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Slecioral Disirict of Wes
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the Electors of the Electoral Distr:
me directed, and bearing date the 18th day of May, 1882. I x
Court House in the Town of Godericu, Count
the month of June next, from Noon until 1
* ' * *
For the purpose of Nominating a person to represent them in the House o
and alio^ired in the manner by law prescribed
Twentieth day of the month of June, in the yea
From the hour of Nine in the morning till Five of the clock in the af
For Pollinj> District No. i, consisting of
All that part within the following limits : ComraenciiiR iit (!ie Inke nIioi-a. at th« line bntwoeu tlia Godsrich
Town boundary aud tlio Township, thence south ulonj? the several wiiuUiigs of tiio sfti(l>|lake siioie t. h# lin# butweea L^ts Twentjr-
fiv* and Tweuty-eix, titeuca east aioiR the said line to' tiio iina biiween the 4tii and 5iii C.> Mnit-
]%Qi, tlifluoa uarth-weat alonj; said river to tha bouit(ti\ry of the Town of Goderioh, (hanos i\lifan anil line to the Huron Ro»d, theuoo from
anid road nloug the boundary tine betwdan the Town mid Tawnahip of Gudarich, to liia plivca of Ijagianing.
At the Oran ge Hall in the Fourth Concession.
For Polling District No. 2, consisting of
▲11 that part withiu the fuliowiu;; limits: GommeDoinK at iho River Mititland' at the Una betwatn Lot Eisiht in tha Mailiand Coneaasion
and Concession B, thence along said line to the line batwaau tlia 4th and 6th Gonoaaainna, t'jenea south along ctid line to tha line between
Lota Twunty-five and Twenty-aix, thenoe anat alon^ said lina to tha line between the 6th and 9th Ocuueabions, thcnee north aloni; tlie said
line to tba line bttween Lot| Twenty and Twenty-ona, thence aaat to the River Maitland, tbenca along tha aevvrul windings of tha anid
river to tiie place of ba^'innine.
At the Railway Debating Hall, Lot i8, Concession 7.
For Polling 'istriot No. 3, consisting of
All tbat part wilhiii th*) fallowing limits: C<»iami>ncin^ at tiie laUe shore, at thj lina botw^en Tjota Twenty-fiva and Twenty-aix, thenoa
ftlongaaid lake shorit to the boundary of the Villas^e of B.iyfia' 1, tiirn'je nlont aaiu boundary to tlie Biyfi Id tiver, thanoa abn^ aaid river
to the line between Lota Seventeen and Ei:^'htKeri, thaaoD Alunf Muid lina to the line batweeu tin Eii;htli and Ninth Conocaaions, tbeuoe
north along sail line to the lina betweei) Ijota TwMut'-fivD and Twtinly-sii, tlnMica wast to the place of bagtnuiuf.
At the dwelling place of Thomas Harrison, Lot 35, Concession 4, Bay.
For Polling District No. 4, consisting of
All that part wiiiiiit tlia f)ll«wiu^ limits : Commoueinc; at tiie aiilolind botwoen Lots thirtyfiva and thirty-six, nn the Ninth (loncosaion,
thence south aloui; aaid line to the Bayfield River, tiience along the windings of said river to tlie boundary of the Town of Clinicu, t.lline to the pluee ol iijinuina;.
A t the Dwelling house of William Herbison, lot 38, Conci sslon BayfielJ, Eleven.
For Polling District No. 5, con:>isting of and
Commencing at the River Maitland at the Hue between L )ts 31 and 32 in tlio Maitland Concession, thence west along said lina to the line
between the 8th and 9th GorjJBsions. thenee south ilong aaid line to tlie Centre Roai (Imown as tlie Cut Line) thenoe alung the uo'.tli side
■)( said Cut Line to the village of Holmesville, thence along the east side of ihe Huron Road »o tha i.i tuat , art within t'la folIov?ing limits : Commwucing at the Una bfitwocn Lots Twentv-five 4n# Twenty-3ix(Cnt Line), tnence south
along the iino bei.^een tho Eighth uud Ninth Concessiuus, *o the sideline between Lotc Tbiity-five and Thirty-six, Ninth Caneesaion, theuca
•ast along sideline to the Bayfi.*ld Gouoeasion, thenoa aloni the B »yfi 4d Gono^ssion to tlio boundary of th* Town of Clinton, thence along
aaid boundary ti- the Huron Road, thence along tha west side of the ilurna R lad to HjlmesvilU, thenco along the eouth aide af the Cut
Lino to the plica of Brtginine.'
