IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 If iiM la '- IM 1 2.2 2.0 111= 1.4 IIIIII.6 V] »— 60th Anniversary of the Reign of QUEEN VICTORIA. 137th Anniversary of the Settlement of TRURO, N. S. PniNTCD AND ISSwCO BV THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. . TRURO. SEPT. 14th. llllllHllllllllllllllillllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH«ll«i,, JACKETS! DRESS GOODS! MILLINERY! Ready-to-Wear CLOTHING! —AT— Croscup & Co*s. Vtoitors Sf^Cially Invited- Dry Goods and Miilinery will be almost completCv CORDIALLY IN^VITE all visitors to inspect our stock which we are preparing to make one of the best EVER SHOWN MM in this or any other town in the Pro- MM vince. Our MAIN SHOW ROOM is the MM largest in the Province, if not in the Lower Provinces. MM MM MM MM m MM ^M MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM hJour motto \s- good goods. fair prices alike to all.| no mis-representations.! courteous attention. MM Pn¥^ ftfo.hiVRt m IIW» SW»t> k-' m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m TRURO. Tt ^(^es without savinij, and i^ acknowjed^erl throughout the Provinces that Truro, situated at the head of the Bay of FttndV, is the first com-' mercial towu in Nova Scotia outside of Hali- fax* Tt-uro is also the railway and edurit.« tional centfe of the Province, offering the best advantages for distributing and wholesale trade and manufacturing, and containing tile Provincial Normal, the tfainlng school for all thr teachers of* the pul)iic schools. Surrounding the towil and extending far into tile outlying districts is a rich agricultural coutitry. Situkted thus, Trurd is a solid progressive and steadily growing towii, its xannual b-isiness averaging iii;8, sL year, and as a 5* onle offers a delightfully healthful climate with e'iCeedingly low rates of living. The beauties of Truro are far famed and are a hou'^e- hold word in all parts of the Doudnion. The streets are lined with beautiful spreading shade trees and all the principal thoroughfares have asphalt side walks. The public buildings, busi-" liesS houses, attd private residences fully rival those of all other Maritime toWns A most efficient water supply has just been established by which some sixty pounds more pressure, than ever before, has been obtained. The new reservoir has been built at a cost of |5i5,ooo and will furnish a never failing water supply. It is about one rnd one-half miles Irom town on the Lepper Brook, about one mile above the Joe Howe falls, A carriage drive has been constructed to the works and it can be visited at any time. Among the other late improvements and addi- tions is a Home for the Poor and Farm, at a cost of' $7,000. These are within one- half mile qftown> near what is kno* a as McClure's mills. The T. A. A. C. grounds and Victoria Park» both important points of interest, especially for S$spt. 14th, are referred to elsewhere. The Chambers' EJlectric Light and Power Com^ pany "turn darkness into light, ^' arc lights being placed at all important points at street corner^/ etc. -. . . '. ■ i ft ffrJIMteiyMii^^ A few of the Industries and advantages, etc., of Truro may be enumerated as follows : 12 churches (with twelve ministers). Provincial Normal School. Ajj;ricultural College. |3,ooo.oocj taxable property ; 34 miles streets. Model School ; Kindergarten. Acadeniv and three other schools. 