The Voice of History WHY THE AMAZING GROWTH AND CONTINUITY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? 500 CATHOLICS {431.428J109 members) 1000 1500 Nestorians Predestinarians Monophysites-(6 sects) Paulicians Greek-Russian (14 National Churches) Waldenses Presbyterians-(15 sects) Lutherans-(22 sects) Mennonites-(12 sects) Episcopalians Unitarians Congregationalists Baptists-(15 sects) Universalists Methodists-(17 sects) Disciples of Christ Mormons Salvation Army Christian Scientists Four Square Gospel Churcli A.D. Copyright, 1945, by John A. O’Brien QsaddNlW CHART No. I JhjL OoixjL ?UAi&u^ The Divine Origin and Continuous Growth of the Catholic Church as Contrasted with the Human Origin and Short Duration of Other Faiths Explanation of Chart: The vertical lines indicate the centuries of the Christian era. The horizontal lines represent some of the larger and more important of the many hundreds of religious denominations that have arisen during the past nineteen centuries. These lines indicate the duration of the various sects by beginning at the respective dates of origin and ceasing when they disappeared. The width of the line shows the approximate size of the denomination. The chart shows that the Catholic Church was founded by Christ in 33 and has continued its amaz- ing growth through the centuries to its present mem- bership of 431,428,009. It depicts some of the leading heretical sects, such as, the Montanists, Novations, Arians. These have disappeared from the earth, leav- ing only their names and the memory of their errors to posterity. Human Founders Note that the first form of Protestantism did not see the light of day until 1524, when Martin Luther founded the Lutheran Church in Germany. Ten years later Henry VIII founded the Episcopalian Church in England. John Knox started Presbyterianism in 1560. Robert Brown established the Congregationalists in England in 1583; John Smyth, the Baptists in Am- sterdam in 1608. The Methodist Episcopal was founded by John Wesley in England in 1739. All of these denominations have split into various branches. All the Protestant denominations were started by various human founders within the last few centuries. Note the divine origin of the Catholic Church and the human origin of all the Protestant sects, and you will perceive the essential difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. The former is the work of God. The latter is the work of men. Catholicism is God- made. Protestantism is man-made. A Contrast Contrast the unbroken continuity and the marvelous growth of the Catholic Church through 1900 years with the lateness of the arrival of the Protestant sects upon the stage of Christendom, and the divisions which have gone steadily on within their own ranks. As the branch of a tree, that is cut off from the trunk and is thus deprived of the life-giving sap, speedily withers and dies, so the sects which cut them- selves off from the Mother Church are deprived of the life-giving graces flowing through her sacramental veins to all the members of her organic body, and are without the divine protection which alone can preserve their unity and vitality. It was the realization of this truth that brought the great scholar of Oxford, Car- dinal Newman, into the fold of Christ. Christ or Luther ? WHO IS RIGHT ? 0 500 A. D. ^ 1000 Copyright, 1945, by John A. O’Brien CHART No. II Roman Catholics 431,428,009 1524 A.D. Mart'm Luther starts Protestantism- Germany More than 300 Protestant sects combined 135,000,893 1500 (^hhi&L ifL 3bjdthsih The Divine Origin of the Catholic Church and the Human Origin of Protestantism Explanation of Chart: This chart shows at a glance the foundation of the Catholic Church by Jesus Christ at Jerusalem in 33 and the starting of Protestantism by Martin Luther in Germany in 1524. Compare the divine origin of the Catholic Church, its continuous growth and its marvelous unity, with the human origin of Protestantism and its ceaseless splitting into hun- dreds of different sects which have continued to change so that even their own human founders would not recognize them today. “My Church” Christ made unity the mark of His Church, saying ‘T will build my church”—not churches (Mat. 16:18) . . . “and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.” (John 10:16.) Its membership of 431,428,009, more than twice the combined membership of all Protestant sects, is characterized in all the countries of the world by a perfect unity of faith and practice under the uni- versally recognized spiritual leadership of the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth. “Teach ye all nations,” said Christ . . . “and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.” {Mat. 28:20.) On the