wmssmmmmim 1 i ) ,1 An Order for the Service of the THREE-HOURS’ AGONY GOOD FRIDAY AFTERNOON With Appropriate Hymns, with Tunes and Prayers Containing Everything Needful for Choir and People Compiled, Arranged, and in Part Composed by a Priest of the Congregation of St. Paul New York THE PAULIST PRESS 401 West 59th Street ARTHUR J. SCANLAN, Censor. Smprmti potent. JOHN J. HUGHES, C.S.P., Superior General. imprimatur. P EDWARD J. HANNA, Archbishop of San Francisco. OBSAilfied Ubrees='iKour8' Hoonig Ube promise ot tbe ©lb aLaw. 2^ND I will pour out upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace, and of prayers : and they shall look upon Me Whom they have pierced; and they shall mourn for Him ciS one mourneth for ' an only son ; and they shall grieve over Him, as the manner is to grieve for the death of the first born. . . . And they shall say to Him : What are these wounds in the midst of Thy handsf And He shall say : With these I was wounded in the house of them that loved Me/* (Zach. xii. lo; xiii. 6.) Ht6 J^umilrnent in tbe Hlew. '^HEN therefore Pilate delivered Him to them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led Him forth. And bearing His own Cross, He went forth to that place which is called Calvary, but in Hebrew Golgotha. Where they crucified 3 Him, and with Him two others, one on eadi side, and Jesus in the midst. And Pilate wrote a title also, and he put it upon the Cross. And the writing was : Jesus of Nazareth, the King OF THE Jews. This title, therefore, many of the Jews did read: because the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city. And it was written in Hebrew, in Greek, and in Latin. (John xix. 16-20.) Let us pray. jIgEHOLD, O good and sweetest Jesus, we cast ourselves upon our knees in Thy sight, and with the greatest devotion of soul we pray and beseech Thee that Thou wouldst vouchsafe to impress upon our hearts lively sentiments of Faith, Hope and Charity, true contrition for our sins, and a most firm purpose of amendment; whilst, with deep affection and grief of soul, we ponder within ourselves, and in spirit contem- plate, Thy five Wounds : having before our eyes that which of old the prophet David put into Thy mouth, O good Jesus: They have pierced My hands and My feet. They have numbered all My bones.'^ Amen. Hymn No. i. Oh, Come and Mourn With Me:* pteliminaty Let us pray. ^ PARE, O Lord, spare Thy people ! Help us, O Lord God, our Saviour ! and for the glory of Thy Name, O Lord, deliver us, and be propi- tious to our sins for Thy Name’s sake ! For we have sinned; we have committed iniquity; we have done wickedly and revolted; we have gone aside from Thy commandments and Thy judg- ments; we have not hearkened to Thy servants the Prophets, who have spoken in Thy Name. O Lord, to us belongeth confusion of face; but to Thee, the Lord our God, mercy and forgive- ness; for we have departed from Thee, and by reason of our sins Thy people are a reproach to all them that are round about us. Incline, O God, Thine Ears and hear ! open Thine Eyes and see our desolation! for it is not to justify our- selves that we present our prayers before Thy Face, but solely to bespeak the multitude of Thy tender mercies. O Lord hear ! O Lord be ap- peased I Delay not for Thine own sake, O God ! for Thy Name is invoked upon Thy people. Amen. 5 Jesus, Redeemer of the world, Jesus, Son of holy Mary, Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Jesus, sold for thirty pieces of silver, Jesus, agonized in the Garden, Jesus, betrayed by the kiss of Judas, Jesus, denied by Peter, Jesus, bound with cords, and blindfold, Jesus, stricken on the Face, and spat upon, Jesus, delivered up to Pilate and the Gen- tiles, Jesus, set at naught by Herod, Jesus, degraded below Barabbas, Jesus, scourged at the Pillar, Jesus, crowned with thorns, and clothed in mock purple, Jesus, rejected by the people, Jesus, falsely accused, and condemned un- justly, Jesus, laden with the heavy Cross, Jesus, reputed amongst the wicked, Jesus, led with thieves to execution, Jesus, hung on Calvary, to die for us. Lamb of God, laden with the sins of the world. Spare us, O Lord! Lamb of God, laden with the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord! Lamb of God, laden with the sins of the world, Have mercy on us! Have mercy on us! 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST crucified, Son of the Virgin Mary; open Thy holy Ears and hear us; as Thou didst hear the Eternal Father on the Mount of the Transfiguration ! O Lord Jesus Christ crucified, Son of the Virgin Mary; open Thy holy Eyes and behold us; as Thou didst behold from the wood of the holy Cross Thy sorrowing and afflicted Mother ! O Lord Jesus Christ crucified. Son of the Virgin Mary; open Thy holy Lips and speak to us ; as Thou didst speak to the beloved disciple when Thou didst consign Thy most holy Mother to his care! O Lord Jesus Christ crucified. Son of the Virgin Mary ; open Thy holy Arms and embrace us; as Thou didst open them on Thy Cross to emrace the whole world I O Lord Jesus Christ crucified. Son of the Virgin Mary, open Thy most sacred Heart, and accept ours ! and grant us, through Thy mercy, all that we ask—if it be good for us, and in ac- cordance with Thy most holy Will. Amen. V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee. R. For by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re deemed the world. %OOK down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, upon this Thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be betrayed into the 7 hands of the wicked, and to undergo the torment of the Cross. Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father. Ube ffirst XKHorb* when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, they crucified Him there; and the robbers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. And Jesus said: ''Father, forgive them, for they know not what they dof* (Luke xxiii. 33, 34.) Hymn No "Forgive Them, O My Father/* Hbbress* Let ns pray. 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST crucified for us; in all humility, but with great confidence, we beseech Thee to be merciful to all who are gathered here about Thy Cross, and to all those for whom we wish to pray. Grant us the grace to know Thee, to love Thee, and to be truly sorry that till now we have known Thee and loved Thee so little. 8 We ask this grace of Thee: — By Thy holy Name of Jesus. By Thy sweet Name of Jesus, which Thy Father gave Thee. By Thy sweet Name of Jesus, which Thou didst Thyself accept so gladly as an ob- ligation : — To suffer all for us, To pay all for us. To forgive all our sins. To forget them all. To grant every blessing to all who pray to Thee. By Thy sweet Name of Jesus — Which touched the Heart of Thy Heavenly Father, Which closed Hell for us. Which opened Heaven to us. Which brought back hope to so many poor sinners. Which confounds the demons. Which gladdens the Angels, Which teaches so many virtues. Which, better than all other names, ex- presses : — What Thou hast ever been to us — During Thy mortal life. On Calvary, Every day of our lives. On Thine Altar, 9 In the holy Tabernacle, In holy Communion, In our hearts. And what Thou wilt be to us for ever in Heaven. 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who for love of us didst suffer agonies upon the Cross, in order to pay by Thy torments the debt of our sins, and didst implore the Divine Justice to obtain our pardon ; have mercy on all Christians in their last agony, and on us when we shall be in that extremity ; and through the merits of Thy most precious Blood, shed for our salvation, give us so intense a grief for our sins that we may breathe forth our souls into the bosom of Thine infinite mercy. Who livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen. 0 JESUS, Heavenly Physician, call to mind the languor and death-pains and woe, which, when raised aloft upon the Cross, Thou didst suffer in Thy rended limbs ; when all were wrenched asunder, and from the soles of Thy Feet even to Thy Head there was no soundness in Thee, and no sorrow could be found like unto Thy sorrow. And yet, wholly unmindful of Thy griefs. Thou didst pray to the Father for Thine enemies, and didst say with such tender love: ** Father, forgive them, for they know not what 10 they do;'' by this, Thy mercy, grant that this re- membrance of Thy most holy and bitter Passion may be the full remission of all our sins. Amen. V. We adore Thee, O Christ and we bless Thee. R. For by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. 5^00K down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, upon this Thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be betrayed into the hands of the wicked, and to undergo the torment of the Cross. Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father. XTbe Seconb Morb* one of those robbers who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying: “If Thou be Christ, save Thyself and us.” But the other an- swering, rebuked him, saying: “Neither dost thou fear God, seeing thou art under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man hath done no evil.” And he said to Jesus: “ Lord, remember me when Thou shalt come in- to Thy kingdom.” And Jesus said to him: 11 ** Amen I say to thee: this day thou shalt be with Me in Paradise/' (Luke xxiii. 39-43.)' Hymn No. 3. ''Lord, When Thy Kingdom Comes." Let us pray. ^ LORD JESUS CHRIST crucified for us; in all humility, but with great confidence, we beseech Thee to be merciful to all who are gathered here about Thy Cross, and to all those for whom we wish to pray. Grant us the grace to know Thee, to love Thee, and to be truly sorry that till now we have known Thee and loved Thee so little. We ask this grace by Thy holy Hands — By those Hands, so often raised to Thy Heavenly Father to implore our pardon, and so often lowered to lift us up. By those Hands, so often placed on our wounds to cure them. By those Hands, so often stretched out to pro- tect and bless us, and to receive us back to peace and love. By those Hands, pierced and fastened to the Cross for us, and still bearing the marks of their Wounds. 12 And we ask this grace by Thy sacred Feet — By those Feet, so often wearied and torn, in following after us. By those Feet, which have so often tarried to wait for us. By those Feet, which never broke the bruised reed, nor quenched the smoking flax. By those Feet, which have ever been the refuge of sinners and mourners. By those Feet, at which the penitent ‘Magdalen found so tender a reception — Peace for her heart. Victory over her passions. Pardon for her sins. True happiness, in faithful, ardent and un- wavering love. By those sacred Feet, which were pierced on the Cross, and which still bear the adorable Wounds. By all these memories and titles we ask Thee to plead for us. 