28 Public School Teachers, Business School ; Conservatory of Music. Y. M. C. A.; W. C. T. U. Daily newspaper ; 4 weekly newspapers. 1 monthly periodical ; 3 Job Printing offices. 3 Banking Houses ; 14 Hotels. •• 23 Manufactories; 20 Wholesale firms. 26 Grocery stores ; 9 Hardware stores. 9 Dry Goods stores; 2 Furniture stores. _.^.^ 6 Jewellers and Watch repairers' sU)i?«^. 4 Meat Shops ; 6 Shoe stores. 4 Ice Cream and Candy Parlors. • 7 Tailor shops ; 4 Drug stores. ^ 4 Crockeryware stores. 4 Stationery and Book Stores. 3 Harness and Leather Goods. W.T. Archibald & Co Truro, N. S. In FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS and Ready-to-Wear CLOTHING. "Dominion Blend" Tea a Specialty Country Trade Solicited. H of \ \^ i tiii'ig and Gent^* Furnishing idy Made shop. ts ; n2 Billiard Rooms. i' and Decorators' Shops, shops; 4 Ph(-to Studios. ! Plum'jing shop. le TJveries. ihouse. dV^u rants. I H .1 r'ors. sts. 3 I 4 lo 3C 14 1 'yers. 2 Architects. 1 Steam Laundry. 2 Chinese Laundries. I Lending Library. I Curling Rink. T.A.A.C. Grounds and Club House. Victoria Park ; Victoria Square. Brotherhood of St. Andrews. Mechanics' Institute. Canadian Order of Forresters. Two Independent Orders of Forresters. Iff HEK IK TRUBO 00 TO ■ <'i >f'^ fwrn* ALEX- FORRESTER^S, Inglli Street, - TRURO, N. S Pure Confectionery, Nuts, Fruits, and Q Pure Fruit Syrups. Ice Cream, and Soda Water. Lunches and Hot Coffee. ^ Griffin Bros., F^£ASi»InLiorx0Ll3l^ 'X^^aLlloi^iPi BestJIof Trimmings used. . . . Fit anj Pl.iisti Guaranteed. u OVER BUCK & BOYD'S, ^ INQLIS STREET, TRURO^ 1^ ''' '<«iMMii4te If \ A Masonic Lcl^e. , ►^'\;"•'!"^"• "''^- °^ Independent Order of Oddfellov» ,>. Home Circle. ' '* g Two Independent Order of Good 1 | Sons of Teni]>erance. streets. Diamond Jul)ilee Temjierance Associai Ro\al Aicanr.m. v Independent Order of Workmen. j Order of Railway Conductors. , " Brollierho( d of Trainmen. Broiherliood of Locomotive Engineers. / f Order Railway Telegraphers Brollieihood Locomotive Firemen- Order of Railway Trackmen. Iron Foundr}' and Machine Shops. Hat Kact'>ry. ..■■''" Electric Light and Power Station. Wire Works. Pnrchasers who wish to c o m- bineecon- o m y of expen d i- ture with the widest fre e d o m of thought Will do well to keep our Store iu view. BUCK A, - _ - ~~ BOYD, ::^r :Jf*V^»i*iV|^ .t*f<)H*tic IngHs .St. - TRURO. S ^ i *1 of h C A 2l Telt 2 Express Office^, Opera Floiise. Several Halls. 9 Rej^ular Passenger Trains daily, bes-icies Freights and Specials. Rifle Range. Three Fire Engine Houses- Electric Fire Alarm. Tennis and Cricket Clubs (ladies and gentlemens) Bicycle, Baseball. Lacrosse, Football, Hockey and Curling Clubs. S. M. BEITTZ.Z:'? <& CO. (D •a a (0 n o •rf I3^^1e5*"S iXTL OtXOl<3<3 AND FRUITS. ANNAPOLIS VALLEY FRUITS A SPECIALTY. 1 o o H Telephone 98. Prince Street, Truro. iHp' ^^'^t^hmi.^ ern ilOSt UI](l reat rack / the it ever A Masonic I.ofl^re. ^Advantages, etc., of Independent Order of Oddfellovl^s* ^ Home Circle. V* Two Indepc ndent Order of Good 1 Sons of 'Jem] era nee. Diamond Jul>ilee Tem]ierance AssociaY*^^^^^' Ro\aI Aicannni. Inciependenl Order of Workmen. ' Oicler (>f Railway Condnctors. .^*^'^'- r Iirotlierho( d of Trainmen. '" >^ova Sl Brotherhood of Iv()Comotivf"^<^ ^^^^^ alvtays been Order Railway Tele^raj.he »"f^ ^^^ acknowledged Prolheihood Locomotive ^ of the Athletic grounds Order of R;niHa\ 'iv.