OB OCTOBER 1955-^OCTOBER 1956 Feature Motion Pictures Reviewed by the New York Office of the Notional Legion of Decency OCTOBER, 1955— OCTOBER, 1956 A* D. O* NATIONAL LEGION OF DECENCY 453 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK 22 , N. Y. Phone PLozo 9-1400 . . To some, faced with the grave problems which harass the present age, and which certainly invite Our most earnest solicitude, this question of the cinema might appear a subject of minor importance, and one not deserving the special atten- tion which We pay to it. ‘‘Certainly it seems that the cinema, being by its nature an art and a diversion, ought to remain confined, as it were, to the fringes of life, governed, of course, by the common laws which regulate ordinary human activities. “But since, in fact, it has become for the present genera- tion a spiritual and moral problem of enormous importance, it cannot be passed over by those who have at heart the fate of the greater part of mankind and of its future. Above all, then, it cannot be neglected by the Church. ...” Excerpt from the address of His Holiness Pope Pius XII to delegates to the Rome Congress of the International Union of Theatre Owners and Film Distributors. — 3— THE EPISCOPAL COMMITTEE ON MOTION PICTURES Most Reverend William A. Scully, D.D. Bishop of Albanyy Chairman Most Reverend Charles H. Helmsing, S.T.D. Bishop of Springfield-Cape Girardeau Most Reverend Timothy Manning, D.D., J.C.D. Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles Most Reverend Hubert M. Newell, D.D., LL.D. Bishop of Cheyenne Most Reverend John King Mussio, D.D., J.C.D. Bishop of Steubenville _ 4_ The Executive Staff of the National Legian of Decency 4S3 Madison Avenue New York 22, New York PLaza 9-1400 Very Reverend Monsignor Thomas F. Little, S.T.L. Executive Secretary Reverend Paul J. Hayes Assistant Executive Secretary Mrs. James F. Looram, L.H.D. ChairmaHy Motion Picture Dept., I.F.C.A. —S— INTRODUCTION Motion Pictures Reviewed October, 1955, to October, 1956 From October, 1955, to October, 1956, the New York office of the National Legion of Decency reviewed 328 feature mo- tion pictures. Of the total number of films reviewed, 98 were rated as Class A—Section I—Morally Unobjectionable for General Patronage; 141 were rated as Class A—Section II—Morally Unobjectionable for Adults; 80 were rated as Class B—Morally Objectionable in Part for All; 8 were rated as Class C—Con- demned and 1 was given a “Separate Classification.” Explanation of Classifications A-I—Morally Unobjectionable for General Patronage. These films are considered to contain no material which would be morally dangerous to the average motion picture audience, adults and children alike. A-II—Morally Unobjectionable for Adults. These are films which in themselves are morally harmless but which, be- cause of subject matter or treatment, require maturity and experience if one is to witness them without danger of moral harm. While no definite age limit can be established for this group, the judgment of parents, pastors and teachers would be helpful in determining the decision in individual cases. B—Morally Objectionable in Part for All. Films in this category are considered to contain elements dangerous to Christian morals or moral standards. C—Condemned. Condemned films are considered to be those which because of theme or treatment are what has been described by the Holy Father as “positively bad.” Separate Classification—A Separate Classification is given to certain films which, while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection to the uninformed against wrong interpretations