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who for love of us didst suffer agonies upon the Cross, and Who with such readiness and loving-kindness didst reward the faith of the penitent thief, who in the jnidst of Thy humiliation acknowledged Thee to be the Son of God ; and didst assure him that he should enter into Paradise; have mercy on all Christians in their last agony, and on us 13 when we shall be in that extremity ; and through the merits of Thy most precious Blood suffer us not, O merciful Saviour, at our last hour, for any pains of death to fall from Thee; but establish in our hearts such firm and persevering faith as may not be shaken by any suggestion of the devil; so that we also may obtain the re- ward of the Heavenly Paradise. Who livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen. ^ JESUS, Mirror of everlasting love; call to mind that grief of Thine, when in the depths of Thy divine Omniscience Thou didst behold the predestination of Thine elect, whom the merits of Thine agony should save; and the re- probation of the wicked, who for their own sins should be condemned; and by the depth of Thy divine Compassion, whereby Thou didst feel for us—lost and ruined sinners,—and which Thou didst manifest upon the Cross,—in Thy saying to the penitent thief : " This day thou shall he with Me in Paradise:^* we pray Thee, Lord Jesus, deal with us in mercy at the hour of our death. Amen. V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee. R. For by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. 14 ^j^OOK down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, upon this Thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be betrayed into the hands of the wicked, and to undergo the torrnent of the Cross. Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father. XTbe tlbirb TRIlorb. there stood by the Cross of Jesus His Mother and His Mother’s sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen. When Jesus, therefore, had seen His Mother and the disciple standing whom He loved. He saith to His Mother : 'Woman, behold thy son.'' After that He saith to the disciple : Behold thy Mother." (John xix. 25-27.) Hymn No. 4. 'When Our Heads Are Bowed With Woe." Hbbrc60 * Let us pray. ^ORD JESUS CHRIST crucified for us; in all humility, but with great confidence, we beseech Thee to be merciful to all who are gathered here about Thy Cross, and to all those for whom we wish to pray. Grant us the grace 15 to know Thee, to love Thee, and to be truly sorry that till now we have known Thee and loved Thee so little. We ask this grace by Thy holy Mother Mary — By Thine immaculate Mother, in whom there is no sin. By Thy tender Mother, who bore Thee. By Thy thoughtful Mother, who treasured in her heart all that concerned Thee. By Thy sympathizing Mother, who shared every joy and sorrow of Thy life and death. By Thy sorrowful Mother, who met Thee on the way to Calvary, and saw Thee fall under Thy Cross. By Thy gentle Mother, who wove Thy seam- less garment, and saw Thee stripped thereof. By Thy broken-hearted Mother, who stood by while they stretched Thee on Thy death-bed, and heard the driving of the nails. By Thy virgin Mother, who shared Thy shame. By Thine unpitied Mother, whom the rabble did not reverence. By Thy disconsolate Mother, who watched Thee hanging on the Cross, and witnessed Thine agony. By Thy charitable Mother, who prayed to Thee for the thief, and for the Jevi^s. By Thine own Mother, whom Thou didst give to be a Mother to us. 16 By Thy sad Mother, who heard Thee say : “7 thirst/' and could not refresh Thee ; and who saw gall and vinegar given Thee to drink. By Thy submissive Mother, who witnessed the end, when all was consummated ; heard Thy last cry ; and saw Thee bow Thy He^d, and give up I'hy Soul into the hands of Thy Father. By Thy desolate Mother, who saw Thy Heart laid open; and whose soul the sword of sorrow pierced through and through. By Thy meek and forgiving Mother, whose heart was in constant accord with Thine own Heart. 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who for love of us didst suffer agonies upon the Cross, and, forgetful of Thine own sufferings, didst prove Thyself a Refuge and Strength, and an ever- present Help in time of trouble:—when, in Thy yearning love for Thy dearest Mother and Thy beloved disciple. Thou didst commend each to the other for mutual service and help, comfort in adversities, and support in trials; have mercy on all Christians in their last agony, and on us when we shall be in that extremity ; excite in our hearts a true confidence in Thee in all our wants, and a firm hope in the infinite merits of Thy most precious Blood; that we may escape 17 the eternal damnation which wt have deserved for our sins. Who livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen. ^ LORD JESUS, call to mind that grief of Thine, when Thou didst hang upon the Cross, and all Thy friends and