IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I " IIIIIM - , 40 IIIM II 2.2 1 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► .<^. V} <9 ^ /} VI ^. e, 't/A >:?0 S" . CONTENTS. PART l—DOCTRINES AND liULES. CHAPTER I. I. Standards of Doctrine *"■*<'« II. Articles of Religion ... . ^ 1 v; Kli!S;f "!'";"'^ ''""''*' ^"^'^ '' ^^- ^"^^^^ ^odeties 12 V. The Lord's Supper ..........\.\"'' *^ VI. On Marriage . *^ VII. On Dress ^^ 18 CHAPTER II. THE MINLSTRY. I. Of the examination of those who think they are moved by the Holy Ghost to Preach ,o n. Rules of Conduct for a Minister or Probationer for the Ministry III. On the l>uty of Ministers and Probationers for' the Min' ^^ '«tO'toGod. themselves, and one another 2*> IV . On the necessity of union among ourselves 24 V. Of employing our time profitably when not engaged* in public exercises VI. Of our Deportment at Conference or VII. Of the Matter and Manner of Preaching '. 26 V IIL Rules by which we should continue or desist from Preach- ing in any place ^ * 27 t-Asii^i^i^HfeA . IV, CONTENTS. aioTtov. . . . ' paoi IX. Ou visiting from houge to honse, and enforcing Practical [ieligiua 27 X. Of the Election and Ordination of Ministers, and their Duties 33 XI. The lieception of Ministers from other Churches ...... 34 CHAPTER III. THE MEMMKRSIIIP OF TUB CHURCH. 1. Cn receiving Members into the Church 35 II. Ou the relation of Baptized Children to the Church 36 CHAPTER IV. , • -' MKANS OF ORACK. i On Public Worship 38 II. The Spirit and Truth of Singing 39 III. Classes and Class Meetings 39 IV. Love Feasts 40 V. Society Meetings 41 PART J I. -THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE C()NrERENCE.S. I. The General Conference . . 45 II. The Court of Appeal 50 III. The Committee on Transfers 52 IV. The Annual Conference 54 V. The Stationing Committee 62 CHAPTER II. THE DISTRICT MEETINGS. I. The Annual District Meeting 64 n. The Financial District Meting 84 paoi 27 33 34 35 36 38 39 39 40 41 n^l - I- ■n 1 CONTENTS, ir. CHAPTKK III. (JlliC'UlI OfriCIAL MEKTINGS. )'AUII m SBt-IliiN. I. The Quarterly Official IWrd II. Local t'reachcrH, an! PART VI. —THE RITUAL. I. OaoEE OF Baptism. -Ministration of Baptism to Infants 181 To Adults ]gry II. Reckption ok Members 190 III. The Lord's Suppkr 193 IV. Matrimony 201 V. Burial of the Dkad 20o VI. Ordination 208 VII. Renewing the Covenant 219 VIII. Laying the Corner-Stonk of a Church 231 IX. Dedication of a Church 236 in IV V CONTENTS. Vll. APPENDICES. Xfrr.snix. I. 'Courses of Study ^*'"' ' 243 11. (I.)~GEJfERAL CONFKRENCE OFFICERS 251 (11.)— Gkneral Conference Appointments :— 1. Special Committee 251 2. Court of Appeal 252 3. Missionary Department [[ 252 4. Book and Printing Establishments . ' 25:i Book Committee— Western Section 2.').3 Eastern *' 254 5. Educational Institutions :-- Victoria University 255 Advisory Committee on College Buildings 255 University of Mount Allison College 256 VVesleyan Theological College, Montreal. . 256 Albert College 257 Alma College 251 Wesley College, Winnipeg 2.58 Wesley an Ladies' College 258 Ontario " " 250 Board of Educational Society 259 Sabbath School Board 259 6. Superannuation Fund Board 259 7. Church and Parsonage Aid Board 2(K) 8. Embarrassed Trusts Committee 260 9. Temperance Committee 260 10. Conference Statisticians 26 1 11. Treasurers of General Conference Funds 261 12. Committee on Union 261 III. The Basis of Union 263 IV. The Dominion Act Pveapecting Union 279 V. RulesofOrder 3^^ -.AcPfiNkH- r fait I. DOCTRINES AND RULES. : ■! "• ,■■■
-^^i.MKCi.-.\ -^^i^A ifc ^^^v tHi^ ' .ffef«diA4aE;^>- ■'^^\^K \K\) imcivun OF T!1E MKTiroDjsT mil mm. ^tlAi'TKR I ^KCTION I. STANDARDS OF DOCTKINK. Notes o„ ti.. Xe.^rl . . '' ''^- '" '^'^ '"S I'ls lifetii.m. dif.cou,.ses, published dur- •Sk( TION II. AKTICES OP KKUfiloN. i Tl.e.-e is but oue ];„•,., r'' ^"""^• «-i'out hod, o.. ,..,,, of i.;,;:!:':; ""y "■'■'■'•^^'""^'- "ire power, wisdom am] gooa- 4 ARTTOLES OF RELIGION. nesK ; the maker and preserver of all things, visible and invisible. And in unity of this Godhead there are three persons, of ont; substance, power and eternity, the Father, the Son, and the IJoly Ghost. ]I. Of the H'o/v/, or Son of God, who was made very incvti. •5. The Son, who is the Word of the Father, the very and eternal God, of one sid'stance with the Father, took inan'.s nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin ; so that two whole and perfect natures, that is to say, the Godhead and niaidiood, were joined together in one person, never to be divided, wher(!of is one Christ, very (iod and very man, who truly sutiered, was crucilied, dead, and buried, to recon- cile His Father to us, and to be a saci'itice, not only for original guilt, but also for the actual sins of men. III. Of the Eesurr fiction of Christ. 4. Christ did truly rise again from the dead, and took again His body, with all things appertaining to the perfec- tion of man's nature, wherewith He ascended into heaven, and there sitteth until He return to judge all men at the last day. IV. Of the Holy Ghost. 5. The Holy Ghost, proceeding from tlie Father and tlie Son, is of one substance, majesty, and glory with the Father and the Son, very and eternal God. V. The Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation. 0- The Holy Scriptures contain all things necessary to salvation ; so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may f I ? e and three '{ither, jtimi. {\ very ', t(X)k io that fxlheacl ever to y luaii. ► ref.'on- mlv for id took pert'ec- leaven, at the Liid the Father i'i AIlTI(n.KS OF REr.lGION. 5 be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man that it shoukl be believed as an article of faith, or V)e tliought re- se canonical books of tlie Old and New Testament of whose authority was never any doubt in the Churcli. The names of the canonical books are — Genesis, Exodtis, Leviticus, Numbers, DeuttMonomy, Joshua, Judges, Kuth, Tlie First Book of San)uel, Tiie Second Book of Samuel, The First Jiook of Kings, The Second Book of Kings, The First Book of Chronicles, The Second Book of Chronicles, The Book of Ezra, 'i'he Book of Nehemiah, Tiie Book of Esther, The Boti()n of tlic naturo of cvory man, that natutaJly i§ onuondtTrd of thf! oflsprini; of Adatii, wheroby man is vory fai' i^one from orii^'inai linliteousnoss, and of his own natnvo inflint'd Ui evil, and that continually. VI IT. Of Free Will 51. 'J'ho condition of man aftor tlu- tall of Adam is such tliat he cannot turn and pr('j)aiv hinisdf, In' his own luitural strongth iwuX works, to faith, and calling upon (Jod : where- fore wo ha\(' no power to d » good works, pleasant and nc('e)>tal»le to (lod, without the grace of tiod by Christ pro- venting us, that we may have a good will, and working with us. wheji v,<' lia\(^ that i^ood will. l.\. Of iJk' Juslijicntion of Man. 10. We ar(^ accounted I'ighteous l.^efore God only for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by faith, and not for oui" own works or deservings. Wherefore, that we ai'e Justitied by faith only, is a most wholesome doctrine, .and very full of comfort. X. Of Good Works. \\. Although good works, which are the fruits of faith, and follow after justitication, cannot put away our sins, and endure the severity of God's judgments; yet are they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ, and spring out of ..-itm^. ARTICLES OF UKLIGION. ifjiith, |s, and tlioy Hit of a true juuI lively hi'\t\\, insomuch that l»y them a lively faith may be as evidently known as a tree is disceiiied by its tVuit. XT. • Oj' Works of Snpprt>rognfion. \*^. X'oluntary works -besides, over, and above (lod's coniniandments — wliich are called works of superero;(atioM, cannot be taui^ht without arrogancy and impiety. For In them men do dechire that they do not only render unto (^)d as much as they are bound to do, but that they do mon^ for his sake than of bounden duty is I'ecjuired ; whereas (Jhrist saith plainly, When ye have done all that is commanded you, Ray, We are unprofitable servants. Xrr. Of Sin afttir Justificntion. \l\. Not every sin willingly committed a.fte»" justification is the sin against the Holy Ghost, and un])ard<)nab!e. Wherefore, the gi-ant of repentance is not to be denied to such as fall into sin after jiistitication : after we have re- ceived the Holy (ihost, we may depart from gract^ given, and fall into sin, and, l>y the grace of (rod, rise again antl amend our lives. And therf>fore they are to be condemned who say they can no more sin as long as they live here; or deny the place of forgiveness to such as truly repent. XITl. Of the Church. 14- Tl>c visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men, in which the j)ure word of God is preached, and the sacraments duly administered, according to Clirist's ordinance, in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the same. m » ARTICLES OF KELIGION. XIV, 0/ Purrjatory. I,'*. Tlio Romish doctrino concorninj^ pur^.itory, pardon, worsliippiiiii;, mid adorjitioi), as well of iiii.'i,;j«!S as of relics, and also invocation of saints, is a fond tliini,', vainly in- vented, and grounded uj)on no warrant of Scriptuie, but repugnant to the word of »lU- . AKTICLES OF RELIOION. 9 Iv are s, by only liiia. r of con- Itioii, ieing 'ing the and the Lord's SupjKM*, because tlicy have not any visibh* si^'n or ceremony ordained of God. 'Die sacraments were not ordaiiieil of Olirist to bo gazed upon, or to be carried about : but that wo should duly usr them. And in such only as worthily receive the same, they hav«^ a wiiolesome etrect or (Operation: but they that receive them unworthily, purchase to themselves condemnation, as Saint Paul saith, 1 Oor. xi. 29. XV 11. Of napthm, 18. F*;iptism is not only a sign of prof«\ssion, and mark of diHerenco, wliereby Christians are distinguished frou) others that are not baptized ; but it is also a sign of regen eration, or the new birth. The baptism of young childreji is to be retained in the Ohurch. XYTTl. Of the Lord's Supper. Itl. The iSupper of tl)e Lord is not only a sign of the love that Christians ought to have among themselves one to another, })ut ratlier is a sacrament of our redemption by Christ's death ; insomuch that to such as rightly, worthily, and with faitli leceive the same, the bread which we break is a partaking of the body of (Jhrist ; and likewise the cup of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ. Transubstantiation, or tlie change of the substance of bread and wine in tlie Supper of our Lord, cannot be proved by Holy Writ, Init is repugnant to the plain words of Scrip ture, overthroweth tlie nature of a sacrament, and hath given occasion to many superstitions. The )x)dy of Christ is given, taken, and eaten in the 10 AHTK'IKS OK KKr.IUlON. Supper, only utter a lieavenly and spiritual manner. And the UHNins whoiMhy tlu> Ijorly of Olii'ist is recoiNcd and eat«n in the Siipp(»r, is faith The sMcruiMont of thf find's Siippf^r was not by Christ's ordinance reserved, earri.-d ah.iut, lifted ii[>, or \vorshi]>i>t'd. XIX. Of liotk Kunls. •iO. 'riic ''Up of the Lord is not to l)e deni<»d to tlie lay peoph'; tor bnth tho ])arts of the Lord's Supper, by Christ's Mi'diii.iiict' and coinniandniont, ouL(ht to he adniiidstcied to all ( hristians alike. XX. 0/ /h'i One ObUillon of Chrisf^fuiish^il upon the Cvosm. *il. Tiio ofreriu'j; of Christ once made, is that perfect redemption, propitiation, and satisfaction foi- all the sins of the whole world, l)oth origjtial M,nd actual; ;«nd there is none other satisfaction foi- sin hut that alone. Wherefore the sacrifice of the mass, in which it is commonly said that the priest doth ollei- Christ for the quick and the dead, to have remission of pain or guilt, is a blaspliemous f;d)le aiui dangerous deceit. XX r. Of fhf }f(irriage of MiniMers. *Jt*t. The uunisters of Christ are not commanded by God's law either to vow the estate of single life, or to abstain from marriage : therefore it is lawful for them, as for all other Christians, to marry at their own discretion, as they shfill judge the same to serve best to godliness. *!WS«S- A HI of KKI!^. n XXII (y tloi Uiteti and Curemoniett of the (-hunh. ?}5{. It is not n»v(*ssary that Htcs and cvreinonioH sliould ill all |)l;uM'.s Im? tilt; sarnt', of I'xactly alike; t'ur tln'V liavo .ihvays Uerii (litri countries, tiiiics, and men's !ii;nMu»rs, so that tioiliiii may \)v done to editieat ion. XXI 11. 0/' fhe Civil (ronrfnnr.nt. *!i4- We believe it is th«^ \iy- ,' with ing <»!■ ving «»i' iiritM\)h' evil oi 'Q would s not for \)r costly \is

or laying babilii y hility of V I'O Societies e of sfi^lva-- .very ki^^^^ iiity, doing ible, to all tiiveth, by giving food to tlic liuugry, hy cl*»rliiin; the linked, by visit- ing or hel})ing tlu<>d, especially to them ^vllo are of the household of faith, or groaning so to be; employing them preferably to others, buying one of another, helping each other in business ; and so much the more because the world will love its own and them rbiddin^ neglect of duties of any kind, imj)rudent conduct, indulging in sinful tempers or words, the buying, selling or using intoxicating li(^uors as a beverage, dancing, j)laying at games of chance, encouraging lotteries, attending theatres, horse-rac(?s, circuses, dancing parties, patronizing dancing- schools, taking such other amusements as are obviously of a misleading or (juestionable moral tendency, and all acts of disobedience to the Order and Discipline of the Church, Section IV. Baptishi. J{0. The proper subjects for baptism are infants, and believing adults who have not been l>aptized in infancy. *,Vt. The mode of baptism is by sprinkling or pouring ; but should any candidates iov baptism prefer another mode, the officiating minister may comply with their request. Wherever practicable let the ordinance l)e administered in the public congregation. Let the minister, when receiv- ing persons on trial for membership, particularly inquire whether they have been baptized, and if not, let that rite be administered as soon as practicable. y.'^.*ia^*-Jv.-''Wt(ii.i'tgiM.;\j>^fr- i-;>v^vsi-P>.-j UENEKAL RULES. 17 onish him lim for a lore place erstood as t conduct, selling or g, playing g theatres, ^ dancing- iously of a all acta oi yhurch, ifants, and iifancy. r pouring; ►ther mode, ir request, nistered in hen receiv- rly inquire st that rite Section V. The Lord's Supper. •J8. Let those persons who have scruples concerning tlie receiving of the Ix)rd's Supper kneeling, be permitted to receive it either standing or sitting. 3t^. Let no person who is not a member of our Churcli be habitually admitted to the Lord's Supper, without ex- ami Mjitiofi, and some token given by the minister. 4iK No person shall be admitted to the Ijord's Supper among u.s who is guilty of any practice for wliich we would exclude a member of our Church. Skction VL Oil Marriage. 4i. Members of our Church sometimes marry with care- less unaivakcnexl persons. This has produced bad effects ; they have either been hindered for life, or have turned back to perdition. To discourage this practice let every minister enforce the Apostle's caution, — "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers" (2 Cor. vi. 14); and let them exh. Ill order that we may try those who profess to h moved by the Holy (4 host to preach, let the following que: tions be asked, namely : — 1. Do they know God as a pardoning Godl Have thf HULKS OF COiNDUCT. 19 tne love of (jiocl al»i((iTig in tlicni? Do ihcy (Il'suc uotlnii*( but God 1 And are they lioly in all manner of conver- sation 1 2. Have tht^y gifts as well as gnioe for the work ? TLinc they a clear, sound understanding : a right judgment in the things of God ; a just conception of salvatiim by faith '. And has God given them an accej)tal)le way of s]»eaking ! Do they speak justly, readily, clearly ? 3. Have they fruit? Are any tjuly convinced of sin, and converted to (Jod by th(>ir preaching? 4iy As long as these three mai-ks concui- in any one, we believe he is called of God to preach. These we receive as sufficient proof that he is moved by the Holy Ghost. 47- With the consent of the Local Preachers' Meeting or of the Quarterly Otlicial Board, the Superintendent of the Circuit may license such persons to exhort. After sufficient proof of their gifts and ust-fulness they may be further received as Local Pieachers on trial, and on ex})ira- tion of thi'ee months' trial, should their examination by the Local Preachers' Meeting, or Quarterly Official Board, be satisfactory, they shall receive license as Lf)cal Preachers. Skction IL 0/ Rules of Conduct for a Minider m' I'vohifioncr for the Ministry. 48- Ihde \. Be diligent. Never be unemployed ; never be tritlingly employed ; never trifle away tinie, neither spend any more time at any place than is strictly necessary. , T"" I ' ■ ^.tiriH^arlr*. **«•*-*■ - " 20 RULES OF CONDUCT. 49. Rule 2. Be serious. Iiet your motto be, " Holiness to the Lord.*' Avoid all lightness, jesting, and foolish talk- ing. 50. Rule Ti. Converse sparingly, and conduct yourselves prudently, witli women. (1 Tim. v. 2.) 51. Huh 4. Take no steps towarrls marriage without first consulting with your bretiiren. 5*i. Ride T). Believe evil of no one Avitliout good evi- dence ; unless you see it done, take hoed how you credit it. Put the best const»-uction on every tiling. You know tlie judge is always sup})osed to be on the prisoner's side. 5*S. Rule 6. Speak evil of no one ; because your word, especially, would eat as doth a canker. Keep your thoughts within your own breast, till you come to the person con- cerned. 54. Rule 7. Tell every one under your care what you thi)ik wrong in his conduct and temper, and that lovingly and plainly, as soon as may bo, else it will fester in your heart. Make all haste to cast the tire out of your bosom. 55- Rule 8. Avoid all affectation. A preacher of the Gospel is the servant of all. 50. Rule 9. Be ashamed of nothing but sin. 5T- Rule 10. Be punctual. Do everything exactly at the time. And do not mend our rules, but keep them ; not for wrath, but conscience' sake. 58. Ride 11. You have nothing to do but to save souls, therefore spend and be spent in this work ; and go always, not only to those that want you, but to those that want you most. Observe ! it is not only your business to preach so many of conduct. 21 lish tiilk- ourselves ; without go(xl evi- credit it. know the ide. our word, r thoughts erson coii- what you it lovingly er in your |r l)Osom. ;her of the exactly at them ; not save souls, go always, it want you Ich so many tiuiBs, und to take care of this or that Society, but to save as many as you can ; to bring as many sinners as you can to nq)entance, and, with all your power, to huild them up ill that lioliness witlioiit which they cannot see the Lord. And remond)er ! a Methodist [)rea('her is to mind every point, groat and small, in the Methodist Discipline ! Tfiere- fore you will need to exercise all the sense and grace you have, 50. N^(ffi 12. Act in all things, not according to yr)ur own will, but as a son in the (jrospel. As such, it is your duty to em})loy your time in the manner which we direct; ir» preaching and visiting from house to house ; in reading, meditation and prayer. Above all, if you labor with us iri the Lord's vineyard, it is needful yctu should do that part of the work which we advise, at those times and places which we judge most for His glory. 00. Smaller advices which might be of use to us arc perhaps tli%^se : 1. Be sure never to disappoint a congrega- tion, 2. Begin at the time appointed, o. Let your whole deportment be serious, weighty, and solemn. 4. Always suit your subject to your audience. 5, Choose the plainest text you can. 6. Take care not to rand)le, but keep to vour text, and make out what you take in hand. 7. Take care of anything awkward or affected, eitlier in your gestures, phrase, or pronunciation. 8. Do not usually pray extempore above eight or ten minutes (at most) without intermission. 9. Frequently read and enlarge upon a portion of Scripture; and let young preachers often exhoi-t without taking a text. 10. Always avail yourself of the great festivals by preach- ing on the occa.sion. .^W(WI|HiiHi»i|j^t ■nii^. 22 DUTY TO GOD, THKMSELVES, AND ONE ANOTFIER. Skotion 111. The Dnifi of a Mlnixfvr and ProhatUmer to God., themspJre^, ) Meditating : at set times ; by rule, (c) Hear- ing : every opportunity : with prayer, before, at, after. Ila\'(; you a iJible always al)out y<>u1 3. The fjord's Supper: l)o you use this at every oppor- tunity ; with .solemn prayer before? With earnest and deliberate self-devotion 1 4. FaHfiuff : Do you use a^ much abstinence and fasting every week as your health, strength, and labor ^vill permit 1 5. Christian Conference : Are you convinced how impf>r- tant and how ditlicult it is to order your conversation aright] Is it always in grace] Seasoned with salt] Meet to minister grace to the hearers] Do you not converse too long at a time ? Is not an lK)ur commonly enougli ] Would it not be always well to have a determinate end in view ] And to pray before and after it? 00- PiiUDKNTiAL means we may use, either as Christians, as Methodists, as ministers, or as probationers. 1 . As Chridiana : What particular rules have you in Older to grow in grace] What arts of holy living] 2. /Is }fethodist,s : Do you never miss your] 3. An Ministers or Probationers : Have you thoroughly considered your duty ] And do you make a conscience of executing every part of it ] Do you meet every Society ] Also the leaders ] These means may be used without fruit. But there are some means w^hicli cannot : namely, watching. J r^-' 24 NKOKSSITY OF UNION AMONG OURSKLVKS. denying ourselves, tnking up our cross, exercise of the presence of God. 4. Do you steadily watch against the vvorldl yours^df? your besetting sin? 5. Do you deny yourself every useless i)leM,sure of sense i Imagination? iionor] Are you temperate in all things? For instance, in food : Do vou use onlv that kind and that degree which is best foi- l)oth body and soul ? Do you see the necessity of tliis ! J )o vou eat no more at each meal than is necessary / Are you not luiavy and drowsy after dinner? Do you uso only that kind and that degree of drink which is best both for your i>ody atid soul? Do you choose and usm water for your connnon drink? And only take wine medicinally or sacramentally ? 6. Wherein do you take up your cross daily? Do you cheerfully bear your cross, however grievous, to profit thereby ? 7. Do you endeavor to set Ood always before you ? To see His eye continually fixed upon you ? Never can you use these means but a blessing will ensue. And the more you use them the moi'e you will grow in grace. f:'; )fki\ i3fction IV. 0/ the J^ece/tR'-fy of Union among O^ir selves. OT. Let us be deeply sensible (from what we have known) of the evil of a division in principle, spirit, or practice, and the dreadful consequences to ourselves and others. If we are united, what can stand before us ? If ^ e KM PLOYING OUR TIME IMIOFITABT.Y. 25 divide, we shall deHtroy ourselves, the work of (fOfvi^:xi can' not to d(;spiso each other's ;j;ifts. 5. Never speiik lightly of each othei-. G. Tiet us defeporfm,eiit (O the (Jonfere'nrf.s. 'JO. It is desired that all things l)e considered on these occasions as in the inmiediate presence of God; that every person speak freely wliatever is in his heart. Ti\. In order, therefore, that we may best improve our time at the Conferences,-- 1. While we are conversing let us liave an especial car-e to set God .dways before us. 2. In the intermediate houi's, let us redeem .'ill the time we can for private exercises. 3. Therein let us give ourselves to prayer for one another, and for a blessing f)n our labor. Section VH. Of the Matter and Manner of Preaching. •J*^. The best geieral method of preaching is, — 1. To convince; "J. To offer Christ; 3, To invite; 4. To build up: And to do this in some measure in every sermon. 7t|. The most effectual way of preaching Christ is to [ireach Him in all His offices; and to declaie His law, as w^ell as His Gospel, both to believei's and un})elie\'ers. Let us strongly and closely insist upon inward and outward holi- ness in all its braucites. gen i'lV RULES REGARDING PREACHING. 27 Section VIII. Rules by which we. shnuld contiuue^ or dfi*isf./r ,7i, Preachiny at any place, 74- 1^ is by no means advdsahle for us to preach in as nmny places as we can without forming any Societies. We have made tlie trial in various places, and that for a con- siderable time. But all the seed has fallen bv the wayside. There is scarce any fruit remaining. |,%. We sli(HiId endeavor to preach most, — 1. Where there is the greatest numlier of quiet and willing heai-ers. 2. Where there is most fruit. We oui^ht diligently to observe in wha*:. places God is pleased at any time to pour out His Spirit more abundantly, and at that time to send more laltovers than usual into tiiat part of the harvest. . To |1 up: is to I; well ?t us holi- Skction IX. Of Visifimf from houne to house, and enforring Practical Reliq'wn. 'JO. We can further assist those under our care by instructing them '\v. tlioir own house asing their hffend Iknow devil. (d) Bit the great hindrance is weakness of faith. Our whole motion is weak because tlie spring of it is weak. (e) Lastly, we are unskillful in the work. How few know how to deal with men, so as to get within them, and suit all our discourse to their several conditions and tempers ; to the tittest subjects, and follow tliem with a holy mix- ture of s(?riousness, terror, love, and meekness ! 7T- But undoui)tedly tiiis private application is implied in those solemn words of the Apostle: "I change thee, therefore, before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing, and His kingdom, preach the word ; be instant in season, out of seiLSon ; leprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and doctrine." IS. Oh, brethren, if we could but set this work on foot ill all our Societies, and prosecute it zealously, what glory would redound to God ! If the common lukewarm ness were banished, and every shop and every house busied in speak- ing of the word and works of God, surely God would dwell in our habitations, and make us His delight. Itl. And this is absolutely necessary to the welfai*e of our people, some of whom neither repent nor believe to this ( . '' Look around, and see how many of them are still in apparent danger of damnation. And how can you walk .id talk, and be merry with such people, when you know <^i-e:r ase ? When you look them in the face you should break forth into tears, as the prophet did when he looked upon Hazael, and then set on them with the most vehement exhoi*tations. 0, for God's sake, and the sake of poor souls, bestir yourselves, and spare no pains that may conduce to V,sn-..a KKOM ..OUSK, TO UO.'SE. i . have we to bleed l«,£ t,Ue „.,,. salvation! ^"^^^, -'^..i*, .a good work 1 t Lord, that we have so lo> g -, ^^, ^^,^,,y „,,, ,„,gh we had but engaged .n -o , ^^^^^ ^_^^^^,^ ,^,_„,,^ ,,^ve been brought to d nst ^ ^^^^^^_,^, ^^^^ , ^nd Uapvier ndght -• ^"f^^ H oner . There were n>a„y why nught we not l^- « J"^^;. ,,,1, ,,e, But the greatest Mndrance. ; and so th.e a -y ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ j_,^„ ,,,, i^^e. hindrance is in ourseUes n. . HO But it is ob.iecte-' «"'- ^^.^j, ,„•„ tl.e n,ost exce leu,, ^„, „y this very ^"''.'Vu d ■ --itv. U') Y<- -" '>^^-^- Uuowledge, that o *■">' ' i,„„ ,,„ ,; Only sleep not n.ore tin>e for otl.e '-■ \^",,,^ ,^, „,Hin.,dy en.ploved than you need . -uk 'j :.,,„„.. studres alone. We S-iu; oi ^'^^"-:;;;;::^ to it.- k -».« -u not „tl,ers will. And Mi(. ,,xauM>le ot fel. t'a"' ■ ,abor, O let us here.n J^ ,,,^, ,„,,„ ,, „, („) I'or our S^--'-';', "p,,U^vork,V•,ing, / r..^ -' ,onse : («) The ob,,ect - ^ „„,,. ,„,,. .• (/) H.s n, uocence anci b«'^ •H^ im' VISITING FKOM HOUSE TO UoL'SK. 81 ! the \ 1« uight r and Anil rtnitest (\ love. r,t Have L better, ^x celled t vlU have not niot-e ,tp\oyet\." We \wv than wiU nf>ti ,y all your St. ^'^^1^' .«,/ to youi'- (;/ir?>'«.- (^'' / ceased not\ ( /') His iul ,,/ HO »'i«"- sUcfir or f/o/J : (ij) His uatienco, Nfithpr count 1 my lift' (hmr unto infjscl/'. And among all other motivt's, U^t these be ever before our eyvs : 1. The Church of (iod^ /rhich J/c has jmrchiised with II in otoi hlood. 'J. Grievous wolmn ahall enter in ; i/ea^ of t/oiirficfn s shtill ntfu arise upenkhuj pcrrer.s'' things. SI. Write tliis upon your htnirts, and it will do you more i^ood tliaii twenty years' stud v. Then you Mill hav(; no time to spare : you will have work enough. Then like- w ise no minister noi- probationer will stay with us who is as :; lit that has lost its savour. For to sucli tliis employ- ment would b(> mere drudiijerv. And in order to it, von will iiave need of all the knowledge you can [)rocu!-e, and all the ii^raee you can attain. 8**. The sum is, ( ro into every house in course, and teach all therein, both young and old, to be Christians inwardly and outwardly : uiake every particular plain to their under standing ; tix it in their minds ; write it on their hearts, fn order to this, there must be precept upon pr(*cept, line upon line. What patience, what love, wh it knowledge is requisite for this ! \Ve must needs do this, were it only to avoid idleness. l>o we not loiter away many hours in every week? Each tiy him.self ; no idleness is consistent with a i.'rowth in grace. Nay, without e>cactness in i-edeeming time, you cannot letain the grace you receive in justification. Hli- VVhy are wc not more holy '? why do we not live ni eternity? walk with (iod all the day long? Why are we not all devoted to God! breathing the whole spirit of missionaries'! Chiefly because we are enthusiasts ; looking for the end, without using the nieana. To touch only upon 32 VISITING FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. two or three instancos ; Wlio of us rise at four or even at five when we do not preach? Do we know the obligation iiiul benefit of fasting, or al)stinence ? How (»ften do we })ractice it 1 Tlie neglect of this alone is siiffi'uent to account for our f(!ebleness and faintness of spirit. We are continually grieving the floly Spirit of God by the liabitual noLllect of a plain duty. J^et us amend from this liour. H4. lu order to guard against Sabbath-breakin r-emain with us who will not totally ai)stain fi'om this evil in every kind and degree. 6. Extirpate bribery — receiving anything, directly or indirectly, -for voting at any election. Show no respect to persons herein, but expel all that touch the accursed thing. And strongly advise our people to dis countenance all treats gi^■en by candidates before or at elections, and not to be partakers in any respect of sucli iniquitous practices. ELECTION AND ORDINATION OF MINISTERS. 33 r oven at ibligation n\ do w« ioient to We are e habitual ? }\our. king, evil- without due sly oil each semiou on aiiiiue and I , thing. ■^• society, that ). Extirpate ih have not Let non«' ,ia this evil --receiving Lny election. I iliat touch |eople to dis ,efore or at leot of such Section X. The Election and Ordination of Miyiisfei's^ and their Duties. 85. A mini.ster is constituted by election of the Annual Conference, and by laying on of the hands of those duly appointefi thereto. 80- The duties of a minister are,— 1. To conduct all parts of Divine worship. 2. To aduiinister Baptism and the Lord's Sujtper. 3. "^Po solemnize Matrimony, and in general to perform all the work of a (Christian minister. 81- ^^o n\inister who ceases to travel without tin; con- sent of the Annual Conference, ceitirted under the hand of the President, except in case of sickness, debility, or other unavoidable circumstances, shall, on any account, exercise the peculiar functions of his office, or even be allowed to preach among us ; nevertheless, the tinal determination in all such cases is with the Annual Conference. 88. After approval of the Annual Conference, a Gen- eral Superintendent, with the President of the Annual Conference, may issue a commission, to which the seal of the Conferemre shall be attached, to authorize a minister of the Church to ordain, according to our form of ordination, such missionary or missionaries as may be stationed in dis- tant parts of our work. ""1 34 RECEIVIKQ MINISTERS FROM OTHEIl CHURCHES. Section XI. The Reception of Ministers from other Churches. 80- Ministers who otter to unite with us from other Christian Churches may be received in the following man- ner : — 1. If thoy come to us with proper testimonials from any accredited Methodist Cliurch, they may he received accord- ing to such credentials, provided they give satisfaction to the Annual Conference of their willingness to conform to our Church government and usages. 2. Candidates for the ministiy from any body of Metho dists, or from other Evangelical denominations, may be rt3ceived as candidates for our ministry provided they give satisfaction tliat they are suitable per.sons to exercise the office; and that they believe in tlie doctrines and approve of the discipline, government, and usages of our Church. The Chairman and any two ministers (members of th* Conference) of the Jjistrict within the bounds of wJiicli any such candidate may be travelling or resident, ai( authorized to act as a committee on behalf of the Annua! Conference, to admit him into our Cliurch ; and he may bt employed until the ensuing Arniual Conference ; and if h be recommended by an Annual District Meeting he may b received as a probationer for tiie ministry. 3. Ministers of other Evangelical Churches who mai desire to unite witii our Church, may be received accordin to our usages, on condition of their taking upon them ou| ^aj. ordination vows when required, without the re impositio of hands, giving satisfaction to an Annual Conference (f p^^.^ HKS. RECJEIVING MEMBERS INTO THE CHUIICH. 35 rches. roiii other wing iiuiu- I Is from any ved accord isf action to conform to y ,)£ Metho ons, may be fovided they 1^9 to exercist s and approve' our Church libers of th* ,ds of wjiicl resident, art i the Annua id he may ht •e ; and if h| Lg l^e u»ay h«l lies Nvho ma I ived accordin ipon them ouj [ re-impositioj iConfereuce (i tlieir being duly ordained ministers, and of their agreemejit with us in doctrine, disciphne, governnjent and usages. t>0. VVlienever any such minister shall be received, he shall be furnished with a certificate signed by a General Superintendent and President : — This is to Certify that has been received into Conference as a minister, he having been ordained to the office of the ministry, according to the usages of the Church, of which ho has been a member or minister ; and he is hereby authorized to exercise the functions of his othce in the Methodist Church so long as his life and conversation are such as become the Gospel of Christ. Given under our hand and seal at this day of , in the year of our Lord CHAPTER HI. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHURCH. Section I. 0/ Receiving Memherti into the Church. 01. In order to prevent improper persons from insinu- ating themselves into the Churcli — 1. Let no one be received into the Church until such person has been at least three months on trial, and has l)een \ -" 36 BAPTIZED GHnJ)RRN AND THP: ('IIURCH. reconiinonded by the Leack^rs' iNJreting, or, wiiero no sucli rneoting is held, by the Lr luity in public wor- sliip among us on tho Jjord's day : — 1. Let, the morninpf service consist of singing, prayej-, reading a lesson out of tlie Old Testament and a lesson out of the New Testament, singing, preaching, singing and prayer, or prayer and singing, and })enedi(tion. 2. The sam^ order shall be observed in the aft< -tiouu and evening services, except that one lesson shall su 3. Let the Lord's Prayer also be used oii all occasions of public worship in concluding the iirst prayer, the congrega- tion being recommended to join audibly and heartily, and the Apostolic benediction in dismissing the congregation. 4. In administering the ordinances, let the form in the Discipline be used. Let our own Hynin-Book be used in all the public services. 5. Let tlie people be earnestly exhorted to take part in the public worship of God — tirst, in singing; secondly, in prayer, in the scriptural attitude of kneeling. - . . 6. Ijet the (Society be met, at least once a quarter, wher- ever it is practicable, on the Sabbath-day. THE SIMIUT OK SINOINO-C'/.ASS MKKTINGK. 39 Section II. The Spirit and Truth of Singing, IM^. To jTuard against formality in sin^ng : — 1 . Choosp such hymns as are proper for th« ocoagion, and do not sing txK) much at once ; seldom more than five or six verses. 2. Let the tune be suited to the words, and do not suffer the people to sing too slowly. Exhort every person in the congregation to sing. '\. F'requently remind the people of the importance of this part of religious worship, and exhort them to " sing with the spint and with the understanding also." 4. Recommend our tune-book; and a})point some suitable person to conduct the singing. 5. The singing and all other parts of public worship are under the control and direction of the Superintendent of the Circuit. Section IIT. Classen and Chiss Meetings, 1^9. In order to render our Class Meetings interesting and profitable, — 1. Let each Leader be careful to inquire how every soul in his Class prospers; not only how each person observes the outward lules, but how he grows in the knowledge and love of God. 2. Let each Leader converse with those who have the charge of their Circuits frequently and freely. . ; m LOVEFEASTS. 3. Let improper lieaders be removed. See that all t.lie Leaders be not only men of sound judgment, but men truly devoted to Cod. In order to this, let the Superintendent make strict inquiry in the Leaders' Meeting, or where there is no such meeting, in the Fourth meeting of the Quarterly Ortioial Board, into the moral character of all the Leaders, their punctuality in l)eginning and ending their (/lass Meeting in proper time, and whatever relates to their ottice. 4. Observe what Leaders are most useful ; and let them meet the other Classes as often as possible. As a genei-al rule let no Leader liave charge of more than one Class. 100. If any of the members of our Church wilfully ami repeatedly neglect to meet in Class, let the Superintendent, or his assistant, visit them whenever it is practicable, and explain to them the consequence if they continue to neglect, viz., exclusion. 101. Jf they do not amend, let the Superintendent of the Circuit exclude them (in the Church), showing that they are laid aside for a breach of our rules of Discipline, and not for immoral conduct. 10'^. Non-membei*s shouhl be admitted to the Class Meeting with the utmost caution ; and to the Lovefeast, not without a note of admittance. Section IY. Love/easts. 10J{. A Ijovefeast .shall be lield in each Circuit and Mission at least once a quarter; admission to which shall ha by the ticket of membership, or by a note of admission. SOCIETY MEETINGS. 41 the are not II- Section v. Society Meetingn, 104. Society Meetings shall be held once a quarter whe ever it is practicable, under the direction of the Superinten- dent of the Circuit, or his colleague acting under his in- struction. The principal object of the meeting shall be the spiritual edification of the Churcli, by exhortation on the part of the Minister present, with j)rayer and other religious exercises. The members shall be. faithfully admonished respecting their personal religion and (Jhi-istian deportment, their closet and family duties, and their attejidance upon the public and private means of grace. At these meetings the Rules of Society shall be read, and the representatives to attend the meetings of the Quarterly Official Board may be appointed. )lass jast, and ihall ion. Part II. THK (JOVKRNMENT OF THE CHURCH. ^rmmmmmmmmm ' I THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CHUJiCH. CHAPTER I. THE C O N F ]•: K 10 N C E S . Skction I. 77te General Conference. 105- Tlie (r< The Ministerial delei^ates shall cotisist of one mem- ber in every ten ministerial members of ea<3h Annual Con- ference, of which numbtT the Presirlent shall always be one; provided, nevertheless, that a fraction of one-half shall en- title a Conference to an adtlitional representative. iOT- Each delegate to the General Conference must re- ceive a majority of votes of the members of the Electoral Conference (st>e II 144) who may be present and vote in order to an election. 108- No Layman shall be chosen a deletrate to the General Conference who is under twenty-live years of age, and wlio has not been a member of the Church continuously during tlie five yefirs next preceding his election. lOU- Each Electoral Conference, after the election of the number of delegates as provided in paragraphs 105 and lOG, 46 46 THE GENERAL roNKKHENCIO. shall further piDceed to elect a reserve delegate, and, in addition to this reserve delegate, it sluiU fui'ther elect one reserve delegate for every ten meinbt^rs, or fraction thereof of one-half, it is entitled to send. When by reason of death or otlu"r cause there is a vacancy in the- delegation, tlie re- serve delegate lirst elected shall he notified to lill the place, and failing him t\w, next in order of election ; piovided always that the vacancy occurs before the meeting of the General Conference. 110. The President and Secretary of each Annual Con- ference shall send to thti Secretary of the Cenend Con- ference a certified copy of the election of delegates and reserves to the next < teneral (Conference in tlu^ older of their election, as soon after the election as practicable. When vacancies occur, the reserves of ttie several Electoral Confer- ences shall have precedence in the order of their election, and be notified thereof by the President of the Annual Conference. 111. When the General Conference is in session, tifty of its members shall form a ipiorum for the transaction of business. 11?