IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I bilM 12.5 ■50 ""^^ m^Bi 2.2 1^ 1^ ^ y£ 12.0 1.8 1.25 VL III -.6 ■* 6" K> /> v) c//*- Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 145S0 (716) 872-4S03 L767. 120 The Life of Augustus Herman Franke, steel por- trait. 121 Robinson Crusoe, illus., cloth, 352 pp. 122 Longfe'low's Poems, vol. r , steel portrait. 123 The Yankee Middy, or the Adventures of an Officer, by Oliver Optic, 331 pp. 124 The Rajah's Legacy, by David Kerr, illus., steel engravings, 240 pp. 125 The British Essayist, by Chalmers, calf, 1808. 1 26 A Voice from the Alps, by Denham Smith, cloth, 252 pp. 127 The Polar Crusoes, a Book of Adventure for Boys, plates. 1 28 Bogatzky's Golden Treasury, plates. 129 Choir Manual on Gregorian Music, cloth, 287 pp. 130 The Loss of the Kent East Indiaman, by Sir Dun- can McGregor, illus. 131 The Life of P. T. Barnum, illus., 511 pp. 132 Cooke's Life of Rev. John Wesley, portrait, sells for $1.25. 133 Outlines of Natural History, by Nicholson, illus., cl. 134 Lives of British Statesmen, 346 pp., covers off. 135 IT.e Builders' Directory, a Pocket Treasury of the Grecian, Norman and Gothic Architecture, by Langley (architect), numerous plates. 136 Dr. Thompson 01 Infidelity, minister, of Edinburgh. 137 Clater's Cattle Doctor, illus., 344 pp. 138 Macgowan's Dialogue of Devils, 336 pp. 139 The Lives of Franklin and Washington, gilt. 140 Dr. Sherlock on Death, calf, 1793. 141 The Observer, by Richard Cumberland, vol. 5, calf, 1798. 142 Complete Farrier, by a Practical Farrier, a valuable book for farmers. 143 Culpeper's British Herbal, doth. 144 The Castle of Athlin and Dunboyne, a Highland Story, by Radcliffe, half calf, 1799. 145 The Wars of England, cloth, 438 pp. 146 Rev. Dan'l Hascall's Elements of Theology, 261pp. 147 Zimmerman on Solitude, 2 vols., printed in Cupar- Fife, 181 1. 148 Letters of Lord Lyttleton, 2 vols., 1793. 149 The Life of Col. Gardiner, by D. Doddrige, cloth gilt. 15b Ovid, translated by Dryden, vol. 2. 151 The Seven Champions of Christendom, cl., 362 pp. 152 Harvey's Meditations, 372 pp., cloth. [pp. 153 Dr. Syntax in Search" of the Picturesque, illus., 256 154 Etiquette for the Perfect Cjentleman. 15s Scripture References, by Dr. CChalmers. 156 Three Volumes of Barnes' Notes on the Scriptures -Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Ephesians, Philippiuns and Colossians. . X ipical ledy, 1 )p. , :elle8 pp. \ Dun- V 157 Dick's Christian Philosopher, illus., sells for 75c. 158 Dr. Hall on Sleep, sells for $1.50. 159 The Old Distillery, cloth, 256 pp. 160 The Faithful Negro, by Maria Edgeworth, cloth. i6i Life's Struggles, also the Good Time Coming, by T. S. Arthur, 384 pp. 163 Rowing, Sailing, Riding and Driving, illustrated, and full Instruction.s, by Walker. 163 A Collection of the most Admired and Popular Recitations, Songs, Wit, Humor and Fun, cloth, 320 pp. 164 Dr. Young's Night Thoughts, 312 pp., 1812. - 165 A Manual of Method for Public Teachers and Assistant-Masters, by Parke, cloth. 166 The Lives of Famous Boys and how they became Great Men, by Johnson, gilt. 167 Aheel' Residence in China, 366 pp. 168 Sea Sonus and Tales, by Ned Halyard, 304 pp. 169 Selections from the Works of Bishop Donne, 380 pages. 170 The Life of Stephen Crisp, with Selections from his Works, by Samuel Tuke, 440 pp., half calf. 171 Life, Travels and Gospel Labors of Job Scott, half calf, 388 pp. 172 Memoir of Rev. W. A. Johnson, by Rev. William Jewett. 173 Charlotte and Lucy Temple, 2 vols, in i. y 174 Affecting Scenes, being Passages from the Diary of a Late Physicinn, by Samuel Warren, vol. 2. 175 Geography of ttie Heavens, a Celestial Atlas, by Burrett, beautiful illus. 176 Rev. 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I. ^ 193 Gulliver's Travels and Baron Munchausen, all in I vol. 193 Life and Labors of Rev. Robert Donnell, cloth. 194 F"orget-me-Not, steel plates. 19s Singular Adventures of David Price in Africa, cloth. 196 Religious Courtship, by Daniel Defoe, cloth, 312 pp. 197 Sturm's Reflections on the Works of God, 2 vols. , . calf, printed in Edinburgh. 198 Rev. E. Hirk's on the Doctrine of Creation, cloth. S^- 199 A Chronological View of the World, the Leading Events of Universal History, by Haskol. 20c Aschylus, translated into English by Burgess, Bohn's edition. 201 The Christian Instructed in the Gospel of the Church, by Rev. J. A. Spencer, 325 pp., sold for 6sc. 202 Professor Wheatley's Art-Work in Gold and Silver, beautifully illus., cloth. 203 Art-Work m Earthenware, by Wheatley, cloth. 304 Art-Work in Porcelain, hy Wheatley, cloth, illus. 