chart is traced the hand-writing of history, the record of nineteen cen- turies, showing in a vivid and striking manner how faithfully Christ has kept the promise which He made to the infant Church. A Simple Test The problem of determining which is the true Church resolves itself into the simple question : Whom am I to believe—Jesus Christ or Martin Luther? No one can accept both. Luther rejected many of the clear teachings of Christ and, spurning the authority of Christ’s Church, set up a Church in opposition to it. By substituting private judgment for the authority of the Church in the interpretation of Scripture, Luther may be said to be the Father of Protestantism. It is the principle that each individual may interpret Scripture in accordance with his own whims and fancies, which has brought untold disintegration, chaos and anarchy into Protestantism, making it a bedlam of dissension and strife. Protestantism - Born 15 Centuries After Christ 33 A.D.-CHRIST founds Catholic Church -Jerusalem SIGNIFICANT GAP? 1524-Martin Luther founds Lutheran Church-Germany (The First Protestants) 1529-The term “Protestant” dates from Diet of Spires -Germany 1534-Henry Vlll founds Episcopalian Church-England 1560 -John Knox establishes Presbyterian Church -Scotland 1583 -Robert Brown starts Congregationalist Church-England 1608 -John Smyth founds Baptist Church -Amsterdam 1739 -John Wesley establishes Methodist Episcopal Church-England 1827 -Alexander Campbell founds Campbellites or Disciples of Christ Church -Kentucky 1830-Joseph Smith founds Mormon Church-New York 1879 -Mary Baker Eddy starts Christian Science Church -Boston 1817-Aimee Semple McPherson founds Foursquare Gospel Church -Los Angela Copyright, 1945, by John A. O’Brien CHART No. Ill (L Si^ni^kjcmL Chart showing the Gap of Fifteen Centuries from Christ’s Foundation of the Catholic Church at Jerusalem in 33 to Luther’s Establishment of Protestantism in Germany in 1524 Explanation of Chart: This chart focuses attention upon the tell-tale gap that stretches from the divine origin of the Catholic Church at Jerusalem in 33 to the establishment of Lutheranism, the first form of Protestantism, by Martin Luther in 1524. That gap is significant. Why? Because it brings out into clear relief historical truths which cannot be stressed too much, namely: 1. The Catholic Church alone has Jesus Christ for her Founder. 2. She had been carrying on her divinely appointed work of teaching the religion of Christ to mankind for almost fifteen centuries before Protestantism saw the light of day. 3. All forms of Protestantism are man-made. 4. They are without any divine sanction or approval. 5. They all are at variance on one or more important points with the truths given to the Church by Christ and taught by the Apostles and their successors down to the present day. 6. Loyalty to Christ demands that one abandon any of these man-made creeds and embrace the religion founded by Jesus Christ for all mankind. Origin of “Protestant” The term, Protestant, traces its origin to the Diet of Spires in Germany in 1529. For fifteen hundred years the Church founded by Jesus Christ had been carry- ing on her divinely appointed mission of teaching and sanctifying mankind before Protestantism saw the light of day. The gulf of fifteen centuries between the foundation of the Catholic Church and the first sects of Protest- antism shows more clearly than a volumt- of words that the Catholic Church alone has Christ for her Founder and is therefore the one true Church which Christ wishes all men to embrace. A Great Treasure “In possessing the Catholic faith,” observes Cardinal Gibbons, “I hold a treasure compared with which all things earthly are but dross. Instead of wishing to bury this treasure in my breast, I long to share it with others.” Such is the sentiment of every Catholic — cleric or lay. Because it means so much to him, brings him such joy, and gives him a peaee that surpasses all the pleasures of the world, he is ready and eager to share it with others. I The epitaph which the great scholar of Oxford, . ,4 1 Cardinal Newman, wrote for his own tomb, tells what his conversion meant for his whole life: “From the shadows and the symbols into the truth.” That is what entrance into the Catholie Church will mean for every eonvert—a passing from shadows and uncertainties into light and truth. “I am the light of the world,” said Christ, “he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” Catholicism Gains - Protestantism Declines: Why ? FIGURES FOR 10 YEAR PERIOD TAKEN FROM U. S. FEDERAL CENSUS INCLUDE ALL SOURCES OF I N CREAS E - CATH OLI C BIRTHS. IMMIGRATION. CONVERTS. ETC.Copyright, 1945, by John A. O’Brien JhsL UUaLUj^ ihsL(^ajthjoIic. QhiUtch. The Growth