A JfatiPtta to 0% iCtttU' Jfflnturr ST. THERESE of THE CHILD JESUS By Rev. Edward F. Garesche, S. J. A&w?7 A NOVENA To THE LITTLE FLOWER ST. THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS AND OF THE HOLY FACE REV. EDWARD F. GARESCHE, S. J. DIEDERICH'SCHAEFER GO. MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Imprimi Potest FRANCIS X. McMENAMY, S.J. Praep. Prov. Prov. Missour. Nihil Obstat REV. H. B. RIES Censor Librorum. Imprimatur t S. Cx. MESSMER, D.D. Archbishop of Milwaukee Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Milwaukee, Dec. 8, 1925 Copyright, 1925, by Diederich-Schaefer Co. Printed in the U. S. A. Copyright, 1925, by Daprato Statuary Co. “I will spend my heaven in doing good upon earth . After my death I will let fall a shower of roses.” Above illustrated “Shower of Roses” Group is made in life sizo. Untroirnrtimj T^EVOTION to Saint Therese Martin of Lisieux, called lovingly the Little Flower of Jesus, has taken the Catholic world by storm. In the circumstances of the life- after-death of this charming and beautiful character, we may read, indeed, very evident signs of the power and goodness of God and of His providential designs ior the help of our generation. Just at the time when worldliness is at its height, when the appre- ciation and esteem of the supernatural is in peril, God raises up this appealing figure of unworldliness and self-sacrifice. When the present world is so attractive and the life to come seems vague and dim, God gives us the Little Flower to show us how much more important is our life after death than is this brief time of exile and trial. When exterior achievement is made much of and the in- terior life is little regarded, God shows by a shining example that our interior intention and desires are everything and that exterior achievement is worth little in comparison with prayer and self-sacrifice. When home life is threatened, He shows us the sublime 4 efficacy of the Catholic home to make saints. The Little Flower had the spirit of an apos- tle and is thus achieving greater things for God after her death than would have been possible during her lifetime. When the con- templative life is little valued and less un- derstood, God indicates in her person the tremendous efficacy of hidden prayer and suffering to set to work the spiritual in- fluences which alone can spread the kingdom of God on earth. We have endeavored, in a book called “The Teachings of the Little Flower,” to develop in detail some of these lessons which it seems that God wishes us to learn from her example. But kind friends have lately suggested the publication of a book of pray ers for a novena which shall embody some of the thoughts and impressions which the newly canonized Saint Therese can so potently convey to the Catholic faithful of our time. Reflecting on the form which this novena had better take we concluded that it would be most effective to give for each day, first a brief series of reflections, to be read aloud slowly and thoughtfully by the one who is leading the novena when it is being made publicly, or to be pondered on a moment, dur- 5 THE FIRST COMMUNION OF THE LITTLE FLOWER 6 ing private devotions, and then to add a prayer which will embody the petitions that are the fruit of these reflections. Those who wish to shorten the exercises may do so by omitting the reflections, while in case a brief instruction is thought expedient, the daily reflections will supply an outline for this discourse. We also prefix some prayers for recitation each time, in case additional devotions are desired. It is suggested that three Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glory be to the Fathers be said each time, but this, of course, is optional. Other prayers may be substituted. Thus this novena may be used in many ways and may be made to serve in the parish, in schools, and institutions, in convents and novitiates, or for private devotion. It is recommended that everyone in the congregation or school be given a copy of the novena, so that they may use it for private as well as for public devotions. The intentions for which the prayers are offered cover some of the great- est interests and needs of the Church and of the Catholic faithful. To get our people to pray for these needs is one of the best ways of encouraging everyone to think seriously upon them. 7 The Life of The Little Flower St. Therese Martin, Carmelite nun of the Carmel of Lisieux, had a life on this earth which was exteriorly as little eventful and remarkable as the existence of most of the humblest and simplest daughters of the Church. Indeed it was her glory that she was a little soul, called to walk in ordinary ways and given by Jesus, her Teacher, the simplest secret of sanctity. This was, that she was to do little things with great love and to abandon herself like a child to the will of God, resting in the arms of Jesus and pleading with sublime and childlike audacity for all holy favors that it came into her soul to ask. She was of an ardent and ambitious nature, but the grace of God, coupled with a home training beautiful in its spirit of Catholic family love and piety, turned her ambitions heavenward. Precocious in her intelligence, she early felt the call to enter the Carmelite Convent and after much pleading she suc- ceeded in obtaining admission at the age of fifteen. She lived for ten years in the seclusion of the Carmel, praying and suffer- ing, and purifying and enlarging the ambi- tions of her heart, until her apostolic zeal and prayer encompassed the entire Church. 