O^fh, Ch.ln U.S. Ma J m o „ : I tekSTD Defamers of Catholicity and Their Tactics TH E police department of any large city will testify that bunco games and get-rich-quick schemes are still as popular and as successful as ever. As the old philosopher said: "The number of fools is infinite." H In the by-gone days there was the lightning rod agent who used to fleece the unsuspecting farmer of the middle states; there was also the man who needed a quick, short loan which he would pay back five or ten fold; also the man who had a fifteen- story office building for sale: terms—a few hun- dred dollars down, balance any time at all. But besides those who sell light- ning rods and office buildings and get-rich quick schemes — there is another class who deal in a line of anti-Catholic thrills, guaranteed to be money coiners. If Certain cheap politicians, promoters and organ- izers, fake or renegade ex-nuns, etc., are conspicu- ous members of this aggregation. H "Tru th is no consideration, but money is" seems to be their motto. And the crowd is with them. People have been buncoed by them a thousand times before; they know they have been buncoed but they seem bent on being buncoed again. Wri te for f u r t h e r in format ion and F R E E l i t e ra tu re on a n y sub- ject to Catholic Tru th Society, 304 McKay Bldg., Por t land , Or. Tactics of the Enemy The following are some of the means which the conscienceless maligners of the Catholic Church emplov: F O R G E R I E S of many kinds; e. g., the forged Papal Bull of 1893, which ordered Catho- lics to massacre the Protestants; the false Jesuit oath, the fake K. of C. oath, etc. Circulators of the latter have been convicted in various courts of the United States and Canada, their duplicity has even been exposed on the Congressional Record, but the forgery travels as of yore. I N T I M I D A T I O N O F F A I R - M I N D E D P R O T E S T A N T S Non-Catholics who treat Catholics fairly are branded as Jesuits or Knights of Columbus in disguise; newspapers which do even elementary justice are "Romanized press," etc. F A K E Q U O T A T I O N S which appear real; Catholic papers which never existed are quoted; Catho- lic prelates—dead SO years ago and therefore unable to defend themselves, are represented as confirming anti-Catholic lies. On their face, they look genuine and hence appeal strongly to the prejudiced or even to those who know nothing about the Catholic Church except what they have heard from her enemies. G A R B L E D T E X T S which consist in selecting an isolated phrase or sentence and giving it a meaning its author never intended; anti-Catholic writings abound in these. B L A S P H E M Y OR D E R I S I O N O F SACRED T H I N G S to appeal to religious prejudice. As the lower strata of atheists often de- ride, blaspheme the fundamental tenets of Christianity, so anti-Catholic papers and speakers in Oregon have spoken in derision and blasphemv about Catholic beliefs and practices. Though as outrage to elementary de- cency, nothing is quite so effective as this method of appeal to those antagonistic to Catholicity. D I A B O L I C A L L I E S A B O U T T H E CLERGY. The Catholic .clergy are not angelic beings, being made of flesh, spirit and blood. But as a whole they are T H E MOST MORAL, A L T R U I S - TIC body of men in the world. For this very reason, they are the targets of some who grieve to see others better than themselves and hence seek to drag them down'to their own level. Deacfcftfetf Tactics of the Enemy—Continued S H A M E L E S S S L A N D E R S AGAINST T H E S I S T E R S By painting the saintly Sisters of Mercy and Charity as ignorant, en- slaved victims of the popes, or the priests, or the system, who need Protestants to rescue them from their prisons and sweatshops, they cun- ningly appeal td 'the hatred and benevolence of their hearers. F R I G H T E N I N G P R O T E S T A N T S I N T O B E L I E V I N G T H A T C A T H O L I C S W I L L A N N I H I L A T E T H E M AT F I R S T O P P O R T U N I T Y , Firearms in the basements of the Catholic churches; making America Catholic by force; the horrible K. of C. fake oath; Papal intrigue in American politics. Such