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Un das symbolas sulvanta apparattra sur la darnlAra imaga da chaqua microficha, salon la caa: la symbols — ► signifia "A SUIVItE", la symbols V signifia "FIN". Laa cartas, planchas, tablaaux, ate. iMuvant itra f llmAs A daa taux da rMuction diffirants. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul clichA, II ast film* A partir da I'angla aupAriaur gaucha. da gaucha h droita, at da haut an bas, an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAcassaira. Las diagrammaa suivants illuatrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 4 5 6 REPORT or THX TORONTO LYING-IN HOSPITAL, . .- FOB THE YEAB 1867. 1% ' Toronto now nnmb«((| 50,000 inhabitants, and from tke progreBS which is being made is <|pj ■od indiurtrial arts, a la|{{e number of persons are in times of siokness and distress d«|Npi#p| iqNli jl|tt Mdilie charities for aid. To ibee^ the wants of one class of sufferers, it was deemed adrifi^ ^ silal^^ Hps^tal, bto which the wife of the labooring man might be sdmittMl'to receiTe otiN^ ttiiili W iro^pgrtof^efiBmUy} and ahw to afford dielter to the absoIutdydcaU ' ,1 ? in presenting dirir Ninth Annual ^Bprart, the Oommittee of Mani^^ettt deilN tw i^t th« aM^i^^ tlvBp Subscribers and fiieads of ihe Institution, to several particulars whio^ thcy feel it 16 be th^ diiQr t» Wtjgi^tt . essential not oi^lj to the iitereasing usdUness of the charity, but as affecting even its pemanence. Siiieeihe opening of the Hospital, nine yean ago, live HunAvd and Sevcuty-^hree women have heea defivered irirlilb it» t^ik, berides some few who have been attended at their own abodes ; and with the exeepti((ii of aid ft::..' : ^■';' :^.;-"- •, ^:'. .V.- To meet these difficulties) which the Committee feel only require to be made publie to be speedily rnnoini^ it is pn^posed to ruse by su^)86ription or otherwise, a sum not lees tiisn Qiie ThoustAid l^ounds, in order iowoiul)f|it^ payment >>"^* ;known tiie draumstanoes, tiuit a large number of patients ifho have been admits d into leBpeetable :&iBilies as wet nuMs^ h|ve invariably b*m teformed, and in many instaaiseM ^ve become nspeotabld and orderly, many of ft^ having in#rtied,W«^^^ Besidtt tiken$re, tiielnstittttionbeittgttenb^ahoBseof refbge Idi iifiiiii^ may in simie sort drtttand support for it as a BefiMrmatn^ HoiM% "nhtm the ening Miter ia l>nni|^ into foai^ and rttpe9ia]0tri "^ ^^^ ^ ^""^ wMwre fioseed iBtothe M Wf'U'&''-. ^^''" When the Committee recolleot the facility A^ Wbtc]iillrge(C'auniBliaye been niaed by subscription to cany ont public works, very little doubt is entertained that the amount requisite to enable the Committee to place the Toronto Lying-in Hospital on a permanent footing, will be cheerfully furnished. As yet the Government have not deemed it necessturyto fu»uifh to the Toronto Lying-in Hospital, under the immediate discipline of tlie Church of Eiighwd, i|he same liberal support whidi has been accorded to these of Lower Canada, and kindr