.%. ds:. %^ % ^. <>^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I - IM 116 12.2 U 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 .4 6" ► ^ & '# 'erda8litry )J Hardware 9 Linen manufactnroti $ Lumber Feet. Pork Brls. Soap 8 The total value of imports about 8 Quantity. 210,000 20,000 12,0 40,000 000,000 7,000 100,000 1, 7, 7,500,000 FOOD STUFFS IMPORTS-BY COUNTRIES. 188<5. 1887. 1888. From I'nited Kingdom £ 50,007 168,2<57 319.831 1,019 £ 69,233 124,252 301,526 1,074 £ 84,368 British Possessions 131,180 United States 321,877 Other countries 763 Totals 539,115 496,068 538,178 IMPORTS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. From United Kingdom 14,957 8 5,722 350 13,042 13 5,665 308 15,122 British Possessions 12 United States 0,427 ' Other countries 307 Totals 21,0.S9 19,030 2(,8(>8 CLOTHING, INCLUDING BOOTS. From Unitt^d Kingdom British Possessions 337,550 1,203 11,447 984 356,080 604 12,354 795 519,730 180 United States Other countries 10,249 933 Totals .351,186 369,833 531,091 ^O YEARS. Quantity. 210,000 20,000 12,000 6,000 42,00<^) 18,000 1,350,000 10(i,300 34,0(K) 130,000 375,000 200,000 40,000 7,m 1.3,070 10,404 3,904 British possessions 11 1,592 378 United States 1,824 78 8,548 Other countries 84 Totals 15,052 12,307 12,538 8 C0AL8 AND COKE- -IMPORTS OF. 1880. 1887. 1888. From TJnitod Kingdom £ 37,145 169 016 351 25,014 £ 38,571 HritiHli p<)MH(*HMiunfi I'nitedStateH y.. Other countries 7» 215 10 Totals 38,277 26,603 38,796 BOOKS AND OTHER PRINTED MATERIAL— IMPORTS OF. From Ignited Kingdom 8,275 14 l,20«i 37 7,754 112 944 14 9,008 liritidh iK)8Ht!ei8ion8 6 United Btatos 1,097 Other countries 5 Totals 9,638 8,825 11,015 MISCELLANEOUS IMPORTS. From irnitcd Kingdom. . . British posBesHious. llnited States Other countrien Totals. 82,695 4,403 50,170 13,350 150,618 110,2,470 acres, 100,000 acres are devoted to canes. Tobacco is indigenous. Roots valuable for starches, yield a heavy return. Arrowroot produces about 10,000 lbs. to the acre, giving 2,000 lbs. of starch. Experiments have also been made with fibrous plants, such as cactus and silk grass. THE BAHAMAS. The Bahamas Archipelago consists of a chain of islands lying off the coast of Florida. Though numbering several hundreds only about twenty of them are inhabited. The Turks and Caicos Islands, formerly included among the Bahamas, have, since 1848, been placed under the Governor of Jfcmaica. The population of the Bahamas is about 50,000, one-fourth of whom are whites and the remainder descendants of emancipated slaves. The principal woods produced are mahogany, lignum-vitio, iron wood, mastic, ebony, braziletto, logwood, satin wood, &c. The fruits are oranges, lemons, limes, pineapples, bananas, plantains, melons, yams, potatoes, tomatoes, sugar cane, ginger, cocoa nuts. Tobacco and cotton and fibrous plants grow readily. Ambergris is also found, and about £1,000 a year exported ; also £3,000 of pearls. Sponge exports arc about £60,000 a year. Sisal grass, a valuable flbre, grows splendidly. These articles are not developed as the_y might be, especially tobacco, cotton and fibrous plants generally. , These inlands could bo made of great importance to Canadian manufactures in |)roviding material for ropes and binding twine factories, for cotton factories and for tobacco factories. The salt industry could be revived. The pineapple, both as a fruit and as yielding a good fibrous leaf, could be usefully developed by Canadian capital, , BRITISH GUIANA. Area (square miles) 100,000 Population (exclusive of aborigines) 278,000 Public revenue '. £ 4()1,941 Public expenditure '.. 490,566 Customs revenue 247,860 Public debt 698,251 Tonnage entering and cleared tons, 558,274 Tonnage British vessels do 343,160 Tonnage steam vessels do 279,584 Total imports, £1,586,056 Total imports from Great Britain 018,115 Total exports 2,024,733 Exports to United Kingdom 1,003,306 Raw (sugar exported (cwt.) 2,162,443 12 Principal Imports. 590,122 Ibs.'buttor; 60,600 tons coal; 112,505 bis. flour; 71,695 cwt. dried fish; 9,976,372 feet lumber; £104,000 machinery; 19,217 lbs. malt liquor ; £100,174 fertilizers; 470,100 gallons oil; 11,685 lbs. opium ; 14,885 barrels pork ; 14,500 gallons brandy. Exports. 26,795 casks molasses; 14,095 puncheons rum; 120,600 hhds. raw sugar. Trade with British North America : — Imports from Canada £84,741 Exports to Canada 30,427 £115,168 Cotton, once an important article of export, has ceased to be cultivated. The timbers and woods of British Guiana are second to none for utility and beauty. The colony is rich in gums, oils and medicinal barks possessing most useful qualities. Her fibres are also of great and vai-ied use. Balaba should be looked after, as it is considered in some respects superior to caoutchouc and gutta-percha. British Guiana is in a high state of civilization. EXPORTS OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE BRITISH WEST INDIES. As it was thought that the United States returns would possibly bo a useful guide to Canadians the following statement in detail of the exports of the United States to the British West Indies during the fiscal year ended 30th June, 1889, is here presented : — Agricultural implemeats $ 4,433 Cattle 125,250 Horses 28,295 Sheep .....; 28,324 Hogs 103 Fowls 918 Bread and biscuits 297,480 Corn 188,879 Cornmeal 300,833 Oats 54,526 Oatmeal 153 Eye 362 Wheat -... 709 Wheat, flour* 2,083,433 Other breadstuff's 69,141 Apples dried 1,103 do green 5,264 Fruit preserved 2,049 All other groen, dried or ripe fruit 16,126 Hides and skins 1,16*^ *In addition to the above BritiHli Guiana received from tlie United Htates $540.- 132 wheat flonr, and British Honduras §0(5.22(5. In barrels, the total K'ji'»8 f"*"' tlie United States to the British West Indies, British Honduras and British (luian.'i was 702,443 barrels. 13 71,695 cwt. )vy; 19,217 oil; 11,685 1,600 hhds. t,741 >,427 1,168 ased to be o none for i medicinal lao of great considered r INDIES. Id possibly n detail of iies during ,433 ,250 ,295 ,324 103 918 ,480 ,879 ,833 ,526 153 362 709 ,433 ,141 ,103 ,264 ,049 ,126 ,16'' : States §540.- oiiig from the li (riiiftiifi was Hops Hav Ice Fertilizers .... Fish of all kinds Beef, canned Fresh beef. .., Salted and pickled beet Other cured beef. Tallow ; ]„[[[ Bacon Hams Pickled pork Lard Mutton Oleomargarine (imitation butter) do (oil) Poultry and game All other meat products Butter (1,560,952 lbs.) .'.... Cheese Milk !;.*.'.'."...'! Beans and jiease , Onions Potatoes . Canned vegetables All other vegetables including pickles Wood and manufactures of: (a) Boards, deals and plankg Joists and scantlings... Hoops and hoop poles Laths Palings, pickets and bedslats Shingles Shooks, (box), $7,917, other shooks, 8170,344 Staves and headings All other lumber (/>) Timber sawed, $2,621; logs $3,606..... 7.! (c) Manufactures of wood : Doors, sashes and blinds Mouldings and trimmings,&c Empty hogsheads, barrels Household furniture Woodonware All other manufactures of wood , Eggs. Coal, anthracite, $5,895 ; bituminous, $8,179.. Art works '. Bark extract for tanning Bl ackiug , Books and maps I 2,434 29,625 35,495 29,487 96,064 12,758 424 200,964 209 5,339 17,829 76,346 605,261 231,012 93 84,305 2,155 1,043 79,833 272,620 85,011 4,587 66,164 7,969 11,540 14,354 18,039 332,648 28,470 1,582 589 156 45,067 178,261 129,154 7,819 . 6,227 7,812 1,516 3,315 52,692 5,478 27,763 1,747 14,034 231 1,948 4,388 12,662 14 Brass and manufactures of. 8 1,195 Bricks, 6765; fire bricks, 6*748 1,51.-J Brooms and brushes.... 4,l'i6 Candles 11,078 Carriages, &c 79,510 Chemicals, drugs and medicines 79,843 Clocks and watches 5,210 Copper and manufactures 1,054 Cotton, coloured cloths (1,125,591 yards) .... 