.%* ^ e^:^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A , HHOIJX. RAKT, (i.C. .I.J., oRKtINA roll n|- TIIK SL II I M K " \\ f \riiliir«' 111 nitsfit tlial if llu^ trniiiiil ut cciiiiiiliiitii \ 1/ ini si.\-fiiii\i \ 1 r^s t>r 1MK (iHKM 'I'kI \K K M I.W W — will ICIIl'iMil, aillt HrllNJl (ll|>lhll lti;ltlllliltrly llll|.|.)wa ill il)'v<'lii|iiii|; 111- riMiiini-< nl ilicsc ( 'lllolln■^, tin aiiin a.iIiuii n \ wmiM Im- liiislu >I iiiIu 1 lirii.ij hliiiiiliir. Nav, liiiirr, il mtils liiil lliis hIkiii' Id iiniki llir Nnrtli Aiiirt ii'iiii ( iploiiim !lir ni(i.«t |iri>«|H'niii.>, a.i llir> iiri' ii"W I In' iiiii it -.iiIijciIn MJiii liav«" •.wmii Hll«t((inii< r In till' lintixli ( lowii."— Ilntijiii (iHiirilnin . Stutrli J'.'. Is.'il) TRELaWNV S.VCNPKHS, CIlAKIMi CllOSS. wmm ■• \ KKKKKKMK to llic C'(.m>|.(.n.i.ii( r Will nmki' it ni.|irni tvid.i.i (|,,it iiu plnlin' lii.> Im.i. i;mii „f n,«>ist.iticr to iiiii/ luir ol Uailwuy cxctipl i ii.\ i originally i.ro|io>.il. •• 'riiMcriaiM l)fsoiiM ili-liii.t iMi'KiiiM, iMi-liK>r loi the saki- of wliirli aioiii- l'..il:uM.'tit ,.ml.l !«■ .all,,! upon to ,,|,.,li;c tl... national rrv.nniM.n licliulf of sn.-li an oljjrii." — Sir John I'ukiiiijti.n In l.onl Klijiii, May 20, IB.'f'J. " A noMf friftnl oi-jiosite ami I iirt-sid llic sulij.rt willi -.oinr (lr|;riv of iniporfunitv I'll the lati- (iov.iMiiiiiit as a nialurof Imi'huai, iMHiK^r ; ami I >ai t li.l|i s.iy- itiirll'it llu first arr.piL'Oimnt to ivlii.li Karl flity aiK.rtid, that l.y whi.li this I.im; wv- lo iti KMiu -rKh ri. \ CoMi-ANv. woiilil |„. more satisfactory than l.aMiii; it m till- liamKof tlw Colonial L.-islatuivs. •• — /.,„•,/ Ihrhy, //uiuiuf t.',nh. June 7, 1h:.2. " I uo'il.l not ili\i,ii' th,' otat.-^ of till- Ki.h ainoin; ihr I'mir : Iml I wouM oj.cn nj. lo ll,.. I'oor Ilio virgin soil ot tlic Kinimr, that tiny may no |i,„i;,-r vxxX into the tortum-, wli,M tliry ciny llic j.rospcrity of t!ic Kicli. (iii,. tlic poor Scot.siuaii wild lia« no laiiil Ik piece nf Norlli Aimricn, purclias.a by llic lilooil which staincil ihc tar- l.m on ttic i.lam- of Ahraliani. Let the Knt'li-hnian or Irishman, whosp kimlred (li>i(«l throu-li the surf at I-oiiishnrjr, or iluhhcd llicir inuskfts at lUoody ( reck, hav, a hit of the lami their fathers fought for. Let them at hast have thi; option of o.Miei-ship ami occiipatidn, ami \ muiix.k i,i carry them over. The results of such a policy woiijil as assureilly he conservative of the riu'hts of properly, is it «ouM peniia- nenlly relieve the |i.'ople Korvnur -ake. asvvdl as for llnir own. the people of llrirish Aincricn are anxious to see you adopt an elevated and enl.iru'cd scheme of ( oi ONI VI I'oi.icv, hy which relief will h,' given lo your resources, ami strength to Iheir o»ii. Tin- hopes and prospects of the Future will Ihen atone Uu- tht oiiii»ii>n.<« and errors of llie Past. We shall feel that Knglalld is imiee I Orii lloMi.. and voii vmII feel that Ycr ll.vvh Homks nn lioth sides of the Atlantic." Hon. Jonfjih t/(tiie'a Address at Suul/tatii/ttun, January ] I, IH.il. JJRlTLSll AND AMKKICAN L\Ti:i{(J()L'l{.SK " A liiDiiiriiKiiii i|iic '^tiuM iii\ iih III .■ , ii» w !■ Miic, |-( I V 111 lii'M It (Idc", till' (•liiliilil y UllU IMTIimiKIU'V III Jilltisll Illtl'I'I'HtH oil Illl." ( 'l)lltlllCtll." Add r< l.i III J/i r Mi'jiit;/J>;,i,i tin \,ir llruii^rtil, I., iji.^latHri , Mui/, \>^'M> TO TIIK HlOllT HON TIIK KAUI. OF OKRHY, VHIME MlNrsn.K AM> KIltST l.<»ltl» dK UlC TltK.Vai UV Mv Lou I). I\ the /.'(//'/// AVf/vs of Yoslcnlay'^ liatc, a notice aupcars from a ('()nts|Mtnilt lit at (iiichcc, dated the lotli ult., savin;,', " Last '■ Siitunlay's d'uzi ((<■ ((Hitaiiied an inijxtrtanf iiroclaniatinn. It " was enacted in tlie Railway Act of last session that if, from " any unforseen cause the ( '(.ilonies shonhl fail iu ohlainini^ froni *' th<' Imperial (\ihinet the ^ruarantee recmired to procure Knglish *' capital to huild the Tkink Link, the Ciovirnor-(j'eneral " should he at liberty to throw open the (ntcr'irisc to j)rivate '• caj)italists in this Province, m.il in the f.'iiitc/ S/afrs, and to " advance I'rovmcial honds for oiu' ha'f the amoiuil retpiired for any single line. It seems that unr ( 'al)iiu i have only just dc- " cided that tiie nepx-iation with Sir John Pakin^'ton is a failure, "and have come to the conilusion that if the Main Think '• Link is to he built at all, it must be hy onr own unaided "etibrts; so the Proclamation nntitics to the world that the " various sections ot the Road are at the disjiosai of (api- '• talists." N\ hen, my Lord, the siipineness of the late (ioverninent with reference to this i:rtat undcrfakiiif; eiiconra^j-ed those movements in the British \orth American Colonies which leil to the PuKTi.AM* (\>Nvi N rioN in .Julv ls:)0, and the iuau'Mi- A J wmm nitioM of tlu- liah-Yankcr lKilf.( •„l„nial i.lm that a llailroml should he cuii^titictcd to coimcct Calais in tfw State (»f Maiiu- with the I'oi-t ot llahra\.-a \( w IJnms\vi( k journal thus rv- Jiiaikcd, •• \\\ may shut oi-r cvi s to the fact, hut it is not h'ss a > fact .Ml that a(T< lint, that the projected llailuay which has • ii<-\\ taken hohl (.f \\w |)id)he niitid, is likely to superscd.- ■ that tioin 'lalita\ t(. (iiichec alto;:ether ; and thus instead of • iiindini: the Colonies toptlur hy one common interest, and • linkin.L' that interest to the Piu-nt State, it is hi^'hly prohahle • that tlii> is the //•/.../ /;«/.