A ccx^cA/S'H ( 25. Where did Christ die? On Mount Calvary (Golgatha) which is just outside the City of Jerusalem. 26. What are some of the tortures Christ endured for your sins? A bloody sweat and agony, betrayal by Judas, desertion by His apostles, unjust trials and condemnations, a cruel flogging, the crowning with thorns, the carrying of a heavy cross, the stripping of His clothes, insults, mockery and a cruel death on the Cross. “But he was wounded for our iniquities: he was bruised for our sins. The chastisement of our peace urns upon him; and by his bruises we are healed.” (Isaias 53:5) 27. What lesson should you learn from Christ’s terrible suffering and death? The great love of God for you, the awfulness of sin, the great debt of gratitude you owe to Christ for suffering for you, and the neces- sity of making every effort and sacrifice to obtain and keep God’s life of grace in your soul. “Unto this, indeed, you have been called, because Christ has suffered for you, leaving you an example that you may follow in his steps.” (1 Peter 2:21) (16 ) 28. Did Christ remain in the tomb? No, Christ arose from the dead. 29. On what day did Christ arise from the dead? On Easter Sunday. 30. Who is the mother of Christ? The Blessed Virgin Mary. 31. Is the Blessed Virgin Mary really the Mother of God? The Blessed Virgin Mary is really the Mother of God because Her Son, Jesus Christ, is Almighty God. 32. Can you ask Mary to pray to Her Son for you? Every day you can and you should pray to Mary to pray to Christ for you. “Have recourse to Mary , certainly the Son will hear His Mother , and the Father will hear His Son” (St. Bernard) ( 17 ) GOD’S TRUE CHURCH Lesson 5: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH How many churches did Our Lord found? Which church is His true Church? 1. Did Our Lord stay on earth to give to each individual His teaching and His Grace? Our Lord did not stay on earth. He ascended into heaven. “And when he had said this 9 he was lifted up before their eyes, and a cloud took him out of their sight ” (Acts 1:9) 2. What did Christ leave on earth to do His work? A Church. 3. Does the Bible state that Christ built a Church? Christ said to Peter: “And I say to thee, thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build MY CHURCH, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18). 4. Which Church did Our Lord build? The Roman Catholic Church. 5. How do you know that it was the Roman Catholic Church that Our Lord built? The Roman Catholic Church is the only Christian church that can trace its beginning back to Christ. 6. How old is the Catholic Church? The Catholic Church is 1900 years old. 7. Do many historians and many Protestants admit that the Catholic Church is the ancient Church of Christ? Many historians and many educated Protestants do admit this simple fact of history. The noted non-Catholic historian Macauley says: “She (The Catholic Church) saw the commencement of all the governments and of all the ecclesiastical establishments (churches) that now exist in the world: and we feel no assurance that she is not destined to see the end of them all.” 8. Is there another way of showing that the Catholic Church is 1900 years old? The list of Popes—263 in all—shows there has always been a Pope from the time of Christ until today. ( 20 ) 9. Why did Our Lord build His Church? To teach, to give His grace and to direct you to heaven with her laws. 10. Does Christ have authority over men’s souls? Christ has the highest authority over men’s souls. Christ said: “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me ” (Matthew 28: 18) 11. Did Christ give His authority over souls to His Church? Christ gave His authority over souls to His Church. Christ said to the apostles: “As the Father has sent me , I also send you ” (John 20:22) 12. What authority over souls did Christ give His Church? The authority to teach, give grace and make religious laws. 13. Did Christ give His Church the power to teach? Christ did give His Church the power to teach. Christ said to the apostles: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations . . . teaching them to observe all that I have com- manded you; and behold, I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world ” (Matthew 28:19-20) 14. Did Christ give His Church the power to give grace? Christ did give His Church the power to give grace. Christ gave the apostles the power to baptize (Matthew 28:17), the power to forgive sins (John 20:23), the power to offer Mass (Luke 22:19-20), and many other spiritual powers that we shall study in future lessons. 15. Did Christ give His Church the power to rule? Christ did give the apostles the power to rule. Christ said to the apostles: “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven (Matthew 18:18) 16. To what men in the Church did Christ give His authority? Christ gave His authority to the twelve apostles. 17. Did the apostles pass this authority on to other men? The apostles passed this authority to bishops and priests. The apostles consecrated bishops and ordained priests: “And when they had ordained to them priests in every church . . . they commended them to the Lord ” (Acts 14:22) 18. Who today have this authority? The bishops and priests of the Catholic Church. ( 21 ) 19. Did Christ make any man the head of His Church? Christ made Peter the head of His Church. 20. When did Christ make Peter the head of His Church? Christ made Peter the head of His Church when He told Peter that he would be the rock on which He would build the Church and the one to whom He would give the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Christ said to Peter: “And I say to thee , thou art Peter , and upon this rock I will build my Church , and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give thee the keys of the king- dom of heaven; and whatever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven ” (Matthew 16:18-19) 21. What authority did this give Peter? The highest teaching authority, the highest ruling authority, and the highest authority over the means of the grace of Christ. 22. Did Christ want Peter’s authority passed on to other men? Yes, because Christ wanted His Church to last forever. 23. Was Peter’s authority given to other men? The authority of Peter has been passed on for 1900 years. 24. What men have had the authority and power of Peter? The Popes of the Catholic Church. For 1900 years from the time of Christ up to our own day there has been a Pope, the representative of Jesus Christ, ruling the Catholic Church. 25. Do other religions have any authority from Christ? Other religions have no authority from Christ. 26. Is the Catholic Church then the only true Church of Christ? The Catholic Church is the only true Church of Christ and the only church that has His authority. 27. How long will the Catholic Church continue to exist? Until the end of the world. Christ said: “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16: 18) 28. With what spirit should you accept the true Church of Christ? With a spirit of love and gratitude to God, because in finding and accepting the Catholic Church you have found Christ, His author- ity, His grace and the sure way to heaven. ( 22 ) Lesson 6: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS THE TEACHER OF THE WORLD This lesson will show you that Jesus Christ has placed in this world a teacher that cannot make a mistake in teaching you God’s truths. 1. Who was sent by God to teach the world? Jesus Christ. “He was teaching them as one having authority” (Matthew 7:29) 2. Did Christ have the authority to teach the world? Christ had the authority of God Himself to teach. Christ said: “The words that thou hast given me I have given to them. And they have received them, and have known of a truth that I came forth from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me” (John 17:8) 3. Was Christ’s teaching necessary? Christ’s teaching was absolutely necessary for all to believe and follow. Christ said: “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved , but he who does not believe shall be condemned.” (Mark 16: 16) 4. Did He command all to accept His teaching? Christ strictly commanded all to accept His teaching. 5. Did Christ stay here to teach you? No, Christ went back to heaven. 6. What did Christ give the world to bring His teaching to all men? His Church. 7. Did He give His Church the authority and the command to teach the whole world? Our Lord did give His Church the authority and command to teach the whole world. Christ said to His Church in the persons of the apostles: “Go, therefore , and make disciples of all nations . . . teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20) 8. Did Christ command everyone to accept and believe the teaching of His Church? Christ sternly commanded everyone to accept and believe the teaching of His Church. Christ said to the apostles: “He who hears you , hears me; and he who rejects you , rejects me; and he who rejects me, rejects him ivho sent me.” (Luke 10:16) (23) 9. Is it true then that the Catholic Church has authority to teach in the name of Christ? The Catholic Church has authority to teach in the name of Christ. 10. Is it true that Christ teaches today through His Church? It is true that Christ teaches today through His Church. 11. What does this teaching authority from Christ do for the Catholic Church? This authority makes the teaching of the Catholic Church the teaching of Christ. 12. When the Catholic Church teaches with the authority of Christ can she make a mistake in giving you the teachings of Christ? The Catholic Church cannot make a mistake in giving you the teachings of Christ when she teaches with the authority of Christ. Teaching that is necessary to bring people to God would not be brought to the people without error unless God protected the teacher from error. 13. Why is it impossible for the Church to make an error in teaching when she teaches with the authority of Christ? Because Christ guaranteed that He would protect the Catholic Church from error when she taught with His authority. Christ said: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations . . . and behold , I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world ” (Matthew 28: 19-20) 14. Is a Catholic therefore sure he has the teachings of God? A Catholic is sure he has the eternal, unchangeable teachings of God Himself. 15. What was the Church told to teach? The Church was told to teach all of Christ/s teachings. Christ said: “Teach ihem to observe all that I have commanded you ” (Matthew 28:20) 16. Does the Catholic Church teach all of Christ’s teachings? The Catholic Church does teach and has always taught all the teachings of Christ. 17. Can all the teaching of the Catholic Church be traced back to Christ? All the teaching of the Catholic Church can be traced back to Christ. ( 24 ) 18. Where does the Catholic Church get the teachings of Christ? From reason, the Bible and Tradition. 19. What is reason? Reason is the ability of the human mind to obtain truth. Many things about God we can learn without the assistance of the Bible and Tradition. 20. What is the Bible? The Bible is the written word of God. “God, who at sundry times and, in divers manners spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, last of all in these days has spoken by his Son ” (Hebrews 1:1-2) 21. Who is the author of the Bible? God is the author of the Bible. “For, by supernatural power, He (God) so moved and impelled them (the human writers) to write . He was so present to them that the things which he ordered, and those only, they first rightly understood, then willed faithfully to write down and finally expressed in apt words and with infallible truth ” (Pope Leo XIII—Nov. 18, 1893) 22. Are there any errors in the Bible? There can be no errors in the Bible. 23. Why can there be no errors in the Bible? Because God is the author of the Bible. “All Scripture is inspired by God. ,f (2 Timothy 3:16) 24. Is there an official teacher and interpreter of the Bible? There is an official teacher and interpreter of the Bible. 25. Why must there be an official teacher and interpreter of the Bible? To guard the reader of the Bible against error. 26. Who is the official teacher and interpreter of the Bible? The Catholic Church is the only official teacher and interpreter of the Bible. 27. Is it possible for the Catholic Church to misinterpret the meaning of some parts of the Bible? This is not possible because the Catholic Church is protected by God from all error in teaching religion. (25) 28. Does the Catholic Church want people to read the Bible? The Catholic Church wants all to read the Bible. “And none can fail to see what profit and sweet tranquillity must result in well-disposed souls from such devout reading of the Bible. Whoever comes to it in piety, faith and humility, and with a determination to make progress in it, will assuredly find therein and will eat the ‘bread that comes down from heaven’ (John 6: 50) ” (From the Encyclical Letter of Pope Benedict XV on the reading of Holy Scripture) 29. Is there a Protestant Bible that has all the books the Catholic Bible has? There is a new Protestant Bible that has all the books the Catholic Bible has. A Protestant group recently edited a Bible and called it “The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments. ,, This finally gives the Protestant people the whole Bible—it contains the seven missing books which the Protestants did not have until now. 30. In what other place are God’s teachings found? In the Traditions of the Catholic Church. “There are , however 3 many other things that Jesus did; but if every one of these should be written, not even the world itself , I think, could hold the books that would have to be written.” (John 21:25) 31. What is Tradition? Tradition is the teaching of God which is not written in the Bible. Tradition is sometimes called the unwritten Bible or the oral Bible. Some of God’s teachings have been handed down by word of mouth from Christ and the Apostles to the Church. These teachings are just as true and authoritative as the teachings of the Bible. A good example of a truth accepted by almost all Christians is the substitution of Sunday for Saturday as the Lord’s Day. This truth you cannot find in the Bible; it comes from Tradition. 32. Do the teachings of the Catholic Church ever change? The official teachings of the Catholic Church never change. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Luke 21:33) 33. Who is the highest teaching authority in the Catholic Church? The Pope. 34. If you find difficulty in believing all the Catholic Church teaches what should you do? You should read books on the subject in question and ask a priest for help. ( 26 ) 35. If you find it difficult to accept some Catholic teaching could you be a Catholic? You could be a Catholic as long as you accept and believe the teaching as coming from Christ Himself through His Church. Everyone finds difficulty understanding even many natural things in life, but believes them when he has good authority for believing them. 36. Do other religions have from Christ the authority to teach in His name? Other religions have no authority from Christ to teach in His name. 37. Why don’t other religions have the authority to teach in Christ’s name? Because Christ gave the authority to teach to one Church only. 38. Don’t all religions teach the same things? All religions do not teach the same things. They disagree even on the most important teachings of Our Lord. Witness their confusion concerning the necessity of Baptism, heaven, hell, sin and even God. 39. Isn’t there some good teaching in all religions? There is some good teaching in all religions. Only the Catholic Church has all of God’s teachings. 40. Won’t the teaching of any religion get you to heaven if you believe in it? False religious teaching of itself will not get you to heaven no matter how strongly you believe it. 41. Do other religions change their teaching? Other religions do change their teaching. 42. Does it really matter what you believe or is it rather how you act? What you believe is most important. Our way of living comes from our beliefs. > 43. What thoughts should be yours as you finish this lesson? Thanksgiving to God for having given you a Church which will bring all His teachings to you without error and without change. “Rendering thanks to the Father , who has made us worthy to share the lot of the saints in light. He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son” (Colossians 1:12-14) (27 ) Lesson 7: THE BEAUTY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH The striking holiness, universality and unity of the Catholic Church will convince you that it is the true Church of Jesus Christ. 