cimvi lyiicroficha Series y __ W'' ICMH Collection de microfiches (monograpKles) ^ 'i Caiuidten InstHut* for HtetOrical Mieroraproductiont / liwtitlit cihadiwi if microreproductloiw hlttoriquot * • ni ^^ •% Tht liMiiMtt hm iltMNptMllo «D^aMMiMiforffMiiihi«. FwtMr«oftfilt of Hm iHMpt in «lw fvpradiMtlMi. or wfcWi M^r □ CdMoriidoovMa/ CoMMftura 4« MMlMir □ CovtradMMpd/ COVMniHO / r~n C«BM«nrMMmMiMid/orl«niMti4/ LjiCottvwtiira nnMN«rtt/0M paHiMiM* □ CovMT titll MiNint/ U titfa tfi eoMMrturo manqiM □ ColouradiMpi/ -^ Cartw jlotr a plihiiiM «i coutwir □ CohMirad bik «.•. otiMr tlwq MiM or Maek)/ Cnofo d« ooulMMr 0.«. Mtrt qut Mmm ou noira) . ■ ColourMl ptotM and/or illintratiom/ FlanchM tt/ou iHuitritiom fn eoulMir Bound ^Hh othar mottrM/ fWid svoc d'MitrM dofMiiMMts ^ akmtinitriorinaffin/ shadows or distortion La ralivra sarria paut causar da l'omiM«ou da la distorkictn la iontda la mar** intiriaura Blank laaaas ad«M durinf rastoration may appaar within tha taxt Whanavar posriMa. diasa haaa baan omitiad from fikninf/ II sa paiit qiM cartainas paps Manchas aioutias k>rs d'una rastauration apparaistant dans Is taxta, mais, leriiiua cala *tait possiWa. cas paps n'ont pasMfiknAn. Additktnal commants:/ Com m an ta iras la pp Hm antairas; This Ca is fiknad at tha raduetion ratio ahaekad ast fikni aotau* da redaction i ndiqi i l T«jt — ' HX L'lMtHiita kiiaiil m h maiUapr o K smp l airi quil ploaiirar> Las datails da aat raprodoha. m mii p m owi l •»dpr owa modif icotiow •A < F~1 CokMNOd paps/ □ Itaps rastorad and/or lamkiatsd/ Nps rastaorlos •t/OM paNicuMbas 0P^Ma ditOaiOiMMd stainad or tiuuM raps oaooHitaai r~~| Paps dataehad/ HShowfthrouth/ Transparanca 0Qiialitv of print varias/ Qiialit* kiApla da I'imprassion □ Continuous pafination/ Pafination eontinua D IndudH tndaxlasl/ Comptand un (das) indan Titia on ha a dar takan from:/ La titta da I'an-ttta proviant: □ TitIa pap of issoa/ Pap da titra da la livraison □ Captkm of issua/ Titra da depart da la livraison □ Raasthaao/ ^ TIMUIO''h or tha aymbol ▼ tmaanihg "iND"», wMahavor appliaa. <: Mapa. platoa, oharta, ab., may ba filmad at dlffaiont roduotlon ratloa. Thoaa too largo to ba amirohf bwhidOd In ono OKpoaura ara fHmad bogbmlngJn tho uppar laft hand eornar. laft to right and too 10 bottom, aa many framaa a$ roqulrod. Thd>lollowing dlagrama illuttrata tha mothod:. 4-- ■■ L'oxamplaira fllmd fut raprodMit grioo i lo gdnOroaltd da: ^ ■ ¥ Hatropolltan Toronto Roforonco library laldwin Room Ua Imagaa auhrantaa ont dtd raprodultaa avaa la plua grand aoln. eOmpta tailu da la oohdition at da la nattat« da I'oxamplaira film*, at an eonf ormltO avaa loa oondltlona du oontrat da fllmaga. v - Ua axamplalraa orlglnaux dont la eouvartura^ an papiar aat Iiv)prtfl|i4a aonf fllmOa mi oomman^ant par la pramlar plat at anjormlnant soit par ia , darniira paga qui oomporto uno ampralnta d'Impraaalon ou dlNuatrotlon. aolt par la aaeond plat. aalOn fo eaa. Toua laa autraa axamplalraa orlglnaux aont fllmda an eommonoaht par la praml*ra paga qui oomporto uno ompff Into d'Impraaalon ou dIHuatratlon ot an tarminant par la damMro paga qui oomporto uno MHd ""Ofiipcoihto* - . "V-"'- ■ i., ■'■■ ■"-■■■.:;'■.■■■■■' ? :' - - ." ■' '':■" V:-' ■. Up daif aymbolaa aulvanta apparaftra aur la darniira lmag#da ahaqOtf mleroltaha. Mion la oaa: la aymboia -^ aignlfia "A SUIVRf'. lo . aymbola ▼ aignlfia "PIN'V . ■.' ■'^:- ..::.•.. ^^ ..■■■■ , . ■ ■ ■"■■■■■■■: . Laa cartaa. planohaa. tablaaux. ate. pauvant itra fiimia A daa taux da nMuotlon diffOrantf. Loraqua la dooumont aat trap grand pour Atra raproduit w un aaul aliahO. II aat fHrnA A partir da I'angia aupArlaur gaucha. da gauaha A droita, at da haut m baa, w pranant la-rtombra^ d'imagaa nAoaaaalra, Laa diagrammaa aulvanta llhiatrant la mAthodo. * > ^ ^^ - , . ' * 1 2 3 V ' • ^ 3 ? 