■ of the chain that will eventually hind • tluni to the Cnited Slates." Ajrain, my Lord, a ctirrespondent of mine in New Hrnnswick, who ni Nov. IM."), was present at a jreneral meeting' of the in- haliitants of the counties of Wistmoreland in New Brunswick, and Cuiid)eiland in Ndva Seoiia, when it was nnanimouslv re- solved " that the m(»tin|.r re^sudcd with marked approhation •■ the proctc(lin-s of the I'mnioters of the <:reat national under- " takin;.; of estihlisirmj,' a Tiun k K\ir,\v.\v from Halifax to '• Uuilu'c, and would cordially co-operate with the sai«l Pro- '■ motirs, and with the Le;;islatinvs of tliese Colonies, inearrvio" '• tins uia.L'ni!iecnt enterprise into operation," referrinj: to this eontt mplatid Aimiiean ajr<;ression, thus wrote to me at the tunc :- •' It is now too lati' to undertake anvthinir with re"ard '• to the (iuei.ec and Halifax liaiiuay. The IVovincrs are tired '• of till iniecrtain liunihu^r ,,t the Colonial Otiiee, and have just '• enlen.l into an ;uran-ement with the Americans for the con- " strui;ion ot" the ' (ireat I'-i.ropi an and North American Kail- '• way,' tiom Calais in the State of Maine to Ilalit'ax, hv wav of •• St. .lolni and Sluili.ic. Ilv rn Canada has come into this; and '• >he will conuuuniiate with tlie Atlantic In liir Montreal and •• i'ortland Liiu'. LordCJnv's la>t dispatch tiuislnd the matter, '■ and an iinnunsi c .n\( ntion was ht Id at I'ortland in Maine on '• thc.n-t nit. at which .'.OUpirsons wi re presmt. 'I'he AnuTicans • will tiiid (apital TuKsK Puovincks wii.i, \or uk Hhitisii •' ri-.N vKAifs i.()\(;i..k; and no one who has witnessed the .-» 'ro- ** Coiirsr |)iirs«ic(l towanK tlirin l»y the itrcscnt ( inMrimiciit (llie " llussril) niii l)c in tlic least siir|)ii>r(l at siirli a itMill. 'I'lic " |)t'()|)lr Wdiihl have prtfrncd aid iVniii I'. iif:laii(l, Imt in (lrs|)aii- " tlicy have turned tlieir atteiitimi elsewlM re.' IIaviii;;(iri^'iiiated, my l-nnl, in tl^e cln-i n, !-ll,tlie riio.ni r ol' opciiin;^ (lii( ct Kl»e procei diM;_'s in |k),'i lui tlu' I'nrination i.l an A\(;i,()-('.\.\Ani AN CoMi'AW to nali/e tlie nndiitalvin;.'-. uliicli sinc(! that date has oeenpied sn nnieh ot the ;iltenti(in ol tlie Ci()\eninient hnth here and in the (' )lunies ; (m | ml (I'nv Ix . coinin:; Colonial Minister, a connKunieation was uddn sscij to him. to whieli the t'ollowin;; reply ua-- reei iM d IroMi Mr. II lUl■^, dated the J'Jnd of Oetoln r, I •ilt dm ft partitipation in the nianai^cinent, the |.atryna<^e, and thr reliinis ol the Compaii) . 'I he l-'inal Ktport ot' thr OiVKcrs «iiip|uytd to sinTty the line ol the pnijeetcd i'nmk UaiU>.iy hetweeii llalif.iv a"d tinthee. was punted hy her Majesty'H eoiiiuianti in lMt>. From it, the uii>st antheiitie doennieiit that has ever appeared in print on tlie soil, cajKibilities and n sonrees of liritish iNorth Ameriea south of the St. Lawrence. I liiul that the present (iovernor-(uiieial ot" Canada (Lonl Kl^^in) thus speaks «>f the undertaking; in a despatch addresseil to Karl (irey, dal-d L'.ird Dee. islS:— " On the vast importance of tiie intended work, whither as " .;(lcetinj; Imperial or Provincial interests, 1 fiel that it is alto- " ^ether unnecessary to insist. The sidtjccl ha.'^ lo:»}r been " helore the pulilic, ami its maiiiloiil ri-eonnnendations have " heen al)ly stated in various puhlii atiwiis, otheial and unotficial, " us well as ill the valuable Reports of the .Survey in;^ Knj^ineers. " I cannot, however, icfrain froni observing, that while on the " one hand no undirtakin>x seems to me so well ealeulatiil asi " lhi>. to connect the l*ro\inces to;^'(tlar, to promote the inte- " rests which they have in common, to inspire them with a con- " sciousness of their own strenj^th, and thus to lit British North " Amerie.i for the tultilnu nl of its hi^h destinii-s , so, on the " other, none appears to be more likely to increase the popula- " lion, exleiul liie trade, and develop the ItKul resources of " each : and if this remark be true as applied to ("ajiada, still *' mine emphatically does it hold irnod ol the lower Provinces." .\t'ter the publication, niy Lord, of the Heports of the Sur- \eyinu: Ln-iineers, tiie I'roinoteis ot' the projected A.mjlo- Can.vdi.w Company loi con.^trncting the Hailroad in lsi;», and then provisionally registered by us, renew eil stcj»a with Karl (iroy lor hucIi (lovrrntnoiit aid a»ul co-opcratittii m tlio case an we iicrdol. Mul our co' i« ^(KMHlrKCi' tlii-itcd notluiif^ Im'VihkI vaj^iie rt'sponsfs of a kii>i'. iiolliin;^ calciilati'd in |irac'lia: to soroiid t)ur c'fl'orts. I lie Canadian Assembly, however, iu July IN 17, ineorporattd a ( 'ou paiiy to eonstiuel the Fane within their Trovince, whieh Act received th" Koyal asnent on the l.Hh of April, isiM; and in April, is'iO, a similar Art paHsed the New Mrunsvvick Assnnl)ly, K'vinj; power to the xaine Hotly to C(»nstruet tile Line within their Province. Siuce that period, the Hon. Joseph Howe, Colonial Secretary for N'ova Scotia, has heen on a mission to this country, to pro- cure tlw consent of Her Majesty's ( loviriunent, Jst, that the Main 'I'mnk Hallway Ixtwccn Halifax and (iurhec shall he con- structed hy the three Colonics as a l*ul)'ic or I'rovineial Work : and •Jnd, that the credit ((f the Ihitish Treasury sIkiII he so p!cd-i;ed, as to cnahle the Colonies to raise £^J^)i)O^K)^) of capi- tal for Railway purposes, hy fruaranteeinj; I0 thi' Shareholders a minimum dividend of .