1. Is the Catholic religion holy? The Catholic religion is holy. Christ wanted a holy Church: “That he might present to himself the Church in all her glory not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing , hut that she might he holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27) 2. In what ways is the Catholic religion holy? Catholic teaching, Catholic laws and Catholic Sacraments are holy. 3. What people in the Catholic Church give a wonderful example of holiness? The priests, sisters, and religious brothers of the Catholic Church not only instruct children in school, care for the poor, the sick, the lepers, the deaf, blind, dumb, the old, the orphaned and abandoned, but also try their very best by daily prayer, the reception of the Sacraments and offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to lead holy lives. 4. Do the Catholic lay people give the world an example of real holiness? The Catholic lay people do give an example of real holiness. St. Peter called the members of Christ’s true Church “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation ” (1 Peter 2: 9) 5. Who gave the Catholic Church the power of being so very holy? Jesus Christ who built the Catholic Church and guides it in the way of holiness and truth. The Catholic Church does not depend primarily on its members, even on its clergy, for its holiness. Jesus Christ made the Catholic Church holy and keeps it holy. 6. Is the holiness of the Catholic Church so outstanding that you can see that it is really God’s true Church? Yes, this is true. 7. What is the most universal organization in the world? The Catholic Church. Christ said that His Church would reach to the very ends of the earth: “You shall he witnesses for me . . . even to the very ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8) ( 28) 8. How many people in the world belong to the Catholic Church? Twenty percent of the population of the world, or 472 million people. Christ told His Church to go to all nations: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations ” (Matthew 28:19) 9. Are there more Catholics than Protestants in the world? Yes, the membership of the Catholic Church is greater than the membership of all the other Christian religions put together. 10. Is the Catholic Church universal in point of time—that is, has the Catholic Church existed since the days when Christ was on earth? The Catholic Church has existed in every century for 1900 years since the time of Christ and the Apostles. 11. Is the Catholic Church universal in her teaching? The Catholic Church is universal in her teaching for she teaches all the doctrines of Christ without exception. 12. Does the universality of the Catholic Church show you that it is God’s true Church? The universality of the Catholic Church does show you that it is God’s true Church because the Church built by God would have to include all countries, all nations, all races and all the teachings of Christ for all men of all time. 13. Why is the Church called Catholic? The Church is called Catholic because the word “catholic” means universal. “She is called Catholic , because she alone has the privilege of being known to the whole world , having subjects in all parts of the world ” (St. Cyril of Jerusalem c.315-387) 14. When did the true Church of Christ get the name Catholic? In the first century. 15. In speaking of Christ’s Church the Bible does not use the word “catholic.” The Bible does not use the word “catholic” because Christ did not use any particular word to point out His Church. 16. Can it be said that the Catholic Church is the Church of mankind? Yes, because it is the universal Church of all men. ( 29) 17. Did Christ want His Church to be one and united? Christ did want His Church to be one and united. Christ prayed that His Church would be one and united: “Yet not for these only (the apostles) do I prays but for those also who through their word are to believe in me, that all may be one, even as thou, Father, in me and I in thee; that they also may be one in us.” (John 17:20-21) 18. Why did Christ need a united Church? Christ needed a united Church to keep the means of His grace and His teaching one and the same for all people. “One body and one Spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one Baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and throughout all, and in us all” (Ephesians 4:4-6) 19. Does Christ keep His Church one and undivided? Christ has kept and continues to keep His Church one and un- divided so that the Catholic Church alone can be said to be one fold and one shepherd. “There shall be one fold and one shepherd ” (John 10:16) 20. In what ways is the Catholic Church united? All Catholics have the same beliefs, laws, worship, Sacraments and the same religious ruler—the Pope. 21. Is it unusual to have millions of people agree in religion for 1900 years? It is not only unusual; it is miraculous. 22. When did the first Protestant church break away from the one true Church? The first Protestant church broke away from the one true Church 400 years ago. Martin Luther (Lutheran) broke from the Catholic Church in Germany in the year 1520. Henry VIII (Episcopalian) broke away from the Catholic Church in the year 1534 in England. Many other Protestant churches have been founded since the first break. 23. Why did Protestants leave the ancient and true Church? There were many reasons. One reason was the objection to certain evils among some priests and some of the laity in the Catholic Church. Evil done by some priests and some lay people does not make the Catholic Church evil. (30 ) 24. What evils come from disunity among Protestants and Catholics? Lack of Christian faith and practice, religious indifferentism, con- fusion in the minds of sincere people, even irreligion or a pagan way of life. 25. Is there hope for union of the Protestant churches with the ancient and true Church? Although hope is not great, we should pray for union. “And other sheep I have that are not of this fold ” (John 10:16) 26. To gain union of churches, could the Catholic Church give up any of her teaching? The Catholic Church cannot give up any of her teachings because they come from Christ Himself. 27. Can a Protestant save his soul? A Protestant cannot save his soul if he knows the true Church and remains out of it. 28. Can a Protestant save his soul if he does not know the Catholic Church is the only true Church of Christ? A Protestant outside the true Church through no fault of his own can save his soul if he lives a good life and dies without mortal sin on his soul. 29. Should Protestants who are living good lives be urged to study the Catholic Church? All Protestants should be urged to study the Catholic Church. 30. What thoughts should be now in your heart? Admiration and love for the Catholic Church and for Christ who made her so attractive. “Behold the dwelling of God with mens and he will dwell with them. And they will he his people and God himself will he with them as their God (Apocalypse 21:3) Lesson 8: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS THE BODY OF CHRIST The Catholic Church is more than a fine organization or fine religion. It is Christ’s Body on earth, doing His work for souls. (31) 1. Should the Catholic Church be respected only as a fine organiza- tion? The Catholic Church should not be respected only as a fine organi- zation. 2. What else is the Catholic Church? The Catholic Church is the Body of Christ in the world. 3. What is the Body of Christ? This Body of Christ is the union of all the members of the Catholic Church with Christ to form one Body. 4. Does the Bible call the Catholic Church the Body of Christ? The Bible does call the Catholic Church the Body of Christ. “You are the body of Christ , member for member ” (1 Corinthians 12:27) 5. Who is the Head of the Body of Christ? Jesus Christ. “He is the head of his body , the Church” (Colossians 1:18) 6. Who are the members of the Body of Christ? All the members of the Catholic Church. “So we, the many, are one body in Christ, but severally members one of another” (Homans 12:5) 7. How are the members of the Body joined to Christ the Head to form one Body? By sanctifying grace. 8. Can it be said then that the Catholic Church is an extension of the living Christ into our world of the 20th Century? Yes. The Catholic Church is actually an extension of Christ: His life, His teaching, His grace into our world of the 20th Century. 9. How do you become a member of the Body of Christ? By Baptism you become a member of the Body of Christ. Christ told us that as the branches are joined to the vine, we are joined to Christ: “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me (Christ), and I in him, he bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me, he shall be cast outside as the branch and wither” (John 15:5-6) (32 ) 10. What work does Christ, the Head of the Body, do in His Body? Christ does the same work in the world today in His Body, the Church, that He did with His physical Body in the Holy Land 1900 years ago. He teaches, governs and sanctifies all. 11. What is the work of the many members of the Body? The members are to pray, work and sacrifice themselves for Christ and for each other. “May you be completely strengthened through his glorious power unto perfect patience and long-suffering; joyfully rendering thanks to the Father, who has made us worthy to share in the lot of the saints in light ” (Colossians 1:11-12) 12. What benefits do you get from membership in the Body of Christ? Living union with Christ and with other good people; a share in all the graces Christ our Head has gained for us; the opportunity to work with Christ and the other members of the Body for the sanctification of the world. 13. Besides calling His Church His Body did Our Lord describe His Church in other words too? Our Lord also called His Church, the Kingdom of Heaven, His flock and His bride. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net cast into the sea and gathering in fish of every kind.” (Matthew 13:14) “Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them” (Matthew 9:15) 14. What realization should come to you from this lesson? The realization that by being a member of the Catholic Church you are actually united to Christ and to the other members. (33 ) CATHOLIC WORSHIP Lesson 9: THE MASS Jesus Christ is actually offered on the altars of the Catholic Church for you. 1. What is adoration? Adoration is the honor you give only to God. “Come, let us bow down in worship ; let us kneel before the Lord who made us. For he is our God, and we are the people he shepherds, the flock he guides ” (Psalm 94:6-7) 2. Are you obliged to adore God? You are obliged to adore God. “For it is written, the Lord thy God shalt thou worship. . . ” (Matthew 4:10) 3. Why are you obliged to adore God? Because He made you and has given you everything you have. “Worship him who made the heaven and the earth, the sea and the fountains of waters.” (Apocalypse 14:7) 4. What is the best way to adore God? Offering sacrifice is the best way to adore God. “To you will I offer sacrifice of thanksgiving, and I will call upon the name of the Lord” (Psalm 115:17) 5. What is a sacrifice? A sacrifice is the offering of a gift to God. 6. Can you have true religion without a sacrifice? You cannot have true religion without a sacrifice. 7. Why is a sacrifice so necessary? It is necessary to have a solemn, public, external act by which men worship their Creator and Master. 8. What is the most perfect sacrifice? The Sacrifice of the Mass. 9. What is the Mass? The Mass is the offering of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ to God. 10. Who offered the first Mass? Jesus Christ offered the first Mass. (36) 11. When did Christ offer the first Mass? At the Last Supper. 12. What did Christ do at the Last Supper? Christ changed bread and wine into His Body and Blood and offered Himself to God. 13. Is this in the Bible? Yes, it is in the Bible. “And, while they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed and broke, and gave it to his disciples, and said, ‘Take and eat; this is my body.’ And taking a cup, he gave thanks and gave it to them, saying, ‘All of you drink of this; for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is being shed for many unto the forgiveness oj sins/ ” (Matthew 26: 26-28) 14. Did Christ give the power of offering Mass to anyone? Christ gave this power to the twelve apostles. 15. What did He say to the apostles? Christ said: “Do this in remembrance of me.” (St. Luke 22:19) 16. Do any men today have the power to offer Mass? All Catholic bishops and priests have this power. 17. Explain how Catholic bishops and priests have this power? This power has been handed down through ordination in the Catholic Church for 1900 years. 18. Did the apostles ordain priests? Yes, the apostles ordained priests. “And when they had ordained to them priests in every church . . . they commended them to the Lord ” (Acts 14:22) 19. Is bread and wine offered to God at Mass? Bread and wine is not offered. After the priest says “This is my body” and “This is my blood,” Christ is offered. (Matthew 14: 22-24) 20. Why is the Mass the most perfect Sacrifice? Jesus Christ Himself is the gift that is offered to God, and Jesus Christ is the priest who offers the gift. ( 37 ) 21. Is the same Christ who was offered for you on the Cross offered in Mass? Yes—this is the wonderful and startling truth of Mass. 22. Is the Mass, then, the same sacrifice as the Sacrifice of the Cross? Yes. In the Mass and on the Cross Christ offers Himself in sacrifice. 23. What is the difference between the Sacrifice of the Cross and the Sacrifice of the Mass? On the Cross Christ really suffered and died. In the Mass Christ does not really suffer and die. 24. Who is the principal priest at Mass? Jesus Christ. 25. Does your parish priest offer Mass? Your parish priest offers Mass with and through Jesus Christ. 26. Do the people offer Mass? By acting and praying in union with their parish priest the people offer Mass with and through their parish priest and Jesus Christ. 27. At what part of the Mass is Christ actually offered to God? At the Consecration. At the Consecration the bell rings for the third time during the Mass. The priest bends over the bread and says the words of Consecration; he genuflects, raises Our Lord for your adoration, and genuflects again. Then he bends over the chalice and says the words of Consecration, and elevates the chalice for your adoration. 28. What is the best prayer you can offer to God? The Mass, because in the Mass it is Christ who offers Himself to God the Father for you and with you. 29. For whom is Mass offered? Mass is offered for everyone, living and dead. Mass can be offered for spiritual needs like repentance or perseverance in grace. Mass can be offered also to obtain the necessities of this life like food, work, housing, health. 30. Do Catholics have an obligation to assist at Mass? Catholics must assist at Mass every Sunday and six Holy Days during the year. ( 38 ) 31. When is Mass offered in your parish church? Every day. 32. What kind of sin is it for a Catholic to miss Mass on Sunday or a Holy Day? It is a mortal sin. “Take care to keep holy the Sabbath day as the Lord, your God, commanded you ” (Deuteronomy 5:12) 33. Is the Sacrifice of the Mass the only true sacrifice in the world today? Yes, because it is the only sacrifice in which you give God the honor that befits Him and the satisfaction to make up for sin. “For it is impossible that sins should be taken away with blood of bulls and goats ” (Hebrews 10:4) 34. What is the best prayer book to have when you offer Mass? The Mass book (Missal) . 35. Can sinners offer Mass? Sinners can and should offer Mass to adore God and to obtain sorrow for their sins. 36. Can Non-Catholics offer Mass? Non-Catholics can offer Mass with the Catholics and the Catholic priest. While you are receiving instructions from a Catholic priest you are invited and urged to offer Mass as part of your course of religious instructions. 37. What realization should you have from this lesson? The realization that the Sacrifice of Christ is continued daily on the altars of Catholic Churches. “For from the rising of the sun even to the going down, my name is great among the Gentiles: and in every place there is sacrifice and there is offered to my name a clean oblation. For my name is great among the Gentiles, saith the Lord of hosts ” (Malachias 1:11) (39 ) • * ' . ' ' . . ’ THE CATHOLIC CHURCH GIVES GRACE TO THE WORLD Lesson 10: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HAS THE POWER AND AUTHORITY TO GIVE GOD’S GRACE TO THE WORLD Only the Catholic Church has the authority , the power and the right to bring God’s grace to you. 1. Why did Christ die on the Cross? To redeem you and give you grace. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that those who believe in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting. For God did not send his Son into the world in order to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:16-17) 2. Is grace absolutely necessary for salvation? Grace is absolutely necessary for salvation. i( That, being justified by his grace , we may be heirs in the hope of life everlasting (Titus 3:7) 3. Did Christ stay here on earth personally to give His grace to each soul? No, He ascended into heaven. 