^. A General Su})ei-intendent shall preside over all st\ssions of the (General Conference, and over all the Stand- ing Committees of the same; but in case no General Super- intendent be present, the General Conference, or the Com- mittees of the General Conference, siiall elect by ballot, without debate, a President pro tern. 1 1,1. Each General Conference shall elect by ballot, with- out debate, from among its members, a Secretary whose duty it shall be to keep a correct record of its proceedings var of its Hunl ferel if tei-sl ItinI Bas( , .^ ,.-_ »«rt«v. ,-errJWK THE GKNLRAI, CONFEKKNCE. m i, HI one >,reof leatb le re- >laco, vided ,f the Con- Oon- f theii- When Jonfer- .ectiou, \iuiaal nttv of ;tioii of )ver all 3 Stand - I Supei- he Coni- ballot, ,ot, with- hy whose )cee ediugs and to publish the Journals under the din;ction of tho (icneral Conference, Tlie Seci-et-^iry so elected may nomi- nate, and th(5 Confm-ence elect, an assist^itit, or assistants. 114- riie (7en«Mal Conference? only shall have full power to make Rules and Regulations for our (Jhurch, undei- the following limitations and restrictions, viz. ; — 1. it shall not revoke, alter, or change any Article of Religion, nor establish any new stiindards or rules of doc- trine contrary to our existing and established standards of doctrine. 2. It shall not destroy the plan of our Itinerant system. 3. It shall not make any change in tho Genenil Rules of (»ur Society. 4. It shall not do away with the privileges of our minis- tei"S or probationers for the ministry, of trial by a Com- mittee, and of an appeal; neither shall it do away with tlie privileges of our members of trial before the Society, or by a Committee, and of an appeal. Note. — The General C(»nfereuce may, by a coiiatitutional vote, vary or change any of tho rules of our Society embraced in the .'{rd of the above restrictive rules. 115. The General Conference, by a vote of two-thirds of its members, shall have power to increase or diminish the number, or alter the boundaries, of tiie several Annual Con- ferences. |14». The General Conference shall elect fron» the minis- tei*s of the (Jhurch by ballot, without debate, one or more Itinerant General Superintendents, in agreement with the Basis of Uuion. 48 THE OKNKRAL CONFEKENOE. II '3'. They shall hold oflBce for eight years, and shall be eligible for re-election. They shall be, ex officio, members of the Genei'al Oonference sitting at the time their tenn of ottice shall expire. ilH. In case a General Superintendent ekcted is not a member of the General Conference, then the first remaining reserve lay delegate from the Conference to which the newly-elected General Superintendent belongs shall become a member of the General Conference. 1 10- The General Superintendents shall be members and chairmen, ex officio, of all Standing Committees and Hoards appointed by the General Conference, with a casting vote only. They shall not be stationed, but shall travel at large througliout the Church, and shall have the Geiieral o\ev- sight of all Church interests and institutions, and do all in their power to forward them, and render such service as the (General Conference may direct. They shall give special attention to sucli interests as are connexional in their char- acter, leaving local or conferential matters to the Annual Conference authorities as far as i)ossible. They sliall not iiiterfere with the functions of the ministers and other otticers of the Church in their prescribed duties, 1*^0. They shall decide any question of law arising in any of the Committees or Boards over wliicli they preside ; but any member of such Committee or Board, or any ohm ister or member whose interests are ati'ected by such de cision, sliall have the right to appeal to the Court of Appeal 1*^1. They shall be members of the Annual Conferen;;eh to which they belonged at the time of their election to otiice. .a. Iiavi enet of t beer r •Sup< 8ecr lSp(> pers( ence, until k-uHL*i..>*M-»L . IPWWP um m mm i THE GENERAL CONFERENCE. 49 id shall be D, members leir term of ed is not a t refnainiiig which the hall Vjecome lenibers and and lioai'ds pasting vote fivel at large eneral over- md do all in ervice as the give special n their char- the Annual ley shall not and other t^H. They shall not take part in the proce<'dings of their Annual Conferences any further than their duties as General Superintendents njay require. Vttl- They sliall be responsible to the (Jeneral Conference for all their ofhcial acts. 1*^4. The General Conference shall appoint a Special Com inittee of twelve members, on the nomination of the Gen- eral Superintendent, which shall, in association with the (gen- eral Superintendent or Superintendents, from one General (conference to another, watch ovei- and guard all the rights and }>rivileges of our Cliui"ch throughout the Connexion, pro- mote as far as possible the i erjommendations of the General Conference, consider and decide upon any measure which may seem necessary for the general interests of the Church and could not have been foreseen at the uieeting of the (ieneral Conference, and adopt sucii measures for their accomplishment as it may Judge expedient. The said Com- mittee shall report to ( he General Conference. 1*^5- The General Conference Special Committee shall have power to call a sj)ecial session of the GeiUTal Confer- ence at any time, which shall be composed of the mend)ers of the last regular General ( *orlference, all vacancies having been filled according to the usual modes of election. Viii. In the event of the death or disability of a General Superintendent, the other (ieneral Superintendent or the Secretary of tVic General Conference shall call together the rt of Appeal, Special Committee of the General Conference, and six other Conferences persons appointed for that purpose by the General Confer- r election to ence, who may elect a successor, who shall till the office until the next General Conference. .w arising m :hey preside . or any min by such de 50 riiJi: cuuuT of Ai'rKAL 1/5T- 'ni«' Oener.'il Conference sliall dinjct an annual col lection to bo made throughout the whole work for meeting the amount chargoahle to the Genei'al Conference Fund, anpeal. 128- The Court of Apj)eal sliall consist of the Genem Superintendents, and twelve other persons — six minister and six laymen — to be elected by ballot by the Genera| Conference from twelve ministers and twelve laymen, to 'i nominated by the General Superintendents. 1. The Court shall elect its own Secretary by btdlot. 2. A majority of those present shall be necessary I render a decision, but such a majority shall not be less tha five. 3. The Court .shall hear and deterniine appeals : — a. From decisions of the presiding officers of the Annu;j Conferences on questions of law arising therein; b. From decisions of Presidents of Annual Conferenci sJia dec an{ pai Su] int( tioi tiie whe oil pers ITSl THE COUKT OF APl'KAL. 61 It unuual col tor meetin< 3 Fund, ami 311 such col- A collection e church in r its sitting, iitod for tin' I for Genera I ticient in his f the Genera six niiniat^.r the (Jenera ayuien, to 1 y ballot, necessary i )t be less tha le on questions of law arising in ConiuiitM^es or Boards of Annual Conferouceen receivetl into full connect on, and an equal number of Laymen who hav^ been elected as elsewhere provided. , to the unafors cli such ,f traiis- loritv to ' 5 Confer- b of the Lithority, (Tear, any Lirpose of , the con- Annual inister to )ith-Weyt together fences in- ister, pro- willing to )se(l of all t) received IV men who THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 55 l!il. All preachers who have received ordination in any of the uniting hodies. and are in good standing at the time of the union, shall retain all rif:^hts and privileges conferred by such ordination, ilVi' Tjiiynien elected shall have the right to be present at all ordinary sessions of the Annual (conference, nnd to speak and vote on all questions, except the examination of minis- terial character and qualification, the n^ception, by vote, of j)rohationers into full connection and their ordination, and the granting of the superannuated or supernumerary rela- tion, on which exceptive questions ministers alone shall take action. tl^li. I'^ich Annual Conference shall assemble not earlier than the first Wednesday in May, nor later than the last Wtidnesday in June of eacli year, and shall, within this limitation, determine the time and place of its meeting from vear to year. tl\4' The General Superintendent, when present, shall opcMi the Annual Conference, and preside during the first day of its sessions, and afterward altet nately with the Presi- dent elected by the Conference. Fn tlie absence of n Ueneral Superintendent, +-he President of the previous year shall take the chair and (»pen the Conference. In association with the President, the (General Superintendent shall con- duct the ordination service, and they shall jointly sign the ordination parchments. But all other duties pertaining to the presidency of the Annual Conference shall be vested in the President electerl by that body, and, in the absence of the General Superintendent, he shall conduct the ordination service. \ 56 THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 135- Each Annual Conference shall elect by ballot from among its ministerial meml»ers a President, and also a Secretary wl o shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Conference, wliich shall be signed by the President and Secretary, and preserved among the documents of the Conference. ItiO' Any questions of law arising in the Annual Con- ference during its sesH^ions shall be determined by the General Superintendent or President presiding, but any member of the Conference may appeal from sucli decision to the Court of App(.'!al. The President of an Annual Con- ference shall also have authority to decide questions of law ill ising in the Conference Committees over which he pre- sides, but any member of such Committee shall have right to a))peal to the Court of Appeal, tliTf. Tiie President of the Annual Conference shall be, ex ojficio, Chairman of the Distiict in whicli he may be stationed during the year of his presidency. |;J8. The Annual Conferei^ce shall elect by ballot, without debate, a Chairman for each l^istrict from among the ordained ministers within the bounds of such District. 130. The ministers of the Annual Conference, in Special Session, shall examine the character and ({ualifications of all ministers and probationers for the ministry belonging to the Conference, in accordance with the Discipline, and their decisions shall be tinal, except in cases of appeal on questions of law. 140. In case any minister's character be arrested, it shall be competent for the ministerial members to meet in Special Session to examine into the case and pronounce THE ANNUAL CONFEUENCE. 57 :roiii so a iings dent [ the Coii- 7 the any cision L Con- )f law e pre- right Sill be, av be ithout 12 the •t. special of all ;ing to cl their estions Ited, it leet in lounce judgment, reporting their action to the Mixed Conference, - sucii report to be for information and record, and not for discussion. 141. Eacli Annual Conference sliall have a Stationing Comnuttee composed of the President of the Conference (who shall preside in the Committee), the Chairmen of Districts, and one minister elected by each J)istiict Meeting. Such election shall l)e bv the joint votes of ministers and laymen, and sliall always be by ballot. 14*^. Each Annual Conference shall station all the ministers and probationers for tlie ministry within its bounds according to the rules of the Discipline on the Stationing Committee, and it shall have authority to require that all appointments made by the Stationing Committee shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Discipline. I4»i- Each Annual Conference shall have authority to elect into full connection and ordain any probationer within its bounds who has completed four years' probation and fulfilled all disciplinary re(juirements ; also, to elect and ordain probationers of less than four years' standing, when the necessities of the work require it. 144- Each Annual Conference, at the session next pre- ceding the session of each General Conference, shall divide into Ministerial and Lay Electoral Conferences, for the pur- pose of electing delegates to the Ceneral Conference ; each l)ody electing its own representatives. 145- Tlie Secretary of each Electoral Conference shall -eport to the Secretary of the Annual Conference the names of the delegates elected to the General Conference, in the order of their election, and the President and Secretary 58 THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. sliall report the same to the General Conference Secretary. The delegates shall be elected from the members within the jurisdiction of the Conference. 140. When a minister is so unacceptable, inefficient or secular .'is to be no longer useful in his work, the Annual Conference may lecjuest him to ask a location, and if he lefuse to comply the Conference shall bear with him till the session next ensuing, at which time, if he persist in his refusal, the Conference may, without his formal trial, locate l)i>n without liis consent, by a vote of two-thirds of thos(^ present and voting. Any person so locat<'d shall, on recom- mendation of the Conference, receive from the Superannua- tion Fund, or from the Supernumerary Ministers' and Ministers' Widows" Fund, the amount of his mnual sub- scriptions without interest. When a minister who has travelled twenty years or more is located, his Annual Con- ference shall have power to determine whether, and when, he shall become a claimant on the Superannuated Ministers' Fund. 141- Each Annual Conference shall appoint a Special Committee consisting: of the President and Secretary of Conftu'ence, the (-hairmen of Districts, and five other mem- bers of the Conference to be nominated by the President, who shall have power to consider and decide upon all matters attecting the Conference, which could not have been pro^'ided for at the time of the sitting of the (Conference. The Special Committee shall report its proceedings to the next ensuing Annual Conference. 148. Each Annual Conference shall appoint an Annual Conference Missionary Committee, constituted as it may Cr dej rlia th( of An sha (^nsi THK ANNUAL rONFFRE>5CE. 50 try. the [, or nual f he 1 th«' \ his ocatc those RCOUl- nnua.- ,' and ,1 sub- 10 has \\ Oon- Nvheu, listers' ,pecial lary o^ |v ineiit- 'sident, )on all e been fcrencft. to the [Annual it may detormino. The said Committee sliall eonsist of ninistcrs and laymen in equal numbers, tlie laymen to be elected by ballot by the laymen of each Aniuial !)i^t^i(;t Meeting. It shall be the duty of the l^oard to apportion and dis- l)ui'se to the various missions, within the bounds of the (\)nference, such sums as the (leneral Board of Missions sluill have placed at its disposal. ' l4tK Kaoh Annual Conference shall appoint a Board of Examiners, who shall meet the candidates and probationers for the ministry l)elon2[inf2: to such Conference at one or more central places, and examine them upon the piescribed Course of Study, by printed or written questions, supple- mented by ora" examinations when necessary, and issue certificates to tlie successful candidates, to be presented to the Annual District Meeting, Kacli Examining Boarrl shall have authority to accept Provincial, Matriculation, and Undergiaduates' Certificates for such subjects of the Course of Study as are covered by these certificates. 150. Each Annual (^onferenve shall have the power to determine the date of the closin«; of the financial vear within its own limits. 151- In the event of the death or di.sability of the Presi- dent of an Annual Conference, the ex-President .shall imme- diately enter upon the duties of the presidency, and discharge them during the continuance of such disability, or to the end of the year ; but in case there be no ex President of such Annu.'d (Conference, then the Secretary of such Conference shall call together the Special Committee, who shull elect by ballot a Pi-esident, who shall continue in olftce till the ensuing Conference, or during such disability. 60 THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 15?J- Tlie business of the Conference shall proceed in the following order : — 1. The j>residing office)- shall open the Conference with the usual devotional services ; and shall then cause the roll of the ministerial nienihers to he called, and the names of the laymeii elected by the District Meetin^^s to be reportetl. 2, What ministers have been transfericd to or from this Conference? .'i. The (Jonference shall then elect by ballot, first, its President, and then its Secretarv. 4. Are there any objections to any of our ministers or probationers for the ministry 1 5. What probationers for the ministiy are now received into full con!iection with the Conference and ordained? 6. What probationers for the ministry remain on trial ? 7. Whu are the probationers of three years i 8. Who are the probationers of two years i 9. Who are the probationers of one year 1 10. Who are the probationers on the list of reserve? 11. What candidates for the ministry are now received on trial 1 12. Who are the Superannuated ministers ? 13. Who are tlie Supernumerary ministers? 14. Who are now located 1 15. What persons who were in full connection with the Conference now cease to be recognized as ministers among us { 16. Who are now deposed from the ministry? 17. Who are now deposed from the ministry and expelled from the Church ? Note. — The foregoing, except Nos. 1, 2, 3, shall be included iu the business to be transacted bv ministers alone. THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 61 the us I )elled led i iu 18. Who compose the several Conference Coriimitteos t — tlie Stationing Committee'' Pastoral Address? Memorials and Miscellaneous Resolutions'? Statistical lU'turns? Sab- bath Schools? Contingent Fund? Education of Candi- dates for the Ministry"? The Missionary Committee 1 Tem- perance 1 Credentials ? Conference Relations ] State of the Work ? 10. What ministers or probationers foi" the ministry have died during the past year] 20. Where are the ministers and probationei-s for the ministry stationed for the ensuing year? 21. What probationers for the ministry are appointed to attend Victoria University, Mount Allison Wesley an Col- lege, the Wesleyan Theological College, or Wesley College, Winnipeg? 22. Who comjwse the Board of Examiners for tliis year? 23. Who is appointed by this Conference to the Gei\eral Board of Missions? -14. What is the number of Church memlxjrs, churches and other places of worship, and attendance on worship on each Circuit and Mission? What is the number of baptisms administered and of marriages solemnized by each minister? 25. What is the number of ministers, probationers for the ministry, and laymen in the Quarterly Olficial Boards ? ()f Sabbath Schools ? And what ( *onnexional property is returned? These questions shall be answered in accoi-dance with the authorized Conference schedules. 26. What lias been collected on each District for the various Connexional Funds? Have tlie.«5e amounts been re- mitted at the proper time to the several Treasurers, and paid over to the several claimants? i 62 THE STATIONING COMMITTEE. I 27. What are the reports of the several Committees t 28. Has the J.)istrict8a})bath School Convention been held? 29. What fiirtiior m(!a.sures can be adopted for the pro- motion of the work of God within or beyond the bounds (*f the Conference ; and what ;ire the recommendations of the District Meetings on this important subject? I5»i- The Secretary of tlie Annual Conference shall pre- pare and forward to the Treasurers of the Superannuation Fund, innnediately after the rising of the Conference, a ce'^titied copy of the amount paid by eacli Circuit and Mis- sion for Ministerial Support and (/onnexional Collections during the year preceding. 154- The Annual Conferences are required to present, through the President of the Conference, to the General Conference, a tabulated statement of the memlxn'ship of the Chu»ch, the Sabbath Sdiools, the number of churches, with the value of the same ; the num])er of parsonages, and tiieir value; the number of burial-grounds and all other Church })roperty, and their valae; and such otiier- inf(M-ma- tion as may help the General Conference to a corrt ot estimate of the state of the Church. 155- 'Hie Annual Conferences shall record all the de- cisions of the presiding otKcers on questions of law arising in the Annual Conferences, in their .)ournals, and a copy of these shall be submitted to the ensuing (General Conference. Section V. IVie Stationing Committee. 154»- The Stationing Committee shall meet at the call of the President, at the place appointed for holding the i! THE STATIONING COMMIITRE. 68 held] e pro- nds oi of tUf ence, ^v nd Mis- Aections present, GeneV'^1 >vyhip "^ .;hu relies, (iges, I'-iid ail other infovma- ;i con» <^"t U tlie de- i\v arising" a copy of onierence. the call of olding tlu- Annual Conference, previous to the commencement of its sessions, to prepare a draft of the stations, winch draft sliall be printed and i-eady at tlie opening.; of tlie session, for tiie use of iiienibers of Conference. 1. Tlie Stationing Committee shall meet as often as may be deemed necessary, duiing the sessions of the Conference, for the revision of the stations, and each nuMuber of the Conference shall have a right to appear before the (Com- mittee to represent his case in regard to his appointment. 2. Tiie lirst draft of stations shall be placed on the table of the Conference at the close of the first session, the second and final draft at any time before the close of the Confer- ence, as the Conference itself may order, 3. The Stationing Committee shall not allow any minister or probationer for the ministry to remain more than three years successively on tlie same Circuit, except the (General Conference otiicei's, superannuated and .-^!ipernum(»rary minis- ters, the missionaries among the Indians and on the French and Foreign Mission Districts, and such ministers as may be appointed to our educational institutions; nor sliall a minister be re-appointed to a Circuit or Mission within a less interval than six y^ars. , 4. On the division of a Circuit, do minister who has travelled successively th(^ three preceding years on such Circuit shall be appoiiited to either part of it ; nevertheless, this jtile shall not apply to those places which may be trans- ferred in adjusting the work by the Annual Disti'ict Meet- ing, which transfer has been sanctioned by tlie Stationing Committee. . 5. The President of an Annual Conference, and the 64 THK ANNUAL DISTRICT MEKTINO. Chairman and Financial Secretary of each District con cerned, shall have authority to change tlh^ stations of ministers or piol»ati(»ners in the intervals ot Conference, when the interests of th»' work shall appear to them to demand such change. CHAPTER II. DISTRICT MEETINGS. tJi 1 Section I. 7Vte Annual District Meetuuj. 15T- The Tei-ritory occupied by each Annual Conference is divided into Districts, 158- The Annual District Meeting shall consist of all Ministers and Probationers for the ministiy within its bounds, and one Lay dcilegate for each Minister or F^roba- tioner in the active work from each (Circuit, Mission, or Station in the District, who shall have been elected bv ballot by the Quarterly Otticial Board. 150. Kach District shall be under the supervision of a presiding otHcer to be callelace with another ministei- or probationer, who shall be paid for his labors out of the allowance of the ab.-.e!it niinister or proba tioner, in proportion to the usual allowance. 5. To preside at the District Meetings. 6. To visit any Station or Circuit in his District when he may jmlge it e\p» dient. 7. To se(.' that every part of the Discipline is duly enforced. 8. To gi\<' the President all neces.sary information of the Istate of his District. 9. To prepare a condensed re]>ort of the operations of the [Missionary Society in his District, to be compiled from the 6 ^6 THK ANNITAL niSTIUCT MEETINQ. . ^- irports of indivither causes during the year, on tlicir respective Districts. 11. i'iie (Chairman is especial ly directed and I'cijuired to visit any (Jircuit oi- Mission in his District when i« cjuested by the Superinteiid»>nt of' sucli Circuit or Mission in case of any dispute or dirticniry which the Superintende,nt may desire a.vsistance to adjust; al>istrict to pi-eside, at. tlie h<'aring of the app»al. 104- In case of the death oi' disa)>ilitv of a Chairnian durin;^ the year, the Financial Secretary shall call a meeting of the ministeriaJ members of the District, and the lay mem- bers of the pievious Annual f)istrict Meeting, who shall elect by ballot one of their number, being a mend)er of the Conference, as (Jhairnwui until the ensuing Confcj-ence. 105- The Chairman sliall appoint the time ;ind place of tiie Jirst District M»;eting, after which he shall appoint the time and the District Meeting shall appoint th«.' place. In the absence of the Chairman, the District Meeting shall elect from among its ministerial menibers, by V)allot, without debate, a Chairman pro tctn. IHU- The Examination of Ministerial Chai*act«r shall be the business of the first day of the District Meeting, and shall be confined to the ministerial members alone. Id. I'hc lay members of the District Meeting shall meet separately some time during the session and elect hy ballot, without debate, lay representatives to the Annual (V) a fere nee, in the j)roportion of one for each minister in full connection witliiii the bounds of the District. Laymen to be eligible for election must be at least twenty-five years I of age, and must have V^een members of the Church in good [standing for five consecutive years next preceding the election. 68 TifE ANNCTAL DISTRICT MKETINQ. IIJH. Aft.<>r the Olwiirnian has opened the nn^eting by the usual (h'votitMiiil exorcises, a Seeretary shall be eh'cted by ballot, who shall keep a lecord of the proceedings in a book procured for that piiipose. At the close of each meeting the MiiHites shall be signed by the Chairman and Secrt^taiy. The book shiill 1m' kept by the ('h.iirman and brought to tlie Conference, and th^Iisfred bv him to his successor. tii\y Mtdliod to be obxerced in conduct iruf thr. busiueas of t/ifi DLstrict Meetlwj. lit :, Chairinan shall inquire- ~ 1, \Vh;it iiKMubers are now present? '2. A v the ministers ami probationers blameless in life, conversation, and doctrine ? I '30. li^ the «!xamination of ministers and pi'obationcrs in the District Meeting, the Chainnan is reipiired to ask the following questions, di'iiiiictirfiy and saccessiveli/, con- cerning every biother : — 1. Is there any objection to his moral and religious char- acter '{ '2. Does he believe and preach all our doctrines'! .3. lias he duly observed and enfon'ed oui* flisci[)line ? 4. Has he been pun '' lal in attending all his appoint- ments I 5. Has he conipetent abilities for our itinerant work? A sepaj'ate answer to each of these questions is expected to appear in the District Minutes. I7|. Re(jiilali(*ns to be observed In relation to Poba tioHcrs for tlu' MiniMry; — 1. Every probationer for the ministiy shall pursue the course of study prescribed by the General Conference, except as liereinaftei* provided ; and before he shall be tl ti( th aiii car cou giv rec( wl I) pui- (*ha rea( list ters suchi appe| 5. follol THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. 69 \f the cl by book eting L'.tary. U) the Htss oj in UtV, Ltiont'is to ask /*/, cou- is i;har- liue! appoint- ork ? expected \(, P oha- lii'suo the shall bt) received into full connection he shall give satisfactory evi- dence to the Annual District i^Ieetinj:^, from year to year, of his knowleoge of the subjects! and books included in such course of study. 2. The Boajxl of Examiners shall report to the Annual District Meetings those candid.'i.tes who have passed a satis- factory examination in the Pri-liniinary Course of Studv ; they shall also report the character of all the other examina- tions. These reports are to be recorded in the Minutes of the District, and p rest a ted ( ^ the Annual Conference. 3. The Secretary of eacli I^xamining Board shall prepare and issue certificates to all canditlates or probationeis who ha\e completed the course /of study; bu< in cases where the candidate or probationer his not completed the whole course of the year, it shall be the duty of the Secretary oO give a record of his standing, but he shall not in any case issue a certificate until the whole year's coui'se is roniplet«»d. 4. The Chairman shall also examine every probationer for the ministry respecting his acquaintance with the books recommended to him, and tlie general of reading which he has pursued during the preceding year. For this purpose every such probationer is required to deliver to tlie (Chairman o\ i is District a list of the books which lie has read since the preceding Annual District Meeting. This list shall be laid before tlie meeting, that the senior minis- ters may have an oppntunity of giving to the probationers such advice and directions respecting their studies as may appear necessary. 5. In addition to the preceding course of inquiry the following questions are to be put every year by the Chair- 70 THE ANNUA r. DISTRICT MEETING. Miaii to every prol)atioiier for the iniiiistry on the District, but tliey need not be inserted in the District Minutes. It is enough to say that tlie usual (questions were put to the probationers and satisfactorily answered ; or, if intuai and experimental kind, in order to keep up devout and livelv reli'jjious feeliniis m vour own heart ( f. Have you careiidly visited the sick under your cliarge, and others to whom you could obtain access I i1 . IFave you visited the people at their houses, inquiring intO'their religious state, praying with them, and adminis- tering wliolesomc counsel , and have you Cfitechi/ed t'.s chihlren of the schools, and those of your friends aua hearers, as you have had opportunity? e. Have you had fruit of voui' minisi ry during the year, and are you emleavoring so to sttit^e the leading truths of Christian doctrine and experience in your discourses, and so to apply them with affection, and earnestness, and prayer, as to do all in your power to secure success in your work *? /'. Answer the following questions in sucli tern»s as you would use in stating the doctrines they contain to an in- <|uiror under religious impressions, or in your st'rmons : — - What is Evangelical Repentance 1 \V hat is .1 ustification ? What is Justifying Faith I What is the direct Witness of tht^ Spirit *? W^hat is the indirect Witness of the Spirit? What IS Christian Perfection ] What is the ditierence be- \ o oi \v A C( re Mi THE ANNl'AL DISTRICT MEETING. 71 year, tlis of aiul so i-avtn-, work 1 as you an '\n- iiis : — - Mtion'J ,ness of Spirit! ice be- tween .Tustification and Sanctilication ? What is the differ- ence h(;tween Justification and llegononition 1 What, is the diHlTence be; a ♦•en Sanctilication and l^ntire Sanctiti- cation? Ijet these points be proved in order by app'opriate pas sa«res of Holy Writ. Th»^ l)i'(^tii!en will see the propriety of conducting this part of tht> proi-eedings with pe(njliar deli])eration and sohjnmity, f-.a in the ininir-diate presv"»nce of '.Tod; and tht^y may enlarge on fioctrinai (piestions as they may deem it necessary, so as to lead the candidates to a rii^lit under- "^tanding, and an ay>pro}>riate expression of our leadinj^ doc ti'inal pe('nliarities as a Ohnroh. (). In the annual examination of probationers for the ministry, it shall be the duty of the (Jljairmen of Districts to inclndc the disciplinary question. " Do you take snulf", tobacco, Of intoxicating di-iriks ?" and a distinct answer in the p'^'^ative shall be recpiirtMl in every case, as a condition of continuing on j^robation, from year to year. 7. The time for a candidate for our ministry to remain on trial, as a probationei-, shall be four years ; at the end of which period, if recommended by the Annual District Meeting, he shall, after examination and approval by the ('onference, be received into full coiinection, and be publicly recognized. 8. Every such probationei*. who has been thus recom- mended by the AnnuaJ District MeetinLT. shall attend the Conference of that year, except tliose laboring in distant Missions. 9. Who have been on probation for the ministry /'our THK ANNUAL DISTHICT MRETING. years, htkI aro now roooinineiulod to be received into full connection, and to he ordained ? 10. Wiio uvQ reconimonded to he continued on prol)atiou'} n. Who :iio the ])i()l>ationers of t/iTfe years? I/. Who are t\w ])robationers of two years ? r. Who are tiie probationers of one yeai- '? 11. What })robationers aro ou the T^jst of Reserve? \\ hen a candidate for the niinistry has been recommended to be recciscd on })robation, but not calhul out into tiie work in tlie coui'se of the year, the Cfiairman of the l)i>; trici shall mak«' itKjuii'v of < he Superintendent of theCUrcuit where he resides, whether he l)e still deemed a j)erson proper to be employed in oui- rcirular- ndnistry ; ;nid the result shsill be reported to the Annual District Meetin;L,'. 12. What candidates are recommended to be received d prol)ation for tlie ministry '( 11*^ Riytilafions to be obaerved in refevnce to Candidatcx for 1/(4'. Mini(itry: — 1. The dhairmou are reipiired nirK'iji] Board of tlio Circuit or Missi<»n on wliicli he rosid<\s. H«^ must also have passed a satisfactory written examination, and an oral examination such as the Examineis may (Uiom nPcessary, on tlu» suhjects prescribed by the required : - Have you been converted to (Jod 1 Have you now faith in (.'hrist ( Are you going on to perfection? Do you ex- pect to be mad(» pei'fect in h)ve in this life 1 Are you earnestly striving after it? Are yoa resohcd to devote yourself wholly to tilod and His \vork ' Have vmi l>een bapti/eiH What are your \ie\vs on Infant Baptism and the Lord's Supper I Do you know the Hules of the fcJociety? 74 THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. Do you keop tlu-rn'? Do you take suufT, toljacco, or intoxi- catiii*; drinks^ And will you continue to al).staiM from (lie use of tlu'in ? Have you road the wliole Dis<'ij>lino'i Are you williiiLj to conform to it t IJave you considered tlie twelve rules of a minister or probationer, as contained in J^irt I., (yliapter 11., Siiction •!., of the Discipline, espe- cially the first, the tenth, and the twelfth] Will you keep them for conscience' sake? Are vou determined to emplov all your time in the work of God? Will you preach at every suital)le opportunity, endeavoiin• { p[ave vou aotnl health, and have you a sound constitution? Aie you en j'at'ed to marry ? Do you sincerely find fully believe the doctrines of .Vh-th- odism as contained in our twenty-tive Articles of Religion, and as taught by Mr. Wesley in his Notes on the New Tes- tament and Volujnes of Sermons, especially the following leading one's : — A Trinity of Persons in the Unity (jf the Godhead ; the total depravity of all men by nature, in con- sequence of Adam's fall ; the Atonement made by Christ for the sins of all the human race ; the direct witness of the Spiiit; the possil)ility of falling from a state of justitication and holiness, and perishing everlastingly ; the absolute necessity of future rewards and punishments'? Will you endeavor fully and faithfully to preach them *? What is your religious experience? and what is your call to this work i Di THE ANNUAL DISTUTCT MKPITIXa 75 6. Aftor tlie pxaiiiiiiailon the canrlidato shall withdiuw, and the nifetiiiij shall doterinine whether he shall be recorn- inended to the ensuing ('onfeience, to be received as a probationer for the ministry. 7. If the Oil Irman deem it not convenient for a candi- rlate to attend the Distriot Meeting, he may, witli two other ministers, examine hiin nnd report the result to the District Meetinc;. lT*i- Otln'r RpfinhttitniH respectiv{i CarufidateH and Pro- hationers for the Ministrtf: ■- 1. No Oiairman of a l)istrict, or other Conference officer, shall have authority to employ a married man during? the year, with a view to his beinpj received as a candi«late for the ministry, without the consent of the Annual Conference, or the Special Committee thereof. Nor shall any District Meeting rwomuieiul any married man to the Conference, for reception on probation for the ministry, unless he has been previously emplo}»M( in case of absolute necessity, in accordance with tlie foregoing restriction. 2. No person shall be employed by a Chairman of a I>is- trict, with a view to entering the ministry, who has not been a member of our Church one year, and a local preacher in good standing for six months; nor shall he have authority to employ any person, with a view to his reception into the ministry, without tlie consent of tlie Annual (.V-mference, or of the Special Committee thereof; and in no case shall any person be so employed who has been I'ejected by a (^)uartei'ly OtHcial Board, District Meeting, or Annual Conference. 3. All young men taken into the work by Chairmen of Districts, in accordance with the above regulations, before ^ 76 THE ANNUAL DlSTKfCT MKETIKQ. tlie Second meotiniif of the Quai-terly Offiolfil Board, shall bo allowed tiie full your. 4. If a prohationor wlio lias 1km'!» received on trial, Imt not into full connection, d<^sist from want of health, or be proved ^aiiltv of immorality, it shall be stated in the Minutes. In all other cases his iiame shall Ix? dropptjd in silence. '). A probationer who marries w it hout the consent of the Annual Conference shall be dropped in silence. G. Observe : taking on trial is entirely different from admitting a probationer into full connection. One on trial muy l>e either admitted or rejected without doing him any w long : otherwise it would have been no trial at all. Let v\ery Chairman explain this to thf)se on trial. 7. When a [»robationer s or candidate s name is not in- serted in the Minutes, he must nucive a written license fron. the President, or (chairman of the District on which he resides. 174. Miscellaneous Afatfers : — 1. What ministers or probationers for the ministry have died ? 2. Who are recommended as Superannuated ministers? .S. Who are recommended as Supernumerary ministers t 4. Who have retired from the ministry'? 5. Who have been suspended during the year ; and what is the recommendation of tlie District Meeting in the case ' 175. Can any measures be adopted for increasing the efficiency of our ministerial labors and the promotion of the work of God 1 1. Are all the means possible used to vi.sit all the towns and settlements within the boundaries of each Circuit or Mission^ TUK ANNUAL UISTKICT MKETING. 77 2. Arc tht're earnest attempts made, in every place wiiere theie are services, to form classes? 3. Is suMicient tiuH' allotted ii) the arrangement for the (juarterly visitation of the classes, and the renewal of tickets, for the Superintendent, or his assistant, to acquaint himself with the state of each member, and to give suitable advice to eacli 'I Have you regulai-ly met the classes, and renewed the tickets quarterly ? 4. Have the (Jeneral Rules been read during the year, and have thev biv^n «riven to the meujljers on tiial, ac«'ord- ing to the Oiscipline? 5. Do the brethren pay sufficient attention to Pastoi-al visitation, and to catechizing the children of our members and friends 1 170- I'liese important iiujuiries shall be followed by a solemn review of the state of th(^ work of Gnd. And any suggestiony for the religious improvement of our children and the members of our Church, and especially for the greater efficiency of our ministerial labors, are to be entered o!i the Minutes of the District Meeting, and, when tliought necessarv, recommended to the considerati(m of the Annual Conference. 117- All the foregoing questions and directions shall be considered as belonging to the examination of character and ministerial affairs. I7H. Th('.J\>1hnvln(f order ithall he ohxerced ivhen the gen eral business of the District Meetiruj is under consideration: — 1. What lay representatives are now present? 2. What are the Receipts, and what is the Expenditure of each Circuit or Mission t 7§ THE ANNIAL DISTRICT MKKTINO. 3. What has heon collected on each Circuit and Mission for (^'ontiexional Funds'? 4. What special rases are now recommended to the favor- able consideration of the Committees of the several Con- nexional Funds ] 5. What is the number of ministers' children on tlio District having claims on the (Miildren's Fund, and what are tlnur respective names and ages { IIavt> all tin? rej^mla- tions lepeeting the Children's Fund been fully carried into ett'ect in the J>istrict'} (). What probationers for our ministry are recomnuuidcd to l)e sent to (-ollcije] Before anv nroliationer for ttur ministry shall be sent to Colletje with I'eeonuuendat ion for a loan from the FJduca- t.ional Fund, his circumstances shall be iiupiired into by the I)istrict Meeting, and the minute of the District, in his case, shall l)e forwartled to the Secietary of tiie Educational Connnittee of the Annual Conference. No loan shall be made to any who have not travelled at least one year. 7 . What is the number of Chuich membei-s ? The innnber of chur(;lies and other preucliing places in each Cii'cuit or Mission'] 8. What is the nu)id)er of ministej-s, probationers for the ministry, and laymen, in the Quarterly OtHcial Board of (N-ich Circuit oi" Mission"? What is the number of Sabbath Schools on the l>istrict, and wliat are the reports from the Circuits and Missions respecting the same 1 Have the Sabbath School Schedules Ijeen duly filled up? 9. Wliat is the number of Baptisms administered, and of Marriages solemnized by each minister ] Have all such a- S tl si ..i THK ANNirAI. DISTUICT MEETING. 