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ONE OF iHE PEOPLE, ♦^.,4. ^ * If there's a hole In a' your coals, 1 rede you tent it; There's a cheft'd amang you taking notea, aS Wth he'U pwnt If-Bumw. i- M 4 VICTOWA rlWreO 4T THE BRITISH COLONIST OfFlCt. THE NECESSITY OF REFORM. "Ni'ii.nlMi.t' 'Nn.lfn. Ill U.r Slate of f.,.,„M;.rk lUMI.h I form in Ih. A,ra(i..,. n ,'t -m .hr\ tllin In.""''" ^;' '^^ have loarncd thr ^rral .sonal trull, ,|. a , . •• : . / i-., ^"' ^T^"^ Prospn-.ty. Can I.ImtIn rv,.! u t. /i . 1 .v ' ' I ""^'■''^' M>rlH',i hv a few land,.,! i.ruhri.inrs » '" '' ';^'""f"-»* "'al- premuTs ami «'cr-(.i-iri,.c i v i. > • ' '^ '"'^ l'«'a>u/it.v b* Ihc .mTl,;",";. '"''■■ '■ '""•"■'•^ •""' l'"-'^l- I'.v 11". iuVrd,amai.d Tlic people dcrriand kriuuk-d^,., as ncrssirN to ^rlf-L'ovornrm.n. • -.o^ Charlos Ja,n.s l-ox has .. aid, " That prinnpll. (d" rrp.oMM tat t^M-Mhe test wh.djcal > u.K.actuily thrKrvalest iMmd.nof nd.CE aiid fxc(udc8 ihoM. who.(. co.uhtuM. take, frou, them ' p w 'r of ie: a 'V^ ^ i L:i'4ltf3'M liberalion." " To be frco," s.iiil that great statpsmati haiiifl Wrli^trr, '•the people must W. intollii^fntly IVcc. To lie tin' safe ilnr.s of political power, they iniist bralilc to coiiiprclicinl .itid uridct-.-iaiid tin? general intercsis of the coniiiiiiniiy." Aiitl inw lu lixik upon (nirown position, to canvass our rii,'lil.s and priNilcifcs, and to mt if aiittKifity has not been usurped by indi\idiiais which h('l(»iii,'> to the great body of society. What is our position, and who are the (jiiahlied Klettors'i' The present restrirled Kram-hise (h'|iri\es a hirge niind)er of our fel- low-countrymen of their just Kleclural rii;lit!; ; entails on the Colony bad Legislation and an irresponsihl?? yolicy : and demands a radieal reform in the Represcnlntion and ttie Rppn's<^rt!i(i\rs of the fieople. 'lolhis propositiop. a large mqjorily of the (»eo|ilc say — Aye! Tli« qualification for the high privllepe of exenisinir the right of voting for a member of the Legislature is rrMdined within the narrow circle of hjlders of twenty acres of land. Thus, the hoii>eliolder, the mer- chant, the ship owner, that larj;e and intelligent portion of society who occupy olTices for their busim ss, and live in lodgings — Knglisiimen by birth, Knglishmen in heart and in hahils. are cut off from having a TOice in determining who shall legislate for their ifiterests. It » ob- vious that a constituency chained down to .'>iich a linnt be influ- CDced directly, and iiKlirectly. by the great mi-nopolizing company, who are large proprietors of land, and who make llieir interests parn- monnt, and all other Ix'nd to their [irollt and advantage. It is not nece.eriene8 has taught to be the bt•^t. both in Canada and Anstratia — if a system if adopted that wnuM be in aifi.i'l.inrc widi tlu" sentiments of the think- ing portion of the eoniniiinily, then. wiMluni, order, and