t, ' is rt otlici'wiso or <.'lsew lii'ii'. " it was payalilf ui'iifrally
liut. that if such wonl.i wot in the aiTcptaiiic of tlif hill, or pnnnjsf in thi
iti'. ■■ then such
a i|iialitU'(l iU'('('ptaiu'(! ami pl'oinisi
il'iiliiisf shall he (Icriiicij ami
III to 111'
•ptnr or III
iki'i' .-hall not
hi liaiilc to pay tlir hill or note, imliss paynnnt has liiiii liist only
(h'lnaiiilcd lit such liaiii<
or other plai'i
till proxision nipiiriiig the words '•only
is Act
iiiit ntinnci
il Hot otjii ru isi
e or elill totally, or may .iicept
it in part ; and the lioldef may refuse ;iiid jirotest tiu' lull : .and tlmiigli
there he such accrptaucc he hath the same lilicrty of idiaiging iIk drawer:
I'l-til V. Jldisnn, C'omljcr. 4.")2.
' ri.I.rsll: \TloNs.
A hill was drawn out d.ited Stli .\pril. 1707. without spccifyiiiL: tin- day
on whii-li it was to he p.iyalile. A. accepts it )iiyalilc on tin- IStli Aiiril.
Held the acceptor i> Imund hy the custom of meicliants to pay at the
time appointed : ir'(//,v»' v. Atii-oml, 1! Mod. I!l().
^i. V'^
la |||||2i
^' 12.0
'''^ .^ ''
(7i6) 872-4503
76 TUK liilJ.S OF i:XL'IIAN(JI'; ACT.
Sec 19. -\ I'ill iliitdl Stli Si|it('iiilH'r, Is.iii ilr.twii ]i iyal)l(' in [.uiiloii I'l
. — ' aftiT ilad' \v IS a
•i)i(' 1 iu o. (;. ^t (
Mil' niontlis
I.MMaMii.diic lltli
DccfiiiiM!!-. IS.'di; li. ,\: Co." U.'lil. ii II (jiicstidii lit' law tint tlu5 lull was
acci'pt'il ai-coi'iliiij,' to its tciinr ; Imt it' a (|iiir.stioii of I'lct, tlnTc was cvi-
(h'licL- to hIu'vv that words, " <|iif Mill I)i;ci'iii1)lt. IS,")(»." woi-f not iiiti;iidtMl
to (|iialil'y tlif aci'i'ptiin'e : Fii ii ^haif v. /'f-i/, •♦ II. iV N 1.
.V liill (irawii "JSili Novciuhur, l.s;{(i, payaliK; foi'ty-two inontlis afti^i'
was a('('f|itci
\i!(,i!|)tcil oM condition of its IxMnj; riMicwci
until Nov('inl)i'r "JStli, JSU, without intcnj.st, payalilo l>y ine at \V. & D.
liankt'is, London." IFcld. a i.'o(id .•.t'i'('|itani'i'. and tliat tli" hill was pni-
|i(rl\ |i ly ililo on '-'Stli .Novcniliir. 1S4I : /
.// V. I'hiHiii^. 14 <.>. I'., Sid
UJiir. sot).
le who aiiifot-
whii'h he is a
lialilu tht'i'i'- •
'■ Il.l,ISTtl.\TlllN>
ids iinUvidnal niMii' a
hill a'ldrv^s.Ml to the lit
on'inl LI", yivis
.1 (|iialilii'il acci'iitanci'. and is individually
V. V i I ('.hr, IOC. I',. .SIM.
< '■. and l».
id that I'..
to H , and l.y li. 1., .\
not s'.'t up as a liifciu-; to .m .u'tion
jointly, w
,vas li dill
as iiiilorsi'il hv ( '. alor.
iiiilorsiT. .iiiil iim
hv .\ that I), had not ioim-d in the
'iHiyir V,
recti tied.
When ivini-
)ilclril \< I'll-
Limit H'i I'
titiii' aixl
liiililfr 111 iliii
cmrKo iniiy
oiil'orce it.
*-J0. Wlirrc a ^itiiplt' siMfiiaturc on ;i lilaiik jiainT is
(lulivcrcd liy tlic .sioucc ju oyiU^y tluit it may 1)0 convLTtcil
into a bill, it o))L'rat(*s as a i)riiim ptric autlioi-ity ' to fill
it uj) as a complete hill I'oraiiy amount, tisiuj^ the siL,Miatiii"c
for that of the drawer, or the acceptor, or an indorser ;'-i
and, ill like manner, \vlu;n it liill is wantiiin' in any material
partieiilar, the person in po.ssessioii oi" it has a pri uni. hwic
authority to till up tlu,' omission in any way he thinks lit: •*
•J. in order that any such instrument when completed
may lie eiit'oreealile a^'ainst any person who lieeame a party
thei'eto prior to its completion, it must he lilled iiji within
a reasonaMc tinu', ^ and strictly in accordance with the
authority i,dven; •"' reasoiial'le time lor this jiurpose :.:* a
(juestiou of fact :
Provided, that if any siicli instrument, after completion,
is neiiutiated to a liolder in due course, it shall he valid and
tflrt'tnal for all purposi's in liis IimikIs, aii witliiii a rcasoiml)!*' time ami
sttiitlv in ac'CDiM lance with the aiith'jiitv ''iveii. '•
' •• /'riinri t'dcir authority.'" 'I'lic law ilcliiit-s the nature nil auiounl of
till tviih'ucf wliieh is sutheiei tti i'stli.>-h ;i juinKt j'urir easi', and to
lliiow the Isunh'U of proof (lu tlic otluT ji.irty ; aud if uo opposing cviih nee
iv (ilVered, tlie jui'y are hound to tiiid in favour of the presiiuiption : 1
Tiii/'i'i' I'll /.'ri'/iiirr. 1 ir>. Where the hiw pre.-iuiies tile aliirniatlve of any
laet. tile negative of sueli fact niu.st he proved liy tile ]yuiy a\ erring sueli
iiiL'.itive: \yil/ii(iii< V. Eitsi liiilid < 'oiii/i(i II If. '2 Knst Ml'-'. A fact i.s •laiil
til iir |ir(i\ed when, after eoiLsidoring the matters hefore it, the v'oiirt
1 illu r heiieves it to exist, oi- eonsiders its <'xisteliei' so ]iroliahle that a
piudciit man ought, under the eireunistanec s of the ])artiiulai' ease, to
iict iijion the su))positioii that it exist.s. A fact is said to he disproved
\\ lull, after eoimideiing the matters hefore it, the ( 'ourt eitlu'r helii^es
th.it It does iiot exist, or considers it.s non-existenee so jirohalile that a
|iiuili nt man . signeil his name mi a Idaiik ;ui())tanee, intending to
lu( cime tile the aeee|)tor ol a hill, hut phieed it in a drawer at his
ehainlii is, from wlunee it was stolen, and one C. tilled It up and
iiigotiated it with a liiiiKi Ji'li holder for v.ilue : Held, that as the instru-
III! lit w ,is stolen without l>. s ne<:ligi'iiee. and as lie liad not parted witii it.
Mill ;iutliiiri/.id it to he tilli'd up, 15. Mas not liahle ; llnxfiiilnli v. Htniittt,
;; t.' i;. i». .">•_>.->.
if a 111,111 writes his name upon a hl.nik jjiece of |i,T)ier. and another
|iiisoii iiht;iins po,..srssion of the name, .ind, witlimit .lUthority to use it
fur .my )'urpose, writes a promissoi v imte over tiie same, and negotiates
it. .^ui'h note' is not v.ilid. in tlie h.inils of an iimoieiit hoidi r. :iL:>iinst the
|ii iMiU w iiose name is suliserihed to it : S'mci v. Ijiri/, ."> Al.i. .'i7t;iliiped |iapt r he is responsihle to any /iiKiff //(/' iioider wieli it is tilled
lip as a promissory note:" /'i ;• ri_\h>, •\.. n Siriin v. Xmlh llntish
A ii'ii-'i/ldii ('i>..'.\'2 I.. .1. Kx. 27*^. Ihit if a Man'; aei eptance not delivered,
is |ii>t orstiden without the writer's uegligenee, he is not liahle : />'(//«.< on
/;.//.. i,s7.
!•'. of the liiiii of I.. \' Co, gave an aeeeptanee purporting to he made hy
the tirni, with a hhink for the n;inie of the drawer. < '. give it to H. for
\.ihie. II. tilled U|i tile liill, putting the name of his (inn, H. iV Co. uh
iliawers, and indorsed it to hiinsilf. kiiowint; when he did so that K had
Mil aiitlioiity to aeeept the hill : Held, tli.it I,, i^ Co. were not li.dile on
the hill at the suit of II. ."^emhle. that a /miiii jii/e holder for value to
v\liiim the hill had eoiiie in a perfiit state, wt)uld have lieeu entitled to
sue : I/n. IJ. 1». ti4a.
er"s name, or of the amount, or of a payee's naiiii'
treated as
if made hefore the indor.semeiitji : livs'
r. c. i). r.. KKi.
Where a hill which had a blank space left for the cirawer's name, came
into iiosscssion of an administratrix, ;ifler it wasoverdue, and .she inserted
icr ow II name as drawer
as iliawir.
Hehl, thatsh
as entitled to insert her nan
.Old sue on the hill as ailministratiix : S-nnl v. Jitrh-
:u 1,
T. i;
(.■[). (i.)/i
p. Diilrl, V. >i a natiirt! altoj,'ether ditlVrent from the itaper which the Mind
or illitv'rate man afterward!* sign.s ; then, at least if there he no neuligi'nce,
thi' sii;nai,;;i<; so ohtained is of no force : " J'lr Uylis, ■)., in /•'«<■/• v.
M.i-liniioii. L. K. 4 C. 1*. 711.
" Negligence in the maker cif an instrunuMit payable to hearer, maUes
no ilill'erence in his lialiility to .an honest holder tor value ; the instrument
may he lost liy the maker without his uegligen(;e, or stolen from him,
still he must i>ay : /'' '' Byles, .J., in Sir.m v. Xnr/h lirilisli A n-iirnlinn
r.,., •! H. it V. 1.S4; '• If thiit he ri-lit, it can only he with reference to
the case of a comjilete instrument, ii can hardly he ,t|i])lic,ililc to a case
where a man's si:,'nature has heen ohtained l>y a fi.iudulent re|iresentatioii
•■i-; to a document whiidi he never intended to sign : '' Pi.r ilyles, .J., in
Fvsirr V. Mtii-L-innun, L. |{. 4 C. 1'. 7U!).
Wh.rcMhe maker of an ai^ommodatioii note wrote on it "Halifax,
Ts. S., (), 1S7.">. " and signed it in hhink, in the month of .linu-, and the
|irr>nn to whom it w,is L;iven, alteii,'ive evidence of
such forLjeiyor tict itinusne .s : Luinloii uml S. W. limih v. Wcntirdi/li, 't
\']\. I>. '.(il. "The (ilijectof tile law-iiierchaiit as to hills and notes iiiaile or
liecome [lajalile to hearer, is to secure tlieii circulation as nioiiey ; there-
fore honest aci|uisitii"ii confers title. To this des|)(ptic hut m-ecssary
priiii'iplc the ordinary rules of the coiiimoii law are 'iiade to lieiid. Tjie
mis-apiilic;iliiin of a ^'ciiuine signature written across a slip of st.iiiiped
papei (which transaction, lieinu; a forgery, would in ordinary oases I'onvey
no title), may give a good title to any suiii fraudulently inserted v.ithin
the lii'.iils of the stamp, and in America, where there are no stanii' laws,
to any siiiii whatever :" J'l r IJyIes, ,1.. in SiiHin v. Xorlh linli-ih A rii/imi
Co.. •_' 11. iV ('. 1st. The aliove dictum, and the unrestricted terii,.s of tiie
elausi', must he accepted with some ijualiticatioiis, and should he read as
applic.ihle oidy to "such iiistrunieiits" as are deserihed in it. See the
eases to note 'A iiiit< , and notes to s». 'I'l, '1\, ."i4 and ;">.").
Kill ii(.(. 1.111- *J I _ Kvciv contract on a liill, wlu'tluT it i.s tlicilrawui's,
plilc until
.leiivrry. \\]q acct'l )t oi's of all iiii loTsi'i's, > i.s iiicoiii]»lfte Mild rcvoc-
linp.Aot.s.JI I _ ^ _ '
iiui..*ct,s.»ti alilf, until (Ic'livevv of the in.stnunuiit in oidiT to irive oHuct
Not id" of
iiiiikea it
tlu'l't'tO : -
Provided, tliat wlicrc an acceptance i.s written on a bill,
and the drawee give.s notice to, or according to the direc-
tions of, the person entitled to the hi!' that ho ha.s accepted
it, the acce[)tancc then becomes complete and irrevocable:-*
2. As between immediate parties, and as reganJs a remote
party, 4 other than a hokler in due cour.se, the deliveiy —
{it) In order to be ettectnal must be made either by or
under the authority of the part)' drawing, accepting or in-
dorsing, as the case may be ; 5
I 1 I
I i
(//) May 1h' sliDWU to liuvt- lu'i-ii cnivliiiniial or (ni- a Sec 21.
si»«(!inl i)nr|)o.st' only, iiiid not fur the purpose oftiunsfrniii'' '"-'I'li'ii-
the property in the bill;.,
.'). Where a hill is no lonu'-r in the po>sr>sion of a i)artv ^*"'ii '"li'J
. . ilcln.Ty
who has signed it as 4 ; liiijursi'r's I'diitract,
.■-.s. I(i ami ">.") ['2}.
'' Tlif lialiility of llir puly iiiuKt hi-- miitiMi't as aimvi' iltliiRil, is
iiToviiciil>l<; on tlie cmiiiilftinn nf two sc|i:iiato arts; i 1 1 t In' w ritiii:,' uf
his sigiiiitiiro (III tilt- liill liy tlii' party t ) lie ImhuiiI ; ami cJ) \\\v ilflivcry
ot the liill sit Migni'il, t(i tlu' party to wlmm !l is traiisfrml, so as to ,t,'i\e
till' pii>si.;s.sioii, or till' ri-lit nl pii>.srssiiiii. 1). till- liill t'l till! piii|ii r party.
Si'u s. ,'{| i( .-it'ij. as til llic iicgiiliatioii uI liilU ">\ ;mliir.--riiiiiit aii'l ilili\cry.
" A transfer of a Mil im aiis imlorsenioiit hikI iK'livti'y : ' /'• r Kolfr, 15.,
in llriiiiKKji V. IJtijii/. 1 V.K. '.i't. ,
If the ilrawff writts liis naiiu' on a liill witli the intention to ai'i'opt,
111' is at hill rty to erase ami taiieel liis aeceptanee at any time lufore
tlir bill IS ilelivereil, or licioie tlie fact nI tlie aeeeptaiiee is (•oiniimnieated
to the hol.ler ; ( 'o.r v. Ti-ii. .") li. & AM. 474.
If !lie ai'i fpt.UK'e lie so caneelli il. ami the Imlilrr eaiise the hill to he
liiit.il for iioii-ieeeptanee, he eaiiiiot aftei wanls sut' the ilrawee as aeeiptor :
ll'hiinri; V. hoi-r'fii. ti Kast l!l heiiig onee maile. it emiM not he levokiil. ,-iiul
tliat the iiooeptor was iiahle : '/'riiiiiinr \. (hldii-. I'layhy on l;ill>. 1(11.
\\ here a joint ami several note wa.s exeeuteil, ami htt in the li.imls of
M . one of tlie makers, to In' deliveiiil to the Jjayee on demand in exehangc
i"r a note of tlie same amoiiiit, hut of a t'evitius d.ite. signed hy M. alone,
iiii I Ml) di'niand was made therefor hy th»' payee, hefore the death of M : —
Ih hi. that not h.iving heeii delivereil, the property in such note had not
^e.-ied in the payee : Caiijiilil v. /p.s IS I'iek. iMass) '.Vill.
I I 1
Sec 21- I'lu' i»)-isr.M.siiiii of ii ni>t«r is /iiliiin j'irii eviilcuce of a di'livcry to tlic
— liosx'Hsi.r : /;-//.,//• s V. I'nlsiini J l!<>l)t." (N. V.) 43.
hflivcry is nci'i'ssary to tlir <'otii|plcti- fxciutioii of :i pioiiiissoiy iiotf ;
hut it tlic |i:iyi'f olit.iiii |M(ssi'ssiipii tlici'fof liy fraud, lit' ciimiot iiiiiiiitaiii an
action tlicr.'/m : l',i,-li i- v. M<(/i,iliir/,-, •_>',» .NJo. 4(i4.
A 1)111 of cxriiiiiit,'!' traiisiiiitt<'il to A. Ii., in < 'harlfHton, for liis who, Up-
(•oMKts his luopcrty as .soon as it is piii into the mail at liivfr|»ool. An
action insiilulcil on it in liis niiim', at any time .iftcr it is mailril, will ho
Hiistaincil, if the hill is proiuufil at tlit- trial ; Milr/ull v. /{ipic, (i llich.
(S. C, 171.
'I'lif riih's of tiif Krcnoli |iost-o(lii'i' pci'mic a jici'son to rccoviT a post
letter at any time hefore it is ilespatelieil from the olliec where it is posteil.
Theretorc, where a letter eontainin;^' iiills of cxchanj,'!', inilorsed to the
per.soii to w liom the letter was aililresijeil, was posted in a l'"renidi jxist-
ritlieo ; -Held, that the propiTty in the hills did not p.iss to tlie indorsee
till the letter had left such postdllice : A'.r //a/Vr r,,^ . L. |;. (» I'h. 27.
A ilefenilant, wanting money, dt- irtid '!'.. a discount hroker, to pr;ave
his clu'(|ue for tlhlt, pay ihlf to T. or hearer. T. alt»'rwai'ds ohtained tlu
money from the pi lintiit', handed him the ehei|ue, paiil over the money to
the defenilant, .iiid ;it the s.ime time received L'l."» from the defendant for
discount, of « lii(.-h he kept i;7, nud |):iid fS to the plaintilf. The clefen
dant afterwards re(jueste(l time for the payment of vhe cheipie, and T.
j,'ave' time witliout inferring to the plaintitl, or mentioiMn<.' any lender hy
name to the defendant. In an action on the ehei|iie ; Htdd, that a jury
was w.irranted in timling a didivery of the ciiecpie hy the defendant to
the plaintilV ; Siiiini(/v. Uran, 10 0. H. '2(>-' ; 1 1 .lur. "()(»7.
S. sent the halves of two hank iu)tes to M. to pay the same to \\'.; hut
the arrangement witli \V. went otV, and S. reijtiireil .M. to return the
halves of the hank notes ; -Held, that the transaction was an incho.iti'
tiansfi^r, and jiartial delivery, and that the right of |»i(H)erty in the hank
notes remained in S.: Smith v. Mini'h/, (5 Jiir. N. .S. !I77. See I'ldtuayio
V. lim-ton, -1 L. T. N. S. \\-l\.
A firm waa indehtcd to 15. One of the partners was l>. 'siigent, and in-
dorsed in the tirm's name a hill, and placed it amongst ceitain securities
whii'h he held for l>. , hut no cummuuiuation of the fact was made to IJ. ; —
Held, a good indorsement ami delivery to 15. : Li/ndi/lif v. lirynut, 9 C.
15. 40.
' The act of acceptance must he in writing on the hill, hut the notice of
the acceptance of the hill may he either written or Verl)al, or may he hy
«ome act from which notice of the acceptance may he infei'red. Hut if
the laiiguage he eijuivocal, as "your hill sh.ill have attention," it would
not he held to l)o a notice of acceptance. .See note 'J, to s. 17.
Y. drew a hill on T., wdiich T. accepted. The hank )>ecame the holder for
value Hefore due date it was agreed hetween Y. and the hank, Y. assur-
ing the haidi of T.'s concurrence, tluit the hill should he renewed ; and Y.
ol)tained an accepted chenuc from the h.ink for the amount of the hill, to
the intent tiiat T. .should he placed in funds to retire the origin.al hill, and
should thereupon accept the renewed hill. Y. sent the new hill to T. for
acceptance, and also sent him the cheque, aiiill :
'l\iimtici V. llnul- iif llrll'isli Xnr/li Annrivn, 1,. li. 5 I'. ('. '_Ml>.
WluTf tlio holili.'is i(f ii l)ill thinking tht- iu-i-cptor wnulil he iiii.ihlt' to
nii'i't it at niikturity, toh'urapluMl him to draw on them, and the aereptor
on the repfeseiitation of tiieir ti'h yi'ani. incjuued n liank to cash a si>;ht
draft on tlie holder.-* for the anmnnt of tiie hill, and retireil it ; - Hidil,
tiiat the l>aiik was entitled to reeover against the holders the amount
adxaneedon the faith of their telegram : /litiik nf .\litr. '_':< L. ('. d. 51 ; /»/(/■//> v.
I!',ir/„itil, 4(» ilarh. (N. V.), ;i(iS ; hi,-'«,ii'-< v. Armor, W I't^ers l). S. U.S.
' Tile e.\jiressiou "immediate parties," means those who are in direct
n lation to each other in respect of the hill. The Imliaii Act (s. 44| gives
l!i(' following i^xplanation : " The drawer of a hill of exchange stands in
iiiimiiliatc rel.ition with the acceptor. Tht; maker of a promissory note,
liill of exchange, oi- cln ipie, staiid.s in immediate relation with ihe payee,
and the in a hill, is not referreil to elsewhere in the .Act. 'I'he danse excludes a
•■holilei'in due course" from the nn'aning of the term. Olivioiisly it
ii'fers to some " j)arty "" between the " immediate j)artics," and a " holdei'
ill due course," who must stand in some relation to the bill similar to that
cf the intermediate parties.
■ The authority to deliver a bill for or on behalf of the drawer, acceptor,
or iiidorser, niiiy be either express or implied, as in the cases of [lartners,
agents, or trustees, and subji'ct to the limitations prcseribeil by the clause,
lint the title of a holder in due course will not be aflccted by an unautho-
rized delivery of "a bill complete and regular on the face of it.'
.\ hill which is drawn payable to the onler of the jnyec, is not trans-
ftraiile without his indorsement, and an authority to indorse the hill
iimnot be implied from the mere act of delivery of the bill to a holder :
limn,)) V. Fislur, !(» C. IS. N. S. ]{»0.
.\. indorsed a note, but did not deliver it. After his death his e\ee\itor
ihlivered the note to the plaintilF; — Held, that thest; two acts did not con-
stitute a delivery, anil that the plaintiti' had no title to sue on tin; note :
llromrKjf v. Lloyd, 1 Kx. ',V2 ; s. p., C'/ro-/ v. Snjoiirin i/, 17 Conn. ')71.
The tith; to a bank note payable to bearer, passes bj' delivery, and
thiiu_'h stolen, becomi'S the property of him wlio, having no notice of the
rolihcry, gives a valuable consideration for it : Millir v. line , 1 IJ.irr. 4.")'-'.
Sec also ivi/thiiil V. liiink of Eiiijlimil, 17 C". H. Itil ; HuviliiKin v. Ihirrti/,
<; A. & E. 870.
' 15y 8. ,"} a bill must be an " unconditional order ;" but by s. li) the
iirceptance may be " conditional, " or dependent on the fulfilment of a
roudition therein stated ; and by section '21 the indorsement may be con-
diiional, and the delivery, as between the parties naiued, may be " eondi-
THK nil. IS o|' KXr||AN(ii: AlT.
Sec 21. tiniinl " And if tlic (■•iiiditiiiiiM sf> (iiiitTdllint; (lie rcKiicctivc nctH of tin-
partus jipiMar 1.11 tlic liill. ifH iicgdtiaitility is iillictdl, f.\r(|)t in tlir rn.-c
of a cciiidifional iiidoiHcnitiit, \^liicli undir h. Xi may lu' di«icv;aidtil l.\
till' |ia\fr (a( c.iitdr) of tlif l.ill, hut not liy flic otlnr jiartiis allcctdl
tlicifliy. Tin; (.'(inditional delivery or siiecial |iiir|io.HL' lu'it; ivftried to,
may iicate the rtilation of |irintijiul and aj;tiit, or pledgor and pUdgee, or
trustee and ns/iii ijiir /nM^ hetween tlie transteror and transferee ; fur
the dejivtry hen; . 44fi.
A hill waH drawn hy A., and aecejited hy H. for the purpose of lieinu
diseuunied for the henelii of ]>. W'hde in A.'s h;inds hir that puipose, he
indorsed it for v.ilue to ('., who was told it helongtd to 15. ;- MeM, that
tlie propt rty in the hill \\a.s in !'., and that he eoidd niaiiit;iin trover for
the hill against r.: Emus v. Ki^imr, 1 I!. iV Ad. ".'JS.
Kvidenee is aduiissihle to show that a iloeunieiit, ainiarently an agree
nient, Was signed with the intention of making it an agreennnt only u])oii
the happehini,' of a certain event, which has not occurred : i'/,))i v. Cam/'
hill, K. & IJ. :(7(>.