4 5 6 ■ . X - -/ ■ . 1 MMMoorr fodufrioN mt OMin (ANSI and. ISO TEST CHART Uc. 2) ■•./ :' V.v •. •■■■/■A.-. . '# S A /4PPLED IM/OE Inc 'ieS9 Eort Moin StriM< ~ RoehMW. Nnr v«rh l. "i.t ft^flo 1;>TJ?*^ T1»>V0. 'Jr> k'nifit- ■'<') rY '^:;:'^ *:#]! lo Y«"^'» ft'"' I ' «•' "-'Ji f»'"ft'«f j^ i ,p ft ; :* Wo- ttur. -■] NORTH BRIXTON, LONDON, XNOLAHDt -I • -r i fllBT IlITItH-FBOM TBI •BlfllRAl BAXVICBIPT. \ X^ISTOlVlBtj. O. "W. ymsUSBID BT THB BDIT0B8 Of SHE •'MABfVRnar.* imr. •! . 1: tv ATr^^jTv^i /o(f/oj ^rijr n ».' a f( '(<■. ^2f don iB hetftilj eodoned by tUe {raVlb^n ofthe Martuuon, u ezprenire of tbetr futh and hop9. They rejoice in the knowled^ that a people exist In the Melnpolii of Onat Britain who sabMrihe to saeh exalted Tiews of the thi^'of Ghid. !rhe>Miahert ofihe If ABTtoBtotf li^ ofiteSeriptnral charaeter, that they have iasued it in pamphlet form, and wmld liice to plaee a eopy of the same in the hands of erery bearer of the / dio think it idll do good serriee in plaoing in a olear oonneeted manner the «< fivMof ■oond irords"«before the honest inquirer after tmth, who desires to know what we beliere in relation to Bible truths. They oommend it to the HoMehold of Faith, and are oonfldent iSiat it wifrediff tho reader, and aid him to flow in graoe^ the law>w|^ jrfo^ Im^ and Satiour Jesua Ohriflt Liatowel,C.Wl koB. 01 Mabtumok. \ '^1 ' TrtJM J >i,tX ., 'Sill '•JTWsr T;!;f 4 1 , // .^ i.r i;^^' •/ 't -l^-jH^-Tga* ,« T THE CONSTITUTION AND ORDER Of i» London Eooletii of linin«r««d B«liav«rtof tht ThinQtof th« Kingdom of Qod, and lh« Namt of Jatut tha Chritt, Aooording to tha 8«rlptur«« ; Organliad on Ita 8ub«oription for Trua Fallowahip In tho Qoapal oj tba Qraoa of Qod. JiX. IT We^ tbe nndersigned members of the Body of the Ghriat forming this Eooleaia, do hereby subHcribo our names to this roll of the Kcoleeio, in token that we have bean Mmmorsed as betiovera in And conjessors of tbe Xm^ Mit la in J«aaa, •* avp^ wariaed under the following heads of purtioulara: * • ■.! r I. The one'bapttam is immersion in wa- ter into the name of^tho ^Father, the Son, and the H9W Spii:it, upon, a Scriptural be- lief of tho thin^ 6f the krngddm of God, and^ Che name of tUo Lord Jeaua the ■Chriat. :,,a.^i,., ■,■-■: :,..;. , . . II. The Nanjft^^of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is the doctrinal name of the Lord Jesus tho Ohrist, und,involva8 the following essential truths: 1. In relation to the Father. The Father it the one Supreme, Indivisible, ' and Self-oziatent Qod^of spirit, nature and onbatance, dwellrag in Iigfart~ unanprOMih- ableintM'hMVJM of.Uaavens, wlM) only hath imi^ortaJi}^ ^^°^- ^^ '^^^ ^"^^ "^"^ or can see.' Too Father is alone the source of beingi ahd tha SWotain of Life for all exiateno^es^ by wjioi^. are all things, and* for whom' are all thlhgs in providence and . in grace, wJhttter viadoln ia infinite, whose tinderatanding is unsearchable, and whoso ways are past finding out, and whoso re- vealed names are— iiF Shadai, the strength of mighty ones, C. V., God. Almighty, leue Alum, he shall be thy mighty onei, C. v., Lord God, our Father in heaven, meroifttl and gracious, long-suffering and« ^pbundant in goodness and truth. 