioii of court. ">2. I)cliiiition of terms. 5.'!. Support, appropriation liy county court. ol. I'liexpended inoiu'v r<'fundcd hy treasurer. •')•"). Oil fort'ciiiire of liond patients re- tui'ik'd to rt4alives. ")(). Dietary of patients, tlxid Iiy triw- tees.' .")7. Private patients, i4iarj;es lor. AS. Cliar;;es payalile in a(lvance. 59. Private patients charged in propor- tion to care. GO. Indii,'cnt patients charged with ac- tual cost, (il. Ins.iue to he supported iiy the state. t)2. Indijfcnt insane, ex|ieiiseH of re- moval home hy county. rUIMtNAI. INSANi:. fi.'l. I'act of insanity stated in verdict. (14. t'ominitment hy county. ()•'). On recovery, remandeil to custody, tit). Notice hy district attorney; trial or discliaru;e. 07. Sherill's fees, how paid, GH. Indigent criminal insane, su|>porte(l hy .state. 09. Insane convicts, transfer to asylum. 70. Similar provisions. 71. On plea of insanity, finding of jury. 72. Keleuse on recognizance. ■ Am if! rW 094 TKNNKSSKK. ft- i^ M i'owcrs. 1. Tlioi'r sluill coiitinuo to bo in this state an asyhim for tlio (■..ini.ii..i Stilt- insane, which shall be a bodv i)olitic ami cornoi-ate >^ i-'i:- bv the name oi the lenncsseo Hospital lor the iiicoriH.ia'i.,1, Insane."' 2. Said corporation shall have a common seal ; and, in its corporate name and capacity, it may ac(jnire prop- erty, real and ])ersonal, by gilt or otherwise, and hold, sell, and convey the same for the uses and purposes of its creation, and sue and bo sued, in the same manner as a natui'al ])i'rson. 3. The olHcers of said corporation shall be a board of trus- (,,,-,10 tees, a board of visitors, a su{)crintendent, a treas- oiiicoi-s. urer, and such other assistants as may be fi-nid necessary to transact the business of the institution. 4. The governor of the state shall nominate and appoint, by (;,-,,._, and with the advice and consent of the senate, as iVV:!'.-!'.''.':!!!;!, now provided by law, nine trustees of the hospital .'■nillspit'i'i'lur 1'"!' the insane, whose term of oHicc shall l)egin im- '"'"'"""■ mediately from and after the date of their a{>poiiit- ment. Three of said trustees shall bo nominated to serve until the first ^Tonday in February, 1S79: three until the first Monday in February, 1881, and three until the first Monday in February, 1883. Un the first Monday in February, 1S7!', and every two years thereafter, three trustees shall l)e ap- [lointod to servo for six years from the date of their apjioint- ment. The duties of said trustees shall be the same as now l)rescribod by law, and they shall, at the exiiiration .of the |)resont term of office of the superintendent of the asylum, elect his successor. 5. The governor, Judj:es of the courts, and members of the s; i.vj:i. general assembly, shall bo, ex-oHicio, visitors of the Visilois. 1 • i. 1 liospital. G. The superintendent of the hospital shall bo ajipoiiihd <;i.-.24. l)v the board of trustees, and shall be a skillul rnt. appoint- ]>liysician, of unblemished moral character, of cn- .iiiaiiii(Mtiniis. lii^^htenod and thorough professional education, of j)rom])t business habits, and of humane and kind disposition' 7. lie shall be a married man, and, with his family, shall ^]rd:>. ]iovs of tlie rs of lla' Vppdiutfil a skilful cr, "f en- I'atlou, of imposition' nily, shall vav 1><-' 1'^'- TENNESSEE. (V."i: moved by the trustees for iufnlelity to his trust, or j- i.vj.-,. incompetency, fully shown and declared. ■ivn„„r, 9. He sliall exercise entire control over all subordinate ofti- cers and assistants in the hos}»ital, and shall have S i'-'- entire direction of the duties of the same, lie himself "H""" being accountalde to the board of trustees for their guod ciiar- acter and fidelity in the discharge of their duties. 10. Tlie i)hysician and superintendent of the hospital, before entering upon the discliarge of the (hities of his ^< ,,-,o!.. office, shall take an oath faithfully to discharge said "''"'' duties, and that he will not enter into any condonation to ojipress or deprive any person of his or her liberty or civil rights. xl. lie shall also give bond with good surety, approved by the governor, in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, ^ v,m\ })ayable to the state, conditioned faithfully to account for and ]niy into the treasury all moiieys which may come to his hands, and faithfully to discharge his duties as superin- tendent; which bond shall be deposited by the governor, in the ofiice of the secretary of state, for safe custody. 12. It shall be the ort through their chairman to each general asseni- ¥m cs?ary mil be L'onipc- cessavy ntcrnal l)0()ks, iKllltll, ;1. I iiir^ano Is. ay be in s in tlie by some mil bave Misatis to such nx', as they .(■ in every n;j:;s. oral assem- TKNNi;?co no a|'iiro|>riatiou of money but such as has been previously ap|iropriated by law to the institution, or such as the trustees have received from private individuals for keei»ing insane persons in the hosj)ital. 1!>. The treasurer of the state shall be treasurer of the hos- pital. He shall perform all the duties of said olllcc, and be liable fur his conduct in the same, as he now is, or shall be, by law, made liable in all other of his oilieial acts. 20. lie shall ])resent to the trustees a. quarterly report of §i.v!!i. the receipts of all monevs ])aid into the treasurv for .iiuiit.iiy. the benefit of the hos])ital, or in behalf of the pa- tients, and of all sums of money paid out for the necessary uses and expenses of the same. 21. He shall pay out of the hospital funds no sum of nioiuy g ,54,1 for any hosj)ital use whatever, except by order ot H^'ronh" '"" the chairman of the acting board of trustees for cliaii'MKiii. ii tlie same. 22. The treasurer's compensation for receivin<^ and di.-burs- §i.-.4i. ^"» the money which may come into his hands for •co„,p;.u.s;.f,>. ^jjg ^^_,^. ^j. the hospital, shall be three-fourths (.f one ])er cent, on said receij)ts and disbursements, to be paid out of the same. 2o. The sui)erintendent and physician shall receive a salary § of two tliousaud dolhu's i)er annum, iiavaMe niiicnil.'cl ls7P. ,' Salary (luartcrlv out ot the state treasury uijon the war- i)f .siip'i ami ^ ^ ^1 jihysiiiaii. rant of the comptroller. 24. No person shall be permitted to keep for sale or sell any or<6ia s})irituous li(juors within two miles of said hospital nllunrs'll't 10 buildino-s, and any person so oflendinu, upon cou- t"v.T',I,'ii"s',''f'' viction by indictment or jjresentment, sliall be lined '""'"'"' not over fifty dollars, and im{»risonment in the dis- cretion of the court before which conviction shall occur, and all licenses to keej) or sell spirituous liquors within two miles of said hospital shall be void. u salary layal 'l*' hf war- ti:nni>si:i:. (^.00 2."). It shall l)u an iiulictabU' nllrii-c- I'ui- any jKi'srm to onk'r tliL' premises upon wliicli saiil lio.-pital is loealoil, s r.m '-. tlrunk, or ni a statr t)l intoxication, and anv person ■■" i...-i'i.ii convicted of so oll'eiidinj^' shall he fined not less "ii.iinai. ■. than twenty-live dollars, and ini[irisoned or not, in the dis- cretion of the court tryiiii!; the cause. 20. The suj)erinten(U'iit is authorized and einjiowered to brini; suit in anv court of the state of Tennessee, U'"-i'- ° •' _ _ _ I'iilii Ills friiiil aiul to eni[)loy counsel for the in'osecutioii of the "ii"Tstiu.s. same in the name of the state for the use of saiil lios])ital, upon any liond so taken, or upon any Itonds or ohliiiations heretofore taken [in case of patients from other states,] and to collect any moneys ilue said institution in any wise or manner. 27. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to I'eport to the governor annually, the nanies of all persons ^i.-,,;^,;, from other states who are in arrears of hoard, or J,'ui?///,s''i'n,,,i other charges, and the _uovernor may, in his dis- il!l'i'7oi'"}.'ov- cietion, take such steps against the jiroperty of ""'"' such lunatics or the sureties, as he may deem proper. 28. The hoard of trustees of said in>titution is empowered to return anv iiatient who is from anv other state, Si"''i4p. ' ^ ' 'I'll lii> sent who is three months in arrears of }iayment of all ''""""• charges. 2!). The sum of twenty- live thousand dollars, or so much thereof as is necessary, is hereby approjiriated to g].-,H4/. the erection of an asylum I'or the coloit,-d in>ane re- ;M,?,.nT "^''"^ siding in the state of Tennessee, at the time such insanity commenced, at the charge of. and u{)on the charity of the state. Said building to be erected upon the lands now belonging to the state, and upon which the Tennessee hos- pital is erected. And this api»r(^[>riation is in lieu of all others heretofore made for the erection of an asylum for colored insane. oU. So much of said sum of twenty-five tliousand dollars as shall be necessary for the purjtose of the erection of ^<,.-„i, ,,. said building and improvements, shall be paid out tX^s'iu["''uiZ of the treasury' of the state upon the order of the ''''•'^*"- superintendent, countersigned and ai)}>roved by the chairman uf the board of trustees; and said order shall specify upon its ' i ill t^'l \t ,;* t 700 TKNXKSSKK. 1 c ' i », 1 '■ face tlio name of tlio person or ])er:soii.s to whom tlic same is due and payable, and for what eon.sideration the same is gis'en, and the snperintenih'iit sliall preserve duplieate coj.ics of said order and hills, and report the same to the next general assembly, together with th(> amount expended. ol. The huildings and other improvements eonteinplated si.-,()4//. hy this act, shall he built under the sui)erintend- *""''"'*■'"■ enee and control of tlie board of trustees and supci'- intendent ; but in no event shall they exceed by contract or otherwise, the amount of the said sum of twenty-tive thousand dollars. 'S'l. The gov(>rnor shall a{ipoint three directors, whose duty ■ isvf, it shall be to take charge of the farm mentioned in ■' SI- . ■ ' ■ IX ap- the above i)reand)le, and to erect a bosiiital on tiic cifftiio-i.itiii. name; said directors shall not receive tiny coiii- pensat'on for the services herein imposed upon them except the actuti' Tr'n"ling ex]ienses incurred in the ilischarge of their duties, nor shall the said directors be concerned in any wav i:i anv contract for the ei'ection of said building or for furnish- ing su))plies of any kind for the same.* ',)',). The said directors shall have power to select and aji- ii.i.i!;;: ])oint a gentleman of thorough medical edueati(jii Su|M'riiiteiul- , ... • 1 1 1 1- 1 • cm. lamiiiar with the care and treatment ot llie nisano, who, together with themselves, shall jirepare a plan for the vhuis. proposed hospital, and supei'intenxi»erts as lu; may select lor deciding U})on the i)ropriety of the same, annal exanniuition and certilii'atc thereto, made and dated within one month of the jiresentation of the patient at the hosj)ital. Such certificate shall be signed and swctrn to and attested by a justice of tlie peace or judge of any court of rec(»rd. 1)7. Non-paying patients to the number of three hundred niav be admitted to the hos[)ital, one to every four imms.!. thousand oi tlic population ot each count v, under piui.ia;; in.w . ' iiKiiiv iiKiv be these conditions:' The county from which such patient is sent shall ]»ay the transportation to the liosi)ital, [and] during tlic stay of such patient, (the hospital) shall furnish clothing and all proper hospital maintenance and treatment, ^\'hen the sujierintend- ent of the hospital shall notify the county court clerk of the }in)priety or necessity of removing such patient, it shall be done at the expense of the countv, the cliarge beinsi- „, ,. , liiiiitcfl to the actual expenses. Such patients shall |',',:'','Ji;,',V"'" be removed, whenever, in the judgment of the ''"""'>■ sui)erintendent and president of the board of trustees, it may be judicious and projjer for the interest of the hospital, of the patient, and of the community. ;]S. For the admission of non-paying patients, the following jiroeeedings shall be had : |,,|,| ^^^ (1) Some respectable citizen of the county to ;),l'"'s^",','v'|',ro. wliich the patient beUmgs, shall file with a justice '■'■^•'""'^■'"^■ of tiie peace of the county a statement in writing substantially as follows : m |JpHHf ro2 TRXNFSSKE. Hi' H State of Tcimcsseo, \ County, f The undersigned, a citizen of said state and county, liereby rprtificair-of stat-is that is insane; his insanity is of loss than two years' duration, (or that his beinrf at lari^e is dan"'er()us to the safetv of the coininunitv) that he is in needv circumstances and has a K^L;al settlement in the said countv, and is a citizen of the state of Tennessee. These facts can he proved hy and (naming at least two persons, one of whom shall ho a respectable physician). Dated this dav of , 18 . (2) 'J'he justice shall issue snhpronas on the persons named sutiim-iins. as witnesses and such other persons as he mnv ju-tiic may i . . • • i insiio, .to. thiiuc proper, re(|uiruig them to appear before him at a specified time, to testify concerning the facts set forth in said statement. Subprenas may also issue for witnesses in be- half of the person alleged to be insane. (o) If after such incpiest the justice is satisfied of the truth of the allegations set forth in the statement, he shall requin' the medical witnessi'S forthwith to make out a certificate, such as is herein set forth, substantially: I, , a practicing physi- rhysiciiins' fij^n of the county of , state of Tennessee, hereby certiiieau. of. ^.pj,j|{y ^jjiit I havc tliis day personally examined \ alleged to be insane, and i)ronounced so ; is years of age, is the subject of no infectious disorder ; the disease is of years' duration; is not the subject of e[)ilepsy ; has attemj)ted to connnit violence on self or others ; the medical treatment has been (4) The justice shall certify to his inquest, and attest the signature of the ])hysician under seal. The following words substantially shall be his certificate: Htate of 'JV'nnessee, county. I, the undersigned, justice of the peace in and .lusticp .>r ti|p for the county aforesaid, hereby certify that I luu'e tate'''o'f. held an inquest on , of said county, a jkt- son alleged to be insane, according to law. I am satis- fied that he is insane, on com{)etent medical treatment; that he is a fit subject to be sent to the state hospital for the insane, to undergo treatment therein, as an object of bounty of the state. I am further satisfied that his being at large is !' r ! ' Ti;\.vKssi:i:. ron injurious to liimself and (lisadx-antaLroous to tlio comniunity. AVitiiess my IuuhI, this day of , 18 . (.'») Iimncdiati'ly alter the in(|iu-t, tiic jiistico shall transmit to the I'krk of the county court a ccrtiticato of thcso t.!..' nicii j)rocccdiii<,fs. J he clerk shall hie the same in his c..,.ri.i..rk office, ami immediately transmit a c()\>y of the i-- niinMiiiit.'.i same (o t he supei'mU mlcnt ol the Imspital. accom- t. li.i.ut. panicd willi an a|>iilicatiou to i' the adniission of the patient therein named to the same. I 'pen recei{it of this application the superintendent sjiall inmiediately advise the clerk whether and when the patient can be received. (('») The clerk shall thereuj)on in due season for the convey- ance of the i)atient to the hospital Itv the time ai)- ,.. ,, , , , jiointed, issue his warrant to any suitable person for ''"''''• the convoyance of the patient to the hospital, in the following terms substantiallv : •State of Tennessee, 1 County. J Jo A\'hert'as all the proceedings necessary to entitle to be adnntted into the Tennessee hosjtital for the insane as a iidii-paying ])aticnt, have been luul acconling to law, you are liereby recjuired forthwith to take said person anutable standing, shall be lilcd with the sui)erintendent. "The undersigned, being a physician in regular jtractice, hereby certilies that on the day of , is , I personally examined , of county, state of Tennessee, and pronounce insane, anil a lit subject of care and treatment in a hospital for the insane. The patient is years of age; is free from infectious disease; has been insane for ; the disease is (or is not) hereditary; tiu' supposed predisposing and exciting are ; is imi subject to epilei)sy; has (or has not) attempted to commit violence on self or others." This certilicate shall contain all facts known to the maker To contain au regarding the insanity of the patient, and shall be facts, etc'. signed aud attested by a justice of the peace. 40. The superintendent, by authority of the resident board n)i(i§6- of trustees, or a majoritv of them, shall have power I'owpr of •IIP Hiippiint.Mui- to require tiic removal ol any i)atient, paving dt ent to .lis- ^ . . , . ^ . . . ' . , ciiaifc'e. non-i)aying, whenever m their oi)iiiion it is ad- visable to do [so]. Moiliriil corliliij;ili'. % TKNNKSSKK. 7or, ) the I thf K'VI (it ICl'l'ilS u)\v, if tiintly ouable 1 cvciil anil if •0(1, iiii- lu'i-wistj rncd liv 1.0 liU''l Dvac'tiro, itv, state lia- 5 :\c,f,^. Korm iif writ. ('(Unity, grechnj;: II. T\\v i>r()visio?is of tliis act shall apply to |)ati('nl- ofTiMTil for aijmis^ioii to the Imspital lor colored in- ii.iisx, rr.'Vi-.ii'ii« ti> ttpi>ly j;{lll('. I" rii|..rf.| iii-:iii^ ■1-!. Jurisdiction ovci' tiic persons and estates of idiots, lunatics and other persons of unsound nnnd, is in- s-'i^i. , .liirKillctloii, trusted to the eounty and cliancery courts. 'i'- •i;'). rpou information made to the eounty court, that any idiot or lunatic resides within llie jurisdiction :; ■•''^■^ thereof, toe court shall ui'der the siiei'iH' to summon imuKy. a jury of twelv freeholders, to ascertain by inrpiisition the idiocy or lunacy, and tin; pro}>erty and estate of the idiot or lunatic, and make return thereof to the court at that or the next succeedinj^' term. 41. The following may he the form of the writ : State of 'J'ennessee, "I County. J To the sheriff of You arc hereby commanded to incjuire, by the oath of twelve freeholders, summoned bv vourself, whether of in the county of is an idiot or lunatic, or is otherwise of unsound mind, so that he has not cajtacity sufli- cient for the government of himself and his j.roperty ; and if so from what time, after wdiat manner, and how; and if the saiil , being in the same condition, hath alienated any lands or tenements or not; and if so, Avhat lands and what tenements, to what person or persons, where, when, after what manner, and how; and what lands and tenements, goods and chattels yet remain to him ; how much they are worth by the year, whether he has a wife and children, and their names and ages. And you are further commanded that at certain days and places, appointed by yourself, you dili- gently make inquisition in the premises; and the same, dis- tinctlv and idainlv made, return to the countv court of said county at its next session, together with this writ. Witness , clerk of said court, at office in , the day of ,18 4.'). The writ of inquisition may be returnable to the same term of the court from which it issues, if the court r-^f'^i- . - . llctiuiialile to SO dn-ect; and, ni such case, the same proceednigs 45 II 700 TKNNKSSKIC. ('"KlS. sliall 1)0 lind ns if the return woro made to the next succoedin" torn I. -10. Tlio cloi'k of tlio county court, oi- any justice of ilio poaco,,. '"t'.y. <"i ainilioution of oitlioi' party, issue subiMona '""""**' for witnesses to attend tlic in(]uisition, ard such wit- nesses are subject to the i)enaltics and ontitlotl to f ivilo^cs of other witnesses. 47. The person on wl)ose apidication the in(iui^ition is sued, is liable for costs in cusi- the defendant is not de- clared a lunatic; and if so declared, the costs shall be ])aid out of the lunatic's estate. 48. Upon the return of the juiy that the person is an idim j:)„s7. or lunatic, and that he has property, the court shall """"' ""' appoint a <>uardian for the person and property df such idiot or lunatic, who shall ^ive l)ond and account as otln r guardians. 40. If the idiot or lunatic has no property, or not suilicieut ort 111' iii- naii. iMMsouH. (3j For the support of the poor, lunatics and idiots. 54. If there be a balance in the treasury of the hospital to § io42. the credit of a ])atient removed therefrom, the troas- To ])ay pa- i 1 1 • i i • i tient balance, nrcr shall pay it to the person author] zed to receive the same. '.''' hi. ! lip TKN'NF.SSKK. (07 •li wit- vileges ,s sued, not (lo- ts shall \\\ idiot irt shall pcrty «if lis otlirV :UtVu-i<'lll [\n' Irnii hoi- liouv [iroct. sulhrit'iit )v taken ifiit tlic't, term of if satiH- [Nvisc, that >• otVfVL'tl of cithor.-, ouvl. insane."' )ns of Un- as follow:^: unties and hospital to the treas- l to receive 55. It shall bo the (hily of Die siiperiiitendont of tlK> ho8« idttil for the insime to uivo iiiiiiiediate iiotii'c to tho sivvj,?. ' 1 • 1 1 I'.MlVlie,! lU'tircHt known relativo or boiidsninii, as ho may I'huni,. i,,. deem best, of all jiav ])alic'nts whose bonds have i""i'"' i.. ini boon forfeited, lo eonie Ibrward ami make payniont, [|''".'',',V'^'''''' iind renew their bitnds, an(). A liijl of fare Ibr such [)atients as may be in the hos- pital at the expense of the state, shall be estab- ^ i,v,». lishcd by tho trustees. '""'■ 57. The rates of fare per week for private patients shall bo rt'u'ulated by tho trustees, and mav bo of any stvlc S'"""' of livin. Payiufj; patients whose friends ]iay their expenses and who are not char';eable ui)on the countv, shall pay S ','"''-• for tho care received, the terms being subject to de- •»'i"iiJ">i'- cisiou by tho trustees. GO. Persons in indigent circumstances, while residi'ut in the hosiiital, shall, in their own right, or bv the state §^'<'"-^- hearing tiieir expenses, be chargeable no more than "au'^t. the actual cost for clothing, nursing, board, and medical at- tendance. 01. Under the regulations of title two, chapter one, article four [six] sections 154-1, 15-15, 1540, 1547, 1551,* of 5i-,r,4./. tlio cotlc ot lennessee, persons alleged to be insane and so declared after the inquest, shall be admitted to the privileges of the hosj)ital for the insane, free of charge; and all clauses in the above described sections of the code, and all other portions of the code and statutes now in force, in conflict with this section, arc hereby repealed. G2. All the necessary expenses attendant upon the transpor- tation from and to tho hospital of indigent insane f;ii'!,M,!;'os„f patients, shall be paid by the counties from which Il'irtri'T" they may be sent. couutiL. ■\ il Mi^! * Siii)iilieil Iiy act of 1871, see pi. 35-41, supra. ;l1l ■lib ros TENNESSEE. ! Ili I ! h.L ()3. When tlio ]ilea of present insanity is urged in behalf of ,,-.., any j)erson eharged with a eriminal oll'ense, pun- rMMMoi-'ci-iiiio ishahle by imi)risonment or death, the court shall '■""""' "''"'"• charge the jury, that if from the evidence, they Ix- lieve the defendant to be insane, and tliac it would endanger the peace of the community to set him at liberty, they shall so find. 04. Tpon such finding, the court shall direct an order to the ... superintendent of the hospital for the insane, to re- n!''imii'imMit ecivc aud keep the defendant as other lunatics, ' ' '"'^'•""'- which order, together with the defen(huit, the sheriff of the county shall deliver to said superintendent. G"). A\'hen, in the opinion of the trustees and physician, sucli (; i,v,n. patient has recovered from his insanity, they shall !ipV'v.'i'oa^ cause. him to be delivered to the jailer of J)avi(ls()ii •■""'''■ county for safe kee])ing, and immediately transmit to the clerk of the county in which the patient was arraigned, notice of the fact. OC). If, at the next term of the court, the district attorney ? ^vish further to prosecute sucb person, the jailer of JililT to solid _ '■ _ , iiini, wi..Me. Davidson county, on notice thereof, shall deliver the prisoner to the jailer of the county in which he was arraigned; but if the district attorney shall not wish farther to prosecute the prisoner, then he shall be discharged. 07. The compensation of the sherill" for such services shall 5 1*'"*. be the same as is allowed for the transportation of Ciiiiilionsalion , _ , _ "1 "i"-'!"- a convict to the penitentiary, to be paid out of the estate of the lunatic, if it is suliicient; otherwise, out of the treasuring of the state. 08. The expenses of a person in indigent circumstances, if i">«-i. committed by a court, as i)rescribed in sections KXl fllHl's of •' ' ^ ciimiuai. 1,354, ] 555, sludl be paid by the state. 0!*. Whenever the physician reports to the keeper that any g54^s. convict is insane, and ought, on that account to be Ki'iiioviil of insaiH' I'oii- victs. removed to the hospital, the keeper shall cause such insane convict to be removed accordingly, there to remain until removed by the physician. 70. Whenever the physician re})orts to the keeper of the ii.>j>N«. penitentiary that any convict is insane and ought on that account to be removed to the lunatic asylum, the TENNESSEE. (00 ! ii! ! half of e, pun- rt sluill hey V)e- )(hviiger shall so ,n- to the ic, to re- lunatics, ic shoriir ian,surh hey shall Davidson transmit irrai|j;ned, t attorney e jailer of leiiver the Arraigned ; )rosecute u'cs shall .rtation of out of tlie out of the 'uuistances, in sections keeper shall cause sueh insane convict to he removed accord- ingly, there to remain until diseliarged by the physician of said lunatic asylum.* 71 When tlie plea of insanity is urged ou belialf of any ]»erson charged with a criminal oHensc", punishable .^..toii.ri, by imprisonment or deatli, the court sliall ciiarge il|;,!;li",\? "' the jury that if, from the evidence, they believe the ''I'lrit"!.'. defendant to bo iiisane, and that it would endanger '■''"■'''^"' ■'"'•''■ the peace of the community to set him at liberty, they shall so lind. Upon such liuding, the court shall dircH't an order to the superintendent of the hospital for the insane, to receive and keep the defendant as others. Which order, together with the defendant, the sheriff of the county shall deliver to said superintendent. When in the opiuiou of the trustees and physician such patient has recovered from liis insanit}', they shall cause him to be delivered to tlie jailer of David- siuMiir t.. SOU comity for safe kee[)ing, and, immediately trans mit to tlie clerk of the county in which the patient was ar- raigned notice of the fact. 72. If the court in which a person is indicted for a criminal offense is satisfied that ho is non compos mentis, and s ■>*-^^- ^ _ liisaiiUy of he has been so for four successive terms, it may dis- charge him from custody upon the recognizance of good and sufficient sureties, acknowledged before the court, for hi3 personal appearance at the next succeeding term, in such sum as the court may direct. And the court may renew the recognizance from term to term in its discretion, so long as the defendant continues under the disability. lii'iit til siip't. pi'i'siiii Ill- diet.'. 1 fur criiiie. * "Tliis anieiidntory sectinn, vvliicli, if in forco, wcmld snporst'de tlio jirccodinti; section, is ddiibtless repealed by tlie terms of ^ 5559 a, sub-see. 1 ; * * * — TliDUip- -iin & Steser." Ili '■"'^ n- that any jount to he cause such ly, there to epcr of the and ought ;\svluui, the :i f 11 TEXAS. I I i 1 ( GOVERXMEXT OK AUSTIN ASYLUM. 1. P>tiil)liNliiiient and (ontrol. 2. Goveiiimi'iit vested in board of man- agers, residence. 3. I?i)nrd, how constituted. 4. Compensation of managers. 5. Organization of ijoard. r>. Monthly meetings, accounts. 7. (Jeneral poweisof managers. S. Powers and duties. 9. Inspection of asvlums. 10. Annual report. 1 1. Superintendent, term of office, (juali- ti cations. 12. Oath of ofliee, bond. 13. Filing of bond. 14. Removal for cause. 1o. Powers and duties. If). Fnrtlier jxiwers and duties. Accounts and reports. Kecords of ailmission. Inventories of jiroperty. Not to be interested in purcliases and Clin tracts. Ajipropriation, how paid, lixjienditures contudletl by board, vouclieis. 23. Fnuds contribute( managers, ap|iointnient, duties of 30. Superintendent, appointment, y judge. 37. Indiaent insane saipporieil by state. 38. Public patients not iuii. 102. '- " " . -^ . Coiiipema- puvpose of holding tiieir monthly meetings, pro- '>»"■ viiled for by this act and no member shall be paid, except in ease of his actual attendance on said meetings, and the certifi- cate of the president of the board of managers, approved by the superintendent shall be a sufficient voucher for the comp- troller to draw his warrant upon the treasurer for the amount duo each member of said board, for his attendance on said I i 712 TEXAS. ! Ml I. ' 1 > ji « meetings; 2^rovldcd, no meeting shall be for a longer time than one dav. 5. The board of managers shall choose one of their number §69. jiresident, and the sui)erintcn(k'nt of the asvluin OIlk'iTH . ei.nHcn. shall l)e ex-officio secretary of the board. A ma- jority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of its business. G. The board of managers shall hold monthly meetings at S70. the asvlum and a full account of all their acts and lis iinioniloil ^ 1 11 1 1111 IN,-.!, rii. loj. iiroccecnui's shall be recortled Ijy tlie secretary in a StiUfd meet- , , i -it '"fe'»- book to be provided for that purpose, 7. The members of said board of managers, shall be persons ^■n^ distinguished for their j>hilanthropy, and when ap- ?sv"h'i'.''u12. pointed in accordance with this act, they sliall have imaTi'.''"^ the general direction and control of all the propei'ty and business of the asylums, in accordance with the require- ments of law, and in all those cases not provided for by law, they shall have such direction and control of the property ainl business of the asylums according to the by-laws, rules, and regulations of the asylums. They may take and hold in trust any gift or devise of real or ])ersonal estate for the benefit nf the said asylum and apply the same as the donor or deviser may direct. 8. The board of managers shall have power <;72, (1) To nuike all necessary by-laws and regula- is-.i. ch. 102. tions not inconsistent with the constitution and fiullier iioweis. li^^vs of this state for the government of their insti- tutions, officers, emplo3'es and inmates and for the admission of visitors. (2) To determine the salaries and wages of all officers and employes of the asylums. (o) To discharge, upon the recommendation of the superin- tendent, any officer, employe or patient in the asylums. (4) 1^1)011 the nomination of the superintendent, to appoint the assistant physicians, steward, matron and apothecai-y to the asylum. (")) To examine the accounts and vouchers of the suj)eriii- tendent, and to reject or approve the same as they may deem right and proper. ((')) To exercise a careful supervision over the general opera- TEXAS. 713 tions and expenditures of tlic asylum?;, and to direct the man- ner in wliieii its revenues shall he dishursed. (7) They shall also cause to be kept a clinical record of all cases admitted in the asylums. [). The managers shall maintain an efrectivc insi)ection of their asylums, a committee for wliieh purpose shall visit them once every month, a majority once every (juarter and tlie whole board once a yt-ar, at the time and in the manner [)rL'Scribed by the bydaws. In a book kept by tlie managers us Hiiioncloil iss:;. ell. iii2. .Slated iusin'c- for tl lis pur})0se, the visiting manager or managers shall note the date of eacli visit, tlie condition of the house; the patients, etc., witli tlit- remarks of commen- dation or censure and all of the managers pre.-ent shall sign the same. 10. The general result of these inspections, with suitable hints and suggestions, shall be inserted in the hi- §m, , . as amoiulpil ennial report detailing the ])ast vears o))eratioiis i-v;. ,i,. ku. ^ , . .\ninial re- aiid actual state of the asylums, wliich the board i""'- shall make to the legislature in the montli of January of each alternate year beginning with the year 1S85, accompanied by the report of the medical superintemlent and steward. 11. The board of managers of the lunatic a.sylum shall elect a medical superintendent of their respective S"', 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 • /«' r "^ iiinPIidpil asvluins, wlio sliall hold their olhces tor two vears. i>^.!, -ii. lo.-, " ■ S»uiH'iinteiul- Ile shall bo a married man, a skilful physician, a >'"■ good executive ofiicer, and he shall also be experienced in the treatment of insanity. He shall have had special advantages and practical experience in the management of hospitals for the insane, and in the treatment of insanity by a residence for at least three years in such an institution. lie shall reside ill the a.^iylum with his family, or in a house near the asylum erected for the purpose : and he shall devote his whole time exclusively to the duties of his oOiL-e. 12. The superintendent shall, before entering u[)on the duties of his office, take the oath prescribed by the s::. constitution for all oflicers of the state, and shall bond. cutir into bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, with two or more good and sutricient sureties, to be ajiproved by the treasurer of the state, i)ayable to the state, and conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as superintendent. ' f • 1 • 1 714 TEXAS. 13. The bond provided for in the preceding article, shall be § "s- filed in the ofKce of the treasurer of the state, and Hiid,.'tc. shall not become void ui)on a first recovery thereon, but may be sued upon until the full penalty is recovered. And certified copies of such bond, under the hand and official seal of the state treasurer, may be used in evidence in all courts and proceedings in this state with like effect as the original. 14. The board of managers shall have power to remove iS-n, iisainoiiiied tlic Superintendent for good and sufficient cause ISSM, fh. 1(W. '■ " Kciiioval. OldV- 15. The superintendent shall be the chief medical and dis- §sn, bursing officer of the institution and subject to the ?ss!:!"w!'.' ulj. bydaws, shall have general care and control over ai'itu^soi-"' everything connected therewith. lie shall attend siiperii. em . ^^ ^j^^ cnforcemcnt of the laws of this state relatinsr to the asylums, and the by-laws of the institution and shall take care that all employes connected therewith, diligently and faithfully perform the duties • - "jued to them: and it shall be his duty to admit any of a.v uoard of managers into every ]iart of the asylum, and to exhibit to him or them on demand all the books, pai)ers and accounts belonging to the institution or pertaining to its business, management, disci- pline or government, also to furnish copies, abstracts and rc- {)orts whenever required by the board. IG. The superintendent shall also, with the consent of the g m board of managers, employ such officers, attendants, Same Rubjoct. ^j-^j othcr pcrsons as may be required for the ser- vice of the institution, and with like consent may discharge them at pleasure. lie shall also receive and discharge jui- tients, superintend repairs and improvements, and take care that all moneys entrusted to him are judiciously and ecu- nomicall}' expended. 17. The superintendent shall keep also an accurate and ilo- jj,.,. tailed account of all moneys received and expended feViMt'of '''''' ^^y ^'^'"' specifying the sources from which such BiipeniitPiui t. jj^Qjjpyy were received, and to whom and on wluit account paid on, ; and on the first days of January and July of each year he .-hall re})ort the same under oath to the governor. ^%\ TF.XAS. 71 ; IS. The supcrintondont shall also koop a rooistcr of all l)atieiits rcceivcMl into the asylum and (liseharged s ■'••■I. theivtVoni, to^^ctliLT with u full rei-ord of all the «"""-'"■>■<•'■ operations of the institution; and on the first day of Xoveni- her of eaeh yi'ur he shall report such operations in full to the l^overnor, aeeompanied with such su- accoui 22. The board of managers may adopt such regulations as they deem proper and necessary for the payment of ^^t. expenses other than salaries, the sui)j)lies j)rovided itTinln'o'l^c- for in chapter three of this title and such other ex- i"'"'""""''- l>enditures as may be regulated by law; but under such regu- lations no money approi»riatcd by law shall be drawn from the treasury exce[»t u[)on vouchers specifying in detail the exact purpose for which the same is needed, certified as true and correct by the superintendent and a})provcd by the president of the board of managers. 2:5. All funds of every character received into or belonging to the asylum, other than the sums of money ap})ro- § s-^. priated for its supjjort from time to time by the omi'iii'.-'m'nps, Itgisiature, siiall, as soon as received, be paid over of. tn the state treasurer by the superintendent or other person receiving it, and the treasurer shall kee}) the same se[»arate and apart from all other funds in his hands, and shall pay the w i 4 < 1 i J 1 i ' ■ : ( ill i'Hi a nun 716 TEXAS. Hi 'Dutii's 111' tli'lVSUllT sanio out only on tlie ordiT of the superiiiU'inlent, ap[>r()V('(l by the jiresidt'iit of tliu board of niaiia^i'r.s. 21. Thi' order nuiitioiu'd in the i)ri'cc'dini|iii.-vf, asylum for the care and treatment of the insane. iinin.ii iisy". tlic suuie sliuU be hjcated at least one hundred and iiu'iitoi. lilty miles Irom the city ol Austin, untl in north Texas. 27. The governor shall appoint three commissioners, who Ibid < 2. .^hall select the site for said branch asylum, who eiTto'loToc't' shall receive the sum of five dollars per day, and «>te, etc. their actual and necessary expenses incurred dur- iiiir the time of such service, which time shall not exceed thirty ilays; their accounts to be certified by the president nf said board of commissioners, and api)roved by governor, wliiili shall be suiHcient evidence to the comptroller upon which to audit the claims, and draw his warrant ui)on the treasurer lor the res[)ective amounts; and said board of commissioners, in selecting the site for said asylum, shall make such selection Avith a view to its accessibility and convenience to the greatest number of inhabitants; the supply of water, building material and fuel, drainage, fertility of soil and healthfulness, and the same shall contain at least four hundred acres, and not more than two thousand acres of land. 28. When said board shall have made their rep(<.' !•• the governor, and the same has hvcn api)roveil bv him. ^'f^- they shall, after thorough investigation, take titir to the land selected, in the name of the state, for the use and benefit of the state lunatic asylum. irovml 1 spec- drawn for the ount of he iisy- 111 puiil I hat he le )>- vith tlie for the hnuu'h iusaiii'. Iretl aii'l in norlh lers, who um, who day, and red dur- t exceed suleiit lit' or, which which tu isurer for idiiers, in sek'ciiou lo greatest {r material IS, and the not more L- :■• ihv Id hy him, Ike titu; to Ic use and TKXAS. — 1 f- 1 1 I '31 'llw f^niveriKir of thi' stat(> shall apjioint a hoard of ma iiuers to consist of five persons, citi/eii< of the state, iMiii-i n- whii ual le u'overned hv existin;^- hiW' an( 1 wl li'Kiril i>r iiian- lose ». ' 1- (UUies sliall he the same as now i>rescril>ed hy titl<' N* of the Itevised Civil Statutes. ;5(l. The governor sliall appoint, hy and with the consent and advice of the senate, a superintendent of said n.i.i p'Tilitl'llll- hrancli asylum, wliosi- duties, (|ualincation~. term •■iiia|.i".iiic.Mi. of odice and emoluments, shall Ije tlie same as arc now, or may hereafter he [)r()vided, hy law, for the- superintendent of tlie lunatic asylum. '.'A. The su[)i)ort and general management of said asylum -liidl he the same in every resjiect as are provided i in title ll|M'lVi»ioll. i)2. The superintendent of said asylum, and a huildin^ supervisor, who shall he emjdoyed hy the governor. -hall supervise the construction of all huildings erected upon said asylum ground^, as i»rovided for in this act. 33. There shall he constructed ujion saiil grounds, so se- lected, permanent and suhstantial huildings. sutli- n.i.i s >. ciciit ti) accommodate at least live hundred inmates; "i'-.-i'-- said huildings to he provided with modei'ii improvements for hirnishing water, heat, ventilation and sewerage: and the governor shall, immediately after the passage of this act, and receiving the re])ort of the commission provided for in the second section of this bill, advertise for i)lans and s}»ecilica- lions for said huildings, for sixty days, and he, together with the com])troller and treasurer, shall let the contract for the ciiiistructiou of said huildings, according to such plan and siiecilications as they nuiy adopt, to the lowest responsihle hidder, who shall give a good and suHicient bond for the c(Mn- pletion of the huildings according to the contract. :ii. The following ])ersons mav he admitted into the asvlum as patients: §fi- '■ ^ will) may bo i 1 ) All persons wd 10 have been adjudged insane a'i"'Ht.Mi. hy a court of eomi)etent jurisdiction in this state and ordered to l)e conveyed to the asylum. This class shall he known as public patients. (2) All persons wdio may be certified to be insane by some * See I'i GG-'JO, 1.1. 1-25, supra. 111,1 'I ' All' 718 TEXAS. resjK'ctiible })liysit'ian, under the ro<;ulations iKTciiiaftcr {iic- scribed. This rlass shall bo known as j»rivate jiaticnts. o.'). iJoforc any person can be received as a patient under s nj i)ara"-ra|>h two of the iJrecedinij: article, the iiai'eiit ii.iiiiis«i..ii ..!■ ()!■ |(>(val j^uanlian or such person, or, m case lie has patichiH. ii<) parent or lej^al guardian, tluMi some near relative or other person interested in hitn, must ))resent a written I'e- quost to the superintendent t'oi- his admission, setting Ibith the name, aj;e and residence of the lunatic, to^etlu'r with su^'h other particulars as may bo re(piirod by the su])erintendent di' the by-laws of the institution, which written re(juest must lie under oath of the i)arty presenting it, and \iv accompanied with the ailidavit of the i)liysician certifying- to the insiniity that he has made careful examination of the person for wiioin admission is ap[)lied for and verily believes him to l>e insan(>. o<;. 'J'he application referred to in tlu; preceding article iiiu-i S'"- also be accomi)anied bv a certificate from the countv iiui>t ;-..iniy. judge of the county where the lunatic resides, that the physician certifying to the insanity of the person is a n- spoctablo physician, in regular })ractice, which certificate i>\' the county judge must be attested by the seal of the county court of his county. .'57. All imligont public; patients shall be kept and rnaiii- L"K;,.,«"olV'n"'"""" tained rt the expense of the state. oS. All [)ul)lie patients not indigent shall bo k(>pt and maiii- jf,- tained at the expense of the state in the first instance, ™'hi>!;. Ijiit in such cases the state shall be entitled to i\iiii- b" reiin-'" '""■ bursomout in the mode pointed out in articles 111 ^"'"'''' and 115 of this chai)ter. oO. All ])rivate patients shall be kept and maintainoil at tlio ^, ng asylum at their own expense or the ex)ieii'.t u.i'mittmi. the asylum as a patient. 42. Any patient, except such as arc charged witli, or con- victed of some ofTensc and iiave been adjudged in- >' "■' sane in accordance with the provisions of the code lati. nf*. of criminal procedure, may be discharged from the asylum at any time upon the recommendation of the su{)erintendent approved by the board of man".gers. Any patient coming within the abu." exception can only be discharged by order of the court by which he was committed. 43. No patient shall be discharged without suitable clothing and sutticient money to pay his necessary expenses gmn. home; and when a patient is discliarged uncured, *"'""■ ""'J'''' '■ he shall be provided with a suitable guard and conveyed to his friends or to the county from which he was sent. 44. The expenses of conveying all public })atients to the asylum shall be borne by the counties, res{)ectively, ^^i^i. from which the}' are sent, and said counties shall I.x'Il,''ns,'s'n7"^ pay the same upon the sworn account of the oflicer pi'i'iViir '"** or person })erforming such service, sliowing in detail '"""'"'■'• the actual expenses incurred in the transjiortation. 45. In case any public patient is possessed of property sufil- cient for the purpose, or any person legally liable ;;,„._. for bis support is so possessed of property, the n''i',',',h'urs'>.'iT county paying the expenses of such transportation shall be entitled to i-eimbursement out of the estate of the lunatic, or the property of the person legally liable for his support, which may be recovered by the county in an ordi- nary action in any court of competent jurisdiction. 1 it I 1 b ^1 M 720 TKXAS. I 4(1. TIi«> ('xpciisc of convcyiii.ii' li» their lioiiirs ptililii- pntiont^ 5 i(i;i (lis('liiirjj;('(l from lln' asylum, iiiid the iieccssary ri'iiiiKpcirtitiiiiii 111' i" • 1 III 111 i" 1" 1 1 • !•' iiniii,. by 11,.. clouiiii'i; nifiiishcd tlicMi iit tlic tiiiio ot their uis- char^e, .shall he paid l»y the slate. 47. If'aiiy patient ednliiied in the asyhini shall escape thero- S'"^ iVoni, it sliall ho the diUv ot' anv shorilF or neace »"•'■'"'"■ ollieer to ap[>rehend aixl detain him and to report the same to the eouiity judj^e of the eounty, and also to the superintendent of the asylum, and upon the order of either to eonvev such patient hack to the asvlum. 4.S. Anv otlicer who nia\' eonvev a patient to the asvlum in ?,'"■■'. accordance with the provisions of the precedintr h.M's l,ir iii>|>i{. ' ' ^ ' ''"■'■ article shall he |)aid for such service out of the funds of tlie asylum, at the rate of ten cents [K>r mile for Inmsolf iind each necessary ^uard ho may employ, going and returning, luul the same for the patient going, the distance to he deter- mined hy the superintendent, according to the most direct traveled route. 40. Jf information, in writing and under oath, be given to S >""■, anv countv judge that anv ix'rson in his countv is a .,1 iuiiiiiics. lunatic or non compos nuMitis, and that the welfare of himselfor of otliers requires that he he i)laced under reslraiiit, and said county judge sliall believe such information to he true, he shall forthwith issue his warrant for tlie apprehension of such i)erson, and shall ilx a day lor the hearing and deter- mination of the matter. 50. The warrant provided for in the preceding article sli.iil §107. run in the name of the "State of Texas," shall Ite The writ mid its n..i,nsit,.s. diroctod to the sheritfor any constalde of the county, and the oflieer receiving it shall forthwith take in! h'- custody the person named therein, ami at the di ■• ed time havi iiiiii before the eounty judge for trial am iiiation. 51. At the time of issuing the A'. ant mention. , in llic gios. ])rcceding article the countv indge-iiall also issue an Jury t.i he ^ f _ i .) o Miimiiono.i. order to the sheritf or constable, directing him to summon a jury of six competent jurors of the county to he and appear before such judge at the time and place designated in sair pciu'o I) vt'i'i'ii > to the I'itlirr Id ■]»ear and n^jO'osont the stale on the hearinu', and tho defendant shall also he I'lititled to eonnsel ; ami in propiT eases the county jndj:;e may appoint counsel for that purpose. 53. At tlie time appointed for the hearinjjj, or at any other time to wiiirli the proceeding may have been post- jioiied, the cause shall he called for trial and a jury of six men empaneled, to whf.m shall he adiiiinis- tered the follo\viii<;' (»atli: " ^'ou and each of yon do solemnly swear (or allirni) that upon all the issues ahoul to he suhmittod to you in tile mattci- of the stal(^ of Texas a<;ainst A. U., you \vill a true verdict render according:; to the ovidence, so help you ( Jod." oh After the evidence is heard the county jud<:;e shall sul>- niit the matter to the jury upon the folk.wiiijf special ., ;«1 issues : s^ III. S|ii'riiil Ih- mii's I.I III- HiiliinUtcii. (1) fs A. I)., the defendant, of unsound mind? (2) if the defendant is of unsound miml is it necessary that he siiould he i>laced under I'estraint? (0) If y(^u answer hoth the foreo'oin.i:; (juestions in the allirm- ativo, then what is the age and mitivity of the defendant '! (1) How many attacks of insanity has lie had, and how long has the [iresent attack existed? (')) Is insanity hereditary in tho family of defendant or not? (()) Is the defendant possessed of any estate, and if so of what does it consist and its estiimited value? (7) Jf the defendant is possessed of no estate are there any jiersons lej^ally liable for his support? If yea, name them. ')'). The jury shall return plain answers in writing to the is- sues named in the preceding article, but if they find ,s U2. cither the first or second issue in the negative, they need not determine further, and the defendant shall be dis- oliurged. .")(). Upon return of verdict finding that the defendant is of unsound mind, and that it is necessary that he be jnn. placed under restraint, judgment shall be entered '">•'""""■ adjudging the defendant to bo a lunatic, and ordering him to be convcved to the lunatic asylum for restraint and treatment. o7. The special issues submitted to tho jury, with the aii- 46 Voiilict. » 1 ri I ^mBSm^S^ i If 722 TEXAS. ^< ,,4 swers thereto, shall he incorporated in the judgnient, I'lii 'ri''t''t'"'ri'io ''^'i^ if it. he found that the defendant is })ossessed of uH%l'u"i -m-' pro])erty, or that some other person is leifally liahle '''^''""'' for liis support, the county judge may, from time to time, upon recpiest of thesui)erintendent of the lunatic asyhnii, cite the guardian of such lunatic, or other pcroon legally liable for his su])port, to appear at some regular term of the county court for civil business, then and there to show cause why the state should not have judgment for the amount due it for the supi)ort and maintenance of such lunatic, and if sullicitiit cause be not shown judgment may be entered against such guardian or other person for the amount found to be due the state, wiiich judgment may be enforced as in other cases. r»8. The state, in cases i)rovided for in the preceding article, s 11.1. shall in. no instance recover more than five dollars hiiiiiiiitioii as i c i p i • i i toaiihiuiit per week lor the support or anv lunatic, and tiie cw- luici |.ro- ^ 111 ce.i.ue. titicate of tlie .Hipernitendent of the lunatic asylum as to the amount due shall be sufficient evidence to authorize the court to render judgment. 50. The county attorney shall appear and represent tlie § n'5 state in all cases provided for in the two i)reccd- Couiity attornoy ... to ri'i'ii'SLiit Slate. nis[ artic'es. GO. Immediately afcer any person is adjudged a lunatic the ^^,. county judge shall communicate with the supciiii- S^nlvTimm- tcudeut of tlic a.syluiu, and, if notified by the latter tktoiVsyium. ^Ij,^^ ^j^^,j.,, jg .^ y.l^^^,l,l^.y in tiio institution or that the patient can be a'lommodatcd, he shall issue his warrant to the sherill', or some other suitable jierson, directing him to convey tlie lunatic to the asylum without delay, whieli war- rant shall prescribe the number of guards to bj allowed, in no case to exceed two, and shall be executed with all convenient dis})atch. Gi. Xo warrant to convey a lunatic to the asylum shall issue ^,,s. if some relative or friend of the lunatic will under- Trii'mi niiiy tako, beforc the county judge, his care and restraint, Kivei,oii>i, .^jjj ^^.jjj gxecute a bond in a sum to be fixed by tlie county judge, payable to the state, with two or more goetl and sufiicient sureties to be ap})roved by the county judge, tioned that the party giving such bond will restrain and take proper care of the lunatic so long as his mental uusouiulnoss 3ft -«*i.. i; ll Ignient, essed of y liable time to asyliuu, ly liable county why the L for the f^uilleient inst such i due the ig- article, vc dollars id the oer- Lc asylum authorize :csent the wo preccd- natie the ■iUpcrin- the latter or that the arraut to ig biiii to liieh war- )\ved, iu 110 eonvetiieut shall issue will uiuUr- hd restraint, ixed by the idge, eoii.U- in and take insouiulness TEXAS. continues, or until lie is delivered to the sheriff of the county or other person, to be proceeded with according to law ; which bond sludl bo filed with and constitute a i)art of the record of the proceeding, and may be sued and recovered ui)on by any party injured, in liis own name. G2. The proceedings in any inquisition of liniacy shall be entered of record in the probate minutes of the gun. county coiu-t by the clerk thereof, and before any i\7iul,'i i'"?-'* patient is sent to the asylum the county judge shall ""'''*'• cause a complete transcript of the proteedings to be made up and certified by the clerk of the county court under the seal of said court, which transcript he shall f'-. ,vnrd by mail to the superintendent of the asylum. G3. Before sending any patient to the asylum, the county judge shall take care that the i)alient is provided j^on. with two full suits of substantial summer clothing cio'ilhiK to 1.0 and one full suit of substantial winter clothing. P'uvuhni. G4. When the defendant is acquitted on the ground of iji- sanity the jury shall so state in their verdict. ^V-jii/ '' ()5. When a jury has been empaneled to assess the })unish- ment ui)on a plea of "guilty," they shall say in c c. v., ^ t^s. 1 • T 111 • % i "^ • I'll ViMiUct III n their verdict wluit the punishment is wliieli they pi.-a of Kuuty assess; but where the jury are of the opinion that '"sii'io- a person })leading guilty is insane they shall so report to the court, and an issue as to that fact be tried belbre another jury, and if upon such trial it be found that the defendant is insane, such proceedi. gs shall be had as are directed in title 12, chapter 2 [1] < f this code.* (id. If it be made known to the court at any time after con- viction, or if the court has good reason to believe c. c. p.. § 'mt. _ Insanity iiltor that a defendant is insane, a jury shall be empaneled cuuvicuou. to try the issue. (17. Information to the court as to the insanity of a defend- ant may be given by the written afiidavit of any G.c.p.,§!t4H. •''-'''_ . uifiiriiiHtuiii res[)eetable person, setting forth that there is good as toinsaniiy. reason to oelievo that the defendant has become insane. G8. For the purpose of trying the question of insanity the court shall empanel a jury as in the case of a crimi- c. c. p., § i'-ii). ••• J .' Jury oiii- nal action. ii^iufioci. * See 'i'l, 947-9G0, pi. 0(5-79, infni. 1 l!!j li : mmim 724 TEXAS. •-AA (' iiiiiiiiiit ill^anp lielVudiiiu. G9. The counsel for tlio defendant has tlie right to open c. r. p., §n.w. ai^d conchide the artrument upon the trial Di-leiiilaiu's oiinnsol may . . . *■ ..pen au.i of an issue as to insanity. 70. If the defendant has no counsel, the court shall appoint c.c. p.,§9r.i. counsel to conduct the trial for him. 71. No special formality is necessary in conducting tlio c.c p.,,^9.v:. proceedings authorized l)y tliis chapter. The court t^.nnluuy'rp- sliall scc tluit tlic iiiquiiy is conducted in such a .,miedoa trial. jj-,jj,-,,^j,j. j^^ ^^ \^,r^^[ ^q ^ satisfactory conclusion. 72. When upon tlie trial of an issue of insanity, the defeiid- c. c. p., § ft.-i3. ant is found to he insane, all further proceedings hiispenaed. i]^ the case against him shall he suspended until he hecomes sane. 73. When a defendant is found to be insane, the court shall r. p., j5 o.-,4. make an order, and have the same entered upon the minutes, committing the defendant to tlie cus- tody of the slieriff, to be kept subject to the further order of the county judge of the county. 74. When a defendant has been committed, as provided in (•.r.p.,§f.-,r,. tlie preceding article, the iiroceeding shall forth witli Shall lie ecu- ■ . , , • i i i n , , liiiH.i in hina- bc ccrtiticd to the countv ludge, who shall take the tie asylum " i i uiiiii.on'. necessary steps, at once, to luive the defendant con- fined in the lunatic asylum, as provided in the case of other lunatics, until he becomes .sane. 75. fShould the defendant become sane, he shall be brought r. c. p.. i5 p.w. before the court in which he was convicted, and a WliPii till' de- fHu.iaiitiip- jurv sluill auain be em])aneled to try the issue of his •■'<'• sanity; and should he be found to be sane, the con- viction shall been forced against him in the same manner as if the proceedings had never been suspended. 7(>. The fact that the defendant has become sane, may ho rr. p.^n.'iT. made known to tlie court in whicli the conviction ifa?iuy'oi-.'io- was had by tlie official certificate, in writing, of the superintendent of the lunatic asylum where he is contined ; or, if not confined in the lunatic asylum, by the afiidavit, in wr'ting, of any credible person. 77. Wlien a certificate, or affidavit, such as is provided for c. c.p.sfc.s. in tlie preceding article is ])resented to the judge, or up.iii aiiidavit. court, cithcr in vacation or in term time, such judge, or court, shall issue a writ, directed to the officer having '■ 'li I'll TEXAS. custody of such defendant, conimamling such officer to bring the defendant before tlie court immediately, if the court be tlien in session ; and if the court be not then in session, to bring the defendant before tlie court at its next reguhir term for the county in which the conviction was had, which writ shall be served and returned as in case of the writ of habeas corpus, and under like penalties for disobedience. 78. Should the defendant again be found to bo insane he shall be remanded to the custody oi [he super- c^. p.,§n.-.n. intendent of the lunatic asylum, or otlier proper a)]-!im louud'to bV" fo lusauo. orncer. 70. When, upon the trial of an issue of insanity, it is found that the defendant is sane, the judgment of con- c. c. i'.,j5m;(i. viction shall be enforced as if no such inquiry i,r,.y,rorced"'''''' had been made. "'""• 80. No act done in a state of insanity can be punished as an offense. No ;. arson who becomes insane after he p. r.,5;in. 1 II' 1 11 1 • 1 !■ 1 Iiisiinity a lie. committed an otiense, sliall be tried lor tlie same i«i's«. while in such condition. Xo person who becomes insane after he is found guilty shall be punished for the offense while in such condition. 81. The rules of evidence known to the common law, in respect to the jiroof of insanity, shall be observed in p. r.,s4n. all trials where that fiuestion is in issue. The man- simity.iic- , , . . . , cur'Um; to ner of ascertaining whether the insanity is real or commou law. pretended, when it is alleged that the defendant became insane after the commission of the offense, is prescribed in the code of criminal }, rccedure. li .- ) ,[ I ■i 1 'f ■i ■ -r' ;:;:|l! UTAH. I GOVERNMENT OF ASYLUM. 1. Est;il)lisliii)cnt and title. 2. Koard of directors, term of office; governor to l)eox-oiricio incriiher. 3. Vacancies, how filled. 4. Oath of oflice, organ' zation. 5. Selection of site. 6. To adopt plans and provide for erection of l)iiildinKs. 7. Not to lie interested in contracts. 8. Capacity of asylum. 9. Board of directors, powers and du- ties, inspection of asylum ; su[ier- intendent, aiipointiuent. 10. Treasurer, not to be a director, term of oflice, duties. 11. Secretary, duties. 12. Directors, comjiensation. 13. Suiierintcndent, qualifications, pow- ers and duties. 14. Assistant jiliysician, (pialifications, duties, term of office. 15. Removal of officers. ADMISSION AND DISCHARGE. 16. Appropriation for support of asylum. 17. Appropriation, when drawn. 18. Hicnnial I'eporl of directors. 19. Intpiisition of lunacy, ])roceedings, commitment. 20. Idiots a!id liarndess chronic insane not admitted. 21. Investigation of indigence, lialiility for support, une.xi)ended moneys refunded ; money f'omid on person, disposition of; discliarge to cus- tody of friends; rci' >mmilmeiit. 22. Non-resiik'Ut insane delivered to friends; tem|)orary supjiort. 23. Transfer to asytuin fiotn counlies. 24. Charges for support fixed l)y tlirec- tors; lialiility for support. 25. Inquisition of limacy liv probate judge. 2fi. Guardian apjiointed. 27. Duty of guardlMU, bond. 2S. Investigation of sanity. 29. Kemoval of guardians. 30. Ciuardiansliiii, when terminated. CRIMINAL IN.>iANE. 31. Non-aecoinitability to law. 32. In(piest of insanity iiefore trial. 33. Proceedings on inquest. 34. Suspension of Jiiilgment during in- sanity, commitment ; on recovery, remanded to custody. 35. Conunitment exonerates bail. 36. Notice of rec()very, remanded to custody. 37. Expenses of commitment and re- moval, how borne. 38. Insane after judgment of death, in- (juest of insanity. 39. Duty of prosecuting attorney at tlie inquest. 40. Records of in(|uest to be tiled. 41. Proceedings iqion finding of Jurv. 42. Sale of intoxicating liipiorstu Indian insane, penalty. 1. There sluill l)e established upon a site to l)e selected by Actofisso, the board of directors hereinafter tiroviiK'il inr. an T.Tiit..,iai in- mstitutioii lor the care and treatment of the nisaiie, 8:iiiP asyluia .•Nt,ii,ii-.iua. to be designated and known as the terrihuial in- siine asylnni. 2. [Six })ersons named] are hereby constitntcd a board Ii|3j|(>l UTAH. 727 of ofTice sliall be four years, shall be elected and qualified. At said election such choice shall l)e niaublie accounts of tako.nitii of Ihis territorv; and within thirtv hing of at least one section thereof, suitable for the accomm(jdation and treatment of i)atients, with the api»ropriation named in this act. 7. The (h'l'ectors and other (jilicers shall have no inti>rest, S7. direct or indirect, in the furnishing (»f anv 1)uildin-, iiiivc no iiinT- materials, or in anv contracts for the same, or in anv I'Kt 111 Cllll- ' I ' • tracts, etc. contract forlalior in the erection of .slid asylum, nor in any contract for any labor, material or supplies for the main- tonance thereof. S. The i)lans and .specifications for said a.^ylum .^liall be uiioii Ni'i'liiitM-ofiia- the basis of accommodating not exceeiling two hun- pi'ovuu'li I'oi'. dred and fifty jiatients at any one time. 0. The board of directors sliall be known by tlie name and style of the board of directors for the insane asylinn, and by that name they and their succi\ssors shall he known in law, may sue and be sued, in any of tlic courts of this territory, and may receive, take and hold jirop- Thfir powers t'rtv, both rcal and personal, in trust for the teii'i- tory, and for the use and benclit of said asylum. They shall have jtower to govern, manage and administer the all'airs of .said a.sylum, and make and ailoi)t bydaws for their own government and the government of said asylum, not le- pugnant to the laws of the I'nited States or of this territory. They shall cause to be ke[)t by the secretary a full and coii'cct record of their ])rocee(lings, which shall be open at all times to the inspection of any citizen desiring to examine the same. They shall hold stated meetings at the asylum (juarterly at such time as may be prescribed by the by-laws, and a majority of the board shall constitute a f[Uorum for the tran.sactioii of business. Tliey shall nuike a thorough inquiry into ail tliu I bid S fl. .\iiim> of luiiiril of ili rectors. UTAH. '29 (lei>artMH'nt> of l;il»or and cxiiin^^c, ami a careful cxaminatidii of all tlic l)uil(liii;^^<, projtorty and ^ticiuTiil condition of the a-y- luni. Tln'V sliali .-ulniiii to the Icsfi.slative assi'uddy liiiimially, durin^Mlic lirst wrcii of its session, a rcpoi't sliowiiiu- tlie iv- ceii)ts and exixndituivs, the ,ii,eiK'ral condition of the asylum, the lunnhei'of patients under treatment durin,ii; the two jire- cedinji' years, ami .-ucli other mattt'rs touching' the general aflairs of the asylum as they may (h'em advisahle. As soon as they shall deem it iieees.-aiT for the pro[ier coni|iletion, fur- lusliinii' and manaji;ement of said institution, the |.;i,,,.ti.,„ofa hoard of directors sliall elect a nu'dical su])crinteml- n/t'rilis't''im cut, uhose term of ollice shall he four years and un- til his successor is elected and (jualilied, and llienc(.'forth the directors shall elect the medical su]>eriutendeut, when it hc- comes necessary hy the expiration of his term of uliice or Ijy the occurrence of a vaeancy in said office. 10. The hoard of directors shall elect a treasurer, wlio shall not hi- of their nuniher, and who shall Iiold his im.i s lo. . , Tri'iisurcr to ollice for two vears and until his successor i.s elected '"- I'l''"''!. , liis ilutii-^ am! and (pialilie(l. J>efore enterinrecedin,ii: (juarter, anil shall ])erfoi'm sucli other duties a.s the board of directors may require. lie shall liiive a yearly salary, to 1)(> lixed by the board of directors, payable (piarterly out of any moni'vs ai)propriated to the use (if the asylum or in its treasury. 11. The secretarv shall have charuc of the books and ac- counts of the board of directors, lie shall keep a n>ui § n. Tm !l! 1 Jil v. '•9 730 UTAH. I! i rumprs";',,,; i'«'<'i"'^ <>'' tlu'lv ] .rocciMli ii^s iit iill statc'd oi callcl ofHccnt^uy. uu'ci J ii_i2;s. ii 1 K 1 sliiill ]K'i-fbnn such other (Intics astlie by-laws may prcscrihi' or as (he hoard ot" (lircclors may r('(|uirc. ]!(' sliall have such sahiry or (•(»m]iciisa(ioii lor his services as may he lixeil hy (he hoanl of directors, payahU; (|uarterly. 12. lOach (hr(>ctor shall n'ceive as his compensation, i'our 11)1.1 S 12, dollars i)er diem for each meetiiii; of the hoard at oiMii.rtoi-s. which he sliall he present, ])ayahle out of any moneys ajipropriated to the use of tlu' asylum; provhled, that any direi'tor whose I'esideiice is out of the county in which said asylum is situated, shall he allowed i'or traveling- expenses, milea.n'c at the rate of ti'U cents ])er mil(> for the distance neces- sarily traveli'd in attending- the meetinji,s of the hoard. l.">. The medical su[)erintendent shall he a well I'ducafcd ,i,i,i(;,:i and ex|)eriencc(l physician, and a re,nular ,ii,'radualc Hi"i'Mu'ii!'s'!!r I'l niedicint\ and shall have practiced ut least live '"""'"' ""'■'■ years from the dat." of his diploma. He shall !..■ the cliii'f executive otlicer of the asylum. Jle shall have the fi^eneral superintendence of the, nroundsand |iropei'ty thereof, suhject to the laws and regulations of the directois. lie shall have control of the jiatients, preseriht' or direct their treatment, adopt sanitary ineasurt's for their welfai'c, luid dis- charge such as in his opinion have jiermanently recovcreil Atton.iiuits tlu'ir reason, lie shall appoint, with the apiiroval p|;'i)',t','.',i."','i',.ir of the directors, us many attendants as he may '""""■""'"""■ think necessary for the ellicient an and management of the asylum, and, m itii the consent of the board of directors, iix their comitensation and discharge any of them. He shall prescrihe the duties of the suh(»rdiiiatc ollicer.s and emi)loyes, maintain discipline among them and enforce ohedience to the laws, rules and ivgulations adopted for the goveriunent of the institution. Jle shall estimate quarterly in advance the prohal)le expense of the asylum and sulimit the same to the hoard of directoi's at tlu'ii' last I'cgnlar meeting ])receding the commencement of such (juarter. fnr their ai)})roval. And the auditor of i)uhlic accounts is liei( hy authorized and directed to draw his warrants for the aiiHumt of said estimate, approved by the directors, as soon as the same shall have l)een apj>rove(l, in three cMjual sums, in favor of the directors, to be drawn monthly; and the territorial -J. I A )iSi UTAH. "HI trcnsurer is nnlliorizcd and dirci-ted to pay the paiiir out of any moneys apin'opriated l)y law tor the use anil Ijendit of said asyhini. The niecjical supci-intfUfh-nt sliall estimate and rc|iort to the direetors tlic amount, kind anil ipiality (if jiro- visions, fuel and elothin<^ re(iuii'cd for the six munths I'lidinj; on tlu' thirty-lirst day of May and the thirtitlh day of Novem- her of eaeh year; and tlie dirrelors shall thi'U advertise for contraets for furnishiiiL!,' saieuditures other than those for ]irovisions, fuel and clothini^ may he luade hy the medical suiterintenih'Ut, suhjt'ct to the a|)[)roval of the hoard of di- rt'Ctors. The mechcal superintendent shall cause to i,;,iiv r, he kept full ami correct accounts and records of his '" '" '"'"' otlicial transactions from day to day, in hooks ]irovided for that i)urpose, iu the mode })rescrihed in the hy-laws. lie shall see that his accounts are fullv made up to the Annnai ro- _ ' ' |Mirts to be tliirty-tirst day of ])ecemher in each year and shall """'<'• suhmit his aniuial report to the hoard of directors immediately, lie shall visit the asylum every day in the year uidess he oh- tain leave of ahsenci' from the president of the- Ixjard of di- rectors in which event the a.ssistant })hysician .--hall diseharj^^e his duties, lie shall receive an annual salarv, to lie fixed hv the hoai'd of directors pavahle nioiithlv, as other attaches arc paid. 14. When said asylum shall he ready for the admi.ssion of patients, and thenceforth when a vacancy occurs in , 1,1,1514 the office herchy authorized, the directors upon the phjwiafito nomination of the me(lical su]>erintendent, shall hiVrmn'p'-nsa- 1, 'lii'* 1 ini li tioii and (Ill- elect an assistant ])hysician, who siiall he a f:-raupeiintenlKlitures nuide by them for the uses of the asyliiiii during the preceding two years. 10. The probate judge of any county in this territory sliall, iiiid^ifi. uiion application under oath, setting forth that a Iiivi'stiL'iitiim i ncasl's'ur'in- pcrsou, by reason of insanity, is dangerous to be at ^u"ie.'ai'i'.i''''' large, cause such per.son to be brought before liiin. iiiaiincrot. ^^^^j ^^^ shall summou to ap])ear at the same liiiK' and place, two or more -witnesses who well knew the accused during the time of his alleged insanity, who shall tt'stify under oath as to conversation, manners and general eouducl UTAH. Upon wliicli said clmrixo of insjiiiity is 1)iis('(l, ami sliall also cause to a|)])car Ix'foro him, at the same time and ]ilace, two practii-inu; physicians in meilieine, before wjiom the jud^'O shall examine tlie chavtic, and if, after a careful hearinn" of tlio case and a ]iei'sonal examination of tlie alleged insane |ierson, the said j)iiysicians shall cerl ify (pii oalh that the |iii'>on ex- amineil is insane, and the case is of a recent or cuialde charac- ter, or that the saint cause and class of insanity, duration of the (lis(>aso and ])resent condition, as nearly as may he ascertained hy in(iuiry and exandnation : and if the judg"(.' shall !)(> satislii^d that the facts ivvealeil in tlu' (•,„„„iii,n..„t examination cstal)lisli th(> existeni-e of the insanity '^|,,|"^'.'"!jj"'''' of the jxn'son accused, and that it is (tf a recent o" •'"''^'■• curahle natur(>, or of a, homicidal, suicidal or incendiary character, or that from the violence^ of the symptoms the said insaJie person would be dans or [)ro])erty of others, if at lar^uc he shall direct the sheriir of the county, or some suitable })erson to convey to and jilace in cliar<»eof the ofliccrs of the territorial insane asylum, such insane j)erson, and shall transmit a copy of the com- jilaint and conimitm(>nt and jihysician's cei'tilicate, which shall always be in the form as fui'nislie(l to the coui'ts by the medical superintendent of said asylum; and the jK^-son taking; such insane ])orson to the insane asylnm, shall be allowe(l therefor the same fees as are allowed hy law to the sheriff in such cases, to he paid in like maimer if such insane person be in- (liji'ent. And tht^ physicians attending;- the examination afore- said shall be allowed hy the county court of the county in which the examination is had, hve dollars each, unless they are otherwise paid. 20. Xo case of idiocy, ind)ecilit3', harmlesss, chronic mental unsoundness or delirium tremens shall he com- 11.1,1 § i:. iintted to this asvhim : and whenever, in tlie oiunion liti.d 10 a.i- n , .",, „, .. iiiissiiiii to 01 tlie superintendent, attcr a carelul examination asyium. ! 734 iT.ur. of tlir case of any iicrsoii coiiiinillcd, it >liall Ik- sati>fa('loi'iIy ascertained )»y the said supeiinlemlent that tiie j)arty had h<'en uidaui'ully eoiniiiitted, and that he oi' she eanie under tlie nile of exemptions i»i'(ivide(l for in tliis section, he shall lia\i'the iiulhorily to disehar.iic such person so nnhiufnlly eonimitted, and retnrn him or her to the county from which eommiite(l, at the expense of said c<)unty. 21. 'J'he Ju(lenses, the jud,!4e shall aii[)oint a guardian for such person who shall Ik; .suhject to all the provisions of the ^'ciieral laws of this terri- tory in ri'hition to guardians, as far as the same are ap]>licalile ; and when there is not sullicient money in the hands of ilie guardian, the jndge may onk'r a sale of propi'rty of such in- sane person, or so much thereof as may he necessary, and iVnin the ])roceeii of of arrest shall he certilied to hy the Judoc and sent "li'Kue'Prl with such j)ersou to the asylum, there to he delivered to the medii-al sujierintendint, who shall deliver the same to tho treasui'cr, to he ainilied to |iayment of the expenses of such person while in the asylum ; hut upon the recovery of such insane [lerson, all .sums reinainiii,i;' unexpended shall ,„,„„„>^„f hi' returned to him \vlien he is discharged from tho ",'.-'|,'.'i'|'vI'lvd asylum. ''Jlie kindred or IVieiuls of an inmate of the l!lu'in',"y'r,;. re- a.'^ylum may receive such inmate therefrom, on their Ii','','',',i''ti?,)'''' givinerson ; hut the medical sujierintendent shall rejt'ct all other order.s or ap[)lications for the release or removal of any insane person. .\nd if after such removal, it is hrou<,dit to the knowledge of the judge, hy verilK'd statement, that the person thus removed is not cared for properly, or is dangerous to persons or i)roperty hy ]'ea.s()n of such want of care, he may order such person re- turned to the asylum. 'I'l. Non-residents of this tt'rritory conveyed or coming herein, wliiU; insane, shall he returned hy the director to ii,i.i{(i!>. their home ami friends if known, and not be com- iii'siu,'V'''i-" iHilled to or supported ni the territorial m.sane asy- tmiM-,! t.. 1 1 1 • 1 •! • • 111 friiMids it' luui; l>ut this prohihition shall not prevent the com- known, luitinent to, and temporary care in said asylum of persons 4 (3G UTATI. stricken whh insanity 'vliile traveling oi- tcinpoi'arily sojourn- ing;- in this territory. 'I'A. Wiuii any section of tli(> asylum provided foi- in this n>i(i'!"o '"-"^ ^^ ready for the aeconiniodation of patients, the ny!v''i,','?,'i'!',.I''r several ])rol)ate judu'os in this territory who are an- 111 isyirin, thori/e cost of transportation of such jiatieiits shall Ix^ paid by tlie iiuardian or friends of the palieiU transferred, unless he he indigent. 24. Until otherwise jirovided l)y hnv, the hoard of directors n.i(i§'ji. are Inreljy autliori/.ed and empowered to esJahli>h Dir.'il.iis to 1 r. 1 "^ 1 f 1 iix nit.'sfor and ux the rate per Aveek or month, for the eai'e and iniiiiiU'Miiiii'." _ ... oti.:ri.Mit.s. keeping- of patients -within the asylum, and if sudi patients l)e indi,iL!,-ent the cost foi- tlieir care and keepinu' sliall he a cliarge af!;ainst the county from whence they are sent, and nmst he paid from the treasury of such county by (M'der of the county court. 2.'). When it is rep)'t\^ented to the ]U'obat(^ .i"d,Lre, upon Act.>fi.''0 vei'ided petition of any lelativt' or friend, that any I'mbiu.'t'nck'o pci'son is iusauc, or, from any cause menially in- |;ijj;',V"s'i.7oi' eom]>eient to mana,u'(> his property, th(> )ud,<;-e niu-t i'i«iii'ty. cause a notic(> to be given to the su[)posed insane oi- incoi'ipetent person, of the time and ])lace of hearing the case. ]iot less than five days before the time so a})pointed, and siicli person, if able to attend, be produced before him on the hearing. 2(i. Jf, after a full In^iring and examination upon sucli yrW- U'i'i s I".. tion, it appears to the irobate iudge that the person (;iii . ... ... . , . iiiMsti..iip- ]ii (juestion IS uu'ai);;hle of lakmg care of hnnsi If iiisiuio peis'iii. ;);i,l managing his propi'rty, he must a])point a guardian of his person n\u estate, with tlie powers and diitiis in this •hajdei' sjiecilied. 27. ]'>\'ery guardian ap|)ointe(l as ])rovi(led in the jirecedin^ n.i.i§iii. section, shall have the care and custody of the ncr- t.Miai.iiMi; iiQix of his ward, and tlie managenu'iit of all Ins ii;'.ist j,'ivn _ _ _ '^ iniii.i to waiM. (>stat(\ uutil sucli guardian is legally discharged; and he must give bond to such ward, in like manner and with like conditions as before described with re.spect to the guartlian of a minor. m 111 UTAH. 737 :Sh|| 3urn- i this ^^, tlu" V iwi- \]\ or- un es- f snc'li palicnt 28. Any person wlio has been declared insane, or the guar- dian, or any relative of such i)crson, within the third „,i,, , ,7 degree, or any friend, mav iij>iily, hy ])etition, to tlu> ri'^'i'snli'im'-' })r()l)ate judge of the county in which he was declared diuWi,','raiio insan(\ to liavi' the i'act of his restoration to cai)acity v',.'Mit."al'a, judicially deti'rinined. Tlie jietition shall he veritied and shall state that such jierson is then sane. I'lion receiving the })etition the judge nuist apjioint a day for the hearing. The judge shall cause notice (jf tlu' trial to he given to the guardian of the petitioner, if there he a guardian, and to his or her husliand or wife, if there he one, and to his or her fathei' or mother, if living in the county. ( )n tlie hearing, the guardian or relative of the ])etitioner, and, in the disci'elion of the judge, any other person nuiy contest the right of the i)Cti- tioner to the relief (h-numded. Witnesses may he re(|uired to appear and testify, as in other casi's, and may he called and examinetl hy tlu' judge of his own motion. ]\' it he foun vard to t^c person found to he lawfully eu'itled thereto. '' * '^ * * .")(). * * * * * And the guardian of an insaiuMjr other person mav lie discharged hv the jirohat'' judge H'M sv2. when it aiip(>ars to him, on the ai)i)licatioii of the oiuiumiiau- ■^ ' ' A i siiip 111- ward nv otherwise, that the guardianship is no '^iH'" 1 'r^'ni. leugt'r necessary. '■'A. A person cannot l)e tried, adjudged to pu.nishment, or punished for a puhlic otfens(> while he is A.•ton^7■^.H•■'^• Ci'uuimil Ciule. insane. ''>'2. When an indictment is calletl for trial, if a douht arises a- to the sanitv of the defendant, the (our\ must n'i'i5i"''. ll.Hlllt lis tl) erder the ipu'stion to he sul)niitted to a jui'y , wlien f;.\" ','•■',,','' ,;',;\y such douht arises, on the defendant heing hroughf ■^•t''r'"i"'"i- up for jtulgnu'ut on conviction, the court must oi'd-r u jury to 47 ■ 1 * 31' m -OQ ITAH. }»c snniinoiicd fntni llu' list of jurors proviili'd Ly law, to ii- <|uiiv into tlie fact; and tlii' trial of the indictment or the ])r(in(iu.nciii!;- of tln' jndgnu'nt must be suspended uidil tlie (piestidU (if insan.ity is deterndned liv the verdict of tiie jury, I).']. The trial of the question of insanity nuist i>r(H'eed in M"'" the fdlldwini!; order: Onlor iif trial of tii.-iiH>. (\\ '■[■'i|(> t'C)uns(.d for the defendant must open the tlllll of 111- ^ -^ _ ' »•'"''>■■ case and offer evidence in support of the allepiliou of insanity. (■J) Tile counsel for the people nuiy then open thcii ca- ,.iid otU'r (.'videiu'c in support thereof. (.">) The parties may then res[>cctively offer rclnittinji- testi- mony only, unless the court, for >>ood reason in furtherance of justice, permit them to t)tfer evidence upon their original cause. (4) ^\'llen t.ic evidence is concluded, unless the case is mi1)- mitted to the jury on eitlur or hoth sides without ar^ui - iit, the coun^t'l for the people must commence, and the defeiuLn.i or his counst'l may conclude, the ariitfiiienl to tlu' jury. (.")) If the indictment be lor an offense punishable v, itli death, two counsel on each side may ar,uue the case to the jury, in which case they nuist do so alternately. In c»ther cases tlic arjiunuiit luay be restricted to one coinisel on each sidi.'. ((>) The (ourt must then charge the jury, stating to iliem ciiari.'f or «il^ matti'rs of law necessary for their iiilbniiatioii in '"■''■'• ^ivin^ their vi'rdict. 1)1. If flu jurv find the (Ufendant sane, the trial of llu' in- ^u:. dietmcut must i)roceed, or iuder otficer. 15.". The commitment of the tJefendaut, as mentioned i'l tlie II. •5^''^ last sectinu, exoiBt-*n»tes his bail, or entitles a pti isoommitio,!, authoriztni tit) r«-«peiwe the proncrtA of the dei'endaut., hi« bail, etc. t-nii- (■tV'lRUli.l y. ijlc v.iiii the juvy, UK'S llie to thrill luiliou in )t' tlu' in- 1k' pvn- lind the must lie it (looms i'cty. may lo I'Vult'i' lii.g sanr, 10(1 i'l til*-' ..fouiliiur.. ir». Tf ilu' (lofoTulant is retH'ivod into an asvlnni, lie nmst Lo (lotainod tliore until lio l)o oonios sane. ^\' ion Dcl'i'ii'laiit (le- ti'iii"'! ill iiu iisvliiiii until U<- li. t.i l.e I'l-olu iilHcer. bocoines wino, the i)ors(in liaviiig liini in oliargi.' must give notice of that fact tu the jirDpor oilioor, who must tlierouiion, witlicul dolay, hi'ing the dr- I'ondant from tlio asylum, ami plaoo liim in ]ir(i]K'i' oustddv until ho is hroULiht to trial or iudvnioiit, as the case may \)v, or is legally discharged. .■JT. The expenses of sending the defendant to the asylum, of keeping him there, and of hiinging him hack are in 11 10 first instance char' foahle to tl le countv in which KXpiMlSO llf .lillL! i'tC. 10 otfonse was committor )nt the countv niav n CoV( r tl lem from tlie c: ito of the defi'iidant. if lie (Icl'iMiilaiit to iisyliirn. wheio fluirgfl- ;il.|.'. have anv, or from a relative louallv hound to care for him, or from the county in which ho was a resident. ;1S. I f, after judgment of death, there is good reason to suppose that tlu defendant lia.> 'come insane, the pro])er s;'' otlicor. with the concurrence of the judge of the (•(Uirt. hy which the jud< inont was roiiderod. may If ri'iisi.n ti> supi" .Ic- fi'iulilllt ill- '*;iii''. iurv to IIKIIIII'I' llltll iiiimon from the list ot the iurors selected hv the it ; i...w mui liv mIhiui or- .lI'V.l. proj)er ofli'-ers for the year, a jury of twH'lve [lorson to in(iuirt' into the supposed insanity, and must give imme- diate notice thereof to the prosecuting attorney, or tjlher cuunsol for the j)oople. .'V.I. The prosecuting attorney must attend the impiisition. i!(l may prodiiot' witnesses hef( ore the jury, fur whioli ])urpose Jie may issue process in th I'r.' ^Ml■ntl^l!f amo iiltoriii'y.iluty iiianno as for witnesses to attend before the tiraiid ot. upon iu- iiui-itioii. jury, and disobedience thereto may be punished in like manner as disobodience to 2)roccss i.ssued by the ct)urt. 41). A cortitioato of the iiKpiisition muroper ouicor, ami lilo d with th< eloi'k of tile court in whii'li the conviction was luu ln>(niMiiion. Iiow iiilifj d lil.Ml. (j.T,!. ■.liii up. .IMlg 11. If it is found by the intpiisition t';uit tiio (k'l'ondaiit ii- saiio, the proper ollicer nuist execute tlu' judgnieni ; hut if il is found that he is insane, such ollicer must su>pond the oxooiiiion of the judginout until ho re- ceives a Wiiiiaiil from the govoriuir, or from the judgr M\>r toxicatiug drink to an Indian, insane or idiotic ])er- dtillsf minor's, SOU, Or to auv miiior, a})i)renticc or employe und.r ""'' twenty-one years of age, v, ithout the consent of the parents, guardians or employer thereof, shall he held and deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall he fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than ovic hundred dollars, and shall also he liahle to pay all costs of prosecution. talc. 36. Proceedinns, regulation by town. 37. Investigation by selectmen of town. 3.S. Indigent insane, contract for sup- port of, statement of seleetmer.. 39. Who entitled to benelit of state a]ipr(ipriations. 40. Indisrent insane, when returned to county. 41. State a|ipropriation, amount, when and hriw ilrawn. 42. Statements of trustees before re- ceiving appropriations, 43. Warrant issued on receipt of state- ment. 44. Neglect to furnish statement.s, pcn- ■ alty. 4-5. Guanlians for insane, ai)pointment. 4(). Investigati.)n for a])i)oiutmeut. 47. Proceedings at the hearing. 45. Expenses of defense, how borne. 49. Support and custody of insane wife. 50. Cinardian, powers and duties. 51., pcndi'Ute lite. 52. Guardian, when removed. 53. Discharge oi guardian. 54. Commission for discharge. 55. Duties of justice. 5(5. Discharge of guardian by justice. 57. ,\iipe;il frtun decision f)f justice. 58. Trial of aiipeal. 59. Result certified to ]iro!iatc i ourt. 60. Sureties of ward, liability on bond, til. Restraint by guardians. '!2. Restr.aint by selectmen. ti3. Kestraini of indigent insane. (54. Penalty toi neglect by guardian. •15. fiuardian, appointment. 6t). Proceedings for appointment. (57. Decision of court on (juestion of indi<.'ence conclusive. ti8. Temporary restraint by selectmen. CRIMINAL INSANE. (59. InsaiU' not indicted, coininittiient. 70. Acipiittal on ground of ins-niity, proceedings. 71. Discipline for insane in ^t;ite prison. ■m 4i '^rf'^ 742 VERMONT. 72. rrimiiinl in^nno, ilisclinriro. I SO. Tlalioa* corpus jillowcd, 7o. Disi'liiirgo tVoiii |{i';ittli'l)()r(i ;isyliim. i 81. Insimo jirisoiuTs, tninsfprred to 74. liidi^ciil iiisMiU' fiiiniiials, wiliR'Sscs lirMlllcliori) usvliiin. in liclialfof. 75. Procei'ilinys tor discliiirge. 7C>. l)iscli:ir;;c liv ciiiirt. 77. Costs of jjroceedin^s, liow jinid. 78. Term ot'cominitiiH'iit, wlii'n altered. 79. Fees o!" wit iiessi's. 82. On recovery, to be reiiiiinded. 83 ]Cseape from asylum, |)enalty. Si. Coiirmeiiienl of prisoners in asylum, when to continue. 85. Legal settlement, proceeditigs to ascertain. 1. Xo pcv.'^oii, except tis hereinafter pvovidcil, sliall ])o iid- Rcv. T.iiw-of snpor. such appcal is taken, forthwith examine the case, pp'iii.'""' iind if in their opini-Mi there was not suftifieiit ground for making such ccrtifirate, thev shtdl avoid the cer- tificate, otherwise they shall endorse tbeir approval U]'on it. Such exiiniination by the supervisors slnill he had in the town where the appellant resides. 3. "When the next friend or relative of such person rakes lui ibiitj.!. appeal as above provided, he shtill nf)t ho ret'civod So' lit iio re- , . ■, 1 • 1 J 1 1 • 1 ■ .-.■iv.'.Kviiii.' Ill an insane asylum while tlic ai»po:ii is j>en(!in,^ Jl'mihiK!* l)efore the suj'^rvisors. And a t ustee or otiirr officer or cmjjloye of an insiine asylum who receives or do- tains ii persoy in such asylum wlutse insanity is not tittcstfl by a legiil certificate v/hich ha> not been appealei't'al all. wlii'ii the ease, -utVu'ieiit (1 the oor- ii]>on it. the lowii u iakosau ,. vcc'oivt'il juMidiui: or otliii" Vl'S o\- tlo- ,t ;itt.>. , . , , , . i'HtiPiits sub- shall be subject to tlie control and sauitarv treatment y-n i ntroi " 1111(1 treat- of the trustees t. the asylum, at the asylum, until 't sullicieiitly sane to warrant his release, or until removed by his friends or guardians, or otherwise discharged. 0. A trustee en* other ofiicer or emplove of an insane asvhim who admits or detains a person in an asvlum con- s-.';'n. trary to the i)rovisions of this chai)ter shall be im- iii.-::,i':i.i.m<. sion or ilctt'ii- l>nsi)ned in the state prison not more than three ii"i. years. 10. The .^ecretar}- of state shall prepare and have printed and fuinish to eai-h i)robate jndge blank certificates s-'i-- , . , , . . . Blank cc tor the u^e i)f such judges and [ihysicians m cairy- nn iiig out the provisions of this chapter. ccitia- i 'J 1 /f: 744 VKinioNT. r ; I i !:ll:J i! , n. The words " iusniu' p^Tson " sliall iiicludo cv* vy idiot, §7. Pofliiition. lion compoH, luiifitif and distracti'd jxTson. J 2. 'J'lic jivncral as.send)ly sliall elect biemiially tliree su|>('r- S2S!i7. visors of the insane who shall hold their ofliees I'nr two yiars coniniencnij^f on tlie lirst (hiy ol the next ])eeeinher; and the p)vernor may till any vacaney in the board duiin<; said term. Two of said snpervisors shall be physicians, and none ol" them shall be u trnstec, sn])ei'intend- ent, employe, or other oflicer of an insane asylnm in the state lo. The sniiervisurs shall visit evei'v asvlum for the insane s ■■;''!"' in the state as often as occasion re(|iiires, and one of l)Ulil's ill (;i'll- 1,1. 1111 • ■ end. theboard as oltenasoncea month, shall examnie nito the condition of said asylnms,the manaliall ■■■•'i'"'*. take sueh aetion u[H)n such ajiplieation as it rei|uires. 18. If in their judgment an investigation is nei-essary they shall appoint a time and phu-e for hearing and give sueh friends or relatives and the su])erintendent of the asylum reasonahle notice thereof, and at the time aii- pointed shall hear sueh friends or relativi.s and superintend- ent and make sueh lawful ci'der as the t-ase requii'es. lUit ill lio i-ase shall tlu' ^U}iervisors order a discharge of a i»atient without giving the superinti'iident an op[)ortunity to be heard. Itl. If a ])erson legally summoned as a witness before the supervisors in behalf of the state, or summoned hy other ]>ai'ties witli a tender of his fees, wilfully or wrongfully refuses to attend or testify, he shall be I'.Mialty for ili!-"ln yiiif; HlltUMIoll^4. })uuishe(l as provided in section 1.346 [§ 1<»(»1]. 20. If a trustee, superintendent, emphjyi', or other otlicer of an asvlum for the insane wilfullv and knowinglv neglects or refuses to discharge a patient alter >.;uch patient has become sane or after the sui)ervi.--■'. su|)|)oi't tlieniselves, and Iiaviny no relatives in the hupiioit.-.i by state bound l)V law to suppctrt tiiein, and liavinu no HtHtO lit " ' ' • asylum. legal Settlement in any town in the .-tate, shall bi.' supitorted by the state at the insane asylum, iM. The seleetmeii shall, on the applieation of the overseir S287U. of the poor of sueli t(jwn, aseertain whulhrr sudi l"»n".?i'"*^ insane person is liable to be supported by tin; slate '"'""•^' as aforesaid; and may institute a eourt of iuipiiry before the jud«^e of probate of the distriet in whieh suih town is situated, givinj;- at least ten days' notiee thereof to lln' state's attorney of the county. 2."). Such state's attorney shall investig'ate the ease, and if liu gos;;, ilnds that such insane jtrrson is not liable to br furnoy ")' net su[iported by the state as aforesaid, he shall attend fniMai.'. ^uc\\ court of inipiiry and ])roduee at the expi'iisc of the stc;te sueh witnesses and testimony as he deems advisable for the protection of tlic rights of the state. 20. If till' probate judge finds from the evidence in the ease §287s. ^'''i^^ sueh insane person is liable to be sui){»orted by iemova'rto tlic stato as aforesaid, and the insanity of sueh asylum. person is certified to in writing by two physicians of unquestioned skill and integrity, resident in said i>robale district, who are dul\' indorsed by said judge, the judge shall i.ssue an order for the removal of sueh insane pei'son to ilie Vermont asylum for the insane, to be there supported. 27. The state's attorney shall be paid for his services by §2s7fi. tlie state five dollars a day and his necessarv ex- 8tato lit- '' • tuiiiiy-s pay. pcnscs, his account to be audited and allowed ly the auditor of accounts. 28. The oflicer or other person appointed by said judge of §28so. probate shall transport such insane ])erson to the "lol^i.'^'iiow" asylum, and leave with the superintendent, oi' one exec»t.u. ^£ ^1^^ trustees of the asylum, a copy of sueh older with his return thereon, and also the certificate of the twu physicians as to the insanity of the person, duly indoi>ed l-y said judge, "which shall be a suflicient warnmt for reeeivii)g sueh person into the asylum 29. The costs antl expenses of the examination and reuiuvul Kxpeuse of examimi- ^^ '^^^ insaiie pci'soii as aforcsald, except the liM VKUMONT. 47 costs and expenses of tlic state's attorney, sluill l!;;;; ;',';■,,'.''''''''''''■• be paid by tlie town instil ulin;;' tlie incjuiry. 30. When sneli person is lawfully disehar^cd from the asy- lum, the town causini;- him III 1m' I'emoved thereto s; -wj. shall take charge of and support him as if he had Mi'|''|'uri'nT|H.r. ,1 1 /• il 1 1 J sou on the order or scntenee of the county or supreme- court. 32. The selectmen ma}' make contracts in Ijchalf of their towns, with the proper odieer.s of the A'ermont asy- jjo.,,^ luni for the insane, foi- the supi)ort of any in-ane r,'hi',u''«i"i'or^ poor belonging to such towns, whons Ihe selectmen ""'''"'"■ think proper to place in tlie asylum, and may, in bdialf of the town, execute ])roper bonds tberefor. 