\\ per cent. Whilst more recently a second mission, compose d of the Hon. Messrs. Hincks and Chan«ller, have visited Isufiland to urtre the proposition that (lovernment shall iruaranlce the (M>, hut for a line of Itailway to coiiiieet (iuchec i.nd Halitax passin;_' throuilh powiT to iriatr a j..int stock A NCii.o-CANAoiAx Company for the purposes of cmstnutinf,' tht- Railway, and srttlin;; tlif vacant territory o\t of May. to the Colonial Minister, led I., several nu-etin-shetween r . , the chief originator of the Halifax and (iuehec IJaihvay C..mpanN i.. isj:,, and the (ieiitlcmen representing ' 'i'he Canada. \. w Hrunswiek, and Nova Scotia Railway Company,' incorporated hy the Canadian Legislature in 181;, and hy tlie New nriui-.ulik LegisLitiwe in 1^50; when after nnu-h deliheration it was arrangcil that the two Companies shall he auudgamalid; that st< ps shall he taken next Session in the Imperial Parliament to have them incorporated as an A.noi.o-Canadia.n Company; that the administration of the (i.mpany's allairs shall he in a mixed Hoard of Directors or Cnninn>sioners, ..f whom not less than twelve mendnrs shall he resident in this country, and nine in the Colonics, (viz. three ui e.icii ; and that a currtspoudcnce shall he opened with 9 (lovcrnmrnt !»» obtain for tlio I'romotors |K>rmlssiMn td intrt;. (luci- into tlu'ir Hill forthr iiicorporalion of tlir ('ntii|(an\ n < laiisr aiitlKirisin;^ llif Hiitish 'ricaMirv to ;.Miaiaiit« «■ \n tin sliait !i,.|i|i r»- llif annual niininiuni dixidcnd of .{ ' pi r cmt on a *>liai'(' (aiiital of i.'>,(MK),(MK). Ilavinjr, on tin- iMlli June, finMi>Ii((l >ir .loiui l'akin;.'t(in witli an clalioiatc lv\|(ianat()r} S ia ikmkm', hIi« win;: tliat i,'l.(MH),(M(l) wilUnlliix' to cnn-trncl tli.' Main Innik KailvNi.y hitwrrn Halifax an(t Unrhcc ; and also < >lalt!i'.lini < oinitrv.and about scvt-n inillidiis in Antrt ica into dirttt conuni rcial intcnuui^-f, vsill not fail tVoni the connninccnrnt to i.^wy tlir lial)ilit\ in tlir casr ; on tin- 'JJtIi of that month, the Cdlunial Mini^tit rcciiM'd a Deputation, consisting' of Lord Dudl. y I'. Stuart, M.P., Messrs. T. Al.rs lianlxey, W. lioothln. T. C. Hanlicld, (', II. C'olk'.tr, and in_\s(!l; \\\\vu 1 pland in his hancK (irtaui I'lio- i'«).sn Kt.Ns, ami Mr. Ilankcv assured him that, slinuld liny be favourably entertained, the fluids ii(|iiired for making' the ilailway woidd readily be sul)si'ril)cd. Considciiu^r, niy Lor»l. freni tiie l)e;:iindn;.f in l^l.'i that thi^ has been a 'rnasury (|uestiiiii rather than a Cclaiial ( )tiiee »|Ue^tion, I put my^elt' at tliis staire iiito enimn.mieaf iin uitli your Lordship | .r iIk- purpose iienf i-.pi cially ol' shew iiiT e.ui^i w hy nivsiir a;i(l a^>ici,;'. s should he rey;ii'!i(l h^ t h'' ( i.i\ crii- iiieiit as •riih: Ai.iisrs lor oriraiii/.in;; tlic ( 'o.m r \ •. •! whiih shall have confided to it tin; neees.sary powers tor realiziiej; I lu' project of construe! in:: a Trunk Uailway httweeii l;al:t'a\ and dueltec, and sitthiiLT tlu xaeaiit tiriit.»r\ - ! l.ooo.ooo acres — throu"di nhich it w ill pas.*, I bavt' aliiady stat(il thai a Memorial fr.;iii in\ -ell' and eol- lea^jrues, date ci (he I Jlli of .Fiily , I s j.',, to the thc.i I'riiue Minister, was ri'ferred In him to your Lordship, who filled the otlie-- of I'oloiiial -NLii-lii'; .uil I have ab.u cited tlu p;oiiii-r of' ( o- 10 operation which a Deputation iTccivcd from you in consequence. 'I'liiit (locunu'iit shewed, iiitrr (ilia, 1st, — " '1 hat n Puhhc • CumpaiiN wastlie.i in eourse ot beiiifi; set on foot in London for " the pin[H)se itf coi> truitinj; a Waii.way which shouUl connect •• tlie IVdvinces of Nova Scotia, New I'irunswick, and Canada, " l)v a (iirect line of Steam (.'ominunication, conjinenein"' at " Halifax, ami procecihng thence to Quehcc and Montreal, with " power j)roi;ri ssively to extend the same westward to the '• I'iicitic Oceait, tonn Hraiulus, and pun hase and improve '• I^amls upon the line.' Jud, — " 'I'hat it was confuU-ntly " ixpecttd l)N the I'romoters of this great X-vrioNAr I'ndkh- " iWKiNt;, that it Windd ncrive the conhal support of all lier " Miijestx's siilijects ini lithtr side of the Atlantic, who were in '■ aiiv way iiili i\ stcil in the Traile, Commerce, and Intercourse " suhsistini!; hcttwet ii (Jrcal Hritain and the British North " Am» rican ( 'dlt'iiic-.*' And .Jrd, — alter various other para- jrraphs eudH>dvi;iir " line of Steam I'acket and Uailsvay comnuuiication may 1)0 I tl'ceti'd hetwecn (ireat Britain and China, across liritish North America, the I'r" nut', rs asked certain exclusive facilities and advautap; fur the Company pri)jected hy them, "in consi(U'ra- " tion of the vast conujiereial and political importaiu'c of such a " kiv to the trade of thi" \\()r!d: that it W(»uld supersede the " hicrs«;itv ttir the proposed Military Uoad akm^j: tlir Ixiimdary " lirir in New I'ninsuii'k; atiiird a va>t (ipeiiin;:: for the safe "and protifahle iiivi'^tmeiit of I'riti-h capital; and above al! '■ titinirs, furnish proirrcssively inuneusc facilities for the sys- •' teinatic plantation and scith nuMit of the whole KuoN'riui '' "rKiturroKV of Bri' '. N'ortli Anuriea from the Atlantic to ■' the I'acltic Oei'ans.' It WIS. mv Lord, upon such wi idity and national considira- lioiis as thise that the Promoters foimded their recpiest, that (io\ermnent, here and in the Colonies, would ;.'iv(> them such a-M^tanci- and connti nance as might he necessary to ohtain for ihcii ('o.MJ'ANV the coittidencc and co-operation of the British .