*i>y . - r v : • Jiy—.. ...'Ml msm - ^ a' Sv^'C-C^~ x^fApQV*' f SSpv - . ; ' Wm THE STORY OF THE HOLY FAMILY NCE upon a time, there lived the loveliest family the world had ever seen. The head of the family was Joseph. He was a carpenter. The Mother’s name was Mary. She was sweet and dear and good and beautiful. Her Son’s name was Jesus. He was the most beautiful of the sons of men. He was the greatest person that ever lived. He was the Son of God, made man. They lived in a little house in a small town called Nazareth. It was a poor little house, but Mary kept it clean and charming. Near it was the carpenter shop where Joseph worked. He did not make a great deal of money. But he was honest and hard-working. And the things he made with his tools made the people in the village very happy. Jesus was an obedient, , loving boy. Everyone thought Him smart and fine. And He loved His Mother and Joseph, His foster father, so much that He did all He could to make them happy. COPYRIGHT 1942 BY DANIEL A. LORD. ST. LOUIS, MO. PRINTED IN U. S. A. WILLIAM J. HIRTEN CO.. INC.; 25-27 BARCLAY ST., N. Y. C. T HOUGH He was only a boy, Jesus was the most important person in this Family. For His real Father was God. And He was the King of Kings, the greatest person in the world. Yet He knew what boys and girls are supposed to do. They are to obey their parents. They are to love them and make them happy. So Jesus did just this. He helped His Mother about the house. He went to the village well to get water for the stove. He ran errands for her and always smiled when she asked Him to do her a favor. “Yes, indeed, Mo- ther,” He said, and hurried off to do what she wished. Joseph and Mary loved each other very much. Joseph never spoke roughly or loudly to his wife. He thanked her for whatever she did for him. He praised her meals. He was pleased with the way she kept house. And Mary was happy that she could make the house beautiful for Joseph and Jesus. So they lived in peace and joy. There were no quarrels. Love was all around them. No wonder they were happy. ET’S visit this Holy Family together. | As we come near, we can hear the sound of Joseph’s hammer. He is busy in his little shop. There he stands at his work table making a nice, ! deep chair for an old lady. There on the wall is a crutch he made for a little lame boy. And he has | just finished a table for a newly married couple. We walk into the kitchen. There is Mary busy around the house. She has swept the floor until it is spotless. Near the wall is a basket of clean clothes she just washed. It is a plain, simple supper. She cannot spend That is because it is flavored with love. Look, there comes Jesus. He has delivered a ilatl - — And He Was Obedient to Them I T IS dinner time. Mary asks you and me to stay and eat with them. Joseph and Jesus sit down at the table. Mary is still busy getting the food ready. She brings it over to the table in a deep, hot bowl. It smells so good, but it is just the plain food of poor people. They cannot buy things that are dear or rare. Joseph says grace. He asks God to bless them and to bless what they will eat. Then Mary serves the food and they all eat. Their table manners are so good. You can see that they are grateful to God for the food they eat. But each wants to be sure that the others have the best. All the time they talk. How cheerful it sounds! Jesus tells about the games He played. He tells about His friends. Doesn’t He speak kindly of them? Joseph and Mary talk to each other about the events of the day. When Joseph tells a little joke, they all laugh. When Mary tells about something sad in one of the near-by houses, they are all sad. But mostly they are gay. Because they love one another so much that there is happiness all around them. I T IS the morning of a Sabbath. Always when they rise, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph say their morning prayers. They ask God, the Heavenly Father, to bless the whole day. They offer to Him everything they will do. They say, “Dear Father, be with us all day, and help us with all we do.” But this is a Holy Day. So they all go to their parish church. This is called a synagogue. They go very happily, for they know this is the House of God. They smile at their friends along the way. They wish them a cheerful Good Morning. For they love all their neighbors and wish them well. Theirs is a poor little church. But it is very important. Here they will talk to God and God will talk to them. They enter quietly. They bow their heads to honor God the Father. They pray in their hearts. Then they pray aloud with all the people around them. They feel very close to their Heavenly Father. They know that their Heavenly Father is close to them. lft ESUS is well liked by all His friends. They jj are glad when He comes out to play ball (RJ with them. Mary is friendly with all the women. They know how sweet she is. She never speaks unkindly of anyone. When they need help, she al- ways gives it gladly. Joseph has many friends too. For they trust him. He is honest and willing to help. They can call on him in need and he comes immediately. So Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are often invited out. When there is a family party, the three of them are there. When one of their relatives has a birth- day, they help celebrate it. They are always in- vited to the wedding celebrations. They like to see their friends happy. They en- joy eating with their relatives. They like to join in the songs that everyone sings. They love to hear their friends laughing and singing. But on evenings when they are home together, they are just as happy. They love to talk quietly. They are content just to be together. . Theirs is a happy home. And when they enter anyone’s home, they make it happy too.