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Lm dttaMt tfa e«i aaawiplatra qfd tomn pa«it4tra mo^mm 4m point 4a voa Ml ^ piMiii t •Mlfir iim modtf io^tion 1 In IIMrIIOOB flOfllMM OB f 1WIM9B lOflt MMlQtMS M r~TIXole«H«d pafat/ LJlJ fataa 4a coula i i c D an4oa □ PlBflH ra t to»a 4 an4^r Iaiiilnata4/ PlffM rartanr to i at/ou pa N i c y H a i □ Cotwr Ulitra4a □ Pita* 4iMoloMra4. ttait«a4 or foiia4/ NfM 4Aeolor«at. tachatiot otTpt q uAaa .\. #v; r*n| Colotya4 wapa/ LJcartaai' Ink (i.0. otHar tlMn Mua or Maeli)/ EiMT* 4t aetriatir (i.«. aytra 4|iM Maoa o« noiro) □ □ □ Ti#it biii4irn mafy cauaa •i|ia4owt or 4i«tortion akNif inllrior mftfiM La raUtira Mrf^'pairt PtanaliM at/ou iMMtrafiom an ao«4a«ir Bountf wMi othar matarial/ aaac 4'Mitrat 4o ai wwantt D 4a I'ombra ou 4a la 4iatonion la hwRf 4a la marfa intirlaura ■.. . f ,' ■ ''^^ ■•."■■■.■■'■ , Blanlt laavaa a44a4 ourini rattoration may appaai wiuiNi nw mil. ' If naiwMr ponma, moia nova baan 0Mitta4 from filming/ II M paut qua cartal n a i paia i bl a nalia i a | c> u t i a i ton 4'una rattturatien appar a l w ant 4ant la taxta, mah. loraqua eala Mait poNlMa, eat pafat n'ont patMfilmtea. rvf^ □ Nfat 4ataelM4/ Pata«4«tMMas rTpTSlMwvthrbufh/ I I Tramparaiioa Quality of print varia«/ Quality in49ala 4a Wmprattion □ Continuous paftnation/ Pafination continua D Incru4a* in4ax(at)/ Compran4 un (4as) in4aK titia on ha a 4ar takan from: / La titra 4a I'an-tCta proviont: n TitIa pa9a of istua/ Paga 4a titra 4a la livraiton r~n Caption ol itiua/ a Titra 4a 4ipart 4a la livraison ' Masthaa4/ Ginirkiua (pirio4k|uaa) 4a la livraison iomeA:ri A44itionalepmmants:/ » There ate some/sreases In the middle of pages. .Commantairat suppMmantairas: ' This itam is filnia4 at tha ra4uetion ratio chaeka4 balow/ Ca 4oeumant ast f ihni au tauK 4a rMuction in4iquA ei-4astoui. »0X 14X 1IX \ ^X 12X 10X aox 26X 32 30X 24X 28X 32X Th« eopy filmed h«r« htm b««n reproduced th«nk< to i)M9«rt«roeity of: ^^ ' • ■ ■ * Motropolltan Toronto Mforenc* Library Bal(K (meaning "CON- TifAjfiO"), or the aymboi V (meaning "END"), whichever appliaa. 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Laa diagrammaa auivanta iiluatrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 • ■ ■ ■ • . i $ " ,' - 1 2 3 " » . 1 4 5 6 /J ■ ^S^^-l^T ^"^RSfigl^ ^ - ^W^t t .■g -/•■ iJUTlV£ E£llABItS ON TWO WITH LAKfi PBOJBCTKD HURON. ;W** QomiyiuycATiQiii ■ '. ^ "if- . * .1 •■" '« iSTi vfaw li ilM RUm* CmwI of lar LtkM »mi Bltrm lo •nawdo* «iiy Im avoidod, aad water tkai ah* Im« onljr te — >|#UwWM rt iaM lll y«ar«d on (ha faaa ol Um Oloko, »iU «mM« Imt !