-jip rm 11 Public, and all others lornllv interested. '!'hc Memorial was prepared hv me ; and the one transmitted to the I'rimc Minister was siirncd by order and on behalf of the Pn mutters and Pnt- visional Hoard, by V. W. Hamilton, Ksq., :- " liiili:;i\, No\.i S.ot.a, " .\u;iii-^t llitli, l^t.'i. I lia\e nmived your li tli r, ilatcd the •■ l^lh .JuK. at couip.ihiid h\ a Mruiotial froiri the I'rovi^ioiial •■ Coiiuuittii- ot" tl.f pidjiitnl llalilax. (iutlne and Mitutreal •• KaiU\a\ t'oni[iauv, in\itni- u\y atlciiiui to llic proposiliitus " tlurciu r.putam.ii, and likiu i-c a>lvi!.u, t!ii;l I wi!lsuppoi1 the '• pra\tr of the Mcumiial, lu iii\ lU --pa: elii'-' to the Secretary ot ■• ihe ("olouii -. Ii. ripiv, I !m ;.r lo a- -iii'c _\ ou, that leoiu-eive •• llie ciiiiteiii[)!.ited KaiK\a_\ w . add . if ( ai ! ii (I into ethct. be pro- ipp 12 '* (luctlvc of 80 much benefit to the Province of Nova Scotin, that •' 1 will most willingly do vver- ..nig in my power to forward " the vi(.'\vs of tile projfctors." '2miI From Siii W. MB. Colkhuookk. — " Frcdcricton, '• New Hrunswick, August L'Dth, 1H15. Sir William Colel)r(Kike ♦• presents his eotuplinuMits to the (Joutlemen composing the " Provisional l?ourd of the Halifax, Uuebcc, and Slontreal llail- " way Company ; and in reply to their application for su|>port " from the I'rovincial (jovernment, he has the satisfaction ot " being able to inform them that there is a very general dispusi- '• tioi\ to facilitate and promote the undertaking in this Province ; " and that he hopes by the next packet to forward to them " some information of the proceeilings of local associations tak- " iiig an interest in the subject. Sir William, in compliance " with their request, has connnunicated with her Majesty's Go- " vernment on the s\ibject by the present mail." .5nl. Fkom Loiin Mktcai.fk. — " Civil Secretary's Othce, " Montreal, Oct. 5th, IS 15. I have the honour, by command " of the tiovernor-Cieneral, to acknowledge the receipt of yoiir ' letter of the isth July last, transmitting a memorial to iiis '' F.xeellency from the Promoters and Provisional Board of the " Halifax, auebec, and Montreal Railway Company, praying '* ior a free grant of all tiie unloeated la:;d in the province over *' whici; the line will pa^s, f'^c. 1 am directed to accpiaint the " Nhinoriali>ts that the Governor-deiieral in Council has given " to the memorial that degree of consideration which the vast " imptjrtance of the- subject merits, and that without otfeiing " any opinion on the t". a^ilnlity of iolutions in favoin- of the undertaking by numerous influential Meetings held in that year at Halifax, St. Johns, Quebec, Montreal and other places, but it would extend this Letter to the length of a volume were 1 to do so. The unaninu)us feeling of the three Provinces may, however, be said to have been embodied in the following resolutions, which were passed at a (Jeneral Meeting of the inhabitants of the Counties of Westmoreland in N«\v Hrunswitk, aiul of Cum- berland in Nova Scotia, held on the 1st of November, i8tr>, the Hon. William Crane presiding: — "1st. That this Meeting view the tstal)lishnieut of a line " of Uailwav connciting the provinct s of Nova Scotia, New '• Hruuswick. and Caii.ida, as conteniplatL'd by a Coinpai.y " now ill course of fornuitioii in Loiulon, iis an object closely " conneclMl with the best iinv "•-^♦.^ «.f the Colohies, being at " the same tinu- eininently calculated to strengthen the ties " which bind us to the inotli|oiiii!*, in cnrryinfr tliis " ma^nifu'fiit cntnjuisc into ojuiatioii, l)v {giving its .isscut " to free grants to the Cuinpaiiy of tiioso portions of the uu- " ^^rantcd lands over uhich the contcniplatcil line may p»ss, " as alho to an annnal a;ipr()|>riation fn)ni the I'mviiicial '• ivvcnucs, proportional to the advantai^cs that will lu' " derived from this great work, and t«> the state of the I'unds " of the I'rovinee, and hv alfording every other I'aeility and " encouragement within its powtr. " .{rd. That this Ahoting should siilulously retrain from " throwing any ditlieidties in the way of the sueeessful ae- '• coniplishment of this all-important project, hy creating " ditlerence of opinion, hy fomenting local jealousies, and hy " dividing the energies of tl»e people of these Provinces, in *• inconsiderately selecting any particular lin*- for the Main '• Railway, in |)reforence to another, before tin; capitalists in '* (ircat Ihitain, who nnist eventually decide this (|nestion, " have had the opportunity of doing so upon the report of " competent engineers, aft«'r an actual examination of the '• face of the country ; that this Meeting is prepared to give '' ecpial support and encouragement to whatever line may l)e '* thus othcially adopted, notwithstanding its decided opinion " that a cK.NruAi, i.im:, otfering, as it does, the principal '• tract of ungranted land in tlus(> Colonies, and {)resenting a '• general sunnnit level for the operations of the Company, '• uiKpiestionably p(»ssesses superior advantages to the jjro- " posed line up the valley of the river St. John, which has '" attached to it the insuperable ditViculties consecpient upon " a river naviy:ation of the waters of the Mav of Fundy." As yet, my Lord, no l*arliamentary IJlue Book records my eighteen years' labours in the cause of concentrating public altei'.tlv/n upon the right scttleu'iit of that portion of our Trans- atlantic Kmpire which must ever be the aux ft d«)m;( imi m of British Sovereignty in the Westeni Hemisphere, notwitli- 13 standing it has hceii smd ol my \viitin,tcmatic colonisation of the vacant Crown territories o\tr which it will pass, is ( \chisively my own. So iar bacU as FibruiU'v is, 5. 