J. D. Cayley, Precentor. R. H. Betiiune, Treasurer. • k 1 Centimeter f* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T4 15 mm iiliiiiliililiiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliniliiiiliiiilinilniiliiiiluMlMiiliiiilinmiiilMiiliuiliiiilunlMiiliiiiliiiiliiiitiiiilnLiliiiil | i^i | iiji|ii|i | i 4 i|i|i|i^i|i l /i|i^i Inches i|ii | >ii |i ^'i f iiii'iii|i|iii'i'i|ii t ^'i''/'i V i'''''' 'n ''i'^'i'^ t ^'i'' i 'i " i'i''i'>' r 2 1.0 Id Hi 111 125 duft 11.25 III 1.4 I 1.6 MRNUFfiCTURED TO fillM STPNDPRDS BY RPPLIED IMAGE. INC. • ."^ ^ ^^^ •>! .S* 6. The Canons non-resident or Prebendaries, are;.t\venty.-six in number. The IVcbendal stalls shall be assigned- as follows : eight to so many of thp older Rectories in the City of Toronto, and eighteen to so many of the more important country Parishes of the Diocese, respect being had to proportionate representation from each Rural Deanery. It ^is not of necessity, but a rule to be generally observed, that the Prebendal stall js held by the Incumbent of the Parish to which it is assigned. . t ■ ^ ' ■■.'■-■ 7. The Honorary Canonries, six in number, are designed to be distinctions awarded to special learning or se r vice in the Chu r ch, and in the cause of higher education. — 8. The eight Lay members of the Chapter are elected by the Synod of the Diocese, as provided by the Act of Incorporation, Of them, one shall be elected by the Dean and Chaptet to hold the office of Treasurer. 9. The patronage of .the Canonries, residentiary, non-resident, and honorary, is vested in the Bishop. Of him shall all have institution, and of the Chapter installation and induction upon the mandate of the Bishop. Immediate Provision. 10. It is provided that to the Reverend Henry Scaddincr. D.D.. be rescfvcd his rirrht'; .is nnn yimw i iw^i opi lo/ ym\#iM>j^ ■ IJiWl B l^^^ P , ^ ■ Canadian Instituta for Historical IMicroraproductions / Institur Canadian da microraproductions hiatoriquas 1. The Dean hath not a vctb on the proceedings of the Chapter, but in case of equal voting he hath the casting vote. He shall have the ordering of Divine service in the Cathedral Of any change which he may propose to make therein, he shall send convenient notice in writing to each Canon residentiary. ^ / 2. In the Bishop's exercise of his office as Dean, there shall be no interference with his ordinary and episcopal jurisdiction, but in the event cf any difference of opinion arising in^respcct of the ordering of the service, he may, nevertheless, receive any representations on the subject from three of the Canons residentiary, and may consult with the general Chapter thereon, and having their opinions he shall decide as shall seem best to him, according to law and usage. 3. It is tlve right and duty of thl: Dean to instal and induct every Canon and dignitary according to the form prescribed, and to ieceive their oath or declaration and their promise of obedience to him as Dean. ' \ , * 4. The Dean has the right and duty of convening the Great Chapter for all necessary purposes or when weighty cause shall require. D Covert rMtorwf •nd/ot lamMMtad/ Co«iv«rtur« rMtMirte at/ou (MlltcuM* Co««f title mntinf/ L* titr* dt couMftur* m«nqu« Coloured mt^*/ Cm tat gAoflraphiquM an coulaur * r-~1 Coloured ink ... J. Of Ihc IKati . . 4 Of Ihc Sub I Kan $, Of Ihtf (tm«c of Ch-iiKcllor . 6. t )f «hc PrwciMitor / 7. Of the Mi»*ioiK-r «. ( )f the Trcmurcr <> Of the ( liaptur 10 ( )f Ihc i'rc^itKnt) of tlic ( li ipttr ; I I Of C.uumt ^t IX of rc<«iiUti(i- .iiul of tiH&j)ioii> III (titii^c (J. 01 Al*^.•|uk•iUull^ ami lli««W>ii>ci -^.m ( l> in. . u r .iti'l IL' .iKn.. 14. Of tlA> institution .uul in t.illin^ > Of I'rient Vicar"; -'o. ()f the Ol i^aiu«»t , 21. Of the Lay Vicar* 2X Of Ihc Choi"i!itcrs ' 33. Of the Vergers 34.*Of the Fabric ^ 35. The Form of enthroning u HiNhop and installing liiiii as Dean 26, The Form of installing a Canon 27. The Form of admitting a Chorister 'J 10 II If 1 1 12 li I .' 'i i> 1 I'. I' ■ :\ .'I 21 21 y f 22 -'J -'5 ■17 * tJ *"^ # { "t • -^a^^ 1 ■ f. After the custom of the old Cathedrals the I'saltcr is daily recited by the Canons, one portion by each person privately, as a memorial of their fraternal unity in work and worship, a.)d as a spiritual intercession for the whole Church ; concerning which holy use Ur. Donne, sometnne Dean of St Paul's wrote • "Every day God receives from us Canons, howcvdr we be cPivided from one another in place, the sacrifice of praise i,v the whole Hooke of I'salmcs. Ami though we may be absent fi-^m thw r^nire, yet, wheresoever dispersed, we make up a quire .in this service of saymg over all the Psalmcs every day." . These are the Psalms of the Canons :—<^ The Bishop — The Sub-Dean— I— v.; VI.— X.: The Chancellor — -^L[ XMIL Ben ins vir to Verba vteis anribus. Doiniiie, tie iti fiiroieJio Ul quid, Domiitc ? n, Dn'wnin cotiMo to Exaudu Pom inc. JM 1Z> X 4 'if? one porlion p, and as a ctime Dean ;d from one we niaj' bo :e of sa}'inv AUTIIUK, hy Hmmt f^rmi$mm, Hihiioi' o^ Tokoxro. thttU iomnn k*rm/ltr, grttunji in ChtuI : l0 (»tl ivthtm Ikt-u fnnHln t.'HurM, nr The «l««iyn of the Cathedral «»abli»hmcfU of a Ixnly of CanoiM ir .i* .ii>\K\%r% U»m niiclinl precnktil, (o pnivUlc the ltt«h<»|» with 4 ( ouikII o( .|i«rilii.il jh m.hm rroiii wh.m . x|>.ru»Hv«l jiKljjm«nt he may neck atlvKc, 4iit| in whoM? activi- to ..|KrjUi.iti \w iiiiy Ari.t a-.,!^!.!!!!!* in 4Uini«i«tcring hi* Diocci* for the »iilv4«cenicnt of it, i^tcfl1^^ .mU Hit pruniution of truv nlii^ion, 'WW'^ *"•'• '* ** *^* '""'y "' *'^«-* t'«noMs to a%«»!inUk' thcm«»€?lvf^ in ( hapt. r >n\ the -^uinimMU of tht li*f,..