88,784 <\o uncoloured cloths ((547,107 yards) ... 70,2Sti do wearing apparel 9,538 do all other manufactures 9,789 Fancy articles, perfumery, toys, &c 36,494 Hemp, jute, &c., manufactures Bags 3,483 Cordage 39,061 Twine 2,650 AH other 2,841 Glass and glassware 21,805 Glucose 12 Grease scrap 2,065 Gunpowder and other explosives 24,225 Glue 431 Hair and manufactures of 239 Honey 49 India rubber, boots and shoes 1,063 do do all other manufactures 4,297 Ink, printers 2,099 Iron and steel and manuiactures of: — Cutlery 1,031 Firearms 18,007 Locks, hinges and building hardware.... 21,052 Machinery,' N.E.S 62,643 Cut nails 13,159 Tacks, wrought horse shoe nails, &c 7,379 Sheet iron 1,181 Saws and tools 15,511 Scries "nd balances 5,281 Sewing machines 12,105 Stationary engines 1,780 Boilers 1,041 Stoves and ranges 7,608 Wire 5,755 Telephone and telegraph instruments.... ' 9,683 All other iron and steel manufactures... 23,063 Jewellery and manufactures of gold and silver 2,072 Lamps and chandeliers, &c 8,493 Lead and manufactures of. 2,237 Leather : — (a) Buff, grain, splits and all finished upper 1,012 (6) Patent 1,304 BBS 15 ,031 ,007 ,052 ,(U3 ,159 ,379 ,181 ,511 ,281 ,105 ,780 ,041 ,608 ,755 ,683 ,063 ,072 ,493 ,237 ,012 ,304 Leather ; — (c) Sole $ 4,224 (d) Another 3,372 }e) Manufactures, boots and shoes (100,- 226 pairs) 100,638 Harnesa and saddles 5,499 All other manufactures of leather 4,991 Lime and cement 971 Malt liquors in bottles 12,666 do not in bottles 3,199 Marble and Btone and manufactures of. 8 ,269 Matches 7,500 Musical instruments, organs. 8,195 do do pianos 6,945 do do all other 812 Naval stores 3,218 Oakum 1,869 Oil cake and oil cake meal 176,425 Oil, lard 5,717 Oils, animal 626 Oils, illuminating, mineral 167.248 Oils, lubricating 6,875 Oils, vegetable, cotton-seed oil .^ 34,261 do linseed 2,783 All other oils 1,451 Paints and painters' colours 9,284 Paper, hanging 234 do writing 3,042 do all other.. 27,908 Paraffine 246 Plated ware 2,667 Eice 218 Salt 797 Seeds 1,250 Silk, manufactures 372 Soap, toilet 2,706 do other (726,903 lbs.) 30,681 Spices 537 Spirits : — Alcohol 994 Rum 820 Whiskey, bourbon 107,652 do rye 26,864 do all other 2,429 Sp. turpentine 3,402 Starch 3,730 Stationery, except paper 14,565 Straw and palm leaf, manufactures 9,901 Sugar : — Molasses and syrup 268 Refined sugar 141,464 Candy and confectionery 6,441 _% 16 I ; Tin and manufactures $ 21,818 Tobacco, unmanufactured leaf. 129.642 do cigars 871 do cigarettes 21,634 do allother 70,473 Trunks and valises 11,260 Umbrellas and parasols 187 Varnishes 3,282 Vinegar 2,240 Wax (bees) 108 Wine, in bottles 1,224 do notinbottles 1,481 Wood, fire 340 Wool, carpets 85 Flannels and blankets 35!) Wearing apparel 3,070 All other voollen manufactures 1,789 Zinc manufactures 67 Coffee (ground) 9,855 Nuts 2,556 Not elsewhere enumerated 5,461 Total value of domestic exports United States to B. W. Indies, S8, 197,693; of which carried in vessels not United States register, 85,639,568. In addition to above the United States export to B. W. Indies $190,413 of foreign merchandise, of which $43,695 were wood and manufactures ; $59,699 beans and pease ; $23,672 fish ; $8,494 tea, and $13,697 coffee. A- Merchant's Views. Extract from a speech delivered by the late Hon. Senator Macdon- ald before the members of the Board of Trade, Toronto, January, 1889. Are we doing all the trade with these West Indies whic'. we can do, and which we ought to do? The answer is " we are not." If not, is it possible to increase it ? We say to you to-day, " Go up and get your fullest share of the West India trade, the share which is yours by proximity to them, the share that is yours by affinity with them, the share that, from their interest and yours, they desire you to have." ) ) ) 7 5 6 1 , Indies, register, T. Indies ood and ,494 tea. Macdon- January, rhic\ we are not." " Go up re whicn Y affinity ley desire 17 CANADIAN IMPORTS. Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Imported from the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, during th& Years ending 30th June, 1874 to 1889 inclusive. Quantities Importkd. 1874. Perfumed Spirits Galls, Brandy do ( rin do Rum do Alcohol do Spirits, unenunicrated do Cigiirs Lbs. Coffee, green — Dutiable do Wines Galls. Tobacco, maiiufactured do Siigar, equal to and above No. 9, D.S. do do below No. 9, D.S.. do do Cane Juice, Melado, kc... do do Sugar Candy and Confeation- ery do Playing Cards Pkga. Patent Medicines do Perfumery, N.E.S do Molasses Llw. Candles and Taiiers do Oils, rectified or prepared Galls. Spices, imground Lbs. Fruits of all kinds, green Pkgs. Vegetables . . ., do Junk and Oakum. . Cwt. Anchors, &c do Brass, bar, rod, &c do Cocoa, bean and shell Lbs. Coffee, green— Free do Grease, scrap do Salt ; Bush, Tea, black Lbs. Tar and Pitch Brls. Wool Lbs. Tobacco, leaf do 1875. Cigars Lbs. Coffee, green do Soaj), common do Spirits— Brandy Galls Gil! do Rnm do Whiskey do Coi-dials do Unenumerated do Cologne Water do do flasks No. Sugar, above No. 13, D.S Llw. do equiil to No. 9, D.S do do l)elow No. 9, D.S do B British Foreign West West Brazil. Mexico^ Indies. Indies. 11 45 22'/, 559 49,895 6 26 G,(i29 51,133 92,842 8,995 375 5,490,308 16,876,606 602,038 596,357 4,237,184 6,969,704 24,472 2,933 15 74 10 2 15,171,000 19,316,027 20 82 7,839 561 112 2,226 1,874 ■ 221 8,414 1,464 213,456 132,908 1,740 251,129 77,048 666 20 726 14,722 38,707 1,879 38,351 36,080 121,493 1,536 11 216 120 120,387 31,093 9 116 20 217 10 312 1,603,711 3,821,187 7,867,595 14,195,648 51,583 334,888 5,903,563 10,964,141 --s^ws««4y.»_ra»»i!.c»»t»t'j>^ m 18 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Imported from the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Con. Articles. 1875 — Continued. Sugar Cane Juice, Melado, &o Lbs. do Sugar Candy, &c do Tobacco, manufactured, and SnuflE. . do Mace and Nutin«^s do MolasseH, not for refining. do Candles and Tapers do Patent Medicines Pkgs. Dried Fruits Pkgs. Oils, rectified or prepared Galls. Fruit, green Pkgs. Vegetables do Junk and Oakuni Cwt. Cocoa, bean and shell Lbs. Furs, Skins, &c., undressed Pkgs. Hides, Horns and Pelts do Salt Bush. Tobtvcco, leaf, for Excise Lbs. 1876. Coffee, green Lbs. Oils Galls. .Spirits, viz. : — Brandy do Gin do Rum do Whiskey do Cordials do Unenupierated do Perfumed do Wines do Sugar, above No. 13 Lbs. do do No. 1) do ao below No. 9 do Cane Juice. &c do Molasses do Sugar Candy do Tobacco, manufactured ■. do do cigars do Spices, Mace and Nutmegs do Scmp do Varnish Galls. Junk and Oakum . . Cwt. Brass, bar, rod, &c do Copper, in pig, bars, &c do Iron, pig do Leatl, in sheet and pig do Cocoa, bean and shell Lbs. ■Coal and Coke Tons. Earths, Clays and Sand Cwt. Grease and Grease Scrap Lbs. Salt Bush. Tobacco Leaf, for Excise purposes. . Lbs. QCANTITIKS ImPOKTBD. British West Indies. 125 19,469,519 -9 21(5 930 1,1321 397 1 27,303! 341 ! 3,573 388,142 60,263 1 22 3 22,619 4 3,787,603 5,602,443 559,253 330 20,572,455 219 6 41 2 13 218 214 115 190 51 3,438 12 57,977 481,777 Foreign West Indies. 1,1721 652 147,731 43 499 22,319,180 1,800; 83 j 280i 241 319 1,872 207,202 2,0ve No. 13, D.S Lbs. do ec,ual to No. !), D.S do do l>elow No. fK D.S. do Sugar Candy and Confectionery do Mace and N utmegs do Tobacco, nianufacturod, and Snuff., do Molasses, other than tor refining l)uri)08e8 . do Arrowroi>t do Wax Candles do Cocoa and Chocolate , do Dried Fruits do do Nuts do Lime and Lemon Juice Galls. Linen Yds. Sails, ready made do Lemons and Oranges Boxes. Potatoes Bush. Cotton Wool Lbs. Junk and Oakum Cwt. Brass, scraps and strii« do Cocoa, bean and shell Lbs. Rye Brls. Grease and Grease Sci.tj) Lbs. Salt Bush, 1878. Coffee, green Lbs. ground do Rice do Brandy Galls. Cologne Water and Perfumed Spirits, not in flasks do Cordials do Gin do Rum do Whiskey do Si)irits, unenumerated do Tea, black Ll«. Vinegar and Acetic Acid Galls. Wine, in bottles Doz. do Sjiarkling do Cigars and Cigarettes Lbs, Sugar, above No. l.S, D.S do do equal to No. 9, not above No. 13, D S do do below No. 9, D.S do Cane .Juice, Syru^js, &c do QcaNtitib» Impoktkd. 