■ /• • •':<■ .■ A-" *.> >.•:?;--. rN CIHM MicroficKe^ Series {Monographs) ,-^ > I ICMH Collection de .microfiches (monographies) Canadian Institute fof Historical Microraprbductiont / inttitut Canadian da miccorapi;oductions l^storiquas I TtchniMi and Bibliographic Notes / Not** tachniquat at bibiiograpltiquat The Initituta has attamptad to obtain tha batt original copy available for filnting. Faaturai of this copy which may ba biblio^lraphically uniqua. which may altar any of tha imagai in tha raproduction. or which may significantly changa tha usual mathod of filming, ara chacked balow. \ L'Institut a microfilm* la maillaur axamplaira qu'il lui a AtA pqssibia da sa procurer. Las details da cft -axamplaira qui sont paut4tra uotqnt filmAs en commencent par le premier plat At en terminant solt par la dernlAre page qui comporte une empreinte «" . d'impresslon ou d'iliustratlon, soit par ie secQ^nd plat, selon le cas. 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ARCH PURPLE. a .. •>; ^ (-' > BRANTFORDt MnhnD at nn oritox or th« brantfobd *' K ' t . ^ ^ V- l'-** \ < , -, " ■ ;, " 1 y .* "• , \ ■ *-. " b ^ ^ ^ if ,« > m ^^'^^' i> - li ^. f:'^^i>-' V ^"■i' *I'.»J.;iA^'r'f;"' i' ■' "V"**, '■)', U^:U'.t- ^..■. fie. ■ '■ ■ A ;■ - ,■■ '-,11 .■■(.•'l> ''N't f 1 i :^ :f^ 'ITTf ■ ■ ri- r/.'ii* •fitnhf^- f,^ A I H' ^* v.i j*f ;ll »otr Jli^lU #xlet: 1 1 » ^ tii I I . II iitttt iD MiDUini gPliOBfiE BOOH . / ■ ■ ■ w ' #o^H6yal 111* llii|)le JUd^ shill be ^pwiini t&iliiilli^rc! be at least one proper Aroh ef^cted in liii^ZM^ie-'fooiii* ^ t|^ ligbtfl alkali be triple ligbta. that ia« three ^together, wherever lighta a^ required in any .room. The Master's chair shall be placedMlteetljr iitt^ der, or|ui aefr as possible to the Royal ilrch, lind a •eat fkt the Chaplain shuH' be placed on the Mae- tei'sti|fat hand. Thttltkides to be used in hiitiitting a nwiiiber tj,tW?»Qwl«rshaUbe» • <^ • • • • VaUofwhieh ^ju| j^ jrapaie before the openinf of ik6 JU(|fib -n' l ' i« ) y r • i -;. .i fUiK 4 i •» WiUkall Bli^tWb Tj^M, ttie H' Ihcf ^>#.* • % ^ 4 ▲BOH PORPLlfi RITlfAL. The duty of the Outaide Tyler ahall be to fvanl the Lddge-rooni donr» and to prevent any penon t>r peraona from loitering about or near the Lodge* itK^ door. He Mhnll examine every Brother Kfho ah%ll present hintaelfforadmhtifnee. HaaiiaU»id« rait do peraon who UadjDOt th* AntfvUl ^Fig^i|fi|^ for the current year; he aha fl frtJK) require ^<^nr trance Password of the Royal Arch, and be aatinled that the Brother seeking admittance haa received the Koynl Arch ^pegree. He shall ai^swer '&|1«imI attiiat the Inside Tyl^, whA^iS^rod. ^ > l^he Inside Tylef shall answer |» «iid*'sN4|tol|ie Outside Tyler when required. He shall eJi^jflff;^ all parts of tl|^ Lodfe-room, apd ropodrt to the.J|fl||f; ter that the^usinesskif the Lodge may. be ^nM^Bed- ed with in iiafeity.