• Im thit WmmI Mflgfrtioa 10 a jpuraoao whioh aiuat tfaatly iMfwaa bor influonc* aad p i a apl to . Ik* M^r Ml IIm K«y of llM Udanui Waotara CooaaMraa by (ormiiM aaay aM)«M from tbo iatortov to Mr o«« NmmIs. ^'U • K«y of llM imUnti Waotara CooaaMraa by (onaiop aaay aoMaa from tbo iatoriW to h li, tlMr«(br«^ oa «»• ttt4UI A eo«iaiar«tal eowauaiaatioa bj tha OttoWa, baiag through ito wbofe liaa aa diataat froaa tha frwiltor, aai ta Biaah ahortor thaa aay Routo wUeh tha Amarieana ean oooiaMnd frooa Naw Vork to tW Upp«r Lakaai Miat aaaara a graal proportioa of tboir trada ta Montreal, and prove bar graat aot^atorbalaaaa agyaal Ika kiaal advaatacaa whkh Na#York poaaaaaas in olhar raapecla. Ilul if tba toaiaiuniaaliaa ba mmt» by litka MaMaa to Laka Ontorio, notUof would ba gained, and much oiight be (oat. We thould Mafalj laaak ifeU ' ■MM poiat to wbieb tba Weilaad Caiul already leaida— Iha (ower end of Lake Ontario, when i^Akotoa Migr h« made between New- York, by Oawego, or Montreal, by the St. Lawrence. It ia, ao doubt, traa thai tha ■aw route would ba ahortor and ufar, but ao much the worae in a naliooal point of view ; nr wa ihaaM aaly hold out thf. ftroeger temptation to Iho Americana to enlarM (heir Canal from Oawego to Alheay, iHuBh tbay hate inaady in eontam^Uon, and which they will, no uoubl, place on such a footlag m to aialia the afipinMa of trenait within the limita of (he ehargirs on our St. Lawruncu Canal, (akould it aver be aaaa- |litod,) ao thiA tha ehanea of any trade from (he .Vmerican aide of (he Lakea, by (he SiaMiba routo» will h4 MiHaA to the oomparative atate'H)f the marketi at Montreal and New- York. la «^r Aillv to Uluatrate A eaM so inunensely important to the country, it nay ba na eaaaary to alaitll ■era nofrapMeally . 0ur loeaf advaatage conaiata in the great winding in (he chain of the Lakea, in the eztraordiaary < •isn' of Lake Huron to (he Eastward, and in (bat of l^ka Erie to the Wealward. The Amarieaa* •peaad a commaaieatk» to Lake Erie, the second in (he chain of about Ave hundred milea to their Be»«ort. We have it in our power« by an Interior comniuniealion along the Ottawa of about four huridiad and illy milaa from Montreal, to enter ihe third Lake ((ho Huron) at a point aix hundred aMhlMiq^ ttj^- vanead in our American JfrrftfammeoM. Thus we can reach (hat central poaition wheni^HLHMaia,* Miehican and Superior may be said to meet, by a route li((le exceeding five. hundred miUaH^Htoa Iha Amerieaaa lauat wind their tedious way eleven or twelve hundred milea to the aante ooinl. ^^^at tha bthiaua between Lakes Huron and Ontario be onco penetrated by a navigation, and our advanla^^oUi grwMll 'k loat, a diraot inlet ia unfolded from OiiWe(p to the I^Uron, and thus assiatad, Iha narilfaBf tJayMlifH af Naw-York would no doubt absorb from all rivals (he trade of the Weat. , Aoaa who aro' inlerMted in the im^vementa on the St. Lawrence, any tnippQea that a Cothf Laka i wooM iHltelirilyiBerease their rev«nue,biit tboy may find tkemaelves greatly mialakan.. Ill aad ia all probabUity wouMi, have a contrarv eflee^. The Ainerieans would then nava the ^ ■obitMMial toAteaaMnts, aa already remarked, to