IATUR &3ABK MINIATURE STORIES Of SAINTS BOOK ONE I BY REV DANIEL A. LORD. S. J. (ft NIHIL OBSTAT ARTHUR J. SCANLAN S.T.D. CENSOR LIBRORUM IMPRIMATUR T FRANCIS J. SPELLMAN. D. D. ARCHBISHOP. NEW YORK m <£3 . oaint Aloysius Gonzaga Aloysius was the son of a very famous and f noble family. 1 u They expected him to make a name for himaelf in the world. Instead, he promised God he would never marry. He asked to love God and Our Lady alone. When he was very young, he became a Jesuit. From the very start, he was as holy as he could be. He kept his soul as pure as the whitest snow. He loved Mary with all his heart. He stayed for hours on his knees before Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. But he was a brave young man. When a terrible sickness came over the city, Aloysius went out to care for the sick. Once he brought home a very sick old man and nursed him in his own bed. He wanted very much to be a priest. But God wanted to show young people that even the very young can be saints. So he took Aloysius early with him to Heaven. He is the special patron of boys and girls. Boys and girls can all study as hard as he did. They can love Christ and Mary with all. their hearts. But most of all, they can be very pure. His Feast is: June 21st. Copyright 1943, by Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J., St. Louis, Mo., William J. Hirten Co.-, Inc., 25-27 Barclay St., New York City. Printed in U. S. A. ^»»»» ^»»»»»»»» Saint Anthony of Padua When Anthony of Padua died, the children cried in the streets. "Our dear father, Anthony is dead," they wept. And all the bells of the churches rang of their own accord. Angels came to earth to ring the bells for the death of the saint. Anthony wanted to be a martyr. He wanted to die for the love of Christ. Instead, Our Lord asked him to work among the poor and needy. So Anthony went about Italy working wonderful miracles for the people. He gave them miraculous food. He healed their sicknesses. Whenever he spoke of lesus, everyone listened and loved the Savior, too. One night the Divine Child came to visit Anthony. He kissed the saint gently and told him how much He loved him. You have often seen statutes of St. Anthony with the Child in his arms. Ever since his death, he has done wonderful things for those who pray to him. He is still the Franciscan Miracle-worker . His Feast is: June 13th. ©««««« «««««««' Saint Bernard OF Clairvaux When Bernard went to be a monk and a priest, thirty of his young friends went with him. Later on, his father became a priest. And all his brothers joined him in his monastery. He had only one sister. At first she was very gay and vain. But soon she became a nun, too. That all showed how people loved Bernard and 5$ followed him. He built a great monastery in a valley called Clairvaux. It was so strict people said, "No one will join." Instead, hundreds of brave young men came. The Turks, who hated Christians, were very strong and had great armies. Bernard taught soldiers how to be fine pure knights. They became the Knights of the Temple. He led the Christian armies to fight against the Turks. He carried only a crucifix. But most of all, he loved Christ and Our Lady. As a boy as a great priest, even in the army, he wrote beautiful songs to them. Some of them we sing to this day. His Feast is: August 20th. s 33 %£<& ^»»»»»>»s 1KC ‘ »»>>»»»»»»>is VHH y* v s» of Assisi Many people say that St. Francis was the man who was most like Our Lord. He saw how money makes many people bad and proud. So he wanted to be as poor as Our Lord was. He used to say, "I am married to Lady Poverty." Far in the East are men called Moslems. They do not believe in Jesus Christ. So Francis went to visit them. And though they hated other Christians, they listened to Francis. They thought Jesus must be very fine, because Francis, His friend, was so good. Once when Francis was praying a wonderful thing happened. God placed in his hands and feet the same marks that Our Lord carried after He was crucified. These are called Stigmata. Francis preached about Jesus and Mary every where. He built the first Christmas crib. But so that everyone could hear about Our dear Lord, he gathered men and women to work with him. They worked among the poor people. They taught them how happy it is to be good. They are called the Franciscans. His Feast is: October 3rd. y»»»»»>>>>>>>: Martyr s George was a Roman soldier a long time ago. Most people then did not know Our Lord or love Him. But George's parents did. Yet George became a soldier brave and strong. Now the wicked Roman Emperor began to kill the Christians. He ordered his soldiers to arrest and kill them too. George refused to do this. Instead, he told the Emperor that everyone should believe in Jesus Christ and follow him. The Emperor was furious. He threw the young soldier into prison. He killed him most painfully. And George was happy to be a Martyr for Chirst. Soldiers always remember and love young Col- onel George. They know he hated and fought evil. So they have always sung songs about him and how he slew the great dragon of sin and evil and cowardice. George is the patron of all brave men. He is the favorite saint of England. His Feast is: April 23rd. >>»»>>»»»>>>£>»»»>>>>>»»»»»»»>>>>X>>H rai. V Saint Henry Emperor When Duke Henry of Bavaria was very young, he had a