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Printed by Order ot the House, for the use of the Members ; By John Neilson, 3 Mouataiu Street, QUEBEC Tniprime' par Ordre de la Ch&mbre, pour Tusage des Metnbres : Far John Neilson, Rue La Montagne, No. 8, WVEBBC. IPC C • . * " • • • • %. ■jtfiTKqmJ>«tw'«=''V''''" 1 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Tuesday, 12th January, 1813. The Members convened were : The Honble. the CHIEF JUSTICE, Speaker. LORD BISHOP 1 of Quebec. J The Honble. Messrs. DUNN, BABY, DE ST. OURS, HALE, DUCHESNAY, DEROUVILLE, DE GASPE', RYLAND, CUTHBERT. PRAYERS. The House was informed that a Sum- -nons had been sent to WilUam Smith, Esq. Clerk of the Legislative Council, which beuig read, was in these words : HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, Friday, 8th January, 1813 Ordered, That William Smith, Esq. do on Tv - day, the Twelfth day of January, instant, at half past three of the clock in the af- ternoon, attend the Committee of the whole House, appointed to enquire into the causes of, and the injurious conse- quences resulting from the delay which occurred in the publication and transmis- sion of the Laws passed in the Session of the ] ;' - - « • , « 4 % the CONSEIL LEGISTATIF, Mardi, 12e. Janvier, 1813. JLiES Membres assembles ont ^te; L'Honble. Le JUGE en CHEF, Orateur. LE LORDEVEQUE? de Quebec. • 3 Les Honbles. Messrs. DUNN, BABY, DE ST. OURS, HALE, DUCHESNAY, DE ROUVILLE, DE GASPE*, RYLAND, CUTHBERT. PRIERES. La Chambre a ete informee qu'une Som mation avoit ete envoyee a William Smith, Ecuyer, Greffier du Conseil Legislatif, laquelle etant lue, etoit ences motsj CHAMBRE D' ASSEMBLERS, Vendredi, 8e. Janvier, 1813. Ordonne*, Que William Smith, Ecuyer, paroisse Mardi le Douzieme jour du present mois de Janvier, a trois htures et demi de l*a- pres Midi, devant le Comite de toute la Chambre, charge de s'enquerir des Causes et des consequences injurieuses qui ont resulte du delai qui a eu lieu dans la pu- blication ct distribution des Loix passees A 3 dans 'T.Wfi. ''''"• the Provincial Parliament begun on 21st day of February last. Attest, (Signed) Wm. LINDSAY, Clk. Assy. And the House was then moved, on the be- half of the said William Smith, Esquire, that he have leave to attend the Assembly, pursuant to the said summons : but it appearing, that the leave of this House for the attendance ot the said Wdhani Smith, had not beeu asked of this House by the Assembly ; It was resolved unanimously in the negative. The House was then informed, that similar sum- monses had been sent ^^ Charles De Lery, and James Voyer, Esquires, Clerks Assistant of the Le- gislative Council, which were produced and read. The House was then moved, on the behalf of Charles De Lery, Esquire, Clerk Afisist^nt of the Lecvislative Council, that he have leave to attend the Ass^embly, pursuant to the said summons ; but it ap- pearing, that the leave of this House for the at- tendance of the said Charles De Lery, had not been asked of this House by the Assembly ; It was resolved unanimously in the negative. The House was then moved, on the behalf of James Voyer, Esquire, that he have leave to attend the Assembly, pursuant to the said sum- mons : but it appearing, that, the leave ol' (l.iri House for the attendance of the said James Voyer, had not been asked of this House by the Assembly ; It was resolved unanimously in the negative. AVed- \\ dans la Session du Parlement Provincial commencee le 21e. de Fevrier dernier. Atteste, (Signe) Wm. LINDSAY, GrefF. Assee. Motion a 6t6 alors faite pour le dit William Smith, Ecuyer, de lui donner permission de compa- rottre devant TAssemblee, conform ement a la dite Sommation, mais TAssemblee n*ayant point preala- blement demande permission au Conseil pour que le dit William Smith y comparut ; II a etd resolu unanimement dans la negative. La Chambre a ^te aussi inform^e que des Som- mations semblables avoient ete envoyees ^ Charles de Lery, et a Jacques Voyer, Ecuyers, Assistants Gref- fiers du Conseil Legislatif, les quelles ont ete