enlarge the Canal iron Oawego to Albany ; aad, if tdtf toaaeaia tha trade, they might throw it entirety Tree of toll. It would not ba too gra*k • tha'ahjaet wa ahonld, by a needf^as Mt, present to them ; andl it is a aacrifiee whiah Ihair grMt and fraadon firoai daot would enable them to make without finaneial inconvenienea. TIm aaeomiBodatioit given to our neighboura by the Welland Canal, on their paeeage to OnMjMu ii aaa* ToUAto, there being no other way of forming a navigable communication with cor owB aUa af Laka Wi* But in tba prMent eaae we are under no such necessity, for we can commaiMl a Una toLdkaHanadf llhilll no rival could take ani^ advantage. Were there no other means of reaching Laka Hmaa, hv a ihartar dfaaal reoto, hot bj Laaa Simeoe, something inicht be- Mid in favor of tbo meaauia. If IIm liUht hamMk ridge wMah girds the lands along the waters of (he Trent, were the northern eonfinas of tha fnllla laait af Ca«lda^ wa might submit, as we have been obliged to do on the Welland C«nal, to divide Um tmtIMm af , oiir aaproaah to Laka Huron with our neighboura. But the case is wonderfullv diflbrent whaa i*a aaadiav thill air inuaaaM bAdv of fertile land lies be vend, or to the northff ard of that rM«, throq|ii ^ihUk tttt gN** rivar af tha Ottawa flowa, fMininjr neariy of itMlf a apaeious and unbroken aav%abla eMMaaalMlha la (ia va^r fcaiM af tha aonntiy frink Mka Hnroa to Montreal, whkh moet aiwaya ba aoaaidaiad, Ami ttt had (JtaiHlBttba awMMiaiil feeua af both tha Caaadw. Tba aatarprMag spirit of the peopla of tha Uaitod Stataa baa bean olton aotiaad, aal I l|pii wtmtif pM^ laadki Ibat thaf watild molt readily provide the neeeaaarr fnads for a eemmwaieatfoa hj Laka Naaaa' as Iha laitaM. aaala; Thaf wouM tlink na for tha parmiiaion to da ao, and ebudkla ataor rie^Mlg ii waaU aaaipbto fair thaia a ready and diraet hidiway flma NandTork to thair fawaaan aad MRl Maik \Waatorii poHiMMlons, aad wa should thusbavaflw hobor of crowning tba graad aUafit' af iMf aalUMMItpl a, Da WHt Clinton, in a osora perfect manner than hia most saaguina liews aaaUavw baf« aalMifilai. ■MiapiMb tktt tba assaathl advantage wMeb Caaada may darira flma bar aftWiiaBiiiwU N MllHN •t\ A lai«i«SiiMS «l«r»#Mi4Mr ii«r |*#*r «0 pMsrv* tkaai for our ow« om. it wfll Mftaial* b« • Ifcwdij fciiiJW mn tMt n ^Imdmi. ll wmM b« lb« lOwnlMy oT • i ^ - ' ^^'^ ultB llM MivMOfM ■tfUfctd 10 Ibt to mIvhim (ba •IrMMh I M (ba MpadUiMr of ah o Al ag • (oaol iMro h and •tAfiilM' lulara of Um «•■• ••« jnad^ I !