^AX CZ.GB QUESTION CARD NO. 1 1. Who gave us the ten command- ments ? 2. What is the second command- ment ? 3. What is the third commandment? 4. What is the fourth command- ment? 5. What is the fifth commandment? 6. What is the sixth commandment? 7. What is the seventh command- ment? 8. What is the eighth command- ment ? 9. What is the ninth commandment? 10. What is the tenth commandment? Nihil Obstat: George J. Ziskovsky Imprimatur: + John Gregory Murray Dec. 1, 1938. Archbishop of St. Paul K W I Z This booklet (price 10 cents each) has been prepared as an aid to studying the 240 ques- tions and answers in the KWIZ Game on the Commandments. These two cards show the opening question and answer to each of the TEN chapters in the game. ANSWER CARD NO. 1 God gave the ten commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” “Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day.” “Honor thy father and thy mother that thou mayest be long - lived upon the land which the Lord thy God will give thee.” “Thou shalt not kill.” “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” “Thou shalt not steal.” “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” “Thou shalt not covet thy neigh- bor’s wife.” “Thou shalt not covet thy neigh- bor’s goods.” J The deck has 48 cards : 24 question cards with GREEN backs and 24 answer cards with RED backs. See last page for the design used on the back of each card. Complete rules for playing KWIZ are on page 23. Printed in U. S. A. Copyright 1941 Catechetical Guild 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . FIRST COMMANDMENT QUESTIONS 1. Who gave us the ten commandments ? 2. Why did God give us the ten commandments ? 3. Was the law which God gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai a new law? 4. How was the natural law given to man ? 5. Which commandments deal with our direct duties to- ward God? 6. How can all the commandments be summed up ? 7. How can we show our love of God ? 8. Who is our neighbor? 9. What is the first commandment ? 10. What does the first commandment bid us to do ? 11. How do we adore God? 12. How do we show adoration of God outwardly ? 13. Why must we adore God ? 14. How often must we pray? 15. How is it possible to pray always ? 16. Is the omission of morning and evening prayers sinful? 17. What does Christ say of those who profess faith in Him before men ? 18. What does Christ say of those who deny their faith be- fore men ? 19. How does one sin against faith? 20. How does one sin against hope? 21. How does one sin against love? 22. Does the first commandment forbid us to honor the saints ? 23. Does the first commandment forbid us to pray to the saints ? 24. Does the first commandment forbid us to venerate the images and relics of the saints? 3 FIRST COMMANDMENT ANSWERS 1. God gave the ten commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. 2. So that men would surely know the will of God. 3. No, this was a clear confirmation of the natural law of God. 4. It was implanted on man’s conscience. 5. The first three ; the last seven treat of duties toward our neighbor. 6. Jesus taught us to love God with our whole hearts and souls and our neighbor as ourselves. 7. By doing all to please Him, by offering acts of self-denial. 8. Every man is our neighbor. 9. ‘T am the Lord thy God: Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me.” 10. To adore the one, true God. 11. By acts of faith, hope and love. 12. By making offerings to Him and by works of self-sacrifice. 13. Because He made us and deserves all our love. 14. Our Lord said : ‘Tray always.” 15. By the morning offering which directs all our thoughts, words, and actions to the honor and glory of God. 16. Yes, venially sinful if such omission becomes regular practice. 17. “Whosoever shall confess Me before men, I will confess him before My Father who is in heaven.” 18. “Whosoever shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.” 19. By refusing to learn, believe, or profess what God has taught. 20. By presuming upon God’s infinite goodness, or by despairing of His infinite mercy. 21. By all sin, especially mortal sin, because then we prefer creatures to God. 22. No, because by honoring the saints we honor God who gave them the grace to become saints. 23. No, for in doing this we are but begging them to inter- cede to God for us. 24. No, because veneration is not worship. 4 SECOND COMMANDMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the second commandment ? 2. Is not that which the second commandment orders al- ready contained in the first commandment ? 3. What is the everlasting song of the angels in heaven ? 4. What does the second commandment encourage us to do ? 5. The expression “To take the name of God in vain” means what? 6. What does the second commandment forbid ? 