produites et lues. Motion a ete alors faite pour le dit Charles de L^ry, Ecuyer, de lui donner permission de comparoitre devant TAssemblee, conformement a la dite Som- mation; mais TAssemblee n'ayant point demande prealablement permission au Conseil pour que le dit Charles de L€ry, y comparut: II a ete resolu unanimement dans la negative. Motion a ete aussi faite en faveur du di^ Jacques Voyer, Ecuyer, de lui donner permission de compa- roitre devant PAssemblee conformement a la dite Sommation : mais la Chambre d'Assemblee n'ayant point prealablement demande permission au Conseil pour que le dit Jacques Voyer y comparut. II a ete resolu unanimement dans la negative. Mer. mi 5 Wednesday, 13th January, 1813. 1 HE Members convened were : The Honble, the CHIEF JUSTICE, Speaker, The Honblc. Messrs. DUNN, BABY, DE ST OURS. HALE, DUCHESNAY, CALDWELL, RYLAND, CUTHBERT. PRAYERS. The House was informed, that another summons had been sent to William Smith, Esquire, Clerk of the Legislative Council, which being read, was in these words : HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, Tuesday, 12th January, 1813. Ordered, That W^illiam Smith, Esquire, ordered to attend before a Committee of the whole House this day, do attend the said Com- mittee to-morrow, at half past three o'clock, afternoon. Attest, (Signed) Wm. LINDSAY, Clk. Assy. And the House was then moved, on the behalf of the said William Smith, Esquire, that he have leave to attend the Assembly, pursuant to the said summons ; but it appearing, that the leave of this House, for the attendance of the said William Smith, had not been asked of this House by the Assembly ; It was resolved unanimously in the negative. The 6 Mercredi, 16e. Janvier, 1813. mJES Membres assembles ont ^te : , L'Honble. Lc Juge en Chef, Orateur. Les Honbles. Messrs. DUNN, BABY, DE ST. OURS, HALE, DUCHESNAY, CALDWKLL, RYLAND, CUTHBLRT. PRIERES. La Chambre a 6t6 inform^e qu*une autre somma- tion avoit 6t6 envoyee a William Smith, Ecuyer, Greffier du Conseil Legislatif, laquelle etant lue, etoit en ces mots : CHAMBRE D'ASSEMBLE'E, Mardi, 12e Janvier, 1813. Ordonne', Que William Smith, Ecuyer, qui avoit ordre de paroitre devant le Comit€ de toute la Chambre aujourd'hui, paroisse devant le dit Comite demain a trois heures et demie de I'apres midi. Attest^, (Signe) Wm. LINDSAY, Greff. Assee. Motion a €te alors faite pour le dit William Smith, Ecuyer, de lui donner permission de comparoitre devant I'Assemblee, conformement a la dite somma- tion, mais I'Assembiee n'ayant point prealablement demande ni obtenu du Conseil permission pour que le dit William Smith y comparut : II a etd Resolu dans la negative. La Tho House was informed, that similar summon- ses hiul been sent to Charles De Lery, and James Voyer, Hscjuires. CIimRs Assistant of the Leg^isla- tive Council, which were produced and reatl. The House was then moved, on behalf of (^harles De Lery and James Voyer, Clerks Assistant of the liegislative Council, that they have leave to attend the Assembly, pursuant to (he said summonses ; but it appearing, that the leave of this House, for the attendance of the said Cliarles De Lery, and James Voyer, had not bccii asked of this House by the Assembly ; It was resolved unanimously in the nej^tive. Resolved, That it is essential to this House to keep itself entirely independent of any autho- rity which the Assembly may claim to ex- ercise over this House. Resolved, That a ri;;ht on the part of the Assem- Isly, to summon or compel the attendance of the Clerk of this House, without the leave of this House first had and obtain- ed, would render this House dependant upon the authority of the Assembly ; and thereupon, it appearinf]^, that William Smith, Esquire, the Clerk of this House, and that Charles De Lery, and James Voyer, Esquires, Clerks Assistant of this House, have been again ordered by the Assembly, to attend before a Committee of the whole House, this day, at half past three o'clock ; and it appearing, that the leave of this House hath not been asked of this House by the Assembly : It