(or the 1easts o,Ourfcrd PART II - CCNptU Christi to Advent ltreaaure-ltrovea from tbe 1tturg\? Gems from the Liturgy for the Feasts of Our Lord PART I - Advent to Pentecost Liturgical prayers and Scriptural texts pro~ viding material for considerations and novenas in preparation for the feasts of Our Lord during the first half of the Ecclesiastical year. Con~ tents includes : Advent season, Christmas, Cir~ cumcision, Most Holy Name of Jesus, Epiphany, Feast of the Holy Family, Presentation, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Finding of the Holy Cross and Ascension. You will waut thi15 companion booklet to PART II to complete your series of feasts for the Church year. Price 15¢. Liturgical Novenas and Triduums for All the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin A splendid booklet to use in conjunc- tion with "Gems," for it is a spiritual axiom that the soul can be closely united with Jesus only if it cultivates union at the feet of Mary,' its Heavenly Mother and the Mediatrix of all graces. A complete series of liturgical novenas and triduums for all of Mary's feasts, explanation of entire con- secration in the spirit · of DeMontfort, act of consecration, and beautiful indulgenced prayers. 128 pages. 15¢. ' Reduction for quantities. Postage e:..-tra. Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration Clyde, Missouri Gems fr9m the Liturgy For the Feasts of Our Lord (Part II - Pentecost to Advent) By Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, Divine Word Father Imprimi potest: Franciscus Humel, S.V.D. Superior Provincialis Nihil Obstat >1< Stephanus Schappler, 9.S.B. Abbas Coadjutor 1m. Conception is Imprimatur + Carolus Hubertus .Le Blond Episcopus Sancti .J osephi 1st Edition, April, 1945 20,000 AU rights reserved Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration Clyde, Missouri "The Sacred Writers a re a ble to instruct thee unto salvation by tile faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproving, ror correcting, for instructing in justicej that the man .or God may be perfect for every good work " (2 Tim. iii. 15-17). DeacldlRed List of Abbreviations OLD TESTAMENT Genesis Gen. Exodus Exod. Deuteronomy Deut. Paralipomenon Para. Psalms Ps. Wisdom Wis. Isaias Isa. Jeremias Jer. Daniel Dan. Joel Joel Micheas Mich. Habacuc Habac. Zacharias Zach. NEW TESTAMENT Matthew Apocalypse Matt. Apoc. (St. John) (St. Paul's Epistles) Romans ' Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians Hebrews Roman Missal Rom. Cor. Gal. Eph. Phil. Col. Heb. R. Miss. Roman Breviary R. Brev. 4 Gems from the Liturgy for the Feasts of Our Lord Time after Pentecost Pentecost Novena begins the day after Ascension Thnrsday The visible "sending" of the Holy Spirit, Which is the 'special object of the solemnity of Pentecost, belongs to Jesus in His Divine nature (as it belongs also to the Father), and on this account it enters into the cycle of His feasts . Christ Jesus prayed for this mission. He said to His disciples at the Last Supper : "I will ask the Father and He will give you another Ad- vocate to dwell with you forever" (John xiv. 16). He promised to send this Consoler. "When . the Advocate has come, whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who pro- ceeds from the Father, He will bear witness concerning Me... If I go, I will send Him to 5 you" (John. xv. 26; xvi. 7). Jesus, moreover, merited this mission. By His prayer, as by His Sacrifice on the Cross, He obtained from the. Father that the Holy Spirit should be given to us. Finally, the sending of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles has 'no other end than to achieve the establishment of the Church. Jesus had founded this Church upon Peter, but He left to the Holy Spirit the care of bringing it to per~ fection. The corning of this Spirit was to serve for the glorification of Jesus, for He would fill the Apostles with power whereby they should render testimony to Jesus everywhere. It is because this mission of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles truly belongs to Our Lord that St. Paul calls the Holy Spirit "the Spirit of Christ," "the Spirit of Jesus." It is from the gift of love from the Father to the Son and from the Son to the Father, that the Holy Spirit - the Third Person - pro~ ceeds, thus completing the Divine life in God. For this reason Holy Church specially attributes to Him all the works of grace and sanctification. The work of the Holy Spirit, in the Church as in souls, is to lead to its end and perfection all striving for holiness. Pentecost is to be re~ newed in our souls. Each increase of grace is like a new taking possession of our souls by the Holy Spirit, a new embrace of love. As a Divine Guest full of love and kindness He comes to dwell within us. He remains in ' our souls as in His temple, to help, strengthen and sanctify us. He will leave us only If we have 6 the misfortune to drive Him from our souls by mortal sin. But if we , let ourselves be guided by Him, He will make Jesus reign in us and form Jesus in us by the gentle action of His grace, for Our Lord said" ··He will glorify Me because He shall receive of what is Mine, and declare it to you" (John xvi. 14). The Novena for Pentecost is the first and most venerable of all novenas. It was instituted by our Divine Lord Himself: ·'But wait here in the city, until you are Clothed with power from on high" (Luke xxiv. 49). If was made, out of obedience, by Christ"s own dear Mother, the Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Pope Leo XIII officially decreed an annual Novena before Pentecost in his encyclical on the Holy Ghost, ·'Divinum IIIud,'· of May 9, 1897. Indulgences Those who make a private novena in honor of the Holy Spirit, either before Pentecost or at any other time of the year, may gain: ' An indulgence of 7 years once on each day of the novena; a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions at the close of the novena. (Where a public novena is held preceding Pente· cost, only those lawfully impeded from taking part may gain the indulgences for a private novena. ("Preces et Pia Opera," 263.) But I speak the truth to YOu; it is ex- pedient for you that I depart. For if I do not ~o, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. (John xvI. 7.) 7 Come, Tholl the Sanctihei') G od al= mighty and everlasting, and bless tllis Sacri= fice prepared to Thy holy name. ,1 _ :·\jf", (Offertory of the Mass.) Spirit of God (Friday) Thus said the Lord God: I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. (Joel ii. 28.) Prayer We beseech Thee, 0 Lord, mercifully pour into our souls Thy Holy Spirit, by whose wisdom we were created and by whose providence we are governed. Sequence - "Veni. Sancte Sphitus" Holy Spirit. come and shine On our souls with beams Divine Issuing from o Thy radiance brighL Come, 0 Father of the poor, Ever bounteous of Thy store, Come, 0 our heart's unfailing light. Come, Consoler, kindest, best, Come, our bosom's dearest guest, Sweet refreshment, sweet repose. Rest in labor, coolness sweet. Tempering the burning heat, Truest comfort of our woes. o divinest light, impart Unto every faithful heart Plenteous streams from Love's bright flood . But for Thy blest Deity, Nothing pure in man could be; o. , Nothing harmless, nothing good. 9 Wash · away each sinful stain; Gently shed Thy gracious rain On the dry and fruitless soul. Heal out wounds and bend each will, Warm our hearts, benumbed and chill, All our wayward steps control. . Unto all Thy faithful just, Who in Thee confide and trust, Deign the sevenfold gift to send. Grant us virtue's blest increase, Grant a, death of hope and peace, Grant the joys that never end. Amen. Ind. of 5 years. (Preces et Pia Opera, 261.) Repeat each dsy of the N ovens. Glorifying Gift (Saturday) Receive the most sweet gift which shall be your glory, giving thanks to God , who has called you to the lleavenly kingdom. Prayer Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty and merciful God, that the Holy Spirit, coming to us, may make us the temple of His glory. Source of Divine Life (Sunday) A li:).en , amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God . That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John iii. 5.) 10 Prayer Grant, we beseech Thee, 0 almighty God, that the brightness of Thy glory may shine forth upon us, and that the light of Thy light, by the illumination of the Holy Ghost, may confirm the hearts of those who have been born again by Thy grace. Fountain of Grace (Monday ) Jesus stood and cried out, sayin g, "If anyone thirst, let him come to Me a nd drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture says, 'From within him there shall flow rivers of living water.''' He said this, however, of the Spirit whom they who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit had not ' yet been given, seeing that Jesus had not yet been glorified. (John vii. 37~39.) Prayer Grant, ':Ve beseech Thee, 0 almighty God, that we who celebrate the solemn feast of the gift of the Holy Ghost, being inflamed with heavenly desires, may thirst after the fountain of life. Indwelling Advocate (Tuesday) I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate to dwell with you forever, the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him 11 nor knows Him. But you shall know Him, because He will dwell with you, and be in you. (John xiv. 16-18.) Prayer Grant, we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, that the power of the Holy Spirit may abide in us; may it mercifully cleanse our hearts and defend us from lill dan ger. Divine Light (Wedn·esday) These things I have spoken to you while yet dwelling with you. But the Ad- vocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the · Father . will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your mind what- ever I have said to you. (John xiv. 25-26.) Prayer Sanctify, we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, the gifts which we offer Thee, and cleanse our hearts by the light of the Holy Spirit. Spirit of Truth . (Thursday) Many things yet I have to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will teach you all the truth. . For He · will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He will hear He will speak, and the things that are to come He will declare to ,you. He will glorify Me, because He will receive 12 of what is Mine and declare it to you. (John xvi. 12-14.) Prayer May the holy Comforter, who proceeds from Thee, enlighten our minds, we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, and lead us into all truth, even as Thy Son has promised. Fire of Love (Friday) The charity of God is poured forth in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. (Rom. v. 5.) . Come, 0 Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love; (R. MiSS.) Prayer May the Holy Spirit, we beseech Thee, o Lord, kindle in ~s that same fire which our Lord Jesus Christ sent down upon earth, earnestly desiring that it should burn mightily. "Parted Tongues as of Fire" (Saturday) And when the days of Pentecost were drawing to a close,. they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a violent wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues as of fire, which set- tled upon each of them. And they were 13 all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues, even as the Holy Spirit prompted them to speak. (Acts ii. 1~4.) Prayer o God, who didst send the Holy Spirit Lo Thy Apostles, who were united in prayer with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, grant us that, protected by the same Mother of ours and Queen of the Apostles, we may be made worthy Lo serve Thy Divine Majesty faithfully and proclaim Thy glory by word and example. ° King of Glory, Lord of Hosts, who hast mounted in triumph above all the heavens, leave us not orphans; but send to us the Promise of the Father, the Spirit of truth. (R. Brev.) Hynul - "Veni Creator Spiritus" Creator-Spirit, all Divine. Come, visit every soul of Thine, And fill with Thy celestial flame The hearts which Thou Thyself didst frame. ,0 Gift of God, Thine is the sweet Consoling name of Paraclete - And spring of life and ' fire and love And unction flowing from above. The mystic . sevenfold gifts are Thine. Finger of God's right hand Divine; The Father's promise sent to teach 'rhe tongue a rich and heavenly speech. ]4 Kindle with fire brought from above E a ch sense, and fill our hearts with love ; And grant our flesh, so weak and frail, The strength of Thine which cannot fail. Drive far away our deadly foe, And grant us Thy true peace to k'now; So we, led by Thy guidance still, May safely pass through every ,iii. . To us, through Thee, the grace be shown , '1'0 know the Father and the Son; And Spirit of Them both, may we }<'orever rest our faith in Thee. To Father and Son be praises meet, . And to the Holy Paraclete; And may Christ send us from above That Holy Spirit's gift of love. Amen. v. