■'^ ■■'■' --" .,-y:f V ^■. ■/■■■■' •" ^f . • J ' <•■ ). Sp— *» • e ». * <) * "^ ■• 1 L ' - * " «!' . • •" " ^. ' 1? V J^ . t „ •■ 1/ ' ,.- " >l" • - ^'' y " "' » .. IS " ' »f ■ ■ -m , • • , " ^ ^ > 4 ' •'■■ -..I*' ,J.. «s ■* J m 1 ;iJ^^ • - ^ .'I :A^^ ,^»ii«^»»^ .•-<. :.iv , CIHM Series' (Mohogrephs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) \;- V. f Camditn Institut* for Historical IMicrdroproduetions /instltut cahadion da microraprodbctions hittoriquas fc' ^ ■\ Ttchnical and BMMioffrapdic Notn / Notn tachniquM at bibliograpiiiqii«» qUM V' TtM ImtitMtt has ammptad to ol»taif tN bMt orifinil copy availaMa for f ibnina. Faaturai of this Aipy wliich may ba biMiographically Mniqtw. wffiich may altar (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol ▼ (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Maps, plates^ charts, etc.. may be fHmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to ba entirely included in one exposure are fHmed beginning in the Upper left harid comer, left to right and top to bottom, as niany frames as required. The following^ diagrams illustrate the method: ■ii\::f>: , >" I thanks alltv Ibility L'axemplaira f ilm4 f ut raprpduit grica A la g«nAro«it« da: ^ Thomas FiilMr Ran Book Library, Univarsity of Toronto Library Las imagas sulvantas ont 4t4t raproduitas avac (i plilA grand soin. Compta tanu dct/la condition at da la nattat* da I'axamplaira film«. at an ~ conformity avac las. conditions du contrat da / filmaga. ■■■■'.v ' , ' >* ' fifmad on mpras^ All bntKa- as-^ rintad a ON- 0"). It/, - toba d ft to s tha Las axaimplai^as orlginaUx dont la couvtfTtura an papiar ast impr|m«a soht f ilmta w coniignan^ant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant soft par la darntAra paga qui comporta una ampralnta d'imprassion ou d'iilustration. solt par la sacorid plat, salon la cas. jous las*autras axamplairas orlgiftaux soni f ilmte an commandant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una ampralnta d'imprassion Ou d'iilustration at an tarminant par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una talla ampralnta. ■ :■- ■■'. \ '■ ' ,. ■■ » . . ' '- ..■..-. ^ Un das symbolas'suivants apparaftra sur la darni^ra imaga da chaqua microficha. salon la cas: la symbols —*' signif la "A SUIVRE", la symbola ▼ signifia "FIN"^^ , , .; ' ^ _ . - Las cartas, planchas, ttiblaaux. ate, pauvant fttra fllmtei das taux do reduction diff Grants. Lorsqua la dOciimant aat trop grand pour Atra raproduit an lin saul clichA, II aat fjlm« A partir da I'angia supArlaur gaucha. da gaucha A drolta, .< at da haul an bas, an pranant la nombra d'Imagas nAcassalra-. Las diagrammos suivants illustrant la mAthoda^ t -""-" ;---a-:- i« ,*■';■ ...;v:.5,.::. 6 . ■ s ■ ■ i' ■■' • \ ' ■ ' ■' " " '■'■ r- MKMOOiT MOUinON IKT CNAir y(M«l ond eO TEST CHAIIT^M*. 2) ^^ ''A' . ' 1 'I A IS»3 Cott kWn SliMt fMmtw. Nn Yorti I4«0( uSA (716) 4*2 -0300- Ptan* (716) 2M-966».rai w^mivmum ^" ' "■?»""" •fF"""iM« / ONTARIO GENERAL ELECTIONS, 1898. A CONOENI^ED RECORD OFT 'mW-, LIBERAL GOVERNMENT /' Showing: so Years of Honest, Ppogresalve and Economloal Admlnlstpatlon. ' Itff Record as to Ihe Farmers, v > It, hM crektod a Departniont of Agriculture wiUi • auccoisful farmer m Ministwr. It Ims Hpeiit S!i.'M,530 in theint«rmta of Agriculture in the pattt four yearn, 1894-'9?. It has Rjicnt f l,1)2i),S00 (incluiling expenditure on capiUl account) (or the Mme purpoM in the pant twenty-au yram, IH7w-'97. It han han«leneriua for 28 years. It has cfinduotn'l the most extensive work in field exi>crini dairies througlioul the province for six years in nucccsaijEtn. . li lins eatabliiihcd fruit ex|ieririi-'nt