is ordered^ that they do not attend the Assem- bly, this day. It 8 La Chanibreacte aussi informee que des somma- tions semblables avoie.. itc envoy^es a Charles dc I/'ry, Kcuycr, er a Jacques Voyer, Kcuyer, Assistants Grertiers du Conseil Lcgislatif, Icsquclles ont etc pro- duites et lues. Motion a 6*6 alors faite pour les dits Charles de L^ry, et Jacques Voyer, licuycrs, de leur donncr permission de comparoitre devant TAssembl'-c, con- formemcnt aux dites sommations, mais la Chambre d'AssembleV'n'ayant point prealablement dcmande ni obtonu du Conseil la permission poui- que les dits Charles de Lery et Jacques Voyer y comparussent: II a etc Resolu dans la negative, Resolu, Qu'il est cssentiel a cette Chambre de so conservcr entierement independante de toute autoritc que TAssemblee peut prc'- tendre avoir Ic droit d*cxerccr bur cette Chambre. Kesolu, Qu*un droit dans I'Asscmblcc de Sonimer ou obliger le Greffier de cette C hambre, de comparoitre devant TAssembiee, sans en avoir prealablement obtenu la permis- sion du Conseil, la rendroit dependante de rautorite de I'Assemblec; et commeil pa- roit que William Smith, t'cuyer, le Gref- fier de cette Chambre, et que Charles de Lery, et Jacques Voyer, Ecuyers, Assis- tants Greffiers de cette Chambre, ont ete de nouveau Sommes de comparoitre de- vant un Comite de l*Assemblee, aujour- d'hui a trois heures et demi de TApres mi- di, et que TAssemblee n'a point demande ni obtenu cette Permission du Conseil : II est ordonne, qu'ils ne comparoitront point au- ourd'hui devant 1* Assemble'e. J B II ^b^H^.'^^;- It was then resolved, that a copy of these Reso- hitit)ns, of the above Order, and the Entries of yesterday, upon this subject, appearing in the Jour- nal of this House, be forthwith sent to the Assem- bly And thereupon, it was ordered, that the Master in Chancery do go down and deUver to the Assem- bly a copy of the present Resolutions, and of the aforesaid Orders and Entries. The Master in Chancery made a Report of his having delivered the Message and Papers accom- panying the same, to the House of Assembly. Friday, 15th January, 1813. X HE Members convened were : ThuHonble. the CHIEF JUSTICE, Speaker. The Honble. Messrs. DUNN, 'UBY, OE ST. OURS, DUCHESNAY, DE ROUVILLE, CALDWELL, RYLAND, CUTHBERT. PRAYERS. Ordereo, That the absent Members in town, be summoned. The House was adjourned during pleasure. After some tinie the House was resumed. The Lord Bishop of Quebec transmitted a cer- tificate from his Physician, siating, that his Lord- ship's ill health would n«t permit his attendance. The 10 II a ete alors resolu qu*une Cople de ces Resolu- tions, de rOrdre susdit, et des entrees qui ont et6 faites hier a ce sujet dans le Journal de cette ham- bre, soi jnt immediatement envoyees a I'Assemblee. Sur quoi, il a ete ordonne au Maitre en Chancel- lerie de se rendre a la ■ hambre d'Assemblee pour lui delivrer une opie de ces Resolutions, et des ordres et entrees susdits. Le Maitre en ^. hancellerie a fait rapport qu'il avoit delivre a la ("hambre d'Assemblee le Message avec les Papiers qui I'accompagnoient. 1^ f Venedrdi, 15e. Janvier, 1813. JLjES Membres assembles ont ete ; L'Honble. Le JUGE EN CHEF, Orateur. Les Honlbes. Messrs. DUNN, BABY, DE ST. OURS, DU< HESNAY, DE ROUVILLE, CALDWELL, RYLAND, CUTHBERT. PRIERES. Ordonne*, Que les Membres en Ville absensde cet- te ■ hambre, soient sornmes de s'y rendre immediatement. La Chambre s'cst ajournee a loisir. Quelquetems aprcs la Chambre s'est reniise. Le Lord Eveque de Quebec a envoye un certifi- cat de son Mt Jecin, portant que la mauvaise sante de sa Grandeur ne lui permettoit pas de s'y trouver. B2 Les -p;,.;.4?>i>iH>!