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DSliliiis, ^ VICTORIA, B. C. Incorporated January 2 1 , i 890. Adopted March Ath, 1890. T M MUNROE Miller, Printer, Johnson Street. I ^ CONSTITUTION, BY*-UnWS RfiD I^UliES OF THE James Bay Athletic Association, L'd. VlCTOHlfi, B. C. Incorporated January 2 1 , 1 890. Adopted March ith, 1890. MuNBOE Miller, Pbinteb, Johnson Stbeet. GIFTT J> till®! If ifii)ig> BynLiaQUs and t^ules -OF THE- lames ©ay AtHletic Association. 1. The name o* the Association shall be " The James Bay Athletic Association. " 2. The object of this Association shall be to encourage athletics and physical improvement amongst amateurs in the City of Victoria or elsewhere. From and after the 30th November, 1890, no person under 16 years of age shall be eligible for membership. 3. No individual member of this Association shall compete in open competition, or for a stake, or for public or gate money, or under a false name, or with a professional for a prize, nor teach or pursue athletic exercises as a means of livelihood. 228078 4. Every cnndidate for membership shall be proposed by one active member an(3 seconded by another by a proposal in writinj?, which shall be sent to the Secretary, statif gthe candidate's name, place of residence, profession or calling?; which proposal shall be signed by proposer and seconder. A notice dated and signed by the Secretary of such nomination shall then imme- diately be put upon the notice board of 'he Club, containing the name, residence, profession or calling of said candidate, together with the names of the proposer and seconder. The elec- tion shall be by ballot on the first Tuesday in every month, every candidate's name to be on the board three days before the ballot, each member having one vote only. Each member voting shall write his name in a book provided for that purpose and shall receive from the Secretary or other person in charge, a voting paper and shall mark the same " Yes " or *' No " and shall then place such voting paper in the ballot box, and his vote shall not be counted for or against any candidate if the voting paper is not so marked, and the voting paper shall be spoilt. The box shall not be opened during the continuance of the ballot, and at the expiration thereof it shall be examined by the || 'I Secretary ia the presence of two members of the Managing Committee as scrutineers (provided neitlier of them is either proposer or seconder) the result to be entered in the book kept for that purpose and signed by thft scrutineers. Twenty votes hiust be cast at all elections for new members, and one negative in every seven votes shall exclude the candidate ; and any candidate being twice negatived shall be ineligible for the space of one > ear. Failure op Ballot. 5. In the event of a candidate not receiving the required number of votes, or if through any irregularites occurring in the ballot it shall be rendered void, a new ballot, known as the sec- ond b lilot, may, if desired by the proposer and seconder, be taken in like manner in seven days from the close of the first ballot; the notice of proposal to remain upon the board during that period, with anew notice as t » ihe day on which the new ballot is to be taken. Any candidate who has not obtained the required number of votes for election in the two ballots shall be ineli^'ible to be proposed again for the period of one year, and any candidate who has been twice negatived shiill be ineligible for further proposal. 6 New Members. 6. On the election of each new member the Secretary shall notify him in writinj? and re- quest him to pay his entrance fee ano. subscrip- tion for the current month, and he shall not be considered to be a member of the Association until he has paid such sums. Entrance Fee and Subscription. 7. The entrnnce f» e shall be S5, the monthly subscription $1, and the rent of lockers 25 cents, monthly, payable in advance. 8. Two members of the Club, one of whom shall be a member of the Managing Committee, may sanction the admission of a person resident out of the city of Victoria for a period of ten days, the privilege to be purely personal and not to entitle such visitor to any of the priv- ileges of the Association except for himself alone, and not to be granted to the same person n^ore than ouce a month under any circum- stances. The Secretary shall be immediately notified by the members sanctioning such admission. The Managing Committee may in- vite and admit to the privileges of the Club as honorary members for such period as tliey may from tw*ie to time see fit to extend such an in- vitation. Any member may brinj^f an outsider as a visitor into the Club House, but not of tener than once a week. 9. Any member introducing~a stranfifi^i* into the Association shall be responsible ^ r hi • con- duct whili in the Club House. iu. No person elected as a membur ^liall be permitted to use the Club House or its chattels or be entitled to any privileges of the Associa- tion until his initiation fee and annual or other subscriptions are paid And any person so elrcted neglecting to pay such fee for one month from date of election shall forfeit his right of membership, unless explanation for the neglect be made to the satisfaction of the Manflging Committee, and no such person shall be eligible for membership during the then current year. No member in arrear of his monthly subscrip- tion for two months shall be allowed to vote at any meeting or at any ballot for members. And in case any membrr is in an^ar of his monthly or other dues as aforesaid, his name shall be put on the notice board, and if his dues be not paid within two weeks from tha' date he shall be suspended. .iiuau-. 8 11. Any member wbose dues and club debts are all paid shall be at liberty to withdraw from the Assoeiation on his written application. All resignations shall be in writing to the Secre- tary of the Association. 12. All entrance fees, subscriptions and other moneys shall be paid to the Secretary-Treasurer or his Assistant. 