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IWT- ■:. ~ ■ ♦ '■'■'■■". \Z\Zu. ■"; ■ Coll Cou □ □ Co«i Cov Co«i Cov a □ □ Col< Car Col EiM Col Pl« Bo( R«l Titf •lot Ui d«i Bto wi« bM II « Ion iiiai 1/ Ad Coi ThisitMii Ctdoeun 10X ; 7 i y- "ii- TMhniMJ Mid BibNofraphic NoiM / MolM tMtmiqyM tt MMiotrapHiquM TiM ImtiUit* has attamptMl fo obtain tha baat orJ«iiMl copy availaMa for f ilminf. 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Commantairas suppliiMntairas: ■ "^rS This itam is f ilmad at tha reduction ratio'chackad bakNv/ Ca document est f ilmi au taux da r^uction indiqu* ci'd^ssous. 10X 14X _ lax 22X 26X 30X >/ J. 12X 16X 2dX 24X 28X 32X Th« oopv filmed hw hM bMn rtproduo«d thanks ta( tiM gMMrotity of { Mttropolltan Toronto Roforcnco Library BaldMln Room ■ ■ , ■:f---.vv ■ :■'•.■■■/ :■. • Tht IfiMfH appMrirtg hart ara tha batt quality i p oaa l fc i a eonaWfring tha oondltlon and laglblllty of tha original copy and In kaaplnf with tha filming eontraot apaolftoatlona. v?t Original ^oplaa In printad papar oovara ara fiimad baglnning with tha front oovar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or llluatratad imprp*' aloor or tha back oovar whan approprlata. All othar original ooplaa ara fllmad baglnnln/on tha firat paga with a, printad or tlluatraiad iniprai- alon, and andlng,on tha laat paga with a printad or llluatratadjmprafalon. Tha laat racordad f rama on aaoh miorof Icha ahall eontain tha tymbol —•» (moaning "CON> TINUIO"), or tha symbol ▼ (maaning "INP"», whiehavarappllaa. Mapa. plataa, ohafta. ato./ may ba fllmad at diffaront raduetlon ratloa. Thoaa too larga to ba ontlraly Inoludad In ona axpoaura ara fiimad baglnning In tha lippar laft hand cornar, laft to right and top to bottom, at many framaa at raqulrad. Tha following diagrams illustrata tha mathod: ^ 2 «. «>«.• I'axamplaira fllm4 fut raproduH grioo A la g4n4rOf It4 do: Matropol I tan Toronto Rafaronca library Baldwin Room • # iaa Jmigaa auhrantaa ont 4t« raprodultas avao la plus torand aoln. oompta tanu da la eonditlon at da la n%tfH d9 I'aiiamplalra fllmi. at an ' Oonformit* avao Iaa oondltlbna du odntrat da \ flknaga. - ^ : ^ . ^' -.^ / Laa axamplalras, origlnauN dont la oouvarturaan paplacast ImprimAa sont fllmte mx oommai^^ain par la pramlar plat at an tarminant salt par la . darnlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'imprasslon ou d'lllustratlon, aolt par la saoond plat, salon la oas. Toua laa autras aKamplairas originaux aont fllmAa an eommonoant par la promi#ra paga qui eomporto una an^pralnta d'imprasslon ou d'lllustratlon at an tarminant par la darnlAra paga qui oomporta una talla ampraintOr.' ^. ;..... ■■■-■..■:■■■■■■ '■'-'}■ '- • I -■.■.■■."■ ■ Un das syrnbolas suivanta apparattra sur la ^ darnlAra imaga da ehaqua mierofioha, salon la oas: la Symbols "^^ signlf la "A 8UIVRB". la * symbola ▼ algnlfia "FIN". Las cartas, planohas^ tablaaux. ate, pauvant Atra filmAs k daa taux da r«duction dIffArants. Lorsqua la documant aat trop grand pour itra raproduit mn un saul ollehA, II aat fllm4 A partir da I'angia supAriaur gauoha.' da gfucha A drplta. %t da haut an bas, m pranant la nombra . d'Imagas nAcassalra. Las diagrammaa' auiObnta llluatrant la mAthodo. '■'■-.