^-u the Canadian Wheelmen's Association. Among the Truro boys are found athletes and sportsmen of no mean ability, who, competing, together with the Halifax, Windsor, vSt. John and Upper Piovince men, will make an exhi- biii(m of the most interesting and exciting nature. The bicycle races will be conducted under the direction of C. W. A. officials, together with men from the T. A.A.C. and the Citizen's General Com- mittee in charge of the whole day's celebration, and universal satisfaction may be expected. \ < / y Boston Cafe < Call and get your ...MEALS... Best Food, Well Cook- ed, Well Served, at Reasonable Prices. ^Ieals and LiunaKes, aluiays ready 4^r This is the only Restau- in Town. r\/ \/^ \ BOSTON CAFE. / yGunn'sOparaBlock,/^ \ IngiisSt.. Truro. / \ St &^«&^^^^^r^«r:C« % CROWE BROS -in m m m m m LEADING DRUGGISTS. IngiisSt., TRURO. Pure Drugs, Ri-ht Pricj3, ' Large Ass.-.tmeut. Dispensing of Pre^ scriptions and Fam- ily receipts a speci- alty. s I no n 2 "< a i I -fc^ h) The programme, which will consume the whole afternoon, has been outlined as follows: — RUNNING RACES. ioc» yards dash — ist prize, value $io ; 2nd, $5. 5. ( ( 220 I mile run, 1 (( it ti (I < ( 10 10 10 10 ( ( < ( 5- 5- 5* BIC^'CI.K RACES. I mile flying start — ist prize, value $\o ; 2nd, I5. ^ •' standing *' '* " 10 " 5. 1 mile novice, " " *' 10 J mile C.W. A. championship of N.S. 15 2 mile " •* " 15 2 mile lap race, 12 < ( 5. 5- 7- 7- 5. Pole vault, Broad jump, High jump. Putting shot, Throwing hammer, FIET^D EVENTS. ist prize, value $7 ; 4 4 4 < ( < ( 2nd, 13. 2. 2. 2. 2. ( i ( < 4 In addition to the above, provision has been made to use 1:35 00 for specially attractive events that had not been decided on when this form was sent to press. V 'S^ A Word to Mothers. Discharged Bookkeeper (in despair) **I , will go right back home and stay there, but I had hoped better things." Employer (kindly): — '* No, you need not do that. You thought you could keep books when you have not properly learned how. If you wall fit yourself thoroughly as a bookkeeper or stenographer by taking the "actual business" course at Snell's Business College, Truro, you will have no trouble in obtaining an excellent position and give perfect satisfaction. Every hon- est and industrious young man or woman ought to go there if possible. J, 5- 5- 5. 5. 5- 7- 7- > ^3- 2. 2. 2. 2. FROM PHOTO BY RICE. Truro Amateur Athletic Club House erected 1897 on Club Grounds at a cost of $25no.oo. I FASHIONABLE TAILORING • ••-t$ jt • • • JOHN BRAZIL. niiiiitiiiiiiiiriiiiMiiiiiiiiii J^Y SUITS Please the wearer, they fit perfectly, are made of Superior Cloths. PRICES ARE AT ROCK BOTTOM. When about to get a new suit call on me at XS CROWN BUILDING, PRINCE STREET, TRURO, N.S. The handsome T. A. A. C. grounds are enclosed by a high fence and, within, accommodation will be arranged lor every visitor in town to witness the above programme. The track on which the races will take place is a quarter of a mile oval cinder track, with a kg yards straight a way finish opposite the grand stand, and is peer to any track in the Maritime Provinces, numerous Maritime and Provincial records having been taken on it. The new club house is also second to none in Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, and will furnish the best of accommodation to those competing in the sports. Two bands will furnish music continually during the afternoon, and between events