^^^He shall not allow iiif^^br to leave the Lodge-room withoi^t a I'assword (l^ioei- municated by the Deputy-Master) ensanatiiig jiorn^ the Master. , COpPpr AMB AFmBiHCB orBBinwg|a£ vTbe Mysteries and solemninty of this' t6^(^c«r, todosa {fo Brother thalt lS> ^l|i^ any kind ofleTitf ; nor ihajl ho raedldia Wmf\m^%\nm with the forin of Initintion, nn^ liiM^jbtly ord«red by the Maat^r. thmagh the pr^r 4l|iafv:to do M, under pain of immedii\te expulsion Ikwfi the Lodge-foonii , nh :'ni-i '^' ■■' " • ii .j iii i i ' .#i>i ' 'r; i . OTBRnni OF THE LODfiL '1i:;% •»>• ' tb* BrtthMo b«ing Mattd In Uielr pUoM, Md all itrifl^jjaMit, t)i« If Mt«r ihall «*o«rUin Jf ali pretont ara Ilojal Aroh Parpic MarkamQ, Md«b«U|^v«^|eh»i]|» t^ lb* Tjbn and Brv'thran. ^t^JM ChapUin ahaltlS^D rfad Uio fbllowiaK portioa of iSpyiplMf : * . ?'*'?^» w® command you, Brethren, by the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye wkhdrow your- »eifi»frt)ra every Brother that walkdth disoi^erly, ant) nor aider the traditiona which he receiired of ua. For yourselves know how ye ought to follow •us, fo|we have behaved not ourselves disorderly among you, neither did we eat any man's bread for nought ; but wrought with labor and travel night and day, that we might not be chargeable to auy ofyou,— ILThjes, c.iii, V. 6-3. / » -V TIm BretfarM ihaU then riae and fata th« doai>le aroh, the elbowa tou^ng-^-And the Maater ahall read the foUowbg prayer : '••^/sL'Vv^"*^ ■• ' ' ■ " ■ '■■■■■ Gmeious and Almighty God I Thoii who* didst niMa wall of wateia around Thy servants, the .#. "•* » i^.J- ■i^-'>?.*^- «^i n'^' h^tf ^' ^ r •«il>MMKMi«MijBll£» M ^^. mkmmi wmm A • i» ' .^I " ' t , '1 ..lj^^.-i ,1/f.J > !. ,;;).. i'.i.'t v^ 01, tODOK CLOSED HT DUB lOEM. ! j^p4-j : *. ,Jr, ,.';:«:,,>'-;* ^.' ; i^t-'ipii '■ '■ ''''.^^^i^rf ^'V^l""- ,;/:•.•; * ""'""■^'.■^!^*^^-,ii ■iJJJUv ^ i ^t.M-i, L.-(' ,'■■■*,'■ i! J «* •. -J i' ■.•-.iff' .X.**ii i'> '- •<"'ii ''■ s*"*!-"" ', ?->,■■:' ■?■, *■.!( r, J :';.•>•,; ■% S •J ■ .'•■♦fl •-^s I /--^T^ W',_-X'.?,,.rj SSCSE^3l^??^WiPiii • ^ •* m """ ," '"'"' ' ' ■"■' I ' II 1 11... I ....... \^ v'ir: iintttfiriiRMMinMR w or to be •mdaotmwtirMa tf^ Bralhi^B tff«i«latf ftft|k» PW^OMtV llltf I«odiMQan door, «ti4 M UtiHMn«di^9?