No. 2. An | Investigation | of the Catholic Religion J By the | Rev. John A. O’Brien, Ph. D. i Qinitiniiinmiiniiiiminiiimmmiinniiniinmnimumminniinufgy INTRODUCTION As I am a stranger to you, dear friend, who read these lines, and am one whom you shall probably never know personally, perhaps it may be permissable for me to mention that if I were a narrow-minded zealot with- out sympathy or love for those who differ from me in their religious views, I would scarcely be honored with the repeated invitations which have come to me to speak in the var- ious Protestant churches in the com- munity in which I live, on the prac- tices and belief of the Catholic Church. Neither would I have re- ceived a gold Knights of Columbus emblem in 1925 from the Acacia, a fraternity composed exclusively of Masonic students at the University of llinois, as a token of appreciation of the influence which they esteem I have exerted in the interests of friendship and good will between Catholics and non-Catholics in the community in which I minister. I mention these facts in an objective manner with no thought of personal glory and even with some reluctance, simply that you may believe me when I say that this visit with you is prompted by a heart full of love and good will for you. While all souls are equal in the eyes of God, and all are infinitely precious to Him, I must confess that the task of spreading a knowledge of Christ’s teachings among my own countrymen makes a greater natural appeal to me, and seems to have first call upon my affections and my loy- alty than even the apostolic work of carrying it to the people of the Orient. That is most important, indeed, and I view with profound admiration the heroic missionaries who wear out their lives in foreign lands in break- ing the bread of truth to the natives there. With about sixty millions of my fellow citizens, however, bound to me by the strong ties of a common love for my country, and a common tongue, who are unaffiliated with any (2 ) Christian Church, I feel the special urgency of the obligation of sharing my treasure with my own immediate neighbors and countrymen—inviting them first of all into full membership in the household of the faith. NOT PROPAGANDA In so doing, my efforts are not to be viewed as those of a propagandist in the sense in which that term has come to be used since the World War. In those hectic days our country and those of the Old World as well were flooded with propaganda designed to portray the opposing forces and all their works in a wholly evil light. The aim seemed to be to increase our own morale by inducing us to hate the enemy with a more intense ani- mosity. We know now that much of the propaganda consisted of lies, half- truths, highly colored accounts of al- leged atrocities, and a suppression of the enemy’s version of all occurrences. When we discovered after the armis- tice, how much of the propaganda was colored and distorted, and how many (3 ) falsehoods had gained currency and respectability under the camouflage of patriotic propaganda, we rightly de- veloped a distaste for the propagan- dist who seeks to influence the belief of people by a one-sided and unfair representation of evidence. I share that distaste. I would never wish to lead a person into the Catholic faith by a misrepresentation of the credentials of either the Pro- testant or the Catholic religion. No Church, I think, has suffered more from such misrepresentation than my own. I have nothing but abhor- rence for those who indulge in such unscrupulous and dishonest tactics. My appeal is to the intellect not to the emotions. For the end desired is not a temporary commitment arising from an emotional appeal, but that permanent loyalty that results only from a true intellectual conviction. It alone can weather the storms and trials of a lifetime. There will be no importuning, no high-pressure sales- manship. Among the several hun- dred whom I have been privileged to ( 4 ) receive into the Church, I have never yet asked a single one to embrace the faith. I explain it, and leave it to the judgment of the individual to ac- cept or to reject in accordance with the dictates of his own conscience. For faith implies the free assent of the will after the intellect achieves conviction. Without freedom and in- ternal conviction there can be no real faith, but merely its outward shell. ( 5 ) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 ' ~ • )'n i An Investigation Of The Catholic Religion There is no subject so worthy of investigation as the Catholic re- ligion. It has exercised a profound and enduring influence upon the thought and the life of humanity. No person can aspire to be truly educated, who remains ignorant of the one institution in the world to- day which traces its origin directly back to Jesus Christ. Founded by our divine Lord in the year 33 A. D., the Catholic Church has continued in existence throughout nineteen centuries, carrying on her divinely- appointed mission of preaching the gospel of Christ to