ghostly phantoms as these have made "Catholic- haters" by the thousands. P R E T E N D I N G T H A T C A T H O L I C S M O N O P O L I Z E P U B L I C AND S C H O O L P O S I T I O N S . "Over 70 per cent of all appointments made by President Wilson were Catholics, Under President Taf t the percentage was about the same." Four pages of such stupid inventions are passed off as "Facts for Patriotic Americans," by those too cowardly to sign their names to the infamous document. F A L S I F Y I N G C A T H O L I C M O T I V E S . Every human act, even the most virtuous, is subject to strained in- terpretations. To the jaundiced vision of the prejudiced, therefore, Catholic virtue becomes vice; their loyalty a sham; their charity, propaganda; their heroism, cheap display. F A L S I F Y I N G C A T H O L I C T E A C H I N G S : "Catholics think the Pope can't sin; indulgences are sold; souls are prayed out of Purgatory for money; priests charge for absolution; Cath- olics practice superstition"—these are samples of a thousand falsehoods which thousands have been duped into believing, ASSUMING AN A T T I T U D E O F A B U S E D R I G H T E O U S N E S S If an honest public official presumes to mete out justice, then the. "Roman judges, Roman officials, even Roman Masons" are persecuting them. Or if a long suffering group of Catholics dare *o raise a feeble voice to protect themselves—it is. propaganda, Jesuitism, etc. A ROGUES' GALLERY of unscrupulous characters among which are V A R I O U S F A K E E X - P R I E S T S men who pretend to have been members of the Catholic ministry but who never were; like the following: J. H. Dobbyn—Leo Von DeRoskey—1 Sylvester R. McAlpin—Harry H. Goodin—Benjamin Clearmont—J. John Hayes—Roy Crane—Michael K. Moskus—Pat'k Dennison—James W. Ford—J. E. Matfield—W. A. Mylwarzykz—"Rev." Kolodzejecik. The fact that such characters are not only falsifiers in the line of filth they peddle but in the very character they assume, seems to matter noth- ing to those who "hate the Catholics" by principle, or make money by hating them. R E A L E X - P R I E S T S In this same confidence game of fleecing the public by anti-Catholic "cock and bull" stories, certain real "ex's" are or have been active. A careful perusal of the history of these character-less witnesses is illuminating i. e.; Peter A. Seguin—Joseph Slattery—Bernard Fresenborg—Father Chiniquy—ex-Friar Fradyssa—Jeremiah Crowley—Peter A. Fant—Wil- liam S. Sullivan—Paul Maraglia. F A K E N U N S who pretend to be real ones have induced many Protestant preachers to share with them their pulpits in order to feed with poison the unfortunate sheep of which these are the blind leaders, for example: Helen Jackson— Mabel McClish—Burke McCarthy—Mary E. Slattery—Maria M o n k - Margaret L. Shepherd. A F E W R E A L R E N E G A D E E X - N U N S who as traveling agents for the same line of counterfeit goods are especial- ly adept in separating the proverbial easy-mark and his mon'ey; such as: Anna Lowry—Sister Mary Ethel-—Sister Lucretia—Sister Mary Gonzaga—' Edith O'Gorman. IN O R E G O N the same, old tricks have been performed with flattering success. Ex- Sister Lucretia, the so-called Mary Angel, Dorothy Nichols. Annie Lowry, "ex-monk" Sullivan found a ready sale for their wares. Collections are good; the dupes who put up the money seem satisfied; the Catholic haters applaud: certain foxes in shepherd's garb co-operate, so why should the work not go merrily on? Do Catholics Attack or Malign Others? Do you ever see Catholics using the printed or spoken word to slander, abuse their Protestant or non-Catholic brethren? Only rarely have they come out publicly EVEN TO DEFEND THEMSELVES f rom unjust , unprovoked, outrageous assaults, and then only with calmness, dignity, moderation. Fair-minded persons who have heard or read our defense invariably contrast Catholic mildness and charity with the abuse, hatred, self-evident falsehood employed by our defamers. AS YET NO CHANGE OF TACTICS. It was with a sigh of relief that citizens of Oregon recently read that a certain "hundred per cent" organization intended to discontinue its anti-Catholic warfare . Such a barage of vile