promenading and refreshments may be indulged in. Any information wanted about this part of the great celebration, not given in this brief outline, or by the general committee, can be obtained from the President of the Club, Mr. C. E. Bentley, or the Secretary and his assistant, Messrs. F.B.Schur- man and F. L. Murrav. i i The Wood and Coal Co., i MM Itit m Can supply the community with ^ m the best quality of Egg, Stove and HM jjjj Nut sizes, at prices lower than can jjjj now be imported for ^ HEA.VY Furnace Wood.— In two jjjj three, and four feet lengths m Stove Wood— Hard and Soft in any jjjj lengths required from lo to 15 inches, jjjj Dry Kindling — From the shed in any ^ lengths customers may wish. jjjj ,^ H. HYDE, Manager. £ Office foot of McMullen St. S | Telephone No. 173. TRURO, IM. S.ffi )sed 1 be the aces ider nish rack and The ova the the h Mi m m m *i m m m ^y m f(y m h\ K\ V^ m 9^ <^> m m %\ n % \b \y lAI 0^ iiir \b \^ ik iij \if il/ \ \i) \li i'j \\) \lt 0^ R. J. TURNER, ESQ. MAYOR OF TOWN OF TRURO. ELECTED BY ACCLAMA- ^ TION4YEARSIN SUCCESSION. )i^ THE TRURO BOOK SHOP. The Popular News vStaiid for Latest Novels, Magazines, Daily Papers and Periodicals, Novelties, Souvenirs, etc. Superior Confectionery, and Tobaccos In Stock Fresh from Factories. ...J. M."0^RIEN.... Prince Street, - Truro, N.S. Victoria Square. The handsome plot shown by the accompan}'- ing cnt, is situated between Ccnnnercial and Elm and the head of Queen and Prince Streets. Vic- toiia Square is ihe pride of the citizens and one of the most alluring parts of Truro. It has always been preserved by the town and as far back as the 1770's, when some of the rebellious inhal)itanls erected a liberty pole and attempted to hold an insurrection nieeting here, it was known as the "Parade," and latterly in the f-eventeenth century and up to 188/ as the " Common." It received its present name, with a grand demonstration in J887. Rustic seats are now found everywhere, and surrounding and interlacing the square, under the spreading shade trees, are cool walks largely pat- ronized in summer evenings by promenadeis to the Truro Citizens' Band music. A fountain erectefl by Mr. William Cummings some fifteen years ago sends forth its crystal spray continuously. Directly opposite and in the near vicinity of this perfect resting place are to be fouud many of the business houses whose announcements appear in this pamphlet. OUR FRIENDS Who come to Truro on Natal Day to see the sports, proces- sions, enjoy the pleasures of the day and beauties of the town, will be made welcome by us at our old stand on the corner opposite Victoria Square. We have been here a quartet- of a century, doing business, Our stock of groct ries will be fouud very complete, embracing:: many nt)ve'.ties not found in otht r groceries in the Province. As a favor we would ask as many friends and strangerK as possible to come and see us, if only for a moment Use our office or telephone, Ask us for assistance or informa- tion—it will be given cheerfully. All we want is to see you personally, so that we may know the better how to fill your esteemed orders in future. \N. H. SNOOK A CO., Opp. Victoria Square, - TRURO, N. S. I I I ny- Cltii ^ic- of ays the Ills an the ury its 887. I Citizens' Committee for Jubi Executive Officers:- H. E. ivicNutt, Pre^: Mills, Secretary ; G. A. Hall and A.C. P/^. McClure, M P.; Hon. F. A. Laurence, Mf