f,{ , | tfc -a - .1 pjJ. S i T' / 10c Per Copy $1.00 Per Year Truth and Light CONTENTS Dynamic Possibilities Sane Protest by Protestants Catholics and the Public School School Amendment Fails Bigotry in Iowa Protestant Fronts Bar Non-Christians From Voting School Fight in Oregon C. A. WINDLE, Editor Entered as second class January 31, 1922 at the postoffice at Chicago, 111., under act of March 3, 1879. Published Monthly by the Iconoclast Pub. Co. 611-189 W. Madison St., Chicago < Vol. II JULY, 1922 No. 6 100 2 TRUTH AND LIGHT “Dynamic Possibilities” Enemies of the Catholic Church in America have issued a new declaration of war and are about to launch an intensive campaign to convince non-Catholics that Rome is a deadly menace to our country. The first division of the anti-Catholic army will be composed of 120,000 Protestant clergymen. Each preacher will be asked to organize and conduct local crusades against the “Romanist evil,” until “Popery” is utterly and eternally discredited in every community. The central organization is known as “The Evangelical Protestant Society.” It will undertake to mobilize all Prot- estants under one banner and conduct a nation-wide “cam- paign of education,” to the end that fraternal relations between Catholics and Protestants may be destroyed. In the smiling fields of amity they propose to sow seeds of bitterness, sus- picion and hatred. Following the general scheme employed so effectively by the Drys, they will employ a large number of agitators, organizers and lecturers. As these workers of mischief will be well paid they are sure to keep busy. According to its promoters, this “movement has dynamic possibilities.” Its possibilities are not only dynamic but damnable. Its possibilities may be judged by the recent history of Ulster. Stripped of every pretense and camouflage, the intent and object of its promoters is to Ulsterize the United States. It is not within the power of the Catholic Church, fighting alone, to prevent the consummation of this infernal plot. The non-Catholic must be reached. He must be convinced of the fraudulent character of the so-called evidence upon which her enemies hope to convict, discredit and destroy Catholicism in America. His sense of fairplay must be aroused. The appeal must be addressed to his reason and love of liberty. If the non-Catholic cannot be aroused, can- not be induced to resist the forces of bigotry, America is cer- tain to be Ulsterized and religious liberty become a thing of the past. Catholics in Ulster are outnumbered four to one. This is about the same ratio of Catholics to Protestants in America. This preponderance makes it possible to create a “bandwagon situation.” Few like to fight with the minority. This is DsaCkJMed TRUTH AND LIGHT 3 especially true of most politicians, editors and business men. My fight against bigots, and for equal rights of every citizen without regard to his religious convictions, has cost me many a pretty dollar and frequently slammed the door of oppor- tunity in my face. Having fought for principle, without ulterior motives or hope of gain, I have refused to let such things dull my sword or turn the point of my lance. Aside from a noble band of loyal friends—Catholic and non-Catholic —I have fought practically alone. Very few members of the Catholic Hierarchy in America even know that I exist. But knowing what Ulsterization of America would mean, I must continue to fight—not merely for the rights of Catho- lics—but for Liberty—for the Republic of Jefferson and Lin- coln—for American ideals. Realizing the “dynamic possi- bilities” of a movement designed to enlist 30,000,000 Prot- estants in a religious war against fellow citizens of another creed, I cannot remain silent or indifferent. That all my * readers may know what Ulsterization of America means I want to remind them that two years ago more than 8,000 Catholic workers lost their jobs at the Belfast shipyards on account of their religion. During the last two years more than 22,000 Catholics were driven from their homes by mobs made insane by religious prejudice as preached by professional agitators. There were 425 killed by bombs and bullets and 1,764 wounded. These figures are not for all Ireland, but for Ulster. They read like a bloody page from the records of barbarism. The fact that Catholics are outnumbered by Protestants four to one is proof that these assaults upon the lives and property rights of the former were unprovoked. After years of organization and agitation (openly and in secret societies) Ulster bigots are putting their principles into practise—translating their words into bombs and bullets. Before this became possible it was necessary to turn back- ward the dial of progress at least 200 years. This is one of the “dynamic possibilities” of the anti- Catholic crusade in America. The same cause will produce identical results, regardless of the age or country in which it operates. The history of the great world war shows how easily human beings slip en masse from the pedestal of civilization into the mire and brutality of barbarism. 