7!) Miirrlam's solfiniii/rd durin'' thi* voar hceri duly rt'corclril, and the roUiriis niad*^ acc«»fdiuresent the J>istrict as members of the Annual ( 'onference C/ommittees, vi/., the Stationin-.? (Committee and SabbatJj School Committee? l;>. What laymen are elected by this meeting as m 'inbers of the Annual Conference ? I'JtI. Can any measures be ado})Tcd for the promotion of the work of God in the District? 180 Two copi^.s of the Annual J 'istrict Meeting records shall be brought to Conference, in addition to the one IE IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) H i 1.0 I.I 1.25 III 1.4 liiM IIIIM ilM |||||22 m mil 2.0 1.6 s» p>w ^.. /J i and Notes on the New Testament, Fletcher's Checks T.-V. Stevens' History of Methodism, and the Discipline of tluj Methodist Church. This examination shall also be require(| of all candidates passing thi'ough our Theological Schools j who have not been examined on these subjects in theii course of study. 12. Probationers appointed to attend our Theologies Schools shall pursue the course of study prescribed, exceji Undergraduates in Arts, who, in addition to their course i: Arts, .shall take such theological studies as may be deenie advisable by the Faculty in Arts of the ljniver.sity to whic! they are appointed, 13. Candidates for our b'rench work shall pursue tli course of study prescribed. fc^'- ■•■■J'- ■■ * '~-T '- JA^a i^mm^ mtm K'ff"!!!'^^^ a. )ted from the dates who, b\ y helong, ar<' )gical Schools, tudy shall he i in the regular >| r the ministry J* eii the degrees] by, he may be f he has spent! ulent, and also,' Meeting thatj »nal months in mended to be] d, both these! pslev's Sermon>| 3 Checks T.-V., scipline of tluj Iso be require(| oixical Schooh bjects in theiij ur Theologic;i| (Scribed, excej' their course i; may be deeme ^ersitv to whic i;ill pursue til THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. 83 14. When a student, by appointment of an Annual Conference, attends a University or Theological School for two or more years, or proceeds to a degree within tlie term of his probation, —one year shall be allowed on his probation. 15. No student of less than two years' standing at Victoria University or Mount Allison C/ollege, or at the Montreal Theological College, shall be received as a candidate for our ministry without the recommendation of the Quarterly Official Board of the C^ircuit upon which he wrs resident before entering College, together with a certiiicate of good moral and religious standing froui the Pi-esifhMit of the College, or the Dean of the Faculty of Theolojirv, with which he has been connect«*d. 16. After preliminary examination by the P^xamining Committee of the College, students reconmiended by a Quarterly Oilicial Board shall i-eturn to the District from which they are recommended for their further examination and recommendation to the Annual CVuiference. 17. Any minister who has received aid from the Educa- tional Society, and retires from our ministry within ten years after his reception on trial, shall refund such amount to the Society before receiving a certificate of his standing. 18. Young men attending College who may wish to be- come local preacliers, may be received by the Quarterly Official Boards of thoAv Circuits as candidates, after due examination— provided they present certificates of moral and religious character from the J^ean of the Faculty. 19. The Third meeting of the Quarterly Official Board, or, in the case of those who are leaving Ijome to attend College, the First or Second meeting of the Quarterly Ollicial ■I 84 THE FINANCIAL DISTRICT MEETING. ! i'^r Board, may recommend such of its local preaciiers as it deems called to separate themselves entirely to the work of tlie ministry, and qualitiod therefor, to the next ensuing Annual District Meeting, as candidates for the ministry. Section II. The Finan<;inl District. Meeting. tH*t- A Financial District Meeting shall be held in each District, not later than the month of September in each year. 18»{. The Financial District Meeting shall be composed of the Superintendent and a Steward from each Circuit and Mission in the District. 184. The business of the Fi}ia7U'/ial District Meeting sJiall be : — 1'. To apportion to the several Circuits the amounts placed at its disposal by the Annual Conference. 2. To examine into the circumstances and probable in- come of the Domestic, Indian, Foreign or other Missions within the jurisdiction of the District, in the same way as they examine into those of the dependent Circuits, and recommend the amount which, in their judgment, should be appropriated towards the support of such Missions ; which shall be immediately reported by the Chairman to the Presi- dent of the Annual Conference and to the Missionary Secretary. 3. To arrange the claims of th<^ children of ministers on the District ; and to receive from the Chairman of the Dis- ni ccl cf as ifc )rk of isuing listry. n THE FINANCIAL DISTRICT MEETING. 85 in. each n each >inposent no Love- feast shall Inst hunger than an hour and a, half. To appoint Prayer Meetings wherever he can in his ('ircuit, and to see that a Fast be observed in every Society on the Fi iday pre- ceding every meeting of the Quai'terly Board. To see that the General Rules be read once a year in exery congrega- tion, and occasionally in each Society, by himself or his colleague ; and that the Pastoral Address of the Annual OoJiference be read to all the Societies on his (circuit. To take care that every Society be duly supplied with books ; and to nrge upon all who arc admitted into our Church to read attentively our (General HuUs, the Second Cat;-<^hisin, and other Methodist works. C). To take an exact account of the number of mendjers in Society, and report the same to the Fourth meeting of the Qu.'U'terly Othcial Board and to the Annual District Meeting, with the number of members who have been received on trial, or by certiticate of membersliip, and of those who have removed, died, or ceased fQ h^ menjbers, or have been separated from, or adcied to, the Circuit by altera- tion of its boundaries ; also to report the Sal)bath Schools of his Circuit, as required by the Discipline ; and, if a Superin- tendent of a Mission, to prepare a report of the religious state of his Mission, and read it in the Annual District Meeting, subject to the revision of that meeting. To leave THE QITAKTEHT.Y OFFICIAL BOARD. 89 Local ■jQ and 10 lay rule. Lo\(»- ppoint to see ly pre- ee that igreora- or his A.nnual it. To hooks ; urch to ;^chisni, leiuhers king of [)iatrict |e heeu land of Iters, or altera- liools of |aperin- jligioiis istrict lo leave \ for his successor a Circuit book, containing an exact list of all the official meml»ers, and also of the names of all the members in his Circuit, arranged in their Classes, as found at the Fourth meeting of the Quarterly Otli<.'ial Board. 7. To remind meml)ers, from time to time, that none arc to i-emove from one Circuit to another without a certiricate of membership from the Superintendent of the Circuit, and to warn them that witliout such certiticate they will not be received into the Church in other places ; and also to forward a duplicate coi)y of such certiticate l)y mail to the Superintendent of tlie Circuit to which they may be remov- ing. In all cases persons applying for membership on certificate shall be held responsible to the Society with which they unite from the date of the certilicate, but no certificate shall be esteemed valid that is not presented within one year from the date of it. 8. To make application in the Classes and to our friends on behalf of the Superannuation Fund, during the months ox JNovember and December, and to make a public collec- tion for the same object in tlie month of November or December, paying the moneys thus received to the Financial Secretary, in time for transmission to the Treasurers of the Superannuation Fund on or Ijefore the first dav of Jauuarv. 9. To see that collections are taken up for our Connex- ional Funds at the following times, viz. : — Contingent Fund, in the month of September ; Union Church Helief Fund, in October ; Educational Fnvd and Missionary Society, as arranged by the Financial District Meeting; General Conference Fund, at such time as the Annual Conference may direct. 90 THE QUARTERLY OFFiriAL HOARD. 10. To carry out the arrangements made by tlic Financial I)is*^iict Meetin*.; in regard to the Missionary and Educa- tional work oi» his Circuit. To pay proni})tly to the ap- pointed Treasurers all moneys collected for the several Kiinds at the tijnes directed by Conference. 11. To encourage in all proper cases Field Meetings and Open-air Meetings on his charge, and also (Janip Meetings as a Circuit or union of Circuits may, in their Quarterly Orticial Boards, detennine. li^''4' The authority of a Superintendent, who is remov- ing, to administer discipline upon a Circuit, shall cease with the (inal reading of the Stations to the Conference. HKJ. The Quarterly Otficial Board shall receive and try appeals; recommend candidates for the ministry manage .and contiol Cii'cuit finances ; and discharge such other duties as the General Conference may from time to time determine. ItM. The regular busine^x of the Quarierhj Offieiul lionrd shaU he : — . 1. To receive the financial returns from the Leaders, Stewards, and otlier persons entrusted with the funds of the Circuit ; to pay the salarits and all the expenses of the ministers and pi-obationers for the ministry ; and to receive from the Leaders' Meeting the report of the disbursL-juient of the fund for the poor for the quarter. 2. To receive and try appeals. 3. At the First meeting of the Quarterly Official Boaixl, to receive the recommendations of the Stewards' Meeting, and make the estimate of the amounts necessary for the family or families of the ministers or probationers for the minis- THE QrARTEnLV OFPlOrAT- BOAIU). 91 laiiciai bjdiica- he ap- leverai as and arterlv rertiov- m witli iiul try manage 1 otiier to time / lloanl jeadors, nds of of tlie receive ment oard, to ng, and family minis- try ; and appoint the Steward to attend the h'inan(Mal Ois trict Meeting. i. At tJie Sectmcl meeting of the Quarterly Official Hoard, to appoint, on tlie nomination of the Supei'intendent, tlic Stewards of the Circuit, of whom there sliall he not less than three nor more aeven, one ni whom shall he the Recording Stewai'd, wfio shall k(M'p a riM-oid of the proceed ings of the Quar'erly Hoard in a book procured for that purpose. It siiall also, on the nomination of the Superintendent of tlie Circuit, ap[)oint the»\tative5; to the Sfibhath School Conmiittee, the nuud)er to be not less than three nor more than ^re. 5. At the First, Second, or Tlilnl meeting oi the Quarterly Ollicial Boaid, to reeommean candidates for tlie ministry ; provided afwat/n, thav ao person shall be recommended ;ik a candidate until he has been a local preacher at least six months. 6. At the Fourth nieeting of the Quarterly Otficial Hoard : 1. To receive from the Superintendent of the Circuit the report of the number of membeis on the Circuit ; 2. Also the reports of the Superintendents of the Sabbath Schools of the Circuit ; 3. To elect by ballot the lay representative or representatives to attend the ensuing Annual District Meeting, viz., one representative for each minister or probationer for the ministry appointed to the Circuit by the Stationing Committee ; 4. Where there is no Local Preachers' Meeting, to enquire into the character, gifts, labors, punctuality, ;uid usefulness of every local preacher by name, and, if there Ije no valid objection alleged and sustaiiied, to renew their licenses ; 5. To examine the char- r «*>■»' ^*>^«. v~< 92 THE LOCAL PIlEACHEKS MEETING. acter of the exliorters, and, if there l)e no valid objection alleged anlan as a local preacher or exh(^rter, or be permitted to preach among us as such, with- out the approbation of that meeting on the nomination of the Superintendent ; or, if in any Circuit such a Local Preachers' Meeting cannot be held, they shall be proposed and appointed by the Quarterly Official Board of the Circuit ; but no minister or probationer for the ministry "who has been suspended or expelled by the Conference shall jection Where icter of ending liUes to .ids for u, scale, ocieties , where regular ters, on of the ?d there brs' con- ^gularly t,er ; and licher or |h, with- ition of II Local Iroposed of the iiiniatry ;e shall THE LOCAL PREACH KRS MKETINO. 98 on any account be employed as a local preacher without the consent of the Annual Conference. 101. The Superintendent of the Circuit, at eacli regular Local Preacluirs' Meeting, or at the Fourth meeting of the (Quarterly Ollicial Board of tiie Circuit, shall in(piii-e mto the religious and moral t;haracter, doctrines, abilities to preach, and punctuality in attending appointments, of each local preacher and exliorter by nanie. lt)8. The questions proposed in the examination of the character ot local preachers and exhorters shall be the same as those proposed in regard to ministers, viz. : — L Is there any objection to his moral and religious diameter 1 2. Does he believe and teach all our doctrines'? 3. Has he duly observed our Discipline? 4. Is he punctual in attending all his appoincments ? 5. Has he competent abilities for a local preacher or ex- liorter ] 6. Win you renew^ his license as local preacher or ex- liorter'? 100. Every person proposed to be recei\ed as a local preacher, or taken on trial, shall ite asked l)y the Chairman or Superintendent the following questions, to which a dis- tinct answer shall be required : — What is your religious experience'? Have you faith in (!hrist1 Are you going on to perfection'? Do you expect to be perfected in love in this life "? Are you earjiestly striving after it] Are you resolved to devote yourself to (iod and His work ? Do you sincerely and fully believe the doctrines of Methodism, as contained in the Articles of ■^i* ^H t Religion, and as taught by Mr. Wesley in his Notes on the New Testament and Volumes of Sermons, especially tlie following leading ones : — A Trinity of Persons in the Unity of the Godhead ; the total depravity of all men by nature in consequence of Adams fall ; the Atonement made by CInist for the sins of all the human race ; Justification bv Faitli ; ^he direct Witness of the Spirit ; the possibility of falling from a state of justification and hoiiness, and perishing everlastingly ; the absolute necessit} of holiness both in heart and life ; and the proper eternity of rewards and punishments 1 What is Evangelical repentance 1 What is Justification '? What is Justifying Faith? What is the direct Witness of the Spirit I What is the indirect Witness of the Spirit 1 What is Christian Peifeetion 1 What is the difference between Justification and Regeneration 1 What is the difierence between Sanctification and Entire Sanctification '] Will you endeavor fully and faithfully to preach these doctrines 1 !200. ReyidiUions irt reference to Local Preachers: — 1. All local pi-eachers shall meet in Class. No exception shall be made in respect of any who may have been minis- ters or prol)ationers for the ministry in former years. 2. The name of every local preacher shall be recorded on the Journal of the Quai-tei'ly Official Board of the Circuit in which he resides. 3. No local preacher shall hold Lovefeasts without the consent of the Superintendent of the Circuit, nor in any wise interfere with his ministerial duties. I. Miiiisters who withdraw from connection with an THE LOCAL PREACHERS MEETING. 95 with ail Annual Conference, and ministers who are located by tlie action of an Annual Conference, shall not exercise the functions of the ministry of our Church ; hut may, should they desire it, be considered as local preachers, and shall be subject to all the regulations ali'ecting local preachers, and if charged with immorality, shall be proceeded against as other local preachers, and the Superintendent of the Circuit or Mission shall report the case to the Annual Dis- trict Meeting. 5. When an ordained local preacher is expelled, the President of the 7;.nnual Conference shall require of him the credentials of his ordination to be filed with the papers of the Annual Conference within the limits of which the expulsion has taken place. And should he at any future time produce to the Annual Conference a certiticate of his I'estoration, signed by the Chairman and countersigned by the Secretary of the District Meeting, his credentials shall be restored to him. 6. When a local preacher or exhorter removes from one Circuit to another, he shall obtain from the Superintendent of the (Circuit a certiticate of his othcial standing in the Church at the time of his removal, without which he shall not be received as a local preacher or exhorter in other* places. 7. No local preacher or exhorter coming to reside on any of our Circuits from another part of the world, although duly reconmiended, shall be allowed to preach or hold meet- ings in our churches unless he become a member of the Church and submit to its discipline. 8. Should any local preacher or exhorter belonging to any I i m THE LEADERS MEETING. other Metliodist Church make application to be received into oui* Church, the Superintendent of the Circuit, in con- currence with the Quarterly Official Board, or tlie Local Preachers' Meeting of the Circuit on which such local preacher or exhorter may reside, is authorized to receive him, after having inquired into his qualifications and all the cir- cumstances of his case. T i' ^ Section III, llie Leaders^ Meeting. 5J01. The Leaders' IVfeeting shall be composed of the Ministei'S and Probationers for the ministry appointed to the Circuit, the Stewards of the Circuit, and the Leaders. *i^% A Leaders' Meeting shall be held at least once a quarter, and oftener if necessary, to incjuire: — 1. Are there any sick? 2. Are there any requiring temporal relief? 3. Are there any that walk disorderly and will not be re- proved 1 4. Are there any who wilfully neglect the means of grace 1 5. Are there any changes to be made in the (Classes ? 6. Are there any members on trial to be received into full membership 'J 7. Is there any miscellaneous busi ness 1 ^03- A return shall be made l)y the Leaders' Meeting to the Quarterly Official Board of the amount contributed to the fund for the poor, and the disbursements for the quarter. ^04- It is the duty of the Superintendent of the Circuit to make strict inc^uiry in tJie Leaders' Meeting preceding the Fourth meeting of the Quarterly Official FJoard into the moral character of all the leadei's, their punctuality in be- ginning and ending their Class Meetings in pioper time, and ''^^- ▼ THE stewards' MEETING. 97 B received lit, in con the Local such local >ceive him, all the cir- 3ed of the pointed to Leaders, ast once a Are there ral relief 'I not be re- the means tide in the be received leous busi- Meeting to ;ributed to he quarter, the Circuit preceding d into tl)e ility in be- r time, and whatever relates to their office ; and if there be no objections alleged and sustuined, they shall continue in office for the year. Section IV. The Sfewards' Afeeting. 205 I'lie Stewards' Meeting shall be composed of the Superintendent of the Circuit or his colleague, and the Stewards oi the Circuit. '"JOO- Let the Stewai'ds be men of solid piety, who both know and love the Methodist Doctrine and Discipline, and of good natural and acc^uired aliilities to transact the tem- poral business. /JOT. The duties of Stewards are: — 1. To estimate the amount necessary to meet the expenses of the year, and re- port to the First meeting of the Quarterly Official Board. 2. To meet at least once a quarter, previous to the meeting of the Quarterly Official Board, to take an exact account of what has been collected for the support of the ministers or probationers for the ministry on the Circuit, and to recommend to the Quarterly Board s.ich measures as they may think necessary in order to the prompt pay- ment of the ministers. 3. To make an accurate return of every expenditure of money, whether to the ministers and probationers, the sick or the poor, and to publish yearly a financial statement, under dinction of the Quarterly Official Board. 4. To seek the needy and distressed, in order to relieve and comfort them. 5, To inform the minister of any sick or disabled persons. 6. To attend the meetings of the Quarterly OflScial Board of their Circuits. 7. To give !f '" i'l M fi a t THE STEWARDS MEETING. advice, if asked, in planning the Circuit. 8. To provide the elenieuts for the Lord's Supper. 9. To write circular letters to the Societies in the Circuit to he more libciral, if need be, and to let them know, when occasion requires, the state of the temporal concerns at the last meeting of the Quarterly Official Board. 10. To fill up the Circuit sche duies con-ectly; and to be subject to the President, tlie Chairi)»£»ii of the District, and the ministers on their Cir cuit. ^08. The Stewards shall be accountable for the faitliful performance of their duties to the Quarterly Otlicial Board of the Circuit. ^OtK In case of the death or disability of a Steward, the ensuing meeting of the Quartei'ly Official Board may fill u}> the vacancy. *4I0- The duties of the Recording Steward are : — 1. To keep a cori'ect record of the proceedings of the Quarterly Official Board. 'J. To fill up correctly the Circuit schedules, and the schedules of the Sabbath Schools of the Circuit, for presentation to the Annual District Meeting. /Jl 1. When a Recording Steward of a Circuit or Mission becomes incapacitated for the duties of his office, thti Super intendent of the Circuit shall have authority to appoint another of the Stewards to that office, until the next meet ing of the Quarterly Official Board, when his place shall be supplied according to discipline. , ^.^ «. 1 ..'■I .-\";i-;;:*;"='' «■* To provide rito circular re liberal, if requires, the jeting of the O'ircuit sche resident, tlie on their Cii* • the faitliful ifticial Board Steward, the •d may fill up are : — 1. To he Quarterly uit schedules, le Circuit, for lit or Mission ce, the; Super ty to appoint le next meet place shall be fart III. ADMINISTRATION OF DISOIPLINP A ADMlNISTIiATIOxN OF DISClPr/rNE. CHAPTKR I. TRIALS AND APPEALS. Skotion T. General J^rlticiples. ^VZ- All our Church (Jourts shall be presided over by a duly qualitied minister of the Methodist Church. ^13- If the Superintendent of a Circuit be the accuser, or be otherwise disqualified, the Chairman of the District shall preside in his place. if the Chairman of the District be disqualified, ^he PresidcJit of the Annual (conference shall preside. If the President wt the Conference be disqualified, the senior qualified Chairman in the Conference (that is, senior in the ministry of the Church) shall preside;. A Chairman or a President, not disqualified, may appoint a duly qualified substitute, who shall l)e ofheially of at least equal status with the officer whose duty it would have been in the first place to preside. ' J} 14. Notices may be given personally or at the residence of a party, or by letter posted to his address or last known address, or in such other manner as may be deemed reason- able or sutJicient by the Committee or Court. 102 OENEUAI- PHiyC'lPLKS. /ili>. If any niinistpr, probatirtiiPr, or nieniV)or of tli<» Ohui'i'h has a kiiowlwlgo or rcliahle iMtoniiation of an otTencc l»y a minister, pi-ohatioiior, or iiKMiibcr, .iLjainst the hiw of (jJod or the rules or discipline of the Chureh, it sliall be his duty to lay a charge before the proper authority. No other person can institute clui/ges. *-ilO. All charge's shall be in writing, and a copy of them, with a notice of the time and p)a<;e of trial, shall })e given to the accused, at least one week before the trial, by the orticer who is to preside. ?JI7- Tf the otienee be such as does not seem to j-equire a trial in the first instance, let the officer whose duty it would be t(^ preside at the trial admonish or reprove the accused, and if thej-e be contrition and promise of amend ment, let him he borne with ; if there be no contrition or promise of amendment, or if tlie oU'ence be /epeated, let a trial be had. The (^tHcer who is to preside at a trial shidl summon the qualified persons to compose the committee. *vlH. A (committee of Trial shall consist of five, of whom three shall form a quorum nnd may render a verdict. Per- sons prefei'ring charges or giving evidence at a ti'ial shall not be allowed to vote on the decision of the case. *^l«l. No peremptory challenges shall l>e allowed, but either party may challenge for cause. The presiding oliicei" shall decide upon all challenges. *4*40. The paities may appear and conduct a trial or ar» appeal, either personally or by a representative who is a member of the Church in good standing. , , , . , *i*it. If an accused person do not appear after due notice, the prosecution may proceed with the trial in his absence. OKNKRAL PRINCIPLKS. 103 nilxM- ot" tlic r>t' ail otlenco the l»iw of ; slial) be his lority. No ^\)y of them, all ho j^iven :i'ial, by tlio m to I'ctjuire hose duty it reprove tlie le of amend - :«)iitrition or >eated, let a a trial shi'll mniittee. ve, ot" whom rdi5 kept of the charaies, pr ' . ; "ZltH- A copy of the decision, certified by the presiding officer, shall be furnished or sent to both parties within three days after the rendering of the decision. *4'!i9. If the accused be found guilty, and the offence be such as is expressly forbidden by the Word of God, and sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory, he shall be expelled. In the case of a minister (other than a General Superintendent) or of a probationer for the ministry, he shall l)e suspended from the time he is found guilty by the Committee until the Annual Conference ff 104 OKNERAT PUFXrri'I.KS. n almll finally disposr* of tho case. In Uie caao of a mftnO)or, lie slinll 1m' HUs|»«'nHofl until tlio delay ji11ow»h1 for appcul lias expii'od. If an ap]»i»al he taken, tho suspension sh;ill he in forc'o until thft ap|>oal is deeided. If there be n«» apj)eal^ the expidsion shall take elFect when the delay foi' app«')i! has expired. 7«*{0- In case of all other otVences the accused, if fouiul guilty, shall he admonished, repro\eil, suspended, or othei' vise dealt with as the Coinniitt(!e or Appellate Court may determine. In these cases the decision shall he in for<:e from the time it is rendered until set fuside on appeal. ^mt. Eithei' psirty may appeal from a decision or rulinjt:^ hy the prosidini;- othcer, or from the decision of a Com- mittee, on givinij; notice to the presiding oflicer of such in tention, together with his grounds of appeal, within two weeks after the dr ap|M'jil ^i(>ll sliiill M« be no ^ (lol.iy fof if found , l or otluT ourt may ' in fon;e eal. • or rulinj^ ,;j f a Ooni- J f such in ; itbin two • )n, in tlie sliall not 1 :* •I cod witli 1 to do so. ^■ he iovver | rther ini- j ordenul, alter, or , ' a, new t es effect m [)ea1 wa.s ■ "Zlll- No other authority than th«» proper (.Imruh A|>|m'I- lato Court or Courts shaii in any way review or interfere wiOi the action of the lower Court or Coinniittoe. *Zl\H' Any decision shall have eft'ect throu^liout the whole (/hurch. Skction II. lUIAL OF MINISIF.US AND PROBATION KR3 FOR TIIK MIM.STHV. (rnie ral Snpe rin te nden t. *i*iV^. A (ieneral Superintendent is amenable for his con- duct to the General Conference, vvhieli has power to reprov(», suspend, or expel him for improper condu(;t, as may be deemed Tu^cessary. *w40. Jf a charge be laid against a General Superinten- dent, the President of the Annual Conference to which he belongs, or within which the otl'ence is alleged to have been committed, shall picside at the trial. The Committee shall \)e composed of (Jhairnum of Districts, and in default of a suHisi(h\ The ( 'OnnnittiM^ shall bo oomposcH of ChainniMi of Oisiricts; and in the (H'cnt of a sulVu'ient nunduM* of them not hiMni; ^jnalilied and avail- ahle, shall h(> completed with Sn{>erint(Midents of (-irenits. Chairman of a District. *i4*Z- It '"i charge ho laid against a (Jhairnian of a Dis- trict, the Pn'sident of tho Annu.M.l (\)nference to which he l>eK>nijjs, or within which the oHence is allcjufi'd to have ixM-n committed, shall preside. The CvOinmittee shall hv composed as in the case of a Prosidejit of an Ainuial Conferenco. Otiu'r Minialerx or /'ro/xifioiifrft. *i4l\- It' <•> chari^e be laid M,i»'ainst any other minister or a probatioiuM- for the niinistry, the Chairman of the District to which lie beloniT^s, or within which the otVence is alle<;<>d to havi' been committed, shall preside. The Connnittee shall 1^ composed of ministers. Appeal. *M4. In the case of the trial of a minister (other than a (t(!neral 8uperint(Mident) (U* of a probationer, tlie whole of the evidence and papers shall be laid before tlie next ensuing Annual District Meeting to which he belongs, and subse <|i;ently forwarded to the Annual Conference. If the decision l>e rendered l)etween the liolding of the District Meetinij and the (\>nference, they shall be forwarded to the Annual Conference direct. 245- Either the accuser or the accused may appeal from the decision of tlie Committee to the next ensuing Annual s. TRIAT. OF MINISTKim AND PHORATFONEUS. 107 it, of tlir llU«,\'r(i to tt(U"» .shall ^ «vent of 111(1 ;ivail Circuits. of a Dis- uliich iir have Ihm'ii cotnposfHl rcnco. listtM- or a District is alloLjcfl ittco shall or than a whole of t ensuing ikI subse- If the ■ 1 )istiict ed to the )eal from Annual TonffTenco to whirh the lattor belorii:js, that is to say, to the iiiinist(M'iaI niemhers tln'i''(tf in sjx'cial session. The deeision of the latter shall he iinal. ArbUration^ IiKiniry^ etc. *i40. Til ease of a dispute o)' ditlieulty between n-inisters and jirobati^mers, or between nunisters or probationeiH and ineinbei's relative to s(»eular l)usi?iess, the p;iynient of deV)tH, or matters not otherwise provided for, the officer whos«' duty it would b{« to preside at the trial if a charge were laid, shall in(juire into the cireuniKtunces oi the case, and may reconi uierul an arbitration, over which he shall [)reHide. or that a charge be laid, or that it bo settled by process at law. If an arbitration bo reconnnended, each party shall choose an arbitrator (who i:iust be a minister oi- a nieiuber of our (Munch), and tlu-se two sha,ll choose a third, 'i'wo n«av make an award. An appeal shall lie to the District Meet- ing from a decision refusing to recomnieiul an arbitration, or from an awaid. If either party refuse to ariiitrate when recommen(h! I Lhorter, to the Ig when mmmm \ t ;» ' h. J-'^;^' — I iJiM-v.i> J a.!'M'i I I fait IV, TEMPORAL ECONOMY. •WHIM 7 ' !• : •I? h n u et TEMPORAL ECONOMY. CHAPTER I. SUPF'ORT OF MINISTERS. ^50- It shall be the duty of the Stewards to estimate the amount necessary to meet the sahiry and expenses of the minister or probationer stationed on any Circuit or Mission ; subject, however, to the approval of the First meet- ing of tlie Quarterly Official Board, according to the follow- ing rule : — 1. The salary of a married minister shall be $300 per annum, exclusive of the necessary expense of board, fuel, rent, horse-keep, and incidental expenses. 2. The salary of an ordained single minister shall be .|250 per annum, exclusive of the necessary expense of board, horse keep, and incidental expenses. 3. The salary of probationers for the ministry shall be .f200 per annum, exclusive of the necessary expense of board, horse-keep, and incidental expenses. 4. The allowances to the children of ministers will depend upon the practice of the respective Annual Conferences, under the Constitution of the Children's Fujid {q.v. U 469 et seq.) 9 lU rAKS()NA(;ES. CHAPTER If. CHUllCII PROPERTY. i^ i Section I. Parsonai/cs. ^51. Tt is recomnioiul(»d by tho General Conference that parson a, 1,'es be provided iind furnished on all of our Cir- cuits and Missions wherever practicable, for the use of our ministers and their families : and that such parsonages be secured according to our deed of settlement; or, where this is impracticable, that suitabh^ houses be rented. /i»%H. It shall be the duty of the Superintendents and ministers to use their influence to carry the above rules |g respecting Vniilding and renting liouses for the ministers and their families into ellect. In order to this, each Quar terly Official Board shall appoint a Committee (unless other measures have been adopted) who, with the advice and aid of the Superintendent and ministers, shall devise sucli means as may seem fit to raise moneys for that purpost And the Annual Conferences shall make special inquiry oi their members respecting this part of their duty. In ca^ of the divisi(m of Circuits, in any form involving separate claims on pai'sonage property, and where an amicable settle ment cannot be reached in any other way, it shall be thtj duty of eadi Quarterly Official P)oard concerned to appointj an arbitrator ; these two thus chosen shall choose a third to whom the whole case shall be submitted. In case eithc CHUROHKS AND CHURCH FHOPEUTY. 115 of the Circuits concerned fail to appoint an aihitrator, or tlie two chosen tail to agree upon a third, within one year after said division, it shall be the duty of the (Jhairnuin of the District to appoint one. The decision of the arbitrators shall be in all cases final. onference that 11 of our Cir- the use of our parsonages be OI-, where this ed. intendents and he above rules the ministers his, each Quar- !e (unless other advice and aid 11 devise such that purpose. fecial inquiry of| duty. In case olving separate] amicable settle it shall be th(| ined to appoint choose a third] In case eithci Section II. ChurclitH and Church Property. !^51l. Let all our churches be built plain and decent, and not more expensive than is absolutely necessary. 200. Tn order more effectively to prevent our people from conti-acting debts which they are not able to dis- charge, the erection of no new church on a Circuit shnll be proceeded with without the approval of the Quarterly Ofiicial Board of tlie Circuit in which such building is to be erected. • • 201. It shall be the duty of the Quarterly Official Board of every Circuit, where it is contemplated to build a church or churches, to secure the ground or lot on which such church or churches are to be built, according to our deed of settlement, which deed must be legally executed ; and also, said Quarterly Official Board shall appoint a judicious com- luittee of at least three members of our Church, who shall [form an estimate of the amount necessary to build; and [three-fourths of the money, according to such estimate, shall be secured or subscribed before anv such buildinij shall be [commenced. • :, 202. AH Church property must be legally secured, and [the deed registered within one year after its execution. ! ! ; 116 RKCORD OF CHURCH PROPERTY. I ( \-\ i I- Haii. In future, wo will admit no charter, efore the General Con- ference for the inspection of its members. *^ttU. Each Superintendent shall I'cturn a list and de- scription of all Church property within his Circuit, Station, or Mission, to the Annual District Meeting next preceding the meeting of the General Conference, according to the General Conference Schedule ; also, the exact locality and other information needful, and whether, and where, the deeds are registered. OF TRUSTEES. 117 led, or con- 3 it be pro- :,he trustees h ministers ch, as shall iiference or id expound ine of the 1, according settlement. iS of Church y, whether >e kept, shall be the )(>ok for the eneral Con- ist and de- lit, Station, t preceding ling to the )cality and where, the Section IY. Of Trusteea. *40T- When a new Board of Trustees is to be created, it shall he done by the appointment of the Quarterly Oflici;il l^oanl, upon the uoinination of the Superintendent of the Circuit, and shall consist of not less than Jive, nor more than tu)erdy-one. *Zi\H- No person shall be eligible as a trustee to any of our churches, parsonages, school-houses, burial-grounds, or other property, who is not a member of our Chnrch. *-iOO- No pei'son who is a trustee shall be ejected while he is in joint security for money, unh'ss such relief be given him as is demanded, or as the credit«)r will accept. '^10. When and so often as one or more of the said trustees, or of their successors in the said trust, shall die, withdraw', or cease to be a member or mend^ers of the Methodist Church, according to the Rules and Discipline of the said Church, the vacant place of the trustee or trustees so dying, withdrawing, or ceasing to be a member or mem- bers of the said Chuich, shall be filled with a successor or successors, being a member or members of the said Church, of the full age of twenty-one years, to be nominated and appointed as follows: that is to say, — to be nominated by the minister having charge for the time being of the Circuit in which the said premises shall be situate, and thereupon appointed by the surviving or remaining trustee or trustees of the said trust, or a majority of them, if he or they shall think proper to appoint the person or persons so nominated, 118 OF KEEl'INQ THUSTEl<>} KECOllDS. 1 » 1 ;i I I : I I i f , and, in caao of .'in equal division of the; votes of tlio trustees present, at any moeting of the trustees held for the purpose of such appointment, the minister in charge of the said (Jircuit shall have a casting vote in jsuoh appointment ; and if it shall ha})pen at any time that there shall be no surviving trustee of the said trust, in evei-y such case it shall and may be lawful for the minister aforesaid to nomi nate, and the Quarterly OfHcial Board of the Circuit, if they approve of the persons so nominated, to a[)point the requi- site number of trustees of the said trust, by a vote of the majority of the members of the said meeting then present ; and, in case of an e(iual division of their votes, the chairman of the said meeting shall have the casting vote in such appointment, and the person or persons so nominateo and appointed trustee or trustees in either of the said nvxles of nomination and a})pointment, shall be tlie legal successor or successors of the said above named trustees, and shall have in perpetual succession the same capacities, powers, rights and duties, as belonged to and were exercised by the original trustees. Section V. 0/ Keeping Trusteen^ Records. ^71. It shall be the duty of the trustees for the time being to keep a book of record, in which the natne or names of any person or persons nominated and appointed successors, and also the names of the persons so nominating and appointing them, shall be entered, and the said entry be subscribed by the said nominators and appointers. OF ANNUAL CONFERENCEa 110 :ie trustees he purpose f the saiay of Quinte, Montreal, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Manitoba and North- West, and British Cohnnbia. "Z'^li. The Toronto Conference comprises its former terri- tory, excepting the Fort Arthur and Fort William Missions, and the Districts within the boundaries of the Province of British Columbia. *Z74' The London Conference embraces its former ter- ritory, with tlie addition of Straffordville Circuit and King- lake Mission, both of which are attfiched to the Aylmer District. *475- The Niagara Conference consists of its former territory, excepting Straffordville Circuit and Kinglake Mission. - . ■ ^10- The GuELPH Conference remains unchanged in t'Crritory. <• ^.t-s !!J1T- The Bay of Quinte Conference retains its former boundaries. ■ ^ ■■■(!«'( HWi,"Woun- (Uiries. *i80. The New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Conference comprises its former territory. *i8l. Tlie Newfoundland Conference is uncliangorl in territory. Ji8?i. The Mamtoka and North-Wkst Conference com- prises the Pi'oviuce of Manitoba and the Nortli West Ter- ritories, with the addition of Port Artliur and Foi't William Missions. 'ZHtl. The BHiTisn Columbia Conference embraces the Districts within the Province of British Columbia. *ZH4. In f ase of a dispute between two adjoining Circuits of dirterent Annual Conferences, or between two Confer- ences, as to boundaries, invasion, or the like, the General Superintendent shall andeavor to adjust the difiiculty, and if he cannot do so, he shall select a committee of five min- isters or official members, who shall hear and determine the matter as nearly as may be in the manner provided for trial. Either party may appeal from the decision of the Committee to the Court of Appeal, whose decision shall be linal and binding upon all parties. Section II. 0/' the Formation of Districts and Circuits. S85. Districts are to be formed according to the judg- ment of the Stationing Connnittee, subject to the approval of the Annual Co^^erence. rs. J same in d ill l)oun- fil) TSLA.NI) lanwfl in •erice coni- Wcst Ter- rt William braces tlie 1. ig Circuits /n Confer- e General culty, and five niiu- 41 nine the i\ for tiial. 'oniinittee tinal and its. the judg- t FOllMATION OF DISTRUTS AND CIHCUITS. 121 !?8f»- Circuits are to be formed by the Stationing Coni- njittee, on the recommendation of t!ie District Meeting ; Provided nevertlieless, that Circuits supporting their own ministers, or probationers for the ministry, shall not be divided till such divisions have been approved by their respective Quarterly Otiicial Boards, and their approval signified in writing by the Recording Steward ; or other- wise by a two-thirds vote of the Annual District Meeting, when the laymen a)*e present. *tH7- On the division of a Circuit, no minister who has travelled successively the three preceding years on such Cir- cuit shall be appointed to either part of it: nevertheless, this rule shall not apply to those places whicli may be trans- ferred in adjusting the work by the Annual District Meet- ing, which transfer lias been sanctioned by the Stationing Committee. /J88- No new Domestic Mission shall be formed by dividing an existing Circuit or Mission, unless by a two- thirds vote of the Annual Conference within whose boundary the change is proposed. *i81^. Where any new Domestic Miss'ous are formed, a statement signed by the Presider.t mvl SeciH^tary of the Conference, giving a list of such Mis!.;, a' id certifying tliatthey have been formed in accordance with the foregoing regulations, shall be sent to the General Secretary of tlie Missionary Society within one month after the rising of the Conference. app rov al II J? :-viviiji<-.j-v-i;r-''--t','Av'.»