free institu- tron^i must pre\ail. The i)resent .system is a ni Micpnlv —an irii(piity. The great Su- prenn? has given to man intellect and intellit'once, and he who oIh struets, by anlideluNian idea>. the exercise if thost powers can lie no ffjeinl to the human family. In a well (M'gani/.ed settlement the intee- e.sts of all miistl)e truly and horie-lly represented ; and there must b« a recognition of individual responsibility on the part of the people. T!k! improvement desired is not that one class .»ihall grasp the power thiin another, or beeonie dominant, /as at pn»sent in the I^egLslaHve' As.sembly and Kvecuiive (lunnril.) Imt that the eombine.-> to do it- duly." If the Electors, have power 10 compel the rulers to abstain from jobbery — if they keep the path .>pen for ability in all classes — and If they adopt a plan of go\'enimcnl ■n.e from Hudson's Wiw Comjiany. and famiiy iiifiiiences. then they .ii.ty hope to promote iucli mea>ures of reform as are in accordanc't i ^ith ific pn.;'rps>ivr spirit of tf colniiv Tl II • ;r. rifl ffi •••n' iirMl,„sr ;i,„o„:;., „s vM„. f,.,, ,| '• ri^n- i;iN||::f.,i.'p of ^j "IHHI "a lirw f.|i;iM' .it'liiii I'll IIh'V Ii,i\ flirii o f k JoadiiiLT ^Iriiiij iiowlcdL.'.' .i,,.| i'\|M'rici '""' "" '■' new H'fliori „f (( i» f «TJt('rcfJ Itiat if I. tilUU.' 'iii^ Phill '"■ !<• Im> <|r||i.|,>i| |,v .| "'•■ \^'n. .ir.' lint |jk.'|\ iM .,,1 iintl to lull' a I ippf lia«l I.'IMI II IC AfM'ld — »lllt t(l raiH-,1 fh,. ri,.,!,. al ImhK | ""^ a lllatl.T(l^lli^|,,^^ "il lull. 11,,. n>r.r,n woiihl I '■""I Iwii liiJii.lrpil ia\»' >ali>lin| Fraiin and h.' mi^'lii have li.l.l i|„. Oiroii,. i.,.. . . l>ru:H;h,o,n,y,lii...,.K,.,^^^^^ tijf >aii in \sv\'r iix'iJ for " fhp prfVM'nia(,„„_wlirii (|„. ( riic powers of ;;i;''; 'l"^^l"^•^nl,n^l,„„Usa,,,^,|,,,,,.,■,,f;;; wliirli (j||ifnal»'l>l((| to li '"•■'iMjpolisi la-nclii of a lMO,i,.|,t an.J The «fai a <'uii>|,ir;„.v for tl ■'P'»tisin. ii.'''rs of Kiiropr do |,„| fat tirMvorsal.Miifragc UoiK'd l)\ oaths. I -nUs ori' er.sioii of , in's Maeki!ilo>h I las said — HI '•••rnt.cralic power. jjuJ •> r appealini,' to tli "' nnlion (if takin-^ for nf;i.if tlicprineipUv I niod«d an AniiTir Ion IS rarrii'd li> tli.' l.riher.v of all tl KTnlness of fh(> halloi. Tl or r\en liv sin ic road to thi' JKilhii ho\ If (»ni It'll' CM' «'('S. cith ui vv Federal or rn ••e^Mve iraiiiMi:,' ;»" and Iri>li eiiiii,Tai)t It i iea, i> leprex Illation of nnrnl T IS not fliro;i^'h their own seho(ds >wanipehip leads ofCJer- "•' yenins of the Constiinl The l{ that tl inent, M!i>>li jiidple eaiiiiot a<|opf the A : that of (.real lirit, ii'ii (if Ainer- iin. 'f da? le safdv and tlir\ know ii niericanciisioii, ; they cuiisid er Ml " ■' ""' "i;iiil\ Mrlne of the enVraneiiJse- Miii'i «ilh It ne '■ and that j.iili.'ir opinK j i' p< is'-iial liberty and safrt / IS y are hetler as- a heller iTirnlalrd "i"'<' l.iitlifullv represented, and act l"»wrr. ihan in the I niied Stat •v.