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created; R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Prayer o God, who didst teach the hearts of Thy faithful people by sending them the light of Thy Holy Spirit, grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgment in all things, and ever,more to rejoice in His holy comfort. Through Christ our Lord. Amen . . Ind. ' of 5 years. ("Preces et Pia Opera, " :,2'6 2. ) 15 Trinity Sunday TriduUDl, Thursday after Pentecost Feast, Sunday following Pentecost . The fundamental truth on which everything in the Christian religion rests is the dogma of the Holy Trinity, from whom all comes and to whom all must return. During the course of the liturgical year, beginning with Advent, Holy Church has called to our minds in order, God the Father, Author of creation. God the Son, Author of redemption and God the Holy Ghost, Author of our sanctification. On this feast the Church summarizes the great mystery by which we acknowledge and adore the Unity of Nature and Trinity of Persons in Almighty God. The Father is our first beginning, the Source of all life. The Son (the Word) and the Holy Spirit proceed from Him, and all creation comes from Him through the Word and the Holy Spirit. We honor Him as our Father by aban- doning our whole being, our plans and desires, 16 to His holy will in childlike confidence. The Son not only proceeds entirely from the Father, but He is the perfect image of the Father. He is the Wisdom of the Father and perfectly fulfils His holy will. We honor the Son by being, like Him, loving sons of the Heavenly Father and doing His holy will in all things. The Holy Spirit is the mutual Love of the Father and the Son. He returns to the bosom of the Father and of the Son with an infinite love which is Himself. We honor the Holy Spirit by uniting ourselves humbly through Jesus Christ to this love by which we return to God as our last end. We can share in the Divine life of the Blessed Trinity by sanctifying grace, in virtue of which our souls become capable of knowing God as God knows Himself, of loving God as God loves Himself, of enjoying God as He is filled with His own beatitude. Let us honor the Blessed Trinity by acting at all times in such a way that our whole life may be a perpetual "Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost." There are three that bear witness in heaven: . the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. (1 John v.7.) The true God, one in Trinity, and Trin- ity in Unity, come let us adore! Glory be to the Father ... 2 17 Hymn - "0 Lux Beata Trinitas" o Trinity of blessed light, o Unity of princely might, The fiery sun now goes his way; ' Shed Thou within our hearts Thy ray. To Thee our morning song of praise, To Thee our evening prayer we raise; Thy glory suppliant we adore, Forever and forevermore. All laud to God the Father be; All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee; All glory, as is ever meet, To God the Holy Paraclete. Prayer May the reception of Thy sacrament, o Lord our God, and the confession of the holy and eternal Trinity and of Its undi- vided Unity, profit us to the salvation of body and soul. Praise Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God of hosts, all the earth is full of His glory! (Isa. vi. 3.) Glory be to Thee, equal Trinity, one Godhead, before all time, now and forever! We profess that Thou art One in sub- , stance and Triune in Persons. Praise and everlasting glory to God the Father and the Son, together with the Holy Spirit, forever! 18 Upon Thee do we call, Thee do we praise, Thee do we . worship, 0 Blessed TrinitY'! We profess that Thou art always the same in being, life and understan4ing. Let praise resound in all men's mouths to the Father and the only-begotten Son; to the Holy Spirit a lso let equal praise be given! Praise be to God the Father and to His co-equal Son and to the Holy Spirit; may it resound fervently forever in our song! From whom are all things, by whom are all things, in whom are all things: to Him be glory forever! Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who alone has done great and wonderful things: and blessed be the name of His Majesty forever. Blessed art Thou, 0 Lord, in the firma- ment of heaven, and worthy of praise for- ever. Blessed be the Holy Trinity and undi- vided Unity; we will give glory to Him, because He has shown His mercy to us. Praise, glory and thanksgiving be Thine forever, 0 Blessed Trinity, and may Thy glorious and holy Name be praised, hon- ored and glorified. (R. Brev.) 19 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wis- dom and of the knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are His judgments and how unsearchable His ways! For 'who has kD'own the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counsellor? Or who has first given to Him, that recompense should be made him?' For from Him and through Him and unto Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. (Rom. xi. 33~36.) Hymn - "Summae Parens Clementiae" o God, by whose command is swayed This ordered world which Thou hast made; Parent of heavenly clemency, In nature One, in persons Three. Assist us while our minds we raise, Inflamed with Thy immortal praise; That with our sober thoughts, we may Forever our thanksgiving pay. May age by age Thy wonders tell , Eternal praise Thy works reveal, And sing with the celestial host The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Thee, 0 God the' Father, unbegotten, Thee, the Son, only-begotten, Thee, the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the only and un- divided Trinity, with all our heart and voice we confess, praise and bless: to Thee be glory forever! (R.Brev.) 20 Petition Be with us, 0 Almighty God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Our hope, our salvation, our glory art Thou, 0 Blesse~ Trinity! Thou art a God who dost wonderful things. Thou hast made Thy power known to the nations; Thou hast redeemed Thy people with the power of Thy arm. Deliver us, save us, give us life, 0 Blessed Trinity! (R. Brev.) All power in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded · you; and behold, I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world. (Matt. xxviii. 19.) Hymn - "Tu, Trinitatis Unitas" o Thou, who dost all nature sway, Dread Trinity in Unity, Accept the trembling praise We pay - To Thy eternal Majesty. The star that heralds in the dawn Is slowly fading in the skies; The darkness melts - 0 Thou true Light, Upon our darkened souls arise. 21 To God the Father glory be, And to the sole-begotten Son, And Holy Ghost co-equally, While everlasting ages run. v. Let us give thanks to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. R. Let us praise and glorify Him for· ever! Prayer Almighty and everlasting God, who hast given to Thy servants grace, in the confes- sion of the true Faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of Thy Majesty to worship the Unity; grant that by steadfastness in the same Faith we may evermore be defended from all adversities. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Feast of Corpus Christi (and Octave) Novena, Tuesday before Trinity Sunday, Feast, Thursday after Trinity Sunday In the year 1264, after numerous miracles and special revelations had occurred. the feast of Corpus Christi was established at the sug- gestion of BI. Juliana. an Augustinian nun of 22 Belgium. It was an ' answer to heretics who dared to attack the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. This feast is a solemn act of faith in the great mystery of the Sacra- ment of the Altar. which is the very foundation of Christianity; for if Our Lord is not really present under the appearances of bread and wine. as He has Himself formally told us. His word is not reliable. He is not God. and there i~ no living religion. By this feast the Church also wishes to give proof of her love and gr ati- tude to our Savior and to offer reparation for all the irreverences to which this adorable Sac- rament is daily exposed. The Holy Eucharist is not only the greatest . of all the sacraments. it is also the most perfect of all sacrifices. Holy Mass is the center of all Christian worship. for. through His priests. Our Lord Himself. the principal Priest. offers in ,an unbloody manner His Body and Blood to His Heavenly Father as He did on the Cross. thus renewing His Sacrifice of Calvary. Thus Holy Mass is a true sacrifice as well as a Memorial of flis Death. Holy Communion. the Bread of Life. is the means He instituted to enable us to share more fully in this Divine Sacrifice. and to partake of the fruits of the Redemption through sanctifying grace. May the celebration of this feast deepen our faith and help us to grow in love and gratitude for so great a gift. and at the same time urge us to make reparation for sins committed against this most adorable Sacrament! 23 My flesh is food indeed, and My Blood is drink indeed. Dohn vi. 56.) Let us adore Christ, the King, the Ruler of the nations, who gives the fulness of His Spirit to those who receive Him. (R. Brev.) Glory be to the Father, etc. The Eucharist Foreshadowed The Lord God brought forth out of the ground ... the Tree of Life in the midst of Paradise. (Gen. ii. 9.) Melchisedech, the king of Salem, bring- ing forth bread and wine, for he was the priest of the most high God, -. blessed him and said: Blessed be Abram by the most high God, who created heaven and earth. (Gen. xiv. 18f.) In the morning a dew lay round about the camp.. . And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another: "Manhu!" which signifies: "What is this?" for they knew not what it was. And Moses said to them : "This is the Bread which the Lord hath given you to eat."