You+h Series No, ret Price 5$ A DESCRIPTION; DEFINITION. AND SUGGESTED CONSTITUTION FOR A PARISH YOUTH COUNCIL Glossary of Terms YOUTH BOARD—A youth board is composed of adult men and women representing adult organizations sponsoring youth work. SUGGESTED PATTERN—It is laboring the obvious to in- sist that the Youth Department cannot impose a rigid organizational pattern on any youth group. The Ordin- ary of a diocese alone possesses that right. APPROVED PLAN—The approval given the plans herein outlined by the Bishops implies nothing other than that they are good and workable. It does not mean that even essential variants may not be introduced when respon- sible local f ecclesiastical authorities deem it proper. YOUTH COUNCIL—A council embraces all the youth of the individual groups affiliated with the council. DELEGATES—The parish youth council functions through delegates. Each constitutent youth group comprising the parish youth council elects two delegates to the parish youth council. DEANERY YOUTH COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—A deanery youth council em- braces all the youth of the constituent affiliated groups. Obviously such an enormous number could not transact affairs efficiently. Therefore the deanery youth council functions through an executive committee comprised of two young men and two young women from each parish youth council. It is advisable to require a mini- mum age of 18 for those selected by the parish youth council as their representatives on the executive board of the deanery council. DIOCESAN YOUTH COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—A diocesan youth council em- braces all the youth of the constituent affiliated groups. Obviously such an enormous number could not transact affairs efficiently. Therefore the diocesan youth council functions through an executive committeee comprised of two young men and two young women from each dean- ery council. It is advisable to require a minimum age of 20 for those selected by the deanery council as their representatives on the executive committee of the dioces- an youth council. OFFICERS—Each executive committee selects a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer from its own membership. The parish youth council does the same from the personnel of its delegates. WHAT IS YOUR PARISH CATHOLIC YOUTH COUNCIL? I — Definition A Parish Catholic Youth Council is a federation of the approved Catholic youth groups within a parish. It is a coordinating device whose primary purpose is to unify and strengthen youth’s forces within the parish. It is not a separate or competitive organization designed to destroy or absorb existing parish youth organizations. A parish youth council, therefore, makes no provision for individual membership. The only way in which a young man or lady can secure member- ship in the youth council of his or her parish is by joining a parish youth group that is affiliated with the council. The objective of the parish youth council is to provide a medium of collaboration with the youth of other parishes in the diocese; to supplement by advice, suggestions, and cooperative projects, the existing parish youth groups. This means that these groups continue to use other services; for example, a Sodality will continue using its own program; a Scout troop continues the use of the scouting pro- gram, etc. There are certain projects however on which all the youth of a parish may profitably col- laborate. II — Sphere of Activities The activities of Parish Catholic Youth Coun- cils will by necessity differ from each other because the circumstances and needs of each parish differ. Here are a few useful fields for federated youth activity : 1) Membership campaign: The parish youth 2 WHAT IS A PARISH CATHOLIC YOUTH COUNCIL? council can help all its constituent organiza- tions secure new members. In most parishes the majority of the youth belong to no par- ticular youth group. The youth council may be used to inform youth, parents and others of existing organizations. 2) Providing apt program materials: The ex- change of experiences among the leaders of the various parochial youth groups will sug- gest certain courses of action on common problems. The youth council can arrange for the provision of facilities needed by all groups—a common library, a reading room, a pamphlet rack, movie projector, etc. 3) Organizing youth forums: There are many problems of interest to all youth. The coun- cil provides an ideal agency for conducting open forums, conferences, and discussion clubs for the youth on these questions. 4) Analysing and evaluating non-Catholic youth movements, organizations and agen- cies functioning within the parish bound- aries: This scrutiny should include not only local organizations but the branch agencies of state or nation-wide youth organizations as well. Catholic youth are attracted to the YMCA, YWCA, Allied Youth Posts, and many other of the more than 400 national non-governmental youth or youth-servicing agencies in the U- S. today. Many of these organizations are laudable; but many are actively propagating a social philosophy hostile to Christ. The critical evaluation of the local youth agencies would not only be of assistance to pastors but would furnish WHAT IS A PARISH CATHOLIC YOUTH COUNCIL? 3 excellent practical training for the youth apostolate. 5) Acting as the representative of all the youth of the parish: There are public or civic occasions, such for example as a general campaign for decent literature, clean mo- vies, better community recreational facili- ties for youth, when the youth council will be most useful. 6) 'Publishing a special youth bulletin or youth articles in the parish magazine : The special bulletins of particular youth groups, the Sodality for example, reach only their own membership; produced on a national scale they cannot very well take into account the peculiarities of each parish. The parish bul- letin can particularize and adapt such ma- terials as well as open a medium of com- munication between all the youth of the parish and all the parishioners. III. Leadership Training The Catholic youth apostolate envisions the for- mation or education of youth apostles of youth; leadership training in the various phases of youtl activities is therefore of its very essence. Hers again the youth council lends itself readily to tie accomplishment of specific youth-training objective. 1) Religious life: corporate acts of worship, retreats, holy hours and other religious ac- tivities in which it would be desirable to have all the youth of a parish participite can be fostered by the youth council. Tins for example the youth council could aid lie liturgical movement in a parish by securng 4 WHAT IS A PARISH CATHOLIC YOUTH COUNCIL? inexpensive Missals, sponsoring a common course on the liturgy, perhaps even learning the simpler Gregorian chants, how to par- ticipate in a “Missa recitata” etc. 2) Family education: the decay of Christian family life in modern society is self-evident ; the need for the clear exposition of the Christian ideal is likewise apparent. And it is youth and not age that needs this repre- sentation of a great ideal. Great practical good can be achieved by having all the youth of the parish sponsor a series of lectures and discussions on the Christian family. 3) Citizenship training: In our materialistic age the idea of the totalitarian state flourishes because men have forgotten the nature of man. Catholic doctrine on the nature and function of the state must be understood by youth if the fallacy of the totalitarian state is to be seen. Democracy is an idle word if the inherent dignity of human nature due to man’s immortal soul and its redemption by Christ is not explicit- ly understood. 4) Cultural training: In this field the parish council can be of great assistance by coop- eratively planning study and reading mater- ials, lectures, movies, etc. 5) Vocational guidance and training: It is not the primary function of Catholic youth groups to serve as vocational guidance agen- cies; yet the far-reaching maladjustment of our economic life which denies gainful em- ployment to more than a third of American youth for a period of almost three years WHAT IS A PARISH CATHOLIC YOUTH COUNCIL? 5 after leaving school makes it imperative that we do all in our power to equip youth to recognize and use opportunity when it presents itself, and even to seek it out. All the youth of the parish can collaborate on this subject. 6) Recreation: Each constituent unit of the parish council will organize its own recrea- tional program; the council can be of assistance, however, by setting up certain minimum standards; the conditions of in- tra-parochial competition in the fields of sports, dramatics, music, etc. The couicil can also act as the intermediary with olher parishes in setting up standards and ton- ditions of competition in inter-paro