33. An insane person having a legal settlement in any town, the annual income of whose estate, witli the earn- >•><-• . I'll • •• Wliat i">r'<(ins mgs of Ins wife and minor cliildren, is not suihcient t.. ur ^ii|.|.,.rt..i for the support of sucli wife and minor children and '»•'"• the support of sueli insane person, shall be supported by the town at the Vermont asylum for the insane. 34. Such town may use and control so mucli of the income of said insane person's estate and projierty,and the ^^ o^^^. earnings of his wife and minor children, as is in ['Xllf'TI^au) excess of the expense of supjporting the wife and '"''"^ minor children. 35. The county court in the county where such insane person has his legal settlement, upon complaint made bv s ••^■'■^' ... " Piorppctiiiffs ill lus Wife, mav, on hearing, either upon the appear- vmny r.,nn oa ' - ' O' I I i wife's coiu- ance or default of such town, order such ti>wn to r'"'"'- support the insane person at the asylum ; ai 'ton such com lilaint may inquire as to the income of the estate of the insane person, and as to the earnings of his wife and minor children, and their sujiport, and may make necessary orders to carry into elfect the provisions of this and the two preceding sec- tions; and may award costs to either party, as justice requires. T ( Hi.' ; 1 ; 1'' I 1^ !y!'! m IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) /. {./ A 1.0 I.I IL25 i 1.4 L^m |2.5 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation <^ ^ :0^ \\ V% ^"^ 23 WEST MAIN STREiT WEBSTER, N.Y. US SO (716) 872-4S03 ■^<^ C/j I IC .'■I i'l li 748 VKItMOXT, TiiHii iimv oO. Towns iiiny, at llu'ir aiiiuinl nioctin7. In eases where towns have not nuide such re;iulations, SU'So. the seK'etnu'U, upon aiiplieation of anv frieuil or 'I'livif' ' relative ot an insane ]ierson, residin|)oin( a time and plac' of hearing, if so r««juested by sueh friend or relative; and ;", upon iiKpiiry or hearing, they are of opiniou that the iii'^anc person is eiititleil to the b( nelits of this ehapter, they shall cause him to hv removed to the Vermont asylum for llie insane, as herein provided. oS. When the s(deetinen of a town oontraet with the trustees sv the seleetiiieii n| ii|>lirii|iriii- •• . "i'l •'""'" some town,excei»t ni-sane persons .supported eiiliit ly by the state. 40. If the expenses of supporting a patient at the asyluia uotTriiinB I'a- ''' ""^ P'*''^ wlieu due, tlic trustces nuiy return .surli '!i VKKMONT. 710 patient lo the overseer ol'tlie poor of tlio town from p.jy'.'e'iu,,"''"' wliieli lie eiinie; but no patient .shall be so returnei>"' ■ 11 11 1- • 1 1 I'l "»■'"(.' itoor until sucii sworn statement has been lurnished '>ni.r»; ,^late- . , IllPlll III liu to him; and he shall print these statements in lull i"ii'i«liv'ation of u relative or friend of surson, or of the overseer of the poor of the town in whieh suili person resides or is ehargeahle, i'ei»resent- ing- to the court that siieh person is insane aJid ineaiiahie of takin«f care of himself, and prayin"^ that ii guardian he aji]iointed. ■If). When applieation is made for tlio appointment of a ifjcN. guardian in pursuance of either of the two pre- ii.'.'m'i h.'an'nw: ci'diug sectious'' tlic court shall llx a time when the iiotirt* t(i bo .. , 'It 1 'I 1 1 1 11 1 Kiv.ii. a|)plication will l)e considered, and shall cau^e tiie applicant to give notice of the ajiplication and of the time and jtlace of hearing to the supposed insane i)erson or spendthrift hy service thereof at least twelve days hefore the time set for tli(! hearing, if the person is in the state, and if absent from the state by service of the notice like a writ of summons at least twenty days beA^re the hearing; and if a person (jtln r than her husband is sought to be appointeealed from as i)rovided in !his chapter for an apjieal from the judgment of justices, during the pc'iideury of which appeal tiie person so appointed shall act as guardian as though no a[>i)eal had been taken. •IS. When a guardian is ai)point«'d for an insane person, 1'.x{m''iis,.s of spendthrift, or absconding person, l)y the probate [','i'i'.an"n."l'i. eourt, it nuiy all(»w for the expenses of the ward in «?mi'/''-'t.''i.'. tlefending against the applieation, such sum out of the waril's (.state* as apjicars to be reasonable. '!!>. 'I'he appointment of a guardian of an insane nianiid .'i-^n. woman shall n(jt relieve her husljand IVom liabilitv llii'.Niind lo s.i|.i...,i ,in,i (,, suppoi't her, nor shall it deitrive him of the cns- "I '"-""■"'"• t(»ilv of her person so long as he is suitable and '''•""''''''' competent to Jiat43 the euro of his wife. * J 2'137 refers to siiemltiiriftN and has been omitted. m.f VKHMONT. (•) 1 no. Clnnnliiiiis of sjiciultlirifts, iii-aiic, ami ab^cniidiiiir [u-r- eoiis shall until tlu'V arc legally discliar^iMl have ^<.j,,, possession and inaiia;;i'inciit ol' lli'' estates of their |!;n,I',','i;\"', ward-!: shall have the eai-e and custody of suliall furnish him juitahle emiiloymcnt. r»l. When an action ai law oi' in (Hpiity i.s pciidin",^ in any court, hy or aiiaiusr, a person adjndued to ho an ^.,^^,^ insane person or s),iendthrift after the commence- i^y,!'!;,',,''!',;''!.';, inent of such action, the ^aiardian of such jierson i!y'!!l"a%^"^'i may enter or he cited in to pro>ei-ute or ilefend such action in the sanu' mannei' as is now prescrihed in the case of U'lministrators and executors of deceased persons. 't'l Tlie guardian of an insane pi-rson, spiMidthrift, or ah- scoiiding person may Ite removed hy the jj,-,,,- prohate court, when it appears to the court ini;u;l':'",';u:il'o,,;hnK^'' that the guardianship is no longer netes- '"'"""• '""' sary. 03. If the guardian of a sjicndthrift or id»sconding person, or the overseer of tiie ))oor of the town where the ^<._.-„,i. ward or his wife or chiidi'en reside, eertilies to the ,^I,!,vj,'.','i '!,','" jirohate court, in writing, that a guardian is no 'jiVa'nim,"." lunger needed, or if the guardian of an insane per- son eertilies to the i)rohate court, in writing, that his warerson. declines to u've such certificate, or il t'l'-n,. i„ the court, on tlie production of such eertificat(>, de- "•"» clines tf» disehargi' the guanlian, the ward may make a]'plica- tioii to the piohate court praying that his guardian lie dis- charged; and if the ward gives a hond, with a condition that he will I'ay the costs which accrue if ho fails in his applica- tion, the court shall issue a commission to two justices of the same county recpiiriug them to incjuire into the suhject of such application. Ill I ! 7-2 VKUMONT. I i I. (i I Li i ^ ."■". 'I'lic jiisticos sliall tli('n'U|i()M j^ivf rciisoiiiiMf iiolicc to S2-.I'-. tliK MMjirdiiiii and ward of the tiiiu' am! idacc ni.- 'ii"''""- poiiitfd lor Iicariiiii- stidi apiilicatioii, Uy .,-itatit»ii ui' <)tli«'r\vi|><>lll. the i'e|iort of the justices is adverse to the apiilication of the ward, the ward may ai>i)eal to the coimh court, accordiui; to the jirovisions of law; hut bond siiall lie reiiuired on ^rantiuf; such a|ijieal. .")8. When the aj:peal is entered in the c'.unty court, tl no i;il I'iIhI ill riuiiiiv Clint ; court siiall try the sain according' to the rules of law, and the issue to he trii'd shall he whether the aniK llaut is an insane i»erson, oi- a speiiilthrift, ni' an ahscondinjf person, as the case may he, within the meaning of this chapter; and the trial shall he hy jury, unless the ])arties auree to suhniit the samt' to the court. oil. The result of the ti'ial shall i>e certilied hy the connlv court to the jjrohate court and said court shall pro- ceed thereon as jirovidi'd oil the report of justices. Gt). When the decision of the county court is adverse to the ap[>licatioii of the warriili»ii' c'lii't. I' l.'.l'i. Ii.'ii ill' riwii'ii ntl v<'r*o (11 WUIil. hato court a certilicate of the taxation of cost- in the case: and the sureties of the ward shall he liable for the same on (heir bond. 01. it shall he the duty of the lej^al <>uar(Ii;in of any insjuie person not a pauj)er, and the tluty of the overseer of the poor of the town in which any insane prrsmi who is a j)auper residi'S, when such insane person \< not placed in an asylum, to kee[) such insane |icisnii is tinin:: A.-1 .if l*-^'.'. >•.!. 47, K I n||~ llllMi'l' under such restraint as mav be necc.s.sarv to prevent h at I a rue, (J2. Whenever any ii.sanc person not a jiauper, who has a n.i.i s 2 leuallv appointed auardian, shall be found u'»ii!'-i "' P ill. Inrt'e in anv town, and when, in the oi)inion of ilie Sl'li'rlliliMl to kc ttani' nmliT r.Miiiiiit. selectmen uf the town where he is so found, said 1 VKUMt)XT. ToS person is so (Icrniiijoi] as to l)e an unsafe j^erson to he at lari:;e, !-iai(l selectmen may notify tlie^uardian of such insane person to taki' elini'<.':e of liini, ami restrain him fn>in j^'oini;: iit larliall h(( foinid .u'oin.u' at larui' in any town, u'■■-^•■■•'■ the space of six days thereafter, nr shall fail to so restrain such ))erson as to prevent his aftt'rward jj;oin«j;at laru'e within the limits of such town, he shall he lial)le \n a penalty of twenty-five d )llars for each neglect or failure as aforesaid, Aviiich may he recoveretl in an action founded upon the statute, hroujrlit in ihe name and for the henetit of said town. ().'). If any insane person, not a pauper, found uoinir at lar<;ein anv town shall have no lej^allv appointed •'uardian, n.i.isv ai)pIication for the ajipointment uf a ^uai'dian over -' '-■'""■■li"" liim may he made to theprohate court of tlic district in which sueh insane person resides, hy the select men of the town where such insane jtei'son is found _goin,i;at larp', in the same manner and to he followed hy the same proceedings as are now provide. When an applieation is made to tlie prohate court, as provided in the jireceding section, the ovi'rseer of 11,1,1^1; the poor of the town in which such suj)posed insane 1.. pn.''. .... I . , . , I roill'l 11. Plies' person resuies siiall receive tiie same notice of sucli ai»pIication, and of the time and place of hearing, ;is is now required to he given to such supposed insane person ; and if saiil court .shall adjudge such person 'iisaiie, and ordei- that a guardian l)e appointed over him, and no one accepts and qualifies himself for said trust within twenty days thereaftt'r, the ovei'setjr of the poor of such town shall he suhject to the 48 :i< 51 '1 4;i ii T.'.l Vi;i!M()NT, Ilild ij 7. n«Ti.i..ii ..r rum I oMH'lii' Hive. s;iiuc (Inly ;iii(I lialdc to the saiiif |Hiialty iiinlcr tln' |ir(ivi»i«.)ii,s (jf this act as tlKiiiyli such pi'isDn was an insane iiaujivr. (')7. Whenever tlie |ir(il)ate euiii), u|Min tlie a|i|ilicali(tn herein |ifiivi(Ie(l lui', shall ailjuiij^e the |iers(>n insane, imt shall not a|i|ioint a guardian over him umler the provisions of this aet, tor the reason that such |)er- son is a pauper, and tlie selectmen nnikinjj,- the a|iplicalinn shall ihereal'ter proci'iMJ a.!j;ainsl tlu; oversei-r of the |'oor uf the town where such person re>iiles, nmler sections three and Imii' of this act, the decision of such coui't that >uch person is a pauper shall he conclusive ajj;ainst the overseer in said procet'dinjjjs. (is. 'I'iie selictinen «;ivin^ to the {guardian or overseer the I bill ;-' > Si'li'('l II ti> ri'>tniiii. i-x- |11 IIM'K, notice hi'rein |irovi expiration of the time allowed for his lieiu;; put under restraint under the tirst notice, or when such person is taken into custody at any sultse(|Uent time, under the ]irovi- Hions o f th is act, niav he rec(»verei 1 1 )V aid town of -"ii' j;uardian or overseer, in addit vided lor in the same suit. ion to tl le [leiialty her 'in [n-i ()1 W S IT"-'. W'lioll piT-MI in mil ill. ilicIiMl Im'. CllIlM' ill-illH'. leii a person, held in jirison on a eliaryc of iiuviiiL,' e(»nimitted an olleiise, is not indicted hv the urand nirv hv reason ot msani tv. til le j^rand jury slial cirtify to tlu- court, and thereupon, if the discliar;:e fcMh or j;oiiirattlelioro, or some other suitahle place, at his own expense, if he has estate sullicieut for that purpose, and if not, at tin- expense of the state. 70. When a nersoii, tried on an indietinent or int" unKitinn 5 I7(«. Ai'iiiitliil by riiis"U of 1 for any crime or ollense, is acipiiltetl hy tl e lurv reason of msani ty, the jury, in givin.i,^ their vcniirt ''"■""''•'• of not K"'lty, ^'"^11 ^t"t«-' ^I'iit it is -riven for siuh cause, and thereu|)on, if the disehar<;e or jioiuj;' at lar.ue nf such insane i)ersou is considered dan^mrous to the coiiinin- iiity, the court may order liini, in its discretion, to be couliiied it it' ! I li VKKMoNT. ,■>,) m r. I hcnin inc. l»it (Kr the ,icl\ l>*i"- H'l'O ananf II (.•nlltiuc- ,1 liv >iiii' ■' ;r.'iu ; 'ro- ot ili\V\Il'_' tin- ^va'.iil rv sliuU ?^" iliarui.' . (li^ nianit'<-ily |r liiin i"ii- a: ;vlmii at Lvn i'Xi>i.nsr, IK it, at Ihc Hii'V lu'ir vt.v«lii't [I'lv for siai> it lar.Li'' "f Itlic I'oinniu- bc cuuliiioJ ill the- stato prison, or in the insane asylum at r>rattK'lii)ro, nn surli terms as the coinl directs. 71. When a person i< sent lo the stat(> prison under the pro- vi [^ ITti^l] tlie sr.pei intcmh-nt ].,''!,^„ r.,.,,. shall r.ceive him and put him to such rea..'■ ;i <""'>^ laitor as he is capable of perlbrmin^ and may subject him to such reasonable discipline as his condition and circumstance.-^ iv, broui^ht in his behalf hy the su|>ervi rcco;.rni/.ance for costs shall he re(piiri'd. 71. If it appears to such court that such i)er>on is fn m i)ov- erty unahle to procure the attendance of witnesses n.i.i^^ii in his behalf, 'nich court may order as numy of such .'imi',"'^"'^"''' witnesses to he suhpienaed by the states attorney at the expense of the state, as it judges neeessary to secure to the {letitioner an imjiartial heariu};. " ~'t. Such court nniy isstie an order which shall In- directed to ami executed hy any sherilV oi' constable in the ii,i,i^<4. state, conimtnidinjj; such ollicer to brin.ii ••^ueh person l|,','":'u'a',ir?.''' before the court for hear injj; ; and the ollicer execut- '"' "'•'""*■' im: such order shall deliver an attested eo})y thereof to the lus- todian of such person who shall thereupon deliver o,-.!,, s,.,v,..i such j.erson into the eushuly of sueii ollieer. o>. .•us„„,uu.. 70. J f, upon hearing, it ajipears to the court that suth person has become sane, and the discharge or going at large n,,,!;;.-, of sui'h {)erson is not ettnsidered hy the court dan- ',','," 'iT,,",i lis- iliaii:!'. gerous to the coninuinity, the court shall order the """^" * See pi. 09, 70, siipni. i 750 VFRMOXT. 11 discliarfjo nf suoli jicrson from cniiCmoinonl ; otherwise tlip po- tition shall ho disinissod, and such person, if heforo the court, shall be reeonnnitted to the place of coiilinenient from whicli he was hrouj,dit. 77. if upon hearinii; it appears that such person lias sufliciont P'i.iS'i estate the court niav, in its discretion, upon dis- C"»l" I" 1h> . . . . * , .' awar.i.Mi, when. niissni<;' sucli j)etition, award costs agauist such estate and issue execution therefor. 7S. When a yierson ae(juitted of any crime or oflense because iM'i s <• of his insanitv is confined bv order of the court. Trriii "f rnin- ' ' I'll! "iiiiiiybn sucli court mav thereafter alter the terms on which RlliTcd, Jirli- , - «'>"'• such person is continetl upon petition therefor, re- turnable to a stated term of such court, and served upon the state's attorney for the county in which the order was made, twelve days or more before the bef^innin^ of the term. 70. The fees of witnesses i)rodueed bv a stati-'s attornev in ii''^. ])roceedinLi[s under this act shall be iiaid in the Yrrx c.f wit- ' ■ , 1 . 1 /. ' "<■»-" maimer i)rovided lor tiie payment of witnesses U\'!i in state causes. 80. This act shall not alfeet the right of a person named in iiil'i.i oi- section one to sue out a writ of luibcas cori>us to iX'wIl" obtain his liberty. 81. When a person confined in the house of eorrcction or ii.i.i§4<""- state prison for a specified time or for life becoiiic* ..ii.Vs t.. 1,.. insane, and certificates to that effect are mail" ;i« asylum. providcd HI .scc'ious 2<40, 2<.)0 and 2(ol [jjjj :^!Mn;, 2007, 200S],* the direc tors may cause such prisoner to be re- moved to the insane asylum at ]{rattleboro,t on sucli terms a- they deem just, there to renuiin until he becomes cured of his insanity, or until the expiration of the term for which he was committed to the prison or liouse of correction. 82. If before the ex])iration of such term such person lio- s 440S. comes sane he shall be returned to the institutit)n ti> ritur".Mi.' which he was orijrinallv committed and confined therein for the remainder of said term. 83. An insane convict who is reinoved to the insane asyluiii it^'^^- ,, and who becomes sane, and thereafter and before slueVprnittur the expiration of the term of continement to wliicli * See pi. 1-3, siipia. t This Is not a stale institution. ^ l>v named in ci)ri>us to vi:rmi>nt. I'll m tho po- L' court, 1 whirli iifVu'iont >on »lis- .st SUcll because u> court. Ill wliicli re for, ro- ipoll the as inade, 11. tornev in 1(1 in tlif esses' lees lie wa>! ori;finally coininiltcd, iiK-^coinis from the asyluni or from u person liaviiij; liim in cliar,<;c, shall he suhjcct to the same |icnal(y as prisoners e.seai»in;; from the state prison or of eorreelion. 84. A prisoner who iit the expiration of his term of coii- tineinent remains insane, may hi' rcinoveil to the jnin. insane asylum at JJrattlehoro a};reeal)ly to the pro- ttV.'n'i '.I'l-"""" visions of this chapter and may be theri' kept, or if """""'"'"• already there, may remain, at the e.xpenso of the state, ut the same \)v\ro allowed for insane paupers of towns, until his lej^al settlement is ascertaine, :i|i|iiiiiilriit'iit, viicanrii's. '). I'rcsiclcni of lioiinl. II. I )i'i;:uii/!ilioii of lioiird, 7. I'"i'-i:il ycMr, iiccoimls. S. .Aniiimi fcporls of lioiird, stiitistics. y. Dircciors not to iio iiilcri'sti'd ii) colli nicts. 10. Kniiil-i of iisvliiiiis, disposition of. 11. C'oiiiinissioiU'i's to M'li'ct site tor fi'iili;il Msyluiii. 12. Pro^.crly !i|i|iroiiriutod tor iUKvliiins, valiif liow ascertuiiied. ADMISSIO.N- AND DISCHAnOE. 111. .ApiilirMiions for adinission, when ;;i:iiil<'il, lioiid. 1-1. Iiivi'sii^iition of insanity, proceed- iiiu's liffort' Jiislict". lo. I)i'li\(iy to t'lii'iids, l)oiid ; ordrr of coiiiinitiiieiit. 111. Kci'ord of proct'i'iliiiLTs in-forc jiis- tici' to iuiompany order. 17. I)iity of (•oiniiiitlin^'' olliicr, tempo- rary t'oiitineiiifiit in jail. IS. Traiisier to asylilin. I'.t. I'ro('ei'dinf;s on adinissioii. 20. ratit'iit is rviiiandi'd to jail pi'iidiiig admission. 21. Noii-rijsidt'iits to 1)6 ri'tiiriU'd to friends or authorities, temporary coiitincnu'iit. 22. >ion-resideiit.H may lie received in case of vacancies. 2.'i. Transfer to foreij;n asyhuns, power of };overiior. 24. Expenses, liow liorne. 25. Insane of naval service to jrive place to re-idenl. 2l>. Discliar;;e to custody of friends, criminals I'xceptid. 27. ('ommitmcnt to asylum. 2^. Transfer to asvlinn livsiiretv. I 20. .".II. ;;i. 32. ;?•'>. III). :!7. :{s. .".!). 11). -n. •I:'. ■Jo. 41. 4o. 40. 47. 4.S. lit. .">o. 51. 55. 51). j •»■ 58. ! 5;». I i (ii). I lii. I 02. I*>c:ipc, arrest and re-comniitment. !)iscliaii:.' on recovery. Place of setllemeiit. Mxp'iises of tninsfer and support, lii'i liorne. ( 'oiiiiiiilineiil l)y justice, cei lilii'iilc of pi'operiy and income. Insane conliiie\Iuiiis lui' the ifisaiir: llic MunHf. i I iMniil Hill iirsi to lie liicaicd as al prociit at Williaiiislmr iiiiilcr the iiaiiic of lilt' castcni limalic asylum: llic sccuiid to Itf local''d as at jtrcsriit at Staiiiilon, niidci' the iiaiiic o|' tlic wcsttTii luiialM' asvluiii; and llic tliinl o or MIC iti'il ti'ni- jioi'arily al I loward's ^rovf, near tlic e foi' the reception and treatment of coloivil |iei'soiis ot , -oiind iiiinion; inay stie anti he sued, and may and shall have anil u-i a coninion seal. ;md re authori/ed to lake any estate, vr:<\ i- personal, ^i", iii oi' to he L;i\'t'n to said hospital, or to s;iid d ireetofs fur the use thereof, so as the aiuuial income of smli donations sliall not excee. The Itoai'ds of directors of the ('('nti'al, eastern, and wost- ei'ii lunatic asylums shall consist of eleven mcmhers ii.i.tij.i. • 11' 1 II 1 1' 1 "'^ .lllll'lllloil each, llie term ot olJKH' shall he lor three years, iwj, >ii. i:u, commencinii' on the lirst dav of .Nhu'ch. eiuhteen ■Niiiiii..THr •^ . ' . ; _ .niviinrs i„r hundre(l and eijihtv-two, anpointe(l and conimis. ioiied hv the "overnor, who shall also lill all vacancies n.i.i s< 4. liat mav oc<-ur. IMiiTliirs, Ini llll|Mlilltl'll. r». J'lacli Uoanl sliall annually dioose one of their hody fi ])(' president, and in his ahsence a lu'esidciit nro n.i,i rii'siiii'Mi III' till) liiuinl. presKieiii, and ni liis ai)sence a p tcmpon (). Said hoards "f direcloi's shall assemljle upon the lirst day of March, eighteen hundrcil and eighty-two, or iis ii,i,i§(i, |i. ^ii r 700 VIRGINIA. I ^^r.'i"''io:', '^*'"" tlu-ri'iiftrr MS possiMc. at the iisvlunis l\>v wliirli fj„,,, i„^,_ llii'V -AW a|>|i<>iMtc(l i'«'s|i('ctivi'ly, and shall I'lcct in'Mi'!'l''."ili!II sii|tcrinti'ii(lciits, v.lio shall lie |iliysiciaiis, aii'i may "'""'" npiKiiMt cxcculivi' I'tiimiiutccs and olHccrs, nursrs, and other attendants lur their asylums, respectively, and |in'- sci'ihe Iheir e»inipensati(in, and ^I'nerally ri'uruanize said asy- lums, as to said hoards may seem rij^ht and pro|>er. 7. The iiscal year ol" each asylum shall ( ml on the thii'tieth ,i,i,,5,„ day of Seplendn'r annually, and the •'"'"■ thereto. S. Till' hoard of eaeli asylum sjiall. annually, hel'oi'e the ,,,i,,^<,, first day of Novemher, repoi't t(» thi' iiovernor. lor ;VVii,v,\?,rri',!'' iiitorniati(.n of the <;-eneral asseniMy, the c-ondiliou «"iiirt"t''i'L <'' tl"' ii^yliiin, and an account of all sums rei-eived ""'""""'■ and dishursed, with a list of the patients, de>ii;natrd hy name or otherwise, in the asylum durini;' the })recedin^ year. sli<»win^ tiieir aiie and sex, place of residence and i-ivil condition, the deaths an'.'in'k's',''t''ih'e' idl nioniys received hy appropriation of the ^cii- mi'ii'.y appro cral asseml>ly,or from any other sourct — lirst taking Krm'li'ii as- " from sucli liMiik or hanks, honds with lawful for the i-ashier or other ollicer of said hank ilnpuxiti'il call i..Miia»ii,.-tc. Ol- lianks to pay out said money po depositi'd upon the order, draft or check of the directors making such tleposit, 'K nijin M VIlUilMA. 7C1 r wliifli 11 elect ipi may nursi's, iuvv tlic ■riHir, tor LHtiuliti'iH ; ivi'«'ivetl csiunattd preen lillU' aiul eivil when ili>- iia.t;i'ii\*'iil |ieir ju'lii- ally iuter- (l a>yUnu, •al lunatir that may (K'|i(..-it to tlii> state, f tl le .Uell- irst takiiiii (I seeuriiy lie (le l.let( to luiva Ir the I'HS- le jiaymcnt >li:in !i"t said I'ii'ik ited niMii .•h (U'lpo-it eNcept it lie drawn and sinned in sueli iorni as shall he |ii'e- serihed to said hank or iianks hy the hoard ol" direetoi's ol' sueh asyhini: and it shall no! he hiwrul lor tlu' said hoarcl of diree- lol'S to ,uive such oi'del", ort in detail of the niannei' in which -such funds have heen dishursed. And the hoards of director> of the said asvlums shall ilis- "i" 'itiviis. [tcnse with the ollice of trea>urer lor their respective i-n-'i »'iii asylums. 11. Whereas, the lease of llu' central lunatic a.syluni for the colored insane of the state, will exnii'e (»n the Ans77, '■''■ ■■''• thii'tv-lirst dav of l)ec*end)er, ciuhteen hunilred and i'i''^'i"i>i''- seventy-nine, and it is deenu'd advisahle that the general as- sendily at its present session should take steps for local in_ii- inul constrm'tinii' a permanent asylum for that class of insane per- .v conslituted u coiiLiiiissi„ii. , ■ ' I'lS 111 Sllli'', commission, anv livt' ol whom mav act, wJiosi' duly sii.ioi n- It shall he lorthwith to in(|Uire lor and ascertain tlie usyinm. most eli'i.ihle site lor the !ocati(»n and construction of sui'h jisyluin, having reference in their selei'lion to any inducements that may i)e oilereil in the way of donations of <:rounds, huild- i lips, or otherwisi', and to rejtort the result of tiieir x.. mako r.-- examinations au coum-il of a town, the directors of 111,' ;,',',t,ll','',i the deaf and dumh and hlind institution, of the ^i"",";'' ''' '•'• western lunatic asylum, of the eastern lunatit,- asy- ;^lVi'i!'ri/.'irto luiu, and central lunatic asylum, cannot aiii'ee on vaVn''','.i'' llie terms of purchase with those I'litilled to lands '""'"' •^■ wanted for the purp(»ses of the company, county, town, institu- tion, or asylums aforesaii' live disinti'rested freeholders shall he appointed hy the court of the county or coritoratiou iu which the land, or the j^ivater i)art tliereu!', .shall Uv (any three I : r. I m f'f ii 762 VIRGINIA. of wlioiii niiiy ac(), for llu' pnr|M)S(' of asc(>rtiiiiiiiifij a just cnin- jK'iiSiitioii i'or such liiiid. 18. Oil an applicatinii on ])clialf of a person for lii- ailiiiis- cii sj. ;> i.i. si oil jnlii an asvlnni. tin' f\aiiiiniiil ^ M. RS illlllMllll'.l ]>74, ell. ■y<, I'n liiiiis bi'furi' jus. ti<'<'-< til fiM'iT- tuill ill>!lllitV. In addition to any other (|Uestioiis. they shall propound : many of the followiiijir as may he ap])licalile to the case: (1) What is the patient's ji^c. a.nd where horn? (■J) Is he niarrieil; if so. how many children has he? (;1) What are his hahits. occupation, and re|»ute(l properly (4) H. ow louLi" since imlicatioiis of insanity appearecl (.") What were they'.' (va(Mia( ions, eruptions, sorrs, injuries, or the like, and what is its history? (1<>) \\'hat curative means liave been pursued, and tlieir cll'eets : anil es|)eeially if depleting- reniedii's. an-' to what ex- tent, have heeii used? (17) llow many attacks of insanity, and duration of each? (IS) Date of jir^t attack? (I'.i) Duration of pi-eseiit attack"/ 1 .' (•J(i) I'l'csent condition of hodily health? (21 ) l''pile|itic. jiaralytic, or addi<'ted to masturhatioi {"I'l) Noisy, lilthy, (|uarrelsonie, destructive? IT). If the said justices decide that th<' ]ierson is a lunati and ouii'lit to he confined in an asylum, and ascer- tain that he is a citi/.en of this state, then, uides^ ;oi- person (to whom the justices in theii' discri I.Mriatic inny !.,■ .l.'liv.'iWl Id frirlliN I'lir l>'l' ImiikI. tion may deliver such lunatic) will j;ive hond. with ",''l>!^'„i"i',.n.,i icicut security, to he aj)pr(»ve(l hy said justices, payable to the commonwealth, with conditi(tn to restrain and take |iroper care of such lunatic, until the cause of coiiliiie- ineiit shall ceasi', or the lunat ic is delivered to the slieritf of tlu^ county, or serijeant of tlie cor|>oi'atie room therein, and if not to the other. 1(1. The interrotiatories to tin; witnesses, and the answers thereto, shall he in writing, and, together with a i,,|,i ^ ,«. writlt'ii statement hy the justices of any matter ."Sy/ilil'^'i',)',"' known to them as to the fact of in-ani< y. ^^'lall he |;,'.';:;;.''"""*''' transmitted hy them with the order. in>tu;: 17. The sheriir, or tiic.-r--,iiity such asvlum, and if there he none, he shall make a ni-i-.-isa viii'iiiicy ill Similar iiuiuirv of the other sui>erintendeiits. The iii"" ». slierilV or other otlicer i)resentim:: an application for k'-'-p ii!":>iii' 1 .'^ I 1 III till' ,|;iil .if the admi.>;sion of an insane person in hi.s custody, ""•'""'"j- ■m \4 :^5 \i '! 1 rG4 VIKGIN'IA. I !' f ; i^liiill tniwai'd tlicrcwitli a copy of (lie iiilcri'o^^iilorics and answfrs, as taken l»y iln' cNainiiiiiiji- iiia;;isl rates. I'litil it is ascertained llial tlu-n' is a \acancy, the patient sliall bu kept in the Jail of the county or corporation. IS. Such otlicer shall, as soon as he is infornu'd that i.'uiMuir.oii- there is a vacancy, carry the lunatic tu the proper l4in,u' asylum. .1!'. \\'lien such jiatient arrives at the asylum, the hoard of H'i'i s 1^'- diri'-'tors shall he assi'nddesideiit sliall lio , ... ' , , ', , rccuivea. 1k> rcccivcd into an asylum under such order, or be committed to jail, the board in the one case, and the court to whose jail he may have been committed in the other, shall, as soon as practicable, cause him to be returned to his friends, or to the propir authorities of the state from which he came. ])Ut if the justices camiot lind out of what state a lunatic is a resident, and shall so ci'rtify, the lunatic may be received in the nearest asylum, if there be room theri'in ; and if not, in the other; to be kept there until information is received as to his residence. 22. No non-resident lunatic shall be admitted or retaiiieil in ii>i,i«'' either asylum, under any contract with the board, f;;;,\\-,7,'rs','\','\v «^'xcept wIk'H there is a vacancy therein not a[)plied disposed ..1. j-^^j. ^iij liehalf of any pi'i'son residin. The '•overnor is hereby autlu)ri/.ed and empowered to inl'!imi"n..t causc insauo persons, not now in either of the state KHyhi'i'.iH may luiiatic asyluiiis, to 1»e taken to and |)laccil and kcjit for'by'I'oviir- "^ '^^J ^^^^^^ usylunis bcyonJ the limits of the state VIROIXTA. 765 a." ho iiinv scloc't, and to niiikc all nocossai'v and '""• '"«•'?'- * ' till lll^ lu'ViUltl jtrdjKT arraiiucnu'iils iti i-cyard lo tlicin. their su])- ""•"'''"■• |iort and maintenance, with the jjitsohs having ehargi' of such asylums. 24. The expense of removing, 'supporting and maintaining such insane ]>ersons, to and in tlie asylums in wliicli they may Ik- jdaced, shall lie jiaid out of the state tn-asury, ujxtn the order of the governor: hut in ll.i.l S '.M. th.T.'.il', IliiW dt'lriivfil. inv estate or eU'ecti- cases where tlie insane person shall have a tiie .same shall he aji]»lied to the defraying of such ex[ienses so far as tliey will go, or so far as may he \u (•(' arv \v 'J-". Insane jtersons of the naval service of the I'nited States ho mav he sent to either asvluin hv the secretarv U'i'i As t'l ilJslMll' |>.'|- s.iiis .>r iiin of tlie navv, under thirtieth section of the act of congress, aj»proved August the third, eighteen hun- "f i'^- dred and forty-eight, may he nn-eived in such asylum; hut when it shall hecome necessary, for the purpose of admitting therein insane persons who are citi/ens of this state, the hoard shall cause such insane i)ersons of the navil sei'vice or m.irine (•((I'lts. or so many as may he necessary, to he removed from the asylum and restored to the cure of the secretary of the navy. 2<». Except in the case of a ])erson charged with crime and siihiect to he triecl then^for, or convicted of crime ii'i'i«'J-i. and sulaect to ho i)unished th(M'efor, wlien in a con- »;'i'- niay i..- diiion to he so tried or punished, tlu^ h(;ard of any ii'iiii'\vinins. a-ylum. or the court of any county or coi-poration, may (h'liver any lunatic confined in such asylum, or tln^jail of such county or corporation, to any frien, the hoanl may deliver him without such hond to any friend who is willing, and in the opinion of the hoard uhle, to take care of him. •J7. If the person giving any hond mentioned ii\ the iireced- ing or the fifteenth section of this chapter, or his |,,i,|^.j,, representative, shall deliver the lunatic therein ^i^,','^'i,;,Ti',Iy inciitioned to the sherilf of the county or sergeant of I'lHirilir"'"' the eorjKiration, according to the condition of the "'"''*" :ii ;■! iilil 766 VI no I MA. lioiid, such slicriir or scrncjiiil shall cai'i'v tliu lunatic lie lore a justiic (if liis cuiinly oi' cnriiitratidii, and the same proceed in«j,s shall 1k' tliereu|Kin had as in the case liall he restored to .sinitv, the hoard or Sumo. ^1,^. cmi't^ ;is the ease may he, shall dischai'm'e him and u'ive him a certiiicatt' thereof. .")l. l''ach {>atient iiv any asylum shall he deeineil an inhahi- ii.i.u:!4. tant of the county or corporation in which he had a k\nal settlement at the linu' of his removal to the asylum. \V1. \[ not previ(tusly jiaid hy imlividuals, the e.\|iense nf ,,.,..,. reuiovinL!' anv lunatic to and I'l'om anv asvlum. ainl inmiiui"-.''ai'v "^ ^'"' iiiaintenance and care of hi:i. ; !- ••ein. shall '"'"■'"''' he paid out of the treasury of llic ;;,-• ^ ■: ■■ .-■ .A die expense of the maintenance and cari^ of any luoa'" ;;i any jail t^hall he ])aid out of the ])uhlic treasui'v; sue.: -yp-enM'^ in either case to he I'cfunded in the manner hereinafter provided. oi!. The justices or court who shall order a lunatic tu iic!(i coniined in an r.syhim, shall cause a I'ertilicale ef jjj^ estate, or, if the }ierson he a married woman, er infant who is not an or[»han, of the estate of the hushand er l>areiit, and also of tho prohahle annual profits of such estate, to be sent to the directors of the a.syluni, and to the next cuuit M. Vli;(.IMA. lut lor tlir ('(luiity or t'oriioratioii of wliidi the lunatic i> an in- liahitaiit. ;>l. W'licii any |icrsiin shall lie cniiliiHMl in jmy Jail as ii lunalic, the jailer shall (•crtity tlic I'acI tu the cnnil (if the (■(lunly <>!■ coriMiratidii at thfir next cn.^iiinif term. The court shall thereu|ion cause such |M'rsoii to he ex- ainineil hy two j»('ars in the (•crtilicatc ot' it thai llic jailfi- proved In (lie cdurt that, iiiinicfliatrly al'tcr the cDMiniitiiu'iil of th(> lunatic, and at least once in every two monllis thei'eat'ter, application was made to the hoards of di- rectors of hoth asylums for adnussion, and that pucli applica- tion was refused for want of room, or that such ajiplications ^vc're not continued hecause the admission of the lunatic had been refused for some other cause than the want of room. I!!*. When the same attemlant, nurse, or physician is em- nihi|5 4j. ployed to attend the sick in any Jail, as well lunatics ^'"""- as others, the court shall ajiportion the allowance therefor, so as to ascertain how much is to he allowed for each hinatic. 40. Jf a person residinir in this state, not so found, he su>- iMdH^ i>eeto(l to he insane, tlu' court of the countv or cor- Cmirl to ap. ^ , ,. i • i • • i' i • i<'>i"t- poration ol winch such ]iorson is an udialatant, shall, on the a]>plication of any |)arty interested, proceed to exannne into his state of mind, and heini; satisliecl that he is insane, shall appoint a committee of him. 41. Jf a person residiiifj out of the state, hut having propeity iiii.i 5 ■!•"' therein, he sus]»ected to he insane, the court of the i),'Mr'i''si.i'iit county or corporation wherein the said j)ropertv oi- liuviiJi; prcip- ' /•••in !•! !• • ' i crty ii. stiif. greater ])art ot it is, shall, upon like apj)licati(»n aiiil being satislied that he is insane, appoint a comiritti^e of him. 4*J. The circuit courts shall have concurreni jurisdicivMi n.i thereof, if any person ajjpointed committee of a lunatic refuse the trust, or fail within two months from the date of his ap- pointment, if in a county or cor])oration court, or at the term {{{ft r^m VIHGIXIA. :<;<) ■'i|i )wanco icatc t)f ly iU'tor M'V t\V(1 s of (li- icatioiis \\\c llU'l 1)111. 1 is cin- luiuitifs lldwanct* for cavil s»u-('('C(liiiM; Ills apiMiintint'iit, if in a circuit court, to uivc 1m. nd as al'ni'c-aiil, the court, on motion of any party inlcrcstcil, may ai-point sonic other person committee. takiiiiiall commit the otate ut' the lu- natic ti> the sheriir of the county or s( r^eaiit of (lie eur|ioration, \\lio>]i;ill he the coUlUl it tee. ai « j iiejiIHl the sureties in his othcial ImiikI hound tor tlii' t'aithi'ul iiertormance ot' the trust. II. Tlie eiiiiimittcc of an insane |>crson shall lie entitled to the custoily and control of his ])erson ( when he re- u.i,, ^< 4, -itles in the state, and is not c(.iitiiicd in an asylum """•■•"' (•r jail ). -hall take posse>-ion of hi> estati^. ainl may sue and he >Ue(l in respect thereto, aiid for the recovery of delit- due to or from the insane person. Uv shall take care of and preserve >uch estate, and manage it to the hest ailvanta.uc: shall a|>|>ly the estate, or so mui'h as may he necessary, to the payment of the deht< of such insane person, ami the rents and jtrolits of llie residue of his estate, real and personal, and the ri'siduc of the personal estate, or so much as may he necessary, to the maintenance of such insane person, and of his family, if any; and shall surrender the estate, or so mueh as he may he acc(»untahle for, to such insane p(M'son, in case he may he restored to sanity, or the real estate to hi- heirs or di-visecs, and tlie ]iersonal estate to his executors or aaiiity. or l»y his representatives out of his estate, real or per- VJ \i [V I m %' 770 VriJGINTA. suiiiil. wliillii r ill |ii»-sc>^i(iii ;it llii' time i»r Ills iH'coiiiiii;^ iiistiiic. or iic<|iiiri'(l at any time at'tcrwards. •!<). 'I'lic cNiiciiM's of an iii>aiic iiitaiit (imt pai'l liy liis cniii- ii'i.i 5 ''1. iiiillci) i)V inarriiil uoiiian, iiiciii-icd in lii- or lur IliMin.' iiifiiiil . 1111 • 1 • 1 . "I- ii'iiiii.,1 I'cnioval. iiiaiiitriiaiicr or care, shall lie i)ai(l. within wiiiiiaii, vx. ... . . iM.ii«..Hor. (||(. time siicciticd in llic lu'ci-oilinix section, to the treasurer of the a-ylimi or into tin luiMie tre;iy hi> niothi r, or hy the husliand of an insane woman. •17. "^rhe directors of either asyhim. on h»'half of such asyhnii, and \]\v auditor of |iulilic accounts on hehalf of iIm' lliiil S.vt. Cliiini liH- cN- pI'llMCS. hn\v fi'lcuM'd comnioiiweahh. may re-] )e< lively, in their art of any claim of siiili asylum or the colliniollWealth. fol- the e\|ieiises attelldiliL;- the removal, maintenance, or care of a lunalic. if he have a family dependent on his estate for su|>|iorl. or if the elaim I'c aL;ain-i the father, mother, or hushand o\' the lunatic, or if. in their oj»inioii. it he just and ei. .\iiy money for which any person is liahle to an a-yliiin or to the common Wealth on aci-omit of a hiiialic. Ibi.l s-vv CliiiiM I'lir cx- pl'llMI'S. IiipW rccovi'icil. mav he recovered with interest from the tiin e II oULi'lit to haveln'cn paid, hy warrant, suit or ni otMll. in tlie name of the asylum or commonw«^alth. as the ca-e may he; when the suit or nioiion is hroiinht hy the asyhiin. it iii.iy he in any court of the county oi' corporation in which iln' asylum is. or in which the defendant residt's; and in case of a motion, thirty days' notice thereof shall he i^ivi-n. •li*. If any director of an ai.isw. shall hi' construed to include everv insaiie per-eii Di'liiiili.iri uf till! ... " w.ini iiniiuic. ^vho is iiot au Idlot. ol. The raili'oad commissioner, with the approval of goverrior, is lierehy authorized to enter into c Act «( IsTS, c'li. 214, «■ 1. (Ill- VIl!ry],u\ i>i two Vfai'-. v.illi tlir scv.riil '!"ii"""i'';"' raili'naij^ ami iiiliri' liaii>.|ini'tati(iii ••iiiii|.aiiir< dninu- ''|||!',',,'|,'|I„|;,','j.. liiiMiic-- ill this stale l(«r iln' 1 i'aii>|M.rlaliiiii of cmi- v'iI.'t'|,''ii'i',',M"H'.' \icl<. iii>aiic. Ill' (ithir |M'r-nii-. ulm arctariij I'nr liv I'l'i'.'irari.MiV till' >lah'. the .-ln'ril]s ainl all iicci-sai'V •iiliii''ls In aiitl fi'niii tlu' |triiit(iiliary ainl the •several asyliiiiis in this state, U|'nii *uch lenii< a< the lailitiad eiiiiiiiiis-it>iier ainl tlie sexcral trai!-|i(ii'lat idii (•■"ii|iaiiie- Iia\e aLii'i'ed (not uiu.' iumu.'.i 1 • I • I '"''' '"'■''' I"'' Id exceed IWii (•ent> |Mi- mile lnj- e;ieh |M--en,Uer nnh' transported under -iic'i eoiitraet-i, -uhject the lolhtwiiiL;' i>i- similar pi'dvisidiis: First, it ^hall he the duty of the railmad roinniissidiier. as soon after the |ia--ae.e of this ad a- |ios>ihle, to delcniiiiie the nio.-( direct and pract icahle route n,,. ,.,,,„„ii„. from i'a<'li I'oiirt house iiy which t«. coii\cy |ie!si(|is ;','.','.',',|i',„''',|,','; to the |ieiiiteiitiai'y and the se\eial asylums, and !,"i;i'|,',',',',.',''iciw shali lih' a copy (.f llic schedr.le .,1" roiite< deter- '■'■''""""■ mini'tl upon with the auditor of |Hihlic accounts, supcrinteiid- ciil of the penitentiary, and the su|ierinteiideiiis of the scNcral iii-ane and other asylums, and [lassed, in addition to the papers " '' ^"'''""'' usually furnisheil the shei'ill' m* other ollieer char,^('; the numlier and names of persons eiilitled (o transporta- tion for each part oi' line of railroad, or other Iransporlalion cdiiipany's lin(\ over which the said sherill' or other oHic( i' will necessarily pass in conveying;' the prisoner or prisoners to the penitentiary. I'lton the [•reseiitation of the sheriH', or other ollieer char^'ed with the c-are (»f a lunatic, of the ju'oper [lapi-rs, the clerk shall issue a like eorlilicate of transp(»rtation to con- \cy said ollieer, ,miard. and palii'iit to the a.'^ylum in which tlu^ paliciit is to he J'eceived: provided, that in all cases i'i'\it>. -lull transportation ci-rlilicate shall he given over the route authori/i'd hv the railroail commissioner. The nmy ,,f ,,r,i«i of I'lililic iic- auditia- of puhlic accounts shall issue to tlie .■'herill', '■■"lus .•«•. or other ollieer jircsenting the receii>t of the suiierinteiident of the penitentiary, for a prisoner duly delivered at that insti- '.y i 1 1 r I If; r72 VriMINIA. K'lnii iif rcr lilli'iil)'^. lutioi), ii siiiiil.'ii' lr:iiis|Mii't:ili(iii ccrlilii'Mtc, wliicli sliiill iDtilli' tlif .-^iKriir niMl oilier L;ii;iril In lr:iii^|HH't;iliiiii l»;ic|< to llic foiiiily IVoiii wliicli the |iii-oiiii' Wiis l>roii^lil. It sIimII Im- Ihr i)iii> ..r.ii,.,.r (liitv of tlic siiiM riiilcii(|riit>< of tlic scvcImI ;is\1iiiih "'yi"""' to I'lii'iiisli sli('i'iir< or otiirr ollifcrs dclivcriii;;- |p;i- lii'Iits III their res|iccti\e ili>l illlt ioii-; witli like fcrtilicjlles. The Mi|i('riiileiii|eiil of the | icii iteii I i;i rv, ill lieu of tile Illilni()rtiilioii coinpanies in llieir re>|teeti\e conl raet<, and shall he taken U|t hy t he conduelor or other a,i^eiil authorized I ly the said transport at ion coniipanii s to collect tare, as other tickets or lares ai'c collected hy theiu. To im. p,ii,i lis I'lic said cerlilicate shall he pi'escnted l»y the I raii-- otii.T claims. |„„.(.,(j,,|, ((Hill);! I lies hold i njj; I lic sauic, cj tli( I' II loiit lily or (juartei'ly. as may he deleriiiined n|n»n l»y the said coiii|ia- nies and railroad coniiiii-^sioiier, to the auditor ot" puUlic ac- counts, who shall cxaniiiie and pay the same, as other claims ^yi,,,„ ,, i|y M.^ainsl the state are auditeil and settled. Al'tir cun- '"-'"""""''''■ tracts shall have Itceii luade undei' this act. no iiiili- aue shall he allowed any sherill" oi' other oilicer cliai'jfcd willi convevin;:; prisoners to the penitentiary or ]iatienls to an asy- lum, lor any distance ih.-it he travels or shall travel on a I'ail road or transjiortatitm I'ompany under the provisions ol' iliis act. '>'l. The contracts herelot'ore or hereafter made under tln' iirovisions of the tirst strtion of this act, iiiav \)v AiiPMiilini'iit I ofi.iTtt.cii.ioj, ]-,.ii(.\ved or I'xtcnded for such time as the railidad u.'w.M o'r "^^ commissioner, with the approval of th(^ <:'ovenHii'. axtfii.kHi. jshall deem to the iuteri'sl or advantage of tlu! stale. The superintendent of each of the several lunatic asylums ef the state is lierehy authorized and directed, when praclicahlc, to send a ]»roper guard for each patient (U'stinetl for theasy- Piovis,). lum under his management: provided, that when tlie said su[>erintendent (leems it as well for tlio patient and more econoiuiciil for the state, he is hcrehy emi)owere(I to ^ l:i ffHfii VIKdlMA. I t >> ,iiil lil|rli piiliclil In llic il^'V I II III , :i I n I >liiill I'liniisli ilic |iiiriy ^o ii|i|i(iiiit('i| I'm' the >n\i\ |iiit'|Mis(' a (■(•I'tiliciilc, wliicli .''liall t'lilillc iiiiii lo tlic |iii>.-t's u>iially iiir- iiislird si u 'rill' or (it I Iff (id let 'I's ; ami ii|m)|i |irt'sriilaliiiii nl' -aid |>ii|Hi' Id I III' clerk (if I III' (I 111 Illy, cily III' ri)i'|M Hal lull ^ ^^ ^,^^^^^^ ill uliii'li (111' i.aliriil ri'siiirs, llic >aii| ilrrk sliall '"■•"■•'-"" riinii.-li llic Miiil |.-liall allnw lln' Jiiirly aji- I'l-^vi..-.. |iniiil('il iiiuli r (his |ii'nvisinii only (jir acliiiil iicfr-sary r.\|iriis('s iiiriincil by liiiii or lluni in cniivryiiii; In ihc asyliiin said paliriil : and in cases in which neillier nl' ihe ahn\ e-iiient imn i| arraii.ncniciils for j^iiai'diiiL;; and cniidiicl iii^- ||ie in-aiic In a-y- liiiii ■"hall l)c c.\|icdiciil nr advisaldc, Ihc she rill' m- nl he r eiiard, as lierclofon', shall coiidiicL insane |)ci'sniis in ihc a-yluin, and shall 111' allnwcd acliial necessary c\|iciisi's in discliar;;in;;' ihis duly, and alsn niie dnllar per day In ihe sherill'nr oilier ollicer Inr each day acliially occii|iicd in Ihis scr\ice. ");>. When a person in jail on a charge of ha\ Iiil;' coniinillcd a criminal oU'eiisc, aiiiicars, Troiii a ccrtilicale nl" a c,„i ■ \^:.i . ... Wlii'ii not insane at the lime ol" coinniittin^- the act. and con- ''"i"'i''i liiiiics In In- sn insane, the coiii'l, ill its disci'd imi, may ordci' liim In he .'^eiit tn niic of the lunatic asylums of the .-talc, oi' In he delivered lo his iViellds. ."I. No j)ersuu shall, while lie is insane, he tried lor a I'i'iiiiinal oMeiisc. |^7s, ,ii. 17, ^ i.v ."."). If a (tourt in which a person is lield for trial, see rca.-nii- ;ililc ;j,roiiiid to douhl his sanity at the time at which, ,,,,,, , ,; Imt for such dniiht, he would he tried, it shall sus- 'i',''';ii''|,',',',!",M^„ pcnd the trial until a jury impiires into the i'aci as r„„'iM",.."i'i IlK Ui such sanity. Such jury shall he empaneled at its har. if the jury lind the accused to he sane at the lime of llieir Verdict, they shall make 110 other iiuiuiry, and the (rial ill cliit'f shall prncci'd. if they lind that he is insane, they shall iiKpiire whether or no he was so al the tinii" of the al- leged nirensc. 11" (hey lind that he wa.s sn at (lia( (ime. (he cuurt may dismiss (he prosecution, and cither dischar^m' him. .iliii i4 4i ■4 ■ 'I 774 VI no IMA. OI-. to prevent Ill's doine- iniscliiet', I'einaiid liim to jail, and order him to !>e reiiiove(l tlience to one of the hinatic asyhmis of tliis si.iti'. If they find tliat he was not so at tliat time, tlio court sliall eoniinit him to Jail, or or(hr him to he contined in oneof tlie saiil asyhims until he is so restored that he ean he put upiin his trial. ."(!. If. aftei' eonvictioii and hefoi\' sentence of any jiersini. ,,,i,l,,^ tlie court see I'ea^oUahle ^I'oUIld tn dduht his sanity, !-m" ■u.!'i :i •' iiiiiy empanel a jur}' to iiKjuire into the faet a< to ^'"'•'' his sanity, and sentence liim, or commit him to jail or to a lunatic asvluni, aceordiu"' as the iui'V mav find him to !)(> insane oi' sau(\ ."7. When the hoard y- luiu and commit hirii to jail. oS. When a jirisoiier is so hrouu,lit from tlu^ asylum and ,,,j,, j.jn committed to jail, or w Iumi it is found 1)V the ver 'id \\'ii!"ur.'.'''iuiit *•'' another jui'y that a ]irisoner. whose trial or seii- fn.m asyimn. ^,>,,j.^. ^^as suspcudcd hy reasou of liis hciuM- Ihuiid to he insane, has heeii restored, if coiivictetl, lie sliall lie -eii- teiu'cd; and if not, the court shall ])roeeed to try him as if no delay had occurre(l on account of his insanity. ."!). When a jterson tritd foi' an olleiise is aci|uitted hy the ii'i'ir.;'. iurv hv reason of his heiniz' insane, the verdict shall .ir.|intt.-.i. state the fact; jind thereupon the court may. if it deems him dan,ii;erous, order him to he cnnimitted to jail uniil he can he sent to one of the said asylums. ()(). When any ]ier-oii eoiiliiied in an asylum ami clia;.;! d cii V.'. 5 :y. with crime, and suhject to he tried thercfoi'. (tie(< hel'ere iiihi H'- whiiiii lie nia\' lie examini'd, or in a cuiirt in wliic!; OollllllitllT (if ' .... . • 1 1 Hiiinatir. he iiuiv he cliar'icd wiili crime, as alore-aiU. the Mil II \ VIRGIN'IA. I (•) ■•!l court t)f llir county or cm poratiou of wliicli lie i.s an in- habitant shall appoint a I'oniniittft' ol' him. 02. II" any prison char.m'd with or convicted ol" crinic he I'ountI, in the court liel'ore wliicli lie is so char,L;('(l or ij'i.i i ■-"• eoiivietetl, to he a luiialie. and .-ui'h court shall 'iiari,'.,! win, I'liiiii' ; « lii'ii order him to be conlined in one ol" the lunatic asy- ivnu.a. lums, or il' a court, or ,jud.tic therenf, shall order any iierson eliari;('d with crime to he eoiilined in one of the lunatii' asy- lums, he shall be received anil eontined if, (ir so soon as, there is a vacancy tlu'rein. The slu'rill", or other ollieer of the court hy which, or by the jud^^e ol" wliieh the order is made, shall immediately proceed, in the manner diri'cted by the seven- teenth section of tliis chapter, to a.-eeitain whether such \acancy exists, and until it is aseertaiiicii that tliei'c is a vacancy, such luiuitic shall be kept in the jail of such ctnirt. ;ii li' WASHINGTON. fiOVERNMKN'T OF ASYLUM. 1. Title of M^yliim. 2. Biiiird ofinistei's, iipi>ointment, term (if odiei', iirK;ini/,ati()ii. 3. I'owors of tnisteofi. 4. Jioiid of trustees. 5. .Sii|ii'i-iMtt'iitU'nt, f]iialiiR'atioiis, jiow- iTs and diitit's. t). Sii|ic'riiitL'iideiU exDtniit from sub- ]i"/imi,ii.iw shall 1)0 hereafter styled and known tis "Th.' IIn'^- jtittu for the insane in W iisliinoton lerntory, timl all statutes nuMitionino; and referring to said iisylinii,lu"retoluic enacted and not otherwise inconsistent with the provisions nf %.l Mil WASHINC.TOX. t i I this ;u't, sliiill licri^iiftcr liavc tln' same ojx'ration as if they mentidued ov referre ti'usi ec: ernor, ind with the eonscnt U'lrislative r-'-'i'^ Mipiird 111' triis- siiiiilcil; ti' eouiuih hv him he anpointeth who shall he known i- ' ' SI as "The Trustees of the' Hospital fur the Insane in "i'"i'i' AN'ashin^ton Territory." The said lrnst(>es shall hold (illice f(»r two years from the second Monday in .hmuary, followinjj,' date of a|)iMiiiitiiienl and until their sueeessors are appointeil and (|Ualilie(i. suhject to I'emoval for >j,ood and sntlieient cause, hy the ;;overnor, at any time. The hoard at their first meetini^ shall eleet one of their numher president and may appoint as seeretary one of their nnmher, or if they ])refer, they may a[)- ]ioint any person not a memher of the hoard as secretary. The si'cri^tary shall receive an annual salary of one hundred (lollai's. Shouhl a vacancy occur in the hoard of ti'uslee.s, the governor shall appoint to iili the vacancy for sueh unexpired term. It' at any meeting the president he ahsent, the hoard shall ehoose from their inimher a president i)ro tempore. Two of the l)oard shall con.stitute a quorum for the transaetion of husiness. 3. Said hoard shall liave powei- to make all neecs.sary repair.s and imitrovements as in their judgment mav Ix' i -'>■'■ nect'ssary, for the eonduet of said hospital, and to "t iii.^ tiii use of said hosjiital. Said hoard shall take charge of the general interests of the hospital and shall manage and eonduc-t tjie same in sueh maiuiei' as may apjiear to them hest and most economical. They shall employ a su])ei'inten(lent, and may ordain hy-laws for the government of suid hosjiital and therein may preserihe, in a luannei' consistent with ilie laws of the territory, the duties of all persims connected in any way with the maiuigement of said lio-pital. Saiil hoard shall I'urnish {\\o territorial auditor with a cei'tilieil copy of such hy-laws as they may ado]it, and of any and all changes therein which from time to tiuie said hoard may mak(>. 4. J'^aeh of said named trustees and their sueeessors shall, m ' I 778 AVASllINOTON. (i 2-2.V2. Sn|i.'iinti'uil cut not 10- (i .M,-,i,. Ix'furc riikriiii;' ii|)on the diitios i)f his ollico, ^ive u Kiu' imii^.i'iil^ liDiul (if live thoui^aiid dolhirs, approved l»y the ^nv- """'"■ cnior and filiMl in the ollieo of the seeietary of the territory, for the faitliful perfoi'nianee of his duties. 5. The superiiiti'udent siiall he a skilful praetieinj; pliysi- (i-j.M. eian, and shall reside upon the hosj)ital ;;rounds. i'lM.i ,|tn,mi.ii- II,. shall hold his dlliee for sueh tinu' as the trus- iiii-i"i'ii!- lees may deem wjse and lor the elheien(;y and economy of the in>tilutinn; he shall have entire control of the metlieal, moral, dietetic treatment of the jjatieuts, and, so far as is not ineonsisteiit with the hy-laws and rei^adations of the hospital, of idl otlier internal jnovernnient and economy of the institution and he shall, in such maimer and under such restrictions and for sueh terms of time, as the hydaws m;iy jtrescrihe, ap[)oint all suhordinate employes, and shall have entire direction of them in their duties. (J. The superintendent shall not he recjuired to attend any court as a witness in a civil suit, but parties desirinj^ his testimony can take and use his deposition; nor u'li'i't'oli'iras ^hall he be recjuired to attentl as a witness in any a witness. c'riminal case, unless the judge of the court before wdiich his testimony shall be desired, shall, upon being satis- fied of the nuiteriality of his testimony, retjuire his attendance, oiiiiors lui.i and he and all other persons employed at the hos- oInI.'t'i-n,m' "^ pltal sluiU bc cxcuipt froui serving on juries, and c..itiiiM,iiitM-s. |j^ time of peace, from performing nulitary duties. 7. The necessary expenditures of the trustees, the salary of §22.-..!. employes and all other ex]»enses incident to the lu'.iu"a'a'i'i'i''' conduct of the hospital, shall be examined by the '"'" ■ trustees u[»on accounts rendered, and if approved by them, shall be so eertilied to the territorial auditor. The trustees shall, in the bvdaws lix the davs of their monthh' visitations and shall at the hospital on those days, receive and examine all accounts presented to them and certify to the ter- ritorial auditor sueh as they approve. S. The trustees shall each be paid his at-tual and necessary ji'ji.M. traveling,- expenses, in aoing and returning from the iHus,.s„f meeting oi said board, and m pertormmg the neces- triistci's, li')«' , 1 I'-'i''- sary visitation n'(iuired by this act, and shall h<.' reimbursed all other necessary expenditures incurred in di-- ^.\ m ■WASHINGTON. i I 9 (•liari;"e of tlicii- ofFicial duties, and sliall receive tlirue dollars jier oard for any })ur[)ose whati'vci'. 10. The trustees shall cause the accounts of said institution to l»e so kept and reported as to show the (lualilv, ?•-'-"• (juantity, cost and vendor oi every article [>urchased ii"i-ti»' i>'i't. for use therein. 11. The trustees shall meet on, or within one month befor!) the first day of meeting' of the le,^islalive assendilv, $■--''■ at everv l)iennial session tliereot, and siiali then j. re- ..nt r.| - 1 ' 1 1 1 (• 1 1 • 1 11 I'vc'iv two pare and la}' belo. .. the ;;'overnor and said asseml)ly, >■ n-^ a full and detailed, but concise report, exliibitin,^ a particular statement of the condition of the hospital and all its concerns, an account of all contracts, exi)eiiditures and liabilities, with a list of the salaried otlicers and their salaries, and in a tabular form the value of the stock and sujiplics on hand. 12. The accounts and books of the hospital shall at all times be open to inspection of the le<>al visitors of the S--'^- institution, or anv taxpaver of the territorv. 13. The governor, justices of the supreme court ami inern- Ijers of the legislature shall be ex-oflicio visitors of s --•'li- the institution. 14. The su[)erintendent, by and with the consent of the board of trustees, mav emplovsuch assistants as are S'-^-'"'-- Siiiicrintfnd- neccssarv for the effectual and economical manaue- pm iimy -ni- ii;ent of the institution, and the regular oihcei's sliall ""t>- •^nimT- not receive salaries to exceed the following sums: one su[ierin- tcudeiit, twenty-two hundred dollars per annum, (-S'J^On); one accountant, thirteen hundred dollars per aiuium, (!;<1;](.HJ); one heud warden, six hundred and lifty dollars per annum, t| !?'!."()); four additional wardt'iis, eac h five hundred and lifty dollars pi-r annum, (SooU); one additional warden, four hundre(l dol- lars ]K'V annum, (SlOO) ; two matrons, to aggregate one thous- and dollars i»er annum, (>?HM>()) ; one assistant matron, three hundred dollar.^ per annum, (§o()0); one laborer, four hundred . (fi I;' ■ ■■! ■ :;; .p-i -1} 'SO "WASIIIXOTOX. il li: il dollars pcM- jiiimiiii, wlion rt'qiiirod, ('^100); oiu' tcaiii.-iti'i-, four hundred dollars per annum, when required, (>S 100) ; one ear- j)entrr, six hundred and iifty dollars per annum (>?(i")Oi. All tlie oUieei's and employes may he furnished suhsislence, (juarters, liyhts and fuel for one, with (piarlers An- a family, in exeess of salarit's. J"). The retirint^ board of trustees, and those con>titutin eontraeted, and then turn over all books and other property belonginj;- to the institution to the new board of trustees. J(!. The board of trustees shall liave {)o\ver to make all S'jjiiH. j»ureluises necessary to carry into elfect the provi- ti'nst.M-s to sions of this act, which jturchaso made shall be ciia-rs. from the lowest responsible bidih'r. Said board shall, as often as it deems necessary, advertise for two consecu- tive weeks, in two or more newspapers [)ublished in the terri- tory, for sealed bids, in duplicate, for the furnishing of all the supplies reipiircd until the date of the next advertisement. ])ids shall be accepted in detail as near as practicable, and the advertis(Mnent shall so state. The contract for sucli sujiplies shall be let to the lowest resi)onsil)le bidder; all bids U'ceived by the board shall be ke{)t by its secretary and shall be sub- ject to insi)ection by any })erson. No ofliccr or employe shall have authority to purchase at the expense of the territoiy any article for the hospital, except in case of extreme necessity, and when the superintendent shall consider such article abso- lutely necessary. Ikit all supplies shall be })urcbased as i)r(i- vided in this section. 17. For all material, imi»rovements or rei^airs required at 5 2'27n. the hospital for the insane the trustees shall advt r- Miitcrial 1111(1 . • i i • il • 1 j x- ii 1 i" iiMiiiuvr.u.Mts, tise as j)rovided ni tins chapter tor tlie i)urcliasi' ol .'.1 iuui MKui'u. supi)lies, and let the same to the lowest res[)onsiblt' bidder, stating in said advertisement the kind of, in.ii)roveinents and material, so that a bidder can bid intelli- gently. And in no case shall the trustees expend more than five hundred dollars in any one year fV»r improvements, mate- rial or repairs, except as above provided. -4i, ■'v. WASHINGTON. 7S1 18. All itemized bills of i)urcliase made, \\]\vn luiviii^ lucu examined l)y the board of trustees ami found cor- s'jjti. rect, sliall be eerlified bv ilie invsident, or tln' presi- '(.n.,! nni.i' , ; ' . . ' iMM,.iiiii.-,ii,v (lent, ]>ro tem., ol tlie board then sittini'i' "i- same transmitti'd to the auditor who shall amlil the same and draw bis warrant on the territorial treasun-r for the amount, and the said treasurer is ben'by authorized and re(|uired to j)aN the same out of any money in the treasury not ollurwise ai)i)ro])riated. 10. Twenty-six thousand dollars, or so muoli thereof as may be nccessarv, are hereby anpnjnriated for eaeh fiseal •>--'"-■ year, to defray tiie expenses of said institution; and i'"i^i\viinii. an additional sum per annum of not to exceed two liiousand dollars in any one year, for the puri>oseof repairs of buildings, the erection of additional wards, and supplying water to said institution. 20. No person laboring under any contagious or infectious disease shall be admitted into said hospital as a s -'•■;'■". patient. 21. In admitting patients to and retaining them in the hos- I)ital, the indigent insane of this territory shall ^^oo,;, always have precedence; ami if at any time the i)r()- {i!!|,','s'',''i- i'ih,' visions of tbe institution are not suilicient to meet |!r'wi'n'm'>- the a[)plications for admission, recent cases shall, for the time being, bave precedence over those of a chi'onic character. 22. In conveying [latients to the hospital, the sberiff, witb the approval of the judge of the i)robate or district ^.,.,c^.^ court from wbicii the warrant of eonnnitment issues, v!'.v'p"ii<'"t"'' may employ one assistant for eacli j)atient. Lia-wm,,. 2o. Any i)atient may be dischargtHl from tbe liosj)ital, when, in the judgment of tlie superintendent it mav be sj.;i;j. expedient. Whenever a patient not cured, or any imw |.iui.'i,ts indigent patient shall be oi'dered discharged, the «ii;iii;<'J. superintendent shall immediately give notice thereof to the probate judge of the count}' in Avbicb said jjatient resided, and if in the judgment of the su[K'rint(mdent, such patient so oi'- dered to 1)0 discharged is in lit condition to be sent to bis or her county, unattended by any person, tbe superintendent iiuiy return the patient to the county, from whence he or she ;i^ ' ^ \:,:i M l;^ I 3 iiil 7S2 WASlIINdTOK. caino, if iiidiL^x lit, al (lie cxiK'iise of snlil couiitv, \>u\ if .-^urh {liitiiiit so ordtrcd (o ]>r discliarui d IVom said liosjiilal and cai'c, williout c'iidaiij;t'riii,i;' the licaltli of such patient, is lIiroU"Ii or 1)\' anv reason unlit to lie alone sent to tlie eountv from ^vhieh he or she was eoniniitted to saiil hospital, the superintendent shall so certify to the prohate judue of said county; who shall inuiiediately, up(»n riH'eipt of the notice, issue his warrant to the sherill', coninuuiding hlni to renn'Vc the [latient and rt'lurn hini or her to the county from whence he or she came. Jf, within thirty days after the notice, the pa- tient he not removed, the superintendent, if he think nt'cessary, uiay return the patient to the county from wliit-h he or she came, at the ex|ieiise of the county: provided, that if any sudi patient is not in a condition to either go or he removi'tl to said county, he or she may, for the time ht'in^n', he retained in said hosj)ital at the expense of the county from which he or she was so committed. 2t. No paui)er shall he discharged from the hosjjital wiili- (• -'J'M. out suitable clothing; and the trustees mav furnish llliliL'rllt ill- , . , . . , • 1 "^ 1 siiiKiiot to lie tiie sanu; at their discretion, togetlier with sucli sum (liMliaiL'IMl . T 1 11 «kiiM„tii.Jtii- ot money not exceeding ten dollars as tliev nuiv nil,' iiiiil ^ " . _ • _ . • '""iii'.v. deem necessary. To carry into ellect the pnn'isidiis of this section, the 1)oard of trustees are hereby authorized and empt^vercfl to mai( two hundred ilollars per annum and said territorial auditur on receipt of such requisitions signed by the presidi'ut and secretary of said board shall issue the warrant on the terri- torial treasurer for the amount thereof with the limitaticms prescribed herein. 25. it shall be the duty of thi' superintenflent to ascertain ^00,;- by diligent inquiry and correspondence, the hi-tnry l^i'lhl'ln -'t of each and every ].atient admitted to the hospital. t'.r.v"''i'.''ii<"'ii tiii'l whether such patients, or their friends or faini- ''"'"'"' lies, if any there be, are able to defray the expeiists of his or her care, and report the facts to the board of trustees, Avho shall use eflicient means for the collection of all sums county )itiil. tilt' ' of ■^iM V liotirr. ) leinovf 1 wlli'Urc V, tilt,' i.ii- locorisary, lie or >^li«' any sudi iuovcmI to ittiincd ill ich 111' "i" Dital \viili- L iiv furnish such >ui!i 1th oy niay )i'ovi>ioii- ori/ed and uiditor for I'd for ihc tiic sum "f al aiidiior ■jich'Ut ai.d thi' t'^rri- imilations o asci'rlaiu the hi-t(ivy le ho~[-.ital. ds or t'aiiii- le expenses of trustees. )f all sums av lor su<'h '_*n. 'riici'e shall ho no censorshi|) exorci^i'd over tli<' coi'ri'- sponiU'iice of till' inniati-; of insane ahall he collected at lea-l as (pt'ten as (>nce in each week, hy an aulhoi'i/.ed post oiliee aijcnt ; and it is herehv made the dutv of the superintendent of (.'vorv insane a.sylum in the territory of \\'ashinj;ton, hoth ])ul)lic and private, to deliver or t'ause to he delivered to said pi'rson, any httiM* or writin-;- io him or her directed: jtrnviilxl, the physician in eharu,'e does not consider the contents of .such letter danp;erous to the lU'-utal t'omlition of the patient. ■J7. In the event of the suildeii or mysterious death of any inmate of any insane asvluni, eiihei' private or i>u]>- s -'-■' lie, in the territory of \\'ashin»'ton, such faet shall he 'I'-m.- 1.. i,c reported hy the sujierintendent thereof to the i-oro- '"'•'"''• ner of the county in which such death occurs, ov to the nearest justice of the {)eace therein, and a coroner's infjuest shall he held as provided hy law in other cases. And in all asylum investigations, the testimony of any jierson oll'ered as a witness, whether sane or insane, shall he com[ietent, and the court and jury shall he the sole judges df the credihility v\' such testimony. ■JS. Any person refusing or negU'cting to comply with, or wilfully and knowingly violating any of the }>royi- i.iii,ui,,u.Mit sions of tliis chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, [',',',,,'i',ly'[vith i '''M %- -i! 784 WASllINiiTMN, the i.invNi..ii- ^"' I'liiii.-lu'd Ii\' iiii]ii'i<()i:iii( lit ill the jiciiitciitiary M'rri,Vi,l"'.'x. ''•'■ ii term ii(»t fxicftliiijj: three yciir-, or liv line net .\'n''»ri"'ai'i'i'y *'Xeeetlili,u- live liuiidri'd dollai's, or I'olli :il liiedis- "'"'""■ eretioli of llie court, jind sIkiII be to ;ili\' olliee in llie iii.-titut ioM id'ler\V!ird>; khiI, I'rnrlihd j'urflirr, {\\;i\ tlie expense of >aid eoroiier's iiKjuest >liidl lie paid liy the U'rritory of the I'mid ap[>ropi'ialeil fo, the>upport ol' ihelios- l)ital foi- the insane. ■J'.'. 'i"lu^ cost of transporlini!; persons to the insane a*yluiii §■-•-"'!■ shall he paid hy the territory of \\'ashin;.iton. 1)0. 'riie person adjudged insane' inn>t he conveyed to llie S-j'.'77. asvluni hv the sherill of the eouiit\- in which such Slll'liir MIMst ' ' _ _ ' '»i^' 'ii' i"- person, or persons are adjud-ied insane, or hv sonic Kalir |i.'l-..ii« 1 > [ .11- J . t.MKyunii. ]>erson selected hy t lie sherill'. ol. In c-a^e the [)i'(d)ate jud_!j;c shall deem it necessary, he S-'--^~^- mav ilirect. in the order adjnd^in'j,' the insanilv of I'pipii iinliT .if ■ 111' e.iuit,.-.iiciiii anv lierson or persons, that the slu'rill' mav select K"'"i ' oni' person as a •j!;uard to assist in conveying .said person oi" persons to the asylum. .'12. The pei'soii so selecteardy ein[iloyed liv him in assistinti; to convev sueii insane iiersou to the asviuni, only: ami in addition tlu'ri'to he shall receive ten cents per mile holh ways, coini)ute(l hy the nearest traveled route to tin asylum from the county seal in which such [lerson or persons were ailjud;;i'd insane. oo. 'J'he sheriir shall n^ceive five dollars pei' day and no S2j>o. more for the time necessarily em|>loyed in eon ve\- o( ^-ii.'iitf: luij nisane persons to tiie asvlum, and m ad(hiioii lllill'llL,'!-, Ili.W • 1111 • ' -111 conii.iito.i. thereto he shall I'ectave ten etnts per miji' iioth Avays, to he computed hy the nearest route to the asylum I'v^nn till' county seat in which such person or persons were adju.i^t ' insane. o4. The said sherifl" and i;vuird shall each make out in wiit- ,.j.,si iiig till itemized account, showing the nundnr ef Ku;'u-.'i"i,ul>t days necessarily employed in conveying said in>anc iz.Mi'Mn'.rin'". persons to the asylum, the route traveled, the nuin- iioiuiuii. ber of miles traveled, as provided in this chapter, and shall verify the same bv his oath. In addition thercle ' 1u ffSffPf m WASHINGTON. 78r> ■ntiary no iK't iD any ^rr, tliat l)y ih*' till' ho<- i»-yluiii itoU. ,1 to til'' irll sVU'li llV !-OllM' v^al•y, !»'■ i^aiiiiy "I' lay si'k'ri viu'i Haul null- Ic atl.iU'ij,^ siiitl slicrilV or ,Li,'unril ctnivi yinnsui'li insane [ici'son sliall make a like ai'coiMil (•!' ilic aiiiniini nrces.-nrily paiil out liy liini tnr llir liujird ami tra\ cliii,!;' cxiH'nsrs ol' tlir in-anr pi'Tson or per- sons, niid shall vi'iily llif sanu' l)y his oatli; aecoiint> >o niaih' out must he lih'd with the territorial auditor. Mf). Whcuevcr any patient is delivered at tlu' asylum under th(! provisions of this act. the su|k rintendeni ol' the ,< 'jjv.'. asvlum shall ,uive to the shei'iil' (ir ^uard deliver- >'iy..i i.i.n.m . ' . . ' . , . ' , , Hll|M'l'ili(i'll'|i'lll mil such iiatient, a eertiheate statin;'' the name ot imi.t uivor- , • . 1 . '• 1 11 'ill'"'" '" the patU'Ut, Irom wliat counlx' admitted, and (he »iM-nir. ^t^l(iu;; ' . ' nail I |i»lii'iit I'oiirt that (•()nimitted the same. au.i cmniiy lit). The territorial auditor shall examine tlie sworn statement of tho sherill', or muird, and the eerlilieate of tin; ^.„^^., poiiit uiiar- iti'iu. ; f \ r '■'•"I'i't'Ti'illI"' diaus to lake tiie eare, eustodv and manaL;t'iiient of iiuiya|.|...iiu 11 • 1- • l' 11 1 '• 11 K'llll'llllUS, all idiots, insane persons, and all who are incapable >^^"- of conduelinii,' their own allairs; and of their estates, real aiul personal ; the mainteiiaiu'cof themselves and I'amiiies, and the edueaticm of their ehildreii. 38. The probate court of any county in this territory, or the jiuli;e thereof, upon ai)plication of anv jiersiMi § ' ' , • !• 1 1 1 ' lii'iiiirv as to under oath, settiim' tortli that anv i)erson bv reason in^iiiiaV ..f . . ,. , . " . i">i>..iis, ami o( insanity IS unsaie to be at larye, or is suireriu"' ai'iiii.v.i i"ar uiKK'r mental deran<];i'meiit, shall cause such per- k'''i'i"'-'- son to lie brought before said court or judge at such time and place as the court or judge may direct ; and shall cause to ai»- pear at said time and place, one or more respectable physicians who shall state under oath or in writing, their oi)iiiion of the (•ase; and if the saitl physician or physicians shall certify to the insanity or idiocy of said person, and it apjtear to the sat- isfaction of the court or judge that such is the fact, said court or judge shall cause such insane or idiotic {)er.son to be taken to and placed in the hosi»ital for the insane in Washington territory: provided, that such person or any person in his be- 50 ! W I 7S(; ■WASIIINCTDN. Imir. limy (IcinMiid a jury to ilccidc ii|t(»ii the (lucstion of liis iiisaiiity, and the tourt or jiidue shall disdiarjfo such ptM'soii if the verdict of the jury is that lu; is not insane. Said court or juduc sliall also in([nir(! as to the al)ility of such insane or idiotic person to hear the exju-nse of his kcejtinroved hv said judge conditioned that such insane or idiotic person .shall be well and securely kept. GO. The county shall, in all oasos wlierc the person is indi- ij 10.13. gent, heat the expense of such conveyance to the l-ast's'^cmnlues asylum,aiid in the event of the death of such person, '■"'''"• he chargeable with the funeral expenses: [profidul, that when such insane person is a resident of another county, the county wherein such proceedings were had shall rec(»\ ii' from the county of whiv?h such insane person is a resident nil costs and expense:--.]" 40. Faying pa!ien.s, whose friends or whose property can s 16.34. P'ly their exi)ense3 shall do so in accordance with liinui'rom'i'iy tlic CDiitract uuide with the trustees of the iiisli- witii cuiraot. ^^^j(J,^ . tlio cliargG ill all eases shall Ije reasoiuililc and in i)roportion to the amount of care and acconimodaiiou rec^uired by their friends or guardians. 41. When any person shall be found to he insane, or coni- si«:!ti. ing within the provisi<»ns of this act, the cost of the Wanl's ORtato ' ini -i r ^ • • r ^ fliHi liai.h'.if i)roceedings shall be iiaid out of Ins estate, or, it that miflicicnt, ^ . , ^ thuucouuty. be nisuffieient, by the county. *See I 2276, pi. 29, supra. of \m rsoii if oiu't iir i()s^)ilul U'll pi'V- sc, sai ilisdiari^eil ati!' cost shall be paid by the person at wlmse instance '•■•"•<• the proeeeiliiiff was ha same. 4;]. Whenever tiu! eoiirt shall receive iiifonnalioii that such ward has recovered his reason, heshall immediately j; |,i.vj. iiHinire into the facts. and if he linds thatsneh ward i!.i,'-'',h'ipy'' is of sound mind, lie shall forthwith (lisehar;j;e Hnu'«\.V'l;'iiiir. such person from care ami custody; and the eimr- dian shall imniedinlely settle his accounts and restore to such |>ersons all thines ren.aining in his hands belon;;in;j; or apiH'rtaining to such war[>roi)rijitioii out of the territorial trcas- ui'V for the support and maintenance, treatment, or ^^ I'i't " ,, ), . 'ri'iiii.MV eonimenu'iit of anv insane person, IIk' amount there- >"»y "••' of may be recovered by the territory from any i»ei .son, wdio bv law is bound to ])rovide for the su])port ''■^' i'"i.. sup. and mainteiianeo of such insane person, if there be i"''-*""' any such ability to i)ay the same. 4G. Every probate court shall have j)()wer to make orders for the re.straint, supj)ort and safe keeping of such s "" ■ [lerson, for the nianageinent of liis estate, and the support and mainti'iiance of his family, and education of his children, out of the ])roceeds of his estate; to set apart and reserve, for the use of such family, all projierty, real or personal, not necessary to be sold for the ])ayment of debts; and to let, sell or mort- gage any i)art of such estate, real or personal, wlnn necessary for thc! piiyment of debts, the maintenance of such insane person or his family, or the education of his children. 47. The father or mother of such insane person shall main- tain them at their own charge, if of sullicient ability, § i'5''''- and if not, then the children, grandchildren, or graiidjiarents, shall, if of suflicient ability, maintain tlicm at their own charge. 48. Every poor person who .shall be unable to earn a live- ly H'lii.i t'l'MIl llliy .HH' Willi is III. mill fi| 7S8 WASiriXOTOX. ! ! r^''"'- liliood in coiipcqnoncc of l)0(lily iiifinnity, idiory, lunacy or otlicr cause, shall lie supported by tlie I'atlier, ,i:rand- fatlier, luotlier, uraudniotlier, cliildreii, ^randcliildren, Itrotliers or sistei's of such podr person, if they or either of them he of sullicient nhility; and every person who shall fail or refust' to support his or her father, , oi any court having jurisdiction : prof! (led, that when any person !>"- comes a pauper from inti'mperance or other bad conduct, he shall not be entitled to any supjiort from any relation excc})t parent and child. 49. Tiie district courts of the territory shall have power to S22ii2. conmiit to this institution anv person, who. having District couiU , . , ■ 1- i" 1 1 />• 1111 iiKiy .•oiniiiit l)een arraigned lor an indictal)le ollense, shall he ii.;- found bv the jurv to be insane at the tinu' of su( li loiiiit oi ill- ./ .) . Kitiiiy. arraignment, and the costs of such commitnuiit shall be jiaid in tl;e same manner as the costs of a commit- ment of an insane jierson out of a probate court. 50. When any ])erson indicted for an ollense shall, on trial, sno., be ac(|uitt(>d by reason of insanity, the jury, in Wlicii dofiMiil- . , , . ■ . Ill ' i' • aiitiMiUMiiit- giving their verdict ol not guiltv, shall state that it oiiusiuiity. \vas given lor such cause; and thereujion, it tliedis- cliarge, or going at large of such insane person shall be con- sidered by the court manifestly dangerous to the peace and safety of the community, the court may order him hi be com- mitted to [)rison, or may give him into the care of his friend<, if they shall give bonds with surety to the satisfaction of the court, conditioned that lie shall be well and securely kept, otherwise he shall be discharged. 51. All persons now imprisoned by order of the district § 2(>i;,v courts of this territorv who were found not guiltv Ti. 1m- si'iit to - II'' aH)iuin. of the offense with which they stood charged, lu consequence of insanity, and the court deeming it unsafe U) the community to discharge them, and so ordered their con- '^wm WASIIINOTOX. r.s9 fiiieiiu'iit iu prison uiuIlt tlii' provisions of llic statute tln'ii in force, [shall] be sent to the asylum provided by the territory foi' the insane, and there safely kept until cured or ollu'rwise discharf^ed by authority of law. o'l. The district court or judj^e thei'eof which had coL;ni/.anco of and tried the case, is hereby authorized and re- j; .joiio. (juired to make an order re(iuirin<; the sherill'of the j,',',i'J.'.shiui county, wlu're the i>arty is coniined, to lrans[)ort ftUih insane [)ei'son, without delay, to the said asylum, and the su[)erintendent of said asylum is retpiired to ri't'eive such per- sons in said asylum and can; for them as he cares l\)V otluM' insane i)atients: })i-i>v'nJ(d, that in no case shall the KNi..'iis.s..r territtJi-y be chargeable for the transportation and ''■■-"i- keepin*;- of sm-h insane persons wlicn >ucii insane persons may have sullicieut prt)perty, I'eal or jtersonal, to defray the ex- pense of said trans}iortatiou and~kei'i)in,g' at the asylum; but if sucli insane }iersons are not able to j)ay the expense of such trans[H)rtation, then such expense shall be jiaid by the terri- tory in the same manner as is usually paid for the transporta- tion of insane persons. •;3 j;;| •f WEST VIRGINIA. fiOVKRNMKXT OF ASYLUM. 1. Asylum continued, title, board of directors. 2. Powers of directors. 3. JJoiird of ili rectors, iqipointnient, term of oflicc. 4. Treasurer, duties, bond. 5. Keports of directors. G. President of board. 7. Superintendent and otiier officers. 8. Fiscal year, accounts. 9. Senii-anniiid account-;. 10. Term of oflice of directors, compen- sation. 11. Removal of directors. 12. Vacancies, how tilled. 13. Directoi's not to be interested in contr;icts. 14. Neglect of official duty, penalty. ADMISSION AND DKSCJt ARfiK. 15. Investifjation of insanity, interroga- tories, commitment. 16. Proceediiifjs on investigation. 17. Interrogatories, stalemeni of justice. 1(S. Duty of ciimmittiTig ofliccr. ID. Transfer to asylum, expenses. 20. Admission to asylum. 21. Refusal to admit, return of patient, 22. Ntin-residents, temi)i)rary conline- nient, return to iVicnds. 23. Non-residents, when admitted. 24. Insane of naval service to give jilace to I'l'sidents. 25. Idiots to be returned to county, ex- penses of removal. 20. Discharge to friends, criminals ex- cepted ; harmless incurables. 27. Delivery of patient to sherill' liy surety. 28. Escaiie, recommitment. 29. Disciuirge on recovery, certificate. 30. Legal setth'ment delined. 31. Supi)ort of insane, by whom paid. 32. 33. 34. 35. 3G. 37. 38. 31). 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 4y. 50. 51. 53. 54. 55. 51). 57. ' 58. i 59. Lunatics coiifined in jail, disposition of, by court. Transfer to asylum, expenses, com- mitDient. I'ees of committing officers. Duty of committing oflieer, ])enaity. Support of insane in jail, allowance to jailer. Further allowance, for nurses ami jdiysicians. Ai)pointment of committee. Investigation of insanity, com- mittee appointed. Xon-resident, like ])roccedings. Hond of committee. Powers and iluties of committee. Real e-^tate of patient, when sold, j)etition. Petition referred to commissioner in chancery. Orderofsale,(lispo8itionof proceeds. Support of infant insane, to wlioiu chargeable. Investigation of insanity, exijenses borne l>y county, " Lunatic," delinition of. " Insane person," delinition of f'RIMIXAL INSANK. Transfer to asylum, proceedings. Ineural)les in penitentiary, duly of justice, investigation, prorecdiugs. Acipiitted on ground of insanity, transfer to asylum. Non-accountability to law. Investigationof insanity before trial, removal to '.isylum. After conviction, like proceedings. Notice of recovery, [)iis,;iier re- maiuU'd to jail. On recovery, proceedings resuined. Fact of insanity to be stated in ver- dict of ac(piittal. On restoration to sanity, remanded. Note.— Chapters 54, 55, (t'J, 10f< and 114 of the Revised Statutes of 1879 com- tipoud with chapters 158, 169, 14, 13 and 58 respectively of the code. Tii it'! I WEST VIUGIXIA. m ii* ' 1 lity, exi)enKW ^ol■ ISTUiorri.- lliispitiil for iiisiiiM', IV lioily (■urij.irati'. as :i]ii<'ii(l iN^'^, ell. lu. Hniinl ..f (li- lei'turs to cuiisist of IlillU IlltMIU bprs. How a|ipuiiiti'(l, tiTiiisuf (ifllce, varaiicio.s, qiioruiii. 1. The Wcr^t Virginia hospital for tlic insane, estuLlisliod at the town of Weston, in the county of Lewis, shall );,.visp,i stau continue under the management of the present "irV'^lsT' hoard of directors and their successors in oOice, who shall continue u hody corporate hy the name of the "West Virginia Hospital for the Insane." 2. By that name the hoard of dirccttjrs may sue and he sued, and have a common seal, and continue to liave H'i'i ^i -'• I'OWIT of charge of the hospital and of any real or ])ersonal 'i>'«etois. estate heretofore or hereafter given or conveyed to it or to CD t^ themselves for its use. 3. The hoard of directors shall he com})Osed of nine mem- hers. The governor shall nominate and l)y and with the advice and consent of the senate ai)[)oint said directors, whose term shall ex[)ire on the lii'st day of Fehruary, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, and in the month of .January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, the gov- ernor shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of tlie senate, appoint nine directors for said hos- pital, but said directors shall be divided in((.' three classes, equal in number. The terms of office of the directors so ap- pointed in the month of Jaiuiar\', one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, shall commence on tlu first day of February one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, and the terms of those in the first class shall be two years, tliose in the sec- ond class four years and those in the third class six years. In the month of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, and every second year thereafter, the governor shall nominate and bv and with the advice and consent of the senate, api)oint three directors instead of the class whose terms expire in such year, and the terms of such three directors shall commence on the iirst day of February, in the year of their ai)[)ointment, and continue six years. The governor may in like manner fill any vacancies that nuiy occur in the board, and any one appointed a director by him during the recess of the senate, shall be a director until the next session of the senate thereafter. Not more than one director in each class sliall be apfiointed from the county of Lt'wis, and not more than one director in the board shall be appointed I'rom any ; 'li' •e tninsivctcd by a stated number of directors less tlian a quorum. 4. The ti'easurer heretofore appointed sliall continue to dis- charge' tbe ; to the hos])ital, and disbui's(> tbe same under the orders of the board, and settle hi- account semi-annually. His draft on Uw treasury for an a[i- ])ro]iriatioii shall be under the order of the 1)oard, a copy of which shall accompany th<> draft; but no such draft shall l»c allowed l>y the amlitor until all money drawn for tli(^ ]>i'eced- ino; year shall have been accounted for. .'. The board of directors shall annually, on or before the ,i,i,, ^,.-, lirst day of January in each year, report to the sj, ell. cT. a jtresident pro tem])ore. 7. A superintendent, and as many assistants as maybe nec- 11,1.1 sw. cssary (who shall be physicians) and otliei' olliecrs, ^^'y^i''';;-" sliall l.e appointed by the board, and shall ree.ivc !^H\''a'i'i'!i'ih'."r s^tit'h comi»ensation as the board may jtrcscrihc. The board may also appoint an executive committee and may authorize the superintendent to em])loy as many nurses aiul attemlants as may be necessary, and also dischai'ge them, or any of them, and employ others, but the board shall >SL WEST VTKfilNIA. 793 fix fl icir com poll? titioii. Anv one or more of tlic (lir(>cloi'^. to getlior with tlio supcriiiteiuleiit, sluill constitute an (•\;iiiiiiiin,!jj Ijoardjjuul may examine pci-sons lu'(jn,t;lit to the asyhnu as lu- jiatics, ami order tliosc found to be such tol )e receive( 1 1. ill S ->. Fiscal year. 8. The fiscal year of tlie sai scuii-uunual accounts of their treasurer, and also a copy of his n.i.i i; n official bond, as soon as the same shall have been S<'im1-;iiiiiUci1 re IK lere.l or exe( uted. 10. The terms of such officers shidl res|iectively commenci ami ■ontinuf an( 1 tl lev sha liavi' such compensa- tion and perform such dutie-^ and cNercise such , Cli. ii.i, .:;_:!.'. rrriiis of of- 1 lowei rs as ai'e presci'ibed by law foi- such ollicer: lil'liMlllOll, 11. The n'overnor shall have p(nver to remove any of such jfiieers in case of incompetency, ne;j,iect of duty Kciiiovni. gross nnmorality or malt(>asance m onice: anu lie may detdare any such offices vacant, and (ill the same as pro- vided in the following section. 12. In cases of vacancy, during the recess of the senate, in any of the offices mentioned in this act, the gover- ,,,i,| , ..^ nor shall by appointment fill such vacancy until the ],',\'.'i|'r'n.coss next meeting of the senate, when h(> shall make a ""*'""""■ nomination for such office; and the person so nominateil, when confirmed b}' the senate, (a majoi'ity of all the .senators con- curring by ayes and iiay.s), shall hold his office during the re- mainder of the term and until his successor shall beap[)ointed and (jualified. Xo person, after being rejected by the senate, sJiall bo again nominated for the same office during the same session, unless at the request of the senate, nor shall such per- son be appointed to the same office during the recess of the senate. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are iiereby repealed. 10. Xo director of the hospital shall be personally interesicMl in anv contract in relation to the said lu)spital, or 'i.i,:,''^;!'!!'' U.N ^UpjIOI I. ^,,1 iin.„„(,.ii,.t. 11. If any director of the hospital, justice, clerk of court, or other officer shall fail to perform any duty requirt'd r„ias:xi. srilili Ml 'm n I J!* 794 WEST VIROIXIA. t I li! 11 Nosjectof ^^ j^jj^^ -j^ ^j^-^ chapter, or siiall oflbnd a^ijainst any prohibition contained liercin, he shall forfeit not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars. 15. Any justice who shall suspect any person in his county Ibid s II, to ho a lunatic, shall issue his warrant ordering; such *j;^o"',!i"''f;'' })(>rson to be brou,i;ht before him. lie shall iiujuire aiiihinVio'i' '..r' wiiether such person be a hmatic, and for that [cir- jiosc summon a physician and any other witnesses. In addition to any other questions, he may propound as many of the following as may be applicable to the case: (1) AVhat is the patient's age and where born? (2) Is he married? If so, how many childr^en has he? '"■^ What are his habits and occupation? '-j' TIow long since indications of insanity appeared? (u) What were they? (0) Does the disease appear to increase? :. A... ...ere })eriodical exacerbations? Any lucid intervals, and of what duration? (8) Is his derangement evinced on one or on several sub- jects? What are they? (0) What is the su]iposed cause of his disease? (10) AVhat change is there in his bodily condition since the attack? (11) Has there been a former attack? When, and of what duration? (12) Has he shown any disposition to commit violence to liimself or others? (13) AVhether any and what restraint has been imposed on him? (l-l) If any, what connections of his have been insane? Were his parents or grandparents blood relations? If so, in what degree? (15) Has he had any bodily disease from suppression of evacuations, eruptions, sores, injuries, or the like, and what is its history ? What curative means have been pursued, and their effect, and especially if dei)leting remedies, and to Avliat extent, have been used ? IG. If the said justice decide that the person is a lunatic, and iiii.i s 12. ought to be confined in the hospital, and ascertain fumuMu'r^ that he is a citizen of this state, then, unless some cxamiuations. pgj.gQj^ ^|.q ^j^om tliB justicc In liis dlscretiou may "I ,. j i t mi AVKST VIIMIINIA. 79(1 lipid S H, lis unii'iiilfil l.---^, cli. G7. Inily of (jllk'i'i- I'l wIkimi iirdiT of j lie I i CO is (lii'i'fted. deliver sncli luiiatie) will >;ive bond, with sufTieient security, to be approved by said justice, [)ayable to the state, with eon- ditioM to restrain and take ])roiier eare of such limntle, until tii(! cause of conlinonient shall cease, or the 'aiiatic is delivered to the sheriff of the county, to be jirocceded with accordin<;' to law, the said justice shall order him to be rcinoved to the hos- pital, and received, if there be room therein. 17. Tiie interros^'atories to tlie witnesses and the answers thereto shall 1)0 in writino'"el|"",;7'. the actual expenses, to be paid out of the fund for nfni'o"' !o ''" transportuig ])atients. 20. When such ])ati(>nt arrives at the hos[)ital, an examin- ing board shall be assendjled as soon as maybe, 11,1,1,^0. and, if the}' concur in opinion with the justice, shall ^'""^' receive and register him as a patient. 21. If thev refuse to receive the i)atient because in their (ii)inion he is not a lunatic, they shall so certifv in iiu.isi:. writniii', to tlie ofneer ni wliose eustodv he may be, i>-j. ri c:. T ' 1 rr. 1 • "l 1 1 When I'lltieutS and such orncer shall convev Inni buck to the ""' ivdived '.Vi 1^ igUggtmauami IN 'i III' ^i ■^ ■ 1 (90 WEST VII!C;iNIA. (•(luiily ill wliifli he was fxaiiiiiud ami tlicre disci larij;*' liiiii, ami ii" tlii'V ivt'usi' to ri'ccivi' \\\v patient lur any utlui- cause, sucli oflu'CM' -hall convey him hack to the ciuiiity in which he was cxaniiiicil, ami ceiiline him in the jail thei'eol' until he he lawhillv dischai'ued or rciiioveil therelVom. '2'2. If it aiijteaf to the justice that the person exainiiicil hy ii,i,, jji^ him 's a lunatic, and a nou-iV'ident of the stale, he ]'s>'!;!''.'i''.''i;:'. shall be committed to jail; and if any non-resident cxpoiisus .if, I'O receivetl nilo tlu' liospital undef sucli order, or he eommittecl to jail, the hoard in oiu' case, ami the court to whose jail he may have been committed, in the other, shall, as soon as jiracticahle, cause him to be returiuMJ lo his friends, or to the [)roper authorities of the state from which he came, [and the e.\[)enses necessarily incurred in efleetin^- siicli removal, including a compensation to the in'rson making sucli removal, and one guard when necessary, of one dollar eadi l^er day, for each day actually em[iloyed in making such removal, shall be i)aid out of the state treasury on the warrant of the auditor. I'he governor may take such Av\)S as he may deem ])roper to obtain h'om the state of wdiieh said lunatic i> a resident, sucli expenditures as may be made by the state under this act.] JUit if the justice cannot ascertain of what state a lunatic is a resident, and shall so certify, the lunatic may be received into the hospital if there be room tlurein, tu be kept until information is received us lo his residence. 2.'1 Xo non-resident lunatic shall be admitted or retaineil in the hospital under any contract with the board, ex- cept wdicn there is a vacancy therein not api)lied fer on behalf of any person residing in the state. When so aJ- mittetl, the board may at any time discharge him and rojuiro liis friends to take charge of him or send him back to his home, and shall do so whenever it may bo necessary in order to make room for a }»erson residing in the state. 24. Insaiu' persons of the naval service of the United States, n)iciiiJo. \vho may be sent to the bosjiital l)y the secretary ef sonsMi- naval tl'<^' navy undci' tlic thirtieth section of the act el' Bervie,!. coiigrcss, approvcd August the third, eighteen hun- dred and forty-eight, may be received in such hospital : hm when it shall become necessary for the purpose of admiitini;' therein insane persons who arc citizens of this state, the board lliid S ill. Siiiiii', ;:',*. hi WKST VI I! ti INI A. roT ^iKlll (•aiis(^ sncli iii-atic pcv-oi^ .f tl i(^ naval scrviro nr maniic CO rp or so munv as niav he lU'crssarv to 1 )(.■ rciiiovcti ll'olU tilt' hospital and ri'-tond to the cniv of tlu' srcrotarv ot' tlir navv ■J"), ifanv idiot lie sent to or ri'ccivcil in (lir liosi)ilal, the l»oari! shall onl'T him to he I'ciuovcil to tho connt' IM,I wlicnre he canii', am 1 .Icl ivcn (I o his CO mmitti :t-> ;illl'*lt I.M ho havcont>, or it' not, to the county court or a count \ coinniissioiuM', who shall <^ivo a rccci[)t for him. The costs of such removal if not, shall lial 1)0 i)aiil out ol' 1 li- es tate, if suUicient, hut )v |irovi(lcii lor hy le said countv court at the charge of their coniilv. su ■J<). I'^xcept in the case of a person charged with criiin' and hjt'et to he tried therefor, or convicted of crime ni WIm ■H ]U iii;iy liT (li-. t'li:iri:('i'!lpt'ot III- to do so, any justice of the county, where such luna- "''i''-^- tic may be, shall issue his warrant to the sheriil' of such county to arrest and carry him back to the hospital, which warrant the sheriff shall forthwith execute, and mav execute it in any part of the state. 