^ary '• that tlir n.a>M:' ofihe franel e>. Tliev ileeiii ^P«nsihlr for the duties ol vsh ">'■ jH.Mhoii. will I,.- to make hini lak i'i'^«;nship. and the natnral lend n>e IS a eitizeii fullv re- encv of monuralih. raihrr than t . pla> wuh his >hare of nu'iHaiN pi» Tl in\ toiiteniptihle |,rihe ea Miicere interest iu llie coin- power for an\ ino- i'''|iiesli(.n < ll'c hefori adnn»inn that i- I'orni i- lit rded. t n i-n \t.r\ iinporlanttpjesiion. Tl fliat I «-"(dnni>t>. he Ke;'i.s|aii\. Asx'iiiMv d 'iiiii's u> at onee to the eonclu le sion To tl tit> Hot rt present the interests of II H qNt'stioii. what refttrin is nt^'deil? il i le answered- :I:!^:Z;lu'^:■::':'':l.:.^^±^^^^^^^^ linie, and \\hi< h that Jtlay pan in /iiakin:.' the 'l (' a t. riain txtent. is not loniest. A foil, frw, and irinciple hi ir virtue," van ur repre.seiitali.ui i> reipinvd a ha.std nnon a i •■ Mf.i.n.'... .i.i..n;,, , . '. * pcpnia." iiiiellii-nic,.. j.oj.nlar interests, popnl, upon US to (d»ev . The {X»ople want to see into the KxecniiNc Coiinei! i\NS which the l.ei^i^lali^e A.^seinblv r^iU three Chief Kaeh an inriision of new and jiopular inaterialf: whifli has hiUierto heeii coinno.sed (d" /S^ . Il.,.l it...- >' -.M ^ _ . l^ ••♦•form that will "> of the Hudson Hav ( lh( ive them twenty ineinhers instead of nipany. They want a seven. that will II Ml "••»r nn.l romvt : -'Iti. ,., . '•""■"fNl.... ' 11,, n,.U „ ,„,. S;v?-\'"''"y ^ «he people as .ha ' ' . ' r^' '" l'"^''' i"^ '>'•""'. ^'Irr.- jioiinl Law. ,„ ,|,e Brilis^h doiuin .Z, . ^"l"<-'iMiay of ConMitii- ••"♦•r.Monou8fahncEngla...i,var. ^ngla»j.| I thy people's free.lo.n "'g'» birth, |„g|, p,,,,.^ ^i,,^ ^^^^ ••'^nr.. vxhidihyannnaNalurLMnnl «nton>. hy no ha.H. IVar .Jisn.aN ,1 ""><^iMonravv.sifMpariialu„l. iVor call that aid ii, vain "|:|»'v.. orhrTsacre/i(:hari(.rpn>n,| V^iJJirv.Ty.arfhly «.,.„] ,,„,„;., . "'["""["avvav.Hh.r.iamiar.U,.].. • # . -"Jveii .,».|„|„.rK ,-„„si/t,ii,: III '•'• ''I'll >flii,iu.ii mui ,"^^ --■-. |>UI lit n IIIIW |J(r •' 'hp r('y/(h'fify, a},/unjf r ti U J' h Si n II le ('«' Vki ('0 U wl hi r.i. ('Ill Uh Iwh Uu hvh \ * constitution r.ftl„.A>MM.i[.u ,-.,i won't hear.", Wi.vt ',■ '' "'^"'•^ ''r.M)n;„> ....Jraf n. ,|„ cuityofoi,tnini,)Jsi.,, ':;:;■;'-;; --';7--Mi..*;t^ em, i„ ,,,,'.„„„ ' '- Hx' A.sp,„Ms. ,,„, „„,„ and enlarged n>w.s. .Cm ini ;' ^^:^^* « '^^ ui,|, ,,,0,-. ,■ : ^ . was drawn when enn.ralion ^^as i e , ^,'1^^^ ' '^ ''' ^^'"'^'"f^ered^ It has lieen remarked in anMil.. • "'^"•i?hl wf to this cclonv •certain extent uas no! i:. I^'^'' i;%; ^ -^ •»';• - -/.resen^.tion ., How the hon. member lor \an;iirnn V. ' ''"' ''>><'ti,),i ji isa.kcd Pj^rtl^ldJv asserts, that 1^.^:^:^,:,^^^^^^^ O.nmon^!.: TTjis IS a slur „,,on (he As.enil v T ' /•<»">"tuiionallv eleeted i)iuck to challenge the in^'n, e ' „,, "''f '"I '"'" '■^l"Tse„tafivc h. truth may he Wieil.d. the l'^ra!"