5, 1 first mooted the idea in the Jour- nal of /•^hiiiriitdl /.(iry moans ot' JSteam-vesscl and Uaihvav cor.ununication, and settling; the vacant Crown terri- tories through which the Line will pas>. ima With this viow, I prepared r. Prospectus of the project early in January, IS 15, anil I have now before me a letter from Or. Rolph, fonuerly Kniigratiou Agent for Canada, dated the 22nd of January, IS 15, in which he says — " I return to you, as you " desire, the very able Prospectus which you have drawn up, " and only wish there had been as much practicability in pur- " suing the undertaking, as you have evinced ability in designing " it. There are, however, I consider, insuperable difficulties in '' the construction of such a llailroad as you speak of, from " clinuitc, as well as from mountains. In the intermediate dis- " tance, between Lake Superior anil Nootka Sound, there is an " extent of country subject to several months of severe winter. " Whilst between the Lake of the Woods and the Rocky Moun- " tains the surface is very irrcguhu-." 1 be" your Lordship will tix your attention upon the date of Dr. Rolph's letter — for it was written two months before the paragraph appeared in the 77;Ht'A' newspaper, ('23rd March, 1S15) lieaded '• CiiiiANTic I'uojK.rT," announcing that Mr. Whitney, one of the most enterprising New York merchants, had i)ro- pounded in the United States a plan for " the construction of "•' a Railway from the western shore of Lake Eric to the navi- " gable part of the Columbia river and the Oregon territoiy, to '' become the future meiliiun of the Amcrico- European trade *• with China." When 1 drew up the prospectus of my project, 1 had no knowledge of Mr. Whitney'."' scheme. I can honestly say that 1 have never seen the Durham Report, according to Mr. (J. R. Young "so proud a mommient in the history of the " British North American Provinces," and which he says contains " the first suggestion of the Railway known to us." The hitters and curresjKindcnce between Mr. A. ^^ . (iodlrey and some Mendjcrs of the Imperial and Colonial (iovernments, on the Halifax and Quebec Railroad, for which much praise is due, had not then beeu written. And as regards " the projectors « in London," or more properly speaking, the gentlemen in London registered with mc, in July, 1815, as the Promo- t.rsof th.. llaiUvav Co.npanv, vi. M.-rs. Il.nn.ltun. I^rul^.s ,,,,,, ,,,a Valn.tinol,.l. > I.tt.r. rctuniii.s my Pr..s|Kctu^, al...v.. .|uut. .1. AnJ if, ,nv Lonl, no on.^ .-an sv.tl. jus,.... ........ 1....U...... "the wiml unci mv ....l.il.ty," - '-^^^'•<»^' »'- !-"'""> "' ""• sc-hnn., so u.. one. nu. ^^ill. truth aU..... tha. th. uha ...r «a^ ,, ,U.a byn.., or by .ny ..olK.a.u.s as >• a ,rcat ,./,.u. "nrojoct" Th.- un.k-.-taki...r is to uu.t.. thirty n..lhn„s M h.r Majr^tv's subi..cts at th.- Kur..,...an t. n...uu. u.th U.rc.. ,„i,honsof i.c.r M:^.s.y's s,.lrn,vinccs, and nc-arly six nnlH.ms ..f ...h...- ,a .M.!-''l-l'' -« ♦'- ,ountryb,>nh.nn,.,Mth...h...-..s.>fth.(in.:.tKak..>. tmth.r,., is to settle, with nativ.. Kn.^^hsh.n...., Sc...t..u.M, a,..l Ir.>h.....i., , ,,,KK.,(H)t»a.M-..s..fva.-ant Cn.u.. La,..ls. Tl... ....nMru. tu... ..i th.- TurNKHA...NVAVa...litsnra....h..s....nt..n.plat.san..xp.n.hlu,.. of lour. >Miv<. million. ..i- Hnt.sh ..ap.tal; a...I lU,t.h laho^^^^ ,..,„nti.hsupe.n....n.l..uc-...s..ssn.t.aMi..-its..ah.at.,n I c „,,,,, „,,,. fnun th. ....m.n..u.....u..nt has lu..n a,..l . a.. n,H.nal ....t.rpn--^' ^''^ioual ..o,u..,n- -a Stat.- nu...... ,,.^sti..n. KuHh.n.u,n.,ithasalUlon,b...nmyi..-.loi>- ia a promin^a tVatuvc h. all n.y wntn.,. u. th.. cans,., that t us ...,ht nn.tc .>n.a..nuUi..ua c..mau..o. b..tw....n Un.an. ... .. IC^^ton. an.nV.st..n. h..misplu.r..s. is a .hn., to lu. .na.h. l.a- ^ (•oloni.:s,anauithtlu.Colonics-but..ot/-,/th..(..l..u...s. ,.-,,, th.sc- pn.n.is..s th.n, v'.u.- I-n!.hlp ^^. 11 natn.atb ...l.r „„, I c.o,.si.l..,- tlu- proposals ur^...l hv th.. Hon. . ..s..ph „„.c...nthcon..ha...l,a...lthos.. I, ,h..llon.M.ss..s II..... , ,„.U'ha,.ai..r..nth.. ..th..r,a,...n...tl....-..f th...n..nt.,l.-.l to.h. ,,..,,.,,>an.... an.l suppo.- of ,)..• Bn„sh ( ....n........ . A... ,vhv-^ H.-..a..s. rith..r,.f..o..<....l...l.woul.lalt...lh>. tui..l,.m..,.,al ..,,;ra,.t..r a.ul pnn.-.pl'' "'■ ""^ ^■'^' "='»""'^'' u..a..l,.k up ,Vsi.l..s, th.s.. misM.a.s hav.. 1-^,1. I...... in th. la., ot A. .^ ,,,ss.a bv th.. Canada Asm,..I.U a,..! ,U. N. u iin...su..k A.snublv" a.tualK .......p-aal...^ a IMu.-M (u.v.ss ;„.,... ti wmm I i j i t struct thrTur.NK Link iV.un (huh.r to Ilalifhx, so far as il passisthnuifrh these ivsju ctivi: C.l,,,,;,.^. I, ^ mu; that tht: Ahall contain a clause giiaraiiteeing thc.Ji percent on the capital to be expended. The responsibility of ilealing with such a clause Mill thus lie with I'arliament, not with Ministers. And the I'ubii. will then know not only whether the charges nmdc bv in Mr. Ilinclvs, in Ins cTlil)rut('(l LcUrr of tin 1st i>l Mav la^l, Ix citrn-ct ; hut :il^o, wlicfluT, as t lie 7V//(r.v wIkm connnintiii;.' oii the said Lcttu" inttrs, il. wonid n^l Im- " a nm-t s.