20. When any other person confined in the hospital or in 1^^'' 70.S WKST Vine; I .VI A. lis ii.i.ijji". J"'^ '^^ '^ Iiiiiatic shall lie n'stoi-cd to sanity, the H.iun.n.i...i (..viiiuii)in<,' hoanl, if such person he in the hospital, i.'s'i'.M-iM lo""^ iiiiil the circuit oi' cuiiiily t'oui't of the county in "'"" ■ which he is eoiilineth if h{> he in jail, shall, njion examination of such person, (lisi'liar<;e liini from custody and ^'wv him a certilicate thereof. 30. ICach patient in the hospital shall h(> deemed an inhahi-'is. taut of the countv in which he had a leiral settle- r'"'>''"- menl at the time of his removal to the hospital. ol. If not previously paid hy indivi(hmls, the e\|iense df ,,,i,i^o., removing any lunatic to and from the hos[)iiaI, and i^m^rrii'lvv 'j'" the maintenance and ca.-e of him therein, shall *""' he i)aid out of the treasuiy of the houl)lic ti'easury; such expenses, in either case, to Ije refundt'd in the manner liereinafter ]iro- viiled. o'l. When any })erson sliall be confined in any jail as a n>iM!;:ii. lunatic, the jailer sjuill certifv the fact to the circuit 1. 11 II 11 tics ill , ' jii'i. court ot the county at the next ensuing term. The court sliall thereupon cause such person to l)e examined hv two disinterested persons, who shall, as soon as may Ije, report the result thereof. The court shall then make such provision for the maintenance and care of him as liis situation may require. Each ofOcer shall be allowed eight cents j)er mile, b i>0 Oe ibi.i ,:< :i:f. sides tolls and ferriages for himself and the same u) ..iii.'.Ms. for eacli guard, both going to and returning from the hospital to carry a lunatic, and the sanu' sum for tlie lunatic, going and also returning, when he is carried from the hos- pital. l>ut no olHcer shall l)c allowed for more than one per- son as a guard for one lunatic, without a warrant from the examining justice, authorizing more than one, nor then for more than two }>crsons. 34. In addition to the compensation allowed by section ibidSMrt tliirty-three, of chapter fifty-eight of the code. ft)r conli.c'i'isa- carrying lunatics to the hospital for the insane, tlie tiou. circuit courts may allow such reasonable additional compensation for such services as may be just and i)roper in cases where the allowance authorized l»y the said section is not sufficient to pay the actual ex]:)enses incurred by the officers. ■\VKST VllUlINIA. 799 latiuu luav riuiiLi; ii'ittii ail one per- jiH iinii'iiiloil No more .shall be allowed for i/,';'. '■^■"■ viously ascertained that there was a vacancy therein. oG. The allowance to the jailer for the maintenance and care of a lunatic shall he fixed by the court in whose 'i'''i s ''. jail he is confined. Ills clothing than thirty dollars a year, allowance shall bo audited and ])ai(l, unless it appear in the certincate of it that the jaik'r proved to the court that, imme- diately aficr the commitment of the lunatic, and at least once ill every twenty days thereafter, application 'vas made to the board of directors of the hospital for admission, and that such ai)})lication was refused for want of room, or that such ap[)li- cations were not continued because the admission of the lunatic had been refused for some other cause than want of room, and it further api)oars in such certificate, that the jailer com- plied in duo time with the provisions of section thirty-one of this clia{)ter. 37. When the same attendant, nurse, or iihysician is em- ployed to attend the sick in any jail, as well lunatics ,,,(,, ^ .„, as others, the court shall ap})ortion the allowance ;)','!!"s'|u',',r '" therefor, so as to ascertain how much is to be allowed i"'>'*"^^"""'- for each lunatic. 88. If a })erson be found to be insane by the justice before whom he mav be examined, or in a court in whi'^,:!:. ■^ ' ' iiimintU'p of he may be charged with crime, as aforesaid, tUe ^ ii>»Htic. circuit court of the county of which he is an inhabitant shall appoint a committee for him. 30. If a person residing in this state, not so found, be sus- pected to be insane, the circuit court of the county ]i,i,i,<:is, of which such person is an inhabitant shall, on the is^^'/'-T'o:! ai)plication of any [)arty interested, and after five '"i"*''"- days' notice to the person so suspected, proceed to examine into his state of mind, anel being satisfied that he is insane, shall appoint a committee for him. T, soo \Vi;sT \' IRC I MA. II III: ■UK ll' ;i jici'-dii rc-iiliii^ out ol' llir >-(iit(', liiit liaviii^' |>r(i|i(ity ,1,1,,^,.,,, tlui'cin, lit' su>|K'ctcil [it \,v iii^.iiu', till' circuit cdiirt '"'"""'■ III' llic county wlicrciii llic sai'l jini|i( ity or the •rrciitcr ]'art of it i-, shall, u|poii like appliciitioii, and luin^- .satisfied llial lie is insaiic. a|i|)oiiit a connnittco lor liii' 41. 'I'lic court Miakiiii,^ sucli apiioiutiuciit shall t roin ii.i.ijjM. such cominittcc a l»oiid in such ncnaltv as it shall llollil iif colli- 1.1 • 1-1 • 1 ' • mil dcciM suflicicnl: and ni the c-asc o| a lunatic sen! to the h(i-|iilal or coniiuiflcd to jail, the clerk (»!' the court shall, within one month thereafter, transmit t the term succeearty inter- ested, may appoint some other person committee, tak! ', '-"■ mid tile I'ciits iiud |ii'iilils of Ills real t'stiilc, In' ill Milliciciil for lii.s inaiiiU'iiaiict' and tliat '.if ins I'aiiuly, il any, tln' coiiiinillrf of his estate may |u til ion tlic conrt hy wliidi lie was a|i|ioinl( d. for lUltliorit}' to inor|Ma,d with or convicted of crime he rii. 10-;, S2J. found, in the court bi'fore which lie is so eliarg'.Ml or .harL'ca with convicted, to be a lunatic, and sucli court shall order him to be contined in the hospital, lie shall be re- ceived and contined if there be, or so soon as there is, a vacancy tlierein. Tiie sheriff or otlun' otticer of the court by which tlii^ order is made, shall immediately })rocced in the manner di- rected In- the fourteenth section of this chai-ter to ascertain whether such vacancy exists; and until it is aseertaiiicd that there is a vacancy, such lunatic shall be kept in the jail of such court. ")1. Where any lunatic is to be discharged l>om the peniten- ibi.i )> :,:\ tiary, or when any convict becomes ho[>elessly insane. \'i'Mi"i'n7>'"ni- before his or hi'r term of sentence ex[)ires, it shall be '-^■""•".v. ^1^^^ duty of the sui)erintendent to iiotii'y a justice of Marshall county, of the time that such discharge will be made, or that such convict is considered to be h()[ielcssly insane, when it shall be the duty of the justice to whom such iiilnr- niation is given to proceed with such j)erson as jirovidi'd lor under cha[)ter fifty-eight of the code of West A'irginia, relating to persons sus[iecte(l of lunacy. 52. When a penson in jail, on a charge of having conunit- cii.M, s i.i. ted an indictable offense is not indicted by reaseii t.Mi.Mi t; of his insanity at the time of committnig the act. coiiunitiii.'.iit. the grand jury shall certify that fact to the court: whereupon the court may order him to l)e sent to the hosjiital for the insane of the state or to be discharged. ~)S. No per.son shall, while he is insane, be tri(.'d k>v a criin- ch. .w, so. iiial offense. 54. If a court in which a person is indicted for a criminal 11)1(1 §10. offense, see rcasonal)le cause to doubt his sanity at iX'iMi'"rrm'n.,i tiic tl uic at wh Icli , bu t for such doubt he would bo "'''"''""'""• tried, it shall susiiend the trial until a iurv iiuiuiiv into the fact of such sanity. Such jury shall be empaiie led WKST VIRGINIA. 803 111 '. Ml 1 1 Ul'i lii aiil out cluvpter, ^ pOVSOU ^•ho is an crime ^)C nai-o'-Ml or hall onlcr all be re- a vacancy whicli \ho. uannev tU- ) ui^cevtain isccvtaiiKnl II the jail v'f he peniten- pssly insane, s, it nliall l»e ajnstict' ol' ill be niaile, «sly insane, sncb ini'"V- vovitle*l I'^'i' uia.velaliu;^ ling connnit- Vlby veasou [\\\ir the act. [o the court ; the lio>l'il''>^ \\ f(.r a crini- Iv a criminal Ibis sanity al \,e NVOuM W^ jury iu^nurc at its bar. If tlie iurv find tlie acensed to lie sane at the time of their verdict thcv shall make no further inquiry, and the trial in chief shall proceed. If Ihey find tliat he is insane they shall inquire whether he was so at the timeofthe allej^ed offense. If they find that he was so at that time tlie eoui't may dismiss the prosecution, and either discharge him or to pi-event his doing mischief, remand him to jail, and order him to be removed thence to the hos[)ital for the insane. If they find he Avas not so at tliat time, the court shall commit him to jail, or order him to be confined in said hospital until lie is so restored that he can be put upon his trial. 55. If, after convirtion and lu^fore sentence of any pen the court see reasonable gi-ound to doubt his sanifv A on, \Wu\ ^ 11. I nsiiiiitv aftiT Cull VIClhlU. it may empanel a jury to inquire into the fact as to his sanity, and sentence him, or commit him to jail, oi- to the hospital for the insane, according as the jury nuiy find iiim to be sane or insane. 5(). When the board of dii'cclors of the hospital for the in- sane shall give notice to the clerk of the court, in n,i,i ,^ 12. pursuance of the twenty-sixfli section of chapter ,r','l!',is'';t il!.s. fifty-eight, such clerk shall issue a precejit to the '"'"'' ofiicerofsaid court, requiring him to bring the said i)i'isoner from tlie liospital and I'ommit him to jail, 57. When a pi-isoner is so brought from the hospital and committed to jail, or when it is found hv the verdict im.u' is. ot another jury, tliat a prisoner, whose trial or sen- tonce was suspended by reason of his being Ibuiivl to be insane, has been restored, if convicted he shall be sentenced, and if not, the court shall jtroceed to try him, as if no delay luul occurred on account of his insanity. 5S. Wlujii a j)erson tried for an offense is acquitted by the jury, by reason of his being insane, the verdict shall ii,i,i ^^ ,4. state tlie fact; and thereupon the court may, if it n'iil'.'n'.'ini'i-' deem liim dangerous, order him to be ct)mmitted to "'"'"^ jail until he can be sent to the hosiiital for the insane. 50. When any person confined in the liosi)ital, charged with crime, and subject to be tried therefor, or convicted ci,. i,k, jj^jii. of crime, shall be restorcil to sanity, the board shall *st'>','','!i'to '"' jiive notice thereof to the clerk of the court by ''"'""■^' whose order he was confined and deliver him in obedience to the proper precept. I :-\'l\-y m i ■ ( m ( . ■ ■ i ; ! 1 ( f 1 vm I i ^i iji WISCONSIN. STATE BOARD OF CHAHITIES AND Ri:i'OR>I. 1. rreiitidii, term of ollice, vncaiicies. 2. Aiiniml inectiims, 8. Si'ci'i'Uii V, (Intii's ; ntluT (ifTict'i's. 4. Ins])('cli(iiis of asyliinis; board, wlieii ii'nr,<;!iiiize(l. 5. Nt'c'c'ssaiT t'X]ii nsc'8 refimdcd. C. Powers ami iliitii's of board, annual report. 7. Facilities for examination to be af- forded. 8. Transfer of insane soldiers to na- tional asybini. STATE HOARD OF SUPERVISION. 9. Creation ; to liave the powers for- nu'rly exercised by boards of trustees. 10. Oatli of ollieo. 11. Term of otliee, vacancies. 12. Ke^iiiar nieetiiiLTs. 13. ( 'oni|iensation of mendiers. 14. To lie ciinimissioners of lunacy. !•'). Poweis of l)o:ird. 16. Duties of iioard. 17. Secretary, duties. 18. Salaries and bonds of ollicers. 19. Steward, ilnties. 20. Miintbly e>tiiiiates. 21. Aceoinits of imrebases. 22. Warrants, Ikiw drawn ami paid. 23' Money for lienelit of [latient, dis- jiiisitiiin of. 24. Suiierintiiident of asylums, duties, statistics. 20. Keports of asylums to board. 20. Inspection of asylums by board; visitinLTconimittee l)y legislature. 27. Annual report of board. 28. Annual statistics. 29. Laws applicalije to board. 31). Appeals from decision of board. 31. Time in wliith appeal may be taken, notice. 32. l'r()ceedin;^s on appeal. 33. (..'osts borne by losing j)arty. (iOVERN.MEXT Of ASYLUMS. 34. Titles of asvlums. 3o. Superintendent, oat Ii, duties, exemp- tion from subpicTuis. 3C. Appropriation of land for use of ])ulilic institutions, ap])ointment of commission. 37. Oath of eonnnissioners; notice to owner, how served. 38. View of lands, rejmrt, ajipeal. 39. State institutions to ]iurehuse eacii others manufactures. 40. Treasurer's bonds. 41. Ufiicers of asylums to be a police force. 42. Decennial census of insane, duties of county clerk. 43. Cruelty to jiatients, penalty for. ADMISSION OF PATIENTS. 44. Counties entitled to patients in ratio of po])nlation; ])i'ovisions for pa- tients without settlement. 45. Settlement, how ascertained. 4n. Krror in accounts, how corrected. 47. Non-residents, removal. 48. Idiots not ailniitted. 49. Investigation, )iliysician's re[ioit. oU. t'cimniiiment by judge. 51. l'hysician"s repoit, additional siate- ment. 52. Ilehearing, when allowed. 53. I'roccedings on rehearing. 54. Discharge on pioof of sanity. 55. Harmless imbeciles not adnuited, 50. Circuit court to iiave jiowcrs of county court, ])roccedings liKii. 57. Warrant of commitment, by wliniii exccutcil. SI'l'l'ORT AND DISCII.MidE. 58. liesident patients, support by s|;i(e. 59. Clothing re<|uiiet atlmi" t- 1 ■diu'J .'lit lOWl'l's I IV NV llAlit-''' I'l'l ort 111 'III stiite. till- (liiiiUt't ;,s\iital, ai-l'0>^'- lint: K'ei I'rii'iu |,r disiliaii Is; s.'U' t(l I'OI iiitv lot' war sni«li IH'V. rant, lied NV illi WISCONSIN. 805 6''5. Recovery of elmrges for patients. C(). lleinihurseinent of eoiinties. 07. Fees of sliorill' anil witni-sses. 68. Conlinenient of ilanyerous indigent insane. .'OUNTY ASYLUMS. 69. Estahlislinient, provisions for. 70. I'roeeedings of board of county supervisors. 71. Plans anil specifications. 72. I5oa- 1 of trustees, reports. 73. Transfer from state asylum to county ; acute insane, transfer to state asylum. 74. Insane without settlement, regula- tions for admission. 75. Insane of other counties, when re- ceived. 76. Cost of liiiildings. 7" State to bear one-half of cost, limit of cost. 7S. Cost of liiiildiugs, liability of county. 7'J. Warrants for reimbursement of counties by state. 80. County asylums subject to laws governing state asylums. 81. Comities may use liuildings already erected. 82. Clirt)iii('. insane, expenses of support, how liorne. 83. Insane cared for by county, certified to secretary of state. S4. lleinoval to county asylums. 85. Transfer to county asylum from other counties. 80. Counties not entitled to reiniburse- iiieiil, unless patient lawl'iilly coininittt'd. 87. Laws for su[)])ort of poor ajiplicable to insane. 88. Vacancies in board of trustees, how tilled. 89. Appropriations for support to be inadi! by county supervisors. 90. Snpportof insane, lialiiiity of estate, proeiH'dings to compel payment. 91. Selection by counties of patient to be rt'turned. 92. xVppropriatiou. ruiVATE .VSYi.u^r.s. 93. Corjiorations for establishment of asylums, powers. 94. Powers to receive endowments. 9-"). Commitment to siicli asylum. 9(). Discharge of patients in arrears. ' 97. Voluntary patients. 98. Ilalieas corpus; investigation of charges liy board of supervisors. 99. Exemption of oflicers from prose- cution. 100. Correspondence to be unrestricted. 101. Inspection by hoard of supervisors. 102. Reports of asylums. 103. Exemption of property from taxa- tion. CRIMINAL INSAXE. 101. Insanity to be pleaded specially, discharge on recovery. lOo. Transfer to asylum. lOG. Resumption cf proceedings on find- ing of sanity. 107. Investigation of insanity, proceed- ings, transl'er to asylum. 108. Convicts, investigation of insanity, transfer to asylum ; on recovery remandeil to prison. 109. Insane convicts transferred to Mil- waukee asylum ; on recovery remanded to prison. 1. To si'cure llie just, humane and economical administra- limi of jmblic cliiirity anlilutc])ointi'd and (inalilied, nide.-s sooner discharu'cd hy the lioard. A certilicate of ai)pointnient or diseharue of anv i)erson as si'crotarv shall he inimediati'lv liled hy tlie Ixiard with the secri'tary of state. The dnty of the secretary shall he to record all tlie transactions of the board and the proceedings of their meetings, to keep their books and p>apers, make such visits and perform such other duties as the Ixtai'd may prescribe. The board may appoint a ])resident and other ollict'rs to serve without compi'usation, and lix their terms of ollicc and prescril)e their dulit's. 4.* The * * * * •!• statt' board of charities and refoi'm, or §.-,r,.!a. s(»me mend)cr, or the secretaiy thereof, are hen-liy n!unt'v''i'i>''>-'' re(|uired to visit each county insane asylum in this state at least once in each three months duriiiu- each and evei'v year, and may also designate some suitable perxm May ( (ir pc^rsoiis to Juakc visits thereto, whose expenses Hiicii vuits. oulv mav ijc audited and iiaid each year as liei'eui (I 1 L provided to audit bills ibr clerical assistance, and out of ihi' amount of money lierein ai»[)ropriated, and it is hei'cby mail- uoani limy 1..1 tlic dutv of tlic ^'ovcrnor to re-oi'o C'oiil.iins a iclc'iciice to all stHtioiis in liie llevised Statutes. 'V! fovo tlio \v tenth Aiu'v^ as iitcd 1 )V •crctarv, 1 until in< I, vniK'.-s (lintnicnt nc'diatc'ly l; duty of lis l)t' tlic ecj) tlieir lu-h titluT a))p(>uit a )ensati()n. OS. ivt'orni. r as lirivin out of thr •cltv made tl If sal' 'VrV, HI lil> harmony luno'o n> made m hen di'' w in wntiu.Li ■nuK r shall ^w\\ (hity. It ion or cN- WISCONSIX. so (• sccrclarv s pons(>s, staled in detail and verilied hy aliidavil, Ih to be also ait|>roved hy the [(resident of tiie l)oai'd, shall he audited hy the seeretary of slater and paiil out of the ti'easury. All stationery, hhiid-^s, printinu', postage stani]is, stamped en- velopes and the like, necessary for the; ollieial u-v t)f the hoard or their seeretary, shall he suppHe(| to Ihein in the same man- ner as to state ollicials. No other eomi)ensation whatever siiall he paid any mendter of said hoard. <;. Jt shall he the (hily of the hoard: (1) To investigate and supervise ail the eharitahle and eorreetional institutions supiiorled or aided al '' ^ lllllii'-' iif all hv the state, and all in(hb iHii' ni>mii- ■ial schools. Iiospilai 111' iXillili- and asylums, which siiali he oriiani/.eil or e\istin,<;' undi'r chai)ter eij^hty-six* of these statutes, and to familiarize them- selves with all the cireunistanci'S allectiuL!, liieir manr.Licment and usefulness. (1) To thoroughly in(iu ire into and exandne the condition of each of the institutions and estahli^liments here- <-''nor.i\ p. inhefore referred to. their metiiods of treatment, in- "■' struction, government and management i)l' their inmates, tlu' ollieial conduct of all trustees, managers, (hredors. >uperin- tenletioii thereof to report to Iiilii the testimony taken, the fads I'liuinl hy them and their conclusions thereon. (7) To prepare, and as may he necessary t(» amend h'oin 1 ■ "^ 1 , i n ; 1 1 !. 1 i m L:lit, W lilrh il^o 'Of the Organization of Ctirponitions." See, also, pi. Oo, 04. ii SOS "WISCONSIN. Ill T.> piv|nio tii)i(> to (iuio, sulijirt lo (lie approviil of tlic tj-ovenior, imiik-ko,|,iiiL,'. ., system oi' ]iliiii for kri>|)inm' lliclxxiks and account;^ (»!' llic ;4aU' (•liarital»lc' and corrcclional iiistilulidiis, jo \k' as nearly uiiif'oriii as can he adapted to tlieii- diU'ei'ent wants and necessities, and to see tliat sncli jilans ai'e adopted and I'ollowed hy eacli snch institntion. and to |)rescril)(,' the i'orni in whicli institntions shall, in their iumual r(>])orts, set forth a detailed statement of their rt'ceipis and expenditures for (he year. (S) To make such hydaws, I'ules and r(\uulat ions, not inconi- 1-,. I.,,,.. .,„ I patiiile with law, as shall lie necessarv for the con- '"''■'*• venient and proper ])erformance of their duties. (!>) To make and present to the ji,'(»vernor, on or hefore the Auiniui report, lifteeuth (lay of ])ecend)er in each year, tlu'ir animal report, in which they shall concisely state the condition of each charitahU' and correctional institntion, sui>port(.Ml or aided hy the stale, and their opinion of the apjiropriation pro|)er to Ite made for each for the followin;> 'ii, j)ro[)(M"ly tahu- lated. and such recommendations or suji'^i'stions as they may see lit to j'resent respecting the suhjects under their super- vision: and their jiroce '(linns during- the yeai', and a detailed statement of all exi)enditures nuuU' from the treasury hy or on l)elialf of the hoard. 7. To enahle the performaiuH' of (he duties herein imposed, ij-'iiii. all trustees, manau'ers, directois, sniHM'intemK'nts |-;irilitirs f,,|- ', 1 ..... cxitiiiiiiaii.ui. jiiid other ollicers or employes of the institutions ainl estahlishinents aforesaid shall at all times afl'oi-d to evi ry memhei' of said hoard and their secretai'v. unrestrained facihiy for iiis[)ection of and free access to all parts of the huildiiiL;'s and grounds and to all hooks and })a]H'rs of such institutions and estahlishinents, and shall ^ive eiiher verhally or in writ- iuL; such information as the hoard may re(|uire; and if any such p( rson shall ofl'end against tliis re(|uireinent, he sliall foi'feit not less tlian ten nor more than one hundred dollai':^. I'^acli niemher and the secretary is authorized to administer oaths and take t!ie depositi(Hi of any ])e!'son as a witness in any investigation; aie' the hoard may hy \dte authorize tlieir secretary to cause testimony to he tak.'U hy any judge, juslice WISfONSIX. 809 of tlio ])('a('o, or t'ourt conuiiissioiu'r, in the mamu'V providrd in tilt! t'liaptcr on I'vidcncc I'poii an accouiil tlicrcor vcrilinl by tlio aHidavil tit' tlu' sccrctavv nr |n-csidi'nl ol' the I'nard, all o.xpi'iiscs of sucli iiivi'sliuntidiis, iiicludin,!:,' \'vv<- of olliccrs and witnesses, shall ]n' auditc([ l)y the secretary of stale and paid out of tli(> state treasury. S. Wlieiiever it shall he hi'iiuuhl to the not ice of the state ii .'-,(17. ijiovit insiiiio SolllilTS. hoard of charities aud ri'forni that any insane ])er- son in either of the \\'iseonsin iios|iitals for Ihe in- sane or elsewhere is le,ually entitled to I'eeeive care and su]»iiort in the national hospital for insane soldii'rs, they shall take such measures as may he neeessary to estahlish the fact, and when so estahlished, they shall cause such insane person to he transport(-d to said hosjiital for insane soldiers. 1).* 'J'he i;'overnor, liy and with the advice and consent of the senate, shall aiiiioint hve iiersons. citizens of Wis- S'^.twiisni.^i? cousin, no two of whom shall he residents of th Stiitc liuaiii uf KllIMTVisiuU same congressional district, a stale lioai'd of >uper- i"''iii.-(i. vision of Wisconsin charitahle, reformatory and penal insti- tutions, who shall he a l)ody corporate under and hy said name, and shall have and ])ossess all the powers, and may exercise all the functions of tl u' several hoani alxilislied I) y Sill.. 5 .■!. JlniiJu-rs to take oath. hoard, section one of this aet.t Said hoard shall devote its entin' time a;id attention to its duties, as provided in this act. 10. * Said hoard shall meet and organize within sixty days from the passage and [tuhlication of this act, and shall enter upon the dischai',u-e of its duties at the ex])iration of said sixty days, i^ach mendier ol' said hoard, hefore enteriuj; u{ion the disci iar;j,e of his duties, shall take and suhscrihe an oath to support the constitution of the I'nited States, the constitution of the state of Wisconsin, and honestly and faithfully to dischariie his duties as a meni]»er of said hoard to the hest of his ahility, w Inch oath shall he tiled in the oflice of tlii' si'cretarv of statt,-. 11.* The mend»i'rs of said hoard shall hold otlice for the term of live vears, except that the meml»ers lii'st aiiitointeil s,ii,. ,^ 4. shall no out of ollice, one in oiu\ one in two. one in ""'''■ , u li ll ii t ■i :■■■ r .» u>M t ? SOT !i, siih. '/. 1, liofc rofi'iTod to, aln)lislios the hoiinl of trustees of tlie Wis- eiinsiii stale luisiiitals for the insane. 'M! ' )■ i 1 ■ i - ' .1 ■ i ! 1 810 AVISCOXSIX. ilii'cc, one in four and one in live years (Voni the dale of ap- jtointinciil, liic incnihcr to v:*> out to Itc (Ictcrniini'd by lol. i\])|ioinlni('nt> to lill wicaiicics occasional by death, resi,i;iialion or removal shall he lor llu' nnexpii'ed term. I'pon tlie expi- viidui.i.'s, ration of any renular term, or the oceurrinjj; of any iiow lui.M. vacancy, the ,iio\-ernor shall a}>[ioin( in like mannei- as above. ]*2.* Said boai'd sliail lie provided with a r(»om in llie capiiol siib.s.Ti bnildinii,- at ^hl(lison, as its ollice, and shall hold iniM'iinus. thereat rcLinlar meeting's for the transaction of bn-i- whcio iicKi. iicss, at least once in each month; the l>oard shall be furnished with all necessary furnitnre and stationery by the superinti'ndent of pniilie ])roperty, and also all necessary blanks, blank books and printing, by the comniiss^ioners of l)uV)lie ])riiitin_ said sev(.'ral institutions, in relative proportion, as near as may be, t(( the sums appropriated to eacli for current e\[)enses, and the sums creditt'd to I'ach by the sec- retaiy of state, as herein jirovided. 1-1.* Said board shall act as commissioners of lunacy, with jj„,, ^5 - jiower to investiiiale and examine into, with or wiili- ri's oi-'hHm "y ; **i't t'-xpcrt asslslaucc, the (piestion of the insanity ""'"'"'"''"'• and conditi(»n of any pei'son t-ommitted or conlimd in any lunatic hosjiital or asylum, ])ublic or private, or re- strained of his liberty by reason of alle,ucd insaiuty, at any l)lac(.; within this stale, and shall take the projti'r and lei:al .steps Ibr the discharge of any person so commilted or ic- strained, if in its oj)inion such pt'rson is not insane, or can he cared for after such discharge without danger to other.'^, and with benclit to such person. t> of :l])- l)y Inl. iii'lKitioii .\iv r\\)'\- or ean !"■ others, and AviscoNsrx. 811 1').* Said hoard sliall have |iowrr to t'tilly investigate all com- plaints au;aiiisl anv of the inslitulious above iianieil, ^^'i'' i; "^ or apnnst the ollieial coiidllet of the n'.;in.l,ue|iielit '"'•n'l- there(»i'; to send Ibr hooks and |ia|iers: siimnion. eompel the atteiidanee oi', and swear witnehed or maintained by the stiUe. {'I) To carefully su|iervise anil dirtnt the management a.nd all'airs of said institutions, and faithfully ami diliu'ently ju'o- iiiote the objects for wliich the same havi' l)een established. (;!) To ]ireIoycs in such instilutioiis are coniiietcui and faithl'ul in t!ie discharge of their dntie,-. and all inmates thereof properly cai'cd for and udVerned, and all accounts, ac- count hooks and vouchci's properly kept, and all ihc husines< all'airs thereof properly conducted. (S) To fix the mindu'r of suhordinafe ollicers, tcachei's. ser- vants and employes in each of said institutions, ami prcsci'ihc (lie dtities and compensation of each, and to employ the same upon the uonniialion of tin' rt's[)ective superintendents and wardens. (0) To promptly remove or dischai') To annually apjioint for the Wisconsin state liospiiaj for the insane and for the northern liosj>ital for the insane, lor each, a superintendent, one assistant physician, a matron, a steward, and a ti'casui'er; and for the institution for the ediKii- tion of the hlin• ix'tent and exiu'rieiiced hookkeeper, and such assi>t- Jliiy ctiipliiy .I ' ' ' BoclviHiy. jiiit hookkeeper or clerks as may hi' necessary. The iiis.iuti.s. secretary shall keep the hooks, ri^cords and accounts of the hoard, under such rules and reuiilation-: as the hoard may prescrihe. Jle shall kecj) a tdear, distinct and separate liook ai'count with all the several departments of the sevt i;il institutions, includinn' all items purchased or sold on account thereof, and the [iioducts thereof, with an esiimateof the value \\I«( oNsiy. "ossary for n u;(»v('i'ii- itiiliiius its ;ll(| IT liV •ITS, tciK'll- colilpctclit ill iniiiiitcs (•(Hints, ;ic- ic UusiiHss acluT-. ^''i'- 1 prcscrilic >y tlu" siiiiic kU'IiIs ami (■r, tcaclur, Ik. shall It , or of iu\!j,- Uo liosiiital ' insane, kt matron, a the cdma- ion of till' :. tor cai'li. nccissiry ard and a )l;S ri':-]"'!'- ard, (.■xcfl't 1 Ilea ci'iH- surh as>i-t- sary. Tla' 11(1 acci'unls s ilic hoard nd sciiaratc the several on aeeiiiint of the value of all sneli iii'o(lnels, in siieli manner as to always show the relative cost and eNixiKHture on aeeianit (tf each sneh dc|iai't- ;t^ iiicnt, and the income thereof: and ii (1 1 ea'^e the nieonic oi" ]ir(tlits of any one (le|iarlinenl shall he made to eonliihiilc lo (he income or sn|iiiorl of any other dei)artment of any >neli institntion, the same shall he made to a|>|iear n|H)n the h()oks of such hoai'd. ]S.* The salaries of the ollicers of the said institntioiis. not, now lixed hy law, shall he lu'cserihcd hy the ho;ird, liieh in no ease shall exceed tweiit v-live hundred ^\ dollai's per annum, exeepl tiiat the several treasure! Sill.. ,< 11. OIlllNTr,' Nlllll- li.'-. |i> lir llXcl I.V ilnlllM. aloresaid diall recelVt- no sa larv. T le several stewards aial liiMlds (0 1)0 1,'iVi'll. li'casurei's aforesaid, hefore enterinu" upon the dis- char^i' of their duties, shall execute sullicient honds to the state of Wisconsin, to he lilcd with the secretary of state, in such penal sum, and with such sui'etics. as the hoard may preserihe, couilitioued for the faithful pei'I'ormaiiee of their duties, and the faitld'ul accounting for all moneys, or other ] roperty which may come to their h,ind<, ri'specti\ely, as such oflicei's. li'.^'^ The stewai'd of each inslilutiou shall he the local husi- ness manaii'er and purchasinu' aLicni of such insiiiu- sui.. s i-j. . . . iiiiii.-...r tion, suhject to the direclioii and ihe lailes and sI'^^h'I- I'eu'ulations of the li()ard. rndei" the direction of the hoard, and ^\•ithin the limits of the monthly estimates made hy the hoard, lu^ shall })urc!iase all nuderials and supplies ic(iuired to he purchased for the institution to which he heloH,i;s. lie shall havi' the immediate charm' of all hooks, accounts, papers and records relatiuL!,' to the linaiicial mana,!j,'enu'nt of the insti- tution to which he heloiui's, and shall keep detaileil accli;dl lie iiuditfd liy iIm' iMiiU'il. or ii|)|»r(>|triiili()ii iiindc llicrclni', whicli sliidl not lii'.-t Ipc so ccililicd iiiid presented. All liialeiiids iiiid suiiplies shall We jiiil'cliiised at the li)\veraetiealile prire, and when eennoniy oi' expeiiditnre can he jii'niniited Ihereliy. sneh materials and snp|ilies shall he jiui'- <'ha>eil in (|iianl ity. (If uf ihe ln\v( >t liidder. in hulk. Inr all of said in>t ilnlions, hy the stewards ot' siieh inslitutioiis,- and under sneh re;iiilatioiis a< the hoard may diret't. ■JO.* 'Idle hoai'd, once in each month, with the assistance '1 j<„,, ^, ,., such ol' the ollicers of the sevei'al institutions as it ?i'inull's'\.'."im 'ii;'>' i'ei|uire, shall ju'cpare an estimate for each """''"■ institution, of the eypeiiditu res necessary to he made dui'inir flu- nionih next ensuing, and such I'stimate shall he made out ir. detail and certilied. and iiled with the secretary of tln' lioard, and a duplicate with the steward of each insii- tution, n'S|)ectively, aud no memher of said hoard, and no ollicer ol' either of said in-litutious, shall incur any liahiliiy without .-nch e-limate hcinn' lirst made. Said hoai'd shall al-o ii\ a rej.!:ular time, as often as once in each month, for tint auditiuii', and also for the issue of its wai'i'ants, for the paynieiii of all accounts and (diar,ues against each of said institutions. 21.* X(» accounts for piircha-( s made shall he paid until the p»''f:it- same shall have heeii audited hv the hoard and an """'"'■■I' appropriation made therefor; and all such accounl.s when so audited and appi-o|U'iated, shall he jiaid hy an ord ■!• or warrant on the treasurer of the institution for which the. .sune lias Ik'cii ap]Hdpriated, si^■ned hy the secretary and hy the president of till' hoard; aud stuhs of all sueh orders or AVarraiits issued shall he jireserved in the olhce of tit ^"Mi'd. , No money for any pur|iose. shall he drawn n he ti( a-ii:er. except upon such order or warrant of i .nh and in du; manner in this section prescrihed; pri ed, howevei-. ,iat saitl hoard, in its discreti(m, may draw Ujion tin inasiu'ei' of each institution, each mouth, and dtdiver and liariic to the steward, a sum not excee(liiig one huudre(l dollars in any oiio month, which sum may he used hy said steward for necessary and coiitinu-eiit expenditure- not previously estimated ; and all amounts s(.) paid hy the steward from said sum so drawn shall ''\ AVIScoNSIS. Sl.j 9 , i lie reported to tlie Ipoiii'ij ;il ii< cii^uiiiii' iiMi I iiiiL;', witli tlir piii'- |)(ises tul' wllicll llie Sillile \\;f^ e.\ |m'II(|('i I, ;i!,(l ulicli mi I' '| h ulcd illlil !lil(i\\('(l liy tlie linjinl. Ilic vjiiiie slmll lie creilih d In lli(> steUill'il ; |H<>vi(ic(|, I'lll'liier, llie ;iL;n|i U.'lte aiiiniint <[ll(3 iliul piiynlile imnillily In the (illicel's iiiid eliililnyes nt' eilliei' iiistitulioii, iiiiiy lie drjiwii tVnm ilir Irmsury nf snid iiie re(|uired I'nr dislmr-eliielil dlirinu' tli(> elislliltn^ iiiniitli. in favor of the treasurer of each such in^titiilinii. and such order shall he paid hv sueli .-tate tiH'asurer to the treas- urer of such institution. •_'.").•'' All moneys or property ]iaid or deliveii'd to niiy ojlieer or eiiildovi' of either of said iii next: regular nieetinji'; and use and expend the same only under the direction and with the ad\ice and apjiroval of the su[»er- intendeiit or warden of such institution, for the benelit of tlio persons for wlioni the same was desi^'ned. 21.''' ''Jdiesu])erint I'll dent of each hospital, under the direction (if the board, shall have imniediate supervision of ;.;„,, ^<|; the interior administration of tli(> hospital in which )'i'",i ".n,',!',?' lllIlMiili-Llt. he is employed, and lie shall 1m> [lei'sniially rt'spni sihle for the sanitary condition, viww health and tri'atment of the inmates tliereof. lie shall cause to be kept for the hospi- tal, a daily record of oi\v\\ inmate. At as early a day in tho iimnth of .lune next as may be practicable, lu- shall re[iort to the board the name, age and }ilace of residence of each in- mate, ujiun such day, together with a brief statement as to tho m i II 810 wrscoxsiy. i ' m special foi'iU of iusaiiily aiul |iliysit-al (••iiiditinii of cadi of said inmates, and sncli otlicr I'acts of value relating- tlureto as may be known to him. Ili' sliali also stale, in said report, the name and })laee of residcjiee of tlu' guardian of eaeli inmate, .or t»f tlie p<-rson or eonnty ehartieal)k' for ids or her su])port. And lie shall thereafter, on the lirst Monday of I'aeh nionlh, re])ort to the board sueli information as the board may recpiire, Avith: (1) The name. aii(\ plaee of residence and date of admission of eaidi jjcivon admilteil as an inmate *o the lios[)ital duritiL;- the next precedini!,' month, with a lirief statement of his or her mental and physical condition and form of insanity, and with the name and place of i-esideiice of the guardian or pers(ni chargeable ibr the support of such inmate. (2) Tile name, age and I'esidence of eaeii inmate (liscliarge(l or removed, during each month, tiie condition of such inmate when so discharged oi- removed, the reason for such discharge or removal, and the ])lai'e, If any, to which such inmate was sent or talcen. (:>) Tlu' name, age ami residence of any inmate dying dui'iiig the }>rcce(liiig month, the immediate cause of death, and llic di.sposititai made of the body. (4) A .statement of any u.iusual resti'aint or confiiiement to "which any inmate was smijectetl, during such month, and et the necessiiy fhei'elbr. (")) 'idle name and iiarticular ser\ice of each ])erson dis- chargeil from sci'vice in such lios[iilal, or (|uit(ing sucli siTviic during such month, w''ii the reasons tiu'relbr and tlu' daU' thereol'. 'I').* i'ltich of the institutions herein coinmilted to the charge p„,,,,s of (lie said Itoard shall, by its [irnpcr oHicer. make ll'^!\n'!\T nKiiithly reports to sucli l)oafd. giving (U-tailcd and Ii'mMlrui'i'iai''^ iteiiiizcd accouiits ot' all rei-eipts and disldirseiiiciils, '^'''""''"'' and also showing the daily number of inmates, ulli- cers, teachers, ser\anls and employes in each, and the wages paid to ea(.'ii such ollicei', teacher, servant or emj)loye, ami also an annual report on the lirst day of October in each year, giving a summarized statement of the management of each ef said in.stitutioiis, in I'very dejiartment, for the jireceding li-cal year, ending on the thirtieth day of !Se[)teniber. II, ] 1 h of said ) as may port, tlir 1 inmate, support, h month, \- reipiiiv, ulmissiou ;il (luring- his of hfi' ami with or person lisehar^X'il x-]\ inmate (liseliari:c nmatc was inp; tlnriii.i^ 1, and tlie nemenl to itli, ami ot K'l'son dis- ucdi service d the date tlieehari:v ;ieer. make aileU and mrscnu'iii^. m iat( itli- I the waives am aeli year, |( ol' eaeh nt dinij; li-t-'^^l WISCONSIN. SI 7 20.* Tlie stote hoard of cliaritios and reform sliall visit from time to time, and inspeet ilic iiittM'ior nnma^enniit si.i.. s m. of said institutions, and sliail lia^u' access to all ,VitilM''m!i'y'L parts ot eithi'r of said nistitutions. and to all nunates thereof. They may visit, im]uii'(> into and examine as to tlio condition and management thereof, and .shall make such sug- iicstions in writintr as thev mav deem h(>st to the state hoard of supervision having the ahov(,' named institutions in charge, and shall ineludt' in theii' ainmal report to the governor any information and suggestions, rejtorts relating to sai. 27.* On or hefore the lirst day of l)ecemh"r in each year, the hoard shall make report to the governor I'oi- the pre- s,ii,. s^o. ceding li.scal year. Such rejjort shall show the kind ',!,'';V'i','M.wiM-- and estimated value of all the property of each in- '"" '^""'"'"y stitution at the commencement of such year; the kind and of all ]termaiient additions and improvcMiients (hiring such year; the '-eceipts of money (.uring such year from all puhlic sources; tl. ' receiiits of money or property from all private sources fo: the hem^flt ol" inmates, and the disjiosition thereof; the amount and estimated value of a.ll i)rodiicts of th(> farm, shop, and ofluu' sources of supj)ort and siij)ply in the charge of said hoard, for each institution, and the cost and ap- plication thereof respectively: the iiumher of inmates of each institution at the commenceinent and at the close of each such year, with the average numher maintainetl in *,ieh institution (luring such year, with the average weekly of such main- tiMiaiice for each such iiimat(\ such cost to he hased upon the total amount api)ro})riatiHl hy the hoard for the support of each institution during such year, including all ai))iroi)riations hy the hoard for subsistence and rei)airs or renewals of property 62 M m lit m mt SIS WISCONSIN'. iii .1 ill ;» .jl ' i 1 i M 1 j g att to^^c'tlicr witli tlic net value of all tlie i)ro(luets of (li(> farm and fianlcn, and the net value of all labor expended in the care and re[)air (;f the i)r(»itei'ty of t'aeh institution, but not includ- in<;' the cost of [)erniaiUMit additions to properly, or private contributions for inmates; and such re})ort shall contain siu-h further iacts, I'clatinj;- to the financial condition of each said institutions, as said board nuiy deem necessary for the inlbr- niation of the lejiislature, together with an estinuite of expenses for the ensuinii' year. Such n-port shall be aceom[ianied by such parts of the report of the superintendent anunt due such lu>spital or in- dustrial school from such county for the support of such in- mate, stating sei)arately the amount due for board ar;l tlie amount due for clothing. The secretary of .state shall, U|ieii the receipt of such certilied statement, charge to the res|)ective counties the amount so due such hospital or industrial selieol from such countii's, which amoun' shall be a special charge upnn said comities respectively, and shall be certihed, k'vied and enj- lected with the state tax, and paid into the state treasury there- with. On the iirst day of January in each year, the secretary of state shall pass said amount to the credit of the proper hus- Sill)S'-!l. Iiiiai'l M lilo Ntilll'llll'lll ColltllluiliL; list 1)1' nauM'H lit iiiiiiiiii's .it' I'HcIl illHlilll- tiou. m I .3:1 ■m AVISCONSIX. 819 [vvtn niul the I'iuv t incliul- ; ])iivate' lain siu'li oudi saitl \[v iul'or- ti.'\varvl of irtU'U ami ;ii\k'niU'Ut the \)rmil, instUulinii [lovt of the I for hoys, 5 oovevuov; ,te(l hy th.e to tl\e gov- the hoard ti(ic< I Stat, f Ih Hary *>t uie nunate iu inihisti'ial liseal yiar Kvditi;^, tm- jmty in tlw Iwhieh surii Lital ov ii^- lof sueli iti- ;l tlK- 4iaU, upon I'll e n'^li 't'tive UH It rial srhool •l^m-nvuiiou asuvy tht'iv- le secretary proi )er hos- pital or iixlnstrial school, for the nse, nuMntonance and snpport of sueli hospital or industrial school, as provided l)y law. Tiie Ijoard sliall, at the time it is re(|uired to lile such ccrtitie.l state- ment w'th the secretary of state, send hy mail to tiie county clerk of each county so indelttcd, a duplicate (.f the statement so tiled with the secretary of state. ._>()_* '['\^^, provisions of sectiou :! of chapter 2^1) of the laws of "Wisconsin for lS8(l,t shall he construed as applvin;:; sui,. s -jn. to the hoard created hy tiiis act. "ppiy- ;!().* Any party agurieved hy any decision or order of the state hoard of supervision of Wisconsin 'clan'itahle, g.v,:^, reformatoi'v and penal institutions, imule under Allpoll'mav cliaj.ter 2:i!»;j: of the laws of Wisconsin ihr the year IlliJu';;!' 0^"' ISSI , may appeal therefrom to the circuit court of '"""'' the county to which such insane jterson is aliened to he cliar^ueahle. .">!.* Such ajipeal may he taken from any decision or order made hv saiiu lakon. from the making of such decision or order. '^^Phe same niay he taken hy service of a notice thereof upon all ,;,„i,,^ ,,,,^^. ])artii's to tiie [)i'oceedin,us. It may l)e served upon "'■"'■'' the seeretarv or in'esident of said hoard, upon the iniimmn lui,,, , / . , . , . . . traiisiiiitti'il to county clerk ot any comity wiiicii is a i)arty in m- cintn.iiit. ti'i'est, and upon tiie attorney-,u,eneral of the state, where the state is interested. AVithin twenty days after si'rvico of such notice of appeal, the secretary of said l)oard shall transmit to the clerk of the (.;i"uit court to which the a{»})eal is taken, all the oriji'lnal papers us(m1 upon the hearinjj; hefore .said hoard, toifether with a certified coi)y of all the proceed in,L!;s, orders and decisions of said hoard. When a com[)U'te determination of tlu' controversy eaniujt he had without the presence of other parties than those to the original jtroceedinu-, tiie court shall oi'der such parti(>s to he l)rouu;lit in; and to that end the court may make such order as it may deem lit and necessary in the [iremi/ 'S. The procecMlings shall he continued as may t ? 172 of the Supi)lc'mcnt, reforriiiij to stiiniliny appropriations, I See g 590 a, pi. 45 47. I '''i sal' It i m ■)0 :'■! ill II I i i' I B , i h: 820 WISCONSIN'. be necessary, and further proceedings had therein, as if such additional parties liad l)een originally jtroceedcd against. .'j2.* Such appeal shall heti'icd Ity a jury (unless tliesanie is Sill), s.i. waived), as actions originallv Ijrought in said court, Mow iipiioal ^ r' ^ to > tried. and shall he subject to the same rules of law and jmictice as govern ordinary jury trials in such court. Tlu' jury shall find a special verdict naming the county to which such inmate is charg(^able, or whether chargeable to the stati^ at large, and judgment shall be entered accordingly. 'J'hc same right of a])peal from such judgment to the supreme court shall be had as in other cases; and the said board ujion rendition of final judgment shall alter or change the books of such hospital to correspond therewith. )-j."- The prevailing party in the circuit or supremo court Snli. ^i. Coats. shall be cntitk'd to c(.)sts as in other cases. ;]4. The hospital for the insane located near the city of ^<-,so. Madison shall be known as "the Wisconsin State Im'iil'"" Hospital for the Insane;" and the hospital for the '""'''" insane located near the city of Oshkosh .shall l)e known as " the Northern iro.«pital for the Insane." oa.* The superintentlent of eacli hos{)ital shall, before enter- 5,ws. i^\^' ^ip'^^^ ^''*"' duties of his office, take and sul.)scril>e oiu"s'"o!;[i."''' '^11 i>ath faithfully and diligently to discharge the r.'mo'v!uo'f' duties required of him by law and the by-hiws of othccTs. ^j^^^ board of trustees. lie shall be chief executive oflicer of the hospital, and shall devote all his time and atten- tion to his duties; he shall exercise entire control over all the subordinate ofHcers ; he shall employ all (>mployes and assist- ants necessarily connected with the institution below the grade designated in the by-laws as officers; and may dis- charge any officer, assistant or employe at will, being resjKin- sible to tlie boarti for the i)ropcr exercLse of that duty in re- Exeiuptiou gard to officers. The superintendent shall not he ti.iiii ^ ^ ..ubiuuiias. compelh'd to obey the subpaMia of any court in any case, civil or criminal, if he shall file with the magistrate f ;f executive and atten- all th 1 assi^ over ant below the id uiay di^- nng ri-s] Kin- duty in vr- ^hall not he ourt in any luiiiistrate <>r >e Si viow the hospital nur( ler 1^ Ihall niak icnwrand tliereof indorsed thereon \>v served one week, before the lime when lie shall he re((uirt'd to a[)i)ear; lyrovldcd, however, that no ]>erson shall he entitled, in any ease, to make and file sueh atlidavit, exempting him from suhjMena as aforesaid, who shall, upon tender of the usual fees of witnesses in courts of record, refuse to he present and to give his deposition at his office or usual place of business, ov instt'ad thereof, at his house or usual i)lace of aljode. Provkkd, j'urtltcr, that any })erson so present and giving his depositi(»n at his ofliee or usual place of business, or instead thereof at his house or usual place of abode, who shall hi; detained four hours from the time fixed for the taking of such de^iosition, oi- from the time to which the taking of the same may have been ad- journed, may make affidavit that further detention would be seriously detrimental or hazardous to the welfare of the per- sons or business in or under his charge; and such affidavit liaving been made, the justice of the peace, court connnis- sioner, notary public or other authoi'ized ollicer before wliom such deposition is being given, shall thereu})on adjourn further jiroceedings thereon to a future day. oC). Whenever in the o[>inion of the proper l)oard of trustees, reifents, managers or directors of anv of the chari- ,?«''■'. ; , 1 . 1 . , " , . . . 11. iw lands talile, educational, correctional or iien;il mstitutions t.ik.n r.nusc •11- "^ |uil)lic iii- of the state, the state shall retpiire any lands for the «tiiiitu,iis. use of the institution umler their charge, and they shall be unable to agree with the owner U[)on the amount of com])en- sation to he paid tln.'refor, or when, by reason of the legal in- capacity or absence of any such owner, or other sutficient cause, no such agreement or purchase can be made without tlelay, the judge of the circuit court of the county in whicli such lands, oraii}^ part thereof, are situated, may, upon aj)pli- cation in writing of any such board, containing a descri[)tion of the lands so required, appoint three disinterested persons, residt'iits of such county, commissioners to ap[)raise said lands.. Ten days' notice of sucli aj)plication, containing a descrii)tion of the lands reiiuired, shall 1)0 personally served Noticeof m.. '■ . . '. jiliciitiuii mill U]ion the owner, or given by publication for three ""''''•■ successive weeks in a newspa[)er ])ublished in said county, ('[lou such a{)plicati()n,and n\nn\ a like notice of motion there- for, such judge may make an injunctional order restraining 11 % I* .1 firir lilji BfiltaMmd 822 WISCONSIN. tlu' owner or any other ])erson from euttini; or injuring nny of tlie tinilter i^rowin*!,- on the land re(|nire(l, or c()niniittin'ive at least live davs' notice of the time when N.itic,' toiiui.i they will })roceed to view and examine tlie lands re- uwiur. quired and detei'miue the value thereof. Such no- tice niay he starved ix'rsonally on the owner, or hy leavint; a true copy thereof at his place of residence, if within the state. ]f any owner he a nunor, an idiot or an insane j)erson, such no- tice may l)e served upon the guardian of such ownei', if he have any such within this state; and in all other cases it may 1)0 served hy i)uhlication thereof for at least three successive weeks, in a newspaper published in the county where such lands are situated. o8. The commi.ssioners shall, at the time tixed in said notice, §607. i^roceed to view and examine said lands, and esti- Vicw.etc, (if '■ iiuids; iviMiit inate and determine the value thereof; and thev or Ot cnnilllls- Hioueis. jj majority of them shall make a re])ort of their val- uation to the circuit court of said county in writiufi; under tlieii- hands, and file the same with the clerk within ten days after their appraisal. In case no appeal shall he taken from the re- port and valuation of said commissioners, a judgment may he entered thereon 1)\' said circuit court. Either ])arty may np- _poal to tiic circuit court from such rei^ort and valuation within thirty days after the filing thereof with the clerk as aforesaid by filing in the clerk's office a written notice of appeal. Thereupon, such aj)peal shall be considered pi'uding in said Appeal. court, iu whicli the land owner shall be plaint ill' and the state defendant; and all the proceedings iu such action sliall be taken in the manner provide state prison at AVaupun, or from some of the state institutions wiii<'h manufacture t]u> same of suitable (juality, all ehairs, oiliee, household or other furniture, boots, slioes, ])u,a'<;ies, carriajj;('S, wa.n'ons, sleighs, cutters, and all other goods, neces- sarily required for the use of the stat(> university, state schools, hosjjitals, or other state institutions, or tlie inmates thereof, that shall or can be made or furnished by the said ]irison, or liy any such oilier institution, giving to the ])roj)i'r oHicers of ch institution vouchers theretbr; and such oflicers shall Slllli' UlKtltU- timiN Ui piir- Otlll'I'S IIIIUIII' factu'"s. -U furnish, and causi' tol )e nuule iuu d del ivered, all such ar d> th that 1) de or i\ ticl dl) es rors of to or goods so i'(M|uire(i oi inem tnat can he made or iurnisne(i ny the said ])rison or other institution under their charge, and charge the same on its books to the state for and on account of the ])roper olHcer or institution procuring the same. -10. Tile trustees, managers or directors of any of tlie state charitable, correctional or itenal institutions shall Sfi"*^- ' Tn'iisu _ re(iuiiH> their treasurer, or anv other olhcer or other iii^iitntious person having the i)ossession or custody of any »««• i.uuds. money or i)ro[»erty belonging to the state, or any institution under their control or supervision, to give l)onds, and from time to time IX .M'W the sanu>, ibi' the faithful accounting for sucli money or property, in such manner as tln'y may ])rescribe. -U. 'i'lie superintendent, ollicers and employes of the AVis- consin state hosi)ital for tlu' insane, and the north- ,r,o!ia. ern h()sj)ital for t1u> insane, are liereby constituted Jl'";',r,I'V,m" police olUcers ibr their respective liospitals and the ""' '"'^i""''''- grounds connected with and belonging to the same, and are I'liipowered to summarily arrest all persons within said hos- pitals and grounds who shall be guilty of any olleiise thereon M * Of the "KiKlit of Kinlnent Dumaiii." 824 WISCONSIN*. mm IMP ^ li.i ii[>-}iinst tlic laws of (lie state ov (if the rules and n^[;-ula(iuns of ^-aitl li(>s|)itals, and lo aiTest any V{if:;i'anth or idle jn-rsons who shall refuse (<» leave said h()S[)ital ju'eniises wiieti re«(uested sn t(» d(» hy any of said ollicers, and lo take such oHenders before any court of eoin[>elent jurisdietion, and to cause proper coni- })laint to he made against such oU'eiKU'rs; and for such pur- pose said sn[)erinti'ndent, ollicers and employes shall possess all the powers and aulhorily of police ollicers and constables. Any person who shall ])v t;uilty of any noisy, boisterous, or disorderly conduct, or of lioiitin^, immoderate drinking-, drunkenness, indecent ex})osurc of tlie person, h'wd, wanton or obscene conduct, or vulpir and obscene lanf^uaiic, or of any ((H'eiise apiinst the laws of the state or the rules and regulations fiovornin^- said hospitals, within said hospitals or the "grounds thereof, may be sunnuarily arrested by said ollicers or eni- ployt's, or any one of them, and on conviction for any such offense shall be ])unished l)y a iine of not less than one nor more than iifty d(dlars, or by imprisonment in tlu* county jail not less than two nor more than sixty days; but if a diHerenl j»enalty or i)unishment is i)rescribed by law for any such oH'ense, the same may be ini|)osed instead of the ])enalty or punishment [)rescribed in this section. 42.* l^ach assessor shall, when makin<; th<^ annual assess- nient for the year bS.S"), and Ibr every tenth yt'ur n^p'.iTi'is\u' thereafter, ascertain and enter njion a blank pre- (it'iif and 1 1* 1 1 I' ' 1 1 1 1 'iiiinb.etc pared tor that {nirpose and turnished l)y the stniv- tary of state, the name and surname in full of t'ueh deaf and dumb person, Idind person, insane jx-rson and idiotic {jcrson in his assessment district, the a!j,e, color, sex, occupation, am' place of birth of such persons; whether such persons ar(> eihi- cated or not; the names in full of their parents, the numher of children of such parents, and what the relation of blood, if any existed, between such ])arents; and the nund)er of deaf and dumb, blind, insane and idiotic childi'en of such ]iarcms; and return the same to the county clerk at the time of coni- I)letint;" the asstssment-roll for said assessment distrit-t. 'J'lie Duty (if county clerk shall, on or before the tirst (hiy of Sep- couiiiyc.Tk. ^^,,,,l,^,^. jjj p.^j,! y^.-ii-s, transmit the same to the sec- retary of state, who shall compile and tabulate such n^turns, and include a summary statement thereof in his annual re- j>ort for said years. \m:\ I' WISCONSIN'. S25 lions of )ns who L'sU'd so ■s bclbi't-' )l'l' coiii- K-h I'ur- [ possess nstablis. crous, or Ivinkin^-. I, wanton or of an\ "uiations > (rrounds I's or I'ni- any su(;h 11 one nor •ounty jail a (liiVi'Vont , any such nonaltv uv ual asscss- U'ntli year ilank prr- l- the seere- 1 < leaf and tic persiin alion. an«^. Ins are edu- \\c niuuher >f hi 00(l it \)v\' of dc'at •h ])arenls; Ine of eoui- Itric lav of ^'-V- ■\. Tlie tl le si'e- li retnrns. annual re- 4.1.* Any ollieer or other person in eliar^e of or eiuplnyed in any hospital for the insane, jioorhouse. state |»rison, i; imvi. jaih institutt' for the edneatidii n[' tlir deaf ami dniiih s ium'.i ' , , . , I ,. . . , -111''" ii''vi'"" ; or l)lnul, house ot eorreetioii. uuiustrial seliools lor i"ii;iii.v. Ixivs or ii'ii'ls, or oi'pli;iii asyUun, who sliall aliiise, ne,nieel (»r ill-treat any person eonliued therein, or an inmate tlu-reof, shall he punislu'd hy im[)risoinnent in the county jail not more than one yea'' or by line not exceeding two hundred dollars. ■[[. Tatienls shall he admiited from the several eoiinties in tlu' ratio of i)oj)ulation, hut eaeh eonnty sliall h(> ^ .;,„ entitled to the tidniission of at least two. it desired. |!,;n;',ni';>,;in No eonnty shall at any time have more than its n,'!i!',o7i.'''iui- just proportion of patients in the hosjiiial, unless '"'""'' some other county has h'ss than its proportion. l>ut whenever, hy tlie aflidavits of the sherill' and ehairman of the wi„ii county hoard, it sliall appear that the I'esidenee of a «""^' ''"'"' •^• ]»ersou lawfully adjudged insane is unknown, and cannot after due diligence he ascertained, such person may he sent hy the county judge as ])rovide(l in section hvi' hundred and ninety- three, and received hy the su))erintendent into the hospital as a patient from tlie state at large, and not he cliarge(l to the county as one of the numher to which it is entitled. Ihii such person shall he cluirgid to the proper county wdien his proi)er residence shall have heeii ascertained. 4.".* \\']ieiu'ver any inmate, in either state hos})ital for the iiisani', shall he inipropi'rly charged to the state or ^:,w„. to any county, the attorney-general, on h(4!alf of the wilri, iMtici.t >tatt', and tiie district attorm v oi sueii eountv on its chaiL-.d t.; Ill' 1 • ' 1 • • II 1 sl:itr iir liehall, may make written application to the lioard couuty. of trustees of state hospitids for the insane, for relief from charge. Jf known to the applicant, such application shall state the name of the county to which such inmate is charge- ahle, OI' if it he claimed that the state is chargeable therewilh. it shall be so stated. 'JMie said l)oard shall give to the attorney- general, or to tlk' district attonu-y of the county so named, as may he [troper, reasonable notici' of such applii-ation, and of the time and place wIr'U it will be la'ard. The state oi' such county may a])pear and he heard in oj»position to su(4i a])- plicalion. .Such ap[>lieation may be sup[)orted by allidavits and other proper evidence. If upon the hearing upon such m li ' ''IS \VISCONSIN". {i|>|tlic;iti(iii tlic s;ii(l Ixuwil shall lie sjitisru'd thai llic relief asked I'or sliouhl he jiTaiiled, il shall, hy its order in wi'itiiiL;. ^raiit the same. aiiy crediting,' the stale or such county with such sujiport when the same has heeii imi)r()j»(M'ly charucd to it or to such county, or improperly paid. '^I'he county so credited shall have the henetit of -ucli credit, when such secretary of slate sliall certify to il the .-i;iii to lie raisi'd lor its then next state tax; and the counly so cliaru'ed shall have the amount thereof certilii'd to it. as an item of its stale tax, when such secretai'v of state sliall cerlily to it tlu' sum to ])v raised for its then next state tax. 47.* W'henevei' it shall he found that any insane inmate nf f;,,,, ,;, either of said laispitals is not a resident of this -late, nVt'r"si!i"'nt'!,'r iind that neither the state nor any county therein is "'""'■ jii"(i|ierly charu'eahli' for the su[)port of such iiiinale, if shall 1)1' the duty of the state hoard of charities and rt'luna to make iiKpiiry as to, and, if possihle, ascertain the resideiieo of such inmate, and to communicate with the ])ropcr oilicers of WISC'OXfSIN'. .S27 tlir rt'lirf II wi'itiui:-, ■alilf witli \Av. If 1' From ami u' cluirjifl iiaiiM'il in ■h ai'l'li»a- rilirf. as In ml in anv I (tf in lliv or shall 1m' [■r stalf li"^- tlio sui>|)nrl tlu' anionni IV cdunly a- li I'ouniy nil \)v mailc In ((•I's ol' >taU' mm tiH' sf'- iluty "f '■'>•• ; to tlu' -latf lie jimiu'rly tin' slau int' n ;is hrcli i,,i|ii'(>iu'rly 1,1,, lit of -mil |t(. it tlu' >v,iu . c'ounty >" |l to it- i>^ •'" liali rt rtitv tix. at." linn nun t nl'llii^ -latr. Inly tluvniii i< ,nfh iniiialf anracl ical)ln, to cause such inmate to he reino\('(l IVoiii such hospital and transported to and to he delivered into tiie custody of the j)ropcr ollicer oi' olliccl's of such state, county, doininioii (tr other political division : ^>/v>- ridoJ, \\i;\\ the cost of the same shall not in any case exceed one hundre(l dollars, to he pi'o\ided for, audited and j)aid from the hinds of the hos|iital from winnh such inmate siiall he re- moved, in the same manner that ollmr hills are pi'ovideil for, auditi'd and |)aid. •IS. Xo jicrsoii idiotic h'om hii'th shall he admitted into Iili.'ls fn.i < I'ii'lli not aihiiitli'il. (ilher lios|iital for the insane: ami i;o person shall he retained in (iitlier hospital, after, hy a fair trial it shall have hecome reasoiiahly certain that such person is iiuairahly in.-ane, if such person is retained to the cx- lio|iefiil character elusion () f oti lel's wiiose I'ases are ot a more )pcr <) lliccrr pi'nriilcd, iKtinvrr, that no person coiiliiie.* AN'heiiever any resident of this state or any jierson foiuid therein, whose resideiici' cannot he ascertained, shall ;;.o., he, or he supposed to ho, insane, application may he JlX'trrm'uie made in his hehalf hy any res])ectahle citi/en to the '"""""y- jiid,L!,(' of the county court. jiid,ne of the circuit court, or any judj;e of a court of rt'cord in and for the county in which he resides, or, in case his residence is unknown, the county in which he i.s lonmh ior a judicial in([nirv as to his mental con- dition, and for an order of coininitinent to some hospital (-r asylum for the insane. The aj)jilication shall he in writing, and shall specify whether or not u trial by jury is desired by 'li S;J 828 ^^ iscoNsiN. ii ( Kxni„ln..ll,.,, '1"' iipi-licjlllt. On IV(vi|.| of silil |.cl it i( .11, lllr ''•"'''•'''■'■""" ju(lj;i' 1(1 wIk.iii il is iiddrcssi'*! slmll ti|)|Miiiil two (lisiiitci'tslcd |i|iy-i('iiins (d' nodd rc|iiitc tor medical skill and nidi'nl intcm'ity, to vi>it and (.'xanunc the jicrson allcjicd t(» he insaiu', and smli physicians sliall pnicci'd witlnait Mniicccssaiy delay 111 the resicUnce (»t' the persctn siipj.osed to lie insane, and shall, hy personal exandnation and inipiiry, salisl'y theiu- si'lves I'nlly as to his condition, and report the result of tlieif examination tit the Jud_^e. Such report shall be substantially as follows: (I) What is the a_L!;e of the patient ? (•J) When' was tin- [latit'iif born? • (o) Present place of I'esidence ? (d) Whirried, sin^ii' or wiecuniary circumstances? (7) NN'lien Were the lirst symiitoms of the disease manifesteij. and what were tlu'V? (S) Is this the llrst attack? If not, when did others occur, and what was their (biration? (0) What is the cause of this attack? (10) Is the disease increasing or stationary? (II) Are there rational intervals? Jf so, how often, and Avhat is their duration ? (1'4) J lave any changes occurred in the condition of the body and mind since the attack? (10) On what subject or in wliat way is derangement now manifested? Arc there any jiermaneiit hallucinations? (11) lias tlie patient shown any disposition to injure others'.' And if so, was it from sudden ]tassion or j)remeditation ? (b")) J las suicide or homicide ever bi'i'U attempted? Jf ml in what way? Is the pro})ensity now active? (!()) lias the patient any disposition to destroy clothing or other proi)crty? (17) Is there any disposition to filthy habits? (IN) What treatment was pursued for the relief of the pa- tient? Mention particulars and ell'ects. (1!>) A\'hat is the present ]»hysical condition? {'20) J las restraint or eonlincment ever been employed ? If so, what and liow long? lilt'i WISCONSIN. S29 tion, the loint two skill iiiMl .(>C(1 1(1 lie lU'Cfssiiry H' iiisiUn;, ist'y tluiii- ll of tlK'ir jstuutially C-'l) IMd (lie piiticiil iiiiinit't'st nny |M'culiiii'itirs of lriii|i(>r, ninj2;i'sl V lit, and the niiinirosti'd, tliors occur, often, and Itiiin of tlic tcincnt now lions? Ijure others? lation? Itcd? If >"■ olotliinsi" or If of tlie pa- ployed? 11' lialiits, dis|iosition or jun>uits 1m tore tlic accession of ihc dis- ease"; any |irc(loniinanl |iassioiis. reli^iioiis impressions, eti'. ? ('I'l) Was tlie patiriil cvt'i- aildicteil to the inteiiipcratr use of intoxicating' drinks, o|)iuni or lohacco. oi' any iinfiropir lial.its? {'!'.'■) Has the jiatient evtM' had any injury on the liead, ])a- ralysis, epileptic or other lits; any hereditary disease, su[t- pressecl eruptions, disci uirjies oi' sores? (•J I) What relatives, inehidin^' jfrandparents an(ieil, he may make such caihlitional investigation of the case as may seem to him to ho ncH'essary and proper, and at any stage of the jiroceedings and l.)eforo the actual conlinenient of the person allcgt'd to he insane, he, or any relative or friend acting in his l)ehalf, shall have the right to demand that the ([uestiou of sanity be tried by a jury, and when such demand is made, the judge shall forthwith enter an order for a jury trial. In case a trial by jury is demanded, tlu> forms of i)rocedure shall bo the same as in trials by jury in justices' conrts, and the trial shall be in the presence of the per.son supi)0sed to be in- f'rtne, and his counsel and immediate friends and the medical witnesses. All other persons shall be excluded. State of Wisconsin, \ County of . j ■ We, the undersigned jurors in the case of , having II* 830 WISCONSIN'. I I "< heard the cvidi'iicc in tlie cas(\ arc satislii'd (liat the said is a lit pt'rsou i > he sent to a hos]tital or asylum fur the insane. If the jnrv (ind that tlie supjiosed in 'ane fjcrson is sane, thev sliall simply so state hy their verdict, in case tlu' jurv iind hy their verdict that tlu' snjt|)()sed insane person is sane, the Juds^e shall t'ortlnvith enter an order for the dischar<;-e ei' such [icrson. The verdict of said jury sliall h(^ recorded 'it len,^tli, to.u'ctlier witii an't ol' all such proei'i'din<;s, in a hook to he kept for (])at purposi' hy the said judt^o. The costs of tlie proceedings herein |)rovided for shall he paid in like manner as [trovided hy law in criminal trials in Justices' courts: and the fees of every county judge actinj^ heri'undci' shall he the sum of two dollars for each case heard !)efore hin) ■without a jury, and live dollars a day for each jury trial. The said judiic shall transmit to the hospital or asylum to which any person is so committed, the cerlilicate or lindinas of the physicians provided for in this act. 5U.* On the recei[)t hy the county jud^'c of the })etition la'o- S .-.ns, (/, vided for hy section one of cha|)ter two hundred anil c;'mii.r;''in,iL'o sixty-six of tlic ,ii-('neral laws of lSS(»,t such jud^o ''rtliVi',''r'>oi!''" i>!:i,y. if i" Ids opinion iiie puhlit- safety reipiire if, deliver t(; the sherlll'of his county an order in writ- ing, re(piiring him foi'thwith to take and conline such insane or supposed insane person in some place to he specified, niiiil the further proceedings pi'ovideil for hy said cha[)ter can he luid, or until the further order of tlu' judge, and after the re- ceipt hy such judge of tlie report of the exainining [)liysiciaiis piovided for in said chapter, such judge may, in his discre- tion, deliver to such shei'ill' his order in writing, reijuiriiig him forthwith to take such person Into custody, and keep liiin in .sonu:" |)lace to he specilii'd, untd the hirthei' order of suili judge. ol.* The examining physicians j)rovided for hy set'tioii one «„,, < o of said cha[)ter two hundred .uid .'■ ixly-six, in ail- ami'iiinL'''i'i"My- dltiou to tile rcpoi't reipiired to he made hy them hy "'""""■ ' said section, shall state as follows: (2S) Has die j.a- patient any infectious disease? ("JO) In your ojiinion, is he insane? f Rt.'iJuuleil, iuid siippllecl by g SO.*?, pi. 49, supra. HUilMi ' M niip '! ii\\m V. AVISCONSIX. 831 -a ill sylum for [\ is sane. ^ \\\v jury ,u is sane, sehar.m^ c'' jcorilcu it lintis, in a aid ill lii^'' in just iris' lu'Vi'untl< r lietove liiai trial. Til'' lu to which linirs oi" thi' petition pm- nindrcil and \ such jntl.ue y rLHiuirr it, nk'r in writ- \K'h insauo H'citii'd, until [ijtti'r can he it'ti-r tlu' n- ,U- \ hvsn'ianr- I liis ihscri'- In-, i'(.'(juirini nu :vv\> mvdvv 01 Imn -uni |v piH'tion one v-six, in ail- '• hy thoiu l^y Has the pa- linion, is he 52.* A\dicn any person shall bo confined in any hospital, asylum, or other place of I'onflni'nient upon coninnt- j.,,,, , ^ nu'id as an insane pi'isoii, api)lieation may he made i?/ilVu'i','''"p!'r. in his hehalf by any respectable citizen havinja,' rea- 'I','.',i t?,'!"'",!!,",, sou to question the propriety or justice of such cou- ""■' "'"' finement, to the jud,<;e of the eounly court of the county in which such [lerson is eoulined, or to tlu' ju(lu;e of the (onnty coui't by whom lie was so committed, for a rehearing- and a further judicial inquiry as to the mental coii(Htion of such person. .Sneli a[iplication shall be by petition, settin^^- forth the facts ujion which it is foundiMl. Oo.* r[K)n the receipt of such a]iplication, the jud^e shall have an- and furMier in(|uiry, to tiie full determination thereof, aiul 'ucludin,*;' th(»se r"lalin;r to costs, fees and expenses, .'iiall he apji'icable thereto. .")4.''' If, upon 'h I'eheariiii;' and hirther in(iuiry, it ^hall be ileternined that ,e ] .'rson so eoulined is sane, sueli judiie sliall make and enter an orJer reipiii'i' oilicei's M persons in eliar^e of the ho-;''tid, asyhim '" or place in which such ]»i'rson is e(>nlin'(l, forthw ith to s(>t him at liherly, and such ofiicers and :>ersons si ill comi)iy witli such order upon beinjj,- strved with a. duly certilieil eo[iy tlici'eof; but if it sliall be determined that such [icrson is in- sane, no fui'ther action slndl b(> taken u[>on such ap[>lii"ition. ")."».* From and tU'ter the lime this act shall take ell'ect, no [thysically infirm or mentally ind^ecile person, not sui.s.;. dcenieil to be dangerous when at large, shall be i.hi..',ii,.'t,','i',e comnntted as aji insane person to any hospital oy asyhim for the insane, solely because of such infirmity or iiidiecility. ijii. All the powers vested in county judges by chapter 202 of the laws of ISSlt mav be exin-cised bv and are s ■'!'"'■ I'.iwrl- vostod hereby vested in any judge of the circuit court, uiiy lujuin's. ill. ;i .'i. inC is ,|,.|,.n,,,„, ,1 1j his t See i? 503, 59:5 «, pi. 49-55, supra. it ittiij ^ 832 AVISCONSIX. judge of a court of record in and for the county in vvlncli tlic sup[)osod insane person resides, and sucli judges may act it, all cases in wliich conniy judges may act under the provisio'.is of said clin])ter 202 of laws of 18S1, and do and i>ei"form all acts that county judges are autliori/.ed to perform by said clun)ter 202. All proceedings relating to tlie commitment of insane persons shall be tiled with the county judge of tin' county HI which said insane person resides, who is hereby required to keep a record book in which all applications for judicial iiupiiries, orders, judgments, commitments, shall recordeil, and shall be o[)en to inspection as refpiired for v\.\\fv records in the county judges office. 57.* If any relative or friend, being of legal age and compo- ^rmr. tent to perform the duty, of any person commit(< d (Mnv(y"'u's„n,. to auv liospital for the insane, shall so request, lh(3 to ,..^i,uui. ■warrant for such commitment may be delivered to and uxecuted by him, for which he shall be paid his necessary ex[)enses, not exceeding the fees and exjienses now allowe i t" shei'lds according to law; otherwise it shall be delivered to tlic sherilf, who, taking such assistants as the courts issuing such warrants nniy deem necessary, shall receive such insane person and convey him to the hospital. 58. All insane jiersons, resi(U>nts of this state, who may be j,-,n,-,, admitted into said hospitals for treatment, shall bo ii.^ntsmahr-" maintained therein at the expense of the state; but ex'i'H'iis'.",,f the county in which such patient resided, licfore being bi'ought to the hos[)ital, shall pay for all iiec- es.sary clothing, when not (^>therwise supplied, and one dollar an each patient upon briii;,^ 5 ,-,nfi. sent to the hospitaail, shall not be less than the fob 'i''>'i'o''"a,r' lowing: for a muie, Itliireo new shirts, a new an i -n'- 11.1 icuih. stantial c««it. ve{*t, two pairs of [)uiii'taloons of wowJeu ^hich the ivy iict ii. n'ovis'ui'.is 'i-fovni all 1 by i-'viil litnu'ut of cri'dhi'il |itien«lani, a^ on payment, s thorenf. It, upon hi'in;: WISCONSIN'. 833 cloth, two undershirts, two pairs of drawers, three i)airs of socks, a black or dark stock or cravat, two j)Ocket handker- chief-!, a f^ood hat or cap, a i)air of new boots and shoes, and a ])air of slippers. For a fennile, in addition to the same (jnan- tity of undergarments, shoes and stockings, there shall be two woolen and two wliite })etticoats or skirts, three good dresses, two niuhtgowns, cloak or shawl, and a decent bonnet. Unless such c.othing be delivered in good or(h>r, the superintendent shall not be l)oun(l to n^ceive the [)atient; but he may receive and furnish them with jiro[)er clothing, charging the i)rice there(jf to the proper persons or county; prodded, that in addi- tion to the clothing reiiuired on aihnission, no county shall bo liable for more than forty dollars for clothing for any one patient in one year. (*)(). if any fiMiiale i)atieiit shall give birth to a living child while such fennde is an inmate of the hospital, ^.^t, 11 ■ 1 1 • if il • riiil.lri'ii born and has not In-en such inmate lor niori' tlian nine i,, i,us,,iia'. months, such child shall be immediately removed '"" "^i' ^"' " ■ from the hospital !)y iier friends, or by the county in w Inch she resided when admitted. The su[)t,'rintendent shall notify the county judge to make such n-moval, and if such child be not immediately thereafter removed, he shall make suitable provision for its care and comfort, and charge all e.\:i)enses thereof to such county, and unless the same be paid, he shall include the amount due from such county ibr such purpose in his re[)ort to the secretary of state for collection, as provided in section six hundred and two.* Any county judge so notified, may remove such child in a similar manner U) that {)rovided in section six hundred. t (11. All [lersons conlined in either hospital as insane patient •. except lici'soiis chargiMl with or convicted of crime, § .ws. and couIiikmI therein on the order of any court, as ik'.'^^ "nitof provided in section live hundred and ninety-nine, """"'"'"'" shall be entitled to the benehts of the writ of habeas corpus, and the (piestion of insanity shall be determined by the court issuing such writ; and if the court before whom i'iHr,.,Miin.-.- „» such case is brought shall decide that the person is insane, such 4 bew at' |>ns of ' See pi. 03, infra. t See \>\. tio, i.jlVa. 03 834 WISCONSIN. m\ f I decision sliall Le no bur to tlie issuing of said writ a second time, it' it shall be elaiined that such person, ]iot being so con- fined in ]>ursnance of the order of any such court, has been restored to reason. The board of trustees shall have i>o\ver, if it be alleged that any person is irn))ro|)erly confined in any lios})ital, as insane, to examine into such case in such inanncr as in their ojiinion its necessities denumd ; and if, after such exanunation shall have been carefully and critically made, aided by at least two skilled and experienced pliysieians. who shall have been designated by said board, it shall apjtear to them that such person is not insane, ^hey shall issue an order for his immediate release, which shall be forthwith exeruttd by the sui)erintendent ; except where such person has Iteiu committed to and is confined in either of said hos]»italsin [>ur- suance of the order of a court in the cases provided in ,-aid section llvi} Imndred and ninety-nine, in which latter ca.-c the said board of trustees shall immediately notify the judge uf the court from \4hieh such i)erson was sent, and the district attorney of the proper county, of their said determination and finding; and it shall tbereu[)on bo the duty of such judge of such court to nuike an order for the removal of yuch ]iers(Hi to the connnon jail of the county from which sucli })erson was sent to such hospital, to be detained in such jail until fuitlier tU'alt with according to law, or until discharged therefrom in pursuance of law. G2. If the relatives or friends of any patient ke{)t in the § -'W- h()si)ital shall ask the discharge of such i)atient, iiMti.'Mts..,i cxcei)t in case of commitment as i)rovided in this Hpi'lirlLtioll ot *■ '■ iiifuas. section, before such patient has recovered from in- sanity, thesuperintendent may, in his discretion, require a hond to be executed to the state of Wisconsin, in such sum and with such sureties as he nuiy deem [)roiier, conditioned for the safe keeping of such ])atieni. The several courts of record in this state siiall be authorized to comnut for safe keei)iiig and treatment to cither hospital ibr the insane any person who shall be under charge of or convicted before such court nf aiiy crime punishable by iiiprisonment in the state prisnii and awaitiiig hearing, trij'.i, conviction or sentence on ac- count of alleged iu'^an'ly at the time of the connnission of such crime or at pny time afterwards and 2)rior to sentence. n u a second r SO con- uis Viccn hI in iu\Y 1 uninntr vl'lcv such Uy made, •inns, ^vll') appear to . an order I executed lias tteen talsin pur- led in -aid er ca^*' ti"' 10 jud>^e of the district iiuvliiui and eh judiic of ;vieh person person \va?> ntil furtlier ■vefroui iu cept in tl le jieh jtalicnt, (led in lids I'cd from iu- Ijond ire a 1^^ I'll sum an Ion ,1 ed for tlic 1 in 1 i)f reeori :eepinii aut 1 )e rson Nvlio hell eour I ut J stale pns"U leuce on ac- ini iiiis!«i"n nds are will- ^,-,,,y incr and ready to receive and remove him, the su- !;"riu\'i'ii'y' perintendent shall immediately give notice> thereof !iy?/MH,'i'.'r' to the county judge of the county from which "'""'^'"'' said patient was sent; and, except wlii'ii surrendered to a rela- tive, the county judge sliall issue his warrant to the sheriff of said county, which shall be >uhstantially as follows: State of Wisconsin, County. To ihe sheriif of said count}'. Whereas, The pi-opcr authority has decided that a patient in the hospital for the insane, from this county, he remov d from the hospital: You arc therefore commanded fortliwith to remove such })atieiit and to return liiin to the jHiorhouse or jail in the county whonce lie was taken to the lios])ital. A\'itiu'ss my hand and the seal of the county court of said county, this day of , A. D. 18 . , County Judge. Immediately upon receiving such warrant, the sheriif shall forthwith execute the same and return it to such kx tim, ,ii„i 1 Tf • 1 1 11 /> it'turii ul' » ill'- county judge. 11 any county judge shall refuse or licit. neglect for the space of five days, after receiving such notice, to issue and deliver to the sheriff such warrant, or if the slieriff shall refuse to receive the same, or neglect for twenty days after receiving it, to d(Miiand such ])atient, the suiierin- tciident may appoint some suitable person to remove such patient, at the expense of the county. fil. When any patient is discharged as cured, the superin- tendent shall furnish him with suitable clothing §m. and a sum of money not exceeding twenty dollars. ,i uuiess otherwise supplied, which clotiiing and money shall be oliarged to the county from which such i)atient was sent. •jo. On the first dav of October in each vear, the supevin- tei'lcnt shall send notice to the county i-lerks of tlie f^,''',f-;,\.i »». number (jf [latients in the hospital from their coun- cl'^TL-'lua'cof- "11 ■tf 83G WISCONSIN. nf rliill>,"'S to cuiiiitieN. Ciilloctiim (if iluHs I'm 111 liiilh'Iits. tics rcspoctively, and for whoso su])port such coun- ties Ai'c liable; and on or before said day the super- intendent shall certify to the secretary of state the amount, not 2)reviously eerliiii'd by him, due the hospital from the several counties separately, according to the provisions of (his chajiter, and Uw secj'ctary shall ])ass tlie same to the ci'cdit of the ]i()S[)ital. 'Hie sccretai'v shall f' «'reupon notify the county clerk of each county so indebted, of the amount thereof, and charoe the same to said count}'', and add the same to the. next state tax to be ai>i)ortioned to said county, to be collectcil therewith. GG. The several district attorneys, under the direction of tlio respective county boards, shall, in the name of the county, sue for and collect from the ]>r()[)i'rty of any patient maintained at the hosjntal at the cost of the county, or from any person legally bound lo support such patient, the amount charged to such county for such support ; and the certificate of the superintendent to the county clerk shall be presumptive evidence of the correctness of the amount due from such county to the hospital, for the maintenance and clothing of such patient. ()7. The sheriff shall be allowed the following fees: for ar- j ,i„4. resting and bringing a person charged with insanity }r,..sof»'i,priii. |,^,j-,,j.^, ^\^^, (^.Qunty judge and subpienaing witnesses, the same fees as are allowed in other 'as(>s; for taki.ig an in- sane person to the hos[)ital or renioving one therelrom, hvc cents i)er mile, g'oing and returning, and the same for each as- sistant, and one dollar and fifty cents a day for the support of each patient on his journey to and fpun the hospital, and his actual expenses for the transportatioai of such insane pt rsou Fees of wit- only; witnesses suhjiannied bctbi'c the county ju'1,l;(' ne.vses. ^j^^^ ~;niu' fccs as allowcd by law in other cases; said fees and charges to be paid out of the county treasury. GS. Whenever it shall api)ear to the satisfaction of any (•(niiity judge, by a petition of a majority of the suj)t'rvis(irs of'iMm'r'in'sT.ip, of any town, of the common council of any city, or .« 1.-- I'liii of,. now .iieci..,!. ^^^. ^j^^ i^,.^Y(i of tru^t.fs of auv village, c ntaining a statement of all the facts in tiie case, that the j)ubiic .safety rc- <|uires the close custody of any poor insane }>erson, having ;i legal settlement in such town, city or village, sucli judgv shall WTSCOXSIX. 837 rh c'oun- lie supev- aniount, from tlu' lis of llii^ . cnnUi (it" \\v county eveof, and I) tlie next ; c'ollectoil •tiou of tlu! aiuo of tlio iropcrty c)t' tal at the bouiul lu county for (lent to the : correctness ital, for the make and deliver to tlie slierifl' an order in writing, re(|uirinn; liim fortlnvith to take and coiiline sneli insane person, in .some pr()[ier place, to Ijc therein spceilied. Such insiine per- son, when so confined, snail be suhjoct to the diree- t.. i„. un.ipr • 1 • 1 II- ilin'ctiiin of lions of tlie said judge, and shall receive such care, <"iiut.vjiui««. attention and treatment as such judge shall deem i)roper and neeessarv. All expenses incurred in conlining, taking care of, and maintaining such pi-rson, when })roperly certified to hy the county judge, shall be auditetl by the county board and paid out of the countv treasurv. ()9. Whenever the total number of insane persons in this state sliall exceed the total number of such ])ersons §rma. . -11 1 1 ■ • Wlii'ii mav 1)« wlio can be conveniently and property cared tor in .■^(iiiiiiKi.e.i. the state institutions for the insane already existing under the laws of this state, the board of su]»ervisors of any county in this state, upon the conditions hereinafter named, may purchase, or otherwise {)rovide a proper site, within said county, for the erection of a county asylum for the care of insa.neand inebriate liersons, said site to contain not less than fort}^ acres; and when said site shall have been a{)proved by the governor, such board of supervisors may proceed, as hereinafter provided, to erect thereon suitable buildings ior the pro[)er care of a number of insane and inebriate persons, not less than thirty nor mor(^ than fifty per centum greater than the entire number of insane persons then belonging to such county, as such board of super- visors may determine. 7(*. Whenever the board of supervisors of any county shall (Ictcrinine to ])urchase a site and erect buildings for §«04^. an insane asyhiin as [irovided m the preceding sec- to.-staiiiisii. tioii, it shall be the duty of the county clerk of said county to file with the governor and state board of charities and reform, a certified eopy of the proceedings of such board of super- visors relating to such deferminaiion ; f>ut no county shall be aiitiiori/.(Hl to [turchase the site or erect the buildings specified ill the preceding section until the governor and said state bo.ird of cliarities and reform shall have first ascertained and tiled a certificate with the secretary of state that a necessity exists for such an additional asylum; and it shall be the tiuty of the uovernor and said board of charities and r(»fbrin in such riltf !1 { '111! O.JO WISCONSIN. case tu make and file willi llie set'rclarv of state such certifi- cate as aluresaid, wlienever it shall aj)i)ear to the govenior ainl said board that, (V)r want ot" room or otlier cause, there is insufficient provision for the proper care of tlie total nunjber of insane in this state in the hos[)itals i)reviously existing;- under the laws of this state, and the asylums j)reviou>ly erected oi' proposed to he erected ; but in nuiking such ccrtill- cate the j^overnor and said board, as far as practicable, siiall ^ive pnt'crencc to those counties containing the largest num- ber of insane j)ersons under public charge. 71. Jk'lbre i)roceeding to the construction of such buildiuL;-^ si;..4iv the board of supervisors of any county })ro)iosiiig iH''-ui.'iiiitiV..i to erect such buildings shall cause to be prei»ared ■ ic. ' complete i)lans, drawings and s))ecilications of the buildings proposed to be erected ; which j)lans, drawings and si)ecifications shall be submitted to the governor and state board of charities and reform for their approval, in resi>ect to the number and sanitary care of inmates to be })rovided fur; and after the approval of said plans, drawings and s})ecilica- tions Ijy the governor and said board, said board of sujicrvi- visors may adopt said ])lans, drawing and si)eeifications. and proceed to contract for the construction of said buildings with the lowest bidder or bidders for all the work and material required therefor. 7-. U})on the completion of said buildings, and their ae- s iiii4 d. eeptance by the governor and state board of chari- Tt'ii "^tof s, liow ai.i...ii,t.Mi. ties and reform, as aforesaid, the governor shall a[)point three trustees, and the board of supervisors of said county two trustees, all of whom shall be resident citizens of the county in which S'lid asylum is located, who shall consti- tute a board of trustees for the government of said asylum, and whose terms of office rGS])ectively shall be first ciik-ations. and )uildin>^^ \vitli and makTial and their ac- board of ckaii- o-overnor shall H'visors of said ideiit citizens .if ,ho shall eunsti- of said a.-yluia, first determined lis of oUiee pru- lilutions fur the J the treasurer of •d of supervisors of trustees shall as often a:- said [id also annually aid asylum, and also to tlio state board of charities and reform, a full and de- tailed statement of all reeei])ts and exponilitures on account thcrt'of, and all otluM- facts concerning the mana,i;'ement anon the com[)letion of saiver, that whenever any such insane person, committed to said (•mnty asvlum shall be found to Ixdong to ihe class detined as acute insane, and to re(piire permanent anerson so ailmitted shall be subject to the same provisions of law as insane persons belonging to the county in which such asylum is located : pvo- I ""i"i ?:i 840 WISfONHIV. I ' ri(l((l, tliat tlic cost of luaintjiiniii^j; siu'li iiicbrialt' or insane iinw iimiii- ix'i'i^on shall 1)0 ajtitortifinod to the county to which ""'"■'' such insane person belonjfs, for the heiielit of the county in which said county asylum is located, in the same manner and to the same extent as the inmates of state institu- tions ai'e char^'eahle to th(^ counties to which they helonj^- un- der the laws of this state, and the balance of such cost to th,.- state, in the same manner as other inmates of said county asy- lums are chargeable to the state, under the provisions of these statutes. 7<'». The cost of the buildinon the state treasurer for the jiaymeiit and return to said county of an amount equal to one-half the cost of said buildings for said county asylum: proriiwd, that the amount so paid to any such county shall in no case exceed the sum of three hundred dollars per capita foi' tlic whole number of insane persons such asylum is designed to accommodate and provide for, such mnnber to be estimated and determined l)y the governor and state board of charities and reform. 7S. The entire cost of constructing and maintaining any §«o4./-. such countv asvlum shall devolve upon the count v Cost ipf 1M0C- . 1 . 1 % " 1 -1 ,1 1 tionaii.iinaiu- ]n wlucli tiic asyluui IS locatcd, excei)t as hercni how paid. provided, and nothing lierein contained shall bo deemed to ex(>mi)t said county from the payment of its jud- portion of tlu^ total cost of maintaining the state institutiniis for the insane already existing : jvnrnled, however, that any county maintaing and supporting its own insane according to WISCONSIN'. Ml le'vvisdvs ot tlic ]tr()\ isioiis of llicsp stiitutcs, ill ('(iiisidcrMrndi llu'ivof, slinll bf c'lililU'd to rt'ci'ivu tlicivfur thu comiK'nsation lu'rcinalU'r )rovH 1(m1. imtv "f s{'c- ri'l.iiv "I 7*.*.* As ciirly as pi'acticaMc in (lif iiKaitli of .July, I.SNI , aihl in the luontlis of .lanuai'v ami Inly cvci'V suciH'cd- in^ year, llic secretary of stiite shall coiniiulc the }i(r(ri',.uiite amount which any county, niaintaininu' a "'""' county asylum lor the insane, shall he entitled \n I'eeeive iViun llio state (»n the hasis of two dollars and seventy-live cents per week each, lor all insane persons certilieil hy the Irustoes of .said asylum to have heen maintained hy such county at public cost, durinir the six months imnieiUately precedin;^- the lirst days of -January and July, as aforesaid; and lie shall there- upon draw his "varraut for such ag'^re<:;ate amount, in l)elialf of said county, and shall deliver said wan-ant to the state ti'casurer, who shall thereupon [>lace the amount of said war- rant to the credit of said county on the liooks of the treasury. Such certilicate shall l)e verilieil by the atlidavit of the presi- dent and set^retary of the board of trustees. SO. All the laws of this state relatinjjj to the *;overnment and mana,'■ I'liii.iin'L-M •■ ' now ITiM'lI'll tain a county asylum under the provisions of these f">i'\viiiiii». statutes, with the previous consent and Approval of the gov- ernor and state board of charities and reform, as provided in other eases by these statutes, but without co ' U) the state for such site or buildings: j)/w/c?c(^, that nothinj. ..rein con- tained shall he construed to prevent anv countv in this state which now has buildings erected for the accommodat":Mi of the insane from enlarging the same, or from erecting new ones on any grounds belonging to the county or upon any site the county board of supervisors may by resolution determine. I IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I l^|2B |2.5 ^ lis lllll^ 18 L25 i 1.4 m 1.6 y Photographic Sdences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. I45S0 (716) S73-4S03 i\ -^V m x-* ' ** \\ iN O^ ^ I? 842 AVISCONSIX. in ! 82.* Wlioiu'vorlt slmll iippoar to tln' stad' board of diaritios (j ,;„j „ and rcfonii that insudiciciit pnjvi.sion lia-; \)vv\\ s''i'i.|.M't..iiii.' iiiiide for llio care and suppoi't of llic insane in tlu' Kum-'i'i'i "''r- state hospitals and county asyhiins pivviously I'.-tali- taiii ni.-.-. ijshod acc'ordin;.,^ to law, said board may lilc with tlu> secretary of state a list of counties in which no county a-^y- luni exists, and which, in the opinion of said boai'd, posM-ss acconnnodations for the j^roper care of the chronic insane; and thereafter each of said counties so named, which shall care for its own chronic insane, under such rules as said board >!iall jirescribe, oil the properly verified eertiticate of said board to tile secrelai-y of state, shall receive the sum of one dolhir and fifty cents jier week for each person so cared for and supi)ortcd, us hereinai'ter provided. 83,* On the first dav of October in each vcar, the eountv f,,,,, ,„ superintendent of the poor, or other ollicer having In sal 1 "r',V"V,,'Vui'v eliarjfe of the poor of any county on said list, claiiu- |o \»' (•.■riilli'il ,.,i..(i,iy iiij^ compensation for the care of its chronic insane. shall certify to the secretary of state the names of all persons necessarily cared for and sujtported by said county at public cost, the date when said persons became insane, and the number of weeks each of said insane ])ersons were cared for durin^jj the precedini^ year, makint; adidavit to the same; and if such certified statement shall bo approved by said board of charities and reform, the secretary of state shall in- clude the amount which such county shall be entith-d to re- ceive h'oni the state under the [)rovisions of this ai't, in the next state tax, and on the first day of Fi'bruary thereafter shall place said amount to the credit of said county. 