(Ex. xvi. 13f.) If the blood of goats and bulls, and the sprinkled ashes of a heifer, sanctify the un- clean unto the cleansing of the flesh, how much more will the Blood of Christ, who through the Holy Spirit offered Himself unblemished unto God, cleanse your con- 24 science from dead works to serve the Liv- ing .God? (Heb. ix. 13f.) The Altar shall be sanctified by My glory. I will sanctify also the Tabernacle of the Testimony with the Altar, and Aaron with his sons, to the office of Priesthood unto Me. .. And I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel and will be their God. .. And they . shall know that I am the Lord their God, who have brought them out of the land of Egypt, that I might abide among them, I, the Lord their God. (Ex. xxix. 43f.) My delights were to be with the chil- dren of men. (Prov. viii. 31.) Verily Thou art a hidden God, the God of Israel, the Savior! (lsa. xlv. 15.) Hymn - "Ecce Panis Angelorum" Hail, angelic Bread of heaven, Now the pilgrim's hoping leaven, Yea, the· Bread to children given That to dogs must not be thrown: In the figures contemplated, 'Twas with· Isaac immolated, By the Lamb 'twas antedated, In the' Manna it was known. o Good Shepherd, still confessing Love, in spite of our transgressing, - Here Thy blessed Food possessing, Make us share Thine every blessing In the land of life· and love: 25 Thou, whose power hath all completed And Thy Flesh as Food hath meted, Make us, at Thy tllble seated, By Thy saints, as friends be greeted, In Thy paradise above. (St. Thomas) v. The eyes of all look for Thee, 0 Lord. R. And Thou givest them food in due season. Prayer Grant, we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, that we may be filled with the everlasting en- joyment of Thy Divinity, of which the temporal receiving of Thy precious Body and Blood is a figure, who livest and reignest forever. Amen. Promised I am the Bread of Life. Your fathers ate the manna in the desert, and have died. This is the Bread that comes down from heaven, so that if anyone eat of it he will . not die. I am the Living Bread that has come down from heaven. If anyone eat of this Bread he shall live forever; and the Bread that I will give is My Flesh for the life of the world. The Jews on that account argued with one another, saying, "How can ' this man give us His Flesh to eat? " 26 Lo, upon the alta r lies, Hidden deep from human eyes, Bread of Angels from . the skies, Made the food of mortal man. (Lauda Sion.) Jesus therefore said to them, "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day. For 'My Flesh is food indeed, and My Blood is drink indeed. He who eats My Flesh, and drinks My Blood, abides in Me and I in him. As the living Father has sent Me, and as I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me. This is the Bread that has come down from heaven; not as your fathers ate the manna, and died. He who eats this Bread shall live forever. (John vi. 48~59.) Thou hast nourished Thy people with the Bread of Angels, and hast given them Bread from heaven. (Wis. xvi. 20.) The merciful Lord has given food to them that fear Him, in memory of His wonderful works. (Ps. ex. 4.) Hymn - "Panis Angelicus" Thus Angels' Bread is made The Bread of man today: I The Living Bread from heaven With figures doth away: o wondrous gift indeed! The poor and lowly may Upon their Lord and Master feed. 28 o Triune Deity, \ To Thee we meekly pray, So mayest Thou visit us, As we our homage pay; And in Thy footsteps bright Conduct us on our way / To where Thou dwell'st in cloudless light. (St. Thomas) Prayer We beseech Thee, 0 Lord, in Thy mer· cy, grant to Thy Church the gifts of unity and peace,. which are mystically symbo. lized by the gifts we offer. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Instituted And while they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed and broke, and gave it to His disciples, and said, "Take and eat; this is My Body." .And taking a cup, He gave thanks and gave it to them, saying, "All of you drink of this ; for this is My Blood of the new covenant, which is being shed for many unto the forgiveness of sins." (Matt. xxvi. 26-28.) Do this in remembrance of Me. (Luke xxii. 19.) Christ the Lord, Priest forever accord- ing to the order of Melchisedech, has of- fered bread and wine. (Ps. cix. 4; Gen. xiv. 18.) Our Father 29 At the time of His death, the Lord gave us the Fruit of Life as food. (R. Brev.) Hymn - "0 Salutaris Hostia" o saving Victim, opening wide The gate of h eaven to man below, Our foes press on from every side, Thine aid supply, Thy strength bestow. To Thy great Name be endless praise, Immortal Godhead, One in Three; Oh, grant us endless length of days In our true native land, with Thee. (St. Thomas) Prayer Grant, we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, that we may be filled with the everlasting en- joyment of Thy Divinity, of which the tem- poral receiving of Thy precious Body and Blood is a figure, who livest and ·reignest forever. Amen. Benefits I am the Living Bread that comes down from heaven. : If anyone eat of this Bread he shall live forever; and the Bread that I will give is My Flesh for the life of the world. (John vi. 52.) He' who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day, (John vi: 55.) 30 Neither is there -any other nation so great that hath gods so nigh them as our God is present to _ all our petitions. (Deut. iv. 7.) o Lord, from Thy altar we receive Christ, in whom our heartand flesh exults . (R. Brev.) -- Oh- how great is the multitude -of Thy sweetness, O' Lord, which Thou hast hidden for them that fear Thee. (Ps. xxx. 20.) How sweet, 0 Lord, is Thy Spirit; who, to show Thy goodness to Thy children, didst send them a _ most sweet bread from heaven, filling the hungry with blessings and sending the rich away empty. (R. Brev.) Our Father . .. o sacred Banquet, in which Christ is received, the memory of His Passion is re- newed, the mind is filled with grace and a pledge oj future glory is given to us! (R. 13rev.) o priceless and wonderful banquet, filled with every lifegiving sweetness! What can be more precious than this feast, in which not the flesh of goats and cal"es as once in the Old Law, but Christ, the true God, is laid before us as food? What can be more wonderful- than this Sacra- ment, for in It bread and wine are sub- stantially changed into the Body -and Biood 31 of Christ, and therefore Christ, true God and true Man, is present under the appear- ances of a little bread and wine. (St. Thomas) Hymn - "Tantum Ergo" Down in adoration falling, Lo! the Sacred Host we hail , Lo! o'er ancient forms .departing Newer rites of grace prevail; Faith for all defects supplying, Where the feeble senses fail. To the everlasting Father, And the Son who reigns on high, With the Holy Ghost proceeding Forth from each eternally, Be salvation, honor, blessing, Might and endless majesty. Amen. (St. Thomas) v. Thou hast given them Bread from heaven. R. Containing in itself all sweetness. Prayer o God, who in this wonderful Sacra- ment hast left us a remembrance of Thy Passion, grant us, we beseech Thee, so to venerate the sacred mysteries of Thy Body and Blood; that we may ever feel within us the fruit of Thy redemption, who livest and reignest forever. Amen. 32 Feast of the Sacred Heart (and Octave) Novena, Wed. before Corpus Christi Feast, Fri. after Octave of Corpus Christi Holy Mother Church has arrived at the term of the contemplation of her Bridegroom's mysteries. but there is one thing left for her to do. and that is to celebrate the very love that inspired them all. This she does in the feast of the Sacred Heart. In honoring the Heart of Christ. it is no longer to Jesus as Infant. Youth. or Victim. that her devotion is directed. but rather to the Person of Jesus in the fulness of His love. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is the worship of the Incarnate Word. the Son of God made Man. manifesting His love to us and showing us His Heart as the symbol of this love. The love that it symbolizes is first of all the created human love of Jesus. which. however. came from the uncreated Divine Love of the Son of God. The created love of Jesus is but a revela~ tion of His uncreated love. The Christian religion is summed up in the 3 33 glvmg of ourselves, out of love, to Christ, and through Him to the Father and the Holy Spirit. This is accomplished by the practice of devo- tion to the Sacred Heart, which tends to render to Our Lord love for love, to penetrate all our activity with love in order to ple~se Him. In- deed, we shall never ·exhaust the treasure of tenderness, of lovableness, of kindness and charity, of which the Heart of the God-Man is the burning furnace , nor shall we be ' able to return .Iove f~r love as perfectly as we ought. Take. My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls. (Matt. xi. 29.) The. Heart of Jesus, wounded by love for us, come let us adore! (R. Brev.) Glory be to the Father . .. Love of the Heart of Jesus And the Word was made fiesh, and d welt among us. And we saw His glory - glory as of the only-begotten of the Father - full of grace and of truth... And of :fris fulness we have all received, grace for grace. (John i. 14, 16.) .,Before the feast of the 'Passover, Jesus, knowfng that His hour had come to pass out of this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, loved them to the end . (John xiii. 1.) 34 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved_ you. Greater love than this no one has, that one lay down his life for his friends. (John. xv. 12£.) When they came to Jesus, and saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs; but one of the soldiers opened His side with a lance, and immedi- ately there came out Blood and water. (John xix. 33.) " . With Christ I am nailed to the cross. It is · now no longer I that live, but Christ lives in me. And the life that I now live in the flesh, I live in the faith of the Soh of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. (Gal. ii. ;20.) o dearest Jesus, Thy Heart is a sacred TreasUre, a precious Jewel, found in Thy wounded Body. Who would cast away this Jewel? . I will rather give all that is precious to me, all my affections and de- sires, in exchange for it. I entrust all my cares to Thy Sacred Heart, 0 good Jesus , for It will sustain me without fail. Where- fore, 0 sweetest Jesus, having found Thy Heart, which is also mine, I shall pray to Thee, my God. Take my prayers into that Sanctuary and graciously hear them. Yea, draw me entirely into Thy H eart, for Thy Side was pierced that it might be open as an entrance to receive us. Thy Heart was 35 wounded, that we might abide in It and find relief in every trouble from without. It was also pierced tha t by means of this visible wound we might recognize an in- visible wound of love. How could this a r- dor of love be better shown than in the fact that Thou hast permitted not only Thy Body, but also Thy very H eart , to be pierced by a lance ? The wound of the flesh , then, suggests the wound of the spirit. Who would not love this wounded Heart? Who would not return love to Him who loves us so much? Who would not embrace One so pure ? Ther efore, let us who are still in the flesh, love Him in re- turn as much as we can; .because He loves us. Let us embrace Him who was wounded for us; whose hands and feet, side and Heart, wicked men have pierced. Let us pray that He may deign to bind, with the bond of His love, our heart still so hard and impenitent, and wound it with the darts of His own love. St. Bonaventnre Prayer We beg Thee, 0 Lord, to look upon the unspeakable love of the Heart of Thy beloved Son, so that our offering may be acceptable to Thee and may cleanse u s from our sins. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. 