A §°°\ wi r’*”"' 1 " J v V 1 INFANT NOV fjnfeM if Praqvjer nore/ia [Saiftt PKi!orTft£«Td KiCsi'ena .A&c llPl Lim (aJ&v.) TWO NOVENAS OF MASSES Dec. 8 - 16 and Jan. 6- 14 First Novena to Infant of Prague NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS INFANT JESUS OF PRAGUE During the nine days of the Novena — or at any other time you may wish to say one or more of these brief prayers. They are arranged to make a complete Novena, each day commemorating an event in the life of the Infant Jesus. First Day—THE INCARNATION “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” John I, 14 Jesus, sweetest Child, who didst come down from the bosom of the Father for our salva- tion, who wast conceived by the Holy Ghost, who didst not abhor the Virgin’s womb, and, Word made flesh, didst take upon Thee the form of a servant; have mercy upon us. PRAYER WE adore Thee, O Divine Infant, inthe moment of Thy Incarnation and, overwhelmed by the thought of Thine ex- ceeding great goodness, we humbly thank Thee for the generous love which prompted Thee to undertake our salvation. Assist us by Thy grace that we may be made par- takers of Thy divine nature, who didst, with so great condescension, vouchsafe to become partaker of our human nature. Amen. Hail Mary, and Glory . Second Day—THE SANCTIFICATION OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST “And it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in her womb Luke I, 41 Jesus, sweetest Child, who, through Thy Virgin Mother, didst visit St. Elizabeth, and fill Thy forerunner, the holy Baptist, with the Holy Ghost, sanctifying him whilst yet in his mother’s womb; have mercy on us. PRAYER O INFANT God, all who approach Theewith simplicity feel the sanctifying in- fluence of Thy presence and the warmth of Thy love. Grant to us, we beseech Thee through Thy Most Holy Mother, a tender remembrance of Thy Infancy so that we may experience more often the joy of Thy companionship and the strength of Thy virtue. Amen. Hail Mary, and Glory . Third Day—THE NATIVITY “And she brought forth her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger ” Luke II, 7 Jesus, sweetest Child, born in Bethlehem of Mary ever Virgin, wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in the manger, announced by angels, visited by shepherds; have mercy on us. PRAYER O LITTLE King, attraction of all hearts,we hail that blessed hour and moment in which Thou wast bom of the most pure Virgin Mary in the poverty of Bethlehem. Thou didst not need earthly pomp or riches, for they could add nothing to Thy Infinite Majesty. Teach us that true riches are within and that it is not what we have but what we are that counts. Amen. Hail Mary , and Glory. Fourth Day—THE CIRCUMCISION “And after eight days were accomplished that the child should he circumcised, his name was called Jesus.” Luke II, 21 Jesus, sweetest Child, wounded in Thy Circumcision the eighth day, called by the glorious Name of Jesus, and by Thy Name and Thy Blood foreshown as the Saviour of the world; have mercy on us. PRAYER O JESUS, Infant Saviour, thus early inThy life didst Thou will to suffer and to spare Thyself no ignominy in testifying Thy love for us. We adore Thee in this first shedding of Thy Precious Blood, and we humbly beseech Thee, by the power of Thy Holy Name, to make us courageous in breaking with every sinful affection and every unlawful attachment. Amen. Hail Mary , and Glory. Fifth Day—THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI “They (the wise men from the east) found the child with Mary his mother. And falling down they adored him. And opening their treasures, they offered him gifts: gold, frank- incense and myrrh. 9 ' Matthew II, 1 1 Jesus, sweetest Child, made known to the three Magi by a star, adored in the arms of Thy Mother, presented with the mystic gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh; have mercy on us. PRAYER O BABE of Bethlehem, with the wisemen we acknowledge Thee to be our Sovereign Lord. Our faith penetrates the disguise of Thy weakness, Thy humility and poverty, and we behold with great de- light the new light of Thy glory. Permit us, O Little Lord, to open the treasury of our hearts before Thee, that we may offer Thee the gold of our love, the frankincense of our prayer, and the myrrh of our willing sacrifices in Thy service. Amen. Hail Mary , and Glory . Sixth Day—THE PRESENTATION “And after the days of herpurification, accord- ing to the law of Moses, were accomplished, they carried him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord. 99 Luke II, 2 2 Jesus, sweetest Child, who wast presented in the Temple by Thy Virgin Mother, who wast embraced by Simeon, and revealed to Israel by Anna the prophetess; have mercy on us. PRAYER KING of Love, by that perfect con- formity to the will of Thy Father, which moved Thee to fulfill perfectly the prescriptions of the Jewish law in Thy Presentation in the Temple, help us to make the Divine Will our guide in life, that we may as willingly accept humiliating tasks as those that flatter our pride. Amen. Hail Mary, and Glory. Seventh Day—THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT “And behold an angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph, saying: Arise, and take the child and his mother and fly into Egypt.” Matthew II, 13 Jesus, sweetest Child, whom wicked Herod sought to slay, whom Joseph carried with Mary into Egypt, who wast snatched from a cruel death and glorified by the blood of the Holy Innocents; have mercy on us. PRAYER DIVINE Infant, we envy the lot of the infant Martyrs of Bethlehem, whose privilege it was to shed their blood as a pure oblation to Thee, the Lamb with- out spot. Let us always remember the pain