OUR FATHER The “Our Father” For Little Ones BY A SCHOOL SISTER OF NOTRE DAME of the faculty of St. Paul Diocesan Teachers College, St. Paul, Minn. ILLUSTRATED BY MARION H. MATCHITT CATECHETICAL GUILD ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA Sf CC Co** * " Nihil obstat: R. G. BANDAS. Censor librorum Imprimatur: ^JOANNES GREGORIUS MURRAY Archiepiscopus Sancti Pauli September 12. 1934 This little book is respectfully dedicated to the Mothers of America who believe in teaching their children how to pray. Seventh Reprint October , 1945 Copyright 1934 CATECHETICAL GUILD Printed in the United States of America \ To God’s Children Everywhere You could not talk when you were very little. Your parents had to teach you. How happy they were when you first called them by name. How gladly they gave you good things when you asked for them in the right way. This book will teach you how to talk to God. God is your Father in heaven. You talk to God when you pray. Your body keeps alive through breathing. The breath of your soul is prayer. Prayer is as easy as breathing for anyone who really loves God. The little lovers of God pictured in this book will show you how easy it is to talk to your Father in heaven. May you always love Him as much as you do to- day. God bless you. * Archbishop of St. Paul When Jesus lived on earth, long, long ago, He often went alone to pray. His Apostles used to wonder what He said when He prayed, for He looked very beautiful and His thoughts seemed far, far away from earth. One day they said to Him: “Lord, teach us how to pray.” Then Jesus taught them that wonderful prayer which we say every day. It is the OUR FATHER. He said to them: “When you pray, say: S ' *•» ' -"**• /* • “Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread: And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation: But deliver us from evil. Amen.” Our Father Who art in heaven Our Father Who Art In Heaven -* s . Dear God, Thou livest up so high, I cannot see Thee through the sky. And yet, Thou hearest when I pray And knowest all I think and say. It’s wonderful for us below To think that Thou dost love us so; But how much better it will be / To live some day in heaven with Thee. Hallowed be Thy Name Hallowed Be Thy Name Holy, holy, holy, Thy lovely angels sing, And bow their heads And bend their knees To Thee, their God and King. Dear God, I’m just a little child, I cannot praise Thee all day long, But I can give my heart to Thee And be myself Thy little song. Thy Kingdom come Thy Kingdom Come When I am big, dear God, I’ll buy A silver plane to cross the sea; And teach the pagan children all To know, and love, and honor Thee. I’ll tell them of Thy Mother, too, And of Thy cross and everything; And Thou shalt come and live with them, And Thou shalt be their God and King. Thy Will be done Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven The robin calls from the cherry tree, The lambs have gone to the field to play ; The brook runs on to the cooling woods. But I must stay. Thou artmy Father andThou mustknow Why I cannot play and skip and run; And so, dear God, my prayer shall be, “Thy will be done!” Wm wm Wmw m I m ' mm i . * 4. Give us this day our daily bread Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Come, Little Lord, Be Thou our Guest And share the bread Thy hand has blessed. We are all Thine; And Thou dost give Us food and drink That we may live. Oh care for us With each new day And be Thyself Our food, we pray. mmm . , — . — . . —-»-i \ H Forgive us our trespasses And Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us Oh Betty! My beautiful Rosabelle Ann is dead! But you couldn’t help That she broke her head; I know that you loved her as much as I And I’ll not be angry, So don’t you cry! Dear God, When I have been naughty And come to Thee, Thou art as loving as Thou canst be; And so I will try just as hard as I can To forget about beautiful Rosabelle Ann. , Lead us not into temptation And Lead Us Not Into Temptation Darling little daisy buds, Dancing at my feet, God must love you very much, You are so pure and sweet. I’m God’s little flower, too, My heart is His, you know; So I must always keep it white And pure as falling snow. Dear Lord, I shall not listen to The voice that tempts to sin, Nor open wide my little heart To let the tempter in. Deliver us 'from evil But Deliver Us From When sin and sorrow Frighten me, Dear Father, I shall run to Thee. And Thou shalt take me In Thine arm And keep away All care and harm. Thou art so good, I shall not fear When Thou art near, When Thou art near! Amen * 4 Amen , Dear God, Good night, good night I I’m sleepy as can be. But first I kneel to say my prayers And give my thanks to Thee. 1 thank Thee for my parents and For Baby Lou, and then For Rover and my kiddie-car, Good night, dear God, Amen.