abuse, misrepresentation, falsehood, had been f lung out, tha t even ardent Catholic haters, fel t these persons "had lied too much." This announcement was heartening: "We will remain pro-Protestant as we have always been, but we will not be actively anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, or anti-anything, racial or religious." But in spite of this assurance various propagators of hun- dred percentism still travel about vending their worn-out falsehoods about supposed Catholic "civil allegiance to Rome"; supposed Catholic at tempts at union of church and state; Catholic unfitness for public t rus t or confidence, etc. In one breath these apostles of ha te proclaim they are "not against Catholics," but in the next they noisily protest tha t we should be boycotted, proscribed, denied the means of a liveli- hood, etc. FOR SEVERAL YEARS PAST such poisoned pabulum has been offered to the citizens of Oregon. For some unexplained reason, the chief propagators of this peculiar brand of "christian charity and patriotism" were and still a re so-called minis- ters of Christ who strongly remind us of the Master's words: "Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they a re ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.'? (Matt. 7-15-16). These f ru i t s have been hatred, hostility, bitterness, strife. For which we do not blame the other ministers; they are not account- able for the crimes of their renegade associates so long as they do not co-operate with or approve of them. Throughout Catholics have been long-suffering, but as silence brought them nowhere, they finally began a mild, dignified defense. AND NOW MARVELOUS TO RELATE: Our malignors, who have been slandering us in nameless and shameless manners for months or years are becoming highly indignant. They have been attacked, they say. They are the injured ones they claim. They are on the defense; but they are defending their violations of God's law: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." MEAN- WHILE THEY STILL EMPLOY FORGERIES, F A E E QUOTATIONS, GARBLED TEXTS, MISINTERPRETATION, 100 P E R CENT UN- TRUTHS, ABUSE TO CARRY ON THEIR UNHOLY CAMPAIGN. (Wr i t e f o r f u r t h e r informat ion and F R E E l i te ra ture # on any subject to Catholic Tru th Society, 304 McKay Bldg., Por t l and , ' Oregon.) Five Hundred Dollars Reward is offered to the person or organization who can prove even a few (two or three) of the vicious statements listed below, which are a summary of the PRINCIPAL FALSE CHARGES WHICH HER DEFAMERS MAKE AGAINST THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. 1. Catholics cannot be loyal to the United States government, fo r they owe civil allegiance to the Pope; 2. The Pope or Catholic Hierarchy control a political machine in the United States; , 3. Catholics a r e forbidden to read the Bible; 4. Catholics worship images and statues; 5. The Celibate Priesthood, the Confessional, the Sisterhoods promote or foster immorality; 6. The Jesuits teach "The end justifies the means"; 7. The Knights of Columbus take the horrible oath ascribed to them; 8. Girls are forced into the Sisterhoods and forcibly retained in them; 9. Catholics seek to destroy the public schools; 10. The Catholic Church denies the legality of Protestant marr iages; 11. Catholics are given undue government patronage; 12. The assassins of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley were all Catholics; Lincoln's "Dark Cloud" utterance is genuine. PROCEDURE All evidence or argument to be in writing and pertain directly to the proposition defended; all quotations to be verified before being accepted as evidence; a judge or judges, selected by both sides to decide the relev- ancy of evidence and the genuineness of quotations. A jury selected by both sides, to give decision; each side to have equal opportunity to present its case. This is an absolutely bona fide offer , open TO ANYONE WHO BONDS HIMSELF TO PRINT THE EVIDENCE IN CASE HE LOSES. Address Catholic Truth Society, 304 McKay Bldg., Portland, Oregon. (Wri te f o r f u r t h e r in format ion and F R E E l i te ra ture on any subject to Catholic Tru th Society, 304 McKay Bldg., Por t land , Oregon.)