36 Hymn - "Auctor Beate Saeculi" o Christ, the world 's Creator bright Who didst mankind from sin redeem, Light from the Father 's glorious Light, True God of God , in bliss supreme. Thy love compelled Thee to assume A mortal body, man to save; Reversing the 'old Adam's doom; Our ransom the New Adam gave. That love which gloriously framed all The earth, the stars and wondrous sea Took pity on our parents' fall, Broke all our bonds and set us free . o Savior, let Thy potent love F low ever from Thy bounteous Heart; To nations that pure Fount above The grace ' of pardon will impart. His Heart for this was opened wide, And wounded by the soldier's spear, That freely from His sacred side Might flow the streams our souls to clear. Glory to Father and to Son, And to the Holy Ghost the same, To whom all power, when time is done, And endless rule, in endless fame. Yea, I have loved thee with an everlast- ing love, therefore have I drawn thee, tak- ing pity on thee. 37 for this the Sacred Hea rt was pierced And both with Blood and Water ran - 10 dea nse us from tile sta ins of sUilt And be the hope and strength of man. (R. Brev.) Riches of the Heart of Jesus I have come to cast fire upon earth and what will I but that it be kindled? (Luke xii. 49.) Son, give Me thy heart and let thy eyes· keep My ways. (R. Brev:) And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to Myself. (John xii. 32.) . Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. (M~tt. xi. 28.) The thoughts of His Heart concern all generations: that H e may deliver their souls from death and nourish them when they are hungry. (Ps. xxxii. 11, 19.) Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden light. (Matt. xi. 29.) Do Thou rule with Thy sweet yoke, 0 Lord, in the midst of Thine enemies. (R. Brev.) J esus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirst, let him come to Me and drink." (John vii. 37.) Thou art the fount of life; in the tor- rent of Thy joy Thou wilt give us to drink. o Lord! (Ps. xxxv. 10, 9.) Our Father ... 39 In every trial take refuge with all earnestness in the loving Heart of Christ. Reflect on His goodness and love for you, and compare it to your own sinfulness, un- faithfulness and unworthiness. How great is the love of Christ who invites all to come to Him: "Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." He proves Himself willing and even desirous of sharing the cares of each and everyone, because He loves all of us. Therefore, with great confidence cast your sins into the abyss of His love and you will soon find relief. St. Peter Canisius Yes, to me, the very least of all saints. there was given this grace, to announce among the Gentiles the good tidings of the unfathomable riches t of Christ,· and to en- lighten all men as to what is the dispensa· tion of the mystery which has been hidden from eternity in God, who created all things. " -In Him we have assurance and confident access through faith in Him. (Eph. iii. Sf.) Prayer May Thy holy mysteries, 0 Lord Jesus fill us with holy fervor, so that, having ex· perienced the sweetness of Thy sweetest Heart, we m~y learn to despise earthly 40 things and love those of heaven, who livest and reignest forever. Amen. Reparation My Heart expected shame and wretched- ness, I waited for one who would have sym- pathy with Me, but -there was none; for one who 'would comfort Me, but I found none. (Ps. lxviii. 21.) For the love of Christ impels us, be- cause we have come to the conclusion that, since one died for all, therefore all died; and that Christ .died for all, in order that they who are alive may· live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. (2 Cor. v. 14f.) Our Father ... Hymn - "En ut superba" Behold the proud and cruel deed, Our sinful minds and hearts have wrought, .Thus wounding Jesus' sinless :fIeart, God's Heart, deserving only love. Our heartless sins direct the thrust Of driven spear, by soldier held, Our hell-deserving guilt hath pressed The cruel steel within His breast. ' Leaps forth the Church from riven Heart Of Christ, her Spouse upon the Cross, His open Side the ark's wide door Become heaven's gate for Gentiles weal. 41 Unending grace flows from this Heart, . The sevenfold river of our life, Haste we our sin-stained souls to wash, Cleansed by the Blood th e Lamb .h as shed . Oh , sha me! to turn to evil d eeds, That r end His loving H ear t in twa in. In virtue's ways ma rch bravely on , While burning hearts 0\.11' love procla im. To Thee be glory, J es us Lord , Who from Thy H eart bestowest grace, With Father, and the Holy Ghost, While endless a ges run , be praise. It is truly meet and just, right a1~d availing unto salvation, that we should at all times and in all places give th~nks unto Thee, 0 holy Lord, Father almighty and everlasting God. Who didst will that Thine only-begotten Son should be pierced by the soldier's lance as He hUlig upon the Cross .- that from His opened Heart, as from a sanctuary of Divine bounty, might be poured out upon us streams oj mercy and grace ; and that in His Heart, always burn- ing with love jor us, the devout may find a haiJen of rest and the penitent a refuge of salvation. (Preface of the Feast.) v. You shall draw waters with joy R. Out of the Savior's fountains. 42 Prayer o God, who in the Heart of Thy Son, which was wounded by our sins, dost gra- ciously deign to bestow upon us the infinite Lreasures of Thy love, grant, we beg of , Thee, that revering It with becoming devo- tion, we may al so make worthy satisfaction for our sins_ Th;'ough the same Chri st our Lord. Amen_ F east of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Thursday within the Octave of the Sacred Heart Since devotion to the Sacred Heart is the worship of the God-Man manifesting His love to us and showing us His. Heart as the symbol of this love, and since the Holy Eucharist is the most manifest proof of Christ's love, it is but right that we have a feast dedicated to the E ucharistic Heart of Jesus. It was the burning love of the S~cred Heart that made Jesus want to be always really present with us, not only as God, but a lso as man ; to continue His Sac- rifice of Calvary in the Mass' by offering Him- self to His H eavenly Father through the hands of the priest, and during that same Sacrifice giving Himself to our souls as Food in Holy Communion, that He might unite us to Himself 43 and transform us into living images of His Sacred Heart. It was in the institution of this adorable ' Sacrament that the love of the Heart of Jesus reached its climax. Consequently we should endeavor to prove our love for Jesus by a very tender devotion to the Holy Eucharist, by at- tending Mass whenever we can, by receiving Holy Communion frequently and by visiting our Divine Lord in the tabernacle. ' Behold, I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world. (Matt. xxviii. 20.) Let us adore Christ, the King, the Ruler of nations, who gives the fulness of His Spirit to those who receive Him. (R. Brev.) Glory be to the Father . .. The Ilistitution of the Eucharist Before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that His hour had come to pass out of this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, loved them to the end. (John xiii. 1.) He said to them, "I have greatly d e- sired to eat this passover with you before I suffer; for I say- to you that I will eat of it no more, until it has been fulfilled in the kingdom of God".. . And having taken bread, He gave thanks and broke, and gave it to them, saying, "This is My Body, which 44 o Eucharistic Heart, 0 soveteign love of the Lord Jesus, who didst institute this venerable Sacrament in order to remain here below and to give our souls Thy flesh ~s food and Thy Blood as heavenly drink! is being given for yo u ; do this iIi remem- brance of Me." In like manner He took a lso the cup after the supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My Blood, which shall be shed for you ." (Luke xxii. 15-20.) H ymn - "Smnmi Parentis Filio" '0 Tholl, th e Son of God mos t hi gh , Thou Fathe r of th e life to be, O . Prince of Peace, to Thee we cry, We bring our song of praise to Thee. Thy H eart was wounded by the blow Ordained of everlastin g love; Such love among Thy flocks below Thou kindlest at the fires above. Dear Christ, in pity for our woe, Thou didst Thyself as Victim give, The cruel pangs to undergo, To ape Thy' breast that man might live. o sacred fount of love sublime, o living spring of waters free, o fire to cle'anse away all crime, o Heart . aflame with charity. Lord, keep us ever in Thy H eart, Thy tender love to feel and know, The joys of heaven to us impart, When we shall leave these walks below. Glory to Father and to Son, And to the Holy Ghost the same, To whom all power, when time is done, And endless rule, in endless fame. 46 Prayer . Having been filled with the Divine gifts of Thy Heart, we' pray Thee, 0 Lord Jesus, that we may be made worthy ever to re- main in Thy ,love and grow in it forever 1 who livest and reignest forever. Amen. The Riches of the Eucharist, Rejoice and praise, 0 thou habitation of Sion, for great is H e that is in the midst of thee, the Holy One of Israel! Make His works known among the people. (Isa. xii. 6, 4.) What is the good . thing of Him and what is His beautiful thing, but the wheat of the elect and wine springing forth virgins? (Zach. ix. 17.) The children: of m en put their trust in the protecting shelte r of Thy wings. They are sated by the abundance of Thy house ; and Thou makest them to drink of the stream of Thy delights. For with Thee is the fountain of life, and in Thy light we see light. (Ps. xxxv. 8-10.) How rich is Thy great goodness, 0 Lord, which Thou storest. up for those who fear Thee! (Ps. xxx. 20.) Our Father. " Let the just rejoice and. be glad before God. Thou makest provision for the poor in Thy goodness, 0 God. CPs. lxvii. 4, 11.) 47 Prayer o Lord Jesus Christ, who didst pour out the riches of Thy love towards men by instituting the Sacrament of the Eucharist, grant, we pray thee, that we- may be able to love Thy most amiable Heart and ever worthily receive so great a Sacrament, who livest and reignest forever. Amen. Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ Novena, JWle 22-30 Feast, July 1 This fei\st was established by Pope Pius IX in order to perpetuate the memory of the triumph 'of the French army in 1849 over the revolution which had driven the Pope from Rome. But this feast commemorates above all the triumph of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ over the powers of evil. It was the price paid for bur redemption. This saving Biood was first shed at the cir~ cumcision of the Divine Child. It was again poured out in the bloody sweat of agony in the Garden of Olives. at the scourging and at the crowning with thorns. at the cruel nailing of the Body of Christ to the Cross. and finally when "one of the soldiers opened His side with a spear and there came out Blood and water." 48 This Precious Blood was symbolized by the victims of the Old Law; yet this Blood alone. by virtue of Its infinite efficacy. can wash us free from all sin and sanctify us if we avail ourselves of the Sacraments which our SavIOr has given us. especially the Sacrament of Penance and the Holy Eucharist. A single drop of the Blood of Jesus would have sufficed to save us. for. being the God- man. everything in Him is of infinite value. But it' was to manifest to us the extent of His love that He shed His Blood to the last drop when His Sacred Heart was pierced. Now. if He shed His very life's Blood for us. it is but right that we live only for Him. Christ, the Son of God, who has re- deemed us with His Blood, come let us adore! (R. Brev.) Glory be to the Father ... One of the soldiers opened IDs side with a lance, and immediately there came out Blood and water. (John. xix. 34.) The Precious Blood Foreshadowed And the blood shall be to you for a sign: and I shall see the blood and pass over you; an!! the plague shall not be on you to destroy you. (Exod. xii. 13.) Why then is Thy apparel red, and Thy garments like those of them who tread in the winepress? I have trodden the wine- 49 press alone, and of the Gentiles 'there is not a man with Me. (Isa. lxiii. 