■.' '• ■'- ■ ■ ." '•■■■ • ' ' > ' i. ■• ■ .'•- 6 A/ (ANSI and ISO nSTCHAITT ittiii m itt Itt I u ■S 1.25 iU I A /iPPLED M/ l«U tnt Molii SIraM «»»SN«, Nn Yort |4< (»I|r 4M - 0300 - PHOM 1? OMIT ■ ; ^ *.. 2) fl ■: •, 'y \. 'M^. . ^ iim "'# |M .^ k' L&'Ji l^-- . lifc?--:-^ ::;>■!: * *"i /" mb Ine -'7 ■ •o» \us» . .'.: ■ /■ . .-..■ ' -^ Si- >, ■I, ^fiMV-->; .' . METROPOLITAN TORONTO LIBRARY r I; • - It w ■■'■■■■ v.,-;'... 'V.v^ , I i" e ' "'' TORONTO PDBUC LQHARIES / .-',■-•■ \ •\ X *'i 1' , "^^ ► • 5 • I ' -/ r;^ii^^:';/. ^ f '4- ")• " 1 ' I / >-, ,■.* • '1*!. f METROroLiTAN 1 TOROfiTO ' ' > • f I \ pij •1 '. h^f 'jsL'^. \.^. "TSSKi^iX^. . V. '^ ■ , -^ 'W-' ► 1 > \ ^. ■ r ' x----" •. ': - --V ■■■ ■■■ .■•• ■,■ \ ♦ X • .\ • \ T ■ \ "-^^ " h fi- Canada. L * Published Bv 'RQLPh.6MiTK&c^ tdronto.ohi : ' ' ■ ■ • ■ ■,■'•■ '...-■. V. '"^ . \ \ \ • * GOOD RAILWAY AND STB AM nO AT SERVICE HEALTH, KCONOMY, COMFORT AND ACCJiSSlfinJTY ARE THE STRONQ POINTS IN FAVOR OF MUskoKA LAKES RESORTS r-pi 'Hti) term Muskoka I^kcs refers chiefly to the three fair iii«ter lakcft, Muskoka, Rot« $eau, and Joseph. The ninuous shores of these ihre: lakes form a coast line of hundreds of niiles, with some four hundred bcautilul islands studded with consideralile regu- larity, thus affording adequate protection and shelter for the frailest canoe or roWvJKial. The lakei are traversed in all directions by the romfortablc steamers of our Nfuskoka and ( Georgian Bay Navigation Co. Upwards of thirty five hotels and hoarding houses are regularly dis iributed along the Lakes, and are quite acc^'ssible for the twice-daily steamers. From Outing, Jdne, 1893. "The mArvelniiH take rc|;i()n of Muslka is inpidty l>i-i-i>iiiint; one iif '!>ii- seniiing such dn inlinite variety of iicenic-«ttrftclions, and nt the same time ollering so many facilities ' (or »port with rracing every phase of the witdly |>i(.nures(|Me, yet softening at many pv«n them a llw.rough n-M. It woultl a|i|ira/ ili^i nature ha* •rrariKcil the enlcm anil |io«itltjn of the lake* mmt aclmir«My fi»ra utif ilt pUu^ant an.l lonvenient .nitingn a.ni.l tvcr vary inn «'»•?•• '•>>«• l'«'«»"^ «•"'"«»' "' <"it»i«lCT- alili- txtcnt, are yet nhiltcred by nunufoiiH inlan*!* nmlhea«llan«li», and wem t*«», the i»lan.U an»l nlxire-t arc Uautifully a.lorrud with a ff nylvon wenery. ' A* the Mu*koka Lakes are up-m an elevale.l plane, many himdretU .)f feet higher than the great lake*, the. atrtio«pherc i* m.).t pure and bra. ing. and nufTeters Iron, asthnm. hay fever, an-l polm..nary dinea.c* cxperiewe Inimediote relief. SjenHd«.at and railway anomm.Mlalion ii cxi...liii..uH. . omfortobje, fre<|uent, and nUMKn^ve. Hotel ond boar.ling a. , .,nim...loti..n i» abuhdanl .In.l reanoiubly g.Mnl. while the .Jiarge* ore mont m.Mlcrate., The t.iblc» arc supplie.1 with frenh linh from the (inhiiig groinxU ..( the neighborlK.oe had for the pi.king through.wt neirly iiil (.arts of the lake rogh>n ; in fa.;i, no plea-iintor or more homelike resort is to lie foun.1, while the eH|.