i • ^ ' ■* •:# ^f . ■/• IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ **:^ \is ^i^ -t/ % 26X - 30X k M ' A 1 ' y ^33k. JiJL =2UL Jft& .2a& J2& / TH» copy filmtfd'iMr* has t—n r«produe»d «hanfc» / to th« o«n«rotitv of : Library of tht National Ar^vts of Canada / L'oxoinploiro fnm4 fut roproduit grict i la ginArotitd do: /. . La bibliothiquc des Archives ** ^ fiationa[M du Carwda Tho imagos appdaring horo aro fllo l^oat qudlity pdtiiblo €Oi\aidoring ,tho condition and logfbility of tho original copy and in Itdaping yirlth mo filming eontract opocHl^alion^ ' Original copida in printod^po^ covora aro fiimad baginning with tho frdnt/covor and ending on tho laat paga with^pi^to^ or illuatratodlifiproa- aion. or tho Mclc eovfr whon oppropriata. All othar original cdpiaa aro fHmad beginning od tho f irat paga wHh a printad or Uiuatratad impraa- aion. and ending on tho laat patfa with a printad or iliuatratad impraaaion. V "^ Lat imagot auivaritaa ont dt* raproduitos avac l# , plua grand aoin. compta tarui da la condition at .' da la nottotd do I'oxomplaira filmi. at ah • eonformitd dvac loa eondltiona clu contrat da filmaga. • <• ■'■■ . . . ■ ■ > Laa aiamplalraa originaux dont la couvartura 9r\ poplar aat lAiprimda aont fiimda on c^mmancant , par la pramiar plat at an tarminant aoit par la '^'darnidra paga qui comporto una amprainta d'imprMaion Ou dllluatration. aoii^par la sacond plat»v8aloh io eaa. Toua loa autraa ixamplairaa originaux aont filmda an.commonpant par la - ' pramidro paga qui comporto uno omprainta dimpraaaion oil d'illuatratidn ot on tarminant pa^ la darnidra paga qui comporto uno tolla \ amprainta. \' Tha laat recorded frame on oech microfiche ahall contain the aymbol ^ (meening*"CON- TINUED"!. or the aymbol V (meanlhg "END"), whichever appiiea. Mapa. platea. charta. etc.. mey be filmed et different reduction ratioa. Thoaa too large to bo entirely incladod in one expoauro are filmed beginning in the upper left bond comer, left to right and top |o bottom, aa many fremea at required. Tho following diagrama illuatratp tha method: ^ 1 t 3 Un d« aymboifa auivanta apparattra sur la damidre Image do cheque microficha. talon la caa: la aymbola — ^ aignifia "A SUIVRE". la aymbolo ▼ aignifie "FIN". canea. planchea. tableaux, etc.. pauvant Atra filmda 4 dea taux da rdduction diffdrants. Loraquo io document eat trdp grand pour dtra reproduit on un aoul clichd. il eat film* A partir da Tangle aupdrieur gauche, de geucha A droita. et do haut en boa. en prenant la itombra d'imagea ndcaaaaire. Lea diegrammaa aulvants iliuatrant la mAthode. /■ V 6 ^' N^, ; I ■ f TORONTO WATER- WORKS. I <)ii«iiutr. ! Bliai« SPECIFICATION FQIf CAST IRON WATER PIPES. — : / r -Tlif luiixiiiiiiMi r|iialititv •VHio'tons. In tliu t'oilinviiiir Sclicd 'il>L»\iv(iiiiicd will l,e aljout T.-'iOO tons, and the ininimiini aU.Ht ... whul. no.v lH..l..ng. tl.e,r cl.un.etcr thicknc^.., ..an.iani weight. ,K...n.itt«I deviati..n, irreatCKt |.ropu*e.l Ilea. . tlu- pru-sMir.. to wLul. tf.ey are to Ik.- ,„-ovecl, and the a,.i,.-..si.Mate ueijrht of the ma.xniiiii.iaiidniininium.inantitv that the ComMus6ionei*iHavaiie|.t: ' ' a's 3£i.- ■ Its UK) 20,8«8 \ '. lU-.' :<60 100 »,17.'> It »»' - w I?-" «' III 12 12' 12 '>- 4.«7."> 4'.»0» 4,M4 :j.l74 1,012 274 101) 11m. 1(18 lUi. 1 12 lbs! W)lb». :s ot' all classt's or thicknesses of pipes shall ")'«. tiie same for each ^ s,)efitie.l nominaljliameter. the varhjtion in thickness oJ' n.etal l«iiig Ihadc l.v changes in the interior diameter. 'C . Otviat.011 ill WiIkMh. 4. HtUI. No greater deviation in weights than that in the fable wi^p|||ti',itted : an v excess above thift in any pipe will not l)c paid ihi; aii . \ ' ■ ■ The metal is to ht lemelted grey pig iron, of the liest quality, of approved mixture, and of sueli n character as to make strong, tough ciistiiigs, not too %oft nor so bard bijt that It will satistactorilv iMjar drilling and cutting or chipping, and at each casting a sinxiiiieii bar is to \m cast, three aiid a half feet long, two inches deq), and cue inch thick, which is to !