Ifyou are interested you can easily learn all by mail it won’t cost you a cent about Here Is How the Free Extension Course Works You send us your name and address, expressing your willingness to learn about the Catholic Church by mail. We send you a book of explanation which is covered in eight lessons. With the book of explanations you will receive a les- son which covers the first section of the explanations and with this we can test your understanding of the first section. There is no writing to do. You simply check this first lesson according to the instructions and send it back to us in the stamped envelope which we will supply. All you have to do is read the explanations carefully — check the lesson — send it back to us and we will return your corrected lesson with an explanation of what you do not understand. Remember there are no obligations or expenses on your part. PLAIN FACTS Everyone Should Know About OL CATHOLIC CHURCH OUR SUNDAY VISITOR LIBRARY HUNTINGTON, INDIANA "355 Imprimi potest : Marshall F. Winne, C. M. Provincialis. Nihil ohstat : William Fischer Censor librorum. Imprimatur: John J. Glennon, Archiepiscopus Sti. Ludovici. Sti. Ludovici, die 18 Julii, 1941 + Sponsored by The Daughters of Isabella. Published by The Confraternity FIome Study Service 7800 Kenrick Rd., St. Louis, Mo. Reverend L. J. Fallon, C. M., S. T. D., Director. Copyright , 1928, E. /. White . WE DO NOT BOAST These facts are neither controversial nor intended to boast. They are plain, straight-forward, explanatory statements of facts, supported by Biblical and histori- cal authority, put forward with good will, for educa- tional purposes. The great names given here show that the Catholic Church, from the beginning of Christianity till the present, has produced a wonderful share of the world’s greatest geniuses. Give them care- ful thought. VERDI, ONE OF THE WORLD’S GREATEST MUS- ICAL COMPOSERS, WAS A CATHOLIC! RELIGION — THE WORLD'S GREATEST PROBLEM The one great problem of the world in all its history has been religion. The greatest geniuses of all nations have lavished their best thought upon it, and from the time of Christ and onwards, the world’s lit- erature gives the first place to religion. Therefore, not to give religion some thought is to reject what has most concerned humanity in all ages. Millions have died for it; millions still live for it; it promises eternity of happiness to those who live by it, and it threatens an eternity of misery to those who reject it. You can- not afford to ignore it. Everything that is true in every religion is taught in the Catholic religion, without any admixture of error. Vast multitudes who are not Catholics actually believe nearly all the doctrines of the Catholic Church without knowing it. Investigate for yourself. Con- sult your Bible. I Cor. 1-10, "Now I beseech you, brethren, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you.” MOST OF THE WORLD’S GREATEST MUSICIANS WERE CATHOLICS WHAT WE BELIEVE We believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended in- to hell; the third day he arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God the Father, Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. We believe in the Holy Ghost, THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH, the Communion of the Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen. THE STATE OF FLORIDA WAS DISCOVERED BY A CATHOLIC — PONCE DE LEON CATHOLIC MISSIONARIES GREW THE FIRST ORANGES IN THE UNITED STATES "REAL PRESENCE" VERSUS "REAL ABSENCE" Catholics believe in the REAL PRESENCE of the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion. Those who are not Catholics believe in the REAL ABSENCE of the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion. The Bible decides who is right. St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John and St. Paul write explicitly and abundantly on the subject of the REAL PRESENCE of Christ in Holy Communion. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: THEY GIVE TESTI- MONY TO THE "REAL PRESENCE” — 4 — WE MUST turn to the Bible for the first Mass. See Matt. 26, 26- 28; Mark 14, 22-24; Luke 22, 19-20; I Cor. 11, 23-29. From these accounts we note: 1. Bread and wine are brought to the altar. 2. The celebrant gives thanks. 3. He takes bread, blesses it and says the words of consecration. 4. He does the same over the wine. 5. The bread is broken, and the consecrated bread and wine are received in Communion. In the days of the Apostles (Acts 2, 42-46) the Mass was the recognized standard by which Christians were known, just as Catholics are known to be such today because they go to Mass. MAGELLAN, WHO FIRST SAILED ROUND THE WORLD, WAS A CATHOLIC THE VERDICT OF TIME AND CATHOLICS For 1900 years the Catholic Church has been teaching exactly the same identical truths. Those truths have successfully stood the test ’of time. They have been accepted by the greatest intellects the world has produced, and they have consequently the quality of stability and permanency that are an antecedent proof of their credibility, because error and falsehood cannot endure. HAUY, THE FATHER OF SCIENTIFIC CRYSTAL- LOGRAPHY WAS A CATHOLIC PRIEST NO 57 VARIETIES OF CATHOLICITY It is just as easy to distinguish the true Church of Christ as it is to