7. Why do people who curse or misuse God’s name usually have a very poor vocabulary ? 8. What does the Bible say about misusing the name of God? 9. What words in the Our Father remind us of our duty to praise God’s name ? 10. Mention parts of the Divine Praises that remind us of our duty to keep the second commandment. 11. What is an oath? 12. When may we take an oath ? 13. Who exercises lawful temporal authority? 14. Who exercises lawful spiritual authority ? 15. What is necessary to make an oath lawful ? 16. What two conditions are necessary to constitute an oath? 17. An oath is permitted only under what three conditions ? 18. How does a solemn oath differ from a simple oath? 19. How does a person commit the sin of blasphemy ? 20. What does it mean to curse? 21. Why does cursing offend God? 22. What is profanity? 23. What is the reason for the existence of the Holy Name Society? 24. What is a vow and what obligation attaches to it ? 5 SECOND COMMANDMENT ANSWERS 1. “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain/' 2. Yes, the same God who demands our worship also re- quires that we speak reverently about Him. 3. A song of praise and adoration : “Holy, Holy, Holy." 4. To use God’s name in praise and prayer. 5. Using God’s name without just cause and due reverence 6. All false, rash, unjust and unnecessary oaths; blas- phemy, cursing and profane words. 7. Because they seem unable to express themselves without blasphemy or profanity. 8. “The Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord his God in vain.’’ 9. “Hallowed be Thy name.’’ 10. Blessed be God. Blessed be His holy name. Blessed be the name of Jesus. 11. An oath is calling upon God to witness the truth of what we say. 12. When lawful authority demands it; when God’s honor, our own or our neighbor’s good requires it. 13. Those acting for the State; judges, notaries public, etc. 14. Those acting for the Church—spiritual advisors and superiors. 15. What we swear to must be true, and we must have suf- ficient cause for taking an oath. 16. That we have the intention of calling upon God ; that we show this by some outward sign. 17. That it be founded on truth; that we have solid and good reasons; and to uphold justice. 18. A solemn oath is taken publicly, before lawful authority 19. By using insulting language about God or holy things. 20. Calling upon God to damn any of His creatures. 21. Because it is opposed to the purpose of Christ’s coming to save all mankind from hell. 22. Speaking irreverently about God or holy things. 23. To foster reverence for God’s holy name. 24. A vow is a deliberate and free promise made to God ; we are obliged to keep it under pain of sin. 6 THIRD COMMANDMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the third commandment ? 2. What does the word Sabbath mean ? 3. Before the coming of Christ, which day was kept as the Sabbath ? 4. Why did the Apostles keep holy the first day of the week? 5. What does the third commandment bind us to do ? 6. Why is it a strict obligation to assist at holy Mass ? 7. What is holy Mass ? 8. Are there any other means that we can use to worship God? 9. What must we do to participate in the holy Sacrifice of the Mass? 10. What are we to understand by bodily presence at Mass? 11. When are we responsibly or morally present at Mass? 12. What is meant by being present uninterruptedly at holy Mass? 13. The omission of how much of holy Mass is a venial sin? 14. Why is any or every omission up to the Offertory or after the Communion a venial sin ? 15. What does the Mass of the Faithful, which we are bound to hear under pain of mortal sin, include ? 16. What must be the nature of our attention at holy Mass to fulfill our obligation of hearing it ? 17. What does outward attention at Mass mean? 18. Where is the due, or proper, place to hear holy Mass ? 19. Under what circumstances may we be dispensed from hearing holy Mass on Sundays or holy days ? 20. Must we consult our pastor or confessor before we ab- sent ourselves from holy Mass? 21. What about reading on Sunday? 22. What does the third commandment forbid ? 23. What is meant by servile work ? 24. May we ever lawfully perform servile works on Sunday ? 7 THIRD COMMANDMENT ANSWERS 1. “Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day.” 2. Sabbath means rest. 3. Saturday, the last day of the week. 4. To recall Christ’s glorious resurrection on Sunday. 5. To assist at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. 6. Because the Mass is the Sacrifice that Jesus gave us for the perfect worship of God. 7. The unbloody Sacrifice of the Cross, renewed on the altar. 8. Yes, prayer and good works. 9. We must be bodily present and offer the Sacrifice in union with the priest. 