./ r CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) t ^ :t ICMH Collection de microfiches (monograpfties) .>:-^- ■■■f4t L Canadian tnstituta for Historical Microropr(;^uction» / Instffut Canadian da miccoraprofiuctionf biatorictMaa -■■ . '■■•■■>,■ TMtimcAl &nd BibltofrapltM Notm / Mpm itchntquM tt tMblrafraptttqiMf The IntiiiuM hm •ttam^tMl to obMin th« bMi oftginal copy avail^bto for fllmtnf Paatur** of (hit copy which m«y tM biblio«««phK:«lly uni4|«M. wh«ch may alMr any of Hm imafM in tlM rcpfodMCtlon. or whMh Nicy " <'tifnific«nlly chanft lh« uhmI method of f)lmir««. tf ^•ckadlMkm. L/ii«l«itut a mtcrofilmA t% maillaur aHamplaira 9u'll l^i a AtA poMiM* ?♦ » O iUi CT 1 1 1 'i» , !-• M ^T »> .>fB< ^ * 4.f< .4 /,' it •,*^ V •' #JkMIC ' AOtHtlftrc DOOU^INTf. .T»',m" c:-. ■• -v llMUJilfli 1 .•«fy9.-p«;j;A4,-^ . _! - ■ "'' «' * W 5 fi'.ii. A y^ • ^ '% %-- ■ -*?* i i^ TIm Bioclilioldtrt, C«rtiftcat« hokkri and olH«rt of \hm kil« Btnk •f Upfwr Canada at KiuKitoa, (Vequandy maka aoquiriaa i^ba Com. miMioaart* Offica on inalMra raapacting tha loatilution, «Mh . Tb« CommiMiowrs t»b>«c( In ibtfUof. ■• b«ing wnjutt nnd u»r«|« ^1 •on«blf. otiMrviiM. that if k« oan ft«t Bllla at 64. in lh« UUIar. hi* m (1«U can 1)« aaii«niKi for onm ««nih of ilia ainniinl juatiy dtia iha Imii. In lulioo, |iii() of whwh ha haa had full valua. Uy «uoh maana th« publia Will U ciaffaudad out of 4a. Od. iuavary dollar, whioh Mr. Daltoo wUI m put in hia (Hx-iiat (and a faw oihara.; Tha Commiaaionara raquaal lo ,«» know upuu what nrpundMIMMMW MHAaaort that the btll««fa otim, Worth 6d. Ill tlia dollar. ^ ^Tha arbilralora niada iin award, thtt tha aaid Thomaa Dalton do phy tha KinKiion Bunk ComniiMiunara Iha aum of 4:900 in quariarly inwiallinanta uf Xai 5 aach. without iniaraal, and in any da^anda b« ««nftru«Virt« i^aiudtof c«rli5c«taa givea ibr aiock. • MtMfiiAi^tt aipnad by Barnabaa Bidwall and Dougiaaa Pf«iir ^i Ha«. The Coinmiaaiooara raturi^ tha (iward, with ihair reaaoiii,<4MMr That th«y conaidar it contrary ioMm aubmiaaioo and theStatuta : that mi ftook nolo* ware not traoafarabla^llatarbitrat^ra w«fre not authoriaad 'J to antar into a quaation of limr, nor l*t to ordar a rotaiiM g| ta^ D|f»o« iify pirtlea in the oear. Tbefr mutual oUima were eubmttM, ., but the anlmieaion did not extend to fti]Cj|tteetio|i or claim between ;^ tl|e Bulk end ila creditora generally, or any ocber partiiular petty or .«. partiee, ea between the Bank and a Stockholder fbe latter ien oreditor to th e amount of S tock paid into the Bank by him, and no t r eirobu r « — eed to him, Imt atandfiig to hif AiedTt oe the Booka ol the Beiik„««d ; 1 ■ f !