2f.) He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His name is called the Word of God. (Apoc. xix. 13.) OUt· F'aUlel', , , But when Christ appeared as high priest of the good things to come, He entered once for all through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made by hands (that is, not of this creation), nor again . by virtue of the blood of goats and calves, but by virtue of His own Blood, into the Holies, having obtained eternal redemption. For if the blood of goat's and bulls and the sprinkled ashes of a heifer sanctify the unclean unto the cleansing 0 fthe flesh, how much more will the Blood of Christ, 'who through the Holy Spirit offered Him- self unblemished unto God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to 'serve the living God? (Rebr, ix . 11-l4..) v. Christ has loved us, R . And washed us from our sins in Ris Blood. Prayer We pray that through these Divine mysteries we ·may draw near to Jesus, the 50 Mediator of the New Testament: and upon Thine altars, 0 Lord of Hosts, may we re- new the sprinkling of that Blood which pleads better than that of AbeL Through the same Chris t our Lord. Amen. 'l' h e Shedding of the P"eciolls Blood When eight days were fulJilled for His circumcision, His Name was called J es us . (Luke ii. 21.) . And falling into an agony H e prayed the more earnestly. And His sweat be- came as drops of Blood running down upon the ground. (Luke xxii. 43. 44.) Then Judas, who betrayed Him, repent- ed and brought back the thirty pieces of silver, saying, "I have sinned in betraying innocent Blood. (Matt. xxvii. 3.) Pilate, wishing to 'satisfy the crowd. re- leased to -them Barabbas, but Jesus he delivered to be crucified. (Ma-rk xv. 15.) J esus therefore came forth. wearing the crown of thorns and the purple cloak. And Pilate said to them, "Behold the Man!" (John xix. 5.) P ilate, seeing that he was doing no good, took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of the Blood of this just Man; see to it yourselves. " (Matt. xxvii. 24 .) 51 'you were redeemed . .' . not with perish: able things, with silver, or gold, but with the Precious IBlood of Christ, as of a lamb with: out blemish and without spot. (1 Peter i. 18-19.) And bearing the Cross for Himself, Jesus went forth to the place called the Skull, where they crucified Him. (John xix. 17.) When the soldiers came to Jesus, and saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs; but one of the soldiers opened 'His side with a lance, and imme- diately there came out Blood a nd water . (John xix. 33. ) Om' Father ... . You know that you were redeemed from the vain manner of life handed down from your fathers , not with perishable things, with silver or gold, but with the Precious Blood of Christ, as 'a lamb without blemish and without spot. (1 Pet. i. 18.) Hymn - "Salvete Christi vulnel'a" Hail, holy Wounds of Jesus, hail, Sweet pledges of the saving Rood, Whence flow the streams that never fail, The purple streams of His dear Blood. Brighter thari brightest stars ye show, Than sweetest rose your scent more rare. No Indian gem may match your glow, No honey's taste with yours compare. Portals ye are to that dear home Wherein our wearied souls may hide, Whereto no angry foe can come, The Heart of Jesus Crucified. 53 What countless stripes our Jesus bore, All naked left in Pilate's hall! From His torn flesh how red a shower Did round His sacred Person fall! His beauteous brow, oh , shame and grief, By the sharp thorny crown is riven; Through hands and feet, without relief. The cruel nails are rudely driven . But when for our poor sakes H e died, A willing Priest by love subdued, Tire l:!0ldier's lance transfixed His side, Forth flowed the Water and the Blood. In full atonement of our guilt, Careless of self, the Savior trod - E'en till His Heart 's best Blood was spilt- The winepress bf the wrath of God. Come, bathe you in the healing flood, All you who mourn, by sin opprest; Your only hope is Jesus ' Blood, His Sacred Heart your only rest. All praise to Him, the Eternal Son, At God's right hand enthroned above, Whose Blood our full redemption won, Whose Spirit seals the gift of love. V. May the Blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, R. Cleanse us from all Sill. Prayer We who have been admitted to the holy table, 0 Lord, have drawn waters with joy 54 from the fountains of the Savior; may His Blood, we beseech Thee, be within us as a fountain of water springing up unto eter- nal life. Through the same Christ our Lord . Ame.n. The Merits of the Precious Blood This is H e who came in water and in Blood, Jesus Christ; not in water only, but in the water and in the Blood. (John v. 6.) But now in Christ Jesus you, who were once afar off, have been brought near through the Blood of Christ. For He Him- self is our peace; He it is who has made both one. (Eph. ii. 13.) For. it has pleased God the Father that in Him all His fulness should dwell, and that through Him He should reco~cile to Himself all things, whether on the earth or in the heavens, making peace through the Blood of His Cross. (Col. i. 19.) They ate justified freely by His grace through the reiiemption which is in Christ Jesus, whom God has set forth as a pro- pitiation by His Blood through faith. (Rom. iii. 24.) In Him we have redemption through His Blood, the remIssion of sins, according to the riches of His grace. (Eph. i. 7.) 55 The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not the sharing of the Blood of Christ? C And the bread that we break, is it not the partaking of the Body of the Lord? (1 Cor. x. 16.) Om Father ... . Worthy art Thou to take the scroll and to open its seals ; 'for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us jor God with Thy Blood, out oj every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and hast made them jor our God a kingdom and priests, and they shall reign over the earth. (Apoc. v. 9f.) v. We therefore pray Thee, help Thy servants, R. Whom Thou hast redeemed by Th y Precious Blood. Prayer o almighty and everlasting God, who didst appoint Thine only.begotten Son the Redeemer of the world, and hast willed to be appeased by His Blood;. grant unto us, we beseech Thee, so to venerate with solemn worship the Price of our redemp· tion, and by Its power to be so defended against the evils of this life, that we may enjoy the ' fruit thereof for evermore in heaven. Through the same ' Christ our Lord. Amen. 56 The Transfig1,1ration of Our Lord Novena, July 28-Aug. 5 Feast, Aug. 6 No truth of our holy religion should be so dear to us as that of the Divinity of Jesus Christ. because nothing is more pleasing to Him. and because belief in the Divinity of Jesus is the foundation. the center and the crown of the spiritual life of our soul. The Transfigura- tion is a mystery of Our Lord's life in which the splendor of His Godhead especially shines out before our eyes through the veil of His Manhood. The principal end of the Transfiguration was to remove the scandal of the Cross from ' the hearts of the disciples and strengthen their faith after the splendor of the hidden majesty of the Son of God had been revealed. It was, likewise for us that the Transfiguration took place, to teach us that it is by the Cross that we attain to glory, and by firm faith in the Divinity of Jesus that we enter into eternal life. The Transfiguration confirms our faith in the Divinity of Our Lord, for its strongest sup- port is the teStimony of God the Father Him- self, ','This is My beloved Son, in whom I , am well pleased; hear Him." This Divine Voice from the bright cloud has' also wonderfully fore- shown our own adoption as children of God. Christ, the Son of God. haVing taken a human nature, . makes us partakers, by His grace, of 57 His Divine Sonship. If He is God's own Son by nature, we are so by grace. Lastly, that Divine Voice refers us to Jesus as the only way that leads to the Father. Let us ever hear Christ by yielding ourselves to Him by faith, confidence, love, humility and obedience . It will mean our own inward transfiguration into Jesus in time and in eternity. This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear Him. (Matt. xvii. 5.) Christ, the highest King of Glory, come, let us adore! (R. Brev.) Glory be to the Father . . . The Glory of Christ Jesus took Peter, James and his brother John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves, and was transfigured before them. And His face shone as the sun, and His garments became white as snow. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elias talking together with Him. Then Peter addressed Jesus saying, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. If Thou wilt, let us set up three tents here,- one for Thee, one for Moses and one for Elias." As He was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and behold , a voice out of the cloud said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: hear Him. " And on hearing it the disciples fell 58 on their faces and were exceedingly afraid. And Jesus came near and touched them, and said to them, "Arise, and do not be afraid." But lifting up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only. (Matt. xvii. 1-8.) Fair in form art Thou beyond the sons of men; graciousness has been poured out on Thy lips. (Ps. xliv. 3.) Our Father ... For we were not following fictitious tales when we made known to you th.e power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but we have been eye witnesses of His grandeur. For He received from God the Father honor and glory, when from out the majestic glory a voice came down to Him, speaking thus : "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. " And this voice we ourselves heard borne from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mount. (2 Pet. i. 16£.) Thou hast set Him but a little below the Angels: with glory and with honor Thou hast surrounded Him; and Thou hast placed Him over the works of Thy hands . (Ps. viii. 6.) Our Father ... Hymn - "Quicumque Christunl Quaeritis" All ye who seek, in hope and love, For your dear Lord, look up above: Where traced upon the azure sky Faith may a glorious form descry. 59 And H e was transfigured before them. A nd H is fa ce shone as the sun, and His gar= ments became white as snow.. As He was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud over= shadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cl~ud said This is My beloved Son, in whom I a nd well pleasedj hea r Him. (Matt. xvii. 2, 5.) Lo! on the trembling verge of light We see something divinely bright, Immorta( infinite, sublime, Older than chaos, space or time! Hail, Thou , the Gentiles' mighty Lord! All hail, 0 Israel's King adored! To Abraham sworn in ages past, And to his seed while earth shall last. To Thee the prophets witness bear; Of Thee the Father doth declare That all who would His glory see Must hear and must believe in Thee. Glory, 0 Lord, be given to Thee, Who didst appear upon this day, And glory to the Father be And to the Holy Ghost for aye. Amen. Prayer o almighty God, we beseech Thee to grant us . the grace to understand with a pure mind the most sacred mystery of the Transfiguration of Thy Son, which we venerate with solemn worship. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Glory through Christ Our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly await a Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, who will refashion the body of our 10wliI,less, conforming it to the body of His glory by exerting the power . 