acquaintances set themselves against Thee; when Thou didst find none to comfort Thee, save only Thy dear Mother,—who still stood by Thee in the bitter- ness of her soul; and whom Thou didst com- mend to Thy disciple, saying; ^^Son, behold thy Mother;'* we pray Thee, Lord Jesus, by that sword of grief that pierced her soul, to have compassion upon us in all our distresses and afflictions of soul or body ; and to comfort us in the time of trouble, and at the hour of death. Amen. V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee. R. For by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. %OOK down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, upon this Thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be betrayed into the hands of the wicked, and to undergo the torment of the Cross. Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. It Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father. Ube jfouttb Mort). ip^ow from the sixth hour there was darkness over the whole earth, until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying : “ Eli^ Eli, lamma sabacthanif* that is: ''My God, My God, why hast Thou for- saken Me?'* (Matt, xxvii. 45, 46.) Hymn No. 5. "Throned Upon the Awful Tree:* Let us pray. 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST crucified for us; in all humility, but with great confidence, we beseech Thee to be merciful to all who are gathered here about Thy Cross, and to all those for whom we wish to pray. Grant us the grace to know Thee, to love Thee, and to be truly sorry that till now we have know Thee and loved Thee so little. We ask this grace by Thy sacred Eyes — By those Eyes, so often raised to Heaven for us. So often bent down in pity upon us. By those Eyes, which shed so many tears for our miseries. 19 By those Eyes, so often turned towards us — To reproach us. To encourage us. To melt our hard hearts. By those Eyes, which never lost sight of us. By those Eyes — Of a Good Shepherd. Of a tender and faithful Friend. Of our Lord and Saviour. And we ask it by Thy compassionate Ears — By those Ears, ever open — To the repentance of poor sinners. To the cry of the needy and the infirm. To the desires of those who would love Thee. By those all-sympathizing Ears which listened on the Cross to the prayer of the penitent thief. 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who for love of us didst suffer upon the Cross, and, adding suffering to suffering, besides the many tortures of the Body, didst endure with unknown patience the most painful affliction of Spirit,—in being forsaken by Thine Eternal Father; have mercy on all Christians in their last agony, and on us when we shall be in that extremity ; and through the merits of Thy most precious Blood, give us the grace to suffer all the pangs and anguish of our agony; that, uniting our pains with Thine, 20 we may be partakers of Thy glory for all eternity. Who livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen. ^ORD JESUS, royal in Thy might, and in- dwelling by Thy presence in the soul; call to mind that sore distress and agony of Thine, when, forlorn and desolate in the bitterness of death, and assailed by Thine enemies with mockery, Thou didst cry to Thy Father: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Mef* By this sore distress forsake us not in our dis- tresses, O Lord our God ! Amen. V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee. R. For by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. ^OOK down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, upon this Thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be betrayed into the hands of the wicked, and to undergo the torment of the Cross. Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father. 21 xrbe jptftb morb. ^FTERWARDS Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said: thirst/* (John xix. 28.) Hymn No. 6. ** His Are the Thousand Sparkling Rills/* Let us pray. 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST crucified for us; in all humility, but with great confidence, we beseech Thee to be merciful to all who are gathered here about Thy Cross, and to all those for whom we wish to pray. Grant us the grace to know Thee, to love Thee, and to be truly sorry that till now we have known Thee and loved Thee so little. We ask this grace by Thy sacred Lips— By those Lips which said : Come to Me, all you that labor and are burdened, and 1 will refresh you/* By those Lips which said : The Son of Man came, not to destroy sinners, but to save them/* By those Lips which said : " It is I; fear ye not!** ** Ask, and it shall be given to you/* 22 By those Lips which said: To the paralytic: Be of good heart, son, thy sins are forgiven thee.’* To the widow: **Weep not.” To the leper : '' I will; be thou made clean.” To Mary Magdalen : Go in peace.” By those Lips which said from the Cross: Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” By those Lips, parched with a cruel thirst, which said to the penitent thief : This day thou shalt he with Me in Paradise.” 