i IP1W3 III jS'h'Tl.HLef MA55 BCOlc.... A£. &.S c i c l%' (a i (dr?* ’*) ir- ILLUSTRATED MASS BOOK FOR CHILDREN Nihil Obstat John A. Goodwine, J.C.D. Censor Librorum Imprimatur f Francis Cardinal Spellman Archbishop of New York December, 1957 The Holy Mass The Holy Mass in the renewing of the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ in an unbloody manner. Therefore let us follow this wonder- ful Mystery and its beautiful cere- monies, thinking about the sorrows and suffering of Jesus. DeacWifioo j l At the Beginning of the Mass Jesus Christ in the Garden of Olives O my Jesus, Thou Who wast consol- ed by an angel during Thy prayers, grant me the grace to always pray well, and to be always protected in dangers by Thy angels. 2 7N Jesus siveating drops of blood (When the Priest bozos at the foot of the altar) Confiteor O my Jesus, Who hast suffered so much in the Garden of Olives, shed- ding Thy most Precious Blood, imprint upon my heart the remembrance of Thy sufferings so that I may weep over my sins and obtain forgiveness. 3 1 At The kissing of the Altar [. . With a kiss Judas betrayed Christ O my Jesus, Who wast betrayed by Judas, help me that I may always love Thee with my whole heart, and V my enemies too, for love of Thee. 4 r Jesus is taken to Annas and Caiphas (When the Priest goes to the book the first time) Introit O my Jesus, Who didst lovingly suf- fer great humiliations by permitting Thyself to be arrested and delivered into the hands of Annas and Caiphas, grant that I may also bear the insults and difficulties of my life. 5 Kyrie (When the Priest goes to the center of the altar) Jesus is denied by Saint Peter O my Jesus, Who wast denied three times by. Thy disciple, give me the strength to suffer all things for love of Thee. ~ >N \ Jesus is recognised as God and Man Gloria O my Jesus, Who amidst so many sufferings and humiliations hast al- ways been true God and true Man, safeguard the true Faith which I re- ceived at the moment of my Baptism. 7 — Saint Peter iveeps bitterly When the Priest urns to the people xtending his arms) Dominus Vobiscum The Lord be with you O my Jesus, Who with Thy kind look didst forgive Saint Peter his sins, always look down with favor upon ^my sinful heart. 8 r Jesus is accused before Pilate Epistle O my Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst allow Thyself to be accused before Pilate, help me to suffer with patience any offenses I might receive. 9 J ; — Barabbas is pre- ferred to Christ Gospel O my dear Jesus, Who didst see a murderer preferred to Thee, the Sav- ior, let me never be ashamed to prac- tice my religion before other people. 10 Offertory The scourging and crowning with thorns O my Jesus, I offer Thee the pure host of this holy Sacrifice in atone- ment for sins against the virtue of purity. And please give me the grace to avoid all sins of pride. 11 r~. _ Pilate washes his hands My Lord Jesus Christ, unjustly con- demned to death although Pilate had declared Thee innocent, grant me innoncence of mind and body. A the Washing of the Fingers Orate fratres Pray, Brethren O my Jesus, condemned to death by Thy ungrateful people, grant that I nevermore offend Thee by a mortal sin. vl Jesus is condem- ned to death 13 Jesus carrying the Cross Preface and Sanctus O Jesus, for love of me Thou hast carried the heavy Cross on Thy shoulders. Make me patient in my sorrows and difficulties. J 14 Jesus on the zvay to Calvary Canon 0 my Jesus, Who hast carried the Cross on account of my sins, grant, 1 beseech Thee, that I may always have true sorrow for my sins. 15 : Jesus hanging on the Cross Elevation of the Host My Lord and my God, nailed to the Cross for love of me, grant that I may live united with Thee for all eternity. 16 r The Heart of Jesus opened with a spear Elevation of the Chalice My Lord and my God, cleanse me by Thy most Precious Blood, and protect me in all temptations of the devil. 17 Jesus promises heaven to the good thief Commemoration of the Dead Dear Jesus, Thou didst promise heav- en to the good thief; hear therefore the prayers I pour forth to holy souls in Purgatory, especially for the souls of my relatives and friends. O Mary, my dear Mother, pray for us and for the faithful departed. 18 r N Jesus gives His Mother to St. John PaterNosterOurFather O Jesus, Who hast given to Saint John and us such a kind Mother, the Virgin Mary, I now thank Thee for this gift with an « Our Father ». Our Father, Who art in heaven... ; 19 — € Truly , this is the Son of God > -\ AgnusDeiLambofGod Through Thy five holy Wounds, O dear Jesus, I beg Thee for the grace of a holy death. Heart of Jesus once in Agony, have mercy on me. V—: ^20 Jesus is laid in the Sepulchre Communion Jesus was laid in the tomb. O my Jesus, grant that I may receive Thee many, many times with a pure and well-prepared heart, through the in- tercession of Thy blessed Mother. I believe that Thou art truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. 21 Jesus arises from the dead Communion 0 my Jesus, through Thy glorious Resurrection grant that at the Last Judgment my soul may be united with my body in all glory, and that 1 may live with Thee in heaven forever. Z' After blessing His disciples , Jesus ascends into heaven The Blessing and the Last Gospel O my sweet Jesus, Who ascended into haven by Thy own power, give me Thy blessings so that I may al- ways observe Thy commandements faithfully to the very end of my life. Amen. 23 r Last Prayers After Mass the Priest kneels down at the foot of the altar and, together with all the faithfull, says three Hail Marys , the Hail Holy Queen , and other prayers, for the intentions of the Holy Father. 24