10. (1) That we are in a fit condition, and (2) remain to the end. 11. When we are earnestly assisting at, and offering up, the holy Sacrifice. 12. That one be present when the priest comes to the altar and remain till he leaves the sanctuary. 13. Coming late up to the Offertory verse, or leaving after the Communion. 14. Because these prayers do not belong to the Sacrifice part of the Mass. 15. The action and prayers beginning with the Offertory verse and ending with the Postcommunion. 16. Besides the will to hear Mass, we must also have out- ward attention. 17. That we avoid doing anything to distract ourselves or others. 18. In a properly appointed church. 19. (1) Great inconvenience; (2) absolute necessity to work ; (3) being engaged in the service of our neighbor ; (4) in case of sickness. 20. Ordinarily, yes; under unusual circumstances we must conscientiously decide for ourselves. 21. We should devote some part of the day to Catholic litera- ture. 22. Servile work and any misuse of the Lord’s Day. 23. Servile work is that which requires labor of body rather than of mind. 24. Yes, a grave necessity may at times require such hard work. 8 FOURTH COMMANDMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the fourth commandment ? 2. What is especially noteworthy about the fourth com- mandment ? 3. What is the nature of the promise in the fourth com- mandment ? 4. Why should we honor, love, reverence and obey our parents ? 5. In what ways should we love our parents ? 6. How may we love our parents by thought ? 7. How may we love our parents by action ? 8. How may we outwardly love our parents ? 9. How should we love our parents in a spiritual way ? 10. In what ways may we revere our parents ? 11. How do we show that we are subject to our parents? 12. How do we manifest respect for our parents outwardly ? 13. To what extent must we obey our parents ? 14. Must parents be obeyed when their requests are unjust or unlawful ? 15. What is the chief duty of parents regarding the educa- tion of children ? 16. Do parents sin who interfere in their children’s choice of a vocation ? 17. How did our Lord teach us to respect the authority of parents ? 18. Are we bound to love and revere our parents after we leave home ? 19. What obligation does the fourth commandment impose upon parents ? 20. Does the fourth commandment bind parents to their obligation for life? 21. Are Catholic parents free to send their children to any school ? 22. Are we bound to obey others than our parents ? 23. Through whom does the Church exercise her authority ? 24. Through whom does the state exercise its authority ? 9 FOURTH COMMANDMENT ANSWERS 1. “Honor thy father and thy mother that thou mayest be long-lived upon the land which the Lord thy God will give thee/’ 2. It is the only commandment to which God attaches a promise. 3. Those who honor their parents shall reap the reward of a long life. 4. Because they have the responsibility for our temporal and spiritual well-being. 5. By thought and action. 6. By the respect and devotion we owe to them. 7. By ministering to their needs. 8. By showing that we are proud of them, and by support- ing them. 9. By praying for them while they live and after they die. 10. By showing our respect, affection and admiration for them. 11. By respecting the authority God has given them over us. 12. By obeying them wholeheartedly. 13. In everything just and lawful pertaining to our proper guidance while we are under their care. 14. No, and good parents would never think of asking their children to do anything wrong. 15. That children get a solid Christian education and know their religion. 16. Yes, for they interfere with God’s plans regarding these children. 17. St. Luke says : ‘^He went down to Nazareth and was sub- ject to them.” 18. Yes, we are bound for life. 19. They are obliged to love, educate, and care for their children. 20. No, ordinarily only until children reach man- or woman- hood. 21. No, wherever possible they must send them to a Catholic school. 22. Yes, we are bound to obey all who hold lawful authority. 23. Through the pope, bishops, and priests. 24. Through its duly elected officials and representatives. 10 FIFTH COMMANDMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the fifth commandment? 2. What is licensed by the fifth commandment ? 3. Why is the state permitted to execute criminals ? 4. Why is killing permitted in a just war? 5. Do we violate the fifth commandment if we kill another by accident ? 6. Why are we responsible for a death caused by our negli- gence ? 7. May we kill another in self-defense? 8. What qualifications attach to killing in self-defense? 9. May we help our neighbor if he is unjustly attacked? 10. What does the fifth commandment forbid? 11. Why does God forbid us to kill? 12. Does the fifth commandment apply only to the taking of life ? 