It is coniiieteiit for parties to show that it was not their intention in
siL'iiiuir a diiiunienl, that it sliouhl opciate as a contiait : A'071 rs v. lladlfh,
•J 11. \ f. 21-.
' In ordinary cases where a hill is genuine in all respects, anil with ;i
genuine iiulorsenient in hlank hy the jiropcr tiwner, oi' holder, tin; jio.sses-
sion of it is sulliiient to entith: the persoiL producing it to receive ]iay-
meiit thereof. l''or such a possession is priiiio farif., or prr.siiittjifiri .
evidence that he is the jirojier, owner, or lawful possessor of the hill;
and indei (1 it this doctrine did not prevail, the acceptor woidd in many
lases ]iay .it his )ieril, whi're the true ow ner or holder was unknown to him :
and eniUos endiarrassments would grow out fif the negotiations of hill-
w liicli, in a vast vai iety of eases pass hy mere deli\ery from hand t^
hand. It is thereloru for the security of all ptrsons that the rule i>
adopted tt) jiievent innocent holdeis fri ni heing c( mpelled to estahli.sJi
their titles liefore tlie acceptor will he hound to pay ; and they may hi
bona title puichasi rs and holders hy mere delivery, without the knowledge.
or mean.s of knowledge, of the persons thidugh whose haiiils the hill ha-
passed hy ,'i(':it<'i'
certainty, .'iiiil tin' |iriiinoti(Pii n! pi'aci' and c|iii«'t in tlic ("iinriunity ; and
tliiTi'iorc it is tliat all ciiridlioratin^' cviilfncf is (lis|i('nscil with, ami all
r.]i|i()siiig cviilcni'i' is fi)rl>iclil(ii : I Tuiilnr uti Kn'ili iia , ~>\, This is
.-iiiiilar til a pf'
>n in 17 A IH Sict. c. s'A (lnii.), w liiiii |ii(i\ iijcil that
tviMy liill <>t i^xch.myi! w hitii |iurpiirtt'il to lie dr.iwn in any |il;ii'i' dut <>f
thi' rnitcil Kin<.;(liini, shoulii Ih; ruin-lusiri /i/ iltH^nieil to l)t^ a fori'i;,'n liill,
' ii..twithstaniling tliat in fact the same may hiivu heuii drawn within the
I'liitiil KinLrdoni."
itcntion in
TIk' piinr chiusi' is allinnativ c, wliilr this is ni'^ativc
>ii.i r
I'lini itH
wirdiiiic, it ni ly yet lie a i|iiistic.n how f,ir it may lie said to vary the i-ircct
"a hoMi r in due coiirsc," ri)iirlifv common consent.
answering to the /irir^nni/iiioiir.s Jin
ircoiiic hy opposing proof. The rules in this class of presimipti
iiniii notices of piihiic' policy ; yet not ;is in the fmnH i- class, fc ^
all further evidence. Imt cmly dispensing with it till some proof is given
t'l leliiit the presumption raised. Thus as men do not generally vinl.ite
the penal cole, the \n\\ presillin s excry mm innocent ; hut suiiie men
it ; and therefore evidence is n
<1 t.
tinn : 1 Taijliir oh Kritliif'i, 11."). The following are some of the cases on
tlir cciiistruction of cmillicting clauses in a statute. The intention of the
l..egislature must he ascertained from the wonls of a statute, ami not from
any general inferences to lie drawn from tin' li.iture of the ohjects dealt
with hv the statute: /'(in/iiri v. /in'di's, j II. h. ('as, I,s. c. II .lur.
I'he language of a statute taken in its plain ordinary sense
id not
its su[iposy looking at the context : /'l3
'J I'ligs. ."k Mur. Xi ; or that
the liill w;is aect'iited for tlie ;i(i oliiinodation of the dia«er, and that the
holder gave time to the drawer, tht lehy disehaigiiig the aceejitor, wluni
he knew wa.saniere surety: (inninl v. Oi'i(>ilii/J''ih(iiiii(il<'oi/ioralii:ii,
L. 11. 7 II. I-. ;i4S. I'liit w lien onei' fraud, dtiiess,
force ami fear,
or other illegality, are proved hy a lUfemlant in an action on a hill
or note, the hiirden of proof that the plaintill is a " holder in due coiirBe "
is shifted on him. The fi
ill'' t;ilile indicates some of the chief grounds
of defence on the part of the ;icccptor against the drawer, and also against
the indorsee respectively :
Acoei>tor sued liy the
drawer may plead -
No consideration, or an acconnnodatiou bill.
I'ischargu us surety.
Fraud, duress, forct; and fear.
Illegal consideration.
Patent right defence (s. 30, (4) (5).
Payment, or disch.irgc.
. Indi'lieiideiit agl-eement.
Acceptor sued liy the
Indorsee may plead -
or no coiihii
leration from
the indorsee, or any prior parties to him, foi
the hill.
Mischarge as surety,
••'lauil and no considei:ition.
I''i;iiid ^as ahove) with notice.
Illegal considciation (as ahove) with notice.
Patent right defence, s. 30, (4) ('))
I (elective title, 8. 31 (4).
Independent agreement (with notice).
Title acijuired after hill overdue.
Payment, or discharge.
Till-: iiii.i.s or I X( iiANcii; m v.
('iipacili/ mnl A iilliiinl 11 nf l*ii,t'ii!t.
Sec. 22.
*Z*l. ('uimcitv to incur liiiliilitv us a iiartv Im a Mil • is "niMi.iivor
(•()-c.\trtisivc witli caiwu'ity to contract :'-' imp a.i njj
I'roviilrd, tlifit iiotliiiii,' in tlii; section shall cnal'lca cor- A.t.Morpor
,.,.,.,, , iitii.ii«.
j)oriitiiin to iiiako itsclt lialilc as drawer, a(HM|)tor or
imlorscr of a l>ill, unless it is competent to it so to <|o m.cli r
tlie law for tlic time lieiuLj in force lelatinii; to sudi cor
[Mirat idii : '"^
'1. Where a hill is (h'awn or iuilorsiij hv an infant, t "'"^ '•>
ininiii', or eorprjration liavini;' no capacity or power to "'''"■"''"
incur lialjility on a hill, the tlrawini: oi iinloisement entitles
the holder to receive ,>fi . inent ot' the liill, and to enforce it
ii^fainst any otlier party thereto.-"'
' ( >iii:iiiully tlic right tiMlniw, liolil, iiidorsi- (ii'ii('<'ipt, a liill of rxclumgc
sctnis t(i li.ivf liifii idiiliiicd to iiiciili. lilts, iiiiil iiiliir jicisoiw ingamd in
tradi- j,'fiu'i'iilly , i>i' in tliu tratlic nl' liills. 'I'lic olil iiilf was toinnily pic
valciit on tlie coiitiiR'iit iif l'!iiiii|i(', fnuinli'd in .sonii-- nn'asiirc iipini tin-
[it'culiar rcnicilii'S wliii li cxistcil in sudi cases in favor of nni of g(
lie w
d and
sound iiicinorv and, hy the visitation of (lod, has lo.-,t it.
lo is sometimes
ciod ami sound niemory, and ."omctniics not.
7) He w ho is
Ins os\ 11 ,11
t, ;is ;i drunkard : ' //
\ (■
It, I'
isoumliiess of niim
d ^^\
it vacate a contract if it h
ikiiown to the other contracting party, and no advantage h.is heeii taki n
• t the lunatic, 'riiereforo «liert a li
itic 1
lased certain .iiiiiiii; les nf
I socii'ty which at the time had no knowledg*' of his iinsf)iiiiiiiiess of mind,
the transaction lit-ing in the ordinaiy course of Iiunian atl'.iii>. .ind fair
unl Iiiiiiii jii/r Oil the ji.iri of the society, the transaction was snst.ained ;
Moliou V. ('ntiiniiir, 4 K\. 1'
See also . I / Out, I", it. ,ss. Ill an
action liy .in indorsee against ajnior indoiser. it is a good ])!ea that when
lie indor.-ed the hill, he was .so intoxicaui
iiid iimier
c iiiihn lice iif
i|Uor, and thcrehy so entirely deprivid of the use of his nason, as to he
liii^tiiil. r
Till-: mi, I s OF KXciiANfii: aci-,
Sec. 22.
itilc t.i uiulcrst.'uul tlio nature or cflV'it of flic iiiilorsenuMit ; .ami th.it
tlU' 1
ill tl
i;it st.itt'
it till' tilt' tiiiii.' of tlic iniliirscimiit, \v:is aware of liis bciiij.'
l;{ M. .\: \V. {•)•_'.•{ ; '.).liir. 140.
- I'lii-i may lie i-oii--t i ucil as I'Xiludiiii,' from lialiilitv on lulls or notes, all
jMrsons \\ lio liavfsoiiic inht-iciit, or. for'hc tinn- licin'.'. somr irrcnKnalilc
ini'.iji.icity to coiitiact. Sik'Ii are (1) ////ioi/-, or pirsons iimliT tin- age of
twenty one years. The full a!j;e of tweiityoni' years is eoin|>let<'(l on the
■ Iiiil; I
le aniin el sar\' ot a person
Salk. U. A
(lerson Korn on the llitll .\u;^list, l7-">, who dieil on the |.")th .\lij,'ust, 174ti,
to liave
1 1
lived to attain the aiie of twintv-oni' vears
j(ower to thaw lulls or irivi
I', c. k;s.
I'i) Ciir/iuriitc'ii^ lia\ ini; no exin'
or iiniiliei
CA) .\l
ti II ' )if h,tt ■•
e'ontraets lie
> th
eaeh otl
V. /A //, S
le sulijee'ts or eiti/eiis of ditl'eieiit nation.-- whiel
I are at w.ir witli
HT. liiade wnli'Ult the .SiiVi'ril_'li
I!, ."lis. Prior lo recent li
ire 111 teliv von
;i-l,ition, nianied wonieli, liein
classed liy the eoniiuiin law. as |iersoiis under d
liility 1>> draw ill::. iiidiir>inu'. or aece[iting a luI
iiieaitaeitv to eoiitraet liv iiaBoii of hei' coverture, was not reinovi
y re[ii-escntin^ herself as lieiliL' a widow
isaoility. inciirriil no Im
I ; and a man led w oman':
d l.y he
/■. 3 Kx
' '
iiv note,
\ of
ondon. or ui
less 1
husliand li.id alijuied the realm, or was deemed, in cnntemplation of law.
to lie ci\ illy dead. Iiy lieini; under a general seiitcni
liic or a teriii of years, or if he h,id reiioiuH'ed civil life t
fessiou, o
it iiiiiuisoniiicnt for
or a reJiLri'ius pro-
r was an alien resident aliroad. Nor did her iiidoiscnu'iit iiaus-
fer any title or |iio|iei ty in a liill or note payaole to hei . iinle-is .--he indorsed
it witli her hushand's I'onseii
t. 1
iut under the .Married Wollieli's l'r(
Act. K. S. (>. 1SS7
1 :?•_>, sh
ic may lieeonie .i party to any
contracts; Imt tlie jii. lenient entered .■ii'ainst her. niiist lie against her
separate IHopeity. See the eases of [.(vrsim v. l.iiiilUtir, .'1 .\|ip. It. 77,
and III ' ut' r v. (ilicir. 10 Ap)i. It. at p. titil. " I>i'i.'al iiieapacitv" cannot
lie eoiiliiicd to total incapacity to do any l<'i,'al ;ict whatever, Imt must
coiiipielieiid Icl; d incapacity to do some ]iartieular act ; f-hoii^h there may
lie capacity to do s(inie le:;'al acts : ('ha rltit he distinmiislied from '• ;iuthority.
power to contrai-t soastoliind oner
df. Aut
< 'ijiacitx' means
lority means power to eoii-
traet on lielialf of another, so as to hind him. • 'apaeity to coiitr.ict is tin
creation of law. .Authority teeontract i.sderi\ed from the act of the particf
lilt ot capacity is incurs
Want of aiithoritv niav li
■iired liy ratiticatioii. ( 'apaeity is a iiuotioii of law. Authority is a (|uei
tlOll I
if fact : ('/mil,
/.'-//v, .■.4. If a
has caiiai/itx' to do aiiv act.
or is under an\' incaii.nit v to do ;inv act. )i\ the l:i
■f th
iinicil, th
•t. when done there, will 1
)e ''ovei'eli
)f h
le same law. where
e\ er its validity may come iiit4.
I' i
\" I'lpii'itii'-; mill jiowrr-; "f trailing' .Tid otln'f cn'iioiTitiiMH arc
Sec. 22.
liiiiitiil ill ili-LTi''!', iii'cordiiii; to tin- liiisiiuss or tniiotinii.-i of sik
li coi'i
tiiii-i ; aiiil till' iiu'isiin; of a coriKiriitioii's lialiililv
Ir i:t-; iiiMst ]iL' I'o-cxti'ii.sive witli its jxiwrr to ma
ill ri'-<|iiTt of it-i ('I'll
;i' t lii'iii : //' ' '« iitrtif
H'liik. ■..'li
hilt a hill or note "///••
,i'ioiis .'ire mentioned in tlie statut" of .'? i^- 4 .\iiii
I iiidi
!l. n
Iimiaissory notes, as [lersons w iio may make and indorse neL;o
itiahle iiott
iii\- sucli
\ means
mention of a corjioration not li:. villi.' jiower to take notes, in tl
ly ol a note payalde to the corporation or li.aicr.
■ire:- ol such note on a worse footiin: than if i he nan
not put the
I, id lieeli ilisel'tei
ii V. SiiiaH. k; r, ('. Q. 11. ;rt.
le ol a lictltloiis Jiajec
A depirtiii'e from the style of the corporation, will not avoid a noto
to it. if it snhstaiitialiv aiipears tli at tl
del : /!, t „/.■../ ■/'■
iiiipaiiy incorpoi
V. /!ni/:, I ( 'oM. ('rcnn. i H-j;
e particular corporation was
ated for tr.idi
It hv a contract made in t'liitlieraiicc of tl
ic and other piirposes iii.iy
111. tlioiii,'h not under simI
//. ,!•/■
le purpose ot Its iiicorpor;\-
A n-^l I'lllni II S/i'fiii .V'lriiiaf 1(1)1
K iV i;. Kill.
urc a coiiiii iiiv IS I
stahlislicd for Irailint.'
. Iiicli reipiii'cs that it slionl 1 liasc the p'
purposes, t he hllsilless of
)f issiiiiiLf hills of exchaiis'i?
iidinissory notes, as in iKUikiiiL: ami tr.idiiij.' eompaiiie^, such
I' iu\' has iiuiiiu'i
A K. sdl.
iv that
II ri"i V. I III III nn
il (lii< /.iij/it Ci,.. i; A.
o while the pou'er ,'ippe,irs to exist under the ai
es III as^oi
t:i 'iiu'h it coulil not lie inteirt
from the nature of the hiisiness of the
ts: /•
ii|iinv. siicli coniiiany may issue iienoti ililc iiisti iimeiits : I'tnirifui li
iirnii 1 11.111 I'll iifi
L. i;. -J ( h. h
A promissory note siirncd on hclialf of .i company hy its m.inaijer, hut
^^illch w.is not necessary for the eonipaii\ "s t radiiiL'. and not authorized,
l-nol liimliiiu;- (111 tile coiiip.iny : /o < 'innii.i'j/iii m ,v I
!t) ( h. I».
here any application of the funds of a company would not he war
iMti'd hy its cliiirter, the t'oiirt canint declare tl
• funds liahle tliel'efor ; as silcll a
I'clarat ion w nu
tioii to a li.ihilily iilh-n riri.i of the eoiiip any
eoiii[iaiiy s property
lie L.'l\ IIIlT JUi
'/( ,1 nil I n'li II
I 'ii.li, -M ( ■;ili.
!.. .1.
A railwav conipauy not having; hecii authoii/.id hy i,s charter, or the
iieral Railway Act of Is.'d, to draw hills or u'lve imti s, cannot so con-
c't : 7'ii/i/iiiiii v. /liijl'ii/ii dr., II. Cii., (i r. ( . ('. I'. 141.
A rail
iilway company incorjior.i
ted 1
V a siiecri
1 act of the Imp rial i'ar-
li iineiit coiitainin;; the usual clauses inseitcd in smh statutes, cannot
I pt hills of exchange; /intiiiiKii v. .U/7 Willi v /,'. r ,. [,. K, I (". P. 4'.H>.
Sec. 22. A c()iii|iiii> y iiic'Drponiteil foi' rojiiiriiif,' .sti-iUiiliDats niiil other vcshpIs, ami
■^^i ' liiiviiif.' ixiwoi to transact )lU^iIlt■.s.s ot a coiimioruial cliaiaotcT, may give
and take nlltt^■< in tlio cimr.se nf its ))Usiiic>s : K'ini]. .'{(is. Sue as tf< a salvjigc cdinimny, '/7(ow;>.so» v.
UnircMd Sii/ru,/,' (■<,., 1 Kx. uiiiiiiiiin
Buihlhiij Ses could not heeniiie acceptors of a hill pay-
ihh' at a le:
flu sh
perioil than .-i\ nionths from the dtite : lirutujhtoii v. Mmi-
irnrL-s. \\ It. vV A. 1.
TiiiH'ctors of a CL-mftory oomii.-iiiy wiTf l>y tlicir act of incurjKir.itifiM See, 22.
«'iii|)()\vficil to iiiaku Loiitracts ami l)aruaiii.-i toucliiTij,' tin' uiuli rtakiii).', """■ '
aiiii to to ]iv iloiif
.1 t
for ti
U' ilircction ami ma
illlfllt o
f til
-Held, tliat tli.'V had ii
,s7../, V. //iiniirr, 14 M. & W. S.'U ; 4 Kx. 1.
Hi M. & W. •-'•)'_'.
) iiowii' to ai'('cj)t oi' indoisi-
il.so /
>ioini V.
it th
If a liill is drawn on liilialf of a company for any]inii)osu not witiiin
till' scojiL" of the llllsirJ^■^.s of the iimii'an}', an<(//'
si, 5 C. 15. N. S (iOl. Sf,
also lirnini
k !■;. 7 4:
ill V. Ji'ol>,',ts, -.i 15
X. C. !)(i:{ ; anil llnfl v. \\'urr/. \'l A.
Sec al.so, note 1 to s. I"
1 tlic notes t(
.■\n iidant is in the
otiur wmds, oni' that
of contract : (ii)l(ini'f.^
sidcr an infant is capa
V, Ihirsl, 1 '1'. 1!. in.
eye of the law iifhin". that is Njiecthlcss, or in
annot speak for liimself in tin- oidinaiv matter^
■)7 N. II. 14<>. 'II
does not eol
.le of
making an accurate com|iut;ition
ui infant ni:i
V !■
iln.-cli t.
for his
sarv meat,
d lik
for h
irel, I
y 1'
h othi I' iieeessariis
d tcai-hiiiu or instruction, wlurtliy he may protit
himself afterwards : 1 <'ii. Lin. 17-. This is lieiii^nitj- to infants, for if
they weie not allowed to l)ind themselves for necessaries, no person wiuihl
trust them, ill which case tliev woiihl he in worse eireumstames than
[icrsons o
f lull
;5 lU
Ahrii/i/iiiirid ii'Xi.
.\n infant is not liahle on a hill of exchaii
ite.l 1
i\ liiiii lor mce.s-
sancs : H i/liiiiiisi,)i v. MV/Z/s, | (':uii[). i)'ui. Hut see //».•
N(!. and the reporter's note to this case, in 1 (',ini|>. 5.").'?.
.\n action cannot lie maintained aj.'aiiist
ii'ite ;!•< it is, hut it can he iiiaiiit:dneil for the necess
111 infant upon his pininissory
L's for w Inch such
note wa.s uiveii ; M'-< 'foiU'is v. //iw/-, 3 N. 11. WAX. s. p. Siriisi i/ v.
h'Udrii, 10 Johns. (X. V. ) .•{;<.
of a
n action is inaiiit.iiii.'
liy an indorsee for valiU' aLraiiist an iicce]itor
iccepted while mkIi acicptor «
an 1
nf.nit for a dcht cuiiti acted
infancy, tliouyh not for iiccessai ies : liilfitsi IliKiklini (
I loll, >■!>/. 4 L. i;. Ir, l'_'4.
note execli
ted 1
)\ an infant as snr
■tv f
inn. 4 ( 'oiui. .'(70.
or another, is Miid ; .Mii)'U-< v.
A note ''iveii hv an infant who is the father of a hastard cliih
elllelit Wl
th tl
1 • nintliel
is \alid : '•'
iinln,,. s .M.l. till.
.\n inf.inl who has tiadeil winlc under :n'e, an 1 who 1
« liilc so tra-
ding, committed an act of li.niki iiptcy, imiy he adjudicated a haiikiupt
ifter he has arrived at full aj-'c
'■'' l.iiiii'li
Action Was hrouuht on a promissory note nweie liytiie di frnd.iiit, a
minor, and indmsed hy the i);iyees to the plaintitis hefnie niatmity.
I'efeiidaiit pleaded his minority ; hut, held, that a> the exiijencc oiovcd
TIIK lill.l.S (»!■" i:X( llANCiK ACT.
Sec. 22- tli.it tlic ilifciidant was a tiad' r, ami tliat as tlie initc was ;:ivi'ii for fronds
ininhasi.i t'(j|' tlif use (i| his liiiMiicsifi as .sucli, In; was lial)le : <'ilij Hunk v.
l.itjhnr. -lu L. (', .1. i;il.
Knur 1 11(1111 i^;.(iry initi s wcri' inailc liy tlic ilcfinilaiit and oni' H.. ]iayal)Ie
ti> till' |ilaiiililf 1(11' till' [iiirili.isc (il till- |)laiiilill"s iiilcnsl in ('cit liii lioiiif-
sti'ad lands in tlic statiMif Mii lii<;aii, 11. Iniiii; tliu |)UiiliaM;r of tlu' lands,
and dclciidaiit >iL;iiing us smcty. Under tin; laws dt ^ln.•lli^'all only pcrsdiis
(iViT t\Mnl\ -iiiii' yciiis could locati' liomcstuad lands; and the |ilaintill was
under tnat ajic There was no re|)resentiitioii that tile iilaintill was ol' a^e,
and 11. olit, lined from the iilaintill'.-i snriendei- of his interetst in tlie land,
whereiiy he Was eiiiMed to have himself located in his stead, which ho
otherwise niijiht have had ililliciilty in doiiii;, and he got the same rights
which 111' wouM have got if the |il:iintiir had lieeii of full age :--lleld, that
it could Hot lie said that there was no cniisideration for the notes, iiorany
misrepresentation; and tiie iilaintul was therefore entitled to recover:
!■'/> Ir/i, r V. A'-'./i. s Ont. I!. I'.'l'.
.1., an inlaiit i^ave in M. a iironii>siiry note for the imrcjiase money of a
liuggy. indoised liy his father, who was of unsound mind, and tinahlc to
iiiiderstaud what he was doing, '{'he f.ither received no consideration,
and .\l, was lint .iware of Ids idiiditinii ; Hehl, that the father's estate
was not li.ililc ; AV ./((//(«.-•, il Out, I', i!, NS,
'' 'The title, hut not any coiitr.ict of lialiility on tin- hill, jiasses from the
liersnn iir ciiriinration h.i\ :iil; iio ia|iai'ity tn cm tract, to the holder, w itli all
rights to enforce it against tlic other partiis, and is eijuivalent to an indorse-
ment " without recourse. '" In ordinary eases a corijoration which has no
capacity to draw a liill or make a note, incurs no lialiility liy indorsing a
liill or note. 'J'hc iiuestion has heeii mooted whether corporations iiaving
no such c.ipacity, eau draw a chenuc on a hanU ; such che(|iies lii ing detined
by s. 7- to he hills of exchange drawn on a lianUer payahle on demand.
I'liit It was held in the case of a mining company (which comiianies have
no powci' to draw hills ; see note ,S, to s. •_'•_'!, th.it clici|Ues draw n hy tiie de
j'tidii directors of such a eonipauy,and paid hy a hank, discli.uge the hank
Ironi lialiility in re-.[iect of the moneys of such coui]iaiiy : Md/m/iif v, Lit^l
Jlvt;//"!-'/ Milling Cti., L. U, 7 II, L. ,S(i!l. '{'he sign.iture for a corporation
is a procuration signature,
A imti' made payahle to the ti'casuier of, and indorsed hy him to, a
muuieip.il coipor.ition, to secure a li,daiicc due the eurpoiatiou on a jtast
tiaii>aetioii. is lint Void under tlii' Miinici ,il Acts : ( 'nr/xirdlinii o/" Jiilk-
rilh V. /''/m//, .-. r. I'. I,. .1. .\. s. 7:i.