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who for love of us didst suffer agonies upon the Cross, and, not yet satisfied with insults and torments, didst wish to suffer more—provided that all mankind might be saved : showing thus that the whole torrent of Thy Passion is not sufficient to ex- tinguish the thirst of Thy loving Heart; have mercy on all Christians in their last agony, and on us when we shall be in that extremity; and through the merits of Thy most precious Blood, kindle in our hearts such a love that we may be all on fire with the desire of being united to I'hee for all eternity. Who livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen. JESUS, unfailing spring of Love ; Who from the lowest depth thereof didst say upon the Cross: thirst,” even for the salva- tion of mankind; kindle, we beseech Thee, the desires of our hearts for every perfect work. Allay and wholly quench within us the thirsts of carnal desire, and all the fevers of the pleasures of this world. Amen. V, We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee. R. For by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. ^OOK down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, upon this Thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be betrayed into the hands of the wicked, and to undergo the torment of the Cross. Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father. Ube Stitb Morb. ^ow there was a vessel set there full of vinegar. And they, putting a sponge full of vinegar about hyssop, put it to His Mouth. Jesus therefore, when He had taken the vinegar, said : “ It is consummated/* (John xix. 29, 30.) Hymn No. 7. O Perfect Life of Love.** 24 B^2)te05« Let us pray. 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST crucified for us; in all humility, but with great confidence, we beseech Thee to be merciful to all who are gathered here about Thy Cross, and to all those for whom we wish to pray. Grant us the grace to know Thee, to love Thee, and to be truly sorry that till now we have known Thee and loved Thee so little. We ask this grace by Thy sacred Body — By Thy sacred Body, born of the immaculate Virgin Mary, and carried in her arms. By Thy sacred Body, faint and weary. By Thy sacred Body, disfigured and unsightly. By Thy sacred Body, covered with Thy precious Blood. By Thy sacred Body, hanging on the Cross, like one vast wound. By Thy sacred Body, cold and rigid in death. By Thy sacred Body, offered daily on the Altar. By Thy sacred Body, always present in the holy Tabernacle. 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who for love of us didst suffer agonies upon the Cross, and from that Throne of Truth didst declare the consummation of the work of our Redemption, — 25 whereby from children of wrath and perdition we are become children of God, and heirs of everlasting life;—have mercy on all Christians in their last agony, and orT us when we shall be in that extremity ; and through the merits of Thy most precious Blood, detach us entirely from the world and from ourselves; and at the time of our agony give us grace to offer Thee from our hearts the sacrifice of our lives in atonement for our sins. Who livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen, 0 JESUS CHRIST, Almighty Lord and King Eternal, call to mind, we beseech Thee, that grief of Thine, when—bowing Thy divine Head —Thou didst say: ‘‘It is consummated!' By this distress and anguish pity us in our last agony, when our course is finished, our souls amazed, and our spirits about to appear before Thee in judgment. Amen. V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee. R. For by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. ^OOK down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, upon this Thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be betrayed into the hands of the wicked, and to undergo the torment 26 of the Cross. Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father. XTbc Seventb Wiotb. it was almost the sixth hour; and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the Temple was rent in the midst; and Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said: '^Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit*^ (Luke xxiii. 44-46.) Hymn No. 8. ''And Now, Beloved LordT HbbresB. Let us pray. 0 LORD JESUS CHRIST crucified for us; in all humility, but with great confidence, we beseech Thee to be merciful to all who are gathered here about Thy Cross, and to all those for whom we wish to pray. Grant us the grace to know Thee, to love Thee, and to be truly sorry that till now v;e have known Thee and loved Thee so little. 27 We ask this grace by Thy precious Blood — By that precious Blood, which bathed Thy sacred Body, and trickled down to the ground in the Garden of Olives. By that precious Blood, which poured forth from Thy sacred Body during the scourg- ing. By that precious Blood, which covered Thy sacred Face when Thou wert crowned with thorns. By that precious Blood, which burst forth from Thy Hands and Thy Feet on Calvary. By that precious Blood, which from the Cross cried to Thy Father for our pardon. By that precious Blood, which after death came forth from Thy sacred Heart. By that precious Blood, still offered daily on our Altars. By that precious Blood, of which we drink in Holy Communion; and of which Thou hast said : He that eateth My Flesh, and drinketh My Blood, hath everlasting life/' Q LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who for love of us didst suffer agonies upon the Cross, and Who, to complete so great a sacrifice, didst ac- cept the Will of Thine Eternal Father,—resign- ing into His hands Thy Spirit, bowing down Thy Head and dying; have mercy on all Chris- tians in their last agony, and on us when we 28 shall be in that extremity ; and through the merits of Thy most precious Blood, grant us in our agony a perfect conformity to Thy divine Will ; so that we may be ready either to live or die, as shall be most pleasing to Thee; and may desire nothing but the perfect fulfillment of Thine adorable Will in us. Who livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen. ^ JESUS, Only-Begotten of the Father, Image and Brightness of His Person; call to mind that strong yearning when Thou didst cry to the Father: Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit/'—when, with bleeding Body and broken Heart Thou gavest up the Ghost; by this. Thy most precious death, we pray Thee to give us strength to withstand the world, the flesh, and the devil; that being dead to the world we may live to Thee; and in the last hour of our life look upon our wandering and sinful souls, and take them to Thyself. Amen. V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee. R. For by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. %OOK down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, upon this Thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be betrayed into the hands of the wicked, and to undergo the torment 29 of the Cross. Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father. Concluston. humbled Himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the Cross. For which cause God also hath exalted Him, and hath given Him a Name which is above all names: that in the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth: and that every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father. (Philip, ii. 8-ii.) Hymn No. 9. " My God, My Father^* Conclubtna (Or in place thereof may be read the following:) Jesus again crying with a loud voice yielded up the ghost. And behold the veil of the temple was rent in two, from the top even to the bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were rent ; and the graves were opened ; and many bodies of the saints that had slept, arose; and coming out of the tombs after His Resurrection, came into the holy city, and ap- peared to many. Now the centurion and they CO that were with him watching Jesus, having seen the earthquake and the things that were done, were sore afraid, saying: Indeed this zvas the Son of God. And there were many women afar off, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, minis- '^ering unto Him ; among whom was Mary Magdalen, and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee. And when it was evening, there came a certain rich man of Arimathea, named Joseph, who also himself was a disciple of Jesus, He went to Pilate, and asked the Body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded that the Body should be delivered. And Joseph taking the Body, wrapped it up in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new monument, which he had hewed out in a rock. And he rolled a great stone to the door of the monument, and went his way. And there was there Mary Magdalen, and the other Mary, sit- ting over against the sepulchre. And the next day, which followed the day of Preparation, the chief Priests and the Pharisees came together to Pilate, saying: Sir, we have remembered that that seducer said, while He was yet alive: After three days I will rise again. Command therefore the sepulchre to he guarded until the third day; lest perhaps His disciples come and steal Him away, and say to the people: He is risen from the dead; and the last error shall he worse than the first. Pilate saith to them: You have a 31 guard; go, guard it as you know. And they, departing, made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting guards. (Matt, xxvii. 50-66.) Let us pray. ^ LORD JESUS CHRIST crucified for us; in all humility, but with great confidence, we beseech Thee to be merciful to all who are gathered here about Thy Cross, and to all those for whom we wish to pray. Grant us the grace to know Thee, to love Thee, and to be truly sorry that till now we have known Thee and loved Thee so little. We ask this grace by Thy sacred Heart — By Thy Heart, so little known, so much for- gotten. By Thy Heart, most meek and humble. By Thy Heart, ever gracious and full of com- passion. By Thy Heart, which made Thee choose the Name of Jesus, and ever inclined Thy Hands and Feet, Thine Eyes, Thine Ears, and Thy Lips to mercy and forgiveness. By Thy Heart, which led Thee to Mount Calvary, keeps Thee a prisoner in the Tabernacle, and daily renews Thine adorable Sacrifice on our Altars. By Thy Heart, which gave all that Thou couldst give ; Thy holy Mother, Thy sacred Body, and Thy Blood. 32 By Thy Heart, which remains open to us, that we may fly to It with entire confidence. By Thy Heart, which has loved men so much ; and which, although It be so little loved in return, nevertheless loves them all sc truly. 