« i.laeed on supports three f« ai>art, and bear a weight ofjfiree thousand two hund)-ed ijounds "in the contre, without breakii., Tl)i8 test is to be m.ide'iry the Coiitiactor in presence of the eommissioiiers' Engineer or an one appointed by him for this purpose. - ' The thickness of the metal of the castings will be tested by calijicra after they have bee freed from sand, and thoroughly cleaned, and no pi|)o will binder any «irciimstaiices be i-eceiv© when the thickness of meUl-is in a'ny part less by more than one-sixteenth of an inchr«i(in for tlic requisite time, in Dr. R. A. SiujtliV patent coal pitch and oil. heated to the pro|icr teiiipuratiirc. and put on in such a manner as to prodjice a smooth, tough and tenacious covering, not to be brittle or linlile to scale off. The whole to be done under the inspection of an agent for tlio roininii'sionors. < In pipes with turned and bored joints tho gpigot^i are to lie turned arid the fanccts liored. an shown on plans, aiid the greatest care is to be taken that tliey are made truly <-ircular, as well as uniform j;i ta{)^r and diameter, so that any two pipes of the sume specified size will fit accurately together. The taper to lie at the rate of I- in 30, or } of an inch in 4J inches. The turning and boring is to b*- done after coating, and the cut surfaces to be coated with tallow on leaving the lathe. • " • J After being mated all the i^ipes are to be proved by the contractor, in the presence of an Insiiector, to a ]>ressure of 30<^ Ihs. per sq. inch, to be well Imiiiiiieiwl wiiile under proof, and to , show no defect whatever. If lead,, putty, rust or any .ith.r |)ic|.ai'atioii l.i,! f.iiind In holes iit any pipe it wilf be tbrteited to the Commissioners, and tliH O.>?itriictor will Ikj held responsible for all exjienses and damages arising from any such »tuffijig.<'*h«^ld the pipe Imve been hiifl befor« it • ' ^irdiscovcred. ♦■ ' > V The inspection and proof at the works shall not relieve the ('ontractor of i-esponsibility for .defective piiies, and any defective casting whicli ma;y liuve ]>anscd the Insiifect^.r at the works'^or elsewhere, will be at all tiines liable to rejection when discovpiwl. imtll the final completion and adjustmertt of the contract. * The pities are to be weighed and proved by the Contractor in presence of an Inspector, appointed bj^the Engineer acting for the CommissioiioiM. and th«i weight U to be marked on the' inside of each pi{>e in plain figures, with white lead. The CompiisKlonei-s shall have it in their [wwer to alter to any extent the relative quantities of the different sizes of pipes, or to substitute one size tor another, downi to nnd including six- ' In.-h ; and also to increase or diminish the total wciglit stated In the tiiblc. to the txteiit of twonty-five per cent, of the total quantity unmade at the time n..tly him in terms of this ?cclfication. r In case turned and Ijorod pipes are adopted, a portion of each size, not exceetliug three per cent., may be required to be caet with wide sockets, tlu' patt.-rn drawlnsr ,.f which will be given by theCommissioiiers" Engineer, and must lie strictly allowed. Delivery of jiiiies in good order will Ikj taken F.O.H. ,,t siiwitied |lorts in Britain or "over the side" on barges at Montreal, or in Toronto, free of i.ll charge^, except customs dnty. Eidit hundred tons oC the 30-inch pipe must be delivered in Toronto bv'the tin>t of An^mst. and the. remainder of the 30-inch, and all of the 24-inch, by tlu" tir.t of September. Five hundre « ( / / -:. / \- '■ M- ■M- p"- "3-- - ->* 1 : \ ■ .' / ■. r . - f' . > X, • : . 1 \"- -n ' -r ■ >■ 1 • - i.. * k « t * * » * ■ . • • X <» ^^ ' >^« "f? ft. it ,, V ' ■■' ■^'''^ % ^ ^ir, \t. -* to ■ig.. ^ M "y ^ ? v # 4?^ "N //