8 She refused God nothing, and asked nothing for herself, except to love and to serve Him more and more faithfully, but she pleaded that she might pass her eternity in doing good on earth. She prayed that she might satisfy after death the vast ambitions she had conceived for the glory of God and the good of souls, and might let fall on earth a shower of roses, a torrent of spiritual and temporal favors which would kindle in all hearts the love of God. So she died, leaving to the world only her autobiography, a charming book, written at the order of her superiors, in which she set forth with bright gratitude and childlike frankness the touching history of her soul. She called herself “The Little Flower of Jesus” and this name has been lovingly re- peated by the lips of millions. The devo- tion felt toward her is so extraordinary that it marks an outpouring of divine grace whose like has seldom been witnessed even in the marvelous histories of the saints. Had she lived until the present time, she would have been only about 53 years of age. Up to the time of fuer beatification it is said that 125 first-class miracles had been re- ported through her intercession. Some 40,000,000 pieces of literature have already 9 AT THE DOOR OT CARMEL 10 been published about her. Whole dioceses have been put under her patronage, good works have been dedicated to her name. In a word, this hidden and simple maiden has become one of the most shining figures in the life of the Church, most spoken of, most glorified, and leading all the souls who love her toward a pure love of Jesus for His own sake, to a great fidelity in little things, and a childlike abandonment to the will of God. and to the most ardent zeal for souls, ex- pressed in fervent prayer and willing suffer- ing from the motive of pure love. Thus the Little Flower is a providential model, as she herself declares, for little souls. She wishes to impart to them her simple secret of childlike trust, pure love of God and the sublime efficacy of prayer, intention and desire. She is most willing to teach us all these things and to obtain for us grace to follow her example. She desires to spend her eternity in doing good on earth and to let fall from heaven a constant shower of roses. The following reflections and prayers are designed to draw down upon us her willing favors. Let us say them earnestly and confidently, that we may partake abund- antly of the great fruits of her intercession. 11 A SUGGESTED PROGRAM FOR EVEN- ING DEVOTIONS WHERE THE NOVENA IS MADE IN PUBLIC IN A CHURCH OR CHAPEL Order of Exercises 1. Hymn, during the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. 2. Prayers to the Holy Trinity, to the Blessed Virgin and to The Little Flower. 3. Veni Creator. 4. Reading for the day or instruction. 5. Prayer for the day from the Novena. 6. O Salutaris. 7. Tantum Ergo. 8. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. 9. Laudate Dominum (Last night: Te Deum). 12 PRAYERS TO BE SAID EACH DAY IF DESIRED At the beginning of each exercise of the novena. To the Most Holy Trinity TyrOST holy and august Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, moved by the pure love of Your divine goodness and de- sirous to glorify Your name, we purpose to conduct this novena in honor of the Little Flower of Jesus with devotion and fidelity. By means of our reflections and prayers, make us understand better the great good- ness of Your heavenly majesty in enriching this faithful and pure soul with so many graces and spiritual favors. Enlighten our minds to learn the lessons You design to teach us, and move our hearts by Your holy grace to resolve to imitate faithfully the example which she has given us. We give You thanks in her name, we adore and bless Your holy providence in her regard, and we acknowledge and glorify Your infinite generosity in enabling us, through this novena, to partake of the abundance of the spiritual gifts which she showers from heaven. May we so imitate her holiness on earth so as to deserve to 13 join her in Heaven, with all those who are dear to us, in the glory of Your everlasting kingdom, world without end. Amen. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin jyrOST holy and immaculate Mother of God, chief patroness of The Little Flower, through whose hands all favors are given to mankind, we salute you, we thank and we praise you, most blessed amongst women. Look down on us with mercy, through the intercession of the Little Flower, and obtain for us by your pleading with your divine Son, all the graces which she im- plores. Be to us always, as you were to her, a most generous and loving mother. Protect us in every danger, and bring us safe to your home in Heaven. Amen. Prayer to The Little Flower TAEAR Little Flower of Jesus, St. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, behold us here gathered together to render thanks to God for the sublime and heavenly favors which He has poured down upon you and for the mighty power which He has given you to obtain from His goodness a shower of roses to cast upon mankind. * We rejoice that God has so evidently heard 14 your sublime and trusting prayer that you might spend your eternity in doing good upon earth. We ardently desire to partake in the spiritual blessings which the Sacred Heart of Jesus has designed to give to the world through your intercession. We hope, through this novena, not only to obtain for ourselves the special favors we ask, but to gain for the entire Church, for its priests, for our parish, and all parishes, for all dioceses throughout the world, for all Catholic good works, and for the entire Catholic faithful and particularly for those for whom we wish especially to pray, a shower of graces and blessings through your holy, and powerful intercession We desire to obtain also the conversion of sinners, the prosperity and progress of the Catholic missions, the success of the lay apostolate, union and cooperation among Catholic societies and good works, the growth of Catholic literature and all that may help for the conversion and sanctifica- tion of the entire world. Teach us your little way, of love, intention and desire, your art of appealing to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through little offerings and sacrifices, made with great love, and your entire conformity to the will of God. Whatever is wanting to 15 IN THE QUIET OF CARMEL 16 our poor prayers during this novena, do You supply it from the exhaustless treasuries of the merits of Jesus and of Mary and of the angels and saints in heaven. Amen. NOVENA TO THE LITTLE FLOWER THE FIRST DAY The Baptism of The Little Flower Reflection (this may be read by the priest who conducts the Novena) T ET us devoutly remember the happy day when The Little Flower of Jesus was brought to the baptismal fount to receive on her forehead the saving waters and become a child of God and an heir of heaven. Let us give thanks to God for this great favor and for our own unspeakable privilege in being likewise by the same holy sacrament washed clean of original sin and numbered in the family of Christ. Let us pray for all souls who have never received this great favor, whether in our own land or in other nations, and let us implore with all our heart that through the intercession of The Little Flower they may become converted and en- ter through the door of baptism into the household of Christ. 17 PRAYER Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father—three times. BLESSED Little Flower of Jesus, Saint ^ Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, we rejoice with all our hearts at the sublime graces given you by God on the happy day of your holy baptism. We exult in the brightness of your soul, washed clean of original sin and which you preserved in its baptismal innocence throughout your holy life. By the memory of that joyful day we beseech you to obtain of Jesus your Spouse through the intercession of His Im- maculate Mother that we also may live in in- nocence until we come to join you in heaven, and that all those who wander in darkness and in the shadows of unbelief may be con- verted and baptised. Obtain for all the poor children who are still unbaptised the grace of receiving this most necessary sacrament. We beg it of you in memory of your own joyful baptism. Ask for us also, we pray, the favors which each one wishes personally to obtain through this holy novena. Amen. 18 THE SECOND DAY The Catholic Education and Religious Voca- cation of The Little Flower Reflection (this may be read by the priest who conducts the Novena) J^ET us gratefully recall the goodness of God in providing for little Therese the advantages of a truly Catholic education un- der the care of the devoted Sisters who in- structed her for her first Holy Communion and helped to implant in her heart a love of Christian culture and a taste for Catholic reading, thus preparing the fertile soil of her soul for the seeds of religious vocation. Let us pray that all Catholic parents may earnestly desire to secure for their children the same great advantage, and that all Cath- olic children may be as dutiful, as studious and as obedient, as was The Little Flower during her days at school, and as responsive as she was if God calls them to the religious life. Let us implore God also for a great increase of vocations to the teaching congre- gations of sisters, brothers and priests and for the constant progress of our Catholic 19 schools in excellence of teaching, and of training, both secular and spiritual. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father—three times. PRAYER jQEARLY beloved Saint Therese, chosen Little Flower of Jesus, we give thanks to God in your behalf for His singular good- ness in providing for you the blessings and advantages of a Catholic education under the devoted care of Sisters consecrated to God, and in calling you to the religious life. By the memory of your happy school days and of the merits you gained by obedience and study, and of your fervent days in the Cloister of Carmel, we beg of you to inter- cede with our Lord and His Blessed Mother for the welfare and constant progress of our Catholic schools, colleges and universities. Obtain also through the intercession of Our Lady of Vocations a great abundance of religious and priestly vocations, and that those who are called by God to this angelic state of life may generously undertake so sublime a service. Ask for us also, we pray, the favors which each one wishes personally to obtain through this holy novena. Amen. 20 THE THIRD DAY The Catholic Home Life of The Little Flower Reflection (this may be read by the pries* who conducts the Novena) T ET us think with gratitude of the happy Catholic home in which the parents of The Little Flower trained their children in the love and fear of God and made their youth joyful and pious through the good in- fluence of a thoroughly religious home-life. Let us pray to God through her intercession to inspire all Catholic parents with a like spirit of devotion and self-sacrifice which will enable them to make of their homes true shrines of family love and Catholic piety. Let us ask God to defend our Catholic homes from the evil influences of the time, to make them abound with holy and beautiful pic- tures, and with books which are instructive and interesting concerning the Catholic faith, and to keep in them the spirit of purity and mutual love. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father—three times. 21 T11E PEACE OF THE CLOISTER 22 PRAYER ^gLESSED Little Flower of Jesus, the roots of your sanctity and purity were fixed deep in the friendly soil of a holy and loving home. By the memory of the tender care of your parents and the loving solicitude of your sisters, obtain we beseech you for all our families and for those of the entire world the blessings of a truly Catholic home life, full of simple and sincere piety, warm with devoted family love, adorned with true Catholic culture, and bright with the in- fluence of cheerful good example. Fill our Catholic parents with the spirit of devotion and self-sacrifice and our children with obedient love so that our homes may be like the home of Nazareth and our lives like the lives of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Make us love our homes and abide in them, fill them abundantly with good pictures and books and protect them from all evil influences of speech or of example. Ask for us also, we pray, the favors which each one wishes personally to obtain through this holy novena. Amen. 23 THE FOURTH DAY The First Communion of The Little Flower Reflection (this may be read by the priest who conducts the Novena) T ET us lovingly remember the day of days when the Infant Jesus came into the heart of His Little Fower for the first time in bodily presence in her First Communion, and the frequent reception of this holy sacra- ment with which He blessed her thereafter. Let us thank Him as well for His goodness in giving us the opportunity to receive often and every day the same Blessed Sacrament and let us ask through her intercession that it may have in our souls a similar fruit of sanctity. We should pray as well that all our Catholic people may heed the invitation of the Holy Father and of the Heart of Christ to go frequently and if possible daily to Mass and Communion and that all who are outside the Church, wanderers from the peace and plenty of their Father’s home, may receive the gift of faith and enter the one true fold and Aiay thus also be fed on the 24 wheat of the elect and the vine which springeth forth virgins. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father—three times. PRAYER TTAPPY and favored Little Flower of Jesus, fed with the sacred Body of Christ and watered with His precious Blood, remember we beseech you with great joy the happiest day of your first Communion when your innocent heart received as its guest the Infant Jesus and became the cradle of that Heavenly Child. By the fruits and graces, the joy and gladness of your First Com- munion, obtain we beseech you from the Sacred Heart through the intercession of His Immaculate Mother that we and all Catholic people may realize and appreciate the blessings of frequent Communion and may heed the invitation of Jesus, given us through the mouth of His vicar on earth, to go to Holy Communion as often as we can and, if possible, every day. Keep us in the state of grace, so that we may be always ready to receive. Have pity on those outside the true fold and by your prayers bring them to their Father’s home and to the Table of the Body and Blood of Christ. 