STT MARY’S (2 ol LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY, Thanksgiving Entertainment, 1892 . “ Sweet is the breath of vernal shower, The bee’s collected treasures sweet, Sweet music’s melting fall, but sweeter yet The still small voice of gratitude.” Compliments of JOHN MURPHY & CO l>i?©(ii?a Hippie. Overture — ‘‘Morning Tap March, . . . Orchestra. An inspiration of the regulators at 5.10 A. M. Address — Thanksgiving Welcome, . . F. J. Halloran. “ To say you are welcome were superfluous.” Solo— S elected, W. H. Eaton. “ Heard melodies are sweet.” Oration— R eligious Congress of ^93, . . . E. J. Fox. “It matters not how long we live, but how.” Discourse— O rigin of Thanksgiving, . . . G. J. Reid. “Why man, strange man on turkeys, preys ” Quartette— “ Tlie Old Folks,” . . . Society Choir. “ By music minds an equal temper know.” Paper— F our Recent Writers, . . . B. J. Randolph. “ Nature’s chief masterpiece is writing well.” Speech— T hanksgiving, . . . . M. J. Whelan. “ The happy day unclouded to its close.” Finale— V ocal Selection, . . . . P. A. Cronin. “ Laughter, holding both his sides.” Chorus—“Holy God we praise Thy Name,” . . Society. Ddac^c^d “ If all the year were playing holidays, To sport would be as tedious as to work; But when they seldom come, they wished for come. And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents.’’