Jn an action against an acceptor hy an indoisee, it is no defence that the
drawers who iiad drawn tlie hill |>ayahle to theinsehes, and indorsed it,
were infants when it was drawn ; '/'ni/Zur \ Cruhr, 4 Ks|), 1S7,
All inilorseincnt hy an infant, thou:.di he is not capahle of making a new
contract, transfers tlie jiropcrty in the hill ; his indorsement heiiii: ']• <''>ii-
ditioii of the contract : /.'hi/ "v. Twktr, 8 li. & S. ,S.S3 ; .s. p. Ai'jhtiii'jalt
V. IVilliiiiijIiin, IT) Mass. 27-.
Signnturo *>;{ \(, licisoil i-; lijlMi' il^ dl'.'lWCl', illi)i il'SiT, or ilCCOptol"
('8Cfllli.ll to 1 1 1 11 • 1 1 1
liiii.iiity. „f .^ iijii \vi„, iias not siiiiit'd it its siicli : ' Froviildl that —
i I
(a) Wlicrc a iki.sou si^iis a Inll in a trade or as-^unit'd Sec 23
naiiH'. lie is liaMi- tlicrcoii as it* lie hail si'^iu'd it in his own Tr».ir n.ime
■^ liiliils.
uaMH.' : - l"'!';^'>".rl^
(h) IMic siifnatnro ot'tln' name (if a firm is (M|nivah'nt to linu- name
1 * 11 • • i' 1 I' 1 1 ''H"-i'''
tlu' siLi;natnrt' hy tin' ji.'rsdii so si^iiuil;' ot the nanif> ot all
persons liahK.' as partners in tliat tirni. •'*
' \'>y tlie rules of tlio l;uv-niori'ii;uit. no imo is lial.Iu on ;i liill unless
lio is a party to it in one of the cliaraotera above iiaiiieil. l!iit there has
lii'cii a euiitlict of decisions as to liow far the signature of a strani^cr to a
liill or note, creates a liability or not. In some cases it has lieeu held that
it is not alisolutely essential to the li iliility of the party siiininL'. tliat the
claim of liability on. or title to, the bill should have come tlndui.'h him ;
nor that he shouhl liave siyned his name on the liack ot tiie liill where an
indorser usually sijins. l!ut in otliei' cases sucii a signature wlnn placed
aliove the indorscmint of the payee, has been licld to t'reate no lialiility ;
w idle in other cases, such a signature has been Ik Id to m ike tlic party li.ilile
as m.dicr. In lioth classics of cases the siirnattu'c iiad been made by a party
wlio iiad ai^rccd to liccome a surety for the payment of liic i)ill ^r note.
This contliet of di'i'isions, and the alisointi' terms oi' this si^ction, \\oui(l
seem to be moderati'd liy s. ')ii. In ac'tions on bills or notes, it is not
adndssible to i;ivc e\ iilencc that the liill or note sued u]ion, is the contract
or liability of an undisclosed piiiicipal : '2 Taijlor an L'riilcii'' , 'Xi',i. See
notes to ss. (J, 'M an.
indorsed it ; HeM, that D., the indorser. was liable to 15. as holder of
the Uiite : \'iUiliiiC( n v. I'd/idii-^ri,, ~ I'. ( '. (^1, 1!. 17*).
Wliere A. nuiile a noti- jiayable to 15. o;- ordi r. :\iid ' '. «rote his nnnw
oh li[f li.ick, witiiout I5."s iirst indorsement : llehl. that ( '. enuhl not be
( nusiih i\(l as a new mak"r ; and therefoie not liable : Sh > r \. .Idatn--, i\
r. ( . (). S. tiO. See U i/rnrts v. TlntiiKj, 7 U. < '. <,>. 15. 'M-2.
A., an nidorser wiio liccame ;i p.arty to a note for tlie aci'nmmoilatioii of
thi' m dicr, on eonilition that i'>. should also become an indorser. but 15.
h.ivim; refused ;- - Meld, that A. was not li.dile. even at the suit of a iioldiT
lor value : Oiitariu Hunk v. (lihtion, 4 .Man. 1!. 440.
\\ . uiadi' a note not neuoti.iblc, for money lent to \\".. ami .\. atid B.
-i^'oed on the back ties ; one ot them had paiil interest
u It, iiid both promised to ]iay the note, when s)ioken to; H«ld,
|; 1 I
tU.it tin
y wore not lidik' upon the note
Sk>lh,ck V. /'
14 U. C.
( ' 15. 4;iO. See als
'Kl'y. (lihlis, 4 C. & P. 4()(i
Sec 23- W'licic .'ifterii note is t'oiiiplftiil, it is sigiicil liy ii thinl party, or is so
''^ ' ' siiiiiiil l>y liiiii iiftor iniitiirity, without any tjoiisiiUTiitioii or ngreciiit^nt to
ixtciid tiiiR', siicii third pursoa is not lial>lu : Jiyan v. McKtrral, 15 Out.
I!. 4(i(t.
When a ninn's naiiu; is written on the back of a hill or note without
the intention to imlorsi'. and so to niaUo himself lialile for it, he is not so
liahle. 'riiougli he put iiis iiauK^ on the hack, that is a writinj,', hut it is
not an indorsenient in thi- legal sense of t!ie term. 'I'jie writing must
always Ixt done animo imlnri'iiii/i, in order to make it etl'cutual to hind
the indorser : Kmir v. Jimri/, (i ilnr. N. S. rj4S.
^Vhere A. as surety indorsed a note in Mank, payalile to V>., hut not
negotiahle: Held, not liahle as inakei-: Mr.]f,(ntii/ v. Talhol, .") V. (,'. C. I',
A. drew a hill on 1!. re(iuiring ('. to he a surety, 'i'he 1)ill was acei'pted
l>y IJ. ami also hy ('. , (,'ai'li writiuL; his name on it : Ifeld, ('. not lial)le as
ai'ct:ptor : Jnflitoii v. //m/ii/ti, '2 I'ami). 447. " I know of no eustom or
usage of nierehants according to whit.'h if a hill is drawn upon one man, it
may Ix' aece])ted hy two. A hill may be accepted by the drawee, or
failing him, l)y some one for the honor of the drawer :" J'er Lord ICllen-
borough, ('. .1. , /''/(/.
A party had indoised the bill ;is surety, but had signed his name after
that ol the jiayee ; — Hehl, ihat the payi'e could not recover against him,
as he w'as a party to the note suliseijueut to the paj'ee himself: Join a v.
A^hrriifl, (i U. V. (). S. l.U.
V. signed a non negotiable note and H., whft agreed to be his surety
wrote across the liack "a joint note, or better than a joint note," anil
signed it ; — Hehl, that H. was liable a.s maker: /'i'fo v. Ilnll, '1 Tugs. Hi.
I'mr. ;{4.
Where A., not a ]»ayee, ]iuts his name on the back of a promissory note
payable to ii. or order, befiu'e it is delivered to the payee to taki^ etiect
as a promissory note, he is liable as maker : 1'k II v. MaJUl, 4 i'ugs. Ik,
Bur. I'il.
Where A. 15. &. S. .M. assigned their stock in trade to trustees to carry-
it on in the name of i'^. M,, and S. M. was employed by the trustees as
tlieir agent, and indorsed l)ills wiacli he discounted and ap])lied the jiro-
ceeds, partly to the business and partly for his ])rivate pui'poses ;— Held,
that the signature of S. M. to tiie hills was pr'tiiKt j'm-ii', the signature of
the trustees: Fiir.e v. Sinvirood, '_' Q. B. .3SS ; .lur. 554.
In an action (Ui a note ])ayable to J. W. and indorsed by J. H. to the
plaintill', it a])peared that there were two persons of tlu; same name, father
and son, and there was no evidence to show to which of tliem tlu' note
had been given, but it a])peareil that the indorsement was in the hand-
writing of the son ; -Held, that althmigh primtt I'n.c'ii' the presumption
would be that the father was meant, that presumption was rebutted )>y
the son's indorsement : Stt/jl/uiij v. Siiircr, S (J. B. ,S'27.
- Trade names, as well as trade marks are in a certain sense property ;
and where the name of a manufacturer is useil to designate goods of his
make, it will be protected in equity : Aiuxworth v. Wnhnshii, L. R. 1 Kx.
518. But where the mime is merely descriptive of the nature of the ;)usi-
ness and the locality, .Mid is not so inseparablj' connected with the estal)-
lishment that a secondary meaning may be attributable to it, will m)t he
1 ' 1 ;
Tin: lUI.LS OF i;X(.'||AN(!K ACT.
lirotfctfil : h'ljliiiif.iii V. Itiijli', lis Out. K. ',\S~. 'I'ln- jissiiiiliitiini of ,i
niuiie heloMj^ing to aiKitlu'f l)y ;i stnuiycr, is not the siil)ject of an artion,
■i-i tliere is no I'iglit of propuity in a jjci'.son to tlic iisi; of a )>ai'tiiMilar
iiamu, except in connection witii a trade or lui-iincss : l)ii /{mi/'ii/ v.
Ih( li'iiihiy, \^. K. 'J 1'. (". A'M). Assnmini,' ami using a ti'titions name,
tliongii for the purposes of concealment and fraud, will not amount to
forgery : A*'.'- v. llodtDii, R. k It. •_'(;().
Where ffuir pei'sons dcscrihed in a oontr.nt not l>y tiieir individual
names liut as a collective l)ody, and not incorporated, signed « itii their
owTi names, thev were held to be individually liahle; ('ulh ii y. Xi'L' rson,
10 r. (". C. 1'. .")4!».
One tl. emplojed 15. as man.-iger of his business, to carry it on for
liim in the name of IJ. it ("o. Tlie drawing and acce])ting liills weie
incidental to the carrying on of such business ; hut it was stipulated
iietweeii them tiiat 15. should not draw or accept bills. H. having accej)-
ted a bill in the name of 15. & Co. ; — Held, that .). wa.s liable on the bill
in the bands of an indorsee who took it without any knowlcdL^f of the
rvlations of .1. it 15. or the bnsini'ss : /v//// ;/«(/,< v. A'l/.v/c//, L. I!. 1 <). 15.07.
■The signature of a tirm is deemed to be the sigii.iture of all persons
u iio are partners in the firm, whether working, dormant, or si'cret, or
uiio, by holding themselves out as partners, are lialile as such to thiril
parties : I'aoli'i/ v. Drirer, o Ch. |). 47)S.
A note of a lirm carrying on business as bankers, was signed by one of
them in the following form; "1 promise to pay the bearer on demand
live pounds; value received. For .1. C, H. M., d. 1'., and T. S.,
H, M.;" — liidd, that the holder of this note had not a sei>;ii-,ite rii;ht of
action against the party .so signing, but that the tirm was lialile : h'.r /xiiii;
AV/././..V, 14.M. & \V. 4(i0; s. p. LordC/alway v. M.i/fh-x; 10 Kast •J()4.
A. who was a cheesemonger at Woolwich, carried on at Wool«i(di the
liMsiery trade in partnership with ("., but in his own name. C. accepted
in the name of A. a bill drawn for goods supidii'd to the partnership, and
which was addressed to .V. at Woolwich : —Held, tiiat the ;ieci'[)t:im.'(,'
was binding on A. although the bill was not addressed to the place where
till' ])artnei's!iiii business was carried (ui : Slip.'(''ii-i v. R'l/nold-:, 5 II. it N.
.ii:i : 2 L. T. N. S. 222.
In the absence of express agreement to that eU'ect, a creditor taking
[iic n')te of one partner for a debt of the partnership, and suiul.' thereon,
';ut faiiiu;; to recover the amount of the noti'.is not prcclmlcd from after-
Sec 23.
wards claiming the amount of the note against tin.
V. A nil Km, 20 Grant 579.
partnershii) : ('arrallivrx
If the name of a pirtnershij) lirni Ijc merely the name of an individual
ji u'tner, )>roof that he signed such name to a bill of exch inm^ is not •nough
to make the tirm liable on the bill. 'I'o establish the liability, the holder
of the bill must further prove th.it the signature was put to it for the
purposes of the firm : Vorkihire Binikiii'j <'o. v. /imfson, 4 (,'. P. I>. "Job
On the dissolution of a tirm it was agreed tiiat an agent should be
■ip[)iiinted to realize the assets, .md that the business should tluMcifter
be carried on by one of the retiring partners Hills on the old tirm were
Sec. 23. acc(^](t('il l>y tlic iiyciit in 'li.s nwii iriiiu-, iiinl tliat of tln' ])jiitiiiT ; ililil,
tliat tlic aj^'ciil Ii.'k! Ill) awtiioiity f*f> to acci pt su
Was nut lial>
ilii) t,i
(hi II V. ( ■
(Ui s from ;i nicni
rk II
I !»(.». I!. I). 'J'.'.f.
mil tliL' iiaiUur
LlT of .'i trailini' til ni in sati-ifacti
.f li
ic icinriirixii'i' o
Hcjiaiatc ilclit, a iifL;i'tial)lc srciirily in tlic naiiif of tlif |(artnri>lii]>, is
honiicl to sliiiw that it was accoiitcd or imloiscil « itli the in
tilt' otJii'f paitics: /.I ri riini v. t^iiii'-. lU ('. |{. N. S. 'I'S.
In an artioii liy iniloiscc .•lyainst iiu'inlMi's of a liiiii on a liil
the nanif ol the lirni, nimn its liriiii; (dOM-il that the ai'ii'])ta
lll'l' w.is
ono of the iiail mis in liaml of tiio |)aitiii'isiii|i, .nnl rontiary to the |i;iit-
t;rshi|) articles, the onus is east on the holilcr of the hill, of shewilii,' tiiat
;a\'e value
'/;/ V,
A hill ilrawii hy ,i [laitinr iii the name of liis liriii. iiiiIoimiI by him
S. 4-_'(i
ilso III ^[ir\t name to liiinsi
il iliscoiintcil at his |iri\,ite liaiikcis lor h
own account, ciniiot he proveil airainst the joint i-state of the
lie iiail authority fnnii his ])aitni rs to act as he iliil. with l'<
:aiil to th
or iiiilciillicient to cover
the . 1111011111 of the hill: A'.i.' /tititi /)itrliii'iloii and Siorklvn /ianl.iiuj Co. ,
1-2 L. r. .\. s. :i7L>.
An au'cnt of a huiU ilisoimnteil a note for J. X.. tiie maker, payalile to
anil il
I'll lpy a liriu in the paunershi
V one o
t tlie Iiartneo
the ai,'cnt knowiiiL,' that it was so iniloiseil as secnrity for. I. \.
il that
it hail no coiiiiietioii \\ ith the partiierslii|
> business
llehl. that th- other
s Were not h ilile: I'lihntl liiutk v. yur/li'
i'/, 7 Out. 1!
If the law protects an iiuioi i iit partner in sudi ;i ea>e as the ahov^. it
is equalls strict in holilini,' the innocent |p,irtiieis li.ililc for the framl ot
their eo-partner in purtni'iship le .ttcis : /'(/■ Wilson, .1.. Iliid.
In an action hy a liana /Idf holder .against the indoisiis of a note, it is
no defence that the note was indorsed hy one of the dekndants (a tinii)
frandiileiilly. w il hoiit the ;mthoi ity of the other defendant.'-, and foi' mat-
ters nut relating to the hiisiness of the i>artnersliip ; McLtud v. (annd
1 M,
N. i;. oyj
One of two attorneys in |)artiiersliip has no iniplieil authority to liiiid
his ))artner hy a note in the name of the tirni, thoiiLih L'iveii for their
doht, as for
•v handed to the linn hy a client to lie laid out on nnat
gage : //-.//-//v. Iluhdirhhj, , 3 l>>. I'.. .'{Ki : ti .lur. K<\.
The iitijilied authority of otic partner to hind aiinther hy a note or hil
is conliiUMl to partnerships for the }iurpose of traih' : //'('(/.
Two ])aitners carried on luisiiiess as hrokers, under an agreement that
they Were to get orders on eomiriissioii and divide the expi'iise-
them travelled for order>
liavini' ineurreil expenses, i
ill fii
the first time in the partnership name, to raise funds to exei nte an order.
The other jiartiier accepted it, imt, hefore it was issued, cnniitermandcd
the authority to negotiate it, and it was negotiated without Ins knowl-
edge ; — Held, that the mere partnership did not render him liahle upon
it : Yates v. Daltun, 28 L. J. Kx. O'.t.
A partner has no implied authority hy law to hind his eoiiartners by
lis aect
>f a h
•pt by
partnership; tlieiefore where a li
an .'iceeptanee
in the true style of the
insisted of .1. \\. and C. H., the
partnership name being,]. U. only, and (". II. accciitcd a bill in the naiiifc
of J. h. it Co. ; — Heki, that J. B. was not hound thereby : Kiik v. Blur-
toil, 9 M. & W. 284.
A I'ill iliiiwii n|"iii ,1 III III as M. (i^ M((,>. , tlnir iciitm r liiji iiiinc htiii','
M. Mel,". iV (ci., wa.t aici'iitcd in the Ininn r iiiini' ; llrM tli.it tlir lii rii
..1 M. .M((.). ,t Co. wiio not lialilf : (Jii !'( niry A: I'arliy." 'llic liill win n dnc was duly ['ii >intfd at
S. iV (ii.. London, lianki IS, and w.is didioiion d. ( hi tin' s inu' day it
was luTscnti'd at S. 1'. .V ( d."s who ri't'iisid to \>.\y it, .-.i.lily oii tin' j^inunil
■ 'I' till' irii';;ii!aiity ot I't nify it l-'arloy's indnisiinint. I'ln! custoin of
London lriiiUt'i« was adiiiitti'd to liu to fufiisi! all Inll.s. I'Vcii tlnir own
aci'iptini't's, w In ri' t nil'.' IS a letter \\ it-i,n. •_'('. vV .\L .'iMI; .") 'I'yr. 11.').
A t'oiniei' piitner in a linn \vliieh h id dis-olved. induised iiiad\ t rteiitly
III the linn's name, ;i tmle p.iyaliU' to tin' linn and made to it In foie tin;
ilisMiluii n : Held, that In wa^ peisoiidly li.iLle : f.innli' rninii't Hditk v,
I'nill, :,~ Me. ."i(i;{. See al>o 'J'iit',i v. I,';/, in. I S|.eal-s |S. ('. ) 'JKi;!.
.\ |iartiier has no impliid .inthoiity to hind his linn l.y issniie.^' aiee]it-
iiiees of the linn in lilank : llo'inrlli v. /.(il/iniii, ."> <,'. l'>. I'. (i4;i.
*i4. Siiliji'ct tn the )i|(>vi->iu|is iif tliis Act,' wln'iT' Jl
-i .;ii;it lire MM a liill i~^ fi )|•^l•(l - or plnci'il tlirrcmi witlmiit
ihf aii( hnrit \' ol" tin' jirr^oii wIium- sjoiiat uir it ]iMi|i"rl> to
lir, till' t'liiovil Of iiiiaiitlioiizi'd si^uat iiri""* is wIkiIIv iniipcru-
tivc, aiiil no ri^jit to rrtain tlic liill fS
Tin: I'.ii.Ls oi' h.\('IIAN(;k act.
Sec 24- or no dclfiiPt' to any clHim iniule hy tlic druwoo for tlic^
nnioiiiit so paiil, ns tlic casr may lir, unless lie ojivrs not,ict^
in wiitin;^ of such t'or;^'fry to tin; drawci' witliin one
yt'fir after lu lias ac'(|uinil notice of such for^^ery ; an
' 'Vhr ]ii()visi(iiis iif tlif Act rt'liiivd tn ari' cviclcntly tlinsc in s 'J!l siilm. '_',
anil .'iCt (I), riiis cl.insf iiiiikfsy'";;/"/ sii^iiatiins, anil iiiniiillniii:' il .si^nii-
tiiiis, "wiiully iiiopri'ativi;" ti> cniivfy any titlu to tlii' liill; anil tlnrffin'i!
HiK'li signatures iipiTatf as a Mm'k in tlii' rliain nt titlu tn siirli liill, unless
the party whose si;,'iiatiire is l'iir;^i'il or- unauthorizeil, i.s estoitpcil froni ileny-
ini' iiis lialiiiit\'. See fiu'tlier, the notes to ss. ,")1 anil ■">.").
-' " l''i>i'gtMl signature on a hill." This sei'tion only ileals with the
forgery of a ■■;{ ileals «ith other classes of forgeries, "mate-
rial alterations," umlcr wlneh such hills are ileelareil to he voiil, except
a» to II /inr/ici /IS criniinis, or only to the extent of the material alter.i-
tion, when in the liauils of a " hoMer in due course." See the notes to
that section, ami also notes to ss. 5 ainl 7 as to the signature in the name of
" a tictitioiis or non-existing jierson." The following aits with refereiice
to liills anil noti's have heen hehl to he forgery, it iloiie \Nith frauilu
lent intent : Writing the name ot another «itiiout authority : It'-c v.
ifiiiin, 1 Loach C. ('. .")7 : lii'jiiiu. v. Tub, 17 U. C. 'J. i«. 'l'M\ ; Ili'jiiKt v.
/ii'iiril, S t". & 1*. I 13. W'l-iting the name of a fictitious person ; Ji'i x. v.
Marsha//, li. it I!. 75; //r.r v. lial/aml, 1 Leacli ( ', ( '. K\. Writing the
name of a tii'titious firm : !!■ 'inut v. /i'o;/< /•>■, S ( '. it I'. ti'J'.t. Imlorsing in
the name of one of several payees, althougii the hill was not negotiahie
without the signatures of all : Hiijiiin v. Winti rliuttoiii, '1 V. &, K. .'57.
Assuming a false name for the purposi of pecuniary frauil, Iti-x v.
I'caraiL', U. & li. '2~S. Putting a false aililress to tlic name of the. accep-
tor: llcijum V. E/ij>-<, 4 V. it F. 81. Writing a promissory note on a piece
of j)aper which has on it tiic genuine signature of another : Hex v, llalis,
17 How. St, Tr. Kil, 20!), 221*. Writing one's own name with the inten-
tion that it should pass for another's signature : MkhI v. Yoiiikj, 4 T. 1!.
2S. Filling up a hlank acceptance with a larger sum than is authorized.
lii'X V. Jluiit, 7 C. & I', GJ2 ; or a hlank chci[ue, lii'ijhia v. Wi/son, 2 C'ox
('. C. 426. Altering a hill from a lower to a higher sum : ll< x v. Temjiiv,
\\. it Ii. WW. Altering the period of payment : AVx v. Atlcinson, 7 t^'. *
TIIK l'.II,[,S MK r.XrllANdK ACT.
I'. ()(>!(, A f(iri,'f(l p.ipir puriiortiiii,' to lie n haul; in'tf i-t ii pioiiiissory SeC- 24-
mil ciiiia
11. V
even 1
f tiiire lie till HiU'li liiiiik as thai iiaiiiiil
y,'.;//// V. M,l<:li,ililhl, VI {.'. ('. (,>. Ii. nj'j.
lll.l SIKAI lu.NS.
'I'lic linldcr iif a piiiiiiis-iory iiiitt' wIidsc tilU- tlicrctd was ilcrivnl fiMiii
an iiiilor.sfiiii'iit \\ liiili pnivcil to lif a t()i';;frv, altliciiiLili lie liail artid
III t'litirt'
i.l taitl
caiiiicit itoovir tln! aiiicniiit of tlif iintf tin
jjicviiiiis iriilorjjirs : Liiriii v. J'Jriintiin I, 'J |^, ('. I,. ,1. ll.'i.
Wlicii till- iiri^iiial iiiilorst'iiiciit of tlic payt'i''s name on a liill ol' fx-
< lianu'i' was writlrn without authority, anil thfi-cFoiu a for;,'(':y, the sulisi--
i|in'nr- imlorsi'incnt liy surli iiayt'c, aftiT the hill hail airi'. nl at niiitiiiity,
was licM not to '.,'ivo till- holilfi' any title to the l>ill : h'silni/i v. Ln Xtiir.i ,
I \. it ('. Kx. ;{!t4,
Notice of such fra.iiliili'iit imlorseinent ;,'iven to the luinn liilr hoMer of
a note, will not atl'eut his I'ieht to recovei', nor will it all'eit the li^'ht ot
Ills Mil
loi'see, tlioui'h the l.isi; indorsement was made atter the note
Mrl.rnil V. Cm
1 I Ian. X. l;. .-.(I-J.
Till' Court will not order the production of eheipies ,dlei;id liy th
deleiidallt to lie fi
or^'eries, tor the sake ot eompann;,' the
« I it in;; with
a doeuiiieiit. alioiit the i^eiuiineness of which thi' pai ties are at issue:
Wilioii V. Thiiriiliiiri/, L. M. 17 I'lip •")I7.
Tlie.se (fi)r;,'eil) docliinellts arc not liills of exclialige ; tlierefote />riiii. -'■">-.