and false conclusions. — 6— Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/featuremotionpic1955nati Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review Abdullah’s Harem (was The Royal Bed) (Fox) B Objection: Suggestive costuming, dancing and situations; low moral tone. Adorable Creatures (Fr) (Continental) C Objection: This film, in the story it tells, condones immoral actions. In treatment, it seriously offends Christian and tradi- tional standards of morality and decency by reason of sugges- tive costuming, dialogue and situations. Moreover, it presents material morally unsuitable for entertainment motion picture audiences. Alexander the Great (UA) A-I All That Heaven Allows (U-I) A-II Alone in the Streets (Ital.-Eng.) (Carroll Pics.) A-II Alraune (Ger.-Eng.) (DCA) B Objection: The theme of thb film includes subject matter which is judged to be morally repellent and questionable for entertain- ment purposes. It contains suggestive costuming and situations. Note: This classification is applicable only to prints shown in Continental U. S. A. Amazon Trader (War.) A-II Ambassador’s Daughter (UA) A-II Animal World, The (War.) A-I Anything Goes (Para.) A-II Artists and Models (Para.) B Objection: Suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations. As Long As You’re Near Me (Ger.-Eng.) (War.) A-II At Gun Point (was Gun Point) (AA) A-I Atomic Man (AA) A-I Attack (UA) A-II Autumn Leaves (Col.) B Objection: The subject matter of this film contains certain ele- ments that are morally repellent. It reflects the acceptability of divorce; suggestive situations. Away All Boats (U-I) A-I 19SS-S6 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 Back From Eternity (RKO) A-II Backlash (U-I) A-II Bad Seed (War.) A-II Ballet of Romeo and Juliet (Russ.-Eng.) (Tohan) A-I Bandido (UA) B Objection: Light treatment of marriage; suggestive sequence and dialogue. 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 — 8— Title and Distributor Rating Barefoot Battalion (Greek-Eng.) (Fox) A-I Battle of Gettysburg (MGM) A-I Battle Stations (Col.) A-I Beast of Hollow Mountain (UA) A-I Behind the High Wall (U-I) A-II Bengazi (RKO) A-I Benny Goodman Story (U-I) A-I Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (RKO) A-II Bhowani Junction (MGM) A-II Bigger Than Life (Fox) A-II Birds and the Bees, The (Para.) B Objection: Light treatment of marriage; suggestive song and sequences. Blackjack Ketchum, Desperado (Col.) A-I Black Sleep (UA) A-II Bobby Ware Is Missing (AA) A-I Boss, The (UA) A-II Bottom of the Bottle (Fox) A-II Brain Machine (Br.) (RKO) A-II Brave One, The (RKO) A-I Broken Star (UA) A-II Burning Hills (War.) A-II Bus Stop (Fox) B Objection: Suggestive costuming, dialogue, dancing and situations. Carousel (Fox) A-II Cash on Delivery (Br.) (RKO) B Objection: Reflects the acceptability of divorce. Catered Affair (MGM) A-II Cockleshell Heroes (Br.) (Col.) A-II Comanche (UA) A-I Come Next Spring (Rep.) A-I Come On, The (AA) B Objection: Low moral tone; suggestive costuming and situations. Congo Crossing (U-I) A-II Conqueror, The (RKO) B Objection: Excessive brutality; suggestive costuming, dancing and situations. Court Jester (Para.) A-I Court Martial of Billy Mitchell (War.) : A-I Crashing Las Vegas (AA) A-II Year of Review 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 Title and Distributor Rating Creature Walks Among Us (U-I) A-II Creeping Unknown (Br.) (UA) A-II Crime Against Joe (UA) A-II Crime in the Streets (AA) A-II Crooked Web (Col.) A-II Cross Channel (Br.) (Rep.) A-I Crowded Paradise (Tudor) A-II Cry in the Night (War.) A-II Dakota Incident (Rep.) A-II Day of Fury (U-I) A-II D-Day, The Sixth of June (Fox) B Objection: Light treatment of marriage; tends to arouse undue sympathy for immoral actions. Deadliest Sin, The (Br.) (AA) A-II Observation : The treatment of the “seal of confession” is sus- ceptible of misinterpretation by the uninformed. Desperate Women (Majestic Films) C Objection: The subject matter of this film is judged entirely objectionable and morally unacceptable for presentation in enter- tainment motion picture theaters. Moreover, it ignores com- pletely essential and supernatural values associated with questions of this nature. Diabolique (Fr.) (UMPO) B Objection: Suggestive costuming; contains certain religious ele- ments which are susceptible of misunderstanding. Diane (MGM) A-II Observation: Several references to soothsaying are susceptible to misunderstanding. Dig That Uranium (AA) A-I Doctor At Sea (Br.) (Rep.) B Objection: Suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations. Doctors, The (Fr.) (Kingsley) B Objection: Suggestive sequences and dialogue. Earth vs. The Flying Saucers (Col.) A-I Eddy Duchin Story (Col.) A-I Edge of Fury (UA) B Objection: Suggestive situations. Year of Review 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 — 10— Title and Distributoi Rating Edge of Hell (U-I) A-II Emergency Hospital (UA) A-II Evil Forest (Parsifal) (Sp.-Eng.) (Studio Films) A-II Fastest Gun Alive (MGM) A-I Fighting Chance (Rep.) A-II Finger of Guilt (Br.) (RKO) A-II First Texan (AA) A-I Observation: The marital status of the principal character (Sam Houston) must be judged in the light of the documentary nature of this film. First Traveling Saleslady (RKO) A-I Five Steps to Danger (UA) A-I Flame of the Islands (Rep.) B Objection: Suggestive costuming and sequences. Flight to Hong Kong (UA) B Objection: Low moral tone. Forbidden Planet (MGM) A-II Foreign Intrigue (UA) A-II Forever Darling (MGM) A-I Fort Yuma (UA) B Objection: Excessive brutality; suggestive sequences. Francis in the Haunted House (U-I) A-I Frisky (Ital.) (DCA) B Objection: Suggestive situations and costuming. Observation: Certain elements depicted in this film are suscept- ible of conveying impressions misrepresentative of Catholic practice. Fruits of Summer (Fr.) (Ellis Films) C Objection: The theme of this picture is seriously opposed to Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency by reason of a light and farcical presentation of the virtue of purity. In treatment, an atmosphere of suggestiveness in cos- tuming, dialogue and situations permeates this film. Fury at Gunsight Pass (Col.) A-I Gaby (MGM) A-II Observation: Certain lines of dialogue concerning the indis- solubility of the marriage contract are subject to misinterpretation. Gamma People (Col.) A-II Year oi Review 19SS-S6 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 — 11 — Title and Distributor Ghost Town (UA) Girl in the Red Velvet Swing (Fox) Glory (RKO) Godzilla, King of the Monsters (Embassy Pics.) Goodbye My Lady (War.) Good Morning, Miss Dove (Fox) Great Day in the Morning (RKO) i Objection: Suggestive costuming; tends to glamorize immoral characters. Great Locomotive Chase (Buena Vista) Gun Brothers (UA) Gun the Man Down (UA) Guys and Dolls (MGM) Objection: Suggestive costuming, song and sequences. Rating Year of Review A-I 1955-56 A-II 1955-56 A-I 1955-56 A-II 1955-56 A-I 1955-56 A-I 1955-56 B 1955-56 A-I 1955-56 A-II 1955-56 A-II 1955-56 B 1955-56 Harder They Fall, The (Col.) A-II 1955-56 Headline Hunters (Rep.) A-I 1955-56 Heide and Peter (UA) A-I 1955-56 He Laughed Last (Col.) B 1955-56 Objection: Suggestive