13. The officers of the Club s' all consist of an Honorary President, President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and Managing Committee, as provided for in the Articles of Association of the James Bay Athletic Assjciation, Li'd., (who shall elect all other officers ) 14. The Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Order may be altered or varied by a two-third majority of the shareholder members at any meeting. I 9 GOVERNMENT OF ASSOCIATION. fm In case the conduct of any member either in or out of the Club Buildings, shall in the opin- ion of the Managing Committee be injurious to the character and interests of the Association, or if any member shall wilfully infringe the constitution or any of the rales of the Associa- tion, the Managing Committee may recommeud such member to resigrn, and if such member shall not resign he shall be liable to suspension "j^N from all the privileges of the Association by a vote of a two-thirds majority of \he Managing Committee, at a meeting of which the accused shall have notice ; subject to an appeal to the members of the Association to be jcalled by the Secretary en a request in writing signed by him, and sent to the Seer tary within one month from the dite on which he receives notice of his saspensio . If the suSj^ension is sustained by two-thirds of the members present at such meeting, the member shall be consid- ered expelled and shall be forthwith removed from the list of members. 10 Any member who shall withdraw, resign or be expelled, shall cease to be a member of the Association and shall forfeit all right of claim therein. Any member who shall be expelled shall be ineligible for re-election as a member of the Association for a period of tw^elve months- All the affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Committee of members who are shareholders in the Association, consisting of the Chairman, Secretary, and thirteen others, elected as provided for in the articles of the Association of the James Bay Athletic Associa- tion, Limited. A quorum shall consist of eight, inclusive of the Chairman. There shall be sub-committees appointed by the Managing Committee out of their number for each branch of sports of the Association. Such sub-committees shall see that the rules governing the branches of the Association for which they are elected are strictly adhered to and carried out and shall be responsible to the Managing Committee for everything over which they have control. The colors of the A sociation shall be White and Navy Blue and shnll bn worn by all mombors Jiud teams iu every c mpetition. Ms { 1 ^v i i II The Association shall pay all the expenses of any team that they wish to take part in any competition under the name of the Association, and every team shall be strictly subject to the rules and regulations of the Association, it be- ing understood that the Association are to re- ceive all moneys derived from gate or other receipts from grounds, &c., in which their mem- bers as a body shall play or take part in a tournament or exhibition. No member or team belonging to the Associa- tion shell enter into any competition in any manner other than under the name of the As- sociation, except he or they receive the sanction of the Managing Committee. 12 BOATING. 1. The boats after being used shall, with their oars and rowlocks, be put away olefin in their respective | laces. 2. Members whilst in the boats shall bear in mind that they are members of the Association and as such, subject to all their rules. 3. No boat shall be out lonprer than 12 hours unless by the permission of two of the Boating Committee, and every member taking a boat shall cause to be entered on the slate kept for the purpose i the Boat House, his name and the time he takes the boat and the number or name of it. 4. Members using a boat other than a family or sail boat thall pay 10 ceuts for the tirst three hours or under, and 25 cents for more than three hours. 5. For family and sail boats, 25 cts. for the first three hours or under, aud 50 cts. for more three houjs. 6. A family boat to mean one that is over 15 feet in length. All boats to be in not later A 13 than 11.45 o'clock, p. m., unless by consent of two members of the Boating Committee. 7. Members owning private boats and wish- ing to keep them in the'boat house, shall pay 50 cts. a month for storage. 8. The Captain shall select and train all crews for any boat race for which the members may wish to enter. 9. The Boating Committee may make such further ru^es in relation to boating as they think fit, subject to the approval of the Manag- ing Committee. 10. The Association shall provide all members who take part in a boat race with suitable uni- forms. Such uniforms to be the absolute pro- perty of the Association and kept in the Club House. Members wishing to buy their uni- forms may do so at any time. 11. Copies of the above rules shall be posted up in conspicuous places in the Boat House. RULES For the Government of the Club House. 1. Thr Club House shaU be open every day for the reception of members at 7 o'clock, a. m.,and shall be closed and the lights extinguished at 12 o'clock midnight. 2. No member shall be admitted into the Club House after these hours on any pretext what- ever without the consent of the Managing Committee. 3. No member shall take away from the Club House any of its property or chattels, unless upon such terms as may be decided by the Committee, 4. Members are requested to make complaints in writing signed by themselves, to the sub- committees for the time being, of any ma;tter in the administration of the several branches of Association seeming to need correct! n. 5. No game of cards shall on any account be played for mouey, and no game of any kind shall be played in the Club House on Sundays. 6. The usa of spirituous or malt liquors is STRICTLY PROHIBITED in the Club Housc. t • « u 7. No member shall bring a dog or any other animal into the Club House. 8. Before using the Gymnasium, members shall put on a pair of slippers or light shoes and shall be respectably attired. 9. While in the Club House, members are ex- pected to bebave as gentlemen- and not make unnecessary noise or use profane language. 10. Any member wilfully destroying or damag- ing any of the chattels, etc., of the Association, :shall immediately replace or pay for the same. 11. Members, after using any books, cards, or articles in the Gymnasium, or any of the effects in the Club House, shall immediately replace them in their respective places. 12. Smoking will not be allowed in the "Gymnasium under any consideration. 13. No games other than cards, chess, bil- liards, and such games, shall be allowed in the card room. 14. No games of any description will be al- lowed in the reading room, or cards in the Gymnasium. 15. Members using the baths shall, when tfinished, leave' everything in proper order. Copies of these rules shall be posted up in conspicuous places in the Club House, for the ^guidance of. members.