(i to «Uvl«c. thooyh not cocrciv«ly. u|M)n such »ulijtct« m he nuxy Miliinit. On all the fh'cniJ)cr« of Ihc bo«ly U inciitnbcnt the duly of rri\Khi(H'. not oidy in the Cath«dr.d Church In their turn*, bull in other Churchcn of the Dioecw in the [Amv% wherv ihcy «re rc»ldttit, ' I- ■ From the earticut time*, the CAUonn have had of their number certain dltjniiaric or ofTicerH devoted to ipccial and wciijhty Dioccnan work*; ai the Cliartcclhir «<> c.hu.itioii,tu ptikli* kcturinK' in Divinity, fnd to training for Holy OrdcVn; the I'reccntor t«n>rom«>tini,' the beauty ..f Divine worship, to tttkinu charuc of the musical arrtintjemi nU and the conduct of the Chi>ir in the Cathedral, as well as to encouraglnn and aislitinK the foitnation ami tralninijof Choirn in the I'.iridi Churchenof the Diocese ; and other oflflccrs for the furtherance of pioui and eleemosynary purjiosc* a.i may be rcquircil. and for the care of the falnic and pr.jpcrtics of the Church, '*f« The Church in this country hafi suffered lonij and seritnitly from tlio'tirsuHe of thcit' DiotcHijn functions, ami from the misconceptions crentcd by the adopiicMi of the mere titicit of Cathedral illK'uitica divorced from the duties which belong to them. "^ ' •, Many of the necessary works of the Church, such as the nthninlstration of Its beneficiary fun«ls, which woiritl have fallen to the duty of the Chapter, arc now cfTectively U' Irtit' la U *<*!!.».»« Ur llie I .uIu«ImI imi^l »•*•» Kin.iiit (iHb^it. In th*' itrnKiinj; «►# iht S*rv»*c» •»< iIh- Chiirkli, |.> llu jkiHum »»l)wh lt.»> »••«(« lUmn !«• w», "(III Un ^.UHii.rtt •>( .»»*»».>. I a»4 u»iivrr%.tl w*Agi, m4lpl4Hiir»|^' ihc Mt»t«lil|> «►! Cm«I m .ill n< «|iuHil)r. lwaiil> .im.I j>umI>, ai itMiiiNlUv i»f Atit'lUtlii ( lirUlMoil), Aiut it^UUinj 4II li)iM>\.ilM>iM III il. ttf it>|Ki»luiv* U>>m H |.». .•(tun; i •littiitdi'l thai may U 4|>|x,aU>i lo .itui ^m 1 %.iiii|ik lUM iii.i) l»» fdlowttl b) .ill Itn i I r»Ui4..f till' DltttllM^. Il i* Ml .HMCiinl »»ilh lh< .fiilr.ilMiM' .nu\ t .hi. .iliomt < liiiiii Ur ^M I lu'ilii',,'"..'! Ill" »'> "|H II In l\it: u»^' <>( 4II llw 1 '^ ».,) \.»» .il.>M4' art- llt« <'l«n.;> inli-n .fi.l im iIu ki.iui ;. until an. I in iHi Ik mi fil* •>( lh« < illuilr.il, 111 f .|iil»li»lu»»ciil Ml Ihi-* ...iitili) uIuk' ii.l.,wiH.iil-. t >i.f. .M HI I ih;I.i«»I. I.>» > tlli« 1 il« . nlmti .It iH ni.ilMUti.uui, \.*\U (> iH* iHn*nir> iimmiii mini «««iu .ilmo I vkh.illy frMiu itum . .iiul il i^ 11..I ..nl) K^'..Ml.lM^. llf.il \Uvy iIimiiUI Iu\«' .1 win In llu I h.i[.lit in Ihf .MliiiiilHlr.Ui'Mf 'if llu lim.l-. \^ ulu.h llu) . iMiliilmlr . Imt ni«»^l lulpful lli.it llutt |.r.i%lu;il jtitlyniciH"*. iiiiil bu ii«ir»<»« U «»f llu- I iiii.>»M Tho priMiiti- ill llu* Clit|ff«; *>( '\ I>«hI) -I I..1) im inlKr*. ilnUil Uy Uic .S)iii.«l of llu llii*t-n, liuut Iciul III impart .» mJiKr.n tiMirtikiicc mi il» »kti'«i»>ii'« .ttui .itlt. The iiU'ii ofacompUiw ialluilrjl Ktliibli'.liin^l l«>r llu- DIikimm: «>f Liroiiln is nol luw, Sulniijj ftgo.a* llu> yc.ir i8.n. ilio vciuraUil flrit IM-^liop il in.^ltil cvrt.iiii ihuicIh o( I.ukI for ihU puriMMi- ; but llioutjii the projcci wan from lime lo lime rcafflriiua by rL-ioliiiiiMM i»f ihc SjiukI, il rcmaiiuHl tlormaiil uiilll iNtt fiml iictiva »l«'p \vtt» laktti to curry it into effect in il»it .\«.i *>( lncor|K»iatioii 6btiiintfit fnnn tlu- LeuiiilaUiro i>f the I'rovincc of Ontario in i9H\. Thin Act, ftHficnlctl to on the IM u( February. In ihat year. aiuI known a-* 46 Victoria. Chapter 6H, incor|K)rak'tl tlur Dcnn hihI Chapter of llu* Catluulral of St. Allwn the Mattyr. Ttironto, ih a Cor|Hiratiun having |K.-rpctual mKccviion aiiii a cuininon neat. For nomc yearn previoun to the paMhiR of ihin Act, the ori^jinal Tarish Church t)f St. Jarties'n. Toronto, h.ul Ikiii known as St. J.uhc^'h Catlu'ilr.il.aiul lervc'l hi pirt th| purponc of ihe Cathcilr.il, h.ivint; the Mishop'H throne erecteil in it; aiul n b«Hly of CanoiH anti Honorary Canoiii hail cxintetl, lioMing the ICpiscopal C«)inini">sit»n. but poHHcsnini,' no corporate rl^ht* or |R»wer». The nurviviii^ incliinbcntH of thev titular iliKnitic*. to^jether with the Arclulcacous of the Diotett. ^vere heltl to cuDstitutw the I'ruvisiunal Chapter under the Act. < XX. OF THE ORGANIST. %• i 'The organist shall hold office at the pleasureof the Dean and Chapter, and, through Mr. Pre- centor, shall learn what duties they requhe of hiaa; and shall cfficienlly perform the same. The stipend Shall be not less ihixn $500, and he shall have a house when that may be. He shall be sub- ject to corr/:ction and dismissal by. the Chapter wSHi iia^appeal to tlic liishop. , - v., : - '^ " ' ■■ r-^:' -\ ! XXI. Ol^ THE 4aY VICARS. ,f!| -i. . - ' The Lay Vicars shall hold office at pleasure of the Deai;.and Chapter, and shall, through Mr. Precentorjcarn what is required of them and execute the same. And, being truly ministers of Jfthe Church of God, it is not .seemly that they, nor yet the Organist, .should be,»'Otber than com- municants 6f good standing in the Church and well esteemed in the city. TMiey must order all ||the1*-conver.sation purely and discreetly, their .»U li» MLivxti Ml it^tlt tMl,.lo*l •••fl»l»k>iittiMi il.tlik' •■• i>lt>ili> •(<'•»> • »n>l ini|» I »H_, I. ..I t« .i.,lil.,l It tU*t^ii, «ii)i »bt> !••« ||u lit'.;H iM<»«.li'>(i> •'! lh# iailioini 1 luiikh il ttiiV lK>>.^ >( itt^ |.c^,'(it.ttiirt. i*t ()fil.ifi«> .il>ti%. ictint •!>> iif)H i.irtt .trul ( h.l|tt«» till) Mt«i iliH^ ttnltl Mftlh tilllili |HHttli it lit lit kit i' pi>>« i«i<>«t llt.il IIm io«tM»iii fof ilu Unit.' Im.mI|; »h.ill U' Oh, IK411 i»f th*; i .atM;ttt.i^ . lilt iK.iit lit t». !• vl Am> \\ III M» vi, ihv ^ul An cit.lcilHy e»»»iii,in{>l4i«'i ihf .i|»t»>iMiin>iii, fi>'tn ihiu- «.. iim«- «►! K|NnUMl |i«rt.