€n»© / of reaching the Likes, and sojourning thereat, is less than to any other resort of the kin.l. Chur.:hes are ...nvenl- ( ent to/ all |H)ints ; supply stores of all kimls are t.i l)c met with at n.-arly all the '^j^j wagoft roads and bush paths /lead in all dire, lions ; pleasant side trips .an be taken t.. nuiner.nis smalM||[T'tributary to tlie«c three large /mes. Visitors to Muskoka will always re. eive a jiearty wel. .m>e. and lie made liftel at home on board the atean/ers, ond at all the .lifTerent res.)rts. " . /Any information that may'l>e .lesired by intending visit.jrs will be cheerfully and promptly furnished by A. P. COCKBURN, Manager an.l Se.retary of the Muskoka Navigation Co., Gravenhurst, Canada, ani by ttie se%eral agents throughout Cana.la and the Unite-.! States. MUSKpKA LAKE DISTRICT " KKOM "l.NKUSTKIIS OF .-VNAllA." I There is probably ho part of Canada which ofTers so mu.h oltracii.)n to the tourist as does the favored region Jtnown as the Muskoka District, and which ought to be known by all who arc interested in the s.;enery of their Country, and by all who wish for a convenient place to spend an inex|)ensivc h.)liday. Ihe Northern Uk.-s of /Canada are aptly designed the "Sportsman's" Paradise, for the best of fishing, shooting, and boating is here to be had. -The fresh and pure air of this elevated region, with its picturesque surroundings of lake and forest, rannol fail to invigorate exhausted physical nature. The peculiar softness of the limpid water and resinous odor of the pine forests are most health-giving: , ■ , In the Muskoka Divisibn proper are,*tK;luded the island-dotted lakes— Muskoka, Rosseau, and Joseph, point* along ^which are reached by steamer from C.ravenhurst. These lakes extend a distance of fifty miles in a direct line, with irregular shore, forming a coast of some two hundred miles. These lakes, as may be judged frotn their formation, present unrivalled facilities for boating an(i camping. The prificipal varieties of the finny tribe are aalmon trout, white fish, bass, and pickerel, with maskinonge in adjacent laltes and streams. The chief points of resort are Beaumaris, Port Carling, Windermere, Maplehurst, Rosseau, Ferrklale, Clevelands, Port Sandfield, Red- wood, Hamills, McLean's,, and Pbrt Cockburn, at all of which places most dipsirable accommodation may be had at reasonable. ratios. _^_, ._j____j:_2_ . . _._«._^_ . ^ 1 CMMximi^ im4« wlik ilM dilbKiiDM iMlM Ufm TooiMin (Unimi HtukmU fto.. Mall "httiktt i»»«b. Minb.A* Kimm* m l»«» •,M.|«M Hum KmnmM II 1$ |>,iM , iMvliMj; «ai>« •i««|>t«i« (>if iMMlt*.! dit Ma4<>ii* Whaif (iMfiiM •! ilka <|»>-t«l lai* >J t* t<>«M^V WIttelnkM hywf lUmlttim lUtly (*M AlUihUla), ni^; 05 « m . •lul («hi T'mimio) •! «.!) nm, omiwfiinc wllh Mu*liiiia llaffWHk Wiih li«ln« l«««ln« l^imitKI «l « «.m., nmiMiilnii with Mi«*lif«w al rrlv«l nl lh« Mutlmka Kt|ifiia« •! ^4$ |»^iii. (•))•«(«•» on iMMrtl), calMnn m MMum«iU, I'lifl Cutliajf, Ktnil«l«, ClcvcUmU, (;r«|it«y, I'nti H«n)IA«l<«l||«il>m ('•>. «i»«m«(* im anil (i»m Ihlffjr Homul on IM <>«»rflan n»f, MmI ISmI t uckbiiin 'Ml tha MiMkittia l.ikat. > OOINO •OUTH l.