61 by which He is able also to subject all things to Himself. (Phil. iii. 21.) He is the brightness of eternal light, · the unspotted mirror, and the image of His goodn ess. (Wis. vii. 26.) Our Father .. . B ut we a ll , with faces unveiled, reflect- ing as in a mirror the g lory of the Lord, - are being transformed into His very image from glory to g lory, as through the Spirit of the Lord. (2 Cor. iii. 18.) Arise, be enlightened, 0 J erusalem: for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. (Isa. Ix. 1.) Our Father . .. 'iJymn - "Lux AlIna, Jesu" Light of the anxious l;teart, Jesus, Thou dost appear, To bid the g loom of guilt depart, And shed Thy sweetness here. Joyous is he, with whom, God's Word, Thou dost abide; Sweet Light of our eternal home, To fleshly sense d enied. Brfghtness of God above! Unfathomable grace! Thy presence be a fount of love Within Thy chosen place. 62 To Thee, whom children see, The Father ever blest, The Holy Spirit, One and Three, Be endless praise addressed. v. Thou hast appeared glorious in the sight of the Lord. R. Therefore the Lord has clothed Thee with beauty. Prayer o God, who in the glorious Transfigura- tion of Thine only-begotten Son didst confirm the mysteries of the faith by the testimony of the fathers and didst in a wonderful manner prefigure by the voice from the shining cloud the perfect adoption of sons, deign to make us co-heirs with Him who is King of glory, and let us also share in that very glory. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. The Exaltation .of the Holy Cross Novena, Sept. 5-13 Feast, Sept. 14 The origin of this feast dat.es back to Sep- tember 14. 335, when the basilica of Constantine, which enclosed both Calvary and the Holy Sepulchre, was dedicated. But this feast be- came more widespread when the Emperor Hera- 63 dius had gained three great victories over Chosroes. King of Persia. who had killed many Christians in Jerusalem and carried off the precious relic of the Cross to Persia. The feast of the Exaltation was reserved to celebrate these triumphs. for the greatest power of the Catholic world was at that time centered in the Empire of the East. The re-establishment of the Cross at Jerusalem was the sure pledge of the victory of the Church. The Cross represents the humiliations of Christ. but since the day when Jesus was fastened to it. the Cross occupies the place of honor in our churches. The instrument of o~r salvation Ilas become for Christ the price of His glory. This is the reason why the Church. when commemorating the sufferings of her Bridegroom. mingles her accents of compassion' with those of triumph. May we love and ven- erate the Cross and our Savior hanging upon it throughout this exile of life. so that one day we may be worthy to enjoy the exaltation it has merited for us in eternity! But as for me, God forbid that I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom ·the world is cruci- fied to me, and I to the world. (Gal. vi. 14.) Christ the King, raised upon the Cross for love of us, come, let us adore! (R. Brev.) Glory be to the Father ... 64 The Power of the Cross It behooves us to glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom is our sal- vation, life and resurrection; by whom we have been saved and freed. o marvelous work of Divine mercy - Death then died when the Life (Christ) died upon the Cross! Behold the Cross of the Lord! Flee, ye enemies. The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David, has conquered, Alleluia! o victory of the Cross, 0 glorious stand- ard, grant that we may attain to glory in the heavenly courts through thee! o Savior Christ, save us by the power of Thy Cross! 0 Thou who hast rescued Peter, have mercy on us! (R. Brev.) By the sign of the Cross, deliver us from our enemies, 0 our God! (R. Brev.) Our Father ... Have this mind in you which was also m Christ Jesus ... He humbled Himself, becoming obedient to death, even to death on a cross. Therefore God also has exalted Him. (Phil. ii. 5f.) Prayer Be with us, 0 Lord, our God, and pro- tect by Thy constant help those whom Thou 65 makest to rejOIce in the glory of the Holy Cross. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 'rhe Sign of Our Redemption As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that those who believe in Him may not perish, but may have life everlast- ing. (John iii. H .) And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to Myself. (John X;ii. 32.) W e h ave been made slaves through the wood of the tree, and by the Holy Cross we have been delivered. The fruit of the tree led us astray, but the Son of God re- deemed us. o Cross, more brilliant than all the stars, famed throughout the world, much beloved by men, of all things the most holy, which alone wast worthy to bear the price of the redemption of the world. Sweet the wood, sweet the nails that have sus- tained so sweet a burden. Save this people that has gathered to sing thy praises today! (R. Brev.) Thou alone art more glorious than all the wood of cedars, upon which the Life of the world was hung, upon which Christ has triumphed, who by His Death con- quered death forever. (R. Brev.) Our Father ... 66 • Hymn - "Verilla Regis Prodeunt" Abroad the Regal Banners fly, New shines the Cross' mystery; Upon it Life did death endure, And yet by death did life procure. Who, wounded with a direful spear, Did purposely to wash us clear From stain of sin, pour out a flood Of precious Water mixed with Blood. That which the prophet-king of old Hath in mysterious verse foretold , Is now accomplished, whilst we see God ruling nations from a Tree. o lovely and refu~gent Tree, Adorned with purpled majesty; Culled from a worthy stock to bear Those Limbs which sanctified were. Blest Tree, whose happy branches bore The wealth that did the world restore; The beam that did that Body weigh Which raised up hell's expected prey. Hail, Cross, of hopes the most sublime! Now in this mournful Passion time, Improve religious souls in grace, The sins of criminals efface. Blest Trinity, salvation's spring, May every soul Thy praises sing; To those Thou grantest conquest by The holy Cross, rewards apply. Our Father . . . 67 Prayer o Lord, by the sign of the Holy Cross protect Thy people from the snares of every foe, that our service may be pleasing to Thee and our Sacrifice acceptable. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. The Source of Blessing We adore Thy Cross, 0 Lord, and we • call to mind Thy sacred Passion. We adore Thee, 0 Christ, and we praise Thee, because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world! (R. Brev.) o Savior of the world, who hast re- deemed us by Thy Cross and Blood, save us! 0 our God, we beseech Thee, help us! o venerable Cross, which has brought salvation to those in misery, how shall I sing Thy praises as I ought, for thou hast prepared for us the life of he.aven. (R. Brev.) Our Father .•• o Lord, Thy Cross is the source of all blessings, the cause of all graces through which strength in infirmity is given to those who believe, glory after humiliation, life after death. The manifold sacrifices of animals have ceased; the one offering of Thy Body and Blood perfectly completes all that was wanting in these victims, for Thou ar~ the true Lamb of God who takest 68 away the sins of the world, thus accom- plishing all mysteries in Thyself. Just as there is but one Sacrifice to replace all other victims, so may there be but one kingdom made up of aU nations. (Pope St. Leo.) v. This sign of the Cross will be in the heavens. R. When the Lord will come to judge the world. Prayer o God, who year by year dost gladden us by the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, we beg Thee to grant us, who have recognized its mystery upon earth, to deserve the rewards of its redemption in heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King Novena Feast, Last Sunday of Oct. It was no new truth, no new cult even, that Pope Pius XI announced. when in his Encycli- cal of December 11. 1925, he introduced into the sacred liturgy of the Church the special festival of Christ the King. The beautiful truth of the Kingship of Christ runs like a thread of royal purple through the prayers of the Chris- tian ages. It may be said to have been an in- 69 timate part of the Old Testament liturgy and worship. especially in the Psalms and the Prophecies. With the coming of the fulness of time. all these predictions passed into realiza- tion. Christ affirmed before the world His King- dom and Kingship. The wise men announced it at His birth. In person He declared it to Pilate. As a King He pictured Himself to the Jews when He foretold His judgment of the world. As a King the Apocalypse presents Him to us. And as a King He will finally sur- render Himself and His Kingdom to the Father. It is of faith that Christ. as Man. has fullest spiritual power. leading to salvation. establish- ing the Church and her Sacraments. and dis- posing of all graces in the supernatural order. In virtue of the union of His human nature with the Divipe. He possesses still greater power. which is the foundation of this feast. His is the full triple power of royalty : He is supreme Lawgive, under God. and His legis- lation all are bound to obey; He is ultimate Judge over mankind; He is the sovereig~ Execu- tive whose com!Ilands everyone must heed and whose sentence no one can escape. The sphere of His kingly dominion embraces in their en- tirety both the temporal and spiritual realms. Devotion to Our Lord Jesus Christ. King. offers to all Christians a new social outlook up- on the world. We. as individuals. must strive to be subject to Christ most perfectly. in mind. will and heart. because we were purchased at the price of His own Precious Blood. This 70 service should be expressed no less in our do- mestic relations, so that Christ may be King of the Home. Christ is also King of all Human Society as well as King of Nations. The remedy of all our evils is once more to bring society back to the gentle rule of Christ, whose yoke is sweet and whose burden of sovereignty is light. For this reason the Church has instituted the great Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ. King . . The Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of David, His Father; and He shall be King in the house of Jacob forever and of His kingdom there shall be no end. (Luke i. 32.) Jesus Christ, the King of kings, come, let us adore! (R. Brev.j Glory be to the Father . . . Christ's Kingship in Prophecy I am appointed King by Him over Sion, His holy mountain, preaching His com- mandment. The Lord hath said to Me: "Thou art My Son; this day have I be- gotten Thee. Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the' Gentiles for Thy inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession." (Ps. ii. 6f.) The Lord said to my Lord: "Sit Thou at My right hand until I make Thy enemies Thy footstool." (Ps. cix. 1.) 71 And Thou, Bethlehem Ephrata, art a little one among the thousands of Juda and out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be the ruler in Israel: And He shall be Peace: and His going is from the beginning, from the days of eternity. (Mich. v.) A Child is born to us, a Son is given to us. The government is upon His shoulders, and His name shall be: Wonderful, Coun- selor, God the mighty, Father of the world to come, Prince of Peace. His empire shall be multiplied, and there shall be no end of peace; He shall sit upon the throne of David, and over His kingdom. (Isa. ix. 6f.) He shall rule from sea to sea, . and from the river unto the ends of the earth. And all the kings of the earth shall adore Him; all nations shall serve Him. In Him shall all peoples of the earth be blessed, all na- tions shall praise Him. ' His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all nations shall serve and obey Him. (Ps. lxxL) His power is an everlasting power that shall not be taken away: and His kingdom that shall not be destroyed. (Dan. vii. 14.) Our Father ... Lift up your gates, 0 ye princes, and be ye lifted up, 0 eternal gates, and the King of Glory shall enter in. Who is this King of Glory? 