■ " Unaiitli()rize(l.sii,'nature." Thcj,'eneral rule is that if any [lerson jnits
the name of another on a hill or note without authority, with the iiiten
tiiiii of meetiii:; the payment of sucii hill or note when due, or that the
pi-rsiiii whose name
h.is h
cell jiilt on the hill or note will ovei
it, it is
tiir;;ery : Hex, v
I' III hi
C. & 1'. •-'•24.
[icrsDii lelyiiii; upon the
of a near relation or friend, uses his name on a hill or imli
out authority, trusting that such person will pay it rather tlwni tlieit^
should he a prosecution, this is also foi-Lieiy. And the fact that siieli
relation or friend h.id on thri
r four pic\iciii- occasions, \\lieii lulls had
.11 so drawn, paid them uitliout remark or reinoustaiiue, uiaiid allord
mil for the l)elicf that he hail autlioii/ed such use of hi-
V. Ihard, fSC. & 1'. \V.\.
ilio ki
relyiii'4 upon his forL,'id si;^'iiatiir(?
to a hill cannot lie hv and not divulye the fact until he sees whetht-r th
position of such other [lerson is altered for the worse, or h
II h
t" have acquiesced in the forgery, and he esto|)pid from denying his
Ii ihility oil the hill : MrKi ir.li v. liriUsh Limn Co., (i App. ('as. S'J.
rile name of one V. had heen forged to a note, hut previous to the trial
he had stated that he hail
d til
ite for the a
ccoinniodation i
CM-ili't'fiiilant ; — Held, that F. 's conduct amounted to an adoption aiel
latilication of the signature to the note, and that he was liahle thcre(»n :
I'liivn. Bank v. Farusirurl/i, Ii) Uuss. & Uel. 82.
[ft '
R '''•'
Till'. llll.l.S o|- KXCIIANOK ACT.
SeC' 24' If ''> paitv til ii lii'l, on lii'iii^ : xkoil if it is IiIm Iwiiiilu ritiii;,', aiiswi'irt that
~~" ~" it i-", Mini will lie iliily |iai'i. In' iMiiiiii( iif t(r« iinls ncI u|> .i iI' li'lnc "t
lorgii.v . Icpi ln' lia!< riciliiid ilii' lull, ami iiMluicil otlu is t^ t ikr it : Lmrh
V. 1 1 III lull
•I Iv
>|.. •.'■.'(;
A lull |iiii |i.iiiiii;i.' tn 111' iliawii liy .1 really fxistiii^ liiiii payalilr t" tin ir
onli'i, aiiil til III' iinliiiMil liy tli< in. waw in ^jntiati'il liy tlir arii'|itiir Willi
that iinliiiMiin lit u|iiiii it. I hr ilraw iii^ ami iinim .siiinut wrii- tin ni'lii--;
iiiM. th.it it till' lull « as aritpti'il ami iii';:ntiati'il liy tlir ai(r|iliir w it h
klmw liil;,'i' lit t III' Iiil;;i|-\ , III' Wil.'H I'-t i|i;'i'i| to ilrliy t ho lliili)r.srllU'lll a-
well a> tin- ili.iw iiii; : /!,, imiii v. /)iif/,\ II M. \ W . 'J.'tl.
nic till' 1 1 ii.'-ti
aiitv hit tlnii seal in tlii' iliHtiii]y of tlnir
Hfcntaiv. ami hi' tiainlilh iitlv atli.xnl tli
ll to li\i! tip|i;ril |iowi'IM III
ittoiiny .Mil hull/in;; thr t laii.'^ffr of stm k ; llclil, that any allcL'nl
ni'^li'iilni ill allow llH' tlir m ri
ri'larv tolia\c tlm iiistmiy olthc .'■(•al
vrry iiim'dly I'oiiiii'i'tt'il with llir fiamliili lit ait of tiaiislnr, ami not ci-.h
iiH to iiiaki- till' tnihli'CM lialih' tiicri'tor. If ;i juison iii';.'lij,'riit l\ kcfps hi-
clu'iHic liiiok, or iicyh'ctM to lock the ilisk wlicic it Ih kipt, ami ii siTvaiit
or Htr,iin.jir t ikrs it ami tiirj.'i'sa clit'inii', siii-li |ii'rsiin is not },'uilty of li'j;iil
n('^ll;;tinr tu iiiakn him
Hunk I'f li'liiiiil V. I:'riiii-<
li.lliln fur t
II' I'liiiM i|iiin«'(.'M of .siii'li forgery
II I'll II .", ii
II. L. (
Whert' a hill of cxi'han^f has liceii ni'notiatiil liy nir.ins of tlii' fuij/i'i \
of the ii.inii' of t he piyi'i', as iinlorsir, finiity will restrain even n lnniii
Jill' liiihii r oi the hill fii'iii siiiii!.' the aei'e|itor, ami Will ilirii t the fur^eii
ilisti linnni to he ileliven ll n|i tu lieeamelhii ; Ksilaili \. I.n Xmr.i, 1 ^■.
& ('. I A. .•nil.
'I'ln- ilni'liiiie of I'lstoppel ii.is lieeii iniieh iliseiisseil in aoine of tli
mr.tliy favmeil li\ the euuits, i's|)e('i,iily where it is esseii
tiiil to the (|iii'k ami easy tr.iiisaitioii of Imsine.ss. Ami so tliataiiiaii
siiiiiiiil he alili' to put faith iii the ininlmt ami ivpreseiitatiuns of his fel
lows, tlu; ( 'iiiirts havi' iiielineil to Imhi siii'li inmliii.'t ami repre.sentatiinis
hiiiiiini;. in eases w iiin- u niisehief or in jiistiee woiihl he caiiseil liy tieatinu;
their ellei-t ,is icvoiahli
■ /ll'.- 1.1,1,1
( V/s
■Kid''. Ami .tlthoiiLih it
lias Ih'i'ii l.iiil ilowii .IS ;i lii'o.iil iremi'.il pniiei|iie tli it wherever one of tW'
innoi^i'iit persons must siiller
liv til
aet of a tliiri
le Willi lias
urst, .1,
sin h iiirsiiii
to oi'e.i.-inll the loss must sillier it. (I'lT Ash
l.i,-/r',>ii'ri,ir V. Mii^'Hi, '2 Ivust 7't III) ini'iiKir iiiiliiiii til Ins iiiilorsi'iiK'iitt, unA HiipiiuMcil it was ri^lit ;
II M. til It till' >l'l'i'iiii lilt ii,i>l iii'i'i'liiijril liiiiisi'lf liy his coihliK't fi'iMii ilm
I'liMii^ his liilpility ; /'I'lli \. /fni/... 17 V. ('. t). I'.. '-'T.
Oil .in iicfioii liy iii'li>r»''i's for v.iliU', ii^Miust ii linn iif M. ;iiii| ( '. . mi a
iiill till' |il,iiiitili's, till' il fi'iil ml ( '. plri.lrd tli.it tlm
liill was .irci'pti'il liy his )iai'tii"r M. in tlw ii iiii'' of llif linn as an ari'rnn-
III "latiuii f >!• S. it Co., .111(1 willioiit his, ( '. ".s aiilh n'ity. ami \v i.s not within
iIm' si' i|ir .111 1 (ihj.'ots of till' |)artiii'islii|i Imsin.'ss. ami tli it tlii' |>I liiitills
Im ik it with iiotii'i' ; -lli'll. til it alilioii,'li it iiii^lit lif iiil'i'iic I ihit tln^
il 1 fill I lilt I '. kill' w not 111 iii; I if till' lull, ail' I til it tli' ari','|it ni'i' w.is lu'V"ii>l
:hrsc.i|i ami olijiift if tlic |iartn''r-i|ii|i. ami riitii'.'ly loi'i'i^^ii to thr piir
I s of it, h' shmilil liavi' pirail 'if tli t it hail no iif.'i'.'iii'i- to any trinsii'!-
II 111 aiiil ij.' iliiii^'s h'twi'i'ii S. ,V Co. ami his liiiii : ' Vy nl'dtiii I'lu' liink v.
)hn;l„d\ II l". C. C. I*. l:fS.
Thi'io lilt! cases whiih show that a foriicry in roiini'tioii with a
I'll! of I'M'haiigi' or pi')ini.s.- thu p.iity JuaiiiNt whom it is suiiuht to
. . / /(/( i.i- yiii'm'i'f iii{>i)\\i itl y\'i the hill is pit'clmhil I /'. ( . . rstoppi'il liy r.ititii'a-
ti'iii or i'i'j,'lij,M'm'i'), trom .m'ttin',' iqi the liir;;(iy." Tin >iil..si ipK nt pinxisd
I, ii\f\i I ■,> mill .si'ciii to coiiiiti'ii.iiii'i' till' view that a forgi'iy I'oiilil not ho
iMtiliiil. Ihit Lord lilarkhnrn says : " If a luisoii wIio.m' iiainc was nscil
w 'hunt auihiii ity, clioosi .s to rat ify the art, ex t ii t hmiiih kimwii to lira
I niic, hi' iiiakfs hiiiisclf (.'iMl'ly ii's[ioii.siliii'. just as it he hail originally
.iiitlioii/('(l it:" Mfl\< if.'ir \. ISril'i^h l/ntiii ('n,, (! Afip. ('as. !l!l, Sri' the
r.iM'S ;o note l.
Il.I.f.STnVI KiN.
'•iii'W. anopti'il rcrtaiii hills of I'Xiliaiigi' in the ii.nm'. hut \xitliont
tlr authority, of his hrotlu'r .1. W. wis taUni up mi .inothi'i- cliargi' of
toi'^i'i'y. ami wliili- in cnstoily thn liolilcrs of the hills applii'il to ,1. for
payaiiiit. .1. then g ivi; a writtoii ai;kmiwli! Ignii'iit (.ifcur tin; hills hail
h. I'u (lishonoii'ili, that hi' was rcsiionsihli,' for tlu'in, anil woiiM pay tlii'in
ill r isi' his hrotlur shoiihl f.iil to do so ; li.ld, siillicicnt to niakf .1. liahlo
on the hills : A'.-' /mrfi Kihriii'l^. "i.liir. 7t a
hnik or other drawee, ffir paying out of and charging against the funds
of .1 customer, the amount of a forged cheipie.
Ilj.fsri! ATIONS.
Payment of a forged draft is no payment as hetwi'cn the ])ersoii |iaying
and the person whose naiiR- is forged : < >rr v. I'li'mn Ittvik "/ Sculhtiiil, 1
.Maeii. II. L. (as. 'il.'J.
Sec 24- A ciistoDior iliow ii|i(>ii liis liiiiikiT a tlu<|U(! lor t'.'i, ami paid it away.
■ • ' 'I'lic aiiiniiiit of tile clit (|iR' u as alti'icil 1)\ tin; IkiIiIit, to t.''2()0, in siicli a
iiiuiiiuT tliat no .ii/ncli .siiiiiatniv only ii' tliti ao-eiit in
ic a^iMit lias liut
pniicijial IS boniiil
so si'niiiii'' was actiiii
andinfitv'. '
itliin till' actual limits of liis
'The signature by proeuration Ijjir/iror. ov /irr pra.) is notice of tiie
I'lnittHl authority of the Mgeiit signing. I'.ut the iiiineipiil cannot be bound
if tilt; agent lias not the authority he i(')iresents. 'i'he agent however will
)e liound if he assumes so to act without authori*
if h
authority of his prineip.d. in ea,s(! of a defective power in tli.j agt'iit to bind
le urinii|);il. i
if til
agent .vjieaks only in
the 1
Uli'liaue o
f th
not be lial
unv on the
and does not use apt language toliind hiniselt. In-
conti'aet ; but he ni:i.y lie liable to an action for a false assunijition or repre-
sentation of authoritv : Julii
V. Siiilfli. '21 Co
tl'iT. Till
ess an MKeiit
states mioii the face of the bill that he subseribes it for aiiotlu'i- ; mile:
he say.s plaini, ' I am tlie mere scrili
Lord i']llenlioioUL;h, C J., in Lmdii lli r v. /'(irixnr, 5 M. & S. ;]4.").
he will be liable personally : /'ir
A power of ■ ctorney giving the ageii
it full
.•rs as to the management
of certain speeilied real proj)erty, w ith general word.s extending those
powers to all tlu' ))iopcity of the prineiiial of every description, and in
eonc'iisioii authorizing the agent to do all lawful acts e. 7(l(i; \'.i Jur. ;U<).
A liill a(,'ci-])te(l por procuialioii is notice to any party w ho tak's tliu
hill that tho acceptor has iiiit a liinited aiitliority, .ami the liohh'r cannot
nuiintain an action against the acceptor if the aotlioiity lias liecn ex-
ceeded : Sfii;i-i V. /■://;,,//. 1-2 ('. I!. \'. S. :)7:! : () !,. T. \. 's. 4X1
A jiersoii who accepts a hill per procui'ation, ha\iiii,' no .nitlniiity to do
so, is liaMc to an action oi' tort for fal.-ely representing that he was so
authori/ed, .although he may .it the time have thought lu' had aiitliority,
or th.at his act would he rat'ilied : /'n/'n// v. U'n//, r.^ :i W. \- Ad. I 14.
If a ]iriiici|i d authorizes an jigi'iit to accept a hill, siidi principal is
lialile as acceptor, though widiigfiiily descrihed liy his aL'i iit iii ihe
acceptance : l.iiiilus w Hi-iithri'll. .">('. j!. ,")S."! ; I'J .hir. 'I'M).
In an action against a party as acceptor of .a hili accepted in his name
hy another per.soii, when evidence has heeii gi\cii of a general .■luthority
in that person to accept iiills, in the clefeiidaiit's name, an admis-inii liy
tiie <).
l'"roiii the facts that the defendants' conlidenfial clerk had hi^cn accus-
tomed to dr.iw ehei|Ues for them : that in one iii>tancc, at least. I hey had
authorizeil him to indorse, and in two other iii.-taiiccs had ici-eivcil mnney
iihtained hy his iiidoi'sing in their name, a jury is w .irr.aiitcd in interring
that the clerk had ;i -ener.il aiithuiit \' tn iiulni-e : I'ri . //!(/•/(• ,Si//'oii, •_' Co.-. S4.
Certain notes for debts ])ayalili to the cntiir< of an e^t.ate came
into the hands of 1!. the agent of the exccutor.s, who indnrsi d t wo of them,
•■.I. M. 1>., agent of the executors of the late [■',." and the third '"the
■ ■\ecutnrs late I!., y) to make and indor>e .ill
>ucli pi oiiiissory notes as might lie ri'i|ui.-., the extent of which it was
the hank'.- diitv ti
iscertaili : H
•j(i ['. c. o. i;
1'. \' c. f.
iiiiiiii ti
ireigii corres|ioni
■feialant for f.'iCO. iiii
lents i.f II, (i. \ (
o., relilli
ted to th
d in .a letter advisini; tlnin that it
it to meet a draft on II. i> .V ( 'o. of the same .ininiint.
ire tl
airi\ .il of the letter. ( i, (who .done ci instituted the lit in ef II. C. ,V ( 'o. ;,
h id .ahscondeil, having ]irevioiisly addressed a letter to I,, antherizing
him, for and in tiic iiaiiic of 11. (i. iV Co., to iiulorse any hill or lulls which
10 +
Till': liiLF.s OF r<:xcii.\N(ii; Acr.
See- 2')- ini;^ht lie roiiiitii>il to tlu'iii, iind toili-ipriHc rvf tlicni in a partionliir way : —
— • ■■ llcM. til it til'' liist iiiiiiiliiMiiMl luttcr liiil not niitliori/.c i,. to iiilor.sc tin
1)111 ill (lui'stioii, in i.siiiii'-li as that hill iiovor i
till' |)i'o]ifrty of H.
( ;. it ' 'o. , the coii'lition u|ion whirl i it w is sent to thi/m not hciiiLj capahle
Ol tlllllllll 'II
t : /••
s Scott, X. i:. '-'ii.
It w IS ]iroVL'il that oiu; I), wa-: (.'liM'k or agi'iit for tlir ilcfciKluit kci-piiig
a storu at \j., ami th.it ilrfiMiil mt ha I s aiu'tioncil his purchasini: certain
goo. Is ; Held, that tliesu circiinistaiices gavi' no iniiiliccl authority to |).
to sign thu (Ich'iiiluit's name to nc^otialilc ))iii 'r, ami that the jury were
\\ arraiiti'il in tiiiliiig that thi^ dcfividant hid given I), no anthoiity to
])urch ISC goods of the iilaiiitill': licalhlii hi y. Vim Allaiiy, /"/• .(allies ( Jlass, .secl'et ai y ; -ircl.l tliat the secretary
w IS lint |)cr.soiially li.i
Unlrrl^ni, V. ^7a «, -JO I'. ('. ('. 1>, -jriO.
IV alile to order and adilres^ed to a train\va\' cnnnvinv which
iiad no power to ai;eept hills, was accepted "for and on helialt or tin
eoniliinv " iiv two (lireetois and the secridarv. 'I'lie hill was indorsed ti
lioldiM' for \aliic, and it was ludil that the directors and secretirv wen
dlv liahle, as hv th
•ptaiiec they represented they hail
aiithoritv to aece))t on hehalf of the eoinpiiiy, which was a false represei
tati if a 111 itter of fact: Writ Loiiiloii t'o
ixial Bank V. Ki'-imi, 1'2
(.». i;. 1>.
]'.] (). r.. 1). .S(iO.
P.Tsnn si:;!!-
iiifT ii< a.'' 1 t
or in ri'|ir' ■
(■liar;icti' ■.
Iiii).. \il,< -I)
ImlAvi,-.:: I.
Hi. Wlit'i'c ;i ])iTS()ii si^'iis it hill as ilrawt'V, iiiil'ir-rr or
ui'. ;mi| ailMs \Vi>
I'lls to liis si^nnturc iinlicjitiiii;'
lie .si,L;'n> oir nr mi o.'iiali in a [iriiiciii.ii, ' ny m a rrincsci
ati\f (-liarjicti'i'. - lie is not |ii'r-(iiiall\' lialilc
he lllrl-i' ai
Mitiipii to his sio'iiatun! nF
thiTciiii ; hut
^V(lnls (IcscniMnL!' Imii
as an a^eiit. or a-
tihiii^' a rt'i»i'fSfiitati\'o charactci', doi.
not ('\i'in|it him iVoiu jicrsonal liahility .'^
l''0!l-;fMI'-' i"Il
fiivi.ral.;,' I .
thi' vail liiv
ol'sil.l, I
II ih'tci'iiiinino' wlitdhcr a SI141
nature on a hill is tliat
if tl
iiiiifiiial ol'
that of til
aj^-ciit Iiv whose haml it is
\viitt"ii, the (instruction most I'avorahje to the validity of
(he instrument sliall lie aihipti^il. •
le worils acMei
1 to tl
signature of tin' ag.ait. whether elei
veejicr. cii^hier. s"eret irv. director, or other ollicer ot a liini. 01 minei
eial e ini|i my, iii
d, or on the e(unpiny, and not on
him as such agent, or oilicer, so as to hriiig him within the protection from
liahility here intended. '11
le nieli' addition of
word "agent'
irector," or other oilieial title, to the signature, will not exempt
him from sieh liahility. The ])roper mode tiu'i'efore for an agent todr
indorse, or a a'ept lill
ir 111 ike or iiidoise notes, so as to avoid jiersonal
iliility, is hy imlieating that he acts as agent, and hy adding tli>'
■ siiii -• ri roin:<, or iri
/liniif ri I'oiirx'- /o IW (IS nij'iif, illnrlDr, or
disi|nalitie,itioiis as to the capacity of peisims to make
Tin; I'.IM.S (»F I'.XrilANCK ACT,
itf.'ic'ts (111 tlirir (iwii a(/c()niit, ilo iiiit .iplil.N to .■i^rii
t-< : for :iii i-'ciii is Sec- 26-
ii iiiiT(_' iiistriiiiKMit lor iiiiotlioi
wiiiiKii, lU'ii-. or o
I'll 'ii'ioiv iiifiiiits, iii.irricd
tllrr IH'IS ilH 1 llioui'illl,' lliub't- Ir^il di -iilKil i t ics, Mlliy
lie aL^fiits lor tilt; iiurposcs iiliovc sprriiicil. Xo |).iiliciil,ir form of aii-
|iiiiiitiiiciit is iK'cuHsiiry to rii ililr an am'iit. clircrtor, or oiiicrr. to ilraw,
ac.'i)it or indorse tiill or notes, so as to c^liarijf his |iriiiii|pal, or lomiiaiiy,
-o loii^ as tliu autlioritv to do sn is clearly convcyid, 'I'lic authority may
li' vi.tIiiI, or 111.' ooiivi'yi'il liy a sji'ciil form of aiipoiiiliir'nt, or it may liu
• '.I'livifl from sonic j^uncral or iiii|ili(' I i,'r.iiit or |Mi\\ir. SnlisfijUiiit ratilii'a-
tioii of till,' ai^cnt's or oirh'ci's acts is fi|ni\ah'iit to a previous authority,
(li'il the ai'i'iit or ollii-ir \\ lu-ii lir ai-tcd. assumed ts arc eniiiiirrati d, siilisei(iient g<'neral
voiMs Will generally lie restrained so as not to '_'o lieyoim the spec
owcis coiivevei
d. As th
onsiiiilitics of
11 agent of a tirm, or
ol a c<»iii[)aMy, arc coiiinieiisiiratf with tne extent ni his (lelcgited autlior-
ily. it may ln' useful to suiumari/, • some of the general dutie-^ of an agent
;i! the liiisiiicss of his |irinei|ial : 'I'lie a'i 'lit ~hoiild lie careful, ■-
I. 'I'o perform wilh care the duties he h.i- iiiidei taken.
■_'. To do all .lets in the name of his priiieipal.
.">. To ac't in person, uiilc--s an thoii/ed to deh-'Mte his duties to anotli(,'r.
1. To keep faithfully within the terms of the authority
n\'en liim, ami
'cy his (irincipars instructions
111 the alisc'iice of spi^cilic instruct
lolls in a
ll\' sp
mat ter. to con
I inii to usage or recogni/ed modes oi dealing in the special l>U'-iu<";s
li. To act ill g I faith during his agency.
To use reasonalile skill and
oi'itinarv (lili'.'encc
S, To make a full disclosure to his principal wIi'Mc he has an adverse
l.llen St.
".I. .\ own.
11. 'i'o render full ami eoiitidcntial reports of his dealii
.1 full
unts of his recciiits auil d
i.-l(iirseiiiciits as agi-nt. to his piaiicipal.
'i'o act in all matters connccti
wit h (he lill^iness
MS iiiincipa
i> lie WiiUlcl c.xpci
t his agent to act, if he had >iieli an agent.
\ lirm a.'tiiii.' as aLtciits fm- another, purchase. 1 a load of .'nal. without
-i.iting that they were agents, and sent in )iaymeiit a draft drawn hy
rli"inselves on iliei- priiici|i,ils, ad li'iLT tin' word " .Xiji'iits" to their own
ignatui'' ; - Ifi'ld. that llie\' were person illy lialih; as drawi
/,'. /'/
Cs//< V,
s V. ('. ('. 1'. .-)((.
THK j:ii-ls ok Ex<'iiAN(;i; act.
Sec. 26.
. ' 15. to I
If ;iii iij,'('iit fur A. (liiiws ,i l)ill upon li. in favor rif ('. tlioiigh lie iliifits
iliirc the
it to A."s (1
clllt, tint iim'llt \\\
11 )>'
)(r..-on:iliv lia
to(". if this liill i.s not piiiil, tiioiij;li ('. Uiii'W lu; uns only ayiiit inr A.,
nili'ss JH' nscs |)iopii- Wolds to piuvt'Mt such liiiltility : L' iidliitii r v,
M. .V s. ;!t:
"A. & Co., i.y A. jnnr.,"
for, Jinil not as one of, tiu' titni : hdirliinj v.
A (Icfi'inlant'.s iniloi'scnicnt niiuli' li\liis w
priiiKi farii imjiort.s tliat A. .'^ii^ns tl'c note
/■:,i^/,n„„l, .-{ V. ('. (,». 11. .•!7(i.
iff. tlioMi'h in lu T own nann
hut afti'rwards iccoi
action cm tlu' l>ill : /.'(
,'nizL'(l liy (lifiiKlant. would ii
;>.ss V. r,'„/,/. 7 C. ('. (.>. I'., tit.
Iinji liaii
If t.
Hills wcrr (liawn iiy a lionsc in Lonih
thirty days aitiT si
and inilorsi
ion. ]iayal
to A. in London. A. indoi.si'd tiicn
ithont any (pi.-dilication to li. ,it I'aris ; I!, without ]iri'stiitinL; thcin foi
iicucplani:*.', put tln'Ui in liriulation, and on \>
icniir iircscn
ti'd at l.i.slion foi-
;ic('(.'ptancf, they were dishonori'd. In an action hy 15. ai,'ainst A.--
Hcld, that .\. was hound hy his umiualiticcl JMdorsinni'nt, and co\dd not
otl'er i\ idi'Ui-r to show that he wa.s acting nurcly as 15. 's agent: (!i>ii/'ij
V. l/anl,
'I'lii' plaiiitiil" sn|)pliiMl the dofi'nd.mt with goods ordoi'o i/. L. I!. IOC. 1'. *'>'M).
'I'ht' treasurer of a It.iilw ay and Canal company .'iccepted a hill ch'.iwi
upon him .is such ticisuier. thus •• Aecej
ited, W. A. <;. 'I'l
s. \V. I.
