Q £ i f ol 5 WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING An authentic portrayal of the perfidious proposals of COMMUNISM and SOCIALISM In their real setting, as masks and devices employed by amazingly organized and financially powerful occult forces, bent upon world conquest THE SODALITY UNION of Washington, D. C. U. S. A. This book is designed for the enlightenment of all mankind, of every nation, race, and creed, to reveal the principal causes of the present plight of humanity, and the imminent danger of the complete dissolution of civilized society. Acknowledgment is gratefully made to George Ed- ward Sullivan, LL.B., for the preparation of this Book, at the request and solicitation of The Sodality Union, of Washington, D. C., as a splendid contribution by him to the defense of Civilization, and wholly without remuneration. The demonstrated thoroughness and reliability of his research work, and his fair and clear analysis, should appeal to every true friend of civilized society who reads this Book. Copyright, October, 1937, U. S. A. The Sodality Union, of Washington, D. C. (46 Eye Street, N. W.) Cost price per copy, Ten Cents, plus postage. THEIR BANNERS ARE MANY; THEIR LEGIONS ARE GROWING; THE ENEMY IS UPON US. (Courtesy of Chicago Tribune) “The communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all exist- ing social conditions.” —COMMUNIST MANIFESTO OF 1848. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. COMMUNISM IS THE ANTITHESIS OF CHRISTIANITY I II. COMMUNISM NOT A SCIENCE, PHILOSO- PHY, OR RELIGION, BUT A MONSTROUS FORMULA FOR HUMAN ENSLAVEMENT 3 III. COMMUNISM NOT MODERN, NOR EVOLU- TIONARY, BUT ANCIENT AND CRAFTILY DEVISED ____ ___ 13 IV. FINANCE IS THE HEAD OF THE DESTROY- ING SERPENT, AND COMMUNISM THE SLIME THAT PROCEEDS FROM THE HEAD 19 V. DEGRADATION OF WOMANHOOD UNDER COMMUNISM 24 VI. COMMUNIST HYPOCRISY REGARDING UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD OF MAN 27 VII. IN SOVIET RUSSIA, EVERYBODY (EXCEPT- ING THE DICTATORS) IS A PRISONER OF THE GOVERNMENT 38 VIII. COMMUNIST DECEPTION THROUGH EDU- CATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, PUBLIC LIBRA- RIES, AND PUBLIC PRESS 45 IX. COMMUNISTS MAKE WAR UNDER DIS- GUISE OF PEACE 58 X. ORDINARY PIRATES ALMOST RESPECTA- BLE IN COMPARISON WITH THE COMMU- NIST FORCES ___ 61 XI. INDIFFERENCE OF PUBLIC SERVANTS AND POLITICAL PARTIES TO THE COM- MUNIST MENACE 65 XII. COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM TWIN ME- DIUMS, UTILIZED BY SAME OCCULT FORCES 70 XIII. FALSE REMEDIES INSIDIOUSLY PRO- POSED, AND AIDING THE ENEMY 77 XIV. RESTORING THE TRUE FUNCTIONING OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC, AND THE CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH IT WAS BUILT 84 I COMMUNISM IS THE ANTITHESIS OF CHRISTIANITY 1. Does communism have anything in common with Christianity? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Of all the miscon- ceptions regarding communism, the most unfound- ed, illusive and dangerous is the oft-repeated one, that communism and Christianity have similar purposes or objectives. 2. What are some of the principal differences be- tween Christianity and communism? Christianity is love; communism is hate. Christianity is morality ; communism is depravity. Christianity is loyalty ; communism is treachery. Christianity extends mercy ; communism is merci- less. Christianity liberates; communism enslaves. Christianity builds Civilization; communism sub- stitutes barbarism. Christianity is truth ; communism is falsehood. Truth and falsehood have, of course, nothing in common. Falsehood always disguises itself as truth, but does not thus acquire any element of truth. Truth parades under no false colors, and has no place for falsehood in her ranks. Falsehood parades under the banner of “liberalism” and seeks to put upon truth the brand of “intolerance.” Truth always defends fundamental principles as unchanging and unchangeable. Falsehood is ever seeking to destroy all fundamental principles and to attribute practically everything to optional points of view. 1 As falsehood seeks to destroy truth, so commu- nism seeks to destroy Christianity. Let us not be deceived about Christianity and communism having anything in common, or about communism producing any good. Since commu- nism is intrinsically evil, it can not produce any good. “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.” — St. Matthew, Chapter VII, Verse 18. 3. May any true friend of Christian Civiliza- tion collaborate with communism in any un- dertaking? Absolutely not. Instead, heed should be given (before it is too late) to the significant Gospel warning: Beware of false prophets, -who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are raven- ing wolves. By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles? —St. Matthew, Chapter VH, Verses 15-16. This warning has been re-sounded by Pope Pius XI, and directly applied to communism: Communism is intrinsically wrong, and no one who would save Christian Civilization may collab- orate with it in any undertaking whatsoever. — Encyclical on “Atheistic Communism,” Paragraph 58, March 19, 1937. 2 II COMMUNISM NOT A SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, OR RELIGION, BUT A MONSTROUS FORMULA FOR HUMAN ENSLAVEMENT 1. What is “communism,” as that term is used throughout the world today? It is precisely what Pope Pius IX denounced nearly a century ago as — that infamous doctrine of so-called communism which is absolutely contrary to the natural law itself, and, if once adopted, would utterly destroy the rights, property and possessions of all men, and even society itself. — Encyclical on “The Dan- gers and Evils of the Times,” November 1846. and against which Pope Pius XI has repeatedly warned, directly exposing the following salient features : (a) That communism “conceals within itself a false messianic idea”; (b) That communism has behind it “occult forces which for a long time have been working for the overthrow of the Christian Social Order”; (c) That “communism is intrinsically wrong”; and (d) That “the promises of the false prophets of this earth melt away in blood and tears.” Encyclical on “Atheistic Communism,” Paragraphs 8, 18, 58, and 80, March 1937. 2. What are the objectives embraced within such “infamous doctrine of so-called communism”? Abolition of religion, of individual ownership of 3 property, of family rights, of all individual rights, of patriotism, and of nations as such. (Communist Manifesto of 1848—also Report No. 2290, H. R., 71st Congress, 3rd Session, U. S. A., quoting W. Z. Foster, communist leader) . 3. Would these abolitions convert humanity into a “Cooperative Commonwealth,” as claimed in communist propaganda? Emphatically no. As well might a yoke of oxen, a herd of cattle, or the slaves in a galley-ship, be termed a “Cooperative Commonwealth” as any section of humanity subjected to such monstrous abolitions. Incredible though it may seem, at first, to many gullible persons who have been literally carried off their feet by the avalanche of commu- nistic propaganda crashing down from almost every direction, the conclusion is inescapable that these abolitions constitute a monstrous formula. They constitute the direct and perfect answer to the question — What would have to be done to re- duce humanity to the level of cattle? Cattle have, of course, no religion; nor property, family or in- dividual rights ; nor patriotism ; nor citizenship in any nation,—essential human rights. Without these rights, the status of human beings would dif- fer in no wise from that of cattle. Cattle are not troubled about any wage-system, since they receive no wages, but only feed and a place out of the weather. Through abolition of the wage-system, which the communists say is one of their special objectives, the peoples over whom they wish to rule will be saved from dispute as to what is a rea- sonable wage, because they will receive none what- ever, any more than have slaves in any period of history. The communist plan, to take from each “according to his powers” and give to each “accord- 4 mg' to his needs,” does not differ from the plan that has been universally applied to slaves. Such plan necessarily produces the grossest inequalities and injustices, along with such > slavery, yet the plotters have the hardihood to carry on their de- ception behind the high-sounding slogan “Produc- tion for use, and not for profit.” They even have the temerity to use the slogan “Social Justice” to hide the awful truth. 4. What possible incentive can there be for such an infamous and monstrous formula? World domination over humanity generally by organized occult forces, resembling, in evil struc- ture, a giant octopus with tentacles extending into, and seeking to strangle, all Governments through- out the world, so as to substitute a World Super- Government of their own. Although pretending an intense devotion to the universal brotherhood of man, these occult forces appear to treat themselves as a special and superior people or class, and to look upon all others as upon the fold of cattle. Such a pretendedly superior and presumptuous people or class must, in the very nature of things, be much-scattered, in location, so as to invade all na- tions, yet intensely solidified or banded together by systematic deception or coercion, or both, under fiendish leaders, claiming to be acting for the com- mon good of such people or class. Such leaders will ultimately and inevitably wreck their own plot by unending strife between them as to who shall occupy the seat of dictatorship. Such a condition has already developed in Soviet Russia. However, complete dissolution of society may result in the interim, before the plot finally destroys itself, if no effective steps be taken to prevent its further spread. 5 5. Is communism a science, or a philosophy, or a religion? No. It bears no more resemblance to a science, a philosophy, or a religion, than would any other criminal conspiracy. As well might the by-laws of a gang of robbers and murderers be treated as embodying a science, a philosophy, and a religion. This obvious fact cannot be overcome by the per- sistent attempts of so-called “intellectuals” to hide the real status of communism behind the specially- created and high-sounding academic term “dialec- tic-materialism,” in an effort to dignify commun- ism as scholarly and genuine. 6. Are any of the abolitions of communism bene- ficial or elevating or otherwise than false, de- ceptive, and enslaving? Most emphatically no. Each has apparently been selected with great care because of its false, de- ceptive, and enslaving effect. While they are pro- claimed as a unit, and the entire combination is relied upon by such occult forces to reduce other peoples to the level of cattle, it is perfectly appar- ent that each objective is, in and of itself, a potent agency for the accomplishment of the end sought. 7. Would not the disastrous results of these abolitions be only transitional, and produce a real and lasting “Earthly Paradise” after their extension throughout the world? Such obviously disingenuous claim seeks to de- feat the warning in the Gospel, “By their fruits you shall know them,” realizing that, after the yoke has been actually placed upon humanity throughout the world, the victims would have no opportunity to heed the Gospel warning. The greater the area of extension of these abolitions. 6 the more extensive, of course, will be the misery, distress and serfdom caused thereby. The claim that as soon as these occult forces attain complete world conquest, they will immediately surren- der their direction and rule and permit all objec- tionable features and results of their control or or- ganization to “wither away,” is preposterous upon its face. 8. Is abolition of religion an aid to such a mon- strous plot? Most certainly. The plot could not possibly be effectuated without abolition of religion. Until religion is completely abolished, morality, which is founded upon it, would continue its elevating in- fluence upon humanity, and with sufficient force to make impossible the reduction of humanity gen- erally to the condition of beasts. While a spark of religion remains, martyrdom will be gladly suf- fered by human beings to defeat such a fiendish plot, as is well known to the occult forces behind communism. 9. How do the occult forces behind communism disguise the real motive for abolishing re- ligion? By pretending that it has been scientifically es- tablished that religion is merely superstitution, re- tarding civilization, and suppressing freedom. Karl Marx (the so-called father of communism) had the effrontery to term religion “the opium of the people.” 10. How do these occult forces expect to deceive anybody in that way? They know, of course, that there can be no true or enduring freedom, nor any real civilization, without religion. But, being clever and unscrupu- 7 lous psychologists, they also know how disas- trously such an appeal, for the abolition of moral- ity, can be used to impair the minds, morals, and physical health of persons, and that an enormous field of victims may be expected among the un- enlightened, particularly confiding youth deceived in the classroom. 11. Is abolition of family rights an aid to such plot? Yes, for without the disintegration of the fam- ily, which was instituted by Almighty God, it would be impossible to reduce any people to the level of cattle. Nor would it be possible to com- pletely destroy religion, without first destroying the family because the human family, and much more the Christian family, as founded by God and depending on Him, is a bulwark of religion, and vice versa. 12. Is abolition of individual ownership of prop- erty an aid to the communist plot? Obviously. Without such abolition, human dig- nity could not be altogether destroyed and the plot could not possibly succeed. Opportunity for indi- vidual ownership of property is the cornerstone of freedom, and indispensable to Christian civiliza- tion; in fact, to the preservation of any human rights or personal dignity or a status above the beasts. This does not mean that individuals must own all property, nor that the State can own none for its legitimate public purposes, nor that inordi- nate monopolies in individual or group ownership must be tolerated. But a collectivistic ownership of property generally, enforced against any section of miscellaneous humanity, would be inherently de- structive of freedom, happiness and prosperity, for 8 two reasons, (1) it cannot operate itself, but re- quires dictators to run it, and (2) it destroys in- dividual incentive, initiative, and thrift. It is man- ifestly idle to talk about preserving suffrage or any kind of a democracy under a dictatorship which regiments the people, and tells them what to do, and makes them do it. Reason and experience both teach that dictators cannot be controlled from be- low, so that, with dictators in the saddle, ballots will always confirm what the dictators propose. 13. Is the CoUectivistic idea an untried one? By no means. It received thorough trials more than 300 years ago. From 1611 to 1614, it was tried out in the Virginia Colony, and between 1620 and 1623 in the Plymouth Colony of Massachu- setts. In neither was there any attempt to destroy religion, the family, or patriotism, but the experi- ment was conducted wholly on an economic basis. The fruits of each man’s labor went to the com- mon stock, and the settlers were fed and clothed from a common storehouse. In each instance, the experiment was carried on until the settlers were nearing starvation on account of it. It discouraged individual incentive, initiative and thrift, and sub- stituted for natural productive competition, a com- petition of laziness which made the people face starvation. In the Virginia experiment, Sir Thomas Dale applied force to carry it through, and the colony became half military camp and half penal colony. In the Massachusetts experiment, it was tried out under a democracy. In each instance the result was the same. The settlers always re- ferred to the period as the “years of slavery.” The Virginia experiment received special mention in “History of Maryland,” by J. Thomas Scharf (pub- lished in 1879) , who said : 9 It is difficult to conceive a state of things more propitious to the theories of communism or so- cialism, and yet the failure was most signal.—p. 4. Other local or colonial experiments at different times in various parts of the world have always resulted in similar failure. Humanity can never be aided by what is inherently contrary to the natural law. No section of miscellaneous humanity (as distinguished from a special voluntary religious group, cf. Religious Orders) can possibly function under a collectivism without displacing liberty, and substituting serfdom. The kind of so-called economic security produced by such serfdom, as a substitute for liberty, is repulsive to every right- thinking, liberty-loving person. 