*'w'«:ss'i;"!«V-; . ,:..,k ,.va; ,1- ■ Part y. EDUCATIONAL AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. « V<,'(' -^ : ■ 1 f : EDUOATIOxNAL AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. CHAPTER I. EDUCATIONAL. Section I. EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. 300. Tu oi'der to combine in one effort the entire educa- tional work of our Cliurcli, Societies for that purpose shall be formed on all Circuits and Missions in our work, on tlie following constitution : — I. Name, jJ9l. Tliis Society shall be known as "The Educational Society of the Methodist Church." II. Objects. *'Z^% The objects of this Society shall be to assist in maintaining our Universities, Theological Schools, and Higher Mission Schools; to defray the expenses of the examination of candidates for the ministjy in our Church, and to aid sucli candidates in obtaining a suitable educa- tion. ~t.* ■ W^U.f 126 EJ)UCATIONAL SOCIETY. r-\ } li; III. Members. f^93- All subscribers of two dollars per annum and up- wards shall bo members of the Society, and entitled to a copy of the Annual Report. I V. Mayiagement. %^A- The management of the Society shall be vested in a Secretary and Treasurer, together with a Board of Man agement, to he appointed by the •^ren(n"al Conference, one of whom shall be a General Superintendent. V, Branchei<. ^515. A branch of tlie Society shall be organized in each Annual Conference, under the managenient of a Committee of such Conference, composed as follows : — The President of the Conference, and four ministers and four 'aymen, and a Secretary and Treasurer appointed by the Annual Conference. VI. Sources of Income. HiHl. Sermons shall be preached on behalf of the Society, and collections taken up in aid of its funds, in all our churches and preaching places, at such time as may be direct(^d by the Financial J^istrict Meeting. * *H^7- A branch of the Society shall be organized on eachi Circuit or Mission, under whose direction meetings, when' practicable, shall be held, at which the claims of oui educational work shall be placed before our people, and! collections and subscriptions taken for the funds of the] Society. m^J:-Mi*:^A^:i.u.>^!^lj .!%• ■& EDUCATFONAL SOCIETY. 127 lum and up ntitled to a be vested in ,,avd of Man- Bi-cnce, one of ai.lzed in each ,f a Conmiittee ministers and . appoini.ed by of ibe Society, Lis, in all our Ly as may be Unized on each Cnectings, ^vhere claims of ourl ,ur people, and lie funds of the] *:ill8. All moneys refunded by students on account of loans shall be included in the regular annual income of the Society. VI 1. Diviaion of Income. '■iOO. The Treasurer of each Annual Conference shall, immediately at the close of his Conference, transmit to the (teneral Secretary an audited statement of his accounts for the year, and shall remit to the General Trensurers two thirds of the net amount raised by liis Conference, retaining the other third to be disbursed under the direction of the Committee of his Conference. This portion of one-third shall be disbursed bv said Committee as a loan fund in loans, without interest, and secured by notes, payal)le within ten years to the Treasurer of tiie Annual Conference Com- mittee. The General Treasurers shall disburse the funds received by them, First, for the payment of expenses author- ized by the Board of Management ; iSecundii/, for aiding the institutions in which our ministry are educated, in the fol- lowing proportions: — Victoria University, Faculty of Arts, two-fifths; Faculty of Theology, one-fifth; Wesleyan Theo- logical College, Montreal, one-fifth ; Mount Alii 1. It vshall be the duty of every Superintendent minister fco see that, so far as possible, there shall be a Sabbath •ii-.;\aAM2>i SAIUiATM SOLS. 129 approved ac- le bounds of Secretary t<> id to tako all r officers and f the Society, ational work i of the funds the Board of or by special rer. ^ral Treasurei- iociety, and to Conference, oi' retary, and to each General trovernment of the following ^dent minister be a Sabbath Sdiool in connertion with each coni;regation untier Ins i.iiaroriiitendent of t\v- Oircuit shall ;i))point, wiih the concurrence of th<- (Quarterly Orticial lio;u-d, a suitable person to superintend the same, ami the p(M\son so appointed sh;Lll, with the concurrence of tlic Sui)ei'inten(l«'iit of tlie Circuit, appoint the necessary officers and teachers, atul proceed to (Uganize the School in harniony with the following Constitution : — 1. Nnine, 304- This School sliall be known as the \fcthodist Sabbath School, and shall be under the supervision of the Quarterly C)llicial Board of the Circuit or Mission. II. Mauayemfnt. S05' I'he uianageuient of the Scho«)l shall be vested in a Connnittee consisting of the minister or niinistei-s on the (circuit, the otVicers and teacheis of the School, and not less than three, nor more than five, other persons, members of [the church, nominated by the Superintendent of the Circuit at the Second Meeting of the Quarterly Othcial Board, and elected by said Board, who shall enter upon the duties of Itheir ollice at the next ensuing meeting of the Committee of [Management, III, Instruction. •SOO The instruction given in the School shall be the rloctrines of the Word of (iod as expounded in the recog- hized standards of the Methodist Church. The Methodist Jatechisins shall be taught in each School. • > 10 ( f ■'twi^'f Jerintendent of the School, after his election, shall nomi nate the rest of the otlioers and teaclier.s, and from time to time shall till such vacancy as may occur in the list ot otiicers and teachers, subject to the approval of the ensuinf; meeting of the Conunittee of Management. VI. MeefiiKjs. •SO*)- Regular meetings of the t'ommittee (»f Managi ment sliall be held once a (juarter, a repoit fiom w]»i< i meeting, concerning the state of the School, shall be pc sented at the next ensuing meeting of tlie Quarterly Officiiij Boaid. OllDKB OF BUSINESS. ' 1. Devotional exercises. 2. Calling the roll. ■ 3. Reading Minutes of previous meeting. . ■ 4. Uiitinished business. SA It HATH SCHOOLS. i;u coss;ii-y, an svs \)tMS of tlu .lenii Superintt'iulcii \,y ballot. Hi. jtiou, shall aoH.i ^ tnd fioui time to , in the list ot ;0 of the ensuing 6. R*'.f)()r(s : of SiijuM-intnidrnt, Srcrrtai-y, Treasuifr, Lilnaiiati, (.'oiimiitttMiS and SpoeiaJ Meetings. (». Klections. 7 .Misc;eliaueous. 8. (./losing exercises. .S[)ecial meetings may l>e called at any time l>y the Secre- t;u y, at the request of the Minister or (he SiifVM-intendent (tf the School. Due notice of the nature of tlie husinesa to ■( hr transact(;d, together with the time and place of meeting, .liall he given to each memhc of the (.'onuaittee. No other I than th(! special business thus noticed shall }>e transacted at s[)eciiil Hjeetings. Where practi<.'able, there shall he a •; weekly meeting of the teachers for the study of the lesson. I^ttee of Manage! ■port ffom whicl ool, shall b« P';l (^uart(u-ly Offieiij uing. VTT. Anuicf'rsai'y. liiO A public Anniversary meeting of the School shall be held in the m<»nth of — in each vear, when the reports of the School, as adcjpted by the Connnittee of Man- gement, shall be read, the officers and Committee for the ear announced, and such other exercises as, in the judg- ment of the Connnittee, may be deemed expedient. General Principles. •il t' The Superintendent of the Circuit i.s, ex officio, [^'hairman of all Sabbath Scho^jl Committees. In his ab- u\ce, tlie Supeiintendent of the School sliall jn-esifle. The Superintendent of the Sabbath Scliool shall be a member of |he Quarterly Of*icial Board of the Circuit. 31?J. No person shall be permitted to retain a position pi an officer or teacher whose character or religious opinions, 182 SAM MATH SCHOOLS. in tlio jiHlj:»iiU'iit of Ihf Coniinittpe of MaTi.ijLConu'iiT. or QunrtfM'ly ntli^-inl Uoard of (lie Cirouit, sliall l»o rU'oni»'(l ;i sul{i(;i('iit ground ot iintitin'.ss foi* service in our Sal)l»;ith Scliools. I{lir I^n order that (ho iiiinistfrs may, fioni time to time, visit tli»' Saliltarli tSc'liools on tlicir ('JTcuits, it is recom- monded tlia( an open meeting ot' the Sdio »1 lie held tor tlia( purpose once a (juatter ; if necessary, at tlie time of the rc;^'ular }»rcachin^ service. ^14- I'Ik' Superintendent of the Sehocjl shall t-ausc the Annual SchrdiMC to he tilled up, and j)resent the same to tho /'oni fh Meeting of the Quarterly Otli(.'ial lioard of the Circuit. 'I'he Uecurding iStewaid shall prepare the C^ircuit Report, and foiward it to tlie Annual J)i>.trict Mectini;. I5I5- It is strongly i-econunended that the scvei-al grades f)f Sal)ljath School publications of our o\\ ii Church he used i)» all our Schools, instead of irresponsible publications, which are often hostile to the doctrinal traehinLjs of Method i.snu and to the institutions of our country. liiil. It is also strongly recommended that every means be em})U)yed to secure the attendance of our Sabbath S«hool scholars at the regular services of the Church ; and that special eiloi'ts be put forth, as the Providence of (lOfl may iiulicate, for the conversion of the children, for their in- struction in catechumen classes, and ingathering into the Church. Tempf.rance Pledges. ^ . ■: J5I1. In all the Sabbath Schools of our Church earnest efforts sliall be made to inculcate principles of total absti- nence from all intoxicating liquors or injurious practices, « SAllRATK SCHOOLS. l:^^ enient. ot le to time, is reconv 1(1 for Uuit me ot tht! (•HUSO the In- samo to mvd of tluj ihe Cin-uit le<'tin,ij. -eral j^racles rcli be used ions, which lethodisiu, (i-y ineaus bath S'hool aiul that (U)d may Iv their in- Ig into the •h earnest lotal absti- practices, and for this purpose the followinf]r pledge shfill be pro- vided :— " T do liereby pledge myself to abstain from all intoxicat/- iug li a, and from the use of tol>aceo iu any form, also from the use of j.rofaue language, and the reading of had hooks." HIH Tt is furt'uei- recommended that the T'ommittee of M.iuanement arrange for a teuiperajice meetim,' in the S(^h(K)l once a quartei-, at which n»eetiii!; addresses sh.dl l»e iii\en in kee])inLj with the above ple(jge, and an etlurt made lo induce all to suhscj'ibe thereto. Subhnth School Missionary Socieiics. IM1I ^fe shall be, wherever practicable, in (connection with euc. ..-iabliath Schc^ol, a Juvenile AIissiona»-y Society, for the collection of missionary money, the diliusion f)f inissionarv information, and the cultivation of a missionary spirit. It is also reconunendi^d that the Superintendent of the Circuit, in conjunction with tlie Superintendent of the School, shall secure, if possible, the presence of the Sabbath School scholars at the Annual Meetini' of the Missionary Society of the Church, and their participation in its ser- vices by singin^jj missionai-y hymns and presenting their missionary ofl'erings. Sefthment of Diffi^cidties. S^^O- Should any ditdculty in connection with the School, which the Committee cannot satisfactorily adjust, the Minister, Superintendent of the School, or any three member's of the Committee, may, on giving due notice to , «wt,.«T^ 134 SABBATH SCHOOLS. the Committee of tlieir intention, refer the mutter of dis- pute to tlio nfxt meeting of the Quarterly OlHoial Board of the Circuit, when the case shall be heard and finally decided. I ,! ? I .!( ^ ;^ ■«)TSTlll('T MKKTIXG. — SABBATri SCirOOL WORK. *V!ti- Kach Annual District Meeting shall elect by ballot one minister and one layman to tiie Annual (conference Sabbath School (.V)mmitteo. iVt'li. Each Chairujan of a District shall inijuire at tiie May District Meeting, when the laymen are present, into the condition of the Sabbath Schools on everv Circuit by name, and call foi' tlie schedules, which shall pass under C'^'-eful re\ iew and be tabulated for the Annual Conference. '>i*ttl. There shall be a Sabbath School Convention held in each District, to be comprtscd of all the ministei's and pro- bationers for the ministry in the District, all Superinten dents of Schools, and two or more t" the Districts, and pi-ep.irc therefrom the Conferenct; Report, and make such recomniendationa to the Conl'erence as the necessities ot' the work niay re(piire ivoiu time to time. ll*iil. it shall be the dutv ot" the Secretary Treasurer of the Sabl)atii School (*onunittee to take charge of all books and papers belonging to our Sabbath School work, to act as (Jorresponding Secretary of the Conference, and to foj-ward all moneys r«?ceived from the District Secretaries to the (reneral Treasurer, as hereiiiaftei- provided. He sl)all nuike arrangeuuMits for tlu' tirst meeting of the Conniiittee as soon after the opening of the <\>nference as may be con- v^euient, and shall continue in olhce until his successor is appointed. ir. Annua/ Meeting. :ni. There shall l)e a public Sabbath School Meeting held in connection with the Annual Conference, for which arrangements shall be made by the Committee appointed to |)repare the plan of public services for the Conference, at which the Rejx)rt of the Sabbath School Committee shall be read, followed Vjy addresses and discussions on Sabbatli School topics. OENEKAIi CONFEUKNCE. SABBATH SCHOOF, WORK. *i*i8. I'he (jreneral Confoiumce shall appoint a Sabb;ith School P»oard, consisting of one minister and one lavnian from each Conference. The Boani shall lill by election any 13G SABBATH SCHOOLS. 1 1 !■!! vacancy in itr; mo.mberslup arisini^ from rl^ath or disability in the absence of ^ nrs of th(^ l^oird may elect a Chairman pro fern. IVl^. The members of the Board l^elon^nng to the five Conferences of Ontario shall meet annually, at such time and place as one of the General Superintendehts shall dii'ect, for tlie purpose of receiving thn report of the Secretary and Ti'easurer, and for the transaction of any necessary business. Collections. ^•>0. An aDiiual collection in aid of Sabbath School work shall be taken up in all our vSchools, to be called the Sabbath School Aid and Extejision Fund collection. It is reconnnended that this collection be taken up at the open session of the, School on the Quarterly Review Sunday in September, or at such otlier time as may be found most convenient, it shall be the duty of Superintendents of Circuits and of Chairmen of Districts to see that such col- lections are taken up. l\lit. The District Financial Secretaries shall receive such collections in the same manner as the other connexional collections, and transmit the same to the Secretarv of the Sabbatli School ( Committee of the Annual (Conference. ^IfZ. The General Conference SabV)atii School JJoard shall elect a Treasurer, to whom the Sabbath School Secre- taries of the Annual Conferences shall remit the Aid and Fxtension Fund collections. 3«t*V This Fund shall be employed in making, under such regulations as the J:Joard may frame, grants of Sabbatji School periodicals and books to Schools in destitute loc»ili- : .1 i SARnATH SCHOOLS. 0>7 V^7 saMlity lie inern tli(^ live icli time 11 dii'PCt, tarv Mild business. h Sfhoul ailed the )n. Tt is the open uiiday in lul most dents of such eol- 1 re((nve lUexioual V of the ice. il Jjoard U Secre- lAid and »r, under ISabbatJi le loe^ili- ties, and in proniotinif the establisliinent of new Schools wliere none exist. I5I54. The C)ntario section of tlie Rabbatli Scliool Board may, if thought advisable, appoint a sub committee or K\ ecutive (^ommittoe to make grants of books, and transact other business. Hi^5- The I'idiloi- of the Sabbatli School periodicals shall be, (".f oJficuK a inendnT of the Sabbuth 8cho(>l IJoard, and shaM act as its Secretary. Kf shall pi-epare and cause to be forwarded all necessary scliedule.-; for the rol lection of Sabbath School statistics. Ke shall, under the direction of the !\xecutive Committee, conduct rdl correspondence with reference to the making- of ijfi'ants from the Aid and Exten- sion Fund. Tfc shall also, under the same dii-oction, supci'- intend tJic selection, examination and recommendation of suitaV)le books for Sabl)ath School libraries, and publish and circulate catalogues of the same. !(!i4»- The Executi\e Committee shall appoint an auditor, or auditors, whose dutv it shnll be to examine all the ac- counts of the Secretary and Treasurer, and re{)ort to the Ontai'io section of the Board: and once in four years to the General Sabbath School Ho^rd. The said autia, New Ih'unswiclc and Prince I'^dward Island, and Newfoundland ( -onferences, seven of whom shall form a (juorum for the transaction of business. •(41 The Western Section shall have the control and supervision of the Book and Printing Kstablishment in the city of Toronto, and of any otlier that may l>e establislicd by the General Conference within the bounds of the Toronto, JiOndon, Niagara, Cuelph, Bay of Quinte, Montrcjil, Mani- toba and North West, and British (Jolumbia Conferences. *\4*i- The Eastern Section shall Inne the control and supervision of the Rook and Printing Establishment in the city of Halifax, and of any other that may be established within tlie bounds of the Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland Conferences. H4H. Eacli Section shall elect its own Secretary, and in the absence of a General Superintendent, shall appoint its own Chairman. •J44. The Western Section and the Ei<,stern Sec-tion shall meet annually on or before the second Wednesday in May, in Toronto and Halifax respectively, when they shall fill up any vacancies that may liave occurred in their numl.)ers during the year. 345. They shall examine the proceedings of the Execu tivo Committee and the business of each establishment during the preceding year. 140 THE BOOK AND PRINTING KSTABLISHMENTS. 'I 340- Tliey shul] provide for an annual valuation of tlip stock, machinery, del»ts and other property, and annually appoint suitable persons to audit the accounts, ajid pi-epare a full and clear re))ort to be laid before the Annual (.Confer- ences wliicli they respectively represent. 1147' f hey shall lix the salarierty connected with the Book and Printing Establishment in the city of Toronto, and any other that may be acquired within the bounds of the Toronto, London, Niasequent annual meeting, appoint an Executive Committee, who shall meet half-yearly and review the business of the preceding half-year; and shall advise and decide in all matters submitted for their consideration. 350- The Executive Committee of the Western Section shall consist of three members from the Toronto Conference, 142 TIIK HOOK AND PKINTINU KHTAP.IJSHMENTS. i [ \ I I t . i two from the London, two from tlio Niagara, two from the Gueipli. two from tlio Bay <^»f Quinto, and two from the Montreal, witli th(! Book Steward and Editors. Seven sluill constitute a quorum. 11^7 Th(3 I'iXeeutive Committee of tlie Eastern Section shall consist oi /ire members- three of whom shall ccm.sti- tute a ()Uorum - who shall he selecttul from those members of the Eastern Section residin<^ in tiie vicinity of tlie r)Ook Rf)om in Halifax. 358. Each Executive Committee shall appoint its own Chairn)an and Secretary, and keep a correct record of the business transacted at its meetings, which shall be submitted to tlie respective Sections of the Book Committee at their annual meeting. 351^ All books which may be published by order of the Oeneial Conference, under the direction of any one of the existing book establishments, shall l)e furnislied to the other establishment at cost. I ' n. Thfi Book Steivards. • «(liO. The General Conference shall elect by ballot a Book Steward, who shall have charge of the Book ami Print- ing Establishment in Toronto, under the direction of the Western Section of the Book Committee; and also a Book Steward, who shall have charge of the Book and Printing Establishment in Halifax, under the direction of the Eastern Section of the Book Committee. TIIK IIOOK AM) FUINTING IvS'lAliLlSilMKNTS. u:^ •501. It sliiill he ilio duty of each l^ook St«>war(l to pur fliasc. all iiiiitniiils and hooks i'e UK ■ntal wants o f M IC! Cluii* li, and the rcliijfioii.s instruction of the people j^enrrally. Xevi'rtltt'hss, lM'foi'(5 |)niT)iasini; plant or materials foi- ini- pnncment, iiivolvin;^ unusual expenditure, lu! shall obtain theeonsentof the Kxecutive Ooniniittee. He; siiall ,!,dv<' the (Joniniitte<^ sueh information as they may require eonccrning the state of the business, and present a ((uarterly statement of the atl'airs of the <'stal)iishment to the Kxeeutiv<5 (Com- mittee. He shall also present annually to t)ie meeting of his Section of the iJook (,'ommittee a balance sheet exhibit- ing the linancial si.ate of the Book Room and periodicals, towther with a cash account showiii'' the sources wdience the money has been received and the purposes t'oi- wliicli it has been paid. •(O*-*. r^ach Book Steward shall conduct the business of his department in the most ellicient and economical manner, and pay over to the Treasurer of the Superannuation or SupernuiiKM'ary Fund such proportion of the profits as the respective Sections of the F^ook Committee shall determine. HI. The Editors and their Duties. IXiMV The General Conference shall elect by ballot an Editor, who shall have the editorial management of the Christian (ruardian, under tlie direction of the Western Section of the Book Committee, and an Editor of the Can- I! 1 1 X { 144 THK BOOK AND PRINTING ESTABLISH MIC NTS. odian Mcthitdist ]fn(inxine and Sa.hhath ScIiodI pt'i'ioilicals; aiwl an Editor who shall have the oditoiial niaiiJi,<;istricts, and tlie Central Board may appropri- te neotly to each of the Missions of these Districts. X. Appropriations. •{TO. When an appropriation is made by the General Board to any particular department of the work, or for any U8 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY. special ohjcot, th(^ Aiiiuial Conference CoTiiMiitioe kHhII not, he at liluM'ty to dixert any part of such grant to any other department or object. Xr. Comiaittee of ConsnUation and FiiHinee. m'J- A (\)mniittee, to lie called the Committee of Con- sultiition and Finance, shall he annually appointed by the (Jeneral IjohicI, consisting of the (ienei^al Superintendents, the officers of the Missionary Society, and eighteen other nieiuhers nine ministers and nine laymen— tl:e majority of whom shall 1h» memhers of the General Board, who shall provide during the interval of the sessions of said Bo.ird for any exigencies that may arise. All the proceedings of said Cojinnitte* shall l>e entered in a rniiiut*- book, and reported to the (leneral Board at its next annual meeting. XII. Vaca-ncien. J578- Vacancies occurring amongst Conference represen- tatives may be tilled by the Sp(!cial Committee of the Con- ference allccted ; the vacancies occurring among those appointed by {\\v (leneral Conference may be tilled by the Committee of Consultation and Finance. 37«K In the event of the death or disability of any of tiie otlicera of the Society, the Connnittee of Consultation and Finance shall appoijit a suitable person to till th(» vacancy till the next meeting of the General Board, when such appointment may be contirmed or changed, pending the meeting of the next General Conference. •J80. The Comndttee of Consultation and Finance shall also have autliority to suspend any otHcer of the Missionary % m TIIK MISSIONARY SOrTKTY. 149 for culpni)l« rlect of t,h( Society for incoinpctoncy, or ror culpnin.' nejjflect or the duties of his otHcc, and supply his place till thc^ next meet ing of the (ieneral Board, wliicli shall have authority to fill the vacancy till the next (Ieneral (Conference. XriT. Auiiiml Sfri.fitu/. llHi. An annual public meeting of the ineuihers and friends of thiii Society shall he held at tin- time and place appointed hy the General J3oard, (connected with such reli- gious services as may l>e deemed expedient. XIV. (jte.nfval Officers. 158!^. The General (/ouference shall appoint the General Sacretaries and Treasurers of the xMissionary Sottiety. who shall be, ex ojficio, meml)ers of the (ieneral Board. XV. Dutiea of the General (> (fleer k. IJHIt. TIh^ General Secretaries shall, previous to eacli b^inancial L)istrict Meeting, furnish each (hairman of a District with a schedule, to l)e filled up hy said (Chairman at the Financial District MiM'ting, showing the estimated income and expenditure of each Mission for the support of the ministers and preachers, the amount of missionary grant i-ecommendod hy the Financial District Meeting, etc.; which schedule shall be forwarded to the General Secretaries without delay. From these schedules the (ieneral Secre- taries shall prepare a tabular statement for the information of the General Board, in order that its members may intelli gently and justly ap^mrtion the funds of the Society to the several (.'onferences. .. 150 THE MISSION ARY SOCIETY. •{84. It shall l>e the duty of the Ofiieral Secretaries to inako themselvt^s acquainted with the entire inission-tield, hy official correspoiuleiice, and personal visitation wlieii practicable. It shall also he the duty of the Secretaries to pul)lish the Annual (general Report of the Society, with ;i statement of the in<;onie and expenditure. lXH*i. In the discharge of their duties, the otiicers of the Soctiety shall .n't in harniony with the legally appointed courts and olHcfrs of the (ienei'al and Annual ( /onferences : Promiif'f (fhurtt's, that in case of any Piner''(^ncv arisiuij that may require prompt action in the matter of su[>plying any I'emote Mission, it shall be competent for them, on the recommendation of the Committees of Consultation and Finance, to re([uest the proper authorities of any Annual C^onference to aid them in meeting such emergency, by ap- pointing one of its ministers or probationers to such Mission. XV]. Super 17 t/endent of Missions for Manitoba and the N(y)'tk- West: IWO. 1. The Superintendent of Missions shall reside in Manitoba, and l)e a member of the Manitoba Conference. 2. He shall be a member, ex ojfirio, of the Stationing Committee and local Missionary Board. 3. He shall travel at large through the Missions and new settlements within the bounds of the (conference; and report to the respective District Meetings, and through them to the Annual Conference, on the condition and prospects of exist- ing Missions, suggesting changes and the formation of new Missions whoi, in his judgment, such action is deemed advisable. » » THE MiSSrONARY SOCIETY. 151 erences : 4. He shall have authority, under the provisions of the Discipline, and after consultation with the President of the Conference and the (.'hairmcn of the Districts atlected, to organize new Missions where he deems it necessary, and to secui'c missionaries from the othei' Conf(!rences to fill the work. He shall also, when in the Eastern (Conferences, solicit subscriptions for the (Jhurch and Parsonage Aid Fund, so as to extend the work in the North-Wcst where needed. 5. He shall spend three, or four months of each year tra- velling within the hounds of the Conferences east of Mani- toba, as the CJeneral Board of Missions nwiv direct. 6. His salary shall be fixed by the (h'lu ral Boaid of Mis- sions, and j>aid, together with his travelling expenses, out of the Mission Fund. 7. He shall be, ex officio^ one of the members of the Central Board of Missions fi-om the Manitoba Conference. XVII, Foreign Afis.nons. IJ8T- The provisions of this section refer to the Missions of the Methodist Church in Japan, and may be applied to :iny foieign work that may hereafter be undertaken under similar circumstances. I. Object. liHH. The object of such Mission work is to extend vital ('hristianity by raising up, as speedily as possible, a self- supporting, self-propagating Methodism. 2. Minition Council. ^ •J8tl. 1- The foreign missionaries appointed by the author- ities of the Methodist Church shall constitute* a Mission ^.- <. ,-*^ ■7-' 152 THK MISSIONARY SOCIETY. \ Council, which shall regulate all matters not provided for in the constitution of the District Meeting, such as — a. To designate the s[)e{;ial work of each foreign mis- sionar}', in harmony witii the wishes of the (general Board. h. To regulate all matters relating to the property of the Society, in harmony with the wishes of the General Board. c. To decide on all matters pertaining to the funds sup- plied by the Society, so far as they are not specified in detail by the General lioard. d. To review the woi'k of each year, and prepare reports and recommendations to the (jleneral Board, together with estimates of expenditure for the coming year. 2. The Chairman of the iJistrict, appointeil l>y the Annual (Conference, shall be, hx <{fjicin^ Chairman of the Mission Council. His duties shall be as follows: — a. To preside at all meetings of the Council, to conduct official correspondence with the CJeneral Boaid, and be the executive of the wishes of the General Board, and of the decisions of the Mission Council. b. To visit all Mission stations within the bounds of our work as often as practicable; to assist pastors and evange- lists by advice and by public services; to recommend the opening of new fields and plans for the prosecution of work therein; and to lio all in his power to develop an evange- listic and revival type of Methodism. c. To be treasurer of all funds furnished by the Society; to keep the books, and make all reports connected there- with; and to devise means whereby the liberality of the native churclus shall speedily be developed into complete self-support. THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 15.S for in II niis- Boanl. of the l^oard. Is sup- i detail reports er with Annual Mission conduct I be thf^ ..f the of our evange- lend the lof work ovaiige- ^ociety ; [1 tliere- of the [oinpU'te 3. The Mission Council shall have power, with the con sent of the Chairman of the District, to appoint one or more of its experienced members to do the work indicated in clause h of the preceding section. Le., to supervise i\\e evan- gelistic work of the Mission. 4. The Mission (Council, wlien so requested by the Chair man of the District, shall appoint a treasurer to take charge of the funds and the books referred to in clause e of sec- tion 2 above; but he shall j^iy out no money without a wi'itten order from the Chair)na i of the D.">trict. 5. The Mis.sion (Jouncii shall elect the foreign meujbers of the Stationing Committee of the Annual Meeting. 3. Mi'^.non District \feHing. •WO- 1. The constitution and powers of the District Meeting shall be the same as those of the ordinary District, as in Part IT., Chap. II., Sec. I., of tlie Discipline, so far as they can be adapted to the condition of things in the foreign field. 2. In addition, however, it shall have power to station the ministers and preachers within the bounds of the Mis- sion — the native members electing from their ordained ministers representatives on the Stationing Committee equal in number to the f()reign representatives thereon. 4. MUiion Conference. *Ji\\\. 1. When there are fifteen or more ordained minis- ters on the field, and the (xcneral F5oard or the Committee of Finance and Consultation recommends the step, the Missions shall be erected into a Mission Conference, with power to divide into two or more Districts. 154 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 2. The constitution of the Mission OontVronce shall be the same as that of the ordinary Annual Cont'erence, as in Part II., Chap. I., 8ec. IV., of the Di.sdpline, with the following limitations: — a. It shall elect representatives to the (Jeneral Confer- ence, the General Board of Missions, and other (V)nnexional Coiniviittees, only when authorized so to do by the (ieneral Board, which shall also designate the number of such repre- sentatives. b. It shall not in any way interfere with the administra- tion of the Ceneral Board of Missions, whi(;h shall continue as heretofore. 3. The Ceneral Board shall have power, in the event of a Mission Conference beini^ formed, to amend the constitu- tion of the ^Mission Coun(;il, so as to fit the altered circum- stances, and to say what powers it possesses shall be sur- rendered to the Annual Conference. 6. Central Conference. 31)^- 1. When the Annual Conference, or the Missions of any other form of Methodism, wish to comlnne with the Missions or xVnnual Conference of the Methodist Church, in comnion plans of work, it shall be lawful, with the consent of the General Board, to organize a Central (Conference, composed of representatives of the Missions concerned. 2. The, Central Conference shall elect its own President. 3. The Conference may take under its supervision the Educational, Publishing, and other Connexional interests, so far as they are committed to it by the Annual Confer- ences or Missions concerned ; but never in contravention of the Book of Discipline or Rules of the General Conference; 1 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY. loo be the n Part [lowing Uoiifei- exional lieneral h repre- liiiistra- ;ontiuue nvent of •oiistitu- circuni- be sur- Issioiis of ^•ith tho iirch, in consent ference, ed. sident. Kinn the lie rests, C'onfer- Intion of If ereuce ; and it sliall have no autliority to involve the Missionary Society in any financial responsibility, nor hold or control the pi'operty of the same without the otiicial permission of said Society. 4. The Journal of the proceedings of this Central ( 'onfer- ence, duly siufned by the President and Secretary, shall be sent to the (ieneial (.N)nference for its coiisideration. XVI TI. Wom^n^s Mif<«i(>7iari/ SocUly. •{0*i- I. i^'or the more successful prosecution of the mis- sionary work of the (Jhurcli amons, and by any other f)lans of collection arranged by the Society, ))ut always in such nu\nner as not to prejudice the other funds of the Church. - ,. •. •: ■ 4. All funds raised for the Society shall be re})orted by the minister in cliarge to thc^ Antiual ( Vjnff^rencc^ and Ije entered in a column among the berrevolent collections in tlie annual Minutes. 1 fiePMBBra-SlW ' -'Mf^|*^^*| -tf- *- •"^nfJ^BW^TT^-fttft^ W:-1n*«-^ ' I 156 8UPEUANNUATI0N FUND. Section IT. SUPRRANNUATION FUND. CONHTITIJTION OF TJIK SUPEKANNUATION FUND. 1. Name. •{tl4- Tlie name of this Fund shall be "The SujxMaimua- tioii Fund uf tJic Mfthodist Church." II. Members. 305. All niinistoi's and probationers of the Toronto, London, Niagara, (jluelj)h, Bay of Quinte, AFontreal, Mani- toba and North-West, and British Columbia Conferences shall V>e members of this Fund. III. Management. 300. The Fund shall be managed by a Board composed of thirty-two members, sixteen of whom shall be laymen who are members of the Church. 301- The delegates from the aforesaid Annual Confer- ences to the General Conference shall meet not later than the sixth day of the session of each General Conference, to consider the affairs of this Fund and elect the aforesaid Board of Management. They shall also nominate one or more persons for the office of Treasurer, and from among those so nominated the General Conference shall elect by ballot a Treasurer or Treasurers of the said Fund. 308. A General Superintendent shall be, ex officio^ Chair- laiiiiua- Poronto, I, Mani- fcreiices [imposed laymen Cont'er- t-er than [once, to Iforesaif! one or among ^lect by Chair- SUPERANNUATION FUND. lo7 man of Mie IVmrd, but if no (leneral Superintond^Mit Ix* pres«int, the lir)ai*d shjiH elect its own Chairman. It shall also elect its own Secretary. tt!l«l. In case of the death or disqiuiliticatio?! of any member of the Board during the quadrennium, the Board is authorized to till the vacancy. 400. The Board shall have full authority, according to the Constitution, By-laws and Regulations of the Fund, to determine the number of years to be allowed, and the amount due to eacJi regular claimant, and to make such appropriations in all special cases as they may consider right and proper. 401. The Boaid shall appoint an Tnve.stmf^nt Committee of five, who, with the Treasurers, shall invest the capital funds under the dii'ection of the l>oard ; provided always that no investment shall be made Avithout the approval of a majority i the Investment Committee. IV. Sources of Income. This Fund shall consist of the income arising : 40!^' From the interest of such moneys as may have been or nmy be invested in its behalf; 40!i. From the annual subscriptions of all our ministers and probationers in the active work, which sliali not be les.% than twelve dollars each, one-half to be paid to the F^inan- cial SetTetary at the Financial District Meeting, and the other half at the May District Meeting ; and by him imme diately thereafter to be remitted to the Treasurers of the Superannuation Fund : 404 l-'rom such moneys as may l)e appropriated froui ) I t 158 HUPERANNUATION FUND. the profits of tlie Book and Frinting Establislmu'nts and from the Missionary Society: 405 I'^roin l)0(jiu\sts and legacies made to the Fund. All such lMM|uests and legacies shall be reserved and invested for the Investnient EndowMKmt Fund. 404». After the income from all other sources is ascer- tained, the principle of assessment shall he applied in an equitable manner to all the Circuits, in order so to augment the annual income of the Fund i\n to make it equal to the annual claims thereon. 40'}- The liasis of assessment shall be the ordinary amount raised on th(^ Circuit for nunisterial support and for all Connexional funds, the Children's Fund alone excepted. 408- Each Ciriuut shall raise its proportion of the amount requisite to pay the superannuated niinisters and ministeis' widows th«nr full disciplinary claim, and the Superintendent of the Circuit shall be responsible for the full })ayment of the same to the Financial Secretary. 400. The calculations for each year shall be based on the incouie and return of the year preceding. 410. it shall he the, duty of the Treasurers annually to notify the Chaii-nian of each District of the amount required from each Circuit in his District, such notilications to be }>rioi" to the Financial District Meeting, when it .shall be the duty of the (chairman to notify each Superintendent of the amount to be raised on the Circuit during the vear for this Fund. . 411- One-sixth of the annual subscriptions of the niini.s- ters and probationers shall be ridded to the capital of the aforesaid Fund from year to year. Sl'l'KUAyNUATlON FUND. 150 \ts ami Ml All invested is ascer- (l in an augment al to the ordinary •t and foi- excepted. n of the isters and lud the )le for the uy. ; based on LiiuuaUy to it required ions to be ,,.n it shall >iintendeut ig the year f the nnnis- nitnl of the V. Claimanta. 41/J- Tlie peii(Kl for computing ministers' <']ainis upon the Superannuation Fund .sli.dl conimenrt'! from the time of their IxMiifj recoivrd by the Conference for our work. 4l«t Tlie claims of a minister on the Fund shall not be preju(li<'ed hy his having engaged in the services of any de- partment, society, or corporation, within the Church, pro- \ icUnl 8U('h ser\i('e is n'lidered by tlie appointment of his Conference. 414- AH ministers luM-t-after coming to us from other Churclies shall be allowed a claim upon the Fund according to the number of year.> th«'y .-.hall have travelled in coiniec- tion with our Church. 415. No probationer shall be admitted into full connec- tion uidess four yeai's' subscription, at least, shall have been })aid. 410 When a superannuated minister has commuted his claim, M-nd that of his wife, he shall n(»t be allowed anv fiii- ther claims on this Fund, although he may retnin to the eflective work by permission of the Annual (Wfereiice. 417- When a superannuated minister, who is a limited claimant, shall have received the full amount of his claim on the Fund, and is restored to the active work, his further claim sh:ill date onlv from his recommencement as an efl'ec- tive minister in our work. 418. All thos(^ ministers of the united body wlm have not yet levelled up (September 17lh, 188(5) shall have their claims on this Fund connnence at the time of the Union, June 1st, 188-4, unless they level up on tlic Fund within six months. r I IGO SUPKHANNUATrON FUND. 41*^ Tlie (,'l;iim of ;i widow shall lie two Uiirds of the claim of her late hushaiul. A wiijow whose hiishniKl was siiporamiuattHl at the time of her mai'iiage shall havf no claim on this Fnnd utd«'ss she ha(J a claim previous to lier marriage, in which case, should h»'r hushand die before her, the fornuM' claim shall he restored. 4*'20 All children of deceased ministers shall receive twenty dollars each per annuuj up to sixteen years of age. When children have no natural guardian or protector, the Chairnmn «»f the District in which tlit^y reside shall make such arrangements as may be meet their circumstances, and prop»*rly manage their grants. ■Vit When a ndnister dies wh<> wms enjployed in the active work twenty or more years, and leaves no claimant widow, but has a child or childi-eii unprovided foi-, the r>oard is authorized to make provision for their support. Nevtrtheh',Hs^ the amount shall not be more than the widow would have been allowet»r year; for 12 years, !?7(); for i;i y.-ars, #.H 1 ; for 14 years, !?9l'; for 15 years, jflOO; which claims shall hold ^ood for a period of «'ight years. 4?'«4#. -^ superannuated minister wh(» lias travelled sixteen years shall have a claim of '^Wi per year; for 17 years, }^i'2S\ for Ih years. ;$142; for 1!) years, )8!ir»6; which claims sFiall liold jj:o(xI for ten years. 