I!. \V. .V C (
soiialh- liahle
ipany's seal : -Held, that he was jier-
It L". ( . (•, 1!
A hill drawn hy one defendant as secretary, on, and accepted hy tie-
other defendant us president of, a railway company, did not come w ithiu
the juovisioiisof the coiniiany's charter anthoi-i/ing the draw ing of hills t<
hotll Wert
i;. c. c. 1'. 1.
ly the |)rcsi(|cii
t and countersigned hy the secretary : and
ally rcsponsilile : /ttin/cof' Moii'rui/ v. Snuui. l'>
1 an action ;i:,'iiiist an ai'ce])tor on tlu
ill of
5S00. .Moiitreil. l'\ h. I!». ISIilt. Two months after date, jay to th<"
('artier l>ank in .Mcnticil, ei^jht huinlred
order of iiiv>
at tilt
us, valui' receive!
ami eh,>r.ri
;ame to accoun
t of Iv K. C
and :iildresseil to the Secictary, itichaidsoti Cold Mining( 'ompany, i'xdh
ville, Ont.irio, was ai
)t<'d thus
)n ( i
imiiu < 'o.
allies ( ■ lass, .^ei'retarv
not to he the aceept;mee ot the
soeretarv, and that he was not [icisonally li;ihli> : HdUi rliDU \ . (Hnx
\j. V. (■; 1'. ■_'.■.().
A .1
ircctoi II
impany signed hy himself and other direetfu's a noti
directors of the Roval 1>
if .\ir.-tralia. for oui-
selves .-md
inise to p.iy ( 1
itlier shareholder;
if the ciimpany. jointly and severally ])
or oe iler. ul
1 the I'Jth of Kehruary, IS.'iO, at the
I iiion li.inU (if l.diiilnii, f'idO, !())■ \ali
-Ilflii, that 1
If was inT-iiii
Me iccfivi'd (111 aic'diin
illv llal)le : /', iikir,/ v. C
t (if the coin SCC 26-
A liill was (lirccte(l t') tlio joint inaiia<,'i r^ of an Insurance Associ.itioii.
as acee])te(l tliiis : " Aecepteil, .1. .1., W. S. as joint niaiiagers ot the
ition ;" — Held, tliat tliey weic peisonally
lloyal Mutual Maiin
lialiie, and tliat the introduction of th
ird "as ' liefoiv the woid-
|oint niaiiai^eis, nia(h' no dillerenco with respect to sueii 1:
■ htik'
11 \.. v. i:
A. directed a liill to a eomiiany of limited liahility liy its name withi'iit
tlic addition of tin.; word " Limited. ' which wasacce]ited hy the secrt tal\
ii>todo\\s: "Acce|ited, payalije to Messrs. i>. it Co., .1, M, secretary to , lie
coiii]iany ;" Held, that the secretaiv was ]iersonally lialile hy lisisoii of
the omission of the word "limited" in the name ol the coiiiiiaiiy as
i(i|Uire(l hy the .\_'t : /'
\ note siiined li\ f(
V. Miirtiir. v.. 15. it K. AW.
lUr iiersons, licsc
if the I'iiiancial Insuranci' Oompany, (limited)" and
rilling tliemsehcs as ••director-
C (;. (i
inaircr, ' in tlu-^v wdrds
e mouths after date W
to pay the I'lnglish .loint .'>tock ilaiiU, (Limited ) or (uder Cl.OOC.
\ alue received
\ . .S'liiili r.'
as held liindiiiLr on t!ie lieisoii.'i
n; L. T. I!
siuiii'd it: < 'iiiirliiiilil
The president of a company which was anthori/.ed to 1
id iu;il\e note;
lorrow inoiiev
actllii; uiioli a resolution of tin; directors, sii'iiei
1 tl
iiiitc ill (|llestion, hut it a|ilie.ired that tlu' directors had not lieeli a)i
|iiiiiiteil as rei|iiired liy the Act t-lfeld that the resolution siiHieieutls
■ miiplied with tlu; Act ; ;iiid that, as the statut(; empoweiid the dircctnis
to authorize the i)resideiit to sign notes, and the plaintiti had arci'pted
otes in good faith, and the proceeds of \\liich were aiiplied fi'r the
>Ucll II
ses of the coiniiaiiy, it might he ]iresunied that the ]
roller ail
L'en ynen : Vin
\ . < lltiliril < I'ds ( '
18 U. ('. f. r. -Jd'J.
The charter of ii coiiipa y provided that all e\ideiK'es of delit of the
iiiipany should he issin il and signed li\' the l're>ident and Treasiiier.
pi. II a note siiruei
iiv siun ollicers \\ 1
ith t:
le aililition (
if th
titles, and to ■\\hich the seal of t
le ('ninuanv was
.itlixed :— Held, that th
■tlicurs Were not personally liable : (.'//// H'ik/c v. ('/((in;/, \'t V . < '. <,>. !•
note w ritten tliu.-
Tlie President and Hireetois n; the
• d.is> Co.," promise to ]iay. itc. and signed by the Tn -^ideiit ; Held.
hiiidiiig on the company, although its real nai
I llass Company
lie was ilie
( Mhi.^ror
.!/(-// V. J/ let., 1 ( ■
An iustrumeut issued 1
cashier. J'hirty days after dati
claiiiis per Susan King, in
y an iiisiiiaiicc i ]iaiiy in this fonn
To th
dil Mrs. .\.
or Older with C;;i 1 '.Is. (id..
easli, on accoiin
t (il th
irpiii'.itioii, ami
led liy two of the directors ot the company, is lnndin^oii the ciiiiipaii\
as a note, iiotwitlistaudini,' it may not have heen drawn strictly piir.Miant
so as to lie hiudiie.^ upon the
to the nrovisions of the deed of settlement.
ili:rs :
>/ I.
K V, .>('( /■()•'' (ii((i /.(/(■ A ■•<.■<(( r((ii(( I o
!t C. li
'he foll'iwiiii' instruiiienf was sii.'iied hv two directors of an insiiraiici
conip.-iny, a
lid sealed with th
■al of tl
le colillialiv
• tter dat'>. we, two (
IV ..111
f the diri'ctors of the Ark Life liisiiiaii
1 on ln'li!ilf of the .Society, )iidnii.st' to jiay to Mr. May.
llle llliilltllS
.>oi-|et\ ,
If nlder.
lii7 l.")s. lid. valiii
■ived." Tl
lere was no eoiliiter siLin.itiire lis the
secretary of the c()lii|iaiiy ; - Ihdd. a note liinding mi the coinpaii) , and
nut on the parties who .signed It : .I;/;/-.- v. A ('7(o/-(//', 1 H. \ .\. l(i.">.
TIIK liir.I.S OI' i:\(||.\N(!K A< T,
SeC- 26- A notiMviis siu'iicil liy tlirtic did'ctors iiml tlic .ic(M(-'tarv of a company
' ' iiii'Mi |)ciiatcil witli liiiiitcil liiMlity. in tlic .'nllowiii;,' funii: " I luii'
iiioiitlis afU'C ii /!i//s, s. 74. i'-iit a person so sij;iiinL,' a hill or
iiot<'. will nor ^dsc the holdci' the riglit to eliargi' tlu^ esiite, or to hive
the trust est ite administered so as to r.mk as a ereditor ; for tlie assets of
ii deceased person are not liahh; for deiits ineiiireil liy an exeeutor or
administrator in eoiitiniiinL; the trade or laisiness of tlu^ deci.'ased : //oc '''
V. (lihsoii, 1!) (irant •J.SO. Hut if tin; testator direut.s ids iirojierty to he
used liy his execut(us in carrying on his tiade, persons wlio heeoiiie trade
ereditoi's of the exe'cutoi's have no claim on the general assets of the
estate, liilt only on so limch of it as was em|)loyed in such trade at the
time of the testator's d.'ath : Mr\,:iln v. Arlm,, \ \h(\. M. .'c (;. 7t I,
s. p. Siiiitli V. SiiiUli. i;{ (Jr.int Si. And siudi tradt! creilitors wlio rely on
the ci't'dit of the testator's estate diould look to the will, to aseiTtain tlie
extent to \\hi(di tlu' testator has authori/ed his assets to he embarked in
trade: ('ii'iiush v. Ciitlni.ih, \ lieav. 1S4. l!ut a provision in a trust ilced
iiidcmnifyiu'j the trilstci's out of the estate for the (.'Xpenses of the trust,
does not givi' the er(.'ilitors of such trustees in respe(,'t of such expenses, a
right to claim as creditors against tint trust estate or its funds ; Worrall v.
Ihilh.nl S \'es. 4.
Til defendants as executors piirehased goods of the plaintill's, and gave
■■'h' . ; : '■ We, as exeeiitrix and executors of the late Ii. P., promise," i^e.,
•d })y defendants, "executrix and exeeuto''s of IJ. I'., deeeased " ; —
i; !e'. that they Were ])crsoiially respoiisihlc : A"' /■;• v. /'nr-oiis, II U. C
:■ '■■ ;-,i:<. See also /;,„; Ihink v, Cr<:ml:s, •_'(! U. C. <,). Ii. '-Vil.
V. aeutors carried on the testator's Imsiiioss after his death, and in tlie
ordinary course of such luisiness aeceptcd a hill, descrihing themselves in
it as exeeiitors of their testator ; — ilidd, that ii'dtlier these eirciimstances
If till' form i)f the ii ■iciitiu
u'l', I'ciifvcc
I tl
ic f.-.tati' oi tiiic (it tlir t\i (U Sec. 26-
tors, « III) ilicil ill tlic lit'c'tiinc (if the oilur, from tlir unlinary lialiility iqiDii
the; liill: /Jr( i-jmo/ lluritinjh lUiiik v. W'nlLir, 4 1 it ( i . k .). "Jl.
A iidtf L;i\i'ii liy Mil rxi'iMitDr, so can yiiii; on tin- testator's liiisiin'ss, to a
(litor, but in tlu: liaiiio of tliu ti slalol'.s tini
c-iat'' is iiisohi'ii
III;.' on tliL' I'Xtciildr
I, W iirif tlir tchtalor .s
II- \ . II i/liniiis, ;{
(.ill. i:.U;
4 IkC. F. \-. .1. I.iti
A. & l>. sigiH!il a note, hy wliicli tliiy proiniscil "as eliiircliwaicU'iis and
o\ t r,iiiii \v.is ill lait tlic amount of a loan liiai
liiiirli; ll.l.i. tliat A. & I'., wen- pel .soiially lialiie : /.'-«■ v. I'iU
/" /• li. ilgell
t" hinds l;
■^ 1'
," and aeeepted \i\
lis the o\\ IK r> of t he
steamer; and tluy eaii he sued liy their |ire|ver nan.
mill, (!•.■., (.
III, ;-i5 Ala. 47(i. ^'Cil rouhu, < iim-lii/ v
Kniiiaii. •_' .\iU. ;,:{s.
.\ note as fn
We tl
niidel'si('ne(l tnutees of the ehureh and in
hiliall of the whole hoard of tlUsti'es," signed liy two of the trustees, liind.-
the ehureh. as the ageiiey siiliieiently up|ieais on the fa.'e i.i the willing
llii.ikril V. r
v//, KU'al. 4."). Sill mill I'll, linrki r w MhIh
;nVeiid. (N. V.) !)4.
■'■ .'^ee the eases as to the signature of agents of individuals or ollicer.'
if ei'iiipaiiii'S given in note 1 to s. •_'.").
The elVeet of tl
that whetlnr the
It of
aiiiitlier. ol' the ottieer
iif a eom[iaiiy, had or had not authority to sign the hill or note, tlu^ eoii-
stiuetion to he givt'ii to it shall lie tlia.t w hieli is most favdi'ahle to its
as a
hi.l or note for tin
liayineiit of niuin'y, an
((//.< /'( Clllll ■■
he held liahle. The geliiral result of the eases is however
.■ ,]\w. \. S, 1 |;{.
The want of coiisiiU'ration //( /n/o, or in jiart, cannot lu; si't up as a
ilc'fiiii'i' if the ])!;ii!ltitl iji .tii\ iiii>i miiinU: |(.ni» iiitv.>iii iiiiii ainl ihc
(IflVmlant. took the liill or iiotf hoiin jid< and upon a valid uonsidtTation :
Marrit v. Li'(, IJayliy on ISills, 'AW!.
The partial failure of tl;e consideration for which u |)i()iiii.ssory note
was given, is no defence tf) an action on the note, without evidence of
fnuidi : A'(//o;/;/v. /fi/iilf, 1 U. C. (,t. 15. 4I.\
Nor that the conHideration proved to lie less beneficial than was repre-
sented : Dalfoii V. Lake, 4 U. C. (>. S. lo.
1'nt an entire failure of consideration is a good defence to an action
limuuht by the vendor of goods as payee ; K< l.iuii'»/•('•>■ v. McS/n iri/, ~
L". ('. <.>. W. 4!H».
A. made jointly with 15. a lease of certain lands to C. , taking notes
fiMiii C for the rent, p.iyable at the time it would liecome due. 'i'lie day
after the execution of the b'ase, A. . died, and
15. 's executor's sued (!. on the notes ; — -Held, tint they could not recover,
the consideration for the notes having failed: Miririn v. 'i'((^>, U. C K.
T. 7 Will. IV.
To an action on a note, defendant pleaded tluvt it was given on an agree-
imut by plaiiitiiT to ])ay one M, a certain sum, whicii he had not done ;—
Held, no defence : Mittthiicsim v. Citnnan, 1 U. C. (,>. 15. 'Jdd.
AVhere a note was given by one partner to anotiier so as to raise money
to pay oft' a debt of the firm, the maker is not liable theretjii to his
partner: Miller v. T/iomp.ioii, 10 U. C. (). 15. 391.
A note made to a wife during coverture m;iy be sued by husliand and
wile. The note imports a consideration for the jiromise, and the wife is
the meritorious cause of action: I'hilliiklrk v. Phirkicil/, ~ .M. iV S. .'{S.'>.
A guarantee endorsed on a note at the time of its execution in the fol-
lewiiig words : " Wu guarrantee the payment of the within note," does
not sliew a siiliicient consideration for the pKunise, the ease being within
the Statute of Frauds: Lorkv. Ihul, (i U. ('. O. S. •_'!».■).
Where a bill was given for the purchase of shares in a ship, wiiich siiip
was liurned on the morning of the day on whicli the l)ill was delivered,
but the hull was afterwards sold for .SoOd ; — Held, that there was not a
total failure of consideration : Whi/mait v. Pmk-i r, "> liuss. & (lei. 1').').
The following have been held void for want of a suliicient consideration :
C.'s note given for the purpose of paving A.'s debt to P.. : liiinjhitm v.
Kiiiihiill, 17 Ind. o9(i ; s. p. Tou.'^'ij v. Tair, 1!) Ind. 'IVl.
A note given by A. to B. for a debt due by C. ujion a consideration of
forbearance, and upon no privity shewn between A. & C ; McO'iltiiniy v.
K'ifrr, 4 IJ. C. Q. B. 45U.
A note founded upon a mere moral obligation to pay money : Aiijhlin-
i.iak V. Banit(j, 4 Greene, (Iowa), lUG.
Sec. 27.
I iii; ijii.i.s OF i;xriiA.N(;i'; Acr.
Sec 27. A iiotr i.'iv(ii l)y ii pfi'sdii til an (itliccr of ji luiicvdlfiit dp;,' i)ii/:itioii t'.ii-
^ • ' liis iiiitiiitii.ii fiT, iiiiil I'oi- Ills (|iiai telly (Iiich iim u iir'IiiIht ; A'lr^/i v. /.'»■•
icti, r» llai'l). .").")().
i\ ]ii(iiiii.--,soi y note, the only c'nnsi(Ic'rMti,ini, l.'J Ala. .'fK>.
A note uivcii in ixtninis, piyahlc ;it tlui doatli of the niaUi;r, and si;,'n('il
by two witncssrs ; Hull v. iliiiriiril, 1 Kiel!, (S. ('.) .'{](>,
A note pill up as a fortVit to secure tli'i performance of a veih.il .sale oi
land : W'i'illi, ill >i V. I'limih, '1\ '{'ex. '27-.
A note i^iveii liy an lieir as a memorandum or <'videi)('e of an advanceiiu'iit
made to liim hy tlie ])ayee : Ihiriiiii v. W'riiili', .">■.' Mo. l.'i'J.
A note ;;i\en ill oider to olif.iin possession (jf the maker's j;oods, which
■were wr(cts.
though the cieditiu' gave to the wiilow a I'eeeipteil lull, acUiiow ledgiiig
payment; \\'illi(iiii-< \\ .\'/(7/(//n, 10 ( liay, (Mass. ) S.'i,
A lianUiii;^ lirm advanced money to ,\. and tixdv a note for such ail\ aiice.
which was sicncd liy A. and his wife, who li.id no separate luopcity.
A clied iiisohciit, and .•ifter his death the hank ohtained a new note from
the widow. It licing douhtful w Ik ther the widow knew th t slii' was nut
lialile (Ml tile lirst note, her non-liahility was not mentioned to htr :
Con-anI v. J/iinh'--:, I K. .V .1. 4i:{.
- 'I'lu' considrration fur the ])roniise in hills of exchange and proiiiissoiy
notts to pay money, as well as the indorsement of such hills and notes,
unliki' the ease of other contracts, is presumed until the contrary is pinvc^d.
Hills and notes on their inert! production, e\cii witliiuit the words " for
value it!ceivei|," are juiiii'i y'f(<'/(- evidence of valuahle consideration, iioi
only lietwein the original parties, liut as ag.iiiist third persons. In all
cases will re the hill or note can lie used in evidence, either as against the
parties to it, or ag.dnst third persons, the same legal presumption arises
as to its having Imii given for value, as arises in the case of a deed under
seal. A hill or note, therefore, although aeeording to the general priiici
pies of the common law is to he considered in the light of a simple eon
tract, is nevertheh'ss in this rc^pi'ct entitled the privilege of a siieeialty ;
for it, like the contrait under seal, carries with it the eviileiice of a valii
ahle eoiisideratioii. This luivilege always heloiiLed to foreign hills, au^l
was, after siiine strug'iles, eonceded to inland hills and ])roinissory notes.
But it is conlineil to negotiahlc paper, and does not extend to orders not
jiayahle in money. '• Some of the peculiar privilegt s of hills of exdiaiiLic
are of a nature giving them a ])i'euliai' sanctity and obligation, and freeiiiL'
them from the etjuities and cross claims which may exist between the
original parties. 'J'hese are allowed in order to give them a ready eireiila
■I'lIK lill.I.S OF i:\(II.\N.
in/ on
II. h \\;i,s foiiiuilv In 111 Sec. 27.
til it ;i priiir \\aiit of cimsi liritioii wms an ciiuity iittHi'liiiiL; t
II an nVCI'cUlO
ITU: /.'
Kite ill till' liiunl.-i 111" 111 lili-r tor vali
lii' /.(I mil- !■/, i:i V
,1 (1
1/ it' ('
:\ T. 11. ISO; l)iit sui'li is not tlic liiw now ; AV
1.. 1!. (I Km. :tlf. h
cinacN of I'liii^iijii'ation or
coliMiilfi'ablf limli'i'-v
line, lii.iv 1
ly III' an inqio
itant ell iinnt in
■asi's allcyin^
liiul faitli oi- fiainl : Jii. ■_' Xyy. ('as. lilCt, lint mhIi in-
;iilii|ii;ii'y oi I'onsiiiiT.il ion niiiht lie ilistinj,'iiisli('ii troin a partial alisriirc oi'
faijiui' of I'oiisiclnation, or a pai't pavnicnt (/, ti .lolli'S (N. ('.) -IT.").
ii'r navi' his iiou- in (■oiisiiloratioii of thcpayi'i' niai'iyiiiy
iiuhtcr, wliK'li iiial liaLTi' \\a:
hail in f ii't, a iid li
il li
llclil, that till' iiiin'riaiic in fact was a siitliiiciit iiiii>iili ration : 11 (//,/
4 T. It. 4(iS.
On a tri'aty of iiiariia'_'i' a itroiiiissoi y note um.-. ;^ivrii in i'oii>iili rat ion o
the iiiai riairi'. wliifli \\ as aftcrw mis soh ninizcil, anil an aition was siili
i|iU'iitly liiDiight liy tl
ir.si'i' a.:.iinst tin- in lUi'isof ihr iioti
that lis till' inai'l'iairt'. tin roiisidi'i'iitioii tor the iiotr. loiilil not Im' iiikIoiic,
It was not coiiip 'ti'iit to till' ill iki'is to avnid the iiotr ii|ioii t In' ukuim
1 of
liaiiil iir.ictict'd iliiriiiu tlir niairiau'i' tirats': Ib^'iiin \. Ihahi. II I r. ('
1,. U.. I l!»: luvi'isinu In li. ( '. !.. II.. i;. " '
A notr proniisinj,' t<> pay tln' < him-h SmiitN of the dmriM' oi Toronto
III ln'.inr, t'.-iU. \\ itii intrrtst, towards i lovnlini: a tiiiiil tor tia- siippoit ol'
a l)islio[) o
if the wrstcri
I iliocfsc ot ( 'aii.ida. w
ho should l.c ai
|iiiisnaiii.'c (it an I'li'itioii \>\ t
iiiiiiii a siiliii'ii'iit coiisidc r.ition
pollitl'll 111
11- (•!( rjjv aim l;iit \'
niiiiiiihil \. !>iiiii
llilil, to III' 'oiindi'd
//, hi V . c, (.>. 11. :i7i.
t is a L'ood di'fi'lU'L' to an artinii on a n
d-.(r that siuli note was n
iti' liy till' p
-t th.
iiaili' tor a .sincia
thi' p
ivi'i' should take lare ot it lor the maker, and slioiih! not ii(L;otiati
lyic ,'ii.'.'iin
iiiK', to wit, that
ir |iart w ith it to any other person, and lliit there ne\ir w.'is any other
xaliie or eoiisideratioii for the imte : ]\"t for tin ir
to 1.
'red liv pi liiltlir to lii'f
irniaiiieil iiinlehverei
.1 lllh
rsoii V. ./( iniuiiji
r. ('. (). I!. 4'.
is plain aiitliority that even as Intuiiii t!
ic onullial
lai'ties. w here
• '111' hiiys goods worth more than SKI, and ;;ivi's his note for theiii. In,' eaii-
iiot refuse 'o take the uoiid.s, .ind then repildi.ite the note, liei'Milse of tl'.o
lioods not having lieen delivered, seek to deteat the eontract li\' his own
art or default, and then ri'innliate the note, tieeaiise the eon raet had
faded : I'cr Tlionipison, J., in .\hli,t,ish v. MrL,,»l, (i I'.liss. & lu on
(Icnianil lor an aiitriciU'nt iK'lit is a conilitiunal {laynii'iit of the \y,int (hit-
(k'ht, thi' loiiilitiun lit in;; that tl.u (lol)t rfvixcs if thu .sci'iiiity Im not
realizril : Ciiriii v. Mi-m, I,. K. 10 I'lx. l.'t."!. Where tlii're is a precedent
duty wiiieh would cii^ati' a sullicient legal or ei|uitalile right, if there had
heeii an express promise at the time, oi" where there is a precident eon
fliduration, which is capaiih' of lieing enfurreil, and is not extingiiisiied at
e o|)tioii (if thi' party, fouii
ime liar or defence which tht: law
lutdocs not rcipnrc inni to a.-Mit, there an express pinniise «ill
create or revive a Jusl cause of action.
leie a man is undcl' a legal oi
iligation to pay, the law implies a prondse though mme
/■irHiiri. a legal or ec|uitalile '//(///
lerc a man is ui
iiUr a m(>ral
ever actually made.
cousidci ' 'ion lor an actual promi>e. W
oliligatioM which no t'ourt of eipiity or law can entorce, and /iminisi.^, the
honesty and rectitude of the thing is a consideration ; as if a man promises
to pay a just debt, the I'ccovery of which is harred Ity tin; Statute of
Liuutations. Or if a mat: after he conn/s of ag(! promises t
di til
c promise gives a compulsory remeily.
\> licit llicie was nunc
re cither at law or in eipiity, yet as the promise
is diily til do wli.it ail honest Man ought to do, the licscif coiiscicucc upon
an upright miml arc a siillicieut consideration : " Pi r Lord Manstield,
C J., in llturk,
Siutiidi rs, 1 L'owp. '2!Mh
A pre-existing delit is a godd ciiusidenitiou in \\ hole or in part for a
note or hill : (lumli rhmn v JJ K/rhi.^nn, 5 U. ('. ( '. 1'. '2^\,
'I'liere i.s no distinction as regards consideration, lietwi'en a uoti' given
for a pre-existing debt and for a new tuusideralion : Kraiis v. Moiii y, '_M
u. c. (,). i;. -Ai.
A note was given tiy defendant, secretary of an insurance! coni]iaiiy, for
a loss, the policy having hccn marked " cancelled." and left in the posses
sioii of the company, ami the note was not payable until three d;iys after
the loss would be payable by the jxilicy ; —Held, a sutHcient consideration ;
Armour v. (!a(,.-<, 8U. C. C. \\ 54.S.