Finance--^ E. McNutt, a. M. Rennie, H. Is S. JVi. Bentley, R F. Black, Dr. D. H. M Programme: — A C Mills. R. J. Tuner, VV. A. Fitch, Dr. J. H. McKay, John R. ' Transportation :-W. E. Bli-h, A. c. Mills,er L B. Archibald, J. E. Price. ; Sports and Attractions:— <^ a. Hall, d. cJ' field, John W. Spencer, W. E. Heffcrnaif^ Decorations and Illuminations;-^'- R- ' Crowe, A, S. Black, George H. Leanian,!. Councillor Rennie, L. R. Rettie, Frauj; McEachran. ,; Advertising and Press —C^ A. Hall, A. c?, Lnnn, A. R. Coffin, G. W. Hopper. '» Processions:— A. C. McKenzie, Ross Arc F. McG. Turner, W. C. Cutten, A. E; G. Clish, jr., James M. Milne, I. N. Hop; Smith, J. I). Gladwin, H.T. Walker, W.- Muir White, J. C. Saulnier, Homer Mc^; Refreshments :-E. E. McNutt, J. Dover, P Jv. B. Crowe, W. D. McCallum, C. Philli^j e } VICTORIA SQUARE, Where explosion of Fireworks and Rcccets will Natal Torchlight Procession in the I R. J. TURNER, Victoria Square, - Truro, N. S. — DHALKK IN — HARDWARE. Paints. Oils, Glass, Portland Cement and Mechanics Tools. CRO OXER'S w/ARE and Lamp Goods direct from Mann fact urers in the United States. Enj»land, France, Austria and Germany. GROCERIES. Flour, Feed, Fruits and all j^eneral groceries. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Make it a point to visit our showrooms, when at Vicloiia Square. H >R1A SQUARE, TRURO, N.S. and Rcccets will take place, during the ereat Jubilee and Procession in the evenings-September i4th. uro, N. S. Portland ics Tools. rect from le United France, h'. and all )w rooms, Bligh. A Frtnce, The oldest and only firm in the Province carrying a TuM Stock of Agricultural Implements, Carnages, Team Waggons, Sleighs, With a full supply of Repair Parts — We also deal largely in — HARNESS, ROBiiS, FUR COATS, Etc. Please write us for Catalogue, Prices and Terms. 1/ lee and Natal Celebration. ident; W. E. Bligh, Treasurer ; Alfred C. IcKenzie —Hoiionn u Mrm hers. ^l^'^r man ^"i.P.P.; TO. McMullc i, iM.P.P. ^^f. Laurence. W. li. Bligh, A. C. McKenzie, ^Ijjuir, M. M McLeani. be' C. E. Bentley, W. H. Buck, R, T. Craig, ly'Fisher. en C.M.Dawson, M. Dickie, E. H. Gladwin in} * g^.unn, J. D.Ross. VV. P. McKay, Jolin vStan- pj-i, R, A. Douglas. BliL'h, vS. G, Chan.Scrs, T. S. Pattillo. H. W. iDr. W. S. Muir,J. E. Price, F B Scliurnian, ^"k Lintou, J. M. O'BritiJ, J. Wright, Angus ro: 'Pr Mills, Frank A. Doane, W. B. Allev, C. W. by sehibald. Dr. J. H. .tlcKay, William Crai"", y. McKay, John Suckling, George Lewis, ^l^per, J. E Bigelow, C, M. Blanchard. Frank ijj H. Snook, C. E, Roope, Leonard McKenzie, i„Tutt. — Mc(t. Archibald, D. C. Slack, Alex. Miller, 'ps, Dr S. L. Walker. Headquarters for Furniture. LARGEST STOCK, NEWEST DESIGNS. All bought from the best Manu facturers in Canada and will be sold at BOTTOM Prices. E. F. WILSON, The home furniture house, 0pp. Victoria Square. I I 4 1 1 ^ I ^ i Railway Fares for Sept. 14th. Exceptionally low passage rates to Tniro are be. ing arranged for the celebration. The prices that have been received up to date of publication are as follows : — Tickets to Truro and return from Amherst $i 50; Nappan, I1.50; Maccan, $1 40; Athol, $r.3o; Spring Hill Junction, I1.25 ; vSalt Springs, |!i.25; River Philip, $r ; Oxford Junction, $1 ; Thompson, $1 : Greenville, 75Cts: Westchester 75Cts; Wentworth, 65cts; Folly, sects; Londonderry. 