^ fM Ondidito being mtrodnoed, ik» 'Brntim-tli^l^i'^^^i^- ■ - ■...■;-■ V; • ' , • • • . i«P«rttliftLordyi^rii|w. ■ ■ ■ ^^ McwBow, Thou ^udt make tiie tabernade Vitb «to ^mteiijf of fiw-t«iiied liiidfi, md Bkm mi Pnpl^ aiui ScarH «iBdthoa lihalt make loo|i of i^W -j^^Ls^.ii^ij '/i^' •.'4:>«»i.r «/s?5^?g^?v''?»i?!«®sssesssi^ fj/S7'>- L- tr ' ti mm ' ' V ■pMMHMivfa ' I . / anitfj^ ^^jD^ ^ ^!^ '^^^ ^^ ^^r !lf!^ r.4^!^t^i^^ jl^^ .im.^'*!Sf ■^■:-i- --,t .' . M>i, ''*''^ ' 4M hrtitth%Mtat''t J 'id tf'r ' '- >.^B^^B. ^^^^^^w^^^^^^El^^MBMttl^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ — 4ltiaM«iiWMi mommmiOm' nfunttfl jannu, .«nf :m ma pwoe,wa!s^u«,nM«p :r. «t6 I«iae} for «T«f4r^asflif^»4B. ^ii^ i ;f nJ v^ i'"--.i( :ft(j; J ?•»• »»'? V ■ . • :"f ' ♦ li '"til'' ', 'it ^ I'l,! ' 'i* /-.!./ . ' ..^ '*1 'V.^ '.>■» f'!' jf iLlO •! . 'wfcfl. ^•.'> .">'5«< ■I'^-'ur.da 'nt jT!t <'\'.' '•-) j'i 'it»,'i*ji.iCKM.^| ufiife|>JiK^ '^3.1 1 i ■ — ♦-""■"^ V '■'^ \^- V. '!•! 1 i P 4 I .^SMiiii^wiittt&t0f!VPfMt. ■■IMp^ « ^d; rur4 >rtTX(n ^^m^^n'^^'^i^fi^^ /|'>i^ fiti tiX nmilmf 'K J^iii>n0t)fU>t'*itv/o jbif '! ■. t ilUr *';'*(:]" fi' ii.-;?jn r-^ (! !i'JiV>t-;^^t'>i1^i'i^t^^l '/jj> ^^iir ii'ley^? ^V^ &#MiltA Itoe i6^<^'Di^t^d^^6 sMlM^^ UrtJi^tfr^) iN«rtrfiAe')^Te^fifyriiHr »ii^ ^^ t^ft^,S6d^«^aAibhf,^rM^tftiiifI&^^U^ ^- , M4n-' ^ __- f ^ . f ' ■ r \^ ! .' ,1 I:. ■ • ♦ »■ 'ti " -mH'i iMIMMIMMlli*! ■»#■ r^^B^^^p(PWWFMwi^'^wlw'^^IW'**W^^^»''^'^*W^^|^^*# ' ^^^^^' Am giT» liijft ttie. . . (T'l) ; the Oaiididata being left Ijiii^'wliilAI^^ ' ' UielbUpwiiiigYniMl; \ -^** ♦^ea, tuid will keep thee ill aU,iJ^0i wl^Miietr (:i i r*- ^v" 4. .4«M- ?l« *•« tlMNtyiAlii^ •<« «»4 , < a i 1.*, I? '* / " / I '^\l-l, , '..-*.»;•. l!V ' •;>. /\ »■• \ < s; ■idi I "mmywoL that it it eawntial tliat foo l^ive Jkitbi i^ oiM cim, in ^$ iveaknets snil tli^JlhieA^ "i^o'fm jperl^ If^ibeieib|«s )ftm h(^^^^ tb^ ^^ il^l^aiidiiitiKiMon of^^i^^^^ yoif'Mtit^'Ca^miTlr to otbe^ M Vn '1 1^- ''4i "•••••■w^"*" I ", ' ' I WPWW— W ' H II mmmmmmi^ /'*%3rName. Thy kingdbm'tli: f hy will' W '*;: ilMMin^arilkiMif lain Hearen. Gix^vii tikia diiy Qur ^Uy breadv f Atui iorgivb us our treapaaws aai ^ %el9rgiva thelBft. that treapa^ againat naJ. Aod) — Imd^m mt into, twnptatioo ; But deliTar lis ironlr ovilf For TbineM thekiogdom/thepoiM^aod tha» foil /iiK;!/^ i«o li^ iioi«iR^fiyi!))ffH f>nn i'k' IdiUhuii- V » ^. The Inititute has atltinptMl to obtain tht bmt original copy available for filming. 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