14. May not the occult forces behind communism be ignorant of such inherently enslaving features? Hardly, when it is realized that their entire pro- gram, and also each constituent element, is enslav- ing. As well might a masked and armed gang carrying burglar kits, and actually resorting to violence to break into a bank, claim that they were a repair gang going to fix something wrong at the bank. 15. How do these occult forces deceive anyone about a matter so plain and obvious? By misleading their dupes with the deceptive phrase “dictatorship of the proletariat,” to convey to them the false impression that it means “dicta- torship by the proletariat.” The phrase really means “dictatorship over the proletariat,” and has been so treated in Russia since the yoke of these occult forces was first imposed upon the Russian people. 10 16. How are these occult forces able to carry on such deception either in Russia or elsewhere, after the “dictatorship of the proletariat” in Soviet Russia has been demonstrated to be a “dictatorship over the proletariat” by a group or class of self-constituted and self- perpetuating dictators? By pretending that the existing dictatorship, which has been in effect in Soviet Russia for nearly twenty years, is really nothing but a transi- tional stage, and that, upon the extension of com- munism throughout the world, the dictatorship will “wither away” and the proletariat become the real dictators. The dupes have recently been told that communism is “20th Century Americanism,” and finally the blasphemous assertion is being made that Christ was a communist. 17. Does the Communist Manifesto of 1848 make mention of local or colonial experi- ments in the community ownership feature of communism, contradistinguished from world-wide and complete communism? Yes. It refers to them as “Home Colonies,” or setting up a “Little Icaria,” and calls them “pocket editions of the New Jerusalem.” 18. Is this language in the Communist Manifesto intended to suggest that complete and world- wide communism, is the complete and un- abridged edition of “the New Jerusalem”? If that be not its meaning, it is difficult to under- stand why such carefully chosen words were so used. 11 19. What excuse is made by such occult forces for wanting to abolish all individual owner- ship of property, all other individual rights, and the family entity? They have the temerity to assert that such abo- litions will obtain for human beings that equality of status and opportunity that is essential to any universal brotherhood of man. The fact that the equality will consist in having no rights whatever, thus reducing humanity to the level of cattle, is, of course, not mentioned by them. 20. What occasion is there for preserving pa- triotism and the individuality of Nations in the world today? No Nation can endure without patriotism, which means devotion to one’s country, and no people can feel any sense of security against lawlessness, ter- rorism, and massacre, or enslavement, unless they maintain a National Government, with power to suppress lawlessness and insurrection, and repel invasion. Law and order cannot be expected to be self-enforcing so long as human nature endures and human society exists. 12 Ill COMMUNISM NOT MODERN, NOR EVOLU- TIONARY, BUT ANCIENT AND CRAFTILY DEVISED 1. What truth is there in the claim that com- munism or bolshevism is a natural phase in the evolution of a strictly historical process originating in the soil, culture, and politics of far-away Russia? Absolutely none. Russia did not give birth to communism, but became communism’s first vic- tim through carefully-planned invasion by occult forces having no interest in Russia or the Russian people, but seeking world conquest. 2. What good can result from the circulation of such a falsehood about communism being a product of far-away Russia? None that can be discerned. Such falsehood is to be deplored, because it gives this imminent world menace a far-away Russian aspect, and thereby lulls people to sleep regarding the immi- nent menace right among them in every Nation of the world today, ready to seize the reins of Government by deceptive tactics, and make use of organized terrorism and wholesale “liquidations” for human enslavement. 3. Have the dictators of Soviet Russia ever ad- mitted their program not to be of Russian origin? Yes. As soon as they had succeeded in impos- ing their yoke upon the Russian people, they ad- mitted that their so-called new social order was not of Russian origin, but was taken from the 13 Communist Manifesto of 1848. This Manifesto was itself only a re-proclamation of an age-old scheme or plot against humanity. 4. Was any different claim or pretense made while preparing to place the yoke upon the the Russian people? Yes. Previous thereto, they disguised them- selves as the Bolshevik (meaning majority rule) Party, and Lenin (speaking under such disguise) had given the following false assurance : It must once more be emphasized that syndicali- zation does not in the least affect conditions of ownership and does not deprive the proprietor of a single penny of his money. It is necessary to lay great stress upon this fact in consequence of the conduct of the middle-class press, which fright- ens the smaller traders with the threat that social- ists, and in particular bolsheviks, desire to “expro- priate” them.—A History of Bolshevism (London, 1934), by Arthur Rosenberg, p. 103. 5. After the dictators of Soviet Russia finally admitted their deception, and that their pre- tended new social order or form of govern- ment was, in reality, communism, did any of their leaders ever admit the antiquity of the world organization behind communism? Yes in 1923, the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Chicherin, made such indirect admission by boastfully proclaiming — We are the oldest government in Europe. Since the Communist Government had then ex- isted as a recognized Nation of the world only 6 years, it is obvious that it could not possibly be the oldest Government in Europe in any public legitimate sense in consequence of its 6 years in Russia. Consequently, Chicherin must have been referring to its great antiquity as a secret World 14 Super-Government plotting the obliteration of all National lines, and consequently Nations, which are to be fused into the world-wide Soviet. 6. Is there any doubt or question about the com- munist seizure of Russia in November 1917 having been the work of international plot- ters? Absolutely none. Many of the leaders came from a variety of Nations, including the United States, a great many coming from the East Side of New York, under the leadership of one Bron- stein (called Comrade Trotzky). Many leaders sought to conceal their real identities by taking Russian names. Thus, not only was Bronstein changed to Trotzky, but Finkelstein was changed to Litvinov, Rosenfeld to Kamenev, Apfelbaum to Zinoviev, etc. The secret invasion of Russia took place through, and with the aid of, Germany, which appears to have been at the time very much under the domination of this secret World Super- Government. 7. Did those who seized the reins of Government in Russia in November 1917 constitute a ma- jority of the Russian People? By no means. They amounted to only a very small percentage,—about 60,000 out of Russia’s population of 160,000,000. 8. How did such an insignificant fraction of the population succeed in imposing their yoke upon 160,000,000 people? First through deceptive tactics to seize the reins of Government; followed by organized terrorism and wholesale “liquidations.” In a word, the peo- ple were “trapped” like animals, those refusing enslavement being killed. 15 9. How far back does the secret World Super- Government, which is supporting commun- ism, extend? Probably during the entire Christian Era. The materialistic concept, in denial of the spiritual and supernatural, dominates the entire plot, which seeks world-conquest for the members of the Super-Government, as a kind of mutual-benefit or- ganization. Neither the universal brotherhood of man, nor any other Christian ideal or concept, can have any appeal to them other than as a temporary disguise. 10. Why is Karl Marx featured in communist propaganda as the Father of Communism, and lauded as the author of the Communist Manifesto, and for his supposed “sympathy for the poor” and pretended “originality in thinking out a plan” as set forth in the said manifesto? Evidently to divert attention from Marx’s real status as an emissary or adept of an outlawed gang, and to conceal the fact that the Commu- nist Manifesto of 1848 had merely used another name for the same age-old plot or program,—that had been outlawed throughout the world shortly after 1800,—that had masqueraded as “Illumin- ism,” “Rationalism,” “Jacobinism,” etc., before the French Revolution of Terror of 1789,—and that had doubtless contributed largely to the Reign of Terror in that period. 11. Had this age-old plot or program invaded the United States before 1800? Yes; on an extensive scale. Affiliated Jacobin Societies were formed in America, proclaiming so- called “Rights of Man,” as opposed to any recogni- 16 tion of God. (McMaster, History of the United States, Vol. II, p. 93) . Timothy Dwight, President of Yale, delivered an address in New Haven in July 1798, setting forth the nature and character of such invading program : No personal or national interest of man has been uninvaded; no impious sentiment of action against God has been spared; no malignant hostility against Christ and his religion has been unat- tempted. Justice, truth, kindness, piety, and moral obligation universally have been not merely trodden under foot, but ridiculed, spurned and insulted as the childish bugbears of driveling idiocy. 12. Have the occult forces behind communism ever admitted maintaining, before the Com- munist Manifesto, a secret society to pro- mote the same objectives? Yes. The Preface to the Communist Manifesto expressly so admits. It expressly states that said Manifesto was drawn up as “the platform of the Communist League,” and that “before 1848” it was “unavoidably a secret society.” 13. Is the hostility of these occult forces to Christianity of recent origin? By no means. In fact, it would be most surpris- ing if most of the insidious schemes to wreck Chris- tianity during the course of the centuries have not been both hatched and aided by these occult forces. The motive plainly existed, and there are some strange corroborating circumstances. 14. What are some of these strange circum- stances? The so-called “Reformation” which began in 1517 had its origin in Germany, and was next car- ried to France between 1520 and 1530, just as com- 17 munism was first proclaimed in Germany in 1848 and next carried to France and used to promote an active revolution there. Uluminism (sometimes called the grand-father of communism) was also first proclaimed in Germany (1776) , and then car- ried to France. Apparently, the Chiefs of Staff of these occult forces have been located in Ger- many for many centuries, and the most powerful wing of their subterranean army has doubtless been located in France throughout many centuries. The great multiplicity of so-called Christian creeds which have been proclaimed has hardly been the result of something normal. Multitudes have been led thereby to think that Christianity itself must be ridiculous, thereby advancing the cause of these anti-Christian occult forces. 15. Is there any evidence of insidious and con- certed assaults upon Christianity previous to 1500? Yes. In Funk & Wagnall’s New Standard En- cyclopedia, 1931, Yol. XXI, the following appears : The most remarkable of these protests (moves against Christianity) was associated with the name of Joachim of Flora in Calabria (died 1202). Under the name of the “Eternal Gospel,” the in- fluence of his ideas is traceable in every country in Christendom.—p. 75. In the 13th century, the Arabic texts of Aris- totle made their way into the Christian schools, and thenceforth a leaven of skepticism was an element in all the universities. As a result of the teaching of Averrhoes, materialism and pantheism became common creeds among thinkers, and the idea spread that Christianity was not the absolute thing the Church had taught.—p. 76. 18 IV FINANCE IS THE HEAD OF THE DESTROY- ING SERPENT, AND COMMUNISM THE SLIME THAT PROCEEDS FROM THE HEAD 1. Is there anything peculiar about the cause of the prevailing ills of society? Quite obviously. Humanity is not suffering from a God-made famine, but a man-made one, or rather a fiend-made one. The famine exists in the midst of plenty, with the plenty “gobbled up” by a money-mad group, and evidently as the result of long-time planning and manipulation. Such a money-mad group cannot be acting under the in- fluence of Christian ideas. In fact, Christian ideas must be wholly foreign to them, because the teach- ing of Christianity is always against greed, and for social justice and the universal brotherhood of man. 2. Is there any possible question about the oc- cult forces behind communism actively seek- ing to take advantage of the present plight of humanity, to seize the powers of govern- ment everywhere? Absolutely none. 3. Is there anything indicating that these occult forces were peculiarly equipped to cause this very plight of which they seek to take ad- vantage? Yes, because, (1) the plight is world-wide; (2) it must, therefore, have come from a world- wide cause; (3) the occult forces behind com- munism constitute such a world-wide source; and 19 (4) there is no other known world-wide source that could have had an incentive to produce such plight. 4. How can this conclusion 4>e reached in the face of the communist claim that Christianity has been the cause of humanity’s plight? The inherent perfidiousness of such claim con- stitutes additional evidence against them. When a party seeks to exonerate himself by pinning a crime upon a perfectly innocent party, it points rather strongly toward the former’s guilt. Instead of Christianity having held sway during the period in question, the Communist Manifesto itself as- serts that “Christian ideas succumbed in the 18th century”—the century preceding the so-called In- dustrial Era whose mal-adjustments are now false- ly attributed by the communists to Christianity. 5. Did any leader or promoter of communism predict in advance the occurrence of the 1929 crash or panic in America? Yes. On May 6, 1929, Stalin addressed an Amer- ican Commission of the Third International sitting in Moscow as follows : I think, Comrades, that the American Commu- nist Party is one of those few communist parties in the world upon which history has conferred a task of a decisive character from the viewpoint of the world revolutionary movement. The force and power of American Capitalism are well known to you. To many it seems now that the general crisis of world Capitalism will not touch America. This, of course, is not true. Absolutely untrue, Comrades. Stalin added : And when the revolutionary crisis will open out in America, this will be the beginning of the end of world Capitalism. It is necessary that the 20 % American Communist Party should be able to meet this historical moment fully armed. 6. Was this startling prophecy and incitement to violence made public at the time? No. Although the prophecy was made more than five months before the October 1929 crisis in America, its publication in the “Moscow Bolshevik” did not occur until January 15, 1930. How did Stalin know about it in advance with such positive- ness ? It should be apparent to every real student of the subject that the timing of the crisis was in the control of a group of powerful international financiers. 7. Is the communist campaign conducted by a poverty-stricken group? By no means. Its emissaries have sought to give such false impression ; but the size and rami- fications of their organizations, and the colossal amount and systematized character of their propa- ganda in every Nation, leave no room for belief in any such nonsense. Finance is the head of the de- stroying serpent, and communism the slime that proceeds from the head, as every real student of the subject can readily ascertain. 8. What evidence is there that these occult forces have become further enriched during the so-called depression? The increasingly enormous amount of their propaganda, and other costly activities in their own special interest, involving tremendous outlays in every Nation of the world, constitute a power- ful showing along this line to any thinking person. Meanwhile, these pretended champions of the poor prate about their pity for the “under-privileged” and “down-trodden.” 21 9. Has any outstanding and reliable authority discussed the great financial resources of these occult forces? (r Yes, in Encyclical of March 1937 on “Atheistic Communism,” Pope Pius XI revealed that: It (communism) has at its disposal great finan- cial resources, gigantic organizations, internation- al congresses, and countless trained workers—Par- agraph 17. 