^ p^, :.! ' % \ ^vdv 'V,' *• >■*• >:'4 - • * h ' M- ■• / 1 'i*:'- 'f i ' « *' •«J ^'l', Ate %^\ m t i I CM aee no leeioo^ in lew or equity, why, in a aettlement mm ^^^^^j^rgjj if t.,*>1 m if . %U BaiiIi aiMl Ma^ liillMl ll«era«l!t««l to h(m %hcM MlltatlMr. •d by w«y oT iWnluctlon or mi off. tad Um kMibnet b« ountldAMd lfc#| IfiM d«lH dim (r\m% him lo iho Il«nk. **()n that |KHut 4»W^_,, ^ ** In tho prvtoiit act, itttck croditOftSfa HOf OBWMWrailHVMfiw^ or bunk creditor*, but |iUc«-l on Iho Mino fiiotiiig. Th«y •re •iHiil«4' iNiually with bill holdtnaiid e«rti(l««la holdofi, toathibll thvir nlaima •nd •haw la iha dividixid-. Tha Comntiatioaara oanoot lagally ••- , cluda Of i)o«ljiooo tham. • J U r« Wlu a. • nrai •• I— ^tiiBIM. mott hiaatock or«iil tofirt i i il il ii tln i i oT — f" ) dobt doa fnwi him lo iha Bank, pfaolaafy H Ife »f|W iat olf a nflla a* J bill, or any o placad on oracKia^ tha aamo footing. Un that (kit and lacogniaad « princlpla tha award wa- foundod. . .. . , An<.iliflr objection which you maka 10 tha award fa, thai It alloari * tho delcndant to pay by inatallnMitta. On (hia point I bog k?«»« lo >^ •tata, that aa tha dalondant otrorad' to pay in the mannar and at tht *.» timaa apaciflad In hiainintraot, but waa pruventod by th« ra(tiaal of tha ^ Commiaaionor* than rapraa«nting aad managing tha Bank, so that thcra waa no breach of contract on hia part, ail three of the arbitratora agreed that he ought now to be alktwed a reaaonabla lanp;th of tima for laying tha balanoe that might be fbvnd due, and a majority of tha" •rbitratora, aa you aoe b> the award, thought he waa entitled to the •ame propoittonabta inaiallmaoia aa waa ali|HUa|Dd io hip originai wilrict. ^'' *'^' ,^ . % M'U fft.» aettM prioaipla of la w that tf any pntty, to or for whamif •peciAo cantraoi ia to ba parfornwd, by tho delivery of apacifto artl. ole% Of tha doinf •f any apeoifiad aanricaa, pravantatha parlormanca f^ delaHng that ba will not accept it, or by any other worda or aota •uoh refuaal or prevention, diachargei the party thua praventad, from Any iRiftbar performance, and la a legal bar lo tha pravanting party ,^ >iiyrain«t any action for tha non pt rformaoce. • The Daicadani'i caaea come directly within that well known rule ,« «f lai. Thia ci&rad performance of hia aooiract bnving been rafu- «BdV tha Commiaak>nera, their auccaaaora, tha Plaintif&, had at taw mo rfatbt of aietioa agaioat him, and could nbw only coma in aqujty lo ^^laiminy pirfonnanee whatarar of the contract, and that whioii ih #, %wAiroia|lt loMiav* .. »♦ .tr l$-9 # tit paifawM • (|r«wt trnmftadfivt in tnw, w|> , rl|>l«i lo f'tvor ft wyrtlil«ii4 IriorMl, ttXftltjr •! vAnoiicw in «ll bw iin4 * ^ Jumkr, whirh a f»iv iwlkxU hi>y #», j* otitottd 19 (inwtt(il0 iVftiMf, And nmmtnt«t'» llii«. -thai if t«Kior twii^ ' . lo curry on builii«f«i aO't Iwrfwne Mivo'irml. id «ii!l»l. wlirii ilt« «r«f A«^\' bilratof ahall ba 6iiat anil biiM»in« upoirtha parlraa-^mnit \m conalr©* * «<1 irt rni^i»n, an aaarti troa friwi lra«id. and onm atithorl««'»l by tha a^l^* •n'i nniaa in thk oaaa, in dirael oppfiMllMi to ila prnviakraai'' .- ^ .Ivly ni, iHSft.