Abvena tV\ pf^prahm hr ^ -rtte Ffe&f fcf te.(WTy>|i'oK^ 507V 4- 4- 4. 4* *!^ 4- •i^ Novena ill Preparation for the Feast of the Assumption 4- 4. 4- 4. 4- Aug. 6th— 14th 4* 4* 4- 4. 4* 4* 4. 4* 4* 4. 4* 4- 4- 4* Nihil Obstat Philippus Abbas Neo-Angelo Montanus 4- 4* Imprimatur t Franciscus a Episcopus Sancti Joseph! ^ 4- 4- 4* 4* Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration ^ Clyde, Missouri ^ 4* 4* 4*4*4*4*4"4*4“4*4*4"4*4*44"4*4*4"4“4* 4 4 Mary is crowned as the elect Daughter o[ the Father, the worthy Mother of the Son and the Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit, •y f ^ ^ ' i^ragpr to g>t. Amtp. ro OBTAIN SOME SPE( IaJj FAYOB. Glorious St. Anne, filled with com passion for those who invoke theeand with love for those who suffer’ with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at thy feetand humWy beg of thee to take the present affair which I recommend to VA protecTon recommend it to thy the Blessed Virgin Mary so that He may bring it to a happy ImH?' not to intercede for me all* Rranted. Above di; K I of oneday beholding my God face to face Snlr***' ® all the baints, praising and blessing Him to all eternity. Amen. Si;: A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in thisy my necessity. 0 Star of the Sea, help me, and show me herein you are my Mother. 0 Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I hum- bly beseech thee from the bottom of my heart, to succor me in this ne- cessity: there are none that can with- stand your power. O, show me here- in you are my MotKer. O Mary, conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee ^ (3 times) Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands. (3 times) IMPRIMATUR ! MICHAEL AUGUSTINE, ARCHBISHOP OF NEW YORK. Azt Power of Mary, Queen of Heaven A/r is taken up into heaven; the angels rejoice and praise the Lord. With these words the Church introduces the great feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, and awakens in our heart joy over the sublime privilege which has been accorded to our dear Mother. Holy Church likewise arouses our desire and longing to attain the glory of heaven through Mary’s powerful intercession. Is she not, since her departure from this earth. Queen of heaven? And what power is laid in her queenly hands! “The queen stood at Thy right hand, in gilded clothing,” says the Psalmist (xlv. 11). This queen is none other than Mary. She wears a splendid royal robe, whose folds, as a pro- tecting mantle, reach to the ends of the earth. Under it we all have a place, and DdsMed 4 liappy those who in danger, temptation and distress seek shelter beneath this man- tle; there they are secure. Mary, as Queen of heaven, is seated upon a sublime throne, but she makes of it a throne of grace where every petition is granted. In her hand she holds a mighty sceptre, which rules not only in heaven but likewise on earth. With great jubilation the choirs of angels come to meet her and welcome her as their Queen, for although they are pure spirits, they stand in far less intimate connection with the Triune God than does Mary, the Mother of the Son of God. How reverently and willingly the angels serve their Queen and rejoice to be permitted to do so. What honor, then, for us to be servants of this Queen! And her sceptre is so mild toward her clients, for ‘‘Our Sweet Lady” is not an empty title. But to the enemies of our salvation, her sceptre is terrible. The Son of God has imparted to His Mother all that He acquired by His life 5 and death, His infinite merits and wonder- ful virtues. He has made her treasurer of all that His Father has given Him as His rightful inheritance. Through Mary, Jesus applies His merits to souls; through Mary He communicates to them His virtues and graces. Mary, our mediatrix, is the mysti- cal channel through which God gently and abundantly directs the stream of grace to our souls. Jesus in heaven is more than ever the Child of Mary, and Mary is indeed His Mother. In this quality of Mother she has authority over her Divine Son, and He is in a certain sense subject to her because He wills it. Through the dignity of her Divine maternity and the efficacy of her prayers, Mary obtains from Jesus every- thing she desires. She distributes graces and gifts to whom she will. Her interces- sion is far more powerful than the com- bined prayers of all the hosts of heaven and the saints of earth. Mary reigns as Queen of heaven, glori- 6 ous and sublime, and yet she deigns to stoop so mildly and graciously toward us. For she knows well that this exalted posi- tion is given her to be our intercessor at the throne of God, and to lead us to that joy which she has long since possessed. How happy are we to have so powerful a Mother, so exalted a