10. How can this unusual condition be explained, namely, that these occult forces have at their disposal great financial resources, and yet claim to be fellow-sufferers among the poor? They are obviously not opposed to private own- ership of Capital, but opposed only to others having any. They appear to have a double objective: (1) to despoil all other peoples of all that they now have, and (2) to subject such other peoples to their domi- nation so as to be able to despoil them of every- thing they produce in the future. The more Cap- _ ital they take from such other peoples, before the World Conquest is attained, the quicker will it be attained, because the poorer and more defense- less such other peoples will become, and conse- quently, the more easily imposed upon and over- powered by these occult forces, parading under the false banners of “freedom,” “humanitarianism,” “universal brotherhood,” etc. Obviously, the co- operation among the occult forces by possessors of great riches with those pretending to be opposed to all individual ownership of property, cannot mean that wolves and lambs are cooperating, but rather two sets of wolves, each disguised in dif- ferent sheep’s clothing. A so-called communist- 22 state provides a convenient medium to transmit the property of other persons to the occult forces. 11. Has the insidious usurpation of governmen- tal power in many Nations through finance, been dealt with in any recent work? Yes, in “All These Things,” by A. N. Field, who presents many pertinent facts and circumstances to prove that the occult forces behind commun- ism are responsible for these conditions. 12. Has any other author mentioned the exten- sive domination of governmental power by centres of financial power? Yes. In “A History of Bolshevism” (1934), Arthur Rosenberg described modern conditions throughout the world as follows: A modern Great Power is nothing but a collec- tion of great financial institutions within national frontiers. Modern international politics are no more than the struggle between these centres of financial power for domination over all countries and all races.—p. 42. The author proceeded to explain that Lenin used this condition as an argument for abolishing all private ownership of property ; but failed to men- tion that Lenin was representing the same occult forces, which had produced such conditions, and were seeking to obtain all property and power for themselves on a world-wide scale. 23 y DEGRADATION OF WOMANHOOD UNDER COMMUNISM 1. What is the real truth about the pretended elevation and freedom of women under the Soviet regime? Such pretense is the most outrageous and hypo- critical of all the pretenses that have been circu- lated and propagandized. Instead of being ele- vated and freed, womanhood is degraded and en- slaved. She has been made a victim of factory slavery, sex slavery, and military slavery. She is treated as the absolute property of the Soviet State. Her children are likewise treated as belong- ing to the State, and taken away from her for rear- ing by the State, just as the fold of cattle are taken away from cows. Marriage is not encouraged, but is strongly discouraged. The communists evident- ly see no more occasion for marriage of their female victims than they do for the marriage state for cows. They apparently recognize no more right in their female victims to any individual or family rights, than they recognize in the cows in a herd. The cows in a herd, however, have important ad- vantages. Cows are at least spared factory slavery and military slavery. 2. Has any official report dealt with the matter of sex slavery of women in Soviet Russia? Yes. British White Paper, known as “Russia No. 1, April 1919,” p. 26, contains the following report by General Poole to the War Office under date of January 11, 1919 : There is evidence to show that commissariats of free love have been established in several towns 24 and respectable women flogged for refusing to yield. Decree for nationalization of women has been put into force, and several experiments made to nationalize children. One of the decrees for the nationalization of women was issued by the Council of the City of Saratov, effective March 1, 1918, and declared all women to be “the property of the whole nation,” and pro- vided for issuance of certificates to men for their use as “a piece of public property.” 3. Have not these early attempts to nationalize women, or, in other words, create an openly legalized community of women, been aban- doned? It is more accurate to say that they have been merely suspended, until the Soviet regime becomes sufficiently powerful to defy all civilized peoples by re-establishing such monstrously barbarous con- dition. The storm of indignation throughout the world, when these early attempts became known, evidently made the Soviet regime fearful about further continuing such attempts at that time. 4. What evidence is there that the communist program includes an openly legalized commu- nity of women? Not only is such sex slavery to be expected under the communist scheme to reduce other peoples to the level of cattle, but the Communist Manifesto of 1848 itself uses carefully chosen language in an attempt to justify such sex slavery, saying: Our bourgeois, not content with having the wives and daughters of their proletarians at their dis- posal, not to speak of common prostitutes, take the greatest pleasure in seducing each other’s wives. Bourgeois marriage is in reality a system of 25 wives in common and thus, at most, what the com- munists might possibly be reproached with is that they desire to introduce, in substitution for a hypocritically concealed, an openly legalized com- munity of women. A little further along, said Manifesto states, with unconcealed satisfaction, that “Christian ideas suc- cumbed in the 18th century to rationalist ideas," thereby necessarily admitting that none of the im- morality referred to had been produced by Chris- tianity. The infamous proposition of the so-called “rationalists” was “that religion is the enemy of philosophy,” the unsoundness and inexcusable falsity of which pretense was completely exposed by Pope Pius IX two years before the Manifesto, in Encyclical “The Dangers and Evils of the Times,” of 1846. Instead of favoring a return to Christianity to eliminate, or at least reduce, sexual immorality, the Manifesto sought to add sex slav- ery to immorality. Surely, Christian marriage can- not be said to be “a system of wives in common,” and those who pay honor to Karl Marx for the hor- ribly depraved and degrading ideas set forth in the Manifesto can obviously have no proper place in civilized society. 5. What is the status of women in Soviet Rus- sia at the present time? They are subjected to factory slavery and mili- tary slavery, and their children are taken from them as property of the State, just as the children of slaves have always been dealt with as being property of the ownei's of such slaves. This is their plight even before the return of the sex slav- ery inherent in “an openly legalized community of women.” What a contrast to the sanctity and dig- nity of womanhood in a Christian Civilization ! 26 VI COMMUNIST HYPOCRISY REGARDING UNI- VERSAL BROTHERHOOD OF MAN 1. What is the significance of the red flag used as the communist emblem throughout the world? As proclaiming the universality of the blood of all peoples, and that the communists will never tolerate any discrimination by reason of race, blood of other conditions or differences among peoples. 2. Have the communists lived up to their proc- lamation and repeated assurance in this be- half? Most emphatically not. One particular people or race has been signally favored. It has not been the Russian people, but rather the Jewish people or race as such. Beginning in 1921, the Soviet Governments “began to settle Jewish families in agricultural colonies in White Russia, the Crimea, and the Ukraine” ; “By 1928 more than 35,000 Jew- ish families were tilling the soil in 160 of these col- onies” ; and, in that year, “the Soviet Governments announced they would contribute $10,000,000 to- ward the extension of this work if Americans would match the sum,” which was done. Funk & Wagnalls’ New Standard Encyclopedia, 1931, Vol. XVI, p. 452-3. 2. Has any Jewish organ boasted about the spe- cial consideration given the Jewish race in So- viet Russia? Yes. The December 1933 issue of the American Jewish Journal “Opinion,” styled “A Journal of Jewish Life and Letters,” and having Rabbi 27 Stephen S. Wise on its Editorial Board, carried an article asserting : The State (Russia) which previously did not employ any Jews at all now employs in White Rus- sia 61% Jewish officials—p. 13. (The percentage of the Jewish population in Russia is less than 2%.)—p. 13. A Jew is the commander-in-chief of the Ukrain- ian Army—p. 14. A Jew is president of the State Bank—p. 14. Jews occupy almost all important ambassadorial positions of the Soviet Union.—p. 14. Anti-Semitism has been declared a State offense and is punished as counter-revolution.—p. 14. 3. Is this extraordinary condition, so boasted about, accidental? It can hardly be so considered by those who are aware of the fact that the very heart and center of International Communism, the Communist Party Central Committee, is composed entirely of Jews, with a few exceptions only (including Stalin) and all of them married to Jewesses. 4. Has any Jewish organ boasted that the Jews are not subjected to religious persecution in Soviet Russia? Yes. The January 1934 issue of the same Jew- ish Journal “Opinion,” already mentioned, carried an article stating : Lonely, like a ruin in a desert, the Jewish syna- gogue stands hidden in a corner of revolutionary Moscow. It is a new synagogue. Its worshippers, however—a tiny fraction of the city’s hundred thousand Jewish inhabitants—belong definitely to Russia’s past.—p. 15. And there is no doubt that the old, traditional Jewish synagogue is rapidly dying out in Russia, It is dying not because of communist persecution, as many would like to believe, or any other out- side influence, but simply because of a natural 28 law of life; the synagogue lacks fresh blood. The youth has deserted it. Go over to the Jewish Communist Club on Tver- skaya Street and you will find plenty of them over there.—p. 16 . 5. Is the favoring of the Jews by the commun- ists a matter of race or religion? Wholly racial. Since the communists seek to destroy all religious belief, it is self-evident that no Jew having any religious belief (contradistin- guished from pretense) can possibly join the com- munists or accept favors from them. 6. If the occult forces behind communism were sincere advocates of the universal brother- hood of man, would they seek to crush Chris- tianity, which has always espoused the uni- versal brotherhood of man without distinc- tions of race or blood? Manifestly not. They are hypocrites. Their adoption of the clenched fist of hate as the com- munist salute is not consonant with any honest conception of the universal brotherhood of man. Consequently, it is not surprising that they give vent to their hatred for Christianity which does really and truly recognize such universal brother- hood. The Soviet Commissar for Public Educa- tion, Lunatscharsky, made public proclamation of such hatred: We hate Christianity and Christians; even the best of them must be looked upon as our worst enemies. They preach the love of our neighbors and mercy, which is contrary to our principles. Down with the love of our neighbor; what we want is hatred. We must learn how to hate, and it is only then that we shall conquer the world. — Facts About Communism, by Rev. Edward Lodge Curran, Ph. D., at p. 54. Also Anti-God Front of Communism, by Rev. G. J. MacGillivray. 29 7. Do the communists usually conceal or pro* claim their aim to crush Christianity? When trying to entrap prospective victims who refuse to reject Christ, they conceal their aims, and at times even go so far as to falsely assert that Christ was a communist. At other times, they boldly proclaim their aim and purpose to crush Christianity. Magazines published in Moscow have freely proclaimed the real aim and purpose. 8. Can any such magazine be mentioned and identified? Surely. The November 15, 1929, issue of “Bez- bogchik oo Stankar” (The Atheist at his Bench), an organ of the Union of Atheists and of the Mos- cow Committee of the All-Union Communist Party, carried on its front cover, in vivid colors, a picture depicting the use of a wheel-barrow to dump out Christ in celebration of “Industrialization Day.” This is mild in comparison with other blasphemous anti-Christian matter too horrible and fiendish for description or reproduction. 9. The facts being thus plain and evident, what conclusion is forced upon any person of com- mon sense? That communism is both anti-Christ and pro- Jew, in fact, so pronouncedly pro-Jew as to treat “anti-semitism” as “counter-revolution,” thus strongly suggesting that communism is a scheme to build “the New Jerusalem” upon the backs of subjugated peoples. 10. Is this situation relieved by a study of the Talmud, sometimes called the governing code of Israel? Unfortunately, no. The situation becomes even 30 more alarming, according to The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modem World, by Rev. Denis Fahey, pp. 75-6, which cites L’Histoire et les Histoires dans la Bible, by Mgr. Landrieux, Bishop of Dijon, as giving the following resume of an amazing con- cept stated to be propagated in the Talmud: For the Talmudist, the Jewish race alone con- stitutes humanity. The non-Jews are not men. They are of a purely animal nature. Such false and presumptuous proposition, that the Jews are the only people or human beings on the face of the Earth, seemingly embodies the false messianic idea behind communism. Such a false and fiendish idea is, of course, entirely consonant with the formula of communism to reduce other peoples to the level of cattle. Civilized society can no more tolerate the promotion of such a brazen idea than it can permit the practice of polygamy or any other socially undermining concept. 11. Is the outrageously anti-social nature of the Talmud dealt with in any other authentic work than the two already mentioned? Yes. It is precisely and fully dealt with in “Se- cret Societies and Subversive Movements,” by Nesta H. Webster, who was careful to add to her exposition, that — many Jews have protested against it (the Talmud) as a barrier between themselves and the rest of the human race—p. 370. 12. Has any prominent Jewish writer admitted the extensive use of the Talmud to bind the Jewish people together? Yes. In “History and Destiny of the Jews,” by Josef Kastein, it is declared (p. 211) that — 31 the laws of the Talmud proved exceedingly efficacious in binding the Jewish people together. and further that — the Talmud, which they carried with them every- where, became their home. 13. In the early period of the bolshevik dictator- ship, did any Jewish organ discuss and de- fend the taking by Jews of a leading part in such dictatorship? Yes. The Jewish Chronicle (London), of April 4, 1919, carried an article stating: That Jews have been chosen to the extent they have to take a leading part in the movement in Russia and in Hungary, is more or less because they are heavily endowed with intellectualism and capacity, as compared with the rest of the population. There is much in the fact of bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are bolsheviks, in the fact that the ideals of bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism. 14. Does this article in the Jewish Chronicle give any explanation of how bolshevism is claimed to be consonant with the “ideals of Judaism”? No, only evasively, in the following strange and very remarkable way : The Jew is an idealist. He will give much for an ideal. He thirsts for idealism as a goal of life. This may seem strange to those who associate the Jew with materialism. But the capacity of the Jew for idealism is such that he notoriously ideal- izes even the material. It is perfectly obvious that, since every ultimate objective of communism (or bolshevism) is out- rageously false and tending to human enslavement, it cannot properly be said to be consonant with any 32 “ideal.” Consequently, only a perverted Judaism, seeking world conquest through human enslave- ment and exploitation, could possibly be said to be consonant with communism or bolshevism. 15. Has the dominating Jewish leadership in bolshevism been discussed in any official document? Yes. British White Paper known as “Russia No. 1, April, 1919,” quoted, from report of Sept. 6, 1918, by the Netherlands Minister at St. Peters- burg, regarding Bolshevism, that — it is organized and worked by Jews, who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things. -p. 6. This statement accords with what United States Ambassador to Russia, David R. Francis, wrote in January, 1918: The bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and ninety per cent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.— Russia from the American Embassy, by David R. Francis, p. 214. 16. Has the alarming extent of Jewish participa- tion in communist activities in America been mentioned in any official report? Yes. In Congressional Report H. R. 2290, 71st Congress, 3rd Session, (January 17, 1931) , the fol- lowing information is given: A large percentage of all the known communist district organizers (in the United States) are of Jewish origin.—p. 14. In the vicinity of New York City the communist camps include a very high percentage of Jewish boys and girls, estimated to be as high as 90 per cent—p. 28. 33 17. Has any Jewish organ in America asserted as a fact that Jews are seeking to promote in other countries that which they have been promoting in Russia? Yes. In Sept. 10, 1920 issue of “American He- brew and Jewish Messenger,” the following amaz- ing statement appears : What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to accomplish in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind and heart are tending to promote in other countries.