— Mr. Thnmaan movta that th« award nT ttia Ar(il»' ^ trttdni in tha i-nat oT Thontn* Ylaltoni he rnmp(i ^ mut^i ih«r««d M ralatea to rft<*«iving ribck cartifti-ati** nnd tha giiMfe. > In^ ratattMi frofn tlw morigagv balora pityoieut ia inade. . f^f jil Y't-H. C Thomln. '^^ - ; / , -f ^ toilTNtya-JohftStranga, HanrySndlUi. U #0 i t* M Not. t7. im^Boaidsiai $iliH-HagkC.ThoiNl|^|^ iMd M«I)on«ll. - ^ ^ • ""^#^^ Mr. Dabon appliad to tha Commiwdotinta to at^apt (ha award in '< liiacMv, that h« would ralinquiah the part relntinjgE t'* fMiy^HR inBtmk , ' Certiiicalra. The Conimi«iii( Mr. Dailon^ tliey r«)l«fla«) a portion of bin pra|M»rty from tha mortgatfa^ raffed the Bnltnry rtfi, to enable Mat to purshaai eanifloataa fo pt^ bta dabi* m6 be would ask no furthar r«* itate until hiH debt WAN paid. it * '■ Pae. 10, liao.— Board me|v Preaant— Hugh C. Tbomaon, /oho ' treagr, Archibald McDoaelL Mr. Dalton applied to the Board to fet hia Brewery, and 400 aerea , jyttTiand in Murray. The nnajority of the CotnmtMinnon conaent, and ^IpiliyrafMrty raquaatad ia releaa«in3MPM mamy. Anmwmf f(um4. Nuiir* ««• llfM IB Mr. DrtunmoiW tool lo pat«h«M th« wmI bmlMQ (fo«(, or aiiy ,^ tlu(n« of tmi ifll«rm«t|ii#t d4«d9 of ihia brokaii lr^i«l«luf« iIm prOfifMHjr of \m» fpHiyaliog ihit lrtnM4;U)ft.| Mf. Dillon, having rrm|iMnlty iafti4«i ll p«jr III* <1«M« ihf Cumiiti«bi8it ^kmi Uw awgual lo Uw Imidi .11' llMir Itelicnof fer ooHficuoo^, »• '^ ^|4,:| . , .*^. ; *. • start afUr lh« UmI iiMHalhiMni wm a oar(ii|J|pM and n ag laota d , ika valua ia dua in oyrrai^ . laooav. ,„ lildga iooaa diraclad Iha Jury to find 00 danaafMi lioaaidhadid not oonoaiva thara could ba any on Ibo noii.payinant of £900 in daa praoialad papar, worth about dd. in Iha dollar ) conaaquaatiy Iha vafi did waa only £900, and application haa baan mada to tha court •bof#*l || My it in any iraah Dafiiodaoican pick up for marvly ootkiaf. Nolwithataiiding Judpa Jooaa' opinion, that no damaga ia aintainad 1 Vf tha non-pay mani of £900 in Kingalon Bank Bilb | it oaa ba pro- vnd, that that aura, with tha iolaraat dua from tha award, would pai ^ About 4a. in tha pound lo all l^« lagal cradiiora of tht Bank, and mmn- Ihat Daltoo ia Juatly dua at tbia tima an amount auflWiant k> pay all tha lagift cradiiora of tha Bank twica ovar. Tliat Dalton actually owaa tha ioatitution about Tan Thouaand Pounda, rackoning tha tntaraat of hia dabia agraaabla to Bank v«agt| fttod yat auch a man haa found friamb to aaaMt him lo lob tha puMio out of naarly Tan Thouaand Pounda. Dallon haa aaid ha oaa pnv ; ^ Bank daU for £100. ^ Tha ciaditora of tha Inatttudob, i^ iM«y ol tha indi|08nt at baing dalraudad out of their propaity, and wiak to know paftwulara. Tbay may ba traead to tha I^MNra of tha laat Aet, OM Vt' _„ «aa Dallon, who in tect iatrodooad tha act, and waa ona ol Jha (rand oonooctora of tha crafty daoaaa, taiong whwh b tha oM ftUoKim Daninii of tlw l—^wtiw^ id dammaAam, aikiiiaiMiifc ibai tibav » , ' r m 1 « • S • ■4^^.. ..V / # - m ' *•► » » arn,^ te lo^ Ml IfMiAlliiMaia, iImi will tafc« •bo«« t y«art lo Myt Ini iW ItiUllMlMflll olllwir Ill^ltit7 1 ^^ urAm iImi m km^m iIhII If |l«M fe# tfM UM of •ir«fi iImI rvduoii aiiMMjnfi tnd tMa to emvii (|i «iiUiii)r. «fitW*, woiiM iMtro Mt4 atl lkf§ QMcliMM if Pto iMlilaiion 90c in tho pot>n4 IV* iftditoc*, £:lo.:tod to bo regiatered. To which may be added Poatage, Stationary, Adverli- 4^og and many