-iiuus Miiiidcr, " and one wliicli may have laslinj^; results on mir ii lation - with tlic " North American Colt mifs, \\ CIV I'arlianinit Id icl'iisc lo saiic tiie p;cuniai;\ aid ol " the < 'olonists themselv i - ; and by tin .ippli,.iiv r ot waste lands, '•on each sid, ot tht F^iinc loi IIk purpo -es nf ( nloni^alion : vt t '* I would not ha\< luslatid to ^imicIhm and lo piMpn^.' to *' I'arlianu'nt the guarantee m( th;- lai';^e sum ask<'(l l)y Mr. " Iiin<'ks, I t'7.()(M»,()ii flic snlijcct of the Railway from the Now Hniiiswick House of Assnnhly in May, I «:.<>, coiitaiiiiii}; tho:~i> ivjiiarkN : " Hcliiviii^r your Nfajtsty'M (lovrni- " nuiit sincrro ii\ tlio dcrlaration tliat tlic Colnnirs will lu- \t- " ffiiiud at all ha/.anls. and that tluy arc viewed as part of tin *' streii;rtl» of the Isinpin-, it is surely a (|iiestion worthy of the *' hest consideration of yonr Majesty's ( Jovernineiit, What ran *' he done for the North American ('t)Ionies to prevent their titutions. the powtr, *• the influence, and the commerce of the I'nited States over the *• Western Hemisphere, and the iskuids of tlie Atlantic and l*a- " ( itic (Vcans;" that " the time has \rm\v h\ when American " statesmen. ])oliticians. or citizens will allow any harrier to he " interposed by a Kuropeati power hetween them and their " tates then' exist Hi nii it I.uitci-.s cnrollin;; upwards of lOO.OdO ti;.ditiMir men bMidid top'thcr by oath " to attack, com- •• bat. and destroy by all uu"ai;s that their supeiiors may think •• proper. e\crv power or authority of Ibiyal ori|.'in on the Anie- " vican nuitiiiciit." Tiikiiif; tlicsc (liiiifrs into coiisKlcratioii, 1 ask vol r I,i.nlslii|» wlicllitr \Uf time lias ii)t ariivi-d whrii, to (|iiut<' thf liiii,?Uii;:c of till- Hull. (J. II. Voimj.', " the projcci sliail •• lir hfld to .stand no loii;:;(r a lopir 1. r di hate, or nf narrow or '• siirdid cull id ition, sccin;:; i< invoKiH (lie (•niil!..llmu: (jiii-stioii '• of nation il all»>;i.iiici'. and i^ to sctllf llif iiii;_dil v l^^ll(• wlu'tlic-r *• tlic in->litiiti(iii>> ami lornis oi' local <:o\( riiini iit in Nova Scotia, " New IJinii^s\i< k.iiiul Canuda arc to conlimic .Mr)\ \ lunicv L, " or arc to d( seen! and hccoinc rc|inl)lican. Can tlicn the ont- " lav allcit lillicitlic sdIxt jndirniciit of In r Majstv's Ministers " on tlic oiii liaiul, or (»l' our Ic^^'^lators and piojile on the otiicr? " It is to SI r\i-c to tlie I'orincr so\crci;riit\- in tlie West ; tij^hlin,;;- '• ;rioiiiid to (inl) and control an ainljilions and liaii;rlity rival ; " a irro'N iii'.r n.itio.i nl' children as c'lstoineis: a home for surplus " p.ipnl ition ; a in w saiiteerhi:i ;ind security of tin; IJritish Jla;r, ''sympathy with lliili-h inlci- -is, the u'oiions inheritance of •• l!iiti-h live (loin — lh< ht'e and impetus nt' her iniiiiital)lc consti- "tuiioii: a ]»referciiec in the Mritish markets ; and a friendly '• hrothirhoud and u latiouship in al! she is yet to achieve." M\ l.onl.at the'rriat ^;mk c and < 'ohmial Railway ( "oiiventitjii held at (",i!;ii-. in lli. Mate ol" Miiuc, in uiiicli State st»ine few veai'shaek llicic ex'sl' ,1 aloiic not less t han ninety-nine Nl\l'i:it l.onci'.s ) a letter \\ii> nad tV.-m I'lcsidiait Fillmore, dated the 'J7th .lu!\, |s!-() of which a lea.linu; Nova Scotia journal re- marked, ' 11. '/."■ ' ■ ' "■ '• "'"/''' '>NK MILLION sri;ui.is(; '• Itnf.inls (■!'■ I<>nn"iil f^mriiiiii dill \itrtil Allll'lifilil liili!- '• inn/.'' I M-k, mv liOivl, of how much value have the repeated iiromises of s ippurt and coiniteiiancc ^iven hy siu'i "ssixt- (."olonial \liiiis|e!v pr'>\:-.l to Me \:i-.| undertakin;; wliieh :t !i;is cost nie sivtii iif l''e 'test ye.u- of a l)usy life to ad\ iii.'r to its iPH .).» •A \ pivscnt sta-,:^ Had tlu- late Sir R^htrt I'crl poMCMcd the uill, as lu- had the powfr, in .luly lS-ir>, to ^wv to inywil' and foINa-M(;i I he fo-opcratinn \vi- .sonfrht, thr Uailway iM-tHmi llalir;i\and (iiichcc w.ndil to-slay— like olliirs for which «»• have Juinul thirin-r the intirval l.")() niinic.iis (»!' capital— have l)ccn open. The central y anil ri«.in^' pipidatinn. Seven cvenll'iil years, (hn-in.ir wliich tline has hcdi an Knii-ration lh"hl ot one and a half iiii!!i;)n of !\( r Majesty s snhjicts int«> the hosoui of a ri'Miltid Ktpiililir. wold not have l)een expended in pro- fitless conitmniiealioii-. uilli tic Cdluiiial Ollici'. Three ('olonies, fi.rniinii' the li^'hl aim ui the i'mpiic, woidd nut have had ample JrnMnl(!^ fur c«)nsiiliiiut: tin ir wishes in the case trithd with, and their interists nc;.'lee(eil. Jtival schenu's, whethi-r hatched hy piralj-rs (»f ideas here, or hy foincnters of dissatisfaction in the Colonics, uonld not have Ix . .•. Inrnishcd with opportnnitii s of dcvelopinjx thenisilvcs. The honntil'nl tahle — 1 l,(KM).()(i(» acres ofvirjrinsoil — spread hy i*ro\i(U'nce tor our snrphis poixdation within ei^ht days' reach of our siioris, would not have iuen Iet\ nejrh'Ctid. Aimev.aiiMi niovenients in each ol" the l*ro\iiu'es wojild p.ot lia\i' hccii rite. \or (\\ith twentv-two millions of {Told in the Ihiuk ut" l-'niiland scckin;,' pr.ilitahic vent) woidd the choi'-e ol' s(» fold a!i altcrn.itive he now presented to us as that this I'rand I\ri.i;N.