4. How does Christ bring His grace to each soul? Through His Church, the Catholic Church. Christ sent the Church: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit ” (Matthew 28:19) 5. Does all grace come to the people in the world through the Catholic Church? All grace comes through the Catholic Church. 6. What did Christ place in His Church to give grace? , The Sacraments. 7. What are Sacraments? Sacraments are channels through which the grace of Christ flows into souls. 8. How many Sacraments are there? There are seven Sacraments. ( 42 ) 9. What are the names of the seven Sacraments? Baptism, Penance, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Marriage and Extreme Unction. 10. Does each Sacrament give the life of grace to the soul? Each Sacrament gives the life of grace or an increase of the life of grace. 11. Does each Sacrament give any other kind of grace? Each Sacrament gives a special grace that no other Sacrament gives. 12. What special grace does each Sacrament give? Baptism gives the special grace to lead a Christian life; Penance gives the special grace to stay away from sin; Holy Communion gives the special grace to love Christ dearly; Confirmation gives the special grace to be a strong Catholic; Holy Orders gives the special grace to be a good priest; Marriage gives the special grace to be a good husband or wife; Extreme Unction gives the special grace to prepare for a holy death. 13. Do the Sacraments always give grace? The Sacraments always and automatically give grace unless you put something in the way. Example: To receive Our Lord while you have mortal sin on your soul would stop the Sacrament of Holy Communion from giving grace. 14. To what men did Christ give the powers of the Sacraments? To His priests. 15. Who was the first priest in the Catholic Church? Jesus Christ was the first priest in the Catholic Church. 16. Were the apostles priests? The apostles were priests. They were made priests by Jesus Christ. 17. How were the priestly powers of Christ passed down from the apostles to other priests? Through ordination in the Catholic Church. Paul wrote to Timothy: “Neglect not the grace that is in thee; which was given thee by prophecy , with imposition of the hands of the priesthood (1 Timothy 4:14) (43) 18. For how many years have these sacred powers been handed down? Over nineteen hundred years. 19. Do all Catholic priests have the sacramental powers of Christ? All Catholic priests have these powers. 20. Do Protestant clergymen have the sacred powers of Jesus Christ? Protestant clergymen do not have the sacred powers of Jesus Christ. 21. Why is it that Protestant clergymen do not have the sacred powers of Jesus Christ? The sacred powers of Jesus Christ have been handed down for 1900 years only in the Catholic Church, the true Church of Jesus Christ. 22. What resolution should you form from this lesson? The resolution to use the sacraments of Christ frequently so that you can have the grace you need to lead a good life. Lesson 11: THE PRIEST GIVES LIFE THROUGH THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM You obtain God’s grace through Baptism. Are you sure you are baptized? 1. What is Baptism? Baptism is the first Sacrament you receive, the Sacrament that makes you a Christian. 2. What does Baptism do for your soul? Baptism begins the life of grace in your soul and washes away all your sins. 3. Who made Baptism and gave it to the Catholic Church? Jesus Christ Himself. 4. Is Baptism necessary for salvation? Baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation. Without it, you cannot get into heaven. “Jesus answered and said to him , Amen , amen , I say to thee , unless a man he horn again (baptized), he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3) ( 44 ) 5. Who gives you the Sacrament of Baptism? Ordinarily a priest. 6. How does the priest baptize you? The priest pours water on your head while he says the words of Baptism: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” 7. How do you prepare for Baptism? Be faithful at your instructions and give up anything that leads you into serious sin. 8. If you are convinced of the truth of the Catholic Church is it a sin to put off your Baptism? It is a most serious sin. “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts 2:38) 9. Should babies be baptized? Babies should be baptized shortly after birth. Christ said every man had to be baptized: “Amen, amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again , he cannot see the kingdom of Godr (John 3:3) 10. Is it a sin to neglect to have your baby baptized? To neglect to baptize your baby is a very serious sin. Although an unbaptized baby will never see God supernatu- rally, he will probably enjoy a certain peace and happiness in the next world. 11. If someone is dying and a priest cannot be found what should be done? Anyone can and should baptize if someone is dying and a priest cannot be found. See the back of this book page 105 for instructions on how to baptize a person. 12. Why does a priest baptize you if you have already been baptized in a Protestant church? Some Protestant baptisms are invalid. Some Protestant ministers do not have the intention of giving Christian Baptism. Some others do not follow the directions of Christ in giving Baptism. Such Baptisms are null and void. (45) 13. What realization should be yours now? The realization that you should obtain the life of grace for your- self and the members of your family through the Sacrament of Baptism. “Do you not know that all we who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been bapitzed into his death? For we were buried with him by means of Baptism into death, in order that , just as Christ has arisen from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also may walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:3-4) Lesson 12: THE PRIEST FORGIVES SIN In the Catholic Church you can he sure your sins are forgiven because Christ gave the power to forgive sin to His priests. 1. Why did Christ die on the Cross? Christ died on the Cross to forgive your sins. “But if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the just; and he is a propitiation for our sins, not for ours only but also for those of the whole world” (1 John 2 : 1-2 ) 2. Did Jesus Christ forgive sins? Jesus Christ did forgive sins. Christ forgave the sins of the sinful woman in the house of Simon the Pharisee (Luke 7:48), the sins of the paralytic (Luke 5:20), the sins of St. Peter, the sins of the good thief on the cross, and the sins of many other people. 3. How could Christ forgive sins? Christ could forgive sins because He is God. “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28) 4. Could Christ give the power to forgive sins to men? Because Christ is God He could give the power to forgive sins to men. 5. Did Christ give the power to forgive sins to men? Christ did give the power to forgive sins to men. 6. To what men in the Church did Christ give the power to forgive sins? Christ gave the power to forgive sins to the twelve apostles, the first priests. ( 46 ) 7. With what words did Christ give the apostles this sacred power? Christ said to the apostles: “Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them. ,, (John 20:23) “When it was late that same day , the first of the week, though the doors where the disciples gathered had been closed for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them, ‘Peace be to you!’ And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples therefore rejoiced at the sight of the Lord. He therefore said to them again, ‘Peace be to you! As the Father has sent me, I also send you.’ When he had said this, he breathed upon them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit; whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained. 9 ” (John 20:19-23) 8. Did the apostles forgive sins? The apostles did forgive sins. 9. How did the apostles see to it that the power of forgiving sins could be used in all ages? The apostles passed on the power to forgive sins to bishops and priests. 10. Who today have this power? All Catholic bishops and priests. 11. By what name is the power to forgive sins known? The Sacrament of Penance, or Confession. 12. Does the priest really forgive your sins? The priest really forgives your sins. The priest has the power to forgive sin. The priest does not merely “pray away” your sins. 13. Why must you confess your sins to a priest? The priest must know if you are worthy of forgiveness. 14. Is it necessary to tell all your sins in Confession? It is necessary to tell all your serious sins in Confession. Otherwise your sorrow is not sincere. Most Catholics tell their less serious (venial) sins too in order to have them forgiven. 15. What if you forget to tell a serious sin? Simply tell that sin the next time you go to Confession. ( 47 ) 16. When you make a good Confession, is all punishment for sins taken away? The terrible punishment of hell is taken away but not the punish- ment which remains, punishment you must suffer before entering heaven. You must pay the debt for all your sins either in this world or in purgatory. “And there shall not enter into it [heaven] any- thing defiled. . . ” (Apocalypse 21:27) 17. When is your Confession bad? Your Confession is bad if you hide a serious sin or if you are not sorry for your sins. 18. How often should you go to Confession? You should go to Confession at least once a month. In order to stay away from all sin many Catholics go to Confession once a week. 19. To go to Confession must you have new sins on your soul? To go to Confession it is not necessary to have new sins. 20. What is the seal of Confession? It is the strictest of all secrets by which a priest is forbidden to tell sins heard in Confession. 21. What do Catholics think of Confession? Most Catholics recognize Confession as one of the most consoling things Christ gave His Church. 22. Are there any special instructions for a new convert before he makes his first Confession? Special instructions for a new convert before his first Confession are found on page 104 in the back of this book. 23. What resolution should be yours? To go to Confession frequently—once a week or once a month. “Be not ashamed to acknowledge your guilt .” (Ecclesiasticus 4:26) Lesson 13: THE PRIEST GIVES YOU THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST IN HOLY COMMUNION In the Catholic Church we really have the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ to nourish your soul. ( 48 ) 1. Does Christ love all men? Christ does love all men with an undying love. “As the Father has loved, me, I also have loved you. Abide in my love .” (John 15:9) 2. How does Christ show His love for all men? He redeemed men, offers His grace to men, and wants to unite Himself to all men. “It is now no longer I that live , but Christ lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.” (Galatians 2:20) 3. In what wonderful way does Christ unite Himself to all men? Christ unites Himself to men in Holy Communion. “I am the living bread that has come down from heaven. If anyone eat of this bread he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” (John 6:51-52) 4. What is Holy Communion? Holy Communion is receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. 5. Did Christ say that He wants all men to eat His Body and drink His Blood? In very clear words Christ told us He wants all men to eat His Body and drink His Blood. “I am the bread of life. . . . This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that if anyone eat of it he will not die. I am the living bread that has come down from hearten. If anyone eat of this bread he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” (John 6:48-52) 6. Why does Christ want all men to eat His Body and drink His Blood? Christ wants all men to be united with Him so that they can keep grace in their souls. “. . . Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has life everlasting. . . .” (John 6:54-55) 7. What is the Body and Blood of Christ called? The Body and Blood of Christ is called the Blessed Sacrament. ( 49 ) 8. How did Christ give us the Blessed Sacrament? Christ changed bread and wine into His Body and Blood at the Last Supper. “And while they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed and broke, and gave it to his disciples, and said, ‘Take and eat; this is my body And taking a cup, he gave thanks and gave it to them, saying, ‘All of you drink of this; for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is being shed for many unto the forgiveness of sins! ” (Matthew 26: 26-28) 9. Did Christ have the power to change bread and wine into His Body and Blood? Christ had this power because He is God. 10. After Christ changed bread and wine into His Body and Blood did He give this power to other men? Christ gave this sacred power to the twelve apostles. Christ said to the apostles: “Do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19) 11. Did the apostles give this power to other men? The apostles gave this power to the men they made bishops and priests. 12. Who today have this power? All the bishops and priests of the Catholic Church. 13. How has this sacred power been handed down in the Catholic Church? Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders (ordination). 14. For how long has this power been handed down in the Catholic Church? For over 1900 years. 15. When you receive Holy Communion in the Catholic Church do you receive bread and wine? You do not receive bread and wine. You receive Jesus Christ Himself. After the priest says the words of Christ: “This is my body . . . This is my blood,” the bread and wine have been changed into the Body and Blood of Christ. 16. How often should you receive Holy Communion? You should receive Holy Communion every time you go to Mass if you are in the state of grace, or at least once a month. ( 50 ) “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day. . . . He who eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, abides in me and I in him ... so he who eats me, he also shall live because of me.” (John 6:55-58) 17. What do you gain by receiving Holy Communion? Union with Christ, an increase of grace, a lessening of evil inclina- tions and Christ’s promise of everlasting life. Christ said: . . And I will raise him up on the last day.” (John 6:55) 18. How do you prepare for Holy Communion? Be in the state of grace and observe the law of fasting. 19. What fast is required before Holy Communion? You must fast from solid foods (and alcoholic beverages) for three hours before receiving Holy Communion and from all liquid nourishment one hour before receiving Holy Communion. Water does not break the fast. The sick need not fast before Holy Communion. 20. Is it necessary to go to Confession each time before receiving Holy Communion? It is not necessary to go to Confession each time before you receive Holy Communion unless you have serious sin on your soul. Do not stay away from Holy Communion because you have a small sin on your soul. Simply say an Act of Contrition and receive Our Lord. 21. When are you forbidden to receive Holy Communion? You are forbidden when you have broken your fast or when you have mortal sin on your soul. 22. Why don’t Catholics receive of the Chalice? There are. many reasons. One reason is there is danger of spilling the sacred contents. 23. Do Catholics receive Christ when they do not receive of the Chalice? Catholics do receive the whole Christ who is present in every crumb of the Sacred Host and every drop in the Chalice. Those who receive of the chalice in Protestant churches receive only wine. ( 51 ) 24. Name some Catholic devotions toward Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament? Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, The Holy Hour, the Nine First Fridays, Forty Hours Devotion, visits to Our Lord in the parish church. 25. What resolution should be yours? The resolution to receive Our Lord frequently in Holy Com- munion. Jesus said: “I am the bread of life. . . . This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that if anyone eat of it he will not die (John 6:48, 50) Lesson 14: A BISHOP GIVES THE SACRAMENT OF CON- FIRMATION From the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Catholic Church , you can receive the extra graces you need to lead a good Catholic life. 1. Does a convert to the Church need a special Sacrament? A convert needs a special Sacrament that will give him strength and courage. “Give me back the joy of your salvation, and a willing spirit sustain in me / 9 (Psalm 50:14) 2. Why does a convert need a special Sacrament of strength and courage? Because a convert has his old temptations; even his family and friends try to pull him away from Christ and His Church. “For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but . . . against the spiritual forces of wickedness (Ephesians 6:12) 3. What Sacrament is a special Sacrament for converts? The Sacrament of Confirmation. 