other itoma of expenae. i ^-'k • ywliSFlMt follow^ extraeta are fiwn the Eeport made January, 1896 ; *>r '^ The Commiasionera regret* notwithstanding (heir utmost ondeav« om, (ha( tbev have not been able befofe thh period, to bring this very ^^iMiplaaeaBt duty to a close, but some neW difficuUiea are constantly ' 'jpresenting themselves, which make it impossible. ^ * '^^% '. <>« u «ri,« ^5^4 of fm,(j|(| prevented the CoRiiqisaionarB proceeding to Oiiie biat Advantage. If they had Uen pr^vki^ with funds by th^ I^g - ialature, tliey might have reoovereddebta which are now lost On Jlbal aoeount a againat defaulterst and the very \^iriiofft panod of the limitationa lek no time to provide a remedy. There '•«oifUl ha 00 prt>«pect of receiving imrrem money when payment coiiyki iit nM4a (o too Institution in biUaobtaiOad ai a discount. ^ip^ ^^.Tle Commiasionem havo up to thia date 8«pporte4 their offieobn «»i4koNr owo reaponaibllity, which required a Clerk» #hom it ia imp^ •iMelaiiiBohai|{e until a final arraogamool of the aflklira of the Intti-. lolioD>; and he has on that account been p#oyeoted iii onganng with othOrbOaineaO which he expeotod wduM 'bo voire profitable to hia %fiMiU3r# and oonaequently a detriioent Wiien bo ongaged it was be- tievod hia service would only bo roqairod Cot taro yoi^k : f ,v ; t ■ ' It. i(*-\ "I -! ' f - » t ie«bii ■V » Intti*. - *1 Switk , ^ to his * ' ulbe' -vf?;/^.: : ■; -, ^ !-f I' i**' t ; ' •• • V ■ ■- • ^ TIm CommlttioiMira were appointod uodor th« proviiioaa q( to «#' '«f flM LtcUltliire of Upper Cenida : to that e^thority Ibey wbK tA MMke e full ■tateiMiH of til their proeeedinge. For that j^urpoet ebey leepeetfurily requ«tt that your tUtaallenoy be pleaaed to recom* » «neai» Ibei a Coromkteo of the Hoiuiralte Houae or Aiaemh^ be ap^ i|ioidtn4 10 innMligata all mattora ind thtnga done by them, at Daak ComoiiaaionerB, end for that auirpoM their Clerk be sent Tor and ex« AOdiMd, who from hie general knowled^ of the prooeedioga, will b% ike MOM eonpeieal peneo to gift thejeoMaor/ iiito{Rt^ . a •» » HMciag the balance in hia ftvoij^ , 845 2 i. Bidwejl and £. W. Arim(roi|; aign an aw«rd to pay L1750 io quarterly inatallmenta of LlMeaeC without interest, in any de. ' fttafidi agauMt the institution. Mr. Bar^ pnid a portion of hia iTward _ Id etrlUtoetea in due seaaos, and tkk biknoe in aomo land qeer King- eton, «ad sundry tracts of wild landa inliifleraaifarto of tke proviiike, .^ MOie of whiek were %i^4 .of^upied by perMoa having itilea lor thorn 1-3 >tMT WiirrMKr demanded an vbitration end hie ^eee aubmit- to ike Moeriog peraoQs : ^ ^jineeW. Amislrong, ^ « ^. . . v Wra. Driscoll, . •._ .^i»r:>;^t.-n»».*» ■■?!,, :;.■>''. ~'- "r"'^'- Michael Brennan, ■• ■ T"'"v' Of the Bank ageinst Whitney/ " L947 4 4.^ Wkitoey olaimed as a eat off, i; 480, Ae amount paid by him on 00 .^.A*m «f epock, ^i^l ajao i:«260 he mid was promiaevt him by ^ Di- — -•*- fi^Jl^iieeriripea. the Qomm^ioners object to.tbe |HMW(RI« r *•«■« #l>y fi^ftoer of a joi|it ktock company e^' ^ ^ ^^_ , , .^Mte oi ^ Mpottjot III x!