33,740 1,319,«08 2,37H,4(Xi 4(J,293 209 910 17,113,649 3,509 170 3,.518 924 .56 12 344 515 349 881 10 18,899 358,547 96,205 4 60 8 280 5 2,151 4 62 60 4 1 1 1,169 1,185,605 3,1.57,400 71,842 8201 23,142 9,966 V 24 15,837 1(52 62 7,328,145 2,002,6.35 2,8279 12 343 1G7 17,284,18(J 1,870 2 300 40,<)33 l»i3 11 43 11 1 2 3,.558 28,8»>9 237,001 20 10 18 16 30 83,119 2.5 30 8(5 15,10!) 1 1 101 22 ()42 410,.S<»5 Foreign W.'st Indiefl. 2,7 24,396,(!84 9,696,739 2,640,454 1,018,125 1,881 30,732 7,056 9 2,653 367 410,134 564,924 23,038,951 Cotton Waste Gums, Amb«'r, Copal, kv. Junk and Oakum 1881. Coffee Oils Spirits— Brandy (iin ... do ... do . . . Cwt. .. Lbs. . . . Galls. ... do ... do 70,362 1 Rum Cordials Unenumerated .. do . . . do ..." do Perfumed Wines Starch Sugar, above No. 14, D.S do do No. 9, D.S do below No 9 D.S. .... do .... do ... Lbs. . . do .. do ' do Cane Juice, &c Molasses Sugar Candy Tobacco— Cigars do nnni.inufa/*tured ... Lbs. ...Galls. .... Lbs. ... do ... do ... do . . . . do ... No. ... do 360 5,543 2,886 S|iice8— Mace and Nutmegs .... do unground Horses Animals, other Brass, old and scrap) do bars and sheets . . . Cwt. ... do Breadstntfs— Arrowroot Kice.. Beans . . . Lbs. ... do ... do ... No. . . . Cwt. ... Lbs. 27 Cocoanuts Copjmr, old and scrap Fruit, in air-tight cans 20,335 14 107 15,600 27 12 34 7,262,870 4,300 Iron, old and scrap Lead do Tomatoes Bees Wax Salt ...Tons. . . . . Cwt. .. Bush. . . . Lbs. .... do 75 462 1,078 18,731,146 23 Statement Bhowing tho Quantities of the different Articles Imported from tho West Indift Islunds, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Con. Artici-kh. 1881— <7on1 745,0,-3 0£» 63,752 12,253,310 39,431 48,430 200, 198,700 2,.316J to: 27 135 5 376,507 31 24 35,853 Brazil. 396 505 aoo 2,080.374 37,393,365 104,507 3,374 145 2,6ti4 1,320 S3,252' Mexico . 7,730 6,275 1,640 554,200| 66,134 25 inported 'Jon. Mexico . 50 65 07 15 ;c.4 I'JO !r>2 7,730 0,275 1,048 JOOi 5»),134 Statement showiug the Quantities of the different Articles Imported from the West India Ishxnds, Bnizil and Mexico, &c. — Con. Artici-ks. 1884. Ihitiable Gnod.t. Arrowroot and Tapioca Lbs. ^Animals $ *Bo()k8, &c $ *Bihles, Prayer Books, &c $ Ooffefi, roasted or ground and imi- tations of, and substitntt-a for . . . . Lbs. Copper, old and scrap Cwt . *Lune and Lemon Juice •? *Earthen\v:ire $ *Nuts, luide.^cribed $ *rruits, dried $ Cocoanuts, direct No. *Oranges and Lemons $ *Fruits, green, all other § Fruit, in air-tight cans or packages. . Lbs. *( jrlasswave ? Hats, Caps and Bonnets $ Honey Lbs. Jellies and Jams do ^Jewellery, of gold, silver, &c $ *Jute and Hemp Carjieting, &c. ... S Lead, old, scrajj and pig Cwt. *Mats and Matting 9 Oils, Coal and Kerosene Galls. Castor oil do Oils, volatile or essential do 'Packages $ *Paints and colours $ ^Eiivelojies, Papier Mache, &c $ Ships and other Ve.sseli. $ Spices and (Hnger, all kinds, un- gri.iund Lbs. Nutmeg.s and Mace . . do Spirit.H— Ihandy (Jails. do Rum do do uneiiumerated, mjt sweetened or mixed, &c do do and strong waters, X.E.S. . do Wines, all kind, e.xcept sparkling. . . do do all other sparkling wines in Ijottles Doz. Sugar, direct, aliove No. 14, D.!^.,. . Lbs. do equal to No. t), and rot alx)ve 14 do do below No. 9, D.S do Sugar, not diiect, above No. 14, D.S. do do equal to No. !), and not al>ive 14.. . . do do Ijelow No. do Sugar, Melado and Concentrated Melado do *Value only. QUANTITIKS ImPOUTEU t'UOM British West Indies. 2,116 12 80 354 1()2 3,.50f) 3 1,650 35,360 8,187 793 185 42 1 428 40 10 147 082 18 4,905 Foreign West Indies. 1,124 7 64 650 315,291 72 35,543 195 24 3,277 2,880,055 5,063,153 7l>3 8,688,50rj 11,251,208 1,238,727 4 161 10 17,155 201 193 149 483 28 17 20 221 8 46 6 652,!)65 9,3(>l,()94 7,749,173 272.113 7,223,040 11,628,921 1,152,352 Brazil. 700 Mexico. 332 166 12,766,253 786,786 26,753,760 592,636 1,240 36 I i 26 ii Statement showing the Quantities of the difteient Articles Imported from the West India Islands. Brazil and Mexico. — Con. Akticles, 1884. Dutiable Goods — Con. Stigar, Syrups, Cane Juice, &c do Sugar Candy and Confectionery do Mol.issvis Galls. Tobacco — Cigars and Cigarettes .^ . . Lbs. Potatoes Bush. Tomatoes ... do ^Vegetables, prepared or preserved.. $ *Sweet potatoes and other vegetables 8 *VVax and manufactures of $ Wood, manufactures of 8 *Willow and osier ware— baskets, &c. $ Free Goods. Clays Salt Pitch pine *Tortoise and other shells *Logs and round unmanufactured timber *Hides, raw, &;c Wool, unmanufactured Jute butts and jute Tobacco, immanufactured Cocoa, bean, shell and nibs Dyeing and tanning articles, crude . Junk, old and oakum Jute cloth, for bags Brass, old, scrap and in sheets Iron and steel, old and scrap . . . Yellow metal, in bolts, bars and for sheathing Wo^r . $ Arrowroot and tapioca . Lbs. *Cement $ Cocoanuts, direct No. Copi>er, old and scrap .... Cwt. Quantities Impoktkd. British West Indies. 5,885 2,5«(),2(»0 40«; 38 40(3 8ti 3,'t8!t 2(i,l)20,989 20 12 142 34,040 (),(K)0 4,544 201,()8(! 34 310 2,798 lOo 323 950 268,868 . 7,190 30 3,270 10 29,236 95 Foreign West Indies. 428 505,888 79,005 4 33 16,908,495 16,254 6 113,460 50 13 660 3,500 18,867 Brazil. 3,360 15 60 Mexico. 3,348 3,282 2,617 434,267 2 15 106 do do do do do do •Value oniy. 27 Imported 'on. ED. Mexico. 360 3,348 3,282 15 50 ,2ti7 106 Statement showing tho Quantity of the difteront Articles imported • from tho West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Con. Articles. 1885. D-ut table (roods. Cordage, all kinds *Liine and lemon juice *Karthenware *Fancj; goods Fruit, in air-tight cans or pkgs *Fmit, dried *0range8 and lemons *Fruit, green, other *(iLvsaware Honey * Scales, balances, &c .Tellies and jams Lead, old .scrap and pig BtK)ts and shoes OilH, volatile and essential *Pa<;kages ; . . *PliUltS, &c. . •Poultry and game Spices and ginger, all kinds, un- ground Nutmegs and mace *Ready-made clothing, silk *S^x)nges Spirits— Geneva Gin and Old Tom Gin • Rum Cordials, &c and Strong Waters do mi.\ed., Cologne Waters, &c Wines, all kinds, except Sparkling. . do all ()ther Sparkling wines in Ixjttles Sugar, direct, atx)ve No. 14, D.S. . Lbs. Lbs. S Lbs. C\vt. Pairs. Galls. (To do (io do do do ecjual to No. 9 and not alxive 14 below No. 9, D.S Melado and concen trated Melado. ..... not direct, above No. 14, D.S do do do do do do do do do ecpial to No. 9 and iiot al)ove 14.. . . b«aow No. 9, D.S. Melado and con- centrated Mela- do.... concentrated cane juice, &c. . candy and confectionery Molasses, direct do not direct Tobacco — Cigars and Cigarette*) Lbs. Cialls. do do do do do do Doz. Lbs. do do do do do do do do do Galls. do Lbs. Quantities Importku. British West Indies. Foreign West Indies. 151 24 641 6,772 1,116 18 148 21 119 78 1 555 10 4 100, f (08 138 15 39 37 13,535 £00 83 1,000 99 ^4 24 228 207 53 800 12 30 391 11 30,9.52 14,761,951 24,432,435 8,311 189,563 257,569 9,106 2 12 653,489 16,.50(i,416 28,421>,036 2,269,762 149,769 1,531,116 1,163,5(55 1,443,234 72 3,281,250 86 .597 465,6.52 234 79,211 Brazil. 923,653 43,903,1(>8 1,125,526 3,452 Mexico. f, ' 1,196 *Value only. 28 ■! i iM i ill; ■- 1 ■ ! l\ I Statement showing the Quantities of the difterent Articles Imported from the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Con. A. TICLK3. 