4. What is Confirmation? Confirmation is the Sacrament which gives you the special graces of strength and courage necessary to live a strong Christian life. 5. How do we know that Christ gave the Catholic Church the Sacra- ment of Confirmation? The Bible and the writings of the early Catholic bishops make this clear. ( 52 ) “Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God. they sent to them Peter and John. On their arrival they prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit; for as yet he had not come upon any of them, hut they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord, Jesus. Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit .” (Acts 8:14-17) 6. Who gives you the Sacrament of Confirmation? Ordinarily only a bishop can give you this Sacrament. 7. How does the bishop give this Sacrament? The bishop gives you this Sacrament by imposing his hands upon you while he anoints your forehead with the oil of Confirmation as he says: “I sign thee with the sign of the cross, and I confirm thee with the chrism of salvation, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost/’ 8. How does your parish priest help you make a good preparation for Confirmation? Your parish priest usually gives some special lessons before Con- firmation and leads you to Confession and Holy Communion. 9. At what age do children receive the Sacrament of Confirmation? At about the age of eleven. 10. What sentiments should now be yours? Sentiments of.grateful love and appreciation toward Almighty God who has given us so many sources of grace. “Therefore will I give thanks to thee, O Lord, among the Gentiles: and will sing to thy name ” (2 Kings 22:50) Lesson 15: A BISHOP ORDAINS PRIESTS THROUGH THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS Jesus Christ Himself established the Catholic priesthood. Christ gives you His teachings and His grace through His priests. 1. What is a priest? A priest is a man who offers sacrifice to God. 2. Was Jesus Christ a priest? Jesus Christ was a priest. St. Paul says that Jesus Christ was “a merciful and faithful high priest before God/' (Hebrews 2:17) 3. How does Christ continue his priestly work in the world? Through the Catholic priesthood. 4. How is the priesthood of Christ passed on to other priests? Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The Bible tells us that the apostles ordained priests: “And when they had ordained to them priests in every church . . . they commended them to the Lord. . . ” (Acts 14:22) 5. What work does Our Lord do in His Church through His priest- hood? Through His priesthood Christ offers the Sacrifice of the Mass, forgives sin, gives Holy Communion and other Sacraments, preaches and teaches. 6. How does a man prepare for the priesthood? He must spend twelve or more years in prayer and study in a Catholic seminary. 7. What kind of life must a priest lead? A priest must lead the kind of life of prayer and example that will lead his people to heaven. “Then Jesus said to his disciples, If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24) 8. Why is a priest called “Father?” A priest is called “Father” because he gives life to souls. The Scriptures forbid us to give any man the reverence and respect that we give to God, the Father; but they do not forbid us to call anyone “father;” otherwise it would be a sin for a child to call his male parent “father”. 9. Why don’t priests marry? Priests imitate the holy single state practiced by Christ. St. Paul in the Scriptures advises the single state: “He who is unmarried is concerned about the things of the Lord, how he may please God. Whereas he who is married is concerned about the things of the world, hovj he may please his wife; and he is divided ” (1 Corinthians 7:32-33) 10. What powers does a bishop have? Besides all the powers a priest has, a bishop can consecrate other bishops, ordain priests and give Confirmation. Is the Pope a priest? The Pope is a priest and the chief bishop in the Catholic Church. ( 54 ) 11 . 12. What resolution should you form from this lesson? The resolution to treat priests with love and respect because they have the powers of Jesus Christ. Encourage your children to aspire to the priesthood. Lesson 16: THE PRIEST PREPARES YOUR SOUL FOR DEATH The priest does more than pray for you when you are in danger of death. He has the power to give you a sacrament made by Christ for you when you are seriously ill. 1. Did Christ show special care for the sick? Yes, Christ showed special care for the sick. “And Jesus was going about . . . healing every disease and every sickness among the people” (Matthew 4:23-24) 2. To help the sick what did Our Lord give His Church? Our Lord gave a special Sacrament for the sick, Extreme Unction. 3. How do you know that Our Lord made such a Sacrament? The Scripture is clear: “Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man. And the Lord shall raise him up: and if he be in sins , they shall be forgiven him. }) (James 5:14-15) 4. What special grace does Extreme Unction give the sick person? The grace to die a holy death and to get ready for heaven. 5. Is it possible that Extreme Unction prepares you for immediate entrance into heaven? Yes, it is possible. St. Thomas Aquinas said: “By Extreme Unction a man is prepared for immediate entry into glory/’ 6. Does Extreme Unction help a sick person to regain his health? Extreme Unction sometimes helps a sick person to regain his health. 7. Who has the power to give this Sacrament? All Catholic priests have this power. ( 55 ) 8. How does a priest give the Sacrament of Extreme Unction? With the oil of the sick the priest anoints the senses of the sick person while he says the prayer of the anointing. 9. What is the prayer the priest says? The priest says: “Through this holy anointing and by His most tender mercy, may the Lord pardon thee whatever sins thou hast committed by sight (hearing, speech, and so forth).” 10. When should the priest give Extreme Unction? Whenever anyone is in danger of death from sickness, wound or accident. A priest should be called while you have the full use of your senses, so that the priest can help you attain true sorrow for your sins. 11. What are the last Sacraments? The Sacraments given in danger of death. 12. What are these Sacraments? Extreme Unction, Confession and Communion. • 13. What is the Last Blessing? A blessing of the Church for one who is seriously sick. 14. What special indulgence does the Last Blessing bring with it? A plenary indulgence. A plenary indulgence gives full forgiveness of the punishment due to sin. 15. Should the priest be called to the sick who are not in danger of death? The priest should be called so that he can give the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion. 16. When a Catholic dies what should be done? Notify the priest and arrange with him the time of the funeral Mass. 17. What resolution should you form from this lesson? To prepare for a happy death by leading a holy life, coupled with a resolution to tell those in your home to get a priest for you when you are seriously sick. ( 56 ) Lesson 17: THE PRIEST IS THE OFFICIAL WITNESS OF THE CHURCH AT THE MARRIAGE OF A CATHOLIC Authority over the sacred state of marriage belongs to God and to God's Church. It is the duty of the Catholic Church to protect mar- riage from the false and pagan teachings all around us. 1. What is a marriage? Marriage is a contract between a man and a woman for the birth and raising of children. The marriage contract is also a perpetual and exclusive contract made for the happiness of the spouses as well as for the birth • of children. See question 4 in lesson 18. 2. Who gave marriage to the human race? Almighty God gave marriage to the human race. “Male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth. 3* (Genesis 1:27-28) 3. What is the principal purpose of marriage? The birth and raising of children. “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth.” (Genesis 1:28) 4. What laws did God make to protect marriage? For the protection of marriage, God made two principal and very important laws: A person can have only one wife (or husband). A marriage contract lasts until death. “But from the beginning of creation God made them male and female. ( For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife , and the two shall become one flesh. 3 Therefore now they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder. . . . Whoever puts away his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her; and if the wife puts away her husband, and marries another, she commits adultery. 33 (Mark 10:6-12) 5. When Christ came what did He do for marriage? Christ brought back to a sinful world the teaching of God regard- ing the contract, the purpose and the dignity of the state of marriage. 6. What special Sacrament did Christ make for married people? Christ made the Sacrament of Marriage. (57 ) 7. What special grace do married people receive from the Sacrament of Marriage? The grace to lead a holy married life. 8. Who gives the Sacrament of Marriage? The man and wife give the Sacrament to each other on the day of their marriage. 9. Why is a priest required at the marriage of a Catholic? The priest blesses the sacred contract and stands as the official witness of God’s Church. 10. Can a Catholic be married without the presence of a priest? Ordinarily without a priest the marriage of a Catholic is no marriage at all. “Christ . . . entrusted all the discipline hearing upon these matters [marriage ] to His Church (“Christian Marriage” — Pope Leo XIII) 11. How soon before marriage should the priest be notified? The priest should be notified several weeks or months before the date of the marriage so that he may help the man and woman to prepare for marriage. 12. If you become a Catholic do you have to be married over again before a Catholic priest? No. Just so the laws of God on marriage are observed a marriage of two people who are not Catholic is valid. 13. What resolution should you form from this lesson? The resolution to have a holy and happy marriage for yourself and your children. “Enjoy life with the wife whom you love. . . . This is your lot in life” (Ecclesiastes 4:9) (58) THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TEACHES THE WORLD A HAPPY MARRIED LIFE Lesson 18: A HOLY HAPPY MARRIAGE You desire your marriage and the marriages of your children to be holy and happy. If you will learn and practice the teaching of the Catholic Church concerning marriage , you can be sure of a holy and happy marriage. 1. What is marriage? Marriage is a contract between a man and woman for the birth and raising of children. Marriage is also a perpetual and exclusive contract made for the good of the man and woman as well as for the birth of children. 2. Who gave marriage to the human race? Almighty God gave marriage to the human race. “Then the Lord God said , It is not good that the man is alone; I will make him a helper like himself. . . . And the rib which the Lord God took from the man, he made into a woman, and brought her to him.” (Genesis 2:18-22) 3. Who gave the purpose of marriage and the laws of marriage? Almighty God. 4. What is the principal purpose of marriage? The birth and raising of children. “Male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth.” (Genesis 1:27-28) 5. Is there another purpose? Yes—to give husband and wife a sweet and consoling companion- ship for life. “Two are better than one.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9) 6. What is the principal law God made for marriage? One man marries one woman until death. “For the married woman is bound by the law while her husband is alive; but if her husband die , she is set free from the law of the husband. Therefore while her husband is alive, she will be called a/n adulteress if she be with another man; but if her husband dies, she is set free from the law of the husband, so that she is not an adulteress if she has been with another man.” (Romans 7:2-3) ( 60 ) 7. What is a Christian marriage? A marriage contracted and lived by Christians according to the purpose and laws of God. “For we are the children of samts; and we must not he joined together like heathens that know not God.” (Tobias 8:5) 8. What happiness comes to married people who have a Christian marriage? The faithful love of a partner until death, a happy family life and the joy of raising children for heaven. “Happy the husband of a good wife , twice-lengthened are his days; A worthy wife brings joy to her husband, peaceful and full is his life .” (Ecclesiasticus 26:1-2) 9. What is a pagan marriage? One in which God and His laws of marriage are disregarded. 10. What unhappiness often comes from pagan marriage? Unfaithfulness, desertion, separation and divorces, poverty and juvenile delinquency. When the nature and purpose of marriage are unknown or disregarded by men, unhappiness even in this world is the result. 11. For a world confused and unhappy about marriage what did Christ do? Christ brought back God’s teaching on marriage. 12. What laws did Christ bring back? One man and one woman until death for the purpose of raising children. “What therefore God has joined together , let no man put asun- der. . . . Whoever puts away his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her; and if the wife puts away her husband , and marries another, she commits adultery.” (Mark 10:9-12) 13. Did Christ do anything else for marriage? Christ brought back the dignity of women and made marriage a Sacrament. Before Christ, women were treated as chattel. Lust, not love, was rule. 14. Are you obliged to obey God’s laws on marriage even if you are not a Catholic? All people, Catholic and Non-Catholic, are obliged to obey God’s laws on marriage. ( 61 ) 15. Regarding marriage, what sentiments should you try to have in your soul? A respect for the holy state. Lesson 19: WHAT IS FORBIDDEN IN MARRIAGE You must be aware of all the pagan practices against the holy state of marriage in the world today so that after your Baptism , you will not fall into mortal sin. Make every effort to understand your Christian obligations before you enter the Catholic Church. 1. In married life, what sins must you avoid? Adultery, unlawful separation, divorce, birth control, unreasonable refusal of sexual intercourse. 2. Are these sins mortal sins? All of these sins are mortal sins. 3. What is adultery? A sin of unlawful intercourse committed by a married person. 4. Why is adultery such a terrible sin? Adultery violates one of the most sacred contracts known to man — the marriage contract and therefore violates the law of God also. 5. What does adultery do to the person who commits the sin? Adultery places him in danger of eternal damnation and destroys his peace of mind and self respect. Adultery was punished by death in the Old Testament: “If a man commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, both the adul- terer and the adulteress shall be put to death.” (Leviticus 20: 10) 6 . What evils often come to man and wife on account of adultery? Jealousy, strife, quarrels, separation and divorce. 7. Does God forbid husband and wife to separate? God does forbid separation. “But to those who are married, not I, but the Lord commands that a wife is not to depart from her husband, and if she departs, that she is to remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And let not a husband put away his wife.” (1 Corinthians 7:10-11) (62 ) 8. Why does God forbid separation? Separation violates the marriage contract. 9. What do children lose from a separation? A mother’s love or a father’s discipline. 10. Is separation ever permitted? For a most serious reason only the bishop may grant a separation. Serious reasons for a separation: Habitual drunkenness, non- support, adultery. 11. Is it wrong to seek a separation without permission of the bishop? It is most seriously wrong. 12. After the bishop grants a separation, may you marry another? No—because you are married until your partner dies. 13. Did Christ forbid divorce? In no uncertain terms Christ forbade divorce: “What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder. . . . Whoever puts away his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her; and if the wife puts away her husband, and marries another, she commits adultery.” (Mark 10:9-12) 14. Why is God so strict about divorce? God made marriage one of the most sacred contracts known to mankind. 15. Why doesn’t God permit divorce for a very serious reason? There is no reason serious enough for violation of this high and most serious contract in the sight of God and men. Moreover, if God permitted some divorce the lid would be off. Weak human beings and irreligious governments would find more and more reasons for divorce. 16. What can the very possibility of divorce do to man and wife? It can sow seeds of doubt and destroy married happiness. 17. What does divorce do to the home and the family? Divorce wrecks the home and the happiness of the family. 18. Does the government have the power to grant a divorce? The government has no power to grant a divorce because marriage and the laws of marriage belong to God alone. (63 ) 19. What is the sin of birth control? The use of evil means to prevent the conception of a child. The only lawful birth control is self control. 