«fjUj|cftt«f givett (0^ '^ V k 'm »4 s^ . y % i ^e* .'•• » ' . ■ ' ,i ■ ■ . ' ■ • HiMtT d»ARAiM, an Ac«nt, donwnM an arbitration, ancl tb M- *%wittg arMtraiort war* choMo— Maaan. Henry Caaiadjr» JamtaBol- 100, and Jamaa* W. Armat^onf. ^ . ... . ^ . ,,^ DamandaoTthaBank:— ,. ... _ «*! i i% Aftncy Account, Amount of noia and tntaraal^ 246 4 ' ^^^^H^*- ' '- ■• Total. ' : •*" "*'^ ''m, U 10 .. #! Jlward to pay L 317 in Aill of all cUima, which wat paid la cartfl- il' for hilla. *|r.i^J»«*43'».A '^ , vARBITRATK)NS. -'. V. t.- -i ' '*%trtT peraona damnnded arbitrationa with Iha Coramitaionara. ^ The demand againat 38 was nearly L4000, making with iaiaraal, •boutLSOOO. Except tUa Agent, Henrv Oraham« the other dehtora' claima of aal __flff, ware only the amount ol their etock againat the claima of the Bank» Which the arbitratora invariably tlloared agaioit the amount of their •olea of h)nd, and without adding the interaat due on tham. The reault waa, that only about L 1800 waa awarded in (kfor «f the Commiaaionera, about L 1000 of which waa paid directly in a^r- ftlfioataa, given by the Cpmrniiaiaaara. |-. - Oenaral rtault ot^tha arbitrationa, filiotoding Dalian and Bartlet ;— Amount demanded with inteireat, L 10,800 8,66fr :i^. ■ < i '*. i: 18,1A0 ^ ^ Amount awarded to Commiiaionera, Lott to the eraditora and the Stockholderai not o#- £',J. ■ ing a Bank debt, .m.r.,.uiH. iVoltf— Some errora had to ba cof lected aid allowed to Meaan. y^Hileat Evana, Atkinaoo and othera. ^ When the Commiaeionara objected to the demand of dabll^ partnara in a company, to have their atoek eet ofl' againat their juat debta, they laferred to Dalton'a award, in which ^not only atock waa ^•et off againat hie debt, but ibnr parte of his debt-^ihat thay had mQra , ieaaon to claim damagea than he bad, ha being a D'rector, and waa one of thoee who, by his improper conduct, deranged the Inatitution, The aibitraton were convinced of the juatneea of the plea, and madt their awarda accordingly. , „^^ '|i-: -^'u.'^ , •■;■; law matters. ' """''' . '^•■■ 'i Mr. C. A* Hagerman waa applied to for a atatement of the monlea «nllectadr and otter pftrtioulara raapecting^ tondry promiaaory ikotaa ki iiivor of the Bank placed in hW faaada, aa their Sdlichbr by ^ lata Dhfaotora, to ba collacted b^ law. The following waa raouifMlti te. ply, but DO aodount of moniea received by him : ^ Tb ooa^ in divert auita brought by the taid Bank againat diflbrviit •r ^ y' imNBol- AMm 9 10 ., in ctrtfl- "^ f . I wntn, i ialtratl* imt of Ml IhaBank,. Bt of Uitir I in fiifor sUjr in ffr* rtlet }— 1,800 l,66(^ BylftO df bfort M ; their juat •took wu rhMinQr* ', nndwM Inttitution, •ndnuul« the monien NorjrikotM tifidtete. • ' It diflbi^nt /' '." ¥ *. 