0 DYING SAVIOUR, Author of life. Who now sufferest death to save us from death eternal, suffer us with softened heart, and pierced with grief, to uplift our prayers, our sighs, and our moans to Thee : to mingle our tears with the Blood which flows from Thy Head, from Thy Hands, from Thy Feet, and from Thy whole Body, That Blood is ours, since Thou didst shed It for love of us ; and since our sins drew It from Thy Veins. Thy Head, all bleeding and all marred, is bowed down towards us. Thy languid Eyes begin to grow dim with the near- ness of death. Thy livid Lips keep silence ; and can no longer cause the sweet sound of Thy Voice to be heard. Thy bruised Body, rent and torn, exhausted in strength, tells us by Its pallor that Thou art going to die, and that Thy Soul is about to leave It, and to commend Itself into the Hands of Thy Heavenly Father. Oh, our Lord and Saviour ! Since it is for us that Thou dost suffer, and that Thou dost die; apply to us the merits of Thy sufferings and of Thy death, which is so precious to us ; that so, dying to our- 33 selves, we may henceforth live but to Thee. 4men, gOUL of Christ, sanctify me ! Body of Christ, save me ! Blood of Christ, refresh me! Water from the Side of Christ, wash me! Sacred Heart of Jesus, enkindle me! Passion of Christ, strengthen me! O good Jesus, hear me! Within Thy Wounds hide me! Suffer me not to be separated from Thee! From the malignant enemy defend me ! At the hour of my death call me! And bid me come to Thee ! That with Thy Saints I may praise Thee For all eternity ! Amen. V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee. R. For by Thy holy Cross Thou hast re- deemed the world. ^j^OOK down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, upon this Thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be betrayed into the hands of the wicked, and to undergo the torment of the Cross. Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father. 34 Natioosii Life I«suraRf MO^^^i^’ELlKK-: £RMl> f^RSUS) in Thy dying woes, Even while Thy life-blood flows, Craving pardon for Thy foes. Hear us, Holy Jesus! Saviour for our pardon sue, When our sins Thy pangs renew, For we know not what we do. Hear us, Holy Jesus! Oh ! may we, who mercy need, Be like Thee in heart and deed. When with wrong our spirits bleed. Hear us. Holy Jesus! Jesus, pitying the sighs Of the thief, who near Thee dies. Promising him Paradise. Hear us, Holy Jesus! May we, in our guilt and shame. Still Thy love and mercy claim, Calling humbly on Thy name. Hear us. Holy Jesus! Oh, remember us who pine. Looking from our cross to Thine; Cheer our souls with hope divine. Hear us. Holy Jesus! Jesus, loving to the end, Her whose heart Thy sorrows rend, . And Thy dearest human friend. Hear us, Holy Jesus! 35 May we in Thy sorrows share, And for Thee all perils dare, And enjoy Thy tender care. Hear us, Holy Jesus! May we all Thy loved ones be. All one holy family. Loving for the love of Thee. Hear us, Holy Jesus! Jesus, whelmed in fears unknown, With our evil left alone. While no light from Heaven is shown. Hear us. Holy Jesus! When we vainly seem to pray. And our hope seems far away. In the darkness be our stay. Hear us. Holy Jesus! Though no Father seems to hear. Though no light our spirits cheer. Tell our faith that God is near. Hear us. Holy Jesus! Jesus, in Thy thirst and pain. While Thy wounds Thy life-blood drain. Thirsting more our love to gain. Hear us. Holy Jesus! Pant for us in mercy still; May we Thy desires fulfill — Satisfy Thy loving Will. Hear us. Holy Jesus! 36 May we thirst Th_y lOve to know; Lead us, in our sin and woe, Where the healing waters flow. Hear us, Holy Jesus! Jesus, all our ransom paid. All Thy Father’s Will obeyed, — By Thy sufferings perfect made. Hear us, Holy Jesus! Save us in our soul’s distress, Be our help, to cheer and bless. While we grow in holiness. Hear us. Holy Jesus! Brighten all our Heavenward way With an ever holier ray. Till we pass to perfect day. Hear us. Holy Jesus! Jesus, all Thy labor vast, All Thy woe and conflict past. Yielding up Thy soul at last. Hear us. Holy Jesus! When the death-shades ’round us lower, Guard us from the tempter’s power. Keep us in that trial hour. Hear us. Holy Jesus! May Thy life and death supply Grace to live, and grace to die, Grace to reach the Throne on high. Hear us, Holy Jesus! {While the people go to reverence the Cross the Hymn, “At the Cross,” No. lo, may he sung.) 37 1 Oh, Come and Mourn. 1. Oh, come and mourn with me a - whilel 2. Have we no tears to shed for Him, 3 Seven times He spoke, seven words of love; 4. 0 love of Godl 0 sin of man! 1. See, Ma - ry calls us to her side! 2. While sol - diers scoff and Jews de - ride? 3. And all three hours His si - lence cried 4. In this dread act your strength is tried; 1;^ ! j HJ- . 2 Forgive them, 0 my Father. 1=1 1. “For - give them, 0 my Fa 2. For me was that com - pass 3. It was my pride and hard 4. 0 depth of sweet com - pass ther, ion. ness ion, 1. As the sharp nails went through 2. As much as an - y there. 3 Lord, when Thy Kingdom comes. 