(U% Id itic vli^'FiJfty i>f CjiHH** to fofiM Ami |H.r|iI iIic Cur|»(ir>ill(Mi , ' « \HU WMI HI \'«, In llu* .tlHc'iH't; (>l Any dbtlitl^ |Mio»tim'iit of Mtch ( AiKKt*, iitkl llt<* rliilil In im|Mm.- %i.iiuirii hn llitir ^»vi,-niniriit. mn»t Ik- laktii l>)- |Httttlvtit lo ri;»|(k ill the lli%liop <»f^r hiiiCb**; , Ami* wiK Ki .\\ «« wtll (or |l»« «l»if |K-Tfoimi)n€« of lltv Mivicf* of ilu? I .iilt«tli.tl ;hiiI ihc «li'««harv;«' of lIu* ofHces *jK*).illy AlUirliol lo rtrtiiiii «»f ,llHin.-i>» fot lIu* tfowtiiiiivul •►! llw jM'.iir'(nl«.tl . AhTMVIII KIAH. tti?, AhIMI'M. niHIKH'OI Ti »m)N TO. In p«r«MsU>iC of tllC ptr»tilpl .lltlhorily rtrtiilcnl in our ( Idirc, .14 tiforcxikl, iiml of cvrry oIIut aiithortly u-« tiiiililii^; ni thn U l> ill, ilul IrtM fully prncccti lo apixiinl ct'itti^n %pirilual iwimhi*, ai tw'oiir K«>,;i^kr U^nj^urdiil. !•> iir * .om'«> K-tMaitiary, latum* non-rv-vUknt, ami Qiaiion* liunorary of our ( atlifilral ('nnt'li . t • Ani» \viu.Kr:.\\ by an Act' of the tx^Utaturc ofOnlarlo, jmi^ciI in the |Hth yc.u of lUr \l'n,i Gracioui Majcity Onccii Victoria, chaptered «)3, a»M.i. Ti»ronto," It wat eiLKti-d that the Chaneellor and the Ke^{l^^^rar of ihe liimme ol r wiiFKt A"*, it l'« e?<|)edient that ,report of its condition. And Uic Chapter sha^ have a surveyor. 2. All questions that concern monuments and structural decorations shall be determined by the Dean and Chapter. , They shall make a list from time to time of things required in behalf of the fabric, and shall lay down beforehand such matters as subjects for storied windows and sculp- tures, and not suffer their order and place to be dcixirted from out of favour to any. Also a book shall be made and duly kept of founders and benefactors to whole or part of the Cathedral Church and See, and a. great copy of the same be in Church where. under care it may be seen and read of any. ., "■ " .^-''' .* '' :■,'::'.:«'"' '/ 3. Be it observed that no faculty of the Chancellor of -the Diocese or of any ofTficcr shall be rpquired for anythiog to be done in the Cathedral Church, but all shall be done after the manner 6f Cathedrals by the authority of the Dean and Chapter, with assent' of the Bishop himself. 4. And for the raising of devotions and offerings to the Mother Church all Canons in their dwn benefices arid others, preaching from place to place, sluiU move the people to forwardness in this excellent work and to the praise of God. . - V . » r w- »' any lowly •V ■• of time, to J Treasurer masters of he Chapter :rminccl by n behalf of and sculp- Uso a book Iral Church 1 and read ccr shall be the manner The Bishop shall lake tlie folloii'iiig oath : In the name of (iod, Amen. We N., by Divine permission, Hishop of Toronto and' Dean of this Cathedral Cliurch, do prt)mise and swear thit we will be fiitliful to this Church of Toronto, and thnt we will give 6ur hclprand as.'iistancc in faithfully defending the rii;hts, liberties and dignities of this Church. So help me God, and these Holy Gospels. And he shall kiss the Book. Then he 1!^ conducted to his Stall, hard by the west door of the choir, and caused to Mthcrei//, the installant say\u^to him : — IMayst thou adorn this thy scat amid thy brethren, given thee of God, with justice and with sanctity. God is mighty, and may He increase thy grace. • The Bishop ansxvcrs ; Amen. Then is the Bishop conducted to the Episcopal throne, and the installant having caused him to sit therein, shall hold him by the right hand and say : — ^' The Lord keep thy coming ilv, and thy going out, from this time now and for ever. Amen. VVc, N.,actin father, into the ing as proxy for the Metropolitan of Canada, do install and enthrone you, reverend djcrnity and chair episcopal of this Cathedral Church, and we induct you into the nscin ins in their , ivardness in real, actual^ and corporal possession of the Bishopric of Toronto, and of all itS\^rij^hts, dignities, honors, privilc-jes, and appurtenances whatsoever; and we place you in this saiUscat, in the name of our Lord Je.sus Christ. Amen. 7'hcn shall the Bisho/> kneel dozen and recite " And lead us not into temptation," to the end. Lord's Prayer, all joining ivith him at the words. "^•^S. gcncr.dly observed, that ti>e I'rcbcndal stall J •. iu Id bj- the Incuuibont of llic r.uish to whitii it is assigned. . * 7. The Honorary Canonrlc-', six in number, arc designed to be distinctions .iwArdc«l to special learning or service in the Church, and in the cause of higher education. 8. The eight Lay memljcrs of the Chapter arc elected by the Synml of the I )itKCsc, as provided by the Act of lncor|K)r;ition. Of them, one shall be clcctcil by the Dean and Ch.tptur to hold the office of Treasurer. 9. The patronage of -the Canonrics, rcsiilentiary, non-rosi(lcnt,"anHium, in Church history or formularicn, or doctrine, or cUc in the history of doctrine or sacred Scripture, lie shall be .satisfied that any to be admitted vicirs are meet for their learning to serve u Cathedral Church, lie kec|)cth his residence eight months, takcth his turn as reader of the week, and roadeth lessons on certain feasts, * Iinmiiiiate PrcrM-. Ah a rcAJdctiti.iry he iJiall .tlvv.iyt h.ivc p.ut in lucli coiiiultatioii-t ,^^ the Itithop .tiid (h.ipti-r mAy from ttmtf to time lake on the extension and advuncetnciit of i)ii»Hioii work throughout the Diocciie. His rcw'dcnce is ci^ht months, of which two shall be kept as Canon in course ; the other six months he shall s|hmmI in the work pertaining to his ofllice, which time shall bo taken and counted for residence. » 2. The formation of a body of assistant Missioncrs shall be promoted, and funds raised for their maintenance, under the Canon Missioncr ita their head, with regulations to bf approved by the Bishop, so as they shall not interfere with the rights and duties of the Mission