8 b* Wiieiievi'r, in the opinion of said board of chai'ities or j,„i, ^^ ., [and] reform, any county has not made suitable ^y.'v'l',,,",'.,",;""' provisions for the i)ro[)er and humane care of either ""' its chronic or acute insane, the said board may iliifct tlu' removal of either class of said insane to any county a-y- lum, or to any otiier county i)ossessin;^ suitable accaiu'; an«l all rarr t'"'- )<)ar'>l't<.''l! the county i,rr liaviii- 1 list, i-laini- oiiic insane, le nanus ol' said county insane, and wore cand t(» tlic sanu". :ct 1 1.V ati' shall iu- ititlcd t1:ui'' riinovei 1 at this a't, I' iniiK'r o t' I he mtv, may iv- cc'ive such iitlditional insane persons as tiie stale hdnrd of charities and reform may diifct to he transferred then to iVnm counties thai do not })()ssess accumudatitms for the |iro|i(i' eare of their own insane, and may include all such jicrsons in the list of insane certified to the secretary of state, as jirovided in the second section of this act, and shall receive I'rom the secre- tary of state .: credit to the amount of three (U>llars per week for I'ach such i»erson so receivdl an^ said person; one dollar and u half of the aforesaid amount of three dollars per week, autl the amount actually I'.xpended hy such county for clothing' such insane person, shall he c]iai',t:ed hy the socretary of state to tiu- county fiom wiiit-h such in-ane person was sent, ami shall he* included in the amount charged in the next state tax to said I'ounty. 8(1.* Nothinj^' in this ai't shall Ije constriu'd to entitle any county to compensation for the care ami support of snhjj.-. any [icrson not previously adjudged to he an insane tuiH'ii'i.'I cum- penson and pro})erly comnuttetl as sut'h under the ''•'""""""• laws of this state relating to the co'umitnient of insane persons to the hosjtital of this state, nor .-hall any county \>v i-ntitled to com[iensation for the eare and support of any insani' perxm not lawfully ami necessarily a puhlic charge. ST.* ISeetions one thousand live hundrt'd and two, oni' thou- sand live hundred and three, one thousand live hun- sni.. §o. dred and four and oni' thousaml live hundretl and {;,','," ';,r',',o,^r' ''J live of chaiiter sixty-thri'c, revised statutes of LST^, "'''• relating to the relief and support of the poor, are herchy de- clared to he applicahle to insane jicrsons, in the .-ame manner and to the same extent that they now apply to other clas>es unahle tt» maintain themselvis, ilcscrihed in section one thou- sand live hundred and two of said chaptir. SS.* WheiK'ver a term of olllee shall expire or a vacancy shall hereafter occur in the hoard of trustees of anv s„i. §:. . . lit Vii'iiiii'i.'* ill countv asvlum, such term ol olhce or vacauev shall i"ai.i..t iih». ■ " • t<'i'«. IliiW lie lilled hy aiipointment of some resident citi/en of ''"■•'' the county in which such a.syium is situated, in the same nnni- ner and for the same length of time as is now jirovidid in sec- tion ."(."Sl of t'lia})ter .'J"J of the ri'vised statutes of l.sTS,' in rc-jiect to tru>ti'es for the government of state hospitals for the insane. t Kt'iieak'il, ami siipplieil hy {! .507 a ; seu imw lu jil. l*. r 1 .if ''III 4 f • i. 844 wisroNsix. - li SU.* It sliiill he tlic duly (if tlie Itoaril of sii]i(M"vis()rs of anv f'"'' s "• ••(iiiiitv ill lliis .-tatc in wliidi aiiv cumitv asvliim lia.< .•n.iuiy i.oiir.i. l„.|.i, fstahlishcd for (lie cin-c of tin- insane, to niakr .^iidicii-nt uii]>ro|iriati(Mis (piaiii'i'ly in ailvanci- for tlic snpiiort and iiiainlrnancc of said asylum, in accofilancc with the esti- mates of (lit.' hoard of trustees of said asyhnn, for an amount in tlie au,ure;;ate etiuai to the amount per ea|iila jirovided hv law lo he paid to said eounty hy the state for the sujiport and mainlenanec (if sin-h asyhim, with such ament of the «;i'(/unds and huihl- in. ■ The |»r()perly and estate of any insane person, kept in any state or county asylum, or kt'pt hy any county at puhlic ehar<- li»lih' fiir IM «ll|i|.nlt. diall he lialde for hi> upport and inainti'nance .Iniioilit'tiiiii liiiil Mtilliiirilv iiily and char^feahle for tin- payment thereof, and upon the failure of the person or persons having the charj^e or custody of such pi'opeiMy or estate to pay therefrom for such support and niainti'nance, the hoard of ti'ustees of the hospital or asylum, or the thairman of the boaid of supervisors of the eounty fiu- iiishiii;^ such su]>port, may ajrply to tlu' county jud<;e of the jtro]»er county to compel such paynu-nt. In cases arising undi'r the pi'ovisions of this section, such county jud.i;-e shall have the jurisdiction and authority con- ferred by chapler sixty-threef <>f the revised statute- and shall exercise such iurisiliction and authoritv in the man- iier Jirovided by said chapler, and he may enforce ohedienre to ids orders by procee(linro[>erty or estate, 111' t or iIk- "Hclii'f uiul .Siippiirt o\' the I'l rv iHii > WISCONSIN. 81.') I brounlit ill the circuit cnurt a*,'ainst liini or tlicni in liis or their rcid'csciilativc ( liaractcr, the aiiiouiit dirccliMl to he |iniil by sui'li order or or. Any corporation formed under this chaptc" f^r the cs- ti',l)lishment and maintenance of any hositital, asy- (;i>.-,. luiu or other institution for the care, maintenance (■.'.'n".rMi'i'.ii» and education of orphan children, or ft)r the care i.iin.'!-..i l,..s- and relief ot sick or inlirm or imlijj;ent per-on<, or mm^^vn-: for the rchi<;-c of homeless persons, or for any similar charita- l)lc purpose, may receive all such persons as shall he lawfully » laced therein, and shall have and maintain the custody, care and control of such jtersons until lawhilly dischar<:;ed ; and may contract with any person, county or municipal corpora- tion for the maintenance, care ami ('(lucation of such children or persons as shall be proper, or recover from any person, county or municipal corporation res]ionsible therefor, a rea- sonable price for the same, if no contract be made, not cxcceil- ining in all its di'part- !?[ '■'ti m Il I yM sir, \VISr'()\>!TN. 1 iiiciits, ln'sidcs tlic cinniiKin l>nuiclu'< of cdncatinii. Any rlcr^v- iiiiiM ill ^jdod staiidinjj; slmll lie fxriintod rcasoiiiililc t';i(iliiits. iit pntpcr times nnd jtlaccs, frcc'ly to miiiisti r and ini|iart moral aii^■^I^^ sr y cltruy- fiicilitirs. I innmrt .(•s t»t' liis ; t(i slicll so t. , in tlifir wlifU. in itcr«'-ts 111' • l.iml <'Ut (ly ihiriii'j; II apl'ly '•> (1 tlif pfi'- 11 l.c suli- . rci'dvni to cliarituMt' his cliaiil' r )!' any li"-^- [, tn-iilMU'iit lis, or liotli. provi:^i<»ii^ or «it(.".'iiil, (he n'l'uy- contlitii'iis I ninrt,t;ii,L;e lliorwi-f. in )n tlic writ- ind of sncli Itai, ani. $ .: • 11-11 1 1 1 ' 1- •^"' "■'l"i'"'''' leeiile-mnided Iierson lon;:er than the uuardlauor li k.'.]. iii,.iii friend- of sucli |ii'rson, or the connty iVoni widcli n .t .i. rmv.'ci. sui'Ii person shall have heen conuiutted, shall defray the cost ami charges lor such care ami treatnuid. '.•7." Insane or feehje-minijed persons may vohmtarily place themselvis unenal institutions, that any person is improperly conlined in any such hos|pital, a'-^ylum or in-tUu- tioii. such hoard shall have the powei' to examine i'.iio such ca.-e in si!idi manner as they may deem liest, and if Muf .,f upon such examination it shall appear to th(;ni that i,!!!!,' iM^'.'ri'i- such jicrsou is improjterly conlined, they .shall issue an order for the immediat<' release of such per.-on, ami, there- upon such person shall l>e immeital, asylum or institution. lil>.* f^ucli hospital, asylum oi' institution or corporal ion own- in,n' or maintaininloye thereof, he liahle for the detention i„'iu,'iV'i'or ' of any jierson committeil to such hospital, asylum or institution in pursuance of the laws of this state or of the law- of any other state, or detained at the remn'st of the ;:nardian or friends of such pt'i'son. or of the hoard of stiper- VNors of any county, unless such person shall lia\e heen so detained after said state hoard of supervision shall have issued its order for the release of such jierson; or after a court of I ■ , » 'H t 'Si'i' [il. 01, .■iiiina. sts WISCONSIN. I I #1 (•iiiii|i(tciil jurisdiction shall liavi- dii-cctiil the ilischiiry,!' (if such p( rsuii, Mild such liahiiity sliall cxi-t ihcii (ndy I'.ir mk h ilctciitinii as shall have nccunvd alter the service ol' a copy uf the onler nt' such Itoard, or of the iirder ami direction of su|.ital, asyluiii or institution. loo.' Any letter, coiiiiniinication oi- coinplaini addn-^scil in s„i,. 15 :. such Itoard, or to any iiieNilK r thercot", hy aii\- in- ii..'!'-"!m'.'ri!'ii.t^ mate, einiiloyc or suliordiiiale otliccM' in any siieli hos|.ital, asyhun or institution, shall i>e lortiiwitli forwanled as aildresse(l, without intertereiice therewith, or tic hi'eakinu; of the si-al, or the I'cadin^ thi'iH'of hy any oHiccr or (.•niployc of such hospital, asyhiiu or institution. JOl.' Sucli hoard of su|iervision may. whenever they .-hall Siili 5 ^. li.illl'l .f »ll|liT- vi-iylum ctr institution for the puipo-;!' aforesaid, it shall he the (luty of the superintendent or ollnr oflicer in charge of such hospital, asylum, or ii;>tituiion. tn atl'oi'd such hoard, eommitlee oi' niemher, opportunity lo make a full and complete e.xaminatioii into the condition, care and treatment of the inmates of such hospital, asylum, tu' insti- tution. lO'J.* livery corporation formed for the eslahlishn lent ainl Snb. g 0. maintenance of any hosjtital. asylum or insiiiui loll to rc'imri ail iitiallv. to 'rr.'ori'a'i'i- uiidcr tliis act. shall, on or hel'ore the iirst day nf Oi'toher in each year, make a rej>ort to said -late board of supervision for the precediiii,' year, which report shall be in form and suhstaiuc as re()uired hy said state hoard >'( sni»ervisioii, and shall he verilieil hy the president of sud poration. or the superintendent or otlu-r ollieer havin:: I mr- eharije of such hospital, asylum or institution ; and hi'fore any jiaiieiii, whose place of resideiict' is outside of this slate, shall he 'id- mittt'fl into any such institution, asylum or lios|)ital, the hoard of trustees of such corporation shall e.xecute a bond to the -laic of Wisconsin, in such sum, form, and with su»di suit ties, as the governor of this state shall ap{>rove, conditioned to indtin- WISCONSIN. S|0 selitir;;*' of ly I'-'V r^mll ;l <'»|>y lit nil ol" Slli'li cliarjii- "I ildrcssiMl to l.y any in- II any siuli ,r turtliwilli witli. «>!• \\\r iv ti|lii'< r I'T 1- tlicy sl.all 11 or iii-tiin- u, rare Mini c. aii'l may nor. Wlidi- tlicnot .-IkiH the ]iu;'po-r ^.iit or otlnr • ~thuiioii, to lily lo inakf nil. caff ainl 1111. or iii-ti- l~liiii(iil aial ,r iii^linuioii lirsl ilay of lo sa'ul -laU' vcport sliiill tail' Imai'tl "1 t of suili '■<"'■ aviii-- .harp' ■ any i>ali(n', si, all '•*• 'Ki- lal.tli'''"'-"'' ,1 to Uh' ^<'>^^' li snnti*>- ''^ u'{\ to imKiii- nifv the state of Wisconsin, ami ill! parts llicn'of. auainst loss in case any such patii-nt shall l)eeonie a i)aiiiter in this slate, which immls shall he (ilnl in the otlicc of the secri'tary ol" stale. 1();>.* The real ainl ['risoiial |iro|ierty of every corporal ion formed niiame >liall continue to he so used; jirnriili ,1, that preference shall he i^iveli to the admi-^»ion as jiatieiils, if re>ideiits nf this slate. |'l<.|M-i ly III 1)1! iS.|ll|it llolil t;i\nlloll. 101.' Wh hell any person is iiiilicied or intormed auainst lor aii\' oirciise, and such person or counsel in his l)e- si''''" ,',.1,1 , . II- I ii>;iiillv |.i 111- hall sliall, at the time and helore the eoiiimence- ii-|...i.ii piin, II I '1111.1, .ii'- ineiit of the trial, claim or nretend that such iter- i'".i,nii m i.n ' . . _ ' ili.rliiiri,'ivl If son, at the time of tli<' eoiiinii>si()n of such allei^ed rinivcmi. (•Ileiisc, was insane, and for that I'easoii not res|ionsihIe for his acl<, the cdurl sliall order a special plea, setting up and allejj;- iiiLT such insanity, to ln' tiled on his hehalf with the plea of ii(»lmiilty; and the special issue therehy made shall lirst he tried hy the jury selected and sworn to try .siid cause: and if siicli jury shall lind upon such special issue that such accu.sed ]iersoii was so insane, or that tlii're is reasonal>le douiit of his sanity at the time of the coinmis-^ion of such alleged oll'etise, they shall aNo find him not Lruilly of such ollense for that rea- son, and when suc-h insanity is found the jury shall also find whether such accused |>erson has recov(>red from such insanity and is of .iicli insaiiily iiiid isnrsuuiid niiiiii iit tlicliinr oi' siicli Iriiil ; iiml il llif jury liinl that lie lias >n rccovcrcil aiiil is of SI II II id iiiiml, I lull >ii(|i arcii.-td |m rsuii >liall he disci lar;^* i| and uii ;il hii:,'!'. '('Ik. |ii(-.mii|iliuM (if siicli arcusrd iKTsnu's sanity, at llic linicdt' the cuniniissioii (»!' such alleged ollcnsc, shall |in\ail and \»' siidii'it nl ]iront tlicri'dl' on tin trial nl' such s|ifcial i^siic, u lirtlicr the same he tried alone nr u illi ihe pica of not ^^uiity, unless the evidence pl'ddueed oil slliji Irijil shall create in the uiind:- of the jury a reasonalile douht of the sanity of .such accused jiersou at the lime of the commi»iMii of such allejicil (dl'elise. lli.">. If the jury, upon the (rial of such special issue. ii< is Mill.'. mentioned in the next precedin;^ seciidii, shall lind ii"H .i.r.ii.i , , , . I • . mii.iL.i"— 'I tliat sucii iicciiseil p( rsoii was insane, at the time ot iiiHHii" llie commi>sioii III sueh alle,i;('d ollense and shall, also, lind that lu' is still insane, then the coui't shall order siicli insane person to he conliiied iii one of the stale hospitals for the iiiucli order, and coiiline. and treat him, in ,-uch hospital, as other insane [lei'Mins are kept ami trealed. or discharued, therein ; and, the expense thereof, shall he home hy, and he a jiroper char^if auaiiist Ihe county, ill which such insane person was indicted or informed a;;ai:i-i, for such olleiise;iiud such couuly may he reinihursed therefor, out ol the I'-tate or propei-ty of such insane |iersoii. Idii. If upon the trial of such >pecial is^ue as is mentiniicil , ^„,,,, and lefe'itd to in the two ne.xi precedinu' seciinn-. iuiMi'i'',i'.'.'i'' the jury shall lind that such accused person wa^iml »ah'''!.n >'i.''' insane at the lime of the eoiiiiiiission of .>-ueh allemd '''"''''''' ollense, iheii, his trial upon Ihe plea of not L;.iilty shall at once proceed hefore the same jury : and Ihe lindiiiL; "I Ihe jury upon such speciaJ issue, shall he liiial and eoiicjii.-ivi' U|ion the (|uestion of his in,sunily al the time when the alle^cd ollense was comiiiilled ; and no other plea (U' evidi'iiee tlieienii shall he allowed upon such trial, and the jury shall not auaiii consider any matter enihraced in sueh special issue, in deiei- luininj;- Ihe ^uill or innoeeiiee of su.-h accused person : and in no ease, and at no tiiiu' in the trial of sueh ac"iised jiersoii. diall the (lucstioii of the insanity of such person, at the lit lie Iff -]V ' WISCONSIN. sr)i it till' tillir ivcfiil ali'l ilisrliar^i'l m1 juisou's ,.(1 l»ll\'USl'. Ill trial "i ()!■ Willi ll"' Sllrll iriiil li>iilil i>r till' (•uiutni->i 'II I is>\\r, a< i- 11, shall liiiil the liiiir 111 r aiul shall. II (.fdiTSUrh hospital- l'"i' i.^j.ital, -hall ciililiiH'. aii'l -uiis arc ki'l'l n.u-i' thritot, ;t tlu' coiinly. •uii'tl ai;ai;i-i. Irsi'il ihctvi'ir. lis UH ntinia nn- sriilitli*. ■ rstiu wa- liut A\r jlllcmU .t' not ^.lilty Ihf lindiii.ii "' ,1 (•()liclu>ivi' In the all':^"''! hlii'i' llni'f'li lall nnl a-am ilion tlnrcdr. hy a jury Of otiuTwisi', as it (h'ciiis nio-t juopcr; ainl il' it -hall ho thcrchy (Iftt'riiiincil. (hat such accused pei-nn is so insane, liis (rial lor such olleiise shall he posl|Hiiie(| intlelinitely, and tho court sliall thereupon order (hat he he cniitiiic(| in one (.f ilio s(a(e hospi(als fur th(> insane, and (he siiperinlindeiil o!" >iich liM-pital sliall receive such insane per:-on ii|iiin r..n\.rt lined therein, in pursuance of a sentence of any i"":'""' court wilhin (his s(a(e, has ln'conie insaiu' diirini.;; such inipris- (iiiiiicn(, and is sdll insane, it shall he lawhil for the j;dVernor to make in(|uiry (hereof, and if he shall de!crii:ini' that >uch person has heeome, and is so insane, to make an onler that siich insane person he taken from said prison, and he eonlined and (reat<'d in one of the state hospitals for the insane, and upon his recovery from sueli in.sanity, if hefore the expiration of his sentence, that he he returned to said .state prison, and •'t i .ill' mmii .sn-j WISCONSIN. it sliull bo tlu> duty of tlic wurdt'ii of said prison to deliver such iiisauo person to tlio supe intendoniof sucli hospital, and such superintendent shall receive sueh person into such hos- pital, u|ton the jiresentation of such order and in ohediciico thereto; and the expenses of the same, when approvetl \)\ the p)Vi'rnor, shall he audited hy (he secretary of state and paid, upon his warrant, out of the state treasiiry, KlO.* ^^'ith (he ailviee and approval of the c^overnor, Jio 5""t". state hoard of charities and rel'onn nniv contract, at iii.a.i.. ron. aitrlcc iiot exceedin(f four dollars and twent v-(iv(( V;","-''"'/''' '" cents iier wi'ck. with the trustees of the Milwiiukee Mil Willi k.'i> ' "">'"'" county asylum for the insane, for the care and main- tenance of convicts now insane, or who may hereafter hecoUK^ insane, or for the cure and maintenanec of any person who may he ac(piitted of any criminal charj^e on the j^round of insanity; and when any such jtersons shall have been trans- ferrctl to such asvlum, they shall be maintained and cared for u nder such rules and regulations as the state board of cha ri- ties and 'Tform may prescribe. lUit in ease any such person, trai.sfcrred to said asylum, after conviction, from any prison in this state, shall become sane, saiti person shall be returned to the j)rison from which he he wiis transferred to said asylum, and be subject to the same conditions of his orijjiiial commitment to said prison, time exeej)ted, as if he had not been transferred to said asylum. () (Icllvor such Ik'^^- oltl'llicMt't) fQi\ by Um niul \nxu\, ,'('Vnor, >: ' l\vcnty-liv(! Milwaukee (•and niain- fter lieccnui person wlio . (Tl'OlUul *it bei-n trai»s- nd ctivod t'nr xrd of chari- sucli pcr-^on, II any i)ri>'>n I bo retuninl I'od to said his oviiiinal he lu\d not WYOMING. HI' n:u visKiN AMI I'Mir. (IK insam:. , II. Itfimlnii-'^cMiciii urcnnnly. 1."). 'I'lMiwIcr ti> :i>.\ liim ; duly nl" cuimly t'iiiiiiiii--iciiiiMs. 1. IiKjiiost III' in-^iiiiilv, iiifnrni.'ilinii. '2. I iil'iiriiiMtiiiii ill vMc'Mliiii) III' niiirt. ',\. I'l'Wcr 111' |ir(ili:ili' iciiii I. •I. A ji|ilii':!liiiii liy jiiilj;<'. • I. A|>|ii>iiiiiiii'iil i>r uiiMnliiiii. t>. ('ost III' ii|M'-'liL;lltic>ll, Imw jiMiil. 7. ( 'ii>*t-^, when pHicccill.n-* ili mi— •I'll, S. NfW li'i:il ; two Vciiliii-- riinrlii^ivf. !(. Iiiijiiiiy intii Miiiily, |)ruicciliiii;>. lO. I>i liMini'l ;ii'riiiliil> III' ^il;ili|i;ill. !('(. I'^xpriisis of liMii-l'rr. \v;iri;ml. 17. Iiiili;(t'iit inx,iiic,i'\|M'iis)'s \n,w linriie. IS. i 'iiiMily III' ^I'tllrtiiclil, cliiirnciiliillly. I'.i. I >rrniiiiiin III' iii>anity, I lilMIN M, IN-t \N'I.. 'JO. N"il-:ii'('iuiiil;il>ilily In l.ivv. -1 Sii>|irii-iiiiii', Ifiiip' laiy run- .' ; lii>:iiic niiilrr sfiilfiu'c nf (KmiIi, tx- llllt'llllMlt. 1'2. Ortler ol' ('iiiiliiicnuMit. 1,'!, I'l-XpiMiscs (irti'iii|iiM'ary ciiiilini'mi'Ml. IIIIIIMMllilll. 'J.'!. I'i(ii'('i'iliiiy;«i, slay nf I'xciiitiiiii. ■Jl. I'"iliiliii^' tr 'i^iiiill il In l;ii\( rii'ir. 1. It" iiiriinnaliiiii in wridiiji lie ;;:i\.ii In tin' |ii'i>lijiic judj^c, that Miiv iicrsfiii in tlic cdniitv i< ai. iilint, imiatic, c' i ■mpii..! ■ . I ■ 1 ' It'll II '■""■■ "'' '*•'"' |i('rv licr atl'air.-], nn"" i;iv i and jirayini;' tliat an iininii's tliccciiilu lie, lli" ciuirt, if sati.-ilic'd that tlit re is <^y a jury. ■J. Siifh inluniiatioii may also lie jiivcii in tlic vacalinn ot said c'durt, to the judii'c thtrcot". in whit li event he'j. . , , I iil'iiiimtlnn shall call a siiccial term of the court for the iiiiriiost yau,. i,,' ' _ _ ' ' (,'ik'll III \ IICIV- (if huldinii' an iminiry, w hether the person mentioned """■ in such iiil'iirmatioii he of un-'^oiiiiil mind, * '■■■ * or iio(. I). In proceedinii's under this act. th<' piuliate court may, in its discri'tion, cause the per'^nii alleged in he of un- H'l'iS' ' ' I'r'.il'iili' sound mind, * * * to he hriiu^hl liefore the court. '■■"'"'" i"'*"' •I. Whenever any jud,i;'e of the prohate court, justice of the peace, sheritl', coroner, or coiistahle. shall discover n.i.i s i. anv iierson I'csideiit of hiscoiintv, tu he of unsuund iii'piii'in.m i.. mind, * * * (ms in the lirst section of this act men- ''"'"'• lioiied) it shall he his dutv to make application to the pruhatc court for the exercise of its jurisdiction, and thereupon the like proceedings shall lie had, as in the case of informaiion liy unollicial nersons. '). Jf it he found hy the jury that the sidiject of imjuiry is of unsound mind, * * * and inea|ialil(! of man- 11,1,15.-,. a^ing his or iier atlairs, the coiu't shall a[ijioint a si,I,Ti"a'i'''i'!,uit guardian of the person and estate of .such per.son. w'""^""" 854 WYOMINC. 1| t). A\'lR'n any ])C'rsoii shall \)v louiul to br insaiio, * * * ac ibidSfi. cording to the precodin^L? {)rovisi()ns, tlu> cost ot' the imiii.' ]ii'iK%'c(liniis shall l)c paid out of his estate, or, if that bo iiisuliieieiit, by the county. 7. if the person alleiii'd to lie insane, shall l)e discharj^ed, n)i.i s 7. ^^"^ costs shall be paid by the {)ei'son at whose in- """"'• s.anci' the proceeding; is had. S. T\\v court may, if just cause appears at any time durinj;- n.i.i >< s. tlu> term at which an iuiiuisition is had, set the Nc^w jury t.> • i i • , i i • bncmiiii"''!''!. sauic asKJc aud cause a new jury to he empaneled to incjuire into the facts, but when two juries concur in any case, the verdict shall not be set aside. V. If any i>erson shall allei;'e in writin,Hi 5 :'•■'■ allirination, that anv iierson declared to be ol' un- it r.-stoi".! to . . ■ light mill. I. sound mind,''' * * has been ri'stored to his riiilit inind, * * * ; the court by which the proceedings were had, sliall cause the facts to be intjuired into by a jury. 10. If it sliall be found that such person has been restored "'i.i s ■•'1^ to his right mind, he shall be dischaigvd from care DiscliiiiKi' of ■ _ ' _ (juardiaii. nud cusiody, and the guardian shall immediately settle his accounts, and restore to such pcnson all things re- maining in his hands belonging or ap))ertaining to him. 11. If any person, by lunacy or otherwise, shall be fui'iou>^ly Miiil S 41. Kuriii sly mad, or .so far disoi'dered in his niintl as to enstraint, supjiort and safe kicping of such person as tlu' circumstances of tlic case shall ret pi ire. 12. Jfany person, as in tlu'last jireceding section is s])feiliril, ll.iil s 4-. Willi niiiy lllillr there he no person liavmg su(mi cnarnc, any judge of a court of record, or any tw(» justiees of the jieace. may cause .^iwd'i insane person to be a|)prelien(l(il, and may employ any pcrsttn to confine him or her, in sihik; suitable place until the probate court shall make further oiikr tl icrcni, as \i\ the jji-eceding sec-tiv oath or o 1h> of un- to his ri.uhl ■ s wi'Vt.' hail, n'ou vi^stored yd from on IT ininuMliatcly lU things ve- to him. Ik- furiously to (.■n(hinij,t r rty of others, (ithrr iii'vst'ii liound to 1 m soini' iVn- ■^uit- court of 'lir Iraint, siippoit Itanocs < I'll '■ linviiKj; ,1 tlH' til ni'cnii'i •haviiv ;uch (•iiai;j.v, ly two jll>tiivS apim'lifnilet. her. in soiik' liirthcr onKr ll>. Tho cxpcnst-s attending sucli conrint'iniMit >liall he paid hv the liuanhan out of liis fstat(\ or )»v llic nrrson H'liH-i. hound to provide lor and support such insane pei'- I'^i""-'- son, or the same sliall he paid out of the county ti'easui'v. 14. In all cases of appropriations out of the co\inty trciHurv, for tlu! sU|»poi't and maintenance, or coniinement of n,i,|;;.,4 any insane person, the amount thereof may he I'c- i^,,'";!!',!!,' i',y covered hy the county h'om any person who. hy law, ""''"'""y- is hound to provide for tiie su|>port .and maintenance of siu'h per.son, if there he any of suilicient ahility to pay the same. 1"). In any county in this tei'i'ilory. when it heconies nec(>s- sai'V to transport, or transiioi't and i)rovide foi', anv eiinii.jji. idiot, lunatic, insane, hlmd, deaf, deaf mute or ""i^-^i""''!". criminal, to any eastern asylum, school or |)iMson. it shall ho the duty of the county commissioners of such county. uj)on pro|>er and satisfactory representation to them, to ajtplv to tho govi'rnor for ])ecuniary <»r other aid in such case. 1(*>. 'I'hen, if the o-overn'r apjjrove tiie application, he is lieiH'hv authorized to call upon the auditor for a I''i'|^<'■:. warr;int upon tiie treasurer in lavor ot the hoard of «,u-i;tiit. county commissioners, suilicient for the purjiose, and it shall he |)la{'ed in the hands of the county connnissioiiers. who shall he ollicially ami pi-rsonally res|)onsil»le for the |)!-oper appli- cation of such fund, as far as they may he aide. 17. Hereafter the res])onsihility for the care, trans])ortati()ii and maintenance of the pauper insane helongin^- ;V,' ',','; Ti'' to ('((Unties of this territory, and tlu> cost of the same i^ul,',' |,','!,'",;„„ shall rest with and he assunieil and paid solely hy the county in which such j»erson or jierson- shall lie adjud^^ed insane. IS. Hereafter the responsihility for the car(> and mainto- nance of the pauper insane helon^inii- to counties of ,,,. , ^ ., this territory now conlined at the " Iowa. Hospital l,'?,''''i'M,,7:, for lnsane"al Mount IMeas;int. Iowa, and elsewhere, '■'•""' and the cost of the same shall rest with the county in which such person or persons was adju(lixe(l insane, and h'om which such pei'son or persons was sent as shown hy the records in the ollice of the territorial auditor, suhject, }!oweV(>r, to the provisions of sectit three (•>) of this act. lt>. A jn'i'son shall he considei'ed of sound mind 'vho is neither an idiot nor lunatic, nor alfected with in- «'ii •ii, § :!. sanity, and who luitli arrived at the age of fourteen aouii'iuiiud. ':rV 850 WYOMINO. II m years, or iKforc that ajic if such person know the (listincti(,u het\V( (.11 n-ood and evil. •J(i. A lunatic oi- insane person without lucid intervals, shall "'''i>'-' not he found uuiltv of anv crime or niisdenieaiioi', Acriiiinlii- . . ''"''> with which he may he charged; jiravidcd, the act so chan;;i'd as c-riminal shall have been committed in the con- dition ~ ci.iiie.s ui^anr trit'd for the otl'ense during; the continuanei' of the Ki.iiioi iiiiii... hmacy or insanity. If after verdict of guilty and hefore juduinent pronounced, such ])i'rson become hniatic (U' insani'. then no judgment shall be given \vhil(> such lunat-y or insanity shall continue, and if after judgment and before ( xe- eution of till' sentence such person become lunatic or insane. then in case the punishment be capital, the exicution thiMcof shall be stayi'd until the recovery of such person from the in- sanity or lunacy. In all these cases it shall be the «luty of the court to empanel a jury to try the (jUestiitn whether the accused he at the time (»f empaneling insane or lunatic. 22. Jf any convict sentenced to the ]>unislimeiit of deatli, rii. 14, si7i;. shall apltear to be insane, the sherilV shall forthwith coiivui: n-ivc notice thereof to a judge <»f the district court of the judicial district, and shall summon a jury of twelve ini|)ar- tial men to innuire into such insanity, at a time and place to he fixed by the judge, and shall give immediate notice thereof to the prosecuting attorni'V. 2;}. The judge, cK'rk of the court, and prosecuting attorney, M.iii s 177. shall attend the iiuiuirv. Witnesses mav be i»ro- Hii»|Mu,i,,i. ducc(l and examined belore the jury. The finding shall be in wi-iting, signed by the jury. Jf it be found that the convict is insane, the judge shall suspi'ud the execution of the convict until the sheriff shall receive a warrant from the gov- ernor of the territory, directing such execution. The fimliiig of the jui'y and the order of the judge, cei'tifie(l by tliejuilg(^ shall lie b\- thi' clerk enti'red on the iournal of the court. 21. The sheiill' shall transmit imme<» I llu' i-on- ■r the cDin- t not tt» l»*' llU'l' of tlir guilty ami hniat'u- or II lunacy or bofoiv ixr- (• or insaiu'. lion thercot Voni the in- . duty of tlif • i\\v accused it of death, forthwith •irt court ol' •Ivc in>i>ar- nd phu'c ti) )licc thi ivof lo- attorney, nay l>e pio- The lindin- ind that the ution ot the MUi the ,uov- 'riie lindin.ii ,y court. • ft i tied copy V, as soon as lie of sitund FOREIGN LEGISLATION. [NoTK. — Tilt' l.iws of l'",iml;inil ichitiiij,' to iiisiinily '>fiiij; veliiniiDoiis, scctidn^i relVrriiii; In siiliic(|.< locil ur luroiLin tn llif |iur|iiisi' of tliis wmk iiavi' liccii (UiiilitMl iinil llifir |il:i((' sii|i|iliiMi l)y tlie m:irn'm;il liotfs. Si'dioiis so niiiiltfd ;irc di-tiii- t'llislit'd in till- t;ilil(' nl" rdiitenis liy itiilici/iMJ numln'is. The |il:in (il'lln' I'lillnwinj; tiil)le liiis ln'cn cliim^ieil fnmi tli;it a(lo|itcil in ntlier p.-iits of tlii' wnik, nn aci'oiint (if till! j,'rt'al lenulli to wliicli it wdiild liavc cxli'ndt'd, and llu' iin|iii»iliiiit.v ol" any 1»ik'i"i1 airanfii'mcnt of the iiaraf,'iaiphs witlionl inli'i fciinK with what lias been tlmiifjlit more advisaiile, the retention of the chronoloiiieal oider of the laws.] The Lnnacy Laws of (lerinaiiy and 1" ranee, eoiiali'd for this volume, were translated at Washinjiton tiy an aide linj^nist, who had access to all the fi)rei;;n laws in the various f;overnnient lihraries, and who had the aiil of ]irominent officials and the endiassies there in the elli>rt to (irocure full legisialion; hut they are not iiresenled as eomiiKte. The hriefer legislation of lielgiiiui and Russia is, of course, hut fragmentary. ENGLAND. iKt-'C ution. 1. Insanity Found by Inquisition. [nQI'ISITJON and iMilllJY. How iiKiuisitions are to he lielil ; may he ordereil on report of commissioner in lunacy; jjcriod of insainty U> he ini|iiired into; examination, 114- 124, /-V), /.;,.. ;{i() 3i;{, ;!!.■), :!u;. pROCKKDINCiS Al'TER I NlillSITlON. l'roeeedin'j;s hefore masters; aiipointment of ^oiardians of the person and es- tate; reports of masters, fiat ol' lord tdiancillor, /;/, sch, ;!,,'_'(). Traverse; new trial ; supersedeas; transcript of record, /,'■,', j//, J.',", '-'S. < 'osts of le<;al proceedings, ,'/cV. Orders of lord ehaneellor, form ; authority of, /,v, /JS' S^'A JS'^- Management of property of insane persons, /,•/. ,'/y, Visitation, Conkinkmknt and DiscnAiuiK. Visitation; reports of, to U)rd chan.'ellor, 01, l.TJ, Ull, rA^, 1()0, S^l-.^^.'J, ;!.V2. Admission and detention of insane in puldic and private asylums, l).")'^. Visitors and commissioners not to discharge insane, 70. Okkickus, Feks Am 1'i:k< kntacjks. Masters, registrar, and visitors; api'nintmeiit, and powers; fees, 9G-112, //,\ Connnis^iioncrs in l;iiiacy, sir Mo'H' j (/>). I i i ! ;,Vl Ml mfM n ( i S5S KNiil.AND. 2. Pauper Patients in Workhouses, and Outdoor Patients. Dktkmios-, Visitation and Hiimovai,. Wliiil iiisniic may lie ki'|>t in \vi>rkliuti';j, IJjl. 3. Insane Confined under Certificates. (a I In County and Borough Asylums. l.VlAIlI.I.-iIIMi:Nr AM) lllfllCTlO.N (If .\^^ l.tMS. Coniinittei' of jn>li('cs for' pidvidini; .asylnins ; nnioii of coinilic^, IT"), //^ /i/,', -'.).'. .'.)7. J/ J, -■/ V. 'JT 1, -7.-r--T.A 'i'.llJ, .ST'.t, ;!,S0. Powers of jnstiees and visitors vested in Imrnn^li eouneiis, jfu;, jji). I'liins, estimates, and eontiacts ;,'ein('nl and i'e|iiiis; |)iirclia.'-e an,•-_'( )6, joS'ji I . J/ ;, .'/./, jiS, ,',v, .vi'.-T. .^'•/■'- ,','/■ Admission of indi;,'ent and piivate patients from oilier <'oinnies ; eliar;;es |nr support from eontriUntory ami non-eonlrilmlory places; money from cTir.i charues applied lo repairs, _'/,-, _'/A. -J-il, 'J.'JK, 21'>, _''»,,■,.,■, y., ;;;!7, ."ij^i, WW. Provisions for r.-iL-inii money for «'recti()n of asylmns, -•/<;. I{ci;nl.itions for li>)roii;.f|is liavinif asylums; for annexini; towns and co'nities to otJK'r counties, iS/ . jj / , -'So, oSO. COMMITTKI-; OI' ViSITOlfS. A|ipointinent, ollicers, ineetintr'*, i^/ /^-'ol , jij, jyo. KlXiUI.ATION AM) MANACiKMKNT. (ieneral rules made l)y eommittee of vi-itors, to l)e sulimilted to secretary of state, 'iliO. Ministers of reli;;ion, meilical an 1 other ofliccrs; dismissal; suin'ianmiution, <>•).>.).) I .,, ,,, --- -- t, ,i/-. ,) /.I . A<'connls of moneys received and paid liy asylums, a.idits, 'J2")-;2"J7. Visitation, impiiros and repoiis, UO, 1(!1, l»'i',l, "12^, li'J'.t, ."ilJO. Semi-anmial lisi-< of indit;ent and priv.iie patients to lie snhmitted, 'I'M), .'Iill. Annual returns of insane cliari;eaMe to each parish, and in>i)L'ciion hy olliccr of parish or nninn, L'.'il, 'I'.Vl, •Jtit. Admi.s,«I()n, DiriKxrioN' and I)is(iiai!(h:. What insaiH' are to he sent to a>yliiins, •_>-!, 2.'>}, 'JHo, olt), oOl. Indij;ent insane lo he sent to asylum if pos-ihle, lioi), .'Jd'J, .'!l).'>. Fees of nn'dieal men and penalties for nejilect of duties hy medical men ami others, !.';')() -2.'!S. Orders and eortilicates for admission ; what hooks arc to he kept in a>yhniis; (locmnents sent to eommissioners, 2411-2 l.'J, 2")1, 2o(i-2()t), 2t')2, oVJ-li.'jS. Admission, detention, discharjic, tiatisfer, ahseiice on trial, and cleitii of patient, 214, 24(1 2"):J, 2').j, 2.")!t, 2110, 2S1, ;574. Pnrial of piilienls, iind providint; hiirial .!j;roiiiuls, jS^-aSb^ 339, jyc. ]*>cape and recapture, 2"i"), 2 I'"'" ,. •,',:'.7, ■•'>IJ"'>. '''J*^'- ,\ u> st'i'l-et:uy -\\\n.'r;i uiur.iuiiii, ll'iO, .pi) ,,Vn':il HUM) :ii\ lUci'l >" -vliini- i'>r.->. ;> 1.1 --'^ ll im.l .l.j;al. I'l ,:5'.), ,> /" ENGLAND. RHO EXPENSE.S OF ("OMMITMr.NT, SlI'I'dItT AXI> liKMOVAI. St'ltli'iiu'iit (if iiiilii^i'iit ii:ili('iiH, |i;iyiiu'iit nf i.x|icn'-o-:, li:i!iility of icl;ilive8 and idoiierlv of pulii'iu (.scf hIhd aliDvr -'), "J'JI, .''•', '2S7, ,7-,'. IJ'.H, o'.l.'). Li:(, I'liot i:Ki)iN(is. Le{r;il [irococdini,'-;; peiiallu's. and iIumi' recovt'i'v, 2(i2-'2Gt, j^>j^-j('S. 3. (b) In Registered Hospitals and Licensed Houses. REOISTHATION AM) LUENCE. IIo.>i>licanl, 15, r(<, 18, 'J.') ;5G, i;!(>, i:57, .S-tl :;i7. Admission of Patients. What iH'i-sons may lio rei'eivod into liospilnl> ,ind lie used houses; orders and certilieates of adnii.ssion, 1,'U)-142, H-'.-llS, \Vi\',-,\:,l . Coininiitee of visitors of eonnly asylums may contract for support of indijient insane in licensed lioiises; reception not eom|iulsory ; expenses of sncli patients, (.>-■(■(' «/.sy ahi>ii\\y (a\ K/jiciU'cn of CutiDiiitiiicnl, (7r. I, .?/j, '28!t, 245, j6/, ;}();{, .SDf). Notice of reception of ])atient, and co])ies of orders to i)e sent to eommis- sioners, 41, 15'.t, ;5.oS. Certilieates to exempt proprietors from prosecMtimi, SS. Re-admission of discharj;eil patients as hoarders, 141,.,\/S\ St I'ERVisiox, Removal and Discuauoe. Rules for licensed houses; powers of conmissioners over houses so long iw insane reuniin in it, Hid, jSj. Notice of dismissal of attendant to he sent to commissioners, 1(31. Medical attendants, residence and visits of, 37, 4(5, 47. Visitation, rejiorts; visits I)y nif,dil ; imiuirics directed to commissioners, and reports, 50-()",t, ;;, 164, 1(17, Klit, IJ-VJ, ^tlU, 3(15. Rooks to i)e kept; entries by visitors, commissioners, and medical attendants ; copies to he sent to commissioners, ,Si), 40, 4S-51, 55-57, 154, 1(10, odd. Dietary of indifjent patients retjulated liy commissioners and visitors, ~r. Search for information may lie ordered liy commissioners and visitors, 72, 7J, Cruelty, nej;lect, and iile<;al eonlineinent, 45, 144. Detention of patient after expiration or revocation of license, 291. Admission of friends of patient; corrt's[i70. Escape and recapture; notice of, to commissioners, 42, ~0, SS, 154, 309. Removal, discharj,'c, temporary ahsence, transfer, 01-70, 75, "('', 154, 155, .?<;<', .}()!>, .)(0. Properly of insane; protection and ap]dication of, (see (iLw ahon^ 1. }tiii(iiiiMit, s;il;irii's, ropoits of; siiliordiniitc olH- ccrs, /,', /./, IT, ?4,/7, 77. /I'V". /?/■ \'isiliirs, ;i|i|ii>ii'.tiii('iil, (|iiiililii';ilii)iis, .siilionliniilf dflicrs, IS 24, ~'S^'. A|>|)(>iiiliiii'ii( III' |i('i'Miiis to iiiiike ini|iiiri's aiul ri'|i(ir(.s as to condition of pu- tii'iiis wljfiwfi' coiiliiKii, 1(54, 1()1). N'it-ilMlioii, see (iliiiir J, J ((I) RiijulUion, i'l<'., J («)/ uiul below ^, j. I,K(iAI, Tltix KKDINiiS. Siiniriioiiiim of wiiiu'ss, :i(liiiinistr:ilion of oaths, Si/, ii7C>. Oliuncfs, |iius(.'riitioiis, costs, pi'iiallii's and tiu-ii- reciivcrv, ,?i^, 14S, liil). 3. (c'l Private Patients in Unlicensed Houses. AuMissmx INTO I'itiVATi; Mot si;s. Coiiilitioiis of adiiiissioii into |iiivati' lioiisfs, ordci's and ccrtilicatps; sinie- iiu'iils siiit to coiiiissioiiers, IIS, TU-iS;}, 143, 153, lo7, 102, 353-358, 371, :!7li. Hri'KinisioN, KtoMovAi, and DisciiAittii:. Medical and oilier visitation and iiKjuiries to lie inadc, Si, 91, U2, 1 1'J-l.Jl, k;--', iCii, 1 (;•,». ;i(;'>. Neglect, or cruelty to j)aticnt, 114. J)elenlioii, diseliarj^e, removal, and tciniiorary :' 'sence, 82, 88, 152-157, 'j*).'5, 31)2, 3(i3, Corivspondein'e of patient, ."i70, Xotii'c of rei'overv to lie yiveii to friends, 154. Dcatli, report to coroner, 'AT i. 4. Criminal Insane. KXAMIXATKIN AND COMMITMENT. Insane per.-on likely tci.c" 'i ■••liarge, absolute cr condition;il, /7J, 301, 3.S(i, 3S7. Commissioners not to discharge criminal insane coiiliiied '.y order of screiiiry of state or criminal iiuirt, 70. Siipjiort of criminal insane after expiration of senteiici', .'ISS, 3'.)."», 391. Criminal insane a>yluiiis; management; vi.-itatioii and reports of, 293 •>(>'!, Visitation of jails and of state and criminal insane. 90-92, jOS, 109. 5. Miscellaneous Provisions. Special visitation hy commissioners or persons specially appointed, of any in- sane, and of any place where insane are conlined, 91, 92, /6S, 109, 325. Interpretation of terms, 93, 94, 171, 272, 309, 331,377, 378. Siiort titles of acts, 308, 331, 333, 383, 399. E KXGLAND. SOI ibortliiialc otli- 91,02, ll'.i-lol, 'Oil or reiir.i\iv tried upon such indictment, or if U[ion the trial of any person so indicted such |iersoii sliall apjiear to the jniy char,i;-eil with such indictment to 1»<; insane it shall he lawful foi' the court Ik lore whom any sucii person shall he hrouoht to he anai^ned or trird as aforesaid to direct such lindini;' to ho recordeij ami thereupon oi'iler such |ierson to he kept in strict custody until his majesty's pleasure shall he known ; and if any person chai;<;ed with ,-,.i,„i„nis any ollence shall he hrought hefore any court to In- [:i^'";l,!ru!L discliarjjji'd for want of iirosecution, and such |ierson l^.lily Ii'liiVri'ii* >liall a[>pear to he insane, it shall he lawful for sudi pi''.'L'Mi'n/be court to order u jury to he empanelled to tiy the in- sanity of such person, and if the jury so em|ianelled shall lind such person to he insane, it shall he lawl"ul foi' such court to order such j)ersoii to he kej>t in strict custody, in such place and in such manner as to such court shall seem lit. until his majesty's pleasure shall he known; and in all cases of insanity so found, it sliall he lawful for his majesty to give such order for the safe custody of such j)crson so found to he insane, dining his pleasure, in such place; and in such manner as to his majesty shall seem lit. Provision fou Safic CrsTonv of Cuiminai.s. 1 ct 2 Vict,, cli. 14 ; Ciiitty, vol. .'?, \>. 9(5. 2. In all cases where any person shall he in custody at the tiino of the passing of this Act under or hv vii'tui' of S - any warrant for connnitment made or issued hy any i"ii>yiiHn. of her majesty's justices of the peace under the authority of the said liereinl)efore recited provisions of the said Act of the thirty-ninth and fortieth years of his late majesty king (ieorge 862 KNCI.ANP. the third, niid licnhy ri'iiralcd. iiiid il' at jiiiy liiiic alh r ll;c jiassiiiif (»!" this Act any |u'rs(iii ,-hail he discovered and a|i]p|-c- IkmhIciI under circuinstanco that diiiutc a dcraiii^cniciit of mind and a |inr|iiisc nf connnillinu -oinc clinic t'oi' which, if cninniiltcd, sncii |icrMiii wuuhl he iialile to !•(• indicti d. it >hall and may he lawful lor any two justices of the peace ol' ihe c<(unfy, city, hoi'ou^ii, of place whei'e sucji |ierson shall lie xi kt'pt in custody or a|i|ii'eliended to call to their assistance ;i jdiysician. siii'^^-eon, or a|iothecary. and il' upon view and ex- amination of >aiil person so in eu.-lody or appreheuiled. or from other proof, the said Justices shall he sati-Hed that >n(li per.son is insane or a dangerous idiot, the said justices, if tin \- shall so think lit. hy an order under their hands and sials. (h- I'ected to the keeper of the i^aol or house of correction, if in custody at the lime of passinj^- this Act. or if hereafter appn- lu'nded. to the coustalile or ovi isecrs of the pool' of the pari>li, township. (U" place where ^^uch person sliall he apjirehendi i|. shall eausi- tin.' said peixm to he couveyeil to and placed in the county lunatic asylum, provided that there he one -ini- aleil within or Itidouj^ine.- to ihe comity, in which such person shall he in cu-lo(|y at tiie time of the jiassiiii;- this Ad, or .«hall he lit reafter apprehended, and if there he no such as\ - lum, then to some |iuhlic hospital, or some Iioum' duly licen-e(| for the ret-eptiou of insane persons: and it shall he lawl'iil l\>v the said justiii's to iinpiire into and ascertain hy the hest Iciial I'videlicc that call he procured undt r the circumstances of personal leiial disahility of su<-h insane per-on or danjierolls idiot, the place of the la>t le,L;;ll settlement of -ili li person: and it shall ami may he lawful for -tich two iu-tin< to make an ordt-r umhr theii' hands and seals upon the over- seers or churchwardens (»f such pari-h, township, oi- phur where they adjudLi'e him or her to he legally settled, to pay ri'asoiiahle cliai\:;i's of examiiiini;' such iiirsoii. Iii'iniry iriln hi't[l<'IIM'IJl. I'liyiiiiMit (if cliiiri;!'-*. • II Hid coiiveviiii; him (»r her to such countv hiiiati Mlcll asylum, |iuhlic hospital, nv licensed house, and to pay eckly sum for his or her maintenance in such [ilace of cns- w tody as they or any two ju--lices shall, hy writiiii:: und( r tlit ii hands, from time to time direct; and where such jilace o| settlement cannot he ascertaini'tl, such order shall he iiiadt j)on the treasurer of the county, city, horough, or [ila 11 (V i:.\tii.AM>. si; ' iil'lt r ll:.' ncUH'Ut tit" r wliicli, if r.l, it >liaU .[ICC i'(lH'nil<'il, \\{\ ))laccil ill lie ulic silU- hall he (•(tiislrued to cNicnd toi'cstrain or |ireveiil any rehilioii or ti'leud Iroiii lal\ iiiu' siicli iii-aiie person or ilanii'ci'oiH e' idiot under iheir own earc and |irotecl!oii, il he hLhi*.,; sliall enter nilo sulheieiit r ecomil/aiiee lor ills , r iier |ieaeealile l>i'liaviiHir or sale cllslody, hefore two justices ot (lie jteace, or the court of (|uartei' sessions, or one of the JiKJ^es of her niaiestv s courts in West minster ha! 'rovided alwavs. lliat the cliureli\\arden< and ovci-ei'i's of tiie parish in which the iiisliccs shall adjudge any iii to he holdell for the .•ounty where such order shall he maile. in like maiiiier and under like restrictions ami regulations a< aLiainst any order of removal, uivinii' reasonalile notice thereof to th(> clerk of the peace of the coiinly, ridinj;'. or di\isioii. or to the town clerk of the city, lioroimh. or place, as the <'ase may he, upon whose rates the hunleii of maintainiiiij,' such insane person or dangerous idiot nii^ht fall, if such ordi'r shall he invalid, and such clerk of the peace or town clerk shall ho respondent to such appeal, which appeal the justices of the |ieat'i' asseinliled at the said general i|iiarter sessions are herehy auihorised aiiil eiiipowereil to hear and di termine. in the same iiiamu-r as a[)peals against orders of renio\al are imw heard iiiid determiiu'd. ;>. if upon examination it shall appi-ar to the [ihysician, suru'con. or apothecarv luvseiit at the I'xamination s:!. el aiiv iici'soii in cli-todv at the tinieol passinti' this pr..v.Mi simo, • ' . • _ ' . I" '"■ iii"-'-- Act as aforesaid, that he »)r she is not an insane [ler- '"'i- sell or a ilan^erous idiot, and that such i)erson may he suU'ered to ;ji;o at larj^e with safety, it shall and may he lawful for such medical j)t'rson and he is herehy i'e(|iiired to «iive a certilicate to that ell'ect, sijiiiod hv him. to the visiting; justices of the uaol or house of correction iu which such pt'i'son is in custody, who are herehy reipiireil to transmit tlu' same forthwith to her maj- e>ty's princi])al secretary of state for tlu' home department, who. if he shall so think lit, shall order the liberation of such person from cus^tody. SG4 i:n(!F,.\ni). 4. [§ I. Act not to niter laws rclafiii;; to lln' (liscliiir^'c (»f re- covered lunatics.] ('(>Mi\i;Mi:N'r ani' M,\i\ti:nan. !tH. o. if any person. Avliile ini|irisoiieil in any prison or otlnr S I. place of eontinelneni undel' an\' senleliee of i|e;illl, I llVI'sliL-iltiiill ' . . . ' niiiiMihiiv, (ranspoi'tat ion. or iin|>risoiinienl, or under a <'liari;e oi' any ((Hence, or lor not findin;^' bail lor ;:;ood hcliaviour or lo keep the pea<'e or lo answer a criminal cliarue. or in conse- <|Uence of any summary conviction or oi'dcr l>y any justice or Justices of the jieace, oi' under -uiy otlief tliau civil process, shall ap|)ear to he insane, it shall he lawful for any two jus- tices of the peace of the county, city. lMtrou<'h, or place where such |iei'son is iin|U'isoncd lo in(|uire. with the aid of two phy- sicians or surt^-eons, ms lo the insanity of such person, and if ii shall he duly certilied i>y such justices and such ]iliysicians oi' surgeons that such |iei'son is insane, it shall he lawful for one (tf her majesty's prin( ipal seci-etaries of state, upon receijit of such certilicate, to dii-ect. hy warrant under his hand, that sucli person shall he I'einoved to such county lunatic asylum or othei' ]iroj)er receptacle for insane persons as ihc said secretary of state Wiirninir..r uiay jud^e pro|)er and appoint; and cvi-ry p<'rson sk t'tiniiiiiliihMit. removed under this Acl, oralreadv i'emovi'(l or in CU:- tody under any former Act relating to insane ]irisoners, shall n- niain under conliui'meiit in such county asylum or othei- propi r ri'ccptacle as aforesaid, oi* in any other c()unty lunatic asylum nv other |iroperrecej)tacle to which such person may he removed, oi' h may liave iieeii already remove*!, or \n wliich lie may he m cus- lody hy virtiii' of any like order, until it shall he duly certilied to oncof her majesty's jtrincij)al secretaries of stale, hy two ph\- sioians or surgeons, thai, such person has hecome of sound mind, whereupon t lie .said secretary of slate is hei-ehy autlior- ised, if such jierson shall still remain subject to he conliiiucil in custody, to issue his warrant to the keeper or other person havint!; the care of any such asylinii or reci'plack' as aforesaid, directing that such |iers()ii Wlicn s;inf, r>>iiiaiiil<'i| t(i risiiri iir dis- cliiiryi'il. shall he removed hack from thence to the prison or other phicc of conlinemeiit fi'om whence he or she shall have been taken, m\v : 5 KN'II.AM). s(;r> 3 1 ivm' of rt'- ISONKHS. I ))i or otln T ,. (tf tli'iitli. IT a clinv-ii' iviouv of '" ir in fou~t- ly justitM' or ivil |)ro<<^-. viiy two ,in<- j)li\co \vli« re (if t\v«« I'liy- .(lU, !>no vrtl or in '■'>''" lu'vs, sliiiU n- otluT |.roiMr itic asylum or H'vomovnl.or ,ay lu' in cus- ,Uily ciTtilii'l ., by two pliy- ,nio of soniul ,.,x'l>y autlioi- \)v coiiliniiiil lie ki'ojHr or such asylum it sucli i.ii>on (,v other i>lii<'i' e been Uikeu, or, if the iMiin.l (if iiiiiiri-diiiiiciit or cii^ldily uf >iich pi r-oii .-hiill hjiVf eX|iir(il, lie (ir .-.he .-hall i>i (ji-cliar^rcd. (i. [S ■-!. .Inslicis of the |M'aic to ini|iiirc into llic ■•(•tlh incut nt such [iri-oncr. an. Persons ch,ir,nc(l with mi-ijemcanor-^. ac<|uitted on the jxround of insauily, may he kept in cii■ < >verseers or ;j;uardians may ap[»eal a;:ainst the order of (he ju-tices on the parish.] Kt. [«;•■>. Repeals lifty-lifth secti<»n of iiCeo. I. ch. H).] 11. * '■' * it shall he lawhil for >uch two justices, by order uiiiler their hands, to direct the overseei's of } : .inMi.-.., the parish in wiiich they shall adjudge such insane per-on as last aforesaid to be legally settled, or in case such |iari>h -hall he com|irise(l in a union dcclai'cd by the poor 'aw commi.— sioners. or >iiall be under the management (»fa board of guar- dian- e-lablished by the poor law eommissionei's, then the ;iuardians of such union or parish, as (he ca-e niay be, to pay .-uch Weekly -um for the maintenance ol' s\ich person as they or any siuh (wo justices shall, by writing- under their hands, direct. li'. The words " insane ]>erson " shall be deemee deeme(l „'.r,,',7,t«'i'i,!ir to include any county, riding, division, libiTty, " "'^•^'■'• county of a city, county of a town, cin(|Ui' port, or town corp(»- i.ite; and (Ik- wor deemed to include any township, handet. tithin<,', vill, e.xtra-parochial place, or any place maintaining its own pool-. I.IN.VCY A. It >li;ill lie liiwl'iil I'nr ilii^ coimnissiDiuTs fif mill ulnn sn tlicv >li;ill lliiiik lit ) Id nrmit a licciiiT to niiv in rsi.n jiin.ii.ii.n to kciii a liiui>(' Inr the I'ccrntioli ii| Illliatlcs, ur of lit C''>lilllli»- ' . ' «'""•'•■'■ any si'N nr da^s lA' liinatics. * * * * W'. [> l"i. ( 'tiiiiiiii~>iMiiirs 111 liuM ( jiiailci'ly aiiil sjicfial met t- iii;:-^ I'nr ;,M'aiiliti.Li' liiiiicr.«:.| 17. [i !'■'. rrnvisiiijis Inr sMmiiiniiiiio; special inrctiiij^s.] IS. ill all |ila<'t's not I. ciiij;- within tlic iniiiiciliatc jiirisdic- ? 17. tidll t'l' the roiiiiiiissinncrs the jnsticcs for tlic cuMHtV I.I ron 111- I uiuiii.'.i i.y or li(ir(nii:li asscniiilcii in ^ciirral <>r (iiiartcr scssimis JllHliCI'HOl tllC , ,1 1 ' I l' • • 1 • I ■ jH'ji.T, ttli.ii. >||;il| Iia\t' t lie saiiir alltliiirity within their res|ier- tive eniinli(- (if 1 >( ifi >ll J^lis tit Ijci'lise houses lor llie reee|itlo|| nf hiiiatie-^ as the eoninii^^ioiiers within their iiiiiuediate jiirisihr- tioii; ami that the saiil jii>liees shall, at the Miehaelmas ;^eii- eral or ijiiarler sessions in every year, aiipnint three or iimre jlistiee-!, ainl al-o one |pliysiciaii. suru'eon. or apothecary, (ir iiioj-e, to act as visitors of every or any house or houses licenseil lor the reception of lunatics within the said counties (u- hor- Diij^hs respectively: and such visitors shall at their lirst met i- iii^ lake the «iatli rei|uired hy this Act t(t he taken hy the c'lm- niissioiiers mntatin iitnltiii(lis, !^Ui.-\i mxiU to he adiiiinisterecl hy ii justice. ]*.». In case at any lime of tin- (h'ath, inahility, disiiualilici- s 1^- lion, resiunatioii. or refusal to act of anv person >n Visitiir. Illliiii,' ... . . . ■ ni a vii.'^iucy. appointed a visitor as aforcsaitl, it shall he lawful for the justitH's of the I'ounty or ltorou,«j,h, at any general or (juarter se-isioiis, to appoint a visitor in the room of ii [lersmi who shall die. or he unahle, or he ll 111' IVCC or lll'MV .othociwy. "1- unli*'^ til' ^""'■ •iv lirsl mrrt- 1 h\ tlif •■niii- i\ni 4nv(l 1' (lisciUiililit'ii- [\nv \H'rs()U ><» iili 1h> lawful ,v u;cmTal '>'■ n <> I'M irlX'li )!• V('Sl,!J,n. "1' •ClllKltinllS. <'l' lirrcinbt lore ICM liMl avs tVoui ll i,r i.\il>li-l [mil I'ov \^'l' K\>li:ilH'r roiii- li,(.n)U,i;l>. il'"' ]ivsi)wlivo ai'- Uio coiinni;^- sinlli'l's; ainl every el(rl< n!' the |ie;|i'f liLikiiii; ili I'MilIt ill eitlnr of tlie I'e<|>eeh as al'i Tc*;! i' 1 >liall iMreVelV ."-Ui'Il 'jeliillll tul It it a >UI11 IH>t e\ei iililiH two |iuui|i|-. •Jl. \i -*K r,\iiy \i-ittir Ik in^ ;i |iliy-i(i;iii, ^iii'Lieuii. of !l|iotlli caiy lo lie lellillller.lleil. ] ■Jl'. [S -1. ( 'lerix III' ihr |ieilce. of sonic other jiersoM, to lie a]»poiiiteil to lie elt il\ to vi.xitor; hi- \ llie vi-ilMl'<, I 'Jl. No |ier-oii shall he of ad as a eoiniiii--ioiier. or \ i-iior, or seci'elarv. oi- clei'k lo the coll I III i--ioi Hi'-, or clerk ;; 'Ji. . . I'l.l«l.ll» ,ll«. or assistant clerk ((» aiiv vi>iloi'-. or ael m Liianl iiil': ■iiiiiiiii..,iiiMiii any liceiiee, will) snail then Im', or shall within one ii"»m i- year then ni\t iirecedint;-, have Keen ilire'ctly nr imlireclly iiilcresteil in any house licensed lor tl., reee|iiicp|i of hmalii's. or the |irolils of r -iii i^eoii (hciiijj; a coniiiii>sioiier). and no |ihysiciaii, ifor), shall >iiiii any cert ilicile i'nr ihr admis- sion of any |iatienl into any lieeii-ed lioii-e or hu-]iital, or shall )irotessioiially attend npon any|iatieii! in any lietn-ed house or hospital, unless he he directed to vi>il -iicli |iatien* liy the person upon w lawe oriler sin-h per-on h.-i-. lieen received into such license(| hoii-e oi- or hy the Inrd cIi;inccl|or. or hy her niajesly's principal secretary of slate for ihe time h( in^- lor the hoiiie tlc[)artnient, or liy a cominittee appointed hy the loi'd chancellor: and if any such coinniis-ioner or visitor, or secretary, or clerk to the conniii — ioiiers, or clerk or assistant clerk to any visitors shall al'ler his ap|.ointiiicnt he or liecoiiie so ililere-ted ill any house licensed lor the reception of lunatics, or the proliis of such recept ion. >ucli coniniissioncr. Visitor, secretary, or clerk, or assistant chik. as the case may he, shall imniediatelv thereupon li(> ilis(|ualilie(l fiNtiii tant clerk, shall hecome dis(iualilied as aforesaid, and shall after- wai'ils continue to act in such {'a])acity, such |)ei'son shall he "iiiilty of a niisdeineaiior; and if any |ihysiciaii or surgeon (lieinti; a coniinissioncr), or any jiliysician, sur;j,(on, or apothe- cary (heing a vi.sitor) shall sign any ccrtilicate for the adiiii«- SOS KNGLAND. sion of any ]»a(i('iit iiit<» any licensed lionsc oi- liosjiital, or shall |)n)l'cssit)nally attend ai:y i»atirnt in any liccns^'d house or ho.--j>itai (cxiH'iit as aforesaid), sueii ]ihysieian. surj;i'on, or apotheeary (as the ease may he)) f^liidl lor eaeh olleiiee against this pi'ovision I'orleit the sum of ten ])ounds. 2'). lOvery [)erson Avho shall desire to have a house lieensed §'-ii. i'or the reeei)tit)n of lunaties shall iiive a noti<-(\ if phmofiircna- sucii housc lie situate witliiu tlie inime(hati' uris- K'v'u. dietion of the eoniniissioners, to the eomniissio.iers, and if elsewhere to the eh'rk of the peace for the county or borouu'h in which such house is situate, fourteen cl(>ar days at the least prior to some t[uarterly or other uieelin<;- of tlie coiumissions, or to some general or (piarter sessions for such county or borough, as the case may he; and such notice shall contain the true Christian and surname, j)lace of ahcxle, and oecu}iation of the person to whoui tlu' licence is desire(| to he gi'anted, and a true and full desci'i[)tion of his estati' or inter- est in such; and in case the per.son to whom th(> licence is desired to be granted does not propo,-o to reside himself in the lict'iised house, the true Christian and surname and 'ccu- pation of the superintendent who is to reside thert'in : and such notici', when given for any hous(> which shall n(»t have Leei' previously licensed, shall be accom[»auied by a plan nt' such house, to be drawn upon a scale of not k'ss than nue- eighth of an inch to the foot, with a de.scrii)tion of the siiua- tion thereof, and the length, breadth, and height of and a rcferiMice by a figure or letter to I'very room and ajiartnuiit therein, and a slat^'uient of the (|uantity of land, not covered by any l)uilding, annexed to such house, and a[»propriat(d \n the exclusive use, exercise, and recreation of the j>atients pro- po.sed to l)e I'eceived therein, and also a statement of the number of [latients proposed to he received info such and whetlier the licence so apphed for is for the reeeptie!! ef male or female patients, (ir of both, and if for the rietpliiin of both, of the nundier of each sex projiosiMJ to be rcccivtil into such house, and of the means by which the one sex may be kept distinct and apart from the other; and such noiice, plan, and statement, when sent to the clerk of the j)t'ace, sliali ho laid by him before the justices of thi> county or Ijonmgh at such time as thev shall take into their consideration the 1 V 1- \ np ENGLAND. 80!) 2 or lui-'i>itnl, or ly lici'iisi'il house ifiau, sur.ui'ou, or L-h t)lVt.'iu'e against e a lionsc lircHsiMl 1\ o;iv(.' a notict\ it iinuu'tliati' jiii'i^- lie coiuiuissio.U'rs, 3 for the eouuty or :mrteen c'h'ur (h\ys K'r n\eetin.ij; of tiie V sossiims for siU'h id siK'h noliei' sliall )laee of ai>onee is desired to he [• Ins estate or inter- to Avhoni thi" liernee to ri'si«K' liinisi'lf in . surname and -ecn- vcside therein ; and h sln\ll uvA liave \u Ian ol Lanied i>y ii V f not h'ss tlian onr- ■rijition of tlu' siuia- lid hei.iild of and a ooni and i*l artnu'Ut ,f land, not I'ov and apin-opnatrd tn of tiie i>atirnts pro- a statena nt tlie vi'd into svu'li |!(>\'.Sl~ for t!>e nTr|«ti'>n < if for Il»e nt-eii il' lion iioset I to ho rrrcivril lU \ivV h tl K' one ■\ luav Irk o and sneh n f the pcac (ilice. i;ii lie eoun loir eoi\ ty or l)ornu,uli ^deration tlic a]>plication for such lieenee: Provided always, that it sliall l)e lawful for any person to whom a liei'm-e shall he ^rantrd to remove the superintendent named in the notiee, and at any time or times to apjtoint an(tthcr superintendent, upon giving a, notiee eontaining the true Christian and surname and oeeu- pation of the new supei-intendent to ihe eonnnissioners or the visitoi's of the house, as the ease may re(|uire: Provided always, that all ]»lans heretofore delivered shall he deemed sutlieient for the purposes of this Aet, if the commissioners or justices, as tlio case nniy he, shall so think fit. 2(>. [^^ 'li'). Notices of all aihlitions and alterations to he given to the commissioners or clerks of the peace.] 27. [§ 27. Untrue statement, a misdemeanor.] 28. [S 2S. A copy of every licence granted Ijy justices to he sent to the eonnnissioners.] 2!). [^ 2!). i'Acry person a])plying for the renewal of a licence to furnish a statement of the luiniher and class of patients detained.] 1)0. [^ .'!(). Licence to he made out in form of schedule (A) and to he for not more than thirteen months.] ol. [;? ol. No lieenee, etc., in any horough without consent of recordei'.] ;)2. [S>i o2-o8. Charges for licences and application of money received.] oo. If any person to whom a licence shall have hecn granted under tliis Aet or inider any of the Acts lu'reiid)ef()re jj .,,, re[)ealed shall hy sickness or other sutlieient reason 'as',.\',nm'a- hecome inciii)ahle of keeping the licensed house, pel'soViu""' or shall die Itefore the expiration of the licence, it ''""''®''- shall he lawful for the eonnnissioners or for aiiy thri'e justices for the county or horough, as ilu' ease may l)e, if they shall res])ectively think tit. hy writing endorsiMl on such licence under the seal of the eonnnissioners or nndu" the hands of such thi'ee justices, to ti'ansfer the said licence, with all the privileges and ohligations annexed thereto, for the ti^'ui then unexpired, t(» such person as shall at the time of such inca- pacity or death he the superintendent of sued) house, or have the care of the patients therein, oi" to such oth(>r person as the eonnnissioners or sucdi justices respectively shall a[)prove, and in the nu>antime such lit'ence shall remain in force and have the m J STO KNCI.AND. tj . iJ :■ tf ■ I i " 1 ' ! 1 . j 1 siUiH' circct as if <.i;n;iiti(l to tlu' su]ici'ii)tcn(lcnt oi" llic lions^'; imd ill case a licence' has been or sliall be j;nintc(l to two or more [icrsoiis, and bclbrc the expiration thereof any oi' either of siieli jH'i'sons sliall die. leavin<;- the other oi' others surviving-, such licence shall remain in force and have the same ellect as if granted to such survivoi's or survivor. oh [S 4(1. In case of a lici'iised house beini>; taken for jmltlic purposes, or accidentally I'eiKk'ri'd unlit, or of the keeper wish- iiiji' to transfer his [)atieiits to a new house.] ;)"). Jf a majority of the Justices of any county or borou<:;li in .; ^1 /general (jr quarter sessions ai,ranted vnii.'tr.M.y" h.v v jiiveii to the perxiu the revocation of who-e licence shall be ri'comiiieiided. or ilic resilient superintendent of the licensed house, or shall be Icll at the lieelist'd house. oti. If the commissionei's shall recommend to the lord chnii- , ^„ cellor that any licence ;;ranted either by the cdiii- .V,'!au'u''.!r'i'i'' mi'^sioners or by any Justices, either l)efore or atl( r l':™rr'' the passin- of tills Acb shall be revoked or shall net be I'eiiewi'd, it shall be lawful for the lord ehiuieel- lor by ;in instrument iimhr his hand and seal to revoke nv prohibit tlu' renewal of such licenc.': and in the cay or notice tlicrcol' shall liavc lu'cii ]iiili!i>lM(l in tjic " LoikIou ( ia/,c(tc:" ami a cojiy or notice of .-ueli iMsinuiiciit of revocation shall he puhlished in tiie " I, on < Ion ( ia/eite." anil shall Itefore such jaihlicalion hi' transmitted to the jierson to whom such licence shall have ln'cii granted, or to the rivideiit sui)erintendent of the licenst'd house, or shall he left at the licensed house: Provided always, that in casi' uf any >uch n'vocation or prohiliilion to renew heiuL!,' I'ecomniended to the lord chancellor, notice thereof in writiiii;- shall, seven clear days previously to the transmission of such recommendation to the lord chancellor, he n'iven t person the revocation (U" prohihition of rent'wal of whose lic.enc - shall he recom- mended,' or to tlie ri'sident su[»erinlendeiil of the lii-ensed house, or shall 1)e left at the licensed house. 37. The rej^ulations as to lunatics of every hos])ital in which lunatics arc or shall he rect'ived shall he printed: M'^ ' Ki'i,'iilati.iiis and coninh'ti> copies thereof shall he sent to tlie com- "f i;\vium» ti. ^ i IH' llllllL.' 11(1 lU missioners, ami also kept hinijx up in tlu' visitors' visit.. r,-,-,nH.i. room of such hospital; and every such hospital shall have a physician, surgeon, or an apothecary resident therein, u.'^i.i.Miiin...i- as the suj)crintcndent and medical attendant thereof, iui't.' and such superintendent shall immediately alter the ]ias>ing of this Act (or iniinediately after the estahlishmeiit of such hos- pital, as the ease nuiy he), ap|ily to the conuuissioners to have such hos]»ital registered, and thereu|)on such hospital shall he I'cgi.stercd in a hook to he kept for that purpose hy A-yimii t.> tie the commissionei's ; and in case the su[)eriiitendent ''''■■'-''''''■''• of any such hospital shall at any time omit to have copies of such regulations .si'ut or hung up as afor(.'. Acts hereinhefore re[)ealed; and any person who shall rt'ceive two oi' more lunatics into any house other than a house for the time heing duly licensed as aforesaid, or an asylum or an lios- ]iital duly registcrt'd uiulcr this Act, shall he guilty of a misdemeanor. -h Mi , ! 1 JlP'i, .S72 I':NGLANn. I ! oO. Every prnjiriotnr or •^uiicrintcndcMit who sliall rcc('i\(> S'>" , , iinv patient into anv iicciisi'd liousc or aiiv hospital ItiMik v kv]>[ for that pur|»ose, to he ealleil "Tln' l>ook of Admis- sions,*' aeeordin^ to the form and eontaininj^- the particulars re- (plired in schedule (!•') annexed to this Act, as far as he can iicertain the same, except as to tlie form of the miMital dis- order, and i'xcept also as to the (lischar;i'e or death of the pa- tii'ut, which shall he made when the same shall happen : and every ))erson who shall so receive any such patient, and shall not within two days thereafter make such entry as aforesaid (except as afort'said). shall forfeit a sum not excecdinii!,- two pounds; and I'veiy person who shall knowingly aiul willin^lv in any such entry untruly set forth any of the particulars shall be ffuilty of a misdemea.nor. 40. The form of the mental disorder of every patient re- jj-j, ceived into any licensed house or any hospital shall uMisiuIiTr'to within seven days after liis reception ]»e entered in be euieie.1. ^^^^ ^.^jj book of udniissions, by the medical attend- ant of such house or hospital; and every such medical attend- ant who shall omit to make any such entry within the time aforesaid shall for every such ollence forfeit a sum not exceed- ing two j)ounds. 41. The i)roprietor or resident superintendent of every S-.2. licensed liouse (whether licensed bv the comniis- >'iitii'« (if ad- _ _ _ ' _ iiiissioiisirivfii sioners or bv anv justices), and the sunerintendeiit siouera. of evcry hospital, shall alter two cU'ar days, and he- fore the expiration of seven clear days from the day on which any jiatient shall have been received such boust' or hos- pital, transmit a coi)y of the order and medical certificates or certificate on which such {)erson sliall have been received, imd also a notice or statement according to the form in schedule (F) annexerietor or snperintendent of sneh honsi' oi' hospital si lall ns- § ••■■!. ri'liuii. within two clear days next after such escape tra mit a written notice thereof to the commissioni'rs. and if such honse be within the jnrisdiction of any visitors then also to tlie clerk of such visitors; and such notice siiall stati' the Christian and surname of the jiatieiit who has so csc'a]icd. and his then state of mind, ar.d also the circunist;;nccs connected with such escape; and if such ])atient shall he lirou,; to trans- mit such notice, whether of eseajie or of return, sliall for every such omission forfeit a sum not exeeiMlintf ten {)ounds. 4o. Whenever anv iiatient shall be removed or discharaed from anv licensed house or anv hospital, or shall S''< die therein, the i)ro])rietor or superintendent of such 'ipiuiMiis- , , . cliiii'i;!^ or house or hospital shall, within two clear days next >«'''"viii. ai"ter such removal, discliar|)ital, a statfincnl of tlu' cause of the riuis,!'!'.!''* '"^ death of sueli |iali(nt, with the name uf any pefsdn t'llcoi'iiinir' ]ii;<.'srnt at the death shall \)v drawn u|i and si^m (1 »u>ii(T». 1^^^, jii^^ niedieal attendant (tf such house or hospital, and ii copy thei'eof, duly eertilietl hy the pro|»rieior or superin- tendent of sueh lumse or hospital, shall hy liim he Iransiiiitted to the c-onnnissioners, and aho to the jterson si<;nin_L!; the order for such [latients eoidined, and to the ree liceu-^eil Ihr less than lii'ty |ialients (in ca>e such house shall not he kept hy or have a resident physician, sur>i'eoii, ov apliall he visitetl twice in every week hy a jiliysician, surueon. or a|)othe- cary: Provided always, that it shall he lawl'ul t'oi' the visitoivs of any licensi'd house* to direct that such house, and foi- the commissioners to direct that aiiy licensed house, shidl hi; visited liy a physician, sui'.ucon, or ajiothecary at any other time or times, not heint;- ot'tener than twice in every day. -17. l'r• . . Vi>itali.iii (if any two oi the commissioners or any tw(t of the visi- ^'"''H ihuimm. tors of such house, if tlu'y shall res|)ectively so think lit. hy any writinii' under their hands, to permit that >uch house shall he visited hy a jihysician. surucon, or apotlncary at >uch inter- vals more distant than twice in every week as such commis- sioners or visitors shall appoint, hut not at a i^reater inter\al than once in evi'i y two weeks. 48. lOvery physician, sur^'eon. or apothecary, where tliere sluill he oiilv one, kt'ciiinu' or residiiiL!' in or \ isitiiii'' s "■''■ any licensed house or any hospital, and where there i^^ii"" i""'k. shall he two or more physicians, surgeons, or apothecaries ki-epin^ or residing in or visit in>;- any lii-eiised house or any hospital, tlu'ii (tue at least of such j)hysicians. sur.u'cons, or ajiothecaries, shall once in every week (nv. in the case of any house at which visits at more distant intervals than on<-e a Week are permitted, on evi'i'v visit), enter and sii;n in a 1>ouk to he kept at such house or hos])ital for that ])urpos(\ to he called "'idu' Medical N'isitatioii ISook," a ri'[)ort, showiiiu' the (late thereof, and also the numher, sex, ami state of health (»f all the |iationts tlu'ii in such house or hospital, tlu> ('hri>tian and surname of every patient who shall have Ikh'Ii under re- >t!'aiiit, or in seclusion, or under medical treatment, siiu'c the (late of the last precediiiii' report, the condition of the house or hospital, and eveiy (K'ath, injury, and act of vioU'iue which shall have hapjiened to or all'ected any jjatieiit since the then last jirecedinliysieiaii, suriicon, (ir a|i<>ilii- carv wild shall ill any siieli i'e|i()rl as aturesaid eiiler aiiylliini^ untruly shall l)e,«iiiilty of a iiiisth nieaiiDr. •I'.'. 'I'liere shall he ke|it ill every licensed house and ill everv § iciaii. sur^euii, or apeiln c.iry keep- in,ii: '>!• residiiiLi,- in er visitiii^i' such hiui.-e nr hosjiital >hall rrmii time ti» time make entries ut' the mental state and imdily enii. dition of each iiatieiit, t(t<;ctlK'r with a ei.rrect de-ciii'tieii ct" the luedieiiie and utluT remedies ]ireseri!ied t'nr tlic tieal- lueut of his dis(U'(ler: anit'ian, suvm'oii, or apothecary to transmit to the commissioners a t'oirect copy et' the I'litries or entry in any case hook kept under tiie provi>ions of this Act, I'elative to the case of any lunatic who is or may have Iteeii coniine(I in any such licensed luiuse or hospital and I'Vei'v such ]ihysiciaii, suru'eoii, or apothecary who shall lie<;leet to keep the saiti case hook, or to kee[i the same accnid- inji" to tlu' form directed hy the connnissioners. or to nan-niit a co[iy of the saiiiiiiii9»ioii- _ ....'.'. •''•''• if such house shall he within the immediate jiiris- dietion of the eommissioiiers, and if not, twice at least in every year; and every hospital iu which lunatics shall he received Tm EXC.r.AM). ST' ,vt i\' nfnrc- ihc ^U1I1 <>t" 1, or jiiikiIh- rv aiiytliiuj: \\\>\ ill fVrrv -,• I'ddk," ill KC-ill'V ktcp- iil sliall tViiui 1 lioilily cnll- t.^ci'iiitiiiii <'l" ir t!n' tnat- tlic (•(.iiiiui-- ilcir cnlllllHili shall \>v krpi iiiuiuiliattly niltnl li\- ill'' n. surut'iiii. nr ry shall tlinv- |i'>liail 1h' .li- tlu' ciiiiiiuis- aii onltr in >UV_Ll,('(iU, I'V iVfct enpy (it tin- ,iri)vi>iiin> II () IS nv may (.r hospital' •V who shall >aiiu' ai'<'oi'il- ,r to iraii-niit -iich oi'tlt'i' or riVii aiiv >uiii H'vioiis notice, lissioiii r- (oiic ■i^cou. anil tlu' ill cvny yrar. imdiatc juris- U-ast in every 11 hr reeeived sliall without any lU'cvioiis iiotifc, he visited hy two at hast of tlu! saitl ('oiiiiiiissioiicfs (one of whom sliall he a physiriaii or siir- trcon, ami tlu'othrr a liarriioners shall think lit, and also at such other times (if anv)a- t lie said commi'^sioners in lumu'V shall direct ; and sm-h visiting' commissioners, when visitinjjc such house oi- ho-pital, may and -hall inspect every [.'art of such house or hospitahaml every outhouse, place and htiildiiiij,- communieatin^- with sueh house or hospital, or detached therefr(>m, hut not separated hy n-roimd helon^iiiii; to any other iierson. ami every pai't of the ground or appurtenances held, used, or occU|)ie(l tlieri'with, and sei' every patient then coniined in such house or hospital, and ini|uire whether any j)atient is umler I'estraint, and why, and inspect the ordei' and cei'tilicates or certiticate lor the I'e- ce[»tion of every patient who shall liave heen i'ecei\ed into such liouse or hospital since the last visit of the commissioners, and in the case of any house lici-nsed hy justices shall considei' the observations made in the visitors' hook for such house hy the visitors aiipointed hy the jnstict's. ami enter in the visitors, book of sueh house or hospital a minute of the then coiidiiion of the house or hospital, and of the patient^ thei'ein, and the number of patients under resti'aint, with the reasons tlieri'ot", as stated, an jurisdiction of any vis- ««■-■ itoi's apitointeil hv justices shall he visited hv two at '","'•*'".""' least of the said visitors (one of whom shall he a '"''''"!' ",'■ phvsician, surwon, or aitothecarv,) four limes at the vuiiiitin,, „f. 1^..,^^ ii, ,>vcry year, on such days, and at such hours in the day, and tor such len,L,'th of tinu> as the said visitors shall think lit, ami also at such other times (if any) as the jus- tices hy whom such house shall have hceii licensed shall direct : and such visitors when visitinj; any such house nniy ami shall insjx'ct every part of such hous(\ and every house, outhouse, plaet', and huildinj^ communicatimj; therewith, or detachcil therefrom, hut not se])arated hy ground helon.inintj; to any otlur person, and every part of the ground or aj)purtenances held, used, or occupied thei'ewith, and see every patient then con- lined therein, ami iiupiire whether any i»atient is under re- straint, and why, and inspect the order and eertilicates or cer- tilicate for the reception of every jKitient who shall have hecii reeeived into such house since the last visit of the visitors. and enter in the visitors' book a minute of the then condition of the house, of the patients therein, ami the number of pa- tients under restraint, with the reasons thereof as stated, and such irregularity (if any) as may exist in any such order or eertilicates as aforesaid, and also whether the previous sugges- tions (if any) of the visitors or visiting commissioners have or have not been attended to, and any observations which tlicy may deem proper as to any of the matters aforesaid or other- wise. 52. The proprietor or superintendent of every licensed . ousc §0.1. or hospital shall show to the commissioners ami vis- asyiu.n t.. lie itors rcspectivelv visitnig the same everv parttlicrcol hliowu to visi- . * •' " 1 • I^ 1 • t"'-*- respectively, and every person detained therein as a lunatic ; and every proprietor or sui)erintendent of any licensed house or any hosi)ital who shall conceal or attempt to con- ceal, or sludl refuse or wilfully neglect to show, any part of such house or hos2)ital,or any house, outhouse, place, or build- in !'l' KN(il.ANI). 87i) iiij; ('r (K'laclic(l tlicrcfnuii, l»ul ii«»l s('iiiirut(.'il as afoi'csaid, (jr any part of tlic ■j.romnl nr a|>iiiirt('- naiiocs lu'lil,\isc(l,or occujiicd tlicrcwitli. dp any pcr^un (Ict.iincil or lifiii;^ tluM't'iii. IVoiii any visitin;: ('(inimis^ioiicrs or visiiof-;, (»r from any person aiilliorised under any |.o\vi'r or provisinn of this Alt to visit and inspect such house or ho-^pitah or the patient- conlined therein or any of thein, sliail In; .guilty of a niisih'nieanor. ');!. The visitiuff c()nunissioners and vi-^itors resjiectively, u|ion their several visitations t(» every licensed 5,:», house anndition of the paujier patients (if any) when lirst reeeived; and also as to the dietary of the pauper i)atients (if any); and shall also jnako sui'h other inquiries as to such visitin<; eonuuissionei's or vis- itors shall seem exjtedient; and every proprietor or superin- tendent of a lieensed house or an hospital who shall not ujivo full and true answers, to the hest of his knowledjre, to all fpies- tions which the visiting coinniissiouers atid visitors respeetively shall ask in reference to the matters aforesaid, shall he guilty of a misdemeanor. 54. l^pon every visit of the visiting commissioners to any licensed house or to any hospital, and u{)on (>very s,;.-,. visit of the visitors to any licensed house, there ,i',!','I'im?'i'i'ts t.> shall be laid hefore such visiting commissioners or "■i"""'^'"- visitors (as the ease may he), by tlu> i)roprietor or su])erin- tendent of such lieensed house or of such hospital, a list of all the patients then in such house or hospital (distinguishing pauper patients from other i)aticnts, and males from fenudes, and si)ecifying such as are deemed curable), and also the sev- eral books by this Act required to be kept by the proprietor or superintendent and by the medical attendant of a licensed house or an hospital, aii 1 also all orders and certificates re- luting to patients admitted since the last visitation of the commissioners or visitors (as the case may be), and also, in the fi SSO KN'Ct AND. i cn.^c of a liccii!^('(l lioiisc, llic lici lice tlicii in force Inr siu'li Ikhisc, iiml also all surli ollnr orders, eerlilieates, (loeiiiiieiits, iiiul pa pel's I'elaliii;^ to any of t lie pal lent s nt any lime rereivnl into sMili lieensed lionse or ]ios|)i(iil as the visitinj,' commis- sioners or visitors sliiill from time to time re(|nire to lie pi'o- (Inced to tlu'm ; nn,„i,,m.i.;^ oj. justices on applying; for Ihc licence foi' such lutuse ; and that there shall he kept in evei'v licensed honse and in every hospital in which lunatics >ili;ill he receivc(l n (pieen's prinlei's copy of this Act, hoiuid up in a hook to he called " The N'isitors' iJook," and the said visjt- in;j,- commissioners and visitors respectively shall at the time (if their respective visitations enter tlu'rein the result of the inspections and incpiiries lu'reinhefore diri'cted or authorisiil to he nnido hy them rcspectiy'cly, with such ohservatien^ (if any) as they shall think proper; and there shall also he I'liii.nir.' i...„k. kept in every sucii house and hospital a hook to he calle(l "The Patients' I'ook," and the said visitin_u' coiii- missioners and visitors rt'spectively shall at the times of tluir respective visitations entei' therein such ohservations as ihcy may think lit respecting- the state of mind or l)ody of any pa- tient in such house or hospital. oG. The [troprietor or ri-siilent superintendent of every j,.^ li('(!nSL! house and of every hospital shall, witliiii 'i!ln'Mn''im',i"Jo three days after every such visit hy the visitiiii,^ to'.s^hVr'.mi. < r»:ii',iissioiiers as aforesaid, transmit a trui' nnd pertect copy ol the entries made hy them in IIk; Visitors' r.ook," "The Tatient-s' liook," and" " The Meihral \'isitiition l>ook" respectively (distin_n-uishiniiiil, as lier('il)licforc! directed, a true and |tei'fe(?t copy of evecy oi' any such ontrv as af(»rcsaid, shall for t'verv such omission forfeit a sum not excoediii^ ten pounds. 57. Th(! commissioners visit inji; aiiv house licensed hv ius- tices shall carefully consider and ;j;ivc special atten- s ""* vi-ns tion to the state of mind of any i)atient therein conlineil, as to the propriety of whose detention tlu-y shall one), and such visitors shall thereupon immediately visit , ludi |»atient, and act as they shall see lit; and every such [»ro[irietor or supi'rintendent who shall omit to send u true and perfect copy, as hereinbefore di- rected, of every or any such last nientioni'd nunute, and every cl(>rk who shall neglect to communicat(> the same to two of the visitors as aforesaid, shall be *t''' «*"y licensed house or into any hosi)ital shall by orIie'i''Ii'i"-""''^ writing under his hand direct tliat such patient eiarKe. s]iall bc discharged or removed, then and in such case such ])atient shall forthwith bo discharged or removed, as the person who signed the order for his reception shall direct. ()2. If the person who signed the order on which any patient g-., (not being a pauper) was received into any licensed wh'eiv"i'"rsoii house or into any hospital be incapable by reason tiio'mlh'r il of insanity or absence from England, or otherwise, "'■•''''' '■• of giving an order for the discharge or removal of such patient, or if such person be dead, then and in any of such cases the husband or wife of suc-h patient, or if there be no husband or wife, the father of such patient, or if there be no father, the mother of such patient, or if there be no mother, then any one of the nearest of kin for the time being of sncli patient, or the person who made the last payment on account of such patient, may by any writing under his or her hand give such direction as aforesaid for the discharge or removal of such patient, and thereupon such patient shall be forthwith discharged or removed as the pei'son giving such direction shall direct. (io. The guardians of any parish or union may by a minute of their board, or an ofKciating clergyman of any parish not under a board of guardians, and one of the overseers thereof, or any two justices of the county or borough in which such last mentioned i)arish is situate, may by writing under the hands respectively of sucli clergynuui and overseer, or of such justices, direct that any j^auper ]tatient belonging to such parish, or union, and detained in any licensed house or any hospital, shall be discharged or removed therefrom, and may direct the mode of such discharge or re- moval ; and if a copy of such minute or sucl» writing he ]iro- duced to the proprietor or superintendent of such licensed 574. |)Uiliart.'e of 1)U11|)I T pii- 5i; ENGLAND. 883 ? night as ) sucb vis- .xcept of a r on whicli reived into x\ shall by ich patient o\d in sueh or removed, option shall I any patient any licensed )le by reason or otherwise, r removal of ,nd in any of ,v if there be pr if there be be no mother, jbeing of such . on account of icr hand give or removal ol II be forthwith uch diredion h'mse or such hospital he shall forthwith discharge or remove such patient, or cause or sutler such patient to be discharged or removed accordingly. G4. Provided always, nevertheless, That no patient shall be discharged or removed, under any of the powers ■; v hereinbefore contained, from any licensed house or t.iinsr,ioi' any hospital, it tlie physician, surgeon, or apotlie- sauo. cary by whom the same shall be kept, or who shall be the regu- lar medical attendant thereof, shall by writing under his hand certify that in his opinion such patient is dangerous and unfit to be large, together with the grounds on which such opinion is founded, unless the commissioners visiting such house or the visitors of such house shall, after such certilicate shall have been produced to them, give their consent in writing that such patient shall be discharged or removed ; provided, that nothing herein contained sliall prevent any patient from being trans- ferred from any licensed house or any hospital to any other licensed house or any other hospital, or to any asylum, but in such case every such patient shall be placed under the control of an attendant belonging to the licensed house, hospital, or asylum, to or from which he shall be about to be removed for the purpose of such removal, and shall remain under such control until such time as such removal shall be duly affected. 05. It shall be lawful for any two or more of the commis- sioners to make visits to any patient detained in any ^ ;g house licensed by the commissioners, on such frl,",''!!:,'',^,^^ davs and at such hours as thcv shall think fit; and if after two distinct and separate visits so made (seven days at least to intervene between such visits) it shall a[)pear to such visiting commissioners that such patient is detained without sufficient cause, it shall be lawful for the commissioners, if they shall think lit, to make such order us to the commissioners shall seem meet for the discharge of such patient, and such patient shall bo discharged accordingly. OC). It shall be lawful for any two or more of the commis- sioners, of whom one shall be a plu^sician and s:7, ... Siieoiiil visit! one a barrister, to make special visits to any pa- f.'r,iisciiiiig« tiout detained- in any house licensed by the jus- siouof". tices or in any hospital, on such days and at such hours as lifiMisoil by <'lllIlllU!SSi0II- ers. if! ■uMii I) 884 ENGLAND. 1' 1 I 1 ! 1 they shall think fit; and if after two distinct and separate visits so made it shall appear to such visiting commissioners that such patient is detained without sufficient cause, tiiey may make such order as to tliem may seem meet for the dis- charge of such patient, and such patient shall he discharged accordingly. 07. [§ 78. Similar powers for two visitors as to houses within their jurisdiction.] 68. Every such order by any commissioners or visitors for § 79. tlie discharge of a patient from any house licensed Oni.Msforais- . . ® ^ •iiiii chiir^ro to be by justiccs, or from any hospital, shall be signed stTictiona. by them, and that each of such special visits shall be by the same commissioners or visitors; and that it sliall not be lawful for such commissioners or visitors to order the discharge of any patient from any such last mentioned house or hospital without having previously, if the medical attend- ant of such house or hospital shall have tendered himself for that purpose, examined him as to his opinion respecting the fitness of such patient to be discharged, and if such commis- sioners or visitors shall, after so examining such medical attend- ant, discharge such patient, and such medical attendant shall furnish them with any statement in writing containing his reasons against the discharge of such patient, they shall forth- with transmit such statement to the commissioners or to tlie clerk of the visitors, as the case may require, to be kept and registered in a book for that purpose. 69. Not less than seven days shall intervene between the S'ii'. first and second of such special visits and such I'liwora for . , . . in i (lisrhariT.., commissioiiers or visitors shall, seven davs nre- wlipu to be ,.,..'. exercised. viously to the sccoiid of sucli spccial visits, give notice thereof, either by post or by an entry in the patients' book to the proprietor or superintendent of the house licensed by justices or of the hospital in which the patient intended to be visited is detained ; and such proprietor or superintend- ent shall forthwith, if possible, transmit by post a copy of sucii notice, in the case of a patient not being a pauper, to the person by whose authority such patient was received into such house, or by whom the last payment on account of such patient was made, and in the case of a [lauper, to the guardiaii-s of his parish or union, or if there be no such guardians, to one ',= i 'f*f! Ill ENGLAND. 885 id separate aniissioncrs cause, they for the dis- I discharged s to houses : visitors for ,use licensed II be signed 1 visits shall that it shall 1 to order the itioned house >dical attend- 1 himself for respecting the such commis- ledical attend- ttendant shall ontaining hi:^ (y shall forth- Iners or to the be kept and between the Ais and such [en days pre- ]al visits, give . the patients' house licensed Int intended to Ir supcrintcnd- lost a copy of I pauper, to the I received into jccount of such the guardians [ardians, to one of the oversees for the time being of liis parisli, and also in the case of any patient detained in a house licensed by jus- tices, to the clerk of the visitors of such house. 70. Provided always, nevertheless, that none of the powers of discharge hereinbefore contained shall extend to ,^1. any person who shall have been found lunatic by )nsX!irJf'\i,n inquisition or under any inquiry directed by the ',;!u"h.n"t's'™n. lord chancellor, in pursuance of the i)owcrs in that """' ^y '''^*'- behalf hereinafter given to him, nor to any lunatic connned under any order or autlk rity of her majesty's principal secre- tary of state for the home department, or under the order of any court of criminal jurisdiction. 71. [§ 82. Power for visitors and visiting commissioners, to regulate the dietary of pauper patients.] 72. That if any person shall apply to any visitor in order to be informed whether any particular person is con- § '*• orders. fined in any licensed house, within the jurisdiction of such visitor, if he shall think it reasonable to permit such inquiry to be made, shall sign an order to the clerk of the visitors, and the clerk shall, on receipt of such order, and on payment to him of a sum not exceeding seven shillings for his trouble, make search amongst the returns made to him in pursuance of this Act whether the person inquired after is or has in within the then last twelve calendar months confined in any licensed house within the jurisdiction of such visitors; and if it shall appear that such person is or has been so confined, then the said clerk shall deliver to the person so applying a statement in writing, specifying the situation of the house ir which the person so inquired after appears to be or to have been confined, and of the name of the proprietor or resident sui)erintendent thereof, and also the date of the admission of such person into such licensed house, and (in case of his hav- ing been removed or discharged) the date of his removal or discharge therefrom. 73. [ § S-4. Power for any commissioners to give an order to the secretary of the commissioners to search and give in- formation whether any particular person is, or has been, within twelve months confined in any house or hospital.] 74. [ § 85. Any one commissioner or visitor may give an 'i i 1 J ■) ! 886 ENGLAND. ft ! order for the admission to imy patient of any friend or rela- tion, or any person named by a friend or relation.] 75. [ § 8(!. Proprietor or superintendent, with consent of two commissioners or visitors, may take or send a patient to any place for his health.] 70. [ § 87. In case of the removal of a patient, or of his escajie and recapture within fourteen days, the original order for his recejjtion to remain in force.] 77. [ § 8S. Commissioners to report to the lord chancellor period ica-lly.] 78. [ § Sb. This section is repealed by 10 & 17 Vict., cli. 90, § 27.] 70. No person (unless he be a person who derives no [jrofit onieiand froiu tlic chargc, or a committee apjiointed by the finuoi-i.|7i"inHi ^ovd chancellor) shall receive, to board or lodge in ofVii^t^o'it- '"' '^'^5' house, other than an hospital registered under this Act, or any asylum, or a house licensed under this Act, or under one of the Acts hereinbefore repealed, or take the care or charge of any one ])atient as a lunatic or alleged lunatic, without the like order and medical certiticates in resi)ect oi such patient as arc hereinl)efore required on the recejition of a patient (not being a })auper) into a licensed house; and that every person (except a i)erson deriving no profit from the charge, or a committee ai)pointed by the lord chancellor) who shall receive to board or lodge in any unlicensed house, not being a registered hospital or an asylum, or take the care or charge of any one patient as a lunatic or alleged lunatic, shall within seven clear days after so receiving or taking such pa- tient, transmit to the secretary of the commissioners a true and })erfect copy of the order and medical certificates on which such patient has been so received, and a statement of the date of such recc})tion, and of the situation of the house into which such patient has been received, and of the Chris- tian and surname and occupation of the occupier thereof, and ot the person by whom the care and charge of such patient has been taken ; and every such ])atient shall at least once in every two weeks be visited by a {)hysician, surgeon or apothe- cary not deriving, and not having a partner, father, son, or brother who derives, an}' profit from the care or charge of smli patient; and such physician, surgeon, or apothecary shall ENGLAND. 887 id or rclu- roiisent of paliont to ,, or of liis ivhuil order chancellor L7 Vict., ch. vcs no profit nted V)y tho or lod<:;o in stored under r this Act, or take the care eged lunatic, in respect of i reception of atient ,t least once in on or apothe- father, son, or Icharge of such •thecary shall enter in a hook, to ho kept at the Iiouse or liospital for that purpose, to be called "The Medical Msitation Uook," vi.i,.,,;,,,, the date of each of his visits, and a statement of the pfitri,''s,','r"' condition of the [)atienl's health, hoth mental and *""' bodily, and of the condition of the Iiouse in which such patient is, and such book shall be produced to the visitino; commis- sioner on every visit, ami shall be signed by him as iiavini!; been so produced ; and the person by whom the care or charge of such ])atient has l)een taken, or into whose house he has been received as aforesaid, shall transmit to the secretary of the connnissioners the same notices and statements of the death, removal, escape and rocaptui'o of such lunatic, and witliin the same periods, as are hereinbefore required in the case of the death, removal, escape and recapture of a patient (not being a pauper) received into a licensed house; and every jierson who shall receive into an unlicensed house, not l)eing a regis- tered hospital nor an asylum, or take the care or charge of any person therein as a lunatic, without first having such order and medical certilieates as aforesaid, or who, having received any such [)atient, shall not within the several periods afore- said transmit to the secretary of the commissioners such copy, statement and notice as aforesaid, or shall fiiil to cause such ])atient to be so visited by a medical attendant as aforesaid, and every such medical attendant who shall make an untrue entry in the said medical visitation book, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. NO. [§ J>1. Co]>y of the order and certificate, etc., with respect to lunatics received into an unlicensed house to be entered in a private register.] 