dancing. Helen Keller in Her Story (Contemporary Films) A-I 1955-56 Helen of Troy (War.) A-II 1955-56 Hell on Frisco Bay (War.) A-II 1955-56 Hell’s Horizon (Col.) A-II 1955-56 Hidden Guns (Rep.) A-I 1955-56 High Society (MGM) B 1955-56 Objection: Reflects the acceptability of divorce. Hilda Crane (Fox) B 1955-56 Objection: This film reflects and tends to justify the acceptibil- ity of divorce; it lacks sufficient moral balance to offset the rationalization for wrongdoing. Hold Back Tomorrow (U-I) A-II 1955-56 Hot Blood (Col.) B 1955-56 Objection: Suggestive costuming, dancing and situations. Hot Cars (UA) B 1955-56 Objection: Tends to create sympathy for wrongdoing. Houston Story, The (Col.) B 1955-56 Objection: Excessive brutality; suggestive dialogue and situations. — 12— Title and Distributor Rating Huk (UA) A-I Husband for Anna, A (Ital.) (IFE) C Objection: This picture, in the story it tells, condones immoral actions and in treatment seriously offends Christian and tra- ditional standards of morality and decency by reason of sug- gestive costuming and situations. I Died a Thousand Times (War.) A-II I’ll Cry Tomorrow (MGM) A-II Observation: The marital status of the principal character must be judged in the light of the true life facts and the book upon which this screen story is based. Indestructible Man, The (AA) B Objection: Excessive brutality; suggestive costuming. Indian Fighter (UA) B Objection: Suggestive situations. Inside Detroit (Col.) A-II Invasion of the Body Snatchers (AA) B Objection: Light treatment of marriage. Invitation to the Dance (MGM) A-II I’ve Lived Before (U-I) A-II Observation: This picture contains certain elements which tend to give credibility to the doctrine of reincarnation. Jaguar (Rep.) A-I Jail Busters (AA) A-II Jedda the Uncivilized (DCA) B Objection: Suggestive sequence and costuming. Joe Macbeth (Col.) B Objection: Low moral tone. Johnny Concho (UA) A-II Jubal (Col.) A-II Kettles in the Ozarks, The (U-I) A-I Kid for Two Farthings (Br.) (Lopert) A-II Killer Is Loose, The (UA) A-II Killing, The (was Bed of Fear) (UA) B Objection: Low moral tone. King and I, The (Fox) A-I Year of Review 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 — 13— Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review King of the Coral Sea (Austl.) (AA) Kismet (MGM) Kiss Before Dying, A (UA) Objection: Low moral tone. A-I 1955-56 A-II 1955-56 B 1955-56 Ladykillers, The (Br.) (Continental) A-II Last Frontier (Col.) A-II Last Hunt (MGM) B Objection: Excessive brutality ; suggestive situations. La Strada (Ital.) (Trans-Lux) B Objection: Tends to arouse undue sympathy for immoral characters. Last Ten Days (Aust.-Eng.) (Col.) A-II Lawless Street, A (Col.) B Objection: Excessive brutality. Lease of Life (Br.) (IFE) A-I Leather Saint, The (Para.) A-I Letters From My Windmill (Fr.) (Tohan) C Objection: This film, a trilogy, contains in the first two epi- sodes a frivolous, disrespectful and grossly comical presentation of religion and religious characters. Its exhibition in entertain- ment motion picture theaters is seriously objectionable and con- ducive to a misunderstanding of religious practices. Lieutenant Wore Skirts, The (Fox) B Objection: Suggestive costuming, dialogue and sequences. Lisbon (Rep.) B Objection: Low moral tone. Lone Ranger, The (War.) A-I Lovers and Lollipops (Trans-Lux) A-II Lucy Gallant (Para.) A-I Lust for Life (MGM) A-II 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 Madame Butterfly (Ital.) (IFE) A-II Magic Fire (Rep.) A-II Observation: The marital status of the principal male character must be judged in the light of the quasi-documentary nature of this film. Magnificent Roughnecks (AA) Manfish (UA) Objection: Suggestive costuming, dancing and situations. 