of the Catholic Church in the United States Compared with the Net Loss of the 13 Principal Protestant Denominations from 1926 to 1936 as Shown by the U. S. Federal Census. Explanation of Chart'. The U. S. census reported a total membership for 13 of the principal Protestant denominations of 28,565,261 in 1926 and of 27,343,844 in 1936—a net loss of 1,221,377. Compare this with the net gain of 1,309,934 for the Catholic Church in the same period. The denominations are the Baptists (in- cludes 3 groups), Methodist Episcopal (5 groups), Presbyterians (2 groups), Episcopalians, Lutherans (6 groups). Churches of Christ, Christian Scientists, Church of the United Brethren, Congrega-tionalists, Disciples of Christ, Evangelical Reformed, Evangelical Church, Church of the Latter Day Saints. One of the distinctive marks of the Catholic Church is her inexhaustible vitality. Though more than nine- teen centuries old, she possesses the vigor of unending youth. On her head are the snows of myriad winters, but in her heart is the spirit of eternal spring. As a result of a life time spent in historical research. Lord Macaulay was profoundly impressed by the un- paralleled vitality of the Catholic Church, which enabled her to survive the fall of nations and the wreck of empires, to stand out among all the institu- tions of the world as dowered with immortal life. Macaulay’s Tribute “The Catholic Church,” he wrote, “is still sending forth to the farthest ends of the world missionaries as zealous as those which landed in Kent with Augustine, and still confronting hostile kings with the same spirit with which she confronted Attila. Nor do we see any sign which indicates that the term of her long domin- ion is approaching. She saw the commencement of all the governments and of all the ecclesiastical estab- lishments which now exist in the world; and we feel no assurance that she is not destined to see the end of them all. . . . And she may still exist in undiminished vigor when some traveler from New Zealand shall, in the midst of a vast solitude, take his stand on a broken arch of London bridge to sketch the ruins of St. Paul’s.” A Contrast The Church is displaying in America today the mar- velous vitality which has characterized her ministry in the centuries past. While denominations here are de- caying, splitting, and disintegrating, the Church con- tinues her growth and her unbroken unity. While Protestants decreased both in adherents and in the number of the churches they conduct, the number of Protestant sects increased by forty, passing the 250 mark. The disintegration was especially marked in the larger Protestant bodies. Why does the Church possess such inexhaustible vitality? Because Jesus Christ has kept the promise He made to His Church when, after commissioning her to teach all nations. He said: “And behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.” That is why the Church will never know decay. That is why she shall carry on her divinely appointed mis- sion until the last soul has been gathered to the bosom of its Maker. More Than A Million American Converts: Why? Copyright, 1945, by John A. O’Brien CHART No. V FIGURES TAKEN FROM OFFICIAL CATHOLIC DIRECTORY REFER TO CONVERTS ONLY OVER 18 YEAR PERIOD. JhiL PidL Jhudk, upon, thsL, Opsut, Wind, The Annual Increase in the Number of Converts to the Catholic Church from 1926 to 1944 — a Total of 1,041,750 for the 18 Year Period Explanation of Chart \ In 1926 the converts totalled 35,751; in 1934, they totalled 63,845; in 1943, they reached the peak of 90,822—making a grand total for the 18 year period of 1,041,750, A distinguishing mark of the Catholic religion has been its ability in all ages to draw minds to its embrace. Start- ing out as a little band of Apostles and disciples, with the sound of Christ’s words, "Teach ye all nations," echoing in their ears, the Church founded by Jesus Christ spread with marvelous rapidity through all the countries of the world. In spite of the determined opposition of the Jewish Synagogue, of the philosophers of pagan Greece, of the bloody persecutions of imperial Rome, the religion of Christ won adherents among all classes of society with such speed as to amaze the ancient world. Where one Christian fell as a martyr, a number of converts sprang up, so that the Romans were compelled to exclaim, "The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians.” From a mark of ignominy the Cross became a symbol of triumph and of glory. The Finger of God The propogation of the Catholic religion by a little band of Apostles and their successors, with neither military might nor economic force, so that in a few centuries it changed the face of the earth, is one of the most stu- pendous facts of