305 The Puritans and their Principles, by Rev. A. B. Chapin, cloth, 366 pp. j|'y6 Dr. Peck on Christian Perfection, cloth, 331 pp. 209 311 313 307 Godfrey of Bulloigne, on the Recovery of Jerusalem, by Edward Fairfax, vol. i. 308 Every Woman her own Lawyer, a Private Guide of Essential Interest to Women, by George Bishop, sold for $2. Rev. M. Randies on Eternal Puni^'iment, cloth, 304 pp. Practi'-al Writings of Robert Trail, printed in Edm- • burgh, cloth, 359 pp. As tronomy, by List, numerous illus., half calf. The Lives of the Most Eminent Britis h Painters, Sculptors and Architects, by Allan Cunning- ham, vol, I. 313 Roy's History of Canada, cloth, 282 pp. 214 Dr. Lee on Human Physiology, calf. 3 IS Olmsted's Astronomy, numerous illus., one cover off, 310 pp. 216 The Early and the Latter Rain, by Rev. Jas. Smith, cloth, engravings, 320 pp. 217 Manna in the Wilderness, by Rev. James Smith, cloth, 320 pp., illus. 218 Rev. Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portion for Every Day in the Year, cloth, 388 pp. 319 The Mother and Wife of Washington, by Conkling, cloth, 346 pp. 320 God is Love, the Only Sure Foundation, by Rev. James Smith, cloth, illus., 320 pp. 321 The Borderers, a Romance of Prairie Life, by Cooper. 222 A Guide to the Law, by Reynolds, barrister, cloth, sold for 87c. 223 The Beauties of Nature, cloth. 324 Rev. Edward Softly on Universalism and Material- ism as viewed by the Holy Scriptures, 29:? pp., cloth. 225 Life, Character and Reminiscences of Prince Albert, by Rev. J. H. Wilson, oortrait, cloth. 336 Dr. Talmage on the Battle for Bread, 127 pp. 237 Practical Grammar, by Thos. Smetham, 118 years old, a curiosity. [old. 328 The Triumph of Constancy, 2 vols., calf, 102 years 229 Chambers' Narrative Series of Standard Reading, or Selections from the Writers. 230 Defence in the House and on the Road, or How to Use the Pistol, cloth. 231 The Rifle, and How to Use it, by Hans Busk, por- trait and numerous illus., cloth. 232 Moses Right and Colenso Wrong, half calf, 380 pp. 233 The Dates and Chronology of Scripture, cloth. 234 Dr. Winn on Materialism, cloth. Puritanism not Genuine Protestantism, by Rev. A. B. Chapin, cloth, 225 pp. The Arabian Night's Entertiiinmviits, cloth, title- page lost, 629 pp. [ilus., cloth. The Prince of the House of David, by Ingraham, The Lives of Notorious Prisoners, with Remarks on the Prevention of Crime, with steel plate of Chester Castle. 239 Hand-Hook of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, cloth. 240 Mechanics, by C'aptain Kater and Dr. I^ardner, hundreds of illus. 241 Strahan's .Agricultural Tables and Farm Book- keeping, a useful book for farm --s. 242 Much in Little, Facts and Inforii ion for All, by Allbret, cloth. 243 French Testament, large print, cloth. 244 Everett's Elements of Vocal Music, cloth. 245 Elementary Astronomy, by Mattison, numerous black illus. 246 Watchwords for the Christian Year, every page illu.s., sold for $ I . 247 Dr. Smith on the Treatment of Fevers, calf 248 Dr. Mackay on Life and Liberty in America, 10 iiius., 413 pp., very scarce. 249 Christian Doctrine of the Trinity, by Dr. Watts, calf, 1 70 years old. 250 Life and Religious Experiences of Mary Alexander, calf, printed in York in i8ti. 23s 236 237 238 251 Twelve Discourses on the Old Testament, by Mr. Le Clerk, translated by Mr. Brown, calf. i6q6, a cur osity. »S» Old Kensington, by Thackeray, numerous illus., cl. 853 Robert bcott Burns on Mechanics and Mechanism illus. 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Taylor, D.D., 192 years old ' 281 Dick's Quadrille Call-book and Ball-room Prompter over 100 figures. ' 282 French and Italian Dictionary, calf. 283 Sweet Mary, by Mrs. Palmer, cloth, 350 pp. 284 The False Key and other Tales, by Maria Edge- worth, 350 pp, 285 Life of Joseph and Death of Abel, from the German of Gismer, cloth, illus., 300 pp. • 286 The Artillerist's Manual and British Soldier's Com- panion, by Captain Griffith. 287 Scripture Biography, by Rev. G. T. Gallaudet, cloth, 300 pp. 288 An Introduction to Spanish Conversation, by De- LaCadena. 289 The Taxidermist's Guide—Animals, Birds, Fishes Reptiles and Insects, illus. 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The Teacher Taught, a Useful Book for Sunday Schools, cloth, gilt, 396 pp. Stewart's History of Modt- rn Europe, cloth, 332 pp. Graham's Principles of Elocution, Wm. and Robt. Chambers, Edinburgh. Buffon's Natural History, cloth, illus., 324 pp. Scripture Stories, or Sacred History Explained, sold for 7SC. Looking Backward, sells for 35c. Willis's Poems, steel plates, sells for $1.50. Burns' Poems, cloth, 394 pp. Coleridge's Poems, gilt, sells for $1. The History of Our Own Times, by Justin Mc- Carthy. ANY OF THE FOLLOWING 3 FOR 25© ' 331 Landscape Painting in Water Colors, by Barnard 332 The One Thing Needful, by M E. Braddon. 333 Ancient American Politics, by Hastings. 334 Memoirs of Prince Metternit h. 335 The Las Days of the Consulate, by M. Fauriel. 336 A Chance Acquaintance, by W. D. 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