At the house of John Sheppard, Lot 28, Concession Eleven.
For Polling District No. t, consisting of
Maitland Concession, Benmiller villuKe, fhe'Falis Ueserve, Concessions 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Uia Eastern Division, and tka following lits, viz :
5, 6, 7 and 8 on tba.lst, 2d, 3d and 4th Concessions in tlif Weatern Divi^on, with lot 9 on the Si Concession.
At the Temfierance Hall, Benmiller ^
For Polling D' ■ ^"j; ,", consisting of < }
BI«?i-.s A, i>, C, P, Jt h, » aiso M» \,% 3 an.i 4 onthe 1st, U, 8d and 4th Concessions, "Western Division.
At the Temperance Hall, Saltford. .
A- For Polling District "No. i,, consisting of ^ • w r. \
lllock F the 6th 6th,-7th. 8th, 9th and 10th Conc.ssions (save and except lots 9. 10 and 11 on the 9tli and 10th Conoessioni. W. V),
ih^ lots 1, 2, 8 and 4 on the 11th Ccuoession, and lots 2, 3 ami 4 on tha 12tli Concession in the Eastern and Western Divisions.
At the Township Hall, Smith's Hill.
For Polling District No. 4, consisting of • • ., m »
The Lake Road East and West and L^ke Shore from lot 1 to boundary lin-,, atso the lUh, 12th, 13th and 14th Cononasiona in the West-
erBDiTi8ion(sav6andesceptlotal,a, 3ani4outh3llthCjnoes3io.i. aiilloti2, 3 anl 4 on thu 12th Couoesaion), also lots 9, 10 and 11
on the 9th and 10th GonceHsions, W. D.
At the Temperance Hall, Leeb-irn.
For Polling District No. i, consisting of
The Firat, Second, Tnird, Fourth and Filth Cpnccsaionp, Eastern Diviaiun,
At School-house No. 6, in Concession 5, -Eastern Division.
For I
iLota 0, S. T,
For F
All Lots on I
I For I
: For I
Lata 13 :• li
Fo- 1
For P
For 1
pounded on
X ^onuded on
For '.
Iiounded on
For '
Bounded or
Bounded 0:
And further, that on the 27th day of June, at 11 o'clock in the forenoor
of Huron, I shall open the Ballot Boxes, sum up the Votes given for the 1
majority of votes. Of which all persons are hereby required to ;^a^e npti
Given under my hand at Wingham this 29th day of May, in the year ^
^'Advance" Print, Wii
; the aiiid Hue
ka l{ivt.> Mnii-
J, theuoo from
tnd Conesasion
la line betwtan
I alotii; tlie MHid
ug* of tba raid
itj-aix, thenoa
,l3u<,' iMd nver
■gions, tbeuoe
ith ('oncossion,
iilway, tlienoe
lina to tho line
i; tlie uo'.tli sitle
moa along the
1, tnence south
aoesflion, tlieuca
lU, tlieaco aloug
iiJa*f the Cut
owing lits, viz
SBioni, W. D ),
n DiTisious.
)ns in the West-
}ti 9, 10 and 11
At School -hou^e^JSo- 7. in Concession 12, Eastern Division.
For Polling District No. 4, consisting ©J . „ . . ^,„ ^ •>, w n
Lota 0, S. T. P.. to Lot 24. N. T P.. innlwiTe 01. Uka range. inolu.«ng village of Port Albert and the firat to fifth OoBoeiiiona W. J^
inclusive, muJ all Lota wi;liin aixlb, aaventh. eighth nud ninth Oonoeaaiona W. D.. exaept Lota one and two.