every nation under the sun. At the present time the Catholic Church numbers over 325,000,000 of human beings— 100,000,000 more than the combined membership of all Protestant religious organizations. While her members are of every race 8 AN INVESTIGATION OP and tongue, having different racial temperaments and diverse national traditions, they are all bound to- gether by the strong bonds of a com- mon faith. They believe the same doctrines, receive the same sacra- ments, and recognize the same spiri- tual head. The unity is not merely in name, but in reality. A Catholic can hear Mass, receive the sacra- ments, and assist at the devotions in any Catholic church in the world, and feel as much at home as if he were worshipping in his own parish church. During the World War it was a source of surprise for many of our young men drawn into the army from rural districts and small towns, where there were few Catho- lics, to discover that the one Church they could be certain of finding in practically every village and city in Europe was the Catholic Church. Other churches, familiar enough in the United States, were found to be almost unheard of in the countries of Europe. While it was a source of comfort THE CATHOLIC RELIGION 9 for the Catholic soldiers to be able thus to continue the practice of their faith in any country in Europe, it was also the occasion of affording many hundreds of thousands of our fellow-citizens a new insight into the world-wide character of the Catho- lic Church, which would have been scarcely possible for them to have secured within the narrow horizons which bounded their previous out- look. For the first time they got glimmerings of a religion that was truly international and interracial, and which sank its roots deep into the antiquity of the history of Chris- tendom. In other words, they went a long distance along the pathway that leads to the discovery of that most essential truth, that Catholi- city and historical Christianity are identical. Catholicity Is Historical Christianity The only form of Christianity — save for a few sects which cut them- selves off from the centre of unity and for the most part subsequently 10 AN INVESTIGATION OF withered away—which can be found in the history of Christendom for the first sixteen centuries is the Catholic Church. Blot her from the pages of history, and the Bible as well as Christianity disappear from the face of the earth. Without her Protestantism would not exist, for Protestantism is founded upon the private interpretation of Holy Scrip- ture. And since the books of the Bible constituting both the Old and the New Testament, were deter- mined solely by the authority of the Catholic Church, without the Church there would have been no Bible, and hence no Protestantism. The Catho- lic Church is therefore the one cen- tral fact in the religious history of Christendom. Not only is the Catholic Church the largest religious organization in the world today, but it is the only institution that has survived the fall of the Roman Empire. When that great world empire fell beneath the successive onslaughts of the vast hordes of barbarians that poured in upon her from the North and the THE CATHOLIC RELIGION 11 East, the Church proceeded to Christianize and civilize them. In literal terms, she made the captor captive. In so doing she clearly showed that her mission was not merely to the Jews, the Greeks, or the Romans, but to all mankind. At this early date she displayed the Catholicity inherent within her very nature by opening her arms as wide to the barbarian Vandal, Visigoth, or Hun as to the mighty Roman or the cultured Greek. To that mark of Catholicity or universality she has always clung, as being the very imprint of the Divine upon her. How Can They Be Reputed Educated? How can one then justly claim to be educated who is ignorant of the history of the institution, which has been the most potent single factor in shaping the life and the thought of Western civilization? It estab- lished schools and universities throughout the world, and inspired painters, sculptors, and musicians in the achievement of their mastey- 12 AN INVESTIGATION OF pieces. It fostered a love of litera- ture and encouraged investigation of the secrets of nature, and thus laid the foundations of modern science.' As that penetrating student of the history of human culture, Eugene Savage, Professor of Art at Yale University, aptly declared in a re- cent lecture at which I was present: “All that separates the white man from barbarism is the history of the Christian Church.” That Church, as I have pointed out, is the Catholic Church, since it was the only Chris- tian Church in existence during those ages of transition and for many centuries afterward. Is it not to be expected that a Church which spans so many cen- turies, which is so intimately inter- woven into the daily life and thought of hundreds of millions of people, and which colors their whole out- look and shapes their sense of values, will be at times misunder- stood and misrepresented? Not only is it evident that at times her teach- ings are misunderstood, but also that at other times they are deliber- THE CATHOLIC RELIGION 13 ately misrepresented by hostile critics who wish to curtail her growth and influence. It is so much easier to set up a man of straw, and with much gusto demolish him, than it is to face a real foe. To this temp- tation many critics of the Church, seeking to refute her claim to the universal allegiance of mankind, have fallen easy victims. Common Misrepresentations As evidence of this, I would ask my non-Catholic reader, if he has not heard one or more of the follow- ing widely-spread misrepresentations of Catholic belief and practice? 