tell a Packard from a Model T. Christ gave his Church certain indelible trademarks. One of these is Unity. Human reason is one; humanity is one; God is one; therefore religion must be one. That is what Christ prayed for, and He and His apostles constantly warned the first Christians of the dangers of heresy and division. NICHOLAS OF CUSA, THE FATHER OF MATHE- MATICAL MECHANICS, WAS A CARDINAL CATHOLICS DON'T EAT MEAT ON FRIDAY BECAUSE JESUS CHRIST DIED ON THE CROSS for mankind ON A FRIDAY, and Catholics commemorate and honor that day 52 times a year by a voluntary abstinence from the partaking of flesh meat. THE ROSARY: WHY CATHOLICS SAY IT The Rosary used by Catholics in their prayers is a string of beads, divided into five equal parts, each commemorating some great event in the life of Christ. On them the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary (Luke, 1-28) are recited, and when using their beads, Catho- lics meditate upon these events. THE MONTH OF OCTOBER IS ESPECIALLY DEDICATED TO THE ROSARY — 6— CATHOLICS PRAY FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS "We pray for His Excellency, the Governor of this State, for the members of Assembly, for all judges, magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare; that they may be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability. We recommend likewise to Thy unbounded mercy, all our brethren and fellow citizens throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Thy most holy law; that they may be preserved in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give; and, after enjoying the blessings of this life be admitted to those which are eternal.” (Extract from prayer in ordinary Catholic prayer-book) . The first celebration of "American Independence Day”, July 4, 1779 was held in a Catholic Church in Philadelphia (St. Mary’s), and was attended by the President, Members of Congress, and many prominent citizens. CATHOLICS — PUBLIC SCHOOLS Catholics view with delight the efforts made to give public school children some religious instruction. They hope these efforts may be successful, and the ris- ing generation come to know Almighty God, and knowing Him, love Him and serve Him. That is why the Catholic Church builds and maintains her own schools, that her own children may have a knowl- edge of God. THE FIRST SCHOOL IN THE UNITED STATES WAS OPENED BY CATHOLICS IN ST. AUGUS- TINE, IN 1600 — 7— CATHOLICS SAVE U. S. $193,000,000 YEARLY ON EDUCATION There are 2,000,000 children in the Catholic parish schools of the U. S. It costs $96.63 per year in Pitts- burgh to educate a child. (See 1924 annual report Board of Public Education.) This means the Catho- lics of the United States are saving the nation more than $193,000,000.00 every year. DANTE, WORLD’S GREATEST POET, WAS A CATHOLIC CATHOLICS LOVE THE BIBLE The Catholic Church cherishes the Bible, ALL OF IT. She believes the Bible to be the Word of God — not a mere human document. She believes the Bible contains no errors. Catholics reverence the Bible so much that they rise and stand when it is read and KISS IT DEVOUTLY after reading it. A CATHOLIC, CHARLES CARROLL, SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, BE- GAN THE FIRST AMERICAN RAILROAD ONE FOLD — ONE SHEPHERD Catholics pray constantly that all Christians may soon be united and have "One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all.” (Eph. 4, 5-6.) The Catholic Church invites all Christians to return to that great Mother Church, which teaches today the same unchanging faith taught by Christ and the Apostles. (John 17, 11). "Holy Father, keep them in Thy name whom Thou hast given me; that they may be ONE, as we also are.” THE FIRST HOSPITAL IN THE NEW WORLD WAS A CATHOLIC HOSPITAL IN MEXICO CITY, IN 1524 — 8 — CATHOLICS THE FIRST MISSIONARIES The Catholic Church is a vast Missionary society, started on the Feast of Pentecost, 1900 years ago, and it has never ceased its efforts to extend the work of Christ throughout the world. In doing this, it is but following the express command of Christ to the Apostles, Acts 1-8, Matt. 24-14, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony unto all the nations. ...” CATHOLICS EVERYWHERE The Catholic Church teaches that the true Church of Christ must be universal and spread all over the known world, not confined to any one race, nationality, or language. It must preach the Gospel everywhere, at all times. Mark 16-15, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” "Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Matt. 28, 19. WHY WE ARE CATHOLICS We are Catholics and we are Americans, natives of the soil. Americans, more than others, have abundant reasons for being Catholics. Columbus himself was a Catholic; it was his staunch, unwavering allegiance to his Catholic faith that made it possible for him to be introduced to his royal Catholic patrons, who enabled him to set out on his unparalleled voyage of discovery. The primary scope and object of the great navigator was to propagate the Catholic faith, and it was Catho- lic money, furnished by the Catholic Church, that pur- chased and fitted out his sailing vessels. JOHN BARRY, THE FATHER OF THE AMERI- CAN NAVY, WAS A CATHOLIC — 9 — SCANDAL Christ never guaranteed that his Church would