11 11« 18 4 ?irMNM, £800 d my advioe ind pr^feMional Mnrioe and attfliidanoe aftar the aaid Bank had atnpped paynwnt, iTo ooovtYMicing and dmwiiig inortf agaa firpn Daltoo loatidBaBk, 59 To caah Mid (or r«g|ptoring mortgage, » , , ; |i paid on aecount ol Stock, ., •„! ., *, f„t,; ^ • ^ ^-^i^iiiiO Total, tie Cash MiU.i ■I • '■'¥ lmT ofIMtoM MiJTOTd^^ TfljB. AiaUNT OF STOCK PAID IN-1840 N0tT9 Arnold, Thoa. AHKint Andia# Bafk«r« AbnUn €liila, John G. '/ i;.'' Amount of debt without btorvMt. hn \% Aaioiui^ lif StMk. -:/t JCumminff, Baojamin fDnllon, Win. 1 ilgliah, David Ivaritt, John 'arley, Danial ^Hayna, Oranga ..j ifianry, Theophilii ^^iif,, ~ohii« Solomon John Stephen ds Co. ilorrol* SioMon :, Seif han, Roht. : iaaom J. T., Dr* IfoLofin, John Okott, Benjamin PolfihtEtieone rSmiML Wm. Bynrd Small, JpbQ , Thorp, Henry * Underbill, Thoi. Ward, Elifba . ■;»'*' jv.^H ai 16 « 128 400 33 78 33 % f2 800 30 106 25 16 6 148 13 80 118 30 18 10 lU 13 6 4 16 6 10 8 5 10 10 16 9 % . _40 .. JC\ '*.h, V; 40 4000 34 80 130 40 .83 400 40 340 80 800 40 160 ■M 40 48 16 H ' (Unknown.^ n :; do. doi rf ■ .1. i.» ( (J. Slalia.) (Englaod.; ((Jokoown.) (U.Slalea.) (Unknown.) du «• (Toronto.) I I ■* 4 Lirr or nirroKa owino Mornn than min avoox riio in. , Amottatofdtbt wpthoat iDttfMt. ,, 1*27 10 ^■i Bryant, Jemet ' Bfovn, Daniel Coy, Haffle Comming, John Vummingfe Benjamin Foiyi ao n, John, Jiidge 100 16 83 866 17 tn 10 171 8 4 (DewL) 01 _ ■t^ * ■ s '# , * »,J W^ • wm 1 \ . \ fl 1 i' » ' F j 'W' -^ f< X 90 (U HvflM/lMli'^ .' 118 10 ^ ^^ ,r Kmg. John, U. N. MH^»» «W 1 6 ^«^ _ . _„ ^ l^k«. JoHn, Jr. W •H-t ~-#'*-^ ^^< #'*f-^» ^^^^ »«*<- Mooro. John S'iS 10 # "^ r ^'tf|tt* ^jfBll^)^ ** w. Pnyno. Wm.Capt.fi. £.340 18 a / M fy»^"<*^A^. Hcnotlobury. John 200 14 #'. - » Mi^r Bhephttrd, KlMuezor Oa 2 10 ' * 80 Whilaker. Tbornoi ^ 4 ||. 8«0 r,!'.-!,, "V* f UnknAWAiJ 4^ (Unknown.^ * |N. York.J,, LIST Of PKMONt AnBITtATM^ * Dallop. Thoma*'**:^ Dny, Lewm '■. t V Kytuiit 6a Alkintoo» ' ' \. Aim irAV« NOT PAID^MUA Mim. - |lee»iimn,i, J. k ;i^*r' i" V' Beid« Marv Ann< I wh«n rtie CommHl^niN ippoifi!»»eatnteid» and conseque;itIy ao much in favor of the Btockheldera. !? Thejegai debts due. by the instUutkm art at this time hraa thtA^ L $pOOy a sum which Daltou'a dobtia 1830 would have diaoharged. .11' • , •AMX* -^ I.; -% . ). ■ f'.'JT lown. Jr ' ' ork.} ilBre«(« "^^ i J of th«»^^^ , Th# I nlK)V« ' (ficieuft portiofk Bank iMHied R iarge* •tntod*. M thaik wrged^ ^ MX* * : f*' ■J'. Ill f "■m Hall. Phillip F., Iluppbura*, N. U. Ivak, Abntr -t i MeLeud, Alax. f*riagl«» John ^lougbtoa, Wm. .Samaoot Raqyt ^(owart, Wm. iJiuHo, Wm, Tutito, John WilJianrji. Robti*' f AVilliamM, Tbomaa UoM, Wjllinm Xlubbina, Kdward •0' ao 69 e 5 lot 10 j^ 0$ 10 10 i .* #irt#''^lW » • •/■r iftf 2S u 1ft 8 9 40 IS la 10 76 s .->'« 'i|»tN/ 1 tl'Titfullowinf rtnmiiu art Uktn (rom Mvtril latlMntia iMliMaUi, vfai., lU t,f I?' •aiAioatlon «rUi« l^iMolon, tod tbt CoiAmiMtMMra' Rtpofta, *«. Ai^] The Bank aP Upper Canada at Kingfton, went into operattoa is- 1610, and had it been roa()uot(td with holK>r o^ honeaty, might hiv* b«en profitabld tn ihu Stockboldurtt and parlm^ not vary injurioua to 4he publia, but the managoment waaplocaCitiavarioiottS h«wlb,Mtk* Ann tha intflreat of theroatilvea and a, few (rienda, who in a Uulo liiM became jealous of each olher,«and ruined the credit of the iaatituti«|h« At the lime the Bank failed