^-^Vint^''i-tt*P^^K4',-Jrtrfi-;^7fl-i II i 11 The Honorable INIessieurs Hale and Gaspe ap- peared. Ordered^ That the Resolutions of Wednesday last, be read. The same were read according-ly. It was moved to resolve, that the Master in Chan- cery do s^o down to the Assembly, and acquaint that House, that the Legislative Council, considering the present importjint crisis of public affairs, and that since the passingMhe Resolutions of this House, of the 13th of January, instant, with respect to the Clerk and Clerks Assistant of this House, it is un- derstood, that the enemy are re-collecting on the frontier, with a view to the immediate Invasion of the Province, and being- on this account desirous of removing every possible obstacle to the immedi- ate discussion of the measures requirr?d, for the defence of the Province, and to postpone to a mo- ment of greater tranquility, the discussion of every question which entirely relates to the Houses of the Legislature, or to their privileges respectively, up- on which any expectation of a difference of opini- on can be entertained, have given leave to the Clerk of this House, and to the Assistant Clerks of this House, to attend the Assembly, pursuant to the summons which they have received. The Legislative Council, however, expect, that this proof of their desire to avoid the discussion of a (|i!(sti()n of Priviieii'p, at this particular mo- ment, will not be wii'.-:ied lA uu\ fiilncc dav, from its true purpns.', or be picinuiud to imply tin intenti- on ou their part, to relin([uish their pretentions, with rev^pect to the Clerk and Clerks Assistant of this House, which they have signilied to ^he As- sembly. F C It 12 Les Honbles. Messrs. Hale et de Gaspe se sont presentes. Ordonne*, Que les Resolutions de Mercredi der- nier soient lues. Elles ont ete lues en consequence. II a ete propose' de resoudre, que le Maitre en Chan- cellerie se rende a la Chambre d'Assem- blee, et I'informe que le Conseil Legislatif considerant la crise importante des affaires publiques au moment, et que, depuis la passation des resolutions de cette Chambre du 13e du present, relativement au Greffier et aux Greffiers Assistansde cette Chambre, il paroit que Tennemi s'assemble de nou- veau sur nos frontieres dans le dessem d*envahir immediatement la Province, et desirant pour cette raison ne mettre aucua obstacle a la discussion immediate des me- sures necessaires pour la defense de cette Province, et re mettre a un tems d'une plus grande tranquillite la discussion de toute question qui a entierement rapport a la Chambre du Conseil Legislatif et a ses pri- vileges respectifs, au sujet desquels il peut y avoir quelque difference d*opinion, a Son- ne permission au Greffier et aux Greffiers Assistans de cette Chambre de paroitre de- vant TAssemblee conformement a la Som- mation qu'ils en ont rccu, Le Conseil Legislatif espere neanmoins que cette preuve de son de'sir d*eviter dans ce moment la discussion d'une question de privilege, ne sera point distraite de son vrai objct, dans aucun tems a venir, ni rcgarde comme g^fija|P-^7iw:i^^;j<^:di*f!tJt??*?i m 13 It was thereupon moved " to adjourn." The same being objected to ; After debate- -It was resolved in the negative. The main question \Tas then put, to adopt the IlcsoUUions. After debate — It was resolved in the affirmative Dissentient, First— Because it is essentially necessary to the honor, dignity, and even to the existence of this House, as a Legislative Body, to preserve consist- ency in its proceedings. Seco^jdly — Because there is not before this House, any new matter whatsoever, which can war- rant a recession firom the Resolutions unanimously adopted on the I3th instant, or even a temporary suspension of those privileges, which on that day were declared to be essential to the independence of the Legislative Council, except only a vague re- port of the enemy's being in motion on the fron- tier, where it is nolorious he hath remained, without any important addition to his means of oH'ence, du- ring the lastfour or five months; and because, if tliis report were deserving c consideration, it ought manifestly to prevent any aggnession upon the pri- vileges of this House, rather than to operate as a motive for submitting to such ^iggrcssion. Thirdly- — Because the testimony of history, through -all ages of the world, proves, that the Re- presentative Body, in a popular or mixed Govern- ment, is too generally eager to acquire power and