13. Why must we never consent to the mutilation of our bodies? 14. To what extent are we obliged to preserve our lives and health ? 15. Which are some ordinary means of preserving life and health ? 16. Does the fifth commandment forbid the taking of one's own life? 17. Why is suicide a terrible sin? 18. Why does God forbid us to take our own lives ? 19. Are we permitted to kill animals ? 20. Why is it sinful to call others insulting and injurious names ? 21. What happens when a quarrel does not end peacefully? 22. Is sinful anger forbidden by the fifth commandment ? 23. What does Christ say of him who is angry with others ? 24. What does Christ say of him who calls others by insult- ing names? 11 FIFTH COMMANDMENT ANSWERS 1. 'Thou shalt not kill/’ 2. Execution of criminals, killing in a just war, or in self- defense. 3. To preserve the safety of its citizens and uphold justice. 4. The defense of our country requires it. 5. Yes, if it is due to negligence ; otherwise, no. 6. Because we are obliged to use care and moderation in all things. 7. We may repel force with force, for as we have a duty to preserve our lives, we have the corresponding right to use the necessary means. 8. We must not attack first, and we may not kill except as a last resort to preserve our own lives. 9. Yes, for the reason explained in Answer No. 7, and in the interests of charity and justice. 10. All willful murder and suicide, or whatever leads to these things. 11. Because He alone has supreme dominion over life and death. 12. No, it also demands that we preserve our lives and health. 13. Because this shows utter disregard for what belongs to God. 14. Only ordinary means are required. 15. Consulting a doctor, taking medicine, submitting to operations. 16. Yes, for this is the sin of suicide. 17. Because God forbids it and death usually comes before the sinner has time to repent. 18. Because God made us and our lives are subject to His will. 19. If God permits us to eat animals, surely it is also lawful for us to kill them for a good reason. 20. This violates charity and leads to quarreling and anger. 21. The usual results are a feeling of bitterness and a desire for revenge which may lead to murder. 22. All unjust anger is forbidden. 23. He “shall be in danger of the judgment.” 24. He “shall be in danger of the council,” deserving punish- ment. 12 SIXTH COMMANDMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the sixth commandment? 2. What does the sixth commandment enjoin? 3. Why must husband and wife remain faithful until death ? 4. How does St. Paul compare the relationship of husband and wife ? 5. How were unfaithful spouses punished in the Old Testa- ment? 6. Does the sixth commandment concern only married per- sons? 7. What does the sixth commandment teach ? 8. What did Our Lord say about impure persons ? 9. Why should we take care not to defile our bodies ? 10. What is modesty in dress? 11. Name two youthful saints who are models of purity. 12. When is the best time to resist the evil of impurity? 13. What aids can we employ to protect our purity? 14. Since idleness is the devihs workshop, how can we keep busy? 15. What about immoderate drinking ? 16. What does Christ say about looking at things which lead to sin ? 17. What does the word scandalize mean ? 18. How does impurity lead to spiritual blindness ? 19. What is a good method of recreation for our bodies ? 20. Name some good methods of recreation for our minds. 21. What are some of the results of impurity? 22. How shall we safeguard our purity ? 23. What should we do in doubt or in trouble ? 24. Of what should we be ever mindful ? 13 SIXTH COMMANDMENT ANSWERS 1. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” 2. That husband and wife must remain faithful to each other. 3. Because “What God hath joined together let no man put asunder.” 4. To the union of Christ and the Church. 5. They were stoned to death. 6. No, it commands everyone to be pure in thought, word and action. 7. That our bodies are holy and should not be defiled. 8. He said that impure persons shall not enter the King- dom of Heaven. 9. Our bodies are temples of God. 10. Decently and appropriately covering the body. 11. St. Aloysius, St. Agnes. 12. At the beginning of temptation. 13. Keeping busy, dressing modestly, avoiding bad books and pictures, receiving the Sacraments frequently. 14. By spending our time in work and play, in study and prayer. 15. It weakens the will and opens the door to impurity. 16. “If thine eye scandalize thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee.” 17. Scandalum is the Latin word for anything that causes one to stumble or fall. 18. God has said that only the pure in heart can see Him 19. Vigorous, outdoor exercise. 