Queen, so influential an Advocate at the throne of God! How lovingly Mary will embrace her dear children whom she has shielded dur- ing life and who have been devoted to her! How tender will be her maternal welcome in receiving them into the joys of heaven! Is there a soul who sincerely loves Mary, who would not celebrate the sublime feast of her Assumption with ardent devotion, or who would neglect to thank God for the honor, glory and bliss which on this day He bestowed on His glorious Mother? Great reasons have we to rejoice on the glorious festival of the crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of heaven. But whilst we rejoice that she has entered 7 into bliss and has been made Mistress ol heaven and earth, let us: — 1. Pour forth our souls in holy trans ports of thanksgiving to God for the high degree of grace and glory to which in His infinite mercy He has exalted her; 2. Resolve to imitate her virtues; 3. Implore her maternal intercession on our behalf at the throne of God. She has been raised to the highest glory, bul she remains our Mother and will prove* our most powerful advocate at the throrw of the Triune God. To all the faithful who, by themselves or with others, in church, or in their own houses, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall make the following novena in preparation for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Sovereign Pontiff Pius VII, by rescripts, Aug. 4 and Nov. 24, 1808, and fan. 11, 1809, granted an indulgence of 300 days, every day. A plenary indulgence to all who shall make this novena and afterward, either on the feast itself, or on some day in its octave, being truly penitent, after confession and Communion, shall pray to our Lord and to the Blessed Virgin, for the intention of His Holiness. — The Raccolta Novena in Preparation for the Feast of the Assumption August 6th to 14th First Day— August 6th Hymn— Veni Sancte Spiritns JJOLY Spirit! Lord of light! From Thy clear celestial height, Thy pure, beaming radiance give: Come, Thou Father of the poor ! Come, with treasures which endure ! Come, Thou light of all that live ! Thou, of all consolers best. Visiting the troubled breast. Dost refreshing peace bestow: Thou in toil art comfort sw’eet: Pleasant coolness in the heat; Solace in the midst of woe. 10 Light immortal ! Light Divine ! Visit Thou these hearts of Thine, And our inmost being fill: If Thou take Thy grace away, Nothing pure in man will stay; All his good is turn’d to ill. Heal our wounds— our strength renew; On our dryness pour Thy dew; Wash the stains of guilt away: Bend the stubborn heart and will; Melt the frozen, warm the chill; Guide the steps that go astray. Thou, on those who evermore Thee confess and Thee adore. In Thy sevenfold gifts descend: Give them comfort when they die; Give them life with Thee on high; Give them joys which never end. Amen. Hymn— O Gloriosa Virginum ^ QUEEN of all the choir, Enthroned above the starry sky ! Who with pure milk from thy own breast Thy own Creator didst supply; What man had lost in hapless Eve, Thy sacred womb to man restores; 11 Thou to the wretched here beneath Hast open’d heaven’s eternal doors. Hail, O refulgent hall of light ! Hail, gate sublime of heaven’s high King ! Through thee redeemed to endless life. Thy praise let all the nations sing. O Jesu, bom of Virgin bright ! Immortal glory be to thee: Praise to the Father infinite. And Holy Ghost, eternally. Amen. Glory of Mary in Death She was well prei^ared to die. Consider how’ glorious Mary was at the hour of her death, because in hfe she w’as so w’ell prepared to die, by her most ardent long- ing to see her Son; and by the unapproachable merit of her consummate perfection. Then, considering how different w’e are from Mary in our preparation for death, we shall thus address her: Holiest Virgin, who, to prepare thyself for a holy death, didst live in ceaseless longing for the vision of thy God: Oh. do thou, Virgin Mother! take from us the 12 vain desire of the frail things of earth. Hail Mary, three times. Holiest Virgin, who, to prepare thyself to die holily, didst in life sigh to be united forever to thy Son, Jesus: Oh, obtain for us fidelity to Jesus, even unto death! Hail Mary, three times. Holiest Virgin, who, to die holily, didst make it thy care to acquire a degree of merit and virtue unapproachable by any other than thyself: Oh, intercede for us, that we may know that virtue and the grace of God alone are the road that leads to salvation! Hail Mary, three times. Now will we raise our voices in praise of Mary, who was so careful in preparing for death; and whilst we magnify her glory, in union with the nine choirs of angels, who made her escort on her assumption into heaven, we shall say with