««vf l*atl Cocklmtnai A,jn «.iii. ((itMklati •■« iNiariM, railing •! ih« •lw*«nitnil«iQ«il lulnu, ami laaaMiif Mnaluilia WMff tl 1, it.*) |>.m., ctmmKilnd wlih Mu»koka l^.i|i««w, itaihiitK Tofttfliu at 4.JD ikNh OOINO NORTH ' . . . j Lake Rotteau Route Th« " Nl|ttwil«t|( " («i««l pairiU) will l«av« Mutkoka Wltaif (itlnriar ka KaprM*. tScfvlct Mini wtckly M«i Tumlay and .Saiunlay moinlng* at 7. i)a.m. f On TiMadajra, Bracebridge and Bala Route Th« "Kcmwha'' will Uava llraialirhlic •Inily «l 7,»iii.iii. fur llniuiiiaiU, Moiiimrr't I'ltlnl, Hala, ale, I'lMimnjting al ll«auni*fi* wHh " Muakiika" itn h«r murninii irip from (iravanhuial 1 Iriit* IIaIii al 9.Joa m. lo coiin*ci wllh lh« " NliilMlng" uf " Mwlora" al BaauniarU for iK« (am irain al Muikoka Wharf 1 Uavt llin<«l>rlilK« ■( i-^o |t.m f»f llaaumarli (cunnacilng wllh "Ni|)Miig" «if " Mciloia ") ami Bala I Uavc tlala al 5.>a |>.m. for llrai«liriil|{«. Daily Excursion Route COMMKNCINO BATUKUAY. JULY lal, i<«) - '' Th« "Mu«k.ika,"conn«cllna with ihf Ailanilc ami I'aciric Kittrna, will Imv« (IravcnhurM (Town Wharf) dally al 6.4) a.m. anrf Muakoka Wharf al T a.m., a» foTlowa : «0n Monday*, \V«dn«Mlay«, and Kridaya lo Koaacau (Itraakfaal on lioanl) ami InlcrmnllaU place*. On Tucviafi, Thur>day«, and Saluiday* lo I'olt Cockliurn ami Inltrmadlal* |>lac«, connrctinu al lleaumaiU wllh lb* ''K«notha" for liala, nraccliridgi;, tic , ami with lh< " NIplwInK" ami " .Medora" lo all olhar |N>lnU on the l^ke*. Call* will Im mada al Walker^ I'olnl *()n tignat or liy uitvloin arrangtmrnl. f ThurMlay*, ami Satiinfay* al 6. yi a.m. 4 /■• ami I'lijut Kaye on the mornlnuK of TiiriHlaya, ThurMlayt, and Salurilly. riole" will l)« avAllalile lo •uiiiilrmenl aliove arrangrmenti with extra Irl trip* lo and from Hala and other polnit for Sptcial. -The ••()rtinla. MAQNBTAWAN DIVIsVoN The comliineil padillr qiid Hcr«w »ieamer " Wemmah," dally, al 7 a.m. In connection wllh iha U.T.R. al Burk'a Ktlli fqt CfC«bt, Magnelawan Vdlvge, I'ort .Vnwm, and Ahmic IJailHtr. ^ Excurtion'^ftettim Fares TO Via Hamtliiiitaiul lUaioii, via llamlhun «iiil Tu- runiu, i>r vM f>«or|*- luwii anriUI'ii ■•ulnl, t;uuri* MiiplrhlirHl Milf..ril lluy NtHrtimi-t '« Pi>lni Pbiiil Kuyt Purl ChtUiiii *' C'lickliurn " S«n>lfi«M,. .. Rfflwoud^ nianlry Huum Torrance Windcrmcrt Voiio .; Mi>rlnu» HouM. I Abmic Harbor., Port Anton. . , , MaKneiawan . , Vtom From lltlrail. Purl Huron $•< 5» *■' JO ri (lo II (M> i> n lo Ii ti to lu »» • 1 '» II •n II »J II •5 i| »» II >» u y> II v "1 »» II n '1 ti M 7» ii 00 II (lU 1 1 in II uo - ij 00 ii 00. 1] oo II 00 . 14 00 It Ort - IV» II »1 "1 50 11 5'> I J rs ' II 7» H 00 i< b" , IJ 00 II 00/ "J M ■I fi II T» U 7» ■] •> /'■ •] Via Hamllion ■ml HmIimi, tU Hamlliuri aiiU T.frniiii), iir via I'ori l>alh>UM ■nil l.ak> I'rum Hu-p'n H'd(a nr Niagara fallii. ii 14 IJ n«j •J ♦o lT1« J 7J » JO 1" 4 00 ^ 4<.