1885. Lutiable Goods — Concluded. •Unenumerated Articles f Vegetables — Potatoes Bush. Tomatoes do *Sweet Potatoes and other vegetables 8 *Wax, manufactures of $ *Furniture % *WilIow or Osier wares $ Free Goods. Salt Lbs. *Fur skills, all kinds, not di-essed ... $ Guano and other animal manures. . . Cwt. *Hides, raw, &c . . , 8 Wo(j1, unmanufactured Lbs. Tobacco do do Cocoa, bean, shell and nibs do Beanss, vanilla and uux vomica do Junk, old and Cd,kum Cwt. Anchors do Bra.ss, old, scrap and in sheets do Iron and Steel, old and scrap do Sjielter, in blocks and pigs. do \ ellow Metal, in bars, bolts and for sheathing do Coffee, green Lbs. ♦Settlers' Effects $ *Coin and Bullion ^ 188G. Dutiable Goods. •Animals g Arrow loot and Tapioca Lbs. Cocoannts, direct No. Cixjoa paste, and preparations of. . . . Lbs. *Ci)tton, manufactures of '$ '^Lime and Lemon Juice $ •Flowers, artificial, and Feathers. . . % •Fruits, dried .$ •Oranges anc' Lemons S •Fruits, grec.i, other $ •Glassware -S Honey Lbs. Jellies, Jams and Marmalade do Boots and Shoes Pairs. Oils, Coal and Kerosene. &c Galls. prtKlucts of Petroleum do •Packages % •Value only. Quantities Imported. British West Indies. 6 18 392 3,257 243 12 7 26,829,433 10 2 12,34(5 5,068 82,783 135.('.3f) 406 9 •67 3,198 5 39 342,071 25 2,494 Foreign West Indies. 24 11,178,155 5,993 7,654 240 497 6,833 24,415 130) 13 3,482 19,925 259 7,675 1,473 21 330 285 2 37 l,168i 111 362 205 4 348 58 Brazil. 959,248 Mexico. 31 31 34.653 29 aported Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Imported from the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Con. Mexico. 18 34,653 31 31 Articles. 1880. Dutiabfe Goods — Continued. 'Perfumery — Hair Oils, kc . $ * Pickle.s, Sauces, Capers, &c $ •Seeds- Bulbous roots.. . $ Sjiicea and Ginger, all kinds, un- j^round Lbs. Nutmegs and Mace do Spirits— Ruin Galls. Whiskey do Cordials, &c do and strong waters, mixed . . do Cologne Water do Wines, all kinds, except Sparkling. . do Sugar of all kinds Lbs. Molasses, direct do do do Galls. do . not direct Lbs. Sugar Candy and Confectionerj- do Tobacco — Cigars and Cigarettes do all other, manufactured. . . do leaf, samples of do .*Unenumerated articles .? Vegetables — Potatoes Bush. Toniato<^8 do *Sweet Potatoes and other vegetables $ *Wax, manufactures of 9 ♦Furniture $ * Wood, manufactures of $ 'Picture Frames $ * Willow and Osier wares $ Free Goods. Salt Lbs. Ttirtles No. *Logs and R«u\id Timber, unmanu- factured $ Fowls, pure bred No. Hides, raw, &c $ Wool, unmanufactured Lbs. Tobacco, immanufactared do ( -ocoti, bean, shell and nibs do Dyeing or Tanning articles, crude . . do Extract of LogwcwKl do Junk, old, and Oakum Cwt. Bra.ss, old, scrap and sheets ". . do Iron and Steel, old and scrap do Yellow Metal, in bars, bolts, and for sheathing do Zinc, in blocks, pigs and sheets. ... do *New8paper8 and Alagazines, &c $ " Value only. Quantities Impouted. British West Indies. 5 11 14 110,200 109 15,095 4 4 3 13 37 17,882,749 1,264,046 895,687 88 1,563 34 13 27 2,389 30 9 1 4 71 20,826,040 3 2 14,172 1,247 58,272 .')<>, 554 4,500 4,000 638 46 1,668 28 5 Foreign West Indies. 779 1 4 41,080,941 142,691 .128,072 776 88,570 1 4 8,954,521 14 40 3,034 137^365 20 34 44 Brazil. 41,184,474 500 86,090 Mexico. 40 30 Statement showdng the Quantities of the different Articles Imported from the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &< iitinegH and Mace Spirits— (xeneva Gin. Rum Whi.skey CordialH, &c Cok>gnt.' Waters .''. Wines, all kinds, except sparkling. . *SiKinge8 Starch Sugar of all kinds Sugar Candy and Confectionery Molasses Tobacco— Cigars and Cigarettes *Unenumerated articles 'Vegetables — Sweet Potatoes and other Vegetables *Wax, manufactures of *Wood do WfX)l do Free Goods. Galls, do Lbs. do do Galls. do do do do' do Lbs^ do do Cralls. Lbs. Yds. Lbs. Quantities Lnh'ortko. British West Indies. 26 32 1,245 149 15,(505 12 m 8 25,876 2 2 8 3 30 25 10,094,220 Salt •Tortoise and other shells $ Turtles No. *Hide8, raw, &c •? Pineapples No. Tobacco, unmanufactured Lbs. Asphaltum Cwt. Cocoa, bean, shell and nibs Lbs. Junk, old, and Oakum Cwt. Anchors do Iron and Steel, old scrap do Yellow Metal, in bars, bolts and for cheating - do •Articles for use of Dominion Govern- ment 9 Coffee, green Lbs. •Settlers' Effects S 3,098,644 2 130 120 128 26 42 15,507,1'52 10 2 4,418 2,500 Foreign West Indies. Brazil. Mexico. 34 70 38 26 9d and manufactures of . . . . % Lumber and timber ' « * Willow or osier ware... . a Free (roods. *Preciou8 stones .... Salt '.'.'..'.'.'.'.'..'.'..' *Log8 and round unmanufactured 1 imljer 66,373 23,134 25 10 169 4 ^oV?q!Jv^^ i50,08O,282 48,630,996 2,93olts, bars and for nhpfttHinflr •Articles for use of Consuls-General. * Coffee, green Lbs •Settlers' effects * • Value only. QUANTITIKS iMPORTKn. British West Indies. Foreign West Indies. 106 1.5,982 4,75 324 •17 640 20 74,589 79 <)6 33 37 2 185,053 30 Brazil. Mexico . 1,295 3,062 70 6 46,689 200 .34 25 2,600 376,516 mi w 35 CANADIAN EXPORTS. Statement showing tho Quantities of the different Articles Exported to the British West Indies, Foreign West Indies, Brazil and Mexico, during the Fiscal Years ended 1874 to 1889, inclusive. Ahticlks. Coal 1874. The Mine. . Tons. The FishfTie*. Codfish, Haddock, Ling and Pollock, do do f nssh Lbs. <}o do dry salted. Cwt. do do wet do . do , do , do pickled . . . Brls. Mackerel, pickled do Halibut do \ ^y Herring do '. . . . . do do smoked Llis. SeaHsh, other, pickled Brls! Lob-sters, preserved Lbs. Salmon, unaokwl ] do do canned do do picklud Brls. Fish, all other, pickled do Fish Oil, Cod Galls. The Forest. Firewood Cords. Knees and Futtocks ..." Pieces Battens do liaths. Palings and Pickets M. Planks and Boards M. Ft, Hcantling do Staves, standard M. do other ; do Masts and Sjmrs Pieces 2^r\ '.-. do bnuigles j^_ Sugar Box Shooks ....... . ." No' Animah ami their Products. Horses No. Homed Cattle '" ' do S™ do Hheep do Butter .' ' Lbg. Cheese ' do J^gR? .'.'.'.'." Doz. I^ard Lbe. Bacon do Beef '.'.'.'.'.'.'. do Pj'i-k ••••• do Meats, other do Tongues ...",'.' Kegs. QOANTITIKS PjXPOBTKD. British West Indies. 9,048 150,132 316,840 2,668 6,140 .5 40,583 111,872 4,419 14,552 200 96 1,187 2 1,203 18 20 3,000 605 41,055 4,165 395 11 512 500 9,781 31 43 12 175 53,200 4,444 260 2,200 1,400 8,100 11,500 7 Foreign W«lHt Indies. 88,430 216,771 2,566 11 5,716 18,538 160,249 1,365 480 102 100 14,105; 69,318| 9 102 33 2 727 558|l39 83,166 2,274 270 7,703 3,000 2,000 .59,600 Brazil. Mexico. 900 20,584 m I : n If h ij 36 Statement Hhowinsj the Quantities of the different Art iclos Exported to the West India Idluiids, Brasil and Mexico, &c. — Con. Akticlkm, 1874— Con^nMfrf. Affricultural Produett. FruitH, green Brln, do other . . Boxes Barley Bii«h. BeanH do Indian Com do OatB do Peaae do Fknir Brls. Indian Meal do Hay Ton8. Manufactures. Bx" Cwt. Candles Lbs. Carriages No. Ale, Beer and Cider Galls. Whiskey ... do Spirits, other do Wine do Sewing Machines No. Soap Lbs. Tobacco, manufactures of . . . tlo "V inogar ". Galls. Sugar Lbs. MiDcfUnneous. Coffee Lbs. Rice do Tea do Coal Salt. 1875. The Mine. The Fiaheriett. Codfish, Haddock, Ling and Pollock, dry salted, do do wet do Mackerel, pickled Halibut, fresh Herring, picklec' do smoked Sea fish, other, pickled Oysters, fresh Liibsters, preserved Salmon, canned do pickled Fish, all other, pickled Fish oil, cod Tons. Bush. Cwt. do Brls. Lbs. Brls. Lbs. Brls. do Ll)8. do Brls. do Galls. QUANTITIKK KXPOBTKI). British We«t IndieH. 40 4<.N) U»,!lfK» l.lJt- 1,035 1,220 429 D35 37,080 3 G0.570 (i77 867 2,437 022 20,937 9,569 56 4.5,996 1,384 63,61(i 4,921 11,596 3,000 ;^(t3,7!)7 2,235 25,341 ' 44,094 26,927 5,5«)9 10 46,474 5,508 995 5 120 Foreign West IndieiL 121 759 168 17 1,338 92 2,10{> 605 .50 1,<500 1,(»83 1,233 2m 31 14,750 1,039 .595 11,200 979 29,777 188,313* 1,763 17,457 300 17,051 47,094 3,239 4,072 63 Brasil. 