the first choir: 13 Litany of the Blessed Virgin T ORD have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy. Christ hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of heaven,* God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God Holy Mary,f Holy Mother of God, Holy Virgin of virgins. Mother of Christ, Mother of Divine grace. Mother most pure. Mother most chaste. Mother inviolate. Mother undefiled. Mother most amiable. Mother most admirable. Mother of Good Counsel, *Have mercy on ns. fPray for ns. 14 Mother of our Creator,* Mother of our Savior, Virgin most prudent. Virgin most venerable. Virgin most renowned. Virgin most powerful. Virgin most merciful. Virgin most faithful. Mirror of justice. Seat of wisdom. Cause of our joy. Spiritual vessel. Vessel of honor. Singular vessel of devotion, Mystical rose, Tower of David, Tower of ivory. House of gold. Ark of the covenant. Gate of heaven. Morning star, Health of the sick. Refuge of sinners, *Pray for us. 15 Comfortress of the afflicted,* Help of Christians, Queen of angels. Queen of patriarchs, Queen of prophets. Queen of apostles. Queen of martyrs. Queen of confessors. Queen of virgins. Queen of all saints. Queen conceived without original sin. Queen of the most holy Rosary, Queen of peace. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, 0 Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, 0 Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. V. The holy Mother of God is exalted, R. High above the angel choirs to the heavenly kingdom. Pray for us. 16 LET US PRAY We beseech Thee, Lord, pardon the short-comings of Thy servants: that we who by our own works are not able to please Thee, may be saved by the inter- cession of the Mother of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. 0 God, the pastor and ruler of all the faithful! graciously look upon Thy servant, N., whom Thou hast set over Thy holy Church; grant him, we beseech Thee, by word and example, so to direct those over whom Thou hast placed him, that, together with the flock Thou hast intrusted to his care, he may attain eternal life. 0 God, our refuge and strength, who art the source of all piety! hearken to the pious prayers of Thy Church, and grant that what we ask in faith we may in deed obtain. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 17 Second Day— August 7th Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc. 0 gloriosa Virginum, etc. Glory of Mary in Death She died in the midst of the apostles, and in the presence of her Son, Jesus. • Consider how glorious Mary was at the hour of death, comforted, according to the holy doctors of the Church, not only by the apostles and saints, but also by her Son, Jesus: and, while we contemplate the unspeakable joy which she experienced in that hour through so extraordinary a favor, let us have recourse to her, saying: Glorious Virgin, who for thy consola- tion didst deserve to die in the company of the apostles and saints: Oh, may we feel thee nigh when we breathe forth our souls, and may our holy patrons, too, be there to lend their aid! Hail Mary, three times. Glorious Virgin, who at the moment of thy death wast comforted by the sight of 18 thy dear Son, Jesus: Oh, pray for us that at that awful moment we, too, may be comforted by receiving Jesus in the most holy Viaticum. Hail Mary, three times. Glorious Virgin, who in the arms of Jesus didst give up thy spirit: aid us that we also may give up our souls in the arms of the same dear Lord, with this one desire, that His most holy will may be forever done in us. Hail Mary, three times. Let us magnify Our Lady’s glory, assisted at her death by her Son, Jesus and His apostles, joining in jubilee at her triumph with the sec- ond choir of the heavenly host, saying: The Litany, etc. 19 Third Day— August 8th Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc. 0 gloriosa Virginum, etc. Glory of Mary In Death She died in an ecstasy of love. Consider how glorious Mary was in her death, for she breathed forth her soul in an ecstasy of Divine love: wherefore, with eager longing to gather strength from that all-holy fire of love, let us have recourse to her, saying: Mary, happiest Virgin, who didst give up thy mortal life through the vehemence of thy love for God: make it thy care that in our hearts, as God doth will, there be lit up this living fire of love. Hail Mary, three times. Mary, happiest Virgin, who, dying of pure love for God, didst show what our love for God should be: Oh, pray for us that we may never leave our God, in life or death! Hail Mary, three times. 