4*<57 A superannuatetl minister who has ti-avelled twenty years shall have a permanent claim of •fI70 per year; for •Jl years, II S2; for 22 years, $\{ii; for 23 years, $206; for 24 years, ii!2lS; for 25 years, J^230; for 2f) years, |!244; for 27 yi^ars, ig;L'58: for 28 years, |;272; for 29 years, 1286; for 30 vears, i^'MJO. 4*tH- All p«'»'maneiit claimants who have rendered thirty years and upwards of effective .service, shall have a claim of ten dollars a year for each year of su<*h effective .sei-vice. 4?wl^- Widows of deceased ministers, being mend)er8 of our (.'hurch, shall receive two tJiirds of tlie amount their husbands would have received, according to the abo\e scale, except such widows hs w^ere fifteen years younger than their husbands at the time of their marriage, and wt^re married after their hu.sbands were fifty-five years of age. iSuch cases shall bo referred to the Board. Ira veiled five years, $32 ; $53; for 10 VII. Reyulations. 430- Any minister who may locatf) and enter into secular business, and subsequently be leceived into the Coaference, 12 J<)2 S U PE KAN N i; AT I O N 1' U N D. shall not be allowod any claim fur tlic tiiue previous to his location. 4*il. rix^ Board sliall have poNV(;r, upon the recoinmcn- (lation of the Annual Conference, to commute with such ministers as may hv superannuat<>d from causes which do not disqualify them for secular business, by paymeikt of such sums as may be deemed ecjui table by the l^oard, instead of allowing them to become })ernninent claimants upon tiie Superannuation i'^und. 4lVt Ministers who retire temporarily from the work on account of iil-health or accident, while they receive from the 8u{)era!niuation b'un<', may also receive from the Con- tingent Kund or Missionary Fund, for services j'endered in the I'eguiai' or missioiuiry work. JVevcrfhflf^tis, in all such cases, the minister* shall be recpiired to contribute twelve doUais annually to tlie Superannuation Fund while thus employed. 4llli. Any minister who may be (expelled from tlie Con- fcicnce shall thereby foi-feit the amount w' he Uiay have paid into the Superannuation Fund. 4JM. Any minister who .shall leave the work for other employment shall thereby forfeit one-half of the amount which he may have paid into the Suj>eiannuation Fund. 4X%. No ap])iication for a superannuated rt lation shall be granted by an Annual Conference, ^except on a recom- nu^ndation of a Committee on Conference Relations, to be appointed by the Conference, consisting of not less than seven members, to wliom such application shall have been referred. Nor shall the .said (■ommittee, in making their decisions, take into consideration anything else tlian this SUPERANNUATION FUND. 163 question, nanifly: "Is the applicant really worn out, or temporarily disalded, in the Itinerant servicel" Provided^ hoim-PT, that in case the said (Joinmitteo report adversely, the (Conference may, by a vote of not less than three- fourths of the menihers present, grant sucli application. 4!{0. Wlien the claims up<»n this Fund for :iny year shall exceed the income of the year, each claimajit shall have deducted from the amount of his or her claim sucli a sum as- shall be equal to a ])ro rata amount of sucli deficiency. 4*tT- Kac)» subscriber of f'iv«i dollars or more annually shall have his or her name jirinted in the Minutes of the Annual Conference, and shall receive a copy giatis. Skction III. SUriCRXUMKKARY MxNISTEKf> AND MINISTERS' WIDOWS' FUND. COKSTITUTION OP TlIK SrPJ^Iv.'UM KRARY MiNIHTKRH' AND MiMSTKns Widows' Fund. 1. Name, 4»i8. This Fund, heretofore known as "The Supernu- merary Ministers' and Ministers' Widows' Fund of the C'Onference of Eastern British America," shall hereafter be designated, "The Supernumerary Ministers' and Minist4»rs' Widows' Fund of the Eastern Section of the Methodist Church," embracing the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and the Bermudas. I'. ' 164 SfJPEIlNUMERAKY MINISTERS AND IT. Monhers/iip. 4Iitl. AH iiuMiil>oi's of the Nova Scotia, the New Bruns- , wick and Prinoe Kdward Island, and the Newfoundland Annual Conferences, complying with iXi'ticU^ IV^., 11 450, of this Constitution, shall be members of this Fund. III. yfanofjement. 440. The representatives of the afoiesaid Annual Con ferences to the General Conference shall, at some time dur ing the session of each General Conference, at a meeting held at the joint call of the Presidents of the said Annual Conferences to consider the affairs of this b'und, elect by ballot two persons — a minister and a layman — as (ieneral Treasurers of the Fund. 441- It shall be the duly of the Treasurers, so elected, to receive and disburse, fi-om year to year, all the moneys con- stituting the Current Income, according to the provisions of the Constitution; and also to hold and manage, under the supervision and direction of the Investment Committee, the capital stock of the Fund. 44*i It shall be the duty of the Tieasurers to pi-epare and p*-esent at each of the me^'tings of the General (youi- mittee a particular account, duly auilited, of all the business trafisacted for the Fund during the previous Conference year. 44ti- The Treasurers, so elected, are to hold othce for /bi*r //''nrs, or until their succesnors are appointed, unless one or both shoukl die, or resign, or become, in the judgment of the General Committee, disqualified for the discharge of the duties of the oliice. In any such case it shall be the duty L-» MINISTERS WIDOWS FUND. 165 of the General OoniiTnttee to elect some other person or persons to ill the vacant place or places until the meeting of the Geneial Conference. 444- Thn (rencrdl Committer, oi this Fund shall consist of eight members, viz: — The two (leneral Treasurers and six other persons, that is, one minister and one layman, to be appointed annually from and by each of tlie said Annual ( 'onff i-ences. 445- This Committee, so constitutetl, shall meet annu- ally, at the call of the General Treasurers, and five of its members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 440. ?♦ lifill be the duty of this Committee, at each of its annual UK-etings, to examine carefully the re{)orts of the- Treasurers, and of the investment Connnittee, of all the business transacted for the Fund, and to cause a full re[)ort of the results of such examination to i)e prepaied for presen- tation to each of the Conferences interested, at its next annual meeting ; also, a report end^odying a sunimary of all the business of the four years, to 1h^ laid before the next (juadiennial meeting of the representatives of the three (Jonferences aforesaid. 441. The Treasur(n*s, together with three otlier j>er.sons, chosen by the General (Joinmittee, shall constitute an In- vpstment Committee^ for the management of the cajntal stock of the Fund. 448. Fjach (.Conference named in Article II. shall appoint, annually, a Conference. Commit tee, composed of its menibers in the General (.'ommittre, and hix other persons, one-half of whom shall be ministers and the other half laymen. 166 SUPERNUMKRAKV MiNlSTEHS AND 1 Each Conference Committee shall appoint its own Chair- man, Secretary, and Treasurer, and it shall he its duty to look after the interests of the Fund in the Conference hy which it is nppointed, especially to examine the returns from tlie several Districts, to ascertain whether due atten- tion has been given on all the Circuits to secure, in the diflerent modes prescriljed in this Constitution, the j)rop■ and lutes of il Con- lired to nee, at 451. Preachers on Trial may pay the annual subscrip tion for the period of their probation, either in advance from year to year, or by one equivalent payment at the end of their probation. 45!^- Each Circuit shall be considered as responsible for a yearly sum, equal, at least, on an average, to ten cenLt per member, including persons on trial ; the number of members in all cases being taken fiom the published Minutes of the preceding Conference. 45*t- Every minister shall, at the fir'st quarterly visita tion of the classes, after Conference, explain the nature and reasonableness of the claims of this Fund upon the Justice and liberality of our Church. He .shall then encjuire \>i each membei' what sum he or she is willing to subscribe, •axxA shall enter the respective sums in the class l)Ook, and it shall be the duty of the class leader to collect these, and also subscriptions from the members absent al the time of visitation, and to pay the amount to the Superintendent of the Circuit. 454. An Annual Collecticni, in aid of this Fund, siiall be made in all the churches and other piearhing places in the month of December, and private ap{)lication shall be made bv the minister to friends on each Circuit for sub- scriptions and donations. 455- The subscriptions of ministers and preachers on trial, the Circuit contributions, the interest on the capital stock, and the amount received from year tf)year from the Missionary Society, shall constitute the current income for each year available tor the piiyuieat of annual claims. 168 STIPEUNUMEHARY MINISTERS AND 1 1 1 1 V. Capitnl Stork, 4*1»4»- TIjo capital stock of this Fund sliall consist of the amount now reported l»v the Trcjasurers as constituting the present capital stock, viz.: — ^80,000,"()(», and all sums here- after received Jis legacies; payments received under Aiticle VI., Iff 458, and the excess of current income above cur- rent claims in any year. VI. Claimants. 4*>T- Any minister hcinuf a member of this Fund, on becoming a SuptM numerary, except as hereinafter provided, shall have a claim on the current income as long as he shall rcimain a Supernumerary in connection with either of the Conferences specified in Article II. for an annuity equal to the sum of all the annual subscriptions of Ten Di.tiar.s' eacli, which he shall have previously paid to the Fund. 458. A widow of any mini.ster having been a member of this Fund, except as hen inafter provided, shall, so long as she shall remain his widow, have a claim upon the current income for an annuity equal to one-half the sum of such subscription as !ier deceased husband shall have paid ; provided, however, that if the wife of any menibei' of the Knnd shall die, and he should many again, he must, in order to entitle his new wife to such an annuity, pay ^five dollars a year additional for each year of his connection with this Fund previous to his nuirriage , otherwise her claim shall be considered as commencing only at the time of her marriage. MINISTEIIS' widows' FUND. 109 [>f the ig the ; liore- Vrti^^le e cur- nd, on )videfl, as lu' ther of ,nnuity of Tni to the liber of iHig as current f such paid ; of the ust, in av iiv- iiectiou ISO hor t line of 4*^0 Any claim upon this Fund i)a.sed upon not more than ten years' suhsciiptions tliereto shall not continue more years than the numlxT of the amiual subscriptions A'hich constitute its basis ; but the claims of ministers transffrred to or from any other Conference of the Methodist ( 'hurch who shall have paid subscriptions to the Superannuation Fund of the Western (Conferences, or to this Supernu- merary Fund, and whose annual subscriptions to the two Funds shall, toiijetJier, 1)0 more than ten, shall not be subject lo the limitations of the foregoing clause. Neither siuill this limitation apply to ministers received into full con- nection at or before the Annual Conference of 1882. 44»0 Any nn'nister of the Conferences specified in Article II., being a mend>er of this Fund, who shall be transferred to any other- Conference of the Methodist Church, may retain the standing in connection with this Fund which he had acquii-ed previous to his transfer. 401- It is provided ;ihvays that, when in any year the current income shall be insuthciont to meet the claims of that year in full, such claims shall be proportionately re- duced by one equal percentage from all. 40^- Any person who, by witlubawal, location, expul- sion, or in any other way, shall cease to be a member of an Annual Conference of the Methodist Church, may 1)6 re- paid from the capital stock of this Fund the amount of his annual subscriptions, with simple interest. VII. Cham/e in Const' futmn. 4t»«i. No cliange shall be made in this Cort all such notices to each of the throe Annual (^onferenoes interested; nor then, unless the proposed change or changes shall have been concurred in by two thirds of the members of the Fund pn^sent, and voting thereon, in the said three (Conferences, the nun)bei' of the contents and non contents being care- fully taken and put upon record in the Journal of each of the « Conferences, and shall be certitied by the President and Secretarv of each Conference to the next meeting of the General (^junnittee. When the aggregate required number of two-thinJs of all the members voting in the three Conferences shall be found to have been •'iven in favor of the proposed change or changes, it shall be the duty of the General Committee so to report to the lepresentatives of the aforesaid three Annual Conferences to the next ensuing General Conference, in order that the said proposed and requested change or changes may be contirmed by the Gen oral Conference. . I j -, I Section IV. THE CONTINdKNT FUND. Constitution of the Contingent Fund. I. Name. 44»4. Ea<^h Annual Conference shall have a C)nferonce .shall elect seven ministers and seven laynuMi, who shall V>e the Contin;^ent Fund Coni- Uiittee for such Conference, It shall be he duty of this C^ommittee to consider all claims properly presented to it, and appropriate all the funds placed at its disposal to their })roper objects, as directed by the Conference. 408- Each Annual Conference shall [)rovide such regu- lations in reference to this Fund, in accordance with tlie foregoing provisions, as it may deem necessary. extra- ch Section Y. THE (^HILI)REN'S FUND. 4I».)- Each Annual Conference may have a Children's Fund under its own control and management, subject t<"> the following conditions and restrictions : — 1. The revenue of any such Fund sliall be raised by such form of a.s.sessment as each Annual Conference may, in its judgment consider best. • ' 172 THE Cmi-DHENS FUND. 2. Tl»« Chililn'ii's Fund Coimnittee of tin- Annual (\}\\- U'ro.ncc shall huv« the p(»wer to exempt any Circuit or Mission fnnu the assessment for tiiis fund upon the recommendation of tiie Annual Conference. 3. The amount payable to each child until eighteen years of age shall he not more than twenty-live dollars |km* annum . and if in any case the Fund shall not be sutlicient to pay the full aujount, it shall be divide*! pro rata, according to the amount at the disj)osal of the Conference. 1. i'he t'laims of children whose fathers are employed on tlie Fi'ench or Indian Missions shall be paid by the Mis- sionary Society ; provided that no missi<»na!'y shall receive any allowance from tliis Fund who receives iSOOO or more from all other soui'ces. And the same regulations shall a})ply to all ministers. r>. No such claims shall be paid out of the Mi.ssion Funds in any Conference where the Children's Fund is abolished or discontinued. 6. Tlie claimants on this Fund shall be: (a) The children of Superannuated Ministers, such as were born whilst their fathers were in the active work; (b) The children of such ministers in the active work as receive less than S600 per annum from all other sources. 7. The (Children's Fund of the Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick and Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland Con- ferences, nmy 1)0 continued on the same basis and under the same regulations as have previously existed in those Con- ferences, or according to such rules and regulations as they may deen best. . * . ! If ^runs- Con- VI the Con- s they CHURCH AND PARS()N.\(;E AID FUND. 17o Section VI. CHURCH AND »'AKS()NA<; K AID PUND. Constitution. I. Name. 4'JO. The Fund .sluill U; known as " Tlic Church ami Parssonagf Aid Fund of the Churcli." II. Ohject. 4'JI. Tiu^ object of the Fund .sIdiH he to aid in tho eroc tion of churrlios and par'sonaj^fs, on sites held iji trust hy our Mo(h^l Deed, on the Stations, Circuits or Missions of the Methodist Church, and the reduction of dehts upon the .same, by means of loans at low rates of interest, on such conditions as will secure the earliest possible extin«;tion of all liabilities upon the proyjcrty aided, 11 J. Mnnayement. Ali*i. The niana;»enient of the Fund shall be vested in a l>oard of nine I)irect4>rs (a majority of whom shall be lay- men), to be elected quadrennially by the General Conference. The Hoard shall liave authority — 1. To make loans to Trustee J Joaitis of churches or par sonages, in liarmony with the objects set forth in the con stitution and the general rec^ulations hereinafter mentioned. 2. To receive moneys on deposit at low rates of interest for the purposes of the Fu;id. 3. To institute proceeJmj^, when necessary, to foreclose mortgages, and recover loans or interest when due. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) J: /. / / i' w '/ ' //% i/x fA 1.0 "i^iiM ,llll2.5 Itt 12.2 III I.I 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ■• 6" ► p /i (^ A ''I "# e. S'^'- -^ '■ v^ a /; / O 7 /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y 14580 (716) 872-4503 ,<" €P. w< W, 174 CHURCH AND PAHSONAGE AFD FUND. t ( 4. To soil, assii^n, or otherwise dispose of mortgages and securities. 5. To employ su(-h assistance as it may deem necessary for the correct keeping of the accounts, and the prompt and accurate transactioii of the connected with the Fniul. 6. To till any vacancy that may occur in the Board or its officers during the quadrennium. 7. And generally to take sucli steps as may be necessary foi- carrying out the provisions of tlie constitution, and the general objects of the Fund. I V. Cripital. 47^- The ca{)ital of the Fund shall consist of — 1. Moneys or securities now l)elonging to the Church and Parsonage xVid Fund for the North-West. 2. Moneys or securities now belonging to ajiy Church or Parsonage Aid Fund in any of the Aniiual Conferences, sub- ject to the consent of said Conferences. 3. Legacies or donations that have been or shall hereafter be made for the objects contemj^lated by the Fund. 4. Moneys received on deposit. V. lievenue. 4T4. The revenue of the Fund shall cojisist of interest received on account of loans. VI. Application of Revenue. 415. Revenues arising from interest on loans and other sources shall be applied — 1. To the payment of interest on deposits. ' ^, " i ...... Ai-f i^: .^'■.... T. .x:j iMaaa CHURCH AND PARSONAGE AID FUND. es and cessary ipt and ith the d or its 2cessarv and the 2. To the payment of necessary expenses of management. 3. The balance, if any, shall be can-ied to a sinking fund for the repayment of deposits. VII. Reports. 4 4 (J. The Directoi's shall publish an Annual Statement for the inforniation of the Conferences and the Connexion generally, and they shall present a Quadrennial Report to the General Conference, covering the business of the four preceding years, and showing the condition of the Fund at the close of the last financial year. irch and hurch or ices, sul> lereaftcr interest ,nd other y r: -M vin. Audit. 477. The Board shall provide for a careful audit, by com- petent persons, of the accounts of the Fund ; and shall pub- lish the certificate of said auditors in connection with the Annual Statements. IX. Regidatio7is. 418. The following regulations shall be observed in regard to loans:- — 1. No officer or director connected with the Fund shall be a borrower from the Fund in any circumstances. 2. The Fund shall be used for loan purposes only, and no free grants shall be made in any cii'cumstances. 3. No loan shall exceed forty per cent, of the estimated actual cash value of the property. 4. Loans shall be made on security of fir^t mortgage on Connexionai property held under our Model Deed, with ■; f ^ „ -•*■ .*• V*-!*- *-•• 176 CHURCH AND PARSON AGE AID FUND. : 3 assign merit of IiiHUi-Rtu'e Policy for amount oijual to tlu? loan, and the personal oV)ii^'atiou of the Trustees as col- lateral. Whei e circumstances render it necessary the Direc tors may acc(^pt the personal ol)ligatioM of the Trustees in lieu of a mortgage, in which case the Trustees shall give a bond for a moi'tgage as soon as a deed is secured. 5. It shall be a distinct condition of each loan tliat the property is not otherwise encumbered, and that no other encumbrance will be put upon it without the consent of the Directors, in writing, first obtained. 6. Loans may be made repayable, if judged expedient, by annual or semi-annual instalments, covering both principal and interest. 7. Interest on loans shall not exceed six per cent, per annum, and shall be payf»ble half-yearly. 8. The Directors shall not be at lil)erty to relinquish or modify the claims of the Fund for either principal or interest of loans. 9. Persons who may bequeath or donate to the Fund the sum of $1,000 or upward shall be at liberty to fix the rate of interest at which such sum shall be loaned (provided the rate be not higher than that tixed by the regulations con- cerning loans); and shall also be at liberty to specify such other conditions as may seem to them desirable, provided they do not contravene the purpose for which the Fund is established. When any such donation is accepted by the Directors, it shall be carried to a distinct and separate account, which shall bear such name as the donor mav desire; and shall so appear in the Annual Statements of the Fund. '■ " • . ^ . ; • niND. THE UNION CHURCH RELIEF FUND. 177 it fH|uaI to llui f 10. The Directors shall make such arrangomeiits for the 'lustecs as col- I proper performance of the duties pertaining to the office of ssary the Direc | Secretary-Treasurer during the ensuing quadrennium as they the Trustees in | deem advisable, having regard to the closest economy. ^es shall give a ured. Ii loan that the that no other s consent of the i expedient, by both principal v per cent, per feo relinquish or ipal or interest D the Fund the to fix the rate (pi'ovided the gu I at ions con- bo specify such able, provided the Fund is ^cepted by the and separate le donor may t'tuents of the Section VII. THE UNION CHURCH RELIEF FUND. Constitution. I. Name. 4T0. The Fund shall be known as "The Union Church Relief Fund." II. Object, 480. The object of the Fund is to relieve only such churches as have become embarrassed through the Union. The churches to receive aid from this Fund shall be classitied as follows : 1. Churches that have lost their constituency and have no prospect of regaining it, and, in cases where the property has been sold or is to be sold, the trustees are still em- barrassed with the debt thereon, with no assets, or with insufficient assets to meet their liabilities. 2. Churches that are too ^eak to meet their liabilities, and therefore re(juire assistance for a time in the payment of the interest thereon. 13 I .Afca,f>^.^4.*i«.- . 178 THE UNION CHURCH RELIEF FUND. III. Inofmie. 481- The income of the Fund shall be obtained from collections and subscriptions which shall bo taken in all the congregations of our Church, in the month of October in each year for the next four ynars. IV. Management. 48^- The Fund shall be rnaiiaged by a Committee ap- pointed by the (ieneral^/Onf(^rence, whose duty it shall be to investigate all applications for aid, and decide uy)on them, and disburse the Funds at its disposal according to the pro- visions of Article 11. i. ). taiiied from en in all the October in nunittee ap- it shall be to upon them, g to the pro- Part VI. THE KITUAL. M'.-Jfc^^l*.-*.*****.*'.. ,-. ... « .«i^«v.»*..-.>. THE KITUAL. ORDER OF BAPTISM. A* 1. The Ministration op Baptism to Infants. The Minister coming to the font, which is to befiiltd with jnire uafer, shall iuy Thy Holy IJaptism ; and hast set apart water for tliis Holy Sacrament ; and liast condescended to enter into gracious covenant witli man, wlierein Tliou hast included children as partakers of its henellts, dfclaring that " of such is the Kingdom of heaven'"; we hi^seech Tliee for Thine infinite mercies that Thou wilt look upon this thifd ; wash Idm^ and sanctify him with the Ifoly Ghost; that he^ being delivered from Thy wrath, may be received into the ark of Christ's Church, and being steadfast in faith, joyful through hope, and rooted in love, may so pass the waves of this trouV)lesonie woild, that finally he may come to the land of everlasting life, there to i-eign with Thee, world without end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O merciful (lod, grant that the old Adam in this child may be so buried that the new man may be raised up in him. Amkn. Grant that ail carnal affections may die in hiin^ and that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and grow in him. Am EX. Grant that he may have power and strength to have vic- tory, and to triumph against the devil, the world, and the tlesh. Amen. Grant that whoever is dedicated to Thee by our office and ministry, may also be endued with heavenly virtues, and everlastingly rewarded through Thy mercy, O blessed Lord God, who dost live and govern all things, world without end. Amen. Almighty, ever-living God, whose most dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our sins, did shed *l I RAI'TISM OF INFANTS. \Htl out of His most pivoious side both water and blood, and gave (toinmaiidinent t<» His discipb^s tliat tlioy slioubl go and teach all nations, and baptize them in the naino of the Fatlier, an thr child, sayinfj, lY^ I baj)ti/,e thee in the name of the Father, and of the >Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. We receive this child into the congregation of Christ's flock, that he may be instructed and trained in the doctrines, privileges, and duties of the Christian religion, and trust that he will be Christ's faithful soldier and servant unto hib- . life's end. T^e Minister may close with extempore prayer: The grace of our liOrd Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. BArnsM OF ADULTS. 18") . Mark, rse: ( should brought SCfl, jiiul nto uu:. of (JoH. It' King- tlicriMn. ids upon lay fo tht of the. Christ's octrines, ud trust unto hU • of God be with I 2. The Ministkation op Baptism to such as auk or lilFKli VKAU8. Tk^ AfiniMtcr hIioII »rasiiiuoh as our Lord Jesus Clirist jLjave ct)nituaii(huent to His ('hurcl» to make disciph's of all the nations, b;ipti/in,i( theni in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of tiie Holy (Jliost; and, forasmuch as thu person here j)reseut, not havini( been baptized in his infan»;y, seeks now in the pre^'-nce of this congregation to be ad- mitted into Christ's Ci.uich, through tiie ordinance which He hath appoint*^ foi- tliat nid ; let us, being gathered together in the nn\i\f) 't' (Jiirist, and in ob(Kli«;nce to His command, hear, for oiii instruction and encouragement, the teaching of His lioly Wiu'd concerning this sacrament. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All j.ower is given unto Me in heaven and in earth, (io ye therefore, and teach all nations, ba[)tizing them in tho name of the FatJjer, and of the Son, anik fhf name of the })ernon to he baptized, and repeatiiuj (he same shall baptize him, aayimj: N, I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holv Ghost. Amen*. works, tons de- so that mighty, is only AJler which he shall say: Grant, O merciful Fatlier, that this person whom we now receive into Thy Church by baptism, may never liereafter be ashamed to confess the Faith of (Mirist crucified, and manfully fight under His banner against sin, the world, and the devil ; and that lie may continue Ciirist's faithful soldier and servant unto his life's end. Amen. 188 BAPTISM OF ADULTS. f Afttr which the, Minister shaU say : Almighty ami everlasting God, our heavenly JPather, we give Thoe humble thanks for that Thou hast vouchsafed to call us to the knowledge of Thy grace and faith in Thee, (live Thy Holy Spirit to tJds person, tliat he may be made mi heir of everlasting salvation through our Lord .Tesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. A.MiiX. Grant that all carnal afFeotions may die in him^ and that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and grow in him. Amen. Grant that he may have power and strength to have vic- tory, and to triumph against the devil, the world, and the llesh. Amen. Grant that he, being dedicated to Thee by our otiice and ministry, may also be endued with heavenly virtues, and everlastingly rewarded, through Thy mercy, O blessed Lord God, who dost live and govern all things, world without end. Amen. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thv name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amkn. Then the. Minister, ftpeaking to the newly -baptized, shall say: Dear Brother, thou liast now been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus: I exhort thee to bear in mind that it is m :her, we safed to in Thee, oe made d Jesus le IColy md that f in him. lave vic- and the flice and nes, and ed Lord without BAPTISM OF ADULTS. 189 thy part and duty to walk answerably to thy high and holy calling, as beoometh the chUd of light, blameless and harm- less, without rebuke in the midst of an ungodly world ; remembering always that baptism representeth unto us our profession ; which is to follow the example of our Saviour Christ, and to be made like unto Him, that as He died and rose again for us, so should we that are baptized die to sin and rise again unto righteousness ; continually njortifying all our evil and corrupt affections, and daily proceeding in all virtue and godliness of living. The Minister may conchule the Service with exhoitation and extempore prayer. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with you all. Amen. IV name, it is in >rgive us kinst us. rom evil. hay le name hat it is 190 RECEPTION OF MEMBERS. II RECEPTION OF MEMBERS. n Form of Receiving Persons into the Church after Probation. U}>on the day appointed, all that are to he received fthdl he called for- ward, and the Minister, addressing the Congregation, shall say : Dearly beloved brethren, the Scriptures teach us that the Church is the household of God, the bodv of which Christ is tlie Head, and that it is the design of the Gospel to bring together, in one, all who are in Christ. The fel- lowship of the Church is the communion which its members enjoy one with another. The ends of this fellowship are the maintenance of sound doctrine, and of the ordinance of Christian worship, and the exercise of that power of godly admonition and discij)line which Christ has coiimiitted to His Church for the promotion of holiness. It is the duty of all men to unite in this fellowship, for it is only those that be " planted in the house of the Lord, that shall flourish in the courts of our God." Their more particulai' duties are to promote peace and unity; to bear one another's burdens; to prevent each other's stumbling; to seek the intimacy of friendly society among themselves; U) continue steadfast in the faith and worship of the Gospel; and to pray and sympathize with each otlier. Among their •jyrivilegt's are peculiar incitements to holiness from the hear- ing of God's Word, and sliaring in Christ's ordinances ; the V)eing placed under the watchful care of pastors, and the , ■ w RECEPTION OF MEMBERS. 191 FTER (died for- II say : us tliat f which 3 Gospel The fel- )i embers sliip are nance of f godly itted to p, for it |ie Lord, ir more to bear |mbling ; n selves; Gospel ; ng their Ihe hear- es ; the ,nd the enjoyment of the blessings wliich are only promised to those who are of the household of faith. Into this holy fellow- ship the peisons )efore you, who have already received the sacrament of baptism, and liaving been for three months on trial, come seeking admission. We now propose, in the fear of God, to question them as to their faith and purposes, 1 that you may know that they are proper persons to be admitted into the Church. Then the Minister may address the ap/)i>cants in the following or similar languafjc. Dearly beloved, you come hither seeking the great privi- lege of union with the Church our Saviour has purchased with His own blood. We rejoice in the grace of God vouchsafed unto you in tliat He has (.-ailed you to be His followers^ and tlms far you have run w(^ll. You have heard how Vjlessed are the privileges and how solemn are the duties of membership in Christ's Church ; and before you are fully admitted thereto, it is proper that you do here publicly renew your vows, confess your faith, and declare your purposes, by answering the following questions:— Qiies. Do you here, in the presence of God and of this congregation, renew the solemn consecration of yourself to God, and take upon you the sacred obligation involved and set forth in the holy ordinance of baptism, and do you pur- pose that in heart and life, in death and for ever, you will be a true servant of God and of ClH-isf!! Ans. 1 do such is my purpose, by God's help. Ques. Do y;m believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, as the only, and all-sufficient, propitiation for the sins of mankind, and do you look to Him for tlm remission of sin and eternal life 1 Aim. Such is my faith and hope. r t 1 I I •■Mik A» j4^J4^_. 'W« t4 . I" 192 RECEPTION OF MEMBERS. Ques. Do you believe in the inspiration and divine authority of the Holy Scriptures, and accept the same as a sufficient rule of faith and practice ? Ans. I do. Quea. Will you cheerfully be governed by the rules of the Methodist Church, hold sacred the ordinances of God, and entleavor, as much as in you lies, to promote the wel- fare of your brethren, and the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom 1 Ans. I will. Ques. Will you contribute of your earthly substance, according to your ability, to the support of the Gospel and the various l^enevolent enterprises of the Church? Ans. I will. Then the Minister, culdreHsing the. Church, shall say : Brethren, you have heard the responses given to our in- quiries. Have any of you any reason to allege why these persons should not be received into full membership in the Church^ * No objection heimj alleged, the Minister shall say to the Candidates: We welcome you to the communion of the Church of God ; and, in testimony of our Christian affection and the cordiality with \\hich we receive you, I hereby extend to you the right hand of fellowship ; and may God grant that you may be faithful and useful members of the Church militant, until you are called to the fellowship of the Church triumphant, which is " without fault before the throne of God." Then shall the Minister offer extempore prayer. i\ I and divine :he same as a the rules of Alices of God, note tlie wel- lie Hedeenier's ily substance, he Gospel and [•ch? all .say ; en to our in- ge why these ership in the \hc. Candidates: he Church of ;tion and the [by extend to [od grant that the Church hi the Church :he throne of lyer. ' ^ ; THE LOUBS SUPPER. III. THP: LORD'S SUPPER. 193 OkDKR Foil TlIK ADMINiyTKATION OF THE LoBD's SuPPER. IVhile the collection for the poor is bciivj taken up, the Minister shall ' say one or more of these Lot your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. {Matt. v. 16.) Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal : but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. {Matt. vi. 19, 20.) Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so t) them : for this is the law and the prophets. {Matt vii. 12.) Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven ; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven. {Matt. vii. 21.) .Zaccheus stood, and said unto the Lord : Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. {Luke xix. 8.) He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. m 194 THE LORDS SUPPER. u ■ \- 1 I I i' "Rvery man accorrli ig as lie purposeth in his lieart, so lei him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a clKH'iful giver. (2 Cor. ix. 6, 7.) As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. {Gnl. vi. 10.) But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brouglit nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. (/ 7Ym. vi. 6, 7.) Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, hut in the living Crod, wl)o giveth us richly all tilings to enjoy ; that thay do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicati^ ; laying up in store for themselves a good foundation jigainst the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. (/ Tiiii.. vi. 17-19.) For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister {Jleb. vi. 10.) But to do good and to communicate forget not : for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. [Jleb. xiii. 16 ) But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brothrt have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion frou him, how dwelleth the love of God in him ] {1 John iii. 17. He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord and that wliich he hath given will He pay him a^ain.j /Vov. xix. 17.) ...... ■mi THE LORDS SUPPEK. 195 s heart, so let for God loveth [o good unto all asehold of faith. ; gain. For we certain we can that they be not hut in the living | )y ; that tliay do xly to distribute, :-e for themselves p, that they may ) your work and! rd His nauie, iui t^nd do minister. I ret not : for with :iii. 16 ) ieeth his brothnl compassion froiuj (./ John iii. N-l |i unto the Lord pay hjjn again, Blessed is he that considereth the poor : the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. (Psalm xli, 1.) While thtae sentences are being read, some fit person, appointed for that purjiose, shalf receive the alma for the poor ; and then brin(j than to the Minister, who shall place them upon the table. After which the MiniMer shall say: Ye that do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbors, and intend to lead a new life, followinjj: the conHnaiulments of God, and walking from henceforth in His holy ways; draw near with faitli, and take this holy sacrament to your comfort ; and make your humble confession to Almighty God, meekly kneeling upon your knees. Then fihall this general confession be made by the Minister in the name of all those that are minded to receive the Holy Comnmnion, both he and all the people devoutly kneeling and saying: Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of ali things. Judge of all men : we acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins, which we from time to time most griev- ously have committed, by thought, word, and deed, against Thy Divine Majesty, provoking most justly Thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings ; the remembrance of (them is grievous unto us. Have mercy upon us, have uiercy upon us, most merciful Fatiier ; for Thy Son, our [Lord Jesus Christ's sake, forgive us all that is past, and grant that we may ever hereaftei* serve and please Thee in inewness of life, to the honor and glory of Tliy name, ithrouarh Jesus Christ our Lord. xVM^:N. .: - : ' *. i : 196 THE LORDS SUPPEll. Then shuU the Minisftr say: O Alinighty Gixl, our heavenly Father, who of Tliy great mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to all them that with fiearty repentance a»id true faith turn unto Tlice: have mercy upon us; pardon and dc^liver us fjorn all our sins, confirm and strengthen us in all goodness, and bring us to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amex. ii The Collect. Almighty Ood, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid : cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love Thee, and worthily magnify Thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. I j ! i I ' Then shtdl the Alinitifer spA/: It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that wr should at all times and in all places give thanks unto Thee, O Loixl, Holy Father, Almighty, Everlasting God, Therefore, with angels and archangels, and with all th<' company of heaven, we laud and magnify Thy glorious name, evermore praising Thee and saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord n God of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Glory be to Thee, O Jjord most high. Amen. We do not presume to come to this Thy table, O merciful God, trusting in our own righteousness, but in Thy manifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up tlie crumbs under Thy table. But Thou art the samel Lord, whose property is a-Iways to liave mercy. Grant us,j THE lord's supper. 197 of Tliy grt'ti't 11 lljero that oThco: have all our sins, I hvu\^ us to I. Amkn. pen, all desires 1: cleanse the ly Holy Spirit, y magnify Thy duty, that we nks unto Thee, God. ,1 with all the crlorious name, ly, holy, Lord of Thy glory. L(.> xble, O merciful n Thy manifold uch as to gather art the same •cy. Grant us, therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and to drink His blood, that our sinful sou Ik and bodies may be made clean by His death, and washed through His most jjrecious blood, that we may evermore dwell in Him, and He in us. Amkn. l^hen the MiniMi'r ahall offer thr Prnyer of Consecration as follmvclh : Almighty God, our heiivenly Father, who of Thy tender mercv didst give Thine onlv Hon Jesus ( 'hrist to sulf'cr dfath upon the cross for our redemption; who made tliere, l)y His oblation of Himself once offered, a full, {)erfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world; and did institute, and in His holy Gospel command us to continue, a perpetual memory of that His precious death, until His coming again: hear us, O merciful Father, we most humbly beseech Thee, and grant that we, receiving tliese Thy creatures o*f bread and wine, according to Thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ's holy institution, in rememVjrance of His death and passion, may be partakers of His most blessed body and blood; who, in the same night that He was betrayed, took bread; and wlien He had given thanks, He brake it and gave it to His disciples, saying. Take, eat; this is My body which is given for you ; do this in remem- brance of Me. Likewise after supper He took the cup; and [when He liad given thanks He gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of tliis; for this is Mv blood of tiie New Tes- [tament, which is shed for you, and for many, for the [remission of sins; this do ye, as oft as ye shall drink it, in [remembrance of Me. Amen. 198 THE LOHDH SUin»ER. 11 Then shall fhi- Miiihtcr or MiyiisterH first receive, the Commiivum in both kiiuh: anl proceed to deliver the same to the pcnjth a/xo, m order, into their micovtred hands. And when he delirereth the bread he fhall •'ay the Lord's Prayer: the peojde repeating after him every petition. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in lieaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. THE LOUDS SUri'EU. 11)9 ;;/(■ (tUn, in lirerHh the i given f(^r it\'. Take r thf'e, and zing. •y: as sited ior life. Diii^- tied for f/^ee, [ye communed^ he Prayer of to the Lord'fi \e consecrated After H'hi'h viny be xaid as/olioweth: O Lord, our h^'avcidy batfu'r, we Tliy humblo servants desire Thy Fatheily j^oodiiess mercifully to accept this our sacritice of praise and tiiaiiksgiving; most humbly beseech ing Thee to grant that, by tin* nierits and death of Thy Sou Jesus Christ, and through faith in His blood, we and Thy whole Church may obtain remission of our sins, and all other Ijenetits of Flis passion. And here we otter and pre sent unto Thee, O fiord, ourselves, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice unto Thee; liumbly beseeching Thee that all we who are partakers of this holy communion may be iilled with Thy grace 'ind heavenly benediction. Arid although wo be unworthy, through our manifold sins, to oiler unto Thee any sacrifice, yet we be- seech Thee to accept this our boundon duty and service; not weighing our meiits, but pardoning our ofiences, through Jesus Christ our Lord; by whom, and with w^hom, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, all honor and glory b«' unto Thee, Father Almighty, world without end. Amkn. 'ople repeatinij Thy name. li, as it is in ul forgive us Is against us. lus from evil: Ihe glory, for Then may be said: Glory be to (rod on high, and on earth peace, good will towards men. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we worship Thee, we glorify Thee, we give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Alraiffhtv. Lord, the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ; O Lord God, liamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away 200 THE LORD S SUPPER, the Bins of tho world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of tlie world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For Thou only art holy, Thou only art the Lord; Thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, are most high in the glory of God the Father. Amkn. 7%eii the Minisfer if he see it expedient, may offer on extempore prayer; and afterivards shall let the people depart witi, this blessiufj: May the peace of God, which passeth ail understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord ; and the bless ing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, he amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen. I I N.B. — If the Minister be straitened for time, he may omit any part of the Service, except the Prayer of Gonsecra'ion. i n ^f i .-' i « ■y\x that prayer, er, have ' art the ire most re prayer; tsinf/ ." standing, d love of the bless the Holy s. Amen. it any part MATRIMONY. IV. 201 MATRIMONY. Form of thk Solemnization of Matrimony. First, the banns of all that are to be married must be pnbli'ihed in thf Comjreijation aecon/imj to luto, unless in cases where special license has been obtained. At the time appointed for the solemnization of matrimony, the persons to be married standinfj tofjether, the man at the riijht hand of the xooman, the Afinister shall say : Dearly Beloved : We are gathered together here, in tlie sight of God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is PM honorable estate, instituted of Ood in the time of man's innocency, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and His Church; which holy estate (Ihrist adorned and beautified wuth His presence, and first miracle that He wrought in Cana of Galilee, and is com- mended of St. Paul to be honorable among all men ; and therefore is not by any to be enterprised or taken in hand unadvisedly, but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, and in the fear of God. Into which holy estate these two persons present come taow to be joined. Therefore, if any one can show any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let lum now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace. And also speaking unto the persona that are to be married, he shall say: I require and charge you both (as you will answer at the dreadful day of judgment, when the secrets of all hearts 202 MATRIMONY. r I r ! i shall he disdosod), that if either of you know any impedi- ment wliy you may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony, you do now confess it. For he ye well assured, that so many as are coupled together otlierwise than as God's Word dotii allow, are not joined together hy God, neither is their matrimony lawful. If no impcdime.nt is aW'qed, then shall the ]\fin{.^fpr say unto the man: M, wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony 1 Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in healtli, and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto lier, so long as ye hoth shall live 1 The man shall ansnrr: I WILL. 77*671 shall the Minister say unto the woman: N^ wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony'? Wilt thou love him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live? The woman shall artswer. I WILL. « Then the Minister shall cause the man, vnth his right hand, to fake the. woman by the Hght hand, and' to say after him as followeth : T, J/, take thee N, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, MATRIMONY. 203 iiupcdi- ther in vssured, than as i)V God, . the man: [ wife, to estate of onor and all other, ivel isband, to estate of ep him, in keep thee till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my faith. . • Then shall they loose their hands, and the woman, loith her right hand, talinr/ the man by his" right hand, shall likewise say after th> Minister: , I, N, take thee J/, to he my wedded hiisV)and, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for hetter for worst., for richer for poorer, in sickness and in healtli, t-o love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordi nance; and thereto I plight thee my faith. * IVhen the parlies deMre to be marr-ied with a J'iu'j, (he following form 7naybeused: — The man, placing the ring upon the Jo iwth finger of the woman's left hand, shall say after the Minister: With this ring, a token and pledge of the vow and covenant now made between me and thee, I do thee wed, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Then shall the Minister say: Let us pray. Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the Author of everlasting life : send Thy blessing upon these Thy servants, this man and this woman, whom we bless in Thy name; that as Isaac and Rebecca lived faithfully together, so these persons may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made, and may ever I'emain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to Thy laws, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ' * . * ^ . wmr" „.«h«M«> tf^MwJ^'VU ••*••. i^i, t^^ia^.*.^.^ 204 MATRIMONY. ■ ! } • I ■i t ! i ' i * 1 Then shall the Minister say: God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, bloss this man and this woman, and sow the seed of eternal life in their hearts, that whatsoever in Thy holy Word they shall profitably learn, thoy may indeed fulfil the same. Look, O Lord, mercifully on them from heaven, and bless them. And as Thou didst send Thy blessings upon Abraham and Sarah, to their great comfort; so vouchsafe to send Thy blessings upon this n)an and this woman, that they, ooeying Thy will, and always Vieing in safety unt'-vJ" Thy protection, may abide in Thy love until their lives' end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the. Minister join thdr right hands together, and say: Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder. Forasmuch as M and JV have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have pledged their faith either to other, and have declared the same by joining of hands, and by the giving and receiving of a ring, I pronounce that they are husband and wife together, — In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghot t. Amen. And the Minister shall add this blessing: . . God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bles.s, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with Ilia favor look upon you, and so fill you with all spiritual bene- diction and grace, that ye may so live t/Ogether in this life BURIAL OF THE DEAD. 205 that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen. Then shall the Minister say: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed ho Tiiy name. Tliy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespjiss against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. V. BURIAL OF THE DEAD. Form for the Burial of the Dead. [N.B. — The following or pome other solemn service shall be used.] The Minister meeting the corpse, and going before it, shall my : I am the resurrection, and the life, saith the Lord; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whose ver liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. (Johnxi, 25, 26.) I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another. (Job xix. 25, 26, 27.) We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we 206 BURIAL OF THE DEAD. I - can carry nothing out. Tlie Lord gave, and the Lord hatli taken awtiy; blcssfd be tlio name of the Lord. (/ Tim. vi. 7; Job i. 2L) At the. (jraic, P'lmi. the corpse is laid in fhe rarth, fhe Minister shall sap: Man, that is born of a woman, hath but a short time to live, and is full of misery. He cometli uj), ;t,nd is cut down as a flower; he lleetli as it were a shadow, and never con- tinueth in one stay. • In the midst of life we are in deatli ; of wliom may we seek for succor, but of Thee, (.) Lord, wlio for our sins art justly displeased? Yet, O Lord God most holy, O iiOrd most mighty, holy and most merciful Saviour, deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death. Thou knoM^est, Lord, the secrets of our hearts ; shut not Thy merciful ears to our prayers, hut spare us, Lord most holy, O God most mighty, O holy and merciful Saviour, Thou most worthy .Judge eternal, and sutler us not at our last hour for any pains of death to fall from Thee. r n Then while the earth shall be cas^ upon the body by some .xandimj by, the Minister shall say : Forasmuch as it has pleased Alrnighty God in His providence to take out of the world the soul of the de- parted, we therefore commit his body to the giound ; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust ; looking for the gen- eral resurrection in the last day, and the life of the world to come, through our Lord Jesus Oirist; at whose second coming in glorious majesty to judge the world, the earth lUJUIAl. OF THE DKAD. 207 and the sea shall pve up their dead ; and the eorruptil)lo Ujdy of those who sh^ep in Him shall be changed and made like unto His dwh t;l<»riou.s body; caccording to the mighty working whereby Hoii us, Christ have mercy upon us, Lord have mercy vipon us. Our Father who art in heaven, halh)wed be Thy name. Tiny kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that ti'espass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amkn. The CoUr.ct. O merciful God, the Father of our Lord Jesus (Jhi-ist, who is the resurrection and the life ; in whom whosoever believeth shall live, though he die, and whosoever liveth and believeth in Him shall not die eternally: we meekly beseech Thee, O Father, to raise us from the death of sin unto the life of righteousness ; that when we shall depart this life we may rest in Him ; and, at the general resurrec- tion at the last day, we may be found acceptable in Thy 208 ORDINATIOJN. sight, and receive that blessing which Thy well -beloved Son shall then pronounce to all that love and fear Thee, saying, Come, ye blessed children of my Father, receive the king- dom prepared for you from the beginning of the world, (xrant this, we beseech Tliee, O rnei'ciful Father, through Jesus Christ our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with you all ever- more. Amen. VI. ORDINATION. The Form of Ordaining Ministers. [When the day appointed for the ordination of Ministers is come, there shall be a Sermon, or p]xhortation, declaring the duty and oflico of such as come to be admitted Ministe!'s, how necessary that order is in the Church of Christ, and also how the people ought to esteem them in their office.] After which one of the Ministers shall present tinto the General Sniper- intemlent or President all them that are to he ordained : I present unto you these persons present to be ordained ministers. 1" Jlien their names being read aloud, the General Superintendent or m President shall say unto the people : , , ^ ,i. m}^ Brethren, these are they whom we purpose, God willing, Ig] this day to ordain ministers. For, after due examination, Btl we find not to the contrary, but that they are lawfully Bee 4 beloved Son Ihee, saying, ve the king- >f the world, her, through MEN. ! love of God, you all ever- "ilvO* listers is come, ng the duty and how necessary how the people General Sniper- ■'dained : be ordained ipemUendent or God willing, examination, are lawfully OUD I NATION. 209 tialied to this £u action and ministry, and tl)at they are per- sons meet for the same. But if there be any of you who knoweth any impediment or crime in any of them, for which he ought not to be received in this holy ministry, let him come forth in the name of God, and show what the crime or impediment is. [If any crime or impediment be objected, the General Superintendent or President Hhall surcease from ordaining that person until such time as the party accused .siiall be found clear of the crime.] Then shall be said the Collect y Epistle , and (Jospeiy as J'oUoweth : The Collect : Almighty God, Giver of all good things, who by the Holy Spirit hast appointed ministers in Thy Church ; mercifully behold these Thy servants now called to the office of minis- ters, and replenish them so with the truth of Thy doctrine, and adorn them with iniiocency of life, that, l>oth by word and good example, they may faithfully serve Thee in this office, to the glory of Thy name, and the edification of Thy Church, through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. T'Ae A>/««Zrt (Eph. iv. 7-b3.) Unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore He saith, When He ascended up on high. He led captivity captive, and gave [gifts unto men. (Now that He ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the [earth 1 He that descended is the same also that ascended 16 f I 1 t 210 ORDINATION. up far above all lieavens, tli;i Ife miglit fill all thinji^s.) And Tie gave some, apostles ; and some, prophets ; and some, evangelists ; and some, pastors and teachers ; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifvinir of the V>odv of Christ : till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of iho Son of (}od, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. The Goupdm. Johnx. l-U)): Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door into 'he sheepfold, l)ut climheth up some other way, the s;tme is a thief and a robber. Rut he that entereth in by the door is the slicpherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before- them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will i1ee from him : for they know not the voice of strangers. This pai-abh' spake Jesus unto them : but they understood not what things they were which He spake unto them. Then saidj Jesus unto them again. Verily, verily, I say unto you, I an\\ the door of the sheep. All that ever came before Me are thieves and robbers: but tin; sheep did not hear them. I| am the door : by Me if any man enter in, he shall be savetl. and shall go in and out, and Hnd pasture. The thief cometiii not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it mort'i abundantly. 1 am the good shepherd : the good shepherd ORDINATION. 211 all thing's-) nphois ; and ers ; for the luuistry, for come in^ the ; Son of (Jod, mature of the iereth not by p some other Rut he that lie sheep. To his voice: and leth them out. e 2oeth Iteforr iu>w his voice. lice from him : This parabU' lood not whiit I. Then said into you, I am before ^le are lear them, 1 shall be saved. I e thief cometli •y: I am come t have it more Igood shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leuveth the sheep, and fle«'th; and the wolf catclieth them, and .scattereth the sheep. The binding rteeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for tho sheep. I' am the good shepherd, and know JNly sluM-p, and am knowri of Mine. As the Father knoweth Me, even ho know I the Father : and I lay down My life for the sheep. And other shee}» I liave, which arc^ not of this fold : them also I must bring, and tliey shall heai- My voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. A nd that done, the Oaie.nd SuptrinttndeiU or I*re,iident shidL any unto them as htrtaj'ter J'oUvn-eth : You have heard, brethren, as well in your private ex- amination as in the exhortation which was now made to you, and in the holy lessons taken out of the (Jospel, and the writings of the apostles, of what dignity and of how great importance this office is whereunto you aie called. And now ajjain, we exhort vou in the name of our Txjrd Jesus Christ, tha,t you have in rememl)rance into how high a dignity, and to how weighty an office you are called : that is to say, to be messengers, watchmen, and stewards of the Lord ; to teach and to premonish, to feed, and provide for the Lord's family; to seek for Christ's sheep that ai-e dis- persed abroad, and for His children who are in the midst of this evil world, that they may be saved through Christ for ever. . Have always, therefore, in remembi-ance how great a 212 ORDINATION. treasure is comniitted to your charge. For tlioy are the sheep of Christ, whioli He bought witli Ilia death, and for whom lie shed His bh)od. The Church and congi'e.»)ove. Is comfort, life, and f re of lo^!e. Ena))le with perpetual light The dulness of our hliv.d.ed si(/ht. Anoint and cheer our soiled lace With the abundance of Thy grace; Keep far our foes, give peace at home; Where Thou art guide, no ill can corne. Teach us to know the Father, Son, And Thee, of both, to be but one; That through the ages all along, This may be our endless song ; Praise to Thy eternal merit, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That done, the General Superintendent or PresideTit sh^a^l P'C^y •• i''*** wise : Almighty God and heavenly Father, who of Thine infinite love and goodness toward ua, hast given to us Thy cnly and most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ, to be our Redeemer, and the author of everlasting life ; who, after He had made perfect our redemption by His death, and was ah:ei:ded into I ^ President Creator, aing, and r verse, as ORDINATION. 217 heaven, sent abroad into the world His apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, by whose labor and minLstry He gathered together a great tlock in all parts of the world, to set forth the eternal praise of Thy holy name: for these so great benefits of Thy eternal goodness, and for that Thou hast vouchsafed to call these Thv servants here present to the same office and ministry appointed for the salvation of mankind, we render unto Thee most hearty thanks: we praise and worship Thee: and we humbly be- seech Thee, by the same Thy blessed Son, to grant unto all who either here or elsewhere call upon Thy name, that we may continue to show ourselves thankful unto Thee for these and all other Thy benefits, and that we may daily in- crease and go forward in the knowledge and faith of Thee and Thy Son, by the Holy Spirit; so that, as well by these Thy ministers, as by them over whom they shall be ap pointed Thy ministers, Thy holy name may be for ever glori- fied, and Tiiy blessed kingdom enlarged, through the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the same Holy Spirit, world with- out end. Amen. pray ihis ne infinite y cnly and Redeemer, tuul made -ii ied into When (his prayer is ended, the Ge?ieral Superintendent or President, v:ith two or more of the Ministers present, shall lay their hands severally upon the head of evenj one that receiveth the order oj Ministers; the receivers humbly kneeling upon their knees, and the Oeneral Superintendent or President saying : The Lord pour upon thee the Ploly Ghost for the office and v.'ork of a ^linister in the Church of God, now com- mitted unto thee by the inipositio:. of our hands. And be thou a faithful dispenser of the Word of God, and of His 218 ORDINATION. I holy sacraments; in tlie name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Then the General Supcrinfejulpjit or Presnhvt shall deliver to every one of ihcm, hiedin i ^^ Arise, O Lord, into Tiiy rest; Thou, and the ark of Thy strength. Let Tky priests he, clothed with righteousneaa ; And lee Thy saints shout for joy. For Thy servant David's sake turn not away the face of Thine anointed. The Lord hath sworn in truth unto David; He will not turn from it; Of the fruit of tlty body v/Ul I set upon thy throne. If thy child i"en will keep My covenant and My testimony that 1 shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore. Foi' the Lord hath chosen Zion; He hath desired it for His Jiafntation. This is My rest forever: here will i dwell; for J have desired it. / urill abundantly bless her provision: T will satisfy her poor with bread. / ivill also clothe her priests with salvation : And her saints shall shout aloud for joy. Inhere will I make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for Mine anointed. His enemies will I clothe with shame : But upon himself shall his crown flourish. » The Lesson. 1 Cor. iii. 9-23. For we are laborers together with God; ye are Gods husbandry, ye are God's building. According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and ai other buildeth thereon. ; of Thy e face of will not Bstiinony sit upon It for His v I have LAYING A CORNER-STONE. 235 But let every man take lieed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. N^ow if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by tire; and the tire 1 shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any ntan's work shall be burned, he shall sutfer loss: l)ut he him.self shall be saved; yet so as by tire. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in youl If any man detile the temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. Let no man deceive hiniself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in tliis world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written. He taketh the wise in his own craftiness. And again, The Lord knoweth tlie thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours; whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; and ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's. . . Ire God s Ihe grace [uilder, I thereon. Then shall follow the Sermon, or an Address suitable to the occasion, after which the contrihittions of the ptople shall be received. Then shall the Minister, standiwj by the t^fone. exhibit to the Coufjre- gation a vessel to he placed in an excavation of the >itone. [It may contain a copy of the Bible, the Hynm IJook, the Discipline, Church periodicals of recent date, tlie names of the Pastor, Trustees, and 236 DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. Building Committee uf the Church, with such other documents and articles as may be desired. A list of these may be read.] Affpr which the person thereto appohifed shall deposit the vcfisel in the utone and cover it; and shall lay the stone, assisted by the huUder, sayinrj : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ohost, I lay tliis corner stone for the foundation of a house to be builded and consecrated to the service of Almighty God, according to the order and usages of the Methodist Church. Amen. The service may conclude with extempore prayer and the benediction. ': , i' ^f^ IX. DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. Form for the Dedication of a Ciiurck. The Comjreijation being a^ssembled in the Church, the Minister 'JcM 'ay: Dearly Beloved : The Scriptures teach us that God is well pleased with those who build temples to His aame. We have heard how He filled the temple of Solomon with His glory, and how in the second temple He manifested Himself still more gloriously. Let us not doubt that He will approve our purpose of dedicating this house for the performance of the several offices of religious worship; and let us now devoutly join in praise to Almighty God that this godly undertaking hath been so far completed; and in prayer for His further blessing upon all who have been engaged therein, and upon all who shall heref ter worship in this place. I DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. 237 nenta and . 1 Afte^r I the htone Haying : d of the bion of a rvice of s of the nediction. God is aame. »n with nifested :hat He I for the ip; and bd that and in [e been worship , Let an appropriate Hymn he. .smtu/, and extempore prayer be offered, the Congrerfotion all knceliiui durinrayer. Then shall tfte Minister, or some one appointed hy hi)ii, rend. : The First Lesson. 2 Cljroii. vi. 1, 2, 18-21, 40-42 ; vii. 1-4. Then said Solomon, The Lord hath saitl that IFe would dwell in the thick darkness. But I liavt; built an house of habitation for Tl'e«^, and a place for Thy dwelling forever. But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth] Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee; how much less this house which 1 have built! Have respect, therefore, to the prayer of Thy servant, and to his supplication, O Lord my God, to hearken unto the cry and the prayer whicli Thy servant pi'ayeth before Thee: that Thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place whereof Thou hast said Thou wouldst put Thy nan»e there; to hearken unto the prayer wliich Thy servant piayeth toward this place. Hearken, therefore, untund upon Lord, say- /er. Tlieii before the r into the iviug way, ,^eil, that is he house of assuran<;e evil coii- r. Let us wavering ; insider one not forsak- nianner of 1 the more, Ifully after 1, there re- Then shn/l a hymn he utinff, after which the Minister shnll ileliwr a Sermov suitnhh' to Ihr oo-d.sion, (iiid a/hr Ihf Striiwn the contrihu- tiuns of the pco/Uc nhiill be received. Then shnll the MiiUHiet' reiui the Jol/owinrj l^ialm, or the MiniHteranil the (^ov\ireifation shall read it alttrtuUeiy ; the parts in itfUicn to he read by the Conymjation: Psalm cxxii. I was glad wiu^n they said unto me. Let us go into the liouse of the Lord. Our feet shall .stand within thy (/atf's, Jfrimakin. Jerusalem is budded as a city that is eouipaiM, together: Whitht'T the tribes go up^ the tribes of t/ie Lord, Unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Lord. For ifcere are set thrones of jud{/Nien.t, the thront's oj tlie house of Damd. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: Th>ey shall prosper that love titee. Peace be within tliv walls, And prosperity unthin thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace he within thee. Because of the house of tJie Lord our God I will seek thy good. Then let the Trustees stand up hej'ori- tht Minister, and one of them, or some one in their behalf, say unto him, We present unto you this building, to be dedicated as a church for the worship and service of Almighty God. I • I ! 240 UEDfOATfON OK A flHUIU'H. ^ [ ! I f • Then shall the Afwistn' nqmut tha Coru/rrifafion to stand, while he repeats the foUoiriurj DRCLARATION : +)karly liKLOVKD : It is meet and ri^'ht, us wn leain from tlio Holy Scriptures, that houses erccttid for the public worship of Clod sliould be 8p«Hially set apart and dedicated to religious uses. For such a dedii-ation we ai'e now as- sembled. With gratitude, tlierefore, to Almii^hty God, wlio has signally blessed His sei'vants in their holy undertakiiig to erect this church, we dedicate it to His service, for the I'eading of the Holy Scriptures, the ]>reaching of the Word of Go ■ of Methodism to the death of Wesley. APPENDIX I. 247 3. Theology : — Pope's Theology, Vol. III., and Sheldon's History of Doctrine. 4. Discipline of tfie MetJwdist Church, i History to HI.— FOR PROBATIONERS AT COLLEGE. FIRST year's course. 1. Systematic Theology. 2. Exegesis : The Greek Testament. 3. Homiletical Studies: Rhetoric and the English Tjanguage. 4. Logic. ..'>, Church History, or Hebrew, or Selections from the Vulgate, or Natural Science. SECOND YEARS COURSE. 1. Systematic Theology. 2. Exegesis of the New Testament, in Greek. 3. Homiletical Studies and Elocution. 4. Metaphysics. 5. Church History, or Hebrew,, or Selections from the Septuagint, or Natural Science. THIRD YEARS COURSE. 1. Historic Theology. 2. Exegesis of the New Testament, in Greek. 3. Homiletical Studies. 4. Ethics and Evidences. 5. Old Testament Exegesis, or Science, or Patristic Selections. * • ..- <■ '•"^^^mmmmn i 1, 248 APPENDIX I. ! i [V.— POUR LES PROPOSANTS DANS L'CEUVRR FRANCAISE 1. Grammaire Franeaise et Composition. 2. Arithmetique et Geographi(\ 3. Histoire Ancienue et Moderne (Ijenormant). 4. Catecliisme Methodiste, No. 11. 5. Articles de Religion fit Regies Generales de TEgHsc Method iste. PREMIERE ANNEE. 1. Vie de Jean Wesley (Lelievre). 2. Voie du SaJut (Wesley). 3. Perfection Cliretienne (Wesley). . 4. Manuel de la Bible (Angus), Part L, Chaps. I. a III. 5. Etude Biblique (Godet), Vol. 1. 6. Histoire de la Reformation (D'Aubigne), Vol. I. 7. Epitre de St. Jacques (Chapuis.) On requiert la lecture des sermons de Wesley, 11? Serie, No. I. ^ XXVI. DEUXIEME ANNEE. 1. Manuel de la Bible (Angus), Part I., Chaps. IV. k VII. 2. Etude Biblique (Godet), Vol. II. 3. Histoire de la Reformation (D'Aubigne), Vol. II. 4r. Histoire de la Litterature Fran9aise (Vinet), Vol. I. 5. Philosophie (Traite Elementaire par Janet), p. 1-316. 6. Histoire de I'Eglise (Bonnefon). 7. Rhetorique (Girard). On requiert la lecture des sermons de Wesley, P- Serie, No. XXVII. a Lll. TROISIEME ANNEE. 1. Manuel de la Bible (Angus), Chaps. I. ^ IV. % Hi.stoire de la Reformation (D'Aubigne), Vol. III. 3. Histoire de la Litterature Fran^aise (Vinet), Vol. II. APPENDIX I. 249 4. Histoire des Dogmes (Bonifas), Vol. I. 5. Honiiletique (Vinet). 6. Philosophie (Janet), p. 317-715. 7. Traite de la VeriU' de la Religion Chretienne (Abbarlie), Vol. I. QUATRIEME ANNKE. 1. Manuel de la Bible (Angus), Part. 11., Chaps. V. h VII. 2. Histoire de la Reformation (D'Aiibigne) Vols. IV. et V. 3. Histoire des Dogmes (Bonifas), Vol. II. 4. Traite de la Verite de la Religion Chretienne (Abbadie Vol. II.). 5. Philosophie (Janet), p. 716-951. G. Cours de Philosophie sans Math«'matiques (Ganot). 7. Discipline de I'Eglise Methodiste. Probationers for mission work among the Indians are not required to take Greek, but therefor sliall be substituted House's Cree Grammar in the First Year, and the New Testament in Gree in subsequent years. i r i \ i ! i I: •3^ APPENDIX II. I. GEf^ERAL CONFERENCE OFFICERS. Oeiieral Superintendents. \ Rev. Alukrt Cahman, D.D., Belleville, Ont. , Rev. John A. Williams, D. D., Toronto, Ont. Secretary i ^*^^' ^^'Ward B. Ryckman, D.D., ' London, Ont. / James R. Inch, LLD., A • t A o . ' 1 Sackville, N. B. I Rev. Thomas (iRiKFixH, M.A., \ Toronto, Ont. Journal Secretary Rev. John Brkdin, D, D. , Colborne, Ont 11. GENERAL CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS. 1. OENERAL CONFERENCE SPECIAL COMMIITEE. Rev. George Douglas, D. D. , LL. D ......... Montreal, Que. •♦ S. S. Nellea, D.D., LL. D Cobourg, Ont. " E. H. Dewart, D.D Toronto, " •' E. B. Ryckman, D. D London, " G. R. Sanderson, D.D Sarnia, •• " Thos. Griffith, M. A Toronto, " *• Edward Roberts Bowman ville, Ont. •' S. F. Huestis Halifax, N.S. *' S. G. Stone, D.D Toronto, Ont. " W. G. Brown, M.A Springfield, Ont. George A. Cox, Esq Peterboro', '* James R. Inch, LL.D Sackville, N.B. 252 APPENDIX TI. ) ;i i-:' 2. COURT OF APPEAL. Rev. Alex. Sutherland, D. I) Toronto, Out. " James (ianiiner, l).C L Ingeraoll, '* ♦* H. Pickanl, D.l) Sackville, N.B. •' 8. J. Hunter, D.D Hamilton, Ont. " J. C. Antliffe, M. A. , li. I ) Montreal, Quo. ** .lames Gray Toronto, Ont. John J. Maclaren, M. A,, Q.C Toronto, " Judge Jones Brantford, " Lieutenant (governor Aikins Winnipeg, Man. Judge Deacon Pemhroke, Ont. David Allison, LL.D Halifax, N.S. J udge Dean Lindsfty, Ont. 3. MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT. General Secretary Rev. Alex. Sutherland, D.D. Honorary Secretary , •' Enoch Wood, I). D. Treasurers ( '^^^^ Macdonald, Esq. ireuHurers | ^^^^ ^j^^ Sutherland, D.D. GENERAL BOARD OF MISSIONS. The General Superintendents, \ tr a: ■ The Officers of the Society, / *^ '•^^•''• Minviters. Rev. G. R. Sanderson, D.D Sarnia, Ont. '♦ John Shav, D. D Toronto, *' *• George Douglas, D. D., LL.D Montreal, Que. *' S. G. Stone, D. D Toronto, Oat. •• S. P. Huestis Halifax, N.S. " John Potts, D.D Toronto, Ont. " Thos. Griffith, M. A , Toronto, " " George Webber Newmarket, Ont. " James Hannon Saugeen, Out. Laymen. Hon. Senator Ferrier Montreal, Que. W. E. Sauford, Esq Hamilton, Out. George A. Cox, Esq Peterboro', ** A. J. Douly, Esq Simcoe, •• Out. < < ', I, Ont. I, Qnc. ()nt. tt il " g, Man. te, Ont. N.S. Ont. land, D.l). , 1). D. and, D.D. API'ENDIX II. 253 Laymen — Continued, J. E. Irvine, Esq. . . .* St. John, N.K. Edward Gurnej', Eki( Toronto, Ont. W. M. (iray, Hs(i St-aforth, " J. J. Mficlarun, hsq Toronto, " Henry Cunninxliani, Eaq KingHton, " 'I'he other memhera of the Oenoral Board are chosen annually hy the Annual Conferences and the Conference Missionary Committees. 4. liOUK AND PUBLISHING ESTABLISHMENTS. TORONTO. Hook S'trvKird Rev. William Briggs. D.D. hJdifor of the. " Christian Guardian " " K. H. iJewart, J), O. Editor of the ' ' Mtthodiat Magazine " " VV . H . Withrow, D. D, HALIFAX. Hook Steward Rev. S. V. Huestin . Editor of the " Wesleyan " " John I^thern, D.D. Ix officio. Ont. OP GOVERNORS. Al. Carman, D.D., fren.Supt. J. A. Williams, D.D. , " Principal Dougla.s, D. D., LL. D. Chancellor Nelles, D. D., LL.D. N. Bur wash, S.T.D. J. Potts, D.D. E. B. Ryckman, D. D. H. F. .and. L. Hooker. J. T. Pitcher. H. Johnston, AM., H.D. W. C. Henderson, A.M. W. R. Parker, D.D. T. G. V. illiam.s. J. Henderson. Senator Ferrier, Chairman Ex. Committee. S. Finley, E.sq., Treamrer. F. Fairman, Esq., Secretary. J. Torrance, ,Ks({. D. Graham, B C.L. J. Lord, Esq. G. Bishop, Esq. C. Moiton, Esfj. H. Millen, Es(i. W. (iooderhani, Esq. J. J. Dugdale, M.D. (i. A. Cox, Esq. J. Dillon, Esq. T. !). Hood, Esq. J. R. Aijxonder, M.D. (iovernors resident in Montreal constitute tht Executive Com mittee. The PiXecutive Committee is authorized to till vacancies arising during the Quadrenuium. LLEQE. Kev. n. D. D. q- wi '.nq. ro\vn. (1. Abl>8. Amos Campbell. I. H. Aylesworth, LL J. P. Wilson, B.A. S. G. Stone, D. D. T. Webster, IXD, SENATK. L. D D. LL.B. Ilov. A. Cannan. D.D. K. D. O'Fl^nn, Esq. Charles Lane, Esq. Nelson Dollar, Es(j[. James Aylesworth, Esq. Carman Ji. (jould, M, D. Levi Maasey, Esq. Thomas Anderson, Ksq. ■lohn Howe, Esq. Layrmn, John Macoun, Esq. J. T. Bell, Esq. J. A. StJinistreet, Esq, l{on. Ltiwis Wallbridge, Q.O. •• SirW.B. Richards, C.J. S.C. W. Hope, M.D. Thomas Nichol, M.D., LTi.D. John Bell, Q.C. Judge Carman, M.A. T. M. Muolntyro, M.A. Freeman Lane, MA. S. B. Biirdett, LL.D. R. C. Clute, LL.B. G. F. Met/ler, M.A. John McGillivrav, B.A. T. O. Bolger, P.L.S. TRUSTKES. S. B. Burdett, LL D. L. Mordeu, 1* ,sq. G. Robinson, Esq. Richardson, Esq. T. Wilmot, Esq. F. Hull, Esq. Webb, E8(|. Lewis Purdy, Esq. Robt. Gordon, Esq. A. J. R. S. w G. ALMA COLLEGE. ST. THOMAS. iJO\Ri) OF mana(;ement and trust. A. J. 4i >< It 1 1 l( (« 1 1 It li Cannan, D.D. S. Williamson. J. A. Williams, D.D. J. Gardiner, D.(/.L. W. G. Brown, A.M. J. H 'icnnedy. .]. Van ^^"yck, B.A. A. E. (Jriflith. W. S. Pftscoe. VV. R. Rarker, D.D. D. G. Sutherland, LL.B. E. B Ryckman, D.D. li J. H. Wils.m, M.D., M.P. C. !^ acdouuall, Q.C. Judge Hughes. A. McLachlan, Esq. John Baird, Esq. J. Grirtin, Esq. J. Milne, Esq. J. E. Smith, Esq. E. S. Whipple, Esq. N. Webb, Esq. A. B. Powell, Esq. 258 APPENDIX II. WESLEY COLLEGE. WINNIPEG. BOARD OF IUKKCTORH. Lieut Gov. Aikins. Hon. C. P. Brown. " 1). H. Wilson, M.D. S. C. l^iggs, li.A. J. A. M. Aikins, A.M. ]{ev. A. Livngford. *' ,7. Woods worth. J. B. Somerset, Esq. a. G. Mills, a A. Rev. .1. F. P.ett8. For Kujht Years. Kev. T. K. Morden, )iA. J. 8 Crawford. V^iM\. .\. M. Petersoa, b.A. C. Siiton, B.A. Rev. B. Franklin, B.A. " A. Stewart, B.A " T. Argue. " (J. Young, ]).!). " J. M. Htirriaon, For Four Yrars. H. H. Chown, B.A., M.D. .1. n. .A.shdown, Kwi. .1. H. [>. Munson, B.A. W. H. Clulver, B.A. (1. H. (*ainpl)ell, Kk(1. A. Boweniian, .A.M. K Benson, Ml). Major (}. H. ^'o^lng. A. Monkman, Ksq. D. D. Aitkin, Ksq. W B A R (1 McKechnie, Ksq. .!. Whitla, K.sq. Woods, Esq. p. Robiin, K>n[. \\ . Beynon, B.A. J. W. Sifton, Esq. \N . A Pr. - Esq. Rev. W. \ . olpitts. " \V. L. Rutledgc. WESLEYAN LADIES' COLLEGE, HAMILTON. l)IRKi!T<)K.S. F{ev. Alex. Burns, D. D., LL.D , Rev. Sanmel Rose, D. D. (rO)'^'rtior and PrinripaL "■ John Ff)tt8, D. 0. " S. S. Nelles, D.D., LL.D. i " S. .J. Hu!itcr, D. I). " Alex. Sutherland, I). D. | Rev, ONTARIO LADIES COLLEGE, WHITBY. in REOTOIiS. E. H. Dew art, D. I». D ('. McDowell. John bhaw, D.D. K. A.Staftord, M.A.,B.D., LL.B. Rev. J. F. German, M.A. " (xeorge Leach. " laaac To veil. API'EN[^IX IT. 259 BOARD OP EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. len, B.A. B.A. in, B.A. t, B.A D.l). liaon. !, Ksq. Ksq. 'I- I, li.A. Esq. olpitts. utledgc. lifi\ Mivinffrs. .^ . Carman, 1). D. , Lf.. L) .1. A. Williams, D.l). J<.l)., r/r». .S'rr. S. y. Ni;lk'H, D.I)., LL. D. (Jeo. Douglas, D. D., LL. D. Charles Stewart, D. D. N. Hurwasli, S.T. D. Tiof. Shaw, .M.A., Stcntary bf Dounl. Laymm. W. Fv Saufonl, Ks<|., Clen. Trcus. .1 K Inch, LL.D. (i. A. (ox, K8<|. Hon. Senator Kerrier. J. Wood, M.F. John Macdoiiaid, Km], SABBATH Dr. ]\)tt8. W. J. Ma.Kwell. John V. Smith. W. 0. Henderson. J. B. Claikson. S. Card. Job Shenton. Dr. Liitliern. Lieor^'e Boyd. A. Andrews. C, Watson. SCHOOL BOARD. K8. W arri.ig Keiniedy, John Mann, Fscj. C. A. Barnes, K.s«|. Hon. J. J. Hogorson. W. L. Hutton. Vm[. N. Shakespeare, Fh(j. i 6. SUPKRANNUATION FL^ND BOARD. Umilton. I Hose, D l>. )tt8, D.H- «uter, D.D. rHITBY. lermau, M.A. ILeaeh. >velL Hev. N. R. VVillonyhhy, M.A. H. 8. Matthews. John Potts, D. D. Thos. Crillith. M.\. (J. R. Sanderson, D D ^V. R. I'arker, D, D. W. S. Grirtin, D. D. James Gray. John Kenner. W. J. Hunter, D. D. J. S WiUisimsor.. VVm. Kottlewell. John Bred in. F. B Stratton. Geo. Dou;^la8, D.D. J. T. Pitcher. Warring Kennedy, Ksij. J. N. Lake, Kh<|. Richard Brown, Fi8fM'int«3ndent. Rev. A. SutJicrlund, I). I>. " K. A. Stafford, M.A. K. (Jnriufv, l!s(j. J. ,1. Maolaren, Kaq. J. T. Moore, Ksq. W. E. S.inford, Ksf|. 'J'hos. McConiiick, Ksq. j J. N. Lake, Ktn[. it (I 4( 8. EMBAKRASSED TRUSTS COMMll J'EE. ^f^nisi.('r8. Rev. R. Wliitiiig, D. L. lirethour. Joseph ^'ouug. W. ,J Hunter, D. D. \V. C Henderson, M.A. Iv H Ryoknuin, D. D. lAii/rncn. J. N. I^ake, Es(j. Jolin MacdouuUl, Esq. George A. (^ox, Es(i. W. E. Sanford, Esq. E, (Jurney, Esq. . " Lay John Macdonald, Es»i. Superannuation, Clerical Mev. James (iray. " Lay Lieut. -(Jov. Aikins Supernumerary, Clerical Rev. H. Pickard, l> 1). Lay L R. Inch. LL. I). Educational W. h\. Sanford, Escj. General Conference . Kev. James (iray. Sabbath School Warrhig Kennedy, Esq. Embarrassed Tyusts J.N. Lake, Esq. Rev. Rev. (i ( I 1 1 4 ( « I VI. COMMITTEE ON UNION. r>r. Carman, ) ^ t o ' , j . Dr. Willia.ns, / ^'^"^'^^ Supertnt,nd.vU. Dr. Ryckman Secretary of Conftmice, Kev. Dr. Sanderson. " Dr. Sutherland. " D. G. Sutherland. " Wm. McDonagli. Lieut, (iov. Aikins. Judge Jones. David Allison, LL.D. James Mills, M.A. Dr. Flarper. Dr. Dewart. Dr. S. J. Hunter. Dr. Douglas. Dr. Stewart. Dr. Burwash. Dr. Nelles. Prof. SiiHW. Dr. Gardiner. APPENDIX III. THE BASIS OF UNION BKTWEKN THE METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA, THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN CANADA, THE PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA, AND THE RIBLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF CANADA, AS ADOPTED BY THEUl RESPECTIVE CONFERENCES. I. DOCTRINES, GKNKRAL RULES, ORDINANCES, ETC. The Doctrinal Basis of the United Church shall be thf> Standards of Doctrine and Articles of lieligion contained in the Book of I>iscipline of the Methodist Church of Canada, edition of 1879, from p. 13 to p. 21. That portion of the Book of Discipline of the said Methodist Churcli of Canada, edition of 1879, from p, 21 to p. 33, referring to Oeneral Rules, Ordinances, Reception of Members, and Means of Grace, is also adopted as part of the Basis. II. CHURCH (GOVERNMENT. 1. The G^'neral Conferevice. * 1. There shall be a Quadrennial General Conference, comjX)sed of an equal number of Ministerial and I^fiy Delegates, elected as hereinafter provided, with power to 204 APF»ENnTX ITt. make rnlos niui loj^ulaiiona for the entire Church. (See " AnimHl (conferences," par. 9.) 2. No chuMj^f^ shall 1x5 made in the Basis of l7nion, affectincf constitutional questions, or the rii^hts and j)rivi- leges of Ministry <>r f^aity, (,'xcepting by a three fouiths majority of the General Conference, and, if n'(juired l»y either order of Ministry or Jiaity, a two-thirds majority of each order, voting separately. 3. There shall be one or more Itinerant General Stiper- intondents elected by the General Conference, to hold othee for the tei ni of eight years. But if it be decided at the meeting of the General Conference after Union to elect two General Superintendents, one of them shall be elected for four years only, so that thei'e may be a recurring elocti(m or ic-election every four vears. 4. A General Superintendent shall preside over all Sessions of the General Conference, and over all Standing Committees of the same. 2. Annual Conferencfin. 1. The territory occupied by the (-hurch shall be divided into Conferences as the General Conference may from time to time direct. 2. Each Annual Conference shall be composed of all Ministers in full connection witliin its bounds^ and an eijuaj number of Laymen, elected as elsewhere provided. (Sec " District Meetings," par. 6.) 3. Laymen elected shall have the riglit to be jjresent at all ordinary Sessions of the Annual Conference, and to spealc and vote on all questions, except the oxami nation of Minis- APPENDIX HI. 265 ch. (Soe f Uniou, imd privi- •ee-t'oiuths na,j()rity oi ii-al Sup<*i*- deil Kt the DO elect two elected for n«' election over all U .Standing 1 Ue divided from time losed of all nd an equal ■ided. (^^^'' le present at Iviid to speak lou of Minis- terial oharactor and qualiticatian ; the Reoeptioti, hy vote, of Probationers into full connection, and their Ordination : and the granting of the Superamuiated or Supernumerary relation, on which exce[)tive (juestions Ministers alone shall take action. In case any .Minist<'r"s cliaracter sliall Iw arrested, it shall be couipctent for the ministerial members to meet in Sjx'cial Session to examine into tlie case and pronoujice jud^^meiit, r^portin;,' their acti >n to the Mixed Confcu'ence, -su<'h report to be foi* information and record, and not for discussion. 4. l^iaeh Annual Conference shall have authority to elect a President fnnii among its ministerial mend)ers. 5. The General Superintendent, wjjen present, shall open tlie .\nnual ( 'Onference, and preside diirincj the first day of its Sessions, and aftejward rdternately vvitli the Presid»'nt elected by the (Conference. Jn the absence of a General Superintendent, the President of the previous year shall take the C'hair and open the (■(jnference. In association with the President, the Geneial Superintendent shall i-om- duct the Ordination Service, and they shall jointly si<(n the Ordination Parchments, l^ut all otlier duties pertaining to the presidency of tin; Annual Conference siiall be vested in the President electetatioiuKl during the year of his presidency. 7. The Annual Conference shall elect by ballot, without debate, a Secretary or Secretaries as the case may require. 266 APPENDIX ril. 8. Tho Aniuinl Conference shall elect by ballot, withoiit ilebate, a Suj)ninlfMuIent for each District from among tli<' ordaiiicrl Ministt-rs within the bounds of such I.>istriot. 9. Kach Annual Conference, at the Session next })receding the Session of each Oeneral Conference, shall divide into Ministerial and Lay Klectoral Conferences, for the purpose of electini,' I)cl<';^atcs to tlie Ceneral Conference, each body electing its own Representatives. The Delegates shall be elected from within tlie bounds of the said Conference, and votes shall be l)v l)allot. 10. Each Annual Conference shall have a Stationing Committcie, composed of the President of the Conference (who shall preside in the Committee), the Supeiijitendents of Districts, and one Minister elected by each District Meeting, such election to be by the joint votes of Ministeis and Laym«m. 11. Each Annual Conference sliall have authority to elect into full connection and ordain any Pr'ol)ationer within its boumls who has travelled four years and fuliillcd all discip- linary requirements. Also, to elect and ordain Probaticmers of less than four years' standing, when the necessities of the work require it. 12. All preachers who have received ordination in any of the uniting bodies, and are in good standing at the time of the Union, shall retain all rights and privileges conferred bv such ordination. 3. District Meetings. 1. The territory occupied by each Annual Conference shall be divided into Districts. APPENDIX HI. 267 , without ,raong the crict. preceding ivide into ,e purpose each l)0(ly s shall be ren(!!e, a-nd Stationing (Conference intendents •h Disti-ict if Ministers •ity to elect • within its all discip- robationers ,ities of the In in any of the time of s conferred Oonference •J. Each Annual District Meetitig shall consist f)f all tlie Ministers ar»d F^robjitionfrs for the Ministry witliiii ita hounds, and oDf Lnv |)tle«;ate for eaoh Minister or I'roha tioner in the active work, from eaeh (Circuit, Mission, or Statirh'^utrs to \u- elected by the Quarterly Olhcial Meetings as hereinafter provided. 3. Each District shall !"• undrr the Sn[>er-ision of a pre- siding oHicer, to be call'd the i>istrict Superintendent, wiu) siiall be eh'cted by the Annual ( 'onfeience, as elsewhere provided. He shall ])reside in the District Meetings, over see the temporal and s[»i ritual intei-ests of the C'hun-h in his District ; and, with the Ministers and Probationers under his cl irge, shall administer and enforce the Discipline of the Church, being responsible therefor to the Annual (V)nference. 1. The District Superintendent shall fix thr* time and plact^ of the ^firttt District Meeting; aftei- whieh he shall fix the time, and the District Me(^ting shall fix the place. In the absence of the District Superijitendent, the District Meeting shall elect from among its ministerial members, by hallot, without debate, a Chairman pro tern. 5. The examination of jninisterial character shall be the business of the first day of the District Meeting, and shall be confined to the ministerial members alone. 6. The Lay Members of the District Meeting shall meet eparately some time during the Session, and elect by ballot, ivithout debate. Lay liepnsentatives to the Annual Confer- nce, in the proportion of one for each Minititer in full ;onnecti jn within the bounds of the District. Ljiymen, to IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 7 X? /. ,<^ {■/ 'fe .^.%^^^^, ■k % tA A 1.0 I.I IIIIM IIIIM "^ 2.0 .8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -* 6" — ► % i .^ ^m m. ^l o ei. e. e).