1. The Cathoilc Church forbids her members to read the Bible. 2. Priests charge money for absolving peni- tents in confession from their sins. 3. Priests claim that for certain money payments they can secure the release of departed souls from purgatory. As one friendly narrator explained it to me, “For a certain fee, a priest will lift a soul from the bottom pit of purgatory to a place near the top. Then for a little more 14 AN INVESTIGATION OF he will lift the soul out altogether.” There are many more slanders of this nature, widely circulated and apparently believed by millions of our separated brethren. But these will suffice to indicate the general derogatory nature of such misrepre- sentations. Of course, as every Catholic knows, there is not a particle of truth in any of the statements. And yet, in my sixteen years of experi- ence in conducting inquiry classes for many hundreds of people, I have never encountered a class in which the majority had not been assured of the truth of one or more of the above mentioned falsehoods. These inquirers were drawn largely from a university constituency, and might fairly be presumed to come from homes somewhat better informed than the average. The saddest part is that some report hearing such statements from the pulpits of Prot- estant churches. Does it not seem almost incredible that ministers pledged to preach the gospel of the Prince of peace and of truth, should THE CATHOLIC RELIGION 15 so prostitute the pulpit of their churches as to render it a vehicle for the imparting of falsehoods and calumnies against their Catholic neighbors ? Do you recall, my dear non-Cath- olic reader, hearing such represen- tations of Catholic belief from the lips of a minister in a Christian church? If you do, you can be sure that he is an unreliable herald of the gospel of Christ. For either he was in good faith, and believed such pre- posterous statements to be true, or else he was in bad faith, and de- liberately circulated a canard which he knew to be false. Now if he was in good faith, he was guilty of crim- inal negligence in not using ordinary prudence and diligence to ascertain the truth or falsity of charges ser- iously reflecting on the good name of many millions of his fellow-citi- zens. If he looked into any one of the thousands of books approved by the Church as containing a correct exposition of her belief and prac- tice, or if he consulted any Catholic, he would speedily satisfy himself as 16 AN INVESTIGATION OF to the complete falsity of such charges. On the other hand, if the minister knew at the time that they were un- founded and reflected merely the hatred of her enemies, and used his Christian pulpit for the further cir- culation of such slanders, you can see for yourself how far such an individual has deviated from the path of the true herald of Christ. For all such heralds are charged by Christ speaking through the solemn words of St. Paul : “Carefully study to present thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). Campaign Slanders The utilization of the machinery of the various non-Catholic churches, the Sunday-school, the church paper and evangelistic organizations di- rected by ministers, reached its cli- max in the Presidential campaign of 1928 when for the first time a Cath- olic was nominated by one of the two major parties for the Presi- THE CATHOLIC KELIGION 17 dency. The extent to which min- isters and evangelists throughout the country used their pulpits to de- liver political tirades against Gov- ernor Smith, not merely because he was opposed to the Prohibition Amendment, but because he was a Catholic and “in league with the Pope,” was reported in the press of the nation at that time, and was shown to be very widespread. Especially in the churches of the South, the traditional stronghold of the Democratic party, were the de- nunciations of Smith and his Cath- olicism most scathing and vigorous. Professor Schlesinger, of the De- partment of History at Harvard University, has collected a large number of church papers, pamph- lets, periodicals, and leaflets dis- tributed by the millions, which are teeming with vile cartoons of nuns, priests, bishops, and the Pope, and with vicious slanders of Catholic be- lief and practice. These were ex- hibited in a room at Harvard, known as the “Hall of