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 — 14— Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review Man in the Gray Flannel Suit (Fox) A-II Man Who Knew Too Much (Para.) A-I Man Who Never Was (Fox) A-I Man With the Golden Arm (UA) B Objection: This film is of low moral tone throughout because it tends to minimize the moral obligations of all the principal char- acters. It treats in terms of morbid sensationalism with narcotic addiction and in so doing fails to avoid the harmful implica- tions relative to this moral and sociological problem. It also contains suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations. Margaret of Cortona (Ital.) (Crown Pics.) A-I Note: This classification is applicable only to prints shown in Continental U. S. A. Massacre (Fox) A-II Maverick Queen (Rep.) A-I Meet Me in Las Vegas (MGM) B Objection: Suggestive costuming, dancing and dialogue. Miami Expose (Col.) A-II Miracle in the Rain (War.) A-II Moby Dick (War.) A-I Mohawk (Fox) A-II Mountain, The (Para.) A-I Murder On Approval (Br.) (RKO) A-II My Seven Little Sins (Fr.-Ital.-Eng.) (Col.) B Objection: Tends to condone immoral actions by reason of a flippant treatment of the virtue of purity; suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations. 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 Naked Hills (AA) A-II Naked Night, The (Swedish) (Times Film) C Objection: This film by reason of grossly suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations throughout is judged seriously dangerous to Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency. It is completely lacking in morally compensating values. Naked Sea (RKO) A-I Narcotic Squad (Tobias) A-II Navy Wife (AA) A-I Never Say Goodbye (U-I) A-I Nightmare (UA) B Objection: Low moral tone. Night My Number Came Up (Br.) (Continental) A-II 1984 (Col.) A-II 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 — IS— Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review No Man’s Woman (Rep.) B 195S-S6 Objection: Reflects the acceptability of and tends to justify divorce. No Place to Hide (AA) A-II 19S5-S6 Odongo (Col.) A-II 19SS-S6 Oklahoma (Magna Theaters Corp.) B 19SS-56 Objection: Suggestive song, dialogue and situations. On the Threshold of Space (Fox) A-I 19SS-S6 Our Miss Brooks (War.) A-II 1955-56 Outside the Law (U-I) A-I 1955-56 Over-Exposed (Col.) A-II 1955-56 Papa, Mama, the Maid and I (Fr.) (Kingsley) A-II 1955-56 Pardners (Para.) A-I 1955-56 Paris Follies of 1956 (AA) B 1955-56 Objection: Suggestive costuming, dialogue and dancing. Patterns (UA) A-I 1955-56 Pharoah’s Curse (UA) A-II 1955-56 Picnic (Col.) B 1955-56 Objection: The unrestrained emphasis on lustful actions, dialogue and situations throughout this film tends to debase the virtue of purity and to condone immoral actions. It is susceptible of misrepresenting proper moral standards. Pillars of the Sky (U-I) A-II 1955-56 Please Murder Me (DCA) B 1955-56 Objection : Reflects the acceptability of divorce ; tends to glamor- ize and justify the taking of one’s own life. Port Afrique (Col.) A-II 1955-56 Postmark for Danger (Br.) (RKO) A-II 1955-56 Power and the Prize (MGM) A-II 1955-56 Price of Fear (U-I) A-II 1955-56 Private’s Progress (Br.) (DCA) A-II 1955-56 Proud and Profane, The (Para.) A-II 1955-56 Note: This classification is applicable only to prints shown in Continental U. S. A. Proud and the Beautiful (Fr.) (Kingsley) B 1955-56 Objection: Suggestive costuming and situations; contains mate- rial morally questionable for a mass medium. Proud Ones (Fox) A-I 1955-56 — 16— Title and Distributor Rating Queen Bee (Col.) B Objection: Low moral tone. Queen of Babylon (Ital.