■ aaj rart of *■ I7I M'tfen Mat«fMM or tiMir praAiM to Mrito^ bv iaprorW ih* lUvor Tram. Md kj 1 9I miifimtkm It H wi gl l the tlMiltow UiudL But ■uralj any ftirtEir adviotaffi wkkh wo«U wwiM'to Umm, If MMIrfliLdMHarMtadtotairMUoa, wouUboMMaandMCiallM ' tf M MMTf m LMM HOTM IB UM dirMUoo, wouM bo M •aMOI duM ia Ibo WIwmol MHlivt ito faaoM ooa- »l j (>li t i w r to 'Uw Q i loay. hMbm ia lior o«ii right, and abo ai • bnaoh of tU BHtUTaiiin, aapMoto aad ' to look at tKa form aitd natura of tli« eouatr j to bo a'aaTtnaad tbat dia BwoliittoiM 4f m apply with anieh mora ptwprtoty (o a fonDoaiaatioa by tha Ottowa, thaa laoa rrom th« rrooli«i>, and ombraoaa a tar yaaiar aBteal at ...... _ (tl«in«B(. and alao for Ibo rmphtrtrado, of whkhtho Ottawa mmmlM pftedfal soat, aad awiat aoatinuo to ba 00, tha eo^otry panotratod by t|«^ rivar and Ma trlbata* Hte hofcf iaaoaqaMhly lamr aad a^on abundant in timbar than any othor tuaibariq^ ra|ioa in Caaada. VW Am f«r»dMl of a aiOtafr highwav, tha Maa by tha Ottowa would ba ^al^ aupaftor, (or tha ' wltotorar wfth tha Ridaau Canal, bainc out off from it by aa axpoaad naviption on f of Qninto of Mly or aixir nflaa, and thoralwt it would atOl «• ba Uabla to ha intan OatafloapthaBay 11^ (ht M^lkhotiHng itstoT intarraplad Tiw Out by Laha •faaeoo would do roiy little towarda hnprorin^ tha ahapa of tha oouatry. • it ia atfll iaa' i#«lMM|hirlalri(litoaatttbaehanetaror "awaakaiidnarrowatrip." But tha Una hy tha OttoVa whMH it aMM h atoa dt ataly oaoaaetad, baing aaparatad froai tha Shallow Lakaa by a hMi 1 •gMbft •■ hM kaaa aaeartalnad by two axploriag partlaa of tha Enginatra atai out by Qovai Wmi^ptd to Iba ataipiratNo axpanaa of tha two linaa, their natural faeiUtiaa ara, parhnpi anairela the aoun(ry, and gira to tha Uppar inaiaaaa ito atrancth and ataUIUjr. I of tha HoBM and Naweaatle DMrieta, anal ba with take Hunm wooM bo IbraMT, and with 1 Uf^ ridga of Moky Qovaniiaant ^"nariw|ia, naarty aqoal. I howatar of tha int one hondrad aad twenty milaa from Montiaal ia already aoMplotad oil Ika OMm, axlaadlng to Bytown, and if tha expenaa of iaaproVing the 8L Lawronea bO added, m tt anat te •»J*^^.«ka •■?"»»««•»» '»«• *>>• B^y •' V»mt ormoney whieh eaoM ha raquimd to ■■• X m mi 'i H lil MMbbil thnt* nbaaures, stands on most eritkal groqnd. She ea« »ew • ^ M '' ! " »lj >^ J '' «" i '' ' " ''l L "«■»«>«» tf^. *M«1> WbuW raiae her to the hi^hett pitehof eoaimanini pirn- paillf. «riha May lo^a K for Avar^ OMnly by the ehoiee ahe mkk»a between tha two aoiamunlaaHoiii in' fMMM. MMy.fHHriakthe^nloth^eooMrTwithadiivetareniie |brhoreon«M«o to thavartkfeart . >*tf^¥^> **r^*« P*rP;««^ph/*iJ baitiar artintt ai> ^^ lafriSo. c^HSnoai, fMAMfito INUm M iMif M Nf «P itflMMMlil' W(Mm,> if Mew Toi)c, a distlngulahed Engineer, who .waa eatplQyA^ by oqr O oye n naent' ^'SLSJ^^!^r?!^ T l'^ W^lUnd Canal, makn/ fraqueqt alhidoB to tbajatfn^ nail ■ ^-^-^-^ In the tHkiM of thefa- Weatom trade beiif di^^tocTftom NawvTaA to MaLaot , alii Mf il M« to he wondered at, that wfth thefr 9jaa open to ilafutnta iiApartaMa, thw ahonM "~^""" ' ' .'^Northof^STOdapaaof Laliladi DOBT MOOnann i« a vaat HKMIIM nr r^Anntirr tmht tha BMaai of presenring it Mr. Wright saya, <• Hi tt«'IMk;f; •^-v,^- .'fl \ ' ■$:■• V # Ik1l« m ^