be free of scandals; but He did guarantee that it would not teach error. There were grave scandals in the Church in the time of Christ. Judas was a thief and a suicide, as well as a traitor. Peter was a per- jurer; James and John quarreled, and so did Peter and Paul. All Catholics readily admit the Catholic Church needed housecleaning in the 16th century, but the Re- formers set about, not to clean the house, but to dyna- mite it. If a child has a dirty face, you do not kill it; you wash its face. But in spite of the unholy lives of many Catholics, in the 16th and all other centuries, the Catholic Church never has taught, does not now, and never will, teach error. Consult your Bible (Matt. 28-20). ". . . And behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.” AMERICA IS CALLED AFTER AMERICUS VESPUCCI, A CATHOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH CEREMONIES The religious ceremonies of the Catholic Church were authorized by Holy Scripture, and they appeal to the reason and the custom of mankind. They are an elaborate exercise in good manners. We raise our hat to a lady, we kiss the flag, we kneel on our knees when we pray. Hence the little ceremonious etiquette of daily life is found in the Catholic Church, but polished and developed into a wondrously beautiful system. HOLY WATER The Holy Water fonts found at the vestibule en- trance to every Catholic Church are of Scriptural origin. See Numbers 5, 17. When entering the Church, Catholics make the sign of the Cross with this blessed water, to symbolize the purity of mind and heart they should have in entering God’s house. — 10— THE CRUCIFIX It is a Cross to which the figure of Christ is nailed; it is used in all Catholic Churches to remind us that Christ died on the Cross for us. St. Paul ap- proved the use of the Crucifix. See Galatians, 6 , 15, "But far be it from me to glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world hath been crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” CANDLES The self-consuming candles burned in the Catholic Church are authorized by Holy Scripture. (Exodus 25, 31.) They remind us of Christ, the light of the World, who sacrificed Himself for us. See your Bible. John 8, 12. "I am the light of the world; he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.” INCENSE The fragrant incense used at Mass and other public services in Catholic Churches is a symbol of prayer, ascending to the throne of God, and Catholics use in- cense because the Bible is authority for its use. "Let my prayer be set forth as incense before thee,” says the Psalmist, 141, 2. Aaron burned incense in the Temple; so did the priests of the Old Law. See also Book of Revelations, 8, 3. PRIESTS’ VESTMENTS The vestments used by Catholic priests at all pub- lic religious services in church are authorized by Holy Scripture. Exodus 28, 4. These vestments have not changed fundamentally in style for 1900 years. Mod- ern styles of clothes change; but the unchanging Church adheres to an unchanging style of vestment in her public ceremonies. Their richness and splen- dor are a tribute to God in whose honor and service they are worn. — 11 — THE WORLD’S GREATEST CHOIR IS THE SIS- TINE CHOIR, IN THE VATICAN, AT ROME THE WORLD’S GREATEST PAINTER, RAPHAEL, WAS A CATHOLIC CATHOLICS BELIEVE CHRIST instituted seven Sacraments — Baptism, Confirmation, Penance (Confession), Holy Eucharist (Mass and Holy Communion), Extreme Unction, Holy Orders and Matrimony. These Sacraments are seven channels whereby God’s helping grace is communicated to us. THE MAINLAND OF NORTH AMERICA WAS DISCOVERED BY JOHN CABOT, A CATHOLIC, JUNE 24, 1497. PURGATORY Nov. 2, in the Catholic Church, is the Feast of All Souls and Catholics throughout the world pray for the souls in Purgatory, a place where those who die with slight sins on their souls are detained until they are cleansed sufficiently to enter heaven. Matt. 5 -26 . "Thou shalt by no means go out from thence ' till thou hast paid the last farthing.” THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN THE NEW WORLD WAS A CATHOLIC CATECHISM THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS REASONABLE All the Catholic Church desires is that the truths of Catholicity be investigated. If you do not find infallible certainty for the truths of the Catholic Church as for the truths of Mathematics do not ac- — 12— cept them. Catholic truths have stood the test of human reason for 1900 years. If they were not rea- sonable they would have been rejected centuries ago. THE FOUNDER OF THE RED CROSS, ST. CA- MILLUS OF LELLIS, WAS A CATHOLIC WHY COLUMBUS DISCOVERED AMERICA Columbus set out to discover America, principally to preach the Gospel to the Indians. It was his Catholic faith that urged him to unlock the greatest secret of the ages. His three greatest friends were a Catholic priest, Father Perez, a Catholic Queen, Isabella, and the Catholic Church, which furnished him the money. His flagship was cally Holy Mary — “Santa Maria.” WHO CAN BE SAVED Catholics do not believe all who are not Catholics will be lost, nor that all Catholics will be saved. No man, no matter what his religion, who disobeys the laws of God and dies an impenitent sinner, can be saved. “The Voice of Conscience is the Voice of God,” and if a man