-Eng.) (Fox) B Objection: Suggestive costuming and situations. Quentin Durward (MGM) A-I Quincannon, Frontier Scout (UA) A-I Rack, The (MGM) A-I Rains of Ranchipur (Fox) A-II Ransom (MGM) A-II Raw Edge (U-I) B Objection: Suggestive sequences; excessive brutality. Rawhide Years (U-I) A-II Rebel in Town (UA) A-II Rebel Without a Cause (War.) A-II Red Sundown (U-I) A-II Return of Don Camillo (Ital.) (IFE) A-II Observation: Certain elements depicted in this film are suscept- ible of conveying impressions misrepresentative of Catholic practice. Return of Jack Slade (AA) A-II Revolt of Mamie Stover (Fox) B Objection: The subject matter of this film, both in theme and treatment, is highly questionable for entertainment motion pic- ture purposes. It tends to glamorize and arouse undue sym- pathy for an immoral character. Furthermore, it contains sug- gestive dialogue and situations. Richard III (Br.) (Lopert) A-I Rififi (Fr.) (UMPO) B Notice: Substantial revisions made in this film warrant a change in classification from C (Condemned) to B (Morally Objection- able in Part for All). The reason for the objection is as follows: Tends to arouse undue sympathy for criminals and criminal activities. Suggestive sequences. River Changes, The (War.) A-II Riviera (Ital.) (IFE) B Objection: Suggestive costuming and situations. Note: This classification is applicable only to prints shown in Continental U. S. A. Year of Review 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review Rock Around the Clock (Col.) A-II 19SS-S6 Rosanna (Ital.) (Jacon Films) C 195S-S6 Objection: This film in the story it tells flouts Christian and traditional standards of morality and decency. Moreover, in treatment, it contains grossly indecent costuming and suggestive situations. Rose Tattoo (Para.) B 19SS-S6 Objection: Suggestive situations and dialogue. Run for the Sun (UA) A-II 19SS-S6 Running Wild (U-I) B 19SS-S6 Objection: Excessive brutality; suggestive sequence. Safari (Col.) A-II 1955-56 Santiago (War.) A-II 1955-56 Satellite in the Sky (War.) A-I 1955-56 Savage Princess (UA) A-II 1955-56 Scarlet Hour (Para.) A-II 1955-56 Screaming Eagles (AA) A-I 1955-56 Searchers, The (War.) A-II 1955-56 Secret of Treasure Mountain (Col.) A-II 1955-56 Secrets of the Reef (Continental) A-I 1955-56 Serenade (War.) A-I 1955-56 Seven Cities of Gold (Fox) A-I 1955-56 Seven Men From Now (War.) A-II 1955-56 Seven Wonders of the World (Stanley Warner) A-I 1955-56 Shack Out on 101 (AA) B 1955-56 Objection: Suggestive dialogue and situations. Shadow of Fear (Br.) (UA) A-II 1955-56 Sheep Has Five Legs, The (Fr.) (UMPO) B 1955-56 Objection: Suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations. Ship That Died of Shame (Br.) (Continental) A-I 1955-56 Showdown At Abilene (U-I) B 1955-56 Objection: Excessive brutality. Silent World (Col.) A-I 1955-56 Simon and Laura (Br.) (U-I) B 1955-56 Objection: Light treatment of marriage; suggestive dialogue. Sincerely Yours (War.) A-I 1955-56 Sins of the Borgias (Fr.) (Aidart) C 1955-56 Objection: The theme of this film is of low moral tone through- out and in treatment it is replete with serious offensiveness in costuming and situations. Furthermore, religious practices are presented in such a way as to misrepresent ecclesiastical pro- cedure. — 18— Title and Distributor Rating Year of Revievf Slave, The (L’Esclave) (Fr.) (Theatrical & Video Corp.) B Objection: The subject matter of this film