627 Mexico. 87 Statiment showing the Quantities of the difterent Articles Exported to the Wortt India Tslands, Brazil and Mexico, &c.— Con. Artiolbs. 187fi — CwUinued. The Forest. Firewoixl Cord». Battens Pieces I>«al8 St. Hun. Lfttlis, Palings luiil Picknt»( M. PlankK and BoardH M. ft Stavcn, standard M. do other do MastH and spars Piwes Oars Puirs. Shingles M. Sugar-lK)X shooks No. Tinilwr, pine Tons. Animals and their Products, Horsoa No. Horned cattle do Swine do J^hi^P ..'...'. do Butter Lbs. Cliee«e do I'^rd. .'...'.".'.'." do Bacon do Beef do Pork do Meats, other do Tongues Kegs. Aijrioulturai Products. Fruits, green Tirls. do other Lbs. Barley Bush. 'Jats do I'fiase do Flour Brls. Indian meal do Other do do Hay Ton,s. Manujactures. Biscuits Cwt. fiandles .'...' Lbs.' Carriages No. Ale, Beer and Cider '. Galls. Whiskey do Spirits, other do Wine do Oil, N.E.a do Sewing Machines No. Molasses Galls. Soap Lbs. QUANTITIBH EXI'OUTKD. British West Indies. 49 1,000 4 417 M,\rA 61 22 5,043 GO I4,;i54 161,742 2 48 161 5 141 106,817 5,088 340 2,300 3,600 Foreign West IndieA. 9.000 144 14,646 16 605 m 3,397 259,446 112,!»«6 4.741 10,102 2,600 4,100 I.WUU 9,000 24,454 2 4 862 1,882 41,116 80 32,515 2,,388 819 623 548 2,254 165 679 77 77 12,730 1 50,320 7,227 776 i,;«8 1,683 1,005 .507 913 400 407 442 16,922 10,0^10 Brazil. Mexico. 4 322 I 10 20 If M! I! 11' nil 38 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Imported from the West Indian Island, Brazil and Mexico, &c, — Con. Akticlks. 1875. Manufacturer — Continued. Cigars and Cigarettes do ToDacco, other do Vinegar do Sugar Lbs. Miscdlaneoui. Coffee Lbs. Tea do , 1876. The Mine. Coal. Tons. The Fisheries. Codfish, Haddock, Ling and Pollock, fresh do do do Mackerel, pickled Herring do do smoked Seafish. other, pickled. . . do do preserved. Oysters, fresh do canned Lobstei-s, preserved Salmon, fres', do canned do pickled Fish, .all other FiKhoil, Cod do Whale dry salted . wet salted iiickled. . . , Lbs. Cwt. do Brls. do do Lbs. Brls. Lbs. Brls, Lbs. do do do Brls. do Galls, do The Forest. Firewood '. Cords. Hop, hoop and t«legraph poles No. Deals. ... -... St. Tun Laths, palings and pickets M. Planks and Boards RI ft . Staves, standard M. do other do Masts and sjMirs Pieces Oars Pairs . Shingles M. Sleepers and RAilmad Ties Pieces Sugar box shooks No. Timlier, pine Tons. do all other do QuANTrriEs Expoktkd. Jiritish West Indies. 275 8,413 90 2,447 10,958 9,086 4,414 150 211,!)34 3,946 11 11,079 40,118 35.5,671 1,582 2,000 480 24,300 696 1,123 5 25 490 61 1,209 523 424 28,732 99 157 1,319 331 15,160 65,000 69 4 Foreign West Indies. Brazil. Mexico. 108 1,112 14,676 2,000 600 151,877 9,2:i0 66,985 9,126 17,779 321,012 2,202 • 4 544 1,440 10«» 117 140 8 108 44 11,320 2 312 39 2,442 20<> 335,672 39 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Exported from the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c.—Cm. Articles. ' W6— Continued. Animals and their Products. Horses j^^. Homed cattle do gwine ; do ^n«^P do Butter Lii,8, Cheese rjo l^srgs '."..'.'■..'Doz. I^a«i Lbs. Bacon • ^o Beef '.."..'.;.■.'.■.■ do Pfrk ; do Tongues Kegs AffricuUural Products. Fruits, green Brls. parley Bush. Beans do 9'^t8 '...'.'.'..'.'. do lease do flour .'.".'..".'..".'.'■" Bris. Indian meal ... . do Hay .' Tons. Potatoes Busli. Maiiufactures. Biscuits ... Cwt. Candles .......'...'. Lbs.* Ale, Bt«r and Cider Galls. Whiskey do Spirits, other do Wine ■;;; do Oil, N.E.S do Sewing Machines No. Ships No. Tons, Soaj). * Lbs. Tobacco, other do Vinegar Galls Sugar Lbs. Miscelianeous. Coflfee Lbs. Rice do Tea .. do 1877. The Mine, Coal .- Tuns. Oils, mineral or earth Galls. QUANTITIE-S EXPORTKO. British West Indies. 51 10 90 418 39,088 9,338 30 130 1,WX) 4,200 57,600 4 500 75 35 41,45' 173 99 63»i 987 50,321 262 16.500 40,913 813 692 .M5 :m \ 6,510 7,748 5,.589l 140 660 8,264 38,166 4,927 2,295 1,625 Foreign West Indies. 88,677 3,819 3,808 .5,400 700 2721 183 1,404 459 122 53 149 20,933 1,617 113 254 291 201 4,600 224 240 15,078 Brazil. Mexico. 32 2,240 1 40 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Exported from the "West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Con. M Articles. 1877. The Fisheries. Codfish, Haddock, Ling and Pollock, dry salted Cwt. wet salted do Mackerel, pickled Brls. Herring do do do Hinokod Lbs. Seafish, other, pickled Brls. Oysterp, fresh do Lobsters, preserved Lbs. Salnion, fresh do do smoked do do canned do do pickled Brls. Fish, all other, pickled do Fish Oil, Cod GaUs. The Forest. Firewood Cords, Knees and Futtocks Pieces Deals St. hun Laths, Palings and Pickets M. Planks and Boards M ft Scantling do Staves, standard M. do other do Ma-sts and S^mrs Pieces Oars Pairs. Shingles M. Sugar Box Shocks No. Timber Tons. Animals and their Products. Horses No. Horned Cattle do Sheep do Butter Lljs. Cheese do Eggs Doz. 1 jard Lbs. Bacon do Beef do Pork do Meats, other do Tongues Kegs. Tallow Lbs. Agricultural Products. Bran Fruits, green. C t. Bis. Quantities Exportkd. British West Indies. 271,393 21,216 18,6(»8 52,481 29(),051 1,'.»11 2 13,738 48 234 84 989 75 1,03() 17 liK) 7 2m 31,492 1 35 189 450 839 6,')91 14 3 as 28 426 62,474 5,054 41K) 840 7,900 15,200 56,900 2,948 7 20 596 225,287 3,9.55 10,483 26,572 207,686 2,014 328 125 218 150 10 9,154 109 35 2,.57'J 306,360 40 82,8<)3, 9,013 5,430; 7,000 3,000; 800 .55 5 254 212 Brazil. Mexico 200 41 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Exported to the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c.--Con. Articlks. 1877. AirricuHural Produce— Continued. B'^rley ....Bush. Beans do Oats ■..;■.;; do I'ease do * lour Brls. Indian Meal do Oatmeal do Hay, .'.'.■.■.'." .'Tons. Maple Sugar Lbs. PotatoBM Bush. Manufactures. Biscuits , Cwt. Candles Lbs. Carriages Jfo. Junk and Oakum Cwt. Btx)ts and Shoes Pairs. Ale, Beer and Cider Galls! Whiskey do Spirits, other do Wine do Sewing Machines . No. Ships No. Tons, ^o&p Llw. Starcih do Tobacco do yi'i^gar .'!!.!Gall8, Sugar Lbs. Miscellaneous. Coffee Lbs. Rice do Tea do 1878. The Mine. Coal Tons. Oils, mineral or earth Galls. The Fisheries. Codfish, Haddock, Ling and Pollock, dry salted Cwt. Codfish, Haddock, Ling and Pollock, piokled Brls. Mackerel, pickled do Herring do do do smoked Lbs. Seafish, other, pickled Brls, Quantities Exported. British West Indies. 74 6 43,337 150 175 263 59 289 140 42,231 206 18,766 2 3 5,657 60,868 220 974 647 345 7 I 978 13,839 300 6,784 321 7,076 10,124 39,021 8,040 766 980 260,757 32 18,178 46.285 159,621 1,170 Foreign West Indies. 17 2,713 239 110 87 118 36,358 12 4,360 239 323 15 4 1897 4,290 40 295 11,537 241,799 9,082 26,917 165,132 2871 Brazil. Mexico. 496 5,545 I l^t -sssemtM 42 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Imported from the Weat India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c, — Con. • Quantities Exported. Articles. British Foreign ■ West West Brazil. Mexico. Indies. Indies. 1878. The Fisheries — Continued. Oysters, fresh . Brls. 2 Lobsters, preserved . Lbs. 20,532 5,064 SaJirion, fresh . do 24,187 do smoked . do 807 660 do canned . do 81)2 do pickled . Brls. 1,228 146 Fish, all other, pickled do 5 Fish Oil, Cod . Galls. 1,202 The Forest. Firewood .'. . Cords 14 Knees and Futtocks . Pieces 25 Latlis, Pali 1^8 and Pickets Planks and Boards . M. 176 5 . M ft. 2(5,751 9,704 Scantlinjir . do « 11 Staves, standard . . M. 143 2 do other . do . Pieces Gl 434 132 Masts and Spars Oars Pairs. 