^,^2ll "" ""'""">• '' "^^'^ » - liromoter. of a fraud, if anv. .xn ' ' , m '•'r",'''-^'''''^'''> ^"'^ t»^- To sav hat therp i« •. ... 1 ' L '""' pnnished. • fraud.- T.,;. ,m,u::':c:':T:";7 •"""'- •■■'--"'", ir ,.,., Thf> is another of the-r '''» lis have -(he rigtn htnosnot fa\onr." _ ''Who >hal( -u aho;it »>nn(int (lie slamji of merit v i . levied foV,;;:l[;;:,:;r;;;'';,;;;-;.;I";" '«• n',,nrr,l ,|,„ „,,, ,„„., ,, be r.g,d|y „dl„.ro,l ,., (,v n.'rv r , ' h r, '" "'"''■'■■■^"""'. "nd will council 10 anlici,«lc ||,;„ ,i„ l' "• ,„ "f """, " »""l'' I* a »i«. What measures may i„, hr, , »'i, f ' ""'"'"."""'il moasiirps of reform which .he (;„„„,„ iz " m , f";',:; ,,',;i "'"'''"" '^ " "'»'«■■ we rnav Ik! satisfied ii »iM ,„,, , *""'""'i""i?. is ,,(11 linown ■ hni bHllol, afler .Sa„ Fa," fa , ,', ,''"''"„"""'"'''^'" '""■^•W cXie 1 r.hmi.l principle »0 , na 1, , ' I vlci -n*'" ""' "™* "'I'T'' ' - eanvasscd in (Jrcal Brilaii, , , , *■',• ""''''' '"''• manv Ih eori. - •I'e qualificalian of ^u^",^,^ CT '"'"r •"*"'"*' "'^-'"^ ^ ''" '- wlneh hascxisled sin,v , I ; ^s o ,".'t ''i"", "' ""■ '"""■• •■"'" ;(»% rage. Again there are those who ohji-rt to ih.< franchise bcin" limited to householders, as excluding from th.' poll a verv largo and imclli-Tnt portion of the community. .An able writer upon' the suhjocl observes iha III the riass of lodgers, whom a rigid household sulfrage would exclude, I find no small [wrlipn of the intellect of the country Where but there, are most ©raur newspaper writers, who collect the materiali fo- public opiDion, arrs"-^ *'- — iargel.v to the foroMtfiR by Uiieir pamphlets, tary orators with member of ParK though he may n * them, argue u[)on them, and contributt \ guidance of that opinion? Some such, f ^tyi^at statesmen and leading Parliamen- apptrnis. What, indeed, is almost any #1^1^' >'- secretary, who moves the wires, K,. . -,, - -^V^ '" • • "'"'^ platforni as the |)ui)pel, and who nai, not even a vote lur V cceirtare whom he crams y Then acain prophets have their rooih li*e those of old : but, at Jirsi, very seldJ"; II e means of helpmg a candiciijta to get into Parliament. They are. bj example, guides to glory, but not to the poll booth. A bishop, or rHn?Th?"I""l' l"'Ii '^'''*''^' **" "'"''' •'^''*'"> ^*' '»^^'^'' »» t''<^ 'nost impor. w .?..?■''.' ""'"• J"dgment of a polifirian depends on the rent mfil nV " .'^''V'l V'*:''.'^''' ^'»'> I'''>it to one who lets houses, or oily to one who lets lotra..on of the linances of the counlrv. That is surely soin" '.ng in Inonr of a sulfrai:.. whirl, inrlndrs lod-Trs." Hu whateve^ t ..' franrh.M. may hr th;,t thr \..nuiu in Ihrir NSisdon. may piopound flK. count >, NMl a.lvor.ite a mca.sure to improve, purify, strengthen ■tnrl to enlarge the representative sNstein. » ' J'» siruigmen, Aijotber quolalion on this important subject may not he out of P^acc. The wr ter says :-- We d« not allect to dog"^ii.