Horrors.” They will be preserved to show future genera- 18 AN INVESTIGATION OF tions the extent to which Christian churches used their pulpits and their official publications to poison the minds of millions of people with vile calumnies against twenty mil- lions of their Catholic fellow-citi- zens. A somewhat similar collection of photostatic copies of such church publications and cartoons is being preserved at the Library of the Uni- versity of Illinois, where it is avail- able to all who wish to view it. That there were many laymen as well as ministers who discounte- nanced such wholesale use of the machinery of the church to spread religious prejudice and foment hat- red among the citizens of our coun- try is undoubtedly true. Here and there noble voices were upraised in Protestant pulpits, by ministers who refused to be swept away by the wave of hysteria and emotional bit- terness that was sweeping like wild- fire across the land. Rising above the din and tumult of the mob, they proclaimed the duty of truthfulness and denounced the widespread slan- ders that were being circulated in THE CATHOLIC RELIGION 19 the name of religion against Catho- lic aspirants for public office. Illustrations The reaction of many high-minded non-Catholic citizens is illustrated by the following instance narrated to me by an educator of note. “I was the principal of a public high school,” he said, “in a town in Illi- nois at the time of the Smith- Hoover campaign. From the pulpits of the three Protestant churches in that town there came tirades against Mr. Smith. It was not merely,” he said, “because he opposed the pre- sent Prohibition law, but because he was a Catholic and ‘would take his orders from the Pope.’ The animus against him as a Catholic was evi- dent throughout the denunciations. Besides the three Protestant churches,” he said, “there is also a small, struggling Catholic church. About three months before the elec- tion, the priest there read to his con- gregation a lettei from the Bishop. It stated that, ip accordance with 20 AN INVESTIGATION OF the usual Catholic custom of sep- arating religion from politics, no single word was to be spoken in the church concerning the political cam- paign then in progress. “The contrast was striking. The temptation to fight back against those who were calumniating his re- ligion must have been great. He took no notice, however, of them. He used his time each Sunday morning to preach to his people about Christ. Never once did he urge his congrega- tion to take sides in the campaign that was then stirring the nation. Never once did he attempt to dictate or to indicate even by innuendo how his people should vote. Father, he said, I am a Protestant, and have been active in the work of my church. But I don’t know of any- thing that has depressed me more than the spectacle of our churches rushing into the political campaign, using their pulpits for the foment- ing of religious prejudice. It has robbed me of my enthusiasm for them, and alienated almost all my attachment for them. Whether I THE CATHOLIC RELIGION 21 shall ever recover it, only time will tell.” Shortly after the close of the Smith-Hoover campaign, I was hon- ored with an invitation to address a large Methodist congregation on “Papal Infallibility and Its Bearing Upon the Rights of the State.” In the period for answering questions that followed the lecture, a young man arose and made the following contribution to the discussion: “In the small rural community in which I live,” he said, “the feeling ran high that if Smith were elected, America would be subject to papal domina- tion. I recall one citizen telling an- other of the woes that would befall us. ‘Why,’ he said, ‘the Pope will be the real ruler. He will dictate all the appointments to Smith. He will even try to get control of the Su- preme Court. Things will be so bad,’ he concluded, ‘that before we know it, we won’t be able to get our mail until it has first been censored by the Pope.’ ” Such were the apprehensions which prevailed among millions of 22 * AN INVESTIGATION OF our fellow citizens in the event of Smith’s election to the presidency. This in spite of the fact that in the century and a half of our national existence there has never been a sin- gle instance of a Catholic proving false to his civic duties because of any pull exerted upon him by his religious faith. No matter how much men like Charles Marshall and H. L. Mencken may speculate about a theoretical conflict of civil and spiritual loyalties on the part of Catholics, the stark fact remains that no Catholic incumbent has ever yet discovered any obligation aris- ing from his Catholic faith other than that which presses inexorably upon his conscience to discharge to the full the duties of his civil office. Far from finding any impediment to the fulfillment of his civic duties, the Catholic office-holder has found in the teachings of his Catholic faith the strongest incentive to their faith- ful and conscientious discharge. And it is to be noted