81. It shall be lawful for any one memher of the said private committee, on the direction of such committee, or §^2. of any two members tliereot (oi wliom tlie one thopiiviitn member aroresaul may be one), at all reasonable visuiiuiu tunes to visit every or anv unlicensed house m ro,',.ivini;a ... . ^ , . "^ .-I , . Bilii;!!' pa- which one patient only is received as a lunatic tiom, report, (unless such patient be so received by a ])erson deriving no jirolit from the charge, or by a committee appointed by the lord chancellor), and to inquire and report to the said private committee on the treatment and state of health, both liodily and mental, of such })atient ; and a copy of every or any such \ m I 1 888 ENGLA::r). report sluill bo entered in a private register, to be kept for tliat purpose, by the secretary of tiie eoiiiniissioiiers, and another copy thereof shall, if such private coniniittee think it expedi- ent, be laid before the lord chancellor. 82. It shall be lawfid for the lord chancellor, on the reprc- ^p,, scntation of the said })rivate committee, accompa- .•'."moi-onsucIi i'i<-''J ^^'it^' '^ ^'^Vy of n. report made as last aforesaid, onil'l'rl""' 'i^ to any patient received or detained as a lunatic inoviii. jj^ ,^,j unlicensed house as aforesaid, to make an order that such patient shall be removed from such house, and from the care and charge of the person under whose care •md charge such lunatic niavbe; and anv i)erson detaininir such lunatic in such house, or in such care or charge for the space of three days after a copy of such order shall have been le"' ■ such house or served on such person, shall be guilty of a ini.'i'cnieanor. So. [§ 1)4. Commissioners to report if property of lunatics bo not duly prt)tected or applied.] 84. [§ Do. The lord chancellor to direct the master in lunacy to report as to the lunacy of any person detained as a lunatic, and to appoint guardians of his person and estate, and direct the apjilication of his income.] 85. [v^ DG. Master in lunacy to liave all necessary powers of incjuiry, and to make inquiries referred to thorn.] 8G. [S i>7. Lord chancellor to make orders and regulations, and fix fees.] 87. [!? i)8. ^bisters' expenses, how to be paid.] 88. Every proprietor and superintendent of a licensed house js or registered hospital, and every other j)erson hereby imn'''p'ioMMMi- or by any of the Acts hereinbefore repealed autlior- iHtepiuMi ■ ised to receive or take charge of a lunatic upon an order, and who shall receive or has received a proper order, in j)ursuance of this Act or any of the said repealed Acts, accom- panied by the reciuired medical certificates or certificate, for the reception or taking charge of any person as a lunatic, and the assistants and servants of such proprietor, superintendent, or other person, shall have j)owor and authority to take cliarge of, receive, and detain such patient until lie shall die, or be removed or discliarged by duo authority, and in case of the escape at any time or times of such patient to retake biiu at km'- liil FA'(iI,AND. ,SS9 any tiino within fourteen days after sucli e.sea|i(% and a<;ain to detain liiui as aforesaid; and in every writ, indietinent, infor- mation, aetion, and other jiroeeedinjj; whieh shall he jireferred or hrouffht against any sueh proprietor, superintendent, or otlier person authorised as aforesaid, or against any assistant or servant of any sueli proprietor, superintendent, or author- ised person, for taking, eonlining, di'taining, or retaking any person as a lunatic, the party eoinplained of may plead sueh order and certifieatcs or eertilieate in defenee of any sueh writ indictment, information, aetion, or other proceeding as afore- said, and sueh ortler and eertilieates or eertilieate shall, as res[)eets sueh party, he a justilication for taking, eonlining, de- taining, or retaking sueh lunatic or alleged lunatic. 80. [§§ 100-100. Uegulatious for the prosecution of oil'ences under this Act.] 90. Two or more of the commissioners, one at least of whom shall he a physician or surgeon, and one at least a §i'"- harrist(.'r, shall and mav, once or oftencr in each • 1' l_ 890 KNiil.ANI). I I If if homo (U'partinciit, in the cuso of any hiiiatio under the cai'e of any i)erson receiving or takinj; the ('har;j;e of such one hniatic only, and (U"'ivin 1' r!' i "Pnupcr" shall mean every person maintained wliojly or in part at the expense of any i)arish, union, county or Ixirouj^h : "Patient" shall mean every person received or detained as a lunatic, or taken care or char<:;e of as a lunatic: "Private patient" shall mean every patient who is not a pauper : "Pi'oi)rietor" shall mean every person to whom any licence has been granted under the i)rovisions of any Act hereby re- pealed, or shall be granted under the provisions of this Act and I'very person keeping, owning, having any interest or ex- ercising any duties or powers of a proprietor in any licensed house : * * * * * * * "Medical attendant" shall mean every physician, surgeon, and apothecary who shall keep any licensed house, or shall in his medical capacity attend any licensed house, or any asylum, hospital or other place where any lunatic shall be confined. * :|: * ^; H: * * "Asylum" shall mean any lunatic asylum already erected and established under an Act passed in the forty-eighth year of the reign of his late maji'sty king Cieorge the third, inti- tuled, "an Act for the better ( "are and Maintenance of Lunatics, being Paupers or Criminals, in England," or erected aiul es- tablished, or hereafter to be erected and established, under or which have been subject or liable to any of the ju-ovisions of an Act i)assed in the ninth year of the reign of his late majesty king Cieorge the fourth, intituled, "an Act to amend the Laws for the Erection and Pegulation of County Lunatic Asylums, and more eflectually to provide for the Care and Maintenance of Pauper and Criminal Lunatics in England," or hereafter to be erected and established under the provisions of any Act for the erection or regulation of county or borough lunatic asylums. "Hospital" shall mean any hospital or part of an lios})ital or other house or institution (not being an asylum) wherein lunatics are received, and supported wholly or partly by vol- untary contributions, or by any charitable bequest or gift, or by ai)plying the excess of jiayments of some patients for or towards the support, provision or benefit of other patients. "Licensed house" shall mean a house licensed under the j>rovisions of this Act, or of some Act hereby repealed, for the reception of lunatics. ***** 802 ENGLAND. SciiEDUi.i': (A), Skction 30. Form of Li truce. Know all men, that we, the conimussioners in lunacy, [or we till' undtTsi^ntHl justic-os of the peace, aetinj^ in and for in general for ., of in the par- ish of in the county of hath delivered to us [or the clerk of the peace] a plan and description of a house and premises proposed to h'^ licensed for the reception of lunatics, situate at in the county of [or, in the case of a renewed licence, hath delivered to us [or the clerk of the peace] a list of the number of })atients now detained in a liouse and premises licensed on the day of last, for the recef)tion of lunatics, situate at in the county of ], and we, having considered and approved the same, do hereby authorise and enii)ower the said A. 15., (he intending [or not intending] to reside therein) to use and emj)loy the said house and premises for the reception of male [or female, or male and female] lunatics, of whom not more than shall be private ])atients, for the space of calendar months from this date. Sealed with our common seal [or given under our hands and seals], this day of in the year of our Lord IS . Witness, Y. Z., secretary to the commisO missioners oi lunacy [or clerk > of the peace.] j. l! ' if] II KNOLAND. 803 t-i_ = k w 'l>iitVof lii^t |iri'vli)Hit'uiirii"lm. 1 Inn (if any). i Nil, III iinliT iif A.liiil--liin. Pittii iif AiiiiiiHxIun, R . ? B » P « g o • ' 1 W -1 9 • •• i t ! :■ 1 « i ' r 1 * • r/) •a • • - Ak- MiiritPil SiiiKlo. n'iil.iWl'il, M M • • " 9 i :e_._ , • 5" S M - • 'rs 1 !• 1 n i a of Life. previous Occupation. 3 1 • I'reviiiii> riai-e oT County, fiiioii, or Wllicll ClllllXI'llllI By whose Aiilliorit anil tjy whom k\^ Hoilily Coiiilitioii. Name of Disorilvr 2 ^> ? 1 5 i ft fi o \.iiMle. • to • V sent. — — ]•- riilicates iii'd. , if any). a i" 1 5' 8il|ipiisiMl Cause of I Kiiileplics. Cuii^'i'iiital liliuts. isHiiuy. 1 (a M >^ Years. Montlii<. 1 • Weeks. •fS * u Id .Niinilier of previou As'e on I' .\ttac c 1 ' i tn ^ '. Jlei'overed. s Attacks. . • I-' -J 4. ii a." 1 A 4- 3 o ^ H* 3 Uelievcd. 1 1 1 Kot improved. . Died. 1- ObHervutiuuii. ^ ^ '.5 5 o o illSffl! .i rf ; i Mi i > !t,( 'lifhi m 1 '' 1: # ; , |feL J 1 . , ^ n ■ ■ ' ^"'^**' j^lBi^i^ 804 ENGLAND. k! B lis i ai • • • m M « 2 g i 'i .2 ■ « ^ 1. _._ ! 1- \ s o 1 « 1 « 5 £ c > 5 a-—' £•-''3 a • 2 ---— • C* •~ ff4 W* p» DULE ( r of D fiN r^ m a a 1 a 1 a • i j f^ i>» person to be (V as master in manner n<>\v Ivilo hereunder le hein.L!; shall Iresent masters 111, and execute Is which were of the session Irs of the reign lined, and exe- cuted by commissioners named in commissions in the nature of writs de Innatlco liujuirciido. 98. All the iiKjuirics and matters connected with the persons and estates of lunatics whicli were at the time of the ^ ^^ j)assing of the last-mentioned Act of parliament nllinmrtl'.a"''" usually referred to the masters in ordinary of tlie tl' III. '"lu'ie to high court of chancery (exce[)t in(piiries and matters ""^'"'''■''' which may be or might have been referred under the Trustee Act, 1850, or any Act therel)y repealed), shall henceforth, where references shall be made, l)e referred to the musters in lunacy, who shall have, perform, and execute all the i)owers, duties, and authorities relating to the impiiries and matters so to be referred to them as aforesaid which were at the time last afore- said had, performed, and executed b\' the masters in ordinary of the high court of chancery, and shall })erforni such other duties for tiie security and advantage of lunatics and their estates as the lord chancellor intrusted as aforesaid shall from time to time direct. ',)!). [S 9. Masters to perform duties under regulations of the lord chancellor.] 100. [5; 10. Registrar to perform duties under regulations of lord chancellor.] 101. [§ 11. Duties of the clerk of the custodies to be per- formed by masters and registrar.] 102. [i^ 12. As to the master's salaries and retiring annuities.] lOo. [>; l;]. Power of lord chancellor to remove, and gi'ant anmiities to future masters, if afllicted with inlinnity.] 104. [^ Id. Salary of registrar.] 105. [5; 15. Number and salaries of the clerks of the masters and the registrar.] 100. There shall be two medical visitors and one legal visitor of lunatics, who shall hold their olhces during i)leas- § "*• , A|i|ioiiitment ure; and the })reseiit visitors shall be continued and "fvisuois. he the visitors during pleasure; and tlu; lord chancellor shall from time to time, as any vacancy shall occur in the ollice (jf medical visitor or legal visitor, aj>poiut, by writing under his hand, a fit person, being a physician in actual practice, to suc- ceed a medical visitor, and a lit person, being a barrister of not less than five years' standing, to succeed a legal visitor. 107. The masters for the time being shall, by virtue of their 57 iii I _i 808 ENGLAND. M §20. Visitors and iiiiistors to form a lioard « IT. appointments to be masters, l^ecomc and be visitors .#ei-> visitors, of lunatics jointly Avitli the visitors for the time being. 108. No person shall be appointed to be a visitor who shall ^ ,^ l)e or shall have l)eeii within the two years then iyoTn't'o'r."'t'('a° iK^'xt preceding directly or indirectly interested in 11. a^yiuiiLs. ii^p keeping of any house licensed for the reception of insane ])ersons; and if any per.son shall after his appoint- ment become so intei'ested, his a})]U)intnient as visitor shall iptio fdcfo l)ecome ludl and void, and thereupon his salary sliall cease. lOU. [§ 1!). Salaries of visitors.] 110. The medical and legal visitors and the masters, or so many of them, not being than three in lunnber, as may from time to time be able, consistently v.;'li the discharge of their (.ither duties, to attend, shall from time to time form themselves into a board for their iiiii- tnal guidance and direction on matters connec-ted with tin- visiting of lunatics; and the ])oard shall be at liberty to rcpoi't to the lord cliancellor intrusted as aforesaid upon any maUcr connected with the (hities of the visitors or of the board, as they think proper. 111. [i^ "21. Medical or legal visitoi" may appoint a sul)stitiife during his illness, etc.] irj. [i^ 2'1. J^ord chancellor to appoint a scn-retary to visitors.] 11. '5. [^^ 2.')-;>7. I'^xpenses, salaries, percentages.] 114. Any conimission in the nature of a writ dc hiiHiiico {38. iiKjiiirnid') dirt'cte(l to one person or to two persons, and tiie in<|uisitiou returned thereon, shall l)e as valid and ell'ectual to all intents and purposes as if directed to ami iv- turned l>y more than two persons; and every commission shall (subject to the provision hereinafter contained) be directcil to the masters, or om^ of tl.em, and may be varied in form IVoin that now in use in such manner as to the lord chanctller may seem necessary or e\'i»e(lient. 115. In lieu of the conunission no\ lb •h w issued sp(>cially m eacii §39. case of alleged lunacy, a general commission to the like ell'ect, witli such variations as may be nece.s.sary or expe- dient, may from time to time bi> i.ssueil in (lu|tlicafe umli'r tlic great seal, directed to the masters l>y name, jointly and sever- \ be visitors or the tiiae or Avlio .-hall ) years then interested in the reeeption ' his aplHiinl- visitt)r shall ju his salary masters, or so ■ee in iiuinin'r, .isist(>ntly v.'.ili atteuih shall 1 fur their mu- -eted with tlie i\)erty to report non any uiatUT f the \)oaril. as iiit a suhslitutc tors.] arvto visi t (le hnxdico |to two person^ alid and Iwri i)(> I is V •ted to and n- hni niissinnslia U ) V)r dirci'ti'd tn ,1 iiv fiirui IVoni h,,rd chanrrllor nei iallv in I'a rll niuissio n I' til •essav V or v\\^ lliratt' unt liutlv an< •r til'-' 1 srvrv- EXGLAND. 899 ally, wlio sliall hy virtue thereof ))roeee(l, in eaeh case of allca-ed lunaey concerning- which the lord eliancellor intrusted as afore- f jid shall order ther.i to in(|uire, in like manner and with all the like powers and authorities (sul)jeet to the ])rovisioiis here- inafter contained) as if a connnission had issued specially in '^uch case, and every iuiiuisition found and returiie(l tiiereon sliall he as valid and ellectual lo all intents and purposes as if the same liad l»een found and returiu'd on a separate com- mission. ]1(). Whcnv the alleged lunatic is within the jui'isdiction, he shall have notice' of the presentation of the i)e- si". tition for inquiry, and niay, hy a notice, sifvued hy .in"i'y"ni-ty''TK> liim, and attested hy his solicitor, ami tiled with the rei;istrai', either hefore the ])resentation of the petition or within seven days after such notice had l)y him as aforesaid, or at or within such other time as the lord chancellor intruste(l as afore- said shall order in the particular case, demand an incpiiry he- fore a jury. 117. Where the alleefore a iurv, the lord chancellor intrusted as afore.i"iiu.ii..u _ ^ • . . I.y | cliiiii- jury unless he l.)(> satisliecl, hy personal examination '••'■"'"• of the alleged lunatic, that he is not mentally competent to form and express a wish for an in(iuiry hefore a. Juiy ; and the lord chancellor intrusted as aforesaid may, where he sha deem it neces.sary, after jiresentation of the petition foi' iiKpiii y, and for the })urpose of personal examination, recpiire tiie al- leged lunatic to attend him at siu-h convenient time and place as ho may a[»i)oint. lis. Where the allf^'cd lunatic does not demand an iiuiuiry hefore a jury, or the lord chancellor intrusted as ^^ ,.3 afori'said issatislied hy pt'isonal examination of him ,^,i,|y"l'„l''i'w. tiiat he is not mentally competent to form and ex- i""""'' "'"'■ press a wish in that hehalf, and it ai)pears to the lord chancel- lor intrusted as aforesaid, u[)on consideration of the evidence adduced hefore him on the ))i>tition for in([uiry, and of the cir- cunislauces of the case, so far as they are hefore him, to he un- nccHssary or inexpedient that the intpiiry should he hefore a jury, and he accordinu'ly does not in his order for iiupiirv di- rect the return of a jury, then the masters shall, hy virtue of , 1 Mi ' 'mIB 1 MM 1" ; 1 ■■■) ■ 1 900 ENGLAND. .Ill II ; 'N ! ( I' tlu'ir general commission, and under such order for inquiry, but without a jury, personally examine the a]leji;etl lunatic, and take such evidence, upon oath or otherwise, and call for sucii information, as thev may think fit, or the lord chancellor in- trusted as aforesaid may direct, in order to ascertain wlietlu r or not the alleged lunatic is of unsound mind, and shall cer- tify their finding thereon. Hi). AVhere the lord chancellor intrusted as aforesaiil, §«. imder such circumstances as liereinhefore men- Jiiry to lie _ luKi mmu tioned, does not in his order for inquiry direct the masters ' '■ •' tcrtiiicate. rotum of a jurv, but the masters acting under the commission, upon consideration of the evidence before them, certify to him that in their opinion an inquiry before a jury is expedient, they shall, without further order, issue their pre- cept to the sheriff, and shall proceed in like maimer in all respects, and their proceedings shall be as valid and ell'eetnal. to all intents and purposes, as if the lord chancellor inlrustci} as aforesaid had directed the return of a jury in the first instance. 120. Where the masters certify that the alleged lunatic is of g44 unsound mind, and incapable of managing hinisclf lm"terwiiif. <'!' lii^ affairs, or that he is of unsound mind, and in- be\re''S''uii capable of managing himself or his affairs, and lias been so from a tune past, or, on the contrary, eertity that the alleged lunatic is of sound mind, and ca|)abU' (if managing himself and his affairs, the certificate shall be ami be deemed to be an iucjuisition, and be of the same force autl effect, to all intents and })Urposes, and be returned, filed, and proceeded on in the same maimer in all respects as an iuiiui- sition taken upon the oath of a jury. 121. Where the alleged lunatic is not within the jurisdiction. g4- the inquiry shall be before a jury, and no further or fi'c'is iuilT' other notice shall be necessary to be given to liim juriscuoti,,,,. y,.^j^ j^^. ^^.^^^^j^i j^.^^.^. ^^^^^^ entitled to receive if this Act had not been passed. 122. The lord chancellor may from time to time, by order, regulate the nund)er of jurors to be sworn, but s(» that every inquisition upon the oath of a jury l)c found by the oaths of twelve men, at the least. 12;j. The in(piiry, whether with or without a jury, shall, as §4R Niiiiiliei' of jurorH. ENGLAND. 901 far as relates to the state of mind of the alleged 5^' liKiniry 1)0- lunntie, be confined to the question whetlier or not r-r'-jiiry tobe ^ _ limited to the alleged lunatic is of unsound mind, and inca])a- "■'""• ble of managing himself or his allairs, at the time of tlie in- {[uiry, except where the lord chancellor intrusted as aforesaid, under special circumstances, shall direct that there he also an inquiry from what time the alleged lunatic has been of un- sound mind, and incapable of managing himself or his allairs, or shall direct that there be also an inquiry whether or not the alleged lunatic was of unsound mind, and incapable of nninag- ing himself and his affairs, at a previous time specified, and thenceforth down to the time of the inquiry. 124. The person executing an inipiiry with a jury shall, while so employed, have all the like powers, authori- S^"- ties, and discretion as a judge of a court of record. powers. I'io. [§ V.\ The foregoing provisions prospective only.] I'ICk [^ of). Nothing to preclude the lord chancellor from issuing a special commission.] 127. [§ '>1. Ixeferenco in other Acts to commission, shall api)ly to general commission hereby authorised to bo issued.] 125. [S ")2. Inquisition and su[)ersedeas may be transmitted from and to Ireland and England, and to be acted on there respectively.] 12*.>. [!^ ")o. Proceedings under 8 and 9 Vict., ch. 100, to be discontinued.] DiO. [!i 5-1. Inquiry may be ordered on report of commis- sioners.] b>l. [^;§ "),")-] 03. Proceed ings before master with reference to estates of lunatics.] l.')2. The visitors shall respectively, within a convenient time after each visit, make a report in writing to ^ 10(). the lord chancellor intrusted as aforesaid of the pori'lol!?,i'''" state of mind and bodily health and of the general '='''''"=«"""^- condition and also of the care and treatment of each person visited and .seen by them respectively, which reports shall, annually or oftener, as the lord chanci'llor intrusted as afore- said may din'ct or the board of visitors may think ex|)edient, he submitted to the lord chancellor intrusted as aforesaid; and the visitors respectively shall make se])arate or special re- ports on any case to the lord chancellor intrusted as aforesaid 002 i:N(iI.ANT). iis and wlicii tlicy <>r \\\v lioard of visitors may lliink cxiicdi- ciit, and in ])arti('nlar sliall report to him, without dt'hiy, any instance in which they ves[»octively, on |)roceedin,u- to visit, liavo been unable to discover the then residenet* of or have been bv anv otlier circumstance prevented from actuallv seeinu' on that occasion tlie hniatic whom they intended to visit. loo. The reports of the visitors .•^liall be iiU'd and ij lOS-1-17. ]\buiagemetu of estates by committee.] 135. [Si? 14.S-l");j. Traverse and supersedeas of inipiisitioii.] i'l ' ; .1 LiNAcv Act, (''Tku IMI. It) & 17 Vict., ch. %; Cliitty, vol. ',^, p. 1 17. lo('». A\'hereiis an Act was ptissed in tlu^ ninth year of her § 1. nudoi^tv, " Fur the licgulation of the ( 'are and 'J'reat- ^ *; n Vict., .1 c ' . ,, . . '•''•""'• ment of Lunatics:" and whereas it is expedient to ailllMKiOll. _ _ ' whiu iiiayiio aniend the said Act, as hereinafter mentioned; be it llK'lllilril 111 Olio licence, therefore enacted as follows: Anyone licence to l.r granted for the reception of lunatics mtiy, in the discretion of the commissioner.s or justices gi anting such licence, include two or more houses belonging to one proprietor or to two or more joint proprietors, j)rovided, that no one of such houses he so})arated from the other or others of them otherwise lliaii liy land in the .same oecuj>ation, and by a road, or by either of such mttdes; fiu 1 all houses, buildings, and lands inttnided to be included in a;iy licence shall be specified, delineateil, and described in the plan re(juired by section 24 of the .«aid recited Act. KMir.AM). 003 ink cxi)*'*!!- [ (U'liiy, any iiij; to visit. of or liiivo ually string i(» visit. (I ami kt'l'l. •n to tlu; iu- (»f till' ])oari'ovided, no person (not hcing ii lunatic) or for or in res[»cct of whom any ri money shall he jiaid or agree(l to he [)aiil shall he tiiiMi.'- n.i- hoarded or lodged in any liceiist'd house: and sa\<' "'imi^i'Mi. where otherwise provided or authorised under this or any other Act, no person (not heing a pauper) shall he receive I as a lunatic into any licensed house or hosjiiial without an order under the hand of some j)ersou according to tlie form in schedule (A), No. 1, annexed to this Act, together with such statement of particulars as is contained in the same schi iliile, nor without the medical certilicates, according to the iorni in schedule (A), No. 2, annexed to this Act, of two persons, each of whom shall he a ])hysician, surgeon, or a})othecary, and shall not he ill })artnership with or an a.ssistant to the other, and each of whom shall scjiarately h'om the other have ])ersonally examined the person to whom the certilicates signed hy him relates not niori' than sevi'ii clear days previously to ihe re- cc}»tion of su(di person into such house or hospital: and such order as aforesaid may he signed hefore or after the medical certilicates or either of them; and every ))erson who shall re- ceive any such person as atoresaid into any such house or hos- pital as aforesaid (.savi' where otherwise jirovided <.r authorised under this or any other Act) without such order and niedi(al certilicates as aforesaid shall he guilty of a misdemeanor. 140. Trovided, always, 'J'liat any }>or.son (not a ]»auper) may. under special i-ircunistances preventing the exami- ^r, nation of such {)i'rson hy two medical i»ractitioners i„'.''n'i.','iv','.',i us aforesaid, be received as a lunatic into any "lueViy'iu'a" .ti If !■ 904 ENGLAND.'"u"' licensed house or any liosi)itul upon sucli order as aforesaid, and with the certificate of one i)hysician, surj^eon, or apothecary alone, provided that the statement ao conii)anyin,!jj such order s(>t fortli the special circumstances which [)revent the examination of such person hy two me(ncai practitioners; hut in every sucli case two other such certili- cates shall, witlnn three clear days after his reception into such house or iiospital, he signed by two other persons, cacli of whom shall he a physician, surp!on, or ai)()thecary, not in j)artnership with or an assistant to the other, or the physician, sur<,^'on, or apothecary who si<^ned the ci-rtiiicate on which tin; })atient was received, and not connected with such house or hosi)ital, and shall within such time and separately from the other of them have [)ersonally exainineauper shall he received intt) any licensed liouse or any hospital without an order according to the form in scheduh; (H), Xo. 1, annexed to this Act, under the hand of one justice, or under the "'"'"" hands of an oiliciating clergyman, ami the relieving otHcer or one of the ovi-rseers of the union or parish from whi(di such pauper shall he sent, together with such statement of {)articu- lars as is contained in the same sche(lul(\ noi' without the medical certificate, according to the foi'in in scIkmIuIc (1>), No. 2, annexed to this Act, of a i)hysician, surgeon, or ajxtthe- cary, who shall have personally examiiu'd tiic pauper to whom it relates not more than s(>ven clear days ])reviously to his reception; and every person who shall receive any ])auj)er into any such house or hospital as aforesaid (save where other- wise provided or authorised under any Act) without such order and medical certificate as last aforesaid shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; Provided always, that this enactment shall not by inii)lication or otherwise give any power or authority to make such order, or extend, alter, or affect any power or authority expressly given by any .\ct to any justice, officiating clergyman, relieving officer, or overseer to make or join in making any such order, or any jtrovisions giving or relating to such |)Ower or authority. 143. Where, under section ninetv of the said recited Act the like order and medical certificates are required on §t. l.ikiMiriloraiiil the reception or taknig tlic cliarge or care of anv '■(•niii-iui- for '. nil- ^ roct'pti.iii iif one person as a lunatic or alleged lunatic as are mukIo patient, ln'reinbefore required on the reception of a patient (not l)eing q pauper) into a licensed house, the like order and me(lical certificates (in lieu of those reipiired as first aforc^said) shall hereafter be reipiired on the reception or taking the charge or care of any such person as are by this Act required on the reception of a patient (not being a pauper) into a licensed house. 144. If any superintendent, officer, nurse, attendant, servant, * See 18 and 19 Vict, cli. 100, I 10, pi. 28 shall he <;uilty of a niisdenieanor, and .'^liall he suhject to indictment for every such oll'ence or to forfeit for every such oll'ence, on a siininiary conviction (hereof before two justices, any sum not oxceedini;' twenty pounds. 1-1."). lOvery physician, sur«;eon, and apothecary sij;nin,<;' any 5i„. certilicate under or for the purposes of this Act .MMm'iiv^^^ shall s[)ecity therein the facts ujion which he has '"'"""'" fornu'd his o|iiiiioii that the ]) to whom such certilicate relati's is a lunatic, an idiot, or a [jcrsoii of imsounil mind, and disliny the persons signing the same at any time within fourteen days next after the reception of such lunatic; Trovided nevertheless, that no such amendment shall have any force or cH'ect unless the same shall receive the sanc- tion of one oi' more of the commissioners. 147. No physician, surgeon, or ajwthecary who, or whose ^2. father, brother, son, partner, or assistant, is wholly Willi iiiav not , , . . , 1' • 1 sitrn iini.Ts or uiirtly the ])roprictor ot, or a rejiular ))rolessional an.loeitili- ' , . ^ \. ' i ■ i i n eati^s. attendant in, a licensed house or a iiosj)i(al, shall sign any certilicate for the reception of a patient into such house or hospital ; and no physician, surgeon, or apothecary i:n(.i.ani). OOl (xl li«>si)ital the I'iirt' (If ttrmlant of (.r will'ully sufli single liiivinij; tin- he custody, ui'tl to \)r ;i Uvoli'ct sucli lisdi'iiu'anor, otVcnrc or to irlion tlic'i'iof V |)OUluls. sijijiunj;- any ; of this Act vhich he has whom such -u of iinsouii'l ohs(>v\H'ucli (•(•rtilicale; and no physician, surgeon, or a|ioiliecary who, or whose father, hrolher. son, partner, oi- assistant, shall sii;n the oi'der hereniliefoi'e re(|uired for the reception of a jialient, shall siiiii any certilicate for the reception of the same patient. 148. Any |iliysician, sur, It shall he lawful for the commissioners, hv an order S I.!. I'lilsc fortlfl. i'!i|i"<. pi'iial- tii'> lur. mider thei r common seal, where tliev see lit so to do. 5 n to pei'uiit the visitation of any sin<;le patient hy a Visitiilion.on- trii's ..f. physician, surgeon, or ajtothecarv 1 h' less fi re(juently than once m linetv of the said re- ev( ry two weeks, as re(iuired hy section n cited Act, and to prescrihe tVom time t(» time how often any single itatient shall he visited hy such a j)hysician, surgeon, or apothecary as therein mentioned; hut wlu're such visitation of any sini^le i)atient so often as once in every two weeks is so dispensed with, and such patient is in the care or charue of a })iiysician, surgeon, or apotiiecary, sucli ])liysician, surgeon, or apothecary shall once at the least in every two weeks make an entry in a hook to he kept for that ])urpose, to he called '■ The Medical Journal," of the condition of tlu> i)atient's health, hoth mental and hodily, together with the date of such entry, and such hook shall he {JVoduced to the visiting commissioner en everv visit, and shall he signed hv luju as haviuij hcen so i 1-r 908 ENGLAND. I, t I' !l I)r()(luce(l, and every such pliysician, surgeon, or iipotliecnry will* slijill imike an untrue entry in the stiitl lK)ok shall l»e guilty of'n misdemeanor. !")(). It shall he lawful for one or more of the visitors ap- 5 1.-., poiutcd in or for anv eountv or horouLdi under the iiimn'n'.iiiciit said reeited Aet, upon the re(iuest in writing of tiie I't'i" lis- . . ^ ,. . 1 II. Bioiioi-8. conunissioners, or any two ot tliem, under tiu'ir hands, so to do, to visit any person detained in any unli'cnsed house in sueh county or horough as a single patient, and to in- quire into and re])ort to the commissioner.s on the treatii'.cnt and state of health, hodily and mental, of such patient, and to inspi'ct the order and certificates on which such pei'-son was ic- eeived; and the provisions of the said iccited Ai-t for and con- cerning the remuneration or payment of any such visitor, heing a i)hysieian. surgeon, or apothecary, in respect of the exeeutimi of the duties of that Act, and for the jiayment of the costs, charges, and expenses incurred hy any visitor in jtroceedings under that Act, shall extend and he applicahle to anr circum- stances as he niay deem necessary to be comni'Mii'ated to the commissioners; and it shall be lawf d f the commissioners, at any other time and from time . as they .-"e occasion, to call for and require from an^ »li [jhysieiai urgeon, or apothecary a report in writing rei,, i\eto iny single patient, visited by him or under his care or charL in such I'orm, and specifying such particulars as the commissioners may direct. Ll'i. The provisions contained in sections seventy-two ana s ,- seventy-three of the said recited Act for the discharge sin''ili«''[/^ "^ of patients (not being paupers) from licensed houses '"'""'• shall extend and be aj>plicable to and for the dis- charge of any single patient: Provided always, that this ena i- EXiiLAND. 901) n[)otl\o('nry ok ^-llall l.e visitors iip- li in» treiUu'.fiit itient, and to lorson was rc- ) for uikI con- visitor, l»i'in^' the exc'ciitioii of the costs, n proci'cdiivii;^ to and for the r {\ pliysiciau, sinoU' patient, and expenses aforesaid iry Nvlio visits are or charge he loth day of in every year ate of heaUh, other cireuni- ,,iy ■I. I'l- (liscluirei'son who signed the ordt'i' for his I'ecejition. or iiy whom the last payment on account of such patient was made, and in tlie case (jf a j)aui»er to tlu- guai'(lians (»f his union or parish, or if there l)e no such guardian.s to om; of the overseers of the poor of his parish, or if such i)auper he ehargeahle to any county to the clerk of the peace thereof, and in ease su''li patient he not dis- charged or removed within fourteen days from the giving of such notice, such superintendent, pro]»rietor, or person as afore- said shall immediately after tlu' expiration of sueli period transmit notice of tlu; iveovi'ry of such [)atieiit to the commis- sioners, and also, in the case of a licensed house within the ju- risdiction of any visitors, to tlie clerk of such visitors, witli the date of tlie notice firstly in this enactment mentioned, and where notice is so given to the clerk of any visitors he shall forthwith communicate the same to the visitors, or two of th.em, one of whom shall he a jihysician, surgeon, or apothecary; and in case of the death of any patient in any hospital or licensed 910 ENGLAND. liouso. a statcmont sottinji; forth tlie tinio and cause of the (hvitli, and tlie (hiration ol' tlie disease of wliieli such patient died, shall 1)1' i)re[)ared and sioiied by ^lie niedicid {XM'son oi' jxM'sons \vho atlende(i the patient during:; the illness which terminated i'iovisi,.n hi hi death, and such stat(>nient '^liall he entered in th< ca:.eotdo,ai,. ,. ^..^^^^ iH.ok," and a coi)y of such statement, certified hy tin' su])erinten(h>id or pro]»ri('ior, shall, witliin two days of the date of the ileath, he transmitted to the coroner for the county or horou^h, and in case such coroner, al"ter receiviiiLi,' such statement, shall thiidv that any reasonahle suspicion attends the cause and circumstances of the death of such ])a- tient, he shall summon a jury to impure into the cause of sutli death. L").~). Anv p(M'son. haviuG: the authority to order the discharu.c § 2"' of anv patient (not heinu' a i)auper) from anv asN hiiii, T rand for of • ' ^_ .' . ' ' . private aiKi rciiist crcc 1 liospital. or licensi'd house, or of anv siuiilc "<"""■ jiatient, m.\y, with the })r(^vious consent in writing, nf two of the commissioners, direct, hy an order in writiny- uiidci' his hand, the removal of such jiatient to any asylum, reiiistcnd hospital, or licensed house, or to the care or charuc of any pci'- son m^'utioned oi' named in such order; and evei'v such order and consent shall \\' made and ,<;iven respectively in duplicate, and one of the duplit-ales shall he delivercMl to and lel't widi the supei'iidendeut or pro})rietor of the "sylum, hos|)ital, oi' house I'l'om which or the ))erson from whose care or charp' the patient is oi'dere'' to he removed, and the othei' du])licate sli;dl bo delivei'ed torpid left with the superintendent oi' propi'let^i' of the asylum, hospital, or house into whit-h or the person inli, wdiose care or chari^c the patient is ordered to he renioveij; and such order foi- removal, together with such consent in Avi'itinn', shall he a sullicient authority for the removal of sucli patient, and also for his reception iido the asylum, registered hos])ital. or licensed house into which oi- hy the |)ersoii into whose care or charge he is ordered to he removed : I'roviileil always, that a copy of the order and certilicates upon wliieli such pat ieid was received into the asylum, hos])ital, or house from which he is removed, or as a single patient, hy the person from whose cai'e he is removecl, certified under the hand of llic sujx'i'inteudent or pi'o|n'ietor of such asylum, hos])ital, or hon-e, or of such jierson as last aforesaid, to he a true copy, sliall lio LilMi Kxnr.AND. nil to and left with hit or pvoiii'H'tdi' tlu> person inti. ito be r(>moV('il ; [VCllloViU oi such Ivluni, rt'.uislcivil tcS UIxiU wIlKll fnniislicd l»y liim iVoo of expense, and sliall Ix^ delivered, willi one duplieate of tlie said ordei' of removal and i-onsent. to the su|)erintendent or ])i'opi ietoi- of the asylum, hospital, or house to which or to the ])erson to whose care or chaiLie such patient is removed. loC). J''verv ])erson from whose eare or ehar,o-o anv single patient sliail hv disehariied shall transndt tolhe . . . . S-i- commissioners a written notice of such dischartre -^''ti-'Hr ,iii- within the like p(>riod, and under the like penalty '--i" p^ii'iif*. for (U'i'ault, as l)y the said ri'cite(l Act is reipiii-cMl and pro- vided in the case oi' the discharje ot' a jiatient from a li- censed house. loT. it shall l)e lawful for a.ny person havinii' the ci'.re or t'har_i>;e of a. single ]iatient to chanu'c his residence, ., „., and remove such patient to any new residence of I.i!;,-Vi'^,'V,'/„f such pei'son in ]'Jit;land. jirovided that seven clear ,'.'ii',"^',', I," days l)efori> sucli change of residence he iiive notice "' '«''i""""'- in wri'ini;' thert'of, and of the place of such new I'esidencc, to the commissioners and to the pei'son who si^neil the order for llie reception of such jiatieiit, or hy whom the last payment ou accoeiit of such ))atieiit was made: and it shall he lawful for any person havin.ii; the crre or charge of any siiiiih' ])alient, havinii' lirst ohtaineil the consent of two of the commissioners, to take or si'iid such patient, under ]>i'opei' control, to any s]teciiie(l place or i)laces, for any delinile time, for the heiielit of hish'alth: Provided always, that heldre any such const'iit shall he ^iven, the a])proval in writin>i' of the person who siiiiu'd the order for the reception of such ]iatient, or hy whom the last j)aymeiit on account of such patient was made, sluill he protluced lo such commissioners, unless they shall, on cause bein.ii; shown, dispense with the same. loS. [!^ '2:>. On representation of commissioiun's lord chan- cellor may reipiire statenuMit iA' |)i'opei'ly of lunatic detained for one year.] l.")!l. The notice of admission and statement mentioned or referred to ill s(>clion ')'l of the said recited \('\ shall j;.,, hereafter h(> according!,' to the form mentioned in I'i,','' ','',. uni.i- sehedule (( ') aniu'xed to this .\ct. in lieu of the form set forth in schediiU' (I'') to the said recited .\ct: and such stateiiu'iit shall he signed hy the nu'dical superintendent. \)\\)- i> . '.tr ■ ' I ,! 1 1 '■ , ■ - . ) -1 i 012 ENGLAND. prictor, or attoiidaut of tlie liosidtal or licensed liouse from ■which the same is sent, and the said notice and statement shall he accompanied hy a co])y of the se\'eral documents mentiijned in the said notice. 1(5U. The medical visitation hook mentioned iji sectioii oil of the said recited Act shall henceforth be ke})t in carviriL''i'iu'u" the form set forth in schedule (D) annexed to this I 25. cal V '...ok. ^^^,^^ jj^ jj^^^^ ^^^. ^j^^ fonu set forth in schedule (H) to the said recited Act; and the said section shall be construed as if the particulars mentioned in the .several heads of the said form in the said schedule (D) had hy the said section been re- quired to be entered in the said book in lieu of the particular:? mentioned in the said section. 1()1. The superintendent or ])roprietor of every rcf2;ister(il §26. hospital or licensed house shall, within one week Dismissal of ,. i ->• • i r • i c Htion.iaiits, utter tiie disnnssal tor misconiUict ot any mirse or uotici' to com- , • 1 1 attendant employed ni such hospital or house, trans- mit to the commissioners, by the post, information in writinjj,- under his hand of such dismissal, and of the cause thereof; and every superintendent or })roprietor neglecting to transmit such information to the commissioners within the period afore- said shall for every such ollence foi'feit any sum not exceeding- ten pounds. J<)2. Section .SI* of the said recited Act, constituting huni 27 among the commissioners a privaU' commitlee for v'romnnit"" the purposcs in the .siid Act mentioned, shall lie rc- l)eak'(l and all the powers vested in, and ail the pin- visions of the said Act applicable to, the said private conimittee, or one or two members thereof, shall be vested in and be applicaljle to the connnissioners, or one commissioner, or two connni.^sioners (as the ease may recjuire), as if, wii 'e in the said Act the said private committee, or one member or two members, thereof (as the ease may be), is or are mentioiieil or referred to, the commissioners, or one commissioner or two commissioners (as the case may re(|nire), had lieen mentioiieil or referred lO, instead thereof UVo. Section 111 of the said recited Act shall Ije repealed, §'is. and anv one or moiv of the commi.^sioners shall ami Visitation of " i i • i workiiousfH. may on such day or days, and at such hours in the day, and for such length of time as he or they shall think lit, tee vi'st'-d ill coiniiiis- Hioiiers. ENGLAND. 013 house fvoi^i emont shall 5 mentitjiK'il 1 scctioi^. ."'.t I be ki'pi in 0X0(1 to this ledulc (H) to construct I as s of the said ;tiou been vi- le particulars >ry rcf2;isteri'il hiu one Nveek any nurse or ir house, trans- ion in ^vrilin^• cause thereof; ng to transmit e period at'ore- not exceeding 4itutin«i' iVnin eoniniittee tor .,h shall be re- nd all the pro- le said private .1 be veste been carried out, and also as to the di(>tary, accommodation, and irealinent of the lunatics in such woi'khouses, and shall report in writing thereon to the poor-law board. I'id. Jt sliall be lawfnl for the commissioners, where, for any reasons to be entered u[)on the r.iinutes of the board, ?•-«■ , •11 11 ' • Kiiiplnvini'iit any case ai)])ears to them specialh' to call tor mime- oipcisun i.. . . . 1 • ' 1 !■ vi-itaiiU n- diate investigation, to authorise and direct, by an i'"". order under their common iseal, any coni])etent ])erson or pserved therein. . It'T. [ij o2. Time at which re])f)rts of commissioners to the lord chancellor as to state of asylums, etc., are to be made.] 1()«S. [§ ;>:!. Payment of persons visiting under section 112 of . 915 lic'ivuf kept tb tlio saiu- ine to ninkc e<>ulatio\i« of msuiiitfil by vintontU'Ht of ami shall bu ^ioiiors to Uio section lVi*>f 2onnnissionors {UithoviHO. is a lunatic [or an idiot, or a person of un- sound mind], and a pro[)er person to be taken charge of ami detained under care and treatment, and that I have fornnil this oj)inion upon the following grounds, viz.: 1. Facts indicating insanity observed by myself [here state the facts]. 2. Other facts (if any) indicating insanity communicated to me by others [here state the information, and from whom]. (Signed) Place of abode. Dated this dav of one thousand eight hundred atid \^y m' H' KNOLAXn. 917 of comnns- iiticnt bcins icdical pra<;- )t the person »nccrning the jumstances of 11,12.13. latiou entitling vii, surgeon, or al College of practice as a ase may l>el, [here insert other like par- rom any other of (if any)], and a person of un- charge of and I have fornud •y T self [lH>re state ommniucated to from wliom]. Place of ahfMlo. J ei«dit huuilrod SciiKDri.K (K), No. 1, Section 7. Order for the Rcccptiou of a Pcuqur Pdtieiit. I, C I), [or, in tlic case of a clergyman and relieving ollicer, etc., Wii, C. 1). and K. F.], tho undersigned, having called to my [or our] assistance a physician [. of [insert residence and ])rofession or occupation (if any)], and that the said A. ]>. is a [lunatic, or an idiot, or a i)erson of unsound mind], and a proper person to be taken charge of and detained under care and treatment, and that 1 have formed this opinion upon the following grounds, viz: 1. Facts indicating insanity observed by myself [here state the facts]. 2. Other facts (if any) indicating insanity coniTnunicatcd to me by others [here state the information, and from whom]. (Signed) Place of abode. Dated this day of 18 Schedule (C), Section 24. Notice of Admission. I hereby give you notice, that A. B. was admitted into this house [or hospital] as a private [or pauper] patient on the day of and I hereby transmit a coj^y of tlio '!iii.1 ENGLAND. 910 order and inodical corlificali^s [or (;ortificnt(>] on wliicli lio was received. [If a private patic^nt be received ujion oni^ cerliticati! only, the .special eircunistanees which have preventcid the pa- tient from heinif examined by two nuMlical practitioners to he hcn^ staled, as in the stutemc^nt ac;eompanying tlie order for admission.] Su'.:joined is a statement with r<'sp(H!t to the mental and bodily condition of the above named [latieiit. (Signed) Superintendent [or j)roprietor] of Dated the day of 18 M Statkmknt. I have this day [some day not less than two clear days after the a rt S I "3 S 'llS IMt T.UN'.U'Y Act, CiiArrFM! 07. IC) Si. 17 Viet., ell. It: ; Cliilly, vul. ,'5, y. ir,C,. [§ 1, Repeals S i^ 1) Vid., di. 1-J(i, U .t 10 \'i<-t, cli. Si, and 10 & 11 \'iet., rli. -i;J, Imt no! to allVet !ij)j»ointnioiits, etc.] 175. The justices of every county ami (save as liert'inafter otherwise provided) of every boron^di nut liaving an asyhiin for the pau[)er huiatics thereof, shall provide an asylum in manner herein directed (that hi'ivi'i'iKa^'y' is to say), the justices of eveiy sudi county and the on... recorder of every such borough shall at or before the general or (juarter sessions for such county or borough next after the twen- tieth day of JJccember, one thousand eight hundred and lifty- three, direct public notice to be given by the clerk of the peace of such county or borough, in soiue nows[)ai)er or newspa})ers commonly circulated in such county or borough, of the inten- tion of the justices of sucti county or borough to ap- xnticoof in. point at the then next general or quarter sessions for pi.'Jfi't'eu'l"''" such county, or (in the case of a boi-ough) at a special """^"• meeting of the justices of such borough to be lixed in such notice, and to be holden within three months from the date thereof, a committee of justices to provide an a.sylum for the ]iau})er lunatics of such county or borough, under the pro- visions of this Act; aiul the clerk of the i)eace of such county or borough shall, within ten days after being so directed as aforesaid, cause such notice to be given accordingly. 170. [>? o. Justices to a[)point a committee to superintend the {)roviding of an asylum, or to treat for uniting ■with some county, etc., or to aU'ect one or other of such }:urposes.] 177. [§ 4. Subscribers to any hospital empowered to appoint a committee to treat for uniting with any county or borough, etc.] 178. [§ 5. Committees of visitors of existing asylums may enter into agreements to unite.] 179. [§ G. Where a committee is already appointed.] 150. [§ 7. Justices of boroughs may contract with com- mittees, etc., for reception of the pauper lunatics of the borough.] 151. [§ 8. Boroughs now contributing to a county asylum deemed to have an asylum, but upon notice may separate from the county.] ■" 022 ENOLAND. i ? 13. Notice for appointment of a committee given at a time subsequent to that re'|uired by this Act, and the appointment of such committee.] 187. [i^ 14. Comiuittoos uniting to enter into agreenunt iu the form in schedule (A).] 188. [§ 1."). Additional stij)ulations or conditions may be in- serted in agreement, but n(jt so as to subject acts of visitors to control of general or quarter sessions.] 189 [§ 10. "With consent of visitors, stipulations or con- ditions may be repealed.] 190. [-^ 17. Proportions of cxiiensos and of visitors may l)e varied on any further union being eflected.] 191. [§ 18. As to payment and a}»plication of money paid toward })rior expenses, or becoming repayable under agree- ment ibr further union.] 192. \_^ 19. Committees of justices to re))ort agreement to quarter sessions, and tiie original to be delivered to clerk of the peace of the county or borough in which the asylum is situate, and a copy to clerk of the peace of each othei- county or borough.] 193. [i^ 20. After agrooinant for uniting is reported, visit )rs to be elected for carrying same into effect.] 191:. [>5 21. Committee authorised to superintend the erec- tion of asylums to be deemed committee of visitors.] 19.'). [§ 22. Visitors to be elected annually for a.sylums.] 190. [§ 23. A separate committee of visitors to be appointed for every asylum.] i ■ i ' KNCiLAND. 023 if i\w eonu- is Act. It*'- oinmiltcr of isyUun or to \)f amicNcil l»(»\'ou;^h so i of tlie coui- I in ru'U ol' ittoG ^ivi'ii at Act, aue [)f money vai'l under agvee- a,n;reement to Ireii to clei-k of the asylum is [h other county Iportcil, visitors iteml the erec- tors.] Iv asyUims.l Ito be appointed 107. [§2I. Meetin<;s of visitor.**, JOvt'rv eonimitti'i.' to cu'ct a chairnian. Number of nuMiibors to eonstitutf a meeting. (iU(>stions how to be deeided.] lOS. [S 2."). Clerk, on re(|iiisition of ehairman or two visitors, or of superintcnxh'nt, to call meetings of visitors. Cliaii'inan may convene meetings.] lt>0. [)? 2(5, \'isitors to appoint u clerk.] 20tJ. [S 27. Committee of visitors to continue until first mooting of new eommitte(\ and in default of election oi' new committee to continue as if ro-electe(bJ 201, [S 28, Trovisions for supplying vacancies in com- mittees. Continuing members may act.] 202, [§ 20. Secretary of state may r(M|ui!f any county or borough not luiving an asylum to jirovidi; one.] 203, [§ 30. Wliere accommo(hition of existing asylum is in- adequate, additional asylum to be provi? 45. Tlans, etc., to be submitted to commissioners in lunacy, and ap{)roved by secretary of state.] 210. [>^§ 4G-52. I*rovisions for raising money.] 220. Every committee of visitors shall, within twelve months after the passing of this Act, in the case of every asylum already established, and gencial I ' Hti Visitors to make niIcK d'i'pt'of'i'i"-"""' rules for the government whereof have not been '"'""'■ already t:ubmitted to one of her majesty's j)rinri- pal secretaries of state, and within twelve months after tlio comjiletion of every asylum hereafter established, submit tlie existing general rules or general rules to be })repared by such committee, for the government of the asylum, under their supe>'int('iidence to one of her majesty's princii)al secretaries of state for his api"'oval ; and such rules, when a})i)roved by him, shall be printed, abided by, and observed ; and every sucb committee shall have power, with the like approbation, to alter and vary such rules, from time to time as they think neces- sary ; and every such committee shall make from time to tiint3 such regulations and orders as they think fit, not inconsistent m»MBi»-7 ENGLAND. 92i rder for \M\y- is notice has . be ordered.] secretary of secre 'ary of 3tary of state, the recei>tiou es or lioL'pitals ion of lunatics [ate more than may order the n any contract nimissioners in within twelve ^ in the case of , and general have not hoeii ajesty's prinei- )nths after tlio led, submit the .)e prepared l),v .nn, under tlieir ml secretaries of proved by him, nd every such |obation,to alter ;y think neces- ,in time to time not inconsistent with the general rules for the time being in force for the man- agement and conduct of the asylum, and in sucli reguhitions there shall be set forth the lunnber and description of oflicers and servants to be kei)t, the duties to bo required of them, and the salaries to be paid to them respectively ; ajid every such committee shall from time to time determine the diet of the patients ; and in and by such regulations such (M)inmittee may direct that any number of beds in such asylum, and in such respective parts thereof as such connnittee may lit, sball be always reserved for such cases as in and by such regula- tions shall be in this behalf mentioned ; and in such case such asylum shall for the purpose of this Act, as respects the ad- mission of all cases not wi'iin the description or class for which such beds are reserved, be deemed full when there are no vacant beds in such asylum except those so reserved, but nevertheless it sliall be in the power of the committee of visit- ors of such asylum for the time being to 1111 the l)ec prevalent. 221. Every committee of visitors shall iix a weekly sum to l)e charged for the lodging. .naint(Miii'u'e, medicine, ^r,i. clothing, and care of each p.\uprr lunatic confined in ^'*v!r'kiywlafg'- such asylum, of such amount that the same may be *"*' sufficient to defray the whole expense of the lodging, mainte- nance, care, medicine, and clothing, and other expenses recpiisite for each pauper lunatic, and that the total amount of such weekly sums, after defraying sucli expenses, may also be suffi- cient to pay the salaries of the officers and attendants, and such connnittee may from time to time alter the amount of such weekly sum as occasion may require ; Provided always, that any such committee may, if they think fit, fix a greater weekly sum to be charged as aforesaid in res'icct of pauper lunatics other than those sent to such asylum from or settled in some parish or jilace situate in any county or borough to wbicFi such asylum belongs; Provided also,that such sum shall in no <'»«u»xceed the I'ate of fourteen shillings per week; but il the aforesaid ■A ■i^^SAiS 926 ENGLAND. rate of I'oui-tocMi sliillings be found ins^'idlcicnt for tlio purposes aforesaid, itsliull be lawful for the major part of the ji'.stiees of If nitef.nimi of tlie county or borough, or of each county or bor- ju"u 'o 'may ougli to wliicli sucli asvluiu luay belong, present at any general or ijuarter sessions for such county, or at a special meeting of the justices of such borough, or each such county^ or borough respectively, to make such addition to such rate as to them respectively shall seem lit and necessary and to make an order or orders accordingly, which order i ofders shall be signed by the clerk of the peace for the cdimty, or clerk to the justices for the borough, and forthwith ])ublished in some newspaper commoidy circulated within such couiilv or borough. 'I'l'l. The committee of visitors of every asylum shall a})poiMt ^■'■'- a chaplain for the same, -who shall be in i)riests' \'isit(irs to jip- . orders, and shall be licensed bv the bisho;* nf rlie liiiii 1111(1 lUlier _ _ _ ' ' ( diocese, and the licence of any such cha|.? ; i: as afoi'esaid, shall be revocable by the bishop whenever he shall think tit; and such chaplain, or his substitute aj)proved by the visitors, shall {x'rform and celebrate in the chajK'l of or in some convenient jdace within or belonging to such asylum, divine service according to the rites of the church of England as e;;ta!)li>lii'(l by hiw, on every Sunday, Christmas diiy, and Crood Fi'iday. and shall lil.-o pci't'orm and celebrate such ser- vice wiibJ!: the said asylum at such other times, and also sudi other services according to the rites of the church of JMigUmd as estabiirthed l)y law, at such times as the visitors shall direct; I'lui.Mits lu*/ flud if any patient l>eof a religious ])ersuasion diller- vi-ii-.<..iiii- nig Irom tliat ol the established cluirch, a minister own -..It. of such per-uasioii, al tiie special request of sinli patient or his friends, shiiU, with the consent of tiie medical officer of such asylum, and uiuler such regulations as he siiall direct, be allowed to visit such patient at {)roper and rea-"n- able times; and the con? nittee of vi'^itors of evi^'y asyliuni siiall appoint a medical oHicer, who shall be resident in such asylum, ami udio sba : not l)e clerk or treasurer of nt in such urer ot *^iicii .f othcer- and hitk Ht ; and i(.iaiii, imcili- r or stsrvant, nn ■i>, and shall from time to time, upon every vacancy, hy death, I'emoval, or otherwise, in the olliee of the chaplain, medical oflicer, clerk, and ti'easurer of the asylum, ajipoint some other person to such olliee, subject to the conditions and restrictions aU'ecting the orii^inal appointment to sucli olhce, and may from time to time, till up or not, as in their discretion they may think lit, vacancies amonjT other oflicers and servants of the asylum; and the committee shall, if the}' think lit, have power to a})point a visiting physician or surgeon to every such asylum, and shall from lime to time appoint the medical olll- cer or one of the medical olHcers (if more than oiu') of the asylum, or wliei'e tiu're is a separate medical ollicer of each division, then the medical ollicer or one of the metlical oili- cers, (if more than one) of eacdi division, to he the sufierin- teudent of the asylum or of such respective division thereof, and may remove any such ollicer from being such superin- tendent, and such superintendent shall be resid- nt in the asylum; aiul the committee shall, from time to tiiue fix the salaries and wages to he paid to the ollicers aad servants of the asylum : Provided always, that it shall be lawful for the said connnittoe, with the sanction and a]»])rol)atiou of one of her majesty's principal secretaries of static to ai)point any }ierson other than such medical ollicer to he such superintendent: Provided also, that where on the tenth day of fehruary, iSo'o^ any })erson other than a resilient nuMlieal ollieer was the super- intendent of any asylum, such person nui; continue to he such superintendent as if this Act had not been passed, unle-s and until the committee othervtise direct. •J2;>. Ihe clerk of every asylum shall, witlun one week after the dismissal for misconduct of any nurse or attend- ant employed in such asylum, transmit to the com- missioners in lunacy, by the post, infornuitioii in writing under his hand of such dismissal, aiul of ""'"'■' the cause thereof; and every such (derk neglecting to trans- mit such information to the said commissioners within one week after the dismissal of any such nurse or atteu'lant shall f(ir evei-y such ollenco forfeit any sun.i not exceeding ten pounds. 'I'M. [v? 57. Visitors nuiy grant superanmuitions to the su- perintendent, etc., not exceeding two-thirds of their salaries.] •-::.'). The clerk of every asylum shall keep all books, doeu- S ■'"■ Di^Miissal of aili'iiihuits, iiolio' t'l eoiii- tiiissiniiorii ill 028 ENGLAND. §r,8. Clerk of h ii' ments, and instruments wliich the visitors of tlie asyiiuiito asylum arc required to keen or direct to be kept, au.i lopurts. j^n^i shall also keep an account of all moneys re- ceived or paid on account of the asylum, either to or by tlu; treasurer of the asylum or otherwise, and shall in the month of March in every year send an abstract of such account i'ov the year previous ending on the thirty-Hrst day of December to one of her majesty's principal secretaries of state, and t(j the clerk or clerks of the peace of the county or bor()u""||''<- tlio accounts of the treasurer and clerk of sudi asylum, and shall report the same to the next gener;il or quarter sessions of the county or each of the counties, and to the council of the l)orough or each of the boroughs, to which the asylum wholly or in jnirt belongs. 228. Not less than two members of every committee of vis- g ,,, itors shall together, once at the least in every two Isymm's'i'V''^ uiouths, insfjcct cvorv part of the asylum of which viMtors. they are visitors, and see and examine, as fai- as cii'- cumstances will permit, every huuitic therein, and the nrdcr and certiiicate for the admission of every lunatic adniitltMi since the last visitation of tlie visitors, and the general books kept in such asylum, and shall enter in a book to be kept f or that pur[)0se any remarks which they may deem proper in re- gard to the condition and management of such asyhmi and the lunatics therein, and shall sign such book u[>on eveiy such visit. 220. The connnittee of visitors of every asylum shall in gfi2 every year lay before the justices of every county p"r'i'~"^I/ 'ind borough to which such asylum wholly or in """• p,art beh)ngs, at the court of general or quarter ses- ENCiLAND. 929 tors of the to be kept, moneys re- or by flu^ the mouth account for )f Pecember state, and to boruup;h, or shall V)elou,ti, stract to fou- commiss'.ou- ^iouers shall, stract, cau^e a liament. :cep account? him. um shall, pre- ry year, audit clerk of s\irli xt general or unties, and to ui;hs, to which nmittee of v'->- ;t in every two :lum of ^vllich ie, as far as cir- md the order tic admitted In a or (Tcneral hook-^ to he kept |u proper in re- I'h asylum and jk u^ lon every ,-lum shall m t" every i ounty wholly or ni or fpi ;^rter ses- sions to he liolden next after tlic twenlietli day of DcccMuhcr in every year for such county, <>r at a special meeting of the jus- tices of sucdi borough to be holdcn within twenty days after the twentieth day of Decendjcr in every year, a rejiort in writ- ing of the state and condition of sucli asyhiin, and as to its sutliciency for the proper accoinniodation of the uuiiiIht of lunatics for whom it may he reipiisite to provide accommoda- tion, and as to the nmnagcment of such asylum, and the con- duct of the oilicers and servants thereof, and the care of the patients therein, and such connnittee nuiy in such icport make such remarks or observations in relation to any matters con- nected with such asylum as they may think lit; and th.,' clerk to such eoiumittee shall transmit a copy of such I'eport to tlie commissioners in lunacy, and if any su(h elerk neglect so to do for twenty-one days after the laying of such report before the justices of any county or borough, he shall for such ollence Ibrfeit any sum not exceeding ten pounds. 'I'M). The clerk of every asylum shall, on the first day of January and the first dav of .lulv in every vear, §'■' ]irei)are a list ot all pauiter lunatics then m such i"iiui.i i.iu asylum, according to the form in schedule (C), No. tuiMiMa.!.'. 1, to this Act annexed, and within tifteen days after such list shall have been prepared one copy thereof sliall be laid by such clerk before the visitors of the asylum, and another shall be transmitti'd l>y him to the clerk of the peace (d' every or any eounty and to the clerk to the justices of every or ;'.ny borough to wdiich such asvluni solely or joinlly lielongs, to be by him laid before the justices of such county or borough, and another copy i)f such list shall within the same time be trans- milted by such clerk to the coinmissioners in lunacy; and the clerk of every asylum I'eceiviug [»rivate patients shall also on the lirst day of .lanuary and lirst day of July in I'very year ]ire|iare a li.-t containing the christian names and surnames of all the t>rivate patients in such asylum in the form in schedule (('), No. 2, to this Act annexed, and shall within fifteen days after such list shall have been prepared transmit the same to the commissioners in lunacy; and shall within the same time transmit to such clerk of the peai'o and elerk to the ju.«t ires us aforesaid, tor the })urposes aforesaid, a certiticalu under his hand of the number of such i)rivate patients of each sex. 59 ill U30 KNdLAND. !! i'! 231. The clci'k of tlielioard of f^unrdiaiis of ovory union, arnl g,;.,. of every jiarish under a l)oard of ji;uardians, and the um'"",'i','au- overseers of every i)arisli not in a tmion nor under '"' '"""""'■ ;i board of guardian'!, shall, on (he lii'st day of Janu- ai'v in every year, or as soon after as may be, make out aiKJ sign a true and faithful list of all lunatics eharj2,-eable to the union or })ai'ish in the foi-m of schedule (D) hereunto an- nexed, anil shall on or before the first day of February next succeediuL;-, lay one copy of such list before the visitors of th(> asylum, oi- before the vi' itors of each asylum (if more than one) of the county or boi'ou,!j;h in which such union or parish is situate, and shall transmit one copy of such list to the clei'k of the peace of the county, or the clerk to the justices of the borough within which the union or parish to which each such lunatic is chargeable is situate, to be by him laid befire the justices acting for sut'h county at their lU'xt general or ' +o be ap[>oint((| 5 «."'. bv tlie auar Hans of anv union or p; rish or the over- Vi'.it.ition i)f ■ ; • ruuiH'ipa- seers ol anv parish, and also tiic grarduins ot anv limits by . ' . . ' union or parish, and the overseers of any parish, shall be permitted, whenever they see fit, between the hours of eight in the morning and six in the eve*iing, to visit and examine any or every jtaupd' lunatic chargeable to such union or parish con- lined in any asylum, registenMl hosjtital, or licensed house: Trovidi d always, that if the medical officer of any asylum he of opinion that it will be injurious to any lunatic to pt'rmit such visit and examination, and ■^ueh medical officer state in writ- ing the reasons why sucii /anatie should not be visited and examined, uikI sign such statement, and deliver the saiiu' to the person or persons s" roflicer to refuse such visit and examination; and in every such case such medical officer shall fortlnvi
  • - 1 statement h( 233. Every pauper lunatic not in an n-ylnm, or a liospital rejj;islered or ii liouse licensed for the i't'('e])tion ot lunati cs, siia II h e visi led vear (reck( tl (lUcf Ml cvei'v (iUiU'i(M' ol a IViiipiT liiiia- lii'-i not ill asy. 1 inn onmij; tlie sovcriu (|uarlc!'s )!' the vear a- ii:, to oiu' of the overseers thereof; and the forms of su(di list shall be frctm tinu; to time furnisheil to the medit'al ollicer of every parish under a hoard of guardians, and to the nuMlical ollicers of evtu'v union hy the uuardians of such piirish or union ; hut notliim!; in this cuactiiieut shall l)e taken or construed to ri'lievc any medical oilicer from any ob- ligation by this .Vet imposed upon him to givi; notice to a relieving ollicer or overseer where it apjiears to such medical oilicer that any pauper lunatic ouglit to be sent to any asylum ; and such clerk or overseer receiving any such list as albre-^aid shall, within thi'ee days after tlu' receipt thereof, transmit the sauu' to the commissiouei's in lunai'y, and a copy thereof to the clerk to the visitors of the asylum tbr the county or bor- ough in which the parish (U' union for which lie is clerk or overseer is situate; and every such medical ollicer, clerk, or nvci'seer failing to t'omply with this enactment shall tor every such oti'ence forfeit any sum iu)t exceeding twenty pounothecary, and examine such ))ersoii; and if such physician, surgeon, or apothecary, shall sign a certificate witli resj)ect to such paujicr, according to the form in schedule (b No. o, to this Act annexed, and such justice be satisfied, upni view or })ersonal examination of such pau}'er, or otlar pmo that such paui)er is a lunatic, and a proper person to be takci charge of and detained under care and treatment, he shal by an order under his hand according to the form in lii saiil schedule (F), No. 1, to this Act annexed, direct sucli pan per to be received into such asylum as hereinafter meiitioiuM or, where hereinafter authorised in ihis behalf, into st)iue lie pital registered or some house duly licen.sed for the recejitiei of lunatics ; and such relieving ollicer or over.seer shall imin' diately convey or cause tho said lunatic to be conveyed i sucli asylum, hospital, or house, and such lunatic shall bo p ceived and detained therein: Provided always, that it shall 1 lawful for any justice, upon notice being given to him as afui fcaid; or upon his own knowledge, without any such notice a: e MM ICNGLAND. i):13 iilii !U h.uluat; into soim> nos- il Ibv the ri'fei'tiun -erseer ^hall imnu- to be convey Oil to \h lunatic Hhall be ve- uit it sbtill 1)0 him as al'ore- ;uch notice iw aforesaid, to examine any pauper ilemiied to ]»e hmatie at his own abode or elsewhere, and to proceed in all rospeets as if such jtauperwere hrou,^ht helbi'e him in pnrsuance of an order fur that pnrposi-; jirovided also, that in case any jiauper dt'cuied to be lunatic cannot, (jn aceount of his health or other causes, be conveniently taken before any justice, such pauper may be examined at his own abode or t'lsewhere bv an ollieialinir clerari.-h, who shall have I'rovisiiui fur i 1 1 j i i i • .1 tiie ciii-.' oi knowle(l«j;e that any jicrson wanoei'inif at iar^c liiii;ilics wnii- • , 1 • 1 • I 1 , 1 J 1 , 1 .l.'niiL;al WltiUU SUch l^'UMsIl Ol' | ihlCC ( \V I III JlCl' Or Uot SUcll boinnVi'i'iiiTiy jicrsou be a jiau|»er) is deemed to be a lunatic, shall .■arr.l r,.r or ' . 1 • x 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 fiM.'iiv immediatelv aiiprenentl and take oi' canst' such per- ''■''""'''■ 'ill -1 • son to be ap|ii\hcnded an(! taken betore a justice; and it shall also be lawful tor any justice, upon its bein^ made to appeal' to him by the inlormation upon oath of any person wbomsdcvcr that any pei'son wandc'rin--' at lar^'e within the limits of his jurisdiction is deemed to be a lunatic, by an or- der under the hand and seal of such justice, to re(|uire any enn- stable of the [larisli or place, or relieviu};" oflieer or overseer of the parish where su<'h person may be found, to appi'eheiid him nnd bi'inu' him before sueh justice, or some other justice ha \iii;4' jurisdiction where sucii person may be found; and every eoii- stablc of any [lai'isb or place, and every relieving ollicei' and overseer of any [larish, who shall have knowledge that any person in such ])arisli or]tlacenota pauper and not wandcriiii,^ at laryc as albresaid is deemecl to l)e a lunatic, and is not un- dei' proper care and control, or is cruelly treated or ne^lcctrd by any relative or other person bavinji' the care or charge nl' him, shall, within thri'e days al'ter obtaining: such knowledge, give information thereof upon oath to a justice, and in (a-e it be made to appear to any justice, upon such inlbrnuition or upon the inlormation upon oath of any [X'rson whonisoe\ti', that any person within the limits of bis jurisdiction not si paiiper, and not wanderin_i;- at large, is deorned to be a lunaiic, and is not umler pro]ier care and eonti'ol, or is cruelly treated or neglected by any relative or other person having the can.' or charge of him, such justice shall cither himself visit and cx- KN(i[.AM), 'oO just ice liaviu;j; mil cVCl'V roll- iiol \v;niiU'vni,u- and is ii«>t 1111- intnrniatiiiH isdirtiou ii"t u amine such person and make in(|uiry into the midtcrssoajiix'ar- in^^ U|i(in such iiifdrmalion or hy an order undt f Ids haiul and seal (hrict and auth(»riso some jiliysician, siir^'cun, ov a|" itliccary t(» visit and (.'xanune sucli iii'rsnn,and make sucli iii(|uiry, and to rc[>iirt in writinj;' to such justice his <»|)inii'n tin r( u|iiin : and in case u|i(in such |n'rs(inal \ isit, cxaminalii'n, and ini|uiiy hy such justice, or upon the report nf siicii phy-ician, >nru(oii, or apothecary, it a|i|iear to sueii Justice that suih pi ■rh or [)laee, or any relieving o|li(er oi' oveiv-eer of the parish where; such peiv-on is alleged to he, Id hi'inL;- hini lielore any two justices ol' the sanii! comity or horou^■h ; and tlie justice or justices (as the case may he) before whom any such person as aforesaid in the ri'speelive casis aforesaid is hrou^ht, under this enactmi'nt, shall cat 1( Ins or their assi- illce a physician, surijeon, or apothecary, and sh; eNaiiillie «ncli ik pt'rson, and make sucii iiupury I'eiative to such ] lersoii a^ h k'lf visit andcx- ortheysliall (Knan necessary; and il'upon examination of such person or other proof such justice he satislied that such person so hrou^dit before him is a lunatic, and was wandei'ine; at lai'iic, ami is a j)roper person to l)c taken eharn'c of detaineil under care and treatiiunt, or such two Justices he satislied that such person so hrou;;lit before them is a lunatic, and is not under proper care and control, or is eriudly treateil or neglected hy any person luivin,!4' the care or charj^e of him, and that 1k' is a proper person to be taken chart^e of and detained under care aiul treatment, and if such physician, surgeon, or a{iothicary sifiii a certilieate with resjiect to t'Vt'ry such pei'son so hrou^ht either before one justice or two justices aceordinji; to the form in tlie schedule (F), No. o, to this Act, it shall he lawful for the said justice or justices, by an order uni^""' liis or their hand and seal or hands and seals, according he lorm in the schechile (F), No. 1, to this Act, to direct such person to be re- ceived into such asylum as hereinafter mentioned, or, where hereinafter authorised in this behalf, into some ho-pital rei;is- tered or house licensed for the reception of lunatics, and the said constable, relieving oflicer, or overseer, who may have brought IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k A i< m 1.0 I.I 11.25 £- VS. ^1^ 4V^^ 7 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 33 WiST MAIN STtEET MfEBSTER, NY. MSM (716) •73-4S03 iV k ,\ a>^ \ :\ 5V <^^>J5;^ O^ 930 ENGLAND. f| 1 siu'li |»or.son before llic said justieeor justiees, or any eonstable vvlioiii such jiistiei' or justices niayre(iuire so to do, sliall t'ortli- witli ccuvey such jierson to such asylum, hosjiital, or house accorenied to he a lunatic, or with some other justice, in any other of tlu' eases aforesaid, to examine tlu- person deemed to a lunatic, at his own ahodeor elsewhere, and to proceed in all respects as if sui-h person >vcre hroujiht before him (»r them as hereinl)efore mentioned; j/.-ovideil also, that it shall he lawful for said justice or justices to suspend the execution of any such order for reujovini;' any sueii person as aforesai'>y pauper resident in such parish, or in any par- ''*''""""' isli within his district, beingor being deemed to iio a lunatic, and a jtroper })erson to be sent to an asylum, to give ENGLAND. •X to re-tviun or lor takiiii;; smli 111 sucli luiiati union omit for knowlc'tlL^t' <•!' or in Jiny i«ar- HiK'li notico tluMviif as is lifrt'iul>cf(>ri' nvinircil. or if any ro- lii'vinj;' ((dicer of any |.ari.-Ii, or any ovcr-tii' of any |>ari>li of w liii-li tlicro is lu) rclii'vinir ollici'i-, omit for nioic tlian tlir ce (lays after ol>tainin_ix knowleil^c of nny pan per rc-iiiiut in surh parish, heinjj^ ileemeil to lie a lunatic, and a proper pcr-^n to )e sent to an asvlum. to ^ive not ire tlieii of to a iu^i ice as herc- inltefore re»piire(l. or if any constaMe. relicvinu- ollicer, orovcf- scer omit, to apprehend and take l)efore a justice, as in rcinlie- fore re(|uir(.'d, any pei'sou wandcrin^at lai'u('!iiid dccnieil to he a lunatic, or omit for three days after ohtainiii'j Ivnowlid^e that any person deeiiiid to he a hni'.tic (not a pauper .md not wandering sit larue) is not undei' ••loper care and control, or is cruelly treated or ne^lecteil hy any person havin;,'' the care or chai\i;e of him, to ;,Mve information thereol' to a ju-tice as here- iid)efore re(iuired, such medical ollicer, relievinu' oHicer, over- seer, or eonstahle, as the cae, in pur-uance rmunhri.nJx. of any order under this Act, relur or relieving odicei' as al'on said, for the reception of a lunatic into an asvlum, >"iiiin.. in .... . ' .'.■ii--,i may authorise his admission, not only into any hi- i'""^'" natic asylum of the county or horough in wliich the parish or placo from which the lunatic is sent is situate, liut also into any other asylum for the reception of pauper lunatiician, surgeon, or ai>otlKa-ary, who shall have jier- sonallv examined him not more than seven clear .yliini w ithiiiii an .ir- artiiii- llulo, nnr wiili- f.) the form ami (V), No. :•• ii"- ;hall bo II 1'1'y- Jin partn('r>lii|' jhom shall si'l«- 1(1 tho iHi'sout.. ENGI.ANT). !i:;;» nsnforosaiil may hesi^m d hcfoi-c or after the nicilicnl cert ili cat cs (tr cither of thi-ni ; and e\(iy ]ii r>(>n wIid reeeives aiiy ]m r.-nn. not Ji iiaii|ier, into any asyhini, savt' nnder the prcivi-ion- hei-t in (■ontaineh'.d! l)e a phv>ii'i!in, sur- fjeon, or apothecary, not in i^artnersliip with or an a-si>iant to the otiier, or t lie physician, -urmnn. nr apothecary whu .-iLiiied the certiticate on which the patient was reeeivid. and shall within such time, and se]iarately from tlie otlcr of t Ik ni, have personally examineil the jierson so received as a liinalic: and any person wdio, havinir received any pei-si>n into any asyhuu as aforesaid upon the i'ertili>'ate nl" one niedieal iiractitimier alone as aft>re-aid, shall keep or ]i'i'mit siidi pei-son to remain in such a-yluni heyond the -aid period of three clear days, withiiut .-ucli further cert ilicatis a> aforc-aid, shall !'(• guilty of a misdemeanor. 'I['l. livery physician, suruce'U, and aiiotheiary si^ninu" tniy cei'tilicate under or for the pur|>os(s of this Act. shall ^-.. s|iecify therein the facts upon which he ha- fdrmed ,^i'ii,'.'!,.'!.'o'i,'u-' his opinion that the person to whom such eertilicate relates is a lunatic, an idiot, or a person ol' unsound mind, dis- tin;;iiishinjf in such ci'riilicate I'acts oh-ervc(l hy himself finm facts communicated to him hy others; and no peison shall l)e received into any asylum undi'r any c(_'rtilicate which jmrports to he founded only upon facts c<»mmunii>tant. shall sii;n , ;,; the order for the n-eeptioii of a patient, shall si^ii ,^Lni'','i'''i- any certiticate for the n'ception of the same patient, and no iiatitnt shall he received into aiiv asvlum unou or ■m •w^m u\o KNCil.ANK. , f • iiiidcr iiiiy iHTtilicali' .rs of iiii\- jS 77. asvluiii, Ix'iiiL!, Justin s, li\- an onlti in wi'itiii'j: unili r I iM'iinii,. 1 licir nanus and seals, Id urinr anv iiaiiiMr lunatic till. Ill iir Cnpiii . ' • 1 • I »->i"'ii, (•liar::(aiilc to any |
