^~jchr\C^- The ]> I'vl tf\e. clv^OLi^PS A DT 8 M 50 DATE DUE/^,'iu^ j fwe-fm OVERmE ^0 r- rs - 1 ^#R=©h¥=PER \ <^j- O'"' / jal}^ \ 1 i 1 •* GAYLORD PRINTED IN U.S « Tt THE DIVINE DRAMA tr Rev. John C. McCarthy Holy Redeemer Church, Ennis, Texas, 1st Edition, 1942 10,000 All rights reserved Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration Clyde, Missouri 'T' HE object of this composition is to encourage souls to penetrate into the “hidden mystery of Christ’s Love” — the Holy Eucharist, and thus to provide a devotional meditation on the work of our Redemption, which, as St. Thomas • says, ‘is renewed each time the Mass is offered.’ The poem is intended to convey, in metrical garb, the hidden lore of Holy Writ and the doctrine of the Real Presence,, with a minor reference to the other ‘fountains of sal- vation.’ ; While the books of Sacred Scripture and various tracts on theology were the principal sources, the works of Father Faber also furnished inspiration. The metre was Suggested by Dante’s Divine Comedy. To accommodate the poem to the methods of hymnology, the stanza form was used, rather than the unbroken succession of blank verse lines of an irregular length and form. Since the number seven is considered a mystical number in theology, and the sacraments, centering about the Holy Eucharist, are seven, this number of lines was given to each stanza. The five metrical feet or beats to each line pay tribute to the Five Holy Wounds of our Crucified Savior. IV P reface ^^HIS labor of love is directed to the honor of Jesus in the Blessed Sacra- ment. In the Divine Gift He dwells, a living Fountain of grace for pilgrims on earth. He is the Source of consolation to the suffering souls in purgatory, and of joy to the elect in paradise. Upon the Cross our holy Redeemer merited all grace and won for mankind an inexhaustible treasury of merits. Through the Mass and the other vases of His Precious Bloody— the sacraments— • He has designed our greater sharing in the fruits of His Redemption. In His greatest Gift, the Holy Eucha- rist, the love and grace of Christ are found as in their Source. Herein abides the very Author of life and grace Himself. He chose a silence so deep in the Eucharist, it would seem, that He might offer us a strong challenge of faith, and yet speak to our hearts in the language of His love. V For, as On a calm clear night the heavens seem nearer and pulsing with life, so in the Eucharistic, calm the clear light of faith reveals Him in the nearness of those Divine pulsations of His mighty, still so tender, love. The same. Divine and human charity which was revealed at Bethlehem and mani- fested in the humiliations of Calvary, is here. Realizing that we find all in the Blessed Sacrament, Rev. Father Lukas Etlin often exclaimed. Behold the Sacred Host, — It is the Ocean into ivhich all Go(Ts gifts of grace and mercy ftoiv. VI roem 'T' HE Mediator of the New Covenant of grace and charity perpetuates His greatest act of charity for His Mystical Body in a mystical manner. The Mass is, therefore, called a commemoration of Him, .because it is offered together with and by the united acts of His Mystical Body. As the members of that Body, of which Christ is the Head, we are called by the gift of the true faith to be participants in the Mystery of Faith. In the homage of the Blessed Sacrament, we are conformed to the image of His death and risen life. For we have, through the grace of Christ, a mystical death and resurrection, in order that by our worshipful remem- brance of the Memorial of His Passion, we may die the more to self, and live the more to Him, who is our life. And He who strengthens the life of grace that sanctifies the members of His Mystical Body, abides with us. In His true life, communicated to souls, the hope of glory is increased. For in Him, “Behold what manner of love the Father has be- stowed upon us, that we should be called children of God; and such we are” (1 John iii. 1). VII Christ, Our Mediator on the Cross and in the Host Tke Divtne IDrama Tlie King of landonment, en tree of life tfiat ricfiest harvest here priceless treasure for our ransoming^ Envisaged centuries and places far And in deep throhhing ardors ofHis as comforted in souls so sore redeemed) o through the A/tass such love commem = orate. low His prophetic vision is fulfill’d ith slow unfolding of the Christian years^ As captives of Love’s purchasing increase Lihe trophies from its victory foreseen Through vista of the ages there embrac’d And gathered in those other Cenacles lere wealth of heavenly Croesus is dis= pensed. Consider then the work of Love Divine Recalling what the sacring hell declares. In that transcending A/|ystery of Faitfi I And drama cf tlic sacrificial acts Of turning furnace c f tlic Sacred Heart, Enactinq tfiere fulfilment cf desire That sculs may stare tfie mere in LifeDivine. Ttrcugli eyes cf faitfi teficld tfiis Alystery Enacted ty tfie King s cvvn whispered werds, VCTiicli, treatfied upen the gifts cf tread and \Wne, Fulfil a wendreus ccurse cf miracles Mere svvik\y tilan the fingers sweep a harp, Tc strilce a tarmeny that is unite Witt tte angelic sanctus heard cn high. Fcr here the selfsame Persen of tlic Word Wlio in the incarnatien’s tlessed tcur, ^X^en night divine crewn’d d)ing day with stars Came dewn frem heaven and His rcyal throne. Doth change the substances cf tread and wine Into His very Body and His Blood TLt worl: of our redemption tc renewed. 