At School-house No. 2, Lot 15, north of Town Plot.
For Foiling District No. 5, consisting of , „,..... *v. n^ -..;»„ w
411 Lota on elevautii, twelfili, thirteenth uud f..uneanth Gonccasiona. except Lota 1, 2. 8 and 4 ; alao all Lota m the tenth Uonceaaion w.
J)., exoppt 1 and 2 ; alao all Iota from 26 ti 46, inclusive on lake range.
At School-hnose No. 15, Concession 12, Western Division.
For Polling 7J)istrict No. i , consisting of ", ^
Ctuo.sai.iUri one, two and tiir«e and Loth 17 to 27 inoluaive, an Gonoeaaions four and fiya.
At No. 2 School-house in Concession 3.
For Polling District no. 2, consisting of , , •« r tv •
Lata 13 :a 16 inclusive on 4tli and 6th Oonoeaaioua, and fl, 7. 8 and 9, inolaJina; that portion af the Tillage af Dangaanon la
tlie Townahip,
At the Town Hall.
For Polling District No. 3, consisting of Cons. 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. AtSo. 4 School-house, Concession 12.
For Polling district No. i, consisting of
g All tlie Lots in Conoeeaiana on#, two. three, four and five.
At number 10, McGowaii's School-house, Concession 2.
For Polling district number 2, consisting of all the lots in Cons. 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Aitio. 8 School-house, Con. 9.
For Polling district no. 3, consisting of
A.I1 the Lota in Conceasioaa 11. 12, 18 anil 14.
A t number 1 1 School-house, Concession eleven.
For Polling District no. 1, consisting of St. Andrew's Ward, — At the Town Hall.
j For Polling District no. 2, consisting of St. James' Ward, — At A. S. Fisher's Storehouse, High Street,
! Fo*- Polling District No. 3, consisting- of St. John's Ward, — At Cooper's Marble Works, Huron Road.
For Polling District No. 4, consisting of St. George'i Ward,— At Henry Cantlon's Carriage Shop. Albert St.
For Polling District No. i, consisting of and
l^ounded on the West by South Strait, on tlie Souili by tlie Township of Oodariak, on the North-East by the Huron BoaJ,Taronto Street,
Elgin Slrsfit and Kinji|!itoi» 8tre-t, and on U'a K«nl^ by tl>- Mprjjet 8 /uara,
' j At Mrs. WAtson's Empty Store, Kingston Street.
/ . F'pr Polling District No. 2, consisting of and ^^■
\ »ouuded on the boutii-W»Bt by the Huron Koild. T-'.onto. filgin and Kingaton Streete ; on the North by Eaat Straat ; on the East \j the
lliver Maitlaiid ; and on tlia South-East by the Mill Road,
At Mr. C. Crabb's Empty Store, Market Square.
For Polling District no. 3, consisting of and
i.ounded on the South by Eaat bireet, ou tiie East by the River Maitland, on thoNorfh by Nelson Street, and on the West by North St.
At the Town Hall, East St.
For Polling District no. 4, consisting of and •
Bounded ou tliu South I)y Nelson Brtet ; on ihi North and E^st by the Uaitland River ; and on the Wast by North Street.
i At Mr. John Bates' shop, Victoria St.
For Polling District No. 5, consisting ot St. George's Ward,— At Mr. Dunlop's stor« next the Post Ofificc. '
For Polling /district No. 6, consisting of and
Bounded on tlie North by West Bt. ; ou the West by Luke Huron ; an tho South by Britannia Road ; oa the Eaat by South 3
At Mr. Brophy's store. West St.
For Polling District No. 7, consisting of and
founded on llie Nartli by Britannia Road ; on the West by liftke Huron ; en the South by Goderioh Townahip ; oa the laat by South 8t,
At Mr. Ellard's Paint Shop, Britannia Road.
: in the forenoon, at the Town-Hall in the Town of Wingham, in the County
js given for the several Can iidates, and return as elected the one having the
[red to |a^^ notice and to govern themselves accordingly.
a.y, intheyeaf ^882.
i«<»» -« ^r
nqe" Print, Wingham.