Herod caused Thee by this persecution and gladly suffer for love of Thee the trials and persecutions of men. Amen. Hail Mary, and Glory . Eighth Day—THE HIDDEN LIFE “They returned into Galilee, to their city Nazareth. And the Child grew and waxed strong, full of wisdom: and the grace of God was in him.” Luke II, 39-40 Jesus, sweetest Child, who in the holy house at Nazareth didst remain subject to Mary and Joseph, didst dwell there most holily, wast wearied by poverty and labors, and didst advance in wisdom, age, and grace; have mercy on us. PRAYER DIVINE Exemplar, from the inex- haustible treasure of Thy hidden life in Nazareth, we draw the pearls of perfect obedience, profound humility, and child- like simplicity, and beg thee to assist us in adorning our souls with these precious virtues, so that having imitated Thy In- fancy we too may advance in wisdom, and age, and grace with God and men. Amen. Hail Mary , and Glory. Ninth Day—THE FINDING OF THE CHILD JESUS “And it came to pass that, after three days, they found htm in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, hearing them and asking them questions Luke II, 46 Jesus, sweetest Child, at the age of twelve brought to Jerusalem, sought for by Mary and Joseph with sorrow, and found with joy after three days amongst the doctors; have mercy on us. PRAYER JESUS, our Saviour, Thy love for Thy most holy Mother and St. Joseph could not have been greater, and yet Thou didst not hesitate to inflict upon them the suffering of Thy absence. Thus wouldst Thou teach us that we cannot have Thy love without Thy cross, and that the price of Thy friendship is the pain of Thy ap- parent rebuff. Grant us light, O Lord, to understand Thy ways. Amen. Hail Mary , and Glory. LMIGHTY and everlasting God, Lord of heaven and earth, who dost reveal Thyself to little ones; grant, we beseech Thee, that we, duly honoring the holy mysteries of Thy Son, the Infant Jesus, and daily imitating Him in our lives, may come to the kingdom of heaven promised by Thee to little children. Through the same Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord, who livest and reignest with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. PRAYER FOR EVERY DAY NOVENA TO SAINT PHILOMENA AS USED AT HER SHRINE IN ST. GERVAIS, PARIS O ST. PHILOMENA, behold me beforethe bright throne whereon the August Trinity hath set thee, wearing thy double crown of virginity and martyrdom; behold, I lift suppliant hands to thee. What a spectacle of strength and of constancy thou wert made to Heaven, to Earth, to angels and to men in the days when the Caesars persecuted the Saviour’s flock and em- purpled the Church with the blood of so many millions of Martyrs! Even the most cruel sufferings could not diminish the de- votion of thy generous heart to the Celestial Lover Who was thy joy. And now thy Lord, to recompense those sufferings, wills to glorify thee by the mightiness of thine intercession. From the dawn until the set of day, from north to south, everywhere the fame of thy miracles is noised abrdad; nations come thronging to take refuge be- neath the wings of thy protection. THEREFORE it is to thee, O illustriousMartyr, that I address myself; to thee I lift my suppliant hands. Ah! from the heights of the heavenly country, deign to cast a glance upon me, thy humble client. O pure Virgin, O Holy Martyr, solace me in suffering and temptation, sustain me in trial and persecution, assist me in danger, and above all at the awful hour of death, when I shall have to combat all the powers of Hell, pray for me in that final moment upon which my eternity hangs. PRAYER TO THE VIRGIN-MARTYR f \ GLORIOUS Virgin and Martyr, be- ^ loved of God, St. Philomena! I re- joice with thee in the power which God gave thee for the glory of His Name, for the edification of His Church, and to re- ward the merits of thy life and death. I rejoice to see thee so great, so pure, so generous, so faithful to Jesus Christ and to His Gospel, and so splendidly rewarded in Heaven and on earth. Attracted by thy example to the practice of solid virtue, full of hope at the sight of the recompense granted to thy merits, I resolve to follow thee in avoiding all evil and in fully obey- ing what God commands. Help me, O Great Saint, by thy powerful intercession. Obtain for me particularly a purity inviolable for- ever, a strength of soul always invincible in every kind of assault, a generosity which denies no sacrifice to God, and a love as strong as death for the Faith of Jesus Christ, for the Holy Roman Church and for Our Holy Father, the Father of all the Faithful, the Shepherd of shepherds and of their flocks, the Vicar of Jesus Christ over all the world. With all the fervour of my soul, I implore these graces from thee and, in addition, I ask these other benefits from thee, with equal confidence in obtaining them through thy powerful intercession. (Here tell the Saint what you need, with simplicity, con- fidence and humility.) S URELY that God so good for whom thou didst give thy blood and thy life, that God so good Who is so generous to thee and, through thy mediation, so gen- erous with gifts and favours to us, that God so good Who has loved me even unto dying for me, even unto giving me Himself under the Eucharistic appearances, surely He will never be deaf to thy prayers, nor to my appeals, unless it be that He Him- self is in some different way seeking to do me good. Full of confidence, I place all my trust in Him and in thee. Amen. + + + + + + + ALL PRAYERS ARE FROM APPROVED SOURCES HOLY TRINITY FATHERS Sacred 'Zteart 'Wtona&tercf PIKESVILLE, BALTIMORE B, MD. SAINT PHILOMENA r-^-NOVENA-^^ TWO NOVENAS OF MASSES Dec. $-\6 and Jan. 6-14 Second Novena to St. Philomena