1. “Lord, when Thy King-dom comes re -mem - her me;” 2. No King - ly sign de - dares that g!o - ry now. 3. Hark Ithrough the gloom the dy - ing Sa - viour saith; 4. Lord, when with dy - ing lips my prayer is said, Thus spake the dy - ing lips to dy - ing ears; No ray of hope lights up the aw - ful hour. “Thou too shalt rest in Pa -ra-dise to - day.” Grant that in faith Thy King- dom I may see; 0 Faith! which in that dark - est hour could see A thorn - y crown sur-rounds the bleed - ing Brow; 0 words of love, to an - swer words of faith! And, think-ing of Thy Cross and bleed -ing Head, •-S—9^— The prom-ised glo - ry of the far - off years! The Hands are stretched in weakness, not in power. 0 words of hope for those who live to pray! May breathe my part -ing words: “Re-mem- ber me!” _ S<5>- -fS»- 4 When our heads are bowed with woe -g- =#-= 5=^ 1. When our heads are bow’d with woe. 2. When the so - leran death - bell tolls 3. When the heart is sad with - in 4. Thou the shame, the grief hast known, 1. When our bit - ter tears 2. For our own de - part 3. With the thought of all 4. Though the sins were not o’er - flow, ing souls; its sin; Thine own; 5 Throned upon the awful Tree. 1. Thron’d up - on the aw-fu|.Tree, King of grief, I 2. Hark! that cry that peals a-loud Upward through the 3. Lord, should fear and an-guish roll Dark -ly o’er my 1. watch with Thee. Dark-ness veils Thine anguish’d Face, 2. whelm-ing cloud! He, the Fa-ther’s on - ly Son, 3. sin - ful soul. Thou, who once wast thus be - reft 1. None its lines of woe can trace; None can tell what 2. He, His own A-noint-ed One, He doth ask Him, 3. That Thine own might ne’er be left. Teach me by that 1. pangs un known Hold Thee si - lent and a = lone. 2. ev - en He, “Why hast Thou for-sak-en Me?” 3. bit - ter cry In the gloom to know Thee nigh. 6 His are the thousand sparkling rills • 1. ms are the thou - sand spark - ling rills. 2. All fi - ’ry pangs on bat - tie fields. 3. But more than pains that rack’d Him then 4. 0 love most pa - tient, give me grace, 1. That from a thou - sand foun - tains burst, 2. On fe - ver beds where suff - ’rers toss, 3. Was the deep long - ing Thirst di - vine, 4. Make all my soul a - thirst for Thee; J- -'1. And fill with 2. Are in that 3. That thirst - ed 4. That parch -ed -w. (S « mu - sic all the hills: hu - man cry He yields for the souls of men. Lip, that fad - ing Face, t fja- g- 11'1III -& 1. And yet He saith: 2. To an - guish on 3. Dear Lord! and one 4. That Thirst, were all > 0 perfect life of love. ^=^=^=1 Throne a - hove 2. His toil, His sor - rows, one by one, 3. 0 all - a - ton - ing Sac - ri - fice, 4. And let my love the an - swer be -A 1 ^ ^ y -j— —S ^ 1 1. To do for us be - low. 2. The Script - ures have ful - fill’d. 3. I cling by faith to Thee! 4. To grace Thy love hast bought. •r - r 8 And now, beloved Lord. -»- » I I I -»•- -P" I 1. And now, be - lov - ed Lord, Thy soul re - sign -ing 2. Free - ly Thy life Thou yield-est, meek-ly bend-ing, 3. Sweet Sa-viour, in mine hour of mor -tal an - guish, 4. To Thy dear Cross turn Thou mine eyes in dy - ing; -p- -jj- 1. In - to Thy Fa - ther’s arms with conscious will; 2. E’en to the last, be - neath our sorrows’ load; 3. When earth grows dim,and ’round me falls the night, 4. Lay close my faint - ing head up - on Thy breast; —--S-- Hi 1. Calm - ly, with rev’rend grace,Thy head in - din - ing, 2. Yet, strong in death, in perfect peace commending 3. 0 breathe Thy peace, as flesh and spir - it lan-guish; 4. Those outstretch’d arms re -ceive my lat - est sigh - mg; 1. The throbbing brow and lab ’ring breast grow still. 2. Thy spir - it to Thy Fa- ther and Thy God. 3. At that dread ev - en - tide let there be light! 4. And then, 0 then—Thine ev -er- last -ing rest! 9 My God, my Father. 1. My God, my Father, while I stray 2. Though dark my path, and sad my lot, 3. Renew my will from day to day; 4. Then, when on earth I breathe no more 1. Far from my home, on life’s rough way, 2. Let me be still, and mur - mur not; 3. Blend it with Thine, and take a - way 4. The prayer oft mixed with tears be - fore, 10 At the Cross Her Station Keeping. 1. At the cross her sta - tion keep - ing, ^ -m- -m- -g- :g: ^=S 1. Close to Je - sus to the last. A - men. 2 Through her heart, His sorrow sharing, All His bitter anguish bearing, Now at last the sword had passed. 3 Oh! how sad and sore distressed Was that Mother highly blessM Of the sole-begotten One! # Oh! that silent, ceaseless mourning! Oh! those dim eyes never turning From that wond’rous, suffering SoBi 3 For His people’s sins, the All-Holy There she saw, a Victim lowly, Bleed in torments—bleed and die^ o Saw the Lord’s Anointed taken; Saw her Child in death forsaken; Heard His last expiring cry. 7 Those Five Wounds of Jesu smitten^ Mother, in my heart be written, Deep as in thine own they be. 8 Thou, my Saviour’s cross who bearest Thou, thy Son’s rebuke who sharest. Let me share them both with thee. 9 In the passion of my Maker Be my sinful soul partaker, Weep till death, and weep with thee* 10 Mine with thee be that sad station. There to watch the great salvation Wrought upon the atoning Tree. 11 Virgin, thou of virgins fairest. May the bitter woes thou sharest Make on me impression deep. 12 Thus Christ dying may I carry. With Him in His passion tarry. And His wounds in memory keep. 13 May His wounds transfix me wholly. May His cross and life-blood holy Ebriate my heart and mind. 14 Thus inflamed with pure affection 1e the Virgin’s Son protection Mav I at the Judgment find. Amen.