25 Ask for us also, we pray, the favors which each one wishes personally to obtain through this holy novena. Amen. THE FIFTH DAY The Little Flower’s Zeal for Souls Reflection (this may be read by the priest who conducts the Novena) T ET us lovingly recall the great and burn- ing zeal of the Little Flower for the salvation of souls, and the prayers and volun- tary sufferings which she offered up -day by day for their conversion and salvation. Let us thank God earnestly for the immense re- ward which He has given her in heaven for her holy desires and prayers, and the showers of roses which He has allowed her to let fall on earth, spending her eternity, as she prayed and hoped, in doing good on earth. We shall beg that this great zeal for souls may kindle our own hearts also with the desire of promoting the interests of the Sacred Heart, and of obtaining by our own prayers and sufferings the salvation of many, here and in other lands. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father—three times. PRAYER rvEAR Little Flower of Jesus, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, we are happy in the recollection of your great desire to pray and to suffer for the conversion and salvation of sinners, and in the remembrance of the splen- did and evident answer which God is giving to your confiding petitions. By the memory of your own burning zeal while you were with us on earth, plead with the Sacred Heart of your Spouse to kindle our hearts with the same resistless flame of love for souls. Make us understand the preciousness of every single soul, bought with the blood of Christ. May the souls of children, of sinners, of those outside the fold, of fallen away Catholics, of the unrepentant and the malicious, of all the dying, be forever in our prayers and the object of our sacrifices and labors. Help us to reap a great harvest of souls, and when we have happily come to dwell with you in heaven, may we also spend our eternity like you in doing good on earth and interceding for sinners and for those who have never received the light of the Faith of Christ. Ask for us also, we pray, the favors which each one wishes personally to obtain through this holy novena. Amen. 27 THE SIXTH DAY The Little Flower’s Purity, and Hatred of Sin Reflection (this may be read by the priest who conducts the Novena) AT/’E shall now gratefully call to mind the gift of God by which the Little Flower preserved so great a purity of body and of mind and hatred of the least sin, and so care- ful an avoidance of whatever could stain or obscure the brightness of her soul or render her displeasing to her divine and virginal Spouse. We shall pray that through her in- tercession we may conceive a like love of purity and innocence, and a similiar hatred of sin. Let us think also in pity of all those who have fallen into the mire of evil and who wallow there, ruining their own souls and dragging others with them to destruc- tion. May the pure Little Flower, whose innocence was so pleasing to the Infant Jesus, powerfully aid us in repressing all evil, in fighting against the prevalent cor- ruption in dress, in reading, in talk, in amuse- ments, in social life. May she help us in encouraging Catholic virtue and innocence everywhere. 28 Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father—three times. PRAYER SLOWER of childlike innocence and purity, Saint Therese who did keep un- sullied, by penance, prayer and holy thoughts, the snowy bloom of innocence, help us, we beg, by your powerful intercession with Christ the virgin of virgins and His most chaste Mother, to imitate your cleanness of heart and your great hatred for sin. Make us dread the occasions of sin, make us fear pleasures and companionships which are dangerous; teach us to sacrifice anything, even life itself, rather than offend God and stain our immortal souls. Watch over our amusements, our companionships, our read- ing, our work and our play, all the busy and the leisure moments of our lives, so that nothing sinful may enter into our minds or our hearts. Extend your powerful protec- tion also to ail those who are dear to us, to all for whom we wish to pray, to all Cath- olics everywhere and to every soul which is made in the image of God and called to the possession of eternal life. Ask for us also, we pray, the favors which each one wishes personally to obtain through this holy novena. Amen. 29 THE SEVENTH DAY The Little Flower’s Love for the Church of God Reflection (this may be read by the priest who conducts the Novena) T ET us reflect on the great love of St. Therese for the Church of God, and her ardent prayers for its interests. She loved her parish, she was interested in all that con- cerned Catholic activities, she taught cate- chism to little children, but above all her heart was full of eager desires to obtain for the priests of God all the graces necessary for their arduous vocation. She prayed for all the members of the Church Militant, for the missionaries in foreign lands, for all religious, for novices, students, Sisters, brothers and priests, for vocations, for the welfare of the young, for the conversion of sinners, and the perseverance of the just. Through her prayers and desires she has be- come a great benefactress to the entire Church and the patroness of many Catholic enterprises. Let us pray that our zeal and charity may become like to hers. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father—three times. 30 PRAYER AH, gracious Little Flower of Jesus, full ^ of love of the Church of God, full of zeal for the interests of the Heart of Christ, obtain for us, we beg of you, through the intercession of the ever-blessed Mother of God, a love of Holy Mother Church and the most ardent zeal for her interests. Teach us your little way of complete and childlike self-abandonment and conformity to the will of God. Make us understand the great merit of little things done with great love. Re- mind us frequently to pray for the priests of God, for all religious and for the zealous Catholic laity, that they may all persevere un ceasingly, working that the kingdom of God may come upon earth. Strengthen us to takt* our part in good works for the welfare of Holy Mother Church and the salvation of souls. Make us by your intercession, faithful and self-sacrificing in helping the priests of our parish and give us the most active interest in whatever pertains to the general welfare of the Church. Ask for us also, we pray, the favors which each one wishes personally to obtain through this holy novena. Amen. 31 THE EIGHTH DAY The Little Flower’s Zeal for Catholic Missions Reflection (this may be read by the priest who conducts the Novena) T ET us lovingly remember the wonderful apostolic zeal of the Little Flower, that zeal which made her wish to help all the good works of the Church, to penetrate to the farthest countries and preach the gospel, to shed her blood like the martyrs for Christ, to aid by her prayers all the missionaries who are laboring at home and abroad for the conversion and salvation of mankind. Through the fervor of her prayers and the immense eagerness of her pure desires, she has become indeed one of the greatest of missionaries, the patroness of missionary en- deavor, a consolation and an aid to those who are suffering and toiling in pagan lands and the. sweet advocate of many mission enterprises. This is the hour of God in the foreign missions, and a thousand million pagans wait for us thus to aid them by our prayers and alms for the help of the missions. At home, in our own land, there are also, alas I many pagans, millions of unbaptised 32 persons whom we can likewise help by our zeal and prayers. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father—three times. PRAYER "TVEAR model of apostolic souls, fair Little Flower of Jesus, whose tender heart pleaded incessantly with God for the wel- fare of Catholic missions, pour down into our hearts a shower of the roses of burning love and unselfish desires, so that we also may glow with interest and zeal for the work of spreading the faith and may assist by our fervent prayers and generous offer- ings all missionary endeavors of the Church at home and in foreign lands. Faithful and loving little sister of all missionaries, obtain from the Sacred Heart by your powerful in- tercession that all who have the vocation to be missionary priests, brothers or sisters, may generously heed and follow that heaven- ly summons. Shower down graces on all who labor for the conversion and salvation of souls. Soften the hearts of the heathen nations, and bring the whole world to the feet of Christ. Ask for us also, we pray, the favors which each one wishes personally to obtain through this holy novena. Amen. 33 THE NINTH DAY The Little Flower's Love for Christ Reflection (this may be read by the priest who conducts the novena) T ET us try to realize the pure love of the heart of the Little Flower which was the motive of all her actions, the inspiration of her prayers, the golden key with which she has unlocked the treasuries of the Heart of Christ, and has let fall on earth the won- derful shower of celestial favors which astonishes all the nations of the world. To love God for His own sake because He is so good in Himself, and so infinitely worthy of all our love, is the most perfect motive of our actions, the sublimest prayer, the most pleasing intention. Let us pray to the Little Flower that she may obtain for us a love like hers. Let us reflect on the im- mense worthiness of God to be loved and endeavor to love Him for His own sake, because He is the most beautiful of all be- ings, the most lovable, the Sun of justice Who contains in Himself all perfections and of Whose infinite amiableness all earthly things are but a faint reflection. 34 Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father—three times. PRAYER niLOWER of fervor and love, dear St. Therese, of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, we beseech you with the most yearning desire to have pity on us and by your inter- cession enkindle in our hearts a pure love of God like to your own. Help us to realize how good God is in Himself and how worthy of all our love. Lift our minds above the sordid things of earth to contemplate the beauty of Jesus, the amiableness of His Sacred Heart, His immense love which makes Him grieve that we love Him so little in return. Remind us often to repeat an act of the pure love of God, saying with all our hearts, “My God, I love you above all things for Your own sake, because You are infinitely worthy of all my love; and I am sorry for all my sins for the love of You.” Make this love the inspiration of our slight- est actions, the ruling motive of our lives and help us, in imitation of your example, to teach this love to the entire world. Ask for us also, we pray, the favors which each one wishes personally to obtain through this holy novena. Amen. 35 ApppttMx tCttattg of tlje Eittle IFlmnrr Litany of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, the Little' Flower of Jesus. (For Private Devotion only.) Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, Christ, hear us, Christ, graciously hear us, God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us, God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us, God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us, Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, V Our Lady of Victory, Saint Therese, servant of God, Saint Therese, victim of the merciful love of God, Saint Therese, spouse of Jesus, Saint Therese, gift of Heaven, Saint Therese, remarkable in childhood, Saint Therese, an example of obedience, Saint Therese, resigned to the Divine Will of God, Saint Therese, lover of peace, Saint Therese, lover of patience, , 36 PRAY FOR US Saint Therese, lover of gentleness, y Saint Therese, heroic in sacrifices, Saint Therese, generous in forgiving, Saint Therese, benefactress of the needy, Saint Therese, lover of Jesus, Saint Therese, devoted to the Holy Face, Saint Therese, consumed with Divine love of God, Saint Therese, advocate of extreme cases, Saint Therese, persevering in prayer, Saint Therese, a powerful advocate with God, Saint Therese, showering Roses, Saint Therese, doing good upon earth, Saint Therese, answering all prayers, \ Saint Therese, lover of Holy Chastity, Saint Therese, lover of voluntary poverty, Saint Therese, lover of obedience, Saint Therese, burning with zeal for God’s glory, Saint Therese, inflamed with the Spirit of Love, Saint Therese, child of benediction, Saint Therese, perfect in simplicity, Saint Therese, so remarkable for trust in God, Saint Therese, gifted with unusual intelli- gence, 37 PRAY FOR US Saint Therese, never invoked without Saint Therese, teaching us the sure way, / S Saint Therese, victim of Divine Love, I £ Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Saint Therese, The Little Flower of Jesus, pray for us. O God, Who didst inflame with Thy Spirit of Love the soul of Thy servant Therese of the Child Jesus, grant that we also may love Thee and may make Thee much loved. Amen. O little Therese of the Child Jesus, who during thy short life on earth became a mirror of angelic purity, of love strong as death, and of whole-hearted abandonment to God, now that thou rejoicest in the reward of thy virtues, cast a glance of pity on me as I leave all things in thy hands. Make my troubles thine own—speak a word for some answer, PRAYER PRAYER 38 me to our Lady Immaculate, whose flower of special love thou wert—to that Queen of heaven “who smiled on thee at the dawn of life.” Beg her as Queen of the Heart of Jesus to obtain for me by her powerful inter- cession, the grace I yearn for so ardently at this moment, and that she join with it a blessing that may strengthen me during life, defend me at the hour of death, and lead me straight on to a happy eternity. Hail, holy Queen. 100 days’ indulgence, July 2nd, 1924. G. Cardinal Della Chiesa, Abp. of Bologna (Pope Benedict XV) 39 Copyright, 1925, by Daprato Statuary Co. An Attractive Statue of St. Therese Correct Model and Color No. 4607. St. Therese Style of Decoration Glass Eyes Ex. Per Rich Ex. Rich Pair Height 5 ft. 6 in... $123.00 $146.00 $8.25 Height 5 ft. ... 101.00 123.00 7.50 Height 4 ft. 6 in... 89.00 104.00 6.75 Height 4 ft. ... 80.00 96.00 6.00 Height 3 ft. ... 55.00 66.00 4.50 Height 2 ft. 6 in. . . 43.00 . 3.75 No. 4605A. “Shower of Roses” Group (As illustrated on page 3 of this booklet.) Total height 8 ft. 7 in. ; width 4 ft. 2 in. ; depth 2 ft. 6 in. Price in special shaded silk finish, in- cluding halos and crystal eyes in three figures, $435.00. Small size Group, 3 ft $100.00 ST. THERESE VESTMENT Can be suitably used especially during novenas of The Little Flower. It is made of a heavy ribbed silk Magador and is lined in silk. The emblem .is a painting on silk and the embroidery is done in beautiful natural colors. Price $75.00 OTHER BOOKS By REV. E. F. GARESCHE, S.J. THE TEACHINGS OF THE LITTLE FLOWER $1.50 Postage 10c. Ten cheery, practical books, full of edification and inspiration. EVER TIMELY THOUGHTS. Cheerful considerations on facts of enduring worth. LIFE’S LESSONS. Some Useful Teachings of Every Day. VALUES EVERLASTING. Some Aids to Lift Our Hearts on High. PATHS OF GOODNESS. Helpful Thoughts on Spiritual Progress. YOUR OWN HEART. Some Helps to Understand it. YOUR SOUL’S SALVATION. THE THINGS IMMORTAL. YOUR INTERESTS ETERNAL. THE MOST BELOVED WOMAN. YOUR NEIGHBOR AND YOU. Each book with frontispiece. Net, $1.50 postage, 10c.