A debt due to a bankrupt estate, is a good consideration for notes given
to the trustees and assignees of the estate : (lf nf iiiiiri'i.i;^!', .•ii»il HeC- 27-
toi' liipiist;li()li| s('i\ ices iciidircil 111 liiiii liy tlio Winniiii >lmiii^' tlu' fiiK'^H'' —■"""'
iii"iit, is Vikliil, iiiit\vitlitt;iiiiliii>{ that otltor i'tNiM itiiliii't'il hiiii to K'ivt! till! iioti' : rf'l>t
Imt ,'i iiiiiiliiii; |ti(iiiii-*c td I'di'liciii', or nu fu'tiiivl l'iirlnMiMiii;c at ;i rif|Uf>t
(xpri'.s.s III' iiii|ilit'il. Wdiilcj Ik; h ;;ii()il ( oii.sidcr.itiDn tor ii jn'oiiiitiHory iiotr :
r/M(,< V. Itniihr, I!) (,l. 1;. I). ;Ui.
A note ;.'iv(ii tliillliltut', JH viiliil : /
liii/Dii ■'^iir'i V .
'I'liis t'lausi' 111 ly apply ti) tlu; flas.s of sccnritit s knowi
an at'coiiiiuiiii.'i
tiuii liilN or iKilis tiMiisfi Tii'd to a liiili|t;r for sali
ir ti
or iiott! ill
liarnl.s of a iioldi'i', wlio li.is iiut liiiiisclf given value for it, Imt lias
.lit in
III IS a lioliler lor valiu
il who has all tiie liyhts
ot a
lioiuer 111 due eouisi
The holder (if Hiieii a liill or iiiito lias the
rights of siirii liiilder ill diK! course against all pai ties to the Kill or note,
e\i('[it the jierson from wiioin he may have received it. See note 7, p. I'-'").
Valiio arising at aiiv tiiuc during the i:nrreney of a note, i.s sntlicieitl :
/i7i(/.'i V. ir.(/«/i, •_".» I'.' c. i). 1;. Jll.
A nu'inher of a joint stock association, not incorporated, lending a .-uin
' money o: ♦: of the ioint fund to anotiicr inenilier and taUiii'' from liini a
note piyahle to himself, individually, for re payment, is i siilliiient con
sidcration, notwitlistainling th.it liie funds were advanced from llic com
moll stock : C
oiih r V.
1 L^ C. (). S. •_',-)().
\\'hei'e a stiickiioldi'r in a joint sto 'k comiiany had 'dveii iintes for hi
1' .
stuck, wilieh he afterwards forfeited liy not coinplying with tlie eo
of tile association : — Held, that he could not set up such a forfeituri' as a
ilefenco to an action on the notes : (i/as.-ii'oi-il v. Mi-Fniil, IJ. ( '. T. T. '.\ Ifi,
i Vict.
!•■ /'
Jiaidv. JIoiUlijii, 4() N. H. 114; /iii,/:'.i r,t.-;
y; c'i/(/,i(/ iiitiit, us'.io.
A. indorsed a note for Sl'J.SO, for the purpose of eiialiling the maker to
oiitain. as an a.
il advance, the diiti
■e lietween that sum and
loan o
f >:!)IS, which had liee
dvanced to him liefore tl
le ni.ikiiii'
if th
the additional advance, was, howiAer, not made
Held, that A. was not lialile as an
■r for the S'JIS on''inall\
laned : (Irrtnwood v. J'trri/, HI U. ('. ( '. 1'. 4l).'i.
Whore the remitter of a foreign bill has received credit from ti
rawer, and the payee gives the remitter full consideration for t
It the remitter does not pay the drawer, the payee may mainlaiu his
action a''ainst the drawer, although the drawer has never received
'ider.ition : Mimrot v. liordier, S C B. S(i2.
H. W. & C(
iierican m
crehants, wore indehted to 1'. it ('
Paris, and C. it Co., of Koiulon, and being pressed for payment by 1'. iV,
• 'o., remitted funds to C. & Co., which paid ami overjiaid them, with a
■re entitled to lecover as holders for vah
tl»' Mil ; or
if siiin;,' for II. W. it Co., C. & Co. \vere only eoi resjxiiideiits of \i. W
& Co., 1o remit tlie Kill, and were not tlieir a;;ents to
for th
price of the
hill : /'.
K. cV I!
( orn nieiehants in ( 'alih
ill I'iii'dand. for
ornia ayreei
\\ hieh he was t<
I to .sell earj
..f \vl
je till ir credit
leat to a inillei
give lii.s acceptance again
ed hy the
corn me
lehant.s. and tiansferred to aCalifornian liaiik f
or value, anil were
with the hill.s of lading annexed. ac(!(i 'ed hv the miller. One indorsed
part of the hill of lading was inadvei laiitly senL hy the corn dialers to the
iller, and was traiisteried hy liini to an Kuglisli hank for \ali
bills of exchange were not uiit hy the milliiv;- - Held, that the Kngli.-^h
net. iiiide
le circnm.>tee for the plecl^or. ami must aecoiint to liiin f<
the dilleiinci hitwiui the aiiMiinf he has a it. having re'.'ar.l to the nature of the security pk
if tl
le hohli'l'
iUi.l the diiti
wi.so lie ma\, tlir.iugh ir
if hills
or imt.'s as .leliii
bv the Act. .)ther
;t'iici', rel.'ase the [larties to the hill,
beeotne lesponsihle to the plc.lg.ir for any loss sii.'-taiiic.l by his n
illil. ill the ah
bilks receiveil
.\ hanker s lien i-- an iinplieil ple.liie of his cnstomer'.s securities :
e of .111 agrceiiK'nt t.i the c.nitrarv, he has a li. ii on all
r.>m his .iistoiiier in the
aii\' liaian.'e
oidinaiy e.iuise o
IV be .lue from sinh cust.iliur.
f hank ill.' 1
iiDlii /lien .
wliei bill is negotiated fiom one per.-on to another, it is deemed to lia\f
been wholly transferred to iiini,aii.l not to have been pie. Ig.d or dep.isite.l
as collateral security : Chulnii r
.^ce further, note f).
p. 'Zo.
The .lefeiiilnnts made a note for >f'2()() to one .M., to assist M., in retiring
pajier in
which till' di f. nilants w ere interested. .M. discouiitt d his own
note for J^L'tlO with tin' bank, deims.ting with them the defin.lants' not.
dlateial. \V
ite fell .lue. the defeii. hints' n.
d iSi^r
:ave a rem w al
r J:?! ,.). ieaviiii' deten.laiit
;iote with the bank ;- Held, th.it as the note was transferred to the 1
as seeliritv
tv f.
•Y the oi
ijjilial debt.
it for M.'s note spieially, tl
defeii.lants r.iuained liable : Canni/idn Inuik of Connnore ". ]\ uodward,
8 Ajip. U. ;{47.
5, p. -.).
WluTo (nTtiiiii scc'-itii's hid Ixrii assi'.'iuil .is cnlliitoi'al tor tlic ])a\ rnciit SeC- 27-
((I a ]iroiniss(ii'y iioi it' Sl.OOO, wliicli luitr liail hccii |iiii'lly (laiil, and ii — . '
IK'W note i,MV '11, the lioMir 1, .")()') note. 'i'iie bank reeeived .■>) ,•_•()(! from T. on ai'eount of
the -SI. 000 note, and the plaiutill', who was oni' of the iiidorsers on that
note, paid tlie lialanee. In an a<'tion on this renewal note by the plaintill
against W. it M.:— Hild, that iu! was eiitith'd to reeoviM' ; for, 1. He was
till- holder of the note' : '_'. Tiii; note bein.; deposited with the bank as
collateral security for the .'r'i.dOO note, and not merely for the -SI ,()'•()
ad\ anced on it, tiie b iidi held it for the full amount ; ;{. If the note eould
lint be said, when taken, to bo a security for value liecaiise the .Sl,(t()(t note
li.id not then matured, it became so wlieii the 1 itter note fidl due, and
\ahie arising' at ar.v time duriiii; the curreiiey of a, note is suliii/ient :
i','nh V. ]r,ii.. & W (US.
And the bank may lu'gotiati' them to such an extent as the necessary
d( mands of their customer may require, w ithout his express anliiority :
riimniiMiH v. y luiiicipd and surety fonidelinite sum ]>ay
alile on a fixed day, is presiinied to be given in consideiMtion of an ad
\aiice at the date' of the note, and if the payee asserts as u'^aiiist the
^lll•ety that the note was to seruri; the b il iiice of an account due by the
|iliiieip:d to the pavee. the lillldcli ol pmuf Hes on the pa\ ee : /,'. /Ini/.-:.
b. i;. 1(1 Kci. -U)7. '
Tile holder of pioinissoiy notes, tr.iiisferreii iiy 1 he payee as c'ollateri'l
security aiiainst ■' fiituie lialiilitN' on the liolders |iart for the pasce. can
collect the note- .ic m itiirity before that liability arises ; ami tiie p lyee has
no control over them so as to enlarge or vary the maker's lialiiltv : /i'dts
\. Ti/"iiiif'*l'iti'*i» pjii'ty is liahh^ on tlie hill to a
value. holder for value ; and it is inunaterial whether, when sueli
liolder toi)k the hill, he knew such pai'Ly to he an aceoiii-
modation [)arty or not. -
' 'I'lir ()l)joct of ail iiccoiiiiiKulatioii liill is to ciialilc tlif jiaitics tliiTito,
liy a sal(: or other iu'i,'otiatioii thereof, to ohtaiii a flee eredit ami eireiilatiou
of .sueh liill. 'j'lie jiartie-s to eveiy aeeomiiiod itioii hill hold theiiiselve.->
out to the jiiililie, hy their .siLJiiatures, to he ah.soliitely hound to every per-
.sou who shall take the same f(U' value, to the same extent as if that value
were iieisonally advaneed to themselves, oi' on their own aceount, and at
thuir own request : Story mi I'tills, s. liH. In conunon language, a hill
aceepted or indorsi.'d without any eousideration to the party making him-
.self liahle on the i)il], is ealled an accommodation hill ; l>ut, in strictness,
an accommodation hill is not merely a hill accejited or indorsed without
value ruc(,'ived liy *^he acceptor or indorser. hut a hill accepted or indorsed
without value liy the acceptor or indoi'ser, to arrouimoi/nte the drawer,
(ji- some ney upon it, or othirw ise make use of it. Tiiis distinction is of im])oi't-
ance ; for a party acci'|itintj; a hill merely without consideration (as if,
for example, he does not know the state of accounts hetween himself
and thedrawei), and is afterwards sued on that hill, he cannot chargi' the
drawer w itii the costs of defi'uding tiie action ; whereas the acceiitoi' of
an accoinoda, ion hill, ])ro|ii'rly so called, who is eom]iellid hy an action
to pay it, ha; a claim uiion the ilrawcr fo/ all the expiuises of the
action: /li//is on /lil/.t, ',V2ii. Wy an accommodation hill or note the
accei)tor of the hill, or maker of the note, hecomes the ))riniipal dehtor
according to the form of the instrument : hut whether a paity is in that
capacity, or is an accommodatior. indorser, he is a surety for the person
who ohtains value for the hill or note ; and it is the iluty of such person
to pay the hill or note at maturity. Where there is an account hetween
the parties, and hills are ai'ei'pti'(■ iicj^dtiatcd w lii'ii over- SeC- 28.
iliR', till' liiilder ciiiinot rccoxiT, for tlic liill is in tt'iiiis a cinlit for a
liiiiitt'il tiiiic, ami to lu'i/otiatc it aftiT tiiat time is a lircarli of f.iit
41 N. V. --'T'.K Wiuiv ai
I :
1 acroiiiniodatioii liiii is takni l>v
a jK.'i-sdii aftiT it lias lucii ilislionorod. inasmiudi a.s tlic diawci- rainiot
fcovof. luitliiT can the lioldcr from surh iirawtT do so : /o Oi
ii iiriici/ v
lO»., J.. K. (i K(i. .-{44
An ac'oomimidation hill is not issued until it is in the hands of sonic |n'r
son who is entitled to treat it as a se/nrity availahle in law: />iiir„, s y.
/I'lilKtrdiitii, T) 1>. it A. (174.
An aeconiniodation acceptor of a hill of exchanye. is a siiretx . as to the
driiwer, hut a jirineipal as tf) the holdei, iilthonnh the holder knew him
to he an aeconiniodation acceptor: Hank nf '/'(i/'nufi, y, II mil' r, A lli>sw.
(\. Y ) (i4(;.
Aeconiniodation iiidorserx. after thr note on \\ liich thev were Hi
matured, may ohtain a relief in e(|uiry agnnst the holder and maker t(
enforce payment hy the latter; and the niakiM' will he or7").
Till' maker of a note hciiig' indchteil to tlie ]iayee, procured A. ti
indorse it as surety to the jiayee, w ho had previously ind
d ,lfte
erwarils " without recourse
le note was siil
orseij It III
>y the i;
hehalf of tlio payee; — Held, that the plaintitl was entitled to n
aiiist A : Smilli v. I!irhaiil'< rliorniif/h. S < irant ."^liti.
1>. imlor.'
)U'iiinissorv iiotr for tin
ai'i'omiiioilatiiui o
if \\'.. w ho d
imtc. did hclore matiintv. W. tol;i I >. tint h
u''it the nio
licv fioili M. with whom he h nl had dial
as 1 1, kiiiw , lint
. hid no notice of any wrong doing in eonnectioii witii the UMiify ;
rid, that the mortgage ceased to lie an iniMinihr;niee on tic l.ind w hen I Ic
ite was retired ; and that M. could not hillow his nciiicy into thr note
•Id hv I)., iinr the security held hy him : ■/.(.■/,>. ./.r./-. 'id Out. 1!. I:
lilt aiiv sill
di acioiiunodatioii
I pa.itv Inin- nii'i-cK- a --iiri'tv. miv
ii'leased hy the holder giving time to the piiinipal delitnr on sm li hill or
note. The surety has the right as soon as his ohli'_'atioii to pay li.is hccome
disohitp to he exonerated liy his ]irincipal. And where the jirimipid
delitor has a s.'ood defence at law or in eipiity airainst tin' eicditor. the
surety has also a light to set up a similar defenci' : 111 c/ii n-'ii.^
\i. ', V. V. TtX Much
I contusion often arises tioin a coninion practice
TlIK lUi.I.S OF KX.(niAX(iE ACT.
Sec 28. ill tin's conntry of taking' notes to a biuik for (li.scouiit ; not, as in tlic
' proiici- cruirso cpf husiiii'ss, from tlit; party whose name a[ij)ears last thereon
as iiiiloiscr, anil w lio is legally hidil to he the hoMer uniler ]irior ])ai'tie.s,
hut taking them t'loin tin' njaker, who hi'ings them to the bank with one
oi' two names on thi- hac-k as inclorsers, and tries to have them iliscounted.
'I'he e\|iei'ieni't; of years has proved too clearly that persons w ill always
he ready to Ixiriow miimy upon any terms, and afterwards to refuse pay-
ment on any ground, w itii or without merits, that ingenuity may suggest :
/•'•/• llagarty, J., in lUiiih i>j' Monlnal v. /,'>,/„,, Ids, 'i,") I'. ('. (,). I!. ;{(il.
As to the I'lghrs and I'ipiities of aeeommodation parties. /;^/' ;• .vc, a.s eo-
KUl'eties, see note to s. ."ill |,'{) /'o.v/.
Alllioiigh the holder of a lull h.id noti'C wlii'U he ti^nk it. tiiat the
aeet'|)t()r iuid only acee))tiil it for arc(inini(iii v. Cluhby, 1 M. & \V. '21-.
.\ note was gi\-en hy .v. fur l';{0 foi' the aeeonnninlation of tlie )iayee,
hut the hiilder advaneed only C'JO Ids,, to seenre w hieh it was tran>ferred
to him. Tin liolder claimed that the sum aaid, he w.is to Indd the note for tlie whole
.sum securi'd liy it ; Held, as .\. was only an aeeomiuodatiou maker he
could not he cliaiired witli more than tile iiolder iiail advaneed on tlie note;
Stndluix. X'irliolls, I U. C. g. I!. W'l. See also drciiiiruoif \. I'n'ri/, l!l
l^, (', (', 1'. io;{.
Where the iioliU'i' of a liill or note sues tlie drawers, aeeejitors, and
indorseis, in one action, lu- may discharge the drawt-rs, or indorsers, or
aeeommodation :iei'eptiirs, after, as well as hefnre. ju'lgmeiit, without losing
his remedies airainst the other jiarties liable in |)riority to those discharged •.
Holroiilh V. Ilmnilhiii,'! K, & A. •-'111*. See also I ln'iil'tlhin v. I loh;,iiil>, VI
\J. ('. C, P. :{S: 11 U. C. C. !'. !).•{.
'i'he payee of a mdt' indnr'ied for the accomnicidation of the maker,
having oht^iiiied judgment against the maker and indorser. may release
the makei', reserving all his rights against the indorsers, may inforce such
judgnu'iit ai.'ainst the aeeonunodation indi>rsi>rs : /)' // v. Mdiiiiiinf, II
(ii-ant !4--'.
holilei' ol an acco
mniodation hill foi' value, aftei' heeoming aware of
its lieuii; an acconimodatioii
mav releasi' the drawer without releasii
the accommodation aeeeptor : ''(/// of (lln.yiinir Ihtiih v. M iirdink, 1 1 U
('. ('
.\ seeuritv given tf) an accommodation indorser, iloes not enure to th
benelit of the Se
eouil 111(11
U'ser : Sni'ilhw /'';/(''>■/', a (! rant til "J.
ite was given bv S, to M. i^ ('
iiid R. as accommodation iudorsei
to M. >'(; Co. The note w ls so treated to eualile S, to obta
goods oil eriMii
.\1. & Co. At the trial .M. & Co, indorsed tin; not
s, name, aildin
without recoiir.-
-Hehl, that M. k. Co.
eouhl recover : Miijlhl/ v. /iV(.s, If) U. C. Q. 15. 5'27. Sue also <
i till it V. lUf
I r -If III,
ISU, C. Q. IV '2U.
Tin; I'.iLi.s OF r:x.
i'lie liolder.s of aeeoinnnidation |)aiiei- 111 ly laiiU upon tlie estate of and
■li:ii\i,'e the ind ... . . .
or.seis, even kiiuwini; the s.inie to he aeeniMim
|iei', and niav afterwar^ls leeover from the maker ; /,
('. .1. KiC.
D'inil, 1;?
'iO. A lioldcr ill diH' CDUr.sr ' is ji liolilrr wlio lias taken nnM 'iiii'i
illcwiuL;' coiiilitidHs, iiaincly : —
(i() That lie became tlie lioldiT of it hi'fore it
was (U'er-
line aiK
1 without iiotife tliat it luid lieen ]n'e\ioiisl\ dis-
li'iiioied, it siR-Ji was tlie fact. ; •"{
ih) That lie took the hill ill o-ood faith and for value, ^
and that at the time the hill w.is iie^(diated to him ln' had
notice of any defeet in the title of tlie jhtsou wl
iioLi'otiated it : ■>
li, In jiaiiicular, the title of a
Tson who neL;otiati's a
Till.' ..'.•IV,-
U\f ill cii.-ls
is defective within the meaning' of this .\ct when ho of '1 1 ali!'t!
iiieil the hill, or the acceptance thereof, liy fraud,
duress, or force and fear, or other unlawful means, or for
an illegal consideration, or when he neiiotiaies it in hreach
of faith, or under such circuni>tances as uinouut to a
(hiii',-s, or
etlii-r uiiljLW-
fui mi'iiiis.
:rauil :"
.V holder, w liether For \-
iliie or not, who deri\'
es his Tii!,.,,f linM-
tille to a ill
11 tl
iioiil;'!! a holder in due course, and who is i„,i,i..i-;iniue
iM I himself a ]iart_v to any fr;!nd or illegality ali'ectini;- it,
li:is all the rio'hts of that holder in due course as red-anls
tlie acceptor ami all par tie-: to the hill prior to that holder. ~
' l!ythe iiitir|)r(tation el.iiise .s. •_>_
|iiyee or indor.see of a liill or note \\ 1
ot it ; " and liy tliu same section " lie.irer "' is ilelined to mean '' the jiersoii
Ml jKissession of ;i l)ill or note wliieh is ji.iyaMe to liearei'." 'i'hoiiL.'li tlie
.\et generally h.is adopted the term " holler in due I'oiiise," the old expres-
sion " hol.ler for value, " ap[iear«i in ss. 'JT, '2S ami o.S.
a " holder ' is detined to mean " the
■-ion of it. or tin.' lieaier
10 IS in llos/oi\ would then give
the warning : " let the pureiiaser who ought not to he ignorant of tiie
••imoiint and nature of the interest which he is ahout to liuj', exercise
proper I'autiou : " Ih-i om'x Lnjul .Vn.i
The law-merchant in
regard to the i,i-g(
necessary, priii,.'i.
if commci
ce, an(
(f hills audi notes has made the despotic, hut
law, bend to the exigencies
"'{'lie general rule of law is
o connnon
of th
)f merchants.
iindouhteil that no one can liMiisfer to anotiicr a better title than he hii
self possesses : i,' /
tion". oiu! of which .■nis(
(/ i/iioil : <>ii lidliif. To this tl
II re are some excep-
(! instruini nts.
nt o,
lult -I of the law merchant as to nego-
se hemg \)xn
country, are subject to tlie same ruics as money ; and if such an instru
e currency ot
ment is transfeicd in good faitl
d for value, before it is ovei'due, it
available in tiie innds o
>f tl
le holiler, Ui
itwithsta)uliiig fraud whicii
ihl 1
lave reniiereit I
t inavailabh; in the hands of a ))re\
nil Is//, r V. /•'.
14 C. 15. N. S, 2.1
Hut tlie negotiator for th
chase or ])ledge of bills of CAchange or iironiissory notes has, notwith-
standing the above enactnicut, and the idd and well reeogiii/ed rule of
law in harmony with it, to make such pui'chase, or take such i.ledge, sub-
ject to the risk of foigery, and of his own carefulness or negligence iu
guarding against the defects in title defined by s. 21) ; or il hi acipiires the
bill or note without the indorsement of the transferor, then only with the
warranty di lined in s. .")S <.'
,Sce notes to ss. 20, 22, 24, 24, 54, and 5.").
Notice of the previous dishonor may be, eithci' th
the notarial jirotest, or such other evidence as the bill, <.r marks (ui it
may present, or as i
;ic(|uisitioii of the ii
nav be inferred from the (•ircuinstanccs(jf the holder':
(looil faitii " is delined by s. SO to mean where a thing is in
done honcstlv. whethei' it is done ncLdiuently oi' not
s. J to mean
1 i.y
'.I, IS
urtlier .am
re fully ilelincd. A total, or jiartial, failuii'ofci
•ratif)!! is a good
against a party
o is not a iioldcr for value, unless he derives his title from u hohler
ce Jigunst the
immediate parties
)f tl
le 111
in due course. See notes to s. 27. and note 7. p. 1-
This sci'tion does not sneak ot
notice o
f the
defect of title," altlr
'h such notice wotiltl he conclusive. Constructive
notice which is knowledge imputed to the parties from the facts proved,
fore, 1k" suH'icient ; tlic prosiiinjition tliat tlio kn'p\\lt'(li;t< must SeC- 29-
haveboen coniiminii'atfd is luld to lie Ino .stlMiUj,' to lie lililittid : //«
V. I.niisfi\inr< , !• Hiirr 44!*. And wlicrc a party lias tiio iiii'aiis of know iiii.
1 fact, lie is lioiuid to sliow tliat lie exorcised nasoiialile diliu'eiice to ascei
tain it : llittllii
;/. I Moo. P. {'.('. "). lUit vai'iu- and iiidetiiiite
rmiioi' ut each case ninsl
di-|iend upon its own uircunistances. At one time tlie doctiine prevailed
that if the holder took the hill under siisjiiiions circumstances, or witjiout
due caution or in(|uiry. although lie ;4ave \alue for it, yet he was not dei'incd
dcr fc
or valne u 1
tiiout notice : ; niii
llUh, 10 A. it K. 7S4.
fill tiicr. note 1 to s. .S'J.
W'iiere a ]ierson, at a heavy discount, negotiated a liil
drawn hv
fraud of his ti
pirtiier 111
liie frauiliileiit drawer with know
it a name w
from aiiotiier who had t d notice of any circumstance of
.suspicion, took
not relying on
drawer who (
not \n tl
ordinal v course ot liusincss. am
security ; liiit ri'C[uired cvi I... ( '. .1. Sf).
.A note given in consideration of the payei's foi hearing to prosecute a
< inri^e against the maker of olit ■.inilig iiioikv h\' false pretences, is illegal :
(■/,(/,/, V. //(((^o/,, IS ('. 15. .\. S. 414.
Tin: liii.is (>!•' KxciiANcir, act.