stations at twelve points at little expense. it lias giye(i practical in!itrn<:tiriii to the furmers in fruit Hpi-aying for thti jwst three Jtut. It \vui energclioally tiikcn hold of l>^c San .los^ scale and the Tuben uloaifriiucatioB. ■ It ha'< established "a live <.iiK>cl Ruadi.Jiranch with marked success. U collects and publiKhei a<'<-umtn.fariiiL, municipal and other statistics; ^' It conducts .in cxIensiM- system of Farme'h! Institutes. ' It has established a .pi<>n<'er (arm in Xlooina and published valuable in frsnnation as to Ontario'* resources. It prepares and pubjjfihiKbuIletins and reports,- aggropitini; hundreds bl tho iwrsons, equal to a population of m5,000, in Free (irant; Townships. It hits collected on account of public lands, since 1872, (4,276,581. It has sold 4;:{9.t miles of timlMtr limiU for JF5,.366,700. Bonus, say, $1,222 per mile, just (or the right t.o.cut. still retaining the land. Dues 91.23 per.1,0()0'{eet, ground rent $3 per 8.ni.', It has collected f1ii. ^ It has encouraged iron mining and ateel and iron manufacture. ' 'It haa examined and granted licenses to 654 cullers of timber. - It haa establiahcd a forestry branch' and taken steps toward inrther forest preaervntion. — -t — ■■ ^ ■——' — '■■ : — . ' . ■■ ■ — --^- / Its Record as to Education. ' ■ *. It has ekpanded 914,500,000 during 26 years on education. It put the Department:of Education under the direct and' responaible control of » Minister of the Grown (a courae approved by .the .late Dr. Byersont the Snperintendei|t of Council d Public Inatmction). Quebec now propoaea a aimiliir change. '^ > ^ It effected a uaeful and important oonaolidation 6( thn Provincial achool lawa.- It haa improved the achool ayiiteni on 6hf diatiiiot linea, making it the moat complete and effective of any aimilitrqratem in the world. ' / It haa dona much to further Higlier Education in the GoIleMo and Univormty. It haa eatebliahed • Sohoid u( Fnotioal Science. Omnty Mod«l Soboda, Tralnina Inati- tntoo. a Normal iTqlloge^ Art Sohoolar TeMihoraf Aaoointiona nad Maehuiiea' InaUta- taa.%to. ^ ■■•■'"■ I -' •«r-. . ,ar' ' ' ■ " mmmm laiaM ••: ■■■■■-■ .i..-': V ,/•;-.■/; •"^■•' v. ,■,;..;■ . .. fc-^ii^ ?T** *I^ *«» book, from • nunbar fii diflbraat bnaOtJSrSi^ U om^ i -# .-hwlSi^ J^*l?!'!SS"*"* *?^ th. only priM »t Um Woeld'. FU» ipr • ompUu i i r /^ ICh Kecord M to the I,al>orlBc daMca. ^UoB ia r«gud«d M Um miMitadTaaoed and pragrtMivw of uy Mif.govwwid |h« accnred to wi*M Mid children thf^ 6eiiefit« of lifo Mmtaaoe. eraottd fno lihnri.. aHo^i M^k^^o "t '^''"S'* *"•• «gi«t«r. th« WocliiMui'. Lien for WamAot! J^dkiiL itiLfn '''^*; ^"^"^^ •»?«•• Coocili.tlon.nd ArbU«tiofl^^ tm umJer the pn.visioiw of the Miuter uid ffcr.M.fc *!,* .i S* ? ^^T^**** *■" fwvidcd ■'i , f «?•£?*''»••«• Owe, TmUqaorlioaBMn^. The .^..^^ ^,j^ 1^« River. MdStr«un. Cm.. Th« Indian Ilu« Cb^i "^ — — — T Province or mu niciMlity. If' !*»«••«» lor p^jmeat ^f^^I^nt^h^drcn^iUw?'*'^"''*' »"t^Mdtl« United SU^ " ' ' ~ — "J I , ' ■ . T*" pf^giMiita olMr- Us , Itbwproda rohn. thn most ^OfW" Thi.1. Xnve.ted Un ffciUlating the purehaM ..IS i5^ •■'* *»«w«»of n^ 'n-.Kri.ijSSii:'"'"''"'."*'"- / T^ wa^Sal , ) \ . .">, .■ ;/ lt.H Rfconl ad to Temperiuice Lei^Hlatlon. It. MU •fliciently regulated tlio liquor tr»ffi(% »nd bM giTen us »n «ot whioh hu rwtucml thoni'iihher of lirennesfrom 6.185 in 1874 5 to 3.0M in 1806-7. or on? lioemin for erwy 2H7 prrnoiin HI iho provinco in IH75. M iiKiiin«t one li<-«nM for Vitry 7'28 penwim in 1807- . » It lia« in.vlo W'lHprrsiM-f teaoliing coiiipuliiorjr in Hchoolii unint dommitmetrta for thiH ofT'^nce liavo fivllen fnmi 4.0.12 in 1877 to 1,716 in 1H07. Thua while • lirrc waaonorommitment for every III ponioii!