follows his conscience perfectly he will be saved. COPERNICUS, WORLD’S GREATEST ASTRONO- MER, WAS A CATHOLIC ECCLESIASTIC CATHOLICS BELIEVE Catholics believe the true Church of Christ must teach ALL the doctrines taught by Christ, and no power on earth can say some doctrines taught by Christ and His Apostles are out of date, and can be abolished. Matt. 28, 19-20: “Teaching them to ob- — 13 — serve ALL THINGS whatsoever I command you.” We cannot pick and choose Christian doctrine. We must take all or none. THE FIRST AMERICAN MARTYR FOR HIS CHRISTIAN FAITH WAS FATHER PADILLA, IN 1542 THE POPE OF ROME The Supreme Court of the U. S. is final, but only in matters that pertain exclusively to the laws and Constitution of the country. The Pope is infallible, but ONLY in matters that pertain exclusively to re- ligion. CATHOLICS OWE THE POPE NO AL- LEGIANCE OR OBEDIENCE OF ANY KIND ex- cept in matters of faith and morals: — what God teaches us to believe and to do in order to be saved. Matt. 16, 18-19. EVOLUTION Catholics believe that Almighty God created heaven and earth and all things out of nothing, by a single act of His all powerful will. It is not necessary to be- lieve that God directly and immediately created every- thing; He acts ordinarily through secondary agents, such as the laws of nature, human being, or inanimate creatures. There is nothing contrary to Catholic faith in the doctrine of evolution in the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, but in no case could the HUMAN SOUL have come into existence through material evo- lutionary processes. Since the soul is spiritual and im- mortal, it owes its origin to the direct creative act of God. FABRE, WORLD’S GREATEST NATURALIST, WAS A CATHOLIC — 14— CATHOLIC TRUTH UNCHANGEABLE Those who condemn the Catholic Church for not changing her doctrines should condemn the professors of mathematics for not changing the multiplication table. TRUTH IS UNCHANGEABLE. The multiplication table was formulated centuries ago, and no reasonable person ever accused it of not being "up-to-date.” So the truths of the Catholic Church were formulated centuries ago, but no reason- able person ever accused them of not being "up-to- date.” SEEING IS BELIEVING Catholic Parish schools devote only 40 minutes or less per day to Religion. After all this is not much time given to God, but it is given daily. The remainder of the school day is given over to secular subjects. Cath- olic Schools are open for inspection. Drop in and see for yourself. SAINTS AND SINNERS The Catholic Church cannot be choosey in its membership; it must accept all who desire salvation; it is not a congregation of saints exclusively. It also contains those whose lives perhaps are not at all edify- ing. But for them there is hope of salvation, and she urges on them repentance, and does not reject them. Christ said the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind. (Matt. 13-47— Luke, 5-32). THE LAYING OF THE FIRST ATLANTIC CABLE WAS FIRST PROPOSED BY A CATHOLIC, BISHOP MULLOCK, OF NEWFOUNDLAND — 15 — EXISTENCE OF CHURCH PROVES DIVINITY The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. He proved His claim to be God by credentials that have successfully stood the acid test of countless assaults during 1900 years. The Catholic Church has seen the birth of every institu- tion, society and government that now exists in the world. She has chanted the Requiem of all those that have disappeared during the past 19 centuries. Still full of life and youthful vigor, she is the solitary survivor of the past. This alone is a superhuman fact of history that proves her divinity, and her claim to a hearing from reasonable people. CHAULIAC, THE FATHER OF MODERN SURG- ERY AND THE MODERN HOSPITAL, WAS A CATHOLIC ECCLESIASTIC THE WORLD’S GREATEST ARCHITECT, BRAMANTE, WAS A CATHOLIC BAPTISM The Catholic Church teaches that the Sacrament of Baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation. Christ Himself — not the Catholic Church — imposed this condition. John 3-5, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except one be born of water and the Spirit, he can- not enter into the kingdom of God.” Since Baptism is so necessary, any person, in case of grave emergency, can baptize another, by having the proper intention and pouring water on the head of the person, saying at the same time, "I baptize thee, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.” Matt. 28-19. SECRETS OF CONFESSIONAL Many priests have died rather than violate the secrecy of the Confessional. In 1900 years there is not a solitary recorded instance of any priest having betrayed a person’s confession. The Catholic Church teaches that Christ gave His priests the power to forgive sins, and Confession is the ordinary method by which forgiveness is obtained. John 20-23, "Whosoever sins YE forgive, they are forgiven them; whosoever sins YE shall retain, they are retained.” CATHOLIC CHURCH 1900 YEARS OLD The Catholic Church teaches the true Church of Christ must be Apostolic, founded on the Apostles, the chosen 12 whom Christ selected to be His successors in His work of saving the world. Ephesians, 2, 19-20. ". . . . ye are fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God, BEING BUILT UPON THE FOUNDATION OF THE APOSTLES AND