^ on twJ «r'.'a .subject ol reform. Public opiniom we v.Tily bdieve is aUnort purely c^md.d upon it. The nation' ' prays that the right m^y thrive? 1 he pros., when the struggle comes on, must he the criUc not the Sli- go^aer of nM^a«ures. Its ollbx' will be to expose dangerous frluds ^ •0 advocate misunderstood benefits. Now it has St to oJiS a»i.; he exclusion from a share of power of capable men fhe SS gmcl of large unrepresented clas.^-s. the denial of fair h«p" to p^ system in such a fashion as to tempt rather than to bar outunpatrioS 1 » ' '^^ """'li mi:;i liiliihty fruiii office. Wlion what is now ■Madi.wy in tin' inlnils „f |mrties ,■„..„„„■., a palpahl,, shaiM it I'Z I'^.s'iiTr;.;'"";'''' ' "' '" "'" '"" '^""^'' '"^' *'= ■^''»" O""^ >^'^ *"« liiti. •1. lier nev aiiv ol^ liii, it.' hoI( Th. • ' < led li.'i • or poi (Jai j inal sin I nril llie Scl iioll •'Olf to thai M tJia tliel of 1 iabj ottbl fiutf 'Orel fpc IK > a »» n m hon ktev )UD snt the at na mc Fi¥l M rati the B pe of ai a 198 \) *1 SH- OT lys, ac- m IveU, iir, .,«r |o not with ^oioe' Itever mnd, sntof lat of in this Imort iiiva.* )rotMl leno* Tlie Spei^ker (,r ih. Hou.r of As.n.Mv M.. iI.mI thr , mmmm V Dv nronn^iixr • .,. JMI.... : i . * . • •"" nity by proposiuj^ 'In olloNMII- IV>n|ii|in||, ;,| ,,|„. ol ll> |;,|,. m* Un«s as a test ot ,,„;.li(i.,.i,o,., ||,.„ |„.,s(Mi.s >l.o,.l,l su,.;.r (l,;.l Her Majesty, and Lav. .,ovnrl.;n.^.,| pKalUMarwr, ;.n,l l,.v> never declared un n.loniinn „. kr,,^<^i.r,li.,^^ .i,,,';;;^, any foreign sla'- or powrr, jHTor.Ii.||r tr.|^ ^v^s ami cotton.. ofsuchforn^,, state or power." -NH\ iStft.W I), IV L nuhas sa..l, ^; ir>o,. have a ,d ..^um^rt.'!; J/;:^^ U. Carry out yo„r propo>.i,op, an(f wJ^j-^L.t. ol ilu. oflirr holders WH) are ^vl^te^yashed Yarill5vT« .^ British Colony ' Tl^v surely cannot hold olli.e who liaves^orn allegiance to i\n Stripes and Stars. >Vhat, (hen, will l,m,nie ol' Co'- toorofCns((Mns? of yonr learned aini ( onipetenl CVown s/^ licitor? ot the He-istrar oith.' Siipmne Courl ? oC v<.ur tavoreri contractors? of a nnndnr of persons wIk. have i.e'en latelv yn- pointed to petty oll'ices, and the crowd of - pla.r hunlers"" w|,<. daily -Lore the (Jov.-rnor [or ol]i.r. Thev are ne.rlv, to r inan.-NMHlewashed Yankees:" manv of iliein openlv'nrofev wn^ tik'ir preference lor American rule, and linding fault with British mstitutums, when. •>! (he same lime the onlv kncmlcdi'. Uieyhave of them, is drrivcd fm,,, (heir na(ive soil, in W bcoUa or other parts ol (he C:in;Ml,... (»,ie of the lirs( ohieelsof Reformers Hionid he to liavc> -• elU.iive men " pla.vd in everv department (d the eivil serxi.c. Let t|„. „,o((o he. -fitness not favor," and let no( (li(> stepping-stone to olli, v he, the hav- tng sworn allegiance to a lorvi-n power. Knulishmen expect in wining to form a new c nl„ii\ and enduring mai'sv, many hardshipv to enjoy at least the s;Mne, il ,,..