  • . or to sndi county, anitors of any a".yhiiii. heiuii;- ju^^tiees, in manner aforesaid to order any |iau|nr Juiialii- to he removed tVom such asylum to souk; otiier aon to execute the snme; .•md every such order ami consent shall lie maile and Liiven ie~per- lively in du|)lii'ate, and (»iie duplicate shall he delivei'cd to and left with the supei'intendeiit nv propi-it'tor of the a«yhiiii. hospital, or lic-enseU'li eoiiseiit in writing (where such consent i< reiiuiri'd), sjiall !»■ a sullieient authority lor the ivnioval of smdi pati«'iit, anil ah') for his reception into the a-^ylum, ho>ni li ■,{;»rs of iiny ritiii.^ \iinl«r \i|Kr luii:iti' I, il'.c (••muty <\\i-\\ :i>yliiiii wlm may \«' ,\ liu^^j.ital '.r ,,,,.urli luiiaip- msLiit in \vrii- l to tin a-yluiu county witliin ■ nn»v«' -itu- i,> lunati'- niiiy •,.,1 liM-j.ital "1- MT.-ai'l. or an to Nvliicli tilt; tra«'t for tlir nwful for till' -.Hint' to ilirfc't uiVi't r "f ''"^' is cliar'itaM"'. lie same: ali'l 1 .^iven rt-.-l"'- ,. .It'livrrc'l to ,,r tl.f a-yluin. cut is niiiovi'l. th llif sup' '.-iu- . lien-''.! lioUH* nU-r, witli ^urh iM-f.l^, ^liall l.-u iti.-nt, au'l aln. Icrusol li""-"' ^" ,l\vays. im luchonlcrwitl'- ui III out, a iiu'(]i<'al (•(■rtifitalf. si;,Mictl l)y tlio na uch per~on was received into and ilelaiiied in such a-ylum. hospital, or licensed liou^e, and the said ci ii ilicale and certilied copies, with one duplicate of the ordci" for removal. >hall he delivered hy -uch overseer, ollicer, n is ordered to he removed, or any other ollicer of -uch asylum, hospital, or licensed hou-e into wlio-e care >u-h person is deliven d. 2 lo. I'roN ided always, 'I'hal no lunatic heinu' a pau|>er shall he received uudei' any order made l>y virMi'- of tlii< ^ .^ Act into any auhsistin^ con- tract for the reception of lunatic- of sudi i ounly oi' horou^^h thei-cin, oi- such horou^h otherwise contriiiules to siicji asylum, unless such order he imloi-si d hva visitor of such asvluin; ami it shall not ]«' compulsory on the superintendent of any rt.Liis- Icred hos[iital or fho proprietor of any licensed liouse to re- ceive any lunatii- under any .-u li order, except in pursuance of any suhsistin.i^ contract. 2I(». It sliall he lawful for an-- three of the visitors of any asylum, hy writing under their hands and .seals, to ...^ order the discharge of any patient detained in such |!,\V:,nr»'"i',,',',n asylum, whether .such person be recovered or not, ■"• "'"'' f^ !BIBi{ !il2 i:N(iI,AM). :!ri 1 r '■I [ 1, i i 1 1 mid :iNucli period, he retaken, as herein provided in t he ease of an escape. 217. When the visitors of any asylum shall oi'der a paiipei^ i5 ^'i'. lunatic eoiiliiKMl therein to he dischar^fetl thei'efirs of the Jiarish from which such lunaiic shall have heeii sent to sudi as^duni, unless such lunatic shall he cliar<;eahle to the commoa fund of any union, and in any such last-menlioiieil case to some one relieving.;- ollicer of such union; and upon receipt of such notice the overseers or relievinii: ollicers respectively shall cause such lunatic, upon his disdiar;:;e, to he tbrthwith removed to their |)ari>h, or to tin; workhouso of the union, at the cost and el la !•;;•(' of their pai'ish or of the common fund of the union, as the case shall require; and any overseer or relieving' olliitr who shall refuse or wilfully neglect to remove such liinaiir from the said asylum within the sj)ac(! of seven days after .such notice shall have heen sent to him shall he tjjuiltv of an oll'ence a^^ainst this Act, and shall foi'feit for such oU'eiice any sum not exceeding ten pounds, to ho recHJvered as other penal- ties imposed by this Act are recoverable. 2-18. Wliere a]>plieation is made to the committee of visitors »!>,. KSCil.AND. !)|:{ ' ,1 (»!' [hv union, lich olVcnoo imy iltce of vi^:itor3 of any asylnni l)y any nhitivi^ ur fi-i'iii'.s that such lunatic shall he no Ioniser char^rcahlc to any union, jiarish, or county, auil slmll he properly l;ikcn care of, aiitl shall he prevented from iloin;,' injuy to hiui-clf oi- otheis, to . It shall he lawful lor the coinini-i-iou^rs in lun.Mcy, or anv two of them, hv writint: umhr their hands anpit;il, or licenced house-; and every such (»rdrr shall he maile in duplii-aie, ami one duplicate shall he delivered to anil left with lhesu|ierin- tendent ()!• proprietor of the a<\luin. ho>pital, or licensed housi; from which tlu' patient is reiuoveii, ami the otlu-r shall he do- livei'ed to and left with the superintendent or pri>prntor of the asylum, hospital, or licensed hou-e to which the palicnl is re- niove(). If and when any jtei'-on who si;^ned the order on which any patient (not heiuLC a pauper) was received into ^ ,!. iiny asylum (whether "r not <\u-\\ |.atient have since j!,'.','v',','i?' '"' hein remoV(>d umler anv order made undii- this ''■""'"" Act or otherwise to any other asylum) shall hy w.-itiiu:; under his hand direct that such patient he dil>:ui(l or wife \>v iiu-;ipal)k' as aforesuKn llif I'atlicr. or(il" tlu re lie no lallici', or he he iiua|ialili' as afonsaiil.) llic iiiollicr of such I tat in 1 1, or if tin re lie iio iiiotlicr, or she he iMca|iaiili' as alorisaiil tlitii any one of the iicarcsl of kin fdr the time litin;;- of siidi p.iticiit may, liy writiiij; iunlcr liis or licr iiaml, !;i\c siidi (lircction as aforesaid for (lie (lisfliarnc or removal III' siicii |ialient, ar'l t liereii| siii'li jialieiit shall he foi'lliwilh (lisehart^ed or reriKivetl aecoi'iliniily. ■Jo'J. Provided always, That no patieni shall he diseharucd 5 s.-,. under either of the two la-l foreiioin;,' provisions if Vi«i(iir<<' C'lii- , 1 • 1 ,!• 1 1 • 1 • 1 ». a'^vnini in wlueii such Kiliy r.M'.lis. . . ... . . ' 1 1 • 1 II riiuri;.' ..r iiatieut IS ccrtilv in writing umler ins hand that in ylum. or to any re^i-lered ho.'^idtal "V licensed house, hut in such ea asyhiiii, liospi(al, or hiiii^e from or to which he is alioul to he removed for the purpose oi' made and j^iven respec- tively in diiplieatc, and one of the duplicates shall hi' delivcii'il to and left with the superititendeiit or proprietor of the asyluin, hospital, or house from wddeh or the pi'rson from whose care or charge the patient is ordered to he removed, and the otlicr orosui'U ^1"' ,.r, or ^l"' '"' st of l ''"' viudtT liis or iful sliall Ih> l»vovi?*ious il , \vli"u'li li:in«l tliiit in , tlK' jiruuii'ls „l' till' vi-it"!'-^ onsriit in wnt- i.U'tl lliat u-ith- (,fany iKilHUi lar.u* I'roin any iv.l lios|.ilal nr .hall \h> l>lii'C'l lt(. the asyUun. t,, 1h> rciunvc'l am uii U'V >^ni'li tl„> .li^*', <»>■ " f aiiv consful 111 ■V ill aiiv l\ou? |\,v an "11 pulitnt to „• I,, tho can' "1" ^uc-h onlrr; aii'l a jrivi'U n-l"'- liall luMU'liv>'iv>l nhe asylum, br o Voiu vvli"^' cart' urn I the oil U'V KNtJI.AM). (liililiciik' sliall lie tlfliv( red to ami loft witli tlio su|>('i'iiitrinl- ciil or pvoiu'it'toi' (if (lie asyluiii, hospital, or Iiousc into wliidi or tlio jiiTsDn into \vli(>-;c caro or cliai'jif the |iatiriit i< urilcrnl to lie rt'inoscd ; and '-ucji order for rciiioval, tnnctlirr with .-uch I'oiisi'Ut in writiii;^, shall he u siiMii-icnt anthoiiiy \\>y thr ro- iiiovul of such |iaticnl, and also for his iTccptioM into the asy- huii, r('<;islcrc. Every person received into any asylum, registered lios- pihil, or licensed house under such o'der as is re- § ss. (luired hv this Act, accompanied hv the re(iuisite .•.iv.,! im,. ,.,".,, 1 1 • 1 'l • •! 1 il>jllllll IlillSt medical certiljcate, nuiy be detained tiurrnii until he !"• ntam.d 1)(! removed or discharj^ed as authorised by this Act, cimr«.',i and in case of escape may, hy virtue of such order and certifi- cate, be retaken at any time within fourteen days after his escape by the su{)erintendent or proprietor of such asylum, hos[)ital, or house, or any otlicer or servant belon<;ing thereto, or any other person authorised in writing in this behall" by CO li .ll i Hi if 01(5 KNGLANI). STU'li siiiiorintondonf or propriclof, and onnvoycd In niul rc- ccivcil Mini ilctiiiiicd ill siicli asyiiiiii, liospiliil, or lioiisc. li"i('». 'i'lic clerk of cvcrv asvliim shall, iiiiincdiattlv on Ihc jHii admission of anv iicrsitn us a lunatic into suidi a-v- KliliU'«nf • ' 11." i»,iii.i««i..ii. iuni, make an cntiy Willi respect to such lunatic m a book to lie kept for that i)ur|iose, to he cjillefj "Tlio Jic^'isler of ratieiits," according; to the form and I'onlainin;^; the jiartici- lars specilied in the schedule (v the nieilical ollicer of the asvlum within one month alter ilu! admission of the patient, and aftt r the second ami hefore the end of the seventh clear day from the day of the adniissimi of any pei'son as a lunatic into any asylum shall transmit to cnpioH luni.- *^''^' commissioners in lunacy a copy of the order ";i"'i;,',';.',.7ii'!' and statement and certilicat(M)i- certilicates on wliich iiiim<7 suf\i lunatic has been so received, tofiether with ;i stutemenl, to be naale and signed by the medical ollicer of llie asylum, not sooner than two clear days after such admissiun, aeeordin<; to the f(»riii in the said sehedulo (F), No. 4, to this Act annexed; and any elerk oniittinj^ su to nnike such entiv, or to transmit such copy and statement within the tinu' afnri- t?aid, and every medical ollicer omittin;,^ to make or si;_Mi surh statement, shall for every such oll'eneo forfeit any sum not ex- ceeding twenty ])ounds. 2'>7. In every asylum the medical ofFicer thereof shall (niif 6w. in every week enter in a book to be kejit for thai mil Hij;i ni-.c j)urpose, to be called " 'I'he Medical Journal," a iMPnk lO l)U 1 !• • 1 I 1 1 k"i>t. statement aeeor(iinatient at the time of his admission, and al.-(i 'K iill i;nI7 ;li sex IIh'Ii ill hision since tli" ll rciiHoiis, anil i" lisliiiu iiiUiM' iunl ^atmcnt, a-.ul t"i' also cnttT inl*) a llio liistorv from tiinr to tin f liis case wliil-t he -liall lou- tiiitic ill the asyhiiii ; ami siicli liooks sliall I'nnn tiim' in iiiii<> lie n'uularly laid liclon- the visitors fur llair insiicciidii juit cxct'cdiii},' twenty iMiiinds. li.'i.S. Tlic (Icrk of cvciy as.vliim shall, wiliiin tliicc days iiftrr every visit, to such asvluin dI" t\V(» nr m uc (if (j^i the {'oniiiiis-iuiicrs in lunacy, liMii-mit to the dUicc t'i.'T,'f",i','i'' ,. 1 . . ' 1 ■• , . '"'■ "'■"' '" Ol SUcIl cnimil|< or oh^ rvations made I»v such visiting; eoiiimissioners in any of thi lidoks ol" such a^vlum, and every such clerk oniittiii^i- '" transmit a alorr.-aid anv such copy sliall lor every sucl. ollrn'c iMili'it anv sum not execi'din;^ ten pounds. ■J.")!). Ill case of tiie death of a;iy patient in any a-ylum a notice and statement according- to the foini in 5.,^ schedule (K), No. •"., of the d. •all. and caiHe of ^u, l::';'^;;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ death ol" such patient, and the name ul' any ]iersoii or persons who was or were pi'esent at the death, shall he drawn up and si;j,ned hy the dei'k a nndical ullicer of such asylum, and a co|iy thereof shall I.c hy the clerk tiaiisinitte kept for that pur- '■• ^''i"- 1 K ISO accord in 1. [>J!; '•-1-121. rrovisions for expenses of su])|)ort, and justice's orders in reference to settlement and appeals.] 2;5. If any superintendent, oflicer, nurse, attendant, servant, fy^x '"V other person employee! in any asylum strike, rr'm'ii7io"' wouud, ill trcat, or wilfully neglect any lunatic ctni- lined therein, he shall be guiltv of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to iiulictment for every such oll'ence, or to forfeit for every such offence, on a summary conviction tlicicut before two justices, any sum not exceeding twenty i)ound.'. nor less than two jiounds. ■20-1. h' any superintendent, officer, or servant in any asyliun §124 shall, through wilful neglect or connivance, permit prrmii'iiur '^"y I>iitient in any case to (juit or escape from stu li '""*'"" asylum, or be at large without such order as in this Act mentioned (save in the case of temporary absence aullier- ised under the regulations of the commiitee of visitors), or shall secrete, or abet or connive at the escape of any such per- son, he shall for every such olfence forfeit and pay any sum not more than twenty pounds nor less than two poumls. 205. [§ 12.">. \'isitors may sue and be sued in the name of their clerk, whose removal shall i\ot abate action.] ENGLAND. 11) tlant, Servant, uny lunatic ci'ii- ii inistU'nu'autir. [u-li otVoiuo,«>r I'' lit in any asylum ]inivantT, priniit i-ajx' lV(>n\ order as in tins absoni'e aulli*'i'- of visitors), 8. [i^ 128. Power of appeal to tlu' (piartrr scissions.] 2()9, [§ 120. Council of every bort)U,tib to exercise tbe same duties, etc., of erecting asylums as are eoiiferreil ujjou justices, etc.] 270. [§ 130. Committee apixtintcd by council to luivc .same powers as committee of visitors.] 271. [S^ 131. Every city, town, liberty, etc, not being a bor- ougb witbin the meaning of tins Act, to be annexed to and rated as |)art of tbo county witbin wbicb tbe same is situate.] 272. In tbis Act tbe words and expressions following sball bave tbe several meanings berebv assiixni'd to tbem, 5 "-■ unless tbere be sometbing \\\ tbe suliject or context "' ""■""• rejtugnant to sucb construction ; (tbat is to say,) ***** " Luiuitic " sball mean ami include evei-y i)crson of unsound mind, and every person being an idiot : " raui)er" sball mean every j)erson maintained wbolly or in part by or cbargeable to anv i)arisb, union, or countv: ***** " Asvlum " sball mean any asylum, bouse, building, or place already erected or provided under tbe })rovision3 of an Act passed in tbe forty- eigbtb year of king CJeorge tbe tbird, cbapter IN), or an .\i't of tbe nintb year of king CJcorge tbe fourtb, cbapter 40, or tbe .': i)roportieii<; the justices of the j)eaci' for the said county of shall appoint , the justices of the jieace for the horouj^Ii nt' shall ajipoint , and the subscribers to the ^ail| lunatic hos[»ital i>f shall appoint , and the jini- porticms in which the said committee of visitors are to he ap- pointed as aforesaid nuiy be from time to time vaiied, with llic consi lit in writing" under the hands of the ji,reater numhcr nt' visitors of the saiil county and l)orou,irh [or each of tlu >aiil (•(•unties and borou<'hs], and of the greater nund)er of tlie visitors apj>(»inted 1)V the said body of subscribers, and widi the consent of the e(jmmissioners in lunacy: and hentiiiin we, the undersigned, being the major part of each of the coiii- mittees of justices of the ]»eace for the said county ami borough [oi- couidies and boroughs] respectively, and tin- nuijor part of the committee of subscribers to the said lunatic of visitors tn ibrrstotlu' ^ili'l ator numl KXOI.AND. iir.i liospital, do, on liclijilf <»r Iho sniil county and boiouiih [or ♦•ountics and borou^^lis] and lunatic lit>s|»itMl, set our hands and sc'ida this (hiy uf in the year ScMKnt i.i: (IJ). Form oj Mortgage and Charge upon Hi< County or Borough Ratrft for securing the Money borrowed. "Wo, tlu' chairman t»f the court of t|nartor sessions of tiie peace of the county of hoMen at the day of and two (jther of her majesty's justices of thi' peac*- for tlie said county, assembled in the said court [or we, the mayor and council of the borouuh of . as the case may he], in pursuance of the powers to us ^nven by an Ad passi'd in the year of her majesty queen N'ictoria, intituleil '* An Act" [here insert the title of this Act], do hereby morttfa,i>;o an., charge all the rates and funay the interest of the said sum of half yearly, as the same shall become due, until the i)rincipal shall be discharged, at the times and in the man- ner agreed upon between the said and the said justices [or the said mayor and council, as the case may be], pursuant to the directions of the said Act. ■\m I I •b of the coni- thc said lunatic' mmmm. 952 ENGLAND. ScHKDULK (C), No, 1. Names of all Pauper Lunatics in tlie Af^ylum at for the County [or Horough, etc., as the case may be], of on the (lay of LS . N«iiii>s of those iliiir^'i'alilo to H I'lll'iiill. Data of ; AdniiHaion Niiiiios "f thuHe cli»i'K>'»bU' to County. Date (if Adniisslun. Nkmips of Ciiiiiiiiiils, Tliis is a correct return. Dated (Signed) Clerk of the asylum. Schedule (C), No. 2. Names of all Private Lunatics in tlie Asylum at for the County [or Borough, etc., as the case may he], of on the day of 18 . Names. Date of Admingion. This is a correct list. Dated (Signed) Clerk of the Asylum. ENGLAND. VoZ 8(iiKi»ri.i': (D). Form oj Annual Ueturn. A true list of all lunatiis, idiots, and otlur ptrsous of uiisouinl mind, cliar^rable to the coinmon fund, or to the parishes fouiprisod witliin [sueli [»art of] tlio uninn [as is situate] [or to the i)arish of ] in the eountv of ,s|n'ciiy- intrict of till' I'liiou of [or the I'arisli of ] in the County or J>onju<;li of nut in any Asylum, rt'-jMstcrc'l Hospital, or Licensed House. Fcimi of Age. Mi-iitnl I)i.H' order. Piiriitinii of . Atliii'k iif liiMiiiity, unci It' iiliiitir. « lii'llicr iir lint I'm III Hirtli. I) .110 Wlicri' nml Willi Wllolll of Visit. Ill ulntt Cciuilitii'ii hikI if i'\t'r ri'-tialii. il, why. t.y itiiil Imiw oftou. I I declare tliat I have personally examined the several jur- pfnis whosi' names are spccilied in this list, on the days set oj»l)ositeto their names, and that they are all [or iili cx-ejit A. B., (".])., and E. F.] ])roperly taken care of, and nui; ! • 'iy remain out of an asylum, and that these arc th-Mt.'- ',:ecr lunatics, to the best of my knowledge, in the .li>trirr of the union [or in the })arisli] of who are not in an asylum, registered hospital, or duly licensetl house. (Hifrnedj A. J 5. Medical oilicer of the district of the union [or parish] of Dated the day of 18 . J '"^J I)i>trict of ] in tliu im, ivgistfivd III »hitt ( DiiiHli-'n I'a'" aixl if .N'T r<">tiiiiiM il, of wliy.l.y ttti;a M-'iiiK \''"- llll.l h.iw IC «overal ] fr- )n tho (lays sct a i.Vi cx-ept A. I Uiii" . '!'- ,'iy li } (' i|v . ^-i per .listnrt rho ave r."'t iu house. district ,i]of EXGI.AND. •.•.>■) Si iii:i)i i.|.; ( I'). Xd. 1. Order fur the Hmjilion of n I'tiiijii r Pulitnt. 1, ('. 1).. [ill the case (tf a single jiisticf {){ (lie jicafc. nr in llio case of two justices, or of a cliiiiyinau ami nlitvinjx oHict r. cic, \\'i\ ('. I)., ami K. !•'.]. tli(> uii(lcr>i;iiicil. liaviu;; calltil t(» my [or our] assistance a jiliysii'ian [nf sui'peon. or apotliecury. as the c;ise may lie], and liaviiii- jm r-^onally examined A. 15.. a pauper [omit tlic words " a pauper" when the lunatie i> imt a pauper], and lieint; salislied thai the >aiil .\. 15. i- a iunalii- [or an iiliot, or a person of unsound mindj. [add, where the lunatic is sent as h(Mn;i wamlerinjj: at larire. the wortis " wanderini:' at larut'.*' ;iiiil in the case of a lunatic sent hy virtue of the aiuhority iiiven to two justici's. add "not uinler ]irM|iei' care and eontrol," or "and is cruelly treated [or neglected] hy thi' pei-oii havinn to he taken charjie of and de- tained uiicU'r care and treatment, Ik I'ehy direct you to receive the said A. r>. as a patiint into your a-ylum [or hospital, or lioiisej. Sulijoined is a statement respectiuii' tin- >aid A.lJ. (Sijiiied) CD. * A justice of the peace for the city [or Itoroii^di] of [ or an or tlie olliciatiin; tdei'ji'yman of the |'ai'i>h tjf J (Si^neil) 1].I'\ The relie\in;4' oilieei- of the union or parish of [or an overseer (jf the parish of ]. Dated the (hiy of IS . 'IVi superintendent of the asylum for the county of or the lunatic hospital of or [iroprietor of the licensed house of [describing the asylum, hospital, or house], XoTK. — Where the onU-r directs the lunatic to he received into any asyluni other than an asylum of the county or horough in which the parish or place from which the lunatic i.s sent i.s situatt-, or into a registered ho.^pital or * To be signed by two justices, where required by the foregoing Act. I ili! 050 KNOLAND. lu'('iis(>(l liousc, it slioulil stato llmt tlic justice or jus(i*' »o stated]. Name of j)atient, and christian name, at length. Sex and auc. Married, sin^U', or widowed. Condition of life, and i)revious occu))ation (if any). The religious persuasion, as far as known. Previous ]>lace of al)odc. Whether first attack. Age (if known) on first attack. AVhen and where previously under care and treatment. Duration of existing attack. Sup])Osed cause. Whether subject to epile})sy. Whether suicidal. Whether dangerous to otliers. Parish or union to which the lunatic is chargeahle (if a pauper or destitute lunatic). Name and christian name and place of abode of the nt'Mivst known relative of the patient, and degree of relationship (if known). I certify that, to the hest of my knowledge, the above ])ai- ticulars are correctly stated. (Signed) [In the case of a pauper to be signcMl liy the relieving otliccr or overseer.] fe^^ ;,^ KNfil.AND. !»:.: f en, (he Fad ty rc(juti)cctiiiif the paid A. 15. (Signed) Xaiuc. Ofcupalion (if any). Place (»f aIio!ltioll (if illiy). I'l.iee of iihode. l)t..(rrei' of rel;ilioiishi|t (if iiny). or odier circniiistiinces of con- lU'ction with llio patit'iit. ScllKI.II.K (F), \<>. o. Form of Medical Cn'tijirafr. T, tlio underpinned [here set forth tlie (Hialirieati(tn entitlill^ thi' person eertifyinj:; to ])riictise as a jihysiciaii, surgeon, or aj)()theeaiT, ex. j.jra., hein^- a leHow of the royal eohe^j^e of pliv- sician.s in l-on(U»n], and Itein^' in actual practice' as a [, surj^'eon, or apotlu-eary, as the case may he], herehy certilN, 'J'liat 1, on the day of at [here insert llic street and luuulxM' of the house (if any) or other lik(^ particn- liir.s], in the county of [in any case where more tlinii one mcdii'al certificate is reipiire'd hy this Act, here iii.-i it se])aratcly from any other medical practitioner] personally examined A.l). of [insert residence and ju-ofessioii or occupation, if any], and that tlie said \.]\. is a lunatic [or mi idiot, or a pcr.<- taken charge of and (U'taine »..' the Ix'VSdM (mcrrniii^!; tin' /.: >y). iisliii) (if iiiiyl islimct'sol' I'uu- lu; plltil'Jll. ication futillin,:: inn, sur^i;*'""'. "'' I c'(.lU'jj;e ofl'liy- . iisii [|.liysiriiin. hcr(')>y ffrtil'y. [lu'iv insert the licr like pavtiru- \\v\v. luovc tliaii Art, lu've iii^'i't i.iH'r] porsoually L»l prolVssi')!! or a lunatic [or an Ljior person to lu,' 1 Uvatniont, and \\n\\\n\; groiunls. lyself [luTO >tat.' [onnnunicatc'l to from whonij. If abode. St Minri.i: (!•'), N'n. I. Ki>(l('e of AdmiKsinii, 1 licroliy /:;iv(' you notice, llii;t A. 15. was adniittoil into this asylum as a private (or jiauper] patii nl on the ihiy of , ami I hert'hy li'ansniit a coipy ol' the ordrr ainl state- UHMit ami medical cei'tidt itcs [ui- ccrtiticalc| mi uhiih lie was I'cceived. [If a pi'ivate j)alii''ii, he received upon one certilicate only, Ihi' s])ecial cireumstam'es which have prevenled the patient from lieinn- exnniined hy two medical |ii'actilionei's to he heri' staleil, as in the statement ai'conipanyinn" the oriKr for admission.] Suhjoine(| is a slatemenl with respect lo the nientid and liodily condition of the ahove-naniecl patient. (Signed) < lerk of asylum. Dated the day of , 1'^ . S'rA'n;Mi;Nr. I have this day [some day not less than twf> clear days after llie admission of the patient] seen an. H'M, ttujira.] SrnKr>rM:((l) N... 2. Ii((j!»((r of I)iK('liar()i\ llnnovnl and Ihathti. [Sfi' srlii'duk- ((i 1), p. 801, siiimi.] SciiKorL).: (G), Xo. 3. Form oj Mcdiad Journal* riitlt'iitu wliii ari'. or ninrn till' IftMt I Nuillbor I Kiiiry luivi' ln'.'i;, uriiliT lii'-iniint, nr "f I ill SiM'liisiiiii, wlii'U mill I'liwhiit I'mii'iitn. I'frliwl. iiii.l lii'it-iin, ami ill !■»«« of Jiuntniiiit, liv wliut MeiiiiH, Milieu. Ki'iiiiih'H. PiitliMitH iimlor .M"'lirill IX'lllln, 'rrciitiiii'iit. Iiijiiii.'ii, ami I'.ir wlmt, hihI if liny, Vi"li'iii'c> , bodily DiHiinler. , t"'- Act to Amknh tiii I.i naiic Asylums A( r, lss:l IH i^ III Vi.'i,, c li. in,-,; CI, illy. v,,l. ;t, |,. I;i7. •J" I. .'^fctiuii ;; (irilic l.iijijiiir A^yliiiiis Act. isri;;, sliJilI (Ai.'iul to ClllpnUt'l' tilt' jiHticfS nf ii|i\- iilif ctilllitV (tf IkiT- 5 1 I I • ' . . . . ' , \i,vi iiiiiiy (in;;ll to ;illtl|un»i' ;ill\ (•uliilnillcr n| nivlicc^ clccli ,1 r,.>'v in,ii.. lur siirli (iiiiiity nr iKirniinli tlicn uinlii' in trnil .'HpI • r- i.-u-yiiim. t nlrr illtii ill) !l!4'I'rcllli'|it In]' llllilill^- with \\\r ^Ijli-i'lil'i r< to liny sucli lios|>it;iI ;i^ tin ii in iiii'iitidiicij. jiinl it -IimII nut lir ut'ccssiiry tliiit ;iny otln !■ county or lioroii^li Kc m [mriy to ^iich ;iL;'i'<'"'iiiciit : iiiid section o of the siiiil Act sliiill cnIcihI to cm- jiowcr ;iny -iich coinniittcc o|' \ii'o|»oi-lioii of i'\|ien. AjiTeeniellt^ I'ol' nililillL;- to he here,ll't,l' entel'ed into to >.ii|iiil;ile loi' I'oiil lihiition hy connti("- Mnd horoii^h-, iicconliii.i;' to their I'elntivc |io|inl;ition^ i'oi' the lime heinu, where not li\e(l accorcJiiiLi' to loreuoinn- provi-ion.] ■J77. [S 1. W'hi're e\|ielises are to he cont lihlited ill propor- tioii to po])ul;itioii, the same to he a-^ceilaiiieil hy last census I'ur tlu' time heinn'.] '11^. [i •"». Where theiM is a dissolution ol' a union a new ii»yhim to he provided.] :!71i. [-^ '>. Provisions to !i|iply to councils ol'hoi'ou^hs where they liiivc taken u|ion th( ni>elve- the execution of the j.unatic Asylums Act, ls:>;;.J ■JSd. [!^ 7. Places hecominLi; horou;j,h-; after the c(inimence- iiieiit of the Lunatic Asylums Act, In.*:;, to he deemed I»ori»uelis am!e\e(i to (he counties ill which they are si'uate.] ■_'>>!. The jiower ,er lunatic cliai'.u-e- pC.v'^',",''.' alije to any j)arisli oi' union within the county or i,",''|„.''i"''r'"' horou^h, in' any county or b(.)rou;j,li to which such "'■ asylum wiudly or in part helon.u's, or to any such county, and wiio mav \>v eonlhied in an\' other asvlum. or in anv I'cids- 01 M TT itc.-j i:xyllliii. >li;i!l lit- r\ttllc >||(1 vi.-itor- Id «n-,i( r any pauiKT lunatic cIiai'^caMc to any |iai'!>l or union witliin any t-ounty or lioi-on;^li. or to any county In the riccjiijoii of tlic |iaujMT lunatics wluTcof into siidi lir,- nuntioiKMl a>yluin tin it is a ^ulpsislinli■ contract, ami \vlio nun Kc coiilin* il a- al'oiTsai'l. to lie removed to sucli lirst-inenliuuet asylum, and al.-o to ordi r any sueli iiaujier lunatic as her. in hel'oie mentioned to he rt moved from such tiist-un mioiH i asylum to any asylum, ri'iii^tered hosjdtal or licens( d holism .-uhject ne\'ertheles> to thi' restriction contained in seclinii 7 ol" the Lunaiie Asylum- Act. is.'i:;. 'JS'_'. [.^ '•'. I'ouxrs ot' commissioners and visitors to conliniK applicahle tM of licence, wiiile auv patients an' therein.] ■JN^!. [.^ 111. ('ortracts under lorty-seeond section ol' I.tuiatii. Asylums Act. l^o."'.. may he renewed.] ■J^l. [5 11. I'rovi.-ii-'ii lor liurial lor paupei- lunatics.] '2n."i. [); r_'. I'ower to enter into agreemenls with i"euieier\ company or hurial hoard.] 2N(). [? h'). Commiitee of vi.-itors may convey land foi-hniial ground for lunatics, etc. dying in the a-ylum.] ■-!'>7. [.^ 1 I. Pauper lunatio whose seltleuiems cannot he jis- ci'rtained, where found in a horougli which does not conliihine to the couiuy expeiidiuire, to he chargeahle to such horou^h.] ■JNN. [.i lo. S.-als of eommi>>iouers. visitors and ju>lice> t<» onUrs, ele.. di~i'enseo much of section six of the said .\cl of the sixle< nth X ,,; and seventeenth of her maje.' ■~'>^ ;i^ r(^ijuires .- KNilI.AM). !i(;;} lidii of Iniiiilic.-' wliicli li,"- Mot lici II rciMWcd, i>v it", ;l!'tcr llu' n'V()C;lli\\r\\ county lor "! '' ,'.!',vi',io"''' the i,uf|)osi'S of tlic said Act shall, at the general or "'■■'""'■ (juartcr sessions next aftei- such a|i]ioiii!iiient as aloresaid. or uhere such coinniittee has heeii already a|i]ioin|ed, shall at the g-cneral or (|uart('r sessions next after the jiassiiiLi' o|' this Act. ajipoint two justices (»f such lioi-oui^h to he ircniliers of such coinniittcc. rh does uol coUtnhulc Ihle to such lu.roU-li.J i^itors and ju^^i«•l'^ to |l Act of tlu' sixteenth . C.WIK i>K ('kIMINAI. Ll NATK'S. 2.1 I'i lit Vict., .1,. 7.".; Cliitty, vol. ;?, p. -JIHI. J'.i;;. It slial' ' c hiwful for her luiije-ty iVoni lime to time, hv warraiil under her royal sign manual, to appoint that , , any asylum or phu'(> in Mngland which lici' maje-ty ;Vii,l!l'"/"' may litive caused to he |)rovided or appropriated, '""■"""-■ ,uid may deem suitahh' lor this ]iurpose, shall he an asylum for criminal lunatics, and the pi-ovisions (jf this Act shall he applicahlc to every such asylum. ■J'.M. It shall he hiwtul for one of her majesly's [irincij)al secretaries of statt', hv wtirnmt under his hand, to ij j. 1' 1 1 • ' iiiitmciit direct to he convi'Vetl to and kept in anv such asy- "I'li ku liini any person tor whose sale custody dui'Uig her ii-.^iuni, pleasurt' her majesty is authorised to give order, or whom such secretary of state mi.ght diivct to he I'emoved to a lunatic' asy- liMu under any of the Acts hei'eiid)v'lore meiition(>d, or inider any other Act of parliament, or any pi'rson sentenced or oc.i ENGLAND. ti ordered to 1)(' k(^]it in jieiial servitude, who inny be shown to the sntist'actioii of the secretiirv of state to \)0 insane, or to \h> unlit IVdiu inilieeility ioners of her majesty's treasury, shall iix the salaries to lio paid to the superintendent, chaplain, ollicers, assistants ;niil •servants of sucli asylum. •J'-'T. It shall l.)e lawful for the secretary of state from linie to tiMu> to make rules for the government and inannge- S ' r'.'n.U'.*! t'/,\'?. nient of the asvlum, and for the duties and conduct "",',f" of the ollicers thereof, and for th(> care and tn^atniout '""' of the [lei'sons coidine(] thert'in, and to subscrihc ii KNOI.ANI). IV l)c slifnvii to inHuiu', t therein with every jicr- ■ansmitte'l a cer- ct annexed, duly whii'h eevtilicat'i :c'r to he kept in of the crown to iminal lunatic] state from time to as he may tliink iihevto heacoun- i,U"r this Act, and mneil, and ui>nn niher of the >;iid also from time to lieal superintend- ants and servant^ o remove such su- ,1 servants respec- proval of tin' Clin- ics to In' :tl le dar' >rs, assistants an I ^late from time to nt and manatro- Im lluties and eoni lud are a nd treatment Inn 1 to suhseril le ;i certificate that they ai'e lit to be mfoi'eed and that -iidi iul( s, when so certilicd. shall he l»indin,i; on the council, and all nili- ccrs, assist. mts and servants of the asylum, and all other jk i- sons whonisoever. and all such I'ules >ha.ll lie laid helure liaiueiit within twenty-one days after they shall he cert ilied, or if jiarliament he not sittiiii: then within twenty-one ilays ath r the next meeting of j)arlianu'nt. ■JUS. Suhject to the rules eerliiied hy the secretary of stale under this Act, the council of supei'vi^ion shall su- § i; perintend and direct the nmnaiicment and condi -t si'i'll'i'ui,'s. of the asylum, and the care and treatment of the 'i.'-iin't-ua ' r* 1 1 • 11 • 1 iisvlmn. lunatics conlnicd tlicreni : and .-ueh t-ouiicn or any two of them shall from time t. The provisions of the Acts hereinhefore mentioned, or of any other Act for the removal or discharge of j; hmatics wdiom the said seert'tary of state is. umler nlsriKiVi.- o"' the lu>reinhefore mentioned Acts or any other Act now in foi'ce, authorised to direct to he removed to any lunatic asylum, shall exteml ami apply to any lunatic whom the sec- retary of state may dirt'ct to he conv<'yed to any asylum for criminal lunatics aiipointed undi'r this Act; Provided always, that any order for nunoval or discharge wdiich may now he iiiaile hv the secretarv of state on the certificate of two idivsi- (ians or surgeons may he made on the certificate of the resi- dent medical superintendent uf the asvlum and an\' two of the council of sui)ervision. oOU. [§ 8. Repealed, see 30 Vict., cli. 12, § 0, infra.] ,1,, 1 1 iivnsHiiBaH :!-ri \l' ll UGG i:X(;i,ANn. ;'>01. ri'ovidcd also, tliat it sliall ])v lawful foi- {]\v sccic- Trnii.orarv ^'"T *''' ■'^^i't'' ' '>' 'i'"^ ^\■an■allt to |)('i'iiiit any |i( rson Mi'ii'ii'tV,'.' "' (•()nliiu'(l in the asylum to bf aliscnt from sudi asylum U]ion trial for sucli pci'iod as lie may think lit. or \n jH-rmit any such ])orson to he ahscut from siu'li asyhini u|iiiii such conditions in all ris])cct< as to the secretary of state sh;dl seem lit. and in ease any pei'son so ])ernntt<'d to he ah>t'nt u|miii trial for any jieriod do not return at the expiration of sui h jieriod, or in ease any of the conditions on winch any per.-on i- so ))ermitte(l to he ahseiit he l)roken. the jiersoii not returnina at such expiration or ahseiil after such condition has hcen broken, as the case may l;e, may lie retaken as iierein jao- viiK'd in the case of an escape.* I')(CJ. All ]irovisions in the said .\i't of the third and fouilli S 10. Years of her niaieslv tor the iiavment oi' the convcv- K.xi"'iisos of • . . . . ■ c.iiv.'yiiiK.- ance of such insane pei'sons as tlu'rein mentioned lo "•""■'• any a.sylum or other reci'ptacle. ami of his niainii- nauce therein, shall extend and he apjilicahle to the couvcv- anco ol' any such pi'rson to any asylum for criminal lunatic^. and his maintenance therein, ami all sums payable under ;itu- order made under such jirovisions shall b<' paid and appliid towards defi'ayiui!,- or I'cindiursin^ the expenses in respect n{ which the same are paid, or other ex])enses of the asyhuii, as the commissiontn's of her nuiji'styV. treasury may direct.!" .'><).'). in cast' of esca])e of any jiersou coniined in any asyjiun 5 u. for criminal lunatics, he mav be retaken at an\- time cecdiiigs. liy (l|(, superintendent of such asylum or any ollicir or servant belouu'iui;' thereto, or any person assistiiuj,' \\\vv piM'son authoi'ised in writinu' in this belialf l)y the secretaiy nf state or such sujierinteiideut. and conveyed to ami reccivnl and detained in such asylum. .'5(>l. Any ]ierson who re.-cui's any ])erson oi'dered to b" ((Hi- § r2. ve\'ed to anv asvlum for criminal lunatics duiiii^ I'.'iialtv for ' . . ' . ' ... ri'M'in' HI- per- tlic tiiuc ol liis t'ouveNauce tli(>reto or ol his coiidin- «ii)o. ment therein, and any onicin' or sei'vant ni any asvlum for crinnnal lunatics who throuu'h wilful Ufojecl nr * Str;!0 Vict., ell. 12. \ t. t See no Vict., cli. 12, \ 4. "N,!_ _. il/V ENOl.AXI). !>/ I for \\\v s(>('rc- inil any |icrsiiii scut IViiin such think lit. <>r \<- cli asylum \\\»'U irv of state sh;ill ) l)c alisciit uiHUi piration nf siu h icli any pciM'ii :- ,iii not rctuniiii- idition has hccii II as iici'cin jir"- tliinl ami fourth lit of the ciinvi y- •cin nicntioucil i'> 1(1 (if his iiiaintc- ih' to the cdUVcy- ■riniinal lunatic-. liiyaMe under any paitl and aiipliid ises in respect d' ■ the asylum, as lay direct.'!" t'd ill any asylum ken at any time 1111 or any otlicer 1 assist in.Li,' -iirji all", or any ndur V the sccretai'v "i to and reccivr'l nlereil to l'" 'nii- hinatics during or of iiis cdufnic- servant in uny wilful nc<;lccl cv connivance permit^s any ]iei'soii conlined therein to c llierefroni. or secretes or aheis or coiinive< al the e-cape ol' aiiv -iich person, shall he guilty of felony, ami heiuL:' eoii\i( led tjiei'iof shall he liahh' to he kepi ill pciial .-ervilU'le for a UN- term no( exceeding four vears, or to hi' imiii'i>oii ei| lo 1' auv •rill not caccc din^ two vear-, wiih or w illioiu hai d lalioiir, at the di.-crelion of the court, and auv -ueh oll!r( r or -ei\ani who can ■le.-slv all ows any .-Ueh ]»er:-ou to r-cape a- afore-a u -uai oil sumiiiai'v conviction lulorc two :u-liec~: of -udi oljeiicr. for- t'eit any sum not e\<•eedill^■ twenty pound- uoi- h-< tl laii two oouikIs. u."». Any -uperintendent, oflieer, i .tl lUl itteiidant, servant or other iK-rsoii emploNcd iii aii\' asvlum tor crimi- « '-^ ual lunati<-s \» ,, I'.'hMMii's lor Irikes, wduiKf-. ill-ireal> or wil fully iieulecis any p( r.-oii cournird therfiu. shall he miilly ol a misdemeanor, and .-hall iie sulijeci to ludieiuicul tor excry such olieiice, and on coinictiou uudi r the iiidiclmciit to lioe or imprisonment with nr wilhout hard lahour. or to hoih line and imprisonment, at the discrt tioii of the court, or to I'orfcit tor every such onence,oii a summary convicti co.iHicd therein, or any of them, and shall also make siu'li other imjuiries is to -uch asylum as to them may seem pi'oper, nv as such -ecn t a ry of state may direct. .■'ii>7. The commissioners in lunacy -hall in the mouth of March in every yeai' report to one ot' her majerinci]ial .-eci'etaries ol' state the visits made as i;.','.','.',!^^ *v „f afoi'csaid in the ]ir( cediiiLi' yeai'. and all such ]iar- -'''"' ticulars in I'dation to e\-ery asylum visited a^ afoi'csaid as they think desei'vin.u' of notice, and shall al-o report in like manner in relation to anv visit made hv thi' direction of the .-vl 9G8 i;N(ii..\Ni>. sccirlaiy (»r stale, as soon as coiivciiiciiily may lir aftrr sudi visit, and a copy ct' every such I'eporl shall he laid heloic ])arliaiiient within twenty-one days alter the recei)it there ol', di- ir jiarlianient he not sitting-, tluii within twenty-one days alu i- the next meeting of parliament. t'^CIlKDLl.l': (A). kStatenient respcctinf>' Criminal Lunatics to he tilled uj» anil transmitted to the Medical >Superintendent with every Criminal ].unatic. Name. Date of admission. Former occupation. i-'rom wluMice brought. Ahirried, single, or widowed. llow many children. Age of the youngest. Whether first attack. When })revious attacks occurred. Duration of existing attack. State of bodily health. Whether suicidal or dangerous to others. Supi)Osed cause. Cliief delusions or indications of insanity. Whether .'subject to ei)ilei)sy. Whether of tem})t'rate habits. Degree of education. Keligious persuasitJU. ( 'rime. When and wheiv tried. \'erdict of jury. Sentence. LlNACY IvlXJrLATlON AcT, 1SG2. 2.j & 2G Vict., di. 80; Cliitty, 3, p. 203. r.dS. This .\ct mav be cited as "The Lunacv Kegulatioii .Vet, § 1. i^li.Mt title. 1,S()2." .')()(). [§ 2. Act to be construi'd as part of Lunacy Itegulaiiun Act, ISGo, IG it 17 Vict.,.ch. 70.] '♦k, 1 llNta.ANIi. !)»;!i inacy RemiUii" :!lt). Tlu' iiKjuiiy tn lie iii;m1i' uinlcr i vi ly onli r \\ ;it till' liliic of >i;cli hii..ir_v. iii'iuiry of uii>ouii(| mind, ami iiica|iali|f of maiiaLiin^:- liim-tlf or his all'aii's, and no cvidi'mc a.< to anything;' done or r-aid I'V such person, or as to liis demeanor or >tate of mind at anv time hein.ii' more than two yeai's hefore ilie time of tii" in(inirv, shall hi' reel 'iva hie in iiro<.|' of in-anily on any >ueh im|uiiv. or on llic trial of any travt I'se of any imiuisition. unle-s the jnd_ue or niasti'r shall olherw ise dired. .')11. [§ 4. In(|uirics ht'fore a jni'y to he made hv means of an issiji' to one (»f the superior eiiurts of eomnioii law.] '.\]± [i ."). Keferenee in other Aet- to iiHjui.-itioii to apjily to verdict on issue.] ;!lo. On the trial of every >ueh is.-ue as la.-t aforesaid the alle.ii'ed insane person shall, if he is within the juri<- ^^ «. diction, hi' examiiU'd hefore the taking' of the evi- oiiunanr^. (Iciu-e is coiumenced, and at the close of the proceed iiii^s. hefore the jurv consult as to their verdict, iiidess the itrc-idim;- iudw shall othei'wise direct; and such examinations of the alleued inline pi'i'son shall take place- citlnr in ojieii couri or in jirivate as the judg(> shall direct. :!14. [>i 7. No traverse of an in(|ui>ition nnule hy one of tlio judges of the superior courts and hy a jury to he granted, hut new trial niav he ordert'd hv the lord chancellor.] 111"), rpon the hearinii- of any ]ietition for iinpiii-y it shall he lawful for the alleged lunatic, hy him-elf, hi-; ^^ eeunsel or solicitor, (jrally, or hy petition addres-ed i',V,',',Tir'y\./ to the loi'd chancellor intrusted t'< aforesaid, to de- ■*"'•" mand an inc^iiiry hy a jury, and such tlemand shall have the same efi'eet as if made hy notice filed with the ri'gistrai- in ac- ctirdanee with the j)rovisions of tlu' said Act. ;!!(>. r{)on such hearing ihe alleged lunatic niay. hy him- self, his counsel or solicitor, orallv. or hv petition as § " _ ' " ' . Di'iiiaiul limy aforesaid, withdraw anv notice of deuiandinu' an i^owiiii.iiawu. iiKluirv hy a jury i)rcviously filed hy him. ;117. [S 10. Commission nniy lie su]ti'rscded on conditions.] •'US. [i^ 11. Lord chancellor niay order costs.] ;'>11). [>;§ 12-17. As to j)roperty of insane persons when of small auiouut. Charging orders.] Hi 070 K.Vfll.ANI). i; ii .'i'Jii. !"< is. I'dwcr t(i iiiaslci's Id siiiiiiiiiiii witness's. J ;'>iil. It sIimII Im- (lie (Inly of the vi>it(prs to visit pci's(iii< >>( 5 If- iinsniiiiil iiiiiiil witliiii the iiiijiiiiii!.'- oi' llii- Ad i:l >''''"'-^- sllcli tilii(< ;ilii| ill siicli I'ohil idll ;iliil lil.ili licl', ;ili. ! 1(1 iii;ik(' siicli iiii|iiiii(- iiihI invest i^^iil ii)i!< ;is to their ciin jiin! tri'iiliiiclil iiliil iiiiiitiil iiiid liddily liiiillM. ;iih1 tlie iiiTniiLiv- nicnts I'nf ilicir iiniintcii.iiicc iiiid cfiMilnrl. ;iiiil dlluiwisc ic- sjii'cl iiii;' lli< 111. jiy the lord cliniHMllor sli.dl !iy ;^(ner;d drdci-. dr ;is tlic lord el i;i 1 1 col lor iiit rusted n- al'dresniil si mil liy s[i( ei.d order ill ;!liy |i;irlielll;ir eiise iVdiii lime Id lime dii'eel. .">■_'■_'. l'rdvid('(l nlways, tlial every luiialic sluill ]>v pcrsdiiidly jj .j„_ visited iiml sic'ii l>y oiic of the said visitors twice ;ii |K.nn.-nJ-.n..v j^^.^^j jj^ ^,y^,yy year, and siieli visits shall he so remi- ''■^'''^ ■ latcil as that the interval botweeii successive visits to any such lunatic shall in no ease exeeeij eiLilit nioiit!i<; I'rovifleil always, that every lunatic resident in a iniva'.e liouse shall, durin.i;,- the two .Ntars next lollowinij in(|uisitioii. be so visiti'd at least I'oui- times in every yi'ar. M"Jo. 'J'he visitors shall also visit such persons alle.ucd to he S-'i. insane, and shall make such imiuiries and i-enorts \i-il;iliiiti . , 1111 11 • 1 lui.i rvimn. m relei'enee to thoni as the lord ehaneellor intrusted as aforesaid may direct, and at the exjiiration of every six calendar months they shall rejiort to the lord chancellor the nuiuher of visits which they shall have made, the nuiiiheinj' patii'Uls they shall have seen, and the nuniher of miles they shall have fravelle(l dui'in,!^ such months, and shall on tln' iirst day of -lanuary in each year make a return to the lord chancellor of all sums I'l'ceived hy them for travellim;- cx- jienses, or upon any other account: and a copy of such lepoiH, showin.ij,' the numher of visits niadi', thc> numher of jialieiit- seen, and the numher of miles travelled, and alst) a ((ii>y of such return oi' sums received for travellin.u,' expenses, or upon any other account, shall he; laid before i)arliamt'nt on or h'I'orc the first day of l'\'bruary in each year, if parliament he llun sitliiii;-, and if not, within twenty-one days next after the coiii- nieiicement of the next session of [larliaiiient. '•'>'![. [vj 'Jo. Power to the lord cleincellor to allow iiensious to ])res(>nt visitors, if desirous of retirinu'.] o'l~). The medical visitoi-.-, to he hereafter appointed, iiinI tlu' ':}\} r.Ni.i Axn. !ht IfSSt'S.] isil pcrsnii^ 111 ,.r tlii- Afl ill ,1 iiMimcr, nil'! , ihrir ciir*- :in'l ,1 tlu' arrnii-v- ,1 otlnrwiM' 1'- dirrci. ill be iicrsdUiiUy vi.-iltirs Iwirc at shall lu'.-o f'.'-i"- siKH'cssivi- vis'il-^ 1 cinhl niniitli^: "lit in !i I'livali' A-inii; in(lui^iti<>ll. Icii'iil visitor, slmll Imld tli.'ir (.(licos hall n ivc sidarics of liftccii liiindicd pniiiMU ."». Clrrks to vi>ilor> I o'll. [i 'Ii>. .'^ii|piraiiniia! ioii al!u\v;ini-c- tundiin rs in lunacy.] .')'28. [;; 27. raynicnt of pi nsioii-^ and salaries] .')!*!). 'I'hc registrar in Innaiv shall hold hi.- ollicc dur- ing!; u'ood Ix'havioiir, and may l.c riniovi d ihrrc llfji-lrai- |.i roll) hv the lord chanccljor in i-asi' of nii-cdndiict ii"i.i •■m iriMi; i.' or nc^loct in the discha!'i:t' of hi- dulir- oi' hi- luin^ i"iiiivi (lisahlcd tVoin |)(.'rfornnnii the 5 2'.>. Ollicc copies of ord'is to he acted Upon hy a ac.'comitant-u(>n('ral and otlu rs.] ions alleged lo he ^ and report^ llor intrusted irie; inei' ion <> f cverv MX .rd chaneellor the lie, the nuniher el H.r of miles they luid shall on tli^' |.turn to tl"' !"'■'' travelliiiLr ex- [v of such report-;. niher of imlieiit- d also a (olO' "'' ■ xpenst'S. or upeii lent on or h'd'oiv ■liarnent he lli"" ixl after the euiii- allow i)ensiou ; - si„,ri nu.'. 33 1. [!; 4. I'laiis, etc., of vi.-ilor-. when not apjiroved hy the ijuarler sessions, to he .-uhinitled to -ecretary of state.] 33.5. [§ i). Estimates to act'ompany plans.] 3;!(!. [§ G. Excess of ]»aynieiit may he made to a huildint^ and repair fund.] .')37. Where any coutract ha- hceii made liv a coiniiiittee of visitors of any county or liorou^ih under the huiuu'V ^^ . Act. chapter iiinety-seveii. section forty-two. f,,r the ;.;;;.';';,;''i:,;/';;f rc('e[ition into ,ny asylum, ho-pital, or licensed '""■""■'• house of the whole or a )>ortion of the juiuper lunatics of such county or horoUL!,]), it shall he lawful tor the justices of such county or horou,i!,h, so lontx a- such contract is suhsistiui^, to defray out of the cftunty oi- horou,L:h rate so much of the Weekly cliai\u[e a.ijrecd upon for each pauper lunatic i-eccived therein as may, in the opinion of ,-uedi committi'e (if visitors, !»7-2 i:N*(ii.AN'n. I! represent the >uin due fur tlic iiiieli Weekly eli!ir;;e. in cxoiieral ioii lo tliul extent ot' the uiiiiiir to which tlie niaiiitenanee ol" any such iiaiiiHT lunatic may he chai'^^calile. ;j;]>S. It shall he lawhil lor the visitors of any asylum and ^, the guardians of any parish or union within the (■il'ion'i'r district for which the asylum lias hei'ii provided, if iiiiiati.s. ji^^^^. j,||,,]] ^^,j. jj,^ ,,, hi;,),;,, arran^fcnients, suhjeet to the approval of the eomniissiouers and the president of the jioor law hoanl, for the reception and as a new hurial ground, or for an enlargement of an existing huiial ground: Secondly, that the sanction of the court of general or quarter '?i»ti %l t;n(ji,am). !»7r> leiicral or quarlcr Possi(»n?! ant'> (Iccincil to hf nioniy<, cost-;, and cxiicnsi's payable for the purposes of the Lunacv Act, chapter ninety- seven, an Vict., eh. IS, ine..rporat..l with this Act.] oil. [S 11. Taking on lease additional lands Ibr use (jf asylum.] ol2. [S 12. Su|)eraiinuation of oflicers of asyhnu] ;5|;>. [ >:? lo. Provision for su|i(M'annuation of matrons] oil. l>efore the j^i-ant by the justices (»f a licence for tho roeei)tioii of lunaties to a house which has not l)e(!n s n iiri'viouslv licensed for that purpose, the notice uiven !.•■ inmi.. i..-- ' • 1111 I'"" ii''ii'''t by the ap|)lieant, and the plan and statements ac- 'iiv^-niiin-.i. conipanying the same, or copies o| such notice, plan. an and land or appurtenances jiroposed to be included in the licence, and shall ascertain, with referenco as well to the situation as to the structurt', ar- ranuemeiits and con sai-((l iHldilidii (ir iillcfiilidii, ami |>liiii IIk iv(.i; mill ac( tiiii|iaiiyiii^ ilcscriptioll ;^ivili In llic clclls (»r llii' |i( ate, i>i' f(i]ii(',s llicrfol' i'r>|ii'ctivfly. >liall lie Iraiisiiiilltil Ky liiiii In till' (■(»iiimis>ii)ii('i's, ulin shall, al'lir iiialxiii;^' nr caii^iiiL:, Id lie iiiadc siicli iiKiuii'ics (•!• iiis|)c>-l idii (il' any) as llicy may ilci-in j»i'(i|i('i', t iMii-iiiil til llic said t|i rk of llic iicacf, a rcporl slatiiiLi llicii' a|i|ii'()val or di-a|>|irii\ al llni'iol'; and tln' vi>it(»rs shall liiii niiiscnt to siH'li add ion or alliTation nnlil ihcy have rc'cciviMl and cunsidcrfd such i>'|Mirl. ;!lv, to reside in or visit al such liou-» hiitiiiii IS. 1^ l^ I'.xhii-inii n|' |,(,\\ir< lu lake lidiir.l I'.t, 1^ 111. Aiiini.l- K; a it \' I r- 111 liipii-i -. Hi., fll. •'( , > li<, M. V I.iirinili'- til !•>' I I" |ii'i|icr li.')0. Nd |iciMiii sli.ill lie ill liiiiicij ill aii\ w I'l kl.i'iisi' III iiiL; a jiiiiatii' iir alli';^i'il liiiiiitii', lirSMn.l t!ir |m I'iu.j of IdUilrcii iii ^iviii in writ- ing, srciinii >liall lie (li".'iiiitl Id lie a |ii(ijHr |ii r-nii Id lie -i iii Id an a-\|iiiii within the meaning of -cilidn si\ly-M \( n nf ihr l,iinar> Art, rliajilfi' niiicty-scvt'ii ; aipl in lln' ivriit nf any |Mi'-nii Im iiijj,' (litaiiu'il in a \\(irklidii-c in cdul i'a\ cnlidn nl ihi- Mclimi, ihf iiirdirai olliccr shall Idpall 'lir |iiii'|id,-i'< nf ihc I. unary Act, (•lia]ilrr iiin(ly-hall \>r his ilnly td aft accord in.nly, and I'urthcr Id -i^n -uch critilicati a^ i^ cuniaiiud ill sclicchlk' (I''), to the -aid .\cl. No. ."!, u ii h a vim tn iikh'c n r- taiuly securing- the rcccj.tidn inid an a>\ him of such |iau[icr lunatic as afdi'csaid. li.'il. The list of lunatic iiau[icrs rcijiiii'i d hyscctidu -ixty- si\ df the Lunacy Ad, clia|ilei- ninety-se\ in, to he :.:i. , . I , , " I • I .,. 1111 • 1 Mil. ■mi lit 'if made dUi by tiic niedii-al dllicei", shall oc in i he i-i^ .i immimt , " , , , 111)1 1 • iiiiiiiiii-. Ill tdi'iu III the schedule marked (!>), hereld, and nm in u..ii,i,..u,.s. llic fonn reijuired hy the said seclioii, and shall, as i-e.-jiects sui'h of the lunatics therein mentioned as may he in any workliduse, state w liether, in the o|iinidii of the medical ollici r, the workhouse iis ;n' nut .^ullicieiit for the accdmodatidii of ihe lunatics detained therein, and whellu'r nr not the lunatics detained therein are proper persons to he kept in a \Vdikhons(,'. •I't'l. When a i)erson has been found lunatie hy iiKiuisilion an order, siuiied 1)}' the i-ommitti'e ajipointed hy the s •.:■.•. 11111 II- 1 1 ' ' 'I'''' r f"i' I'''- lnrd eliancellor, and having!,' annexed thereto an r,.|.ii,,i, ;ui,i ,,, (• 1 1 '• • 1 ■ \i-ilMliii|l "!' ollice co|iy a suflieient authority for the reception of such )>erson into any asylum, hospital, lieensed house, or other m 07G ENGLAND. 'I ;i 1 i ! «. house, without any further order or any such medical cer- tificates as are refjuired by section ninety of tlie Lunacy Act, chapter one hunih-ed, and sections four and ei_<,dit of the Lunacy Act, ciiai>tcr ninety-six, and the provisions of the sec- tion ninety of the Lunacy Act, chai)tcr one liundred, as to the visitation of everv siuiile patient once in everv two weeks bv a physician, suriieon, or ajtothecar}', shall not apply to an}" per- son found lunatic by inquisition as aforesaid. 353. No order for the reception of a private patient into any asylum or rejristered hospital, licensed or otiicr 5 i:5 h'rrtlV'iKA'f'" house, made in pursuance of the Lunacy Acts, within oue til out li. chapters ninety-six and ninety-seven, or either of them, shall authorise the reception of such jiaticnt after the expiration of one calendar month from its date, nor unless tiie jterson subscribing such order has himself seen the patient within one month jtrior to its date, nor unless a statement of the same and place where such person last saw the patient is added to such order. 354 The following persons shall be prohibited from sig?iinn; §■!■» anv certificate or order for the reception of anv nri- Whu not to - !• T - 1 ' nigii vate i>atient nito any licensed or other house : First, any person receiving any percentage or otherwise in- terested iu the payment to be made by or on account of any patient received into a licensed or other house: Second, any medical attendant as defined by the Lunacy Act, chapter one hundred. 355. Where an order is made, in pursuance of the Lunacy §•^1. Acts, or anv of them, for the recei)tion of anv )iii- or p.jiitivs of vate or ]>auper lunatic into any asvlum, registered Kiv'i. hospital, or licensed house, there shall be inserteihu every such order, wdienever it be possilde, the name and ad- dress of one or more of the relations of the lunatic ; and in tlie event of death it shall be the duty of the clerk of such asylnm, the superintendent of such hospital, and the proprietor nr su})erintendent of such licensed house, to send by post notice of his death in a prepaid letter addressed to such relation or one of such relations. 350. The onler and certificate required by law for the de- 15 .jfi tention of a patient as a [)au[ier siiall extend to au- Ij ttppl}' to thorise his detention, although it may afterwards KNfil.AXI), '/ i h medical ccr- of the Lunacy nd eij^lit of the sions of the sec- mdved, as to tho .' two weeks by a ,pply to any pcr- patieint ^nto any icensed or other lie Lunacy Act?,^ 3ven, or either of II of such patient from its date, nor has himself seen date, nor unless a •h person last saw hited from signing ;ception of any pri- othor house : e or otherwise in- on account of any Ase: ,1 by the Lunacy nee of the Lunacy option of any pri- asvlum, registered shall be inserted ni the name and ad- imatic; am 1 in the i-k of such asylvnii, the proprietor or =cnd by post notice [to such relation or jy law for the de- hall extend to au it may afterwar' ds appear that he is entitled to be cd.-.ssilifd as a i)ri- ',!',!i",';,';|' 'V'J.^ vate patient; and tlie order and certificates required "''""*■ by law for the detention of a {)atient as a private patient shall authorise his detention, although it may afterwards api)ear that he ought to be chissilied as a ])au[)er patient. 357. Wliere any medical certificate upon which a patient lias been received into any asylum, registered lios- ^,,-_ pital, licensed or other house, or either of such cer- 'Mv'.uv'I'ee'i'.'^ tificates, is deemed by the commissioners incorrect '""""'"*• or defective, and the same are or is not duly amended to their satisfaction within fourteen days after the reception by the su- perintendent or pro})rietor of such asylum, registered hos])ital, or licensed or other house of a direction or writing from the commissioners requiring amendment of the same, the commis- sioners or any two of them may, if they see fit, make an order for the ])atient's discharge. 338. The documents re([uired by the Lunacy Act, chapter one iiundred, sections lifty-two and ninety, and the I^u- r^-^- nacv Act, chapter ninetv-seven, section eiglitv-nine, ni',i„riinHiits to be sent to the commissioners ri lunacv, after two iiers. j^^ visitcd twicc ut leust ill every year by any one or more of tlie commissioners, in addition to the visits now re- quired to be made by two at least of the commissioners; and if not witliin the immediate jurisdiction of the commission- ers, may be visited at any time, and shall bo visited twice at least in every vear bv one or more of the visitors, in addition to tlio visits now recjuired to be made by two at least of the visitors. Every commissioner visiting alone shall have the same powers as two commissioners would have under section sixt\'-one of the Lunacy Act, chapter one hundred ; and all the provisions of the said Act contained in sections sixty-three, sixty-four, sixty-live, sixty-six, and sixty-seven shall a])ply to a commissioner or visitor visiting alone as tlie case may be, in the same manner as they would apj)ly under the same Act to two or more commissioners or two or more visitors visiting together. o()0. Any one or more of the commissioners may at any «■"•"■ time visit everv asylum and hospital for lunatics, iiiis>i.,,„.i-,niiy f^jjj every gaol in wliich there may be, or alleued to ami jails. ]jg^ ,^,^y Jmiatic, ill addition to the visits now re- quired or empowered to be made by two at least of the com- missioners, and every commissioner so visiting alone shall have the same powers as two or more commissioners would perform and have, in the case of an asylum or gool, in j)ui- suance of the one hundred and tenth section of the Lunacy Act, chapter one hundred, and in the case of a hospital, in pursuance of section sixty-one of the Lunacy Act, chapter one hundred. ?i^\. Where upon the visitation of any workhouse by any j.„ two or more of the commissioners in lunacy it movriuiKuic appears to them that any lunatic or alleged lunatic {,?,*,",.",',',' "^^ therein is not a 2)roper person to be kej)! in a work- «")i""' house, they may by an order under their hands direct such lunatics to bo received into an asylum, and any order so made shall have the same effect, and be obeyed by the same persons, and subject them to the same penalties in case of disobedience, as an order made by a justice far the rc- ce|)tion of a lunatic into an asylum under the sixtv-seycntli section of the Lunacy Act, cha2)ter ninety-seven: Provided ENGLAND. 070 i-isdiction, shall r by any one or 3 visits now re- uissioners; an form ami schoilulo (F), No. o, annexed to tlie laniacy Act, chapter ninety-seven, and the commissioners are satisfied that such ])au[)er is a lunatic, and a {)roper {)erson to be taken charge of and S() KNOI.AXI). ' . ji; I) : U siiniK'p of ^•^('ti()n sovciity-two of llio f-unacy Act, cliapter iiiiu'ty-scviMi. .'](il. Tlio su[»('riiit('ii(Icnt of every asylum sluill, once at least 'r every union, and of ev«'ry pai'isli una[)ter one hundreil, t,'"'\!r\'i','t., or under section uinety-two of the same Act, and "''■^" ' tlie provisions umendinj;- the same, may include in- (juiries as to the moneys paid to the su[»erintendent oi' \)Vi)- prietor on ai'count of any lunatic under the care of such superintendent or [)ro[)rietor. ^ ;i(tG. The pro[)rietor of every licensed liouso within lliejuris- §■■*'' „ diction of visitors ai)])ointcd by justices sliali, <.,itiu.s„r,om- ■within three davs af"tcr a visit hv the visitinii com- Hiui Visitors, iiiissioners or commissioner, transniit u true and perfect co[iy of the entries nuule by them or him in the visitors' book, the patients' book an«l the medical visitation book respec- tively, distin_u;uisini:i; the entries in the several books, to the clerk of the visitors as well as to the connnissioners, and the copies so transnntted to the clerk of the visitors of all such entries in the visitors' book relating- to any such licensed house, and made since the grantor last renewal of the licence thereof, shall be laid before the Justices on taking into consid- eration the renewal of the licence to the liouse to which such entries relate: and every such ]»roi)rietor as atbresaid who shall omit to transmit as hereinbefore mentioned a true and perfect copy of every or any such entry as aforesaid shall fur every such omission forfeit ti siun not exceeding ten })ounds. 307. The visiting committee of every union, and of every § ■'" parish under a board of guardians, and the overseers Visitirii; fi'in- '■ .... , . iMittiM' to omer of cvcrv paHslx uot HI a union nor under a board el iuiibook. guardians, shall once at least in each quarter of a year enter in a book to be provided and kept by the nnister of the workhouse such observations as they may think fit to make respecting the dietary, accommodation, and treatment of the lu- >• Act, clKiptev uU.onct! ivt least .' o-uiinliiins ol n\i\vv iilt<)i\nl of vv parish luit iu itiili-iiicnl of tlir to siirli union ol- io uiuUt scrtion tcr out' hundiTil, c pivnio Afl, an.l , uuiy incluiK' in- ntonarnl or I'l'o- tl\c earo of s\uli ^ ^Yitlun tlujuris- yy jnstic'os si 1 all. r the visitinj? eoni- nsiait a tnio an4 lini in the visitor^" tiilion hook resprL- veral hooks, to the lii^sioners, and tho Ivisitors of nH ^i'^'^' my sueh ru'cnscl lewal of the lieeure aking into eonsia- use to which siicli as aforesaia wlu- ulioued a trnc and tiforesaitl shall fvtr ■ding teiv \)Ounds. Lion, and of every lis, and the overseers jr under u hoard of n each quarter of u ,pt by the master of xy tliink lit to make treatment of thelu- KNOl.ANT). I»81 natics or alleged lunatics for liic time hcingin the worklioii.-c of their union or |tarisji, ami the hook containing the ohscrv;-- tions mad(,' in {•ursnancc of this sccii-m hy li:c vi>il iiig guar- dians or overseers shall he laid l»y the master hefore tiic com- missioner or commissioniTs on his oi' their next visit. ;!('>.S. .Section eighty-six of tiu; J.unacy Act, cha|iler one; hunilrerietf»r or "^'' """*• superintendent of any licens(>(l iiousc f>r hospital, with such consent, and to he given on such approval as Ihei'ehy reipiireil, to ]>erinit any patient to he ahsent from such lios]iilal ov house upon trial for such a j^eriod as may he thought tit: 'i'woof the eomnnssioners, as regards any hos{)ital or licensed house, and two of the connnittee of governors of any hospital, and two of the visitors of any licensed house, as regards any licensed house within the jurisdiction of visitors, may of tlnir own authority permit any pau[ier patient therein to he al)sent from such hospital or hou.-t' upon trial for such period as they may think fit, and may make or order to he made an allov- ance to such pauper not exceeding wliat would he the charge for him in such hospital or house, which allowance .-hall ho eliarired lor him and he i)avahle as if he were actuallv in such hosjiital or house, hut shall he paid ovei- to him, or for his henelit, as the said commissioners or visitors may dire<'t; In ease any i)erson so allowed to he ahsent on trial for any period do not return at the expiration tlu-reof, and a mt'dieal certificate as to his state of mind certifying that his detention as a lunatic is no longer necessary he not sent the ])i'0[irictor or superintendent of such licensed house or hospital, he may at any time within fourteen days after the expiration of the same period be retaken as in the ease of an escape. oOU. If any otlicer or servant in an}' hos])ital or licensed house through wilful neglect or connivance permits 5:53. any patient to escape from such hosfjital or lii'cnsed ciril'ii'mn'-Tit house, or secretes or abets or connives at the est-ape ''"'''''"' of any patient from such hospital or licensed house, he shall, for every such ofleiice incur a i)enalty ]iot exceeding twenty ])0unds. 370. Every letter written by a private patient in any asy- m ii'wr^ }>82 i:n(.i.ani). ! ! II' 111 I I kill ' « 1^ ■1 i; 9 ■ i'" 1 i ■■ •^ ■ i i I 1 , i^P 1 (5.,n. luiH, li()S|ne(|. J'^very letti^r written hy a })rivate I'utieiit in any asylum, ]ios[)ital or licensed house, or by any sina(ient failing to comi)ly with the provisions of this section as to lay- ing any letter before the connnissioners, or comniitti'e, or visi- tors, that is not forwarded to the address of the j)erson to whom it is dire(,'led,or being jji'ivy to the detention by any other })ersoii. t)f any letter detained in contravention of this section, shall incur a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds in respe(;t of eai'li offence; and any j)erson detaining any h'ttei- in contravention of this section shall incur, in res])eet of each letter so detaincil. a ])enalty not exceeding twenty pounds. oTl. J^very person having the care or charge of a single so. })atient shall, in addition to the notice required to Slitti'IllPllt ilS ■ . ... . '17 I.I •■..ii.iitiuii bo given bv tlu' mnetieth section ot tiie Lunacv Act, chapter one hundred, before the expiration (if seven clear days from the day on which he has taken the pa- tient under his cai'e or charge, transmit to the connnissioners a statenuMit of the condition of the jjatient, ai-cording to tlic form in schedule (l'') annexed to the said last-mentionecl Act, such statement to bo signed liv the physician, surgeon, or apothecary visiting the patient in i)ursuance of the ninelietli section of tlu^ Lunacy Act, cha[)ter one hundred. Tf any person having the care or charge of a single initieiit Krca.ANi". ftsn mniittec, or visi- ,n V other iK'i>oii. n t'ontravcntion Ik'tter so (letaiiKtl. „tioe rcqunvd to n of tlu- Luiiiu-y the exi>imtion of Ihas taken th.' pa- llje coniniir^sioiurs :;t-inentioiH-«l )f the iiiiu'liet fails to transmit sndi statciiH'iit a-: af«»rf-ai.] williiii -urli time as is v((iuirtil hy this section he sliall \k'. of in the parish of in the county of hath delivered to the clerk of the })eace a plan and descri})tion of a Iiouse and premises projwsed to be licensed for the recej)tion of lunalit'S, situate at in the county of and which has not been previously licensed for that purpose, and hath api)lied tons for a licence thereof: and whereas the })articulars of the said application have been transmitted to the commis- sioners in lunacy, and their report in reference to the said application has been received, and has been taken into con- sideration by us ; and we, having considered and a[)i)roved the application, do hereby authorise and enii)o\ver the said A. 15. (lie intending or not intentling to reside therein) to use and employ the said house and premises for the reception of male [or female, or male and female] lunatics, of whom not more than shall be private patients, for the space of calendar months from this date. Given under our hand and seals, this day of ill the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Witness, Y. Z., Clerk of the peace. Schedule (B). Quarterly List of Lunatic Paupers within the District of the Union of [or the Parish of ], in the County or Borough of , not in any Asylum, registered Hospital, or Licensed House. ENGLAND. OS;") Duration nf liri'oi'iiialliick ' Form (if 111' liisHiiily. Mi'iiliil his. mill if'ii', oiili'r. wlii'tliiT iir lln( fr>i|ll ISirili. n.-i.l.iit ill Wurkli..!!-.. .\hii r.Mi.l.Mit ill \V..rkli.'n-i', HiiiMi' ami u illl \N llulll r-ii.liMit. hill. I Vi.Ml. Ill what I'olKlili.ill aiiil. if I'MT, n-«traiiir.l, wiiy, mill liy what Mi'Mii's ami li..» iifli'ii. the District of Iho ill the County or [stered Hospital, or I declare tliat I have porsonally examined the poveval per- sons whose names are speeitied in the ahove list on the days set opposite their names; and I certify, firstly, witli resj)eet to those api)earing by the above list to be in the workhouse, that the accommodation in the workhouse is suthcient for their reception, and that they are all [or all except A. B. and C. D.] ])roper patients to be kept in the workhouse ; and, secondly, with respect to those appearing; by the above list to be resident elsewhere than in the workhouse, that they are [or all except A. B. and C. D.] properly taken care of, and may i)roperly remain out of an asylum, 1 declare that the persons in the above list are to the best of my knowledge the only pauper M . oso KNdF.AND. ]iiiiatic,> ill tlu' (lisliii't i»r the uiiiMii ai' [or in tlic |>ai'i>li (»r 1 u liii arc iiol in any asylum, rcgislci'i'd Jiosi»i(al, or dtily licensed house. l.Si;i,iH''l) A. P). Medical olliccr of the ilistrid of tiu' union [or |)ariHli] of I^atcd the day of , one tliousaiid tighl lunuircd and T-iN.\(V Act Ami:ni)M.;nt Act, 1SG5. 2H Si '-".», X'irt., eh. SO; Cliittv, Siipl. 18(;5-tlS, \k U. n7!). The word "county " in "The Lunatic Asylum Act, lS."i3," 51 and the several Acts construed as one therewith, •■r'.mili,v'''i"n i"n'.''' ■'^'lidl bo coiistrucd to luclude every county of a ,.a.i,.A;jh,M,A..ts. ^.j,^. ^j. ^,^^^^^^^y ,,j- .^ ^„^^.,, i,,ivi„g quVrter sessions and a clerk of tiie peace, anl' sonnd mind, the adnuralty may i»uc a wai rant I'or his l)(.'in;i,' rcnHiVcd to sucji |iii.-on (U' phirc of cunlMK mint as may lie 'cnuid ('.\|icdicnl, to uiiilii'^n llic icmaindcr n|' liis punishnicnt, and every gaoler or l<('c|)t'r ul' any prison, gaol ov house of correction shall receive iiim accordingly. hstanding such |luni of its own ; |tory on-uny sucli intaiu any such as it shall avail kli " The Lunatic )f this Act shall at ctVeet shall be IS, the admiralty ail of such I'cr- lier proper reeep- CkIMINAI, I.TNArK S A( I, ISCiT. ;!(! \'icl., ell. lli; Cliilty, Sii|i|. l,Si;") (iS, p. 'Ji;:!. ;!s;;. This Act niuv he cited for all purposes as '''I'lic Crimi- nal hunaties Act, 1807." s i ;!.S h " Criminal lunatic "" >lia 11 mean lor ihe pui'|> (1) Any person for whose safe custody during her ,",'i |!,'| ,','', i" ""^ jileasure her majesty is authorised to L;ive order: '"""'k^^- ['!} i\ny person whom one of hei- mujestys |irincipal secre- taries of state is autliorised l)y law to direct to he removed to a lunatic asylum under any Act of parliament : (3) Any person sentenced or ordered to he kept in penal servitude who may he shown to the satist'actioii of the secre- tary of state to he unlit from ind)ecilily of mind for penal discipline. o^~). This .\ct shall not apply to Scotland or , .. Ireland. " ^'''''''" ''■'''■ o8(>. The enactments contained in the ninth and tenth sec- tions of the Act of the sessions of the Iwenty-t', id ^ ., and twenty-fourth years of the reign of her pi'esent ',!!i','!i',i!,',Ml't- majesty, chapter s(-venty-iive, relating to the fol- tv,v"-j'i' lowing matters: (1) To the power of the secretary of state to permit a lunatic to he ahsent from the asylum on trial : (2) To the expenses of conveyance and maintenance of crim- inal lunati<'s: shall apjdy to a criminal lunatic in whatever asylum or i)lace of eonlinement he may he, and to such asylum and place of eonlinement, so far as regards such lunatic, in the same numncr as if such asylum or j)lace of eonlinement were an asylum appropriated to criminal lunatics in pursu- ance of the last mentioned Act. 11. 1 iHnf vi"i., rii. :■"-. OSS ENfUANP. 387. It shall 1)1' lawful for ono of her luajcsty's principal .fl sccri'hirics of stiitc to (lis('hiir<,'o ahsohitcly or cuii- n'mn'u'/»i'iiH (lilioiiiilly any critiiiiial lunatic. Where niiy crim- t'i'uN'iu'iinll'l'of i'lal lunatic has hccn tlischarji'cd con mlly, ii "'""*■'' any of the con^litions of such discharge an' hrokcii, the said secretary of slate nuiy hy warrant, to he executed liy any c'onstal>h' or other peace oflicer to whom such warrant is delivered, direct such |K'rson to he taken into custody, and t'l he conveyed to the place in which he was detMiiied at the lim. of his discharge, or to any otlu-r phni' to which he ini!.'lit have l>eeu rem )ved if no oi'der far his discharge had heen i^ivcii, and any pei'son so taken into custody shall revert in all ic- .speets to the sam(* jiosition as he was in at the time when tin order of the discharge was so'^sion of tlic twenty-third and twenty-fourth years 'he vv'i'^w of her present nnijesty, chapter seve :v, shall be repeaU'd, and in place thereof be it enacted: where the term of punishment awardetl to any criminal lunatic conlined in any asylum or other jilaee of oonfincnient for criminal lunatics exi)ires before smli evidence of his sanity ba.s been given as justilies bis being dis- charged, the following consecpiences shall ensue; that is to say. (1) If such lunatic l)e contined in any asylum or j)lace uf confinement to which lunatics nuiy be sent in pursuance df Lunatic fniin.i " Tlio Luuatic Asyluuis Act, 1853," he shall tluMiic- iarg«, etc. fortii 1)0 ucemctl to be a pau{)er lunatU'. and shall be in the same position in all respects as if he were a lunatir Avho immediately i)revious to the exjtiratiou of his term tif punishment bad lieen ftjund wandering at large within tlif parish or place where the oU'enee was committed in respect nf Criminal wliicli lic becauie a criminal lunatic, and had hioii luiniiic. directed by a justice, in i)ursuance of the sixty- eighth section of ''The Lunatic Asylums Act, 1853" to l)c re- ceived into the said asylum or place of confinement as a lunatif wandering at large, and a ))roper person to be taken charge of and detained under care and treatment. (2) If such lunatic be contined in any asylum or jihu'C of confinement to which lunatics cannot be sent in pursuance of Criliiiiial lu- natir may l>y I'crmiviMl to a CiiHiity a-y- liini (in cxpi- ratliiu III' Ills i>fiit«iii;o. J r :; KM i I.AM). ! tS! I ijcsty's priucipiil )S()lutrly or coii- ^VluT"' any crim- (.•(11) iiiUy. il hiirjic an' ln'okoii, (I ln' oxc'C'iitrtl \>y 11 such warrant i- I, cu-loily. iinil t'> taini'tl at tla- tinir ,c\\ \\v mi.ulit liavc . hail Iti'cn is'wvw. 1 revert in all iv- llii' time when ili'' 1 be snbjeel to l"' f the se'^'^ion ot" tlir years 'he rei^n V'Ve ••<-', '^lii'll oof he it enaeled: t awarded to any V asylum or othtv (■xpires before such Plities his beinji dis- nsue; that is to say, asvlurn or place ot it in pursuance ef ;;' he shall tlu-ncc- lunatic. and shall If he were a lunatic loll of his term of t laro-c within the uitted in respect oi atie, and had hccii auce of the sixty- Vet, 1853" to be ri- ineuiont as a lunatic be taken charge of lisyluni or pAaco of Mit in pursiumcc ol the saiil " rainatic Asylums Ad, Is.l;"!," the suhl secretary of state may, I>y order undei" \\\< liand, direct th'' Inna- k.'.-i>i.iimii ..r tic to be received into any a'^ylum or puice ol con- a-yiuniH. tiiiement for lunatics inio which a justice minlit have directed him to be received in |)Ursiianee of the said sixly-eiojilji sec- tion of "The l.niiatic Asylums Act, Is,",:;," if iiiiiiiediately pre- vious to tli<' date ' ilic expiraliiiii of his term of |iii!ii>liiiiciil the Innalic liad .ecu I'^Miid wandering at lar^je within the par- isli oi' |ilaee where the olleiu'e was committc(j, ill respect o[' which he bi'eanie a criminal lunatie, and the justice .h.-ii.. „ni». had been sati-iied that the liinati'' was a proper per- iiniiiiu- wumi sol, to be taken cbaru'e ol and (lelaiiie(| imdei' care i"i"' 'i^'iaiimci ami treatment; and .my order made by the said sec- .inuu'.'Mf. retary of slate in pursuance of this section shall have the same e'l'eet, and he obeyed by the same persons, and subject tliein to thesaine [)enalties in easeof disobedience, asan order nwnle by u justice for the rceci)tion of a lunatie into an a.sylnm or other ]tlaco of confinenient for lunatics in i»ursuance of the said sixty-eicjbtli section of the s.iid '" Lunatic Asylums Act, lS,")o;" and such lunatie wlie-' receivt'd into the said asylum or place of conlinenient sludl thenci'lbrth he deemed to be a pauper lunatic, and shall be in thesaine [tosition in all rcsjiects as if he had bi'eu such waiidorino- lunatic! asatbresaid directed lobe received into the said asylum or place of eonlineinent in imr- suance of the said order of a justice.* Poor Law Amexdmknt Acr, 1807. 30 & ;?2 Vict., ch. ion; L'liitly, Snpl. 18C5-()8, p. i27-J. 380. When there shall be in any workhouse a poor person suflerinK from mental disease, or from bodilv dis- ^■:■^■ ... . ' , 1 (.iiiarilians ease of an inteetious or contajirious character, and the '■Mi|...«,.r. a d iletaiii iuiloor medical officer of such workhouse shall upon cxum- paniM r:.. illation report in writing that such jterson is not in a |»roper state to leave the workhouse without danger to himself or others, the guardians may direct the master to detain such i)ersoii therein, or, if the guardians be not sitting, the master of the workhouse may, until the next * Ameuded ; see 32 & 33 Vict., ch. 18, g 2, infra. 990 ENGLAND. meetinjT of tho guardians, detain liim tlierein ; and siuh pci'Jion ."^liall not be disrliarged from such workliouso until the nioili" al olllccr i^liall in writing certify that such dis- charge may take place: Provided, however, that this enact- ment shall not prevent the removal of a lunatic to a lu- natic asylum, registered hosj)ital,or licensed luMise, wlicn such removal is otherwise recpiired by law, nor the removal of any poor [tcrson after tlie parent or next of kin of such person shall have given to the guardians sucli an undertakingastliey shall deem satisfactory to proviilefor the removal, charge, and main- tenance of such person with due care and attention wliile tho malady continues: and this provision shall apply to every dis- trict school and district asylum, and to tlie managers, hoard of management, medical oliicer. superintendent, or master thereof resi)cctively. 390. When any pau[)er lunatic shall bo sent to an asylum §2.i. from anv part of a borough whollv or partlv coni- As ti> jiaupi^r . , *. , . . I'll "^ I 1 1 1 "^ 1 iiiiKui.sH„[ ])ri>e(l Within a union, which borougii siiall not liavo '"^'ii-^- contributed to the erection or maintenance of that asylum, the visitors of the asylum shall, where the union and the borough are not conterminous, make out two accounts in respect of such lunatic in the as^dum, one of which shall ho limited to the charge which would be made in the ease of a pauper lunatic sent from the county and shall be transmit- (iu;inii:uis.,f tcd to tlic guardlaus of the said union for payment, ""i""- and the other, which shall contain the extra sum by law chargeable in respect of a pauper lunatic received into tlio same asvluin from anv other countv, shall be transmitted to the town council of such borough, and shall be paid by thoiu as other charges to which the borough fund may be liable. PdOK Law Amend^jent Act, ISOS. 31 & ;« Vict., ch. 1-22; Cliitty, Siipl. lS(i')-t)8, p. 432. 301. The guardians of any union or parish may, with the 15 ,., consent of the poor law board, send an idiot pauper jmy ti!!''c,"iTor to an asylum or establishment for the reception lil'yuuZ'Vr and relief of idiots maintained at the charge of the county rate or l)y public subscrijition, and llioy may with the like consent .send any idiotic, imbecile, or insane ENGLAND. 991 cin; and such vorkhouso until tliat puch dis- til at tliis enact- ai\atic to a lu- ousc, wl-.on such ! removal of any ;uch person shall dng as they shall lartie, and niain- ontion ^v)lile the >ply to every dis- anagers, hoard of or master thereof ent to an asylum ly or partly eoni- igh shall not have intenanco of that n-e the union ami t two accounts in which shall ho in the case of a lall he transmit- lion for payment, the extra sum hy received into the oe transmitted to he paid hy thciu may he liahle. S()8. sh may, with the lul an idiot ivaupcr for the reception the charge of the Iription, and they Imhecile, or insane pauper who may lawfully l)e detained in a workhouse to the workhouse of any other union or jiarish, Avith the consent of the guardians of such last mentioned union or parish, and jiay the cost of the maintenance, clothing, and lodging of such pauj)er in the asylum, estahlishment, or workhouse, as well as the cost of his conveyance thereto or his removal then^from, and the ex[)enses of his huriid, when necessary. 302. The guardians of any union or parisJi may, with the consent of the poor law hoard and the coinmis- ? '■'■ , II- 11 (.'I'liiiin liiniilii's sioner.s m lunacv, and sub ect to such reuulations ini.viMii^n'iv.a as they shall respectively prescribe, receive into the ii"i,ia-viuins. workhouse any chronic lunatic not being dangerous who may have been removed to a lunatic asybim. and selected l)y the superintendent of the asylum and certiOed by liiiu to be tit and proper so to bo removed, upon such terms as may be agreed u[)on between the said guardians and the comniittee of visi- tors of any such asylum, and thereujion every such lunatic, so long as he shall remain in such workhouse, sliall continue a patient on the books of the asylum for and in resju'ct of all tlie provisions in the Lunacy Acts, so far as they relate to lunatics removed to asylums. Criminal Lunatics Act, 18G0. 32 & ;53 Vict., oil. 78; Cliitly, Siiiil. 1809 72, p. ."o. 303. This Act may be cited as "The Criminal Lunatirs Act, ISC.')" ^' '■ J-'^O.J. Sli.irt till.'. 304. It is hereby declared that the sixtl) section of "The Criminal lAinatics Act, 18G7," does applv and shall S2. , ' A|i|p|icaliim of he deemed to have aitidied Ironi the date ot the s"ii..,ui;nr '.' . .ill \ :ii Viii., jtassing thereof to criminal lunatics whose terms of <'' '-■ punislmieut expired before the date of the passing of such Act in the same manner, so far as circumstances admit, as if their terms of punishment had exj)ired subsiMjuently to the jiassing of such Act, * * * hut no {>arish or place upon which any order may have been or sliall be made t'or, or which shall be otherwise chargeable with, the maintenance of any criminal lunatic under tiie sixth section of the said A(^t shall he liable to make good or refund any sum of money which limy have been theretofore expended by any other parish or [ilace on account of the maintenance of such lunatic. ■li 992 ENGLAND. i ! §23. Trustees may pay cost (if piiiipi'r's I'o- lii'l' out of iUl- luiity, pHv- alilo to such pauper. Divided Parishes and Poor Law Amendment Act. 39 & 40 Vict., oil. Gl ; Cliitty, Siipl. 1873-76, p. COS. 305. Where any pauper shall be entitled to any annuity or periodical payment, the trustee or other person bound to make pa3'nient of the same to the pauper may from time to time pay to the board of guardians of any union or parish, out of the instal- ments which have become due, the cost incurred in the relief of such pauper accrued since the last instalment, and such 2:)ayment shall be a legal discharge to such trustee or other person for so much money as shall have been so paid. Where the guardians incur any expenses in the relief of a pauper lunatic, being a member of a benefit or friendly society, and as such entitled to receive any payment, they may recover from him, as a debt, or from his executors, administrators or assigns in case of his death, the sum so expended by them as aforesaid, and the managing body of such society, after notice from the clerk to the guardians, served previously to the money being paid over, shall be required to pay the same to such guardians, and shall bo exonerated on payment thereof from any furtiier liability. Where any trustee, manager, or otlicr person shall decline to make any payment, the guardians may apply to the justices in petty sessions assembled, and such ju.<- tices may, if satisfied that it is right under all the circum- stances to do so make an order upon him to pay the requisite amounts then duo to the guardians at once, and to ])ay from time to time in future as tlie liability in respect of the relief arises thereafter. Provided that this clause sliall not have efi'ect unless and until the guardians or their relieving otlicer shall have deelaiod the relief to be given on \o.\i\ nov in respect of any relief granted contrary to the rules and orders made under the au- thority of the statutes in that behalf. o!)G. W^here any pauper lunatic shall have been or sliall «:i6. hereafter be sent from anv ])arts of a boroui;li Provision for in .,".,. luniiticssout whollv or itartly comprised witlun a union or iiar- '''■"'" ''"'■■ • 1 ' 1 • T 1 • 11 -11 ou-hs to li- isli to any licensed house or registered hospital, ami censed houses " " ■■ , au.i roKis- the account of the charges for the maintenance ot tlTl'll llOS- " pitais. such lunatic therein shall be sent to the guardians ENGLAND. 903 nftlicsaid union or pavisli, their clerk sliull divi.lo the said uccount '.nto two parts, one of whi(?li sliull contain the iunonnt which would have heen paid for such lunatic if lie had heen maintained in the asvluni of the countv wherein the said union or parish or the greater part of it is comprised, and the other shall contain the extra sum in such account, and the said guardians having paid the whole of such charges, may send the second account, together with an account of any extra expenses caused hy the removal of such lunatic to the place of confinement, to the town council of the horough from w'^ich such lunatic was so sent and such town council shall thereupon pay the amount of such accounts to tlu^ said guar- dians, and if the same he not p>aid the amount may he recov- ered hy the said guardians by process in any court of law as a debt. This section shall not apply to any borough which has provided or contributed to the providing of a pauper lunatic asvlum. ible.l, and such ju- ler all the circuni- •c, and to ]»ay {I'ect unless ami ade under the an- ave been or shall :ts of a borough [in a union or par- ?tered hospital, an J Ihe maintenance of lit to the guardians Army Discirr.ixi-: and liKra'L.vTioN Act, ISTU. •4:2 & -13 Vic't., cli. .";>; L;t\v Itei). ^^t;it , Vdl. 14, [>. ItUi. 307. Where it appears on the trial by court martial of a per- son charged with an oifence that such j)erson is by §!-''• reason of insanity unfit to take his trial the court shall find specially that fact; and such person shall V)e kept in custody in the prescribed manner until the directions of her majesty thereon are known, or until any earlier time at which such j)crson is fit to take his trial. Where on the trial l)y court martial of a person chai-ged with an ollcnce it ait[)ears that such pei'son connnitted the oilence, but that he was insane at the time of the commission thereof, the court shall find specially the fact of his insanity, and such person shall be kejit in custody in the prescribed manner until the directions of her majesty thereon are known. In either of the above cases her majesty may give orders for the safe custody of such person during her ])leasure, in such place and in such manner as her majesty thinks fit. A finding under this section shall be subject to confirmation in like nnunier as any other finding. If a person imprisoned by viitue of this Act becomes insane, 03 j-v '?5 994 EXGJ.AND. ',i\; ■♦r.; llicn, witlidut jircjudice to any otlicr provision I'ov dealin^ir willi 8ucli insane idi.scMicr, a sfcrt'tarv (jf stale in an}" case, and in tlio case of a jtiisoncr c'(;iilined in India tlio govci'iuir-ueneral oi' Iiidia, or the governor ol" any presidency in ■\vliicli tlie ]ier- son is ciuiiined, and in (lie case of a jiriscHier coniincd in a colony tlic jj,(ivern()r of that colony, may, ujidn a cerlilicate of such insanily l>y two ([Ualilied medical practilit)ners, order tlie removal (jf such {irisuner to an iisylnm or other jn'oper jdace for the rccepliun of insane jiersons, in the Tinted ]\in,L;-dom, India, or the colony, accordinji' as the jjrisoner is coidined in the rnited J\in<;-dom, India, or the colony, there to remain for the uiiexpireil term of his im[irisonment, and, u[)on such j)er- son beiuL!; cerfilied in the like manner to ite auain (jf s(nni(l mimi, may order his removal to any i>rison in which lie nd,i;ht have been confined if he had ncjt become in^ane, there to underi;o the remaimler of such })unisliment. Ti;[AL OF LrxATics Act, 1883. ■W, & 47 Vict,, rh. ;!S; Law llcp. St;;t., vu]. 10, p. 1 120. nit8. Tliis Act may be cited as the Trial of Lunatics Act. 188o. o'.flJ. {[) Where in any indictment or information any actor § 1- omission is charged a<:ainst any person as an ollence, and it is uiven in evidence on tlie trial t)f such jiersnu for that oll'ence that he was insane, so as not to be responsible, accord- ing,' to law, I'or his actions at the lime when the act was done or omission nuule, then, if it ai>pears to the jury bi'fore whom such pi'rson is tried that he did the act or made the ouiis-^iun cliarged, but was insane as afoi'csaid at the time when he did or nnide the same, the jury shall return a special V(.r«litt to that etlect that the aecust'd was guilty of the ad or oniissimi charged against him, l)ut was insane as aforesaid at the tiiiio wlien he did the act or made the omission. (2) Where such special verdict is found, the court shall order the accused to be kejit in custody as a crinjinal lunatic, in such place and in such nuunier as the coiu't shall direct till her majesty's ]>leasure shall be known; and it shall Ijc lawful I'or her majesty ihereujion, and from time to time, to giv^ siuli oi'd( r Ibr the safe custody of the said person during Jllea^ulv, ill such jiiace and in such numner as to \wv majesty nuiy seem lit. mm KXGI.AXD. iliuiRTS, order the 095 w Hi (o) Tn all such caso.^ any tuo justices .,f tl„. ],('aco of tl,e county, city, or place where such j.ersou shall hav^- heen tried or shall 1)0 kept in custody, shall have the like power a. i< ojven' by the Act of the third and fourth years of her present n.aVsty chapter (ilty-four. in the eases therein inentione.l, to inijuire into and ascertain the last le-al settlement of such and also to make the like order or or.lers for the payment of such person's maintenance and other charges as"" therein mentioned. (4) All j.rovisions in any exi-tin- Act or in anv rules or orders made in pursuance of any exist inn' Act, havino- reference to a i.ersoii or persons actMiit clerk, oath ol', (I. Visitors, (liiiies and disrovinces of the Dominion of Canada iiave similar enactments, all being modeled after tii.e statutes of iMiglaml of S & 9 Victoria, chapter 100, 10 & 17 Victoria, chapter 96, and 10 & 17 Victoria, ehajBter 97, supra.] 1. In tliis act and tlic schedules thereto tlie words and ex- K.v.stat.. pressions following shall have the several meanings §1- herebv assigned to tlicin, tliere is sometliiiig tioiisofuMius. ni the subject or context repugnant to such con- struction, that is to say: (1) "County," shall mean a county or union of counties, or a city or town having a separate com.nission of the peace; (2) "Lunatic," shall mean every insane person, and every person being an idiot or lunatic, or of unsound mind ; (3) "Patient," shall mean every person received or detained as a lunatic, or taken care or charge of as a lunatic; (4) " Proprietov,"' 'hall mean every person to whom any license is granted under the provisions of this act, and every I)erson keeping, owning, or having any interest or exercising any duties or i)Owers cf a proprietor in any licensed house; OXTAKIO. OitT -especting " Private n sc'lecte'.l for instT- \r provisions in tlic anada have similar of S & 9 Victoria, ictoria, chapter 97, words and ex- Iveral meanings -e is something lit to such con- (')) "Clerk of the Pculx',"' shall iiiran cvrry clerk of the jieacc and person acting us such, ami every deputy duly ap- 1 )0U1 ted ; (()) "Justice,'' shall mean a justiei' of the peace; (7) "Medical Attendant," shall nu'an every phy-iciiin who kee])S any licensed house, or in his medical eapaiity attends any licensed house; (S) "IMiysician," shall mean every jx'rson of the male sex authorized to |)ractice medicine, surgerv or midwiferv in this province ; (0) "Licensed House," shall mean a house licensed under the provisions of this act. 2. Ill this act, and in the Revised Statute of Oiitario, re- specting private lunatic asylums as amended by this act, (1) Tlic word "Inspector" shall mean the inspector ap- pointed under "The Prison and Asylum Inspection Act." (2) "Private Asylum'' shall mean a house licensed under the i)rovisions of this act, and "House" and '"Licensed Ilour-e" shall include a private asylum. o. (1) Ever}' private a.«ylum or house licensrd under the f)ro- I'll. •>. i! 1. li.teipri'tiition. visions of this act, or of the said revised statute tl II. i. I all bt -.1 of e under tlie supervision and ins[)ection ot a sli hoard of visitors, composed of the judge (or in the case of his absence or dis(iualification the junior or de[iuty-judge) of the county court of the count v wherein such i)rivato asvlum is located, the warden of such county for the time being, the clerk of the peace for the county, with a local jjliysitian. who shall be appointed by the lieutenant-governor in council, and shall hold olHce for three years unless sooner removed by the lieutenant-governor. (2) The judge shall be the chairman of the board, and the clerk of the peace shall be its secretary. (3) The secretary shall perform the duties by the said act imposed u{)on the clerk of the visitors, and shall be paid for his services out of the license fees, or by the [iroprieteu's of the asylum, such allowance for his services as the lieuti'iiant- governor in council may diri'ct. 4. * * * * Such clerk shall summon the visitors to meet at such time and place, for the purpose of executing •jji, §&, aXii '*'■.' ' i""wp— PI o< )i)8 ONTAinO. i I 1,1 1 ri,"'""sl't. '."'''' ^^'^ tlnlics of tliis art, as the justices in ,i;cii( ral scs- vllii'''"*' ^'"1'^ ai)iM)iiit. ">. J'^vc-'i'v siu'h appDiiitmont, suniiuoiis and meeting:,' shall bo ,1,1,1 <,, made and lu'ld as privately as may be, and in sueli iy,!'.ii'i!^'> to manner that no proprietor, snix'rintcnilcnt or jiei'son '"''"'^'"''' interesteil, in or employed about or eonniM'led willi any house to be visitt'djias notice ol' such intended vi.-italion. (J. (1) it' the clerk ol' the visitors, at any lime, desires (o ii'i'iiii! emplov an assisttuit in the exec\ilion ol' the duties '■'•'■I- of his oflit'c', ho shall certify such desiri', and the name of the propositi assistant to one of the visitors, bein^i' a justice; and if such visitor approves thereof, he shall adnnn- isterthe following oath to such a-^sistant : " 1, A. r>., do soleunily swear that I will faithfully keep so- '•■'fi' "!'■ cret all such matters and thini^s as come to n>y kuowled«;e in conse(|uence of mv em])loyment, as assistant to the elei'k of the visitors, appointed foi- the county of by virtue of the two hundred and twenty-tir.-t chapter ol' the iJc- vised Statutes of (Jntai'io, entitled 'An Act I'cspectin^' J'ri\-ate l.unatic Asylums,' unless re(piired to divul_^e the same by leji,al authority: So help liie ( uxl."' (2) 'J'he clei'k may thereafter, at his own cost, employ such assistant. 7. (1) Xo meniber of the bnai'd of vi--itnrssh;dl be ])ecuniarily A(•tn^!^v!, interested in anv private asvlum, either diredlv or I'.'niuiary u idi rccll \', a 1 1< I auv Visitor who, alter Ins apiiomt- ii.t. rest lor- • . • . ' ' ii'i'i'ii- meiit, liecomes interested m any j)rivale asyliiiii, either bv prollts as [»roprietor, or by tln' sale of merchandise U) such an asylum, or in any other way, shall tln'reu[ion bc- eona_' disipialilied from at'ting', and shall not thereafter ai't in such ca[iacity. (■J) In I'ase a judfi'(> or clerk of the peace is or beconu'S so v:u';iiicy. dlsi J ua 1 1 tied , the lieiitciianl-governor imiy appoint some one to act in his stead : and in case a warden is or becomes so dis(pialilied, the county council may appoint sonu' one to act in his stead. N. All duties devolvin.u' upon, or to be performed under the lii'iS". provisions of the said revised statute bv the\isit- viMt.M-». ors appointed at the ^eiiei'al sessions, shall hereai'lir devolve upon and be [Krl'ormed by the saitl board of vi-iters. '';\i I m ONTAIITO. 0!i;» \h\ iiiul in !^ncli •llilcl:! or I'l T-oll (•(.uiu'cI(.h1 willi •iidrd visitiitii'U. lime, (Icsiivs 1(1 1,11 (>r llio (liitics (U'sirr, and liio visitors, bfiu.u a lie shall adniin- lillifuUy keep se- as ronu' to my li as assislanl to lunty oi' hy haiiti'i' ol' tlic Uv- (.■siic'ctiu.U rrivate u'c the same hy •osl, ein[iloy siuli ;dl he jteeuniarily ■ it her dirreliy or Tier his a[»iioint- jU'ivate asylum. (if mrrehandi-c 11 ihrrolllioll hr- thereal'ter aei in it some one t' , shall heival'U'i' llioard e)l' vi.-iloi'.s. 0. (1) Such vi-^itors sliiiil. hrjuiv arliii'i-. t.d. ci'ertly, im|iarli;dly and laitht'nlly cx^ciiti' all lln' ^i'-'ii'M--. ll'U<(s and powel's eoiiunittrd to me liy vii'tiicd!' tho int en- titled, 'All Act respc;(iiin; I'rivatr Asylniiis i;.r the Iii-ani' and Jiiehriates,' and that I will k-^cp sccri't all -ndi maltnv as come to my kiiowlcdt^-f in the execution of m\- ojhcr. except wIm'U required Io divulge the same hv le^al aulhorii \- or so o SCI Jul' the liellei" e.xeell- IV anv |u-liee o! the I'lir as I t'eel myself calli d upun to d tion of the dut\' impo-eij up mi ni ■ hv tie- said act. (•_') Such oath may he adminisierid I peace to the clerk of the peace, who mav then iid- miiusler the saau' lo the otiier meinhcrs of the hoai'fl. ID. Xo phy-ician heinu- a visitor -hall sieii anv foi' tile ;idnd--ion of ;iny patient into ai lioii:-e or ho~|iilal, or shall profcs-iniiall v attenil i;-^e i.v lio-pit; luilcss he is directed to visit sueli patient hy the persiMi upon v/liose ordel' Slleh patient lia< heen reeeiveil into such licenced house or hospital, ov \'V the iiinviueial secret aiicelldr or one of the vice-chancelj ifv, Ol' iiv liie irs uj t!ie cnurl of ciian- cery, or hy a committee appointed hy them i-r one of thini. 11. If any \isil(.r, or clerk or a->istant clerk ni any vi-itor- aher id'- a|ipointment Ijeeuine-; so interesfccl in any house licensed lor the rec('ption ue|i vi-nor, clerK oi ii.i 1 < iii. Vi .iI'M' Imu'.iih- lii^'i.uiiilli'ii. assisiaiiL clerk, shall he di-'iualitied from actiiiL;-, and shall eease to act in such capacity. !•_'. if any physician, l»ein,L,f a visitor, siu'us a eerliflcate for the admission of a patient into anv liceii-cd hou-e n.:!;!:. 1-1 ••11 I • • r^'ir.iin- ■111 or hospital, or prolessKjiially atteiid.s any patieni in pii.vsii-iaus. any >ach houtice shall eontaiu llie true chi'isliaii name and i ■^ m 1000 ONTAUIO. u. M.,,ii. 'jji, Huniiitn(>, jtltico of ahoilo, and occuiiatioii of tlie por- f.M.t,nts..f. >^(j,, (j, ^vlioia the lict'iise i.s desired to l)e granted, and a ti;ie and fnll deseription of his estate or interi'st in sutli house; and in I'ase the person to whom the license is (U-sired to he ,!;i'anted, does not jirojiose to resid(> liinisclf in the licensed house, the notice shall contain the true christian name and sunuinu", place of abode and occupation of the superintendent who is to reside therein. 1.'). The notice shall he aceonii)anied ])y a jilan of the house, ,,,i,, ^, o„ drawn upon a scale of not less than one-eiyhth of i'hiu'on..Ms... .^u j„^.jj ^,, .^ j-,,^j^ ^^.jy, .^ ^i,^>^^^,i.iptiuu of— (1) The situation thereof; (2) The lention of nude or fenude patients, or of both, and ii' for the re cejition of ijoth, of tlu; mnnhe'r of eae-li sex pi'ope>se'd to l.)e recei''eel in sue'h house, anel of the means by which the one sex may bo ke'pt distinct and a[)art fruin the other. 1(5. (1) The notice with a i)lan anel stateme-nt as I'eTjuired Actofiss!, by see-tion 20 of the saiel act res[)eetin,i; pi'ivate Nli't'ire'^iHMi lunatie- asylums, shall be sent te) the inspecte)r nl ''"'"'' least twe) weeks belore such private asylum is ready lor the' rece'jition of jiatients. * * "■' * (.")) The inspector sh;dl thereupe)n visit such proposed privaic ins,H.,i„rs sisylum and minutely inspect the same, anel report '"'"'" tlu're'eMi to the lieutenant-governor in council. 17. If the ins[»ee'te)r of asylums re'ports that the buildini;s ii.i,ii) 1. and iire-mises referred te) in the saiel ne)tie'earo re'iielv i)r..iHhi„rs. miel lit for occu[>ation as a private asylum for the insane, the lieutenant-L!,e)verneu' in council luav issue a license to the pi'o]»rie'toi's to keep and maintain the same tor the pur- pose of a " Private Asylum :'" anel such license sludl ce)ntiiu:e in ibrce until revoked bv the lieutenant-iiovcrnor in council. ' P £.1 ' UNTAlIKt. lUDl itioii of llie per- il (i) !)(' ,<;ranU asyhnn is ready li proposed private ) same, and report r in council. hat the buildiu.i;^ d notice are ready ic asylum for the lay issue a lietu^e same for the pur- ine shall continue ornor in council. IS. No SUcIl lii'cnsc .sliall be ^ranleil ny rrUcWfd lililc-s the ]ierson to whom >neh license is uranlcd or re- ,. s ,i, -'\ newed, enters into a bond to lur majcsiy in lli-' -um timUH. i,v of four hundred (lobars, with two siitlicii nt -nrriic^. '""""•■ each in the >uin of two iiundicil doHai's, or oni' .siillirii nt surety in tiie sum of Ibur hiimbcd dollars, luelcr lie' n-ual conditions for the ^oud behavior of >uch ih'I-om diuiie'' ihe time tor which such license is ^I'anted or renewed. li). Any pei'son to whom a lieenso is granted may I'cmove the superintendent nameil in the iU)tiee, and may ||,i,i,...4 at any time ap))onit another su[ierinti-mlent, upon ,'^,a'''7.!",'','v'ai iiivini;' to the visitor^ of the house a notice contain- '"' in.u' tlu' trut' chrislian name aid surname, place of abmle and occu}»ation of the new superintemleul. *J(». No one lici'use shall include t)v extend to more than one housi'; but if there is any place or buildinu' de- ii.ii ^s'j.-.. tached from a house to be licensecl, but not se]>aiated i..r..n.''ii!M'is,.. tli'relVom by ground belonging '.o any other person, and if such placi' or iii, Ming is , then such detached [ilace or building may, if the justice think lit, be included in tin- li- cense for the house, and if so inelu«led, shall be considered jiart of >uch house for the purpose of this act. 21. No addition or alteration shall be made to, in or about anv licensed house, or the a[)})Urlenaiici>, uides.s n.i.i ,^ j';. ,. , ,11. Alii'iiili.ais ill previous notice in writing ot such pro[ioiiiii im! L'l. All iii(i:ifys lo Itc n'cci\('(l {\iv licenses ^I'liuhd l.y niiy ll'i'l ^i-' illsliees lllidci' tlii^- il' I slinll lie iiplilied liV I lie e|e||; ,\|i|illi^Ui.i|| •' ^ II. "''■'''■"• (if the pcMce I'ol' llie edUlily tiiUiM'ih t lie | i;i \ 1 iie| 1 1 ef llie Milnry uy [■eiiiniK ratidii nl' the eliik In llie \i-il(ir- lor sii
  • eliiir;^(! of tlie eo>t>i, (■lllU'.U'es iilld exjieiises iiieiirre(| liy oi'illidel' llie jiMl liol'ily of the saiiie justiees or visilors, in ihc; ixeeiiiion ol' or hy viriiie nflhi- net. '2'k The clerk of llie |)eiiee for ever\' comity shall kie|i nil ]i,i,i 5 ,., iiceoiiiit of all moneys receiveil and paiil hy him '^''' "■"• under or hy virliie of or in I he execiil imi of I his ac!, nnd siieh aceiiiinl shall he made n|» lo the la-^t day of I'ecem- lier in each year inclusively, and shall he signed hy two at h-a-t of the vi.-itnrs for the county, and every such aeconiit shall he laid hy the clerk of the |ieaee he fore the justices at the lirst general .-( --ions in the eiisuiiuj year. ■Jt'i. If any iieixui to whom a licen>e has heeii ,Lri"iinted under ii'i'i , *):!•!■ this act, hv sickness, or oilier sulllcieiit reason, he- WIm'Ii lif.'iiM- .' ■ _ ' _ ii-si.'uui.i.v conies iiicapahle of k('e[iin^,' the licensed hoii~e, or dit's hcfoi'e the eN|iiralioii of the license, any three justices for the cdiinly, of whom the (.■liaii'man of the cvueral se.->ioiis for the eouniy shall he one,* may, hy wriliiiu' eiidoi'scil on such license under the hands ol' siu'h three justices, traiisfci- the liceii-e. with all the pri vilcL'c- and ohliLuition- aniiexeil therein. i'or the teini then um xpired, to the person wl ' »!'!■ lii le of such incapacity or dealli \vas till' super ic' h I, iiho, or had tlu' cai'e ot' the patient lliore' e'lioth''' person as sucli jiHli'-es approve, and in t , aiitime sii !iceii-c shall rciiiain in f'lrce. and have the le ei': I as il" vraiiicil to the sUpel'illtendelll of the hou-c. 27. 'I'll'' Iran-fi r |irovidcd for hy the thirty-fourth ^■ecli.Mi nf A.-t.>ri>v;. tin. s;iid ad mav hireafler lie authorized h\' tl TiMii-nT. lieutenant-,!j,dvi'rnor in council and not otherwise. 'J.S. In ease a license has heen granted to two or more jur- * r>:it -ce [il. ■„'", i:ilVa. ONTAlMit. 1 1 II i: H (ifiiiid <1 !■>■ imy |,1i,d liv llif cIitI; 1< the iinyiii<'iit I'l (. vi-iii'V- li>r su