486 Shingles . M. 15,280 3,211 Timber . Tons. 15 Animals and their Products. Horses . No. 54 Horned Cattle . do 6 Swine . do 10 Sheep . do Lbs. 310 37,677 115 88,332 Butter Cheese . do 5,492 1,074 Eggs . Doz. 220 llvA . Lbs. 1,765 (5,600 Bacon . do 12,341 18,322 Beef . do 13,087 4,500 Hams . do 17,379 5,973 Pork . do 50,224 30,200 Meats, other, N.E.S . do 2,747 705 Tonciies . do 270 Tallow . . do 230 Agricultural Products. Fruits, green . Brls. 191 158 Barley . Bush. 1,217 Beans . do . do 8 Indian Com 73 Oats . do 42,072 6,305 Pease do 39 786 Flour . Brls. 358 Indian Meal . do 173 Oatmeal . do ^88 6 Other meal . do 14 43 Statement showing the Qaantitiosof the different Articles Exported to the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &M,—Con. Abticlks. '■% 1878. Agricultural Pro^wcts— Continued. Hay Tons, Hf'Ps Lbs. Maple Sugar do Potatoes Bush. Manufactures. Biscuits Candies , Carriages Boots and Shoes ... . Ale, Beer and Cider . . Whiskey Spirits, other Wine Organs Sowing Machines Ships Soap Starch Cigars and Cigarettes. Tobacco, other Vinegar Sugar .No, Cwt. , Lbs. , No. Pairs, Galls, do do do No. do Tons. Lbs. do do do Galls. Lbs. Miscellaneous. Coffee... Lbs. Ric« do ■tea do 1879. The Mine. Coal. Salt. Tons, Bush, The Fisheries. Codfish, Haddock, Ling and Pollock, dry Halt(xl Cwt. Codfish, Haddock, Ling*,nd Pollock, pickled Brls. Mackerel, jnckled ^ do Halibut, smoked Lbs. Herring, j.ickled Brls. do smoked Lbs. Seafish, other, pickled Brls. do preserved Lbs. Lobsters, preserved do Salmon, frt;ah . do do smoked do QuANrrriES Exportbd. British West Indies. 1(51 300 64,270 81 15,60<) 6 26,767 72,172 258 2,706 329 1 631 1 I 65 13,276 1,496 165 16,145 200 43,834 3,025 25,964 2,652 1,459 91 267,137 60 26,027 46,243 75,618 2,228 2,008 49,027 51 576 Foreign West Indies. 16 43,240 5,367 819 606 300 172 3 I 2a5 2,053 437 210 1,120 100 15,665 271,476 25,220 160 27,190 101,842 380 48 448 130 690 Brazil. Me.xico. 758 6,144 44 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Exported to the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Continued. QUANTITIKS EXPOUTKI.' TO Articles. » British Foreign West West Brazil. Mexico. • Indies. Indies. 1879. The Figheries—Contirmed. • Salmon, canned .. Lbs. 648 100 do pickled . . Brls. 1,347 141 Fish, all other .. do 862 23 FiHhOil, Cod . . Gall. 3,371 90 do other .. do 356 The Forest. Fiifwood Cords, 14 Deals St. hun. 41 Laths, Palings and Pickets. .. M . . M. ft. .. do 2(!3 34,346 65 10,428 18 Planks and Eoard« 1.58 Scantling Staves, Standard .. M 42 StaveM, other M 103 Mauts and Spara . Pieces. 672 188 Oars . . Pairs, 286 30 Shingles ... . . M 24,880 3,755 Timber . . Tons. 3 Animals and their Products Horses .. No. 41 Homed Cattle .. do . , do 23 80 160 Sheep Butter . . Lbs. 27,381 96,059 Cheese .. do 7.W3 343 Eggs . . Doz. 116 753 Lard .. Lbs. 130 490 Bacon .. do .. do 252 4,430 Beef 7,723 Hams .. do ' 2,. "Mil 3,a59 Pork .. do 21,728 9,000 Meats, other, N.E.S.. .. do 26,880 1.59 Tongues .. do 1,345 300 Agricultural Products. Bran . . Cwt. 47 Fruits, Green . . Brls. 1,345 651 do other .. Lbs. 10.156 1,202 Barley . . Bush. 1,154 Beans , . .. do 4 36 Indian Corn .... .. do 400 Oats .. do 42,402 715 Pease .. do 433 1,000 156 Flour . Brls. Indian Meal .. do 220 100 Oatmeal . . do 85 6 Hay . Tons. 414 141 Hops .. Lbi. 1,316 Pt)tatoes . . Bush. 76,294 40,397 N 45 Statement showing the Quantities of the difterent Articles Exported to the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c. ^Continued. Articlks. 1H79— Continued. Manufactureg. Bisniit Cwt. Candles Lbs. Carriages ]^o. Stoves do B<:x>t8 and Shoes Pairs. Alu, Beer and Cider Galls. Whiskey do Spin :.%, other do Wine do Organs No. Pianos do Sewing Machines do Shijw No. Tons. Soap Lbs. Starcii do ToVmcco do Vinegar Galls. Sugar Lbs. Miiicdl(t7ifonis. Coffee Lbs. Kice. do Tea do 1880. I'hr Mine. Coal Salt. Tons, liush. The Fisheries. Codfish, haddock, ling and jwlldck, dry salted CtHinsh, pickled Mackerel, pickled.^ Halibut do Herring do do smoked Seafish, other, pickled do preserved Oysters^ fresh Lobsters, preserved Salmon, fresh do smoked do canned do pickled Fish, all other, pickled . Fish oil, «jd Quantities Exported to British West Indies. 47 7,f)0() 2 38 47,609 37,750 759 1,552 «77 12 943 5 I 298 14,419 880 221 1,673 2,592 12,096 8,743 1,186 1,092 Foreign West Indies, 3 24 2,430 177 109 1 198 I 1 109 10,803 50 4,212 150 1,648 Cwt. 29fi,784 337,007 Brls. 41 24,612 23,418 1 20,203 H 37,870 Llw. 140,717 200,265 Brls. 3,290 673 Llw. 300 Brls. 2 Lbs. 29,210 738 s No. Tons Soap Lbs. Starch do Cigars and Cigarettes do QuANTrriKs Expobtkd. British West Indies. Foreign West Indies. 3 52 ((39 363 15,581 37 134 73 1,127 33,087 5,404 907 1,320 3,046 1,(K>0 1,200 1,039 2,510 910 701 750 94,561 81 89 18 936 123,579 64 4,000 33 15 14.070 ,S7,567 1.36 1,733 865 1 823 i .514 18,090 1,359 Brazil. 82 98 2,447 82,140 75 89,386 10,200 611 6 9,440 458 340 186 3 173 60,631 8 653 198 12 I 832 43,728 520 Mexico. 865. 49 SxATEMENT.showing the Quantities of the different Articles Exported to the West India Islands, Biazil and Mexico, &c,— Continued. Abticlks. 1881. Afanufncturcg-Continuf^d. Tobacco, other Lbn yint-grftr ; ; ■ Galls" ^"gar LbH. Miscelf^neouB. CoflFee h,h. JJice .'..'.'.'.'.".■.'■.",■ do' Tea do 1882. The Mine. Coal Salt. The Fiihcriea. Codfish, f laddock, Ling and Pollock, Tons. , Bush. dry saltfd Ifish, Cotlfish, Htwldock, Ling and Pollock, pickled Mackerel, pickled Halibut, fresh Herring, jjickled do smoked Seafisli, other, pickled 2,900 3,112 6 83,146 4,385 100 800 6,092 150 1,400 1 *^gg» Ijard Bacon Beef Hams . .... Mutton Pork Meats, other. 400 AgricuHural Produett. Fruits, green do other Barley Beans Oats Pease Grain, other Flour Tndian lifleal . Brls. Lbs. . Bush. . do . do . Bush. . do . Brls. . do . do .Tons. . 'Bush. 248 4 "'51 1 40 350 1 29 009 5.5,880 73 27 3 1,260 149 378 15 69,011 27 600 90 2,463 5 96 2,017 Oatmeal Hay Potatoes Manufactures. Candles Can-iages , . . Stoves Boots and Shf)es Ale Beer and Cider . Cwt. . Lbs. No. . do . Pairs. . Galls. . do . do . do . No. ). Tons. . Galls. . do . Lbs. . do . do . do . Galls. . Lbs. 40 36 2() 2 4,()2r) 36,802 107 1,773 384 1 |85 6 2 189 31 29 1,092 116 590 1 1 509 3,096 1,475 Whiskey Spirits, other Wine Sewing Machines Shii)8 Nc 53 50 1 |50 2,093 904 Syrup Molasses Soaj) Starch 8 9,448 165 464 5,526 242 89,082 Cigars and Cigarettes Tobacco, other Vinegar Sugar * 61 Statkmknt «howinL' the Quantities of the different Articles Exported to the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, kc.—Coit Articlks. l882~Co?». MiaoellnneoMa, ^V*^^"* Lb«. Kice Tea do do 1883. Thv Mine. Ooa! Tons. Oils, mineral or earth .' . . . (Jails! Salt Bush The Fisheries. Codfish, Haddock, Ling and Pollock, dry saltttd q^j. Codfish, Hafldotik, Ling jvn'd Poliwk. I'lckled Bvh Mackerel, ,>ickled. .' ; ; ' ^^, ' Herring, pickled ^\^^ I I smoked \[\ j^j^^ He.'i; .li, other, pickled ..'.'.'.'..' Brls Oy> i, fresh ' ^^/ Lobr H, preserved ." ' ' " Hjy Salmt smokt'd '. do do uined do do jiickled ... Brls Fish oil, cod Galls. The Forest. Firewood Cords Knees and Futtocks. " ' Pieces Logs, hemlock ^ fj. Deals , . ql 1 j„„" DeaiEnds....;.: . ".■.■.•.■::;. ::;.;^*-^/^"- Laths, Paling.s and Pickets M J*lank.s and Boards jj f^ Scantling " ' " ^^^ ' Staves, standard j^ Stav&s, other |^j' Masts and Spars ........ Pieces Oars ' ■ ■ p„- , au- 1 ^ airs. Shingles j,j Sleei>er and liailroad Ties ....'..'." Pieces Sugar B<« Shocks j^^ Animals and their Prudacts. Horses j^^ Uornetl Cattle .'."'. (j^' ^'^heep jjj, ^^""e''- -I .■.'.■.■.■ Lbs. QUANTITIKS E.XK)RTKI). British West Lulies. 2..337 lil,289 l,43(J 824 120 84 184,803 1 i3,r)M :«,7i8 184,580 5,208 r, 15,980 2()4 180 226 27 168 28 1 5 734 22,748 209 99 63 503 15,642 350 2,629 47 83 128 },16l( Foreign I West Brazil. Indies. 429 22,737 197,778 5,72!) 8,1.54 67,750 635 528 50 7,113 72 95 ii79i 62,544 401 98,227 Mexico. 