Draft Report on Copyright. DRAFT REPORT ON COPYRIGHT. riiu Cuuiuiittii- to whicli «its iffi'M-fd the sulijrct 'il' C'opyi'ijflit, willi instructions to ii'piivl to h geiicTiil iiiei'i'tinir of till- ]ii'rs()ns intcrestcil in t'oniiiiiL; i < 'iiii.iiliiin St within tln' province of the Cai.adian S(H"'ety ol' Authors to proffer any opinion oti the constitutional questions involri'd in the contlictin;; clituns of jurisdiction Iwtwe'.n tlie brilisli uid Dominioh Parliauients on th<' suhjiwt of copyrit;ht legislation. But we may be. |x>nnTtt(Hl Uj urf^.'iliitt as the aim of iKith L »p tiiitu>1ii nt>ke is t he <;oo Vour t'ommittei' is of the opinion that iKith an- possible. Vour Cominitli'o, theretoie. does not rwominetid any aineiidiiKMit to l^ird lierschell's Bill wdiich would exclude any Britisii Copyright from the Catmdian market, except with the consent aiel a|)proval of the author or thf holder of the copyright. By virtue of thc> right of |tronerty wdiich an author has in his works, he can .sell his copyright to. any publisher in any part of the Kmpire. and conversely any publisher shoidd have the right of purchase aiul ail thi^ privileges wh.ch this right iinplie.s. But as the law now stands, the sale to a pufilishi-r in the Unit.ed Kingdom carries with it the right of entry to the Canadian market, uot- witlistaiiding any coutrat't entered into between the .iutlioi- and the Canadian publisher Your committee considers this unjust to the (,'anadian author and publiHhur. and would therefore respectfully submit, that where an author enti-rs into an arrangement with a (^'anadian publisher foi' till- copyright and sale of his works in (lanada the (.'anadian Copyright shotild carry v ith it the exclusive control of the Canadian market, except as to individual copies of the work which might lje imported for the use of Public Kree Jjibraries I'niversilies or other .schools ol learning. The atl villi tii;,'r Ui till' author in this ciiw woulil l* by im imiins iiK-diisidcral)!!-. Your comiiiitti't' is of thf ijpiiiioii thiit th(; Canadian jnihlishiT hy his tviuiwlt'dgt- of (hi' imiiket nini l)y his fuciliticH t'oi pliioinj; works lii'forc thi- puUic would lie at)U' to dispose of a much liirijcr (ilitioii of such authors' works liiHii «n\i)d ever ri?ach thi' puoplu of Canada under tin' pn'Si'iit Britisli I 'opyiif^ht arrantfc- nienls, and \ciur CoiniuittiT Ihifcfore, has no hesilation in .sayiny tlittt thr iiiiii'iidnii*iits herein- after su{;i;ested woidd (greatly lieiutit lK>tli thc' author puhlishinj; in (ireat Britain, and the Canadian pnhlie. Your coniniittei- would, liowever, fail in its duty to Canadian louhors and pulilishers if it did not also i-niphasize the Canadian view of tlie eiuse. Many < 'anadian lUllhor^ (nefer puhlishin;; tliejr works in London rather tliuii in < anada imisniucli as this jrives them a larf;e market at tin- outset. The consiM|iieia'e of this is tliat they are little known ti' the ('anadian pul)lie, as the Urilish ]Hil)lisher lias little intiTesl in what he rcf^ards as oiu' eoniparatively limited nnirkii. If the reciMnmendation of viair Comndttee is adopted, the tlanadian author who publishes in LoihIoii, ecnild also arranfje with a Canadian )iuhlislii-r for a Canadian eijuion of his works, and in this w;iy --eenre, in additinn to the British market, tin- full ad vantiire of the Caiiiidian market. 'I'lie hi'ie-lit t" the author under the.se circiunstauces. is .-,0 apparent ,ms to render all further eineidalion uinicM-eNsary. A similar lieuelit would acernc to tin' Can.idi.-m pnhlisher. ']'<' him ihc' miirkrl id' his own enuntry is of the lirst imporliin<-e lamited as it is, eomjiared with the market of (oeal Hritain, it iie\ ertheU»s aflords a reasoiiahle sidpe for enterprise imd as le- cainiol hope to win a foothold in any other, he n)i"ht reasonalily l»- expeeti>il to haM' a stroiiir elaim up(Mi th«' vmiv market fairly op.Mi tt under the authority of thc t loverioni-nt of such British eolony nr possessioiL a reprint of any literary or artistic work first publishe'l in any other pai't of He; iMajesty's Dominions or simultaneously published in xome other part of Hei Majesty's Doininioiis. and in the said British colony or possession, with a C'ltiticati' that thi' owner of the copyright Under tins Act in such work s,inctious such reprint, then and thcniifter nn eop\ of the said work so copyrijrhte.i such British colony or possession save and except copii.'s of such work spicially imi)oited for tile Immi t'uh visi' of Public Kree Lilnaries and University and Collef;v bil.raries ami Law Libiaries of ,iny duly oriraiiized Law .^sstK'iation or Society for the u-i' of its members, such copies so imported, howexii-, not to e.\ci'ed more than two for each of such i,ibraries. 2 That a cop\ of this report be transmitted to the Minister of .Instice, with an ur;_'eiil reipiest thai a despatch bused ttiereon Iw sent to the Colonial SecretAry ;H. That a deputation be appointed to confer witli the Cantwiian ( 'opyriglit A.sHociation with a view tn their acliiit! in concert with this Society to obtain the ailoption of the above ameiidiuelit, ■«, That rt t^oimuittee In appointed to represent the vieWK of this Sm'iety before tln' .Members of the Dominion Government it deiMuei I desirable .'). Tliat your Coiuniittee be authorized to Coiuuiuuicute with the British and th' American Asso' cislions of Authors, to secure, if ptssible,' their co-operation in advancing the recoiinuendations of your i.\)ioiuitt«e.