20. Reading only the best books and magazines, patronizing only the best movies, associating with only the best com- pany. 21. Loss of innocence, shame, a soul mortally corrupted by sin. 22. Fly the occasions of impurity, practice mortification, receive holy Communion frequently. 23. Clear the doubt by seeking the advice of our spiritual advisor ; pray to the Blessed Virgin. 24. Of the presence of God. 14 SEVENTH COMMANDMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the seventh commandment? 2. What does the seventh commandment expressly forbid ? 3. What does the seventh commandment demand ? 4. Why is it wrong to steal ? 5. Does the word steal refer only to what one takes unlaw- fully? 6. Does robbery come under the sin of theft ? 7. Why is robbery a greater sin than theft ? 8. Why does the seventh commandment use the term steal? 9. In a robbery, how guilty is an accomplice ? 10. Is the desire to rob or steal a sin ? 11. Would a desire to steal, wilfully consented to, be a mortal sin? 12. What virtue does the sin of theft oppose ? 13. Must one restore what he has stolen ? 14. Must one restore the very thing itself which he has stolen ? 15. When should one give back, or make good, what he has stolen? 16. In the absence of the owner, to whom should stolen goods be returned? 17. Is cheating wrong? 18. Why is cheating sinful? 19. Is it a sin to charge interest on money loaned ? 20. What are those who charge unreasonable, or exorbitant, rates of interest called? 21. Is usury, or unjust charging of interest on money loaned, a grave sin ? 22. Are we obliged to repair damages caused by our care- lessness? 23. Must we make good the damage we cause purely by accident ? 24. What should we do when we accidentally destroy some- thing ? 15 SEVENTH COMMANDMENT ANSWERS 1. ‘Thou shalt not steal.” 2. Theft. 3. That we give to everyone his due. 4. Because God has forbidden us to take unjustly what belongs to another. 5. No, it also refers to possessing the goods of another without his knowledge or consent. 6. Yes, but it is a greater sin. 7. Because a robber not only steals something from another but also uses or threatens violence. 8. Because the term is more general. 9. Usually, he is equally guilty. 10. Only if one takes pleasure in and consents to such desires. 11. Yes, if the thing we wanted to steal were of great value. 12. The virtue of justice. 13. Yes, justice demands restitution. 14. If possible, yes ; otherwise something of equal value. 15. As soon as possible. 16. To his heirs, or, if they cannot be found, to charity. 17. Being dishonest, it is a sin. 18. It is an unjust means of enriching or advancing oneself. 19. No, provided a just rate of interest is charged. 20. Usurers. 21. Yes, and it demands restitution. 22. Yes, we must make up for any damage or for things destroyed. 23. No, especially if there was no negligence on our part. 24. Ask ourselves how we would like to be treated if we suf- fered the damage ; then act accordingly. 16 I EIGHTH COMMANDMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the eighth commandment ? 2. What does “bear false witness” mean ? 3. What does the eighth commandment expressly forbid ? 4. The words of a man under oath to speak the truth bear great weight. Why ? 5. Why must a judge accept the testimony of sworn wit- nesses? 6. Why is swearing falsely such a serious offense? 7. What Gospel story illustrates the right attitude toward our neighbor ? 8. What did the Good Samaritan do ? 9. Did the Good Samaritan know the man to whom he min- istered ? 10. Is it wrong to give false witness against an enemy? 11. Is it wrong for a man to give false witness against him- self? 12. Does the eighth commandment forbid false witness in favor of a neighbor ? 13. What is false witness or testimony in court called? 14. Does the eighth commandment forbid only perjury? 15. Is an imaginary or “made up” story a lie? 16. Is it wrong to keep back part of the truth? 17. What is a mental reservation? 18. Besides lying, what else does the eighth commandment forbid ? 19. What does rash judgment mean? 20. What did our Lord say about judging rashly? 21. What does backbiting or detraction mean ? 22. Do those sin who listen to false and unkind talk about others ? 23. What must he do who has injured his neighbor by lying? 24. What duties does the eighth commandment impose upon us? 17 EIGHTH COMMANDMENT ANSWERS 1. ‘‘Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” 2. To say something untrue of anyone, for or against him, in court or elsewhere. 3. False testimony given under oath in a court of justice. 4. Because such a one calls upon God to witness the truth of his testimony. 5. Because such people solemnly promise, as God is their judge, to speak the truth. 6. Because we ask God, the Supreme Truth, to witness our untruth. 7. The story of the Good Samaritan. 