230 159 T,040 51,813 1.490 247 981 50 32 105 5 191 i % I il \ f ^ 52 Statement BhowinK the Quantities of the different Articles Exported Ttho WeTt T^ndia Islands, Brazil and Mexico. kc.^Gon. AB11CLK8. Quantities Expoutkd. British West Inditis. 1883. Animals and their Produ ' -Continued. Lbs. Doz. Lbs. do Checbe Lard . . I^f ::;:;.: do Beef Hams Mutton Pork * do do do do Meats, other, N.E.S ao Oil, Animal ^^"•"*'- AyrictUtural Products. Fruits, green Brls. Barley ■» f Beans f Oats f ^'^^^- do do Wheat Grain, other "" Flour ^^'^• Indian Meal ^^^ Oat do Other do Hay Potatoes do do Tfitis. Bush, Manufactures. Biscuit . Candles Cwt. Lbs. No. Carriages JrV- Boots and Shoes )^^\^ Ale, Beer and Cider ^^alls, Whiskey f' Spirits, "••*^'"- "" "VVine . other do No. Organs , , ,,' Oif N.E.S <-^ll« Sewing Machines • ■ ■ • ^o- Bhips^ No., Ton. Soa]) Lbs. Starch ".'.'.'.'.'.'. '^" Ci'gtirs and Cigarettes mestic. For eign. 35 24 6 111 41 li,9;«) 1,942 758 240 100 l,.50O 622 3,200 1,024 l(i4 37 2t»5 74 1 10 161,700 116 2 117 1 S2 7 509 75,810 578 18 40 257 S4 41 36 822 Foreign West Indies. Do- mestic 2,400 For- eign. Brazil. Do- mestic 1,600 573 300 23 205 33 4,940 48,809 1,190 IBO 600 200 300 400 37,851 437 20 13 68,518 11 b5 155 1,030 210 For- eign. Mexico. Do- mestic 4 1 24 50 211 For- eign. 65 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Exported to the West Inam Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c.—C6n Articles. Quantities Extorted. British West Indies. 1884— Con. Manufactures— Concluded. *Ifon,other, and hr'-d- ware g Leather, sole and up- ix*r § Boots and Shoes Pairs. *Leather, other nianufactures of . . . $ *Lime § Ale, Beer and Cider.' Galls Whiskey ^q Other Spirits ., do Wine c[(, •Machinery § Oil ' f Jaiig_ Sewing Machines.... No ships No. Tons. boap n^y St^irch [ do *Steel and manirfac- tures of § *Stone and Marblej wrought . $ Sugar Lbs. lobacco, manu f ac- tured ,]o Vinegar Galls 'Household furniture $ Other manufactures of wood , § *WoolIeuR ,[" ,^ *Other Articles. .' . ... $ MigceUaneous. Coffee Li,g •Fruits, dried $ " Rice Tea ; ; ; ; ; •Other Articles. ." ." Do- mestic. For- eign. Fortiign West Indies. Brazil Mexico. Do- mestic 3,539 4«2 6,031 645 494 15,083 2,570 643 65 For- eign. Do- mestic 740 236 eign. Do- mestic For- eign. 200 449 2 I 112 5,786 300 27 29 623 102 1,024 1,077 194 284 699 100 82 7,477 28 303 1,467 80 324 I Lbs. do 1886. The Mine. "^al Tons. •Value only. 11,300 719 3,094 306 350 ib;539 2,149 4,394 7,656 2,831 1 4,904 86 1,280 317 154 30 331 200 285 300 4,273' 251 56 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Exported to the West India Islands, Brazil and Me-sico, &c. — Con, Articles. 1885— Oon. The Fisheries. Codfish, Haddock, Ling and Pollock, dry salted Cwt. CodnBh, Haddock, Ling and Pollock, pickled do Mackerel, canned . . . Lbs. do pickled, . . Brls. Herring do ... do do smoked. . . Lbs. ^eftfish, other, pickled Brls. lobaters, canned .... Lbs. Salmon, pickled . ... Brl.s. *Fi8h, all other, fresh $ Fish Oil, Oixl Galls do other do *Other Articles 8 The Forest Firewood Cords DeaLs, Spruce and other St. Hun Liiths, Palings and Pickets M Planks, Boards and Joists M ft. Scantling do Staves, standard M Staves, other, and He.'idingei do *Luialier, all other. . S Masts and Spars Pieces Shingles M Sh(K)ks, Box do *Other Articles § A niiiuth aivi their Products. Horses No. Horned Cattle do Swine do Sheep do •Poultry and other Animals S Butter Llw. Cheese do QUANTITIKS EXPORTFO TO British West Indies. Foreign West Indies. mestlc. 249,239 For- I Do- eign. Imestic 5,760, 21,302 31,597 2(J5,757 4,792 14,193 358 3 393 20 6(34 41 234,195 11,269 17,<)94 132,599 1,055 3«j 154 63 196 15,218 29 29 5 67 909 16,515 6,110 159 65 69 17 277 52 1,(5()0 4,523 ]3razil. For- Do eigi 'nestic 15 5(i3 18,511 38 :14.9881 120,670 10,583| I 1,675 57,332 10 For- eign. Mexico. Do- j For mestic eign 235 14 581 115 313 50,064 \ 3 6 11 10 iiif •Value only. 6T \ Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Exported to the West India Islands, Bra/.il and Mexico, &c,— Con. Articles. 18m— Con. Aninudg, ike. — Continued. Eggs doz. Lard Lbs. Beef do Pork do Tongues, canned do Tallow do *Other Articles $ Agricultural ProducU. Bran Cwt. Fruit, green, apples . . Brls. * do allother $ Beans Bush. Indian Corn do Oats do Bease do Flour (wheat) Brls. Indian Meal do Oatmeal do Hay Tons. Potatoes Bush. *Other Vegetables. . . $ Manufactures. *Book8 $ Bi.seuit Cwt. Carriages, Carta, &c. No. *Clothuig and wear- ing apparel § *Cordage, ropes and twines ,S *Cotton8 ,§ *(irind8tones $ *Gypsuni or Plaster, ground ,? •Castings, Iron $ •Machinery § *Sewing >[acu;.ies. . No. *Iroii and Steel, all other, and liard- ware § *Steel and manufac- tures of % * Boots and Shoes $ Qr;ANTiTiE8 Exported, %' British West Indies. Do- mestic. 152 20 75 3,260 ' 31 189 40 243 40 49 100 122,547 745 64 5 25 203 70,409 297 144 13 18 30 822 23 5 105 66l 409 For- eign. 2,978 33 5,352 200 1,200 Foreign West Indies. Do mestic 100 For- eign. Brazil. Do- mestic 38 'so 200 27 44 12,578 358 32,907 30 10 160 704 For- eign. Mexico. Do mestic For- eign. 503 112 44 402 80 *Valuo only. M i 68 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Exported to the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Con. Articles. 1885- Conci«p " 'Poultry and other 318 Animals $ 242 Butter Lbs. 9,957 13,508 6,000 58,830 ' Chesse " 5,582 847 Kggs doz. 55 *Value only. 60 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Exported to the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Con. W Articlks. 1886. Animals, Ac. — Continued. Lard lihs. Bacon " Bt'ef " IlaniB " Mutton " Pork " Ton(?ues, canned.... " Meats, all other " Affritultural Products. Bran Cwt. Friiits, green, Apples Brls. * do do all other S Barley Bush. Beans do Indian Corn do Oats do Pease do Flour (whe;it.) Brls. Indian Meal do Oat do do AUotherdo do Hay Tons. Potatoes Bu.sh. *Seed8 S *Vegetables, other ... $ *Other Articles § Manufacture:^ . *Agricultural Imple- ments S *Books, &c § Biscuits Cwt. Carriaqfes, Carts, &c. No. *Clothing k Wearing Apparel $ *Coraage, Ilope.s and Twine S *CottonH § *Gla8s and Glassware % *Hat8 and Cai)s $ Stoves No. *Ca8ting8, Iron $ Sewing Machines No. * Value only. QUANTITIKH E.XPOUTKI). British West Indies. Do- mestic . 498 45 735 48 245 240 533 64 281 38 1 774 141,511 604 433 28 1 801 7,9212 2 482 1( 3,816 .32 37 12 9 81 5 45 23 222 313 For- eign. 31,400 6 35 Foreign West Indies. Do- mestic 220 200 .300 1,000 14 19 20 128 851 74 69,985 752 46 17 2 8 2,818 543 For- eign. Do- mestic 2,000 6,000 40 20 Brazil. For- eign. 6,520 10 Mexico. Do- mestic 15 For- eign. 61 Statement showing the Quantities of the different Articles Exported to the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Con. AnricLEs. 1886. Manufnct ures — Continued . *Iron and Steel, all other, and Hard- ware S *Steel and Iron, nian- iifactures of 8 *Leather, sole & upi)er § * Boots and ahoes. ... $ *Harne8s & Saddlery S *Leather, other man- ufactures of $ Ale and Beer (Jails Brandy do Gin do Kum do Whiskey do Wine do Spirits, other do Organs No. Pianos do Ships No. Tons, Soap. Lbs. Starch do Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes do do all other man- ufactures of do *Woo .550 i *Cordage, Ropes and Twines 8 925 1,207 ♦Cottons 8 10 Extract of Hemlock Bark Brls. 100 •Glass and (ilassware $ 30 ! •Gyjisum, or Plaster, ■ 1 ground $ •Machinery S f)50 242 570 Sewing Machines. . . . No. 140 300 12 •Iron & Steel, other. and Hardware $ 3.121 . • • • • 308 j Junk and Oakiun .... Cwt. 22 ( ' ♦Leather, sole and upiier do 2 /• ♦Boots and Shoes . . .^ $ 4,036 ♦Harness and Sad- ; dlery S 835 J ♦Value only. I 64 Statement showing tho Qnantitioa of the difforont Articloe Exported to the West India Islands, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Con. ARTIOtEt). 