—Vol. 107 “American Hebrew,” p. 507. 18. Should any member of the Jewish race seek to defend, or boast about, Jewish participa- tion in, or favors acquired from, the com- munist program? Certainly not. Every leader, or member, of the Jewish race co-operating with, or sympathetic to- ward, communism, which urges perfidy and treason in a world-wide campaign of despoliation, should be emphatically repudiated by all law-abiding and self-respecting members. A world-wide Govern- ment over all, but favoring a particular race, is nec- essarily a persecution of all other races. Such favored race is always in danger of being terribly persecuted as a race, without any distinctions, when other races take steps against such mon- strous efforts to subjugate them. 19. Have any Jewish communities given any recognition to the Soviet Commissar of For- eign Affairs, Litvinov (originally Finkel- stein) ? Yes. As the result of a poll among Jewish com- munities on what is called a world scale, his name has been placed in the Jewish Hall of Fame as 34 one of the “120 greatest living Jews” (Associated Press Despatch of Sept. 25, 1937) . 20. Has any leading Jewish organization hon- ored Karl Marx as an outstanding member of the Jewish race? Yes. The Jewish Publication Society of America sponsored and published in 1920 a book, written by the prominent Jewish writer Joseph Jacobs, en- titled “Jewish Contributions to Civilization,” laud- ing Karl Marx as having manifested “the exalted indignation of an Isaiah” (pp. 45-6) . This is the same Society which publishes “The American Jew- ish Year Book.” Publications by such an organiza- tion seek, of course, to influence the Jewish race. If any considerable portion of the race has been deceived thereby into believing that there was any- thing “exalted” about Marx’s infamous and de- basing proposals, every worthy Jew should feel ashamed of such deception, and should be active to counteract it. 21. Can the suppression of any of these facts be justified by anyone? Certainly not. No true friend of either the Jews or the rest of humanity can possibly reconcile with his conscience any such suppression. All races (in- cluding the Jewish race) will be in constant jeop- ardy until there has been a public awakening and a sane and effective correction of conditions. Light and truth are indispensable to a cure. 22. Is there any possible justification for the Jewish race or any other race to be perse- cuted, injured or destroyed? Never. The malefactors in a race should be dealt with, rather than the race itself, even though un- 35 worthy leaders of the race may boast about the race “solidarity” or “unity.” Yet, when the male- factors in a particular race become so powerful and numerous in a plot directed against all other races as to put such other races in imminent jeop- ardy, a serious practical problem is presented as to how to protect the innocent members of such particular race (in this case, the Jewish race or people), and at the same time protect the mem- bers of the other races who are attacked. 23. May not the frequent boasts of some Jewish leaders about “solidarity” or “unity” of the Jewish race lead many persons to regard all Jews as malefactors in the communist plot? Yes, but such conclusion is not true. Such re- sult is admittedly sought by a number of promi- nent Jewish leaders and many members of the race may fear financial or other ruin if they resist the plot. But it is perfectly obvious that the male- factors of the race cannot possibly include those having a spark of honest religious belief of any kind. Moreover, it is well known that many Jews have not only jeopardized, but actually sacrificed, their lives in defense of the American Republic, and the Jewish Veterans Organization of America has been outspoken against the menace of commu- nism. Worthy members of the Jewish race should courageously make their identities and attitudes known on every possible occasion, thereby refuting the efforts of certain outstanding leaders to make it appear that there is a “solidarity” or “unity” of the Jewish race behind the infamous plot of communism. It is obvious that the complete dis- solution of the communist hordes will not only save civilized society generally, but will be of spe- cial benefit to many members of the Jewish race 36 in freeing them from the domination of unscrupu- lous leaders who are coercing and mis-using large groups of the race in an attempted world conquest through communism. Malefactors of other races who have joined the communist plot, as deceptive “fronts” or otherwise, must be dealt with along with malefactors of the Jewish race. Civilized society cannot longer countenance or endure such machinations from any quarter. 24. Is there any possible warrant for imputing “anti-semitism” to those who deal frankly and fairly with these facts? Certainly not. If the origin and direction of the communist plot were centered in the Irish, French, Italian, or some other race, seeking world con- quest on its behalf, every worthy member of such race should resent and expose the plot in the true interest of his own race, as well as in common jus- tice to other races, and, of course, members of oth- er races would have a like right to resent and ex- pose such plot. They might be called anti-racial by promoters of the diabolical plot, but surely no self-respecting person would so assail them. It is fair to assume, therefore, or at least to strongly suspect, that those who would suppress the facts, and who seek to stigmatize as “anti-semitic” those who make the above facts known, are themselves involved in some way in the communist plot, and anxious to prevent exposure of the communist pre- tense regarding the universal brotherhood of man. 37 VII IN SOVIET RUSSIA, EVERYBODY (EXCEPT- ING THE DICTATORS) IS A PRISONER OF THE GOVERNMENT 1. Has there been any recent reliable report upon actual conditions in Soviet Russia? Yes. Robert L. (Believe It Or Not) Ripley made a personal tour of Soviet Russia in 1934, and had the courage to report his observations in a Radio Broadcast of April 4, 1935, from New York City. He was later denied re-entry into Soviet Russia. Here are some of the things stated by him in his address : Believe it or not—it is not a paradise but a paradox. Russia is a gigantic poorhouse where millions of people are on the verge of starvation at this moment. Outside of Moscow and Lenin- grad—the Soviet show places—starvation stalks through squalor and filth. But there are no model conditions in the out- lying rural district of the Ukraine and the Cau- casus. Ragged, raving mobs crowded to the train win- dows begging and crying for bread. In the single year—1932—four million peasants died of starvation in the Ukraine and North Cau- casus—the most fertile part of all Russia. Starvation in Russia is not due to crop failures —it is a man-made famine. The communists delight in appealing to the un- employed of America by telling them there are no unemployed in Russia. Believe it or not—neither are there any unem- ployed in a penitentiary. Everybody in Russia is a prisoner of the gov- ernment. The workingman has no choice about his work, or where he lives, or how much he is paid. He has no religion, no home life and no privacy. 38 Despite the depression—which is world wide— the United States still has more prosperity, more freedom, more tolerance and more happiness than any other nation in the world. 2. Does the Soviet regime provide a uniform wage to all? By no means. Workers receive varying amounts, some as high as 2,000 rubles per month, but most of them as low as 150 rubles per month (a ruble amounting to only about seven cents) . Moreover, prices of bare necessities are so high as to make these last-named amounts starvation wages. Con- sequently the wretchedness is even worse than that of ordinary slaves, who are usually well fed. These unfortunates may well hope for the coming of the communist “ideal” of no wages at all to workers—just work for their keep, like slaves have always done. Yet, the prospect, even then, of treatment from communists equal to what is usu- ally provided for slaves, is obviously remote. 3. What truth is there in the communist claim that a classless society has been established under the Soviet regime? Absolutely none. There is a special favored class or group called the Communist Party com- posed of less than 2% of the population. The gen- eral population has nothing to say as to the mem- bership of such class or group, which exercises unbridled power. In fact, the Communist Party is itself controlled by dictators, and no individual communist is protected against summary ouster or execution. However, the mass starvations and executions have been chiefly of persons too civil- ized, intelligent and respectable to adapt them- selves to communism. 39 A 4. Is there any available data regarding the number of persons killed and executed in Russia under the Soviet regime? According to the Army Chaplain magazine of October 1935, the number of persons killed and executed in Russia under the Soviet regime had then reached the staggering total of 11,726,746 — nearly two million more dead than the total killed in the World War. 5. Has any recent book revealed the perfidy of the Soviet boast of “abolition of unemploy- ment”? Yes. “Russia’s Iron Age,” by William Henry Chamberlin, explains that the so-called abolition of unemployment — might be just as plausibly, although less pleas- antly, described as a mass conscription of labor. —p. 96. adding: A final and complete abandonment of terrorism as an instrument of government will only come when the grimly pragmatic philosophy which as- sumes that the individual has no rights which the state is bound to respect is discarded.—p. 173. 6. Is there not necessarily, therefore, an inher- ent perfidy in communist leadership or par- ticipation in labor union agitation in America? Unquestionably. Neither collective bargaining, nor striking, is permitted in Soviet Russia, and nothing of the sort would be recognized in a Soviet America. In the very nature of things, every thinking person must know that neither can be permitted under communism or socialism, since the State is the sole owner and employer in every field. A strike of government employees, or the 40 recognition of exclusive collective bargaining pow- er in any union of government employees, would, obviously, paralyze the government ; in fact, would destroy the government. The President of the United States of America has recently recognized this inherent condition by warning that the gov- ernment cannot deal with any union as an exclu- sive bargaining agency for federal workers, or tol- erate a strike by such workers. Consequently, where the State is the sole employer, as under communism and socialism, labor would have no rights, but be reduced to slavery. Labor agitation in Soviet Russia is not differentiated from other forms of “counter-revolution,” and is summarily dealt with as such. 7. What is the real purpose of the movement throughout the world to have “one federa- tion of trade unions in each country” and “one international of trade unions”? Both its purpose and the methods employed are obviously and flagrantly of the communistic flavor —not in aid of any “collective bargaining” of labor, but to regiment labor for the communist revolu- tion. Mass regimentation of labor under the com- munists is a part of the admitted “United Front” tactics of the Communist International expressly declared in resolutions adopted at their Seventh World Congress in 1935, as follows: for one federation of trade unions in each coun- try; for one international federation of trade unions organized according to industries; for one international of trade unions based on the class struggle.—p. 31. At said World Congress, its Secretary-General warned that failure of the earlier revolutions in Spain had been due to failure to adopt “the fre- 41 quent proposals of the communists” to “weld the working class into a united trade union organiza- tion,” “demand the confiscation of all the lands of the landlords, the church and the monasteries in favor of the peasants,” and “strike” at “the might of the Catholic Church.”—Communist publication “Dimitroff— Working Class Unity— Bulwark Against Fascism,” September 1935, p. 20. 8. Do the vocational unions approved in the Papal Encyclicals bear any resemblance to the so-called “industrial unions” advocated by the communists? Absolutely none. The former are voluntary or- ganizations of self-governing members. The lat- ter are tyrannical organizations utilizing coercion and lawlessness both upon members and others, so as to regiment the workers under the dictatorship of the communists. Organizations to regiment labor for the communist cause are at the present time easily identified and distinguished by (1) the many communists active in them, (2) the lawless and ruthless tactics employed, and (3) the approv- al given them in the communist and communist- aiding press. 9. Is the “sit down strike” of American origin? By no means. It was used by communists abroad, and its use in America has been largely directed by communists. 10. Can a “sit down strike” be countenanced in civilized society? Never. Its undeniable lawlessness cannot be al- tered by specious arguments that the factory is “an extension of the home” or that a “full partner- ship” in the factory exists between employers and 42 employees. Such arguments are the quintessence of lawlessness and anarchy, and those making them should not be considered as trustworthy ad- visers of civilized society. Their necessary ten- dency is to produce chaos, and thereby pave the way for a communist revolution. 43 THE DEADLY VIPER AT WORK POISONING THE SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE American I HISTORY ['AMERICAS MB , T I IDEALS gfHisTOSy.! U.s SYSTEM i OF EDUCATION .-flTtfTW vo.u xnr CONSTITUTION EMOCH^g: Ofthe U.S-* f UNITED STATES • -V (Courtesy of N. Y. Evening Journal and N. Y. American) Why do some superintendents of schools and Boards of Education persist in protecting this poisonous reptile? 44 VIII COMMUNIST DECEPTION THROUGH EDU- CATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, PUBLIC LIBRARIES, AND PUBLIC PRESS 1. Do the occult forces behind communism ever proclaim a purpose to reduce humanity to the level of cattle under their domination? By no means. They carefully conceal such pur- pose, by disguising their program as a crusade for human freedom. Otherwise, their program would be as futile as unbaited fish-hooks. 2. Have educational institutions been invaded by them? Yes, on a most extensive and alarming scale. (N. Y. State Report of April 24, 1920, known as “Lusk Report” ; “Reds in America,” by R. M. Whit- ney, published in 1924 ; “The Red Hand in the Pro- fessor’s Glove,” by Dr. William W. Cowan, pub- lished in 1933 ; “Crucifying Christ in Our Colleges,” by Dan Gilbert (1933). 3. How are the adepts or helpers of the commu- nists enabled to invade educational institu- tions? Most frequently, by- assuming the guise of learned “Economists,” and pretending to have dis- covered the true social economy, social science, or philosophy of life. 4. When they are discovered and exposed, do they gracefully withdraw? By no means. They indignantly defy all criti- cism of them, and throw about themselves a cloak of false “Academic Freedom.” All rights of the 45 Nation, parents, and even pupils or students are flaunted and rejected by them. A more accurate term for their pretended right would be “Academ- ic Anarchy.” Nurses would have as much right to intermix poisonous ingredients in the food of patients. Even a death-producing poison would be preferable to a poison producing human serfdom. 5. Is such perversive and subversive invasion of education, through pretended “Academic Freedom,” of recent origin? By no means. Before 1789, it was invoked in France to pervert and subvert everything worth- while, including undermining of religion, morality and patriotism in youth, in preparation for the French Revolution of Terrorism (History of Ja- cobinism, by Abbe Barruel, published in London 1797) . The “fake” educators of that period called themselves “Academicians,” and their Secretary said: Lest our object should be surmised we called our- selves “Economists.” In Encyclical “The Dangers and Evils of the Times,” November 9, 1846 (two years before the Communist Manifesto of 1848), Pope Pius IX gave warning against that system of education, especially in philosophi- cal studies, that deceives and corrupts to a de- plorable degree our thoughtless youth, offering them the bitter gall of the dragon in the cup of Babylon. 