IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) i.O I.I 1.25 ^1^ IM "• Hi 1 2.2 US 1^ 2.0 1.8 U ill 1.6 V] <^ W 'ew/ ■c'l / %^ »w> /4 o / Photographic Sciences Corporation # ^^ ,V ^9> ^^ V cl>^ ^\ r<^' ^ a V '% r<^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^' s° MP , bv fdlldwiiiL' tlic iliiTctiiiiis. A ciii'd liiiviiif; tlu'sc (lireuliiiiis i> snii uilli eiich Imlf-ilO/cii Miirniws. liiirrows in liiis shjipi- iciiiiiri' mmli less rcioni I'di' slorufje. iiml I'lin he ,i-- eii-iily set up as ifjreeeived .with iniy lastnied in fniine. "SCIOTO" RAILROAD OR CANAL BARROW. WITH JACOBS' PATENT WOOD WHEEL. Diainotcr of Wlu-cl. 17 iiu'lics: tire, -i^„- x 11 iiiclics; spoki's, ^ xl iiicli. Full Sizoil Bent Tniw well plaiUMl, cleutt'il, hfaccii and lidlttMl as shown in cut. Lo<;s andcross-|ii('ccs uraincd, k'ji' liraccs cxteuilinii' licyoml tlic handles, furminH' ailditional hraccs I'oi' the tray, and lioltcd throniih tin' ti'a>'. Knocks down conipictcly for siiipi)inii'. and is easily set iiii. Weight per do/en. •")7o\e, exi'ept fnrnisheil witii Lewis Steel Snoke Wheel. IMann'Ier of Wlx^ej. 1(1.1 inches: spokes. 1; inrh runnd ; lire, 1 j| x J inch, Weiirht per dozen, .")!M Ih.-. I'kk i; per d \ Lewis Steel Wheel. \Vei^'ht jxT do/en. (i.")(l Ills. I'liici:. per do/eii. S BOLTED ORE BARROW. WITH JACOBS' PATENT WHEEL. Size of Tray— S inehes deeji at handles and 11.^ inchi's at wheel; hottoni, 17i X l!t inches; top L'?' iiK'hes wide hy 2U inches lony. Wheel, 17 inehes in diameter; tii'e. li x vV inches; spokes, ; x 1 inch; axle bolt, .1 inch, i'ainted lu-own. Wheel, U'ad color. Weiuht, -vi Ihs. I'lilfK, per dozen Wood Wheel, S Steel Wheel,* BOLTED MORTAR BARROW. WITH JACOBS' PATENT WHEEL. Same as Ore liarrow, except l!ie tray, which is shaped specially for the purpose, and is 10 inches deep at handles and 1.". inches at wheel; bottom, li).l inches scpiare ; top, "JT inches wide by 'Ji» inches loiiu. Kd^es of tray iron strapjx'd. Weight, •'i") lbs. SiiMic as Ore I'.iin-.iw, cxiv].! th.. tniy. wliich is sli.-ii..'-! sncciallv i..r tlic inn-lM>s,-, ,,n,l is 10 ,ncl.,.s .l..,.). at han.ll..^ atul I;! iiahrs at wlu'cl ;' bottom. I.t, inrliys sipiaiv; top, J< iiiclics l.v L'K iiiclics luiiu. K.l-rs of trav iron straj)jic(l, W ciylit. .'i."> Ills. ,,., '•:itli<'i-.<»iv oi' Mortar I'.aiiow iiiniisluMl uilli j.rwis m- .larohs' I'atriit SI.tI \N lii'.l 1(.. iii(li..s III iliaiu.'tcr: liiv. 1 ■ x ; indi -. wlu.|i spcciallv onlciv.! liMci:. |)fi- dozen -\\ (1(1(1 WJiccl, S .-itccl Wiled. S WHARF OR OYSTER BARROW. WITH JACOBS* PATENT WHEEL. The l.est Whan' or I'liosjihate liairow made. Also siiit.d lor ashes coal oi- stone. All hard wooil. I landles ."