* in thn provinco in 1877, there «*" in IH1I7 one for every l.-TW jiersoiia. The l)«»niinipl« < »n»nrio nUndn nl the hmil of alltho pnivincea nf the Dominion- U may l>e lol.Jitl (h>l no Hlale or oraintry from whinh ntnlidtics iiro ohkiiimhlo RhowR no ^noil • rocoMV. Tho follow JOR are ninf> of the priiicipil featiiron of tlio «iovornment'« lipulalion and one for each full 60W. (S) Itliafl providcil that Municipal t'ounciU niiiy "till further limit the numlier of licenses. ( t) It han ii>iiferrod the power ot philnbitiou bb Ui i)cw li<'iuiRe« Ulton a majority of eleotora in ixtllinK «nb ilivi««ion,t. (.5) It liaa , given lejt;iMlalion which prohibiln tli«» aale •f intoxicating li'piorM on vetweU navi>;iiting the lakes nud rivers of the provinco. (6) It haa provided that after yVpril. I8W, miloon lieenaos shall be a'><>liHhc«l. (7) It has prohibited the sale of liquors to all perHoiis under 5JI years of age. (8) It has given IcjfiHlation enabling relatives or employera of l>erHon» « Uo drink to excess, to ^rohilrit the sale of liquor to such iterNons. (ft) It haa prohibited the si\l" of liquor from aeVen o'clock on Saturday evenings until six q'cliM;k on Monday mornintfH, and during Municipal or Parliamentary election days ; and that for thrfo violationc uftlKie provision)., within two years, the license shall Im) cancelled. It is further provided that oil' ether days in towuships and villa^*-" no liquors shall be Mtld aft«r 10 p.m. jintil A »,in. i ami in towns and cities from 1 1 pjm. unld 6 a.m., and that stamlunl time shall gj oveni. Its Rrroril In Dcnlinc with the Afllirted. | It has expended over f l8,000,»HiO since 1872 upon hospitals, charities and a^lums. It ha«six large asjlums for the insiinc, and an asyliim for tjie idiotic, accomnuxlatiiigih all 6,7I'2 patients, at a lower per raniU coMt than any asylum in the States or other Province. It has institutes frtr the di «f, dumb and Mind, and gratiU aid to 1 12 ch»ritab»\in»tlinliona. It leads t he worhl in »ti» caro of t he afllicted classes. ., . \ ' ' ■ .' ~~*~ ^~~ ~ltH Itcrord as to Fiiiimieefi. \ " (Qiit of a total of $8«,('2l ,785, expended aincc 1872, it has returned to tbs peo|(l« iho '"••»*'• ing auniV, amouniing to $68,824,893, or 79 per cent, (with other smaller sums): — Agricuaure .:.... ; ••■•uSJfl VAwMwn •♦t^»'»."2» Mninlonanro of public institutions .'. - I5,4.c4,»i7f» HoiniUlsandrharities.. .i-.... 'jp'^'^ rublio buildiiigi and works. ».355,«!W Administration of justice...^.. • I'^''^'?.'* ■Goloni/Ation roads...... ^ , •-• ' . Jl ivi Aid to colonization arid ortier railways...... ;... *>''"®'*i' Municipal loan fund distribution 3,388,777 Of miscellaneous expenditure of f I ,flp8,000, I was returnoil to the people ..?;.;..... .:... 1,683.216 t68,824.8l»3 , '■ ' In addition to this lil»eraIe.ijfcnditnr«At has* surplus of $5,121,345. ! J •i Ottt of the total expenditure under Supply Bill in 14 years, I88i-'97, tho Oppoilition op- posed only $243, 146 out of $47,4 1 7,483, or, about one-half of one per cent. fi, '~^~'- Its Record as to Public Works and Buildings. It has expended $9,355,098 on PabUo Works and BoUdings (including $I,a|M>,090 for con- (traction of nsvr Parliament Buildings) sinop 1872i \A . \ . It has expended newly $3,600,000 on the Qreotion and intproveinent of Asylwns for thi ""^It has expettded nsarly $426,009 on the eraotioa and improTement « Inatittitea for tht .^It has egpsoded aearty $800,000 for tha ewotioo and Improreineat o^acaMoyU Bnadings wi^Ht, "^. ■.■\- X -•' ■. • :■ ^^ /■■■.",■. ■ .* L —m ==r- h- \ . ^■ "*■'' ♦ • \ 1 -. : , • > \ / ■. V ■ :j 1'.'- • .4' - % ^. 15 it o ,-#■