\i ION. vr. lin.iivvAV i)ctwecn her Majesty's capitals in l''.ast<'rn and Western Hritain shall he constructed either hy Imperial jrold — or l>ii lii /nihlirnii tlolhirs .' Ills lati- Kxcellcncy, Sir .John Harvey, on opeiiiiii-: the l^ciris- lativc Assemhiy of N.'va Scotia in ISI7. thus spoke of the pro- ject SI 1 on foot hy nic : -'•• 'I'he pt-riod at, end the rirciimstaiices " nmUr. which \. 1 iiutt, ali'oiii me the opportunity of recom- '• nxiuliirj; to voiir conti.nird attcntii/U an nndertakim; second " in 'ts importance to none which has i vcr cnfra;rcd the notice " ot'uov Colo li.d Lt ;-:!slature in any portion of the Uritish ilo- 9.1 " ininiii seaport, I'rom those into " which it is now foreed, that vast stream of trade, not of oin- '» western possessions alone, bnt of the rich and i xtensive wlual " and f^rain-^rowinfr distriets of all central Ann'riea." This hi^rh eiieoniiiim hut «rhoes the lan-,'ua^c «tf a nohle- heart now nioniderin^ in the tond), who, in Dee. IM I, thus wrote to nie '• Yours is a ^rand— a jrlorious project. Its influence extends '• over a vast space both in the ohl world and in the new. It " nuist atVect the ilestinies of hundreds of thousands of human " l)eiur. ()!• I'kack which I hope witliin the next seven years lo see erected c; ihne nascent cities and t«»wns which will mark every foutstep of tli.it iiii-lity route of coiiuuerce by which Hritaiii. e\e:- walking westwartl throu-b (huuiiiions peopled with her l)lo(.d. will reach the fotlu-t Ka-t. And I now claim at vour !.ord>hip's he.ihb. as of oni- who directs the comiciK of an "upright and monarchical natinii, that You will -iv I.. iny«.'lf and th.'-e co-opeialin-; \\;ih me that aid to carry out Ix'tw.cn tlie Atlantic an.! the Taeilie the Vast Wokk wlii :>f/i-j sri'i;' but also enable us to < orii- niaiul a ble^-i^g I' r I'osterity through all future ticu-^. '• h'weli\( in an age of poiiliial ap;:lhv and religions (li>. " cord,"* sav^ a hading organ of popular opinion. " it mo-t be ipp ! It J " adnntt.ul that at no time si.uv tlu- (.omincncoinn.t of the " "orl.l has private cntrrprisr .Inivcd so .n.uli assistance fn.n, " «''=• pnncplrs of uni.»n aiul assonaliou." Wl.iht a fact so nvhtahlc to the t.u.rj,^v and int..llij:,.ncT of Kn^-Iand, ushers in a«« aitidr (Innan.lins Uu' pvatcst attention of l»a.li,unent a •series ol eo.nnients on the triekery and abuses that exist alike "•tlU' makn.j; and n, the n.anafrement of i»uhhe Companies leads t<. the ol.M.rvation that - it is time that sonuthin-r shouhl " ''^■ ...itli, /',,it. />i:',ir:-r Is now lo Ih' made u'lmd to my>-eh .md .•oll(a:;-ii. -.. \\',. ha'.c not mono- po!i/.cd, nor do \\r |iiom n,' to moiioi.i'i/c. (he ruld of entcrpri- 1- on the Mrilish Xoitli AiuriiMi (ontinent; luit lia\ nii;- drv imiI apian wliieli wdl Iii:iJ lli" iiifan' I'onimiinitics tliiif to the Urilisli 'rinMiic l)v ]]\< I'lum llalil'a\ to ll;c ( hciion coast, i> IbiMdi ■>iiil. 'I'hc pii|inlaliiin that is to s|ircad our laii'jtiai^c, our rclii'lnii, our iiislilulii.i.^, nnr hninanity om r l)iis\ cnilns of ci\ ili/atinn which will ( m' loo;^' hcconic part and pan ^ 1 ulthis Monr K ok \.\iio.ns. whose cxidcnt mi--sion it is to euloiii/.c the \acant portions of the ;rli(l)c. arc imw i ducat mil' in oiir iii(hi--i ri.il scImoIs, bcj:;i-iiiL:; iii our streets, l.iM' ii>|iiii;j,' ill (iiir /adl-, and ip\ . reroAdin:^' our poor h Ills, s. 'I'iic _■• iltl that i> 1) Ik an a .■(lit i'.ir the dehxer- .ciec iii I h.i>:- amis umii i in.u-iii.ls I'imiii a thiMlJ.;a to want v\iir>e than {'.:.:{ ,.|' I'I^-n j,t laii b POil.,'j,-e, is in the \anlts, and nils ai.d co'ii i> of i!i,it "Mart i.i' Nations," w Ik re Ma.ii- imuiisMi. siti.iii eiis'ii iiu',1 iij) CI ui .le) -Iia-s tilled with the ah lia(led s'.M ; t and sine,-,.s ct' s,)el>ly, lonh-, complacently uowu up>i;i !l(i.aa:iity des,.I,it luiis sadder than tlnr-c of the iiairtar a'ml stdiie which Mai in-, w ith niia\ ailinir compunction, h...k«'d uiiKii m1' uM ! M\ Lend /„ ,i,'l liitrir il. The !j;olden •i|'P'e- ol I'le Mau'lii sier-Mliool il\-|teiHhs, will \cl pro\c «pp 2« nslu'S in the national mouth. Potato crop murrain, an Irish cxochis, and pold (lifrgiMfr si)oiIs, may (lisjjuisc the fact, l)ut mviithtU'ss our IIomk ("ondiiion Hystcm is rotten at the core, and unle«"* all our otheial statistics lie, there has been and there is under three years of Comniereial Irrestriction a larj;e addition of j)auj»erism, a vast midtipliertiivn of crime, a re- markable diminution of Savinp; l^ank deposits, an alannin«:;Iy abridi(in then, my Lord, with this review bitbre you of the rise, priiLTie-s, ;imi present slate of a ruo.ii-.cr wliieh far exceeds ill magnitude and giiiiulein- lliat iiiidti taking wliieli, before the age of Steain-powr, was ebaiiieteri/ed by an American dip!o inatist as " not only I lie inigiitiest event in favour of the iiea-'c- " fill inlcreoui^e ol' naliuns which the physical circuinslancc-^ " of llie globe |He^ent to tlu' enterprise ot" man;" — but as one " eoneeiiiing uliieli 'honld I'.urope be inditlerent , it would be '• gliir\ Mil pu'-'inu the coiKiuesl ot kingdoms to maki' entirely "(hiii ii\>n," wiih piMinise-> tit' coiintenaiu'e and Mi|)|)orl Iroin three <;■ ■cc->i\e t'til iiii.il Ministers, echoeil !)y simil.ir proiiii--e-~ from eacli aiul .ill llcr M.iji six's rcpnseiitatives in the liiiti>li North Aniencaii rio\iiice> since 1 >1.') ; with three Tacility Ad-* passul by the JAgi-l.iliw A>>cinblijs of Canada. \i \» Ibiins- wmm 2>< ^H'k, unci Nova Scotia, sprcially in favour of this my scheme; with Ads by the two foniier I'lovinecs, iiieorporatiii-r a Company iiuu fused into the one ..ri-inated hy n.ysehand associates seven years hiiek.