  • -t (l:iy of licicin- Vcl'V SUi'll ilci'Olllil ' Ihr justices at the iHiciriit rcasdU. 1"- ru'cuscii li(iu~f. Ill' tliivc jusli.TS tor \<\\rr'--. tnmsl* y ll"' t as il ■_',rainra :iutiii)ri/.cii '■> i'"- 1,1 (»tliif\vi.~i'. ,, two nr lllMVC JKI'- SOllS, and ln'I'ol'C tlic ('X|pilMt inn tlli'l'rdf, nllC 111' I (if Sllrll |icrS(tllS (lie |i'il\'ill!J,- llir nlln r nj' unit' 111 Iht^ Slll'- Hi •:ji, S\it \l\.ir-lili ■(' a I II I liM \iviiii;. till' lici ii |inllcil iluwn or (icrniijcil umlrr tlir |ir(ivii-riiitinii> nf imr.^i-, ;inn aial as tn >iirli intriHliMJ inw linii-.i', shall lie jjiv^n a< ai'" rc- (|iiii'ci| wlicii a]i|ilii'al inn is liiv-t mailn fnr licciisf I'cr any lin!is(\ ami sliall lie arcuniiiairu'd liy a .-latcinrnt in writ iiiu' nj' tlio CilUsr nf -^IK'll el la 1 l.lii' nf I inll-c, alH I r\rr|it ill ra-csill wllirll tJK' cliaiiL;'!' of Imiisr is ncca.-iniii'il hy lirt nr triii|M-l, -t'\'cii Cltar (lav-. lU'i'VlnUS nnllconl Ihr linmiliii I'^llinval nail no sent liy till' |i('r-n|i tn wliniil tin' lircli-c fnl' krr|iinu' the iiI'Il;'!- iial liniise was ^:,raut('il in tlm |ii'r-nn wlm si^iuij tlic nrijcr fnr the I'c-cjil inn (if each iiaticiif, nr tie' |icrsiiii l.y wliniii the last jiayiiieiil (111 accniinl nf cacli paticiil had I. ten made. liO. In case a niajnrity n{' the jn-tice-; nf any cnimty. in u'eii- oi'al sessidiis asscinhled, I'esnlve tn reennini''nd \u die "'i'' -' ■"■ ' ... K.'V.i.'uii.iii .if lieuteiianl-u'dvernnr the I'evocatinn nf any license ii"'c-- j^Tanted under this a^-t, or lliat the sain ■ ]>■ not rencw-MJ, -mdi justices >hail cail-^e to he ,uiven to the person licensed, or to tlic re--ident sn|icrintemlant of t h'' liceii-i d house, or to he left at. the licensed liniise, seven clear days, jirevinus iinticein wrilini;' of tlic intended rceoiiiniendatinns, ']\. I '|M'ii the receipt of smdi ri'commeiidalion the lieuten- ant -udver nor. hv an iiistruiiient undei' his hand and "' ' .' ■"■ , Seal, may re\'oke or [irohihil the renewal of .-ueh li- i- v.iii.M. cense: and in the case of a ['(.•vocation, the same shall take ef- i ■! 1004 OXTAIllO. feet at a peridd to lie named in tlie instrument, not exceeding two months from the time a eopy or iiotiec tliereof lias Ix'cn publislud in ^ho Ontario Ciazette. 32. A copy or notiee of the instrument o.*" revocation shall bo "'■■i5'i^'. transmitted to the licrson licensed or to the resident v.Kiitioii. su])erintendent of, or be left at, the licensed house, after which the same shall be ]»ul)lislied in the Ontario Gazette. oo. No [Ci.-on, whether being or represented to be a 11,1,1 ^<4„. lunatic, or only a boaruer or lodger, in respect oi Inissi'.V:"m?.!u whom any money received or agreed to be received ica niciiiiate. j-^^, jj^^.^j.,]^ lodglug or auy other accommodation, sliall be received into or detained in any licensed house witli- out an order under the hand of some person according to the form, and stating the particulars mentioned in schedule B, nor without the medical certiticates, according to the form of schedule C, of two i)hysicians not being partners or In'others, or father and son, and each of whom scparateh' from the other had personally exaiuined the ])erson to whom it relates not more than seven clear days previous to the reception of such person into such house, and each of whom signed and daied the eertilicate on the day on which such person was so examined. o-l. Everv idivsician who signs anv such certiiicate shall uii.i .;< 41. speeifv therein the fact or facts (whcuier arising from coitiii.d. his own observation or Irom the iniormation ot any other person) upon ■.'uch he has formed his opinion thai (he person to whom sucn certificate relates is a lunatic, or an in- sane })erson, or an idiot, or a person of unsound mind. 3.". Xo person shall receive to board or lodge in any house n>i.i >< 4j. not licensed under this act, or take the charge or care I.iuiiUics nut , 1 • ■ ' 1 • 1 rpr,.iv.-.iwuii- of anv insane person without having first obtained out liii'dical " ^ , " , .Miiiiicates. the medical eertilicate required by this act for the admission of an insane person into a licensed house. 3G. f^very person wlio receives to board or lodge in any iM'i^M:!. house not licensed under this act, or takes the care ciork'w'v'i"-'" or charge of any insane person, shall within tl:ree """' months next after receiving such insane ]H'rson iiit liis house, or under his care, transmit to the clerk of the visitors of the county a copy of such medical certificates, sealed and en- dorsed " I'rivate lleturns," and every such person shall also (if ONTAKIO. loo- ;ont, not cxcccdiu;^ ! thereof luis bt'cii revocation sluiU bo [1 or to the resident he licensed hoiii^o, he Ontario Gazette, presented to be a idger, in respect of p-eed to be received or accommodation, icensed house with- ;on according to tlic d in schedule B, nor i(T to the form of artners or brothers, ately from the other whom it relates not o the reception uf if whom signed and such person was so .ic •li certilicatc shall hcaier arising from information of any lis opinion that the a Innatit', or an in- Dund mind, odge in any house ke the charge or care aving first obtained by this act for tho sed house, rd or lodge in any ,et, or takes the cure ,, shall within three "^1 insane person int L^lerk of the visitors ates, sealed and eu- person shall also (it WUrn (.■itift- l-illi' nl'.llir phv-i<'iiui silf- lii'i.'iit. tlio insane person continues in l>is]iouseorunderliiseare) on tlin tlrst day of Januiiry, of every year, oi' within se^vcii clear (hiys thereafter, transmit to sucli clei'k a (•ei'tilicate, sigjicd l>y two pliysicians, describing the tlien aetiud state of mind of such insane person and endorsed " Private Iveturns," and all sueh private returns sliall be preserved by tlie said clerk, ami shall he open to the inspection of the visitoi's only. 37. Any person may, under special circumstances, ])r re- ceived into any such house, u[)()n sueh older with iim.im4 the certificate of one pliysician alone, [trovided the order states the special circumstances whit pre- vented the person from being examined by two i)hysieians; but in every such case another certilii'ate shall be signed by some other physician, not connected with any house licensed as aforesaid, and who has s[)ecially examined sueh person within three days after his recei)tion into sueh house. 38. Ko physician who, or whose father, brother, son or part- ner, is whollv or partlv the proprietor of or a reiiu- ni.utv lar nrotessionai attendant m a licensed liouse, shaH ciMn^ ii..t;u- i , ' l.m,.,l to c.T- sign any certificate lor the receptu)n of a patiiMit '">• into such house; and no physician who, or whose father, brotlier, son or partner, signs the ordm' hereinbefore reijuiinnl for the rece})tion of a patient, sliall sign any certilic-ate tor the reet'ption of the same patient. oi>. Every jiroprictor or sui)crintendent who receives any iiatient into anv U'cnsed house, shall, within two n-i'is^;. uavs alter the rcc iition oi such itatient, make an ici' ^ . ^ . irii'i niiuli) entry with respect to such patient in a l)ook to ho, tii.ivin. kept for that purpose, to be called "The r»ook of Admissions,'' according to the form and containing the ])artieulars rerjuired in schedule D, so far as he can ascertain the same, except as to tlietbrin of the mental disorder, and except, also, as to the dis- charge or death of the patient, whieli shall be ivade when tho same happens; and every person who so receives any such Iiatient and does not, within two days thereafter, make such entry (except as aforesaid), shall forfeit a sum not exceeding ten dollars. 40. The form of the mental disorder of every patient re- ceived into anv licensed house, shall, within seven [.'''s^"; •^ ' _ Im.IIII Ot 111- "lays after the reception, be entered in tlie said "•""'.*■ :W"WW1P 1000 OXTAIIIO. : ! f! ■ I ( "]>ool': of Adiiiissidiis"' l)y tlic iiUMlifal altciuLint of tlic limiso; iiiid every iiiedienl attendant who omits to make any sueli eii- ti'v w itliin tlie time aforesaid shall for every such omis-inn. fori'eil a, sum not exeeedin^- ten dollars. 41. The ])roi)rietor or I'esideiit superintendent of every ,,,i,i ^1., lieensed house, shall, after t \V(> eleai' days, ami Ix'fore t.'ilrtoVi'r'r tl'*-' t'X[iii'ati(jn of seven clear . within two clear days next after the escape, tians- mit a wi'itten notice thei'eof to the clerk of the visitoi-s within Avho^e ju.iMsdiction such house is situate; and the notice shall state till' christian name and surname of tin' patient who the clerk of the visitors; and the notice shall state when the pa- tii'Ut was so hrouuht hack, and tlu' cii'cumstancc.s (.'onncti d therewith, and whethei' with or without a fresh order and cr- tilieates or certilicate; and evci'y proprietor or resident >nper- intendeiil omittin.Li,' to transmit such notice, whether of c~ca[ic or of I'cturn, shall, for evei'y such omission, forfei; a sum nf ioYiy dollars. 4u. A\'hen a [latient is removed or dischari^cil iVom a li^'cn-cl ,,,i,, ^ -,, luaisc, oi' dies therein, the pi'oprietor or superiiitcinl- aVscd'x."'''' out (»f the house shall, within two clear day< next '"'"'''"'' after such I'laiioval, dischari^e or death, make an en- try thei'eof in a hook to he kept for that pur[iose, accortlini;' to the form and suiting' the |>articular.s in schedule F to thi< act, and shall also within the same two days transmit a wii'toii notice thereof, and also of the cause of the death, removal ^r discharu'e of the [latient, if known, to the clerk of the visitors in whose jurisiliction the housi; is situate, according' to the form, and containing the particulars in schedule (J to this act. (j.\TAi;ro. 1 ( K)- ulant of \\\v lit>n>e; make any such cn- (vy h^ui'li oiiiissioii. itc'llilfllt of CVcl'V ■ai- (lays, ami licfitrc ;s from till' (lay on veil into tlu' hou<(', wliosc jurisdirtioii 1 medical ccrtitic;'>tc 1 received, and also, •m of scliodule V.. licensed house, tlic er tlic oscai)e, traus- f the visitors within 111(1 thi^ notice shall the patient who so d. and also the lir- uid if the patient is r or ri'sident >uiicv- 'ter the patient has olice thereof to the instances )V or resident suiicr- ■lor or superintciK leath, uvdkv an in- urposi', aceordiii.u' t a sia a licen~(il laaisi;, lliellt, n,i,i<.-,i. I'llilic'ilti' ill ll .llMtll Willi the name ol any person pre-eiit a1 the(ieaiii, shall he forlhwilh drawn up and signed hy ihe im dical at- tendant of the house, and a conv tlna'col' dui\ .•erlllied hv ihe proprietor or superinlendeiit of such house, shalh williin forly-ei;j,ht hours after the dealh oi' the jiat lent , lie hv such proprietor or superinteiideiil transmitted to the ni'arest coro- ner, and also to the clerk of the \isit ors. Ill whose juriMJiel imi the liou>e is situate, and alM) to the per-oii who si^iieij ihc order lor the pati(.'iit"s conlineiiient, or if such person i- d( lel or ahsent from the province, then to the pi r-oii who made the last payment on acciaint of tla' patii'iil, and lA'ery medical attendant, projirietor or superintendent who neulccts or oinits to draw u[>, sii;ii, certify, or transmit -iich stateineii' as alore- said, shall, for eV(,'rv siii-h ne^hM't or omission, forfeit and jiay a sum of not excee(liiin- iwo hundreil dollars. In case any [>erson reha-ed iru'u conlinemeiit in any I fi ifii licensed house considers himself tu have been iin iusllv eonliiied, the cler! the visitors, within p. 1.1 ^•.-. i;,'iiM-ly ,.f |l,T- il I.,. i:;illv (Miiliii.'il, whose jurisdiction the house is situat(.' sliall at hi: rc(piest, I'nrnish t(; him, oi' to his attorney, without fee or re- ward a coj»y of the certilicates and order upon which he ha:: '■overiior mav cau-e to he ei>on who has lieen hi'en c(jnliiicd; and the lieutenant- prosecuted oil the [)art of the crown, any ] concerned in tli unlawful lakiiiM,- of any ot' her m.aje-ty's suh- jccts as an insai.c [latienf, and likewise any person who has been concerne(l in the neglect or ill-treatment of any patient or iiersons so conlined 1 ■W 'n every house lict'iised for one hundred jiaiiciifs or Wlii'ii tlii'i-o iuill Im, ail U'lhlaiit |ili; mow, there shall be a resident |)hvsiciaii as the n.i.i suiiei'inteiident or medical attendant thereof: and ^ every house licensed f(jr less than one hundri'd, and -irimi ■hiiiV more than lil'ty ))atients, (in case such hou-^e i-< not kept h\', or has not a ic- ideiit physician) shall he visiied daily by a pliy>i- ciaii, and ex'ery house licensed for less than lilty patients ( in cas(! such house is not k(.'|it by, or has not a resident ]iliy.--iciau) shall be visiied twict; in t'Very wet-k by a phy-iciaii ; but tlie vi>itors of any house may direct that such house .-hall be visili'd by a physician at a,ny other tiiiu (jr times, not being ofteuer than once in evcrv dav. "■■^(Wi 1008 ONTAltrO. !l i; i ■IT. AVluTO niiy li()Us(> is liccMiscil to I'occivo l(-ss lliaii cliivoii ,,,!,! ,. -^ Imiiilics, iiiiy two of the visitoi's of siu'li liouso, if hi.i'minvisVi, "icy r('S|)(M'(ivc]y (liiiik lit, may, l»y writiiiijj under l-i(''v(ViMu';i- tlu'ii' liaiiiis, iKTiiiil tlic house to be visited b}' a "'''■ ]»bysician at such intervals uioi'e distant than twice every week, as such visitors appoint, Imt not at a greater in- terval than once in every two weeks. •IS. I'A'ei'v physician, \n case; there is oidy one, keepiiiiLC '^"i" I i.ici s ■'•"'. residiii"' in or visitiuii anv licensed house, and in KlUrirs liiiiili' ' .-1 , in ••Tin; Ai.'iii- (^.;is(> i\\vvv iwo two or luorc ijlivsiciaus kee|)inntal state and bodily condition of (>ach jiatient, together with a correct deseri])ti(iii of the medicine and other remedies ])reseribe(l for the treat- ment of his disorder, and the visitors within whose jurisdiction any licensed house is situate, may, whenever they see lit. by an ord(^r in writing, require the j)hysician keeping or residing; in or visiting such house, to transmit to them a correct co]y of the enti'ies or entry in the case book kept under the })ruvi- (iNTAiaO. loon |,>ss than elevoii f piicli house, if ,' \vriliii,u; under be visited by a slant than twiee L at a greater in- one, l<(>oi>iiii.' f'l" .,1 house, and in K ians keeping or I house, then one very week (or, in ore distant inter- dl on every visit), lousc for that pur- ,u r>ook," a report )f all patients then every patient ^vllo or \nuler niedieai it report; death, injury and tVected any patient linu- to tlie form in omits to enter or Ion forfeit and pay h house, a hook to Inch the physieiaa s\u-h house, sludl |al state and hotUly Icorreet description ihed for the treat- whose jurisdiction [,Y they pee lit.hy ecping or residin<^ lem a correct copy )t under the provi- sions of this act rehitive to the; cai-e of any hmalic ulio i- or lias been confined in sucli house, and evrry pliy-ician who neglects to keej) the said ease Ixiok, or lo eiilcr ihei'ein ihe particuhirs of each patient's ease, oi' to transmit a cojiy of any entry therein pursuant to any such or(h r, shall lur every sueh negle(;t forfeit a sum not (\\ceeiliii;j^^ foiiy dolhirs. TjO. Every licensed house witliin tiie jni'is(nctinn of any vis- itors uppointecl, umler tlie act, sliall he visiteil hy ,1,1, u^-;?. two at h'ast of the said visitors (one oi' whom shall no'il's'!!; '"' be a j)hysician), four times at the least in every '""'"" vear, on such days ami at siu'h hours in the dav, and for such length of time us tlie Justiees by whom the hou. " . . "^ l-aciliM.-i for part thereof and every person detained therein as a insi.i.,ni..ri. lunatic. 08. The visitors upon tiieir several visitations to a licensed house, siiall hiquire: luillutV 64 ]010 ONTAUIO. Il)i(l ^< til. Inloi'iiiatiiiii to visitiiiH. (1) Wlicro divine service is performed tliorein, to wliat nuinl)er of the patients, and llie ell'ect lli(>reof; (2) ^\'llat oei'upalions or aniuseuu'Uts are jjrovided for tlic patients, and tli{> resnU tliereof; (3) AVlietlier tliei'e has lieen adopted any system of non- coercion, and if so, the result tliereof; ( i'; As to the classification of j)atients ; (;")) And such other inquiries as to sui-h visitors seem exjiedient. ~)\. rpon every visit of the visit(,rs to any licensed house, there shall he laid l>;iore such visitors by the j)ro- })rictor or superintendent jf the house: (1) A list of all the patients then in the house (distin.t!:uish- in<;' males from females, and specify ini; such as are deemed curahle) ; (2) The several books by this act required to be kept by the proprietor or superintendent, and by the medical attendant of a licensed house; (o) All orders and certificates relating to patients admitted since the visitation of the visitors ; (4) The license then in force for such house; (5) All such other orders, certilicates, documents and papers relating to any of the patients at any time received into such house, as the visitors from time to time rc(]uire to be produced to them ; and the visitors shall sign the said books as having been so produced. 55. There shall be liung up in some conspicuous part of ibi.i^c.j. everv licensed house a coi)v of the plan given to to 1... luiiii,' up the justices on applying for the license for sucli ill every li- '' I 1 .' » oeiise.i'iioiise. liQUsc ; aiid thcrc shall be kept in every such bouse a queen's printer's copy of this act, bound in a book to be called "The Visitors' Book," and tbe visitors shall at the time of their visitation enter in such book the result of the inspec- tions and inquiries hereinbefore directed or authorized to he nuide by them, with such observations (if any) as they think proper; c^nd there shall also be kej)t in every such house a book to be called " The Patients' Book," and the visitors shall, at the times of their visitations, enter therein sucli observations as they think lit respecting the state of mind or body of any patient in such house. ONTARIO. Ktll crein, to what I' for the system of non- h visitors seem ^ licensed house, ,itors hy the pro- i)use: ouse (distinsuish- ,h as are deemed to he kept hy the ■aical attendant of patients admiuod ise ; uments and papers received into such aire to he pro(Uiced id hooks as having onspicuous part of the ph^n given to L license for such In evcrv such house Id in a hook to be Irs shall at the tnue lesult of the inspec- 1 or authorized to be unv) as they thmk every sucli house a Id the visitors shall, lin such observations lind or body of any 50. The proprietor or resident superintendent of every H- oensed hou-^e sliall, within thret^ days after evei'v visit Jjy tlie visitors, transmit to the ch'rk of the visitors a true and |ieitiM-t copy of the entries made ii.i'i ^■^. ■ l.l ■« .it <>11- 'llt t.) •rk. I)V tliem in the Visit (»rs The I'atie hodi ind " 'i'he Meilieal N'isitalion Hook,'" respectively, distin^uisiiin th(> entries in flie several hooks. n.i.i s i;i. I'.iitrifs sill). iiiIiI'mI tu 7. Tiie cdpies so transmitted to the clerk of the visitors of all such entries, relating to any licensed house, and made since the j;rant or last renewal of the license thereof, shall be laid before the justices, on takinfj; •'""' ' into consideration tlui renewal of the license to the Iiouse to which such entries relate. ij8. Every pro[)rietor or su])erintendent who omits to trans- mit to the clerk ol" the visitors a true and perfect ii.i'i5ir>. 1 111. 1'. iiiiltv for copy 01 every such entry, siiall, tor every omission, 'Ji'Muiii!,'. forfeit a sum not e.\'cee<•;:. writing, under his hand, direct such patient to Ijc 'ii-^'ii^i,.-. removed or .discharged, .su<'li ])atient shall forthwith be re- moved or discharged accordingly. ()1. If the [)erson who signed the order upon whieh a patient has been received into a licensed house is incapable n.i.i ,<<;>. ... , . " l"'r-uii will) hv reason ol msanitv or absence troni the i)i'()vince, -^i^.-!!''! tiio . ^ 1 ' riiiiics or otherwise, of giving an order for the discharge or removal of such patient, or if such person is dead, then, the husband or wife of such jtatient, or if there be no such husband or wife, the father of such i)atieiit, or if there be no father, the mother of such patient, or if there be no mother, then any one of the nearest of kin for the time being of such patient, or the person who made the last payment on account of such jiatient, may, by writing under his or her hand, give such direction fur the discharge or removal of the patient, and thereupon such patient shall be forthwith discharged or removed ac- cordingly. 02. Xo patient shall be discharged or removed from any 1012 OM'AiaO, 1 r 1 1 .'■-■ ' j i i" i 1 1 ' ,1 ft ' ■ li< Wsm MtS^^^I Hi ; i 1 : i j t ■ i:l|||H ''^^^1 B .\ ■1 i^ ' t':l ' "" 1 : ii,i,i 5 (jr, licensed house under any of tlio [lowers liereiidjeforo 'ilaiKp'oil-''' contained, if tlio physician by whom the sanie is •''''"'' l<<-'l»t, <^r ^vho is the reguhir medical attendant thereof, hy writing under his hand, certifies that in his opin- ion such patient is ilanf;erous and uidit to he at large, together, with the grounds on which such opinion is founded, unless the visitoi's of such house, after such certilicate has been pro- duced to tiiem, give their consent, in writing, to the discharge or removal of such (tatient. 03. Nothing lierein contained shall prevent any patient from Hiiii s 70. being transferred from one licensed house to another iniu^i-.!. liec'iiscd house, or to any asylum for the insane, but. in sucli case every such patient sliall, for the i)uriH»se of sucli removal, be placed under the control of an attendant belong- ing to the licensed house to or from which he is about to l)e removed, and shall remain under such control until the re- moval has been duly effected. 04. Any two or more of the visitors of any licensed house, of nii( rintcnccnt of the licensed house in wliicli the patient intended to lie visited is detained, and sudi i)r()[irietor or supei'infcndent shall forth- with, if [)ossihle, transmit by post a copy of such notii'c to tho person by whose authority such patient has \)vv\\ received into such house, or hy whom tlic last payment on account of such i)atient was made and also to the clerk of the visitors of the house. OS. None of the powers of discharge hereinbefore contained, shall I'xtend to any lunatic confinetl under an order n.i.i ;< :.-.. or authority of the lieutenant-governor, or under the ''""'""''''"• order of any court of criminal jurisdiction. ()i). If any i)erson applies to a visitor to Ijo informed whether any particular person is confined in a licensed house um^-,-, witiiin the jurisdiction of such visitor, tho visitor, if l!!!',?,'''.',';',^'",,. he tiiinks it reasonable to permit such in(|uiry to he iahlll'i'aKi'u':' made, shall sign an order to the clerk of tlie visi- "'"""'■ tors, and the clerk shall, on recei[it of such order, and on l>ay- ment to him of a sum not exceeding twenty cents for his trouble, make search amongst the returns made to him in pursuance of this act, whether the person inquired after is, or, within the then last twelve months, has becui confined in any licensed house within the jurisdiction of such visitor; and if it a}»[iears that such person is or has been so confined, the clerk shall deliver to tiie person ajtplying a statement in writ- ing, specifying : (1) The situation of the liouse in wliich the person so in- quired after ai)pears to be or to have been confined; (2) The name of the proprietor or resident superintendent thereof ; (3) The date of the admission of such person into such licensed house ; and (4) (In case of his having been removed or discharged) the date of his removal or discharge therefrom. 70. Any one of the visitors of a licensed house may, at any time, uive an order in writing under his hand for i'i;'is". the admission to any patient confined in such house, I'l-^tivs. of any relation or friend of such patient or of any medical or other person whom any relation or friend of the patient de- sires to be admitted to him. Kill ONTAHIO, 71. Such ordc r of adiiii^sion may lio cillicr for u siiioU. ad- iiii.iSTN. iiiissidii, (»!• for an admission Ibr any limited nuiu- Hiicii li^.v of times, or for admission gcnorally at all ren-<inl' ml'- adinissiou to any patient, of any relation, friend or """""" other person who produi-es such order of adndssion, he shall for I'very such refusal, prevention or ohstruetion, for- feit a sum not exceedinj^ eii^hty dollars. 7''). The pi'opi'ietor or superintendent of any licensed house, iiii.i § so. uitli till' consent in wi'itini(tns of this act, is removed tempo- ai'ivr'iinuo'i'iK- rarily from the licensed house into which the order onicr. j.^|, ]^j^ rece[>tion has heen g'iven, or i.s transferreil from such house into any iww house, and also in every case in which any patient has esca[ied from any such house and lias heen retaken within fourteen days next after such escape, the certilicate or certilicates relating to and the original ov<\vv for the rece[)tion of such [latient shall respectively remain in I'orce, in the same maimer as the same would have done if such [lalient had not heen so removed or tran.sferred, or had not so i\ itienl, or hy ^vl^)l^ lit has been made, s they, on cause inidcr any ol" tin- s removed lempo- U) which the or(iii who does not ap- ])oar before such visitctrs pursnaid to .-iich summon^, or docs not assign sonu' rea-oiiable e\citt ices for the count \', Ibr- fe a sum not exceeding- two hundred dollars for every such ne<;lect or I'el'usal. 77. Any visitors win") sunnnon a person |o appear and ^■iv<' (•vidence as aforesaid, may . ^\'hen any person is charged upon oath, before a justice, for anv ofleiise against this act. such justice mav uMs^^'i. summon the j)erson charux'd to appear at a time in-uc.-. and [)]ace to be named in the summons, and if he does not a[)i)ear then u]»on proof of due service of the summons (.■itlier [n'rsonally or by leaving the same at his last or usual place of abode), any Iwo Justices may either proceed to hear and de- termine the case, or may issut' their warrant Ibr apprehending such person and Itringing him before any two jn-;tices. iSO. Any two justices upon the appi'aring of such ])erson, itursuant to the summons, or upon such i»erson being ii'^:. ap})reliended under a warrant, or ui)on the noii- ju^ticu. fi ii, - t . ■ ■ ' i, ■ 1 )' |; 'fl [, ' '^™ L>, '*•'■: i lOUJ oMAIMo. ;i|i|>('iii';iiic(' of siicli |i(rs(»ii, slmll Ikmi' llic niiillci' of cnci'v slK'li ('iiiii|il:iiiil III' iiironiiiiliiiii ;iii(l iiiakr siK'li ilclci'iiiiiiiil idii tlu'i'cuii ;is llic jiisliccs think |ir(i|K'i'. (Si. I 'i Mill coll \ict 'lull of any iicrsoii, such justices may, if they 11,1,, < ^., think lit. rcthicc the aiiiount ul' the penalty hy this .Vii''''i';''iiuw' "'■' iiiiposed I'oi' the nll'eiise, to any .-uni iiitl, less '''^"'''' than oiie-luiirth of the aninunt thereol'. nnd siiall issue a wariMiit umler tiieir hands and seals I'or levying such jieiiahy. or reihieed peiiahy, and ail costs and cliai;;('S of (lie suiiiiiioiis, warrant and hearing, ami all incidt'iital costs and char;ies, liy distress and sale oi' the goods ami cliatlels ol' the person conviclcil. .S2. Such two justices may order any jierson -o convicted to ii'i'i^-'i' 1k' detaiiieil and keiit in the eiistodv III' aiiv con- cii^ii-iuiiiui stalile or other peace ollicer until return can he coii- venit'ntly made to such warrant oi' disti'css, unless the oll'ender gives security hy way of recognizaiu'e or otherwisi' to the satisfaction of such justices, for his a|)|)earance liefore lliem on such day as they ap|ioint for the return of the warrant of distress; such day not heing more than seven days from the time of taking such securitv. S:]. If, uiioii the return of tlu> warrant of distress, it ajijtears ii.i.i§!w, (hilt 111) sullicieiit distress can lie had whereupon to It 111! siillkicut , , , , -, (luti.s... ji^.vy till' iieiialty or reduced penally, niul the costs and charges, and if the same are not forthwith jiaid, or in case it appears to the satisfaction of such justices, either hy the confession of the oll'ender or otherwise, that the oll'ender has not sullicii-nt goods and chattels whereupon the jienalty or reduced penalty, costs and cliarges can lie li'vied, such jus- tices shall, hv warrant under their hands and seals, com- mit the oU'ender to the common gaiil or house of correction of the county, as the case may he, i'oi' any term not exceeding three months, nnli'ss such [leiially or reduced iionalty, costs and charges, are sooner paid. (Si. All jienalties and reduced penalties, when recovend ii'i'i:;!'!. shall lie i)aid to the clerk of the iieacefor the couiitv Pcimlliis.liciw ^ '■ ' (lisposci „f, in which the oll'ensi' was conimitt(>d, to he hy liiia ajijilied and aecouutod for as hereinhefore directed with n'- spect to moneys reci'ived for licenses granted hy the justices of such county; and the ovei'jilus (if any) arising from surli distress and sale, after payment of the penalty or reduced f>Nl AIMO. tliwith jiaid, or in justices, cither hy c, that the ollcinlfr Inuiion the ])t'nalty levied, such jus- ainl seals, coiii- Ihouso ol' correct i( 111 'I'm nut excecdiiij; ^iccd i)enalty, costs when recovtM'cd •niH'tbr th(> county Ited, to be by hiiu ■ directed with ro- lled by the justices irisinj;- from such lenulty or reduced penally, and all costs and cIi;ii'l:,c< ;is afoi'c^iiid, slmll he paid, upon demand, to thu owner ol' the ;;dods and cliattils so disti'aiiicd. S.'i. 'I'lic iuslices hcl'iirf wlicihi any pcr-du is miiN i Cllll (II anv ollense auaiiisi \\[\< jid lurwhidia p(iMiiii;ir\- ii.i.i .j!'■J• penalty is iin|)ose(l, may c.iu-c the ciiuNidiun Id i.c drawn up in the follow in^ lurm, or in any ni htr r,,i'iii lo tlif same ellccl, as the case may iTipiirc; and iio coiiv ictiiMi under this act shall he \oid throii^li \v;inl of form rcniemlMTrd, i hat on i lie (la\' ol in the \'ear ol our Lord at A. !>. was convicteil hcforc u<, o of the |)eace for the ^i]]^ couiily, lor llial he llir -aid in the eolinl >■ of of !h r iiiaje-ly's jiisl i( did and we llie sai< a'lHhlL;!' Ihe -ail for his tiees under I hi- art. may lis after siicli oi'dir made or ;^i\-eii 111 >c llie order within four nioii ll/nl ,< !i:l. .\|i|'1M|s. appeal to the justices at general sessions; the p( r-oii appealiiifj; liavin;;' lii'st j^'iveii at U'ast foiirleeii clear day-' iioi ice in writiiij;' of the a])peal, anueh iioliee enter in l; into a rccoj^ni/.aiuHi before some justice, with two sullicient .-ureties, coiiditioiieil to try such appeal and to ahide the order and awanl of the said court thereupon. ST. The justici's at p.'enei'al sessions, upon the proof of >iu'h notice and reconnizance haviii,i!; been liiveii and en- n.i.ism. tert'd into, shall, in a summary way, hear and deter- t,'',,.'.'.',!'" '" mine the ap])eal, or if they think propei', m;iy ad- "'""""'■ journ the hearing thereof until the next u'eiieral sessions, and if they see cause, may miti,i;ate any penalty to not less than one-fourth of the amount imposi'd hy tjiis act, and may order any money to he returned which has been levied in ]iursuance of the order or detijrmination apjiealed a.uainst, and may also award such furtlier satisiiuiion to the jiarty injured, or such costs to either of the partit's as they judec reasonable and l)ro[)er; and all such determinations of the saiil jusliees at li'ciicral sessions shall be liiial, and conclusive u])oii all jiarties to all intents and purposes w hatsoever. 88. If any action or suit is brought against any [lerson for Ill T^^mmmm 1018 OXTAEIO. ii.i.150-.. anvthinc; luill 111' ooiniiieiK'cil witliin twelve months next after tlie release of liie jiarty hriniiiug the action, and shall he laid c»r hruught in the county where the cause of action arose, and not elsewhere. Ml. The defendant in every such action or suit may, at his n.i.isfii!. election, plead specially or plead the general issue mri>"i'i"a'.r iKit <Mi.'. j^^ evidence at any trial to he had thereupon, and that tile same was dune ui i»ursuance and hy the authority of this act; and if the same ap})ears to have been so done, or if it appears that such action or suit has been brought in any other county than where the cause of action arose, or was not com- menced within the time hereinbefore limited for bringing the same, then the judge or jury (as the case may be) shall find a verdict for the defendants; and u})on a verdict being so found, or if the ])laintill' is non-suited or discontinues his action or suit after the defendant has a[)})eared, or if up(jn demurrer judgment is given against the jilaintitf, then the defendant shall recover doul)li co.-ts, and have such remedy for recovering the same as any delendant has in other cases by law. *.M). In every writ, action and other proceeding i)referred or n.i,i§!i7. brought against any i)roi)rietor or superintendent, clito'oiVi'oso- or against assistant or servant of any proprietor or '^""^"'' superintendent, for taking, confining, detaining, or 11 taking aviv jierson as a lunatic, the party complained of may pleail in defense the order luid certiticates or certificate heninbefore mentioned, and such order and cei'titlcates or certificate shall, as res}iects such party, be a justification foi' taking, confining, detaining or retaking the lunatic or alleged lunatic. I'l. The clerk of any visitvirs may, on their order, ])rosecuto ihidsos. ''1'.'^' person for any offense against tlie jirovisions nf of tii"viri'iois this act com nitted within the jurisdiction of such to pn s«M.t.>. Y2^it^,i.j<^ ji^kI iiijjy sue for and recover any penalty to -which any person within jurisdiction of the visitors is made liable by ilris act. 02. All })enalties sued for and recovered l)y any such clnk 11.1,1 §!m. shall be paid to him, and shall be bv him ujiid Ppualti.'s. ' 1.1 " 11 (lispositiouof. to the clerk of the peace for the county, and the !H ONTAino. lOl'J this act, the same .'Ive months next ction, and shall he ise of action arose, ir suit may, at his [ the general isjiir the special matter lad thereui)on, and l)y the authority of cen so done, or if it •ought in any other Be, or was not ily and account fur ihf sai lie as hcreiuhefore enacted ^vith ivs[iccl to iiidui licenses hy clerks of the peace. ys rccri\e(! for !)o. No one shall prosecute any [icr-on for any oil'ense against .'•ue tor iinv lit the provisions of this aci, or which any person is made liahle hy this act, exccj naltv to ii.i.i :;• 1" (<\i\i'v .if visi- it I'M's iii'i'i's»:u'\ hv or der of visitoi's haviULi' iiuh t>> ;i itluii'i/o illctloii 111 the Jil;ic( \v here the cause of i)rosiH'Uliou has nriseii or the pnudty has been incurred, or \v ith tl U' coiiseiil ol lnT iiKil siv attornev 1I'( neral for Ontario. !)■!. In case anv ])ei'son is ))roceeded d" a"ainst for oii,iniii!i- to tran.smit or send anj' cojiv, h>t, notice, statcincut oi- ii^i jii-i^ other document lu'reinlieluic re<|uired to l)e trai initted hy such ])ersoii, and sucli pei'.-iai proxcs liy the testimony of one person u] )n oatli, that the copy, Hst, notice, statement, or other docunieiil in I'cspcct of whicii such Wlriit ti) lie is- Millicii'iit ci'SiiitliaMcc. proceeding lias heen taken was put into the [irnjn r in due time or {ui case of docuineii jiost- ollK'O rc(|iiin'(i to he trans- nitted to a clerk of the juace). hit at the olHce of >iich clerk tf the peace, and was ])roprrl I oar to all furthi'r ])roceedii \' ailili-esf l^s:*, I'll. 'JS, S H>. I'mvisiiii .< lit' :iii Vii-t... h :<:!, tuiiliplytupri- Vulr iisvliuil. ami cure of Hahitual I M'linkai'ds," shall apply t private asylum estahlishetl under this act. if the liceii.-e granted lirect, and in a))plyin th ai( 1 act, evt.'iy jinvate asyhiiu St) authorizetl shall he an hospital within the nuaning of such act, and the superintentleiit of such asylum shall have the powers and duties of the su[)ei'inteiiilent of an hospital tt»r in"l)riates. (2) The twelfth section of tlie sal. I last mentioned act! not exteml to any such pii\ale asyluin hut the saiil utiier liereinheforo mentionetl sections of such act shall hercalter ipply to females as well as maief< 1020 OXTAPtlO. 07. The provisions iii the said hist nientioiiod act rcs[)octini „,!,, J,, tho voluntary a(hiiissi()ii of inebriates sliall exten< rrvniiiullny' h) any jjerson, wlietlier male or leniale, who is ai "''""■""""• hal)itual eonsunier (•!' sliniulatin."" — Skction -10. Order for the Reception of a Patient. r, the undersiuiicd. hert'liy re(juest you to receive A. 15., luiiati' ((ir. an insane jterson, or, an idiot, or, a [)erson of ui sound mind) as a patient into y(»ur house. (Siiiiiid,) Name. Occupation (if any), plr.ce of abode, decree of relationsh (if any). <>r other circumstances of comiection with the patiei 1. \;niie of patient, with christian name at length. 2. Sex and age. M irried, smule. or w idowed 4. ( 'oihlitiiin (if life and previous occu|iatiiiu (if any). r>. i'revious j)lace of ahode. (■). iicligious persuasion, «> fai' as known. 7. J)uration of existing uttaek. -s. Whether first atrack. y. Age (if kunwii .in lir^l attack. * s. ei'li()n>. : 4, ", r.,T, TOtTT, I -J, 14, IS, 21, 28 .-wJ 2!» R, S„.meliiiliiijj:^'i>«iiliilo A, weri' i-fiKuled l)y iku aLovc citwi aiet w I'M!, OXTARIO. 1021 iimoa act rcppoctin^^ Di-iatcs shall oxtend ,r iVmalc, who is un no- or imvcotic drugs deal (Ici'angonK'ut or to do so liy tlu' lii'i;- l,^.^. in Uio year, shall ,1 nixm tho state and lunatir asyl' > eslah- f th( '•! rosi»octing ulition of its inmates, rcH-eii't of any -^«icli ustrunient under h license granted under 10. AVIh >lier subject to epilepsy. 11. Whether suicidal or dangerous to othei's. 12. Previous j>lace of eonlinenient (if any). IT). Whether found lunatic hy euniniission, anituation and name, if anv.) - ( ox -10. (( Pdficnt. ,,u to rec(MVC A. !>., a )t, Of, a person of un- e. Name. ](.or,.e of relationshiii vtion ^vilh the patient. me at length. vipatiou (if any). >U 11. 2-1, 27, 28 .1*1 2> wl" fl'- --' Mi ovc cited »et »{ 1^*3, '''• -' Schedule "C."— (Sectiox 10.) Form of ^[edical ('., tlie jierson named in tlu' accompanying statement and order, and that the said A.l>. is a lunatic, (or an insane person, or an idiot or a [X'l'.son of unsound nnnd.) and a pro[K'r per- son to he confined, and that I have formed this opinion fi'oiri the folhnving fact (or facts), vi/.: (Signed.) Name. riace of al)0(h'. Dated this day of , one tliousantl -'ight hun- dred and Schedule "D." — (Section 40.) Ec'f/istri/ of AihnisslotiK — Ikcgif^tcr of Patients. [See Scheilule (E), p. 893, siii.ra.] «!i mm 1022 ONTARIO. Schedule "E."— (Section 4S.) Notice of Admission. I lici'oby give you notice, that A.B. was received into tliis house as a patient, on the day of , and 1 licreby transmit a copy of tlie order and medical certificates (or certificate) on wliich he was received. Subjoined is a state- ment with respect to tlie mental and bodily condition of the above-named natier.t. (Signed,) Name. Superintendent: (or Proprietor) of Dated tliis day of , oi.'c thousand eight hun- dred and . STATEMENT. I have this day seen and personally examined A.B., the pa- tient named in the above notice, and hereby ^'ertify that, with respect to mental state, he (or she) , and that, with respect of bodily health and condition, he (or she) (Signed) Xame. Medical I'roprietor (or Superintend- ent, or Attendant) of Dated this day of , one thousand eight hun- dred and Schedule "F." — (Section 50.) Register of Discharges and Deaths. [See Schedule (G. 1.), p. 894 supra.] ■I : i i Schedule "G."— (Section 50.) Form of Notice of Discharge or Death. I hereby give notice that a patient received into thi.s house on the day of Mas discharged therefrom, recovered (or relieved, or not improved therefrom or was re- ONTAUIO. 1023 .-novo) by tlie authority of (or ,]i.,l tlu.-nn) on tlu. (lay of (Sip:no(]), x,i,j^,, SuperinteiKlcut (or J'ropriotor) „f i.ou.o at J>at..lthis day of one thousan.I an.l .i^l.t liundrod and . '^ In case of deatli, add - an.l I furdu,, ,,,,,i,v ,i,„ y j> was present at the death of the ,v sununnn and re- •luire you i)ersonally to appear l)efore us at J,, [''\ the day of , at the hour of 111 the noon of the same day, and tlien a.ul there to he oxamined, an.l to testify the truth touchino- certain matters relating to the execution of the said act. CJiven under our hands and seals, this day of in the year of our J.ord one thousand eight hundred and mma 1024 ONTARIO. I: ! Schedule "J." — (Section .',", Srn-SECTioN 4.) Foiin of MaUcdl Journal, and Wtckhj Report. 2 ' Xinnlii'r Narii 's nl' Piitiniits Xaiiics of l'«tic'tits j_ i "f iiiiiliM- lii'siralut (ami o j I'lUieiiH. by wliiil M.'aiis), or in a I Trfulninit. |;l ""alH. „t,..., I'aticuts and ail. I I Coiiililioii of V'hili'iiii's I lluiise. t» I'alieiils. M. F. MaloH. Fi'inalos. , MaleH. : Females, The (itlier st;ituti's nf tli' pnivincc of Ontario, i'cl;itinK to iiisaiii'v atc'. Revised SiMlii'i'-- I't' ( )iit;iiiii, I'll, 2"2i', "All Act lesp.. liiii; Lmiati^' Asvliinis wwA tlie Custody nf Insane Persuis." Revised .Statnl's, di. 22;j, "An Aci to roir hito riiljlu' Aid to Cliaritalilo In- stitutions." Revised Statutes, cli. 224, "An Act to [>n>vidc for tlie Inspection of Asy!niii>, Ilospitals, Coninion Jails and Ktt'ormjiBories in this Pioviiice." Act of 1878, c-h. 8. 'i 2;>, repeals Rev. Stat., cii. 220, i. 52. Act of 1880, »-li. 20, "An Act respectiii:: tlur^ Support of Destitute Insane Persons." iiitiT alia repeals Lev. Stat., cli. il'.K Act of 1880, eh. 3(5, "An Act to Diako fiiirlier Provisions respectint^ the Estates nf Persons confined in Asylums for tl»»- Insane. Act of 18S1. ch. ;«, r«=-peals Rev. Stat., ch. 221, U 2o, 24. Act of 1882, ch. 1)2, "An Act to atneihi the '.Act res[)ectint; Lunatic Asylnins acl the Custody of Insane Person^ [Rev. Stat., ch. 220]." Act of 1H83, ch. 30, "An Act res|M'cting the Office of Insprctor of Prisons ami Pulilic Charities, and respeetinj; Per. aiwdying tr the Duininion of Canada, extended to Manitohii hy 34 Vict., ch. 14, and tn British Coluinhia by 37 N'ict., ch. 42. CTION 4.) Report. ,n„rt ..n Slat.- Poal .H ,', Ih'iilth of l».Hiii;-^. iMIi.'niHiii.a "<"l FRANCE. 1.. I,, insaiii'y iirot i;, AUl to Cl.aritaiao In- |i.> Insi>ection "!' A^yl"!""^' Is J'Kivim'o.'' l-> I Dcslituie Insane r..'rsons. ,s resi.ectii'g the Estates -I U. , jtiu- Lunatic Asylums :xv'\ l„s,)felor of Prisons :...>! ,..1 as Lunatics." '34 Vict., cK. 14, and to LAW ol' .irXK :!Ot)i, !s:!s. TiTLK I. — Concerning Insane Asvi.ims. Article 1. ]'A'oi'y (l(>])ar1iiioiit must liavo a |)ul)li(' (slablisli- inent dcsiiLfiUHl to ivt'oivc and Ircat tlic insane: or, if not, must niako an a,ure(M)iont willi a jiul»lic or lu'ivaic in-titutioii of tlic same or anollicr (l('])ai'tm<'nt. I'lic ai'i'anLicnu'niv mailc witli such establishnicnts must lie a]i]irov('(l ]>y the minister ol' tlio interior. Article 2. The public establishments for the inrefect and the ]>ei's, shall visit the public and the ])ri- vatc insane asylums. 'J'hey shall receive the declaratiiHis of the jiersons, and shall inform themselves of tlieir conditions. The private cstablisliments shall i)e visit* d at ii'i-euular iiitt'r- vals, once at least in three months, by tlie ])rocurator of tlu' kiiiii'. Tlie public establishments sliall be visited in the same manner at least once in six months. .Vriicde o. No one sliall conduct or establish a private in- .sane asylum without the authority of the p;ovei'miient. The private establishments intendid Ibr tlie ti'eatiiient of other dis- eases are permitted to receive the insane, only, when they can 65 i"i( ■i.T-^ 1 I; mit '] 1020 FRANCE. il« ., ^ 1 1 :1: hi i , Ji r : 1h' [diiccd cnlirrly l)_v tlK'iiist'lvcs. 'Husc! cstalilisliiiu'iils iiiui be (.'Specially lUitliorized liy tlie ])roval of ibe mini ter of tbe interit)r. Title II. — Iftnv to J^lace the Insane in the AsYLr.\rs. Sccti())i 1. — Coriimifmcnt by Frionh or lUinlivrH. Article S. Tbe cliiefs or tbe responsible directors of tl public asylums, and tbe directors of tlic private asylums nia receive a })ersou of diseased mind only, wbeu tbeiv is laid b fore tbem: (1) Tbe written request for admission, containing tbe uaiiio profession, age, and domicile of tbe person wbo nuikes tbe r quest, and of tbe })erson to be received; stating also tbe (U'gn of relationsbip, between botb })arties. Tbe re((uests for adnii sion must be written and signed by tbe one wbo nuikes it, an if be cannot write, it sball be made out by tbe nuiyor or tl conunissioner of police. Tbe cbiefs or directors must assu' tbemselves, on tbeir own resj)onsibility, of tbe idt ntity of tl person wbo makes the re(piest, when this request has not liec received by tbe Ujayor or commissioner of })olicc. If tbe r quest for admission is made by the guardian of an irrespom ble person, be must furnish a written extract of the sentence irresi)onsibility tliat has been })ronounced concerning bis war (2) A })bysieian's certibeate stating tlie mental coi\dition the person to bo placed in tbe asylum, indicating tbe purtici lars of his malady and the necessity of treating and retaiiiii him in an insane asylum. This certificato shall not be r ceived, if it has been delivered to the directors more than i\\ weeks before the reception of the patient, or if it has bci signed by a physician attached to the asylum, or if the phyj ciau who signed it is related, in the first or second degree, 1 I ItANCK. Id". it to do so, and shall „.,l,l.) all tlu' nj;ula- ; ^vill (IrUTinuu' llir 111. prrt'C'ilin^- artiflvs i>tvac-trtl an»ltl\*' oMi- UKiits an' subjiTt. ,f the istal>lislinicnt> ippn.val of llu' iuiui<- ;k in Tin: Asylums. (/,s or Hrhttirr^. isi])lo (liivclors of the .^ private asylums may , whou tlu'iv is laid hi- ,(!ontiiinin«,Ml>(MKUii-JS, ^vou w1h> makes llio n- statiuR- also tlie degvoe riie reiiuests for adniis- onc ^vho makes it, and Ht l.y the mayor or the direetors must assure of the i(UutUy of ih'' liis ret^ue 4 lias not heeu n- of poliee. If the ve- il r.liau of an irvespousi- Ltraetoftheseuteneooi U•om*eruingbis^va tal condition of lei .1. Ithe men iudicatiug the purtieu- treatiug aud rctaiuniii liiic lirectors ui lieut, or i ate shall not he iv- ,v\« than t\YO f it has heen lum, or if the physi- ond degiee, to Irst or sec the chiefs or owners of (he ('.-lahli>hniiiit, or to iIk |it'r>hnicnls can (li>]i( use w ith the nicdi- cal ccrlillcale. (."!) The passpoi't or any olhci' ]ia| id' staling the in(!i\ idiialit v of {]w person to he placed. M( iiiioii nnist lie made, of all the jiajiers pi'oduced, in a report which shall he seni w ilhin Iwenlv- foiir hours, together wilh a certiticate of the docioi' ol' the estah- lishnu'nt and a copy of the one mentioned hefori', to the pr(>- fcet of tlie police, at Paris, to tlie prefect or nndei'-i)refeet in all the chief places of the province, and to the mayors of the other cumnninities. 'J'he nnder-|»refect or the mayor nmst immedi- ately t'';uismit this to the pi'efect. Articl(> !>. When a person has heen ]ilaced in a private estahlishment, the prefect shall, within three days after the reception of the report, commission one or more specialists to visit the ))erson (h'scrih"d in the report, in order to report njion his mental condition; and may join to thein any other person he chooses. Article 10. Within the sanu' interval of time the ]pi'el'ec,t shall record the name, jirofession, and domicil(>, ol' tln' person placed, and why so placed, in the asylum: (1) To the procurator of the king of the jjnjvince of the domicile of the person placed. {'!) To the procurator of the king of the province where the estahlishment is situated. Theh of article S, a new cer- tilicate of the physician of the estahli>liment. which shall con- lirui or rectify, as the case may he, the oh-ervations contained in the certificate, imlicating the wun'v or less fre(iuent n turns of attacks of insanity. .\!'*ir!e 12. There must he in every estal)li>hinent a register hiiok, mimhered ami paragraplu'il hy the mayor, njioii which arc inscribed the name, profession, and domicile of llii' pei'sons placei] in the estahlishment; the record of the sentence of irn'sponsibility, if it has been pronounced, and the name of the guardian; the date of admission, the name, j>rofession, and <^W«R 1028 FRANC IC. I (loiiiicilc of tlio porsnns rdalcMl or not rcliit(Ml, wlio luis asked for iulniissioii of tlic patient. Likewise there must be written in this liook: (1) The physician's eertilieah' which ac('oin])anio.s tlu; I'dpiest foi' a(huission. (2) 'J'iie papers which (he jiliysician must inak(^ out accord- infT to arlieh'S cS and 1 1. 'J'h(^ [)hysician sliall enter in this l)ook, at least oik'c a month, the changes that iiave taken ))laee in tlie mental state of eacli patient. This reji'istei' must contain likewise the record of disci laru'es and deaths. This I'cuister must ))(> ojien for in- spection of the ]iersons who, according to article I, have the rifi'ht to visit the estahlishment; these jiersons must write their sijijnatures and theii' oliservations, if any, in the book after evi'ry inspection. ArticK' \-\. livery jKi'son placed in the insane asylum, nnist be ihc prcftct. This provisioiiaiy prohihitoi'v uiilcr -hall expire in twd weeks, if the |(rel'ect has not given williili llial liiiic .(iiili.iiy (irdi'i's, according to article 21 heldw. Sudi nr(|crs iiiii>i lie ( nii icil in tlie register houk in accoriiii>>al ; and, if [lossihle, the jilace to which he has hceii >eiit. Article lsal of persons, who have heeii placed vohinlai'ily in insane asvlums. Article 17. In no case shall a jierson, who has liecn de- clared iri'esponsihle, he remitted to any other hamls than those of his guardian ; nor a minor lo the authority of any hut those who are ri's[)onsihle for him. Section '1. — ('omriilhnnit In/ Pnhllc Anthnriltj. Article TS. At Paris the chiel'of ptdice, and in Ihe provinces the prefects, shall ollicially command the (•ommltnients to the insane asylum, of any person whose mental state wmtld com- promise the puldie peace and })ers(jnal security. * * * '■' The orders of the prefects must he accompanied hy their reasons. anil must state the circumstances which have rendered tlani necessary. 'J'hese orders, as well as those which shall he ,,.\en accord- ing to articles !'.», 20, 21, and 23, shall he inscrihed on a regis- ter hook similar to that wdiich is prescrihed in articL 12 r.hove tnentioned, all the dispositions of wdiieh shall he applicable lo individuals i)laced there ollicially. Article 19. In case of imminent danger, attested hy the cer- tilicate of the doctor, or by public notoriety, the commif^sioner IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) %° 1.0 ^BS tii I.I w Hi I 22 2.0 11-25 il.4 1.6 V v: ^? Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WfST MAIN STRfET WEBSTCR.N.Y. MSN (716) 872-4503 y. <° • 1030 rRANTi:. of tlic [Milirc ;it I'.'iris. iiinl iIh- ninyoi's in the oilier (■(Hiiiiiuni- tirs. shall take, nranlinj; jicrxms niciilally iiisaiir. all iii'cc<- sarv iiica-iiri«. ami tlxy >|iall npoi'l tliis within Iwciity-rniir hours to thr prclrct. win shall ilci'idc without delay. Artielc -JO. 'I'hc fhiffs. directors or res|ioiisil)le trustees of the estalilishiniMits. shall aildros to the pi'efeet in the first inonlli of evei-y half-year, a rej.ort revised hy the physician of lln- <'stahlilie jieaee di' personal security, the prefect inav, as poi^i* (1 out in the secitals sliall r.'criw (I iliciii. acconlini: t" liivctcil to tlic spfciiil nccordin^' to ai'ticli' 1. ihc coiinininitifs tli:it have |ml)lic or ])rivatc lio^iiilals, the in>aiic, while Ix in^ traiis- f('n'('(l to tlicir Msyluins, may tciniiorai'ily lie |il;i((rivate a-^ylnm, sliall he hroti^ht to the est.ahlislimelil heloiioiiiL: to the provilici'. or to that with which the province has iidhIc a contract. The insaiu' whose mental slate (\tH'> not cuiiipromi-e the puhljc peace, -hall likewise he admitted there under forms, cii'dim-taiices, and conditions, re<^idated hy the general ((iiiiicil, upon the proposition of the jtrefect, approved hy the miiii>ter. .\rticle 'J'), '{'he expenses incurred in tran>|ioi'tim; persons, directed hy the j.:,ovei'nment , to the asylums, <|iall lie paid hy the |irefect. The cliai'p's for iiiaiiiteiianci' and treal'iieiit of per- sons plac<'(l in the hosjiitals, or puldic a-ylums. shall he rem;- lateil hy the prefect. The charges fur the mainteiiiim'c and treatment, of persons placed liy the jirovince in la-ivatc estah- li- lo aiticle 1. Arti(de 27. The expense-; recuiiiited ill ailicle "Jl'i. -hall he ihar^ed to the jiatients ; in default they shall he chai'Licd to those, who are ohliu'cd to pay asses-iiiciits accurdiiin to artii-le ■JO"), ir. of the Civil Coile. If there exist< disagreement u.s to who is to pay the assessments, or how much is to he paid, tlii< shall he deci(le(l hy the coiift. at the sii-^ue^tion uf the administrator Mccordinu to arlicle< ;!1 and '•>-. The collection of sums due. sliall he controlled liy the aduiiiiist ratof. Article "is. A\'lien resources are insiiHicient, or none exist, provision must \)v made hy linaiicial laws, I'roiu the ordinary resources of the province to which the patient heluims. witlio\it prejiulice to the community of the ddiuicile df the insane. The hospitals shall he indeuinilietl. accordinu to the nuuilier of in- sane under their treatment, who should l>e placeil in a s[iecial i(»a2 1 UANCi;. I'll iii iii.^iiMc ;i.-\Imiii. In case (if (lisii.Lrrcci. Kill i( shall lie tlctcniiin l>y the c-(»imcil dl'llic iirffrciiu'c. S(chiiii 1. — di Hi rnJ nil(.<, conn rniiu/ y>M".s''/;/,s' jilitcid ur rdnliin! iiisum (isij/iitii. Ai'titic 2!». Any pc rxm jilac'd or Mlaiiic ininutliatc tjismiss; The jier-(nis u h(t have asked tor ailmissien. and the |irneur;i|( of the kini^. (lilieially. may make the same a|i|ilieal ion. I Ihe ease of declared irres|ioiisiliilily. this demand cannot I made. e\ce|i( hy the uuaidiaii. The decision shall he renderi'i and the i'ei|Ues(s. judiiinents, and other acts, u'hieh may ensi from applications for rcnio\al. shall lie duly registered. N recp >'sts, and no applications for icmoval addresse(l to tl jiidi<'iary or adnnnist ralivc authority shall he supj)r<'ssed h ihi' same or hy the chiefs and directoi's df the c^lahlishnienl without making- them liahlc to punishment accordiuij; to tit V), hclow. Article ;in. Tile chiefs, dire<-(ors or respoil-ihle odicers .-li;( not. without heiiiuper\ipiials shall exercise, with respect t pei>oiis there place(|. \\ ho lia\e no ot her guardian, provisioiuir administi'atix'e functions. They shall appoint one of th(i niimher to e.\erci.-e them; the administralor thus :ip|)ointii shall pi'ocecd to I'ccover sums due the person placed in tli estahlishnieiit. and to pay his dehts: he >liall i.ssiie honds in not lonuvr than three years, and may hy virtue of a -pccja aiitlioiiiy from the president of the ci\il court, sell the |ialiciit' c'Mids and chattels. Thi' aeei'iiiiit- sums shall he paid iliii < ih iiiti» the trca>ury of the estahlishinenl, and shall he cni|ilo\'i| for the henelil of the patient. The parents, the liushami wife of patients, ami the administrative commissioners or tin I Ifi '♦iVl i ii:an« |.:. lor shall lirclrUTlniuc'l s iihtoil ill- rd'iii'xl li' Ijiiiic.l in iin asylum tluMUUlt uf lllf I'liicr r.liaii, i-urat«ir, iVit lul. •i'sti-:ali"ii, if \u ,. .iiily iv-isii'ivtl. No ,,val a ,,|- (he ,<(al.lislniuiit.-. ,„.,,t acfonliuii: to liU«- •sniiii -.ihlrnHiccrsslial Mir il arrcr-lin^i to an ill an insane asylum he prt'lVrt acrnriliu;. ,.,liim t(. arli«-U' -l' •(•(I •fV iliall issue l.tai.l- i'T |l,y virtue ot l,ourt..Mll ihepaliiiir^ -liall !'*• |'aiioiiers, or, oIlirJalK , of iIk i Ml lelM alor if the kin", the civil court of the ilmiiicil maw acriiriliinj' ti irlic le I'.tT. of the (ix il ( ""le. a|i|M.iiit a |ii-ovi,Hoiiai'y ailmiui- trator for the c-tale nf any pat ieu', w ho Im-. nu i.ilicr i^iiarilian. 'This ap|>oininient >liall lake only afiei' ili lihna! i '-n in llic fainilv council ; ami from ii ihi iv -hull 1 le no aiilie Article :;;;. 'n H colll-t. Upon till l-ci|Ur-.t uf the pToV i-ioli;i VV adniinistratoi'. shall a.ppoini a >pefial attorney to npi-iMiii al lau' any jiatieut, who has no other Liuarilian. ami who liap- I Hi IS to he in vol Veil in a suit at till' time of hi- coll nil it II It lit, or against whom Kjj,al proceeilin^s ha\e lnin lu^im alter I lis CO nimilnuiit. The court may likew ise, in ca-e of iiru'encv, a|i|Hiiiit ;i special attoiiicv to hcuin a lawsuit tor the palii lit. '['lie ip|(.\ ailministrator shall in hoih ea-e-^ he ih |iio\i-iiiii;iry e -III rial aIlonic\- Article .">l. The rcLiuIalioii- I'f ihe (ivij Coilr, iiLiMnliiiL;' cases of eu;iriliaii>hip. their ili-ahilily oi- exilu-ion, appiv aho here. The provisionary ailmini-i raliii< may, al the -miir time iiiort^a^c the patient's e.-lale hy ,i -[lecial or m nrral moilLiaue. The prmiirator of the kiii^- niu-l. in two weeks, Imve tlii- iiioi'leaee resist en 1 1 : il .-hall he valid only from the ila\' of rei:i>tration. .\ it icie ."..") W'lai'e a pi'ovi-ionary ailministrator ha- hi in appoiiiteil. any li'u'al iiolice< to a patient >liall he Mr vi I on t hi-: ailministrator. The |ei,;al iiotici< may, aiconlinn- to eiri um- slaiices. he hy the eoiiil< in accorilaiice with article 17;'> of the ( 'omiuticial ( 'ode. .\iticle .'1<'). W'litii there i> no pro\ i-imiary admini-lrator, the liresidelit of the court, njioil the I'eijUest of the most iliie|(-l( d party, shall apjioint a notary to represent the patieiii- who have no otlui' ^iiar must take ca tirst, that the I'cvcnnts .A' llic jniticnt \)v employed to iinpro^ Ids condition, and accelerate Iiiscnre: second, that the in(i vidiial he rein-taled in his ri^lil-, as soon as his mental co: dition makes it po->ihle. This cnrator shall not he clios( iVoin a moll u t he presiimptixc heirs ol' the patient. .\ rticle .■'.'. >. The act< of the patient iliirinu the timeot' 1: conlinemeiit in the asylnm. ni.ay lie dec]ai'e(l null and void a cordiiiu- to article !:!() I of the ( 'ivil ( 'ode. Trn.i-: III. — ( ii;.\i:i!Ai. K'i:t.i i..\'rioNs. .\rticle II. Any violation< of :•- ,icle .", ,s, 111, 1l>, l.",, I,". I ■J<|. "Jl , "J'.', coiiimiiteil hy the ch! -. directors, or respon-^ih otlicers ol' piihlic or private asylums, oi-, of the physicians en ployi d in the a-yhini^. shall he |)unishei| hy inijirisonnient not Ies< than live days, nor more than one year, and hy a til of not less than lit'ty. nor more than three thousand Irani (.SKI to 8ANi: " .\sVI.IMS. .\rticle 1. The pnhlic asylums shall he administei'ed iiiidi the aulhoi'it\' of the secretary of the dejiartinent of the inteiic anei'<. The coiiiiiiis-^ioiH i may he dischariicd hy the ministei' of the interior eniv I''\-ei'y ye;ir after the installation of a new nieml>er, thecdiii niissioiiers shall a.pjiojnt a president ami seereta.ry. :**\ 1 1„. :i«lmiiii^t''i"'''l nn.l.r \ry \\\v smVi'llliilUT uf cw inctnluT. til'' '"111- I'1!,VN('K lo: Artlclo o. The (lirict(.r< .'iihI pliy!" tlir interior, ilircilly t'nr ilic I'n-t I'.ir lol!<»\vin<' vncancics. \'vi>\\) at ha-t tlirrc raiididat .-(■nlttl liy tlif pnl'ccls. 'riir-r vacatirics mav aUn l>c lilliil hv (lirccturs (»r tluctiir< IVnin ntlnr asylinii-. Midical -tiiili lit-;, attai'Iirtl to llic iisyhiiiis, shall lir M|i|inii!tiil iiv ll Iliccis nt" cafli a-yluiii. Tlic dirtTtur- and |iiiy-irian- nia\- ]«■ di-cliarL'i cl (inlv I'V the ministci' ot" tlir inlcrinr. ic (•iininns--i(ini'rs a|i|iMintcd in iii'ticic I, Arti.d.' 1. Tl cliartif"! with the u'l nci'al stirvrillanrc nf lh<' a-vinm^, niii-t y the j.rel'i ci, at any lime, thai it is necessary. 'I'lic director, and the chief |ih\-ician shall assist iit the sessions of the c(inimi--iiin, hnl >liall have onlv a censultinj^ voice. 'I'he director ami chie!' |i|i\, however, shall leave the session a< soon as the he reported dil'ectly lo the pl'd'ecl. The direi'tor shall have the inn^rior management of the a-ylum. and of its e\]ienrovide exc!u, ls:;s. The director mu-t re-ide in the asylum. Artiide S. The metlical service shall he i>laeeil umler the control of the chief physician within the limits of the re<:u- latioiis of the interior service meutii led in article 7. TIh^ assistant physician, medical •students, oiru'ers. nui'se-. and watchmen, so far as the medical services are c.'ncerne(|, are under the authority of the chief physician. m 1 >i!t| [ ' I '. 11! • t i Hilll ■•%■ I. ' ior>(; I U A NCR. Arliilc !i. Till' cliiif |>Iiy-i( i;iii -luill I'lillil llic ()llli^■!ltiull! (Icllinililcil \i>laiit |ili>>ifiaiis. »'xcc|>t in (lie t-asf of th (•(■rlilicil ili-aliility nl" the fliicf iiliy^iiciaii lo allfiitl let tlicii W'licii liulh llic cliii laiul as-istaiit plivsiciaii ai'f disalilctl, tli jii'i Iccl >\\u\\ lie aiilliiiri/ril tu Iciii jioi'arily [irnviiU' soiiic ow ill llicir |ilai'('. Ailiclc 1(1. Tlic rhii r |iliye excused iVdm this (ililijj:ati(>i l»y a s|iceial deeision (>\ (he minister ot' llie inleriof, |ir(ivid( i lie shall make daily at least diie ueiieral visit let the iiisaii c'diiliiled In his care, and {'ruvided his place is .suj»j[dii(l hy resident |p|iyhall elect, suhjeet to the a|>]iroval ( the prefeci, a ie.-|Min-ilile ollici r. who shall he suhjeet (o all til ohliuidioiis s(a(( (I in (he law of June .'Id, ls;5S. .\s s(ate(l ii article?, the interior rej.iulations of the a|i|iointnients forth insane, |iro\ideil in hospitals, shall he suhjeet to tlu' apiLoNa of the miiii>ler of the interior. Article IJ. Noa|ipartnienls f(»r the in.sane shall he |»roviil( i in civil lios|iilals, uiilos at least fifty jiatieiits can he aeeidiio dated; eoiicerninu the i|nar(ei's actually existing;, where oiil\ a small niimher of insane can he i-eceixcd, (heir eontiniiaiui shall he decided upon hy the minister of the interior. .\rlicle l-'l. The minisier of the interior may, at any lime authorize, or oilicially command, the eomliinatioii of iIm duties of diri'ctor and physician in one pei'son. .\iMiele 1 I. The salaries: of the director and physician slial be determined hy (he minister of the interior. .\rlicle lo. In all of the piihlic asylums where work is iis(( as a curative means, the income from siieh work shall he iisc( uecor/«»val sane sliall l'»' |>rt»viilril icuts ciin lit' iitTuiiiii- Iv cxisliii;,', wliciv only Led. Ilu'ir c'dUtinuaiirc If ihc interior. ir may, at any tinif, •(>iiil>inati(Mi of tln' •h work shall I'f n^d (if till' iiistituliuii. nariiiii uixm tlir l:.ii- ritaWlc (•stal)lisiiiii(Ht< apply to the I'liMir do not h or cri it n piivatr in^aiw a^ylniii, must solicit |icrmi-sioii I'lom the inctrii >,[' the pi'ov incc wherein the institution is to hr Imated. Ai'ticle l.S. He iiiiist state: l'"ire lull l-i,iihts of eiti/eiislii|>. Sccniid. thai he iia- led a L;oud ami moral lil'e; this sliall l>e attested hy a e(llili(ate iVom the mayor of the communily in which he has ivsidrd I'ur the last three years. Third, that he is a dnctoi' ol" medicine. .\rticle l'.». if the |ietiti<»ner is not a doctor of uicdicin iiiuu|m|' the medical flepartiiient of thea-yliim. Thi- |ph\\^i(iaii >hall lie suhject to the a]>|»roval of 'he |. refect, who may at any time di~char.m' him. with the apiiroval of lln' mini-ler nf the interior. .\rticle JO. 'Idle petitionei- mu-t >tale in \\\< pi liiiun the iiiimher and sex of the j>atieiit~' that can he recei\-eil in the cs- tahlishnieiit : this shall he mentioned in the anlhori/atiou paj.ers. .\ili(de '2\. lie must stati; whether he will rec i\( only in- sane patients, oi" other patients also. In the lattei' ca-e Ik^ iiiu>t >liow in the plan of the estahlishment. what jiaii- are set •i-ide for the insani', ami that such jiatieiits w ill he sejuirate from other patients. Article 'll. lie must show: l''ir,d. that the location of t lie asy- lum is not unhealthy, and that the patients will not heaniioyed hy a noisy neiehliorhood. Second, that there will he suilicieiit l freepaiate the sexe-;. ami the children IVoiii adults, and that the convalescent, the peaceahle, the dangerous, and the e|(ileptic palieiit> can all he separated from i-aeh other. l''ourth. that the palient> have separate apartments, j-'ifth, that precautions have iieeii taken to secure e(M)d onler ill the estahlishment. .\rtii-le I'M. Jlemust likewise state thai >ullicient t^uaraiitees will he furnished f(»r the fi'o(iter of the interior. .\rticle 23. This .!' the insane. Article 27. livery director of a private insane asylum, ma appoint, from the lirsi, a person to take his phu-e in i-a.^^e 1 should he compelled to ^'\\v it up. I'.ut this provision sha 1k' }j;ood lor a month oidy alter the director li.i- resi^elf shall make the n|)|»ointm( n Tlu' heirs of the director may within a month nominate a uc director. Article "J!!. When the dii'ector of a |irivate asylum wislu to receive more patients than he isentitlccl to, he must niai a s|tecial applicaliou to that ellect, ami nni'-t show that eidar^ed, ori;^inal, or newly constructed huildinjis, and a their an'anjienients, make the accomnnnlations of a gicati lUUnher possihie. Article .'!(». Mvery diriclor of a private asylum nnist resic! on |iremises, and likev. ise tiie doctor, who shall he appoinli as dcscrihed in article 111. Ai'tiide ;>]. The authority or license may he withdraw Fii-st, when the dii'i-ctor is deprived ol his rii^ht (»f (•iti/.en>lii Second, when he receivts nmre patient^ than he is eutitlcil t Third, when his patients hcloiiLi to a si'X which he is not pi mittcd to reci'ive. J-'ourth. when he receives |)atients of a di feront nature than he is entitle"" ■'■■.i.-i.. -I"" -y .v-.ii n. 'I- wi,i,.in.u.i,.r„„.,i,„,.,., „„,'-: nMvtnn,..,.nIvs,.<,,.,..|,,.,,,,i,,,.,,,,,,,, ,,,^^, > ..•yM.a,u;,,|,.rl,..h.|u'i,tv-Hs,l ;r'fr,'''"''V''^ '•'"''•'''''''"'''■•''"• ••''''■''''-'• V tl.,.. iKiihitions of ;i lii't'i't*!' ! I i I' ! i Bl'LGIUM. KXTK'ACT ri;(»M INSANI'; LAWS, .ICNK is-ni, l,s:,ii I. AliMIiuii;ii\ iiilininistriilor. Atliiiissioii may take place mily in tlic li>ll(i\viiijjr cases: ( 1 ) 1 I II II I tlie lT(|lie^l nl' the liilui- «)|' an i iTespdnsil lie jier.-ii|i aee(>ni|iaiiiii| liy the tlecisimi nf the I'aiiiily eninicil. aeeordin; Id A iM. "iln oi" the ( iviM 'ude. Where irres]i<>nsiliili(y ha< nm lieeii iii'iinniinced, the |iri ivi^iniia TV adhiiiii-^tratiir may maki the leijUe^tj aihlilll^' to it the lieee«ary jllfi^illient. (■_*) l'|inn a i'ei|iie>t I'nr adiiiissidu hy the authorities of (in domicile of a jiauper insane. {'■>) rpoii the recpii-^ition made hy the eollen(. uf ]iMre:oinii> ti'i's; in ca~es of urgency, the justices of the iieace of the dom cih' of the insane person, and the attorney-general, are ii(jtili( witliin three days, of such admission. ( 1) I'jion the rei|ni:-iiion of the pidilic ministry, in the ca- of ac'ciist'd or arrested persons who are alllicleil with insanitv (")) rpon the dejiiaml of any interested |iarty. indicating tl nature of the relation or deirree of relationsjup that e\i>t- In tween sui'h pai'ly and the insane. In this case, the reijUc OUU'ht to he si^■ne(l hy the 1 lUr^oniaster. (<■») \\y virtue of a resoluti. and ">, pi'ec(( injj;. In ca,, ft,.,. ,!...,, .huissiuM, '"""^'-lu'llH,, ,u..nlv-|,.„ 'l'l--'l'-nM,..n,|..,„ „,•„,„, ,„„,,_ li'Mirs nil. !• {|.,. „,| • • " ' W I lllV-JMllI' I"' 111 iIm ""- •'"";• .,..' ihlliil.v,,,,,. ii.ivi"...' K, ,1, •■-m.nnnilv: ,^,|,. ,| ': ' " '' "'•■'.''"•;...„,;,.,..,■ .f i'^viiMii. Til., niti.iiv. ;iis.., ,.r II ii''i.wii.'n ti... a.j.nissinn I,,,. i,.,,„ „„;,,,, , ^: ••,■;; ■;■'";"■ lrp,|„utli.,rili<... ■•x-oil,,,,, i,v ,,„. .'.'■'"■ l"-"i"iil i>visil,..j.,lupin-|j„. li,. ,iv„ .,,.. Iv ,1 . "• '"^'■|;\i;ir.i,.\\(|.:, |v,v. The iisyliinis iir.' visilnl ai "'■'"■.^;niiii- iiil,iv;ilv I>i. -'••'•"'-'•. Iiss.,n;..n, (,., nn J , 'V'' "'•''"•■^•■f •'- !'yMnu..nlM.r.,r n... ,H.rnnM..nt I "'" l"'"V.i,n.. or Bi • i i 19, GERMANY. Amrndmriit to Pur. 30, part l.s7. of the (u'lvrrln'orthinvij. J •2li, 1S7!K CJkneral Ui'XU'i.atioxs. IVoplc wlio (It'siro to ostablish private inyiino asylums, mi liave a jicriiiit from the fioveruiiieiit. Tliis peniiit is to deiiii'd : I'irst, when I'aets exist which sliow that the jierson unahk' to do justiee to his undertaking. ISeeond, whi revision of t!ie description and buihlinji; phins, aceompanyi the jx'tition, show tiiat the hiws of hygiene are not di reganhd. PRUSSIA. I\(ijnlatitiiii< for the Limnr Asi/lnm'i of the Province of Brnutl iJ III force f, licir gesetz laws of .lunu 0, 1870), or who belong to lh(» jimvi! (Tar. 5, Provinzialordnung). If si)aee permits, other in-; may be received, but nniy be dismisseil whenever the asy becomes crowded. In this respect Prussian subjects have i)refercnce over ul! Germans, and Germans again over foreigners. ■^ III ;'^k ' fiKP.MANY ID!; Y. (Jcwn-hcordnuiuj. J'lhj IONS. toinsmo asylums, imi-t This prnnil is to It slu.w thai tl If I'fvson is Mng. ISoeonti. Nvi>"i' 'i „u; phms, amimi>aii\ iup hvui^'ii^' '^'■^' "^^^^ ^^^''■- l\;>viiice<>JBmudinh'u'(j KsTAlU-ISHMKNTS. |„^ „f thv Proviiuc (f ilivatnu'nt aiul nnv ol Irtoa eithiT hy a l.^al or ]v (Tar. 'i^^ to :'.(>, Uii'l'" Jbelons to the pn-viurr ■e permits, oth.T in-ai'O •a whenever the asyhua ivc preie ireiguers. forcncc over ullar I'ar. 2. The ohjcct of the es(:ihli>hiiit iit< is: V'wA. .'urc nf ciirahh' patients. Stidinl. Inatiiieiit aiul iiiiprovciiuiit ut' iu- curahlo patients, who are daiivierous to theni^elve^ (ir lu uilu rs. Tliinl, if an asyhiiii is not iilK'(i witli thcs,', it may receive iiu'iirahK' harinie>< patients, who iieeil tiie care i>f nii a-\liiiu. Tlu'V are inteii(U'(l priiieipally for patients, who are too pudito pay tor themselves. SliCTIOX 2. — Al).MIMsrHATIoN .'>NT) 1 NSl'IXTloN OF THH I- iSTAI'.I.iSIIMiC.STS. Th ihli iisane asyiums, und the l.raiieh estah- lishments connected with the same, are to he adininisteicd ami supervised, as provincial estahlishnients, aceorchii;^' to the regulations of the proviiicia.l order. The iinniediate siijier- visirovincial diet at their ne.xt asscmidy of such a|>pointment. The director is the supervisor of all the other odici'rs (jf the estahlishnu'nt and of the other employes, and is re[)resented, when ahscnt, hy the second medical ojlicial of the cstahlishmcnt, who is called c!iief physician loherar/t), imles.s the land-director has arrany-ed otherwise. The director liiis the privih'j^e of h'avinij,' the asylum for eight days without asking lor permission, proviiled he has taken care to he ahly rcpivscnted durinj:: his ahsence. The director receives mili'anc wlieii on otlicial Journeys, like tin.' highei- [irovincial magis- trates (Par. 2."), No. 2, Jlejileiiu'iil htr. dienstiiche X'erhaejt- iiisse der Provinzialheamteiil. The hranch cstahli>!iments arc governed in medical respects hy their j)liysiciaii, under the supervision of the director of the respective provincial asylum, administratively and economically hy the in>pcclor af the estahlishment. Tlu' latter is the head of the estahlisliment and the su[ierior of all einplove.s. He is to take care that all medical arrange- iiionts are carefully carried out. Par. 5. The oilicers necessary to the administration of the 1 €^ 1 ■ : J «if ]014 CiERMAXY. upylunis are to be appointed by tlie jirovinciul delegation, ?n1 ject to tbe snggestion of tbe director of tbe establisbiiient : tli reception and dismissal of tlie employes takes jtlace on! tbrougb tbe bead of tbe establisbment. AN'lu'n assistant pb\ sicians or otber assistants are to l)e appointed, tbe permissio ol' tbe land-dircetor is to br sougbt. Tbe (inties and privileges of all oflicei's are pointed out b tbe regulations eoneerning provincial oflicei's. Acioiibng to Par. '.'S, No. I), (jf Provinzialordnung, tli ]iby>i<'i;in-^. insiicctois, clergymen, secretaries, and assistant are regarded among tlie bigber ollicers of tbe establisbment. Tbe employes of lower rank are ap]>()int('d and, if neee^ sary, tlismissed by tbe bead (»f tbe establisbment. All employes are subject to tbe domestic laws laitl down \> tbe provincial delegation. Sp:(tion o. — Maintknance of tiik Estaiu-ishments. I'ar. (i. 'i'be land insane asvlums are nuiintained bvtbe i>rr vincial alliance, wbenever tbe expenses are not covereport from liome community of tbe province, and patients in better cii eunistances wbo do not belong to tbe province, sball pay oni tliird more, and foreigners somewbat more still, according t tbe decision of tbe land-director. Tbe latter may inc reiis tbe cbarges for tbe patients, wben tbeir treatment and siijk i vision are diflicult and expensive. Patients of tbe iirst and second classes of treatment nnis pay tbe establisbment for tbeir clotbes and wasbing and an; neces.sary suj>plies, besides tbeir board. Par. S. Tbe communities of tbe province need not i>ay fn curable or dangerous jiersons in tbe establisbment, but, fo incurable or barirdess jiatients in tbe asylum, tbey sball pa.i tbree-fourtbs of tbeir boarlogi\lion,s\ili- 3 establislmK'nt : tlif L's takes place only ^Vlu•^ assistant pliy- uW'd, the i.ennissiun vs are pointed out by CtTS. Dvin/Jalordnun^', tli^ [arii's, and assistants f the t'stahlishinent. .ointcd and, if ncees- lishnient. itic laws laid down hy 1:STA1UJSIIMKNTS. maintained hythe [.m- s are not coverol : {a) irnis belonginj; to tin- l)y the patient; let I'V patii'nts for board ami inu> to time by the I'ln- id-direetor. lod to support from a patients in better .ir- Irovinee, shall j.ay oiic- liun-e still, aeeordin;^ to ic latter may increaso |r treatment and sui>ei- iscs of treatment must and washin*,' an the judLlllliilt ni patients (I'ar. 2. Xo. "i.i when the direetor the insanity has been in ]ii'(i^r(.'ss lonmT than -ix months before a rcipicst was made for the reception ot" th*' ].alii'nt, and when, accordin^f to the jud.-^Mnent of the deK-a- tion, the home commnnify have ih'hiyed, by their own I'auU. to brinj; Ibrth Ihe retpiest. In re>^peet to an in(n,uent patient the liome eonnnunities n[' tlie province must carrv out the instructions of Tar. 7, 11,2<», and -Jl. Whetl ler a patient \^ to be considered incural)U! or dam;erou>', shall lie (h'cided the land-dii'ector, after hearing' thi' statement of the difector of the establishnu'nt, any the home coni- muinty. Home communities wiiicli are not able to fullil the ohlijiations (Par. .'>(), of the law of March S, 1^71,) may ite jiartially or entii'ely relieved from them by the landnlirector. i'ar. t). 'Die ehai\u'es for treatment shall he jiaid in immecli- atcly after the reception of the patient for om> month; after that, (piarterly, in advance. To defray ixpenses Ibi- extra- onlinary attention to patients of tlie lirt he paid in advance, and must be replaced as .soon as <'xpended. When II patient is dismissed, any money which is credited to him, will be refunded. I'ar. 10. To defray the cost of the treatment of the i>atient, the jaovince does not attack his estate, r.nd his inciune only in so far as it is not needed tor the support of any person in the asi'eiidinj; or deseendinj; line, husbaiul or wife, oi- other near relatives that are de[)'Midant for existence on the [latieiit at the time of his eonfinement in the asylum. 'J'lie land- director is to decide what payments arc to be made: he may also, according to the changes of circumstanct's, increasi' or decrease the sum. To this amount the income of the patient j^ki w loin OKJtMAXY, I'! ifin IHf will be drawn upon, cN'on when ho has hcon received iipoi the re(|Uest ol" the home coiuinunity. I'nr. 11. ICxpenses for hurials, if nol eovered hy the iuon<'\ still to the ciXMlit of the i)atient, lunst hi' paid hy those liahl( for the support of the patient durin.u- l;is life, or in default o sm-li ]>ersons, l)y tlu' home eoninnmity. Par. 12. .\ny debts of a deeea-^id jiatieiit to an asylum ma; hi' paid fi'niii his estate, oidy, when there are neither desceml in_n nor ascendiu;;' nor collateral relations of the first de;^re< ])Ut if it is found that the inconie of the deceased patien during his soinurn in tlu' asvlum has not been madeenlireb known to the land-(lirector, he is entitled to i-eeeive Irom tin estati' of the deceased patient, or from his dcscendiuij; or as eendin^' or collatei'al ri'lativcs, whatever money has bet'ii ihu withheld from the provincial ulliance. J'ai'. ]-">. ^\'hen an asylum i-eceives donations or Ic^acio they nnist be eniployeil accoi'dinu' to the iidentions of tin donor; when no such intentions have beiMi (>.\|>ri'sscd, tln'; must be laid out at iiderest, as cash capital of the asyhun, ii order to improve the establishment from the interest of tin capital, or to ameliorate the eonditii>n of the patients. SECTION I. — RlCCEnMoN OI" P.VTIKNTS. Par. 11. Petitions for rece[)tion of a jtatitnt must he iitadi to the land-direi'tor throUL-h the intei'cession of the Iioiim police ollice. The petition is to be accoin|ianied by: (1) Testinujuy ;^iven and sworn to liy an approved i)liy.-i cian, answerinjj; the (jucstiftns concernini;' tln' nature of tin mental di.sease, in response to the (juestions contained in tin interrojiatories publislu'd by the laml-director. (2) JJy a testimonial, made out by the home police ollice, ii accordance with the intcrrouatories of the land-diri'ctor, statin,!, the personal all'airs of the patient and of his |>roj)erty, statin;. whether he belonjis to the pro\ince, whether lu' is entitlii for sup]K)rt to any jdace, and where, and how far his exjn ii-c; can be jtaid from the income of his property, or by tliin ]»arties. {'.]) Kither: (a) the declaration of the jiatienfs father, wifi or husband, <;uardian. or lei;'al representative, ;j,iven umlci Gi:nMANv Kti: been received upon tin" iuteivst t>l' ill*' piitiriit must Ix' mad.' till' lUltUVf of Itmiis cout li(»mi' |)i)lic»' oiVuT, in . Ian. 1-tliivrtor. Stat ill-' If his j.n.iHTly, statin;^ Ivlu'llu'r lu" is I'ulitl.'.l il how far his exin-nsi'S paticufs fatluT, wifo itative, uiven uii.U'i' oatli Lffore tlic homo ])oli('(> oiricc that his rc(t>|,ti(in to a ]iul»li(! huiali(; asyhim is (h'sired ; or (A) the h'iiial of the home ])oHc(' ollicc, tiiat a lethal rc|ir.'S('iilati vc of th.> ].aticiit is not li villi:: or not h» It.' found, an. 1 a written a|>|)li<'ati()ii, ccrtilicd or attested hy il puldic magistrate, of the iieai-.s! r.'latives, or of the wife or husliaiid of the patient, thai Ihi'V desir.' his re- ception into il puhlie hnialie iisyhiin ; ic) the cerlilicate of tiie home police ollici', thiit neither from th. ripre-.'iitalive from the nejirest kn.)Wii I'ehitiv.s, nor the w ife or husl»and of the jtiitient, an appliciiti.>n ciin he hiid, for his reception into a pnl)lic insjino asyhim, iind tiiiit outsi.h' of an iisyhim tlie piitient will not h;ive due iith'iitioii ill his helpless condi- tion; ('/) if IIk; Ie,i:iil represeiitativ.' of ii [laticiit oi- his near relatives or his wife or Imshiind oppose \\\< i'ecc|)lioii into ,i puhlie luiiiitic asylum, the testinmiiy of the home police ollice that the piitient is not w.'U car.'.l for, iind tluit he li;is either iilrciuly heen dei-lared irresponsihle, or that a petition to tliiit ell'ect has hcen issued at court. {■[) i^ither il certilied written .Ic'larati.)!! of th.' le^al repre- seiitiitive of the ])iitient or of ;i third paily. th:it 1k' hinds him- self to fullil the conditions re.piired for the patient's iiilmission int.) the desired "class of treatment " .if the puhlie insiine asyhim, or in ii hriin.'h estahlishment, and the certiliciite of the home ]»olice oflice, that the piitient is considered entitled to these privileges; or th.' .)Hicial .leclaration of th.' li.>iii(> cDinmunity, that the rec('|ition of the patient is .lemaniled in acordiince with reiiuhitions, iind thiit the committee hin.l tlieinselves to fullil jiU his ohli^iitions. This decliinition of the home committee on charity is not need.'il : (a) when tli.> patient is entitled to the care of the provinciiil I'.iinmitt.'e on charity; (A) wheii the patient luis his home inside of the prov- ince iind the money oU'ei'ed for his treatment is .'onsidered sutlicicnt hy the lan.d-director. I'iU'. IT). Whether a jtiitient is to he received, shiill he de- cided hy the hin.l-direct.)r after ]ieiii'in.tion does not take i)lace within three week- within a sjjace of time extended by the land-director, applii tion must be ma 1 ion if aauiittod only wIkh s troiitmcnt. ,(l-ilirwlor nuiy, upon lin- to Tar. 11, No. 1. ISO rc'ciuisitcs for n- t he furnished within luent and removal ot direetor f the i.uhlic ntrerous patii-nts (Tar. ediatcly to ask for the y the proper judiciary jnt in a pviblie e>tali- hc ]>ermissioi . of the icnt shall be taken to ,m the bonie ])oli(0 •e of the patient and r( ■ne tient a dany;orous cpi •phus, dvAi-.' "'v-. ^'■'■■\ )d daring t- • ^ • \ce .. wrnion ■T-^ titled torect. t. within three week>^. or land-director, appli'iv- I'ar. U. „.y, the chief of an o«- •eek days between ii.ulit c-k in the evening, wlion ival of the same. The 10 are uncleanly. Par. 'JO. Kvery patient unist hriii^ with liim ni Ica-t such ai'tit'li's (tf iippai'el, in ^dod and cUaiily nuiditicii. a< are iiuiii- hered in the appendix. If articles are wanlinir or usele>s, they sjiall !..■ pins i. led f^r liy the i-stahlishliU'lit. at the expense ai' tho-e liaMe Inr ihe support of the patient, or of the respectiw eoiiiniiltic on eharity, if not furnished within fourteen (hiys. I'ar. •_'!. If the land-direetcjr eoinnii.'-ions the transfer of a jiatient to another establishment, tiie ex[n'n>es incurred sliall he paid by those liable f(tr the suppoit of the patient or the committee on eharity, unU'ss such tiansfer takes place en- tirely in the interest of the administration of the estaldish- ment. IV.r. 22. I'nder commission of the land-director, the di- rector of a public insiine asylum may receive persons, who ask for admission in order to have their mental condition observed, temi»orarily, for not longer than six months, when the jier- sonal allairs of the petitioners are appmved.and tlnir expenses are sulliciently f^uaranteed. If witiiin the time of ol)servatinn a mental disturbance is made manifest, which makes the de- tention in the establishment necessary, the director is to make the necessary arrangements through the res[iective home po- lice oUice. SlXTION .■). — TiJKATMKNT OF PaTII:NTS. I'ar. ~o. As long as a jiatit'nt has not been declared irrespon- sible, the inspi'ctor of the establishment shall demand any nect'.ssary guardiansjiip over the jierson or his estate from the respective court, lie shall also i'cp(»i't at any time, wiieii de- manded, ciiucerning the condition of the patit'iit, to the pei-sons entitled to cause the })atient to be declared irresponsible. (I'ar. 5(l.">, Civ. Pro/.. Ordg.) Par. 21 With the imblic asylums, there exists in rt-ferenco to the domicile and board of the patient, diiferi'nt classes of treatment in which patients are classed according to their for- mer habits of living ami their state of insanity, and according to the amount of their fortune, subject to the decision of the land-director. [See remarks to Par. 7.] Patients entitled to assistance are to be received in the last class of the treatment ; others into that class of treatment to which they are entitled by the amount of their payments. iiiiia.a 1 1 I . iiwiii|i«!' li lUoO CiKKMANY. Tlic lainl- |ialien from one eliiss of treatment into a liij^Iier one, nr tin; transfe from one establishment to another, wlieii .such action seems t' lie warranteil liy meijical reasons. I'ar. 2."). Uy special umlerstamlint; with the chief of an asy lum, approved and at any lime revocalde hyihe land-director a i)atient may l»e "granted spi'cial pi-i\ile particular arrange ments, ennccrninu the treatment of the patient, art> rei;ulate by the doniestie order of the establishments and the instruction of the ollicers. Patients are, as lonjjj as they are in the estai lishnieiit. in res[(e(t to llu' other conditions of livin.u', subje( to the arran_!;-ement.s of the inspec-tor and the proscribed ruK of domestic or(h>r. Within this they are allowed every libei'i which docs not en 1 tho eliief of an asy- l,y tilt" lan(l-stahlishmeiit, tiie chief of the same shall rei)ort his di'ath immediately {fn to the re- spective court, and to the Icual I'eprcsenlative of the patient, or if the patient has heen tleclared irrespoiisihie, to the authori- ties whose tliity it is to take care of pulijic interests on the declaration of irresponsil)ility ; (A) to the home jiolice olliee of the district from which the patient lia> heen lirou^ht to tlio ostahlishnient. He shall also advise the relatives of the deceased, of the day and hour of burial, if iiossihle, so that they may do him the lust honor. Skction (!. — I>i!-( iTArjiic oi' a Patiknt. Par. ni. Tiie discharge of a patient must take place imme- diately: (») when lie i.s cured accordinj;' to the jud,unient of tlie director of tlie jniblie asylum; {h) when the reijuest to declare liim irresponsible has been tinally denie(l,or wlien any declar- ation of irresponsibility has been judicially annulled; (r) when his legal representative demands it, and when the home police oilice of the district from whicli tiie patient lia.s been l,»rou;;iit to the establishment, assents to it after tiiey have be^'U advised by the inspector of the establishnu iit t»f the condition of the jiatieiit. Tar. .'V2. The (liscliar<:e may be permitted by the land- director, wlien it can take place, in the jud^yinent of tiie in- spector of the estahlisliment, without dany;er to the patient or to public peace. I'ar. IVo. Peside a refutable or temporary admission (i'ars. 1,1"), 1('>\ tlie disciiar>\ lum, application for admission shall he rejected in the case . patients who are lea->t dependent npon tlii' care of an asyhr.i ami anionjj,' these chietly sneh a.s have not heen received npoi the petition of a home committee on charily. Whether a patient is to ho reniilteci. and aftir what space o tinu', shall ho decided hv the land-director, and in case of dis pute, which however is not admissihle in case of refntahle i, tempoiary rece|)tion, hy the provincial dele- charge or readmission of a patient. During the time iIk I»atient is away from the cstahlishment, no money shall he paid for his treatment, hoard, etc. I'ar. ;')(). Tli(> chief of an cstahlishment shall report the linrd dismission of a i)ationt in any case; (a) to the judiciary de- partment, rcsponsihlo for tlu- puhlic interest of the patient; {li) to the home police ollice of the district fiom which the dis- missed patient has heen Ijrought to the asylum. I'ar. .'57. This regulation shall he in force on and after Aiuil 1st, 187!). Kemarks to Pars. 7, S and 24 of this regulation: Patients in the puhlic asylums of the province are dividcil into four classes of treatment. Patients of the first class pay lU'tO marks (/^'2()2.")0) ar.nually. Patients of the second clasH 8040 marks (^210). Third class 720 marks (§180). Fourth class 540 marks ('^135). For patients of the first and second OKiniANY 1(1. )>* classes of trciitini'iit the <-liililislimciil nnisl he rcpMi-l lor cl.itli iiiy anil waisliiiig and any ixlra snpplirs I'xccipl huanl. idvisi'd of any ilis- l)urin.ii tlu' tiinr tli<' |() money shall l>e i>aiil -hall report the final to the jmlieiavy pli<'ation for the rece|>tion of patients, who pay for iheiii- st'lvcs, may he made hy the le^ijil rej.rescntative of the •^ame (fatliei', hnshand or wife, jinardian, adnunistrator, etc.). The jietitioner mnst make himself re^ponsihle for the anionnt to he paid, and mnst dejiosit three montiis' [laynunt in advance. Only the land-dire<'tor may erjint exceptions to this rnle. .'). The petitions for admission mnst further he accompanied: ((/) hy a c«mplete history of the ease, in u sealed envelope, m:- cordin^f to the ref^nlations of Septi'm1)er 1st, iST-t, (Amt-hlatt, 1.^71, pii'i-e 41, No. IHiS); {li} a medical certilicate; (<•) certili- cate of haiitism or hirth; [d) when the jterson is to he a \>v'\- vate patient, an explanation concerning the class of treatment into which he is to he received. •1. Patients nuist not he hronght to the cstahlislinient hefnre their reci'ption has heeu i)ermitted hy the standing connaission of the same. The transfer shall he free, and the patients ol the third class 1 i « 10.')1 (il.lIMANY. J •' ♦>•., '■ il of trcatiiiciit ill llicir i'cii'|>tinii iini-t lif priiviilrd uitliini Mirv urtii'lcs of I'loihiiiLr. 'rinse inli.'lcs imi-l lie t'oiiipii tivcly new. Mi»iii,H iirlii'li's will Ik- innviiit iI liv llir otiiiilishiiicnl tlic n'^iiiar pi-h-cs. 'rin-c [irliclfs nf ii|i|>arrl ri'iiiiiiii I jUMiju'i'ty (»!' tlir |iaticiit al liis (lisclnii'Mc. ||||| in cjisc uf ijr; wlifii till' palii'iit has I'ciiiaiiii'tj al llic (slaltrisliiiiciit nioi'cll a year, tlicy siiail licctaiu' llic |)r<)|i(i'ty of llie c'stahiisjiiiiciit I'aliciils (»r IJK' lirst ami si'coihI classes inilst jn-oviile lli own elolliiiijjj or any oilier extraorilinary sii|i|ilies 'I'lie eoin)iaiiioMs ol' the palieht shall receive' a eertiilr; eoiiei'rnili^ the arlides in j)osse;<>^ion of the patients hrou- to the estahlishnient. ">. The estahlishiiienl jj;raiits t<» tlic patients mi'tlical tr( nicnl, iiiedieine. hatlis, j(»(l^fin>.".n()l In the second class, l(MM) marks (>?2."(»). 1 tile third class, olO marks (SI ;!•'•). These payments shall he j»aiil fpiartei'Iy in advance, if tli relatives of a patii'iil desire a jirivate servant for the sann tiiey nm-t pay, "itio marks annually for a male, and I'l marks for a female servant. (1. In cases of death, llu' amounts alii'ady jiaid for patient (jf the third class hecoiues tlio |iroperly of tiie estahlishmcii and sliall l)u used for the expensi'S of internieiit. The expenses of intei'ineiit of jiatieiits of tlie lirst an^ second chiss are (u be boini' by their relatives, eti'., air amount to 'JS.S marks in the iirsl and J si) marks in tlu- secom class. 7. I''ree-places. C'ural>le patients, witliout means, I'cceiv in the lirst tiirei! months of their abjdii in the asylum free care, on tlieir lirst attack of insanity and if tiieir ailmissioii i sou^lit immediately after its api)earaiice. Tlie probability of a cure will bo considered in accordanci wltli tiie medical history of tiie case, and furtiier ratilied b] the observations of liie leading physician of tlie establishiiiont (.1 liM.VNY. In.-, V in aftnnd ilhout means, i-crcivu > in the asylum Iitl- 1 if their admi>.-inn is ddcrcd in aecordance lid further ratili'd hy jf the establishment. 'I'lir fri i-caii' may he |.i«dt.nL:iil fdi- iIhk mMi,tli«, wIhh mc- ciirdin;; to nu'diiul judj^menl tin- cure is priii.ahU' w itiiiu mk h s|ia<'e (il t ime. Patients i»f (he MToml and third rlass. s wi'l in like ca-i-. ho f(ir;;iven onedialf of their dues. In the case (»f a nla|.sf of a patii lit who has luin dis(Iiar;icd as eured within the s|iaee of six monllis, tju' insulations con- cfrnin;:; the fne monihs will 'nciiimc valid ai:ain. In cases of death tile (o.-ts of interiiieiil for [latieiil- n\' ihr lliird (la--, who had lree-|>laees must he paid hy iheii' reprt^cntat iv( - Ni ihe amount of ;>'» marks. 'I'lie re;^ulations conec rnin^' free-places hecdme valid on the the lirst of January, Inmi. S. The ridations, etc., of the |iatieiit iiiii-l avojil all imnie- (liate inllueni'e upon him. and must (•(tnline themselves tn ((im- niunicatin^i any intentions and wishes ennceniin^ liim lo the director of the estahli.-hiiienl. helters iiitenl.- of the dii'ei tor. Tliecommission isalsoentitled to dismi>s patientson trial, when n'cov(>j'V seems douhtful; diiiimf sueh temiMirai'v diseli.irL/e, the relatives, repi'eseiitatives, etc., of the patii nt mti>t advise the tlirector concerning; his mental state, oiire in tln'ii' iiHintlis, acfompanyin;; such information eaidi time willi the te-tiniony of the respective physician, who have lU'inanded (he admission of the i»atient, may at any time denmnd his dismissal, hut nnist inform the director of such inh'ntii n at least two weeks heforehaml. Against the will of the respective anthurities, relations, ri p- rosentatives, etc., jmtients may hedischarj^ed only with the as- sent of the land-director: (1) W'iien the reasons for admission no longer exist [vW suh o). (2) When on account of lack of space in the asylum, the ^ 105G GERMANY. (liscliargo of iiicural)lo patients, who arc not dangerous to t' coniinunity, Ixjconics necessary. (I)) W'Ik'Ii the expenses are not regularly paid. In case discharge the j)atient must be taken away bj' his represent lives, etc., without any expense to the establishment. If t ]iatient is not taken away in time, the standing committee entitled to remove the patient at the expense of his represe tatives, etc. Appendix A. — List of articles of clothing with which tiie [i tients of the third class must be provided on their admissior (a) Male patients : two coats, or jackets, two pairs of pant loons, two vests, two undershirts, two pairs of drawers, t\ pairs of boots or shoes, six shirts, four handkerchiefs, fo neckties, four pairs of socks, one hat or cap, one comb, (/;) Female patients : two dresses, four skirts, three bodici one shawl, two pairs of shoes, six linens, four pairs of stockin< four neckerchiefs, four handkerchiefs, three aprons, two ni^l dresses, two pairs of drawers, one hat, one comb. TiCgnlaflon for the provincial insane esfahlislnncnts at AU-Sh hitz near SchLrnditz, and Nictelhen near Ilalle, a. S., March 1, IN' Section 1. — Purpose of the Establishments. Par. 1. The provincial insane asylums at Alt-Sherbitz a Nietclben are intended for the cure of probably curable tients, and for reception and treatment of incurable dant ousiy insane persons of the province of Saxony. Section 2 — Reception, Treatment and Discharge o^ Patients. Par. 2. Into the establishment are received: (a) Curable patients. {b) Incurable dangerous patients. "When abundance of room permits it, there can be recei also: (1) Incurable harmless patients who are entitled to be ported by the province. (2) Any incurable harmless patients. . 1 'iKiaiANV. 1 1 i.-tT e not dangerous to the T AND Discharge of o) Military p,.rson. that aiv i'mhal-Iy .uul,],, ,vl,„ ,lo „nt belon^r f„ ,1,,, provin.v <,!' Sax.,ny, l,nt aic .la-i.!,..,! tl.,,,. l>ut tl.ry must 1,,. pai.l lor a. pali.nt.ur th,. Ii,..,, sc...nna or tliircl flass, from the army I'uiuls. (I) J)eran-cMl pu'soi.s not Lcloiin-in- to tl„. proving, who cntcM- us patients of the first class of tivatnicnt. pi-.,vi,k.l th.v pay at least 300 marks annually more than tli<. normal pri,',. tor this class of troalmcnt. (Tar. 11'.) If there is not suflieifANY. (3) A coi^y of any judicial declaration of insanity of tl j)aticnt. (4) A certificate, stating whether the patient is entitled f supitort to th(^ conniiittee on charity, or whetlier he is to 1 maintained hy his relatives, representatives, etc. (")) If tlie patient is to he ]taid for, altogetlicr or partly I his relations etc., a guarantee to that effect must acc()ni]>ai the petition. I'ar. I). Companions or sj)ecial servants for patients are r oeivahlc <^»nly, when entirely approved of by the director. Par. 7. The legal authorities and magistrates must forwai the petitions to the ])rovincial council, accompanied l)y ti dociuncnts named in Par. 5. The i>rovincial council must, with all possible dispatch: (1) l-^xamine the [)ai)ers accompanying the petition an have them completed, if necessary. (2) When the j)atient, his family, representatives, etc., a; not or only partially compelled to bear his expenses, the pr vincial council must procure the guarantee of the distri delegation to [)ay the entire or partial expenses (Par. 5, o). (3) The i)elitions for admission with the necessary doc ments (Par. o) must be forwarded to the land-director. Par. 8. In city districts the petitions must be made throuL or by the police authorities and handed over to the ma.;:i trates, who must proceed in the same way as the jiroviiui councils (as quoted in Par. 7). Par. 9. The director of the establishment shall imiucf ately send the petitions, accomj)anied by his remarks, to i land-director. Par. 10. The land-director shall give his official dccisi concerning the reception of the i)atient. If the patient cs i arrive in time, without sufficient excuse, the place secured i Jiim may be otherwise disposed of. If the declaration, quoted in Par. 5, No. 3, does not accoi pany the petition, the director shall give notice immediat after the rece[)tion of the patient to the nearest court, and si state his 0[)ini<>ns, as to whether it is considered better to i vestigate Judicially if the patient is to be declared insane whether this should be omitted in the interest of cure. Pur. 11. In cases of emergency, when there is great nec( OERMAXV, ion of insanity of the patient is entitled for )r wlu'tlier he is to Ite ives, etc. iltogether or partly l)y street must accompany its for patients are re- )f by the director, igistrates must forwanl 1, accompanied by the I possible dispatch: ying the petition and representatives, etc., are r his expenses, the j-ro- iirantee of the district !xpenses (Par. 5, ;">). til the necessary docu- e land-director, must be made throuc:!! led over to the maL:i:^- ! way as the provincial ishmcnt shall immcili- by his remarks, to the • ive his official decisinn . If the patient dites not le, the place secured I'ur No. 3, does not ac(M)m- ;ive notice immediately nearest court, and shall considered better to in- ) be declared insane, or interest of cure. .'U there is great neces- 1050 sity for the immediate reception of a i>atient according f n testimony of a district or onlinarv ph vsi.Kn tl , legal authorities,_the director of ui .;:;;;• ^:. 