that Catholics have held every important office in the land, being Governors of States, THE CATHOLIC RELIGION 23 Congressmen, Senators, and Chief Justices of the Supreme Court — every office save that only of the Presidency. Surely if there were any incompatibility between their civil allegiance and their spiritual loyalty, some one of the multitudes of Catholics who have held office in the course of our national existence, would have discovered that fact by now. They Need the Light In the light of the performances of so many ministers and evange- lists who leaped into the limelight with their blood curdling recital of the secret machinations of Rome to control and capture America, mis- representing the simplest tenets of the Catholic faith, one can see more clearly the foundation of the frank and courageous statement of Nicho- las Murray Butler, President of Co- lumbia University, in calling atten- tion to the woeful lack of proper educational attainments of a con- siderable portion of the Protestant ministry and its bearing upon “the 24 AN INVESTIGATION OF widespread intolerance which has recently had so many unhappy man- ifestations throughout the United States.” In referring to the educa- tional background of students for the Protestant ministry, he says : “Many of these theological students have no college training whatever, and many more have had a college training in whole or in part, which would not differ greatly from that offered by an average secondary school. In other words, the standard of intellectual and scholarly attain- ment is low. Not a few of the most distressing and widely-heralded of present-day happenings in the Unit- ed States are traceable directly to this fact. Unhappily that ‘illiterate ministry’ which it was the purpose of the pious founders of Harvard College to forfend, is now, after three hundred years, in ample evi- dence on every side. . . If the full truth were said, it would probably be that the greatest obstacle at pre- sent to religious faith, religious con- viction, and religious worship is the attitude and influence of a very THE CATHOLIC RELIGION 25 large proportion of the poorly en- dowed and poorly educated Prot- estant clergy” (Nicholas Murray Butler, Annual Report of the Presi- dent of Columbia University, 1925, pp. 50 and 51. Columbia University Press, N. Y.). The Fair-Minded Are Many In citing the statement of President Butler, and in pointing out non-Cath- olic agencies which have lent them- selves to the circulation of misrepre- sentations of Catholic belief and prac- tice, I do not for a moment wish to appear in the light of making sweep- ing reflections upon the Protestant ministry as a whole. That would be grossly unjust. There is no doubt in my mind that the number who con- sciously lend themselves to such un- fair practices are in the marked min- ority. The overwhelming majority would surely repudiate such un-Chris- tian actions. I want to pay my tri- bute to the honesty and sincerity of Protestant ministers of my acquaint- ance. Indeed the ministers with whom 26 AN INVESTIGATION OF it has been my privilege to work in the University community in which I labor, have been men of high spiritual ideals, eminently fair and uniformly courteous. It has been my rare privilege to address large congregations in Metho- dist Episcopal, Presbyterian, Luther- an, Congregational, and Disciples of Christ churches, setting before them the teachings of the Church on such subjects as Papal Infallibility, the Power of the Priest to Forgive Sins, the Relations of Church and State, the Temporal Power of the Pope, the In- dissolubility of Christian Marriage, the Structure and Organization of the Catholic Church. In every instance I found the people hungry and eager to know the real teachings of the Church. After the lecture I answered questions from the audience. The en- tire discussion was always conducted in a spirit of friendliness and good will. In every case the meeting was closed with an expression of gratitude to me for clearing away many mis- conceptions of the teachings of the THE CATHOLIC RELIGION 27 Church which they had previously en- tertained. It was the conviction of all that a better understanding of the faith of Catholics, so often misrepresented and misunderstood, was conducive to a better community spirit, and there- fore to better citizenship in our Ame- rican democracy. For an understand- ing of the real teachings of the Church speedily removes the basis of societies of organized bigotry, which spring into existence from the appre- hensions and distrust created by the misrepresentation of the Catholic position, especially on such a topic as the alleged divided allegiances of Catholics to the government of the United States. The true weapon against them is not force or heat, but light. For with the widespread dis- semination of the real teachings of the Catholic Church, they disappear because they do not have a leg to stand on. From what has been said, I think you will see, my dear non-Catholic