dream. His patron saint appeared to him and showed him the words, "After six." The young man thought this meant he would die after six years. So he prepared for death. He lived like a saint. Instead, after six years, he was chosen German emperor. But because for six years he had lived like a saint, he was a holy and great emperor. He determined to rule for the glory of God and the good of his people. First he helped convert to Christ the nations near him who did not believe in the Savior. A wicked man had driven the Pope from Rome. He was sitting on the Pope's own chair. Henry led his army against this bad man, beat him, and brought the Holy Father back to Rome. Whenever he entered the city, his first visit was always to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Once Christ rewarded him wonderfully. Henry saw Jesus Himself say Mass in a great church in Rome. Both Henry and his wife, Cunegunda, became great saints. His Feast is: July 15th. 1 § 1 w 1 3 2 Saint James the Greater James was one of the three Apostles Jesus kept nearest to Him. The other two were Peter and John. Like so many of the Apostles, James was a fish- erman. He followed Our Lord up the mountain when His face became bright as the Sun. He was in the room when Jesus brought the little dead girl back to life. When cur dear Lord suffered the Agony in the Garden, James was near Him. He had a fierce temper which he conquered with difficulty. But he had great faith and preached powerfully. So he was called the Son of Thunder. After Our Lord ascended into Heaven, James bravely went around telling everyone about the Savior. King Herod was angry. He cried, "Do you be- lieve in Jesus Christ?" "Indeed I do," James answered at once. So the soldiers cut off his head with a sword, and he died a martyr. His Feast is: July 25th. Saint John the Beloved Apostle John was a young fisherman in the Holy Land. One day, our dear Lord said to him, "Come and follow Me." Quickly he left family, boat, every- thing, and became an Apostle. He saw Our Lord heal the sick and raise the dead. He heard the wonderful things Our Lord taught. He loved Jesus very much. He sat next to Jesus the night when He gave His Apostles their First Communion. Then when the other Apostles ran away from Calvary, John stayed on beside Mary. And Jesus gave this young man Mary for his Mother. He became a great bishop. He wrote the Fourth Gospel and beautiful letters. He took care of Mary after Jesus ascended into Heaven. The Romans tried to kill him by boiling him in i oil. But Jesus protected him. He was not even hurt. Because he was very pure, Jesus loved him best ! of all the Apostles. His Feast is: December 27th. ' y&tf Saint Joseph v y m v 3 5» yj I# 1 9 VJ MS Joseph was a poor carpenter of Nazareth. Yet he came from the royal family of David. And he was pure and good and hard working. God knew He could trust Joseph, so He chose him for a most important task. He became the hus- band of Mary and the Foster Father of Our Lord. So he protected Mary on the way to BeiY ehem. He was present on the first Christmas. He led Mary and Jesus safely into Egypt when Herod was try- ing to kill the Child. Later he worked for them. ‘ He made them a sweet little home. He earned money to give them their food and clothing. When Jesus was a big boy, Joseph taught Him the carpenter's trade. Joseph did not live to see Jesus become great and famous. Instead he died happily with Mary at his bedside, and Jesus blessing him. He worked very hard to make life safe and happy for Jesus and Mary. So Jesus has made him the Protector of the Whole Church. His Feast is: March 19th. :««««« < 1 «t • ' • X<<<<<<<<< %<(((«{< « «« ««««.«««« <<»» >>»»»»»»»»»»» Saint Michael Archangel of the Archangels.oneMichael is warrior of God. Once on a time long ago, the bad angels made war in Heaven. They cried, "We will not serve!" They raised the red flag. They tried to drive God from the Heavenly City. But Michael led the armies of the good angels. He drove out the evil army. He knelt before God and cried that God was his only King. So God made him the General of His armies. All through history, Michael has fought the battle of God. He is the Devil's strong enemy. He is the friend and protector of all those who love God and follow Jesus Christ. He protected the Chosen People, the Jews, in their wars against their enemies. He is always on the side that is right and good. In the end of the world, a bad man named Anti- christ will come. He will make war on Christ and the good people. But Michael and his army will drive him from the world. That is why we pray after Mass, "St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle." His Feast is: September 29th. X<<<<<>»»»»»»»»»>l y Staff $ I ii Mi # tie IS tig V Si &» M tig M If tig V* vi Si 3 iJ yv: ii St s# »»»»»»)>»»>>>)») "\ Mii-, Jr-* *’ TABLE OF CONTENTS Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Sainf Anthony of Padua Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Saint Charles Borrom ho Saint Francis oh Assisi Saint George Martyr Saint Henry Emperor Saint James the Greater Saint John BTlovhd Apostle Saint Joseph Foster Father Saint Lawrence Martyr Saint Martin Bishop Saint Michael Archangel Saint Patrick of Ireland Saint Paul Apostle Saint Peter Apostle Saint Thomas Aquinas Saint Vincent de Paul Saint William Archbishop