Sec. 29. An
il'i'Clllrllt lUit fil lir(
ill :i iiro.sL'ciitiiiii i'cir ]iLTiiiittiiig iii
iw fill
LMliinliiiL; III .■! tiiAi TM, i'^ an ilUija
1 I'Diisidfiatidii fur a nntf : />)rii/li/ v.
rih. !i V. ('. (>. i;
Ill (inlcr to rriii'icr illri/il tlic rei'tdnt nf .'^fciiritii s liy a ci'L'ilitnr fimi
liis ilclit"
r, wiicii' tl
.t 1
ic i|(l)t lias her
II loiitliicti'il liiiilci(;iicilir..staiii.T.s w liicli
iiii;,'lit rciiilir tlic ilclitdi' lial)lu to oiiiiiiiial iiriii'i'iMiiii;_'s. it is no (Iffciici'
tliiit tlu^ lull was iiuloiHuil liy the ilrawcr to tin- iilaintill'. in nrdcr to stjlli'
■A )iii>>('culinii lor t't'lony, i( tlirru is an actual dulit due : Flmri r v. Suilltr,
!M,>. i;. i>. s:{: 10 <,). \\. I). .-.;•_•.
.V tatlicr, wliosf son had ohtaili 'il disidimts t'ldiii a hank on |ia]H'i-
on wliirh (III' latl
hcfll loigrd, was a|)|iu;
d.d to 1)V tl
hank to tike upon hiiiisrlf tin; liahility in ris|nTt of his son's forycri
UK I w
ho did .so, hilt with the know lcdi_ft' that unless he
\ note Ljiveii
ii\' one of sevt'i'a
//an-isiiii, •,]•; IJail). (\. V.) -JIO.
tenderers tor a < ioveriiment contract.
itlicr ti'iideier, to iiiduc'e him to withdraw his tender, is void : Kiii-
iii'ih/ v. Miirilirh, .") liar. (Ocl.) 4.")S.
A note given to a niai.;istrate for tines and fees imposed iqniii tii''
maker on a eriniiiial charge, is void : KIii'ImIiiuii v. F.Ui'<,\ Ciisii. (Mass.)
Notes uivcii to a municipal otiii'cr for licenses, are void; Xiir^omw
Thhili. '
!0 .Mi.-s. 414.
A note given ti)anil to pay iier ^oUO for inT fiittirc .--njjiicirt, for wiiieli aniount lie
t;a\X' Ills promissory note ;- Held, tiiat tlic nutc « as not againsl ['Ulilic
liolicy, and was not void : />a// v. Ciithr, 'I'l Conn. (i_'5.
if pait of tlu^
sideration onlv i.s illi'L'al, tlie iiill in voiil for IIk' w liole
V. Illaiiil, '1 i'.nrr. lOS'J.
" liy s. H7, wlicn a hill is n(■^()tiat('d liaclc to tlir drawer, oi' tn a piicr
iiidoiiser, oi' to tlie aei'e])ti)r, .sutdi [larty may re-issne and furtiier negotiate
it : and l)y tliis elansc a liolder ^Jii'tlier for valui' or not, who dorivcs Ids
title tlifoiiLcii a holder in due eoiil'f
entitled tn the ti^iits nf such
holder in due eoiirse, ]irovided he lias not iiceii a ]iarly to any fraud or
ill(L,'ality alleeting it. 'I'he el.inse only atl't'ets '• a yi///// to any f';iuil cir
illegality," and not a party who has itulin of such fraud or illegality.
'I'iii' doetiine of eonstrueti\e nntiee as to defei ts in title is not to lie ex-
t( iided. i'he (inestion is whether a pill
h.iser had the means ol o
nIiow le(lge of the del't^et, and migjit Ity )>iudent eantion have olitaiiie
whether the not ohtainiiii,' it, was an aet of yress and eii
1 it;
V. L,n-il. I:
/, 4 l>e(;. M. & (;. 1(1(1; or that hi
-iniiedly alistaiiied fi-oin niakim.' iiuitiii
,l()l(r.< \ . S/iiil/l. 1 II;
'I'he e(|uit ilile doetrilie appliral'le to tit les tip real t st;it('. is also applieahle
til titles to liills ami notes. 'I'luLs where A. who had iiotiec of an ineiim
ranee on an estate imrehased it, an.i then s. liei
for Willie without notiee, aflei'w anh-
il it to C
w lio
had uotiee of siieh iiieiiinlieran''e, it was held that
( '. 'jot a '' 1 title from !>., and th;it he held tin' est ite free of tin' in
eiiinlieranee ; for if tin' rules were iithi I'uise, the sale of estates wouli
1 li
•J Atl
ly niiiell eloirited : //
((rn-^mi V
J-'nrth, I'ree. Ch. (11 : /."ir/h, ,■ \\ ('(in'faii.
loeent ]>ait_y, who is a holder for \aliie. may transfer a i;ood title
ill ;i liill ton person wlm was no [larty to the oii'jinal fiainl, thoiiuh he
lia\e hail knowledge of it ; J/((,'/ v. t hn/niKlii, l(i M. it W . .'.'i.').
An indorsee: without value is entitled t
intermediate party is a holder for value :
11 reeovef oil a Kill ol note if any
U'ooil v. y.Vvv, s I'. {• C. I'. •_'<)!».
A note given for the priee of lottery tiekets is not under 12 (Jeo. II e.
■JS, ilmi). ), Void in the hands (if n Imii't liih holder for \aliie : h'i;iii-^ v.
M'.rlnj, ■_>! U. C. (,>. iJ. i';47.
The holder of a draft payalile to order, wliieh In- has olit;iin( d ln'ii'i jiih ,
;uiil for value, lint without indorsement, has no hetti r title llmnthe prior
lioliler, even though he afterw.iids gets sin li ]iiior liol'h I' to iiidoise it ;
ami he is atleeteil liy fraud, of w hieli he has notice iK'fore he olitaiiis the
f'Uiiial indorsement": Wlii-slhr v. Forster, 14 C. J5. N. .S. '-MS ; 8 L. T. X. S.
^N'here a trader in the eourse of his hiisiness received a eheipie, which
liid been stolen from tlie payee, and gave the ilitl'erenee to a stranger, who
SeC- 29- IH'csontcil it in payment of an article |)nieliase(l ; lleli], in tliealwcnce of
' . Iran.! an. iiuliirscil a proniiss(ny note iiiade liy ('. f"i' tlic ]>nrpos(,! of retirinL'
aiiotlier similar note wliieli he hail previously indorsed I'orC's ac(!om
nindation, and gave it to I'. Insti'.id of retii'iiig this note, however, ('.
handed it to the plaintill' in payment of a debt, who took it in good faith,
hut made no iiupiirs respecting ( '. 's tith; to the note, or his authority so
to deal with it ; -Ifeld, that the plaintitF was entitU^l to recover against
|{ : Cross v. ('iirrii , V.i U. C. (,), I'.. 51)!) ; 5 App. 1!. .'{1.
W'hei'e it was alleged that a prioi- note had lieen obtained Ity frami from
the maker, and sulisiapiently another note was given as a suhstitute foi-
such prior note, ovidi'iice of the alleged fraud is inadmissihlu in the action
on the substituted note : Doiiiiull v. /'(w/, 5 U. ('. ^i- i-5. 554.
A note ]iayal)l(! to L. or bearer was made by and dej)osited with one 1).
as collatei'al security for note made by L. payable to I)., vA'hich I), had
discounted in a bank. Afterwards It.'.s note when overdue was al,--o
transferred to the bank, as collateral ^5C^•urity for D.'s note; — field, that
even if the liank had no higher titli^ than I)., 1>. had a vested right in
the note at maturity, which he could transfer to the bank: (Jaiiuiduii JJitn/:
i>l' foiHiw in- V. /.'o«, ■_'•_' U. C. C. I'. 4!)7.
I'rcsu T.ptinn
of valiio auU
good fiiith.
UO. Kvery party wliose .signatuiv appcar.s on a bill is
l>run<( fd.ch' (It'einod to have hecoiiii' a painty thereto for
value : i
Wtipru anus
lirtibandi is
Act mil
of UHury.
What a bill
or note for
]iiust con-
2. And every holder of a bill is prima facie deemed to
l)e a holder in due course ; but if, in an action on a l»ill, it
is admitted or proved that the acceptanee, issue or sub-
.setpient negcjtiation of the bill is affected with fraud, duress,
or force and fear, or illegality, the burden of proof that he
is such holder in due course shall be on him, unless and
until he proves that, .subseijueiit to the alleged fraud or
illegality, value has in good faith been given for the bill
bv some other holder in due course ;-
3. No bill, although given for a usurious considei'ation
or upon a usurious contract, is void in the hands of a
holder, unless such holder had at the time of its transfer
to him actual knowledge that it was oriyinallv given for a
usurious consideration, or upon a usurious contract:-^
4. Ever}' bill or note the considei'ation of which consists,
in whole or in part, of the purcha.se money of a patent
right, or of a partial interest, limited geographically or
'iiiK r.iLi.s or KxcHAXdi: act.
itlirrwisc, ill !i piiti'iit riL^^ht, shall luivf wrilti'ii oi- printrd Sec. TO._
iroiuinciitiv iiml ic^'iiiiv ficross
til.' fi
u'l' t licri'ol
I iridic
jiiirii .s.
same is issued, the worils "eiveii for u patent ri
thereon, shall take the same subject to any defence or set-
otl'iii respect of the whole or any \)iivt thereof which would
have existed between the t)ri^inal i)arties :
(). Evei'V one who issues, sells (Ji- transfers, bv iiidoi'se- MiMicim'iin
iiient oi' delivery, any sucli instrument not ha\in;,f the «
words "i,Mven for a i)atent rii,d»t " printed or written in
manner aforesaid acioss the face thereof, kiiowini;' tlie
consiileration of such instrument to have consisted, in
whole or in part, of the purchase monc.'V of a patent i"i,<,dit,
or of a partial interest, limiteil ^■eo^'raphically or otherwise,
ill a ])atent lieht, is i^'iiilty of a misdemeanor, and liable to
or if pri'sirib-
il wonis not
NMit I'M Oil
siii'Il liiU or
iprisonment for any term not excei'diiig one year, or to
su('h tine, not exceeding two hundred dollars, as the court
tliiidvs tit. -^
'I'his clausu
bo read in coiiiicoliou witli tlii'
il ."it;
lattor sc'ctidii seems to modify tho rule that only tlmsu u lio sign tlie hill
ill one of the eharaetcrs mentioned in s. 'i.'i, are liable on siuh hill.
Hitherto the judieial I 111' ilcfi'iiiLiiil iir (iiilcr ; ami Ik- thcri'iiiioii iiiiimx'tl it. to tlic
ii'iliM' til I lialilo liilii til siU' till' lil.'ikcr, ami nlT .iir illiitciHtilllil-
|ilaiiitill. Ill III
iii<{ that llir |>
iiilill' siiiiiild liavc mi reel 111 I'st' anaiii.-^t liiiii a> iiiiUirwci
c'lil, a liuoil (li'ii'iuM
liliilii V. O/l/ilitni/, !l I'. ('. (,». Ii. I7;t.
W'Im'Ic ill an aitimi mi ii imlf |i,iyalilt' to A., it was |iiii\ril tliiit !'■
iii:;;lil it t(iA., \\ lid imluisi il it imckIn inr acn m
imioiM (I It, ami I In ii liimi;^
imiiiatiKii, w illiiiiit I t'l <'i\ ill'
ly Miliii- t'lir it:- III III, lii.'it want ul t'nii
!. i;. w
'I'll!' difi'iniant .'i;.'! red to ln'conu' surety for wli.itever itoods I', should
wler of till' 111 liiitilf. T. sent tin; i'0( ids ordered .and other i;oiiils, with
out diselii-iiiL; these f;iets to the derend.int, lint in |ieifei't
'{'he plaintiir then iiresented a liill ot ex
I'liani'e on
I*, f
or sii^natiire
elnlalll. w ho sli^'iied the s.inie, sil]i|iii>lli;.' it was
fur t
le i.'iioi|s oil
<1 f.'iith.
lis the
1'. ki'jit all th
ds ; Held, that the defendant w s lialile mdv to the
extent of the i,'ooils oiderud, and th.it the eoiisideiat ion for the liill taih
a.s to the excess : /liirlnf v. Mniinn, 7 Aini. I-!. II f.
- 'I'he eU'cct of this clause is that the /iriind Jacii e\ idence of valm-
which the iiiddintiiin of the hill or note estahli.slie.s, may he displaced hy
pi'oiit ihal the acce|itance, issue or sul)sei|ueiit negotiation of tlie hill or
note is alleeted or tainted with the defects of title descrihed ; and the onus
is tluMi on the party claiiniii!,' to lie a holder in due course, to prove that,
lisei|neiit to the defect in titk', value was jiiveii in j;ood faith hy .some
r iiute. The latter part of the cl.uise dillers from
other ho
Ider of till! h
the l'',ni;lisli Act in ri'g:ird to the jiai'ty i^ivini,' the "value in good faith ;
the h'/ii^lish Act re.'uling : "the Inn den of inoof is shifted unles.s and until
the holder jiruves that sulise(|ueiit to the alleged fraud or illegality, value
lias in good faith liceii given for tlie hill:" thus allowing the proof that
value has lieen given hy the then, or some prior, holder of the hill. This
Act limits the proof of such value to have lieeii given "liy some
er in due course,
l>ut the :.itfereiice in application may he found to
be iiiore in words than in sulistance ; and on this see s. -!). >See also as
to jiriiiia Jdciv evidence, notes 1, p. 77, and 7 and 8, pp. 84-85.
Tilt-; lui.i.s oi' i;nt ilutiaiiil:
■"''Ikiiii v. /l,isl,i,;'2:i\i. }{. l>. :{i.">.
NVlicmilirin wliirli lia>l l»un in tlif iialut ol draw in- liill> on tin ii l'.iii;li,-niL'iuin^
till' liott; : Ci^iJn-hdin \. 1 1 iilrlii>u)i , ."> L'.'f. C. I'. 'J U .
Win rt' one C. \vii.M imliiceil to aeci pt a hill liy the fraiiil anil niisn'|irt'-
scutalioii of the iniloi~ei's |i|'iiii' to the Imhler, ami without any eoiisiileia-
lion, ami that l>,the la..-l olMnli iihIoimi's. iinloix il lu the I'laintills
without any eoiisiileiation or valiK' ;;i\'en li\ th<'io to him
I ell I, a ''oiM
/.•'«/,/■ nf M
mil /■' (I
I \. (
(I iiK niii.
IT r. c. <•. 1!. liiii;
The ilelenilant wa-; aiiesteil on the ehar;.'e of (.nilnv/linj,' lines lielonMinif
lo a to« nsliip, w liich he hail l eeeived a.> a Jllstiee ol' the I'e lee, and w hlle
under arn'sl, lie eoinpiomiM'd liv umiii; seeiinty to iiloeiue Ills iilease,
d till' jilaintitl !,' iM' a note to the towi shi|i tor the amount el, i lined, and
tidiii till. lU'leiidant a note tor tin
llir. li:'!.>lsi d lis his \\ lie.
he [ilaiiiiilt now sought to reeover on the deh nd.int's note; Held, that
'e eoiisideratioll tllerelor, lu'iuy the slilling ol .1 proseelit ion lor lilony
< illegal, leliiUired the note \oid, .ind t li.it tlie pl.-iintiir w as in 110 iietter
,)siti()ii than tlie township would have I" en hid the\ taken the note;
/;.// V. iiid'iiiL •_' Out. 1:
This clause is not in the Miiglish .\ct. l'"orfeitiire of a security for iiMiry
i p.irtly aliolislied in old Canail.i (imw Ontario and (,>nelii d, in l.So.'}
ill) \'ie. c. SO) ; and coilti.icts wen
•i.ired li
\(>id olllv III I he l\ti lit
of inteii'st ahove six per cent. I!iit that Act excepted from its general
leliif liaiiUs, Insurance and 1 oaii ('oinpanics, leaving them (e\c(.])t as to
links which were limited to scm'ii per cent.) si
llij.l't to the 1
I olilliltlollS
ami penalties of the liMiry l.iws, I'.aliUs w ei e aftel'W al ds leliixid of tllO
licnalty of forfeitiin.' (K. ,•< ( '. c. I'iU, .ss. Ill ami li"J. and ."10 Vic. c. ;{1 ss.
M) ami, Si). The present statuloiy provisions again.^t ii>iiiyiii (liit.irio
d O,;..':-
arc set out 111
.•<. ('
s. 1(1, al
d 1
.S. 10
nulls lo.'ili
iii|iaiiies to six per cent. "• lor loan of ,niy mom ys, w.iies, mcrihandi/e,
or otiier uomniodities ; and insurance coiii]iaiiies to eight ]ier cent
■ on
.my contract or agreement." .S 1 1 is as it
.Ml hi.nils, hills, ni(
iiiissorv notes, coiitiacts and assiiran
oe\('l'. mailc or cxecu
)f tlr
violation ol the provisions ot the section next precciliiig. whciriipon or
■A liereliy a
'leati'i- interest is reserved and taken than ,iiitliori/'i d liv this
■r any other act or law , shall
void ; and every eorpniation, ei nipany,
and association of persons, not being a bank, authorized to lend or hoirow
money as aforesaid, which directly or indirectly, takes, accepts, and
reieive.s a higher rate of interest, shall iiieu'' :' nenalty eipial to treble the
value of the moneys, wares, niercliandi/e or other eoiiiinodities lent or
har^jained for. (2) Such penalty may be recovered by action in any court
Tin: Mii.i.s o\' i:x('Ha\<;e act.
Sec. 30. of ciiiiii)ctcnt jurisdiction, and one moiety thereof sliall belong to Her
' .Majesty for the pulilie uses of Canada, and tlie otlier moiety for tlie
per.siii. \\iio .sues for the same." There is anotlier ehiuse as to usury
aii|)li';iil)le to Nova Scotia, (s. l.")) ; Itut there appears to lie no penal-
ties in tlie otiier I'rovinees. The words of this chuise are laryo enou'di
to allect all hills and notes od'endii
i'ainst what are ttM'iiiiicallv
vnow 11 as the
' usury liiAvs
hut douhtless judicial eonstiuetion
" ansiver tile sense of tlie statute," ami eonline their efl'i.'et to tlie cor-
porations specially suljject to the chuises of the usury law cited ahove.
' These clauses as to patent rights are not in the ImiliHsIi Act, hut are
taken fiiiiu !!. S. V. c. I'ili, s. ]'2. W'iien a statute intlicts a penalty for
not iloing an act provided for, the jienalty enacted implies that there is a
legal c(jinpulsion to do the act in (pii'stion: lite uiioii the representations on the part of the payee and
indorser, as to the foiniation of a company for the sale (d' ;i patent right
coiitr\ the payee, the note being given in consideration ol a share to
ucli company : iiul it was doubtful whether any such company existed
It all.
if so. whether A.
was ever placeil in tlu' position
)f i
leconiing a
shareholder ; - Held, that as there was nothing on .V.'s part to be rejiudi-
ited and reseiinled, A. was not pretdiided from si'ttiiig up thedeleiice that
it ha
d b
•d f:
roin linn
by fraud : WwUbll v. J
II. (
The objc't of the legislature in reipiiriiig the words "given for a
it" to be on the fai'c of notes so given, is to Lii^'e the tr.msfi ri'c
notice, and subject him to any defence the maker may have ; ilirrii
/htrkr, 1<) (hit. k. L'04.
Where notes had been
ith tl
e words •■ given lor a pitciit right'
oil them, and subseijuently cancelled, and new notes gi\en w ithout sucli
Wiirds ; — Held, that the substituted notes wi're siibj(ct to the same
defences as the original notes : fliid.
Xci/of nilion of liUh.
Sec. 31.
Ul. A hill is no'n'tiatod wlirii it is traiLsfei-cil from (»iic N-'f."-'''"""
O (if lulls
to anotlit.-r in such a maimer as to coii.stitute tin- ''"'''"','•. „.,,
J llip. A<'t,P..>l
tiaiisferoe tlio lioldcr of tlie liill : 1
2. A bill paval)lt' to Ix.'ai'ei- is neirotiatcd Iiv delivrrv :- I'n.vai.i.'t..
■'). A 1)ill pavaltlc to order is neie to
' • . onlur.
iiieiit of tlie holder comph'ted \\y delivery : •'
4. Where the holder of a hill })ayahle to liis orilcr T^illl^lVl•
traiistei's it tor \'alue without nidorsiiiy it, tite tiansier (iors..in.ni
nives the transferee such title as the transferer had in the
liili,-! and the translei'ee in addition acquires the ri;^dit to
have tlie indorsement of the transferer: •">
.'). Where any person is under ohlii^ation to indorse a
hill in a re]n't\sentative capacity, he may indorse tli<' hill in
siii'li terms as to iu\i,'ative personal lial>ility. '»
' Tlui iK'gotiatioii iif ;i hill (ir note iiieiins tliat wiiicli is (ji|iiiv;ilfiit to a
lUiU'liiiHc (ir .sail' lit" such hill or iK)tu. so as to i.i\ e tlu^ titii' in it to aiiotiiur.
I'luTi' liHU^t he tlie nii'iital assent of the owner, and the n.aiinal ;ii-rs oi
iiulDisenieiit (it |)ayal)l<' to onlei) and ilelivery, either liy tiic owner or iiis
agent. In order to eoiistitnti' a valid indorsement of a hill as against the
indoi'ser, there must he thi' writing of the name of the holder, and a
manual delivery hy him of the hill with the intention, not only to pass the
|iro|)orty in it, hut toguaraiiteu the jiaymeiu, if the ae'eeptoi' makes default ;
and evidence of the facts showing the ah.seiiee of this intention is adniis
sible under a traverse of the iridor.senient : Ihiiloii \. I\lir^, I,. I!, f)
<,l. 1). 475. A negotialile instrinncnt i.s transleiahle to any [lerson hohl-
ing it, so as, hy delivery thereof to give a ^ood title to any per.son honestly
ae(|uiring it. W'lu're an instrument is, hy the eiistom of trade tr.iiisfer-
dile like cash, liy delivery, and is also eapahle of heing sued u[ion liy the
person holding it y»y'o /i-mpun, then it is entilh'd to the name of a negoti-
alile instrument ; and the property in it passes to a Ikiiui jlih tiansfereo
for value, though the transfer may not have taken place in nmrbl uriil.
I'>ut that if either of the ahove reijuisites he wanting. /'. (\, if it he either not
aeeustoniahly transferahle, yet if its nature he sueh as to lendei- it iij(a)ialili;
of heing ])ut in suit hy the party hohling it /'" ^ mpnn , it is not a nego-
tialile instiument, nor will clelivery ])ass the property of it to a vendee
however Ihuki jiilc , if the transferor ha\e not himself a good title to it, ;ind
the transfer he made out of ///a /•/•(/ onrl: 1 Smilh't Liii.
Sec 31. of iiu.iicy only, iiro not iiogotialilc : Ifuih/i ■< v. Win/nii, Mart. (\. ('.) 7(>.
This Alt
\V,lhirl,,i. L
the natiii
n ; jiresiiitment for acceptance is not negotiating : (Irijjhi v.
very indorsement ot a liill operates m
(■ ot a ne\v draw iiii,
H. 141. The .liHeient kinds
if the
ill : /
are deli
1 C. M. .t
ss. ;;i2. ;i4.
;!."). The title of a holder of a Mil w ho negotiates
in ss. -J'.l and .SS.
t //(
IS Ul'Scl'l
Where a note is tiansferri d liv an au( nt without atithoritv, if tli
owner ot the note afterwaids latilies theaet. the tian
to the time it was mai
le liy
h ayent : /'
V. MrKiU.,
ill relate liacdi
It, ') Ind. '2(11.
le w lit ill"; I
niiloix nient : ) oiiini v
hoi/, 'Jll 111. \)-2.
an imlorser on
•, W dur. N. S. (i:}7
the fa
a. I III I IS a u claim against
siich party fcjr the money advanced ; J'J.c /xtr't /{olnrfs, '2 Cdx 171.
list the estate of his trai
Xor can such person [irove a claim
insoh-en(;y : h'.r jimi) Sltidlli ir nih, ,'{ \'fs, .'itiS.
iSut if such note is indorsed, aftei' the transferor's insolvenev. it liecomes
petltionil!',' creditor s delit
•h Till
1 Atk
The transfer hy deli\ery only of a note payahh' to order, hut not
indorsed hy the payee, uives hut an e(|uilal)le title, and the transferee
it sulijeet to all eipiities again.st the [layee : .V' //
iit'iur v.
1(1 Ohio St. '2S;{.
Where the payee of a note die-s without hiving parted with its posses-
si'Pii, it cannot he further negotiated without a new indorsem.-nt liy his
liersonal represent itives. An indorsement written hy the [layee in his
lifetime is not sulliiieiit : L'lart v. SiijunriK j, 17 C'onn. 'u\ ; s. p. A'/'o-
///f»;/'- V. Ll'ii/'l, 1 Ivx. 'A2.