in 1822, it waa under tha following Dife0- ttora-^Beiijamin Whitney, ^reaidaott Smith Qartlet, Caahiari Afoh- abald Richmond, tienry Murney, John Cbouniog, C. A. U«gtiiiiMiv .Miul HcLeod, l^bomaa Dalton, John McLean. Soma oi thani imi%- •extanawro Stockholders, but i^ la well knomt aMny of tliam bMidfa Dah Kon paid in very little for it. They took^tock and proroiiad to pay. iby m altoo« wjth sf the regnlar reduceil ratio as bis imroi^r pi •haraa ineroaao. •1' t. ^1 '^. <■>.-. * ^ ^: r^"^", '. i' ^'. •*v f nr.. f 4; Iha DiroctArt, (lQ|Mn(J«nt upon lh«m for lh« rtHmntof Mfryfiif on f||i|^ buMiMM, moii vcHa d y» fo r this alliralion uolil one pvrtrm •mrtod ih« <|u«c(M>n of ih« imprnpTtcty of increaiing tlw pr«Mn( fiownr of ih« |arg« tlookholderi, which could havo no other objoct but to dmtruy tiM noG«u«ry chifck ofthctnuiU •tockholdors u|»on lh« l>irMlor«,who tIrMdy bad too much powvr ia their handa for lh« beoeftt o< ih« In. itituiioQ in general. Two or three men in favor of the change had procured proiy vote* which, togetlior wilh Whilney, Dalton, Harilel, and a few othera, gave a tmall majority, and the meaaure waa deela. red carried, h waa objected lo, ■§ the whole proooediiiga were ir- rtgular,'^ » •?■•**.•,'■(■ "v/ ,'0,- r| , ,/_ ,' - .„ „--,^ . ■ ' • Whitney iiHt C6. wxi proposed t^«! !?» Mirmi nh of troting ihould be adopted at th« Hoerd of Diroclor* ; that ia, if n Director at the board had 100 aharea, he hod aa much influence and power aa 6 dt^ rectora owning together iqp aherea. The meeting waa indignant tl _the ififamoua propoailion made. Dalton was heard to aay th« motkMi had bettor be |K>aiponed, oa the gentlemen don't underatand it. Som» of the Stockhoidern at the top oT their voice aakJ, **/QU Aft A Mt of pwindlera ! " and the meeting broke up in dtaguat. Mattera continued unti! 1896; the Difectora loaniag themaeNea and a' few favoritea the lunda of the tnatitutioo.^ben a quarrel com- menced. It appeara that Whitney entered into go. wilh a man named WhiiaRor, and aecretiy opened a shaving thop for (ending iodividuala a portion of their own Ainda. Some of them were madw i to undentand that if their wania were urgent, Whitaker waa ready to ^ •have tliem foe a fee umounting to double intareal, and Whitney urg- ^ •d theae notea to be diacounied. The Director8,HlweTar,did not reliab ' Whitney'a plan,d£ at a board he waaaccuaed of roal^racticea^ndaua* > peuded until a meeting of the Slockholdera waa had. ^ At tbta time £80(M) of redeemed noleaof iha KingaloA Baak wta at Mootrtal. Whitney heard it, and gave out he waa going in another jliraotioot but poated down to Montreal and preaented hitnoelf at the | Bank. The Caahier, ignoiant of mattera at Kmgaton, re«ueMd Whit* ney to take charge of the packet of nolea for Mr. Caahier Bartle§-- Thia waa exactly what Whitoev expected, and the packet waa handed to hkD ; he then broke tlw aeala and made uae of a large amount of, the Billa. Dalton waaaent poat after Whitney to Montraal,and took the opinion of the preaent Judge Stuart, who aaid it waa an act of fokMiy» •nd