20 Mary, happiest Virgin, in leaving this mortal life through an ecstasy of love, thou didst make known the fire which ever burnt within thy breast: Oh, pray for us that at least one spark of that same fire may burn in us, giving us true sorrow for our sins! Hail Mary, three times. With the third choir of the angels let us exalt the ineffable glory of Mary, inflamed with burning love of God: The L/itany, etc. Fourth Day — August 9th Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc. 0 gloriosa Virginum, etc. Glory of Mary after Death In her dead body. Consider how glorious Mary was after death, in her dead body; for from her body, clothed with majesty, most wondrous lustre shone, whilst it diffused around odors of 21 sanctity, breathing the fragrance of paradise, and by its mere presence working innumerable miracles. Then, conscious of our many miser^ ies, let us entreat her: Lady unsullied, who by thy virginal purity didst merit the glory of being so bright and so majestic in thy body, after death: Oh, obtain for us the strength to detach ourselves from every foul spirit of impurity. Hail Mary, three times. Lady unsullied, who, through thy rare virtue, didst exhale from thy dead body the sweet fragrance of paradise: make it thy care that, by our life, we may both edify our neighbor and never more by our bad example become a stumbling block to others. Hail Mary, three times. Lady unsullied, at the sight of whose sacred body were healed innumerable maladies, may thy prayers heal all our spiritual ills. Hail Mary, three times. 22 Let us rejoice at the glory given to the dead body of Mary, while, with the fourth choir of the angels, we exalt her majesty, saying : The Litany, etc. Fifth Day—August 10th Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc. 0 gloriosa Virginum, etc. Glory of Mary after Death In the resurrection of her body. Consider how glorious Mary was after death, since, by the power of the Most High, her sacred body, raised to life, acquired in an instant the gifts of brightness, subtlety, agility, and impassibility; and filled with consolation at the excellence of her surpassing glory, let us thus invoke her: Lady exalted, who by thy God wast so gloriously raised to life: help us so to live on earth that we, too, like thee, may rise again on the last judgment day. Hail Mary, three times. 23 Lady exalted, whose body was endowed with the gifts of brightness and of subtlety: by the bright example and the humility of thy life on earth, Oh, take from us all movements of disdain and scorn, that, freed from the trammels of self-love, our souls may be adorned with holy humility! Hail Mary, three times. Lady exalted, God made thy risen body glorious with the gifts of agility and im- passibility, because great was thy spiritual zeal and patience while on earth: Oh, ob- tain for us courage to mortify with vigor our bodies, and to curb with patience our head-strong passions. Hail Mary, three times. Let us give to Mary the praise which is due to her, and magnify the glory which adorns her risen body; while, with the fifth choir of angels, we honor her, saying: The Litany, etc. 24 Sixth Day — August 11th Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc. 0 gloriosa Virginum, etc. Glory of Mary after Death In her assumption into heaven. Consider how Mary was gloriously taken up to heaven: for she was escorted by legions of the heavenly hosts and by blessed souls delivered by her merits from purgatory; and joining in the majesty of her triumph, let us, with all humility, offer to her our supplications: Great Queen, assumed so royally into the kingdom of eternal peace : Oh, take from us all sordid earthly thoughts, and give us grace to fix our hearts firmly on the contemplation of the changeless bliss of heaven. Hail Mary, three times. Great Queen, who in thy assumption into heaven wast surrounded by the heav- enly hosts, obtain for us strength to master Satan’s wiles, and to lend a docile ear to 25 the good counsels of that blessed Spirit who directs our path and aids our totter- ing steps. Hail Mary, three times. Great Queen, by the glory which thou didst enjoy in thy assumption into heaven from the company of the souls drawn by thy merits out of purgatory: obtain for us that, freed from the slavery of sin, we may deserve to praise thee for all eternity. Hail Mary, three times. Let us not cease to applaud Mary’s royal triumph and the extraordinary glory which she obtained in her solemn assumption into heaven; but, with the sixth choir of the angels, let us honor her, saying: The Litany, etc. 26 Seventh Day— August 12th Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc. 0 gloriosa Virginum, etc. Glory of Mary after Death In the exalted station which she holds in heaven. Consider how glorious Mary is in heaven, where, as Queen of the universe, she is en- throned, and from countless hosts of angels and of saints is ever receiving homage