20. Does God forbid birth control? God clearly forbids birth control. In the Old Testament God called birth control a “detestable thing” and slew the guilty one. (See Genesis 38:9-10) 21. Why does God forbid birth control? Birth control is against the first purpose of marriage—children. 22. Is it a sin to refuse your partner sexual intercourse? If seriously asked for, refusal without a good reason is a mortal sin. “Let the husband render to the wife her due, and likewise the wife to the husband. The wife has not authority over her body, but the husband; the husband likewise has not authority over his body, but the wife ” (1 Corinthians 7:3-4) 23. Why is it a terrible sin? You refuse the serious promise you made on your wedding day — intercourse for the purpose of having children. Intercourse may be refused for very serious reasons like sick- ness, drunkenness, non-support, insanity, etc. 24. What difficulties can come from refusal of marriage intercourse. Severe temptations to sins of impurity and other serious sins. 25. What is a mixed marriage? A mixed marriage is a marriage between a Catholic and a Non- Catholic. 26. Does the Catholic Church forbid mixed marriages? The Catholic Church does forbid mixed marriages. 27. Why does the Catholic Church forbid mixed marriages? Mixed marriages often bring on many of the evils discussed in this lesson. The Jews were forbidden to marry people of false religions. “You shall not intermarry with them, neither giving your daughters to their sons nor taking their daughters for your sons. For they would turn your sons from following me to serving other gods, and, then the wrath of the Lord would flare up against you and quickly destroy you.” (Deuteronomy 7:3-4) (See also Josue 23:12 and Malachias 2:11) (64) 28. Does the Catholic Church sometimes tolerate a mixed marriage? The Catholic Church sometimes tolerates a mixed marriage but never approves of one. 29. When will the Catholic Church tolerate a mixed marriage? Only when the mixed marriage is the way out of other evils or sins. When a bishop tolerates a mixed marriage, he makes sure that the sanctity of marriage and the family, and the faith of the Catholic party are protected. 30. What is the reason for practically all the sins and errors in marriage? Ignorance of the fact that marriage is a holy contract and state made by Almighty God Himself. 31. What resolution should you make after studying this lesson? The resolution to respect your marriage and God’s regulations as holy. “For they who in such manner receive matrimony , as to shut out God from themselves, and from their mind, and to give themselves to their lust . . . over them the devil hath power” (Tobias 6:17) ( 65 ) ' . THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TEACHES YOU THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD Lesson 20: THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD You are about to begin a course in Christian morality. The Catholic Church is about to present to you the whole way of the Christian life. 1. Who gave the Ten Commandments to you? Almighty God. God gave the Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. (See Exodus 19:16-25, Exodus 20:1-17) 2. Why did God give the Ten Commandments? To teach you how to lead a good life. The Ten Commandments are a summary of good Christian living. 3. Is it necessary to keep the Commandments? To save your soul you must keep the Commandments. “And behold , a certain man came to him and said, ‘Good Master, what good work shall I do to have eternal life ? 9 He said to him ‘. .. if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments? 33 (Matthew 19: 16-17) 4. What are the Ten Commandments? 1. I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 3. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath Day. 4. Honor thy father and thy mother. 5. Thou shalt not kill. 6. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 7. Thou shalt not steal. 8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods. 5. Are Non-Catholics obliged to obey the Ten Commandments? Non-Catholics have the same obligation as Catholics to obey the Ten Commandments. 6. What reward do you get here on earth for keeping the Command- ments? Happiness and peace of conscience. 7. What reward in the next world? Heaven. “Rejoice and exult, because your reward is great in heaven . 33 (Matthew 5:12) ( 68 ) 8. What punishment, even on earth, comes from serious sins against the Commandments? A disorderly life, worry, sorrow, despair, discontent. “If you reject my precepts and spurn my decrees, refusing to obey all my commandments ... I loill turn against you ” (Leviticus 26:15-17) 9. What is the punishment for those who die with unrepented serious sins against the Commandments? Eternal hell. 10. Does the Catholic Church have the right to teach the Command- ments and to interpret the meaning of each Commandment? From Christ Himself the Catholic Church has the right to teach the Commandments and the meaning of each Commandment. Christ said to His Church: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations . . . teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you ” (Matthew 28:19-20) 11. What is a violation of one of the Commandments called? A violation of one of the Commandments is called a sin. 12. How many kinds of sin are there? There are two kinds of sins, mortal sins and venial sins. 13. What is a mortal sin? A mortal sin is a serious violation of the law of God. To be guilty of mortal sin the action, word, desire, thought or neglect must be seriously wrong; you must know it is seriously wrong; you must deliberately and freely choose to do it. 14. What happens to your soul if you commit mortal sin? You lose all of the grace you have ever obtained. 15. What happens if you die in the state of mortal sin? You will go to hell. 16. Are all sins against the Commandments mortal sins? No—some sins are only small (venial) sins. To tell a lie is a sin against the Eighth Commandment. A lie that is not serious is a venial sin. A serious lie is a mortal sin. 17. What is the greatest evil in the world? Mortal sin. (69 ) 18. Why is mortal sin the greatest evil in the world? Mortal sin brings more unhappiness than any other evil; mortal sin makes the sinner unhappy; God punishes mortal sin severely; mortal sin cost Christ His terrible suffering and death; mortal sin will bring you to hell if you do not give it up. 19. Why are there so many mortal sins in the world? There are so many evil persons, places and things in this world; the evil inclinations of the flesh have many inducements today; the devil works hard to destroy your life with God and to make you do things you know you should not do. 20. What is a venial sin? A venial sin is a violation of the law of God that is not so serious. Examples of venial sins: impatience, telling a small lie, stealing a small amount of money, being slightly late for Mass on Sun- day, small family arguments and disagreements. 21. Does venial sin deprive the soul of grace? Venial sin does not deprive the soul of grace. Venial sin gradually weakens the will and thus, little by little prepares the way for your soul to fall into mortal sin. 22. Is temptation a sin? Temptation is not a sin but an attraction to commit sin. No temptation, however strong it may be, is any excuse for sin, because God permits no man to be tempted beyond his strength. God gives actual grace which is an illumination of the mind and a strengthening of the will so that the person tempted can avoid evil and choose to do good. 23. Can all sins be forgiven? God will forgive all sins no matter how great, if you are really sorry for them. “If yovr sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be as red as crimson, they shall be white as wool.” * (Isaias 1:18) 24. What is the greatest damage done to your soul by mortal sin committed over and over again? Loss of a sense of the seriousness of mortal sin or hardness of heart, or loss of hope of overcoming mortal sin. Very often then, the sinner will not express, sorrow for his sin; hence he cannot be forgiven. ( 70 ) 25. What should be your principal effort in studying the Command- ments of God? Try to understand that these things forbidden in the Command- ments are wrong not because of the Commandments but because they are wrong in themselves. “You therefore are to he perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect .” (Matthew 5:48) Lesson 21: THE FIRST COMMANDMENT Like all others , you probably admit there is a God the same as you admit there is an Empire State Building. Do you have God in your life? Do you fulfill your obligations to God? 1. What is the First Commandment? “I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.” (Exodus 20:2-3) 2. What does God command in the First Commandment? Adoration or worship. “The Lord thy God shalt thou worship and him only shalt thou serve.” (Matthew 4: 10) 3. What is adoration? Recognizing or acknowledging God as your Lord and Master. 4. Why must you recognize that God is your Lord and Master? God created you and keeps you in existence. “Come, let us how down in worship; let us kneel before the Lord who made us. For he is our God , and we are the people he shepherds, the flock he guides .” (Psalm 94:6-7) 5. Name some ways to adore God. Keep the Commandments; do all the duties of your life; learn, believe and follow God’s teachings; offer the Sacrifice of the Mass with the priest. Thus, every ordinary family duty, every prayer, every act of suffering, everything you do, may become an act of adoration of God if you offer it to God as such. See the Morning Offering, page 110. 6. How do you sin against the First Commandment? By doing anything that would lead you away from the true adoration of God. “The Lord thy God shalt thou worship and him only shalt thou serve.” (Matthew 4:10) (71 ) 7. Name some ways in which you can sin against the First Com- mandment? Neglecting to learn, or refusing to believe God’s truths; participat- ing in false religions; joining the Masons or Communists; supersti- tion; sacrilege. 8. Is it a sin to neglect to take religious instructions? It is a serious sin. “The just man’s lips nourish many , hut fools die for want of sense ” (Proverbs 10:21) 9. Is it a sin to fail to give your children a religious education? It is a serious sin. Your parish priest will help you to fulfill this obligation. Speak to him. 10. Is it a sin to refuse to believe the truths of God given to you by the Catholic Church? It is a serious sin if you know the Catholic Church is the true Church. “Whoever disowns me before men , I in turn will disown him before my Father in heaven ” (Matthew 10:33) 11. Is it a sin for a Catholic to leave the Catholic Church? It is a serious sin. A habit of serious sin can lead to rejection of the true faith. 12. Is it wrong to participate in the services of a Protestant Church? If you know the church is false, it is a serious sin to participate in the services. It is permitted to go to a Protestant church to attend the funeral or wedding of a friend as long as you do not participate in the prayers and hymns. 13. Is it wrong to be a Mason? It is seriously sinful. 14. What is so evil about Masonry? Masonry is a religion in itself and the sworn enemy of the Catholic Church. The fact that many Masons are not opposed to the Catholic Church does not make Masonry good. 15. Is it a sin to join the Communist Party? It is a serious sin. ( 72 ) 16. Why is Communism evil? Communism is against God and all religion. 17. What special penalty is there for a Catholic who joins the Com- munist Party? Excommunication—he is put out of the Catholic Church. If the excommunicated Catholic leaves Communism and is sorry, he can be taken back into the Catholic Church. 18. What is superstition? Believing certain people or things have powers that belong to God alone. “Do not go to mediums or consult fortune tellers, for you will be defiled by them. I, the Lord, am your God ” (Leviticus 19:31) 19. Name some superstitious practices. Fortune telling, faith healing, belief in dreams, spiritualism, use of good-luck and bad-luck charms and practices, lucky and unlucky numbers, chain prayers. 20. By indulging in superstition, do you commit mortal sin? If you know superstition is wrong and believe firmly in it or guide your life by it, it is seriously sinful. Because of lack of religious teaching, or lack of full belief in superstition, a person might be guilty of only venial sins of superstition. 21. Why is fortune telling sinful? Fortune tellers claim to be like God in their knowledge of the future. “Let there not be found among you ... a fortuneteller . . . nor one who consults . . . ” (Deuteronomy 18:10-11) 22. What are the various ways of telling fortunes? Palm reading, crystal gazing, phrenology, astrology, card reading. 23. What is the claim of a faith healer? The miraculous cure of the sick. 24. Why is faith healing wrong? Only God can cure miraculously. Faith healing has become quite a profitable racket that deceives many ignorant sick people. (73) 25. Is it a sin to believe in dreams? It is a sin of superstition, clearly forbidden by God. “Do not practice divination or soothsaying.” (Leviticus 19: 26) 26. What is spiritism? The attempt to communicate with the dead. 27. Is spiritism sinful? Spiritism is mortally sinful. “Let there not he found among you anyone who . . . seeks oracles from the dead. Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) 28. Is it wrong to attend a spiritistic meeting merely because you are curious? It is usually a serious sin. 29. Is the use of good-luck and bad-luck charms or practices, lucky and unlucky numbers and chain prayers sinful? To believe firmly in such foolish practices or to guide your life by them is a serious sin. Before instructions many may perhaps commit only venial sins of carelessness in the use of such practices, because they do not know any better. 30. What is sacrilege? , The abuse of anything sacred. Persons like priests and nuns, places like churches, things like Rosaries are sacred because they are dedicated to God. 31. What resolution should you make after studying this lesson? Adore the true God in the way He wants to be adored and avoid any sins against the adoration of God. “Do not he led away hy various and strange doctrines.” (Hebrews 13:9) Lesson 22: THE SECOND COMMANDMENT Closely connected with the worship of God (First Commandment) is reverence for God's Holy name (Second Commandment). Be sure to distinguish between vulgar language , impure language and a “useless” (vain) use of the name of God. ( 74 ) 1. What is the Second Commandment? “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” (Exodus 20:7) 2. Does the Bible tell you to honor the name of God? The Bible says: “May his name be blessed forever.” (Psalm 71:17) 3. Name some ways of honoring the name of God. Always use God’s name reverently; bow your head or tip your hat when you hear the name of Jesus; speak reverently with persons and of things connected with God. “At the name of Jesus every knee should hend . . . ” (Philip- pians 2:10) 4. Name the common sins against the Second Commandment. A vain, careless or flippant use of the name of God; blasphemy — an insolent, insulting, hateful, scornful or abusive use of the name of God; cursing—calling down the punishment of God on a person; perjury—telling a lie while swearing before God to tell the truth. 5. Which of these sins are mortal sins? Blasphemy, cursing, perjury. 6. Which of these sins are venial sins? A vain, irreverent, careless or flippant use of the name of God. 7. Is coarse or vulgar language a sin? Coarse or vulgar language usually is not sinful. “Damn,” “hell,” and even more stronger words are not sinful. 8. Are sexy jokes and stories sinful? Although usually not sinful, such jokes and stories can be an occa- sion of sin. “But immorality and every uncleanness or covetousness , let it not even he named among you , as becomes saints.” (Ephesians 5 : 3 ) 9. After studying this lesson, what resolution should you make? Not only to avoid any irreverent use of the name of God, but also to avoid all vulgar and impure language. (75 ) Lesson 23: THE THIRD COMMANDMENT Like many people outside the Catholic Church , you probably have a very lax conscience regarding Sunday worship. Learn what your serious obligations are on the Lord’s Day. 1. What is the Third Commandment? “Remember that thou keep holy the sabbath day.” (Exodus 20:8) 2. What is commanded by the Third Commandment? Special honor and worship of Almighty God on Sunday. “Therefore, you must keep the Sabbath as something sacred. Whoever desecrates it shall be put to death. If anyone does work on that day, he must be rooted out of his people. Six days there are for doing work , but the seventh day is the Sabbath of complete rest, sacred to the Lord.” (Exodus 31:14-15) 3. What are you obliged to do on Sunday? Assist at Mass and abstain from bodily (manual) labor. 