privilege, at the expence of the Executive and Ari- stocratical branches of such Government, and that times of danger and difficulty have uniformly been chosen as the most favorahle for this purpose. Fourth u comme une intention de sa part d'abandon- ner ses pretention" a l*egard du Greffier et des Greffiers Assistms de cette Cham- bre qu'il a signifie a TAssemblee. II a ete alors propose d'ajourner. l^t objection etant faite a la dite motion : Apres des debats— lil a ete resolu dans la negative. La question principale a ete alors mise d'adopter les Resolutions. Apres des debats — il a ete resolu dans raffirmative. . Dissentient, IE NT — ParcequMl est essentiellement r I'honneur, la dignite et meme Texis- Premierem] n^cessaire pour tence de cette Chambre, comme un corps Legislatif, d'avoir de la consistance dans ses proce'des. Secondement — Parcequ*il n'y a devant cette Chambre aucune nouvelle matiere qui puisse justifier cette Chambre de se desister des Resolutions unani- mement adoptees le 1 Se du present, ou meme de sus- pendre pour un terns ces privileges qui alors furent declares etre essentiels pour Tindependance du Con- seil Legislatif, si ce n*est un rapport vague que I'en- nemi est en mouvement sur la frontiere, oil il estres- te, a la connoissance de tout le monde, sans avoir rien ajoute a ses moy^jns cl'attaque, depuis quatre ou cinq mois, et parce que, si ce rapport merite quelque con- sideration, il devroit evidcmment prcvcuir toute ag- gression sur les privileges de cette Chambre, plutot que de servir d'un motif pour s'y soumettre. Troisiemement — Parceqiu; le temoignage de rhistoire de tous les siecles pr.^u e qu'un corps re. presentatifj n n 15 Fourthly — Because there is no ground to ex- pect, that the present concession will^ in any way, facilitate the accompHshment of those objects which His Majesty's Representative hath recommended to the' attention of the Provincial Legislature ; but on the contrary, that it will probably lead to further encroachmen'S upon the rig'hts find privileges of this House ; and ultimately, that it will prevent the adoption of those mcDsuros which are requisite at the present moment, for the support of His Majes- ty's Government. Fifthly— Because we knov^ of no precedent in the history of the Parent State, which can afford a shadow of justification to this House in the pro- ceeding it has now adopted. Finally— Because wc arc bound in duty to tlie King, in gratitude to the Imperial Parliament, and in justice to our l\.'llow Subjects in this Province, firmly to resist every attempt to destroy the balance of our happy Constitution. (Signed^ J. SEWELL, Speaker. THOs. DUNN, J. HALE, A L. J. DUCHESNAY, H. W. RYLAND. fC . c 16 presentatif, dans un Gouvernement populaire ou mix* te, est touiours trop porte a acquerir du pouvoir et d^s privileges auxdepens de l*Exdcutif et des Bran- ches Aristocratiques de lei Gouvernement, et que les tems de danger et de difficultes ont ete uniformement choisis comme etant les plus favorables pour parvenir a ce but. QUATRIEMEMENT— ParcequMl n'y a pas Heu d*esperer que la concession actuelle facilitera, en au- cune maniere, I'accomplissement des objets que le Re- presentant de Sa Majeste a recommande a Tattention du Parlement Provincial, mais qu*au contraire elle tendra probablement a de nouvelles empietations sur les droits et privileges de cette Chambre, et qu'enfin elle empcchera d*adopter ces mesures qui sont ne- cessaires au moment pour le soutien du Gouverne- ment de Sa Majeste. CiNQUiEMEMENT — ^Parcc quc nous ne connoissons aucun precedent dans Thistoire de la Mere Patrie qui puisse justifier, en aucune maniere, cette Chambre des precedes qu*elle vient d'adopter. Enfin — Parce que nous sommes obliges par notre devoir en vers le Roi, par notre reconnoissance pour Ja Mere Patrie et par justice pour nos compatriotes en cette Province, de resister avec fermete a tous les efforts qui sont faits pour detruire la Balance de notre heureuse constitution. I (Sign€) J. SEWELL, Orateur. THOs. DUNN. J. HALE, A. L. J. DUCHESNAY , H. W. RYLAND.