8. He took care of the man who had been beaten by robbers. 9. No, they were total strangers. 10. Yes, the word neighbor includes all fellow-men. 11. Yes, for that is against truth. 12. Yes, for the end (helping another) can never justify the means (telling a lie). 13. Perjury, or swearing falsely. 14. No, it forbids all untruth. 15. Not if the hearers clearly understand that it is told only in fun. 16. No, there are times when we can make use of mental reservation. 17. It is a true statement which can be understood in an- other sense. 18. All rash judgments, backbiting and speaking falsely of others. 19. Judging another without sufficient information. 20. ‘‘Judge not, and you shall not be judged.” 21. Speaking about our neighbor’s faults without good reason. 22. Yes, if they listen willingly; but those who show their displeasure are excused from all sin. 23. He must repent, acknowledge the lie, and do what he can to repair the injury. 24. To speak the truth and preserve the honor and good name of others. 18 NINTH COMMANDMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the ninth commandment? 2. What does the word covet mean ? 3. Why must we not unjustly desire what belongs to an- other ? 4. Why did God give us the ninth commandment ? 5. What does the ninth commandment expressly forbid ? 6. Are impure thoughts and desires sinful ? 7. May any benefits come from impure thoughts and de- sires ? 8. Why must we continually guard our thoughts ? 9. What does St. James say about overcoming temptations ? 10. Why must the ninth commandment forbid unchaste de- sires ? 11. What does Scripture say of wicked thoughts? 12. What did the saints do to avoid bad thoughts ? 13. The ninth commandment is the extension of what other commandment ? 14. How does civil law deal with impurity? 15. Name the chief causes of impure thoughts and desires 16. How does original sin account for impure temptations ? 17. Why should we never become discouraged when we are tempted:? 18. What thought helped St. Paul to overcome temptation ? 19. What does St. Paul say about mortification? 20. How does mortification help conquer impurity ? 21. Why does the Church put such stress on purity? 22. What bodily occupations help us avoid bad thoughts ? 23. Who is the Lily of Purity ? 24. What reward did our Lord promise to the pure ? 19 NINTH COMMANDMENT ANSWERS 1. “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife." 2. To desire unlawfully what belongs to another. 3. Because we have no right to what another possesses. 4. God wills not only external purity, but also that of the heart. 5. All unchaste thoughts and desires. 6. No, not unless we wilfully consent to them. 7. Conquering them proves our love of God and is a source of merit. 8. Because sin begins in our minds. 9. “Blessed is the man that endures temptation; he shall receive the crown of life." 10. If unchaste desires were lawful, then unchaste actions would likewise become lawful. 11. “Evil thoughts are an abomination to the Lord." 12. They practiced mortification. 13. The sixth, which forbids impure actions. 14. It forbids only outward impurity while God also forbids sins of the mind. 15. Gluttony, drunkenness, intemperance, idleness, bad com- pany, neglect of prayer. 16. Original sin darkened our understanding and weakened our will. 17. Because God promises us enough grace to overcome temptation. 18. “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me." 19. “If by the spirit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall have life." 20. By denying ourselves lawful desires, we strengthen our wills against unlawful ones. 21. As our Mother she is bound to remind us of this angelic virtue. 22. Study and work, healthful exercise and wholesome en- tertainment. 23. Our Blessed Mother. 24. “Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God." 20 TENTH COMMANDMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the tenth commandment? 2. What does the word covet mean in the tenth command- ment ? 3. What vices does coveting our neighbor’s goods include ? 4. Why may we not covet our neighbor’s goods ? 5. May we lawfully desire to possess worldly goods ? 6. What two great virtues are rooted in the tenth com- mandment ? 7. How did St. Paul teach observance of the tenth com- mandment ? 8. How does the tenth commandment supplement the seventh ? 9. Why should we rejoice at another’s prosperity? 10. Why are we forbidden to covet our neighbor’s goods ? 11. Can we ever lawfully desire our neighbor’s goods? 12. What does the tenth commandment expressly forbid? 13. How did Judas demonstrate covetousness? 14. What is included in our neighbor’s “goods” ? 15. Is it wrong to want good things? 16. Is it a sin for a man to want to be rich ? 17. Mention some things you would do if you had a million dollars. 