§^ o ^ / ^. M Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WP.ST MAIN STREE, WEB'iTER.M.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 tsM VM i/l M^ 7- ' iim" Itmniiii 268 APPENDIX III, I I. be eligible, must be at least twenty-five years of age, and must have been members of the Church in good standing for the five consecutive years next preceding the election. 4. Quarterly Meetings. 1. There shall be a Quarterly Official Meeting on each Circuit, Mission, or Station, consisting of the Ministers and Probationers for the Ministry, the Local Preachei'S, tlie Exhorters, the Circuit Stewards, the Leaders of Classes, tiie Superintendents of Sabbath Schools (being members of the Church), one Representative from each Board of Trustees (lie being a member of the Church); and also of additional Representatives who may have been appointed by the Societies of tiie Cii'cuit. The appoi-tionment scale, and mode of election, shall be arranged by the Fourth Quarterly Offi- cial Meeting of the year; but such additional Represent;ir tives shall not exceed the number of the Stewards on the Circuit. 2. Th3 Superintendent of the Circuit shall be the Chair- man of the Quarterly Official Meeting, except when the Superintendent of the District shall be present, in which case the latter may preside. 3. The Quarterly Official Meeting shall hear complaints, and receive and try appeals ; recommend Candidates for the Ministry; manage and control Circuit finances; and dis- charore such other duties as the General Conference mav from time to time determine. 4. The Quarterly Official Meeting shall, at the fourth regular meeting of the year, elect by ballot, without debate, the Ltiy Delegates to attend the ensuing Annual District APPENDIX III. 260 Mooting, in the proportion of one Delegate for oaoli Minister or Probationer in the active work on tlie Circnit. !*CoTE. --Regnhitions concerning thr fJrei\sing r)f Local Preachers and Kxliorter-s are referred to tlie iWht Ceneral Conference. III. CUUKCH PliOPERTY. 1. Upon the ratification of tlie Union, such legislation •shall he ohtained from Legislatures haxing competent juris- diction, as shall vest in the United Church all property now held by, or in trust for, the respective (.liurches entering into the L^nion. 2. As it is prolnible that in some instances Churcli and Parsonage property now in use will not be required, after the Union, for Clairch or Circuit purposes, it is recom- mended that a Conunittee, consisting of the District Super- ijitendent, two Ministers, and two Tjaymen, be appointed at the District Meeting on each District where any such pro perty may be situated, who shall aot conjointly with tlie Trustees on each Circuit in determining what property shall be retained for use, and what shall be sold. 3. In all cases where such Church or Parsonage property may be so sold, the proceeds aiising from the sale may be apy>lied, — - ' - a. To the payment of any debts or claims upon or in respect of such property. b. To the payment of any debts upon the pi'operty retained for use by the Congregation formerly using the property so sold, or in building a new clun-ch or parsonage where necessary for the United Congregation. :' 270 APPENDIX III. , < c. The balance, if uiiy, to be applied, with the eoiisent of the Trustees, to the use of tiie Church and Parsonage Aid Fund of the lljiited Cliurcli, in the Aiuiual Conference in which such property is situated. NoTK. — The regulations contained in (Jlause 8 and its sub sections, in so far as tlicy apply to property held hy the Bible Christian Church, shall be subject to the rcg^dations adopted in regai'd to Church funds respecting the debt of the Missionary Fund of said Church. IV. CHURCH FUNDS. 1. I'he Snpeninnuation Fund. 1. There shall be in the United Churoli a Supci-annuated Ministers' Fund for the Western Conferences, and a Super- numerary Ministers' Fund for the three Conferences in the Maritime Provinces, which funds shall, for the present, be under the management of separate Boards, as has been the practice in the Methodist Church of Canada. As no change is deemed necessary in regard to the Supernumeiary Fund of the Eastern Conferences, the recommendations which fol- low, save the tinal one, are to be understood as referring solely to the Superannuation Fund of the Western Con- ferences. 2. The Methodist Church of Canada having an invested capital for the three Western Conferences of over $91,000, it is agreed that the other Churches uniting shall supply such an amount of capital to said Superannuation Fund as shall place their Ministers on an equality with the Ministers of the said three Western Conferences. 3. No change shall be made in regard to the claims of APPENDIX III. 271 (> consent Parsonage 'onference 8 and its leld l»v the •cLjnlations lie debt of erannuated nd a Super- jnces in the present, be s been the b no change erary Fund s which foi- ls referring bsterii Con- Ian invested |er $91,000, [luill supply m Fund as le Ministers le claims of any Minister holding a permanent Superantniated relation at the present time {i.e., 1882); and tliey shall receive on the basis of their present claims as far as the annual income will allow. 4. Income arising frosn Annual Collections and Sub- scriptions in all Congregations of the United Churcli, Annual Subscriptions by Ministers of the same;, and any amount approj)riated from time to time out of the funds of the Missionai-y Society, shall l)e us(h\ in me<^ting payments to all claimants on the Fund, without distinction. 5. Income arising frf»m the invested capital now held by the Methodist Church of Canada for this Fund, and the amount annually received from the profits of the Toronto Book Room (until such time as the Publishing Interests of the other uniting (>hurch<\s shall be amalgamated, and their assets equfilized with those of said Book Room), shall l)e used exclusivelv for tlie benoHt of the claimants on the Superannuation Fund now connected with the Methodist Church of ( yanada, and the claims of Ministets now in the active work of that Church who may become Superannuated aft^r the Union. 6. The rub' ad(»{)tcd aljove, in Clause 5, shall apply, in the case of the Methodist Episcopal, Primitive Methodist, and Bible Christian Chuiches, in regard to any Book Room or other assets available for their respe(!tive Superannuation Funds, until the amalgamation referretl to in said clause is accomplished. 7. So soon as tlie Methodist F^piscopal, Primitive Meth- odist, or Bible Christian Churches shall furnish an amount of capital equal, in proportion, to that now held by the Methodist Church of Canada, the Superannuated Ministers !l 272 APPENDIX III. of such uniting (^Jhurchos, mul those who may bocoino Sup<'r annuatcs after fhiioii, sliall hav(^ a claim on the proceeds of the wljole invested capital in common witli those who are now Ministers of the Methodist Churcli of (Janada. 8. If t}ie income of any year sliall not be sulhcient to meet the claims in full, tiieu all claimants shall share in the deiiciro- ceeds of the investments in the same manner as Superan- nuates of the present Methodist Church of Canada, This latter provision shall apply to any Minister now on the Superannuated lists of the Methodist E})iscopal, Primitive Methodist, or Bible Christian Churches. 11. The principles embodied in the foregoing regulations shall be applied in adjusting the relations to the Supernu- merary Ministers' Fund of the three Eastern Conferences, of any Ministers of the Bible (Christian Ciiurch who may be included by the Union in any of the said Conferences. Note. — A Committee has been appointed, with power to employ an actuary if necessary, to make a careful estimate of the value of existing investments belonging to the Superannuation Funds and report at the tirst General Conference. • > , -^^ ' • .^ ■; . ?' APPENDIX III. 273 tlie piTK^eeds of I those who aro Januda. ' be .suthciuiit to lall share in the eii* claim, irches aforesaid n vested capita], r ijiay hereafter j>ortion to the Jl lurches above II be coiiipetent e his individual w from the }>ro- »er as Superan- Canada. This ler now on the >pal, Piimitive |ng regulations the Supernu- \\ Conferences, •h who may be it'eiences. with power to Ireful estimate jnging to the tirst General 2. The Missionarif Fund. 1. On the consuniniation of the Union there shall l>e one Missionary Fund for the whole Church. 2. The -Missionary Society of the Methodist Church of Caiiiida having no debt, and the income and expenditure being equal, no recommendation is necessary. 3. The Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church has a debt of .$10,000, incurred in the purchase of property and the erection of churches in Manitoba, the property being held by the Society as security for the debt. This debt is to be liquidated out of the assets of the Society before the consummation of the Union. 4. The Missionary Society of the Bible Christian Church has ;i debt of $21,080, less about 83,000 on which annuities are paid at 6 per cent, per annum, which annuities will probabl}'^ cease in a few years. As this d(»bt was incurred in the purchase and erection of mission churches and par- sonages, it is considered a legitimate clain) against such property. It is therefore agreed that the next Annual Conference of the Bible Christian Church shall mak(^ ar- rangements to distribute the Missionai-y debt among tlie several properties, to en^ct or purcliase which said debt has been incurred. And in case an^-^ property belonging to the Bible Christian (,'hurch be sold, tljc proceeds, after paying other debts of the Trust, shall be applied to the reduction of the said Missionary debt. 5. The above-mentioned debts being provided for as aforesaid, the Churches included in the Union are to unite on equal terms. . 19 274 APPENDIX III. 3. The Contingent Fund, As the invostod capital of the Contingent Fund of the Methodist Chui-ch in Canada belorijc^s to the three Western Conferences of that Churcli, it is agreed that it be left to the said Conferences to propose a plan for dealing with said investments, and report the same to the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada at the Special Session to be held before the Union is consummated. As the other Conferences and Churches have no such invested capital, all further action on the sul)ject is referred to the first General Conference of the United Church. 4. Hie Children's Fund. As there are no investments in connection with this fund in any of the Uniting Churches, it is agreed that the whole question be relegated to the first General Conference of the United Church to determine on -what basis, if any, a Children's Fund shall be maintained. f i I V. BOOK AND PUBLISHING INTERESTS. • 1. The Halifax Book Room and weekly paper shall be continued as at pi'esent, on account of their geographical position. 2. The Toronto Book Room, with its various publica- tions, will also be maintained ; and no serious difficulty is apprehended in the way of consolidating the other publish- ing interests in the West at an early date after the Union is effected. 3. As the assets of the Book and Publishinfj House of the Methodist Church of Canada, for the three West^ern APPENDIX III. 275 ^t Fund of the three Western at it be left to Baling with said eral Conference Special Session 1. As the other u vested capital, •red to the tirst ,n with this fund d that the whole ionfcironce of the basis, if any, a lESTS. paper shall be leir geographical \arious publica- l-ious difficulty is lie other publish- after the Union I isliing House of I three Western inferences, are larger in proportion to the number of Ministers in those (Joufci-ences than the similar assets of any of the other contracting parties, it is agreed that each Minister of the Methodist P^piscopal, Primitive Methodist, and Bil)le (Christian Clmrches, entering into the Union, biiall pay into the general l^iiblishing Fund such a sniri as will make his interest equal to the per capiUi int^M-ests of the Ministers of the three Western Conferences aforesaid. 4. In e(|uali/,iiig the per capita interest as above, pay- ments may he made in casli, or by notes payable in one or two yeai's from the date of Union ; su(^h notes to bear in- terest at six per cent, per annum. VI. EDUCATIONAL INTEKKSTS. 1. The Methodist Church of Canada and the Methodist Episcopal Church have a number of Educational Institu- tions in successful operation. The Primitive Methodist and Bible Christian Churches have no such institutions in this country. 2. The Educational Institutions in the Maiitime Con- ferences present no difficulty in the way of Union, and no cliange is recoiiiniended in their present relations. 3. In regard to the Western Conferences, it is believed that those institutions which possess University powers can he consolidated, to the honor of their graduates, and the [advantage of their educational work. 4. It is recommended that the United Churches adhere to the traditional policy of Methodism in regard to educa- jtion, believing that the best interests of the Church and ^jf education imperatively demand that our Colleges and ( I 276 APPKNDIX III. Universities should be under the fostering care of tho Church. VII. MISCELLANEOUS KEC0MMRNDATI0N8. 1. Composition of thfi Firxt General Coriforence. The General Conference of tlie Methodist Church of Canada, liaving autliorized the calling of a Special Session in 1883 to give etFect to the Union, provided a satisfactory basis is secured, it is recommended : 1. That in case the Basis of Union is approved ])y the requisite majorities in the Quarterly Meetings and Annual Conferences of the Churches proposing to unite, it shall be competent for the Annual Conferences of the Meth odist Episcopal, Primitive Methodist, and Bible Christian Churclies, to elect Deleg;;tes to the first General Conference of the United Chu''ch, in the proportion of one out of ten Ministers in full connection, with an equal nundjer of Lny- men, elected in Annual Conference or District Meeting, as the case may be ; and these, together with the Delegates composing the present General (\:>nference of the Methodist Church of Canada, meeting in Joint Session after the latter body shall have closed the Special Session above alluded to, shall compose the first General Conference of the said United Church, with power to perform such Acts as may be necessary to the final ratification of the Union, and all other Acts which come within the province of a General Conference. 2. The Annual Conferences and District Meetings of the Methodist Church of Canada shall have authority to fill vacancies that may have occurred in their Delegations, either lay or clerical, by the usual mode of election. m APPENDIX 111. 277 2. Expmvseit of General C onfar^nce. If tlio Basis of IJiiioM ho approved, it is rt'comnionded that the various Annual Conferences make provision for taking up a coHection in-evory congregation for the expenses of the first General Conference. 3. Transfer of Ministers, Tlie Joint Connnittee recoiimioiul to tlie first General Conference tlie matter of making provision for the transfer of Ministers from one Conference to anotiier, so as to give all reasonable facilities foi" meeting the wants of the work. 4. Time of First General Conference. In the event of the Basis of Union being appioved, it is recommended that tlie first General Conference of the United (J)uirch be held in the Methodist Episcopal Taber- nacle, in the City of Belleville, on the lirst Wednesday in September, 1883, commencing at nine o'clock iu the fore- noon, 5. Name. The adoption of a name for the United Church is referred to the first Genei-al Conference ; but the Committee recom- mend that it be called "The Methodist Church." I i : 1 ^ I \ %. APPENDIX TV. 47 VTCTOHIA. cnw. 106. An Act kkhpkctin^j thk Union of ckktain Mktiiodiht CHURCIIKS THKRKIN NAMKl) [AnitenteU to IMh April, JS84.] Prtamblo. WherkaS the Mt tliodist C arch oi Canada, tl»o Methodist- Episcopal Cluircli in Canada, tlif PrinutivR Methodist Church in Canada, and to Bible (^'uistian Church of Carada, have agreed to unite undof the name of "The Methodist Church," on tlie Basis of l^nion adopted l>y the said f(mr denominations which said Basis of Union is set forth in Schedule A of tliis Act, and the rules, reguiaticns and discipline also adopted hy the said four denominations in a General C-onvention or Conference assembled at the City of Belleville on the liftii day of September, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three; and whereas the said four denominations have, by petition, set forth that they are desirous of having the said Union ratified, and tliat they may be incorporated under the name of " The Methodist Church," with power to hold all the property, i*eal and personal, be- loTiging to the said four denominations, upon the trusts and for the purposes hereinafter set out ; and whereas it is 1<: »....^i- — <* ( t f ! ' ( ^ ^; ' 1 1 A 1 ! 1 •■ i . 280 APPENDIX IV. Corlaln portions incorporated. expodiorit to grant tho prayt^r of tho Huid pot iti«in : Tlicre- fore llor IVtajesty, by and with thr advice and consent of t\w. Senate and House of Ooinuions of Canada, enacts jus fol- lows : — 1. Th(* ]?eve?*end Saniurl T>\vij;ht Rice, D.D. President of the (jlenerul Conference' of i\u- Metliodist Clnu'cli of ('anada, tlie Jieverend Albert Carniar, D.D., Bislio}) of ihe Metliodist l'ipiscoj)!iI (»luirch in Canada., the Revereiid J. (Sroodnian, I'rcsidtiiit of the Priinitivf^ Methodist ('hurch in Canada, the Reverend W. l\is(;<)', President of the i-Jil)le Christian Church of Canada, and tl e Revcu'end Alexander »Siithej'land, D.l)., Hecretaiy of the Joint Committee on Union, and all mendiers of the said General Convention, or Conference, together with all oth »r persons who now are ministers oi' meml)ers of any one ;f the said four denominations, or who, under the said Hasis of Union, rules, regulations and discipline, are now or niay hereafter become members of the said iMetliodist Cimrch, are hen^by constituted and declared to be a body cor})orate Corporate ^^^^^ politic, by the name of "The Methodist Church." name. objectK^of^^ tj f^pjjg objects of the said corporation are as set out in the said Basis of Union, rule.s, regula- tions and discipline. Copies of cer- 3 ^n copies of the said Basis of Union, tain documents * ' to be evidenoo. i-ules, regulations and di.scipline, or any amend- ments or alteration thereof published in any book of dis- cipline or journal of conference under the direction or authority of the General Conference of the said (yh\irch, or APPENDIX IV 281 a copy of any })y-law or resolution of the said (Joncml Coii- fon^nce, under tlw* of thr, oorponition, anrl signed by the secn^tary, sluill lie priuut facie <»vidence in all courts of the coutentK thereof, I'owtjisof Cot- ^ ^\ii (),f^ ostat.^, real anri pei'Honal, heloniritifi: |M>ratioii iiH to ' I » )-> r^ ipal or ptrsonal |,o, held in tiust foror totlio use of the .said de cHtiitu now hfld hy the four iio- fioniinations or anv. of tlieni, or belonuino; to or noiiiiiiutions. _ " ■-» .-> i)eld in trust for or to the use of any corpora- tion under the government or control of i\ny of the said four d(!non»i nations, shall henceforth he held and vested in the said corporation and shall he used and administered for the benetit of the said Methodist Church. Cirtaitj property fj ^\\ t,}„. property, real and personal, under vested 111 the (!or- i i j i i j iwrationintruHt. the jurdisdi(!tion of the Parliament of Canada, held in trust for oi' to the use of any congregation, congre- i^ations, circuit, station or mi; uon, of any of tlie .said four dejjominations, is hereby vested in the said Church, and shidl be JH^ld for the use of such congregation or congrega- tions, circuit, station or mission in connection with the said Mcithodist Church upon the trusts and subject t() the pro- visions set forth in Sche and distinguislied by the said number. Appointment '^. Subject to the provisions of the said Basis or removal of officers and ser- of ("uion, the Said corporation niay, from time \ant.s, and inak- • • i i ing or altering; to time, appoint and, as they see occasion, remove all officers, agents and servants, and from time to time, make, alter or vary any by-laws, rules or regulations touching and concerning tlie time and place of holding meetings and notices tliereof, and for the good ordering, discipline and government of tlie said Church, and the pei'formance of divine worship in any of the churches of the said corporation, and all matters i-especting the same, and all other matters and things wliich to them seem good, fit and useful for the well ordering, governing and advance- ment of the said Church. Boards and Com- H- The Said corporation may aj^point boards tain purposes, or committees composed of the members thereof, to take charge of or deal with and dispose of the respec- tive funds, including book and publishing interests and other interests, belonging to the said Church, as set out in their Basis of Union and in accoidance therewith, and may establish such other funds as may be deemed expe- dient, and may appoint boards or committees of tlie mem- bers of tlie said corporation to take charge of, deal with and dispose of the said funds so formed, in accordance with tlie provisions of the said Basil of Union. I k. APPENDIX IV. 283 X) said trus- L column one uguished by [uivalent to of the said jer. he said Basis ,y, from time see occasion, jervants, and by-laws, rules ime and place for the good 1 Church, and the churches ing the same, jin seem good, and advance- ipoint boards bbers thereof, If the respec- linterests and las set out in herewith, and |:1eemed expe- of the mem- lleal with and mce with the Gifts of real es- <^ Subject to the T)rovisions in section five tute for ihe use •' ' of the corpora hereinbefore contained, the said corporation may receive voluntMry conveyances of, and may purchase, hold and convey such real estate as the purposes i^rovi8o:for Qf tJie said corporation require : Provided that alienation of » » realty not oc- the corporation shall, within ten years after its cnpicd. . . . , acquisition of any such real estate, sell or other- wise dispose of and alienate so much of such real estate as is not required for the use and occupation or other like purposes of the corporation. Real and per- |^ Subject to the provisions in the said sonal estate may _ •' ^ be acquired by section tive hereinbefore contained, the said 'cvisc. corporation siiall be capable of taking, holding and receiving any real or personal estate by virtue of any devise contained in any last will and testament of any per- Provi8D:tobe son whatever : Provided alwavs that such de- subjeot to cer- tain ruUiS of law. vise of real estate shall be subject to the laws respecting devises of real estate to religious corporations in force at the time of such devise, in the Province in which such real estate is situated, so far as the same apply to the said corporation. A3 to di8ix)9ai of || ^]^p. said corporation shall have autliority such estate. ^ ^ to alienate, exchange, demise, let or lease for any term of years such messuages, lands, tenements, here- ditaments and immovable property as shall be given, granted, pnroliased, appropriated, devised or bequeathed to the said corporation for all or any of the purposes thereof, subject to the proviso in section nine contained. i 1 I -- !-! ^ '1 ' % 284. APPENDIX IV. Applicuition of funds ol corpo ration. ItJ. The said corporation shall have powor to make advances, by way of loan or gift, out of its funds not required to meet ordinary expenses and dis- bursements, to assist ill the erection or maintenjince of col- leges, schools, or parsonages, as the (general (conference or committee having charge of the fund may direct ; and m,ay Security to he f^j^^jg qi' )i(,1(1 any real or personal estate or secu- taktiii for uet)t3, *' ^ ^G- rities thereon, mortgaged or assigned to the said corporation to secure payment of such loan, or to secure payment of any debts or demands due to the said corpora- tion, and may proceed on such mortgages, assignments oi- other securitie.H for the recovery of the money thereby secured either at law or in etjuity or otlierwise : and gen erally may pursue the same course, exercise the same General power-, powers, and take and use the same remedies to enforce the payment of any debt or demand due to tho said corporation as any individual or b(^dy corporate may, l)y law, take or use for like purpose. Investment of j'j, Xlie Said corporation may, for the pur- funds of corpo- ^ •' ' *^ ration, and on pose of investment, lend money upon the what securi- '■ ./ j. ties. security of real estate, purchase debentures of municipal or public school corporations, or Dominion or Provincial stock or securities, may sell any such securities as to it may seem advisable, and for that purpose may execute such assignments or other instruments as are necessary for carrying the same into effect; and for such purposes of investment, may make advances to any person or persons or body corporate upon any of the above mentioned securi Interest. » ^jgg ^^ Huch rate of interest, not exceeding eight per cent, per annum, as is agreed upon : Provided, APPENDIX IV. 285 have power or gift, out ises and dis- Lfince of col- >iiference or t ; and niav iate or secu- l to tlie said )r to secure lid corpora- gnments or Ley thereby } : and gen- ^ the same remedies to 5 to tho said te may, V)y )r the pur- upon the )entures of )minion or Securities as y.iy execute necessary mrposes of )r persons led securi exceedincr Provided, proviBo. however, that notliing in this Act contained shall be construed to limit tlie power of such corporation to make such investments of its capital or surplus income which it otherwise has by virtue of its corporate existence. Borrowing powers of oor poration. 14. ilie said corporation shall have power to borrow any sum or sums of money from banks or otlier corporations, or from private persons, as in the opinion of the General Conference or the board or com- mittee having charge of any of the funds of the said cor- poration, may be required for the purposes thereof, and may, under the direction of the said General Conference or committee having charge of such fund, hypothecate, mort- gage or pledge so much of the real or personal property held in trust for such fund as is necessary to secure any sum or sums of money so borrowed. I'rovision as to trusts. 15. The real and personal property which may become vested in the said corporation, and which heretofore has ))een held by or in trust for any one of tiie said churches or denominations upon any special trust for missionnry or otlier purposes, shall, sub- ject to tiie provisions of tlie Basis of Union, until otherwise directed by the General Conference, on tiie advice of the board or coinmittee having cliarge of the fund, be held upon similar trusts and for similar purposes. Duplicate seal for each confer 1ft. The said corporation may provide a etice; custody dui)licate of the seal thereof for each of the and use thereof. ^ annual conferences from time to time existing^ and the custody of the said seal shall be as may be directed , I r 286 APPENDIX IV. by the said corporation, and the same may bo Jiffixed by such oiiicei*s as the said General Conference by by-law or resolution directs ; and until direction by the said General Conference, tlie same may be atflxed to any conveyance of prc^perty within the l)<)iinds of any of the said annual con- ferences by the president or secretary of such annual con- ference, and may, for the purpose of conveying any pro perty in charge of any board or connnittec of the said corporation, be affixed by the chairman of the said board or committee, or such other officer as the board or committeii directs, , Certain n!9olu- | ')'. All resolutions passed by the General tions to ha\ e _ *^ "^ force of by-lawn. Conference of the said corporation shall Jiave the force and effect of by- laws, and no formal by-law sliall be required for the purpose of managing the ati'airs of tiie said corporation. ,1 ¥ n II I ii III As to debts hc- |J^ The Said corporation in receiving, takinsc cured on pro- ^ o' o portv trans- or holdins? any property heretofore held by any ferredtothe . .... . corporation. of the said four denominations, shall not in anywise l)ecome responsible or liable for the delfts or obliga- tions which liave l)een contracted in respect thereto, l)ut the property specially charged with the said debts, and per.sons v\dio have become liable in respect to the said debts or obli- gation, shall remain liable in the same manner and to the same degree as if the said union had not been effected, or this Act had not been passed, save in so far as the said cor- poration, by the Basis of Union, has undertaken the pay- ment of any such debts or obligations. £ i' Jiii 'i affixed bv ,' by-law or lid General iveyance of bnnual con- innual con- g any pro )f the said lid boa I'd or committee the General L shall jiave )y-la\v shall ftaii'S of the ^'ing, taking eld by any Kill not in bs or obliga- |eto, but the fUid persons bts or obli- and to the eft'ected, or le said cor- n the pay- APPENDIX IV. 287 Basis of Union fi^ xiie Said Basis of Union adopted by the adopted at Melle- t J viiie oonfinucd said four denominations, and the rules, recula- and declared _ ' . Mndinjf. tions and discipline also adopted by the said four denominations in the said General Conference or Con- vention hold at the said City of Belleville, are h(^reby declared to be binfling on the said corporation and all the iiKMubers tliereof, until the same shall have been altered or varied in accordance with the provisions therein contained, and the officers and l^oards of mariagement appointed by the said General Conference or CV)nvention are hereby declareil invested with the powers sought or declared to be conferred upon them by the said Convention or Conference. Certain rights saved. *4i^. Xothiiig in this Act contained shall prejudice or aftect any existing right or interest in the superannuation fund of any of the said four denomi- nations, or any cause of action in respect thereof. Commenoement of Act. *^1. This Act shall come into force on the first day of Juiie, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four; nevertheless, the annual conferences of any of the said four denominations which have not met before the said date, may meet during the said month of June to (complete the business of the year. Hepeal of inoonsistent tiiactinents. H^. All Acts and portions of Acts inconsis- tent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, in so far as may be necessary to give full etieot to this Act. 288 API'ENDTX IV. SCHEDULE B. ( l\fferreing shall, from time to time, deiMH necessary or expedient. 2. To penviit buildinjTS to lu; used as u chiiroli by the Metliod- ist Churdi. 2. And upon further trust, from time to time and at all times after the erection thereof, to permit and suH'cr the sairl church or place of religious woi-ship, with tlu> appurtenances, to he used, occupied and en- joyed as and for a place of religious worship by a congregation of the Methodist (church, and for public and fither meetings and services of a religious or spiritual character, held accoding to the rules, discipline and general usages of the said church, and do and shall, from time to time, and at all times here- after, i)ei'mit and suffer such jterson or persons as are hereinafter mentioned or designated, and such person or persons only, to preach and expound (iod's Holy Word, and to perform the usual acts of religious worship therein anv the minister in charjjffc. AIM'EXDIX IV. 289 .aid trustees and ListeeH for the time shall and do, Mith ich may hereafter lid as soon as con- i held iu trust, or ai tiiues hereafter, mvlinhment of the •ehuild a chureh or )r dvvelliug houses, ,ol rooms and othei- or without any of ing shall, from time n time to time and 3r8of, to permit an«l if religious worship, 1, occupied and en ious worship hy a ,• public and other ual character, held usages of the said ,1 at all times here- as are herematter sons only, to preach 111 the usual acts ot the Vmryin<; grouuu ud persons as shall >ose duly appointee loipline of the said! ;is \\homsoever. Im time to time an.! lit and suiter suchi Iforosaid Methodist tud enjoy, free from 1 same, the dwelling le appurtenances W \, during such timt] and times as the said miuistvr or ministers shall ami nuiy be duly authorized so to do, hy Ids or their being appointed in accordance with the rides and disi-ijiline of the .said Methodist (..'hurcli to the vircuit or station in wliich the same may be situated, witliout the !ct, suit, hindrance, or denial of tlie said trustees, or of any person or persons on their or any of their behalf ; ami it is heiel>y din liire«l tliat the titiuis and manner of tlie \ariou8 services and ordinances of religious worship to be observed and performed in the said place of religious worship, sliall be regulated acconling lo the rules ami (listipline and general usage of the Methodist C^hurch, iind that the olHciating minister for the time being, whether appointed by the said conference, or permitted or appointed by the said sujierinten- dent ministei" for the time being, or otherwise penintted or appoint- ed, as in these presents is mentioned, shall have the direction and conducting of the same worship, in conformity, nevertheless, to the said rules and discipline and general usage of the said Methodist ('hureh : Provided always, that no })erson or persons whomsoever :shall at any time hereafter be perndtted to preach or expound (jopnrtenanceH to the said church ov place of rclii^ious worship, or premiseH belonging,' or appertaining, or all or any of tliem, or any part or parts thereof, respectively, for the puri)Oiie of rebuilding the said church or place of religious worship, or f»)r the jAirpose of rebuilding any otlicr vestry room or vestry rooms, school rooui or school rooms, dwelling house or dwelling liouses, ollices, or cotivenicnces or appurteiuiuces, or en larging or altering the same respectively, or all or any of them, so as to render the prennses bette;- ada))ted to and for the due accomplishment of the trusts, intents and purposes of these presents. (\ To mortffaifo. '^- ^* '^ hereby declared that from time to time and at all times hereafter it shall and may be lawful to and for the said trustees, or the major part of them, to mortgage, and for that purpose to appoint, convey and assure, in fee or for any term or terms of years, the said parcel or tract of land, church or place of leligious worship, hereditaments and premises, or any part or parts tliereof rt-sptxtively, to any person or per.sons whom- soever foi- securing such sum or sums of money as may be requisite or necessary in or for the due execution and accomplishment of tiie trusts anr any part or parts thereof, to inquire into the necessity, expediency or propriety of any mortgage or mortgages which shall be made or proposed to be made under or by virtue of these presents, nor shall any tiling in these presents contained, or which may V)e contained in any such mortgage or mortgages, extend or be construed to extend, (unless where tlie contrary shall, with the full knowleilge and con- sent of the said trustees, or the major part of them, be therein actually expressed), to hinder, prevent or make unlawful the taking down, removing, enlarging or altering the said buildings and pre mises or any of them respectively, as in these presents before men AITENDIX iV. 291 oiiftiM', fioiii timo ,•8 to the proviMo he lawful for the iiem, when and so uH't'ssary or oxpe- the Maid chur«-h, ,1 rooms, dwelling upputtenaiu-.eH t<' )venn»eH belonging •t or pfirtB thereof, church or place ot ^ any other vestry na, dwelling house )urt,enanee», or en I or any of them, i and for the due >b i>f these presents. tiuned and piovidod for in that Ixhalf, nor in any manner to hinder, prevent or iuh'rfi'r*' witli thr due execution of the tru.stn or purpoBeii of thewe piesents or any of theni, so lon;^ as suih mort^uj^ee or uiort- gageeH, IiIh, her or thcii' heirs, execrutors, adininiHtrators and asHigiiH, shall not he in the actual p^^ssfHsioii, as sueli tuortgajLje^! or iiioitgagees, of the heieilitiitnents comiiriMed or to he comprised in such nutrtgage or mortgages, anything in these prcsenta contained to the contrary in anywise notwithstiinding. 