IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ^ UL mil 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1 1.6 < 6" ► V] V) ^ s ''W 7 Photographic Sdences Corporation 4^ 23 WEST MA!N STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 ^^ ^\ ^^\ y^^^^ rsoni relieved has encreased from 66 last year, to 115 during the present, their funds are not so much exhausted, as to render it necessary to solicit more than the annual subscription of Two dollars, which they hope will be found sufficient for the purchase of those comforts so essential to the preserva- tion both of the Mothers and Infants who come under the care of the Society ; and at the same time request it may be understood that they will thankfully receive a smaller sum from those well disposed persons, whose circumstances will not allow of their s'lbscribing more largely. THE FEMALE COMPASSIONATE SOCIETY, in account with Sarah Montizambert, Treasurer, 1822. Dr. Jaury, 6. Paid in the course of the year end- ing this day, as follows ; vizt. To Peter Langlois, for Stores, 6o. J. Anderson, for Beef, do. Ignace Guay, for do. do. R. Moorhead, for Bread, do. John Ksson, for Oat-Meal, For Medicine for tlie use of Patients, 3^27 19 1 8 12 5 7 2 10 5 81 IQi 1 e 3 A 2 Carried forward,* £54 4 1 1822. Brought forzcariL,£5i 4 1 To Thomas Gary for l^rintiiig reports, Paper, &c. do. Made. Belanger for Sheeting, Cotton, &c. for Sheets, Night Gowns, &c. for the Women, ' do. Sundry persons for making up the above articles, furnishing thread, and for washing the same, do. B. Martin and J. Tardif, for col- lecting subscriptions, do. B. Martin, for services as messen- ger at sundry times, For Wood furnished, by order, for the use of the women, Professional attendance, gratuities and extra expences for women re- lieved by the Society, 34 17 3 Amount of Disbursements, 1^7 8 8 Balance in Treasurer's hands this day, 86 8 3 a c 6 1 o 12 10 5 o 2 12 6 s 1 10 6 1 o 14 13 10 0) £^2\ 3 16 U 1822. Janry. 6. By balance in hand on Gth January, CV. 1821, ^80 15 2 do. Amount of Subscriptions and Do- nations received from the 7th Ja- nuary, 1821, to this date, inclu- sive, 133 1 9 £213 10 11 Errors Excepted. Quebec Cth January, 1822. SARAH MONTIZAMBERT, Treasurer, 4 1 1 n i 1 OS c o ir. d £ o a s a; 4) Cm O 9^ X ^ .Si ^-^ '^ 0) ./ '55 Si c 0) c O H < H •SJ3ch?lQ o •sDipoQ |.inur|^>j t o I— I •sjuo^nioj ?J 3^ 1 •spiiB^ •S(lC3 JOpUQ •sdc3 5-» CO Ci •SAVOiJCf] CC In — c eo o •SVM'IS CO cr; — 00 c-i •Til T** •SlIAVOf) •sdi33 •s^J'.'IS CM 3^» 0^ .S>[DOJJ «5 4- ;= (N br •- o «- «- ^ -w «j - _ A- o ::->-.=: ^-^ — C Q = rt i <^ ^ c c ? i= ^ S r^ I— i ••^ I— < A J C -y^ m — LIST OF DIRECTRESSES, Sfc. NAMED for 182r!. PATRONESS, The Right Honorable the Countess Daluousie. PRESIDENT, Mrs. Mountain. Mi^ Mr Mr^ DIRECTRESSES, Mrs. TIale, Mills, Paterson, Jos. Cary, Esson, Germain, Mrs. Duchesnay, Vanfelson, Christie, Woolsey, Clouet, Femberton. Treasurer y Mrs. Montizambert, Secretary, Miss E. Mountain. MIDWIVES, Mrs. Papps, Mrs. Donaldson, Made. Petit, Mrs. Johnston. MESSENGER, Benj. Martin. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS FOR THE YEAR 1891. Countpss of Dal- housie, Mrs. Allison, Adams, £ s. d. 2 10 10 10 J. Anderson, 10 C. F.Aylwin, 5 Allsopp, 10 I Uue Amie, Une Amie, Mrs. Atkins, Ancins, Une Amie, Une Amie, Une Amie, £ & 5 1 s. 2 9 10 10 10 3 7 9 ^ s. d. 1 i ? s. (!. Miss Brydon, 5 Mrs. Chapman, 5 Mrs. BoHen, 10 Coriveux 7 6 Mrs. Bell, 10 Chatloup, 5 Boyd, 5 Codnian, 5 6 Berthelot, lu J. Cary, 10 Baby, 10 Corneau, 1 3 G. Blumhart, 10 Chauvoau, 10 Boyd, 5 Crequi, 10 .8. Brown, 10 Cartier, 10 Miss Bouchard, 1 Mrs . Darling, 10 Mrs. BeUnger, 10 Durnford, 10 Burrage, 10 Miss Durnford, 10 Belanger, 10 Mrs . A. L, Duchcs- Brown, 10 nay. 10 Miss Borgia, 1 3 Miss Duchesnay, 10 Mrs. Baudry, 2 6 Mrs . C. Duchesnay , 10 Boissoneau, 2 G Dame inconnut _',0 10 Miss E. A. Baby, 10 J. Dorioii, 10 Buteau, 4 Veuve Dou- Belanger,, 10 cettp. 10 Blanche t. 10 Mrs . Desha rats. 10 Mrs, Bois, 2 9 Miss S. 11. D'Esti- Babineau, 2 9 mauville, 10 Mrs. Cockburn, 10 Mr* . II. Dunn, 10 Cochran, 10 Miss l^iiplcs^is. 10 Cary, 10 Mr« ». Davidson, 10 Miss E. Cary, 10 Mrs i. N. Duchesnay , 10 Mrs. Coulson, 5 Doucette, senr .0 10 Chjpham, 10 Dostie, 1 3 A. Campbell , 10 A. Dufoi, 2 6 JMiss ColVin, 10 Dumoulin, I 3 Mrs. C. Campbdl, 10 Duval, 5 Miss L. S, Cami)bell,0 10 Davidson, 10 Mrs. Clouct, 10 Dasilva, 5 T. Cary, Jr. 10 Esson, 5 Christie, 10 Miss Finlay^ 10 Cote, 10 Mrsr Ferguson, 10 R. Cairns, 10 Fletcher, 10 8 A Friend, Mrs. Furneuux, Fl emint;, Miss Flemiiiii ^•> Mrs. Fitzgerald, Fielder. Frechette, he Francois, A. Frichette, Mrs. Green, W. (ireen, Miss George, Mrs. (lermaiii, Gaspe, CI • Tain, Grout, J. (Joudie, P. Gingras, Grenier, Miss Garenne, Hat horn, Mrs. Hale, Miss Hale, £ s. d. 2 9 10 15 10 15 5 2 6 5 2 6 10 10 10 10 5 10 O 5 15 O 3 10 10 15 10 10 £ 9. d. Mrs. Le Rlond, (Jacques) 10 J. R. Jy,ing('vin,0 10 Miss l)e Lanaudiere, 10 O 10 Le niond,Senr. U) F. Langlois, 15 Jos. I.e Blond, 10 Mrs. J. Lan^evii Mrs.Honble.HarveyO 10 Hacket, 10 Hallowel, 10 Holmes, 10 A. 11. Hamel, 10 Jean Hunt, 10 Miss Haddan, 5 Mrs. Hoogs, 10 C. liarvickei% 1 Henry, 9 Kerr, 10 Miss lierr, 10 M. Kerr, 10 Mrs. Kinff, 10 Loring, 10 Lind say, Senr. 10 W. B. Lindsay, Junr. Lievre, lianglois, Lees, Legare, Lee, 10 5 10 5 2 6 10 2 6 liCvalle, B. L'Eveque, 5 Landrie. Lagueux, Laijhe, Lasiserois, M'Bain, Miss MoiTough, C- Mountain. 10 10 5 3 10 10 Eliza Mountain,0 10 10 10 10 O 10 Mrs. Mountain, D. Mountain Miss Mountain, M. A.MountainO 10 Mrs. Montizarnbert, 10 G. Mountain, 10 Mills, 10 Miinn, 5 Miss Muni^ 5 K. Munn, 050 MHJregor, 5 Mrs. M'lNider, 10 Q M M (? ». d. £ s. d. 10 JO 10 10 10 16 10 10 o :) 10 3 5 ) 10 2 6 10 2 6 5 ) 10 ) 10 ) 5 ' 3 O ' 10 10 10 10 10 U) 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 10 Q i I »• Mrs, M^Cambridge, O Mailliot, Monier, Messrs. Massue, & Co. Miss Morijeau, Mills (Baker) A. Mercijr, Mrs. D. Mercier, Miss M'Cord, Mrs. Marquis, Marquis, Marette, Moriii, Papps, Plamondon, Veuve Panet, Judge PerrauU, Provan, Patterson, P^mberton, Perceval, Plante, A. D. Parent, Phillips, L. Panet, Pod, ^ Plante, Pelletier, P. S. Q. Painohaud, F. Petry, P. Panet, Quin, R. Quirouet, Ryland, Raby, 5 5 1 1 10 5 2 9 5 10 10 2 fi 2 9 I 5 10 10 10 10 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 5 2 2 3 1 10 5 6 10 5 10 2 9 10 10 10 5 £ s. (1. Miss Ryland, 10 O Russell, 10 Mrs. Ready, 10 Robertson, 10 O Roy, 10 B. Ilacey, 10 O C. W. Ross, 5 Ro.slewyn, 10 P. lloi, 10 O Rollman, 10 Siielvlcton, 10 J. Stewart, 10 Sfnvell, 10 O Miss Scott, 10 Mrs. Sutherland, 10 O Smith, 10 G Stott, 10 O Sarony, 10 O P. Sh.^ppard, 10 O De Salabcny, 10 Socretan, 10 Svmes, 10 O Slilson, 5 Stilliiii^s, 5 Sheppard, (\V.;0 10 O MissSaxton, 10 O Mrs. Sturch, 5 L. Seguiu, 5 Syriac, 7 6 E. Sinnard, 0^0 Taylor, St. Lewis Street, 10 Miss Taylor, do. 10 G. Thomson, 10 Mrs. Taylor, Es- planade, 10 Miss Taylor, do. o 10 Mrs. C. TurgeoD, 10 10 Mrs. Trfttnain, M. Tessier, Thomson, ^ Trig^e, M. trudel, VanCortlaiidt, Vanfelsoii, Vassal, J- Voyer, VoceUe, VallieresdeSt. Real, s. d. I 10 jMrs. Vpzina, 6 Miss Walker, 5 Mrs. Wilkie, 10 Whyte, 5 W.Woolsey, 10 MissWoolsey, 10 1 Wilson, 10 Mrs. T. White, 10 'Miss Woolsey, 1 3 I Mrs. Whitney. 