history. The conquest of the ancient world by a handful of untutored fishermen is a miracle of the moral order, attesting constant aid from on High. Upon the achievement is the clear imprint of the hand of God. It was not the work of men alone but of God as well. The marvelous growth which characterized the Church in other ages and in other lands is continuing in America today. The most gifted minds among the scientists, phil- osophers, artists and literateurs are flocking to her. "The cold clear light of reason,’’ observes Arnold Lunn, "is all the guidance a man needs to find his way to the Church." ( 1 i 1 i Tlie Pull of Truth The truth of his words is evidenced by the roll call of the brilliant Americans who thought themselves into the Church. That line we trace from Orestes A. Brownson, one of the most profound thinkers America has produced. to Bishop Frederick J. Kinsman, one of the most scholarly of all Anglican divines, down to Professor Carlton J. Hayes, the leading historian of our day. The reasons which brought this galaxy of brilliant scholars, as well as the other 1.041,750 converts into the Church, can all, as G. K. Chesterton pointed out, be reduced to the one reason: "Catholicism is true.” "The other day," wrote William Lyon Phelps, "I read as a piece of news that in fifty years science will have destroyed religion, so that there will be nothing left of it except a memory. Meanwhile conversions to the Roman Catholic Church continue in such quantity and quality as to excite the attention of all who are interested in what is called the trend of modern thought. 1 recommend to those who wonder 'how any intelligent man can become a Roman Catholic’ a little book called Restoration, written by Ross J. S Hoffman, a professor of history in New York University, who tells us how he went from nothing to everything." The noted author, John L. Stoddard, thus summarizes what his conversion has brought to him: "The Catholic Church has given me order for confusion, certainty for doubt, sunlight for darkness, substance for shadow." Therein is reflected the experience of all converts. Do Not Delay The Church invites you, regardless of past errors and prejudices, to return to the household of your forefathers, the Church of historical Christianity, from which so mariy have unwittingly strayed. You will find in the Catholic Church, the house wherein your forefathers worshipped for fifteen centuries and more, a warm and friendly wel- come, the certainty of possessing all the teachings and the sacraments of Christ, and a revived spiritual life in union with Jesus. if you are outside the Church, dear reader, do not hesitate to call upon a Catholic priest or layman or woman for information and literature which will present to you the credentials of her divine commission to guide all men to their eternal destiny with God in Heaven. Do not delay a moment. It is of supreme importance. Mem- bership in the Church of Christ will give you peace of mind and happiness here below and the faithful observance of her teachings and commandments will assure you hap- piness for all eternity. Chart No. VI CoDvright, 1945, by John A. O’Brien jhsL TJiakinq^ ihsL Tlsiw JsL&iamsmL The Catholic Church Explanation of the Chart: This chart presents in outline form the essential historical facts about the origin and formation of the New Testament. In showing how it came into being, the chart shows how it owes its existence to the Catholic Church, the Mother of the Bible. The chart likewise brings out into clear relief the fol- lowing important facts: 1. The New Testament was written in its entirety by Catholics. 2. St. Peter, the first Pope of the Catholic Church, is the author of two of its epistles. 3. The Catholic Church determined the canon or list of books to constitute the New Testament. 4. The declaration of the Catholic Church that the books of the New Testament are all inspired by God constitutes the sole authority for the universal belief of both Catholics and Protestants in their inspired character. 