S. transferred a note for value
written agreement to he res[ionsil»le for t
to < i. without ind
orsiii'' 1
t, hut
amount ot it to ( i.
ilegotiateil the note and agreement to M., after which all the ))rior jiarties
to the note hjcanie iiisidvent ;— Held, that M.
not pi-ove aj;aiust ( i. s
estate, hut was entith'd to hive tip' amount made an iti'Ui in the arcoiint
of < i.. and to stain
lu his iilu.
/,'. /,
Uirrimiln,,, •_' Sch. >.t I.ef. 1 I'.'.
n order to ]) as
it, ti
the titl.
the tr
ransii-r must ne ma
de 1
)V iiiMorse
le nHlors^'iiK
nt of a document yiven as a rc.-c
ipt f(
di hill
not ])ass to the Iraiisfcree the legal title: ddnkhi v, /'Ifli'inlsnii, 1 1 Ala. SS!t.
If th
ho an assii'iunont of a hill or note witlmut indorsinu nt, tii
ill M
reliy ac([iiire
same rights onlv
icnuire lllion
the assignment of a hill not negotiahle. If hy mistake, accident, or fraud,
a 111
las lueii oi
iiitted to he in
idorscd upon a transfer, mIkii it was
itiiided that it should lie. tin- jiarty ma\
iniielled h\- a ( 'mirt of
uity to 11
the indorsement ; and if he afterwai
Is h
ome in>ii|\cnt
this will imt \ai\- his right or duty t
where such indorse
it ha-i hei
niittcil liv mistak
voil \\ere to allow this, it Won
Very dangerous to intidduee into contracts upon \\ liiili so much wealth
jii'iids, the principle that a party may supply the indorsing of a name
which had heeii omitted liy iiiadvertanee
Krle, <;. ,].. in //
Sec 31.
of indoisi'-
Ind. Aut.s 15
of inUorsiT
on hill.
• Ill alloii'ji»,
I'litiiT liill.
I'srtial, not
All payi'fs
must iudiii'se
Mow mis-
piiyeo, fu:,
may in loisp.
Order of
us ill hill.
\VluTc; A. frandiilfiitly olitaiiU'd a hill imyahle to order from T?. aiuT
haiiil(Ml it to ('. ill satisfaction of a Imiid fii/c dcht, Imt witlioiit iiidoisiiig
it; — Held, that ('. fotilil nut ac(|iiiiu a titU; to tliu Itill hy obtaining A. 's
iiidoiscniciit after lu; iiad ruciived notieu of the fraud : Wh'iMhr v. Fo.-ti r,
14 C. I!. N. S. '2iS, S L. r. N. S. ;il7.
'■ See eases eited in the notes to s. l(i (I), as to limiting or negativing
liahility ; and in the notes to s. 'Jd, as to aecejitances liy persons in a
representati\X' eiuiraeter.
li^i. All indorsement in order to operate as a neootiation
ninst comply with tlie t'ollowino' conditions, namely : —
((0 It must be written on the bill itself and be signed
by the indorser. 'J'he simple sio-nuture ol; the indurser on
the bill, without additional words, is suHicient; '
An indorsement written on an allonge, or on a " copy "
of a bill issued or negotiated in a country where " copies "
are recogni/ed, is deemed to be written on the bill itself; -
(h) It must be an indorsement of the entire liill. A
partial indorsement, that is to say, an indorsement which
purports to transfer tc the indorsee a part only of tlie
amount payal)le, or which purports to transfer the bill to
two or more indorsees severally, does not operate as a
negotiation of the bill ; -^
(e) Where a bill is payable to the order of two or more
payees or indorsees who are not partners, all must indoi'se,
unless the one indorsing has autlujrity to indorse for the
others : ^
'2. Where, in a bill payable to order, the ])ayee or in-
dorsee is wrongly designated, or Ids name is misspelt, lie
may indorse the bill as therein descri])ed, adding his jiroper
signature; or he may imlorse by his own proper signature:*'^
;>. Where there are two or more indorsements on a bill,
each indorsement is deemed to have l)een made in the
order in which it appears on the bill, until the contrary is
proved : 6
Tllb: l!ll,I,S OF i:X('lIAN(iK ACT.
4. An indorsement may lu' madi' in lil.-uik nr >,[ic('ial. It Sec 32-
may also contain terms making it rt'>trictivt'.
' All " imlorst'iiiciit " of ;i liill is dctiiu'il ;i-i mciuiiiiur :ui iinlnrx-iiiiMit in
« ritiiig c()iiipli!t;;il l)y (It'livcry. W'luMf :i tmii iiDtc lirul Immii piistcil wynu
;iiiotlii r pici'f of paiicr, an indoi's; ini'ut of tln' uotv may \)v luailc on stii'h
iitlii-T |)a])cT itself ; and in tint lasc it is not niH'cssary to pif)\<' when tliu
iiidorsciiiint \\as made : Cnilrhii< hi v. Ei(.:en ^o previously iisi;d : J'iirkiiU(!i(,(/i v. /.ii/lonh-
h;,/, S Moi. P. ('. C. 4
i^ ne(;ess:iry wiieii then
i\ ril/diii/' is a pa]i
lliexed to the li
is no room on the lull for fiirtlur iiidoi-ciiunts.
It lieeonie.s a part /,--//ii- i,ri;/lii'i/ '>' imj n-'iili (naming' t;:e persoiiK
If he should omit to state that the hill is ,1 eopy. (ir should write his own
ilor.sument after the word
a I original
i''>jii/, he may lie''ome liahle oil the eopy .as on
/////.<, .'ill. A "diiplicate" or •■(.■o]iy " ot a hill may
!'■ used in the eountries iiieiitloiieil on ]i. I.i.
•' liy the Law niereliaiit an indorsement must he of the whoK- liill : I'fii/
I'ltx.Xi'r'ill, I,. 15.4 ( '. r. .'{."iS. The followinu forms (,f iiidorsinicnts
iM.ay lie rend as illustrations of tlu' dillV'reiit niudes of iiiilipisiii;,' hills.
".lohn Smith" in all these forms is sii[iposeil to repri>eiit siphly, or with
I, is
iam St^ les.
id tirst indorser of the hill
Indorsement liy dr.iwer or payi
" .lohn Smith.''
'e III hialil
d WW
•J. 'I'he 1
ike iiidorsenieiit li\' the linn
•-';{ [I.)
•Smith ^ ('
partiu'r : -"./'
ilf (iiiil WiHiiiiii S/i/lis, .Inliii .''^mitli.
;i. The like indorsement liy an au'eiit. (ss. 2') and 'lit}: — ",!< r/i/. iif/nr Julii
■"■^iin'tli, .John
Jii/ii.- Siiiifli, III/ lii.-i (I'ji III, ddhn .\i
or " jii r /iriii'iirffiinii
.Ivliii Siiiiili. .lohn Adam
.\iid till
dd ti
) lu.s sioiiature,
■illioiit n:iours>- I
^eiit m:iy
(/ )tie as (iiji III.
Sec. 32- 4. Qnilili^d imlin'stMiiout to avditl ))cf.s(.MMl lialiility (s. 10 (cf)) : — " .Ifil
Sniilli, irl/hmif
r( rijilf'O
hii Siiiitli, -^riKs ririiiirx :" or,
Nlllltli, iri/li ill/ill/ mil II lo h-aiixjrr mij
tilli iiinl iiitiris/, niiil not li,
hi mini siihji li III anil /iiihi/l/i/ in case of iinii-iim/ilinifi' or iioii-/i (4), ami lU (-')) : — " /'<'//
Vi. l{('striiti\>' iinlfiiscmciit in favour nf iml
'• /'"// Williiiiii Sli/li-.i. for iiifi 'isi
Sfjl/ijs, j'nr iilfl iirroiliil . Jiiilll Slilitil.
nvMT (ss, :V2 (4), ,'111(1 3.'>) :
.liilm Slilitil ;■' or, " A'.'/ Williui
7. Hrstnrtivi
ilv fs-.. S. :{•_' (41;
si'iiii'iit, ill favour ( f imlorsLr, or of a iiMiticiilar ])ors(ii
•/'nil III WilHiiui Sli/li •< oiilii..\o]tM Smith
'/'III ir'illiin til III rrnliliil to l\'iHiiiiii Sliili.<. .loiiii SmitI
8. ( 'oiiilitJoiial iiicliirsciiK'iit iscy s. lit ("2) (a) as to comliti
(iiial ai'i-op
il s. .■{,'}) :--■' /'(artiier jiasses tlie entire eipiitahle li^lit. nnli
Ala. 47(i
upon some ade(|uate j/rouin
I lull
iiinm <(''• Kii, V. Iirninnid, o.)
intith V. WlntiiKj. '.) .Mass. ll.'U.
A note made hy several ]iersoiis ]iayal>le to '" o
ur ami i at
:di of
our order,
and indorsed liv one is good: Ah-^nlo
Marts, 11 O. l;. 1<) ; 11 Jl
lawn hy two, jiay
ihle t
() • ■ Us or our on
ler, "' and suhserilied
hy Ixith, thoiieh not in ]jartiierslii|i. tin \ make tliemselves partners,
by the form of the hill, to the ell'i'et of making an indoist-meiit hy oik
if tl
lem \ alii
,/.■ V. r/c/,',
■J l>oULd. Cm:; 11.
A. and I'.. Were |i;iitiiers. 1>. fraudulently indorsed hills belonging to
the partnership to ('. for a private delit, (,'. having iiotiee. li.'s assignees
ill iiisolvi ney re]>udiated the right of ('. to the hills :— Held, that they
could ie of a name than is
tiiiis Lfiven to him, iiiiil this without ilistinetiim hetween vowels ,inil con-
le only [leison
\ liiil draw 11 in favor of tlu' eashier of a hank liyhiKown name, only
es the li.iiik a hciielieial interest in such note, and the lia.nk cannot sue
■Il liill in its eorjiorate naiiu^ : li.iiik of I'/i/nr ('iiiirii/n v. /'ulfnii, "i'J
r. •'.<.). IJ. 4."il. lUlt se.' /I'liik nf' flu I'llili.l Slilt.s \. I>i
\ ('
( . ('
.\ note jia.N'alile to tiie oi'der of .lohii 1'.. a pei'soi
1 III I .v i:. til.
ne derisions
of the hill hy him : I'limii v. /;///
in e.ises \vliere tlui order of the iiidoisemeiits Ins not heeii ill tile order
I't transfer, or where a sur<'tv has indoi'seil liefore the pivee, iiidieato
!• exceptional peculiarities wliiel
1 lla\c
not ma
le til
em uniform. Sec
ill the notes to ss. (i, '2S, and oO. As to eases allectiiiir indorsers
co-sureties int.
,see notes to .s. f,!) (,'!. )
Ii,i,rsrn vTioN-
,V s( lid indorse!' ina.y recover from tlie first indorsi'i- the I'o.-ts of a
suit to enforce his liability without a speei il e.iunl of ;inv further proof
of ,111 expres.s reipiest to defend : Fn.c \. Sn/.tr, l.S U. ('. i). Ii. "-'-"iS.
has security to the first
Hut where a second indoiser had iiuh
irse.l a no
r for the amount of the note iliie to him upon the settleiiK'iit of
lints of a iiartnersliip. and with an uiiderstaiidiui,' that M. should
dorse the note after the such first indoiser; — Ihdil. that 1
le was lialile
to the prior iiidoisei' ; \Viivilsii:,,ili v. MiDunjft//, s 1'. ( '. ('. I'. 4():{.
I lie jiayee of a note indorsed in blank eaiiuot liv imieiy writinj^ his
li.iiie aiinvi' the indorse!', sue as indorsee aniiust the latter iinles.s he
cm shew an agreement creating between them the rehitionslii]) of indorse!'
ami indorsee: Rohir/Kiin v. IliiihurL-, l,j U. ('. (', I'. -JilS.
Where it ajipearson a note that the ]iirty assumes tli • respMiisibility of
a second indorstu', the locality of the names on the note is immaterial :
Huron V. liiiriiHtim
:m \. V. (ii4.
See- 32. I'.utics to lii.tcs ;iic iiiiw liilil liiililc. ((iiitiiiiv to the older cmscs, in tli^
Older on \\ linli t liev s
on the note ; :iiiil till' l.i
■;t liol
(ler may so tre:il
tln.'lii, liotw illi.stMiiiiiliL.' aiiy iii^ii eiiielit iiliiolig tlieinselves, and altlioiiL'h
some one of the latter )iaities may lie tiie jieismi for w liose aeeommoda
tioii it wan made, ami wlio, theiefore, is ultimateh' lialile illion it : and
tllis even wlieii tlie liolder is aware i
<,>. I>. '-'40. See liiii.-iiii V. /',/,.•/,
Miihini, AO V . ('. (.>. P.. \A{\. and note t
if tlie laets : /•,'/-/■ v. A'' '/(/, S U. ('.
:{ r. C. C. p. 4:i!), muX Fl-bn V.
o s. .")!•, siil)-s. t'{.
tii'iiiii ',\;\ W'liciv ii liill imrpoi'ts to lie ijidoi'.scil coinlitionalh-
flip Art, s. the coii
heen f'nltilled, of not. '
Tllis is new law ; and will tlierefi
re only
Iv alleet Kills and notes niadf
iiftiT the time tlie Aet (,». J5. .SIT ; and s. .S."i as to rc-i-
|r,nt ^(4 An i tidorsciiH'iiL in Idank speciHes no indorsee, and
ill lilaiik
Art,s.:;4 ;i, l)ill so iiidorseij heeoiiics navulile to liejirer
irt s lli_ ' •
S*|)c-(inl in
'1. A special indor.'^enient speeifles the peison to wlioiii,
)i' to whose order, tlie hill is to he jiayahle : '
of uii'.'.'''' '^' 'I'''*' 1"'"^'^'""^ *''^1'^'^ -'^^'t delating to a payee apply,
with the neeessarv modifications, to ;in indorsee under a
of Ai till
i lull I
liidoiseinent : -
coiiy.TMoii 4 Wlu'ie ii hill lias heen indorsed in hlank
iit lilanii
It'Sit JH'ovisKHis ill
itlicrw ist' iiidiuiitfil w itii r(
'I'litit the |iiiytf (iii(loisot') must l)c iLiiiud (u SeC 34
t'iisunalilt' cfrtiiiiitv, " (s, 7.) See jilsci s. N.
'I'liin is tisuitl ill liiiiik
l)iil.s or iiDtt's are discnimticl toitlic
1 us liiwsiiul' A.I». I (ISIS. Sue
ICC, indorse
l)f'ii('iit of the ctistdiiicr. It hiis liceii r
C/,d- V. r; .\r<„l. UVl llut in tlie I'lovince of (,)ncl
iiK nts ill liiank iMii only he validly made li\- liaiikt'i-s. hrokci.--, and iiier
rllauts: Hdllk l>f MdlllVKll \ . lAIIKjIdK. ',\ \\v\ . I.l'li. SS.
If A. the druuer and payee of a liill indorse it in Mank to 1!.. who,
uitlioiit piittiiiif Ills own iiuloi'semcnt on the hill, wiiti's over A's. indorse-
iiMiit. a special indorsement as " I'ay tiie t'onteiits toC": 15. cannot he
m indoiser hy a suhsi'ouent lioldci' : I
// V. Ilnnli,rh\ I ( '
All indorsement in hlaiik is an ahsolute assignment to the imlorsee, ami
iiiiiirehends lii.s assijiiis ; iin tiie hlaiiks as he pleases : J/o/v v. MiiKiiiini, C'onivi :■
.\ iiill imhirsed in hlai
IK. \\as a
doi'scd liv A. SI
icc'iallv to
i;, w. & cv
o. , who can
on liiisiness under the lirii
.f i;. w. .v ('
d the l'".ast\vo(id (ompaiiy. indorsed the liill in the name of tiie Fast
d Company. 'I'lie liill \sas duly presented, hut jiayment was refusci
fni- want of an ind(
lit hv U. W. iS; Co. :--Held. that the hill liav
iiiy iieeli indorsed in lilaiik. its negotialiility <'ould not afterwards Ik: r»'s
trained hy a sjieeial indorsenieiit ; and that the jUesentnieiit was such a>
til render .V. lialile on his indorsement
II >(//■!
MrI),,Hiihl, '1 Kx.
Where a hill is indorsed in lilank, and is transl'crred hy the indorsee liy
ill liviry only, without any fresh indorsement, the traiisfi'iee takis as
igainst the acceptor aii>' title wiiich tiie iiitermediat
l'(iircliiiiii/i V. /'drill. ',) K\. ()!IU.
e lliiloisefc possessed
'I't. All iiKiofM'iiiL'iit is rcstii('ti\r wliicli pixiliiliits tlic i
mil r-iiiii'ii t
ruitlii'v nou'otiation of tlio l)ill, of wliicli cxiifcsscs tliat il iiitini'ii
. . . iiiip.Ai'i,-.3a
is a mere autliority to deal with tlic liill as tlirrcln imiAit.s ao.
ilirc ;tes the iiidnrsr,' the riu'lit I'.'piiis of in-
to receive payment of the hill and to sue any ])aily thcrrte
ilnr-iM! there-
that 1
us mdorser '-on
to trans
fer ]
us ri!
lavc suei
1, hilt oivrs him 11
lo oower
as i;ionl M:
li tlii^ juiv sustained the nicrchaiits, ludd tlu L liu oiii^lit
to liavi' ailiidltfd thi>
lis >
(I indorsi'il Well
And he ludd that thu words •' or order ' woiu as unneccs
sar}' (o lie insirtcd in an iiKhii'si'inciit as tin; words "uxecutors an
was iiui-iii'
case w lu't lu'i
l)y iiny wonls ol' rLstriution, hi; run
a ncgotiahk' lull
n-iK'Uiitiahlc ; hut it
was coiisidfrc (I that, for tin; ( nnvcniein'c and course of trade, the intontioii
and not the fnriii, was to 1k' ri'gardeil. Where a hill is indorsed rcstiictiiu
its traiisier, t''u relations hetwecn the indorser and the indorsee are siili
stantialU thos
if luiiicipal and agent
anil tl
lu payer may, in some case;
he bound to sec to the api)licalion of the iiioncy ))aid.
I'av to A. Ol-
is ordei', for my Uf
is a restrictive iiidorsem(;iit : ami
the indorsee of A. must hold the (iroceeds to the use ,
i'2'). See ah
nil r.
a iioti' on
or .■:<
!•"), l!S43. A'ow if 1). does not collett
this note, I am to account to him on K's. note " ; — Held, that this imhirse-
meiit g ive no right of action to 1). a^
() Ark. 371.
St tl
ic makers
How loiij; a
bill is
Iiii. WIh'I'c a. bill is He'll ttialile in its origin, it c<^iitiniu
Mi'lct'sHo ^'* '''' iieg-otifiMe until it lias lioen (a) restrictivoly in-
luii. Act.s.oT
(loi'st'd, or (/>) (li.schai'o'L'd liy jiayiueiit or otherwise ;'
oviTdue bill 2. Where ail overdue liill is iie;iy;ili|c on di'iuai'd is diTinrd [a lie ((\ridiif Sec 36.
Avitliiii tlu' iiic.'iiiiii''' and lur tlir purposes of tins sect imi, "i^n lU--
, , , . , ... iiii"i'i ''ill
wlicii it fipiicars (III till' I'jicf ol' it to ]iii\r lifcii ill circiiln- iicvin..i(.\.T-
tioii tor iui iiniTiisoiialilr Icii^tii of time: wlint is an iiii-
iv!is()liul»U' length of time for llrs j»ui|iose is u ([Ue.-^lioii of
fact : ••<
4. Kxcejit where Mil in(h •rseiiiellt he.'ll's date alter the ''r'-^'mi
^ lis to llMITi
liiatlU'ity of the hill, e\-ery iien'otiatioii is iir'nim Uich',
ilcellied to have heeli ell'ected liefol'e tlie liill W as oNCrdne ; '
lis t" llt"l{Ollll-
lele a lull which IS not oselillle lias lieell dishonor- Takinl,',|i^.
hdir.aJ I'lll.
cd, any person who takes it witli notici' of the dislinnoi'
tal\e> it. suhjeet to any (hd'eet of tith- at tacliiiii^' thereto at
the time of dislioiior, hiil notliiiiL;' in tliis >iih-.scct ion shall
•ft the rii.dits of a hoMer in ■ /'// uctiim, as lietweeii the oiivinal ami siilise-
((iient partii's. 'J'iie ovei'dne hill loses the rii^hts .ind jirivileiics wliieli,
hy the law-merchant, attaeh to liills of exehiiiL'e, and is rele;_'.ited to
the rij;lits and jnivilej^'es and ei|uities whieli aic nsiially incident t(j a
I'husi ill iiclioii. I'aynient and other disilmiee, ai'e sometiines s|i()ken of
as oijuities attaching t(
I an over ilin
hill, hut t
lis seems lueoi'rei
■t : tl
are 1
ather grounds of nullity. 'I'hat whieh jnn ports tc
.1 lull. IS, on
(It p.iynient
t or some other aeiiiiittanee. no loiieer a hill, hut mere wa.ste
le posi
tion of il holder who takes a bill when overdue is this
111' is a holder with notice. II
e ma\' or
mas' not he a holder for \Mlue, and
liis rights will lie regulated aceordiiigly. He is a holder with notice for
this reason ; he takes a hill which on the face of it ought to have got
liniiie. and to lia\'e heen ])aid. He is theiifore hound to make two in-
<|iiiries : 1. Has the hill heen disehargeil ? 'J. P not. i.-- there any eijuity
attaching thereto '.' /. i. , wa?. the title of the person wiio held it at maturity
ikfeetive? C/ialnnr.i on JJi/l-s 107.
Tin; i:ii.i.s OF K\('M.\N(ii'; act.
The iiuldrscc of nil nvcrdiic liill or iioti', is lialdc ti> >iu'li t'i|iiitieH mily
H'l iittiii'li ti> till! Iiill III' iKitc itself, uinl not tn ciilliitci'al ilaiiiiN or delits
iliii' from the iiiilorscr to tlic iii.ik
H U. ('. ('. I'. -Jltil.
iiidorniM! to piiyt'i' : l\ not/ v. AVi<
W'lirri! an iiiiloiHoc of a noti' iiayalilc on (.li'nianil, had taken it two
years after its date, uitii notice of ai>
'liieiit lietween the hohlerainl
the maker, that it .sliould he set '.if aj-'aiiiNt a lion
>f wliii'h the liiakt
a goi
Urnnki V.
wax oliligee, ami tlie I
,!/•/»././, Tay. i:. V. •-'.■).
An agreement not to negotiate the note aftoi' its maturity, is an equity
attaeliing to an overdue note : (Irani v, ]Vliii/aiii( i/, '21 V. (.'. ('. I'. 'J.'iT.
See also 7\'. /■/• v. S/ni. ){. S'_>.
A valid agretanent to give time is an eijuity wliich attaciies to a hill
against a [lersoii taking it at maturity : /Iritlnii v. Fi.i/i< r, 'J(i I'. ('. (). I!.
A note given as collateral security for a mortgage for the s.inie amount,
luiiy he indorsed over after it Ihtoiiks due liy the original hohler and
mortgagi'e, and the mortgagee may proceed to foreclose the mortgage:
Shoir V. liinn,,',-, !• V. C. C. 1'. \'}^.
Where all agiiit of the holder disposes of a o\-er due note; without
aiitiioiity, though tor good consideration, the ])erson taking it ohtains Ud
title as ag.dnst the real owner
st \.
:;< I', c. (). 15. w
ere an ovenine no
ite is transferred, so much of tin; original eonsid
tion wliieh
It 1
s (annot de recoverei
I : !!■
(> 0. ('. u. I'.. .'!l;!i.
A note of hand was transferred when overdue, and there was fraiul
jn'oved in the transaction: Meld, that on slight gioiinds the law woiiM
|iresiiiiii' th:it the indoisrr had knowleclgc of tile I r.iiid, if it appear that
he omitted to satisfy himself as to the validity of the note : II mil v. A>«,
•J l!ev. Leg. -JS.
A noti' p,iyal)le on ileinand is, after demand of payment and refusal, to
it has actually hecu
; : Ddiii/iiii \ . SiHitll,
111' tr
eated as ,111 ox'erdiie : and a note where
de wl
icll I
leiiiandcd, cannot stand on a hetter footi
X. I'.. Si).
The general rule is that nu\, pci>
ifter it is due takes it niion tli
negotiahh; instruiueiit
i'Ait of the ]icrsoii from wlim
11 lie
receives it, and suhject to all the ohjeetioiis ;iiid equities to which it Wi
It this d(
li.dile in the h.inds of the person from whom In; t.dves it
apjily to chc(jiies : Lotu/vii and Couitly ll'iiitimj Cu, v. fi'rotiin, S (}. 15. I).
an action on a proiiiissory lu
ite it was shewn that when oveidi
and while the payi'e was the holder, it was agreed tliat a hoard
should he applitd in reduction of the noti;;— Held, that a Mihseipi
transfer of the oxcrdue note could only he made suhjeet to tlie claim
the maker for such hoard : C/iiinj v. ■Ii[l'