2.,Inrelation to the Son. The Son ia Hi creation of the Father, by operation of .NHoly Spirit on the substance of the Virgin Mary^ of the house and linei^ of David, and therefore made out of a woman and made under the law, a mortal man, to eatabUsh an4 AilfiU the covenants pfFpnis iaemade to Adam, Abraham \and David for the redemption firom the power of lain and death of those who Wore under the , luw, and whose faith in the promises had been imputed to then for righteonaneaa, and of all othara npt .under the law of works, who are the oalled of God to hia kingdom and glory, and who shall obtain the Sonship, according to the law of the Spirit of the life i njjy Christ Jeaua, through sanetification WP* Snirit and be- , lief of the truth. The Yon became the Lamb of God, which taketh away the ain ' of the world, when, being found aa a nan, holy, harmless, undefiled. and ae|MUrate from sinners, he Iras called aa thotMsophet like unto Moaea, to be the niniatf r oTti^^ oiroumcision, for the truth of God to ooi»> firm the promises made unto the faihera, by immeraion and anointing of Ho^ Spirit, and power without meaaure, to spoak tho words and to do the worka of the Father, in the proclamation of thq glad tidings of the Gospel of the kingdom of God, and of himself as its Messiah; and « having finished the work the Father had given him to do, he- wu out off for die ' transgression of Jehovah's people, to ttiako , a reoonciliation for iniqiuity, to bring in an everlaating righteousness, to seal np tho vision and proimeoy, to be anointed tho Most Holy, to be exalted both Lord and Christ, aa the seed of the woman and of Abraham, and tho Son of God indi of David, ohaatened with tho atripea doo.tQ the chil dren of Ad«n, ho wia Taiaod a p i» . tiq >i Prince and a Savipar to nt on wnd't throne, and to rule the kingdom of linH^ in iti latter day manifbs^uoiij and WW m J\lb«rilttnf«otton itid tlielifunf .T^linvnli'fi Mcmk, who ihall bo rcdt^oiuod unto (]od if oil blood in the day of htN appearing ■ad kidgdoiD. T|« Hon now nwnitH at the right hand of tho %f ajoimaa Adam traoe-' gresscd the law of his natural existence by yielding to the toiiiptatiou of the woman, who was' beguiled by the serpent^ the most Btibtio of the boasts of the field, and in so doing he bccamo unclean, and brdught . upon himself and his posterity^ the curse of a broken law, and lout the hopd of eter- nal life, as well as the dominion with whioh ho had betn iuveated by his Creator and friend. So that according to tho Scrips turcs. the Adam sinned when he was dr^wn away of his own lust and enticed, and lust when it had conceived brought forth sin^ and sin when it was finished brought forth dfeath, for " Tho wages of sin is death/' and so death passed upon all men in the- Adani, because in him all have sinned and come short .of the glory of God. 2. In relation to the promises of Ood - for man's redendption from tbe law of sin ik' and death, (a.) The Lord when he pronounced sentence of death with its preluniiiary in- 6 ■tldenlK on iha ilr«( pnrcntn of oor rnco, tfracioimly tomjH'rocl judgment with tnorcy by iinnnrtin); to tluMii a ilopc) I'lill of iin- niortality in the Adniiiio proiniHO coiituin* ed in thci ourNo upon tho w*qH>nt, Hd Got). 16—" And I will put oniniJy Imtwccn tlioo and tho wointin, nnd betwoon thy wvd •nd hur mM>d, lieHhatI ImUHO thy hoiid iind thou riiitlt bruino hiH hoi;!,". ThiH was embraced find dcflnod further in tho [h.l Abnihanii(T proiniww and <5ovonnnt, which voihul to Abrahiun tho name hop« of immortality in " willing " to him an^ his seed tho cvorlttHtiiig poHMflHion of tho land of Canaan, and in hitu and hiH Hccd all the nations of tho earth should bo blessed. Iloneo Abraham, with Tmino and Jacob, tho fathera of the nation of iHrnel, to whom the like promises woro made, is the holder of tho promises on behalf of all who should attain to tho righteousness which is by fuith of them. These promi- 808 and covenant woro particnluNHed in the personification of tho soed as a King, and