Board of the Diocese. VIII. OF THE TRKASUKKR. I. The Treasurer, who shall be one of the Lay members of the Chapter, appointed by the Chapter to that ofTice, is the responsible keeper of all the njovcabic or fixed furniture of the Church, lie ilTto have all things catalogued, insured and well kept, lie is to make no changes without consulting the Dean and Chapter. Me is likewise to be the receiver, bursar or treasurer of the (}eHeral Chapter., and he shall keep full accounts of endowments, /abric, offertories, collec- .tions, sj)ecial funds, and of all moneys whatsoever coming into the hands of the Chapter, which accounts sl»all be aniuially audited, l;.iid before the (Jeneral Chapter, and presented to the Bishop by (he Residentiary Chapter on every first day of May. IX. OF TIIK CII.VI'TFR: I. All spiritual persons who hold Canonries. whether honorary, non-resident or residentiary in our Cathedral Church, together \yith the Dean and Archdeacons, arc the General Chapter of the XXVII. FORM OF ADMITTING A CHORISTER. arder of all , our Lord, hy servant, serve Thee, irse of this I the same iering. the Chapter of those on 8 or the like )hpnally , - On the day ajypoin.ted, after the concluaion of evensong, the hoy to be admitted shall he brought by the Precentor {or his deputy) to the stall of the Bishop {or Canon who is to admit hhn) the senior Chorister attending and holding the surplice to be worn by the candidate. The Precentor then says: ,. Reverend Sir, I present to you this boy, to be admitted a chorister of this Cathedral Church. Q. Do you desire to be admitted a chorister of this Cathedral Church ? R. 1 do. Q. Do you promise obedience to the Lord Bishop and Chapter and all officers duly set over you? '' * ■ R. I do. ', ^^■''. Then shall tlw candidate fur admission kneel doivn before hhn, and he shall take his hands between his oxvn and say : — . • In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, I admit thee [here naming him], to be a chorister of this Cathedral Church. ■ ■"■ /-. Then shall he take the surplice and ^lace it on the boy, and tims address him as he stands before him : — *> Thou a r t admitted a chorister of this our Church. — Take thou good heed that what th o u singest with thy mouth thou dost believe in thy heart, and what thou believest in thy heart thou dost practice in thy life. Then all kneeling he shall say : , V. Behold now, praise the Lord all ye servants of the Lord. R. Lift up your hands in the Sanctuary and pr^se the Lord. i i with ihc cotHcnt i»f ihc Ch.iptcr. The ccccution of dcciU aiu'l documents by the coriior-ition nhall be by the affixinjj of the common seal, .th ,\\^vc provided, and by the sij^naturc of the littho|i a> Dean, or, in hU ab-»ence, of »on»c memb«<^ of the Ketldentiary Chapter ap(K»intcd by the C hapter for tlie pur^KJHc. 5. The G9ncr.1l Chapter nhall treat and advise accordiiii^ to tlie iKst of their ability, spaTinn neither time, nor painn, nor faitliful solicitude, of ail aiul any matters which shall Ik; laid before Ihcm by the Bishop, whether concerninj; the Cathedral Church of which they be memUrrs, or the Diocese or the whole Church, rLtnenil>erini,' that, albeit it is their part to t;ivc him their best counsel, yet upon him only Ifcth the last respon.-iibility of acting and ruling. 6 The General Chapter hath no power to control the Residentiary Chapter or. save at their request, to advise with them on any matter In these Statutes .issiKiietl to the deterniiiiation of the Residentiary Chapter. Touching all other matters, the Dean and Canons have ecpial voice therein, and on matters touching the Divine service, they may approach the Hishop in such form as in the Statute " Of the Dean " in provided. The Residentiary Chapter shall have no power to make new regulations touching the General. Chapter without their consent and the consent of the Hishop. 7. The Great Chapter is summoned by the Dean. The regular meetings for the transaction of general business shall be held thrice in the year, on the day preceding the meetings of the Standing Committees of the Diocesan Synod. A speci.-vl meeting of the Chapter n>ay be convened upon the written requisition of any four of the Canons, or by resolution of the Residentiary Chapter or when in the judgment of the Dean any sufficiently weighty cause requires. Ii.qilcr jut the her six ;ountcd sed for by the of the by the of the :hanges easurer , collec- ■, which Bishop tiary in of the ,, ■'' : V . ^ ■' '■ ', , • ■ s ' - . ' ' ■ 4- ■..■■- ,''.-■■ ., " . ' -i ■ ■ ■ - ■. . ■ t : 'V » V. ■*':," t- , . ■ .^-f^ ■ ■ ♦ B ^ . > ■ • '/'- : '. ■ '■ t-"-- :'; < ... * V ■ I . • '. ■ 't ,-' ■■■ '■ ^ * ', . ■ ■!. ■ ■ ■ ' ' ~ : -■ *■" * ■ < >^" • ; . /-, y !|' : ■' ':• ^^ t , ■ ' ■ ' , ~ ■ :«•"■''.- •■ i. -..■..',•'-■■ - '^'■':-'<^ ■ , ■ ■ ■ ' .,'■ . •■ -h| ; : ■. - ■• ,-■ -n ■ ■ » -' i - " ■ - ■ ■ ■ .. " ■ i .■■■■: . - '-; ■ ' -I'"'- " . ; \ ■ • * ■ ' ■ 1 w ■ ■ ■ i*,: • ■ (^ ' ■ :.P>- ; . ■ . ,;t , \ rf - ., ^ ~£ ■ .' ;' ■■.. > : ■ ; . ■ \/ . . ■ ■ . , -. ■ ■:f'-f: -■;- , • - ■ r *■ ■'■ : - ," - ■ v* . ■■ "" " ■ »''■.■ " i--: ■ ' * 3 1 ,.;:-4. * * . -• \^ '• ^ ■ ' t - ' S ■ ;■- : ■ ■ -^i' ■ ' V , ' \ 1 N . ■ , ^ ' 1 ■ j»^ ' . :• -ii •■...•' ■.. '-■,'", ■_ ■ . ^ " ^" . - ■ ■ * * ■ ■ H ■■ '^V!!, ■■ . * r - 1* - ■ ; r „ t> 1 he Kctitltuitidry Chapter, a(>art « from any other ofTjccr or ofticcr^ howntKVcr a«MM:tatctl with them, shall alone determine of matters relating; to fabric or prufierty belon^in^ to or vetted in the corpomtion, or otherwise lc{;ally committed to them, or involving; ex|)cnditure tti be made by them. They shall meet whenever the Dean summons thcni, Or as they may from time to time determine by resolution. ~ , * la No action of any Chapter Is of force except the mcetijtu be at the least o|)ened in the Chapter House. 