presented in entertain- ment motion picture theaters is judged to be morally dangerous. Furthermore, it contains suggestive costuming. Slightly Scarlet (RKO) B Objection: Low moral tone; suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations. Solid Gold Cadillac (Col.) A-II Somebody Up There Likes Me (MGM) A-II Spin a Dark Web (was Soho Incident) (Col.) B Objection: Low moral tone; suggestive situations. Spoilers, The (U-I) A-II Square Jungle (UA) A-II Star in the Dust (U-I) A-II Steel Jungle (War.) A-II Storm Center (Col.) The highly propagandists nature of this controversial film (book S. C. burning, anti-Communism, civil liberties) offers a warped, over- simplified and strongly emotional solution to a complex problem of American life. Its specious arguments tend seriously to be misleading and misrepresentative by reason of an inept and dis- torted presentation. Note: A Separate Classification is given to certain films which, while not morally offensive require some analysis and explana- tion as a protection to the uninformed against wrong interpreta- tions and false conclusions. Storm Fear (UA) A-II Storm Over the Nile (Br.) (Col.) A-I Strange Adventure (Rep.) ® Objection: Excessive brutality. Strange Intruder (AA) A-II Strange Intrusion (Ger.-Eng.) (Hoffman) Note: This classification is applicable only to prints shown in Continental U. S. A. Stranger At My Door (Rep.) Sudden Danger (AA) Swan, The (MGM) 19SS-S6 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 Tall Men, The (Fox) Objection: Suggestive situations and costuming; tends to con- done immoral actions. Tarantula (U-I) 1955-56 1955-56 —•19— Title and Distributor Rating Target Zero (War.) A-I Tender Trap, The (MGM) B Objection: Suggestive situations and dialogue; light treatment of marriage. Tennessee’s Partner (RKO) B Objection: Excessive brutality; suggestive sequences. Terror At Midnight (Rep.) A-II Texas Lady (RKO) A-I That Certain Feeling (Para.) B Objection: Reflects the acceptability of divorce; suggestive dia- logue. There’s Always Tomorrow (U-I) A-II These Wilder Years (MGM) A-II Three Bad Sisters (UA) B Objection: Low moral tone. Three for Jamie Dawn (AA) A-II Thunder Over Arizona (Rep.) A-I Thunderstorm (AA) B Objection: Low moral tone; suggestive costuming and situations. Timetable (UA) A-II Too Bad She’s Bad (Ital.-Eng.) (Theatrical & Video Corp.) B Objection: Suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations. Top Gun (UA) A-I Touch and Go (Br.) (U-I) A-I Toughest Man Alive (AA) A-I Toy Tiger (U-I) A-I Track the Man Down (Br.) (Rep.) A-II Trapeze (UA) B Objection: Suggestive costuming and situations. Treasure of Pancho Villa (RKO) A-II Tribute to a Bad Man (MGM) A-II Trouble With Harry, The (Para.) B Objection: Certain lines of dialogue and innuendoes contained in this film are suggestive and alien to Christian and traditional standards of decency, particularly for the mass medium of the entertainment motion picture. 23 Paces to Baker Street (Fox) Twinkle in God’s Eye, The (Rep.) Umberto D (Ital.) (Harrison & Davidson) B Objection: Tends to create undue sympathy for wrongdoing. Unguarded Moment (U-I) A- Year of Review 19SS-S6 19SS-S6 19SS-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 — 20— Title and Distributor Rating Unidentified Flying Objects (UA) A-I Uranium Boom (Col.) A-II Vagabond King (Para.) A-I Vanishing American (Rep.) A-I View From Pompey’s Head (Fox) B Objection: Light treatment of marriage. Wages of Fear (Fr.