> feet Ion;;. Side and end pieces of tray ilonttiilnl toi'/il/in; iron strapped and lirmlv >iaik'el ; bottom, l( inches vyid,. by IS lon^'; toj), .S2 inches wide,.".:; indies lono'. Wheel 17 Indies 111 dianider: tire, 1^, x VV indies ; spokes, 1 x I inch. Axle bolt, i inch. 1 aiiilt'd brown. \\ heel lead coloi. Weight, (i:! lbs. I'l.'icK, per do/en. Wood Wheel. S Sled Wheel, 5.. STRAIGHT HANDLE STONE BARROW. WITH JACOBS' PATENT WHEEL. FOR STONE AND PIG METAL. STRONG AND CHEAP. PAINTED.' I'uKi:, per dozen — Wood Wheel, ,■? Steel Wheel. S BENT HANDLE STONE BARROW. WITH JACOBS' PATENT WHEEL. PAINTED. I'liicK, per dozen Wood Wheel, S Steel Wheel, .f B@°-Send f or J3atalogue illustrating our GRADING IMPLEMENTS— Scrapers, ooth Urag and Wheel, Contractors' Plows -three sizes, bumn Harts, Etc. ^ * / / iii 51 — 1- =;;s c = w u ;. 'w = c c = :r>" r bisisr esc C - B JACOBS' PATENT WOOD WHEEI M K X / M M ■C ^*'-f X X X K M X yi 'X ^1 « '/j ■/! ^ ;; U II ^ 4; ci:: TiCMi^ o o i o e c /; z X / / y. a E < o f ? I? s uff'Z 1 *;:!_"« C.cS^f„ 5i = "^"-o ====== C O C O J U f U u U J, 'Ji U5 lA l/i 'fl = 3335 = ? I r: -i* i."^ lo ' * C S d 3 5 s= 1 IT ■/ !/) '/i / ■ri :i ;i (m xc ^^x_" No. 1:; used on ■' Scioto" Harrows, and only when specially ordered. No. l:>x used on K. K., Ore. Mortar, Wliarl, Malt, Corn, 2. and .W. Garden u n 1. a y. -1 u u r A ^ AAA •J u u ^ o ;= = 1 7Ktl CI X /. — — r- ir. .- ^ II.'-' >■". T.'ji = S - i) > ~ n .. CO = %. 22 ' - Ji y: =i: ii. ti. bi c = c =' c u u '^ "^ '^ IS C£ X 't! .eiNvM K P ■y. y, y. y, -A ■.ft X tl\* -- u o u ^ :^ U. o -1 1.1 s -lJ= ;jt; = ■/^ "!i -~ "i ajt; ^ ; 1 c d d d d yy.y y y 3 = : ■■;,•- H /r ;^ y. LEWIS' STEEL SPOKE WHEEL. THE PAN-AMERICAN STEEL TRAY BARROW, WITH LEWIS ROUND STEEL SPOKE WHEEL. Steel vs. Wood - "THE WOOD TRAY MUST GO." Size of Tniv (iifuti'st l(Miotti, :'.'2 iiiclH-s: irrcntcst widtli. 'X\ inclics ; dcptli at wlu'cl ("11(1, 11 inchc- : depth at iiiiiidlc end, 7.1 inclici^. I'UK r. IKT dii/cn, S The Most Substantial, Cheapest and Best Steel Tray Barrow yet Manu- factured. Specially adapted for Heavy Work. The Best Barrow on the Market for Street Pavers. ilvi. /.f 'Pi-iiv (ircnfi'st li'iiL'lli. :l'J in ; orcatcst widtli, :;:! iiiclics ; dcplli laciureu. ojjouiitiiy j»li™jji,cv« »v^« Market for Street Pavers. Size III 'riiiy-lfrciitcHt Ifiiirtli. :!'2 iiiflu-s; ^rcntcsl w iWili. :'.:l itiilii'^ ; il<|)lli at wlicci cinl, 11 iiitlu'?-: il('|.tli :il liiiinllf cinl. 7A iiiclio. I'liH K, I'cr (|ii/('ll, S The Most Substantial, Cheapest and Best Steel Tray Barrow yet Manu- factured. Specially adapted for Heavy Work. The Best Barrow on the Mai ket for Street Pavers. The "Columbus" Steel Tray Wheelbarrows. WITH LEWIS OR JACOBS' PATENT STEEL WHEEL, AS ORDERED. No 2. Wlu'cl, H).', inches (liaiiiric/': tire Un; iiu'lics. Tray nf N.'.. I.') Steel; Han.u'e tiiriieil over a A"''"''' ^'''''1 '''"'' l'''>'>'"'f-' ''"" tircly aniiind tlie trav, ;ri\iim a siiiontli (inisli tn tlie e.