1 1. The ceremonial, order of bunincss, and method of procedure at visitations and at Chapters shall be determined by the Uishop in any lurticulars not in these statutes contained. 13, The Chapter acts, minutes and resolutions arc at any time, and at all times, open to the inspection of the Bishop, forasmuch as it is his place and duty to see that nothing unlawful l)c passed or recorded therein. ' 13. At one of the fixed Chapters in every year the statutes shall be rcati aloud with the preamble. 14. The order of precedence of the Rcsidcntinrics is: Sub-Dean, Chancellor, I'recentor, Missioner ; of the Lay members : Chancellor of the Diocese, Rctjistrar of the Diocese, Treasurer ; then tlwse elected by the Lay members of the Syno ' : ,fe ' .' ;.'* ■ .' ■ ♦ ■-■/ - *■• •- * ■ ' ■ ■ ': f- ■ - ■ ■ ■ i*,: • ■ I ' . ■■ "■^ :.P>- ■ • ' • . . ■ * , - ' - .: • ■ . ■ . ■ ■ ; "•' ' ■ ■ " ■ . ;■;■ . ■•-.- i ■ » ■ • V .■ -■ /. '■■ ' ■ • - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ V ■ ^ ' ■- 1 - "•* ■ ■■.-:■:■.; \^ ■ • * ■ , :■ ^1 > • .AtCuiiiinmy, lU.il Vlu y Mi.iii pH4«.U in cilJui V„Juii«-iivT ik |Kifti<>ii dI siulf^ Jahour nijoincd u|mhi the Cuioih, aa al>M» that " they •h.ill l»c a tu be." 3. Therefore every Keaidcntiar)', except he NPe <«|K:ci.d exemption from the Hinhop, ihall give a cournc of instruction every year in mmmc liranch of xniiid Karnint; and ri-Iii;iouH ethMattoii, cither in the Cathedral City or in tu>me other suitable place or placen of the DiiKCH!, according to the dincretiun of the Chapter, and with the approval of the Iti.nhop. 3. Kvcry other Canon shall, when called u|K>n by the Hinhop, Ix- ap|H»inlcd by the Chapter to deliver at leajit one lecture annually, in iteveral placet of the UiuccM;, un ituuie »ubject of tJivnuty, history, or sacred literature to bo approved beforehand. 4. The Hiointcd by him, at the time of his ap[K>intment, such duties not inconsintent with the duties otherwi-ie prescribed by statute as, having rrt;ard to the interests of sacred Uarnittij or other religious interests of his iJiocese, he may think fit ; and the Canon to whom such duties shall lK''assi|,M)ed shalf be bound to the discharge of Ihem as if they were enjoined by the Cathetlral statutes. 5. Considering the extreme poverty of the means bclonRinR to.ouf Cathetlral Church of Toronto, it is one first duty of her sons, the Canons, in their lecturinj;, preachinj,', and laliour of love for other souls, to move pious persons to care for the low estate of the mpther Church, and not to suffer her poverty to continue, but to sec that she be in all thinjjs worthily furnishtil and her offices, where necessary, sufficiently endowed. This thiny they shall press and exhort, especially in their own parishes. . ■ \ ^ »t.ll'll. « A. «»„ M . «.lt.W. «< or chamber. *.ll l>« I>«>«l'lcl. .n.l tlw *=.». In .lcf,.y Ih. anil provUlctl for tlic Canon* ncm-rc^idtnt. Xltl OF AHCIIUKACONS AND TIIK DIOCKSAN CHANCKLI.OR AND KKG.STKAR. ; Thctuo ArclulcHCon, have .li«.uty «ml juri.liction. with all rlnht, thereto a,M«ruUn,»«. nut«o Arclultacofij W 7 ^^ Archilcacon.. nor yet to tho rr:.:f';atu';:::br.t crrcii:'::?.: uioccJm «,.»« ,. .„,. u. .....c .k„c,„, ..■ U in .11 thingH subject to the Hi.ho,, hinnclf. and none other. ,.TK,v..v.«.ll.or.l,-.>^...;.cC^..."..--«-«^ ,lcht 10 f..il.,w the Itinhop. If Ihcy will, before hi. chaplain.. 3. The Chancellor and .he RcKU.r.r of .he Uioe.« have ...II. of digni.y in .he Choir and rank next after the Archdeacons. XIV OF TIIK INSTITUTION AND INSTALLING OF CANONS. , t t' ., -h.ll I... hv institution to Ik- followed by installation. Hcfore r." !!;!^.l.e,e I.u.e,, and .he oa.h of canonlial obedience .o .he Ur.1 l...hop. ,*-ys:i J. Th« easlernmmt ttall of the ri|jhl mime I' ih« Chanctfllor't of ihe Chur|h. Mtxl lh« Hithop'a lhrlr. are Ihote of the Me»i»«)ri«ry Canon* and the l.ay member* i>f l^u- t hapler. '■'" 5. Thi* »hall l»c the or.Ur in Chapter : The Hi*hop ai l>.Mn -.ittinu i» «he mUUl. and next to him. in thr* print t|ml wat .>m hi* rij-hl. the .Sul>-I)ran. .in.l \f,vu the rrrccnt..r atul the Arth.Uaton of Vi>rk ; <»n hi* kft. the Chancellor, an.l Uicn the rrca*urfr nnilihe ArJitlcacon of l»ctcrboroui;h . the Chancellor ami ReKi*trar of the Diuc^ nittintf op|K>.tic •>» either *itle of the door. 6, The I'rIeM Vicam and deputie* of the Uiunitaricii. and ..fTuer* approved by the lii*hnp and C;h.ipti2^hall have certain place* awigncd thci^ in/the second form i and the l.ay Vicar* In the Heat* |A( I lately iK-himUhe chon*tcr». / XVI. OF TIIK rRKACHING OK SKR^ONS Mil) LKCTURi:$ IN TIIK CATHiIuHAU ^ I. A rota of preachcfH for afterncwn or evening Hcrmon*. oHbr both on Sund.iy* and for cveninK*of Holy Day*, nliall Iw nettled |K'rio.lici»lly by the Dean and Ht^'dcntiarie*. and they •hall aHHign certain time* to llotirtrary Canon*, I'rientl Vjijar*, and niich licensed Clergy .if the Diocese, or other* a* shall be " thought meet by the liiih^v »'> l"'«-'*'=h in Cathedral Churche*." by cull infi*«« |»ii*4Ui). '*■' 1 M*. tlM-.tAi i.» v.'-ii ..Ai%. V, aWfU from ihi» .jwirr. yri. whric^vcr ai«|i.r«jtl. h« m.iWc u|. « qwinJ 4n «h.. H.tvKC «< m> mtf ovtf all lh« l*»»lmr» cvcfy tUy" Thew «rc ihc IWim* «>r ilic Cinont — c Thc IW«»ho|»- Tlic Siibl>cai»"- The ChrtiKcllor- I.-V,; VI -X XI.-XVII The rreicnror— XVItl.- XX: The MHiluncr— , X^XI.-XXV; Tlic Archdeacon of York — XXVI.-XX^I ) In thiiumi* t0nji'lo to IitnM,/i, DontiHf Pi/ipifu t/. l>OHii»»' I" tifiittituil U IhmniiHi thtHiHf, IM virtttlt Imi to /I./ A- Jhtmint. jMiiutt mf, Ihmim to In It, DoimH*'. h'lic ArclMloacon «>f IVtiirl)*)roii^h— XXXll. \\\S., lUuiti.tfuoruiu U* JuMoi, PoiHiuf. » * Sljill of Trinity—' X^ X \ I . X X X \' M I : Pixil luJHSiHS t. . IhmiiMr, ««' /« fttrtut r ^ .