18. What would you do if you had $1,000 and no obligations? 19. What would you do if you had $100 and no obligations ? 20. What are you doing with the money you now have ? 21. What obligations have employers? 22. What obligations have employees ? 23. Recite the beatitude that promises a reward to those who observe the tenth commandment. 24. What does it mean to be poor in spirit ? 21 TENTH COMMANDMENT ANSWERS 1. “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.” 2. To desire unlawfully the goods of our neighbor. 3. Jealousy and envy. 4. Because he alone exercises lawful ownership over his possessions. 5. Yes, provided we strive honestly to better our condition. 6. Charity and justice. 7. In his words, “Charity envieth not.” 8. The tenth forbids the desire to steal ; the seventh forbids the act. 9. Because we are all members of the Mystical Body of which Christ is the Head. 10. If it were lawful to covet our neighbor’s goods, then the unjust possession of them would likewise become lawful 11. Yes, if with the owner’s consent we are willing to pay a just price. 12. All envious thoughts and unjust desires to possess what belongs to our neighbor. 13. His love of money caused him to betray Christ. 14. Wealth, power, rank, success, glory, fame, influence, position in life. 15. Not if we desire to earn them honestly and to use them well. 16. No, not unless money is wanted for its own sake. 17. Endow a seminary or an orphanage. Build a hospital for the poor. 18. Give a tenth to my pastor for the church or school. 19. Give a tenth to charity. 20. (You answer.) 21. To pay just wages, provide for the physical and moral safety of their employees, etc. 22. To perform their work properly and honestly. 23. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. 24. Not to set our hearts upon worldly goods. 22 The COMBINATION of this book with the KWIZ Game on the Commandments, makes an ideal teaching aid. The value of these games is apparent from the simple rules. Other methods of playing can be devised. Rules for Playing IMPORTANT: The numbers 1 to 10 on the margin of each card show the TEN different Chapters into which the 240 questions and answers are divided. In this way EACH of the Ten Chapters has 24 Green question cards and 24 Red answer cards. One Chapter is played at a time, using ALL the cards in 1-2-3 rotation. 1. Three, four, six or eight can play. For an equal division of Green and Red cards, each color should be dealt separately. Each player arranges his Green cards in 1-2-3 rotation; so also the Red cards. The cards remain on table with color side up. 2. Holder of Green 1 turns his card and reads the first question. This is a challenge to the holder of Red 1 to give the answer without looking on his' card. To prove correctness of answer, Red 1 then reads the first answer as printed on his card. 3. If the players are satisfied with the answer given by Red 1, then he wins two cards', his own Red card and Green 1 which has the question. He places these aside as counters for two points won. 4. If the answer does not satisfy the players, but is partly right, then Red 1 wins his own card. The player who asked the question wins Green 1. If the answer is entirely wrong, or none is given, then both cards are won by the player who asked the question. 5. When it happens that a player has a Green and a Red card of the same number it means that he himself must answer the ques- tion he asks. A correct answer gives him both cards as counters. If partly correct he gets one card, while the other is placed on the box as not to be counted. If wrong, then both cards go to the box. 6. Holder of Green 2 now asks the first question on his card to be answered by Red 2 as before. When all the first questions and answers on the 48 cards have been played the first chapter is finished. Players now count the cards they have won and score is noted. 7. To play the second chapter the colors are separated and dealt as in Rule 1. This time Green 1 asks the second question on his card which calls for the second answer on Red 1. So on for the ten chap- ters. The game can close with any chapter. The holder of the highest score is the winner. NOTE: Players should remember that a correct answer need not employ the very words on the card. The correct idea can often be expressed in different words. Players should be encouraged to use their own words. When possible it is well to have an onlooker act as Umpire. There is Pleasure in Study when KWIZ Games are used Besides the Commandments, KWIZ Games may be had on the Sacraments, the Creed, and the Liturgy. Another game, played like Authors, is available on the Saints. Games are 50 cents each, or five for $2.25. CATECHETICAL GUILD Publishers of Religion Teaching Aids Saint Paul, Minnesota