10 £ s. d. 5 10 10 6 10 10 10 10 5 10 LA DONATIONS. Thespian Society i?20 J. B. D'Estimauville 1 V: 11 £ s. d. .5 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 5 10 List of Women relieved by the Ladies of the Flmaib Compassionate Society of Quebec^ from Januarj/, 1821, ^ Januari/, 1822. n Women'' s Names* By rthojn recommended, Anne Clark I>li s. Sheppard^ An HP Sheridan Mrs. Shsj)pard, Aiii^eliq-M? Desc.areaux Messire GauvrcaUy Mii'v Crau ford Mf'sslre Hudon, Josf-phto Labonte Made. Germain^ Jost phte Valboncoeur Mados. Perrauli et fJamel, Louise Cote .... Mrsslie Lefebrc et Made* i esster^ Victoire La Sante ...Madts. Painchaud et Cote^ Jane M'Gee Dr. Ajoitrilfdn, C:ttlieiine M'Laughlin Mcssiro Dufrcsne^ Bridg<^t Tiiylor Mrs. Milfs^ Catliai ine Graham Mrs. IJ(de, Mario Jeanpierre IVtcssire Signai/y An£;elique liabreque Messire lltuhu^ Marie IJorion Messire Dufresne^ Thereso \j\\ France Messire Dufresne^ Louise Lievre Messire Hiidon^ et Made. Germ mtdn^ Louisa Thephner Messire Signay, Jane Gilpin Dr. Mountain, Judiijun f Jonneau Mestiire Uudon, CJeneviove Veilleux Messire hefebvre^ Isabella Lewis Messire Iludon, Louise LuDglois Messire lludon, 12 fVomen^s Names. By uhom recommended, Dupuis Messii e Dujresnc^ J jlie Thihodeau Mesf^ire Signatf^ Scirah Malotie Mcssire Dufresne, Josephte Diilaire Messire Lejebvre, Louise Blois Messire Signm/^ Theiese Duval Mr. L(d)i'i\ Vru\e IVladeleiiie llalarie, ..Messire Signat/, Marie Klaniand Messire Signaj/, Rose Boui isc Mrs. Montizambert, Marie Bouchard Mades. Chrislie et Gaulin^ Sophie Moittrain Mes^sire Hudon, Mary Dilion Countess of Didhuusie^ An an Messire Dufresne^ Aiif;fl Gaussdiu Messire (jiiuvreau^ Mary (luthiie Mrs. Montizambert^ Judy Sullivan Mrs. Papps^ Marie Chalifour Messire Uudon, Angel La Casso Made. Doucetfe^ Angel La Police Messire Hudon^ Esther Porter Kevd. J. L. Mills^ Baillariijeron Mad(\ Le Blond, Fagiiette Messire Dufresne^ Mary Shine Messire Dtrfrefney Benoit Messire Uiidon, Elizabeth L:\rose Made. Ve it'iy, jMaiit" Df smarres IVIessire Iluihn, Josephte Beleau Made VatiJ'elson^ Maiie Freeliette Messire Diijrcsnc, Jane Fiiday Dr. Mounfain, Judicpie I^abrercpie Messire Dnfrcsne., Cecile Chartier Mrs. Mouiizamhert, Cecilia '"reetter Mrs. Glsh Archdeacon of Quebec, Susan Long Archdcfuon of Quebec, Torraiue Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. GaiUy Kennedy Revd. J. />. Mills, i Ellen Do!T|iert> Archdeacon of Quebec^ I Petit. ■ Mrs. AUisoii^ § Nancy Johnstone Mrs. Steicurt, Louise Langlois ]\!ade. Mercier, .; Josephte (iihnin Made. Slieppurd, I Susanne Deroche Made. Panel, - Mary 11 ill Archdeacon of Quebec, & iMrs. Mai/hol, I Betsey Clachin Arclideacon of QucU'Cj I ]Mar!:,aret I'ou el Mrs. Broicn, Madeleine Lefebvrc Messire /)o/t', Angelique Dalere Messire Huifon, Margaret Booth Archdeacon oj' Quebec, Mirie C'outure Messire Dufresne, Miuia Frass Kevd. J, L. Mills, Matilda Stewart llevd. J. /.. il/'V/y, M Caniplia Mrs. Patterson, ' M'K ilk' liny Messire Dufresne, Angelique Senei .Messire Jaapies, Therese Mathicu j^iade. MondzuinOerf^ B 1 14 Women'' s Names. Bij zchom rccnmmendcil, Marie Jacques . , M'>psire Lcjclrcrc^ Iloutier. Messire Ihnlon,^ Louise Snatt ... .Messire liudo)}^ Catharine Tiiomsori Archdeacon of (^iicbcc^ Jane Savage lle\ d. ,/. L. ?,Iillsy Magdeleine Dufresne... .Messire Uudon^ IVlary M'Kilkeiiny Messire Dufrcsne^ Mary Wlielan Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Papps. Beleau Messire Jhidon, Antoinette Larue Messire Hudon^ Sophia Batrhelor Messire Iladon, JVlarie Bureau , Made. Traded Marie Cardinal Cure de Quebec^ Anne M'Allen Messire DufresnCy Antoinette Allard Messire Siguai/^ REGULATfONS Of the Female Compassionate Society, cstahUshedfor the 7'elieJ oj poor married zcomcn in their coujlnemcnt : T. The Society shall consist of a Patroness, a Lady Pre- sident, and twelve Directresses, a Secretu y, 'JVeasurer and Storekeepers — Six of the Directresses shall be Canadian and six English Lndies ; one of each shall take the oiVice of Acting Directress on the first Tuesday in every second month — A general meeting of the Directresses shall be held quarterly, and a Committee consisting of five, (of whom the Lady Pr<'sident shall be one) sliall meet the first Tuesday in every month. IL No person shall be admitted to the benefit of the fharify without a recommendation to the Acting Directress, sii?ned by two Subscribers, or a Certificate from a resident Clpriivm:\n of the Protistant or Catholic Church. III The articles of clotiiing and nourishment shall be issu« d I'y the Storekeeper, on a Ticket from the Acting Dircctre'^S and the cloathing shall be returned to them >\ithi»i t dirty days. On the Storekeeper's Ctrtificate of tiiCir being complete and properly washed, a gratuity of \ ni S 15 I half a dollar, or a suit of baby Hnon shall be given to the poor woman, at tlic discretion of the Acting Directress. If not returned within the time or not in proper order, the gratuity shall be forfeited, and the woman excluded from future relief. The allowance shall consist of Haifa pound of Tea, Two pounds of Oatmeal, Two pounds of Rice or Barley, Two pounds of Sugar, Six pounds of Beef, Two loaves of Bread, Two pounc's of Soap, Three suits of Baby Linen, Two changes of Linen for the woman. Medicine, Wine, Nutmegs, Wood and Bedding to be added at the discretion of the Acting Directresses. IV. Medical aid will be aftbrded in all cases of necessity. V. The Secretary shall enter in a book a list of the per- sons relieved, by whom recommended ; the Acting Di- rectress's report and the proceedings of the Committee. — Any resolves passed at a meeting shall be read to the Di- rectresses before the meeting is closed. No permanent rules shall be made but at the quarterly meeting. VL The Treasurer shall produce her books to the Com- mittee the first Tuedsay in every month — shall make all ne- cessary purchases on order from the Secretary, and report them when made. Vn. It shall be the duty of Visitors to require that per- sons relieved, who have children of a suitable age, shall send them to their n^spective Churches on Sunday, and, if in their power, regularly to School. With the consent of the parents, the infants shall be vaccinated. VIII. Any proposal that is to be made, shall be sent in writing to the Lady President the day before the quarterly meeting, at which it will be discussed, and, if passed, enter- ed immediately upon the books. IX. A meeting of all the Subscribers shall be held an- nually, on the 6th of January, when the Treasurers and Secretary's reports will be submilted, and afterwards publish* ed with a list of the Subiicribers.