7. To lot pows 7. And upon furthei- trust, from tinio to time, and at :im\ ^!"i">"';>'J^'''J all times hereafter, to let the pews and seats in the said ihvclliri!,' nouses , , , ', , . . ^ , . . • , iuiil tt).s«'lI)L;nivt<8 cluireli or place of i-cligious woisnip at a reasonalde ;iii(l tombs. rent or reasonuhle rents (reservini,' as many free seats where and as nuiy l)e tii »ugl:t necessary or exp»Mlifnt), and if there shall 1)0 any »iic)) dwelling house or ({w«dling houses, school rjom or school roiuns, or other l»uilding or luiildings, or any (»f them, ei'ected and huilt as nforesaid, tl.en to let the same or any of them (other than such as shall or may have been erected and built for or approi)iiated to tiic use ane situated), at a reasonable rent oi' reasmiabh; rents, and a!s(», if there shall be a cemetery or l)urial ground, to let vaults or t"nd)s at a reasonable rent or reasonabh* rents, or to sell graves and tond)s at a reasonable price or rearon.ible prices, and to collect, get in and i-eceive the rents, profits and income to arise in any manner from the sair the (juarter or half-yeiir or year, as may be thcnight most expedient: Provided always, that when and so often as such dwelling house or dwelling houses as may have been erected for the expiess use of the minister or mijiisters of the circuit or station shall not l)e j'cquired for the use of such minister or ndnisters, it shall and may be lawful for the said trustees, by and with the advice and consent of the superintendent minister of the circuit or station, to let the same and appropriate the rent derived therefrom towards paying and satisfying the board aiul lodging of such minister or ministers, or towards paying the rent for a more suitable and convenient residence or residences for such minister or ministers. 292 APPENDIX IV. of the triitita licrtof 8. Tni«tee«to 8. And it in ho,i;hy dc-lund timt the Kaid tiuHteoa SnTthor'- ^'"^ trustee for tlie lime l.ring hIiuII sIhimI au«l h« from ri|i(.ii truHt, p<»HHesserc«t and ex- rates and other outgoings (it any) as, from time to penKcH inoiirri'd time, aliall Ir,' 'awfully payalile in res pet t of the Haid III tilt- cxectitioii pi(.iiiig(.s ()!• aiiv i)art or parts thereof, and alsso the costs, charges and of insuring and keeping insured the said tiust premises again.t loss or damages Wy fire, in sueh sum or sums as tlie said truste(!s or the major part of them shall, fium time to time, think proiier or expedient, and in repairing and keeping tiie said trust i)rcmise8 in go«»il repair and condition; and likewise the interest of all princii^al moneys hor- rowed and then due and owing on security of the said trust premises or of any ))art or parts thereof, by virtue of the trusts liereof, and then to retain to and reimburse tliemselves resj^ectively all costs, charges and e'xpenses lawfully incurred and paid by them in or about tho due execution of the trusts hereof oi- any of tliem, and in the next place thereout to pay and discharge the necessary costs, charges and expenses, from time to time incurred in cleansing, warming, lighting and attending to the said church or place of religious worship and premises, and geiurally to liquidate any debts, coats, charges and incumbrances and expenses at any time lawfully iiu'urred under or ocoasionei' Hili.l if, ana alHO il»«' the major part xnedient, >vns ■i»ists h<'reof, atid cftively all ^•<'»tB, ,1 by thein in <>i y of tUem, ana m le uei-eHsary costs, rca in cleansing, luircli (.r laaee ot qMiaatoanyaebtB. auv tiniehuvfuUy tion of the trusts of the pvovisions time to time, to pay iuing alter the aue eost-^, charges, uv ,aia(imtaccoraing »(1 (Us(',il>Une of thd Las the support on [imc being, respectj reuce or otherwise aid cV.apel ov placH situatea,oronthat circuit or oircuit-l ,r OV increasing the forship, or churchoj Ihe use of the said L or place of reli;:1 ',orship, foi'V^eus^ m be settled up(;H trusts, ends, inteiit.M n ml purposfs .similar hereto; or in 8ul)s<;rihiiiff (ir giving to un v of the general fund^, objeot« or clmritieH of the said McthodiBt Churresents and of the resolutions passed, and of all i»ro- ceedings, acts and business had, tixken and done thereat, and also of all documents, in'itters and things neces.sary for the due and full ex])lanation and understanduig of the same minute!*, and all other things done in and about the execution of the trusts liereof: and shall ami will from time to time, and at all seasonable times liereafter, upon the request of the superintendent minister, for tlie time being, of the circuit in which the said chureing, b}' for tlie time u'ln, the i'iiv\ ward, for the them respec- m at his and and -in order s, doeuments, said superin- time being as ting a deputy ely, a.s afore- l)e the deputy peiintendent, doehired that and deputy, liid book and sulHcient e^i dence that all the matters and things relating to the said trust pre- mises, which were up to that time included in the said books, ac- counts, minutes and documents, matters and tilings, were duly examined, audited and approved of, unless and except so far as the contrary shall be therein, l>y them or by the aggregate majority of them, in writing expressed. !2. Ami it is 12. And it is hereby declared that every meeting for that seven* (lays' ^^^ purpose of taking into consideration the propriety notice of a spe- t>f niaking any alteration of or any addition to or cial nieeiini'aml mortgage or sale of the said church or place of religious cotiveniftnt no- worship and prendses, or any part or parts thereof, or meeting** of trus- ^^^' contracting any debt upon, for or on account there- t.eos shall be of (other tluin for the ordinary current expenses ^'ben. thereof), or for letting any such house or houses, school room or school rooms, as aforesaid, or for lixing the rents or prices, or making or altering rules to ascertain the rents or prices «)f such graves, tombs, pews and seats as aforesaid, or for appropriating the funds or any part of the funds of the said ohurcli or plrfce of religious wor.ship (otherwise than for the due payment of the ordi- nary current expenses thereof), or for bringing or defending any action or actions, suit or suits, respecting the said trust estates and premises or any part? thereof, or any nuitter relating thereto, or for any one or more of the above purposes, sliall be and shall be deetiu;d and taken to be a special meeting ; and of every such meeting seven days' notice in writing, specifying the time, place and purpose or purposes of such meet'ng, ctnd signed by at least either two o*^ the said trustees or by the superintendent minister for the time being, shall be given totho other and others of them and him the said trus- tees and superii^tendent minister (unless where he is himself the per- son giving such notice), and either personally served upon him and Ihem, or left for, or sent by the post to him and them respectively, ftt his and their luofet usual phace or places of abode or business ; and lor the purpose of transacting their ordinary business relating to the said church or place of religious worship and premises, or for any other purpose relating to these presents or trusts tlvereof (except where oeven days' notice is expressed or required as herein- before mentioned), a meeting of the said trustees may be held with the said superintendent ior the time being, aa aforesaid, so soon as the same can bo conveniently convened bs' notice in writing, speci- fying the time and place of such meeting, given and signed by at least either two of the said trustees or by the said superintendent for the time being, and either personally served upon or left for, or sent by the post as aforesaid, to the other and others of them re- spectively at his and their most usual place or places of abode or (2^^— ^ 296 APPENDIX IV. ( ' i lousiness: Provided always, ami it is hereby declated, that no meeting held under or by virtue of these presentfe shall be invalid, or the resolutions thereof void or in»[>ea'.'hed, by reason that any such notice or notices, as aforesaid, may not oi- shall not have reached any said trustee or trustees who, at the time of any such meeting, happens to be out of the Province in which the lands and premise--, lu Id in trust are situated, or who or whose i)lace or i)laces of abode or business shall not be known to, and can not reasonably be found or discovered by, the pei'son or persons who is or are respec- tively, as aforesaid, authorized to give any such notice or notices as aforesaid. 18. That, a uiajority of the tnistoesi ahaU rule, and that iu cast' of a tic, the chairinaii sh;t)! jclve a castinj? vote. 13. And it is hereby declared that at any meeting held under oi- by virtue of the trusts hereof, or any of tlu'.m, tlu! vote^ of the per.sons present and entitled to vote, or the votes of a iMajority of them, shall decide any question or matter proposed at such nieet- ing and respecting which su' h votes shall be given ; and in case tho votes shall ha equally divided, then the chairman of such nieeting shall give the casting vote. And it is hereV)y declared, that whenever it sliall be thcaght necessary or expedient to do anything in and by these presents directed, author- ized or made hivvful to be done, the necessity or expediency of tloing the same shall, in like mauner, be decided by the persons present and entitled to vote upon the question to be determined, or by the majority of them, and if there shall be an even division, thenb^ such casting vote as aforesaid ; and all acts and deeds done and executed in pursuance of any such decision as aforesaid, at any such meeting as aforesaid, shall be good, valid and biiuling on all persons entitlc(l to vote at the meeting, who may be absent, or being present, may be in the minority, and on all other persons claiming under or in pur- suance of these presents ; but no person (uidess where the contrary is hereinbefore expressly mentioned) shall be allowed to vote in more than one capacity at the same time or on the same question, although holding more than one office at the same time in the said church, or in the same meeting. U. That the rules, ilisciplidc, (lootriiies and u»ag:ea of the Church shall be in force suhject to the proviso respectini^ doctrines herein contained. 14. And it is hereby declared that the " rules and discipline and general usage "' of the said Methodist Church in these presents mentioned or referred to, arc the rules and tliscipline of the said Church, as printed and published by authority of the said Con- ference, in a book entitled " Doctriru'S and Discipline of the Methodist Church," and the general usage and practice of the societies belonging to said Church, and such rules and regulations as may, from time to 4 1%.. APPENDIX IV. 297 •.s')iis entitled bsent, may be [er or in pur- [the contrary (1 to vote in [me question, le in the said lid Methodist referred to, Chureh, as [he said Con- [id Discipline lal usage and laid Cimrch, Irom time to time, be made or adopted by the said (reneral (conference, and |>rinte(l and published in their journals, in accordance with tlu; pro- visions contained in said l).)ok of discipline, but subject at all times to the proviso respecting doctrines in these presents contained. 15. That the 15. Provided always, and it is herel)y declared, tluit bupormtcmient gxceptin'' where the contrary is in these presents ex- deputy shall i»c piesslv declared or provideii for, the supenntendent ^■hai^nan of minister, for the time bein;jj, of tiie circuit or station moctitisfBof trus- j,j which tlie said ohuri^h or place of religious wor.ject thereto, and to the payment of any debts upon any other church property on tlie said circuit, or for l)uilding new churclics, or for the purpose of procuring a larger and more conveniently or eligibly situated parcel or tract of laud and church or place of reu^'ous worship and parsonage premises, in the place and stead ot the said parcel or tract of laud and churcih or place of religious worship or parsonage and hereditaments and premises so sold or disposed of ; and the balance, if any, to be applied to the use of the church and parsonage aid fund of tlie said Methodist Church and the said annual conference : Pro\ided, liowever, that if any sucli church or property so sold belonged to the Bible Christian Cluuxdi prior to the iinion of the said Church with the other Methodist Churches, the surplus, after payment of debts, shall be applied to the reduction of the missionary debts, as provided in the Basis of Union. 17. Proviso for 17. Provided always, that if at any time hereafter nieiniseg^slialf '' ^^^® income arising from the said parctd or ti'act of l)oiria(leq\iate to land, church or y)lace of religious worship, heredita- ineet and dis- ments and premises, shall be inadequate to meet and char>rc interesit ,lischarge the interest of all moneys borrowed and and expense!?. i.u i i • i. r ii • j ^ then due and owing upon or on account of the said trust premise^i, and the various current expenses attending the due execution of the trusts hereof, and if the said trustees, for the time being, of these presents, shall desire to retire and be discharged from the burden and execution of the said trusts, and if no such persons as are hereinafter mentioned or described can be found to take upon themselves the burden ami execution of the said trusts, with the responsibility and liability to be thereby incurred, then in that case it shall be lawful fur the said tiustees, for the time being, as aforesaid, or the major part of them, of their own proper authority, J. in money, •11 antl effec- miscs so sold nv heirs aner authority, APPENDIX IV. 299 and without any such consent by the said annual confer<*noe as afore- t^aid, to well and dispose of the said parcel or tract of laiid, church or place of religious wuraliip, hereditaments and promises, or any pait or parts of tlie same, respectively, either by public sale or private contract, and either to^^'etlier or in parcels, and citlier at one and the same time or at ditierent times, for the best price or prices in money that can be reasonably . And it is hereby declared that it shall not be chaser or mort- im-mniient upon any mortgagee or mortgagees, pur- he hound to in- chaser or purciiasers of the said par(;el or tract of land, quire as to the cluir'!)i or place of religious worship, hereditanientjj lu'C'issity of sale j^,jj premises, or of any part or parts thereof, respec- Oi moi jjage. tively, to inquire into tiie necessity, expediency or propriety of any mortgage, sale or disposition of the said parcel or .tract of lany nomination and and with the consent of a two thirds vote of the co- appnin moil ,. trustees, or M'ithdraw from or cease tf) be a member or memi)prs of the said Methodist Church, according to the rules and discipline of the said Church, or shall remove to such distance AS shall in the opinion of his co-trustees, expressed by a two-thirds vote of said cotrustees, render it inexpedient for him to remain in said trust, the place of the trustee or trustees so dying, resigning, withdrawing, ceasing to be a m<;ndier or niembers of the said Church, or removing as aforesaid, shall thereupon become vacant, subject, however, to the provisos next hereinafter set out, and shall be filled witii a successor or successors, being a member or men)bers of the said (Jhurch. of the full age of twenty-one years, to be nominated and aj)pointed as follows, that is to say, -to Ijc nominated by the Methodist Church minister having charge, for the time being, of the lircuit or station in which the said hereby ctmveyed premi'pointment, and the person or persons so nominated and a[)puinted trustee or trustees in either of the said modes of nomirvition aiul appointment shall he the legal successor or successors, co-truty these presents, and in and by any Statute or Statutes \\hich may, for the time being, be in force affecting the same. J ■ ,. ' I; u ■I ; 22. To fix quo rum, (if. ?2. It is hereby declared that a majority of the said trustees shall form a quorum, all having been duly notified; and when a majority or two thirds vote may be requiied for any purpose, it shall be held to mean a majority or two-thirds, as the case may be, of any such meeting. •, 23. To fix time for placing' fmaii 2.'}. A full and acurate fiuancual statement, duly ^iai a+,.fo„,„..4^ audited, shall be laid before the first quarterly official cial Htatemeufc i cj. ^i r i. i e i • i bvfore quarterly nieeting alter the hrst day of January in each year. ollicial moetinu". or remaining and may ))e lie quuit'irly the person or ml»er of the of the mem- of an e<(ual ng sluill have or persons so r of the said ';4al successor above-named ;ne capacities, to the above- Y any Statute atf«'cting the ty of the said ig been duly y be required )r two-thirds, enient, duly rterly oilicial each year. APPENDIX V. RULES OF OllDER. 1. TIk' Pn'sidtnit sliall take the cliair at the hour to which the (Conference may stand adjomned, and cause the same to be opened by the reading of the Scriptures, singing and prayer. 2. The followi'ig shall be. tlie ord«^r of business: — 1. Reading tlie minutes of preceding session. '2. (Joniniunica- tions. 3. Memorials. 4, Reports of Htanding Committees. 5. Reports of Special Committees. 6. Motions of which notice luis been previously given. 7. Notices of motions. 8. Questions of wliich notice has been given, t). Miscella- neous. 3. On the call foi- R«.'ports of Committees, all reports that are ready shall be called in before action is taken on any one of them. 4. The President shall dt'cid«> all questions of order, sub- ject to an appeal to the Conference; but in case of such appeal the (piestion shall be taken without debate. When a member rises to a point of order, or the President calls any member to oi'di^r, in either case the point of order shall be distinctW stated. 5. No member shall remain standfng during debate, except the member addressing the President. 6. The President shall nominate all Committees not otherwise specially ordered by the Conference. .•J04 APPENDIX V. H- ; I 7. Wlion a motioii or rcso'utioii is iiut\'e(l und socoiulcd, or Ji report is proHouted and is n-ad hy Hie SecretHry or stated by the President, it sliall be deemed in |)ossession of the ConfereiH'(» • nor sliall any motion be withdrawn bv the mover after being debated, without the consent of the OonfeiiMice. 8. All motions and resolutions shall be preso.ited in writ- ing by tlie proposer. 9. 1'he following mot ions are not debatable : — a. For the previous question. h. Ti-> lay on the table, c. For indefinite adjournment. d. For indefinite postponement. 10. No new motion or resolution shall be entertained until the one under consideration is disposed of, which may be done by adoption or rejection, unless one of the follow ing motions shall intervene, which motions shall have the precedence in the order in which they are placed, viz, : — a. Adjournment. h. Lay on the table. c. Indefinite postponement. d. Postponement to a gi\'en time. e. Reference to a committee. /. Amendment. ff. Amendment to the amendment. 11. When any member is about to speak in debate oi deliver any matter to the Conference, he sliall rise and address the President, and shall proceed only when th* President announces his name and Conference. I .11 and socoudofl, je Secretary or in possession oi lulrawn by Uie consent of the ese.ited in writ- ile : — I be entertained eel of, whicb may lie of the follow- is sliall liave the placed, viz. :— ' h( eak in debate or ^ shall rise and only when the ence. I M Mi AlTEiNDlX. V. 305 12. No person shall speak inoro than otice on U»o s^mjo «|uestion without leave of tlie (JoMfereiioc, except the mover, who shall l)e entitled to a g<'ueral reply. 13. Wlien any motion or resolution shall have p.assed, any member who voted in the majority may move a reconsidoration. 14. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order. ir». Motions relating to the rights and privileges of th« Conference, or individual members and orders of the day, shall be eonsidertul questions of privilege. 16. The previous question being moved, the President shall put it at once by asking, "Shall the vote now be taken]" if the previous question is carried, all debate shall cease, and the President shall proceed to take the vote on the several motions Ix^fore tlie Conference. 17. No member shall ab.sent himself from the sessions of the Conference without leave, unless he be sick or unable to attend. 18. No member who is not within tl^e bar when any ques- tion is put by the President, shall bo allowed to vote on such question, except by leave of Conference. 19. Before the President rises to put a motion to the Conference, he shall ask : " Is the Conference ready for the question V No member shall speak after the President has risen to put the question ; and all members present shall vote unless excused by the Conference. 20. No member shall be interrupted when speaking ex- cept by the President to call him to order when he departs from the question, uses personalities, or disrespectful lan- guage ; but any member may call the attention of the Pre- 21 i !l APPENDIX V. sidont when he deems the speaker out of order, and any member may explain if he is misrepresented. 21. No business shall pass from individuals to the Com- mittees without reference through the Corift'rence. 22. Any memV>er may call for the yeas and nays on any question before the Conference, provided he be sustained by twenty members. Any member may require that the number of votes for and against a resolution be announced. 23. In the General Conference members shall con- stitute P. quorum. 24. The Secretary shall provide a bulletin upon which announcements of meetings of committees and relating to other Conference business may l»e made , and any » the Com- tys on any sustained ) that the nnounced. shall con- pon which ■elatin^j to INDEX. The Figure, denote Pam,j,aph,. except wim, ,„arttd otherwiu. Abskntkb Ministrrs— Places of, how filled, 162, § 4. Act or Parliamknt— On Ujiion, p. 279. ACCUSRD— May cliallenife for cause, 219 May be tried in his absence. 221 May appeal, 23J, 245, 2r)2. ACCUSBR— May challenge, 219. May appeal, 231, 215, 252. Addrbss— Pastoral, to be read, 191, § 6, Admission— Condition of. into the Society. 30 To membership, 91. Of Members fron. other Churches, 91, Of Candidates for the Ministry, 172 Of Probationers full connection. 171, § 7. ' Of Ministers from other Churches, 89. Advicrs— Smaller, for Ministers, 60. Advisory CoMMirrKK— On College Buildings, p. 266. Allowanobs— To Superannuated MiP'StOi "k-428 467. ' To Ministers' \y;ri(,w3, lO. \iQ^ 45jj To Ministers' ChiKaen 266. fi 4 420 469. ' ' Amusemknts - Sinful, forbidden, 31, S>. Annual Cowfrrrncb— (See Conferencea.) Appral — Right of, guarantecfl, 114, § 4 or a General Superintendent, 240. Of any other Minister or of a Proba- tioner, 245. Of an accuser of a Minister or Proba- tioner, 245. Of a Member, 252. In cases of arbitration, 246. I Appkal, Court op ~ , .' ! Composition of, r>8. "' i Members of, p. 252, 2. DiuqualiHed Member of, 128 § 4 liecord and Report of the, Vl% § 8. Arbitratioi. In business disputes, 246, 268. Articles of Rrliqion— Suted, 2, Auditors — Of Cook Room, 346. Of .Sabbath S-bool Board. 337 Of Trustee Board, p. 2^3, 11. Bai' — Article on, 18. Modes of, 37. Subjects for, 36. Of Infants, form for, p. 182. Of Adults, form for, p. 185. ,- Bai-tized Chil?)rkn - Duty of Paronts and Guardians of. 92. Classes of, dh. .^ - ,, Instruction of. 94, Orphanage of *«. Relation of, ( ; Church, 93. Basis ok Union— Api)endixIIJ., p. 263. Baxtrr'h Rrkormrd PAsroE-- Kccomnjtnded, 76, i 3. ■'■*«*'.> ii^^ 308 INDEX. BlBbR. Til IS— The Rule of Faith, S4. H00K8— Duty of Mitiistors in Circulating, 69. Duty of Superintendent as to, 191, § 6. Publication and Price of, 3&9. Book and PmxTiNu Kstablisiimbnt- Constitution of, 837-3t50. Book Commhtek— Composition of, 337. Sections of, 338-340. Duties of Sections of, 341-351. Annual Meetinjjs of, 844. Spccirl Meetings of, 352. Application of Profits by, 353, 354. Executive Committees of, 350, 357. Duties of Kxecutive of, 358. Members of, pp. 253, 254. Book Stkwards — How elected, 360. Duties of, 301. Salaries of, 347. Suspension of, 348. RcKifltrai-s of ChurcVi Pn.perty, '265. Vacancy in ortice of, how filled, 341). BOBNDARIRS-^ - Of Annual Conferences, 115, 272-2S4. Of Districts, 235. Of Circuits, 288. Bribkiiv— Forbidden, 84. BnilimNQ OP CllDRCHKH — Rccommendatiuna concerning, 269, 2(i0. Quarterly Boanl Committee on, 261. Rights secured in, 263. BURIAI. OP TUB DkAD— Form for the, p. 205. Call to Preach— Marks of a, 45. In a particular place, 76. Camf-Mrktings— To bo encouraged, 191, § 11. Cakdidatks por tub Ministry— Recommendation of, 194, § 5. Examination of, 172. Qnaliflcations of, 172, § 2, 3- Rogulations concerning-, 173. Canonical BooKa— <. 'd Testament, 6. Now Ttifltament, 0. Card Playino — Forbidden, 35. CATKCniSM-- Furnished to Children, 94. Used in the Sabbath School.'), 306. Second, reconunendtd, 191, § 5. Ckrtificates — To Probationers, 171, § S. To Local Preachers, 2 jO, § 6. To .Members removing, l',)l, ^ 7. To Ministers from other Churcnu", 90. Chairmbv op Districts- How elected, !38, 159. Duties of, 162. Provision in case of death or diL.\bilIty of, Ui4. Trial of, 242. Childrkn's Fu.wd — Constitution of, 4bS. Income of, 469, § 1. Exemption from assessment tor, 469, §:^. Atnount from, to each child, 469, § 3. Claimants on, 469, § 6. Limitation of claim on, 469, § 4. Of Eastern Conferences, 469, i 7. Christ - Article on, 3. Oblation of, article on, 21. Resurrection of, 4. Presence of, in the Supper, 19. Christian Mrn's Goods— Article on, 25. Christian Man's Oath— Article on, 26. Church, Tub — Article on, 14. Rites and Ceremonies, article on, 23, OHCRrHBa— Building of, 2.59-261. Laying Cornor-stone of, p. 231. Dedication of, form for, p. 236. Deed of Conveyanoe. 26i, 268, p. 288. Right to preach in, 263. I 9, 306. §5. iircnc:, 90. r flit Ability nt lor, 460, i, 469, § 3. .§4. S9, g 7. 19. m cle on, 23. 231. 230. 268, p. 288. INDEX. 309 CtltTRCIl pROrKRTT - Irjveritory (;f, ■204. Register of 2H5. Return of, 266. OnURCH AND PAKSdNAUK AlP FCITD— Constitution of, 470-178. Object of, 471. ManaKCiMont of, 4 72. Directors of, p. 2ti0. Powers of Board of, 472. Capit;il of, 473. Ilevcnue of, 474. Application of Revenue of, 476. Reports of, 476. Audit of, 477. Regulations concerningr, 478. Circuits — IJow formed, '286. Division of, 286. Ministerial term on divided, 287. Circus, Thk— Going to, forbidden, 35. Class LKAnKR.s— How appointed and changed, 191. 8 4 Duties of, 29. Members of tlio Ouarterly Olticial Board, 188. Members of the Leaders' Meeting, 20J. To be examined, 191, § 4. Clash Mertinos — Origin and object of, 29. Condition of admission to, 30. For childnn, Ofi. How made profitable, 99. Neglect of, 100, 101. Non -members admitted to, 102. * - ^M.KOK BoA'ioa — V' -/leyan "i heological, p. 266. ' ''^rt, p. 267. Alma, p. 2i7. r'.'esle;, an I/adies*. p. 2.-j8. ■Ontario Ladies', p. 2.W. ^'csl y, Winnipeg, p. 268. Collections— In the classes, 191, § 8. Public, 191, § 8. For Connexional Funds, 191, J 9. General Sabbath School, 330. General Conference, 127. COMMlTTRBa— General Conference Special, 124. Members of Gen. Conference Special p. 251. 1. Trunsfer, 1'29. Annual Conference S{)ecial, 147. Stationing, 141. Annual Conference Missionary, 143. At)nu;il Conference Educational, 295 On Conference Relations, 4.S5. Annual C:onference Contingent Fund, 467. Ajiiiual Conference Sabbath School 324 , Supernumerary Fund, 444. Of ConsultiAtioii iind Finance .377 Book, 387, p. 253. On Reception of Ministers from othei (Jhurches. 89, § 2. For Kxaniiriation of Candidates,! 72,§ 7 On .Ministers" Salaries, 2'.'7. 8 1 Of Trial, 213. Advisory, on College Buildings, p. 255 On Embarrassed Trusts, p. 264. On Temperance, p. 260. On I'nion, p. 261. CoMMUNnv OF Goods— Article on, 26. CONFERKVCR, Gk.VKRAL- <>f whom composed, 105 Ratio of representation *# 10(1 Delegates to (See Delegat e of meeting of. 133 Presiding Officers of, 134. President of, 135. Duties of President of, 134-137, 163. Secretary of, and his duties, 135, 153. Special Ses-sion of, 139, 140. Powers of, 133, 150. Death or Disability of President of. ir>i. Biisinoss of, 152. Rejwrt of Statistics of, 154. .'J INDEX. CoNPKRBNCB, Annuau -(Continued.) Ileport of decisions in, 155. Laymen in, how elected, W7. Laynifcii in, nualificatiuns of, 167. Boundaries of, how determined, 115. COSKBRKNCB, ELKCTOaAb— Compoaition cf, 144. Husineas of, 145, p. 2G6, 0. CONVBRSATIOS - Christian, enjoined, 65, § 5. COSVEYANCB- Of Church Property, 262. CONTINORNT Vv^D - Constitution of, 464. Object of, 465. Income of, 466. Committee of, 467, Regulations concerning, 468. CORNBR-STONB OK A C Form for laying of, «CH- COURSB OF StCOY— For Candidates, p. 243. For Probationers, pp. 244, 245. For Graduates, pp. 245, 246. For Probationers at College, p. 247. For the French work, p. 24S. Covenant Srrvick— Form for, p. 219 Dancino— Forbidden, 35. Dbbts - Of a Minister, 247. Of a Member, 25 J. Dkdication of a Chitrch— Form for the, p. 236. Dbkd of SRrri.RMEXT— For Church Property, p. 288. Dei.koatbs to Grnhrai, Confkrbncr- llow elected, 107. Qualifications of, 108. Reserve, 109. Certified list of, 110. DsrORTMKNT At Conference, 70, 71. Diuqknch— Enjoined, 32, 48. DlSPT'TEHi - Settlement of, 246, 263. Districts — How formed, 28.5. District Mertino, Annual— Composition of, 158. Chairman of, 159, 160. Time and place of meeting of. 165. Business of first day of, 106. Separate meeting of iiaymen of, 167. Secretary of, and his duties, 168. Business of second day of, 178. Two copies of Minutes of, required, 180. Dl.-JTRICT MkETIXO, FlNANCIAIi — Comi)Osition of, 183. Time of holding, 182. Business of, 184. Secretary of, how appointed, 161. Duties of Secretary of, 1»6, 187. DiVKRSIONH — Sinful, forbidden, 31. Doctrine — Standards of, 1. Dissemination of false, 249. Domestic Missions— Financial condition examined, 184, § 2 Draft of Stations— First, 156. Second and final, 166, § 2. Dress— Rules concerning, 44. Drcn'krsness— Forbidden, 31. EDIT0R.S-- How elected, 363. Duties of, 361, 365. Salaries of, 347. Term of oHice of, 366. Vacancy, how filled, 819. Educational Society— Constitution of, 290-302. Objecits of, 292. Members of, 293. Management of, 294. Board of, p. 259. Branches of, 295, 297. INDEX. 311 K of. lef), lien of, 1G7 es, 1«8. , 178. :)f, required, II.— ;ed, 161. .6, 187. i9. ined, 184, § 2 Educ ATFONAi, Society - (Continued.) MeetinK-8 on behalf of, 184, § 4, 297. Incoiii" of, ■_'<>6-298. Division of Inconit- of, 9^9. Composition of Annual Conference Committee of, 29,'i. Duties of Annual Conference of, 3"!0. D«ties of Oencr.'il SiHTetary of, .30J. l»utiesof Genorul Tieasorer of, ;iu2. El/KCTIONS— Of delegates to General Conference, 107. Of General Superintendents, 116. Of Se<'retary of General Conference, 113. Of members of the Court of Appeal, 1-28. Of Secetary of the Missionary Society, 882. Of Treasurer of the Missionary Society, 382. Of Treasurer of the Supetann nation Fund, ;«>7. Of Uiymen to the Annual Conference, 167. Of the Officers of the Annual Confer- ence, 152, § 3. Of Laymen to the District Meeting, l!^4 § 0. Of Chairmen of Districts, 159. Of Secretary of District .Meeting-, 168. Of Financial Secretary, Itil. Of Representative to the Stationinir Committee, 178, § 12. Of the General Hoard of Missions, .S74. Of the Book Steward.^, 360. Of the Editors, 363 Of Circuit Stewards, 194, § 4. Of Trustees, 267. 270, p. 301. Of Sabbath School Superintendents, 30S. Evil Sprakino — Forbidden, 31. Sermon on, to be read, 84. Examination— Board of, 149. Of Ministerial Character, 170. Of Probationers, 171. Of Candidates, 172. Of Probationers at Collejje, 181, EXCliCSIO.V FROM TUB CHURCH— Directions concerning', 100, 101. EXHORTBRS— How constituted, 191, § 4. Members of (iuart*rly Hoard, 188. Examination of, 194, j; 6. ExruLHioN - When it takes effect, 229. Of a General Superintendent, 2.*i9. Failitrrs— In business, 254. Faith - In the Holy Trinity, 2. The Condition of Justification, 10. KaMILV I'RAVRR" Eujoined, 33. Fast— The Quarterly, 191, § 5. FA8T1N(J - Enjoined, 33, 65, § 4, B'ia' Business of, 202. LiCBNflijrrt— L'XjfAl Preacher'? and Exhorters, 47. List op Rrsbrvk - Candidates on the, 171, § 11. To be sent wherever needed, 129, § 11 Local Prkachkrs — How licensed, 47, 190. * Flxamination of, 108, 199. Reifulations aflFcctinir, 2(X). Trial of, 260. Local Pre.a.chkrs' Mbrting- Composition of, lO'i. Directions concerning, 190-198. Location— Of Ministers, 146. ^' Lord's Puaykr - Use of, in public worship, 97, § 3. Lord's Supper— Article on, 19. Both kinds in, article on, 20. Duty of partaking, .33. Motie of receiving, 38. To whom administered, 39, 40. Form for administeriiig, p. 193. LovB Fe.\8ts— To be held, 191, § 5. Tickets for, 103. Length of, 191, § 6. Note of admission to, 102. Maqistratks — Speaking evil of, forbidden, 31. Marriage— Of Ministers, article on, 22. Directions concerning, 41-4;?. Form for solemnising, p. 201. Mass.Tiik — Unscriptural, 21. Mbans ok Grace— Instituted, 65. Prudential, 66. Membrrs of the C'liJRcn— How received, 91, § 1, 2. Form for recci)tion of, p. 19X List of, for successor. 191, § 6. Certificate of removal for, 191, § 7. Trial of, 250. Appeals of, 252. Mkthodism- Rise of, 27, 28. 111 INDEX. 313 MtNT!»TmUI— xlow conHtituted, 85. Duties of, 61-63, 86. Coiwing to travel, 87. From otiier churches, b9, § 2, 3. From other b-anohes 89, § 1. Rijfhts of, l;U. Lmiatioii of, 146. Trial of, 2i3. Appeals of, 244. Form for Ordination of, p how received', of M thoiliHrn, 208. MlSSIONAFlY HOCIKTY- (Constitution of. 367-:{93. Members of, 3'i9. Auxiliurien anil branches of, 370. Otficers of auxiliaries and bran'ches of, 371. (Jtiiieral Board of, S74, p 252. Duties of Hoard of, 375. Vacancies in Board of, how filled, '67^- 380. Committee of Consultation and Fin- ance, 377. Annual Meeting of Board of, 381. Duties of General Olticers of, 383-385. Women's, 39 1. Missionary Co.MXirrKB— Annual Conference, 14H. Of Consult.ation and Finance, 377. MisaiosARY Mi!EriN'(is- Arranjjementd for holding, 184, § 4. Missions. Domkhtic - How forine Pratrr Mkktinos— To be appointed, 191 ,§ 8. Preacmi.nq-- Mattcr and mariner of, 72, 73. When to continue or desist from, in 'i.ny place, 74, 75. Prksidexts — How elected, 1.S5. Duties of, 131-137. Trial of, 241. PlU)BATIONFR.S— * ■ For membership, 91. For the Ministry. 171. Probationary term of, 171, § 7. Recommended to College, 178, § 6. Examination of, at College, 181, Reqtdred to attend College, 181, § 7. How removed from College, Ibl, § 8. Public Worship— ■ Directions for, 97. 314 INDEX. ) •„• PnRO*TORT— Article on, 15. Qi;aktkri.y Okkuial Board— {Jonipositioii of, 188. Chainnari of, 180. Business of, 193, 194 Hkadino — IJacful, enjoined, 09. Of Trobut oiicrH, 171, § 4. Rkcoruino Stkwahd - How appointed, 194, § 4 DutiiiH of. 210. Vacancy in ofHco, how filled, 211. Ukj-rrhkntation— Ratio of, to (Jcneral Conference, 106. In the Annual Conference, 13U. Rrsurrkction of Christ— Article on, 4. RiTKS AND CkRKMONIKS— Article on, 23. Ritual — Orders of the. pp. 179-242. Directions ooncerniiiK the, 97, § 4. RULKS. Ornkrai,— Of United Societies, '27-35. Tauj-ht in God's Word, S4. To be read, 91, §3, 104. How to be chany^ed, 114, Note. Rl'IiKS, Rbhtrictivk — Stated, 114. RULKS, TWKliVB - For M\nii«ters, 48-59. RUIiKS OF Orpkr— Appendix V., p. 303. Sabbath, Thr - Observance of, enjoined, 31. Preachiriir on observance of, 84. Sabbath Sciiools- Directions concerninjf, 303. Constitution of, :«)4-310. Mana. Members of (ieneral Conference Hoar.' of, p. 269. Sacramk.nts— Article on, 17. Salarikh — Of Ministers and Probationers, ihO. SoRirniRES— Article on, 6. Stuily of, 05, § 2 Suttlciency of, 34. SBCUIiAR BiSINKSS — Ministers enjj'ajfing in, 248. Sklf-dbnial— Enjoined, 32, 66. § 5. Sin — Original, article on, 8. After Jastification, article Oii, 13, SlNQINO— Certain songs forbidden, 31. Directions concerninji-, 98. Superintendent to direct the, 98, § b. SMUOOtilNO — Forbidden, 31, 84. Snukk, Tobacco and Drams - Forbidden to Probationers, 171, § 6, 172, § 5. Society MBEriNas— To be held. 97, § 6. I By whom, 104. I Objects of, 104. Son ok God — I Article on, 3. I Speaking in thk Congrrqation — I Article on, 10. I SfANDARDS— I Of doctrine, 1. nu>d.) lutl, :{2'). uiiittee on, :5'24. ulaic Meetirijf, ard of, 328. i-.l of, 329. .30. rof, :i:i2,3a;>. iference Boar-' INDEX. 31 i oners, 2W). 248. icle Oil, 13, n, 31. 98. ct the, 98, § 0. AM8- )ner8, 171, § 6, 3ATI0.V- Stationh — Draft of, 156, IMi, § 2. Chanu'os of, 1 50, % ft. Statiomno Committk.r — Composition of, 141. Restrictiotis on powers of, 156, § .3, 4. Districts formocl by, 285. HTATI0N.H UK MlNl.STRRS - How made, 156. ST.VTISTICfi— Board of, p. 261. SrKWABns — How appoiiitod, 194. §4. Ntimher of, li>4, §4. Qualifications of, 206. l>MtlcH of. 2U7. Meeting of, 206. To whom accotiiitable, SO!*. Vacancies, how filled, 209. StJPERASNt'ATlON FUND — Name of, 391. Members of, 395. Munatrcment of, 39fi. Board <.f, how appointed, ;i97. Boan) if, Members of, p. 2.'')9. Board of, Chairman of, 398. Vacancy in Board of, how filled, 399. Powers of Board of, 40O. Investment Ccmmittce of, 401. Income of, 402-409. Assessment for, t0«, 407. Treasurers of, 307. iMities uf Treasurers of, 410. Claimants on, 412-423. Scale of payments, 424-429. General Re<,niiations of, iM-i'M. Commutation with, 431. Annual Conference Committee in re- lation to, 43.'). SlTPEEAN'NUATKD MiNISTER.S — Recommended in District MectinL', 174. §2. Considered in Annual Conference, 152. § 12. Committee in relation to, 43.'). Claims of, 424-428. Widows of, 419, 429. Children of, 420, 421. SUPRRNPMBRART FUND— Name of, 438. Members of, 439. Management of, 440-449. SlTRRNIMKRUlY FCNH {ContillUfd.) Trcasuter* of how appoinftMl, 440. Duties of Treasurers of, 411, 442. (fcrieral ( V)nimittce of, 414. Duties of (;eiieral Committee of, 416. Fnve.stment Committee of, 447. Amiual Conference Committee of, 448. fnc-onic of, 4.')0-4.').5, 458. Capital .Stock of, 4.'i(l. Claimants on, 4.'')7-4«2. Ch.mge in Corl^tit,ution of, 463 SCl-RKNCMKRARY MINISTERS — Ri'commended in District Mcetinir. 174. i ,3. Considered in An'iual Conference. 162. § 13. SrPRRKROOATION, VV0RK8 OF— Article on, 12. SlIl'KRINTESDKNTH OF CiRCl'ITS — Duties Of 95. litii, is)l, 204. When authority of, ceases, 192. SUPERINTRXDKNT OF MJSWIONB— For North-West, 3S(^. Duties of, 3s6. SrPRRINTK.NDKVTS, GENERAL (See Gen. Hupts.) TE.MI'KKA.NCR- In eatinji: and (hinkinjr, 6(5, § 6. I'ledgfs, in Sal)bath Schools, 317. Permaiient Committee on, p. 260. TlMK - Employment of, 69, 80, § 1. Transkers— Expenses of, 129, § 5. Date of, 129, § 6. Transfers, CoMMirriSR on— Composition of, 129. Date of aj»plication to, 1'29 J 2, 3, 4. Duties of Secretary of, 129, § ft. Trkakurers— Of General Conference Funds, p. 261. Tr RATI NO— At Elections forbidden, 84. Triai.— Of a General Sut^-^rintendent, 240. Of a President r Of a Chairinaii, -. Of a .Minister or Probationer, 243. 31G INDEX. If TkiAi, {Cimh'mud.) 0( a fjOfiil rroaclior or an Exhorter, 2f.O. Of a Member, 2CI. Ri^rht of, Kiiiinuit.'cd, IH.'M. I'rciidiiiK Officer iit. 212. 2l;l. Notico of, how ;,-iveii, 2 It. ChariiCH for, titim and iiuituier of, 210. ('oiiiiiiifti f of, iiunilH-r, lil^. May proceed iii at)s.i;nce ol ai'ouuwl, 221. KecordH of, nujHt ho kept, 222. Kvidejioe at, ?2:i Challerjjfe for ctiiso allowed at, 21i». Trinitv, tiik Holt— Article t, how created, 267. Numlicr of, 207. QualiflciitioriH of, 208. Filling vacancies in B »anl of, 270, p. 301. Records of, 271, p. 2QS, § 11. Meetinu:8 of, p. -JO'), jj 12. ('liairiiian of Hoard of, p. 25)7. Oiioruni of. p. 302, § 22. Kinancial Statement of, p. 302, § 2b. Union - Necessity of, 07. Mean.tof, 68. Basis of, p. 263. Oonimittee on, p. 261. Union (UniRcii Rki.ikk Fund- Constitution of, 479-482. Object of, 480. Income (i, 481. Manap ;nent of, 482. Menil)t.'rs of Board of, p. 260. U.MVERHiTY Boards — Victoria, p. 2')'). Mount AliiHon, p. 2'6. VisiTiNO, Pastoral - Directions concerning, 76-82. Watch-Nigiit.s - To be held, 191, § 5. Wkslbv— Form^i the first Society, 27. Sermons, a standard of doctrine, 1. Widows, Mr.s'isTKRs'— AllowanofJ to, 429. Will, Priir— Article on, 9 WiT.VKHHM — Non-mKmher«< may be acreptcd, 2f;3. WoRO, Thk — Ai tide or), 3. WORKH-. Oood, article on. 11. Of Supererogation, article on, 12. APPKNDIX I. Coi'RMKH OK HTIIDT - 1. For (Jandidaten who ai '.radu ates in Arts, p. •M\. II. For r.indidatoH wlio are (Jraduat3. 0. Kducatiorial InKtitutions, p. 25r). (a) Victoria University, Board of Regents, p. 2.')5. (h) Advisory Connnittee on Col- lege Buildings, p. 255. (c) Mount Allison University, Board of Governors, p. 25 are (iracliiato)* Colh'ifo, p. 247. t dans i'oauvrc li. L'8 OfKKKRM, ? Al'l'OlVI'MK.NTS, ;ee, p. 261. , , p. "25 2. .rtir p. ■252. bin at>lish- .itution.9, p. 255. ivt'rsitv, Board 1, p. 255. uuiitteeon (.!ol- inj,% p. 25.7. on Univeraity, overiiors, p. 25() Geological Col- d, p. -/ba. ere, Senate ariri ). 257. e, Board, p. 257 5Ke, W'iuiiipejf, !58. adiea' College, !58, ies' College, INDKX. 317 APPENDIX Iir. Appknuix U~-(C(>nfinuftf.) i O^lvliH'a'ionnl Soriety, Hoard, I P '2.v.>. I TUK Uavib Of Vrtios, p, a&J. (k) Sabbath S;.hool Hoard, p. 2.M). i 4. Suporanntiatioii Fund lioiird, p. 2r.». 7. Chun-h aiirl Pai-Hona«c Aid, 01- rettnrH, p. 2(i«X 8. Union Cliurdi Uelief Fund Com- mittee, p. 200. 6. I'frniarifnt Teniperaiico Com- initt.«,e, p. 2t.O. 10. Oonferonce Stati8tician», p. 261. 11. Treaaurers of Funds, p. •.'01. APPENDIX V. 12. L/nionCoiniiiitt,fte, p. 2<51. • Jiui.K.a ok Ordf.k, p. 303. APPKNIdX IV. TiiR Dhmisiox Act and .Modkl Df.kd p. 270. '^ ' .'^' te MINISTERS' REQUISITES. IPRICJE3S NET. (*lliircll (llass Book. Witli pocket for tickets, 20 cents. CinMiit Ke^'stT. $1.50. 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