■■««.< IMA) Ik i)-ilM»l4 — l.lithlotkc I XXXUX X« I MntH*t>rJhU lh>U4llH l«» (,>^< h.thllAl |t».iin|>i'>M Xt II Xl VII. lltHHtii 11/ •«'«»/?/. ri lu lhmi»H* rtt^mnU. I r«.iiin«'tll- Xi VIII t Ml lMlli»fll — CIV- IV C'ln/iift' lk>miMi> lt» /l,Hti04, iiftiiU'i tHiti. IliHtttit, lIHIUM »«iVI iUul CoH^UtHINi Ih'HUHO. Harric— CVl— evil; Cfn^tinnnt IhniiiH'i .tiul L\»tfil,miit Ihiiutta. C'tilliMywiKHl — I VIII.-lXII PimilMHi tvr iHifiM li» A'.i/«J r/>. OrilUa- l X 1 1 1 —C X V 1 1 1 : /.iWi/iUt. fturi lo C*NpmiHi h \ilHI>ti.>. Cm van— CXIX. i-H*» Btati iiinmu'HliUt to Mtvms (im % ^ ::g^ >f %■ ■I IMf Trtnily )m If »}| , ■ » > IJ (M>4w« , .. J<»« 14 Jt ;»ly II - Mk M |i>hii . J4»t J»> fsH 4 jwly |»> Xotf $ |W«mt>?>M« .... I^«l»> $ - 1 1 A»« A li Si. IMe» F«b. Jl- !• lt«*H« F«bl9&-'l ^"4h ik^ '^"MiS K (liifllf . Vth art ll»r 4 '•Hi WP- |'e(<-rbi»ii«t|(h . M*r. $ — 11 S*|rt 1 «> Cuboutii , ., , ll*» iJ-m , Sc|>( iO K» (>**« Mar i«^ *f S«|H 17 ^1 Vu4< MitU ,, M*r ^ ./\|»l 1 S«?|rt i4 ja Wirih^ ' 4'' '^l*' ' * tki 1 7 (Kl » •4 , CKI 15- ii (kl. Ji iM llAitlHiriun., . A|>l yy-SlAyP . (>«l, iv %\«>v 4 Trcumvcth .... M«y 7— • J .. Nov. s 1 1 ColHngwtNHt .. May 14 -J) . . SiW 1 i lit St., I.ukc.^ M*y 31- J7 . . Nov. 19- ij MffikhAm .... M»y ail**JiM»e j ,, N.iv j/y ^Ike. 3 St Stephen, ... June 4—10 . . Ucc. J- - «>. Toil lIoiKj .... June 11 — 17 . |K% 10- -16. St. Gcorijo June iH— J4 ,. Ike 17 i3 St. Paul .... June ^5— Jul)' I ." Ike 34- -Ji T ^4 S • r > f%- ,A^MMi^ ^ I XX, i>l' Utm u»n*.\:\r^i ^4 ' The «tfg«rtUl .h4H Im»M ikAttB «l ll>* |.l. n..... <.| lllr |V*»» Ami < H4|>trt «ml. lhr»>«*«h M» l»t« e««il.»r. »h4ll U^rn wImI •!«!>*• Ilwy trt|M»K bl Uii^ 4>hI .h*!! tm^tenUy |i.^i^»tm IIh mm*. Ih« XXI iW tm IaV VIC \HH ^ The l^y Vk*f* •hAll h«.W «»*« o»il.» a\\ %hi^^mw€rmtin<|RU»i lUw»* W t*i« Vcslry very iileiiUy, their \nnAn. %imUn Ani\'A\>\H»n\ m»iil|| Tli^y miwt I* w»UiiMily *dw»iH€«l m t h«»lr dftcr ljrM»c |>».ivc«l lw«» m«>nth«. Tluif immli. r l^i ij r%U\ «w iiwf*. their *tl|>' |xtul* not IcM th4n $j. wh«n (muU are |»fi>vi.U.I, Nw mlnJ^ttr t«v.»*|| in or r..»|utnt ttny urn- vintkle, li¥tfY iiwin ta hnvc hh Ikbic in the Church, ami rf«»l «m it In th»f Uwmh, Rml aU plw*< In ttii mmk b«»k« ti» be fownU before the «rvlce aiwl nmrkul i«ti)r.M»tf i»> »luc ri,iiutAliun». The l*r«centor l» •n«w«rablc (%mi thc«e thin«» beinu ilwly imlerrU ami kv\A. XXII. 01' Till-; CIIORUSTKRS. I, The (*hofUtcr», WlnR yo«ni{er minUlert of the Divine wof^hlp, arc to be rarwl for lirwcrely A« to their 8«xhI m«»raN «n.l nMiiiHm. thrTr i{<«hI teachloK and atlvanccmcnl In life. I'H t'holr ieliot«r>ilil|> / I WM •si -^"l-^fp- * r I ■-'i ^-^i;- Rood «« maybc;wiUi some insurance set asi.lc through the hancU of Mr. Treasurer, ami |».uns taken for their well i>lacil»K when they-Uave the Choir. Let them he t.iU^^ht nuiHic well ..ml with- out Hcverity, The e.xpla nation of tiic INalnn to have ever a place in tluir teaehing. The two eliler to f«.llow the Canon in course in the prijccs-sion. ami two by turns to put Ixx.k^ in onUr ami to fm.l the places for the Canons, Vicats an.l singirs in iIk- nuisic Ixiok s Infore service, so ili.il they all may read the Lessons ami pray the prayers without distraction. All to have Ihbles in their places and read therein ; one or twc? to go before preachers to-the pult)it. if bidden. 2, The I'rccentor and Succcntor to order all for their goodness and advance. XX in. OF TIM-: VKRGKRS. Vergers are to Ix- engaged from year to year, every first of May to give up their verges ami receive them again if foumi worthy to be reinstatetl. f"or misconduct they may be dismissed at any tin>e by the Chapter. They are to be in daily attendance at all service's, and the Church not to be left without one of them. They ace to do none of their duty by deputy except in dase of sickjicss. aiul then by a deputy to be approval by the Chapter.. They are to ring the bells with needful help, and to keep the whole Church upward and downward clean, sweet and bright ; to light it and attend to the heating; to keep vesscU and vestments in perfect order. They take their orders from Mr. Treasurer. , Ai»y other servants had for ringing, organ blowing, or any lowly duty are to be und-T the head verger. XXIV. OF TUF FABRIC. 1. A fund for the maintenance of the fabric of the Cathedral ought, without loss ot time, to be formed a>j a first duty, and kept apart from any tUvisible funds. The Dean, or the Treasurer as his deputy, with one Canon to be named annually by the residentiaries, shall, as "masters of the fabric," frequently survey, secure from fire, and repair the fabric, and annually to the Chapter makcvreport of its condition. And the Chapter sha^^ have a surveyor 2. All questions that concern monuments and structural decorations shall be determined by the Dean and Chapter . They shall make a list from time to time of things recjuircd in behalf of the fabric, and shall lay down befoiehaiul such matters as subjects for storied windows and .sculp- tures, and not suffer their order and i)lacc to be deiKirted from out of favour to any. Also a book shall be made and duly kept of founders and benefactors to whole or part of the Cathedral Cluiieh and Sec, and a great cppy of the same be in Church where. under care it may be seen and read of any. * ' / 3. Be it observed that no faculty of the Chancellor of -the Diocese or of any oflficcr shall be required for anything to be done in tlic Cathedral Church, but all shall be done after the manner of Cathedrals by the authority of the Dean and Chapter, with assent' of the Bishop himself. 