CENTENNIAL (ff)ur [[Beloved gBor PP?ier oPchweiger ofupenor [ffeneral of the (ffongregahon d cmissionary gBous of the cffmmaculaie fffCearl of llie [[Blessed QBirgin Q/lflary Pope Pius XII [[Beloved ds/on 9Cealil and [Apostolic <[J3enedichon. It is indeed a happy presage, that, as we look forward to the approaching Holy Year recently proclaimed, tributes to the Claretian Family and the splendor of its holiness loom brilliantly before us, as you celebrate the solemnities of the first centennial. There is clear evidence that this Congregation in the course of a century, has so increased in the ranks of Deacfcfiffed its religious and so flourished around the globe, that Spain and nearly all the nations of the Americas, and portions of Europe, as Portugal, England, France, Germany, and Italy have felt the saving influence of the Claretian Apostolate, while regions of the Dark Continent and the Asiatic lands have already begun to enjoy the fruits of the ministrations of this noble Congregation. It is well known that your holy Father and Founder, Blessed Anthony Mary Claret, in his labors for the good of souls achieved outstanding recognition for him- self by keenly combining the discoveries of advancing civilization with the practice of the ancient virtues of the Gospel. He taught his Missionaries to unite with the contemplation of divine things and the assiduous practice of all virtues, an active life in the manifold duties of the sacred ministry. To the preaching of the word of God and the teaching of divine and human sciences you. have added publi- cations of salutary value which have issued forth from your printing presses, and have been widely distributed throughout the nations. Who can tell the good done by your apostolate of the press, especially in these times when there is so much filth being circulated in vast numbers of pamphlets and mag- azines by depraved men bent upon perversion of soul and body? Nor have books of superior merit originating from your schools and printing-establishments been wanting, notably in the field of theology, philosophy, liturgy, and law. Moreover, such a valuable periodical as Commentarium pro Religiosis et Missio- nariis has greatly furthered the sacred mission movement, and Palaestra Latina has nobly encouraged the pursuit of the humanities. Above all, not only have such great and numerous enterprises been carried on along with the constant exercise of the sacred ministry and a high order of teaching conforming to the newest stand- ards of Catholic Action; these manifold activities have in no way weakened the ardor that ever inflames Claretians in the pursuit of religious perfection. Many have diligently sought to realize and reflect the example of sanctity given by their Blessed Founder. Holy Mother Church is already examining their cause of canon- ization, and also, of not a few Mission- aries who, we have heard, shed their blood in testimony of our holy faith. Therefore, the Congregation you govern has great reason to rejoice and abound in gladness, when looking back over the one hundred years of her glorious life. The view of the tremendous good accomplished thus far, in the midst of countless adversities and difficulties, makes one feel that the hour is at hand to launch even greater and more ex- tensive endeavors for God and the Church. All who associate with you in your activities, especially the teaching Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, assuredly share in your celebrations and general rejoicing. We are ever mindful of your loyalty to the Chair of Blessed Peter. We know well with what resourcefulness you have fulfilled the duties entrusted to you by the local Ordinaries and the Holy Apos- tolic See, duties of pastoral care for souls, of preaching missions, of teaching in Our Pontifical Universities, and of weighty responsibilities in the Roman Curia. We, then, desiring to fill the measure of your already great happiness, felicitate you with paternal sentiments on this joyful occasion, and lend Our Patronage to your centennial celebration, by Our com- mendations and prayers in its behalf. On this memorable occasion we would urge the Missionary Sons of the Blessed Virgin Mary to follow closely the glorious footsteps of their Blessed Founder, and to work earnestly in the quest of religious perfection, from which, as from a root, will grow the life that will make them better able to thrive, expand, and reap a more abundant harvest of souls for God. As a sign and pledge of Our special love, We affectionately impart Our Apos- tolic Benediction to you, Beloved Brother, and to the Claretian Congregation, and its auxiliaries, in particular, the teaching Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. Given at Rome, in St. Peter's, this 16th day of July, Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, of the year 1949, the eleventh of Our Pontificate. The Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians) was founded by Blessed Anthony Mary Claret, July 16th, 1849, in the city of Vich, Spain. CENTENNIAL