4. What are the sins against the Third Commandment? Missing Mass through your own fault, being late for Mass through your own fault, permitting your children to miss Mass, doing un- necessary manual labor on Sunday. “Take care to keep holy the Sabbath day as the Lord, your God, commanded, you.” (Deuteronomy 5:12) 5. Is it a sin to miss Mass through your own fault on Sunday? It is a mortal sin. 6. Is it a sin to miss Mass on a Holy Day of Obligation through your own fault? It is a mortal sin. 7. What are the Holy Days of Obligation in the United States? The six Holy Days of Obligation in the United States are: Christ- mas (December 25), the feast of the Birth of Jesus; New Year’s Day (January 1), the feast of the Circumcision of Jesus; Ascension Thursday (the 40th day after Easter); Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (August 15); All Saints (November 1); Immaculate Con- ception of Mary (December 8). 8. What are legitimate excuses for missing Mass? Illness—if you are so sick that you would stay home from work; care of the sick; long distance from the Church; necessary work during the hours when Mass is celebrated. ( 76 ) 9. Is it a sin to be late for Mass? To be late for Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation without a good reason is a sin. 10. When is it a mortal sin to be late for Mass? When you come in after the sermon. 11. Do parents sin by permitting their children to miss Mass without a serious reason? Parents sin mortally. 12. Is all work forbidden on Sunday? Only unnecessary manual work is forbidden on Sunday. “Six days you may labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, your God. No work may be done then . . .” (Exodus 20:9-10) 13. Is necessary manual work permitted on Sunday? Manual work that is really necessary is permitted on Sunday. “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath ” (Mark 2:27) 14. Is mental work permitted on Sunday? Mental work is permitted on Sunday. Example: study, writing, art work. 15. Is decent recreation all right on Sunday? Any recreation that is all right on Monday is all right on Sunday. 16. What resolution should you have from this lesson? To do more than is required by the law of God. Read the Bible, attend the afternoon services in Church, read Catholic newspapers, say the Rosary and Stations of the Cross, visit the sick. “If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy own will in my holy day and call the sabbath delightful and the holy of the Lord glorious and glorify him, while thou dost not thy own ways and thy own will is not found, to speak a word: Then shalt thou be delightful to the Lord.” (Isaias 58:13-14) Lesson 24: THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT You cannot have a good Catholic home without an understanding of the obligations of children toward their parents. Your obligations to- ward the authorities in the Church and in the government are also explained in this lesson. ( 77 ) 1. What is the Fourth Commandment? “Honor your father and your mother.” (Exodus 20:12) 2. Why should children honor their parents? Children get life and all the necessities of body and soul from their parents. God has appointed parents as His representatives over children. “He who honors his father is gladdened hy children ” (Ecclesi- asticus 3:5) 3. How should children honor their parents? Children should love their parents, respect them and obey their lawful commands. 4. How can children show love toward their parents? Be grateful for their love and care, give them signs of affection, help them whenever possible, pray for them. “Honor your father and mother, that you may have a long life in the land which the Lord, your God, is giving you” (Exodus 20 : 12 ) 5. How can children show respect toward their parents? Excuse their faults, seek their advice, confide in them, accept their corrections. 6. How can children obey their parents? Try to understand their parents’ desires; obey without question, without delay and without complaint. 7. How do children fail in love toward their parents? By hating them, by insulting them, or by treating them with contempt. “He who mistreats his father, or drives away his mother, is a worthless and disgraceful son” (Proverbs 19:25) 8. How do children fail in respect toward their parents? By being ashamed of them, by making fun of them or of their bad manners, by showing anger or feelings of dislike, by threatening them, by being disagreeable, by provoking them to anger, by striking them, by sulking, and by revealing the sins and faults of their parents to others. “Accursed of his Creator, he who angers his mother” (Ecclesi- asticus 3:16) ( 78 ) 9. In what way do children sin in obedience due to parents? By refusing to follow their lawful commands. Children are obliged to obey their parents in all that is not sinful. 10. Can parents demand obedience under pain of mortal sin? Parents can demand obedience under pain of mortal sin in serious matters that would bring danger to the salvation of a child’s soul such as his amusements, companions, the laws of God and the Church, Catholic education, peace and harmony in the home. 11. When is the child released from the obligation of obedience? When he leaves the home at the time of marriage, or entrance into a convent or seminary, or when he reaches adult age. 12. Are older children obliged to obey their parents in their choice of a state of life? Older children should consult their parents, but are not obliged to obey them in choosing a state of life, such as marriage or the priesthood. 13. Do adults sometimes neglect their aged parents? Adults fail by neglecting to visit aged parents, or by refusing to help them obtain the necessities of body and soul. “My son , take care of your father when he is old; grieve him not as long as he lives. Even if his mind fail3 he considerate with him; revile him not in the fullness of your strength ” (Ecclesi- asticus 3:12-13) 14. Are you obliged to honor and obey the authorities of the Catholic Church? You are obliged to honor and obey the Pope, the bishop and your pastor. “Let everyone he subject to the higher authorities, for there exists no authority except from God.” (Romans 13: 1) 15. Are you obliged to honor and obey the mayor, the governor and the President of the United States? You are obliged to honor and obey these men because their authority comes from God. “Be subject to every human creature for God’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors as sent through him . . . For such is the will of God.” (1 Peter 2:13-15) (79 ) 16. What resolution should you gain from this lesson? The resolution to honor your parents and to see that your children honor you; to honor all in authority in the Catholic Church and in the government. Lesson 25: THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT Do you really understand and believe that life belongs to God? This is the basic Christian idea of this lesson. 1. What is the Fifth Commandment? “Thou shalt not kill.” (Exodus 20:13) 2. What does God command you in the Fifth Commandment? God commands you to take proper care of your own life and the lives of others. 3. What does God forbid by the Fifth Commandment? Murder, mercy killing, abortion, suicide, neglect of property, hatred, fighting, scandal, sinful operations, drunkenness, sinful use of narcotics, neglect of health. “Learn then that J, I alone , am God , and there is no god besides me. it is I who bring both death and life ” (Deuteronomy 32:39) 4. What is murder? Murder is the unjust killing of an innocent person and is always a mortal sin. “And you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.” (1 John 3:15) 5. Is mercy killing always a mortal sin? Mercy killing is always a mortal sin because it is murder. 6. Is abortion always a mortal sin? Abortion is always a mortal sin because it is the murder of an innocent baby. 7. What is suicide? Suicide is self-murder and is always a mortal sin. 8. Is neglect of property a sin? Neglecting your property is a sin if it can cause death or injury to someone. (80 ) 9. Is anger always sinful? Anger is not always sinful. Only excessive or unjust anger is sinful. Parents and others in authority may and sometimes should use the passion of anger with moderation. 10. What is hatred? Hatred is wishing evil to someone. To dislike somebody is not hatred. 11. Is fighting sinful? Fighting without a just reason is sinful. “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but give place to the wrath, for it is written, Vengeance is mine: I will repay, says the Lord ” (Romans 12:19) 12. Is self defense permitted? Self defense is permitted if it is the only way to protect yourself or your property from unjust, actual, serious danger. 13. What is scandal? Scandal is any word or act that could lead another into sin. “Woe to the man through whom scandal does come!” (Matthew 18:7) 14. When are operations on the body sinful? Removal or mutilation of any organ of the body is sinful unless necessary to maintain the life and health of the body. Operations on the reproductive organs for the purpose of birth control, for example, are always mortal sins. 15. Is the use of alcoholic beverages a sin? The moderate use of alcoholic beverages is not a sin. Total abstinence from alcoholic beverages is a recommended Christian practice. However, do not condemn those who use alcohol moderately. 16. When is the use of alcoholic beverages a mortal sin? When you become drunk. A person is drunk when he does not know what he is doing. “Neither fornicators . . . nor adulterers . . . nor drunkards . . . will possess the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) ( 81 ) 17. When is the use of alcoholic beverages a venial sin? When you take a little too much; that is, when you “become tipsy.” “Let us walk becomingly as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness , not in debauchery and wantonness, not in strife and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and as for the flesh, take no thought for its lusts. 33 (Romans 13:13-14) 18. When is the use of narcotics a sin? When narcotics endanger your health, or when taken for unlawful emotional or nervous reactions. 19. When is the use of narcotics permitted? When taken with the advice of a physician and in the amount prescribed. 20. Is it a sin to neglect your health? To injure your health by lack of sleep, food or rest, or to endanger your life needlessly is sinful. “Better a poor man strong and robust, than a rich man with yjasted frame. 33 (Ecclesiasticus 30: 14) 21. What realization should come to you from this lesson? You must respect life because it is a great gift from God. “For it is thou, O Lord, that hast power of life and death. 33 (Wisdom 16:13) Lesson 26: THE SIXTH AND NINTH COMMANDMENTS In the modern world that teaches you that certain sins against Christian chastity are not sins at all, it is a grave error to let you go through these instructions with only a vague notion of your obligations in chastity. Lack of understanding could lead you to give up the true faith. 1. What is the Sixth Commandment? “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14) 2. What is the Ninth Commandment? “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.” (Exodus 20:17) 3. What is commanded in the Sixth and Ninth Commandments? The practice of the virtue of chastity and purity of soul and body. ( 82 ) 4. What is chastity? The virtue by which you regulate the use of the sexual appetite. “O how beautiful is the chaste generation with glory, for the memory thereof is immortal: because it is known both with God and with men ” (Wisdom 4:1) 5. Is the sexual appetite shameful and evil? The sexual appetite is a holy passion made by God to be used only in marriage. Any use of this passion outside of marriage is a mortal sin. “I exhort you therefore , brethren , by the mercy of God, to pre- sent your bodies as a sacrifice, living, holy, pleasing to God— your spiritual service” (Romans 12:1) 6. What are the sins against chastity? Adultery, fornication, impure thoughts and desires deliberately entertained, indecent dancing, “petting,” “necking,” and passionate kissing, indecent dress, impure shows, movies, books, magazines whose purpose is to arouse passion, solitary sins of impurity. Remember, all deliberate sins against chastity are mortal sins. 7. What is adultery? Sexual intercourse between two people, one (or both) of whom is married. “But he who commits adultery is a fool; he who would destroy himself does it” (Proverbs 6:32) 8. What is fornication? Sexual intercourse between two unmarried people. “For what a man soios, that he will also reap. For he who sows in the flesh, from the flesh also he will reap corruption. But he who sows in the spirit, from the spirit he will reap life everlast- ing.” (Galatians 6:8) 9. Are impure thoughts and desires sinful? Impure thoughts and desires deliberately entertained are mortal sins. If not deliberately entertained, they are not sinful. “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.” (Mat- thew 5:8) 10. Is it a sin to indulge in passionate “petting” and “necking” parties? It is a mortal sin. 11. Is kissing a sin? Passionate kissing is a mortal sin. Kissing that borders on passion must also be avoided. (83 ) 12. Is dancing a sin? Decent dancing is not a sin. Dancing that arouses passion is a mortal sin. 13. Why should you be chaste? Every deliberate sin against chastity is a mortal sin. Sins of unchastity can lead to neglect of God, to neglect of prayer and the Church, and to eternal damnation. “Therefore mortify your members , which are on earth: im- morality , uncleanness , lust, evil desire and covetousness.” (Colossians 3:5) 14. What resolution should you have from this lesson? The resolution to avoid all impurity by keeping busy, and praying fervently and frequently. “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ?” (1 Corinthians 6:15) Lesson 27: THE SEVENTH AND TENTH COMMANDMENTS Try to realize that the goods of this world are sacred things given hy a good God. Examine your conscience to find out if you have always respected the rights and property of others. Examine your conscience on thrift and the prudent management of your family money too. 1. What is the Seventh Commandment? “Thou shalt not steal.” (Exodus 20:15) 2. What is the Tenth Commandment? “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house . . . nor anything that is his.” (Exodus 20:17) The Seventh and the Tenth Commandments are treated as one lesson in this book because the Tenth Commandment forbids us to desire (covet) to do anything forbidden by the Seventh Commandment. 3. What does God command you in the Seventh and Tenth Com- mandments? God commands you to respect the money and property of others. “Woe to him that heapeth together that which is not his own” (Habacuc 2:6) ( 84 ) 4. How do you sin against the Seventh Commandment? Taking another’s property; deliberately damaging the property of another; not paying your just debts; not making a reasonable effort to find the owner of an article you have found; depriving a laborer of a just wage; wasting time, money, or the property of your employer; depriving your family of needed money by gambling, drinking or foolish spending; joining the Communists. “The robberies of the wicked shall be their downfall.” (Pro- verbs 21:7) 5. How sinful are violations of the Seventh Commandment? If serious damage is done, mortal sin is committed. If the damage is not serious, the sin is venial. “He who was wont to steal, let him steal no longer ” (Ephesians 4:28) 6. Besides being sorry, what else is necessary to have sins against the Seventh Commandment forgiven? The sinner must pay for the damage he has done, or at least seriously promise God and his confessor to do so. “And if that wicked man restore the pledge and render what he had robbed and wodk in the commandments of life and do no unjust thing: he shall surely live and shall not die ” Ezechiel 33:15) 7. How should parents treat children who steal? Parents should be very stern and punish them. 8. What effort should be made to find the owner of an article you have found? A reasonable effort, according to the value of the article. 9. How does an employer sin against the Seventh Commandment? Not paying the employees a living wage, depriving them of decent hours and working conditions, denying them the right to organize unions, treating them as mere cogs in an industrial machine. “There is a dictate of nature more imperious and more ancient than any bargain between man and man, that the remuneration (wage) must be enough to support the wage earner in reason- able and frugal comfort (“The Conditions of Labor.”—Pope Leo XIII) 10. How does a working man sin against his employer? By “loafing,” doing careless work, wasting materials, stealing from his employer. (85 ) 11. Is gambling a sin? Gambling is not a sin if there is no cheating, if everyone in the game has a chance to win, if each on£ in the game is not risking money needed for his family or for himself. Gambling is very often not advised because it often leads to sins of dishonesty, to the loss of money needed at home, to quarrel- ing, uncharitableness and broken friendships. 