6. Have the public schools of the United States been invaded by any such perversive and sub- versive poisoning of the wells of knowledge? Yes, on an ever-increasing scale, since about 1900. In September 1923, the Historical Commis- sion of the Knights of Columbus, after a two years’ 46 investigation into the condition of text books on American History, reported the extensive use in the United States, for more than 25 years, of distorted history books giving “false and unpatri- otic conceptions and theories.” (Columbia Maga- zine, September 1923, p. 22). Recent investiga- tions into conditions in the public schools of the United States have disclosed an extensive use of outrageously deceptive text books and study mag- azines, directly calculated to cultivate in pupils a receptive and friendly attitude toward communism, instead of telling them the real truth about it so as to prepare them to combat it. In some of such matter, pupils have been actually told that “patri- otism” is “childishness and hypocrisy,” that the “national flower” in America has become “the razz- berry,” and that “for boys and girls communism offers school, hope and adventure.” Text books falsely depicting communism as a social science, and as having benefited the Russian people and raised their standard of living, are in high favor with many public school authorities, and are ap- proved for regular and compulsory courses. (See pamphlet “Academic Freedom,” by George Edward Sullivan, October 1936.) 7. Are public school teachers permitted “Aca- demic Freedom” against the use of such text books and study magazines? No. They are allowed no such freedom. This mis-labeled freedom is designed to promote, not to prevent, perversive and subversive invasion. Teachers are commanded by Superintendents of Schools and Boards of Education to use such text books and study magazines, and they must either do so or lose their positions. This condition is all the more inexcusable, in view of the prophetic 47 warning given by a patriotic Boston school teacher in 1919, echoing a declaration of Lenin : Give us one generation of small children to train to manhood and womanhood, and we will set up the bolshevik form of the Soviet govern- ment. 8. Are the rank and file of American teachers loyal? Undoubtedly most of them are; but there is genuine alarm as to whether there are not many exceptions at the present time. Thousands of teachers now serving in public schools in various parts of the Nation have taken courses at Teach- ers’ College, Columbia University, where they come under the direct influence of Dr. George S. Counts, Professor of Education there. Dr. Counts is editor of a magazine for teachers styled “Social Frontier,” in the November 1935 issue of which teachers were urged to direct their — energies along lines indicated by Marxian tactics. —p. 55. Dr. Counts wrote the foreword to Stalin’s book “The New Russian Policy,” published in 1931. In the following year 1932, he wrote a book of his own “Dare the Schools Build a New Social Order?” urging teachers to “positively influence the social attitudes, ideals and behavior of the coming gen- eration” (p. 29) , for “democracy under novel con- ditions” (p. 40), which “should not be identified * * * with the federal constitution, the popular election of officials, or the practice of universal suffrage” (p. 40), and “finally be prepared as a last resort, in either the defense or the realization of this purpose, to follow the method of revolu- tion.” (pp. 41-42) . Dr. Counts served as an asso- ciate with the Superintendent of Schools of the 48 Nation’s Capital on a so-called “Commission on the Social Studies” hereinafter dealt with. (See list of members of said “Commission” in front of each volume or “Part” of its so-called “Report.”) 9. Has Dr. Counts said anything to suggest knowledge by him that preparations for a revolution in America are far advanced? Yes. In the June 1935 issue of “Social Fron- tier” (of which he is editor) , the following amaz- ing statement appears: The next issue, Volume II, Number 1, unless the revolution occurs in the interval, will appear in October, 1935. Why was such a person (so close to Stalin as to write the Foreword for one of his books) antici- pating the occurrence of the revolution in America during the summer of 1935, if he were not aware that preparations were far advanced? 10. Is there evidence of any concerted effort to have American teachers refrain from de- nouncing communism? Yes. That appears to have been one of the main purposes of so-called “Report” of so-called “Com- mission on the Social Studies” published in Parts or Volumes, commencing in 1932. It is sponsored by so-called “American Historical Association,” and the Superintendent of Schools of the Nation’s Capital has served both as a member and as secre- tary of said “Commission.” In Part I, p. 45, of said Report it is pointedly suggested that “enlight- ened” communities do not expect teachers to de- nounce communism. Again, in Part XII the pro- positions are advanced, (1) that even “confessed communists” should be “safe” in teaching positions 49 (p. 91), and (2) that “complete freedom” should be accorded all teachers (p. 778) . 11. Do the persons responsible for such amazing “Report” hold influential positions over the education of youth in our Nation? Yes. Every member of such “Commission” holds such a position. 12. What is the necessary effect of such a report upon the teachers and youth of our Nation? Most harmful. Every communist is an enemy of our Government, bent upon its destruction, and, consequently, has no right to hold any position in any school in the Nation. The oath of office re- quired of teachers in the public schools cannot pos- sibly be taken by a communist otherwise than per- fidiously and hypocritically, first, because a com- munist denies all belief in God, and second, be- cause a communist is inherently disloyal to every nation except the world-wide Soviet. 13. Is there any evidence that said “Report” of said “Commission” has been recommended to public school teachers of the Nation’s Capital? Yes, in Washington Public School Document No. 1 of 1936, p. 104, the Board of Education, on rec- ommendation of the Superintendent of Schools of the Nation’s Capital, expressly approved such “Report” for “General reference reading on meth- ods for teachers.” 14. Do the public school authorities of the Na- tion’s Capital require teachers to depict Karl Marx as a true friend of humanity, instead of telling pupils the truth about his having been an arch-conspirator against humanity? 50 Yes. Not only are teachers required to use text- books and study magazines which depict Karl Marx favorably, but in Washington Public School Docu- ment No. 1 of 1936, p. 10, teachers are directly told to feature the “Character of Marx” as noteworthy for— (1) His sympathy for the poor. (2) His originality in thinking out a plan. 15. Is the alarming condition of affairs in the public schools of the Nation’s Capital of long duration? Yes. In 1924, Congress was advised of disre- spect to the Holy Bible being taught in the public schools of the Nation’s Capital (Cong. Record, Yol. 65, Part 8, pp. 7796-7) , and, by Act of June 7, 1924, Congress expressly prohibited payment of salary to any one in the public schools of the District of Columbia who taught disrespect to the Holy Bible. Such prohibition was kept in force for two years. Yet, as late as January 1935, the public school authorities of the Nation’s Capital adopted as a text-book for the training of public school teachers “European Civilization and Politics Since 1815,” by Erik Achorn, which book taught disrespect for the Holy Bible (pp. 4, 335), and also lauded commu- nism (pp. 532-40) . This particular text-book was later withdrawn in December 1935 during a public protest by citizens against anti-patriotic and pro- communistic matter in such public schools. But other pro-communistic matter has been boldly re- tained notwithstanding such protest, and the pub- lic school authorities blandly assure the public that objectionable matter has never invaded the public schools. Similarly outrageous conditions have been found elsewhere. 51 16. How long has the present Superintendent of Schools of the Nation’s Capital held such office? Continuously since July 1, 1920. 17. Who nominated him for his original appoint- ment in 1920? A prominent Rabbi who was then a member of the Board of Education D. C. (Vol. 10, Minutes of Board of Education D. C.—meeting of June 28, 1920, p. 1.) 18. Did the predecessor of such nominee favor or oppose cultivating in pupils a receptive or favorable attitude toward communism or bolshevism? Such predecessor had vigorously opposed any such deception of pupils, and his attitude in this connection was publicly well-known, because he had, in 1919, the very year preceding his displace- ment, reprimanded a teacher in one of the high schools of the Nation’s Capital for telling her class that bolshevism possessed good features. 19. Has the fact of the invasion of the public schools of the Nation’s Capital by anti-patri- otic and pro-communistic propaganda, since 1920, during the administration of his nom- inee, been brought to the attention of the prominent Rabbi who made the nomination? Yes. But the learned Rabbi has taken no steps looking to either the dismissal of his said nominee, or correction of such intolerable conditions. 20. Since religious teaching is entirely banned from the public schools, how can “fake” edu- cators justify invading the field of religion there in any manner? 52 They cannot; so they cunningly draw a distinc- tion between the teaching of religion and the teach- ing of irreligion. The former is pretended by them to be opposed to science, and the latter to be sus- tained by it. Under the guise of history, biology, and kindred titles, they brazenly use the class- room to undermine and destroy such religious be- liefs as may be instilled in pupils at home and in churches. Public school authorities have boldly approved and prescribed text-books teaching dis- respect for the Holy Bible, and have even used public tax moneys to purchase such books. Such text-books suggest or pretend that there never had been any Biblical Creation or any Fall of Man, and actually laud Darwin for his infamous pretense that man and ape are both descended from a com- mon anthropoid ancestor. In some places, morally- undermining matter has been actually assigned to public school pupils as selected reading matter. Ir- religion and immorality are, of course, twin ene- mies of civilization. 21. Have efforts to remedy the existing alarm- ing conditions in public schools of the Nation been successful? No ; and they never will be until there has been a thorough official housecleaning, and everyone is removed from public office who has in any way aided or encouraged communism, whether corrupt- ly or merely stupidly. Abolition of religion is, of course, one of the main objectives of communism. 22. In the interim before relief is attainable, and also as a matter of general permanent legis- lation, why cannot some relief be obtained by at least a legislative provision for allow- ance or remittance to parents (on account of education of their children in other 53 schools) of the pro rata cost of educating such children in the public school system? A bill of such nature has been recently intro- duced in the New York State Assembly, by Assem- blyman Daniel E. Fitzgerald. 23. Are opponents of such legislation promoting American principles? Obviously not. They apparently overlook the fundamental Americanism which was distinctly recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States in the Oregon School Cases (268 U. S. 510, decided in 1925). As the Supreme Court said “The child is not the mere creature of the State,” and the State lacks powers “to standardize its chil- dren by forcing them to accept instruction from public school teachers only.” The State should not, therefore, either directly or indirectly, force children to attend the public schools, except as a last resort in default of all attendance at school. The Supreme Court’s decision was not meant for the rich only, but for poor and rich alike. So heav- ily are the people taxed for the public schools that few can afford to also contribute toward education- al facilities in private or parochial schools, where regular instruction in religion and morality can be obtained as a component part of the education, day in and day out. If religion is essential to morality, and morality vital to the prosperity of the Nation, as George Washington warned in his Farewell Ad- dress, no sound reason can be advanced against the promotion of general diffusion of knowledge con- sonant with, and embracing, religion and morality. The public schools are very essential institutions to take care of those who would otherwise lack edu- cational facilities; but the necessary absence of religious instruction in such schools, of course, pre- 54 vents them from being the best educational insti- tutions for young children, with all due respect to those who think the general school life of children should be devoid of religion. A Nation which hampers, impedes or discourages opportunity for thorough and complete religious instruction, is really dissolving civilized society. A public school monopoly or bureaucracy will inevitably lead to paganism. 24. What is the condition of affairs concerning communistic propaganda in Public Libraries of the United States? Outrageous, as to many, if not most. Perversive and subversive books, reeking with falsehood and deception, are freely carried, and usually without any label indicating such character. Public libra- rians of today usually feel secure in their positions, notwithstanding such outrageous conduct. Every honest-minded person must admit that communis- tic propaganda, or other perversive or subversive matter, if not specially labeled when placed upon the shelves of a public library, just as bottles con- taining poisons are required to be labeled when given to the public, should at least have a restric- tive circulation limited to those old enough to know how to use it. 25. Has not the public press exposed all such perversive and subversive poisoning of the sources of knowledge? Unfortunately not. Most of the public press have, with few commendable exceptions, conduct- ed persistent campaigns of deception about such conditions, in lieu of efforts to obtain a public awak- ening, even holding up to ridicule loyal citizens who seek to expose such conditions, such citizens being 55 called “super-patriots,” “alarmists,” “red-baiters,” “witch-burners,” etc. Whether this is due to “ad- vertising control,” or something worse, has not been definitely ascertained. When the public final- ly learns of this treachery, there may be a boy- cott against the disloyal press which will not be soon forgotten. 26. Can there be any real functioning of our Republic as intended and provided for by our Forefathers if the press be not only per- mitted but required to be free or at least re- quired to confess their voluntary serfdom? Absolutely not. A servile and deceptive press has no more right to withhold its true identity and character from the public, than have other cheats and swindlers to pursue their calling un- molested. 27. How can the public press be required to be free, or at least confess the condition of voluntary serfdom or servility where it ex- ists? By perfectly valid provisions of law. It is not a matter of censorship in any sense. They can publish any matter they wish uncensored, but they can be held criminally for serious falsehood and deception regarding political or so-called political matters, just as they are made liable under exist- ing law for other libelous matter. Moreover, they can be made liable criminally for sailing under false colors or suppressing their true colors from the public. 28. Is deception of the public by the press of re- cent origin? By no means. It is of long duration, but is be- 56 coming more and more intolerable. As far back as 1807, Thomas Jefferson wrote : I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens who reading newspapers live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in the world of their time.—Vol I, p. 244, Life of Aaron Burr, by James Parton, published in 1857. The recent report of the Federal Trade Commis- sion to the Senate of the United States, on “propa- ganda activities” of public utility corporations, dis- closed a shameful condition reflecting upon a large section of the press of the Nation,—plain propa- ganda, prepared by public utility corporations, be- ing actually inserted under the guise of editorials (Part 71-A, Report of Federal Trade Commission, December 1934) . When Samuel Gompers (before 1924) warned against American recognition of So- viet Russia, he added : “In making these assertions I am mindful of the amazing propaganda with which American public life is flooded.” 29. Have the communist-aiding press practiced deception regarding the so-called Child Labor Amendment? Yes, most outrageously. They have brazenly asserted that only unconscionable exploiters of children can oppose such proposed Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. The Amendment would in nowise prohibit exploitation of children in hazard- ous or other occupations, but would give the Fed- eral Government unrestrained power to direct and exploit—the terms used being “power to limit, regulate, and prohibit the labor of persons under 18 years of age” (about 45,000,000 youth), thus paralleling the Soviet power in such connection, by enabling nationalization of youth, superseding parental authority, and disrupting the home. 57 IX COMMUNISTS MAKE WAR UNDER DISGUISE OF PEACE 1. Will the constant advocacy of Peace by the communists and their supporters bring about an era of Peace and Good-Will? Quite the contrary. Such agitation is intended for dupes only. In December 1922 issue of Com- munist (official organ of the Communist Party), Vol. I, No. 11, the following instruction to active communists was given: The communist must never mix the senile the- ory of pacifism with the theory of revolution. Communists are not pacifists. In the conscripted army of the masses, there is work for the commu- nist to do. 2. What then is the purpose of the “Peace” prop- aganda of the communists? To trick the Nations of the World into disarm- ing, and destroying all National Defense, thereby making such Nations easier victims when the com- munist revolution takes place. 