3^ to i-eeeive Uo pafent directly without waiting r.r the . of;hnt the latter shall be nnnK-diat:^^^^^^^^ If the latter reAiscs to sancti<,n the reception of the pn.i.nt he shall he sent buck at the expense of tlosn u-1.. , to pay for bin.. ^ tho.e u ho arv ol,h.,,l Par. 12. As soon as the adn.ission of the patient is per, Mt(<.d In the land-d.rector, or the director, the pa.iont shall h n.ovedwuhout delay, at the expense of Ins^^^ lai. J... Iheopmionot thephy.idan must he re^Mrded eon -ung whetlu. the patient is to be aeeon.panied ;;;:; -.■e persons, (Who not -. eluu.ged .iunng the wlo^ vo)-gcO,u-lKMnu^treathinUaunanely,^ac.pnd^ tl.e creumstances of the patient in order to give l.e nee v^sary u^onnaUon to the doctors of the establishment lar. U. Ihe companions of the patient shall re.-eive the rapei's,_made out aeeonling to the Ibrnmlarv ad.led to thi! IIx!r°"' '' "^""'^ ''" '''^ '' ^'" ^'^'^' -'^''--ities is The director shall deliver to the companion a certificate of the reception of the patient. ^^uincatt ol Par 15. Articles of apparel must bo in good condition, fbr patients of the first or second class corresponding to t leir social positions; with patients of iho third class, thev must con.sist of articles as described in the appendix to he emula- tions for the asylum of Paden. " Order in the I'ar. 10. (1) Curable patients arc entitled to all means of cure at the disposition of the estahlishment. (-2) The first .luty of the director and of the officers and em- l oyes is to treat the patients humanely. Xo patients must he I'I' ly or mentally beset ; their secrets must be carefully jjuarded. •' (3) Lawfulness and order must be observed in everv respect >^na the patient must he properly cmploved, and his tasks '"niiii, ami in actni ance willi tlio appoinUMl n'^L^ulations. (o) ('Icanliiioss niiisl \)v strictly oLscrveil. ((')) (■uit»'s]i()ih1ciic(' and social intorcourse arc subject to t jn(l«4nieiit of tlie direetor. (7) The i-e|)rest'ntatives,ete.,()f tlic patient shall be iiiforiii as often as prat'tit-able concei'uinj;' the [)atient's healtli, etc. ((S) Any complaints coneerninfj; treatment and vavv ot" I })atient shall be I'orwarded to the land-director, and instan by him to the j)rovincial delegation. (9) The admission of strangers into the inner rooms of t establishin<'nt, will depend upon the discretion of the direct who is responsible for keejiing any hurtful inlhience aw from his patients. If the director judges it n(>cessai'y, he- m deny admission even to the relations of the })atient. Lea VINO the Estadlismmknt. Par. 17. The director of an establishniont is responsil that no patient is retained longer than necessary; and at 1 periodical inspection by the land-director or the delegate cd niittees (Pars. 28 and .'!()), especial care must be taken to out whether this rule is strictly observed or not. Par. IS. Cui'cil patients or such incurabde ones as have come harmless are discharged by ors, etc., the provincial-counsellor the })olice authorities agree with the director that tiie charge of the patient and the retr[)tion into his home comi nity are admissible; in case of disagreement the land-din shall decide. The director of the establishment siiall notify the rcspec legal authorities concerning the dischai'ge of such cured tients, as have been legally declared irri'Sponsil)lo. Par. ]'.>. As soon as the cure of a patient is jirobabh cording to the judgment of the director of the establishmt but if the cure should become doubtful by a [tremature charge, the discharge may be refused with the assent of land-director. If the discharge is desired in order to continue the li ment; elsewhere the assent of the Obervormunds Behbrdc (court of guardianship) is to be sought, when a dian has been appointed for the patient. J oi;j:manv. loci (•lfati,aiiil ill iiccoril- )f the (liriH'ti)r, wlu'ii l-counsollor aiiil iTOvnu-ia aircL'tor tliat tlio di-- |n into his home foinnm- niR'iil tlic lan.l-diroaur lliall nolifv tlio ivseiitatives, relation^, cninmunities, etc., ai'e oblincil to I'cceive the patients, wdiosc dischai'^c nnist he announced to them two or tlirc(> weeks bilbre. If they have any objections they must immediate! , announce them. Par. 22. The directors of the ( stablishment shall communi- cute to the representatives, etc., of the patient dismissed on trial or furlouc-jied, general or if neces.sary special r(7^ulation.s for his trealniei'.t. The representatives, etc., must inform tla; director-, once in three numths at least, eoneernin<;- the patient's stale of health. When the condition of the patit'iil, who is di-nii«ed on trial, seems to demand it, the director may at any time I'ereive hiiii a,i!;ain on .'i |)etition to that ellect, accompanied by the necessiiry medical certificate; he may even recall him upon his own responsibility. If within six months after the tem|)orai'y discliaru'c no re- lapse has occurred, the discharge may be considerinl linal. Par. 23. When the director or the land-director have dis- charged a jiatient, his re[>resentatives, etc., (tr die I'cspective l(\ual authorities shall remove him immediately, accompanied by a responsible companion, unless the director shall declare that the [latient can travel l)y himself. To a distdiarged j)atient uv to his companion a paper must be given stating his own and his c()nipanion's name, age and the date of discharge. i'ar. 2-1. The (^xi)enses of removing the patient to his home are to be borne by his representatives, etc. The expenses arising from all recreations, which have been ord 'red for the sake of cure, are to be paid, for patients with- out means, bv the establishment. 1(1(12 (;i:i;>(ANV. \\'1kii a (lisclmr^cd pjiliciit is not lakcii awuv in time, shall lie rciiK)Vc(l by the (.'stablisliiiu'iit at the cxpnisc of 1 i'('|ircsiiitaiiv('s, vie. ov tlie rc^spective coniniittccs on cliarit but durini;' bis l"urloii,i;li or temporary discbargo no board sb be paid for him. Section 3. — Casks ok IjIiitiis or J)i':atiis. Par 2-'). Tlie birtli of a cbild in tbe establishment sliall i mediately be broii<^lit to the notice of tbe elerfryman of the tablishment, and to the le<;al authorities who have eommitt the mother, and the ordinary le<>al notice to be ^iven. The child must be taken away from tbe establishment soon as this can be done without iujury to mother or child. Pur. 2(i. The burial of deceased persons shall take i>lace tbe presence of the clergyman. Tbe relations of a deceased person shall be advised of d and hour of tbe burial so as to be able to attend it. The director may also permit the I'cmoval of the I'orpse tbe |)atient's home oi' to any other particular place. Deceased of tbe third class of treatment sliall be put ii simi>le collin and buried in tbe Iturial grounds of the estalili^ ment, at the exj)ense of the latter. P)urials of deceased i)atienls of the first and second das treatment must be paid for l)y their relations, etc. i'ar. 27. J'-very ease of death shall be entered in tbe re; of deaths. The diri'ctor shall notify the authorities that committei patient (Par. 10.) after his death, beside making ordiiuu-y K notice. Sl-XTION 4. — AD>riNISTKATJON OF THE ESTABLISHMENT I'ar. 28. The general dir(cti(»n and su[)ervision of the e lishment is in tbe hands of the Landtag (Diet), the jirovin delegation, etc., according to Par. 01) of tbe Provincial-()rnt or refuse ti.e sal. of estates h.l.u^lu^ U, ,1,.. ... tiil)li.«l. incut. '^ (5) ^o appoint the director, of the„nenf (I'ar. :]7) with-"' " ^''°''"'''^^ ^It-legatioi. are>ccially ..ntn.>t;..i (1) The appointment an.l dismissal of the hi^du'r nlli.ial. uf the estal)lishment (J*ar. ;JS). (2) The a.loption an.l repeal of the ( (3) Ihe approval of tlu, arranuen.ent an.l prescription of treatment, n.anner of clothin^- an.l curnpations of the patients (• ) ihe issue 01 regulations for all the euipl..yes of the es- tablishment, and of domestic ord.'is of any kind (5) The examination of the plan of .lomesti.- 'e, ,„■<.- pose,l hy the director, an.l of the bills brouoht before tlu". Pro- vincial Diet. (0) The resolutions concerning- i,ui].lino.s and improvements that cause an greater than three thousm.l marks (7) The pensions of employes or servants who have served a long time. (S) The decision of complaints concerning the or.I.'rs ..f the Jand-di rector. (9) The chief supervision of the administrati.jn of the estab- lishment in all its branches. TJie provincial delegation is entitled to have the establish- ment investigated by commissioners ..r experts, an.l t.. have an extraor.linary inspection of the establishment at least once m a year, the timely notice of which is to be given to the chief presi.lent (Par. ;]!»). The result of the investigation must be registered and put on file. Tar. 31. Among the duties of the land-director arc: (1) The supervision of the administration of the establish- ment, particularly the carrying out of regular inspections, ami annually at least one aii.lit of accounts. (2) The appointment and dismissal of the emi)loves and oflicers of the establishment as far as their appointment is not^placed in the discretion of the director (Pars. 27 and oO). (3) The examination of the plans which are to bo laid be- fore the i)rovincial delegation. (4 and 5) The determination concerning buildings, that cost from loU to 3000 marks. I H ff <■ 10(14 Ci HUM ANY. ( ■(! m I h - iik (G) Tlic (Iccisiuii f»f coinpliuiits about regulations of tli director. (7) 'riie (leeision concerning the admission of ])atients (I'm (S) Tlie deteriuinatjon <>f the amount to \)v paid foi- the ]n tienis of the lirst (lass of treatment (I'ar. \2, part 2), in the ca- of Par. •_', No. I. I'ar. '•'<-. The immediate administralion of the cstahlishnieii is in the hands of the chief j»liysician, who hciirs the title of d rector. JJe is a|)pointe(l for life, and is entitled to jxMision, ii is any other provincial otlicer who is appointed for life. I'ndi the supervision (»f the provincial delegation, or the land-direi tor, he aihninistcrs generally all all'airs of the eslablishnien and in nie(lical and economical respects, he is the inimediat sui)erior of all the otlu'r otlict-rs, t'inployes, waiters and sei vants of the estahlishmcnt, and must administer the oath t all .suhordinate ollicers, and watch over the maintenance i order and discipline in the establishment. lie has, in domestic all'airs, tlu; pecuniary means of tli establishment at his disposal, may also arrange buildings, i\ I)airs, etc., that do not cause an expense beyond lot) marks. lie may also grant furloughs to the subordinate ollicers I'l eight days. All re(iuests for a more extended furlough must bo forwards by the director to the land-director. Tar. o.'j. The director of the establishment is a.ssisted by tl second doctor, who represents iiim in his ab.sonce, and by assis ant and volunteer jdiysicians. In ordinary cases the provincial delegation may make [un visions for tilling his place during bis absence. Par. 34. For, all the remaining administration, disciplin etc., the director is aided by an accountant, a liouse-over.-('( and a farm- overseer. The accountant has charge of the finances, and entries expenses and assets, kee[)S the journal and carries on all corr s])ondence, and if necessary must l)e assisted by clerks. Tl has the sui)ervision of the culinary and w;i- ing departments, the inventory, etc. 'J'hc house-overseer sli;i also represent the treasurer during his absence. The fai'Uj-overseer takes care of the agricultural departnai the management of the live stock, etc. OKRMAW. it rogulations of the ssioii of jjiitionts ( I'ar. to 1)0 paid for tlic \>i\- 4'J, inirt 2), ill the case 111 of tliG ostalilisliiiK'iit lio licars tlio title of ili- ontitU^il to ]i('iision, as ioiiitc'-hi,^., ni. They mast in their sermons dmv .oi ,r , , ^.".;-.r.iKM.mi,.,s,,,sp;i::;:,'::/ :;;:v;;''v''- -•]::■ M^'-i; ^;"";.i":::;::: '.':';:,':;:;;:;:: '^■ i^.::'" "- •■'■■■■«^- " u,:; ■:,::.", I;:;:;;;;;: Sk.t.o.n- C.-(i,.:KK„,u, ,S,T,.:,n-|s,„K ,:■,■ t,,,.; Sr.vrf:. Pur. ai Acc-or,li„g to litl,. 3 of (l,e ,,r„v!,„.ial onl,,- ,1,. ...U.,or have the Cief .,„,„ ..„,o,.vi.o„ „v«. t,,: '::,„",|it iHent.s. They may parti.-ipat. i„ perso,,, ,„• hv ,„„xv i„ •„, y tours by oincers and physidans seleeled by Ihem^elv!^ SkCTIOX <;.-A[AIXTKXANrE OK TUK Ks TA lU.SHM KXTS. P|irs 40 aiid ^16, inclusive, containing regulations tor pay- ne Its tor pa lents. their division into dasses of treatnle,^, |- the regulations concerning paupers, not greatlv y occasional doiiatinns, Ici^acic-. etc. (.")) Wy any iicccs-ai'v a|i|p|(>|»i'iiilinn< iVwin tlit.' in'oviiiciii main trcasnry. Tar. -is. 'riii- rc;4iilation is in force since April 1, ISTD. )\ CoudHlovK initio- iihicli insmic prrxDiiH arc received inln lli JUidii^h prdv'iiiciiil iiistiiw asi/liiiiiK, Mnij 'J I, lS7i). Tar. 1. Tlic IMicnisli |irovincial insane nHylunis ai-c |irinci pally (li'votcd to the lr<'alni(Mit of" cni-ablc insane; bnt in cas of abundance of room, incural»!e insane will also l»e feceive< In order to avoid the crowding' of these estaldisliments, wit ]>alients whose character would interfere with the princip; object of tlio asylums, admission may at any time be di'uii' to incurable patients, or such incurable patients as have \wc already received may bo dischar;j;(Ml at any time when thei is lack of room for curable patients. Tar. 2. The treatment of the patients is divided into foil classes. (See remark to I'ar. 7 of the i'ej;uIation for the pulili insane asylums of the province of Brandenburg, of' Ahiy 11 and June Ki, 1S7!».) The patients are considered as belonging to thcllhine pre ince, or to the Prussian State, when they have their domic within till' same. In cases of dispute the ([uestion of domicile is to be decide by the laiid-direclor. Par. o. The pi'ivilege of entire or partial iVet'-placcs granted only for the third and fourth classes, for the ]uiipn of making trial treatments, in accordance with the entire i jiartial ability (monetary) of the patients, or of tlu'ir nl tions, etc.: (1) In favor of such insane jiatients, who have their driinci- k- insano; but in ca-r . will also Ix' received. establishments, witli ro with the principal it any time be ilcnicd patients as have been any time when tluiv ;s is (lividcHl into fom- .o-uhition for the piibru' landenbuvfr, of ^biy W). ;ing to theUhinc ptov- L'v havo their domicile )m ieile is to be decided partial free-pUiccs irf Masses, for the inn-pcso Lee with the entire m- cnts, or of their rMa- Iwho have their donii- [•ovini-e, or are entitled eonimittee on charity Lrovinces of the Piu^- L case that they are to (li communities, so long Int and other expenrics Tlic tV(c-place< ai-e v.ialitid liv l!u liilnl-di irddr, t',,i- H,,. space of tuovrai's only, iiinl niidtr ll,c : ii|'pii-iiii,ii tlial, ac- cording' to the acUiK.wli di^iiM III. nf the re.-pi d ivc a-vjii!ii (Urcclor, the palienl has been lu'dlii^ht 1(, Uic oniMi-liiiitiit within the iirst six months aflcr the appeaiaiicc or n ;i]i|ii ar- ance of his insanity. Entire or parlial fri c-placcs may he ^^raiilci] to patiiiit>, l.v the provincial coiiimi>>ioii of adiiiiiii-triilidii, only in txtra- oi'dinary cases. I'ar. 1. In the cases mentioned jn Tar. :'), -i cond .^(clioii. the respective community is ohh^^cd to watch the inlcrr-i of ihe province in every suitable mannci', eventually by lirinuin-' a lawsuit, in order to ell'cct the due |iayiiiciit of tlic expenses for treatment, etc., or the ininicdiatc removal of the patii lit to the care of the proper coiiiiiiitlee on charity ont~ide of the lUiine province, who are bound to lake care ol the ]i;itient : or that the insane may be bron^L^ht back to his domicile, if tliat is in a foreign country; otlicrwi,-c the frci -place ah'( ady ^rant"il may hv withdrawn by the proviin-ial commi->itiii of adminis- tration. Idle expenses fof treatment, ( tc, are to ln' paid w itii- out (li.«eount to the respective asyhim. Par. •'). A|»plieation for tiie rcce|itioii of in-^ane pci'^ons into a Ithcnish insane asylum, eillier to try to ctfcct the ciiic or simjily for the sake of trealnicnf, mu.>t he made to tlic din ctors (if the establisliment. I'ar. <). \\ hen a civilian patient is to be received into the normal class, the application for reception iiiu.~t be made hy the lionu' iiolice ollice, accompanied by the following docu- ments: (1) A medical aper duly answircil. (2) The exact personal history statinjj; placi' of biitli, biitli- day, relijiious profession, domicile, occupation, name of the patient, name of hushaml or wife, occupation and domicile of his parents. (o) An ajfrcement, in which th^ respective eomnuuiitits bind themselves to remove the patient within three wt'eks after a request to that ellect has been made hy the director of the establishment, or to be willing to have the patient be returned to them at their ov\n expense, if they have not removed him within the appointed time. Kins OKKMANY. li ' iir ( I) A juiprr, sliitiii;;' tlicif lialtility I'lti- jiiiy cxprii^cs of treat nuMit (if the patient lias nut a lVee-|ilaee ni'anteil \i> liini, or i tlie eNpcH'^cs are imt paiil iVoin tlie e.-latt nf tlie patient or li\ liis I-elali\'es or otiier persons lialile for his silppoi't). ( 'oneernin,!;' the reci-ption ol' a soldier, I'roni the scr^^eniit major y the respeetive ndlitary anlhorilii'* jieeompunied l»y the alio\c mentioned do.iiments, hnt with tin spei'ial nndei'-tandin;;. that the mililai'v r.iU liorit i( - shall 1h;i tlio I'esponsihility of i-enio\in,i;" ihr palii^nt and payinu,' al cx|)eiises of treatment nntil he patient is di-eharL'cd oi- re moved, even in case the jiatieiit >hould in the ni(an\vhile hi plyin,n- foi- admission must not wait unii the i'e(|uest for a free-jdace is di'cided, since such (U'cisioi takes ])lace only afttr t]ii> admission and depends in a i;rca de^urco on charity. If the patient is noi committed to tlic estahjishment witliii fourteen days aftei' t!ie admission has heen granted, the ilire tors of the estahlishment shall he informed of the I'easoiis In such delay ami their further deci.siou shall ho received, hefMii tlie iiatieiit is hrouiiiit. I'ar. 10. ^\'llen tlu' directors of the eslal)lishment have il( clared themselves rt'ady to receive the patieid. he shouM Im brouuiit to the asylum, on week-days, or only in ca-i s enu'rf^'ency on Sundays and holidays, and not after in r.M. and as humanely as |iossil)!e, hut rather hy means of fnrci than iiy niisrcjtrcs;'ntation. <-i:i:manv 1 "(;'.» Aiiv illlCC "■'"•■'' 111'' 'inarlcr i- ii|.,,an.onlin. lotlH. n.,uh,i r (,,.,„;:;' J^ Itis.K.siral.K.||K,l(lH.,.„i.,„|.,.,,, ,,.,.i,.,, ,, , ,„,,,i^.,. ;•';•' '; "";";;'" iy-i-ain.,..! ui.h ,iH. ,,a.,, i,M..n- .;,•,!,; inn.r^l. lH.,.l,vs,,..n.wi,l.any.|..H,,.,lini;.nnn.iun "'■• "• •''•'■'"^••''""■"ir'"viur,iM,p,„i,,„ , ar. 1-J I'.ynHMtsMni.t !..• .ikhI. .,uart..,lv i,. .,lv. " '"•" II"' patient is (liscliarn,.,! "-'""•""" t" I'is .n.lit .nu>tl. n.lnn.i,.,!,,. ,.„„,, „.,,i, n'|ii'csciitativ('s. "^ I'''", l:; WIh.,, patients have I,n.u;,l.t (,. the a^vliuu f7"'' ';:'•' '-^'l^' I-'''- -■''-Hties.,' the pn.vinee,,!., .lnve(<,rso|,,nan.|o,,a,.a.,te. lor payment o| all e\pen.-cs. ••"■'^'^ " '''^' ''^tal.l.shnient. the eonnnunilv. who have neoio lhc.ns<. VC.S responsible tor the pat.,.nls expenses, n,,,., p.v tin. 00. o,hnnal,eveMineusewln.realVee-p|.,.H,a.iHvnuWn,e.|, unless these expens.vs shouhl he hu,,,.. |,v ,|,, ,,,|„iv„; „e of t "• I'^^fH'nt. A person who has .pphei tor the a,in.i>sion of '"' If •■"t '"t" ll)Mirst,s,.e.M„l,oithir,l ehe.^ ,|'ar.7) shall hear the expenses of hiirial. PaI^ i:;. Letters, nmney an.l pa. ka^es lor paiimt. nuisl not be delivered direetly to the latter. 1 L'stabl ishnient. Jilt to the director.- of I le Par. K;. Oidy with permission of the d lishmi'nt ni ay any visitors he admiited. il'ecloi's (»f 111,, csljil,. come on Siiiulays or la.lidays, and sliould written permit from the diivetdr. I'ar. 17. The patient should not he fak eaablishment on a Sundav or a holidav ilel Ihev shoidd not possible obtain a on awav from tl le These rei>ulatioi '•'^ are approved on the -Jlth of Aipril, lb (J, and eome into h)ree on the Jst of .hilv. (A IX i,A Ciiai'kllf:.) Police recjnlation for the Dhlnd oj Al, In Cln,pdlr, concernmg ad- mimon into insane (n^yltnnK, ami the police control nj the State asyhuns. Given April Sth, lS7U.-(Medicinal Clesetz-h 1S7U p. 180.) * ' ' 1070 GERMANY. liefcrring to Par. 11, of the law concerning police adniini tration, March 11th, 1850, it is resolved, with respect to 11 reception into insane asylums and the police control of tli same, for the district of Aix la Chapelle: 1. No one shall be received into an asylum without awritto order (which shall be issued only when public interests an security demand it); or at least, the written assent of tli l)olice authorities of the domicile of tlie person to be rcccivec or of the place where the patient has been arrested in beha of public security, or in consequence of a petition of h\^ ri'l; fives; the person to be received must also be furnished wit a certificate of a physician, ofHcially approved by the rcs[)C( tive police officers as being reliable and able to judge the coi dition of the malady of the patient, stating also the rer.soi which have induced the physician to decide the patient ii sane, and the necessity or desirability of the reception of tli patient into the asylum, and the statement whether the patiei is considered curable or incurable. 2. When the commitment of a patient is caused or perniitte by the police authorities, other than those of his doniicil( said police authorities must immediately notify the police ( the patient's domicile, who must immediately notify the relii tions of the })aticnt. o. Notice must be given within twenty-four hours after th commitment of a patient into an asylum, by the director o the same, and the police authorities who have demanded o assented to the reception of the patient, to: (a), the police ;ui thorities of the place wliere the asyluin is situated, unless the; should have caused or assented to the commitment; (b), to tin chief justice of the district in which the domicile of the pation is situated. This latter report must be accompanied by the certificate o the physician and the demand or assent of the police whicl caused the commitment of the jiatient. 4. When it is desh-f^d that the patient should be placed uii der guardianship, but the court refuses to assent to such ai arrangement, the patient shall not be retained in the nsylun against his will. o. In asylums for the treatment of incurable insane only, nc one shall be received who is not pronounced incurable by ai: GKIIMAXY. 1071 the police autlioritics of tl,e piZ w , • , I , ' ^"'^""'" '" ai.o ,0,1,0 poliooauthonles:^,, ' , ; ,:'t''''' TT"'' tl.o ju,lioiaI a„ll,o,.i,ios c,u„,,.,l u'ut,' i',' '1 ' •'°"""'^'' "'»" '° 7. '11,0 .l„.ooto,-s of ,1,0 ostabli.l„„o„h ,„nM koo,, „ i„„,,,,,, wl„c ,, ,„ ,.e.,poct ,0 ratio„,s .-oooivo,!. »l,aU .ho v „n- , '.' ),u,i,b,.i- ai,d datoof aitals whieh are not intended for the reception the insane, such persons may be received only in case of uix; emergency and must be retained oidy so long as is nccessiu to complete preparations for their commitment elsewhere. The directors of the respective hos[)itals must report tl presence of an insane patient immediately after his rece()tiii to the police authorities where the establishment is situate and also to the police authorities of the domicile of the patieii Any act committal by the directors contrary to the abo^ regulations shall be jtunished by a fine not beyond thin marks, or by corresponding imprisonment. (iKNKiiAi. Okdri: for Tin: Gkrman E.NrriiiE. Concern I II fj tJic dlschnrgc of insane prisoners (Justizniinisfcr'.o Man, vol. S,Nov. 1882,7). 325.) Whereas, it has repeatedly occurred that a prisoner, \vl was in jail i)ending the investigation of his case, having li come exemi»t from judicial prosecution on account of in>anit lias been discharged iVom prison, though dangx'rous to pulil peace, without having at the same time bei'U placed uiiilcrtl supervision of the jjolice: hence, to prevent similar occi rences in future, the minister of justice has detcrmint'd, tli when a prisoner must be discharged from prison on arcoun; insanity, this cause of discharge is to ])e exj)ressly stated. the res[)ective order of the court or of the })roper authoriti and that the manager of the i)i'ison shall deliver the pri-oi to the p(jlice authorities of the place where the [)risoucr dischiirgeil. An exception to this may be made only when (he derai person upon his discharge is committed to his family or gu; dian, and wln'n, according to the judgment of the nianagd' the prison, any danger for the discharged person as well as 1 others is obviated. Ill' Laws of MAUcii Stit, 1871. Pur. 31. The land committees on charity shall bear the c GERMANY. 11 case of any suspici,!]! L'd iinmediatoly to the Jed for the reception i.f m1 only in cas^o of grtat so long as is necessary nitment elsewlicre. [)itals must rc[)oi't the tcly after his rec'e[)tioii. ablisliinent is situated, domicile of the [)atieiit. contrary to the ahovc ine not bevond thiriv ent. CRMAN ENfPIKE. toners iJmlhni hi httr'al- n. 325.)' 1 that a prisoner, wIm of his ease, having- ln- on account of insaiiity, >li dangerous to pu'ilic u been placed under die prevent similar (ktiu- I'C has determined, that, )ni [U'ison on accoim; nf be expressly stated, in ■ the proper authorities, luU deliver the pri.-oiirr : where the prisoner i-^ mly when the deraiiLieil id to his family or mi;ir- ment of the manager of i^ed person as well ;'.s fur r, 1871. larity shall bear the cx- 1073 pen,ses of public charity, which is cin«..I t .i idiots, deai^nnUes, dec;epit ami ^ ' *'" '''''^ '' '"-"«> Pidjhcation of xMareh 8th 1,S7'> v^r' • to Pa,-. 33. „r ti,o i„w „f ,;:',';,:■""«'" ™. «-„.,„„.,„, .l>ooon„„i,„K.„t of a„ i,„„„„ ,,,,'■ f»""- "-., f„. co,n,m,„ity, Iho «.,.,; fi,.a,,. „f ,„ ,, „ , ' ,'•: '''"'ff'.'-ms to ,l,o 1877.) •^"•"l'™'=''™«l"i,„g,J.VI,n„uTj.,t; eo'mi™-l""' "■"] be Sueli eoiilinemeut in an in«ni.e .,=,.i,. .veeks. ""^ "'•''"'» '""«' ""t e.xm,l si.v Fo«,o..nv or Qm.:sT,ON-r>.PEu ,„. „„ .m,„„,^, ClCKTIFICATE aJ'Srro::':rrr ;;;:;r '"tr "'■'''' «™i' Ph.v..-.™,. nu.t in-.,;;,,- I ' :,: ;y*";.li»l.;m,nt, tl,e la.Hi-asyhnn into winel, a, , " t e i /l '' °' "'" Tim paper tnust aecon.panv the „ itio, ,, -'^ "'"«'"•' licnt into a h„„j...svlu, , „f „,, "'..".", '*'""'" '" " l"'" 'l™'...;'S." (iU.«len,ent fUr.lie l!a;:H ■ ,; i:;';;';!''-'-,alve,.ba„des von Urandenburg von. ,,, .i^^: ^^^ ];- The patient's ehristian an,I familv name . „„.;,: oeonpafo,,, ; plaee an.ldate of birth', ' "l . 7," " dcnce --P'ace of abode (hospital, poorhonse.'asvh.n, ;, .l " ••«»''n''l<;'H'mn,at,on this patient . . ;;;;;;-l.o married, sin,,, .hlowed. divoree,h 'and si,'.:: Qnestion ,. Who an.l where are parents of the patient and «lut are their eireunistanees? a ,.„ ,„„ . , ' , «•!. other, and in what degree? ' • '"'"'""" 2. Have any mental or nervous diseases (and wint l.-i,„n »r .n,„na.a-potn, or attempted snieide or inv , I- n , * WMi.. or talents been observed in the 2n "' """Z gg , "louiu . ; (^>) grandparents? . t 1 m 4 1074 GEKMANY. patornal or inatcnial uncle or aunt? ; {(■) brothers c - r, 1 1 ^1 If 3. Was the patient born out of legal wedloek? 4. Are any other children of the i)atient living or dead, an how many, of what age and sex? . Are or were tli children subject to diseases of the mind or nervous system, an what ? 5. IIow did the ])atient behave in his childhood and durin the ])eriod of his physical and mental development? (Descrih his physical and mental development, the di.>eases of chili hood and growth that he has been subject to, his mental gift; the nature of his mind, his education, instruction, etc.) \\'il female patients there is also to be stated: 5 a. Is the patient mature, and since when is she subject t menstruation, and are such attacks regular? (). ^\'hat was the behavior of the patient during his sanity Was he induenced by his calling, married condition, mislbi tunes, excessive drinking, gambling, sexual excesses, or b^ any other adverse circumstances? Has the patient been ii conflict with laws and when? Punished? Concerning female patients there must be stated also: "t ^ ^ '' hallucinations, weariness of life'^ ^ Inelin...! \ "''' I -ii , ,,. , , . • iiielniatiou O hurt or kill ones seli,_or to b. violent towar.l p,...sons an,l thin-, en- doncy to .lepnve one's self (,f nourishment et<- v " 12 Form of the mental disease? (.) Sin^plo mental dis- ease (melanclioha, mama, insanity)? (/,) j^ntal accompanu.! by epileptic fits? (,J) Acquire.! in/becililv'^ holism?^'^ "^'^'""" (-^^ ^^^-^-^- tremens, alco. 13. 00 Is the disease considered curable, or is there hor.e or great improvement? (^ j, the patient dangerous o lu.nself or to otliers? Upon what kind of utterances or actions of the patient is such a supposition founded '^ Wh-it remarks are founded upon the personal observation of the pliysician. What remarks are founde,! upon the communi- cations of others and who are these other persons'' rWhen the questions under (a) and (/.) are answered in the negative! • {c) W hy can the patient not be sutliciently taken care of at his present place of abode? 14. Has the patient been under medical treatment before^ Wl»en and with what success? How has the pa- tient been affected by his surroundings? 15. Do any infections or contagious diseases ra^re at the p ace of abode of the patient at the present time (.4udl-nox cholera, dysentery, etc.) ? ' I, the undersigned, testify under oath the correctness of the preceding statement according to my own observation and the crcHhble communications received the th 18 Approved, , physician. Certificate of the Home Police Office. ("onccming the personal and mo7,cfanj affairs of (he diseased per- sons named below, nhosc admission is desired i,do tin land in- sane asylum of the provincial cdliance of Brandenburg, {llegle- mcnt f d. Landirrcnanstaltcn d. Prov. vrb. i\ Brnndcnburg v 13 Ilarz 1879, Par. 14, No. 2). i'U 107G CilCKMANY. 1. Cliristian and family names. 2. Dato of birth. 3. riacc of l)irtli : district. 4. Place of abode : district. G. Position or trade. 7. lieligious denomination. 8. Ivogarding Ins family (single, married, widowed, di- vorced). 5». Christian and family names of the hnsband, or wife, oi parents (even if dead or divorced). 10. Name, jiosition or occnpation and place of residence ol the nearest of kin known (parents, independent children, bro- th" - -nd sisters, etc.; state degree of relationshi})). i ' 'CO of abode of the guardian or foster ])arents. iz. .siiinetary afhiirs of the patient, in respect to wife or I'lisband or parents. 13. ''rci ' tinees that require the commitment of the pa- tient into the (;'';;«s of persons partly supported by the state, or province or community. (Par. 9-27, 29, 30, d. lleichsgcsetzuelj den Unterstuet/.ungs wohnsitz v. G Juni 1870.) i Are any contagions diseases raging at the place of abode o the patient at the })resent time (small-pox, cholera, typhu dysentery, etc.) ? Pajjers accompanying the from , who agree ably to the joint order of the land-director of 18 accompanied by 1 2 : who is going to the lar insane asylum at The authorities of the asylum are requested to give to t above-named companions of the patient a, certificate stati the reception of the patient. List of the articles of apparel in the posession of the patic etc. 1 2 etc. GERMANY. 10 ( I 30SCSsion of the patient Translation and Extract from Lkttku vuum IIamj.;, Prussia. Adressed to Ko,t;ierungsriitli Langol of the German Legation. j II U.I, K, Prussia. Ai'KiL 2."), 1,SS3. Highly honored Regierungsratli : — You will not consider me very polite, lor not bein.n- al)!.. be- fore to-day to answer your kind letter of February 'iTtb, but I hope you will i»ardon me when I tell you that the duties'of iny new position, ^hlyor of Halle, so entirely take up my time, tlia"t I had to wait for an opportunity to answer Mi'. -Mussacus'.s questions with any degree of exi)lieitness. The main question : "Is there any general body of insane laws in Prussia?" I have to answer in the negative. It is rather the case that the whole body of insane laws have formed themselves out of the existing legal practice. Tiiis practice, under the intluenco of the autocratic legal boilies (provincial and communal diets) of the ditferent provinces, and in conse- quence of the former want of union among the (ierman Slates (Hanover, Hesse, etc.) has assumed dilTerent forms in ilifl'eient points. As it is hardly i)Ossible, without making very searching, special studies, to give a representation of the present state of affairs, and I must confine myself, to touch only a few main points. I advise Mr. Mussaeus, in order to find out the different i)articulars, to write to the chief Land-Directors of the provinces of East and ^Vest Prussia, Brandenburg, Pom- erania, Silesia, Sleswick-IIolstein, Saxony, and the Rhine Provinces; to the general directors of the munici[)al states of Cassel and Wiesbaden and Frankfort on the ^hiin ; the State Directors of Posen and Westphalia: to send him their regulations, orders and statutes about insane matters, which are not generally published. L In general, I can answer to the first of Mr. M's questions, viz: "What formalities are necessary to place a .1 insane person in an asylum?" In this way : the difference is ')etween incurable, curable, and dubious patients. For the recq)tion of incurable patients, after they have been placed under legal guardianship, in consequence of paragraphs 503, f. f of th^ " Government li 1078 CiKHMANY. ' 1 i,i 1 ('ivil llin;lits llc^iilations" "(n('iclis-( 'iviljj,csot7.or(liiuiifi)" it U iiec'c^.«ai'v tliiit the iiravor for llic recciition be made liv tla guardian, or otlii'r U'gal roj)rc. full payment of the regulation prices. Other provinces will receive jiaupers only, after tlu^ respective communities have i)romised to bear the expenses. The provinces whicli have free-places, make a regulai' difl'er- ence between patients who endanger the public jx-ace, and harmless ones, and will receive the former in preference. In general 1 may n)ako tlio statement, that by far all incurable in.«ane have been received into the asylums; moi'c than half of them are under the care of their home communities, wliert', cxce]»t in the larger cities, very poor provisions have been nuidc for their individual necessities. These mentioned circum- stances are felt as a great evil, and very lately the jjrovincial authorities have been very anxious to improve this tlejilorable condition by enlarging their asylums and increasing the mnn- ber of them. Answer to question 5th. ("rimiiuils who hav(^ committed their crimes during insanity, according to Par. o] of Penal Code (Keichs strafgesetzbuch) are not liable to any judicial pro.sccution ; they are generally, through the intercession of the police court as described under section 1, put into the asylums, where they are retained until eventually eureil. Answer to question 0th. If a criminal while serving his term becomes insane, he will be treated differently in diflerent provinces. In some provinces such insane are received into the asylums, and the ])rison authorities are responsible tor their expenses until eventually pronounced to be incurable. After incurability has been established, the term of imprisonment ends, and the former criminals are classed among the incura- ble insane, and are then sent back into their home communi- ties, or, as mentioned under section 4, are permitted to remain. Some provincial administrations (Hesse Cassel) are, by partic- ular regulations, freed from the necessity to receive criminals into their own asylums; but they arc compelled to place them TP- loso (ii:UM.V.\Y. !!;■ fl! M in other asyluiiis or hospitals, in order to try to vW'vcl a cur Otiior provinces aj^ain entirely refuse, on j)i'ineiple, the recv | tion of any eriminals into their asyhini.s (Sleswiek-IIolsteii and leave to the State tlie iniincdiale care of sut'h ; in sue cases, insane criminals are ])laei'd in the hospital departnui of correc^tion lutuses or penitentiai'ii'S. A^'ainst the forcili detention of mentally sound persons in the asylums, a ,uua nntee is found in I'ar. 2o!) (jf the criminal code (lieichstra jjeseitzhui'h), which aj)points, for ille<;al detention or depriv; tion of liberty, u penitentiary term of not more than te years; likewise if such ille<;al de]>rivation of liberty is pri vented by the privilege of investigation of the chief admini; trative authorities. Persons who are prosecuted on account of misdemeanor o crime, and concerning whom it is doubtful whether they are t be considered responsible for their acts, according to the \)i\ cepts of the government criminal and civil code (lleichsstral gerichtordnung) Par. 01, tf, arc placed in a jiublic asylum ii order to observe their mental condition. After this, \\\v su pervising physician has to pass his o])inion, stating whethc the patient, at the time of the conmiission of the deed, was ii a condition of mental disturbance strong enough to interfon with his volition, or whether he is at present to be considerec as irresponsible. According to the result of such examination, which doe not exclude tiio appeal to higher authorities (chief niedica colleges), the accused will either be committed, acquitted, o the legal authorities disj»ense their judgment altogether, unti the accused shall be pronounced mentally sane. The lengtl of detention in the asylums should regularly not exceed si: weeks, but may be prolonged. SCHNEIDER. BADEN. Regulations for tJic Insane Asyhini of IIcithIberff,Oclol>er 12, 1^7^ His royal highnei-s, the grand duke of Baden, issues the fol lowing proclamation through the grand ducal ministry of tin '^<\ i fiKIIMANV. (IS] SCHNEIDER intorior, un.lcr date ..f {Uiu\,ry lo, isys v,, .v- ,., i ,• . (.ruiul Ducal MniKstry (.1' Uu- Intcri,,,.. STOSSKi;, Iluii.l. Skctiox I.-l>,K,.o.SK AN,. (),:,,„:,,. uy thk Asv,,rM. Par.]. The purpose of ins;,,,,, asylun, at Iki.!.!!,,,- .I,,ll Ih- locurc or treat .kran,.;.,] persons ,.r UniU sexes, aiel'^Uo to f^ivo instruction in ps\cliiatrv. I'ar 2. Admission to the asylum shall l.e^rantnl ineLr tl.o re-ulationsot I'ar. S of this statute, to : (1) i'"tienls iVoin the districts of iu.i,k.ll,er-.\rovl,a,l, M,„ iH' Karls-lJuhe, whose treatment shall he paid lo'r in- tirely or part:.tlly out of the funds of the .■omnmnit v, di-trirt or state. " ' {■2) luhahitants of the district who pav for tin nnrlve' (3) Foreigners, if all the space is not :,ccupied hv natives of the district. I'ar.J]. The rooms of the asylum designed iWv the accom- inodationot the patients shall he strictly separate, acordiiK^ to the sexes ot the i)atients. " Par. 4. The asylum shall he sui.ported: (1) From the j.ayments made hy the patients. {'2) From the additional .sums paid out of the state treasury Any gifts to the asylum shall ho employed according to the will ol the donors, or, if they do not point out anv^ special application of their legacies, such sums shall he ad.l'ed to the capital funds of the asylum, and the interest of the same shall be used lor improvements, etc. Section 2.— Slpekvision and Ai.minjstiiatk.n of the ASYLIM. Par. 0. The immediate supervision of the asylum is con- hded to the academic sanitary committee; the general super- vision belongs to the ministry of the interior. Par 0. The asylum is a«Iministcred by the first medical olheial, who also guides the instruction of the medical stu- dents. In addition, the following oiiicials and servants are appointed for the asylum : ,1^1 ffl • II I UKUJ / I m lgl inS2 (IKUNfANY, ( 1) l'"i>r the (rciidiH'iil of iiiiliciits, the miiiilici' itf pliy.-irij iH'ccssiiry. Tlic ('Iil(-.| nssislniit pliy.-^iciaii slwill iilwiiys he i'c|ir(S('iitii(iv(' (if tilt' (lirc'i'lor, uiiles.'-' other jirriiii^iiiicnts In l)c'('ii spccinlly iiiiKJc. CJ) All ;i(liiiiiiislr!it(ir's {i«sistant to nid tlic iidiiiinistni of the acailciiiiciil liosjiitiils in tlic care of tlu; c "'imi !i (fail's, ('tc. (.")) For tlic iiiiiiicdiatc snpiTN'isioii and <'an' of the paiici a c'hirf gunnliaii or diiof strwardcss and llio iifccssury nii Ik'I' of assistant ^■uarX OF 1*.\ riKNT.s. icttnl with lii'^hlv disliii- cxplimiitioii : ,-, I M (M \VlualM.,-|lM.,K.,s,>,.k,lH. a.I,ni^.i ,ltl„.p„i.,„t ''77'';'>'%l-y ''^'"'-•'I'-n, nr,h..i, .>UM .....:„.-,, ..,,1,1 i,.,o ll,..v wisi, |.i,„ ,„ |,„ ,„„„i,,„, . ^^,,, . .vsiK.ns.hlMoMl... an,| uliu n ,.,v>.,,ts (I,,. ,,",i,.,, i,, s.,l(T tl.f.ns. vos .vspon^ihl.. Inr ,..yi,n.„l. wl,,, i„ ,h,,i, ,,.,i,„,. tion, tiM.ler the (.xi.lin- luu-s, is boun.i (o t.k. r;.,v of an,| ,■,.,', ivseiit the put lent. ' .Such .v.iimst must h:. ar,.,„npMnir,l I,v .1m,.,„„.,,|s, as ,1.,. s,,,..i,, I'nr 11. Thf .hsfrict .•lulhoritirs nnist lnru-ar,| tl... ,v.n„.st lor a.huissiun to^HluT with the- a.rumpanvfim ,|o..unu.nt to the dirfctor.s ol tlio asylum, and must add thri,- stated omiii. lull as to (a) Whether the patient is adinissihi... (A) Whether he will he paid lur, and ,,v \vl„,i,i. _ I'ai-. 12 The transmission of the papuv .v,|n."stin^ admis- sion should not he .lelayed i>y any arranoenu.nls of the nature just desenhed, hut the arrann-emrut should rather hf .■onchnh.d utter the admission of the patient. Par. l;}. The directors .shall examine th.' dnenmeiits .ent to them and shall try to have everything added whi.h snns to I'c neces.sary to their compl.^ti-.n, and thev shall send the doc- uiacnts to the ministry of the interior, with the further infor- mation as to : (1.) Whether the patient is to be received and into what class of treatment. (2.) Whether the patient will ho paid for. and hv whom. Par. U. Ill cases of emero-eney the directors liiav arramre for the reception of patients whose admission is desireil hy thdr relatives, without the usual formalities. In the rcpiest ad- dressed to the director, the disability must bo particularly stated an.l certified by uu approved physician or bv the propei- le^al authorities. " i i Par. 15. The ministry will decide concerninnu>- Par. 33. Committees on cliaritv nr ,. i .• -ho Iiave very small funds a 1" :;:;;? '' ^^ l'''^-"^- six months' treatment for their , • i t '^ "''^ ^' ^^^""''•^ considered enrable bv the di .^' o \ "' '"" '"'"' '^ admission iias been souoht wh k,u f 1 'T '""' ^""^ '*' ^''^ l^ar. 34. Besides thisAildttt:^^^^ four free-plaees whieh are to be fille in I '" '""^"""^'^ and instruetion. Requests Z t ■ "''^^ "^" ''^'^^'^ nuistbeaddresscdtoXd re 1 ' ^''"''"^ "' '' ^•-■l'^-« ^'i-.- of the patient's m:;;:r^c:rt'^;;-^^^ cases are the same as for other patient. '"' "^ lar oo. loreigners shall be reeeived onlv in the fi.vf i second classes. Jn all ca^^es tlwv ^I,.,ii i . ^""^ ^^'^ natives. ' '' '^'^^^^ ^'' ^'''"'■^•^J "'o.'e than ™;k has l.oen .l„„o ..,„„,, ."'ntlL ok',;:;'"'"™'^' "■ »-" ^;;;;Hj;ot^i-vo a„v n, „,..Mh. a„,o„,uA„ h/,,™nC: -; n,„,,,,er an, bv U,e .,„. ,,„ni.. a. tho'o.he 'ox "n! or ,; ,1, ; ';"'™""« <"■ H« I«.lioMls with roLtivcs . h the world m general, by ,„oa„, „f lelt,.., visits c *''"" - every case bo subjeet to the a,.,.r„val of tie dircdo^' !;■: ,i ^'}mm- w§ 1088 GERMANY. Par. 40. Tlic directors sliall dulv consider anv oral or \ ten inquiries concerning the liealth of the patient made persons and authorities entitled to make them. Even wl no inquirj' is made the directors shall give information to relatives f)f each patient once a year, and shall promptly c municate any ver}' extraordinary events. Par. 41. Strangers are adniitted into the patients' ro only with the permission of the director. Section G. — Discharge from the Asylum. Par. 42. No patient shall he retained longer than necess Improved patients, and such as have become harmless, s be dismissed bv the directors, on trial; cured ones, finallv. Ifelatives and the respective communities shall remove patients, that may be reported to them, by the directors, a to be dismissed; or they shall communicate to the direc their objections. If the directors consider the objections founded, the question shall be decided by the parties t caused the commitment of the ]iatient. Par. 43. Pequests for the transfer of a patient to the asyli shall be made by the directors to the ministry of the intci Par. 44. In order to avoid the relapse of a patient, the di tors shall furnish directions concerning the treatment of sons discharged on trial, and the committee for the aid of charged patients shall also render every assistance in t power. Par. 45. The relations, guardians, or proper authorities have caused the commitment of a patient to the asylum, s inform the directors concerning his health and beha within a month after his arrival home, and after that, at in vals of three months. If after a year the recommitment not become necessary, the })atients shall be finally disclia b}' the directors. Par. 4(). I'atients may be recommitted, before the tim their discharge on trial has expired : (1) Upon request of the district physician, when the i lives give their consent. (2) L'pon order of the legal authorities of the district, iii cordance with Par. 10. The authorities shall advise in h cases the directors of the asvlum of the intended recommitm ■' »-,s r::^ flERMANY. losn itted, before the tinio of )hysician, when the ivla- Par. 47. ^^''^ relatives of the patient, who 1k,vo ...„.,, 1 i admission, may at any tin.e demand las disd. I T quest shall be fmnvarded thvou^h the d t ' ml 1 '"" the directors. ^'"^ authnnt„.s (,, Par. 48. Ui.on the diseharo-e of a natient tl, r . dcc.i.e whether „e is .0 be ue^^pa./ir^^^'J ;:;*;;: ^ mtient shull receive from tlie direetr.iv ., '"f"- '<"■ cluu-ge, and the neees.,,v truveli :;,,:"'; '^'V"' f"" shall report the di„.|,„,-ge to the authS „., "''"'" ...itted the pati<.„t, „„d the latter Xii!'" '"^''^ '='""- the arrival of the patie„t at histclle '" '"'"■'°" '"' Par. 49. When a patient dies in 'in n«vi,„v ^i ..all report the eas^o the aut,::;.i;-.::^;r'^^^^^^^ b.nal shall be an-anged by ti.e directors with refc^ren etc t o socia posi .on of the deceased; the date and hou" of burial shall bo communicated to the relatives Par. 50. Any final or temporary dismissal, or anv recon. mitmentof patients, must be communicated bv the ). and send these, together with copies of the speei lists, to the nnnistry. In his re})ort, the district physician si. . ommunicate l observations and investigations concernmg the occurrences mental diseases and the care of insane in his district, and t arrangements relating thereto. When the lists indicate insufficient care of the insane, t district physician shall investigate the cause, and, with tli(> a of the district authorities, endeavor to abolish the same. The cause of epidemic occurrences of mental diseases, slu bo investig-ated by the district physician, who shall report tfie ministry the possible means of prevention. Par. 3. The grand ducal ministry of the interior shall t( ward the special lists, after their examination, to the statistic bureau of the grand ducal ministry of commerce. The statistical bureau shall compose fr )m the lists, registe for every district, and a general register for the whole couiiti and communicate these to the directory of the hos})itals ni forward them officially, together with their remarks, to tl ministry. Par. 4. In the years in which no complete lists are iiiiul the mayor sluill report in Uie latter half of September in siu II the community, who GERMANY. 1091 years to the district authorities, how many, of tlie kind descrihed'in P.,r TV'"^' 1"'^'"'^"' '^"^^ or diseh^^od since the con.pletiou o^ the hslli^" T""'''^ and iiow tliey are cared for. ^^ '^"'^ ^"cport, The district authorities « e , , rhy»ician who shall po / ^ , ir "' ? *" "'« '"«'"'* ainrthoi Jp:J;:t f™:,;;;:';;;: ;'"";7'«« -■<• a.h.i.o,. to ,h, Par. 6. In force sCZm. * '™'>"«nt of the i„sa„o. n''ml i or; ! RUSSIA. CONCEKNIXG THE DlSCIIARliE OK RecOVEUED CuIMINAL InSANI I I (Criminal (ode 18-17.) Art. !»*.). Among tlu' causes in consequence of wliicli a criin or misdemeanor is not considered punishable, belong idioc; insanity, and attacks of sickness which produce confusion ( mind or entire td)sence of consciousness. Art. 1(H). An idiot is not accountable for a crime or misiK meanor, Avheu then* is any doubt, in consequence of Ir mental condition, that he realized, at tlu> time of the actioi the unlawfulness and nature of his deed. Jicmark 1. Idiots or insane persons who have committe nuirder, or attemi)ted murder or suicide or an incen(h"iir crime, shall l)e [ihiced in an insane asylum, even when 1 parents or rehitives are willing to undertake the supervisi and treatment of the j)atient at their own home. Insane ci'iminals ])hiced in an asylum shall not be i chai'ged without j)ermission from the higher authorities. If, however, it ])ecomes evident, in the course of time, tl such pei'sons have entirely recoveivd, and that within t years no mental abnormities have been observed, tliey in after a re[)eated and searching examination, be dismis- froni the asylum, and their estates be freed from att'ai'iinic according to the existing civil laws. This period of ol)servation of tw(; years for recovered | tients may be abridged, Avhen si)ecial reasons exist and th is suflicient security that no danger can arise therefrom. A recovered idiot may be delivered to his relatives, \\\. they bind themselves to keep him under close surveilliii and, in case of the reai)pearance of morbid phenomena, return him, using the necessary precautions, to the ins;i asvlum. w 'llH, '&■; nussiA. 10!)^! edCuiminaI' Insank. .) MU-e of wliich u crime ■nimble, belong i lime of the ucli (that is, eau.sed by disease but not by intoxication). Kemark. Keferrinij; to the transient or teni|)orary insanity (mania transitoria, acutissima,) if, durinn- sudi condition, u murder or attemjited nmrdei' or atteniiited suicide has \,v,v.u committed, the sanu! precaution is to be taken as in ordinary cases of insanity, concerinnt;- the period of ohservatiou; but that period need not be of so lonn- duiation as in the cases cited above: — six weeks of observation is snllicient in such cases for the dotermination of eoniiijetc reeoverv. Arts. 104 & 10."). The exemption from punishment for the commission of crinu's and misdemeanors, relo's also to such persons, as have lost their mental faculties and the; use of their reason in conseipience of a.^e and inlii'mities. and also to sonniambulists, who act under the iniluen, ISSJ, to "cdiisider tlu' (|iu>.sli<)ii ol' the care of tlic sant.' ill this ( 'oiiiiiioiiwcallli, tlu' mode of llicir introducti into pulilic and ])i'ivat(' asylums, the ;j,fiicral scope of (li troatiiH'ut, till' mode of their su))ei'vision and release, \\\\'\ are helioved now to he inade(|uately '">nstn,liou „(•„, olli..,. luvin, ,.1,,.,,...,. .ni ';•-<'•'•' •'';-H./.-nJor an indHinit..,.,.io,|Jn,.,al.^^ ,„^ ol any sort lor tluMnsams wh.n. nil ,1,,, n,!,,. ,,r ,,,,,.,,,,, ,, pro,K.rtyanM,.opar.l,.|-tl,a(.lo,. so„,,v:. a .... V. ..v..; .1 iMr^.; iMrmtory, a sjurial , -on, ,,ns>inn.lH,ul,|. in .,,,,, ,.,,,,, ,„. rrovHl.,! ,,r, (o art as a .vnlral l.o,,nl, u ill, authorii v to "..o. |.o,ntvs,torsn,tlu.s,.v..ral,.onnti,.sto,v,„v..n, ,1h. .: n.iL s,on a,i,l a smvtaryor a^.nt lullyan.l .,H,.inllv,,nalili,..l ,. "'•Mnr_tlu..n,.n<.arry.nnouttl,.. provi>iun- wind, ,1,. law iv- ([iiircs in the prciiiiscs. Thisroursc has luvn i,ursu..,l |.n.,.|i,,.llv in niini.Tous in- sta.KTs; aiul, also, where a l.oar.l ,.f Stair .hariii,. i. i„ ,,^i,, vuvv. The coiumissioi,, however, has eonehnled to ,.ro|HM. a .nea( Public Charities shall add two of Its members as now a[)poinled, thereby creating a committee on hmaev, which shall dicine whose "respectability" is vouche.I f..r by a maoistrate. to cer- tify to the insanity of a citizt'ii, and this action insures his commitment for an indefinite time to a hospital. Th.y mav liaye oraduated at the date of this certilicate, and mav be chiropodi.^ts or dentists. Such a delermination of the (jiustion of in.^anity may consion a citizen wron-ly to any hospital for i I I ;M II I I hi 1008 Ari'ENDEX. tlic insanr. As lo alnishouso:-!. private lionscs, or asylu tliere is jio law to <.>uar(l his iiht'rty. The coiniiiission given w]iat*.vor protcflioii seemed possible and praetiea under any and all eircmnstanees. Wluitever appeared nei sary lo secure eonipeteney and impartiality of the signers the commitment certificate, and due investigation of tl professional I'eputi* by the magistrate has been re(iuired. 'J magisterial certiiicate as to the standing, etc., of the j)hysi(;ii ■would have been confined to that of a judge of a court record, but that, for a considerable nortion of the vear, si service could not be had in the large." part of the C'omm wealth. It has also further guarded thj safety of the allej lunatic, l)y requiring the prompt investigation and action the medical superintendent of the institution to which si person may be sent. CoRKESrONDENCE. The propriety of exercising a censorship over letters writ by patients in any establishment for the care of the insaiu thought unjust and injurious, and postal facilities have bi provided for, in their behalf, by the act of the commission is the case in Massachusetts and some other States. It is (|i tionablo whether a prohibition of the right of corresjxjudc can be maintained legally. The onus of proof of its nece^ would certainly rest upon the medical superintendent. M; cases of inmates of hospitals have been discharged by courts, who obtained cognizance of them solely by accidei communications, throii.;.L visitors, escajjcs, etc. Ckiminat, insane. The justice and humanity of providing lor this class of sane were earlv felt bv the judges of the criminal courts, \ were, under the law of iSot!, re(|uired to connnit to close ( tody persons acquitted of crime on the ground of insa there being, at tliut time, no place o[)en to them but the tcntiaries and county jails. They, therefore, with other hui and })hilanthropie citizens, memorialized the Legi«latui 1839, to establish a hospital for the insane, and for authority be given the courts to commit to it all persons acc^uitte it 'V„ 1 API'EXIJIX. 1 000 crimes on the .uToimd of in.sauitv. In ISI:, ||,.. ^, „ , • , judges wlu, luul tl.o responsibility of .lisposin- of (I,,., > by more reeent legislation, ol>taine.l in Isc.l a>nl ther..,!., r the State lu,.tiebo,,itals,wi...aU.,.p.,ti,;:'i^^^^^^^ approval ol the juy have sullieiently iveovered to justilV their re- lease from confinement. Jt has been thou-ht'. theretbre, that the oflicers of hc:)si)itals for the insane should be held to -triet acc-ountability and be made legally liable for all improper or unjust detention of such cases. It is, therefore, recommended that seetion seven, act of April 20, LSCO, !'. I., p. so, be repc^ald, as it relieves officers of hos- pitals for the insane of all responsibility for any detention, if coimnitted according to law. The commission advises the adupfion of a section, in lieu thereof, making the medical 1100 APPENDIX. superintendent li{il>lc to a civil action if it be shown, by ju cial sanction, that lie has acted in bad faith, or neglii^ent towards the jtatient. 'J'he comniis.Nion recommend, al.^o, tliat indigent patici restored, wiieii disen.u'ged from the hos|)ital, be suitnl clothed and furnished with a small sum of money, sulll( u to carry them home. A'iSITOlJS. The formal, stat;'d, perfunctory visitations of officials lo li pitals foi' the insane, is not all that even the jiresent laws the subject contem})late. The visits should be solely in t interest, and for the }»rotection of the ri<2;hts of the inmaks these institutions, and the otlicials should \>v exjx'ctul to ol every facility to enable such visitors to fullil their duly: a these visitors should not be deterred by any im[>res-i pinj observation of the condition and needs of the iiniiates. ^'ls^|■s OF l"\v.Mri,v I'liYsiciAX. While the commission fell strongly the im[)ortanee of p viding the insane j)atit'nl with the best medical skill and ; vice for tlie treatment of bodily disease, which is possili tlieri' is an obvious dilliculty in re(|uiring the physician nf 1 hospital, although mainly a s{iecialist, to consult with an ni side practitioner. Tlie provision for stich inlerveiiliiai I therefore ])"en s(» guar(le(l, as to satisfy the most jcaluns alii i.-t. At the same time, the [)hysician named by the laiiiily ■' .'iHi.. 1 APrKNTJX. I()l if it bo shown, by judi- iul I'iiitli, or ne<;liif('iit!y, tliat iiidiiiont ]);itioiits ( hi)S|)itiil, be suitiililv ini of inoiu'V, !^uHl( ant atioiis of officials to ][n<- 011 the ])i'esi'nt laws dn should Ix' solely in the rijj,lits of the iuiiiates of uld be exjX'eh d to oifcr to hillil tln'ir duly; and 1 by any innires^ioii — exists in any e.isc lor III of a patient. Tlieiv rs as should prevent an iuvestigatiiij;- the condi- neral well-beiiiii,' is emi- on. This fallacy is not has been lon^' since it le Htatcs of this countiy. ider the usefulness- of all le requisite inspectinn nf ned, and for \]\v prdpir < of tln' inmates. lYSK lAX. ' the iin[)ortance of pro- t medical skill ann,atanytniie,withtl,e consent of a, juou,., and to p,v- scribo lor bodily ailments with the n.nsent of t;.. .diiH'id v i dan of the insthution. Kv.,, ,,„„•.„„ ^,„,, ,J^-;,^' pr.viU"^e will b..glast furth.r leuishilion. p.ut they deem it inexpedient to enlarge their proposal at this lime being as.sured that an honest and faithful oh<,.,'vanc. of tla' provisions of the proposed act will satisfy verv largely public expectation, and greatly benefit the (d'ass in whose behalf legislative relief is asked for. ]t may iu,f Ik- inappropriate, however, to append to these explanations of the wo'rk of the ,','g suggestions: commission, the follo\\ Sr(i(;i:sTroxs. Havhig :.o\v given to your ILxctdlency the reasons fo,' the legislation the commission has recommended, we will vtiiture, ill the further discharge of the duty imposed i,|H.n us, to make' the following "suggestions" lor the amelioration of the condi- tion of the insane: 1st. The chroni- or incurable insane should be more econom- ically provided for. The capacity of the State hospitals, iiiclud- TRT^ 1102 APPENDIX. ' . ing Pixmont and riiiladelpliia hospitals, may be stated 3,742 ; if to this wo add the private institutions, to wit : J'^rien As^dum, Pennsylvania IIosj)ital, and Burn Brae, it will nit accommodations for an aggregate of 4,o72, leaving a surpl without adequate provisions, of .'^SST insane persons to be p vid(>(l for in almshouses or elsewhere. While it is possi that a small })ortion of the chronic insane may be propc eared for in connection with the county j)Oor-houses, the gr majority require a supervision and oversight which cannot extended to them in such places. The condition in which tl are kept, as a general rule, in the poor-houses of the State, 1 frequently been brought to the notice of the Legislature; a although there has been, of late years, a manifest improvemi in their condition and treatment, in several of the county tablishments, it is impossible, from the circumstances wh cliaracterizc the whole arrangement, discipline, and gove ment of such institutions, than these insane poor can be oth M'ise than grossly neglected and foully wronged ; for at i best they are simply kept in places of detention, under i guardianship of a respectable overseer, wlio is wholly ignon of their disease, and of the means necessary for its allcvial or its cure. The truest economy in their behalf will be secured by m ing the well-managed hospitals, or buildings adjacent then the sole receptacles of the insane in the Commonwealth, and making appropriate legislative provisions for all additions their present po})ulation. Tiiere is nothing truer than tl the .state or county must jiay for the suj)port of these defecli during life, unless suitable provision for cure and treatnn induces timely restoration. It is, therefore, no more than co mon wisdom that is a])])lied to the ordinary business of life take such measures as will provide the best opportunity restoration that the age atlbrds. If these dependent wards the State luunber some thousands, their claim upon the Sti in both a hujuane and economic aspect, is proportionat multiplied. We do not regard it as proper economy, on the part of theSt; to continue to erect large and costly hospitals for the recej)ti of the chronic insane; for it has been repeatedly demons! ra that not more than eight i)er cent, of the inmates of these expi A]>I'ENJjIX. 1103 lothins: truer than -tliat rive institutions l,„vo any pml.abilitv of r,.sl„r,li, „ riicsc large liosjiiluH with tlicii- m^liv ., '"""'"" "'' ''"-i'. 1.0 n^„,,,o,. a. no<.essa,,v fo. :::,i:'^ ZZ':'^';:"'' "!">■ Imt tlii.yare not nocossarv as nl.„.n ■ , r r ■"«,i„iy, for tin. d,ronic insane, pro^ilt;;;^^^^^^^^^^ ... a si...J.ler and nmre l,„nK..|iU. „ ,(;;"''' '- """>'-■ gost file ibllowini; plan w],i,.|, , , , ."'■""■.■"'".■'•sag- the feasnry of tlu, s,a, . . ";' V" ":' '■" '■""'■Neia] ,„ b<'i..g.S wlu->se sad woes^ , el t ;:,''' T'"" '""' '"'''"' l...uildin,s, , e r en I r""'.' ' ""^^ iiiir for convenience Tl,o.n i '^ ^" '"""" ''"''<1- "..a in perfect ad;:t„tii!;;^:^::'\;ir^;''■■■ , >' ..eeossary, with the ar.-liiteetnral , i, , :, '•',"""""■ "I-', if i..g, for three lu.ndred doll r / 'r^: V '-"■■ 'l""''- -a .very apphauee and appl,r,.l:t:^ ru;::'r:;: ;n.i» i.^ a reasouaUe and praetieah/e If , e': He '.Tt e I..' Ip ess wards of the (■„n„nouw,.allh, who are ,1, „ ^f s.Sl.t -Hi nuo the county poor-houses, and who a „ e f >ar after year m hopele.s wretchedness. liv .his , ,' il. The acute or recent cases of insanity receive 11... .H, It wdl leave ani,,le room in the large la.spilal, for all 1 -, of chosen chrome cases ; and. for (his pu,.,,,,.,,. „„ ,„,, -»> ™I0.,se should he spared to place Ihecural cca-es , eh r- Mi 1104 APl'KXDIX. aiv in lin;ij;(' hosjiltals, on a l)asis i-'i|iial, as n "'ards iii»;)lianc etc., for medical can; and treatment ti) that o( the best geuii hospital in the eonntry. ]t seems important, that convalescent wards l)e providiMl ' patients whose mental rehal)ilitation is lar_u;ely estahlisJiL Avhere the apartments, snrronndinys, and associations will ; cord with the varied habits and tastes, morally, socially, ai intellof'tnally, of the patients whoso health is so nearly restoa as to maitful if insanity itself has develoj)ed to the exU its growing numbei's would at tirst lead us to sup[)ose. \ have no evidence of any increase in the number of new ca: in proi)ortion to the jjojtulation, and it seems clear that the i crease in numbers is largely due to the accumulation of chroi or iiu'urable insane, and also, to some extent, to the fact that late years the conception of in:-anity has Iteen so libernli,' that there are n(»w, indeed, regarded as insane, persons w twenty yeai's ago, would not have been so considered. It is of vital imj)ortance tliat edbrts be inade to have id cent cases of insanity placed under proper hospital treatni if such treatment be advisable, before they ap|>roach a cl]r( condition and threati'n to bi'conie a burden upon tlu' resom of the State during tlu' remainder of their natural life. od. Nurses and attendants of hospitals should l)e ti'nn The great desideratum for hospitals lor insane is a coi|.- trained nurses and attendants. The superintending phy.-ir is cleai'ly accountable for the conduct of these iin[)ortant >u dinat(^s, as he has, by law, their appointment, exercises iIk tire control over them, and has the direction of their (hi Tlu' utmost care should be exei'cisecl in their selection, by quiry and investigation into their antecedents, and only li who are known to be of good character, consci(Mitious, am scsse(l of adecjuate ability, })atience, and forbearance shouK em})loyed. It is diilicult to obtain attendants possessing APPENDIX. nor as regards appliaucfs. hat of the host gciu'ial proper qualifications for the anionni ,.f tiK..n. TI,o „mce is „,„■ „f o trT'T"" """"■'"' vico. .,,,1 a superior ..luss of no „ ^o' , "',", '''f *■''■! «-- oftlR. |,I„n imrsu,.,! i„ «„„o SiaU. „r ' "'" '"'"I"'"" mspitals, proper tnuni,,. „t „„. I ,„■ „,„ , ,; ^ tnulniR phys.cian or liis assist,„ils. ,„ ,„,„,,„| ' "" 4Mi EMr,.ov„,.:.T-lf „„-..!,.• „.l,„ , |' „„,,,, nude to tur,„.sl, tl„. ,,„„„(os of ,1,,. l,o,p , ,,; .,,.,, , ' patioil and exercise, it wi.iihl a.i.l lar^elv to ll„. ,■ , • , the pati..ts. It eannot he ..p..,.^ i^.!; :;;.:.;::;:';.:! month alter month, an,l ,var alter year, .ontinetl in ,h. wal ot an n.sane hospital, w,lh hut litth- diversi.u „f ,,;„ opportunity ot hodily in.provenient or inviu.„,ati.„. ,, possess many chances of recovery fn.n. a n,ala,lv which ;^- the nearest possihic approach to p^H^ftiu,, in Iheso resources, for relief from the peculiar ii.lhction which they sutler. •> l^u> want of these alleviations is the ]>otent cause of the dis- content which prevails so largely in all asylums for the insu.e- whic I prompts the perpetual solicitation for release from' pamful mcarceration. Most patients are not onlv ahle hut desirous to do some active work, and oftcMi crave it. ^ Of course there are excej.tions, hut the general rule sl.ouhl he to occui)ation, wh-'ch is productive of good results The large farms connected with hospitals for the insane ailerd ample tacilitics for the occui)ation of tlu> larger pr.ipor- fon ot the men, in gardening and other work upon the grounds. With others, tiie ennui of hos],ital life mi^ht ho advantageously relieved hy industrial work of a •li'lferen^ nature. Jt would also he found entertaining and useful to liave patients, who are in con.lition of health for such em- ploynuMit, instruct their fellow patients in some educational branches. Educational facilities of all grades, as far as practi- 70 '■ 11 (k; Al'l'KXDIX. Hi i. 1 1, i-nblc, iiii^^ht ln' furnislii'd in hospitals; many jiatioiits woi gladly instruct (ttluTs in tlu' rudiments of education, the liinj brunclu's, music, etc, and this exercise might be a jiotent ag( for their earlier restoration to sountl reason, and, as no t pense would attend this etlbrt, the experiment might be nui the more easily. Jt is well known that cures have been ellected in aim hoi)i'less cases by giving suitable and acceptable eiitjiloijnieiit to I insane, and it always promotes the comfort, and even hap ness of the i)artially insane. J';mi)loyment is urged soh upon the ground of its inlluencc upon the j)atient, not fn any moti\e of jtrotit to be derived from it, and it is believed be a most ed'ective therapeutical measure, often morecomposi tlian the aihninistration of medicinal sedatives. ]n Fran work-shops for patients are just as much u jxirt of their systi of treatment as any other instrumentality or agency emj)lo} to })romote their restoration. Thus we should seek to give these heli)less ones content minds, and hasten their relief l)y drawing their thoughts aw from tiieir mental inlirmity; and to relieve the hospital of prison aspect by some occupation congenial to their pecul habits and tastes, as modified by their malady. nth. RESTRAINTS. — If there were more exercise and us occupation, there would be less cnij)loyment of mechanical, even medicinal restraints advocated and practiced by so superintendents. In English hospitals, restraints are considered injui-id they rely solely upon moral influence of suitable kind, < pation, and exercise, and have found by experience, that w patients have had such reasonable treatment, there was need of mechanical restraint of any kind. The suggestioi the advocates of mechanical restraints, that where they an used, medicinal sedatives are more largely em})loyed, is a I one. On the contrary, the irritation caused by tlie foruu not experienced, and thus the various drugs used to reliev are not necessary. These statements are based upon \uu[ tionable personal knowledge and observation. In institutions in this country, where the abolition o; straint apparatus has taken place, the same results have lowed. " To-day," says one of these superintendents, " wo ; iii •li.H I AITKNDI.X, viinent ini<'lit be; iiuuk 07 no str!iio}it-juck('t, straps, d,.. * ■■:■■ * -y struint and the omipation or tlH. ,Mli.,Us l,.s lH..n ,n.K, .,,i. iactory; tlu- pulu-nts hav. Invn ,,ui.,.,, ,„„,, ,,,,.,.,„; many have m.ovc.v.l, while working uhu, otl^nvi;;, no lu.vcMlonoBo,orwouldhav..n v.n.l nind ,, s o I Kivo become convinee.ltbat a ^nvat .leal of lil.ertveau le t!:;:^i:T' I'^^^^^"'^^- -'^ ^'-^^^ ^^ <•-• a,lvan.a,e and If restraints arc t^e.l at all, il.ey should be restricted to pa.entsof a suicidal or homici.lal tendency, and be applied only by the personal ,l,rectK,n of the superintending, phy i Uu. Imt ,n all other cases their use should be prohTbited. W.: tlnnk they could bo dispensed with altogether. We remain, dear sir. Yours, respectfully, (Signed,) joiix \,\ J1AUT]{AX].T, KICIIAHl) 1). McMrUTUlE, JOSEPH A. liKKI), M.i).^ S. WEIR MITCHELL, M.l)., J.T.ROTIIHOCK.M.D., L. CLAUKI-: DAVIS, GEORGE L. IIAURIHON, Commissioners, etc. ■gely employed, is a I'alse AN ACT RkI.ATIVK to TIIK Sl'l'KI! vision AM) CONTJIOL OF AfSYLUMH oi{ IIoi'SKs IN WHICH Lunatics AltK J)i;iAINKU. Section 1. Tlioro sliall be a central hoard which sliall hav the supervision over all houses or places in which any persoi of unsound mind is detained whenever the occuj)ant of th house or person haviiii:: charji:e of the lunatic receives nu C(Mnp(Misation for the custody control or attendance other thai as an attendant or nurse and also of all houses or places ii which more than one such i)erson is detained with or withou compensation paid for custody or attendance. 8ec. 2. The IJoard of Commissioners of Public Charities tc gi^ther with three other persons one of whom shall bo a mem her of the bar of at least ten years standinointment or on expiratioi of term of service and the (iovernor upon sutricient cause ma, in his discretion remove any mend^er from the office. Sec. o. The board shall appoint a committee of five to act a the committee on lunacy. The three additiomil members ap pointed under this act shall be members of that committee aiK three meiTdiers shall constitute a quorum and shall be autlioi ized to exercise all the powers conferred by this act on sni( connnittec or on the central board and the conniiittee shal choose a president and secretary to serve for the current yea and annually thereafter. The secretary shall receive an an ruial salary of three thousand dollars with necessary incidoii tal expenses to be accom])anied with proper vouchers payabl (luarterlv bv the State Treasurer and he inav be removed a the pleasure of the committee on lunacy. Ari'KNlJlx. Ill'l Src 1. TI„>c„„n,.il(.M.o„ luiuirv liMvin ■,,„vi,l,.| '' , in .'xa.MUH. lor tlK.,ns,.lu.s or through ilo^wJ^Z "i '" annually to tlK,( on OP h,,,;,; ;;'';; ;i-' --n.ltn.a,n...,..nditsl.all.HMl.Wn,,or;;:n,^:^^^^ i.llicrs rcspi'i-livi'ly HI (• i,ii™. ii„.,,,,,|- .„ ,. . , ;""' I t:u.i,.s,„oi;„-,,,,m,^„,s;v;:.;::r ;:;,'■' •; full inlonnali,,,, ,,,,,,.,,,.,, in. ,„ „„| w uJLZ2.^"u .See.,, II,.. s,,„ ,,,„„„m,,. „„ ..■ya,v,.,„|,„„v,v,i„,,i .e,|„„v,l to exeent,. II,,-,,,,,.,, ,|„„„,,.|,,„ ,„. ,|,„i,'„.,,„, ,," ' ';"' ; "™'" ;">'! « "'" 'iiiwi ti„.i,. .„.,,.,,„,. ,„,i I, .„„ sl.all uls„ „,ako s„el, oli,.T n,l..s „,„| ,,.o,,|,„i„„, |;„. ,Cw ,', , g,n™n,,,.,,la„,n|,at„r,|„,i,,,,,,,,,,, ^,,, ,,,,,, ^,,,,^^ With tho i)rovisions of tlii.s act. ,s,,. fi Tl,.. ,-..|,„rt „f ,|,„ ,„i,, ,,„ , , I,,,,,,,,. .I,,,,, , pul. ,sl,., a,,,,,,,, Ij. .,,,., .,„„,,„,, ,„„, ,^. ^- tlic l)oanl of Public Cliaritics. Se lawfully detained as a lunatic or of unsoun shall not extend to any jail or prison (-) Ju'gidations to insure the i)roper treatnu'iit of per.sons so (letained and to guard against improper or unnecessary deten- tion of such persons. (.3) Regulations of the forms to he observed warrantin.-- the commitment transfer of custody and discharge of all lunatics other than committed by order of a court of record and as to these with the consent of the presiding judge of the court under whose order the person is detained. IW^, 1110 APPENDIX. in (I) The visitiitioii of iiH jioiiscs or {»lacos licoiwod under tl art and ofall persons d('tairi('. The meiid)ers of the hoai'd of visitoi's shall he i pointt'(l hy the committee on lunacy in eacdi year and sli continue until their successors are aj)|)ointed and the ce mitteo on lunacy may remove tlu' visitors and till vacam in tlie otlice. Si:c. lU. Women may ho appointed mend)ers of the hoa of visitors and at least once a year these hoards shall he lil uj) so that niend)ers who have faile or place used foi' the dcn'nljon care i,v cnsiody \\,v uhi.h a license is rcfiuired under this act who ^hall vin'lal.. .,r omil n> oliscrve anv reunlation of tli '' '■"iinniltcc on hni;icv andi(pri/.c(| by this act aftei' a copy of tiic same ha> hcin Lit at thr said house or place or .Idivcnd to the prrs(,ii named in the liceiis(^ shall he decme(] nuilty of a mi-demcanor and all e,,||||||,,n law- rights (»f actinu or indictments aiv also reserved. Sec. i:;. d'he coninnttee on lunacy shall fiom time to time pr()\dde for an ellectual visitation of all pi isons conhned as insane in all places over which ihev are niveii jurisdiction hv this act and an inspection of such holies i,r places of eiadine- ment and of the mode of treatment of the insane, and ihev are re(iuired to have such visitations and inspeciions made at least uneo a month l>y a inendter of the committee, their s( of at least three persons one of whom shall he a mi'nd)er cd' tlii; coniniittee on lunacy and annually hy a ma- jority of .said comnntlee. See. 11. Aiul the hoard shall make rules to insui'e to IIk; patients the adnu.ssion of all proper visitois, liein^- mendters of their family or personal friends ao-cnts or attornevs and compel ohedieJU'c to such reuulations. See. L"). The detention of any jiei'son as insane in any liouse or place made suhjecl to the provisions oi' this act without compliance with the reqtusitious of this act shall Ih> a misde- meanor on the part of any person eoncerned in such detention who has omitted or ))ennitted the omission of anv of the re- (purenients and the l»arty ao-grieved shall also he t'utitlod to his action for (hnna,i;es. Sec. l(i. No verdict or jud,i;-nient shall he entered in any ac- tion nor shall any judj^'un'ut he I'Utert'd (mi any indictnuMit for such detention as a,ii;ainst any i)erson or jx'rsons who ai'c sub- ject to the reo'ulations and provisions of this act who shall have complied with the re((uireuients of this act unless the jud|;e after trial and verdict shall certify that there was proof 1112 Ari'ENDIX. lo his satisfaction that the narty charu'ed aotod with gross ncji licence or corruptly or that he acted witliout reasonable o j>rohal)le cause or was actuated by motives other than th good of the })erson restrained. Sec. 17. In all buildings or establisliinonts where an insan person is detained which are subject to the provisions of tin act there shall be kept the following books which shall be a all times oj»en to the inspeeti'm of any member of the com mittee on lunacy or the board of visitors of the pro})er count; An admission book. A discharge book. A case book in which there shall be periodically entered al tlie facts bearing on each patient and his ease. A medical journal in whiv'li there shall be at least once week a statement written of all matters which are of specia importance bearing on the treatment and condition of th ]»atients. Sec. 18. No person shall be received as a patient or for deteii tion into an}' house or ])lace where more than one insane perso] is detained or into any house or ])lace where one or more insan ])ersons are detained for comi)ensation without a certilicat signed by at least t\\'o physicians who have been actually i the practice of medicine} for at least liv(^ years both of who .'^hall C'U't.'fy that they luive examined separately the pers( alleg-'d lo be insane and after such examination had do vcri believe that the ])erson is insane and that the disease is a i'haracter which in 'heir o]>inion reipiires that the })er; should be placed in a hosjiital or other establishment wl the insane ai'e detained for care and treatnuMit and that th are not related by blood or marriige to the ])ers(>n alleged be insane nor in any way connected as a nuMlical attendi or otherwise with the hospital or other establishment in \\\\\ it is ])roposed to place such person. See. 1!J. The ''crtilicate above })rovide(l for shall hav(> be made within one week of the time of the admission of the [>• son alleged (o be insane and shall be duly sworn to or allirm before a judge or uiagistrate of the county where such pers has been examined who shall certify to the genuineness of t signatures and to the standing and good repute; of the signe Sec. 20. No person shall be received into any house for dete l'S( l| ne ai iicted with gross iicg- ,ithout reasonable or )tives other than the lonts where an insan'3 the provisions of this loks whicli shall bo al member of tlio eom- 5 of the proper county criodically entered all ■i ease. all be at least once a ! which are of special and condition of the : a patient or for deten- tlian one insane person lere one or more insane I whhout a certilicate have been actually in e years both of whom separately the person nination liad do verily that the disease is of quires that the })erson ;r establishment wliere eatnuMit and that they ) the person alleiied to IS a meilical attendant L'stablishment in \diicli led for shall have been le admission of the p(>r- ily sworn to or attirnied nty where such person I the o-cnuineness of the kI repute of the signers, nto any house for deten- APPENDIX. 11 ^»' ti^n unless at the time of such reception the person or p,.,.ons at wliose mstance the person is d.tainc.l si a'l hv . ' m signed sMe that tlK.p.rson has been r.n..v..d.n.M;^.^ anie.1 at his or her rerothers an sisters and the. nsidei.ees of eaeh .,1 ihe^e jiersoi.s. 00 If not more than one of these classes is known th,. names and residences of such ..f tlie n(.xt degree of relative, as are known. (10) A sfat(.inent of tli,. tinu. at wlii.h th.. iiisanitv has been supposed to exist, and the eircumstances that in.hin' the belief that insanity exists. (11) Name and address of ..|11 medical att> n.jaiits of Ih.. pa- tient during the past two years. 8ec. 22. Shouhl the per.son in eharge .)f the house have ivason to believe tliat any of these, -talements Uaxv ]nvu •emitted through ignorance and that the answers will be im- mediately furnislied and no reason existii;g to d.Mil.t the good faith of the parties after inquiring of the intended m he '''■tamed it shall be lawful to detain the immn allegv.! t<. he insane lor such further period as shall be nee. ...ary to obtain th(^said statements comi)lete ])ut not exceeding seven >hys. Sec. 23. Within twenty-four hour^i after any person is rfr- ru 1114 APPENDIX. ceivcd into nny liousc for detention as an insane person 1 person in cliarge there shall enter or have entered in a be kej)t for that purpose all the faets statcnl in the certificate documents rcipiired to l)e exhibittMl at the time of receiviuff 1 patient and shall file the oritjinals and preserve' th'Mu. T regular medical attendant of tlH> house sliall within tweii four hours after the reception of any patient examine si patient and reduce to writing the results of such examinati and enter the same upon a hook to l)e kept for that ])urj) together with the opinion formed from such examination from the documents ree;'ived with the patient. vSee. "24. Jn case the said meilical attendant is of t!ie opin that a detention is not necessary for the l)ent'lit of the ])ati h(> shall notify the ])erson or persons at whose instanee patient is drtained and unless such person shall within twen four hours exhibit satisfactory jiroof of such necessity the tient shall be disc'liargcd from the house and conveyed to nearest place wlieri' a public conveyance can be obtaine. i him. Sec. 2"). At the time of such examination the medienl attfi a shall himsi'lf cause the |)atii'nt distinctly to understan he or she is capable of doing >o that if he or she desires to or otherwise comnuinicate with any person or jtersons m will be providt'd for such intei'\iew or comnnuiication Slid attemhiiit -hall pti'sonally sec that pi'oper means arc u to commiiiiicilc (bis !act to thf pei'soii or persojis indicate the ]>atient and any person or persons whom tie paliciit then desire to see shall be j»ermitted to have a full ami u strained inW-rv^-w with the |)atient. Sec. 'J' J <'opie-; ol' the documents furnished at the iii the rfee|iiion of the patient (and of the examination n patient by the nie(|ical altemlaiit of the house) shall Ik wardc'l by mail to the adilrcs- of the scci'etary of die com tee on lunacy aiul to the secretary of liie board of vi--!!' the county within I'orly-eight hours I'rom the lime of da ce|>tion of the [)atient which stiall by them hi eiiteicil l»ook which they shall ki'ei. tor Tlii> purpose and at Ica-f in three nioiillis thei.' slui he a repoi'i maoe bv nhe hm ^ attendant ol the jiiu!-e nu tiltu- eontlilioti o!' •-iich jia' en uclher will; suc-h otiici- ma.tter«; relati\(' to the case a- i ii APPENDIX. 1 1 15 ^ an insane person tlio lave entore(l in a book 0(1 in the certificate or lie time of reeeiviiiji; the I prosLU-ve th'Mn. The ■;i' shall within tweniy- ])atient examine such Its of such examinaiioii e kept for tliat ])urposc I such examination -nl patient. endant is of the ojjiniitn U" htMU'lil of the ])atient s at whose instance; th" rson shall within tweniy- f snch necessity the jia- iisc and eonvi-'yed ti» Hh' nee can lie obtained i iiy at ion the medical altend- stinctly to understand if if he or she desires to see icrson or persons means or eommunieatinn ami t |ii'o|ier means are taken 1 or persons indieateil iiy IS whom the patii'iit may to have a full and uiuv- hirnishrd at the lime 'if the (xaminatinn of Uir the house) shall he fur- secretary (if die comiuit- f the board of visitors uf from the time of the rc- by them be enti'i'eil in a )Ur]iose and ;>t least min' lori made bv iihe medical lition oi' -ueh ]>,: ' ut U<- i\-e to ilie case a- i 'i -^aul committee or board may rerpdro and at any time sueh irport shall be made upon the re(piest of the secVetary of the com- mittee on lunacy. Sec. 27. During the detention of any person as insane any medical practitioner desionated by jdm or by anv niendK-r of his family or '^near friend" with the sanetioii of a juduv ,,r a court of record of the county in whieh Midi insane person re- sided at the time of jiis removal and detention shall he per- mitted at all reasonable hours to visit and examine the ].ati'nt and sucli nuxlical attendr.nt shall unless objected to by the patient, be permitted by iv(|iiept as to insure his deicntion until duly discharged, \\dienevei' any pei'soii detained in any jail or prison is insane or in sudi condition as to reipure tivatment in a hos])ital tor tin; insane it shall he the duty of any law judge of the •onrt under whose (U'dcr the person is detained upon application to direct an iinjuiiw into the eiit umstanees either by a commission or otherwise as he shall deem proper with notice t(^ t!i( committee on lunai'V and if the judec shall I'll l\l::'m :|iii:1l hi !'• 'iil lllG ArPENDIX. be satisfied tliat tlic person confined retinires treatment in lios2)i(al lie sliall thereupon direet liie removal of tlie said pi'i son froin tlie jail or ])rison to a State ho>'^>ital "which orde shall be (\Kecuted bv the sheriM' of the county or his deput and the actual expenses of such removal and the expenses c maintaining tlie person in the hos[)ital shall bo paid by th county liable for the maintenance of the said pci'son in th jail or prison from wliicii he is removed. Sec. oO. The trustees managers and physicians of an}' ho,- pital in which a criminal is confined by order of any court o in Avhich a lunatic has been connnitted after an accpiittal ( crime shall not discharge release or remove the })risoner o lunatic without the order of a court of coni')etent jurisdictio and in case such lunatic whether a convivt or acquitted] not set at large but is to be removed to any place of custod other than a hos[)ital the order for removal slnll not be mad without notice to the committee of lunacy a. id time give them tfi investigate the case and be heard on the 'ip})li('ati>-i Sec. oi. All persons that have been detained as insane (otlu than criminal insane duly convicted and sentenced by a eouii sliall as soon as they are restored to reason and are competeu to act for themselves in the opinion of the medical attendaii of the house be forthwith dis^'hargcMl and any person so dc tained shall at all tinies be entitled to a writ of habeas corpii for the determination of this question and on the hearing th respondent in that writ shall be required to pay the costs an charges of the ])roceoding unless the judge shall certify tlui there was sufficient ground in his o})inion to warrant the di tention and ]»ut th(> petitioners to Jiis writ. In case the di^ charged [)atii'nt be in indigx'ut circumstances such jjcrson shal be furnished with necessary raiment and with funds sufiieieii for sustenance and travel to his home to be charged to th county from which such patient was connnitted. Sec. o'l. The committee on lunacy shall be notified of nl discharges within twenty-four hours therealtcn- and these shal be eutertHl by the secretary of the committee. Sec. <3.']. Any three members of the committee on lunacy o the board of visitors of the projier county with one or nior members of the committe(> on lunacy may at any time orde and compel the disci Mrge of any person detained as insuii J' IIP APPENDIX. 1117 uiros treatinent in a iiuval of the said per- ho?'^)ital Avliich order county or his d(.'i)uty I and the expenses of shall be paid by the le said pei'son in the diysioians of any hos- order of any court or after an acquittal of move the i)risi)ner or ;on-i')etcnt jurisdiction onvivt or acquitted is any ^Aacc of custody 3Yal sh\ll not be nuul^' macy aad time <;iven ird on the application, 'tained as insane (otlier d S(^ntenced by a court) ion and are comp(>tcnt the medical attendant nd any person so dc- writ of habeas cori»e..s nd on the hearini;- the d to ])ay the costs and udiie shall certify that lion to warrant the de- \-v\{. In case the (Us- ances such person shall d with funds sutlicieiit to be ciiaru-ed to the imitted. lall be notified of all •(■after and these shall littee. )mmittee on lunacy (»r unty with one or niorc nay at any time order bn detained as insane (other than a person committed after trial and conviction for crime or by order of court). lUit such order shall not be made unless notice be given to the person having charge of the building in a dch the patient is detained and to the person or persons at Avhosc instance tlu; jiatient is (U'taiiicd ami reason- able opportunity given them to justify a further detenti(»ii and no member of aboard shall sign an order of discharge unless he has personally attended and t'xamined the casi' of the patient. Set. 34. Persons voluntarily placing themselvis in any of the houses provided for in this a< t may Ik^ (Ktaiiied for tlu' time they shall specify by an agreement signed hy them at the time of their admission but not exceeding seven ilays ami they n"iy h'om time to time renew the authority to detain them for a time not exceeding sevt'u days from such removal but no agreement shall be deemed to authorize a detention unless signed in the presence of some adult person attending as a friend of the person detained in the presence of and also by the })erson in charge of the house or the medical attendant. Sec. o5. So much of the act entitled "An i:ct to provide' for the admission of certain classes of the insane into hospitals for the insane in this Commonwealth and their dischaige thei'(>- from" a]>proved the twentieth day of April .\nno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine mimber lli'ty-fdur of the pamphlet laws of that year as jirovides "that insane pcr- •sons may be placed in a hosiiital for the insane by their legal guardians or bv their relatives or friends in ca-e thev no cuardians but never without the cmliticate of two or iiKjre reputable physicians after a jiersonal examination made within one week of the date thert'of and this certilicate to be duly acknowledo;ed and sworn to or atlirmed beibre some maei-trate or judicial otlic(.'r who shall certify to the genuineness of ihc signatnrt's and to the n^spectability of the signers" is amended and the jiersons thendjy authorized to jtlace an insane person in a liosi)ital arc recjuired to observe the forms and conditions re(|uire(l by this act in exercising the i»owers eonfeiicd by the said act of the twentieth day of April .\nn(> Domini tlcai- sand eight hundred and sixty-nine when the insane })erson is placed in any house, hospital nr ]>!ace which is suhject W the pri visions of this act. ""^■■^p?^ r ' ■ ii Ills Al'I'ENDlX. Sec. 30. So mudi of said act as pnn'idos by section se^o as enacts "tliat it shall be unlawl'ul and be deemed a niis( meanor in law punishable by a line of not exceedin^^ c hundred dollars for any suj)erintendent otiieer ])hysi(ian other employe of any insane asylum to intercept delay or int fere with in any manner whatsoever the transmission of a letter or other written connnunication addressed by an inm; of any insane asylum to his or her counsel residing in t county in which the home of the patient is or in the city county in w hicli tlu' asylum is located " is hereby amendecl that the same shall extend to the superintendents officers j)! sieian servants or other employes of all hospitals houses jilaces which are subject to the provisions of this act. Sec. .')7. So much of the said act as provides by section " If the sujierintendent or officers of any hos})ital for the ins; shall receive any person into the hospital alter full comjiliai with the })rovisions of this act no responsibility shall be curred by them for any detention in the hospital" as ajjpi to the sui)crintendent or oflicers of any hospital house or pi made subject to the provisions of this act is repealed and place of the provisions of that act for the protection of si superintendents or ofHcers the pn. visions of this act for t purpose are substitutc(l. Sec. ;!S. Whenever any person shall be found '>y in(|uisit to l)e insane, the (•dinmittee of the {K'rsoii or t)f th.^ Cf-tate, { also the cl(M'k di' the court into which the in((uisiti )n has I returned, sha I! thereupon forthwith send to the co.umittei lunacy, at their principal office, a statement in writing, siij by the committee, of the lunatic, of the name, age, sex. residence of the lunatic, and the r-sidence of the eonniii and upon any change in tlie residence or ]>lace of detentie the lunatic, shall forthwith notify the committee of luiun such change. The committee on lunacy, or any one or ii of the mend)ers of the committee, shall have power to \ and examine the said liniatic an«i authorize such visitiii examinati(»n by tlieir secretary, or any board of visitors one or more nii lubers thei-eof. and by a })hysician, and said committee are authonzed to apply to any court ]ia\ jurisdiction over the committee, or to a judge of a Coii Common I'leas of the county iu which the lunatic is a i AI'I'ICNDIX. 110 vides by section second iir full com]>liance sponsibility shall be in- thc hospital" as applies 'hospital house or i)lace > act is re})ealed and in )r the protection of such dons of this act for that dent or detained, to make such orders for the iiiiiinlriianre, custody or the care of the lace of detention ot' L' committee of lunacv of nticy, or any one or more litill have power to visit thorize such visiting tiiid any board of visitors, or by a physicittn, ;ui