4. And for the raising of devotions and offerings to the Mother Church all Canons in their ciwn benefices arid others, preaching from place to place, shall move the people to forwardness in this excellent work and to the praise of Gocl. . V 23 xxv IIIK r(»KM t)l I.MIIUONINC. A HISIIor AND INSTAM-INT. HIM -AS DI.AN. /™ /'//<• Clnf>tcr ivil C/toir o/t/u- Citli dml C'/tmifi, i/ol/ioi in ihcir />iof,r luif'its, U'jl/fl^ olfiuis of tlw sitiin; slhtll riii'nv the I.orti lUslu'l^, ioIhiI lu Ins li/^iuoftil luil>i(, ,in i ,i:lcnitcii by Ins iii,ifi,iiny, at the west lUnn', in the foy-e noon, with tlueohseivnuee. '^ Anil the /iishii/> shall thus say to ihr Chief lUt^nitury that is to install hint : ,/ Kl.VIKKM) SlU, \Vc prcsiiit unto ytni llirsc I.cltcis of Coiisccriitioii of tlu- Mc-tidj^'ojitaii of this rrDvinci', and wc beseech you that >ou will induct, install and enthrone us Hi^ho^) of the Hishiijjric of Toronto, with all the ri^^lits, memlKTs an«l appurtenancen thereunto helonyin^j, and into the De.niery of this Cathedral C'lnnxh. 7'hen the Letters of Consceration are to be del'ivereii to the Chttneellor of the Catheilral, anJ these biint; read by him, the installant shall say after the manner follo\\.'inii : VVc receive these I.t-tters with, jjriat willinj^ness and will show our regard to them upon your tikin^ the o.ith customary in this behalf. 7 hen im mediately, the Arehdeaeons, Omoi/s. Cleri^n', Officers aud Choir shall />rooed in dne order to the Chanei /, the Hishofi hdvini; the President of the Chitfter on his rit^ht hand and the n i / hii;hesl diqnitary on his left ; the Choir sini^inj^ the Te Ih nm to the sound of the origan. TJte lUsho/i, kneelini; a* the Holy Table, commends himself to (iod in f>ri:ate />eayer, and rises n/> njfur' the Collect " Prriuntns,Of.onl," said bv the President of the Chapter. The lUshof' shall take the followini; oath : \\\ tiie nunc of (iod, Ameii, We N., by Divino permission, Hishop of Toronto aiul Dean of this Cathedral Ciiurch, il > promise and swear thit we will be faithful to this Church of 'I'iiroiito, and thit we will ^jive 6ur help, and assistance in faithfully defending the ri;;lits, liberties and dignities of this Church. So help mc God, and these Holy Gospels. , And he sliall kiss the Boofc. ' <«,^ Then he i A eondmted to his Stall, hard by the -U'est door of the choir, and eansed to M therein, the installant saying to hint : — Mayst thou adorn this thy seat amid thy brethren, };i\ en tlicc of God, with justice and with sanctity. God is iniL;hty, and may He increase thy yrace. The l)ishof> ansivers '. Amen. ' ' ■ . ■ , ' ■ Then is the Hishop condneted to the I:piscopal throne, and the installant havinf[ eanscd him to sit therein, shall hold him by the right hand and say :— ":' The Lord keep thy cominy in» and thy yoiny out, from this time now and for even Amen. We, N.,actin<^ as proxy for the Metropolitan of Canada, do install and enthrone you, reverend father, into the iliynity and clmir cpiscojViil of this Cathedrar Church, and we induct you into the real, actual, and corporal possession of the Bishopric of Toronto, and of all i^ts>^rij;'hts, dij,Miities, honors, privile.a-s, and appurtenances whatsoever; and wi pKice you in this said-Seat, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. \ Then shall the Hishop kneel down and recite ifte Lords Prayer, all Joining with him at the ivords, " And lead ns not into temptation," to the end. •" a iv* ♦.'♦' !: . ■ 1 i 2\ //i H s/iit// f/ii' PrestiicHhof Ihc Cluipttr uiy : — () I.(inl, save Thy servant N. our Misl\()|). Clioir : Who />utht/i //is trit»t iu_ I Ittf. He unto him a towW of defence. C'lioir: From the face oj his tueiny. Let the enemy have no advantage over hhn. Clioir ; Nor the xoicked ii/^/>rotich to hurt liiiii. () Loril, hear our prayer. Choir : And let our cry come unto Thee. The Lord be with you. Clioir ; And xAth thy spirit. Let US I 'ray. • Grant, we hcsccch Thcc, O Lord, unto Thy servant N., liisliop of thin Diocese, that lie, prcaciiin;4 and practisin;^' those thinj,'s thai lie ritiluful, may he a pattern of jjood works lo builil up the souls of all them that arc committed to his charge ; and at the last may with them receive the \(\i\. of immortal recompense from Thee, the Good aftd Loving Shepherd of our souls; who livest and reij^nest with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, One God, world without end. Ameil Then ihe UiMhop shidl vine nintnd ulrc Inn rit/ht hitnd fit the mdaUantJivHf, and to the Arvh- deacoHH, Canuv.a and Lin/ mnnbern of the Chaptee in iirdev ; the Choir simjimj this Pmlm hijtanxa : ]kho!d how good and joyful a thing it is, etc. Glory be to the Father, etc. Then the inatallant shall say : Let i/s^ Pray. O Almighty God, the dispoijcr of duties, and bountiful bcstowcr of all goodness, who hast instituted div'crs degrees of dignity and authority in Thy Church, wc most humbly beseech Thee that Thou wilt vouchsafe to strengthen this, 'Ihy servant, N., appointed to govern this Chiu-ch and • Diocese of Toronto, with the succour of Thy Grace, that he may endeavor himself, to be faithful to Thee in this his pastoral office, both in word and deed, to the Glory of Thy name, and the edification and right ruling of Thy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. And the Bishop shall turn to the people and fjii'c them this bksHi III/ : ,. The Blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be upon you and abide with you always. Amen. Then shall theof.ee of the Holy Communion immediately begin ; the Bishop of Toronto both celebratinf/ the same and also preachinif to the people after the Nkene Creed. The service ended, all proceed to the Chapter House in like order as before, and the President Jiaving placed his Lordship in the uppermost seat of the Chapter House, the Canons, BpiritnAd and Lay, the