35ct8: East Mines, 35cts: Debert, 25cts; Belmont, 25cts. From Halifax, |r. 25; Rockingham, lr.25; Bed- ford, $1.25; Windsor Junction, |i; Dartmouth, $1.25; Waverley, $1; Wellington, 85cts; Enfield, 75cts ; Elmsdale, 75cts; Mil ford, 6octs; Shubenacadie, 5octs; Stewiacke, 4octs; Alton, 35cts; Brookfield, 22cts; Hilden, I5cts. From Pictou, $1.25; Sylvester, $f ; Westville,$r; Trenton, $1; New Glasgow, ^r ; Stellarton, |r ; Ferrona Junction, 85cts; Hopewell, 75cts; Glen- garry. 65cts; West River, sects; Riversdale, 35cts; Valley, iscts. A special train from Scotsburn to Oxford wil/ connect with trains from Amherst at proportionate rates. From points on the Springhill and Parrs- THE -^ ARCHIBALD CARRIAGE satisfactory and reliable. Noted for its Comfort and Wearingqualities. For Prices etc., CAIyly ON. . .. A. A. ARCH/BALD, TRURO, N. S. Has proven itself to be of honest Worth, Workman- ship is first-class, best of Stock is used, making a Buggie perfectly boro, and Dominion Atlantic Railways, return tic- kets will be issued at one single first class fare Specially low rates are also under consideration on the steamers from Charlottetown to Pictou. Sporting men, merchants, and others may pro- cure tickets at single first class fare, together with a standard certificate, at all stations on I. C. R., Moncton, St. John, Levis, Sydney and elsewhere. Such tickets will entitle holder to return ticket free, if same be endorsed by Secretary of celebra- tion, commencing 13th cr I4ih, returning T5th September. On arrival at Truro station cabs ^an be secured at little cost for any part of town where attrac- tions are going on. 4 \ I OPPOSITE I.e. R. STATION, TRURO, N. S. S one of the largest, and most modern hotels in the Maritime Provinces. Tourists and Com- tnercial Travellers will find it the most con- ' venient hotel in Truro. Finest Sample Rooms in the Maritime Provinces. A. H. LEARMENT, Prop. 1 Gunn's Opera House 4 FROM PHOTO EV RICC. This modern and finely equipped Opera House, on Inglis Street, was opened June 26tli, 1894, anil has, thus soon, gained a high rank among such ])uiklings in the Maritime Provinces The stage is 40x22 feet and 20 feet high, and fitted with exquisite scenery. The main building and gallery are seat ed witii folding chairs, sufficient to ace 'minodate 850 persons. The hall is lighted by eltctricily and has perfect ventilation Somerby's Theatre of twelve Dwarfs will give two performances here on the r4th — afternoon and evening. This show is of a character of vital in- terest, and is one of the few that should never l.e missed, when an opportunity is given to s^ethei.i. Railway Dining: Room, Truro, N. S. Meals and Lunches at all hours, and on arrival of trains. EUROPEAN PLAN Get what you want — much or little. Everything clean and neat r ^ fif/LLar \ TRURO JPA \ -* ^=71^ v» / •J EVERY INGREDIENT IN TRURO SPAWATER5 IS HEALTH-GIVING. The blood is improved, the nerves soothed, the stomach benefited by these delicious beveraqes . TRURO Vtk GINGER ALE QUENCHES THE THIRST JICKLES THE PALATE ; FULL OF SNAP, SPARKLE AND EFFERVESCENCE. ATEMPERANCE DRINK FOR EVERYBODY. BIGELOWaHOOD,MFl^*s. © TRURO, N.S. ^ > > 1 Brief Information of Programme. The Truro Jubilee and Natal celebration on Sept. 14th, will bej^in at 7 o'clock, after an early breakfast, by the ringing of bells, blo\"ing of steam whistles, horns, and all sorts of noisy in- struments, and the firing of salutes, followed by a j