3. Is there any truth in the assertion that the communists have long since abandoned fight- ing preparations? Absolutely none. In August 1, 1928, issue of Izvestia (official communist organ) , active commu- nists were told: While the defense of one’s fatherland is not to be tolerated in imperialistic (non-communist) countries, in the land of the proletarian dictator- ship it is one’s first revolutionary duty. Again, in September 9, 1928, issue of Pravda (an- 58 other official communist organ) , active communists were further told : The world-wide nature of our program is not mere talk hut an all-embracing and blood-soaked reality. It cannot be otherwise. Our ultimate aim is world communism; our fighting prepara- tions are for world revolution, for the conquest of power on a world-wide scale, and the establish- ment of a world proletarian dictatorship. 4. Has the American Communist Party refused to countenance preparations for violent revo- lution? On the contrary, it has actively encouraged such preparations. In April, 1934, the Manifesto of the 8th Convention of the Communist Party of the U. S. A. declared : The revolutionary way out of the crisis begins with the fight for unemployment insurance, against wage-cuts, for wage increases, for relief to the farmers—through demonstrations, strikes, general strikes, leading up to the seizure of power, to the destruction of capitalism by a revolution- ary workers’ government. 5. Has Earl Browder, the Secretary of the Com- munist Party, U. S. A., made any recent dec- laration on this subject? Yes. In his book What is Communism?—pub- lished in 1936, he asserted — The revolution does not simply happen; it must be made.—p. 163. There must be what we communists call “a revo- lutionary situation”—p. 163. Thus, some form of violence is unavoidable. There is no possible choice between violence and non- violence. The only choice is between the two sides of the class struggle—p. 169. 59 6. Are these preparations for violence by the Communist Party, U. S. A., in accord with in- structions and directions of the Communist International? Unquestionably so. The following explicit in- structions were given by the Sixth World Congress of the Communist International, held in Moscow July and August 1928: In regard to the necessary conditions precedent for rebellion.—A revolutionary situation must pre- vail, i. e., the ruling class must be in a state of crisis. * * * The misery and oppression of the masses must be intensified to an extraordinary de- gree, and the masses must be active and ready to overthrow the government by revolutionary mass action. Again, as late as 1936, the published Program of the Communist International boasted that — The Communist International is the only interna- tional force that has for its program the dictator- ship of the proletariat and communism, and that openly comes out as the organizer of the interna- tional proletarian revolution.—p. ID; and proclaimed the following as necessary aims and objectives — disarming the bourgeoisie and arming the prole- tariat, etc., and by organized mass action, upon which aU branches of the party agitation and propaganda, including parliamentary activity, must be concentrated. This mass action includes: a combination of strikes and demonstrations; a combination of strikes and armed demonstra- tions; and finaUy, the general strike conjointly with armed insurrection against the state power of the bourgeoisie—p. 80 . 60 X ORDINARY PIRATES ALMOST RESPECT- ABLE IN COMPARISON WITH THE COMMUNIST FORCES 1. Is the fact that the communists are waging an undeclared war against civilization, and are conducting it in defiance of the rules of war, open to any question? Absolutely none. At the Communist World Con- gress of August 1935, its Secretary General Dimit- roff brazenly asserted : Comrades, you will remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impreg- nable walls. And the attacking army was unable to achieve victory until, with the • aid of the famous Trojan Horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp. We revolutionary workers, it seems to me, should not be shy of using the same tactics. Comrades, in the struggle for the establishment of the United Front the importance of the lead- ing role of the Communist Party increases extraor- dinarily. Only the Communist Party is at bot- tom the initiator, the organizer and the driving force of the united front of the working class. —Communist pamphlet “Dimitroff—Working Class Unity— Bulwark Against Fascism,” September 1935, pp. 52, 84. 2. Has Stalin given special instructions as to the necessary leadership of the Communist Party in alliances with other groups? Yes. In Problems of Leninism, by Stalin, pub- lished in 1934, he discussed such alliances, and then said: The leader within the system of the dictator- ship of the proletariat is a single party, the party 61 of the proletariat, the party of the communists, which does not and cannot share that leadership with other parties.—p. 22. 3. Under such conditions, what would be the effect of a “United Front” in the United States? The “United Front” would be used as the “Tro- jan Horse” to carry the Communist Party into ac- tual power, and destroy our Republic. 4. Is the so-called American Communist Party an American Party in any true sense? No. It was organized in 1919, composed “mostly of foreign-born workers.” Moreover, “The com- munists in the United States openly admit their allegiance to the Communist International at Mos- cow, and glory in the fact that they obey all the orders issued from there immediately and implic- itly.” — H. R. Report No. 2290, 71st Congress, 3rd Session, Jan 17, 1931, p. 9. 5. Has not Earl Browder (communist leader, and recently candidate of the Communist Party for President of the United States) admitted that the Communist Party comprises various disreputable elements? Yes. In his recent book “What is Communism ?” he asserted : The Communist Party is the modern continua- tion of the revolutionary socialist movement, which has a continuous history of organization in the United States for six or seven decades. It has gathered unto itself the most vigorous of the for- merly scattered and split revolutionary trends and currents from the Socialist Party, the Social- ist Labor Party, the Industrial Workers of the World (I. W. W.), and even the proletarian ele- ments of the old anarchist movement.—pp. 205-6. 62 6. Have not the communist leaders repeatedly given directions showing that the world is being subjected by them to a ruthless and un- declared war of the piratical variety? Most certainly. Lenin expressly directed : One must strive to take the enemy by surprise. — 'Vol XXI, Book n, Lenin’s Collected Works, pp. 97-98 . Stalin has recently re-proclaimed the same instruc- tions in his Foundations of Leninism, p. 94. On p. 95 of the same book, Stalin urges “practical bank- ruptcy” in a victim Nation as a condition to be de- sired and availed of to overthrow the Nation. Of course, such diabolical method (if the citizens be not alert) can cause the bulk of property owned by loyal citizens to pass to the Government in settle- ment of tax bills,—thereby creating an enforced Collectivism, in preparation for the Soviet regime. Consequently, waste and extravagance in Govern- mental circles should not be lightly disregarded by the citizenry, and particularly when such officials insist upon treating the communists in a friendly way, rather than as criminal conspirators. 7. Did American recognition of Soviet Russia have any justification? Absolutely none. The late Samuel Gompers stated the plain truth of the matter: I can think of nothing that would constitute a more needless and base betrayal of civilization than American recognition of Soviet Russia. The whole communist program involves, of course, as every student of the subject is well aware, world-wide piracy,—disguised attacks upon, and robbery of, civilized peoples, without any open de- claration of war, and, consequently, with contempt 63 for the rules of war. It is quite apparent that, in comparison with any group of communist forces, ordinary pirates may well be considered almost re- spectable. The suggestion that a civilized Nation should recognize a band of pirates, for trade or commerce with them, is obviously revolting and monstrous. Equally revolting and monstrous is the serious acceptance by any civilized Nation of a promise that the piratical operations will in future be limited to other Nations, instead of requiring, before recognition, an absolute and permanent ces- sation of all piratical plans and operations, the elim- ination and punishment of the piratical group, and the establishment of a civilized government. 8. What are the evil consequences from Ameri- can recognition of Soviet Russia? They are most extensive, including: 1. Making easier the penetration and pollution of every American principle and ideal. 2. Facilitating overthrow of the American Re- public, through both subtle usurpation and ultimate violence, signally aided by influx of official plotters from abroad. 3. Enabling the shipment of munitions of war from the United States to Soviet Russia to better equip her to secretly invade and subju- gate other countries. 4. Making possible cooperation between the Uni- ted States and Soviet Russia in denouncing as aggressors and non-peace-loving countries Nations which aid the defense against secret Soviet depredations in other countries. The result is an appalling mis-use of our noble Re- public founded upon Liberty and Civilization, to aid destruction of both everywhere through com- munist dictatorship. 64 XI INDIFFERENCE OF PUBLIC SERVANTS AND POLITICAL PARTIES TO THE COMMUNIST MENACE 1. Did the revelations in the “Lusk Report” of 1920, and the Bridgman, Mich., Raid of 1922, make manifest to every alert loyal American citizen that there should be no cessation of the investigative work by the Department of Jus- tice into communist activities, but rather a vigorous prosecution and extension thereof? Most assuredly. 2. What explanation, then, can be given for the supine conduct of the Congress of the United States in refusing all appropriation for the continuance by the Department of Justice of such investigative work since 1925? The only conceivable one is that Congress must have long since ceased to be composed exclusively of alert loyal American citizens. 3. Did not the activities of the Military Intelli- gence Unit make the Department of Justice Unit unnecessary in this connection? By no means. The astounding facts in this con- nection are set forth in H. R. Report 2290, 71st Congress, 3rd Session (January 17, 1931) : The attitude of the War Department up to now has been that communism being a political ques- tion, it was not the function of the Army to main- tain detailed knowledge of the activities of the communists and therefore relied on the Depart- ment of Justice to furnish the necessary infor- mation. The fact is that the Department of Jus- tice has had no power or authority from Congress 65 to obtain the facts regarding communist propa- ganda and activities since 1925, and of necessity the War Department has been ever since hope- lessly in the dark regarding these revolutionary activities directed against our domestic institu- tions by the enemies within our gates p. 35. In the same Congressional Report, the insidious invasion of the National Guard by the communists was disclosed : Numerous National Guard officers in various sections of the country testified that communists were enlisting in the Guard and forming cells and nuclei which were difficult to discover, and it was even more difficult to secure conclusive proof against them. It appears from the testimony that the communists often entered the Guard with the preconceived plan of serving in the machine-gun units.—p. 34. 4. At any rate, has not the Naval Intelligence Unit continued its investigations and reports re- garding communist activities? Yes ; up to December 1935, but the President of the United States then intervened with special in- structions reported in New York Times of Decem- ber 7, 1935 : Following a conference with representatives of religious organizations, President Roosevelt has instructed the Army and Navy to make no com- ments on any civilian organization or its policies without his specific consent, it was declared to- day by the National Conference of Jews and Chris- tians. Such instructions followed the printing in the Con- gressional Record of September 10, 1935, Vol. 79, pp. 15270-1, of Naval Intelligence Unit Memoran- djum of April 1, 1935, giving “a comprehensive sur- vey of communist activities in the United States at the present time,” including “fringe revolution- ists” “too lacking in intestinal fortitude to go all 66 the way with communism, but who stand by and urge the communist to do his worst, and provide him with protection, sympathy, and defense while he commits the overt act they have not the courage to commit themselves.” 5. Is there any evidence that the communists have become more bold since Congress pre- vented the Department of Justice from con- tinuing its investigation of communist activ- ities? Yes. In 1928, William Z. Foster, Communist Party candidate for President of the United States, brazenly declared: When a communist heads a government in the United States—and that day will come as surely as the sun rises—that government will not be a capitalistic government but a soviet government, and behind this government will stand the Red Army.—Acceptance speech of William Z. Foster, p. 11, 1928 communist publication. 6. What reasonable expectation can the com- munists have that any considerable number of persons will become victims of their plot? They know that such deception has been increas- ingly successful in practically every Nation in the world. They further know that communism has been making almost unbelievable progress in the United States in recent years, aided by an outrag- eous press campaign characterizing as “hysteria” practically every effort by patriotic citizens to de- fend their Nation, religion, and civilization itself, against the persistent attacks of communism. They also know that the supine conduct of the Congress of the United States in refusing to make any ap- propriation since 1925 for investigation by the De- partment of Justice of communist activities, has 67 aided their nefarious work immeasurably. They are further aware of the immense aid given them by American recognition of Soviet Russia in No- vember 1933, the conditions of which recognition have been flagrantly violated, yet the recognition continues undisturbed. 7. Should any civilized society continue its rec- ognition of, or servility to, the communist forces? By no means. An efficient remedy must be found and applied without delay, else civilized so- ciety will be completely dissolved. 8. What is the first and most necessary remedy? The complete elimination from public office, at the earliest possible moment, of everyone who has in any manner aided, or been friendly or sym- pathetic to, any phase of the communist program, whether corruptly or negligently. It is quite obvi- ous that neither of the existing great Political Parties in America can be relied upon to furnish the needed remedy. Not only did they omit from the last National Platforms any plank dealing with safeguards against communism, but they have each been guilty of a continuing failure since 1925 to suitably press for a Congressional appropriation to enable the Department of Justice to investigate communist activities. Consequently, what is needed is AN ANTI-COMMUNIST PARTY, dedi- cated to the preservation of the American Repub- lic in accordance with its fundamental law or Con- stitution, enforceable by the Supreme Court of the United States. There are some public servants in each of the present great Political Parties who are aggressively against the communist menace, but such Parties appear to pay little heed to their efforts. 68 9. Do the communists themselves realize that this is the only efficient remedy? Yes. It was expressly anticipated and opposed in instructions given by the Secretary-General of the Seventh World Congress of the Communist In- ternational in 1935, as follows : In no case must the initiative of organizing the party be allowed to pass to elements desirous of utilizing the discontent of the masses which have become disillusioned in both of the bourgeoise parties, Democratic and Republican, in order to create a “third party” in the United States, as an anti-communist party, a party directed against the revolutionary movement.