12. In order to avoid sins against the Seventh and Tenth Command- ments, what resolution should you and your family make? Be honest with everyone, avoid “shady deals” and “chiseling,” train your children to be perfectly honest, keep a family bank account. “Do not any unjust thing in judgment , in rule, in weight, or in measure. Let the balance be just and the weights equal , the bushel just, and the sextary equal.” (Leviticus 19:35-36) Lesson 28: THE EIGHTH COMMANDMENT By the use of your tongue you betray your true character, weak or stable. 1. What is the Eighth Commandment? “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” (Exodus 20:16) 2. What does God command you in the Eighth Commandment? God commands you to use the power of speech in a holy and Christian manner. “If anyone does not ofend in word, he is a perfect man ” (James 3:2) 3. How can you use the power of speech in a holy and Christian manner? Tell the truth in all things and be careful of the honor and reputa- tion of everyone. “But I tell you, that of every idle word men speak} they shall give an account on the day of judgment.” (Matthew 12:36) 4. What are the sins against the Eighth Commandment? Lies, damaging another’s reputation, judging another guilty of evil without sufficient evidence, insulting another, revealing secrets. “Where words are many , sin is not wanting; but he who re- strains his lips does well.” (Proverbs 10:19) (86 ) 5. How serious are the sins against the Eighth Commandment? They are serious sins if serious damage results from your words, they are venial sins if the damage is less serious. 6. Is a lie always a sin? Every lie, however small, is a sin because it is an abuse of the sacred power of speech. “ Wherefore , put away lying and speak truth each one with his neighbor, because we are members of one another ” (Ephesians 4:25) 7. How can you injure another’s reputation? Reveal his hidden faults, gossip about his known faults, tell tales about him, exaggerate his faults, lie about him. “Let anything you hear die within you ” (Ecclesiasticus 19: 9) 8. Why should you be careful of another’s reputation? Every man has a right to his good name. “A good name is more desirable than great riches , and high esteem, than gold and silver ” (Proverbs 22:1) 9. Why is it a sin to insult a person? To insult a person is a sin because everyone has a right to the honor and respect of all. 10. When are you obliged to keep a secret? Whenever you promise to do so, or whenever the telling of a secret will bring harm to someone. 11. What resolution should you have from this lesson? To use your tongue in a holy manner. Lesson 29: THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH From Christ Himself the Catholic Church has the power to make laws for her people. These laws hind Catholics under pain of serious sin. 1. Besides the Commandments of God, is a Catholic bound to observe any other commandments? Besides the Commandments of God, a Catholic is bound to observe the commandments of the Catholic Church. (87 ) 2. Does the Catholic Church have the power to make laws or com- mandments over Her people? From Christ Himself the Catholic Church has this power. 3. How did Christ tell the Church that it had the power to make laws or commandments? Christ said: “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven.” (Matthew 18:18) Christ also said: “He who hears you, hears me; and he who rejects you, rejects me; and he who rejects me, rejects him who sent me” (Luke 10:16) 4. What is the purpose of the laws of the Catholic Church? The laws of the Catholic Church help Catholics to lead good Christian lives. 5. What are the principal laws of the Catholic Church? The principal laws binding all Catholics are: 1. Assist at Mass every Sunday and every Holy Day of Obliga- tion. 2. Fast and abstain on the days appointed by the Catholic Church. 3. Receive Holy Communion during the Easter time. 4. Go to confession at least once a year. 5. Contribute to the support of their parish church and school according to their ability to do so. 6. Observe the laws of the Catholic Church regarding marriage. 6. Is it a serious sin for a Catholic to disobey any one of the six commandments of the Catholic Church? For a Catholic, wilful and serious disobedience of any one of these laws is a mortal sin. 7. Where will I find an explanation of the law that obliges a Catholic to assist at Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of obligation? This law is explained in this book under the Third Commandment of God (page 76) . 8. What is the law of fasting? Every Catholic over 21 and not yet 60 years of age must fast on certain days. The law obliges him to eat only one full meal with meat; he may eat two small meals without meat—the two small meals must not equal one full meal; he may have no food be- tween meals. Sickness and other serious reasons excuse a person from this law. If the law is in any way difficult, any Catholic can obtain a release from a priest. (88 ) 9. What is the law of abstinence? The law of abstinence binds every Catholic over seven years of age to abstain from meat every Friday and certain other special days of the year. Soups and gravies from meat are also forbidden. Anything that is not meat is permitted: sea foods, eggs, spaghetti, etc. 10. What is the law of Easter Communion? This law obliges every Catholic to receive Communion at least once between the time of the first Sunday of Lent and Trinity Sunday. Trinity Sunday is the eighth Sunday after Easter Sunday. 11. What is the law of yearly confession? Every Catholic must go to confession at least once a year, if he has mortal sin to confess. 12. What is the law of Church and school support? Every Catholic must contribute to the support of his parish Church and school. The individual conscience should determine the amount given. 13. What are the laws of the Catholic Church regarding marriage? Catholics are strictly forbidden: 1. To marry before anyone but a Catholic priest. A marriage of a Catholic without a priest is no marriage. 2. To marry people who are not Catholics (see page 64) . 3. To marry separated or divorced people whose partners are living. 4. To marry close relatives. 14. With what spirit should you obey the laws of the Catholic Church? With a loving spirit of willingness and submission, realizing that the laws are made to help you in your service to Almighty God. (89 ) THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TEACHES LIFE AFTER DEATH Lesson 30: YOUR DEATH Your death might be only a few days or hours away. Are you prepared? 1. What is death? Death is the separation of the soul from the body. “Dust you are and unto dust you shall return.” (Genesis 3:19) 2. When will you die? You do not know. “Watch, therefore, for you do not know at what hour your Lord is to come. . . . Therefore you must also he ready, because at an hour that you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” (Matthew 24:42-44) 3. Where will you die? You do not know. “Watch, therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or early in the morning; lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to all, Watch.” (Mark 13:35-37) 4. Will you have time to prepare for death? You do not know. “The day of the Lord is to come as a thief in the night. . . . But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief; . . . Therefore, let us not sleep . . . but let us be wakeful and sober ” (1 Thessalonians 5:3-6) 5. Will you be warned when death is near? Maybe not. “Many die suddenly and unprovidedly, for the Son of man will come at the hour when He is not looked for.” (Imitation of Christ Book 1, Chapter 23) 6. If you are warned, what should you do? Call for a priest and pray. 7. What do you know about your death? The only thing you know is that you will die. “We all die, and like waters that return no more, we fall down into the earth.” (2 Kings 14:14) ( 92 ) 8. What should be your daily preparation for death? A good life. Our Lord said: “Watch, then, praying at all times, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are to be, and to stand before the Son of Man ” (Luke 21:36) 9. Should you be sad at the thought of death? You should not be sad. LO. What reason is there to be joyful about death? Death can be the beginning of eternal happiness. “But when this mortal body puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the word that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory? O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? 93 (1 Corinthians 15:54-55) LI. What resolution should you make? You should pray frequently; you should dedicate yourself to the Commandments, the Church and the duties of your state in life. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course. I have kept the faith. For the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord, the just Judge, will give to me in that day. 33 (2 Timothy 4:7-8) Lesson 31: YOU WILL BE JUDGED BY GOD You will soon be judged by Christ the All-just Judge. 1. After death what happens to you? You will be judged by God. “Every one of us ivill render an account for himself to God. 33 (Romans 14:12) 2. How many times will you be judged? Twice. 3. What are the two judgments called? The Particular Judgment and the General Judgment. 4. What is the Particular Judgment? The judgment you will have to undergo at the time of your death. “It is appointed unto men to die once but after this comes the judgment. 33 (Hebrews 9:27) ( 93 ) 5. At the Particular Judgment, will you be alone? You will be all alone with God. 6. Who will be the judge? Jesus Christ. 7. When will the General Judgment take place? At the end of the world. “And before him will be gathered all the nations , . . . Then the king will say to those on his right hand, ( Come, blessed of my Father, take possession of the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world’; . . . Then he will say to those on his left hand, ‘Depart from me, accursed ones, into the everlast- ing fire xohich was prepared for the devil and his angels’ ” (Matthew 25:32-41) 8. Will you be alone? No—you will be judged before all men. (< For there is nothing hidden that will not be made manifest ; nor anything concealed that will not be known and come to light.” (Luke 8:17) 9. Who will be the judge? Jesus Christ. “Neither does the Father judge any man, but all judgment he has given to the Son.” (John 5:22) 10. On what will God judge you? God will judge you on all the good and evil of your whole lifetime. “Of every idle word men speak, they shall give an account on the day of judgment” (Matthew 12:36) 11. What else should you know about the General Judgment? Your soul will be reunited with your body. 12. Will you have the same body you have now? Yes. 13. Where will you go? You will go, body and soul, either to heaven or to hell. At the General Judgment Our Lord will say to the good: “Come, blessed of my Father, take possession of the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34) At the General Judgment Our Lord will say to the wicked: “Depart from me, accursed ones, into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels.” (Matthew 25:41) (94 ) 14. What realization should now be yours? Soon you will be standing before Jesus Christ, the Just Judge. “Watch, then, praying at all times, that you may he accounted worthy to escape all these things that are to he , and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36) Lesson 32: WILL YOU GO TO HELL? You cannot deny the existence of hell any more than you can deny the reality of tubercidosis and cancer . Think realistically of hell. 1. What is hell? Hell is a place of everlasting punishment. 2. Will you go to hell? You will go to hell if you die in mortal sin. (i Unless you repent, you will all perish . . . ” (Luke 13:3) 3. How do you know hell exists? The Bible is very clear. “And he opened the bottomless pit, and there came up smoke out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit” (Apocalypse 9:2) 4. Did Christ speak of hell? Christ spoke of hell more than fifteen times in the Bible. “And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather be afraid of him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28) “Then he will say to those on his left hand, ‘Depart from me accursed ones, into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels'.” (Matthew 25:41) “If thy hand is an occasion of sin to thee, cut it off! It is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than, having two hands, to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire, . . . And if thy foot is an occasion of sin to thee, cut it off! It is better for thee to enter into life everlasting lame, than, having two feet, to be cast into the hell of unquenchable fire, . . . And if thy eye is an occasion of sin to thee, pluck it out! It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into the hell of fire” (Mark 9:42-46) See also John 15:6; Thessalonians 1:8; Apocalypse 9:2; Apoc- alypse 20:15. 5. What are the pains of hell? Loss of God and torture by fire. (95 ) 6. What is the greatest pain of hell? The loss of God. “Depart from me, accursed ones.” (Matthew 25:41) 7. Is the fire in hell real? The fire is real. “And the fire is not quenched.” (Mark 9:43) 8. How long does the punishment of hell last? Forever. “And the smoke of their torments goes on forever and ever; and they rest neither day nor night.” (Apocalypse 14:11) 9. Can you have hope of being released from hell? There is no hope in hell. “Abandon hope all ye who enter here.” (Dante) 10. How could a good God send anyone to hell? God is not only good; He is also just. He must punish the wicked. “But as for the cowardly and unbelieving, and abominable and murderers, and fornicators and sorcerers, and idolaters and all liars, Their portion shall be in the pool that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Apocalypse 21:8) 11. Who really decides that you go to hell? You yourself—by your evil life. 12. What habits of sin can lead you to hell? Any habit of mortal sin, especially impurity, drunkenness, neglect of your duties to God, your family, or the Church. 13. What should you do now? Think often about hell and pray. “Watch and pray, that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41) Lesson 33: WILL YOU GO TO PURGATORY? You are probably not aware of the entire truth about the dead. You may be depriving your relatives and friends in the next world of your prayers and good works. (96 ) 1. What is purgatory? Purgatory is a place of temporary punishment for your sins. 2. Will you go to purgatory? You will go to purgatory if you die in the state of grace, but have to pay the punishment for sin. 3. Isn’t all punishment taken away in confession? In a good confession, the punishment of hell is taken away and some of the punishment of purgatory. 4. How do you know purgatory exists? The Bible, the Church, and common sense teach us that purgatory exists. 5. What does the Bible teach about purgatory? The Bible tells us that the slightest defilement must be washed off a good person’s soul before he can enter heaven. “And there shall not enter into it [heaven ] anything defiled” (Apocalypse 21:27) 6. What else does the Bible teach about purgatory? The Bible also tells us to pray for the people in purgatory. “It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may he loosed from sins” (2 Machabees 12:46) 7. What is the big pain of purgatory? The temporary loss of God. 8. Is there any other pain? Probably fire. 9. How long will you stay in purgatory? Until you satisfy God’s justice for your sins. “But I tell you, that of every idle word men speak, they shall give account ori the day of judgment” (Matthew 12:36) 10. What is the greatest consolation you will have in purgatory? The realization that you are going to heaven. 11. Can you cut down the time of your purgatory? You can cut down the time of your purgatory. ( 97 ) 12. How can you cut down the time of your purgatory? Offer to God all your duties, troubles, pains, disappointments and prayers to make up for your past sins. 13. Can you escape purgatory altogether? You can—if you make up all the punishment due to your sins before you die. 14. What is the best prayer you can offer for your past sins? The Mass. 15. What should you do for your relatives and friends who are in purgatory? Pray for them, offer your sufferings for them, and have Mass said for them. In the Catholic Church the month of November is set aside for prayer and sacrifice for the poor souls in purgatory. “Pity me, pity vie, O you my friends, for the hand of God has struck me!” (Job 19:21) 16. What resolution should you take from this lesson? Lead a better life and offer your daily sufferings for your past sins. “As the hind longs for the running waters , so my soul longs for you, O God. Athirst is my soul for God , the living God , When shall I go and behold the face of God?” (Psalm 41:2-3) Lesson 34: WILL YOU GO TO HEAVEN? You should desire heaven so much after this lesson that you will he willing to give up your serious sins. 1. What is heaven? A place of perfect happiness in the next world. “Behold the dwelling of God with men, and he will dwell with them. And they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.” (Apocalypse 21:3) 2. How do you know heaven exists? From the Bible, the Church and from reason. 