— w liieh onk alone, as an Imperial, or British and Colonial, association of mind and means, is tui.; Comi-aw wliieh h.is Iciiitiniate -zronnds for askin;,' and reeeivin;: the Treasury {.ruaranlee sonjrlit, aid the (;t)vennnent co-operation re([nired; with the Mank of l.n-iand l)mstin«; with a lar^r,.,- aecomnlatii.n of n;uld than her vaults has . ver c(Uitaincd, since a countryman of mine, horn within si^ht ot n)v native home, lirst laid her foundations; with Kmi^^ration statistics before us pn.vini: that last yiar, out of .5,5.> -JCC persons whc left the United KiuL-doni, JC;,.}.",; went to the Cuited States, with aljove all, a sittleil expectation in the Tuhlic uiiud, thai at len^4h (|Ues- tions coniHcted with fi.ksu am» ni.oon AMKi.tJ.MiATioN shall no lonj^er he postponed lor niere (pustions of social and economic reforms: -I ficl s.itislicd that yoiu' Lonlship will neither helie the liop.s unixcrsallv eiitcrtaimd that vou will nut a crow nino- liaiiill ol" the KmimiiI'; bv 39 " almnst ivf ry rnmi>lianro, and iit any cxpciicc. Y<'t thf l'",ii;,'lisli- " man wlio once embarks from these shores will never a;^'ain set? " happy I'Ji^^lai.d until he n^tunis." On the same theme ol)serves a foreign connnentator, " YtMi have made a choice (hametrieally " opj)osite to that of Solomon. lie eiiKse mind, — wisdom. You " have chosen the world. Ihit do you hold itV Tiik Hiunsii " I.MIMIIK IS ISDKKI) A tJUANI) WOULD ! Hut wliat is au " I'anpire? A /inrinoni/ of Atitioiis. ^'ou have, I know well, "• your Iriplicily of powers — Agricidt\nal, Industrial, and Naval. '• 'riu;se are certainly very powerful means. And yet how docs " it happen that having tluin, you hav succeeded so little in " lakiiw root? I see vou crrri/ir/icic on the surface of the " globe, but tirndy rooted now iiKriK. The reason is, that you *' have been everywhere gathering and sucking the substance of *' the earth, but implanting nothing, no sympathy-no thought ! " ilavinir brought no moral ideas with you, you have founded " nowhere". Ibit of all the Knglish coimfries, the oni' that has " sutUred the mi>st by such a policy is assuredly Kngi.a.nd " herself. Here the Haida-rs will lauLdi, ami so will the Lords " pirha|)s, and with them a few hundred thousaml men— the " Vampires of l-aiglaiul. Yes! but thirty millions of men aic " weeping, and these men are l'a)gland herself." The time, my I .ord. has now uiupiestionably (-ome, and let us trust, in yoiuvself, " the Man," when the sin and shame of I'migration neglect and ("oloiii/ation neg'cet, iimst be '"put down;" and when the intellectuality, th-' loyalty, and the Christianity of the nation niKst be amused in especial to the woik of " Bridging the '• .\tl:intit'," and accompli^-hing tor posterity an U.mon grander and more gltirinus fiu' than that of which the Tweed forms the heart-stream. With an {•".xodiis fi'oui our shoies now exceeding a (|uartteiii -cin- blanees of tluin. L( t us henc(lbrth eschew that suieidiil ■^_\s- tem of inattention to farming our I'auperism, and cultivatnig wmm 30 our ouUviu<> wastes, which must ovcntually tcnninatr iu thcsr issufs— Colony miss— Impkuiai. HKHTHrrnoN. Abuvt- all, «ny Li)i(l, let us tal«.' care how we fuitluT proi-ccd " to \i\y the " i'oumlations of now States iu the scjualor of uuredirui.d " niis.rv." How we p) ou t.) tolerate their " growiug up ami.l the '• brutality ot'uuttitoredharharisui." Mow we "sauetiou aiul allow " their l)eiuiii,ii !" Let us then iu the lauguix^'c of one of the mij^htiesl »lisseiuiuat(u-s of thought that has ever stimulated uuui to attend to man's voca- tions as to time, let us, I say — "Avoid this moustnms crime — this ** uneciualled sin. Let us do all we can— let the tioverument '" do all it can — to eradicate, soften, and improve the hearts and *' inti'llects of the Lower Classes at Home. Hut do not let us " incur the guilt, the shanu-, tlu- penally of launching tluin " uneducated, unri{)cned, uni)repare 1, and uncontrolled into a ♦♦ new world of innocence anil promise. Let us bew:.ri! of " convcrtiu'r; that whiih mi^^ht become a (jukap I^mimkk into " a hideous democracy.'' I have the honour to remain, My liord, Your \\w<\ obtdicnt, hundile >-ervaut, IC inUXN, \\\nr. S.-pt.nilMT ■_'. IS".-.' " All the ^'iiiidv cfllorfscnirc of nu aliliiriit :iii.l hi-li .\ii>l.i(r;u_\ is lint lliisci find vniiity wlicii cdTiii);!!'! d in iv>|m'c1 dI' iiiipnrlaiii'' \mI1i tlir ,snl)s(;intliil wcllliciii^ (,r tlhisi tiidii^-aiids and iniliiniis wIm. ovrr^prcad llic LCi'i'iiiid linnr nf (.iir sii Im'sI ,il)jict .III tliis Hidr of Dcatli t..\\liii-li j'alridf ..r l'liil!iii(liroj)ist can nmsciTal.' flair ialinm-s." ('ii.\i,Mi;i(s. " Tlicrc is not a latluM- liy wl.ns.- sid.' in Ins daily ..r ni-lilK walks thrs.. nvati.ivs (llir iMrloni dcs.dair ymm-) |ia>s '■ Wurr is ii,",( fi Mother aiiinni,' all tlic ranks ..f I.n ini. mntlirrs in this land; th.'iv IS iin ()nr risen fnnn 1h.- stat.> nf childhnnd, hnl shall he resj.nnsihl,. in lii.H (,r luT .h'trree f,,r tins cnonnity. Thciv is imt a cnnntry throii-h.Mit th(> Kautii ..n whi.^l, ii \^nllld not lirin;,- a .nrsr. 'I'l,,.,',- is MO K'.di-inn npni, ..arth that it unnld not dm; ; tinn. is ii„ ,,r,,|,l,. ni'