4 TRUTH AND LIGHT The men who organized the “Evangelical Protestant So- ciety,” the men who support it with their money, whether secretly or openly, believe and teach the same lies that in- spired Belfast Protestants to deny Catholic workers the right to earn a living for their wives and children in their native city. The leaders of this crusade in America are moved by the same prejudice that drove 22,560 people from their own homes into the streets of Belfast to face bullets from the guns of hidden snipers and fly to the fields and woods for protection. The hatred that murdered nearly 500 Catholics of Ulster may be seen in nearly every word either spoken or written by these American bigots. That our readers may fully understand the scope, spirit and intent of this un-American movement of “dynamic possibili- ties,” I submit the following article from the New York World of July 14 : “A programme of action and a form of membership pledge will be made public today and a nation-wide membership campaign will be officially opened by the Evangelical Protestant Society—an anti-Papal body which has been organized quietly during the past six months. “It has the co-operation of such well known clergymen as Dr Robert Stuart MacArthur, president of the Baptist World Alliance; Bishop William Burt, of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Buffalo; Dr. David James Burrell, in whose study at the Marble Collegiate Church the first organization meeting was held last December; Dr. John Roach Straton, of Calvary Baptist Church; the Rev. Edwin D. Bailey, of the Prospect Heights Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, who is announced as major author of the new society’s constitution, and the Rev. Oscar M. Voorhees, general secretary of the Phi Beta Kappa. “The president of the society is a business man, well known for his evangelistic inclinations—Edward C. Miller, president of the Magnolia Metal Company of No. 115 Bank street. The society aims to include in its membership the 120,000 Protestant clergymen of the United States and many times that number of laity. Calls Papacy Political. “In an interview obtained by The World yesterday, Mr. Miller .said: ‘The movement, now in its inception, has dynamic possibilities. We intend to form an extensive and permanent organization to light the Romanist evil. This is probably the biggest movement since the days of Martin Luther. “‘We wish to make it clear that we are not hostile to Roman Catholics as individual churchmen. We believe there are thousands of noble Christians in the Catholic Church. To them it is a great spiritual body. But to the Pope and his hierarchy it is only a political organization. “ ‘Yes, I know that the Pope does not claim to be a political ruler; nevertheless, that is exactly what he is. At this moment Papal Nuncio Bonzano at Washington is bending every effort to bring about TRUTH AND LIGHT 5 an exchange of Ambassadors between the United States and the Vati- can. That is political and not religious. “ ‘What this organization proposes to do is to establish a research bureau to examine every charge against the Papacy. Says Fight Will Be Open. “ ‘Then the results of such research will be presented to our Execu- tive Committee, and that committee will formulate plans to meet each emergency by use of the pitiless publicity of mass meetings, the circu- lation of literature or other means of arousing the public to its peril. “ ‘We will have a press department in charge of an editor, who will furnish copy to the secular and religious press and to organizations affiliated with this society throughout the United States. His name will be announced later. “ ‘We will fight Papal Rome and its hierarchy in its attempt to en- croach on American institutions; for instance, in its attempt to de- stroy the American public school sysem in the interest of its parochial schools, where Papal religious and political teaching is given. We’ll “Expose” Efforts. “ ‘We will confront its efforts to procure sectarian appropriations. We will serve notice on politicians that henchmen of the Roman hierarchy fill a percentage of the public offices out of all proportion to the percentage of the population. We will combat its use of the Knight of Columbus, Tammy Hall, the Jesuits and other organizations to secure the balance of political power in this country for the purposes of the Papal hierarchy. “ ‘We will expose the efforts of the Catholic hierarchy to create hostility between Great Britain and the United States in order to pre- vent close co-operation between the two Protestant countries. We will oppose any exchange of Ambassadors with the Vatican.’ “The Evangelical Protestant Society will make public today a pamphlet entitled ‘The E. P. S. Bulletin,’ in which its principles and methods of operation are explained, for distribution among prospec- tive members. What the Members Pledge. “It contains membership application blanks and a list of member- ship pledges which include: “I am willing to pledge myself to use my influence to get a bill passed in our State Legislature to compel the attendance of every child at the public schools up to the eighth grade. “I am willing to use my influence in favor of the Towner-Sterling Education Bill. “I am willing to send you prompt information of any new move in the direction of raids on the City or State Treasury by Papal agents for sectarian institutions—or utterances against the Eigh- teenth Amendment or against any other of our laws or institutions. “I am willing to subscribe for ( ) copies of the Converted Catholic for distribution among Roman Catholics. This magazine is written for circulation among Catholics; each member has an evangelical appeal based on citations from the Catholic Bible. “I am willing to get my pastor to preach a sermon on ‘Why I Am a Protestant.’ “The membership fee is $2.50, of which $1 goes to support the under- 6 TRUTH AND LIGHT takings of the society, $1 for a subscription to the Protestant and 50 cents for expenses in extending the membership. From Mr. Miller, president of the organization, we “learn”: 1. That to the Pope and Hierarchy, the Catholic Church is “only a political organization.” 2. That he is directing the “biggest movement since the days of Martin Luther.” 3. That the Pope lies when he denies that he is a “political ruler.” 4. That “all charges against the Papacy are to be exam- ined,” the Church attacked by “pitiless publicity, of mass meetings, the circulation of literature, or other means of arousing the public to its peril.” 5. That a “press department in charge of an editor will furnish copy to secular and religious journals and to organi- zations affiliated with the society throughout the United States.” 