3. Does the Bible teach you that heaven exists? The Bible is very clear. (98 ) “Eye has not seen nor ear heard, Nor has it entered into the heart of man, What things God has prepared for those who love him ” (1 Corinthians 2:9) See also Matthew 5:3; Matthew 13:43; Matthew 25:21; Matthew 7:14; Matthew 19:16; Hebrews 9:12; 2 Corinthians 12:4; Luke 22:30; John 14:2; Hebrews 12:22. 4. How does reason teach you that heaven exists? In the next world, God must reward those who lead a good life here on earth. 5. Will you go to heaven? You will go to heaven if you die in the state of grace. “But from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has been enduring violent assault, and the violent have been seizing it by force.” (Matthew 11:12) 6. When will you go to heaven? When you are purified of all your small sins and all the punish- ment due to your sins in purgatory. 7. What is the greatest joy in heaven? The possession of God forever. “We see [God] now through a mirror in an obscure manner, but then face to face” (1 Corinthians 13: 12) 8. What does the possession of God do to you in heaven? God completely fills you with joy. “They have their fill of the prime gifts of your house; from your delightful stream you give them to drink” (Psalm 35:9) 9. Will you see Christ in heaven? You will see Christ, the Blessed Virgin and all the saints. “We know that, when he appears, we shall be like to him, for we shall see him just as he is” (1 John 3:2) 10. Will you meet your family and friends? You will meet them if they are in heaven. 11. How should you get ready for heaven? Spend your life in prayer and good works. “And everyone in a contest abstains from all things—and they indeed to receive a perishable crown, but we an imperishable ” (1 Corinthians 9:25) (99 ) ' AIDS TO HELP YOU LEAD A GOOD CATHOLIC LIFE PROFESSION OF FAITH Issued by the Holy Office, Rome, Italy, June 13, 1956. “I, , , touching with my hand God’s holy Gospels, enlightened by divine grace, profess the faith which the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church teaches. I believe that Church to be the one true Church, which Jesus Christ founded on earth: to which I submit with all my heart. “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. “I believe that seven sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind: namely, Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Pennance, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders and Matrimony. “I believe that the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, that he is the supreme visible head of the Whole Church, and that he teaches infallibly what we must believe and do to be saved. “I also believe everything which the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman Church defines and declares we must believe. I adhere to her with all my heart, and I reject every error and schism which she condemns, “So help me God and these His holy Gospels which I touch with my hand.” THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD 1. I am the Lord thy God, Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me. 2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 3. Remember thou keep holy the Sabath Day. 4. Honor thy father and thy mother. 5. Thou shalt not kill. 6. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 7. Thou shalt not steal. 8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods. The Ten Commandments are found in the Old Testament in the Book of Exodus. (Exodus 20:1-17) THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1. Assist at Mass every Sunday and every Holy Day of Obligation. 2. Fast and abstain on the days appointed by the Catholic Church. 3. Receive Holy Communion during the Easter time. 4. Go to Confession at least once a year. 5. Contribute to the support of your parish church and school accord- ing to your ability to do so. 6. Observe the laws of the Catholic Church regarding marriage. THESE LAWS BIND ALL CATHOLICS (102 ) PREPARATION FOR CONFESSION O loving and merciful God! help me to make a good confession. Help me to examine my conscience, that I shall be able to tell the priest what sins I have committed and how often. Let me feel a deep sorrow for all my sins and give me the grace firmly to resolve not to sin again. O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, my dear Guardian Angel, and all you blessed angels and saints in heaven, pray for me, that I may make a good confession and from now on lead a good life, so that I may join you in heaven to praise our dear Lord, forever and ever. —Say the Our Father and the Hail Mary. —Examine your conscience. Try to remember all the sins you have committed and how many times you have committed each sin. —The following is a partial list of mortal sins: Missing Mass on a Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation through your own fault. Permitting your children to miss Mass on a Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation. Arriving at Mass after the sermon. Doing unnecessary manual work for a long period of time on Sunday. Eating meat on Friday or other days of abstinence. Violation of the laws of fasting. Deliberate enjoyment of the sex passion outside of marriage—adultery, fornication, impure looks, touches, passionate kissing, petting, necking, impure dancing, unnatural sins against chastity, deliber- ately entertaining unchaste thoughts in your mind. Wilful religious ignorance—neglecting to learn the truths of God or neglecting to teach them to your children. Quitting the Catholic Church or actively participating in the services of a man-made religion. Superstition. Joining the Masons or the Communists after you knew it was wrong. Perjury. Neglecting the bodies and souls of your children. Hatred. Drunkenness. The use of narcotics in a sinful manner. Theft, fraud, damaging the property of another, not paying your just debts, wasting time, money, or property of your employer, depriv- ing your family of needed money by gambling, drinking, or foolish spending. ( 103 ) PREPARATION FOR CONFESSION (Con’t) Telling serious lies, seriously damaging another’s reputation, serious rash judgment, revealing serious secrets. —Say the Act of Contrition (page 109) . —Go into the confessional to make your confession. AIDS FOR A NEW CONVERT AT THE TIME OF HIS FIRST CONFESSIONS Remember: The priest will be doubly kind and considerate because you are a new convert. Before Entering the Confessional: —Pray, ask God to help you remember your sins and how often you committed each one. —Examine your conscience (see page 103) . If you cannot remember the exact number of times, tell how often a week or a month you committed the sin. —Ask God to help you to be sorry for your sins. In the Confessional: —Kneel down. —Wait until the priest opens the little window. —Say: “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It is one week (or whatever period of time) since my last confession. These are my sins: (I was angry three times; I gossiped ten times, etc.).” —When you have finished say: “That is all I can remember,” or, “I am sorry for all of my sins.” —Listen to the advice the priest offers and answer his questions. —Say the Act of Contrition (page 109) . —Thank the priest and leave. After Confession: Kneel down and say the prayers the priest gave you for penance. Important i It is the practice in many parishes to have a new convert to go to confession for six con- secutive Saturdays after his Baptism. (104 ) PREPARATION FOR BAPTISM WHEN A PRIEST CANNOT BE OBTAINED If there is time you should give the person who is dying a very short instruction on the principal truths of the only true Christian religion. Teach him the existence of God, the fact that God rewards the good and punishes the wicked. Tell him briefly about the Blessed Trinity, how Jesus Christ became man and died for our sins. Teach him about the necessity of Baptism in Christ’s plan of salvation and the benefits he will derive from being a member of Christ’s Church. If the dying person is unconscious and no instruction is possible, baptize him in this manner: “If you are sorry for your sins and want to be baptized, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (as you pour water on his forehead). If the adult later on regains his health, go to him and tell him of his obligation to receive a full course of religious instructions from his parish priest. If an unbaptized child under the age of six is dying, simply baptize him. POUR WATER ON THE HEAD OF THE PERSON YOU ARE BAPTIZING WHILE YOU SAY THE WORDS: “I BAPTIZE YOU IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY GHOST.” YOUR PARISH At the time of your Baptism in the Catholic Church, you became a member of a parish. Your parish is the source of God’s teaching and God’s grace. In your parish you will find all the means necessary to live a good Christian life. Use the spiritual opportunities given you by your parish for the salvation of your immortal soul: —Attend Mass regularly. —Say your morning and evening prayers. —Attend Holy Hours, Forty Hours Devotion, the nine First Fridays, Stations of the Cross, Novenas, Missions, Days of Recollection, and retreats in your parish church. —Visit Our Lord in the church frequently during the week. —Learn the ideals of Christian Marriage at the marriage confer- ences in your parish. —Join a parish society and be active in it. —Assist your parish priests in all the works of your parish. Your parish priests deserve your loyalty and labor for the good of souls. “Do not love the world , or the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him: because all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; which is not from the Father, but from the world (1 John 2:15-16) ( 105 ) HOW TO SAY THE ROSARY After you know how to use the Rosary beads you can use the mysteries of the Rosary, During the reci- tation of the Rosary you meditate on the events (mys- teries) in the life of Jesus and Mary. [See next Page] ( 106 ) MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY The Five Joyful Mysteries Monday and Thursday 1. The Annunciation to Mary, 2. The Visitation to Elizabeth. 3. The Birth of Jesus Christ. 4. The Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple. 5. The Finding of Christ in the Temple. The Five Sorrowful Mysteries Tuesday and Friday 1. The Agony of Christ in the Garden. 2. The Scourging of Christ at the Pillar. 3. The Crowning of Our Blessed Lord with Thorns. 4. The Carrying of the Cross. 5. The Crucifixion of Our Lord. The Five Glorious Mysteries Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday 1. The Resurrection of Christ. 2. The Ascension of Christ into Heaven. 3. The Descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles. 4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. 5. The Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven. ( 107 ) PRAYERS TO BE MEMORIZED The Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. Amen. The Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with thee: blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. The Confiteor I confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary, ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel; to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and to all the saints, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word and deed, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore, I beseech blessed Mary, ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel, blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the saints, to pray to the Lord our God for me. May the Almighty God have mercy on me, and forgive me my sins, and bring me to everlasting life. May the Almighty and merciful Lord grant me pardon, absolution, and remission of all my sins. Amen. ( 108 ) The Act of Contrition O My God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all of my sins because I dread Thy just punishments, but most of all, because I have offended Thee, my God, Who art all Good, and deserv- ing of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen. The Act of Faith O My God, I firmly believe that Thou art one God in three Divine Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; I believe that Thy Divine Son became man, and died for our sins, and that He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches, because Thou hast revealed them, Who canst neither deceive nor be deceived. The Act of Hope O My God, relying on Thy infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Thy grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. The Act of Love O My God, I love Thee above all things, with my whole heart and soul, because Thou art all-good and worthy of all love. I love my neighbor as myself for the love of Thee. I forgive all who have injured me, and ask pardon of all whom I have injured. The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. (109 ) Morning Prayers In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. O My God, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer Thee my prayers, works and sufferings of this day, in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for the intentions for which He pleads and offers Him- self in all the Holy Masses throughout the world, in thanksgiving for Thy favors, in reparation for our sins, for the petitions of our associates, and in particular for the intentions recommended this month by our Holy Father, the Pope. Say the entire Lord’s prayer, page 108. Say the entire Hail Mary, page 108. Say the entire Apostles’ Creed, page 109. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen. Say the Hail Holy Queen, the entire prayer, page 111. Evening Prayers In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Say the entire Our Father, page 108. Say the entire Hail Mary, page 108. O my God, I thank Thee for Thy benefits, especially for those which I have received this day from Thy bounty. Enlighten me, and give me Thy grace that I may be truly sorry for my sins. Examine your conscience to see if you have committed any sins today . Say the entire Act of Contrition, page 109. Bless, O Lord, the repose I am about to take that I may be enabled to serve Thee better. May the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints pray for me. Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom His love commits me here. Ever this night be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you. May the Lord (make the sign of the cross) bless me and bring me to life everlasting. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. ( 110 ) OTHER CATHOLIC PRAYERS The Grace before Meals Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. The Grace after Meals We give Thee thanks for all Thy benefits, O Almighty God, who livest and reignest forever. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. The Hail Holy Queen Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears! Turn, then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. The Memorare Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help and sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I flee to thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To thee I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful, O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen. (HI) Prayer for Preservation from a Sudden and Unprovided Death L AMB of Calvary, Thou only salvation of my soul, I beseech Thee to J blot out in Thy Blood, the sins of my entire life; and by virtue of this same Blood preserve me from the evils of this world, especially from a sudden and unprovided death. Aid me in my last agony. Amen. By the merits of this most Precious Blood, O Jesus! be merciful to us, and save from everlasting death the souls that are dear to me. Amen. My God, I offer Thee all the Masses this day celebrated through- out the world, for sinners in their agony, and for those who shall be overtaken by death today! May the Precious Blood of Jesus, our Re- deemer, obtain for them mercy. Indulgence of 300 days.—Pius X., Dec. 18, 1907. Petitions of St. Augustine O Lord Jesus, let me know myself, let me know Thee And desire nothing else but only Thee. Let me hate myself and love Thee; And do all things for the sake of Thee. Let me humble myself and exalt Thee, And think of nothing but only of Thee. Let me die to myself, and live in Thee, And take whatever happens as coming from Thee. Let me forsake myself and walk after Thee; And ever desire to follow Thee. Let me flee from myself and turn to Thee; That so I may merit to be defended by Thee. Let me fear for myself, let me fear Thee; And be amongst those who are chosen by Thee. Let me distrust myself, and trust in Thee, And ever obey for the love of Thee. Let me cleave to nothing but only to Thee. And ever be poor for the sake of Thee. Look upon me, that I may love Thee; Call me, that I may see Thee. And forever possess Thee. Amen. His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a brief, Sept. 25, 1883, granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this petition: An indulgence of 50 days, once a day. ( 112 ) Holy Cross Press 842 E. 65th St. CHICAGO 37, ILL.