PROPH- ETS, Christ Jesus Himself being the chief corner stone.” WE ARE CATHOLICS because our reason and a million evidences around us prove there is a God, and while Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived on earth, He founded a Church. Con- sult your Bible, Matt. 16-18. "And I say also unto thee that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH.” Observe the use of the singular number, CHURCH. History proves conclus- ively that that Church was the Catholic Church. That is why we belong to no other. PASTEUR, LEADING SCIENTIST OF THE 19TH CENTURY, WAS A CATHOLIC — 17— WHY THESE NAMES The names of famous Catholic scientists, discov- erers, explorers, artists, musicians and patriots are pub- lished, not because we wish to boast, or think Catholics have a monopoly of brains. We wish to indicate there is nothing in the Catholic faith preventing in- tellectual development to the highest peaks of achieve- ment in every department of human activity, and that Catholics have contributed their full share to the upward and onward march of humanity. CATHOLICS GO TO CONFESSION to obtain forgiveness from God, through His duly appointed agent (John 20-23), for having offended Him. To obtain such forgiveness, they must accuse themselves frankly and fully of ALL their offenses, have a sincere sorrow for them, promise to repair any injustice, and, with God’s help, never again to offend Him. All these conditions must be complied with or the confession is worthless. MYSTERIES It is not surprising that there are mysteries in religion, when so many natural things mystify us. Who knows what electricity is, or gravitation? Yet we do not reject these facts because they are beyond our comprehension. So in religion there are truths that mystify us, such as the Blessed Trinity and the Incarnation. If you cannot understand Nature, do not be amazed if you cannot understand Nature’s God. Rom. 11-34: "For who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his counsellor?” GUTENBERG, INVENTOR OF PRINTING, WAS A CATHOLIC — 18 — SUPPOSE YOU GO to Washington to see the President and he refers you to his secretary. You may not like it, but you have no recourse. So with confession of sins to a priest. We might prefer to go direct to God Himself, but He has referred us to His Church (John 20-23) and whether we like it or not, that’s just what we have to do. There is no room for discussion. Our likes and dislikes do not count. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH has been the pioneer of Church unity. She looks with dismay and regret at the multiplicity of Christian de- nominations, and invites them all into that unity for which Christ came into this world, suffered and died. I Cor. 1, 10: "Now I beseech you, brethren, through the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divis- ions among you, but that ye be perfected together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” GOD SPEED THE DAY! JUDAS ISCARIOT There are some bad Catholics. They are Catholics in name only — traitors to the faith they profess. If Judas, who knew Christ and was His intimate friend, betrayed Him, it is not surprising that some bad Catholics today do the same thing. DON’T JUDGE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH BY ITS WORST MEM- BERS. The practical Catholic — the one who obeys the Church — makes constant progress in personal holiness. CANADA WAS DISCOVERED BY JAMES CART- IER, A CATHOLIC — 19 — THE BEST CATHOLICS Those who make the best citizens, employees, and neighbors, are those who go to Confession often, once a month or more. No Catholic can go to Confession, and receive absolution for his sins, unless he promises faithfully and effectively to amend his life. If your Catholic friend or neighbor is breaking God’s law, send him to confession. If he does not go, beware of him, for if he cheats God, he will cheat you. EXISTENCE OF CATHOLIC CHURCH TODAY, A MIRACLE The Catholic Church has changed the face of the earth. It found the Roman Empire Pagan, and it made it Christian — by means which, humanly con- sidered, were utterly inadequate. Its members were poor, its rulers often martyrs, and the religion they preached opposed to all that flatters human nature, since they inculcated the sternest virtue, the loftiest morality, and the greatest self-sacrifice. That the Catholic Church exists today at all is a miracle. De- spite constant persecution, its hold on the hearts of men is ever increasing. SIN! HELL! Sin is a fact as plain as potatoes. If you break a law of health, you suffer for it. If you violate a federal law, you are punished. But if you violate God’s law, what? God thinks as much of His laws as the State or Nation think of theirs. And God will punish sin, which is an infraction of His law, just as human lawgivers punish those who break human laws. Consult your Bible — Matt. 25-14, "Depart from me ye accursed into the eternal fire, which is prepared for the devil and his angels.” ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA, OLDEST CITY IN U. S. WAS FOUNDED BY A CATHOLIC, PETER MENENDEZ — 20— CATHOLIC CHURCH WILL EXIST UNCHANGED FOREVER Christ came not merely for the people who lived in his own day, but for all nations, to the end of the world. But how is He to reach those who live after His death? The answer is, He established a Church. "Thou are Peter (meaning a Rock) and on this Rock I will build my Church.” Matt. 16-18. He gave this Church the plenary powers of an ambassador, "All power is given to me in heaven and on earth. As the Father hath sent me, so I send you.” John 20, 21. THE OLDEST UNIVERSITY IN AMERICA IS THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF ST. MARK, LIMA, PERU, BEGUN IN 1551 BIBLE NOT COMPLETE Catholics believe the Bible does not contain ALL the truths Christ revealed, hence it is not necessary to prove every doctrine of the Christian Religion from the Bible. John 21-25, "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which if they should be written, every one, I suppose that even the world it- self would not contain the books that should be writ- ten.” Also John 20-30. The teachings of the Bible must be supplemented by the teachings of the Catho- lic Church. Luke 10-16. THE FIRST BOOK EVER PRINTED IN THE WORLD WAS A CATHOLIC BIBLE — 21 — CATHOLIC RELIGION SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED You claim your religion is true; we claim ours is true. What shall we do? Investigate. Religion is a fact: facts are stubborn things; hence it is not sur- prising there are differences of opinion. There is a way of being certain about our facts; test them. It is in- conceivable God would make religion such a vital thing, and leave us in the dark about it. Be sure of this: WE HAVE INVESTIGATED THE CATHOLIC RE- LIGION AND WE KNOW IT TO BE TRUE. When you start a society or a company do you desire it to fail? So also, when Christ established the Catholic Church, He did not wish it to fail. He took good care to guarantee the continuation of His Church and to provide that it would last forever and teach only the truth. See Matt. 16-18, “The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against It.” THE CATHOLIC CHURCH FLOURISHES IN OUR REPUBLIC CHRIST WAS THE GREATEST exponent of human reason in the world. When He preached His religion, He told people not to believe it merely upon His statement, but to substantiate His doctrines, investigate His works and weigh the evi- dence. He always gave the best of reasons for ev- erything He taught. Human reason is at home in the teachings of Christ’s church, hence many of THE WORLD’S GREATEST SCIENTISTS AND PHIL- OSOPHERS ARE ATTRACTED TO THE CATHO- LIC CHURCH. Today Catholics in the United States are one in every six in the population. In 120 years the popu- lation of the United States has increased 24 times, while the population of the Catholic Church has in- creased 600 times. — 22— THE LAWS OF HEREDITY WERE FIRST ESTAB- LISHED BY MENDEL, A CATHOLIC PRIEST "THOU SHALT NOT" The Catholic Church has never granted a divorce. This sometimes causes suffering, but it is the doctrine of Christ, over which no Pope, Cardinal, Bishop or Priest has any power whatsoever. Listen to Christ’s words, Mark 10, 11-12, "Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery,” and adultery is forbidden by one of the Ten Com- mandments. MALPIGHI, FATHER OF COMPARATIVE PHYS- IOLOGY, WAS A CATHOLIC SAINT PAUL WAS A ROMAN CATHOLIC WE HAVE NO RIGHT TO DICTATE TO GOD the manner in which He shall forgive our sins. It is God who has been offended, and His privilege to indi- cate how He shall restore us to His favor. If you of- fend another, you have no right to tell him what way he will pardon you. A sinner should be glad to obtain God’s forgiveness on any terms. God’s ordinary way is by confessing our sins to a priest. John 20, 23: "Whosoever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whosoever sins ye retain, they are re- tained.” FATHER DAMIEN, THE APOSTLE OF THE LEPERS OF MOLOKAI, WAS A CATHOLIC PRIEST — 23 — CATHOLICS PRAY FOR PRESIDENT In the Catholic prayer book one of the prayers offered to God is as follows: "We ask the blessing of Almighty God FOR THE PRESIDENT and FOR ALL THAT ARE IN HIGH STATIONS, that we may lead quiet and holy lives, FOR PEACE AND GOOD WILL AMONG ALL STATES AND PEOPLES, and for the necessities of mankind.” FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND CATHOLICS We praise the captain of an ocean liner for obey- ing the warning signals flashed from the coast. Cath- olics should be praised for obeying the dogmatic de- cisions of the Church. Christ made the Catholic Church the beacon light of the world, flashing out to us warning signals that will guide us safely to eternity. The doctrines of the Catholic Church no more im- pede the freedom of Catholics than do the beacon lights set along the rocky coast impede the voyage of the navigator. He disobeys them at his peril. CATHOLIC CHURCH PRECEDED BIBLE The Catholic Church celebrated its silver jubilee many years before the last book of the Bible was written. It was more than 300 years after the found- ing of the Catholic Church that the world obtained the Bible. Christ’s Church does not depend only on the Bible. See Matt. 16 , 18 . MULLER, THE GREATEST BIOLOGIST OF THE LAST CENTURY, WAS A CATHOLIC — 24— WHY USE LATIN? The Catholic Church uses the Latin language be- cause Latin is NOT A FOREIGN language. Latin makes the Catholic Church international, and univer- sal, and prevents it from being a mere national Church. Every Catholic