—-p. 42-3, communist pamphlet “Dimitroff—Working Class Unity-Bul- wark Against Fascism,” September, 1935. XII COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM TWIN MEDIUMS, UTILIZED BY SAME OCCULT FORCES 1. Compare communism and socialism. They each seek similar abolition. “Communism” is derived from the word “community,” and “so- cialism” from the word “society,” thus producing two innocently-appearing banners for the work. Both banners have long been identified with a body of men organized nationally and federated interna- tionally. Leaders in both groups serve in a mul- tiplicity of interlocking directorates of subversive organizations. One of the most noted socialist leaders in America, Morris Hillquit, declared in The Worker of March 23, 1907 : The international socialist movement, with its thirty million adherents, and its organized parties in about twenty-five civilized countries in both Hemispheres, is all based on the same Marxian pro- gram. 2. Has the Socialist Party declared socialism to be a world movement? Yes. The 1904 Platform of the Socialist Party of America expressly declared the “socialist move- ment” to be “a world movement” and pledged “fidelity to the principles of international social- ism” (Proceedings of National Convention of So- cialist Party 1904, p. 307) . The 1932 Platform of the Socialist Party of America contained a plank for “The recognition of the Soviet Union.” 3. Have communist authorities admitted social- ism to be included in their program? 70 Yes. The Soviet Union calls itself the “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.” A socialist or commu- nist republic is, of course, as incongruous as would be an atheist Christian. The Resolutions of the Seventh Congress of the Communist International, held in Moscow in 1935, expressly lauded “The final and irrevocable victory of socialism in the land of the Soviets.” At page 244 of “What is Commun- ism?” by Earl Browder, he says, In every material respect, the United States is fully ripe for Socialism. and throughout the book he uses “communism” and “socialism” interchangeably. 4. Why do the occult forces use both commun- ism and socialism? To enable a wider range of activity. They use somewhat different methods to reach different types of victims. Communism (the admittedly il- legal wing) openly advocates force, violence and every possible means, whether legal or illegal, to attain the objectives. Victims to whom illegal means will appeal are very much desired by the occult forces in preparing for armed insurrection. The occult forces realize, however, that commun- ism, by reason of its admittedly illegal methods, is always in danger of being suppressed altogether, and can operate in the open only so long as igno- rant or disloyal persons occupy important public offices. On the other hand, socialism (the profess- edly legal wing) adroitly declares itself to be op- posed to illegal means, and to be seeking results only through legislative or parliamentary meas- ures, and education of the people as to the need for such measures. The occult forces find both wings very useful. Under the guise of socialism, much greater damage can be done, because the adepts or 71 • ' - fK/Mi ) emissaries spread the same deceptive poison, yet assume an air of respectability. Their method is that of sapping, rather than assault; of craft, rather than force ; of subtlety, rather than violence. “Permeation” is their watch-word. (A Survey of Socialism, by F. J. C. Hearnshaw, p. 298) . So in- sidious are the methods employed that substantial quantities of the Marxian poison are administered in schools and colleges without even mentioning the words “socialism” or “communism,” in addi- tion to the great quantities administered under such labels. A single subject is frequently utilized most effectively for such administration, such as history, or social science, or social philosophy, or economics,—just as one item on a food-tray is all that need be tampered with to administer food- poisoning. Much less serious swindling is sternly dealt with by the public authorities, yet our youth are thus boldly swindled out of their priceless heritage under the guise of “Academic Freedom.” Due to the difference in professed methods of com- munists and socialists, the former have been de- scribed as “impatient socialists,” and communism has been called “socialism in a violent hurry.” 5. How early did the occult forces recognize the need for maintaining an organization that would appear to be a “legal” one, in addition to their undeniably illegal organization or or- ganizations? Evidently long before the Communist Manifesto of 1848, because the preface to the same expressly states that previous thereto — Socialism was, on the continent at least, “re- spectable”; communism was the very opposite. 6. Is the communist plan to have at all times what will appear to be a “legal” party or or- 72 ganization, in addition to their plainly illegal organization, being maintained? Most obviously. In a raid upon the Convention of the Communist Party at Bridgman, Michigan, August 22, 1922, conducted by the Michigan au- thorities in cooperation with the Federal Author- ities, a document of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, was seized, giving the following instructions and advice : All good possibilities of both legal and illegal activities must be utilized by the party ener- getically. Under existing circumstances it is impossible for the communist party of the United States to be a legal party. The development of the underground operations can best be furthered through these very activi- ties of its members in the ranks of the legal party. The legal party must at all times go as far toward the communist program as possible while continuing a legal existence. Communist party members must at all times hold the positions of leadership in the legal party. —“Reds in America,” by R. M. Whitney, pp. 252-4. 7. What accounts for the great variety of opin- ions as to what constitutes “communism” and “socialism,” respectively? The adepts or emissaries of the occult forces be- hind these two masks and devices are responsible for these differences of opinion among victims and prospective victims. The occult forces seek to adapt these masks and devices, so that they can be “all things to all men,” thereby reaching every conceivable type of victim. 8. Please explain this in detail. To groups disposed to force and violence, prepa- ration for the use thereof is urged. Contra-minded 73 groups are told that force and violence are unneces- sary, and that parliamentary measures will suffice. Groups interested in destructiveness are frankly told that so-called reforms through parliamentary measures are merely deceptive and will aid and promote the ultimate destructiveness sought. To groups that are so shallow-minded as to believe in a collectivistic dictatorship, but still know better than to believe in the suppression of religion, the hypocritical assertion is made that abolition of re- ligion is not an essential part of the program and will be gladly discarded. While it is difficult to con- ceive how they can manufacture a pretense which would tend in the slightest to “lure” Christians to their monstrous formula, here again their effront- ery holds them in good stead. Knowing how the Christian loves true “Peace” and espouses the cause of the universal brotherhood of man in obedi- ence to the Second Precept of God, the adepts or emissaries of the occult forces masquerade as the champions of “Peace,” along with the infamous pretense that Christ was a communist. Again, when an audience appears to be too intelligent to accept the infamous proposal to abolish all private ownership of property, which would render human- ity utterly helpless and dependent, these adepts or emissaries readily modify, or re-adapt, their prom- ises to suit the extent of gullibility of the audience, so as to convince them that, instead of being de- prived of all ownership, they will really receive a larger share of this world’s goods. It necessarily follows that the dupes of “com- munism” and “socialism” comprise many classes, and each class necessarily has a different idea of what constitutes “communism” and “socialism.” Nothing in this book is intended to reflect upon the good faith of such dupes. Some of them may 74 resent the exposure herein made, instead of being grateful for being awakened. If so, it will be diffi- cut to raise them above the status of dupes. 9. What is the most accurate definition of so- calism in view of the conduct of its promot- ers? That given by Prof. Ramsay Muir in The Social- ist Case Examined, p. 3, as follows : Socialism is a chameleon-like creed. It changes its colour according to its environments. This very condition shows, of course, its habitually deceptive and untrustworthy nature and character. 10. Has the Socialist Party of America directly admitted having no interest in measures of relief for humanity otherwise than as aids in preparing to seize the whole powers of government? Yes. The 1904 Platform of the Socialist Party stated: Such measures of relief as we may be able to force from capitalism are but a preparation of the workers to seize the whole powers of government. —P. 308, Proceedings of National Convention of Socialist Party 1904. 11. Have not the communists also made the same admission? Yes. In Foundations of Leninism, by Joseph Stalin (published in 1934), active communists were instructed : The revolutionary will accept a reform in order to use it as a means wherewith to link legal work with illegal work, in order to use it as a screen behind which his illegal activities for the revolu- tionary preparation of the masses for the over- throw of the bourgeoisie may be intensified. — p. 103. 75 A similar attitude was plainly stated in document of the Executive Committee of the Communist In- ternational seized in the Bridgman, Mich., raid, August 22, 1922, active communists being thereby instructed : The communist party must remember that it is not its purpose to reform the capitalist state! The purpose of the communists is, on the contrary, to cure the working masses of their reformistic illusions through bitter experience.— “Reds in America,” by R. M. Whitney, p. 249. 12, Has the Catholic Church denounced social- ism as well as communism? Most emphatically. The Encyclical on The Con- dition of Labor of May 15, 1891, by Pope Leo XIII, contained a special section entitled Socialism Re- jected, in the course of which the following ap- pears : The socialists, therefore, in setting aside the par- ent and introducing the providence of the State, act against natural justice, and threaten the very existence of family life. along with the further recital — that ideal equality of which so much is said would, in reality, be the leveling down of all to the same condition of misery and dishonor. 76 XIII FALSE REMEDIES INSIDIOUSLY PROPOSED, AND AIDING THE ENEMY 1. It being now quite clear that the occult forces behind communism took a leading part in pro- ducing the ills of society which they have the temerity to perfidiously offer to cure, how is it possible to avoid taking their false rem- edies when offered from innocently-appearing sources? We know the various abolitions covered by the communist formula. We also know that each and every one of them tends to human enslavement. Consequently, whatever is offered furthering in the slightest degree any of such abolitions should be emphatically rejected, and those offering same treated as not equipped to advise or represent any section of civilized society. 2. What about the proposal that housewives should receive a salary, and work on an eight- hour day? Such inherently debasing proposal would place wives in the category of employees ; and necessar- ily disrupt the whole family set-up,—an admitted objective of the communists. 3. How about a system of governmental pater- nalism? It is one of the most insidious and effective methods for bringing about a collectivistic dicta- torship, and, consequently, it should be resented and resisted before it gets a firm hold upon the people. 77 4. What about an “economic-planning” dictator- ship? It constitutes a most insidious method for regi- menting and enslaving humanity, and, consequent- ly, would be a powerful instrument in the hands of socialists and communists to bring their age-old plot to fruition. It means a government dictator- ship over production, and is always followed by a like dictatorship over distribution. Private en- terprise would be annihilated under either or both of such dictatorships, and everybody (ex- cept the regimenting dictators) converted into a mere cog in governmental exploitation machinery. The name of the American Republic might be re- tained, but a Soviet America would result, unless some other form of totalitarian dictatorship should intervene. In either event, the American Repub- lic would be destroyed. 5. How about the Government engaging in or- dinary business in competition with private industry? No matter what specious claims may be ad- vanced therefor, it should not be accepted or toler- ated to any extent whatever. It will inevitably bring about a collectivistic dictatorship, by elimina- tion of private business, because private individ- uals cannot possibly compete with the Government. 6. How about a protracted failure to balance the budget, together with waste and extrava- gance, and rising taxes? Any such condition is most alarming, because it will furnish a ready vehicle for having the bulk of the property of loyal citizens pass to the Govern- ment in the settlement of tax bills, and ipso facto set up a collectivistic Government. 78 7. How about a proposal to “pack” the Supreme Court of the United States, or to deny the authority of that tribunal to enforce and pro- tect the Constitution of the United States as a legal document embodying fundamental law (contradistinguished from a mere “layman’s charter”)? Any such proposal should be resented and re- sisted as directly tending to undermine and destroy the American Republic. Whether those making any such proposal realize it or not, its necessary effect would be to substitute for a Government of laws, a Government of men uncontrolled by law. Such un-American result would not differ from what Lenin did in Soviet Russia, with his false promises of freedom and economic security, pre- tended to result from communism. Lenin’s own definition of communism was : Communism is power based upon force and lim- ited to nothing, by no kind of law and by abso- lutely no set rule.—Vol XV ILL, Lenin’s Collected Works, p. 361. 8. When public officials or others insist upon col- laborating with communists, and cooperating with them as to certain of their ideas, are they entitled to further confidence? Absolutely not. The brazen hypocrisy of the communists, and the undeniable criminality of their plot, render it impossible for any collabora- tion with them by well-informed and right-think- ing persons. 9. If the communists really sought a Govern- ment structure which recognizes neither caste nor class, would they pattern after the Con- stitution of the United States? 79 Most assuredly. But they have a contrary pur- pose. They want no Government which acts merely as the balance-wheel to ensure order and justice without distinctions of blood, caste or class. They talk about a “Republic,” “Democracy,” and a “Classless Society” for propaganda purposes. What they really want and intend is a class Dictatorship, with the Government acting as the drive-shaft and entire works. 10. Is there any truth in the assertion made by communist supporters that “the Federal Constitution with its system of checks and balances represents a deep distrust of popu- lar rule and a triumph of the propertied class”? Absolutely none. Such outrageous mis-state- ment is carried in Part IX, page 27, of so-called Report of so-called Commission on the Social Sci- ences, which Report has been expressly approved by the Board of Education of the District of Co- lumbia for reading on Methods of Teachers. Glad- stone appraised the Constitution of the United States as “the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.” The late Cardinal Gibbons paid it an equal, if not greater, tribute. In the last article ever written by Cardinal Gibbons, February 19, 1921, entitled The Constitution and George Washington, His Eminence said: As the years go by I am more than ever con- vinced that the Constitution of the United States is the greatest instrument of government that ever issued from the hand of man. Defamers of this great document are ill-equipped to give trustworthy and reliable advice regarding any social order ; and all teachers and pupils should be protected from their deceptive influence. 80 11. Is defamation of the American Republic a necessary part of the communist program? Obviously. If the communists gave any recogni- tion whatever to the undeniable and unsurpassable merits of the American Republic, not only would the communist campaign have to be entirely aban- doned, but the falsity of their persistent assump- tion and declaration, that all those opposed to com- munism are fascists or nazists, would be apparent to all. No one who is aware of the superlative mer- its of the American Republic can possibly prefer fascism or nazism, notwithstanding both are also opposed to communism. 