and veneration: wherefore, bending before her royal throne, we, too, implore her aid: Sovereign Queen of the universe, who through thy incomparable merit art raised to such high glory in heaven: Oh, in thy pity look down on us and on our miseries, and with the gentle sway of thy protection rule over us! Hail Mary, three times. Sovereign Queen of the universe, who on thy throne art ever receiving worship and homage from all the heavenly hosts: 27 suffer us, we beseech thee, to address thee and grant that our invocations may be made with such reverence as befits thy dignity and greatness. Hail Mary, three times. Sovereign Queen of the universe, by that glory which accrues to thee from thy pre-eminent dignity in heaven, vouchsafe to take us for thy servants, and obtain for us that we may be quick and ready in the faithful observance of the commands of our God and Lord. Hail Mary, three times. Let us enter, in some way, into the joy which the angels feel while they praise Mary, and be exceedingly glad with the seventh choir of the angels, because we know that she is raised to the dignity of Queen of the universe, and let us say: The Litany, etc. 28 Eighth Day— August 13th Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc. 0 gloriosa Virginum, etc. Glory of Mary after Death From the crown which adorns her brow. Consider how glorious Mary is in heaven from the royal diadem wherewith her Divine Son has crowned her, and from the vast knowledge which she has of the deep mysteries of God, past, present and to come; and full of reverence for the incomparable honors bestowed upon our great Queen, let us have recourse to her: Peerless Queen, who in heaven on high wast crowned with a priceless royal diadem by thy Divine Son, make us share thy matchless virtues, that, purified in heart and mind, we may be worthy to wear a crown with thee in paradise. Hail Mary, three times. Peerless Queen, by that wide knowledge of all things in heaven and on earth 29 granted thee: for thy glory’s sake, win pardon for our past offenses and never let us anger thee again by froward tongue or wanton thought. Hail Mary, three times. Peerless Queen, who wouldst see us pure and stainless that we may be fit to stand before thy God: obtain for us for- giveness of our sins and help us ever in look and word and deed to please His heavenly Majesty. Hail Mary, three times. Let us purify our hearts to give meet praise to Mary; and to the glory she possesses in that bright crown which decks her royal brow, let us add these humble tokens of our love, while, with the joy of the eighth choir of the angels, saying: The L/itany, etc. 30 Ninth Day— August 14th Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc. 0 gloriosa Virginum, etc. Glory of Mary after Death In her solicitude for mankind. Consider how glorious Mary is in heaven, by her solicitude for mankind, and because she is able and most anxious to aid them in their deeds; with most lively confidence, because for our patroness we have the very Mother of our God, let us with all our heart beseech her: Mary, our most powerful patroness, who in heaven art the advocate of men: preserve us from our infernal foe and place us in the arms of Him who is our God and our Creator. Hail Mary, three times. Mary, our most powerful patroness, who in heaven art the advocate of men and dost wish that all men should be saved: grant that none of us despair when 31 we behold our past relapses into sin. Hail Mary, three times. Mary, our most powerful patroness, whose delight it ever is, in the fulfillment of thine office, to be invoked by men : obtain for us true devotion, and make it thy care that we never fail to call thee to our aid in life, and above all, at the awful moment of our death. Hail Mary, three times. Let us celebrate with all our heart the glory of Mary, and full of consolation at the thought that we have in heaven an advocate, let us unite with the ninth choir of the angels in praising her, while we say: The Litany, etc. {^' V :<'> ^ * 4* 4- 4- 4- 4- 4* •!^ 4* 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* 4- 4-, Blessed Virgin Library 8 booklets— 60^ Prom Buffalo:’ “I am de- lighted with the Blessed Virgin Library. Before now I did not understand Mary properly, but now it is different, and I owe it all to the precious little books.” Devotion to Mary Mary, Mother of God Mary, Our Mother Under Mary’s Mantle De Montfort’s Devotion to Mary The Rosary, My Treasure Devotion to the Mother of Sorrows (k)inmunion Devotions in Union with Mary 1st 6 booklets, 10^ each Last 2 booklets, 5^ each Benedictine Convent of Pe^rpetual Adoration Clyde, Missouri 4* 4- 4- 4* 4* 4- 4* 4* 4- 4- 4- 4- 4* 4- 4- 4- 4* 4* 4* 4. 4* 4. 4* 4- 4* 4* 4. 4- 4. 4*4*4'4'4'4’4*4'4‘4*4‘4*4'4‘4'4‘4'4 '4’ 4*