> / ^^ /* JO « JO J JJ J»J J7J J »J 7 00 « 00 * >i 6 to 7 ■«» J 7J 6 00 6 so 6 00 I90 I (0 BAQOAlOE CONDITIONS > Two hundred pounds of baggage will l>e allowed whh'each ailull passenger, and too pound* with each half-fare ticket, consUting of wearing apparel, tenU, bedding, and fishing tackle. All excess lieyond the 200 pounds will be charged foi' at ordinary fint-clau freight V rmtea. X **. J. POWER, Gen'l Passenger Agent G.T.R, MontreaL, A. PrCOCKBURN, Mgr^d Sec. M. & G.B. NaT. Co., GraTenhurtt, Canada^ A.> ^ THE LAKES OF MUSKOKA-Mu, koka, Rosseau. and Joseph ^-.^a accord.,, .o AC. .r .h. paHU.^, 0,0.^ a,.^ ^ rS^^l.^.S^ > Co. ., U.<^>. Jm^o.^^.^ d- *» ■..■:.'■ ■ LAKE MUSKOKA .■■-:•■ ;.■ -^^^ ■■.'■■-,-..■.■/: .,,■: E».ered .ccording .0 Act of .he HarlUmeg, ot C.n,d. i.v .h, year ,jK» by fa,|p|.. Smi.l, iv Cn.ln tU ^tt.« u. .hu MtnUur o. A»,i.uUu.e r- \ 1 •*' ^ul« » ' r ul _ n y^ Kp.ered according .o Ac. ,. the p4«.n,en.o. Canada .n .he yea. ^89, by Rolpb. ShH.h ^ Th/in ,h. ^«c, oHl.^Mini^.. ,. A^K^hu,. i ^ I ■f^- fn- »'j^»FT- m^' «, ■J'. % / •» , ' -. ■ ■■' ', ■ \ * ■■ . ■ •'■ .■'•■- ' t *ii- . ' { V: * « ^ :"'■>■' ■ - * #*■ r v'" ■|K'^>- |."< ■#W^P^^ MOWNUS Hov/SE; FiFt House, WlNDERMEQE ll0USE.Wiftdwiuwei4 CLEVEtANli'Sr CAev(i\5N^d:s,^x:).^ PAIQHTJQN House. CAtvi»\»ct^jei MAPLEHpRSt. Wa^atest,\?Xi •UMMITrtOUSE, VottCotVsWm pRAlCIE LEA H9USE,CTaa3ie tc2.^o iS^U^)*/- [eaumans m m TONOBfiN ItLANQ MUSKOKA LAKE ;. PROW SB, Proprietor POST OFFICE CANADIAN EXPRESS AOENCY A . . . • SUMMER VISITOR Vho bribga hardware from the city to Mus- oka U'tinly addinf; to the worry of travel, he mail facilities to CJravenhurst are gobd, id a card tci J. F. Young for builders' hard- are, glass, paints, steam fittings, stovcH, iware, machine oily i&cme engine fuel oil, til receive prompt attei\tion. Telephone [o. 31, Grnvenhurst. lot for MuslcQlca 'AIGNTON HOUSE Beautirully MluatctI at Ci-EVELANDS, LAKE ROSSEAD Commanding a fine view oftbelake. •J dendid fishing, safe liuatihg and hiathing, daily mail, good table and terms \'ery moderate, special rates to families. SECURE YOUR ROOMS EARLY J. F. PAIN ktVKLANDS, MUSKOKA •CECEBE HOU|E. MUSKOKA. ONT. \ fflHiSrewri in ■iiualnl on the twnio of ihe picliir' • (Miue IjikeCecibe, and ii acctuilile l>y Meamcr daily rroni Hutk'i KalU, on ihe N. & N.W. DivlMun. (l.T.K.,aiKt i» adapietl to peopi* who piefir reliri- nteni 10 hoitt lodging. Patnoua ■■■■ and PUharal ptahing Splandld T*oul IU«Mi>« Oonvanlani Hunlera win find lhi< a good liead<|uarleti alwunding with dci-r. Boalu to be liad, with ur without guidei, at moderate Tat«. For parlicularn apply 10 CUM. A. COUIAH, PRbP. v^^CptCIIK P.O. STRATTON . HOUSE - PORT CARLING • V MUSKOKA LAKES, - ONTARIO ■ ^ / bAKE and island scenery unsurpassed, siife boating and ^bathing. Fishing good-^lake trout, bass, and pickerel. Piazzas and balcony around ' three sides of 'the house. I^awn tennis. Spring beds. Excellent cuisine. Fresh milk and vegetables. Hay fever is not known here, the cHniale being so invigor- ating. Terms reasonable. Applications attended to at once. Travel by any of the lines to Suspension Bridge, Niagara, N-^V., thence bjj U T.R. to Toronto and CiravenhpM, then by Muskoka Navigation Company's iteaniers to Pott Carliiig. -^ JOHN ERASER, PROPRIETOR BOATS, TENTS, YACHTS, AND ■ CANOES. FOM lilllB H. BOATHOUSES^ DITCHBURN'S Muskoka Whavr GravenhursI, close to the railway depot PortCarling Winderihere Maplehurst Rosseau Brighton House Whan, Bala Penetanguishene Hotel, Georgian Bay A good supply of boats always ready to ship to any point desired. 