friend, that in asking for an unbiased 28 AN INVESTIGATION OP investigation of the Catholic faith, I am actuated not only by a love of the Church which has been so bountiful and loving a Mother to me, but also by the love I bear my non-Catholic fellow citizens and our common coun- try. An advocacy of the reasonable- ness and truth of the teachings of the Catholic Church is surely compatible with both esteem and affection for my countrymen of different faiths and of no faith at all. Obtain Official Statements Of Faith In view of the many agencies cir- culating misstatements about the be- lief and practice of the Catholic Church, is it any wonder then that you, my dear non-Catholic friend, have been influenced in your attitude toward her ? Indeed it would be rath- er a cause for marvelling if, in mingl- ing freely with non-Catholics for many years, you did not hear some of these allegations against the Cath- olic faith. It is not even unlikely that by dint or repetition you have come to believe that there must be some foun- THE CATHOLIC RELIGION 29 elation to them. Where there is so much smoke, there must be some fire, one is apt to say. To determine then whether the re- presentation of Catholic belief and practice given out by critics is correct or false, is it not necessary to have recourse to some duly authorized ex- position of the Catholic faith? Open any book approved by the Church as containing an accurate statement of Catholic belief, and see if you can find anything remotely resembling the statements given out by her enemies. Surely if you wish to find out what the Church really teaches, you will go to her, not to her opponents. She makes no effort to conceal any of her doctrines, but on the contrary pub- lishes them in every language, and instructs her ministers to preach them in season and out of season — even from the housetops. Any priest, any educated Catholic will tell you gladly and without hesitation exactly what the Church believes. In prac- tically every Catholic home, you will find an authorized catechism or a 30 AN INVESTIGATION OF book explaining the doctrines of the Church. If you wish to receive a thorough and complete exposition of every Catholic teaching and practice, as well as the reasons behind them, why not consult a priest? See the Specialist This is a day of specialists. Why not avail yourself of a specialist in religion? Unlike the specialists in medicine, the priest offers his expert services gratis. He receives his re- ward in knowing that he has substi- tuted light for darkness, has replaced misunderstanding with a clear knowl- edge of the truths revealed by our divine Redeemer for the enlighten- ment and salvation of mankind. “There is no Freemasonry,” as Cardinal Gibons has pointed out, “in the Catholic Church; she has no sec- rets to keep back. She has not one set of doctrines for Bishops and Priests, and another for the laity. She has not one creed for the initiated and an- other for outsiders. Everything in the Catholic Church is open and above THE CATHOLIC RELIGION 31 board. She has the same doctrines for all—for the Pope and the peasant.” May I suggest then, dear friend, that you begin your investigation of the Catholic faith with an open mind ? It will make your study immensely more profitable. For, if you start with a closed mind, saying to your- self, “I know in advance these teach- ings are all wrong, I’ll simply listen to them, but I’ll be trying all the while to find a way of escape from their conclusions,” you will not be playing fair with yourself. You will derive more profit if you honestly try first to understand the doctrines of the Catholic religion and the reasons behind them. Let them sink into your mind and have free play therein, un- til they exert the influence which their cogency demands. Then it will be time enough to examine them criti- cally. I have had persons in my in- quiry classes, who have cheated themselves by devoting more of their mental energy to finding arguments against a viewpoint of the Church 32 AN INVESTIGATION than to the mastering of the reasons upon which the viewpoint was based. In order to do justice to any subject- matter, be it science, literature, phil- osophy, or religion, it is necessary that the effort be made first of all thoroughly to understand it. The Catholic Church asks no more and no less. For she is convinced of the objective weight and cogency of her credentials when honestly under- stood. She buttresses them with no appeal to the emotions. She is per- fectly willing to have them stand or fall, be accepted or rejected on their own intrinsic merits. She is con- vinced that if they are looked at by the eye of reason, unclouded by the mists of preconceived prejudice, they will carry conviction to the open mind. As unerringly as the magnet draws the steel, so does truth attract the human mind when no obstacle is placed in its way. Prejudice, bitter- ness, antipathy are the obstacles which rob truth of its capacity to convince, by closing the gateway to the mind.