vicars, sacrist, organist, boys, vergers, and all ojficers passing before him and each in his tarn pausing, shall promise true obedience to the Bishop in these u'ords : Right Reverened Father in God, I promise to pay true and canonical obedience to you^as liisliop of Toronto. ^ ' _ " And so they leave the Chapter House with singing of Psalms. &»' ■ ■'■ • 25 '' -^- XXVI. THK FORM OF INSTALLING A CANON. ' When there in any (^anon oy HeniilcHlinry to hit inntnllcd, he In to rxhihit thr lettn-n minulntorn of the Lord DiiJiop to the Sub-dean or, in hin almenci', to the J'rfMidcnt and Chuftter vhuidirmm- aHseinhleii in the C7ta/)<«r lloaie unier thin or thr lili' form of woriln. Mr. Suh-dcXn [Mr. Prcsiclciit] .iiul you tjciilkincn of the Ch.iptcr, I present unto you Letters Mandatory of the Kiijlit Reverend lather in Clod N. Ity Divine permissiou Lord Bishop of Toronto, humhly askinjj that you will admit, instftll, and induct me, acconh'nn to the tenor of them, into Me Canonry of [or the Chancellorship, or otherwise of tiiis Cathedral' Church] with your favour. Then thr iviitidlant in to deliver the mid IjfljtfrH Mmidotorif to thi' Chanrdlorofthet'hurrh ar clerk deimted thereto, that he ma>j pHtil'ictij rmd thnn hfj'ore the (,'hiii>ter,(ind beimj rend, the installant in to annwer in thcHC or the lihr win'dit ( Wc accept of these letters of the Right ReVercnd Father in Gml, N , by Divine permission Bishop of Toronto, with the greatest obscrvanc^, and will forthwith pay due regard to them, you having made [or upon your making] the dcclari^tion of observing and keeping' the statutes, regu- lations, and laudable customs of this Church. If the person to be installed has not mad6 the declaration at his inatitiUion, he shall then maJee it as Jollows : I, N., Can on ForX hancellor. etc.] of this Catl^edral Church^ St. Alban the Martyr, Toronto, in.stltuted to the Canonry, Stall or Dignity thereii|i founded, written afieivmy signature.nlo declare that I will be obedient to the Dean of the same Church, and to his successors, and in his absence to the Chapter of the same Church, in their lawful and canonical commands ; I will be faithful to this Church of Toronto, and to the Bishop and C^iapter of the same Church ; I will observe and keep all the statutes, regulations, ordinances, rules, and customs of the same now, or hereafter to be, made and published by lawful authority ; I will support all the burdens of my said Canonry and Stall, and \^ill discharge all such duties as are assigned to me in the Cathedral statutes. I will be at all times ready with my presence and counsel to assist the Lord Bishop when and where he shall require this of mc, and I will bear my part willingly and gladly, and 1 will be personally forward in promoting the good works "of this Church and Diocese unto holy and honourable living, the extension and increase of the ministrations and teaching of the Church, and the instruction of the people in all sacred learning and knowledge. The business of the Chapter I will keep private so long as it shall be ruled to be private ; the rights of this Cathedral Church I will defend ; nor will I give any assistance, advice or encourage- ment to any person or persons whatsoever who shall or will endeavour to violate or infringe the same. Then the installant shallinvest him, saying : — ' In the name of God. Amen, We, N., Sub-Dean [or. ...... .President of the Chapter] of this Cathedral Chu^ly togetlicr with these my brethren, receive thee (here the installant takes him by the right hand) as a brother and Canon of this Church in the stall of . . .. . >. . . .[or Chancellor, etc., in this Cathedral Church] (here he shall deliver the Neio Testament into Us hands) together with all its rights, members, and appurtenances. In the name of the Father, etc. Amen. '11 .-f. ; , Thfn h* U to ffo to the yentry, the memwhile the ivHtiillnrit dtul the rt»t of the hrethreu go hito th« Choir, niyl, after the Pmlmg am emleil, thitj air to rnk-iiw the nevi Canon at the Vestry door, in hia choral hahit and covdttet him into the choir, and having jdaced him in hiM prer stall, theinntidlant shall say :— The Lord keep thy comitiR In, atu! thy K"*nB out, from this time and for ever. Amen. Then shall he inntall him, setting him down-in his ntall and Haying as fMoweth ; — Wc inst.ill thcc, brother, Into the stall assigned for thy Canonry [or dignity], and do cfTcctiialiy induct thee into the real, actual, amd corporal posaession of the same, with all and singular its rights, members and appurte Chapter. After ii'hiih (if Ihf Ihiin Ik- i)i<'iiint) ihi' /n'/vou infitallnl nhntl Htinie R.'Ido. Q. Do you promise obedience to the Lord Bishop and Chapter and all officers duly set over you ? R. I do. ..-'■•'' Then shall thi' candidate for odmiasioa kni'd down before him, and he shall take his hands between his own and say : — In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, I admit thee [here naming him], to be a chorister of this Cathedral Church. ' /' Then shall he take the surplice and )}lace it on the boy, and thus address him as he stands before him : — *> Thou art admitted a chorister of this our Church. Take thou good heed that what thou singest with thy mouth thou dost believe in thy heart, and what thou belicvest in thy heart thou dost practice in thy life. Then all kneeling he shall say : V. Behold now, praise the Lord all ye servants of the Lord. R. Lift up your hands in the Sanctuary and praise the Lord. ■M ■V- ., ■> , t ^ L«t Hs Pray. Almighty and everlasting God, be Thou merciful unto our sinn and purify this Thy servant from, the service of the world ; that Iniipg clothed with Thy grace for ever, he may by Thy jjowcr ir>\vcr J rcinncth thftt you l^asc God. // :' p