( i;rea(er pi ivi leges and freer hivvs than eouhl he the l(»t of a dcnscK pop„la(ed kingdom like Croat Britain. We do n(»t want Ameiican or Ameiieani/.>d ideav tliat make the revols.r (li(> arhiter of their disputes, or lynch kW the practice of inoh jurisdic tion, easting aside the suprrine law of tlie land, and overriding the conslituled andiorities of the statr. Thci writer will nc» douht he accused of "agitation "—of e\- „S «P't»>t.t "whiuwasl,..,! Vank.o' ,s vu!„arly np,.!,..,!. in an approbiou.s .srn«. to nrm^S Wbjecu. who liavlMK cast ,.M tl...,r .ll,,.,..„,v l,. th.-.r nwu K-vrrnmcnt. r.turn to Hritish d«minlons a..,t ria m It, ,,l.„,s a,,.! n«l.f. of fruo Tl..- following i. thf Mth: •! A. H:, .lo sol.M.nly sw...r, Ihnt I will mi|,| ort tlu- Constitution of the llnitr^ SUtei, «nd I do alsoluldy ah.! entirely rcnovr and alguro all. • '•''^•- ""■ ^»y «fll. .1... pmnerlv' X ''• '"' ''"r"!''""---! s>' l.n„.ti. ,|„.i,. ,,,,„ '" '"-'"« .1,,. i;,n,,s ,,i,i„; '""'''> l"''> <■"•■ inl«,„,,„i„„ '■■»'•.' " ''os,.,! „r- n.i ' " '" '■'■"■'•'■"•"s >.,|,,s „!■ |,,„|. p''"'^ '■;■»' ii"s s,,v:„ ,„„i,, ' " ,,; ""' ';"■ ""■ '-""fi^ .v «'^ ,.,„,,l,.v,.;i „ Itnssi..,,, .;,•'' '""'' l"r"^«"" '"'il: «"!«> tlia( ,>'.,0,)() ,„„„„|7 V , ""•*■"'"»> ^^ill,..l ,„„„ »P<'.'.lali,«, o( llu.,,. „. ,,■'"■' ."'■", "-^ I'Hill "„;,,„.," '"'*''"""l '200 1,„.|„.,,. , ' . •^'■"1 ••'"VlMnv, l„.(„,,.„„,. i i liii "" ''^''' l'">V..f p,,/jj,.y .') tl NVO..I,l II... r.o,,(,Nv h,vr ,r.-,,,.M| U,,. |,,„,||i, ,„, .hm.,,),,,,, ,, u. |>i"« poor nimi is not dolb.-d. d c.r i>is ri-hu an.' IIS jusj u. ■ . f.y chii-annv tl„i riiav l.r pra. Inrd. lo rxaniinc account ..n.i lm\ il iIj.-it ha< not h«rn misappropiialioM, and waslc ofllio Colonial Innds. To Allow what cducalion, nih.'r hv schools or puhlic lihrari.'s h;,v,. »ivnoi.;nvtolH'provid(.d f(»r (he p<()pl.., and what l.ooAs uiav iK'adinillt'd h> the priv.u die iplinc into ihc jail : l.» walch af' JippomluH'nls to oIIkv. and ^r that lli.' '• ri-Jit mm arr iu ilu- nplil place," and that i-n(.ran(c. indillircniv and iiKonipclcnc are excluded ; for Inrdoni .an onlv h.' whcr.' the hcsi rncn v^iU- ami watch over it. (.nard. ih.'n/v.nir ri-hls, he true lo von.- s«?lves as Kn^dishinen. and ne\.r loVjzd \onr dniv l<. v(,ur (ouih Irv and vonr (iod. r' t 'I p. S* — Since ihe aho\c was in ihe hand> of the prii^ ler, a sAetch ofa hill ha> appearcl in tli.'ncwspap.'is. piirp.trtini- to he a ♦•new liaiichise hill.' Il i> lo he hoped t!ial il will U printed al'ler ih.- first readin-. an.l liial parlies oiilsid,. (he A^^ .senihly may ha\e an op|iMrliinil\ ot' ju.l-iii- o\ il> merits. Mt McKay, who has chari,M' <•! Ilic hill, is tmr ot ihc five nominee^ of the Hudson Hay CoinpaiiN, an.l cue ..f lli.' traders in th;.: eslahlishment ; cons.'.