|)j:e, prevent iiiu l)reak- in^', "and stil'.'eninu and streiii^llienin- tlie li:i.\. Tray and wheel painted hlaek, frann; brown. No. 1. For liaith. Sand. Ore, Cinders and i'oundiv use. (ireatesl width ol tiav, 2S.', inches; j^reatest len^dh. liL'.Unclie.- ; jrreatest dep'h, 7 inches, ('ai)acitv, :; cnhic ,'eet. Weiiiht complete, oT Ihs. ' riiici;, * No. 2. ForCoal. Manure, Cinders. Ashes, etc. (ireatest width ol' tray, 'JSi iiielie- ; irreatest leiitrl h, :!(> inches: ^ji-eatest deiith. Sj^ inches. Capacity, i cnhic feet. Weijiht complete. .")S Ihs. I'ltliK. $ No. 3 COKE OR COAL BARROW. "■"■ Tra:? ol' .No. lo Steel. Capacity. IdU lo ).">il pounds oi coal, or I'.i hnshels cokt! oi'Viuireoal. Adapted for .'^awdust Harrow. Greatest width of trav, :'.:! inches; greatest len,i:lh, 42 inches; ^'ivatest deptii, ll.\ inches. Tray iuiil frame painted Inown; wiieel, hlaek. Weijiht, coiunlete, (i'l pounds. ' ' I'lMd-;. * "Columbus" Tubular Steel Dirt, Coal and Coke Barrows. Cut of No 10 or 12 Barrow With No. 15 Lewis Round Steel Spoke Wheel The No. I.') Lewis Steel AVheels nse.l with these I'.arrows ai'e 16.^ inches in diameter, with iron tire ] l\ i inches, and steel si.okes A inch round, and extra heavy nudleahle huhs. The lei;s and le,2 hraces are extra heavy. No. 4. Tray made of No. l.^ Steel. Cajiacity, 'A cidiic feet of earth. Snitahle for li'-dd work, as carrying' loose earth, wand, etc. W'eiaht of ISarrow, TO pounds. I'lncic. each. $ No. 5. Trav made of No. 14 Steel. Capacity. 4 cnhic feet of earth. Wei^dit i)f Harrow, "S pounds. Pimck, each, $ No. 7. Same as our No. 7 Minin;i ISariow. Capacity. "250 pounds coal, (ireatest width of tray. :>(> in(4ies. Weijiiit of I'>arrow, S.S pounds, ' I'lfK K, eai'h, * No. 10. Trav of No. 1:; Steel. Capacitv. 40U to 4."iO Ihs. of lumii coal, (ireatest width of trav, :!•') inches. Wei-ht of {'.arrow, lO'.Hhs. rKicK, eaeh,S No. 12. Tra\ made of No. 1") Steel. Capacity, :i.l hnshels (jf coke or charcoal, (ireatest wint tiiuctiiiT with /„ ii\cts. Folding Garden or Farm Barrow. WITH JACOBS' PATENT WOOD WHEEL. REMOVABLE SIDE- BOARDS. DOUBLE FRAME. No. 3-C. SET UP FOR USE. 'I'hfsr Uaridws aic made ni' lliuronyhly scasuncd wimhI. \\ii!i |)(ii im.k FliAMKs. Iii'nd>' hiiit('(l t()y;,.|||,.i', imii hraccd. and so (■nn>t laictcd thai, hy sini- jily rcnin\'in,ti (iiic Imit itiic axici and twn nuts. tiic\ can he I'lildcd Hat dnwn and shipiicd at Inwcst rate ol' I'rci'jht. Hut a niniiinii's time is I'ccjnii'cd to }i('t uji for use. .No. Dimensions (II- liF.n. i CsrAiriY. ' I.KMiTii ok it wia.K i Wiaiiiir. I'l'.ici:. Dozkn. ;'. rllliic I'l'rt. IS iliclir~ •J IJX Ox-J'. inch i-v, i iix.;ix'J> r-' Ills. .V.I Ills. Ml His .Ml sizes are imw ]iaiuled ^.Teeii and \ai'nisl OPEN BOTTOM BRICK BARROW. WITH JACOBS' PATENT WHEEL. This Rarrow is