12. Does a Republic require a large standing Army? No ; it neither requires, nor permits it. The cit- izenry are relied upon as the chief bulwark of law, order and defense. Either a large standing Army, or an actual or virtual monopoly of arms in the hands of the Government, will necessarily render the people impotent against usurpation of power or other tyranny. Consequently, the Federal Consti- tution expressly provides : The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.—Art. XI, Amendments to U. S. Constitution. The right is treated as already existing, and its in- fringement protected against. Moreover, its sus- pension is not provided for even in case of martial law being declared, it evidently being recognized that the greater the emergency, the greater the necessity for the citizenry to be equipped to de- fend the Republic against its enemies. Regulations regarding the carrying of concealed weapons are not prohibited. 81 13. With this constitutional guarantee unre- pealed, can the safety of our Republic be ever in jeopardy? Most assuredly. The communist defiance of, and contempt for, this constitutional guarantee is clear- ly manifested in the Program of the Communist International published in 1936, declaring for — disarming the bourgeoise and arming the proleta- riat—p. 80. The word “bourgeoise,” as so used, refers to the ordinary citizen, and the word “proletariat” to those in the communist plot. Consequently, should traitors to our Republic (secretly representing the communists) seize the reins of Government, the carrying through of such Program, in violation of our Constitution, may be expected by these trai- tors, sometimes disguised as peace advocates, pur- suing adroit executive and legislative efforts to dis- arm the citizenry, always cleverly disguised as measures to curb lawlessness. Unless given timely warning, the law-abiding citizenry will be prone to acquiesce in such measures because clothed with an appearance of Governmental power and author- ity. Meanwhile, the lawless communist hordes will be secretly and abundantly supplied with arms and ammunition to overthrow our Republic without en- countering serious resistance. 14. What is the cause of the apparent indiffer- ence on the part of the public generally re- garding the imminent communistic menace? Few persons, even though well equipped, take the trouble to think things through for themselves, if the matter concerns the public generally. Many persons are so busily engaged in procuring the necessities of life, for themselves and their fam- ilies, that they have little or no time for investi- 82 gating what are considered as sociological, eco- nomic or political affairs. Hence, they blindly de- pend upon leaders who have in various ways gained their confidence. Only too late, they will find themselves deceived. The danger does not arise merely from the name “communism”—in fact, the occult forces behind communism freely mis-label their poisons “Cooperative Commonwealth,” “So- cialized Democracy,” “American,” “Christian,” “Peace,” “Humanitarian,” “New Social Order,” etc., in imitation of the famous Trojan Horse, to achieve victory without warning. 15. What justification is there for the immense campaign now going on to induce Christian- ity to adopt all the features of communism excepting the atheistic feature? Absolutely none. The entire premises upon which the campaign is predicated are false. The pretended accomplishments for humanity in So- viet Russia, which these campaigners say they wish Christianity to obtain, have only a fancied existence. Christianity is really invited to destroy itself, and thus save the communists the trouble, because every thinking person knows that Chris- tianity would be a mere mockery where the other abolitions of communism are in effect, namely, abo- lition of family rights, individual ownership of property, all individual rights, patriotism, etc. When the communists secure all their abolitions ex- cept the atheistic feature, the latter will automa- tically install itself. The mere change of name from communism to Christianity will have no more effect than would the calling of an onion a rose. 83 XIV RESTORING THE TRUE FUNCTIONING OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC, AND THE CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH IT WAS BUILT 1. Has the Constitution of the United States ever countenanced absolute individualism or unbounded license, contradistinguished from individual freedom or liberty subject to law ensuring equal protection to others? Never. It is an elementary rule that : Freedom does not preclude the idea of subjec- tion to law; indeed, it presupposes the existence of some legislative provision, the observance of which insures freedom to us, by securing the like observance from others.—Bouvier’s Law Diet. Perverted freedom becomes license and anarchy. Anarchy has been lifting its head too long under the mistaken guise of liberalism, tolerance, aca- demic freedom, etc. The occult forces behind com- munism have been leaders along such lines to per- vert and subvert the American Republic, and the Christian principles upon which it was built. 2. Can any stable form of government be main- tained which permits license and incitement to anarchy, such as the advocacy or teaching of a doctrine for the overthrow of the gov- ernment by force, violence or any unlawful means? Manifestly not. Any such advocacy or teaching is patently illegal and anarchistic, and cannot be defended as freedom of speech. Every govern- ment worthy of the name should suppress any such threatened danger in its incipiency. If a Re- 84 public or Democracy were compelled to furnish the channels for its own destruction by waiting until the instigated and apprehended danger be- came certain, then its right to protect itself would come into being simultaneously with the overthrow of the government, an utterly absurd proposition. Gitlow v. New York, 268 U. S. 652. Unfortunately, so much official indifference to the protection of the American Republic against subversive activi- ties, has been exhibited that the false idea is held abroad that a Republic or Democracy is inherently incapable of surviving communistic attacks, and must give way to some form of dictatorship. 3. Can the liberties of the people be preserved or safeguarded if the Government may exploit and subjugate the people through its owner- ship, control or monopoly of the sources of production, or private monoplies be permitted to do so? Absolutely not. Any monopoly in ownership or control of the sources of production necessarily means the death of the liberties of the people. When the Government obtains such a monopoly, it can become the most tyrannical of exploiters of the people. Moreover, any Government which toler- ates private monopolies of the sources of produc- tion, or of ordinary business, is unworthy of pub- lic confidence or respect. True statesmen and loyal representatives of the people can never counte- nance for a moment the creation or continuance of such a condition. The sources of production and ordinary business must be kept free from monopoly of any kind. The power to prevent mo- opolies in inter-state business is possessed by the Federal Government, and by the State Govern- ments as to intra-state business. That eminent 85 jurist, Mr. Justice Bradley, stated the fundamental proposition tersely and powerfully : I hold it to be an incontrovertible proposition of both English and American public law, that all mere monopolies are odious and against common right.—Ill U. S. 746, 761. 4. Has anything taken place which tends to in- terfere with the full functioning of the Amer- ican System of Government? To a certain extent. In disregard of the solemn warning given by the Father of Our Country in his Farewell Address, political parties have, for more than a century, been permitted to interfere with, invade, and virtually control every activity of the Federal and State Government, with the ex- ception of the Judiciary, and effort is now being made to destroy the independence of the Judiciary. Consequently, the Republic has functioned in form rather than substance. Selfish organized minority interests have been able to direct and control the destinies of the Nation. Political parties have, of course, no possible legitimate function except to focus attention upon particular issues in an elec- tion campaign. The elected officials are sworn of- ficers of all the people, and entirely independent both of the party which supported them and the party which opposed them. 5. Have the serious effects upon the people been recognized by any of our Presidents? Yes. President Cleveland, in his Fourth Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1888, said: As we view the achievement of aggregated cap- ital we discover the existence of trusts, combina- tions, and monopolies, while the citizen is strug- gling far in the rear or is trampled to death be- neath an iron heel. 86 In Woodrow Wilson’s The New Freedom, published in 1913, it is stated: It is an intolerable thing that the government of the Republic should have got so far out of the hands of the people; should have been captured by interests which are special and not general. We know that something intervenes between the people of the United States and the control of their own affairs at Washington. 6. Can there be any sound system of govern- ment which recognizes unbounded license on the part of either capital or labor? Absolutely not. 7. Do any of the Papal Encyclicals recognize un- bounded license on the part of either capital or labor? No. The three Great Encyclicals dealing with capital and labor, The Condition of Labor, May 15, 1891, Reconstructing the Social Order, May 15, 1931, and Atheistic Communism, May 19, 1937, all recognize the essential duties, as well as rights, of capital and labor, respectively. 8. What would be the result if unbounded li- cense were permitted on the part of capital or labor, or both? Tyranny by one or the other, producing either a Dictatorship or Anarchy. 9. What are the chief recognized rights of those who labor? (1) To freely organize; (2) to bargain collec- tively; (3) to strike peaceably; (4) to earn, as the result of honest labor, sufficient wages “to secure proper sustenance for themselves and for their families,” including “the opportunity of acquiring a modest fortune and forestalling the plague of 87 universal pauperism” — Encyclical on “Atheistic Communism,” Paragraph 52. 10. What is the greatest need in the world to- day? For a return to the fundamentals of Christian Civilization. This is clearly explained in the Papal Encyclical on Atheistic Communism: It can surprise no one that the communistic fal- lacy should be spreading in a world already to a large extent de-Christianized.—Paragraph 18. After all, the sphere of economics needs some morality, some moral sense of responsibility, which can find no place in a system so thoroughly ma- terialistic as communism—Paragraph 23. While communism impoverishes human person- ality by inverting the terms of the relation of man to society, to what lofty heights is man not elevated by reason and Revelation?—Paragraph 30. The means of saving the world of today from the lamentable ruin into which a moral liberal- ism has plunged us, are neither the class-struggle nor terror, nor yet the autocratic abuse of state power, but rather the infusion of social justice and the sentiment of Christian love into the social- economic order.—Paragraph 32. It was Christianity that first affirmed the real and universal brotherhood of all men of what- ever race and condition—Paragraph 38. There would be today neither socialism nor communism if the rulers of the nations had not scorned the teachings and maternal warnings of the Church—Paragraph 38. 11. Have any of the Papal Encyclicals laid down a definite technical governmental or eco- nomic system? Absolutely none. Some misguided persons as- serted that the so-called “National Recovery Act” (a system of regimentation held unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States) em- 88 bodied a definite technical system advocated in the Papal Encyclicals; but Pope Pius XI contradicted such misconception by saying in the course of the Encyclical on Atheistic Communism: The Church has never proposed a definite tech- nical system, since this is not her field.—Para- graph 34, No regimentation of miscellaneous humanity can possibly benefit those subjected to it. 12. What attention should be paid to those who urge that nothing be done against the com- munists in steps taken to cure the present plight of humanity? They should be regarded either as betrayers of mankind or as so ignorant or indifferent as to have no right to consideration. The present plight of society may be likened to a community, once free, happy and prosperous, but which has been invaded by packs of wolves. The packs have been allowed to rove about undisturbed, due to treach- ery or stupidity of the community leaders, until a virtual state of famine has been caused, and the people are being attacked by the packs in their homes. Obviously, nothing can be put in order without first destroying or dissolving such packs. 13. Can any remedies be devised which do not first deal with the occult forces behind com- munism? Certainly not. The “packs” must be entirely dissolved, and not merely sent underground. Mere- ly sending them underground accomplishes noth- ing. They gain new strength, and come to the surface again at an unforeseen time and place, like the well-known “Hell-Diver” (a worthless form of water-fowl) . 89 14. How can the “packs” be entirely dissolved? The “packs” are admittedly illegal, and, conse- quently, can be effectually dissolved by the public authorities under appropriate laws vigorously en- forced. However, no law is self-enforcing, and the friends of these “packs” must be entirely elimi- nated from public office, as the very first step. This will, obviously, require a most extensive housecleaning, not only of all those shown to have had evil intent but of all who have given the enemy the slightest aid or encouragement at any time. As hereinbefore stated, an Anti-Communist Party will be essential to effect a real house-cleaning. 15. May individual members of these “packs” be reformed and become good citizens after the dissolution of the “packs”? Most assuredly. Many of those in the “packs” may be victims of deception or coercion, or both. But it would hardly be safe to entrust any of them with public office until it is conclusively established that all of these “packs” have been en- tirely dissolved. The leaders of the “packs” should, of course, never again be at large in civilized so- ciety. But after such leaders have been segre- gated, others in the “packs” may be reformed and become excellent citizens after their depraved morality has been eliminated. Civilized society should never again tolerate in its midst persons who are steeped in guilt as leaders of such a dia- bolical and murderous plot against humanity and all Civilization. 16. With these evil “packs” dissolved, will so- ciety be immediately restored to normal? By no means. The “poisoning” of the body politic and of humanity generally has been so serious and 90 of such long duration that it cannot be eliminated without an extensive course of treatment. Of course, further “poisoning” must not be tolerated. Consequently, every proposal contained in com- munism and socialism must be absolutely shunned, and not accepted because of some new cloak or dis- guise. Both the body politic and humanity gen- erally must be restored to sound health, by a re- turn to the fundamentals of Christian Civilization, which have long been abandoned. In the United States, there must be a return to the real function- ing of our Republic, from which there has been much departure, not accidental, but insidiously caused. 17. Will a return to the real functioning of our Republic involve any interference with re- ligious freedom? By no means. The Constitution of the United States, which is based upon the fundamentals of Christian Civilization, also guarantees religious freedom. 18. With a return to the fundamentals of Chris- tian Civilization and of our Republic, what will be the condition of the people? The existing unrest and chaos which have been produced by departures from such fundamentals will be dissipated, and the people will be restored to freedom, happiness and prosperity. Our Repub- lic will then resume its functioning “to promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” 19. How can such functioning be continuously maintained? Only through constant and effective vigilance on 91 the part of a public-spirited, moral-minded, and liberty-loving citizenship. Each generation must know and respect the profound wisdom of Byron: A thousand years scarce serve to form a state; an hour may lay it in the dust. ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY! “Let there be no change by usurpation.”— GEORGE WASHINGTON, IN HIS FAREWELL ADDRESS. (NOTE: Emphasis in quoted matter has been supplied, and constitutes no part of the quoted matter.) 92 END OF THE RAINBOW (Courtesy of N. Y. Evening Journal and N. Y. American) NO SAFETY EVEN FOR COMMUNISTS, UNDER THE COMMUNIST REGIME 93