5. The Catholic Church existed before the New Testa- ment. 6. The Catholic Church is the Mother of the New Testa- ment. Determines Canon of New Testament If she had not scrutinized carefully the writings of her children, rejecting some and approving others as worthy of inclusion in the canon of the New Testament, there would be no New Testament today. If she had not declared the books composing the New Testament to be the inspired word of God, we would not know it. The only authority which non-Catholics have for the inspiration of the Scriptures is the authority of the Catholic Church. If the latter be rejected, there remain no logical grounds for retention of the cardinal tenet of all Protestants —the inspired character of Scripture. With the possible exception of St. John, none of the Apostles ever saw all the writings which now make up the New Testament. If the Church did not preserve the Bible, shielding it from the attacks of barbarians, copying it in her mon- asteries throughout the long centuries oefore the art of printing was invented, the modern world would be with- out the Bible. Church Existed Before the Bible The chart shows that the Catholic Church, founded by Jesus Christ, was teaching and preaching the word of God for nine years before a word of the New Testament was written and for sixty-seven years before it was completed. The truths enunciated by her Divine Founder were deep in her heart and fresh in her memory. She was busily engaged in imparting these orally to mankind. Christ wrote nothing. Neither did He command the Mother of the Bible Apostles to write. He commissioned them to teach His doctrines to all mankind. "Go ye into the whole world," He said, "and preach the gospel to every creature.” The Apostles fulfilled the command of Christ by their oral preaching. Three of the twelve, Peter, Matthew and John, supple- mented their preaching by writing. It is well to remember, however, that the Church was a going concern, a func- tioning institution, teaching, preaching, administering the sacraments, saving souls, before the New Testament saw the light of day. Mother of the Bible She is not the child of the Bible, as many non-Catholics imagine, but its Mother. She derives neither her existence nor her teaching authority from the New Testament. She had both before the New Testament was born. She secured her being, her teachings, her authority directly from Jesus Christ. If all the books of the Bible and all the copies thereof were blotted out, she would still be in possession of all the truths of Christ and could still continue to preach them as she did before a single word of the New Testa- ment was written. For those truths are deep in her mind, heart and memory, in her liturgical and sacramental life, in the traditions, written and unwritten, which go directly back to Christ. Authorized Interpreter The Church has brought the Bible into being. She reverences it. She loves it as a mother loves her child. She declares it to be the inspired word of God. She urges all to read it with faith and reverence. She interprets it for all mankind with the power and authority bestowed upon her by her Divine Founder when He said: "All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Going, therefore, teach ye all nations . . . teaching them to ob- serve all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. As the founding Fathers of our country established the Supreme Court to interpret with authority the constitution for all our citizens, so Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church to interpret with infallible authority all His teach- ings, both oral and written, for all mankind. "He that heareth you,” said Christ of His Church, "heareth me, and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me. ”2 Reverence and love the Bible, as the Catholic Church does, and read it every day. It will bring you closer to God in knowledge, in service, and in love. 1. Mat. 28: 18-20 2. Luke, 10:16 CHART No. VII JhiL Tl^LcVUD&buA, ^ADwipL IM. ^cdthoUc. QPiuMk. in, Cbruihwa, U. S. Federal Census Acknowledges Numerical Supremacy Explanation of Chart: There is food for reflection in the fact that the Catholic Church has grown so rapidly to the position of overwhelming numerical superiority in out country. The continuous misrepresentation of Catholic teaching by her enemies and the waves of anti-Catholic bigotry which periodically sweep our land, as a result of propaganda by such notorious organizations as the A.P.A. and the Ku Klux Klan, have not been able to counteract the pull of truth nor the unfailing aid from on High. No searcher for truth can fail to be impressed by the chart prepared by the U. S. Census Bureau showing how the Catholic Church stands head and shoulders above every other religious group in America. The statistics are for the year 1936. While they certainly do not represent the full membership in the Church at that time, they suffice to show how far she outstrips all other organizations. A Striking Parallel This is all the more remarkable when it is remembered that the Catholic immigrants to this country in the colonial days and in the succeeding decades were for the most part in the lower economic brackets. Their rapid rise to numer- ical ascendancy parallels in a general way the marvelous growth of the early Christians from an impoverished and persecuted minority to the dominant religious organization in the Grecian and Roman empires. Wherever a martyr fell, new converts arose to take his place. This truth is mirrored in the saying that became current in the early centuries of Christianity: "The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians.’’ With such impressive rapidity was the evangelization of the pagan world effected that Tertullian, a convert in the second century, was able to address these words to the Roman emperor: "We are but of yesterday, and we fill all that is yours; your cities, your islands, your military posts; your boroughs, your council chambers and your camps ; the palace, the senate, the forum; your temples alone we leave you.’’ Christ’s Promise Fulfilled Such words might likewise be uttered by the early Catholic immigrants to America, if they could return and see how their co-religionists have grown in less than two centuries to constitute the largest religious organization in our land. In the New World as in the Old, Christ chose not the rich and the mighty, but the poor and the humble, to be the propagators of His Faith. "The foolish things of the world hath God chosen,’’ says St. Paul, "that He might confound the wise; and the weak things of the world, hath God chosen that He might confound the strong.” (I Cor. 1:27) The tiny mus- tard seed planted by the divine Master in ancient Judea has grown into a mighty tree under whose spreading branches all the nations of the world can find shelter and repose. From a little band of impoverished Catholic settlers, the Catholic Church has grown in spite of opposition, discrimination and calumny, into the largest religious or- ganization in America because Jesus Christ is keeping the promise which He made to His Church when He said: "Going, therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things what- soever I have commanded you : and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.” (Mat. 28:18-20) / Djed 67 78 90 100 112 121 132 142 154 158 167 175 182 182 193 203 221 227 233 238 239 253 255 257 260 261 272 275 283 296 304 309 311 313 337 340 352 366 365 384 398 402 417 418 423 432 440 461 468 483 492 496 498 514 523 526 530 532 535 536 538 555 560 573 578 590 to I ist . HE TITLE DEED OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Unbroken Usf of Pontiffs from Peter to Today Christ to Peter: “Thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." MAT. 16:18 66 . 67. 68 . 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86 . 87. 88 . 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100 . 101 . 102 . 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110 . 111 . 112 . 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120 . 121 . 122 . 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. -Died Name St. Gregrory I. . . . Sabinian Boniface III . . . . St. Boniface IV. . St. Deusdedit I. . Boniface V Honorius I Serverinus John IV Theodore I St. Martin I., M. St. Eugene I. . . . St. Vatalian . . . . Adeodatus II. . . . Bonus I. Elected 590 604 607 608 615 619 625 639 640 642 649 655 657 672 676 St. Agatho 678 St. Leo II 682 St. Benedict II. ... 684 John V 685 Conon 686 St. Sergius 1 687 John VI 701 John VII 705 Sislnnius 708 Constantine 708 St. Gregory II 7 15 St. Gregory III. ... 731 St. Zachary 741 SfeiJhen II. t 752 St. Stephen III. . . . 752 St. Paul 1 757 Stephen IV 768 Adrian 1 771 St. Leo III 795 St. Stephen V 816 St. Paschal 1 817 Eugene II 824 Valentine 82 7 Gregory IV 827 Sergius II 844 St. Leo IV 847 Benedict III 855 St. Nicolas 1 858 Adrian II 867 John VIII 872 Marinus 1 882 St. Adrian III 884 Stephen VI 885 Formosus 891 Stephen VII 896 Romanus 897 Theodore II 898 John IX 898 Benedict IV 900 Leo V 903 Christopher 903 Sergius III 904 Anastaslus III 911 Landus 913 John X 915 Leo VI 928 Stephen VIII 929 John XI 931 Leo VII 936 Stephen IX 939 Marinus II 942 Agapitus II 946 before his consecration. ±- Died 604 606 607 615 619 625 638 640 642 649 672 676 678 682 683 685 686 687 701 705 707 708 715 73! 741 752 752 757 767 771 795 816 817 824 827 827 844 847 855 858 867 872 882 884 885 891 896 897 898 898 900 903 903 904 911 913 914 928 929 931 936 939 942 946 Name Elected ' Died 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 1 74. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. John XII. Benedict V. John XIII. Benedict VI. Bonus II. Benedict VII. John XIV. John XV. Gregory V. Sylvester II. John XVI. or XVII.. John XVII. or XVIII. Sergius IV 1009 Benedict VIII 1012 John XVIII. or XIX. or XX Benedict IX 1033 Gregory VI 1044 Clement II 1046 Damasus II 1048 St. Leo IX 1049 Victor II 1055 Stephen X 105 7 Nicholas II 1059 Alexander II 1061 St. Gregory VII. . . . 