bo W.f might be apprehended aa auob f|; ** i«r w - . m ;tv; j ' , p ' Theae proceedinga created an alarm and cauaed a run upon th» Bank* which increaaed by the reporta of Whitney and bia pait(iana» who appeared determined if they could not rula, to ruin the inalitutioii» by flogging the Direotora witb the £8000 rod Whitnev bad atoloi. The Bank had puahad out a large amount of BilJa for aoaaMU & tapjjal, an d waa aoon drajnad of fta apooie. ThIa cauaad an extm fmuvG, which i^aa increaaed by the ignorance pt aoma, anAdMigniagT ill* •V f r.. /.• ■ • . i ir:- -i\ *: 4»»*' nrted ihi. lor«,wha i th« in. inga had Hirilvt, !• daela. *# ■. * g fhoitld »r at the r •• 6 di* gn«nta| • motioiff— u 8om# ) ft Mt of BmMf¥M •rel com- * I « mm lending in made ready to iHjy uff- .'. lot relitb If i. *«i another }lf at the BdWhil. •rtiem* ilModed mount of. took the f (ekMiy» upeo A#* iitmoty ititutiMft tolef. h aaMiU ft •oextrft Migoiag, 0. Y' 1ft fcWfift IwAlnir out for apeculatiiii. l6of thloklog, •• the ipicki wit 12? J^ S*ir **•** **; ^^'^'^ «~«««. They hid eoiotCrof the awM 4tM it t>r notaa dwooyniod, end were eeier lo MMor aell Bills •ladiaoouot. whioh Ihey had in poKtnion, bUeviof thft DIfMtore iMd i«iued ih# billa of th« inaatutioo (er thair owThtMlt, for the fery JJKT.fL?^''??"* ^ P***»'**'- '^y *'»•'' «W "i*?****"* of »noi «« the Direfllora did not warraiH tharo lo have aaefi hm luma upon . eaeh «»»(• '<»«l»n«ibilHv, maoir of iheei hibg mere nibn vt Strii^ «ol siMh Wr than DaW DaltoA end Ballet aodoratd Ibr eeoh .!liII!'tiJ"l monty waa not tortb4ominf : it wea the aame with •oiMr Uirectorvvvther bad notaa diaoo^nted. and renewed thera from tUne to J ma, iftMeaplft conaidw^d the yeera « would |teke to pay thoae debta, and it waa r«portad other dirMlera hftd eeually favorable chancea to payj«heir debta, togethftr with the Mmph^ laaued b>the partiea crimiifting each other with mal.prao- S!!!.ir' " waa impoaaible to diaeov^ the aituation of the inatitutioQ fto«4he contradictory atatementa of the dir^ The fiMihoUera were bewildered, and jdned in with a party aa cheace WMed thenu The buaineaa waa pla^ in the handa of Mr. Robert Mftnloo, aa Agent, and then is no doubt but the Billa wouM h#ve baea ftdeemed at par, and the Stockholder paid their amount ef Stock. ^St^U^J^, iotcrferrd by wiaing an act appointing Meaara. i^ffil. •'*'^°*''^°'*" Kirby,and John Matiattlay.Commliaionera. fbe Wlowidg li a preamble to the act paaaad March 19, 1888« .•irii'SJlJ*'^. ^ ••«<'^*«oclatiot> have atopped Myment and de. ^red itaeif lOMlvent^ whereby f araat portion of the inhabitanlii of ^province, holding their aaid billa or notet, and who hftve taken - •took inihe mm bank, aa irell aa othera, have been defrauded of the 1^!!!!,lL^TMi i^}y ^h ^'^^^^^ '•^'^^ unhwaiome legialative MMdy ahoold be t>n>vided lor their relief." * yhe loaa to the Bill and eertain Stockholden, waa cauaed hy thft ^>tlowiiig acta of commiaaionefi^MarkUnrf, if.VKy .^H MfifgilftT J f i h M h~~~ UklMlMf dilUiilt to itv«nil UioumimI pmi MiNf 1iiilll«ll1lMa» tbo pootlion of •■ omgy 9