0.-irs, paddles, and rowlocks kept for' sale. Boats and canoes for fall hunting at reduced rates. Boats' built to older, or put in repair; also stored for winter . , ..; at owner's risk. Applications by mail should be addressed to HENRY DITCHBURN. R08SBAU. Ont. H. R. KING BUTCHER GRAVENHURST f ■■' ■ Tourists aniT hotels »upp1ie>l with choicest cuts o all kinds u< meal. Special attention given for this part of the business. ^ Tdcphone your order* from Muikoka Whan or Navigation Company'i office, Or order by inallji Contracts entered into for the season at lowest possible price. FIFE.HGUSE WINDERMERE r>EAUTIK-Ui.I,y situate „„ ,he ,h„re of ♦ JG) '•»''* Kosseau, with fine airy Imlrionis uiyl first class Jjeds. Diningr.Hmi has m'f lake view, and tables plentifully supplied with all the deli- cacies of the.**ison. Kirs».,:la»s pjan,,. Nice sandy beach, safe in «H parts for liidies and tbildren bathing Beautiful walk's and drives. . DAII^Y MAIL AND EXPRESS. - ' . '©■".:::■•'■' All letters of inquiry receive prompt attention. DAVID nVh.. jR,^ PHOl'HIliTO CLEYEUNDS HOOSE . ME ROSSEAU, MUSKOKA m mniS Hotel is beautifully situated on the west sids I of Lake Rotseau, ami is one of the prettiest - lilaces of resort on the Lake. Absolutely safe Bathing B^ach 4 . . , . Table flrst-class, with good lupply of Meat, VegetalileB. Fruit, etc. Excellent ^oatlng and Pishing. ■V '■■.,- '■** . :::- MRS. C. J. MINPTT PROPRIETOR ~ - GDEVELANDS P.a TTTT Terms Moderata $6 and ff per week STEAMBOAT DAILY Tditrifttm Visitors or yj^ ^ettlers < >Vill finil eyerylhinn in ptovl- iiinn anil grocery lincH chcA|i m in Ttironto or llartiilt<>n,at the cor- ner groceryj-TlldhOpe ik Co. We have a tint claw bakery, and inir wagon ^eet« all boati with btih breail, bam, caket, elc. The purMr* on«ny of the boali have kindly toniented to convey your orders to us. (•oodswiUgo by return boats. Tfdhope * Co., , . . Omvenhurmt \lorinus Uoiise * Lake Rosseau . nPSNS Jtine isth for season of 1893. Tourists will receive every atten- tion. Good bathing, fishing, and boating, Terms moderate. Special rates to families. * * * .A For farthar Infonqailon sppTy to: W. H. McNauKhtop, Clevelands P.O., OnL Homer & Co. "Merchants GRAVENHUKST RUSSEAU . . . The /^ Leading Grocers. Tourists and .... Campers supplied on shortest notice^ All goods of best ' quality. Telephone 27. .General Merchants! Our supplj-boai wiil.caU at point{ on Ijilces Rosseai and Joseph bi| weekly during thi season. S. HOOPER HUT TON . HOU3E: . LAKB MUBKOKA Thh howl K be.utiruny iltuamt of the bnt rWliiMf H"", '", <" rfhirfcl. Only hdr a ■»»• 'J"™ Brandy lake InatMi f.it ba« li»h- inxl, •bo Bipok Tn«it Stream. Good.balhlng, Dally mall, P.O. in t»>ehoiis*, BoaUonhire. RATES .-»«;«>» »■ »! er^,V, accoidilK loioomi; aduh«. |6.