72 The Lord who is strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your gates, 0 ye princetl, and be ye lifted up, 0 eternal gates, and the King of Glory shall enter in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of Glory. (Ps. xxiii.) Prayer Having partaken of the Food of immor· tality, grant unto us, 0 Lord, that we who glory in battling under the standard of Christ the King, may also be able to reign with Him forever in our heavenly home, who liveth and reigneth forever. Amen. Christ, the King On Earth The Father loves the Son, and has given all' things into His hand. (John iii. 35.) All things have been delivered to Me by My Father. (Matt. xi. 27.) Pilate, therefore, again entered into the Praetorium, and he summoned Jesus, and said to Him, "Art Thou the King of the Jews?" Jesus answered, "Dost thou say this of thyself, or have others told thee of Me?" Pilate answered, "Am I a Jew? Thy own people and the chief priests have delivered Thee to me. What hast Thou 73 done?" Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My followers would have fought that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But, as it is, My kingdom is not from here." Pilate, therefore, said to Him, "Thou art then a king?" Jesus answered, "Thou sayest it; I am a king. This is why I was born, and why I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Every- one who is of the truth hears My voice." (John xviii. 33-38.) Our Father ... Hymn - "Vexilla Chris$us Inclyta" His glorious banners on the air Triumphantly unfurled, To Christ, the King of kings, give praise, Ye nations of the world. No kingdoms fall beneath His sword, In bloody conquests grim, But lifted on the Rood He draws All things by love to Him. Thrice happy city, basking fair Beneath His royal sway, Where, at the mandates from His throne, All hearts with joy obey! No godless conflicts there will rage, But Peace, Qutstretched her hand, With smiling Concord at her side - Firm shall that city stand! 74 Where wedded Love will keep its troth , And youth can blossom fair, And all the household virtues pure Will grace the threshold there. Then may Thy reign in splendor come, o King, most true and sweet! Till all the earth, by love subdued, Shall worship at Thy feet. To Thee be glory, Jesus, King! O'er crowns and scepters high, With Father and with Holy Ghost, While endless ages fly. He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the king· dom of His beloved Son, in whom we have our redemption, the remission of our sins. (Col. i. 13.) It is truly meet and just, right and availing unto sal:vation, that at all times and in all places we give thanks to Thee, o holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God; who with the oil of exultation didst anoint Thy Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Priest forever and King of all things" so that, in offering Himself as an immaculate Victim on the altar of the Cross, He might complete the mysteries of human redemption, and that with all crea- 75 He shall rule from sea to sea, and trom the river unto the ends of the earth. And all the kings of the earth shall adore Himj all nations shall serve Him. (Ps.lxxi. 8,11.) tures entirely made subject to His domin- ion, He might deliver to Thy Majesty an eternal and universal kingdom; a kingdom of truth and life; a kingdom of holiness and grace; a kingdom of justice, love and peace. And therefore with the angels and archangels, with the thrones and domina- tions, and with all the array of the heaven- ly host, we sing a hymn to Thy glory, and unceasingly repeat: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. (Preface of Christ the King.) Christ, the King in Heaven Worthy art Thou to take the scroll and to open its seals; for . Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us for God with Thy Blood, out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and hast made them for our God a kingdom and priests, and they shall reign over the ' earth. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and divinity and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing. To Him who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb, blessing and honor and glory and dominion, forever and ever. (Apoc. v. 9f.) Our Father ... 77 Hynm - "Te Saeculorum Principem" Ruler of all, from heaven's high throne, o Christ, our King ere time began, We kneel before Thee, Lord, to OWn Thy empire o'er the heart of man. While bands of shameless men recall The homage due to Christ their Lord, We own Thee sovereign Lord of all, The King by heaven and earth adored. o Prince of Peace, 0 Christ, subdue Those rebel hearts, Thy peace restore; Into Thy sheepfold lead anew Thy scattered sheep, to stray np more. For this upon the tree of shame Thy Body hung, with arms spread wide, The spear revealed the Heart of flame That burned within Thy Sacred Side. For this our altars here are spread With mystic feast of Bread and Wine; Still Thy redeeming Blood is shed From that sore-stricken H~art of Thine. May heads of nations fear Thy name And spread Thy honor through their lands, Our nations' laws, our arts proclaim The beauty or Thy just commands. Let kings the crown and sceptre hold As pledge of Thy supremacy; And Thou all lands, all tribes enfold In one fair realm of charity. 78 Jesus, to Thee be honor done, Who rulest all in equity. With Father, Spirit, ever one, From age to age eternally. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. For in Him were created all things in the heavens and on the earth, things visible and things in· visible, whether Thrones, or Dominations, Or Principalities, or Powers. All things have been created through and unto Him, and He is before all creatures, and in Him all things hold together. Again, He is the! Head of His Body, the Church; He who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the first place. For it has pleased God the Father that in Him all His fulness should dwell, and that through Him He should reconcile to Himself all things, whether on the earth or in the heavens, making peace through the Blood of His Cross. (Col. i. 15·20.) v. All power has been given to Me. R. In heaven and on earth. Prayer Almighty, everlasting God, who didst wish to re·establishall things in Thy be· 79 loved Son, King of all the world, gracious· ly grant that all the nations of the earth, separated by the wound which sin inflicted, may be made subject to His sweet rule. Who liveth and reigneth forever. Amen. The Feast of All Saints Feast, Nov. 1 Octave, Nov. 2 - 8 Christ and the Church are inseparable. Their union is so close and intimate that He is the Vine and she forms the branches; that He is the Head and she forms the body; that He is ' the Bridegroom and she has the rank of Bride. Here below this union is wrought by faith. grace and charity; it is brought to perfection in the splendors of heaven and the Beatific Vision. Thus. having reached the end of the liturgical cycle. the Church celebrates in one solemn feast - the Feast of All Saints - the glory of the kingdom of Jesus. She joins in their triumph and urges us to follow their example. Jesus is the Crown of all the Saints. Here below. we owe all to Him; for He is the very source of all holiness. As the vine pours forth its nourishing sap into the branches so that they may bear fruit. so Christ Jesus ceaselessly pours forth His grace into all those who abide in Him. It is this grace that animates the Apostles and enlightens Doctors. sustains Martyrs. makes Confessors steadfast. and adorns Virgins with 80 purity. In heaven. likewise. all the glory of the Saints is derived from this same grace. The degree of their holiness is measured by the degree of their likeness to the Divine Model. We should honor the Saints by imitating them. for they are the masterpieces of the grace of Jesus. Though there is great variety among the Saints. one common characteristic is to be found in them all . • It is steadfastness in seeking after God and in loving Him. They remained faithful in spite of every difficulty or tempta- tion. If we wish to resemble them. we must be determined to remain united to Jesus. We abide in Him by sanctifying grace. which makes us living members of His Mystical Body; then. by that upright intention. frequently renewed. that makes us seek in everything. iJ;1 the vocation where Providence has placed us. the good pleasure of our Heavenly Father. This inten- tion directs all our activity towards God's glory. in union with the thoughts. feelings. and will of the Heart of Jesus. our Model and our Head. - Furthermore, we should honor the Saints by invoking them. for Christ wills that these princes of the heavenly court should offer Him our prayers. which He Himself presents to His Father. The Saints have the most ardent desire for our welfare. for their will is in~ffably united to that of God. They have towards us an im- mense charity. which they derive from their union with Jesus. The Feast of All Saints recalls to our minds the wish manifested by the Heart of Jesus at 81 the Last Supper: "Father ... I pray for those whom Thou hast given Me ... that they may have M y joy filled in themse lves ... that wher~ I am, they also whom Thou hast given Me may be ; that they may see My glory ... that the love wherewith Thou hast loved Me may be in them." (John xvii.) May His wish be fulfilled in all of us! Come, blessed of My Father, take pos- session of the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. (Matt. xxv. 34.) Come, let us adore the Lord, the King of kings, for He is the Crown of all the Saints. (Brev.) Glory be to the Father . . . Songs of Praise Let us rejoice in the Lord while cele- brating the Feast of all the Saints, at whose solemnity the angels exult and give praise to the Son of God! Our Father ••• They sing a new canticle, saying, "Worthy art Thou to take the scroll a nd open its seals; for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us for God with Thy Blood, out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation., and hast made them for our God a kingdom and priests, and they shall reign over the earth." And I beheld , and I heard a voice of many angels round about the throne, and 82 the living creatures and the elders, and the number of them was thousands of thou- sands, saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and divinity and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing." And every creature that is in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and such as are on the sea, and all that are in them, T heard them a ll saying, "To Him who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb. blessing and honor and glory and domin- Ion, forever and ever." (Apoc. v. 9-13.) Oh, how glorious is the kingdom where all the Saints rej oice with Christ; they are clothed in white robes and follow the Lamb wherever He goes! (R. Brev. ) Hymn - "Salutis Aeternae Dator" . Giver of life, eternal Lord! Thy own redeemed defend; Mother of grace! thy children save, And help them to the end. Ye thousand, thousand Angel hosts! Assist us in our need; Ye Patriarchs! with the Prophet choir! For our forgiveness plead. Forerunner blest! and thou who still Dost heaven's dread keys retain! Ye glorious Apostles all! Unloose our guilty chain. 