-Eng.) (DCA) B Objection: Suggestive costuming and dancing. Note: This classification is applicable only to prints shown in Continental U. S. A. Walk the Proud Land (U-I) A-I War and Peace (Para.) A-I Warriors, The (AA) A-I Way Out, The (Br.) (RKO) A-II Wedding in Monaco (MGM) A-I Werewolf, The (Col.) A-II When Gangland Strikes (Rep.) A-II While the City Sleeps (RKO) B Objection: Suggestive costuming, dialogue and situations. Wicked Wife (Br.) (AA) A-II Wild Oat, The (Fr.) (Carroll Pics.) A-II Written on the Wind (U-I) A-II World in My Comer (U-I) A-I World Without End (AA) A-I Young Guns (AA) Objection: Excessive brutality. B Zanzabuku (Rep.) A-I Year ot Review 19SS-S6 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 1955-56 — 21— Comparative Statistics on Feature Pictures Reviewed and Classified Class A-I Class A-II Class B Class C Total No. % No. % No. % No. % 780 61 380 30 98 8 13 1 1,271 1938 332 62 164 31 32 6 5 1 535 1939 312 54 200 35 50 9 9 1.67 573 1940 271 50 210 39 47 9 10 2 539 1941 267 51.25 197 37.81 50 9.6 7 1.34 521 1942 271 51.13 202 38.11 51 9.62 5 .95 530 1943 229 52.16 151 34.40 55 12.53 4 .91 439 1944 191 44.52 184 42.89 51 11.89 3 .70 429 1945 143 38.1 189 50.4 43 11.5 0 0 375 1946 155 39.64 176 45.01 60 15.35 0 0 391 1947 195 44.32 172 39.09 70 15.91 3 .68 440 1948 174 38.58 188 41.69 82 18.18 7 1.55 451 1949 193 41.33 165 35.33 96 20.56 13 2.78 467 1950 179 39 169 , 36.82 103 22.44 8 1.74 459 **1951 148 33.49 195 44.12 85 19.23 14 3.16 442 ***1952 182 40.81 172 38.56 78 17.49 14 3.14 446 1953 148 38.6 142 37.1 89 23.2 4 1.1 383 1954 138 39.20 127 36.08 78 22.16 9 2.56 352 1955 94 28.74 115 35.17 no 33.64 8 2.45 327 tl956 98 29.88 141 42.99 80 24.39 8 2.44 328 Comparative Statistics on Domestic and Foreign Feature Pictures Domestic Class A-I Class A-II Class B Class C Total No. % No. % No. % No. % 1950 171 42.54 150 37.31 79 19.65 2 .50 402 1951 136 37.26 162 44.38 66 18.08 1 .27 365 1952 164 44.33 141 38.11 64 17.29 1 .27 370 1953 140 41.67 124 36.90 71 21.13 1 .30 336 1954 120 43.01 101 36.13 56 20.07 2 .72 279 1955 82 29.82 97 35.27 92 33.45 4 1.45 275 tl956 88 32.71 117 43.50 62 23.05 1 .37 269 Foreign 1950 8 14.03 19 33.33 24 42.11 6 10.53 57 1951 12 15.58 33 42.86 19 24.68 13 16.88 77 1952 18 23.68 31 40.79 14 18.42 13 17.11 76 1953 8 17.02 18 38.30 18 38.30 3 6.38 47 1954 18 24.66 26 35.62 22 30.14 7 9.59 73 1955 12 23.08 18 34.62 18 34.62 4 7.69 52 1956 10 16.95 24 40.68 18 30.51 7 11.86 59 * The comparative statistics of the Legion of Decency date from February, 1936. First period covers films reviewed from February, 1936 to November, 1937. From 1938 through 1950 periods are based on films reviewed from November to November. ** This period covers films reviewed from November, 1950 to October, 1951. *** As of 1952 periods run from October to October. t One film (.30%) was given a “Separate Classification.” In appraising the moral status and trend of motion pictures, statistics alone do not provide ade- quate and reliable measurement. Statistics should be considered in conjunction with other factors such as the kind and amount of objectionableness in a film rated in any given objectionable or con- demned category. The evaluation of the situation must be based on qualitative and quantitative consideration as well as the popularity potentiality of the subject, together with its thematic character. Tabulation of Films According to Distributor Distributor A-I A-II B c Separate Classification Miscellaneous 8 13 15 7 0 Allied Artists 12 11 7 0 0 Columbia 7 20 10 0 1 IFE Releasing Corp 1 2 1 1 0 MGM 7 14 5 0 0 Paramount 8 3 5 0 0 Republic 10 7 5 0 0 RKO 6 8 6 0 0 20th Century-Fox 8 8 9 0 0 United Artists 11 21 13 0 0 Universal-International ... 11 18 4 0 0 Warners 9 16 0 0 0 — 23 — t