2 By twoscdgecl sword of consecration’s words Tf>e spectacle of Calvary is proclaimed^ Diffusing merits from tliat holocaust Through this supreme renewal whence they come Unto those souls more richly^ who in faith Draw nigh unto the thrice alUholy place To he renewed in spirit in Christ’s love. How great the inspiration unto prayer There opened in the elevation’s act; ^K^here souls, as did Zacheus once of old Amidst the branches of the sycamore. Lift up their eyes to catch a fleeting glimpse And in this humble vision of their faith Pay homage unto their Salvation here. ’Tis culmination of God’s secret ways In coronation of immortal power, Sublimest wisdom and redeeming love \^hich manifests Omnipotence in bonds, Whose wise concealment guards the gift of faith. The substance of those things to be hoped for And evidence of things appearing not. 3 To praisC; to reverence and to serve our God were unto this eartlily tenure sent; But ne’er tlie sum of all just acts compares ^^itfi tfiis one act of faitfi in worsfiip giv’n Tfirougfiout tfie sacred Canon of tfie A/|ass \^itfi wfiicfi true hope and charity is join’d Through union with the spotless Victim here. Though all the hosts of heaven he unite In honor of the Blessed Trinity; • And at their head Christ’s Virgin= other come Surrounded with anqelic hierarchies Fast followed hy that saintly retinue; Their sum of glorious worship ne’er could reach The worth empyreal of a single A/|ass. For King of meekness as a Lamh here dwells V/ith eloquence of speechless helplessness P ropitiating still the Sovereign Good; And with such grace enriches fervent souls Where all tL kindness of their Savior waitS; That grand prerogative of mercy seems To compromise Flis royal dignity. 4 Celestial grace rills fortli abundantly And God’s dominion is acknowledged stilly As Love implores tbe ligfit and peace of beav’n In impetration for our every need, ^^hilst steadfast hope of future life redounds From Fiim wfio liolds witfiin Flis band all power True greatness and tfie empire of all things. A new and living way witfiin the veil Of the eternal tabernacle shown, Vet corporal vision ne’er can penetrate Llnto those mysteries of Charity Through which bright pearl Flo is reveal’d to faith, 10 dwells here unto mortal eyes unseen applying glorious riches of Flis grace. ^ ^^hat fertile power perennial emanates From out these silences of Love Divine, ^?(^hich strongly draws the soul into the depths 5 Of everlasting tenderness, wliose clioice, By grace’s calling unrepentantly. Shall Iead it through this vale of banishment LInto the vision o f the Trinity. Lo! Christ, true God and man, so mutely dwells Thy King, who cometh to thee lowly, meek, Our only Mediator, peacefully Upon th is covenanted A/|orcy=seat, Compassionating each soul tenderly And staying blaze of glory to be met In dazzling splendor of the great Assize. Tfere Uo a bides with majesty concealed In might of Love’s redeeming energy. And as the heavens high above the earth Or depths of ocean far beneath our feet So is ITis mercy quite beyond our ken. That Iives and beats within that pierced Heart Whence ran the crimson fides o f Precious Blood. 6 Sucfi condescension nigh unutterable Is an abyss of glory unto God; Where grace in an exiiaustless torrent wells From out unmeasur’d depths beneficent; And with unwearied equanimity Reveals in wondrous vision unto faith The gra ndest; mightiest work of alUwise Love. How beautiful thy tabernacles are O Jacob; and thy tentS; O Israel; ^Vhere dwells the glorious Fountainhead of grace That maketh glad the city of our God; Through those inebriating tides that flow And rise majestically to widen far From ocean of the Uncreated grace. Ought not our hearts here open as the flowers Before their King in hidden loveliness; X^here dwells the Hoart which has so lov’d all men And for tfieir sabes in cfiarity abides, 7 JU would in West response to His- designs Envelop tliere tlie sanguine souls of all; Increasing twofold tlieir l>catitude. Upon tlie altars o f tk is Covenant He is salvation to the faithful soul; ^!S(/^hicli neither Cheruhim nor Seraphim Can fully understand or comprehend; Though Ood regards with true complacency All those who shall direct attention liege ^X^ith contrite hearts unto its Victim King. forethought of so deathlessAh! wondrous Toretnoug love Bequeathed in lavish legacy of One V^hose Bloody Death is represented now With all the gathered store of its effects And dispensation of vast merits won; By that tremendous Ransom gladly paid That souls may he enfranchised ever more. Here Kingly virtue in omnipotence Ohlate in immolation mystical Perpetuating state of sacrifice^ 8 Dotli veil its glory in abasement grand Unto annihilation’s seeming verge^ Through fondest yielding of immortal life Unto the acts of consecration’s power. Eorth has no scales to measure love so great ^/hich every trembling balance would escape Save only one^ His H<2^art so sensitive^ Each beat of which the Father glorifies In zeal of justice for the sovereign Oood^ And pulses with such love for sinful man That here indeed he finds the AAercy Seat. As signet=ring with which the Almighty seal’d Elis promise to the remnant of our clay \JEhich shrank before Elim to remotest time^ Once burst an arch of wondrous radiance forth To span the vauIted skies with peaceful scroll; There shone a presage that is here fulfill’d In Ark of Covenant which cannot fail. 9 Fair Arl< of tL Divine fidelity Proclaiming clear tfie amnesty of H<^