prayer book contains an exact trans- lation of the Latin prayers at Mass and at all other pub- lic religious services, so that every one knows every- thing that is said. Ask your Catholic neighbor for a prayerbook and see for yourself. In sermons, and pri- vate prayers, the vernacular language of the people MUST BE USED. CATHOLICS AGREE WITH ST. PAUL Catholics believe that Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, is whole and entire, both under the form of bread, and under the form of wine; hence it is not necessary to receive Holy Communion under both forms. Consult your Bible, authorized version of 1881 (Cor. 11, 27), ''Wherefore whosoever shall eat the bread OR drink the cup of the Lord in an unworld- ly manner shall be guilty of the body and the Blood of the Lord.” ST. PETER WAS A ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHOLICS AND BIBLE Catholics believe the ordinary method of propagat- ing Christianity is by PREACHING, not by reading or circulating the Bible. See Mark 16, 15, "Go ye into all the world and PREACH the gospel to every crea- ture.” PRINTING WAS NOT INVENTED UNTIL THE 15TH CENTURY. THE WORD "VOLTS” COMES FROM VOLTA, THE GREAT CATHOLIC ELECTRICIAN — 25 — WHEN CATHOLICS RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION it is no mere symbol, type, figure or mere memorial of Christ, but Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Himself, whole and entire, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, under the appearances of Bread and Wine. When Christ said in Matt. 26, 26-28; Luke 22, 19-20: "THIS IS MY BODY,” He meant exactly what He said, and when He said "THIS IS MY BLOOD,” that is just what He meant; also see Paul, I Cor. 11, 23-26. ESCAPED NUNS are fakes. They do not need to escape; they can leave their convents any time they desire. The real truth is that it is very difficult for a young woman to become a Nun, since it ordinarily takes several years of probation, study and prayer. But it only takes half a minute for her to walk out of her con- vent forever if she desires. Drop in and inspect some Convent yourself. DR. JOHN B. MURPHY, OF CHICAGO, ONE OF THE WORLD’S GREATEST SURGEONS, WAS A CATHOLIC CATHOLIC MISSIONARY ACTIVITY There are more Catholic missionaries at work in mission fields in the East and the Far East than all other forms of Christianity combined. The Catholic Church is a vast missionary society. Its very purpose was imposed by Christ when he said "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark, 16, 15). Hence the Catholic Church is at home everywhere, with 60,000 missionaries laboring among Pagans in heathen lands. — 26— CATHOLICS ARE LOYAL AMERICANS George Washington’s Address to Catholics in U. S., Dec., 1789: "I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations in example of Justice and Liberality. And I presume that your fellow citizens will not forget the patriotic part which you took in the accomplishment of their Revolution and the establishment of their gov- ernment, or the important assistance which they re- ceived from a Nation in which the Roman Catholic faith is professed.” Cardinal Gibbons on American Citizenship: "Next to love of God should be the love of coun- try. Let us glory in the title of American citizens. We owe our allegiance to one country and that coun- try is America. We must be in harmony with our Political Institutions. It matters not whether this is the land of our birth or the land of our adoption. It is the land of our destiny. Here we intend to live and here we hope to die.” GEN. "PHIL” SHERIDAN, ONE OF THE GREAT- EST UNION LEADERS IN THE CIVIL WAR, WAS A CATHOLIC THE FIRST AMERICAN SOLDIER TO DIE IN THE "GREAT WAR” WAS A CATHOLIC, A PITTSBURGHER, THOMAS ENRIGHT THE LARGEST SINGLE SUBSCRIBER TO THE LIBERTY LOAN OF REVOLUTIONARY DAYS WAS A CATHOLIC, THOS. FITZSIMMONS — 27— THE MASS The Mass is the Last Supper of Christ over again — the most sacred ceremony of the Catholic religion. By the Mass the Blessed Eucharist and Crucifixion are perpetuated. Everything in the Church centers about the adorable sacrifice of the Mass. For its celebra- tion the altar is erected, our churches built, our priests ordained. It is for the worthy reception of Christ’s Body and Blood effected by the Mass that the Confession of sins prepares faithful Catholics. "I am the living bread which came out of heaven; if any man eat of this bread he shall liye forever; yea and the bread which I will give is My flesh for the life of the world.” John 6:51. GALVANI, DISCOVERER IN ELECTRICITY, WHO GAVE THE WORLD GALVANIZED IRON AND THE GALVANIC CELL, WAS A CATHOLIC. CONFESSION When Christ said to His Apostles, ''Whosoever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven them; whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained” (John 20:23), He made confession of sin to a priest necessary. He made the Apostles and their successors judges; they were either to forgive or not to forgive the sins. No judge can decide a case unless he knows what the case is. Go into a Court Room and say to the Presiding Judge, "Judge, I am guilty.” Would he not immediately reply "Guilty of what; what is your crime?” Con- fession therefore is absolutely necessary. — 28 — MIXED MARRIAGES Matrimony is one of the seven Sacraments