<» DM watk: childran uniler ten yiitnXt.aa pn week; «i»iw .J0HN.HUTTO>I. HoTTOM House P.O. THE CALEDONIAN HOTEL GRAVENI^jJRST JOHHSHARPe Ptoprletor. Pint ■ claM accDininodaiion for the uavelling public and commercial men.iargesample Frcc.'bu!: to Cralm and bnato. RAtCS tl.QO MR Dav lORTIIER'S POINT P. 0. Reaulifully niiuatcd on Mm>- koka Ijike between Hala ' and Bcaumarh PoM Oince< . DAILY.BOATS. G^^^^shing, boat* for hire- good Whing, campers accommodated; TBRII&:- ti.oe per day Bala. Falls. Hotel THOS. CURRIE rROMiirreii @' ^Uti0t0 Will llnD.. r in the business, and can supply all. Goods delivered to ;the - steamer {iree. Give us a calL BriMbriii^Met W«ney THROUGH Railwayand Steamship tickets for all points in Canada, United StStes and Okl Coun- try for sal« at the Post Oflice, Hraccbridge,.at the very low- est rates, and pariicuhirly cheap excursion tickets to the World's fair now open at Chicago. For tickets, ftmlers, ami every informntion apply 10 . ROBT.P.mRY iG.T.R. anifS:8. Tiehet Agent POST OFFICE BRAOEBRIDGE (World's Fair Route.) Walks,Drives.LawnTen^.!i...Cr«H.e..Fine MII^^ORD BAY HOVSBrttrSS^i^'fS.—^'^^'^ A»«.«.«-^* '»-'*»■ Mich.: Rev. J. Odery. Net Sandy ilcach for Bathing, Fishing, etc. Fine Spring of Pure Water. Boats for Hire. mS— From $7.00 per week. Si.as Special irates lor families. per day Muslcolca Lake, Ont. R. aTKOlID, Fropriotpf ..w^,^, ^•..., ^■^■.. J. .... Barkley, Ueirailil Mich.: Rev. ). Oder)-, Newmarket, Ont.; T.i Neelandii, Port Hope, Ont. , I Room- for 80 guests. Mails daily. Pas|| Oflioe on premises. CflmsES FW Bemt'and isiniiDs fro Sale «i the Ukes. Apply to G. W. MARSHALL. S King Sr. West, Tokonto, Can. -j-HE > - '\ ' MCQAW 4 WIMNCTT. pmOfllWTON* ^^ittoir T^oronto, Ont a ri o, Ca Wada from Union mpoi) on Fronl street, facing; the my. AU modern conveniences l^he lx=.tf.milie«. Electric Street C.r, p.« the door (brail pointH in the City. We make Speeialty op • • J4bliclay iSSl'.v»-.-.r,M , :, . ... visions AND • ■• \' ■ ■ ■ ; Cigars • . WIHES, SPIRITS, J^^ 7 King Stt»eet Ulest 440 Spadina Ay«nue TOnOHtO * HstabUshad oven Bp Y«>*s "*^^ii5»'^**i5f ''■ "■"»'"•:' '* ' *• •. V^^ " I I 1 J ! ~i is i5 u 'f •< 5 < t:f/m f® iU»W TUHIiH.-OIIJIWP TWUWII HAlLWAr N6W UNION 8tATI0N, TORONTO . V / t..J--,. ■I . . ..GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA ... ^ " .eONNIOTINQ WITH ikLL THK MINCIFAL noun* IN THB IF ' ■ ■^/..•-- \^. :■' , UNITtO •TATM. ... ' , ■ '■ The Only Route to the Famed Muskoka Lakes. TOURISTS Cet . Wil- liamtoa's Hap of tha MUSKOKA LAKES, dumiaiallilw Jaianda.Heamboat rouiaa, eoitacat, Ibt of ownara; ale. Siia, ^ixjs- I^ket form, 73c, poil tree. CANOEISTS^JS, Will Sod ooc nap of the MUS- DISTRICT ioralu- abia; ahowiof all tha RIVCRS, lakea, canoa reuwa, ponagea, aic. . Sita,3iX4t. Pockat lann, 7)c. poat fraa. Address-witLIAMSON BOOK COMPANY I PuBLiMH* o^WaM, Ciuara, CuiDB Booia, itc. - \,l * 5 King Street West, TORONTOr GANADA MiV ,W* \ » * ^ Hi? ^" ' * ''•CM' \ \ h - 4 1 1 %■ , r • .* i «r- • / * •■ r " *■ V r - • ■ ^ y \ •- ' 1 -K . • ■k ^ - • 51 1 \'» A 4 « '\. / ^ y t.)