83 Army of Martyrs! holy Priests In beautiful array! Ye happy troops of Virgins chaste! Wash all , our stains away. Praise, honor, to the Father be, Praise to His only Son; . Praise, Holy Paraclete, to Thee, While endless ages run. Prayer We offer Lo Thee, 0 Lord, these Lokens of our devotion; may they be pleasing to Thee in honor of all Thy Saints; may they, through Thy mercy, avail for our salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Home of the Elect Behold the dwelling of God with men, and He will dwell with them. And they will be His people, and God Him.self will be with them as their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. And death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away. (Apoc. xxi. 3-4.) Our Father ... o Lord, Thou hope of the Saints and tower of their strength, Thou hast given a heritage to those who revere Thee, and they will dwell in Thy home forever! Blessed art thou, a. Virgin Mary, for 84 having confided in the Lord, because the words He had spoken to thee were fulfilled in thee;. behold, thou art raised above the choirs of the Angels! In tercede for us be- fore the Lord, 'our 'God! o Angels and Archangels, Thrones and Dominions, Principalities and Powers, Vir- tues of heaven, Cherubim and Seraphim; Patriarchs and Prophets, holy Doctors of th e Law, Apostles, . all Martyrs of Christ, 'holy Confessors, Virgins of the Lord ,' Her- mits and all the Saints, intercede for us! (R. Brev.) Prayer 0 ' Lord, we beg Thee' to grant that Thy faithful people may delight in ' hqnoring all Thy Saints; may they be helped by their . unceasing prayers. Through Christ our .Lord. -Amen. Reward ' Exceedingly ' Great Wonderful art Thou, 0 Lord, for hav- ing crowned Thy Saints with glory and honor and set them up as the perfect work of Thy , hand! Our Father ... Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth, 85 Blessed are the poor in spiritj blessed are the mercifut blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justicej blessed are the clean of heartj blessed are the peacemakersj blessed a re they that suffer persecution for justice' sake . (Matt. v.) Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. Blessed are tl1ey who suffer persecution for justice' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when men reproach you, and persecute you, and, speaking false- ly, say all manner of evil against you, for My sake. Rejoice and exult, because your reward is great in heaven. (Matt. v. 3-12.) These are they -who, while living in the flesh, have fructified the Church with their blood. They partook of the Chalice of the Lord and were made friends of God. (R. Brev.) Hymn - "Placare, Christe, Servulis" o Christ, Thy guilty people spare! Lo, kneeling at Thy gracious throne, Thy Virgin-Mother pours Iter prayer, Imploring pardon for her own. 87 Ye Angels, happy evermore! Who in your circles nine ascend, As ye have guarded us before, So still from harm our steps defend. Ye Prophets and Apostles high! Behold our penitential tears; And plead for u s when death is nigh, And our all-searching Judge appears. Ye Martyrs all! a purple band, And Confessors, a white-robed train; Ob, call us to our native land, From this our exile, back again. And ye, 0 choirs of Virgins chaste! Receive us to your seats on high; With Hermits whom the desert waste Sent up of old into the sky. Drive from the flock , 0 Spirit blest ; The false and faithless race a way; That all within one fold may rest, Secure beneath one Shepherd's sway. To God the Father glory be, And to His sole-begotten Son; And glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee; WhUe everlasting ages run. v. The Just shall live forever. R. And their reward is with the Lord. "Prayer Almighty and eternal , God; ,who ,hast willed that we venerate the merits of all 88 Thy Saints on one feastday, we beg Thee to pour upon us the fulness of Thy com· pission, which we so earnestly desire, through the combined intercession of all Thy Saints. . Through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Dedication of the Basilica of the Holy Savior Feast, Nov. 9 The Church of the r:,ateran, founded . by Emperor Constantine, is one 'of the richest and most important Roman basilicas where Chris- tians worshipped after the time of the persecu- tions. It became the mother and mistress of all the churches of Rome and of the world. This feast recalls its dedication on November 9, A.D. 324, by Pope St. Sylvester, who consecrated it under the name of Basilica of the Holy Savior. In the twelfth century it was dedicated to St. John the Baptist and today is known as St. John Lateran. More than twenty-five councils of the Church have been held in this basilica. It was destroyed and re'built in the 18th century and the feast also commemorates its consecration. . The feast of the Dedication also reminds us of the truth that by His incarnation, Christ asso- ciated .all humanity with the perfect song of praise which He offers to His Father and that He has given to the Church the charge of per- 89 petuating it in His Name. The center of all her worship is the holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Every church is a symbol of the Heavenly Jerusalem, o'ur eternal home, where the mem- bers of the Church triumphant glorify God unceasingly. Jesus said to them" "It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer.' " (Matt. xxi. 13.) It is becoming that the house of God should be kept holy. Come, let us adore in this home Christ, the Spouse of the Church! (R. Brev.j Glory be to the Father . .. Awe-inspiring is this place! It is the House of God, and the gate of heaven; and it shall be called the court of God. (Gen. xxviii. 17.) Holiness beseemeth Thy House, 0 Lord, even to the end of days. (Ps. xcii. 5.) How delightful is Thy House, 0 God of Hosts! My soul pines in longing for the courts of the Lord. (Ps. lxxxiii. 2.) I will worship towards Thy holy temple, and I will give glory to Thy name. (Ps. cxxxvii. 2.) o God, before whom stands the choir of angels, give ear to the prayers of Thy servants. (R. MiSS.) Our Father .•. 90 "Zaccheus, make haste and come down; for I must stay in thy house today." And he made haste and came down, and wel- comed Him joyfully. Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, since he, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." (Luke xix.) Prayer o God, who dost prepare 'an eternal dwelling-place for Thy Majesty from living and chosen stones, assist Thy suppliant people, that Thy Church, while growing materially, may also increase spiritually. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Hymn - "Alto ex Olymphi" From highest· heaven, the Father's Son, Descending like that mystic stone Cut from a mountain without hands, Came down below, and filled all lands; Uniting, midway in the sky, His house on earth and house on high. That house on high forever rings With praises of the King of kings; Forever there, on harps divine, They hymn th' eternal One and Trine; We, here below, the strain prolong, And faintly echo Sian's song. 91 o Lord of lords invisible! With Thy pure light this temple fill: Hither, oft as invoked, descend; Here to Thy people's prayer attend; Here, through all hearts, forevermore! Thy Spirit's quick'ning graces pour. Here may the faithful, day by day, Their hearts ' adoring homage pay; ' And here receive from Thy dear love The blessings of that home above; Till loosened from this mortal chain, Its everlasting joys they gain. To God , the Father, glory due B e paid by all the heavenly host; And to His only Son most true; With Thee, 0 mighty Holy . Ghost! To whom, praise, power, and blessing be, Through th' ages of eternity. I saw the holy city, the New J erusa- lem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold the dwelling of God with men, and He will dwell with them. And they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God." (Apoc. xxi. 2. ) o Lord, bless this House which I have built unto Thy Name. WhoBoever shall 92 come unto this place, hear Thou from the excellent throne of Thy glory: (2 Para. vi.) V. This is the house of the Lord firmly built. H. Strongly founded upon a firm rock. Prayer o God, who every year dost renew the day of the consecration of this Thy holy temple and always bringest us in safety to Thy sacred mysteries, graciously hear the prayers of Thy people and grant that who· ever enters this temple to beg for favors, may be gladdened by receiving whatsoever he asks. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Most High hath hallowed His Tabernacle. For this is the House of God, wherein His Name shall be called, whereof it is written: "My Name shall be there," saith the Lord. (Ps. xlv. 5; Jer. vii. 10; Kings viii. 29f.) And God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away. (Apoc. xxi. 4.) And He who was sitting on the throne said, "Behold, I. make all things new!" (Apoc. xxi. 5.) 93 "My house shall be called the house of prayer," saith the Lord. "Therein he that asketh, receiveth; he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened." (R. Brev.) Hynm - "Urbs Jerusalem Beata" o Jerusalem, blest city! Vision dear of peace and love, . Who, of living stones upbuilded, Art the jOy of heaven above, And, with angel cohorts circled, As a Bride to earth dost move! From celestial realms descending, Bridal glory round her shed, To His Presence decked with jewels, By her Lord shall she be led; All her streets, and all her bulwarks, Of pure gold are fashioned. Bright with pearls her portals glitter; They are open evermore; And, by virtue of His merits, Thither faithful souls may soar, Who for Christ's dear Name, in this world Pain and tribulation bore. Many a blow and biting sculpture Polished well those stones elect, In their places now compacted By the Heavenly Architect, Who therewith hath willed forever That His Palace should be· decked. 94 Laud and honor to the Father, Laud and honor to the Son; Laud and honor to the Spirit; Ever Three and ever One: Consubstantial. Co-eternal, While unending ages run. Amen. v. This place is holy, wherein the priest prays. R. For the sins and offenses of the people. Prayer o God, who invisibly containest all things, and yet art pleased for the salva· tion of men to show forth visible signs of Thy power, illumine this temple, we be· seec~ Thee, with the power of Thy indwell· . ing presence, and grant that all who come hither to pray, from whatsoever tribula· tion they may cry unto' Thee for deliver: ance, may obtain the blessings of Thy con· solation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. 95 Page Time after Pentecost Pentecost ............... ..... , .. .. .. . ................ 5 Trinity Sunday........... ..................... ... . 16 Feast of Corpus Christi . .................. . 22 Feast of the Sacred Heart .... . ... .. .... 33 Feast of the Eucharistic Heart ..... ... 43 Feast of the Most Precious Blood 48 The Transfiguration of Our Lord 57 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 63 Feast of Our Lord J esus Christ, King 69 Feast of All Saints ........ ............ ...... 80 Dedication of the Basilica of the H @ly Savior .... .. ....... ...... .. ..... . ..... 89 11300hlets of JDe"otton to ~ur 10rt) To supplement your liturgical novenas in preparation for particular feasts of Our Lord. you will be glad to possess the following book- lets treating of devotion to Our Lord under var- ious forms. and suitable for all times of the year as well as special seasons. Blessed Sacrament Booklets The Treasures of the Mass God Himself. 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