6. That politicians will be “served with notice,” which means threats, dictation, ostracism and intimidation. 7 . That while pretending to be an “-Evangelical Society,” it is in reality a religio-political party, organized, among other things, to “combat the Knights of Columbus, Tammany Hall, the Jesuits,” et al., at the polls. The pledge that each member must sign shows how thor- oughly these bigots appreciate the power of the written word. Each member is pledged to act as circulation agent for “The Converted Catholic,” one of the vilest and most rabid anti- Catholic sheets ever published. One dollar of the membership fee goes to support “The Protestant,” edited by Judge Gilbert O. Nations, whose im- pertinent and insulting challenges to debate, addressed to leading members of the Catholic Hierarchy, have made him infamous. There is but one way to fight “This Evangelical Protestant Society.” Tell the truth about Catholicity, its principles and mission. Tell the truth about these narrow-minded bigots, expose their un-American methods and principles ; confute their vile and slanderous lies and place the answer in the hands of the American people before their minds have become hope- lessly poisoned. The field is great. Non-Catholics comprise 80 per cent of our population. Of this number 30,000,000 are avowed Prot- estants. How to reach the other 50,000,000 is the biggest question now confronting the Catholic Church in America.- TRUTH AND LIGHT 7 Sane Protest by Protestants The Protestant Churches of Atlanta, through their com- mittee on co-operation have taken a position opposed to the Ku Klux Klan. This sane protest by Protestants is made through the me- dium of a published statement. It says, in part : “We call on every freeborn Georgian to unite with us in destroying this secret, masked tyranny which threatens and strikes in the dark. “When these threats are made in an effort to force the members of Atlanta’s Board of Education to dismiss from our public schools teachers because the teachers happen to be members of a particular church, it is time for the members of the churches to take action. “Can you doubt that democracy and our fellowship are doomed, if we permit the night-riding mob, the masked bully and the secret assassin to drive ‘the light’ from Georgia, enthroning in this State the most evil of all tyrants, religious intolerance and hate?” Religious prejudice is indeed a terrible thing. It destroys good will, and creates an atmosphere of hate and suspicion in a community or a nation that prevents friendly co-operation in solving the many local and national problems that need attention. Protestants and Catholics can combine on the proposition of opposing bigotry and intolerance in the knowledge that they are aiding themselves as well as each other. People may honestly differ in their views on theology, but that is no reason for them to hate and distrust each other. . The road to happiness on this earth is paved with good will toward one’s fellow men. No man who harbors hate, sus- picion and prejudice in his breast can be happy. You may differ with your neighbor in your religious views, but you should accord him the same right to differ with you that you claim to differ with him. True Christian charity calls for tolerance. The Ku Klux Klan could not thrive today if bigotry and religious and racial prejudice did not exist in the hearts of millions of people. Let us all be protestants against an organization that makes its main appeal to the baser passions in human nature ! 8 TRUTH AND LIGHT Is the Catholic Church a Menace? II. Catholics and the Public School. Anti-Catholic Crusaders never grow weary of repeating the assertion that Catholics seek the destruction of the public schools. Upon this general fallacy, the enemies df the re- ligious schools build their case for compulsory attendance at the public schools of all children who have not completed the eighth grade. These agitators do not stop there, but insist that the very existence of parochial schools menace the public schools. These charges are false and absurd. Catholics established their own schools, not to compete with or to injure public schools, nor yet for the pleasure of paying double taxes for educational purposes, but because they con- sider it a religious duty to see that their children receive a religious education. As it is manifestly impossible to teach religion in the public or secular schools, those whose conscience demands a religious education for their children have no other recourse than to establish their own schools. For this purpose they tax themselves a large sum of money in addition to the public school taxes which they pay but from which they derive no benefit. The very fact that religious schools have existed in this country since the birth of the Republic, almost a century and a half ago, without ever interfering with or menacing the pub- lic school is proof positive that they are not a menace to the little red school house as their enemies would have us believe. Great educators, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, lament the fact that it is impossible to teach religion in the public schools. They have tried to devise some system which would make it possible, but have so far utterly failed. In attempting to arouse antagonism toward the parochial schools, men like Senator Watson, Judge Nations and Billy Parker call attention to criticisms of the public schools made by Catholics. Practically all of these criticisms are based on opposition to education without moral and religious training. Catholics do not hate the public schools. They merely consider the public school curriculum lacking in what they look upon as an essential part of the work of educating the youth of the country. Catholics have never advocated the ** 6lu&