1887. Manufacturet— Con. Ale and Beer Galls. Brandy do (Jin do Whiskey do WineH ... do S^iirits, other do I'lanos No, *SailH $ Ships No. Ton8. Soap LbH. *St()ne, wrought, and Marble S ToV)acco, Manuf ac- • tures of Lbs. *Ftirniture $ *Pail8, Tubs, Churns, &c S *W()od, other Manii- f fix'tures 8 •Woollens S *Otlur articles $ Mincdlaneoui. Coffee Lb.s. Fruits, dried do Rice do Tea do *Other Articles § 1888. The Mine. Coal Tons, Salt Bush, Fisheries. Codfish, Haddock, Ling and Pollock, dry salted Cwt. Tongues and Sounds. Brls. ^lackerel, pickled ... do Herring do ... do do smoked Lbs. Seafish, other pickled Brls. *Value only. QUANTlTIItH i]XIH)KTKl). British West Indies, Do- mestic. ()25 682 2 1 1,(M»(» 2 i 53 11,778 240 3,941 1,680 l,75r> 16 12,700 375 100 5,181 620 233, 648 10 4,514 26,241 123,223 60 For- eign. Foreign West Indi(w. Do; niestic 17 l(»l 16 328 52 600 4,7(58 8ickltMl Bi-ls. Fish, nil oIIht, pickled do Fisli oil, (.',k1. (iallM. *Furs or .SK-iii.s, tlin , prodnrc of Finh or Murine AiiiinalH. . . .1! *Otlm- Articles. ... $' The Forest. Firewood Cords Deals, Sprnoeife other St.H. Lath, Falinjrl.s. M ackei'cl, pickled .... do Halibut, fre^ih J^Us. Herring, pickled Brls. do eanntMl YA)n. tlo smoked do Sea Fish, other, pickled lirl.s. do preserved. Lbs. Oyster.y, eanned do Lobiitors do ..... do Salmon, fresh do do Bmoked {|.j do canned (hj * Value only. Quantities E.xpoRTEn. British West Indies. Foreign West Indies. Do- mestic. 4,040 lOli 2,931 2(>2 22,0(;6 400 For- I Do eign. mestic Brazil. For- Do- eigii. mestic 2,400 98 305 1,51(3 l,792i 1,738|. For- eign. Mexico. Do mestic 243,058 22 307 4 1,3()G 428 440 3,498 9,580 •M,:m 240 121,75.'. I,ti94 250 9() 21,370 9(i 2801 1,()G5| 12.-) 0,000 For- eign. 2,875 184,5^9 13, 133 €6,142 32(i . . . . ! 150 405 13,192 35,473 140 339 -v-> 68 Statement showing the Quantity of the difibi-Qnt Articles Ex])orto(l to the West India Jshinds, Brazil and Mexico, &c. — Cm. AUTlCIiEH. 1889. The Fisheries — Concluded . Salmon, pickled Brls. Fish, allotlicr, pickled do Fish Oil, C(xl.. Galls. Seal Oil do ♦Other Articles $ J'he Forest. Logs, Spruce M, Ft Deals, Si)ruce and others.... St. Hun Laths, Palings and Pickets M. Planks and Boards. . . M. ft Joists and Scantlings, do Staves, standard do other, and Headings . . *Lumber, all other. . . Masts and Spars Pieces Shingles ... M. Shocks, Box No. * do other .^ ♦'Other Articles .$ Animal sand their Products. M. M. $ Qu.ANTITIKa EXPOKTED. Britisli West Indies. Do; niestic. Horses Horned Cattle Sheep *l'iiulti-y and other Animals Butter Cheese Eggs .. . *Hides, Horns and Skins, Bacon Beef Pork Meats, canned do 'dl other Bran.. Fniits -Apples, green or ripe No. do do Lbs. do Doz. Lbs. do do do do Cwt. Brls. 405 75 462 110 7 254 14,495 25 11 For- eign. 1,901 144 •13,7321 83,8(X) 2,1G0 100 144 16 4!>7| 21 .s| 8,152 1,697 336 72 2,125 290 800 72 795 21 267 Foreign West Indies. Brazil. Do- mestic 20 For- eign. Do- mestic 1,000 3,0(K) 480 11,348 230 1,627 39 1,420 6,719 9, l.W! 17,817 2,900 I 2,200 I 200 .500 226 For- eign. 104 362 185 Mexico Do- in(!stic 28 578 For- eign. * Value only. 69 State.mbnt Hliowing- (he Quuntity of the diiroront Articles PlKjjortwl to the W est ludiii Islunds, Brazil and Mexico, ^a.—Con. AUTIOLEM. 1889— Con. *FrnitH, j)rt'tj UisMiits and Bread.. Cwt. Carriages, Carts, &c. No. *Clothing and Wear- ing Apparel s *Ct)rdaKe, Ropes. and Twiiie.s $ *Cottons § *GlasHand(31assware $ *i'pns No. Ships No. Tons, '^']H^ Lbs. Stone, wrought, and Marble % Quantities Exported. British West Indies. Do- mestic. 30 25 21 105, 480 197 1 26 18 2 426 30 !)2,370 737 701 16 . 19 10 722 1,250 34 29 2!) 11 2 231 964 2,325 941 (HiO ' "e i;579 540 For- eign, Foreign West Indies. Brazil, Do- mc^stic 548 547 Ji'or- eign. Do- Imestie lA)r- eign. Mexico. Do- mestic 209 16 20 1 180 47,649 147 1.36 18 4 13,099 2 176 4 152 1 i 639 1,066 34 1 1198 For- eign. 11 12 840 GO 4,944 8 Value only. 70 Statement 8howini^tho(iuanLityof the difforenl Articlon Exported to tho West India JslandB, Brazil Mexico, &c. — Oon. AUTICLRS, 1889. Manufacturer»—Gonc\nded. Tobacco, manufac- tures of Lbs. Barrels, empty No. *Furniture $ *D(H)rs, SashoM and Blinds § *Pails, Tubs, Churns, &c S *Wood, other marui- factures of $ *Woollens § *pther Articles .$ Misccllancmis. Coffee. LV)s. Fruits, dried do llice do Tea do *Other Articles $ * Value only. QUANTTTIEH ExrOKTKI). British West Indies. Do- mestic. 4,154 275 76 87 For- eign. 2,.339 20 19,272' J)3 ir)5 Foreign West Indies. Do; mestic 3,141 150j f)88 ! 5,824 1 1,281 800; 25U For- eign. 282 Brazil. D(v mestic 18 For- eign. 400 Mexico. Do; mestic 212 For- eign. S(l •71 » " GENERAL SUMMARY. In order that the general results may bo seen at a glance the fol- lowing table has been compiled. It enables inquirers to com- pare the jist seven years with the same period in the preceding decade. GENERAL TABLE. iJate. Ganadah 1873— Iiniwrt..^ ExiK'rts 1874 — ^iiijKirts Exports 1.'.S75 — Imports Exports 1876 -Inipijrts Ex])ovts 1877— ImportH Exports 1878— hnports Exports 1879— Imports Exp(jrts Total for 7 years. 1883 — Imports. .... Kxports 1884 — Imjiorts Exports 188(5 — liii])orts Exports 1886— Imi)orts Exi)OrtH 1887— Imports ExiKjrts 1888— Imports Exports 1889— Iiuports Exports Total for 7 years. Britisli West Indies. Spanish West Tndi' . 9G4,00r. 1,969,54.3! 919,.'J17' 1,997,078! 1,023,148 2,283,973 868,846 2,148,491 640,716' 2,194,649 578,405; 1,950,144 6.50,0871 1,955,5841 rench W(«t Indies. % 1,14.3,241 1,624,191 1,340,2.35: 1,255,121- 1,116,440 1,042,001^ 631,150 1,146,129 56.3 '5i; 1,284,375 417,178 1,089,807 575,969 1,2.37,598 20,144,186 14,466,876 2,477,5751 1,786,696: 1,964,734 1,712,283 1,442,324' 1,526,3.58: 1,44,3,102 1,256,5491 719,152 1,182,9111 818,393- 1,491,8241 1,07.3,841 1,658,844 20,554,586 1,856,897 9''2,222 1,<)09,136 1,044,739 1,692,403 802,1.34 1,68.5,723 744,052 1,173,339 805,594 2,434,835, 1,026,974: 2,207,793 1,027,285; 43,412 2!>9,809 30,502 380,(509 46,592 371,477 47,158 292,995 25,022 160,212 21,68(; 246,738 18,008 219,121 Other W.'st Indies. 2,203,341 24,274 94,950 17,479 145,988! 8,224 248,055j 68,969 87,7051 13,6201 149,6221 16,580i 127,658 8,365 88,.3G7 25,040 316,458 14,033 307,369 19,811, 141,771 11,090 86,1471 46,739i 51,451 11,683 48,871 17,850 20,608 19,043,126 1,118,021 1,099,656 9,748 8! 1, 655 19,014 .55,1K8 8,2;« ,50,318 4,557 .34,822 2,952 .3.5,455 3,760 33,817S .3,954! .52,718] .South Amt)rit:a. Total. 416,199' 1,285,4341 473,530! l,212,978j 278,796' 785,797! 287,.553; (j88,209 4,971! 6.51,6251 15,447| G54,.357| 4,.388! 741,442; 2,591,1.31 5,273,927 2,781,263 4,991,774 2,473,200 4,731, .303 1,903,666 4, .363, 529 1,247,780 4,440,483 1,049,296 4,068,-504 1.256,817 4,242,112 •7,500,7261 45,414,785 1,460,208 1,455,688 1,466,697 1,265,113 1,.328,830 1,4.54,318 1,217,680 l,19o,48() 1,185,499 1,425,862 876,025 1,473,985 719,524 1,441,561 404,221 17,965,976 5,829,468 4,580,71!» .5,07.3,614 4,384,692 4,491,()01 .3,974,929 4,362,1.52 3,317,05(> 3,127,681 ,3, .500, 773 4,1.34,096 4,075,471 4,022,962 4,201,010 59,08(),830 During 1873-79, Canarhi's average annual trade with the coun- tries above referred to was $(),489,260 do 1S8.3-89 do do .... 8,440,980 During the seven years, 1883-89, as compared with the period 1873-79, our tr.adc with the British West Indies held its own, showing a sliglit increase. Our tr.adc with the Sjiujiish West Indies increased four and a-h.alf million dollars. Our trade with the Erencli West Indies decreased al)Out one million dollars. Our trfide with other West Indies decreased about three-quarters of a million dollars. Our trade with South American countries increased ten and a-half million dollars.