1073 B. Victor III 1087 B. Urban II 1088 Paschal II 1099 Gelasius II lilt 1024 Calllstus II. Honorius II 1124 Innocent II 1130 Celestlne II 1143 Lucius II 1144 B. Eugene III 1145 Anastasius IV. Adrian IV. . . Alexander III. Lucius III. . . Urban III 1185 Gregory VIII 1187 Clement III 1187 Celestine III 1191 Innocent III 1198 Honorius III 1216 Gregory IX 122 7 Celestlne IV 1241 Innocent IV 1243 Alexander IV 1254 Urban IV 1261 Clement IV. . B. Gregory X. B. Innocent V. Adrian V 1276 John XIX. or XX. or XXI 1276 Nicholas III 1277 Martin IV 1281 Honorius IV 1285 1119 1153 1154 1159 1181 1265 1271 1276 Nicholas IV 1288 St. Celestlne V.t . . 1294 Boniface VIII 1294 B. Benedict X. or XI. 1303 Clement V 1305 John XX. or XXI. or XXII 1316 1334 1033 1044 1046 104 7 1048 1054 1057 1058 1061 1073 1085 1087 1099 1118 1119 1124 1130 1143 1144 1145 1153 1154 1159 1181 1185 1187 1187 1191 1198 1216 1227 124 1 1241 1254 1261 1 264 1268 1276 1276 1276 1277 12.80 1285 1287 1292 1294 1303 1304 1314 201 . 202 . 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208, 209, 210 . 211 . 212 . 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220 . 221 . 222 . 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 243. 242. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261 . 262. Name Benedict XI. or XII. Clement VI Innocent VI B. Urban V Gregory XI Urban VI Boniface IX Innocent VII Gregory XII. t Alexander V John XXII. or XXIII. or XXIV. t Martin Hi. or V. . . Eugene IV. ....... Nicholas V Calllstus III Pius II Paul II Sixtus IV Innocent VIII Alexander VI Pius III Julius II Leo X Adrian VI Clement VII Paul III Julius III Marcel lus II Paul IV Plus IV St. Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX Clement X Alexander VIII. . . . Innocent XI Innocent XII Clement XI Innocent XIII Benedict XIII Clement XII Benedict XIV Clement XIII Clement XIV Pius VI Pius VII Leo XII Pius VIII Gregory XVI Pius IX Leo XIII Pius X Benedict XV Pius XI Pius XII Elected Died 1334 1342 1342 1352 1362 1370 35i 362 370 378 1409 1410 1410 1417 1431 1447 1455 1458 1415 1431 1447 1 4 55 1458 14i>4 1513 1521 1522 1523 1523 1534 1534 1519 1550 1555 1555 1555 1555 1559 1559 1565 1605 1 62 I 1623 1644 1655 1667 1670 1691 1700 1721 1724 1 730 1 62 1 1623 1 644 1 655 1 667 1669 1676 1700 1721 1724 1 730 1740 1769 1774 lus XII. 83 are honored as Saints; 7 as Blessed; and 33 were martyred ... a distinguished list of holy and saintly men , . and constituting the title deed of the Catholic Church . . . the one true Church of Jesus Christ on earth. YOUR ETERNAL HAPPINESS AT STAKE A Hearf-fo-Heart Talk Dear Friend: If you are about to purchase a piece of property, what do you do with great care and thoroughness? You examine the title deed to make sure that the deed goes back all the way to the original owner. If it does not, you know the title is worthless. Why not exercise the same care in your search for the true Church of Jesus Christ? If you examine the title deeds of all the Churches calling themselves Christian, you will find that only one goes back to Christ and to Peter, the divinely ap- pointed head of His Church on earth. No form of Protestant- ism saw the light of day until the sixteenth century. All were established by human founders without authorization from Christ and in violation of His stern command to preserve unity of faith . . . "one flock, one shepherd.” There are glaring flaws therefore in all their titles, their claims, to be the Church of Christ. One Church Jesus Christ founded but one Church, the Catholic Church. To her He gave exclusive jurisdiction over the deposit of divine truth, sole title to His power and authority. To Peter, the first Pope, Christ said: "Thou are Peter: and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.” (Mat. 16:18-20). The power and authority to govern His Church, conferred by Christ upon Peter, has been passed on in an unbroken line to his successors to the present day. The original grant of authority and power, along with the unbroken list of suc- cessors, consiiiutes the title deed of the Catholic Church to be the one true Church of Christ on earth. Do Nof Delay If you have no religious affiliation, dear reader, does not reason and common sense urge you to join the true Church? If unfortunately you are outside the true fold, dear friend, does not prudence suggest that you apply at once for entrance into Christ’s Church? The salvation of your immortal soul is your most important task. "For what shall it profit a man,” warns Christ, "if he gain the whole world, and suffer tbe loss of his soul?” (Mark 8:36.) Do not delay. See a priest at once. He will guide you kindly and lovingly into the true Church of Jesus Christ to enable you to save your immortal soul and to be happy with God for all eternity. PUBLISHED BY CATHOLIC INFORMATION SOCIETY, 214 W. 3IST ST., NEW YORK 1. N.Y