instituted by Christ — a holy thing, a sacred contract, ended only by death. Being a Sacrament, the conditions under which it is administered to Catholics are laid down by the Catholic Church. All Catholics recognize the inalienable right of the Church to regulate the conditions of all the Sacraments, Matrimony includ- ed. No sincere Catholic would go to a Justice of the Peace to go to Confession; so also no sincere Catholic would go anywhere but to a Catholic priest to be married. Catholics believe Catholics should marry Catholics, Protestants marry Protestants, and Jews marry Jews. The Catholic Church looks with disfavor upon the marriage of persons of different religions. There may at times be happiness in such marriages, but, alas, very many of them are unhappy, and the faith of the children is imperiled. BALBOA, DISCOVERER OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN, WAS A CATHOLIC RELICS The Catholic Church teaches that the relics of our Lord and His Saints are worthy of veneration, just as we Americans venerate the relics of the Liberty Bell, or George Washington, or Lincoln. Scriptures record wonderful works wrought by God through the clothes, the handkerchiefs (Act 19-12), yes, even the shadow of the saints (Acts 5, 15), while they lived on earth. He can and does work miracles today by the sacred ashes, the bones and other relics of the saints. Exodus 13, 19; 2 Kings, 13-21. LATRELLE, PRINCE OF ENTOMOLOGISTS, WAS A CATHOLIC PRIEST — 29 — THE BLESSED VIRGIN "Woman above all women glorified, Our tainted nature’s solitary boast.” — WORDSWORTH. "This is indeed the blessed Mary’s land, VIRGIN and MOTHER of our Dear Redeemer.” — LONG- FELLOW. Catholics HONOR — they do not Adore or Wor- ship — MARY, the Mother of God, Queen of All Saints, Conceived without sin. WITH ONE EXCEPTION, every child of Adam, born into this world, is stained with the guilt of origi- nal sin. That EXCEPTION is the Mother of Christ, Mary Immaculate, who from the first moment of her existence, was absolutely sinless. This doctrine is called THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. It was not fitting that She who gave Christ the Precious Blood He shed for us on the Cross should have that blood tainted by sin. Mary’s PRESERVA- TION from sin is due to Christ, Who redeemed her as He redeemed us. "Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Thy Mother, may intercede for us before the throne of Thy mercy.” — Amen. U. S. SUPREME COURT CHIEF JUSTICES WHITE AND TANEY WERE CATHOLICS RELIGIOUS LIBERTY WAS FIRST GRANTED IN AMERICA BY A CATHOLIC, LORD BALTIMORE, IN 1649 — 30— CONFESSION Confession is a mockery and a sacrilege, unless the penitent has genuine interior sorrow for his sins; it must spring from the heart, and not the lips. This sorrow springs from a supernatural motive, that is, that his sin has offended God; moreover the sorrow must cover every single sin, without any exception, great and small, and we must grieve more for having offended God than for any other evil that can befall us. Not every one who goes through the form of Con- fession actually has his sins forgiven. There are cer- tain rigorous conditions to be complied with. These conditions are five in number. 1. Examination of conscience to know our sins. 2. Exciting in our hearts a sincere sorrow for ALL our sins, without exception. 3. A firm resolution to amend our lives and never sin again. 4. A full Confession to a Priest of all our sins, without concealing any. 5. Reparation for the wrong we have done, and the performance of some penance. PADEREWSKI, WORLD’S GREATEST PIANIST, WAS A CATHOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH NEVER TAUGHT FALSE DOCTRINES If anyone can show us one single false doctrine taught by the Catholic Church during the past 1900 years, we will readily admit that the Catholic Church is not the Church of Christ. In all her official pro- nouncements, text books, and documents, she has been unswervingly, and at all hazards, on the side of truth, justice, faith and morality. — 31 — EVERYMAN'S PRAYER J BELIEVE in one God. 1 believe that God rewards the good , and punishes the wicked. J BELIEVE that in God there are three Divine Ver- sons . . . God the Father , God the Son , and God the Holy Ghost. J BELIEVE that God the Son became Man , without ceasing to be God. I believe that He is my Lord and my Saviour , the Redeemer of the human race, that He died on the Cross for the salvation of all men , that He died also for me. T BELIEVE , on God y s authority, everything that He has taught and revealed. O MY GOD, give me strong faith. O My God, help me to believe with lively faith. O MY GOD, Who art all-good and all-merciful , 1 sincerely hope to be saved. Help me do all that is necessary for my salvation. J HAVE committed many sins in my life btit now i turn away from them, and hate them. I am sorry, truly sorry for all of them, because I have offended Thee , my God, Who art all-good, all-perfeet, all-holy, all-merciful and kind, and Who died on the Cross for me. J LOVE Thee, O my God, with all my heart. Please forgive me for having offended Thee. J PROMISE, O God, that with Thy help I will never offend Thee again. MY GOD, HAVE MERCY ON ME This is my Application for the Religious Home Study Course c o '5b C/5 %k