|ucnli\ . aiiMhinij ..tmin^ from that .juai- ler connected wilh retoiin, niu>l h.' l.toAe.l upon wilh a iealot:.* ove. *• I (\o not like Ih.r. Do. tor Fell. Th.' rcaxm \\\\\ I .anno! It'll— I do \\n{ like ill." ')o. lor rell." Jnd^in^^ from llic alt>lra< I, luc measinv is tai Iwhmd lln at;* . It has hut ene ha>is prop. 1 1\ . Il mi^dil have sfiited the dav of Cromwell, who was .ar.-lnl lo ex. In(i< die " p.ipulace." e: ha>e mel with appi'oval iind.'r the Tiidcr dvnaslv. i'4'aU^.i 4/« The oliinl ofciNili/cil ii "Vcrilllicflls |«i MM llljiv ;|M.ii||v| wcoil' iw |»n)l.'rlsnli/..'ii li<.iii lili/rii: |,ul \\!.,,|' Iml ;iii \ >M'iii- Tliftl _ ^^^^^_ Wy n'|)i'cs.Miliij^r a br-r porliun ul tin- .uMimiimlN. UMiilduniinl tgainsi >M'()ii^' Intiii (he (•(t\*iiiMiriii '>•> *• imiloriii," ;mhI mnsi lions. Il |)la( «'s the KMiriliA K) The |)r()posiiioii of Mr. M. is f nocossarilvcxchnlc ini.i p(»|Milar el voter, who may not Ih» ai>lr i.. riih.i iva.l MiNMiic. hiil ivl possesses 40 iici-w of land tlie harrisliTS, pln>liiaiiH, sd III a iKisiiinii lioiit which il cxchid chants; the i|!#|»irjhlt' nie«hitii>(, ihal iiHjhiia^li'is, shipowners and iiior^ kniddle class, jnid iKose wl th< siivii'rih of s<>( ielv, the I" earn ihrir l.i<'.,d hv (he sweat of more ";i»n»^v. ^ ByUl^?j'iglllor:„dl,ajicalo„-caii ilic Noice— ..„ parlKMilar ot tiie latter ilass— he h,.;.rd i„ ihc L.-^i>lahjre. Tl bill IS ollensive, l^eeanse it is de-radiii- |.» (h,. rrelin-s. Is r tile NNiiier of (his lett« as the feeder of s^^ iiie, or the d diversilied" siifliaL'e, a hal r as Nveli (piahlied lor (he eleelive haiiehi S(* eJasses of NNhid r' ♦ aiKe of p,,\\,.r; jrl the vari(Mis I society IS coiiipo>e |„||y represented, and let the people have imin share in the lenisjj.iion of their eoiintr I Inek the mask Iroin the pMlJli, a! dimie ihal a 1()0 P'Mjiids (pialiticalion lor the ri"hl ol have the harefaced, e\c| Nolni'' in Victoria, and v on tl u>ive niilv u llich I ie reins of po'A.T. and letieivd the -Ail! mIiIi,. p,.o,,l I.el us have a l()|i.)n!id Imuschold silf so Ion;; held Mil innr nieinlM'iN : l!; lies. Lei Vi((,,ii;i |,(. divided into ! i- .1 I'll!' diN i>io;i rap'. e\|endin-r a (o >'mie Ir.MKiiiN'. (,i\,. ji ;,|. "It- \\ inls. iind H-|ve ns Lcl l>,jiiiii).,|| hiiM. dip reaclia -iveii ..( (|i!;,iiji..,| ;,,|i re'pjire>a pn*j)eii\ ,jii;,lili, ,,iion l:(.ii! \ ^'» •" iiie riMn- lo\\||s u||( '11 II lev the d iralioii of Nniii' \ ilie rranchise. lli Hiatt .md nuinhers, hiit is the result of the Hepe;i| (he i;,\\ \\||i(«|i . MM' ini'iiilM is: lix a liinii •inlily. and i any |m the (pieslion of 'piijion (.1 ;, >i,iie«v|||,,|i of modern times, )e(\\e(.fi Wealth SM '"''''"'"' r.-|»h->enf;,iion is noi a niedimn I a c( '■> ui.n-.sun 01 nie separate acli »nd of popular spirit, on i|„.,lill 'mi.inalion ul'ihe innuenees of hoth," It parale a( lion o\' properly, deliherale (tpinion erenl parts (.1' the politii al svstem. riNcr of oxen? Let us have a 1| I